2 classes
• Examining the possibility of becoming a party to the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance
for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance • Examining the possibility of accession to the Optional Protocol to the
• Examining the possibility of accession to the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment
Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
or Punishment • Considering the withdrawal of its reservations to article 16, paragraph (g), of
• Considering the withdrawal of its reservations to article 16, paragraph (g), of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against
the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and article 25, paragraph (e), of the Convention on Rights of Persons
Women and article 25, paragraph (e), of the Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities
with Disabilities • Considering the ratification of the Hague Convention on Protection of Children
• Considering the ratification of the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption
and Cooperation in respect of Intercountry Adoption • Considering the ratification of the fundamental conventions of the International
• Considering the ratification of the fundamental conventions of the International Labour Organization
Labour Organization Contribution to the Human Rights Council
Contribution to the Human Rights Council Full support for and active participation in the human rights mechanisms
Full support for and active participation in the human rights mechanisms 29. The Republic of Korea was a member of the Human Rights Council at the time
29. The Republic of Korea was a member of the Human Rights Council at the time of its establishment in 2006 and was most recently elected for the term of 2016–2018.
of its establishment in 2006 and was most recently elected for the term of 2016–2018. During its tenure, the Republic of Korea has been actively engaged in discussions on
During its tenure, the Republic of Korea has been actively engaged in discussions on major human rights issues, ranging from the protection and promotion of vulnerable
major human rights issues, ranging from the protection and promotion of vulnerable groups to country-specific human rights issues.
groups to country-specific human rights issues. 30. The Permanent Representative of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations
30. The Permanent Representative of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations Office at Geneva, Choi Kyong-lim, was elected as President of the Human Rights
Office at Geneva, Choi Kyong-lim, was elected as President of the Human Rights Council in 2016 and made significant contributions to the Council’s discussions on
Council in 2016 and made significant contributions to the Council’s discussions on improving its effectiveness and efficiency.
improving its effectiveness and efficiency. 31. The Republic of Korea has steadily made contributions to the trust fund to
31. The Republic of Korea has steadily made contributions to the trust fund to support the participation of least developed countries and small island developing
support the participation of least developed countries and small island developing States in the work of the Human Rights Council.
States in the work of the Human Rights Council. 32. The Republic of Korea extended a standing invitation to all thematic special
32. The Republic of Korea extended a standing invitation to all thematic special procedures in 2008 and invited eight special procedures to visit the country between
procedures in 2008 and invited eight special procedures to visit the country between January 2016 and February 2019. The Republic of Korea held candid and constructive
January 2016 and February 2019. The Republic of Korea held candid and constructive dialogues with special procedures, including in 2016 during the visit by the Special
dialogues with special procedures, including in 2016 during the visit by the Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association and by
Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association and by the Working Group on business and human rights, and in 2018 during the visit by the
the Working Group on business and human rights, and in 2018 during the visit by the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing. It also supported the Working Group on
Special Rapporteur on adequate housing. It also supported the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances for the holding of its 111th session in Seoul
Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances for the holding of its 111th session in Seoul in 2017. Furthermore, the Republic of Korea has made financial contributions to the
in 2017. Furthermore, the Republic of Korea has made financial contributions to the Coordination Committee of Special Procedures to support the collaborative activities
Coordination Committee of Special Procedures to support the collaborative activities of 56 special procedures. It will continue to cooperate with the special procedures of
of 56 special procedures. It will continue to cooperate with the special procedures of the Human Rights Council by rendering its full support for their visits.
the Human Rights Council by rendering its full support for their visits. 33. The Republic of Korea will play an active role in human rights advocacy around
33. The Republic of Korea will play an active role in human rights advocacy around the world by constructively participating in a wide range of discussions to promote
the world by constructively participating in a wide range of discussions to promote all aspects of human rights. It will remain constructively engaged in the activities of
all aspects of human rights. It will remain constructively engaged in the activities of the Human Rights Council and will support the fulfilment of its mandate and
the Human Rights Council and will support the fulfilment of its mandate and functions.
functions. Constructive engagement in the universal periodic review
Constructive engagement in the universal periodic review 34. The Republic of Korea attaches great importance to the universal periodic
34. The Republic of Korea attaches great importance to the universal periodic review mechanism and has fully engaged in the entire review process in good faith.
review mechanism and has fully engaged in the entire review process in good faith. The Republic of Korea underwent the third universal periodic review in 2017 in an
The Republic of Korea underwent the third universal periodic review in 2017 in an open and constructive manner, and actively participated in the session of the Working
open and constructive manner, and actively participated in the session of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review.
Group on the Universal Periodic Review. 35. The Republic of Korea conducted a review of the recommendations made during
35. The Republic of Korea conducted a review of the recommendations made during an interactive dialogue within the National Human Rights Policy Council. The
an interactive dialogue within the National Human Rights Policy Council. The recommendations accepted in the review process have been incorporated into the third
recommendations accepted in the review process have been incorporated into the third national action plan for the promotion and protection of human rights (2018–2022).
national action plan for the promotion and protection of human rights (2018–2022). 36. Moreover, for substantial improvement in the human rights situation of le ast
36. Moreover, for substantial improvement in the human rights situation of le ast developed countries, the Republic of Korea has contributed to the Voluntary Fund for
developed countries, the Republic of Korea has contributed to the Voluntary Fund for Financial and Technical Assistance and the voluntary trust fund for participation in
Financial and Technical Assistance and the voluntary trust fund for participation in the universal periodic review.
the universal periodic review. 37. The Republic of Korea will remain firmly supportive of the universal periodic
37. The Republic of Korea will remain firmly supportive of the universal periodic review and the collective efforts of the international community for the promotion
review and the collective efforts of the international community for the promotion and protection of human rights worldwide through constructive engagement with the
and protection of human rights worldwide through constructive engagement with the mechanism and dialogue with the States under review.
mechanism and dialogue with the States under review. Cooperation with Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
Cooperation with Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights 38. The Republic of Korea strongly supports and has made continuous contributions
38. The Republic of Korea strongly supports and has made continuous contributions to the work of OHCHR, including its field-based structure in Seoul, and has been
to the work of OHCHR, including its field-based structure in Seoul, and has been working closely with OHCHR on various issues, including new technology and
working closely with OHCHR on various issues, including new technology and human rights. Contributions by the Republic of Korea to OHCHR have increased
human rights. Contributions by the Republic of Korea to OHCHR have increased more than sixfold over the past 10 years. In cooperation with OHCHR, it will continue
more than sixfold over the past 10 years. In cooperation with OHCHR, it will continue to advocate for gender equality, child protection, democracy, good governance, the
to advocate for gender equality, child protection, democracy, good governance, the rule of law and fundamental human rights and freedoms.