arisan no free day for you
the majority of society mix up depression with feeling sorrow or immense grief however we must understand that the sense of sadness is completely different from a mental illness rooted in depression http t co bfshs dmnc
doe anyone else think that depression can t be cured treatment resistant depression is a term that i think about and seeing that some people may just be born to have it and deal with it for life no matter what you could have the most idealistic life imaginable and have no identifiable trigger and still be depressed and if it s down to serotonin dopamine or whatever anyone think is happiness isn t working and nothing is making a difference then what is there to fix it i m told about coping mechanism from everyone i talk to about it who s qualified and a a psychology uni dropout the little i think i ve learned ha not given any answer that satisfy this a coping these day just isn t something that make sense to me a everything i try feel like a waste of effort to distract from the inevitable thought of wanting to essentially meet the earth and feeling nothing no idea really why i m asking this a it s not really going to be a easy post to find a reply for i understand that but it doe kind of seem that feeling crap all the time could just be a natural decision made by whoever whatever or nothing beforehand for u to deal with until the end
just burnt my finger on a hot cup of tea ouch
doe anyone else miss chatting in chat room i do but can t find one i feel comfortable in suggestion please
i wish we had a dunkin donut in holland today my mom back from japan can t wait to see her
swiftkaratechop stop nomnoms you didn t share night people
statravelau just got ur newsletter those fare really are unbelievable shame i already booked and paid for mine
yummy pizza for dinner top of mouth burnt now though
chabi prsk tu l a fais tomb en d pression
dude im going to work w my dad today bc he is determined to get me out of depression mode but i am still awake
tiffinyhogg i heard timewarp wa fantastic gutted i missed it wa playing egg
my msn hate my gut i wanted to go out tonight
legitimate question i m not trying to be close minded or anything i got referred to a therapy clinic by a friend of mine and i have been doing weekly session for a month now i don t feel any better and to be honest i kind of dread my therapy session because they leave me feeling even more helpless and empty i think my therapist isn t the best phd student in training but i feel so bad saying that since i know she s there to help me people have told me to change therapist but jesus christ i can t bring myself to do it because i feel bad i put myself in her shoe i honestly don t know if i m being impatient about all this since i ve heard therapy take many session to help at all anyways i went to therapy because i wa fed up with life after dealing with anxiety and depression symptom for year and i wanted to take my friend s advice also my depression symptom have been worse even though my qol ha been better overall i let my therapist know that nothing triggered my depressive episode this time around and that my mind is just painfully empty feel like someone is constricting my brain and i feel lethargic all the time but all she doe is ask what do you mean by that sorry if i m writing too much in one post but i heard therapist aren t supposed to give advice so what exactly can she do for me she doe cbt sometimes like when i told her that everyone in the room judge me for the way i walk and talk to which she say who told you that are you sure you re not judging them first which doe make my question myself slightly but that s all nothing that i can actively implement to help me counter those thought but then again i have no idea what i m supposed to take from my session and would appreciate your guy feedback any experience you want to share amp x 00b edit sorry wanted to clear up that i haven t been formally diagnosed with anything so i m not 00 sure if i had a depressive episode i had to ask my therapist to refer me to a psychiatrist didn t seem like she wa going to since i wanted a proper assesment
is very disappointed
i know that my depression is going terrible when it start to be physically painful i don t know how to explain it but i m in pain
wednesday my b day n don t know what do
ia awake but ha to go into school today
i ve been taking escitalopram for a while now it s helped in that i can t even remember the last time i had a panic attack however i have this really weird feeling it s like i have no strong emotion no motivation for anything the thing that brought me joy before don t anymore is this a symptom of something else i don t remember feeling like this before
going to sleep with lily and rocki lt johnathon is too busy watching batman movie http twitpic com y j
i ve been feeling lightheadedness for at least two week it s starting to make my anxiety worse i m feeling thing like chest and neck pain and it s making me freak out i used to have really bad panic attack and i still have a couple xanax from when my doctor gave me a few to deal with the worst of it i know one of the side effect of xanax is dizziness should i be taking it if i m already feeling lightheaded
blooming great change of weather now i have a cold just my luck don t seem to be having much luck lately life suck at the mo
thought sleeping in wa an option tomorrow but realizing that it now is not evaluation in the morning and work in the afternoon
why the heck am i still awake i m usually so tired all the time but once a week it seems my mind body say no sleep for you wtf nosleep insomnia depression stress http t co oyjph znfy
