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Permanent Missionof the Republic of Korea to the United Nations addressed to the President of the General Assembly
addressed to the President of the General Assembly Candidature of the Republic of Korea to the Human Rights
Candidature of the Republic of Korea to the Human Rights Council, 2020–2022
Council, 2020–2022 Voluntary pledges and commitments pursuant to General Assembly
Voluntary pledges and commitments pursuant to General Assembly resolution 60/251
resolution 60/251 Introduction
Introduction 1. The Republic of Korea has unique experience in improving its human rights
1. The Republic of Korea has unique experience in improving its human rights situation in the process of democratization and economic development over the past
situation in the process of democratization and economic development over the past decades. These achievements were made possible not only by the strong will of the
decades. These achievements were made possible not only by the strong will of the Korean people to overcome crises, but also by close cooperation with the international
Korean people to overcome crises, but also by close cooperation with the international community. Based on these valuable assets, the Republic of Korea would like to
community. Based on these valuable assets, the Republic of Korea would like to contribute to the improvement of the human rights situation around the world. The
contribute to the improvement of the human rights situation around the world. The Republic of Korea would like to play an active role as a bridge in the Human Rights
Republic of Korea would like to play an active role as a bridge in the Human Rights Council, particularly for the least developed countries. In this regard, the Republic of
Council, particularly for the least developed countries. In this regard, the Republic of Korea has strengthened a people-centred approach to implementing development
Korea has strengthened a people-centred approach to implementing development cooperation projects, with a focus on protecting and promoting the human rights
cooperation projects, with a focus on protecting and promoting the human rights situation and further supporting the achievement of the Sustainable Development
situation and further supporting the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Goals. 2. The Republic of Korea firmly upholds the universal value of human rights as a
2. The Republic of Korea firmly upholds the universal value of human rights as a centrepiece of its policy goals. As a State party to seven core international human
centrepiece of its policy goals. As a State party to seven core international human rights conventions, the Republic of Korea is earnestly striving to implement the
rights conventions, the Republic of Korea is earnestly striving to implement the provisions of the relevant conventions at the national level in cooperation with
provisions of the relevant conventions at the national level in cooperation with various stakeholders. Furthermore, the Republic of Korea has actively participated in
various stakeholders. Furthermore, the Republic of Korea has actively participated in the activities of the Human Rights Council and the Third Committee of the General
the activities of the Human Rights Council and the Third Committee of the General Assembly, working closely with the international community for the protection and
Assembly, working closely with the international community for the protection and promotion of human rights around the world.
promotion of human rights around the world. 3. At the national level, the Republic of Korea has drawn up the third national
3. At the national level, the Republic of Korea has drawn up the third national action plan for the promotion and protection of human rights, 2018–2022. The plan
action plan for the promotion and protection of human rights, 2018–2022. The plan covers 272 human rights-related tasks and outlines the commitment of the Republic
covers 272 human rights-related tasks and outlines the commitment of the Republic of Korea towards better human rights protection in line with its international human
of Korea towards better human rights protection in line with its international human rights obligations.
rights obligations. Contribution to international efforts to promote and protect
Contribution to international efforts to promote and protect human rights and the development of national human
human rights and the development of national human rights policies
rights policies Women’s rights
Women’s rights 4. The Republic of Korea has continued to support and contribute to global efforts
4. The Republic of Korea has continued to support and contribute to global efforts to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women. It has joined in
to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women. It has joined in sponsoring Human Rights Council and General Assembly resolutions on the
sponsoring Human Rights Council and General Assembly resolutions on the elimination of violence and discrimination against women.
elimination of violence and discrimination against women. 5. As regards international cooperation in promoting and protecting women’s
5. As regards international cooperation in promoting and protecting women’s rights, the Republic of Korea has served as a member of the Commission on the Status
rights, the Republic of Korea has served as a member of the Commission on the Status of Women and has actively participated in discussions on the promotion of gender
of Women and has actively participated in discussions on the promotion of gender equality, the elimination of sexual violence and the empowerment of women, and has
equality, the elimination of sexual violence and the empowerment of women, and has shared its efforts and best practices. It has also been participating in theExecutive
shared its efforts and best practices. It has also been participating in theExecutive Board of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of
Board of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women) since the establishment of UN-Women in 2010.
Women (UN-Women) since the establishment of UN-Women in 2010. 6. The Republic of Korea drew up the second basic plan for gender equality policy,
6. The Republic of Korea drew up the second basic plan for gender equality policy, 2018–2022, as a comprehensive national plan for promoting gender equality. In
2018–2022, as a comprehensive national plan for promoting gender equality. In addition, in 2017 the Republic of Korea established the plan for improving women’s
addition, in 2017 the Republic of Korea established the plan for improving women’s representation in key public sectors, 2018–2022, and has already reached its target
representation in key public sectors, 2018–2022, and has already reached its target ratios in some sectors, including at the director level in central and local government
ratios in some sectors, including at the director level in central and local government agencies in 2018. It will continue its efforts to increase women’s participation in key
agencies in 2018. It will continue its efforts to increase women’s participation in key decision-making processes in the public sector.
