2 classes
2 values
{'@context': '', '@type': 'HowTo', 'headline': '3 Formas de Remover Verrugas Rapidamente - wikiHow', 'name': '3 Formas de Remover Verrugas Rapidamente - wikiHow', 'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'width': 1200, 'height': 900}, 'author': {'@type': 'Person', 'name': 'Sarah Gehrke, RN, MS', 'sameAs': ['']}, 'datePublished': '2013-12-27', 'dateModified': '2021-05-20', 'publisher': {'@context': '', '@type': 'Organization', 'name': 'wikiHow', 'url': '', 'logo': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'width': 326, 'height': 60}, 'sameAs': ['', '']}, 'step': [{'@type': 'HowToSection', 'name': 'Tratamentos cirúrgicos', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'Consulte seu médico ou dermatologista. Um profissional deve examinar sua verruga antes da remoção. Eles poderão dizer se a sua verruga é maligna. Eles também avaliarão qual o melhor método de remoção a ser usado por você.\nA grande maioria das verrugas é benigna. No entanto, sintomas como coceira, sangramento e mudanças de tamanho e de cor podem indicar que a verruga é maligna. \nSe uma verruga for maligna, ela deve ser removida o quanto antes.\nSe a sua verruga não for perigosa, não há necessidade de removê-la. No entanto, muita gente prefere remover as suas verrugas por motivos estéticos.\nO médico avaliará a forma, a cor, o diâmetro, as bordas e a evolução da verruga para determinar se você precisa fazer exames.', 'image': '', 'url': ''}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'Compare as opções disponíveis. Há muitos métodos de remoção de verrugas e você deve ponderar com cuidado sobre qual é o melhor pra você. Você precisará pensar sobre:\n’’’Eficácia. Pense na eficácia que se espera de cada tratamento. O procedimento escolhido vai remover a verruga toda? Há algum risco de ela aparecer novamente?\n\n’’’Custo. Os preços dos procedimentos vão variar entre si, então pense no quanto você pode pagar.\n\n’’’Risco. Quais são os riscos associados a cada procedimento? A verruga pode ficar infectada? Existe o risco de ficar uma cicatriz ou de haver lesão em algum nervo? Vai ser preciso te dar anestesia?', 'image': '', 'url': ''}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'Analise a possibilidade de remover a verruga usando apenas corte ou raspagem. Este tipo de remoção funciona melhor para verrugas superficiais. A verruga é removida ou com tesoura cirúrgica ou é raspada com um bisturi.\nPrimeiro, o cirurgião retira a verruga por meio de um corte, para que ela não forme mais um caroço na pele.\nPontos são desnecessários neste tipo de remoção. A ferida será cauterizada ou coberta com creme ou solução para parar o sangramento. Depois um antibiótico tópico será aplicado.\nA ferida deve ser coberta com faixas e você poderá sair do consultório em questão de minutos.', 'image': '', 'url': ''}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'Considere a possibilidade de remover a verruga usando excisão seguida de pontos. Esse tipo de remoção funciona melhor para verrugas que sejam mais escuras ou verrugas lisas que penetrem mais fundo na pele.\nPrimeiro, a verruga e a pele em volta dela devem ser esterilizadas e anestesiadas.\nDepois, o cirurgião usa um bisturi para retirar a verruga. A profundidade da incisão dependerá do tamanho da verruga e do fato de ela ser maligna ou não. Uma área maior é retirada se a verruga for maligna, para garantir a sua completa remoção.\nA ferida é fechada por meio de pontos. Uma consulta de retorno é necessária para que certos tipos de ponto sejam removidos, enquanto outros tipos desaparecem por conta própria.', 'image': '', 'url': ''}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'Avalie a possibilidade de remover a verruga por meio de criocirurgia, ou congelamento. Esse é um método alternativo de remoção de verrugas, que o faz por meio de nitrogênio líquido, que congela e destrói a verruga. Somente algumas clínicas oferecem este serviço.\nO nitrogênio líquido pode ser aplicado na ferida diretamente usando uma haste flexível de algodão, ou pode ser aplicado na forma de spray.\nPode acontecer de serem necessárias várias aplicações do nitrogênio líquido para eliminar completamente a verruga. O nitrogênio líquido vai fazer com que uma bolha se forme na pele, mas, uma vez que a bolha cicatrizar, a pele deve voltar ao normal.', 'image': '', 'url': ''}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'Experimente remover a verruga por meio de eletrocoagulação ou queimadura. A eletrocoagulação queima a verruga por meio da aplicação de um choque por corrente elétrica. Isto destrói o tecido da verruga após algumas sessões. Este método não requer pontos, já que o calor da eletricidade cauteriza a ferida. \nOutros dois métodos de remoção de verrugas oferecidos por algumas clínicas são radiocirurgia, que consiste em usar ondas de radiofrequência em lugar de eletricidade, e tratamentos a laser. Esses dois métodos baseiam-se na ideia de queimar o tecido da verruga.', 'image': '', 'url': ''}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'Pergunte ao médico sobre a eletrocirurgia. Usá-la diminui o risco de sangramento (consequentemente, diminuindo os riscos de complicações médicas).', 'image': '', 'url': ''}]}, {'@type': 'HowToSection', 'name': 'Soluções caseiras', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'Passe babosa. A Aloe vera é útil para as doenças de pele, como a psoríase, herpes, queimaduras, etc. Passar a babosa na pinta pode ajudá-lo a removê-la. Para isso, passe uma quantidade considerável da substância no local e depois cubra com uma gaze. Deixe-a por três horas, remova e lave o local. Faça isso todos os dias por três semanas. Talvez dê algum resultado.', 'image': '', 'url': ''}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'Experimente vinagre de maçã. Vinagre de maçã — um ingrediente milagroso usado em incontáveis remédios caseiros — é um dos tratamentos mais comuns para a remoção de verrugas. Os ácidos contidos no vinagre, assim como os ácidos málico e tartárico, acabam por dissolver a verruga, removendo-a completamente da pele. Apenas passe um pouco do vinagre na pele limpa usando uma haste flexível de algodão.', 'image': '', 'url': ''}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'Saiba que o alho pode fazer bons efeitos. O alho é outro remédio polivalente, que muitos dizem ser eficiente na remoção das verrugas. Soque o alho até que ele vire uma pasta e aplique-a a sobre a verruga, tomando todo o cuidado para evitar atingir a pele ao redor (o alho pode queimá-la). Cubra com uma faixa e deixe por algumas horas de uma noite para outra. Dizem que este método dá resultado em apenas cinco dias.', 'image': '', 'url': ''}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'Use iodo. O iodo é uma boa opção para quem tem a pele mais sensível, já que ele não queima a pele como o alho ou o vinagre de cidra de maçã. Aplique o iodo diretamente na verruga usando uma haste flexível de algodão, até três vezes por dia. Continue a fazer isto todos os dias, até ver uma melhora na aparência da verruga.', 'image': '', 'url': ''}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'Tente usar suco de maçã verde. Extraia o suco de algumas maçãs verdes e passe-o diretamente na verruga. Da mesma forma que o vinagre de cidra de maçã, os ácidos do suco vão dissolver a verruga, mas podem ser necessárias pelo menos três semanas para você notar qualquer melhora na aparência dela.', 'image': '', 'url': ''}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'Preparado de abacaxi e sal. O suco de abacaxi pode ser passado diretamente na verruga, mas você deve tentar também misturar meia xícara de abacaxi fresco e um quarto de xícara de sal grosso para produzir um excelente esfoliante facial. Isso pode ajudar a remover as camadas de pele mais externas da verruga.', 'image': '', 'url': ''}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'Tente usar olho de rícino e bicarbonato de sódio. Misture uma colher de sopa de bicarbonato de sódio e duas colheres de sopa de óleo de rícino. Vai se formar uma pasta. Passe um pouco dessa pasta diretamente na verruga e deixe por várias horas ou de uma noite para outra antes de lavar.', 'image': '', 'url': ''}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'Tente usar mel. O mel é um alimento muito gostoso, mas você sabia que ele tem propriedades curativas e um poder impressionante contra as bactérias? Passe um pouco de mel diretamente na verruga para tratá-la de forma natural e segura. Acrescente uma gota de óleo de linhaça, se quiser, para acalmar e amaciar a pele.', 'image': '', 'url': ''}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'Use os remédios caseiros com responsabilidade. Existem muitos remédios caseiros que promovem a eliminação de verrugas por meio do uso de ingredientes naturais. Apesar de haver poucas experiências científicas para comprovar a eficácia desses tratamentos, há muitas pessoas que garantem a sua eficácia. Seja cuidadoso ao usar sucos naturais ácidos, porque eles podem queimar a sua pele. Para usar remédios caseiros de forma segura e eficaz, passe os sucos naturais na pele pelo menos uma vez e no máximo três vezes por dia.\nSe você tem a pele muito sensível, deixe os sucos nela por não mais do que 10 a 15 minutos, para evitar irritá-la.\nTente aplicar um pouco de vaselina na pele em volta da verruga. Isso vai impedir que a pele fique irritada pelos tratamentos para a verruga.\nO tempo que leva para uma verruga clarear ou desaparecer varia de pessoa para pessoa.\nTenha em mente que os remédios caseiros provavelmente não funcionarão tão rápido ou de forma tão efetiva quanto a remoção cirúrgica ou os cremes medicinais mais fortes, mas são uma boa opção se você está querendo um método grátis ou natural.', 'image': '', 'url': ''}]}, {'@type': 'HowToSection', 'name': 'Cremes e pomadas', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'Experimente usar um creme para remoção de verrugas. Os cremes para remoção de verrugas não são muito caros e apresentam eficácia razoável no tratamento caseiro para a pele.\nA maioria dos cremes clareia a verruga até que ela não seja mais visível. Isso pode acontecer em uma questão de semanas.\nCremes mais fortes e vendidos sem receita nas farmácias focam em retirar a pele da verruga camada por camada, até que ela seja completamente removida.\nSaiba que os cremes de remoção podem deixar cicatrizes maiores do que a remoção por cirurgia.', 'image': '', 'url': ''}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'Experimente cremes branqueadores. Um creme branqueador de uso geral também pode ser bom para disfarçar as verrugas. Eles funcionam como os cremes removedores de verrugas, já que removem-na num nível superficial por meio do clareamento da pele.', 'image': '', 'url': ''}]}], 'description': 'Como Remover Verrugas Rapidamente. A maioria das verrugas não é perigosa, mas elas podem ser desagradáveis de se olhar e podem deixá-lo constrangido. Se estiver pensando em fazer uma cirurgia, ou se preferir tratar a verruga em casa, saiba...'}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': '普吉岛天堂酒店的地址是?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '普吉岛天堂酒店位于178/16-17 Pungmuang Sai Koe Rd,距离芭东1.1公里。 江西冷购物中心是距离普吉岛天堂酒店最近的地标。 <a href="/%E8%8A%AD%E4%B8%9C-%E9%85%92%E5%BA%97-Phuket-Paradise-Hotel.400302.ksp">即刻获取KAYAK的最新价格!</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '普吉岛天堂酒店的入住和退房时间分别是什么时候?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '普吉岛天堂酒店的入住和退房时间分别为14:00和12:00。 <a href="/%E8%8A%AD%E4%B8%9C-%E9%85%92%E5%BA%97-Phuket-Paradise-Hotel.400302.ksp">即刻获取KAYAK的最新价格!</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '普吉岛天堂酒店提供免费Wi-Fi吗?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '是的,普吉岛天堂酒店提供免费Wi-Fi。 <a href="/%E8%8A%AD%E4%B8%9C-%E9%85%92%E5%BA%97-Phuket-Paradise-Hotel.400302.ksp">即刻获取KAYAK的最新价格!</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '普吉岛天堂酒店距机场有多远?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '普吉岛天堂酒店距离普吉岛 普吉国际机场25.6公里。 普吉岛天堂酒店距离甲米机场79.5公里。 <a href="/%E8%8A%AD%E4%B8%9C-%E9%85%92%E5%BA%97-Phuket-Paradise-Hotel.400302.ksp">即刻获取KAYAK的最新价格!</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'KAYAK是如何搜索到这么超值的普吉岛天堂酒店酒店优惠的?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'KAYAK会在网上搜索芭东普吉岛天堂酒店所有空房的优惠,并进行比较以帮你找出超值的住宿。不同的旅游网站会在不同的时间推出普吉岛天堂酒店客房的折扣或优惠,KAYAK会为你收集众多旅游网站的价格。这代表你肯定能找到物超所值的普吉岛天堂酒店优惠。 <a href="/%E8%8A%AD%E4%B8%9C-%E9%85%92%E5%BA%97-Phuket-Paradise-Hotel.400302.ksp">即刻获取KAYAK的最新价格!</a>'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', '@id': '', 'headline': 'Vivir en Londres: antes del Brexit', 'keywords': 'londres, viviren, ', 'datePublished': '2020-12-30T14:16:55+01:00', 'dateModified': '2020-12-30T14:17:01+01:00', 'dateCreated': '2020-12-30T14:16:55+01:00', 'author': {'@type': 'Person', 'name': 'admin', 'url': '', 'sameAs': [''], 'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': 96, 'width': 96}}, 'image': [{'@type': 'ImageObject', '@id': '', 'url': '', 'width': '1200', 'height': '1800', 'caption': 'vivir en londres'}, {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'width': '1200', 'height': '900', 'caption': 'vivir en londres'}, {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'width': '1200', 'height': '675', 'caption': 'vivir en londres'}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Are the Gateron Reds good?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Gateron Red switches are linear switches that offer buttery-smooth typing, fast response time, lighter actuation along with a silent typing experience, considering these factors Gateron reds are really good switches for mechanical keyboards.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Are Gateron Reds smooth?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Gateron is best known to produce high-quality super smooth switches, so Gateron red switches are very smooth even better than Cherry switches in terms of smoothness.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Missä Grand Oriental Hotel sijaitsee?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Grand Oriental Hotel osoite on Plot: 1/b, Road: 23, Gulshan-1, ja sen etäisyys kaupungin Dhaka keskustasta on 3,5 km. Hotellin Grand Oriental Hotel lähin maamerkki on Bashundhara City Mall. <a href="/Dhaka-hotellit-Grand-Oriental-Hotel.2171984.ksp">Viimeisimmät hinnat KAYAK-sivustolta nyt!</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Mitkä ovat hotellin Grand Oriental Hotel sisään- ja uloskirjautumisajat?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Hotellin Grand Oriental Hotel sisäänkirjautumisaika on 12:00 ja uloskirjautumisaika 11:00. <a href="/Dhaka-hotellit-Grand-Oriental-Hotel.2171984.ksp">Viimeisimmät hinnat KAYAK-sivustolta nyt!</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Tarjoaako Grand Oriental Hotel ilmaisen WiFi-yhteyden?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Kyllä, Grand Oriental Hotel tarjoaa ilmaisen WiFi-yhteyden. <a href="/Dhaka-hotellit-Grand-Oriental-Hotel.2171984.ksp">Viimeisimmät hinnat KAYAK-sivustolta nyt!</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Tarjoaako Grand Oriental Hotel ilmaisen lentokenttäkuljetuksen?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Kyllä, Grand Oriental Hotel tarjoaa ilmaisen lentokenttäkuljetuksen. <a href="/Dhaka-hotellit-Grand-Oriental-Hotel.2171984.ksp">Viimeisimmät hinnat KAYAK-sivustolta nyt!</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Kuinka kaukana Grand Oriental Hotel on lentokentältä?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Hotellin Grand Oriental Hotel etäisyys on 7 km kentältä Dhaka Hazrat Shahjalal Intl. Hotellin Grand Oriental Hotel etäisyys on 84,7 km kentältä Agartala Singerbhil. <a href="/Dhaka-hotellit-Grand-Oriental-Hotel.2171984.ksp">Viimeisimmät hinnat KAYAK-sivustolta nyt!</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Miten KAYAK löytää näin hyviä Grand Oriental Hotel hotellitarjouksia?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'KAYAK etsii kohteesta Dhaka kaikki hotellin Grand Oriental Hotel saatavilla olevat huoneiden hinnat verkosta ja antaa sinun vertailla niitä löytääkseen parhaan hinnan. Monet eri matkailusivustot tarjoavat alennuksia tai tarjouksia eri aikoina Grand Oriental Hotel huoneista, ja KAYAK tarjoaa sinulle hinnat valtavasta valikoimasta eri matkailusivustoja. Tämä tarkoittaa, että voit aina löytää hyvän Grand Oriental Hotel tarjouksen. <a href="/Dhaka-hotellit-Grand-Oriental-Hotel.2171984.ksp">Viimeisimmät hinnat KAYAK-sivustolta nyt!</a>'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'The Future', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<div class="concept-definition"><p>To figure out the future, first understand the structures being built — and destroyed — today.</p></div>\r\n\r\n<h5><a href="">The Great Bifurcation</a></h5>\r\n\r\n<p>Tracing the evolution of tech’s three eras, and why the fourth era — the Metaverse — is defined by its bifurcation with the physical world.</p>\r\n\r\n<h5><a href="">The Death and Birth of Technological Revolutions</a></h5>\r\n\r\n<p>Carlota Perez documents technological revolutions, and thinks we’re in the middle of the current one; what, though, if we are nearing its maturation? Is crypto next?</p>\r\n\r\n<h5><a href="">Metaverses</a></h5>\r\n\r\n<p>The Metaverse of Snow Crash is not a good analogy for the future, as the Internet breaks down into Stephenson’s dystopia</p>\r\n\r\n<h5><a href="">Internet 3.0 and the Beginning of (Tech) History</a></h5>\r\n\r\n<p>The actions taken by Big Tech have a resonance that goes beyond the context of domestic U.S. politics. Even if they were right, they will still push the world to Internet 3.0.</p>\r\n\r\n<h5><a href="">Amazon Go and the Future</a></h5>\r\n\r\n<p>Amazon Go exemplifies how Amazon is building its monopoly in three ways: horizontally, vertically, and financially. Plus, why automation is worth being optimistic about.</p>\r\n\r\n<h5><a href="">Everything as a Service</a></h5>\r\n\r\n<p>We have likely reached Peak iPhone, and if not, it’s only a matter of time; physical goods can only scale so far. The future, thanks to the Internet, is everything-as-a-service.</p>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n<a href="">See All</a>\r\n', 'author': {'@type': 'Person', 'name': 'Ben Thompson'}}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'The Future', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<div class="concept-definition"><p>To figure out the future, first understand the structures being built — and destroyed — today.</p></div>\r\n\r\n<h5><a href="">The Great Bifurcation</a></h5>\r\n\r\n<p>Tracing the evolution of tech’s three eras, and why the fourth era — the Metaverse — is defined by its bifurcation with the physical world.</p>\r\n\r\n<h5><a href="">The Death and Birth of Technological Revolutions</a></h5>\r\n\r\n<p>Carlota Perez documents technological revolutions, and thinks we’re in the middle of the current one; what, though, if we are nearing its maturation? Is crypto next?</p>\r\n\r\n<h5><a href="">Metaverses</a></h5>\r\n\r\n<p>The Metaverse of Snow Crash is not a good analogy for the future, as the Internet breaks down into Stephenson’s dystopia</p>\r\n\r\n<h5><a href="">Internet 3.0 and the Beginning of (Tech) History</a></h5>\r\n\r\n<p>The actions taken by Big Tech have a resonance that goes beyond the context of domestic U.S. politics. Even if they were right, they will still push the world to Internet 3.0.</p>\r\n\r\n<h5><a href="">Amazon Go and the Future</a></h5>\r\n\r\n<p>Amazon Go exemplifies how Amazon is building its monopoly in three ways: horizontally, vertically, and financially. Plus, why automation is worth being optimistic about.</p>\r\n\r\n<h5><a href="">Everything as a Service</a></h5>\r\n\r\n<p>We have likely reached Peak iPhone, and if not, it’s only a matter of time; physical goods can only scale so far. The future, thanks to the Internet, is everything-as-a-service.</p>\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n<a href="">See All</a>\r\n', 'author': {'@type': 'Person', 'name': 'Ben Thompson'}}}]}
{'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">What kind of university is Xinjiang Normal University?</span', 'askAuestions': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">What kind of university is Xinjiang Normal University?</span', 'reply': '<em>Xinjiang Normal University is located in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. It covers a total area of 2,864 mu and is divided into three campuses: Hot Spring, Kunlun, and Wenguang. The school currently has 20 colleges, with disciplines covering 10 disciplines, and has formed a complete education system including postgraduate education, general undergraduate education, and international student education. The school attaches great importance to foreign exchanges and cooperation, and actively develops domestic and foreign education, technology, and cultural exchanges and cooperation. It is a Chinese institution of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization University and was awarded the "Outstanding Chinese Confucius Institute Institution" by Hanban. At the same time, the school is also the "Demonstration Base for Education for International Students in China" by the Ministry of Education and the "Chinese Education Base" for the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council.</em', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<em>Xinjiang Normal University is located in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. It covers a total area of 2,864 mu and is divided into three campuses: Hot Spring, Kunlun, and Wenguang. The school currently has 20 colleges, with disciplines covering 10 disciplines, and has formed a complete education system including postgraduate education, general undergraduate education, and international student education. The school attaches great importance to foreign exchanges and cooperation, and actively develops domestic and foreign education, technology, and cultural exchanges and cooperation. It is a Chinese institution of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization University and was awarded the "Outstanding Chinese Confucius Institute Institution" by Hanban. At the same time, the school is also the "Demonstration Base for Education for International Students in China" by the Ministry of Education and the "Chinese Education Base" for the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council.</em'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">What is the school code of Xinjiang Normal University?</span', 'askAuestions': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">What is the school code of Xinjiang Normal University?</span', 'reply': '<em>10762</em', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<em>10762</em'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">What are the application requirements for Xinjiang Normal University Chinese Government Scholarship?</span', 'askAuestions': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">What are the application requirements for Xinjiang Normal University Chinese Government Scholarship?</span', 'reply': '<em>Application conditions:</em', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<em>Application conditions:</em'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">What are the fees included in the Chinese Government Scholarship of Xinjiang Normal University?</span', 'askAuestions': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">What are the fees included in the Chinese Government Scholarship of Xinjiang Normal University?</span', 'reply': '<em>Tuition, accommodation, living expenses, comprehensive medical insurance.</em', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<em>Tuition, accommodation, living expenses, comprehensive medical insurance.</em'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">What is the application process for Xinjiang Normal University Chinese Government Scholarship?</span', 'askAuestions': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">What is the application process for Xinjiang Normal University Chinese Government Scholarship?</span', 'reply': '<em>Application process:</em', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<em>Application process:</em'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">What are the application materials for the Chinese Government Scholarship of Xinjiang Normal University?</span', 'askAuestions': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">What are the application materials for the Chinese Government Scholarship of Xinjiang Normal University?</span', 'reply': '<em>Application materials:</em', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<em>Application materials:</em'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">What is the contact information of Xinjiang Normal University?</span', 'askAuestions': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">What is the contact information of Xinjiang Normal University?</span', 'reply': '<em>Contact information:</em', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<em>Contact information:</em'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;"> What is the Confucius Institute Scholarship of Xinjiang Normal University?</span', 'askAuestions': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;"> What is the Confucius Institute Scholarship of Xinjiang Normal University?</span', 'reply': '<em>To train qualified Chinese teachers, promote the international promotion of Chinese and the spread of Chinese culture, the Confucius Institute Headquarters/Hanban set up scholarships, commissioned Confucius Institutes to build Confucius Classrooms, and recommended some outstanding overseas students, scholars, and scholars. Chinese test site. Professional Chinese teachers go to Chinese universities to study.</em', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<em>To train qualified Chinese teachers, promote the international promotion of Chinese and the spread of Chinese culture, the Confucius Institute Headquarters/Hanban set up scholarships, commissioned Confucius Institutes to build Confucius Classrooms, and recommended some outstanding overseas students, scholars, and scholars. Chinese test site. Professional Chinese teachers go to Chinese universities to study.</em'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">What are the eligibility requirements for the scholarship of the Confucius Institute at Xinjiang Normal University?</span', 'askAuestions': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">What are the eligibility requirements for the scholarship of the Confucius Institute at Xinjiang Normal University?</span', 'reply': '<em>Eligibility for application:</em', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<em>Eligibility for application:</em'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">What is the application process for the scholarship of the Confucius Institute at Xinjiang Normal University?</span', 'askAuestions': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">What is the application process for the scholarship of the Confucius Institute at Xinjiang Normal University?</span', 'reply': '<em>Applicants apply for the Confucius Institute Scholarship on the Confucius Institute Scholarship website (CIS.Chinese.CN). Visit the Confucius Institute Scholarship website to find recommended institutions and funding agencies; submit application materials online, pay attention to the application process, evaluation opinions, and scholarship evaluation results; scholarship recipients and the institutions interviewed confirm the procedures for studying in China, and print the award certificates online; Click the acceptance notice of the receiving institution. The acceptance notice should arrive at the journal at the time specified in the acceptance notice. To apply, fill in the "Confucius Institute Scholarship Application Form" and attach relevant supporting materials, electronic scans, and submit materials. Xinjiang Normal University will organize Confucius Institute scholarship students to participate in a remote interview organized by our school, and wait for the scholarship review result after the interview.</em', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<em>Applicants apply for the Confucius Institute Scholarship on the Confucius Institute Scholarship website (CIS.Chinese.CN). Visit the Confucius Institute Scholarship website to find recommended institutions and funding agencies; submit application materials online, pay attention to the application process, evaluation opinions, and scholarship evaluation results; scholarship recipients and the institutions interviewed confirm the procedures for studying in China, and print the award certificates online; Click the acceptance notice of the receiving institution. The acceptance notice should arrive at the journal at the time specified in the acceptance notice. To apply, fill in the "Confucius Institute Scholarship Application Form" and attach relevant supporting materials, electronic scans, and submit materials. Xinjiang Normal University will organize Confucius Institute scholarship students to participate in a remote interview organized by our school, and wait for the scholarship review result after the interview.</em'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">What are the application materials for the scholarship of the Confucius Institute at Xinjiang Normal University?</span', 'askAuestions': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">What are the application materials for the scholarship of the Confucius Institute at Xinjiang Normal University?</span', 'reply': '<em> Application materials:</em', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<em> Application materials:</em'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">What are the main courses of the Chinese International Education Major of Xinjiang Normal University?</span', 'askAuestions': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">What are the main courses of the Chinese International Education Major of Xinjiang Normal University?</span', 'reply': '<em>Main courses: Modern Chinese, Ancient Chinese, Introduction to Linguistics, Ancient Literature, Modern and Contemporary Literature, General Introduction to Chinese Culture, Introduction to Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, Classroom Teaching Theory and Practice, Intercultural Communication, Overview of Chinese and Foreign Cultures, Chinese Talent Skills, Foreign Affairs Management, second foreign language (English or Russian).</em', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<em>Main courses: Modern Chinese, Ancient Chinese, Introduction to Linguistics, Ancient Literature, Modern and Contemporary Literature, General Introduction to Chinese Culture, Introduction to Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, Classroom Teaching Theory and Practice, Intercultural Communication, Overview of Chinese and Foreign Cultures, Chinese Talent Skills, Foreign Affairs Management, second foreign language (English or Russian).</em'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">What are the training goals of the Chinese International Education Program at Xinjiang Normal University?</span', 'askAuestions': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">What are the training goals of the Chinese International Education Program at Xinjiang Normal University?</span', 'reply': '<em> Adhere to the education and teaching principles of equal emphasis on knowledge, ability, and quality, relying on Xinjiang\'s unique advantages as the core area of the "Belt and Road", the policy advantages of international Chinese education, and has been engaged in international Chinese education for a long time, and cultivated a solid basic knowledge of Chinese and Chinese skills Teachers with second language theoretical and practical teaching ability have a more comprehensive understanding of Chinese literature, Chinese culture, and cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries. They have the potential to further cultivate interdisciplinary Chinese international education talents and be able to work in various teaching institutions at home and abroad. Practical linguistics talents engaged in related work in press and publishing, cultural management, and other institutions and industries.