News Written by Ozaukee Press Wednesday, 29 March 2017 21:06 Nature has smiled on Ozaukee County by giving it 25 miles of Lake Michigan coastline. The gift provides natural beauty, recreation, high land values and the economic vigor that results from its appeal to tourists, new residents and businesses. An unfortunate vote by the Ozaukee County Board on March 15 suggests that some of its members are taking this gift for granted. The vote denied the City of Port Washington’s request for a $150,000 contribution by the county toward a breakwater improvement project that will cost $8 million. A majority of the board—16 members—voted in favor of the contribution. But because a two-thirds vote was required, the no votes of merely seven supervisors scuttled a funding measure that was in the best interests of county residents. The rationale of the naysayers seemed to be that the county should not contribute because the project benefits only the City of Port Washington. This pinched and shortsighted view misses the obvious: The harbor that needs the breakwater improvements is as much Ozaukee County’s harbor as it is Port Washington’s. It is the only harbor on the county shore, and it benefits the thousands of residents of Ozaukee County who use it to launch or moor boats, go fishing on charter boats or from docks and breakwaters or visit it to enjoy the beauty of Lake Michigan, an enjoyment that will be enhanced by the improvements that will make the breakwater safer and easier to use by those who want to walk over the water on its half-mile length to the lighthouse. The economic impact derived from the spending the harbor stimulates flows to the entire county, generating county sales tax revenue and supporting businesses and the taxes and jobs they produce. The breakwater project is going to get done with or without county money, but the rejection of the city request for modest cost-sharing puts unnecessary pressure on the taxpayers of Port Washington to fund infrastructure in the which the county has a significant stake. This should have been an easy decision for the County Board, an opportunity to support Port Washington in providing a turn-key benefit for county residents. The city government has done all of the heavy lifting for the project, persuading a reluctant federal government to rebuild the failing breakwater structure, winning grants for necessary safety and accessibility upgrades and appropriating roughly $1.5 million in city funds for the work. Refusing to make a contribution that amounts to less than 2% of the cost of the project was an unfriendly response, insensitive to the contributions to the county by the City of Port Washington and its taxpayers and unsupported by any evidence that it would have been irresponsible spending. It also amounts to a rejection by the no-voters of county government policy toward the harbor at Port Washington. Ozaukee County has demonstrated it values its stake in the harbor by contributing $1 million to the building of the small-boat harbor in which the marina is located and funding the rescue boat that is an essential marina service. This episode in the annals of the relationship between the county and its county-seat city deserves a happier ending, one that reflects the will of the County Board majority. That can be accomplished by reconsideration and the change of just two of the dissenting votes. The satisfaction of doing the right thing should be an adequate incentive to do that.
A common question in strategic planning revolves around the strong profitability of clear, focused specialty and commodity strategies. Apparently, this is becoming a factor in the labor market, as well.An article in The Lookout on Yahoo notes that there is a "disappearing middle" in the job market. This trend - growth in lower-tier unskilled jobs and upper-tier skilled jobs, looks suspiciously like the "saddle curve" we use to explain the profit impact of pursuing specialty and commodity strategies. Is is possible that the labor market is now coming to reflect the same specialty and commodity tendencies we have observed in other markets? An interesting question is: why has this tendency not been apparent in the past? Strategically, you should ask yourself: is my company employing specialty employees or commodity employees - and how does that fit with our strategic planning?
Posted: Sunday, March 08, 2009 By In 1932, the federal courts affirmed gangster Al Capone's 11-year prison sentence and heavy fine for income tax evasion. He was sent to Alcatraz and then the Atlanta pen before he was given his freedom to die of advanced syphilis. How times change. Seven decades later, the feds determined Wall Street whiz Tim Geithner owed more than $34,000 in back taxes. Geithner said his tax problems were "an embarrassment," but President Barack Obama appointed him just the same to a Cabinet post. He was easily confirmed by the Senate to be Treasury secretary, of all things, and told to overhaul the country's ailing financial system. Former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle was not so lucky. The president tapped him for secretary of health and human services. He would guide the administration's universal health care package to passage. During a perusal of Daschle's background, however, a nosy government guy discovered that the former Democratic leader owed a bundle in long-overdue taxes. Daschle withdrew his Cabinet nomination. Former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson was on his way to becoming commerce secretary, then pow! A corruption investigation shot him down. Superstar government wonk Nancy Killifer withdrew her name as nominee for the new and powerful performance officer's post. The reason? Unspecified tax problems. Just as we started to wonder how many more geniuses would be disqualified from federal service in Washington, look what happened in Atlanta. State auditors discovered that 10 percent of the members of the Georgia General Assembly were state tax evaders. Of course, Georgia's grand troika - Gov. Sonny Perdue, Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle and House Speaker Romeo Richardson - decided that Georgia's tax-evasion list of 22 state senators and representatives should be kept secret. The Georgia public had no right to know the names of its tax-cheating public officials. "Redacted" was the word of the day in the state Revenue Department. You and I might not be shown the same courtesy of having our deadbeat tax records sealed. You and I are not "special people." We are not privileged legislators or connected insiders. We are not eligible for protective treatment from the tax collector. Ethics doesn't have much meaning in Washington or Atlanta or several other capital cities. Corruption in government has become so commonplace that we hardly notice news accounts of $50 billion investment frauds or multimillion-dollar bonuses paid to executives with lousy performance records - or the tax-evasion habits of career government types who ought to know better. No wonder so few of us wince when we read that our government has decided to suspend half of our constitutional rights or that the General Assembly is eager to approve public payment for Georgia Power generators that haven't even been built. Or that wiretaps, searches without warrants and arrests without due process are just part of the way we do business nowadays. Call it the Desensitization of America. ► Stories of Georgia's tax-evading public officials are not without their irony. Just as we calculate that a high percentage of our population are habitual tax-law violators, other official charts show that Georgia has one of the highest imprisonment rates for all offenses in the country. ► More Georgia residents are sentenced to probation than in any other state. That's what happens when the prisons are full and you don't have any more room to house the guilty parties. Perhaps no connection exists between the public official-tax offenders and street-level drug dealers or cat burglars. However, one cannot help but wonder if a state that winks at criminality among its public-servant class does not also encourage lawbreaking at lower levels. In other words, your state legislator ducks out on paying his share of taxes, and hardly anyone says "boo." If you or I are caught stealing gas and credit cards, shouldn't we just be able to go in and plead "embarrassed"? • Reach Bill Shipp at P.O. Box 2520, Kennesaw, GA 30156, send e-mail to [email protected] or visit the Web site Related Searches POWERFUL PERFORMANCE OFFICER WASHINGTON NEW MEXICO LT. GOV. TIM GEITHNER NANCY KILLIFER WITHDREW AMERICA DEMOCRATIC LEADER POLITICS GOVERNOR HABITUAL TAX-LAW VIOLATORS BILL SHIPP NANCY KILLIFER USD BARACK OBAMA [email protected] GEORGIA TOM DASCHLE ATLANTA AL CAPONE Trending this week:
The purpose of these Protocols is to offer market participants an efficient way to address issues relating to standards and/or best practices surrounding post-trade processes where related payment instructions are submitted to the CLS system for settlement services in CLS Bank. Such standards and/or best practices have been developed and agreed generally by the industry. Participation in the Protocols is open to all market participants (Members and non-Members of CLS Bank). It should be noted that there is no adherence fee required for market participants wishing to participate in these Protocols. FX Protocol Background The purpose of the FX Protocol is to offer market participants an efficient way to address legal and operational issues that arise in connection with FX transactions whose related FX Instructions are submitted to the CLS system for settlement services in CLS Bank. Specifically: Confirmation of Economic Terms (Legal) – to enable parties with FX instructions related to their underlying FX transaction submitted to the CLS system for settlement in CLS Bank to treat FX instructions that have been matched in the CLS System as a confirmation of each economic term of the underlying FX transaction so matched. Adoption of Stated Industry Best Practice (Operational) – to enable parties to notify other parties of their respective current positions, as an operational matter, on the stated industry best practice of not requiring the receipt of a separate confirmation of an FX transaction if the related FX instructions have been matched in the CLS system (the “Best Practice”). Unlike the confirmation of economic terms described above, this is an optional, not mandatory, provision in the FX Protocol. TypeDocument TitleVersionList of Adhering PartiesThe CLS Bank Protocol, FAQs and, if applicable, the relevant Letters should be reviewed carefully by your institution before acting on any information summarized in this file. (In particular, it should be well understood that, as indicated in the FAQs, an institution's adherence to the FX Protocol alone does not provide any indication of whether it has adopted the Best Practice of no longer requiring the receipt of separate confirmations.) May 25, 2011 Adherence Letters (executed).This will contain the conformed copies and will be updated regularly. April 03, 2013 Adoption of Best Practice; Best Practice Supplemental Letters (executed)This contains the conformed copies and will be updated regularly. April 03, 2013 CLS Bank FX Protocol Jul 14, 2008 FX Frequently Asked QuestionsJul 14, 2008 Procedures for Adherence and Adoption of Best PracticeJul 14, 2008 FX Form of Adherence Letter - Exhibit 1AFor Single Adherence Party: Non-Member Jul 14, 2008 FX Form of Adherence Letter - Exhibit 1BFor Multiple Adhering Parties: Affiliates Jul 14, 2008 FX Form of Adherence Letter - Exhibit 1CFor Investment or Asset Manager Jul 14, 2008 Form of Adoption of FX Best Practice Letter - Exhibit 2AFor Member or Non-Member and Affiliates Jul 14, 2008 1 - 10 Copyright © 2017 CLS Group Holdings AG. All rights reserved
HEY Paple!I love the weekend. Daniel and I went out on a date last night to a fancy steakhouse in town and are planning to do some home projects today/carve pumpkins. Love that man.Soooo, I'm pretttty strict about my casa. My mom taught me all of this, so you can blame her! Some of the rules of the house include: NO SHOES! Beds made every. single. day. (I think I got that from my Grandma Joann- along with 5000 other things!) Laundry in the laundry room only- not in the bedroom or any other room. No clutter- clean up after yourself! This house rarely looks messy. No dishes in the sink-ever-unless the dishwasher is running and there wasn't room. Vacuum lines! And it must smell pretty. Ha, clearly I don't have children (and clearly my husband hates me) (clearly I am joking. He loves me lots and I like to tell myself he appreciates coming home to cleanliness). Anyway, I don't really like to burn candles because of the flame and smoke. Most of my candles are decoration. Instead, I like to use knock off Scentsy-esque wax warmers (I'm sorry for all you Scentsy dealers out there, but they are just too expensive! I'm a teacher!) that I bought at Hob Lob for $10 each OR have Glade Plug ins. Problem is, the glad warmer inserts are so expensive. I hate to buy new, so I hold off and hold off until the warmer turns brown from burning fumes. Gross. Here is a cheappppp way to refill those suckers (or any other brand!) Buy essential oil (heard you can get tiny bottles from the dollar store- or you can use this technique to buy theirs, open them up, and pour the oil into your plug ins) or buy this oil from Hob Lob- it's in the soap section, but the label says you can use it in oil warmers, too. You will notice the label says it was $9.99. Print a 40% off coupon at the Hob Lob website and get it for $6 instead. Follow these steps: Take your warmer and eject the oil pot. See that little ridge in the cap? We want to pop that off. Use a knife to get under that ridge and lift the cap off. Fill the pot with your oil (mine is Fresh rain- I gravitate towards clean scents, go figure- but they have a few more. Not a huge selection, though!) Replace the cap and you are set! I filled 4 pots and used about 1/3 of the oil. SO for around $2, I was able to have 4 replacement oil pots. Bazinga. If you are into clean, green, inexpensive living (as I am obsessed with), visit my Jenni's blog, Simply Prudent. She is currently writing through a month-long series about running her home with various different routines and ideas. LOVE IT. We do a lot of the same things, but I'll spare you a post and just have you read hers! Posted by Katie at 6:54 AM Labels: Frugal Living, Home, Tutorials 11 comments: LAOctober 15, 2011 at 11:45 AMlol. Your house sounds like a place to come vacay at. I mainly put my shoes in one basket...but more than once a week I have to look under the couch/coffee table for a missing shoe. We don't even have a flat sheet on our bed...just our duvet so if we are lucky it might get a shake down before we get into bed for the night- yep we call it "fluffing you in" cause generally I am already in bed & 1/2 asleep when dan starts "fluffing" the comforter. Oh laundry-I'm not even going to comment. We are pretty clutter less folks... unless I am in the middle of a craft project. And then I don't clean up till I'm done. (makes dan crazy in the head). We have no carpet to put lines into- only hardwoods. BUT I totally agree with a good smelling house AND I get sooo mad when there are dishes in the sink! Put them in the dishwasher people (my mom would say "your maid doesn't live here") I even get annoyed if they are dishes I put in the sink. haha. (Side note- dan just walked into our bed room and decared "found your flip-flops...I moved the couch" So I guess I should aim better for the basket. )ReplyDeletechristineMarch 17, 2013 at 11:21 AMthis totally saved my life today! I actually had a bottle of essencial oil from the dollar tree! (24oz) that I bought a couple years ago. I live in NYC so luxury items like Glade refills run about $7.00!! Thanks again! 26, 2013 at 12:39 PMChristine, what section/aisle did you find the essential oil at Dollar Tree? 28, 2013 at 3:53 AMThank you for this, I love a pretty smelling house but I hate buying all those refills, this will save me a ton. I love your blog found you via pinterest and finding more and more that I love. ReplyDeleteAnonymousJuly 17, 2013 at 9:38 AMI bought the huge glass bottled ones when a store has a set of three for $3 ... getting rid of the sent I guess. Anyway, it takes 2 of those small oil scents from the dollar store to fill it and if you visit they sell replacement wicks in a set of 5 for $3.27. of course the store is located in England, but I did ask if they might know of some on line stores in the U.S. that carry the proper replacement wicks for the plug ins besides them. ReplyDeleteWeamSeptember 29, 2013 at 7:23 AMI just went and got me the glade starter kit from costco even though iv been looking at it for a while but rejecting the idea of having to refill it reach time. But thanx to u. Now my house smells fresh again love this idea. Thank 14, 2013 at 11:04 AMKatie, Does your bottle list ingredients? I drove to the nearest Hobby Lobby today (a long way) and they only had this brand in tiny bottles, smaller than the actual plug-in container, for $2.99. No ingredients were listed for me to compare a bottle of vanilla candle type oil that was flammable, so I did not purchase anything.ReplyDeletek8's fuzzy brainMay 6, 2014 at 3:52 PMHi Katie! SO glad I found this, because I have the same issues with getting refills (and yes, my warmers can get a bit brown, but you can wash them easily with some rubbing alcohol, or shampoo/Dawn dish detergent. [Dawn goes on sale at our CVS a few times a year. We use our bogus card and they are only 99 cents!]) so I was really glad to have found your site! As for actually finding different scented oils, your best bet is to go to a "headshop"- the places that sell cigarettes and glass pipes and hookahs and Grateful Dead/Jimi Hendrix stuff. We go to one because they carry our cigarettes, and they always have the best selections of oils! (Incense, as well.) Now, I don't know what those places look like out in the mid-west, but generally, any fairly large-ish town with an antique store/consignment shop/gallery section of town should be able to help you find them. (I am guessing that people who smoke stuff that isn't always legal like to mask the odor with scented oils and incense?) Some also sell scented candles, but you'll find some odd scents as well, like colognes! No kidding! Other than boutiques (which are MUCH more expensive!) that's pretty much the only place I can think of where I've ALWAYS found scented oils that might be available to you in the mid-west. I am thinking that with smaller bottles of scented oil, you could get away with adding them to a carrier 27, 2014 at 8:13 AMI bought a 32 oz bottle of Tahitian vanilla oil for potpourri pots was reduced to $2. check the discount area or craft area at Walmart. That will refill a lot of them. I also pour a little of this on top of potted artificial plants for a little extra around different areas of the 10, 2015 at 6:06 PMThe only kind i was able to find was a huge bottle of what was labeled liquid potpourri…but it looks liquidy and not oily at all. Can i use this? I am guessing it's for burners as well, but maybe those crock pot looking burners. TessReplyDeleteTeresa WolfenbargerOctober 1, 2016 at 11:47 AMI was reading that spiders don't like eucalyptus and peppermint, so I was thinking of doing this in the garage. ReplyDeleteAdd commentLoad more...
