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Pope Francis arrives for a special audience he held for members of Catholic medical associations, in the Paul VI hall, at the Vatican on Nov. 15. (Photo11: Andrew Medichini, AP) Pope Francis came out against the right-to-die movement Saturday, denouncing euthanasia — or assisted suicide — as a "false sense of compassion." His comments, made during a meeting with the Association of Italian Catholic Doctors, come on the heels of American Brittany Maynard's advocacy efforts to die with dignity. Maynard was battling terminal brain cancer and elected to take her life on Nov. 1 in Portland. A Vatican bioethics official had already come out against Maynard's assisted suicide, calling it "reprehensible." Francis did not refer to her case in his statements. "This is playing with life," Francis said. "Beware, because this is a sin against the creator." Francis, however, has been seen by many as a socially progressive pope despite his public stance on euthanasia. Earlier in October, he spoke to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences on the legitimacy of evolution and the Big Bang Theory, dispelling centuries of teaching on Creationism in the Roman Catholic Church. Just last week, an American cardinal was demoted from a top position for his more closed-off opinions such as denying Communion to Catholic politicians who support abortion. Francis mentioned other contentious issues in the church, condemning abortion, in vitro fertilization and stem cell research in his remarks. He used passages from the Bible to affirm his claims, all of which remain unsurprising given the public stances Catholicism has made against them in the past. "Your work wants to witness by word ... and by example that human life is always sacred, valuable and inviolable," he said. Contributing: The Associated Press Read or Share this story: http://usat.ly/1uxrFZn
The US Army recently put out a call for proposals to build a futuristic climate-controlled suit of armor that would make soldiers smarter, stronger, and tougher. As ever, it’s tempting to draw Hollywood comparisons—Iron Man, in this case—because they fire up the imagination and serve as a simple metaphor. Of course, despite a few shared objectives, what’s being proposed here isn’t remotely on par with the Iron Man suit. It won’t fly; it won’t have a friendly AI chatting away in a soldier’s ear; it won’t have a miniature Arc Reactor delivering heat-free power equivalent to a nuclear sub. And it’s yet just a concept. To accelerate the project, the army recently requested white papers from industry, academia, individuals, and public labs to speculate on how such a suit (Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit or TALOS) might be built.htt Although it isn’t Iron Man, might a simpler suit be realistic? Sure. Many of the required technologies are already here. And in fact, a number of their inventors gathered at a July demonstration for TALOS (below). The army says it expects “1st gen capability” inside a year. Though realistically, it might be longer than that. TALOS will likely feature a powered exoskeleton for strength and endurance. Two possible candidates are Lockheed Martin’s HULC or Raytheon’s XOS 2. These exoskeletons endow super-strength, allowing soldiers to easily lift weights of a few hundred pounds. Meanwhile, advanced Kevlar body armor dipped in a kind of liquid ceramic may serve as a light, bulletproof skin for the suit. Norman Wagner, a professor of chemical engineering at the University of Delaware, told NPR, “It transitions when you hit it hard. These particles organize themselves quickly, locally in a way that they can’t flow anymore and they become like a solid.” And as for head-mounted displays—there’s been a flurry of activity in the augmented reality space over the last year or so. You’ve heard of Google Glass and its display projected directly on the retina. Other examples include Vusix, GlassUp, and Meta SpaceGlasses. The military may find a viable design in the crowd or build their own based on similar technology, adding additional powers, like night vision, into the mix. A central challenge will be power. The suit would require a battery pack. But even with a good set of batteries, it couldn’t operate for extended periods away from a power source for charging. And big batteries have been known to explode in electric cars—friendly fire the military would no doubt like to avoid. But improving battery technology is already getting plenty of dollars and research in the electric car industry. And absent better batteries (or cold fusion), the less glamorous solution would be to keep the suit and soldier tethered to a vehicle for heavy lifting. The military is also funding research into robots to aid soldiers in the field. Boston Dynamics’ Darpa-funded LS3, for example, is nearing use in the field as a pack-robot that can autonomously (yet dutifully) follow its master. Other Boston Dynamics military robots include Atlas and Wildcat. And of course, the military already infamously uses drones to perform surveillance and precision strikes. Thankfully, the technology isn’t only for warfare—there are peaceful applications too. Google Glass and other wearable devices may soon augment smartphones for technophiles. Exoskeletons or other robotic prosthetics may give disabled folks new freedom or prevent injuries for industrial workers handling heavy loads. At home or on the front lines, it appears the merger of man and machine continues apace.
Strike Tactics is now almost feature complete with a fully working core game, single player (vs. AI), multiplayer and map editor. I have been playing the game a lot, multiplayer and single player modes. I'm really happy with the core gameplay, but I'm still a few weeks away from sending it to people who have pre-ordered for early access. The biggest hurdle left is performance. I'm pushing for a smooth experience which means 60FPS with not much going on and between 30-50 FPS during the big battles with lots of units. To me, performance is everything. So I am willing to cut a lot of the cosmetics for a smoother framerate. Other than that, there's a lot of misc bugs that really only show themselves after you play hundreds of games. I've not quite played hundreds of games yet, but I'm getting there! Even though it's a few weeks out, I'd like to start making a list of people interested in playing the alpha. Only people who have pre-ordered would qualify. Once you opt in for the alpha, I will give your account access and send you a link to the game when it's ready. You only need your account info (which is provided after pre-ordering). You can then play single player (against AI) or multiplayer against other alpha testers. Because there will be such a low volume of people, I will set up a discord app for the game to help you look for people to play and to discuss the game with me and other alpha testers. Although there is a lobby chat system, I think the discord app will be more congenial. I will be in there all day so if you can't find anyone, you can always play against me. Anyone who is a part of the alpha (which will eventually transition into the beta) will be recognized in some way in their game profile or in some other way. If you'd like to sign up for the alpha, please email me using the contact link at the bottom of striketactics.net. Be sure to include your email or username which you entered in when you pre-ordered.
South Yorkshire’s police and crime commissioner has accused Nick Clegg of using irresponsible, emotional and exaggerated language in his opposition to Sheffield city council’s controversial tree-felling programme. The long-running battle over Sheffield’s trees attracted national media attention last month when two women in their 70s were arrested for trying to prevent trees on their road from being chopped down, after they were woken at 5am to move their cars. “In scenes you would expect to see in Putin’s Russia, rather than a Sheffield suburb, council contractors and police descended on Rustlings Road under the cover of darkness, dragged people out of bed to move their cars and detained peaceful protesters – all to chop down eight trees,” the former deputy prime minister wrote in the Sheffield Star. Responding to a series of written questions from a Liberal Democrat councillor, the Labour PCC, Dr Alan Billings, described Clegg’s comments as nonsense. “To speak about ‘a premeditated ambush’ is not helpful and seems designed to heighten emotions in a quite gratuitous fashion,” he said. “This emotive language was also employed by the MP for Hallam, Nick Clegg, when he spoke about people being ‘dragged from their beds’ by the police. This undermines trust in the police service and I hope he will think twice before uttering such nonsense in the future.” Sheffield city council later apologised for the dawn operation, which was undertaken by the private contractor Amey, and Billings has since criticised it for involving the police and causing “reputational damage to the force at a time when it cannot afford it”. Billings added in a later statement: “I have said before that I do not believe the police should have been put in a position where they were drawn into the operation on Rustlings Road. Equally, I do not think it is very responsible to use the kind of emotional and exaggerated language that has been used with respect to police involvement.” Campaigners claim 4,000 trees across the city have been chopped down since a 25-year private finance initiative (PFI) deal with Amey was signed in 2012. The council argues that the trees earmarked for felling are either diseased or dangerous, or have roots that prevent people in wheelchairs and people pushing buggies from using pavements. The local authority has said that maintaining the trees that are damaging pavements would cost more than £50,000, which is “not viable” given the cuts to its budget by central government. It has to find £51m of savings this financial year. The deal to maintain the city’s roads and pavements, it is claimed, will “see Sheffield’s roads transformed from some of the worst in the country to the best”. The contract was first negotiated by the Liberal Democrat-led council, before being signed after Labour gained control of the council in 2011. While Clegg declined to comment personally, a Liberal Democrat spokesperson said: “This is yet another a distraction tactic by a Labour politician attempting to shift the debate from the real issue. Before the PCC dismisses genuine complaints as ‘nonsense’, we would ask him what has undermined trust in the force more: the words of an MP in a local paper or the actions of Sheffield city council’s Labour leadership, which put frontline officers in a compromising position and led to many people drawing the understandable conclusion that South Yorkshire police were being used by the council and its contractors for unjustifiable operations?”
(Updated below) Last week we learned about President Obama's first post-college romantic relationships. This week, we're discovering details of Mitt Romney's prep-school sadism. While I think we should tread carefully when examining the youthful experiences and mistakes of both presidential candidates, I thought Obama's romantic past was fair game in Vanity Fair. I think the Washington Post's well-reported feature on Young Mr. Romney's entitled cruelty to gay classmates and a disabled teacher is even more revealing and important. Advertisement: The Post has four named sources and a fifth who stayed anonymous to recount an incident in which Romney gathered a "posse" to forcibly cut the hair of a gay-seeming classmate: Back on the handsome campus, studded with Tudor brick buildings and manicured fields, he spotted something he thought did not belong at a school where the boys wore ties and carried briefcases. John Lauber, a soft-spoken new student one year behind Romney, was perpetually teased for his nonconformity and presumed homosexuality. Now he was walking around the all-boys school with bleached-blond hair that draped over one eye, and Romney wasn’t having it. “He can’t look like that. That’s wrong. Just look at him!” an incensed Romney told Matthew Friedemann, his close friend in the Stevens Hall dorm, according to Friedemann’s recollection. Mitt, the teenaged son of Michigan Gov. George Romney, kept complaining about Lauber’s look, Friedemann recalled. A few days later, Friedemann entered Stevens Hall off the school’s collegiate quad to find Romney marching out of his own room ahead of a prep school posse shouting about their plan to cut Lauber’s hair. Friedemann followed them to a nearby room where they came upon Lauber, tackled him and pinned him to the ground. As Lauber, his eyes filling with tears, screamed for help, Romney repeatedly clipped his hair with a pair of scissors. That's assault, people. “It happened very quickly, and to this day it troubles me," Cranbrook wrestling champion John Buford told the Post. He later apologized to Lauber, who he said was “terrified,” he said. “What a senseless, stupid, idiotic thing to do.” Another classmate ran into Lauber, who later came out as gay, and apologized in the 1990s. “It was horrible.” Lauber told him. “It’s something I have thought about a lot since then.” The bullied classmate died in 2004, with his thinning hair still blonde. “He never stopped bleaching it," his sister told the Post. Lauber wasn't the only gay student bullied by Romney. Gary Hummel, who was closeted, recalled that Romney mocked his efforts to speak out in class by shouting, “Atta girl!” He pulled several pranks on a teacher with seriously compromised eyesight, once "escorting" him into a closed set of doors and "giggling hysterically" when he ran into them. Another time he propped up the back axle of the teacher's VW bug and laughed as the man hit the gas pedal "with his wheels spinning in the air." Hilarious! In a hastily scheduled interview with a friendly Fox host, Romney made this statement: “I participated in a lot of hijinks and pranks during high school, and some might have gone too far, and for that I apologize." He sort of said he didn't remember assaulting Lauber. “I don’t remember that incident,” Romney said, laughing. (Laughing?) "I certainly don’t believe that I thought the fellow was homosexual. That was the furthest thing from our minds back in the 1960s, so that was not the case.” So he obviously remembers something – but he didn't know the guy was gay! About taunting Gary Hummel with "Atta girl," Romney offers a similar qualified denial: “I really can’t remember that. As this person indicated, he was closeted. I had no idea that he was gay and can’t speak to that even today." So I didn't do it, and anyway, the guy was closeted. Romney closed with the classic non-apology apology: "If there’s anything I said that is offensive to someone, I certainly am sorry for that, very deeply sorry for that." I'm not sure what's worse – that he remembers his cruel pranks, and he's lying about it, or that such cruelty doesn't stand out in his memory. It's all of a piece with Romney's cavalier statements about power and entitlement: "I like being able to fire people who provide services to me;" joking to a group of unemployed voters that he's "unemployed" too; the $10,000 bet with Rick Perry; his statement the other day that retirees "can't begin to live off the puny interest from their CDs." He's still the same entitled rich kid, the one whose classmate told the Post he thought deserved some punishment in the Lauber incident -- punishment that of course never came. No wonder the story of poor Seamus on the roof of the car never goes away: we have stories of Mechanical Mitt, and Mean Mitt, and very few of Mitt as a man who shows genuine empathy to people (or other living beings) less powerful than he is. Advertisement: One Obama-Romney parallel is striking. On Wednesday President Obama hastily schedules an interview to announce that he supports gay marriage. On Thursday Romney hastily schedules an interview to say he can't remember assaulting one gay student and insulting another. That's a pretty stark choice right there. Update: This is rich: Some of Romney's school-days friends are being asked by the campaign to step forward and defend him from the Washington Post story charges - and they're balking. Stu White told ABC News that he is “still debating” whether he will help, addding, “It’s been a long time since we’ve been pals.” Another classmate and old friend of Romney’s told ABC “a lot of guys” who went to Cranbrook have “really negative memories” of Romney’s behavior there. He described it as “evil” and “like Lord of the Flies." The classmate, who wouldn't be named, says Romney is lying when he says he can't remember the hair-cutting incident. “It makes these fellows [who have owned up to it] very remorseful. For [Romney] not to remember it? It doesn’t ring true. How could the fellow with the scissors forget it?” the former classmate said. Advertisement: And another classmate, Phillip Maxwell, who witnessed the hair-cutting incident, told CBS today: "Mitt was a prankster, there's no doubt about it. This thing with Lauber wasn't a prank. This was, well, as a lawyer, it was an assault. It was an assault and a battery. And I'm sure that John Lauber carried it with him for the rest of his life." It seems like Romney's glib dismissal of the story is bothering his old friends. Stay tuned; Romney's going to have to say more about this soon. A lawyer just termed it "assault."
SACON Recruitment 2021 – Apply For 36 Junior Research Biologist and Other Posts - CompetitiveAffairs Skip to content Menu Sarkari Naukri Admit Card Answer Key Result Questions WBCS Preliminary Question Paper RRB NTPC Questions WBP SI Quiz History Quiz Ancient India SACON Recruitment 2021 – Apply For 36 Junior Research Biologist and Other Posts October 10, 2021 by Rahul SACON Recruitment 2021 Table of Contents SACON Recruitment 2021 Post Summary: SACON Recruitment Details: Important Dates for SACON Recruitment 2021: How to Apply for SACON Recruitment 2021? What is the Age Limit for SACON Recruitment 2021? How many Vacancies are there for SACON Recruitment 2021? 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Episode 143 – Canada Legalizes – MJToday Media Skip to content OUR PODCASTS Marijuana Today Weed Wonks Green Rush Marijuana Today Daily ABOUT SPONSORS SOCIAL Menu OUR PODCASTS Marijuana Today Weed Wonks Green Rush Marijuana Today Daily ABOUT SPONSORS SOCIAL OUR PODCASTS Marijuana Today Weed Wonks Green Rush Marijuana Today Daily ABOUT SPONSORS SOCIAL SUPPORT US Menu OUR PODCASTS Marijuana Today Weed Wonks Green Rush Marijuana Today Daily ABOUT SPONSORS SOCIAL SUPPORT US SUPPORT US Enter Keyword Search for: Search Close Press Enter to search or Esc to close 11 Jun 2017 Episode 143 Canada Legalizes http://media.blubrry.com/marijuana_today/p/media.cdn.shoutengine.com/podcasts/a7068bef-de97-4d8b-b5fa-eec65f3efda4/audio/7e9f98b0-dc03-4e71-bdfa-6a1329e513ba.mp3 Podcast: Download Taylor West and Aaron Houston join host Dan Goldman to talk about the announcement made by the Canadian federal government of their plans to legalize adult use marijuana nationwide by next summer and the appointment of a new drug czar by President Trump. Produced by Shea Gunther. Published: April 17, 2017 Length: 00:53:43 If the audio player does not show up above, you can download episode 143 of Marijuana Today here. News links: 44 in Congress support effort to keep DOJ handcuffed in medical cannabis states https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/md-politics/bill-to-diversify-md-medical-marijuana-industry-fails-in-final-seconds-of-session/2017/04/11/467e5cda-1e39-11e7-a0a7-8b2a45e3dc84_story.html?utm_term=.57559e8ac42e Colorado cannabis sales top $126M in February 2017 amid federal uncertainty Picture: Cannabis Culture/Flickr Tags: adult use, Business, canada, drug czar, drug war, Marijuana, medical marijuana, Politics, President Trump Related Posts Episode 420 Holy Moly! Episode 420! Listen Episode 419 How Safe is the SAFE Banking Act? Listen Episode 418 Look West! Then Look East! Listen Recent Posts Episode 420 – Holy Moly! Episode 420! Episode 419 – How Safe is the SAFE Banking Act? Episode 418 – Look West! Then Look East! Popular Tags 2020 Activism adult use ballot measure banking Business california canada Cannabis Colorado coronavirus criminal justice cultivation democrats dispensary drug war finance health illinois implementation jeff sessions legalization legal marijuana Legislation maine Marijuana marijuana business massachusetts media medical marijuana new jersey news new york ohio oregon pandemic Politics regulation republicans sales Slider social equity social justice trump washington MJ Today Media OUR PODCASTS MJTODAY WEED WONKS GREEN RUSH MJTODAY DAILY ABOUT SPONSORS SUPPORT US SOCIAL MEDIA CONTACT US TERMS OF SERVICE One take Shea… One take
Donald Trump and Melania Trump at the Pentagon on Sept. 11. Andrew Harrer/Pool/Getty Images The Impeach-O-Meter is a wildly subjective and speculative daily estimate of the likelihood that Donald Trump leaves office before his term ends, whether by being impeached (and convicted) or by resigning under threat of same. Well, this one is a doozy even by current standards. Stung by criticism of the way he’s handled the deaths of U.S. soldiers in Niger, the president claimed earlier this week that he makes more calls to the families of soldiers who are killed in action than previous presidents have made. The Washington Post attempted to check this assertion by contacting the families of the 20-plus service members who’ve died in action during Trump’s term—and not only did they find a number of families that never heard from him, they found one father who says the president promised him a personal $25,000 check that never arrived: President Trump, in a personal phone call to a grieving military father, offered him $25,000 and said he would direct his staff to establish an online fundraiser for the family, but neither happened, the father said. Chris Baldridge, the father of Army Cpl. Dillon Baldridge, told The Washington Post that Trump called him at his home in Zebulon, N.C., a few weeks after his 22-year-old son and two fellow soldiers were gunned down by an Afghan police officer in a suspected insider attack June 10. Baldridge says he has not subsequently received anything from the White House except a “condolence letter.” The White House’s official response to the Post story is amazing: The check has been sent. It’s disgusting that the media is taking something that should be recognized as a generous and sincere gesture, made privately by the President, and using it to advance the media’s biased agenda. Did you catch that? The check “has been sent.” But Baldridge hasn’t gotten it, which means it may well not have been sent until the Post made inquiries. In other words, the check’s in the mail. Please impeach this doofus.
alan turing – TOM ROCKS MATHS TOM ROCKS MATHS Maths, but not as you know it… Menu Skip to content Watch Read Listen Play Numberphile BBC Teddy Rocks Maths Oxford Cambridge Interns Partners Press Awards Events Profiles Music Tattoos About Contact Shop Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube Tag: alan turing June 24, 2022 July 6, 2022 tomrocksmaths Teddy Rocks Maths Showcase 2022: Group 9 [U-Z] January 19, 2022 January 19, 2022 tomrocksmaths Gödels Incompleteness Theorem Explainer October 20, 2021 tomrocksmaths 2021 Heidelberg Laureate Forum – Day 4 October 7, 2021 tomrocksmaths Ig Nobel Prize with Leslie Lamport (2013 Turing award) October 5, 2021 October 5, 2021 tomrocksmaths 2021 Heidelberg Laureate Forum – Day 2 August 24, 2021 September 8, 2021 tomrocksmaths Ghosts, Spam Emails and Bayes’ Theorem August 3, 2021 August 3, 2021 tomrocksmaths Turing Machines – the death of formalism and the birth of computer science June 11, 2021 August 9, 2021 tomrocksmaths Teddy Rocks Maths Essay Competition 2021: The Winners May 29, 2021 tomrocksmaths Teddy Rocks Maths Showcase 2021: Group 8 [S-T] April 5, 2021 April 20, 2021 tomrocksmaths Substitution Ciphers Search for: Follow TOM ROCKS MATHS on WordPress.com Instagram I made a new friend :). In the wild, elephants may feed for up to 16 hours a day, consuming approximately 300 pounds of food. This gives a rate of 18.75 pounds per hour. A human typically consumes 4 pounds of food per day - meaning we would need to eat all of our meals in under 13 minutes to keep up with an elephant! #tomrocksmaths #elephant #safari Did you know giraffes only have 7 neck bones - the same as a human or any other mammal - though of course they are much longer than ours, reaching up to 10 inches long. If all the bones were at maximum size, would the neck be taller than me? (I’m 6 foot). #tomrocksmaths #giraffe #safari Wild dogs are an endangered species with only 4 remaining populations - one of which is in Kruger National Park. There are approximately 500 so we were incredibly lucky to see two separate groups of around 20 individuals. As the mathematician of the group I was naturally in charge of counting them… #tomrocksmaths #wilddogs #kruger Let the fun begin. Kruger National Park is almost 20,000 square kilometres in size, with approximately 2000 lions, 1000 leopards, and 200 cheetahs. What size area would I need to cover to have a chance of finding each species of big cat? #tomrocksmaths #safari #kruger Tattoo #42 - Bring Me The Horizon @bringmethehorizon. "That’s the Spirit" and “Sempiternal” are two of my favourite ever albums, with the latter being one of my first introductions to heavier music (that I really enjoyed). Check out ‘Shadow Moses’ for a taste of what I mean :) #tomrocksmaths #bmth #umbrella NEW VIDEO: Watch me and @sparksmaths deconstruct the SAT Maths Exam we took last week… Premieres at 4pm (UK time) - join us in the live chat to find out who has the highest score! Watch at tomrocksmaths.com (link on profile) #tomrocksmaths #sparksmaths #SATexam Tom Rocks Maths My Tweets Tom Rocks Maths Tom Rocks Maths Website Built with WordPress.com. Follow Following TOM ROCKS MATHS Join 147 other followers Sign me up Already have a WordPress.com account? Log in now. TOM ROCKS MATHS Customize Follow Following Sign up Log in Report this content View site in Reader Manage subscriptions Collapse this bar
Non-profit website design - Opus Design About Our Team How We Are Different Our Clients Wordcount Join Our Team Portfolio Services Branding Print Digital Infographics Workshops Focus Areas Education Food & beverage Nonprofit Other Contact Search for: About Our Team How We Are Different Our Clients Wordcount Join Our Team Portfolio Services Branding Print Digital Infographics Workshops Focus Areas Education Food & beverage Nonprofit Other Contact Non-profit website design previousnext Higher Achievement DigitalUX DesignWebsite DesignWebsite Development IndustryNonprofit Duration5 months User experienceCheck out a different approach to donation forms Project teamSkadi GidionsenSenior UX & Digital DirectorCasey McGeeArt Director Supporting middle school students Higher Achievement is a non-profit organization headquartered in Washington DC that strives to close the opportunity gap during the pivotal middle school years. While based in DC, they currently have affiliates in Detroit, Pittsburgh, Baltimore and Richmond as well. The non-profit needed a website design that would increase awareness, encourage giving and participation and represent their brand more effectively in general. Having worked with us previously for other services including their holiday card print design and giving campaign design, the team contacted us again for their website refresh. The existing site had a lot of interesting content, but was extremely difficult to navigate and inconsistent among the various location. There was no way to highlight the different happenings in all locations, or to get people involved (as mentors or donors) on a location basis. It was also very very green… Collaboration and consensus During the discovery phase, we involved representatives from each city to ensure that all their needs would be addressed. By collaborating early and often, we were able to learn as much as possible and get consensus on decisions. We created a streamlined flow for the user, grouping information by location, as well as creating architecture consistency across the locations and the overall site. Casey designed a beautiful, contemporary, clean site, using their green as a wonderful accent, and the team was extremely thrilled. Visit the website UX Design Doing non-profit website design means being ultra-focused on creating awareness and promoting participation, or giving. One of the interesting challenges during the information architecture and wireframing phase was figuring out how to combine all the different ways to get make donations to Higher Achievement. In particular, we wanted to ensure that donations for a particular location were easy to find and execute for the user. As we had learned that the audience is usually engaged with a particular location, instead of the organization as a whole, we decided to bring the opportunities to them right where they will already be looking at content: in the location section. In addition, rather than create multiple donation pages for the user to dig through, with complex sub-navigation within an overall donation section, we created a tabbed system outlining the different ways to get involved in each location. At a glance, the user sees the different ways to support, and forms embedded right on the page create additional ease of donating. We involved representatives from each city to ensure that all their needs would be addressed. Opus’ approach for website re-design is thoughtful, thorough, and super fun. The process they use ensures we are being very intentional about the new design of the website—both from a UX lens and a creativity/design lens. If you want to work with intelligent, creative, kind, fun-loving people who will deliver results—Opus is the answer. Kelly O'DonnellManager of Communications and Digital Giving Related work Educational material design for library exhibitBoston Athenaeum Annual Report Design for Autism Research CenterTan-Yang Center Explainer video for early cancer detection nonprofitDetectogether Promote sustainability with infographics and report designBiobased Maine Say hello! BostonNew ClientsJulia Frenkle | 617-462-4783 Lily Robles | 617-460-2563 [email protected] Studio617-277-1300 358 Chestnut Hill Ave | Suite 301A Brighton, MA 02135 GermanyNew ClientsJulia Frenkle | +49 6321 8584090 [email protected] StudioAn der Althart 42a 67433 Neustadt, Germany Privacy Policy Wordcount Say hello! A Certified B-Corporation Follow us on InstagramFollow us on FacebookFollow us on LinkedIn
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Share Today. . . | timekeptseries timekeptseries Time to heal. October 8, 2018 by Aysling Smythe Share Today. . . “Turn life into lessons—“ —Tom Morkes Share this: Twitter Facebook Like this: Like Loading... Related This entry was posted in Set The Record Straight, Share Today. . . and tagged notable quotes, quotable quotes, quotes to share, quotes to think about, share today quotes. . .. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment Post navigation ← Previous Next → Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here... Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email (required) (Address never made public) Name (required) Website You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. ( Log Out / Change ) You are commenting using your Twitter account. ( Log Out / Change ) You are commenting using your Facebook account. ( Log Out / Change ) Cancel Connecting to %s Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Δ This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. WELCOME from Aysling Smythe About the Author UPDATES: Timekept Current. . . COMING SOON. . . BY LOVE BETRAYED: Recompense—Holiday Gift BY LOVE BETRAYED: Recompense—Eclipse BY LOVE BETRAYED: Retribution—Dream Quest REFERRED WORKS Facts of Interest (1824) Bibliography—(selected) BITS & PIECES: Odd Facts of Note. . . TIMEKEPT SHARES. . . Virtual Reality Author Contact Info. . . Due Consideration. . . Search for: Archives September 2022 August 2022 July 2022 June 2022 May 2022 April 2022 March 2022 February 2022 January 2022 December 2021 November 2021 October 2021 September 2021 August 2021 July 2021 June 2021 May 2021 April 2021 March 2021 February 2021 January 2021 December 2020 November 2020 October 2020 September 2020 August 2020 July 2020 June 2020 May 2020 April 2020 March 2020 February 2020 January 2020 December 2019 November 2019 October 2019 September 2019 August 2019 July 2019 June 2019 May 2019 April 2019 March 2019 February 2019 January 2019 December 2018 November 2018 October 2018 September 2018 August 2018 July 2018 June 2018 May 2018 April 2018 March 2018 February 2018 January 2018 December 2017 November 2017 October 2017 September 2017 August 2017 July 2017 June 2017 May 2017 April 2017 March 2017 February 2017 January 2017 December 2016 November 2016 October 2016 September 2016 August 2016 July 2016 June 2016 May 2016 April 2016 March 2016 February 2016 January 2016 December 2015 November 2015 October 2015 September 2015 August 2015 July 2015 June 2015 May 2015 April 2015 Meta Register Log in Blog at WordPress.com. Privacy & Cookies: This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy Follow Following timekeptseries Sign me up Already have a WordPress.com account? Log in now. timekeptseries Customize Follow Following Sign up Log in Copy shortlink Report this content View post in Reader Manage subscriptions Collapse this bar %d bloggers like this:
A BRISBANE hospital will be allowed to give a boy, 7, a life-saving blood transfusion during a planned liver transplant, against the wishes of his Jehovah’s Witness parents. Supreme Court Justice James Douglas has ordered the boy, who has severe liver disease, be given any necessary blood products during the transplant and post-operatively. The boy, who can only be identified as J, is likely to require a liver transplant within the next two to three years and Justice Douglas said without it “death would be inevitable’’. “If a transplant is made it would be likely to cure his liver disease and reverse the significant symptoms from which he suffers already, and would significantly improve his quality of life,’’ he said. The boy and his parents are Jehovah’s Witnesses who object to blood transfusion on the basis that they believe blood is sacred. They believe to agree to accept a blood transfusion would infringe a Biblical injunction to abstain from blood. Justice Douglas said the parents were concerned about their son’s health and were willing to agree to a liver transplant, but opposed the application for an order allowing blood transfusion. “It seems to me appropriate to conclude that the sanctity of J’s life, in the end, is a more powerful reason for me to make the orders than is respect for the dignity of beliefs so sincerely held by his parents and him,’’ Justice Douglas said. A Brisbane hospital applied for the order to avoid any last-minute consent issues if a blood transfusion was urgently needed for the boy. The application was heard in a closed Supreme Court in Brisbane on June 12 and the decision, suppressing identities of the boy, his family, the hospital, his doctors, school and lawyers, has just been made public. The boy’s parents told the court if there was to be an order, they wanted every effort to be first made to minimise blood and blood product administration. But one of the parents said if an order was made against their wishes they would obey the law and bring their son to hospital for treatment. A doctor said in an affidavit transfusion was required in 95 per cent of transplants, including blood salvaged from the patient and re-used. The hospital told the court the smaller the patient, the more severe the liver disease and the greater likelihood that blood transfusion would be required during a transplant. Justice Douglas said if it became necessary to preserve J’s life, a doctor could give a blood transfusion to a child without parental consent, under Queensland law. But a doctor said it was important that a transplant team had confidence that consent had been explicitly given. “During the procedure, of course, issues may arise which require decisions such as whether to transfuse blood or not to be made immediately in order to preserve the safety and life of J,’’ Justice Douglas said. He ordered the hospital, medical practitioners and nurses be authorised to administer blood and blood products they judged medically necessary to J during and after the liver transplant.
At least one hundred dead in a series of bombings across Baghdad on December 8, 2009. These were preceded by other bombings in the weeks before. One such attack killed the US-sponsored Baghdad regime’s counter-terrorism czar, while another series of attacks in October outside that regimes offices killed over 150. Like most of the rest of the bombings in Iraq in 2009, the bombers remain a mystery, although the government has blamed Baathists for the October attacks and some US officials speculate whether or not some of the others should be attributed to their favorite bogeyman–Al Qaida in Iraq. Unlike many of the attacks during the heat of the conflict in Iraq, many of these recent attacks are targeting heavily defended government agencies. If these attacks are the work of the Iraqi insurgency and one places these bombings in the framework of the rest of the conflict in Iraq, they seem to symbolize a resurgence of the insurgency. If one further considers the nature of guerrilla war, these spectacular attacks represent a new phase in the insurgents war against the government. Most western commentators agree that, as elections approach, the insurgency will step up its attacks, supposedly to frighten potential voters, but also to show the essential weakness of the regime. If previous responses to insurgent violence are any indication, this means that the recent loosening of certain security precautions will be reversed. Indeed, Iraqi Prime Minister al-Maliki said as much after a series of bombings on August 19, 2009: “These attacks represent a reaction to the opening of streets and bridges and the lifting of barriers inside the residential areas… (and) require us (the regime) to re-evaluate our plans and security mechanisms in order to confront the terrorist challenges and to increase cooperation between security forces and the Iraqi people.” In other words, look out if you are a Sunni or identified as anybody but a supporter of the US occupation and its client regime. Meanwhile, the Financial Times reported that the al-Maliki regime’s oil ministry announced that it would not delay the auctioning of oil contracts on December 11 and 12, 2009. Executives from major oil companies are invited and expected to attend. Given that the building where the auction was to be held was one of those attacked on December 8, one can be reasonably certain that the attacks are also related to this ongoing procedure, which many Iraqis correctly see as a selling off of their natural resources and the further intrusion of Washington and other western capitals into the Iraqi nation. In Pakistan, two more bombings occurred on December 7th and 9th, 2009–one in Lahore and another in Peshawar. Although no group or individual has claimed responsibility, government and many media sources were quick to blame Islamic militants. The targeted buildings included a police station and a bank, although many of those killed were civilians. The recent spate of bombings in the past few weeks have killed over four hundred people. The government blames militants while it wages a war against Pakistanis living in the country’s northwest provinces, killing hundreds and displacing even more. US drone attacks against this same region continue unabated, killing numerous civilians for every supposed terrorist targeted. All of this is occurring as rumors and denials regarding the role the US mercenary outfit Blackwater (Xe) is playing in provoking unrest and instability in Pakistan circulate throughout the Pakistani media. All of which brings us not so neatly to the underlying factor in every single one of the aforementioned situations. That factor is the United States presence in the region. Iraq remains under occupation by 124, 000 US troops and at least 180,000 mercenaries. Pakistan has untold numbers of US intelligence operators and Special Forces troops working both independently and alongside Pakistani soldiers. As for the current linchpin in the region–Afghanistan–the US has at least 68,000 troops currently in country with another 30,000 or more on the way. Neither the Iraqi or Afghan client governments could survive long without these forces or the billions of dollars spent to maintain their regimes. The Pakistani government is also beholden to the US for much of its stability and has been throughout much of its history. Whether or not the US sends troops into Pakistan remains to be seen. One can be certain that the possibility has been discussed at the highest echelons of the US regime and is most likely favored by more than a few decision-makers, civilian and military alike. One wonders what is keeping the president from giving the go ahead. Whatever the reason, one can be fairly certain that without a groundswell of popular protest against the current escalation in Afghanistan and a reinvigorated demand for a complete withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan, any hesitancy he currently feels about such a move would be discarded should the generals convince him of their belief in its necessity.
The Mind is a Metaphor | Browse the Database Home About Book Blog Graphs Bibliography Contact Literary Period Age of Sensibility Early Modern Eighteenth Century (1) French Revolution Industrial Revolution (1) Romantic Metaphor Category Weather Genre Letter Prose Gender of Author Male Nationality of Author Irish or Anglo-Irish Politics of Author From Rockinghamite Whig to Anti-Jacobin Your search for Metaphor Category: "Weather" AND Politics of Author: "From Rockinghamite Whig to Anti-Jacobin" AND Genre: "Letter" , "Prose" AND Literary Period: "French Revolution" , "Age of Sensibility" , "Early Modern" , "Romantic" AND Gender of Author: "Male" AND Nationality of Author: "Irish or Anglo-Irish" returned 1 results(s) in 0.002 seconds page 1 of 1 per page: 1025100 sorted by: Date, ascendingDate, descendingRelevance, ascendingRelevance, descendingAuthor, ascendingAuthor, descending Date: 1796 "It has nothing that can keep the mind erect under the gusts of adversity." — Burke, Edmund (1729-1797) preview | full record This work is CC licensed Subscribe to our RSS feed Contact us The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.
Pneuma: Breath of Life Xbox ONE Review Publisher: Developer: Deco Digital, Bevel Studios Platform Reviewed: Xbox ONE Release date: 27/02/2015 At some point in our lives we may find ourselves pondering the meaning of life, the existence of the world and our place in it. Pneuma: Breath of Life is a first person puzzle game that explores these thoughts and ideas as if we were a God and how that would change our perceptions and beliefs. Playing as a character who believes himself to be a God we listen to his inner monologue as he progresses through his world, questioning his being and how that relates to the world which surrounds him. Progression through the story is achieved by solving a series of puzzles built entirely around the principle of perception. Relying solely on the power of sight, objects can be moved or manipulated simply be looking at them. Look at a torch and it will light, look at it again the flame will extinguish. If you want the bridge to move, simply look at the correct spot and move your head, then watch as these apparently vast, immovable objects seem to bend and twist to your will. Physical interaction is kept to a minimum, there are some mechanisms which require a button push to operate, but most of the time you be relying on what you see in order to manipulate your surroundings. There are no convoluted controls to master or overly complex mechanics to learn. You are encouraged to look closely at every detail whilst searching for clues which will help you proceed. Built using the Unreal Engine 4 the world looks absolutely stunning. The Romanesque architecture is both grandiose and subtle in equal measure. Beautifully carved stone structures all wonderfully illuminated by the stunning lighting effects makes exploring each location an absolute pleasure. The mesmerising soundtrack has an almost hypnotic effect and you may find yourself being thoroughly drawn into the landscape. When the dark clouds hide the warmth of the sun and the rain beats relentlessly at your window, the world of Pneuma is a delightful place to escape to. Sadly this idyllic setting is spoiled by a few nasty blots upon the landscape. Game length will vary, it all depends how quickly you can solve the puzzles, for me it took less than three hours to complete and I am by no means an expert when it comes to this style of game. There is no real need to play through this more than once so, value for money is a consideration. The all-important monologue is voiced by someone who sounds a little like an excited YouTube’r, something I found particularly irritating. His slightly comical attitude is a mistake, in my opinion, the person who narrated the trailer would have been perfect, his pace and tone would match the dialogue perfectly. Lastly, due to nature of interaction using a controller can be an awkward and slightly clumsy affair. The developers have stated the PC version will support the Oculus Rift and I can’t escape the feeling that this would be the ideal way to experience this game. Be that as it may, there are very few titles, especially on a console, that offer this type of experience. If, after a long day, you feel a little tired and a little sore from the beating the world has dished out and you just want to escape to a warm and comfortable place; to slow the rush of modern life and to be left alone to ponder as you stroll along. Pneuma: Breath of Life will welcome you with open arms, but be warned, it won’t last long enough.
Kidney Foundation - Your Kidneys Skip to main content Home Kidney Health Your Kidneys How Kidneys Work Why Kidneys are so Important Keeping Your Kidneys Healthy Kidney Health A to Z Newly Diagnosed? What is Kidney Disease? Detection & Warning Signs Risk Factors Living With Kidney Disease Nutrition Managing Medications Physical Activity Support Network Personal Care Plan COVID-19: How to Protect Yourself Five Tips for Kidney Patients to Treat the Common Cold and Flu Living With Kidney Failure Dialysis Kidney Transplant Non-Dialysis Supportive Care Your Diet On Dialysis How to Find a Living Kidney Donor Support Resources Kidney Health Resources Living with Reduced Kidney Function Living With Kidney Failure Kidney Community Kitchen Tax Tips Insurance Tips Webinars Virtual Forum 2021 Virtual Forum 2022 Programs & Services Short Term Financial Assistance Living Organ Donor Expense Reimbursement Program Summer Camps All Programs and Services Peer Support Request Peer Support Support & Engagement Groups Online Support Groups Kidney Community Groups & Associations Stories Share Your Story Kidney PLUGGED IN Research The Impact of Research Facts & Achievements Reports Medal for Research Excellence Supported Research Committees Research Council Kidney Health Scientific Committee Allied Health Kidney Scientific Committee KRESCENT Peer Review Funding Opportunities Current Opportunities Programs & Partnerships Can-SOLVE CKD Canadian Donation and Transplantation Research Program KRESCENT SUGARNSALT Project Get Involved Be an Organ Donor Register to be an Organ Donor Consider Being a Living Kidney Donor Organ Donor Programs Living with One Kidney Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Organ Donation Campaign Make a Gift Monthly Donation In Memory/Tribute Donations A Gift in Your Will Endowment Fund Kidney Clothes Kidney Car Other Ways to Give Be Their Voice Regional Priorities Financial Burden of Kidney Disease Organ Donation Stop Marketing to Kids Tax on Sugary Drinks Call for Phosphorus Labelling Access to Medications Volunteer Volunteer Opportunities Participate in a Study Scholarships Be a Fundraiser Events Kidney Walks Fundraise Online Host a Fundraiser Donate now About Us Overview Vision and Mission Our Impact Position Statements on Organ Donation Annual Reports & Financial Statements Our History Leadership Branch Board of Directors National Board of Directors Careers Recognition Programs Contact Us Events News & Media News Newsletters Media Centre Campaigns Virtual Hugs and Warm Winter Wishes Share your transplant experience End Diabetic Kidney Disease Green Shirt Day Kidneys Are Vital Search for: Français National About Us Overview Vision and Mission Our Impact Position Statements on Organ Donation Annual Reports & Financial Statements Our History Leadership Branch Board of Directors National Board of Directors Careers Recognition Programs Contact Us Events News & Media News Newsletters Media Centre Campaigns Virtual Hugs and Warm Winter Wishes Share your transplant experience End Diabetic Kidney Disease Green Shirt Day Kidneys Are Vital Search Search for: Français National Kidney Health Your Kidneys How Kidneys Work Why Kidneys are so Important Keeping Your Kidneys Healthy Kidney Health A to Z Newly Diagnosed? What is Kidney Disease? Detection & Warning Signs Risk Factors Living With Kidney Disease Nutrition Managing Medications Physical Activity Support Network Personal Care Plan COVID-19: How to Protect Yourself Five Tips for Kidney Patients to Treat the Common Cold and Flu Living With Kidney Failure Dialysis Kidney Transplant Non-Dialysis Supportive Care Your Diet On Dialysis How to Find a Living Kidney Donor Support Resources Kidney Health Resources Living with Reduced Kidney Function Living With Kidney Failure Kidney Community Kitchen Tax Tips Insurance Tips Webinars Virtual Forum 2021 Virtual Forum 2022 Programs & Services Short Term Financial Assistance Living Organ Donor Expense Reimbursement Program Summer Camps All Programs and Services Peer Support Request Peer Support Support & Engagement Groups Online Support Groups Kidney Community Groups & Associations Stories Share Your Story Kidney PLUGGED IN Research The Impact of Research Facts & Achievements Reports Medal for Research Excellence Supported Research Committees Research Council Kidney Health Scientific Committee Allied Health Kidney Scientific Committee KRESCENT Peer Review Funding Opportunities Current Opportunities Programs & Partnerships Can-SOLVE CKD Canadian Donation and Transplantation Research Program KRESCENT SUGARNSALT Project Get Involved Be an Organ Donor Register to be an Organ Donor Consider Being a Living Kidney Donor Organ Donor Programs Living with One Kidney Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Organ Donation Campaign Make a Gift Monthly Donation In Memory/Tribute Donations A Gift in Your Will Endowment Fund Kidney Clothes Kidney Car Other Ways to Give Be Their Voice Regional Priorities Financial Burden of Kidney Disease Organ Donation Stop Marketing to Kids Tax on Sugary Drinks Call for Phosphorus Labelling Access to Medications Volunteer Volunteer Opportunities Participate in a Study Scholarships Be a Fundraiser Events Kidney Walks Fundraise Online Host a Fundraiser Donate Now Your Kidneys Kidneys are a critical part of your health. They “clean” your blood by removing wastes from the body through your urine, help your body to make red blood cells, and regulate blood pressure. Their function in maintaining your body’s health is as important as your heart or your lungs. Normally, people have two kidneys, one on either side of the spine under the lower ribs. They are reddish brown in colour and shaped like kidney beans. Each kidney is about the size of your clenched fist. This section describes your kidneys and kidney disease and introduces some medical terms that you may not have heard before. Our Kidney Health A to Z provides definitions to help you understand and learn more about your kidneys. How Kidneys Work Every minute, about one litre of blood (one fifth of all the blood pumped by the heart) enters the kidneys through the renal arteries. Learn More Why Kidneys are so Important Your kidneys regulate water, help balance the body’s minerals, remove waste products, and produce critical hormones. Learn More Keeping Your Kidneys Healthy Maintain a healthy lifestyle and learn how to protect your kidneys. Learn More Kidney Health A to Z Consult this A-Z glossary on kidney health for easy-to-understand descriptions of common terms. Learn More © 2022 The Kidney Foundation of Canada. All rights reserved. Charitable Registration No. 107567398 RR0001. The Kidney Foundation logo™, on its own or followed by another icon or words, is a trademark of The Kidney Foundation of Canada. Kidney.ca is a W3 Web Award 2020 Gold Winner Join our mailing List: Get updates on news, events, and research. Sign Up Stay up to date Follow us on social media Change your region: National National Office 880-5160 Decarie Blvd. Montreal, QC H3X 2H9 514-369-4806 / 1-800-361-7494 [email protected] Created by A.K.A New Media Inc. | Powered by raisin About Us Français News & Media Careers Contact Us Accessibility Foundation Policies Your location is currently set to National. 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Hotels in central Tehran have been booked out over the past few months by a steady influx of international business executives visiting Iran’s capital, despite negotiators constantly extending a key deadline that would lift economic sanctions on the oil-rich country. Holding the world’s fourth largest oil reserves and the second largest stocks of natural gas, Iran is often thought of as simply another Middle Eastern “petrodollar” economy. However, in reality Iran is perhaps the region’s most diverse economy with an established capital market, a well-developed industrial base and a large population that generates a significant demand for services such as telecommunications and banking. According to emerging market investment house Renaissance Capital, its gross domestic product last year was around $437bn (£282bn), ranking it as the world’s 27th largest economy, ahead of nations such as Austria. Despite strict economic sanctions, which prohibited most international companies from doing business with the Islamic republic and prevented Iranian firms from financial transactions overseas, the economy has survived because of the depth of Iran’s industrial base and high levels of education. These characteristics, coupled with its population of over 80m, prompted Sir Martin Sorrell, chief executive of advertising giant WPP, last year to describe Iran as one of the last major untapped frontiers for business. As a nuclear deal with the so-called P5+1 nations, US, Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany, draws near - another deadline looms on Monday –international business has begun to take seriously the opportunities that could soon open up. Although negotiators were unable to present a definitive agreement within the deadline set by the US Congress, businesses have already been gearing up to return to Iran. “For the past several months there has been a lot of excitement about sanctions lifting,” said Reza Soltanzadeh, managing director of the Iran Industries Investment Company. “Companies from Europe, America and Asia have all been here recently to take a look.” Iran Industries Investment Company is the country’s largest privately-owned fund manager operating on the Tehran Stock Exchange, where it manages a portfolio of around $350m through its securities subsidiary. Mr Soltanzadeh expects about $1bn will flood on to Iran’s capital market, which is valued at around $120bn, within the first 18 months of sanctions being lifted. He believes that most of this money will be directed towards high-value petrochemicals industries and metals industries in which Iran has a competitive advantage. Unlike its Sunni Muslim neighbours such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, Iran has a much larger domestic population, which can sustain larger-scale industrial development. Unlike its neighbours in the Gulf, which remain heavily dependent on the hydrocarbons sector, Iran has managed to develop a broad industrial base. Its car industry produces over 1m vehicles per year, despite the limitations to accessing new technologies and finance. Part of its success is due to large demand from Iran’s large middle-class population but also the links of many companies to the political wing of the country’s hard-line Revolutionary Guard. “Global investors are never going to see a country of this size and sophistication open up again” said Renaissance’s chief economist, Charles Robertson. ” He says Iran’s economy is comparable to Turkey in its potential but with the added benefit of vast oil reserves and lower average wages. His top tips for investment are retail, telecommunications and the internet, with the country far behind its neighbours in terms of access. “The country just needs investment and foreign capital,” said Mr Robertson. Oil and gas will, of course, attract most interest. Oil majors such as Royal Dutch Shell have already sent delegations to Tehran as expectations of a deal on sanctions have grown. At its peak before the Islamic revolution in the 1970s, Iran was producing between 5m and 6m barrels per day, and has the potential to return to that level if sanctions are dropped. But for that to happen, the government will have to reform its contract terms to give international investors a greater share of the profits from any additional oil and gas they produce. Details of the new terms are expected to be released within weeks. However, the most important area of the economy outside oil to be revitalised once sanctions are eventually lifted will be banking. US embargoes have focused on restricting Iran’s financial sector and specifically the capacity of Iranian and international lenders to act as intermediaries for trade with the outside world. Allowing Iranian banks to conduct foreign currency transfers in addition to unlocking billions of dollars of Iranian funds trapped overseas would help the country back on to its feet. Lifting sanctions would also allow Western banks to reopen branches in Tehran closed for years. “Banking measures will be near the front of the queue of sanctions that are eventually lifted,” said Henry Smith, Middle East and North Africa analyst at Control Risks. Despite its economic potential Iran still has profound economic problems. Unemployment is around 25pc and although inflation has fallen back, the rial remains hopelessly undervalued. There may also be risks for international investors from the deteriorating political situation in the region between Shia-Muslim dominated Iran and its Sunni Arab neighbours. Iran is already facing off against Saudi Arabia in proxy wars under way in Yemen and Syria. International investors face the risk of losing favour in Arab markets if they invest heavily in a reopening Iran. “There is something in Iran for everyone, but people are still concerned by the risks while sanctions are still in place,” said Mr Smith. Follow the Telegraph on LinkedIn. Share this article with your network.
Historically, our stance on platform support for the Starry Expanse Project has always been that Mac OS and Windows come first, and everything else is a possibility for the future. But as technology advances, so must our project. Today, we’re excited to announce that we’ll be bringing The Starry Expanse Project to a new platform – a mobile one. We recognize that mobile platforms, particularly phones, are the way of the future. More and more games are being released for the iPhone, Android, and sometimes even Windows Phone platforms. These devices all have their pros and cons, but we have found that none of them really have the staying power, the resilience that we require of our technology. There is, however, one platform that does meet these criteria. A powerful, flexible, mobile platform, with the strength to resist any and all competition. We are, of course, talking about the Nokia 5110. That’s right, folks. As of today, we are officially adding the Nokia 5110 to our lineup of supported systems. The game will be made available for the mobile platform on the same day as it’s available for Mac OS and Windows, and it will be a fully functional version of the game – not the usual crippled fare you’ll find in a mobile edition. We aren’t cutting any corners; check out some of these screencaps below, taken from our dev unit: Keep in mind that, as with all screenshots that we post, these are a work in progress. We are aware there are some problems and glitches, so please refrain from reporting them. We’re feeling extra generous today, so we decided to give you guys a sneak peek at another aspect of the project, one that we are asked about quite a lot: sound! For a long time now, we’ve been debating how we’re going to be handling the music in our game, whether or not to remake (or even replace) the score originally composed and performed by Robyn Miller. Well, we’ve finally reached a decision, and well…we hope you agree that we made the right one. Have a listen to a sample of the soundtrack from the upcoming Nokia 5110 edition of the Starry Expanse Project: We are really excited about the new platform, let us know what you guys think of it! What other platforms would you like to see the game ported to? Update: Unfortunately, development issues have forced us to rescind our support for the Nokia 5110.
Goosebumps — mohinojosa.work {{else}} {{>page}} {{/if}} {{/each}} {{else}} {{>page}} {{/if}} {{{ page_options.svg_overlay }}} {{#if_all backdrop backdrop_enabled}} [script type="text/json" data-set="backdrop_data">{{{stringify backdrop}}}[/script> {{/if_all}} {{/if}} {{else}} {{>page_master}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{/each}} {{#each site_menu_tree.pages}} {{>sitemenu_item}} {{/each}} × {{/if_equal}} {{/if}} {{/if_equal}} {{#if in_nav}} {{title}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{#each pages}} {{>sitemenu_item}} {{/each}} {{#if in_nav}} {{/if}} {{else}} {{#if in_nav}} {{title}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{/if}} {{/if_option}} {{print "content"}} {{{ page_options.svg_overlay }}} {{#if_all backdrop backdrop_enabled}} [script type="text/json" data-set="backdrop_data">{{{stringify backdrop}}}[/script> {{/if_all}} ︎ MO HINOJOSA ABOUT ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ BOOK COVER DESIGN GOOSEBUMPS A redesign of four books from the Goosebumps series using photo-illustration to bring the 90’s horror stories back to life. Home Next︎ All Rights Reserved 2022 Madelyn “Mo” Hinojosa
(A) C57BL/6 mice (n = 8–11) were injected i.p. with 107 CFUs of S. aureus (LAC USA300) GAS (M49), or PBS on day 0, and re-injected on day 21 with 107 CFUs of either S. aureus or GAS. Bacteria from spleen and kidneys were recovered after 24 hr. PBS/S. aureus (Sa) injected with PBS on day 0 and then injected with SA on day 21. Dashed lines indicate limit of detection. (B) C57BL/6 mice (n = 10) were injected i.p. with S. aureus (107), GAS (5 × 106), or PBS. The mice were inoculated after 21 days with S. aureus (4 × 107) or GAS (2 × 107) and monitored for survival. (C) C57BL/6 mice (n = 5) were infected i.p. once, twice (day 0 and 21), or four times (day 0, 21, 28, and 35) with S. aureus (107). Surviving CFUs were enumerated 24 hr after the last infection. (D) Mice (n = 5–6) were infected as in (A). Splenocytes were harvested 7 days after the last infection, stimulated with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, ionomycin, and brefeldin A for 4 hr, and stained for surface CD4 and T cell receptor β (TCR-β), and intracellular IFN-γ and IL-17A. Shown are fluorescence-activated cell sorting plots and graphs of IFN-γ and IL-17A expression by CD4+TCR-β+ cells. Results are representative of two experiments. (E) Mice (n = 8–11) were infected as in (A), and splenocytes harvested 7 days after the last infection were stimulated with heat-killed S. aureus or GAS (MOI = 10) for 48 hr. Supernatants were analyzed by ELISA. Data are representative of two experiments. See also Figure S1 For (A), (C), and (D), each data point represents an individual mouse, bars denote median and dashed lines indicate the limit of detection. In (E), data are shown as mean (bars) and SEM (error bars). Data analysis was performed using Mann-Whitney U test for (A and D), ANOVA for (C), log rank test for (B) and Student's t test for (E). ∗p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01, ∗∗∗p < 0.001; ns, not significant.
The way an athlete wears his hat seems to crop up periodically as a sports controversy. This dumb trend started years ago with then-Yankees manager Buck Showalter criticizing Ken Griffey Jr. for always wearing his hat backward. Most recently, a writer went after Niners quarterback Colin Kaepernick for not wearing his hat in proper fashion. Article continues below ... And now we have former Bears coach Mike Ditka bizarrely opining that Lions quarterback Matt Stafford needs to stop wearing his hat backward if he wants to be taken seriously as a leader. Ditka shared his thoughts with Detroit Free Press, saying, "I think he can make all the throws. He’s a smart kid. I wish he’™d put the baseball cap on frontwards instead of backwards all the time." Ditka continued, "If you’re the leader of the football team, I think you’ve got to stand up and be that leader, assume that role. A lot of it is what you do on the field, certainly. But I think a little of it has to do with appearance, too. You know, respect the game, respect your team. That’s all. "I’™m not knocking him. I’m just saying that’€™s the first thing I would tell him if I inherited him. When you’™re going to go do an interview, put it on like it’s supposed to be on, not backwards, sidewards, whatever way they put them on anymore." So to reiterate Ditka’s strange way of thinking, if you’re doing an interview, don’t wear your hat backward because then you are not a real leader. OK, got it. Nobody show Ditka this picture.
Judd Apatow’s ‘The Bubble’ takes us back to the early days of the pandemic in his latest comedy for Netflix | new university – Canada Dance Sport Publisher - Home Dance sport Competitive dance Ballroom dance Social dancing In Depth Dance prize Home Social dancing Judd Apatow’s ‘The Bubble’ takes us back to the early days of the pandemic in his latest comedy for Netflix | new university Social dancing Judd Apatow’s ‘The Bubble’ takes us back to the early days of the pandemic in his latest comedy for Netflix | new university By Jonathan L. Neil Last updated May 4, 2022 Share Judd Apatow’s latest creation, ‘The Bubble,’ is a Netflix Original movie released April 1, following a group of actors who have to quarantine or ‘bubble’ while filming their movie, ‘Cliff Beasts 6: The Battle for Everest”. The American comedian, director and producer has created countless comedies such as ‘The King of Staten Island’, ‘The 40 Year Old Virgin’ and ‘Trainwreck’. Comedy fans had high hopes for Apatow’s latest film. The cast is packed with talent, including “The Mandalorian” actor Pedro Pascal as Dieter Bravo, as well as members of Atapow’s family, including his wife Leslie Mann as Lauren Van Chance and daughter Iris Apatow as Krystal Kris. With an extremely talented cast and director, this movie had a lot of hype around it. The film was particularly anticipated as it was a pandemic-era comedy with Apatow’s R-rated humor that was bound to bring laughs. The film follows a group of cast and crew who are all part of a Jurassic Park-like action movie franchise called “Cliff Beasts,” set in 2020 amid the early stages of the coronavirus pandemic. COVID-19. With the film industry already struggling to make new films, producer Gavin (Peter Serafinowicz) is determined to bring the cast together to shoot the sixth film in the franchise. The cast and crew are quarantined, or in this case, “bubbled”, together for more than 100 days in a hotel in the UK while filming. With COVID-19 and flu scares among the group, filming isn’t an easy process. Real-life COVID-19 related procedures such as nasal swabs, two-week quarantines, new hobbies, and anxiety caused by isolation are just some of the related aspects that are happening. During filming and isolation for so long, things quickly get complicated and despite killing flying CGI dinosaurs on screen, each character in the cast goes into their own spiral of off-screen mayhem. Desperate physical interaction, self-care isolation, TikTok dances and the idea of ​​feeling like there’s “no escape” are just some of the themes you’ll find yourself on. to laugh or cringe in “The Bubble”. The standout aspect of “The Bubble” is its satirical humor that revolves around pandemic activities and trends that took place during the 2020-21 global quarantine period. This includes the specific type of person who has turned the pandemic into a “time of growth and new revelation.” This kind of person could be seen during quarantine bragging about their accomplishments in productivity and inner peace. The film sheds light on the ‘forty-aged privileged’, who often fell into the category of influencers and celebrities enjoying their months of isolation in mansions and broadcasting their ‘tough times’ on social media. One quote that stood out referring to this in the movie was when one of the “Cliff Beasts” actresses complains and gets the harsh truth answer that “people don’t want to hear celebrities complaining about the hardness of their film sets. They have real problems. Photo provided by Karen Gillan @karengillan/Twitter As for people who have turned quarantine into “a time of improvement,” Sean Knox (Keegan-Michael Key) introduces his brand new lifestyle/motivational system, “Harmony Ignite,” which he has started during quarantine. When “Cliff Beasts” lead actress Carol Cobb (Karen Gillan) asks about Sean’s new religion, he jokingly assures her that it’s not a cult; rather, it is a system that brings wisdom and enlightenment. Towards the end of the movie, when all the chaos is induced for Carol, she again seeks Sean’s advice as he seems to have knowledge about motivation. He tries to quote cliched quotes before launching into a “I’m a complete impostor, I’m sorry. I didn’t write it, ghost writer Steve Hardy wrote the book…During the pandemic, I realized we were all the same, and I thought I was special, but we’re all the same. Another pandemic trend has been the growing popularity of social media app TikTok. In the film, Krystal Kris is a TikTok star with 100 million followers. Her character can be compared to actual dancing TikTokers such as Charli D’Amelio or Addison Rae who gained millions of followers during the pandemic. Krystal was cast in “Cliff Beasts 6” to appeal to younger audiences, a marketing move many companies have used with TikTok stars to grow their brands during the pandemic. Krystal even responds to the question of auditioning for “Cliff Beasts” by saying, “To be honest, I think they stuck me in this movie because I have a lot of followers.” Photo provided by Judd Apatow @juddapatow/Instagram Krystal participates in various TikTok dances throughout the film, such as filming a scene in “Cliff Beasts 6” where she teaches a CGI dinosaur to dance, as well as dancing with the entire cast to express their feelings. of confinement in the hotel. She is even ‘cancelled’ towards the end of the film when she escapes from the hotel to party in the UK ‘Cancel culture’ or being ‘cancelled’ is a contemporary term used to withdraw support from personalities public or celebrities who have done something that is not socially accepted. In real life, many influencers or TikTokkers have been canceled during the pandemic if seen in public during quarantine, sometimes permanently ruining their careers. Along with social media and motivational quotes, the pandemic has resulted in isolation that has led to physical despair for many people. The film features steamy scenes of actors and actresses sneaking around to meet hotel staff and others. Carol even finds herself on a date with a footballer who is also staying at the hotel. Carol is afraid of “going through bubbles”, but the football player seductively explains that they would “make a new bubble”. In the real world, encounters like this weren’t completely uncommon during the pandemic. Photo provided by Judd Apatow @juddapatow/Instagram Despite this film’s few funny scenes, relatable pandemic tendencies, and initial appeal to the average moviegoer, it didn’t perform as well as expected. “The Bubble” received 24% on Rotten Tomatoes, with an unfavorable consensus from critics: “Meandering and mostly unfunny, ‘The Bubble’ scrubs an all-star cast with hackneyed gags about showbiz and pandemic life.” This film offers a hopeful and comedic take on situations and environments everyone can relate to since the early quarantine era. The film’s main flaw is the dialogue; there seem to be too many cringe-worthy comments that turn what could have been a laugh into something utterly insane. Even with a top-notch cast, the film’s potential is ruined by its unnecessary scripting and storylines. Either way, “The Bubble” will go down in history as the first pandemic comedy. Moorea Pike is an Arts & Entertainment intern for the spring 2022 term. She can be reached at [email protected]. Related Related posts: Who owns the night? : the complicated reality of the night economy Communities celebrate their meeting again | Local News Tiktok’s black viral dance creators taken for granted are a new twist on old injustices After a difficult year, the orphanage took a cruise Share FacebookTwitterGoogle+ReddItWhatsAppPinterestEmail Jonathan L. Neil Prev Post Governors Ball Announces 2022 “After Dark” Shows Next Post Cheryl Burke Opens Up About Her Relationship With Ex-Husband Matthew Lawrence You might also like More from author Social dancing Can attacks pay off for the GOP? Social dancing A ball to celebrate the end of the residency Social dancing Native Americans gather in Philadelphia for a powwow at the site of a historic treaty… Social dancing ‘Dancing with the Stars’: How to Stream Season 31 on Disney+ Prev Next Comments are closed. 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A newly discovered patent ( Patent #: US20150242679 ), filed on behalf of the social media monolith, Facebook, is disturbing, to say the least — and, grounds for the immediate covering of your webcam or smartphone camera. The patent, titled, Techniques for Emotion Detection and Content Delivery, explains how the device’s camera will be used to view the user’s face to determine their mental state: ie sad, happy, angry, etc. When Facebook identifies your mental state, they will use it to keep you on the site longer. Facebook would analyze the images of your face and determine how or what to show you next to keep you engaged. For example, if you smiled at a meme a friend posted, Facebook would recognize this via your camera and it would work to show you more memes related to that one. This patent, quite literally, puts the ‘face’ in Facebook. It’s not just facial expressions either; Facebook wants you to continuously stare at their platform as well. According to their examples in the patent application, if you were viewing videos of a kitten and looked away, Facebook would take note and stop showing you videos that don’t keep you staring directly at the screen. The secret recording of your face also helps Facebook to directly target ads that fit your desires. If you watched an ad for scotch, Facebook would know you didn’t look away and it would then target you for more ads of that nature. The patent was submitted in February of 2014 and published on November of 24, 2015. However, it was just granted on May 25, and discovered by the group CB Insights. READ MORE: 1 Year Per Gram: Man Gets Insane 18 Year Prison Sentence for Weed, Judge Furious As CB Insights reports, aside from spying on you through your camera and recording your face, the algorithm will monitor an entire slew of input and interaction methods to keep you on the platform. This patent would automatically add emotional information to text messages, predicting the user’s emotion based on methods of keyboard input. The visual format of the text message would adapt in real time based on the user’s predicted emotion. As the patent notes (and as many people have likely experienced), it can be hard to convey mood and intended meaning in a text-only message; this system would aim to reduce misunderstandings. The system could pick up data from the keyboard, mouse, touch pad, touch screen, or other input devices, and the patent mentions predicting emotion based on relative typing speed, how hard the keys are pressed, movement (using the phone’s accelerometer), location, and other factors. Naturally, Facebook is being as ambiguous as they can over news of the patent, claiming they may or may not use it. “We often seek patents for technology we never implement, and patents should not be taken as an indication of future plans,” said a Facebook spokesperson. However, as the Independent reports, the document raises yet more concern about a company that, in 2014, was found to have secretly manipulated hundreds of thousands of users’ News Feeds as part of an experiment to work out whether it could affect people’s emotions. The company later admitted that it “failed to communicate clearly why and how we did it.” READ MORE: Hackers Expose Cops and Feds as they Browse for Online Sex at the Taxpayer’s Expense What’s more, the world was shocked last year when an image of Mark Zuckerberg surfaced which showed the social media CEO using tape to cover his webcam and microphone. Zuckerberg clearly knows everything his company does and he’s taking no chances. While there is no indication this secret facial spying has gone live yet, it is highly unlikely that Facebook users would even be notified of its activation. Given the already Orwellian nature of Facebook’s Terms of Service and Permissions for using their app or platform, you’ve likely already agreed to allow them to watch you in bed as you scroll through your newsfeed. Just to use the Facebook platform, users have to agree to allow the social media giant access to their camera and microphone — in the background — without their consent. Once these permissions were released several years ago, users began to notice advertisements based on sounds or images from nearby that did not take place on Facebook, or even on the device. The feature has been available for a couple of years, as a 2016 Independent article noted, but recent warnings from Kelli Burns, mass communication professor at the University of South Florida, have drawn attention to it. Professor Burns has said that the tool appears to be using the audio it gathers not simply to help out users, but might be doing so to listen in to discussions and serve them with relevant advertising. She says that to test the feature, she discussed certain topics around the phone and then found that the site appeared to show relevant ads. READ MORE: Local Police Kill AT LEAST 400 People a Year, Mostly Minorities Although Facebook explicitly denies doing such a thing, the mass of claims by those who’ve witnessed it first hand says otherwise. Now for the good news. The easiest way to stop Facebook from spying on you is to stop using it. However, that is not an option for all folks. Aside from the obvious taping of your camera and microphone, you can disable these functions within the Facebook app itself. For the iPhone: Go into your “Settings” app and scroll down until you find the Facebook app, tap it open. Under “Facebook” tap on “Settings” and you’ll see a list labeled “Allow Facebook to Access.” The microphone and camera will both be under this list. Simply tap on the toggles to disable or enable any of the features you think violate your privacy (location, camera, microphone). For an Android phone: Go into your settings and tap on “Applications” then “Application Manager.” Once in “Application Manager,” look for the Facebook app and tap on “More” (top right corner). You’ll now see a list of options, tap on “Permissions.” Under “Permissions” you’ll have the option to disable the microphone (simply tap on it) and other features like the camera. You can do the same with any other app you think is eavesdropping into your conversations.
