hi update two i definitely go through a lot of mood swing throughout my day sometimes i feel pretty good but sometimes i feel very lonely and isolated it doesn t help that i m extremely insecure about my appearance right now and i don t even want to go out to social situation because i stress about how terrible i look i just want to look good i ve been trying very hard i ve been keeping to a strict skin care regimen i nearly cut carbs out of my diet in hope it ll help my acne and i eat like 000 calorie a day so i can be shredded it s a little rough honestly i m a male so that s not a lot of calorie to work with i guess at least it get me cooking because i can t afford to waste any calorie i ve gone from about 9 to about in like a month though i workout almost every day and i go very hard for over an hour non stop exercise i feel lonely a lot i want to talk to girl very badly but i don t have the confidence in my appearance to bother i know i m ugly so it s not like i ll be able to go anywhere with them im trying to change it though i just wish i had clear skin honestly that would erase of my problem anyways i m doing okay i guess not really satisfied with my life or all that happy but my thought have stayed away from certain subject for a few day now i guess i d call that an improvement peace out much love and good luck to everyone
have an invite for quot healthy dining quot session at ashok hotel today with exec chef r chopra but damn workload will have to skip it
i ve heard this platitude my whole entire life nearly four year ago a teacher looked straight into my eye and told me the same thing i remember telling myself back then that i wa at rock bottom now i can only laugh at that sentiment rock bottom my as it s like i rolled off a cliff and the end is nowhere in sight
fighter kev it s funny how they are all facing stress sorrow and depression then
last night my girlfriend 0f of two and a half year told me 0m that my depression symptom have been taking a toll on her she told me that she see my progress and my growth but this is in summary a she talk around her meaning it s not enough it s exhausting her and making her feel poorly my exhaustion and lack of self and confidence and inner love so i had to apologize to her last night and i m trying to show that i m growing but i feel so fucking hopeless right now and it s only been getting worse i joined this community because i m sure i won t actually do it but i need something to remind me and something to feel le alone because holy fuck am i alone i feel devoid of love and worth and i m struggling to find way to place it on myself i can t validate it if it s for me and i can only form a half life of happiness if i use someone else a the foundation so that s superficial i m really trying to keep going but it s so hard it s exhausting i just want to sleep all the time there s so much more in regard to our relationship i ve been trying to support her and make amends for who i wa when we first met i brought my trauma into it and lashed out at her in way of gaslighting infidelity and emotional neglect she didn t have any trigger for me to lash out at her i just thought she wanted to use me for self satisfaction but i m told that s love now i m confused there are two side of my mind one an optimist and a lover the other a cynic and a narcissist i want to purge my brain of these thing i m sorry this is so scattered i ll try to speak more coherently later brain no work
ozesteph 99 shame to hear this stephan
that one week wa the best in a long time around month of constant depression ha quite honestly made me want to kill myself but i have too many people in my life for that i m grateful for having supportive friend and family member but i just want to die
ha anyone lost their career or become underemployed due to depression how do you survive are you frightened about how you will retire or get by in old age it s been seven year of mostly unemployment for me and i m horrified when i think of the future
stupid arranged marriage i ll convert so you can marry me love you
i wish i succeeded those few year ago i wa so close but pussied out and hurt my neck pretty badly i wish i just kept up there for a few more minute then i wouldn t have had to deal with the absolute failure of a person that i am i want to end it i m useless and a horrible piece of shit i ve done some pretty bad shit and no matter how hard i try to fix thing to try and get my life together it just doesn t work i m now physically sick all the time in pain homeless and stuck in a fucking town i wish would burn to the ground i get bullied and mocked by the entire shitty as street i m in for being under a homeless organization for whole year i ve been begging for a house begging and begging asking for this asking for that can i please try and get this house no u can t can i please try and get this house no it all taken i ll never leave this hellhole i ll never get better nothing will ever get better so what s the actual point i m even too lazy to fucking kill myself even though i have the perfect plan grab my rope grab all my pill and favourite alcohol walk to the wood with my favorite stuffie and end it all by the place i felt peace for the first time i ll watch the water of the lake and then i ll finally be at peace and no more pain no more sorrow no more bullshit just nothing but no i m too tired to walk it i m too tired to write a letter i m too fucking tired to do it the reason why i haven t done it i need to take care of my boyfriend i don t care for anyone else because all of them are lying fuck but him i need to stay strong so he get a home so he can live happily but i don t know maybe my death can boost his chance of getting a better life it may hurt now but maybe my death will grab attention to him and then he ll get all the help he need might a well just got ta pick a date
