6 values
Translate from (eng) to (spa)
There at school or at...
allá en la escuela o en...
Translate from (eng) to (tos)
There at school or at...
anta kg'pukgalhtawakga chipi
Translate from (spa) to (tos)
¿cómo le vamos a hacer?
lanlha na tlhawayaw
Translate from (spa) to (eng)
¿cómo le vamos a hacer?
How are we going to do it?
Translate from (tos) to (spa)
lanlha na tlhawayaw
¿cómo le vamos a hacer?
Translate from (tos) to (eng)
lanlha na tlhawayaw
How are we going to do it?
Translate from (eng) to (spa)
How are we going to do it?
¿cómo le vamos a hacer?
Translate from (eng) to (tos)
How are we going to do it?
lanlha na tlhawayaw
Translate from (spa) to (tos)
hola, ¿qué estás haciendo?
tlhen tucha tlhawapath
Translate from (spa) to (eng)
hola, ¿qué estás haciendo?
Hi, what are you doing?
Translate from (tos) to (spa)
tlhen tucha tlhawapath
hola, ¿qué estás haciendo?
Translate from (tos) to (eng)
tlhen tucha tlhawapath
Hi, what are you doing?
Translate from (eng) to (spa)
Hi, what are you doing?
hola, ¿qué estás haciendo?
Translate from (eng) to (tos)
Hi, what are you doing?
tlhen tucha tlhawapath
Translate from (spa) to (tos)
Luis, ¿ya vienes?
lawis pi ey tampat
Translate from (spa) to (eng)
Luis, ¿ya vienes?
Luis, are you coming already?
Translate from (tos) to (spa)
lawis pi ey tampat
Luis, ¿ya vienes?
Translate from (tos) to (eng)
lawis pi ey tampat
Luis, are you coming already?
Translate from (eng) to (spa)
Luis, are you coming already?
Luis, ¿ya vienes?
Translate from (eng) to (tos)
Luis, are you coming already?
lawis pi ey tampat
Translate from (spa) to (tos)
hola, ¿ya estás dormido?
tlhen pi ey lhtatapat
Translate from (spa) to (eng)
hola, ¿ya estás dormido?
Hi, are you already asleep?
Translate from (tos) to (spa)
tlhen pi ey lhtatapat
hola, ¿ya estás dormido?
Translate from (tos) to (eng)
tlhen pi ey lhtatapat
Hi, are you already asleep?
Translate from (eng) to (spa)
Hi, are you already asleep?
hola, ¿ya estás dormido?
Translate from (eng) to (tos)
Hi, are you already asleep?
tlhen pi ey lhtatapat
Translate from (spa) to (tos)
hace tiempo que no hablamos.
makgasa chu ya a chiwinanaw
Translate from (spa) to (eng)
hace tiempo que no hablamos.
It's been a while since we talked.
Translate from (tos) to (spa)
makgasa chu ya a chiwinanaw
hace tiempo que no hablamos.
Translate from (tos) to (eng)
makgasa chu ya a chiwinanaw
It's been a while since we talked.
Translate from (eng) to (spa)
It's been a while since we talked.
hace tiempo que no hablamos.
Translate from (eng) to (tos)
It's been a while since we talked.
makgasa chu ya a chiwinanaw
Translate from (spa) to (tos)
ahora me vas a hablar.
uku na ki xakgatlhiya chu
Translate from (spa) to (eng)
ahora me vas a hablar.
Now you're going to talk to me.
Translate from (tos) to (spa)
uku na ki xakgatlhiya chu
ahora me vas a hablar.
Translate from (tos) to (eng)
uku na ki xakgatlhiya chu
Now you're going to talk to me.
Translate from (eng) to (spa)
Now you're going to talk to me.
ahora me vas a hablar.
Translate from (eng) to (tos)
Now you're going to talk to me.
uku na ki xakgatlhiya chu
Translate from (spa) to (tos)
gracias, mamá.
paxtikgatsinilh tsi
Translate from (spa) to (eng)
gracias, mamá.
Thank you, Mom.
Translate from (tos) to (spa)
paxtikgatsinilh tsi
gracias, mamá.
Translate from (tos) to (eng)
paxtikgatsinilh tsi
Thank you, Mom.
Translate from (eng) to (spa)
Thank you, Mom.
gracias, mamá.
Translate from (eng) to (tos)
Thank you, Mom.
paxtikgatsinilh tsi
Translate from (spa) to (tos)
hoy me duele mucho el ojo.
ma chu kit excha kglhakgpikgatsama uku
Translate from (spa) to (eng)
hoy me duele mucho el ojo.
My eye hurts a lot today.
Translate from (tos) to (spa)
ma chu kit excha kglhakgpikgatsama uku
hoy me duele mucho el ojo.
Translate from (tos) to (eng)
ma chu kit excha kglhakgpikgatsama uku
My eye hurts a lot today.
Translate from (eng) to (spa)
My eye hurts a lot today.
hoy me duele mucho el ojo.
Translate from (eng) to (tos)
My eye hurts a lot today.
ma chu kit excha kglhakgpikgatsama uku
Translate from (spa) to (tos)
¿a poco hoy hiciste mucho o no?
pi lhuwa chu uku tuchi tlhawa chipi ni
Translate from (spa) to (eng)
¿a poco hoy hiciste mucho o no?
