2 classes
2 values
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What year was this home built in?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '23101 Billy Brown Road, Langley, V1M 4G1 was built in 2008.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How long has this property been listed for?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '23101 Billy Brown Road, Langley, V1M 4G1 was listed on 09/07/2022 by Homelife Benchmark Realty Corp. (Branch).'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Is there a basement in this home ?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Full,Fully Finished.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': '鳩山町付近の霊園・墓地・お墓お薦めのお墓・霊園は?\u3000提供【霊園ガイド】', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "この近くには次の霊園・墓地・お墓お薦めのお墓・霊園があります。※霊園の一覧は【 <a href=>鳩山町付近の霊園・墓地・お墓お薦めのお墓・霊園一覧</a> 】をご確認ください。<a href=''>(川越市)川越フォーシーズンメモリアル</a> | <a href=''>(川越市)観音寺墓苑</a> | <a href=''>(東松山市)森林公園 昭和浄苑</a> | <a href=''>(坂戸市)さつき菩提苑</a> | <a href=''>(日高市)青葉浄苑</a> | <a href=''>(入間郡毛呂山町)毛呂山ゆず霊園</a> | <a href=''>(入間郡越生町)地産霊園</a> | <a href=''>(比企郡鳩山町)サンヒルズメモリアルガーデン</a> | <a href=''>(比企郡滑川町)森林湖畔霊苑</a> | <a href=''>(比企郡小川町)小川町\u3000青山メモリアルパーク</a> | <a href=''>(東松山市)東松山霊苑四季の丘</a> | <a href=''>(比企郡川島町)川島すみれ霊園</a> | "}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'このエリア近くの霊園・墓地・お墓お薦めのお墓・霊園はいくつありますか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'この近くの霊園・墓地・お墓お薦めのお墓・霊園は、半径約15km圏に12件あります。'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Is pricing at Sea View Residence comparable to 3 star hotels in Agios Ioannis?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Hotels in Agios Ioannis that are rated 3 stars generally cost $986/night, but on average, Sea View Residence is available for 80% less than the average rate in the area. You can usually enjoy a stay at Sea View Residence for $206/night. This is a great deal for HotelsCombined users planning to visit Agios Ioannis.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How close is Sea View Residence to the nearest airport, Mikonos Airport?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'With a distance of 2.2 mi between Sea View Residence and the nearest airport, Mikonos Airport, the drive typically takes about 0h 04m depending on traffic. Be sure to check traffic trends near the hotel and airport as some areas experience higher traffic than others and can increase your expected travel time.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Is there a pool at Sea View Residence?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Yes, Sea View Residence has a pool for hotel guests. Generally, hotel pools have opening and closing times so be sure to speak to the front desk before using the pool.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is the Sea View Residence phone number?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'You can reach the front desk of Sea View Residence at +30 694 684 3957.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Does Sea View Residence have Wi-Fi available?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Yes, Sea View Residence has Wi-Fi available to hotel guests.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is the check-out time at Sea View Residence?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Sea View Residence check-out time is 12:00 PM, though late check-out may be accommodated if agreed in advance with the hotel reception.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How much does it cost to stay at Sea View Residence, Agios Ioannis?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'On average, guests have been paying $206 per night to stay at Sea View Residence. Some users have found rooms as low as $112 per night. Enter your dates <a href="#rooms">in the form above</a> to see the price rates available for your stay.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Does Sea View Residence have a laundry service?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'If you need to have clothes washed during your stay, you can take advantage of the laundry facilities and service at Sea View Residence. Guests can also use ironing facilities.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': '福生市付近の霊園・墓地・お墓お薦めのお墓・霊園は?\u3000提供【霊園ガイド】', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "この近くには次の霊園・墓地・お墓お薦めのお墓・霊園があります。※霊園の一覧は【 <a href=>福生市付近の霊園・墓地・お墓お薦めのお墓・霊園一覧</a> 】をご確認ください。<a href=''>(入間市)風の森聖地</a> | <a href=''>(入間市)サンクガーデンメモリアル16</a> | <a href=''>(入間市)入間メモリアルパーク</a> | <a href=''>(飯能市)飯能霊園</a> | <a href=''>(町田市)町田こもれびの杜霊苑</a> | <a href=''>(町田市)武蔵岡霊園</a> | <a href=''>(町田市)メモリアルパーク クラウド御殿山</a> | <a href=''>(八王子市)東京ゆりが丘苑</a> | <a href=''>(八王子市)八王子メモリアルパーク</a> | <a href=''>(八王子市)萩霊園</a> | <a href=''>(八王子市)浄光の森聖地</a> | <a href=''>(八王子市)帝釈天 むさしの霊園</a> | <a href=''>(八王子市)霊慶山妙観寺墓苑</a> | <a href=''>(八王子市)高級公園墓地 東京霊園</a> | <a href=''>(八王子市)八王子浄苑 であいの郷</a> | <a href=''>(八王子市)城山霊園</a> | <a href=''>(八王子市)八王子 青葉霊苑</a> | <a href=''>(八王子市)東京秋田霊園</a> | <a href=''>(八王子市)まや霊園</a> | <a href=''>(八王子市)八王子 上川霊園</a> | <a href=''>(青梅市)大多摩霊園</a> | <a href=''>(あきる野市)大型公園墓地 西多摩霊園</a> | <a href=''>(あきる野市)稲足神社霊園</a> | <a href=''>(八王子市)大泉寺墓所</a> | <a href=''>(八王子市)たきやま台墓苑</a> | <a href=''>(府中市)武蔵メモリアルコート</a> | <a href=''>(東村山市)公営 都立小平霊園</a> | <a href=''>(八王子市)公営 都立八王子霊園</a> | <a href=''>(青梅市)公営 青梅市営青梅市墓地公園</a> | <a href=''>(八王子市)公営 八王子市営甲の原霊園</a> | <a href=''>(八王子市)公営 八王子市営緑町霊園</a> | <a href=''>(羽村市)公営 羽村市営富士見霊園</a> | <a href=''>(町田市)メモリアルパーククラウド御殿山</a> | "}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'このエリア近くの霊園・墓地・お墓お薦めのお墓・霊園はいくつありますか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'この近くの霊園・墓地・お墓お薦めのお墓・霊園は、半径約15km圏に33件あります。'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Ce beneficii au produsele pentru ingrijirea ochilor?\n', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Produsele pentru ingrijirea ochilor ajuta la hidratare, repara bariera naturala a pielii, diminueaza coloratia din jurul ochilor si au efect temporar pentru pielea umflata din jurul acestora. De asemenea, produsele pentru ochi care contin vitamina A stimuleaza productia de colagen si grabesc inlocuirea celulelor pielii. '}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Care sunt ingredientele benefice pentru ingrijirea zonei ochilor?\n', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'In functie de problema pe care vrei sa o tratezi, ingredientele benefice pentru ingrijirea zonei ochilor sunt:\nAcid Hialuronic, Glicerina, Hialuronat de Sodium, Colagen, Peptide - hidratare\nRetinol - stimuleaza productia de colagen\nVitamina C- ofera luminozitate\nUleiuri - proprietati antiinflamatorii'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'In cat timp se vad rezultatele dupa folosirea produselor destinate ingrijirii ochilor?\n', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'In functie de aspectul pe care doresti sa il imbunatatesti, rezultatele pot diferi:\nAcid Hialuronic, Glicerina, Hialuronat de Sodium, Colagen, Peptide - efect imediat\nRetinol - 2-3 luni\nVitamina C - 3-4 saptamani'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Ce tipuri de produse pentru ingrijirea ochilor gasesc la Helpnet?\n', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'La Helpnet gasesti diverse produse pentru ingrijirea zonei ochilor precum geluri, creme, mist-uri, serumuri, ape micelare.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Ce beneficii are Vitamina C?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Vitamina C se gaseste in mod natural in corp si este un puternic antioxidant, care are beneficii asupra metabolismului colagenului, neutralizeaza radicalii liberi si influenteaza structura chimica a acidului folic.\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'De ce sa cumpar Vitamina C?\n', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Vitamina C este un compus organic foarte important pentru buna functionare a organismului. Aceasta grabeste procesul de vindecare al ranilor, imbunatateste sistemul imunitar, creste absortia fierului si ajuta la scaderea colesterolului.\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Care sunt cele mai cautate produse ce contin Vitamina C?\n', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Cele mai cautate produse care contin Vitamina C sunt suplimentele alimentare de tip tableta efervescenta, siropuri si produse din categoria dermatocosmeticelor precum serumuri, creme sau geluri de curatare.\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Care sunt simptomele carentei de vitamina C? \n', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Carenta de vitamina C poate fi diagnosticata in urma unei anamneze sau a unor investigatii suplimentare. De cele mai multe ori exista cateva simptome care pot evidentia faptul ca aceasta exista, precum stare de oboseala excesiva, dureri musculare si de articulatii, sangerari nazale sau ale gingiilor si pielea uscata.\n'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': '✔️ آیا برای ثبت نام اینترنتی دانشگاه پیام نور به اسکن تمامی مدارک نیاز داریم؟\r\n', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '</p>\r\n<p>✔️ داوطلبان برای ثبت نام اینترنتی فقط نیاز به اسکن عکس 3 * 4 دارند و باید فقط اطلاعات خود&nbsp;را در سایت وارد کنند که جزئیات اطلاعات مورد نیاز در متن مقاله موجود است.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '✔️ اطلاعات ثبت نام سال 1402 دانشگاه پیام نور در چه سایتی باید آپلود شوند؟\r\n', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '</p>\r\n<p>✔️ با توجه به متن مقاله،&nbsp;برای ثبت نام بدون کنکور دانشگاه پیام نور داوطلبان باید اطلاعات ذکر شده در این مقاله را در سایت سازمان سنجش و آموزش کشور وارد کنند.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '✔️ آیا با گواهی موقت پیش دانشگاهی نیز می توان برای دانشگاه پیام نور ثبت نام کرد؟\r\n', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '</p>\r\n<p>✔️ همانطور که در مقاله ذکر شده، داوطلبان می توانند&nbsp;با گواهی موقت معتبر نیز ثبت نام خود را انجام دهند.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': '✔️ جشنواره فرهنگی هنری فردا چیست ؟\r\n', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '</p>\r\n<p>✔️ جشنواره فرهنگی هنری فردا، رقابتی بین تمامی دانش آموزان در رشته های هنری است که در متن مقاله جزئیات آن توضیح داده شده است.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '✔️ نحوه ثبت نام در جشنواره فرهنگی هنری فردا چگونه است ؟\r\n', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '</p>\r\n<p>✔️ ثبت نام مرحله اول جشنواره فرهنگی هنری فردا به صورت حضوری و با مراجعه به مدیریت مدارس امکان پذیر است که توضیحات تکمیلی در متن مقاله ذکر شده است.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '✔️ رشته های مجاز به ثبت نام در جشنواره فرهنگی هنری فردا چیست ؟\r\n', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '</p>\r\n<p>✔️ رشته های جشنواره فرهنگی هنری فردا در سه مقطع ابتدایی، متوسطه اول و دوم ارائه می شوند که جدول هر یک در متن مقاله ارائه شده است.\r\n</p>\r\n<p>'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': "What should I do if I'm missing a piece from the A Good Day for Ducks 1000 piece puzzle?", 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "Don't panic! Even if you never find that piece, you can always make a new one yourself or contact the puzzle manufacturer for more options."}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How long does it take to complete the A Good Day for Ducks 1000 piece puzzle?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': ' It generally takes around seven to 10 hours before you place the last piece. However, know that your specific time to completion varies on aspects like skill, experience, any help you get, and more.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Educational Books | Ncert Solutions | CBSE Sample Papers | SaraNextGen', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Check Solution : Online Shopping India - Buy Educational Books | E - Softwares | Question Papers | Sample Papers | cbse books | books | ncert | jee | neet | gate | upsc | sbi | jobs', 'datePublished': '2023-03-16', 'dateModified': '2023-03-16'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is Test Generator Software?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Test Generate is used to generate and create Question Papers for CBSE JEE NEET UPSC BANKING CUET OLYMPIAD Exams for Free at SaraNextGen in PDF Free Download'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Which is the best Test Maker Webiste and App?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'SaraNextGen is the One and Only Best Website to Create, Make and Generate Question Papers for Free PDF Download'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Which is the best Study App For Students and Teacher ?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "SaraNextGen Study App India's Trusted Website and Mobile App For Students Parents and Teachers and also to Create, Make and Generate Question Papers in PDF Download"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Which is the best Test Generator For Teachers?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The Only SaraNextGen StudyApp is the Best Test Maker App to Create, Generate Questions for CBSE JEE NEET UPSC BANK CUET Exams in PDF Free Download'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'name': "What's the best place to stay in Albertville? ", '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<a href="">Country Inn & Suites by Radisson, Albertville, MN</a> is one of the top choices for your stay based on our traveler data. This hotel offers free breakfast and an indoor pool. Other good options for your stay in the area are <a href="">Country Inn & Suites by Radisson, Minneapolis West, MN</a> and <a href="">Wyndham Garden Otsego-Minneapolis</a>. See all available <a href="">top hotels</a>, or <a href="">vacation rentals in Albertville</a>. '}}, {'name': "What's the top vacation rental in Albertville? ", '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<a href="">Lakeside Park Escape</a>: This vacation home rental outside Albertville is located next to a golf course and has a fireplace, a patio, and a barbecue grill to put you at ease in your new surroundings. It has 4 bedrooms as well as a kitchen with a dishwasher, a fridge, and a stovetop, so you can cook with friends or family. You and your friends and family can relax into your vacation with amenities like an arcade game room. See all <a href="">vacation rentals in Albertville</a>. '}}, {'name': 'If I need to cancel my hotel reservation in Albertville, will I receive a refund? ', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Yes! Most hotel bookings are fully refundable if you cancel before the accommodation\'s cancellation deadline, which often is within 24-48 hours of your scheduled arrival. If you have a reservation that\'s non-refundable, you might be able to cancel it and receive a refund within a 24-hour period of your booking. Filter your search by <a href="">fully refundable</a> to find flexible hotel deals in Albertville. '}}, {'name': 'Where can I learn more about changing or cancelling my trip to Albertville? ', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'For more details about rescheduling or cancelling your trip to Albertville, go to <a href=""></a>. '}}, {'name': "What's the best hotel to stay with easy access to Albertville Premium Outlets? ", '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Adjacent to Albertville Premium Outlets, <a href=>Country Inn & Suites by Radisson, Albertville, MN</a> is one of the top choices for your stay based on our traveler data, and this hotel offers free breakfast and an indoor pool. Other good options in the area include <a href=>Holiday Inn Minneapolis NW-Elk River, an IHG Hotel</a> and <a href=>Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Rogers, an IHG Hotel</a>.'}}, {'name': 'What about the best place to stay close to Cedar Creek Golf Course? ', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'One of the top choices for your stay is <a href=>Country Inn & Suites by Radisson, Albertville, MN</a>, located 1.3 mi (2.1 km) from Cedar Creek Golf Course, and this hotel offers free breakfast and an indoor pool. <a href=>Holiday Inn Minneapolis NW-Elk River, an IHG Hotel</a> and <a href=>Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Rogers, an IHG Hotel</a> are two other good choices within the area.'}}, {'name': 'What are some hotels with pools in Albertville? ', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<a href="">Country Inn & Suites by Radisson, Albertville, MN</a> is a top hotel with a children\'s pool, an indoor pool, and free breakfast. '}}, {'name': 'What is the best spa hotel in Albertville? ', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<a href="">Country Inn & Suites by Radisson, Albertville, MN</a> is a top spa hotel featuring a shopping mall, a fitness center, and an indoor pool. Why not spend some time relaxing in the spa tub? '}}, {'name': "What's the best place to stay near Minneapolis - St. Paul International Airport (MSP)? ", '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<a href="">InterContinental Minneapolis - St. Paul Airport</a> is a popular 4-star hotel featuring 3 restaurants and 2 bars. It\'s located a short 0.5 mi (0.8 km) from Minneapolis - St. Paul Intl. Airport. Other places to stay close to the airport are <a href="">Crowne Plaza Aire MSP Airport - Mall of America</a> and <a href="">Hyatt Place Minneapolis Airport-South</a>.'}}, {'name': 'What is staying in Albertville like? ', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Families will find kid-friendly activities in Albertville, and visitors give high marks for the shopping. Welcoming and relaxing, this city also attracts tourists with its restaurants. In Albertville, there are 2 hotels and other accommodations to choose from. Find out more about <a href="">Albertville</a>. '}}, {'name': 'What are the top places to visit in Albertville? ', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Favorite family attractions include <a href="">Wild Woods Water Park</a> and <a href="">Venetian Indoor Waterpark</a>. Natural beauty is on display at <a href="">Elm Creek Park Reserve</a>, <a href="">Mississippi River</a>, and <a href="">Lake Maria State Park</a>. A couple of additional sights to add to your agenda are <a href="">Albertville Premium Outlets</a> and <a href="">Cedar Creek Golf Course</a>. Check out what more to see and do in Expedia\'s <a href="">Albertville guide</a>. '}}, {'name': "What's the weather like in Albertville? ", '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The hottest months are usually July and August with an average temp of 70°F, while the coldest months are January and February with an average of 21°F. The snowiest months in Albertville are December, November, January, and February, with each month seeing an average of 10 inches of snowfall. '}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'name': 'Is it possible to fly from Austin to New York right now?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Stay informed about present health guidelines and flying restrictions by checking the <a href="">Covid-19 Travel Advisor</a>. This is the page to visit for recent developments for your flights from Austin to New York.</p>'}}, {'name': 'Is there a direct flight between Austin and New York?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Now all you have to do is choose which carrier and which route to take. Among multiple other airlines, Delta Air Lines and JetBlue Airways have flights on the Austin-Bergstrom Intl. Airport (AUS) to New York, NY (JFK-John F. Kennedy Intl.) route. Travelling between AUS and Liberty Intl. Airport (EWR) is another option available with companies like United Airlines and JetBlue Airways.</p>'}}, {'name': 'How long is a direct flight from Austin to New York?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>The journey of 1,500 miles between Austin and New York takes an average of 3 hours and 48 minutes, but could even be as fast as 3 hours and 41 minutes. Family break or romantic escape? Relaxed or fast-paced? Whatever your holiday preference, travel to your destination the fuss-free way by flying direct.</p>'}}, {'name': 'Can I cancel my flight booking to New York due to COVID-19?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>As an ebookers customer, you may be eligible for a no-change-fee cancellation for your New York booking and a credit that you can use for another flight. Your account is the place to go to see if your reservation has this flexibility. If you have any more questions, our <a href="">Customer Service Portal</a> is here to help.</p>'}}, {'name': 'What are the best airports for Austin to New York flights?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>If you're planning to travel from Austin to New York, the routes with the most services are:</p><p><ul><li>Austin-Bergstrom Intl. Airport (AUS) to LaGuardia Airport (LGA) - 651 flights per week</li><li>Austin–Bergstrom International Airport to Islip, NY (ISP-MacArthur) - 48 flights per week</li><li>Austin–Bergstrom International Airport to New York, NY (JFK-John F. Kennedy Intl.) - 42 flights per week</li></ul></p>"}}, {'name': 'What are some of the most popular airlines flying from Austin to New York?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>Whether it's good food or friendly service, we all have particular in-flight features we look for when selecting an airline. Consider these reputable carriers to see which one has just what you want:</p><p><ul><li>American Airlines with 1,037 flights every month.</li><li>Southwest Airlines with 816 flights every month.</li><li>Delta with 629 flights every month.</li><li>United Airlines with 612 flights every month.</li><li>JetBlue with 156 flights every month.</li><li>Spirit Airlines with 121 flights every month.</li></ul></p>"}}, {'name': 'How many flights are there from Austin to New York?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>You've got plenty of flexibility when it comes to travelling from Austin to New York. With around 93 flights running every day, the time to get away is up to you.</p>"}}, {'name': 'Is it possible to fly on an airline that employs social distancing and other COVID-19 measures?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Getting to your destination comfortably and confidently is as important as having a great holiday once you get there. Take the stress out of flying by choosing Delta, United Airlines or JetBlue. They all employ social distancing rules and have COVID-19 measures in place, which may be capped capacity flights and keeping the middle seat empty.</p>'}}, {'name': 'What are the cheapest days to book a flight?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>This is one is easy to remember: Ticket Thursdays. We found that tickets booked on a Thursday resulted in the best deal on average in 2021. However, Friday can be the worst day to purchase plane tickets, as it was the day with the highest average ticket price based on flight demand on ebookers in 2021.</p>'}}, {'name': 'What are the cheapest days to fly?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>When analysing flight demand on ebookers in 2021, Friday turned out to be the cheapest day to fly, with Tuesday as a close second. That's definitely something to consider when booking your next trip! Thinking of traveling mid-week? It turns out that Wednesdays generally had the most expensive airline tickets, so keep this in mind when planning for your next trip.</p><p><i>*According to flight demand on from January to December 2021. Savings are subject to change and may vary depending on selections made.</i></p>"}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What are the most popular routes to and from Cephalonia?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Travelers frequently search for route combinations, such as Cephalonia and London, Athens, Manchester, Thessaloniki, Dublin, Edinburgh, Heraklion, Amsterdam, Palma, Majorca, Glasgow, Brussels, Nice, Marrakesh, Munich, Mykonos, Catania, Barcelona, Milan, Malta, Alexandroupoli.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What are the most popular routes to and from Bristol?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Travelers frequently search for route combinations, such as Bristol and Amsterdam, Barcelona, London, Ibiza, Lisbon, Budapest, Rome, Athens, Alicante, Málaga, Palma, Majorca, Sofia, Bucharest, Istanbul, Vienna, Madrid, Milan, Faro, Brussels, Berlin.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What airports are near Cephalonia?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The main airport in Cephalonia is Kephalonia International. It is also served by Zakynthos International, Kephalonia International, Araxos.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What airports are near Bristol?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The main airport in Bristol is Bristol. It is also served by Heathrow, Gatwick, London Stansted, Luton, Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool John Lennon, East Midlands, London City, Southampton.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Is it possible to combine flights, buses, and trains in one itinerary when traveling between Cephalonia and Bristol?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "Yes, it's possible to combine different modes of transport between Cephalonia and Bristol thanks to our Virtual Interlining technology. Making use of not only flights but also trains and buses between Cephalonia and Bristol can give rise to new adventures. Read more about how Virtual Interlining works on Stories."}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is Virtual Interlining and how do I use it?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "Virtual Interlining provides a revolutionary way of traveling. You can combine different modes of transport like flights, trains, and buses into one itinerary. And this often saves money. Thanks to the world's largest carrier database, the search function enables anyone to mix and match different modes of transport easily."}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Which airlines fly between Cephalonia and Bristol?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Currently, you can fly between Cephalonia and Bristol with easyJet, Ryanair, Aegean, Sky Express, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': "When's the best time to travel between Cephalonia and Bristol?", 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'If you don’t have specific dates for your trip between Cephalonia and Bristol, you can enter a date range into the departure and return fields. Most carriers on the website allow you to search and book up to six months from the day of your search. Order the search results by the best, cheapest, or fastest route, or find the cheapest outbound and return combination in the pricing table.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What flights operate between Cephalonia and Bristol?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Traveling between Cephalonia and Bristol, you can choose between direct (nonstop) flights or flights with one or more stops. You can select the number of stops on your journey, including an overnight stopover, and the duration of the stopover. What\'s more, you can also select where you want to have your stopover. Want to say "Hi" to a friend in another city en route to your destination? Or fancy a quick round of shopping? Go Multi-City or Nomad and add places to your search that you wish to visit.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How many airports are there near Cephalonia?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'There are a number of airports in and around Cephalonia. The main one is Kephalonia International and other nearby airports include Zakynthos International, Kephalonia International, Araxos'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How many airports are there near Bristol?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'There are a number of airports in and around Bristol. The main one is Bristol and other nearby airports include Heathrow, Gatwick, London Stansted, Luton, Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool John Lennon, East Midlands, London City, Southampton.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What time do nonstop (direct) flights between Cephalonia and Bristol depart?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "This depends on the airline's flight schedule. You can easily select your preferred departure time when you search on our website or mobile app. Choose the time of day you wish to depart from Cephalonia, such as morning, afternoon, evening, or night, or select the exact hours for departure."}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What time do nonstop (direct) flights between Cephalonia and Bristol arrive?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "This depends on the airline's flight schedule. You can easily select your preferred arrival time when you search on our website or mobile app. Choose the time of day you wish to arrive at Bristol, such as morning, afternoon, evening, or night, or select the exact hours for arrival."}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What time do flights between Cephalonia and Bristol depart?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "This depends on the airline's flight schedule. You can easily select your preferred departure time when you search on our website or mobile app. Choose the time of day you wish to depart from Cephalonia, such as morning, afternoon, evening, or night, or select the exact hours for departure."}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What time do flights between Cephalonia and Bristol arrive?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "This depends on the airline's flight schedule. You can easily select your preferred arrival time when you search on our website or mobile app. Choose the time of day you wish to arrive at Bristol, such as morning, afternoon, evening, or night, or select the exact hours for arrival."}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What Is a NTM Infection?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'M. chimaera typically grows in water and soil, and usually will not affect an otherwise healthy person. The symptoms of infection can take months or even years to appear. Infected patients will feel anything from a fever, muscle aches, weight loss, fatigue or night sweats. An infection by the m. chimaera disease occurs when particles float through the air and land in the open wound of a patient. If you do experience any of these symptoms after recently having open-heart surgery, seek medical attention immediately.\n\nThe rate of infection is estimated to be anywhere from 1 of every 100 to 1 of every 1,000 patients. Given that the number of open heart surgeries using the heating-cooling machine hovers around 250,000 per year, this means that anywhere from 250 to 2,500 patients have potentially become infected, many of whom may not even know yet due to the exceptionally long incubation period. The survival rate for NTM infection hovers around 50 percent.\n\nTreatment for m. chimaera is nearly non-existent. A variety of methods have been attempted, but recent studies have shown that antimicrobial and antibiotic treatments are largely ineffective against the m. chimaera strain. Even though the CDC notes that there is only a one percent chance of developing an infection, considering our previous math still leaves far too high a number of patients potentially acquiring the disease.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What Are Heater-Cooler Devices?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Roughly 60 percent of open-heart surgeries require a heater-cooler device to be used, amounting to about 250,000 procedures per year. During the surgery, your heart will likely have to be temporarily stopped - otherwise known as cardioplegia - in order for the surgeon to perform the procedure properly. The heater-cooler device regulates body temperature, assists with the flow of blood and oxygen, and moves the blood away from the heart. Essentially, it assumes all the duties of your vital organ function. The water in these machines does not actually come in direct contact with the patient. The problem with the machine is not in its operation, but in its manufacturing.\n\nThe water in this particular heating-cooling system flows through three separate tanks, which is done because the system controls oxygenators and blankets as well. The m. chimaera disease actually becomes airborne, as the water can turn into a gas, and infects patients through their open wound.\n\nThe Stockert 3T heating-cooling system is being isolated as a direct cause of NTM as a side effect in open heart surgeries. Thousands of open-heart surgery patients across two Pennsylvania hospitals had to be warned about the potential for the disease after it was confirmed that the system caused the death of five patients.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What Is Open-Heart Surgery?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Open-heart surgery is any procedure in which the surgeon makes a large incision to open up the rib cage in order to get to the heart. It is needed to perform a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG), which is necessary to correct coronary heart disease. It can also be done to repair or replace heart valves, damaged or abnormal areas of the heart, implant medical devices or do a complete transplant.\n\nThe procedure itself will usually take about 4-6 hours, and the patient is given general anesthesia. An approximately eight-inch long incision is made, the breastbone is cut through to expose the heart, and the surgeon will do whatever is needed; no two open-heart surgeries are exactly alike. As with any major procedure, there are some risks involved.\n\nSurvival statistics for heart surgery are incredibly difficult to ascertain, because as previously mentioned, every surgery is different. Each patient has a unique set of risk factors, including age, health history, prior surgeries, overall heart function, and a host of other information of which your doctor and surgeon will need to be aware. Then a calculation can be made determining how long and well you will be able to live after the operation, along with the likelihood of complication.\n\nThe most common risks associated with the surgery that patients experience include: wound infection, irregular heartbeat, memory loss, blood clot, heart attack or kidney failure. Some of these are more common than others, but your doctor can be prepared and therefore treat all of these side effects, hopefully without any further damage to your health. The infection caused by a heater-cooler device is much more serious.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is MD Helicopters HR Number number?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'MD Helicopters HR Number where you can talk to a live person at MD Helicopters human resources with regards to jobs, open positions, human resources, benefits and employee related matters is 480-346-6474.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is MD Helicopters HR address?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "MD Helicopters HR address where you can send official mail, physical curriculum vitae, employee's documents and application forms is 4555 E McDowell Rd, Mesa, Arizona 85215."}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is MD Helicopters headquarters located?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'MD Helicopters headquarters is located in Mesa, in the state of Arizona, United States.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How do I talk to a real person at MD Helicopters HR?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'If you want to talk to a real person at MD Helicopters HR with regards to jobs, open positions, human resources, benefits and employee related matters dial this phone number 480-346-6474.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'HowTo', 'name': 'Jalshamoviez 2022 – Download Latest Bollywood, Hollywood Full HD movies for free.', 'description': "Jalshamoviez, In Asian nation there is hardly anyone who wouldn't prefer to watch movies.Those who are crazy regarding observance movies will certainly have data about pirated movies websites and transfering movies through such sites.currently with such arrival of website, individuals have stopped progressing to the cinema house as a result of now people download movies on their mobile / laptops and watch them for free with the assistance of those websites.\n\n\n\nJalshamoviez 2022\n\n\n\nJalshamoviez is one in all the foremost popular web sites for transfering Telugu, Hindi,Malayalam, Kannada, Tamil, Pakistani and heaps of latest movies. it's a pirated website that has printed duplicate content of Indian and Hollywood films while not a license.It’s thought of a criminal offense to lawlessly download and watch new movies online.\n\n\n\nJalshamoviez 2021 - transfer Latest movie industry, Hollywood Full HD movies for free.\n\n\n\nJalshamoviez offers Hollywood, Bollywood movies in many video formats.Compared to different website it is obtaining plenty of traffic from everywhere the world. Even you can transfer the newest Telugu movies in HD from this website. individuals from different countries additionally use the Jalshamoviez hd website to look at HD Telugu movies and Hindi dubbed movies.\n\n\n\nadditionally read: SSR movies 2021: Latest Bollywood, Hollywood 300MB twin Audio Movies Free transfer and Watch Online.