ohhh not very well and i ve lost my voice
depression ha no face and it chooses no one
depression hitting real good today
that ii crash is a tough nut posted to newsgroup http is gd raip
i have these bad episode of anxiety that last for day where i m constantly dissociated and whenever i try to sleep i wake up almost every hour with my body completely numb and my vision is like zoomed out and everything is super disoriented and weird i m so tired but i can t sleep and it keep me up all night and i m so exhausted i just want at least one good night rest but i can t even get that i feel like anxiety and dissociation are constantly kicking me around and i can never catch a break in life
robluketic love the french i tell people here in the south i m qtr french and they snarl at me french are beautiful people
i have packed off hubby to bristol missing him already
school and errand without will and that s the sad part
a of lately i have been under a considerable amount of stress which cause me to have uncontrollable anxiety about most of the time i m awake now i ve noticed a new side affect from this my nervous habit tic from childhood are starting to come back the more stressed out i am the more i have this strange uncontrollable compulsion to kind of clench tense my abdominal muscle over to my rib cage and also tense my neck muscle a strange a it sound i start to get a very uncomfortable sensation if i don t do it for a certain amount of time this habit is causing a lot of strain on my back side and a lot of stomach pain acid reflux i ve tried working on breathing exercise to stop and distract myself but nothing quite work doe anybody else get these strange nervous habit or tic i have adhd and diagnosed anxiety i m not sure if that would be related i ve considered even seeing a therapist to attempt getting help with this
tried to install a twitter application on my phone didn t work tough boo
donniewahlberg wise word but life sometimes doesn t work out a you plan life ha a habit of kicking you when you re down
jesmayhemwa still trying to sell the prelude
i m really desperate i m a yr old guy with no job even if i graduated from college no girlfriend never kissed or hugged a girl in my life no real friend most of them are toxic amp manipulative nothing special about me i don t know if i m pretty or ugly smart or dumber i m so confused about my self image it s like i live in hell get rejected by ton of girl ton of job offer i feel like i will live my whole life virgin single jobless loser i m too nice too shy always extremely anxious and stressful dealing with brain fog bad accent shitty voice low self esteem zero talent nothing good about me only good at math amp coding i can t hold a good conversation with anyone only with my mom amp my brother i feel kinda confident speaking and it s been a while i m depressed living with a dark mood i feel like i m a loser amp i can do nothing i can t even go to gym practice favorite hobby or enjoying any movie youtube video video game etc i don t know what to do with my life i only think about option therapy ending my life sorry for my english it s not my native langage
seriously applying for job is hard enough for a stable person but when you have someone like me with no qualification no education no nothing applying for job is downright a soul crushing experience deep down i seriously don t even want the shitty as job anyway but i have to in order to survive then thinking about once i move out living alone in a crappy place working this meaningless job make me internally dieing i genuinely wish i wa never born into this era i don t belong here at all
i don t know what to do at the moment lately i ve been cry almost everyday and i m angry constantly i felt that i had the obligation to please everyone mom boyfriend etc but i forgot how to be happy how to look forward for tomorrow
so had a really bad few week with my anxiety my doctor decided to put me on citalopram and now i ve barely eaten and drank for day which ha made this experience so much worse so i ve decided to stop taking them and stick to my propranolol i m going to create new healthy routine for my day to day life drink more water maybe a new hobby i ve also ordered new book one on how to heal from narcissistic abuse route of my anxiety from a parent and how to let go of painful memory that are causing me to be miserable on a positive note i ve had a really good conversation with my boyfriend who s my rock a sometimes he get deflated with my anxiousness and negativity which i can completely appreciate also i m going to start going back to therapy and get into that routine too i don t know what the point of this post is lol but i just want someone who can relate to me or me to them after the worst week ever
f and going through a really bad break up up until the break up the only thing i wa scared of wa him dying when we were old now i can t even set foot in the home we once shared i am going to sleep every night with his ghost rattling in my head but he is still alive just a stranger now please tell me this crushing pain will end because if it doesn t i think i m going to have to the memory are torturing me i just want them to stop i can t learn anymore it just hurt
chaque jour le fc metz me plonge en d pression ce club ne m a pa rendu heureux depuis la victoire face a lyon an et demi sans me rendre heureux