GP Service For Coronavirus Testing Crashes Due To Surge In Demand - Clare FM Home News Sport Obituaries On Air Schedule Shows On Your Smart Speaker Clare FM App Catch-Up About Us Advertise Our Audience Advertising Contact Sales More Jobs Contact Us Contact The Studio Search Clare FM 15 C Ennis, ie Saturday, September 24, 2022 On-Air Now The Big Weekend Text 086 1800 964 Call 0818 400 964 Saturday, 14:00 -17:59 News Sport Obituaries On Air Schedule Shows On Your Smart Speaker Clare FM App Catch-Up In Profile ADVERTISE Our Audience Advertising Contact Sales ABOUT US MORE Jobs Contact Us Contact The Studio Coronavirus GP Service For Coronavirus Testing Crashes Due To Surge In Demand 16th March 2020 Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Coronavirus particles The Health Minister is appealing to the public to bear with GPs, as the online system for referring patients to get tested for coronavirus has crashed. Doctors surgeries say their phone lines are jammed with calls, meaning many can’t get through. GPs can now order a test for someone with symptoms online, but so many are using it the system can’t cope. CONTINUE READING BELOW Meanwhile, the people of Clare and Ireland are being urged to oberserve social distancing guidelines as a priority, in a bid to slow the spread of the virus. Ballyvaughan GP Dr. Liam Glynn, who has warned that Ireland is 14 days behind Italy in terms of dealing with the disease, says that by working together, we can still stave off the worst effects of the virus. TAGS coronavirus covid-19 SHARE Facebook Twitter James Mulhall Latest Posts Simply Blue Fully Committed To Floating Wind Project Off Clare Coast 24th September 2022 New Tulla Amphitheatre Will Be A Gamechanger For East Clare Says... 24th September 2022 Average Clare Property Transaction Prices Up 60% In Five Years 24th September 2022 195 Domestic Violence Safety Orders Issued In Clare So Far In... 24th September 2022 Follow Us 38,196FansLike 3,721FollowersFollow 767FollowersFollow 14,835FollowersFollow 443SubscribersSubscribe Clare FM - Sounds like you Contact us: [email protected] Complaints Procedure Right Of Reply Scheme Privacy Policy Advertising Terms and Conditions Competition Terms and Conditions © Clare FM <# if ( data.meta.album ) { #>{{ data.meta.album }}<# } #> <# if ( data.meta.artist ) { #>{{ data.meta.artist }}<# } #> <# if ( data.artists && data.meta.artist ) { #> — {{ data.meta.artist }} <# } #> <# } #> <# if ( data.meta.length_formatted ) { #> {{ data.meta.length_formatted }} <# } #> Posting.... '); var formated_str = arr_splits[i].replace(/\surl\(\'(?!data\:)/gi, function regex_function(str) { return ' url(\'' + dir_path + '/' + str.replace(/url\(\'/gi, '').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/gm,''); }); splited_css += ""; } var td_theme_css = jQuery('link#td-theme-css'); if (td_theme_css.length) { td_theme_css.after(splited_css); } } }); } })();
The Obama administration made a national priority of spreading high-speed Internet access to every American home and offered stimulus money to help companies pay for it, but the biggest network operators are staying away from the program. As the Aug. 20 deadline nears to apply for $4.7 billion in broadband grants, AT&T, Verizon and Comcast are unlikely to go for the stimulus money, sources close to the companies said. Their reasons are varied. All three say they are flush with cash, enough to upgrade and expand their broadband networks on their own. Some say taking money could draw unwanted scrutiny of business practices and compensation, as seen with automakers and banks that have taken government bailouts. And privately, some companies are griping about conditions attached to the money, including a net-neutrality rule that they say would prevent them from managing traffic on their networks in the way they want. "We are concerned that some new mandates seem to go well beyond current laws and [Federal Communications Commission] rules, and may lead to the kind of continuing uncertainty and delay that is antithetical to the president's primary goals of economic stimulus and job creation," said Walter B. McCormick Jr., president of USTelecom, a trade group that represents telecoms including AT&T and Verizon. Yet those firms might be the best positioned to achieve the goal of spreading Internet access to underserved areas, some experts say. "If you want to get broadband out, you have to do it with [those] who brought you to the dance in the first place, and in this case it is the incumbent cable and telephone carriers who have 85 percent of lines in the country," said Robert Atkinson, president of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, a Washington tech policy think tank. "This is not basket weaving. This is really complex and intensive technical stuff that takes a fair amount of sophistication and scale to be able to do right and to continue to upgrade." Obama has pushed for universal access to broadband since his presidential campaign, saying it would underpin the country's economic future. The stimulus funds target homes and businesses in the hinterlands that have largely been overlooked by broadband providers because of the hefty costs to lay down fiber-optic and other broadband pipes to small communities. At the same time, the government has promised more scrutiny of industry practices that seem to limit consumer access to services, such as Comcast blocking the peer-to-peer file sharing service BitTorrent in 2007 and Apple's recent decision to block Google's voice service and the free Internet calling service Skype on the iPhone. Those efforts have alarmed the major carriers. Specifically, some of the biggest firms fear that a clause in the stimulus plan that says recipients of the grants cannot "favor any lawful Internet applications and content over others" -- the concept known as net neutrality -- could lead to more rules down the road. This condition goes beyond guidelines at the FCC that have been criticized by consumer advocacy groups as too vague. Carriers have pushed to keep current rules in place and see the condition on the stimulus grants as a potential precursor for additional rules at the FCC on how carriers can manage content over the Web. The companies paint dire scenarios where new rules would lead to networks getting clogged with spam and too much video content, slowing down service for all users. "It's not cost-effective for the big network operators to play in rural [markets] in the first place, and if they take federal money that comes with all these strings attached to it, they are opening themselves up to being regulated even further," said Roger Entner, head of communications research for Nielsen IAG.
Remember earlier this week when I wondered how anyone could eat a cake this awesome ? Because after you eat your amazingly-prepared, eye-popping, fantastically personalized wedding cake… it's just GONE! That's why I'm super-stoked about our sponsor Aberrant Ornaments. Their goal is to help couples keep the memory of their wedding cake alive for a lifetime — no freezing necessary. Here's how: From just a few photographs, Aberrant Ornaments hand-sculpts an exact, one-of-a-kind miniature clay-replica of the cake that was such a special part of your event. Yes, photographs of cakes are also forever, but Aberrant Ornaments brings your sweet-ass dessert back to life where it can be held (and viewed in 3D!), hung (Christmas ornament?), or displayed as a sweet little reminder of your very first day of marriage (awwww). Each 3D piece is also very lightweight, with a tiny loop on the top, should you want to hang it somewhere. Hell, if you can get a photo of what your cake is GOING to look like, you could have Aberrant Ornaments make you a cake replica cake topper. Top your cake with… your cake! It's like cake inception … cake all the way down. Aberrant Ornaments' adorable cake replicas would also make awesome gifts for your newlywed friends, housewarmings, first holidays together with your sweetie, anniversaries, pretty much any time you want to makes someone's heart melt like sugary buttercream icing. Ooh ooh, and did you know that they can actually take a black and white photo of an older cake and sculpt a full color ornament with just a little extra information? How cute would that be for your parents anniversary gift? Ugh, the adorable just oozes from Aberrant Ornaments. All of you folks with amazing cakes need to do yourselves a favor and save those sweets forever!
Here’s The Internal Document The Salvation Army Doesn’t Want You To See ‘Tis the season. In cities across the country, Salvation Army volunteers wearing red Santa hats and aprons are ringing bells and soliciting donations. But if you were already thinking twice before dropping your hard-earned coins into those little red coffers you may want to think a third time. Queerty has obtained SA internal documents that give lie to its propaganda campaign to win back LGBT donors and staff and confirm what we’ve suspected all along: The Christian charity discriminates against LGBT people, but it doesn’t want anyone to know about it. Of course, this isn’t an entirely new revelation. But the documents underscore the tug of war within the Methodist organization between religious laws, which leadership believes requires discrimination when it comes to marriage and sex, and civil laws, which ban discrimination in hiring and in the workplace. SA is no stranger to antigay scandals. Perhaps the most infamous occurred in 2012, when Andrew Craibe, media relations director for SA Australia, said gay people should be put to death. SA officials denounced the claim in the strongest possible terms, but each time a similar incident occurs, the organization goes into public relations crisis mode, arguing that the individual incidents do not reflect its larger stance. One of the documents Queerty obtained is a memo regarding the SA’s official views on what it calls “LGBT issues,” by midwest Commissioner Paul Seiler. Dated February 21, 2014, the policy statement was emailed to officers in the Salvation Army’s Central Territory, which serves Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North & South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Iowa, and Indiana. Subject line: “LGBT issues in light of equality of marriage laws.” “This is not for public use,” the letter warns, “including social media of any sort.” What follows are four pages detailing the SA’s theological views on the “homosexual orientation” (which it calls “a matter of profound complexity”), its position on marriage (which it states can only happen “between one man and one woman”), and its expectations that unmarried (a.k.a. gay) officers “be celibate in the expression of their sexuality.” In addition to the letter signed by Seiler, Queerty also obtained the SA’s 24-page “Nondiscrimination Communications” memo, which was sent out by the charity’s national headquarters, detailing how spokespersons are supposed to respond when asked about its treatment of the LGBT community. Let’s take a closer look at the organization’s public and private talking points, based on the documents which have not been released publicly before now… What it says publicly: Among the Army’s official talking points from its “Nondiscrimination Communications” memo on how it treats LGBT people are the following: The Salvation Army does not believe that homosexual orientation is a sin. We emphatically reject accusations of discrimination based on sexual orientation; claims to the contrary are false. We simply do not discriminate against the people we serve or hire. Our doors are open to all. We serve and hire all people without discrimination. What it says in private: The internal letter signed by Seiler and sent to officers on February 21 states: Leadership roles in denominational activities such as teaching or holding local officer roles require certain adherence to consistently held spiritual beliefs. This would apply to any conduct inconsistent with Salvation Army beliefs and would include same-sex sexual relationships. So the organization does not discriminate… except in policing the relationships of LGBT officers. But it doesn’t stop there. Seiler’s letter also instructs: For anyone in a Salvation Army ministry position, the theological belief regarding sexuality is that God has ordained marriage to be between one man and one woman and sexual activity is restricted to one’s spouse. Non-married individuals would therefore be celibate in the expression of their sexuality. This is the long-standing expectation of all individuals in ministry roles in The Salvation Army, including lay people. In other words: Gay people can’t get married. Unmarried people can’t have sex. Therefore, gay people are forbidden from being intimate with one another. The letter also forbids SA officers from marrying same-sex couples: The officer would therefore decline acting in any officiating capacity at a same-sex marriage. And that if an officer wants to attend a same-sex wedding as a guest, he or she must go incognito: When an officer attends a same-sex marriage as a friend or family, it would be consistent with our policy that the wedding would be at a non-Army facility and the officer would be out of uniform. The punishment for breaking any of these rules? “Termination.” The memo states: Officers are ordained and commissioned by The Salvation Army are expected to follow a number of organizational and denominational policies and there are consequences for internal disregard, which may include termination. Now, here’s what the Salvation Army told Queerty: Jennifer Byrd, the director of communications for the Salvation Army, responded to our inquiry on the matter with the following e-mail: The Salvation Army is a religious organization founded in 1865 by a Methodist minister. As such all 3,500 officers that you see wearing a uniform are ordained ministers in The Salvation Army church. The letter you reference addresses the theology of the organization and is used to help guide Salvation Army officers as they navigate the LGBT issue nationwide. While The Salvation Army has a theology of marriage, it also has a theology of service. Please know that the requirement of celibacy for single officers – those who are heterosexual and those who are members of the LGBT community – has always been a policy in The Salvation Army. The Salvation Army serves 30 million people a year without discrimination, as you will see by the information included in the communications packet you have. We realize our message of service to the LGBT community and our non-discriminatory employment practices have been overlooked, misconstrued or misunderstood in recent years, and our focus the past 12-18 months has to be address these failings. We have traveled the country extensively meeting with Salvation Army officers and employees to help communicate the mission of The Salvation Army as it relates to the LGBT community and encourage them to reach out to LGBT organizations on a local level as we have on a national level. Just so everyone’s on the same page, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the word “discrimination” is defined as “the practice of unfairly treating a person or group of people differently from other people or groups of people.” Insisting that LGBT officers remain unmarried and refrain from “expressing their sexualities” is, by definition, discriminatory. But SA goes even further, requiring that officers distance themselves from same-sex weddings but not opposite-sex weddings. The SA may claim it “serves 30 million people a year without discrimination,” and that may be true, but it doesn’t address the issue of how the organization treats its LGBT officers (a.k.a. those doing the serving). They remain marginalized. To be clear: We’re not trying to argue with the Salvation Army’s theological views. It can believe what it wants to believe. The problem is, these beliefs, which are shared privately among SA insiders, are at direct odds with the organization’s public message, which states, in blanket terms, that it does not discriminate based on sexual orientation. Sounds like SA wants to have its cake and eat it too. Read Commissioner Paul Seiler’s memo in full below: Related stories: Salvation Army Says “No, Seriously. We’re Not Antigay. Now Give Us Your Money, Please. God Bless.” Salvation Army Media Director: Gays Should Be Put To Death Don’t Fall For the Salvation Army’s PR Spin! They’re Still Super Antigay Graham Gremore is a columnist and contributor for Queerty and Life of the Law. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter.
A brutal and cowardly attack in East Harlem Sunday morning left a wheelchair-bound woman with a cut to the face that took 50 stitches to close in the latest New York face-slashing incident. The 42-year-old woman, who is not being named by police, was outside a strip mall in on E. 125 St. near Third Ave. at 3:19am when the assault occurred. The attacker - who was aged between 18 and 25 - ran by, veering quickly to the side to cut her before slowing down sauntering off, NBC reported. Scroll down for video Suspect: Footage released by police shows the suspect - who is described as an 18-25-year-old male - leaving the 125 St. Subway station before the attack. Police say he did not know the victim and it was a 'random' attack The video, which has been edited to remove everything but the attacker, shows how he casually leaned to the side while running to cut the woman in what seems like a premeditated attack. The assault was random, police said: neither victim nor slasher knew each other and there was no altercation beforehand. Police don't know what weapon was used in the attack. The woman, who had got out of a bus just before she was slashed, was taken to Lincoln Hospital for treatment, police said. She is expected to be okay, but the suspect remains on the loose. He is described as being a black man aged 18-25, wearing white basketball sneakers, a black V-neck T-shirt, and black basketball shorts with a white stripe down the side. He was recorded leaving the 125 St Subway station, which serves the 4, 5 and 6 lines, just before the assault. Slash: The video shows the moment (left) the attacker casually slashes the woman across the face as he runs by. He then slows down and saunters off (right). The woman needed 50 stitches but is said to be doing okay Anyone with information in the case is asked to call Crime Stoppers in English at 800 577-TIPS, use the Crime Stoppers website, or text their tip - adding TIP577 - to 274637. This is the latest in a long line of slashings and stabbings that have occurred in New York over the past year - in fact, there were 23 knife attacks in just the past five months, the NY Post reported. Previous victims included a 71-year-old grandmother, a 16-year-old Chinese exchange student and a 31-year-old man across various boroughs. According to the NY Post, 'police sources and criminologists' blame copycats, gang initiations and mentally ill homeless people for the unconnected attacks.
Alain Labrecque left his grain farm in northern Alberta in December, 2011. He, his wife Karla and his two young children, now aged 6 and 5, packed up and eventually settled in Smithers, B.C. They hadn’t planned to move. But their home was making them sick, Labrecque says. “We started getting dizzy and getting headaches. We just couldn’t shake it,” he said. “It came all at once” – in 2010, after an oil company expanded operations around the family’s farm southeast of Peace River. Soon after, living and working on his farm became uncomfortable. Dizziness, digestive problems, muscle cramps and headaches afflicted the family. “It’s like you’ve got a belt strapped on your head the whole time,” he said. His wife, son and daughter suffered through the winter in 2010. When spring came, they had a reprieve from the symptoms. But it didn’t last. “When it got cold again, then everything would come back,” he said. “By December, we said, ‘The heck with this.’” His brother Donald still lives in the area, though he hopes to leave soon. He complains of headaches, muscle twitches and occasional nosebleeds. “It’s not somewhere where you can take your chances and say, ‘I’ll live here the next 20 years and raise a family,’” Donald said. Alain Labrecque believes his family’s symptoms were caused by fumes coming from nearby bitumen storage tanks, owned by Baytex Energy Corporation. They complained to the provincial body regulating the oil and gas industry. The environment ministry performed air quality tests on his farm. Labrecque laughs when he tells of one recommendation to come out of that testing: “To close our windows and doors when odours were present.” To this day, he said, he still gets sick when he visits his old farm. The area around Labrecque’s former home is a rural mix of farmland and oilpatch operations run by several companies. It’s also become Alberta’s epicentre of oil-related complaints: According to a database of complaints from Alberta’s Energy Resources Conservation Board (now the Alberta Energy Regulator) obtained by Global News, residents in the Three Creeks area, slightly north of the Labrecques, have complained more often to the regulator than people anywhere else in the province. Since 2010 there have been 710 complaints – about odours, human and animal health –from people living within a 20-kilometre radius of the centre of Three Creeks. MAP: Selected types of complaints received by the Alberta Energy Regulator from January 1, 1975 to February 2, 2013. “The rules might have to change” Alberta’s Energy Minister knows it’s a problem. So does Alberta Health Services. And they’ve vowed to do something about it. They just don’t know what’s wrong. “None of the chemicals, on a consistent basis, have exceeded the regulations and limits or the guidelines,” said Dr. Albert de Villiers, Lead Medical Officer of Health for the Alberta Health Services’ North Zone, which includes Peace River and Three Creeks. “So it’s difficult to pin anything down. It’s difficult to fine the company because they’re technically not doing anything wrong, but we know it’s having an effect on the people in some way.” Health and environment officials have done tests for abnormally high rates of cancer, asthma, pulmonary disease – “We haven’t found anything,” he said. In 2010, Alberta Health Services gave doctors in the Peace River area a form to record symptoms of patients complaining of health problems they say are related to the oil and gas industry, so they can be referred to a specialist if necessary. The information in the form would also be analyzed for patterns. But to date, only two people have ever completed the form, both while visiting a local hospital, AHS told Global News. Tests so far suggest companies operating in the area aren’t breaking any rules. According to a statement from the Alberta Energy Regulator, “inspectors have conducted in excess of 700 inspections in this area in the past three years with very few noncompliances being encountered. All noncompliances were addressed in a timely manner.” “The rules might have to change,” de Villiers said. “And, as you know, that takes long in government to work through these kinds of things, to make sure the rules change and it’s fair to everybody.” “We had to get out” Thera Breau and her four sons, all under 7 years old, used to live in Reno, Alberta, right near the Labrecques. Breau’s boys had had some problems with incontinence, insomnia, muscle twitches. She didn’t make much of it, until the family left for a six-week Christmas vacation and the boys’ symptoms largely disappeared. They started to come back when they returned to the farm. And this past spring, as she noticed an increase in tanker trucks driving past her home, their symptoms worsened. Her two-year-old Bodhi “started getting wounds on the back of his knees,” she said. “It started as a big red blotch, but by the beginning of March, it was open.” When five-year-old Kolt had a temper tantrum because his eye was twitching so badly, she decided to leave. They now live in McClennan, Alberta, a 20-minute drive from their old farm, and Thera hopes to move even further away sometime in the fall. She complained to the energy regulator, but she said that nothing came of it. “I said there were health effects, they just take it down and that’s it. You don’t hear anything after.” Former oilfield engineer Carmen Langer has also moved out of his Three Creeks home, where he said his family has raised cattle for the past 90 years. “I’m very sick right now. I’m not even able to work,” said Langer, who still regularly visits his farm, although he no longer lives there. “We were forced off,” he said. “We haven’t been in our home since March. We had to get out permanently.” “80 per cent of those complaints are probably coming from three families” Baytex, for its part, says its operations aren’t to blame. “We are and remain fully compliant with the Alberta Energy Regulator with all of our operations and will remain so,” said Brian Ector, Baytex Vice-President of Investor Relations. “We will continue to go above and beyond, quite frankly, in all of our operations when it comes to the environment, health and safety.” Ector said Baytex hasn’t drilled in that area in over a year, and installed vapour recovery systems and a gas conservation system on its tanks. He estimates that in the Reno region, to the southeast of Peace River, the company is now capturing more than 90 per cent of the gas that it was previously releasing. In the Three Creeks area, he said, they are now capturing 100 per cent. The company also recently commissioned a third-party air quality study. While they aren’t releasing the results, Ector said, “The study did confirm our expectation that our operations are not creating any harmful health effects.” Other companies have received complaints, as well: “In recent years residents in the area have expressed concerns related to odours from cumulative emissions,” Shell spokesman Stephen Doolan said in an email, noting the company has since installed vapour recovery units and set up a “gas gathering system” to limit emissions. Husky Energy spokesman Mel Duvall said the company “understand[s] there are ongoing concerns in this region and we will continue to work with industry and government to address those concerns.” What’s more, Baytex’s Ector added, the slew of complaints the regulator’s received aren’t indicative of the norm for most people in the area. “I’d say about 80 per cent of those complaints are probably coming from three families,” he said. “And there are many, many more families that live and farm and work in the regions where we operate than just three families. “We continue to communicate and work with them as well,” he added. But as complaints continue, the Alberta government isn’t denying that there’s something going on. “Put all of the facts on the table” Alberta Energy Minister Ken Hughes visited Three Creeks in March 2013. “I did hear from people their stories about the strongly objectionable nature of the emissions and the effect it’s having on their quality of life,” he said. “I hear them and I have taken steps to ensure that those issues are addressed by industry and ensuring that industry hears that message as well.” He said that he and local MLAs have encouraged the energy regulator to “take a fresh look at this,” and spoken with industry representatives in the area. A community working group was established in 2010 and met regularly until May 2012, the AER said in a statement. “There were many positive outcomes from that group including significant reductions in venting and improved operations.” To the best of his knowledge, Hughes said, Baytex and local companies have not breached emissions regulations. When asked what that says about the regulations, he replied, “It’s possible that the regulations don’t anticipate every circumstance. This is a very unusual circumstance, and it’s possible that we have something to learn from this.” Last month, the Alberta Energy Regulator announced a public inquiry into hydrocarbon emissions in the Three Creeks and Reno areas. Details so far are scant and a spokesperson refused to elaborate, but a “pre-hearing” is anticipated for this fall. The inquiry is supposed to consider residents’ concerns, examine information about human and animal health, and examine policies and air quality standards, according to a press release. “My ambition for it would be that it would put all of the facts on the table so that everybody’s dealing with the same facts, and that it is clear what, if any, public policy changes need to be made as a result of that work,” Hughes said. Baytex’s Ector said the upcoming inquiry is a “great forum” for residents to voice their concerns and a “great opportunity” for scientists to present data to the public. “We will, of course, cooperate fully within that public inquiry.” “I don’t want to see anybody else living there” But several families who’ve been vocal in their complaints say Baytex is also trying to solve these issues on its own. Two families say the company has offered to buy their land, attaching extensive non-disclosure clauses to the contract. One contract obtained by Global News would prevent the family and its “heirs, successors or assigns” from speaking with the media or encouraging others to speak to the media about Baytex other than to say that “We decided to move out of the area, away from the oil activity. We have reached an agreement with Baytex concerning our situation.” The contract also includes clauses prohibiting the family from communicating with “any elected or non-elected representatives or officials concerning Baytex or its Affiliates,” and from making any “disparaging” or “derogatory” remarks about Baytex to anyone. Baytex refused to comment on the contract or confirm it had made any offers to purchase land. “Any service agreements or disputes that might arise, they would be governed by the appropriate dispute resolution process. … And all of that work is truly bound by confidentiality agreements. All parties, us and others, would be bound by that confidentiality,” Ector said. While this sort of non-disclosure agreement is not common in general land sales, “it is very common in land acquisitions in the energy industry,” said David Percy, professor of energy law and policy at the University of Alberta. He said energy companies have an interest in keeping land purchase prices, and even the fact that they are looking to purchase land, secret – disclosing these things could potentially drive up future prices. But when it comes to the larger effect on a community, he said, “It certainly does carry the risk of suppressing comment, absolutely.” Hughes said this is the first he’s heard of such a non-disclosure clause and he would like to examine the issue further. “I would discourage anybody from ever trying to discourage citizens from talking to their elected officials, because that would be inappropriate,” he said. Both Hughes and Percy doubt whether a clause preventing people from speaking to public officials would be enforceable. “If you interpret that as saying even if they break the law under the regulations, you can’t complain to the energy regulator, I would have to say that my offhanded opinion is that it would be doubtful that that can be enforced,” said Percy. “I just couldn’t imagine a court upholding that.” For now, Alain Labrecque is spending his last summer working at his old farm in Reno before he shuts it down completely. Although he has moved to B.C., he said doesn’t want to sell the farmhouse to another family to have them go through the same thing. “I don’t want to see anybody else living there,” he said. “It’s not something that happened. It’s still happening.” Read more – Crude Awakening: a Global News investigation into Alberta’s oil spills VIDEO: Alain Labrecque takes Global Edmonton’s Vassy Kapelos on a tour of his abandoned home near Peace River, Alberta. Baytex, one of several oil companies operating in the area, says its operations are fully compliant with the Alberta Energy Regulator and air quality tests have shown that they meet the province’s ambient air quality objectives. Other companies contacted by Global News said the same. Note: Story updated August 30, 2013 at 5:24 pm Eastern to include video of Alain Labrecque.
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Ruchi Savarn Biography, Age, Height, Family, Boyfriend & More Skip to content Menu Home About us Contact us Disclaimer Privacy Policy Terms And Conditions Ruchi Savarn Biography, Age, Height, Family, Boyfriend & More January 17, 2022 by FaceMLM Writer Ruchi Savarn is an Indian actress. She is known for television shows like Kumkum Bhagya and Ghar Aaja Pardesi, and Tamanna etc. Ruchi Savarn started his career in the year 2009 with the TV show Pyaar Ka Bandhan. Read More: Angel Rai Biography, Age, Career, Family, Affairs & More Ruchi Savarn Biography Ruchi Savarn was born on 26 May 1992 in a Hindu family in Nagpur, India. Ruchi Savarn Childhood – Upbringing – Ruchi Savarn was born in Nagpur, India. Ruchi belongs to upper castes in Nagpur, India. Ruchi Savarn is a Hindu. She has to follow Hinduism. He holds Indian nationality. Name Ruchi Savarn Surname interest Birth Nagpur, India birthplace 26 May 1992 Age 28 years the nationality Indian Religion Hindu profession model, actress Ruchi Savarn Physical Stats Ruchi Savarn Height is 157 cm. and Ruchi Savarn’s feet are 5′ 2″. The weight of Ruchi Savarn is 52 kg. If we tell about the physical structure of Ruchi Savarn, then his physical structure measurement is 34-28-36. Ruchi Savarn has beautiful sparkling black eyes and long black-colored hair. Ruchi Savarn Family Ruchi Savarn’s father’s name is not known and her mother’s name is not known. Ruchi Savarn’s husband’s name is Ankit Mohan. Ruchi Savarn Education His school name was Ramjas School Pusa Road, Delhi. He completed his college education at Mirinda House, Faridabad. Ruchi Savarn Career Ruchi Savarn started out in TV as an associate lead/producer before becoming an actress. His roles include Hindi, for example, Zunj Marathon, Ghar Aaja Pardesi, Crime Patrol, Fear Files, etc. In the Marathi TV sequence, Sakhi, she played the role of Revathi, playing against lead actor Digpal Lanjekar. He is also a ready-made artist. In 2009, Ruchi started her acting career with the television serial Pyaar Ka Badhan. She played the supporting role of Radha. Her performance in the show was liked by the audience and the show was a success. The following year, he was featured in the show Tere Liye. He played the character of Jonaki Ganguly. The show ran for almost a year and ended with a success. After that, she appeared in some episodes of Fear Files and Crime Patrol. In 2013, she was cast as Devika in the popular TV show Ghar Aaja Pardesi. The show was critically acclaimed and received an overwhelming response from the audience. Later, she appeared in shows including Shakti, Tamanna, and Sakhya Re. In 2017, she was featured in the very popular ZeeTV show Kumkum Bhagya. She played the role of Disha in the film. Also, she was seen playing the role of Disha in the extended version of the former show Kundali Bhagya. Year Television 2009-2010 Pyaar Ka Bandhan 2010-2011 Tere Liye 2012 Fear Fil Crime Patro 2013-2014 Zhunj Marathmoli Ghar Aaja Pardesi 2014-2015 Ajeeb Daastaan ​​Hai Ye Sakhi 2016 Tamanna 2017–2019 Sakhya Re Kumkum Bhagya Kundali Bhagya Ruchi Savarn Affair Ruchi Savarn is very fond of singing, dancing, and traveling. On 2 December 2015, Ruchi married TV actor Ankit Mohan. The couple currently resides in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Ruchi Savarn Net Worth Ruchi Savarn Net Worth 2020-2021 Its net worth is increasing tremendously. So the net worth of Ruchi Savarn is Rs. 5-6 Crore. The main source of income of Ruchi Savarn is modeling, acting in television. Ruchi Savarn Favorite things favorite food Butter Chicken, P favorite actor Shahrukh Khan favorite actress Kareena Kapoor favorite smoke America Ruchi Savarn Social Media Facebook Not Available Twitter Not Available Instagram @ruchisavarn Last word In this post, we shared with you information related to Ruchi Savarn Biography, Net Worth, Age, Height & More hope that you will like this Ruchi Savarn biography. Thank you for reading this article. If you like this article, please tell us in the comment section. If you want to read more articles please visit our more articles and stay tuned with us. If you want to read any article please tell us in the comment section, Thank you again. 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by Russ Belville, NORML Outreach Coordinator “Marijuana is something that real people care about.” — Jimmy Kimmel (forward to 21:50 or click here) Late night comedian Jimmy Kimmel performed at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner and took a moment to confront President Obama on his marijuana crackdown. I do have one real question for you, Mr. President. What’s with the marijuana crackdown? I mean, seriously, what’s the concern, we will deplete the nation’s Funyun supply? You know, pot smokers vote, too. Sometimes a week after the election, but they vote. Let’s take a quick poll. I would like everyone in this room to raise your hand if you’ve never smoked pot. [Very few hands go up.] Heh heh. There you go. Look at Brit Hume – he’s high right now. He’s on his fourth almond macaroon. Mr. President, I hope you don’t think I’m out of line here, but marijuana is something that real people care about. The fact that you believe Speaker Boehner when he tells you he still has control of his party leads me to believe that you must be smoking some crazy great weed yourself. Woody Harrelson just woke up. Thank you, Jimmy Kimmel, for exemplifying how a cannabis consumer can be polite yet direct in calling on the president to explain a policy that is no longer supported by a majority of Americans. Half of this country supports outright legalization of marijuana and three-quarters think marijuana punishments, if any, should be no more than ticketable offenses, not crimes.
Judge tosses challenge to S.F. ID card plan SAN FRANCISCO He tosses lawsuit over city's plan to aid immigrants Tom Ammiano Tom Ammiano Photo: Lance Iversen, The Chronicle Photo: Lance Iversen, The Chronicle Image 1 of / 1 Caption Close Judge tosses challenge to S.F. ID card plan 1 / 1 Back to Gallery A San Francisco Superior Court judge ruled Tuesday that the city's plan to issue municipal identification cards to residents regardless of immigration status does not violate state and federal law. Judge Peter Busch tossed out a lawsuit filed by the Immigration Reform Law Institute of Washington on behalf of four San Francisco residents who argued the program would amount to aiding and abetting illegal immigration. The ruling was a victory for city officials looking to implement the ID card program, which the Board of Supervisors approved in November but Mayor Gavin Newsom put on hold in August to make sure it complies with state and federal laws. Newsom's move came after a series of Chronicle articles explaining how the city regularly shielded young illegal immigrants from deportation after they were found guilty of felony crimes. That practice has since been stopped. The mayor also wants to address administrative questions, such as how to prevent the cards from being counterfeited or fraudulently obtained. "The program is a go. The last challenges are administrative and technical as opposed to political," said Supervisor Tom Ammiano, who sponsored the ID card legislation and is running for state Assembly. "I'm looking forward to expediting the implementation. ... I'd love it to happen before I leave the board on Dec. 1." Mayoral spokesman Nathan Ballard welcomed Busch's ruling but said it would have little impact on the review being conducted by City Administrator Ed Lee. "We want to make sure we move forward with a bulletproof program," Ballard said. "This ruling is separate. This is about one lawsuit. The mayor believes the program is legal; however, he wants to make sure that it's implemented safely." Ballard would give no timetable for completing the program review, saying it would take "as long as it takes." Lee sent Ammiano an e-mail Friday, saying he anticipated the program would start in early 2009. The e-mail says city officials are preparing educational materials, training, hardware and software to begin issuing the cards. The program would make San Francisco the largest city in the country to issue municipal identification. New Haven, Conn., began issuing cards last year. Opponents of the program are considering appealing Busch's ruling. "This is simply a step in a long process," said Patrick Skain, a native San Franciscan and retired firefighter who brought the lawsuit along with others. "We'll review what took place today and look at the nuances of the arguments and make a determination from there." Skain and others argued that the city cannot declare a person to be a resident if they are not in the country legally. They contend the ID program is an illegal use of city funds that will further strain public services and hamper federal immigration investigations. Busch, though, said the ID program is "neutral with respect to immigration status." It doesn't certify that anyone is in the country legally, but it provides a mechanism for city residents to access services like library cards and discounted rates at city-owned golf courses, the judge said. "This doesn't deal with immigration," Busch said. "Clearly it does not require anyone to withhold information, because they do not collect the information."
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Personalized Alocasia Triangularis Care: Water, Light, Nutrients | Greg App Greg Plant Care About Blog Community Download Home Plant Care About Blog Community Download Plant Care Alocasia Triangularis @Alaiff Bandar Seri Begawan, Daerah Brunei-Muara 1/1 Alocasia Triangularis Taxonomy Scientific name Alocasia Triangularis Genus Alocasia Family Araceae Order Alismatales How to care for Alocasia Triangularis Water Light Nutrients Jump to summary ↓ Water How often to water your Alocasia Triangularis 0.5 cups every 9 Alocasia Triangularis needs 0.5 cups of water every 9 when it doesn’t get direct sunlight and is potted in a 5" pot. Use our water calculator to personalize watering recommendations to your environment or download Greg for more advanced recommendations for all of your plants. Water 0.5 cups every 9 Does your plant get direct sunlight? No Yes Select the pot size 5" Never miss a water with Greg's smart reminders Greg is a plant care intelligence that has learned how plants work so you can grow with confidence! Light Check the growing potential in your area A plant's growing potential is determined from its location, the time of year, and current local weather. Select a city to check sunlight intensity Finding light for Alocasia Triangularis in your home 3ft or less from a window Alocasia Triangularis may have difficulty thriving, and will drop leaves 🍃, without ample sunlight. Place it less than 3 feet from a south-facing window to maximize the potential for growth. Select your region to see how the current weather in your area affects the placement of Alocasia Triangularis in your home 🏡. Nutrients How to fertilize Alocasia Triangularis Most potting soils come with ample nutrients which plants use to produce new growth. By the time your plant has depleted the nutrients in its soil it’s likely grown enough to need a larger pot anyway. To replenish this plant's nutrients, repot your Alocasia Triangularis after it doubles in size or once a year—whichever comes first. FAQs Water Needs Alocasia Triangularis prefers for the soil to dry out between waterings and should be watered regularly. Use our water calculator to personalize watering recommendations to your environment or download Greg for more advanced recommendations for all of your plants. Sunlight Needs Alocasia Triangularis may have difficulty thriving and will drop leaves 🍃 without ample sunlight. Place it less than 3 feet from a window to maximize the potential for growth. Select your region to see how the current weather in your area affects the placement in your home 🏡. Toxicity Greg does not have confirmed data on this plant’s toxicity. If you, a family member, or a pet consumes plant material of unknown toxicity, it’s always best to consult a medical professional. If you or someone else ingested this plant, call Poison Control at US (800) 222-1222. If a pet consumed this plant, contact your veterinarian or the ASPCA at US (888) 426-4435. Humidity Alocasia Triangularis doesn’t require additional humidity. Plants absorb most water through their root system rather than their leaves, so the best way to provide humidity for your plants is through watering the soil. Soil Alocasia Triangularis does best in well-draining soil. A good soil will contain lots of organic matter such as coco coir as well as perlite or vermiculite to help with drainage. Adding a handful of perlite to regular store-bought potting soil should do the trick! Fertilizer Alocasia Triangularis should be repotted after it doubles in size or once a year, whichever comes first. Fresh potting soil has all the nutrients your plant needs, so as long as it’s refreshed yearly, you shouldn’t need to use fertilizer. Remember, plants get their energy from sunlight, not fertilizer! Dormancy It’s common for Alocasia Triangularis to go dormant in the wintertime and you may notice their growth slow down. Waterings should be spaced out more during this time. Native Region Alocasia Triangularis is native to tropical and subtropical Asia and Eastern Australia. Care Summary for Alocasia Triangularis Alocasia Triangularis Greg recommends: Water 0.5 cups every 9 days Placement < 3ft from a window Nutrients Repot after 2x growth Based on the 4” pot your plant is in, and that it doesn’t get direct sunlight. Grow your Alocasia Triangularis with confidence Get personalized care for every one of your plants! Trending in your area Marble Queen Pothos Split Leaf Philodendr… Coleus Dieffenbachia Zebra Plant Lucky Bamboo Cylindrical Snake Pla… False Christmas Cactus Arabian Coffee Plant Ficus Ginseng Aloe Vera African Violet Tradescantia Nanouk Arrowhead Plant Cornstalk Dracaena Snake Plant Small-Leaf Spiderwort Dragon Tree Similar to Alocasia Triangularis Aglaonema 'Parrot Jun… Aglaonema 'Cutlass' Aglaonema Eileen Aglaonema 'Sparkling … Agloanema 'Harlequin' Alocasia Reginae Silv… Alocasia Alocasia 'Chantrieri' Aglaonema 'Ernesto's … Aglaonema Aglaonema Alocasia 'Maharani' Aglaonema 'Treubii' Aglaonema 'Silver Spl… ✨ Discover rare plants Picasso's Paintbrush White Apple Moth Orch… Raphionacme flanaganii Echeveria Arrow Cleistocactus icosago… Rosularia platyphylla Pine Cone Plant Red Mistletoe Cactus Marquise de Sevigne Ceropegia simoneae Philodendron 'Glorius' Anthurium 'Fantasy Lo… Echeveria laui This plant is popular in Tucson New Orleans Omaha Fort Worth Boise Irondequoit Westerville Fort Collins Pittsburgh Portland Eugene Denver Atlanta Sacramento Madison Phoenix Dallas Jacksonville Grow plants with confidence and find new friends along the way. © 2021 Gregarious, Inc. 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I Got 99 Problems & Understanding Money is One - Sunday Edit Sunday Edit Beauty Skin Hair Makeup Nails Wellness Mental Health Health Holistic & Spiritual Love Sex Lifestyle Home Sustainability Culture Fashion Travel Gifts Shop About Us Email Address Subscribe x Subscribe Search Search PM Images/Getty Images Lifestyle » Culture I Got 99 Problems & Understanding Money is One Grace Gallagher August 19, 2020 You have probably seen that meme by now, the one that says “I’m glad I learned about parallelograms instead of how to do taxes. It’s really come in handy this parallelogram season.” It is funny in the way much humor is: maddeningly true. Traditional high schools and colleges do not truly prepare us for the reality of adulthood finances, loans, mortgages and debt. At the age of 23, I called my mom and asked her how to write my first rent check. The good news is that if you want to learn more, there are plenty of ways to educate yourself on how to manage your money. I am part of a small, women-only finance group where we pride ourselves on having open, honest conversations about money. We meet every six weeks and read a finance-related book leading up to each meeting, (we just finished “Invested” by Danielle Town and her father, Phil Town which I highly recommend). I can’t meet with this group every day, which is probably for the best because if I could, I would be made of Trader Joe’s wine and cheese straws. When I can’t be with my financially savvy friends, I turn to podcasts for financial advice that comes from a neutral party. Below are some of our favorite finance and money-related podcasts that have something to offer regardless of where you are in your own financial journey. If you think you are bad with money: Bad With Money With Gaby Dunn Bad With Money With Gaby Dunn Gaby Dunn’s podcast is something I did not think money podcasts could be: fun. Dunn, a TV writer, actor and bestselling author does not claim to be a financial expert; in fact, she trudges through her own financial history and shortcomings as a sort of cautionary tale. She tackles a different financial theme each episode with the help of her guests, including Mara Wilson (who you may remember as Matilda). Other guests consist of politicians, celebrities, finance experts, authors and activists. The fourth season starts on April 24th — catch the first episode now — but there are gems to be found in the first three seasons, including my favorite “What If You’re F*cked (aka No, Seriously – What Then?)” which is helpful for anyone who feels like they are buried under a debt mountain as a result of freelancing, mental health situations, substance abuse or identity fraud. If you are seeking advice in all areas of finance: HerMoney with Jean Chatzky HerMoney with Jean Chatzky Jean Chatzky kind of does it all: She is the financial editor for the TODAY show, a journalist, the personal finance ambassador for AARP, and of course, the host of the HerMoney podcast. Chatzky’s philosophy can be distilled into five easily understood bullet points, and her podcast delves deeper into all aspects of money. The podcast is made specifically for women and addresses larger societal questions like why women are so much less likely to invest than their male counterparts. Each episode is money-related but tagged to a larger theme including careers, love, family, save, job hunting, financial planning, entrepreneurship and more. This makes it easy to find the episodes that will resonate with your specific questions. If you are interested in how money influences other aspects of your life: Money Girl Money Girl Laura Adams, finance expert, speaker and author with bylines in The New York Times, Forbes and more, has hosted Money Girl since 2008, which means there are over 10 years of episodes to listen to. You will find episodes on anything from how to stop impulse buying, tips for buying your first house, managing your 401K, or saving on health and fitness expenses. Adams’ mission is to help you “Live Rich and Love the Journey” and her advice is genuine, easy to understand and succinct. Best of all, each episode clocks in between 10 and 20 minutes, perfect for listening to while you clean up the kitchen or run a quick errand. If you always go too deep during the small talk: Death, Sex & Money Death, Sex & Money Who doesn’t love the soothing voices of an NPR podcast? Death, Sex & Money, hosted by Anna Sale, journalist, creator of this podcast, and author of the forthcoming book “Go There: The Art of Talking About Hard Things,” addresses some of the pertinent topics that are “often left out of the polite conversation.” This is not solely a financial podcast, but a little digging reveals important financial conversations from real people dealing with real-life issues including student loan debt, money and love (think: prenups), and opportunity costs, which largely deals with class issues. If you have 5 minutes or less: Millennial Money Minutes Millennial Money Minutes This podcast speaks to my easily-distracted soul because it distills complicated personal finance topics in five minutes or less. The hosts, Grant Sabatier, author and founder of the Millennial Money website, and Matt Zubricki founder of the website, Distilled Dollar, make you feel like you are listening to your most knowledgeable friend. You will get bite-size information on anything from Bitcoin to stocks and net worth, and you may even laugh out loud. If a subject piques your interest, you can always listen to a longer podcast on the same topic, and if not, you have enough basic info to talk about it at a party (you know, those really fun parties where you gather around and talk about finance, proving you are officially an adult). If you are thinking of quitting your job: Afford Anything Afford Anything The name of this podcast really appeals to me because I have my eye on a pair of Rachel Comey mules that I just can’t justify on a freelance writer’s salary. The basic premise of the podcast is if you act accordingly (by spending less or making more), you may not be able to afford everything, but you can afford anything. Creator and host, Paula Pant (who has a blog by the same name of the podcast) saved money, quit her day job, then spent two years backpacking and vowed to never return to a desk job. She has made this dream her reality and will teach you how you can too. She interviews all kinds of experts, including Tom Herman, who teaches the practice of creating alter egos to improve your performance in any area of life (basically you can Sasha Fierce your way to a better financial situation) and teaches “normal” people about a myriad of topics including loans, real estate investments, financial mindset, and the FIRE technique which is buzzy right now in the personal finance world and stands for “Financial Independence, Retire Early.” Sign me up! If You Want to Learn From a Finance OG: Women & Money by Suze Orman Women & Money by Suze Orman Ah, Suze Orman, the original Girl Boss of the finance world. With over 35 years of experience helping people create and maintain their wealth, Orman’s turned to the podcast forum to reach a wider audience. As the title suggests, the podcast is geared toward women and “men who are smart enough to tune in.” She balances her no BS, straightforward attitude with advice that is empathetic and easy to understand. She will give advice on anything from trusting yourself to make the right financial decisions for your life, to addressing anger, which she sees as one of the obstacles to wealth. Lifestyle Culture Sundays should be special. Sign up for the Sunday Edit newsletter to stay in-the-know on all things skincare and beyond. Email Address Subscribe Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy Most Popular How to Cleanse Your House in 10 Easy Steps What to Do When You’re Bored at Home Alone 5 Apps to Stay in Touch With Friends Read More Female Entrepreneurs on Raising Women Up By Lindsay Tigar Start Your ‘F*ck Off Fund’ Today By Daley Quinn Body Positive Podcasts for Daily Motivation By Cortne Bonilla How Personal Is Too Personal to Get at Work? By Drew Carlos by Beauty Wellness Lifestyle Shop About Us Our Contributors Terms + Conditions Privacy Policy California Privacy Notice Contact Us Make Sundays special! Stay in the loop on all things skincare (and beyond) with our weekly newsletter. Email Address Sign Me Up! © 2022 Sunday Edit We use cookies to ensure that you have the best experience on our site. By continuing to use our site, you accept the use of cookies. Learn more here Accept heart-envelope-email No more Sunday scaries. Make Sundays special again! Sign up for the Sunday Edit newsletter to stay in-the-know on topics that spark a conversation for everyone. Email Address See You Sunday! No Thank You! Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy
10:00pm EST - Biggest point of contention after this update: Building placement is fucked. Foundation / floor placement requires you to move all over, you can't place things near each other, no more sleeping bags / furnaces / boxes close together, and good luck finishing parts of your base if you placed any deployables nearby. Thankfully, I talked to Andre and he confirmed most of these things are unintentional and will work on some fixes in the morning. In the mean time, prepare to be frustrated whilst building. 5:30pm EST - The update and devblog are out! 3:00pm EST - The update stream is live! twitch.tv/rustafied 2:45pm EST - The update stream goes live in 15! twitch.tv/rustafied 2:30pm EST - Some small changes to land mines: You can now disarm one, even if you didn't place it. This'll also put that land mine in your inventory. Edit: You can only disarm mines if it's been activated, and there is a chance it'll explode when you do. So if you step on a mine and don't step off of it, another player can try to disarm it. If they do successfully, then they get the mine. 1:42pm EST - We just updated our dev branch server to the latest version. If you want to test everything out prior to the update fully launching, opt your client into the development branch and look for us on the official list. 1:00pm EST - It's that day again, time for an update! Between Garry still being on vacation and Helk keeping secrets, this hasn't been the most robust week as far as commits are concerned. That said, we have 2 awesome new melee weapons, some sorely needed performance enhancements, and various other changes. This update will not force a wipe, however, server owners may wipe at their discretion (see Rustafied wipe status at the bottom of this post). As usual, our live update stream will start at 3 PM Eastern. We'll show off what's new, answer questions, and track the launch of the update (likely due out between 4pm and 6pm EST). Stay tuned to @Rustafied for updates throughout the day. Let's get into it…
SatNOGS COMMS - Libre Space Foundation Skip to main content Menu Skip to content Community Projects Services Blog About Us Donate Contact Us SatNOGS COMMS SatNOGS COMMS is a versatile telecommunications solution suitable for nano-satellites and Cubesats, operating in UHF and S-band and featuring tight integration with the SatNOGS Network. Its scope is wide, spanning from the space segment transceiver to the ground segment station. Check out a more detailed description of this turn-key solution: You can find the SatNOGS COMMS repositories here. You can join the SatNOGS COMMS dedicated channel here. OpenSatCom Cronos Contact Us × Cancel Δ Libre Space Foundation - 2021 - CC-BY-SA We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. By clicking “Accept All”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Cookie SettingsAccept All Manage consent Close Privacy Overview This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Necessary Necessary Always Enabled Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Cookie Duration Description cookielawinfo-checkbox-analytics 11 months This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". cookielawinfo-checkbox-functional 11 months The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". cookielawinfo-checkbox-necessary 11 months This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". cookielawinfo-checkbox-others 11 months This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. cookielawinfo-checkbox-performance 11 months This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". viewed_cookie_policy 11 months The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. It does not store any personal data. Functional Functional Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Performance Performance Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Analytics Analytics Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Advertisement Advertisement Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Others Others Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. SAVE & ACCEPT
Scotland becomes the first country to offer tampons and pads for free, officials say | KGOU Search Query Show Search Home Listen Listening Options Listening Options News KGOU News NPR News StateImpact Capitol Insider KGOU AM NewsBrief KGOU PM NewsBrief Oklahoma Watch Oklahoma Watch: Long Story Short National Weather Service Forecast KGOU Archive KGOU News NPR News StateImpact Capitol Insider KGOU AM NewsBrief KGOU PM NewsBrief Oklahoma Watch Oklahoma Watch: Long Story Short National Weather Service Forecast KGOU Archive Programs Shows and Podcasts Schedule Special Programs KGOU Readers Club KGOU Sunday Radio Matinee Weekend Blues Tonic: The Funky Groove Show Global Sojourn How Curious Shows and Podcasts Schedule Special Programs KGOU Readers Club KGOU Sunday Radio Matinee Weekend Blues Tonic: The Funky Groove Show Global Sojourn How Curious Support Donate Online Membership Information Donate a car Thank-you Gifts Member Connect Planned Giving Business Support Donate Online Membership Information Donate a car Thank-you Gifts Member Connect Planned Giving Business Support About About KGOU KGOU History Awards Manager's Minute Key Information FCC Online Public Files Jobs Internships KGOU e-Newsletter Archive Contest Rules Who's Who in Public Radio This is KGOU About KGOU KGOU History Awards Manager's Minute Key Information FCC Online Public Files Jobs Internships KGOU e-Newsletter Archive Contest Rules Who's Who in Public Radio This is KGOU Events Community Calendar Events Calendar Guidelines Submit A Community Event Community Calendar Events Calendar Guidelines Submit A Community Event Contact Us E-mail or call us People About Underwriting Facebook Twitter Instagram Newsletters E-mail or call us People About Underwriting Facebook Twitter Instagram Newsletters © 2022 KGOU Menu News and Music for Oklahoma Show Search Search Query Donate Play Live Radio Next Up: 0:00 0:00 Available On Air Stations On Air Now Playing KGOU-FM All Streams Home Listen Listening Options Listening Options News KGOU News NPR News StateImpact Capitol Insider KGOU AM NewsBrief KGOU PM NewsBrief Oklahoma Watch Oklahoma Watch: Long Story Short National Weather Service Forecast KGOU Archive KGOU News NPR News StateImpact Capitol Insider KGOU AM NewsBrief KGOU PM NewsBrief Oklahoma Watch Oklahoma Watch: Long Story Short National Weather Service Forecast KGOU Archive Programs Shows and Podcasts Schedule Special Programs KGOU Readers Club KGOU Sunday Radio Matinee Weekend Blues Tonic: The Funky Groove Show Global Sojourn How Curious Shows and Podcasts Schedule Special Programs KGOU Readers Club KGOU Sunday Radio Matinee Weekend Blues Tonic: The Funky Groove Show Global Sojourn How Curious Support Donate Online Membership Information Donate a car Thank-you Gifts Member Connect Planned Giving Business Support Donate Online Membership Information Donate a car Thank-you Gifts Member Connect Planned Giving Business Support About About KGOU KGOU History Awards Manager's Minute Key Information FCC Online Public Files Jobs Internships KGOU e-Newsletter Archive Contest Rules Who's Who in Public Radio This is KGOU About KGOU KGOU History Awards Manager's Minute Key Information FCC Online Public Files Jobs Internships KGOU e-Newsletter Archive Contest Rules Who's Who in Public Radio This is KGOU Events Community Calendar Events Calendar Guidelines Submit A Community Event Community Calendar Events Calendar Guidelines Submit A Community Event Contact Us E-mail or call us People About Underwriting Facebook Twitter Instagram Newsletters E-mail or call us People About Underwriting Facebook Twitter Instagram Newsletters Health Scotland becomes the first country to offer tampons and pads for free, officials say By Becky Sullivan Published August 16, 2022 at 3:26 PM CDT Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Jeff J. Mitchell / Getty Images Period products are seen in a Scottish supermarket in 2020, when Scotland's parliament initially approved legislation to make such products available for free. Period products, including tampons and sanitary pads, are now free of cost in Scotland to anyone who needs them. Starting this week, menstrual products will be available in places like pharmacies and community centers, thanks to legislation approved by Scotland's parliament in 2020. "Providing access to free period products is fundamental to equality and dignity, and removes the financial barriers to accessing them," said Social Justice Secretary Shona Robison in a statement, calling the move "more important than ever" in an era of rising costs of living. "Proud of what we have achieved in Scotland. We are the first but won't be the last," said Scottish parliament member Monica Lennon, who began floating the proposal in 2016. Awareness has grown in recent years about how access to period products can affect education and economic stability for people who need them. Scotland is the first country to offer period products free of charge on a national scale. Others, including New Zealand and Kenya, distribute products for free in public schools. In the U.S., a package of tampons or menstrual pads costs around $7 to $10 for a supply that may last a month or two. (Other products are designed to be reused, like period underwear or menstrual cups, and have a higher upfront cost.) Supply chain disruptions have affected availability and driven up costs. About 14% of American college students struggle to afford period products, a number higher among Black and Latina women, according to a recent study by George Mason University. And those who regularly struggled to afford them were more likely to experience depression, researchers found. Women who struggle to afford basic necessities may choose to skip the cost of a box of tampons, turning to toilet paper or socks instead. A survey of low-income women in St. Louis published in 2019 found that nearly half reported having to choose between food and menstrual products at some point during the year. Assistance programs like SNAP and WIC generally do not cover the cost of period products. Research has shown that a lack of access to period products can cause women and girls to miss school or work. "Imagine trying to take a math test being so scared that you're going to have an accident," said Dr. Shelby Davies at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, speaking in an interview with NPR last year. "Like, how do you focus on that?" Toilet paper and soap are provided for free in public restrooms, advocates say, so why not period products? In the U.S., some states have passed legislation requiring public K-12 schools to provide period products free of cost, including New York, Virginia and Oregon. About a dozen states have exempted period products from sales tax. At the federal level, New York Rep. Grace Meng, a Democrat, introduced legislation last year that would require Medicaid to cover period products, along with providing grants and other assistance to improve access in K-12 schools, colleges and universities, public federal buildings and incarceration facilities. The bill remains in committee. Copyright 2022 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org. Tags Health NPR NewsTop Stories Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Email Becky Sullivan Becky Sullivan has reported and produced for NPR since 2011 with a focus on hard news and breaking stories. She has been on the ground to cover natural disasters, disease outbreaks, elections and protests, delivering stories to both broadcast and digital platforms. See stories by Becky Sullivan More News Health The CDC is looking into a stomach bug outbreak at the Grand Canyon Health After 42 years providing abortion access, rural Louisiana clinic closes its doors Health Two years into the pandemic, long COVID patients are suffering Health New report finds 'shocking' levels of lead in Chicago water Stay Connected twitter instagram facebook © 2022 KGOU Terms of Use Key Information Public Files Privacy Listening Options Support our work Contact Us
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THERE are two times of year when crowds swell at the sombre and imposing memorial to victims of the violence carried out here in 1937 by Japanese troops. One is during April’s grave-sweeping holiday, when Chinese families honour deceased ancestors. The other is the period surrounding the December 13th anniversary of the start of the six-week rampage that killed an estimated 300,000 Chinese and is known to history as the Nanjing Massacre. China is never shy about putting its history to political use when it seems expedient, and this year’s anniversary, the 75th, coming at an especially sensitive juncture in China’s ever tense relationship with Japan, is one of those times. Get our daily newsletter Upgrade your inbox and get our Daily Dispatch and Editor's Picks. Historians around the world generally accept China’s account of the Nanjing Massacre, and its estimate of the death toll. But there is one conspicuous problem with China’s frequent insistence that Japan (or indeed anyone) “face history squarely”. That would be China’s tendentious handling of its own modern history, replete as it is with famine, persecution and injustice inflicted on its people by a ruling party that resists accountability and can be as stubbornly denialist about its own past as is any nationalist politician in Japan. The nature of the dilemma can be seen in two new films about a devastating famine that stuck Henan province seven years before the Communist Party gained power. One, a documentary called “The Great Famine of 1942: Human Flesh Became a Commodity Sold by Peddlers”, aired on television. The other, now showing in cinemas across China, is “1942”, the latest big-screen epic from a leading Chinese director, Feng Xiaogang. Historians have already begun quibbling about matters of accuracy. Both works portray China’s pre-Communist leader, Chiang Kai-shek, and his Kuomintang (KMT) government as feckless and indifferent in their response to the drought-induced famine that, during the war against Japan, sent millions fleeing from Henan towards the neighbouring province of Shaanxi in search of food. Commentators on Chinese-language online discussion boards lamented the immense suffering that was so gut-wrenchingly portrayed, but some also asked why the Chinese media fail to give similar scrutiny to the nationwide famine of the early 1960s—which was induced more by misguided policy than by drought. “Just like Mao’s time in the ’60s, two-thirds of the people in our village died of hunger [during the famine of 1942]. There should be more reporting about the starvation situation in the ’60s,” wrote one. “This is simply the pot calling the kettle black. Can you tell me where you could flee to on the mainland in 1960s?” asked another. All this complicates China’s effort to turn the history of Japan’s historical misdeeds into leverage in the dispute over those uninhabited islets in the East China Sea, the ones known to China as the Diaoyu and to Japan as the Senkakus. The conclusion last month of China’s once-a-decade leadership transition, and the end this coming weekend of Japan’s general election campaign, may offer a respite as contenders for power on both sides feel less pressure to prove themselves hawkish. Japan’s December 16th election now looks likely to restore an opposition candidate and former prime minister, Shinzo Abe, which would at least create an opportunity to realign relations on a smoother path. Since September, when raucous and sometimes ugly anti-Japan demonstrations took place in Beijing and other Chinese cities, hardline figures on both sides have continued to exchange volleys of fiery rhetoric. Amid the acrimony, the Japanese carmaking and tourist industries have seen declining revenues from China. A report last week in Japan’s Asahi Shimbum said that Toyota has already decided to postpone construction of one new car plant in China, and is considering delaying another. One good metric on the Chinese side will be the amount of fervid anti-Japanese content that appears in state-run news and entertainment outlets on this year’s anniversary. Like the crowds at Nanjing’s memorial hall, the volume of such content ebbs and flows, according to tide tables set by the commissars who control Chinese media. It is a longstanding pattern, and the amount of official attention paid to the Nanjing massacre has served as a particularly good indicator. “The government has used the Nanjing massacre for years as a tool,” says Xu Xin, a professor at Nanjing University. “It is like a thermometer telling the temperature of relations between China and Japan. Whenever there is a dispute, there are more news reports and television programmes showing how bad the Japanese were,” he said. In the run-up to December 13th this year, Chinese media have kept the anti-Japan drumbeat to a minimum. A new three-volume history of the massacre is being published to mark the anniversary (with English and Japanese translations due out later), but state-run news outlets are not paying nearly as much attention to this anniversary as they did to the September anniversary of Japan’s 1931 incursion into northern China. To judge from the light security presence outside Japan’s embassy in Beijing, police are not expecting any repeat of September’s excitement. Indeed, quiet commemorations of such anniversaries have been the rule, and protests have been the exception. For decades after the war, Chinese accounts rarely singled out the events in Nanjing from the vast, ugly blur of wartime history. Only in the early 1980s did this change. Some historians, such as Yinan He, who is based in America, argue that China pragmatically downplayed its wartime history in the years leading to the 1970s normalisation of relations with Japan; and that the shift in tone of the 1980s served to foster nationalism and unity in unsettled times. Another professor at Nanjing University, the historian Zhang Sheng, disagrees, attributing the change of tone to the emergence of massacre deniers in Japan, and their efforts to downplay Japanese misconduct in school textbooks. “Japanese denial spurred Chinese people—and scholars around the world—to research the issue,” he said.
Hi Everyone, In this post I will be discussing, perhaps the most important thing to get right in your internet marketing, which is writing copy for a website, and in particular writing product reviews. You would be amazed out how many more sales you can make if you just pay attention to how you write your copy. I find that a lot of people focus heavily on traffic generation, which is important, but they lack any clue about copy writing for niche sites, and end up making no money because of it. Below I will explain what works for me. When I am researching a product that I know nothing about, the first thing I do is type into Google the exact keyword phrase I want to target for a particular page on my site. Then I open the top 3-5 pages in the Google results. The phrase is often a buyer keyword, such as “buy product” “product review” etc… The reason I read the top 5 websites in Google for my phrase, is to find out what other people are writing in their copy, and I often note down common phrases that I see. My theory is that if Google are ranking these sites for this phrase, then I need to have similar words and phrases on my page. Once I have a good idea of the common words and phrases and also have a better understanding about the topic, I will then type into Google: “keyword prhase + forum”. What I am now doing is looking for what people are saying about this product on forums. I want real feedback, the good and the bad! The reason I like to go to forums and have a look around, is that I can find out what the biggest issues are that people are facing, and what they really think about the product I am considering promoting. If I find all the reviews on forums to be terrible, I will not promote the product. So now that I have done my research on the topic and keyword phrase, I now want to put together my own product review. The key things that I do when writing product reviews, is I try to avoid repeating things that the product sales letter has said. Remember that if a person is searching on a review keyword, then they have already had a sales pitch and are on the search for some feedback about the product. However I write things in a subtle way, where I am still pushing the reader towards to product, but I am not doing it so obviously. Often I see affiliate sites that just ram the product down the readers throat, and say it’s the best thing ever. Or even worse are these fictitious stories, where they say they have tried the product and worked like a miracle (not my style). So what I do is include details about the product that are not as easy to find, and describe the benefits of the features I am describing. For example I might say this: “Product XYZ yeast cure claims they can get rid of your yeast infection quickly with out using any nasty chemicals to do so, which is a bonus.” I will also say things that I gathered from my research of user feedback on forums, and say: “From the extensive personal research I did into product XYZ, I found that most users claimed that it did actually make them feel more energetic and overall the product was very well received” You could take it further and say things like: “The product seems to work great for most people, a few people, but not many, claimed the product took 8 weeks to work and not 6 like the company claim, but still that is decent” When writing product reviews I will also mention reasons why you would want to use a product that does this in the first place. So if I stick with Yeast Cure, I would mention all the benefits of clearing yeast infections, so people are more encouraged to get going and start a it immediately, which should, if the rest of the copy is done well, mean they will grab the product you are reviewing. When I finish the product review, it’s important to have a call to action, but again do not make this a sales pitch. What I do is write in a suggesting manner, for example: “If you are looking for a quality yeast infection product, I think product XYZ is a good choice, as the user feedback is very positive, and what’s more the company offer a money back guarantee anyway, which is what reputable companies do.” So there you have it, writing product reviews isn’t hard to do, but you need to make sure you think it through and put yourself in the seat of the potential customer and write what they want to read, not just another sales pitch! All the best Matt
There has been a sharp decline in the number of tigers in India The increasingly endangered animals' numbers have fallen to 1,411, down from 3,642 in the last major survey in 2002. Wildlife activists blame poaching and urbanisation for the decline and say the authorities must do more. Last year, federal authorities announced the creation of a special force to protect tigers. But it is unclear whether it has worked. The latest census, released on Tuesday, said that there had been a decline in tiger population all over India. The only exception was the southern state of Tamil Nadu where the animals' numbers had gone up to 76 from 60 five years ago. 'Time to act' Counting could not be carried out in the states of Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand due to law and order problems, the report said. And the exercise was still going on in Sundarbans in the eastern state of West Bengal, the report added. Rajesh Gopal of India's Project Tiger said the census showed that "though the tiger has suffered due to direct poaching, loss of quality habitat and loss of its prey, there is still hope". Wildlife experts say urgent efforts should be made to save the animals. "It is now time to act and save tigers from human beings. We have to create inviolate areas for tigers and provide modern weapons to forest guards," conservationist Valmik Thapar told Hindustan Times newspaper. Experts blame the government for failing to crack down on poachers and the illegal trade in tiger skins. Tigers are poached for their body parts - skins are prized for fashion and tiger bones are used for oriental medicines. Tiger pelts can fetch up to $12,500 in China. According to reports, there were 40,000 tigers in India a century ago. The country is home to 40% of the world's tigers, with 23 tiger reserves in 17 states.
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Today, I felt it necessary to revisit one of my favorite musicians that has sadly left us this year. It is the perfect day to highlight some of his greatest. I am raising my children to know all of these iconic musicians. I hope all of you guys are too! Enjoy these fabulous Petty tunes and be sure to tell us which one is your favorite. I am a toss-up between “Mary Jane” and “Refugee” myself. Oh and “Runnin Down A Train” totally reminds me of being younger and not having half of the responsibilities I have now (I say this as I pack tomorrow’s lunches and lay out school clothes). Free Fallin’ You Don’t Know How It Feels Don’t Come Around Here No More Mary Jane’s Last Dance Yer So Bad Don’t Do Me Like That Into The Great Wide Open Runnin’ Down A Dream Refugee American Girl Like this: Like Loading...