ha got to go into college today in the holiday
over lockdown i started binge eating to get through it wa fucking fantastic i d just get unbelievably stoned and eat and then suddenly it s tomorrow i didn t have to deal with anything but i don t enjoy eating anymore i don t like food it suck and i m at work and i pig out just to try make myself feel better because i guess that s what i do and i felt horrible so i thought hey is a good a year a any to develop an eating disorder so i tried throwing up in the toilet and literally couldn t get anything up i just gagged and then i pull back and suddenly the cloud change and i m just bathed in sunlight kneeling on the floor of a bathroom and i just couldn t stop thinking of those prayer add that say try praying and couldn t stop laughing for like 0 minute i wanted to share because i think it s really funny but who tf am i telling this story to so you get it anyways now i feel spewy af and need a smoke hope you enjoyed xo
we all know im too much of a pussy to kill myself but fucking hell i want to i want to jump off the bridge near my home being killed by someone would be even better sometimes i imagine myself sending people my goodbye message and killing myself out in the wood there s a tree i stare at every single time i pas it with a perfect horizontal branch this fucking close to buying a noose and just doing it and the worst part is if anyone who knew me irl read this they d think i m joking and that it s stupid but there is nothing i want more than death right now
darn forgot that tonight s shoot wa postponed will be at a loose end now quot
sloth isliye call nahi kiya baad me thinking ki ab to tu movie dekh raha hoga
let me explain if you have suicidal thought or behavior technically your not well mentally but if you do drug just time or just for experience it s not a big deal you won t be trapped down watched in a mental hospital taking medication or like abortion it s a woman s body and choice into abort a baby and we should respect their decision but what if a person is cutting or hurting themselves it s a problem even tho it s their decision into doing it but doctor and therapist say it s wrong and something is wrong with them mentally why
i ve been struggling with feeling stress for the last year because of family and job issue a couple night ago i had really bad insomnia and wa up all night i felt exhausted but couldn t sleep all i could do wa lie on my sofa even getting a glass of water wa effort then in the morning my chest felt tight and my thought got kind of jumbled and overwhelming i couldn t sit still and i got up and paced for awhile i had to take deep breath i felt sick to my stomach the whole thing lasted about ten minute but i ve been really tired the last couple day feel like a hangover or something but i didn t drink the reason i m not sure if it s an anxiety attack is because i always heard that it felt like dying to have a anxiety attack and i didn t feel that i felt really unwell though any advice would be appreciated thank you
avisionofbeauty your phone doesn t like it sorry
everyone is saying i wa abusive i wasn t i genuinely felt like jumping off a cliff and would of if a friend wasn t there
feel like she slept the day away not looking forward to any more bout with my gallbladder at least i have pill now for the pain
i finally opened up to someone my mom and told her how bad my mental health had gotten and that i d purchased thing to go through with it her response i don t blame you and would understand if you do and walked out the fuck
lately i ve been feeling like i want to go to meeting like aa but with people struggling with depression or people that defeated it i don t know if this exist anywhere in the world i just know that it doesn t exists in my city have anyone experienced this if so can you tell me how is it like i feel like i have a lot to share but it s not necessarily good or i m feeling better and don t get me wrong im in therapy but i just feel like i have to share more and with people who s living the same thing
sitting at my desk eating dinner great thai but a bit of a sad situation overall
wyldceltic oh man it wa the most sad ever
i see it a the only solution that will make this everyday pain i feel go away forever
sorry for any typo im typing on my small phone my mental health ha been doing a downwards spiral into hell i am seriously considering suicide plea someone talk to me
shrooms and chocolate bar edible good for depression and anxiety ht http t co dz9jxhaant
if he doesn t get better in a few day he could have something lodged in his belly
jerrrm today can not meeting the whole day gilaaaa
my son vinca is sick so i stay at home just three tense day at work and i am back on holiday with kid
found my sana and ha realized that just like a white girl i eat my problem
want her camera back
kushaltweetz guddha musko thammudu already depression loki going http t co wchqiqiwk