i am so tired of having depression i hate how hard it is to get up and do the most basic thing day out of the week i don t even eat dinner because i can t get out of bed i m tired of having to put in the extra effort to hide it at work and in front of my family i ve been single for a year and a half after a year and a half long relationship but my social anxiety ha gotten so bad i can t even put myself out there i m so lonely but too afraid to make an attempt i don t think i could ever actually kill myself but i think about how much easier it would be if i wasn t alive a lot more than i used to
don t worry i m not taking part in a trial under false information so even though bipolar people suffer with depression apparently only people with depression and then add on diagnosis eg anxiety can take part
people go into depression due to these reason in relationship http t co 9 usxvnja
good morning i m off to the hospital with my dad to spend basically all day in the waiting room just for a two minute app fun fun fun
yeah once i m alone i get so so depressed i ve only been at home for a day because it s my off day and i m already feeling like shit like there s nothing to look forward to i would opt to go out but i don t have money for it to be a good day with friend i know that there are thing we can do that doesn t require money but food is a necessity and i can t really go out without spending on food i d go to a friend s house but i only have one friend who s house is always available but she life too far away it s really hard to realise that the only thing keeping me sane is distraction like work i try to be more involved with my family but they always make me feel like shit i try to reach out to my friend but they re always busy signing up for cool class like yoga or pottery or whatever would help me meet new people but it cost money and plus i work hr day a week it s hard to spare time and my adhd causing me time blindness doe not help at all like yeah i have free day but when you count in the hour i spend having executive dysfunction or procrastinating it s basically nothing i can t relax for shit when i m on my own it s hard to reach out to people when they don t take whatever i feel seriously i just wish they cared enough to reach out and be willing to spend some time with me even if we don t have money i hate being alone so much fyi i am on an internship and i m being paid 0 a month and my family is not financially stable
theekween vhulivhadza help those who suffer from depression anxiety heart break or have witnessed something traumatic thelmasherbs
i m 0f and i ll start this by saying that my diagnosis is mostly a doctor telling once that i might have gad but i haven t had further test done yet not that i need them because the symptom are all there and it s pretty obvious to me amp nbsp i stress a lot about most thing future plan work health etc being on the phone is something that give me extreme anxiety a well and this is impacting my work i m lucky enough to be able to work from home which is great because i don t have to put on the happy sociable face all day long but there s still plenty of call meeting happening over team and those still give me a lot of anxiety to the point that even a minute talk with someone will leave me sweaty i m able to sound friendly and sociable on the call but a soon a it s over that s all gone and i ll just feel like crap i m not 0 and some day i honestly do not know how i am supposed to endure this for another 0 year the job i had previous to this one wa in customer support inbound call people told me that exposure to it would help me but honestly i hated every second of it and i feel it s only gotten worse since then amp nbsp right now i m at a loss and starting to consider quitting my job over this but i also don t know of many job that allow me to wfh while keeping meeting and call to a minimum if everything wa done via chat email i d honestly feel great about that but it feel like this society wa built by and for extrovert and i m just an outlier that doesn t fit anywhere
britney wa fucking amazing after we just went back to the hotel i hate travelling with cheapos
job interview in cardiff today wish me luck got about hour sleep
i feel soooo bad for my doglet she is not understanding why her mouth is so sore poor little thing
a little over a month ago i wa over at a friend s house and got to drinking pretty heavily over the night that i spent a his place every so often he would take the bottle away from me and temporarily and hide because he had the impression that i downing a full bottle of liquor at a dangerously fast pace for whatever neurotic reason the idea became supplanted in my head that he wa trying to intentionally hide it away from me so he could spike the bottle with a finely powdered lead in order to cause me to ingest large amount of a neurotoxic chemical to produce measurable brain damage surely this isn t likely whatsoever right it s all i ve been able to ob and ruminate over for well over a month now i could elaborate on a million different pattern and detail and inform you of the interpersonal context between the both of u but then i feel like i d be trying to create and extract a specific response out of people these are the bare bone and objective happening of the night in mention i ve even seen a doctor about trying to get tested for possible acute lead exposure and hinted towards psychological deterioration on a quantifiable level my intuition tell me that my saboteur had successfully managed to reduce my iq by several point and inflict a speech impediment issue which involves a portmanteau synthesis between word in my inner dialogue the way that it wa explained to me from a team of professional who discussed my case wa that because i m an adult it s much harder for a single instance of lead exposure ingestion to be