KILLER Shrimp | Discuss Cooking - Cooking Forums Forums New posts Search forums What's new New posts New media New media comments Latest activity Media New media New comments Search media Log in Register What's new Search Search Everywhere Threads This forum This thread Search titles only By: Search Advanced search… New posts Search forums Menu Log in Register Install the app Install Forums Recipes & Ingredients Fish & Seafood JavaScript is disabled. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. You are using an out of date browser. It may not display this or other websites correctly. You should upgrade or use an alternative browser. KILLER Shrimp Thread starter mish Start date Oct 13, 2004 The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking. If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts. See posts with no answers Oct 13, 2004 #1 M mish Washing Up Joined Oct 4, 2004 Messages 4,355 A while back a restaurant opened in my neck of the woods, by the same name "Killer Shrimp," that seemed to be all the rage. The method of eating the shrimp sounds very similar to the recipe I found...mopping up the juices with thick crusty bread. (The maitre d', actually explained how to eat the dish, lol.) Killer Shrimp 1/4 cup butter 1-1/2 tbl olive oil 1 tbl chili sauce 2 tbl Worcestershire sauce 2 tsp lemon juice 1/2 lemon, thinly sliced, with skin 6-8 cloves garlic, crushed 1 tsp fresh parsley, chopped *1 tbl red pepper flakes 1 tsp oregano *1 tbl Tabasco, (or any good red pepper sauce) 1 lb jumbo shrimp Combine all ingredients except shrimp and simmer briefly; cool. Wash, peel, and devein shrimp; dry and marinate 8 hours in the sauce. Preheat oven to 300°. Place shrimp and marinade in a shallow baking pan and bake 10-12 minutes until shrimp is cooked. Do not over cook. Serve in soup bowls with a good French or sourdough bread to mop up the juices. *Adjust Tabasco and red pepper flakes if you prefer a milder sauce. Another shrimp dish, I'd like to try: Shrimp Versailles 2 tbl green onions, sliced 3 tbl margarine 1 1/2 pounds medium shrimp, shelled/deveined 1 package cream cheese, 8 oz, cubed 3 tbl milk 1/2 cup swiss cheese, shredded 2 tbl dry white wine dash red pepper 1/4 cup dry fine bread crumbs 2 tbl margarine, melted Saute onions in margarine in large skillet until tender. Add shrimp. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until pink. Remove shrimp with slotted spoon and set aside. Add cream cheese and milk to skillet, stirring constantly until cheese melts. Stir in swiss cheese and wine. Add shrimp and pepper. Cook just until heated. Pour into lightly greased casserole. Combine bread crumbs and margarine. Sprinkle over casserole. Broil 1 - 2 minutes, until golden. Serve with rice or pasta. Oct 13, 2004 #2 Audeo Head Chef Joined Sep 1, 2004 Messages 1,871 Location USA,Texas Both of these recipes just make my mouth water, mish. I frequently make shrimp similar to your Killer recipe, but I have never had Shrimp Versailles. Boy, does that sound rich! Oct 13, 2004 #3 M mish Washing Up Joined Oct 4, 2004 Messages 4,355 Hi, Audeo! Audeo said: Both of these recipes just make my mouth water, mish. I frequently make shrimp similar to your Killer recipe, but I have never had Shrimp Versailles. Boy, does that sound rich! Click to expand... Hi, Audeo! I'm quite the shrimp fan. Here's another I hope to get around to - hope you'll enjoy. Thai Curry Shrimp In Coconut Milk 2 tbl peanut oil 12 oz white mushrooms, quartered (about 4 cups) 4 oz shiitake mushrooms, sliced (about 1-1/2 cups) 2 c broccoli florettes 1/2 c green onions, cut in 1" pieces 1 tbl curry powder 1 can (15 oz) unsweetened coconut milk 14 oz frozen peeled shrimp (uncooked) salt, to taste /8 tsp ground red pepper In wok or skillet heat oil until hot. Add mushrooms; stir-fry until just softened, about 2 mins. Add broccoli; stir-fry until nearly crisp-tender, about 2 mins. Add green onions & curry powder; cook, stirring frequently, until curry is fragrant, about 30 seconds. Stir in coconut milk, shrimp, salt & red pepper; cook, stirring occasionally, until heated through & sauce thickens slightly, about 3 mins. Serve over Angel hair pasta or rice. Oct 15, 2004 #4 L Lifter Washing Up Joined Jun 26, 2004 Messages 1,018 All these recipes are making me hungry! A year ago, I took a "cooking course" for fun, and one of the chefs giving classes explained how restaurants do shrimp cocktails to better advantage... Turns out you get better results by having bay leaves in the boiling water... Restaurant chefs will, she said, steam or boil the shrimp for precisely one minute, then remove them and quickly make a slice down the back of the shrimp, then reinsert them for precisely another two minutes...(this slicing with allow the shrimp meat to puff up in the final cooking, and make it look like a bigger, more expensive shrimp than it is-tricks of the trade!) On removing the shrimp, you must "shock" them by dropping them into heavily iced water (might even salt that to brine it and get it colder!) in order to immediately stop the cooking process, that the shrimps don't get overcooked and stringy/tough, but are done, but sort of juicy at the same time...(the difference is remarkable!) You'll also note this to be the case in frying shrimp, in that you should do them at the absolute last moment before serving, since you can't effectively cool them to stop them from overcooking...so you should aim to undercook slightly when fying, baking or BBQ'ing... Anyways, hope this gives some of you an idea or two for your next batch! Lifter I had been trying to cook shimp with lemon, and was told that all you had to do was leave lemon in contact with shrimp for a bit and you were "chemically cooking" them! Don't add lemon until you are putting it your mouth... Oct 16, 2004 #5 marmalady Executive Chef Joined Sep 3, 2004 Messages 2,642 Location USA,SouthCarolina At one of my catering gigs, one of their 'specialties' was a huge shrimp cocktail platter, so we always did tons of shrimp! We'd get a pot going of water, quartered lemons, bay leaves, peppercorns, and 'shrimp boil' seasoning, and let that simmer for about a half hour; added the shrimp, stood over the pot and watched just til the shrimp turned pink, then drained them into a colander in the sink and dropped in an ice bath. The largest quantity I remember doing at one time was 50 lbs!!!! Oct 21, 2004 #6 N norgeskog Washing Up Joined Aug 28, 2004 Messages 3,615 Location Eugene, Oregon Thanks mish, those recipes do sound wonderful, will try them Oct 21, 2004 #7 N norgeskog Washing Up Joined Aug 28, 2004 Messages 3,615 Location Eugene, Oregon Thanks mish, those recipes do sound wonderful, will try them Nov 1, 2004 #8 R Robt Senior Cook Joined Mar 27, 2004 Messages 246 Location Seattle Ceviche: 1/2# peeled and deveined Shrimp { 26-30 count is my choice but it is not a rule} [also a good place to add sea scallops ] (or fish chunks) about a teaspoon of chopped pepper {I like sorreno or Korean or even 1/2 the amount of Thai Bird Chillies} 3-4 chopped green onions 1 chopped pear tomato pinch of salt 1 clove garlic pressed put in a bowel, cover with lime [or lemon- its milder] juice cover in the reefer for 2-3 hours, try to remember to stir at least one or two times TO serve: Small plate, optional leaf of butter lettuce, about a cup of Ceviche, along side on the plate something mild to offset the acid--I usually use a quarter or half of an avocado but another favorite is a slice of ripe mango... Nice luncheon salad or starter at a dinner. As you can see nothing is cast in stone. The method is to "cook" the protein in acid. Play with it you can even cook meat ,read beef, this way. As lifter said above add the lemon as you put the shrimp in your mouth or you will over cook the shrimp. [lemon on fish has become kind of an American tradition but it only real function is to mask the ammonia of old fish] You must log in or register to reply here. Similar threads Chief's Tasty Penne Pasta w/Pork Belly, and Pesto Chief Longwind Of The North Aug 7, 2022 Pasta, Rice, Beans, Grains... Replies 6 Views 374 Aug 8, 2022 dragnlaw Andy M.'s Empanada Recipe Andy M. Jul 28, 2022 International Cuisines and Ethnic Cookery Replies 13 Views 324 Jul 30, 2022 Andy M. Multiplying a recipe. Help please. CharlieD Jun 30, 2022 Terms & Techniques 2 Replies 20 Views 464 Jul 3, 2022 CharlieD Bacon Ranch Chicken with Pepper and Mushroom Andy M. 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Portola Pharmaceuticals recently announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) did not approve its antidote for uncontrolled bleeding linked to blood thinners including Xarelto (rivaroxaban) and Eliquis (apixaban). The FDA designated Portola’s drug, AndexXa (andexanet alfa), a Breakthrough Therapy and granted it expedited review. But the agency said it needs more information before approval. Currently, there is no reversal agent for uncontrolled bleeding linked to these drugs. Internal bleeding adverse events linked to Xarelto include fatal brain and stomach bleeds. Doctors prescribe blood thinners to prevent strokes and blood clots following surgery and for people with atrial fibrillation. For decades, warfarin (Coumadin) was the gold-standard blood thinner. But newer anticoagulants such as Xarelto do not require blood tests or dietary restrictions like warfarin. They are also growing in popularity. In 2014 alone, Xarelto made more than $1 billion for J&J and Bayer, the Wall Street Journal reported. “Because AndexXa addresses an urgent unmet medical need, we and the FDA are committed to resolving the outstanding questions and determining appropriate next steps. Portola’s goal is to define the most expedient path to approval so we can meet the needs of these patients who have no alternative,” Bill Lis, chief executive officer of Portola, said in a statement. “We plan to meet with the FDA as soon as possible.” FDA’s Response Letter On Aug. 17, Portola received the FDA‘s complete response letter to its application for approval. The agency requested additional information on the drug’s manufacturing and said it needed to review changes Portola made to its post-marketing commitments. AndexXa’s Phase III clinical trial data showed it rapidly reversed the anticoagulant effects of Eliquis (apixaban). The company expects to resubmit its application before the end of the year, according to a statement. Portola’s shares fell by a third. Xarelto Lawsuits Mount Against J&J, Bayer Lack of an antidote also affects patients who use Xarelto and other Factor Xa blood thinners. As the number of adverse events climb, so do lawsuits. Attorneys for plaintiffs mention lack of an antidote in a number of uncontrolled bleeding claims facing J&J and Bayer. “The original U.S. label approved when the drug was first marketed in the U.S. did not contain a warning regarding the lack of antidote, but instead only mentioned this important fact in the overdosage section,” one lawsuit said. So far, more than 7,200 federal lawsuits are pending before U.S. District Judge Eldon E. Fallon in Louisiana. J&J is aware of the growing claims. “The number of pending product liability lawsuits continues to increase, and the Company continues to receive information with respect to potential costs and the anticipated number of cases,” the company said in its 2015 Annual report. Fallon scheduled the first bellwether trials for February.
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ADA Rural Bank LTD ADB ADB jobs in Ghana ADB Recruitment in Ghana Adeo careers in Ghana Adeo careers in Ghana 2022 Adeo jobs in Ghana Adeo jobs in Ghana 2022 Adeo recruitments in Ghana Adeo recruitments in Ghana 2022 Adeo vacancies in Ghana Adeo vacancies in Ghana 2022 Adexen job vacancies in Ghana Adexen jobs Adidome Adjaye Associates careers in Ghana 2021 Adjaye Associates jobs in Ghana 2021 Adjaye Associates recruitments in Ghana 2021 Adjaye Associates vacancies in Ghana 2021 Admin job vacancy in ghana Admin jobs accra Admin jobs in ghana Admin jobs in ghana 2020 Admin jobs in ghana today Admin jobs in Kumasi Admin jobs recruitment in ghana 2020 Administration & Finance jobs in ghana Administrative and Secretarial Jobs in Ghana September 2019 Administrative Assistant jobs in ghana administrative assistant jobs in ghana 2020 administrative assistant recruitment in ghana 2020 Administrative Assistants at GNAPS Administrative Assistants jobs in ghana Administrative careers in ghana Administrative jobs in ghana 2021 Administrative Manager jobs in ghana Administrative Officer at Marie Stopes International Ghana (MSIG) Administrative Officer jobs in ghana Administrative Officer Recruitment in Ghana 2020 Administrative Secretary Job Vacancy Administrative Secretary Jobs in Ghana Administrative Support job vacancies in ghana Admissions & Marketing jobs in ghana Admissions Officer jobs in ghana Advans Ghana Jobs Advans Ghana Savings & Loans Recruitment in ghana 2020 Advans Ghana Savings and Loans Limited careers in Ghana Advans Ghana Savings and Loans Limited jobs in Ghana Advans Ghana Savings and Loans Limited recruitments in Ghana Advans Ghana Savings and Loans Limited vacancies in Ghana Advans Microfinance Network Ghana recruitment 2020 Advans Microfinance Network job vacancies in Ghana Advertising jobs in ghana Advertising jobs in ghana 2020 Advilla Consult careers 2022 Advilla Consult careers in Ghana Advilla Consult careers in Ghana 2021 Advilla Consult jobs 2022 Advilla Consult jobs in Ghana Advilla Consult jobs in Ghana 2021 Advilla Consult recruitment in Ghana Advilla Consult recruitment in Ghana 2021 Advilla Consult recruitments 2022 Advilla Consult recruitments in Ghana Advilla Consult vacancies 2022 Advilla Consult vacancies in Ghana Advilla Consult vacancies in Ghana 2021 AE Chase jobs in ghana AECF careers in Ghana AECF jobs in Ghana AECF recruitments in Ghana AECF vacancies in Ghana AEL Mining Services Ghana recruitment 2020 AfCFTA jobs in ghana Affinity Ghana jobs 2020 Affinity Ghana Recruitment 2020 AFREhealth careers in Ghana 2021 AFREhealth Ghana recruitment 2020 AFREhealth jobs in Ghana 2021 AFREhealth recruitments in Ghana 2021 AFREhealth vacancies in Ghana 2021 Africa Africa Foresight Group careers Africa Foresight Group careers 2022 Africa Foresight Group careers in Ghana Africa Foresight Group careers in Ghana 2022 Africa Foresight Group jobs Africa Foresight Group jobs 2022 Africa Foresight Group jobs in Ghana Africa Foresight Group Recruitment 2020 Africa Foresight Group recruitments Africa Foresight Group recruitments 2022 Africa Foresight Group recruitments in Ghana Africa Foresight Group recruitments in Ghana 2022 Africa Foresight Group vacancies Africa Foresight Group vacancies 2022 Africa Foresight Group vacancies in Ghana Africa Foresight Group vacancies in Ghana 2022 Africa Health Holdings Limited Ghana recruitment 2020 Africa New Media Group job vacancies in Ghana Africa Welding Solutions LTD job vacancies in Ghana Africa World Airlines (AWA) careers Africa World Airlines (AWA) careers in Ghana Africa World Airlines (AWA) jobs Africa World Airlines (AWA) jobs in Ghana Africa World Airlines (AWA) recruitments Africa World Airlines (AWA) recruitments in Ghana Africa World Airlines (AWA) vacancies Africa World Airlines (AWA) vacancies in Ghana Africa World Airlines Limited (AWA) job vacancies Africa-based NGO African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET) careers African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET) careers 2022 African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET) careers in Ghana African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET) jobs African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET) jobs 2022 African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET) jobs in Ghana African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET) recruitments African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET) recruitments 2022 African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET) recruitments in Ghana African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET) vacancies African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET) vacancies 2022 African Center for Economic Transformation (ACET) vacancies in Ghana African Development Bank careers in Africa African Development Bank careers in Ghana African Development Bank careers in ghana 2020 African Development Bank careers in Ghana 2021 African Development Bank Group careers 2022 African Development Bank Group jobs 2022 African Development Bank Group recruitments 2022 African Development Bank Group vacancies 2022 African Development Bank job vacancies in ghana African Development Bank jobs in ghana African Development Bank jobs in ghana 2020 African Development Bank jobs in Ghana 2021 African Development Bank recruitment in Ghana African Development Bank vacancies in Ghana 2021 African Forum for Research and Education in Health (AFREhealth) jobs in ghana African Health Economics and Policy Association careers 2021 African Health Economics and Policy Association careers 2022 African Health Economics and Policy Association jobs 2021 African Health Economics and Policy Association jobs 2022 African Health Economics and Policy Association recruitment 2021 African Health Economics and Policy Association recruitments 2022 African Health Economics and Policy Association vacancies 2021 African Health Economics and Policy Association vacancies 2022 African Mining Services careers in Ghana African Mining Services Ghana African Mining Services jobs in Ghana African Mining Services recruitments in Ghana African Mining Services vacancies in Ghana African Trade Insurance Agency (ATI) job vacancies in Ghana African Trade Insurance Agency careers in ghana African Trade Insurance Agency job vacancies in ghana African Trade Insurance Agency jobs in ghana African Trade Insurance Agency vacancies in Ghana African Underground Mining Services Ltd (AUMS) careers 2022 African Underground Mining Services Ltd (AUMS) careers in Ghana African Underground Mining Services Ltd (AUMS) jobs 2022 African Underground Mining Services Ltd (AUMS) jobs in Ghana African Underground Mining Services Ltd (AUMS) recruitments 2022 African Underground Mining Services Ltd (AUMS) recruitments in Ghana African Underground Mining Services Ltd (AUMS) vacancies 2022 African Underground Mining Services Ltd (AUMS) vacancies in Ghana African Union careers African Union careers 2021 African Union careers 2022 African Union careers in ghana African Union careers in Ghana 2021 African Union careers in Ghana 2022 African Union Ghana recruitment 2020 African Union jobs African Union jobs 2021 African Union jobs 2022 African Union jobs in ghana African Union jobs in Ghana 2021 African Union jobs in Ghana 2022 African Union recruitment in Ghana 2021 African Union recruitments African Union recruitments 2021 African Union recruitments 2022 African Union recruitments in Ghana African Union recruitments in Ghana 2022 African Union vacancies African Union vacancies 2021 African Union vacancies 2022 African Union vacancies in Ghana African Union vacancies in Ghana 2021 African Union vacancies in Ghana 2022 African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF) careers 2022 African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF) jobs 2022 African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF) recruitments 2022 African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF) vacancies 2022 AGAHF jobs in ghana Age Capital Limited careers in Ghana Age Capital Limited jobs in Ghana Age Capital Limited recruitment in Ghana Age Capital Limited vacancies in Ghana AGL Gas Limited careers AGL Gas Limited careers in Ghana AGL Gas Limited careers in Ghana 2022 AGL Gas Limited jobs AGL Gas Limited jobs in Ghana AGL Gas Limited jobs in Ghana 2022 AGL Gas Limited recruitments AGL Gas Limited recruitments in Ghana AGL Gas Limited recruitments in Ghana 2022 AGL Gas Limited vacancies AGL Gas Limited vacancies in Ghana AGL Gas Limited vacancies in Ghana 2022 Agogo Presbyterian Women’s College of Education careers in Ghana Agogo Presbyterian Women’s College of Education jobs 2021 Agogo Presbyterian Women’s College of Education vacancies 2021 AGRA jobs in Ghana AGRA recruitment in Ghana Agri Ghana Online careers ' Agri Ghana Online jobs Agri Ghana Online recruitments Agri Ghana Online vacancies agri processing companies in ghana Agri-Business careers in Africa Agri-Business jobs in ghana Agribusiness jobs in Ghana AGRICORP job vacancies in Ghana agricultural careers in ghana Agricultural ngo jobs in ghana Agricultural Research jobs in ghana Agricultural. jobs in ghana 2021 Agriculture careers in Africa Agriculture careers in ghana Agriculture Development company in Ghana Agrisolve Ghana Limited job Agro Crown West Africa Company Ltd careers in Ghana Agro Crown West Africa Company Ltd jobs in Ghana Agro Crown West Africa Company Ltd recruitments in Ghana Agro Crown West Africa Company Ltd vacancies in Ghana Agromite Limited jobs in ghana 2020 Agromite Limited recruitment in ghana 2020 Agronomist jobs in ghana Agyeman and Associates careers in Ghana Agyeman and Associates careers in Ghana 2021 Agyeman and Associates jobs in Ghana Agyeman and Associates jobs in Ghana 2021 Agyeman and Associates recruitments in Ghana Agyeman and Associates recruitments in Ghana 2021 Agyeman and Associates vacancies in Ghana Agyeman and Associates vacancies in Ghana 2021 Ahafo Ano Premier Rural Bank LTD careers in Ghana Ahafo Ano Premier Rural Bank LTD jobs in Ghana Ahafo Ano Premier Rural Bank LTD recruitments in Ghana Ahafo Ano Premier Rural Bank LTD vacancies in Ghana AIM Global Ghana recruitment 2020 Air Quality Analyst Jobs in ghana Airtel jobs in ghana AirtelTigo careers 2021 AirtelTigo careers in Ghana AirtelTigo careers in Ghana 2021 AirtelTigo jobs 2021 AirtelTigo jobs in ghana AirtelTigo jobs in Ghana 2021 AirtelTigo recruitment 2020 AirtelTigo recruitments 2021 AirtelTigo recruitments in Ghana AirtelTigo recruitments in Ghana 2021 AirtelTigo vacancies 2021 AirtelTigo vacancies in Ghana AirtelTigo vacancies in Ghana 2021 AITI-KACE jobs in ghana AITI-KACE jobs vacancies in ghana Ajumapros jobs in ghana 2020 Ajumapros Recruitment in Ghana 2020 Aker Energy Ghana Akim State College careers 2022 Akim State College jobs 2022 Akim State College recruitments 2022 Akim State College vacancies 2022 Akka Kappa Ltd Ghana recruitment 2020 Akka Kappa Ltd job vacancies in Ghana Akka Kappa Ltd Property Solutions jobs in ghana 2020 Akkadian Labs careers 2022 Akkadian Labs careers in Ghana 2022 Akkadian Labs jobs 2022 Akkadian Labs jobs in Ghana 2022 Akkadian Labs recruitments 2022 Akkadian Labs recruitments in Ghana 2022 Akkadian Labs vacancies 2022 Akkadian Labs vacancies in Ghana 2022 Akoto – Bamfo & Co Limited careers in Ghana Akoto – Bamfo & Co Limited jobs in Ghana Akoto – Bamfo & Co Limited recruitments in Ghana Akoto – Bamfo & Co Limited vacancies in Ghana Akoto Peanut Butter careers in Ghana Akoto Peanut Butter jobs in Ghana Akoto Peanut Butter recruitments in Ghana Akoto Peanut Butter vacancies in Ghana Akro Farms careers in Ghana Akro Farms jobs in Ghana Akro Farms Recruitment in Ghana 2020 Akro Farms recruitments in Ghana Akro Farms vacancies in Ghana AKRO-FARMS recruitment 2020 Akuafo TV careers in Ghana Akuafo TV jobs in Ghana Akuafo TV recruitment in Ghana Akuafo TV vacancies in Ghana Akyem Rural Bank LTD job vacancies in Ghana Al-Mansour Automotive job vacancies in SA Aldelia careers in ghana 2020 Aldelia ghana recruitment 2020 Aleem careers in Ghana Aleem careers in Ghana 2021 Aleem jobs in Ghana Aleem jobs in Ghana 2021 Aleem recruitments in Ghana Aleem recruitments in Ghana 2021 Aleem vacancies in Ghana Aleem vacancies in Ghana 2021 Alhet Insurance Brokers recruitment in Ghana Alibaba Get Challenge 2020 Align Technology careers in Ghana Align Technology careers in Ghana 2021 Align Technology jobs in Ghana Align Technology jobs in Ghana 2021 Align Technology recruitment in Ghana Align Technology recruitments in Ghana Align Technology recruitments in Ghana 2021 Align Technology vacancies in Ghana Align Technology vacancies in Ghana 2021 Alinea Foundation job vacancies in Ghana all jobs in ghana Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) careers Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) jobs Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) recruitments Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) vacancies Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa jobs in Ghana ALLIANZ Insurance jobs in Ghana Allianz Life Assurance job vacancies in Ghana Alpha Beta Christian College careers in Ghana 2021 Alpha Beta Christian College jobs in Ghana 2021 Alpha Beta Christian College recruitments in Ghana 2021 Alpha Beta Christian College vacancies in Ghana 2021 Alpha Beta Education Centre careers in Ghana Alpha Beta Education Centre jobs in Ghana Alpha Beta Education Centre recruitment in Ghana Alpha Beta Education Centre vacancies in Ghana Alpha Beta Education Centres careers in Ghana Alpha Beta Education Centres jobs in Ghana Alpha Beta Education Centres recruitments in Ghana Alpha Beta Education Centres vacancies in Ghana AmaliTech careers 2022 AmaliTech careers in Ghana AmaliTech careers in Ghana 2022 AmaliTech ghana recruitment 2020 AmaliTech jobs 2022 AmaliTech jobs in Ghana AmaliTech jobs in Ghana 2022 AmaliTech recruitments 2022 AmaliTech recruitments in Ghana AmaliTech recruitments in Ghana 2022 AmaliTech vacancies 2022 AmaliTech vacancies in Ghana AmaliTech vacancies in Ghana 2022 Ambrose College of Education jobs Amen Professional College jobs in Ghana american jobs in ghana AMG FARMS LTD careers in Ghana AMG FARMS LTD jobs in Ghana AMG FARMS LTD recruitments in Ghana AMG FARMS LTD vacancies in Ghana AMG Fertilizers Ghana recruitment 2020 AMI Expeditionary Healthcare careers in ghana 2020 AMI Expeditionary Healthcare current jobs in ghana AMI Expeditionary Healthcare job vacancies in ghana 2020 AMI Expeditionary Healthcare jobsearch ghana AMI Expeditionary Healthcare recruitment in ghana 2020 Amnesty International (AI) careers in Ghana Amnesty International (AI) jobs in Ghana Amnesty International (AI) recruitments in Ghana Amnesty International (AI) vacancies in Ghana Amnesty International (Al) jobs 2021 Amnesty International (Al) recruitment 2021 Amnesty International (Al) vacancies 2021 AMS Anaesthetist jobs in ghana Analyst jobs in ghana 2020 Analytical Chemist Jobs in Ghana And graduates jobs in ghana and holders jobs in ghana Andela careers in Ghana Andela jobs in Ghana Andela recruitment in Ghana Andela vacancies in Ghana Android developer jobs in ghana Anesthetic Nurse jobs in ghana AngloGold Ashanti (AGA) careers in Ghana 2022 AngloGold Ashanti (AGA) jobs in Ghana 2022 AngloGold Ashanti (AGA) recruitments in Ghana 2022 AngloGold Ashanti (AGA) vacancies in Ghana 2022 AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) careers in ghana AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) jobs in ghana AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited careers AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited careers 2020 AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited careers 2021 AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited careers 2022 AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited careers in Ghana AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited careers in ghana 2020 AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited careers in Ghana 2021 AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited job vacancies in Ghana AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited jobs AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited jobs 2021 AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited jobs 2022 AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited jobs in Ghana AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited jobs in ghana 2020 AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited jobs in Ghana 2021 AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited jobs recruitment in Ghana AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited jobs vacancies AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited Recruitment 2020 AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited recruitment 2021 AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited recruitment in Ghana AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited Recruitment in ghana 2020 AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited recruitment in Ghana 2021 AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited recruitments AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited recruitments 2021 AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited recruitments 2022 AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited recruitments in Ghana AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited recruitments in Ghana 2021 AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited vacancies AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited vacancies 2021 AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited vacancies 2022 AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited vacancies in Ghana AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited vacancies in Ghana 2021 AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) LTD careers 2021 AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) LTD jobs 2021 AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) LTD recruitment 2021 AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) LTD vacancies 20211 AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) recruitment in ghana AngloGold Ashanti (Iduapriem) Limited (AAIL) careers in Ghana 2021 AngloGold Ashanti (Iduapriem) Limited (AAIL) jobs in Ghana 2021 AngloGold Ashanti (Iduapriem) Limited (AAIL) recruitment in Ghana 2021 AngloGold Ashanti (Iduapriem) Limited (AAIL) vacancies in Ghana 2021 AngloGold Ashanti (Iduapriem) Limited careers 2021 AngloGold Ashanti (Iduapriem) Limited careers in Ghana 2021 AngloGold Ashanti (Iduapriem) Limited jobs 2021 AngloGold Ashanti (Iduapriem) Limited jobs in Ghana 2021 AngloGold Ashanti (Iduapriem) limited Recruitment 2020 AngloGold Ashanti (Iduapriem) Limited recruitments 2021 AngloGold Ashanti (Iduapriem) Limited recruitments in Ghana 2021 AngloGold Ashanti (Iduapriem) Limited vacancies 2021 AngloGold Ashanti (Iduapriem) Limited vacancies in Ghana 2021 AngloGold Ashanti careers in ghana AngloGold Ashanti careers in Ghana 2021 Anglogold Ashanti Ghana Recruitment 2020 AngloGold Ashanti Health Foundation jobs in ghana Anglogold Ashanti Iduapriem LTD careers in Ghana Anglogold Ashanti Iduapriem LTD jobs in Ghana Anglogold Ashanti Iduapriem LTD vacancies in Ghana AngloGold Ashanti jobs in ghana 2020 AngloGold Ashanti jobs in Ghana 2021 AngloGold Ashanti jobs recruitment in Ghana AngloGold Ashanti Limited careers AngloGold Ashanti Limited careers 2022 AngloGold Ashanti Limited careers in ghana AngloGold Ashanti Limited careers in Ghana 2021 AngloGold Ashanti Limited careers in Ghana 2022 AngloGold Ashanti Limited jobs AngloGold Ashanti Limited jobs 2022 AngloGold Ashanti Limited jobs in Ghana AngloGold Ashanti Limited jobs in Ghana 2021 AngloGold Ashanti Limited jobs in Ghana 2022 AngloGold Ashanti Limited Recruitment in ghana 2020 AngloGold Ashanti Limited recruitments AngloGold Ashanti Limited recruitments 2022 AngloGold Ashanti Limited recruitments in Ghana AngloGold Ashanti Limited recruitments in Ghana 2021 AngloGold Ashanti Limited recruitments in Ghana 2022 AngloGold Ashanti Limited vacancies AngloGold Ashanti Limited vacancies 2022 AngloGold Ashanti Limited vacancies in Ghana AngloGold Ashanti Limited vacancies in Ghana 2021 AngloGold Ashanti Limited vacancies in Ghana 2022 AngloGold Ashanti LimitedAngloGold Ashanti Limited vacancies in Ghana 2021 AngloGold Ashanti ming jobs in Ghana 2020 AngloGold Ashanti recruitment in Ghana AngloGold Ashanti recruitment in ghana 2020 AngloGold Ashanti recruitments in Ghana 2021 AngloGold Ashanti vacancies in Ghana 2021 Anglogold jobs in Ghana Anheuser-Busch InBev careers in Ghana 2021 Anheuser-Busch InBev jobs in Ghana 2021 Anheuser-Busch InBev recruitments in Ghana 2021 Anheuser-Busch InBev vacancies in Ghana 2021 Animal Husbandry jobs in ghana Annora Company careers in Ghan Annora Company careers in Ghana Annora Company jobs in Ghana Annora Company recruitment in Ghana Annora Company vacancies in Ghana Anum Rural Bank careers in Ghana Anum Rural Bank careers in Ghana 2021 Anum Rural Bank jobs in Ghana Anum Rural Bank jobs in Ghana 2021 Anum Rural Bank recruitments in Ghana Anum Rural Bank recruitments in Ghana 2021 Anum Rural Bank vacancies in Ghana Anum Rural Bank vacancies in Ghana 2021 Apave Ghana Inspection Ltd careers 2021 Apave Ghana Inspection Ltd jobs 2021 Apave Ghana Inspection Ltd recruitments 2021 Apave Ghana Inspection Ltd vacancies 2021 Apex Consult careers 2021 Apex Consult careers in Ghana Apex Consult careers in Ghana 2021 Apex Consult jobs 2021 Apex Consult jobs in Ghana Apex Consult jobs in Ghana 2021 Apex Consult recruitment 2021 Apex Consult recruitment in Ghana 2021 Apex Consult recruitments 2021 Apex Consult recruitments in Ghana Apex Consult recruitments in Ghana 2021 Apex Consult vacancies 2021 Apex Consult vacancies in Ghana Apex Consult vacancies in Ghana 2021 Applications Officer Jobs in Ghana Applications Support jobs in ghana 2020 Applus Velosi jobs in ghana Appolonia City Ghana job vacancies Appruve recruitment in ghana Aqua Safari Resort careers in Ghana 2021 Aqua Safari Resort jobs in ghana Aqua Safari Resort jobs in Ghana 2021 Aqua Safari Resort recruitments 2021 Aqua Safari Resort recruitments in Ghana 2021 Aqua Safari Resort vacancies in Ghana 2021 Aquaculture Jobs in Ghana Aquaya careers in Ghana Aquaya careers in Ghana 2021 Aquaya jobs in Ghana Aquaya jobs in Ghana 2021 Aquaya recruitments in Ghana Aquaya recruitments in Ghana 2021 Aquaya vacancies in Ghana Aquaya vacancies in Ghana 2021 ARB Apex Bank careers 2022 ARB Apex Bank jobs 2022 ARB Apex Bank jobs in Ghana ARB Apex Bank Limited careers ARB Apex Bank Limited careers 2022 ARB Apex Bank Limited careers in Ghana ARB Apex Bank Limited careers in Ghana 2021 ARB Apex Bank Limited jobs ARB Apex Bank Limited jobs 2022 ARB Apex Bank Limited jobs in Ghana ARB Apex Bank Limited jobs in Ghana 2021 ARB Apex Bank Limited recruitment in Ghana ARB Apex Bank Limited recruitment in Ghana 2021 ARB Apex Bank Limited recruitments ARB Apex Bank Limited recruitments 2022 ARB Apex Bank Limited recruitments in Ghana ARB Apex Bank Limited vacancies ARB Apex Bank Limited vacancies 2022 ARB Apex Bank Limited vacancies in Ghana ARB Apex Bank Limited vacancies in Ghana 2021 ARB Apex Bank LTD ARB Apex Bank LTD careers in Ghana ARB Apex Bank LTD careers in Ghana 2021 ARB Apex Bank LTD jobs in Ghana ARB Apex Bank LTD jobs in Ghana 2021 ARB Apex Bank LTD recruitments in Ghana ARB Apex Bank LTD recruitments in Ghana 2021 ARB Apex Bank LTD vacancies in Ghana ARB Apex Bank LTD vacancies in Ghana 2021 ARB Apex Bank recruitment in ghana ARB Apex Bank recruitments 2022 ARB Apex Bank vacancies 2022 architecture jobs in ghana Area Manager jobs in Ghana Articulated Truck Drivers Jobs in ghana ASA Savings and Loans LTD careers 2021 ASA Savings and Loans Ltd careers in Ghana ASA Savings and Loans LTD jobs 2021 ASA Savings and Loans Ltd jobs in Ghana ASA Savings and Loans Ltd recruitment in Ghana ASA Savings and Loans LTD recruitments 2021 ASA Savings and Loans LTD recruitments in Ghana ASA Savings and Loans LTD vacancies 2021 ASA Savings and Loans Ltd vacancies in Ghana Asanko Gold Ghana Limited jobs AsanSka University College of Design and Technology careers in Ghana 2021 AsanSka University College of Design and Technology jobs in Ghana 2021 AsanSka University College of Design and Technology recruitments in Ghana 2021 AsanSka University College of Design and Technology vacancies in Ghana 2021 Asante Akyem Rural Bank LTD careers in Ghana 2021 Asante Akyem Rural Bank Ltd careers in Ghana 2022 Asante Akyem Rural Bank LTD jobs in Ghana 2021 Asante Akyem Rural Bank Ltd jobs in Ghana 2022 Asante Akyem Rural Bank LTD recruitments in Ghana 2021 Asante Akyem Rural Bank Ltd recruitments in Ghana 2022 Asante Akyem Rural Bank LTD vacancies in Ghana 2021 Asante Akyem Rural Bank Ltd vacancies in Ghana 2022 Asawinso Rural Bank LTD careers in Ghana Asawinso Rural Bank LTD jobs in Ghana Asawinso Rural Bank LTD recruitments in Ghana Asawinso Rural Bank LTD vacancies in Ghana Ascension Global Pty Ltd job vacancies in Ghana Ashaley Botwe Ashanti (Ghana) Limited jobs Ashanti (Ghana) Limited jobs in ghana Ashesi University careers in Ghana Ashesi University jobs in Ghana Ashesi University recruitment in Ghana Ashesi University vacancies in Ghana Asiakwa Asokore Rural Bank PLC careers in Ghana 2022 Asokore Rural Bank PLC jobs in Ghana 2022 Asokore Rural Bank PLC recruitments in Ghana 2022 Asokore Rural Bank PLC vacancies in Ghana 2022 Aspire Foods Africa Limited Recruitment 2020 ASSA ABLOY Group recruitment in Ghana 2020 Assistant Administrative Manager jobs in Ghana Assistant Auditor - General Job at Ghana Audit Service Assistant Director (Procurement) Job at Ghana Audit Service Assistant Director Job at Ghana Audit Service Assistant Human Resource Officer jobs Assistant Lecturer jobs in ghana 2020 Assistant Records Management Officerjobs in ghana Associate Professors jobs in Ghana Associates for Change (AfC) careers in Ghana 2021 Associates for Change (AfC) jobs in Ghana 2021 Associates for Change (AfC) recruitment in Ghana 2021 Associates for Change (AfC) vacancies in Ghana 2021 Association of International Certified Professional Accountants careers in Ghana 2021 Association of International Certified Professional Accountants jobs in Ghana 2021 Association of International Certified Professional Accountants recruitment in Ghana 2021 Association of International Certified Professional Accountants vacancies in Ghana 2021 Atebubu College of Education careers in Ghana 2021 Atebubu College of Education job vacancies in ghana Atebubu College of Education jobs in ghana 2020 Atebubu College of Education jobs in Ghana 2021 Atebubu College of Education recruitment 2020 Atebubu College of Education vacancies in Ghana 2021 Atlantic Concepts Ghana careers Atlantic Concepts Ghana careers 2022 Atlantic Concepts Ghana jobs Atlantic Concepts Ghana jobs 2022 Atlantic Concepts Ghana recruitments Atlantic Concepts Ghana recruitments 2022 Atlantic Concepts Ghana vacancies Atlantic Concepts Ghana vacancies 2022 Atlantic Terminal Services Limited careers in Ghana Atlantic Terminal Services Limited jobs in Ghana Atlantic Terminal Services Limited recruitments in Ghana Atlantic Terminal Services Limited vacancies in Ghana Atlas Concorde Ghana recruitment 2020 Atwima Kwanwoma Rural Bank careers 2021 Atwima Kwanwoma Rural Bank jobs 2021 Atwima Kwanwoma Rural Bank recruitments 2021 Atwima Kwanwoma Rural Bank vacancies 2021 Audit Assistant Jobs in Ghana Audit jobs in ghana August 2020 Audit Officer jobs in ghana audit recruitment in ghana audit service recruitment in ghana 2020 Auditing jobs in ghana Auditing jobs in ghana 2019 auditing jobs in ghana 2020 auditing jobs in ghana 2021 Auditing jobs in ghana october 2019 Auditor (Civil Engineering) Job at Ghana Audit Service Auditor jobs in ghana Auditor jobs recruitment in Ghana Auditors at Reputable Accounting Firm Auditors jobs in ghana Auto Electrician Jobs in ghana Auto Mechanic jobs in ghana Auto Parts Sales Manager jobs in ghana Automation technician jobs in ghana AutoShack careers AutoShack careers in Ghana 2021 Autoshack Ghana career jobs Autoshack Ghana jobs Autoshack Ghana recruitment jobs AutoShack jobs AutoShack jobs in Ghana 2021 AutoShack recruitment AutoShack recruitment in Ghana 2021 Autoshack recruitment jobs AutoShack vacancies AutoShack vacancies in Ghana 2021 Ave Maria School LTD careers Ave Maria School LTD careers 2022 Ave Maria School LTD careers in Ghana Ave Maria School LTD careers in Ghana 2022 Ave Maria School LTD jobs Ave Maria School LTD jobs 2022 Ave Maria School LTD jobs in Ghana Ave Maria School LTD recruitments Ave Maria School LTD recruitments 2022 Ave Maria School LTD recruitments in Ghana Ave Maria School LTD recruitments in Ghana 2022 Ave Maria School LTD vacancies Ave Maria School LTD vacancies 2022 Ave Maria School LTD vacancies in Ghana Ave Maria School LTD vacancies in Ghana 2022 Avenue Fields Enterprise Group job vacancies in Ghana Aves International Academy careers in Ghana Aves International Academy jobs in Ghana Aves International Academy recruitments in Ghana Aves International Academy vacancies in Ghana aviation jobs in ghana Avis Ghana Jobs Vacancies 2020 Axxend Corp job vacancies Axxend Corp jobs in Ghana Axxend Limited ghana jobs Axxend Limited jobs in ghana Axxend Limited recruitment in ghana AZA careers in Ghana AZA Finance jobs AZA jobs in Ghana AZA recruitments in Ghana AZA vacancies in Ghana Azadea Group recruitment in ghana 2020 Bailiffs jobs in ghana Baker Hughes careers 2022 Baker Hughes careers in Ghana Baker Hughes jobs 2022 Baker Hughes jobs in Ghana Baker Hughes recruitments 2022 Baker Hughes recruitments in Ghana Baker Hughes vacancies 2022 Baker Hughes vacancies in Ghana Ballet Ghana Academy careers 2022 Ballet Ghana Academy jobs 2022 Ballet Ghana Academy recruitments 2022 Ballet Ghana Academy vacancies 2022 Bank of Ghana careers 2021 Bank of Ghana careers 2022 Bank of Ghana jobs 2021 Bank of Ghana jobs 2022 Bank of Ghana recruitments 2021 Bank of Ghana recruitments 2022 Bank of Ghana vacancies 2021 Bank of Ghana vacancies 2022 Banking careers in Africa Banking careers in ghana Banking careers in ghana 2020 Banking jobs in Accra Banking Jobs in Ghana Banking jobs in ghana 2021 Banyan Global careers Banyan Global careers 2022 Banyan Global careers in Ghana Banyan Global jobs Banyan Global jobs 2022 Banyan Global jobs in Ghana Banyan Global recruitments Banyan Global recruitments 2022 Banyan Global recruitments in Ghana Banyan Global vacancies Banyan Global vacancies 2022 Banyan Global vacancies in Ghana Barry Callebaut careers in Ghana Barry Callebaut Group careers 2022 Barry Callebaut Group careers in Ghana Barry Callebaut Group careers in Ghana 2021 Barry Callebaut Group Ghana recruitment 2020 Barry Callebaut Group jobs 2022 Barry Callebaut Group jobs in Ghana Barry Callebaut Group jobs in Ghana 2021 Barry Callebaut Group recruitments 2022 Barry Callebaut Group recruitments in Ghana Barry Callebaut Group recruitments in Ghana 2021 Barry Callebaut Group vacancies 2022 Barry Callebaut Group vacancies in Ghana Barry Callebaut Group vacancies in Ghana 2021 Barry Callebaut jobs in Ghana Barry Callebaut recruitments in Ghana Barry Callebaut vacancies in Ghana BAT careers in Ghana BAT jobs in Ghana BAT recruitments in Ghana BAT vacancies in Ghana Batson Total Bay Matrix Group careers in Ghana Bay Matrix Group careers in Ghana 2021 Bay Matrix Group jobs in Ghana Bay Matrix Group jobs in Ghana 2021 Bay Matrix Group recruitment in Ghana 2021 Bay Matrix Group recruitments in Ghana Bay Matrix Group vacancies in Ghana Bay Matrix Group vacancies in Ghana 2021 Bboxx careers 2022 Bboxx jobs 2022 Bboxx recruitments 2022 Bboxx vacancies 2022 BCL Group jobs in ghana BCMedicals Ghana recruitment 2020 BD careers in ghana BD jobs in ghana BDB Life Science West Africa jobs in ghana BDO jobs in Ghana Beacon International School careers 2022 Beacon International School careers in Ghana Beacon International School careers in Ghana 2021 Beacon International School jobs 2022 Beacon International School jobs in Ghana Beacon International School jobs in Ghana 2021 Beacon International School recruitments 2022 Beacon International School recruitments in Ghana Beacon International School recruitments in Ghana 2021 Beacon International School vacancies 2022 Beacon International School vacancies in Ghana Beacon International School vacancies in Ghana 2021 Beckman Coulter Diagnostics careers in Ghana Beckman Coulter Diagnostics jobs in Ghana Beckman Coulter Diagnostics recruitments in Ghana Beckman Coulter Diagnostics vacancies in Ghana Bediako Memorial Institute BEK & Y Associates careers 2021 BEK & Y Associates jobs 2021 BEK & Y Associates recruitment 2021 BEK & Y Associates vacancies 2021 Bensyl Adertising Limited careers in Ghana Bensyl Adertising Limited jobs in Ghana Bensyl Adertising Limited recruitment in Ghana Bensyl Adertising Limited vacancies in Ghana Besa Manufacturing Company careers in Ghana 2021 Besa Manufacturing Company jobs in Ghana 2021 Besa Manufacturing Company recruitments in Ghana 2021 Besa Manufacturing Company vacancies in Ghana 2021 Best Western Premier Accra Airport Hotel careers in Ghana Best Western Premier Accra Airport Hotel jobs in Ghana Best Western Premier Accra Airport Hotel recruitment in Ghana Best Western Premier Accra Airport Hotel Vacancies in Ghana Bethel Hospital careers in Ghana Bethel Hospital jobs in Ghana Bethel Hospital recruitments in Ghana Bethel Hospital vacancies in Ghana betPawa careers in Ghana betPawa jobs in Ghana betPawa recruitments in Ghana betPawa vacancies in Ghana BetPlanet recruitment in ghana 2020 BFA Global Ghana recruitment 2020 BIA Lamplighter College of Education careers in Ghana BIA Lamplighter College of Education careers in Ghana 2021 BIA Lamplighter College of Education jobs in Ghana BIA Lamplighter College of Education jobs in Ghana 2021 BIA Lamplighter College of Education recruitments in Ghana BIA Lamplighter College of Education recruitments in Ghana 2021 BIA Lamplighter College of Education vacancies in Ghana BIA Lamplighter College of Education vacancies in Ghana 2021 Bible Society Of Ghana careers Bible Society Of Ghana careers in Ghana 2022 Bible Society Of Ghana jobs Bible Society Of Ghana jobs in Ghana 2022 Bible Society Of Ghana recruitments Bible Society Of Ghana recruitments in Ghana 2022 Bible Society Of Ghana vacancies Bible Society Of Ghana vacancies in Ghana 2022 BIC careers in Ghana BIC careers in Ghana 2021 BIC Jobs in Ghana BIC Jobs in Ghana 2021 BIC recruitment in Ghana 2021 BIC recruitments in Ghana BIC vacancies in Ghana BIC vacancies in Ghana 2021 Bilingual CAN READ & SPEAK French & English Civil Engineer Billing and BSS Architect Jobs in ghana Billing Manager jobs in Ghana Binance careers 2021 Binance jobs 2021 Binance recruitments 2021 Binance vacancies 2021 biomedical companies in ghana Biomedical Engineer at Medical Equipment Distributor Biomedical job vacancies in ghana biomedical jobs in ghana Biomedical Scientist Jobs in ghana Biomedical Scientist jobs in Ghana 2020 Bioversity International careers in Ghana Bioversity International jobs in Ghana Bioversity International recruitments in Ghana Bioversity International vacancies in Ghana BlackIvy Ghana Limited careers in Ghana BlackIvy Ghana Limited jobs in Ghana BlackIvy Ghana Limited recruitment in Ghana BlackIvy Ghana Limited vacancies in Ghana blogger job vacancies in ghana blogger jobs in ghana 2020 Blow Molding Operators jobs in ghana Blue Crest College BlueCrest College jobs BlueCrest University College careers in Ghana BlueCrest University College job vacancies in Ghana BlueCrest University College jobs BlueCrest University College jobs in Ghana BlueCrest University College recruitments in Ghana BlueCrest University College vacancies in Ghana BlueForce BlueForce Inc Ghana recruitment 2020 BMMI Ghana recruitment 2020 BMMI job vacancies in ghana Boart Longyear careers in Ghana Boart Longyear careers in Ghana 2021 Boart Longyear job vacancies in Ghana Boart Longyear jobs in Ghana Boart Longyear jobs in Ghana 2021 Boart Longyear recruitments in Ghana Boart Longyear recruitments in Ghana 2021 Boart Longyear vacancies in Ghana Boart Longyear vacancies in Ghana 2021 Bocadillos Ghana Limited careers 2021 Bocadillos Ghana Limited jobs 2021 Bocadillos Ghana Limited recruitments 2021 Bocadillos Ghana Limited vacancies 2021 Bogoso Prestea Mine job vacancies in Ghana Bolgatanga Technical University careers Bolgatanga Technical University careers 2021 Bolgatanga Technical University careers in Ghana Bolgatanga Technical University jobs Bolgatanga Technical University jobs 2021 Bolgatanga Technical University recruitment Bolgatanga Technical University recruitment 2021 Bolgatanga Technical University vacancies Bolgatanga Technical University vacancies 2021 Bolgatanga Technical University vacancies in Ghana Bolt careers in Ghana 2021 Bolt careers in Ghana 2022 Bolt Ghana careers] Bolt Ghana jobs Bolt Ghana recruitment Bolt ghana recruitment 2020 Bolt Ghana vacancies Bolt jobs in ghana Bolt jobs in Ghana 2021 Bolt jobs in Ghana 2022 Bolt recruitment in Ghana 2021 Bolt recruitments in Ghana 2021 Bolt recruitments in Ghana 2022 Bolt vacancies in Ghana 2021 Bolt vacancies in Ghana 2022 Bonded Warehouse Keeper jobs in Ghana Bono East jobs in Ghana Bono East Region jobs in ghana Bons Logistics & Delivering Services jobs Bonzali Rural Bank limited careers Bonzali Rural Bank limited careers 2022 Bonzali Rural Bank limited careers in Ghana Bonzali Rural Bank limited jobs Bonzali Rural Bank limited jobs 2022 Bonzali Rural Bank limited jobs in Ghana Bonzali Rural Bank limited recruitments Bonzali Rural Bank limited recruitments 2022 Bonzali Rural Bank limited recruitments in Ghana Bonzali Rural Bank limited vacancies Bonzali Rural Bank limited vacancies 2022 Bonzali Rural Bank limited vacancies in Ghana bookkeeping jobs in ghana Boost Ghana career jobs Boost Ghana jobs Boost Ghana recruitment jobs Bosch Africa careers in Ghana 2021 Bosch Africa jobs in Ghana 2021 Bosch Africa recruitment in Ghana 2021 Bosch Africa vacancies in Ghana 2021 Bosch Group careers in Ghana Bosch Group jobs in Ghana Bosch Group recruitment in Ghana Bosch Group vacancies in Ghana Bosomtwe Rural Bank Limited careers in Ghana Bosomtwe Rural Bank Limited jobs in Ghana Bosomtwe Rural Bank Limited recruitment in Ghana Bosomtwe Rural Bank Limited vacancies in Ghana Botanist jobs in Ghana BRAC careers in Ghana BRAC careers in Ghana 2022 BRAC Ghana Savings and Loans Ltd careers BRAC Ghana Savings and Loans Ltd careers 2022 BRAC Ghana Savings and Loans Ltd jobs BRAC Ghana Savings and Loans Ltd jobs 2022 BRAC Ghana Savings and Loans Ltd recruitments BRAC Ghana Savings and Loans Ltd recruitments 2022 BRAC Ghana Savings and Loans Ltd vacancies BRAC Ghana Savings and Loans Ltd vacancies 2022 BRAC jobs in Ghana BRAC jobs in Ghana 2022 BRAC recruitments in Ghana BRAC recruitments in Ghana 2022 BRAC vacancies in Ghana ' BRAC vacancies in Ghana 2022 Brand Authority Brand Authority jobs in ghana Brand Authority Recruitment in Ghana Brewer Morris job vacancies in Ghana British American Tobacco jobs in Ghana British Council careers in Ghana British Council careers in Ghana 2021 British Council jobs in ghana British Council jobs in Ghana 2021 British Council recruitment in Ghana British Council recruitments in Ghana British Council recruitments in Ghana 2021 British Council vacancies in Ghana British Council vacancies in Ghana 2021 British Government job vacancies in Ghana British Government recruitment in ghana 2020 Brong Ahafo Brong Ahafo jobs in ghana Budget Analyst jobs in ghana Budget Officers jobs in ghana building and construction jobs in ghana building jobs in ghana Building jobs in Ghana 2021 Building Technology jobs in ghana Built careers in Ghana built environment jobs in ghana Built jobs in Ghana Built recruitments in Ghana Built vacancies in Ghana Bunge careers 2022 Bunge careers in Ghana Bunge careers in Ghana 2022 Bunge job vacancies in Ghana Bunge jobs 2022 Bunge jobs in Ghana Bunge jobs in Ghana 2022 Bunge North America careers in Ghana Bunge North America jobs in Ghana Bunge North America recruitment in Ghana Bunge North America vacancies in Ghana Bunge recruitments 2022 Bunge recruitments in Ghana Bunge recruitments in Ghana 2022 Bunge vacancies 2022 Bunge vacancies in Ghana Bunge vacancies in Ghana 2022 Burkina Faso Business Accountant jobs in ghana Business Analyst Jobs in ghana Business Analyst Recruitment in ghana Business Continuity Manager jobs in ghana Business Coordinator jobs in Ghana 2020 Business development careers in Africa Business development careers in ghana Business development job vacancies in ghana Business Development job vacancies in ghana 2020 Business development job vacancies in ghana 2021 business development jobs in Africa Business Development Jobs in Ghana Business development jobs in Ghana 2021 Business Development Manager jobs in ghana Business Development Managers Job Vacancy Business Development Officer at P.M.Renaissance Ghana recruitment 2020 Business Development Officer jobs in Ghana Business Development Training Manager careers in ghana business ghana Business Intelligence Analyst jobs in Ghana BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE JOBS IN GHANA Business Management jobs in ghana Business Plan Writers careers in Ghana Business Plan Writers jobs in Ghana Business Plan Writers recruitments in Ghana Business Plan Writers vacancies in Ghana Business Risk And Continuity Manager jobs in Ghana Business Support jobs in ghana C40 careers in Ghana 2021 C40 jobs in Ghana 2021 C40 recruitment in Ghana 2021 C40 vacancies in Ghana 2021 CACI International careers in Ghana CACI International jobs in Ghana CACI International recruitments in Ghana CACI International vacancies in Ghana Call Agents jobs in ghana Call Agents jobs in ghana 2020 Call Agents recruitment in ghana 2020 Call Center Agent jobs in ghana Call Center Agents Recruitment in Ghana 2020 Call Center jobs in ghana Call Centre jobs in Ghana Cameroon CAMFED Careers in Ghana CAMFED jobs in Ghana CAMFED recruitment in Ghana 2020 CAMFED recruitments in Ghana CAMFED vacancies in Ghana Canonical careers Canonical careers in Ghana Canonical careers in Ghana 2022 Canonical jobs in Ghana Canonical jobs in Ghana 2022 Canonical recruitments Canonical recruitments in Ghana Canonical recruitments in Ghana 2022 Canonical vacancies Canonical vacancies in Ghana Canonical vacancies in Ghana 2022 Cape Coast Cape Coast Teaching Hospital Recruitment 2020 Cape Coast Technical University Jobs in Ghana Cape Coast Technical University recruitment 2020 Cape Coast Technical University Recruitment in Ghana Cape Coast University cape coast university jobs in ghana Capital Co-operative Credit Union Capital Factors jobs Captain Of A Dry Cargo Ship jobs in ghana Caravan Entrepreneurship Program CARE careers 2022 CARE careers in Ghana CARE Ghana careers 2021 CARE Ghana jobs 2021 CARE Ghana jobs vacancies 2020 CARE Ghana recruitment 2021 CARE Ghana recruitment in ghana 2020 CARE Ghana recruitment in ghana 2021 CARE Ghana vacancies 2021 CARE International jobs in ghana CARE jobs 2022 CARE jobs in Ghana CARE recruitments 2022 CARE recruitments in Ghana CARE vacancies 2022 CARE vacancies in Ghana Career jobs in Ghana careers careers for females in ghana careers in ghana careers in Ghana 2020 careers in ghana 2021 careers in ghana today Caregiver jobs in Ghana Cargill careers in Ghana Cargill careers in Ghana 2022 Cargill jobs in Ghana Cargill jobs in Ghana 2022 Cargill recruitments in Ghana Cargill recruitments in Ghana 2022 Cargill vacancies in Ghana Cargill vacancies in Ghana 2022 Carpentery jobs in ghana Cash in Transit Officer jobs in ghana Cashier jobs in Ghana Cashier Jobs recruitment in ghana cashiers job vacancies in ghana Cashiers jobs in Ghana catering jobs in ghana Caterpillar Mechanic jobs in ghana Catholic Relief Services (CRS) careers in Ghana 2021 Catholic Relief Services (CRS) jobs in Ghana 2021 Catholic Relief Services (CRS) recruitments in Ghana 2021 Catholic Relief Services (CRS) vacancies in Ghana 2021 Catholic Relief Services careers 2021 Catholic Relief Services careers in Ghana Catholic Relief Services careers in Ghana 2021 Catholic Relief Services job vacancies in Ghana Catholic Relief Services jobs Catholic Relief Services jobs 2021 Catholic Relief Services jobs in Ghana Catholic Relief Services jobs in Ghana 2021 Catholic Relief Services recruitment 2021 Catholic Relief Services recruitment in ghana Catholic Relief Services recruitment in ghana 2020 Catholic Relief Services recruitments in Ghana Catholic Relief Services recrutiments in Ghana 2021 Catholic Relief Services vacancies 2021 Catholic Relief Services vacancies in Ghana Catholic Relief Services vacancies in Ghana 2021 Catholic Teacher Education institution Catholic University College of Ghana careers Catholic University College of Ghana careers 2021 Catholic University College of Ghana jobs Catholic University College of Ghana jobs 2021 Catholic University College of Ghana Recruitment 2020 Catholic University College of Ghana recruitments Catholic University College of Ghana recruitments 2021 Catholic University College of Ghana vacancies Catholic University College of Ghana vacancies 2021 CBCL Ghana recruitment 2020 CBL West Africa Limited careers in Ghana CBL West Africa Limited jobs in Ghana CBL West Africa Limited recruitments in Ghana CBL West Africa Limited vacancies in Ghana cement manufacturing jobs in ghana Cements de I'Afrique Ghana LTD Center for Achievement careers in Ghana Center for Achievement jobs in Ghana Center for Achievement recruitments in Ghana Center for Achievement vacancies in Ghana Center for International Forestry Research job vacancies in Ghana Central Central Dansoman Clinic jobs in ghana Central region jobs in ghana Central University Central University careers 2021 Central University careers in Ghana central university job central university jobs Central University jobs 2021 Central University jobs in ghana Central University recruitments in Ghana Central University vacancies 2021 Central University vacancies in Ghana Centrax Systems job vacancies in Ghana Centre for Plant Medicine Research ceo jobs in ghana CFAO Ghana Ltd careers CFAO Ghana Ltd jobs CFAO Ghana Ltd recruitments CFAO Ghana Ltd vacancies CFAO recruitment in ghana CGIAR careers in Ghana CGIAR jobs in Ghana CGIAR recruitment in Ghana CGIAR vacancies in Ghana Challenging Heights careers in Ghana Challenging Heights jobs in ghana Challenging Heights recruitments in Ghana Challenging Heights vacancies in Ghana Charlestina Beach Resort career jobs Ghana Charlestina Beach Resort jobs in Ghana Charlestina Beach Resort recruitment jobs in Ghana Charlestina Beach Resort vacancies in Ghana Chartered Accountant jobs in ghana Chartered Accountant jobs in ghana 2020 chartered institute of Taxation (Ghana) Chartered Institute Of Taxation Ghana jobs chefs jobs in Ghana Chemonics International careers Chemonics International careers 2021 Chemonics International careers in Ghana Chemonics International careers in Ghana 2021 Chemonics International careers in Ghana 2022 Chemonics International carees Chemonics International jobs Chemonics International jobs 2021 Chemonics International jobs in Ghana Chemonics International jobs in Ghana 2021 Chemonics International jobs in Ghana 2022 Chemonics International recruitment in Ghana Chemonics International recruitments Chemonics International recruitments in Ghana Chemonics International recruitments in Ghana 2021 Chemonics International recruitments in Ghana 2022 Chemonics International vacancies Chemonics International vacancies 2021 Chemonics International vacancies in Ghana Chemonics International vacancies in Ghana 2021 Chemonics International vacancies in Ghana 2022 Chemonics International vacanncies in Ghana Chief Reporterjobs in ghana Child Family Health International Ghana recruitment 2020 Child Family Health International jobs in sunyani Child Family Health International recruitment in ghana 2020 Child Protection Officer Job at Unicef China International Water & Electric Corp careers in Ghana China International Water & Electric Corp jobs in Ghana China International Water & Electric Corp recruitments in Ghana China International Water & Electric Corp vacancies in Ghana Chipper Cash careers Chipper Cash careers 2022 Chipper Cash careers in Ghana Chipper Cash jobs Chipper Cash jobs 2022 Chipper Cash jobs in Ghana Chipper Cash recruitments Chipper Cash recruitments 2022 Chipper Cash recruitments in Ghana Chipper Cash vacancies Chipper Cash vacancies 2022 Chipper Cash vacancies in Ghana Chirano jobs Chobi Ghana Limited Christ Apostolic University College jobs Christian Service University College Jobs in ghana Christian Service University College jobs vacancies in ghana CIB-GH jobs CIMA jobs CIMAF Ghana jobs in ghana CitiBank careers in Ghana CitiBank jobs in Ghana CitiBank recruitments in Ghana CitiBank vacancies in Ghana CitiGroup careers in Ghana 2021 CitiGroup jobs in Ghana 2021 CitiGroup recruitments in Ghana 2021 CitiGroup vacancies in Ghana 2021 City Advisor jobs in ghana City Cancer Challenge Foundation careers in Ghana City Cancer Challenge Foundation jobs in Ghana City Cancer Challenge Foundation recruitments in Ghana City Cancer Challenge Foundation vacancies in Ghana City Escape Hotel jobs in Ghana Civil Engineer Internship at Golder Associates Civil Engineer Recruitment in Ghana 2020 Civil Engineering jobs in ghana civil engineers jobs in ghana civil servant recruitment in ghana civil service jobs in ghana Clean Team Ghana Limited recruitment 2020 Cleaner jobs in ghana Cleaners Jobs in ghana clerk assistant jobs in ghana Client Care Jobs in Ghana client care jobs in ghana 2020 Client Service Associate Jobs I ghana clinical jobs in ghana Clinical Microbiologist jobs in ghana 2020 Clinical Psychologist Job Vacancy in ghana Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) careers Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) jobs Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) recruitments Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) vacancies Clinton Health Access Initiative Inc careers in Ghana 2021 Clinton Health Access Initiative Inc jobs in Ghana 2021 Clinton Health Access Initiative Inc recruitment in Ghana 2021 Clinton Health Access Initiative Inc vacancies in Ghana 2021 clothing manufacturing jobs in ghana Cloud Port recruitment in ghana 2020 CNFA careers in Ghana 2021 CNFA jobs in ghana CNFA jobs in Ghana 2021 CNFA recruitment in Ghana 2021 CNFA vacancies in Ghana 2021 COA Herbal Centre careers in ghana COA Herbal Centre Ghana Recruitment 2020 COA Herbal Centre JOB OPENINGS IN GHANA COA Herbal Centre job vacancies in ghana COA Herbal Centre jobs in ghana COA Research and Manufacturing Co. LTD careers 2021 COA Research and Manufacturing Co. LTD careers in Ghana COA Research and Manufacturing Co. LTD jobs 2021 COA Research and Manufacturing Co. LTD jobs in Ghana COA Research and Manufacturing Co. LTD recruitments 2021 COA Research and Manufacturing Co. LTD recruitments in Ghana COA Research and Manufacturing Co. LTD vacancies 2021 COA Research and Manufacturing Co. LTD vacancies in Ghana Cobblestone Energy careers in Ghana Cobblestone Energy jobs in Ghana Cobblestone Energy recruitments in Ghana Cobblestone Energy vacancies in Ghana Coca Cola careers 2021 Coca Cola jobs 2021 Coca Cola recruitment 2021 Coca Cola vacancies 2021 Coca-Cola Beverages Africa careers 2022 Coca-Cola Beverages Africa careers in Ghana Coca-Cola Beverages Africa careers in Ghana 2022 Coca-Cola Beverages Africa jobs 2022 Coca-Cola Beverages Africa jobs in Ghana Coca-Cola Beverages Africa jobs in Ghana 2022 Coca-Cola Beverages Africa recruitments 2022 Coca-Cola Beverages Africa recruitments in Ghana Coca-Cola Beverages Africa recruitments in Ghana 2022 Coca-Cola Beverages Africa vacancies 2022 Coca-Cola Beverages Africa vacancies in Ghana Coca-Cola Beverages Africa vacancies in Ghana 2022 Coca-Cola Beverages careers in Ghana Coca-Cola Beverages jobs in Ghana Coca-Cola Beverages recruitments in Ghana Coca-Cola Beverages vacancies in Ghana Cocoa Research Co-operative Credit Union LTD careers 2021 Cocoa Research Co-operative Credit Union LTD jobs 2021 Cocoa Research Co-operative Credit Union LTD vacancies 2021 Cocoa360 careers in Ghana Cocoa360 jobs in Ghana Cocoa360 recruitment in Ghana Cocoa360 vacancies in Ghana Codetrain Ghana recruitment 2020 coding jobs in ghana Cogent Communications careers 2022 Cogent Communications jobs 2022 Cogent Communications recruitments 2022 Cogent Communications vacancies 2022 COLANDEF job vacancies in Ghana Colgate Palmolive careers in Ghana Colgate Palmolive jobs in Ghana Colgate Palmolive recruitment in Ghana Colgate Palmolive vacancies in Ghana Colgate-Palmolive Company job vacancies in Ghana Collections Analyst at Vodafone Ghana College Finance Officerjobs in ghana College Internal Auditor College Internal Auditor at St. Francis College of Education college jobs in ghana college jobs in ghana 2020 College Librarian jobs in ghana Colorbox Cosmetics jobs Command Space careers in Ghana 2022 Command Space jobs in Ghana 2022 Command Space recruitments in Ghana 2022 Command Space vacancies in Ghana 2022 Commercial Finance jobs in ghana 2020 commercial manager jobs in ghana Commercial Reporting jobs in Ghana Committed To Good (CTG) careers 2022 Committed To Good (CTG) jobs 2022 Committed To Good (CTG) recruitments 2022 Committed To Good (CTG) vacancies 2022 Commodity Warehousing Limited (CWL) Communication Design communication manager jobs in ghana Communications jobs vacancy in ghana Communications Officer jobs in ghana Communications Officer jobs in ghana 2020 Community Extension Agent jobs in ghana Community Health Nurses jobs in Ghana Community Health nursing jobs in Ghana Compassion Careers 2021 Compassion International careers 2022 Compassion International careers in Ghana Compassion International careers in Ghana 2021 Compassion International job vacancies in Ghana Compassion International jobs Compassion International jobs 2022 Compassion International jobs in Ghana Compassion International jobs in Ghana 2021 Compassion International jobsin Ghana 2021 Compassion International recruitment in ghana Compassion International recruitment in Ghana 2021 Compassion International recruitments 2022 Compassion International recruitments in Ghana Compassion International recruitments in Ghana 2021 Compassion International vacancies 2022 Compassion International vacancies in Ghana Compassion International vacancies in Ghana 2021 Complete Farmer careers in Ghana ' Complete Farmer careers in Ghana 2022 Complete Farmer jobs in Ghana Complete Farmer jobs in Ghana 2022 Complete Farmer recruitments in Ghana Complete Farmer recruitments in Ghana 2022 Complete Farmer vacancies in Ghana Complete Farmer vacancies in Ghana 2022 Compliance Specialist jobs in ghana CompuGhana CompuGhana jobs computer networking jobs in ghana computing jobs in ghana computing jobs in ghana 2021 Condition Monitoring Technician for Anglogold Ashanti Ghana jobs Condition Monitoring Technician jobs in ghana construction jobs in ghana Construction jobs in Ghana 2021 Construction Planner jobs in ghana 2020 Construction Project Manager jobs in ghan 2020 consultancy job vacancies in ghana consultancy jobs in ghana consultant jobs in ghana 2021 consulting careers in Africa Consulting careers in ghana consulting job vacancies in ghana Content Developer jobs in Ghana content writer jobs in ghana 2020 Contract Administration jobs in ghana contractor jobs in ghana cook jobs in ghana cooks jobs in Ghana Cool West Africa Ltd careers 2022 Cool West Africa Ltd careers in Ghana 2022 Cool West Africa Ltd jobs 2022 Cool West Africa Ltd jobs in Ghana 2022 Cool West Africa Ltd recruitments 2022 Cool West Africa Ltd recruitments in Ghana 2022 Cool West Africa Ltd vacancies 2022 Cool West Africa Ltd vacancies in Ghana 2022 Cooperazione Internazionale SUD SUD careers in Ghana Cooperazione Internazionale SUD SUD jobs in Ghana Cooperazione Internazionale SUD SUD