Mix flour, baking powder, sugar & shortening like pie crumbs. Take out 1/2 cup crumbs for tops of cakes. Add other ingredients and mix well. Bake at 375 degrees in two greased and floured 8" round cake pans for 20 - 30 minutes.
When the cold bare knuckles of fall beat at the windows, before the dust-warm heaters came on, the bathroom was the warmest place to be. I would slip from my room, grab a few catalogs, and sit with my back against the closed door, half within a loose tent of blanket. There, I gazed at pictures of the worlds of my dreams. Design Toscano was one of my favorites - it had dragons, unicorns, mermaids, fairies - the whole shebang. I dreamed of them, of how big they'd be, what emotions I could attribute to them, how their eyes betrayed their histories. Ever since, I've collected knick-knacks that glimmer with untold stories. For years as an adult, I eyed the Dragon of Stonebridge Castle wall sculpture. What I saw was not the picture in the catalog (see below): What I saw in my mind was a red dragon, as proud as the Welsh dragon, as powerful as Smaug, and scaled like a river of fire and blood. I bought the sculpture, telling myself I would bring out its inner palette... which I finally did. Here's the result: Soon after, my partner added a fun surprise! Posted by Sweeper of Dreams at 12:43 AM Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: crafting, dragon, painting 1 comment: Brian Miller said... ha. papa smurf...these are cool...fantasy has always captured me....i love tales of dragons...and i imagine there are plenty of tales to be told...
Winthrop University’s campus prepped for Saturday’s “Worldwide Winthrop Day” by rolling out new t-shirts and a social media campaign. Students on Friday were asked to swap an old t-shirt, to be donated to charity, in exchange for a new shirt they can write on and fill in the blank in “Winthrop. Better Than ....” The school encouraged those wearing the shirts to post their photo on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The activity is tied to Saturday’s “Worldwide Winthrop Day,” when the school will host more than 600 admitted students and their families. The prospective students will tour dorms, meet professors and have ice cream with President Jamie Comstock. University leaders are encouraging alumni, friends and current students and employees to take part in “Worldwide Winthrop Day” by sending in photos from around the world of themselves in Winthrop gear.
Hu Ge is a Chinese actor and singer from Shanghai. He is known for his roles in many wuxia series like Chinese Palladin 1 and 3, Legend of the Condor Heroes.
My 11-year-old son Brandon and I could not wait to see this show. I got tickets for the very first preview performance so that we would be sure not to miss it. And we were not disappointed. We had a really great time - laughed our asses off (sometimes when no one else was laughing, more about that later). And as far as I can tell so did everyone else in the audience. "What is this?" you ask, "I have never heard of this show." Well, shame on you! "The Compleat Works of Wllm Shkspr (abridged)" is one of the great comedy works of the late 20th century, written by members of the Reduced Shakespeare Company who are one of the great comic acts of our time - right up there with Monty Python. I have traveled four hours one way just to see them perform "The Bible:The Complete Word of God (abridged)" and last October Brandon and I went over the mountains to Amherst to see their "Complete Millennium Musical (abridged)". In between we like to listen to the casette recordings of the Reduced Shakespeare Company Radio Show and the Reduced Shakespeare Company Christmas Album and laugh our asses off. You get the picture now. The Reduced Shakespeare folks take very large bodies of work - the Bible, Shakespeare, the last 1,000 years of world history, etc. and reduce them to rapid fire comic masterpieces. These are usually performed by three guys who play all of the parts, often in drag. Even the addition of a female performer in the Millennium Musical didn't prevent some cross-dressing from going on. "The Compleat Works of Wllm Shkspr (abridged)" is the work that brought the RSC (NOT the ROYAL Shakespeare Company, the REDUCED Shakespeare Company) to fame and some small fortune. This is the first time I had seen a RSC show performed by someone other than the RSC, and I was interested to see how that worked. I was interested and Brandon was leary - he was not at all convinced that Shakespeare & Company, of whom he is very fond, could improve upon comic perfection. And I think that he was right to be leary. It was those "improvements" that dragged the show down a bit, not much, but enough that it broke my general hysteria and made me make a note of it. Allow me to quote from the Director's Notes in the program: "The play gave me the chance to explore through humor the deep-rooted aesthetics of Shakespeare & Company. I wanted to turn the mirror back on ourselves and not be afraid of the image, but to embrace it. No stone was left unturned. We shamelessly parody ourselves, the artistic staff, and all those who have inspired us." - Tony Simotes Well, there's the problem right there. No one in the audience gives a big hoot about the "deep-rooted aesthetics of Shakespeare & Company" or "the artistic staff and all those who have inspired [them]". We came to laugh our asses off, thank you very much, and the in-jokes just get in the way. Do a special performance for the ShakesCo gang and then you guys can all laugh your asses off at the stuff that only makes sense to you. We paid for lots of silly, slap-stick stuff and that is all that we are going to laugh at. Actually, I know quite a bit about ShakesCo, and so I got some of the inside humor and I didn't think it was THAT funny. It certainly didn't belong in a public performance. But at least they had the professionalism not to pack the audience with groupies who laughed and whooped at every in-joke the way they do at the WTF. Oh I cringe to think of what I'll have to endure at the Free Theatre in a couple of days... Shakespeare is full of sex and blood and this play throws in lots of fake vomit as well. I guarantee that even a four-year-old will find this play funny in parts. I was sorry that there weren't more children in the audience because this is a really great show for the whole family. Kind of like the old "Rocky and Bullwinkle" cartoons or the Muppets (to whom there are innumerable references and homages in this production for some unknown reason) the humor is dumb enough for the very young and witty enough for us sophisticated adults. That having been said, I will confess that Brandon and I disrupted the whole theatre by suddenly yelling "I've got a chicken in my pants!" and laughing very loudly for way too long. There was a guy with a rubber chicken in his pants on the stage at the time, but it wasn't as funny as all that - unless you had seen the Millennium Musical (which the actors and director had not) in which case it was just the funniest thing we'd seen since - well, since the Millennium Musical... It is embarrassing to find yourself laughing uncontrollably at a joke from the wrong show. Jonathan Croy does a really great Reed Martin impression. Reed Martin is a member of the RSC with a distinctive look, being well over six feet and bald as an egg. It made it feel more like we were seeing the real RSC to have Croy bounding around doing his Reed Martin impression, but I would have been just as happy to see him as Jonathan Croy. Croy is joined by Josef Hansen doing his Adam Long impression, and John Beale actually creating a new, more scholarly persona. They are all three very funny and loose limbed. Hansen is a good sport about wearing the wigs and dresses and being tossed about like a rag doll. And Beale does a great Kermit the Frog voice. This show has a very short run so pack up grandma and the kiddies and go NOW! You will be glad you did! And maybe we can lure the REAL RSC to come to the Berkshires one of these days... "The Compleat Works of Wllm Shkspr (abridged)" is playing for only nine performances July 19 through August 6 at the Duffin Theatre in the Lenox Memorial High School on East Street. The show runs 2 hours with one intermission and contains plenty of blood, vomit, and fart jokes to entertain the kiddies. For tickets and information call the Shakespeare & Company box office at 413-637-3353.
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Tags: Vox archive, web applications I've just joined Jaiku after getting an invite from Cormac Moylan – thanks Cormac. Jaiku is similar to Twitter apparently, though I've avoided Twitter thus far. I guess the attraction of things like Twitter and Jaiku is something to do with the very transient nature of adding content. You drop a quick note in as to what you're up to, something you've just seen, a quick link to something interesting, and someone might pick it up, they might not. It certainly seems as though there are a lot of options for getting that info on to Jaiku. I can use gtalk (or most other IM) to send a message, or type something into the web interface, or I can use their S60 mobile app, or, if I really wanted to, I can send a text to a mobile number in Finland (thank you, but I think I'll avoid that one for the time being). Other than that, in your account settings you can add in the addresses of any feeds you have, from photos to blogs, to Last FM, and it automatically updates your Jaiku page with this content. I could see it being more useful if there were loads of people I knew on it, but for the time being I'll be content with linking in with a certain Irish web crowd and keeping in touch with what's going on there. As noted, I haven't checked out Twitter, but according to a few of the Irish heads on Jaiku, the functionality and display of information on Jaiku is quite superior to that of Twitter. I won't actually state that until I check it out myself… Read and post comments | Send to a friend « Previous Next » Comments
After 8 years Captain Ryan McCabe was going home. He had been a training officer for five years and was now serving his last tour in Afghanistan. Everything was planned. In just a few short days he would be spending Christmas with his family. That’s what he thought anyway until the sound of the explosion was deafening. Ryan felt the burning pain go through his body and then everything was dark. He couldn’t talk or open his eyes. He just drifted off into a deep sleep. He didn’t know why but he kept smelling the sweet scent of jasmine around him. Rebecca watched over Ryan day after day hoping and praying he would wake up. Her job was to watch over him in his time of need and keep him safe until he would come back to them. As the days passed she grew closer to him more and more. How was she supposed to leave him? How was she supposed to walk away from the man she was falling in love with? What was she going to do? Posted by
In order to achieve the goal of cultivating truly bilingual and bicultural world citizens, students of IBSH are required to take Chinese (1-12) and Chinese social studies (1-8) in Mandarin. In addition, IBSH offers a rigorous college prep curriculum. Required high school courses include English, trigonometry, analytic geometry, calculus, biology, chemistry, physics, world history and geography, U. S. history and civics, economics, and physical education. A variety of electives, honors and AP programs are also available for high school students to enrich their learning. Standardized tests taken by students include Iowa (ITBS), CTPIII. PSAT, SAT, ACT and AP exams. Also, numerous extra-curricular activities with superb quality are organized and supported by our enthusiastic Gr. 7-21 students all our round. Among them, the annual community service-learning/UNICEF project and the annual nationwide and international Model United Nations Conferences especially provide our students with the perspectives and preparation for becoming global citizens. Being one of the five entities that make up National Experimental High School, IBSH supports and encourages inter-departmental activities in the form of sports competitions, cultural assemblies, and joint-department clubs to enhance communication between cultures and among students. Guiding our students is a core of committed, caring teachers from Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Africa, Canada, and the U. S. All are certified teachers with many years of experience. In the fall of 2009, there were 61 full-time instructors, 23 of whom were North Americans, one with a Ph. D. and 39 with a master's degree. The student-teacher ratio is arround 10:1. Curriculum Maps School Policy about the Elective and AP Courses Chinese Class Regulations Link to Texbook Ordering System Parent information about the Curriculum Maps and Standards A&T and Chinese elective courses selection round 2 information 2017-01-18 Dear students: The A&T and Chinese elective courses selection round 2 starts from 11:00-21:00 t... Gr. 7-12 Math review test scope 2017-02-13 Dear students: Here is the scope for Gr. 7-12 Math review test. ... 105-2 course survey link 2017-01-04 Link opens at 19:00, Jan.4th. Chinese elective: 105-2 A&T/Chinese elective courses description 2017-01-04 Dear students: All the orientation information are in the below for your reference. Regulation: d... Curricum is on Atlas now! 2016-09-22 IBSH Curriculum map (Course description) and Unit calendar are now available to view on ATLAS. Pleas...