i plan to commit suicide soon i ve told my bird already i don t think they understand sadly i ve been fighting depression my whole life pretty much i ve tried many time to commit suicide but a i m afraid of pain i didn t go through it thing worsened massively once i lost someone dear to me because of my own action since then i m haunted be it in dream or in reality constantly by them and the result of what i did whilst under psychosis and incredibly suicidal state i began seeking help soon after they left after i realised what i did and it wa really tough at first but i made it for about a year i wish i never met that person it wa a curse i don t really have friend family yes supportive but it doesn t really feel like much i know they d be devastated by my death and so would my bird but every day is the same for me no matter what i try to differentiate and how better it get it s down to the same stuff haunted by those demon that try and make me fall and do what i shouldn t do i ve been told i m meant for great thing but this is all taking forever i m tired of all of this i m tired of living and constantly fighting i just wish to end it all even though it ll mean committing an unforgivable sin edit for the time being i have discarded the thought thank you all for the message and comment
when i stopped in 0 9 it took me month to taper off it so taking a medication that cause withdrawal symptom like that scare me it s the only thing that help other then numbing the feeling with an antidepressant i m on lyrica 0mg and buspar mg to time a day i don t feel down but my anxiety keep me from moving forward with the thing i need too am i right to continue struggling with anxiety and all the health issue that come from it just so i can avoid a benzo
mai asher 9 lynnestactia the guy look depressed depression is real
on the last episode of top boy depression is real
what is the point of going on when your parent don t like you your friend are nonexistent and your school is the most unsupportive and toxic place you could be in i m not loved by anyone i doubt i will be so forever i ll be alone i might a well take all the pill in the house nobody will have cared about me anyways
we found out a couple of day ago that my dog needed to be put down we had a beautiful last day with her yesterday technically she wa the family dog but she spent the most time with me and turned into an unofficial support dog for me she ha been with me through trauma and therapy and everything in between she ha been my rock scarlett ha been an anchor point a grounding into the world she ha been the only thing that ha stayed steady in a world of ups and down she wa there no matter the mood or how sick i wa she ha kept me engaged with the outside world walk and beginning interaction she greeted the world with a smile no matter what she forced you to give her affection and in turn forced hers on you she ha been the definition of unconditional love in my life mainly because i can t assume or misunderstand what she doe or say she ha been my safe place both physically and mentally i didn t want to leave her behind not understanding i ve been struggling with everything even with her to bring me calm i don t know how to do this without her i ve been using numbness to try and stop myself from shattering but a it splinter into smaller and smaller piece there s only so long it can hold a i hear the splintering standing on the cliff edge the ground start to shake i know that if i move i will explode into tiny fragment and that i can t escape from the edge of the cliff falling the splinter are so small i won t be able to be put back together without missing piece the fall into the abyss will spread the fragment far and wide there isn t a way to climb back out this time there isn t the energy to hope enough to look i don t want to die specifically i just can t keep doing this anymore i m beyond tired i m spent i can t see any other option i ve tried and tried and tried different treatment i ve pushed to do exercise and socialise and do what other people have decided is the best for me i ve taken medication even with shitty side effect taking some rest time with no appointment or pressure wa lovely but didn t change anything inside i ve been fighting a hard a i can and it hasn t been enough i began having passive suicidality when i wa and having intense trauma later certainly didn t help the past year ha been the hardest and lowest i ve ever reached i ve been in and out of hospital tried over 0 different med tried different therapy than i have in the past had ect and tried emdr i have a whole team mental health social worker psych intervention team a doctor specialist and so on the only advice that i wa given when i explained that i wa too tired wa to push through to keep going because there have been improvement and people think it will change and to be patient for thing to start working and maybe i should try doing more thing or le thing or have extra support or change my dosage or simplify my medication or go to hospital or an outpatient program i can t do anymore i can t keep forcing myself onwards because other people will notice a change in the outside without much of a change inside i know it s a selfish decision and that it doesn t get rid of the pain just pass over to the people around me it will affect them forever it won t disappear with time i can t kid myself that they will get over it a much a i think it will be the better option i know none of them will agree i can t look through rose coloured glass saying it take away the burden it just change it from me to the people around me i d love to say