\n\n\n\nJalshamoviez 2022 AppAPK Name. -JalshaMoviezJalshamoviez 2021 AppJalshamoviez 2021 AppFile Size -10 MBLanguages- Hindi, EnglishApp Version- Latesttransfers- 50,000,000+\n\n\n\nHow to transfer movies from jalshamoviez\n\n\n\n1st of all you start VPN to be ready to enter the net siteThen move to the JalshaMoviez internet siteexplore for the film you would like to get from the search will opt for a movie in response to the category of the filmchoose the film when that click on on Download Button\n\n\n\nyou'll be able to obtain the film by following totally different directions too-\n\n\n\nJalshamoviez Bid netsite Facts\n\n\n\njalshamoviez Guru, you can assume that it's separated into classifications like Hollywood Hindi Dubbed Action, Drama, Sci-Fi TV Series South Indian blockbuster Hindi Dubbed films (2021), Hindi Web Series, Hindi Short Films (Hot) has been finished. other than the approaching web series transfer on this site, it likewise provides Hindi Dubbed twin Audio Movie. several people download Bollywood, Hollywood Hindi Movie for nothing with jalshamoviez bid.\n\n\n\nWhat parts are accessible in jalshamoviez in 2022?\n\n\n\nJalshamoviez in it's arising to be terribly famous today. The justification for its prevalence is a portion of its best elements.Permits transfering Latest Hindi Movies and Free twin Audio Movies.All Movies of various Language, Genres on this web site.jalshamoviez in netsite Uses fast server, due to that it provides quick film downloading workplace.JalshaMoviez HD in addition gives the office to download the App, therefore you'll be able to all the additional effectively watch Movies and approaching Web Series downloads in HD.On this site you'll observe Hollywood Hindi Dubbed Action, Drama, Sci-Fi TV Series holds South Indian blockbuster Hindi Dubbed Movies, which is terribly efficient.\n\n\n\nJalshamoviez web site links\n\n\n\nOn Jalshamoviez , {you may|you'll|you can} choose between a large vary of film genres. This site will keep you engaged with its vast exhibit of conceivable outcomes and you'll be able to fancy observance\n\n\n\nJalshamoviez website links\n\n\n\nThrough this web site, the content material is uploaded among the net site illegally. it's whole unlawful to form use of a majority of those internet sites that are pirated. Some hyperlinks of JalshaMoviez are as follows: –\n\n\n\nJalshamoviez.ccJalshamoviez.ccvJalshamoviez.cfJalsha moviez.clJalshamoviez.vipJalshamoviez.comJalshamoviez.fmJalshamoviez.fuJalshamoviez.inJalsha moviez.vipJalshamoviez.meJalshamoviez.mlJalsha moviez.nnJalsha moviez.professionalJalsha\n\n\n\nAlso read: Filmy4wap 2021 – Latest Tamil HD movies, Telugu HD movies free download.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAlternatives to JalshaMoviez in website:\n\n\n\nFollowing are the alternate choices to the JalshaMoviez website:\n\n\n\nMoviesdaDjpunjabBolly4uTodaypkFilmywap9xmoviesFilmyzillaJio RockersTamilyogiWorldfree4u123moviesIsaiminiFilmy4wapMp4moviezMovie CounterYtsBollyshareMadras Rockers7starhdTamilGunDownloadhubTeluguwapKuttymoviesMovierulzKhatrimazaTamilrockers\n\n\n\nAdditional regarding Jalshamoviez\n\n\n\nJalshamoviez is amongst the majorly famend piracy platforms that could assist you to in downloading the films in every language that includesthe newest Telugu pictures, Punjabi Movies, Tamil, Malayalam pictures, English excluding that, just in case you're a dire fan of observance various award reveals, you’ll be ready to even get to examine them too.\n\n\n\nadditionally read: Movieswood 2021 – Download Latest Tamil, Telugu movies in Full HD for free.\n\n\n\nit's truly a ‘one-stop-solution’ to your leisure due to the prevalence of the many motion footage and television assortment in it. currently exclusively are you ready to watch the reveals and films while not outlay a dime on-line, but you can also acquire them in your gadgets.\n\n\n\nSince there is also an existence of various kinds of films in Jalshamoviez and fully totally different languages, you just need to like better to your language and luxuriate in observance your favourite motion footage in that language. If you’re a typical follower of Hollywood cinema, you’ll be ready to see Hollywood motion pictures right here too. Also, there are plenty of Hollywood motion pictures that are Hindi dubbed on this platform. you'll be able to get pleasure from the identical if you would like to examine the dubbed motion pictures.\n\n\n\nThese {web websites|internet sites|websites} are redirected from the previous space to the greenhorn area as a consequence of their area being blocked. Through this web site, the content material is uploaded among the net site illegally. it's whole unlawful to make use of a majority of those internet sites that are pirated.\n\n\n\nSome additional links of JalshaMoviez web site are as follows: –\n\n\n\nJalshamoviez.ccJalshamoviez.ccvJalshamoviez.cfJalsha moviez.clJalshamoviez.vipJalshamoviez.comJalshamoviez.fmJalshamoviez.fuJalshamoviez.inJalsha moviez.vipJalshamoviez.meJalshamoviez.mlJalsha moviez.nnJalsha moviez.professionalJalsha\n\n\n\nSome class of films accessible on jalshaMoviez com.\n\n\n\nthe subsequent kinds of motion footage are often found on JalshaMoviez com\n\n\n\nBengali Moviesmovie industry MoviesBangla Dasi MoviesHollywood MoviesHollywood films (Dubbed In Hindi)South Indian films (Dubbed In Hindi)Sanskritic language MoviesPunjabi MoviesTelugu MoviesMarathi Movies (Dubbed In Hindi)Pakistani MovieMarathi MoviesTamil MoviesBhojpuri MoviesGujrati MoviesAll TV ShowsSouth Dravidian MoviesTrailer And Songs\n\n\n\nIn that format are you ready to transfer a movie on JalshaMoviez org?\n\n\n\nMovie among the subsequent format is obtainable on JalshaMoviez org: –\n\n\n\n360p720p1080pHDRipBlurayDVDScrDVDrip\n\n\n\nLatest Movies Leaked by JalshaMoviez\n\n\n\nBollywoodNot threeGuilty a pair of020Junction VaranasiTanhaji: The Unsung personChhapaakOperation Parindey, and therefore onHollywoodbreak loose PretoriaFoxtrot SixGuns crookedThe name of the WildBrahms: The boy 2CuriousCaptain Marvel XXXParasiteTelugu MoviesSarileru NeekkevaruAla Vaikunthapurramuloo\n\n\n\nAdditionally read: Moviezwap 2021 – transfer Latest Tamil, Telugu movies fully HD for free.\n\n\n\nbenefits of web sitestraightforward to useDirect transfer on the marketEasy to searchAll the updates are found at the high of the pageNo ad\n\n\n\nDisadvantages of web site\n\n\n\nLike all free film streaming Associate in Nursingd download sites there are sure risks to victimisation ssr movies, these risks could or might not include:\n\n\n\nIndecent and outlawed adds: The supply of revenue for Jalshamoviez and different similar sites is merchandising ad placements. And, solely indecent and illegal corporations would place ads on an illegal site.\n\n\n\nIdentity theft: There is an opportunity that your device is hacked and your information purloined and used sure enough purposes, which can be illegal.\n\n\n\nViruses and malware: piracy websites are with viruses which will have an effect on the device you utilize to access it. the foremost common one is after you click a link and you're redirected to a different site that may transfer malware into your device.\n\n\n\ndetain mind that :ensure you hook up with the net via WLAN as a result of downloading uses plenty of data.Jalshamoviez is a free movie software package that enables you to look at movies while not victimisation information and without having to handle annoying cuts once your web affiliation is slow.If you intend to use jalshamoviez , there are some precautions that ought to be taken care so as to avoid any of the issues .They are:\n\n\n\nSafe Adblocker: putting in an adblocker will keep those nasty ads that float everywhere your screen away.\n\n\n\nInstall Antivirus: this may forestall the virus and malware from the site from intrusive into your laptop or perhaps mobile phone.\n\n\n\nWhat highlights are accessible in jalshamoviez in 2022?\n\n\n\nJalshamoviez in it's arising to be okay glorious today. The justification behind its prominence could be a portion of its best elements.\n\n\n\nPermits transfering Latest Hindi Movies and Free twin Audio Movies.All Movies of various Language, Genres on this web site.Jalshamoviez in Website Uses fast server, due to that it provides quick film downloading workplace.JalshaMoviez HD in addition gives the office to download the App, with the goal that you can all the additional effectively watch Movies and approaching net Series downloads in HD.On this website you'll observe Hollywood Hindi Dubbed Action, Drama, Sci-Fi TV Series holds South Indian blockbuster Hindi Dubbed Movies, that is extremely efficient.\n\n\n\nJalshaMoviez Mobi 2022 most up-to-date live affiliation\n\n\n\nthis kind of site will the felony of the film. during this manner, its house is hindered by the general public authority. Since such sites illicitly transfer content to the site.\n\n\n\nCompanions, we are saying over and over that no matter content is transferred on JalshaMoviez HD is illicit and protected, that is, it is unlawful. Be that because it may, you'll be able to without abundant of a stretch do the newest Hindi film transfer 720p, however it isn’t protected to download motion footage from JalshaMoviez us.\n\n\n\nDownloading motion pictures from JalshaMoviez approved or unlawful?\n\n\n\ndon't use these internet sites. Like this there are totally different net sites that are unlawful the same as Tamil Gun, Filmywap, Movierulz, Tamilrockers, Moviesda, Madrasrockers and then on right here even within the event you get to examine the newest motion pictures however the uploaded content material on these web sites are copied and No one’s permission is taken for this, therefore it turns into unlawful to create use of them.\n\n\n\nbeneath the Copyright Act 1957, in Asian nation lawlessly providing proprietary material on web site while not the permission of the filmmaker, is taken into account as punishable offence with imprisonment of up to a few years and a sentence of three lakhs.\n\n\n\nAm i able to transfer movies from Jalshamoviez website safely?\n\n\n\nNo, at all! as a result of it's a pirated website that illegally provides copyrighted content on its website. victimisation Jalshamoviez website, your personal or personal information could be stolen or your device could be hacked\n\n\n\nLegal alternate choices to the JalshaMoviez hd net site:\n\n\n\nFollowing are the approved alternate options to the JalshaMoviez hd web site:\n\n\n\nHotstarSony 54PopCornFlixSony CrunchNetflixPrime FlexAmazon Prime\n\n\n\nFAQs on Jalshamoviez\n\n\n\nhowever will the Jalshamoviez application function?\n\n\n\nJalashamoviez App transfer is transferred habitually to the newest Hindi twin Audio film. Here Associate in Nursing enormous assortment of Jalshamoviez South Hollywood Hindi ought to be visible. several people are reluctant to go to Jalshamoviez PW with the goal that they'll transfer free films from Jalshamoviez South.\n\n\n\nis it legitimate to download movies from jalshamovies?\n\n\n\nNo, we tend to prompt you to not involve this kind of cloudburst website to download motion footage for nothing. Utilizing such a site is unlawful and illicit. It doesn’t have any copyright of the substance accessible on such a site. Illicit substance is transferred on such an e-site, that is unlawful. Utilizing such a site is in addition a culpable offense."}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'name': 'Fachanwalt für Arbeitsrecht in Cottbus', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Das Beschäftigungsverhältnis wechseln beziehungsweise ein neues Beschäftigungsverhältnis beginnen', 'answerCount': '1', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Möchte man ein neues Arbeitsverhältnis eingehen, findet man vakante Stellen zumeist über eine Stellenanzeige. Auch eine Initiativbewerbung ist natürlich eine Option. Stellenanzeigen müssen konform mit dem AGG sein. Das AGG verlangt, dass eine Stellenanzeige weder gegen die Gleichberechtigung verstoßen darf noch eine Diskriminierung erkennbar sein darf, wie zum Beispiel Ausschluss aufgrund einer körperlichen Einschränkung. Es ist jegliche Art der Diskriminierung untersagt. Die Arten an Arbeit sind heute äußerst vielfältig. So besteht die Möglichkeit, dass man auf der Suche nach einem Ausbildungsplatz ist. Oder man ist auf der Suche nach einem Vollzeitjob, nach einem Nebenjob, nach einer Teilzeitarbeit. Auch die Option von Telearbeit beziehungsweise Heimarbeit ist heutzutage üblich. Übrigens gilt in Deutschland seit 2015 flächendeckend ein Mindestlohn. Die Bewerbung ist dann der erste Schritt, um eine Anstellung, die man für sich gefunden hat, zu erhalten. Ist die schriftliche Bewerbung aussagekräftig und hat der Arbeitgeber Interesse, dann folgt ein Vorstellungsgespräch. Meistert man das Vorstellungsgespräch und der Arbeitgeber ist sich sicher, dass man den Anforderungen gewachsen ist, dann wird das anstehende Arbeitsverhältnis im Regelfall mit einem Arbeitsvertrag besiegelt.</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Der Arbeitsvertrag als Grundlage der Zusammenarbeit', 'answerCount': '1', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Im Regelfall liegt einem Arbeitsverhältnis ein schriftlicher Arbeitsvertrag zugrunde. Hierin geregelt findet sich sowohl die soziale als auch die rechtliche Beziehung zwischen Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer. Eine Variante ist der befristete Arbeitsvertrag, beispielsweise um einen vorübergehenden Bedarf an einer weiteren Arbeitskraft zu decken. Bei einem befristeten Arbeitsvertrag gilt es überdies zu differieren zwischen einem Arbeitsvertrag mit oder ohne Sachgrund. Ebenso möglich ist ein Arbeitsvertrag ganz ohne Befristung, sprich ein unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag. Im Gegensatz zum befristeten Vertrag ist hier kein exaktes Ziel oder Datum vermerkt, mit dem die Beschäftigung automatisch endet. Der Arbeitsvertrag ist eine Form des sogenannten Dienstvertrages, in dem sich beide Vertragsparteien über die zu erbringenden Dienstleistungen einigen. Aus dem Arbeitsvertrag ergeben sich sowohl für den Arbeitgeber als auch für den Arbeitnehmer Rechte und Pflichten für das Beschäftigungsverhältnis. Die Hauptpflicht des Arbeitgebers ist die Lohnzahlungspflicht. Daneben beinhaltet der Arbeitsvertrag im Normalfall unter anderem folgende Punkte: Datum, an dem das Arbeitsverhältnis beginnt, Details zu den Arbeitszeiten, Regelungen bezüglich Nachtarbeit, Sonntagsarbeit, Feiertagsarbeit, Urlaubstage, Probezeit, Überstunden. Ebenfalls zumeist ausgeführt und vermerkt sind zusätzliche Zuwendungen wie Weihnachtsgeld oder Urlaubsgeld. Hinweis: die Zahlung z.B. von Weihnachtsgeld kann auch durch sog. betriebliche Übung zustande kommen. Eine betriebliche Übung entsteht durch die sich wiederholende, gleichartige Praktizierung eines bestimmten Verhaltens des Arbeitgebers. Hierbei kommt es nicht auf einen Verpflichtungswillen des Arbeitgebers an. Wird ein Dienstwagen gestellt, findet sich dies gleichermaßen meist im Arbeitsvertrag geregelt. Zahlt der Arbeitgeber eine Gratifikation oder gewährt eine Bonuszahlung, dann finden sich meist auch diesbezügliche Ausführungen im Arbeitsvertrag. Eine Sonderstellung nehmen Arbeitsverträge bei einer Arbeitnehmerüberlassung ein. Hier wird der Arbeitsvertrag nicht mit dem Betrieb geschlossen, bei dem einer Arbeit direkt nachgegangen wird, sondern mit dem Verleiher. In der Regel handelt es sich bei dem Verleiher um eine Zeitarbeitsfirma, die für eine begrenzte Zeit den Leiharbeiter einem Dritten überlässt. Gesetzliche Regelungen bei einer Arbeitnehmerüberlassung finden sich im AÜG (Arbeitnehmerüberlassungsgesetz).</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Rechte von Arbeitnehmern in der BRD', 'answerCount': '1', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>In Deutschland schützt der Staat Arbeitnehmer bzw. Angestellte in besonderem Maße. So hat man beispielsweise ein Recht auf Fortzahlung des Lohns bei Krankheit. Geregelt findet sich das im Entgeltfortzahlungsgesetz (EFZG). Die Zeit während und kurz nach einer Schwangerschaft ist im Mutterschutzgesetz (MuSchG) normiert. Überdies hat jedes Elternteil Anspruch auf Elterngeld, um ein Kind, bis dieses das 3. Lebensjahr vollendet hat, zu betreuen und zu erziehen. Die Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz wird durch das Arbeitsschutzgesetz (ArbSchG) geregelt. Das Arbeitsschutzgesetz regelt für alle Tätigkeitsbereiche die grundlegenden Arbeitsschutzpflichten des Arbeitgebers. Es gilt, Arbeitsunfälle weitestgehend zu verhindern. Arbeitgeber, die schwerbehinderte Menschen nicht oder in zu geringem Umfang beschäftigen, müssen eine Ausgleichsabgabe zahlen. Das 2017 verabschiedete Bundesteilhabegesetz erhöht u.a. den Kündigungsschutz, den behinderte Beschäftigte schon genießen, um weitere Hürden. Ferner wurde 2017 das Entgelttransparenzgesetz verabschiedet. Das Entgelttransparenzgesetz soll der Förderung von Transparenz der Entgeltstrukturen in Unternehmen dienen. Ist man arbeitslos, dann hat man Anspruch auf Arbeitslosengeld. Vorausgesetzt, man hat sich bei der Agentur für Arbeit arbeitslos gemeldet und stand zudem in den vergangenen zwei Jahren für mindestens zwölf Monate in einem versicherungspflichtigen Beschäftigungsverhältnis. Muss das Unternehmen, für das man tätig ist, Insolvenz anmelden, besteht ein Anspruch auf Insolvenzgeld. Ferner hat man als Angestellter weitere Rechte wie zum Beispiel: das Recht auf Urlaub und Pausen, das Recht auf Gleichbehandlung, das Recht auf Einsicht in die Personalakte.</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Kündigung eines Arbeitsverhältnisses', 'answerCount': '1', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Eine Kündigung ist eine einseitige, empfangsbedürftige Willenserklärung, mit der ein Arbeitnehmer oder Arbeitgeber ein bestehendes Arbeitsverhältnis auflöst. D.h., damit die Kündigung Wirksamkeit hat, müssen nicht beide Parteien mitwirken, sondern es muss nur sichergestellt werden, dass der Gekündigte die Kündigung auch bekommt. Ein Kündigung kann sowohl durch den Arbeitgeber erfolgen als auch durch den Angestellten. Kündigt der Arbeitgeber, dann gibt es verschiedene Kündigungsgründe. So kann es sich bei der Kündigung um eine fristlose Kündigung handeln. Eine fristlose Kündigung ist eine Kündigung, die das Beschäftigungsverhältnis sofort beendet. Die fristlose Kündigung ist auch als außerordentliche Kündigung bekannt. Die fristlose Kündigung hat, wie bereits angemerkt, eine sofortige Wirkung. Eine Frist muss nicht eingehalten werden. Die fristlose Kündigung wird mit der Zustellung wirksam. Es muss ferner einen „wichtigen Grund“ geben. Ein wichtiger Grund ist ein ganz besonders schlimmes Ereignis, der dem Kündigenden das Abwarten der normalen Kündigungsfristen unzumutbar macht wie z.B. Diebstahl oder Betrug. Auch eine Verweigerung der Arbeit kann ein Grund für eine fristlose Kündigung sein. In nur wenigen Fällen gerechtfertigt ist eine fristlose Kündigung allerdings bei einer privaten Internetnutzung am Arbeitsplatz. Andere Formen der Kündigung, die im Verhalten des Angestellten begründet liegen, sind die Verdachtskündigung, die verhaltensbedingte oder die personenbedingte Kündigung. Wie der Name schon vermuten lässt, liegt der Grund der Kündigung bei einer personenbedingten Kündigung in der Person des Arbeitnehmers begründet. Sie ist dann möglich, wenn der Angestellte seine vertraglich geschuldete Arbeitsleistung nicht bloß temporär, sondern für eine gewisse Dauer nicht leisten kann. Eine verhaltensbedingte Kündigung ist in dem Fall angebracht, wenn das Verhalten des Angestellten den Betriebsfrieden nachhaltig stört oder das Vertrauensverhältnis zum Arbeitgeber zerstört ist. Bei der Verdachtskündigung handelt es sich um einen Unterfall der personenbedingten Kündigung. Eine Verdachtskündigung durch den Arbeitgeber kommt dann in Betracht, wenn dieser den Verdacht hat, dass der Angestellte eine strafbare Handlung oder eine schwerwiegende Pflichtverletzung begangen haben könnte. Eine vorangehende Abmahnung ist beim Ausspruch einer Verdachtskündigung in der Regel nicht erforderlich. Die ordentliche Kündigung ist der Normalfall bei der Beendigung von Arbeitsverhältnissen. Die Frist der Kündigung kann sich aus dem Arbeitsvertrag, einem anwendbaren Tarifvertrag oder aus dem Gesetz ergeben. Im Gegensatz zur fristgerechten oder fristlosen Kündigung ist die Änderungskündigung eher wenigen Arbeitnehmern ein Begriff. Kennzeichnend für die Änderungskündigung ist, dass der Arbeitgeber das Arbeitsverhältnis mit dem Angestellten grundsätzlich nicht auflösen, sondern fortführen will. Jedoch zu veränderten Bedingungen. Im Gegensatz zu einer einseitigen Kündigung wird ein Aufhebungsvertrag im Einverständnis zwischen dem Arbeitnehmer und dem Arbeitgeber geschlossen, um ein Beschäftigungsverhältnis aufzulösen. Nach einer ordentlichen Kündigung als auch bei einem Aufhebungsvertrag ist eine Freistellung von der Arbeit bei vollem Lohn absolut üblich. Gerade bei Aufhebungsverträgen oder auch bei einer betriebsbedingten Kündigung ist oftmals der Anspruch auf eine Abfindung gegeben. Die Ansprüche auf eine Abfindung ergeben sich oftmals aus dem Sozialplan, der zwischen dem Betriebsrat und dem Arbeitgeber ausgehandelt wurde. Endet ein Arbeitsverhältnis, hat der Beschäftigte Anspruch auf ein Arbeitszeugnis. Ist eine Kündigung schon erfolgt und es müssen noch Folgen und Ablauf der Kündigung geklärt werden, dann wird hierfür ein sog. Abwicklungsvertrag geschlossen. Ein Abwicklungsvertrag ist eine Einigung zwischen Arbeitnehmer und Arbeitgeber, die die Folgen und den Ablauf der Kündigung festlegt. Eine etwaige Abfindung kann auch im Abwicklungsvertrag vereinbart werden. Im Abwicklungsvertrag kann aber auch z.B. auf das Recht verzichtet werden, eine Kündigungsschutzklage zu erheben. Anzumerken ist, dass man mit einer Kündigungsschutzklage gegen jede Kündigung vorgehen kann - außer es ist in einem Abwicklungsvertrag ausgeschlossen worden. Im Übrigen dient eine Kündigungsschutzklage nicht nur dazu, um eine Anstellung zu behalten, sondern auch, um eine Abfindung zu erwirken. Wichtig ist, dass, möchte man eine Kündigungsschutzklage einreichen, eine Frist von drei Wochen gilt. Generell braucht der Arbeitnehmer für die Erhebung keinen Rechtsanwalt. Jedoch ist es ausdrücklich zu empfehlen, das Erheben der Kündigungsschutzklage einem Anwalt zu überlassen. Der Anwalt im Arbeitsrecht wird nicht nur alle nötigen Schriftsätze erstellen. Er wird seinen Klienten auch bei sämtlichen Terminen vor Gericht vertreten.</p>'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': '¿Dónde se encuentra Hotel Cenit & Apts. Sol y Viento?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Hotel Cenit & Apts. Sol y Viento está situado en Archiduque Luis Salvador, s/n, a 0,5 km del centro de Ibiza. Museu Monogràfic Puig des Molins es el punto de interés más cercano a Hotel Cenit & Apts. Sol y Viento. <a href="/Ibiza-Hoteles-Hotel-Cenit-Apts-Sol-y-Viento.205203.ksp">¡No te pierdas los últimos precios de KAYAK!</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '¿A qué hora es el check-in y check-out en Hotel Cenit & Apts. Sol y Viento?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'La hora del check-in es a las 15:00 y el check-out es a las 12:00 en Hotel Cenit & Apts. Sol y Viento. <a href="/Ibiza-Hoteles-Hotel-Cenit-Apts-Sol-y-Viento.205203.ksp">¡No te pierdas los últimos precios de KAYAK!</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '¿Hotel Cenit & Apts. Sol y Viento ofrece wifi gratis?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Sí, Hotel Cenit & Apts. Sol y Viento ofrece wifi gratis. <a href="/Ibiza-Hoteles-Hotel-Cenit-Apts-Sol-y-Viento.205203.ksp">¡No te pierdas los últimos precios de KAYAK!</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '¿A qué distancia está Hotel Cenit & Apts. Sol y Viento del aeropuerto?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Hotel Cenit & Apts. Sol y Viento está a 5,9 km de Ibiza. Hotel Cenit & Apts. Sol y Viento está a 133,3 km de Palma de Mallorca. <a href="/Ibiza-Hoteles-Hotel-Cenit-Apts-Sol-y-Viento.205203.ksp">¡No te pierdas los últimos precios de KAYAK!</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '¿Cómo encuentra KAYAK tan buenas ofertas para Hotel Cenit & Apts. Sol y Viento?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'KAYAK busca en internet todas las ofertas de habitaciones disponibles en Hotel Cenit & Apts. Sol y Viento en Ibiza y te ayuda a compararlas para encontrar el mejor precio para tu alojamiento. Muchos sitios web de viajes ofrecen descuentos u ofertas en diferentes momentos para las habitaciones de Hotel Cenit & Apts. Sol y Viento, y KAYAK te proporciona los precios de una gran variedad de sitios web de viajes. Esto significa que siempre podrás encontrar una excelente oferta de Hotel Cenit & Apts. Sol y Viento. <a href="/Ibiza-Hoteles-Hotel-Cenit-Apts-Sol-y-Viento.205203.ksp">¡No te pierdas los últimos precios de KAYAK!</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '¿Hotel Cenit & Apts. Sol y Viento tiene piscina?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Sí, Hotel Cenit & Apts. Sol y Viento tiene piscina. <a href="/Ibiza-Hoteles-Hotel-Cenit-Apts-Sol-y-Viento.205203.ksp">¡No te pierdas los últimos precios de KAYAK!</a>'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How do free walking tours work?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Sign up, a meeting point is communicated to you, you show up at that point on time.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Why should I use Google Maps?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Studying the Google map of an area works really well for group traveling, It gives a perfect idea of what is around you.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How to attend a local event while traveling?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Ask around for trade fairs, art shows, concerts, or festivals and immerse yourself in any of them.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is the best way to save while traveling in Europe?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Getting a daily or weekly train pass is a great way to save money while traveling.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What are the affordable places to travel in Europe?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Normandy, Cinque Terre, Vienna, Eger, Bruges, Cologne, and Cesky Krumlov, are 7 beautiful and budget-friendly destinations in Europe.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Is it expensive to eat out in Europe?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Many restaurants and cafes offer 2-3 courses set lunch menu for under 10 euro.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Is it expansive traveling to Vienna?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'A trip to the Austrian capital is totally doable and would not fall far from the daily travel budget in other European capitals like Prague or Budapest.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How much does Hubstaff cost?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Hubstaff\'s <a href="#pricing">pricing</a> ranges between $0.00 and $20.00 per user per month, depending on the plan employers choose.</p>\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is Hubstaff used for?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p><a href="#review">Hubstaff</a> can be used for a variety of purposes, including time tracking, employee monitoring, scheduling, invoicing, and more.</p>\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How does Hubstaff measure activity?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>Hubstaff measures activity by monitoring keyboard strokes and mouse movements in 10-minute intervals. Hubstaff can also take screenshots of employees' work every 10 minutes to monitor their productivity.</p>\n"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Is Hubstaff legal?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>It is legal for employers to use Hubstaff to monitor an employee's activity and track their location. However, it is advisable for employers to get consent from their employees before using Hubstaff to track and/or monitor employees.</p>\n"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Does Hubstaff work offline?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>The Hubstaff app can still track time and take screenshots without an internet connection. Once the connection is reestablished, tracked time and screenshots will be uploaded from your local storage to the Hubstaff server.</p>\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Does Hubstaff record my screen?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Hubstaff does not continuously record your screen to create a video, but it can take screenshots to capture images.</p>\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How do I download Hubstaff?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>You can download the Hubstaff app by visiting the <a href="">Hubstaff download page</a> and selecting the version that works with your device.</p>\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What are some Hubstaff alternatives?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<ul>\n<li><a href="">When I Work</a>.</li>\n<li><a href="">Clockify</a>.</li>\n<li><a href="">TimeStation</a>.</li>\n<li><a href="">AccountSight</a>.</li>\n<li><a href="">TimeCamp</a>.</li>\n<li><a href="">Time Clock Wizard</a>.</li>\n<li><a href="">ClockIt</a>.</li>\n<li><a href="">Open Time Clock</a>.</li>\n</ul>\n'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'する Anything In Stained Glass 新規のお客様に割引はありますか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'はい。 Anything In Stained Glass 独自の優遇制度があり、 Anything In Stained Glass 特別割引制度。を閲覧するだけです。 Anything In Stained Glass プロモーション コード ページ 対応するプロモーション コードをクリックして、チェックアウト時に 80% をお楽しみください。'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'メールにサインアップする必要がありますか? Anything In Stained Glass ?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'はい、必要です。からメールを登録できます .登録後、 Anything In Stained Glass クーポンやプロモーション活動は、時間内にメールボックスに送信されるため、見逃すことはありません Anything In Stained Glass クーポンコード。キャンセルすることもできます。 Anything In Stained Glass のサブスクリプション サービスをいつでもご利用いただけます。'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'どうすれば社交的になれますか Anything In Stained Glass ?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'との連絡を確立したい場合 Anything In Stained Glass 、ご安心ください Anything In Stained Glass はいつもあなたのそばにいます。 Anything In Stained Glass ビジネスページの下部にあるソーシャルメディアからすべての最新情報を受け取る Anything In Stained Glass .'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How can I book appointment with specialist of Cochlear Implants?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'To book your appointment with a specialist of Cochlear Implants in Pakistan, call at 042-32591427 or 0311-1222398. There are no extra charges for booking appointment through Marham.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Who are the top doctors for Cochlear Implants in Pakistan?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '10 Cochlear Implants in Pakistan are:<br><ol><li>Prof. Dr. Muhammad Riaz Chaudhry</li><li>Asst. Prof. Dr. Bakht Aziz</li><li>Dr. Muhammad Awais Amin</li><li>Prof. Dr. Zainullah Kakar</li><li>Asst. Prof. Dr. Asmat Ullah Khan Kakar</li><li>Dr. Awais Ansari</li><li>Dr. Khurshid Alam</li><li>Dr. Amir Ashiq</li><li>Prof. Dr. Tallat Najeeb</li><li>Dr. Ijaz Nazir</li></ol>View all the qualified <a href="">doctors for Cochlear Implants available in Pakistan</a> at'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Who are the best doctors for Cochlear Implants in Pakistan?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Best 10 Cochlear Implants in Pakistan are:<br><ol><li>Prof. Dr. Muhammad Riaz Chaudhry</li><li>Asst. Prof. Dr. Bakht Aziz</li><li>Dr. Muhammad Awais Amin</li><li>Prof. Dr. Zainullah Kakar</li><li>Asst. Prof. Dr. Asmat Ullah Khan Kakar</li><li>Dr. Awais Ansari</li><li>Dr. Khurshid Alam</li><li>Dr. Amir Ashiq</li><li>Prof. Dr. Tallat Najeeb</li><li>Dr. Ijaz Nazir</li></ol>View all the qualified <a href="">doctors for Cochlear Implants available in Pakistan</a> at'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': '守谷市付近の霊園・墓地・お墓お薦めのお墓・霊園は?\u3000提供【霊園ガイド】', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "この近くには次の霊園・墓地・お墓お薦めのお墓・霊園があります。※霊園の一覧は【 <a href=>守谷市付近の霊園・墓地・お墓お薦めのお墓・霊園一覧</a> 】をご確認ください。<a href=''>(牛久市)牛久浄苑</a> | <a href=''>(つくば市)筑波茎崎霊園</a> | <a href=''>(さいたま市緑区)メモリアルパーク天空の杜</a> | <a href=''>(さいたま市岩槻区)槻の城山霊園</a> | <a href=''>(さいたま市岩槻区)岩槻光輪浄苑</a> | <a href=''>(さいたま市岩槻区)しらこばとメモリアルパーク</a> | <a href=''>(川口市)メモリアルパーク川口山王</a> | <a href=''>(川口市)川口さくら霊園 永遠の杜 プレアーガーデン</a> | <a href=''>(川口市)川口霊園 かわぐちの杜</a> | <a href=''>(川口市)サンク川口霊園</a> | <a href=''>(吉川市)さくら聖地霊園</a> | <a href=''>(吉川市)さくらメモリアルパーク</a> | <a href=''>(吉川市)吉川美南霊園</a> | <a href=''>(吉川市)駅前霊園美南</a> | <a href=''>(草加市)光明寺墓苑</a> | <a href=''>(越谷市)メモリアル越谷 憩いの郷</a> | <a href=''>(越谷市)せんげん台西霊園</a> | <a href=''>(越谷市)越谷しらこばと霊園</a> | <a href=''>(春日部市)一ノ割駅前霊園</a> | <a href=''>(春日部市)かすかべ東霊園</a> | <a href=''>(三郷市)三郷中央聖地</a> | <a href=''>(川口市)川口中央霊園</a> | <a href=''>(さいたま市緑区)浦和東霊園</a> | <a href=''>(春日部市)春日部メモリアルヒルズ</a> | <a href=''>(川口市)ヒルズ川口</a> | <a href=''>(吉川市)よしかわ聖地霊園グリーンピア</a> | <a href=''>(さいたま市緑区)むさしの聖地\u3000永久の郷</a> | <a href=''>(川口市)川口光輪メモリアル</a> | <a href=''>(春日部市)グリーンパーク春日部浄園</a> | <a href=''>(三郷市)エバーグリーン金町</a> | <a href=''>(北葛飾郡松伏町)光輪霊園</a> | <a href=''>(さいたま市岩槻区)彩光浄苑</a> | <a href=''>(越谷市)ひかり霊園\u3000憩いの郷</a> | <a href=''>(川口市)源長寺墓地\u3000まどかの杜</a> | <a href=''>(川口市)川口メモリアル和楽邸</a> | <a href=''>(川口市)川口霊園かわぐちの杜</a> | <a href=''>(川口市)メモリアルプレイス川口の郷</a> | <a href=''>(さいたま市緑区)公営 さいたま市営青山苑墓地</a> | <a href=''>(川口市)公営 川口市安行霊園</a> | <a href=''>(幸手市)地蔵院 やすらぎの聖地</a> | <a href=''>(船橋市)船橋森林霊園</a> | <a href=''>(市川市)市川の杜霊園</a> | <a href=''>(市川市)いちかわ大町霊園</a> | <a href=''>(松戸市)サニープレイス松戸</a> | <a href=''>(松戸市)サニーパーク松戸</a> | <a href=''>(柏市)柏中央霊園</a> | <a href=''>(野田市)むらさき聖地霊園</a> | <a href=''>(野田市)野田さくら霊園</a> | <a href=''>(野田市)メモリアルスクエア運河</a> | <a href=''>(野田市)メモリアルガーデン梅郷聖地</a> | <a href=''>(鎌ケ谷市)弥生の里 自然聖園</a> | <a href=''>(流山市)メモリアルパーク流山聖地</a> | <a href=''>(流山市)メモリアルグリーン流山聖地</a> | <a href=''>(流山市)櫻乃丘聖地霊園</a> | <a href=''>(白井市)神々廻霊園</a> | <a href=''>(白井市)白井メモリアルパーク</a> | <a href=''>(印西市)平成霊園</a> | <a href=''>(印西市)ガーデンニュータウン霊園</a> | <a href=''>(八千代市)メモリアルフォレスト八千代</a> | <a href=''>(八千代市)八千代あさひ霊園</a> | <a href=''>(船橋市)船橋昭和浄苑</a> | <a href=''>(市川市)市川大野霊園</a> | <a href=''>(市川市)総武霊園</a> | <a href=''>(取手市)取手大師霊園</a> | <a href=''>(船橋市)船橋やすらぎの杜</a> | <a href=''>(印西市)清寂の杜歓喜院霊園</a> | <a href=''>(印西市)公営 印西霊園</a> | <a href=''>(松戸市)公営 都立八柱霊園</a> | <a href=''>(船橋市)公営 船橋市馬込霊園</a> | <a href=''>(八千代市)公営 八千代市営霊園</a> | <a href=''>(白井市)公営 松戸市営白井聖地公園</a> | <a href=''>(市川市)公営 市川市営霊園</a> | <a href=''>(松戸市)大町やすらぎパーク</a> | <a href=''>(葛飾区)ハートフルガーデン葛飾鎌倉</a> | <a href=''>(葛飾区)グリーンパーク新宿</a> | <a href=''>(足立区)足立セメタリーパーク</a> | "}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'このエリア近くの霊園・墓地・お墓お薦めのお墓・霊園はいくつありますか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'この近くの霊園・墓地・お墓お薦めのお墓・霊園は、半径約25km圏に76件あります。'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', '@id': '', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Is Samosa Casino safe?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Yes, Samosa Casino is licensed and reviewed by the Malta Gaming Authority.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Can I get a bonus at Samosa Casino?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Yes, not only can you partake in the welcome bonus offer, but the Samosa promotions page reveal several intriguing bonus schemes.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Which games can I play at Samosa Casino?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'All types of casino games, jackpots, scratchcards and live casino games can be enjoyed at the Samosa casino.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How can I contact Samosa Casino?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The easiest way to get in contact with Samosa casino is through the contact form or live chat.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Why should I try Samosa Casino?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "If you're a keen casino player, you'll be certain to find several exciting titles as well as bonuses and tournaments."}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': '&#x1F4CC; Dirección', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Apodaca 1, , Santiago de Chile</p><p><a href=",-3.7015807018524356">Ver en Google Maps</a></p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '&#x1F4DE; Teléfonos', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p><a href="tel:34 915 228 733">☎ 34 915 228 733 Tel.Fijo</a></p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '&#x1F310; Sitio Web Oficial', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<a href=""></a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '&#x1F44D; Redes Sociales', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p><a href="">Facebook</a></p><p><a href="">Instagram</a></p><p><a href="">Youtube</a></p>'}}]}