Last night my Mom and I stood in line with about a thousand other people at our local Wegmans to meet Giada De Laurentiis and have her sign a copy of her new cookbook that was just released this week. I knew there would be a lot of people, but never in my wildest dreams did I think it would be as crazy as it was. Giada was scheduled to be there from 5-7pm, but based on the number of people that had tickets, I would guess she was there until 11pm still signing away. Luckily, I have a fabulous Mom who went to the store at 2pm and got a voucher so that we could be in the first group of people to meet her after the VIPs. The staff had a huge job trying to keep things secure and orderly and there were lots of rules that needed to be followed. Unfortunately with the amount of people that were there, Giada was not posing for photos, but you could take pictures of her as she signed from certain areas. One of which being the line as you approached her. This was my first view of her through the guys that were standing in front of us. And just in case you were wondering, she is even more beautiful in person than she is on TV.... if that is possible. She radiates beauty, from her flawless skin to her vibrant and cute personality! She took the time to speak to all of her fans and I could see that she was especially drawn to all the kids that came to see her. When my Mom got up there to have her books signed(as in plural, make sure you keep reading to the very end of the post), she told Giada how much she enjoys not only her fabulous recipes, but how she lets us into her life by sharing all of her family stories and even includes her family members in so many of her episodes. My Mom's favorite is Aunt Raffy and she told Giada that when she cooks with Aunt Raffy, it reminds her of our family. Giada giggled and said that every family has an "Aunt Raffy". For those that don't know Aunt Raffy, she is a scream and has a fun way of challenging Giada while she is in the kitchen. Telling her "that is not the way I do it Giada". It is really funny to see them sort of bicker in the kitchen...... just like our family can do from time to time! Even though we could have spent hours talking with her, we only had a minute before we were whisked away so they could keep the line moving. There were tons of people waiting to make their way up the steps to meet her. This was the view of the store as we made our way down the steps. Unfortunately, these people had a very long night of standing and waiting....... but I am sure it was worth every minute. My Mom and I happily "skipped" out of the store after meeting her and then went out to grab a cocktail and bite to eat. It was such a fun thing for us to do together, and even though I did not get any photos of myself with Giada, at least I got a few of my Mom for the old memory book!!! So, if you are a big time Giada fan, you have to pick up her new book called "Weeknights with Giada". Being that my time is so limited during the week and I don't have a whole lot of time to spend in the kitchen, I am really anxious to dig into these recipes and give them a try. "I definitely don't have the time anymore to cook for hours every day- not if I want to spend time at the table with Todd and jade. But I still love food and cooking and want to eat a nice dinner! So I've really shaken up my weeknight repertoire to include only dishes that I can pull together after a full day. This is what weeknights look like in my house. I hope these recipes inspire you and your family to gather around the table(or picnic blanket) for some fantastic dinners - and. most important, a whole lof of fun." ~Giada De Laurentiis~ We are going to make this post a little more exciting! Are you ready? Again, thanks to my ever so thoughtful and supportive Mom, she thought it would be fun to include you all in our big night with Giada and she grabbed an extra book that has been autographed for one of you to win!!! Next week is my 4 year "blogiversary" and I always do a giveaway in conjunction with it, so this year will be no different, it is just coming a week early! If you want a chance to win a signed copy of her newest cookbook, "Weeknights With Giada", just leave me a comment and tell me why you could use the cookbook or what keeps you coming back to "The Long Road to China". After four years of blogging, I wonder at times how much longer I can keep it up and continue to share our happenings and things that are interesting enough to keep you all tuned in. As long as you all are here still reading, I will keep writing and sharing our life with you! You have until 11pm Eastern Time on Monday, April 2nd to enter to win the book. The lucky winner will be announced next week. TGIF my friends!!! Enjoy your weekend. {I had intended to post the rest of my bluebell photos today, but decided to postpone them until next week, so check back Sunday or Monday} Labels: Favorite Photo Friday, Food, Snapshots 80 comments: Our Family said... love your photography! March 30, 2012 at 7:26 AM Number 6 and no more counting! said... of course the photography but also the upbeat mood that your BLOG creates! Sounds like a perfect Mother/Daughter outing. leaxo March 30, 2012 at 7:32 AM Carole said... Lisa,I have discovered your blog through the Chenzhou forum. We have something in common....we both have a spicy girl who lights up the household. Your stories are inspiring and they often make me realize that "we're not alone"! I hope you continue to write stories on the blog and post the incredible photos. You have an amazing heart....and so does your mom I see!!! March 30, 2012 at 7:36 AM Ms. Pollywog said... I was in the China adoption program when I discovered your blog. As the LONG road kept getting LONGER and LONGER, we took a detour. However, I fell in love with your photography, being photographer myself. Your children are breathtaking and i LOVED following your trip to China and back and watching your girls blossom. Your last post about Questions touched me to the core. I am not quite ready to blog about it yet, but I have a very special reason why this cookbook is going to come in really handy! March 30, 2012 at 7:47 AM Briana's Mom said... You know I am one of your very biggest fans!!! :D I have read your blog from the beginning and I will never stop. XO March 30, 2012 at 8:02 AM Anonymous said... Your fabulous photography draws me in everytime, but your sweet and always upbeat writings about your children make my day! So happy you got to meet Giada! I am going to have to pick up her book, it sounds like one I would love!!Happy Weekend!!Leah March 30, 2012 at 8:02 AM Alice said... Your spirit, your heart, and your love for all keeps me coming back! I know you're an amazing Mom, but such an understanding compassionate person. Your family is absolutely a delight and they always bring a smile to my day! March 30, 2012 at 8:09 AM Anonymous said... Dear Lisa,I have read your blog for years, but never comment before. Your life ' s stories, your pictures, your words, your kids, your perservance to live thru cancer, your big heart for the orphans inspire me and countless others to be a better mother/person everyday. Your Mom is beautiful and generous, no surprise as I can see the reflection on you!Have a great weekend!Holly nguyen March 30, 2012 at 8:09 AM sam said... I love reading your blog and all the adventeres you take your family one. And of course all the wonderful pictures! March 30, 2012 at 8:09 AM Jen said... Same as you, we don't have much time in the weeknights so I'm always looking for something FAST but good. And I honestly can't remember exactly when I started reading your blog but I love the photos and stories. March 30, 2012 at 8:10 AM KandK said... Like mother, like daughter, both have hearts of gold. You are an inspiration to all of us! You make a difference, I can't imagine life without seeing you and your beautiful familly every week. We love you! Have a wonderful weekend!God Bless,Diane March 30, 2012 at 8:23 AM Patty said... The cookbook sounds AMAZING!!! I have followed your blog from the beginning. There is something about your life, your photography, your honesty, your children that draws me in. Thank you so much for sharing. March 30, 2012 at 8:25 AM Mimi said... Lisa, I love your photos and your writing and your recipes! Is that enough?I got a fright when I read "I wonder at times how much longer"... as I know it's very hard to get time to blog (mine is sadly neglected!), so was relieved when I read this "As long as you all are here still reading, I will keep writing and sharing our life with you!" March 30, 2012 at 8:27 AM GGHadden said... Lisa, how great was that!!! I would love to meet her....and she manages her family AND a TV show AND now a book, I'm lacking in the focus department obviously :)I could definately use that cookbook for our weeknights around here.....dinners have become whatever can go on the grill.Hugs! March 30, 2012 at 8:30 AM Tiffany said... What a fun time to spend with your Mom! Hope you had a great dinner.Tiffany March 30, 2012 at 8:32 AM tiarastantrums said... now how much fun was that?! March 30, 2012 at 8:34 AM Shelly and Family said... OMW!!! Isn't she great! So happy you got to meet her!My mom and I were able to get our hands on some hot tickets here this past Nov to have brunch with her and an addt'l 40 people - we were two of them! It was so much fun and something I'll never forgot (and either will my mom since she has been "talking or emailing with her back & forth about some of our family's Italian recipes)!I know it is a day you'll never forget and what better way to spend it tha with you mom! March 30, 2012 at 9:43 AM Hannah said... I'd love to meet Giada!I've been following along since you were in China adopting Reagan. I don't remember how I found your blog, although I'm sure it was through another blog I read. Your kids are adorable and I love your photography!~Hannah March 30, 2012 at 9:46 AM 3 Peanuts said... I love Giada for the same reasons I love you...she has a big beautiful heart, she is down to earth and she seems REAL! That is what I love about you and your blog too, Lisa. Also, you are both very talented in the kitchen. And of course, your photos are the best in blog land! I LOVE to cook for my family. It is how one of my love languages for them. Would love a signed copy!!!! It would be so special.Kim March 30, 2012 at 9:52 AM Gina @ Gigi Marie Photography said... That is SO EXCITING!!! I love her & I think my hubs may have a little crush on her too. I would love this book because her recipes are always "real food". Just good, healthy things that my family should be eating. I am terrible when it comes to meals- treats are something entirely different. But I would love to be able to make something great for everyone & not always depend on my husband to cook for us. March 30, 2012 at 10:04 AM Catherine said... What a fun night for you and your mom to share together!Oh baby, that's a recipe book I need to find! By the time my little love and I get home there isn't much time to cook that will still allow us time together before I put her to bed. I love that Giada has created this book with busy families in mind!Your blog is a treat to read my friend and I'm always happy when you 'light up' in Google Reader with a new post. You are an inspiration in so many ways and I am blessed to know you as you have taught me so much about photography and also about being a Mom!Have a great weekend Lisa! March 30, 2012 at 10:07 AM my3 kids said... I love watching Giada and would love a chance to win her cookbook! I really enjoy reading your blog because we both have an older son and 2 sweet daughters. I love your photography and you inspire me to learn more about my camera. You have such a sweet family xoxoJanice March 30, 2012 at 10:23 AM Andi said... I love your blog! Your stories and photos inspired me to start my own blog. Your photos give me ideas, and I enjoyed taking your photography class (even tho my photos are far from perfect..still trying)Giada is my favorite chef to watch too, and am envious that you got to meet her LOL. Being a single Mom who is working and going to school full time - it sounds like Giada's new cookbook might be the perfect answer to my weeknight meals. Have a great weekend! March 30, 2012 at 10:29 AM Mindi said... I LOVE that you got to meet her!! how exciting!!! I love watching her show and think she has the most amazing sit downs with her friends on the show lol. Would love to win her book for some new recipes. One can never have enough Italian food!! I keep coming back to your blog because I love the stories you share of your family and your pictures. As a new photographer I look for inspiration everywhere and you are certainly a go to. Thanks for your inspiration! Happy 4 year blogiversary! March 30, 2012 at 10:31 AM Ani said... What an wonderful giveaway! We love Giada at our house - and although I'm not a big cook, I've tried a couple of her easier recipes and they are always winners!I started following your blog right before Reagan's referral and I always enjoy checking in to see your great pics! March 30, 2012 at 10:45 AM Amy said... I'd love to win this, because the only cookbook I own is a dessert cookbook, and I'd love to learn to make meals. I keep coming back to your blog because I love the pics of your girls! March 30, 2012 at 10:48 AM Marla said... She is so freaking cute!! What a fun night for you and your mom.You know what keeps me coming back girl, lol, and you know I've never met a Giada recipe that I didn't like, so I'm sure I'd love that cookbook. Happy Happy Friday!!! March 30, 2012 at 10:49 AM Lilly said... juggling a full time job, kids and husband is no small task and keeping things real and fun it's what's all about. I enjoy reading about your family with the same common link: adoption... and how we can all make it better by working and linking us all together to learn, grow and face this crazy world, but worth tons each and every moment March 30, 2012 at 10:51 AM Katy said... I love reading your blog! Your pictures are amazing and your heart for the orphan is inspiring. I could use this cookbook because I'm about to marry my best friend and I don't want to scare him away with my lack of cooking experience! March 30, 2012 at 11:03 AM Kristy LifenReflection said... What a memorable day. We don't watch TV in our home, so I've never heard of Giada. From photos and story her book sounds like a great tool for making weeknight meals more pleasant overall. March 30, 2012 at 11:20 AM Sis said... Hi Lisa, Loved your pictures as always, Glad you got to meet Giada!My mom and I are going to Italy in August/Sept. A lifelong dream. I really really really want to have some ideas, info etc on taking better pictures before we go! Are you offering your beginning class anytime before that that we could be apart March 30, 2012 at 11:26 AM Tera said... I started following because of your journey to China but I keep coming back because I love reading faith-based blogs about real moms doing fun stuff with their kids...especially multi-cultural families! And of course all of your gorgeous pictures is an added bonus!! We should be leaving on our own journey to China in just a few weeks! Come on TA!! March 30, 2012 at 11:38 AM RC said... What keeps me coming back is your beautiful photography and gorgeous kids! I haven't adopted but I'm drawn to your adoption stories of your girls. :) March 30, 2012 at 11:41 AM Teri said... I love these photos! You have to keep blogging..we all love it! You inspire me all the time! Thank you for the great class last night! March 30, 2012 at 12:01 PM Anonymous said... I have a DSLR that I can barely use..I use your photo's as insperation for taking photos from different angles to get a certain look. The way you document a moment in time..is something I dont do often with my kids. I fail to document those little things I may soon forget. Thank you for sharing. March 30, 2012 at 12:19 PM Kelly And Allison said... Love your photography and your passion for life. March 30, 2012 at 12:23 PM Jessica said... I love your photography and your passion for all things family! March 30, 2012 at 1:10 PM Susan said... I really need some easy go to recipes for the weeknights as I feel as if I’m in a slump as far as cooking goes, and LOVE Giada’s creative recipes and stories it would be just the thing to get me out of my meat and potatoes rut. As far as visiting your blog, I love your pictures and the story of how Reagan came to your family. (There was a point in my life that I really thought I might be able to adopt from China as well.) I continue to visit as it’s been such fun to see your beautiful family grow. March 30, 2012 at 1:21 PM Maggie said... I too am a huge Giada fan! I just think she is so fun and seems like she has a very healthy outlook on food and eating which sometimes is hard to find in this day and age. I love to cook everynight b/c I think it is a much healthier way to feed my little girl. I have become a huge fan of your blog too! I read a quote right after I became a mom that says "There is no way to be a perfect mother, but there are a million ways to be a GOOD one." And I really try to remember that each day. I think your blog shows that with each post. Thanks for writing! March 30, 2012 at 1:26 PM Sharon said... How exciting meeting Giada! I would love to win a cook book simply because I have 3 kids of my own and sometimes they are very picky. I am always looking for new recipes to tempt them with.I also love reading about your kids and your photography is quite beautiful. So please don't ever stop! March 30, 2012 at 1:38 PM Cindy said... How fun!Love your photography and zest for life! March 30, 2012 at 2:58 PM likeschocolate said... Can I say jealous! However, Giada better watch out because Lisa makes a mean marinara sauce. That I think is better than Giada's. We just made it the other day sans meatballs and ate it over pasta. So so yummy. Have a great weekend Lisa! March 30, 2012 at 3:36 PM Smileyhappychan said... I found your blog from someone linking up with Black and White Wednesdays. I fell in love with your photography and have really enjoyed a peek into your family! March 30, 2012 at 3:45 PM bella said... I would love to own that cookbook. I love to cook for my husband six nights a week. As empty nesters I feel it is very important to cook healthy dinners with fresh ingredients and I know Giada is the same way. I love your blog as I have a heart for children and enjoy hearing about yours. I was a teacher for 10 years and have worked at a Christian school for 20 years. We have raised 3 daughters, our first by adoption. I love all your recipes, photos, and enjoy reading about your family activities and such. You have a beautiful soul and are an amazing mother. My email is March 30, 