</em', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<em> Adhere to the education and teaching principles of equal emphasis on knowledge, ability, and quality, relying on Xinjiang\'s unique advantages as the core area of the "Belt and Road", the policy advantages of international Chinese education, and has been engaged in international Chinese education for a long time, and cultivated a solid basic knowledge of Chinese and Chinese skills Teachers with second language theoretical and practical teaching ability have a more comprehensive understanding of Chinese literature, Chinese culture, and cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries. They have the potential to further cultivate interdisciplinary Chinese international education talents and be able to work in various teaching institutions at home and abroad. Practical linguistics talents engaged in related work in press and publishing, cultural management, and other institutions and industries.</em'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;"> What are the obligations of international students of Xinjiang Normal University during their stay?</span', 'askAuestions': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;"> What are the obligations of international students of Xinjiang Normal University during their stay?</span', 'reply': '<em>International students should fulfill the following obligations during their stay at the school:</em', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<em>International students should fulfill the following obligations during their stay at the school:</em'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">What sort of rights do the international students of Xinjiang Normal University enjoy during their stay?</span', 'askAuestions': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">What sort of rights do the international students of Xinjiang Normal University enjoy during their stay?</span', 'reply': '<em> International students enjoy the following rights during their stay at school:</em', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<em> International students enjoy the following rights during their stay at school:</em'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">Can an international student at Xinjiang Normal University apply for a major change after admission?</span', 'askAuestions': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">Can an international student at Xinjiang Normal University apply for a major change after admission?</span', 'reply': '<em>International students should complete their studies in the admitted major. In special circumstances, you can transfer to another school or major with the consent of the school. Specifically, it will be implemented in accordance with the "Regulations on the Management of Foreign Students in Xinjiang Normal University"</em', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<em>International students should complete their studies in the admitted major. In special circumstances, you can transfer to another school or major with the consent of the school. Specifically, it will be implemented in accordance with the "Regulations on the Management of Foreign Students in Xinjiang Normal University"</em'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">What documents are required for international students of Xinjiang Normal University to provide?</span', 'askAuestions': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">What documents are required for international students of Xinjiang Normal University to provide?</span', 'reply': '<em> Foreign students should take the initiative to provide their entry status to the host school, submit passports, visas, and other documents, and consult about the issue of permits.</em', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<em> Foreign students should take the initiative to provide their entry status to the host school, submit passports, visas, and other documents, and consult about the issue of permits.</em'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">When will Xinjiang Normal University apply for the residence permit for foreign students in China?</span', 'askAuestions': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">When will Xinjiang Normal University apply for the residence permit for foreign students in China?</span', 'reply': '<em>The residence permit should be obtained within 30 days from the date of entry, otherwise it is an illegal residence.</em', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<em>The residence permit should be obtained within 30 days from the date of entry, otherwise it is an illegal residence.</em'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">What are the consequences of Xinjiang Normal University not applying for a residence permit?</span', 'askAuestions': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">What are the consequences of Xinjiang Normal University not applying for a residence permit?</span', 'reply': '<em>Foreigners who illegally enter or leave China&rsquo;s borders can be fined more than 1,000 yuan but less than 10,000 yuan, or detained for more than 3 days but less than 10 days, and can also be sentenced to a time limit for exit or deportation. If the circumstances constitute a crime, it shall be subject to law Be held criminally responsible.</em', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<em>Foreigners who illegally enter or leave China&rsquo;s borders can be fined more than 1,000 yuan but less than 10,000 yuan, or detained for more than 3 days but less than 10 days, and can also be sentenced to a time limit for exit or deportation. If the circumstances constitute a crime, it shall be subject to law Be held criminally responsible.</em'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">How do international students from Xinjiang Normal University apply for accommodation?</span', 'askAuestions': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">How do international students from Xinjiang Normal University apply for accommodation?</span', 'reply': '<em>First, fill in the "Accommodation Registration Form" so that there are no missing items, clear handwriting, and standard foreign abbreviations. Then, if you stay in different places one after another, you should declare in time. If you have applied for a residence permit, and stay at the registered place of residence, you do not need to declare another accommodation registration. Leaving the place of permanent residence where you applied for residence permit registration and temporarily staying in other places (such as temporarily staying at homes of Chinese and foreign friends) should be declared.</em', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<em>First, fill in the "Accommodation Registration Form" so that there are no missing items, clear handwriting, and standard foreign abbreviations. Then, if you stay in different places one after another, you should declare in time. If you have applied for a residence permit, and stay at the registered place of residence, you do not need to declare another accommodation registration. Leaving the place of permanent residence where you applied for residence permit registration and temporarily staying in other places (such as temporarily staying at homes of Chinese and foreign friends) should be declared.</em'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">Do all international students of Xinjiang Normal University need a physical examination?</span', 'askAuestions': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">Do all international students of Xinjiang Normal University need a physical examination?</span', 'reply': '<em>All international students studying in the school need a medical examination. Freshmen must undergo a physical examination within one week after arriving at the school to prepare for the residence permit; older students must undergo a physical examination one week before the expiration of their health certificates to prepare for visa extension and residence permits.</em', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<em>All international students studying in the school need a medical examination. Freshmen must undergo a physical examination within one week after arriving at the school to prepare for the residence permit; older students must undergo a physical examination one week before the expiration of their health certificates to prepare for visa extension and residence permits.</em'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">What materials are required for foreign students from Xinjiang Normal University to apply for a residence permit for foreigners?</span', 'askAuestions': '<span style="text-decoration: underline;">What materials are required for foreign students from Xinjiang Normal University to apply for a residence permit for foreigners?</span', 'reply': "<em>Materials required for foreigners' residence permit:</em", 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<em>Materials required for foreigners' residence permit:</em"}}], '@type': 'FAQPage', '@context': ''}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': '🚨 How do I activate this bonus?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '&lt;p&gt;Different bonuses from the &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;best US sportsbooks&lt;/a&gt; will require you to do different things to activate them.&nbsp; In this Caesars West Virginia sportsbook review of the bonus, we&rsquo;ll walk you through the necessary steps you need to take to unlock it.&nbsp; &lt;/p&gt; '}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '🎁 What is the Caesars West Virginia sportsbook bonus, exactly?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '&lt;p&gt;If you check out our Caesars West Virginia sportsbook review of the bonus, you&rsquo;ll find out everything there is to know about the bonus, including what it is, how you can unlock it, and what to do with it once you have it! &lt;/p&gt; '}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '⚖️ Is the Caesars West Virginia sportsbook bonus worth activating?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '&lt;p&gt;Deciding whether activating a bonus is going to be worth it is entirely down to you at the end of the day. If you want to learn more about the bonus before deciding whether to activate it, we recommend you check out our Caesars West Virginia sportsbook review! It could be the deciding factor in your decision to activate the bonus or not. &lt;/p&gt; '}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Incheon (Seongnam-dong) TWOSOME (2S)有推薦嗎?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<a href=''>請查看</a>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Incheon (Seongnam-dong) TWOSOME (2S)的入住和退房時間是幾點?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '入住時間自 起,退房時間至 止。視客房供應狀況,您能申請「提前入住」或「延後退房」的服務。若房客在非指定時間辦理入住或退房,可能需支付額外費用。住宿提供入住前及退房後的行李寄放服務。前台提供全天候服務。'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Incheon (Seongnam-dong) TWOSOME (2S)有最新訂房優惠嗎?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "取得本站獨家Incheon (Seongnam-dong) TWOSOME (2S) 15%OFF 訂房優惠<a href=''>請查看</a>"}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is Birmingham airport code?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Birmingham Airport Code IATA is BHX airport code for Birmingham International Airport located in the city of Birmingham, United Kingdom.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Is there Uber in Birmingham airport?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Yes, Uber service is available at Birmingham International Airport airport. Once you open your Uber App, it will prompt you about the most updated pickup location in Birmingham airport.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is Birmingham International Airport airport IATA and ICAO codes?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Birmingham International Airport airport in Birmingham, United Kingdom IATA code is BHX and the ICAO code is EGBB.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Which main city does Birmingham airport serve?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Birmingham and the area around, in United Kingdom, is the main city that Birmingham airport serves.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Worum handelt es sich bei der Europäischen Krankenversicherung?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Die Europäische Krankenversicherung (EUKV) ist eine private Krankenversicherung aus dem EWR.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'In welchen Ländern gilt die EUKV?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '\nMittelpunkt der EUKV ist der Europäische Wirtschaftsraum (EWR). Mit der Europäischen Krankenversicherung sind Sie im gesamten EWR versichert. Auf Wunsch erweitern Krankenkasse und Versicherer Ihren Tarif auf die ganze Welt.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Was ist der Unterschied zwischen EUKV uns EHIC?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Bei der EUKV handelt es sich um die europäische Krankenversicherung, die über die Grenzen hinweg gilt. Die EHIC ist die Europäische Krankenversicherungskarte, mit der Sie in der gesamten EU Standard-Leistungen der GKV in Anspruch nehmen können.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Brauche ich als Student eine weitere EUKV, wenn ich schon immer in meiner Heimat versichert bin?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Sofern der Versicherungsschutz aus der Heimat für Deutschland gilt, ist keine weitere Krankenversicherung erforderlich. Ggf. ist die europäische Krankenversicherung eine sinnvolle Ergänzung.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Gibt es eine Selbstbeteiligung bei der Europäischen Krankenversicherung?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Die Europäische Krankenversicherung ist wahlweise mit oder ohne Selbstbeteiligung möglich.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Können deutsche Ärzte die EUKV ablehnen?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Das Ablehnen von Patienten mit EUKV ist nicht zulässig. Dies gilt für alle Länder des EWR.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Bin ich mit der Europäischen Krankenversciherung im Urlaub geschützt?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Beim Urlaub in den Ländern des Europäischen Wirtschaftsraums gilt die Versicherung. Wer weltweit verreist, braucht einen Zusatzschutz.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is a Digital marketing agency?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'This is the answer'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Wie verwende ich meinen KIMBER Rabattcodes online?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Hier sind die Schritte zur Verwendung von Rabattcodes beim Einkaufen bei Melden Sie sich bei KIMBER an oder erstellen Sie ein neues Konto, um Ihre Lieblingsprodukte zu Ihrem Einkaufswagen hinzuzufügen. Überprüfen Sie als Nächstes das Produkt, wählen Sie das entsprechende verfügbare Gutscheine aus und schließen Sie die Zahlung ab. Außerdem ist hier der letzte Verkauf von KIMBER im April: Sparen Sie 65% + Kostenloser Versand.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Muss ich mich registrieren, um bei KIMBER einzukaufen?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Ja, brauchst du. Sie können Ihre E-Mail-Adresse über registrieren. Nach der Registrierung werden KIMBER Gutscheine und Werbeaktivitäten rechtzeitig an Ihr Postfach gesendet, damit Sie keinen KIMBER Gutscheincodes verpassen. Der Registrierungseingang befindet sich normalerweise unten auf der Homepage von, und Sie können KIMBER jederzeit von diesem Service abmelden.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Warum sagt der KIMBER Rabattcodes ungültig?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Hier sind einige häufige Gründe, warum Ihr KIMBER Gutscheincodes unbrauchbar sein könnte. Nur ein oder derselbe Gutscheine kann für eine einzelne Bestellung in KIMBER verwendet werden. Überprüfen Sie daher, ob der Rabatt 65% automatisch auf Ihre Bestellung angewendet wurde. KIMBER kann unterschiedliche Regeln für die Verwendung verschiedener Arten von KIMBER Coupons haben. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihren KIMBER Rabattaktion, bevor Sie ihn verwenden.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Gdzie znajdę najtańszą ofertę na Spodnie damskie Bonprix? ', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>Ta promocja jest dostępna w różnych sklepach. Przejrzyj wszystkie dostępne produkty, żeby otrzymać najtańszą ofertę na <a href='' target='_blank'>Spodnie damskie Bonprix</a>. Jeśli chcesz dowiedzieć się, czy dany produkt jest dostępny na lepszej przecenie w innym sklepie, zajrzyj do kategorii „<a href='' target='_blank'>Moda</a>. Te oferty również mogą cię zainteresować: <a href='' target='_blank'>Spodnie damskie bonprix</a>, <a href='' target='_blank'>Spodnie damskie bonprix</a> i <a href='' target='_blank'>Spodnie damskie bonprix</a>.</p>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Jaka jest cena za Spodnie damskie Bonprix w promocji?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>Cenę oferty na <a href='' target='_blank'>Spodnie damskie Bonprix</a> można sprawdzić na górze strony wraz z czasem,&nbsp;przez który dana promocja jest dostępna. Możesz również sprawdzić cenę w aktualnej <a href='' target='_blank'>BonPrix gazetka</a> lub na stronie internetowej sklepu <a href='' target='_blank'>BonPrix</a>. Oferty promocyjne gwarantują zakup produktów ze sklepu <a href='' target='_blank'>BonPrix</a> po najniższej cenie.</p>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Gdzie mogę znaleźć podobne promocje do tych ze sklepu BonPrix?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>Czy promocja na <a href='' target='_blank'>Spodnie damskie Bonprix</a> nie jest dokładnie tym, czego szukasz lub wygasła? Zawsze możesz sprawdzić <a href='' target='_blank'>BonPrix gazetka</a> z datą ważności od 07-04-2023 do 14-04-2023 i obejrzeć promocje i okazje dostępne w sklepie <a href='' target='_blank'>BonPrix</a>.</p>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Czy to najwyższa przecena na Spodnie damskie Bonprix w sklepie BonPrix? ', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>Sprawdź najtańszy produkt dostępny we wszystkich ofertach promocyjnych! Jeśli chcesz wiedzieć, czy sklep <a href='' target='_blank'>BonPrix</a> ma najwyższy rabat dla oferty na <a href='' target='_blank'>Spodnie damskie Bonprix</a>, porównaj ją z promocjami innych sklepów w zakładce Kategorie.</p>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Jakie inne podobne promocje oferuje sklep BonPrix?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>Jeśli szukasz innych promocji niż oferty z <a href='' target='_blank'>Spodnie damskie Bonprix</a>, rzuć okiem na <a href='' target='_blank'>BonPrix gazetka</a>, która jest ważna od 07-04-2023 do 14-04-2023. Oto kilka przykładów z innymi ciekawymi promocjami: <a href='' target='_blank'>Spodnie damskie bonprix</a>, <a href='' target='_blank'>Spodnie damskie bonprix</a> i <a href='' target='_blank'>Spodnie damskie bonprix</a>.</p>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Czy ta promocja jest dostępna w sklepie internetowym?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>Z większości promocji można także korzystać w sklepie internetowym. Żeby dowiedzieć się, czy oferta na <a href='' target='_blank'>Spodnie damskie Bonprix</a> jest dostępna w sklepie <a href='' target='_blank'>BonPrix</a> przez Internet, zajrzyj na stronę internetową sklepu <a href='' target='_blank'>BonPrix</a>. Uwaga: niektóre sklepy na naszej stronie działają wyłącznie w Internecie lub stacjonarnie. Dowiedz się więcej na stronie internetowej sklepu <a href='' target='_blank'>BonPrix</a>.</p>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'W której kategorii mogę znaleźć tę promocję?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>Promocję na <a href='' target='_blank'>Spodnie damskie Bonprix</a> można znaleźć w kategorii <a href='' target='_blank'>Moda</a>. Kliknij <a href='' target='_blank'>BonPrix gazetka</a> i przewiń do sekcji „Oferty. Jeśli chcesz zobaczyć podobne promocje, przejrzyj <a href='' target='_blank'>BonPrix gazetka</a> z datą ważności od 07-04-2023 do 14-04-2023.</p>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'W jakim innym sklepie znajdę ofertę na Spodnie damskie Bonprix?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>Najlepszym wyborem będzie zakup tego produktu w sklepie <a href='' target='_blank'>BonPrix</a>. Oczywiście można również sprawdzić ulotki innych sklepów. Jeśli przejdziesz do kategorii <a href='' target='_blank'>Moda</a>, wyświetlą Ci się inne marki z podobną ofertą do sklepów <a href='' target='_blank'>BonPrix</a>.</p>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Czy do oferty na Spodnie damskie Bonprix potrzeba kodu promocyjnego lub rabatowego?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>Dostęp do niektórych promocji lub ofert specjalnych otrzymuje się ze specjalnymi kodami promocyjnymi. Jeśli chcesz się przekonać czy oferta na <a href='' target='_blank'>Spodnie damskie Bonprix</a> wymaga kodu, sprawdź <a href='' target='_blank'>BonPrix gazetka</a> z datą ważności od 07-04-2023 do 14-04-2023 lub przejdź na stronę internetową sklepu <a href='' target='_blank'>BonPrix</a>.</p>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Poza ofertą na Spodnie damskie Bonprix, co sklep BonPrix może mi jeszcze zaproponować?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>Sklep <a href='' target='_blank'>BonPrix</a> zapewnia szeroki wybór promocji.&nbsp;Obserwuj cotygodniowe oferty <a href='' target='_blank'>BonPrix gazetka</a>, żeby wyszukać najlepsze promocje i okazje. Oprócz ofert na <a href='' target='_blank'>Spodnie damskie Bonprix</a> znajdziesz także następujące promocje: <a href='' target='_blank'>Spodnie damskie bonprix</a>, <a href='' target='_blank'>Spodnie damskie bonprix</a> &amp; <a href='' target='_blank'>Spodnie damskie bonprix</a>.</p>"}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Есть ли у Алло Плюс скидка для нового клиента?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Да. Для тех новых клиентов, которые хотят делать покупки в Алло Плюс, не пропустите свое первое специальное предложение. Используйте эксклюзивный промокоды Алло Плюс, чтобы сэкономить на кассе, спешите зайти в, чтобы потратить их!'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Сколько денег я могу сэкономить в Алло Плюс?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'За последний месяц пользователи сэкономили в среднем ₽19, поэтому покупки в Алло Плюс действительно могут значительно сэкономить! Если вы не хотите пропустить какие-либо специальные скидки или рекламные акции на, просто не забудьте регулярно посещать!'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'HowTo', 'name': 'Hoe open je een BDSGROUP-bestand', 'publisher': '', 'description': 'Het niet kunnen openen van bestanden met de extensie BDSGROUP kan verschillende oorzaken hebben. Wat belangrijk is, kunnen alle veelvoorkomende problemen met betrekking tot bestanden met de extensie BDSGROUP door de gebruikers zelf worden opgelost. Het proces is snel en er is geen IT-expert bij betrokken. De onderstaande lijst helpt u bij het oplossen van het probleem.', 'image': '', 'inLanguage': 'nl', 'keywords': 'Bestandsextensie BDSGROUP, , bdsgroup', 'performTime': 'PT10M', 'prepTime': 'PT15M', 'step': {'@type': 'HowToSection', 'name': 'Steps', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToStep', 'position': '1', 'text': 'Verkrijg de Delphi. De belangrijkste en meest voorkomende oorzaak die voorkomt dat gebruikers BDSGROUP-bestanden openen, is dat er geen programma dat BDSGROUP-bestanden aankan, op het systeem van de gebruiker is geïnstalleerd. De oplossing is eenvoudig, download en installeer Delphi. De volledige lijst met programma&#39;s gegroepeerd per besturingssysteem vindt u hierboven. Als u Delphi installatieprogramma op de veiligste manier wilt downloaden, raden wij u aan om de website Embarcadero Technologies, Inc. te bezoeken en te downloaden van hun officiële repositories. '}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'position': '2', 'text': 'Controleer de versie van Delphi en werk deze indien nodig bij. U heeft nog steeds geen toegang tot BDSGROUP-bestanden, hoewel Delphi op uw systeem is geïnstalleerd? Zorg ervoor dat de software up-to-date is. Soms introduceren softwareontwikkelaars nieuwe formaten in plaats van die al worden ondersteund, samen met nieuwere versies van hun toepassingen. Als u een oudere versie van Delphi hebt geïnstalleerd, ondersteunt deze mogelijk de BDSGROUP-indeling niet. De nieuwste versie van Delphi moet alle bestandsindelingen ondersteunen die compatibel zijn met oudere versies van de software.'}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'position': '3', 'text': 'Stel de standaardapplicatie in om BDSGROUP-bestanden te openen naar Delphi. Als het probleem in de vorige stap niet is opgelost, moet u BDSGROUP-bestanden koppelen aan de nieuwste versie van Delphi die u op uw apparaat hebt geïnstalleerd. De volgende stap zou geen problemen moeten opleveren. De procedure is eenvoudig en grotendeels systeemonafhankelijk', 'itemListOrder': '', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'position': '1', 'text': 'Kies het item Openen met in het bestandsmenu dat toegankelijk is door met de rechtermuisknop op het BDSGROUP-bestand te klikken'}, {'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'position': '2', 'text': 'Klik op Kies een andere app en selecteer vervolgens de optie Meer apps'}, {'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'position': '3', 'text': 'De laatste stap is om Een andere app zoeken op deze PC selecteren en het mappad naar de map te sturen waarin Delphi is geïnstalleerd. U hoeft nu alleen nog maar uw keuze te bevestigen door Altijd deze app gebruiken voor het openen van BDSGROUP-bestanden en op OK klikken.'}]}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'position': '4', 'text': 'Zorg ervoor dat het BDSGROUP-bestand compleet is en geen fouten bevat. Als u de instructies uit de vorige stappen hebt gevolgd, maar het probleem is nog steeds niet opgelost, moet u het betreffende BDSGROUP-bestand verifiëren. Het niet kunnen openen van het bestand kan te maken hebben met verschillende problemen.', 'itemListOrder': '', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'position': '1', 'text': 'Controleer het BDSGROUP-bestand op virussen of malware. Als het bestand is geïnfecteerd, probeert de malware die zich in het BDSGROUP-bestand bevindt het te openen. Het wordt aanbevolen om het systeem zo snel mogelijk op virussen en malware te scannen of een online antivirusscanner te gebruiken. BDSGROUP-bestand is besmet met malware? Volg de stappen die worden voorgesteld door uw antivirussoftware.'}, {'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'position': '2', 'text': 'Controleer of het bestand beschadigd of beschadigd is. Als u het problematische BDSGROUP-bestand van een derde hebt verkregen, vraag hen dan om u een ander exemplaar te bezorgen. Het is mogelijk dat het bestand niet correct is gekopieerd naar een gegevensopslag en onvolledig is en daarom niet kan worden geopend. Als het BDSGROUP-bestand slechts gedeeltelijk van internet is gedownload, probeer het dan opnieuw te downloaden.'}, {'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'position': '3', 'text': 'Zorg ervoor dat u over de juiste toegangsrechten beschikt. Sommige bestanden vereisen verhoogde toegangsrechten om ze te openen. Schakel over naar een account met vereiste rechten en probeer het bestand BDS Project Group opnieuw te openen.'}, {'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'position': '4', 'text': 'Controleer of uw systeem kan omgaan met Delphi. De besturingssystemen kunnen voldoende vrije bronnen opmerken om de toepassing uit te voeren die BDSGROUP-bestanden ondersteunt. Sluit alle actieve programma&#39;s en probeer het BDSGROUP-bestand te openen.'}, {'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'position': '5', 'text': 'Zorg ervoor dat u de nieuwste stuurprogramma&#39;s en systeemupdates en -patches hebt geïnstalleerd. De nieuwste versies van programma&#39;s en stuurprogramma&#39;s kunnen u helpen bij het oplossen van problemen met BDS Project Group -bestanden en zorgen voor de beveiliging van uw apparaat en besturingssysteem. Het is mogelijk dat een van de beschikbare systeem- of stuurprogramma-updates de problemen met BDSGROUP-bestanden met betrekking tot oudere versies van bepaalde software oplost.'}]}]}}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'このお店の営業時間は?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<ul><li>毎日 00:00 - 23:59</li></ul> <a href="">もっと見る</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'このお店への行き方は?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '町田駅/ターミナル口/170m, <a href="">もっと見る</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'このお店の口コミは?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'ナイス!, <a href="">もっと見る</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'このお店の人気メニューは', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'セブンスター, <a href="">もっと見る</a>'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': '塞拉費尼住宿加早餐旅館 - 波利尼亞諾濱海區的位置在哪裏?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '塞拉費尼住宿加早餐旅館 - 波利尼亞諾濱海區的位置在Piazza San Benedetto, 6,距離濱海波利尼亞諾市中心0.5公里。 Statue of Domenico Modugno是距離塞拉費尼住宿加早餐旅館 - 波利尼亞諾濱海區最近的地標。 <a href="/%E6%BF%B1%E6%B5%B7%E6%B3%A2%E5%88%A9%E5%B0%BC%E4%BA%9E%E8%AB%BE-%E9%A3%AF%E5%BA%97-%E5%A1%9E%E6%8B%89%E8%B2%BB%E5%B0%BC%E6%B0%91%E5%AE%BF.252096.ksp">立即獲取KAYAK的最新價格!</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '塞拉費尼住宿加早餐旅館 - 波利尼亞諾濱海區的入住時間和退房時間為何時?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '塞拉費尼住宿加早餐旅館 - 波利尼亞諾濱海區的入住時間為15:00,退房時間則為10:30。 <a href="/%E6%BF%B1%E6%B5%B7%E6%B3%A2%E5%88%A9%E5%B0%BC%E4%BA%9E%E8%AB%BE-%E9%A3%AF%E5%BA%97-%E5%A1%9E%E6%8B%89%E8%B2%BB%E5%B0%BC%E6%B0%91%E5%AE%BF.252096.ksp">立即獲取KAYAK的最新價格!</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '塞拉費尼住宿加早餐旅館 - 波利尼亞諾濱海區有免費提供Wi-Fi嗎?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '塞拉費尼住宿加早餐旅館 - 波利尼亞諾濱海區有提供免費Wi-Fi。 <a href="/%E6%BF%B1%E6%B5%B7%E6%B3%A2%E5%88%A9%E5%B0%BC%E4%BA%9E%E8%AB%BE-%E9%A3%AF%E5%BA%97-%E5%A1%9E%E6%8B%89%E8%B2%BB%E5%B0%BC%E6%B0%91%E5%AE%BF.252096.ksp">立即獲取KAYAK的最新價格!</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '塞拉費尼住宿加早餐旅館 - 波利尼亞諾濱海區距離機場多遠?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '塞拉費尼住宿加早餐旅館 - 波利尼亞諾濱海區距離巴里卡羅爾沃伊蒂瓦機場41.4公里。 塞拉費尼住宿加早餐旅館 - 波利尼亞諾濱海區距離布林迪西機場71.8公里。 <a href="/%E6%BF%B1%E6%B5%B7%E6%B3%A2%E5%88%A9%E5%B0%BC%E4%BA%9E%E8%AB%BE-%E9%A3%AF%E5%BA%97-%E5%A1%9E%E6%8B%89%E8%B2%BB%E5%B0%BC%E6%B0%91%E5%AE%BF.252096.ksp">立即獲取KAYAK的最新價格!</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'KAYAK如何找出超值的塞拉費尼住宿加早餐旅館 - 波利尼亞諾濱海區飯店優惠?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'KAYAK會在網上搜尋濱海波利尼亞諾塞拉費尼住宿加早餐旅館 - 波利尼亞諾濱海區所有空房的優惠,並進行比較以幫你找出超值的住宿。不同的旅遊網站會在不同的時間推出塞拉費尼住宿加早餐旅館 - 波利尼亞諾濱海區客房的折扣或優惠,KAYAK 會為你收集眾多旅遊網站的價格。這代表你肯定能找到物超所值的塞拉費尼住宿加早餐旅館 - 波利尼亞諾濱海區優惠。 <a href="/%E6%BF%B1%E6%B5%B7%E6%B3%A2%E5%88%A9%E5%B0%BC%E4%BA%9E%E8%AB%BE-%E9%A3%AF%E5%BA%97-%E5%A1%9E%E6%8B%89%E8%B2%BB%E5%B0%BC%E6%B0%91%E5%AE%BF.252096.ksp">立即獲取KAYAK的最新價格!</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '塞拉費尼住宿加早餐旅館 - 波利尼亞諾濱海區有附設泳池嗎?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '塞拉費尼住宿加早餐旅館 - 波利尼亞諾濱海區有附設泳池。 <a href="/%E6%BF%B1%E6%B5%B7%E6%B3%A2%E5%88%A9%E5%B0%BC%E4%BA%9E%E8%AB%BE-%E9%A3%AF%E5%BA%97-%E5%A1%9E%E6%8B%89%E8%B2%BB%E5%B0%BC%E6%B0%91%E5%AE%BF.252096.ksp">立即獲取KAYAK的最新價格!</a>'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Quanto dista Lucca in Azzurro Maison de Charme da Torre Guinigi?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Lucca in Azzurro Maison de Charme è raggiungibile a piedi (1,7 km) da Torre Guinigi, Lucca.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Lucca in Azzurro Maison de Charme è vicino a Giacomo Puccini Museum?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Giacomo Puccini Museum è un altro luogo gettonato da vedere a Lucca. Dista 1,3 km da Lucca in Azzurro Maison de Charme.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Il prezzo di Lucca in Azzurro Maison de Charme è simile agli altri hotel 3 stelle a Lucca?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "C'è il 33% di differenza tra la tariffa media a notte degli hotel 3 stelle a Lucca e il prezzo medio a notte di Lucca in Azzurro Maison de Charme. Il prezzo di Lucca in Azzurro Maison de Charme è di appena 107\xa0€/notte ed è un'ottima soluzione per soggiornare a Lucca."