absorbed or produce any perceptible effect or cross the blood brain barrier due to a lack of iron deficiency and binding capacity to red blood cell ergo a test would not be necessary or productive in my case however i can t shake the idea out of my mind i can t dissolve it or even compartmentalize it a i navigate through the day it s escalated to the point where it s infected every part of my conscious thinking and convinced me that i m no longer capable of achieving any of the goal i ve set for myself with my newfound profound disability that are only noticeable to me surely this is something so asinine so comically absurd that the idea should be laughed at the point of it conception why can t i disentangle the idea from my head it s put me into a state of complete inaction i m too paranoid to engage in any socially or mentally stimulating activity because i m terrified that the sting of observing my cognitive deficit in real time will manifest and i won t be able to articulate myself to anyone or anything for the rest of my life and the stuttering habit i never had that issue before never have i ever possessed an affinity for transposing syllable or stating sentence in incorreclty disjointed sequence i used to write quite frequently before this and conversely i feel an all consuming negation of my emotional affectivity and spontaneity my thought aren t being organically generated and i feel a if i have to strain to think of anything lucid or insightful is it natural to feel like your thought have been utterly attenuated and obliterated with anxiety is it normal to feel a if time is accelerating itself faster than your consciousness can adapt to it progression is it natural to feel former part of your identity and desire to become increasingly disfigured obscured and foreign to yourself the aforementioned friend that i spoke of no longer talk to me a we had a falling out with one another over a relationship that wa rife with gaslighting think of the breadcrumbing tactic some narcissist employ maybe that spurred the main causal effect for why i m patternizing my memory in the way that i am but pouring granulated lead into my liquor without me noticing or it producing any physiological effect that s laughable right
will have a meeting in an hour to explain quot which version of oaw we use quot what to say none atm it s just a heap of unbundled emf tool
im talking to a psychiatrist on friday i m gon na most likely be put on med which i need lol but i m scared the med aren t even gon na work for me and i m supposed to go to florida with my family in a few week but my anxiety and depression is at a all time high im rly just scared the med won t help me cuz it feel like nothing will help me
im tempted to choose death not through a bullet through my head or a rope or some pill but through starvation to test and see if my desire to die really is stronger than my carnal will to live to finally feel alive in my body a i weaken day by day and feel myself shrivel and decay just like how this depression ha been eating away at my mind i want it to symbolically show to be eating away at my body and to die gracefully paper delicate skin and bone lay over the ground carelessly wrapped in a blanket to be kissed by death to know i have a set amount of day left to live the people around me will be alarmed a i visibly start to die before their eye then ill finally see who care for me to atleast experience what it would feel like to not be obese once in my life
i started therapy for the panic attack that i ve been having it s definitely helped and my therapist recommended that i d benefit from having a medication to take a needed he thought this would help me continue to push the boundary that trigger the panic and that those exposure would help resolve thing he s a sole practitioner and a lcsw i made the appointment with my regular doctor who told me that even with the therapist recommendation he wouldn t write a prescription for a controlled substance and i needed to see a psychiatrist i didn t know these drug were controlled another month pass by while i wait for the psychiatrist appointment hour and 0 later they tell me the same thing they will only prescribe something that i take every day i don t want to take daily medication and my therapist seems to think that s not the best choice i m not a doctor and am just trying to do the best i can to get better am i asking for something crazy is there a medication that isn t controlled that i could ask for or reference i m trying really hard to get out of my comfort zone and get thing back to normal both for me and for my family i feel like a drug seeker now and am embarrassed to go see another psychiatrist i m not sure what i m supposed to do next
thlolo march eh it s because i don t want stress mjolo uyi depression
weird phrasing for clarity post not being taken down seriously how do i cope there s a lot of trigger caused by individual everywhere including medium and online by the misinformation they spread it s gaslighting to constantly see and hear fake information that contradicts my experience a a survivor how do i cope with this i know if anything fall through i will receive false promise of aid to waste my time i know i will be told i m seeking attention i know i will be told that i m the abuser how do i cope with this a a survivor i will be posting this wherever i can because i guess some subreddits do not help with this for some reason
art is a universal language art is a catharsis for me panting helped me out of depression latifa stopped painting when she left syria but used it a a way to deal with the struggle of displacement in lebanon now she teach others and sell her painting http t co viijhh ubc
