2 classes
7. The rewards anticipated from corruption by the offenders should be reduced by expeditious law enforcement and asset recovery.
expeditious law enforcement and asset recovery. 8. Finally, any social tolerance for corruption should be reduced by the deeper
8. Finally, any social tolerance for corruption should be reduced by the deeper involvement of independent media and civil society in anti-corruption campaigns,
involvement of independent media and civil society in anti-corruption campaigns, by rewarding those who were not corrupt and by systematically stigmatizing corrupt
by rewarding those who were not corrupt and by systematically stigmatizing corrupt behaviour.
behaviour. 9. The participants at the Workshop stressed the potential value of drafting an
9. The participants at the Workshop stressed the potential value of drafting an international convention against corruption. It was agreed that such an instrument
international convention against corruption. It was agreed that such an instrument could be successfully implemented only if Governments were ready to provide both
could be successfully implemented only if Governments were ready to provide both political support and the necessary financial resources.
political support and the necessary financial resources. Annex II to the letter dated 18 May 2000 from the Permanent
Annex II to the letter dated 18 May 2000 from the Permanent Representative of Austriato the United Nations addressed to
Representative of Austriato the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General
the Secretary-General Workshop on community involvement in crime prevention
Workshop on community involvement in crime prevention Discussion
Discussion 1. The Workshop on community involvement in crime prevention, organized by
1. The Workshop on community involvement in crime prevention, organized by the International Centre for the Prevention of Crime, was held on 12 and 13 April
the International Centre for the Prevention of Crime, was held on 12 and 13 April 2000. The Workshop had before it a background paper on community involvement
2000. The Workshop had before it a background paper on community involvement in crime prevention (A/CONF.187/11). Twenty-nine panellists addressed the
in crime prevention (A/CONF.187/11). Twenty-nine panellists addressed the Workshop, followed by the representatives of 13 States, the observers for 2 non-governmental organizations and 2 individual experts.
Workshop, followed by the representatives of 13 States, the observers for 2 non-governmental organizations and 2 individual experts. 2. The Workshop focused on two issues: (a) identification of models of best
2. The Workshop focused on two issues: (a) identification of models of best practice in community involvement in crime prevention; and (b) how States and
practice in community involvement in crime prevention; and (b) how States and communities could share their experiences in successful crime prevention. It was
communities could share their experiences in successful crime prevention. It was acknowledged that crime was costly both for the victims and the communities
acknowledged that crime was costly both for the victims and the communities concerned, and that it affected the quality of people鈥檚 lives. Every year, millions of
concerned, and that it affected the quality of people鈥檚 lives. Every year, millions of people around the world were victims of such crime as homicide, violence against
people around the world were victims of such crime as homicide, violence against women, burglary and car theft. It was noted that the costs of crime represented 5 per
women, burglary and car theft. It was noted that the costs of crime represented 5 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP) in some developed countries and as much as
cent of gross domestic product (GDP) in some developed countries and as much as 14 per cent of GDP in developing countries. To reduce the level of crime and
14 per cent of GDP in developing countries. To reduce the level of crime and increase the public鈥檚 sense of security, a well-balanced approach between the
increase the public鈥檚 sense of security, a well-balanced approach between the traditional responses to crime and preventive measures that involved the community
traditional responses to crime and preventive measures that involved the community was required. Indeed, the fight against transnational organized crime could not be
was required. Indeed, the fight against transnational organized crime could not be won if it failed to address the safety and security needs of local communities.
won if it failed to address the safety and security needs of local communities. 3. It was agreed that knowledge about the causes and risk factors associated with
3. It was agreed that knowledge about the causes and risk factors associated with crime and victimization was now well developed. Many countries had established
crime and victimization was now well developed. Many countries had established effective crime prevention programmes and policies, and promising results had been
effective crime prevention programmes and policies, and promising results had been obtained in a number of projects that had been thoroughly evaluated. Many
obtained in a number of projects that had been thoroughly evaluated. Many contemporary trends, however, gave rise to concern, such as the widening gap
contemporary trends, however, gave rise to concern, such as the widening gap between rich and poor, exclusion of youth, the gender gap, urban expansion and the
between rich and poor, exclusion of youth, the gender gap, urban expansion and the availability of firearms. Street violence and gratuitous, senseless and random
availability of firearms. Street violence and gratuitous, senseless and random violence were growing concerns that posed significant threats to society. The
violence were growing concerns that posed significant threats to society. The involvement of youth in criminal activity, both as perpetrators and as victims, was
involvement of youth in criminal activity, both as perpetrators and as victims, was also a concern in many communities. In countries in which crime had increased
also a concern in many communities. In countries in which crime had increased significantly in recent years, the level of urban insecurity had also grown. Even
significantly in recent years, the level of urban insecurity had also grown. Even where crime had diminished, insecurity and fear of crime had tended to increase,
where crime had diminished, insecurity and fear of crime had tended to increase, especially in urban areas. One challenge to societies was to develop sustainable
especially in urban areas. One challenge to societies was to develop sustainable responses to crime.