}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': "Quanto dista Lucca in Azzurro Maison de Charme dall'aeroporto più vicino, Pisa Aeroporto di Pisa-San Giusto?", 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "Con una distanza di 19,3 km tra Lucca in Azzurro Maison de Charme e l'aeroporto più vicino, Pisa Aeroporto di Pisa-San Giusto, il tempo di percorrenza è generalmente di circa 0h 15m in auto, a seconda del traffico. Assicurati di controllare l'andamento del traffico vicino all'hotel e all'aeroporto, dal momento che alcune zone potrebbero essere più trafficate di altre e il tempo di percorrenza stimato potrebbe aumentare."}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Qual è il modo migliore per gli ospiti per arrivare da Pisa Aeroporto di Pisa-San Giusto a Lucca in Azzurro Maison de Charme?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "Per avere più libertà mentre visiti Lucca, puoi considerare di noleggiare un'auto per circa 94\xa0€/giorno e di parcheggiarla presso Lucca in Azzurro Maison de Charme, che offre il posto auto ai propri ospiti. Prendere un taxi o accedere a un servizio di ridesharing dall'aeroporto più vicino, Pisa Aeroporto di Pisa-San Giusto, al tuo hotel spesso è la soluzione di trasporto più conveniente."}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Lucca in Azzurro Maison de Charme ammette gli animali?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Sì. La maggior parte degli animali domestici, come i cani, sono i benvenuti presso Lucca in Azzurro Maison de Charme.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Quanto è vicino Lucca in Azzurro Maison de Charme dal centro di Lucca?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Lucca in Azzurro Maison de Charme dista 1,5 km da Lucca. Prendi in considerazione di visitare Lucca Roman Amphitheatre, un punto di interesse gettonato accessibile da Lucca in Azzurro Maison de Charme con vari mezzi di trasporto.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Qual è il numero di telefono di Lucca in Azzurro Maison de Charme?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "Per domande sull'hotel o sul soggiorno, chiama il numero +39 058 3190 0329."}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Lucca in Azzurro Maison de Charme ha il Wi-Fi?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Sì, Lucca in Azzurro Maison de Charme offre il WiFi ai propri ospiti.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'A che ora è il check-out presso Lucca in Azzurro Maison de Charme?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "Il check-out presso Lucca in Azzurro Maison de Charme è alle 10:30, anche se potrebbe essere possibile posticipare il check-out concordandolo prima con la reception dell'hotel."}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Quanto costa soggiornare presso Lucca in Azzurro Maison de Charme, Lucca?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Attualmente, una buona offerta presso Lucca in Azzurro Maison de Charme è compresa tra 83\xa0€ e 107\xa0€ a notte. I prezzi variano a seconda delle date e della tipologia di camera, quindi inserisci i tuoi requisiti <a href="#rooms">nel modulo qui sopra</a> per vedere le migliori offerte disponibili in questo momento.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Lucca in Azzurro Maison de Charme dispone di un servizio lavanderia?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Presso Lucca in Azzurro Maison de Charme è presente un servizio lavanderia a disposizione degli ospiti.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Wer schärft Kreissägeblätter?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Man kann Kreissägeblätter in einer Schärferei, in einem Online-Schärfdienst, in einer Schreinerei oder beim Tischler und sogar in jedem Baumarkt schärfen lassen. Wenn ordentlich und vorsichtig gearbeitet wird, kann man ein Kreissägeblatt per Anleitung auch selber schärfen. Aus Sicherheitsgründen ist es jedoch nicht ratsam. Sinnvoller ist es, die Sägeblätter bei einem Experten schärfen zu lassen.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Wer schleift Kreissägeblätter?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'In einer Werkzeugschleiferei kann ein Kreissägeblatt geschliffen werden. Selbst sollte man es eher nicht schleifen, da viel falsch gemacht werden kann und das Kreissägeblatt nicht mehr so scharf ist wie vorher. Die Zähne könnten unterschiedliche Höhen bekommen beim Schärfen und die Sägearbeit würde kein sauberes Ergebnis mehr erzielen.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Wer hat die Kreissäge erfunden?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Die Kreissäge wurde 1833 von dem französischen Orgelbauer Aristide Cavaillé-Coll erfunden.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Kreissägeblatt wie rum?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Ein Kreissägeblatt immer mit den Sägezähnen nach vorne gerichtet einspannen. Die Zahnung sollte in die richtige Richtung verlaufen, sofern es eine Richtung enthält.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Kreissäge wie lange?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Lärmschutz wird in den Kommunen direkt geregelt. Da sollte man sich in dem Ort bzw. in der Stadt, wo mit der Kreissäge gearbeitet wird, informieren.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Wie mit Kreissäge gerade sägen?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Mit einer Führungsschiene, das an beiden Enden des Werkstücks befestigt wird, kann ein gerader Schnitt gewährleistet werden. Für einen geraden und sauberen Schnitt ist es auch wichtig, das richtige Sägeblatt zu verwenden. Hierbei spielt das zu verarbeitende Material und die erwünschte Schnitttiefe eine Rolle.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Wie funktioniert Kreissäge?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Eine Kreissäge wird entweder durch Drehstrommotoren, frequenzgesteuerten Motoren oder durch flache Motoren direkt angetrieben.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Wie schärft man Kreissägeblätter?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Ein normales Kreissägeblatt kann man einfach selbst schärfen, wenn man Erfahrung darin hat. Dazu muss zuerst das Kreissägeblatt von der Säge entfernt werden. Mit Hilfe eines Ringschlüssels wird die Befestigungsmutter gelöst. Als zweiter Schritt wird das Kreissägeblatt mit einer Schraubzwinge z. B. auf einer Werkbank fest gemacht. Mit einer Flachfeile werden zuerst alle Zähne abgerichtet. D. h. sie werden wieder alle in eine Höhe gebracht. Nachdem Vorgang werden die Zähne wieder geformt und abschließend weiterhin mit der Flachfeile geschärft.\r\n\r\nDabei muss darauf geachtet werden, dass max. 3 – 4 Feilenhiebe über jeden einzelnen Zahn getätigt und die Feile genau waagrecht entlang der Schneiden geführt wird. Bitte beachten Sie auch, dass zuerst die linken und dann die rechten Zähne geschärft werden. Zum Schluss wird das Sägeblatt wieder montiert und die Befestigungsmutter kräftig angezogen.\r\n\r\nDiese Methode ist jedoch nicht bei allen Kreissägeblätttern anwendbar. Bei einem Hartmetall muss die Schärfung mit einem Schärfgerät vorgenommen werden und nicht mit einer Feile.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Geben die Lithium-Ionen-Akkus auch ausreichend Kraft?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Die modernen Lithium-Ionen-Akkus haben die erhebliche Kapazität von 3 Amperestunden. Sie bieten die Sicherheit für eine ausreichende Energiedichte und Dauerhaftigkeit. Im Lieferungsumfang sind gleich zwei Akkus neben dem Ladegerät DC18RA enthalten. So ist es Ihnen möglich bei Bedarf, im schnellen Wechsel zu arbeiten. Der Motor erreicht größtmögliche 3.700 Umdrehungen. Im Vergleich zu Konkurrenz Produkten ist das nicht die flotteste Umdrehung. Reicht aber völlig aus, um mit dem Hartmetall-Sägeblatt exakte Schnitte zustande zu bringen.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Was kostet Kreissägeblatt schärfen?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Die Kosten sind von Unternehmen zu Unternehmen unterschiedlich gestaltet. Die Preise bewegen sich zwischen 5,- und 30,- Euro je nach Durchmesser oder Zähnezahl des Kreissägeblattes. Auch gibt es Angebote wo z. B. pro Zahn abgerechnet wird. Hier kann man mit 0,20 € pro Zahn rechnen.\r\n'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What ingredients do I need to make the Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Recipe?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "This Oatmeal Raisin Cookie cocktail recipe is made with: Jagermeister&reg; herbal liqueur, Goldschlager&reg; cinnamon schnapps, Bacardi&reg; 151 rum, Kahlua&reg; coffee liqueur, Bailey's&reg; Irish cream."}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How long does it take to mix the Oatmeal Raisin Cookie?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "Oatmeal Raisin Cookie only has a few ingredients, as with any other cocktail recipe, so it's pretty quick and easy to make and mix."}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Is Oatmeal Raisin Cookie a great cocktail?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "Oatmeal Raisin Cookie is a team's favorite. This is one of the best variations of this drink, it's a cocktail that's a favorite of 40 other cocktail lovers. Be sure to check out the other variations as well."}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How much are Michelle Obama Save On Foods Memorial Centre tickets?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '$387.00 is the lowest price you’ll pay for your Michelle Obama tickets. These affordable Michelle Obama tickets are often for seats located away from the stage. A premium Michelle Obama floor seat can cost you as high as $4230.00. $341.00 is usually the average price you’ll pay to attend a Michelle Obama Save On Foods Memorial Centre concert.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Are Michelle Obama tickets sold out?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Right now, fans will find 3104 Michelle Obama tickets 2070 available on TixBag. Get your Michelle Obama 07:00 pmtickets now for the upcoming live performance in Victoria.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Is Michelle Obama touring in Victoria in 2070?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Watch Michelle Obama live at Save On Foods Memorial Centre for the Michelle Obama 2070 tour.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Where is Michelle Obama performing in Victoria?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Michelle Obama 2070 concert is taking place at Save On Foods Memorial Centre at Victoria, BC.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'When is Michelle Obama performing at Save On Foods Memorial Centre?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Michelle Obama next live concert in Victoria is playing on Monday Mar 31 2070 07:00 pm.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How many days until Michelle Obama concert at Save On Foods Memorial Centre?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The next Michelle Obama concert playing at Save On Foods Memorial Centre in Victoria, BC is taking place in 245 days.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': '常見問題', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'name': '常見問題', 'text': '<a href=>常見問題參考連結</a>'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How can I track my order?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Click here to track your order using your email address & login password Click here to track your order using your order number and shipping zip code'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': "Why haven't I received my order yet?", 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'You can track your order anytime by following the instructions above. Majority of our orders are shipped via USPS Priority service which will be delivered within 2 to 3 business days in continental United States.<p>In order to keep our cost low or ensure delivery of your product we may ship orders via USPS first class or UPS ground. These non Priority packages are delivered within 3-7 business days (do not include Saturday & Sunday) after the order is placed.</p><p>If you have waited more than 7 business days for your order to arrive, please contact our customer service department and ask them to track the order for you.</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Why there is no phone number on your website?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'To keep our cost low so we can offer low prices to our valued customers, we encourage our customers to use this FAQ and contact us via Email. We are committed to answering emails within 48 hours.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': "Why haven't I received an email confirming my order?", 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'When your order has successfully processed, you will see an order confirmation number on the receipt page.<p>This number, which is also emailed to you when your order is placed, confirms that your order has been processed successfully. If you did not receive an order confirmation, please contact one of our customer service reps who will confirm that your order was successfully placed with us and if not, assist you in completing your order. Please include a call back number and the best time to reach you. If you never received a confirmation email from us, please check your spam filters or with your ISP (internet service provider), to ensure that you are allowing emails from our website.</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'My inkjet or toner doesn’t work. What do I do now?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Here are some tips for you to try before contacting our customer service center. After you have tried all of the following, and your inkjet/toner cartridge still doesn’t work, please contact us via email at [email protected] we will help you to exchange the product in question. In addition to contacting our customer service center, please visit our Customer Service page.<p>Some important notes: Please ensure to remove the protective clip and/or the tape over the print head prior to installing the ink cartridge into your printer. After installing the cartridge, run up to three (3) print head cleaning cycles (see your printer manual or help). This keeps the nozzles clean and ensures optimal print quality.</p><p>To improve print quality, place the ink cartridge print-head on a moistened towel with warm water for 1-2 minutes only and then on a dry paper towel, repeat process 2-3 times until ink begins to flow. Low ink or out of ink error messages, your replacement cartridge is filled to maximum capacity. The ink level indicator window may prompt cartridge as empty or low, please ignore & close the message window. Printer does not recognize cartridge, ignore this message and attempt to print using your replacement cartridge. If the error message persists, clean the contacts inside your printer with a lint-free cloth or towel, use of alcohol is recommended. Reinstall the cartridge and attempt to print.</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Why does my order show that it is cancelled?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Occasionally, orders are cancelled within our system. If your order is canceled for any reason, you will receive an email notifying you of the cancellation. Some of the reasons for cancellation include: - Items not available or out of stock - Difficulty in processing your payment information - Cannot ship to address provided - Duplicate order was placed - Cancelled due to customer request, prior to shipping - Unable to verify an order,<p>In most cases, we will make an attempt to contact you before canceling your order.</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What if my package is lost?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'If you have not received your order within 15 business days from the day your order was shipped, please contact our customer service center. We will provide you with a USPS claim form, and once the claim form is completed and returned to us, we can reship or refund your order.<p>Please make sure to check with your local USPS and apartment management to ensure your package has not been delivered to a different unit in your apartment complex. We are not responsible for lost or stolen packages within apartment complex.</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How do I find ink for my printer?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'You can search for your ink either by product name or by the type of printer you have. Using the navigation tabs at the top of the site, click on the type of ink or printer that you are looking for and then choose the brand. Then choose the type of printer you have, or use the pull-down menu on the right to choose the model number of the cartridge or toner you want.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': ' I need expedited delivery; how do I do request that?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Expedited delivery is available upon request, assuming the product is in stock. If you would like to expedite your order, please email [email protected] we will help do our best to get your order expedited. Extra fees will apply and there are no guarantees as your order will be expedited until customer service member has confirmed your request.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How do I pay for my order?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'After you have chosen the items you wish to purchase, click the blue Checkout button. This will lead you to our secure checkout page. Here you will be asked for your billing and shipping and payment information. - Visa - MasterCard - American Express - Discover - Paypal and Paypal eCheck - Debit Cards with Visa or MasterCard logos Sorry we do not except check or money orders'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How can I receive coupon codes?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'You can receive a coupon code by signing up for our newsletter. When you create an account, you will automatically enter to receive our newsletter. Each month, our marketing department will contact you with a new coupon code that you can use for additional order savings, free shipping, and other great offers.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What can I do if I ordered the wrong cartridges?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "If you realize immediately that your order is incorrect, please place another order for the correct cartridges and email our customer service center at [email protected] that you need to cancel the incorrect order.<p>If the product hasn't already shipped, we will cancel the incorrect order and ship your correct order only. If your order has shipped, or you receive your order and realize you ordered the wrong product, please contact our customer service center at [email protected] to make arrangements to return the incorrect order/cartridges back to us. Please make sure to place a separate order for the correct cartridges, we will take care of your incorrect order regardless.</p>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What can I do if I received the wrong cartridges or some else’s order?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Please contact us at [email protected] with your order number. We will take care of your exchange immediately and ensure that you are 100% satisfied with your purchase. Please review our Return Policy for further information.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'My inkjet or toner doesn’t work. What do I do now?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Here are some tips for you to try before contacting our customer service center. After you have tried all of the following, and your inkjet/toner cartridge still doesn’t work, please contact us via email at [email protected] we will help you to exchange the product in question. In addition to contacting our customer service center, please visit our Customer Service page.<p>Some important notes: Please ensure to remove the protective clip and/or the tape over the print head prior to installing the ink cartridge into your printer. After installing the cartridge, run up to three (3) print head cleaning cycles (see your printer manual or help). This keeps the nozzles clean and ensures optimal print quality.</p><p>To improve print quality, place the ink cartridge print-head on a moistened towel with warm water for 1-2 minutes only and then on a dry paper towel, repeat process 2-3 times until ink begins to flow. Low ink or out of ink error messages, your replacement cartridge is filled to maximum capacity. The ink level indicator window may prompt cartridge as empty or low, please ignore & close the message window. Printer does not recognize cartridge, ignore this message and attempt to print using your replacement cartridge. If the error message persists, clean the contacts inside your printer with a lint-free cloth or towel, use of alcohol is recommended. Reinstall the cartridge and attempt to print.</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How do I receive a return authorization (RMA)?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'In order to receive an RMA, please contact our customer service center at [email protected]. One of our representatives will be happy to initiate the process for you. Returning your product without first obtaining an RA from us may cause a delay in processing your return and issuing any refunds. '}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': '希望エリアで正社員の求人を絞り込むことはできますか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>もちろん可能です!以下がよく見られています。</p><ul class='hope_area'><li><a href='' class='ex_conditions_link'><b>正社員 × 保育士 × 千葉市</b></a></li><li><a href='' class='ex_conditions_link'><b>正社員 × 保育士 × 市川市</b></a></li><li><a href='' class='ex_conditions_link'><b>正社員 × 保育士 × 船橋市</b></a></li></ul><br><p>その他のエリアで絞り込みをしたい方は、<a href=''><b>こちら</b></a>をご覧ください。</p>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '千葉県の保育士の平均月給はどれくらいですか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>掲載中の千葉県の最高月給は<b>33万円</b>です。平均月給は<b>20.7万円</b>です。<br><br>給与や待遇などの交渉も保育のお仕事にお任せください。</p><p>まずは<a href=''><b>こちらのフォーム</b></a>からご登録ください。</p>"}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'name': 'Is Aris Grand-Place Hotel pet-friendly? ', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "Yes, Aris Grand-Place Hotel allows cats and dogs with a maximum weight of up to 22 lbs per pet. There's a fee of EUR 25 per pet, per night. Service animals are exempt from fees. "}}, {'name': 'How much does it cost to stay at Aris Grand-Place Hotel?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "As of Apr 9, 2023, prices found for a 1-night stay for 2 adults at Aris Grand-Place Hotel on May 7, 2023 start from $125.51, excluding taxes and fees. This price is based on the lowest nightly price found in the last 24 hours for stays in the next 30 days. Prices are subject to change. <a href=''>Choose your dates</a> for more accurate prices."}}, {'name': 'How much is parking at Aris Grand-Place Hotel? ', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "This property doesn't offer parking. "}}, {'name': 'What time is check-in at Aris Grand-Place Hotel? ', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Check-in is from 3:00 PM - anytime. '}}, {'name': 'What time is check-out at Aris Grand-Place Hotel? ', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Check-out is at 11 AM. '}}, {'name': 'Where is Aris Grand-Place Hotel located? ', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Located in Lower Town, this hotel is steps from Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert and La Grand Place. Brussels City Hall and Rue des Bouchers are also within 5 minutes. Central Station is only a 4-minute walk and Bourse-Beurs Station is 5 minutes. '}}, {'name': 'Can I cancel my reservation for free at Aris Grand-Place Hotel and receive a full refund? ', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Yes, Aris Grand-Place Hotel offers free cancellation on select room rates, because flexibility matters! Please refer to Aris Grand-Place Hotel cancellation policy on our site for more details about any exclusions or requirements. '}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Hvad koster et hotel i Heraklion?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'I gennemsnit koster værelser omkring 555\xa0kr. pr. nat, når man booker et hotel i Heraklion; dog vil prisen, du betaler for dit værelse, variere afhængig af sæsonen, placeringen og faciliteterne. <a href="">Find hoteltilbud i Heraklion på momondo</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Hvornår er det bedste tidspunkt at booke et hotel i Heraklion?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Værelsespriser for hoteller i Heraklion kan være helt op til 61% lavere i april, så det er et godt tidspunkt at booke og spare penge. <a href="">Find hoteltilbud i Heraklion på momondo</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Hvilken dag er den billigste at bo i Heraklion?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'søndag er den billigste dag at bo på hotel i Heraklion, og mandag er den dyreste. <a href="">Find hoteltilbud i Heraklion på momondo</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Hvad koster et hotel i Heraklion?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Hoteller i Heraklion (inklusive hoteller med 2 stjerner og derunder) koster i gennemsnit 161\xa0kr. pr. person pr. nat. Det er 468\xa0kr. billigere end den gennemsnitlige pris på hoteller i Heraklion pr. nat.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Har Heraklion ferieboliger?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "Der er 1.182 ferieboliger i Heraklion, og George Airport Apartments er den mest populære blandt momondos brugere. Find tilbud på <a href='/hoteller/iraklio-vacation-rentals-44123.ksp'>ferieboliger i Heraklion</a>."}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How do I start using', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'To get started, you must first click the “REGISTER” button at the top right corner, or click “Premium Services” from the toolbar along the top if you are purchasing bulk services such as Followers, Likes, Views and Comments. You are then required to Log into and Register in our BuyRealFollows Members Area. To do this you simply enter your Instagram Username, Email address, and create a password. Then click on the “Create Account” button. Shortly after you will be sent a verification email to your email address. Simply open and verify the email. You may choose our Free Plans which allow you to activate every 12 hours, or our Paid Plans that require you to simply set it up once and you are done. Please Note: We do not obtain your login information or have ANY access to your Instagram account. You are NOT required to provide any password you use for your Instagram account. You ARE required to keep your account Public in order to use our services though.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Is safe to use?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Of Course! We are a safe and trusted service client all over the world, and growing. Your privacy and security is our #1 priority, which is why we have developed very strong coding and safe guarded the website using 256-bit encryption. We can’t say the same for other websites. It is very important you purchase these services from a reputable provider. We have been providing these services since 2018 and we are experts in the Industry. Remember, many times you get what you paid for, so if you see services that are so cheap you are likely going to get something that isn’t safe for your profile. We DO NOT require your Instagram Password, and do not have any access to your Instagram account.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Do You get access to my Accounts login information?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'ABSOLUTELY NOT! When you sign up for our service we do not ask for your Instagram, YouTube, Spotify password, or require any of your login information. We simply need your username to identify where to send the services to. Nothing more! We DO NOT have any control over your account. We CANNOT make your account Follow, Like or Comment on any other profiles.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How do I cancel my Paid Subscription?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'When you purchase our monthly subscription plans you will be automatically billed on the same day of each month. Hence, charges happen automatically. If at some point you no longer need your BuyRealFollows subscription, you can cancel it by logging into our Members Area and clicking on the Settings section where you will be able to cancel your payment. If you are having any difficulties simply send us a quick email and we can also complete your request.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'When will I receive my order?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'All orders will be delivered within 24-72 hours of your purchase time. Usually, your order will begin shortly after you have completed payment, but depending on the quantity of the services you ordered, it may be spread out over the 24-72 hour time frame to ensure full delivery.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Will these services get me banned?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Absolutely not! We provide Social Marketing services in the utmost safest manner that constantly changes with updates made by the Social Media Network. We can’t say the same for other websites. It is very important you purchase these services from a reputable provider. We have been providing these services since 2018 and we are experts in the Industry. Remember, many times you get what you paid for, so if you see services that are so cheap you are likely going to get something that isn’t safe for your profile.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Will I get a refill if my followers drop off?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Definitely! Refill is 100% guaranteed. If your bought followers unfollow you, that isn’t under our control. But we will make sure that doesn’t happen. Even if that happens, we will make sure to send you a refill super fast.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Is my order active?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Almost all subscription based orders are activated immediately upon checkout. Please note your order will stay at ‘processing’ until all your posts are used up or until your order is fully delivered. Upon completion the order status will change to ‘completed’. For real services including REAL auto likes &amp; REAL comments, please note that these cannot be delivered instantly as these are not bot based services.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Do you do custom orders?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Yes, we do custom orders. However, we cannot do custom orders for quantities lower than those mentioned on our site. For each service, the lowest quantity that you see on our site is what we can technically do. Lower than those is not possible. For a higher quantity order, in most cases, we can help with those. And for everything else related to social media and PR – we would love to hear your requirements.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Will my subscription auto-renew?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'No. Our subscriptions do not renew automatically as these are not monthly subscriptions and instead based on posts. Whenever your order is exhausted or expired, you will get an automated email from our site informing you of the same. At such a point you can always buy the service again from our site.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Will my subscription expire?