my goodbye with everyone and give them time to grieve and prepare with them have a perfect last day making sure that everyone know i love them and that it is no one s fault doing thing with people that are special for u trying to say everything that i want to to people face to face to give big hug and laugh together one last time i wish i could give everyone that i m so sorry that i can t and for the suffering that brings there is too much to say to all the people who are precious in my life to write down i m sorry i love you you did nothing wrong you are so important to me i m sorry that i stopped trying thank you for our relationship you have added so much joy to my life i believe in you and all you can achieve i m sorry that there is no time to come to term with the idea i know there isn t any combination of word or thought that will make it any easier for anyone i know there isn t anything that i can do to assuage the guilt and pain and anger i wish i could but that doesn t really matter doe it i don t even know if i can commit to finishing a plan everyone seems to think so but i don t know and if i can t go through with it then no one need to worry or be concerned because there isn t actually danger and i can just be unhappy without the need for restriction and people feeling responsibility for me
i suffer depression just hearing jose mourinho s name
i feel so alone all of the time i have a job where i get along great with coworkers however i have no genuine friend no one to hang out with i just spend time alone after awhile anxiety creep in i feel like i m trapped in a box and can t get out i tend to struggle a lot with moving forward in life and part of it is i feel i have no one by my side alone in the world
doe anxiety get better after 0
i m glad i m not alone period depression is real
everything is a really weird blur not all the time but these wave of blur come and go doe anybody else have this it s like i m existing but not really dead but alive deaf but i can hear blind but i can see what is this
she asked me to go out and do thing outside of school which i don t do often she s so nice and cool and creative and i care fo her so much but i feel like i should just leave her alone im such a terrible person ive done and said so much messed up stuff and if she knew who i really wa she would hate me im a fucking shit head emotional manipulator i cut my arm and palm to shit just hoping that she would notice and comfort me or tell me to stop and she didn t notice and now i want to cut myself more for being an idiot and thinking i could get someone to care for me by ruining myself she d probably be disgusted by my scar anyway i wish i could go to therapy or get help but i can t and at this point i feel awful all the time and i just can t do it anymore im gon na kill myself soon probably this year whenever i fuck up to the point all my inhibition about death are gone thank you to the people that dm d me on my last post i didn t respond to one of you but i appreciate it
i have somatization disorder which essentially is whenever i try to do something that may cause me anxiety i end up making myself physically ill i cause myself physical symptom unconsciously doe anyone else deal with this i am not able to leave my house most of the time which ha caused a strain on friendship and school
today i pretended i wa okay to my mom so she would continue to let me stay in her house i choked down food so it looked like i had an appetite and told her i would go draw so i could be myself alone i can t even draw anymore anyways i saw this a fake it til you make it i ve been told it s actually that i m not putting any effort in and using people so i guess i ll sleep a long a the people around me will let me then hoping i never wake up
iamnipper last week they ve got the bike minus a saddle
pfff i want to go back to bed i feel horrible today
hoping i can fall asleep after watching knowing definitely wasn t national treasure
is somehow sick again day till my exam wonderful timing
currently trying to redecorate on my own new to living alone too to feel more empowered i have been redecorating finally ordered a new couch chnage is scary lol anyways my couch wa supposed to arrive wednesday but it came early and i m not prepared i don t have a cart to get it up at the moment i m concerned it will be stolen rationally who would steal a pound thing and a another oddly shaped packaged but maybe or that the apartment will send it back before i can get the cart tomorrow to bring it up i emailed them just in case even if neither happen i don t want to ask anyone for help bringing it up because i either feel like a burden or i don t want to socialize with anyone while dealing with the couch cause that give me anxiety already preferably i d pay someone but how would one even do that for a task that take minute max just seems silly so now if i m lucky and my couch is still in the mail room tomorrow after work when i have a cart then i must be physically capable to get the couch up on the cart into the elevator and into my apartment myself i think i can do it but i m scared a to what s going to happen anybody have any opinion on this am i overthinking i read somewhere that anxiety can be confused with feeling of excitement too maybe that s what s happening idk man i want to know it will be okay
the funniest part about that tweet is the lady saying her mom wearing her sneaker will spiral her back to depression obviously doesn t have real life problem if her mom wearing her shoe sends her into depression