{'mainEntity': [{'name': '新飯塚周辺で最大料金ありの駐車場はどこですか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': '<a href="">タイムズ新飯塚</a>、<a href="">タイムズ吉原町第2</a>、<a href="">タイムズ吉原町第3</a>などがあります。<br>詳しくは<a href="">新飯塚(最大料金あり)</a>の検索結果をご覧ください。', '@type': 'Answer'}, '@type': 'Question'}, {'name': '新飯塚周辺で24時間入出庫可の駐車場はどこですか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': '<a href="">タイムズ新飯塚</a>、<a href="">タイムズ吉原町第2</a>、<a href="">タイムズ吉原町第3</a>などがあります。<br>詳しくは<a href="">新飯塚(24時間入出庫可)</a>の検索結果をご覧ください。', '@type': 'Answer'}, '@type': 'Question'}], '@type': 'FAQPage', '@context': ''}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'İstanbul Orospu Numarası Telefonda Boşalmak', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p><b>İstanbul Orospu Numarası Telefonda Boşalmak</b> Birbirinden seksi kadınlarla telefonda seks sohbeti yaparak boşalmak istiyorsanız doğru yerdesiniz. Azgın kadınlar sizlerle beraber sohbet edip tahrik olmanız için her şeyi yapacaklar</p><h2>Alo Sohbet Nedir?</h2><p> Konuştuklarınız tamamen gizlidir siz ve partneriniz dışında kimse bilmeyecektir. İstanbul Orospu Numarası Telefonda Boşalmak isteyenler için yenilenen sitemizle daha uygun fiyata sınırsız bir şekilde konuşacaksınız.</p><h2>İstanbul Orospu Numarası Telefonda Boşalmak Nedir?</h2><p> Hemen beğendiğiniz bir kadının profiline girerek orada yazan numarayı arayabilirsiniz. \n\n\nİstanbul Orospu Numarası Telefonda Boşalmak\n Günümüzde sohbet hatları çok önemli çünkü evde yalnız olan ve dikkatlerini dağıtmak isteyen tüm erkekler bu sohbet hatlarını kullanıyor.</p><h2>İstanbul Orospu Numarası Telefonda Boşalmak Neden Kullanmalıyz?</h2><p> \n\n\nİstanbul Orospu Numarası Telefonda Boşalmak\n Günümüzde sohbet hatları çok önemli çünkü evde yalnız olan ve dikkatlerini dağıtmak isteyen tüm erkekler bu sohbet hatlarını kullanıyor. Sohbet hattı sayesinde birçok erkek, seks sırasında her saat partnerini arayarak sorun çıkarabilir mi, yoksa yalnızlıktan kurtuldu, bir partner buldu, ona açıldı ve biriktirdiği tüm cinsel duygulardan kurtuldu. . gün. Vücudunuzdaki alevleri söndürmek için bir bayana ihtiyacınız varsa, o zaman doğru yere geldiniz ve sohbet hattını aradığınızda anlayacaksınız..</p><br><h3>Hemen Aramak İster misin?</h3> <p><a href=tel:003225889499>004456018362 Kendinize gece ya da gündüz konuşmak için bir partner arıyorsanız,sadece konuşarak bile sutyen ölçülerini kolaylıkla anlayabileceiniz esiz kadınların telefonda gerek seksten apayrı ancak gerei kadar anlamlı ve bir o kadar tatmin edici bir görüşme denizine atılmak tek bir tıklama kadar yakın. Konuştukça kafanızda şekillenen o ince belli dolgun göğüslü kadın profiline yapmak istediklerinizi onlara anlattığınızda çıldracaklar.</a></p>\n <h3>İstanbul Orospu Numarası Telefonda Boşalmak Hakkında?</h3> <p> Sizlerle sohbet edecek bu hanımefendi sayesinde dağa hayran kalabilir ve şu ana kadar aradığınız diğer tüm hileleri unutabilirsiniz. Sıkıcı hayatınıza renk katmak istiyorsanız arayabilirsiniz..</p>'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': "Can I prepare for 'installation, storage and compute for Windows Server 2016' exam online?\r", 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '\tYes, you can. We provide online instructor led training in different modules designed to take care of all your personal concerns.\r\r\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': "Is 'Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016' certification part of Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Certification path?\r", 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '\tYes, it is part of Microsoft certification path. The five days training prepares you the take on Microsoft 70-740 certification exam.\r\r\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Can I challenge a Microsoft 70-740 certification exam item that is irrelevant to recommended course outline?\r', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "\tEach Microsoft 70-740 exam question is reviewed carefully by a panel of experts for clarity, technical accuracy and relevance. If you still believe a specific question invalid, you can request for evaluation of that question. You must submit the 'Exam Item Challenge' within 30 days after taking the exam.\r\r\n"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': "What is the importance of 'Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016' certification within existing organization?\r", 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '\tMost of certified Window Server 2016 specialists succeed to get about 35% increment in salary.\r\r\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': "When can I retake Microsoft 70-740 'Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016' exam if I fail once? \r", 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "\tIf you don't get passing score the first time, you will have to wait at least for 24 hours before retaking the Microsoft 70-740 exam. If you fail 2nd time also, you will have to wait at least for 14 days.\r\n"}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Can I cancel a tour/cruise?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p><b>Yes</b>, you can cancel your reservation and you are entitled to a refund of up to 100% of the initial amount, based on the cancellation policy of the tour/cruise that appears on the product page. </p><p>Please visit the page of the tour you are interested in so that you can find out its <b>cancellation policy</b> or <b><a href="/contact/" target="_blank">contact us</a></b>. Furthermore, once you have made your reservation, an email with a link from which you can manage/cancel your reservation will be sent to you.</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What happens in case of bad weather?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': ' <p>If the tour or cruise is cancelled due to bad weather conditions, you will be refunded the entire amount you paid unless you wish to change the date of your booking with no extra cost.</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Is a catamaran cruise suitable for children?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': ' <p>Yes, if your children are acquainted with the sea, they will love the catamaran ride. In addition, there is snorkeling equipment available on board. Don’t forget to take sunscreen, a hat and a light jacket with you.</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Can I book a private cruise to nearby islands?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': ' <p>Yes! On the page <b><a href="/yacht-charter-rent-boat/" target="_blank">Yacht Charter &amp; Boat Rental</a></b>, you can see all the boats with which you can visit the nearby islands of Santorini! Please contact us for any advice or tour/cruise alteration you are interested in. </p> '}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What type of tour should I book to hike on the volcano?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>The <b><a class="seo-link" href="/boat-volcano-tours/" target="_blank">Volcano Tours</a></b> offer the opportunity to walk on the volcano and swim in its Hot Springs. </p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What type of tour should I book for a wedding proposal?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>A <b><a class="seo-link" href="/private-boat-tours/" target="_blank">Private Boat Tour</a></b> is the perfect choice for your special occasion. Combine food, wine and the most spectacular <b><a class="seo-link" href="/sunset-boat-tours/" target="_blank">sunset onboard</a></b> and your proposal to your beloved person will be memorable.</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Can we organize a birthday party on board?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': ' <p>Yes! Many people choose <b><a class="seo-link" href="/catamaran-cruises/" target="_blank">Private Catamaran Cruises</a></b> (for large groups) or <b><a class="seo-link" href="/yacht-cruises/" target="_blank">Private Motor Yacht Cruises</a></b> to celebrate with their beloved companions. BBQ food, drinks, cocktails, friendly and discreet crew, music and lots of fun with a view of Santorini’s caldera or the famous sunset ꟷ what is better than this?</p> '}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What should I choose for a honeymoon cruise?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>We recommend that you check the <b><a class="seo-link" href="/romantic-honeymoon-experiences/" target="_blank">Romantic Honeymoon Experiences</a></b> we have carefully chosen for you. Enjoy the enchanting sunset of Santorini while having dinner on board with local specialties, accompanied by the fine Santorinian wines or fancy cocktails.</p><p></p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Can I have a bachelor or wedding party on board?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Of course! If you are a big company, choose the <b><a class="seo-link" href="/private-boats-for-parties-and-events/" target="_blank">Private Catamaran Cruises</a></b> that offer spacious areas and therefore more comfort for your bachelor or wedding party. Ready for some fun on board?</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Which tour do you suggest for children?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': ' <p>It depends on the children’s age and preferences. If they are sporty and love exploration, you can choose one from the <b><a class="seo-link" href="/boat-volcano-tours/" target="_blank">Volcano Tours</a></b>. If they love swimming and diving, then they will be very pleased with a <b><a class="seo-link" href="/catamaran-cruises/" target="_blank">Catamaran Cruise</a></b>. If you have very young children, perhaps a <b><a class="seo-link" href="/private-boat-tours/" target="_blank">private tour</a></b>, which will offer you more comfort and the ability to customize the itinerary, is ideal for you.</p> '}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Can I cancel a tour/cruise?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p><b>Yes</b>, you can cancel your reservation and you are entitled to a refund of up to 100% of the initial amount, based on the cancellation policy of the tour/cruise that appears on the product page. </p><p>Please visit the page of the tour you are interested in so that you can find out its <b>cancellation policy</b> or <b><a href="/contact/" target="_blank">contact us</a></b>. Furthermore, once you have made your reservation, an email with a link from which you can manage/cancel your reservation will be sent to you.</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What happens in case of bad weather?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': ' <p>If the tour or cruise is cancelled due to bad weather conditions, you will be refunded the entire amount you paid unless you wish to change the date of your booking with no extra cost.</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Is a catamaran cruise suitable for children?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': ' <p>Yes, if your children are acquainted with the sea, they will love the catamaran ride. In addition, there is snorkeling equipment available on board. Don’t forget to take sunscreen, a hat and a light jacket with you.</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Can I book a private cruise to nearby islands?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': ' <p>Yes! On the page <b><a href="/yacht-charter-rent-boat/" target="_blank">Yacht Charter &amp; Boat Rental</a></b>, you can see all the boats with which you can visit the nearby islands of Santorini! Please contact us for any advice or tour/cruise alteration you are interested in. </p> '}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What type of tour should I book to hike on the volcano?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>The <b><a class="seo-link" href="/boat-volcano-tours/" target="_blank">Volcano Tours</a></b> offer the opportunity to walk on the volcano and swim in its Hot Springs. </p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What type of tour should I book for a wedding proposal?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>A <b><a class="seo-link" href="/private-boat-tours/" target="_blank">Private Boat Tour</a></b> is the perfect choice for your special occasion. Combine food, wine and the most spectacular <b><a class="seo-link" href="/sunset-boat-tours/" target="_blank">sunset onboard</a></b> and your proposal to your beloved person will be memorable.</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Can we organize a birthday party on board?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': ' <p>Yes! Many people choose <b><a class="seo-link" href="/catamaran-cruises/" target="_blank">Private Catamaran Cruises</a></b> (for large groups) or <b><a class="seo-link" href="/yacht-cruises/" target="_blank">Private Motor Yacht Cruises</a></b> to celebrate with their beloved companions. BBQ food, drinks, cocktails, friendly and discreet crew, music and lots of fun with a view of Santorini’s caldera or the famous sunset ꟷ what is better than this?</p> '}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What should I choose for a honeymoon cruise?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>We recommend that you check the <b><a class="seo-link" href="/romantic-honeymoon-experiences/" target="_blank">Romantic Honeymoon Experiences</a></b> we have carefully chosen for you. Enjoy the enchanting sunset of Santorini while having dinner on board with local specialties, accompanied by the fine Santorinian wines or fancy cocktails.</p><p></p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Can I have a bachelor or wedding party on board?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Of course! If you are a big company, choose the <b><a class="seo-link" href="/private-boats-for-parties-and-events/" target="_blank">Private Catamaran Cruises</a></b> that offer spacious areas and therefore more comfort for your bachelor or wedding party. Ready for some fun on board?</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Which tour do you suggest for children?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': ' <p>It depends on the children’s age and preferences. If they are sporty and love exploration, you can choose one from the <b><a class="seo-link" href="/boat-volcano-tours/" target="_blank">Volcano Tours</a></b>. If they love swimming and diving, then they will be very pleased with a <b><a class="seo-link" href="/catamaran-cruises/" target="_blank">Catamaran Cruise</a></b>. If you have very young children, perhaps a <b><a class="seo-link" href="/private-boat-tours/" target="_blank">private tour</a></b>, which will offer you more comfort and the ability to customize the itinerary, is ideal for you.</p> '}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'この施設へのアクセス方法は?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p><a href=''>施設の場所を地図で確認</a></p>"}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': '&#x1F481; Che cosa sono i codici sconto Pinalli?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>Un codice sconto Pinalli è un <strong>codice segreto</strong> il cui funzionamento è molto simile ai coupon cartacei: ti basterà applicarlo al carrello sul sito prima del pagamento per ottenere uno <strong>sconto</strong> in misura fissa o in percentuale. Molte volte questi codici permettono di otternere anche degli omaggi o ad esempio la spedizione gratuita. Se il codice non funziona, ricordati di controllare bene il dettaglio della promozione, in quanto monte volte hanno dei termini specifici e si applicano solo su alcuni prodotti, come ad esempio un minimo di spesa sull'acquisto.</p>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '&#x1F64B; Dove posso ottenere un codice sconto Pinalli?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Non è mai stato più semplice trovare un codice sconto e coupon Pinalli! Su questa pagina potrai trovare tutte le migliori promozioni attualmente attive e verificate dal nostro team. Continua a seguire questa pagina e sarai sempre aggiornato sulle migliori offerte, promozioni, coupon e codici Pinalli!</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '&#x1F44C; Come si applica un coupon Pinalli?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>Hai problemi ad applicare un codice? Niente paura! Devi semplicemente copiare il <strong>codice sconto Pinalli</strong> che trovi su questa pagina e prenotare il servizio che hai scelto. Una volta copiato il codice, esegui il login sul sito e procedi fino ad arrivare al carrello. Una volta sul carrello incolla il codice ed applicalo. Ora l'importo totale da pagare si aggiornerà comprendendo già lo sconto sull'offerta che avevi scelto!</p>"}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'HowTo', 'name': 'How to play 3 chip game', 'description': 'Play 3 Chip Game', 'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'URL': '', 'height': '690', 'width': '460'}, 'step': [{'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>Object of the game: Move 3 red blocks to right side and 3 blue blocks to left side.</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>Object of the game: Move 3 red blocks to right side and 3 blue blocks to left side.</p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>Only 2 rules: 1.) You can slide forward if the space is empty. (example above)</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>Only 2 rules: 1.) You can slide forward if the space is empty. (example above)</p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>2.) You can jump one chip over the other. (example above)</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>2.) You can jump one chip over the other. (example above)</p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>Solution Step 1</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>Solution Step 1</p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>Step 2</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>Step 2</p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>Step 3</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>Step 3</p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>Step 4</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>Step 4</p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>Step 5</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>Step 5</p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>Step 6</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>Step 6</p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>Step 7</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>Step 7</p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>Step 8</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>Step 8</p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>Step 9</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>Step 9</p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>Step 10</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>Step 10</p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>Step 11</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>Step 11</p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>Step 12</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>Step 12</p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>Step 13</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>Step 13</p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>Step 14</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>Step 14</p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>Step 15</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>Step 15</p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>Quadratic solution</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>Quadratic solution</p>'}]}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Kolik stojí hotel v destinaci Tacoma?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'V\xa0posledních 3\xa0dnech bylo na stránkách KAYAK možné najít pokoje pro dva v Tacoma za pouhých 1\xa0708\xa0Kč. Průměrná cena pokoje pro dva je 3\xa0170\xa0Kč. <a href="/Hotely-Tacoma.10943.hotel.ksp">Nejnovější nabídky najdete na naší stránce Tacoma!</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Jsou hotely v destinaci Tacoma v období krize v souvislosti s koronavirem (COVID-19) bezpečné?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Hotely představují bezpečné prostředí pro cestovatele, za předpokladu, že jsou v souvislosti s koronavirem (COVID-19) provedena řádná sanitační opatření. Doporučujeme však, abyste se v souvislosti s bezpečnostními opatřeními pro hotelové ubytování v destinaci Tacoma obrátili na místní úřady. <a href="/Hotely-Tacoma.10943.hotel.ksp">Nejnovější nabídky najdete na naší stránce Tacoma!</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Kolik stojí hotel v destinaci Tacoma na dnešní noc?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Uživatelé stránek KAYAK v posledních 3 hodinách našli pokoje pro dva v Tacoma v tříhvězdičkovém hotelu od 2\xa0508\xa0Kč a ve čtyřhvězdičkovém hotelu od 3\xa0627\xa0Kč. Nelevnější pokoj na dnešní noc přijde na 1\xa0708\xa0Kč. <a href="/Hotely-Tacoma.10943.hotel.ksp">Nejnovější nabídky najdete na naší stránce Tacoma!</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Jak mohu najít hotel v centru města Tacoma?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Poté co začnete s vyhledáváním hotelů na stránkách KAYAK, své hledání můžete zúžit na základě konkrétní městské části. To vám umožní vybrat městské části v centru města Tacoma. Vyhledávat můžete také prostřednictvím mapy města, kde si můžete vybrat konkrétní místo, jako například centrum města Tacoma.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Jak mohu najít hotely ve svém okolí?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Prohlédněte si naši podrobnou <a href="#hotelHeatMap">heatmapu s hotely</a> a najděte nejlepší hotely ve vašem okolí.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Lze v Tacoma najít hotely s parkováním zdarma?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Mnoho hotelů v Tacoma nabízí jak parkování, tak parkování zdarma. Mezi oblíbené hotely uživatelů stránek KAYAK patří HomeTowne Studios by Red Roof Tacoma - Hosmer, Travelodge by Wyndham Port of Tacoma WA a Best Western Plus Tacoma Hotel.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': "Quels sont les horaires d'ouverture de Pizza Sprint Liffré ?", 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>Voici les horaires d'ouverture :</p><ul><li>Lundi : 08:00–18:45 </li><li>Mardi : 08:00–18:45 </li><li>Mercredi : 08:00–18:45 </li><li>Jeudi : 08:00–18:45 </li><li>Vendredi : 08:00–18:45 </li><li>Samedi : 08:00–18:45 </li><li>Dimanche : Fermé </li></ul>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': "Quelle est l'adresse de Pizza Sprint Liffré", 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>47 Rue de Rennes - 35340 Liffré</p>'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Где гарантии, что это не обман?\t', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'В 2021 году YouDo исполнилось 9 лет. За это время сотни тысяч исполнителей подключились к сервису и успешно зарабатывают, выполняя заказы. О нас пишут известные российские и зарубежные СМИ.\t'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Кто создает задания?\t', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Заказчики YouDo — обычные люди, которым услуга нужна прямо сейчас. Чтобы узнать больше о клиенте, загляните в профиль и прочитайте отзывы о нем.\t'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Как происходит оплата?\t', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'В заданиях со <a href="">cделка без риска</a> деньги поступают на вашу банковскую карту после успешного выполнения задания. Вы также можете договориться с заказчиком о любом другом удобном для вас способе оплаты.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Как новичку выдержать конкуренцию?\t', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Начинайте с простых заказов и оставляйте как можно больше откликов. Когда появятся первые положительные отзывы, получать задания станет проще.\t'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Как выбирать задания?\t', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'В профиле заказчиков можно прочитать достоверные отзывы, а наша служба поддержки работает ежедневно и всегда готова ответить на ваши вопросы.\t'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Как работать с юридическими лицами?\t', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Если вы хотите выполнять задания от юридических лиц, получите статус бизнес-исполнителя.\t'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Почему за отклики нужно платить?\t', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'На YouDo ежедневно публикуются тысячи заказов. Мы постоянно работаем над тем, чтобы это количество увеличивалось, и исполнители всегда находили для себя подходящие задания. Чтобы получить заказ, на него нужно откликнуться. Вместе с рекламой услуг исполнителя мы отправляем заказчику контакты, которые остаются у него навсегда. За это мы берем оплату. Исполнитель платит за каждый отклик отдельно или подключает безлимитный пакет и откликается без ограничений. Деньги за отклик возвращаются только в том случае, если задание нарушает правила сервиса.\t'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'dateModified': '2022-09-01 11:55:17', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Ist das Einzahlen mit Handyguthaben sicher?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '&lt;span style=&quot;font-weight: 400;&quot;&gt;Sportwetten per Handy bezahlen ist sehr sicher, da Sie keinerlei Kontodaten oder Kreditkartendaten angeben müssen.&lt;/span&gt;'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '&lt;b&gt;Kann ich auch mit einer Prepaid Karte Sportwetten bezahlen?&lt;/b&gt;', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '&lt;span style=&quot;font-weight: 400;&quot;&gt;Sportwetten per Handy bezahlen ist auch mit Prepaid Karten möglich. Allerdings sollten Sie darauf achten, dass Ihr Guthaben der Karte ausreicht, um die Sportwette tätigen zu können.&lt;/span&gt;'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '&lt;b&gt;Kann ich Wettguthaben auf mein Handy auszahlen lassen?&lt;/b&gt;', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '&lt;span style=&quot;font-weight: 400;&quot;&gt;Sportwetten Gewinne können leider nicht auf das Handy ausgezahlt werden. Hier müssen Sie sich für eine andere Zahlungsmethode entscheiden, wie zum Beispiel einem Bankkonto oder einer Kreditkarte.&lt;/span&gt;'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Comment la publicité affecte-t-elle les jeunes ?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': ''}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Comment la publicité affecte-t-elle nos choix?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': ''}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Quels sont les dangers de la publicité dans les médias ?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': ''}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Quel est le pouvoir du marketing ?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': ''}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': "Quels sont les horaires d'ouverture de La Plage Lancieux ?", 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>Voici les horaires d'ouverture :</p><ul><li>Lundi : 12:00–14:00 </li><li>Mardi : 12:00–14:00 </li><li>Mercredi : Fermé </li><li>Jeudi : 12:00–14:00 </li><li>Vendredi : 12:00–14:00 19:00–22:00</li><li>Samedi : 12:00–14:00 19:00–22:00</li><li>Dimanche : 12:00–14:00 </li></ul>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': "Quelle est l'adresse de La Plage Lancieux", 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>1 Rue de la Plage - 22770 Lancieux</p>'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': "Quels sont les horaires d'ouverture de Bun's Champigny-sur-Marne ?", 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>Voici les horaires d'ouverture :</p><ul><li>Lundi : 10:00–00:00 </li><li>Mardi : 10:00–02:00 </li><li>Mercredi : 10:00–02:00 </li><li>Jeudi : 10:00–02:00 </li><li>Vendredi : 10:00–02:00 </li><li>Samedi : 10:00–02:00 </li><li>Dimanche : 10:00–02:00 </li></ul>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': "Quelle est l'adresse de Bun's Champigny-sur-Marne", 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>2 Rue Rodin - 94500 Champigny-sur-Marne</p>'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What type of expenses can home businesses or family businesses write off?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Whichever expenses this qualifies in their industry type. That&#39;s what we&#39;re looking for. We&#39;re looking for ordinary and necessary expenses within your industry type. </p><p>Necessary doesn&#39;t have to mean &quot;my business will fall apart and burn down if we don&#39;t have these things,&quot; but it does have to be needed for the business to function. It&#39;s like hiring that extra body at the workplace. You may not be behind in work, but you don&#39;t wanna get behind in work. </p><p>Just make sure the expenses are common to your industry. And if you have to think about it twice, I would avoid it. If you have to take a step back and say, &quot;I don&#39;t know,&quot; then it&#39;s a no.</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What percentage of total net profit from an S Corp can be set as your salary?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>There isn&#39;t a set percentage of the total net profit. The IRS will look at what is reasonable for that person in that geographic location to live in-- that&#39;s how specific it is. So, if you live in Los Angeles, your salary is gonna be different than someone who lives in Oklahoma City. We&#39;re in two different places, two different geographical locations, and two different population types. The salaries are going to be different. So, you look at the median in that area. And if what your business is producing cannot meet that median, then you essentially don&#39;t qualify. </p><p>That&#39;s not saying you can&#39;t make the election. However, if you get audited, you&#39;re gonna have to pay all that money that you made those savings on back. If you get audited, you&#39;re gonna have to pay all the taxes, the self-employment, all the FICA on that. And then what else comes with being audited? Penalties come, and interest comes. </p><p>So just make sure that the salary that you take from the S Corp in order to make it S Corp is reasonable enough for a person. </p>'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Do you buy vehicles for cash in my state?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Yes! Our Cash for Cars program covers the entire country. We have local satellite offices and towing companys nationwide, we will pay cash for your car and tow it away for free.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Can I sell my car without a title?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Yes! if you have a valid photo ID we most likely are able to buy your car without a title.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How long does the process take?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'We try to provide same-day service in all states. If you call in early, anything after 2:00pm in most cases is next-day fee pick up for your car and you will be paid on the spot.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Do I get free towing even if my car is considered junk?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Absolutly, our Cash for Cars program offers free towing regardless whether your vehicle is running or not running - any condition! We pay cash and cover all towing costs.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Ile kalorii ma Cukinia faszerowana wegetariańska?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Cukinia faszerowana wegetariańska ma 318 kcal w jednej porcji o wadze 350 g', 'url': ''}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Jakie składniki są potrzebne do przygotowania Cukinii faszerowanej wegetariańskiej?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Cukinia - 400 g, Marchewka - 80 g, Seler korzeniowy - 70 g, Papryka czerwona - 150 g, Cebula - 50 g, pomidory w puszce - 250 g, Kasza jaglana - 100 g, Tofu wzbogacane wapniem - 210 g, Ser parmezan - 60 g, Olej rzepakowy - 30 ml oraz przyprawy: sól, pieprz, papryka słodka', 'url': ''}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Ile czasu trwa przygotowanie Cukinii faszerowanej wegetariańskiej?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Przygotowanie przepisu na Cukinię faszerowaną wegetariańską zajmuje około 80 min', 'url': ''}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Jakie są koszty przyrządzenia Cukinii faszerowanej wegetariańskiej?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Przygotowując nasz przepis na Cukinii faszerowanej wegetariańskiej zapłacisz za składniki ok: 23.72 zł', 'url': ''}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'REFERENCES', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '[i]&nbsp;Slominski A., Zmijewski M., Pawelek J. &ldquo;L-tyrosine and L-DOPA as hormone-like regulators of melanocytes functions&rdquo;&nbsp;Pigment Cell Melanoma Research. 2012 Jan; 25(1): 14&ndash;27. (source)[ii]&nbsp;&ldquo;Phenylalanine&rdquo;&nbsp;University of Maryland Medical (source)[iii]&nbsp;Hase A., Jung S.E., aan het Rot M. &ldquo;Behavioral and cognitive effects of tyrosine intake in healthy human adults.&rdquo;&nbsp;Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior. 2015 Jun;133:1-6. (source)[iv]&nbsp;Meisburger S.P., Taylor A.B., Khan C.A., Zhang S., Fitzpatrick P.F., Ando N. &ldquo;Domain Movements upon Activation of Phenylalanine Hydroxylase Characterized by Crystallography and Chromatography-Coupled Small-Angle X-ray Scattering.&rdquo;&nbsp;Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2016 May 25;138(20):6506-16. (source)[v]&nbsp;Tavernier G. et. Al. &ldquo;Norepinephrine Induces Lipolysis in &beta;1/&beta;2/&beta;3-Adrenoceptor Knockout Mice&rdquo;&nbsp;Molecular Pharmacology&nbsp;September 2005 vol. 68 no. 3 793-799 (source)[vi]&nbsp;Walsh N.E., Ramamurthy S., Schoenfeld L., Hoffman J. &ldquo;Analgesic effectiveness of D-phenylalanine in chronic pain patients.&rdquo;&nbsp;Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 1986 Jul;67(7):436-9. (source)[vii]&nbsp;Beckmann H., Ludolph E. in German &ldquo;[DL-phenylalanine as an antidepressant. Open study (author&rsquo;s transl)].&rdquo;&nbsp;Arzneimittelforschung. 1978;28(8):1283-4. (source)[viii]&nbsp;Zavala M., Castej&oacute;n H.V., Ortega P.A., Castej&oacute;n O.J., Marcano de Hidalgo A., Montiel N. in Spanish &ldquo;[Imbalance of plasma amino acids in patients with autism and subjects with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder].&rdquo;&nbsp;Revista de Neurologica. 2001 Sep 1-15;33(5):401-8. (source)[ix]&nbsp;Bornstein R.A., Baker G.B., Carroll A., King G., Wong J.T., Douglass A.B. &ldquo;Plasma amino acids in attention deficit disorder.&rdquo;&nbsp;Psychiatry Research. 1990 Sep;33(3):301-6. (source)[x]&nbsp;Fischer E., Heller B., Nachon M., Spatz H. &ldquo;Therapy of depression by phenylalanine. Preliminary note.&rdquo;&nbsp;Arzneimittelforschung. 1975 Jan;25(1):132. (source)[xi]&nbsp;Beckmann H., Strauss M.A., Ludolph E. &ldquo;Dl-phenylalanine in depressed patients: an open study.&rdquo;&nbsp;Journal of Neural Transmission. 1977;41(2-3):123-34. (source)[xii]&nbsp;Wood D.R., Reimherr F.W., Wender P.H. &ldquo;Treatment of attention deficit disorder with DL-phenylalanine.&rdquo;&nbsp;Psychiatry Research. 1985 Sep;16(1):21-6. (source)[xiii]&nbsp;Zametkin A.J., Karoum F., Rapoport J.L. &ldquo;Treatment of hyperactive children with D-phenylalanine.&rdquo;&nbsp;American Journal of Psychiatry. 1987 Jun;144(6):792-4. (source)[xiv]&nbsp;&ldquo;Phenylalanine&rdquo;&nbsp;University of Maryland Medical Center&nbsp; Retrieved July 7, 2016 (source)'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'HowTo', 'name': 'موسسه امور ثبتی و اداره بین المللی ثبتــــــــــا', 'description': '<p>موسسه ثبتا بعنوان یکی از پیشکسوتان حوزه ثبتی و امور حقوقی بین المللی خدمات جامع و تخصصی را در زمینه های مختلف به متقاضیان خود ارائه میدهد. در ادامه خدمات این موسسه شرح داده شده است.</p>', 'image': '', 'estimatedCost': {'@type': 'MonetaryAmount', 'currency': '+', 'value': '270000'}, 'totalTime': 'PT90M', 'supply': [{'@type': 'HowToSupply', 'name': 'خدمات ثبت رسمی بین المللی'}, {'@type': 'HowToSupply', 'name': 'خدمات مهاجرتی ، ویزا ، ریجکتی'}, {'@type': 'HowToSupply', 'name': 'امور حقوقی بین المللی'}, {'@type': 'HowToSupply', 'name': 'افتتاح حساب بانکی ارزی در 140 کشور'}, {'@type': 'HowToSupply', 'name': 'ارائه خدمات خرید و فروش ملک در سایر کشورها'}, {'@type': 'HowToSupply', 'name': 'سرمایه گذاری خارجــــــی'}, {'@type': 'HowToSupply', 'name': 'راه اندازی استارتاپ و کسب و کار در سایر کشورها'}], 'tool': [{'@type': 'HowToTool', 'name': 'مجوز موسسه برتر در امور ثبتی از موسسه CRP'}, {'@type': 'HowToTool', 'name': 'تاییدیه سازمان مهاجرتی میگرشر'}, {'@type': 'HowToTool', 'name': 'تاییدیه سازمان امور مهاجرین کاری و تحصیلی انگلیس'}], 'step': [{'@type': 'HowToStep', 'name': 'ثبت انواع شرکت و موسسات بین المللی', 'text': '<p>ثبت انواع شرکت از قبیل LTD - PLC - PUC -LLP در تمامی کشورها بهمراه اخذ گد ریجیستری و کد مالیاتی در کمتر از 10 روز کاری توسط موسسه ثبتا امکانپذیر است.</p>', 'image': '', 'url': ''}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'name': 'افتتاح حساب ارزی در بانکهای بین المللی', 'text': '<p>خدمات افتتاح حساب ارزی بین المللی در کلیبه بانک های خارجی برای ایرانیان بهمراه اخذ ویزاکارت و مسترکارت فیزیکی توسط موسسه ثبتا امکانپذیر میباشد.</p>', 'image': '', 'url': ''}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'name': 'امور مهاجرتی و اخذ انواع ویزا', 'text': '<p>امور مهاجرتی ، اخذ اقامت و پاسپورت سایر کشور ها با استفاده از سریعترین راهکارهای ممکن در مدت زمان کوتاه توسط این موسسه امکانپذیر است .</p>', 'image': '', 'url': ''}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'name': 'امور حقوقی در سایر کشورها', 'text': '<p>انجام امور حقوقی شما بعنوان نماینده تام شما در سایر کشورها توسط برترین وکلای رسمی و بین المللی به سایر متقاضیان حقیقی و حقوقی امکانپذیر میباشد.</p>', 'image': '', 'url': ''}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'name': 'خرید و فروش ملک در سایر کشورها', 'text': '<p>خرید ، فروش ، تهاتر و معاملات ملکی در تمامی کشورها به انواع روش و در کوتاه ترین زمان ممکن توسط وکلای ملکی این مرکز امکانپذیر میباشد.</p>', 'image': '', 'url': ''}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'چطور میتوان از خدمات موسسه ثبتا استفاده نمود؟', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>برای اخذ خدمات از موسسه ثبتا میتوان پس از اخذ مشاوره و دریافت راهکار نسبت به عقد قرارداد اقدام نمایید.\xa0</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'آیا برای اخذ مشاوره باید حضوری به موسسه مراجعه کنیم؟', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>مراجعه حضوری صرفا بمنظور عقد قراداد امکان پذیر بوده و از پذیرش و پاسخگویی حضوری بدون هماهنگی قبلی ، با توجه به حجم بالای مراجعان معذور هستیم .