recruitment in Ghana Cooperazione Internazionale SUD SUD vacancies in Ghana Coordinator of Francophone Affairs Coral Paints Ghana (M&K Ghana Ltd) careers 2022 Coral Paints Ghana (M&K Ghana Ltd) jobs 2022 Coral Paints Ghana (M&K Ghana Ltd) recruitments 2022 Coral Paints Ghana (M&K Ghana Ltd) vacancies 2022 Corporate Administrative Executive jobs in ghana Corporate Administrative Secretary jobs in ghana Corporate finance jobs in Ghana Cosmo Seafoods Company Limited recruitment in ghana 2020 Cost Engineer Jobs in ghana cost engineer jobs in ghana 2020 cotract jobs in ghana COUNCIL FOR LAW REPORTING BUILDING Council for Scientific and Industrial Research careers in Ghana Council for Scientific and Industrial Research jobs in Ghana Council for Scientific and Industrial Research recruitment in Ghana Council for Scientific and Industrial Research vacancies in Ghana Country Director at by Aurum Institute Country Director careers in ghana Country Head by mPharma Country Lead jobs in ghana Country manager jobs in ghana country manager jobs in Ghana 2020 country representative jobs in ghana County Hospital jobs in Ghana Court Interpreters jobs in ghana Cowtribe Ghana recruitment 2020 Creative arts jobs in ghana Creative Associates International careers 2021 Creative Associates International careers in Ghana Creative Associates International careers in Ghana 2021 Creative Associates International Ghana recruitment 2020 Creative Associates International jobs 2021 Creative Associates International jobs in ghana Creative Associates International jobs in Ghana 2021 Creative Associates International recruitment 2021 Creative Associates International recruitment in Ghana Creative Associates International recruitment in Ghana 2021 Creative Associates International recruitments in Ghana Creative Associates International vacancies 2021 Creative Associates International vacancies in Ghana Creative Associates International vacancies in Ghana 2021 Creative Design jobs in ghana Creative Designer jobs in ghana Creche Teacher CrediComms Limited careers in Ghana CrediComms Limited jobs in Ghana CrediComms Limited recruitment in Ghana CrediComms Limited recruitment in ghana 2020 CrediComms Limited vacancies in Ghana Credit Analyst jobs in ghana Credit Analyst recruitment in ghana Credit Mall Limited careers in Ghana Credit Mall Limited careers in Ghana 2022 Credit Mall Limited jobs in Ghana Credit Mall Limited jobs in Ghana 2022 Credit Mall Limited recruitments in Ghana Credit Mall Limited recruitments in Ghana 2022 Credit Mall Limited vacancies in Ghana Credit Mall Limited vacancies in Ghana 2022 credit officer jobs in Ghana Credit Officer jobs recruitment in ghana 2020 Credit Relationship Manager at Reputable Financial Institution credit relationship Manager jobs in ghana 2021 Credit Risk Analyst jobs in ghana CrossBoundary careers in Ghana CrossBoundary job vacancies in Ghana CrossBoundary Jobs in Ghana CrossBoundary recruitment in Ghana CrossBoundary vacancies in Ghana Crowdfrica careers in Ghana 2021 Crowdfrica jobs in ghana Crowdfrica jobs in Ghana 2021 Crowdfrica recruitment in Ghana 2021 Crowdfrica vacancies in Ghana 2021 Crown Agents ghana recruitment 2020 Crown Agents job vacancies in Ghana Crown Agents jobs Crown Agents JOBS IN GHANA 2020 Crown Prince Academy careers in Ghana Crown Prince Academy jobs in Ghana Crown Prince Academy recruitments in Ghana Crown Prince Academy vacancies in Ghana Crystal Lake Fish Limited Ghana recruitment 2020 CSIR jobs CSIR jobs in Ghana 2020 CSIR recruitment in ghana 2020 CTG careers 2022 CTG careers in Ghana 2-022 CTG jobs 2022 CTG jobs in Ghana 2022 CTG recruitments 2022 CTG recruitments in Ghana 2022 CTG vacancies 2022 CTG vacancies in Ghana 2022 Cudjoe & Dotse careers in Ghana Cudjoe & Dotse jobs in Ghana Cudjoe & Dotse recruitments in Ghana Cudjoe & Dotse vacancies in Ghana Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture (CNFA) Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture recruitment in ghana 2020 Cummins Africa Middle East careers in Ghana 2021 Cummins Africa Middle East jobs in Ghana 2021 Cummins Africa Middle East recruitments in Ghana 2021 Cummins Africa Middle East vacancies in Ghana 2021 Cummins careers in Ghana Cummins careers in Ghana 2021 Cummins Inc careers Cummins Inc careers 2021 Cummins Inc careers in Ghana Cummins Inc careers in Ghana 2022 Cummins Inc jobs Cummins Inc jobs 2021 Cummins Inc jobs in Ghana Cummins Inc jobs in Ghana 2022 Cummins Inc recruitment 2021 Cummins Inc recruitments Cummins Inc recruitments 2021 Cummins Inc recruitments in Ghana Cummins Inc vacancies Cummins Inc vacancies 2021 Cummins Inc vacancies in Ghana Cummins Inc vacancies in Ghana 2022 Cummins jobs Cummins jobs in Ghana Cummins jobs in Ghana 2021 Cummins recruitments in Ghana Cummins recruitments in Ghana 2021 Cummins vacancies in Ghana Cummins vacancies in Ghana 2021 current accounting jobs in Ghana current accounting jobs in ghana 2020 current admin jobs in ghana 2020 current AngloGold Ashanti jobs in ghana current Architect jobs in ghana current audit jobs in ghana current building and construction jobs in ghana current driving jobs in ghana current education jobs in ghana current ghana jobs current GIZ jobs in Ghana 2020 current HEAF Professional College jobs in ghana current IT jobs in Ghana current job ghana current job in ghana current jobs in accra 2019 current jobs in ghana current jobs in ghana 2019 current jobs in ghana 2019 / 2020 current jobs in ghana 2020 current jobs in ghana 2021 Current jobs in ghana today current kpmg jobs in Ghana current Management Accountant Jobs in ghana current ngo jobs in ghana today current oil and gas jobs in ghana 2020 current Passion Air jobs in ghana current Plan International jobs in ghana current Policy Think Tank jobs in ghana current Rays of Hope Centre jobs in ghana 2020 Current reputable companies jobs in ghana current Reputable company jobs in ghana current teaching jobs in ghana 2020 current technical sales jobs in ghana current+jobs+ghana customer care jobs in ghana Customer care jobs in ghana 2021 Customer Relationship jobs in ghana Customer Service jobs in ghana customer service jobs in ghana 2020 Customer Service/Client Care Jobs in Ghana CVAC Client Service Assistants CX Industry jobs in ghana Cyber Security jobs in ghana 2020 DAI careers in Ghana DAI jobs in Ghana DAI recruitment in Ghana DAI vacancies in Ghana Damang Mine jobs in ghana Danaher Corporation careers in Ghana 2021 Danaher Corporation jobs in Ghana 2021 Danaher Corporation recruitment in Ghana 2021 Danaher Corporation vacancies in Ghana 2021 Dangote careers in Ghana Dangote careers in Ghana 2021 Dangote Cement careers 2021 Dangote Cement Ghana careers 2021 Dangote Cement Ghana jobs 2021 Dangote Cement Ghana recruitment 2021 Dangote Cement Ghana vacancies 2021 Dangote Cement jobs 2021 Dangote Cement recruitments 2021 Dangote Cement vacancies 2021 Dangote Industries Limited careers Dangote Industries Limited careers 2021 Dangote Industries Limited careers 2022 Dangote Industries Limited careers in Ghana Dangote Industries Limited jobs Dangote Industries Limited jobs 2021 Dangote Industries Limited jobs 2022 Dangote Industries Limited jobs in Ghana Dangote Industries Limited recruitment 2021 Dangote Industries Limited recruitments Dangote Industries Limited recruitments 2022 Dangote Industries Limited recruitments in Ghana Dangote Industries Limited vacancies Dangote Industries Limited vacancies 2021 Dangote Industries Limited vacancies 2022 Dangote Industries Limited vacancies in Ghana Dangote jobs in Ghana Dangote jobs in Ghana 2021 Dangote recruitments in Ghana Dangote recruitments in Ghana 2021 Dangote vacancies in Ghana Dangote vacancies in Ghana 2021 Danone careers 2021 Danone careers 2022 Danone careers in Ghana Danone careers in Ghana 2021 Danone careers in Ghana 2022 Danone jobs 2021 Danone jobs 2022 Danone jobs in Ghana Danone jobs in Ghana 2021 Danone jobs in Ghana 2022 Danone recruitment 2021 Danone recruitment in Ghana 2021 Danone recruitments 2022 Danone recruitments in Ghana Danone recruitments in Ghana 2022 Danone vacancies 2021 Danone vacancies 2022 Danone vacancies in Ghana Danone vacancies in Ghana 2021 Danone vacancies in Ghana 2022 Danpong Healthcare DARA CAP careers in Ghana DARA CAP jobs in Ghana DARA CAP recruitment in Ghana DARA CAP vacancies in Ghana Darda Health Pre-University careers in Ghana Darda Health Pre-University jobs in Ghana Darda Health Pre-University recruitments in Ghana Darda Health Pre-University vacancies in Ghana Data Analyst for Advans Ghana Savings & Loans jobs in ghana data analyst jobs in ghana Data Analyst jobs in ghana 2020 Data Entry Clerk jobs in ghana data entry jobs in accra data entry jobs in ghana Data Entry Officer – Outbound at Reputable Company data jobs in Ghana Data Link Institute of Business and Technology careers in Ghana Data Link Institute of Business and Technology jobs in Ghana Data Link Institute of Business and Technology recruitment in Ghana Data Link Institute of Business and Technology recruitments in Ghana Data Link Institute of Business and Technology vacancies in Ghana Data Manager jobs in ghana Data network jobs in Ghana Data Platform jobs in Ghana Data Science Internships in ghana Data Science jobs in ghana 2020 Databank jobs in Ghana Databank recruitment 2020 Database Administrator jobs in Ghana database jobs in Ghana Dataware Tech Ghana careers 2021 Dataware Tech Ghana job vacancies in Ghana Dataware Tech Ghana jobs 2021 Dataware Tech Ghana recruitments 2021 Dataware Tech Ghana vacancies 2021 Day Max Ghana Limited careers Day Max Ghana Limited careers 2021 Day Max Ghana Limited careers 2022 Day Max Ghana Limited jobs Day Max Ghana Limited jobs 2021 Day Max Ghana Limited jobs 2022 Day Max Ghana Limited recruitments Day Max Ghana Limited recruitments 2021 Day Max Ghana Limited recruitments 2022 Day Max Ghana Limited vacancies Day Max Ghana Limited vacancies 2021 Day Max Ghana Limited vacancies 2022 Dayspring Montessori International School recruitment in Ghana Dean jobs in ghana debt collector jobs in ghana Decagon careers 2022 Decagon jobs 2022 Decagon recruitments 2022 Decagon vacancies 2022 Degree in Education jobs in ghana Degree in Law jobs in ghana Delaphone careers in Ghana 2021 Delaphone jobs in Ghana 2021 Delaphone recruitments in Ghana 2021 Delaphone vacancies in Ghana 2021 Delcam Engineering Services jobs in Ghana Delcam Engineering Services recruitment in ghana Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Ghana jobs Delegation of the European Union careers in Ghana Delegation of the European Union careers in Ghana 2021 Delegation of the European Union jobs in Ghana Delegation of the European Union jobs in Ghana 2021 Delegation of the European Union recruitments in Ghana Delegation of the European Union recruitments in Ghana 2021 Delegation of the European Union vacancies in Ghana Delegation of the European Union vacancies in Ghana 2021 Delivery Channels Jobs in ghana Deloitte careers 2021 Deloitte careers in Africa Deloitte careers in ghana Deloitte careers in Ghana 2021 Deloitte careers in Ghana 2022 Deloitte Ghana careers 2021 Deloitte Ghana jobs 2021 Deloitte Ghana recruitment 2020 Deloitte Ghana recruitments 2021 Deloitte Ghana vacancies 2021 Deloitte job vacancies in ghana Deloitte jobs Deloitte jobs 2021 Deloitte jobs in Ghana Deloitte jobs in ghana 2020 Deloitte jobs in Ghana 2021 Deloitte jobs in Ghana 2022 Deloitte recruitment in ghana Deloitte recruitment in Ghana 2021 Deloitte recruitments 2021 Deloitte recruitments in Ghana Deloitte recruitments in Ghana 2021 Deloitte recruitments in Ghana 2022 Deloitte vacancies 2021 Deloitte vacancies in Ghana Deloitte vacancies in Ghana 2021 Deloitte vacancies in Ghana 2022 Deloitte West Africa careers 2021 Deloitte West Africa jobs 2021 Deloitte West Africa recruitments 2021 Deloitte West Africa vacancies 2021 Democracy International (DI) careers Democracy International (DI) careers 2022 Democracy International (DI) careers in Ghana Democracy International (DI) jobs Democracy International (DI) jobs 2022 Democracy International (DI) jobs in Ghana Democracy International (DI) recruitments 2022 Democracy International (DI) recruitments in Ghana Democracy International (DI) vacancies Democracy International (DI) vacancies 2022 Democracy International (DI) vacancies in Ghana Dental Nurse at Platinum Orthodontics & Advanced Dentistry jobs in ghana Dental Nurse jobs in ghana dentist jobs in ghana DEON & NOED International Ghana recruitment 2020 DEON & NOED International job vacancies in Ghana 2020 DEON & NOED International jobs in ghana Department of Global Communications careers Department of Global Communications jobs Department of Global Communications recruitments Department of Global Communications vacancies Deputy Finance Manager recruitment in ghana Deputy Government Statisticialatest Ghana Statistical Service jobs Deputy Head of Estate Job Derma Area Rural Bank jobs in ghana Dermatologist jobs in Ghana 2020 Design & Technology Institute (DTI) careers in Ghana Design & Technology Institute (DTI) job vacancies in Ghana Design & Technology Institute (DTI) jobs in Ghana Design & Technology Institute (DTI) recruitment in Ghana Design & Technology Institute (DTI) vacancies in Ghana Design & Technology Institute careers Design & Technology Institute careers 2022 Design & Technology Institute careers in Ghana Design & Technology Institute Ghana recruitment 2020 Design & Technology Institute job vacancies in ghana Design & Technology Institute jobs Design & Technology Institute jobs 2022 Design & Technology Institute jobs in Ghana Design & Technology Institute recruitments Design & Technology Institute recruitments 2022 Design & Technology Institute recruitments in Ghana Design & Technology Institute vacancies Design & Technology Institute vacancies 2022 Design & Technology Institute vacancies in Ghana Design Jenius careers 2022 Design Jenius careers in Ghana Design Jenius jobs 2022 Design Jenius jobs in Ghana Design Jenius recruitments 2022 Design Jenius recruitments in Ghana Design Jenius vacancies 2022 Design Jenius vacancies in Ghana Design Thinking Trainer jobs in ghana Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) careers 2022 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) jobs 2022 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) recruitments 2022 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) vacancies 2022 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit jobs in Ghana Deutsche Post careers 2021 Deutsche Post jobs 2021 Deutsche Post recruitments 2021 Deutsche Post vacancies 2021 Developers in Vogue careers in ghana Developers in Vogue jobs in ghana 2020 Developers in Vogue jobs vacancies in Ghana Developers in Vogue Recruitment in Ghana Development Assistant Specialist Job at U.S. Mission in Accra Development Bank Ghana (DBG) careers Development Bank Ghana (DBG) careers 2022 Development Bank Ghana (DBG) jobs Development Bank Ghana (DBG) jobs 2022 Development Bank Ghana (DBG) recruitments Development Bank Ghana (DBG) recruitments 2022 Development Bank Ghana (DBG) vacancies Development Bank Ghana (DBG) vacancies 2022 Devtraco Ghana jobs 2020 devworld tech academy DevWorld Tech Academy jobs devworld tech academy jobs in ghana 2020 DevWorld Tech Academy Recruitment in Ghana 2020 DFID Ghana recruitment 2020 DHL Express Inc careers in Ghana 2021 DHL Express Inc jobs in Ghana 2021 DHL Express Inc recruitment in Ghana 2021 DHL Express Inc vacancies in Ghana 2021 DHL Global Forwarding careers 2021 DHL Global Forwarding jobs 2021 DHL Global Forwarding jobs in Ghana DHL Global Forwarding recruitments 2021 DHL Global Forwarding vacancies 2021 DICA Ghana careers 2021 DICA Ghana jobs 2021 DICA Ghana recruitments 2021 DICA Ghana vacancies 2021 Dietician Jobs in ghana Digital Age Network Ghana recruitment 2020 Digital Concepts Limited careers Digital Concepts Limited careers 2022 Digital Concepts Limited careers in Ghana Digital Concepts Limited jobs 2022 Digital Concepts Limited jobs in Ghana Digital Concepts Limited recruitments Digital Concepts Limited recruitments 2022 Digital Concepts Limited recruitments in Ghana Digital Concepts Limited vacancies Digital Concepts Limited vacancies 2022 Digital Concepts Limited vacancies in Ghana Digital Content Creatorjobs in ghana Digital Graphic DesignerGhana recruitment 2020 Digital Marketerjobs in ghana Digital Marketers jobs in ghana Digital Marketing Assistant jobs in ghana Digital Marketing Assistant recruitment in ghana Digital Marketing jobs in Ghana Digital Marketing jobs in ghana 2020 Digital Marketing jobs in ghana 2021 Digital Marketing Officer jobs in ghana 2020 Digital Marketing Specialist at Forever Living Products Dikan careers in Ghana Dikan jobs in Ghana Dikan recruitments in Ghana Dikan vacancies in Ghana Dimagi` careers in Ghana Dimagi` jobs in Ghana Dimagi` recruitments in Ghana Dimagi` vacancies in Ghana Dimdaa Food recruitment in ghana diploma holders jobs in ghana Diplomatic jobs in ghana diplomatic mission jobs in ghana Director of Operations (Admin & Finance) Director of Pharmacy by Tamale Teaching Hospital Dispatch Rider jobs in ghana Dispensing Technician jobs in ghana dispensing technician jobs in ghana 2020 DKT International jobs in ghana DKT International jobs in Ghana 2020 Domod Roof Limited careers in Ghana 2021 Domod Roof Limited job vacancies in Ghana Domod Roof Limited jobs in Ghana 2021 Domod Roof Limited recruitments in Ghana 2021 Domod Roof Limited vacancies in Ghana 2021 Don Bosco Technical Institute careers in Ghana Don Bosco Technical Institute jobs in Ghana Don Bosco Technical Institute recruitment in Ghana Don Bosco Technical Institute recruitments in Ghana Don Bosco Technical Institute vacancies in Ghana Donewell Insurance LTD careers in Ghana Donewell Insurance LTD jobs in Ghana Donewell Insurance LTD recruitments in Ghana Donewell Insurance LTD vacancies in Ghana Donewell Life Company Limited careers 2022 Donewell Life Company Limited careers in Ghana 2022 Donewell Life Company Limited jobs 2022 Donewell Life Company Limited jobs in Ghana 2022 Donewell Life Company Limited recruitments 2022 Donewell Life Company Limited recruitments in Ghana 2022 Donewell Life Company Limited vacancies 2022 Donewell Life Company Limited vacancies in Ghana 2022 Dophil Roofing Systems careers in Ghana 2021 Dophil Roofing Systems jobs in Ghana 2021 Dophil Roofing Systems recruitments in Ghana 2021 Dophil Roofing Systems vacancies in Ghana 2021 DPS International Ghana DRA Global ghana recruitment 2020 DRA Global jobs in ghana 2020 Draftsman jobs in ghana Dredge Masters Limited careers in Ghana Dredge Masters Limited jobs in Ghana Dredge Masters Limited recruitments in Ghana Dredge Masters Limited vacancies in Ghana Drifter jobs in ghana Driller at Newmont Mining Corporation driller jobs in Africa Driver / Auto Mechanic at Reputable Accounting Firm Driver jobs in ghana Driver Vehicle and Licensing Authority (DVLA) careers Driver Vehicle and Licensing Authority (DVLA) careers in Ghana Driver Vehicle and Licensing Authority (DVLA) jobs Driver Vehicle and Licensing Authority (DVLA) jobs in Ghana Driver Vehicle and Licensing Authority (DVLA) recruitments Driver Vehicle and Licensing Authority (DVLA) recruitments in Ghana Driver Vehicle and Licensing Authority (DVLA) vacancies Driver Vehicle and Licensing Authority (DVLA) vacancies in Ghana Drivers Job Vacancy Drivers Job Vacancy at Reputable Mining Company drivers jobs in ghana Drivers Vacancy at GNAPS driving jobs in Ghana 2019 Driving jobs in ghana 2021 driving jobs recruitment in ghana 2020 Drone Flight Operators jobs in ghana Duapa Werkspace job vacancies in Ghana Dusk Plus careers in ghana 2020 Dusk Plus recruitment in ghana 2020 DVLA Approved Vehicle Inspection Center careers 2022 DVLA Approved Vehicle Inspection Center careers in Ghana DVLA Approved Vehicle Inspection Center careers in Ghana 2022 DVLA Approved Vehicle Inspection Center jobs 2022 DVLA Approved Vehicle Inspection Center jobs in Ghana DVLA Approved Vehicle Inspection Center jobs in Ghana 2022 DVLA Approved Vehicle Inspection Center recruitments 2022 DVLA Approved Vehicle Inspection Center recruitments in Ghana DVLA Approved Vehicle Inspection Center recruitments in Ghana 2022 DVLA Approved Vehicle Inspection Center vacancies 2022 DVLA Approved Vehicle Inspection Center vacancies in Ghana DVLA Approved Vehicle Inspection Center vacancies in Ghana 2022 e-commerce jobs in ghana East Akim Rural Bank careers East Akim Rural Bank careers in Ghana East Akim Rural Bank jobs East Akim Rural Bank jobs in Ghana East Akim Rural Bank recruitments East Akim Rural Bank recruitments in Ghana East Akim Rural Bank vacancies East Akim Rural Bank vacancies in Ghana Eastern Region jobs in Ghana Eastland Micro-Credit Enterprise careers 2022 Eastland Micro-Credit Enterprise jobs 2022 Eastland Micro-Credit Enterprise recruitments 2022 Eastland Micro-Credit Enterprise vacancies 2022 EBC Associates job vacancies in Ghana EBC Associates recruitment in ghana 2020 Ecobank ECOM Agroindustrial Corp. Ltd careers ECOM Agroindustrial Corp. Ltd careers in Ghana ECOM Agroindustrial Corp. Ltd jobs ECOM Agroindustrial Corp. Ltd jobs in Ghana ECOM Agroindustrial Corp. Ltd recruitments ECOM Agroindustrial Corp. Ltd recruitments in Ghana ECOM Agroindustrial Corp. Ltd vacancies ECOM Agroindustrial Corp. Ltd vacancies in Ghana Economic Community of West African states Economic Development Officer Job at Northern Development Authority october 2019 Economic Policy Analyst jobs in ghana Economist JOBS IN GHANA economist recruitment in ghana ECOWAS COMMISSION job vacancies in Ghana ECOWAS Jobs editor jobs in ghana EDSAM Printing and Publishing LTD jobs in ghana Eduba Capital jobs Education careers in Africa Education careers in ghana education careers in Ghana 2020 education jobs in ghana Education jobs in ghana 2021 Education USA careers in Ghana Education USA jobs in Ghana Education USA recruitments in Ghana Education USA vacancies in Ghana educational jobs in ghana 2020 Educor careers 2021 Educor jobs 2021 Educor recruitment 2021 Educor vacancies 2021 EduSports Jobs in Ghana 2020 EduSpots jobs in Ghana EduSpots recruitment in ghana Egality Law jobs ego careers in ghana ego careers in ghana 2021 ego job vacancies in ghana ego job vacancies in ghana 2020 ego jobs in ghana 2020 ego jobs in ghana July 2020 Eko Energies careers 2022 Eko Energies jobs 2022 EKO Energies Ltd careers 2021 EKO Energies Ltd jobs 2021 EKO Energies Ltd recruitment 2021 EKO Energies Ltd vacancies 2021 Eko Energies recruitments 2022 Eko Energies vacancies 2022 El-Parah Ghana recruitment 2020 Electoral Commission jobs in ghana Electoral Commission of Ghana careers Electoral Commission of Ghana recruitment 2020 Electoral Commission recruitment in ghana Electrical & Instrumentation jobs in ghana 2020 Electrical Engineer job vacancies in ghana 2020 Electrical Engineer jobs in ghana Electrical engineering jobs in Ghana 2021 Electrical jobs in ghana Electrical Technician jobs in ghana Electrofax Engineering Services (Gh.) Limited careers Electrofax Engineering Services (Gh.) Limited careers 2022 Electrofax Engineering Services (Gh.) Limited jobs Electrofax Engineering Services (Gh.) Limited jobs 2022 Electrofax Engineering Services (Gh.) Limited recruitments Electrofax Engineering Services (Gh.) Limited recruitments 2022 Electrofax Engineering Services (Gh.) Limited vacancies Electrofax Engineering Services (Gh.) Limited vacancies 2022 Electrofax Engineering Services (GH) LTD careers Electrofax Engineering Services (GH) LTD jobs Electrofax Engineering Services (GH) LTD recruitments Electrofax Engineering Services (GH) LTD vacancies Electronics Engineer jobs in ghana Elidel Prestige Limited jobs in ghana Elite Food Processing Company careers in Ghana Elite Food Processing Company jobs in Ghana Elite Food Processing Company recruitments in Ghana Elite Food Processing Company vacancies in Ghana Elsewedy Electric careers in Ghana Elsewedy Electric jobs in Ghana Elsewedy Electric recruitments in Ghana Elsewedy Electric vacancies in Ghana Embassy of Japan job vacancies in Ghana Embassy of Switzerland careers Embassy of Switzerland jobs Embassy of Switzerland jobs in ghana Embassy of Switzerland recruitments Embassy of Switzerland vacancies Emerging Talent Recruitment in ghana 2020 Emerson job vacancies in Ghana Employee Relations Specialist employment in ghana Employment Solutions Employment Solutions careers in Ghana 2021 Employment Solutions jobs in Ghana 2021 Employment Solutions recruitment in Ghana 2021 Employment Solutions recruitments in Ghana 2021 Employment Solutions recruitnents in Ghana 2021 Employment Solutions vacancies in Ghana 2021 Employment Solutions vacancies in Ghana in Ghana 2021 Enchi College of Education job vacancies EnCompass careers in Ghana 2021 EnCompass jobs in Ghana 2021 EnCompass recruitments in Ghana 2021 EnCompass vacancies in Ghana 2021 Encyclopaedia Africana careers in Ghana Encyclopaedia Africana jobs in Ghana Encyclopaedia Africana Project careers in Ghana Encyclopaedia Africana Project jobs in Ghana Encyclopaedia Africana Project recruitments in Ghana Encyclopaedia Africana Project vacancies in Ghana Encyclopaedia Africana recruitment in Ghana Encyclopaedia Africana vacancies in Ghana Enepa Ventures LTD job vacancies in Ghana Enepa Ventures LTD jobs Energy jobs in Ghana 2021 Engineering careers in ghana engineering careers in ghana 2020 Engineering careers in ghana 2021 Engineering Coordinator jobs in ghana Engineering job vacancies in ghana engineering jobs in ghana engineering jobs in ghana 2021 engineering jobs in ghana today engineering jobs opening in ghana 2021 Engineering jobs vacancies in ghana engineering jobs vacancies in ghana 2021 Engineering Manager Job Vacancy 2020 Engineering Manager jobs in ghana engineering recruitment in ghana 2021 English Eni Ghana careers 2021 Eni Ghana jobs 2021 Eni Ghana recruitment 2021 Eni Ghana recruitments 2021 Eni Ghana vacancies 2021 Eni jobs in Ghana Eni Oil and Gas careers in Ghana 2022 Eni Oil and Gas jobs in Ghana 2022 Eni Oil and Gas recruitments in Ghana 2022 Eni Oil and Gas vacancies in Ghana 2022 Entrepreneurial jobs in Ghana Environmental careers in ghana Environmental jobs in Africa environmental jobs in ghana Environmental Technologist jobs in ghana Environmentalist job vacancies in ghana Epiroc careers 2021 Epiroc careers 2022 epiroc careers in ghana Epiroc careers in Ghana 2022 Epiroc ghana recruitment 2020 Epiroc jobs 2021 Epiroc jobs 2022 Epiroc jobs in Ghana 2022 epiroc recruitment in ghana Epiroc recruitments 2021 Epiroc recruitments 2022 Epiroc recruitments in Ghana 2022 Epiroc vacancies 2021 Epiroc vacancies 2022 Epiroc vacancies in Ghana 2022 Equipment Parts and Services (Gh) Limited careers in Ghana Equipment Parts and Services (Gh) Limited jobs in Ghana Equipment Parts and Services (Gh) Limited recruitment in Ghana Equipment Parts and Services (Gh) Limited vacancies in Ghana Ericsson careers Ericsson careers in ghana Ericsson careers in Ghana 2021 Ericsson careers in Ghana 2022 Ericsson Ghana recruitment 2020 Ericsson job vacancies in Ghana Ericsson jobs Ericsson jobs in ghana Ericsson jobs in ghana 2020 Ericsson jobs in ghana 2021 Ericsson jobs in Ghana 2022 Ericsson recruitment in Ghana Ericsson recruitment in ghana 2020 Ericsson recruitment in ghana 2021 Ericsson recruitments Ericsson recruitments in Ghana Ericsson recruitments in Ghana 2021 Ericsson recruitments in Ghana 2022 Ericsson recuitments in Ghana 2021 Ericsson vacancies Ericsson vacancies in Ghana Ericsson vacancies in Ghana 2021 Ericsson vacancies in Ghana 2022 Ernest & Young careers Ernest & Young careers 2022 Ernest & Young careers in Ghana Ernest & Young careers in Ghana 2022 Ernest & Young jobs Ernest & Young jobs 2022 Ernest & Young jobs in Ghana Ernest & Young jobs in Ghana 2022 Ernest & Young recruitments Ernest & Young recruitments 2022 Ernest & Young recruitments in Ghana Ernest & Young recruitments in Ghana 2022 Ernest & Young vacancies Ernest & Young vacancies 2022 Ernest & Young vacancies in Ghana Ernest & Young vacancies in Ghana 2022 Ernimich Limited careers in Ghana Ernimich Limited jobs in Ghana Ernimich Limited recruitments in Ghana Ernimich Limited vacancies in Ghana Ernst & Young careers in ghana Ernst & Young careers in Ghana 2021 Ernst & Young Ghana Recruitment 2020 Ernst & Young job vacancies in ghana 2020 Ernst & Young jobs in ghana Ernst & Young jobs in Ghana 2021 Ernst & Young recruitment in ghana Ernst & Young recruitment in Ghana 2021 Ernst & Young recruitments in Ghana Ernst & Young recruitments in Ghana 2021 Ernst & Young vacancies in Ghana Ernst & Young vacancies in Ghana 2021 ernst and young careers Escort Security Services careers in Ghana Escort Security Services jobs in Ghana Escort Security Services recruitments in Ghana Escort Security Services vacancies in Ghana Eseon job vacancies in Ghana Eskay Therapeutics Ltd Recruitment in ghana esoko careers in Ghana 2021 Esoko Ghana recruitment 2020 Esoko jobs esoko jobs in Ghana 2021 esoko recruitment in Ghana 2021 esoko vacancies in Ghana 2021 Essay Competition 2020 Estate Manager jobs in ghana ETG World jobs in ghana Ethical Apparel Africa jobs in ghana Ethical Apparel Africa recruitment in ghana 2020 Ethiopia European Union jobs in Ghana European Union recruitment in Ghana Evaluation & Resource Mobilisation Job at Northern Development Authority Evangelical Presbyterian University College jobs Event manager jobs in Ghana Events Job at Marriott International Evonik Ghana recruitment 2020 excavator mechanic jobs in ghana Excavator Operators jobs in ghana excelHR CONSULT careers in Ghana excelHR CONSULT careers in Ghana 2021 excelHR CONSULT jobs in Ghana excelHR CONSULT jobs in Ghana 2021 excelHR CONSULT recruitments in Ghana excelHR CONSULT recruitments in Ghana 2021 excelHR CONSULT vacancies in Ghana excelHR CONSULT vacancies in Ghana 2021 Exclusive Provider jobs in ghana ExecutInstitution of Engineering and Technology (IET Ghana) jobs Executive Assistant Jobs in Ghana Executive Director Jobs in ghana Executive jobs in ghana 2021 Exodus travels careers 2022 Exodus travels careers in Ghana Exodus travels careers in Ghana 2022 Exodus travels jobs 2022 Exodus travels jobs in Ghana Exodus travels jobs in Ghana 2022 Exodus travels recruitments 2022 Exodus travels recruitments in Ghana Exodus travels recruitments in Ghana 2022 Exodus travels vacancies 2022 Exodus travels vacancies in Ghana Exodus travels vacancies in Ghana 2022 expat ghana jobs expat jobs in ghana ExpressPay Ghana Limited careers 2021 ExpressPay Ghana Limited jobs 2021 ExpressPay Ghana Limited recruitments 2021 ExpressPay Ghana Limited vacancies 2021 Expro careers 2021 Expro careers in Ghana Expro jobs 2021 Expro jobs in Ghana Expro recruitment 2021 Expro recruitment in Ghana Expro vacancies 2021 Expro vacancies in Ghana EY careers in ghana EY jobs in ghana Fabrication jobs in ghana Fabricator jobs in ghana facilitators jobs in Ghana Facilities & Admin Assistant job vacancies in ghana Facilities Administrator jobs in ghana Facilities Management Companies in Ghana facilities manager jobs in ghana Facilities Managers jobs in Ghana Facilities Officer jobs in ghana Facilities Supervisor at Primrose Properties Ghana Facility Supervisor jobs in ghana factory jobs in accra factory jobs in Ghana factory supervisor jobs in ghana Factory Support Workers Jobs Vacancy in ghana Faculty Deans jobs in ghana Fair Wages and Salaries Commission re recruitment 2020 Fair Wages and Salaries Commission recruitment 2020 Fairtrade Africa (FTA) job vacancies in Ghana Fairtrade Africa (FTA) jobs in Ghana Fairtrade Africa jobs in Ghana Fairtrade Africa- West Africa Network Ghana recruitment 2020 FAO careers FAO careers 2021 FAO careers in Ghana FAO careers in Ghana 2021 FAO Ghana jobs FAO Ghana recruitment 2020 FAO jobs FAO jobs 2021 FAO jobs in ghana FAO jobs in ghana 2020 FAO jobs in Ghana 2021 FAO recruitment FAO recruitment in Ghana FAO recruitments 2021 FAO recruitments in Ghana FAO recruitments in Ghana 2021 FAO vacancies FAO vacancies 2021 FAO vacancies in Ghana FAO vacancies in Ghana 2021 farm manager jobs in ghana Farmerline careers in Ghana Farmerline jobs in Ghana Farmerline Limited careers in Ghana Farmerline Limited careers in Ghana 2021 Farmerline Limited Ghana Recruitment 2020 Farmerline Limited jobs in Ghana Farmerline Limited jobs in Ghana 2021 Farmerline Limited recruitments in Ghana Farmerline Limited recruitments in Ghana 2021 Farmerline Limited vacancies in Ghana Farmerline Limited vacancies in Ghana 2021 Farmerline recruitment in Ghana Farmerline recruitments in Ghana Farmerline vacancies in Ghana Farmright careers in Ghana Farmright jobs in Ghana Farmright recruitments in Ghana Farmright vacancies in Ghana FarmWallet Ghana jobs 2020 FBNBank Ghana Ltd careers FBNBank Ghana Ltd jobs FBNBank Ghana Ltd recruitments FBNBank Ghana Ltd vacancies FDA regulations in Ghana Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) careers Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) careers 2022 Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) careers in Ghana Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) jobs Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) jobs 2022 Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) jobs in Ghana Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) recruitments Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) recruitments 2022 Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) recruitments in Ghana Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) vacancies Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) vacancies 2022 Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) vacancies in Ghana Female jobs in ghana FEST Media Limited Ghana recruitment 2020 FHI 360 careers 2022 FHI 360 careers in Ghana fhi 360 careers in Ghana 2021 FHI 360 careers in Ghana 2022 FHI 360 jobs FHI 360 jobs 2022 FHI 360 jobs in ghana fhi 360 jobs in Ghana 2021 FHI 360 jobs in Ghana 2022 FHI 360 recruitment in Ghana fhi 360 recruitment in Ghana 2021 FHI 360 recruitments 2022 FHI 360 recruitments in Ghana FHI 360 recruitments in Ghana 2021 FHI 360 recruitments in Ghana 2022 FHI 360 vacancies 2022 FHI 360 vacancies in Ghana fhi 360 vacancies in Ghana 2021 FHI 360 vacancies in Ghana 2022 FHI careers 2021 FHI jobs 2021 FHI recruitments 2021 FHI vacancies 2021 Fiagya Rural Bank LTD careers in Ghana Fiagya Rural Bank LTD jobs in Ghana Fiagya Rural Bank LTD recruitment in Ghana Fiagya Rural Bank LTD vacancies in Ghana Fiaseman Rural Bank Limited careers in Ghana Fiaseman Rural Bank Limited jobs in Ghana Fiaseman Rural Bank Limited recruitments in Ghana Fiaseman Rural Bank Limited vacancies in Ghana Fiaseman Rural Bank LTD recruitment in ghana 2020 fibre optics jobs in ghana Fidelity Bank Ghana careers 2021 Fidelity Bank Ghana jobs Fidelity Bank Ghana jobs 2021 Fidelity Bank Ghana Recruitment 2020 Fidelity Bank Ghana recruitments 2021 Fidelity Bank Ghana vacancies 2021 Fido careers in Ghana FIDO careers in Ghana 2022 Fido jobs in Ghana FIDO jobs in Ghana 2022 Fido recruitments in Ghana FIDO recruitments in Ghana 2022 Fido vacancies in Ghana FIDO vacancies in Ghana 2022 Field Coordinator jobs in ghana Field Data Collector jobs in ghana 2020 Field jobs in Ghana Filling Station Supervisors jobs in ghana Finance and Accounts Officers Job Vacancy Finance And Operations Manager at JSI Research & Training Institute Inc Finance Assistant by Creative Associates International Finance Assistant Job at Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana recruitment 2020 Finance Assistant Jobs in ghana finance careers in Africa Finance careers in ghana finance careers in ghana 2020 Finance Coordinator by Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana Finance Director at Rising Academy Network Finance job openings in ghana finance job vacancies in ghana finance job vacancies in Ghana 2021 Finance Jobs in Ghana finance jobs in ghana 2021 finance jobs in ghana october 2019 finance jobs in Kumasi finance jons in ghana Finance Manager at Reputable Company Finance Manager Job Vacancy in Ghana finance manager jobs in ghana Finance Mobile Ghana recruitment 2020 Finance Officer Job at Wesley College Of Education recruitment Iin Ghana 2020 Finance Officer jobs in Ghana financial advisor jobs in ghana Financial Analyst careers in ghana Financial Analyst Jobs in Ghana Financial Controller Careers in Ghana Financial Controller Jobs at GOLDKEY Properties october 2019 Financial Controller jobs in ghana 2021 financial modelling jobs in ghana Financial Planning and Analysis jobs in ghana Financial Planning jobs in ghana Fintech Company job vacancies in Ghana Fintech jobs in ghana Firmus Advisory Limited Ghana recruitment 2020 First Insurance Company Limited Ghana recruitment 2020 First National Bank (FNB) careers in Ghana First National Bank (FNB) careers in Ghana 2022 First National Bank (FNB) jobs in Ghana First National Bank (FNB) jobs in Ghana 2022 First National Bank (FNB) recruitments in Ghana First National Bank (FNB) recruitments in Ghana 2022 First National Bank (FNB) vacancies in Ghana First National Bank (FNB) vacancies in Ghana 2022 First National Bank careers First National Bank careers 2021 First National Bank careers 2022 First National Bank careers in Ghana First National Bank careers in Ghana 2021 First National Bank careers in Ghana 2022 First National Bank jobs First National Bank jobs 2021 First National Bank jobs 2022 First National Bank jobs in Ghana First National Bank jobs in Ghana 2021 First National Bank jobs in Ghana 2022 First National Bank jobs Recruitment in Ghana First National Bank recruitment 2021 First National Bank Recruitment in Ghana First National Bank recruitment in Ghana 2020 First National Bank recruitment in Ghana 2021 First National Bank recruitments First National Bank recruitments 2021 First National Bank recruitments 2022 First National Bank recruitments in Ghana First National Bank recruitments in Ghana 2021 First National Bank recruitments in Ghana 2022 First National Bank vacancies First National Bank vacancies 2021 First National Bank vacancies 2022 First National Bank vacancies in Ghana First National Bank vacancies in Ghana 2021 First National Bank vacancies in Ghana 2022 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare job vacancies in Ghana Fisheries Commission careers in Ghana 2021 Fisheries Commission jobs in Ghana 2021 Fisheries Commission of Ghana careers 2021 Fisheries Commission of Ghana jobs 2021 Fisheries Commission of Ghana recruitments 2021 Fisheries Commission of Ghana vacancies 2021 Fisheries Commission recruitment in Ghana 2021 Fisheries Commission vacancies in Ghana 2021 Flowminder Ghana recruitment 2020 FLSmidth careers in Ghana FLSmidth jobs in Ghana FLSmidth recruitments in Ghana FLSmidth vacancies in Ghana Fluor Corporation ghana recruitment 2020 Fluor Corporation jobs in ghana 2020 Flutter Mobile Developer jobs in ghana Flutterwave job vacancies in Ghana Flutterwave jobs FMCG Careers in Ghana FMCG Company jobs in ghana Fmcg recruitment 2020/2021 FNB Jobs in ghana FNB Jobs in Ghana 2020 FOCOS mission jobs in ghana FOCOS Orthopaedic Hospital FOCOS Orthopaedic Hospital recruitment in ghana 2020 FOCOS Orthopedic Hospital careers in Ghana FOCOS Orthopedic Hospital jobs in Ghana FOCOS Orthopedic Hospital recruitments in Ghana FOCOS Orthopedic Hospital vacancies in Ghana Focus PPC careers in Ghana Focus PPC Ghana jobs Focus PPC Ghana recruitment 2020 Focus PPC jobs in Ghana Focus PPC recruitment in Ghana Focus PPC vacancies in Ghana Food and Agriculture Organization Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) careers Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) careers in Ghana Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) jobs Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) jobs in Ghana Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) recruitments Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) recruitments in Ghana Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) vacancies Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) vacancies in Ghana Food and Agriculture Organization careers Food and Agriculture Organization careers 2022 Food and Agriculture Organization careers in Ghana Food and Agriculture Organization Ghana recruitment 2020 Food and Agriculture Organization Ghana recruitment 2021 Food and Agriculture Organization job vacancies in Ghana Food and Agriculture Organization jobs Food and Agriculture Organization jobs 2022 Food and Agriculture Organization jobs in ghana Food and Agriculture Organization recruitment Food and Agriculture Organization recruitments 2022 Food and Agriculture Organization recruitments in Ghana Food and Agriculture Organization vacancies Food and Agriculture Organization vacancies 2022 Food and Agriculture Organization vacancies in Ghana Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) jobs in ghana Food Company careers in Ghana Food Company jobs in Ghana Food Company recruitments in Ghana Food Company vacancies in Ghana Food manufacturing jobs in ghana Food Safety and Customs Technical Expert jobs in ghana food scientist jobs in ghana Foody careers in Ghana 2021 Foody jobs in Ghana 2021 Foody recruitments in Ghana 2021 Foody vacancies in Ghana 2021 Foreign and Commonwealth Office careers in Ghana Foreign and Commonwealth Office ghana recruitment 2020 Foreign and Commonwealth Office jobs in ghana Forklift Operator jobs in ghana Forms Capital jobs in ghana 2020 Fortress Ghana job vacancies in ghana 2021 Fortress Ghana Recruitment 2020 Foso College of Education careers in Ghana Foso College of Education jobs Foso College of Education jobs in Ghana Foso College of Education recruitment in Ghana Foso College of Education vacancies in Ghana Foundervine careers in Ghana Foundervine jobs in Ghana Foundervine recruitments in Ghana Foundervine vacancies in Ghana FPSO jobs in ghana Frannan International careers in ghana Frannan International job vacancies in ghana Frannan International jobs in Ghana Frannan International jobs in ghana 2020 Frannan International recruitment in ghana Frannan International recruitments in Ghana Frannan International vacancies in Ghana Fraud Prevention and Monitoring Analyst at Vodafone Free Zone Companies in Ghana Freelance Blogger jobs in ghana 2020 freelance jobs in ghana Freezone Enclave jobs in ghana French and Asante-Twi French Teacher at Ridge Church School Front Desk Executive jobs in Ghana Front Desk jobs in ghana Front Desk Officer jobs in ghana Front Desk Officers jobs in Ghana Frontend Developer jobs in ghana fuel station jobs in ghana Fulfillment Operations Professionals jobs in ghana Fun Ecom/SaaS Co careers in Ghana 2021 Fun Ecom/SaaS Co jobs in Ghana 2021 Fun Ecom/SaaS Co recruitments in Ghana 2021 Fun Ecom/SaaS Co vacancies in Ghana 2021 Fundamental Bible Believing Church careers in Ghana Fundamental Bible Believing Church jobs in Ghana Fundamental Bible Believing Church recruitments in Ghana Fundamental Bible Believing Church vacancies in Ghana Funding for NGOs and StartUps Funding for NGOs and StartUps in Ghana funding opportunities for Ghana funding opportunities in Africa funding opportunities in ghana FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES IN GHANA 2020 Future Global Resources Ltd careers in Ghana 2021 Future Global Resources Ltd jobs in Ghana 2021 Future Global Resources Ltd recruitment in Ghana 2021 Future Global Resources Ltd vacancies in Ghana 2021 G4S careers in Ghana G4S Ghana recruitment 2020 G4S job vacancies in Ghana G4S jobs in Ghana G4S recruitment in Ghana G4S vacancies in Ghana Galaxy Steels Limited careers Galaxy Steels Limited careers 2022 Galaxy Steels Limited careers in Ghana Galaxy Steels Limited jobs Galaxy Steels Limited jobs 2022 Galaxy Steels Limited jobs in Ghana Galaxy Steels Limited recruitments Galaxy Steels Limited recruitments 2022 Galaxy Steels Limited recruitments in Ghana Galaxy Steels Limited vacancies Galaxy Steels Limited vacancies 2022 Galaxy Steels Limited vacancies in Ghana Games Technology limited recruitment in ghana Gaming Commission of Ghana careers 2022 Gaming Commission of Ghana jobs 2022 Gaming Commission of Ghana recruitments 2022 Gaming Commission of Ghana vacancies 2022 Ganke Davis Solutions careers in Ghana Ganke Davis Solutions jobs in Ghana Ganke Davis Solutions recruitments in Ghana Ganke Davis Solutions vacancies in Ghana Gaojo careers in Ghana Gaojo jobs in Ghana Gaojo recruitments in Ghana Gaojo vacancies in Ghana Gastro-intestinal Diseases and Endoscopy Centre (GIDEC) GB FOODS Africa Ghana careers 2020 GB FOODS Africa Ghana recruitment 2020 GB Foods Africa jobs GB FOODS Africa Recruitment 2020 GB Foods jobs in ghana GB Pharma Limited recruitment in ghana 2020 GBfoods Africa careers GBfoods Africa careers 2022 GBfoods Africa careers in Ghana GBfoods Africa careers in Ghana 2021 GBfoods Africa careers in Ghana 2022 GBfoods Africa job vacancies in Ghana GBfoods Africa jobs 2022 GBfoods Africa Jobs in Ghana GBfoods Africa jobs in Ghana 2021 GBfoods Africa jobs in Ghana 2022 GBfoods Africa recruitment in Ghana GBfoods Africa Recruitment in ghana 2020 GBfoods Africa recruitment in Ghana 2021 GBfoods Africa recruitments GBfoods Africa recruitments 2022 GBfoods Africa recruitments in Ghana GBfoods Africa recruitments in Ghana 2021 GBfoods Africa recruitments in Ghana 2022 GBfoods Africa vacancies GBfoods Africa vacancies 2022 GBfoods Africa vacancies in Ghana GBfoods Africa vacancies in Ghana 2021 GBfoods Africa vacancies in Ghana 2022 GBfoods careers in Ghana GBfoods careers in Ghana 2021 GBfoods jobs in Ghana GBfoods jobs in Ghana 2021 GBfoods recruitments in Ghana GBfoods vacancies in Ghana GBfoods vacancies in Ghana 2021 GCNET Operator jobs in Ghana GDS Africa careers in Ghana GDS Africa jobs in Ghana GDS Africa recruitment in Ghana GDS Africa recruitments in Ghana GDS Africa vacancies in Ghana GE Gas Power Ghana Recruitment June 2020 GE Healthcare careers GE Healthcare careers in Ghana GE Healthcare jobs GE Healthcare jobs in Ghana GE Healthcare recruitment GE Healthcare recruitments in Ghana GE Healthcare vacancies GE Healthcare vacancies in Ghana GE Power jobs GeAngloGold Ashanti (Iduapriem) Limited jobs Gender & Communication Officer Job at GIZ Ghana Gender in Emergencies Specialist jobs in ghana 2020 Gender Specialist jobs in ghana General Electric careers 2022 General Electric careers in Ghana General Electric careers in Ghana 2021 General Electric job vacancies in Ghana General Electric jobs 2022 General Electric jobs in Ghana General Electric jobs in Ghana 2021 General Electric recruitments 2022 General Electric recruitments in Ghana General Electric recruitments in Ghana 2021 General Electric vacancies 2022 General Electric vacancies in Ghana General Electric vacancies in Ghana 2021 General Manager General Manager at Protea Hotels by Marriott General Manager job vacancies in ghana General manager jobs in ghana GenKey Africa Limited recruitment in ghana 2020 Genser Energy careers in Ghana Genser Energy Inc jobs Genser Energy jobs in Ghana Genser Energy recruitment in Ghana Genser Energy vacancies in Ghana Geoscientist Jobs in Ghana Geotechnical Engineer jobs in ghana gh job vacancy GH Media School careers in Ghana 2021 GH Media School jobs in Ghana 2021 GH Media School recruitment in Ghana 2021 GH Media School vacancies in Ghana 2021 Ghana Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences careers 2021 Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences careers in Ghana Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences jobs 2021 Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences jobs in Ghana Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences recruitments 2021 Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences recruitments in Ghana Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences vacancies 2021 Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences vacancies in Ghana Ghana AIDS Commission careers Ghana AIDS Commission careers 2022 Ghana AIDS Commission careers 2o22 Ghana AIDS Commission jobs Ghana AIDS Commission jobs 2022 Ghana AIDS Commission recruitments Ghana AIDS Commission recruitments 2022 Ghana AIDS Commission vacancies Ghana AIDS Commission vacancies 2022 Ghana Air force Recruitment 2020 Ghana Anti-Corruption Coalition job vacancies in Ghana Ghana Armed Forces careers in Ghana Ghana Armed Forces jobs in Ghana Ghana Armed Forces Recruitment – 2021 Ghana Armed Forces vacancies in Ghana Ghana Atomic Energy Commission careers 2022 Ghana Atomic Energy Commission careers in ghana Ghana Atomic Energy Commission jobs 2022 Ghana Atomic Energy Commission jobs in ghana Ghana Atomic Energy Commission recruitment in ghana Ghana Atomic Energy Commission recruitments 2022 Ghana Atomic Energy Commission recruitments in Ghana Ghana Atomic Energy Commission vacancies 2022 Ghana Atomic Energy Commission vacancies in Ghana ghana audit service jobs in ghana ghana audit service recruitment 2019 Ghana Audit Service recruitment in ghana 2020 Ghana Audit Service recruitment october 2019 Ghana Aviation jobs in ghana Ghana Book Development Council jobs Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC) careers 2021 Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC) jobs 2021 Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC) recruitments 2021 Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC) vacancies 2021 Ghana Center for Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana) careers Ghana Center for Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana) careers 2022 Ghana Center for Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana) jobs Ghana Center for Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana) jobs 2022 Ghana Center for Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana) recruitments Ghana Center for Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana) recruitments 2022 Ghana Center for Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana) vacancies Ghana Center for Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana) vacancies 2022 Ghana Chemicals Limited careers Ghana Chemicals Limited jobs Ghana Chemicals Limited recruitments Ghana Chemicals Limited vacancies Ghana College of Nurses and Midwives careers 2021 Ghana College of Nurses and Midwives careers in Ghana Ghana College of Nurses and Midwives careers in Ghana 2021 Ghana College of Nurses and Midwives jobs Ghana College of Nurses and Midwives jobs 2021 Ghana College of Nurses and Midwives jobs in Ghana Ghana College of Nurses and Midwives jobs in Ghana 2021 Ghana College of Nurses and Midwives recruitments 2021 Ghana College of Nurses and Midwives recruitments in Ghana Ghana College of Nurses and Midwives recruitments in Ghana 2021 Ghana College of Nurses and Midwives vacancies 2021 Ghana College of Nurses and Midwives vacancies in Ghana Ghana College of Nurses and Midwives vacancies in Ghana 2021 Ghana College of Physicians & Surgeons jobs in ghana Ghana College of Physicians & Surgeons recruitment in ghana Ghana Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) careers 2022 Ghana Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) jobs 2022 Ghana Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) recruitments 2022 Ghana Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) vacancies 2022 Ghana Council for Scientific and Industrial Research recruitment in Ghana ghana current job ghana current jobs ghana current jobs 2020 ghana current jobs 2021 ghana current jobs today Ghana Docklabour Company Limited careers 2022 Ghana Docklabour Company Limited jobs 2022 Ghana Docklabour Company Limited recruitments 2022 Ghana Docklabour Company Limited vacancies 2022 Ghana Employers Association jobs in ghana Ghana FELTP careers Ghana FELTP careers 2021 Ghana FELTP jobs Ghana FELTP jobs 2021 Ghana FELTP recruitments Ghana FELTP recruitments 2021 Ghana FELTP vacancies Ghana FELTP vacancies 2021 Ghana Geological Survey Authority (GGSA) careers 2021 Ghana Geological Survey Authority (GGSA) careers in Ghana Ghana Geological Survey Authority (GGSA) careers in Ghana 2021 Ghana Geological Survey Authority (GGSA) jobs 2021 Ghana Geological Survey Authority (GGSA) jobs in Ghana Ghana Geological Survey Authority (GGSA) jobs in Ghana 2021 Ghana Geological Survey Authority (GGSA) recruitments 2021 Ghana Geological Survey Authority (GGSA) recruitments in Ghana Ghana Geological Survey Authority (GGSA) recruitments in Ghana 2021 Ghana Geological Survey Authority (GGSA) vacancies 2021 Ghana Geological Survey Authority (GGSA) vacancies in Ghana Ghana Geological Survey Authority (GGSA) vacancies in Ghana 2021 Ghana Highway Authority jobs in ghana Ghana Highway Authority recruitment in ghana 2020 Ghana Immigration Service Graduate Entry Recruitment Ghana Institute of Architects Recruitment 2020 Ghana Institute of Languages careers Ghana Institute of Languages careers 2021 Ghana Institute of Languages jobs Ghana Institute of Languages jobs 2021 Ghana Institute of Languages jobs in ghana Ghana Institute of Languages recruitments Ghana Institute of Languages recruitments 2021 Ghana Institute of Languages vacancies Ghana Institute of Languages vacancies 2021 Ghana Institution of Surveyors Ghana Integrity Initiative Recruitment 2020 Ghana International Bank Public Limited jobs Ghana Irrigation Development Authority (GIDA) careers Ghana Irrigation Development Authority (GIDA) careers 2022 Ghana Irrigation Development Authority (GIDA) jobs Ghana Irrigation Development Authority (GIDA) jobs 2022 Ghana Irrigation Development Authority (GIDA) recruitments Ghana Irrigation Development Authority (GIDA) recruitments 2022 Ghana Irrigation Development Authority (GIDA) vacancies Ghana Irrigation Development Authority (GIDA) vacancies 2022 ghana job ghana job opportunities Ghana jobs ghana jobs 2018 ghana jobs today ghana jobs website ghana jobsearch Ghana Justice Sector Reform Case Tracking System Activity (CTS) Ghana Manganese Company Limited careers 2021 Ghana Manganese Company Limited jobs 2021 Ghana Manganese Company Limited recruitment 2021 Ghana Manganese Company Limited vacancies 2021 Ghana Manganese Company LTD Recruitment 2020 Ghana Mental Health And Disability Programme jobs in ghana Ghana National Ambulance Service jobs in ghana Ghana National Association of Private Schools Ghana National Association of Private Schools (GNAPS) Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) careers 2022 Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) jobs 2022 Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) recruitments 2022 Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) vacancies 2022 Ghana National Association of the Deaf Ghana New Job careers 2021 Ghana New Job recruitments 2021 Ghana New Job vacancies 2021 ghana new jobs Ghana New Jobs 2021 Ghana New Jobs careers 2021 Ghana New Jobs careers in Ghana Ghana New Jobs jobs in Ghana Ghana New Jobs recruitment in Ghana Ghana New Jobs recruitments 2021 Ghana New Jobs vacancies 2021 Ghana New Jobs vacancies in Ghana Ghana News Agency job vacancies in ghana ghana Pharmacy Council ghana recruitment 2020 Ghana Red Cross Society careers Ghana Red Cross Society jobs Ghana Red Cross Society Jobs in Ghana Ghana Red Cross Society recruitments Ghana Red Cross Society vacancies Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) careers in Ghana Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) jobs in Ghana Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) recruitments in Ghana Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) vacancies in Ghana Ghana Revenue Authority job vacancies Ghana Revenue Authority recruitment 2020 Ghana scholarships Ghana Science Association careers in Ghana 2021 Ghana Science Association jobs in Ghana 2021 Ghana Science Association vacancies in Ghana 2021 Ghana Statistical Service careers Ghana Statistical Service careers 2022 Ghana Statistical Service jobs Ghana Statistical Service jobs 2022 Ghana Statistical Service recruitment 2019 Ghana Statistical Service recruitments Ghana Statistical Service recruitments 2022 Ghana Statistical Service vacancies Ghana Statistical Service vacancies 2022 Ghana Technology University College Recruitment 2020 Ghana Trek careers 2022 Ghana Trek jobs 2022 Ghana Trek recruitments 2022 Ghana Trek vacancies 2022 Ghana Water Company jobs in ghana Ghana Water Company Limited careers 2022 Ghana Water Company Limited jobs 2022 Ghana Water Company Limited recruitments 2022 Ghana Water Company Limited vacancies 2022 Ghana Water Company Limited(GWCL) ghana web jobs Ghana Wildlife Society jobs in ghana Ghana Wildlife Society recruitment in ghana 2020 ghana work Ghana-India Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence recruitment 2020 ghanacurrent jobs ghanacurrentjobs ghanacurrentjobs today ghanaian jobs Ghanajobs 2020 ghanajobs 2021 GhanaWeb careers 2021 GhanaWeb jobs 2021 GhanaWeb recruitments 2021 GhanaWeb vacancies 2021 Ghandour Cosmetics Ltd recruitment in ghana GHS Housing LTD careers 2021 GHS Housing LTD careers in Ghana GHS Housing LTD jobs 2021 GHS Housing LTD jobs in Ghana GHS Housing LTD recruitment 2021 GHS Housing LTD recruitments in Ghana GHS Housing LTD vacancies 2021 GHS Housing LTD vacancies in Ghana GIGI Beauty Bar careers 2021 GIGI Beauty Bar jobs 2021 GIGI Beauty Bar recruitment 2021 GIGI Beauty Bar vacancies 2021 GIMPA jobs in ghana 2020 GIMPA recruitment in ghana 2020 GIRSAL Limited careers in Ghana 2021 GIRSAL Limited jobs in Ghana 2021 GIRSAL Limited recruitment in Ghana 2021 GIRSAL Limited vacancies in Ghana 2021 GIRSAL LTD careers in Ghana 2022 GIRSAL LTD jobs in Ghana 2022 GIRSAL LTD recruitments in Ghana 2022 GIRSAL LTD vacancies in Ghana 2022 GIS and Remote Sensing GIS Specialist recruitment in ghana GIZ careers in Ghana GIZ Ghana careers GIZ Ghana careers 2021 GIZ Ghana careers 2022 GIZ Ghana jobs GIZ Ghana jobs 2021 GIZ Ghana jobs 2022 GIZ Ghana recruitment 2020 GIZ Ghana recruitment 2021 GIZ Ghana recruitment in ghana GIZ Ghana recruitments GIZ Ghana recruitments 2021 GIZ Ghana recruitments 2022 GIZ Ghana vacancies GIZ Ghana vacancies 2021 GIZ Ghana vacancies 2022 GIZ job vacancies in Ghana GIZ Jobs in ghana GIZ jobs in ghana 2020 GIZ recruitment in Ghana 2020 GLAHCO careers in Ghana 2021 GLAHCO jobs in Ghana 2021 GLAHCO recruitments in Ghana 2021 GLAHCO vacancies in Ghana 2021 Global Affordables Global American Business Institute careers Global American Business Institute jobs Global American Business Institute recruitments Global American Business Institute vacancies Global Platform Manager jobs in ghana Global Teachers Credit Union jobs in ghana Globe 24-7 Ghana Recruitment 2020 Globe 24-7 jobs in ghana 2020 Globe 24-7 Jobs vacancies in ghana Glovo careers in Ghana 2021 Glovo job vacancies in Ghana Glovo jobs in Ghana 2021 Glovo recruitment in Ghana 2021 Glovo recruitments in Ghana 2021 Glovo vacancies in Ghana 2021 Godrej Ghana careers Godrej Ghana jobs Godrej Ghana recruitments Godrej Ghana vacancies Gold Fields careers 2021 Gold Fields careers 2022 Gold Fields careers in Ghana Gold Fields careers in Ghana 2021 Gold Fields careers in Ghana 2022 Gold Fields Ghana careers 20211 Gold Fields Ghana jobs Gold Fields Ghana jobs 2021 Gold Fields Ghana Limited careers Gold Fields Ghana Limited jobs Gold Fields Ghana Limited recruitments Gold Fields Ghana Limited vacancies Gold Fields Ghana recruitment 2021 Gold Fields Ghana vacancies 2021 Gold Fields jobs 2021 Gold Fields jobs 2022 Gold Fields jobs in Ghana Gold Fields jobs in Ghana 2021 Gold Fields jobs in Ghana 2022 Gold Fields Limited Gold Fields recruitment 2021 Gold Fields recruitments 2022 Gold Fields recruitments in Ghana Gold Fields recruitments in Ghana 2021 Gold Fields recruitments in Ghana 2022 Gold Fields vacancies Gold Fields vacancies 2021 Gold Fields vacancies 2022 Gold Fields vacancies in Ghana Gold Fields vacancies in Ghana 2021 Gold Fields vacancies in Ghana 2022 Golda Construction Limited careers Golda Construction Limited careers 2022 Golda Construction Limited jobs Golda Construction Limited jobs 2022 Golda Construction Limited jobs in Ghana Golda Construction Limited recruitments Golda Construction Limited recruitments 2022 Golda Construction Limited recruitments in Ghana Golda Construction Limited vacancies Golda Construction Limited vacancies 2022 Golda Construction Limited vacancies in Ghana GoldCoast Food Herbs and Spices Limited careers GoldCoast Food Herbs and Spices Limited careers 2022 GoldCoast Food Herbs and Spices Limited jobs GoldCoast Food Herbs and Spices Limited jobs 2022 GoldCoast Food Herbs and Spices Limited recruitments GoldCoast Food Herbs and Spices Limited recruitments 2022 GoldCoast Food Herbs and Spices Limited vacancies GoldCoast Food Herbs and Spices Limited vacancies 2022 Golden Africa Ghana careers in Ghana Golden Africa Ghana jobs in Ghana Golden Africa Ghana vacancies in Ghana Golden Gate International School Golden Star Exploration (Ghana) Limited careers Golden Star Exploration (Ghana) Limited jobs Golden Star Exploration (Ghana) Limited recruitments Golden Star Exploration (Ghana) Limited vacancies Golden Tulip jobs in Ghana Golder Associates careers in Ghana Golder Associates Ghana recruitment 2020 Golder Associates jobs in Ghana Golder Associates recruitment in Ghana Golder Associates recruitments in Ghana Golder Associates vacancies in Ghana Golder careers Golder careers 2022 Golder careers in Ghana Golder careers in Ghana 2021 Golder careers in Ghana 2022 Golder jobs Golder jobs 2022 Golder jobs in Ghana Golder jobs in Ghana 2021 Golder jobs in Ghana 2022 Golder recruitments Golder recruitments 2022 Golder recruitments in Ghana Golder recruitments in Ghana 2022 Golder recuritments in Ghana 2021 Golder vacancies Golder vacancies 2022 Golder vacancies in Ghana Golder vacancies in Ghana 2021 Golder vacancies in Ghana 2022 Goldline Mining Ghana careers in ghana Goldline Mining Ghana job vacancies in ghana 2020 Goldline Mining Ghana Jobs Vacancies in Ghana 2020 Goldline Mining Ghana Limited careers Goldline Mining Ghana Limited jobs Goldline Mining Ghana Limited jobs in ghana 2020 Goldline Mining Ghana Limited Recruitment 2020 Goldline Mining Ghana Limited Recruitment in Ghana 2020 Goldline Mining Ghana Recruitment 2020 Good Neighbors careers 2022 Good Neighbors careers in Ghana Good Neighbors careers in Ghana 2022 Good Neighbors Ghana jobs Good Neighbors jobs 2022 Good Neighbors jobs in Ghana Good Neighbors jobs in Ghana 2022 Good Neighbors recruitment in Ghana Good Neighbors recruitments 2022 Good Neighbors recruitments in Ghana 2022 Good Neighbors vacancies 2022 Good Neighbors vacancies in Ghana Good Neighbors vacancies in Ghana 2022 Google careers 2021 Google careers 2022 Google careers in Ghana Google careers in Ghana 2021 Google Ghana careers Google Ghana jobs Google Ghana recruitments Google Ghana vacancies Google jobs Google jobs 2021 Google jobs 2022 Google jobs in Ghana Google jobs in Ghana 2021 Google recruitment 2021 Google recruitment in Ghana Google recruitments 2022 Google recruitments in Ghana Google recruitments in Ghana 202 Google vacancies 2021 Google vacancies 2022 Google vacancies in Ghana Google vacancies in Ghana 2021 GOS Limited recruitment in ghana 2020 GOSCO jobs in ghana Governance and Leadership jobs in ghana Governance Regulatory & Risk Manager jobs In ghana Government agency jobs in Ghana government jobs ghana government jobs in ghana Grace Canteen jobs in Ghana graduate internship in ghana Graduate IT jobs in ghana graduate jobs in ghana Graduate jobs in ghana 2021 Graduate Recruitment – Tax Associate at KPMG Ghana 2020 Graduate recruitment in Ghana Graduate Trainee Programs in ghana Grameen Foundation job vacancies in Ghana Grants and Contract Management Administrator jobs in Ghana Graphic Communications Group careers 2021 Graphic Communications Group careers in Ghana Graphic Communications Group careers in Ghana 2021 Graphic Communications Group job vacancies in ghana Graphic Communications Group jobs in ghana Graphic Communications Group jobs in ghana 2020 Graphic Communications Group jobs in Ghana 2021 Graphic Communications Group LTD careers Graphic Communications Group LTD careers 2022 Graphic Communications Group Ltd careers in Ghana Graphic Communications Group Ltd careers in Ghana 2021 Graphic Communications Group LTD careers in Ghana 2022 Graphic Communications Group LTD jobs Graphic Communications Group LTD jobs 2022 Graphic Communications Group Ltd jobs in Ghana Graphic Communications Group Ltd jobs in Ghana 2021 Graphic Communications Group LTD jobs in Ghana 2022 Graphic Communications Group LTD recruitments Graphic Communications Group LTD recruitments 2022 Graphic Communications Group Ltd recruitments in Ghana Graphic Communications Group Ltd recruitments in Ghana 2021 Graphic Communications Group LTD recruitments in Ghana 2022 Graphic Communications Group LTD vacancies Graphic Communications Group LTD vacancies 2022 Graphic Communications Group Ltd vacancies in Ghana Graphic Communications Group Ltd vacancies in Ghana 2021 Graphic Communications Group LTD vacancies in Ghana 2022 Graphic Communications Group recruitment 2021 Graphic Communications Group recruitment in Ghana 2021 Graphic Communications Group recruitments in Ghana Graphic Communications Group recruitments in Ghana 2021 Graphic Communications Group vacancies 2021 Graphic Communications Group vacancies in Ghana Graphic Communications Group vacancies in Ghana 2021 Graphic Courier careers in Ghana Graphic Courier jobs in Ghana Graphic Courier recruitments in Ghana Graphic Courier vacancies in Ghana Graphic Design jobs in ghana Graphic designer Graphic Designer at Ronin Africa Recruitment 2020 Graphic Designer jobs in ghana Graphic Designer jobs in ghana 2021 Graphic Designer jobs vacancies in ghana 2020 Greater Accra Region Greater-Accra Greens Lounge careers 2021 Greens Lounge careers in Ghana Greens Lounge jobs 2021 Greens Lounge jobs in Ghana Greens Lounge recruitments 2021 Greens Lounge recruitments in Ghana Greens Lounge vacancies 2021 Greens Lounge vacancies in Ghana GRML careers in Ghana 2021 GRML jobs in Ghana 2021 GRML recruitment in Ghana 2021 GRML vacancies in Ghana 2021 GRO Oilfield Alliance Ghana careers GRO Oilfield Alliance Ghana careers 2021 GRO Oilfield Alliance Ghana jobs GRO Oilfield Alliance Ghana jobs 2021 GRO Oilfield Alliance Ghana Ltd career jobs in Ghana GRO Oilfield Alliance Ghana Ltd job vacancies in Ghana GRO Oilfield Alliance Ghana Ltd jobs in Ghana GRO Oilfield Alliance Ghana Ltd recruitment jobs in Ghana GRO Oilfield Alliance Ghana recruitments GRO Oilfield Alliance Ghana recruitments 2021 GRO Oilfield Alliance Ghana vacancies GRO Oilfield Alliance Ghana vacancies 2021 GROUPE ASCOMA Ghana recruitment 2020 GROUPE Ascoma jobs in ghana growth aid jobs in ghana GrowthAid careers 2022 GrowthAid careers in Ghana GrowthAid careers in Ghana 2022 GrowthAid jobs 2022 GrowthAid jobs in Ghana GrowthAid jobs in Ghana 2022 GrowthAid recruitments 2022 GrowthAid recruitments in Ghana GrowthAid recruitments in Ghana 2022 GrowthAid vacancies 2022 GrowthAid vacancies in Ghana GrowthAid vacancies in Ghana 2022 Guaranty Trust Bank jobs in ghana 2020 Guaranty Trust Bank Recruitment 2020 guest house manager jobs in ghana Guest Post Blogger jobs in ghana 2020 Guidance & Counselling jobs in ghana 2020 Guidance And Counselling jobs in ghana Guinness careers Guinness careers 2022 Guinness careers in Ghana Guinness careers in Ghana 2021 Guinness careers in Ghana 2022 Guinness Ghana Breweries Limited careers 2021 Guinness Ghana Breweries Limited jobs 2021 Guinness Ghana Breweries Limited recruitments 2021 Guinness Ghana Breweries Limited vacancies 2021 Guinness Ghana Brewery careers 2022 