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Our subscriptions do not require monthly renewal. Orders last for as long as your posts are remaining in the plan or until 180 days, whichever comes first. Once 180 days have crossed from the date of the order for the subscription, the order will automatically be closed and marked as complete. Please note that the 6 month validity applies to all subscriptions and certain subscriptions may have shorter validity as mentioned on service pages.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What payment options do I have?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'On our checkout page you will find two payment methods. Primary (default) payment method allows you to checkout using any Visa or MasterCard credit or debit card. Simply fill in the details and place the order. Our secondary payment method named PayOp gives users to choose from dozens of payment options including EPS, Skrill, Union Pay, PayTM and many more. Unfortunately we do not accept American Express and Discover cards at the moment.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'My payment was declined, what do I do now?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'When a credit card is declined, our leading recommendation is to contact your bank for further assistance as they may have more insight into what may be causing the issue. All our transactions are 3DS secured, which may require you to verify ownership of card via OTP from your bank. If you have no luck resolving the issue with your banking institution, please contact our friendly support team at [email protected]'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Do you accept PayPal?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Yes our site supports PayPal. You can also use any Visa or MasterCard credit or debit card on our site. Additionally, you also have the option to checkout with over numerous payment methods including EPS, Union Pay and BitPay among others. In case of orders exceeding $5000 you can also request for bank wire payment method details.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How long does a refund take?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Most refunds take no longer than 2-3 business days. However, the speed of refunds depend a lot on your bank delays. In case a refund is not received within a maximum of 5 business days you can always contact us for further assistance via [email protected].'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': "The average car rental duration in 2023 is 6 days. <a href='' >Search car rental in Bilbao</a>", 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The average car rental duration in 2023 is 6 days.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': "Currently the most booked car rental in Bilbao is MINI. <a href='' >Search car rental in Bilbao</a>", 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Currently the most booked car rental in Bilbao is MINI.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': "The average car rental price was last month 217 USD. <a href='' >Search car rental in Bilbao</a>", 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The average car rental price was last month 217 USD.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': "The average rental price last month was 35 USD per day. <a href='' >Search car rental in Bilbao</a>", 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The average rental price last month was 35 USD per day.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': "The available car rental companies in Bilbao are: Alamo, goldcar, National, surprice, Enterprise, Green Motion, Firefly, OK Mobility, carnect, Acarent, Keygo rent, Canarias Rent a car, Cicar, Marbella Rent a Car, etc… <a href='' >Search car rental in Bilbao</a>", 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The available car rental companies in Bilbao are: Alamo, goldcar, National, surprice, Enterprise, Green Motion, Firefly, OK Mobility, carnect, Acarent, Keygo rent, Canarias Rent a car, Cicar, Marbella Rent a Car, etc…'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What was the average car rental length for Bilbao in the month April.', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "\r\nIn the month April, The average car rental length in Bilbao was 6 days. <a href='' >Search car rental in Bilbao</a>"}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What are the different types of human resource courses and programs offered by schools and universities?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Students interested in the human resource aspect of businesses and organizations can always specialize in this field and begin a bright career in this area. Generally, schools offer human resource courses as a part of their degree program; students can major in human resource management and attain a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree, doctorate degree, or an associate degree. Human resource management can be chosen as a concentration core or a specialization courses.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Can you tell me about the various skills I can learn with BSBA in human resources course?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Human resource skills come with both education and experience. If you are going for BSBA in human resources course, you will get to know about various skills essential in the human resource profession. These important skills and personal qualities include outstanding communication, tactfulness, negotiation skills, problem solving ability, teamwork, quantitative skills, and a strategic mindset.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'I would like to know what kinds of subjects I will study in online human resources courses?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'An online course in human resource management will help you learn about various HR strategies and policies used in modern organizations. You will cover a wide range of subjects that will teach you how to effectively apply training and assessment techniques, create job descriptions and recruit employees, manage organizational training and also develop employee benefit programs.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'I wish to go for the human resources courses online. Can you tell me the major benefits?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'If you wish to go for the human resources courses online, you will have a number of benefits that are not offered in the traditional on campus education. Online programs are a lot more convenient and flexible compared to the on campus programs, as students can study at their own pace and at the time that suits them best. They are also cost effective as there are no additional costs such as travelling and textbooks, most of the course material is available online. '}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'I wish to take HR classes online. What kind of skills can I expect to learn?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'With HR classes online, you can learn some management and technical skills that are essential for the human resource practitioners to succeed in their career. Human resource professionals require strong communication and negotiation skills, analytical skills, quantitative ability, interpersonal skills, planning and coordination skills, problem solving, and time management skills.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'I came across the recruitment and selection course in the online HR courses. Can you tell me what is it about?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Recruitment and selection are one of the major functions of human resource management. Online HR courses offering recruitment and selection course will cover the process of how organizations attract a pool of employees and how they go through the short listing and interviewing to bring the employees on board. This course covers all the steps in the process, enabling students to know many different ways of conducting the function effectively. '}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'I came across the compensation management course in the human resources online courses. Can you tell me what is it about?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Compensation is a major function of the human resource management. The compensation management course offered in the human resources online courses will enable you to learn how to strategically use compensation in order to meet the goals and objectives of the organization. Compensation is a tricky function and must be handled effectively in order to attract, retain, and motivate the employees of the organization. '}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What are the different learning resources used in the human resources classes online?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The human resources classes online use a number of learning aides and resources in order to enhance the concepts and retention of students. These resources include video lectures, PowerPoint slides, discussion threads, online readings, practice exercises with solutions, and case studies. With the help of these learning resources, students can revise the course material, clarify their concepts, and retain the important points. '}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What will I learn in the fundamentals of human resource management course offered in the HR courses online?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Fundamentals of human resource management course offered in the HR courses online, is an introductory course of HR, which focuses on the basics of human resource management and its various functions. It defines what the human resource management is about, what the activities in each function are, and what the roles of human resource personnel are in an organization. '}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How many guests can Oakleigh House (Macclesfield Masonic Hall) hold for a party?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<em>We understand that Oakleigh House (Macclesfield Masonic Hall) can seat 120 guests for a sit-down meal and likely more people for a party with a buffet or drinks only</em>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Is there any parking at Oakleigh House (Macclesfield Masonic Hall)?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<em>There is parking for around 45 cars at or adjacent to Oakleigh House (Macclesfield Masonic Hall)</em>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Does Oakleigh House (Macclesfield Masonic Hall) offer catering for events?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<em>We are advised that TABLE SERVICE style catering is available at Oakleigh House (Macclesfield Masonic Hall)</em>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Is there a bar at Oakleigh House (Macclesfield Masonic Hall)?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<em>A CASH BAR is available when you hire Oakleigh House (Macclesfield Masonic Hall) for a party or function, serving a range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks for your guests</em>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Is Oakleigh House (Macclesfield Masonic Hall) disability friendly?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<em>We are told that Oakleigh House (Macclesfield Masonic Hall) is wheelchair accessible and offers at least basic disabled facilities such as washrooms</em>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Is Oakleigh House (Macclesfield Masonic Hall) suitable for a Wedding Reception?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<em>YES! At we regularly handle enquiries for mobile discos, photobooths, dancefloors, giant light-up letters and many more services for clients holding their wedding at Oakleigh House (Macclesfield Masonic Hall)<br><br>A wedding or civil partnership reception was held at Oakleigh House (Macclesfield Masonic Hall) in Macclesfield in April 2013 for 70 guests</em>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Is Oakleigh House (Macclesfield Masonic Hall) suitable for a Private Function?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<em>YES! has recently received enquiries for catering, photography, DJs, dancefloors, giant light-up letters and other entertainment services for clients holding birthday parties, anniversaries, engagements etc. at Oakleigh House (Macclesfield Masonic Hall)</em>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Can I hold a Children&apos;s Party at Oakleigh House (Macclesfield Masonic Hall)?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<em>YES! At we frequently see enquiries for children&apos;s entertainers, DJs, party food, mascots and other entertainment services for kids&apos; birthday parties, school discos and proms etc. at Oakleigh House (Macclesfield Masonic Hall)</em>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Does Oakleigh House (Macclesfield Masonic Hall) accept 18th/21st Birthday Parties?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<em>Oakleigh House (Macclesfield Masonic Hall) HAS accepted 18th-21st parties in the past, however you will need to check that this remains the case, and there may be special security arrangements that you would need to discuss with the venue directly</em>'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Hogyan működik a 4+1 ingyen ajánlat?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'A &amp;quot;4+1 ingyen&amp;quot; sárga matrica azokat a termékeket jelöli, amelyekre ez az ajánlat vonatkozik.\r\n\r\nRöviden - ha legalább 5 tetszőleges terméket ad hozzá ezzel a matricával a kosarába, az e-bolt automatikusan kedvezményt ad Önnek e termékek egyikének értékében.\r\n\r\nEnnek eredményeként 5 terméket kap 4 =&amp;gt; 4 + 1 áron ingyen.\r\n\r\nRészletesebb információk és példák &amp;gt;&amp;gt;&amp;gt;'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Mikor lesz kézbesítve a megrendelésem?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Ha most elküldi megrendelését, feltételezzük, hogy elküldjük Önnek a második munkanapon.\r\n\r\nA csomagot általában a következő munkanapon szállítják ki.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Hogyan választhatom ki a méretem?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'A mérettáblázat a termékek méreteit mutatja, mintha az asztalra helyezték volna őket. A C méret a szélesség. A kerület tehát kettős.\r\n\r\nMéretét akkor választhatja ki a legpontosabban, ha megmér egy hasonló terméket (például egy pólót), amely már van otthon, és a mérettáblázatunk szerint kiválasztja a megfelelő méretet.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Hogyan kapom meg a megrendelést?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Kétféle módon lehet elküldeni megrendelését:\r\n\r\n1) megrendelését futárral küldjük el, aki közvetlenül az Ön címére kézbesíti.\r\n\r\n2) elküldjük megrendelését a Packeta átvételi pontra. Ott vár rád, és a számodra legmegfelelőbb időben veheti át.\r\n\r\nTovábbi információk a szállításról és a fizetésekről'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Hogy tudok fizetni?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'A megrendelés kifizetéséhez az alábbi módszerek közül választhat:\r\n\r\n1) utánvéttel - akkor kell fizetnie a megrendelésért, amikor azt kézbesítik\r\n\r\n2) online fizetés\r\n\r\n2.1) fizetési kártya a GoPay gateway-en keresztül (VISA, MasterCard)\r\n2.2) klasszikus banki átutalás számlánkra\r\n2.3) PayPal\r\n\r\nTovábbi információ a fizetési és szállítási lehetőségekről &amp;gt;&amp;gt;&amp;gt;'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', '@id': '', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Berapa Kode Transfer BCA ke BNI?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Kodenya adalah 009. Silahkan memasukan kode bank BNI tersebut saat transfer lewat ATM. '}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Berapa Biaya Transfer BCA ke BNI?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Setiap transaksi akan dikenakan biaya sebesar Rp. 6.500'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Berapa Maksimal Transfer Bank BNI ke Bank BNI?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Limit maksimal adalah sebesar Rp. 25 Juta. Namun besaran limit tergantung dari rekening BCA yang dimiliki.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Bagaimana Cara Transfer BCA ke BNI?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Transfer ke bank BNI bisa dilakukan lewat ATM, Mobile Banking, dan Internet Banking'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'はじめての参加ですが大丈夫ですか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'はい、もちろん大歓迎です!!\u3000新しい方が来て繋がりが広げる事も「札幌で飲もう!」の目的の一つですので^^\u3000是非ご参加下さいませ♪♪'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '一人参加ですが大丈夫ですか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'はい、こちらも大歓迎です!!\u3000当ページの参加者の方々は皆とても気さくで人が良い方ばかりです♪\u3000すぐに打ち解けられると思いますよ^^はじめての参加者同士は話が合うと思いますので、そこから仲良くなるのもいいと思います。'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '人見知りなんですが。。。大丈夫でしょうか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'この質問が実は一番多いです。実際に、はい大丈夫ですよ!と言葉でお伝えしても不安の気持ちというのは、会場のドアを開ける瞬間まで無くなることはないでしょう。でも、人間の7~8割は基本人見知りですよ^^大丈夫かどうか、是非勇気を出して参加してご自身で体感してみて下さい。自ら動かない事には変わりません!!勇気ある一歩を踏む場として当ページのイベントを選んで頂いた方へは感謝の気持ちとともに、できる限り打ち解けて楽しめるようご協力致します。当BARのイベントが皆さんにとって楽しく有益な場になるよう願っています。'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'お酒は飲めなくてもいいですか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'はい、大丈夫ですっ! お酒が飲めなくても飲み会の雰囲気が好きという方であれば一緒に楽しめますよっ♪♪是非、ご参加下さい^^お酒の強要は禁止です。'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '申し込みのキャンセルは可能ですか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'はい、もちろん可能です。基本キャンセル料は頂いていませんが、何度もドタキャンをしたり、キャンセルの内容があまりにも悪質の場合は料金の請求または今後のご参加をお断りする可能性があります。但し、業者とのコラボで単独主催でない場合や、飲食店への予約の条件等によっては、キャンセル料金を発生させる場合もございますのでご了承下さいませ。お互いの信頼関係で成り立っている活動だと思っていますので、やむ負えない場合以外はできるだけ当日のキャンセルはご遠慮頂きまようお願い致します。'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'name': 'Am I able to catch a flight from Killeen to Colorado Springs now?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>The <a href="">Covid-19 Travel Advisor</a> can help you with questions about current travel restrictions and quarantine requirements when taking a flight from Killeen to Colorado Springs.</p>'}}, {'name': 'Are there non-stop flights from Killeen to Colorado Springs?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>Yes, if you're cruising the skies from Austin-Bergstrom Intl. Airport (AUS) to Denver Intl. Airport (DEN), you'll only have one flight number to keep in mind. There are 3 airlines that offer direct services to pick from. Here are a few of the best:</p><p><ul><li>Southwest Airlines</li><li>United Airlines</li><li>Frontier Airlines</li></ul></p>"}}, {'name': 'What is the shortest flight from Killeen to Colorado Springs?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Leave that epic movie for your hotel room, because the trip from Killeen to Colorado Springs can take as little as 2 hours and 50 minutes.</p>'}}, {'name': 'What airlines fly from Killeen to Colorado Springs most frequently?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>There are two airlines offering the most frequent flights from Austin–Bergstrom International Airport to Denver Intl. Airport (DEN), including Southwest Airlines (WN). The preferred choice of many travelers, it operates 169 flights on this route every month. United Airlines (UA) will also take you to your destination in comfort and style. Offering 152 monthly flights between Killeen and Colorado Springs, it's another quality airline to look into.</p>"}}, {'name': 'If I am not able to travel due to COVID-19, can I cancel my flight to Colorado Springs?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>We get that traveling right now has its challenges, so it\'s good to know that many reservations booked through us are able to be cancelled or changed. If your travel plans to Colorado Springs have been affected by COVID-19, a lot of airlines are making things easier by offering credits to use at a later date. Just sign in to your account and you\'ll quickly see what options are available. Our <a href="">Customer Service Portal</a> is the place to go for more information.</p>'}}, {'name': 'Are there flights to Colorado Springs with flexible change policies?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>In most cases you\'ll have the option to reschedule your flight to Colorado Springs without a change fee. All you have to do then is pay the difference between the old flight and the new one. Look for the "no change fees" filter and book with confidence.</p>'}}, {'name': 'What is the cheapest day of the week to fly?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Consider flying out early in the week to save on your airfare. Orbitz data from 2021 shows that Monday is the cheapest day to depart, followed by Tuesday. Saturday showed the highest average ticket prices likely because many travelers prefer to start their vacation on a weekend.</p>'}}, {'name': 'What is the cheapest month to fly?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>We won't keep you guessing, according to Orbitz data from 2021, the cheapest month to fly is February. Perfect for those who need a weekend getaway, or just a break from it all in the shortest month of the year. Be aware that the most expensive time to fly is during the height of summer in July, and in the holiday month of December.</p><p><i>*According to flight demand on from January to December 2021. Savings are subject to change based on departure location, date and destination.</i></p>"}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': '404', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>The page you&#39;re looking for couldn&#39;t be found.<br/></p><p>It looks like this was the result of either a mistyped address or an out-of-date bookmark.</p><p>Hont is an experienced cable tie manufacturer who has developed in this field for two decades of years. We have accumulated plenty of experience and ensure to give you the best cable tie products and services. Click below or the left side to find more cable tie products you may be interested in.</p><p><br/></p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Contact Us', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>mailto: [email protected]</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Submission Successful!', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Thanks for your visiting. Hont is an experienced cable tie manufacturer who has developed in this field for two decades of years. We have accumulated plenty of experience and ensure to give you the best cable tie products and services. Click below or the left side to find more cable tie and wire accessories you may be interested in.</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Privacy Policy', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>This privacy policy describes how we handle your personal information. By using <a href='/' target='_self'></a>(the &quot;Site&quot;) you consent to the storage, processing, transfer, and disclosure of your personal information as described in this privacy policy.</p><p><br/></p><p>Collection</p><p>You may browse this Site without providing any personal information about yourself. However, to receive notifications, updates, or request additional information about <a href='/' target='_self'></a> or this Site, we may collect the following information:</p><p>Name, contact information, email address, company, and user ID; correspondence sent to or from us; any additional information you choose to provide; and other information from your interaction with our Site, services, content, and advertising, including computer and connection information, statistics on page views, traffic to and from the Site, ad data, IP address, and standard web log information.</p><p>If you choose to provide us with personal information, you consent to the transfer and storage of that information on our servers located in the United States.</p><p><br/></p><p>Use</p><p>We use your personal information to provide you with the services you request, communicate with you, troubleshoot problems, customize your experience, inform you about our services and Site updates and measure interest in our sites and services.</p><p>Like many websites, we use &quot;cookies&quot; to enhance your experience and gather information about visitors and visits to our websites. Please refer to the &quot;Do we use &#39;cookies?&quot; section below for information about cookies and how we use them.</p><p><br/></p><p>Disclosure</p><p>We don&#39;t sell or rent your personal information to third parties for their marketing purposes without your explicit consent. We may disclose personal information to respond to legal requirements, enforce our policies, respond to claims that a posting or other content violates others&#39; rights, or protect anyone&#39;s rights, property, or safety. Such information will be disclosed in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. We may also share personal information with service providers who help with our business operations, and with members of our corporate family, who may provide joint content and services and help detect and prevent potentially illegal acts. Should we plan to merge or be acquired by another business entity, we may share personal information with the other company and will require that the new combined entity follow this privacy policy with respect to your personal information.</p><p><br/></p><p>Access</p><p>You may access or update the personal information you provided to us at any time by contacting us at <a href='/' target='_self'></a>.</p><p><br/></p><p>Security</p><p>We treat information as an asset that must be protected and use lots of tools to protect your personal information against unauthorized access and disclosure. However, as you probably know, third parties may unlawfully intercept or access transmissions or private communications. Therefore, although we work very hard to protect your privacy, we do not promise, and you should not expect that your personal information or private communications will always remain private.</p><p><br/></p><p>General</p><p>We may update this policy at any time by posting amended terms on this site. All amended terms automatically take effect 30 days after they are initially posted on the site. For questions about this policy, please send an email to us.</p><p><br/></p>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'About Us', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Hont Electrical Co. , Ltd. was founded in 1997, is mainly responsible for the production and sale of nylon tie and other cable accessories products, our factory area covers 45,000 square meters, annual exports of more than 30 million U.S. dollars, Hont cable ties are now sold to 140 countries and regions, and have already cooperated with EU NA SA country&#39;s main cable tie dealers and cooperation time lasts more than 10 years.</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Products', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p style='text-align: justify;'>Using UL Certified NYLON 66 from ASCEND AND INVISTA as materials, our cable ties for sale have the same performance as the standard self-locking cable tie. Whereas, by improving the head design of cable ties, Hont Patent Cable Tie HTA series have better tensile in the same width dimension. The improvement is about 25%, which can replace the bigger tension in the application, giving buyers different choices and competitive cable zip ties price.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'><br/></p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Professional in making quality zip ties, <a href='/' target='_self'>Hont Electrical Co ltd</a>&nbsp;provides different types of zip ties for sale, such as cable straps, zip tie cables, locking cable ties including industrial strength zip ties, commercial zip ties, nylon ties, etc. Now, our bulk buy cable ties are already sold to more than 140 countries, and in some markets, Hont Patent commercial cable zip ties have already taken a major share and have a very reputation worldwide.</p>"}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', '@id': '', 'position': 0, 'url': '', 'name': 'آیا از دستگاه برش لیزر فلزات می توان در حکاکی و برش متریالی به جز فلز استفاده کرد؟', 'answerCount': 1, 'inLanguage': 'fa-IR', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'بله. دستگاه برش لیزر فلزات را می توان برای غیر فلزات هم استفاده کرد. اما با توجه به اینکه دستگاه برش لیزر فلزات بسیار گران تر است و تفاوت قیمت آن ها بسیار زیاد است بهتر است از این دستگاه برای همان فلزات استفاده شود.', 'inLanguage': 'fa-IR'}}, {'@type': 'Question', '@id': '', 'position': 1, 'url': '', 'name': 'بیشترین کاربرد دستگاه برش لیزر در چه حوزه ای می باشد؟', 'answerCount': 1, 'inLanguage': 'fa-IR', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'دستگاه برش لیزر در حوزه های مختلفی کاربرد دارد. حوزه فعالیت و استفاده از دستگاه برش لیزر بسیار زیاد است. افراد با توجه به ذوق و سلیقه خود می توانند از این دستگاه در عرصه های مختلفی استفاده می کنند. اما بیشترین کاربرد دستگاه حکاکی و برش لیزر در زمینه های چوب، شیشه، کاغذ، چرم، ام دی اف، آینه، فلزات، طلا، آهن و ... می باشد. ', 'inLanguage': 'fa-IR'}}, {'@type': 'Question', '@id': '', 'position': 2, 'url': '', 'name': 'دستگاه برش لیزر دست دوم بخریم یا آکبند؟', 'answerCount': 1, 'inLanguage': 'fa-IR', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'هر کدام از این موارد مزایای مخصوص به خود را دراد. دستگاه برش لیزر دست دوم قیمت کمتری دارد و در خرید اولیه شاید مقرون به صرفه تر باشد. اما دستگاه برش لیزر آکبند از نظر قطعات مطمئن تر است و همچنین در بیشتر مواقع دارای خدمات گارانتی می باشد. همچنین دستگاه دست دوم برش لیزر احتمال خرابی و سوختن قطعات آن بسیار بیشتر است. لازم به ذکر است که عمر مفید دستگاه با توجه به ساعت کار و فعالیت دستگاه دارد. یعنی هر چه دستگاه بیشتر کار کند عمر آن به همان اندازه کمتر می شود.', 'inLanguage': 'fa-IR'}}, {'@type': 'Question', '@id': '', 'position': 3, 'url': '', 'name': 'چرا در هنگام برش پارچه، پارچه های به هم می چسبد و سیاه می شود؟', 'answerCount': 1, 'inLanguage': 'fa-IR', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'زمانی که پارچه، کاغذ یا هر متریال دیگری را می خواهید برش بزنید اگر از توان بالای دستگاه استفاده کنید احتمال اینکه متریال را بسوزانید و به متریال آسیب بزنید بسیار بالا می رود. سعی کنید از توان مناسب دستگاه استفاده کنید. یا به عنوان مثال زمانی که می خواهید چند لایه پارچه را با هم برش بزنید بهتر است از یک کاغذ در بین لایه های پارچه استفاده کنید تا پارچه های به هم نچسبد. دلیل این اتفاقات نیز این است که دستگاه برش لیزر با پرتو لیزری که از خود تولید می کند باعث سوزاندن متریال می شود.', 'inLanguage': 'fa-IR'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'HowTo', 'headline': '如何增加爱犬饮食中的纤维含量', 'name': '如何增加爱犬饮食中的纤维含量', 'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'width': 1200, 'height': 900}, 'author': {'@type': 'Person', 'name': 'Brian Bourquin, DVM', 'sameAs': ['', '', '']}, 'datePublished': '2016-08-13', 'dateModified': '2021-09-14', 'publisher': {'@context': '', '@type': 'Organization', 'name': 'wikiHow', 'url': '', 'logo': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'width': 326, 'height': 60}, 'sameAs': ['']}, 'step': [{'@type': 'HowToSection', 'name': '判断爱犬的饮食中是否需要额外添加纤维', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': '检查爱犬目前吃的食物。很多食物中已含有足量的纤维,食品包装袋上的“营养成分分析”会说明粗纤维的最大含量。大部分宠物食品中包含约5%的粗纤维,这对于一只普通的健康宠物狗来说通常足够了。', 'image': '', 'url': ''}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': '观察爱犬。如果爱犬便秘或腹泻,可能有细菌感染、寄生虫、或其他胃肠道疾病,也可能是因为前列腺肥大或排便受阻导致焦虑而引起。 观察该症状是否持续超过两天。', 'image': '', 'url': ''}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': '带爱犬看兽医。便秘症状和尿路梗阻有相似之处,但尿路梗阻却非常严重。如果发现宠物经常性焦虑,强烈建议去看兽医,让兽医做直肠检查。如果主要是因为饮食和消化问题,兽医会建议给宠物补充纤维。\n\t专家提示\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tBrian Bourquin, DVM\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tBrian Bourquin, DVM\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t兽医\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tBrian Bourquin是Boston Veterinary Clinic的所有者和兽医,客户更喜欢称呼他为“Dr. B”。这家宠物健康护理和兽医诊所分别开在美国马萨诸塞州的South End/Bay Village和布鲁克莱恩,擅长于健康和预防护理、疾病和急症护理、软组织手术、牙科等初级兽医护理,也提供行为和营养方面的专业治疗服务,以及针灸替代疼痛管理疗法和激光治疗。Boston Veterinary Clinic是美国动物医院协会(AAHA)认可的医院,也是波士顿首家和唯一一家零恐惧认证诊所。Brian获得了康奈尔大学的临床兽医学博士学位(DVM),拥有超过19年的丰富经验。\t\t\t\t\tBrian Bourquin, DVM\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tBrian Bourquin, DVM\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t兽医\t\t\t\t我们的专家认为:如果你考虑给你爱犬吃纤维素来治疗大便松散或腹泻,最好还是先带它去看看兽医。