responses to crime. 4. It was stated, that in devising measures of community safety, it was necessary
4. It was stated, that in devising measures of community safety, it was necessary to go beyond assessing crime figures. Responsiveness to the demands and
to go beyond assessing crime figures. Responsiveness to the demands and expectations of the population by means of consultative mechanisms, victimization
expectations of the population by means of consultative mechanisms, victimization surveys, crime audits and action plans were also keys to mobilizing local
surveys, crime audits and action plans were also keys to mobilizing local communities. Policy development should be based on solid research, and strategies
communities. Policy development should be based on solid research, and strategies must be based on the analysis of social and urban development indicators, such as
must be based on the analysis of social and urban development indicators, such as levels of unemployment, exclusion of youth, proportion of immigrants or type of
levels of unemployment, exclusion of youth, proportion of immigrants or type of housing.
housing. 5. It was emphasized that Governments and communities should work together to
5. It was emphasized that Governments and communities should work together to respondeffectively to such challenges. Integrated policies that involved crime
respondeffectively to such challenges. Integrated policies that involved crime control, crime prevention and social solidarity measures were required. Inter-ministerial cooperation at the national level and the horizontal integration of
control, crime prevention and social solidarity measures were required. Inter-ministerial cooperation at the national level and the horizontal integration of partners at the local level were also encouraged. Action at the local level was
partners at the local level were also encouraged. Action at the local level was viewed as the engine of prevention, since it involved the affected populations and
viewed as the engine of prevention, since it involved the affected populations and was most attuned to local issues. In this regard, various tools had proved to be
was most attuned to local issues. In this regard, various tools had proved to be effective. These included the establishment of community councils and safety and
effective. These included the establishment of community councils and safety and security contracts between central and local governments. A number of speakers
security contracts between central and local governments. A number of speakers stated that integrated and knowledge-based approaches should involve situational,
stated that integrated and knowledge-based approaches should involve situational, social development and community reorganization measures that targeted risk
social development and community reorganization measures that targeted risk factors. Several speakers stressed that the establishment of true partnerships between
factors. Several speakers stressed that the establishment of true partnerships between key agencies and the community was a long-term process, requiring the sharing of
key agencies and the community was a long-term process, requiring the sharing of information and power. Key lessons learned included the need for political
information and power. Key lessons learned included the need for political leadership and commitment, ensuring the involvement of local officials, the need to
leadership and commitment, ensuring the involvement of local officials, the need to integrate local and national strategies, and the importance of taking local concerns
integrate local and national strategies, and the importance of taking local concerns into account and providing proper training for practitioners.
into account and providing proper training for practitioners. 6. It was agreed that the implementation of a comprehensive prevention strategy
6. It was agreed that the implementation of a comprehensive prevention strategy required new ways of thinking and organization. It was imperative that all
required new ways of thinking and organization. It was imperative that all governmental, public and private organizations concerned with human, social and
governmental, public and private organizations concerned with human, social and economic development recognized community safety as a fundamental right, and
economic development recognized community safety as a fundamental right, and that they integrated crime prevention into their mandates and activities. Relying on
that they integrated crime prevention into their mandates and activities. Relying on community action should not be an excuse or a mask for providing poor public
community action should not be an excuse or a mask for providing poor public services. Adequate levels of funding and support were essential elements of success.
services. Adequate levels of funding and support were essential elements of success. 7. Information was provided on technical cooperation projects in which
7. Information was provided on technical cooperation projects in which Governments, intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations
Governments, intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations were involved. The activities described were aimed at both national and local
were involved. The activities described were aimed at both national and local governments, and ranged from the development of crime prevention manuals to the
governments, and ranged from the development of crime prevention manuals to the raising of public awareness. Assistance could also be made available for the
raising of public awareness. Assistance could also be made available for the formulation of strategy documents, the design and implementation of victim surveys
formulation of strategy documents, the design and implementation of victim surveys and the collection of data for crime statistics.
and the collection of data for crime statistics. Conclusion
Conclusion 8. A number of core issues for the involvement of the community in crime
8. A number of core issues for the involvement of the community in crime prevention were identified. It was emphasized that there were no simple or short-term solutions to the nexus of crime, victimization and insecurity, which were
prevention were identified. It was emphasized that there were no simple or short-term solutions to the nexus of crime, victimization and insecurity, which were complex realities with multiple causes. There were, however, numerous promising
complex realities with multiple causes. There were, however, numerous promising crime prevention strategies and programmes that had been effective. Integrated,
crime prevention strategies and programmes that had been effective. Integrated, comprehensive and sustainable responses could be formulated on the basis of
comprehensive and sustainable responses could be formulated on the basis of examples of good practice, such as those shared by the participants in the Workshop.
examples of good practice, such as those shared by the participants in the Workshop. Identifying key elements of successful prevention models would help to ensure their
Identifying key elements of successful prevention models would help to ensure their transferability and sustainability. It was agreed that such models would need to be
transferability and sustainability. It was agreed that such models would need to be adapted to the specific needs of interested countries and communities, bearing in
adapted to the specific needs of interested countries and communities, bearing in mind their respective social conditions and cultural norms. There was also a need to
mind their respective social conditions and cultural norms. There was also a need to develop more knowledge-based approaches by monitoring and evaluating ongoing
develop more knowledge-based approaches by monitoring and evaluating ongoing initiatives, and their cost-effectiveness, and replication studies.
initiatives, and their cost-effectiveness, and replication studies. 9. Participants in the Workshop on community involvement in crime prevention
9. Participants in the Workshop on community involvement in crime prevention called for action in the following areas:
called for action in the following areas: (a) Local communities should be recognized as the focal points for the