Did you do a lot today or not?
Translate from (tos) to (spa)
pi lhuwa chu uku tuchi tlhawa chipi ni
¿a poco hoy hiciste mucho o no?
Translate from (tos) to (eng)
pi lhuwa chu uku tuchi tlhawa chipi ni
Did you do a lot today or not?
Translate from (eng) to (spa)
Did you do a lot today or not?
¿a poco hoy hiciste mucho o no?
Translate from (eng) to (tos)
Did you do a lot today or not?
pi lhuwa chu uku tuchi tlhawa chipi ni
Translate from (spa) to (tos)
nunca me respondes cada vez que yo te hablo.
nikgxniku kin alhtiya akgxni kit kg'xakgatlhiyan
Translate from (spa) to (eng)
nunca me respondes cada vez que yo te hablo.
You never answer me every time I talk to you.
Translate from (tos) to (spa)
nikgxniku kin alhtiya akgxni kit kg'xakgatlhiyan
nunca me respondes cada vez que yo te hablo.
Translate from (tos) to (eng)
nikgxniku kin alhtiya akgxni kit kg'xakgatlhiyan
You never answer me every time I talk to you.
Translate from (eng) to (spa)
You never answer me every time I talk to you.
nunca me respondes cada vez que yo te hablo.
Translate from (eng) to (tos)
You never answer me every time I talk to you.
nikgxniku kin alhtiya akgxni kit kg'xakgatlhiyan
Translate from (spa) to (tos)
parece que tú no escuchas.
lhapar ni axpata wix
Translate from (spa) to (eng)
parece que tú no escuchas.
It seems like you're not listening.
Translate from (tos) to (spa)
lhapar ni axpata wix
parece que tú no escuchas.
Translate from (tos) to (eng)
lhapar ni axpata wix
It seems like you're not listening.
Translate from (eng) to (spa)
It seems like you're not listening.
parece que tú no escuchas.
Translate from (eng) to (tos)
It seems like you're not listening.
lhapar ni axpata wix
Translate from (spa) to (tos)
¿dónde estás?
nicha wilha
Translate from (spa) to (eng)
¿dónde estás?
Where are you?
Translate from (tos) to (spa)
nicha wilha
¿dónde estás?
Translate from (tos) to (eng)
nicha wilha
Where are you?
Translate from (eng) to (spa)
Where are you?
¿dónde estás?
Translate from (eng) to (tos)
Where are you?
nicha wilha
Translate from (spa) to (tos)
casi no pude hacer mucho.
nilha excha tuku kgtlhawalh
Translate from (spa) to (eng)
casi no pude hacer mucho.
I could barely do much.
Translate from (tos) to (spa)
nilha excha tuku kgtlhawalh
casi no pude hacer mucho.
Translate from (tos) to (eng)
nilha excha tuku kgtlhawalh
I could barely do much.
Translate from (eng) to (spa)
I could barely do much.
casi no pude hacer mucho.
Translate from (eng) to (tos)
I could barely do much.
nilha excha tuku kgtlhawalh
Translate from (spa) to (tos)
allá donde yo estaba.
anta nichi xakgwilhacha
Translate from (spa) to (eng)
allá donde yo estaba.
Where I was.
Translate from (tos) to (spa)
anta nichi xakgwilhacha
allá donde yo estaba.
Translate from (tos) to (eng)
anta nichi xakgwilhacha
Where I was.
Translate from (eng) to (spa)
Where I was.
allá donde yo estaba.
Translate from (eng) to (tos)
Where I was.
anta nichi xakgwilhacha
Translate from (spa) to (tos)
no hay internet.
nitu internet
Translate from (spa) to (eng)
no hay internet.
There's no internet.
Translate from (tos) to (spa)
nitu internet
no hay internet.
Translate from (tos) to (eng)
nitu internet
There's no internet.
Translate from (eng) to (spa)
There's no internet.
no hay internet.
Translate from (eng) to (tos)
There's no internet.
nitu internet
Translate from (spa) to (tos)
pero a la fuerza hice más que ayer.
pero kuersa tlhakg kgtlhawalh que kgotana
Translate from (spa) to (eng)
pero a la fuerza hice más que ayer.
But I forcibly did more than yesterday.
Translate from (tos) to (spa)
pero kuersa tlhakg kgtlhawalh que kgotana
pero a la fuerza hice más que ayer.
Translate from (tos) to (eng)
pero kuersa tlhakg kgtlhawalh que kgotana
But I forcibly did more than yesterday.
Translate from (eng) to (spa)
But I forcibly did more than yesterday.
pero a la fuerza hice más que ayer.
Translate from (eng) to (tos)
But I forcibly did more than yesterday.
pero kuersa tlhakg kgtlhawalh que kgotana
Translate from (spa) to (tos)
aún no pude salir hoy; mañana me voy; mañana me voy temprano.
ninaj lha kiti kgalh uku kgachcikin chaliku na kgan chaliku na kgan tsisa nak taxtu unu
Translate from (spa) to (eng)
aún no pude salir hoy; mañana me voy; mañana me voy temprano.
I still couldn't go out today; I'm leaving tomorrow; I'm leaving early tomorrow.