decision-making processes in the public sector. 7. In the drafting, implementing and evaluating of its development cooperation
7. In the drafting, implementing and evaluating of its development cooperation projects, the Republic of Korea is expanding gender perspectives in its policies and
projects, the Republic of Korea is expanding gender perspectives in its policies and projects. The Korea International Cooperation Agency set up the gender equality
projects. The Korea International Cooperation Agency set up the gender equality midterm strategy, 2016–2020, with a view to promoting gender equality and women’s
midterm strategy, 2016–2020, with a view to promoting gender equality and women’s dignity in society, and is seeking to contribute to the empowerment of women and the
dignity in society, and is seeking to contribute to the empowerment of women and the elevation of their status in developing countries. By employing this strategy, the
elevation of their status in developing countries. By employing this strategy, the Republic of Korea will contribute to international efforts to promote gender equality
Republic of Korea will contribute to international efforts to promote gender equality and sustainable development, in the spirit of equity and universality of the Sustainable
and sustainable development, in the spirit of equity and universality of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Development Goals. 8. Regarding the women and peace and security agenda, the Republic of Korea has
8. Regarding the women and peace and security agenda, the Republic of Korea has expressed its strong support for Security Council resolution 1325 (2000). In 2018, it
expressed its strong support for Security Council resolution 1325 (2000). In 2018, it established the second national action plan to implement that resolution and
established the second national action plan to implement that resolution and subsequent related resolutions.
subsequent related resolutions. 9. The Republic of Korea launched an “Action with women and peace” initiative
9. The Republic of Korea launched an “Action with women and peace” initiative in June 2018 to contribute to international efforts to promote the women and peace
in June 2018 to contribute to international efforts to promote the women and peace and security agenda, including the elimination of sexual violence in conflict. Under
and security agenda, including the elimination of sexual violence in conflict. Under this initiative, it will embark on projects to address the particular needs of women and
this initiative, it will embark on projects to address the particular needs of women and girls in situations of conflict and post-conflict and will hold an annual international
girls in situations of conflict and post-conflict and will hold an annual international conference to discuss issues of critical importance under the women and peace and
conference to discuss issues of critical importance under the women and peace and security agenda.
security agenda. Children’s rights
Children’s rights 10. The Republic of Korea has set a good example to the world with its transition
10. The Republic of Korea has set a good example to the world with its transition from a recipient of assistance from the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in
from a recipient of assistance from the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in the 1950s to a major donor today. The Republic of Korea is a member of the Executive
the 1950s to a major donor today. The Republic of Korea is a member of the Executive Board of UNICEF, contributing to UNICEF policymaking processes and projects for
Board of UNICEF, contributing to UNICEF policymaking processes and projects for children in need. Moreover, the Republic of Korea has held annual bilateral meetings
children in need. Moreover, the Republic of Korea has held annual bilateral meetings with UNICEF since 2004 and signed a framework agreement with UNICEF in 2009,
with UNICEF since 2004 and signed a framework agreement with UNICEF in 2009, paving the way towards strengthened international cooperation for the protection of
paving the way towards strengthened international cooperation for the protection of children’s rights.
children’s rights. 11. At the national level, the Republic of Korea strives to promote the rights of
11. At the national level, the Republic of Korea strives to promote the rights of children. Its many accomplishments include withdrawing its reservation to article 21,
children. Its many accomplishments include withdrawing its reservation to article 21, paragraph (a), of the Convention on the Rights of the Child for the adoption of a new
paragraph (a), of the Convention on the Rights of the Child for the adoption of a new law; drawing up the first master plan for child policy, 2015–2019, which prioritized
law; drawing up the first master plan for child policy, 2015–2019, which prioritized the best interests of children; and establishing the Child Rights Committee as an
the best interests of children; and establishing the Child Rights Committee as an independent monitoring institute under the National Human Rights Commission of
independent monitoring institute under the National Human Rights Commission of Korea.
Korea. 12. Regarding its efforts to end child abuse, the Republic of Korea will promote the
12. Regarding its efforts to end child abuse, the Republic of Korea will promote the Act on Special Cases Concerning the Punishment, etc. of Child Abuse Crimes,
Act on Special Cases Concerning the Punishment, etc. of Child Abuse Crimes, enacted in 2014, and the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Countering Child Abuse,
enacted in 2014, and the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Countering Child Abuse, launched in 2015, will develop preventive measures through continuous consultation
launched in 2015, will develop preventive measures through continuous consultation and cooperation. Furthermore, the Republic of Korea will participate sincerely in the
and cooperation. Furthermore, the Republic of Korea will participate sincerely in the 2019 meeting with the Committee on the Rights of the Child to review the fifth and
2019 meeting with the Committee on the Rights of the Child to review the fifth and sixth national reports of the Republic of Korea on the implementation of the
sixth national reports of the Republic of Korea on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Convention on the Rights of the Child. Rights of persons with disabilities
Rights of persons with disabilities 13. The Republic of Korea assumed the presidency of the Conference of States
13. The Republic of Korea assumed the presidency of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities for the period