karenlo 0 i am okay tired and still struggling with my depression how about you
mayorkun and poco snap fit cure depression
hide depression
charlietm i know right i dunno what is going on with twitter
anyone ever had a delayed response to an anxiety inducing event like even when you were having anxiety during the event i had something super duper stressful happen on sunday and last night i wa horribly nauseous all night long and my fianc think it wa a delayed response to what happened on sunday any insight
i talk to myself for like minute sometimes this so intense that i my hand gesture too there is always a intervention from my brain asking what am i doing this happens when i am stressed with some hypothetical issue which probably will never occur for example what if i park my vehicle in a spot how will my neighbor react if i some what unknowingly encroach on his parking spot if this scenario play out then what would be my reaction this issue i just make some hypothetical scenario about my interaction with my neighbor and how would i react to this so called dispute there will be several different scenario playing my mind with realte to this example please help me if this related to adhd and if yes how severe is this if not adhd then what is this
i don t know about y all but i really fucking hate when people act like depression is just being really sad
fishmouse it is hilarious and i linked the clip from lj some time ago but when i went back just now it wa a dead link
what do you guy think will this finally change my life buspasfar mg day escitalopram 0mg bupropion 0
i m not the same person and i didn t like the person i wa before that so it s not even considered a loss but now i just stopped caring i genuinely stopped caring and it make me want to hate myself but the thing is im too exhausted to even hate myself i just feel like nothing just an empty space where a human used to be i ve stopped caring and it scare me i know the final step is when you stop caring and im at this step i don t care to pursue my passion or talent because whats the point why live a live when i will be forgotten why wa i even made like why even bother trying what even is the point in living if i can t be bothered to try
my throat hurt i think i have a cold
hi i m an yr old guy from germany i had a quite good childhood exept that i wa bullied my low class in school and didn t have any friend now i have quite many friend and a good place to work but anytime i am alone i overthink everything and that make me sad my friend say that i am one of the happiest and funniest person they know but when i am alone it s the complete different i worry about my friendship my loved one and my family and that i am not good for this world i mean i am nice to everyone and try to make everyone happy but the most don t give back anything and i can t be mean to them and ignore them because my heart won t let me that make me think a lot i think i really need a person that i can talk to when i am sad and lonely
ravivisvesvarayasharadaprasad http t co tivxonhqh mental health using social anxiety and depression a tool of productivity
this is a long story i m sorry me and my ex broke up year ago but we remained friend but i still loved her and still do to this day after month she stopped talking to me because of this when we were together i never lied to her well i only lied about thing and it s about why i tried km when i wa to this day no one know the real reason maybe my friend bc i almost slipped about it i treated her like a queen we lived 0 hour away from each other and i saved up k to go see her when we were together for gas and my dad stayed at a hotel i wa at the time every anniversary i wrote a very long paragraph maybe on why i love her and how beautiful she is at st it wa every sunday of the week we started dating on sunday then the 9th of every month we lasted 0 month together each paragraph wa different and never said the same thing i did this to help make her feel better about herself because she wa ashamed of her body and i could tell she wa depressed i wanted her to be happy i bought her a lot of gift and always asked how her day went btw i m very poor and at the time i mowed lawn to make money 0 a week during spring and summer i m allergic to grass and been doing it since i wa we broke up and she told me because she wa gay but we can still be friend i quit my job month after bc of depression we had a discord server that contained her brother and their friend there wa this guy that we always played with and me her her brother and the guy played doki doki at st he wa nice then when they left he wa very mean to me saying thing like she doesn t like you just leave why are you even trying and so on i never said anything because i didn t want to ruin any friend ship i wish i said something instantly we all played overwatch together also well i tried to stop playing with just him and only play with her i said it wa bc of my anxiety but the real reason wa bc of him month later she stopped talking to me because i still loved her this is where and why i might be gone soon warning i m going to say graphic thing plz know i don t want attention i just want my story to be told if i do leave day my phobia is being alone and she helped me forget a terrible memory when i wa the real reason that no one know about i wa scarred i regret doing all of this i made 0 account on insta saying sorry and emailed her sorry also plz know i regret doing all of this and understand i wa in a dark place still doesn t justify my action some time after