</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'نحوه عقد قرارداد و آغاز بکار چگونه است؟', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>بمنظور عقد قرارداد میتوان پس از هماهنگی بصورت حضوری در محل موسسه حاضر شوید و یا بصورت الکترونیک و غیر حضوری نسبت به عقد قرارداد اقدام نمایید .</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'آدرس و شماره تماس موسسه ثبتا چیست ؟', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>دفاتر مدیریت موسسه ثبتا در کشور ایران واقع در استان تهران خیابان نلسون ماندلا / جردن ، انتهای خیابان مهری ،\xa0 روبروی صدا و سیما پلاک 2770 با شماره تماس\xa0 02128427729\xa0 میباشد .</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'آیا افرادی که ساکن سایر کشورها هستند میتوانند از خدمات شما استفاده کنند؟', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>موسسه ثبتا با توجه به ماهیت بین المللی خود به کلیه متقاضیان در سایر کشورها و گویش ها خدمات ارائه میکند .</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'نرخ و تعرفه خدمات چگونه محاسبه میشود؟', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>نرخ و تعرفه خدمات مهاجرتی در موسسه ثبتا پس از تعین دقیق نیاز متقاضی مشخص میشود .</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'قرارداد الکترونیک ثبتا چطور انجام میشود؟', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>کلیه متقاضیان از سایر استان ها و شهرها ، همچنین کلیه متقاضیانی که در کشورهای دیگر اقامت دارند میتوانند از شرایط خدمات غیر حضوری بهمراه عقد قرارداد الکترونیک بهره مند شوند .</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'چه خدماتی در موسسه ثبتا ارائه میشود؟', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>در موسسه ثبتا کلیه امور مهاجرتی و حقوقی در سطح بین الملل انجام میپذیرد ، این امور شامل اخذ اقامت دائم یا موقت ، اخذ ویزا ، بورسیه ، سرمایه گذاری ، ثبت شرکت ، راه اندازی کسب کار و &#8230; میباشد .</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'واحد سرمایه گذاری در ثبتا چگونه عمل میکند؟', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>کلیه متقاضیان به منظور سرمایه گذاری در سایر کشور ها میتوانند از تیم متخصص ثبتا بهره مند شوند .</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'چگونه میتوان با موسسه ثبتا همکاری نمود ؟', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>بمنظور همکاری با موسسه ثبتا میتوانید از طریق فرم همکاری درخواست خود را ثبت نمایید .</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'موسسه ثبتا در چه کشورهایی شعبه دارد؟', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>موسسه ثبتا هم اکنون در 34 کشور دفاتر رسمی ایجاد نموده که از جمله آنها عبارتند از امارات ، ایران ، ترکیه ، المان ، گرجستان ، برزیل ، انگلیس ، سوئیس ، فرانسه ، سنگاپور ، استرالیا و &#8230;</p>'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'پوشش خدمات باربری آریا نوین چقدر است؟', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'آریا نوین خدمات باربری را از همه نقاط استان تهران برای تمامی مناطق کشور ارائه می نماید'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'آیا نیسان بار آریا تحت پوشش بیمه نامه است ؟', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'بله ، آریا نوین برای تمامی محموله های حمل شده بهترین و کاملترین بیمه نامه را در نظر دارد'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'کرایه باربری با نیسان چقدر است ؟', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'نرخ کرایه باربری با نیسان بر اساس فاصله ، نوع بار و شرایط خاص مشخص میشود '}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'آیا نیسان بار آریا نوین خدمات مشاوره ای دارد ؟ ', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'بله ، شما می توانید با تماس با کارشناسان ما از مشاوره تخصصی و رایگان بهره مند شوید'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Gratis avbestilling inntil 15 dager før ankomst', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>\n Tilbudet om 15 dagers kansellering gjelder for opphold i utvalgte ferieboliger i utvalgte perioder. Gjestene kan avbestille oppholdet gratis inntil 15 dager før ankomst, hvis ferieboligens eier er tilmeldt tilbudet for 15 dager avbestilling ved bestillings tidspunktet. Hvis en gjest avbestiller mindre enn 14 dager før ankomst gjelder de normale avbestillingsregler, jf. Leievilkår. Avbestillings alternativene vil alltid fremkomme på leiebeviset.\n\n <br/>\n <br/>\n \nTilbudet gjelder utvalgte ferieboliger og på utvalgte ankomstdatoer. Vennligst sjekk detaljene på siden for ferieboligen før du fullfører bestillingen fordi ferieboligens eier kan endre hans status fortløpende for 15-dagers avbestilling. Det er derfor viktig at du sjekker om en 15 dagers avbestilling er valgt for ferieboligen den dag du bestiller.\n\n <br/>\n <br/>\n</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Gratis avbestilling inntil 35/45 dager før ankomst', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<!--Bestillinger foretatt fra 7. mai 2022 har gratis annullering med 35/45 dager til ankomst for bestillinger med ankomst frem til uke 27 samt fra uke 32 og til og med uke 50. -->\n\n\n<p>Der gjelder gratis avbestilling med 35/45 dager til ankomst for nye bestillinger med ankomstdato frem til 1. uke i 2024, med unntak av de ukene huseieren har tillatt 15 dagers avbestilling (se over).</p>\n\n\n<p>Sjekk vennligst detaljene på siden før du gjennomfører bestillingen. Avbestillingsmuligheter samt dato for senest mulige avbestilling vil fremgå av leiebeviset ditt.</p>\n\n\n<!--Bestill et opphold i en feriebolig med ankomstdato frem til 3. juni 2022 på DanCenters nettside og få gratis avbestilling hvis du ønsker å avbestille mer enn 35 dager før ankomst. Utvalgte ferieboliger har 45 dager i stedet for 35 dager.\nDette gjelder bestillinger i 2022 og bare for en ny bestilling foretatt i 2022 på DanCenters nettsted.\n-->'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Vilkår og betingelser for rabatkoder', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>\n Spar 20% (opp til 1000 kr.) med koden SPRING20 på opphold med ankomst i april 2023.\n <br/>\n <br/>\n \nRabattkodene er gyldig frem til 30.04.2023. \n <br/>\n <br/>\n Det gis bare rabatt på leieprisen, ikke på administrasjonsgebyr, sluttrengjøring e.l.\nKodene kan ikke kombineres med andre rabatter eller bonusavtaler. Rabattkoden kan ikke brukes til gjenbestillinger eller ved endringer i eksisterende bestillinger. Rabattperioden kan endres uden varsel. Rabatten gjelder kun for nye bestillinger foretatt online på følgende hjemmesider: DanCenter og Danland (rabatten gjelder ikke for Belvilla ferieboliger).\n</p>'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Should I water my lawn today?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "There won't be any rain in Douglasville today, which means you'll probably have to water your lawn. Dusk and dawn are the best times to water your lawn (the sun will rise at 7:22 AM and set at 6:24 PM today in Douglasville)."}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How often should I mow my lawn?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Here are the most common lawn mowing frequencies in Douglasville:</p>\n<ul>\n <li>Weekly mowing: 10%</li>\n <li>Bi-weekly mowing: 73%</li>\n <li>Monthly mowing: 7%</li>\n <li>Lawns that get fertilized: 3%</li>\n <li>Lawns that get aerated: 0%</li>\n <li>Lawns sporting pink flamingos: 1</li>\n </ul>\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How are lawn care prices in Douglasville?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Prices vary depending on the size of the lawn and frequency of your service. Here are some average lawn care prices for homes in Douglasville:</p>\n<ul>\n <li>Average mowing price: $68</li>\n <li>Average lawn size: 8,531 sq. ft.</li>\n <li>Time saved: Priceless</li>\n </ul>\n'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': ' 스포티비365 : 카지노 엔터테인먼트의 미래 \n', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '은 카지노 산업이 발전되어 더 이상 비밀은 없다. 새로운 기술과 새로운 플랫폼으로, 카지노는 앞서 곡선의 유지 방법을 찾고 있습니다. 하나 개는 이러한 혁신 스포티비365이다. \n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '은 스포티비365에 대해 어떻게 생각하십니까? \n', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': ' 스포티비365 사용자가 쉬지 않고 음악을들을 수있는 대중 음악 스트리밍 서비스의 새로운 기능입니다. 플랫폼은 환경을 게임을위한 완벽한 라이센스 트랙 라이브러리와 카지노를 위해 특별히 설계되었다. \n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': ' 스포티비365 : 혁명 또는 눈길을 끌기 \n우리가 본 것처럼 ', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': ' 그래서, 모든 약 소란 무엇인가? 인가 스포티비365 혁신적인 새로운 개념, 또는 또 다른 비밀? 더 가까이서 봐. \n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '은 스포티비365 카지노 엔터테인먼트의 미래? \n', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '는 배심원 여부에 나가 아직 스포티비365 카지노 업계에서 성공합니다. 다른 사람들이 느끼는 반면 어떤 사람들은 더 비밀보다는 그것의 아무것도. , 경험 음악에 대한 획기적인 새로운 방법으로 볼\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': ' 스포티비365에 대한 당신의 생각은 무엇입니까? \n', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': ' 사용에 확실히 몇 가지 이점이 있습니다 스포티비365 카지노입니다. 이 게임 및 기타 활동을 즐기기에 완벽한 그래서 우선, 플랫폼은 특히,이 환경을 위해 설계되었습니다. 또한, 스포티 파이는 모두를 위해 무언가가 있다는 것을 허가 트랙 수단의 거대한 라이브러리를 가지고있다. \n'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Why you should purchase a JAC S7 for sale on Philkotse?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Trusted sellers - Great customer support - Lots of deals and promos - Numerous listings'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Should I buy a brand-new or used JAC S7 for sale?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'New car is always better if you do not care about pricing. In case your dream car is over your budget, try used car option. You can find many cheap JAC S7 for sale on Philkotse.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': '【年齢】高知市の介護求人には、年齢制限はありますか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<div class="qa-answer-text">\n <p>【年齢制限なしの求人】</p>\n <p>高知市の介護求人で、<a class="qa-answer-text__link" href="" rel=>40代が活躍</a>されている求人は\n 99件、<a class="qa-answer-text__link" href="" rel=>50代が活躍</a>されている求人は\n 100件、<a class="qa-answer-text__link" href="" rel=>60代が活躍</a>されている求人は\n 24件です。</p>\n <br>\n <p>【詳細説明】</p>\n <p>高知市の介護求人では、40代以上で活躍されている求人が多いです。</p>\n <p>また、<a class="qa-answer-text__link" href="">介護福祉士</a> や<a\n class="qa-answer-text__link" href="">介護支援専門員(ケアマネージャー)</a>のような資格が活かせる求人であったり、産休や育休などから復帰を考えている方には<a\n class="qa-answer-text__link" href="">復職支援あり</a>といった条件の求人もおすすめです。\n </p>\n <p>応募条件について、もっと詳しく知りたい方は<a class="qa-answer-text__link" href="">会員登録(無料)</a>してご確認ください。\n </p>\n</div>\n\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '【休日・休暇】高知市の介護求人の休日・休暇日数はどれくらいですか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<div class="qa-answer-text">\n <p>【休日・休暇】</p>\n <p>高知市の介護求人で、<a class="qa-answer-text__link" href="" rel=>年間休日110日以上</a>の求人数は37件、<a\n class="qa-answer-text__link" href="" rel=>年間休日120日以上</a>の求人数は24件です。</p>\n <br>\n <p>【詳細説明】</p>\n <p>高知市の介護求人では、<a\n class="qa-answer-text__link" href="">完全週休2日</a>や<a\n class="qa-answer-text__link" href="">週休2日</a>といった求人が多く、<a\n class="qa-answer-text__link" href="">有給消化促進</a>や<a\n class="qa-answer-text__link" href="">産休あり</a>といった制度が 充実している求人もたくさんあります。\n </p>\n <p>応募条件について、もっと詳しく知りたい方は<a class="qa-answer-text__link" href="">会員登録(無料)</a>してご確認ください。\n </p>\n</div>\n\n'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is a whistleblower and what is retaliation?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Whistleblowing is reporting illegal or unsafe conduct at work to the authorities. For example, a whistleblower may report that their organization is violating antidiscrimination laws, committing fraud, or violating local safety regulations. Depending on the circumstances, whistleblowing is considered to be a protected activity.</p>\n<p>Retaliation is when an employer takes adverse action against an employee for engaging in a protected activity, like whistleblowing. Retaliation may also include prohibiting or discouraging employees from engaging in protected activity. Oftentimes this adverse action deters others from exercising their right to report illegal activity. Examples of retaliation include:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Termination</li>\n<li>Demotion</li>\n<li>Salary reduction</li>\n<li>Loss of hours</li>\n<li>Exclusion</li>\n<li>Loss of benefits</li>\n</ul>\n<p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What are whistleblowing and retaliation laws?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '</p>\n<p>Many violations of the law, and many dangers to public health and safety, go unreported because people who know about them are afraid of retaliation. As our livelihoods, and often our health insurance, are dependent on our jobs, the fear of losing a job is pervasive. Whenever the law provides a remedy for victims of retaliation, it encourages employees to come forward with evidence that will make our world safer, healthier, and more just.</p>\n<p>Many, if not most, of the laws that protect workers, such as antidiscrimination laws, wage and hour protections, and health and safety laws, also make it illegal for an employer to retaliate against someone who engages in conduct which the law protects. Many laws protecting the public at large, such as environmental laws, taxpayer-funded programs, and government regulation of certain industries, such as nuclear power, trucking, and airlines, protect employees who disclose information that the employee reasonably believes is evidence of illegality, gross waste or fraud, gross mismanagement, abuse of power, or a substantial and specific danger to public health and safety.</p>\n<p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Who is protected by whistleblower and retaliation laws?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "</p>\n<p>Whistleblower and antiretaliation laws protect all employees who report illegal conduct of any employer, employment agency, or labor organization. This includes applicants, current employees, and former employees. For example, an employer cannot refuse to hire an applicant because she had filed a retaliation complaint against her former employer.</p>\n<p>Additionally, whistleblower and antiretaliation laws protect employees regardless of their citizenship or work authorization status. For example, suppose an employer suspects an employee is undocumented. If that employee files a sexual harassment claim, antiretaliation laws prohibit the employer from threatening to expose that employee's immigration status as punishment for filing the claim.</p>\n<p>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is the difference between whistleblowing and retaliation claims?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "</p>\n<p>Although whistleblower and retaliation claims are often discussed interchangeably, and claims brought by whistleblowers generally involve retaliation by an employer, there is a difference between the two types of claims.</p>\n<p>Whistleblowing complaints focus on conduct prohibited by a specific law and/or conduct that may cause damage to public safety, waste tax dollars, or violate public trust in an honest, accountable government. Whistleblower complaints seldom include an employer's retaliation for complaints about personal dislikes or issues that affect only a single person.</p>\n<p>However, laws governing the workplace that guarantee rights to each individual worker, such as the right to be free from discrimination, the right to be paid minimum and overtime wages, and the right to join a union do address the rights of an individual worker to enforce their personal legal rights under the law, and to support others who enforce their personal legal rights. If employers interfere with those rights in illegal ways, the individual can bring a retaliation claim to vindicate those individual rights.</p>\n<p>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Which anti-retaliation claims are most commonly used?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "</p>\n<p>In this section of our website, we have compiled information on the most common laws which make it illegal to retaliate and/or protect whistleblowers. You should start with the basic premise that many laws which protect employees prevent retaliation for enforcing those rights, and that many laws which protect the public prevent retaliation against those who blow the whistle on those violating those laws.</p>\n<p>However, if your situation does not fit the laws that are described here, we urge you to talk to&nbsp;<a href=find-attorney>a lawyer in your state</a>, as some states have additional whistleblower and/or anti-retaliation protections that are not listed here. If you have taken action concerning the following subjects or have the described employment status, choose the listed page for more details.</p>\n<ul>\n<li>The violation of environmental laws, such as those protecting clean air and water, or the release of toxic substances or waste:&nbsp;<a href=envwhistleblowers>environmental whistleblowers.</a></li>\n<li>Corporate fraud in publicly traded companies:&nbsp;<a href=corpwhistleblowerscorporate>whistleblowers -- Sarbanes-Oxley/Dodd-Frank</a></li>\n<li>Fraud by employers with government contracts, such as defense contractors, transportation companies, hospitals, nursing homes, pharmaceutical companies, and doctors:&nbsp;<a href=falseclaimsact>government fraud -- False Claims Act.</a></li>\n<li>Federal employees:&nbsp;<a href=fedempwhistleblowers>federal employee whistleblowers.</a></li>\n<li>Military employees:<a href=militarywhistleblowers>military whistleblowers.</a></li>\n<li>Filing a claim concerning discrimination, harassment, denial of accommodation or leave:&nbsp;<a href=retaliation-discrimination-claim>retaliation -- discrimination claims.</a></li>\n<li>Union organizing or collective activity:&nbsp;<a href=retaliationunion>retaliation -- union and other concerted activity.</a></li>\n<li>Political activity including election-related work on a candidate's behalf:&nbsp;<a href=retaliationpolitical>retaliation -- political activity.</a></li>\n<li>Public employees:&nbsp;<a href=retaliationpublic>retaliation -- public employees and First Amendment rights.</a></li>\n<li>Filing a workers compensation claim:&nbsp;<a href=retaliationwc>workers compensation.</a></li>\n<li>Filing a wage and hour:&nbsp;<a href=retaliationwage>retaliation -- wage and hours.</a></li>\n<li>Other Laws and Remedies:&nbsp;<a href=otherwhistleblower>other whistleblower laws and remedies.</a></li>\n</ul>\n<p>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How can I show that I was retaliated against in violation of the law?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '</p>\n<p>With some variations among the laws, most whistleblower and anti-retaliation laws will require that a victim prove these elements:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>That you engaged in protected activity, such as reporting a violation, testifying as a witness, or some other action to help enforce the law (although if you suffered retaliation because the boss mistakenly fingered you as the whistleblower, you may still have a claim)</li>\n<li>That the employer knew or believed you took such protected activity</li>\n<li>That you suffered an adverse employment action</li>\n<li>That your protected activity caused the employer to take adverse action</li>\n</ul>\n<p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What conduct is considered to be protected activity?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '</p>\n<p>The scope of protected activity is defined by each law that creates an employee protection. Under some laws, only an actual complaint to a specific agency is protected. Under some state laws, there is a play fair provision which requires employees to tell their employers about the wrongdoing first, to allow them an opportunity to correct the problem. One court held that telling the boss that you plan to sue for overtime is not protected -- only actually filing a complaint is protected. Other courts have read the law with an eye toward the purpose of protecting anyone who tries to help enforce the law.</p>\n<p>For example, under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (also known as Title VII), employees are protected for (1) participating in proceedings to enforce the law, and (2) opposing unlawful discrimination. The participation clause protects anyone who files a charge of unlawful discrimination or serves as a witness, whether or not the charge had merit. The opposition clause, however, prohibits employers from punishing an employee for communicating opposition to what they believe to be a violation. An employee&rsquo;s expression of opposition is protected only as long as the employee has an objectively reasonable basis to believe that a violation of the law had occurred. So, if you caution the boss that some action might be a violation, and you are fired just for giving that caution, your claim of retaliation will depend on whether the judge thinks it was reasonable to believe that there was a violation.</p>\n<p>Protection can begin as soon as the evidence suggests that management thought the worker might be a witness in a future enforcement proceeding. Filing a grievance, contacting the media, refusing to perform illegal assignments, and other forms of standing up against violations of the law can be protected. Even complaints that are indirect or misdirected may result in protection if they reveal to management the intention to enforce the law. For employees assigned to safety, quality control or enforcement work, doing that work too well is also protected.</p>\n<p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Can an employee go too far: is some conduct not protected activity?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "</p>\n<p>Yes. If you get into an argument with a supervisor about what is or is not legal on the job, and you punch the supervisor, you are not protected from being fired for punching the supervisor.</p>\n<p>Courts have recognized that protected activity may be associated with impulsive behavior. Employees cannot be disciplined for protected activity so long as it is lawful and the character of the conduct is not indefensible in its context. A key inquiry is whether the employee has upset the balance that must be maintained between protected activity and workplace discipline. If the employee's behavior oversteps the defensible bounds of conduct, the employee can lose the protections of the law. For example, one employee lost an antiretaliation lawsuit after swearing at a supervisor, refusing to change conduct, and daring employer to fire the employee. So, it's important to keep your cool.</p>\n<p>In fact, the 8th Circuit recently adopted the reasonable employee standard for Sarbanes-Oxley Act whistleblower claims. The 8th Circuit stated that a whistle blowing employee is not protected from retaliation under SOX if a reasonable person, in the same position and with the same training and experience, would not have believed there was a securities violation to report. This is also known as the Sylvester standard from the case of&nbsp;<a href=>Sylvester v. Parexel Int'l.</a></p>\n<p>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': "What if my employer doesn't know I am involved in protected activity?", 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "</p>\n<p>Especially where the whistleblower has tried to be anonymous, it may be hard to prove the employer has knowledge of the protected activity. Still, some courts will use inferences to deduce who the employer may have suspected. If you were among a select few who had the necessary information and the courage to speak up, that might be enough for a judge to infer employer knowledge. Sometimes, the employer's investigation or interrogation of an employee can reveal the employer has knowledge of the protected activity.</p>\n<p>To avoid this problem, some sophisticated whistleblowers will announce their protected activities. If they disclose copies of evidence to an agency, they can send a copy to the employer by certified mail. Certified mail has the advantage of creating a document that shows the date the employer received the item. If the retaliation occurs shortly after the whistleblowing (say within six months, or sometimes longer), then the timing alone may persuade a judge that the employer's true motive was because of the whistleblowing. However, if you are blowing the whistle on criminal activity, it would be best to get experienced legal advice before disclosing your protected activities. Disclosure can have the effect of telling the crooks that the cops are coming after them &ndash; which could be a form of obstruction of justice.</p>\n<p>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is an adverse employment action?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "</p>\n<p class=paragraph>A few state laws provide a remedy only for discharges. Most anti-retaliation laws provide remedies for any discrimination or adverse employment action. Courts have varied on what constitutes an adverse employment action. Usually, any action that costs the worker money will be an adverse employment action. Discharges, of course, cost the victim money. So do demotions and denials of overtime, promotions, or benefits. Formal discipline is generally accepted as an adverse employment action. Courts are inconsistent on whether they will allow a remedy for a bad evaluation, denial of a transfer, changes in hours or work location, hostile remarks, denial of parking privileges, and other changes that do not reduce a worker's paycheck. Some laws clearly prohibit any discrimination in employment.</p>\n<p>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': "I haven't been fired, but my employer has decided to make my life at work very difficult. Can I still bring a claim if I haven't been terminated?", 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "</p>\n<p>While the legal rights of employees have increased, so has the sophistication of bosses who want to retaliate. Instead of discharging a whistleblower, they look for more subtle ways to apply pressure. Promotions or transfers may evaporate. Discipline can increase. Hostile remarks can make you feel unwelcome, like you are an outsider. Isolated incidents can come together to paint a picture that it is time to go.</p>\n<p>Can the employer convey the need to quit with measures that are safe enough to avoid legal action? Across the country, bosses and workers are playing cat and mouse to find out. The courts have applied the same doctrines used in sexual harassment cases to protect workers who stand up for their rights. When courts conclude that the employer was trying to get the worker to quit, or made working conditions intolerable, then they declare a constructive discharge, and allow the victim full remedies after quitting. However, these doctrines are not yet specific enough to protect everyone who felt forced out.</p>\n<p>For more information on harassment and constructive discharge, see our site's&nbsp;<a href=harassment>harassment page.</a></p>\n<p>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How do I prove that the protected activity caused the adverse action?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "</p>\n<p>Causation can be proved either by direct evidence or by an inference.</p>\n<p>Direct evidence is evidence that the employer was mad at the protected activity. If you or another witness saw a supervisor spout off about someone reporting a violation, that is direct evidence of the employer's animus against protected activity. Similarly, if the employer announces that whoever calls the government will be fired, or warns employees against reporting violations, that is direct evidence of retaliation.</p>\n<p>A worker may have a strong case even without any direct evidence. In some cases, causation is obvious. The boss runs into the office yelling about the so- and-so who reported a violation of the law. Norma Rae raises her hand and announces that she made the call. The boss fires her on the spot. The timing and personal animus make the retaliation clear. Everyone knows that it is illegal to fire workers just because they are black or female, or because they organized a union. When the employer knows that it is illegal to fire someone for a certain reason, they will usually try to cover it up. Still, advocates remain amazed at the cases where bosses put an illegal reason in writing, such as:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>We had to fire him because he called the EPA on us.</li>\n<li>She discussed our wage policies with co-workers.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>In other cases, unlawful retaliation can be inferred from:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>timing (how soon it occurred after the employer learned about the protected activity),</li>\n<li>animus (the boss getting mad at the protected activity),</li>\n<li>deviation from normal practices (people are not usually fired for this reason, or in this manner,</li>\n<li>changing explanations,</li>\n<li>a pattern of adverse actions against those who speak up, or</li>\n<li>the use of false evidence.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Are all of the whistleblower and anti-retaliation laws the same?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "</p>\n<p>No. Unfortunately, whistleblower and anti-retaliation laws generally take on the same rights and remedies as the law relating to the underlying right they protect, which means that they can vary widely from one another. Some laws, like the Fair Labor Standards Act, gave victims of retaliation direct access to courts to enforce their rights to reinstatement, back pay and other remedies. Other laws, like the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the new Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, require victims to file first with an agency, but then allow access to the courts if the agency does not resolve the complaint within six months.</p>\n<p>Since each law with an employee protection is unique, victims of retaliation may face a patchwork of procedures and possibilities. Employees who have the confidence to speak up sometimes have opposed various kinds of unlawful activity. For example, a member of a union safety committee may engage in concerted union activity, oppose an environmental violation, and complain about unsafe working conditions -- all with the same phone call to one agency.</p>\n<p>In some cases, the activist may have opposed various kinds of unlawful conduct in separate actions. When the employer finally snaps, it may be hard to tell which protected activity provoked the retaliation. In these situations, it is hard to tell which law will be applied, or which will provide the best remedy. The employer, when faced with a variety of charges, will argue that the victim made inconsistent claims and none of them have merit. Special attention, therefore, is required to make each complaint explain how the protected activity that provoked retaliation is protected by all of the laws asserted.</p>\n<p>The analysis of which legal claim to pursue must start with a sincere attempt to understand why the employer retaliated.</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Did the decision maker state his or her reasons?</li>\n<li>Has the employer stated in writing a reason that is illegal?</li>\n<li>Do the circumstances of timing, animosity, or a pattern reveal what the employer's true motives are?</li>\n<li>If your company has a progressive discipline policy, was it speeded up or ignored in your case?</li>\n<li>Have other employees been fired for whistleblowing or retaliatory reasons?</li>\n</ul>\n<p>If the clues point clearly to one particular unlawful reason, then it is usually best to pursue the remedies under the law that makes that reason unlawful. Other considerations can include:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>whether you have missed time limits to enforce some rights,</li>\n<li>whether the enforcement agency has a reputation of being effective or not,</li>\n<li>the remedies that are available, and</li>\n<li>the familiarity you or your attorney have with each process.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Some laws completely omit any protections for employees to help enforce those laws. Tragically, the laws governing our health care, food and drugs contain no employee protections. In some cases, courts have applied the laws against fraud, unsafe work conditions, or pollution to reach these situations, but some courageous whistleblowers still find that they have no legal relief. One example of a strong state whistleblower law is the New Jersey Conscientious Employee Protection Act . Our work continues to improve these laws, so that they are closer to New Jersey's example.</p>\n<p>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What are my time deadlines?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "</p>\n<p>Each law that provides a remedy also sets a time limit to file a written complaint to start an enforcement action. Lawyers call this time limit the statute of limitations. In each case, the time limit requires that a complaint be written, and that it contains some description of the claim. This is typically a statement of the adverse action and the law claimed to be violated, like I was fired because I complained about race discrimination. It must also name the company or individuals who violated the anti-retaliation law, and provide their address or other contact information. Each law, however, sets different procedures for how and where the complaint is filed, whether it must be mailed or received by the deadline, and whether it can be amended or supplemented later.</p>\n<p>In some cases, the time limits are surprisingly short:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Union contracts may require filing a grievance in as little as three (3) days after each adverse action,</li>\n<li>State and local employees may have time limits as short as ten (10) days to enforce their civil service protections,</li>\n<li>Federal environmental laws require that a written complaint be filed with OSHA within thirty (30) days of each adverse action,</li>\n<li>Federal employees complaining of EEO violations must make their first complaint to their agency's EEO officer within forty-five (45) days of each adverse action,</li>\n<li>Other laws have time limits at 90, 180, or 300 days, or any number of years from 1 to 6.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>So, to plan what action you will file, you need to consider the possible laws, and when the earliest deadline is. Sometimes it is good to take time to assess the case and the possible claims before applying for unemployment compensation. The application for unemployment compensation will usually ask for a statement of the reason for separation from employment. The stated reason should be consistent with the claims you will make later in court. Before the deadline to file your action arrives, you will need to have a plan to prove that the other side broke the particular law under which you are making a claim.</p>\n<p>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Where can I find more information?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '</p>\n<ul>\n<li><a href=blowing-the-whistle>Practical Information on Whistleblowing and Retaliation</a></li>\n<li><a href= target=_blank>Government Accountability Project</a></li>\n<li><a href= target=_blank>National Whistleblowers Center</a></li>\n<li><a href= target=_blank>Project on Government Oversight</a></li>\n</ul>\n<p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Where can I file a retaliation complaint?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'You can find more information on how to file a retaliation complaint&nbsp;<a href=whistleblower-claim>here</a>.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Can I trust Spreadex?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Spreadex has a trust score of 70, giving it a "Average Risk" trust label. Here\'s what each trust score label means: "Highly Trusted" (90-99) - These brokers are considered the most trustworthy firms in the industry. Simply put, we would not hesitate to open and fund an account with a Highly Trusted broker. "Trusted" (80-89) - These brokers are reliable and trustworthy. "Trusted" firms are a solid choice, and may simply hold fewer regulatory licences or feature different corporate structures than those brokers that have earned our top Trust Score rating. "Average Risk" (70-79) - Average Risk brokers are firms we generally consider to be safe, but that may warrant a closer inspection before you open and fund a live trading account. At the least, we always encourage traders to check the regulatory licenses for Average Risk firms to verify that they are regulated in their own country of residence. "High Risk" (60-69) - High-risk firms should be scrutinized and carefully reviewed before opening an account. These forex brokers are – in most cases – operating without credible regulatory licensing, and likely have a history of legal or financial issues. Before considering an account with a high-risk firm, we recommend checking our <a href="/global-trading">country guides</a> for your country of residence to see if a more trusted broker is available. "Do Not Trust" ('}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Can I trust AxiTrader?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'AxiTrader has a trust score of 83, giving it a "Trusted" trust label.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Is Spreadex a good broker?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "SpreadEx is best known for pioneering sports betting, but it also caters to financial trading through its FCA-regulated entity in the U.K. which offers a proprietary trading platform as well as a growing selection of markets. However, SpreadEx can't compete with the best forex brokers in certain key categories, such as education and research."}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Is AxiTrader a good broker?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The Axi brand, formerly known as AxiTrader, is regulated primarily in the U.K., Australia, and the UAE. Axi is a MetaTrader-only broker, with a limited range of available markets.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What tier-1 jurisdictions is each broker regulated in?