Guinness Ghana Brewery jobs 2022 Guinness Ghana Brewery recruitments 2022 Guinness Ghana Brewery vacancies 2022 Guinness Ghana careers 2021 Guinness Ghana jobs Guinness Ghana jobs 2020 Guinness Ghana jobs 2021 Guinness Ghana recruitment 2021 Guinness Ghana recruitments 2021 Guinness Ghana vacancies 2021 Guinness job vacancies in Ghana Guinness jobs Guinness jobs 2021 Guinness jobs 2022 Guinness jobs in Ghana Guinness jobs in Ghana 2021 Guinness jobs in Ghana 2022 Guinness recruitment in Ghana Guinness recruitment in Ghana 2021 Guinness recruitments Guinness recruitments 2022 Guinness recruitments in Ghana Guinness recruitments in Ghana 2021 Guinness recruitments in Ghana 2022 Guinness vacancies Guinness vacancies 2022 Guinness vacancies in Ghana Guinness vacancies in Ghana 2021 Guinness vacancies in Ghana 2022 Gynecologist Job Vacancies in ghana Halcom Management Services job vacancies in Ghana Halliburton careers Halliburton careers 2021 Halliburton careers 2022 Halliburton careers in Ghana Halliburton careers in Ghana 2021 Halliburton careers in Ghana 2022 Halliburton Internship Halliburton job vacancies in Ghana Halliburton jobs Halliburton jobs 2021 Halliburton jobs 2022 Halliburton Jobs in Ghana Halliburton jobs in Ghana 2021 Halliburton jobs in Ghana 2022 Halliburton recruitment 2021 Halliburton recruitment in Ghana Halliburton recruitment in Ghana 2021 Halliburton recruitments Halliburton recruitments 2022 Halliburton recruitments in Ghana Halliburton recruitments in Ghana 2021 Halliburton recruitments in Ghana 2022 Halliburton vacancies Halliburton vacancies 2021 Halliburton vacancies 2022 Halliburton vacancies in Ghana Halliburton vacancies in Ghana 2021 Halliburton vacancies in Ghana 2022 HandyTradie Ghana Ltd Recruitment 2020 Hapag-Lloyd AG careers in Ghana Hapag-Lloyd AG jobs in Ghana Hapag-Lloyd AG recruitments in Ghana Hapag-Lloyd AG vacancies in Ghana Happy Kids School jobs in ghana Happy Kids School recruitment in ghana Happy Sunshine Co. Ltd careers in Ghana Happy Sunshine Co. Ltd jobs in Ghana Happy Sunshine Co. Ltd recruitments in Ghana Happy Sunshine Co. Ltd vacancies in Ghana Haussmann Group Africa job vacancies Haynix Law Chambers careers Haynix Law Chambers careers in Ghana 2022 Haynix Law Chambers jobs Haynix Law Chambers jobs in Ghana 2022 Haynix Law Chambers recruitments Haynix Law Chambers recruitments in Ghana 2022 Haynix Law Chambers vacancies Haynix Law Chambers vacancies in Ghana 2022 Head CollectionsBayport Savings and Loans PLC jobs Head of Finance Jobs in Ghana Head of Internal Audit jobs in ghana Head Of Operations at Finance Mobile Head of Property Aquisition at Wekplace Head oUnited Nations Office for Project Services job vacancies in Ghana Headmaster Job Vacancy in ghana headmaster jobs in Ghana Headmistress jobs in Ghana headteacher jobs in Ghana Health & Safety Supervisor at Reputable Company Health and Safety Officers jobs in ghana Health job vacancies in ghana 2020 Health Jobs in Ghana Health Matters Eatery careers in Ghana 2021 Health Matters Eatery jobs in ghana Health Matters Eatery jobs in Ghana 2021 Health Matters Eatery recruitment in ghana Health Matters Eatery recruitment in Ghana 2021 Health Matters Eatery vacancies in Ghana 2021 Health Systems Expert jobs in ghana Healthcare and Medical Jobs In Ghana healthcare careers in ghana healthcare jobs in ghana Healthcare jobs in ghana 2021 healthcare jobs in kumasi Healthcare Jobs Recruitment in Ghana 2020 Healthy Habit Global jobs in ghana Healthy Habit Global Ltd Healthy Habits Global LTD heavy duty driving jobs vacancies in ghana Heavy Duty Mechanic jobs in ghana Hechtech Ghana careers 2021 Hechtech Ghana jobs 2021 Hechtech Ghana recruitments 2021 Hechtech Ghana vacancies 2021 Heiland Resources Limited careers in Ghana Heiland Resources Limited jobs in Ghana Heiland Resources Limited recruitments in Ghana Heiland Resources Limited vacancies in Ghana Hen Mpoano jobs in ghana Hen Mpoano recruitment in ghana Heny careers in Ghana Heny jobs in Ghana Heny recruitment in Ghana Heny vacancies in Ghana Herbalife Nutrition careers in Ghana 2021 Herbalife Nutrition jobs Herbalife Nutrition jobs in Ghana 2021 Herbalife Nutrition recruitment in Ghana 2021 Herbalife Nutrition recruitments in Ghana 2021 Herbalife Nutrition vacancies in Ghana 2021 Hexing Group ghana recruitment 2020 Hi-Lynks Communication careers in Ghana Hi-Lynks Communication careers in Ghana 2021 Hi-Lynks Communication jobs in Ghana Hi-Lynks Communication jobs in Ghana 2021 Hi-Lynks Communication recruitments in Ghana 2021 Hi-Lynks Communication vacancies in Ghana 2021 High Commission for Pakistan careers High Commission for Pakistan careers 2022 High Commission for Pakistan careers in Ghana High Commission for Pakistan careers in Ghana 2022 High Commission for Pakistan jobs High Commission for Pakistan jobs 2022 High Commission for Pakistan jobs in Ghana High Commission for Pakistan jobs in Ghana 2022 High Commission for Pakistan recruitments High Commission for Pakistan recruitments 2022 High Commission for Pakistan recruitments in Ghana High Commission for Pakistan recruitments in Ghana 2022 High Commission for Pakistan vacancies High Commission for Pakistan vacancies 2022 High Commission for Pakistan vacancies in Ghana High Commission for Pakistan vacancies in Ghana 2022 High commission jobs in ghana High Commission of India careers in Ghana 2021 High Commission of India jobs in Ghana 2021 High Commission of India recruitments in Ghana 2021 High Commission of India vacancies in Ghana 2021 Hilti Ghana job vacancies in Ghana Hilti Group careers in Ghana Hilti Group jobs in Ghana Hilti Group recruitment in Ghana Hilti Group recruitments in Ghana Hilti Group vacancies in Ghana hiring HLM Company jobs in ghana HLM Company recruitment in ghana HND graduates jobs in ghana HND holder jobs in ghana HND holders jobs in ghana HND in Graphic Designing HND jobs in gahan HND Jobs in Ghana Ho Technical University Recruitment 2020 Ho Technical University Recruitment in Ghana 2020 Hohoe Honghai House Ghana LTD careers Honghai House Ghana LTD careers 2021 Honghai House Ghana LTD jobs Honghai House Ghana LTD jobs 2021 Honghai House Ghana LTD recruitments Honghai House Ghana LTD recruitments 2021 Honghai House Ghana LTD vacancies Honghai House Ghana LTD vacancies 2021 Hospital Administrator recruitment in ghana 2020 hospital job vacancies in ghana hospital jobs in ghana hospital jobs in kumasi Hospitality careers in ghana hospitality jobs in ghana 2020 hot jobs in ghana hotel jobs in ghana Hotel Manager Jobs in Ghana Hotel Staffs Recruitment in Ghana hotjobghana today hotjobsghana jobs today House Master jobs in ghana Housekeeper jobs in ghana HR Admin jobs in ghana HR Bureau Ghana Recruitment 2020 HR careers in Ghana HR jobs in ghana HR jobs in ghana 2021 HR Manager Jjobs in ghana HR Recruitment in ghana HRM jobs in Ghana HSE jobs in ghana HSE jobs in ghana 2020 HTECH Group Huawei Ghana careers 2020 Huawei Ghana recruitment 2020 Huawei jobs in ghana Huawei jobs vacancies in ghana Hubtel careers 2022 Hubtel careers in Ghana Hubtel jobs 2022 Hubtel jobs in Ghana Hubtel Limited careers in ghana 2020 Hubtel Limited job vacancies in Ghana Hubtel Limited Recruitment in Ghana 2020 Hubtel recruitments 2022 Hubtel recruitments in Ghana Hubtel vacancies 2022 Hubtel vacancies in Ghana Human ResoQuick Credit & Investment Micro-Credit Limited jobs Human Resource and Administrative Manager jobs in ghana human resource careers in Africa human resource careers in ghana human resource job vacancies in Ghana Human Resource jobs in ghana 2021 Human Resource Manager jobs in Ghana 2020 Human Resources (HR) And Operations Officer at JSI Research & Training Institute Inc Human Resources Director jobs in ghana 2020 humanitarian jobs in ghana Hydraulic Technician jobs in ghana i t jobs in ghana ibis Styles Albany careers in Ghana 2021 ibis Styles Albany jobs in Ghana 2021 ibis Styles Albany recruitments in Ghana 2021 ibis Styles Albany vacancies in Ghana 2021 IBM careers in Ghana IBM careers in Ghana 2021 IBM Ghana recruitment 2020 IBM jobs in Ghana IBM jobs in ghana 2020 IBM jobs in Ghana 2021 IBM jobs recruitment in ghana IBM recruitment in Ghana 2021 IBM vacancies in Ghana 2021 Ibranaja Ventures careers in Ghana Ibranaja Ventures jobs in Ghana Ibranaja Ventures recruitment in Ghana Ibranaja Ventures vacancies in Ghana IBTCI jobs in ghana IBTCI jobs in ghana 2020 ICA jobs ICSS Engineer jobs in ghana ICT Jobs in Ghana ICT jobs in Ghana 2021 ICT Regional Manager jobs in ghana ICT Technician at OLA College of Education Ideas Printhouse Ltd recruitment in ghana 2020 Ideas R’us jobs in ghana 2020 IDS International jobs in ghana IELTS Test Fee Scholarship IELTS Test Fee waiver for international students If you are unsure what these terms mean you should probably contact your host. If you still need help you can always visit the WordPress Support Forums. IFC – International Finance Corporation careers 2022 IFC – International Finance Corporation careers in Ghana IFC – International Finance Corporation jobs 2022 IFC – International Finance Corporation jobs in Ghana IFC – International Finance Corporation recruitments 2022 IFC – International Finance Corporation recruitments in Ghana IFC – International Finance Corporation vacancies 2022 IFC – International Finance Corporation vacancies in Ghana IFDC careers in Ghana 2021 IFDC jobs in Ghana 2021 IFDC recruitment in ghana 2020 IFDC recruitment in Ghana 2021 IFDC vacancies in Ghana 2021 IFFCO Group careers in Ghana IFFCO Group careers in Ghana 2021 IFFCO Group jobs in ghana IFFCO Group jobs in Ghana 2021 IFFCO Group recruitment in Ghana IFFCO Group recruitments in Ghana 2021 IFFCO Group vacancies in Ghana IFFCO Group vacancies in Ghana 2021 Ignitia jobs in ghana IITA Ghana IJM careers in Ghana 2021 IJM Ghana IJM Jobs in ghana IJM jobs in Ghana 2021 IJM recruitment in Ghana 2021 IJM vacancies in Ghana 2021 ILO Ghana jobs IMANI Ghana jobs 2020 iMedic eHealth Co. LTD careers iMedic eHealth Co. LTD jobs iMedic eHealth Co. LTD recruitments iMedic eHealth Co. LTD vacancies Inc job vacancies in Ghana Inc jobs India High Commission jobs in ghana 2020 Industrial Liaison Officer jobs in ghana 2020 Infection Control Nursejobs in ghana 2020 Infobip job vacancies in Ghana Infobip recruitment in ghana 2020 informal jobs vacancies in ghana Information Security jobs in ghana InfoView Data Solutions careers in ghana InfoView Data Solutions jobs in ghana 2020 Infrastructure Trade Adviser at Foreign and Commonwealth Office INFUSEmedia careers ' INFUSEmedia jobs INFUSEmedia recruitments INFUSEmedia vacancies Ingeni Health job vacancies in Ghana INNORIK careers 2022 INNORIK jobs 2022 INNORIK recruitments 2022 INNORIK vacancies 2022 Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) careers in Ghana Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) careers in Ghana 2022 Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) jobs in ghana Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) jobs in Ghana 2022 Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) recruitments in Ghana Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) recruitments in Ghana 2022 Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) vacancies in Ghana Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) vacancies in Ghana 2022 Innovations for Poverty Action careers Innovations for Poverty Action careers in Ghana Innovations for Poverty Action jobs Innovations for Poverty Action jobs in Ghana Innovations for Poverty Action recruitment in Ghana Innovations for Poverty Action recruitments Innovations for Poverty Action vacancies Innovations for Poverty Action vacancies in Ghana Inspiration Holdings Ghana careers Inspiration Holdings Ghana careers 2\022 Inspiration Holdings Ghana careers in Ghana 2022 Inspiration Holdings Ghana jobs Inspiration Holdings Ghana jobs 2022 Inspiration Holdings Ghana jobs in Ghana 2022 Inspiration Holdings Ghana recruitments Inspiration Holdings Ghana recruitments 2022 Inspiration Holdings Ghana recruitments in Ghana 2022 Inspiration Holdings Ghana vacancies Inspiration Holdings Ghana vacancies 2022 Institute Of Accountancy Training (IAT) careers in Ghana Institute Of Accountancy Training (IAT) careers in Ghana 2021 Institute Of Accountancy Training (IAT) jobs in Ghana Institute Of Accountancy Training (IAT) jobs in Ghana 2021 Institute Of Accountancy Training (IAT) recruitments in Ghana Institute Of Accountancy Training (IAT) recruitments in Ghana 2021 Institute Of Accountancy Training (IAT) vacancies in Ghana Institute Of Accountancy Training (IAT) vacancies in Ghana 2021 Institute of Chartered Accountants – Ghana careers Institute of Chartered Accountants – Ghana jobs Institute of Chartered Accountants – Ghana recruitments Institute of Chartered Accountants – Ghana vacancies Insurance companies jobs in ghana Intelligent Card Production Systems careers in Ghana Intelligent Card Production Systems jobs in Ghana Intelligent Card Production Systems recruitment in Ghana Intelligent Card Production Systems vacancies in Ghana Intern opportunities in ghana Internal Audit Agency careers in Ghana Internal Audit Agency careers in ghana 2020 Internal Audit Agency careers in Ghana 2021 Internal Audit Agency Ghana recruitment 2020 Internal Audit Agency jobs in Ghana Internal Audit Agency jobs in ghana 2020 Internal Audit Agency jobs in Ghana 2021 Internal Audit Agency recruitments in Ghana Internal Audit Agency recruitments in Ghana 2021 Internal Audit Agency vacancies in Ghana Internal Audit Agency vacancies in Ghana 2021 Internal Audit Jobs in Ghana Internal Audit Manager recruitment in ghana 2020 Internal Audit recruitment in ghana Internal Auditor Job Vacancy at OLA College of Education internal auditor jobs in ghana Internal Auditor jobs in ghana 2021 Internal Auditor Officer jobs in ghana 2019 Internal Auditor Trainee jobs in ghana Internal Auditors Jobs in ghana International Budget Partnership jobs International Business & Technical Consultants International Business & Technical Consultants Inc. (IBTCI) careers International Business & Technical Consultants Inc. (IBTCI) jobs International Business & Technical Consultants Inc. (IBTCI) recruitments International Business & Technical Consultants Inc. (IBTCI) vacancies International Business & Technical Consultants recruitment 2020 International Business and Technical Consultants jobs in ghana International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) careers in Ghana 2022 International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) jobs in Ghana 2022 International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) recruitments in Ghana 2022 International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) vacancies in Ghana 2022 International Executive Service Corps (IESC) careers ' International Executive Service Corps (IESC) jobs International Executive Service Corps (IESC) recruitments International Executive Service Corps (IESC) vacancies International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies careers in Ghana 2021 International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies jobs in Ghana 2021 International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies recruitments in Ghana 2021 International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies vacancies in Ghana 2021 International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC) careers 2022 International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC) careers in Ghana International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC) jobs 2022 International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC) jobs in Ghana International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC) recruitment in Ghana International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC) recruitments 2022 International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC) recruitments in Ghana International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC) vacancies 2022 International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC) vacancies in Ghana International Fertilizer Development Center careers 2021 International Fertilizer Development Center careers in Ghana International Fertilizer Development Center careers in Ghana 2021 International Fertilizer Development Center careers in Ghana International Fertilizer Development Center recruitments in Ghana International Fertilizer Development Center jobs International Fertilizer Development Center jobs 2021 International Fertilizer Development Center jobs in Ghana International Fertilizer Development Center jobs in Ghana 2021 International Fertilizer Development Center recruitment in Ghana International Fertilizer Development Center recruitment in Ghana 2021 International Fertilizer Development Center recruitments 2021 International Fertilizer Development Center recruitments in Ghana International Fertilizer Development Center recruitments in Ghana 2021 International Fertilizer Development Center vacancies 2021 International Fertilizer Development Center vacancies in Ghana International Fertilizer Development Center vacancies in Ghana 2021 International Fertilizer Development Center(IFDC) jobs in Ghana International Finance Corporation careers in Ghana International Finance Corporation jobs in Ghana International Finance Corporation recruitments in Ghana International Finance Corporation vacancies in Ghana International Graduate Student Essay Competition international job vacancies in ghana international jobs ghana international jobs in ghana International jobs in ghana 2021 International Justice Mission (IJM) careers 2021 International Justice Mission (IJM) careers in Ghana International Justice Mission (IJM) careers in Ghana 2021 International Justice Mission (IJM) jobs 2021 International Justice Mission (IJM) jobs in ghana International Justice Mission (IJM) jobs in Ghana 2021 International Justice Mission (IJM) recruitment 2021 International Justice Mission (IJM) recruitment in Ghana International Justice Mission (IJM) recruitment in Ghana 2021 International Justice Mission (IJM) recruitments in Ghana International Justice Mission (IJM) vacancies 2021 International Justice Mission (IJM) vacancies in Ghana International Justice Mission (IJM) vacancies in Ghana 2021 International Justice Mission careers 2022 International Justice Mission careers in Ghana International Justice Mission careers in Ghana 2022 International Justice Mission jobs 2022 International Justice Mission jobs in Ghana International Justice Mission jobs in Ghana 2022 International Justice Mission recruitment in Ghana International Justice Mission recruitments 2022 International Justice Mission recruitments in Ghana International Justice Mission vacancies 2022 International Justice Mission vacancies in Ghana International Justice Mission vacancies in Ghana 2022] International Labour Organization careers International Labour Organization careers in Ghana International Labour Organization careers in Ghana 2021 International Labour Organization Ghana recruitment 2020 International Labour Organization jobs International Labour Organization jobs in Ghana International Labour Organization jobs in Ghana 2021 International Labour Organization recruitments International Labour Organization recruitments in Ghana International Labour Organization recruitments in Ghana 2021 International Labour Organization vacancies International Labour Organization vacancies in Ghana International Labour Organization vacancies in Ghana 2021 International Maritime Hospital (IMaH) careers International Maritime Hospital (IMaH) careers 2022 International Maritime Hospital (IMaH) careers in Ghana International Maritime Hospital (IMaH) jobs International Maritime Hospital (IMaH) jobs 2022 International Maritime Hospital (IMaH) jobs in Ghana International Maritime Hospital (IMaH) recruitments International Maritime Hospital (IMaH) recruitments 2022 International Maritime Hospital (IMaH) recruitments in Ghana International Maritime Hospital (IMaH) vacancies International Maritime Hospital (IMaH) vacancies 2022 International Maritime Hospital (IMaH) vacancies in Ghana International Organisational Migration (IOM) International Organization for Migration careers in Ghana International Organization for Migration jobs in Ghana International Organization for Migration recruitment in Ghana International Organization for Migration vacancies in Ghana International Potato Center (CIP) careers International Potato Center (CIP) careers 2022 International Potato Center (CIP) careers in Ghana International Potato Center (CIP) careers in Ghana 2022 International Potato Center (CIP) jobs International Potato Center (CIP) jobs 2022 International Potato Center (CIP) jobs in Ghana International Potato Center (CIP) jobs in Ghana 2022 International Potato Center (CIP) recruitments International Potato Center (CIP) recruitments 2022 International Potato Center (CIP) recruitments in Ghana International Potato Center (CIP) recruitments in Ghana 2022 International Potato Center (CIP) vacancies International Potato Center (CIP) vacancies 2022 International Potato Center (CIP) vacancies in Ghana International Potato Center (CIP) vacancies in Ghana 2022 International SOS careers in Ghana International SOS jobs in Ghana International SOS recruitments in Ghana International SOS vacancies in Ghana International Trade Centre careers in Ghana International Trade Centre job vacancies International Trade Centre jobs in Ghana International Trade Centre recruitments in Ghana International Trade Centre vacancies in Ghana International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) careers in Ghana International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) jobs in Ghana International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) recruitments in Ghana International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) vacancies in Ghana International Water Management Institute (IWMI) careers 2022 International Water Management Institute (IWMI) careers in Ghana International Water Management Institute (IWMI) careers in Ghana 2022 International Water Management Institute (IWMI) job vacancies in Ghana International Water Management Institute (IWMI) jobs 2022 International Water Management Institute (IWMI) jobs in Ghana International Water Management Institute (IWMI) jobs in Ghana 2022 International Water Management Institute (IWMI) recruitments 2022 International Water Management Institute (IWMI) recruitments in Ghana International Water Management Institute (IWMI) recruitments in Ghana 2022 International Water Management Institute (IWMI) vacancies 2022 International Water Management Institute (IWMI) vacancies in Ghana International Water Management Institute (IWMI) vacancies in Ghana 2022 International Water Management Institute careers in Ghana International Water Management Institute Ghana Recruitment 2020 International Water Management Institute job vacancies in Ghana International Water Management Institute jobs in Ghana International Water Management Institute recruitment in Ghana International Water Management Institute recruitments in Ghana International Water Management Institute vacancies in Ghana International Workplace Group careers International Workplace Group jobs International Workplace Group recruitments International Workplace Group vacancies Internship in Ghana Internship opportunities in Ghana Internship vacancies in ghana today internships for graduates in ghana Internships in ghana Internships in Ghana 2021 Investment Advisor jobs in ghana 2020 Investment Advisor recruitment in ghana 2020 investment company jobs in Ghana 2020 Investment Officer jobs in ghana Investment Specialist Job at Abt Associates investment specialist jobs in ghana Investments Analyst Jobs in ghana INZAG careers in Ghana INZAG jobs in Ghana INZAG recruitment in Ghana INZAG vacancies in Ghana IOM careers in Ghana IOM careers in Ghana 2021 IOM Ghana jobs 2020 IOM job vacancies in Ghana IOM jobs in Ghana IOM jobs in Ghana 2021 IOM recruitment in Ghana IOM recruitments in Ghana 2021 IOM vacancies in Ghana IOM vacancies in Ghana 2021 iOS Developer jobs in ghana 2020 IPA jobs in Ghana iPay careers in Ghana iPay careers in Ghana 2022 iPay jobs in Ghana iPay jobs in Ghana 2022 iPay recruitments in Ghana iPay recruitments in Ghana 2022 iPay vacancies in Ghana iPay vacancies in Ghana 2022 IPMC Ghana careers 2021 IPMC Ghana careers 2022 IPMC Ghana jobs 2021 IPMC Ghana jobs 2022 IPMC Ghana recruitments 2021 IPMC Ghana recruitments 2022 IPMC Ghana vacancies 2021 IPMC Ghana vacancies 2022 IQVIA careers in Ghana IQVIA job vacancies in Ghana IQVIA jobs IQVIA jobs in Ghana IQVIA jobs in ghana 2020 IQVIA vacancies in Ghana IRC Ghana Recruitment 2020 Irofo Developments careers 2022 Irofo Developments careers in Ghana Irofo Developments jobs 2022 Irofo Developments jobs in Ghana Irofo Developments recruitments 2022 Irofo Developments recruitments in Ghana Irofo Developments vacancies 2022 Irofo Developments vacancies in Ghana Irrigation Engineers jobs in ghana Irvine Partners careers in Ghana 2021 Irvine Partners jobs in Ghana 2021 Irvine Partners recruitments in Ghana 2021 Irvine Partners vacancies in Ghana 2021 Ishmael Yamson & Associates jobs in ghana Ishmael Yamson & Associates jobs recruitment in ghana Islamic University College Ghana jobs in ghana Islamic University College Ghana recruitment in ghana ISSER jobs in Ghana IT Administrator Jobs in ghana IT and Operations Executive jobs in Ghana IT and Telecom jobs in Ghana IT and telecom jobs in ghana 2020 IT careers in Africa IT careers in Ghana IT careers in ghana 2020 IT Companies jobs in ghana IT Developers jobs in ghana IT instructor jobs in Ghana IT job vacancies in ghana IT Job vacancies in ghana 2021 IT job vacancies September 2019 it jobs ghana IT Jobs in Accra IT Jobs in ghana IT jobs in ghana 2019 IT jobs in ghana 2020 IT jobs in ghana 2021 it jobs in ghana today IT jobs vacancies in Ghana IT officer jobs in ghana IT Operations Manager jobs in ghana 2020 IT Professionals jobs in ghana IT Pros careers 2021 IT Pros jobs 2021 IT Pros recruitments 2021 IT Pros vacancies in 2021 IT Support Job Vacancy IT Support Jobs in Ghana IT Support Officer Jobs in ghana IT/Telecom jobs in ghana ITU careers in Ghana 2022 ITU jobs in Ghana 2022 ITU recruitments in Ghana 2022 ITU vacancies in Ghana 2022 IWG careers in Ghana 2022 IWG jobs in Ghana 2022 IWG recruitments in Ghana 2022 IWG vacancies in Ghana 2022 Izwe Loans Limited jobs in Ghana Izwe Savings & Loans Limited careers in Ghana izwe Savings & Loans Limited careers in Ghana 2022 Izwe Savings & Loans Limited jobs in Ghana izwe Savings & Loans Limited jobs in Ghana 2022 Izwe Savings & Loans Limited recruitments in Ghana izwe Savings & Loans Limited recruitments in Ghana 2022 Izwe Savings & Loans Limited vacancies in Ghana izwe Savings & Loans Limited vacancies in Ghana 2022 Izwe Savings and Loans job vacancies in Ghana J&J Family of Companies career jobs in Ghana J&J Family of Companies careers 2022 J&J Family of Companies careers in Ghana J&J Family of Companies jobs 2022 J&J Family of Companies jobs in Ghana J&J Family of Companies jobs in Ghana 2021 J&J Family of Companies recruitment jobs in Ghana J&J Family of Companies recruitments 2022 J&J Family of Companies recruitments in Ghana J&J Family of Companies vacancies J&J Family of Companies vacancies 2022 J&J Family of Companies vacancies in Ghana J&J Family of Companies vacancies in Ghana 2021 Jamrock Restaurant & Grill careers in Ghana Jamrock Restaurant & Grill jobs in Ghana Jamrock Restaurant & Grill recruitments in Ghana Jamrock Restaurant & Grill vacancies in Ghana Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) careers in Ghana Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) jobs in Ghana Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) recruitments in Ghana Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) vacancies in Ghana Japan Motors careers in Ghana Japan Motors jobs in Ghana Japan Motors recruitment in Ghana Japan Motors vacancies in Ghana Jasikan College of Education Staff recruitment 2020 Java Test Experts jobs in ghana Jay Kay Group careers 2022 Jay Kay Group jobs 2022 Jay Kay Group recruitments 2022 Jay Kay Group vacancies 2022 JCS Investment careers 2021 JCS Investment jobs 2021 JCS Investment recruitment 2021 JCS Investment vacancies 2021 JD Link Oil careers in Ghana JD Link Oil jobs in Ghana JD Link Oil recruitments in Ghana JD Link Oil vacancies in Ghana JD-LINK Oil Company Limited careers in Ghana JD-LINK Oil Company Limited jobs in Ghana JD-LINK Oil Company Limited recruitments in Ghana JD-LINK Oil Company Limited vacancies in Ghana Jesus Chris Ventures careers in Ghana Jesus Chris Ventures jobs in Ghana Jesus Chris Ventures recruitment in Ghana Jesus Chris Ventures vacancies in Ghana Jhpiego ghana jobs vacancies in ghana Jhpiego Ghana recruitment 2020 JICA Ghana JITA Credit Partners Microfinance Ltd (JITA) careers in Ghana JITA Credit Partners Microfinance Ltd (JITA) jobs in Ghana JITA Credit Partners Microfinance Ltd (JITA) recruitments in Ghana JITA Credit Partners Microfinance Ltd (JITA) vacancies in Ghana job ghana job ghana current job ghanaweb job in accra job in gh job in ghana for foreigners job market in ghana job online ghana job online in ghana job openings in ghana Job openings in Ghana 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jobs in Ghana Johnson & Johnson recruitments 2021 Johnson & Johnson recruitments 2022 Johnson & Johnson recruitments in Ghana Johnson & Johnson recruitments in Ghana 2022 Johnson & Johnson vacancies 2021 Johnson & Johnson vacancies 2022 Johnson & Johnson vacancies in Ghana Johnson & Johnson vacancies in Ghana 2022 Jonhord Ventures careers 2021 Jonhord Ventures jobs 2021 Jonhord Ventures recruitments 2021 Jonhord Ventures vacancies 2021 journalist careers in ghana Joyce Ababio College jobs in ghana JSI Research & Training Institute JSI Research & Training Institute Inc careers in ghana JSI Research & Training Institute Inc Recruitment in ghana 2020 Judicial Service of Ghana careers Judicial Service of Ghana careers 2020 Judicial Service of Ghana careers 2021 Judicial Service of Ghana careers 2022 Judicial Service of Ghana job vacancies in ghana Judicial Service of Ghana jobs Judicial Service of Ghana jobs 2021 Judicial Service of Ghana jobs 2022 Judicial Service of Ghana recruitment 2020 Judicial Service of Ghana recruitment 2021 Judicial Service of Ghana recruitments Judicial Service of Ghana recruitments 2021 Judicial Service of Ghana recruitments 2022 Judicial Service of Ghana vacancies Judicial Service of Ghana vacancies 2021 Judicial Service of Ghana vacancies 2022 JUDY careers in Ghana JUDY careers in Ghana 2021 JUDY jobs in Ghana JUDY jobs in Ghana 2021 JUDY recruitments in Ghana JUDY recruitments in Ghana 2021 JUDY vacancies in Ghana JUDY vacancies in Ghana 2021 jumia careers in Africa jumia careers in ghana Jumia careers in Ghana 2021 Jumia careers in Ghana 2022 Jumia ghana recruitment 2020 Jumia Group careers Jumia Group careers 2021 Jumia Group careers 2022 Jumia Group careers in Ghana Jumia Group careers in Ghana 2022 Jumia Group jobs Jumia Group jobs 2021 Jumia Group jobs 2022 Jumia Group jobs in Ghana Jumia Group jobs in Ghana 2022 Jumia Group recruitment 2021 Jumia Group recruitment in Ghana Jumia Group recruitments Jumia Group recruitments 2022 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Jwompa Media Group K.A. Brokerage Consultancy careers 2021 K.A. Brokerage Consultancy jobs 2021 K.A. Brokerage Consultancy recruitment 2021 K.A. Brokerage Consultancy vacancies 2021 KAIPTC Kantar careers in Ghana 2021 Kantar jobs in Ghana 2021 Kantar recruitment in Ghana 2021 Kantar vacancies in Ghana 2021 KAS Christian International School careers 2022 KAS Christian International School jobs 2022 KAS Christian International School recruitments 2022 KAS Christian International School vacancies 2022 Kasapreko Company Limited careers in Ghana Kasapreko Company Limited jobs in Ghana Kasapreko Company Limited recruitments in Ghana Kasapreko Company Limited vacancies in Ghana Kasseh-Ada KCM Limited jobs in ghana Kee Express careers 2022 Kee Express careers in Ghana Kee Express careers in Ghana 2021 Kee Express jobs 2022 Kee Express jobs in Ghana Kee Express jobs in Ghana 2021 Kee Express recruitment in Ghana Kee Express recruitments 2022 Kee Express recruitments in Ghana 2021 Kee Express vacancies 2022 Kee Express vacancies in Ghana Kee Express vacancies in Ghana 2021 Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City careers Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City careers 2021 Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City careers 2022 Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City careers in Ghana Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City careers in Ghana 2021 Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City careers in Ghana 2022 Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City jobs Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City jobs 2021 Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City jobs 2022 Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City jobs in Ghana Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City jobs in Ghana 2021 Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City jobs in Ghana 2022 Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City recruitment 2021 Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City recruitment in Ghana Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City recruitments Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City recruitments 2021 Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City recruitments 2022 Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City recruitments in Ghana Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City recruitments in Ghana 2021 Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City recruitments in Ghana 2022 Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City vacancies Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City vacancies 2021 Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City vacancies 2022 Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City vacancies in Ghana Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City vacancies in Ghana 2021 Kempinski Hotel Gold Coast City vacancies in Ghana 2022 Kempinski Hotel jobs in ghana Kempinski Hotels careers Kempinski Hotels careers 2021 Kempinski Hotels careers in Ghana Kempinski Hotels careers in Ghana 2021 Kempinski Hotels jobs Kempinski Hotels jobs 2021 Kempinski Hotels jobs in Ghana Kempinski Hotels jobs in Ghana 2021 Kempinski Hotels recruitment 2021 Kempinski Hotels recruitment in Ghana Kempinski Hotels recruitment in Ghana 2021 Kempinski Hotels recruitments Kempinski Hotels recruitments 2021 Kempinski Hotels recruitments in Ghana Kempinski Hotels recruitments in Ghana 2021 Kempinski Hotels vacancies Kempinski Hotels vacancies 2021 Kempinski Hotels vacancies in Ghana Kempinski Hotels vacancies in Ghana 2021 Ken International School careers in Ghana 2021 Ken International School jobs in Ghana 2021 Ken International School recruitments in Ghana 2021 Ken International School vacancies in Ghana 2021 KERSL Automation careers in Ghana KERSL Automation jobs in Ghana KERSL Automation recruitments in Ghana KERSL Automation vacancies in Ghana Key Account Manager Job KFC Ghana KFC Jobs in Ghana Khameen Professional Institute careers in Ghana 2021 Khameen Professional Institute jobs in Ghana 2021 Khameen Professional Institute recruitment in Ghana 2021 Khameen Professional Institute vacancies in Ghana 2021 Kindergarten Teacher jobs in ghana Kingdom Books & Stationery Limited careers in Ghana Kingdom Books & Stationery Limited jobs in Ghana Kingdom Books & Stationery Limited recruitments in Ghana Kingdom Books & Stationery Limited vacancies in Ghana Kings City Real Estate Ltd jobs in ghana 2020 Kinross Gold Corporation Kinross Gold Corporation careers Kinross Gold Corporation careers 2021 Kinross Gold Corporation careers 2022 Kinross Gold Corporation careers in Ghana Kinross Gold Corporation careers in Ghana 2022 Kinross Gold Corporation jobs Kinross Gold Corporation jobs 2021 Kinross Gold Corporation jobs 2022 Kinross Gold Corporation jobs in Ghana Kinross Gold Corporation jobs in Ghana 2022 Kinross Gold Corporation recruitment Kinross Gold Corporation recruitments 2021 Kinross Gold Corporation recruitments 2022 Kinross Gold Corporation recruitments in Ghana Kinross Gold Corporation recruitments in Ghana 2022 Kinross Gold Corporation vacancies Kinross Gold Corporation vacancies 2021 Kinross Gold Corporation vacancies 2022 Kinross Gold Corporation vacancies in ghana Kinross Gold Corporation vacancies in Ghana 2022 Kinross jobs in Ghana Kintampo Health Research job vacancies in ghana Kintampo Health Research jobs in ghana Kintampo Health Research recruitment in ghana Kintampoo Rural Bank Limited careers Kintampoo Rural Bank Limited careers in Ghana Kintampoo Rural Bank Limited jobs Kintampoo Rural Bank Limited jobs in Ghana Kintampoo Rural Bank Limited recruitments Kintampoo Rural Bank Limited recruitments in Ghana Kintampoo Rural Bank Limited vacancies Kintampoo Rural Bank Limited vacancies in Ghana KLLOYDS Ghana recruitment 2020 KN & Associate careers in Ghana KN & Associate jobs in Ghana KN & Associate recruitment in Ghana KN & Associate vacancies in Ghana Knights Ghana Limited jobs in ghana Knights Ghana Limited recruitment in ghana Knowledge Management Expert by Ghana Water Company Limited careers Knowledge Management Expert by Ghana Water Company Limited jobs Knowledge Management Expert by Ghana Water Company Limited recruitments Knowledge Management Expert by Ghana Water Company Limited vacancies KNUST careers in Ghana 2021 KNUST jobs in Ghana 2021 KNUST recruitments in Ghana 2021 KNUST vacancies in Ghana 2021 Koachie Health Systems careers in Ghana Koachie Health Systems jobs in Ghana Koachie Health Systems recruitment in Ghana Koachie Health Systems vacancies in Ghana Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence (AITI-KACE) recruitment in ghana Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence jobs in ghana Koforidua Technical University (KTC) careers in Ghana Koforidua Technical University (KTC) jobs in Ghana Koforidua Technical University (KTC) recruitments in Ghana Koforidua Technical University (KTC) vacancies in Ghana Koforidua Technical University (KTU) careers Koforidua Technical University (KTU) careers in Ghana Koforidua Technical University (KTU) careers in Ghana 2021 Koforidua Technical University (KTU) Jobs Koforidua Technical University (KTU) jobs in Ghana Koforidua Technical University (KTU) jobs in Ghana 2021 Koforidua Technical University (KTU) recruitment in Ghana Koforidua Technical University (KTU) Vacancies Koforidua Technical University (KTU) vacancies in Ghana Koforidua Technical University (KTU) vacancies in Ghana 2021 Koforidua Technical University careers in ghana 2020 Koforidua Technical University careers in Ghana 2021 Koforidua Technical University job opportunities in ghana 2020 Koforidua Technical University job vacancies in ghana 2020 Koforidua Technical University jobs in ghana Koforidua Technical University jobs in Ghana 2021 Koforidua Technical University jobs openings in ghana 2020 Koforidua Technical University recruitment 2020 Koforidua Technical University recruitment in ghana 2020 Koforidua Technical University recruitment in Ghana 2021 Koforidua Technical University recruitment in ghana today Koforidua Technical University vacancies in Ghana 2021 Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital careers Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital careers 2022 Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital careers in Ghana Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital careers in Ghana 2022 Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital jobs Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital jobs 2022 Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital jobs in Ghana Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital jobs in Ghana 2022 Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital recruitments Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital recruitments 2022 Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital recruitments in Ghana Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital recruitments in Ghana 2022 Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital vacancies Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital vacancies 2022 Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital vacancies in Ghana Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital vacancies in Ghana 2022 Konrad Adenauer Foundation careers in Ghana Konrad Adenauer Foundation jobs in Ghana Konrad Adenauer Foundation recruitment in Ghana Konrad Adenauer Foundation vacancies in Ghana Kontak job vacancies in Ghana KPMG Ghana careers KPMG Ghana careers 2020 KPMG Ghana careers 2021 KPMG Ghana careers 2022 KPMG Ghana careers in ghana 2020 KPMG Ghana Job vacancies KPMG Ghana jobs KPMG Ghana jobs 2021 KPMG Ghana jobs 2022 kpmg ghana recruitment 2020 KPMG Ghana recruitment 2020/2021 KPMG Ghana recruitments KPMG Ghana recruitments 2021 KPMG Ghana recruitments 2022 KPMG Ghana vacancies KPMG Ghana vacancies 2021 KPMG Ghana vacancies 2022 KPMG job vacancies in ghana KPMG jobs in Ghana KPMG recruitment in ghana Kreek Africa Ghana recruitment 2020 Kuda Ghana careers Kuda Ghana careers 2022 Kuda Ghana jobs Kuda Ghana jobs 2022 Kuda Ghana recruitments Kuda Ghana recruitments 2022 Kuda Ghana vacancies Kuda Ghana vacancies 2022 Kumasi Kumasi jobs Kumasi Kejetia jobs Kumasi Technical University careers in Ghana Kumasi Technical University jobs in Ghana Kumasi Technical University recruitment 2020 Kumasi Technical University recruitment in Ghana Kumasi Technical University recruitment in ghana 2020 Kwadisi Web Services jobs Kwaduya careers in Ghana 2021 Kwaduya jobs in Ghana 2021 Kwaduya recruitments in Ghana 2021 Kwaduya vacancies in Ghana 2021 Kwame Nkrumah University (KNUST) careers in Ghana Kwame Nkrumah University (KNUST) jobs in Ghana Kwame Nkrumah University (KNUST) recruitment in Ghana Kwame Nkrumah University (KNUST) recruitments in Ghana Kwame Nkrumah University (KNUST) vacancies in Ghana Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Kumasi careers in Ghana Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Kumasi jobs in Ghana Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Kumasi recruitments in Ghana Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Kumasi vacancies in Ghana kwikbrand Ghana recruitment 2020 Labadi Beach Hotel job vacancies in Ghana Labadi beach hotel jobs Laboratory Analyst Jobs in Ghana Laboratory Assistant Jobs in ghana Laboratory Manager jobs in Ghana Laboratory Technician jobs in ghana Labourers jobs in Ghana Laith Machine Operator jobs in ghana Lancaster University careers Lancaster University Ghana careers Lancaster University Ghana jobs Lancaster University Ghana jobs vacancies in ghana Lancaster University Ghana recruitment 2020 Lancaster University Ghana recruitments Lancaster University Ghana vacancies Landsar Developers LTD careers in Ghana Landsar Developers LTD jobs in Ghana Landsar Developers LTD recruitment in Ghana Landsar Developers LTD vacancies in Ghana Landtours Ghana Ltd careers 2021 Landtours Ghana Ltd careers 2022 Landtours Ghana Ltd jobs 2021 Landtours Ghana Ltd jobs 2022 Landtours Ghana Ltd recruitments 2021 Landtours Ghana Ltd recruitments 2022 Landtours Ghana Ltd vacancies 2021 Landtours Ghana Ltd vacancies 2022 Language Recruiters Ghana jobs 2020 Lapaz Community Hospital careers in Ghana 2021 Lapaz Community Hospital jobs in Ghana 2021 Lapaz Community Hospital recruitment in Ghana 2021 Lapaz Community Hospital vacancies in Ghana 2021 Last Mile Health (LMH) careers Last Mile Health (LMH) jobs Last Mile Health (LMH) recruitments Last Mile Health (LMH) vacancies Last Mile Health careers in Ghana Last Mile Health jobs in Ghana Last Mile Health recruitments in Ghana Last Mile Health vacancies in Ghana lates African Union jobs in ghana latest Abt Associates jobs in Ghana latest Account Manager Jobs in ghana latest accounting and finance jobs in Ghana latest accounting jobs in Ghana Latest accounting jobs in Ghana August 2020 latest accounting jobs in ghana october 2019 Latest Accounting Jobs In Ghana September 2019 latest Accra College of Medicine jobs in ghana latest administrative jobs in ghana latest advertising jobs in ghana 2019 latest agriculture jobs in ghana latest agriculture jobs in ghana 2019 latest airteltigo jobs in Ghana latest AirtelTigo jobs in ghana October 2019 latest AngloGold Ashanti jobs in ghana latest Aqua Safari Resort jobs in ghana latest auditing jobs in ghana october 2019 latest banking jobs in ghana latest banking jobs in ghana August 2020 Latest banking jobs in Ghana November 2019 latest Bethel Hospital jobs in Ghana latest BMMI Ghana jobs 2020 Latest Branch Accountant Job at Reputable Pharmaceutical Firm in ghana October 2019 latest Butler Jobs in Ghana latest CARE Ghana jobs 2020 latest careers in ghana latest careers in ghana september 2020 latest Cargill jobs in Ghana latest central university jobs in Ghana latest Chief of party jobs in Ghana- October 2019 latest Child Family Health International jobs in ghana latest Christian Aid Jobs in Ghana latest civil service recruitment in ghana october 2019 latest construction jobs in ghana latest Cook jobs in ghana latest customer service jobs in Ghana latest delivery jobs in ghana latest Deloitte jobs in ghana latest Deloitte jobs in ghana November 2019 latest Design & Technology Institute jobs in ghana 2020 latest digital jobs in ghana latest Driver Job at Ghana National Association of the Deaf september 2019/2020 latest ego jobs in ghana 2021 latest engineering jobs in Ghana latest engineering jobs in ghana september 2020 latest fidelity bank jobs in ghana 2019 latest finance jobs in ghana latest Fisheries Commission jobs in ghana latest Foreign and Commonwealth Office jobs in ghana latest FPE Manager jobs in ghana latest Ghana airforce jobs in ghana latest ghana armed forces recruitment in ghana latest Ghana Institute of Journalism jobs in ghana latest Ghana International School jobs latest Ghana Statistical Service jobs latest Ghana Technology University College jobs in Ghana latest Ghana Telecom University College jobs in Ghana latest GIS jobs in ghana latest golfields ghana jobs latest government jobs in ghana latest graduate jobs in ghana October 2019 latest Graphic Designer Jobs in ghana October 2019 latest Head of School Jobs in ghana at SOS October 2019 Latest Healthcare and Medical Jobs In Ghana in September 2019 latest HND jobs in ghana latest hotel jobs in ghana November 2019 latest Househelp jobs in Ghana latest HPW fresh & dry Ltd jobs in ghana latest HR jobs in ghana latest hr jobs in Ghana 2021 latest Human Resources Manager Jobs in ghana October 2019 latest ICT Coordinator Job at SOS Children's Villages Ghana latest IFDC jobs in Ghana latest Innovations for Poverty Action jobs in Ghana latest International Fertilizer Development Center careers in ghana latest International Fertilizer Development Center jobs in ghana latest International Fertilizer Development Center jobs n ghana latest International Fertilizer Development Center vacancies in ghana latest International Justice Mission jobs in ghana latest investment specialist jobs in ghana latest IT jobs in ghana 2021 Latest IT jobs in Ghana Octobe 2019 latest IT jobs in ghana October 2019 Latest IT Jobs In Ghana September 2019 latest IT Recruitment in Ghana Latest jobs at CAMFED Ghana latest jobs at School of Public Health latest jobs at University of Ghana Dental School latest jobs at University of Ghana Medical School latest jobs in ghana latest jobs in ghana 2020 latest jobs in ghana 2021 latest jobs in ghana august 2020 latest jobs in ghana november 2019 latest jobs in ghana october 2019 latest jobs in ghana september 2020 latest jobs in ghana today latest Jonhord Ventures jobs in ghana Latest Jumia careers in Ghana latest Jumia Jobs in Ghana Latest Jumia recruitment in Ghana Latest Jumia vacancies in Ghana latest KFC jobs in Ghana latest KPMG jobs in Ghana latest lecturer jobs in Ghana latest legal jobs in ghana october 2019 latest Local Government Studies jobs in Ghana latest Logistics Officer Jobs in ghana october 2019 latest Marie Stopes International jobs in ghana latest Masco Foods jobs in ghana latest mechanic jobs in ghana October 2019 latest mining jobs in ghana November 2019 latest mining jobs in ghana October 2019 latest MODEC Ghana jobs Latest Monitoring & Evaluation Officers jobs in ghana october 2019 latest Montessori school jobs in Ghana latest Motor Rider jobs in Ghana latest mtn ghana jobs latest MTN Ghana jobs october 2019 latest Nanny jobs in ghana latest Newmont jobs in Ghana latest newmont jobs in ghana No ember 2019 Latest NGO & International Jobs In Ghana 2020 latest ngo jobs in ghana latest ngo jobs in ghana 2020 Latest Northern Development Authority jobs in Ghana October 2019 latest oil and gas jobs in ghana October 2019 Latest Online Editor Job at TV3 Ghana October 2019 latest Orcas Global jobs in Ghana latest Plan Ghana jobs latest Planned Parenthood Association jobs in ghana latest Procurement jobs in ghana latest Procurement officer Job Vacancies in ghana latest Programme and Trade Officer Jobs in ghana at Embassy of Switzerland october 2019 latest project manager jobs in ghana latest project officer jobs in ghana latest publishing jobs in ghana latest Purchasing jobs in ghana latest Receptionist jobs in ghana latest Regional Study Manager Jobs in ghana latest reputable company jobs in ghana latest reputable company jobs in ghana 2020 latest reputable company jobs in ghana september 2020 latest Safari Group jobs in ghana latest Safari Valley Resort jobs in Ghana Latest Safeguarding / Child Protection Officer Job at Ghana Red Cross Society september 2019 latest Sales Jobs in ghana Latest sales jobs in ghana 2021 latest School of Biomedical and Allied Health Sciences jobs in ghana latest School of Pharmacy jobs in Ghana latest Secretarial jobs in ghana latest Secretarial jobs in ghana latest Senior Accountant Jobs at GOLDKEY Properties october 2019 latest Senior Production Engineer Jobs at AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited October 2019 latest SNV Ghana jobs latest SNV Jobs in ghana October 2019 latest Social Development Officer Job at Northern Development Authority - Octobe r2019 latest social media jobs in ghana latest Social Studies Tutor Jobs in Ghana October 2019 latest SOS jobs in ghana latest Standard Chartered Bank jobs in Ghana latest Statistician Jobs in ghana latest Sunyani Technical University jobs in Ghana latest teaching jobs in Ghana latest telecommunication jobs in ghana november 2019 latest telecommunication jobs in ghana october 2019 latest University of Cape Coast jobs 2019 latest University of Ghana jobs latest UNOPS Ghana Recruitment 2020 latest USAID jobs in Ghana latest value chain specialist jobs in ghana latest voltic jobs in ghana latest web developer jobs in ghana october 2019 latest Xodus Communications jobs in ghana Laundry jobs in ghana Laundry Manager Jobs in ghana Law Enforcement Specialist by International Justice Mission (IJM) careers in Ghana Law Enforcement Specialist by International Justice Mission (IJM) jobs in Ghana Law Enforcement Specialist by International Justice Mission (IJM) recruitments in Ghana Law Enforcement Specialist by International Justice Mission (IJM) vacancies in Ghana Law jobs in ghana Law Lecturer jobs in ghana Law Reform Commission careers in Ghana Law Reform Commission jobs in Ghana Law Reform Commission recruitments in Ghana Law Reform Commission vacancies in Ghana lawyers jobs in ghana LC Waikiki career jobs in Ghana LC Waikiki careers in Ghana LC Waikiki job vacancies 2021 LC Waikiki jobs in Ghana LC Waikiki recruitment jobs in Ghana LC Waikiki recruitments in Ghana LC Waikiki vacancies in Ghana Lecturer job vacancies in ghana 2020 lecturer jobs in ghana Lecturer recruitment in ghana 2020 Lecturers (10 Positions) at Reputable Educational Institution lecturers job vacancies in ghana 2021 Lecturers Jobs in Ghana Lecturers recruitment in ghana 2020 lecturing jobs in ghana lecturing jobs in koforidua Leeluv Beads Ghana recruitment 2020 Legal Aid Commission careers Legal Aid Commission careers in Ghana Legal Aid Commission careers in Ghana 2022 Legal Aid Commission jobs Legal Aid Commission jobs in Ghana Legal Aid Commission jobs in Ghana 2022 Legal Aid Commission recruitments Legal Aid Commission recruitments in Ghana Legal Aid Commission recruitments in Ghana 2022 Legal Aid Commission vacancies Legal Aid Commission vacancies in Ghana Legal Aid Commission vacancies in Ghana 2022 Legal careers in Africa Legal careers in ghana legal job vacancies in ghana 2021 Legal jobs in ghana legal jobs in ghana 2020 legal jobs in Ghana 2021 legal officers recruitment in ghana 2020 Legendary Foods Africa Ltd Ghana recruitment 2020 Legendary Foods Ltd careers 2021 Legendary Foods Ltd careers 2022 Legendary Foods Ltd careers in Ghana Legendary Foods Ltd jobs 2021 Legendary Foods Ltd jobs 2022 Legendary Foods Ltd jobs in Ghana Legendary Foods Ltd recruitment 2021 Legendary Foods Ltd recruitments 2022 Legendary Foods Ltd recruitments in Ghana Legendary Foods Ltd vacancies 2021 Legendary Foods Ltd vacancies 2022 Legendary Foods Ltd vacancies in Ghana Legon Letap Pharmaceuticals LTD careers 2021 Letap Pharmaceuticals LTD careers in Ghana Letap Pharmaceuticals LTD jobs 2021 Letap Pharmaceuticals LTD jobs in Ghana Letap Pharmaceuticals LTD recruitments 2021 Letap Pharmaceuticals LTD vacancies 2021 Letap Pharmaceuticals LTD vacancies in Ghana Lexdan Select careers in Ghana Lexdan Select jobs in Ghana Lexdan Select recruitments in Ghana Lexdan Select vacancies in Ghana Liberia Liberty Consultant LTD Librarian at OLA College of Education Librarian careers in Africa Librarian careers in ghana Librarian jobs in ghana library assistant jobs in ghana 2020 Lincoln Community School careersin Ghana Lincoln Community School jobs in Ghana Lincoln Community School recruitments in Ghana Lincoln Community School vacancies in Ghana LinkedIn jobs in ghana list of careers in ghana Listening Bureau Ghana recruitment 2020 Little Explorers Montessori careers in Ghana Little Explorers Montessori jobs in Ghana Little Explorers Montessori vacancies in Ghana Little Haven Day Care & Pre-School littlelearnersgh Loan Monitoring Officer at Reputable Microfinance Company Local Government jobs in ghana Logistician jobs in ghana 2020 Logistics / Base Manager at GNPC Operating Services Company Limited Recruitment 2020 Logistics and Freight Company LTD careers in Ghana 2021 Logistics and Freight Company LTD jobs in Ghana 2021 Logistics and Freight Company LTD recruitments in Ghana 2021 Logistics and Freight Company LTD vacancies in Ghana 2021 Logistics careers in ghana logistics jobs in ghana Logistics jobs in ghana 2021 logistics jobs in ghana June 2020 Logistics Officer Job at BCL Group Loncha jobs London College for International Business studies Ghana Recruitment 2020 London College of International Business studies jobs in ghana 2020 London School of Economics scholarships Louis Dreyfus Commodities job vacancies in Ghana Low Price Masters careers in Ghana Low Price Masters careers in Ghana 2022 Low Price Masters jobs in Ghana Low Price Masters jobs in Ghana 2022 Low Price Masters recruitments in Ghana Low Price Masters vacancies in Ghana Low Price Masters vacancies in Ghana 2022 Loyalty Service Business jobs in ghana Loyalty Service jobs in ghana Luminos Fund careers in Ghana Luminos Fund jobs in Ghana Luminos Fund recruitments in Ghana Luminos Fund vacancies in Ghana M&E jobs in ghana m2m jobs in ghana Mab International Hospital recruitment in ghana 2020 machine learning careers in ghana machine learning jobs in ghana Machine Operator careers in ghana machine operator jobs in Africa machine operator jobs in Ghana Madina Madina-Adenta jobs in ghana Maersk Drilling careers 2021 Maersk Drilling jobs 2021 Maersk Drilling recruitments 2021 Maersk Drilling vacancies 2021 MAGENTA careers in Ghana 2021 MAGENTA jobs in Ghana 2021 MAGENTA recruitment in Ghana 2021 MAGENTA vacancies in Ghana 2021 MainOne careers 2021 MainOne careers in Ghana MainOne careers in Ghana 2021 MainOne job vacancies in Ghana MainOne jobs 2021 MainOne jobs in Ghana MainOne jobs in Ghana 2021 MainOne recruitment 2021 MainOne recruitment in Ghana MainOne recruitments in Ghana MainOne recruitments in Ghana 2021 MainOne vacancies 2021 MainOne vacancies in Ghana MainOne vacancies in Ghana 2021 Mainspring Resourcing ghana recruitment 2020 Maintenance Coordinator jobs in ghana Maintenance Manager Job Maintenance Manager jobs in ghana today Maintenance Officer jobs in ghana 2020 Maintenance planner job vacancies in ghana Maintenance planner jobs in ghana Maintenance Planning Superintendent jobs in ghana Malaria Vaccine Research at Leeluv Beads Malawi MALI EMBASSY in Ghana Mampong-Akuapem Management Accountant Jobs in ghana management careers in Africa management careers in ghana management jobs in ghana 2020 Management jobs in ghana 2021 Manager Managing Director Jobs in ghana MANIGOLD ENGINEERING GHANA LIMITED careers 2021 MANIGOLD ENGINEERING GHANA LIMITED careers in Ghana MANIGOLD ENGINEERING GHANA LIMITED jobs 2021 MANIGOLD ENGINEERING GHANA LIMITED jobs in Ghana MANIGOLD ENGINEERING GHANA LIMITED recruitments 2021 MANIGOLD ENGINEERING GHANA LIMITED recruitments in Ghana MANIGOLD ENGINEERING GHANA LIMITED vacancies 2021 MANIGOLD ENGINEERING GHANA LIMITED vacancies in Ghana Mansa Engineering Limited jobs in Ghana Mansa Engineering Limited recruitment in Ghana Mansa Engineering Limited vacancies in Ghana Mansa Holdings recruitment in ghana Mantrac careers in Ghana Mantrac Ghana careers 2022 Mantrac Ghana jobs 2022 Mantrac Ghana Limited careers Mantrac Ghana Limited careers 2021 Mantrac Ghana Limited jobs Mantrac Ghana Limited jobs 2021 Mantrac Ghana Limited recruitment 2021 Mantrac Ghana Limited recruitments Mantrac Ghana Limited vacancies Mantrac Ghana Limited vacancies 2021 Mantrac Ghana recruitments 2022 Mantrac Ghana vacancies 2022 Mantrac Group careers in Ghana Mantrac Group jobs in Ghana Mantrac Group recruitments in Ghana Mantrac Group vacancies in Ghana Mantrac Jobs Mantrac jobs in Ghana Mantrac recruitments in Ghana Mantrac vacancies in Ghana manufacturing careers in Africa manufacturing careers in ghana manufacturing jobs in ghana 2019 Mardis Group Ltd careers in Ghana 2021 Mardis Group Ltd jobs in Ghana 2021 Mardis Group Ltd recruitments in Ghana 2021 Mardis Group Ltd vacancies in Ghana 2021 Maridav Ghana Limited jobs Maridav Ghana Limited Recruitment 2019 in Ghana Maridav recruitment in ghana Marie Stopes careers in Africa Marie Stopes Ghana careers Marie Stopes Ghana careers 2022 Marie Stopes Ghana jobs Marie Stopes Ghana jobs 2022 Marie Stopes Ghana recruitment Marie Stopes Ghana recruitments 2022 Marie Stopes Ghana vacancies Marie Stopes Ghana vacancies 2022 Marie Stopes International Ghana (MSIG) jobs Marie Stopes International Ghana careers in Ghana 2021 Marie Stopes International Ghana jobs in Ghana 2021 Marie Stopes International Ghana recruitments in Ghana 2021 Marie Stopes International Ghana vacancies in Ghana 2021 Marie Stopes International jobs in Ghana Market Research jobs in ghana Market Systems Diagnostic Study Consultant jobs in ghana marketing careers in ghana marketing jobs in ghana marketing jobs in ghana 2021 Marketing Manager jobs in ghana Marketing Officer jobs in ghana Marketing Support Consultancy LTD careers in Ghana Marketing Support Consultancy LTD jobs in Ghana Marketing Support Consultancy LTD recruitment in Ghana Marketing Support Consultancy LTD vacancies in Ghana Marriot international jobs in ghana Marriott careers in Ghana Marriott Ghana Recruitment 2020 Marriott Hotels careers 2021 Marriott Hotels careers in Ghana Marriott Hotels jobs Marriott Hotels jobs 2021 Marriott Hotels jobs in Ghana Marriott Hotels recruitment 2021 Marriott Hotels recruitment in Ghana Marriott Hotels recruitments 2021 Marriott Hotels recruitments in Ghana Marriott Hotels vacancies Marriott Hotels vacancies 2021 Marriott Hotels vacancies in Ghana Marriott International careers in Ghana Marriott International careers in Ghana 2021 Marriott International Hotels careers Marriott International Hotels careers in Ghana Marriott International Hotels jobs Marriott International Hotels jobs in Ghana Marriott International Hotels recruitment in Ghana Marriott International Hotels recruitments Marriott International Hotels recruitments in Ghana Marriott International Hotels vacancies Marriott International Hotels vacancies in Ghana Marriott International job vacancies in Ghana Marriott International jobs in ghana Marriott International jobs in Ghana 2021 Marriott International recruitment in Ghana Marriott International recruitment in Ghana 2020 Marriott International recruitment in Ghana 2021 Marriott International recruitment in Ghana 20211 Marriott International recruitments in Ghana Marriott International recruitments in Ghana 2021 Marriott International vacancies in Ghana Marriott International vacancies in Ghana 2021 Marriott jobs in Ghana Marriott recruitments in Ghana Marriott vacancies in Ghana MARU Auto Parts careers in Ghana MARU Auto Parts jobs in Ghana MARU Auto Parts recruitments in Ghana MARU Auto Parts vacancies in Ghana Masco Food Limited Masco Foods Limited Masco Foods Limited (KFC Ghana) job vacancies in Ghana Mason jobs in ghana Massive Hospital Staffs Recruitment Massive Recruitment at Sky Glory International Mastercard Foundation careers Mastercard Foundation careers 2021 Mastercard Foundation careers 2022 Mastercard Foundation careers in Ghana Mastercard Foundation careers in ghana 2021 Mastercard Foundation careers in Ghana 2022 Mastercard Foundation Ghana Recruitment 2020 Mastercard Foundation jobs Mastercard Foundation jobs 2021 Mastercard Foundation jobs 2022 Mastercard Foundation jobs in ghana Mastercard Foundation jobs in Ghana 2021 Mastercard Foundation jobs in Ghana 2022 Mastercard Foundation recruitment 2020 Mastercard Foundation recruitment 2021 Mastercard Foundation recruitment in Ghana Mastercard Foundation recruitment in Ghana 2021 Mastercard Foundation recruitments Mastercard Foundation recruitments 2022 Mastercard Foundation recruitments in Ghana Mastercard Foundation recruitments in Ghana 2021 Mastercard Foundation recruitments in Ghana 2022 Mastercard Foundation recruitments in Ghana 2o21 Mastercard Foundation vacancies Mastercard Foundation vacancies 2021 Mastercard Foundation vacancies 2022 Mastercard Foundation vacancies in Ghana Mastercard Foundation vacancies in Ghana 2021 Mastercard Foundation vacancies in Ghana 2022 Masterman Publications Limited jobs in Ghana Materials Handling jobs in ghana Matrix Gas (Ghana) Limited careers 2021 Matrix Gas (Ghana) Limited jobs 2021 Matrix Gas (Ghana) Limited recruitment 2021 Matrix Gas (Ghana) Limited vacancies 2021 Matrix Innovation Ltd careers Matrix Innovation Ltd careers 2022 Matrix Innovation Ltd careers in Ghana Matrix Innovation Ltd jobs Matrix Innovation Ltd jobs 2022 Matrix Innovation Ltd jobs in Ghana Matrix Innovation Ltd recruitments Matrix Innovation Ltd recruitments 2022 Matrix Innovation Ltd recruitments in Ghana Matrix Innovation Ltd vacancies Matrix Innovation Ltd vacancies 2022 Matrix Innovation Ltd vacancies in Ghana Matron Job Vacancies in ghana Matron jobs in Ghana Matron jobs in ghana 2020 May Masters Limited careers in Ghana May Masters Limited jobs in Ghana May Masters Limited recruitments in Ghana May Masters Limited vacancies in Ghana MDF West Africa Limited careers MDF West Africa Limited careers 2022 MDF West Africa Limited jobs MDF West Africa Limited jobs 2022 MDF West Africa Limited recruitments MDF West Africa Limited recruitments 2022 MDF West Africa Limited vacancies MDF West Africa Limited vacancies 2022 Mdundo.com jobs mechanic jobs in ghana Mechanical Engineer jobs in Ghana mechanical engineering jobs in ghana Mechanical Engineering Officer by Reputable Company Mechanical jobs in ghana Mechanical Superintendent jobs in ghana Mechanical Technician – Process Plant at AngloGold Ashanti (Ghana) Limited Mechanical Technician jobs in Ghana MEDA Ghana careers 2021 MEDA Ghana jobs 2021 MEDA Ghana recruitment 2021 MEDA Ghana vacancies 2021 media job vacancies in ghana media jobs in ghana Media Manager Jobs in Ghana Medical Doctor jobs forforeigners in ghana medical doctor jobs in ghana Medical Laboratory Technologist jobs in ghana Medical Officer Job Vacancies in ghana medical officer jobs in ghana Medical Salesperson jobs in ghana Medical Technician Jobs in Ghana Mension Gold Bibiani LTD careers in Ghana Mension Gold Bibiani LTD careers in Ghana 2021 Mension Gold Bibiani LTD jobs in Ghana Mension Gold Bibiani LTD jobs in Ghana 2021 Mension Gold Bibiani LTD recruitments in Ghana Mension Gold Bibiani LTD recruitments in Ghana 2021 Mension Gold Bibiani LTD vacancies in Ghana Mension Gold Bibiani LTD vacancies in Ghana 2021 Mental Health Authority (MHA) careers in Ghana Mental Health Authority (MHA) jobs in Ghana Mental Health Authority (MHA) recruitments in Ghana Mental Health Authority (MHA) vacancies in Ghana Mepe Area Rural Bank Limited careers in Ghana Mepe Area Rural Bank Limited jobs in Ghana Mepe Area Rural Bank Limited recruitments in Ghana Mepe Area Rural Bank Limited vacancies in Ghana Mepe Area Rural Bank LTD careers 2021 Mepe Area Rural Bank LTD jobs 2021 Mepe Area Rural Bank LTD vacancies 2021 Meqasa jobs in ghana Meqasa jobs in ghana 2020 Meraki IT College jobs in Ghana Meridia careers in Ghana 2021 Meridia jobs in Ghana 2021 Meridia recruitment in Ghana 2021 Meridia vacancies in Ghana 2021 MEST Africa careers Ghana MEST Africa careers in Ghana MEST Africa jobs in Ghana MEST Africa recruitments in Ghana MEST Africa vacancies in Ghana Methodist Church Ghana Methodist Church Ghana careers Methodist Church Ghana careers 2021 Methodist Church Ghana jobs Methodist Church Ghana jobs 2021 Methodist Church Ghana recruitments Methodist Church Ghana recruitments 2021 Methodist Church Ghana vacancies Methodist Church Ghana vacancies 2021 Methodist University College Ghana careers 2021 Methodist University College Ghana Jobs Methodist University College Ghana jobs 2021 Methodist University College Ghana recruitment 2021 Methodist University College Ghana vacancies 2021 Metobi jobs in Ghana Metobi recruitment in ghana 2020 Metro TV Ghana careers 2021 Metro TV Ghana jobs 2021 Metro TV Ghana recruitment 2021 Metro TV Ghana vacancies 2021 Metso jobs MFI Ghana current jobs in ghana MFI Ghana recruitment in ghana MG Business Solutions recruitment in ghana 2020 MGA Consulting Ghana recruitment 2020 MHOSEENU Studios jobs Micro Finance jobs in ghana Micro Finance recruitment in ghana 2020 Microfinance companies in Ghana Microfinance Field Officers Jobs in Ghana Microfinance jobs in Ghana Microsoft careers 2022 Microsoft careers in Ghana 2022 Microsoft jobs 2022 Microsoft jobs in Ghana 2022 Microsoft recruitments 2022 Microsoft recruitments in Ghana 2022 Microsoft vacancies 2022 Microsoft vacancies in Ghana 2022 Midunu job vacancies in Ghana Midway Hospital careers 2021 Midway Hospital careers in Ghana 2021 Midway Hospital jobs 2021 Midway Hospital jobs in Ghana 2021 Midway Hospital recruitments 2021 Midway Hospital recruitments in Ghana 2021 Midway Hospital vacancies 2021 Midway Hospital vacancies in Ghana 2021 Midwife