inyoureyes 0 i reckon
doe anyone else feel this way too during an attack it will come on like a rush out of nowhere no trigger that i m feeling for instance whenever i go to like target or walmart i tend to get this it s almost like an overwhelming feeling and feeling faint i never seem to be able to finish my shopping fully due to this because i just want to go checkout a soon a this wave come on i hate this so much
been on escitalopram for about year worked great for the first or year wa prescribed either or 0mg honestly don t remember the exact dosage eventually it started making me feel complacent with sleeping long hour and not having any energy not meeting my goal or even making goal in the first place and not caring about thing i used to i didn t feel depressed but felt like i wa not where i wanted to be in life and that the antidepressant were part of the problem i should also mention that part of the reason i take them is for anxiety when this happened about year ago i decided to go off of them over a period of month it wa a very slow process because of all the side effect it wa terrible once i wa finally off them i felt worse i did have more energy but it wa like anxious energy i could function on hour of sleep just fine whereas with the antidepressant i feel like i have the flu if i get le than 9 hour normal on the pill is 9 0 hour well once i wa finally off the pill i wa getting anxious over every little thing including driving i had just gotten a new job and wa failing at it my inlaws came to visit in two seperate trip and after the first trip i decided i had to go back on the pill asap a i couldn t handle it anymore random outburst of cry and feeling very depressed along with near constant anxiety which is not great when my in law already don t seem to like me much long story short i went back on the pill about year ago probably about a month or of being off of them but i have kept the dosage low mg a i d like to try getting off them again i am worried to get off them completely again to try new antidepressant a i ve been promoted a few time since i went back on them and i can t risk screwing up my job i did ask my doctor if i could take the lowest dose of my current antidepressant 0 mg while i switch to new one but she told me i would have to be completely off the old one before starting anything new now i am also contemplating just upping my dosage to higher than it wa before and seeing if that help but i m also worried about having to try to get off a high dosage again it wa so terrible i m mostly just wondering if anyone ha any similar experience and what you decided to do and how it worked for you i know going to my doctor is best but it hasn t been super helpful for me so i m just curious about personal experience and i just feel like rambling a bit i guess
i cant see the only person keeping me here i cant listen to his voice i should be able to but my anxiety make it impossible for me to ask him to meet up or call i can only message him he doesn t respond for hour i need to speak to him i need to see him i need him i miss him i miss him so much im on the verge of attempting bc it feel like ill never see him again i havent seen him in month i havent spoken to him in person in 9 i know i need to talk to someone but im not getting therapy until june i tried sending him message over the last few day but he hasn t even seen them my heart is literally physically aching bc i miss him so much i cant do this anymore edit guy im ok he responded to my message and i wa able to calm down before i could try to end it
you exit the game when you re bored or if you don t like it or if it make you feel bad right you don t snoop around for literal year waiting for the stagnant and painful game to get better right so i don t understand why i m still here i guess i m just afraid to exit the game because i ve been playing it my whole life i don t know what i ll do when i leave it it s like my game is plagued with a virus no matter what i do it won t get better i ve tried my hardest and my best to fix it fix the root of it but i ve been cursed since birth and no matter what i do it won t get better it s why i m so depressed because it will never go away i either live with it or die i am so fucking over playing this game i m so over cry and feeling like shit every waking moment i have to play the game i don t want to play anymore
going to work now
anxiously awaiting june th it can not come soon enough my graduation ceremony am not looking forward to the 0th end of my break
i think the worst part of dealing with all of this is the absolute constant feeling of loneliness having no connection to anyone many act like they want to help but a soon a they see how deep and dark it is they back off my phone stay pretty silent unless someone need something
dynoisthename haha you better watch those two they might actually kill each other
moulin rouge mad me cry once again