that i wa dmed on insta to go km and other horrible thing i tried telling her but she looked at the screen shot and just blocked me then it happened again then again i wa being told to go km and other thing for month straight even wa bullied by her bf at the same time i screen shotted what he said to me also in the middle of all this my mom oded and wa in a hospital for a week i had no one to talk to i tried cry out for help to her no response i tried cry out for help about the guy telling me to km for month no response she is the only able to stop him she never really tried the only ppl who tried to get them to stop wa me and my friend he wa the only help i had on christmas and easter i also emailed her saying i hope her and her family is ok because covid wa bad and her family is like family to me i worry and care about them a lot still wa being told to km and messaged by her bf i started cutting month of being told to km i stopped a little while ago since i wa still being told to km and bullied by her bf and no change wa happening i cried for help to her parent i showed them the screen shot of what her bf said to me and told them about the person who we still don t know who told me to km later i got a message from her saying that not only she regret our relationship but she is scarred of me and i have to apologize to my friend who wa helping me through all of this btw i don t have the gut to yell at someone bc i ll have a mental break down bc of past trauma parent always yelled at me and i dont have the gut to hurt anyone mentally or physically unless it s to protect my friend or family i m a very protective person of who i love and like when i read this i wa badly hurt i started doing drug not weed bc the smell make me want to vomit and ill never try it but whippet wa accident but made pain go away so i kept doing it some time later my dad got cancer he s doesn t anymore it got removed right away but while he wa gone i had a bad mental break down and i did a free therapy trail online i forgot the website but i did this with different email so i had session i did it for her bc she always told me to get professional help i got told i might have severe adult separation anxiety i have nightmare every night about losing her still to this day i said a lot more infact i told them everything and they told me that they can t officially diagnose me with it because they wanted to talk to me more but i m poor i can t afford that but i then had no one so i cried for help to her last time i wa scarred her dad texted me to never message he again that night i did a full inhale of whippet and tried to km i had seziure idk how to spell and woke up the next day no one checked in on me i woke up on my floor that wa the last time i ever did that some time later her bf messaged me again it wa a pic of him and her kissing making a heart of their hand he said just give up she doesn t love you and never ha i showed the screen shot to some friend and then deleted it bc it wa painful to look at what am i sopose to do cry for help i can t to this day he message me mocking me but she ll never believe me not only i can t tell her but i don t think she even care i also later found out the real reason why she broke up with me wa bc i wa too clingy not only did my friend tell me this her bf did also everyone who i told this story to tell me she cheated on me that there s no way someone would let this happen if they cared about me after i treated her with respect like that during our relationship i don t think she cheated on me she would never do that i tried going out with other girl but i cant bc it feel like i m cheating on her even tho we re not dating it feel wrong i still love her and i always will even tho she never asked if i wa ok when i wa being told to km which hurt badly i still love her the only reason i m alive is because of my hope a nd chance with her but it s dying and i want to die b my hope dy or i m going to die when my hope dy which mean i ll have no happiness left the st time i felt happiness wa when she said yes to going out i cried that night bc i never felt that b bc of childhood i just want her to at least ask if i m ok just to prove my thought wrong to prove that she still care to keep me going i love you and i always will if you some how see this i know you re tired of seeing this but i m sorry plz know if i do lose the battle i lasted this long for you i hope you re proud of me and if you do message me i might come out about the real reason why i can t let go and for whoever read this long thank you i hope you have a great life be safe idk if i typed this but i haven t done drug in a year won t be on this account a lot only to vent it s a alt account i m just trying to get help even tho the only help that will help me is her saying anything nice to me idk when but when my limit is reached bc of her bf and friend and all the past crap they said to me i plan on going 00mph to a pole i already know where i m going to do it it s not like she care anyways i get told to go km for month and bullied to this day and not once ask if i m ok i doubt she ll be sad my thought are telling me she ll be happier if i m dead i get harassed i get yelled at for cry for help i get told to km i get yelled at for cry for help
elmartinsz she said it will spiral her back into depression she might actually need help sha and maybe the parent too sef are being hurtful we don t exactly know her struggle but omo we always tend to support parent in these sort of situation
hate waiting for mail