jobs in Ghana Millar Cameron careers in Ghana Millar Cameron Ghana recruitment 2020 Millar Cameron jobs in Ghana Millar Cameron recruitment in Ghana Millar Cameron vacancies in Ghana Millionaires Casino Group careers in Ghana Millionaires Casino Group jobs in Ghana Millionaires Casino Group recruitments in Ghana Millionaires Casino Group vacancies in Ghana mine captain jobs in ghana Mine Planning Engineer jobs in ghana Mine Surveyor jobs in Ghana mining careers in ghana mining careers in ghana 2020 mining companies in Ghana mining companies jobs in ghana mining company jobs in ghana mining Driller jobs in ghana mining Geologist jobs in ghana mining job vacancies in ghana mining jobs in ghana mining jobs in ghana 2021 mining Technician jobs in ghana MINISTRIES POLICE STATION Ministry of Communications jobs Ministry of Education jobs in ghana Ministry Of Finance jobs in Ghana Ministry of Health jobs in ghana 2020 Ministry of Local Government Decentralisation and Rural Development careers Ministry of Local Government Decentralisation and Rural Development careers 2022 Ministry of Local Government Decentralisation and Rural Development careers in Ghana Ministry of Local Government Decentralisation and Rural Development careers in Ghana 2022 Ministry of Local Government Decentralisation and Rural Development jobs Ministry of Local Government Decentralisation and Rural Development jobs 2022 Ministry of Local Government Decentralisation and Rural Development jobs in Ghana Ministry of Local Government Decentralisation and Rural Development jobs in Ghana 2022 Ministry of Local Government Decentralisation and Rural Development recruitments Ministry of Local Government Decentralisation and Rural Development recruitments 2022 Ministry of Local Government Decentralisation and Rural Development recruitments in Ghana Ministry of Local Government Decentralisation and Rural Development vacancies Ministry of Local Government Decentralisation and Rural Development vacancies 2022 Ministry of Local Government Decentralisation and Rural Development vacancies in Ghana Ministry of Local Government Decentralisation and Rural Development vacancies in Ghana 2022 minoHealth AI Labs careers in Ghana minoHealth AI Labs careers in Ghana 2022 minoHealth AI Labs jobs in Ghana minoHealth AI Labs jobs in Ghana 2022 minoHealth AI Labs recruitments in Ghana minoHealth AI Labs recruitments in Ghana 2022 minoHealth AI Labs vacancies in Ghana minoHealth AI Labs vacancies in Ghana 2022 Miro Forestry Company careers in Ghana Miro Forestry Company jobs in Ghana Miro Forestry Company recruitment in Ghana Miro Forestry Company vacancies in Ghana Miro Forestry Ghana Limited careers Miro Forestry Ghana Limited careers 2022 Miro Forestry Ghana Limited jobs Miro Forestry Ghana Limited jobs 2022 Miro Forestry Ghana Limited recruitments Miro Forestry Ghana Limited recruitments 2022 Miro Forestry Ghana Limited vacancies Miro Forestry Ghana Limited vacancies 2022 MIRO Forestry Ghana Recruitment 2020 MJ Limited Ghana recruitment 2020 Mo Ibrahim Foundation (MIF) careers Mo Ibrahim Foundation (MIF) careers 2022 Mo Ibrahim Foundation (MIF) careers in Ghana Mo Ibrahim Foundation (MIF) jobs Mo Ibrahim Foundation (MIF) jobs 2022 Mo Ibrahim Foundation (MIF) jobs in Ghana Mo Ibrahim Foundation (MIF) recruitments Mo Ibrahim Foundation (MIF) recruitments 2022 Mo Ibrahim Foundation (MIF) recruitments in Ghana Mo Ibrahim Foundation (MIF) vacancies Mo Ibrahim Foundation (MIF) vacancies 2022 Mo Ibrahim Foundation (MIF) vacancies in Ghana Mo Ibrahim Leadership Fellowships Mobile money jobs in ghana MODEC careers in Africa MODEC careers in Ghana MODEC Ghana careers MODEC Ghana careers 2021 Modec ghana jobs MODEC Ghana jobs 2021 MODEC Ghana recruitment MODEC Ghana recruitment 2020 MODEC Ghana recruitment 2021 MODEC Ghana recruitments MODEC Ghana recruitments 2021 MODEC Ghana vacancies MODEC Ghana vacancies 2021 MODEC Ghana vacancies in 2021 MODEC Inc careers 2022 MODEC Inc careers in Ghana MODEC Inc jobs 2022 MODEC Inc jobs in Ghana MODEC Inc recruitments 2022 MODEC Inc recruitments in Ghana MODEC Inc vacancies 2022 MODEC Inc vacancies in Ghana MODEC jobs in ghana MODEC recruitment in ghana Mondelez International careers in Ghana Mondelēz International careers in Ghana 2021 Mondelēz International job vacancies Mondelez International jobs in Ghana Mondelēz International jobs in Ghana 2021 Mondelez International recruitment in Ghana Mondelēz International recruitments in Ghana 2021 Mondelez International vacancies in Ghana Monitoring & Evaluation jobs in ghana Monitoring & Evaluation Officer jobs in Ghana Monitoring and Evaluation jobs in ghana Monitoring and Evaluation jobs in ghana 2020 Monitoring and Evaluation jobs in ghana 2021 Monitoring and Evaluation Officer jobs in ghana monographer jobs in ghana 2020 Montessori school jobs in Ghana Moodle Administrator jobs in ghana Moove Africa careers in Ghana Moove Africa jobs in Ghana Moove Africa recruitment in Ghana Moove Africa vacancies in Ghana Moove careers 2022 Moove careers in Ghana Moove careers in Ghana 2022 Moove jobs 2022 Moove jobs in Ghana Moove jobs in Ghana 2022 Moove recruitments 2022 Moove recruitments in Ghana Moove recruitments in Ghana 2022 Moove vacancies 2022 Moove vacancies in Ghana Moove vacancies in Ghana 2022 Morgan International Community School careers in ghana Mortuary Manager Jobs in ghana mothers2mothers (m2m) careers mothers2mothers (m2m) careers 2021 mothers2mothers (m2m) careers in Ghana mothers2mothers (m2m) jobs mothers2mothers (m2m) jobs 2021 Mothers2mothers (m2m) jobs in ghana mothers2mothers (m2m) recruitment 2021 mothers2mothers (m2m) recruitments mothers2mothers (m2m) recruitments in Ghana mothers2mothers (m2m) vacancies mothers2mothers (m2m) vacancies 2021 mothers2mothers (m2m) vacancies in Ghana Mothers2Mothers recruitment 2020 Mott MacDonald Ghana recruitment 2020 Mott MacDonald Jobs in Ghana 2020 Mount Mary College of Education job vacancies Mount Mary College of Education jobs Movemeback job vacancies Movie House Plaza Limited careers in Ghana Movie House Plaza Limited jobs in Ghana Movie House Plaza Limited recruitments in Ghana Movie House Plaza Limited vacanceis in Ghana mPharma careers mPharma careers 2022 mPharma careers in ghana mPharma careers in Ghana 2022 mPharma Ghana Limited careers mPharma Ghana Limited careers 2021 mPharma Ghana Limited jobs mPharma Ghana Limited jobs 2021 mPharma Ghana Limited recruitments mPharma Ghana Limited recruitments 2021 mPharma Ghana Limited vacancies mPharma Ghana Limited vacancies 2021 mPharma Ghana Ltd careers 2021 mPharma Ghana Ltd jobs 2021 mPharma Ghana Ltd recruitments 2021 mPharma Ghana Ltd vacancies 2021 mPharma job vacancies in ghana mPharma jobs mPharma jobs 2022 mPharma jobs in Ghana mPharma jobs in Ghana 2022 mPharma recruitment in Ghana mPharma recruitments mPharma recruitments 2022 mPharma recruitments in Ghana mPharma recruitments in Ghana 2022 mPharma vacancies mPharma vacancies 2022 mPharma vacancies in ghana mPharma vacancies in Ghana 2022 MSI careers in Ghana 2021 MSI jobs in Ghana 2021 MSI recruitment in Ghana 2021 MSI vacancies in Ghana 2021 Mt. Perazim School careers in Ghana 2022 Mt. Perazim School jobs in Ghana 2022 Mt. Perazim School recruitments in Ghana 2022 Mt. Perazim School vacancies in Ghana 2022 MTN Careers in Ghana MTN Ghana MTN Ghana career 2021 MTN Ghana careers MTN Ghana careers 2021 MTN Ghana careers 2022 MTN Ghana careers in Ghana MTN Ghana jobs MTN Ghana jobs 2021 MTN Ghana jobs 2022 MTN Ghana Jobs recruitment in ghana MTN Ghana recruitment MTN Ghana recruitment 2021 MTN Ghana recruitments MTN Ghana recruitments 2021 MTN Ghana recruitments 2022 MTN Ghana vacancies MTN Ghana vacancies 2021 MTN Ghana vacancies 2022 MTN Ghana vacanncies MTN recruitment in ghana mtN recruitment in Ghana 2020 mtnghana jobs multimedia jobs in ghana multinational companies in Ghana Nanatel Limited recruitment in ghana Nanny job vacancies in Ghana Nanny recruitment in Ghana Nathan Associates careers in Ghana Nathan Associates jobs in Ghana Nathan Associates recruitment in Ghana Nathan Associates vacancies in Ghana National Banking College National Banking College jobs National Biosafety Authority jobs National Biosatey Authority job vacancies National Biosatey Authority job vacancies in Ghana National Biosatey Authority jobs National Coordinator Job at Environmental Protection Agency National Development Planning Commission (NDPC) job vacancies National Labour Commission (NLC) National Labour Commission (NLC) jobs National Service jobs in ghana National Service Opportunities in ghana 2020 National service recruitment in ghana 2020 Natural Resource Governance Institute careers in Ghana 2022 Natural Resource Governance Institute jobs in Ghana 2022 Natural Resource Governance Institute recruitments in Ghana 2022 Natural Resource Governance Institute vacancies in Ghana 2022 Nature International recruitment in ghana NBC NCBA International careers NCBA International jobs NCBA International recruitments NCBA International vacancies Nemchem ghana recruitment 2020 Nerasol Limited careers 2022 Nerasol Limited jobs 2022 Nerasol Limited recruitments 2022 Nerasol Limited vacancies 2022 Nestlé (Medical Delegate) careers in Ghana Nestlé (Medical Delegate) jobs in Ghana Nestlé (Medical Delegate) recruitments in Ghana Nestlé (Medical Delegate) vacancies in Ghana Nestlé careers 2022 Nestlé careers in Ghana Nestlé careers in Ghana 2020 Nestlé careers in Ghana 2021 Nestlé careers in Ghana 2022 Nestlé CWA Ltd recruitment 2020 Nestlé Ghana careers 2021 Nestlé Ghana job vacancies in Ghana Nestlé Ghana jobs 2021 Nestlé Ghana Jobs in ghana 2020 Nestlé Ghana Recruitment 2020 Nestlé Ghana recruitment 2021 Nestlé Ghana vacancies 2021 Nestlé job vacancies in Ghana Nestlé jobs Nestlé jobs 2022 Nestlé jobs in Ghana Nestlé jobs in ghana 2020 Nestlé jobs in Ghana 2021 Nestlé jobs in Ghana 2022 Nestlé recruitment in ghana Nestlé recruitments 2022 Nestlé recruitments in Ghana Nestlé recruitments in Ghana 2021 Nestlé recruitments in Ghana 2022 Nestlé vacancies 2022 Nestlé vacancies in Ghana Nestlé vacancies in Ghana 2021 Nestlé vacancies in Ghana 2022 Network Administrator jobs in ghana network engineer jobs in ghana Network jobs in ghana Network Operation Centre (NOC) Officer Job Vacancy Neuce Group job vacancies in Ghana new jobs in ghana today New Light Clinic recruitment in ghana New Private Hospital jobs New Weija New York University-Accra Newmont Akyem Development Foundation (NAkDeF) Newmont Akyem Development Foundation jobs in ghana Newmont Akyem Development Foundation Recruitment 2020 Newmont Corporation careers in Ghana Newmont Corporation careers in Ghana 2022 Newmont Corporation jobs in Ghana Newmont Corporation jobs in Ghana 2022 Newmont Corporation recruitments in Ghana Newmont Corporation recruitments in Ghana 20222 Newmont Corporation vacancies in Ghana Newmont Corporation vacancies in Ghana 2022 Newmont Goldcorp Corporation Newmont Inc job vacancies in Ghana Newmont jobs in ghana Newmont jobs in ghana 2020 Newmont jobs vacancies in ghana 2020 Newmont Mining Corporation career jobs in Ghana Newmont Mining Corporation careers Newmont Mining Corporation careers 2021 Newmont Mining Corporation careers 2022 Newmont Mining Corporation careers in Africa Newmont Mining Corporation careers in ghana Newmont Mining Corporation careers in Ghana 2021 Newmont Mining Corporation careers in Ghana 2022 Newmont Mining Corporation Ghana careers Newmont Mining Corporation job fancies in ghana Newmont Mining Corporation job vacancies in Ghana Newmont Mining Corporation Job vacancies kin Ghana Newmont Mining Corporation jobs Newmont Mining Corporation jobs 2021 Newmont Mining Corporation jobs 2022 Newmont Mining Corporation jobs in Ghana Newmont Mining Corporation jobs in Ghana 2020 Newmont Mining Corporation jobs in Ghana 2021 Newmont Mining Corporation jobs in Ghana 2022 Newmont Mining Corporation recruitment 2021 Newmont Mining Corporation recruitment in Ghana Newmont Mining Corporation Recruitment in Ghana 2020 Newmont Mining Corporation Recruitment in Ghana 2021 Newmont Mining Corporation recruitments Newmont Mining Corporation recruitments 2021 Newmont Mining Corporation recruitments 2022 Newmont Mining Corporation recruitments in Ghana Newmont Mining Corporation recruitments in Ghana 2021 Newmont Mining Corporation recruitments in Ghana 2022 Newmont Mining Corporation vacancies Newmont Mining Corporation vacancies 2021 Newmont Mining Corporation vacancies 2022 Newmont Mining Corporation vacancies in Ghana Newmont Mining Corporation vacancies in Ghana 2021 Newmont Mining Corporation vacancies in Ghana 2022 Newmont Mining jobs vacancies in Ghana News Reporter jobs in ghana NextGen 2020 Business Analyst at Africa Foresight Group Nfortics Holdings job vacancies in Ghana ngo careers in Africa ngo careers in ghana NGO careers in ghana 2020 ngo careers in ghana 2020/2021 ngo careers in ghana 2021 ngo ghana jobs ngo ghana recruitment 2021 ngo job opportunities in ghana NGO job vacancies in ghana ngo job vacancies in Ghana 2021 NGO Jobs in africa NGO Jobs in Ghana ngo jobs in ghana 2020 NGO jobs in Ghana 2021 ngo jobs in ghana august 2020 Ngo jobs in Ghana September 2020 ngo jobs in ghana today NGO jobs vacancies in ghana NGO jobs vacancies in ghana 2021 ngos jobs in ghana NIIT Ghana Recruitment 2020 NIIT Jobs vacancies in Ghana NIMED Capital Limited careers 2021 NIMED Capital Limited jobs 2021 NIMED Capital Limited recruitments 2021 NIMED Capital Limited vacancies 2021 NINGBO MH INDUSTRY CO.LTD job vacancies in Ghana Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research careers Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research careers 2022 Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research careers in Ghana Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research careers in Ghana 2022 Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research jobs Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research jobs 2022 Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research jobs in Ghana Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research jobs in Ghana 2022 Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research recruitments Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research recruitments 2022 Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research recruitments in Ghana Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research recruitments in Ghana 2022 Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research vacancies Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research vacancies 2022 Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research vacancies in Ghana Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research vacancies in Ghana 2022 Norfund careers 2022 Norfund jobs 2022 Norfund recruitments 2022 Norfund vacancies 2022 North Hills International School careers North Hills International School careers 2022 North Hills International School careers in Ghana North Hills International School jobs North Hills International School jobs 2022 North Hills International School jobs in Ghana North Hills International School recruitments North Hills International School recruitments 2022 North Hills International School recruitments in Ghana North Hills International School vacancies North Hills International School vacancies 2022 North Hills International School vacancies in Ghana Northern Northern Development Authority jobs in ghana Northern region jobs in ghana Northern Regions jobs in ghana Novartis job vacancies in Ghana Novartis Jobs in Ghana Novartis Pharmaceuticals jobs in Ghana Novartis Pharmaceuticals recruitment jobs in Ghana Novel Academy careers 2021 Novel Academy jobs 2021 Novel Academy recruitments 2021 Novel Academy vacancies 2021 Npontu Technologies Limited careers in Ghana 2021 Npontu Technologies Limited jobs in Ghana 2021 Npontu Technologies Limited recruitments in Ghana 2021 Npontu Technologies Limited vacancies in Ghana 2021 Nsano careers in Ghana Nsano jobs in Ghana Nsano recruitment in Ghana Nsano vacancies in Ghana NTVI jobs in ghana 2020 Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) careers in Ghana Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) careers in Ghana 2021 Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) jobs in Ghana Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) jobs in Ghana 2021 Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) recruitment in Ghana Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) recruitment in Ghana 2021 Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) recruitments in Ghana Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) vacancies in Ghana Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) vacancies in Ghana 2021 nurse jobs in ghana Nursery jobs in ghana Nurseryteacher Nurses & Midwifery Council jobs in ghana Nurses Job Vacancy at Reputable Mining Company Nurses Vacancy at Reputable Hospital nursing jobs in ghana nursing jobs in ghana 2020 Nusrat Jahan Ahmadiyya College jobs in ghana 2020 Nusrat Jahan Ahmadiyya College of Education jobs in ghana NutriPride Foods Africa Inc Ghana recruitment 2020 Nyakrom Rural Bank Limited careers in Ghana 2021 Nyakrom Rural Bank Limited jobs in Ghana 2021 Nyakrom Rural Bank Limited recruitment in Ghana 2021 Nyakrom Rural Bank Limited vacancies in Ghana 2021 NYU Accra OBA Pack Co. LTD careers in Ghana OBA Pack Co. LTD jobs in Ghana OBA Pack Co. LTD jobs in Ghana 2021 OBA Pack Co. LTD recruitment in Ghana OBA Pack Co. LTD recruitments in Ghana 2021 OBA Pack Co. LTD vacancies in Ghana OBA Pack Co. LTD vacancies in Ghana 2021 Oba Pack jobs Obstetrician Gynaecologist jobs in ghana Obstetrician Gynecologist jobs in ghana OctoPhone Ghana Limited Recruitment 2020 Odotobri Rural Bank PLC careers in Ghana Odotobri Rural Bank PLC jobs in Ghana Odotobri Rural Bank PLC recruitments in Ghana Odotobri Rural Bank PLC vacancies in Ghana Ofankor Office Assistant jobs in ghana Office Assistant Manager Jobs in Ghana Office Manager jobs in ghana Office of the Head of the Local Government Service (OHLGS) Office of the Head of the Local Government Service jobs in ghana Office Support jobs in ghana offshore jobs in ghana Offshore jobs in ghana 2021 OHLGS oil and gas careers in Africa oil and gas careers in Ghana oil and gas jobs in ghana oil and gas jobs in Ghana 2021 Oil Marketing jobs in ghana oilandgas careers Africa oilandgascareers ghana oilandgascareers in ghana oilandgasjobsearch oilandgaspeople ghana oilandgaspeople jobs oilandgaspeople jobs in ghana 2020 OLA College of Education careers 2021 OLA College of Education careers in Ghana OLA College of Education careers in Ghana 2021 OLA College of Education jobs 2021 OLA College of Education jobs in ghana OLA College of Education jobs in Ghana 2021 OLA College of Education recruitments 2021 OLA College of Education recruitments in Ghana OLA College of Education recruitments in Ghana 2021 OLA College of Education vacancies 2021 OLA College of Education vacancies in Ghana OLA College of Education vacancies in Ghana 2021 Olam careers in Ghana Olam careers in Ghana 2021 Olam Ghana recruitment 2020 Olam International careers in Ghana Olam International jobs in Ghana Olam International Limited careers in Ghana 2021 Olam International Limited jobs in Ghana 2021 Olam International Limited recruitments in Ghana 2021 Olam International Limited vacancies in Ghana 2021 Olam International Ltd job vacancies in Ghana Olam International recruitment in Ghana Olam International vacancies in Ghana Olam job vacancies in Ghana Olam jobs in Ghana Olam jobs in Ghana 2021 Olam recruitment in Ghana 2021 Olam recruitments in Ghana Olam vacancies in Ghana Olam vacancies in Ghana 2021 Old Mutal careers in Ghana 2021' Old Mutal jobs in Ghana 2021 Old Mutal recruitments in Ghana Old Mutal vacancies in Ghana 2021 Old Mutual careers Old Mutual careers 2022 Old Mutual careers in Ghana Old Mutual careers in Ghana 2021 Old Mutual careers in Ghana 2022 Old Mutual Ghana careers Old Mutual Ghana careers 2021 Old Mutual Ghana careers 2022 Old Mutual Ghana jobs Old Mutual Ghana jobs 2021 Old Mutual Ghana jobs 2022 Old Mutual Ghana recruitments Old Mutual Ghana recruitments 2021 Old Mutual Ghana recruitments 2022 Old Mutual Ghana vacancies Old Mutual Ghana vacancies 2021 Old Mutual Ghana vacancies 2022 Old Mutual job vacancies in Ghana Old Mutual jobs Old Mutual jobs 2022 Old Mutual jobs in Ghana Old Mutual jobs in Ghana 2021 Old Mutual jobs in Ghana 2022 Old Mutual recruitment in Ghana Old Mutual recruitment in Ghana 2021 Old Mutual recruitments Old Mutual recruitments 2022 Old Mutual recruitments in Ghana Old Mutual recruitments in Ghana 2021 Old Mutual recruitments in Ghana 2022 Old Mutual South Africa careers 2021 Old Mutual South Africa careers in Ghana Old Mutual South Africa careers in Ghana 2021 Old Mutual South Africa jobs 2021 Old Mutual South Africa jobs in Ghana 2021 Old Mutual South Africa jobs in Ghana\ Old Mutual South Africa recruitment 2021 Old Mutual South Africa recruitment in Ghana Old Mutual South Africa recruitment in Ghana 2021 Old Mutual South Africa recruitments in Ghana Old Mutual South Africa recruitments in Ghana 2021 Old Mutual South Africa vacancies 2021 Old Mutual South Africa vacancies in Ghana Old Mutual South Africa vacancies in Ghana 2021 Old Mutual vacancies Old Mutual vacancies 2022 Old Mutual vacancies in Ghana Old Mutual vacancies in Ghana 2021 Old Mutual vacancies in Ghana 2022 OMNIA career jobs in Ghana OMNIA job vacancies 2021 OMNIA jobs in Ghana OMNIA recruitment jobs in Ghana Omnibiz careers in Ghana 2021 Omnibiz jobs in Ghana 2021 Omnibiz recruitments in Ghana 2021 Omnibiz vacancies in Ghana 2021 OnePort 365 careers in Ghana OnePort 365 jobs in Ghana OnePort 365 recruitments in Ghana OnePort 365 vacancies in Ghana Onestop Ghana jobs October 2019 online job opportunities in ghana online jobs ghana online jobs in ghana OpenLabs Ghana careers 2022 OpenLabs Ghana jobs 2022 OpenLabs Ghana recruitments 2022 OpenLabs Ghana vacancies 2022 OpenLabs NIIT Ghana careers OpenLabs NIIT Ghana jobs OpenLabs NIIT Ghana recruitment OpenLabs NIIT Ghana vacancies Operational Excellence at Mastercard Foundation Operations jobs in ghana Operations Manager at Westom Insurance Brokerage LTD jobs in ghana Operations Manager jobs in ghana Operations Manager jobs in Ghana 2020 Operations Supervisors jobs in ghana Options Consultancy Service jobs in ghana Options Consultancy Services Ghana recruitment 2020 Oracle careers in Ghana Oracle careers in Ghana 2021 Oracle careers in Ghana 2022 oracle jobs in ghana Oracle jobs in Ghana 2020 Oracle jobs in Ghana 2021 Oracle jobs in Ghana 2022 Oracle recruitments in Ghana Oracle recruitments in Ghana 2021 Oracle recruitments in Ghana 2022 Oracle vacancies in Ghana Oracle vacancies in Ghana 2021 Oracle vacancies in Ghana 2022 Orcons Systems Limited recruitment in ghana 2020 Orelia Group of Companies jobs in Ghana Orica careers in Ghana Orica careers in Ghana 2022 Orica jobs in Ghana Orica jobs in Ghana 2022 Orica recruitments in Ghana Orica recruitments in Ghana 2022 Orica vacancies in Ghana Orica vacancies in Ghana 2022 Origgin ghan recruitment 2020 Osiem Otium careers in Ghana Otium careers in Ghana 2022 Otium jobs in Ghana Otium jobs in Ghana 2022 Otium recruitments in Ghana Otium recruitments in Ghana 2022 Otium vacancies in Ghana Otium vacancies in Ghana 2022 Oxfam careers in Africa Oxfam careers in ghana Oxfam International job vacancies in Ghana Oxfam jobs in ghana Oxfam recruitment in ghana 2020 Oxygen8 Gaming Limited careers in Ghana Oxygen8 Gaming Limited jobs in Ghana Oxygen8 Gaming Limited recruitment in Ghana Oxygen8 Gaming Limited vacancies in Ghana P.M.Renaissance jobs packaging jobs in ghana Pact careers in Ghana Pact jobs in Ghana Pact recruitment in Ghana Pact vacancies in Ghana Page Executive job vacancies in Ghana Palladium careers in Ghana Palladium careers in Ghana 2021 Palladium Group careers 2021 Palladium Group careers in Ghana Palladium Group careers in Ghana 2021 Palladium Group jobs Palladium Group jobs 2021 Palladium Group jobs in Ghana Palladium Group jobs in Ghana 2021 Palladium Group recruitments 2021 Palladium Group recruitments in Ghana Palladium Group recruitments in Ghana 2021 Palladium Group vacancies 2021 Palladium Group vacancies in Ghana Palladium Group vacancies in Ghana 2021 Palladium job vacancies in Ghana Palladium jobs in Ghana Palladium jobs in ghana 2020 Palladium jobs in Ghana 2021 Palladium recruitment in Ghana 2021 Palladium recruitments in Ghana Palladium recruitments in Ghana 2021 Palladium vacancies in Ghana Palladium vacancies in Ghana 2021 Palms Innovation Training Centre & Hub (PITCH) careers in Ghana Palms Innovation Training Centre & Hub (PITCH) jobs in Ghana Palms Innovation Training Centre & Hub (PITCH) recruitment in Ghana Palms Innovation Training Centre & Hub (PITCH) vacancies in Ghana Panafrican Equipment Group LTD job vacancies Panafrican Mining Services (Ghana) Ltd careers Panafrican Mining Services (Ghana) Ltd jobs Panafrican Mining Services (Ghana) Ltd recruitments Panafrican Mining Services (Ghana) Ltd vacancies Panagora Group careers Panagora Group careers 2022 Panagora Group careers in Ghana Panagora Group careers in Ghana 2022 Panagora Group jobs Panagora Group jobs 2022 Panagora Group jobs in Ghana Panagora Group jobs in Ghana 2022 Panagora Group recruitments Panagora Group recruitments 2022 Panagora Group recruitments in Ghana Panagora Group recruitments in Ghana 2022 Panagora Group vacancies Panagora Group vacancies 2022 Panagora Group vacancies in Ghana Panagora Group vacancies in Ghana 2022 Paramedic at Reputable Mining Company paramedic jobs in ghana Partnerships Specialist job vacancies in ghana Passion Air recruitment in ghana PassionAir careers in Ghana PassionAir careers in Ghana 2022 PassionAir jobs in Ghana PassionAir jobs in Ghana 2022 PassionAir recruitment in Ghana PassionAir recruitments in Ghana 2022 PassionAir vacancies in Ghana PassionAir vacancies in Ghana 2022 PATH careers in Ghana PATH careers in Ghana 2021 PATH job vacancies in Ghana PATH jobs in Ghana PATH jobs in Ghana 2021 PATH recruitment in Ghana PATH recruitments in Ghana PATH recruitments in Ghana 2021 PATH vacancies in Ghana PATH vacancies in Ghana 2021 Pathology Technician jobs in ghana 2020 PAudit manager jobs in ghana payroll jobs in Ghana payroll officer jobs in ghana 2020 PaySwitch Company Limited ghana recruitment 2020 PaySwitch Company Limted jobs in ghana Pedahelsoft job vacancies in Ghana PEG Africa careers in Ghana Peg Africa job vacancies PEG Africa jobs in Ghana PEG Africa jobs in ghana 2020 PEG Africa recruitment in ghana 2020 PEG Africa recruitments in Ghana PEG Africa vacancies in Ghana Peki College of Education job vacancies in Ghana Peki College of Education recruitment 2020 Peki College of Education recruitment in Ghana 2020 Pentecost Preparatory School careers in Ghana Pentecost Preparatory School jobs in Ghana Pentecost Preparatory School recruitment in Ghana Pentecost Preparatory School vacancies in Ghana Pentecost University careers in Ghana Pentecost University jobs in Ghana Pentecost University recruitments in Ghana Pentecost University vacancies in Ghana Pentland Hills International School careers 2021 Pentland Hills International School careers in Ghana Pentland Hills International School jobs 2021 Pentland Hills International School jobs in Ghana Pentland Hills International School recruitments 2021 Pentland Hills International School recruitments in Ghana Pentland Hills International School vacancies 2021 Pentland Hills International School vacancies in Ghana People & Partners Group Limited careers People & Partners Group Limited careers 2022 People & Partners Group Limited jobs People & Partners Group Limited jobs 2022 People & Partners Group Limited recruitments People & Partners Group Limited recruitments 2022 People & Partners Group Limited vacancies People & Partners Group Limited vacancies 2022 Pernod Ricard jobs in ghana Perseus Mining Limited careers 2022 Perseus Mining Limited jobs 2022 Perseus Mining Limited recruitments 2022 Perseus Mining Limited vacancies 2022 personal assistant jobs in ghana PesaKit careers in Ghana 2021 PesaKit jobs in Ghana 2021 PesaKit recruitments in Ghana 2021 PesaKit vacancies in Ghana 2021 PETRA careers in Ghana Petra Holdings job vacancies in Ghana PETRA job vacancies in Ghana PETRA jobs in Ghana PETRA recruitment in Ghana PETRA vacancies in Ghana Petrofac careers in Ghana Petrofac jobs in Ghana Petrofac recruitments in Ghana Petrofac vacancies in Ghana Petroplan careers in Ghana Petroplan jobs in Ghana Petroplan recruitments in Ghana Petroplan vacancies in Ghana Pezesha careers in Ghana Pezesha Ghana recruitment 2020 Pezesha jobs Pezesha jobs in Ghana Pezesha recruitments in Ghana Pezesha vacancies in Ghana pharmaceutical jobs Iin ghana 2020 pharmaceutical jobs in Ghana pharmacist careers in ghana Pharmacist job vacancies in ghana 2020 Pharmacist jobs in ghana Pharmacist jobs in ghana 2020 Pharmacist Regulatory Manager jobs in ghana Pharmacologist at COA Herbal Centre Pharmacy assistant jobs in ghana Pharmacy Dispensing Technicians jobs in ghana pharmacy jobs in ghana 2020 Pharmacy Technician at AMI Expeditionary Healthcare recruitment 2020 Pharmacy technician job vacancies in ghana Pharmacy Technician jobs in ghana Pharmacy Technicians jobs in ghana Pharmanova Limited careers in Ghana Pharmanova Limited jobs in Ghana Pharmanova Limited recruitments in Ghana Pharmanova Limited vacancies in Ghana Phasers Integrated Systems job vacancies in Ghana phD holders jobs in ghana phd jobs in ghana Philips careers 2021 Philips careers in Ghana Philips jobs 2021 Philips jobs in Ghana Philips recruitment 2021 Philips recruitments in Ghana Philips vacancies 2021 Philips vacancies in Ghana Phoenix life Assurance Company Ltd Photojournalist jobs in ghana Physician assistant jobs in Ghana Physics Lecturer jobs in ghana PISTIS And Associates careers in Ghana PISTIS And Associates jobs in Ghana PISTIS And Associates recruitment in Ghana PISTIS And Associates vacancies in Ghana Plan Ghana careers 2021 Plan Ghana jobs 2021 Plan Ghana recruitments 2021 Plan Ghana vacancies 2021 Plan International careers Plan International careers 2021 Plan International careers 2022 Plan International careers in Ghana Plan International careers in Ghana 2021 Plan International careers in Ghana 2022 Plan International ghana jobs Plan International Ghana recruitment in ghana Plan International job vacancies in Ghana Plan International job vacancy in ghana Plan International jobs 2021 Plan International jobs 2022 Plan International jobs in Ghana Plan International jobs in Ghana 2020 Plan International jobs in Ghana 2021 Plan International jobs in Ghana 2022 Plan International recruitment in Ghana Plan International recruitments Plan International recruitments 2021 Plan International recruitments 2022 Plan International recruitments in Ghana Plan International recruitments in Ghana 2021 Plan International recruitments in Ghana 2022 Plan International vacancies Plan International vacancies 2021 Plan International vacancies 2022 Plan International vacancies in Ghana Plan International vacancies in Ghana 2021 Plan International vacancies in Ghana 2022 Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana jobs Planning & Performance jobs in ghana Planning jobs in ghana Platinum Dental careers 2022 Platinum Dental jobs 2022 Platinum Dental recruitments 2022 Platinum Dental vacancies 2022 Platinum Orthodontic and Advanced Dental Services careers in Ghana Platinum Orthodontic and Advanced Dental Services jobs in Ghana Platinum Orthodontic and Advanced Dental Services recruitments in Ghana Platinum Orthodontic and Advanced Dental Services vacancies in Ghana Platinum Orthodontic and Dental Services careers in Ghana Platinum Orthodontic and Dental Services jobs in Ghana Platinum Orthodontic and Dental Services recruitments in Ghana Platinum Orthodontic and Dental Services vacancies in Ghana Play Soccer Ghana recruitment 2020 Plumber jobs in accra plumbing jobs in ghana Plumbing Technician at University of Ghana Medical Centre (UGMC) PMMC jobs in ghana PMO jobs in ghana Policy Think Tank Jobs in Ghana PolicyCON careers in Ghana PolicyCON jobs in Ghana PolicyCON recruitments in Ghana PolicyCON vacancies in Ghana Poly Tanks (Gh) Ltd careers in Ghana Poly Tanks (Gh) Ltd jobs in Ghana Poly Tanks (Gh) Ltd recruitments in Ghana Poly Tanks (Gh) Ltd vacancies in Ghana Polytank Ghana Limited Polytank Ghana Limited careers 2021 Polytank Ghana Limited jobs 2021 Polytank Ghana Limited jobs in Ghana Polytank Ghana Limited recruitment 2021 Polytank Ghana Limited vacancies 2021 Polytex Industries Limited careers Polytex Industries Limited careers 2022 Polytex Industries Limited careers in Ghana Polytex Industries Limited careers in Ghana 2022 Polytex Industries Limited jobs Polytex Industries Limited jobs 2022 Polytex Industries Limited jobs in Ghana Polytex Industries Limited jobs in Ghana 2022 Polytex Industries Limited recruitments Polytex Industries Limited recruitments 2022 Polytex Industries Limited recruitments in Ghana Polytex Industries Limited recruitments in Ghana 2022 Polytex Industries Limited vacancies Polytex Industries Limited vacancies 2022 Polytex Industries Limited vacancies in Ghana Polytex Industries Limited vacancies in Ghana 2022 Population Services International (PSI) jobs Portico Change & Strategy Limited job vacancies in Ghana Portmasters limited Ghana recruitment 2020 PORTWEST jobs in ghana Power & Co Engineering ltd Ghana Recruitment 2020 Power & Co Ghana recruitment 2020 Power BI Power Expert JobS IN GHANA Power Systems Sales Manager Vacancy at Mantrac Ghana Limited PPAG JOBS IN GHANA PPAG) Prampram Prang Agro Resources Ghana Recruitment 2020 Pre-school and Primary Teachers jobs in ghana pre-school jobs in Ghana Pre-School Teacher jobs in ghana Pre-school Teacher Reputable International School jobs Pre-School Teachers Jobs in ghana Precious Minerals Marketing Corporation jobs in ghana Precious Minerals Marketing Corporation recruitment in ghana Precious Minerals Marketing Corporation recruitment in ghana 2020 Premium Talents Ghana careers Premium Talents Ghana careers 2021 Premium Talents Ghana jobs Premium Talents Ghana jobs 2021 Premium Talents Ghana recruitment 2021 Premium Talents Ghana recruitments Premium Talents Ghana vacancies Premium Talents Ghana vacancies 2021 Presbyterian University College jobs vacancies in Ghana Preschool Teaching jobs in ghana 2020 Price Brokers Ghana careers 2021 Price Brokers Ghana jobs 2021 Price Brokers Ghana recruitments 2021 Price Brokers Ghana vacancies 2021 PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) careers PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) careers in Ghana PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) careers in Ghana 2022 PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) jobs PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) jobs in Ghana PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) jobs in Ghana 2022 PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) recruitments PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) recruitments in Ghana PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) recruitments in Ghana 2022 PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) vacancies PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) vacancies in Ghana PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) vacancies in Ghana 2022 Primrose Properties Ghana Recruitment 2020 Principal Audit Manager at Public Service Organisation Principal ICT Manager at University of Ghana Medical Centre (UGMC) Private University careers 2021 Private University jobs 2021 Private University recruitment 2021 Private University vacancies 2021 Pro Vice-Chancellor jobs in ghana Process and Plant Automation Limited careers 2022 Process and Plant Automation Limited jobs 2022 Process and Plant Automation Limited recruitments 2022 Process and Plant Automation Limited vacancies 2022 Process Artisan Jobs in ghana Process Engineer Jobs in Ghana Process Maintenance Mechanical Technician jobs in ghana Process Operations Supervisor job vacancies in ghana Process Plant jobs in ghana Process Simulation jobs in ghana Procurement and Administrative Officer at SNV Netherlands Development Procurement Assistant at UNDP recruitment 2020 Procurement careers in ghana Procurement jobs in ghana Procurement jobs in ghana 2020 Procurement Officers jobs in ghana Product Designer jobs in ghana Product Manager at Reputable Financial Institution Product Manager jobs in Ghana 2020 Production Engineer jobs in ghana production manager jobs in ghana Production Technician jobs in ghana Program Impact Partner jobs in ghana Program manager jobs in Ghana Program Officer careers in ghana Program Officer careers in ghana 2020 Program Officers jobs in ghana Programme Manager jobs in ghana Programme Officer Job Programme Officer jobs in Ghana Programmer (DOTNET) programmer jobs in ghana programmers jobs in ghana Programmes Manager at COA Herbal Centre programming jobs in ghana Project Accountant jobs in ghana Project Assistant Job Vacancy at PATH project assistant jobs in ghana Project Coordinator Job at Ghana National Association of the Deaf jobs Project Coordinator jobs in ghana project coordinator jobs in ghana 2020 Project Development Manager jobs in ghana Project Engineer jobs in ghana Project Facilitator Ghana recruitment 2020 Project Finance Jobs in ghana Project Lead jobs in ghana project management jobs in ghana 2020 Project Manager project manager careers in ghana Project Manager Job at GIZ Ghana Project Manager job vacancies in ghana project Manager Jobs in Ghana Project manager jobs in ghana 2020 Project Officer jobs in ghana Project Officers jobs in ghana Property233 job vacancies in Ghana Protea Hotels jobs in ghana 2020 Proten International careers in ghana Proten International jobs in ghana Proten International Limited careers in Ghana 2021 Proten International Limited careers in Ghana 2022 Proten International Limited jobs in Ghana 2021 Proten International Limited jobs in Ghana 2022 Proten International Limited recruitments in Ghana 2021 Proten International Limited recruitments in Ghana 2022 Proten International Limited vacancies in Ghana 2021 Proten International Limited vacancies in Ghana 2022 Proten International recruitments in Ghana Proten International vacancies in Ghana Provost jobs in ghana Prudential Capital jobs Prudential Capital jobs in ghana Prudential Capital jobs in ghana 2020 Prudential Capital recruitment in ghana 2020 PSO Senior SME(Medical) PSO SME – Female Engagement Team Public Health Institute Sustaining Technical and Analytic Resources job vacancies in Ghana public health jobs in ghana public health jobs in ghana 2020 Public Relations jobs in ghana public sector jobs in ghana Public sector jobs in ghana 2021 public service jobs in ghana Public Services Commission careers in Ghana Public Services Commission jobs in Ghana Public Services Commission vacancies in Ghana Publicis Groupe careers in Ghana Publicis Groupe careers in Ghana 2021 Publicis Groupe Ghan recruitment 2020 Publicis Groupe Ghana recruitment 2020 Publicis Groupe jobs in Ghana Publicis Groupe jobs in Ghana 2021 Publicis Groupe recruitments in Ghana Publicis Groupe recruitments in Ghana 2021 Publicis Groupe vacancies in Ghana Publicis Groupe vacancies in Ghana 2021 Publicis West Africa careers 2021 Publicis West Africa jobs 2021 Publicis West Africa recruitments 2021 Publicis West Africa vacancies 2021 Publishing Studies PULA careers in Ghana PULA jobs in Ghana PULA recruitments in Ghana PULA vacancies in Ghana Pulse careers in Ghana Pulse Ghana careers 2021 Pulse Ghana careers in Ghana Pulse Ghana jobs 2021 Pulse Ghana jobs in Ghana Pulse Ghana recruitment 2021 Pulse Ghana recruitment in Ghana Pulse Ghana vacancies 2021 Pulse Ghana vacancies in Ghana Pulse jobs in Ghana Pulse recruitment in Ghana Pulse vacancies in Ghana Puma Energy careers 2021 Puma Energy careers 2022 Puma Energy careers in Ghana Puma Energy careers in Ghana 2021 Puma Energy jobs 2021 Puma Energy jobs 2022 Puma Energy jobs in Ghana Puma Energy jobs in Ghana 2021 Puma Energy recruitment 2021 Puma Energy recruitment in Ghana 2021 Puma Energy recruitments 2022 Puma Energy recruitments in Ghana Puma Energy recruitments in Ghana 2021 Puma Energy vacancies 2021 Puma Energy vacancies 2022 Puma Energy vacancies in Ghana Puma Energy vacancies in Ghana 2021 PumNewmont Mining Corporation jobs Pump Mechanical Technician jobs in ghana Purchasing and Supply Officer Job Vacancy purchasing jobs in ghana Pure Earth job vacancies in Ghana PwC careers PwC careers 2022 PwC careers in Ghana PwC careers in Ghana 2021 PwC Ghana careers PWC Ghana careers 2021 PwC Ghana careers 2022 PwC Ghana jobs PWC Ghana jobs 2021 PwC Ghana jobs 2022 PWC Ghana recruitment 2021 PwC Ghana recruitments PwC Ghana recruitments 2021 PwC Ghana recruitments 2022 PwC Ghana vacancies PWC Ghana vacancies 2021 PwC Ghana vacancies 2022 PwC jobs PwC jobs 2022 PwC jobs in Ghana PwC jobs in Ghana 2021 PwC recruitment in Ghana PwC recruitments PwC recruitments 2022 PwC recruitments in Ghana PwC recruitments in Ghana 2021 PwC South Africa careers in Ghana PwC South Africa jobs in Ghana PwC South Africa recruitments in 2021 PwC South Africa vacancies in Ghana PwC vacancies PwC vacancies 2022 PwC vacancies in Ghana PwC vacancies in Ghana 2021 PYXERA Global careers in Ghana 2022 PYXERA Global jobs in Ghana 2022 PYXERA Global recruitments in Ghana 2022 PYXERA Global vacancies in Ghana 2022 Qatar Airways careers Qatar Airways careers 2021 Qatar Airways careers 2022 Qatar Airways careers in Ghana Qatar Airways careers in Ghana 2021 Qatar Airways Ghana recruitment 2020 Qatar Airways jobs Qatar Airways jobs 2021 Qatar Airways jobs 2022 Qatar Airways jobs in Ghana Qatar Airways jobs in Ghana 2021 Qatar Airways recruitment 2021 Qatar Airways recruitments Qatar Airways recruitments 2021 Qatar Airways recruitments 2022 Qatar Airways recruitments in Ghana Qatar Airways recruitments in Ghana 2021 Qatar Airways vacancies Qatar Airways vacancies 2021 Qatar Airways vacancies 2022 Qatar Airways vacancies in Ghana Qatar Airways vacancies in Ghana 2021 Quality Assurance jobs in ghana Quality Control Officer jobs in Ghana Quality jobs in Ghana quality jobs in Ghana September 2019 Quantity Surveyor by University of Cape Coast careers 2021 Quantity Surveyor by University of Cape Coast jobs 2021 Quantity Surveyor by University of Cape Coast recruitment 2021 Quantity Surveyor by University of Cape Coast vacancies 2021 Quantity Surveyor jobs in ghana 2020 Quick Angels Limited jobs in ghana Quick Credit & Investment Micro-Credit Limited jobs in ghana Quick Credit & Investment Micro-Credit LTD careers in Ghana Quick Credit & Investment Micro-Credit LTD jobs in Ghana Quick Credit & Investment Micro-Credit LTD recruitment in Ghana Quick Credit & Investment Micro-Credit LTD recruitments in Ghana Quick Credit & Investment Micro-Credit LTD vacancies in Ghana Quick Credit and Investment Micro-Credit LTD careers in Ghana Quick Credit and Investment Micro-Credit LTD jobs in Ghana Quick Credit and Investment Micro-Credit LTD recruitment in Ghana Quick Credit and Investment Micro-Credit LTD vacancies in Ghana R&D Careers in ghana R&D Jobs in Ghana Rabito Clinic Limited Recruitment in Ghana 2020 Raha International School careers in Ghana Raha International School jobs Raha International School jobs in Ghana Raha International School recruitments in Ghana Raha International School vacancies in Ghana Rainforest Alliance career jobs in Ghana Rainforest Alliance job vacancies in Ghana Rainforest Alliance jobs in Ghana Rainforest Alliance recruitment jobs in Ghana Randstad CPE jobs in ghana Rango Construction Company Limited careers in Ghana Rango Construction Company Limited jobs in Ghana Rango Construction Company Limited recruitments in Ghana Rango Construction Company Limited vacancies in Ghana Rays of Hope Centre careers in Ghana Rays of Hope Centre jobs in Ghana Rays of Hope Centre vacancies in Ghana RDFC Ghana jobs Real Estate Jobs in Ghana Real estate jobs in ghana 2020 Real Estate Jobs in Ghana 2021 Real Estate Jobs vacancies in Ghana Real Studios Limited careers in Ghana Real Studios Limited job vacancies in Ghana Real Studios Limited jobs in Ghana Real Studios Limited vacancies in Ghana Receptionis jobs in ghana receptionist job in ghana Receptionist jobs in ghana Reconciliation Officer jobs in ghana Recruiters in ghana recruitment recruitment in gha recruitment in ghana recruitment in ghana 2019 recruitment in ghana 2020 recruitment in ghana 2020 today recruitment in ghana 2021 recruitment in ghana today recruitment jobs in ghana RECRUITMENTNT IN GHANA Recuiter jobs in Ghana REDA Chemicals careers in Ghana REDA Chemicals jobs in Ghana REDA Chemicals recruitments in Ghana REDA Chemicals vacancies in Ghana Redheads Engineering Solutions (Pty) Ltd jobs Redheads Engineering Solutions job vacancies in Ghana Reform Pharmaceuticals Limited careers in Ghana Reform Pharmaceuticals Limited careers in Ghana 2021 Reform Pharmaceuticals Limited jobs in Ghana Reform Pharmaceuticals Limited jobs in Ghana 2021 Reform Pharmaceuticals Limited recruitments in Ghana Reform Pharmaceuticals Limited recruitments in Ghana 2021 Reform Pharmaceuticals Limited vacancies in Ghana Reform Pharmaceuticals Limited vacancies in Ghana 2021 Regional Advisory Information and Network Systems careers in ghana Regional Advisory Information and Network Systems job openings in ghana Regional Advisory Information and Network Systems jobs in ghana Regional Advisory Information and Network Systems recruitment in ghana 2020 Regional Chief Geologist Job at Newmont Goldcorp Corporation jobs in Ghana Regional Chief Information Officer jobs in ghana Regional Engineering Manager at AEL Mining Services Regional Logistics Support Officer Job Regional Manager jobs in ghana Regional Operations and Finance Director at Abt Associates Regional Programme Director for Ignitia AB Regional Subcontract Manager jobs in ghana Registrar jobs in ghana Registrar jobS in ghana 2020 Rehoboth Properties Limited jobs Rehoboth Social Housing Ltd careers 2022 Rehoboth Social Housing Ltd jobs 2022 Rehoboth Social Housing Ltd recruitments 2022 Rehoboth Social Housing Ltd vacancies 2022 Relationship Manager – Chinese Desk – Commercial Banking at Standard Chartered Bank Relationship Manager Jobs in ghana Relationship Officer Jobs in Ghana Relationship Officer jobs in ghana 2020 RELIABILITY ENGINEER JOBS IN GHANA reliability jobs in ghana Remote jobs in ghana Remote jobs in ghana 2020 Remote Sensing jobs in ghana 2020 Renegades Africa Ghana jobs 2020 Renewable Energy job vacancies in ghana Renmo Homes Limited careers 2022 Renmo Homes Limited careers in Ghana Renmo Homes Limited careers in Ghana 2022 Renmo Homes Limited jobs 2022 Renmo Homes Limited jobs in Ghana Renmo Homes Limited jobs in Ghana 2022 Renmo Homes Limited recruitments 2022 Renmo Homes Limited recruitments in Ghana Renmo Homes Limited recruitments in Ghana 2022 Renmo Homes Limited vacancies 2022 Renmo Homes Limited vacancies in Ghana Renmo Homes Limited vacancies in Ghana 2022 Reputable Agro-based Company job vacancies in Ghana Reputable Bank careers in Ghana Reputable Bank jobs in Ghana Reputable Bank recruitments in Ghana Reputable Bank vacancies in Ghana Reputable Clinic jobs Reputable Company career jobs in Ghana Reputable Company careers Reputable Company careers 2021 Reputable Company careers 2022 Reputable Company careers in ghana Reputable Company careers in Ghana 2021 Reputable Company careers in Ghana 2022 Reputable Company ghana Reputable Company job Reputable Company job openings in ghana Reputable Company job vacancies in Ghana Reputable Company job vacancies in Ghana 2021 Reputable Company jobs Reputable Company jobs 2021 Reputable Company jobs 2022 Reputable company jobs in ghana Reputable company jobs in ghana 2020 Reputable Company jobs in ghana 2021 Reputable Company jobs in Ghana 2022 Reputable company jobs vacancies in ghana Reputable Company recruitment \ Reputable Company recruitment 2020 Reputable Company recruitment 2021 Reputable company recruitment in ghana Reputable company recruitment in ghana 2020 Reputable Company recruitment in Ghana 2021 Reputable Company recruitments Reputable Company recruitments 2021 Reputable Company recruitments 2022 Reputable Company recruitments in Ghana Reputable Company recruitments in Ghana 2021 Reputable Company recruitments in Ghana 2022 Reputable Company vacancies Reputable Company vacancies 2021 Reputable Company vacancies 2022 Reputable Company vacancies in Ghana Reputable Company vacancies in Ghana 2021 Reputable Company vacancies in Ghana 2022 Reputable Engineering Company careers in Ghana 2021 Reputable Engineering Company jobs in Ghana 2021 Reputable Engineering Company recruitment in Ghana 2021 Reputable Engineering Company vacancies in Ghana 2021 Reputable Financial Company jobs in ghana Reputable Financial Institution careers 2021 Reputable Financial Institution careers in Ghana Reputable Financial Institution careers in Ghana 2021 Reputable Financial Institution jobs 2021 Reputable Financial Institution jobs in ghana Reputable Financial Institution jobs in Ghana 2021 Reputable Financial Institution recruitment in Ghana Reputable Financial Institution recruitment in Ghana 2021 Reputable Financial Institution recruitments 2021 Reputable Financial Institution recruitments in Ghana Reputable Financial Institution vacancies 2021 Reputable Financial Institution vacancies in Ghana Reputable Financial Institution vacancies in Ghana 2021 Reputable Government Institution careers 2021 Reputable Government Institution careers in Ghana Reputable Government Institution jobs 2021 Reputable Government Institution jobs in Ghana Reputable Government Institution recruitments 2021 Reputable Government Institution recruitments in Ghana Reputable Government Institution vacancies 2021 Reputable Health Facility careers 2022 Reputable Health Facility careers in Ghana Reputable Health Facility job vacancies in Ghana Reputable Health Facility jobs Reputable Health Facility jobs 2022 Reputable Health Facility jobs in Ghana Reputable Health Facility recruitment in Ghana Reputable Health Facility recruitments 2022 Reputable Health Facility recruitments in Ghana Reputable Health Facility vacancies 2022 Reputable Health Facility vacancies in Ghana Reputable Healthcare careers in Ghana Reputable Healthcare jobs in Ghana Reputable Healthcare recruitment in Ghana Reputable Healthcare recruitments in Ghana Reputable Healthcare vacancies in Ghana Reputable Heavy-Duty Equipment Company careers in Ghana 2021 Reputable Heavy-Duty Equipment Company jobs in Ghana 2021 Reputable Heavy-Duty Equipment Company recruitment in Ghana 2021 Reputable Heavy-Duty Equipment Company vacancies in Ghana 2021 Reputable Hospital career jobs in Ghana Reputable Hospital careers Reputable Hospital careers in Ghana Reputable Hospital jobs Reputable Hospital jobs in Ghana Reputable Hospital recruitment in Ghana Reputable Hospital vacancies in Ghana Reputable Hotel careers 2021 Reputable Hotel careers in Ghana Reputable Hotel job vacancies in Ghana Reputable Hotel jobs 2021 Reputable Hotel jobs in Ghana Reputable Hotel recruitments 2021 Reputable Hotel recruitments in Ghana Reputable Hotel vacancies 2021 Reputable Hotel vacancies in Ghana Reputable Institution careers 2021 Reputable Institution careers 2022 Reputable Institution careers in Ghana Reputable Institution careers in Ghana 2021 Reputable Institution job vacancies in Ghana Reputable Institution jobs 2021 Reputable Institution jobs 2022 Reputable Institution jobs in Ghana Reputable Institution jobs in Ghana 2021 Reputable Institution josb in Ghana Reputable Institution recruitment 2021 Reputable Institution recruitment in Ghana Reputable Institution recruitment in Ghana 2021 Reputable Institution recruitments 2021 Reputable Institution recruitments 2022 Reputable Institution recruitments in Ghana Reputable Institution recruitments in Ghana 2021 Reputable Institution vacancies 2021 Reputable Institution vacancies 2022 Reputable Institution vacancies in Ghana Reputable Institution vacancies in Ghana 2021 Reputable International School job vacancies in Ghana Reputable IT Company careers in Ghana Reputable IT Company jobs in Ghana Reputable IT Company recruitments in Ghana Reputable IT Company vacancies in Ghana Reputable Life Insurance Company careers 2021 Reputable Life Insurance Company jobs 2021 Reputable Life Insurance Company recruitments 2021 Reputable Life Insurance Company vacancies 2021 Reputable Manufacturing Company jobs in Ghana Reputable Medical Care careers in Ghana Reputable Medical Care careers in Ghana 2021 Reputable Medical Care jobs in Ghana Reputable Medical Care jobs in Ghana 2021 Reputable Medical Care recruitments in Ghana Reputable Medical Care recruitments in Ghana 2021 Reputable Medical Care vacancies in Ghana Reputable Medical Care vacancies in Ghana 2021 Reputable Mining Company careers Reputable Mining Company careers 2021 Reputable Mining Company careers in Ghana Reputable Mining Company careers in Ghana 2021 Reputable Mining Company jobs Reputable Mining Company jobs 2021 Reputable Mining Company jobs in Ghana Reputable Mining Company jobs in Ghana 2021 Reputable Mining Company recruitments 2021 Reputable Mining Company recruitments in Ghana Reputable Mining Company recruitments in Ghana 2021 Reputable Mining Company vacancies Reputable Mining Company vacancies 2021 Reputable Mining Company vacancies in Ghana Reputable Mining Company vacancies in Ghana 2021 Reputable Non-banking Financial Institution careers Reputable Non-banking Financial Institution careers 2022 Reputable Non-banking Financial Institution jobs Reputable Non-banking Financial Institution jobs 2022 Reputable Non-banking Financial Institution recruitments Reputable Non-banking Financial Institution recruitments 2022 Reputable Non-banking Financial Institution vacancies Reputable Non-banking Financial Institution vacancies 2022 Reputable Oil and Gas Company careers in Ghana Reputable Oil and Gas Company jobs in Ghana Reputable Oil and Gas Company recruitments in Ghana Reputable Oil and Gas Company vacancies in Ghana Reputable Private Clinic careers Reputable Private Clinic jobs Reputable Private Clinic vacancies Reputable Private School careers in Ghana Reputable Private School job vacancies in Ghana Reputable Private School jobs in Ghana Reputable Private School recruitment in Ghana Reputable Private School vacancies in Ghana Reputable Private Sector Company careers Reputable Private Sector Company careers in Ghana Reputable Private Sector Company jobs Reputable Private Sector Company jobs in Ghana Reputable Private Sector Company recruitments Reputable Private Sector Company recruitments in Ghana Reputable Private Sector Company vacancies Reputable Private Sector Company vacancies in Ghana Reputable Publishing Company careers in Ghana 2021 Reputable Publishing Company jobs in Ghana 2021 Reputable Publishing Company vacancies in Ghana 2021 Reputable Restaurant careers Reputable Restaurant jobs Reputable Restaurant recruitments Reputable Restaurant vacancies Reputable School careers in Ghana Reputable School in Kasoa Millenium City Reputable School job vacancies in Ghana Reputable School jobs Reputable School jobs in Ghana Reputable School recruitment in Ghana Reputable School vacancies in Ghana Reputable Security Company careers 2021 Reputable Security Company jobs 2021 Reputable Security Company recruitments 2021 Reputable Security Company vacancies 2021 Reputable University job vacancies in Ghana Reruitment in ghana Research Assistant Jobs in ghana research careers in Africa Research careers in ghana Research Coordinator jobs in ghana Research Fellow jobs in Ghana Research Fellows jobs in ghana Research Firm job vacancies in Ghana Research jobs in ghana research jobs in ghana 2021 research mobilisation jobs in ghana Resonance Ghana Recruitment 2020 Respiratory Therapist at AMI Expeditionary Healthcare recruitment 2020 Results for Development Ghana Recruitment 2020 Results for Development Institute job vacancies in Ghana Retail jobs in ghana retail jobs in ghana 2020 Retail jobs in ghana 2021 Retail Operations Manager jobs in ghana Revenue Authority jobs Ricks Logistics Ltd careers in Ghana 2021 Ricks Logistics Ltd jobs in Ghana 2021 Ricks Logistics Ltd recruitment in Ghana 2021 Ricks Logistics Ltd vacancies in Ghana 2021 Ridge Church School careers Ridge Church School careers in Ghana Ridge Church School careers in Ghana 2021 Ridge Church School jobs Ridge Church School jobs in Ghana Ridge Church School jobs in Ghana 2021 Ridge Church School recruitment in Ghana Ridge Church School recruitments in Ghana 2021 Ridge Church School vacancies Ridge Church School vacancies in Ghana Ridge Church School vacancies in Ghana 2021 Rigger jobs in ghana Right To Play Ghana recruitment 2020 Rising Academy Network Ghana recruitment 2020 Risk & Compliance Ghana careers Risk Advisory jobs in ghana RME Teacher jobs in Ghana RMG Ghana Limited careers 2022 RMG Ghana Limited jobs 2022 RMG Ghana Limited recruitments 2022 RMG Ghana Limited vacancies 2022 Robert Bosch Ghana Limited careers Robert Bosch Ghana Limited careers 2021 Robert Bosch Ghana Limited careers 2022 Robert Bosch Ghana Limited jobs Robert Bosch Ghana Limited jobs 2021 Robert Bosch Ghana Limited jobs 2022 Robert Bosch Ghana Limited recruitments Robert Bosch Ghana Limited recruitments 2021 Robert Bosch Ghana Limited recruitments 2022 Robert Bosch Ghana Limited vacancies Robert Bosch Ghana Limited vacancies 2021 Robert Bosch Ghana Limited vacancies 2022 Roche Ghana careers 2020 Roche Ghana recruitment 2020 Roche Pharmaceutical Company jobs ROIS ENTERPRISE careers in Ghana ROIS ENTERPRISE jobs in Ghana ROIS ENTERPRISE recruitment in Ghana ROIS ENTERPRISE vacancies in Ghana Ronin Africa jobs in ghana 2020 Ropesman jobs in ghana Royal Air Maroc careers 2022 Royal Air Maroc jobs 2022 Royal Air Maroc recruitments 2022 Royal Air Maroc vacancies 2022 RTI International Recruitment in ghana 2020 RTI jobs in ghana 2020 Rubber Liner jobs in Ghana Rural Bank careers in Ghana 2021 Rural bank jobs in ghana 2020 Rural Bank jobs in Ghana 2021 Rural bank recruitment 2020 Rural Bank recruitment in Ghana 2021 Rural Bank vacancies in Ghana 2021 Rwandan High Commission recruitment in ghana 2020 Sabre Education Ghana recruitment 2020 Safari Valley Resort careers in Ghana Safari Valley Resort jobs in ghana Safari Valley Resort recruitments in Ghana Safari Valley Resort vacancies in Ghana safety jobs in ghana Safety Officer at Reputable Company Safety Officer Job at Reputable Firm Safety Officers jobs in ghana Safety Site Coordinators Safety Supervisor at DRA Global Sahel Health Ghana Limited careers Sahel Health Ghana Limited careers 2022 Sahel Health Ghana Limited careers in ghana Sahel Health Ghana Limited jobs Sahel Health Ghana Limited jobs 2022 Sahel Health Ghana Limited jobs in ghana Sahel Health Ghana Limited jobs vacancies in ghana Sahel Health Ghana Limited recruitment in ghana Sahel Health Ghana Limited recruitments Sahel Health Ghana Limited recruitments 2022 Sahel Health Ghana Limited vacancies Sahel Health Ghana Limited vacancies 2022 SAIC careers in ghana 2020 SAIC Ghana recruitment 2020 Sakom Service jobs SAKOM Services Recruitment in Ghana 2020 Salem Senior Secondary school careers 2021 Salem Senior Secondary school jobs 2021 Salem Senior Secondary school recruitment 2021 Salem Senior Secondary school vacancies 2021 sales and marketing job vacancies in ghana sales and marketing jobs in ghana sales and marketing jobs in ghana 2021 sales careers in Africa Sales careers in ghana Sales Clerks jobs in ghana Sales Coordinators Jobs in Ghana Sales Engineers Jobs in Ghana sales job openings in ghana 2020 sales Job opportunities in ghana Sales jobs for shs graduates in ghana sales jobs in ghana sales jobs in ghana 2021 sales jobs in kumasi sales jobs in tamale Sales manager jobs in ghana Sales Managerjobs in ghana Sales Officer Jobs in Ghana Sales Representative jobs in ghana Salesman jobs in ghana Sandoz careers in Ghana Sandoz jobs in Ghana Sandoz recruitments in Ghana Sandoz vacancies in Ghana Sandvik careers in Ghana Sandvik careers in Ghana 2021 Sandvik careers in Ghana 2022 Sandvik Ghana careers 2020 Sandvik Ghana recruitment 2020 sandvik jobs in ghana Sandvik jobs in Ghana 2021 Sandvik jobs in Ghana 2022 Sandvik recruitment in Ghana Sandvik recruitment in Ghana 2021 Sandvik recruitments in Ghana Sandvik recruitments in Ghana 2021 Sandvik recruitments in Ghana 2022 Sandvik vacancies in Ghana Sandvik vacancies in Ghana 2021 Sandvik vacancies in Ghana 2022 Savings & Loans Company jobs in ghana SAYeTECH Company Limited careers in Ghana SAYeTECH Company Limited jobs in Ghana SAYeTECH Company Limited recruitments in Ghana SAYeTECH Company Limited vacancies in Ghana Scanbech Ghana Limited careers 2021 Scanbech Ghana Limited jobs 2021 Scanbech Ghana Limited recruitments 2021 Scanbech Ghana Limited vacancies 2021 Scania West Africa job vacancies in Ghana Schlumberger careers in Ghana Schlumberger careers in Ghana 2021 Schlumberger jobs in Ghana Schlumberger jobs in Ghana 2021 Schlumberger recruitment in Ghana 2021 Schlumberger recruitments in Ghana Schlumberger vacancies in Ghana Schlumberger vacancies in Ghana 2021 Scholarship for ghana students scholarship opportunities in Ghana Scholarships For African Students 2020 / 2021 scholarships for international students scholarships for international students in ghana Scholarships for needy students in ghana School Principal Jobs in Ghana Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories careers 2022 Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories jobs 2022 Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories recruitments 2022 Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories vacancies 2022 Scolptre job vacancies in Ghana Scopic Software recruitment in Ghana 2020 SDA College of Education jobs in Ghana SDD-UBIDS jobs secretarial careers in ghana secretarial jobs in ghana Secretarial Jobs in Ghana 2021 Secretary / Front Desk Executive at COA Herbal Centre Secretary jobs in ghana secretary jobs in ghana 2020 Securities and Exchange Commission careers in Ghana Securities and Exchange Commission Ghana (SEC) careers 2021 Securities and Exchange Commission Ghana (SEC) jobs 2021 Securities and Exchange Commission Ghana (SEC) recruitments 2021 Securities and Exchange Commission Ghana (SEC) vacancies 2021 Securities and Exchange Commission Ghana careers Securities and Exchange Commission Ghana careers 2021 Securities and Exchange Commission Ghana careers in Ghana Securities and Exchange Commission Ghana job vacancies 2020 Securities and Exchange Commission Ghana jobs Securities and Exchange Commission Ghana jobs 2021 Securities and Exchange Commission Ghana Recruitment 2020 Securities and Exchange Commission Ghana recruitments Securities and Exchange Commission Ghana recruitments 2021 Securities and Exchange Commission Ghana vacancies Securities and Exchange Commission Ghana vacancies 2021 Securities and Exchange Commission jobs in Ghana Securities and Exchange Commission recruitments in Ghana Securities and Exchange Commission vacancies in Ghana security careers in ghana 2020 Security jobs in ghana security jobs in ghana 2020 Security Manager jobs in Ghana Security Officer Job Vacancy at OLA College of Education Segovia recruitment ghana 2020 Sendwave careers 2021 Sendwave jobs 2021 Sendwave recruitment 2021 Sendwave vacancies 2021 Senior Analyst Commercial Planning at MTNGhana Senior Engineer – Managed Services Operations at Tata Communications Senior ICT Assistant Job at Nusrat Jahan Ahmadiyya College Senior Lecturer Jobs in ghana Senior Lecturer recruitment in ghana Senior Nursing Officer recruitment in ghana today Senior Project Officer at Fairtrade Africa- West Africa Network Senior Reading Specialist jobs in ghana 2020 Senior Social Development Assistant Jobs in ghana Senior Transport Specialist by World Bank SEO jobs in ghana SEO Manager jobs in ghana Sequa gGmbH Ghana recruitment 2020 Service Delivery Controller jobs in ghANA Service Delivery Innovation Strategic Initiative careers Service Delivery Innovation Strategic Initiative careers in Ghana Service Delivery Innovation Strategic Initiative jobs Service Delivery Innovation Strategic Initiative jobs in Ghana Service Delivery Innovation Strategic Initiative recruitments Service Delivery Innovation Strategic Initiative recruitments in Ghana Service Delivery Innovation Strategic Initiative vacancies Service Delivery Innovation Strategic Initiative vacancies in Ghana Service Manager Job Vacancy in Ghana service technician jobs in ghana SES Satellites recruitment 2020 Seventh-Day Adventist Education careers 2021 Seventh-Day Adventist Education jobs 2021 Seventh-Day Adventist Education vacancies 2021 SFAN – Stars From All Nations careers 2022 SFAN – Stars From All Nations careers in Ghana 2021 SFAN – Stars From All Nations jobs 2022 SFAN – Stars From All Nations jobs in Ghana 2021 SFAN – Stars From All Nations recruitments 2022 SFAN – Stars From All Nations recruitments in Ghana 2021 SFAN – Stars From All Nations vacancies 2022 SFAN – Stars From All Nations vacancies in Ghana 2021 Shaft Maintenance Technician jobs in ghana 2020 Shalina International careers in Ghana 2021 Shalina International jobs in Ghana 2021 Shalina International recruitments in Ghana 2021 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Well okay, smarty pants! If space aliens didn't build these ancient structures, how did they get there? Now this is where it gets crazy, so you may want to sit down and possibly buckle yourself in. People. People built these ancient structures. Without help from space aliens. How do you make giant pyramids from stones that were quarried far away? You get 50,000 of your buddies, get them liquored up and you make it happen. You float the stones down the Nile on barges, you build scaffolding and use ramps, levers and pullys and an official sh*t-ton of elbow grease. Stonehenge? Same deal. Beer was around back then, too! No space alien intervention required. How do you line these huge monuments up to the solar equinox? How do you make sure that a certain star is visible through a shaft in Pharoh's burial chamber? The same way we do it today. Survey crews. These are the guys. If they messed up, we wouldn't be marveling in awe thousands of years later. The Nazca lines? Yep. That was some crack ancient Peruvian survey crew marking out where the lines were to go. I promise that these guys were able to do all of it without the aid of space aliens. They were simply competent and adept with mathematics and their surveying equipment. The whole space alien construction managers thing just drives me crazy. How is it that space aliens built Machu Picchu and the Sphinx, but not the Roman aqueducts or Notre Dame? Why is it such a stretch to think that the Inca had some damn fine engineers among them? No space alien supervision required. I promise. People are smart. People are really good at building things. People did not need space aliens to teach them how to build things. Lets put this to rest. If, however, I'm completely wrong about all of this and there is some intergalactic construction firm that got all the contracts back in antiquity, I've got a pretty good-sized glazing project in downtown LA I could use some pointers on. I'll be the guy pretending space aliens aren't there giving me tips. Thanks for the rec's! You guys are great. The comments are hilarious!