大多数强化饮食都包含了爱犬所需的一切纤维,所以问题可能源自于体内寄生虫、食物过敏甚至更严重的问题,比如胰腺炎。', 'image': '', 'url': ''}]}, {'@type': 'HowToSection', 'name': '在爱犬的饮食中添加纤维', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': '在爱犬的食物中添加罐装南瓜果肉。小型犬每次只需喂食1 汤匙,体重50 磅(22.67 kg)及以上的大型犬每次喂食1/4杯(236.58 ml)。\n购买时请谨慎,罐装南瓜果肉中含添加剂和糖分,和南瓜派混合料不是一回事,对爱犬的健康不利。', 'image': '', 'url': ''}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': '蒸青豆。新鲜青豆能为爱犬提供额外的纤维来源。准备一把青豆在微波炉里稍微蒸煮一下,待完全冷却后切碎,混入爱犬的食物中。\n生青豆不易消化,很难让爱犬完全获取营养。但在游戏和训练时可是绝佳的小零食。', 'image': '', 'url': ''}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': '喂食甘薯。一个中等大小的甘薯至少含有3克纤维。给爱犬喂食甘薯前,先去皮,然后切成小块放入盘中,加适量水,盖上保鲜膜,放入微波炉里蒸煮,蒸至可用叉子轻松戳散的程度即可。用叉子捣碎后,加1-3汤匙于狗粮中。', 'image': '', 'url': ''}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': '咨询兽医。注意喂食各类蔬菜也会增加其他营养素,包括钾。如爱犬有其他疾病或并发症,如肾病,蔬菜未必会提供好处。而兽医可以根据爱犬的身体情况辅助确定哪种蔬菜最适合爱犬。', 'image': '', 'url': ''}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': '在狗粮中添加一勺麦麸、熟燕麦或小米。全谷类食物也可以增加饮食中的纤维含量,不仅效果理想而且价格便宜。可添加维生素或其他补充剂来强化效果,因此在喂食市面上买到的加工食品前请仔细查看所含的各类营养成分。', 'image': '', 'url': ''}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': '增加一种非处方纤维添加剂。可使用几天美达施或其他非处方纤维添加剂帮助爱犬治疗便秘。 可直接撒在狗粮上,让爱犬胃肠道快速恢复正常蠕动。小型犬1/2 汤匙,大型犬每餐2 汤匙,加少量水混合纤维。\n请谨慎使用,不得超过两天,防止因过度治疗腹泻反而引发其他问题。', 'image': '', 'url': ''}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': '换新狗粮。改用纤维含量高的商品狗粮(或使用兽医处方,如希尔斯w/d处方、皇家狗粮胃肠纤维处方、或者普瑞纳 DCO处方),不需额外采购或专门制作,就可以比较容易地补充所需纤维。处方狗粮需要向兽医购买或订购,也可携书面处方到宠物食品零售店购买。', 'image': '', 'url': ''}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': '切记不可过度。所谓的“纤维”只是用于描述各类多糖的一个术语,并非所有纤维都一样。不同类型的纤维对肠道内的水吸收、消化和发酵有不同程度的作用,也会导致不良影响,如肠胃胀气、腹胀或腹泻。 如果你的爱犬也出现这类情况,试试换一种纤维类型或减少纤维的添加量。\n为了减肥而在食物中添加过量的纤维会稀释营养物质、降低卡路里、减少某些矿物质的吸收,从而产生危害。', 'image': '', 'url': ''}]}], 'description': '如何增加爱犬饮食中的纤维含量. 在爱犬的饮食中添加纤维的主要目的是为了促进肠道良好而有规律地蠕动。添加纤维也可以缓解便秘和腹泻,这主要取决于纤维的类型。有些食物含高纤维低卡路里,能增加饱腹感并帮助宠物减轻体重。添加纤维有多种途径,可以添加非处方纤维补充剂或在爱犬食物中加入人吃的健康食物。 检查爱犬目前吃的食物。很多食物中已含有足量的纤维,食品包装袋上的"营养成分分析"会说明粗纤维的最大含量。大部分宠物食品中包含约5%的粗纤维,这对于一只普通的健康宠物狗来说通常足够了。'}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Current Promo Offers', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<ul><li>Five Years of Flying High</li></ul>'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Jag har skrivit en kommentar men den syns inte?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-22637" src="" alt="Bild av datorskärm med texten Comments" width="1200" height="800" />\r\n\r\nAlla kommentarer på dumpen modereras för hand, detta för att kommentarer som inte har vårdat språk eller innehåller hot och hat inte ska publiceras. Dumpen är opolitiska, eftersom vi jobbar för att alla barn ska få växa upp utan sexuella övergrepp. Därför kan även politiska budskap censureras. Du får vänta tills din kommentar blivit granskad och godkänd innan du kan se den. Ibland tas enstaka ord bort för att publicering ska kunna ske, men är det för hatiskt innehåll tillåts inte kommentaren.\r\n\r\nTänk gärna till innan du skriver och fundera över om detta är text som du hade skrivit om ditt riktiga namn stod där.', 'author': {'@type': 'Person', 'name': 'Admin @sa'}}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Vart skickar jag in min berättelse till Min Historia?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-22635" src="" alt="Bok med en gul ros i" width="1200" height="742" />\r\n\r\nMaila din berättelse till oss på : <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>\r\n<span style="font-family: \'Source Sans Pro\', Graphik, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, \'Segoe UI\', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 1.125rem;">Det går också bra att maila oss och ställa frågor innan du börjar skriva ner din berättelse. Då kan du få stöd / bollplank från oss .</span>', 'author': {'@type': 'Person', 'name': 'Redaktionen Dumpen'}}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Får jag vara anonym?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-22633" src="" alt="Bild på en anonym persons ben och fötter" width="1200" height="797" />\r\n\r\nSjälvklart får du vara anonym, du har källskydd och du väljer själv om du vill använda ditt riktiga namn eller en pseudonym.', 'author': {'@type': 'Person', 'name': 'Redaktionen Dumpen'}}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Hur skickar jag tips till Dumpen?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Om du har tips till Dumpen, t ex om en gädda, så kan du skicka det till [email protected]\r\n\r\n&nbsp;\r\n\r\n<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-22572" src="" alt="" width="1200" height="671" />', 'author': {'@type': 'Person', 'name': 'Åsa'}}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Hur hittar jag på Facebook?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-22632" src="" alt="Dumpens Facebooklogga" width="947" height="675" />\r\n\r\nI juli 2022 flyttade in i egen Facebook-grupp. Här är vi öppna för diskussioner om hur vi kan förbättra möjligheterna för barn att få växa upp utan sexuella övergrepp. Välkommen!\r\n\r\n<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> i Facebook</a>\r\n\r\n&nbsp;', 'author': {'@type': 'Person', 'name': 'Admin @sa'}}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Har ni regler för kommentarer?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<h1><img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-22630" src="" alt="Bild med texten Know the rules" width="1200" height="787" /></h1>\r\n<h1><span style="font-weight: 400;">Vi avvisar allt som</span></h1>\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li style="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;">innehåller text om andra saker än det publicerade inlägget</span></li>\r\n \t<li style="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;">innehåller text om våld, kastrering, knivar och annat vasst</span></li>\r\n \t<li style="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;">innehåller text om förslag på lämpliga gäddstraff</span></li>\r\n \t<li style="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;">innehåller text om gäddans snabel: storlek, form och utseende</span></li>\r\n \t<li style="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;">innehåller text om gäddans utseende</span></li>\r\n \t<li style="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;">ger mer info om gäddan/familjen/jobbet än vad som står i det ursprungliga inlägget</span></li>\r\n \t<li style="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;">innehåller text som berättar att de kontaktat gäddans jobb och fritidsaktiviteter, var gäddan jobbar eller vilka föreningar gäddan är aktiv i om det inte framgår i det publicerade inlägget</span></li>\r\n \t<li style="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;">innehåller text om hur man kan lista ut gäddans namn, adress, kontaktuppgifter och liknande</span></li>\r\n \t<li style="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;">länkar till tidningar</span></li>\r\n \t<li style="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;">innehåller text om en annan gädda än det inlägget som kommentaren hör till</span></li>\r\n \t<li style="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;">fokuserar på andra debattörers (dåliga) egenskaper eller innehåller nedsättande kommentarer om saker som andra har skrivit</span></li>\r\n \t<li style="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;">innehåller text som syftar till att skifta fokus från gäddan till att diskutera exempelvis rasism, homofobi, religioner och annat som inte hör ihop med inlägget</span></li>\r\n \t<li style="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;">handlar om uppmaningar till att skada gäddan, utsätta gäddan eller dennes anhöriga för diverse saker samt uppmaningar att göra saker som strider mot lagen</span></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<h2><span style="font-weight: 400;">Vi ändrar i kommentarerna innan publicering</span></h2>\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li style="font-weight: 400;" aria-level="1"><span style="font-weight: 400;">vi raderar otillåten text och ersätter med (Borttaget av admin) i kommentarer som i huvudsak innehåller tillåten text</span></li>\r\n</ul>', 'author': {'@type': 'Person', 'name': 'Admin/K@tta'}}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Where does Freshclub Deliver ?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Freshclub delivers all over Hyderabad city under 2 hours.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How much does Freshclub charge for delivery ?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Delivery is free and there is no minimum order.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Does Freshclub have a return policy ?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Freshclub has a no question asked return policy at the time of delivery.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': ''}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Do we need to hire a qualified organization to establish a Hong Kong business?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'If you live in Hong Kong, you are not required to hire a professional services company to incorporate your Hong Kong company check; instead, you have the option of doing it yourself.\n\nHowever, using the assistance of a professional services business is strongly advised, given the complexity of requirements for incorporation of a company processes and continuing statutory compliances. If you are a non-resident and want to form a company with company formation agents in Hong Kong, you must hire a professional firm to work on your behalf.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Do businesses require a Hong Kong collaborator to incorporate?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'No, local shareholders or directors are not necessary for Hong Kong incorporation services of corporations. However, for the business and increasing statutory compliance needs, you’ll probably require the assistance of a business services supplier.\n\nYour corporate service provider will typically serve as your registered address agent and company secretary. Additionally, they will take care of your company’s annual filing requirements. If necessary, they can also offer to nominate chairman and nominee shareholder services.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What are the guidelines for Hong Kong-incorporated corporations’ yearly filings?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The requirements for annual filing include:\n\nRegistration of annual returns for Hong Kong incorporation companies\nSubmission of annual tax returns with the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Authority'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How much will it cost to incorporate with the government?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Two fees need to be paid:\n\nPaying the Companies Registry’s Hong Kong company formation fee\nFee for Business Registration with the Department of Internal Revenue (tax authority in Hong Kong)\nPrivate limited company incorporation with a share capital must be incorporated and pay the current registration fee to the Companies Registry. The Inland Revenue Authority also charges the following costs for a Business Registration Certificate: HKD2,250* for a 1-year Certificate and HKD5,950* for a 3-year Certificate.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What Is Information Included in a Hong Kong Certificate of Incorporation?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The Hong Kong corporate formation Certification of Incorporation’s essential details are as follows:\n\nYour company’s tax identification number\nYour type of certificate\nThe company’s full name in Chinese, English, or both\nDate of the formation of your business\nYour document’s legitimacy can be checked using the Integrated Corporations Registry Information Management system (ICRIS). This is the online system for the Hong Kong Company Registrar. The Hong Kong corporate records formation Company Verification the reports and Chinese Certificate Verification are additional options.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How long does it take in Hong Kong to form a company?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'An average open Hong Kong corporation can be incorporated in 5-7 working days. However, it can take longer if you live abroad due to the practicalities of signing and sending the necessary company registration documents via courier.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': "Quels sont les horaires d'ouverture de Marlène RONSE Keller Williams Nation Saint-Jean-de-Vaux ?", 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>Voici les horaires d'ouverture :</p><ul><li>Lundi : 08:00–21:00 </li><li>Mardi : 08:00–21:00 </li><li>Mercredi : 08:00–21:00 </li><li>Jeudi : 08:00–21:00 </li><li>Vendredi : 08:00–21:00 </li><li>Samedi : 08:00–21:00 </li><li>Dimanche : Fermé </li></ul>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': "Quelle est l'adresse de Marlène RONSE Keller Williams Nation Saint-Jean-de-Vaux", 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p> - 71640 Saint-Jean-de-Vaux</p>'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Épületes szinonima? Mi(k) a szinonimái?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'didaktikus,tanulságos,felemelő,példás,üdvös,lélekemelő'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Mi a(z) Épületes szófaja?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'melléknév'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': '¿Cuál es la población de Nicolás Fernández Carrillo (Mateo Gómez) (Zacatecas)?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'La población de Nicolás Fernández Carrillo (Mateo Gómez) (Zacatecas) es de 477 habitantes.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Was ist ein Airmatic Fahrwerk', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Ob holprige Landstraße oder moderne Autobahn: Das Luftfederungssystem AIRMATIC passt das Fahrwerk an die gegebenen Umstände an. Die Dämpfung reguliert sich an jedem Rad jeweils selbsttätig, entsprechend der aktuellen Fahrsituation und dem Straßenzustand. Dies geschieht schnell und präzise über 2 getrennte Ventile für die Zug- und Druckrichtung in den Dämpfern. Dadurch verschafft AIRMATIC höchsten Fahrkomfort für jede Situation. \n Aus einer weichen Grundfederung wird bei zunehmender Geschwindigkeit sichere Fahrstabilität. Die getrennte Einstellung der Zug- und Druckstufe durch je ein Ventil führt zu reduzierten Schwingungen und damit zu geringeren Schaltgeräuschen. Indem Sicherheit und Komfort richtungsweisend kombiniert werden, übernimmt Mercedes-Benz damit eine Vorreiterrolle. \nDank unkomplizierter Bedienung mittels Controller in der Mittelkonsole kann der Fahrer einfach und schnell aus verschieden Programmen von AGILITY SELECT auswählen. Im Verbund mit der Luftfederung lässt sich so neben Lenkung, Motor und Getriebe auch das Fahrwerk signifikant einstellen. Das mit AIRMATIC Hand-in-Hand-gehende Sportfahrwerk gewährt bei schlechten Straßenverhältnissen eine Anhebung des Niveaus: eine Spreizung von bis zu vier Zentimetern ist möglich, wodurch sowohl im Stand als auch während der Fahrt zusätzliche Bodenfreiheit gewonnen werden kann. Vier Niveausensoren ermitteln stets die Zuladung. Vollautomatisch passt die pneumatische Niveauregulierung daraufhin ladungsunabhängig das Niveau an. Bei sportlichen Fahrbedingungen wird es ab 100 km/h selbstständig abgesenkt, um den Luftwiderstand zu minimieren. \nIm Modus „Sport+“ lässt sich die Sportlichkeit nochmals steigern. Fahrwerk und Antriebsstrang sind damit noch dynamischer abgestimmt. Die ECO Start-Stopp Funktion wird deaktiviert. Das Fahrprogramm „ECO“ ist auf einen möglichst niedrigen Kraftstoffverbrauch ausgelegt. Dazu gehören Anpassungen von Fahrpedalkennlinie und Schaltzeitpunkten sowie ECO Anzeigen im Kombiinstrument. Darüber hinaus wird die Leistung von Ausstattungen wie Sitzheizung, Heckscheibenheizung, elektrischem Zuheizer oder die Kühlung der Klimaanlage reduziert. Der Modus „Individual“ ermöglicht eine spezifische Justierung von Motor, Getriebe, Fahrwerk und Lenkung an das gewählte Programm und perfektioniert somit das Fahrerlebnis. So lässt sich zum Beispiel eine komfortable, leichtgängige Lenkung mit einer sportlich-straffen Abstimmung der AIRMATIC kombinieren. \nDank unkomplizierter Bedienung mittels Controller in der Mittelkonsole kann der Fahrer einfach und schnell aus verschieden Programmen von AGILITY SELECT auswählen. Im Verbund mit der Luftfederung lässt sich so neben Lenkung, Motor und Getriebe auch das Fahrwerk signifikant einstellen. Das mit AIRMATIC Hand-in-Hand-gehende Sportfahrwerk gewährt bei schlechten Straßenverhältnissen eine Anhebung des Niveaus: Eine Spreizung von bis zu vier Zentimetern ist möglich, wodurch sowohl im Stand als auch während der Fahrt zusätzliche Bodenfreiheit gewonnen werden kann. Vier Niveausensoren ermitteln stets die Zuladung. Vollautomatisch passt die pneumatische Niveauregulierung daraufhin ladungsunabhängig das Niveau an. Bei sportlichen Fahrbedingungen wird es ab 100 km/h selbstständig abgesenkt, um den Luftwiderstand zu minimieren.'}}}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What do you mean by suns?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Meaning of suns is سورج - suuraj</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Whats the definition of suns?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Definition of the suns are </ul>.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is the synonym of suns?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Synonym of word <b>suns</b> are </p><p> cate, sunders, sun, sunray</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What are the idioms related to suns?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Here are the idioms that are related to the word <b>suns</b>. <ul><li>Death and the sun are not to be looked on with a steady eye</li><li>Eye of day</li><li>Have the sun in one eyes</li><li>Have the sun in ones eyes</li><li>However early you rise the day does not dawn sooner</li></ul>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How to use suns in a sentence?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': ' Here are few examples on how to use <b>suns</b> in a sentence. <ul><li>Before sunset — \xa0غروب آفتاب سے پہلے</li></ul>'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Can acute bronchitis be fatal in newborns?', 'dateCreated': 'Fri,28 Feb 2003 05:30:00 +0530', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "Acute bronchitis in children is usually of viral origin and is self limiting. Severity of bronchitis clinically is assessed by whether the baby has fast breathing, is uncomfortable, not accepting feeds, is turning blue. Bronchitis in very small babies specially newborn babies or babies who are 14-15 days old can be more severe because there bronchial airway are very small and they tend to have complications more often. It is safer to keep these babies in the hospital for observation and to monitor for any complications. It can be fatal if the baby has any of the danger signs mentioned above. But dont be under the impression that all babies with bronchitis will have a very severe disease as gets reflected from your mail.\r\nAnother fact is that 14-15 days old babies usually don't get bronchits commonly. We should assess whether what we are labelling simply as bronchitis is not a reflection of any other disease.", 'author': {'@type': 'Person', 'name': 'Dr Satish Saluja'}}}}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How Muck Cost To Send Courier To Bahrain ?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'We have multiple carrier option for sending courier & parcel to Bahrain from India, which allows customers to make an informed choice. The cost of delivery depends on the size and weight of the package, as well as on the distance between the cities. What is important, we also carry out express & economy services. We treat it as a priority and therefore deliver it as soon as possible. The cost of such a service will also appear in the list. However, it should be mentioned that express delivery means is more expensive. All prices include free pickup & packaging from door step. GST extra on total amount, If you are looking for the cheapest offer for courier & parcel to Bahrain from India just send shipment detail by query form.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What Kind Of Item We Cannot Send To Bahrain ?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Each courier company has regulations, and in it a list of goods that it does not transport. Such a list is created for several reasons, including due to international regulations, fairly frequent use of air transport and simply practicality. Courier Guru, like most other carriers, does not transport hazardous materials and substances, including ammunition, weapons, acids, mercury, bacteria or viruses. Such goods may damage other parcels. In addition, our courier will not accept parcels that contain prescription drugs, alcohol, tobacco, cigarettes, perishable goods or original works of art. The creation of such a list was also dictated by the fact that we cooperate with various carriers, such as UPS,FedEx, DHL, DPD, TNT, Aramex who have their own regulations that we try to adapt to. If in doubt, read the tab at the bottom of the page or send us a question via the form or contact us by phone. Finally, we would like to remind you that each country has its own law and customs regulations. It is worth getting familiar with them before shipping. The package can be checked at the border. If a prohibited item is inside, the shipment will most likely be returned to the sender and, in extreme cases, it may be confiscated by customs. Once you manage to determine what you can send in the package, order the shipment.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What Is Transit Time To Send Courier To Bahrain ?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Our cheap courier (Economy Service) usually needs an average of 8-12 working days+ days to deliver goods between these countrie & Express Priority delivery will take 3-5 business days The delivery period depends mainly on the distance. However, we would like to remind you that you can always choose express delivery. Then the time needed for delivery shortens even to a few hours. Fast shipment in the vast majority of cases is delivered to the recipient’s hands in 3-5 business days. Anyone who sends a package through our platform can also track its location on a regular basis. This makes it easier to both determine the exact date of delivery of the package to the recipient, as well as find it if lost.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': '🎁 £10 Bono de Bienvenida', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "• Apuesta: 35xb <br> • Depósito mínimo: £10 <br> • Código de Bono: <br> <a href='/to-redirect/bonuses-related/betfair-casino'>Obtener bono</a>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '🎁 50 Bono de Bienvenida', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "• Apuesta: <br> • Depósito mínimo: £10 <br> • Código de Bono: CASF51 <br> <a href='/to-redirect/bonuses-related/betfair-casino'>Obtener bono</a>"}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Why do I get frequent stomach upsets?', 'dateCreated': 'Thu,13 Feb 2003 05:30:00 +0530', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'By stomach upset I presume you have diarrhoea. This could be due to irritable bowel disease. You will require following tests. \r\n1. Stool examination \r\n2. Barium enema or colonoscopy and biopsy. \r\n3. Other routine tests like haemogram, ultra sound examination of the abdomen to rule out any concommitant disease. The treatment can be given after the results are available.', 'author': {'@type': 'Person', 'name': 'Prof B Krishna Rau'}}}}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is Wool Inc MOD APK?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Wool Inc is a Simulation APK Published by CyberJoy Game. This is Latest version 0.1.8 of Wool Inc APK contains additional features and free upgrades.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How Can I Install XAPK and Zip files?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'You can’t install XAPK and Zip files directly. Download XAPK Installer for Android to install these files.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Is APKPosts is safe to download Android Apps and Games?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'We at committed to deliver best content possible to our users. All files provided by APKPosts are tested by experts and scanned by antivirus. Feel free to download your favourite apps from here.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How to Download Wool Inc APK?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'To easily download latest modified version of Wool Inc Visit APKPosts and Search APK name. Then Click on Download APK Button below APK logo. Wait for the timer end and download APK file.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'HowTo', 'name': 'APK Installation Guide', 'description': 'This is Step by Step Proceedure to safely Install Wool Inc APK in your Android device. Follow below mentioned steps carefully and access all features of this Simulation APK', 'image': '', 'totalTime': 'PT10M', 'step': [{'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'Previous version can conflict with the current package hence it is better to Uninstall old APK before installing newer version.', 'name': 'Uninstall previous versions of this APK from your device.'}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': "To Download this APK file just click on the 'Download APK' button, and download file after the timer.", 'name': 'Download Wool Inc APK from Download Link'}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'Just tap on the file name in your browser to open and install APK file.', 'name': 'Open downloaded Wool Inc 0.1.8 APK file as a normal file.'}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'If you are installing a app or game from external sources for the first time, then you need to allow this permission. Ignore if not asked. This is normal for all phones.', 'name': 'Allow Installation from unknown sources'}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'Depending upon the Category of APK different permissions may be asked to use it. Allow all permissions to use the APK.', 'name': 'Allow Necessary Permissions if asked.'}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'In Most of Apps and Games you will get initial instructions to learn basic controls. Follow instructions and use your favourite APK.', 'name': 'Start using APK as per your requirements'}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Quand recevrai-je ma commande ?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Le traitement de votre commande, la manufacture des produits et la livraison (gratuite) demandent à notre équipe un délai de 10 à 17 jours ouvrables maximum. Nous mettons tout en oeuvre pour que vous receviez votre commande le plus rapidement possible, sans pour autant compromettre la qualité de notre marchandise.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Ma commande n&#039;est pas complète', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Si votre commande comprend plusieurs articles, il est possible que ceux-ci soient envoyés séparément, en fonction des stocks disponibles et des entrepôts d&#039;expédition. Ne vous inquiétez pas, votre colis arrivera sous peu.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Je n&#039;ai pas reçu ma commande', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Un problème avec la Poste ? Colis perdu, cassé, détruit ?&amp;nbsp;Avec notre livraison sécurisée, Boutique Peluches® se charge des litiges à votre place. La satisfaction de notre clientèle est notre priorité. Nous ne renvoyons pas la faute au transporteur en vous laissant &quot;vous débrouiller&quot;. Nous assumons l&#039;entière responsabilité en vous renvoyant immédiatement un nouveau colis à nos frais.&amp;nbsp;N’hésitez pas à nous contacter par mail à [email protected] : notre équipe fera le maximum pour répondre à vos attentes.&amp;nbsp;'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Puis-je modifier ma commande ?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Oui, tant que votre commande n&#039;est pas&amp;nbsp;«en cours de traitement».'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Je souhaite retourner un article', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Nous ne sommes en mesure d’accepter un retour qu&#039;en cas de vice avéré du produit.Nos articles subissent des contrôles qualité très stricts avant chaque envoi. Cependant, si vos produits présentent un quelconque défaut de fabrication, envoyez-nous une photo du produit en question (dans l&#039;emballage d&#039;origine si possible) à [email protected] accompagné de votre numéro de commande. Pour pouvoir bénéficier d’un retour, votre article doit être inutilisé et dans le même état où vous l’avez reçu.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': "Quels sont les horaires d'ouverture de Crédit Agricole à Tinchebray-Bocage ?", 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>Voici les horaires d'ouverture :</p><ul><li>Lundi : Fermé </li><li>Mardi : 09:00–12:30 14:00–18:00</li><li>Mercredi : 09:00–12:30 14:00–18:00</li><li>Jeudi : 09:00–12:30 14:30–18:00</li><li>Vendredi : 09:00–12:30 14:00–18:00</li><li>Samedi : 09:00–13:00 14:00–16:15</li><li>Dimanche : Fermé </li></ul>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': "Quelle est l'adresse de Crédit Agricole à Tinchebray-Bocage", 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>26 Grande Rue - 61800 Tinchebray-Bocage</p>'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': "Quels sont les horaires d'ouverture de Crédit Agricole du Languedoc - Quissac à Quissac ?", 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>Voici les horaires d'ouverture :</p><ul><li>Lundi : 08:30–12:15 13:45–17:30</li><li>Mardi : 08:30–12:15 13:45–17:30</li><li>Mercredi : 08:30–12:15 13:45–17:30</li><li>Jeudi : 09:15–12:15 13:45–17:30</li><li>Vendredi : 08:30–12:15 13:45–17:30</li><li>Samedi : Fermé </li><li>Dimanche : Fermé </li></ul>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': "Quelle est l'adresse de Crédit Agricole du Languedoc - Quissac à Quissac", 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>40 Av. des Cévennes - 30260 Quissac</p>'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Seit wann gibt es den Amazon Prime Day?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '&lt;/p&gt;\n&lt;p&gt;Diesen Tag der Geschichte Amazons gibt es bereits seit dem Jahr 2015, wo er genau genommen erstmals am 15. Juli stattfand. Der Prime Day galt als Geschenk für alle Prime-Mitglieder anlässlich des 20. Geburtstages von Amazon und wurde daher am Vorabend dieses Jubiläums eingeführt. Seit 2015 findet der Amazon Prime Day jedes Jahr statt und 2019 wurde der Tag außerdem auf zwei Tage erweitert, um das weltweite Shopping-Erlebnis für alle Prime-Mitglieder zu verlängern.&lt;br /&gt;\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Gibt es nur auf Amazon die Prime Day Angebote?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '&lt;/p&gt;\n&lt;p&gt;Ja, die Angebote des Prime Days sind ausschließlich auf die Website Amazon begrenzt. Weiterhin ist zu beachten, dass nur Amazon Prime Mitglieder die Möglichkeit haben, am Prime Day teilzunehmen. Das heißt also, wer kein Prime-Abo besitzt, kann auch nicht von den Angeboten profitieren. Amazon bietet jedoch ein 30-tägiges Probe-Abo an. Nach der Registrierung für dieses kann problemlos am Amazon Prime Day teilgenommen werden. Zu den Angeboten gehören limitierte Deals, diverse Produktneuheiten sowie Unterhaltungsangebote aus Amazon Music, Amazon Video und Twitch Prime.&lt;br /&gt;\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Was ist der Prime Day?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '&lt;/p&gt;\n&lt;p&gt;Der Prime Day ist ein Shopping Event auf Amazon, das weltweit stattfindet. Der erste Prime Day dauerte 24 Stunden. 2019 und 2020 dauerte das Shopping Erlebnis 48 Stunden. Auf dem Verkaufsportal Amazon gibt es dem festgelegten Zeitraum beliebte Produkte zu sehr günstigen Preisen. Genauer gesagt: Es gibt mega Schnäppchen. Diese Produkte können exklusiv von Prime Mitgliedern bestellt werden.