amp x 00b so i m in my thirty i m about to finish my phd in one of the world s best university and this morning i felt fine i usually revert to writing in here a a way of emptying my soul and feeling better usually it work and it ha taken me from the deepest pit of my depression to a milder state of mind not to a happy place mind you but to a lower scale bout of depression i come from a rocky couple of year i have discovered that my old supervisor had tricked an exam against me to have me fail and kicked out of the uni check my older post for this story also involving the examiner the full professor who deemed me too ugly fat and stupid for a phd full quote i have found support in the wider academic world with a world renown name offering me a job first and then agreeing to supervise me if i had not taken it i have sued the university kind of it wa a process internal to the university but i had to hire a lawyer i have won a crushing win against the faculty i have never seen a similar humiliation for a faculty and an examiner said a friend and former judge i have repeated the exam i have passed the exam i am now a month from submission my new supervisor and my friend unofficial supervisor have just promoted my dissertation with flying color so i basically need to write a conclusion of a couple of page cross the t dot the is and hand in what ha been long year of my life should have been but these shenanigan robbed me of full year of my life i am however today back in the pit of the grad school depression a i am not sure it is finished remember the humiliated full professor above when i passed the exam one of the examiner wa a friend of his who basically did everything in his power to fail me i passed because the other examiner took my side in the shouting match it wa ugly a fuck and basically told me that the humiliation of me winning in court could not pas without further action now i even though my dissertation is unassailable i do not trust the university and i am fully expecting a final hack job at the thesis defence and against that i am powerless
auraglyphix high always seem to followed by low long a you climb back from it there s nothing wrong with letting some depression out
zaibatsu me i m up
had a flu shot at work now my arm hurt
i found out last year that i had major depression disorder which i wasn t surprised at because my whole life since i wa i ve been depressed however i m realizing i also have body dysmorphia bc i just hate the way i look body wise when i stand i can see my fatty ab but when i sit it just a big pile of fat and it frustrating because i workout everyday non stop and linit my eating people say real people men know what a woman s body is supposed to be like well guess what we live in 0 it s supposed be in shape and that s what most expect i m just so over it because those same people who say yeah thats a real woman s body are the same people liking every single big as flat ab photo i try to push myself everyday and today im over it i can t keep going on like this
i really need a diagnosis my body hurt sometimes not in a pain way but like a close relative ha died my heart sink my hand shake but it s over a very minor thing my head is saying everything is fine logical but my body feel horrible like i want to burst into tear i d rather physical pain than this i ve broken my finger punching stuff just to snap out of it which work but the best way is for someone to tell me i m wrong tell me that i m thinking stupidly but it s ok and that everything is alright and then it go away this ha happened for a couple year now and i hate it and i need some help it s happening a i write this and i have no one to talk to to feel alright and my head went straight to punching something so i can feel alright again but i know i shouldn t do that i d really appreciate some help
ryangtweetstv i absolutely agree it seems like he s running away from the issue here rather than facing it head on stacey made it very clear how dangerous mania can get and the depression that follows yet he choose to basically run away i think you may be right about harvey s wife
mizzzidc imagine what you d do to someone else if you can actually say this rubbish to ur mom and you re so proud of posting this shit damn you re the biggest bastard i ve ever seen in my entire life damn make depression kill you dia you good for nothing daughter ewu fool nama
geoffmartinez youre going to be in mexico on easter why
samsungimaging better get your auto feature ironed out that blast of advertisement wa nothing le than industrial strength spam
insomnia kickin in i hate this
i am year old and 9 pound and for the past few day i ve been having this weird chest pain it s right in the center of my chest kind of lower tho like in between my breast and it feel like a dull ache discomfort feeling it s not burning at all and doesn t hurt a lot but it feel strange like a little ache with some tightness it only last le than a minute but happens about three time a day it happens when i m sitting down and it happened this morning when i wa laying in bed about to get up i suffer from bad health anxiety and am scared that this is angina based on what i ve heard about it and there is something wrong with my heart i had holter monitor and ecg s in the past that came out normal but im scared thing changed from there this keep happening and i m so scared
a bad nite for the favorite team astros and spartan lose the nite out with t w wa good
i wa fine for a year or so and then the anxiety come back worse than ever panic attack in the evening which make me feel like shit i feel so fucking bad inside of my chest and stomach and my thought don t stop rushing in the day and morning i m fine but in the evening i feel like i m losing my mind and i want everything to just be ok but how will i live with myself i m generally healthy i work out i do breathing exercise but nothing help and it fucking suck school actually calm anxiety because i have a task and i m busy but when i m home i feel so fucking lonely