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Tier-1 regulators go above and beyond by requiring additional capital requirements, checking in on brokers more frequently, and putting brokers through a tougher screening process. Spreadex is FCA Authorised (U.K.), while AxiTrader is ASIC Authorised (Australia) and FCA Authorised (U.K.).. Neither have IIROC Authorised (Canada), SFC Authorised (Hong Kong), CBI Authorised (Ireland), FSA Authorised (Japan), MAS Authorised (Singapore), FMA Authorised (New Zealand), FINMA Authorised (Switzerland) and CFTC Registered (USA)'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What tier-2 jurisdictions is each broker regulated in? What about tier-3?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Tier-2 and tier-3 licenses are still important in evaluating the overall trustworthiness of forex brokers. As far as tier-2 licenses go, Spreadex is none, while AxiTrader is DFSA / Central Bank Authorised (UAE).. Neither have CBRC Authorised (China), CySEC Authorised (Cyprus), SEBI Authorised (India), ISA Authorised (Israel), CBR Authorised (Russia), FSCA Authorised (South Africa) and SEC Authorised (Thailand). When comparing tier-3 licenses unfortunately, neither Spreadex nor AxiTrader are SCB Authorised (Bahamas), IFSC Authorised (Belize), BMA Authorised (Bermuda), FSC Authorised (British Virgin Islands), CIMA Authorised (Cayman Islands), FSC Authorised (Mauritius) and VFSC Authorised (Vanuatu).. Neither have VFSC Authorised (Vanuatu).'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Which broker offers more trading platforms?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'For trading platforms Spreadex supports a Proprietary Platform, whereas AxiTrader supports a Desktop Platform (Windows) and ZuluTrade.. Neither have cTrader and DupliTrade'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Does Spreadex offer MetaTrader? Does AxiTrader offer MetaTrader?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'For MetaTrader Spreadex provides neither of these, while AxiTrader provides MetaTrader 4 (MT4). If MetaTrader is a must for you, read our guides on the <a href="/best-forex-brokers-metatrader-4-mt4">best MT4 brokers</a> or <a href="/best-forex-brokers-metatrader-5-mt5">best MT5 brokers</a>.. Neither have MetaTrader 5 (MT5)'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How do Spreadex and AxiTrader differ in terms of minimum deposit? What about average spreads and funding options?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Spreadex requires a minimum deposit of $0, while AxiTrader requires a minimum deposit of 0. From our testing we found Spreadex offers spreads of N/A, while AxiTrader offers spreads of N/A. Spreadex supports Bank Wire (Deposit/Withdraw) and Visa/Mastercard (Credit/Debit) for popular funding options, where AxiTrader supports Bank Wire (Deposit/Withdraw), Visa/Mastercard (Credit/Debit) and Skrill (Deposit/Withdraw).. Neither have PayPal (Deposit/Withdraw)'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Which brokers offers more tradeable asset classes, Spreadex or AxiTrader?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Spreadex offers a more diverse selection of investment options than AxiTrader allowing you to trade Forex Trading (Spot or CFDs), Spread Betting, Metals, Energies, Agriculturals, ETF and U.S. Stocks (CFD). Looking at total tradeable symbols, Spreadex has 2000, compared to 175 from AxiTrader.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Can I trade cryptocurrency with Spreadex or AxiTrader?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Crypto trading is popular with forex traders. Most crypto assets are offered either as the underlying physical asset or as a CFD or other derivative — including spot forex contracts. In terms of trading physical cryptocurrency neither Spreadex nor AxiTrader allow you to trade physical cryptocurrencies.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Who offers more research tools, Spreadex or AxiTrader?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'In terms of research and research tools Spreadex gives traders the following tools: Daily Market Commentary, Stock Charts and Forex News (Top-Tier Sources). In comparison AxiTrader has the tools listed here: Autochartist, Stock Charts, Forex News (Top-Tier Sources) and Social Trading / Copy Trading.. Neither have Trading Central (Recognia) Broker Reviews Still looking for more information, read our broker reviews. <a href="/reviews/spreadex">Spreadex Review</a> <a href="/reviews/axitrader">Axitrader Review</a>'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Can I trust BDSwiss?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'BDSwiss has a trust score of 84, giving it a "Trusted" trust label. Here\'s what each trust score label means: "Highly Trusted" (90-99) - These brokers are considered the most trustworthy firms in the industry. Simply put, we would not hesitate to open and fund an account with a Highly Trusted broker. "Trusted" (80-89) - These brokers are reliable and trustworthy. "Trusted" firms are a solid choice, and may simply hold fewer regulatory licences or feature different corporate structures than those brokers that have earned our top Trust Score rating. "Average Risk" (70-79) - Average Risk brokers are firms we generally consider to be safe, but that may warrant a closer inspection before you open and fund a live trading account. At the least, we always encourage traders to check the regulatory licenses for Average Risk firms to verify that they are regulated in their own country of residence. "High Risk" (60-69) - High-risk firms should be scrutinized and carefully reviewed before opening an account. These forex brokers are – in most cases – operating without credible regulatory licensing, and likely have a history of legal or financial issues. Before considering an account with a high-risk firm, we recommend checking our <a href="/global-trading">country guides</a> for your country of residence to see if a more trusted broker is available. "Do Not Trust" ('}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Can I trust Eightcap?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Eightcap has a trust score of 87, giving it a "Trusted" trust label.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Is BDSwiss a good broker?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'BDSwiss is a MetaTrader broker that also offers a proprietary mobile app and a growing range of markets to trade. While pricing is not its best feature, BDSwiss publishes its trade statistics in an effort to highlight its execution quality.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Is Eightcap a good broker?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "Eightcap is an up and coming broker that boasts a large range of cryptocurrency CFDs, alongside several MetaTrader plugins and related tools. That said, it's offering is otherwise limited in terms of the number of symbols you can trade, and the scope of its educational and reserach materials available could stand to improve."}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What tier-1 jurisdictions is each broker regulated in?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Tier-1 regulators go above and beyond by requiring additional capital requirements, checking in on brokers more frequently, and putting brokers through a tougher screening process. BDSwiss is FCA Authorised (U.K.), while Eightcap is ASIC Authorised (Australia) and FCA Authorised (U.K.).. Neither have IIROC Authorised (Canada), SFC Authorised (Hong Kong), CBI Authorised (Ireland), FSA Authorised (Japan), MAS Authorised (Singapore), FMA Authorised (New Zealand), FINMA Authorised (Switzerland) and CFTC Registered (USA)'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What tier-2 jurisdictions is each broker regulated in? What about tier-3?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Tier-2 and tier-3 licenses are still important in evaluating the overall trustworthiness of forex brokers. As far as tier-2 licenses go, both BDSwiss and Eightcap are CySEC Authorised (Cyprus).. Neither have CBRC Authorised (China), SEBI Authorised (India), ISA Authorised (Israel), CBR Authorised (Russia), FSCA Authorised (South Africa), SEC Authorised (Thailand) and DFSA / Central Bank Authorised (UAE). When comparing tier-3 licenses BDSwiss is FSC Authorised (Mauritius), while Eightcap is SCB Authorised (Bahamas) and VFSC Authorised (Vanuatu).. Neither have IFSC Authorised (Belize), BMA Authorised (Bermuda), FSC Authorised (British Virgin Islands) and CIMA Authorised (Cayman Islands).'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Which broker offers more trading platforms?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'For trading platforms BDSwiss supports a Proprietary Platform and Desktop Platform (Windows), whereas Eightcap supports a Desktop Platform (Windows).. Neither have cTrader, DupliTrade and ZuluTrade'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Does BDSwiss offer MetaTrader? Does Eightcap offer MetaTrader?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Both BDSwiss and Eightcap offer the whole MetaTrader suite, which consists of both MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5. If you’re new to MetaTrader 4 here’s our educational guide on <a href="/how-to-use-metatrader-4-mt4">how to use MT4</a>.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How do BDSwiss and Eightcap differ in terms of minimum deposit? What about average spreads and funding options?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'BDSwiss requires a minimum deposit of $100-$5000, while Eightcap requires a minimum deposit of $100. From our testing we found BDSwiss offers spreads of 1.6, while Eightcap offers spreads of 1.0. BDSwiss supports Bank Wire (Deposit/Withdraw), Visa/Mastercard (Credit/Debit) and Skrill (Deposit/Withdraw) for popular funding options, where Eightcap supports Bank Wire (Deposit/Withdraw), Visa/Mastercard (Credit/Debit), PayPal (Deposit/Withdraw) and Skrill (Deposit/Withdraw).'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Which brokers offers more tradeable asset classes, BDSwiss or Eightcap?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Both BDSwiss and Eightcap allow you to trade Forex Trading (Spot or CFDs), Social Trading / Copy Trading, Metals, Energies and U.S. Stocks (CFD).. Neither have Spread Betting, Agriculturals and ETF Looking at total tradeable symbols, BDSwiss has 1081, compared to 736 from Eightcap.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Can I trade cryptocurrency with BDSwiss or Eightcap?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Crypto trading is popular with forex traders. Most crypto assets are offered either as the underlying physical asset or as a CFD or other derivative — including spot forex contracts. In terms of trading physical cryptocurrency neither BDSwiss nor Eightcap allow you to trade physical cryptocurrencies.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Who offers more research tools, BDSwiss or Eightcap?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'In terms of research and research tools BDSwiss gives traders the following tools: Autochartist, Daily Market Commentary, Stock Charts and Social Trading / Copy Trading. In comparison Eightcap has the tools listed here: Daily Market Commentary and Social Trading / Copy Trading.. Neither have Forex News (Top-Tier Sources) and Trading Central (Recognia) Broker Reviews Still looking for more information, read our broker reviews. <a href="/reviews/bdswiss">BDSwiss Review</a> <a href="/reviews/eightcap">Eightcap Review</a>'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'name': 'Is Delta Hotels by Marriott Guelph Conference Centre pet-friendly? ', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "Yes, Delta Hotels by Marriott Guelph Conference Centre allows pets (limit 2 per room) with a maximum weight of up to 50 lb per pet. There's a fee of CAD 20 per pet, per night. Service animals are exempt from fees. "}}, {'name': 'How much does it cost to stay at ?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "As of 9 Apr 2023, prices found for a 1-night stay for 2 adults at on 7 May 2023 start from ₹13,576.85, excluding taxes and fees. This price is based on the lowest nightly price found in the last 24 hours for stays in the next 30 days. Prices are subject to change. <a href=''>Choose your dates</a> for more accurate prices."}}, {'name': 'How much is parking at Delta Hotels by Marriott Guelph Conference Centre? ', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Self-parking is available for CAD 15 per night. Valet parking is available for CAD 25 per night. '}}, {'name': 'What time is check-in at Delta Hotels by Marriott Guelph Conference Centre? ', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Check-in is from 3 PM - 3 AM. '}}, {'name': 'What time is check-out at Delta Hotels by Marriott Guelph Conference Centre? ', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Checkout is at 11 AM. '}}, {'name': 'Where is Delta Hotels by Marriott Guelph Conference Centre located? ', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Situated in the business district, this eco-friendly hotel is within 1 mi (2 km) of University of Guelph and University of Guelph Arboretum. Guelph Lake Conservation Area and Rockwood Conservation Area are also within 9 mi (15 km). '}}, {'name': 'Can I cancel my reservation for free at Delta Hotels by Marriott Guelph Conference Centre and receive a full refund? ', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Yes, Delta Hotels by Marriott Guelph Conference Centre offers free cancellation on select room rates, because flexibility matters! Please refer to Delta Hotels by Marriott Guelph Conference Centre cancellation policy on our site for more details about any exclusions or requirements. '}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How much will my move cost?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Every home is different, and there are a number of factors that determine the cost of a move. This is why it’s extremely important to get several (at least three) visual estimates before selecting a mover. We offer free on-site estimates (and video estimates for homes with three bedrooms or less). Be wary of any quotes you receive where a professional mover never visually inspects your belongings.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'When is the best time to move?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'If there is a choice, it is best to avoid the summer months, the end of the month or the end of the year. Those are the busiest times for a moving company when the heaviest demands are placed on our trucks and our personnel. However, Hilldrup will make every effort to schedule your move when it is most convenient for you.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'When should I call a moving company?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The earlier, the better! We recommend at least four to six weeks’ notice, if possible. The more lead-time you can give, the more likely we will be able to meet your preferred schedule.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How do you pack/handle my furniture?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'We do not pack furniture in boxes, we use moving blankets. These provide excellent protection against potential damage during your move. We also use stretch wrap, a non-adhesive plastic (like saran wrap!), for your cloth furniture like sofas and recliners to give them an extra layer of protection. Finally, we use a combination of blankets and stretch wrap on leather furniture. Curious what all this looks like? You can look at videos on our website that show you how we handle your furniture.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Do you move automobiles?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Absolutely! Especially for families with multiple vehicles, it’s not always feasible for them to move the cars themselves. If you need assistance transporting an automobile, let us know.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is your weight minimum for moving?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Are you moving locally or long distance?\r\nIf you’re moving 30 miles or less, the minimum is 4,000 pounds.\r\nIf you’re moving across state lines (considered interstate in our business) and looking to move in a traditional moving van, we have a minimum of 3,400 pounds. However, we have a variety of options to accommodate your various size shipments. SnapMoves is a container option which we use for smaller shipments, and it comes with great benefits like guaranteed dates and loading/unloading included.\r\nEvery home is different though, so if you aren’t sure, we’re happy to do a free in-home estimate.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Can you give me a ball park quote?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Every home is different, and it’s impossible to give an accurate estimate without doing a visual inspection. We recommend setting up a free in-home estimate so you have an accurate idea of what your move will cost. If you are ready to do a survey now or in the next few hours, and your house is three bedrooms or less, we can do a video survey through our service called Crater. If you’re interested in doing a video survey, please let us know.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How long will it take to pack and load me?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'We typically like you to be available for the entire day that we’re assisting with your move in your home. We can give you a more specific timeframe when your move counselor calls to let you what time the crew will be there, based on the crew size and the size of your shipment.\r\nHere are some averages for packing and loading times:\r\nPacking\r\nUp 150 cartons: 1 day (1-3 bedroom home)\r\nBetween 151 – 300 cartons: 2 days (4 or more bedroom home)\r\nLoading\r\nUp to 18,000 lbs. – 1 day\r\nBetween 18,001 -36,000 lbs. – 2 days'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Can I pick up boxes for my move?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Once you’ve booked your move, you are welcome to request used boxes, based on availability.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How many crew members should I expect?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Generally, a crew will consist of between 1-4 members, depending on the size of your shipment and order. Your move counselor can tell you the night before your first scheduled move day if you need the specific number.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Will my stuff be sent to a different contractor or third party?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'We are not a move broker who hands your belongings off to a different moving company. Depending on your destination, we may need to partner with another United Van Lines agent that services your destination city or region. Each of these partners follows the same quality guidelines and procedures as your local Hilldrup branch, so you can trust that your belongings are in good hands.\r\nIf you have certain unique or specialty items, we may decide it is best to bring in a moving partner with the expertise necessary to move those items safely. This can include assembling/disassembling workout equipment and pool tables, hot tubs, etc.\r\nSpecialty items include:\r\nWashers, dryers\r\nWater beds, Select Comfort and Sleep Number beds\r\nSwing sets\r\nWorkout equipment\r\nPool tables\r\nHot tubs'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Do I have to be present for all phases of the move process?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Yes, because you are the most important participant in the move. You will need to be present during all phases of the move – the pre-move survey, packing, loading, and unloading. This assures that all items you intend to transport are surveyed, packed, loaded, and delivered.\r\nYou will need to do a final walk-through at both origin and destination in order to:\r\nMake sure that everything has been packed at your departing home.\r\nMake sure that everything has been loaded at your departing home.\r\nMake sure that there is no damage to the residence at both your departing and destination homes.\r\nPerform the inventory check-off, which ensures that all items are delivered.\r\nIf there are missing items, this MUST be noted on the paperwork prior to the packing crew’s or driver’s departure.\r\nYou will need to sign all paperwork at both origin and destination.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Can I pack my clothes in a chest or dresser drawers?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Lightweight clothing – sweaters, shirts, blouses, and undergarments – may be left in the drawers. Please do not fill drawers with heavy items such as books, table linens or sheets, which can damage the piece of furniture during transit. Also, be careful not to leave fragile items, money, jewelry, watches or other valuables in the drawers, as well as anything that might spill or leak. If your shipment is going into storage, all items must be removed from the drawers.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is a binding estimate?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'A binding estimate, or binding cost of service, specifies in advance the precise cost of the move based on the services requested, or deemed necessary, at the time of the estimate. Binding estimates are valid for the time period specified, up to 60 days. If you add items to be moved or require additional services such as packing, between the time of the estimate and the time of your move, there will be additional charges. An addendum specifying these additional charges will be prepared for your signature.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is a tariff?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'This is the list of rules, regulations, available services and resulting charges used by all motor carriers which provide interstate transportation of household goods. The tariffs are published by the Household Goods Motor Carrier Bureau and include various services. The tariffs are available for your inspection upon request. If you move within the same state, that state’s tariff will apply.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How can I obtain a receipt for my payment?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'You can contact your move counselor who will be able to mail or email you a receipt.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How and when should I pay?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Tariff provisions require that all charges be paid before your shipment is unloaded at your destination, unless prior arrangements have been made for later billing.\r\nPayment for your shipment can be made by one of the following methods: cash, traveler’s check, money order or cashier’s check. Most van lines accept all major credit cards. However, if you are moving within the same state, please check with your counselor for acceptable forms of payment. Personal checks are not accepted, so please allow for enough time to get an acceptable form of payment if you’re arriving on a weekend or holiday.\r\nAll payment forms apply to both binding and non-binding estimates.\r\nIf you have received a non-binding estimate and your actual moving costs exceed the estimate, you will be required to pay no more than 110% of the estimated cost at delivery. Should your actual costs exceed the estimate, a bill will be sent after 30 days of the delivery for the amount due.\r\nPayment of estimated charges plus 10% does not apply if goods are delivered into storage. If storage at destination (storage-in-transit) is necessary, all transportation charges must be paid at time of delivery of the shipment to the warehouse. You will then be assessed storage charges based on the applicable rates set forth in our tariff. Storage charges are due at the time the shipment is delivered.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Do you provide insurance?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'For domestic moves, we offer “valuation coverage,” which covers your belongings while they are in our care. Valuation coverage level for full value protection is determined by using $6 per pound of the estimated weight of your shipment with a $0 deductible. So if your estimated shipment weighs 4,000 lbs., your coverage is $24,000. For international moving, we offer a Global Protection plan. You can insure your shipment based on the final weight of your items (at $14/hundred weight) or you can insure it based on a valued inventory. If you decide to do valued inventory, you will need to complete the valuation yourself. All forms for either option are due before our crew arrives to pack everything. Both options include a $0 deductible.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Am I protected against loss or damage while my goods are in transit?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Yes, but how much protection and its cost to you depend upon the “valuation” program you choose.\r\nThe valuation option you select determines the basis for your claim, how it will be settled and establishes how much you will be reimbursed. The liability for loss or damage is based upon applicable tariffs, as well as federal laws and regulations, and has certain limitations and exclusions. Valuation is not insurance; it is simply a tariff-based level of motor carrier liability.\r\nThere are three different valuation options to choose:\r\nReleased Rate Liability – Basic Coverage\r\nWith this type of valuation, the maximum liability for loss or damage to any of your belongings is 60 cents multiplied by the weight of the article. This is the basic liability level and is provided at no charge to all moves.\r\nFull-Value Coverage\r\nUnder this protection plan, if your articles are lost or damaged while in our care, they will either be repaired or replaced with like items, or a cash settlement will be made for the current market replacement value, regardless of the age of the item.\r\nItems of “Extraordinary Value”\r\n“Articles of extraordinary value” refers to items having a value of more than $100 per pound. All “articles of extraordinary value” in your shipment must be listed on the High-Value Inventory form (this form will be given to you by your salesperson). Following is a partial list to help you identify items that might fall under this classification: furs, art collections, crystal, figurines, antiques, Oriental rugs, china and silverware.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How can I track the movement of my shipment?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'You can track your shipment via our website using either your order number or customer name. You can also track your shipment by contacting your move counselor.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How does the company know where my goods are any time of day or night?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'All of our trailers are equipped with a GPS system called Skybitz that allows us to know the position of all our trailers 24 hours a day.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What happens if I lose my paperwork and need copies for my records?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Don’t worry, you have a lot to keep track of during your move. We keep electronic copies of all customers’ paperwork and can either email or fax them to you.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Are your employees and contractors background and drug tested?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Yes, the safety of you and your belongings is our highest priority. That is why 100% of our employees and contractors are both background checked and drug tested.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Will I receive a survey after my move?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Yes, we want to be sure the quality of service you received measures up to the high standards we set for ourselves . You will receive our customer survey up to seven days after your relocation via the email address you provided to your move counselor.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What sets you apart from other movers?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'We’ve been awarded the United Van Lines Customer Choice Award 21 out of the last 23 years – a record for United Van Lines. This award is given to the United agent with the highest customer satisfaction scores.\r\nAll of our crew members go through rigorous training and certification programs to ensure the best possible moving experience.\r\nWe have a fully stocked training house on our facility that we use for training. We want our crew members to be trained in our own home before we send them to yours.\r\nAny person that enters your home to assist with your relocation will have a valid background check and will have passed a drug test.'}}]}
{'name': 'Hotel Selina Tulum - 3 HRS Sterne Hotel: Bei HRS mit Gratis-Leistungen', '@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'name': 'Bietet Hotel Selina Tulum kostenloses WLAN im Zimmer?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': 'Kostenloses WLAN im Zimmer steht allen Hotel Selina Tulum-Gästen zur Verfügung.', '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Bietet Hotel Selina Tulum Parkplätze für Gäste?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': "Gäste vom Hotel Selina Tulum stehen folgende Parkmöglichkeiten zur Verfügung.<ul class='list--unordered'><li>Parkplatz direkt am Hotel</li></ul>", '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Kann man im Hotel Selina Tulum frühstücken?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': 'Leider bietet das Hotel Selina Tulum kein Frühstück für Gäste an.', '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Um wie viel Uhr kann man frühstens im Hotel Selina Tulum einchecken?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': 'Ein Check-in ist frühestens ab 15:00 Uhr möglich.', '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Wann muss man spätestens auschecken?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': 'Der Check-out ist bis spätestens 11:00 Uhr möglich.', '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Welche Vorteile hat man, wenn man das Hotel Selina Tulum über HRS bucht?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': "Folgende Vorteile erhalten HRS-Kunden, wenn sie das Hotel Selina Tulum buchen:<ul class='list--unordered'><li>Parkplatz direkt am Hotel</li><li>Fahrradverleih</li><li>WLAN im Zimmer</li></ul>", '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Gibt es im Hotel Selina Tulum ein Restaurant?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': 'Das Hotel hat ein eigenes Restaurant.', '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Ist das Hotel barrierefrei?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': 'Hotel Selina Tulum ist leider nicht barrierefrei.', '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Sind die Hotelzimmer mit einer Klimaanlage ausgestattet?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': 'Die Hotelzimmer im Hotel Selina Tulum haben leider keine eigene Klimaanlage.', '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Kann man meine Buchung im Hotel Selina Tulum kostenlos stornieren?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': 'Mit unserem Flex-Tarif können HRS-Kunden ihre Hotelbuchung immer bis 18 Uhr des Check-In-Tages kostenlos stornieren.', '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Mit welchen Zahlungsmethoden kann man in Hotel Selina Tulum bezahlen?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': "Mit folgenden Zahlungsmittel können Sie im Hotel bezahlen:<ul class='list--unordered'><li>Visa</li><li>Eurocard/Mastercard</li></ul>", '@type': 'answer'}}, {'name': 'Kann man bei einer Reise Meilen und Punkte sammeln?', 'answerCount': 1, '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'text': "Mit Ihrem myHRS Account sammeln Sie bei jeder Hotelbuchung Meilen & Punkte bei unseren Partnern ‘Miles & More’, ‘BahnBonus’. Nähere Informationen finden Sie <a href='' rel=noopener>hier</a>.", '@type': 'answer'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Wat is habit-assist?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Habit Assist is het idee van Daniel Heylen, die alle keuringen voor zijn rekening neemt. Habit Assist voert technische vastgoedkeuringen uit, zowel bij aankoop, als bij oplevering. Dit gaat van woningen tot bedrijfsgerichte panden.', 'author': {'@type': 'Person', 'name': 'Daniel Heylen'}}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Wat is de beste formule?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'De uitgebreide keuring van € 330,00 wordt vaak gekozen. Hierin heb je een volledig verslag, meerdere bezoeken zijn echter niet inbegrepen. Bekijk zeker ook <a href=""></a> voor meer informatie.', 'author': {'@type': 'Person', 'name': 'Daniel Heylen'}}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Waarom zou ik een vastgoedkeuring laten uitvoeren?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '\n<p><strong>We geven je 5 goede redenen waarom je een vastgoedkeuring maar beter kan laten uitvoeren.</strong></p>\n<ol>\n<li>Je hebt als koper een onderzoeksplicht. <a href="">Lees hier het artikel van een advocaat.</a></li>\n<li><span style="font-size: inherit;">Je kan zo beter onderhandelen over de prijs.</span></li>\n<li><span style="font-size: inherit;">Je weet waar je voor komt te staan eens je het pand in eigendom hebt, zo minimaliseer je risico.</span></li>\n<li><span style="font-size: inherit;">Je kan een opschortende voorwaarden opnemen bij het uitbrengen van het bod.</span></li>\n<li><span style="font-size: inherit;">Je weet of de woning voldoet aan de hoge energienormen, en ook hoe deze zullen wegen op de waarde in de toekomst.</span></li>\n</ol>\n', 'author': {'@type': 'Person', 'name': 'Daniel Heylen'}}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'In welke regio kan een keuring uitgevoerd worden?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '\n<p>Habit Assist is actief in alle provincies van het Koninkrijk België. Vanaf de provincie Antwerpen rekenen we 75 euro verplaatsingskost per doorkruiste provincie. Let wel: onze documenten zijn Nederlandstalig opgesteld.</p>\n', 'author': {'@type': 'Person', 'name': 'Daniel Heylen'}}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Hoe ziet het keuringsdocument eruit?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Het document is een zeer gedetailleerd verslag van 6 bladzijden waarvan je een exemplaar ontvangt op het einde van het bezoek. In dit document staat een beschrijving per kamer, een globale inschatting en een kostenraming voor renovatie. Het is aan de hand van dit document datje de gesprekken met de verkoper kan sturen.', 'author': {'@type': 'Person', 'name': 'Daniel Heylen'}}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': "Does the Dr. Christopher's make good calcium supplements?", 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "Yes, Dr. Christopher's is known to produce high quality calcium capsules, tablets, and other supplements."}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How much of the calcium supplement should I take?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Check out the Herbal Calcium 100 CAP, pack of 4 supplement details for dosage, daily calcium amounts, and other information.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Does calcium support good bone health?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Yes, calcium is an essential mineral which supports bone health and density.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': "Where are Dr. Christopher's calcium supplements made?", 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "This depends on the Dr. Christopher's manufacturing facility. Please see the calcium supplement item description for details on sourcing and production location."}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is eSIM?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'An eSIM is a digital SIM that eliminates the need for a physical SIM card. With eSIM, you can quickly and easily transfer an existing cellular plan or get a new cellular plan, all digitally. You can even store multiple eSIMs on the same device and use two phone numbers at the same time. And it’s more secure - someone can’t remove the physical SIM card if your iPhone is lost or stolen. In just a few simple steps, you are ready to make calls, send messages, and browse the web. Learn more about eSIM. * Use of eSIM requires a wireless service plan. Not all carriers support eSIM. Use of eSIM in iPhone may be disabled when purchased from some carriers. Check with your carrier for details and restrictions. Learn more about eSIM and carriers.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'When I buy from, does my iPhone come ready to use?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Carrier-connected iPhone\xa0SE, iPhone\xa012, iPhone\xa013, iPhone\xa013 mini, iPhone\xa014 and iPhone\xa014 Pro models will arrive ready to activate with eSIM and can connect to your cellular voice and data service without a physical SIM card.\nIf you completed the steps to authorize activation with AT&T, T-Mobile, or Verizon when you purchased your new iPhone online, it will arrive ready to use. Just turn it on and follow the onscreen instructions to set it up and activate with the carrier. To activate with eSIM, you will need Wi-Fi for setup.\nIf you choose "Connect to a carrier later" when you buy your iPhone, you can activate with your service when you receive your device. If you\'re asked to transfer your SIM, follow the onscreen instructions to transfer service from your previous iPhone. To learn more, visit'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Will my new iPhone be unlocked?