&lt;br /&gt;\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Wie oft ist Prime Day?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '&lt;/p&gt;\n&lt;p&gt;Diese Frage kann nicht eindeutig beantwortet werden, da man bei Amazon nie genau sagen kann was in Zukunft geplant ist. Bisher gab es pro Jahr immer einen Amazon Prime Day, der in aller Regel Mitte des Jahres stattgefunden hat. Allerdings wird schon länger darüber spekuliert, ob Amazon eventuell doch noch einen weiteren Amazon Prime Day planen könnte. Da der Prime Day von Jahr zu Jahr erfolgreicher wird, ist dies durchaus denkbar. Ob dies aber stattfinden wird und ob der Tag dann auch Amazon Prime Day genannt wird, bleibt abzuwarten.&lt;br /&gt;\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Wie lange geht der Amazon Prime Day?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '&lt;/p&gt;\n&lt;p&gt;Anfänglich wurde der Amazon Prime Day an einem Tag im Jahr abgehalten. Seit 2019 haben Schnäppchenjäger zwei Tage beziehungsweise 48 Stunden lang zeit, die Millionen Sonderangebote durchzustöbern. Auch im Jahr 2021 werden es 2 Tage seinen, an denen Prime-Mitglieder Artikel der verschiedensten Kategorien zu stark vergünstigten Preisen erwerben können. Eine Änderung bezüglich des Aktionszeitraums von 2 Tagen ist derzeit nicht geplant.&lt;br /&gt;\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Gibt es auch Prime Day Angebote?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '&lt;/p&gt;\n&lt;p&gt;Ja, es gibt Prime Day Angebote. Da vor allem online gekauft werden können, bietet auch Amazon ein großes Sortiment dieser Produkte an. Diese X-Angebote können am Amazon Prime Day einmal pro Jahr ergattert werden, solange der Vorrat reicht beziehungsweise solange das Angebot gilt.&lt;br /&gt;\n'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What online scams are there?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Online fraud can take many forms. There are fake online shops that look deceptively real, emails full of sneaky links, fraudulent job offers, and heartbreaking romance scams. That’s why it’s important to stay vigilant and always tread with care when it comes to unknown contacts or websites.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is a scammer? ', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'A scammer is a type of cyber criminal. For example, there are Facebook or Instagram scammers who use fake social media accounts, or job scammers trying to lure you with fake job offers.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How can I detect online fraud?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'There are many types of online fraud. Therefore, the strategies for detecting them also depend on the kind of scam you’re dealing with. Generally, stay alert when somebody sends you a strange link, asks for sensitive information, or attempts to get money from you by telling a dramatic story.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How to buy INDUS Holding AG stock?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>The safest and easiest way to buy ETR:INH stocks is by using a regulated broker like eToro or DEGiro. You can open an account with the platform, make a deposit and buy this stock in under 5 minutes from start to finish.</p>\n<p>Opening an account with one of these brokers is a smart move, they have been active for more then 10 years, are very safe to use and they have the best platform for novice and experienced traders. If you want to learn more then we suggest you to read our <a href="">eToro</a> or <a href="">DeGiro</a> guides.</p>\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Where to buy INDUS Holding AG stock?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>You will first want to find a licensed broker that supports ETR:INH stock. One of our favourite brokers, eToro for example, allows you to make investments into this asset from just $25 and only charges you the spread. Another option is using a regulated broker like DEGIRO or Interactive Brokers. You can open an account with these brokers and start buying or trading ETR:INH stocks in a safe and complete environment.</p>\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Is ETR:INH stock a good investment?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>As with any other asset, there is an element of risk associated with buying ETR:INH stocks. Therefore, you will want to study the market and make a decision based on your financial standing and the risk you are willing to take.</p>\n<p>\xa0</p>\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Is INDUS Holding AG stock safe to invest in?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>All stocks are volatile, or affected by market circumstances. The case with ETR:INH is no different, with its price fluctuating dramatically within short periods. As such, if the market goes against you, then you will end up facing a loss. We advice you to do research first before investing in INDUS Holding AG stock.</p>\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How do you trade INDUS Holding AG stocks?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>You can trade stocks by first opening an account with a regulated platform and making a deposit in US dollars, EUROs or other currency. Next, search for INDUS Holding AG stock and choose from a buy or sell order – depending on whether you think the stock asset will rise or fall in value. If you speculated on ETR:INH stocks correctly, you will have made a profit. The size of your trading profit will ultimately be determined by your stake and at what percentage your position grew.</p>\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How to sell INDUS Holding AG stock?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>To sell your ETR:INH stocks investment, you can sign in to your broker account and cash out directly from within your portfolio. If you have stored the stocks elsewhere, you will first have to transfer them to a third-party provider or broker to cash out.</p>\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is the best INDUS Holding AG stock trading platform?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>eToro, is a top-rated platform for beginners, albeit, it charges significantly lower fees. For example, there are no fees to deposit with a debit/credit card and you only need to cover the spread when trading ETR:INH stock.</p>\n'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is a casino provider?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'This is a company that creates and supports all types of games in the online casino. It is responsible for quality, fairness, and excitement of the game.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How do casinos choose software providers?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Casinos choose developers according to the quality of their games: graphics, sound, user-friendly interface, security, fairness, fun, reputation, innovative technology, and exclusiveness.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What are the best casino game providers in India?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Evolution Gaming is the best in live casino options. Ezugi offers exclusive Indian games. Microgaming, Play’n GO, Quickspin, and others are for slots.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': ' Are casino games legal in India?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Indian states differ in their gambling regulations, but in most of them, you can legally access licensed online casinos.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Are casino games safe to play?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Providers require thorough testing of their games and RNG in special laboratories to prove their safety and fairness. They also obtained authorized licenses.'}}]}
{'@type': 'FAQPage', '@context': '', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What are cannabis-derived vs botanical terpenes?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Although cannabis is technically botanical, as it is a plant, the cannabis industry often refers to terpenes that do not come from the cannabis plant as botanical terpenes.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Can terpenes be used topically?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Terpenes can be added to topical lotions, salves, ointments, and makeup to make them smell good and offer other potential benefits. However, it’s important to sufficiently dilute terpenes to avoid skin irritation. They should not be directly applied if undiluted.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What are the main terpenes in cannabis cosmetics?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Myrcene, alpha-pinene, and limonene are the some of the most prevalent cannabis terpenes. These can be safely and effectively added to cosmetic products.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Can you get high from cannabis derived terpenes?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Terpenes are not psychoactive in and of themselves. However, terpenes may influence how a person feels when they ingest cannabinoids in full-spectrum products for instance. This is related to the entourage effect.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': '給与はいくらですか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>月給205,000円となります。</p><p>固定残業代は含みません。</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '交通費の支給はありますか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>交通費は以下のとおりです。</p><ul><li>実費支給(上限月額35000円)</li></ul>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '年間休日数は?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>年間休日数は以下のとおりです。</p><ul><li>122日(2022年度公休数)</li></ul>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '試用期間はありますか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>試用期間は以下のとおりです。</p><ul><li>期間:6カ月</li><li>給与:月給 205,000円</li></ul>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'テレワークは可能ですか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>テレワーク勤務はありません。</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '応募の後、採用結果が届くまでどれぐらいかかりますか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>応募してから3日以内に結果通知が届きます。</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'この会社の従業員数は?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>66名です。</p><p>内訳は男性62名、女性4名となります。</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'この求人の特徴はなんですか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>この求人は「人間関係が良い」という特徴を持っています。</p><p>「チームワーク」を重視する方にピッタリな会社です。</p>'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What Is Master Journal List?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The Master Journal List is an invaluable tool to help you to find the right journal for your needs across multiple indices hosted on the Web of Science platform. Spanning all disciplines and regions, Web of Science Core Collection is at the heart of the Web of Science platform. Curated with care by an expert team of in-house editors, Web of Science Core Collection includes only journals that demonstrate high levels of editorial rigor and best practice. As well as the Web of Science Core Collection, you can search across the following specialty collections: Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS Previews, Zoological Record, and Current Contents Connect, as well as the Chemical Information products.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Which Journals Are Included in Master Journal\xa0List?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The Master Journal List includes all journals indexed in Web of Science, including the complete list of journal in the Web of Science Core Collection (including Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, and Emerging Sources Citation Index), Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS Previews, Zoological Record, and Current Contents Connect, as well as the Chemical Information products.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Do I Have to Create an Account to Use Master Journal List?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Users are required to create a free account and log in to use Manuscript Matcher, view journal profile pages, submit journals for evaluation, and request status of journal evaluation; all other information is available to view without logging in.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Can I Submit to a Journal for Inclusion Directly Through Master Journal List?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'No. Publishers may submit journals to Web of Science for evaluation via the journal submission form.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Can I Download the Master Journal List?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Yes. Please visit the Collection List Downloads page. Each collection list download includes the journal title, ISSN/eISSN, publisher name and address. You will need a free Master Journal List login to access the download files.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': '為什麼一定要洗水管呢?質疑?用了十年沒洗,不也是好好的', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>管壁除了附著重金屬及泥沙之外還有生成了生物膜,水中含重金屬需長期藉由皮膚吸收才會引發身體病變,但是生物膜不同,摻有生物膜的水只要喝下去,馬上會食物中毒,這就說明為什麼日本的自來水可生飲的原因.</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '水管清洗過後以後每隔多久洗一次?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>一年清洗一次。</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '清洗水管完水就會乾淨了嗎?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>清洗水管只能將水管內的髒東西與重金屬清理掉,並不能確保水質的純淨與安全,建議可以購買全戶式淨水器。.</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '如何從洗出來的水顏色判斷水中含有哪些雜質?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>赭紅色或咖啡色代表鐵鏽,白濁色代表細菌叢,果汁色代表鐵鏽和菌叢,綠色代表藻類和藻毒,中藥色代表重金屬,黑色代表以上皆有。</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '高周波清洗法會不會把老舊的水管洗破?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>到目前為止清洗上千戶並未發生洗破水管的案例,依建築法規規範,自來水管線須能承受10-20kg/cm2以上的水壓,而高周波水管清洗機的單位面積壓力只有2公斤 ,所以存有很大安全容許空間</p>'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '脱毛をしたいと考えているのですが、クリニックによって金額が異なるのでどのクリニックにするか悩んでいます。クリニックによって、脱毛料金に違いがあるのは何故ですか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '脱毛の料金は、導入脱毛機やコスト、人件費や家賃など、様々な条件を加味した上でクリニック毎に決められるため違いがあります。\r\n極端に安いクリニックは全く予約が取れずにコース有効期限を迎えてしまう、毛周期にあわせて照射ができないなどのトラブルが多いようです。'}}}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How quickly does food poisoning start?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Food poisoning can begin immediately, especially if it is caused by\xa0a chemical contaminant. However, food poisoning is most commonly caused by organisms such as Norovirus or Salmonella. Onset from this type of food poisoning can range from as little as 1 hour (Staphylococcus aureus) to as long as 28 days (Hepatitis A). Learn more: <a href="">Food Poisoning Timeline</a></p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What do I do if I have food poisoning?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Staying hydrated is most important. It is recommended to see a doctor if you have a high fever (temperature over 101.5 F), blood in your stool, prolonged vomiting, or dehydration. \xa0Signs of dehydration, including a decrease in urination, a dry mouth and throat, and feeling dizzy when standing up, or diarrheal illness that lasts more than 3 days. <a href="">Learn more</a>.</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How long does food poisoning last?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Most often, food poisoning is mild and resolves without treatment within a few days. But in some cases it can last longer and may require\xa0hospitalization and medical treatment. <a href="">Learn more</a>.</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What are food poisoning symptoms?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Food poisoning symptoms may range from mild to severe and can differ significantly depending of the contaminant . The most common symptoms of food poisoning are:</p>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n\t<li>Upset stomach</li>\r\n\t<li>Stomach cramps</li>\r\n\t<li>Nausea</li>\r\n\t<li>Vomiting</li>\r\n\t<li>Diarrhea</li>\r\n\t<li>Fever</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n\r\n<p><a href="">Learn More</a></p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Should I report my food poisoning?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Food poisoning should be reported. It can help to detect outbreaks early\xa0and prevent others from being harmed. It also enables better surveillance of establishments that have repeat problems. <a href="">Learn More.</a></p>'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'CyberLink PowerDirectorは無料ですか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'PowerDirectorには、基本機能を備えた無料版と追加機能を数多く備えたプレミアム版があります。上記の手順に従うと、無料で<a href="#download">PowerDirectorをダウンロード</a>できます。'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'CyberLink PowerDirectorは安全にダウンロードできますか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'CyberLinkの公式サイトから<a href="#download">ダウンロード</a>し、他のダウンロードサイトの「破損したPowerDirector」をダウンロードしない限り、100%安全です。VirusTotalでファイルをテストしたところ、ウイルス、マルウェア、アドウェア、スパイウェアなどは全く見つかりませんでした。'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'CyberLink PowerDirectorを利用してFacebookで直接公開できますか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '今のところできません。現在、YouTube、DailyMotion、Vimeo、ニコニコ動画に直接アップロードできます。'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'PowerDirectorは他のCyberLink製品と互換性がありますか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'もちろんあります! Webカメラの録画ツール、<a href="" onclick="clickedLinkInternal(\'CyberLink YouCam Review Link\',\'CyberLink YouCam\')" target="_blank">YouCam</a>を利用して動画を録画し、PowerDirectorにアップロードして編集できます。その後、プロジェクトが完成したら、PowerDVDを利用して<a href="" onclick="clickedLinkInternal(\'CyberLink PowerDVD Review Link\',\'CyberLink PowerDVD\')" target="_blank">クリップをDVDにコピー</a>できます。'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': ' ما هي المستندات المطلوبة لانجاز المسطرة؟', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'تعبئة نسخة مطبوعة توضع تحت تصرف المواطنين مع كافة القيادات والمرفقات الإدارية مع إحضار إحدى الوثائق التالية: ... آخر فاتورة لأداء واجبات استهلاك الماء أو الكهرباء باسم طالب الشهادة '}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'ما هي الدائرة المختصة باستلام الطلب أو المستندات المطلوبة لإتمام الإجراء؟', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'ملحق قيادي أو إداري بمحل إقامة مقدم الطلب.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'ما هو الوقت المطلوب لإكمال الوثيقة؟', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'يوم واحد على أبعد تقدير.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'ما هي رسوم انجاز الوثيقة؟', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '20 درهم'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Apakah Itu slot online?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Slot online adalah permainan yang menyediakan berbagai macam jackpot yang bisa Anda menangkan serta rasa memainkan permainan yang luar biasa saat Anda berjudi online. Hal terpenting yang perlu dipertimbangkan sebelum terlibat dalam game judi slot adalah menemukan agen slot resmi yang paling terkemuka, di mana Anda dapat bermain dengan nyaman dan aman di lingkungan yang aman. Perhatikan baik-baik rasio pengembalian investasi (RTI) mesin slot dengan peluang tinggi untuk memenangkan hadiah terbesar. Orang Indonesia memiliki preferensi yang kuat untuk permainan slot online. Mengingat terus berkembangnya penyedia slot terbaru, kami hadir untuk membantu Anda yang ingin menyalurkan hasrat Anda akan judi slot uang asli menjadi usaha yang menguntungkan. Dengan sertifikasi Nexus Engine dan di bawah pengawasan langsung organisasi perjudian dunia, terutama Pagcor Philippines dan BMM Testlabs, game ini aman untuk dimainkan. Akibatnya, Anda dapat menuai keuntungan dari bermain dengan tenang sambil menghasilkan keuntungan di setiap taruhan slot. Kami sangat menyarankan Anda untuk bermain slot di BANDUNGTOTO, yang merupakan situs game online paling terkenal yang tersedia saat ini.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Apakah itu situs slot gacor??', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Ada berbagai macam jenis dan jumlah permainan yang dapat diakses di situs slot gacor terpercaya kami untuk Anda hanya dapat dimungkinkan dengan bekerja sama dengan pemasok game / penyedia game slot resmi dari seluruh dunia. Cukup dengan login dan melakukan deposit, Anda akan dapat menikmati permainan termudah dan terhebat yang tersedia di situs kami dari pemasok paling populer atau penyedia permainan terbesar, seperti:\n <ol>\n <li>Slot Gacor Online Pragmatic Play</li>\n <li>Slot Online Gacor Joker123</li>\n <li>Slot Gacor Online Habanero</li>\n <li>Slot Online CQ9</li>\n <li>Slot Online BANDUNGTOTO</li>\n <li>Slot Online Playtech PTT</li>\n <li>Slot Online Pocket Games Soft (PGSoft)</li>\n <li>Slot Online Live22</li>\n <li>Slot Online Microgaming</li>\n <li>Slot Online Spadegaming</li>\n <li>Slot Online Play N Go</li>\n <li>Slot Online LIVE22</li>\n <li>Slot Online YGGDrasil</li>\n <li>Slot Online FlowGaming</li>\n <li>Slot Online JDB</li>\n <li>Slot Online Gacor Onetouch Gaming</li>'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': '&iquest;Qu&eacute; es un para&iacute;so fiscal?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'La consideraci&oacute;n de para&iacute;so fiscal, a pesar de lo que pueda pensar la gran mayor&iacute;a de personas, no est&aacute; ligada a los bajos o nulos impuestos del pa&iacute;s, sino a la transparencia de este, en lo que al intercambio de informaci&oacute;n financiera y tributaria se refiere.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '&iquest;Listas de para&iacute;sos fiscales?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Para contestar a esta pregunta nos gustar&iacute;a responder primero qu&eacute; son estas listas de para&iacute;sos fiscales, aunque la respuesta puede ser obvia. Estas son listas, valga la redundancia, en las que se encuentran aquellos pa&iacute;ses considerados como para&iacute;sos fiscales por los dem&aacute;s pa&iacute;ses, jurisdicciones, entidades u organismos internacionales.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '&iquest;Es Andorra un para&iacute;so fiscal?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Como adelant&aacute;bamos antes, Andorra no est&aacute; considerada actualmente un para&iacute;so fiscal, aunque hace a&ntilde;os si lo era. Y esto es as&iacute; debido a ciertas razones y compromisos a los que tuvo que llegar para que no fuera tratada de esta condici&oacute;n.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '&iquest;Cu&aacute;ndo dej&oacute; Andorra de ser un para&iacute;so fiscal?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Andorra, durante muchos a&ntilde;os, se consider&oacute; un para&iacute;so fiscal y por lo tanto, se encontraba dentro de las listas que coment&aacute;bamos anteriormente. Esto se deb&iacute;a a la falta de intercambio de car&aacute;cter tributario con otras entidades y organismos del exterior del pa&iacute;s, as&iacute; como con otros pa&iacute;ses y a la aplicaci&oacute;n del secreto bancario que ejerc&iacute;a.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '&iquest;Qui&eacute;n considera a Andorra un para&iacute;so fiscal?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Como hemos ido analizando y describiendo, la gran mayor&iacute;a de los pa&iacute;ses miembro de la OCDE y la UE no consideran al Principado de Andorra un para&iacute;so fiscal y si creen y as&iacute; lo reconocen, que es un pa&iacute;s cuya jurisdicci&oacute;n est&aacute; homologada tributariamente y en la que se puede confiar para la investigaci&oacute;n ante cualquier sospecha de fraude o evasi&oacute;n fiscal por parte de cualquier individuo o entidad.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '&iquest;Qu&eacute; impuestos tiene Andorra?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'En este apartado vamos a explicar la tributaci&oacute;n en Andorra, as&iacute; como sus diferencias con Espa&ntilde;a, que estas se traducen b&aacute;sicamente en pagar menos impuestos, pero vamos a verlo con detalle.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Najszybszy Internet w Bożejewie', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Najszybsze oferty Internetu w Bożejewie<span class="redactor-invisible-space"> dostępne są z prędkością pobierania: 300 Mb/s, 600 Mb/s i 1 Gb/s.</span><br></p><p>Prędkość Internetu w Bożejewie uzależniona jest od kilku czynników:</p><ul><li>technologii</li><li>możliwości technicznych operatora</li><li>infrastruktury</li><li>rodzaju Internetu</li></ul><p>Podając adres, dowiesz się, jaki najszybszy Internet jest dostępny.</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Kto oferuje najtańszy Internet mobilny w Bożejewie?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Ceny stacjonarnych <strong>łącz internetowych w Bożejewie</strong> zaczynają się nawet <strong>poniżej 40 zł</strong>, a internet mobilny można nabyć jeszcze taniej (nawet za 9,99 zł). Cena zależy przede wszystkim od prędkości, długości umowy i innych parametrów technicznych. Warto też korzystać z licznych promocji cenowych, które stosują dostawcy internetu. Aby sprawdzić, które oferty z Bożejewa są dostępne pod adresem, należy <a href="">wskazać ulicę i numer budynku</a>.</p><p><a href="">Internet mobilny Bożejewo</a> sprawdź ranking ofert Teleguru.</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Jak zamówić Internet mobilny w Bożejewie?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Wybierz spośród 10 aktualnych ofert, które mamy w naszej bazie. Najpopularniejsi operatorzy oferujący Internet mobilny w Bożejewie to: Kempa Satellite Networks, TeleGuru, Lajt Mobile, T-Mobile 5G, Netia Mobile<span class="redactor-invisible-space">.</span>\n</p><p><span class="redactor-invisible-space">Aby zamówić usługę Internetu mobilnego należy:</span>\n</p><ol>\n\t<li><span class="redactor-invisible-space"><strong>Podać adres instalacji (tylko nazwa ulicy i budynek)</strong> -- operatorzy stacjonarni świadczą swoje usługi tylko na określonych adresach. Wpisując adres, nasza porównywarka pokaże Ci, które oferty są dostępne w Twoim miejscu zamieszkania lub pracy oraz <strong>ukryje te usługi stacjonarne, których nie ma pod danym adresem.</strong></span></li>\n\t<li><span class="redactor-invisible-space">Wybrać usługę, która najbardziej Ci odpowiada -- <strong>cenę, prędkość, parametry techniczne czy długość umowy wybierasz sam(a)!</strong></span></li>\n\t<li><span class="redactor-invisible-space"><strong>Zamów w dogodny sposób:</strong></span>\n\t<ol>\n\t\t<li><strong></strong><strong>online -- bezpośrednio w TeleGuru klikając "Wybieram"</strong></li>\n\t\t<li>na stronie operatora</li>\n\t\t<li>przez infolinię: dzwoniąc na <strong><a href="tel://777 07 06 07">777 07 06 07</a></strong> lub pod dedykowany nr infolinii operatora</li>\n\t\t<li>odwiedzając salon firmowy lub przedstawiciela handlowego operatora w Bożejewie</li>\n\t</ol>\n\t</li>\n</ol><p>Liczba ofert Internetu mobilnego w miejscowości Bożejewo to 10 (stan aktualizacji na dzień: 07.04.2023)<span class="redactor-invisible-space" style="background-color: initial;">.</span><br>\n</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Gdzie w Bożejewie jest dostępne stałe łącze internetowe?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Operatorzy stacjonarni internetu świadczą usługi tylko w wybranych lokalizacjach. Na terenie Bożejewa usługi internetu stacjonarnego dostępne są w bardzo wielu budynkach, ale nie wszędzie będzie można skorzystać z każdej z ofert. Wpisując adres budynku, w którym mieszkasz sprawdzisz dostępność oferty. <a href="">Sprawdź dostępność Internetu mobilnego w Bożejewie</a></p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Jaką opcję Internetu mobilnego do domu wybrać w Bożejewie?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Jeśli mieszkasz <strong>w bloku lub na większym osiedlu</strong>, warto wybrać <strong>stałe łącze internetowe</strong> w dowolnej technologi. Może to być internet światłowodowy, kablowy, sieć LAN lub nawet podłączenie po kablu telefonicznym. Taki wybór zazwyczaj gwarantuje stabilność internetu. Dostępność usług pod swoim adresem <a href="">sprawdź w wyszukiwarce ofert internetu w Bożejewie</a>. Wystarczy podać adres budynku.</p><p>Jeżeli pod Twoim adresem <strong>nie świadczą usług stacjonarni dostawcy internetu</strong>, wybierz operatora komórkowego. Tutaj prezentujemy <a href="">listę ofert internetu mobilnego</a>.</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Jakie firmy dostarczają Internet mobilny w Bożejewie', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Na tę chwilę na terenie Bożejewa działają: Kempa Satellite Networks, TeleGuru, Lajt Mobile, T-Mobile 5G, Netia Mobile. Aby sprawdzić, które usługi można podłączyć pod danym adresem, wystarczy <a href="">skorzystać z naszej porównywarki ofert Internetu mobilnego</a> w Bożejewie<span class="redactor-invisible-space"></span></p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Jaki internet mobilny wybrać w Bożejewie?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Na dzień 07.04.2023 w bazie TeleGuru mamy 10<span class="redactor-invisible-space"> ofert abonamentowych Internetu Mobilnego. Najpopularniejsi dostawcy to: Kempa Satellite Networks, TeleGuru, Lajt Mobile, T-Mobile 5G, Netia Mobile<span class="redactor-invisible-space">.</span></span></p><p>Aby dokonać właściwego wyboru internetu mobilnego należy wziąć pod uwagę kilka czynników:</p><ol><li><strong>Czy zamówiona usługa zadziała</strong> na terenie Bożejewa i okolic? Operatorzy oferują zazwyczaj 14-dniowy okres testowy. Warto zatem dokładnie przetestować zasięg usługi internetu przed upływem tego terminu. Alternatywnie można wypróbować ofertę na kartę, która nie jest zobowiązująca (ale trzeba kupić starter i doładować konto zazwyczaj kwotą od kilku do kilkunastu złotych)</li><li><strong>Cena usługi</strong> -- operatorzy mobilni oferują jednolite stawki na terenie całego kraju i nie różnicują tak więc to czy mieszkasz w Bożejewie czy gdziekolwiek indziej nie będzie miało wpływu na wysokość abonamentu.</li><li><strong>Parametry techniczne</strong> -- oprócz tych zależnych od dobrego zasięgu (jak prędkość i niezawodność internetowego łącza mobilnego), warto wybrać dobry modem lub router mobilny.</li><li><strong>Oferowane parametry jakościowe </strong>-- ilość GB transferu i lejek to najważniejsze z nich</li><li>Czy oferta ma być na abonament czy na kartę?</li></ol><p>Jeśli nie abonament i stała umowa z operatorem Ci nie odpowiada, dowiedz się więcej o ofertach na kartę z naszego artykułu: <a href="">Internet na kartę – porównanie ofert</a></p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '5G, co to? Dlaczego Internet mobilny 5G w Bożejewie to najlepszy wybór?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Internet 5G to obecnie najnowsza technologia przesyłania danych mobilnych. Następca LTE i LTE Adavanced. Obecnie rozwija się bardzo intensywnie. Dostępna już w prawie każdym dużym mieście w Polsce. Główną zaletę sieci 5G w Bożejewie jest większa pojemność. Oznacza to, że jednocześnie może być podłączona większa ilość użytkowników do sieci, bez spadków wydajności. Kolejną, <strong>głównie odczuwalną zaletą dla użytkowników sieci 5G jest prędkość pobierania, która</strong><strong> przekracza 600 Mb/s</strong>. Należy dodać do tego niskie opóźnienia, osiągające 1ms. Kolejną zaletą jest większa stabilność połączenia w porównaniu z LTE. Internet mobilny 5G dostępny jest w sieciach: Play, Netia, Orange, Plus i T-Mobile.</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Co to są technologie CU, ETTH, HFC, PON?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Internet do odbiorców dostarczany jest w różnych technologiach. W praktyce oznacza to różne możliwości łącza, a zatem dostępne prędkości pod konkretnym adresem.</p><p><strong>CU</strong> - sieć miedziana, w praktyce oznacza dwużyłowy przewód miedziany, który pierwotnie służył do obsługi linii telefonicznej. Technologie transmisji dostępne dla tego nośnika to: ADSL1, ADSL2, ADSL2+, VDSL (NGA), VDSL2. Możliwości przepustowości uzależnione są od następujących parametrów: długości linii, tłumienności, jakości linii oraz możliwości technicznych operatora. <strong>Internet dostępny w technologii CU to maksymalnie 80 Mb/s.