drshashsnk hoi but good thing is i can afford both therapy and book no more depression
etherealwater thatemigirl lmoneytm brown eyed gyel bongani dee mizzzidc like doe she know what depression is
is my life over i m m i ve never really had many friend and have lonely and depressed for pretty much all my life my family situation ha always been kinda fked up too however my senior year of h i finally got a group that went to hoco with me and i ve talked to them and played video game with granted they weren t a close a friend could be but i still loved them man they also are friend with a big group of girl so recently tik tok comment from month ago and a verbal comment from month ago were brought up upon my investigation i couldn t find any proof of that verbal comment heck i don t even remember saying it so it ha to be false or blown up from something much more minute i do remember saying these girl made my only friend in the world drop me and have ruined my reputation i keep thinking suicidal thought wishing i had a gun to end it but then i remember my family and life i have i wa so excited to start college too but now they re trying to talking to school admin about this they have 0 proof so i don t think much will happen but i m so lonely now and want to kill myself it s all i can think about i wanted to go to prom with them to a senior summer trip with them but now it s all over man i wish i had a gun and could end it without hurting my family
i put a resolution that if i didn t get a relationship by the time i m 0 i m going to kill myself at the end of the year i m 9 i turn 0 in mount i found someone but i really screwed everything up because i feel i don t deserve to be happy with anyone and this feeling like i should just end it all is still here on how a screwed everything up is i wasn t there when she needed me most when her mother died i talked to a few others and they think it s because i couldn t handle my mother s own mortality when this happened i retreated into myself and closed everyone out and barely spoke with anyone i don t know if i can make it much longer because i love her with everything i have and her heart is broken because of me i hurt her i can t fix it and i can t handle that
living not downtown sure isn t much fun
mm twitter appears to have eaten some of my post naughty twitter
i dont know what to do
hey everyone i ve been a long time reader of this sub and i wan na say first of all that i wish you all the best of life truly i m writing this in great sadness my life isn t bad i ve got a good family awesome friend there s nothing obviously wrong about me i study i work i m in my early 0 i ve made the life for myself that i thought i should and needed to have the problem is there s absolutely nothing about my life that make me happy that i can say that truly satisfies and fulfills me about two year ago i decided to made some radical change in my life i lost a ton of weight i started working more on my look my social skill budding up my confidence i got a job that despite being shitty af ha made me somewhat independent financially i feel like i ve come so far like i ve overcome so much yet right now i m writing you this in such a deep sadness i simply feel sad i feel empty i feel alone mostly i feel alone i feel misunderstood i feel like i m out of place i don t belong anywhere that i try to go t i don t belong to anyone and it s been like this every single day for the last year i feel like i m going mad i ve tried all i can and i truly mean this all that i possible could have done to find even the slightest resemblance of happiness but i haven t sometimes it feel like i m finding a way like i m finding some light but then suddenly it all go away i m tired guy it s my biggest shame in life to have to admit this that i somehow find myself in my early 0 saying i don t have any will to live the many year of life that i still have ahead of me and yet this is the truth i m tired and i don t want to continue not this way at least sometimes i wonder why me why did it happen to me
kutnerrrr why why and to think that is still on the show ugh kutner kal penn you ve been the bright star in ho
jonathanrknight aw ok goonite
i suddenly feel uneasy and uncomfortable at my relative house i feel like my heart is gon na explode and wan na puke i m close with my relative but i don t know why i m feeling this way it rarely happens there s this one time i m feeling uneasy and uncomfortable then i just started shaking for no reason while i m talking to my relative
i strongly dislike people who make stupid comment and dont know the whole story
my project is going down the drain legal issue seem to have dealt a fatal blow
meganxnightmare i think so too i always get it
to end this shitty existence
really let down by gossip girl it s all i have to make my monday good and all they give are rerun
katyrullman this is why you need to not be over in the old world i miss hanging out and being awkward with you
i m tired i feel like crap and the world feel all crummy make me happy usb disco mouse
my whole body feel itchy and like it on fire
i hate what happened i thought i could be happy even just for a moment it make everything else so much worse and it couldn t have happened at a worse time
claireboyles thought a much
all my tweet are already gone aren t they missed you guy tonight
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