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Yes. An iPhone purchased from is unlocked. Once your new iPhone is activated, it remains unlocked, which means you can use it with any network that provides service for iPhone. The exception is when you buy an iPhone with an AT&T Installment Plan. It will be locked to AT&T and will only work on the AT&T network for the term of your Installment Plan agreement.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Why is Sprint no longer a carrier option when I purchase an iPhone through Apple?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Sprint is now part of T-Mobile. Sprint customers will need to purchase an unconnected iPhone and contact T-Mobile after receiving the device to activate it. If you plan to finance the iPhone, contact T-Mobile prior to purchasing.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Where can Sprint customers get support?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Sprint customers can call T-Mobile Care or visit select T-Mobile store locations that service Sprint accounts. Find out which store locations offer support on the T-Mobile website.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Are there differences between an iPhone for AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The iPhone models for AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon are the same. If you choose to pay with an AT&T Installment Plan, your iPhone will be locked to the carrier. For details on network support, please see'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'I’m buying an iPhone as a gift. Can it be activated at a later date?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'In most cases, an iPhone purchased from can be activated later. However, certain special deals or discounts may require preparation with the carrier at the time of purchase so that the phone arrives ready to use.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Is it easy to transfer my data and set up my new iPhone?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Yes, iCloud makes moving your settings, photos, apps and documents to a new device seamless. Just sign in to iCloud when you set up your new device, access your previous device’s iCloud backup and you’ll be ready to go in\xa0minutes.\nDon’t have enough iCloud storage to complete a backup? iCloud will grant you enough temporary storage to make sure you can back up your device and get all your data transferred, free of charge (iOS 15 required).\nWith Quick Start, you can restore your data and content to your new iPhone from your iCloud backup. For phones using iOS 12.4 or later, Quick Start offers the option of using device-to-device migration, allowing you to transfer all your data wirelessly from your current device to your new one.\nIf you are switching from Android, you need to download the Move to iOS app first and follow the setup process on your new iPhone.\nTo learn how to transfer data to your new iPhone, see'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Will my iPhone work worldwide?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'All iPhone models are world phones, so you can use them almost anywhere. Whether you are a GSM or CDMA network customer, you can roam internationally on GSM networks in over 200 countries or regions around the world. If you financed your iPhone with your wireless carrier, contact them to verify that you can roam internationally. \nAvailability of 5G and LTE data varies in some countries or regions and depends on carrier support for certain 5G and LTE radio frequencies. Contact your wireless carrier for more information regarding international roaming policies and rates. Information on iPhone support for 5G and LTE'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Which network providers offer 5G service?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'AT&T, T‑Mobile, and Verizon are the national wireless carriers for iPhone in the United States, and they all offer 5G service. iPhone\xa0SE, iPhone\xa012, iPhone\xa013, iPhone\xa013\xa0mini, iPhone\xa014, iPhone\xa014\xa0Plus, iPhone\xa014\xa0Pro, and iPhone\xa014 Pro\xa0Max are 5G capable. The Apple Store and sell these models for use on these networks. View the AT&T 5G coverage map \nView the T‑Mobile 5G coverage map View the Verizon 5G coverage map'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How can I pay using Apple Card Monthly Installments?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'If you already have Apple Card and want to purchase your iPhone with Apple Card Monthly Installments, select it as your payment option during checkout. You’ll receive 3% Daily Cash back up front and pay for your new device over time, interest-free◊ when you choose to check out with Apple Card Monthly Installments. If you don’t have Apple Card yet, you can apply for one in as little as a minute when you select Apple Card Monthly Installments as your payment option and use it for your purchase.\nLearn more about Apple Card Monthly Installments (Opens in a new window) If you used your Apple Card to pay in full, but you meant to take advantage of interest-free financing using Apple Card Monthly Installments, we can help you get switched over. Contact an Apple Card Specialist at 877-255-5923. You can also chat with one by tapping on Apple Card in Wallet, tapping on the black circle in the upper right-hand corner, and then tapping Message.\nCustomers in U.S. Territories should contact Goldman Sachs Bank USA for questions about installments.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How does Apple Trade in work?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Apple Trade In makes it easy to get credit towards the purchase of your next iPhone. Simply answer a few questions about your device. Based on what you tell us, we’ll provide an estimated trade-in value. If you pay monthly, we’ll apply the value as instant credit to lower the monthly payments of your new iPhone. If you pay in full, we’ll credit your payment method after we receive your trade-in. If it’s not eligible for credit, you can recycle it for free. Once you receive the trade-in kit, you have 14 days to prepare and send in your device. If you added a trade-in to an iPhone order, you may receive the kit along with your new device. Otherwise, it will be mailed to you separately as soon as your new product is ready for delivery or pickup. When we receive your trade-in, we’ll verify its condition and if everything checks out, your trade-in will be complete. If your device doesn’t match the condition you described, you’ll receive an email with next steps. If you paid in full and the value of your device was more than the cost of your new iPhone, you’ll receive an Apple Gift Card by email with the remaining amount. The online trade-in process generally takes two to three weeks. You can also trade in your device at an Apple Store at the point of purchase. However, the trade-in value in the store may be different from the estimated trade-in value you received online. Learn more about Apple Trade In'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is included with AppleCare+?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Every iPhone comes with one year of hardware repair coverage through its limited warranty and up to 90 days of complimentary technical support. Both AppleCare+ and AppleCare+ with Theft\xa0and\xa0Loss extend that coverage and give you additional features such as 24/7 priority tech support and accidental damage protection. Learn more about AppleCare+'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What are my delivery options, and when will I get my items?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Delivery estimates are based on item availability and the shipping option you choose. You’ll get a final delivery date after you place your order. Free next-day delivery is available for any in-stock Mac, iPad, iPhone, Apple TV, or Apple Watch. Get free two-day delivery on almost everything else. Or you can upgrade your shipping method for an additional charge. In most metros, we offer same-day scheduled courier delivery on available in-stock items from an Apple Store. The two-hour delivery fee is $9. You’ll choose a delivery date and time during checkout. Subject to availability. Depending on your location, your order may be eligible for In-Store, Curbside, or Express Pickup at or near the Apple Store. You’ll choose a pickup method, date, and store during checkout. Orders placed through can only be shipped within the country or region of purchase. Visit the online store of the location where you want your products delivered.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Can I return my iPhone?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Yes. If you change your mind and no longer wish to keep your iPhone, you have the option to return it to us. The returned iPhone must be in good condition and in the original packaging, which contains all accessories, manuals and instructions. Returns are subject to Apple’s Sales and Refunds Policy. Learn more about returns, refunds and exchanges (Opens in a new window)'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What are the connectivity discounts for T‑Mobile and Verizon?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The connectivity discounts are reflected in the advertised price of select iPhone models, and are available to customers who connect to T‑Mobile or Verizon during purchase. Connectivity discount is not available for customers who choose to connect to a carrier later, or for customers who choose to connect to AT&T.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'HowTo', 'name': 'إزالة خلفية الصورة', 'description': 'كيفية إزالة الخلفية من الصورة', 'inLanguage': 'ar', 'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '/static/backgroundremoverexample.png'}, 'step': [{'@type': 'HowToStep', 'name': 'إزالة خلفية الصورة', 'url': '', 'position': 1, 'text': 'لتحويل خلفية إزالة من صورة ، قم بالسحب والإفلات أو انقر فوق منطقة التحميل الخاصة بنا لتحميل الملف', 'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '/static/stepone.png'}}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'position': 2, 'name': 'إزالة خلفية الصورة', 'url': '', 'text': 'ملفك سينتقل إلى قائمة الانتظار', 'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '/static/steptw.png'}}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'position': 3, 'name': 'إزالة خلفية الصورة', 'url': '', 'text': 'سيقوم برنامج التعلم الآلي / الذكاء الاصطناعي لدينا بإزالة صورة الخلفية', 'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '/static/stepthree.png'}}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'position': 4, 'name': 'إزالة خلفية الصورة', 'url': '', 'text': 'احفظ ملف PNG مع إزالة الخلفية.', 'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '/static/stepfour.png'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': '💌¿Quiénes somos ForSevillaLovers?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'ForSevillaLovers es una herramienta creada con el fin de recopilar todo tipo de información útil y necesaria para aquellas personas que visiten la ciudad.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '📌¿Qué tipo de información puedo encontrar?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Aquí puedes encontrar todo lo que necesitas saber a la hora de viajar a Sevilla: qué comer, qué visitar, cómo moverse y mucho más!'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '☀️¿Por qué visitar Sevilla?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Sevilla es una maravillosa ciudad que destaca por su buen clima, la alegría de su gente y su arte.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Brico Depôt Sevilla Sur: ¿qué opinan los usuarios?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Reforma tu hogar con la más más extensa gama de artículos de bricolaje, construcción, jardín, climatización y más. ¡Todo lo que necesitas al mejor precio!'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Hogargas | Distribuidor Oficial REPSOL: ¿qué opinan los usuarios?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Hogargas es Distribuidora y Servicio Oficial de Repsol Gas Butano en Sevilla donde pedir online tu bombona de butano'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Brico Depôt Sevilla Norte: ¿qué opinan los usuarios?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'FERRETERIA PROSPERIDAD, S.L. - Ferretería, fontanería, cerrajería y bricolaje - GINES'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Does Lemongrass Restaurant have a discount for new customer?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Yes. At present Lemongrass Restaurant specially introduced new customer preferential policies for people who visit the for the first time. You can check your consumption record in Lemongrass Restaurant. If you don’t have a record, you can get this discount at Lemongrass Restaurant.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Does Lemongrass Restaurant have a student discount?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Yes. Lemongrass Restaurant does provide special student discounts for high school students and college students. In the form of Lemongrass Restaurant Voucher, high school students and college students can enjoy Lemongrass Restaurant student discounts and event promotions directly. However, to obtain student discounts at, students must provide materials that can prove the identity of the student before shopping at Lemongrass Restaurant.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': '?? Comment la pandémie de COVID-19 affecte les vols de Miami à Santiago de chile ?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Chez Opodo, nous voulons nous assurer que vos projets de voyage ne sont pas affectés par les restrictions que la Chili peut appliquer pour les voyages au départ de Miami. Lorsque vous réservez chez nous, vous bénéficiez de la garantie d&#39;un billet d&#39;avion flexible : si vous changez d&#39;avis, vous pouvez décider si vous trouvez un autre billet - sans frais de changement - ou si vous vous faites rembourser intégralement !'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '??Comment puis-je trouver des vols pas chers de Miami à Santiago de chile sur Opodo ?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Notre moteur de recherche a trouvé des vols à partir de 344€ pour le trajet Miami - Santiago de chile. Chez Opodo, nous utilisons différentes méthodes basées sur le machine learning pour trouver l&#39;option la moins chère pour nos clients, en tenant compte des combinaisons de compagnies aériennes, des escales et des vols directs ainsi que différents critères pour les trajets entrants et sortants.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '?? Est-ce que Santiago de chile est une ville plus chère que Miami ?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Si vous comparez le prix des transports, la course en taxi à Santiago de chile coûte en moyenne 0.41 EUR, ce qui est 87% moins cher que dans la ville de Miami, qui elle a des tarifs aux alentours de 3.22 EUR,alors que les billets de train coûtent 59% de moins à Santiago de chile: 0.93 EUR contre 2.25 EUR à Miami.Toutefois, si vous comparez le prix d&#39;un déjeuner, vous pouvez en trouver à partir de 10.00 EUR à Santiago de chile, soit 46% moins cher qu&#39;à Miami où vous pouvez manger pour 18.40 EUR en moyenne.Le prix d&#39;un café est 29% moins cher à Santiago de chile, avec une moyenne de 2.96 EUR, alors qu&#39;à Miami le café coûte environ 4.16 EUR.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '?? Quel est le meilleur moment pour réserver un vol de Miami à Santiago de chile ?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'D&#39;après les données de recherche de clients réels sur notre site web, les mois les plus populaires pour réserver un voyage de Miami à Santiago de chile sont les mois de mai, août et janvier.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '?? Quel est le meilleur moment pour voyager de Miami à Santiago de chile ?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Le meilleur moment de l&#39;année pour se rendre à Santiago de chile en prenant l&#39;avion depuis Miami dépend de plusieurs préférences personnelles comme le climat, la saisonnalité et, bien sûr, le prix des billets d&#39;avion. D&#39;après les recherches faites sur, septembre est le mois le plus populaire pour se rendre à Santiago de chile depuis Miami, suivi de décembre et de juillet. En revanche, si vous préférez éviter la haute saison et échapper à une période de forte affluence, mai, avril et mars sont les mois où le volume de recherches de vols pour l&#39;itinéraire Miami - Santiago de chile est le plus faible. Faites votre choix !'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '?? Combien de temps le vol prend-il pour aller de Miami à Santiago de chile ?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'La durée totale du vol entre Miami et Santiago de chile est d&#39;environ 13:59 heures, en considérant une distance moyenne de 10\xa0424 km, tant pour les vols directs que pour les vols indirects de l&#39;itinéraire (qui peuvent avoir un ou plusieurs arrêts dans d&#39;autres villes entre les deux).'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '??? Quel est le climat à Santiago de chile par rapport à Miami ?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Alors qu&#39;à Miami les températures peuvent atteindre en moyenne 32.85 degrés en été, avec des niveaux de précipitations allant jusqu&#39;à 9.0 mm , celles de Santiago de chile peuvent aller jusqu&#39;à 32.08 pendant la saison chaude, avec 1.6 mm de précipitations en moyenne. En hiver, cependant, les indicateurs météorologiques indiquent environ -3.17 degrés pour la ville de Santiago de chile, par rapport aux 8.85 degrés moyens de Miami. Pendant la période hivernale, Miami peut enregistrer 9.0 mm de précipitations, tandis que Santiago de chile a une moyenne de 9.0 mm de niveau de pluie.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '?? Quels aéroports ont des vols entre Miami et Santiago de chile?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'La principale liaison aéroportuaire entre Miami et Santiago de chile est : Miami International Airport (MIA) - Aeropuerto Comodoro Arturo Merino Benitez (SCL). Cette route est couverte par les compagnies aériennes suivantes :LATAM Airlines.American Airlines.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Les compagnies aériennes assurant des vols indirects entre Miami et Santiago de chile sont :', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Les compagnies aériennes assurant des vols indirects entre Miami et Santiago de chile sont :Avianca, faisant une escale à Lima avec un temps d&#39;arrêt moyen de 65 minutes.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Sand Cove Park: what do users think?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Upscale destination offering steaks, New American entrees & cocktails in chic, spacious surrounds.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'River Walk Park: what do users think?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Curry Up Now offering Indian street food, in a fast casual setting with restaurants, food trucks, catering services and Mortar & Pestle bar.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': "Sutter's Landing Beach: what do users think?", 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Find a DQ Food and Treat at 2426 Fruitridge Rd in Sacramento, CA. Enjoy ice cream, burgers, & fast food convenience near you.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'United Rentals: what do users think?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'United Rentals provides the worlds largest fleet of rental equipment when and where you need it. Contact this location in Sacramento, CA 95838-3371.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Nor-Cal Equipment Rentals: what do users think?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Nor-Cal Equipment Rentals has been locally owned since 2004. Our specialty is in contractor and homeowner equipment rentals.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'United Rentals: what do users think?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'United Rentals provides the worlds largest fleet of rental equipment when and where you need it. Contact this location in Sacramento, CA 95827.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Hur använder jag min Bonprix Rabattkod online?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Rabattkod av Bonprix kan hjälpa kunder att spara kr44. Du måste logga in på ditt befintliga konto på eller skapa ett nytt eget konto; sedan, för att välja en produkt, kan du bläddra på produktsidan för att välja en produkt och lägga till den i din varukorg. Ibland kommer de att erbjuda dig rabatterade produkter upp till 35%. Kontrollera sedan produkten, välj motsvarande tillgängliga Rabatt och slutför betalningen. Här är också Bonprixs senaste rea den April: Nya Kunder Får 10% Billigare + Fri Frakt.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Har Bonprix en ny kunders rabatt?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Ja. Bonprix erbjuder en exklusiv rabatt på 10% första ordning nu. Om du aldrig har haft en konsumtionsrekord i Bonprix onlinebutik tidigare, kan du få Bonprix Rabattkod för det första köpet. Dessutom finns det ett stort antal andra Bonprix Rabatt Du kan göra ett bra val på enligt dina behov.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Har studenter tillgång till rabatterade priser på Bonprix?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Ja. För närvarande inskrivna gymnasieelever och högskolestudenter kan njuta av Erbjudande genom Bonprix unika studentrabattprogram. Du måste förse Bonprix online med ett studentregistreringsbevis, vanligtvis i form av ett studentlegitimation, för att få studentrabatter upp till 35%. Så snart din information har granskats och bekräftats av Bonprix kommer du att kunna få motsvarande specialrabatter och kampanjerbjudanden genom Bonprix Erbjudande.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'HowTo', 'name': 'How to create a multi-step program on your 4.10 combi', 'description': 'Create a Multi-Step Program on Your 4.10 Combi', 'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'URL': '', 'height': '690', 'width': '460'}, 'step': [{'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>Touch one of the cooking modes to begin.</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>Touch one of the cooking modes to begin.</p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>Press the button with the book and pencil to start programming a recipe.</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>Press the button with the book and pencil to start programming a recipe.</p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>To build in a pre-heat step press this button with the arrow.</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>To build in a pre-heat step press this button with the arrow.</p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>To set the preheat temp, press the number...</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>To set the preheat temp, press the number...</p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>To change the number.</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>To change the number.</p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>Press the check mark to confirm.</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>Press the check mark to confirm.</p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>Press the pencil to move to the next step.</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>Press the pencil to move to the next step.</p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>Now youre ready to create a cooking step. Begin by selecting a cooking mode.</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>Now youre ready to create a cooking step. Begin by selecting a cooking mode.</p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>Set the temperature in the same way as you did for the preheat.</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>Set the temperature in the same way as you did for the preheat.</p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>The time can be changed as well. Optionally you can cook by probe by setting a probe cut off temperature.</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>The time can be changed as well. Optionally you can cook by probe by setting a probe cut off temperature.</p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>Press the check to confirm the setting.</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>Press the check to confirm the setting.</p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>You can add other functions like smoking or fan speed at this time.</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>You can add other functions like smoking or fan speed at this time.</p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>To set another step press the pencil again and repeat this process of selecting mode, time or probe, and optional functions.</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>To set another step press the pencil again and repeat this process of selecting mode, time or probe, and optional functions.</p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p></p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p></p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p></p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p></p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>After all the steps are programmed, press the check instead of the pencil.</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>After all the steps are programmed, press the check instead of the pencil.</p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>Name your recipe.</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>Name your recipe.</p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>Press this button to lock your recipe in.</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>Press this button to lock your recipe in.</p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>On the recipe list, press the desired recipe.</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>On the recipe list, press the desired recipe.</p>'}]}, {'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'height': '406', 'width': '305'}, '@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': '<p>And the preheat will begin. Questions? Call Alto-Shaam at 1 800 558 8744.</p>', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': '<p>And the preheat will begin. Questions? Call Alto-Shaam at 1 800 558 8744.</p>'}]}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'name': 'How close is Ramada by Wyndham Pasadena to the airport? ', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Ramada by Wyndham Pasadena is 30.3 mi (52-min drive) away from the Los Angeles Intl. (LAX) airport, the closest popular airport to the property. '}}, {'name': 'Does Ramada by Wyndham Pasadena have an airport shuttle?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Airport shuttle services are not available at Ramada by Wyndham Pasadena. '}}, {'name': 'Does Ramada by Wyndham Pasadena offer free breakfast?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Ramada by Wyndham Pasadena does not offer free breakfast. '}}, {'name': 'Is there a casino at Ramada by Wyndham Pasadena?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'No, there is no casino at this motel, but Commerce Casino (19-min drive) is nearby. '}}, {'name': 'What time is check-in at Ramada by Wyndham Pasadena?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Check-in begins at 2 PM. '}}, {'name': 'Is there free parking at Ramada by Wyndham Pasadena? ', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'This motel offers free self parking. '}}, {'name': 'Does Ramada by Wyndham Pasadena have a pool?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Ramada by Wyndham Pasadena features an outdoor pool. '}}, {'name': 'Does Ramada by Wyndham Pasadena have a spa?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'There are no spa services available at this motel. '}}, {'name': 'How close is Ramada by Wyndham Pasadena to downtown Pasadena? ', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Ramada by Wyndham Pasadena is 2.2 mi away from Pasadena. '}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Care sunt modalitățile de plată?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Cash, Transfer bancar'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Cu cât timp în avans trebuie să vă contactăm în vederea rezervării?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '6 luni începând sau chiar și un an .'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Există o taxă pentru deplasare?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Nu'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Stiluri muzicale', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Comercială, Ușoară, Populară, Etno și lăutărească'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is the processor family?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The Lenovo 20YU0028UK processor family is the Intel Core i7.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What size is the screen/display for this product?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The 20YU0028UK has has a diagonal display of 43.9 cm (17.3").'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How many cores does the processor have?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The Lenovo 20YU0028UK processor has 8 cores.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is the processor family?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The Lenovo 20YU0028UK processor family is the 11th gen Intel Core i7.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is the processor boost frequency?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The Lenovo 20YU0028UK processor can run a at boosted frequency of 4.6 GHz.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is the motherboard chipset?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The Lenovo 20YU0028UK is based on the Intel WM590 chipset.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How much memory does the graphics card have?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The Lenovo 20YU0028UK features 4 GB of memory.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is the maximum supported internal memory?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The Lenovo 20YU0028UK will support memory up to 128 GB.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Does this product have an on-board graphics adapter?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Yes, this product has an on-board graphics adapter.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Does this product support bluetooth?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Yes, This product is bluetooth enabled and can be connected to compatible bluetooth devices to enable hands free use.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Quelle médicament pour perdre du poids ?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "</p>\n<p>Les seuls produits amaigrissants encore sur le marché sont Alli (sans ordonnance) et Xenical (sur ordonnance), des doses différentes du même principe actif, l'orlistat.</p>\n<p>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Quelle perte de poids avec Xenical ?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "</p>\n<p>Il agit en bloquant une enzyme qui vous permet d'absorber les graisses ou 30 % des graisses non absorbées. En 2,5 mois j'ai perdu 10 kilos et suis passé de 95 kg à 85 kg. Les effets secondaires sont simplement des selles, qui peuvent parfois être plus liquides.</p>\n<p>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Comment utiliser le Xenical ?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "</p>\n<p>Comment le prendre La dose recommandée d'orlistat est d'une gélule de 120 mg avec de l'eau, immédiatement avant, pendant ou jusqu'à une heure après chaque repas principal. Si un repas est sauté ou ne contient pas de graisse, l'orlistat doit être interrompu.</p>\n<p>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Quel régime avec Orlistat ?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "</p>\n<p>ORLISTAT Teva 60 mg doit être pris avec un régime hypocalorique et pauvre en graisses. Les capsules agissent pour empêcher l'absorption d'une partie des graisses avalées, mais vous pouvez toujours manger des aliments de tous les principaux groupes alimentaires.</p>\n<p>"}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'HowTo', 'headline': '13 Ways to Season Paneer - wikiHow Life', 'name': '13 Ways to Season Paneer - wikiHow Life', 'image': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'width': 1200, 'height': 675}, 'author': {'@context': '', '@type': 'Organization', 'name': 'wikiHow', 'url': '', 'logo': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'width': 326, 'height': 60}, 'sameAs': ['', '', '', '', '']}, 'datePublished': '2020-09-28', 'dateModified': '2021-12-15', 'publisher': {'@context': '', '@type': 'Organization', 'name': 'wikiHow', 'url': '', 'logo': {'@type': 'ImageObject', 'url': '', 'width': 326, 'height': 60}, 'sameAs': ['', '', '', '', '']}, 'step': [{'@type': 'HowToSection', 'name': 'Salt and pepper[1]\n\tX\n\t\tResearch source', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'Salt and pepper are key to bringing out the flavors in your dish! No matter what other seasonings you choose, don’t forget to add a pinch of salt and black pepper directly to the paneer to bring out the natural creamy flavor of paneer.\nPaneer by itself is pretty mild, which is why adding salt is so important.', 'image': '', 'url': ''}]}, {'@type': 'HowToSection', 'name': 'Green chilis[2]\n\tX\n\t\tResearch source', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'For a spicy dish, mix a chopped green chili into the cheese. If you aren’t so keen on your dish being spicy, take the seeds out before you start chopping.\nThen, throw your chili into the dish that you’re making with the paneer.\n\nSaag paneer usually calls for 1 green serrano chili.', 'image': '', 'url': ''}]}, {'@type': 'HowToSection', 'name': 'Chili powder[3]\n\tX\n\t\tResearch source', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'Add in some chili powder 1 tsp (4.2 g) at a time and taste the paneer. You can add as much or as little as you’d like depending on your preference (and the preference of your friends and family).\nMost spiced paneer recipes usually call for chili powder anyway, but you can always add more than the recipe calls for.', 'image': '', 'url': ''}]}, {'@type': 'HowToSection', 'name': 'Hungarian paprika[4]\n\tX\n\t\tResearch source', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'Try this addition for an earthy, slightly spicy dish. Sharp Hungarian paprika tastes like a red bell pepper mixed with cayenne pepper. If you want to up the ante in your recipe, coat each piece of paneer in a thin layer of Hungarian paprika.\n\nKadai paneer often calls for this spice.\nIf you add this to fried paneer, it’s a great combination of texture and flavor.', 'image': '', 'url': ''}]}, {'@type': 'HowToSection', 'name': 'Honey and fenugreek[5]\n\tX\n\t\tResearch source', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'Balance out spicy additions with some sweetness. Add in 1 tbsp (14 g) of clear honey and 1 tsp (4.2 g) of fenugreek seeds for every 1 tsp (4.2 g) of chili powder that you use in your dish.\nFenugreek seeds have a tangy, bitter taste.\nA lot of paneer recipes call for sugar, and honey is a great way to add a sweet substitute that isn’t as sugary.', 'image': '', 'url': ''}]}, {'@type': 'HowToSection', 'name': 'Onion, garlic, and ginger[6]\n\tX\n\t\tResearch source', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'Onions and garlic add a depth of flavor to almost any dish, and ginger adds a bit of zest, too. Toss a chopped onion, minced garlic, and shredded ginger into any dish you’re making with paneer alongside your other vegetables.\nThese spices work for almost any dish, but they go particularly well in Saag paneer and Matar paneer.', 'image': '', 'url': ''}]}, {'@type': 'HowToSection', 'name': 'Garam masala[7]\n\tX\n\t\tResearch source', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'This traditional Indian spice is a mixture of cinnamon, peppercorns, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, and cardamom pods. If you’d like your paneer to taste a bit like curry, you can use 1 tsp (4.2 g) of this spice either coated on the cheese itself or in the whole dish.\nPaneer seasoned with garam masala is great for Saag paneer, a vegetarian side dish.', 'image': '', 'url': ''}]}, {'@type': 'HowToSection', 'name': 'Curry[8]\n\tX\n\t\tResearch source', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'Make your own curry with cloves, cardamom, and cinnamon. If you’re going for a yellow curry with paneer in it, add 3 whole cloves, 3 whole cardamom pods, and 1 cinnamon stick to the dish that you’re making.\nThis flavor combination will give you a perfect and traditional yellow curry to wow your guests with.\nIf you’d like your curry to be spicy, add some chili powder 1 tsp (4.2 g) at a time.\nYou can also add in some crushed garlic and shredded ginger.', 'image': '', 'url': ''}]}, {'@type': 'HowToSection', 'name': 'Cumin[9]\n\tX\n\t\tResearch source', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'This is a warm, rich flavor that’s subtle but savory. Try adding cumin 1 tsp (4.2 g) at a time to your dish to see how you like it.