it seems there is no more joy in this world the world ha literally gone to shit it s scary and truly saddening people fighting for climate change having protest a if that s gon na change a goddam thing everyone is diagnosed with some type of mental illness even if they re not they tell you they suffer from some type of anxiety and depression there s 0 originality these day i don t even remember 0 when i look outside everything appears in a darker shade everyone is trying to bring back old trend specifically the early 000s and reselling clothes item from that era at an insane price which piss me off everyone feel nostalgic bringing up memory from the past anytime before 0 0 more than ever these day which make me even more sick because we can t relive those year nothing to ever look forward to no good music no nothing everyone piss me off there is truly no one like me and if there is well i m sure they live very far from where i m at earlier i wa thinking about vine and how that turned into musically and how that turned into tiktok which is just filled with such inappropriate vids i had to delete it because my fyp wa filled with people romanticizing eating disorder and people deliberately showing their fresh self harm cvts this generation is seriously mentally ill i m so exhausted from living all i fucking do is complain because there s too much shit to complain about this world just keep turning into a more dark and darker place and the fact that people are still having kid in a world like this even during the pandemic is just beyond me there s clearly no hope for any of u i can t keep living in a world like this and then the fact that i have to slave at work while my manager sleep downstairs or is sitting on his as getting paid minimum wage is just insane i don t understand how people have put up with this for so long every day i get closer to the day i planned to take my life and i don t even know how i feel about it and some day i feel nothing yea call me a coward but at least i ll be gone no more dealing with this stupid shit and stupid as new yorkers the most dumbest people i ve ever came across
now i m having a hard time digesting disappointment
only more day left in london where did the time go
aww this earthquake in italy ha made me sad just saw the pic on the news it s terrible
hey friend i come asking question about workplace anxiety i m 9 and work retail i realize that this is a job with low stake and that whatever fear i have about making mistake are rather silly given the nature of the job however i ve worked myself up because i worked an event this evening and in my eye it wa just a series of unfortunate event first i show up early but still later than my coworker who i wa working with for the event he wa talking to our bos second i wa underdressed he looked so sharp granted i am 9 and he is almost a full decade older than me with the life experience to really comprehend dress code it wa rather unspecified and unclear so i m trying not to beat myself up too much about it i ran home super quickly and grabbed some nicer shoe and a jacket but it still wasn t great third my bos gave u her number to text or to call if we needed any help i texted her first and then she asked if i would call her because she wa on the road make sense but i feel i made a mistake texting her in the first place fourth fifth sixth and so on i worry that throughout the entire evening i wad screwing up and ended up losing the store a ton of money i m so upset about everything that happened and being liked by my bos that i wa cry and now i can t sleep please oh please i beg of y all how do i get over this it s making my day really difficult and i don t want this to follow me into the future when if i have a job much more demanding and serious if i mess up it s eating me up and i can t take it thanks
stephendon i just cant commit the time though my play time isnt the same a everyone el
paulriggall me too why am i not going to glasto stupid girl crosby still amp nash are playing too
idolette marissatastic i m so sad about the house episode tonight but bigger amp better thing damn that taub lol
hermes packetdienst suck
i have had suicidal thought since high school i am also trans and have always known it since i wa young i never felt it wa something i wa allowed to do i started transitioning a few month ago now at the age of i ve attempted suicide time in my life and i did the least almost hoping i would live or die 0 0 i ve always threatened my family that i would kill myself some of that wa a cry for help some of that is true i have planned to live perhaps extra year to see if truly a everyone tell me it s worth living just wait i believe in my heart i can be great for myself and love myself and yet i am plagued by this obtuse feeling of letting go for good almost every day i have had many therapist i have one currently i have tried med and i truly don t want them in my life i can t even complain i speak language fluently i ve experienced a lot of life and always felt like an old soul although i am disappointed with this world i am disappointed with all the hate that exists i m disappointed with myself and others consistently most day i wake up grateful and most day i go to sleep angry sad lonely and hopeless no matter how much i try to be a force of love and light in this world in the morning i end up depleted and sucked into the darkness each night i have stayed for my family and friend who would suffer if i left i have never once stayed for myself i wish i found a reason to live for myself and not for others i m planning on taking shooting lesson in this year so i may get a gun license hopefully so that i may register a firearm in year and kill myself i m not sure what i m looking for saying this on here just needed a place to say it i hope you re all well and stay strong