595 Pandora Avenue – Development Permit Review Want to get involved? Volunteer, become a member or renew your membership today! Log In HOME ABOUT MISSION STATEMENT VDRA CONSTITUTION & POLICIES VDRA HISTORY BOARD MEMBERS BOARD MEETINGS & MINUTES COMMITTEES THE NEIGHBOURHOOD ABOUT THE NEIGHBOURHOOD DISCOVER DOWNTOWN RESIDENT RESOURCES COMMUNITY PLANS NEWS LATEST NEWS ALL NEWS NEWSLETTERS LETTERS TO COUNCIL SUBSCRIBE TO NEWSLETTER EVENTS GET INVOLVED GET INVOLVED BECOME A MEMBER RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP VOLUNTEER SHARE YOUR VOICE RESIDENT SURVEY SURVEY YATES COMMUNITY GARDEN CONTACT More Use tab to navigate through the menu items. All Posts City Hall Community Development Past Event Upcoming Event Healthy Living Items for Sale Land Use News Letters to Council Urban Ecology & Agriculture Social Events Public Forums Roving Refinery Urban Livability Search vice-president0 Nov 27, 2014 2 min read 595 Pandora Avenue – Development Permit Review November 27, 2014 Re: 595 Pandora Avenue – Development Permit Review Dear Mayor Fortin and Council, The DRA LUC has recently met with the applicant and reviewed the drawings for the above mentioned project. Based on the information presented by the applicant the purpose of the Development Permit is to convert an existing office building to a market rental apartment building with ground floor commercial space fronting Pandora Ave. The building would have an underground parking structure with the entry from Pandora Street. Comments and concerns raised at the Land Use Committee meeting by the members are as follows; • It was commented that the unit size was generous when compared to other development proposals and having storage lockers on each floor was a desirable bonus. • The conversion and inclusion retail units at street level is highly desirable and will bring much needed vibrancy to this part of Pandora Ave. at street level. • As the addition of the additional storeys will be highly visible from the street and especially from the Macpherson to the east, it is strongly recommended that particular attention is paid to the design of the additional storeys and at minimum integrate design cues from the existing building including cladding type and colour and window “eyebrow” and cornice corbelling details. • It was also a consensus that the reworking of the central portion of the façade glazing and parapet seems to weaken the focus of the design. It would be desirable to include some strong design elements that would enhance the central bay of the façade. • Members who reside in the immediate area point out that the shared vehicle entry/exit on Pandora has visibility issues exist due to the close proximity of a metered vehicle parking spot immediately to the east of the driveway that can screen westbound traffic on Pandora from vehicles exiting this site making that manoeuvre dangerous at times. The addition of visibility aides would be helpful. • The committee was otherwise pleased with the design and finishes that were proposed by the applicant. The DRA supports this proposal as it appears to be of high quality, and will provide rental accommodation for downtown residents. Sincerely, Ian Sutherland Chair Land Use Committee Downtown Residents Association PDF version of lettter Land Use • Letters to Council 0 views0 comments Post not marked as liked Recent Posts See All Letter to Mayor & Council - 1140 Government St-Bedford Regency–Application for Additional Patio Area 190 Post not marked as liked Call to Action - Starlight Investments Project Information Kiosk and Walking Tour on May 7 190 Post not marked as liked Letter to Mayor and Council re Upcoming Protest 2000 Post not marked as liked Contact Information Victoria Downtown Residents Association c/o 300-722 Cormorant Street Victoria, British Columbia Canada V8W 1P8 VDRA Newsletter Sign up to receive our monthly newsletter. Territorial Acknowledgement We acknowledge and thank the Lkwungen People, also known as the Songhees and Esquimalt First Nations communities, for allowing us to live, work, and play on their lands. © Copyright 2021 Victoria Downtown Residents Association website design by Starling Memory
We Need A Science And Math Update! My students need books for guided reading groups, math and science materials, and a few new blocks to refresh our room and their love for learning and play! My Students My students are a lively and extremely boy-heavy bunch. (13 boys and 6 girls) My students struggle with creative and exploratory play, and most often re-enact cartoons and movies. I want to provide them with a chance to explore the wonderful world around us. Our school is located in an extremely low income neighborhood in Wisconsin. My students are active, talkative, and eager to try new things. Several of my students are learning English, and the others are bi-lingual. Books and science materials with real life pictures will really help them expand their working vocabulary! My Project I requested both fiction and non-fiction books that focus on sight words. I am hoping that these books will help me flesh out the thematic units I have developed by providing different types of literature for group and individual reading. I have also requested larger cardboard blocks and giant Legos, to help my students build more creatively in blocks, instead of playing X-men with Lincoln Logs. I have also requested measuring sets, science centers, and science tools. My room has zero science activities, except the items I have made or found at thrift stores. I'm hoping that new activities will enhance and extend the learning that is happening in my room, as well as help focus some of the creative energy of my students. This project is so important me because I want my students to love learning, and be provided with quality, hands-on educational experiences. Science, math and reading are so important, and I want my students to love exploring different subjects instead of just tolerating them.
The Masked American | The American Citadel The American Citadel Defending our Faith, Families, and Freedom. Navigation Skip to content Home About Contact Blog The Masked American Posted on November 18, 2020 by zeev1776 The masked American is an oxymoron. Or, perhaps, just a moron. The name “American” is a great honor. It signifies one who is free, one who understands and cherishes his rights, one who governs himself, and one who resists the arbitrary dictates of tyrants and oppressors. Mask mandates are incompatible with American law, American heritage, and, most importantly, the nature of Americanism. A crowd of masked Americans is an offensive, revolting sight. It’s unnatural and bizarre. Americans looks miserable as they trudge around in their silly masks. You can see the shame in their eyes. They know, deep down, that they were not meant to wear masks and that mask mandates are an affront to our heritage as American freemen. They know that the children of the Sons of Liberty should never be forced to wear coverings around their faces at the demand of some government bureaucrat. Medical mask mandates are, simply, unAmerican. Americans were not created to be shackled with slave masks! They were not made to be pushed around by their elected representatives. They were not created to be talked down to like toddlers. They were not meant to be told what to wear, what to do, where to go, with whom they may meet, or how far to stand away from their friends. Living micromanaged lives may be fine in Red China, but it is not part of being an American. Masks are a symbol of fear. A fearful people is not a free people. Are we truly the land of the free as we never tire of saying? Not if we’re the land of masked subjects! Do we truly honor our troops who “fought and died for our Freedom”? Not if we so callously give away our rights when some smooth-faced despot tells us to do so for our “safety”! I repeat: Masks are a symbol of fear and a culture of fear is not compatible with a culture of Freedom. Seeing a sea of masked Asians doesn’t raise my ire because Asians have lived in highly collectivized and micromanaged societies for millennia. They’re cogs in the machine of state – insignificant parts of a human mass that exists to serve. I can imagine the ancestors of the Chinese wearing masks as obediently as their progeny does today. The same goes for most societies across the globe because collectivism, conformity, and servility are in their heritage. Slavery is the default state of the bulk of humanity. I cannot, however, imagine seeing the Vikings, Romans, Celts, Scottish, or Anglo-Saxons walking around in masks. Germanic and Nordic peoples, while creating sophisticated societies with ordered Liberty, are not mindless collectivists by nature. Picturing Anglo-Saxon peoples walking around sheepishly in masks is an absurdity to the rational mind! No one will ever convince me that Ragnar, Julius Caesar, Vercingetorix, William Wallace, or Hengist and Horsa would have fearfully acquiesced to wear face masks. And certainly no one will persuade me to believe that the American Pilgrims and Founding Fathers would have submitted to wear ridiculous face coverings. Early Americans were a different breed of human. They were tough. They were hardy. They were the men and women who tamed a wilderness, defeated wild Indian attackers, established thriving cities on a docile continent, and forged a civilization unrivaled in wealth, power, technology, advancement, influence, systems of government, and personal Freedom. Americans were also incredibly well-educated, polished, and refined. They understood history, studied classic languages, comprehended the law, and immersed themselves in self-government. They were upright, pious, loved virtue, and worshiped the God who gave them life and Liberty. They were men and women of valor, discipline, and honor. These were not people to tamely surrender themselves to the capricious whims of self-appointed rulers. Who can honestly believe that Patrick Henry would have silently acquiesced to the totalitarian dictates of conniving usurpers like Governors Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, Kate Brown, Gary Herbert, and Andrew Cuomo? Who can believe that Samuel Adams, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and George Washington would have gone along with their elected leaders commanding them to wear masks over their faces, ordering them to close down their businesses to make someone else feel safe, dictating how they interacted with their fellow citizens, or placing arbitrary restrictions on their private lives? Early American patriots would not have tolerated the unhinged babbling of mini-tyrants like tens of millions of servile Americans do today. The men who threw tea into Boston Harbor to protest British economic manipulation would never have complied with the closure of their businesses and livelihoods in the name of fighting a disease – and certainly not one with a 99.9% survivability rate. The freemen who stared down the Redcoats on the Lexington town green would never have donned face masks, canceled worship services, called off holidays with their families, or adopted the idiotic habit of standing six feet away from everyone they met simply because their public servants commanded them to do so. The masked American is an anomaly in U.S. history precisely because of how unAmerican his servility is. He is not like the men of 1776. He is not like the Indian fighters who made the forests and plains safe from savage attacks on our People. He is not like the Pioneers who spread American exceptionalism across the continent. He is not like the warriors who defended the Alamo against invading Mexicans. He is not like the Marines who stormed Iwo Jima. No, the masked American is a sad aberration – an American-in-name-only. Mask mandates are incompatible with American heritage, American history, and American nature. Not only are masks unAmerican, they are unconstitutional. No governor, no state legislator, no mayor, no sheriff, no congressman, no president, and no judge has any authority to force you to wear a mask, to close your business, to compel you to stand six feet away from other people, to fine you for walking outside with out a mask, to harass you for worshiping God in a congregation, to restrict your right to travel because you don’t want to undergo invasive medical testing, or to dictate how many people you may have in your home for Thanksgiving. All of this is unAmerican. It’s an assault on the very foundation of Americanism. Masks have even seemingly taken the place of God for many churches and individuals. Instead of living in faith, society has decided it’s better to live in fear. Instead of worshiping God, they worship the state and its idol – the medical mask. Traditional Americans work, worship, and live in faith. Servile Americans, if such a contradictory thing can truly exist, have broken from tradition and have instead adopted the Marxist lifestyle with its mandatory masks, mandatory fear, and mandatory thralldom. The masked American is, I repeat, an oxymoron. True Americans don’t comply with public mask mandates. If a private store wishes to require you to wear a mask, that’s their right – just as they’ve always been able to say “no shirt, no shoes, no service.” And you have the concomitant right of shopping elsewhere and rewarding other businesses that are not insane enough to require you to buy into media hysteria about the Coronahoax. But a public mask mandate is unconstitutional, unsanitary, and unAmerican. Masked Americans are not the successors of the patriots of 1776. Those good men would have never complied with the tyranny Americans take for granted today. The masked American is a sad figure who is fighting against his nature in wearing a ridiculous face covering. While it might befit an Asian or Latino to wear a medical mask around all day, it is wholly inappropriate for children of the Pilgrims, Pioneers, and Patriots to do so. Masks have become a symbol of slavery and obedience – a sick initiation into the cult of communist totalitarianism. Nothing about this “new normal” is actually normal. America has no room for such servility. America’s true motto is the one proudly adopted by Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson: Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God. Don’t be a masked American; be a real American. Zack Strong, November 18, 2020 Share this: Twitter Facebook Like this: Like Loading... Related This entry was tagged Coronahoax, Masks, Patriotism, Rebellion to Tyrants, Tyranny. Bookmark the permalink. Post navigation ← The Election Psy-Op Three Things I’m Thankful For → 10 thoughts on “The Masked American” Pingback: The Masked American — The American Citadel – New Human New Earth Communities Arthur Joyce says: November 18, 2020 at 12:19 pm Today’s article really moved me to tears. It was wonderful. Your previous one, too. Just finished The Lineage of the Gods, which was exquisite. Red Gadiantons was crazy good. Well into your A Century of Reds. I have seen so many points made in your articles and books that so strike home with my own masterful convictions that it gives me much encouragement, which, so desperately I sometimes need. It’s been quite difficult trying to get all that needs to be done to sell the home and relocate. Our political leaders here are modern Red Gadiantons, particularly Governor Charlie Faker. I often suppose they’ve a lineage of the human devils from Massachusetts that I traced in my own little contribution. It astounded me to have gotten that proposal from your team and I mean to somehow find time yet to write a chapter. But it has been emotionally challenging, what with all that’s so draining my energy at times, with work at a VA hospital, the house, finances and so forth. So, we shall see. I see things working out soon. Either way, what you write is incredible, Zack. All good things in good, due time. Later.. Gotta fly. On Tue, Nov 17, 2020, 11:48 PM The American Citadel wrote: > zeev1776 posted: ” The masked American is an oxymoron. Or, perhaps, just a > moron. The name “American” is a great honor. It signifies one who is free, > one who understands and cherishes his rights, one who governs himself, and > one who resists the arbitrary dictates of tyrant” > LikeLike Reply zeev1776 says: November 20, 2020 at 9:48 pm Keep up the great work, Arthur. Your contributions are not so little. The Lord will sustain you because you are one of his true followers. And thank you for your kind words about my writings. I do my best. “If a man does his best, what else is there?” – General George S. Patton I’ll be in touch with you soon. LikeLike Reply larryzb says: November 19, 2020 at 6:49 am The fact that Americans so readily accept this tyranny is a sign of how degraded they have become. It is hard to be optimistic about the future of the US. LikeLike Reply D says: November 20, 2020 at 5:02 am What do you think of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints recommendations? I agree with you, masks are unconstitutional and unAmerican for sure… but I feel torn to listen to the leaders of my faith… which has more merit as a commandment. LikeLike Reply zeev1776 says: November 20, 2020 at 9:46 pm Church leaders have never given a blanket statement to the whole membership to wear masks. It’s a location-by-location thing. I know plenty of people, including family, who won’t attend a meeting in-person until the requirement to wear masks is lifted. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. What is wrong is when bishops or leaders endeavor to force members from worshiping Christ and partaking of His sacrament (3 Nephi 18:22-23). Follow the word of the Lord, which governs the Church (D&C 42:59-60), and you’ll be fine. LikeLike Reply Duane Smith says: November 20, 2020 at 6:53 pm I appreciate the truth spoken here. What really bothers me is that more cities are mandating the wearing of masks. Pocatello, Idaho is the most recent one. I can’t afford a fine or an attorney. I just don’t have the strength to fight. I have come now to appeal to God for help to do what I can’t. LikeLike Reply Magic Pickaxe says: December 17, 2020 at 5:22 am Can’t help but feel like were about to wake up one day and be told I have to take a bus to a labor camp or something. Scary these days in the world. I wonder if we will get our freedoms back? 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Δ Search Social View #’s profile on Facebook View wordpressdotcom’s profile on Twitter View #’s profile on Instagram View #’s profile on Pinterest View #’s profile on LinkedIn "The only foundation of a free constitution is pure virtue, and if this cannot be inspired into our people in a greater measure than they have it now, they may change their rulers and the forms of government, but they will not obtain a lasting liberty. They will only exchange tyrants and tyrannies." - John Adams to Zabdiel Adams, June 21, 1776 "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." - 2 Chronicles 7:14 "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens." - George Washington, Farewell Address, 1796 The American Citadel Blog at WordPress.com. Follow Following The American Citadel Join 264 other followers Sign me up Already have a WordPress.com account? Log in now. The American Citadel Customize Follow Following Sign up Log in Copy shortlink Report this content View post in Reader Manage subscriptions Collapse this bar Loading Comments... Write a Comment... Email (Required) Name (Required) Website %d bloggers like this:
Canonical has announced that the next version of Apache Cordova, 3.3, will support Ubuntu. Cordova is a mobile development framework that lets developers use web technologies – like HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript – to deliver mobile apps to multiple platforms, be it iOS, Android, Windows Phone, or – now – Ubuntu Touch. If the name “Cordova” doesn’t ring a bell, you may be familiar with a distribution (and the original progenitor) of Cordova – Adobe’s PhoneGap. And for those of you concerned with Adobe’s name attached to the framework, Cordova itself is a top-level project at the Apache Software Foundation. “Canonical opens the doors to over 400,000 web developers…” Support for Ubuntu Touch will make the fairly low barrier to entry – thanks to QML and existing HTML5 support in the Ubuntu SDK – even lower by bringing Cordova/PhoneGap tools into the fold and, thus, the 400,000 developers already familiar with them. The Ubuntu SDK already supports a number of Cordova APIs for access to hardware and various system components, but app development itself has been limited to Ubuntu’s own tools. Ubuntu Touch support in the Cordova framework will mean developers who are building cross-platform Cordova/PhoneGap apps outside Ubuntu – possibly using services like Adobe’s PhoneGap Build in the future as well – could bring their apps to the platform without having to switch build tools, IDEs, or even operating systems. Having a raft of familiar APIs and tooling is even more important for mobile OS newcomers, like Ubuntu Touch, that can’t afford to start from square one when mature mobile platforms and ecosystems are plentiful and far less of a gamble. But Cordova support and yesterday’s news of a hardware partner are good signs that Ubuntu is ready to duke it out come 2014. Learn More About Apache Cordova
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“Changes to U.S. immigration policies that restrain the flow of technical and professional talent may inhibit our ability to adequately staff our research and development efforts,” the company said in the filing. Brad Smith, Microsoft’s president, said in a statement that the company believes “in a strong and balanced high-skilled immigration system and in broader immigration opportunities for talented and law-abiding young people like the Dreamers,” a reference to young people who entered the country illegally as children but were allowed to remain by President Barack Obama. On Friday, Mark Zuckerberg, the chief executive of Facebook, waded into the broader immigration debate with a post in which he said he was concerned about Mr. Trump’s actions. Mr. Zuckerberg said his great-grandparents came from Germany, Austria and Poland, while his wife’s arrived from China and Vietnam. “We are a nation of immigrants, and we all benefit when the best and brightest from around the world can live, work and contribute here,” Mr. Zuckerberg wrote. “I hope we find the courage and compassion to bring people together and make this world a better place for everyone.” The technology industry is open to changes that have been proposed by members of Congress to better enforce the skilled worker program and adjust limits on the number of visas. But the companies see skilled worker visas as a signature policy issue that they have fought to protect and expand. They fear Jeff Sessions, the nominee for attorney general, and others in the administration will take a more severe approach to immigration and sweep up H-1B visas into prohibitions on refugees and stronger border protection. “The effect would end up being exactly the opposite of what Trump wants. Companies would go offshore like Microsoft did with Vancouver, Canada” to seek talent, said Robert D. Atkinson, president of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, a research group sponsored by several tech firms.
Everytown was founded in 2014 by Michael R. Bloomberg, the former mayor of New York, who put in $50 million of his own money in an effort to form a group that could rival the National Rifle Association. Erika Soto Lamb, a spokeswoman, said that the group did not speak for Mr. Bloomberg, who has not made an endorsement since deciding against a third-party run earlier this year but who has been highly critical of Mr. Trump. Ms. Lamb said she could not comment on Mr. Bloomberg’s intentions. In addition to the endorsement, Everytown pledged to help Mrs. Clinton’s campaign get out the vote in California’s primary on Tuesday, the spokeswoman said, hosting phone banks and door-to-door campaigns that would start over the weekend. The group also claimed credit for Mrs. Clinton’s wardrobe on Thursday, as she wore an orange shirt during her foreign policy speech as part of the group’s “Wear Orange” awareness campaign. Though it said it had no plans at the moment to begin advertising campaigns, it has done so in support of candidates and ballot initiatives. Gun control has played a large role in the campaign so far, and Mrs. Clinton has frequently addressed the issue, seeking to draw clear distinctions between her positions and those of Mr. Sanders. Mr. Trump, for his part, has accused Mrs. Clinton of wanting to “abolish the Second Amendment.” Mrs. Clinton has also run numerous ads on the subject. Before the New York and Connecticut primaries, the campaign ran one that featured the daughter of the principal of Sandy Hook Elementary School, who was killed in the mass shooting there in 2012. “No one is fighting harder to reform our gun laws than Hillary Clinton,” the daughter said in the ad. Before the Iowa primary, Mrs. Clinton ran a broadcast ad speaking directly to the camera saying, “Either we stand with the gun lobby or we join the president and stand up to them,” an unnamed jab at Mr. Sanders. On the campaign trail, she took her attacks further, saying Mr. Sanders had “voted with the N.R.A.” and against some gun control bills.
In addition to the joys of nausea, weight gain and fluctuating hormones, expecting mothers can now add “feeling younger and healthier” to the list of benefits that come with being pregnant. According to a new Israeli study, pregnancy can have a “rejuvenating effect” on women and could slow down the aging process, especially in older women. According to an article published in the scientific journal Fertility and Sterility cited by The Telegraph, medical researchers at Hadassah Medical School in Jerusalem studied the effects of livers transplants in pregnant and non-pregnant mice, finding that in 96 percent of the older, pregnant rodents, the liver had regenerated within two days. This was compared with 82% of young, non-pregnant mice and 46% of older, non-pregnant one. Get The Start-Up Israel's Daily Start-Up by email and never miss our top stories Free Sign Up The study also found that the pregnancy protected the mice from tissue damage around the heart, which is part of the human aging process, and that pregnant mothers got an injection of “youth serum” from the babies they were carrying. “As we age, it is more difficult for our tissue to regenerate itself,” the study found. “Because pregnancy is a unique biological model of a partially shared blood system, we have speculated that pregnancy would have a rejuvenating effect on the mother.” The healthy, rejuvenating effect is temporary and lasts for about two months after delivery, the research indicated. The review was led by Tal Falick Michaeli, Rubin Chair in Medical Science at Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, who has also done research on pregnancy that suggests it can restore the mother’s muscles’ ability to regenerate.
No, we don’t have all the answers to the countless enigmas that have baffled experts for countless decades, but we do have what many consider ‘evidence’ that human origins and our history are anything but complete. Listed here are just some of the many discoveries which push our understanding of human origins, ancient civilizations and life on Earth to the limit. Maybe it’s time for a much-needed update, that explains how many of these discoveries are possible. It’s as if there is a massive cover-up in place that prevents mainstream experts to investigate certain discoveries more profoundly. The truth is that mainstream sciences have failed to address and explains countless discoveries that have been made on Earth in the past. Each discovery—when we speak about ancient human remains—seems to push human origins back more and more each time. Not long ago, scientists found evidence that a previously unknown, long lost human species lived on Earth—and interbred with humans thousands of years ago. The researcher presented in Molecular Biology and Evolution has uncovered a controversial find that changes what we have been told about our ancestors. However, that’s just one of the many recent discoveries that have pushed the limits of Human origins to a point where we need to rewrite much of what we thought about our ancestors. In Australia experts found how humans first settled in Australia around 65,000 years ago, effectively rewriting history books. This discovery completely smashes previous early estimates which put human occupation in Australia around 45,000 years ago. But there’s more. If we take a quick trip to the African continent, we will find traces of 3.6 million-year-old ancient human footprints. In 2016, scientists found 13 footprints which according to analysis date back a staggering 3.6 million years ago. Discovered in modern-day Tanzania, the ancient human footprints were preserved thanks, to a region which at that time was covered in wet volcanic ash, and our ancestors walked across the area millions of years ago. From Africa, we wander off to Siberia where archaeologists found a tooth of a young girl who lived there some 128,000 years ago. What is fascinating about this discovery is that it’s hailed as one of the oldest known human species recovered in Central Asia and is believed to be at least 50,000 and 100,00 years older than the first known Denisovan fossil. Stunning right? But as you probably know, there’s much more. A thigh bone discovered around 80 years ago was recently put to a series of tests which have shown how the 124,000-year-old Neanderthal fossil—excavated in Germany from the Hohlenstein-Stadel Cave—contains MODERN DNA. Scientists believe that this proves how the ‘out of Africa’ migration occurred much sooner than experts thought—around 270,000 years ago, which means that we need to rewrite—once again—much of what we thought we knew about mankind. Another mind-bending discovery was made in Morocco when experts recovered 300,000-year-old bones that shed light on the evolution of Homo sapiens, and show how our species evolved much earlier—at least some 100,000 years earlier—than previously believed, effectively rewriting the history of mankind again. Then, we also find how experts have shown that Europe was the birthplace of Mankind and not Africa as believed for decades. Researchers have found a 7.2 million-year-old fossil which proves how modern man originated in the Mediterranean and not in Africa. But let’s take a pause from Human origins and take a look at COUNTLESS structures found across the globe, which completely challenge our understanding of ancient civilizations and their technological capabilities thousands of years ago. First, we take a look at the Great Pyramid of Giza and the ancient Egyptian civilization. The Great Pyramid of Giza has remained an enigma for experts who have studied the monument for over a hundred years. No one knows for sure how it was built nor who exactly built it. Many points towards Khufu as being its builder but experts cannot seem to fully agree. Then there’s the incredible precision embedded into the structure, it’s the most accurately aligned Pyramid in existence and faces true north with only 3/60th of a degree of error. It also happens to be located at the Center of Land Mass, and it’s the only known eight-sided Pyramid in Egypt. Moving on from the Pyramid we take a look at the capabilities of the ancient Egyptians and whether they were far more advanced than what we credit them for today. Ancient Egyptian mummies have shown to contain traces of tobacco and cocaine—plants which at that time were only found to grow in the Americas. So how did they end up in Egypt? One explanation is that the ancient Egyptian civilization was capable of transoceanic voyages thousands of years ago. We also have the Gosford Glyphs in Australia which are basically Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs inscribed in stone at the Brisbane Water National Park, Kariong. It is believed that the 250 stone carvings have been part of the local folklore of the area for over a century, meaning that it’s not something that has been discovered recently. The Gosford Glyphs are a very controversial subject, and many modern Egyptologists have categorized them as an elaborate hoax, mostly due to the fact that they are well… Located in Australia. But we also seem to have “tools” that date back to a time when there should not have been anyone on Earth according to mainstream scholars. One such example is a 400 million-year-old hammer discovered in the city of London, Texas, USA, in 1934. It is believed that the head of the hammer was built with an iron purity only achievable with modern-day technology. Tests have shown how the head of the controversial hammer is made out of 97 pure iron, 2 percent chlorine, and 1 percent sulfur. Can’t be real, can it? In china, we have more curious discoveries. The 150,000-year-old Baigong Pipes are considered by many as evidence of a technologically advanced civilization that existed in the region hundreds of thousands of years ago. Experts indicate how 8 percent of the material in the pipes could not be identified. The pipes became popular when in 2007, the largest state run newspaper in China published an article about them. But there is more controversy out there. Let’s take a look at the Ancient Sumerian King list which states how “…In 5 cities 8 kings; they ruled for 241,200 years. Then the flood swept over…” But… how on Earth can 8 kings live and rule for 241,200 years? Were they immortal? Alien? Read more about it here. We also have the Megalith of Al-Naslaa which is a massive rock, split in half with laser like precision standing in the middle of the desert. This incredible rock is located at the Tamya Oasis in Saudi Arabia. The two stones split in half have created confusion among experts ever since their discovery. Some say it was naturally created, while others maintain how advanced technology was used to split the rocks with such precision. And as we are covering such controversial sites we cannot leave out Puma Punku. Puma Punku is an ancient archaeological site located 45 miles west of La Paz, hidden in deep the Andean mountains. This ancient site features some of the largest—intricately carved stones in the Americas. According to analysis, one of the largest blocks of stone found at Puma Punku is 7.81 meters long, 5.17 meters wide, averages 1.07 meters thick It is estimated to weigh around 131 metric tons. How on Earth did the ancients transport this stone? But if the size of the stones at Puma Punku doesn’t make you scratch your head, the precision cuts, and smooth surfaces will certainly do. Not even a sheet of paper can fit between some of the thousand-year-old stones found at Puma Punku. I’m trying to make a point here, the reason why I will take you now to Ollantaytambo, another ancient archaeological site that is absolutely stunning. Located at an altitude of 3,000 meters, the archaeological complex of Ollantaytambo is located around 70 kilometers from Cusco. Ollantatytambo—just as Puma Punku—features jaw-dropping, massive stones. Many of the stones at Ollantaytambo weigh more than 70 tons, and they too were quarried from the side of a mountain, dozens of kilometers away. One of the most curious monuments at Ollantaytambo is the six supermassive monoliths which were put together in such a way that not a single piece of paper can fit between them. Interesting right? But there are countless other archaeological sites worth mentioning. The Cochno stone, discovered in 1887 is a 5,000-year-old slab which features around 90 intricately carved spirals and indentions that according to many represent a Cosmic Map. As you can see, countless discoveries made around the globe seem to push our knowledge of the human race, our origins and ancient civilizations to the limit, and maybe it’s time for mainstream scholars to rewrite our history books, and publish a much-needed update about the human race. Thank you for reading this really long article, let me know what you think!
Syniverse: Mobile Roaming Pressures & Enterprise Growth Outlook Content Hub What We Do Back What We Do What We Do By Asset Class Private Equity Public Equity Credit Professional Services Our Products & Services Forum Connections Case Studies Specialists About Back About About Us Leadership Team Compliance Processes ESG Media Careers Back Careers Work With Us Open Roles Contact Us Login Client Projects Specialist Portal Forum Portal inline-flag-en inline-flag-en Request a Trial Menu Close Content Hub What We Do What We Do By Asset Class Private Equity Public Equity Credit Professional Services Our Products & Services Forum Connections Case Studies Specialists About About Us Leadership Team Compliance Processes ESG Media Careers Work With Us Open Roles Contact Us Content Hub What We Do What We Do By Asset Class Private Equity Public Equity Credit Professional Services Our Products & Services Forum Connections Case Studies Specialists About About Us Leadership Team Compliance Processes ESG Media Careers Work With Us Open Roles Contact Us Research Forum FORUM TRANSCRIPT Syniverse – Mobile Roaming Pressures & Enterprise Growth Outlook – 20 April 2020 Credit TMT North America PREMIUM Specialist Former Director at Syniverse Holdings Inc Agenda Syniverse's operating environment – mobile roaming volumes across geographies and impact from the novel coronavirus pandemic Enterprise segment outlook – growth drivers for push alerts, two-factor authentication (2FA) messaging Cost structure analysis – fixed vs variable Outlook for 2020 and beyond – downside scenarios Questions 1. How should we segment Syniverse’s business model, and how has it evolved? You mentioned the legacy business it is pivoting away from. 2. Can you outline the key trends or drivers impacting the overall operating environment, distinguishing those that were pre-coronavirus pandemic? 3. How are you contextualising the negative financial impacts of this environment across Syniverse’s segments? A few segments will likely react differently in line with mobile roaming traffic. How tepid a revenue environment are you forecasting, at least until some social of the distancing guidelines are lifted? Will some segments cease to be a revenue stream, while others may experience a more muted decline? 4. Can you outline the significance of Syniverse’s legacy mobile roaming-driven base? Are those accelerated declines likely to offset any near-term tailwinds from the communication increases you referenced? 5. What are your thoughts on carrier adoption of RCS [Rich Communication Services] and what that means for Syniverse? Could that cannibalistic rather than additive for that P2P [peer-to-peer] business opportunity? 6. Can you highlight the competitor sets across the product offerings Syniverse is trying to drive growth in? Where does the company compete most and least effectively? 7. Will Syniverse’s UC [unified communications] largely be its Communication Gateway platform, and who will be the target customer for that CPaaS [communications-platform-as-a-service] product? To what extent is it increasingly competing directly against players such as Twilio? Why might they not be competing as much as one might originally assume? 8. What do you think are Syniverse’s top three priorities around shoring up demand for the Communication Gateway platform and making this a much more significant revenue stream? Will it be getting those deployment times to industry standard, or even best-in-class, or getting more omnichannel and not just SMS- driven? Will it come from shoring up some of those verticals that are hard to tap into? How confident are you in this becoming a meaningful growth driver for the overall business? 9. Is the revenue model for Syniverse’s Communication Gateway product similar to a Twilio, in that it is consumption-based pricing? 10. Do you think Syniverse’s Communication Gateway platform will be margin accretive relative to the legacy roaming side? Obviously, that is high-margin business as well – how should we evaluate the impact it will have if it grows successfully as a revenue base? 11. Would you expect Syniverse to move away from its Vibes investment opportunity given integration was never executed? Generally speaking, do you expect Syniverse to continue to pursue further M&A or partnerships? 12. Do you have any additional commentary on Syniverse’s positioning? What would you pinpoint as the biggest threats or opportunities the company is exposed to? You brought up management – are there any slight strategic tweaks that you think the team would benefit from? 13. A few of Syniverse’s product subsegments seem to be a focus for driving growth. Can you offer a product overview for its IPX [Internetwork Packet Exchange] network, and outline the main commercial use cases? 14. What do you think will be key to Syniverse’s success driving that 5G messaging and achieving traction as opposed to just the legacy LTE [Long-Term Evolution] roaming side? 15. When do you think we could expect any 5G top-line tailwinds for Syniverse? Is that largely reliant on nationwide deployment? 16. Can you outline the unit economics of products in Syniverse’s EIS [Enterprise and Intelligence Solutions] segment? 17. To what extent is the messaging layer a commodity market? Obviously, you mentioned monetising is reliant on the per-messaging rate. Is that experiencing significant YoY declines? 18. Why do you think customers would be interested in Syniverse’s professional services opportunities, through which the company is attempting to maintain its pricing? 19. Over what time frame do you expect Syniverse’s growth opportunities to more than offset the legacy declines for it to become overall top-line positive? 20. How should we evaluate Syniverse’s cost model? Obviously, there is a tepid demand environment across many different industries. How would you say Syniverse’s costs relate to revenue falling? How much do you think is fixed vs variable? 21. Do you think Syniverse’s CAPEX investments into growth products will be more growth vs maintenance? It seems to me that maintenance could potentially be held off on temporarily, at least until demand returns. 22. How long-lasting do you think Syniverse’s carrier partnerships are? Obviously, there was a renewal with T- Mobile most recently. How should we evaluate whether this was the last real cycle relating to some of the interconnect-type businesses? Are there ways that Syniverse can further leverage the relationship there? 23. Is there any risk of customer concentration within Syniverse’s overall base? Have switching costs decreased, and how is that impacting your expectations around renewal rates? 24. Could you envisage a trend of large customers insourcing, as relates to what you discussed happening last year? How unique do you think that is, given the scale of some of Syniverse’s customer relationships? 25. You alluded to potential industry consolidation – how could this relate to Syniverse? Where could it acquire to bolster its position? Are there any strategics that you could foresee acquiring Syniverse in its entirety vs in parts? 26. Who would you highlight as the most likely acquirer of Syniverse, given some of the likely early integration challenges or just being a strategic fit? 27. Would you foresee a Twilio being interested in just Syniverse’s CPaaS product? Is that even separable from the legacy base, or is a large driver of a competitive advantage in that legacy base? 28. How do you expect the landscape to evolve for Syniverse over the next few quarters or even the next year? What KPIs could be the most useful to track its progress as it tries to reinvigorate the top line overall? 29. Can we conclude with your overall assessment of Syniverse, its customer perception and any key areas you think it should be focusing on? Gain access to Premium Content Submit your details to access up to 5 Forum Transcripts or to request a complimentary one week trial. 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Opponents of gay marriage took the battle to schools today, with a letter to every state secondary school in England and Wales suggesting they will be forced to teach that gay and heterosexual relationships are equal. The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (Spuc) said even faith schools would be forced to teach the equality of gay marriage and that no individual teacher would be able to conscientiously object. "The change to redefine marriage is something that's going to affect society in a large number of ways, not just the narrow question of a law on marriage," Spuc's Anthony Ozimic told politics.co.uk. "Teachers would be forced to endorse gay marriage or face the sack. "This is using equalities policies to force teachers to accept gay marriage and teach that it should be equal to true marriage." The group used the letter to argue that section 403 of the Education Act 1996 - which forces state-maintained schools to teach "the nature of marriage and its importance for family life" - would automatically include gay marriage once the relevant legislation was passed. "It is important to recognise that the equal marriage proposals will have a real, significant and disturbing impact on your school, and therefore it is essential that schools express their concerns about these proposals," the letter to headmasters reads. The group insists that faith schools would not be exempt from the requirements, citing a comment from equalities minister Maria Miller last year in which she said they would have to "acknowledge that there can also be same-sex marriages". Spuc also had legal advice published suggesting that if a teacher "refused to obey the otherwise lawful instructions of her employers then this would constitute grounds for her dismissal from employment". The government is expected to soon press ahead with gay marriage legislation after a record-breaking public consultation on the issue.
Emily Faulhaber - The Brown Daily Herald Skip to Content, Navigation, or Footer. 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University News UCS announces new polling, outreach committees to increase communication on campus By Emily Faulhaber | September 20 Two new committees — an outreach committee, led by Jung Haye To ’24, and a polling committee, led by Alexander Ávila ’23 — were announced at a Sept. 14 Undergraduate Council of Students meeting. Arts & Culture ‘Tomboy’ exhibition looks at expectations for women, girls across history By Emily Faulhaber | June 24 The Providence Public Library kicked off its 2022 spring exhibition and program series in April with “Tomboy,” an exhibition featuring art, clothing, archival materials and more as part of a conversation on gendered expectations and what the term tomboy has meant over time. University News Kent Kleinman appointed Brown Arts Institute faculty director By Emily Faulhaber | May 12 Kent Kleinman, provost of the Rhode Island School of Design, was appointed faculty director of the Brown Arts Institute, according to an April 27 press release. Kleinman will begin his new position July 15 and will also serve as a professor of the practice in the Department of History of Art and ... University News Verney-Woolley Dining Hall to undergo renovations this summer By Emily Faulhaber | April 27 The Verney-Woolley Dining Hall is scheduled to undergo extensive renovations, with construction beginning at the end of May, according to Vice President of Dining Services George Barboza. The renovations will focus on the “back of the house,” with changes including increased freezer and cooler ... University News What it takes to put on Spring Weekend By Emily Faulhaber | April 26 As Spring Weekend approaches, groups across campus have been planning to ensure that everything runs smoothly. Brown Concert Agency began planning this spring’s event practically as soon as 2021’s digital Spring Weekend concluded, Kenney Nguyen ’22.5, co-chair of BCA, said. The ... University News Workers in Wellness building reflect on first academic year By Emily Faulhaber | April 18 The Wellness Residential Experience at Sternlicht Commons on 450 Brook St., which includes both student dorms and the University’s health resources — has been open for nearly a full year to students and for nearly two full semesters to the staff who work in the building. Counseling and Psychological ... University News New executive vice president for finance, administration reflects on first months in position By Emily Faulhaber | April 13 After beginning her new role on Jan. 1, Sarah Latham, executive vice president for finance and administration, has spent her first months in the position evaluating the departments she oversees and setting priorities, she said in an interview with The Herald. After former Executive Vice ... University News Brown Women’s Network holds virtual event examining womanhood at Brown By Emily Faulhaber | March 16 Brown Women’s Network hosted a virtual event Wednesday entitled “Examining the Evolution of Women at Brown.” The goal of the event was to “explore the evolving role of women at Brown through interactive and dynamic discussion” to deepen the community’s understanding of “shared and varied ... University News Essential dining workers describe working through snow day By Emily Faulhaber | March 2 Although students were granted a day of canceled and virtual classes last Friday due to a snowstorm, normal operations continued for some University workers. Only eight staff members missed work due to the weather, according to an email to The Herald from Vice President of Dining Programs George ... More articles » More media » Popular Students improvise COVID-19 isolation housing, struggle to find tests, masks By Haley Sandlow and Sam Levine | September 20 Students, faculty reflect on shopping period COVID-19 policies By Alex Nadirashvili and Sofia Barnett | September 19 Providence welcomes new indie bookstore Heartleaf Books By Aalia Jagwani | September 19 editor's note By Kyoko Leaman | September 22 back page By Kyoko Leaman | September 22 Tweets by The_Herald News Sports Arts & Culture Science & Research Opinions Post- Magazine Multimedia About us Contact us Advertising Donate Terms of Service Privacy Policy Staff List Subscribe to our newsletter Email The Brown Daily Herald, Inc. is a financially independent, nonprofit media organization with more than 250 students working across our journalism, business and web divisions. Powered by Solutions by The State News All Content © 2022 The Brown Daily Herald, Inc.
Surajit Dasgupta, a former journalist, was Aam Aadmi Party’s founding member and was also part of its National Council. However, he quit AAP much before the Delhi Assembly polls that were held in December 2013 due to certain differences over the working of the party. In an interview with Manisha Singh of Zee Media Corp, he spoke about the contradictions within the AAP, the reasons why he resigned from the party and also what he thinks of Arvind Kejriwal. Here are the excerpts from the interview: Why did you join Aam Aadmi Party in the first place? And what were some of the pertinent issues over which you disagreed with the party due to which you subsequently left AAP? As an individual since 2010 and as a part of the organisation Youth for Democracy (Y4D) since early 2011, I had been fighting for the cause of vyawastha parivartan (systemic change). One of the patrons of Y4D was KN Govindacharya, who had come out of his RSS shell and from a past in BJP in 2004 to float his own organisation, Rashtriya Swabhiman Andolan. While Team Anna was reluctant to share their stage with him, every now and then they would meet him privately, steal ideas from him and mouth them from their own platform as if the ideas were originally theirs. We were sure they did not have the foggiest idea about how to implement them. Second, we were disconcerted by the fact that while the section of society that had poured into the streets for the Jan Lokpal movement was overwhelmingly right-of-centre, leftists were making a lateral entry into the party as policy makers. Y4D`s president and vice-president, namely senior journalist Sudesh Verma and I, along with all our followers and workers joined the Aam Aadmi Party in the second week of October 2012 to keep the movement rightist. Right from the beginning, we noticed a near-total absence of internal democracy in the new party. At the national convention held on 24 November 2012 where the party constitution was adopted, 23 individuals were imposed on us as members of the national executive and six of them were declared as political affairs committee members. There was no election held for the purpose. As the party progressed, members of the NC as well as the think-tank of the cadre found several decisions taken by the party leadership wrong or misplaced. They were decisions like dubbing the Batla House encounter as fake, parading clerics of different religions on stage to garner votes of their respective communities, not allowing competition in the market by disallowing FDI in retail etc. What kept me in the party was Kejriwal`s repeated assurance in public speeches throughout 2013 that he was neither a leftist nor a rightist, and that he would take the best solution from any political philosophy as deemed feasible. The manifesto released on 20 November 2013 proved he had been bluffing all along. The document was downright populist and socialist. I studied it thoroughly overnight and resigned from all ranks held in the party (founder member and member of the NC) in the morning of November 21. You resigned from the Aam Aadmi Party even before the Delhi Assembly elections. You have clarified that a sting operation CD featuring AAP leaders showing them accepting funds without proper verification was not the reason for doing so. You stand by it? Yes. But I have something to add. While I had resigned in the morning of November 21 last year and news of some sting operation was telecast not before late afternoon that day, the contents of the sting only vindicated the reason for my resignation — lack of internal democracy. Those caught by the sting came across as careless and ready to compromise on scruples even though they did not quite look like criminals on camera. You have been AAP’s founding member and also a National Council member. You have said that the party does not believe in decentralization in its organisation and concentrates power at the top? Can you elaborate? Apart from the examples given above, incidents leading up to the national convention prove the point. Activists and supporters of the Jan Lokpal movement from all over the country were converging at the office of the proposed party in large numbers. They were given menial jobs like registering the details of walk-in supporters and advisers in a log book, attending phone calls, looking for guest houses for the visitors who would join us between November 24-26 etc. None of the known faces of the movement were part of this exercise, while none of those given menial jobs to attend to was made part of any serious political exercise. Finally on 24 November we found out that the structure was kept minimal with only three office bearers - The national convener, secretary and treasurer. These three, along with the 23 members of the NE as well as the six members of the PAC, were short-listed behind closed doors by Kejriwal`s coterie and Yadav. This was clearly a bid to keep power concentrated to a few on top, an antithesis of decentralisation. You have said that the AAP is like any other political party in the country? How? Other than the examples of communalism and dubious methodology of candidate selection, one may try an experiment with the AAP`s supreme leader. Befriend him and get close enough to him as an adviser. Convince him that a certain action or speech has the potential to fetch massive votes for the party. Even if the proposal is downright unethical, Kejriwal will accept it. Now with cases like Kejriwal`s plagiarism and undervalued declaration of assets, Manish Sisodia`s misappropriation of funds for his NGO Kabir, Somnath Bharti`s racism, high-handedness and past as a spammer of pornographic websites, etc (other than the high-command`s act of distribution of election tickets to dodgy characters), even corruption is not a factor that differentiates the AAP from other political parties. What do you think of AAP convener and its most famous face, Arvind Kejriwal? Kejriwal loves being the centre of attraction. He is also known for manipulating facts for political convenience. This includes claiming that he was an IT commissioner while he was actually a deputy IT commissioner, and turning the Ambanis into a pop hate figure while Mukesh Ambani`s company has only 10% access to India`s oil reserves and the price demanded by it is in accordance with the recommendations of the C Rangarajan Committee instituted by former Petroleum Minister Jaipal Reddy and not his successor Veerappa Moily. Kejriwal also suppresses the fact that one of the last executive decisions he took was clearing Rs 372 crore subsidy to Anil Ambani while he did not provide for the amount that would relieve the thousands of fellow agitators who agreed, on his appeal, to default on payment of their electricity bills. The latest is the claim that Transparency International (India) reported that the number of cases of corruption in Delhi had declined during the AAP rule while the said agency denied they had undertaken any such survey or study. Your comment on the way and the issue on which Arvind Kejriwal resigned as Delhi CM? I had predicted during the days when the AAP was not sure whether it should form the Delhi Government that the only thing they would do, whether in or out of government, was create spectacles on the streets. That is exactly what they did. After stepping into the corridors of power, Kejriwal and company realised governance was beyond them (as has been reported by bureaucrats working under them recently); they also realised fulfilling the electoral promises they had made was impossible. They tried to deflect public attention from their incompetence and agitating temporary employees of DTC and temporary teachers by staging a dharna (sit-in) near Rail Bhavan. How in your opinion will AAP fare in 2014 Lok Sabha polls? It will have a limited effect. It may get a few seats in Delhi. It is getting media attention disproportionate to its wherewithal. This coverage may have some effect in other cities where it may not win seats but can garner enough votes to deny victory to some candidates who could win in its absence. It will fail to make a mark in the villages.
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia has made significant leaps in its anti-doping reforms but the progress is not being recognized by the international community, sports officials from the country said on Thursday. FILE PHOTO: Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) chief Alexander Zhukov (R) and Vitaly Smirnov, head of the new commission created to combat doping, attend a news conference following a meeting of the executive board of Russian Olympic Committee in Moscow, Russia July 25, 2016. REUTERS/Sergei Karpukhin Russia’s athletics federation, Paralympic committee and anti-doping agency (RUSADA) remain suspended after reports commissioned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) alleged state-sponsored doping. WADA in August called on Russia’s anti-doping authorities to accept publicly the findings of the WADA-commissioned McLaren investigation, which found evidence of widespread doping and manipulation of doping tests by Russian athletes and officials. Public acceptance of the report by Russia is a condition laid down by WADA for RUSADA’S full reinstatement, but Russian authorities have always denied the state’s role in the scandal. At a meeting of a state-backed anti-doping commission with representatives of Russian sports federations on Thursday, officials said Russia’s progress was being overlooked. “Our international colleagues are very poorly informed about the efforts undertaken by our country in anti-doping over the last while,” said commission head Vitaly Smirnov. “Our accomplishments are silenced. This is very bad.” Smirnov said the commission had prepared English-language brochures about Russia’s reforms in a bid to get its message out. He urged the heads of the sports federations present — including tennis, swimming and athletics — to hand them out to foreign colleagues at international sporting events. “Unfortunately the information (about reforms) is not reaching everyone,” the president of Russia’s Olympic Committee, Alexander Zhukov, told the sports federations’ officials. “This is why it’s very important for you to get this information to the international federations.” Zhukov stressed Russia had made significant progress toward its rehabilitation on the international stage, calling WADA’s decision in June to allow RUSADA to plan and coordinate testing “a big step forward”. He conceded, however, that Russia still had “lots to do” to be fully reinstated.
A month ago I was discussing basic equipment with Gregory Mele. As he is among the few who use steel helmets with perforated steel, rather than fencing masks, so typical in HEMA around the world. His arguments for this more expensive protection were mainly two: 1. It offers better protection against steel, even with heavier weapons than a longsword. 2. It has a better aesthetic and closer feel to the period protection. While those arguments are perfectly valid, I thought the fencing masks absolutely sufficient for what we do. Until this happened: I’ll give you some context – this is freeplay with full gear and wooden wasters. We go in a bind, then high, I zwerch to the arms, but as the distance is short, I continue the strike in a slice. Angel, on the left, pushes my sword down and kinda locks me for a second, than stops. I do not see or feel this, and when my sword slips free, I deliver a full strike on the top of his head. See it again in slowmo, notice how if it was a steel sword, it would have been exactly around the centre of precussion: Now, Angel was okay after a couple of minutes. He had a nasty bump, a bruise and some of the skin on his head at the point of impact practically tore, but it wasn’t too bad – at least he had no concussion. Funny thing, I did not even deliver a full strike with full force, which I often train for. I just made a finishing hit, because I was unsure of the results of the first slice. On the same camp I struck at a mask with a rattan stick and bent not only the mesh, but the mtal rim on top of the mask. Oh, and do you see Angel wearing a protector on the mask from PBT? It has the mesh engraved on the foam inside. I just cannot imagine what could’ve happened if that was a steel longsword. So I am currently saving money for this: That Guy’s Products – http://www.thatguysproducts.com is making those, and they are not so different in basic function from fencing masks. It is not even the whole steel thing that I find most useful. It is the support system, which is based on the same one used in helmets for hundreds of years: And no, sadly it won’t work under a fencing mask. I’ll try, but I do not think so. Well, I am not surprised about one thing – as usual, all revelation in what I do come from a blow. Glad it wasn’t my head this time. Advertisements
A second serving of adorable Asian Small-clawed Otter pups born just three weeks ago at Sea World Orlando . As you can hear on camera, these social otters often communicate vocally, in this case with a very fitting chirp. SeaWorld animal trainers in Orlando have their hands full with four baby Asian small-clawed otters. Born just three weeks ago to parents Simon and Sophie, the pups are nursing and will open their eyes in about a week. Asian small-clawed otters live in the rivers, creeks, estuaries and coastal waters of Southeast Asia, from northern India to southeastern China, the Malay Peninsula and parts of Indonesia. SeaWorld breeds the otters as part of the Association of Zoos and Aquarium’s Species Survival Plan, which aims to preserve, in zoos and aquariums, animals that are threatened or endangered in the wild. To discover more about otters and other sea life, go to SeaWorld.org.