2012 at 4:01 PM Denise said... I would love a cookbook! Thanks for the chance to win. As always I am drawn to your way with words, your heart for your family and most always for the beautiful way you showcase it all with your amazing photos! Love you girl:) March 30, 2012 at 4:15 PM homeschoolceo said... How exciting! I love Giada. Sounds like such a memorable mother-daughter outing :) March 30, 2012 at 4:32 PM Robin said... oh I wish I could have tagged along with you and your mom! You know I love reading your blog and I also love to cook but it is hard on busy nights this looks like a great cook book to have on hand!Blessings and have a great weekend!Robin March 30, 2012 at 4:42 PM Sarah Halstead said... That is so awesome!! March 30, 2012 at 4:56 PM Ellie said... What a fun time- and so nice you got to share it with your mom!I love your gorgeous photography and the way you always tell the story with both your words and photos! (plus you have really cute kids ;)xo ellie March 30, 2012 at 5:07 PM From This Moment said... I keep coming back because your photos are beautiful, just like your kids. Keep doin what your doin!! March 30, 2012 at 7:09 PM Elizabeth said... I just discovered this blog, and I'm excited to find it! We are paperwork chasing for our first adoption, and blogs like this are just what the doctor ordered for uplifting breaks. Giada is awesome! March 30, 2012 at 8:09 PM Jboo said... Love Giada!! How cool that you got to meet her!! Yay for your Mom!!!Love your blog, your photos, your cute kiddos and your sweetness!!Have a good weekend!xoxojanet March 30, 2012 at 8:31 PM Hunan Mommy said... My husband is looking over my shoulder reading which is rare on blogs! Another G. fan! Sounds like a fun evening. You can't stop blogging! Your photography inspires me to take so many pictures of my spicy girl!Cara - Another Chenzhou mommy March 30, 2012 at 8:39 PM Mia's Mommy said... I would love the cookbook... for the very reason I just told you. LOL! I'm a zombie running on the hamster wheel during the week. I've never been interested in cooking and feel like I go much too frequently to the easy microwaveable stuff for Mia. I need to learn how to cook better meals for her. And anything that gives me quick, easy ideas would be GREAT!And I keep coming back because I love your beautiful photos. But more importantly ...I feel like I know you even though we've never actually met and I'm emotionally invested in your family. I love hearing stories about them and watching the kids grow up. :) March 30, 2012 at 9:00 PM Christa said... I love your photos. . . reminds me to document my own kids and their moments. And I have four of these kids (and a full time and 2 part time jobs) so anything that gives me ideas for simplified, tasty dinners sounds like something I need! March 30, 2012 at 9:16 PM Jen said... I too have a 2 year old adopted from China and have enjoyed reading your about your experiences from a neighboring state just south ( : Thanks for sharing! March 30, 2012 at 9:29 PM mlafayette said... I have a 13 month little girl and love hearing about your girls and their adoption.Michelle March 30, 2012 at 9:49 PM Natalie said... I love reading your blog because your children are beautiful as are you, your photography is extra -ordinary, and you have a great way of writing.As a bio Mom of 5 and adoptive Mom of 3, I love to read about adoptions. Your stories have been so inspiring to many.Love Giada. March 30, 2012 at 10:12 PM Anonymous said... Oh, I love Giada!!!! And I would love that cookbook!!!I love your blog for many reason: your beautiful children, your adoption journey (my daughter is from China as well)your photograpy and your wonderful recipes!!!!Monday is my birthday and what a wonderful gift it would be if i won!!! Keeping my fingers crossed!Thank you -Sharon B. March 30, 2012 at 10:22 PM Kathy H said... Having known you for sooooo long, I always remember how nice, how positive and how confident you were in school. I read your blogs and smile because you make it look so easy. You are truly inspiring. Through your blogs I've learned you are a fighter, and a winner, and you don't take that for granted. You really shine girl! Wish we were closer then and/or closer now, but just know that I admire your strength and your courage and your perseverance, and I love how you share that with others here. It's uplifting :)I don't really need the cookbook, (though I certainly wouldn't mind it, lol) I just thought it was a great opportunity to write. Have a fabulous weekend! March 30, 2012 at 10:31 PM Sharie said... Lisa after four years I feel like I know your family, and like you're a friend I could pick up the phone and talk to for hours...it seems impossible that when we first "met" Sarah was just a little bit and now she's off to Kindergarten...As for Giada I have to admit that I have never heard of her-but that doesn't surprise me since it has to do with cooking, something I tend to avoid:)Thanks for sharing a bit of your family with us! March 30, 2012 at 11:16 PM Mira Crisp said... How sweet is your mom to think of your readers? :) Thank you Mom and Lisa! March 31, 2012 at 7:00 AM paige said... first of all, is your mom the sweetest or what?we are huge giada fans. our nickname for madison is giada as she loves to be in the kitchen.i have been terrible about frequenting blogs since i launched the businesses ( i feel like i'm talking about children) a few months ago. i first was drawn to your spirit & resolve when i visited your blog for the first time and found that you are a cancer survivor. at that time i was having a cone biopsy and scared to death. i have watched your family grow, your skills as a photographer grow & your heart to encourage others, no matter where they are in life has always been what keeps me coming back....(sadly just not as frequent of a commenter)love that you shared about your day...if i won, i'd give the book to my own personal giada xox March 31, 2012 at 9:37 AM Waiting for Emily said... LOVE LOVE your blog!! Although I never comment and I am not a "follower" it is one of my absolute favorites. The pictures, the stories, your precious children and the music is always perfect. Please never stop blogging!! March 31, 2012 at 10:28 AM Gail said... I first found your blog about 3 and a half years ago, Lisa. I loved(and still do obviously) your 'joie de vivre' or great joy for life. You have such a love for cooking, your family and photography and it's contagious in only a good way!!Now for the cookbook, would love to win it because I love Giada and any recipe she creates!And please keep blogging, can't imagine not hearing about your beautiful family and seeing your photography!xoxo March 31, 2012 at 3:43 PM Sean and Mic said... Let me begin to count the ways I heart you and your blog...- awesome mom- photographer and teacher- love family- fabulous recipes- love of China- funny, generous and beautifulNeed I go on???Glad you got to meet her! And oh how I wish we had a Wegman's on the West coast. I always go to one outside of Wash, DC when we are there.-Michelle [email protected] March 31, 2012 at 7:03 PM Martha @ Berrybliz said... I love reading your blog. Your photographs are always awesome and I especially love the photographs of your kiddos. I started following along when you were in China! So glad you and your mom got to meet her and get your books signed. Awesome photos of the event. Aren't you happy you guys were near the front of the line! That made the event extra sweet! Blessings to you and yours...keep on blogging! March 31, 2012 at 8:48 PM Laurie said... Lisa, there are so many reasons I keep reading...Here are just a few: I love your photography & writing style. I love how you live every day to the fullest. I love watching your 3 children grow up.I could use that cookbook for the same reasons Giada wrote it! March 31, 2012 at 9:12 PM Language Arts Lady said... I would love a new cookbook... I need it! :) I keep coming back because I love seeing your gorgeous photos and your gorgeous children. March 31, 2012 at 9:58 PM devona said... I keep coming back to your blog to see your beautiful photos, beautiful children and i just love the journey that got you your precious Reagan. I also am a huge fan of Giada! March 31, 2012 at 10:22 PM Kim said... Of course I am reading and following. I have fallen in love with your kids and our connection to (domestic) adoption and China. And your photography ... oh I can only dream of so beautifully capturing memories.As far as the cookbook ... w/ five kids, our crazy after school schedules have caused me to cut some major corners on weeknight meals. The cookbook would be a great gift to my family who would love for Mom to have some new recipes and new motivation in mealtime planning!Love & Blessings,Kim March 31, 2012 at 10:37 PM Bebe said... I work full-time plus & since it is just Emma & I, any meal will be one I make. She loves pasta! I found you through blogs of other adoptive families, and I stay for the photography and watching the girls interact...just in case Em & become Em & I plus one more... April 1, 2012 at 3:36 AM melinda lee said... I actually remember coming a long time ago (not really, maybe about a year ago), but then I lost your blog. When you did the Fill Their Stocks giveaway with Stefanie, I checked your blog daily and have gotten into the habit of it! (It is now on my list of daily blogs to read). The pictures definitely keep me coming back. Yours are sooo pretty! And your writing style! I definitely love that (: April 1, 2012 at 9:11 AM Tammie T. said... Lisa, I absolutely LOVE your blog and amazing photography. I wish Katie and I could hop on a plane and you could photograph her as she loves to have her picture taken. I enjoy your stories and seeing your beautiful children grow up. I would miss your blog so much as it is part of my daily routine to check in. I even love to see your posts a second and third time!As for the cookbook, I do cook every night and many times it is a quick easy meal as the kids are at those very busy years! Sharie and Amelia eat here frequently so you would actually be sharing it with two of your blog followers! HA! :) I do plan to buy it if I don't win. It sounds great! April 1, 2012 at 10:17 AM Abby said... I love the pictures of your sweet family and and amazing faith! April 1, 2012 at 3:19 PM amazeingteacher said... Would love to win the signed cookbook! Sounds like a fun girls night out:) I found your blog through your adoption journey to Reagan. I am an China adoptive mom as well. Your posts about your family and amazing photography keep me coming back! April 1, 2012 at 11:15 PM Brandi said... Sounds like you both had a great day! I read your blog for many reasons. The photography is amazing and I've learned so much just by looking. Your children are beautiful and I love hearing what they're up to next. There's just something about the mood of your blog...you have such a joy for life & it projects through your writing.As for the cookbook, I'd love a chance to win & see what wonderful recipes Giada has included for quick weeknight dinners! April 2, 2012 at 10:41 AM said... I would love to win the book and get some ideas for easier week night meals! I tune into your blog to see you gorgeous photos! April 2, 2012 at 3:36 PM wendy said... Hi,I am a single mom to a 5 year old adopted from vietnam. what keeps me coming back are your beautiful kids, beautiful pictures, and frankly I love to see all the cute clothes the girls wear....not that your son doesn't wear nice clothes, but I have a girl!!I have 2 jobs and a tough time enticing my little one to eat anything but the staples, pasta, grilled cheese, etc. would love to try something new and i love cookbooks. especially ones with quick, easy recipes.thanks for sharing your world April 2, 2012 at 3:55 PM Bean said... Hi! I would love a copy of this cookbook because I have a full time job, a three year old and a long commute! I would love the opportunity to spend more precious time with my family each night instead of being in the kitchen making dinner! But sitting around the dinner table each night with my family is very important to me, so this would be the perfect solution!I started reading your blog when I came across it one day and ended up spending that whole day reading your archives back to before you went to China to get Reagan! It was such a good read! So inspiring to see someone following their dreams, chasing them with everything they have. I was fascinated with your experience in China. After reading those posts and then seeing you acheive your dream of the family you always wished for, I was so happy for you, I was hooked on your blog! I come back every week to see how your beautiful family grows and changes, it is a wonderful thing. And your pictures are beautiful! One of my favorite posts lately was when Sarah was caught jumping on her bed! It was so cute, so sweet, she was having so much fun! I think I laughed out loud, even though I was at work at the time! All three of your children seem so sweet and so kind to each other. I have an almost three year old daughter so I appreciate the beauty of all of these children, they are so close to God in their own, quiet ways.Thanks for letting us share in your world!Jessica
On February 21st, we had another pastoral council meeting. Here is a summary of the items that were discussed: -We were contacted to consider hosting English Language Classes by Four County for the Hispanic farm workers who are now our parishioners. Eventually we agreed to a 12-week course, Monday and Wednesday evenings, 6-9pm. The course started Monday, February 20th. No parish funds will be used towards the course, since the employing farms are covering everything, including refreshments. Providing the space in the basement of our Paulding church is a generous outreach by the parish. As of the writing of this letter, the first couple sessions of the course have been a success. Already from the first night I met a number of new Spanish speakers who knew nothing of our Spanish Mass. -I was asked by some members of the Hispanic community if we could consider a small statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe where now there is picture of her (just above the stairs up into the sanctuary at Paulding, on the far right side behind the priest’s chair). The funds would be raised by those who are most committed to having the statue. This is a very reasonable request. A statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe is pretty much a necessity wherever Hispanic outreach is happening. The picture there now is in poor shape, and it is not really restorable. -The Knights of Columbus will be hosting a booklet ministry, beginning in Lent. They will place booklet displays in each vestibule and narthex, so that parishioners can borrow the booklets. If you have never visited the Catholic Information Service website (of the Knights of Columbus), you should do so. It is packed with great, profound, solid Catholic materials. The overall theme of the booklets for this series is “Building the Domestic Church”. There are fifteen titles: Lord, Teach Us To Pray – Prayer Time: A Collection of Catholic Prayers – Letter to Families – The Good Life God’s Way – The Family In The Modern World – A Scriptural Rosary For Peace And For The Family – Becoming A Real Man Of God – Mary, Mother Of God – Saint Benedict For Busy Parents – Saint Joseph: Our Father In Faith – God’s Plan For Love And Marriage: John Paul II’s Theology Of The Body – Into The Breach – Questions And Answers About The Catholic Faith – The Family Fully Alive – The Gift Of Fatherhood: What Every Man Should Know So, there are the titles. Everybody is encouraged to read them. They are also available for download on the Knights of Columbus website: Thanks to the Knights for bringing this opportunity to our parish! Along the lines of the domestic church – a name for each Catholic home – I wonder if there is more we should be doing to help families live the Faith at home. The world is too agressively anti-Christian these days for us not to be intentional about having a Catholic family culture. Is there more that we could be doing to provide materials and ideas to help families live the Faith as a family unit? -Thanks to initiative from the Totus Tuus Prayer Group, we are now set to keep the parish involved in the observance of the 100th anniversary of the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima, Portugal. The Pope has a declared an indulgence to be gained on the 13th of each month, May-October, in 2017. The Knights once again have an awesome little booklet that teaches about the whole Fatima apparition. So they are providing that for us to hand out on the weekend of May 13th. Then we will have prayer cards to hand out on these days, to be prayed before the statue of Our Lady of Fatima. We have a statue at our Payne campus; and we will move that statue for the day to whichever campus has Mass on the 13th in those months. -The council members got an advance peek at the new parish pictorial directory. We have a pre-pub proof that we are checking for errors. Hopefully within a few weeks, everybody will have the new directories in hand. The proof looks great. I am thankful for the directory committee members who put in so many hours of work organizing and implementing each stage of this project. You will like the results! -I asked the council members if they think people will understand our need to put some money into the Paulding rectory this coming summer? There is water coming into the basement when we have big rains. You can see easily that in the past there has been very signficant water damage, but it is only in the last couple of months that I have seen water actively dripping down the walls. My concern is that since only the priest really sees the rectory, people might not appreciate the need to handle any damages and normal upkeep. The opinion was that people do realize that old houses need this type of repair. The plan is to dig around the foundation, to put in a drainage tile, and then a water barrier of some sort on the outside brick. This will also include tearing off the front porch in order to dig under it. At the same time we will replace the porch flooring and straighten up the stone pillars of the porch which are now sagging. I do not have a dollar amount on all of this yet. -One other item mentioned was the possibility of a visit by the “Treasures of the Church” display, an evening with a talk on saints, followed by the display of a couple thousand relics. There is a priest from the Companions of the Cross in Ottawa, Canada who is traveling with the display. We were contacted about this about a month ago, but I have not received any follow-up phone call. I told the inquirers that we are interested.