</strong></p><p><strong>ETTH (Ethernet to Home</strong><strong>)</strong> - przewód, skrętka komputerowa, wprowadzona do lokalu. Skrętka to cztery pary (8 żył) skręconych przewodów, w celu wyeliminowania zakłóceń. Sieci oparte o skrętkę komputerową popularne są w starszych blokach. <strong>Najczęściej stosowaną klasą skrętki jest 5e, pozwalająca tworzyć sieć Gigabit Ethernet 1000 Mb/s</strong>. Sieci oparte ETTH wykorzystują urządzenia aktywne: routery, switche. Sieć ETTH oparta o przewód 5e pozwala na dostarczenie Internetu do 1 Gb/s, możliwości uzależnione są od warunków technicznych.</p><p><strong>HFC (Hybrid fibre-coaxial)</strong> - hybrydowa sieć wykorzystująca kable światłowodowe i kable koncentryczne (wykorzystywane do instalacji antenowych, satelitarnych, telewizji kablowej, kiedyś do budowy sieci komputerowych). Do 2006 roku sieć oparta na przewodach koncentrycznych ograniczała się do max 40 Mb/s pobierania i 30 Mb/s wysyłania. Standardem były DOCSIS 1.0, 1.1, 2.0. <strong>Od standardu DOCSIS 3.0 przepustowość sieci HFC pozwala na przesyłanie 1 Gb/s i pobieranie z prędkością 100 Mb/s, to najbardziej rozpowszechnione obecnie rozwiązanie.</strong> Kolejne standardy DOCSIS 3.1 (2013) i 3.1 FULL DUPLEX (2017) to możliwości pozwalające na budowę sieci z przepustowością dochodzącą do 10 Gb/s.</p><p><strong>PON (Passive Optical Network) Pasywne sieci optyczne - czyli najprościej mówiąc Internet światłowodowy</strong>. Użycie światłowodu pozwala na przesyłanie z prędkością do 100 Gb/s. <strong>Najbardziej popularne oferty Internetu u operatorów to: 100 Mb/s, 300 Mb/s, 600 Mb/s i 1 Gb/s. Choć pojawiają się oferty z prędkościami pobierania 1,2 Gb/s i 2 Gb/s.</strong> Najwyższe dostępne prędkości dostępne są w ograniczonych lokalizacjach. Zdarza się, że w ofercie operatorów lokalnych możemy kupić łącze do 10 Gb/s. W przypadku łącza światłowodowego warto rozróżnić dwa pojęcia:</p><p><strong>FTTH (Fiber to The Home)</strong> światłowód do domu. Przewód wprowadzony jest do mieszkania lub domu bezpośrednio. Od operatora otrzymujemy urządzenie ONT. Do niego podłączony jest światłowód operatora i skrętka do naszego routera. Swego rodzaju media-konwerter, terminal abonencki. Przepustowość uzależniona jest od oferty operatora i możliwości technicznych.</p><p><strong>FTTB (Fiber to The Building)</strong> światłowód do budynku. W praktyce oznacza sieć światłowodową doprowadzoną do budynku. Docelowo ostateczny odbiorca może mieć dostarczony Internet za pomocą istniejącej sieci kablowej budynku. Maksymalna dostępna przepustowość tego rozwiązania to 1Gb/s.</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Jakie rodzaje Internetu dostępne są w Bożejewie?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<ul><li><strong>Internet stacjonarny Bożejewo </strong>- dość pojemna kategoria można do niej przypisać wszystkie inne, bez względu na rodzaj łącza chodzi o Internet, z którym nigdzie nie wyjedziemy i przypisany jest do jednego mieszkania, domu.</li><li><strong>Internet światłowodowy Bożejewo </strong>- aktualnie jest najszybszym medium dostarczania Internetu do domu. Nośnikiem Internetu światłowodowego jest cienka żyłka z włókna szklanego, transmitująca wiązkę światła.</li><li><span></span><strong>Internet przewodowy Bożejewo</strong> - do tej kategorii możemy przypisać łącza oparte o przewody dwużyłowe, skrętkę, przewód koncentryczny, światłowód.</li><li><span></span><strong>Internet bezprzewodowy Bożejewo </strong>- w tej kategorii ujmiemy wszystkie łącza nie wymagające przewodów. Internet bezprzewodowy wykorzystuje fale radiowe. Do odbioru i nadawania potrzebna jest antena.</li><li><span></span><strong>Internet radiowy Bożejewo</strong> - jest alternatywą w miejscowościach bez infrastruktury kablowej. Pozwala na korzystanie z Internetu bez limitu danych. Najczęściej dostępne prędkości Internetu radiowego to: 6 Mb/s, 10 Mb/s, 15 Mb/s, 20 Mb/s. Zdarzają się również sieci radiowe, które oferują prędkości nawet do 600 Mb/s.</li><li><span></span><strong>Internet mobilny Bożejewo</strong>, komórkowy - Internet mobilny oparty o łącza telefonii komórkowej, w wielu przypadkach może zastąpić łącze przewodowe. Występuję również jako Internet LTE i Internet LTE Advanced. Obecnie zyskuje szybko na popularności Internet 5G, który przyśpiesza Internet mobilny do 600 Mb/s.</li><li><strong>Internet satelitarny Bożejewo</strong> - wykorzystuje sieć satelitów geostacjonarnych. Do korzystania z Internetu satelitarnego potrzebna jest antena satelitarna. Internet dostarczany drogą satelitarną np. Starlink może być dostępny prawie w dowolnej lokalizacji na Ziemi.</li></ul>'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', '@id': '', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is the profession of Zab Judah?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'He is Professional boxer.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Where is the birthplace of Zab Judah?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The birthplace of Zab Judah is Brownsville, Brooklyn (New York).'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is the age of Zab Judah?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The Age of Zabiel Judah is 45 years old.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Is Zab Judah Married?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'He is married.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is the Birth day of Zab Judah?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The date of birth of Zab Judah is 27-oct-77.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Was ist Skilling?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Bei dem Anbieter handelt es sich um einen Online Broker, bei dem auf Aktien, Forex, Kryptow&auml;hrungen und andere Assets mittels CFDs spekuliert werden kann.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Lohnt es sich, ein Konto bei Skilling zu er&ouml;ffnen?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'In unserem Test konnte Skilling &uuml;berzeugen. Die vielf&auml;ltigen Tradingm&ouml;glichkeiten und der exzellente Kundensupport locken viele Kunden an, die zum gro&szlig;en Teil sehr zufrieden mit dem Anbieter sind'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Wie viel Geld sollte ich investieren?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Die Mindesteinzahlungsh&ouml;he bei Skilling ist auf 100&euro; festgelegt. Die H&ouml;he des eigenen Investments sollte man sowohl von der eigenen Liquidit&auml;t, als auch von dem gew&auml;hlten Asset, sowie der eigenen Risikofreudigkeit abh&auml;ngig machen. Generell sollte man nie Geld investieren, dass man eigentlich anderweitig ben&ouml;tigt, da Gewinne niemals garantiert werden k&ouml;nnen.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Wie lange dauert eine Auszahlung bei Skilling?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Auch hier kann die Plattform &uuml;berzeugen. Auszahlungen werden sehr schnell bearbeitet und sind je nach gew&auml;hlter Auszahlungsmethode innerhalb weniger Minuten bis 2 Werktagen auf dem eigenen Konto.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Was sind die Voraussetzungen, damit ich bei Skilling erfolgreich traden kann?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Man sollte immer wissen, in was man investiert. Der Anbieter stellt eine Academy zur Verf&uuml;gung, in der man sich stetig weiterbilden kann und &uuml;ber alle Handelsm&ouml;glichkeiten detailliert aufgekl&auml;rt wird. Verf&uuml;gt man &uuml;ber das n&ouml;tige Know How, sowie ab und zu &uuml;ber das n&ouml;tige Qu&auml;ntchen Gl&uuml;ck, so steht baldigen Gewinnen nichts mehr im Wege.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': '&#x1F481; Che cosa sono i codici sconto Efarma?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>Un codice sconto Efarma è un <strong>codice segreto</strong> il cui funzionamento è molto simile ai coupon cartacei: ti basterà applicarlo al carrello sul sito prima del pagamento per ottenere uno <strong>sconto</strong> in misura fissa o in percentuale. Molte volte questi codici permettono di otternere anche degli omaggi o ad esempio la spedizione gratuita. Se il codice non funziona, ricordati di controllare bene il dettaglio della promozione, in quanto monte volte hanno dei termini specifici e si applicano solo su alcuni prodotti, come ad esempio un minimo di spesa sull'acquisto.</p>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '&#x1F64B; Dove posso ottenere un codice sconto Efarma?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Non è mai stato più semplice trovare un codice sconto e coupon Efarma! Su questa pagina potrai trovare tutte le migliori promozioni attualmente attive e verificate dal nostro team. Continua a seguire questa pagina e sarai sempre aggiornato sulle migliori offerte, promozioni, coupon e codici Efarma!</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '&#x1F44C; Come si applica un coupon Efarma?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>Hai problemi ad applicare un codice? Niente paura! Devi semplicemente copiare il <strong>codice sconto Efarma</strong> che trovi su questa pagina e prenotare il servizio che hai scelto. Una volta copiato il codice, esegui il login sul sito e procedi fino ad arrivare al carrello. Una volta sul carrello incolla il codice ed applicalo. Ora l'importo totale da pagare si aggiornerà comprendendo già lo sconto sull'offerta che avevi scelto!</p>"}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Что такое Lightning Roulette?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Lightning Roulette — игра для онлайн-казино, разработанная Evolution Gaming. Он сочетает в себе элементы классической игры в рулетку с уникальным поворотом для захватывающего и захватывающего опыта. В каждом раунде разыгрывается до пяти случайных счастливых чисел со случайными множителями от 50x до 500x.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Есть ли похожие игры в живом казино?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Да, многие другие живые игры казино предлагают такой же уровень азарта и развлечений, как и Lightning Roulette. Некоторые примеры включают Blackjack Party, Baccarat Squeeze, Dream Catcher, Super Sic Bo и другие. Все эти живые игры транслируются в высоком разрешении из студии Evolution Gaming с участием профессиональных крупье, предлагая игрокам тот же уровень реализма и вовлеченности, что и в обычном казино.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Чем Lightning Roulette отличается от классической рулетки?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Lightning Roulette — это уникальный и захватывающий вариант классической игры в рулетку. Основное различие между Lightning Roulette и классической рулеткой заключается в том, что в каждом раунде случайным образом выпадает до пяти счастливых номеров со случайными множителями от 50x до 500x. Это увеличивает потенциал для больших выплат, а также уровень азарта для игроков.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Каковы преимущества игры в Lightning Roulette онлайн?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Одним из основных преимуществ игры в Lightning Roulette онлайн является фактор удобства. Игроки могут присоединиться к игре в любое время и в любом месте, если у них есть подключение к Интернету и совместимое устройство. Кроме того, элемент игры с живым дилером делает ее еще более захватывающей и захватывающей для игроков.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Что такое Lightning Roulette RTP и волатильность?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Lightning Roulette имеет RTP (возврат к игроку) 97,30%, что делает его одной из самых высокооплачиваемых игр онлайн-казино. Волатильность от средней до высокой. Это означает, что, несмотря на более высокие шансы на получение крупных выплат, это также требует более тщательного управления банкроллом.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Можно ли играть в Lightning Roulette бесплатно?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Нет, в Lightning Roulette нельзя играть бесплатно. Эта живая игра в онлайн-казино, разработанная Evolution Gaming, требует ставок на реальные деньги, чтобы присоединиться к действию.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Могу ли я использовать бесплатные вращения на живом Lightning Roulette?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Нет, вы не можете использовать бесплатные вращения на живом Lightning Roulette. Это связано с тем, что игра предназначена только для игры на реальные деньги, а бесплатные вращения не считаются ставками на реальные деньги. Однако многие онлайн-казино предлагают приветственные бонусы, которые можно использовать для игры в Lightning Roulette. Ознакомьтесь с условиями и положениями вашего онлайн-казино для получения более подробной информации.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is paraguay Excepción ?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Paraguay Excepción est une agence de voyage locale, spécialiste du séjour sur mesure en Paraguay, avec des combinés au Chili, en Argentine, au Pérou & en Bolivie.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How we can contact you ?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '+541147726620\r\[email protected]'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@id': '#FAQContents', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': '還元ポイントの獲得日はいつ?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p><strong>2022/07/12(火)</strong>です。</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '還元ポイントの有効期限は?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p><strong>2ヶ月 (2022年8月末まで)</strong>です。</p><p>通常のポイントよりも短いです。(通常は6ヶ月)</p><p>ちなみにポイントは有効期限が短い順から使われていきます。</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'クーポンを使った場合、還元ポイントも少なくなる?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p><strong>少なくなります。</strong></p><p>クーポンで割引された後の価格が、ポイント還元の対象です。</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'レンタル作品・レンタル後の差額購入の場合もポイント還元される?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p><strong>レンタル系は対象ではありません。</strong></p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '月額メニューに複数登録している場合、還元率も増えるの?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>月額メニューに複数登録していても、<strong>還元率は変わりません。</strong></p><ul class="is-style-index -list-under-dashed"><li>月額メニュー登録していて、全てクレジットカード決済の人=30%還元</li><li>月額メニューに登録している人=20%還元</li></ul><p>複数登録している月額メニューのうち、ひとつでも「クレジットカード決済以外」で払っているものがあると、還元率が20%に下がってしまうので注意しましょう。</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '月額メニューを途中で変えても還元の対象になる?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p><strong>なります。</strong></p><p>例えば、以下のような場合でも問題なく対象となります。</p><p class="is-style-bg_stripe">キャンペーン期間中は「300メニュー」を利用していたけど、途中で「500メニュー」に変えて、そのまま翌月まで継続した</p>'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Yahoo!の順位と、Googleの順位が違うのはなぜですか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Yahoo!は、検索結果にGoogleの検索結果を利用していますが、検索結果にはYahoo!独自のコンテンツなども反映させています。そのため、検索結果(SEO部分)に大きな違いは出にくいですが、「Yahoo!独自のもの」によって、検索結果ページの表示の見た目が異なります。'}}}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Is It Possible To Retrieve Data From A Dead Phone?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "Yes, of course, it is possible to &lt;a href=''&gt;<strong>recover data from a dead phone</strong>&lt;/a&gt; through the previous created backup. However, in the absence of backup, you can still retrieve files from a dead phone using &lt;a href=''&gt;Android Data Recovery Tool&lt;/a&gt;."}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How Can I Recover Data From My Android Phone With A Broken Screen For Free?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "You can easily recover data from Android phone with a broken screen for free through the cloud backup or Google Drive backup. But ensure that you've previously enabled the cloud backup feature on your device or uploaded your files to Google Drive as a backup."}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How To Recover Data From Unresponsive Android Phone?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "There is no any manual solution available to recover data from unresponsive Android phone. So, you have to try the most reliable and powerful &lt;a href=''&gt;Android Data Recovery Tool&lt;/a&gt; to get the files back from not responsive phone."}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', '@id': '', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Will I find any cool headline ideas about Peugeot SR1 for free on your website?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Yup. Lots of them too. There is more than 43 different variations of headlines you can use in your ads. All free to copy and use wherever you see fit.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Can I use the headlines I like anywhere I want?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Yup. Knock yourself out. We claim no ownership to anything. Use them in ads or wherever you see fit. Heck, paint them in your face if you want. It will probably make people look weird at you though.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': {'@type': 'Question', 'name': "What changes will a woman's body undergo when she starts having sex regularly?", 'dateCreated': 'Tue,01 May 2018 16:42:14 +0530', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '\r\n\tSex is an important part and yes every one&rsquo;s body reacts differently to the first time when they have sex. No a body has no changes on the outer part or in physical appearance when you have regular sex. The changes that are seen or experienced are in the inner body. Weight gain is something that depends on hormone level after having and just before having sex hormones that make you happy are released by the body and yes they can be one reason for temporary weight gain.&nbsp;\r\n\r\n\tRead: What changes does a womans body udergo once she starts having sex?\r\n\r\n\t\r\n\r\n\tAre sex and weight gain related', 'author': {'@type': 'Person', 'name': ' DoctorNDTV Team'}}}}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is Qi Charging?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Qi Charging is an accu battery recharging technology for Timebulb cordless lamps and smartphones, that works without cables. Qi Charging uses the induction method, a magnetic energy transfer on a short distance between charger plate / pad / station and mobile device.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How does Wireless Charging work?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Wireless Charging is an accu battery recharging technology for Timebulb cordless lamps and smartphones, that works without cables. Wireless Charging uses the induction method, a magnetic energy transfer on a short distance between charger plate / pad / station and mobile device.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How to Use a Cordless Lamp', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Cordless lamps provide to you the advantage of an independent emissionfree lightsource that can be placed everywhere a person feels comtortable. Usecases for a Timebulb accu lamp can be: dinner table, interior design, wedding decoration, event styling, terrace lighting, restaurant equipment, garden illumination, reading lamp, ambient light at the bathtub, picnic and outdoor activities.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How can I attach a clip-on lamp shade?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The most clip-on lamp shades are easy to use. Just be sure the light bulb of your Timebulb lamp is installed correctly, accessible, clean, cold, and switched off. Then clip the lamp shade on top of it for optimized light control and advanced decoration.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Welche M&ouml;glichkeiten gibt es, 500 Euro anzulegen?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Im Artikel werden die verschiedenen Anlagem&ouml;glichkeiten er&ouml;rtert. Unter anderem sind Aktien, Kryptow&auml;hrungen, Rohstoffe, der Forex-Handel, der CFD Handel, Immobilien, Sparb&uuml;cher, Indices und viele weitere Investmentformen sehr beliebt.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Wie finde ich heraus, welche Anlageform am ehesten zu mir passt?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Hier spielt vor allem die eigene Trading Pers&ouml;nlichkeit eine Rolle. Wie viel Geld nimmt man in die Hand? Investiert man eher konservativ oder risikoreich? Investiert man als Alternative zum Sparen oder erwartet man saftige Renditen?\n<p>Man sollte sich mit den eigenen finanziellen W&uuml;nschen minuti&ouml;s auseinandersetzen, bevor man sich f&uuml;r ein passendes Investment entscheidet.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Macht es Sinn, 500 Euro zu investieren?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'In Zeiten von Negativzinsen macht das klassische Sparen kaum mehr Sinn. Daher sind Investments die kl&uuml;gere Wahl: Hier erh&auml;lt man die Chance auf gute Renditen, wenngleich auch ein Risiko mitschwingt, dass aber kalkulierbar ist.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Wo kann ich mich bez&uuml;glich einer bestimmten Anlageform weiterbilden?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Viele Onlinebroker verf&uuml;gen &uuml;ber Academies, welche eine ad&auml;quate Weiterbildung erlauben. Alternativ werden im Netz Trading Kurse angeboten, hier sollte man aber eine hohe Gewichtung auf die Seriosit&auml;t des Anbieters legen.\n<p>Aktuelle News und Trading Strategien werden nat&uuml;rlich auch hier bei Kryptoszene in eigenen Artikeln detailliert erl&auml;utert.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Was sind die Voraussetzungen, damit ich erfolgreich investieren kann?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Man sollte immer wissen, in was man investiert. Gerade Anf&auml;nger sollten sich daher in den Handel zun&auml;chst einmal gr&uuml;ndlich einlesen und verstehen, wie die gew&auml;hlte Investitionsform genau funktioniert. Hier auf werden dazu alle Informationen zur Verf&uuml;gung gestellt. Besitzt man das n&ouml;tige Know How, sowie ein gutes Gesp&uuml;r f&uuml;r die M&auml;rkte, so steht baldigen Gewinnen nichts mehr im Wege.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How long do gingerbread decorations last? ', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'You can keep a gingerbread house for years with proper storage. Our houses will stay fresh to eat for up to 12 months depending on how they are displayed and/or stored. Keep in mind that if you are displaying your decorated house, it will gather dust and other air particles. '}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Why is it called gingerbread? ', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Originally, the term gingerbread referred to preserved ginger. It then referred to a confection made with honey and spices. Gingerbread is often used to translate the French term pain d&#8217;épices (literally “spice bread”). '}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Where did the making of gingerbread houses start?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Food historians claim that the tradition of making gingerbread houses started in Germany in the early 1800s. The first gingerbread houses were the result of the fairy tale “Hansel and Gretel.”\xa0 '}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What are some benefits of eating ginger?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Ginger has a host of health benefits: it can help with indigestion or nausea, is anti-inflammatory, could even lower cholesterol levels and heart disease risk factors, and has some cancer-fighting properties. '}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'このお店への行き方は?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '天童南駅/出口/199m, <a href="">もっと見る</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'このお店の口コミは?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'もつ煮定食880円\n野菜の入ってない\u3000モツだけのもつ煮\u3000\n上にネギは乗ってるけど\nご飯山盛りで出てくるのかと思ったら\u3000ご飯の量も選べるシステム, <a href="">もっと見る</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'このお店の人気メニューは', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'ザンギ定食, <a href="">もっと見る</a>'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Сколько стоит HORDOORS HDS TUM 5 светлые?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Цена — 4634 руб. в нашем интернет-магазине.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Какие характеристики имеет HORDOORS HDS TUM 5 светлые?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Характеристики: Производитель - HORDOORS; '}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': ' HORDOORS HDS TUM 5 светлые — есть ли похожие товары? ', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'HORDOORS ЭМАЛЬ Charm 2 стекло - 18074 руб., ProfilDoors 2.11XN - 11053 руб., HORDOORS ЭМАЛЬ Amely 3 - 21767 руб., ProfilDoors 49U - 12981 руб.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Abreocos şəhərində neçə hava limanı var?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Abreocos şəhərində bu hava limanları var: Abreojos.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'description': 'FAQページの概要文', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'コンシーラーを使いたい場合の塗る順番は?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'コンシーラーを使う場合に、クリームファンデーションとどちらを先に塗るのか迷うことがあるでしょう。クリームファンデーションと下地を使用する場合は、まず化粧下地を塗った後にクリームファンデーションをのばします。&lt;span class=&quot;text_mark text_strong&quot;&gt;ファンデーションで整えた後、気になる部分にコンシーラーを使って重ねづけしてなじませていく&lt;/span&gt;方法がおすすめです。\r\n\r\n赤みなどのコントロールは、コンシーラーを使うよりもコントロールカラーの入った下地でカバーすれば自然に見せることが可能。きれいな塗り方ができます。', 'url': ''}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'クリームファンデーションのあとのメイク工程は?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '化粧下地を塗って、クリームファンデーションをしっかりと肌に密着させたら、&lt;span class=&quot;text_mark text_strong&quot;&gt;フェイスパウダーで仕上げるのがおすすめ&lt;/span&gt;です。パウダーファンデーションを重ねる人もいるようですが、その場合は薄付きのものを選ぶと厚塗り感が出ないですよ。', 'url': ''}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Fact#1: Public Health', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'A continually growing number of studies have associated fracking and other shale gas extraction processes with cancer and serious health threats to almost every system in our bodies. \xa0Expectant mothers and infants seem especially vulnerable to premature birth, low birth weights, and congenital heart and brain defects. Risks for childhood leukemia, asthma and other respiratory diseases increase.\xa0 Many of the chemicals used in fracking can disrupt our hormone systems, and cause developmental and reproductive problems lasting a lifetime.\xa0 Reviewers of all the medical research have stated that they can see no way for the industry to operate safely as regards public health.\r\n\r\nRead More:\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Health-Canada-Potential-Health-Hazards-from-Shale-Gas</a> (2012)</li>\r\n \t<li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Chief Medical Officer of Health’s Recommendations Concerning Shale Gas Development in New Brunswick</a> (2012)</li>\r\n \t<li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Environmental Impacts of Shale Gas Development</a>, Council of Canadian Academies Study (2014)</li>\r\n \t<li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">New Research Documents Fracking’s Health Effects on Workers and Communities</a> (October 20, 2014)</li>\r\n \t<li><a href="">Evaluating the effects of living with contamination from the lens of trauma: Case Study of Fracking in Alberta, </a>(28 July 2017)</li>\r\n \t<li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Study: Benzene byproducts found in pregnant women near BC fracking sites</a>, (Nov 2017)</li>\r\n</ul>', 'author': {'@type': 'Person', 'name': 'NBASGA'}}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Fact#2: Local impacts on fracking communities:', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Cost of living increases, as do rents, which impacts low income families and seniors. Stress on health care systems increase. Property values decrease, and getting mortgages or insurance may prove difficult. Farming, fishing, hunting, tourism and agriculture suffer losses. Shale gas is a boom-bust economy that leaves areas worse off.\r\n\r\nRead more:\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">“How shale gas extraction affects drilling localities: Lessons for regional and city policy makers.”</a> Christopherson, Susan and Ned Rightor (2012).</li>\r\n \t<li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Heavy Fraffic Video</a></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n&nbsp;', 'author': {'@type': 'Person', 'name': 'NBASGA'}}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Fact#3: Roads, bridges, traffic', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'A single well pad requires thousands of heavy truck trips, operating 24/7. These trucks compete with regular traffic for road space. Damage to roads and bridges can reach to billions of dollars, and taxpayers are often stuck with a portion of that bill. The destroyed roads impact everything from emergency vehicles to school buses to normal community life. Traffic accidents and fatalities increase significantly.\r\n\r\nRead More:\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">How Shale Gas Extraction Affects Drilling Localities: Lessons for Regional and City Policy Makers</a></li>\r\n \t<li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Heavy Fraffic Video</a></li>\r\n</ul>', 'author': {'@type': 'Person', 'name': 'NBASGA'}}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Fact#4: Water pollution', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Methane, fracking fluids and other drilling chemicals have been documented as entering waterways via leaking wells, spills, pipeline breaks, well blowouts, truck accidents and floods.\xa0 In addition to rendering water wells undrinkable and causing illnesses, contaminated waters have killed farm animals, wildlife, fish, vegetation and have left farmlands unusable.\r\n\r\nRead More:\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Shale Gas: How Often Do Fracked Wells Leak?</a> (The Tyee, Jan 2013)</li>\r\n \t<li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Fracking Contamination ‘Will Get Worse’: Alberta Expert</a> - (The Tyee, Dec 2011)</li>\r\n \t<li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Alberta research shows fracking fluids cause ‘significant’ harm to fish</a> (24 Jan 2017, CBC) “The real risk comes from the disposal process, where (companies) have to truck it to a new site or pipeline it to a new site,” Goss said Tuesday. His paper notes that Alberta has experienced more than 2,500 such spills between 2011 and 2014.</li>\r\n</ul>', 'author': {'@type': 'Person', 'name': 'NBASGA'}}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Fact#5: Air pollution', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Many studies have linked airborne illnesses to density and nearness of gas wells, some documenting problems up to 4km from wells. \xa0Because airborne pollution can be inhaled, swallowed, and also reach the skin, it has emerged as one of the primary public health concerns.\xa0 Other shale gas chemicals have created ground-level ozone over 300 km from the source, aggravating asthma, respiratory diseases and causing irreparable lung damage.\r\n\r\nRead More:\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li><a href="">Saskatchewan gave no public warnings about pollution. But new research shows an air quality indicator that was \'off the chart\'</a> (Oct 2018)</li>\r\n \t<li><a href="Methane Leaks from Energy Wells Affects Groundwater, Travels Great Distances, Study Confirms" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Methane Leaks from Energy Wells Affects Groundwater, Travels Great Distances, Study Confirms</a>\xa0 (<span class="author-info__date"><span data-bind="date">23 Nov 2017</span></span>, The Tyee)</li>\r\n \t<li><a href="">Hydraulic fracturing (fracking): social and environmental costs in Alberta</a></li>\r\n \t<li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Fracking Fumes: Air Pollution from Hydraulic Fracturing Threatens Public Health and Communities</a> (Dec 2014)</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n&nbsp;', 'author': {'@type': 'Person', 'name': 'NBASGA'}}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Fact#6: Climate Change', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Methane, the main ingredient in natural gas is 86 times more powerful than carbon dioxide (CO2).