What DO You Know About the Effects of Cannabis (Marijuana) on Human Behavior and Performance? | Wiley Psychology Updates RSS Feed for Updates Home About the Books About this Site Categories Used to Organize Entries on this Site Wiley Psychology Weekly Updates Discussion Topics for Today's Classroom What DO You Know About the Effects of Cannabis (Marijuana) on Human Behavior and Performance? Posted October 15th, 2018 by Mike Boyes & filed under Consciousness, Neuroscience, Physiology, Sensation-Perception, Substance-Related Disorders. Description: Marijuana is going to become legal in Canada in a few days (October 17, 2018). Here is a timley question. What do you know about the affects of marijuana on human behavior and performance? Well, linked below is a review article from the journal Forensic Science with that exact title and it contains, I would bet, more information that you feel you need to know about issues of impairment, testing, medicinal uses and much more related to Cannabis (Marijuana). While you may not wish to read the whole article I would suggest that you take a few moments and think about what you do and do not know about the affects of marijuana on driving and on flying (among pilots, not metaphorically or poetically speaking) and then download the article and at least read through the section on impairment starting on page 33 and see how what you know or think you know about that topic relates to what there is to know. Source: Cannabis (Marijuana) – Effects on Human Behavior and Performance, M. A. Huestis, Intermural Research Program, National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of Mental Health, Baltimore, Maryland. Date: October 14, 2018 Photo Credit: Toronto Star File Photo Article Link: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Marilyn_Huestis/publication/280865560_Cannabis_Marijuana_-_Effects_on_Human_Performance_and_Behavior/links/568b184d08ae051f9afa8db5/Cannabis-Marijuana-Effects-on-Human-Performance-and-Behavior.pdf So, how did what you knew or thought you knew about the impact of marijuana on human performance stack up against the data summarized in the review article? The research reviewed in the article clearly indicates that there are problems with toking and driving world-wide. What is also clear that it is difficult to figure out just how we should define and assess that impairment for regulatory (enforcement) purposes. But, while that work is still ongoing a simple message is already clear in the research done to date. Don’t toke and drive (or fly)! Questions for Discussion: What are the three ways in which the questions of the impact of alcohol and/ or marijuana on human functioning have been addressed in research? Of the three ways in which these questions have been looked at which one did you find the most compelling (or interesting)? What additional research do we need to do to get the questions in this area sorted out? References (Read Further): Huestis, M. A. (2002). Cannabis (Marijuana)- Effects on Human Behavior and Performance. Forensic science review, 14(1), 15-60. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Marilyn_Huestis/publication/280865560_Cannabis_Marijuana_-_Effects_on_Human_Performance_and_Behavior/links/568b184d08ae051f9afa8db5/Cannabis-Marijuana-Effects-on-Human-Performance-and-Behavior.pdf Compton, R. P. (2017). Marijuana-impaired driving-a report to congress (No. DOT HS 812 440). United States. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. https://rosap.ntl.bts.gov/view/dot/34995/dot_34995_DS1.pdf Davis, S. J., & Sloas, K. L. (2017). Driving while High: College Student Beliefs And Behaviors. Journal of Addictive Behaviors, Therapy & Rehabilitation, 2017. https://www.scitechnol.com/peer-review/driving-while-high-college-student-beliefs-and-behaviors-6cMV.php?article_id=5999 Leadbeater, B. J., Ames, M. E., Sukhawathanakul, P., Fyfe, M., Stanwick, R., & Brubacher, J. R. (2017). Frequent marijuana use and driving risk behaviours in Canadian youth. Paediatrics & child health, 22(1), 7-12. https://academic.oup.com/pch/article/22/1/7/3091573 Tags: Alcohol Cannibis Driving impairment marijuana Books for Success! 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i=t.thumb,n=t.mediaItem,o=new VimeoPlayer({parent:t,thumbBuild:!0,width:Math.floor(t.width),height:Math.floor(t.height)});o.setSize(Math.floor(t.width),Math.floor(t.height)),o.zIndex=-2,o.alpha=0,t.addChild(o),t.vimeo=o,o.addEventListener(VIMEO_METADATA_LOADED,function(e){o.play()}),e.thumbnailOnly&&(STATE.overrides.vimeoDefault?(o.zIndex=5,Tween(o,UPDATE_SPEED,{alpha:1}),Tween(i,UPDATE_SPEED,{alpha:0}),o.setSource(n.content)):t.hit.element.onclick=function(e){o.zIndex=5,Tween(o,UPDATE_SPEED,{alpha:1}),Tween(i,UPDATE_SPEED,{alpha:0}),o.setSource(n.content)}),o.onplay=function(){A(o)},o.onpause=function(){}}function S(e){var t=e.thumb,i=e.mediaItem,n=new 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msds | Ohioline Skip to main content The Ohio State University Help BuckeyeLink Map Find People Webmail Search Ohio State CFAES Give Today Ohioline Ohioline https://ohioline.osu.edu Ohio State University Extension Search form Search Menu Home Advanced Search About OSU Extension msds Title (Click to Sort) Fact Sheet Number Tags Material Safety Data Sheet for Trainers and Supervisors AEX-892.2.29 safety, landscape, horticulture, msds, material safety data sheets, tailgate safety training for landscaping and horticultural services Search form Search To print a fact sheet, use the "Print" command in your browser. You may then either print the fact sheet or save it as a PDF. Best printed in Google Chrome. CFAES Publications Chowline Extension Offices Family Fundamentals Social Media OSUE YouTube Locate An Office We connect with people in all stages of life, from young children to older adults. We work with families and children, farmers and businessowners, community leaders and elected officials to build better lives, better businesses and better communities to make Ohio great. Locate an office in my county Locate a statewide office Extension personnel directory © 2022 The Ohio State University, College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Ohioline College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences 2120 Fyffe Road | Room 3 Ag Admin Bldg. Columbus, Ohio 43210 Phone: 614-292-6181 Give Now Login The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Ohio State University Extension Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center Ohio State ATI © 2022 | 2120 Fyffe Road | Room 3 Ag Admin Bldg. | Columbus, Ohio 43210 | 614-292-6181 Accessibility Accommodation If you have a disability and experience difficulty accessing this content request accommodation here. Maintenance and Support This site designed and maintained by CFAES Marketing and Communications. For technical support please contact the CFAES Helpdesk. CFAES Diversity | Nondiscrimination notice | Site Map
Gorgeous Light Puzzler Where Shadows Slumber Hits Mobile A beautiful looking new isometric puzzler that makes clever use of environmental lighting by the name of Where Shadows Slumber has arrived on Android. This artistically strong 3D puzzler from indie developer Game Revenant challenges players’ perceptions as they must use the shadows generated by their character in order to solve spatial riddles and manipulate the scenery. Released as a short 7 level teaser that serves as a precursor for the upcoming full game, Where Shadows Slumber is already shaping up to be something special. In each level it’s up to players to get their avatar to the exit by carefully navigating them around the environment so their shadows reveal previously hidden objects and pathways that allow them to progress forward. This simple mechanic is used to great effect as even the most minor of movements can change the level layout in surprising ways. Although it is a relatively short experience in its current incarnation Where Shadows Slumber shows a lot of promise so it will be interesting to see how the game evolves going forward. The teaser for Where Shadows Slumber is free to download on Google Play. It’s also available on iOS.
A new report finds Illinois has continued making health care payments for people who died, despite officials saying last year that the problem needed to be fixed. A report from state Auditor General William Holland released Thursday found $3.7 million was paid for medical care for about 1,100 people who died. The report found nearly 6,000 people were still marked as eligible for medical services despite being listed as dead elsewhere in state or federal records. The Associated Press reported in April that the state's Medicaid program overpaid $12.3 million for services to dead people in 2013. The vast majority of overpayments went to managed care contracts with insurance companies, who then pay for health care for the poor and disabled. The 2013 audit found one person who died in 1989 had payments of nearly $30,000 made to providers from 2005 through 2013. A department spokeswoman had said last year that it acted immediately when the problem came to light. The 2014 report from Holland recommends the Department of Healthcare and Family Services improve its system of controls to correctly account for enrollees' deaths. The department accepted the recommendation. The Springfield bureau of Lee Enterprises newspapers reports Department of Healthcare and Family Services spokesman John Hoffman said 99.9 percent of the 2014 payments are expected to be recovered from insurance companies. "The payments are troubling," Hoffman said. He said he expects the problem to subside as the state works out glitches in its expansion of managed care.
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Each legal resident of France has access to well being care beneath the law of universal coverage referred to as la Couverture maladie universelle. These gory tales eventually drawn the attention of individuals to the wants for wholesome lifestyle, this discovery was matched with collection of corresponding researches and loads of things had been revealed about human anatomy and its associated well being risks. Public medical insurance does assist laborious working individuals who would not have sufficient insurance coverage to receive health care. Although 70% of fathers of homeless children are in contact with their youngsters, most don’t reside with the family. Search for employment that meets your individual profession goals in the discipline of public well being. To determine which states can have the largest downside, NCFH created an index of seven risk components for household homelessness. Accrediting companies just like the Accrediting Council for Persevering with Education and Training ( ) is authorized to provide full accreditation to a variety of public health degree applications. Oral Health Linked To General Health anonymous,uncategorized,misc,general,other Deductibles, Coinsurance And Co Public well being funds are derived from public taxes and supply protection for citizens. CHIPS is the federal and state youngsters’s medical health insurance program for low to moderate revenue families. public health jobs houston, public health service syphilis study, public health service definition, public health jobs seattle, public health service ranks Individual Well being Insurance coverage And Pre For individuals residing on, or near the bread line, or with excessive calls for on their life expenses finding and paying for medical insurance has typically been something that has been an expense that has been a painful one to pay. 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Sometimes you just need to scream to reduce your stress levels, and when doing that in the middle of your office and word gets back to Janice in HR, you may not have a job for very much longer, or you may just be asked politely to seek counseling. How the scream vase works is you just hold the end up to your mouth, and start screaming obscenities about how much you hate your job, life, the current political climate, or anything else that's currently giving you stress. Once your screams enter the vase, it will absorb your sounds, and convert your screams into nothing but whispers, flower smells, and flying dolphins. The scream absorbing vase is made from ABS resin, obviously manufactured in Japan, and measures 12.5 cm x 18.5 cm. Check out the scream absorbing vase in action via the video below.
Hyomin revealed her opinions on the rumors of her being a rebellious student in the past. On the episode of “4 Things Show” aired on April 28, T-ara‘s Eunjung stars as the special guest. When asked whether or not she was a bully at school, she answers, ” I was more like the girl next to the bully.” “I can see why we got such a reputation,” Hyomin adds. ” We lived together in a house full of six girls. Of course we got into a lot of fights.” Meanwhile, Eunjung also talks about the group’s unique concepts, saying, “At first I wasn’t a fan. But I could soon find myself enjoying it. At one point, we just started looking for unique themes on our own. Whenever we managed to find something different, we would proudly say, ‘Now that’s T-ara material.'” Source (1) See also: T-ara’s Eunjung Speaks Up About Bullying Controversy on “4 Things Show”
Samsung announces Galaxy S21 FE: the S21 in a new jacket - Wirewag Sign in Home page News USA News USA Celebrities UK Celebrities News Entertainment Funny Videos Fashion Word Press Mobile Social Media Technoloy Contact us Privacy Policy Advertise with us About us Disclaimer Contact us Sign in Welcome!Log into your account your username your password Forgot your password? Password recovery Recover your password your email Search Sign in / Join Home page News USA News USA Celebrities UK Celebrities News Entertainment Funny Videos Fashion Word Press Mobile Social Media Technoloy Contact us Privacy Policy Advertise with us About us Disclaimer Contact us Sign in Welcome! Log into your account your username your password Forgot your password? Get help Password recovery Recover your password your email A password will be e-mailed to you. Wirewag AD Home page News USA News USA Celebrities UK Celebrities News Entertainment Funny Videos Fashion Word Press Mobile Social Media Technoloy Contact us Privacy Policy Advertise with us About us Disclaimer Contact us Home Technology Samsung announces Galaxy S21 FE: the S21 in a new jacket Technology Samsung announces Galaxy S21 FE: the S21 in a new jacket By admin - January 4, 2022 205 0 Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Samsung has unveiled a ‘Fan Edition’ of its top device Galaxy S21. The new S21 FE offers many of the functions of the S21, but in a slightly different format and in different colors. Samsung has already released FE versions of the latest Galaxy phones for the past two years . The new S21 FE appears several months later than expected, but broadly does the same. For example, the screen size of the Galaxy S21 FE with 6.4 inches is between that of the 6.2 inch Galaxy S21 and the 6.7-inch Galaxy S21+. The S21 FE has almost the same FHD+ screen resolution as its big brothers from last year. The image refresh rate is 120Hz, unlike the regular S21 models, the FE does not switch back to 48Hz. The peak brightness is the same at 1200 nits as on the regular S21 models, and the 240Hz touch mode for faster button responses in games is also present. Three cameras on the back The device has three cameras: the same 12-megapixel sensors for the main camera and ultra-wide angle lens as the S21, and an 8-megapixel telephoto lens with 3x optical zoom. The normal S21 has a telephoto lens with a 64-megapixel sensor. The S21 FE has a combined zoom of 30x. The selfie camera has 32 megapixels. Samsung does not mention which chip is in the S21 FE, but it is probably the Exynos 2100 processor. The device is available with 6GB of RAM and 128GB of storage or 8GB of RAM with 256GB of storage. The fingerprint scanner is located under the screen. The battery has a capacity of 4500mAh and the device is suitable for 15W wireless and 25W wired charging. The S21 FE is just like more and more smartphones without an adapter supplied . The Galaxy S21 FE is available in green, lavender, white and graphite. The device will be available from January 11, starting at 749 euros. SHARE tweet Previous articleKeanu Reeves donated 70% of his salary from ‘Matrix’ to support research on leukemia Next articleElizabeth Holmes, America’s Youngest Billionaire and Founder of Theranos, Found Guilty of Fraud admin RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR USA News Apple introduces the iPhone 14: what are the new phones like? World News Elon Musk is forced to explain to a US regulator for a tweet about the acquisition of Twitter USA News VIDEO: They present a hypersonic plane capable of “traveling around the world in one hour” LEAVE A REPLY Cancel reply Log in to leave a comment About us Advertise with us Contact us © WireWag is a news agency providing World News, Celebrities News, Technology News, Gaming News and much more from the internet.
HONG KONG — A bubble may be forming in the mainland Chinese film industry, a veteran Hong Kong filmmaker has warned. Speaking at a FilMart conference on the challenges and opportunities in the Asian film industry, Cheung Chi-sing, vice chairman of the Federation of Hong Kong Filmmakers, cited a series of figures indicating some disturbing trends behind the booming box office headlines. “In 2013, over 700 Chinese movies were sent to China’s Film Bureau [for scrutiny]. Only around 200 have been released theatrically. How about the other 500? And if you only [look at] the box office, things seem hopeful and nice. But actually over 90% of the B.O. for Chinese movies goes to less than 10% percent of Chinese movies [made annually],” he said. “And more than 70% of Chinese movies shown in theatres lose money.” Cheung also pointed to soaring production costs, in particular talent fees, as another area for concern. “Investing in Chinese movies means risking an investment in a bubble economy,” he said. In terms of the movie theatre business, Cheung said mounting competition and rising operating costs in China today are eating up profit margins. With the number of movie theaters rising by 5,000 last year to end 2013 with a total of some 18,000 screens, the growth in screens last year outpaced the growth in the box office. “This means the average income for every screen is falling,” he said. “If one wants to run a theater in China, it is better to go to third- or fourth-tier cities.”
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An endless series of rings, one after the other. They alternate at a pace that rises and falls, then rises again. Like circles in the water, they generate waves and reflections of light. It’s an energizing dance.” Venini Home Online Shop Accessories Home Accessories Vases & Vessels Dèco Vase Details Packaging Dimensions L39xW39xH39cm, 6kg Dimensions Ø26xH29cm, 2.5kg Brand Venini Designed By Napoleon Martinuzzi 1930 Fabrication Venini Materials Glass Shipped From Italy Lead Time 9-10 Weeks More products by Venini Bottiglie Incise Set of 4 Bottles £1,980.00 Parallelo Pendant Light £2,655.00 Acqua Mizusashi Large Vase £4,275.00 Murano Vase £1,782.00 You may also like Domino Centerpiece £824.00 Standard Ware Tall Vase £146.00 Slick Additions Tall Vase £63.00 Slick Additions Spherical Vase £53.00 SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER Subscribe SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER Subscribe About us Contact us Press Sustainability Our Manifesto Events Cookie Policy Terms & Conditions FAQ About us Contact us Press Sustainability Our Manifesto Events Terms & Conditions FAQ Follow Us: Menu Online Shop Materials Library Research & Design Bespoke Procurement Magazine Brands About Us Who are we Manifesto Sustainability Contact Us Work with Us Become a Supplier Trade Program Trade Login × Thank you for subscribing to Matter of Stuff Newsletter We will send you only interesting articles and keep you informed of our events and new releases. 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Network Security | Courses | INE Learning Business Solutions INE Live Pricing & Plans Sign In Request Information Get Started Now Courses Network Security Network Security Get Started NowINE Business Plans What about this course? This series focuses on Switch and Router Security, including topics such as AAA, Control Plane Policing, Switch Access Lists, Port-Based Traffic Control, and First Hop Security just to name a few. Duration 3 hours Difficulty advanced Sign Up Now INE's world-class IT training Instructor for this course Brian McGahan CCDE #2013::13 CCIEx4 #8593 Learn more This course is composed by the following modules INE's world-class IT training Module 1 Network Security8 videos AAA Control Plane Policing and Protection Switch Access Lists Port Based Traffic Control IPv4 First Hop Security Private VLANs Router Security Features IPv6 First Hop Security Nail Your Next Project Take your technical training into your own hands and stay engaged with our learn-by-doing platform where you can put your skills to the test with hands-on exercises, quizzes, and labs. Train On-Demand Choose the training you want from 18,000+ videos of instructor-led content. Watch anywhere. Learn More Get Hands-On INE quizzes, labs, projects, and exercises help reinforce your knowledge. Learn More Learning Paths Organized training helps guide you through the most relevant subjects for certification prep. Learn More Access to All Courses & Updates We add new courses and learning materials to the platform weekly so you're always up-to-date. Learn More Common Course Questions If you have a question you don’t see on this list, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page by clicking the button below. If you’d prefer getting in touch with one of our experts, we encourage you to call one of the numbers above or fill out our contact form. Know them all Do you offer training for all student levels? Are the training videos downloadable? I only want to purchase access to one training course, not all of them, is this possible? Are there any fees or penalties if I want to cancel my subscription? About About us Careers Our Platform Community INE Live Newsroom Blog Learning Networking Cyber Security Data Science Cloud Learning Paths Courses Bootcamps Instructors Plans Pricing & Plans Business Solutions Support Help Center Hey! Don’t miss anything - subscribe to our newsletter! Email Subscribe © 2022 INE. All Rights Reserved. All logos, trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Terms of servicePrivacy policy
“I’m here because my boyfriend loves craft beer, and I want to better understand it.” “I’m here because I want to try something more interesting than Bud Light.” “I’m here because I need a night out and I was able to find a babysitter.” “I’m here because I love craft beer!” The latter answer has become increasingly common as attendees introduce themselves at Hops for Honeys, a Birmingham, Alabama-based women’s beer education group. Those women are part of a larger trend. Overall United States beer sales dropped 1.9% in 2013, according to the Brewers Association, which tracks the $14.3-billion craft beer industry. But craft beer numbers moved in the opposite direction, with a 17.2% increase and 49% export growth. So perhaps it isn’t surprising that women who consume craft beer are also increasingly visible. And at several breweries across the nation, groups of women are coming together to learn about and celebrate that hopped-up beverage. The revolution started in 2008, when Cinzia Wallace noticed many women she met enjoyed craft beer, but they were always the minority in the tasting room at Longmont, Colorado’s Left Hand Brewing Company. Wallace, who is the tasting room’s general manager and wife of brewery co-founder Eric Wallace, addressed that discrepancy by founding Ales4Females. The women-only educational group is a safe environment for women to share their enthusiasm for beer. Now, the twice-monthly meetings regularly hit their 65-person limit with advance reservations, says Ales4Females Coordinator Morgan Zamora, and the group’s email list is up to 450 members. Each meeting features a speaker and at least 16 ounces of beer—sometimes a single beer, sometimes smaller samplings of different styles, or the same style as interpreted by different breweries. The beers are paired with food, and the women discuss what they taste in both the dish and the drink. “[That] gives us practice on verbalizing what we’re tasting. It makes all of us a little bit more aware of our own palate,” Zamora explains. Spreading The Love Others across the nation have been inspired by Ales4Females. After meeting Wallace during a visit to Left Hand, Melinda Sellers teamed with Kerri Malone to found Hops for Honeys as the educational arm of Good People Brewing, which their husbands own. Sellers was impressed by Ales4Females’ safe environment and educational focus. “I really wanted a place where you could go and ask the dumb questions or branch out and try a beer that you might never want to take a sip of and pay $7 for a pint,” she says. As with other such groups, Hops for Honeys has evolved over the years. The group now caps its annual membership at 70 members, and lessons are both more sophisticated and more entertainment-focused than in the early days, when Sellers would often read straight from The Brewmaster’s Table by Brooklyn Brewery’s Garrett Oliver. Sellers says she knew the group was successful when she and Malone realized each meeting was filled with women with whom the duo wasn’t acquainted before Hops for Honeys. The buzz in Birmingham was that the group was a great way for women to network—but that’s a side benefit in Sellers’ mind. “My motive is selfish, right? I’m supporting my family by marketing an area that is not typically marketed to women,” she says. “Women are seen as wine and cocktail drinkers, and we’re a huge part of the population. It’s silly for beer companies not to capitalize on that.” Her work as an attorney often involves work with the alcohol industry, and research shows women are still making most grocery-store purchases. “If I can get women in our community educated on (beer), they’re the ones pulling it off the shelf … Therefore they’re spending more money on craft beer, and that helps me. The byproduct is it’s fun.” Professional Success Female employees of Athens, Georgia’s Terrapin Brewing have also found professional and social support through craft beer. While studying for the Cicerone exam, which certifies the beer industry’s equivalent of a sommelier, Julia Weckback and Lauren Dye realized how many women around them were interested in, but shy about, ordering beer. The women, who were then the only female sales employees at Terrapin, formed Lupulin Ladies to build women’s knowledge of craft beer. “With just a little bit of knowledge, you could go in with more confidence and not feel like you’re going to be ignored at the bar,” Dye says. The group began with a more formal structure, typically sampling six beers of a style at each meeting. Luplin Ladies meetings are now more relaxed and social, but education remains key. The organizers keep tasting wheels on hand to help members pinpoint the flavors they’re tasting, and they lead the group through aroma, colors and other identifying factors of each beer sampled. “I do think people want to be armed with just a little bit more,” Weckback says. “There’s so much with beer, so many styles, so many ways you can delve into it.” As the group has evolved, Weckback and Dye have realized it’s a safe harbor for women to get together without men around—a rarity in the craft beer industry. However, even the balance of genders has shifted slightly since Lupulin Ladies’ launch; now, Weckback and Dye are two of six women on the company’s 21-person sales team. After all, bringing women together has proven to be one of the great successes of these groups. “Craft beer is about sharing it,” Ales4Females’ Zamora says. “I can’t tell you how many times I get emails from women who say, ‘I’ve just moved to Longmont and I want to meet women who have the same interests as me.’ And they love it,” she continues. “It’s forming a tight community within the beer community as well as the local community.” 9 Craft Beer Groups For The Ladies Ales4Females Founded: 2008 Meetings: Held twice monthly at the brewery, $12 per meeting Left Hand Brewing Can Can Girls Founded: 2010 Meetings: This Oskar Blues-based club hosts monthly educational events, including hop picking, beer dinners and more. Oskar Blues Crafty Ladies Beer Club Meetings: Free, twice-monthly meetings are held at Highland Tap & Burger and other locations around Denver. Highland Tap & Burger Georgia Ales and Lager Sirens Founded: 2010 Meetings: Held monthly at various locations Girls’ Pint Out Founded: 2010 Meetings: Monthly educational events, co-ed social gatherings Forty-five chapters in more than 25 states Hops for Honeys Founded: 2010 Meetings: The educational arm of Good People Brewing, Hops for Honeys holds monthly meetings at various locations around Birmingham, Alabama; membership is currently capped at 70 and sold out for 2014. Lupulin Ladies Founded: 2011 Meetings: An educational arm of Terrapin Brewing, Lupulin Ladies meetings are held monthly at various locations around Athens, Georgia. Pink Boots Society Founded: 2007 Membership: A national education group for women who earn at least a portion of their income in the beer industry. Meetings: Chapters are spread throughout the country Sisterhood of the Hop Meetings: This educational arm of Avery Brewing opens its monthly meetings to all genders. Avery Brewing Carla Jean Whitley is the author of Muscle Shoals Sound Studio: How the Swampers Changed American Music and managing editor of Birmingham magazine in Birmingham, Alabama. She is also writing a book about the history of beer in Birmingham, set for publication in spring 2015. Connect with her at carlajeanwhitley.com.
President Donald Trump's pardon of former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio shows a lack of regard for an independent judiciary, say critics who note Trump's past criticism of federal judges, including the chief justice of the United States. Supporters counter that the veteran law enforcement officer deserved America's gratitude, "not the injustice of a political witch hunt." "I am pleased to inform you that I have just granted a full Pardon to 85 year old American patriot Sheriff Joe Arpaio. He kept Arizona safe!," Trump tweeted late Friday after the White House announced that he had used his pardon power for the first time, sparing a political ally the prospect of jail time for defying court orders to halt police patrols that focused on Latinos. The announcement came as Trump hunkered down at the Camp David presidential retreat while millions along the Texas coast braced themselves for Hurricane Harvey's impact. Trump's decision also followed the uproar that ensued after he said "both sides" were responsible for deadly violence during race-fueled clashes this month in Charlottesville, Virginia. There is no legal dispute over Trump's ability to pardon in a contempt of court case, as was Arpaio's. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1925 that a presidential pardon for a criminal contempt of court sentence was within the powers of the executive, and Trump had telegraphed his move for days. But the pardon was unusual given that Arpaio was awaiting sentencing. It also had not gone through the normal pardon process, which includes lengthy reviews by the Justice Department and the White House counsel's office. Reaction to the decision was sharp and swift, including among some fellow Republicans with whom Trump has been feuding openly. "The president has the authority to make this pardon, but doing so at this time undermines his claim for the respect of rule of law as Mr. Arpaio has shown no remorse for his actions," said Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona, who incurred Trump's wrath after voting against a Republican health care bill. The state's junior senator, Republican Jeff Flake, also disagreed with the move. "I would have preferred that the president honor the judicial process and let it take its course," tweeted Flake, a Trump critic who has come in for particularly harsh treatment from the president. Trump has called Flake, who is up for re-election next year, "toxic" and "WEAK" on border issues and crime. Trump has rooted openly for Flake's GOP challenger, state Sen. Kelli Ward, who supports Arpaio's pardon, which could become an issue in the race. "We applaud the president for exercising his pardon authority to counter the assault on Sheriff Arpaio's heroic efforts to enforce the nation's immigration laws," she said. Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., said, "America owes Sheriff Arpaio a debt of gratitude and not the injustice of a political witch hunt." But while the pardon could in the short term energize Trump's conservative base, which includes many with strong anti-immigration views, the decision could further alienate voter groups, such as Latinos, whose support the Republican Party has said it needs to win future elections. Trump managed to defy those dynamics in 2016. Jens David Ohlin, vice dean and professor at Cornell Law School, said he was disturbed by the pardon, given Trump's relationship with the judiciary. "Ever since the campaign and the beginning of his administration he's had a very contentious relationship with the judiciary and hasn't shown much respect for either members of the judiciary or the proper role of the judiciary within our constitutional structure," Ohlin said Saturday. During the campaign, Trump called Chief Justice John Roberts "an absolute disaster" and "disgraceful," mainly for two opinions Roberts wrote that left President Barack Obama's health care law intact. Trump also went after U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who presided over fraud lawsuits against Trump University. Trump said Curiel was "a hater of Donald Trump" who couldn't be fair to Trump because of Curiel's "Mexican heritage" and because of Trump's campaign pledge to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. Trump also referred to U.S. District Judge James Robart as a "so-called judge" after Robart imposed a temporary halt on Trump's travel ban. Arpaio earned a national profile by acting aggressively to arrest immigrants in the U.S. illegally, including tactics that Latino and immigrants' rights advocates said were akin to racial profiling. His alliance with Trump centers heavily on immigration enforcement, such as getting local police officers to participate in immigration enforcement. Both men have also questioned the authenticity of Obama's birth certificate. They share a similar history of sparring with judges and even a birthday, June 14. "Sheriff Joe Arpaio was the instigator of racial profiling and made official a policy of harassment and abuse based on the color of one's skin," said Janet Murguia, president of UnidosUS, a Hispanic civil rights and advocacy group. "Every person of color in this nation has been put in harm's way because of this action and that is unconscionable." P.S. Ruckman Jr., who edits a blog about presidential pardons, said the pardon is not an indicator of any serious interest by Trump in the pardon power. "It just looks like a political stunt, basically, as opposed to an act of policy," Ruckman said. It is not unprecedented for a president to issue a pardon in his first year in office. President Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon for his involvement in the Watergate scandal just four weeks after assuming office when Nixon stepped down. George H.W. Bush granted clemency after seven months in office. Ruckman said that waiting until the end of a term to issue a pardon often gives the appearance that the president is trying to skirt accountability for it. President Bill Clinton ignited a major controversy on his final day in office with a last-minute pardon for fugitive financier Marc Rich, the ex-husband of a major Democratic fundraiser. A year and a half before was to leave office, President George W. Bush set off a political backlash for commuting the prison sentence of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby in a perjury and obstruction of justice case stemming from a CIA leak. --- Associated Press writer Jacques Billeaud in Phoenix contributed to this report.
NASPA Word of the Day Back Home Forward September 22nd, 2019: CANDIDA Definition: CANDIDA*CANDIDAS n a parasitic fungus Anagrams: (none) Hooks: candidaL candidaS Ana-hooks: Radicand 'Typos': candids Blana-grams: anTacid Bandaid candiEd Scandia Vanadic Extensions: candidaCY candidaTE candidaTES candidaCIES candidaTURE NONcandidaCY NONcandidaTE candidaTURES NONcandidaTES NONcandidaCIES candidaTESHIP# MULTIcandidaTE$ candidaTESHIPS# MULTIcandidaTES$ Sub-anagrams: aa acai acid ad add ai aid ain an ana and ani cad cadi caid cain can candid canid cnida da dad dada dan did din id in na nada naiad nicad Confused? See the glossary. Prefer Collins? Try our Collins edition. January February March April May June July August September October November December 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Facebook Twitch Twitter YouTube Instagram About Us Mission Statement Committees Advisory Board Advisory Board Elections General Inquiry Procedures Non-Profit Status Policies NASPA Store Communications Breaking News Suggestions Message of the Month Mailing List Privacy Policy FAQ Members Membership Life Membership Join Renew Membership Referral Member News Member Services NASPA ID Make a Payment Records Person of the Year Players Rules Code of Conduct Player Resources Accommodations Tournament Calendar Tournament Results Ratings Initial Rating Rating System Overview Clubs Club Roster Word Lists Directors Directors Director Certification Mentor Director Director Manual Tournament Listing Requirements Tournament Venue List of Accommodations Pairing Software Pairing Tables Technology General National SCRABBLE Championship Canadian NSC Can-Am School Scrabble National School SCRABBLE Championship World SCRABBLE Championship Lexicons Tournament/Club Word List Collins Word List Collins Scrabble Play International Play International Agreements Copyright © 2022 NASPA. All rights reserved. SCRABBLE is a trademark of Hasbro, Inc. in the USA and Canada, and of Mattel, Inc. elsewhere. NASPA and its activities are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Hasbro or Mattel. For more information about NASPA or for comments or issues with this page, please email us. please email us. Privacy policy
A court in North Carolina is deciding whether to extradite Inocente Orlando Montano to Spain for the killing of six priests during El Salvador’s civil war Inocente Orlando Montano sat in the sparsely filled courtroom, saying nothing, as two American lawyers and a federal judge argued his fate. In court, the man who was once El Salvador’s vice-minister of defense and public safety wore an orange jumpsuit stamped with the initials of the North Carolina prison where he currently resides. A blue walker was parked behind him. Wednesday’s argument centred on whether Montano, 73 and an ex-colonel in the Salvadorian military, would be extradited from the United States to Spain, where a judge eagerly waits to prosecute him for one of the most notorious crimes of his country’s horrific 12-year civil war: the murders of six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper and the housekeeper’s teenage daughter, on a university campus in San Salvador in 1989. There was no decision from the US magistrate judge on Wednesday, surprising many watching the case unfold in US district court who thought extradition would be quickly granted under the firm prodding of the State Department. Civil war still a bitter memory as El Salvador prepares to beatify Romero Read more Instead, the federal public defender who has taken on Montano’s case, James E Todd, bombarded the court with 44 pieces of evidence – mostly declassified diplomatic cables from the time – all of which he slowly read aloud for several hours as the prosecutor openly fidgeted and rolled his eyes. At the end of the hearing, Judge Kimberly Swank gave both sides until mid-September to submit written arguments, sometime after which, she would issue a written decision. “Obviously it has taken me some time to digest this, and obviously it will take some more time,” Swank said. The then Colonel Montano was a member of President Alfredo Cristiani’s cabinet in November 1989, when the Atlacatl Battalion, an elite army unit originally trained at the US-run School of the Americas, raided the residence of Jesuit priests on the campus of the Central American University in El Salvador’s capital. The country’s military leaders believed that the priests were helping leftist fighters with the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front, or FMLN, in the civil war. The soldiers forced their way into the house, ordered five priests to lie face down in the garden, and shot them all. On orders to leave no witnesses, they then searched the house and murdered a sixth priest, along with housekeeper Julia Elba Ramos and her 16-year-old daughter, Celina Mariceth Ramos, according to a 1993 report by a United Nations-sponsored truth and reconciliation commission. The priests were Fathers Ignacio Ellacuría, Ignacio Martín-Baró, Segundo Montes, Amando López, Joaquín López y López and Juan Ramón Moreno. To avoid detection, the soldiers used an AK-47 seized from FMLN fighters to kill the priests and would-be witnesses. They also blasted the front of the building and left a cardboard sign blaming the FMLN for the attack. But another housekeeper survived and later gave her testimony. Salvadoran ex-soldiers turn themselves in after indictment in priests' murder Read more Montano was later identified as one of the architects of the massacre by several informants, including those with the truth and reconciliation commission. Though 19 other officers are also accused of helping plan the attack and conspiring to cover it up, Montano is the only one currently in custody. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Caskets are carried during the funeral procession in San Salvador of six Jesuit priests killed by the Salvadorian military in 1989. Photograph: Luis Romero/AP In 2001, Montano moved to the United States, having lied to immigration authorities about his military record and entry date to obtain work papers. He was eventually discovered while living in Boston and, in 2012, pleaded guilty to six counts of immigration fraud and perjury. Two military officials responsible for the massacre were briefly convicted and jailed in El Salvador after the end of the war in 1992, but they were released soon after under an amnesty law that is still in effect. In an effort to reopen the case, a Spanish court initially charged the accused military officials with having committed crimes against humanity and state terrorism, but a 2014 revision to the country’s laws meant that the former charge had to be dropped. Rather, the case was limited to just terrorism and murder charges, on the ground that five of the murdered priests were Spanish citizens. Montanto’s lawyer James Todd deployed a wide variety of arguments in his client’s defense, including impugning past informants and witnesses. Several times he mentioned that it would be better for Montano to face a Salvadorian court, though there is no indication that one would try him. As the session wore on, Todd became emotional, audibly choking back tears as he told the judge of his respect for the Jesuit order. “We’re not here to argue it wasn’t a heinous act against men who dedicated their lives to the church,” he said. Instead, he said, he was defending Montano’s right to due process. Montano did not visibly react. Carolyn Patty Blum, a senior legal adviser with the Center for Justice and Accountability, which has taken a leading role in pushing the case, rejected that argument. “Montano chose to come to the United States. He chose to take advantage of the US system. If he wanted the protection of El Salvador, he should have stayed in El Salvador,” Blum said. Five of his relatives, including Montano’s sister, made the trip to be among the 20 or so people, including lawyers and US marshals, in the courtroom on Wednesday. The hearing for an accused international war criminal was somewhat unusual for this small southern town, best known for its barbecue and as the home of the East Carolina University Pirates. But a few in the town’s growing Latin American immigrant community were well aware of the figure in their midst. “It would be a good thing if he was sent [to the Spanish court], but he is just one of many” who were responsible for the killing, Edelmira Maguna, 46, who was a law student in San Salvador at the time of the massacre, and now runs a Salvadorian-Mexican restaurant near the federal courthouse, said in Spanish. “It is always difficult with the high-level ones.”
Snapshot ★★★★ Review By Terry Eastham Snapshot, which is currently having its world premier at The Hope Theatre, Islington, is a play about relationships. OK, that’s the end of the review. Just kidding. Obviously, Snapshot is about relationships, most plays are really but in Snapshot the relationships are all centred around one person. That man is James (Brian Martin), a young Dubliner living with his boyfriend Daniel (Joey Akubeze) in a smart apartment in Pimlico. Daniel is a currency trader and James, well he is a wannabe professional photographer just waiting for the right opportunity to come along. Whilst Daniel works hard, fourteen hour days being the norm, James kills time by meeting up with his old university roommate – and former girlfriend – Olivia (Zoë Lambrakis) and his new ‘friend’ Frank (Bruce Kitchener). On the face of it, Jamie has it all. A handsome, successful and, let’s make no bones about it, pretty rich boyfriend. A fabulous fag hag and a nice older gentleman friend who shares his love of art and photography. But, this is not enough for our James. He wants to prove himself and more than anything, he wants to be out there an exhibiting photographer, the envy of other less talented picture takers. Fortunately, Frank may be able to help James. Of course, help is a two-way thing, as is a relationship with a former girlfriend, who seems to have accepted the fact that James is gay and in a same-sex relationship with a man he loves. Oh what a tangled web we weave etc. Complex characters Writer George Johnston has brought four very complex characters together in a story that could actually be very real. From personal experience, I know at least one of my ex girlfriends still believes one day I will return to heterosexuality and every day there will be an approach on one of the apps from a young guy looking for a generous ‘daddy’ type to look after him – its one of the perils of being over a certain age and single. So, we have four very believable characters in a realistic situation. And that combination means that Snapshot really does work well. The narrative is not structured in a linear way but as a series of snapshots that link together so that the final scene brings the audience back to the starting point with James standing behind a sofa looking at a box of pictures. The strange thing is that maybe because everyone is so real, I really disliked three out of the four characters. James is a whiny child who never accepts responsibility and whose first instinct is to deny everything. Olivia is irritating as she does not seem to have read the FH handbook – it’s not a real book but a set of unwritten rules gay men expect their female friends to live by. I think, for me, Olivia was the least developed of the characters and, in some ways, I think more of her story needed to be told. Frank is confusing. He is both a victim and a predator. Married with a son, he longs to have the freedom to be who he really is. Whilst I’m sure he has some feelings – other than lust – for James, he needs to be in total control of their ‘friendship’ and have it work on his level. Favourite character? All three actors need to be applauded for their portrayals of these people. Especially Brian who spends over 90% of the time on the stage and has to move his mood in huge swings as scenes change and we move backwards and forwards in time. Overall, my favourite character was Daniel. Yes, he is a city financier and therefore probably related to beelzebub. Daniel appears hard at work because that is what is expected of him and because he is a realist about money and wealth, but at home he is also a warm human being who obviously loves James with a passion that is all-consuming. Director James McAndrew ensures the story moves along nicely and there were some really great touches as one scene ended and another started where characters exchange significant looks as they move across the stage. Hats off as well to Set Designer Fiona Rigler – particularly for the stunning backdrop and Lighting Designer Tom Turner who created a really nice apartment in the intimate space of The Hope’s stage. To sum up Snapshot was an enthralling play that, despite the heat – and believe me it was hot – kept my attention throughout with believable characters in realistic situations reacting in ways that I could identify, understand and thank the lord it wasn’t me. Creatives Producer – Zak Khan Producer – Zoe Weldon Director – James McAndrew Designer – Fiona Rigler Lighting Designer – Tom Turner Sound Designer – Jac Cooper Listings SNAPSHOT Written by GEORGE JOHNSTON Directed by JAMES McANDREW 23/05/17 – 10/06/17 Tuesday – Saturday 7.45pm The Hope Theatre, 207 Upper Street, London N1 1RL Tickets £15 & £12 concs Box Office: 0333 666 3366 Social Media Twitter: @TheHopeTheatre Facebook: /thehopetheatre Twitter: @SnapshotPlay Instagram: @SnapshotPlay Facebook: ‘Snapshot by George Johnston’
Guidelines for Integrated Coastal Zone Management | SEA Knowledge Bank Google Tag Manager Menu × About SEAKB ASEANO SeaKB ATSEA2 SeaKB ICM Map E-Library ICM Solutions Ocean Investments Prepare for Investment Find Investment Opportunities State of the Coasts Reporting PNLG Tracking System PNLG Directory Regional Dashboard Capacity Development PNLC Directory Training Courses E-Learning Certification E-Directory of Ocean Experts Individuals Organizations Ocean Knowledge Partners Contact Us Search form Search Log In Home › E-Library › Guidelines for Integrated Coastal Zone Management Guidelines for Integrated Coastal Zone Management Download PDF Copy Author(s): Jan C. Post, Carl G. Lundin (editors) Year: 1996 Location: Global Type of Resource: Guides and Manuals In both developed and developing countries the coastal zone is likely to undergo the most profound change in the near future. Already more than 60 percent of the world's population lives within 60 kilometers of the coast. By the turn of the century two-thirds of the population (3.7 billion) in developing countries is expected to occupy the coast. Consequently, unless careful environmental management and planning are instituted, severe conflicts over coastal space and resource utilization are likely, and the degradation of natural resources will close development options. Recognizing these threats, the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro recommended that guidelines on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) be drafted to minimize conflicts and to provide for optimal sustainable resource use. In response to this request the "Noordwijk Guidelines" on ICZM were presented at the 1993 World Coast Conference in Noordwijk, The Netherlands, of which the present guidelines are an expansion and update. These guidelines are a conceptual presentation of how ICZM may be applied to contribute to the evolving practice of environmentally sustainable development. The volume first describes what the coastal zone is. It then reviews the principles of ICZM. Finally, the report discusses the guidelines for development of ICZM programs. Copyright: © 1996 The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank Topic: Integrated Coastal Management Application × Suggest Improvements
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Intervoice & The Hearing Voices Movement What is Intervoice? Intervoice (International Hearing Voices Projects) is a charity, registered in the UK, that aims to support the International Hearing Voices Movement by connecting people, sharing ideas, distributing information, highlighting innovative initiatives, encouraging high quality respectful research and promoting its values across the world. We are currently funded solely by membership fees and donations. Our trustees (‘The Board’) are elected at our AGM by members of the charity, and come from around the world. They include people with expertise gained through experience, training and/or profession, all of whom are passionate about the Hearing Voices Movement. What is the Hearing Voices Movement? The International Hearing Voices Movement consists of the diverse conversations, initiatives, groups and individuals around the world that share some core values. These include: hearing voices, seeing visions and related phenomena are meaningful experiences that can be understood in many ways; hearing voices is not, in itself, an indication of illness – but difficulties coping with voices can cause great distress; when people are overwhelmed by their experiences, support offered should be based on respect, empathy, informed choice and an understanding of the personal meaning voices have in someone’s life. As a movement of diverse people, countries and ideas, we recognise the importance of hearing and including many voices. As such beside our basic values we do not speak with one voice. We welcome multiple perspectives and ways of contributing. Change can happen on an individual, group, community and societal level – so whether you are working towards making sense of your own voice hearing experience, sharing information in your social circles, trying to improve the support on offer to others or are creating systemic change – we welcome you. Membership Am I a member of the International Hearing Voices Movement? If you are asking this question, the most likely answer is ‘yes’. The movement has no formal membership structure, no governing body or leadership. It exists solely because of people, like you, that share its values. If you want to be a part of this, you are. You can link up with other members of the international movement via our Facebook page, twitter or by using our website as well as coming to the World Hearing Voices Congress. You can link up with local members by joining a national network, local group or – where none are available – launching your own initiative. How do Intervoice and the Movement connect? Intervoice aims to support the movement, not lead or govern it. As such, Intervoice: Hosts a website and social media platforms that facilitate information sharing and enables people to connect with one another Provides support and guidance to a national hearing voices network that agrees to host the annual International Hearing Voices Congress Distributes a regular e-newsletter to anyone who wishes to receive it Answers email enquiries, which often include requests for local support, information and research Hosts the International Hearing Voices Research Committee, chaired by dr. Eleanor Longden, to promote high quality and ethical research into areas voice hearers Identify as important Where possible, works with local groups in countries without Hearing Voices Networks to support the development of initiatives Provides a focal point for campaigns and initiatives, e.g. ‘One of a million’ and ‘World Hearing Voices Day’ Can I become a member of Intervoice, the charity? Whilst everyone involved in the Hearing Voices Movement is a member of it, Intervoice – as a registered charity – has a more formal membership structure. Members of Intervoice have the right to vote at the charity’s AGM and, to ensure the charity operates within a legal framework, it is important that we know who our members are and how to contact them. We welcome individual and group members, and membership fees are collected annually. Intervoice is funded solely by membership fees and donations, so our members really do help directly support our work. To join Intervoice, the charity, click here.
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View All Qualified Items View Qualified Items by Category Download Rebate Form Frigidaire Professional Buy More Save More Rebate Offer Expires: 8/11/2022 to 10/31/2022 | Must be postmarked by: 11/30/2022 Receive up to a $3,400 rebate with purchase of qualifying Frigidaire Professional Appliances. Rebate form must be postmarked by 11/30/2022. View All Qualified Items View Qualified Items by Category Download Rebate Form GE Buy More Save More Delivery and Installation Allowance Offer Expires: 8/1/2022 to 9/30/2022 | Must be postmarked by: 3/31/2023 Enjoy exclusive rebate savings with purchase of qualifying GE appliances. Rebate form must be postmarked by 3/31/2023. View All Qualified Items View Qualified Items by Category Download Rebate Form Signature Kitchen Suite Complete The Suite Rebate Offer Expires: 7/1/2022 to 12/31/2022 | Must be postmarked by: 5/1/2023 Receive a 5% or 10% rebate with purchase of qualifying Signature Kitchen Suite Appliances. Rebate form must be postmarked by 5/1/2023. View All Qualified Items View Qualified Items by Category Download Rebate Form Maytag Buy More Save More Delivery and Installation Allowance Offer Expires: 8/1/2022 to 9/30/2022 | Must be postmarked by: 3/31/2023 Enjoy exclusive rebate savings with purchase of qualifying Maytag Appliances. Rebate form must be postmarked by 3/31/2023. View All Qualified Items View Qualified Items by Category Download Rebate Form Whirlpool Buy More Save More Delivery and Installation Allowance Offer Expires: 8/1/2022 to 9/30/2022 | Must be postmarked by: 3/31/2023 Enjoy exclusive rebate savings with purchase of qualifying Whirlpool appliances. Rebate form must be postmarked by 3/31/2023. 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So it might be a little cold in the last days at our Libertyville offices —but there isn’t a polar vortex that could stop us from us from cranking out the new software updates!Here’s the latest- Our Motorola Gallery has a fresh, new look! True to our promise to enhance the best parts of Android, we’ve developed a new Motorola Gallery UI that looks a lot cleaner and a lot more beautiful. The navigation is faster, the album drawer is streamlined, and the thumbnails are bigger and bolder.- It’s even easier to move your information over from an iPhone in our latest update to Motorola Migrate , the app that allows you to move your personal content from your old phone to your new phone. Now you can transfer your iCloud contacts and calendar events right from the app and not just in the MotoMaker web tool like before. So whether your old phone was an Android or iPhone, it’s a breeze to move over to your new Motorola phone.- We have begun releasing KitKat to Moto G on Boost Mobile. Check our upgrade pages for Australia and the U.S. for more information.- Do KitKats come in maple? We started this week rolling out KitKat to Moto X on Rogers and Fido, the first Moto X to receive KitKat version 4.4.2. See the upgrade page for Canada to learn more.As always, we welcome your thoughts, feedback, and comments on Google+ Twitter , and Facebook . We listen to them, and they make our products better.Posted by Punit Soni, Product Management
Trying to climb the ranks from childhood to the NHL obviously isn’t easy, as it takes ample skill, dedication, and luck, in nearly equal measures. It’s adorable to act like the most skilled players always find a way, or that someone can’t make it without hardcore dedication, because in reality, there are great players who were unjustly cut and denied opportunities, and others born with tremendous talent who make it despite not caring all that much about hard work, let alone the game itself. So with only a handful of elements in your control, you’d think the biggest, most obvious hurdle to climb would be your opponent: be better than them, get noticed, and climb on up. And as much as that’s what everyone says - because it would be anarchy in the dressing room if you admitted otherwise - the truth is your biggest opponent is actually the guy in the stall beside you. And the one beside that, and the one on the other side, and all the way around the room. Fact is, opportunity is the most essential aspect of the aspiring hockey player’s needs. You can be an all-world talent, but if you’re stuck on the bench or dragging around a couple of donkey linemates, it’s going to be tough to impress anyone. So, you have to be better than the guy beside you, first and foremost. The problem with these “passive opponents” - or “teammates” as they’re alternatively known - being your biggest hurdle, is that ice time ain’t no meritocracy. Power play time isn’t given to the most talented players, and the most effective players aren’t given the best linemates or the most minutes. Those things go to the best players … in your coaches eyes. It’s remarkable how many players are oblivious to this, which fortunately makes those guys the easiest to sashay past on the way up the depth chart while they slack off in practice. You’re being evaluated every day, particularly in the first half of the season before the lines and general lineup really begins to crystallize, so everything you do - whether it’s lifting weights with the team, working hard when your team is being blown out, or blocking the shot of a Shea Weber-esque D-man - can all push your career further than just the actual plays made in those particular moments. It’s not as bad these days, but it was a major reason why you saw so many fights late in games in past years. Most commentators tell fans the reason for that was “the game is out of hand, so now the players can settle old scores,” when the real reason is “the game is out of hand, scoring a goal is hard as hell, so fighting will be a decent way to show coach I still care and haven’t given up.” Nobody wants a quitter. Whatever it is you do to win the affection of your coach, it’s crucial. Getting power play time can inflate your stats, which can alter the perception of you as a player early in the season. Those inflated stats can lead to better linemates, which leads to more exponential stat growth. Seasons tend to snowball in either direction. Suddenly scouts are looking at the numbers, and going “we should probably look at this Smith kid, he’s off to a great start,” and you’ve given yourself the opportunity to be seen, which is a necessary step to further climb the league ladder. And none of that even mentions how far the experience gained in those extra minutes - on special teams, and in the biggest minutes of the closest games - goes towards your own development. Coaches wield a lot of power over your career, man. Things eventually settle down as the season moves on, so you can let your focus shift towards team goals, but it takes awhile. We all start out with our own goals, not knowing what lies ahead, so there’s no shame in working towards individual goals. The idea isn’t romantic, but it’s reality. If you hope to move on up, start with the depth chart on your own team.
Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Hot and/or Cold – Cee's Photo Challenges Skip to content Cee's Photo Challenges Teaching the art of composition for photography. Menu CFFC – Fun Foto CMMC – Midweek Madness CBWC – Black & White Photo FOTD – Flower of the Day Tips from Cee About Pages About Me My Lyme Disease Story Contact Cee Challenge List Photo Challenges Writing Challenges Contact Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Hot and/or Cold Birds in snow This is the final week for the series I call Anything Goes. This week the topic is Hot and/or Cold. Hot and Cold should be a fun topic for everyone. Any type of things that are hot or cold. They can be combined in one photo or in separate photos. See how creative you can get on this challenge. Have fun with this challenge. Use your imagination for this theme. The thing is to have a lot of fun with this challenge. Go through you photo archives and see what photos you have that fits the current week’s challenge, or better yet grab you camera and take a new photo! ENJOY and have FUN. The Next Series – Anything Goes Sky Isolated Items All One Color Gardens Hot and/or Cold The Next Series – Photo Ops In Your Own House Glasses, Cups, Saucers Dishes, Pots, Pans, Silverware Teddy Bears, Dolls, Toys Furniture, Tables, Chairs, Sofa Things with Motors for House or Garage Create a Cee’s Fun Photo Challenge (CFFC) Post Then add a link to your blog in my comment box. To make it easy for others to check out your photos and post, title your blog post “Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge” or “CFFC” tag. Remember to Follow My Blog to get your weekly reminders. I usually will respond to your entry on your blog, rather than on my page. Please check out my Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge to check out more of what this challenge is about. If you adore challenges as much as I do, please check out WordPress’s Blog Event Listing for other challenges. My Entry for the Week Hot car Hot evening Snowy day Birds in snow Qi (energy) hugs, Cee Share this: Email Print Tweet Like this: Like Loading... 65 replies » Gradmama2011 says: May 30, 2017 at 08:09 love the birds at the bird feeder…is the one holding up the dipper named Atlas? LikeLike Gradmama2011 says: May 30, 2017 at 08:10 oh! I see that it’s half an orange… 🙂 LikeLike Raj says: May 30, 2017 at 08:30 Here is my favorite shot https://rkarkera.wordpress.com/2017/05/30/cees-fun-photo-challenge-hot/ LikeLike klara says: May 30, 2017 at 08:33 snowy day is magical. http://lessywannagohome.blogspot.be/2017/05/hot-on-hot-paving.html LikeLike Pingback: Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Hot and/or Cold | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss Pingback: Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Hot and/or Cold – Roaming Urban Gypsy Pingback: CFF Hot or Cold Which do You Prefer? | Light Words dancingpalmtrees says: May 30, 2017 at 09:32 Greetings Cee! Loving the Red Sports Car!! Just My Style!! ❤ Here is my entry: https://roamingurbangypsy.com/2017/05/30/cees-fun-foto-challenge-hot-andor-cold/ LikeLiked by 1 person Pingback: Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Hot and/or Cold – A Young Retirement 76sanfermo says: May 30, 2017 at 10:05 Very hot or very cold, you mean….! Ok, Cee, bravo for these choices .. I’ll see for some others in my gallery , too! LikeLiked by 1 person Pingback: Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Hot and/or Cold – charlesewaugh Pingback: Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Hot and/or Cold – charlesewaugh Pingback: cee’s fun foto challenge: hot/cold | images off the path mz&cho says: May 30, 2017 at 10:44 https://chateauxdesfleurs.wordpress.com/2017/05/30/cees-fun-foto-challenge-hot-andor-cold/ LikeLike Pingback: CEE’S FUN FOTO CHALLENGE – HOT & COLD | teleportingweena ghostmmnc says: May 30, 2017 at 11:03 Cute little birds. I always wonder how they can manage out in the cold, but they do. LikeLike Cee Neuner says: June 1, 2017 at 12:39 We obviously feed them in the winter. 😀 LikeLike Pamela says: May 30, 2017 at 11:58 I’ve chosen a lightly odd way to represent the theme, choosing hot drinks as my subject. Hot or Cold LikeLike Pamela says: May 30, 2017 at 11:59 Love your pictures Cee, but especially the one of the birds with the snow – poor little things must be freezing. Pamela @ Days of Fun LikeLike kathy70 says: May 30, 2017 at 12:05 Here is my entry in Hot and/or Cold. https://wordpress.com/posts/kathy70.wordpress.com Love all of yours! LikeLike Pingback: CFFC – Hot and Cold | Lins Doodles Pingback: Hot and cold – at peace ⛅ – Prerna's blog Marilyn Armstrong says: May 30, 2017 at 12:24 You have such moderate weather — mostly. I envy it and sometimes, I don’t. I actually like the big weather swings. It’s my arthritic joints that don’t like it much. LikeLike Cee Neuner says: June 1, 2017 at 12:37 I don’t like cold winters. And normally our winter’s are not too bad. LikeLike Pingback: CFFC: Hot and Cold | Leya Leya says: May 30, 2017 at 12:43 http://wp.me/p1hCI2-8iK Here’s mine – has to be Iceland! LikeLike Pingback: Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge–Think Cold – that little voice loisajay says: May 30, 2017 at 14:08 The bird photo is so darn cute. LikeLike Cee Neuner says: June 1, 2017 at 12:37 Thanks Lois. 😀 LikeLike Pingback: Hot and Cold: Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge | Reflections and Nightmares- Irene A Waters (writer and memoirist) Pingback: Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – Hot or Cold | Julie Powell – Photographer & Graphic Artist Julz.......artist, blogger, photographer, graphic designer says: May 30, 2017 at 16:55 love the birds 🙂 , here are my pics for this week https://juliepowell2014.wordpress.com/2017/05/31/cees-fun-foto-challenge-hot-or-cold LikeLike viveka says: May 30, 2017 at 18:00 Wow, what a great gallery ….. snowy day is my pick!!!! Even if the car is very hot .. and the birds are cute. LikeLike Cee Neuner says: June 1, 2017 at 12:36 Thanks for your wonderful comment 😀 😀 LikeLiked by 1 person Pingback: cee’s fun foto challenge – hot & cold | myguiltypleasures Pingback: Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Hot and/or Cold – A Trivial Mind At Work Pingback: A Snowy Day in Oatlands Tasmania | My Other Blog Pingback: CHILL AND SIZZLE | SERENDIPITY Pingback: Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Hot and/or Cold – Ladyleemanila Pingback: Fire and ice | picturesimperfectblog norasphotos4u says: May 31, 2017 at 05:15 Coffee!!! https://norasphotos4u.wordpress.com/?p=1747&preview=true LikeLike 76sanfermo says: May 31, 2017 at 05:33 Hi Cee! Here’s my contribute for this week: https://milaneseblog.wordpress.com/2017/05/31/hot-andor-cold/ LikeLike Pingback: Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Hot and /or Cold – Justine Taylor Photography Pingback: Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – Hot and/or Cold | This is Another Story Pingback: Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Hot And/Or Cold | Kanlaon Pingback: Fun Foto Challenge: Running Hot and Cold | Lillie-Put Pingback: Greyfriars Bobby | Jaspa's Journal Jaspa says: May 31, 2017 at 12:14 Whatever the weather – hot or cold, rain or shine – Greyfriars Bobby watched over the grave of his master for over 14 years. http://bit.ly/JJ-Bobby LikeLike Pingback: CFFC – Emotions enchanted in stone – Awa on the Road Pingback: Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – Hot and Cold | The Showers of Blessings The Showers of Blessing says: May 31, 2017 at 14:50 Hi Cee, I like the hot car. My husband wished he didn’t sell his. The bird photo is fun, especially the orange catches the snow and the birds had shelter under it! https://theshowersofblessing.wordpress.com/2017/05/31/cees-fun-foto-challenge-hot-and-cold/ LikeLike Pingback: Hot and Cold « Christine's Blog Pingback: Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Hot or Cold | My Other Blog Pingback: Fun Photo Hot and/or cold | Diary of an Adventurous Retiree Pingback: The Land of Fire and Ice – livingtheqlife Pingback: Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Hot and/or Cold – Progressing into Solitude Pingback: Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Hot or Cold | lifelessons – a blog by Judy Dykstra-Brown Pingback: Coffee or tea? | Pingback: Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – Hot/Cold | Getting the Picture Pingback: Travel theme – Grassy And Hot and Cold – Progressing into Solitude Pingback: Fun Foto Challenge: Hot and/or Cold | sonofabeach96 Pingback: I couldn’t catch Wonder Woman: So I had a pink cocktail and bread pudding – psychologistmimi Pingback: Would You Rather…? – The View Through My Aquamarine Eyes Pingback: Hot – bushboys world bushboy says: June 6, 2017 at 04:05 Love the car and the birds Cee Here is my contribution https://bushboy.blog/2017/06/06/hot/ LikeLike By Cee Neuner On May 30, 2017 65 Comments Previous Next Cee Neuner- Cee's Photo Challenges, cees-challenges birds, building, candid, car, Cee Neuner- Cee's Photo Challenges, Cee's Photo Challenges - Cee's Fun Foto Challenge CFFC, close up, man walking, photo, photography, snow, street, woman  Pick Me Up Please follow me. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Email Address: Follow Cee Join 11,808 other followers Blog Stats 2,025,840 hits CFFC – Tuesday CFFC challenge runs weekly on Tuesday. CMMC – Wednesdays CBWC – Thursdays CB&W challenge runs weekly on Thursdays. FOTD – Daily A Listing of Challenges COPYRIGHT NOTICE Copyright notice © Cee Neuner (aka Christine R Neuner) and CeeNPhotography.com blog. All content of this website is the sole property of Cee Neuner. Please contact the owner for use of any image or text from this website. CFFC – Fun Foto CMMC – Midweek Madness CBWC – Black & White Photo FOTD – Flower of the Day Tips from Cee About Pages About Me My Lyme Disease Story Contact Cee Challenge List Photo Challenges Writing Challenges Contact cees-challenges FOTD – September 24 – Japanese Iris and Jonquil Welcome to my Flower of the Day Challenge (FOTD). During […] FOTD – September 24 – Japanese Iris and Jonquil Cee Neuner- Cee's Photo Challenges Autumn – Festivals Of Leaves and #ThursdayTreeLove Here is my entry for Dawn’s Festival of Leaves Challenge […] Autumn – Festivals Of Leaves and #ThursdayTreeLove cees-challenges FOTD – September 23 – Iris, Iceland Poppies Welcome to my Flower of the Day Challenge (FOTD). During […] FOTD – September 23 – Iris, Iceland Poppies Cee Neuner- Cee's Photo Challenges Iceland Poppy – City Sonnet Color: September 22 Here is also my entry for City Sonnet’s, Colors and Letters […] Iceland Poppy – City Sonnet Color: September 22 Cee Neuner- Cee's Photo Challenges CBWC: Your Pick This week the black and white challenge topic is Your Pick. This week the topic is up to you. Show off some of your favorite black and whites or find […] CBWC: Your Pick cees-challenges FOTD – September 22 – Hellebore, hydrangea, hibiscus Welcome to my Flower of the Day Challenge (FOTD). During […] FOTD – September 22 – Hellebore, hydrangea, hibiscus Cee Neuner- Cee's Photo Challenges Opposites – Lens-Artists Photo Challenge Here is my entry for Tina’s Lens-Artists Photo A Week […] Opposites – Lens-Artists Photo Challenge Cee Neuner- Cee's Photo Challenges CMMC – September Pick a Topic from my Photo Welcome to Cee’s Midweek Madness Challenge (CMMC), the topic is Pick […] CMMC – September Pick a Topic from my Photo Blog at WordPress.com. Follow Following Cee's Photo Challenges Join 11,808 other followers Sign me up Already have a WordPress.com account? Log in now. Cee's Photo Challenges Customize Follow Following Sign up Log in Copy shortlink Report this content View post in Reader Manage subscriptions Collapse this bar Loading Comments... Write a Comment... Email (Required) Name (Required) Website %d bloggers like this:
Eugene Victor Debs was born in Terre Haute, Indiana. The need for employment ended his schooling at age 14, when he became a fireman on a local railroad. Later he took night classes at the local business college in his spare time. Giving up his job as railroad fireman in 1874, he took up another job as a billing clerk in the wholesale grocery firm of Hulman & Cox. 1875 was a busy year for Debs. He became the founder of the local Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, and continued to work at Hulman & Cox. Debs used part of his salary to help the fledgling local union, and he conducted its work at night. Later in 1875 he became president of Occidental Literary Club of Terre Haute, to which he invited such famous personages as Colonel Robert Ingersoll, James Whitcomb Riley, Susan B. Anthony, and many others. Five years later he was elected the union`s national secretary-treasurer. He was also politically active, serving as the town clerk of Terre Haute (1879-83). In 1884, Debs was elected state representative to the Indiana General Assembly as a Democrat representing Terre Haute and Vigo County. He also served in 1885. The Convention of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen in 1892 persuaded Debs to be the editor of their magazine. Demonstrating a change in his organizational philosophy, Debs in 1893 became president of the American Railway Union, the first effective industrial union in the United States. The ARU made its mark in 1894 with a successful strike against the Great Northern Railway, when not a wheel moved on the railway for 18 days, until the company finally granted the union`s demands. On May 11th, 1894 the Pullman boycott and strike in Chicago began, and on July 23rd Debs and the leaders of the ARU were jailed for defying a federal injunction to return to work. In May 1895 Debs and the leaders of the ARU found themselves back in jail, but this time it was for contempt of court in connection with the Pullman strike. While in detention, Debs read widely and was deeply impressed by the writings of Karl Marx. His sentence was finished in November of that year. He emerged from prison convinced that the plight of the worker was most accurately viewed as a class struggle. Debs supported William Jennings Bryan in the Election of 1896, but turned to socialism the following year. He was a founder of the Social Democratic Party, and later the Socialist Party of America. Debs was the Socialist presidential nominee in 1900, when he ran poorly, and 1904, when he had ran a much stronger campaign. In 1905, Eugene Debs helped to establish the International Workers of the World (IWW), but soon found the organization too radical for his tastes. Eugene V. Debs made later presidential runs in 1908, 1912 and 1920, the last of which was his most successful with nearly one million votes. He supported himself during those years with earnings from his writings and lectures. From 1907 to 1912, Debs was the associate editor of Appeal to Reason, which was published in Girard, Kansas. The magazine achieved a circlation of several hundred thousand, due to Debs` powerful writing. Debs also was regarded as one of the most gifted public speakers of his era, rivaling the great preachers and political orators. An example is this excerpt from a speech he gave in Girard, after being nominated for president for the third time: The honor to which reference has been made has come to me through no fault of my own. It has been said that some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. It is even so with what are called honors. Some have honors thrust upon them. I find myself in that class. 1 did what I could to prevent myself from being nominated by the convention now in session at Chicago, but the nomination sought me out, and in spite of myself I stand in your presence this afternoon the nominee of the Socialist party for the presidency of the United States. Long, long ago I made up my mind never again to be a candidate for any political office within the gift of the people. But I have had to violate that vow, because when I joined the Socialist party I was taught that the wish of the individual was subordinate to the party will, and that when the party commanded it was my duty to obey. There was a time in my life when I. had all the vanities of youth, when I sought the bauble called fame. I have outlived all that. I have at last reached that point when I am capable of placing the right estimate upon my own relative insignificance. I have come to realize that there is no honor in any real sense to any man unless he is capable of consecrating himself to the service of his fellowmen. To the extent that I am able to help others to help themselves, to that extent, and to that extent alone, do I honor myself and the party to which I belong. So far as the presidency of the United States is coneerned, I would spurn it were it not that it conferred the power to serve the working class, and he who enters that office with any other conception of its functions prostitutes and does not honor that office. During World War I, Eugene Debs was a highly visible and vocal pacifist. On June 16 of 1918 he delivered a famous antiwar speech in Canton, Ohio. He protested against World War I, which was raging in Europe. He was arrested because of the speech and convicted in a federal court in Cleveland, Ohio, under the wartime espionage law. He was sentenced to serve 10 years in prison and disenfranchised for life — i.e. losing his citizenship. While Debs was serving his sentence in Atlanta, Georgia, his humility, friendliness, and his assistance won him the respect and admiration of the most hardened convicts. Debs ran his 1920 presidential campaign from behind bars. President Warren Harding pardoned Debs in 1921. On December 28th, Debs arrived home in Terre Haute where he received a tremendous welcome from thousands of Terre Hauteans. Ill health prevented him from resuming active participation in politics. Debs would spend the rest of his life trying to recover his health, which was severely battered while in prison confinement. He still wrote numerous articles and made several speeches, until 1926, when he was admitted to Lindlahr Sanitarium just outside of Chicago. He died there on October 20th, and his body was brought back to Terre Haute for burial. Eugene V. Debs was regarded by many, perhaps unfairly, as a wild-eyed radical. Socialism and unionism were highly suspect in his day. Debs was a man of great personal charm, who by the end of his life had gained the grudging respect of many of his former opponents. . . ---- Selected Quotes ---- Quotes by Eugene V. Debs. Regarding Pacificism I have no country to fight for; my country is the earth; I am a citizen of the world. Appeal to Reason, September 11, 1915 Regarding World War I They are continually talking about your patriotic duty. It is not their but your patriotic duty that they are concerned about. There is a decided difference. Their patriotic duty never takes them to the firing line or chucks them into the trenches. Anti-war speech in Canton, Ohio, 1918 Quotes regarding Eugene V. Debs. By An Unnamed Socialist That old man with the burning eyes actually believes that there can be such a thing as the brotherhood of man. And that's not the funniest part of it. As long as he's around I believe it myself. Quoted by Heywood Broun, in 1935 book - - - Books You May Like Include: ---- Big Trouble: A Murder in a Small Western Town Sets Off a Struggle for the Soul of America by J. Anthony Lukas. Big Trouble brings to life the astonishing case that ultimately engaged President Theodore Roosevelt, Supreme Court justice Oliver Wendell Holmes and ... The Radical Reader: A Documentary History of the American Radical Tradition by John McMillian. The richness of the American radical tradition presented in a single volume. Radicalism is as American as apple pie. One can scarcely imagine what Ame... Clarence Darrow: Attorney for the Damned by John A. Farrell. Drawing on untapped archives and full of fresh revelations, here is the definitive biography of America’s legendary defense attorney and progressive h... 1912: Wilson, Roosevelt, Taft and Debs--The Election that Changed the Country by James Chace. 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