What is StratLeade?StratLeade is a U.S. 501c3 not-for-profit supporting “education for sustainability”StratLeade is a community of MSLS Alumni, powered by MSLS.StratLeade is an idea that we are all in charge of our own destinies and supports that visionHow it was created?StratLeade was created in 2006 after conversations with David Waldron, Göran Broman, Michelle Dyer, Georges Dyer, Archie Kasnet and Stephen Muzzy to financially support the MSLS community. Why it was created?StratLeade was originally created to provide financial support to members of the MSLS community from underserved communities to attend the Master’s for Strategic Leadership for Sustainability program in Karlskrona, SWE.What does StratLeade do?We support the development of sustainability leaders and educational programs across the globe. Our aim is to exponentially scale critical decision making built on principles of systems thinking, transformational change, and holistic sustainability.What is StratLeade pursuing?Convene a multicultural and multidisciplinary network of leaders to create, implement andscale solutions for a resilient future by:• Pairing the conditions to access a pertinent education in sustainability• Supporting and developing leaders within in a diversity of sectors• Developing (incubate-accelerate) high-impact solutionsWhat we do every day at StratLeade?Support the Leaders who are changing the worldWhat is StratLeade for?Cultivate global sustainability leaders through education, leadership development, and fostering solutions to address global sustainability challenges.Where are we trying to get?An empowered regenerative society.What is it in for you?Our power is in numbers and your leadership. Our community is stronger with your involvement and support. Global cultural diversity creates a stronger network. We are working diligently to support this growing network, connecting to jobs and accelerating ideas into action. We have a global network whose potential is limitless. We are working to financially support and raise the public profile of this amazing group of leaders where success begets success.​Please join us!!!! “I want to be updated on StratLeade´s work”
Home Peter's News Peter unable to move forward over weekend at Australian Open Peter unable to move forward over weekend at Australian Open Written by Bruce Young Monday, 21 November 2016 Peter has finished 20th at the Emirates Australian Open, unable to move forward from his 36 hole score after being well positioned heading into the weekend. There is plenty to like about his game at present, more especially his chipping and around the green game which has generally plagued Peter in recent times, but this past weekend was frustrating for him as there was an opportunity to move into contention. t was a roller coaster of sorts, taking one step forward and two steps back as he sought to build on his promising start to the event. Peter will now focus his attention of the Australian PGA Championship at RACV Royal Pines in two weeks time, an event he has won on three previous occasions and one in which he finished 9th last year at the same venue. < Prev
hero of the show. He is also the first Bang Baby to do good things for Dakota City. He lives with his sister and father. His mom died in the Dakota Riots. He has met many different celebrities such as Shaq. He has also helped the Justice League stop Braniac. He has even gone through time and met his future self. Adam Evans a.k.a. Rubberband Man First Appearance: They're Playing My Song Powers: Body is like a rubberband Rubberband is a half-hero, half-villain Bang Baby. He was ripped off by a music producer and sent to jail. He escaped and took the identity of Stringer. He is currently dating Sharon Hawkins. His brother is Ebon. He is also another one of Dakotas superheroes. He also has dyslexia which he is now getting help with. When he is not a superhero, he makes music, which he is famous for. Richie Foley a.k.a. GearFirst Appearance: Shock to the System Powers: Has super fast brain, can invent technical tools easily Virgil's best friend and one of the only people who know his secret. Richie is always helping out Static defeat his foes. He got powers from Ragtag and became Push. He did not like to way he had to get them and gave them up. He was accidentally shot be Jimmy. He also had a delayed reaction to the Big Bang and is now Static's sidekick, Gear. Shenice Vale a.k.a. ShebangFirst Appearance: Shebang Powers: Super Strength and agilityA genetically engineered girl. She was on the run with her parents from the people who engineered her. When she first showed herself, everyone thought she was a Bang Baby. Shortly after this, she was captured by the lab agents. Only with Statics help was she able to get free. Eventually the people chasing her were arrested and she has returned, joining Static's team. Nina Crocker a.k.a. Timezone First Appearance: Flashback Powers: Able to go back in time She joined Static and Gear for a while. She sent back in time once during a fight with Ebon. Afterward, she decided her powers were too powerful and went back in time before the Big Bang and
Posted by Zack Zeigler | Vacations | Angelic Isabella Valle is a 23-year-old woman from South Florida that has been given the nickname “Ketchup Girl” from the internets because she … A) Love, love, loves the condiment so much she has a huge tattoo of it across her back; B) Loathes the condiment so much that she dry heaves whenever she catches a whiff of tomatoes C) Danced naked inside of a Johnny Rockets restaurant while patrons hoot, holler, and record her. While you most likely pondered whether A or B was the correct answer, we’re guessing that by the headline you guessed that the correct answer was C. Nice work. How’d she get the name “Ketchup Girl”? Well, let’s play another round! She … A) Hopped behind the counter and screamed, “You want ketchup on your boobs, er, burger?” B) Began spiking the ketchup bottles like one would a football during a touchdown dance; C) Got onto a table and was covered in ketchup and water before restaurant employee told her to hit the bricks. The answer, obviously, is … A! Okay, it’s C. Maybe we should put more time into the placement of our multiple choice answers? Anyway, after video surfaced of Ketchup Girl doing the nudie Macarena (or whatever dance she was doing), Valle was arrested and charged with inciting a riot, indecent exposure, lewd and lascivious behavior, and disorderly conduct. Valle’s father has claimed his daughter is mentally ill and suffers from bipolar disorder. Whether that’s true or not has yet to be determined. In the meantime, this has reminded the world that there is a restaurant called Johnny Rockets. Who knew? Turns out, lots of people. The restaurant chain has been around since the mid-1980s and is an old-school diner-style eatery. The first J.R. (do people call it that?) opened in Los Angeles as a “non-gimmicky” recreation of the 1940s-style malt shops. Skipping ahead to 2013, the chain opened a restaurant in Pakistan, which means we’ve done our part to help the people in that region eat the same grease-filled food that we eat. USA! USA! USA! Watch This Next: Pee Wee Football Team Clobbered By Banner Share: Rate: Previous PostBinge Drinking and Hangovers Cost Companies Billions Per Year [Study] Next PostYou And Everyone You Know Has Herpes, Probably Related Posts
Welcome to Colorado Krav Maga’s Law Enforcement Only section, please check back regularly for news, updates, and LE events. Colorado Krav Maga has, for over a decade, been instrumental in bringing realistic Krav Maga Defensive Tactics Training to Law Enforcement Agency’s across the United States. In fact, the role of Krav Maga Force Training has outgrown this website! We’re migrating much of the information and registrations to our new dedicated site, For more events, seminars, certifications, training opportunities, and Agency Course information…please visit
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Ascent of Twin Peaks on 2010-09-18Climber: Dennis PoulinOthers in Party:Al Sandorff -- Trip Report or GPS TrackDate:Saturday, September 18, 2010Ascent Type:Successful Summit AttainedPeak:Twin Peaks Location:USA-California Elevation:12323 ft / 3756 mAscent Trip ReportI hiked Twin Peaks with Al Sandorf. Twin Peaks is a tough climb from Twin Lakes. Twin Lakes is at the end of the road west of Bridgport. You have to follow the signs through the campground to find the trail. The trail switchbacks up a steep slope and then follows Horse Creek deep into a canyon. The trail is braided a little near the head of the canyon, but if you stay close to the creek, you will be on the right route. We kept going up the valley and then turned southwest up to the Matterhorn/Twin Peaks saddle. This last part has no real trail and involves lots of rock hopping on talus and climbing some small permanent snow fields. By the time we got to the Matterhorn/Twin Peaks saddle we were committed to continuing. We climbed up some slabby rocks so that we finally could see the route up to Twin Peaks. We saw lots of talus and a long ledge along the west side of Twin Peaks up high. We climbed the talus and got on the ledge. The ledge isn't much of a trail, but it was better than the talus. We followed the ledge all the way past the summit of Twin Peaks until we encountered a big hole along the ledge. At this point we just climbed straight up a Class 3 slope for about 500ft to the ridgeline. When we topped the ridge, we were only .14 mile from the summit. It was an easy hike over to the high point from there. Fantastic views from the summit. Originally we were considering tagging Matterhorn on this same hike, but we were tired. It was a long hike back to trailhead from the summit. My GPS indicated that we gained 5,964 ft, but I think that was a little high. We will have to go back some day to grab Matterhorn.Summary Total Data Elevation Gain:5500 ft / 1677 m Distance:15 mi / 24.1 km Route:Horse Creek Trail Trailhead:6823 ft / 2079 m Route Conditions:Maintained Trail, Unmaintained Trail, Open Country, ScrambleThis page has been served 521 times since 2005-01-15.
Having worked on both the sales and procurement sides of the table in industries including manufacturing, defense, airlines, technology, publishing, and gaming/hospitality, Mike is uniquely qualified to offer critical real-world examples and in-depth analysis to class case studies and discussion. Adding to his depth, Mike has successfully worked deals (4 of which have been in excess of $100 million) with people ranging from entry to C level, and from straight commodities to strategic relationship opportunities. Trained in Negotiation Consulting and Business Management With 15 years of experience at world class Fortune 500 companies, Mike has been the beneficiary of ongoing training throughout his career. Building upon his extensive practical experience in contract negotiations and strategic deal structuring, Mike has also continued his academic training through corporate and personal investments at some of the nation’s leading academic programs, including: - Harvard Business School, Executive Education Programs: Negotiations, Change Management, Finance - Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, Executive Education Program: Lean Operations - University of Southern California (USC) Viterbi School of Engineering, BS, Aerospace Engineering Negotiation Career Highlights Being responsible for over $1 billion in spend and consistently delivering value through negotiating a variety of complex, strategic deals throughout his career has enabled Mike to be recognized by his management, peers, teammates, and counterparts as a leader in the realm of real world professional negotiations. He brings an understanding of what’s on the other side’s sheet of paper through broad and deep sales and purchasing experience that includes every level (from individual contributor to C level) in categories that span direct & indirect, products & services, and capital & operating expenses. - MGM Resorts International (formerly MGM MIRAGE) — Head of Global Procurement (1 of 3 reporting to CAO) responsible for the strategic sourcing of Food & Beverage, and IT & Professional Services (including Advertising & Marketing, Aviation & Travel, Consulting, and HR initiatives). - IAC/InterActiveCorp (and its operating business Entertainment Publications) — Vice President of Procurement and Production, built the first cross company functional team, Strategic Sourcing, whose efforts generated $100M in cost reduction and improved value in the first year primarily through negotiations. - US Airways (formerly America West Airlines) — Director of General Purchasing, including traditional negotiations as well as significant reverse auction experience. - General Motors / Raytheon / PointGlobal — Purchasing and supply chain positions managing a global manufacturing base. - Kenmar — Sales Manager for engineered OEM automotive products from Australia, Brazil, and Italy to Chrysler, Ford, and GM at the largest OEM sales organization in the world. Family and Interests Originally from Detroit, Michigan, after having relocated corporately multiple times, Mike and his family now reside in Las Vegas, Nevada. When not teaching negotiation, Mike enjoys spending time with his family and logic exercises.
After a long day working yesterday, i decided that i wanted to be entertained, so i went and saw Tomb Raider. Now I have to admit that I read a couple of the negative reviews, but i went and saw it anyway. It got panned by critics, but it was never intended to be a deep and complex movie. I agree with ebert, it was a popcorn movie and good for it’s entertainment value. I wasn’t really in the mood to think excessively last night, so it was perfect. It was fast-paced, much like playing a videogame and it had some pretty cool action sequences and amazing sets. All in all, i enjoyed it.
Your body is remarkable. Your body is what affords you this amazing experience here on earth. Your body is an extension of your mind and soul. We need to be grateful for it, to appreciate it, to nourish it. Of course body, mind and soul are inextricably linked. But we don't always get it. Your body talks to you, all the time, continuously. Well, not in English, but it communicates with you. It's a matter of learning not only to listen to it ("ouch, I just hurt myself"), but also to hear it ("gee, I just pulled a muscle"), and then to interpret it correctly ("I wonder where my thoughts were that I didn't take it easy, instead of overextending myself. I really need to get back into the Here and Now"). Use your body's feedback to give it what it needs. Your body is in a major way a product of your mind. If you don't love it, find it beautiful, nurture it with the best quality food you can buy, and the kindest and most cooperative thoughts and beliefs, the consequences will show up eventually. We tend to ignore the body, to brush it aside when it talks to us. But it can only go on for so long before showing you more strongly that it needs to be taken care of. When you notice a symptom STOP. Go within. What is your body telling you? Is a specific belief hurting you (maybe "I hate my legs," or "I am fat")? A headache tells you that your mind can't take any more, it needs time to rest and digest. Each ache and pain tells a story. Each malady you "catch" indicates a neglected need. Instead of popping a pill, brushing over or ignoring a symptom, perhaps remaining entirely unaware of a specific negative belief, learn your body's language. It's a bit like learning Russian or how to communicate with animals. It's a new language. Some of that language can be very symbolical. I yawn a lot when I'm driving (must bore me a lot), and I sneeze when I have had enough after a long evening and just want my peace and quiet (go away, people). It can be more strongly symbolical as in interpreting the causes of heart disease (open it up), or breaking a limb ("I need a break"). The symptoms are always deeply personal and theoretically we should be the ones to decipher them and come up with a method of treatment accordingly. I know it's not that easy. Try to make friends with your body, cooperate with it, give it what it needs. You'll make friends with yourself in a much deeper way.
“Why do I suspect,” says Silhouine, “that what you’re actually offering us is Mlle. Sunanza’s remaining stock?” “Do our masters deserve anything?” says Dulap. “They ran off to the country and left us here to get extorted and bombed!”
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Travel - ArtMost of us like to see how the rest of the world lives. Join me as I tour near or far and experience sights that are "different" from our New England.
They Went Broke?!: Bankruptcies and Money Disaster of the Rich & Famous Reviews They Went Broke?!: Bankruptcies and Money Disaster of the Rich & Famous Filled with the inside information about some of the famous people who filed for bankruptcy, and why: John Wayne, William Penn, Daniel Boone, Judy Garland, Jeffrey Archer, Larry King, Stephen Crane, Oscar Wilde, and many others. List Price: $ 8.99 Price: $ 7.95 Find More Toni Braxton Products 1 comment - What do you think? Posted by admin - January 8, 2013 at 3:48 am Categories: Music Tags: Bankruptcies, broke, Disaster, Famous, money, Reviews, Rich, They, Went Help, I broke the glass on my MacBook Pro! Help, I broke the glass on my MacBook Pro! We hear this many times each day at TechRestore, followed by additional comments like “Apple said I needed an entire new screen and it would cost 00!” or “The computer dealer I took it to said that there is no way to replace just the broken glass on my MacBook Pro.” Well, we have good news for you! Since late 2008, MacBook Pro laptops have a piece of thin glass installed on top of the LCD screen at the factory. This glass serves a few different purposes: 1. Strength: the glass helps to make your screen housing stiffer and theoretically, stronger. But, if you are reading this article about breaking your glass on your MacBook Pro, then you might question that, yes? 2. Color – there is no doubt that the colors displayed on your MacBook Pro screen are more vivid, brighter and richer when presented behind the glass. The fact that the glass has a mirror-like glare is another issue altogether and will be covered in our next article. OK, back to you broken glass on your MacBook Pro. TechRestore can help, we can help you fast and we can do it economically. Our Apple Certified Technicians have mastered the technique of removing the glass on MacBook Pro systems and installing a replacement glass. We use factory glass replacements that look exactly like the original glass and with our proprietary “factory-fit” process, your MacBook Pro will look just like it did before the glass LCD screen cover was broken. And the best part, we perform this service for customers all over the U.S., with over 2000 local pickup locations. In even better news, we perform the repair in just 24-hours once we receive your MacBook Pro. The cost is just 9, which is just a bit better than 00, right? And finally, we include a 1-year warranty and 1-year of telephone support for your repair. Good stuff. To learn more about MacBook Pro glass replacement and repair, just visit the TechRestore website at or call 1-888-572-7372 if you can’t see anything through your broken screen. Help is on the way! TechRestore, Inc. 115 Mason Circle Suite E Concord, CA 94520 888-647-3786 Source : Macbook Pro Glass Just days after the launch of revised MacBook Pro’s, I am pleased to bring you my hands on review of the 13-inch version. This really is a fantastic laptop from the guys and gals at Apple. Please check out the review and enjoy! More great reviews can be viewed on my YouTube Channel or over at
PEBBLE BEACH, Calif. (AP) Jordan Spieth can't seem to win a tournament without hearing six words that only raise expectations, if not hyperbole. ''The youngest player since Tiger Woods.'' Comparisons require context, though it's still good company to keep. The latest example was Sunday at the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am, which Spieth happily turned into a most boring finish. He led by six shots going into the final round, made 14 straight pars at one point, closed with a 70 and won by four. Spieth jokingly apologized for not producing any highlights, except for a 30-foot birdie putt that didn't matter. All he really cared about was winning. It was the ninth PGA Tour victory for the 23-year-old Texan. That made him - wait for it - the youngest player since Woods to win nine times on tour. Woods was 23 years, 5 months when he won his ninth PGA Tour event at the 1999 Memorial. Spieth is a little more than a month behind. Even if Spieth were to win this week at Riviera, he still would be a few weeks older than when Woods captured his 10th tour victory, and catching up to Woods after that would be unlikely. Woods won eight PGA Tour events in 1999, including four straight to close out the year. Numbers alone don't paint the full picture. Pebble Beach was Spieth's 100 start on the PGA Tour as a pro, so he is winning at a 9 percent clip. In Woods' 100th start on the PGA Tour, he won for the 28th time. ''I don't think anyone's going to win at the same percentage that Tiger won,'' Spieth said. ''So that's a bit different.'' Even so, he said he is more comfortable hearing comparisons with Woods than he was a few years ago. Coming off a 2015 season in which he won the Masters and the U.S. Open and came as close as anyone to the Grand Slam, Spieth began 2016 with an eight-shot victory at Kapalua. He said then he was able to keep grounded by looking at the careers of Woods (79 victories, 14 majors) and Phil Mickelson (42 victories, five majors). Jordan Spieth, whether he likes it or not, will hear Tiger comparisons as long as he keeps winning. Getty Images Are the comparisons fair? Not necessarily. ''But at the same time, I'm not here to tell you guys how to do your job,'' he said. ''You don't tell me how to do mine - you just ask me about mine. So you guys can do whatever you want. I think less of that than I have in the past, and it's an honor. It really is an honor. Getting to where you're the first guy, even including Tiger, to do something is maybe the next goal. ''But that,'' he added with a smile, ''might be pretty hard.'' Spieth has been hearing comparisons with Woods since he was chosen for the Presidents Cup team in 2013, at age 20 the youngest American on a team. Two years later, he was the youngest Masters champion since Woods and tied his 72-hole record at Augusta National. His runner-up finish in the 2015 PGA Championship elevated him to the top of the world ranking, making him the youngest player since Woods to be No. 1. By the end of 2015, his aggregate 54-under-par in the majors was one shot better than what Woods did in 2000. That, too, requires context. Woods won two of those majors by a combined 23 shots. The comparisons, whether they involved Spieth, Rory McIlroy or anyone else, seem like a stretch because of the consistent and relentless dominance of Woods. Spieth enters the conversation again because he is hitting the ball great and his putting is starting to come around. Spieth's bad weeks with the putter are still better than most players' good weeks. And still fresh are the memories of what he did two years ago - the Masters, the U.S. Open, the FedEx Cup, all the awards. But it's only February. The Masters is nearly two months away. The majors are the measure. And remember, Spieth is still No. 6 in the world. That's what impresses him about Woods. Spieth's longest spell at No. 1 was a mere 20 weeks. Since losing the top spot to Jason Day last March, he has slipped to No. 6. Still ahead of him are Day, McIlroy, Dustin Johnson, Henrik Stenson and Hideki Matsuyama. Woods had no challengers and still played as though he had something to prove. That's what led Spieth to refer to Woods as ''underrated.'' ''You almost need that next level, that next person in front of you,'' he said. ''That's what's amazing about what Tiger's done with the game and his ability to stay there for years and years and years. ... As a player who has reached that and is trying to get back there, I think he's underrated, which is incredible to say, because he's rated the greatest of all time.'' For Spieth, repeating the kind of season he had in 2015 is a tall order. Keeping pace with Woods will be even tougher. ''I'm not sure what my standard is yet,'' Spieth said. ''I think it takes maybe a decade to figure that out.''