\nCumin is often included in curry recipes, but it’s also used in Saag paneer a lot.', 'image': '', 'url': ''}]}, {'@type': 'HowToSection', 'name': 'Parsley[10]\n\tX\n\t\tResearch source', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'Parsley is a bright and herbaceous plant that contrasts the spiciness in a dish. If you’re making herbed paneer or you want to cool down your dish a bit, chop up a few parsley sprigs and add them to your dish.\nThe flavor of parsley is pretty muted, so you might have to add a lot before you notice its flavor. Start with 1/4 cup (21 g) and go from there.', 'image': '', 'url': ''}]}, {'@type': 'HowToSection', 'name': 'Basil[11]\n\tX\n\t\tResearch source', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'Basil works well in any dish that’s already herbaceous or tomato-heavy. If you’d like your dish to taste even better, chop up 1/4 cup (21 g) of basil and add it into your meal.\nSweet basil tastes a little more like black pepper, while classic basil has a hint of citrus in it.', 'image': '', 'url': ''}]}, {'@type': 'HowToSection', 'name': 'Oregano[12]\n\tX\n\t\tResearch source', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'Oregano is similar to basil, but it’s slightly stronger. Chop up some of this herb to make your paneer really pop.\nA little goes a long way, so start with 1 tbsp (14 g) in your dish and go from there.\nYou can also find dried oregano, but it won’t taste as strong.', 'image': '', 'url': ''}]}, {'@type': 'HowToSection', 'name': 'Mint[13]\n\tX\n\t\tResearch source', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToStep', 'text': 'Minty flavor mixes great with spicy dishes, and so it’s a nice addition to almost anything with paneer in it. Chop up a handful of fresh mint leaves and coat your paneer chunks in them for a lingering, cool flavor.\nMint is another herb where a little goes a long way, so use caution until you know you like the flavor.', 'image': '', 'url': ''}]}], 'description': 'Paneer is a traditional Indian cheese made from curdled milk and lemon juice. Its subtle taste and thick texture pairs well with tons of different dishes, including curries, kebabs, and vegetarian sides. Seasoning paneer is a breeze and...'}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is the global demand for Rotary Blasthole Drilling Rig in terms of revenue?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "The global Rotary Blasthole Drilling Rig valued at in 2020 and is expected to reach 3.86 Billion in 2028 growing at a CAGR of <a href=''>Read More</a>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Which are the prominent players in the market?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "The prominent players in the market are . <a href=''>Read More</a>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'At what CAGR is the market projected to grow within the forecast period?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "The market is project to grow at a CAGR of 3.7 between 2021 and 2028. <a href=''>Read More</a>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What are the driving factors fueling the growth of the market.', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "The driving factors of the Rotary Blasthole Drilling Rig include <ul style='list-style: disc;' class='pl-lg-5 text-justify'><li class='pl-0 pt-0 pb-0'></li><li class='pl-0 pt-0 pb-0'></li></ul> <a href=''>Read More</a>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Which region accounted for the largest share in the market?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "{Largest_Region}} was the leading regional segment of the Rotary Blasthole Drilling Rig in 2020. <a href=''>Read More</a>"}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Wie weit ist es von Düsseldorf nach Berge?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': " Die <strong>Entfernung</strong> von Düsseldorf nach Berge beträgt <strong>Luftlinie ca. 170 Kilometer</strong>. <a href=''>Mehr erfahren</a> "}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': '⇒ Čo znamená zľavový kód Celeste?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Zľavové kódy, poukážky alebo kupóny sú kódy skladajúce sa z písmen a/alebo číslic (napr. EXTRA20), ktoré je možné zadať do špeciálneho poľa na stránke dokončenia objednávky na príslušných stránkach a ktoré prinesú zľavu z konečnej ceny vašej objednávky.</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '⇒ Prečo potrebujete zľavové kódy od Celeste?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Každý kupujúci môže využiť kupóny Celeste, aby si mohol kúpiť všetko, čo chce, za nižšiu cenu.</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '⇒ Je ťažké použiť zľavový kód z Celeste?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<ol>\r\n<li>Nie. Jediné, čo musíte urobiť, je aktivovať propagačný kód z Celeste, je pozorne si prečítať obchodné podmienky, za ktorých platí, skopírovať ich a pridať do nákupného košíka. </li>\r\n</ol>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '⇒ Čo môžete urobiť, ak sú zľavové kódy vybrané Celeste nefunguje? ', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Musíte sa uistiť, že kupón je platný. Ak je stále platný, musíte sa uistiť, že ste ho skopírovali správne. Ak je kód správny, ale ešte nie je aktivovaný, odporúča sa, aby ste si znovu prečítali jeho podmienky, pretože produkty pridané do košíka nemusia byť súčasťou kupónovej akcie. </p>\r\n<ul> \r\n\r\n</ul>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '⇒ Propagačné kódy od Celeste?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Ak použijete kupóny od Celeste, potom môžete využiť veľké zľavy v nákupnom košíku. Môžete nájsť 5% aj 30% zľavy, takže je výhodné použiť propagačné kódy od Answear.</p>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '⇒ Ponúka Celeste Black Friday zľavy?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Dáva, Celestesvojich klientov kladie na prvé miesto, pretože vie, aká dôležitá je ich spokojnosť a spokojnosť. Značka preto nevynechá žiadnu príležitosť ponúknuť spotrebiteľom neprehliadnuteľné zľavy. Inými slovami, Celeste je jedným z obchodov, ktoré sa zúčastňujú Black Friday!</p> \r\n<p>Zľavy nájdete na <strong>Black Friday Celeste</strong> na stránke venovanej udalosti <a href="">Black Friday</a>.</p>'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What Insurance Should Motorcyclists Have?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Insurance is vital for anyone who owns a vehicle, but even more so for those who ride motorcycles. Motorcyclists face the same accident and operational hazards as other vehicle drivers, but they do it on two wheels without the defensive shield of an enclosed vehicle. That is why motorcyclists should have all the protective covering insurance provides.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What Benefits Does Motorcycle Insurance Offer?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Motorcycle coverage can protect motorcyclists and their bikes. Coverage can help pay for accident damage, settlements and any other obstacles. Motorcycle insurance can reduce potential personal losses, whether you’re on the road or parked on your driveway.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What Does Motorcycle Insurance Cover?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Collision coverage may provide compensation if your motorcycle is damaged or lost due to a collision with another vehicle or object.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How Much Coverage Should I Have?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'If you have financed your motorcycle, your lender may require that you obtain collision, comprehensive, gap or other physical damage insurance in agreement with their rules.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How Expensive Is Motorcycle Insurance?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Numerous factors impact the cost of your motorcycle insurance, including:'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Est-ce bien de vivre à Malte ?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "Malte est l'un des pays les plus sûrs d'Europe. Étant donné que la plupart des opportunités d'emploi pour les expatriés se situent autour des deux zones du port, Nord et Sud, il est préférable de vivre à proximité de cette zone, qui est un peu plus chère en raison de sa popularité.Est-ce que Malte est bonne ? Bref, n'allez pas à Malte pour nager ou plonger. Allez-y si vous aimez la culture et l'histoire de ce pays. Mais pour le reste, l'île est dominée par le tourisme, dont les Maltais ont profité. C'est très triste et dégoûtant ce que cette île a à offrir."}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Comment se nourrir à Malte ?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "Viande. - Le fenek ou lapin sauvage est l'un des plats préférés des maltais, qui le mangent en ragoût ou en soupe, avec des pommes de terre (ou même frites) ou des pâtes. Également trouvé dans la torta-tal-fenek, le lapin est cuit dans une sauce au vin rouge et servi dans une croûte de pain.Est-il coûteux de vivre à Malte? Le coût de la vie à Malte est 8,5% inférieur à celui de la France. Cependant, le pouvoir d'achat d'une maison y est inférieur de 48 %. En voyage, prévoyez un budget ménage d'au moins 88 €/jour et par personne."}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Pourquoi vouloir aller à Malte ?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "C'est aussi l'une des plus ensoleillées d'Europe, avec plus de 3 000 heures d'ensoleillement par an. Même en « hiver », vous pourrez profiter du plaisir de vous baigner dans les eaux claires de Malte ou de peaufiner votre bronzage sur l'une des plages.Pourquoi choisir Malte ? Malte est également l'endroit idéal pour apprendre à parler anglais, bien que la langue maltaise soit très répandue, comme l'italien ou le français. Situé à seulement deux heures d'avion de Marseille avec Air Malta, vous pourrez profiter d'un agréable séjour au soleil."}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'name': 'What are the top kid-friendly hotels in Tuscaloosa?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Family vacations are where you make the best memories, but it\'s no secret that traveling with children can be demanding. These kid-friendly Tuscaloosa hotels offer perks that aim to keep visitors of all ages relaxed and happy: You\'ll be well taken care of at <a href="">Embassy Suites Tuscaloosa Alabama Downtown</a>. It comes with a laundry service, a swimming pool and a flair for making families feel at home. Alternatively, spend your Tuscaloosa trip at <a href="">AC Hotel by Marriott Tuscaloosa Downtown</a>. Make the most of a nearby laundromat, laundry facilities and more here.</p>'}}, {'name': 'Where can I find cheap hotels in Tuscaloosa?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>At Travelocity you'll find really nice hotels in Tuscaloosa at great prices. We source incredible prices with our trusted partners, so you have a tempting selection of cheap hotels to choose from. If you can be flexible on dates and location, consider staying at a hotel near Tuscaloosa rather than in Tuscaloosa. We may find you even better rates, too.</p>"}}, {'name': 'How do I find the best Tuscaloosa hotel deals?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>Simple! On Travelocity, look through the fantastic offers we've already found in Tuscaloosa then use our filters to find a great deal that's perfect for you. Enter your travel dates, select the number of rooms you need, and we’ll do the rest. You can get great discounts on flights and car hire, too, when you bundle.</p>"}}, {'name': 'How much does it cost to stay in a hotel in Tuscaloosa?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>The cheapest hotel in Tuscaloosa is $58. This price was available within the past 7 days, for stays with a check-in date within the next year. Of course, the price you pay depends on your dates of travel, the length of your stay, and the hotel's location. Prices and availability are subject to change. Additional terms apply.</p>"}}, {'name': 'How many hotels are in Tuscaloosa?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>There are 334 hotels in Tuscaloosa on Travelocity.</p>'}}, {'name': 'What are the best hotels in Tuscaloosa?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>Tuscaloosa has so many great hotels to choose from at Travelocity — and it's so easy to find the perfect one. Just choose one of our popular pre-selected hotels with great reviews, or you can refine your search to build your ideal stay. Simply filter hotels based on price or star rating, or select properties with a pool, a hot tub, or a range of other amenities and pick the best place to stay in Tuscaloosa for you!</p>"}}, {'name': 'When is the best time to visit Tuscaloosa?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>If you want the joy of a fun-filled trip in peak season, visit Tuscaloosa during . If you'd prefer the peace of off-season, book a stay during quieter months, such as .</p>"}}, {'name': 'When is the cheapest time to stay in Tuscaloosa?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>Based on historic data is usually the cheapest month to visit Tuscaloosa. However, we have incredible deals all year round, so we're confident you'll find a room in your budget whenever you choose to travel.</p>"}}, {'name': 'Are there any great family-friendly hotels in Tuscaloosa?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>There are multiple hotels in Tuscaloosa that will please the whole family. Do you need adjoining rooms, babysitting services or a swimming pool? We've got you covered. Use our family filter to narrow your search down and use guest reviews to help you pick the perfect place for your next family trip to Tuscaloosa. We have plenty of kid-friendly hotels in Tuscaloosa to choose from on Travelocity!</p>"}}, {'name': 'Why book a hotel in Tuscaloosa through Travelocity?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<p>Because we have the top hotels in Tuscaloosa! We want to help you travel more and worry less. That's why we've put the most amazing hotel, car rental, and flight deals in one place. When you search for hotels with us, you know you're getting fantastic prices with no hidden fees and free cancellation on most properties up to 24 hours before your stay. If you become a Travelocity member, you also get exclusive member discounts. Sign up today!</p>"}}, {'name': 'How do I cancel my hotel booking in Tuscaloosa on Travelocity?', '@type': 'Question', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<p>Canceling your booking with Travelocity is easy. Sign into your account and select My Trips. Here, you will see your cancellation options. We offer free cancellation on many properties.</p>'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Condiciones para renovar el móvil.', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Si entraste en Yoigo comprando un móvil con una tarifa de Contrato, para poder cambiarlo tiene que haber pasado mínimo un plazo de 6 meses desde entonces, y de 12 meses si fue con una tarifa de Tarjeta. Si te hiciste de Yoigo con Solo SIM, tienes que esperar 3 meses desde el alta si eres de Contrato y 6 meses si eres de Tarjeta. Y entre un Renuevo y otro tienen que pasar mínimo 6 meses si eres de Contrato y 12 si eres de tarjeta. Ah, y también tienes que estar al corriente de pago para poder hacer un Renuevo. Si cumpliendo estas condiciones no puedes hacer Renuevo, llámanos al 622 y loinvestigamos.'}}}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Wieso sind Alpin Loacker Produkte so günsitg?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Die Produkte kommen direkt vom Hersteller.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Produziert Alpin Loacker auch in Österreich?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Ja Alpin Loacker hat auch eine Produktion in Vorarlberg - Österreich.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Erfahrung mit Alpin Loacker Produkten?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Alpin Loacker hat über 100.000 zufriende Kunden'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Ist die Merino Unterwäsche von Alpin Loacker gut?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Alpin Loacker benutz nur nachhaltige Premium Merino Wolle für die Bekleidung.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Jakich cen noclegów należy się spodziewać w tym obiekcie?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Ceny w obiektach noclegowych mogą zależeć na przykład od standardu pokoju, sezonu czy długości pobytu. Jeżeli interesuje Cię bardziej szczegółowy cennik noclegów tego obiektu, to zobacz <a href="" target="_blank">tutaj</a>.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Czy na terenie tego obiektu można zaparkować samochód?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Jeżeli wybierasz się tutaj samochodem, to z pewnością interesuje Cię, czy będzie możliwość bezpiecznego zaparkowania pojazdu. Ten obiekt deklaruje, że posiada parking lub w jego najbliższej okolicy jest możliwość zaparkowania.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Czy ten obiekt jest przyjazny osobom przyjeżdżającym ze zwierzakiem?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Jeśli na wakacyjny wyjazd zamierzamy zabrać psa lub kota, to mamy dobrą informację. Ten obiekt deklaruje, że przyjmuje zwierzęta za dodatkową opłatą. Pamiętaj, że najlepiej rodzaj i wielkość zwierzaka dogadać z właścicielem obiektu telefonicznie.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Czy ten obiekt posiada pokoje z własnymi łazienkami?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Obiekt deklaruje, że w swojej ofercie posiada pokoje z własnymi łazienki. Szczegółowe informacje uzyskasz od właściciela obiektu.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Jakie wyżywienie dostępne jest w tym obiekcie noclegowym?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Obiekt nie zadeklarował możliwości zakupienia wyżywienia na miejscu, ale dla gości została udostępniona możliwość samodzielnego przygotowania posiłków w kuchni.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', '@id': '', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', '@id': ' Do I Save Money at Dr. Scholls Shoes?', 'name': ['How Do I Save Money at Dr. Scholls Shoes?'], 'acceptedAnswer': [{'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Dr. Scholls released its iconic wooden-soled sandal in the 1960s and has since been a household name for foot protection and comfort. launched in 2010 and currently offers some of its best designs for comfortable and sustainable work and recreational footwear for the entire family.'}]}, {'@type': 'Question', '@id': ' Dr. Scholls Shoes offer student, senior citizens, or military discounts?', 'name': ['Does Dr. Scholls Shoes offer student, senior citizens, or military discounts?'], 'acceptedAnswer': [{'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Dr. Scholls doesn’t offer discounts for military personnel, seniors, or students.'}]}, {'@type': 'Question', '@id': ' do I enter a Dr. Scholls Shoes promo code on', 'name': ['Where do I enter a Dr. Scholls Shoes promo code on'], 'acceptedAnswer': [{'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<a href="">Dr. Scholls coupon codes</a>&nbsp;may be entered in the discount code field on your shopping cart page.'}]}, {'@type': 'Question', '@id': ' is Dr. Scholls’ cancellation policy?', 'name': ['What is Dr. Scholls’ cancellation policy?'], 'acceptedAnswer': [{'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Orders are processed quickly, so there’s a very small cancellation window. Contact customer service as soon as possible to cancel an order placed accidentally. If it’s already been processed, you’ll need to return the items.'}]}, {'@type': 'Question', '@id': ' is Dr. Scholls Shoes’ return policy?', 'name': ['What is Dr. Scholls Shoes’ return policy?'], 'acceptedAnswer': [{'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Customers have 30 days to return unworn merchandise for a refund. Exchanges are not available at this time.'}]}, {'@type': 'Question', '@id': ' shipping methods and details apply to Dr. Scholls Shoes orders?', 'name': ['What shipping methods and details apply to Dr. Scholls Shoes orders?'], 'acceptedAnswer': [{'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Dr. Scholls offers free Standard ground shipping of 5-7 business days on orders over $75 normally. Otherwise, Standard shipping is a flat rate of $7.50. Second-Day and Next-Day options are also available during checkout.'}]}, {'@type': 'Question', '@id': ' payment methods does Dr. Scholls Shoes accept?', 'name': ['What payment methods does Dr. Scholls Shoes accept?'], 'acceptedAnswer': [{'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Dr. Scholls Shoes accepts American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, Google Pay, and PayPal.'}]}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Are car accidents in Phoenix increasing?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Even with a decrease in traffic, the number of road accident fatalities in Arizona reached close to an all-time high, increasing nine percent from the previous year. This is with even fewer car accidents than the year before. Simply stated, people are driving far more recklessly than they did in the past, and it risks your life.\nIn one recent year, nearly 130,000 crashes took place in Arizona. While the number of crashes in the Phoenix area dropped in recent decades, it is now on a steady climb, interrupted only by the pandemic. One can expect that number to rise as more cars take to the roads. The problem is that car crashes are becoming more serious as things like distracted and drunk driving remain issues.\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How bad are road safety problems in Phoenix?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'As the most populous area in Arizona, Maricopa County (home to Phoenix) has, by far, the most accidents in the state. Almost 100,000 accidents took place in the county in a single year, and more than three out of every four crashes in the entire state happen in the Phoenix area. Roughly 30 percent of these crashes will result in an injury. There are estimates that car crashes have a direct economic impact of over $10 billion just in the Phoenix area.\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Why are the roads so bad in Phoenix?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Surveys show that Phoenix-area highways are among the most dangerous in the country. For example, I-17 between Phoenix and Flagstaff is considered one of the worst interstates in the U.S, and Phoenix is the most dangerous part of that highway. Many experts are perplexed because Phoenix roads are not as congested as those in other major cities.\nIn Phoenix, the problem is not necessarily the roads themselves. The issues are more with Phoenix-area drivers. Their behavior is dangerous. Numerous news reports detail the aggression of Phoenix drivers. They make risky moves in traffic, and all it takes is one bad driver to raise your risk of a serious crash. In addition, Phoenix has numerous tourists and snowbirds who are not as familiar with local roads as others.\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What are some of the most dangerous roads in Phoenix?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'As mentioned above, I-17 is the site of numerous fatal accidents each year. Also, other major urban highways such as I-10 are frightening for drivers, especially at rush hour, where accidents are seemingly everywhere. There is almost no safe space on I-10 as congestion builds both east and west of the city during peak times.\nOff the highways, you can find many unsafe intersections and roads in Phoenix.\nThey include:\n\n59th Avenue and Olive Avenue &#8211; This is consistently the most dangerous intersection in Phoenix in terms of major crashes.\nSeventh Street/Seventh Avenue &#8211; Chis street has reversible center lanes that invariably cause drivers to make mistakes.\n67th Avenue and McDowell Road &#8211; commuters trying to avoid I-10 make life worse for those in the residential area.\n75th Avenue and Indian School Road &#8211; Professionals designed this intersection for a much-less congested time and they have not re-engineered it to accommodate a busier Phoenix. Over a five-year period, there was an average of 50 crashes each year at this intersection.\n\n99th &amp; Lower Buckeye &#8211; Based on statistics, there have been more crashes at this intersection than any other one in Phoenix.\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'When is the best time to hire a Phoenix car accident attorney?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'You should contact a Phoenix auto accident lawyer as soon as possible after your accident. As we described, the insurance company is hard at work almost immediately after an accident to begin cutting their own potential liability. They could be working on it while you are injured and unsuspecting. Before you know it, the insurance company has gotten you on the record saying something you should not have, and you might compromise your claim. Hiring an attorney immediately after an accident would help protect you sooner.\nIn addition, you could lose evidence from your accident that you would need very soon after the crash. A car accident attorney in Phoenix would get to work immediately to try to gather and preserve what you would need to prove fault in your case. It would be very difficult for you to work on your own to preserve evidence given your injuries. However, your car accident attorney knows exactly what to do as soon as they get on your case.\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Is Arizona a no-fault state?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'No. Phoenix accident attorneys would advise you that the driver who causes the accident (or, more specifically, their insurance company) must pay for the harm that they caused. This will start with a determination of who caused the accident. In Arizona, the determination will specify who bears what proportion of the blame. Even if you were not completely blameless, you could still receive money for your accident injuries.\nArizona’s laws make it even more important to be in a position to show what happened. It will directly impact the size of the settlement check that you recover. This means that you must act quickly after an accident to gather evidence before it disappears.\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What evidence would Phoenix car accident lawyers need to prove your case?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'There are two types of evidence that an accident attorney in Phoenix would need to help your case. The first relates to what happened to cause the crash. The second is proof of your damages as you seek compensation.\nIn terms of proving liability, a Phoenix car accident lawyer could use:\n\nEvidence that the other driver faced charges of a traffic offense\nWitness statements\nPhotos of the accident scene and wreckage\nSecurity or traffic camera footage\nExpert witness testimony that reconstructs the accident\n\nTo prove your damages, an auto accident lawyer in Phoenix could use:\n\nPay stubs that show what you earned\nYour medical diagnosis\nA log or your testimony that shows how your life changed since the accident\nExpert testimony that shows the cost of caring for your injuries\n\nEither way, you will need much more than your word to convince the insurance company or a jury that you deserve to receive compensation. Our experienced attorneys know how to prove a case.\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What if the other driver was speeding?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'This is why the police report is so helpful after an accident. If you can show that the other driver violated a law in the accident, it may mean that they are automatically responsible. This is known as the doctrine of negligence per se. Of course, the other driver’s violation of the law is not a requirement to receive compensation, but it can certainly help your case.\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How can your Phoenix car accident attorneys help me?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'After your accident, it can be incredibly difficult to focus on your legal situation. Your most immediate priority is your health and treatment, but there are things that you must do to advance your legal case at the same time. There is only one of you, and you are already injured. In your focus on your health, you could understandably let other things slide. You must start the legal process no matter how badly injured you or your loved one may be after your accident.\nIn addition, you may not know of your legal rights and options after your accident. You are generally aware that you can receive financial compensation, but you may not know how to go about the process. The insurance company also tries to make it as difficult as possible. A phoenix auto accident attorney will be your guide to the legal process and your protector from the insurance company. Every injured person needs someone to help them with a claim system that might not always work in their favor.\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How can I find the best car accident lawyers in Phoenix, AZ?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'When you are looking for phoenix auto accident lawyers, you should find someone who has the experience necessary to hire your case. What you are looking for the most are results. That is what we get at Zanes Law Injury Lawyers. If you have suffered severe injuries and are looking at a possibly large settlement, you need an attorney who you know can handle the big cases. You can be certain that the insurance company will make it much more difficult to get a large settlement. If they are making it too easy, chances are that they are underpaying you.\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Can I sue anyone else besides the other driver?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'In a large majority of cases, your claim would be against the other driver who caused the accident. In some accidents, there may be a third party who is responsible for your injuries.\nThese could include:\n\nThe government that failed to keep the roads in good repair (different rules for suing the government, however, force you to act more quickly)\nThe manufacturer of the car or the part that failed to cause your accident\nThe bar or establishment that served the other driver alcohol before they got behind the wheel drunk\n\nAn auto accident attorney in Phoenix will perform a thorough investigation of the circumstances behind your accident to quickly learn who was responsible and where you should go to pursue compensation.\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How long do I have to file a car accident lawsuit?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'This is also known as the statute of limitations. This restricts the amount of time that you have to file a lawsuit after your injuries. If you miss this deadline, you will lose the right to obtain financial compensation entirely.\nIn Arizona, you have two years to file a lawsuit after a personal injury case. This does not mean that you should take the entire time to wait. The sooner you begin to seek compensation, the sooner you can receive your check. You may want to take some time to negotiate with the insurance company. However, if you cannot reach a settlement agreement, it will be time to take your case to court.\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How long will my car accident case take?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The best advice that we can give is to be patient during the process. We understand that you are worried and struggling financially, but car accident cases take time. The best estimate that we give potential clients at the consultation is that your case could take between a few months and a few years. However, receiving a fair settlement check a few months after filing your case is a rare outcome.\nUsually, you need to prepare to go several rounds with the insurance company. Settling your case could take several rounds of offers, rejections, and demand letters to get the check closer to what you need. All of this takes time. If you cannot reach a settlement agreement, you may need to file a lawsuit in court, which will add additional time to your case. We recommend that our clients fight for top dollar, and that is always a process.\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How much will I need to pay a Phoenix auto accident lawyer?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The good news is absolutely nothing out of your own pocket. Do not worry about finding the money to pay the lawyer’s retainer when you already have financial stress. Because of the way that personal injury claims work, you will not have to pay a penny upfront.\n&nbsp;\nWhen you hire a lawyer, you sign a representation agreement. This describes how the lawyer is going to receive payment for their services. In a car accident case, your lawyer gets payment on a contingency basis.\nWhether they receive a check for their services depends on whether you receive payment for your injuries. If you do, your lawyer will collect a portion of the settlement or jury award that goes directly to them. If you do not win, you do not have to worry about receiving a large legal bill for your lawyer’s time after the case. You would owe your attorney nothing in this situation.\n'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Sterilization monitoring & validation', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<a href="">Chemical indicator</a>\n<a href="">Biological Indicators</a>\n<a href="">Bowie Dick Test</a>\n<a href="">Steam Quality Test Kit</a>\n<a href="">Incubator</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Quality Assurance Product', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<a href="">Quality Assurance Product</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Personal Protection', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<a href="">Personal Protection</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Cleanroom Product', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<a href="">Writing Accessories &amp; Sterile Tape</a><br>\n<a href="">IPA &amp; Related Products</a><br>\n\n<a href="">Presaturated Wipes</a><br>\n<a href="">Cleanroom SS Tool</a><br>\n<a href="">Cleanroom Dry Wipes</a><br>\n<a href="">Cleanroom Consumables</a><br>\n<a href="">Other Cleanroom Consumables</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Critical cleaning group', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<a href="">Floor &amp; Wall Cleaning</a>\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Sterilization packaging & sealing', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<a href="">Crimping Tools &#038; Sealer</a><br>\n<a href="">Sterilization Packaging</a>\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Product for store & warehouse', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<a href="">Mure and Peyrot Safety Knives</a><br>\n<a href="">Floor Marking Tape</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Fluid Transfer Tubinga', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<a href="">Pharmaceutical Grade Tubing\n</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Others', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<li>Food Grade Tubing</li>\n \t<li>Pharmaceutical Grade Tubing</li>\n \t<li>Floor Marking Tape</li>'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Sterilization monitoring & validation', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<a href="">Chemical indicator</a>\n<a href="">Biological Indicators</a>\n<a href="">Bowie Dick Test</a>\n<a href="">Steam Quality Test Kit</a>\n<a href="">Incubator</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Quality Assurance Product', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<a href="">Quality Assurance Product</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Personal Protection', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<a href="">Personal Protection</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Cleanroom Product', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<a href="">Writing Accessories &amp; Sterile Tape</a><br>\n<a href="">IPA &amp; Related Products</a><br>\n\n<a href="">Presaturated Wipes</a><br>\n<a href="">Cleanroom SS Tool</a><br>\n<a href="">Cleanroom Dry Wipes</a><br>\n<a href="">Cleanroom Consumables</a><br>\n<a href="">Other Cleanroom Consumables</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Critical cleaning group', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<a href="">Floor &amp; Wall Cleaning</a>\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Sterilization packaging & sealing', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<a href="">Crimping Tools &#038; Sealer</a><br>\n<a href="">Sterilization Packaging</a>\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Product for store & warehouse', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<a href="">Mure and Peyrot Safety Knives</a><br>\n<a href="">Floor Marking Tape</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Fluid Transfer Tubinga', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<a href="">Pharmaceutical Grade Tubing\n</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Hygiene', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<a href="">Floor Brush</a><br>\n\n<a href="">Hand and Floor Scrapper</a>\n<br>\n<a href="">Hand Brush</a><br>\n\n<a href="">Handle and Wall Bracket</a><br>\n\n<a href="">Hygiene Bucket &amp; Bracket</a><br>\n\n<a href="">Mops and Frames</a><br>\n\n<a href="">IShovel and Scoop</a><br>\n\n<a href="&quot;">Water Gun and Tubing</a><br>\n\n<a href="">Hygienic Squeegee</a>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Others', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<li>Food Grade Tubing</li>\n \t<li>Pharmaceutical Grade Tubing</li>\n \t<li>Floor Marking Tape</li>'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Zvinoda marii kutsvaga gweta?