\xa0 Because large amounts leak into the atmosphere from every stage of shale gas development, transport and usage, shale gas is considered to be one of the fastest growing causes of climate change and worse for the climate than burning coal.\r\n\r\nRead More:\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Difference between natural gas, LNG, shale gas, methane...</a></li>\r\n \t<li data-bind="title"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Methane Leaks from Energy Wells Affects Groundwater, Travels Great Distances, Study Confirms</a> (Apr 2017)</li>\r\n \t<li data-bind="title"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Alberta methane regulations will fail to meet reduction target</a> (Dec 2018)</li>\r\n</ul>', 'author': {'@type': 'Person', 'name': 'NBASGA'}}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Fact#7: Water usage', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Fracking, on average, uses more than 28 times more water than it did 15 years ago, guzzling up to 9.6 million <u>gallons</u> of water per well. Each shale gas well pad can have up to 20 wells. Each well can be ‘fracked’ a dozen times or more. <u>A developed gas field can have thousands of wells</u>.\xa0 The water needs are enormous and compete with society’s other needs for the water.\r\n\r\nRead More:\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Mega-Fracking Brings Big Jump in Industry Water Use</a> (30 Aug 2018, The Tyee)</li>\r\n \t<li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Central Alberta citizens band together to fight huge new water licence for fracking</a> (30 Jan 2019, The Narwhal)</li>\r\n \t<li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Water Contamination from Fracking: BC\'s LNG</a></li>\r\n \t<li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Risks to Water and Public Health from Unconventional Gas in B.C.</a> (May 2018, Pembina Institute)</li>\r\n \t<li><a href="">Fracking in Alberta: daily quakes and thirsty residents</a> (16 Jan 2016</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n&nbsp;', 'author': {'@type': 'Person', 'name': 'NBASGA'}}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Fact#8: Wastewater', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The vast amount of wastewater left after a frack is highly toxic and sometimes radioactive. Brine spills are a serious issue. There are no safe methods of disposal, and it cannot be safely used for other purposes.\r\n\r\nRead More:\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Husky pipe leaks water used in oil production into river near Turtleford, Sask </a>(19 Jul 2018, CBC)</li>\r\n \t<li><a href="">121 salt water leaks from Sask. oil industry since start of 2017</a> ( 25 July 2018, CBC)</li>\r\n \t<li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Alberta research shows fracking fluids cause \'significant\' harm to fish</a> (24 Jan 2017, CBC)\r\n<p style="margin: 0in; font-family: Calibri; font-size: 11.0pt;">"The real risk comes from the disposal process, where (companies) have to truck it to a new site or pipeline it to a new site," Goss said Tuesday. His paper notes that Alberta has experienced more than 2,500 such spills between 2011 and 2014.</p>\r\n<p style="margin: 0in; font-family: Calibri; font-size: 9.0pt; color: #595959;"></p>\r\n</li>\r\n</ul>', 'author': {'@type': 'Person', 'name': 'NBASGA'}}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Fact#9: Chemicals', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Chemicals: Living near a shale gas well is to be a guinea pig in the largest uncontrolled chemical experiment in the world. And the people running it don’t have to tell you the chemicals to which you are being exposed. Roughly 650 chemicals are used in fracking and we have no information whatsoever of the health or environmental effects of half of them. Those that have been studied are associated with cancer and/or damage to the brain and nervous systems, immune and cardiovascular systems, kidneys, liver, eyes, skin, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract and reproductive system. There is no information how they react when mixed with each other or with naturally occurring toxic elements in the earth. The industry says the percentage of chemicals mixed with water is small, but a frack using 9 million gallons of water, of which only 1% is made up of chemicals, still results in 90,000 gallons of chemicals injected into the earth.\r\n\r\nRead More:\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">How slick water and black shale in fracking combine to produce radioactive waste</a> (Dartmouth College, Sept 2018)</li>\r\n \t<li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Environmental Impacts of Natural Gas</a></li>\r\n \t<li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Compendium of the Risks and Harms Associated with Fracking</a></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n&nbsp;', 'author': {'@type': 'Person', 'name': 'NBASGA'}}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Fact#10: Earthquakes', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Both the disposal of wastewater and fracking itself have been identified as causing thousands of earthquakes, mostly small, but some large enough to cause property damage and injure people.\xa0 Areas close to fault lines are particularly vulnerable. The earthquakes can continue long after the initial activity is over. In BC, Canada\'s leading seismologist recommends prohibiting fracking within 5 km of hydroelectric dams.\r\n\r\nRead More:\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Mega-Fracking in BC Linked to Earthquakes, Study Finds\xa0</a>(18 Apr 2017, The Tyee)</li>\r\n \t<li><a href="">Fort St. John earthquakes were caused by fracking: BC Oil and Gas Commission</a> (22 Dec 2018, CBC)</li>\r\n \t<li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Oil and Gas Commission Confirms Fracking Caused Earthquakes Felt by Hundreds</a>\xa0(Dec 31, 2018, The Tyee)</li>\r\n</ul>', 'author': {'@type': 'Person', 'name': 'NBASGA'}}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Fact#11: The industry', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'With hardly an exception, shale gas companies are mired in debt and, with historically low prices for gas, have little hope for profit no matter how much gas they produce in order to pay their bills.\xa0 Many have gone bankrupt and more will likely follow as the world moves away from fossil fuels. The poor economic state of the industry makes it more likely to flaunt regulations and safety.\r\n\r\nRead More:\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li><a href="">Fracking in 2018: Another Year of Pretending to Make Money</a> (Dec 18, 2018 Desmog)</li>\r\n \t<li><a href="">Nine-year losing streak continues for US fracking sector: Oil and gas output is rising but cash losses keep flowing </a>\xa0(5 Dec 2018, Sightline Institute)</li>\r\n \t<li><a href="">Financial Red Flags for Fracking</a> (17 Oct 2018, Sightline Institute)</li>\r\n \t<li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Oil bust on par with telecom crash of dot-com era</a> - (Houston Chronicle, Sept 2016)</li>\r\n</ul>', 'author': {'@type': 'Person', 'name': 'NBASGA'}}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Fact#12: Jobs', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The gas industry has never been a source of many permanent jobs, especially when compared to clean energy and energy efficiency industries.\xa0 But now, because the industry is in deep debt, they’re cutting costs by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">eliminating jobs and replacing people with machines</a>. Automation means that experienced workers from elsewhere will fill the remaining specialized jobs. Locals will get temporary jobs such as truck drivers and security guards. Ironically, NB businesses already have many such job openings that they can’t fill.\r\n\r\nRead More\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Oil Industry Plans to Keep Workers Safe—by Firing Them and Having Robots Do Their Jobs </a> (19 Jul 2018, Desmog)</li>\r\n \t<li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Thousands of energy jobs lost to Alberta downturn are gone for good, economist says</a> (Mar 7, 2018, CBC)</li>\r\n \t<li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Why Alberta\'s economic \'recovery\' feels so different this time</a> (10 Jan 2018, CBC)</li>\r\n \t<li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Union outcry as automation eats up 400 oilsands jobs</a> – and it’s just the beginning - (Global News Feb 2018)</li>\r\n \t<li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Oil bust on par with telecom crash of dot-com era</a> - (Houston Chronicle, Sept 2016)</li>\r\n \t<li><a href=";fbclid=IwAR1zC9getwtfl83f86rf74nrbMAAFhNJyzr0mUAKtza_EGOJcYiDB-Ozqi8">Rise of the Machines: Fracking Execs Plan Profits by Using Automation to Shrink Workforce </a>- (Desmog June 2018)</li>\r\n \t<li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Oil bust on par with telecom crash of dot-com era</a> - (Houston Chronicle, Sept 2016)</li>\r\n</ul>\r\nThe Alternatives:\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Oil and gas workers transitioning to clean energy</a> (Iron and Earth, oil workers transitioning)</li>\r\n \t<li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Amid fading oil boom, Canada\'s roughnecks seek green energy jobs</a>- (Reuters, Aug 2017)</li>\r\n \t<li><a href="">One Million Climate Jobs: A Plan for a Sustainable and Equitable Economy</a> (2017)</li>\r\n \t<li><a href="">Clean Energy Canada Report</a> (34 job years for every $1 million invested) (2018)</li>\r\n \t<li><a href="">Research and modeling by the Acadia Centre</a>:\xa0 energy efficiency initiatives in NB could create between 22-51 job-years/$1Million of program spending. (2014)</li>\r\n \t<li><a href="">Vermont: 29% growth in clean energy industry since 2003; 12,000 full time jobs; 19,000 clean energy workers (1:16 Vermonters in CE jobs).</a></li>\r\n</ul>', 'author': {'@type': 'Person', 'name': 'NBASGA'}}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Fact#13: Abandoned wells', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Places like <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Alberta</a> and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Saskatchewan</a> already have many tens of thousands of abandoned wells, many of which were not closed down properly or at all, thus continuing to leak methane and toxic air and water.\xa0 The auditor of Saskatchewan estimates this will cost $4 billion, while in Alberta the amount may be $260 billion.\xa0 The industry was never asked to put aside anywhere near enough money to cover this, and because of the poor financial status of the industry many companies are bankrupt or nearly so.\xa0 It’s likely that the federal government – meaning taxpayers – will have to bear some responsibility for this.\r\n\r\nRead More:\r\n<ul>\r\n \t<li class="detailHeadline"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The silence on Alberta\'s $260 billion environmental liability is deafening </a> (13 Nov 2018, National Observer)</li>\r\n \t<li class="detailHeadline"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Alberta’s Mega Oil and Gas Liability Crisis, Explained</a>, (4 Feb 2019, The Tyee)</li>\r\n \t<li class="detailHeadline"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Increase in inactive oil and gas wells could cost Saskatchewan $4B in future cleanup: auditor </a>(8 June 0218, CBC)</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n&nbsp;\r\n\r\n&nbsp;', 'author': {'@type': 'Person', 'name': 'NBASGA'}}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': '対応していない時間や日付はありますか?また、日程の調整は可能でしょうか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '水道修理ルートでは24時間365日受付・対応可能となっております。お急ぎの方はもちろん、翌日以降の日程・時間調整も承っておりますのでお気軽にお申し付けください。平日・休日・祝日、深夜・早朝問わずお問い合わせをお待ちしております!'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'トイレつまりの施工時間はどのくらいですか?またお金はどれくらいかかりますでしょうか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'トイレつまりの施工時間は約30分~60分ほどになります。料金につきましてはトイレつまりの作業料金が5,500円ですが、基本料金が3,300円になりますので合わせて8,800円になります。WEBからのお申し込み(お電話にて「サイトを見た」でも大丈夫です!)であれば3,000円割引が適応されますので5,500円になります。<br />\r\n<br />\r\n現場状況によっては料金に変動がございますのでまずはお見積もり(無料)だけでも構いませんのでご相談いただければと思います。<br />\r\n電話番号:<a href="tel:0120-579-007" style="text-decoration: underline;color: #1eb1db;text-decoration-color: #1eb1db;">0120-579-007</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '事前に準備しておくもの、対応は必要でしょうか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'トラブルに対してお客様の方で用意していただくものはありません!専用の道具や工具などは全て用意させていただきます。料金についてもクレジットカードやコンビニ後払い、銀行振り込みにも対応しておりますので手持ちがない状態でも大丈夫です!'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '尼崎市ではどのくらいで到着されますか?また、どんな人がくるのでしょうか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '尼崎市であれば最短で15~60分ほどでお伺いが可能です。伺うスタッフは全て自社スタッフで有資格者含む経験豊富なスタッフになります。見積もりの際の疑問点やお問い合わせいただいたもの以外でも気になることがありましたらお気軽にご相談ください!'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '見積りだけでも良いでしょうか?また、見積もり後のキャンセルは無料でしょうか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'もちろんお見積りだけのご相談でも大丈夫です!お見積り後にご説明させていただきましたあと、作業に入る前にかならず確認させていただきます。その際にキャンセルしていただいても大丈夫です!お見積り、キャンセル料金はかかりませんのでまずはお見積もりだけでもご相談いただければと思います。'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Gibt es bei Stilbasis Influencer Rabattcode?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Ja. Dir sollte auch aufgefallen sein, dass es auf Instagram, Facebook und anderen sozialen Plattformen oft Influencer gibt, die ihren Followern exklusiv Stilbasis Rabatt zur Verfügung stellen, das ist meist die Kooperation zwischen Influencer und Stilbasis, um Followern Rabatte zu gewähren. Und hier bietet Ihnen den aktuellsten Influencer Rabatt. Wenn Sie Lieblingsprodukte von Stilbasis haben, bestellen Sie beim exklusiven Influencer Rabatt!'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Wie kann ich mich mit Stilbasis verbinden?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Egal ob YouTube oder Instagram, Stilbasis wird Sie immer folgen. Auf der Social Media Plattform hat Stilbasis die Lieblingsnachrichten und -produkte einiger Kunden gesendet. Bitte abonnieren Sie die Social Media Kanäle von Stilbasis und folgen Sie den neuesten Trends. Sie können auch Stilbasis Vorschläge machen, um ihnen zu helfen, es besser zu machen!'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Hat Stilbasis einen Studentenrabatt?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Ja. Stilbasis bitet in Anbetracht der wirtschaftlichen Situation von Schülern und Studenten, speziell Gutscheine für Sie an. Das heißt, Sie können Stilbasis Gutscheine mit einem gültigen Dokument erhalten, das ihre Identität nachweisen kann. Wenn Sie Fragen haben, hilft Ihnen Stilbasis Kundendienst gerne weiter.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Kostenfreie Stornierung bis zum 15. Tag vor Anreise', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Das Angebot gilt für Buchungen in ausgewählten Ferienhäusern.\nStornierungen ab dem 14. Tag vor Anreise unterliegen den AGB Punkt 6.</p>\n\n\n<p>Informieren Sie sich vor der Buchung, ob das Angebot der kostenfreien Stornierung gilt, da sich Angebotszeiträume jederzeit ändern können.\nGilt das Angebot der kostenfreien Stornierung, ist dies der Hausbeschreibung zu entnehmen.</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Unter welchen Bedingungen kann man bis zu 35/45 Tage vor Ankunft kostenfrei stornieren?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<!--Neue Buchungen ab 7. Juli 2022 können bis zu 35/45 Tage vor gebuchtem Ankunftsdatum kostenfrei storniert werden, sofern das Ankunftsdatum bis zur 27. Kalenderwoche und in der 32. bis 50. Kalenderwoche im Jahr 2022 liegt.-->\n\n\n<p>Es gilt eine kostenfreie Stornierung bei Neubuchungen seit dem 7. Juli 2022 bis zu 35/45 Tage vor gebuchtem Ankunftsdatum - je nach Ferienhaus. Dies gilt für alle Ankünfte bis zur ersten Kalenderwoche im Jahr 2024, mit Ausnahme der Zeiträume, in denen der Hauseigentümer der 15-Tage-Stornierung (siehe oben) zugestimmt hat.</p>\n\n\n<p>Bitte lesen Sie die genauen Daten auf der Hausdetailseite, bevor Sie Ihre Buchung abschließen. Außerdem sehen Sie Stornierungsmöglichkeiten und die Deadline für kostenfreie Stornierung auf Ihrem Mietausweis.</p>\n\n\n<!--Das Angebot gilt für Buchungen in ausgewählten Ferienhäusern in der Saison 2021/2022 mit Anreise im Zeitraum 04.09.2021. – 03.06.2022, die ab dem 24.08.2021 getätigt wurden. \nStornierungen ab dem 34./44. Tag vor Anreise unterliegen den AGB Punkt 6.\nInformieren Sie sich vor der Buchung, ob das Angebot der kostenfreien Stornierung gilt, da sich Angebotszeiträume jederzeit ändern können.\nGilt das Angebot der kostenfreien Stornierung, ist dies der Hausbeschreibung zu entnehmen.-->'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Does do NHS discount?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Yes. is a shop that takes care of the medical workers very much, so there are definitely NHS discounts for them. With a medical service certificate, you can shop happily in, because the exclusive NHS discount will save you a lot.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Gibt es bei Tennis Point Influencer Rabattcode?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Ja. Immer mehr Menschen wissen, wie sie mit Influencer Rabatt beim Einkaufen bei Geld sparen können. Da Tennis Point von mehr Menschen bekannt werden möchte, muss es Influencer als Werbekanal nutzen. Und Tennis Point Influencer Rabatt soll Kunden das beste Feedback geben. Mit diesem exklusiven Gutscheine können Sie am meisten 60% sparen!'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Wie kann ich mich mit Tennis Point verbinden?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Seit der Gründung von Tennis Point hat sich das Unternehmen verpflichtet, die Bedürfnisse seiner Kunden zu erfüllen und qualitativ hochwertige Dienstleistungen zu erbringen. Wenn Sie die neuesten Trends kennenlernen möchten, folgen Sie bitte der Seite Tennis Point und erfahren Sie mehr. Egal welche Social Media App Sie mögen, wird Tennis Point Ihnen immer folgen.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Hat Tennis Point einen Studentenrabatt?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Ja. Tennis Point bietet Studentenrabatte für alle Schüler und Studenten. Da Schüler und Studenten Gruppen sind, die sparsam sein müssen und nicht zu viel Geld zum Konsum haben, werden über das Rabattsystem Tennis Point spezielle Studentenrabatte für diese Gruppen gewährt. Sie können durch die Tennis Point Webseite Rabatt finden.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Gibt es bei Schäfer Shop Influencer Rabattcode?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Na sicher. Da Influencer in einem bestimmten Zeitraum viel Aufmerksamkeit auf Schäfer Shop lenken kann, arbeitet Schäfer Shop gerne mit Influencer zusammen und stellt seinen Followern, nämlich Kunden, exklusive Influencer Gutscheine zur Verfügung. Verwenden Sie diese Influencer Rabatt , Sie können über €38 sparen. Kommen Sie zu, um den Schäfer Shop Rabatt zu finden, an dem Sie interessiert sind!'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Wie kann ich mich mit Schäfer Shop verbinden?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Schäfer Shop hat offizielle Accounts auf allen wichtigen Media Design Plattformen registriert und die neuesten Informationen so schnell wie möglich veröffentlicht. Sie können Schäfer Shop auf Ihrer bevorzugten sozialen Plattform suchen und folgen, um die neuesten Nachrichten und Werbeaktionen zu erhalten. Schäfer Shopfreut auf Ihre Aufmerksamkeit!'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Hat Schäfer Shop einen Studentenrabatt?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Ja. Schäfer Shop werden für Studenten und Schüler,die geringer Kaufkraft sind, spezielle Gutscheine für Sie eingeführt. Sie können einen speziellen Schäfer Shop Gutscheine verwenden, um einen bestimmten Betrag des Zahlungsbetrags für den Verbrauch abzuziehen. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie bei der Gutscheine nutzen wollen, sollen Sie für Schäfer Shop Ihr Studentenzertifikat vorlegen . Bitte verstehen Sie!'}}]}
{'name': 'Hotel Saint-Sauveur Bruges B&B - 4 HRS Sterne Hotel: Bei HRS mit Gratis-Leistungen', '@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'name': 'Bietet Hotel Saint-Sauveur Bruges B&B kostenloses WLAN im Zimmer?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': "Das WLAN im Hotel ist kostenpflichtig und hat folgende Preise: <ul class='list--unordered'><li>WLAN im öffentlichen Bereich</li></ul>", '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Bietet Hotel Saint-Sauveur Bruges B&B Parkplätze für Gäste?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': "Gäste vom Hotel Saint-Sauveur Bruges B&B stehen folgende Parkmöglichkeiten zur Verfügung.<ul class='list--unordered'><li>Hoteleigener Parkplatz</li><li>Parkplatz ist gesichert</li></ul>", '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Kann man im Hotel Saint-Sauveur Bruges B&B frühstücken?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': 'Ja im Hotel Saint-Sauveur Bruges B&B können Sie das Frühstücksangebot genießen.', '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Wie ist die durchschnittliche Bewertung von Hotel Saint-Sauveur Bruges B&B', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': 'Hotel Saint-Sauveur Bruges B&B wurde von 2 Gästen durchschnittlich mit 9.3 bewertet.', '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Welcher Service ist im Hotel Saint-Sauveur Bruges B&B besonders gut bewertet?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': 'Zimmergröße, Freundlichkeit des Personals und Hotelatmosphäre / Flair wurden besonders gut bewertet.', '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Wieviel Prozent der Gäste empfehlen das Hotel Saint-Sauveur Bruges B&B weiter?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': '100 % der HRS-Gäste empfehlen das Hotel Saint-Sauveur Bruges B&B für ihren nächsten Aufenthalt weiter.', '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Um wie viel Uhr kann man frühstens im Hotel Saint-Sauveur Bruges B&B einchecken?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': 'Ein Check-in ist frühestens ab 01:55 Uhr möglich.', '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Wann muss man spätestens auschecken?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': 'Der Check-out ist bis spätestens 01:55 Uhr möglich.', '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Wie weit ist der nächste Bahnhof entfernt?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': 'Der nächste Bahnhof ist 0.9 km von der Unterkunft entfernt.', '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Welche Vorteile hat man, wenn man das Hotel Saint-Sauveur Bruges B&B über HRS bucht?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': 'Leider bietet das Hotel Saint-Sauveur Bruges B&B keine Vorteile für HRS-Gäste.', '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Gibt es im Hotel Saint-Sauveur Bruges B&B ein Restaurant?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': 'Das Hotel hat kein eigenes Restaurant.', '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Ist das Hotel barrierefrei?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': 'Hotel Saint-Sauveur Bruges B&B ist leider nicht barrierefrei.', '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Sind die Hotelzimmer mit einer Klimaanlage ausgestattet?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': 'Die Hotelzimmer im Hotel Saint-Sauveur Bruges B&B haben leider keine eigene Klimaanlage.', '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Kann man meine Buchung im Hotel Saint-Sauveur Bruges B&B kostenlos stornieren?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': 'Mit unserem Flex-Tarif können HRS-Kunden ihre Hotelbuchung immer bis 18 Uhr des Check-In-Tages kostenlos stornieren.', '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Mit welchen Zahlungsmethoden kann man in Hotel Saint-Sauveur Bruges B&B bezahlen?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': "Mit folgenden Zahlungsmittel können Sie im Hotel bezahlen:<ul class='list--unordered'><li>Visa</li><li>Eurocard/Mastercard</li></ul>", '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Kann man bei einer Reise Meilen und Punkte sammeln?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': "Mit Ihrem myHRS Account sammeln Sie bei jeder Hotelbuchung Meilen & Punkte bei unseren Partnern ‘Miles & More’, ‘BahnBonus’. Nähere Informationen finden Sie <a href='' rel=noopener>hier</a>.", '@type': 'answer'}}]}
{'name': 'Kavalir - 3 HOTEL DE Sterne Hotel: Bei HOTEL DE mit Gratis-Leistungen', '@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'name': 'Wie wurde das Kavalir im Durchschnitt bewertet?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': 'Im Durchschnitt wurde das Kavalir mit 6.9 von 20 ehemaligen Gästen bewertet.', '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Wann beginnt der Check-in im Kavalir?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': 'Der Check-in ist ab 14:00 Uhr möglich.', '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Bis wieviel Uhr muss man auschecken?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': 'Im Kavalir muss man bis 11:00 Uhr das Zimmer verlassen.', '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Wie weit ist die Entfernung zum nächsten Bahnhof?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': 'Der nächste Bahnhof ist 5 Kilometer vom Kavalir entfernt.', '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Wie weit ist die Entfernung zum nächsten Flughafen?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': 'Der nächste Flughafen ist 14 Kilometer vom Kavalir entfernt.', '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Hat das Hotel Kavalir eine zentrale Lage?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': 'Das Kavalir ist ca. 5 Kilometer vom Stadtzentrum entfernt.', '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Gibt es Parkplätze für Hotelgäste im Kavalir?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': 'Hotelgästen vom Kavalir stehen leider keine Parkmöglichkeiten zur Verfügung.', '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Ist kostenloses WLAN im Zimmer im Preis inkludiert?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': 'Kostenloses WLAN im Zimmer ist im Preis mit inbegriffen.', '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Wie sind die Frühstückszeiten im Kavalir?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': 'Im Kavalir wird das Frühstück von 7:00 Uhr bis 10:00 Uhr serviert.', '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Ist es möglich die Buchung im Kavalir kostenlos zu stornieren?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': 'Leider kann man dieses Hotel nicht kostenlos stornieren.', '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Wie kann ich im Kavalir bezahlen?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': "Das Hotel bietet folgende Bezahlmöglichkeiten:<ul class='list--unordered'><li>Diners Club</li><li>Visa</li><li>Eurocard/Mastercard</li><li>American Express</li></ul>", '@type': 'answer'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Какой диаметр сваи используется для изготовления ворот?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Для изготовления ворот мы используем сваю 89х2000.</p>\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Возможна ли рассрочка на ворота?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Рассрочка на ворота не предоставляется.</p>\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Сколько стоит демонтаж старых ворот?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>Демонтаж старых ворот оплачиваются отдельно монтажникам, так же Вы<br />\nможете произвести демонтаж своими силами, если не хотите переплачивать. Подробнее на<br />\nстранице <a href=/dostavka-i-oplata/ >'Оплата и доставка'</a>.</p>\n"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Сколько стоит доставка ворот?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>При заказе ворот с установкой, доставка бесплатная, при заказе<br />\nкомплекта ворот для самостоятельной установки, доставка оплачивается по тарифу в зависимости<br />\nот расстояния.</p>\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Какая гарантия на ворота?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Гарантия на несущую конструкцию ворот составляет 5 лет.</p>\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Как происходит оплата?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>Наша компания работает без предоплаты, оплата по факту выполнения<br />\nработ. В некоторых случаях, берем предоплату, если ворота изготавливаются индивидуально по Вашим<br />\nразмерам. Подробнее на странице <a href=/dostavka-i-oplata/ >'Оплата и доставка'</a>.</p>\n"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Какая толщина метала используется для изготовления ворот?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Для изготовления ворот мы используем профильную трубу 60х40х2мм.</p>\n'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Hvordan kontakter jeg kundeservice for Lindhardt Og Ringhof?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Du kan nå dem gennem Lindhardt Og Ringhofs kundeservice kontaktside, og du kan selvfølgelig også komme i kontakt via Lindhardt Og Ringhofs sociale mediesider. På er der selvfølgelig også måder at vælge imellem, såsom telefonopkald og e-mails. Lindhardt Og Ringhofs kundeservice vil stå til rådighed 24 timer i døgnet og besvare dine spørgsmål hurtigst muligt.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Hvor længe holder Lindhardt Og Ringhof Rabatkode?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Log ind på din personlige konto, og på detailsiden for Lindhardt Og Ringhof Rabatkode kan du se en masse information. Lindhardt Og Ringhof Kampagnekode har et vist omfang af produkttilgængelighed, udover udløbsdatoen skal du afgive en ordre, når produktet ikke er udsolgt, ellers kan Rabatkupon ikke bruges. Du kan vælge den Lindhardt Og Ringhof Rabatkupon, der passer til din ordre, og du kan få mere rabat, hvis du vælger den Tilbudskode med den største rabat og inden for gyldighedsperioden. For eksempel: LAV PRIS, LAV FRAGT Spar 60 % | Støvsugertilbehør.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Hvor meget kan jeg spare hos Lindhardt Og Ringhof?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Du kan spare penge gennem forskellige Lindhardt Og Ringhof rabatter, kampagner og specialtilbud. Lindhardt Og Ringhof har i øjeblikket 11 kampagner i April, og alle Lindhardt Og Ringhof Rabatkode og specialtilbud kan findes her. Spar ekstra penge til dine ordrer med disse Lindhardt Og Ringhof Kuponkode, kampagner og rabatter.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Hvordan kontakter jeg kundeservice for Athleteshop?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Du kan nå dem gennem Athleteshops kundeservice kontaktside, og du kan selvfølgelig også komme i kontakt via Athleteshops sociale mediesider. Generelt er knappen Kontakt kundeservice placeret øverst eller nederst på Athleteshop-siden. Athleteshops kundeservice er tilgængelig 24 timer i døgnet.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Hvor længe holder Athleteshop Rabatkode?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Du kan logge ind på eller oprette en ny konto, klikke på Se mine kort og kupon i Personal Center, og du kan se listen over Athleteshop kuponer, du har. Jeg tror, at alle forstår, at Rabatkupon for Athleteshop skal bruges inden for gyldighedsperioden. Nogle kunder kan dog være forvirrede over Kampagnekode for faste produkter, disse Kampagnekode skal være gyldige, før produkterne er udsolgt. Du kan vælge Rabatkupon at bruge i henhold til dine behov, de mener, at enhver kunde kan få en tilfredsstillende indkøbsoplevelse i Athleteshop. Du kan også følge for at få de seneste kampagner fra April.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Hvor meget kan jeg spare hos Athleteshop?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Athleteshop tilbyder af og til kunder kampagner, hver med en forskellig rabat. I April har Athleteshop 7 kampagner og 1 Rabatkode. Typisk kan onlinekunder, der bruger Athleteshop tilbuddene eller Kuponkode, spare pr. ordre i gennemsnit.'}}]}