We aspire to be more than we have been in the past—to provide better educational opportunities, focus on research that will do more to improve the lives of all people, and better serve the people of Colorado. —Phil DiStefano, Chancellor
J.W.Anderson's designs are effortlessly cool. This heather-gray sweater is accented with off-white windowpane checks and a chunky-knit neck. Channel the brand's stylish devotees by teaming yours with a mini skirt and flats.
A new aircraft being tested by the United States military would be the fasted ever created, screeching through the sky at over 4,500 miles per hour.
Breaking tradition here, but this was a painting I saw at a bar in SF a few weeks ago. Loved the style so much got the artist's info, but wasn't able to swing by the store he works at. Keep an eye out on stuff from Sam Flores - cool shit fo sho!
Welcome to our holiday let in Brittany, France | Enquire about our special 2 person Gite, out of season pricing Home Accomodation Local activities Getting here Contact Availability Welcome to our traditional Breton farmhouse gite, situated in the quiet, delightful but not remote hamlet of Rubertel. This two bedroom gite is ideally situated in close proximity to channel ports, Brest, Dinard and St. Brieuc airports and is suitable for both long and short breaks. Refurbished upper level of the gite contains a double bedroom with ensuite toilet and handbasin, and a Triple bedroom. Also situated on the ground floor is a comfortable living room and kitchen, as well as a delightful shower room with toilet and wash basin. The lounge and dining area are well equipped with a wood burning stove, central heating, television and DVD system with both French and British programmes, a wide variety of games and last but not least wireless Internet access. There is also a bed-settee to be found in the living room and ample parking is available at the front of the gite. Whilst here you can relax in the peaceful farmhouse gardens, take a dip in the above ground pool, have a family barbeque or, if it takes your fancy, even play a games of boules. For those who wish to travel further afield, Rubertel is surrounded by several traditonal French towns and villages and the beautiful Brittany coastline is just a short 30 minute drive from the gite. Children are more than welcome to play in the meadow situated at the back of the gite and baby-sitting is available on request. A cot, safety gate and high chair are also available if required. Art holidays are offered over half and full day seesions in a variety of media and beginners are always welcome. Perhaps inspiration can be found in our stunning hillside and forest suroundings, the historical ambiance of Guingamp or even at the local festivals and marketplaces. Home
There are many things on Siesta Key that keep bringing me back time and time again - not so much the baby-powder beaches or the beautiful clean resorts - but donuts. More specifically, Meaney's Mini Donuts. From this small innocuous hut on 201 Canal Road comes some of the most amazing donuts, miniature bite-sized (well, bite sized if you're a pig like me) wonders freshly deep-fried right before the customer's eyes. And they come in an array of dazzling flavors, like peanut butter, Bavarian cream, chocolate coconut and strawberry cheesecake. They also serve other stuff - soft serve ice cream, hot dogs, etc. - but who can think about such mundane fare when one is standing at the gates of donut Heaven? Posted by
Premise: This unconventional crime drama poses the question of ``whydunit'' rather than ``whodunit.'' Each episode begins by revealing not only the victim but the killer as well. A team of investigators, led by homicide detective Angie Flynn, tries to piece together the clues. Viewers navigate a complicated maze of clues themselves as they get a glimpse of the killer before and after the crime is committed. Angie and her team set out to uncover the motive by discovering the killer's connection to the victim and the evidence needed to solve the crime.
Schedule Poets Tickets About Us Doyali Islam’s poems have been published in Kenyon Review Online, CV2, and Grain, and she contributed to The Manifesto Project (University of Akron Press, 2016). She is the recipient of a 2015 Chalmers Arts Fellowship, as well as grants from Canada Council for the Arts and feminist agency Barbara Deming Memorial Fund. In 2011, Islam won CV2’s Thirty-fifth Anniversary Contest. Her first poetry book, Yusuf and the Lotus Flower, was also published that year by BuschekBooks. For two years, Islam curated Conspiracy of 3 Literary Reading Series out of North Bay, although she is now back in Toronto. For more about her work, visit Connect with Versefest
April 4, 2015 Hollywood has its Oscars and the culinary world has the James Beard awards, probably the most prestigious awards in the culinary field. Established in his Greenwich Village home in NYC after his death, the James Beard Foundation hosts more than 250 culinary events a year and since 1990 has been awarding the prestigious James Beard Awards to cookbook authors, chefs, restauranteurs, food journalists, broadcasters and more. Winning the coveted award more or less guarantees a... View Article Some of my favourite cookbooks April 4, 2012 My cookbook collection is very large, at least a few hundred titles collected over the years. I love reading cookbooks, looking at the images, catching a glimpse of an ingredient and a feel for a place or a season. My library shelves are full of cookbooks and there are stacks of them by every chair, by my bed, in my office, in my sunny “morning room” and in baskets around my much loved kitchen area.... View Article Categories
i cant do any weekends coming up this weekend busy, 31st skiing in Tremblant, weekend after salt lake city, weekend after huge stowe weekend with college buddies, oh yeah, and i dont have a car!
Born in Udine, Italy on August 16/17, 1896, Tina Modotti was the third child in a large, impoverished family of laborers. Her father was a factory worker and labor organizer who exerted a strong influence upon his daughter's sociopolitical beliefs. As a child, she had to work in her hometown's sweatshops to earn money for her family, and these experiences further cemented her kinship with laborers. During her teenage years, Miss Modotti followed her father to San Francisco in search of employment and better working conditions. Unfortunately, the family fared no better in the United States, and by age 14, Miss Modotti became the sole breadwinner, working for low wages in a silk factory. Undeterred, she also began designing her own clothes, acting in local theatrical productions, and interacting with artists. She married artist Roubaix de l'Abrie (Robo) Richey in 1916, and through him met American photographer Edward Weston, for whom she would leave her husband. Mr. Weston also became Miss Modotti's professional mentor, and under his guidance, she began to experiment with various types of photographic processes including enlargement, cropping, photomontage, and multiple exposures. The couple left the United States to settle in Mexico, which would become Miss Modotti's adopted home and endless source of creative inspiration. She immersed herself in local culture and traveled in a left-wing circle that included husband-and-wife artists Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo. Miss Modotti's increasing political involvement contributed to her breakup with Edward Weston in 1926. Meanwhile, she continued taking photographs first with a 4x5 large format Corona camera and later with a slightly smaller Graflex camera. The Corona was used to photograph portraits and Mexican Renaissance murals while the Graflex was used to capture street scenes. Like Edward Weston, her composition was on ground glass, and her contact printing technique was achieved by placing the negative directly onto treated sensitized paper and then exposing it to the sunlight. Miss Modotti's first photographs were still-lifes such as Roses (1924) and Two Callas (1925), in which she explored various types of composition, tone, and light. However, as she began focusing on outdoor photography, she began to develop a Modernist approach with social and poltical content reflective of the New Vision Renaissance. For Miss Modotti, Mexico's social unrest became her canvas upon which she painted images consistent with her leftist views. Her photographs of a laborer, ear of corn, or a hammer, symbolized her working class attitudes. Some of her best known New Vision photographs include Hands Resting on Tool (1927), Mexican Peasants Reading El Machete (1928), and Yank and Police Marionette (1929). Unfortunately, Miss Modotti's personal life often overshadowed her photographs. Like her colleagues Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo, she joined the Communist Party, and in 1929 was accused of murdering her lover, Cuban activist Julio Antonio Mella. Fortunately, her well-connected friends won her an acquittal, but in 1930, Miss Modotti was arrested for an alleged assassination attempt on the President of Mexico, resulting in deportation to Europe. She became associated with the Bauhaus school of photography while living in Berlin, but within six months she was living in Moscow and opposing Fascism. She returned to Mexico in 1939, but did not resume her photographic career. Tina Modotti died of a heart attack on January 5, 1942. Tina Modotti's photographs disappeared from public view until the early 1990s when Roses was auctioned off for $165,000, then the highest ever paid for a photograph at an auction. Two Callas was later auctioned for $170,000. In 1995, pop singer Madonna partially financed a retrospective exhibit of Tina Modotti's photographs at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Ref.: 2002 Artists from Latin American Cultures: A Biographical Dictionary (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press), pp. 185-188. 2006 Encyclopedia of Twentieth-Century Photography, Vol. I (New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group LLC), pp. 1065-1066. The Grove Encyclopedia of American Art, Vol. I (New York: Oxford University Press), p. 332. 2009 National Camera: Photography and Mexico's Image Environment (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press), p. 64. 1999 Shadows, Fire, Snow: The Life of Tina Modotti (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press), p. 386. Return to Previous Page
There are several James Adkison's in the New Brockton area of Coffee County.If you have a middle name or initial, it will help.Also do you have his spouse's name?Jeff
I extend you a very warm welcome. You'll find I've kept things short and easy here for you. If you haven't already used the free PSTEC tracks then be sure to begin with the completely free PSTEC system. If you've used that and you think you want me to work with you in person but you're not quite sure what that will be like, then read on because the information you need is all here. In Person or over the Phone... Which is Best? Please Note: The information and prices here relate ONLY to phone therapy and coaching in PSTEC. For some things it really is best to see me in person. For others it's simply not needed. I used to do all sessions in person and in my therapy office but my invention of PSTEC allows me to offer many extremely powerful and effective therapy for you at home. This is done very easily by giving you the guidance you need. This empowers you and that's a good thing. Also it's much more convenient and if you've already experienced at least some of the power of PSTEC then you'll already know how great the results can be. Whatever the issue, I can work with you, wherever you live. This way of getting the changes you want in your life is efficient. As we work together you get to take a significant part in your own transformation. That in itself can bring you REALLY powerful feelings of self worth and increased self confidence. Many people also prefer the relative anonymity of getting help over the phone. Why Work With Tim Phizackerley? Firstly I have a Worldwide reputation. If you think employing a professional like myself is expensive try employing an amateaur and you'll soon discover the difference! My work is designed to bring you amazing results that last and in the shortest timescalses. The PSTEC tools are incredibly flexible, and my knowledge of them is so complete, that most problems can be worked on in this way. Talking with you by telephone or Skype I will use my knowledge to help you. I've created many tutorials but even so, some people want reassurance in knowing exactly where to begin with their issue or problems. I can easily resolve that for you. Typically, I will ask for details of the issues beforehand. Then after you explain what you need, I will determine a correct sequence in which to apply PSTEC. During the phone session I will take you through the best way to resolve your issue in easy steps. When the session starts we will discuss the problem or issues, and I may also make some adjustments to the sequence that I will devise for you. We will then discuss how you need to use PSTEC, and as we speak to each other I'll explain how to work through the very best sequence for you to get the required results. Everything is geared around simplicity, ease and success. Often (and especially so if requested) I'll also lay out the most perfect PSTEC Positive statements for your particular issues. I will also explain exactly what order you need to use them, and when. This is a very effective and efficient way to work. As long as you bring a genuine enthusiasm and commitment to this way of working, it generally brings wonderful outcomes and very often truly amazing ones. This also means the issue is dealt with completely and VERY thoroughly because there is enough time to do so. Working in this way, allows me to help you wherever you are in the World. It reduces your costs, it's more convenient, and it's simply a great way to be helped. I am now so busy that it's rare for me to work in any other way. It's possible to see me in person but it costs much more. How Many Sessions? You can have as many coaching session as you wish. But when it comes to therapy I prefer to keep it to an absolute minimum and ideally just one session. This almost always surprises people. Often I do a single session but you have the option of more if you want. Here's how it works:- Having reviewed your information beforehand I may ask some additional questions. During the session I'll explain exactly how to use PSTEC for your particular issue or issues. I may explain other things you can do to help yourself too. Afterward you simply work through the steps I give you, carefully following the sequence I'll share with you. This approach is a really wonderful way to work. I like it. My clients love it. And most importantly it still gives great results. It has other advantages too. It empowers you greatly and it also keeps costs down while still providing powerful solutions. Of course if someone would rather have more sessions then I can work that way too. Just tell me what your needs are at the outset and which you prefer. Simple. (Obviously if funds are unlimited, as they are for some people more sessions are an option). Price Over the phone I have two prices depending on what you need. Coaching is charged at £125 for an hour. This is ideal if you just want a discussion about life, relationships, or a new change of direction etc... Therapy is charged differently because I study everything you send me beforehand. During that time I work out strategies in advance. Because of the preparation time involved, my therapy sessions are charged at a higher rate. A one phone hour therapy session is currently £250. These prices relate only to phone work. In person I also use hypnosis and my fees are higher. Wherever possible I like to work to a one session needed only format and during that time to give you the information you need on how to work through your own problems effectively. I am able to do this because I like to work VERY efficiently and also because I know PSTEC "inside out". I offer sessions by the hour, but sometimes I will allow a phone session to run over time. If that happens there is no extra cost. I do this sometimes just to ensure that everything has been covered. Lower Cost Option For Those on Tight Budgets Because I don't want anyone excluded, everyone can access the completely free PSTEC therapy system. There are also lots of PSTEC therapy and self help tutorials which you can access at relatively low cost. Low cost should not be confused with low value. Each tutorial or product is produced to offer information or therapy tools of the highest quality. Session Format Most people just want the most effective self help sequence laying out very clearly for them. I can also helpo you be sure you are using the tools correctly. If you're here on this website, you probably want me to do that for you too. All of this means you will be able to use the PSTEC audios in your own time, and at your own pace, to get the results you want. I'll give you the best way to get the best results in the shortest timescales so this really is an excellent way to work. Are You Ready For Change? That's a very important question because when you contact me I'll expect you to want to 'invest' in your own success. So bring desire and commitment and show me that you really want my help. Obviously you also need to be willing to follow through on my instructions and advice. As you can probably imagine, some people kid themselves they're serious about change, and they aren't willing to invest in themselves fully. Others know exactly what they want and ...just go for it! I hope that's YOU and that you want success badly enough you'll do whatever it takes to get it. That kind of enthusiasm excites me too. The kind of client I like to take on is excited about the prospects of change. If you really want results badly enough, then you have what I call a "readiness for change". If you're "hungry" for results and you just want to work with the best, then, yes it's time to contact me. Will I Work With You? Sometimes I say "No" to clients. But show me you are ready for change and usually I will say "Yes". Whatever, I always take decisons in the best interest of the people I work with because what's best for you is all that matters. You are free to ask for my assistance, but do remember I am very busy indeed and so ultimately I decide who I work with. Also I don't work with people who are rude or pushy because I don't need to. Sometimes if I'm really busy I may advise consulting someone else. For this reason, when you request a session, remember to tell me why you really need my expertise. When contacting me also remember to show me your honesty, desire and readiness for change. Tell me why you really want me and not someone else. Show me your enthusiasm for change because that's what I always look for in deciding who I work with. Then as long as I agree to work with you, I will show you in detail EXACTLY how to use PSTEC to get the results you've dreamed about. My job is showing you how to turn your dream into a reality. Remember that you are paying for my time, my help, my guidance, my vast therapy knowledge and also my expertise. YOU bring the desire for success, cooperativeness and also commitment to change. Oh just a quick point here, even though I am also a hypnotherapist, I don't do hypnosis over the phone. I only use it in person. How to Book Okay, here's how to book your session: Sessions for PSTEC™ therapy, mentoring, or coaching, are strictly by prearrangement and must be requested by email first. Once arranged, you can speak to me in person ONLY at the time arranged. This will either be by telephone or by Skype. Terms of Business I like to keep things simple. Wherever possible I endeavour to work to one session (if there is a huge amount to get through that may not be possible but that will be determined before you spend a dime) In discussion with yourself, I will explain the correct way to use PSTEC to get fantastic results with your issue/issues. Sessions are by prearrangement only and all sessions are entirely at my discretion. Payment must be made at the start of the session or just before. (Very occasionally I will waive this requirement and take payment later) You are free to cancel the session at ANY time prior to it's commencement. I do not charge for sessions which do not take place. Please remember that you are paying for my time and expertise. Because you must follow the advice given during the session and I have no control over whether clients undertake to do that, I cannot absolutely guarantee certain results in certain time-scales. How Sessions Work As you will have seeen already, my preferred method is to offer one session and try to limit it to that. Prior to the session I will study your issue and your requirements. During the session I will ask questions and we will discuss a route to success. I will explain in detail exactly what PSTEC tools to use, and in what sequence. Usually I will also specify certain PSTEC Positive suggestions and I will also explain exactly how and when to use them. I will also answer any questions. There may be a lot of ground to cover, so be prepared to listen and take notes. Have paper and pen ready prior to speaking to me. After the session you undertake the PSTEC work in your own time according to the guidance I have given. This approach has been very successful and it works great. At my discretion I may subsequently offer a free 10 minute follow up call to ensure you have made good progress, and also to answer any additional questions which may have arisen. I prefer not to undertake subsequent sessions unless absolutely necessary, but usually I will do so if requested so if you have deep pockets you can have extra sessions if desired. Any subsequent session requests are charged at the same hourly rate and all are at my discretion. Contact PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE CONTENT OF THIS WEB PAGE BEFORE EMAILING ME!!!(This page covers nearly all common questions so please read carefully.) When you have decided that I am the person you need to consult with, just send your request along with some details of the issues to [email protected]. 1. Please write no more than 40 lines. 2. Please title your email either "THERAPY SESSION REQUEST" or "COACHING SESSION REQUEST". (see above)3. Remember to confirm that you are over 18yrs of age. 4. Include details of your timezone/location. 5. Add a list of of times and dates when you are available to talk. Copyright T Phizackerley 2012.