i m so open about my experience with postnatal depression because i don t want any new mum frantically googling why don t i love my baby amp what s wrong with me like i did postnatal depression is so common ranging in severity regardless you re not alone
i m don t know how to explain it but any affection make me genuinely sick to my stomach it s weird because i m a loving person i try to be kind to everyone and help a much a i can maybe sometimes a little too much even with the smallest thing i try to come through and help because something inside me genuinely just say i should do it i can never respond correctly to any compliment and always try to find a way move around it or i just quickly think of a way to compliment them back so it doesn t feel one sided is that weird the only time i don t feel a way about it is when my mom dad or sister compliment me i try to interact with people but feel like they genuinely don t care about what i have to say and a lot of the time i don t know if it s in my head or if it s true when i get invited to meet i want to say something but never do and kind of just stay there silent listening a lot of the time i feel like i make my friend super uncomfortable too i can only come up with so much to say and usually just hope there s is more than one person there when i do talk i never know what to say or stumble over my word figuring out how to say it to the point where they interrupt me to conclude the conversation or move on don t get me started with romantic stuff every time i think about being in a relationship i genuinely want to vomit i feel so sick my stomach hurt it s also terrible because i really want to be in one someone to have loving bond with a two sided support system ups and down all that good stuff sometimes i imagine it too but when i do i physically get so ill like i m gon na throw up kinda feel like i m rambling but i don t understand what all this is tldr simple affection make me feel sick or uncomfortable even though i m a person who love to make others feel great and do my best to help them all
onlinemigration me too although im still going hehe
a lot of the time when it get dark i just start feeling so fucking shitty and i don t know why is this normal thing that will pop into my mind are thing like how i could just kill myself and people would get over it soon in different time of my life i ve planned out what date work best a to not ruin holiday or birthday im not sure if this kind of stuff is normal
i don t feel so hot
findinmyway luv depression hit me out of nowhere last night
sitting seb and waiting for hour bad customer service
really i need to work on my confidence and just doing stuff but with how low my self esteem ha been it s just been getting harder and harder to do anything i went on a rant in my wow discord about it that and how much my depression seems to have come back
i m a burnt out mentally ill college student that s already hard i have mental illness that leave the people around me annoyed amp scared of me my coping method used to be music now i can t enjoy listening to it because of my misophonia you know you have a problem when you can t even enjoy music i have to pretend i m okay even if my prof family know i m struggling with unbearable chronic fatigue they still expect me to do super well in college society still expects me to excel at everything toxic positivity inspiration p rn hustle culture blah blah blah so tiring well i can t i am literally mentally amp physically incapable of it i can barely leave my bed i barely enjoy doing anything i used to enjoy doing i m trying to find thing to latch onto i m trying not to give up god just really hate my gut i m at a dead end god i m so close to giving up
feel yucky sick this morning
i stopped taking ssri about month ago and have been really depressed and anxious since i don t have adhd but i have an adderall prescription and take 0mg xr about time a week i am trying to find alternative to taking medication for depression so i picked up some 0mg htp supplement is it safe to take the two together if not would it be safe to take the adderall in the morning and htp at night
i have another meeting with my counsellor tomorrow and imma probably get those result on the depression anxiety and social anxiety test questionairres i did so we ll see how that go lol
i m so sick of life and the suffering and bullshit i have to go through just to get a small and short lived taste of fake happiness i want to kill myself but i m afraid that the light at the end of the tunnel is right there but it never is i just can t bring myself to do it and i hate myself for it i m stuck on the edge of just barley getting by and trying to convince myself to give up i feel pathetic even typing this anyone else going through what i am would ve found help by now and become a normal person not vented to a website since they feel like they can t tell anyone else i just want it to be over i don t know how i blew the opportunity of a life i wa given so many people do so much more with so much le but i wasn t given the tool to deal with this i m too emotionally and mentally weak i don t know what else the problem could be and i m not brave enough to choose the only solution and end it i hope this didn t bring anyone else down i know everyone out there ha it in them to be happy i m not sure about myself though i can t provide myself that same kind of confidence
ok here s the deal i live in a small town i ve never seen anythin famous n anyway so i thought i might luck up on something