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "Mutengo wegweta unoenderana nerudzi rwebasa uye nguva yaro. Mari dzemasevhisi edu emutemo dzinowanzoenderana neawa imwe uye inobhadhariswa nguva nenguva. Dzimwe nguva, zvisinei, gadziriro yemutengo wakatarwa inogona kuitwa. Law &amp; More yakagadzirirwa kupa fungidziro kana chirevo chemitengo inoenderana nebasa iri pamberi. Mushure meizvozvo, iwe uchagara uchigamuchira yakajeka tsananguro yehuwandu hwemaawa akashandiswa uye basa raitwa.\n\nLaw &amp; More inoshandisa mareti eawa anotevera: Gweta Ä195 ñ Ä225 Partner Ä250 ñ Ä275 Mareti ese anosanganisirwa ne21% VAT Mitengo inogona kuvandudzwa gore negore.\n\nLaw &amp; More haina kudyidzana neDutch Legal Aid Board uye haipe masevhisi maererano ne'kuwedzera'. Kana uchida kukodzera kuwana rubatsiro rwezvemutemo, unorayirwa kuti ubate imwe kambani yezvemitemo."}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Chii chinoitwa negweta?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Hazvina mhosva kuti inyaya ipi iri pamutemo, magweta ari Law &amp; More inogona kukutungamira uye nekukubatsira iwe kubva pakutanga kusvika kumagumo kwenyaya ipi yepamutemo, zvichibva pane yakanyatsofungidzirwa, yekucheka zano Kunyangwe kunyora uye kuongorora magwaro epamutemo kana kupa zano repamutemo mune yako, Law &amp; More iripo kwauri! Kambani yedu yemutemo inopawo kugadzirisa gakava zviri pamutemo uye mabasa ematare kumabhizimusi nevanhu vamwe nevamwe, uye inoitisa mukana wakaringana uye kuongororwa kwenjodzi pamberi pematare ese. Uyezve, Law &amp; More kwete chete kukupa iwe masevhisi ezvemutemo sechipangamazano uye mutongi, asi inowanikwawo kwauri semubatsiri wekufambidzana naye. Panyaya yese yemutemo, magweta ari Law &amp; More shandisa zano rakajeka rine nhanho ina: kusvika pakuzivana, kukurukura nyaya pamwe chete, kushandisa danho-nhanho kuronga uye kubata nenyaya yacho.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Ndichakurumidza kubatsirwa sei?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Magweta edu akajaira kushanda nekukurumidza, saka hauzombofa wakamirira kwenguva yakareba mhinduro kune yako e-mail kana kuti mumwe wevashandi vedu asvike parunhare. Kumhanya uye hunyanzvi hwakakosha kwatiri, saka unogona kuvimba nekukasira uye kwakanangana nekutaurirana uye kubata kwemubvunzo wako wepamutemo. The Law &amp; More timu inoshanda nenzira inoshanda uye yega kune ese epasirese uye nyika makambani uye vanhu. Mahofisi edu mukati Eindhoven uye Amsterdam Iva nemaawa marefu ekuvhura uye isu tinovhurwa manheru uye pakupera kwevhiki: kubva Muvhuro kusvika Chishanu kubva 8am kusvika 10 pm uye neMugovera neSvondo kubva 9 am kusvika 5 pm.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Unoda rinhi gweta?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Iwe uri muzvinabhizimusi kana wega wega akatarisana nedambudziko repamutemo uye ungade kuti rigadziriswe? Zvino zvine hungwaru kudaidza gweta. Mushure mezvose, kunyangwe iwe uri muzvinabhizimusi kana mumwe munhu, chero nyaya yepamutemo inogona kuve neyakakura yemari, zvinhu kana zvisingaiti pabhizinesi rako kana hupenyu hwako. At Law &amp; More, isu tinonzwisisa kuti nyaya dzese dzepamutemo dzakawandisa. Naizvozvo, kusiyana nemakambani emitemo mazhinji, Law &amp; More inokupa chimwe chinhu chakawedzera. Ipo mafemu mazhinji emutemo achingova neruzivo rwechikamu chakaganhurirwa chemutemo wedu uye vachigara vachiita basa, Law &amp; More inokupa iwe, mukuwedzera kune yakakura uye yakatarwa ruzivo rwepamutemo, kukurumidza sevhisi uye maitiro ako pachako. Semuenzaniso, magweta edu nyanzvi mune zvemitemo yemhuri, mutemo webasa, mutemo wemakambani, mutemo wepfuma yenjere, mutemo wezvivakwa uye kutevedzera. Uye kana zvasvika kune mabhizinesi, Law &amp; More inoshanda kune vemabhizinesi mumapazi akasiyana siyana eindasitiri, zvekufambisa, zvekurima, zvehutano nekutengesa. Unoda kuziva chii Law &amp; More sekambani yemagweta in Eindhoven ungakuitira here? Wobva wabata Law &amp; More, magweta edu achafara kukubatsira. Unogona kuita musangano'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Ndinoziva sei iro gweta randinoda?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Ndeupi gweta raunoda iwe kazhinji zvinoenderana nemhando yemubvunzo wako wepamutemo. Semuenzaniso, une mubvunzo nezve kambani yako? Ipapo iwe unoda gweta uyo ane hunyanzvi mumutemo wekambani. Mubvunzo wako wepamutemo une hunhu hwepasi rese here? Ipapo iwe uri nani kure negweta rinonyanya kugadzirisa mutemo wepasi rese. Izvo zvinofanirwawo kucherechedzwa kuti mibvunzo mizhinji yemitemo ine chekuita nenzvimbo dzinopfuura imwe dzemutemo, saka zvakakosha kuti ubatanidze gweta rine ruzivo rweimwe neimwe yenzvimbo dzemutemo dzinobatanidzwa\n\nLaw &amp; More ikambani yemutemo inoshanda mumunda wemutemo wekambani, mutemo wepfuma yedzidzo uye tekinoroji, pamwe nemutemo wevashandi, mutemo wemhuri, mutemo wekupinda munyika uye mutemo wezvivakwa. Kuwedzera kune yedu yakazara ruzivo rweDutch (maitiro) mutemo, Law &amp; More zvakare iri pasi rose muhukuru uye chimiro chemasevhisi ayo. Kuti tipe vatengi vedu sevhisi yemhando yepamusoro, tine timu yakazvipira yemagweta emitauro yakawanda uye magweta anotaura Chirungu, ChiGerman, French, Spanish, Turkish, Russian and Ukrainian. Uri kutsvaga imwe nzvimbo yemutemo here? Wobva watarisa peji redu rehunyanzvi iro rinonyora nzvimbo dzedu dzese dzemutemo. Magweta edu inyanzvi munzvimbo dzese dzakataurwa uye achafara kukubatsira mune chero nzvimbo.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'HowTo', '@id': '', 'name': 'Comment Changer de Skin Minecraft ? (PC Java, W10 et Consoles) -', 'datePublished': '2019-10-24T16:37:53+02:00', 'dateModified': '2021-07-24T07:58:12+02:00', 'image': [{'@type': 'ImageObject', '@id': '', 'url': '', 'width': '2560', 'height': '1440', 'caption': 'Comment changer de skin minecraft'}], 'description': 'Les étapes à suivre pour changer son skin Minecraft depuis le launcher.', 'step': [{'@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': 'Ouvrez votre launcher et rendez-vous dans l\'onglet "Skins".', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': ''}, {'@type': 'HowToTip', 'text': ''}]}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': 'Cliquez sur le bouton "Nouveau Skin".', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': ''}, {'@type': 'HowToTip', 'text': ''}]}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': 'D\'ici vous pouvez nommer le skin dans "Nom", lui appliquer le sytle "Classique" ou "Mince", et uploader le fichier png du skin préalablement téléchargé en cliquant sur "Parcourir".', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': 'Une fois votre skin envoyé, cliquez sur "Enregistrer et utiliser".'}, {'@type': 'HowToTip', 'text': 'Une fois votre skin envoyé, cliquez sur "Enregistrer et utiliser".'}]}, {'@type': 'HowToStep', 'url': '', 'name': 'Votre skin est désormais disponible dans la liste. Vous pouvez l\'enregistrer dans votre bibliothèque pour le ré-utiliser même si vous le changez plus tard en cliquant sur "add to library".', 'itemListElement': [{'@type': 'HowToDirection', 'text': ''}, {'@type': 'HowToTip', 'text': ''}]}], 'totalTime': 'P2M'}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': '¿Qué es Moni365?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Moni365 es una plataforma de comparación financiera en la que, al rellenar una sola solicitud, podrás recibir ofertas de préstamos individuales de bancos y prestamistas no bancarios de forma gratuita.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '¿Cuánto tiempo hay que esperar para recibir las ofertas de préstamo?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Después de unos 15 minutos, empezarás a recibir las primeras respuestas. Todos los prestadores le responderán en el plazo de un día hábil.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '¿Puedo cambiar de opinión después de solicitar un préstamo en Moni365?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Por supuesto. El préstamo se paga sólo cuando se firma un acuerdo con el prestamista.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '¿Me comprometo a algo al comparar préstamos con Moni365?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'No. Al rellenar la solicitud de Moni365, no contraes ninguna obligación. Hemos creado una plataforma de comparación de préstamos conveniente para ti, donde rellenando una solicitud, recibirás ofertas de préstamos personalizadas basadas en tu información financiera individual.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '¿Es posible obtener un préstamo con un mal historial de crédito?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'La respuesta corta es sí, pero influyen muchos factores. Un historial crediticio dañado reduce en gran medida las posibilidades de obtener un nuevo préstamo en el futuro, pero hay prestamistas que, tras evaluar toda la información, permiten que el prestatario cumpla los requisitos para obtener un nuevo préstamo. Moni365 ofrece la oportunidad de recibir ofertas de préstamos individuales de más de 25 bancos y otros prestamistas no bancarios rellenando una sola solicitud.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '¿La presentación y tramitación de una solicitud es un servicio de pago?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Moni365 es GRATUITO para presentar y procesar una solicitud de préstamo.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '¿Puedo pagar anticipadamente mi préstamo?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Puedes devolver el préstamo antes de tiempo o en el momento que te convenga sin que te cueste más. Ponte en contacto con el banco o el prestamista con el que tienes el acuerdo y ellos te ayudarán.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '¿Cuándo me van a transferir el dinero a mi cuenta?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Depende del prestamista con el que celebre el contrato de préstamo. Sin embargo, el plazo es de 1 a 3 días a partir de la firma del contrato de préstamo. No obstante, algunos prestamistas pagan más rápido, pero esto se reflejará en la oferta de préstamo.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': '椙山女学園大学文化情報学部の入試レベルは?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "今の偏差値から椙山女学園大学文化情報学部の入試で合格最低点以上を取る為には、入試レベル・難易度を知って受験勉強に取り組む必要があります。<br><a href=''>椙山女学園大学文化情報学部の入試レベル</a>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '椙山女学園大学文化情報学部にはどんな入試方式がありますか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "椙山女学園大学文化情報学部には様々な入試制度があります。自分に合った入試制度・学内併願制度を見つけて、受験勉強に取り組んでください。<br><a href=''>椙山女学園大学文化情報学部の受験情報</a>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '椙山女学園大学文化情報学部の科目別にどんな受験勉強すればよいですか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "椙山女学園大学文化情報学部の受験対策では、科目別に入試傾向と受験対策・勉強法を知って受験勉強に取り組む必要があります。<br><a href=''>椙山女学園大学文化情報学部受験の入試科目別受験対策・勉強法</a>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '椙山女学園大学文化情報学部に合格するための受験対策とは?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "椙山女学園大学文化情報学部に合格するためには、現在の学力レベルに適した勉強、椙山女学園大学文化情報学部に合格するために必要な勉強、正しい勉強法を把握して受験勉強に取り組む必要があります。<br><a href='<a href=''>椙山女学園大学文化情報学部の受験対策 3つのポイント</a>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '椙山女学園大学文化情報学部の受験対策は今からでも間に合いますか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "じゅけラボでは、開始時期に合わせて椙山女学園大学文化情報学部合格に必要な学習カリキュラムをオーダーメイドで作成し、椙山女学園大学文化情報学部合格に向けて全力でサポートします。<br><a href=''>椙山女学園大学文化情報学部の受験勉強を始める時期</a>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '椙山女学園大学文化情報学部に合格する為の勉強法とは?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "椙山女学園大学文化情報学部に合格する為の勉強法としてまず最初に必要な事は、現在の自分の学力・偏差値を正しく把握する事。そして次に椙山女学園大学文化情報学部の入試科目、入試傾向、必要な学力・偏差値を把握し、椙山女学園大学文化情報学部に合格できる学力を確実に身につける為の自分に合った正しい勉強法が必要です。<br><a href=''>椙山女学園大学文化情報学部受験対策講座</a>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '椙山女学園大学文化情報学部受験に向けていつから受験勉強したらいいですか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "答えは「今からです!」椙山女学園大学文化情報学部受験対策は早ければ早いほど合格する可能性は高くなります。じゅけラボ予備校は、あなたの今の実力から椙山女学園大学文化情報学部合格の為に必要な学習内容、学習量、勉強法、学習計画のオーダーメイドのカリキュラムを組みます。受験勉強はいつしようかと迷った今がスタートに最適な時期です。<br><a href=''>じゅけラボの大学受験対策講座</a>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '高1から椙山女学園大学文化情報学部合格に向けて受験勉強したら合格できますか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "高1から椙山女学園大学文化情報学部へ向けた受験勉強を始めれば合格率はかなり高くなります。高1から椙山女学園大学文化情報学部の受験勉強を始める場合、中学から高校1年生の英語、国語、数学の抜けをなくし、特に高1英語を整理して完璧に仕上げることが大切です。高1から受験勉強して、椙山女学園大学文化情報学部に合格するための学習計画と勉強法を提供させていただきます。<br><a href=''>椙山女学園大学文化情報学部合格に特化した受験対策</a>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '高3の夏からでも椙山女学園大学文化情報学部受験に間に合いますか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "可能性は十分にあります。夏休みを活用できるのは大きいです。現在の偏差値から椙山女学園大学文化情報学部合格を勝ち取る為に、「何を」「どれくらい」「どの様」に勉強すれば良いのか、1人1人に合わせたオーダメイドのカリキュラムを組ませて頂きます。まずは一度ご相談のお問い合わせお待ちしております。<br><a href=''>高3の夏からの椙山女学園大学文化情報学部受験勉強</a>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '高3の9月、10月からでも椙山女学園大学文化情報学部受験に間に合いますか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "可能性は十分にありますが、まず現状の学力・偏差値を確認させてください。その上で、現在の偏差値から椙山女学園大学文化情報学部に合格出来る学力を身につける為の、学習内容、勉強量、勉強法、学習計画をご提示させて頂きます。宜しければ一度ご相談のお問い合わせお待ちしております。<br><a href=''>高3の9月、10月からの椙山女学園大学文化情報学部受験勉強</a>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '高3の11月、12月の今からでも椙山女学園大学文化情報学部受験に間に合いますか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "現状の学力・偏差値を確認させて下さい。あまりにも今の学力が椙山女学園大学文化情報学部受験に必要なレベルから大きくかけ離れている場合はお断りさせて頂いておりますが、可能性は十分にあります。まずはとにかくすぐにご連絡下さい。現在の状況から椙山女学園大学文化情報学部合格に向けてどのように勉強を進めていくのかご相談に乗ります。<br><a href=''>高3の11月、12月からの椙山女学園大学文化情報学部受験勉強</a>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '毎日の勉強時間はどのぐらいとれば良いですか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "椙山女学園大学文化情報学部に合格する為の勉強時間は、現在の学力・偏差値によって必要な勉強時間は異なります。じゅけラボ予備校は、生徒一人一人に最適化されたオーダーメイドカリキュラムを提供しますので、効率よく勉強でき、勉強時間を最適化できます。現在の学力が確認出来れば、椙山女学園大学文化情報学部入試までに最低限必要な勉強時間をお伝え出来ます。<br><a href=''>椙山女学園大学文化情報学部合格に向けた受験勉強</a>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '椙山女学園大学文化情報学部の合否判定がE判定ですが、合格できますか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "E判定でも椙山女学園大学文化情報学部合格は可能です。偏差値や倍率を見て第一志望を諦める必要はありません。じゅけラボではE判定、D判定、偏差値30台から国公立大学、難関私立大学に合格する為の「勉強のやり方」と「学習計画」を提供させていただきます。<br><a href=''>E判定、偏差値30台からの大学受験対策講座</a>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': '浪人生、社会人の椙山女学園大学文化情報学部の受験対策は可能でしょうか?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "現役高校生の受験対策だけでなく、浪人生、または社会人の方で椙山女学園大学文化情報学部合格を目指している方に、椙山女学園大学文化情報学部合格に向けたオーダーメイドの受験対策カリキュラムを作成して入試までの勉強法をサポートします。<br><a href=''>浪人生向け大学受験対策</a>\u3000<a href=''>社会人向け大学受験対策</a>"}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': "What's the average cost of renting a car in Canada?", 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'When renting a car in Canada you should expect to pay around $36.50 per day.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is the most budget friendly car rental in Canada?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The cheapest car rental in Canada is Budget Car Rental and you can find prices from as low as $31 per day.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What’s the minimum age requirement to rent a car in Canada?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'You have to be at least 21 years old to rent a car in Canada.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Can I have additional drivers on the rental agreement in Canada?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Yes you can usually add an extra driver to your reservation with most car rental companies in Canada. However, many of them come with an additional charge.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What’s the best car for getting around Canada?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'One of the best cars and most common for driving around Canada is the Toyota Prius.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Which is the most famous zone in Canada?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The zone around the Bow and Calgary Tower is the most popular part of the city.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'What is the population of Canada?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'As of 2019 the population of Canada was estimated to be 38.01 million.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': "What's the biggest attraction of Canada?", 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Without a doubt, the Niagara Falls is the top attraction in Canada.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How is traffic in Canada?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Canada is not considered a country with heavy traffic.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Is it advisable to rent a car in Canada?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "Yes, especially if you're visiting Canada with your family, if you want the choice of your vehicle types and good prices, you should arrange it as soon as possible."}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'How often are the Olympic Games?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'The Olympic Games happen every four years – the Summer Olympics Gamers and Winter Olympic Games. The two are held on a staggered two-year schedule, so technically, the Olympics occur every two years.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Which sports can you bet on in the Olympics?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "The Winter Olympics and Summer Olympics feature different sports, with the list of events changing every four years. The most popular Summer Olympic Games sports include soccer and basketball, whereas the Winter Olympics' most popular events are ice hockey and alpine skiing."}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Where can you bet on the Olympic games?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'You can bet on Olympics in essentially all online sportsbooks since all online operators offer Olympic Games betting lines. However, you should always bet on legal and licensed sportsbooks.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'name': 'FAQ', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Fixing Foundation Cracks From the Outside: How to Patch Minor Cracks', 'answerCount': '1', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "Not only can these issues be stressful, but they may lead to larger problems when left untreated. Your home is most likely your biggest asset, so it's important to protect your investment as best you can.\r\n\r\nWondering how to repair foundation cracks from outside? For small cracks, you can patch them yourself by gathering the right tools and following these steps:\r\n\r\n1. Inspect the area.\r\n\r\n2. Prepare the crack for repair.\r\n\r\n3. Begin by repairing hairline cracks\r\n\r\n4. Repair larger cracks\r\n\r\n5. Seal the foundation walls"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': "What Are The Supplies You'll Need to Repair Cracked Foundation Outside?", 'answerCount': '1', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "This process does take some learning, and it's something you want to research thoroughly if you've never done it. Begin by acquiring all needed supplies - even for the smallest of cracks, supply lists can be extensive, but many of these tools will come in handy for other DIY projects as well. A few items you need to gather include but are not limited to:\r\n\r\nHammer\r\nDust mask\r\nAir compressor\r\nPatching compound\r\nPutty knife\r\nCement mix\r\nCaulking gun\r\n\r\nThe repair of small cracks makes for a great DIY project. This generally involves less serious issues, like hairline cracks in mortar joints. You can use some of these materials to repair drywall cracks as well."}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Was ist', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': ' ist ein Auftragsauktionsportal für Freiberufler. <br>Wir erleichtern Freiberuflern die Suche nach Lehraufträgen und helfen Bildungseinrichtung, Sprachen-und Nachhilfeschulen ihre Aufträge schneller und effizienter auszuschreiben und zu managen.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Wie funktioniert', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<div>Auftraggeber aus ganz Norddeutschland veröffentlichen Lehraufträge auf der Plattform und können, die auf registrierten, Freiberufler zur Gebotsabgabe einladen. Freiberufler können im öffentlichen Auftragsverzeichnis nach passenden Lehraufträgen suchen und durch Angebotsabgabe an der Ausschreibung teilnehmen. Bei Zustandekommen eines Vertrags (Auftraggeber wählt das Gebot eines Freiberuflers) können beide Parteien in einem SSL geschützten Arbeitsraum für den Auftrag relevante Details austauschen. Im Arbeitsraum können Rechnungen, Teilnehmerlisten, und Kursmaterialien hinterlegt, Fristen verwaltet werden. Freiberufler können auf der Plattform selbstständig oder im Namen von Aufträge übernehmen und eine Stammkundenschaft aufbauen. </div>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Wie lauten die offizielen Hygienevorgaben zum Schutz gegen das Corona-Virus?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<div>In privaten Bildungseinrichtungen gelten folgende Hygienevorgaben:\r\n<ol>\r\n<li>Anwesende Personen müssen das Abstandsgebot von 1,5m zu jederzeit einhalten.</li>\r\n<li>Der Zugang für Personen ist so zu begrenzen und zu überwachen, dass anwesende Personen auf der jeweils zur Verfügung stehenden Fläche das Abstandsgebot von 1,5m einhalten können.</li>\r\n<li> Personen mit den Symptomen einer akuten Atemwegserkrankung ist der Zutritt nicht gestattet, bei Bildung von Warteschlangen ist durch geeignete technische oder organisatorische Vorkehrungen zu gewährleisten, dass Personen das Abstandsgebot nach 1,5m einhalten können.\r\n</li><li>In geschlossenen Räumen ist die Möglichkeit zum Waschen oder Desinfizieren der Hände bereitzustellen.\r\n</li><li>Häufig berührte Oberflächen wie Tafeln, Türklinken, Bestuhlung sowie Sanitäranlagen sind regelmäßig von Reinigungskräften zu reinigen. Die Reinigung ist zu dokumentieren.\r\n</li><li>In geschlossenen Räumen ist eine ausreichende Lüftung, die das Infektionsrisiko reduziert, zu gewährleisten.\r\n</li><li>Auf diese Anforderungen sind alle anwesende Personen durch schriftliche, akustische oder bildliche Hinweise aufmerksam zu machen. Nutzen Sie zum Beispiel <a href='' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Hygieneplakate der BG Bau</a>, <a href='ändewaschen.pdf' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Anleitung zum Händewaschen</a>.\r\n</li></ol><b>Die Einhaltung der Hygienevorgaben ist durch geeignete personelle, technische oder organisatorische Maßnahmen zu gewährleisten.</b><br>Für alle Beschäftigten sind die allgemeinen Arbeitsschutzvorschriften und -standards in Verbindung mit der branchenspezifischen Konkretisierung des Unfallversicherungsträgers umzusetzen. Gewerbetreibende haben die jeweils geltenden Vorgaben der zuständigen Berufsgenossenschaften einzuhalten.(!) Weitergehende Anordnungen der zuständigen Behörden bleiben unberührt. Dazu gehören die von dem Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales geltenden <a href='' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>Arbeitsschutzstandards für Sars-Cov-2</a> (Covid19).\r\n</div>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Wer gilt als freiberufliche Lehrkraft?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<div>\r\nAls freiberuflich tätige Lehrkräfte werden alle die bezeichnet, die Unterrichtsleistungen gegen Rechnung im privaten Wirtschaftssektor d.h. bei freien Bildungsträgern und privaten Bildungsdienstleistern z.B. Sprachenschulen, Nachhilfeschulen, Musikschulen, Theaterschulen, Volksschulen, Fortbildungschulen, Betreuungseinrichtungen mit Bildungsangeboten usw. anbieten.<br>\r\nDabei ist unerheblich um welche Art von Unterrichtsleistung es sich handelt: Musikunterricht, Nachhilfe, Sprachkurse, Seminare, Prüfungsvorbereitungen, Sportunterricht oder einfach nur Coaching. Wenn Sie entgeltlich Wissen weitergeben, sind Sie eine Lehrkraft. Du findest interessante Lehrerjobs bei uns im <a href=''> Auftragsverzeichnis </a>.\r\n</div>"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Kann ich auch als Quereinsteiger Lehraufträge übernehmen?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<div>Per Grundgesetz genießt jeder in Deutschland das Recht seinen Beruf frei zu wählen und auszuüben. Das heißt es kann Ihnen keiner verbieten auch ohne pädagogischen oder lehramtlichen Hintergrund als Lehrer zu arbeiten. Wenn Sie eine Sprache, ein Schulfach oder eine Fähigkeit gut beherrschen und kommunikativ veranlagt sind, dann können Sie sich frei nach Lehrgelegenheiten umsehen. Natürlich gibt es branchenübliche Ansprüche und Qualitätsanforderungen, die Sie im Bewerbungsprozess bei Bildungsdienstleistern besser stellen, wenn Sie diese beherrschen. Wir empfehlen Ihnen an einem unserer Online-Seminare teilzunehmen um die notwendige Softskills und Erfahrungswerte anzueignen. Sie finden alle Termine auf unserer <a href=''>Facebookseite</a> oder googeln Sie einfach nach Lehrkraft24 Seminar.</div>\r\n"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Welche Qualifikation braucht eine Lehrkraft?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<div>Anders als bei verbeamteten Lehrern an öffentlichen Schulen gibt es für freiberufliche Lehrer keine Zulassungsbeschränkungen außer denen, die vom Auftraggeber auferlegt werden. Freiberuflich tätige Lehrer müssen kein Staatsexamen ablegen und keine Referendariatszeit absolvieren. Sie sind frei sich bei jederartigen Lehrtätigkeit zu engagieren. Ob eine Lehrkraft für einen Lehrauftrag qualifiziert ist, kann zwischen dem Freiberufler und Auftraggeber ausgehandelt werden. Grundsätzlich kann jeder einen Unterricht führen, solange er über ausreichende Fachkenntnisse und Lehrerfahrung verfügt. Für die meisten Lehrstellen haben sich folgende Qualifikationen als besonders erfolgversprechend erwiesen: min. 500 Stunden Lehrerfahrung, eine Fachausbildung, Bachelorstudium ab Semester 4, zweite Muttersprache, Fortbildungen.</div>\r\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Welche Anforderungen stellen Auftraggeber an Lehrkräfte?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<div>Für einzelne Bildungssparten haben sich konkrete Anforderungen herausgebildet:<br>\r\n<b>Sprachenschulen:</b><br>\r\n- Muttersprachler oder Zusatzqualifikation z.B. Sprachzertifikat B2, DaF Ausbildung, BAMF Zulassung, DDaz Qualifikation<br>\r\n<b>Nachhilfeschulen (Studentische Nachhilfe):</b><br>\r\n- Studierende min. 4 Semester oder gutes Schulzeugnis<br>\r\n<b>Nachhilfeinstitute (Nachhilfelehrer):</b><br>\r\n- pädagogische Ausbildung<br>\r\n- Lehramtsstudium oder abgeschlossenes Studium<br>\r\n- Qualifizierung Lerntherapie, Ergotherapie und Logopädie<br>\r\n<b>Fortbildungsschule</b><br>\r\n- abgeschlossene Fachausbildung und min. 5 Jahre Berufserfahrung</div>'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Müssen freiberufliche Lehrer ein Gewerbe anmelden?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<div>Der freiberufliche Lehrer ist schöpferisch und unterrichtend tätig, er muss in den meisten Fällen kein Gewerbe anmelden. Eine ausführliche Erklärung finden Sie auf dem Blog <a href=''></a>. Was weit aus wichtiger ist die Frage der Selbstständigkeit. Hier ist zwischen dem selbstständig tätigen freiberuflichen Lehrer und dem angestellten Lehrer zu unterscheiden.</div>\r\n"}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Sind freiberufliche Lehrer automatisch selbständig?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': '<div>Die Freiberuflichkeit ist ein wichtiger Teil der Berufsfreiheit und unseres Rechts auf Selbstverwirklichung. Der Freiberufler strebt die Freiheit seiner Zeit, seiner Arbeitskraft, seines Einsatzortes und der Art wie er seine Arbeit ausführt von der Weisung eines Vorgesetzten, also eine Selbstständigkeit an. Freiberufliche Lehrkräfte arbeiten meist auf Honorarbasis unter einem sog. Vertrag über freie Mitarbeit. Sie übernehmen periodisch Aufträge für den Auftraggeber und stellen anschließend Rechnung. Damit tragen Sie das Risiko für Ausfälle Ihrer Einkünfte und ihren Tätigkeitserfolg. Freiberufliche Lehrer werden als Unternehmer eingestuft (Solo-Einzelunternehmer). Sie genießen steuerliche Vorteile und können sich von Versicherungspflichten befreien. Wenn Sie die Freiheiten des Selbständigen genießen wollen, müssen Sie Scheinselbstständigkeit vermeiden.</div>\r\n'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Wie kann man Scheinselbstständigkeit vermeiden?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "<div>Können Sie als Freiberufler nicht gewährleisten, dass Sie ausreichend Aufträge bei unterschiedlichen Auftraggebern finden, dann könnten Sie oder Ihr Auftraggeber zur Nachzahlung von Sozialversicherungsbeiträgen <a href=''>(nach § 2 Nr. 1 SGB VI)</a> gezwungen werden. Bei Ihrer Mitarbeit an Lehraufträgen ist vor allem wichtig, dass Sie von dem Auftraggeber nicht abhängig sind wie dies ein normaler Angestellter ist. Das bedeutet, dass Freiberufler nicht in den Betrieb eingegliedert sein dürfen, und dabei nicht einem Zeit, Dauer, Ort und Art der Ausführung umfassenden Weisungsrecht des Arbeitgebers unterliegen sollten. Es muss gewährleistet werden können, dass Sie Ihre Lehrtätigkeit frei gestalten können. Wie eine rechtssichere Vertragsgestaltung aussehen kann erfahren Sie in einem unserer Seminare auf <a href=''>Facebookseite</a> oder bei unserem <a href=''>Fortbildungspartner</a>.</div>\r\n"}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Quels sont les 5 facteurs de succ&egrave;s CRM ?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Succ&egrave;s CRM&nbsp;: cinq &eacute;l&eacute;ments essentielsD&eacute;velopper une strat&eacute;gie centr&eacute;e sur le client. La premi&egrave;re &eacute;tape majeure de tout projet CRM r&eacute;ussi est la cr&eacute;ation d\'un plan strat&eacute;gique. ...Cr&eacute;er une culture centr&eacute;e sur le client. ...Exploitez la puissance des informations client. ...Int&eacute;grer la technologie. ...Effectuez des mesures et des am&eacute;liorations continues.Quels sont les 4 P du CRM ? Les "4 P du succ&egrave;s CRM" sont la planification, les personnes, le processus et la plate-forme pour certains, tandis que pour d\'autres, il s\'agit du produit, du processus, de la <a href=\'\'><strong>politique et des personnes. L\'article discutera de ces aspects avec des exemples indiens.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Quel est le composant le plus important du CRM&nbsp;?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "L'automatisation de la force de vente (SFA) est le composant le plus essentiel du CRM. Il est utilis&eacute; par presque toutes les organisations. Il s'agit d'une solution logicielle qui comprend les pr&eacute;visions, le suivi des clients potentiels, l'interaction avec les clients et le traitement des ventes. Il aide &agrave; identifier les possibilit&eacute;s de revenus.Quel est le composant principal du CRM&nbsp;? Les 4 composantes de la gestion de la relation client sont la satisfaction, la fid&eacute;lit&eacute;, la rentabilit&eacute; et la fid&eacute;lisation client."}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Quels sont les principaux types de CRM&nbsp;?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "Il existe trois principaux types de syst&egrave;mes CRM : collaboratif, analytique et op&eacute;rationnel.Quels sont certains types de CRM&nbsp;? Trois grands types de CRM sont analytiques, op&eacute;rationnels et collaboratifs. Mais certains analystes divisent le CRM en encore plus de cat&eacute;gories. Des exemples d'autres types non couverts dans cet article incluent le CRM strat&eacute;gique (parfois appel&eacute; CRM collaboratif) et le CRM de gestion de campagne."}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Comment les 4C fonctionnent-ils ensemble ?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': "La cr&eacute;ativit&eacute; apprend aux &eacute;l&egrave;ves &agrave; penser d'une mani&egrave;re qui leur est propre. La collaboration enseigne aux &eacute;l&egrave;ves que les groupes peuvent cr&eacute;er quelque chose de plus grand et de meilleur que vous ne pouvez le faire par vous-m&ecirc;me. La communication enseigne aux &eacute;l&egrave;ves comment transmettre efficacement des id&eacute;es. Combin&eacute;s, les quatre C permettent aux &eacute;tudiants de devenir des groupes de r&eacute;flexion d'une seule personne.Quels sont les 4C de la collaboration ? Savez-vous ce qu'ils sont? La communication, la collaboration, la pens&eacute;e critique et la cr&eacute;ativit&eacute; sont consid&eacute;r&eacute;es comme les quatre C et sont toutes des comp&eacute;tences n&eacute;cessaires pour r&eacute;ussir dans le monde d'aujourd'hui."}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Quels sont les 4&nbsp;I du leadership transformationnel&nbsp;?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Il y a quatre facteurs dans le leadership transformationnel (&eacute;galement connu sous le nom de "quatre I")&nbsp;: l\'influence id&eacute;alis&eacute;e, la motivation inspirante, la stimulation intellectuelle et la consid&eacute;ration individuelle.Qui a d&eacute;velopp&eacute; les 4&nbsp;I du leadership transformationnel&nbsp;? L\'id&eacute;e moderne du leadership transformationnel est bas&eacute;e sur 4 &eacute;l&eacute;ments d&eacute;crits par Bernard A. Bass en 1985 : l\'influence id&eacute;alis&eacute;e, la stimulation intellectuelle, la consid&eacute;ration individualis&eacute;e et la motivation inspirante.'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Warum ist der Gummistiefelprofi Aktionscode ungültig?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'In Gummistiefelprofi kann nur ein Gutscheincodes für eine einzelne Bestellung verwendet werden. Für jeden Gummistiefelprofi Gutscheine gilt eine entsprechende Verwendungsregel. Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob der Rabattcodes sowie Gummistiefelprofi Gutscheincodes abgelaufen ist und ob zwischen Groß- und Kleinschreibung unterschieden wird. Wenn Sie überprüft haben, dass keine der oben genannten Bedingungen aufgetreten ist, können Sie sich an Gummistiefelprofi wenden, um das Problem zu lösen.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Wie viele Gutscheine kann ich bei Gummistiefelprofi erhalten?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Gummistiefelprofi wird von Zeit zu Zeit Werbeaktivitäten durchführen. Die von Gummistiefelprofi ausgegebene Anzahl von Gutscheine richtet sich nach der tatsächlichen Situation des Monats, daher können Kunden die monatlichen Rabatte schätzen. Einfach besuchen Sie die Homepage für Details zu bestimmten Aktionen.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Wie kann ich mich mit Gummistiefelprofi verbinden?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Zusätzlich zu, hat Gummistiefelprofi die neuesten Produktinformationen und Fotos veröffentlicht und Gummistiefelprofi Gutscheincodes in seinen sozialen Medien bereitgestellt. Daher sollen Sie jetzt nur noch Social Media Kanäle von Gummistiefelprofi abonnieren, und Sie verlieren keine Informationen, die Sie interessieren zum Beispiel Gummistiefelprofi Gutscheincodes.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Was ist das neueste Angebot von Gummistiefelprofi?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Das neueste Event-Warm-up von Gummistiefelprofi wird auf den wichtigsten Medienplattformen und veröffentlicht. Einfach öffnen Sie während des Events und suchen Sie nach Gummistiefelprofi. Sie sehen Angebote wie 10% Rabatt Auf Die Aktuelle Auf Produkte Der Kategorien und erfahren den aktuellen Preis. Worauf warten Sie noch? Es gibt keine solche Aktivität in Gummistiefelprofi nach dem Fehlen!'}}]}
{'@context': '', '@type': 'FAQPage', 'mainEntity': [{'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Warum ist der Foto Erhardt Aktionscode ungültig?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Das Verwendungsdatum wird für jeden Promo Codes in Foto Erhardt festgelegt. In den meisten Fällen kann der Gutscheine sowie Foto Erhardt Gutscheincodes nur einmal verwendet werden. Wenn der Foto Erhardt Promo Codes nicht verfügbar ist, überprüfen Sie bitte, ob er ungültig ist oder verwendet wurde. Natürlich können Sie sich auch bei anmelden und nach verwandten Informationen suchen, um sie anzuzeigen.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Wie viele Gutscheine kann ich bei Foto Erhardt erhalten?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'In Bezug auf die spezifische Anzahl von Foto Erhardt Coupons, die Sie erhalten und verwenden können, können Sie die Details der Foto Erhardt Angebote in überprüfen. Diese Gutscheine werden alle von Foto Erhardt bereitgestellt, damit Kunden mehr Geld hinterlassen können. Foto Erhardt hofft, dass Sie einen wunderbaren Einkaufsbummel haben.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Wie kann ich mich mit Foto Erhardt verbinden?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Zusätzlich zu, hat Foto Erhardt die neuesten Produktinformationen und Fotos veröffentlicht und Foto Erhardt Gutscheincodes in seinen sozialen Medien bereitgestellt. Daher sollen Sie jetzt nur noch Social Media Kanäle von Foto Erhardt abonnieren, und Sie verlieren keine Informationen, die Sie interessieren zum Beispiel Foto Erhardt Gutscheincodes.'}}, {'@type': 'Question', 'name': 'Was ist das neueste Angebot von Foto Erhardt?', 'acceptedAnswer': {'@type': 'Answer', 'text': 'Die neuesten Preise von Foto Erhardt werden auf der Homepage von veröffentlicht. Foto Erhardt hofft, alle Kunden können Foto Erhardt folgen und den Rabatt beim ersten Mal meistern, weil Foto Erhardt aller Kunden tolle Rabatte wie Gutscheine gewähren und Ihnen Geld sparen kann. Worauf warten Sie noch?'}}]}