The following photos were taken around midnight. The sun started rising before 4am and summer solstice is yet to come! I also saw many people in the streets during the night.
Let this forum be a way for us to educate people on health issues that we may have or have had or issues that are of interest to us. Let us encourage each other, share our experiences and share possible treatment methods, medicinal or herbal. Group Admins HomeForumMembers 153 Mom is back in hospital Author Posts EvilElf Participant Topics: 59 Replies: 362 Rank: Newbie December 24, 2016 at 7:55 am I took mom to get a follow-up x-ray of her lungs/chest to see if her lungs were cleared of all pneumonia she had back in November. I got a call from the nurse two days after the test to tell me she still had it. She was to start a different antibiotic and keep her follow-up appointment which was that following Monday. When she got to her appointment she had trouble standing and walking. I had to physically help her do this. She has a walker but refuses to use it. The nurse had a hard time getting a temperature from her orally and then from under her arm. By the time she was able to get one the reading was 95.2. Which is way too low. She was also having problems breathing. They were going to put her on some oxygen while at the doctor’s office but instead told me to take her to the hospital right away. So she was admitted that same day. Here it is Friday and she is still in there. It doesn’t look like she will be home for Christmas. 🙁 She told me she didn’t want to come home until she feels 100% better. I am really sad with her being sick and with me being at home most days alone. I don’t feel safe. Then my son came but he will only be here for a short time. I already do not like the holiday season for other reasons but now it’s really going to suck. jhsayyar Participant Topics: 107 Replies: 243 Rank: Newbie December 24, 2016 at 9:39 am I am very sad over your mother’s illness but If you accept my advise I recommend some medicines for your mother is my mother because parents are equal. take Aniamonintart 200x, 5 dropsn daily three times in a day, quebracho qx 5 drops in a day three times, and Five Phos tablets 4 tablets in a day three times. You mom will be safe from lungs problems and will walk very soon without stick. I am professional medical astrologer. I strongly recommend you to use the meds. It is my moral duty to inform you. Thanks. JH Sayyar Anitah Gimase Participant Topics: 66 Replies: 471 Rank: Newbie December 25, 2016 at 9:57 am This is quite sad am sorry for your mother being sick, but you’ve got to be strong for her because of she sees you sad then you make her recovery worse. Just be positive that she will get out of this stronger. She will be fine. The only tging you need to remind yourself is tgat she is an elderly woman and sometimes this elderly people can be very sturbbon. All they want is to do things their own way which can really get you mad. Keeo her company always be there for her keeo her vusy so that her mind doesnt wonder away and start thinking about her sickness. Don’t worry even if she won’t be home for christmas take it to her in hospital and she will be more than greatful. All the vest and may you have a blessed chriatmas. Your mun will be well don’t stress out okay relax and pray for her i wish her a quick recovery too.
April 8, 2017 So, we love all things strings but sometimes the strings themselves can be illusive. We decided that we would put some of the popular ones to the test and share our findings with you, you lucky beggars! So the task was set and bravely undertaken by Sam Blade, our Shop Manager. Sam, who has played read… New stock – Fine Anglo-French Violin and Bow! December 17, 2015 It’s always a great day when a new violin comes in, especially one of such fantastic quality and workmanship. The Violin This violin was made by Charles Thouvenot for J&A Beare around 1910. Thouvenot was one of a number of French violin and bow makers who made for Beare’s around the beginning of read… Extended Saturday Opening Times… December 15, 2015 We are extending our Saturday opening times to particularly accommodate younger players, those at junior departments/ conservatoires and their families. We hope that helps our customers to be able to come and see us and spend longer with us. Especially if you bring cake! Christmas Stockings! December 15, 2015 Short of a present or two? Here’s an idea for you! Merry Christmas! Violins and Basses Galore! October 29, 2015 The Amati Exhibition is always a great opportunity to come and see the finest instruments and bows that Thwaites have to offer. Held in the fabulous setting of the Grand Ballroom at the Langham Hotel, this exhibition also features a performance by the esteemed Roby Lakatos. We are proud to be be loaning his ensemble read… Vote for us in the MIA awards! September 9, 2015 Click here to Vote! The Music Industries Association (MIA) is the UK trade association that represents the music making industry. It has the mission of “Creating and Encouraging Music Making”. All activities are devoted towards promoting the wide-ranging benefits of music making. The MIA also runs the industry charity, Music for All, which helps people read…
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I found Nadine Rovner's work online a several months ago. She does very moody, lush, sexy photos. They are rich in color and tone, but I was most struck by the variety of worlds she creates and captures (her 1970's film looks are wonderful as are her low-light night shots). I would love to see how she would shoot in an editorial context.
If you can't donate money, maybe you can donate a little of your time by volunteering for some of our fund raising activities in an effort to bring Life, Environment and Communities together.
Posted on June 29, 2015 by admin IVV hiking World Championships in the PillerseeTal/Tyrol surrounded by the impressive peaks of the kaisergebirge, the Loferer and the PillerseeTal offers more than 400 kilometers of marked trails between 700 and 2500 metres above sea level the Leoganger steinberge. From … Continue reading →
WASHINGTON — Another 12 months of incremental decline and hardships for the people of Zimbabwe – that is how opposition parties are characterizing the year 2014, blaming Zanu PF for failing to address the country’s worsening economic situation. The year saw a continuation of company closures at a large scale in different cities and towns, escalating job loses for thousands of employees who will not be enjoying Christmas the way they may have wished. The Movement for Democratic Change formations lamented the hardships in different postmortems on Wednesday, saying economic and social growth will remain a mirage under the Zanu PF government. However, despite its uninspiring assessment, the MDC wing led by Morgan Tsvangirai said change was imminent, adding Zimbabwe’s hope may lie in the fissures that are currently rocking Zanu PF. “The people of Zimbabwe should not lose hope because the darkest hour comes just before dawn,” party spokesman Obert Gutu told VOA. “We can assure the people that we are not going to go as far as 2018 before we get the next election; Zanu PF is crumbling like a deck of cards and the way things are going are such that only a miracle can save them.” Zanu PF is currently embroiled in a civil war that has seen the sacking of Mrs. Joice Mujuru as vice president and several party officials accused of conspiring with her to overthrow President Robert Mugabe from office. Critics accuse the Zanu PF government of failing to make good its promise of massive job creating during the 2013 election campaign, and focusing instead on factional party politics. “More industries closed, more jobs were lost, productivity declined, the economy went into a process of shutdown and it has now started to recede,” commented spokesman Nhlanhla Dube of the MDC faction led by Professor Welshman Ncube.
SprayEZ is one of the leading suppliers and producers of spray foam insulation products, including polyurea, polyurethane and dispensing equipment. The foam insulation company specializes in spray insulation and waterproofing materials. We have various equipment, industrial coatings, supplies and accessories on offer. If you need materials and equipment for roofing, insulation, truck bed-liners, concrete coatings and more, SprayEZ offers high-quality products at some of the lowest prices on the market. We also offer complete kits and rigs for contractors as well as DIY kits for smaller applications. The spray foam insulation cost is kept low because we make our foam products in house. SprayEZ’s offices are in Yulee, Fla. and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, enabling us to provide excellent on-site customer service and training. We also offer convenient and efficient shipping across the country. Call us for more information or to place an order. One of the main things our customers purchase from SprayEZ is spray foam. Spray foam insulation is a relatively new method to use when looking to insulate your home and it is quickly gaining popularity. It is a great alternative to traditional fiberglass insulation. Spray foam is a polymer that is produced by combining two ingredients using special equipment available at SprayEZ. As the name suggests, it can be easily sprayed into place. This is one of its advantages over some of the more traditional methods – with spray foam you can reach even the most inconvenient places. Spray foam is held in containers in liquid state and when sprayed, the two chemicals react. After being sprayed, the liquid quickly expands, turns into insulating foam, and hardens in place. By expanding over 60 times its original size, the foam encompasses and fills every gap and hole, which is why it can provide such complete insulation and stop air leakage. From Spray Foam Insulation to Spray in Truck Bedliners SprayEZ offers a variety of products concerning spray insulation. We offer high quality polyurethanes and polyureas in DIY foam insulation kits for home and roof insulation. Spray foam insulation cost varies on how much foam you need. For contractors, we offer spray foam machines and spray rigs. This equipment can be used with any type of spray urethane foam and can be adjusted for higher heat and pressure. Again, spray foam insulation cost varies on the amount of product and the type of equipment you need. We also offer all the equipment and materials for the application of spray-in truck bed liners as well as EPS hard coats. All in all, we offer everything you might need for a spray foam insulation project, from a large selection of spray foam guns, their parts and repair kits to foam insulation kits and equipment trailers with a hydraulic machine and divider. SprayEZ also specializes in offering ExpandoThane for roof coating and waterproofing, and RockHard bedliners kits and machines. With our wide range of supplies, you won’t have to look elsewhere to find your safety equipment, hoses or solvents. SprayEZ is your one stop to getting everything you need for foam insulation. DIY Spray Foam Insulation Properly insulating walls in your home is one of the best things you can do to improve energy efficiency. And today, spray foam insulation is considered the most effective type of insulation there is. Spray foam is a polymer that is made by mixing two ingredients at the end of a heated hose while spraying the liquid onto the surface you want insulated. The liquid then expands and becomes a type of foam that hardens. This method of foam insulation is extremely popular, since spray foam can remedy air leakages much better than many other methods out there. Because the method of application is spraying, and it enlarges up to 60 times, it can be easily used to fill cracks or large surface areas. The foam also sticks to the surface so it can be easily applied to both horizontal and vertical surfaces. It serves not only as insulation for heat, but also as a barrier for air leaking into a house or industrial building. Being synthetic, the foam does not attract any pests like rodents or insects. It has a relatively high R-value per inch (the amount of time it takes for heat to radiate through a material), and it is an especially good option when it comes to insulating homes in need of restoration – in situations where the more traditional method of batt or board may be difficult to pull off. There are two types of spray insulation, one lighter and the other denser, known as open cell and closed cell foam, respectively. Being that it can save you a bundle in heating and cooling, foam insulation comes at a price. Many people try to lower spray foam insulation costs by making insulation a DIY project. This is where SprayEZ can come to your aid with ease. We offer a range of products that will enable you to cut the costs of insulation and do the work yourself. The spray foam insulation cost might be higher than other types of insulation, but the foam saves you money each month in reduced heating and air conditioning costs. Where to Apply Spray Foam Insulation One of the many benefits of spray foam insulation is that it can be applied to a variety of surfaces. Your first instinct may be that foam insulation would work great with the walls of your home, and it does, but many other areas can also be improved using this method. Spray insulation can also easily be used to insulate attics and roofs. This conserves a lot of heating energy since, as we know, heat always goes upwards and can leak through your attic or roof. With spray foam, which not only insulates but also prevents air flow, the amount of heat which escapes this way would be lessened, thereby lowering your energy consumption. This works especially well with low slope or flat roofing. Spray foam is also great for homes that are exposed to severe weather because it improves the strength and durability of the home, especially when it comes to wind uplift. Using the foam insulation method, you can also insulate basements, crawlspaces, gaps and holes in your home or cantilevered floors. Since the foam applies in spray-form, and subsequently expands, it can easily be sprayed into even the smallest of gaps to fill them up completely. The Benefits of Using Spray Foam Insulation Using insulating spray foam has the obvious consequence of making your home more insulated. But, what are the actual benefits to having a well-insulated home? Here are some of the many benefits of using spray insulation. · Controlled Humidity When your contractor applies or when you apply the spray foam, it will expand greatly and fill even the smallest crack. This means that it will enable you to have better humidity control in your home. If you have AC equipment, you will be able to choose and maintain whatever humidity level you want to have in your living space. This is a benefit which no other insulation method can offer. Since spray foam has such a high R-level, the warm humid air can’t meet cold air and produce moisture. This means that the humidity level can be whatever you wish it to be, regardless of external conditions. Closed cell foam also prevents any mold from occurring in your home because there are no cracks into which airborne moisture could enter and create a suitable environment for the production of mold. Ideally there should be no risk of having mold in your living space. This leads us to another benefit of spray foam insulation. · Better Air Quality Mold that grows inside your walls releases harmful mycotoxins and spores which greatly decrease the air quality in your home. Spray insulation prevents mold and makes sure this never happens. It also provides an effective air barrier, so that no outdoor air pollutants or allergens can come into your living space. Pollen, dust and other particles are often a concern, especially in individuals who suffer from allergies or asthma. Foam insulation also removes the risk of another common factor in respiratory irritation – pests. Since it is not a food source for any insects or rodents, when using this method, you can be sure you will have no unwanted guests. Another benefit of foam insulation over the more traditional fiberglass insulation method is that during high winds or other environmental factors, the particles in fiberglass insulation are dislodged and can travel through the air and infiltrate your living space. Spray foam won’t become dislodged from high winds. · Consistent Temperature Across The Home If your home has a discrepancy in temperature, i.e. some rooms are hotter and some are colder, you will be excited to know that this problem is eliminated by using foam insulation. The reason for this is twofold. One, the foam is incredibly resistant to heat gain, which stops heat from penetrating through walls. This means that the rooms which have outer walls won’t be more susceptible to high or low temperatures piercing through. Two, the spray foam insulation creates a monolithic air barrier, which means that the temperature will be consistent in every room in your home. · No Drafts or Air Leakage In whatever climate conditions you live in, a drafty home is always uncomfortable. Drafts are also the number one cause of high energy costs. Spray foam insulation remedies that. It completely encapsulates a home, making even the attic or basement impervious to external conditions. · Better Energy Efficiency As we’ve mentioned before, spray foam has a higher R-value than other insulation methods. The R-value, simply speaking, is the amount of time it takes for external heat to break through a material. Spray foam’s high R-value enables it to keep heat out during the summer, and seal it in during colder weather. With no heat escaping through, you will need to spend less energy to keep your home at your desired temperature. It also seals any air gaps and prevents air leakage, which contributes to energy efficiency. · Cutting Costs With improved energy efficiency, you will also see your energy bills go down. Although spray foam insulation cost can be high, the amount of savings you can achieve is incomparable. Before foam insulation you might have had to heat your living space for a whole day, only to have it cool and become uncomfortable during the night. With spray insulation, you will see that your home will be heated up significantly faster, and will take a much longer time to cool down. · Reducing Noise Another important benefit of spray insulation is its capacity to significantly reduce noise. Spray foam has sound-absorbing properties which will help with both airborne and flanking noises. Airborne noises are noises produced when talking, listening to the television, radio, using a gaming console, etc. Spray foam seals and fills every crack which means that sound cannot easily travel and the transmission of airborne noises is greatly reduced. On the other hand, flanking noises are sound which emanate from inside the walls of your home. These include plumbing noises and the like. Foam insulation seals the space around the source which creates a quieter space which isn’t constantly interrupted by toilets flushing and showers running. · Sturdier Structure Spray foam insulation can also help achieve better structural integrity of a home. This especially goes for homes that are exposed to the elements such as high winds. By insulating the roof of a home with spray foam, the chance that that roof can be lifted by winds is significantly lowered. Roofs insulated with spray foam have a lifespan of over 30 years. Foam insulation also prevents water from seeping through weak spots such as seams. Spray foam has no weak spots since it is installed as one continuous barrier. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has also declared this type of insulation as very resistant to flood-related damage. · Longevity The polymer that makes up spray foam insulation has an indefinite lifespan. Unlike other methods, when using spray insulation, you can be sure that your investment will pay off, since the insulation will last for years and it will take a long time, 20 years or more, before you have any need to re-insulate. Foam insulation is high-quality and has a unique ability to give you optimal performance over a long period of time. · Eco-friendliness The final benefit of spray foam insulation is it lowers energy consumption and increases energy efficiency. It also protects against mold and has a long lifespan. So How Much Money Will You Really Save? Using spray foam to insulate your walls and home makes economic sense. The annual savings it provides greatly outweighs the spray foam insulation cost. Although installing foam insulation can cost around 100 percent more than some of the more traditional methods such as fiberglass, the cost can be lowered if you do the installation yourself. When compared to other insulation methods, it has been shown that foam insulation is the best method for saving some big bucks and making your home energy efficient. After using this type of insulation, you should see a payback in savings in as little as approximately three to four years. And here is why. The American Chemistry Council estimated that the average home loses up to 40 percent of energy due to air leaks. Along with various gaps and holes which cause horrible drafts throughout the home, air leaks can make your energy bills higher than they could be. Why let all that energy go to waste? Spray foam, by acting as both insulation and a sealant, closes gaps and keeps heat from going through. This technology cannot be compared to any of the older methods of insulation. Other methods cannot insulate your home as well as spray foam can. Per the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Energy Star program, you can save up to 20 percent on your energy bills by simply adding insulation, and that number increases if you are talking about spray foam insulation. Your home’s HVAC system (heating, ventilating, air conditioning) affects your monthly bills and spray foam insulation can take some of that workload off your HVAC. It is calculated that with foam insulation, your HVAC size can be reduced by as much as 35 percent, while also adding to your comfort. Simply put, this means lower bills every month. How Does Spray Foam Work? Spray foam is produced by combining and reacting two chemicals and making a foam in the process. The chemicals instantly react and start expanding. The two chemicals are held in different containers, commonly referred to as Container A and B. After the two chemicals are mixed, the foam which is created expands and hardens very quickly. The chemical reaction is designed to produce the unique qualities of spray foam such as its water-tightness. It will adhere to almost any dry and clean surface. While expanding, it grows into every nook and cranny and provides excellent insulation. Apart from providing insulation, spray foam also creates an impermeable barrier which keeps air and moisture from passing through, while also resisting heat transfer. When using foam insulation, you can create one continuous barrier, which is an advantage over more traditional methods where you have to seal the ends carefully. During the application of spray insulation, customized equipment is used and proper safety measures must be taken. That is why it is best to buy all your equipment and materials from the best in the business – SprayEZ. We sell only the best and most innovative products on the market. In our range of products, you will find various kits and materials designed to be used in industrial applications, as well as residential and commercial ones. To ensure customer satisfaction, we only sell the best and most long-lasting products and materials. We are proud to offer our customers items which will be easy to use and which are made from extremely high-quality materials. Our products are centered on consistency and performance, and our materials are designed to meet or exceed uncompromising quality requirements. Whether you’re a DIY amateur or a contractor looking to get the best, our extensive database of products will suit every need. So if you want to save some money and make your home more energy efficient and more comfortable, choose from SprayEZ’s impeccable range of products and rest assured that you got only the best at amazing prices. Polyurea VS Urethane When it comes to spray insulation, there are plenty of different foam options from which to choose. There are, however, two basic categories – polyurea and polyurethane– and the differences between them can be used as a starting point for determining the type that is best suited for a particular job. So what is the difference between them? Both polyurea and polyurethane are compounds used for making foam for insulation, but with some important differences in both application and general characteristics. Polyurethane is a hard and rigid material and has been used in various industries for quite some time. Polyurea, on the other hand, is a relatively new compound. The basic difference between them is the fact that the latter cures a lot faster than the former. Poluyrea can cure or gel within a few seconds after its component chemicals are mixed. Although this could result in damaging of materials that are sensitive to heat, slowing down the reaction is enough to prevent any unwanted side effects. Polyurethanes spread more readily as they take longer to cure. Open Cell VS Closed Cell Apart from the difference between polyurea and polyurethane, there is the categorization based on R-Values. Spray foams with lower values are called open-cell foams, those with higher values go by the name of closed-cell foams. Open-cell foam has spaces within the foam and the spaces are filled with air. With closed-cell foams gas bubbles get trapped while the chemicals are expanding and hardening. The trapped gases increased the durability and insulation capability of the foam. The closed off construction makes the foam liquid resistant. The difference between these two types of insulation has a great significance when it comes to the question of which type you should choose for insulating a particular space. In short, while open-cell foam is a better choice for interior applications, you should definitely choose closed-cell if you are looking to insulate from the outside. Open-cell expands upon application, which means it is the ideal choice for places that are hard to reach, such as cavities in both walls and ceilings. Although it is capable of providing a good level of insulation, this type of foam has a lower level of heat and water resistance, which makes it unsuitable for outdoor surfaces. The latter, on the other hand, is a denser type of foam, which in turn makes it a lot more resistant to both heat and water. Closed-cell foam could also be used for in-home areas. It increases the structural integrity of a home. Open cell foam is a good sound insulator and the overall spray foam insulation cost is lower, because it has a greater yield. Our Options In order to meet the needs of all our customers, SprayEZ is a company that manufactures a wide range of urethane and polyurethane options for foam insulation. This means that we offer spray foams for both interior and exterior use, as well as products that are suited for specific purposes, such as better coverage and easier application. Regardless of your needs and preferences, however, all of them are made with the highest standards in mind. Apart from this, the two basic ingredients of the spray foam are combined on site. This ensures that their special formulas deliver the best possible results every single time. If you have any questions about which foam is right for your project, please give us call at 877-772-9629! Spray Foam Insulation for Contractors If you are a contractor in need of equipment for spray foam insulation, SprayEZ might be the ideal choice for you. The process of insulation takes skill, time and effort, as well as a lot of equipment and materials. This is why one of the biggest issues for contractors, especially those with large jobs, is finding suppliers. The process would be a lot less tiresome if you could simply order everything you needed from a single company, but that is often not the case. With SprayEZ, you can do exactly that, all the while resting assured that the supplies are of the highest quality. Our polyurethane spray foams and polyurea products provide a high level of coverage and protection for a wide range of surfaces. Each has its own characteristics, which makes it easier to find the one that is right for a particular job, regardless of whether your criteria are based on flexibility, tensile strength, resistance or any of the other important factors. To make it even better, a part of the available equipment is designed specifically for larger applications, which is ideal for use by contractors. Apart from the basic spray equipment, our list of products includes everything from safety equipment to spare parts and solvents. Since it is a single company that provides you with everything you might need from the moment you start preparing for foam insulation to the moment when only finishing touches are required, it makes the process a whole lot easier for the contractor. Another reason why SprayEZ might be the right choice for you is the fact that we provide you with the options of buying in bulk and having your equipment and materials shipped, which is essential for those who are in search of supplies for larger jobs. The spray foam insulation cost is reduced by buying in bulk from a single company. About SprayEZ When it comes to spray machines and spray equipment, SprayEZ is a company with an unparalleled offer. Since we strive to provide products for both individuals and contractors, we have many models available. For smaller jobs, there are spray guns which are easy to use and maintain. Some of the best examples include FastKick applicator and Graco Fusion AP spray gun. While the former is a product that can be used in combination with the Fast Cure Products series, the latter is a piece of equipment that can be used without additional tools. The applicator boasts an incredible curing time of two minutes and the spray gun is one of the best on the market, providing both easier maintenance and less downtime. With the right equipment, the overall spray foam insulation cost can be kept low, because you could be more efficient with the foam insulation products. For larger jobs, we offer a wide range of spray machines, each of which serves a different purpose and is designed for use by professionals. These can be divided into two categories: Graco reactors and SFT machines. Some of the reactor models include Graco A-25 and Graco H-40. Both are plural-component spray foam proportioners of the highest quality, but they have their differences. While the former boasts temperature control that has been made more consistent to provide higher quality foam, the latter has been made capable of higher duty cycles and features reduced downtime. When it comes to SFT machines, some of the more popular models are SFT-2000 and SFT-4500. Both machines are plural-component high pressure proportioners that boast high functionality and reliability, but just like the reactor models, they have their differences. While the former can reach 2,000 PSI and 20 Lbs, the latter boasts even higher figures – 3,000 PSI and 45 Lbs. both are equipped with a Graco fusion gun and an overheat pressure switch, but they have different heaters, and while SFT-2000 only has LED read outs, SFT-4500 features a digital interface. These are only some of the examples of how versatile SprayEZ’s offer of machines and equipment really is, but that is not the only benefit of choosing it over its competition. Regardless of which machine you end up choosing, you will have the option of having it assembled at one of our many locations. If what you have read so far sounds good, but you are still having trouble making the final decision, here is some more good news. Apart from providing a wide range of equipment and spray foam insulation materials, all of which are of the highest quality, the company is also making an effort to help contractors on an individual basis. To make SprayEZ an even better choice for the professional, we are offering free onsite training as well. This means that whichever machine you choose to buy, not only can you have it assembled right then and there, you can also get a free tutorial on how to properly use it. The training is, of course, led exclusively by those experienced in working with the equipment, and can be of great help to contractors looking to get ahead in their own business. Contact one of our professionals to get started today! See more
Building a lightsaber. It is a requirement of every Jedi. But my answer is theoretically a two-part answer: a. building my own lightsaber, then b. proceeding to use it to kill Jar-Jar. TheRandomMenace, Apr 12, 2002 at 11:42 AM #3 _-Reborn_Jedi-_ Jedi Youngling Member Since: Mar 9, 2002 w00t! Gotta love Jedi Outcast! Already the mods are popping up, and soon, very soon...the day will come. The day when we can ALL KILL JAR JAR!!! Some awesome modder will make a single player level where we can just chop away at Gungans all day, and then face off with the blundering idiot himself. I can't wait to slice his awkward head off of his awkward body...
Work created for my jewellery brand Kiss The Future, focusing on a combination of both the natural world and mysticism. Illustrations for use on business cards and flyers (which were also produced in a variant black and white) plus new logo design and branding.
Today's Woman discusses "women and Rumi's poetry" with writer Safoura Noorbaksh. News & Views: In our Washington Report we’ll cover the reaction of the US administration to Pakistan’s state of emergency. Guita will cover this and have Sec Rice’s comments calling for Musharraf to resign as army chief, and her calling for a review of the aid package to Pakistan. We’ll interview Ayaz Gol from Islamabad who will add his on the ground perspective of the crisis in Pakistan. We interview two people involved on the crackdown on and censorship of writers in Iran. One is a writer for a banned Iranian paper, and the other is a woman member of an Iranian writer’s union. Iran Hostage Crisis Anniversary -- Part 1 aired Sunday & Part 2 airs Monday. Ali Sajjadi will be a guest on the show coming out of this pkg to discuss how the new Iranian government exploited the situation. Roundtable hosts Ambassador John Limbert, a former hostage in Iran from 1979-1980, to discuss the 28th anniversary of the taking of the hostages in Iran. Late Edition reports on the Republicans running for the '08 nomination. NewsTalk discusses the latest on human rights in Iran with human rights activists Elahe Hicks and Mariam Memarsadeghi. The wife of a political prisoner and a report from a recent student demonstration.
Emma Flynn TRASH CAN UTOPIAS: Transforming the Waste Landscape of Long Island SuburbiaHicksville, Long Island, NYS.Building suburbia the old way is no longer working on Long Island. Inherently wasteful and unsustainable, in terms of both space and resource consumption, the current suburban model needs to be readdressed in the face of energy and environmental concerns.In response to this problem Trash Can Utopias explores waste’s historic role and future potential in the vision and creation of utopias, and how, in the specific case of Long Island suburbia, waste, and waste technologies, can transform the suburbs from a wasteful dystopia to its promised utopia. It explores how the taboo and unpopular issue of garbage can be worked with in a positive way, with the aim of tackling the specific garbage problem in Long Island and the inherent wastefulness of the suburban model. Challenging the invisibility and unsustainability of the current garbage infrastructure, it proposes that waste management should be brought closer to our everyday environments, incorporated and become productive.Back to Proving Ground 2013
Listen up, 25-year-olds. Ima drop da knowledge bout what's fidna happen to y'all in the next 15 years (musical-taste-wise):Next five years: Bands get lamer. Nobody's doing anything interesting. Old bands you liked in high school and college have broken up, except for the sell-outs, who still cough up a good song or two. That ex who listened to jazz wasn't so bad, except for the heroin. You get some Miles Davis.Subsequent five years: All this shit sucks. Everything everyone else knows about popular music is wrong, wrong, wrong. You know -- you have perspective. You get some Bach, but you don't play it around your friends.The meteor of age 40 strikes planet You: Maybe the music of the past few years hasn't been THAT bad. Younger people seem to like it. Maybe there's some of it you didn't hear that doesn't totally suck. You are adrift. Tastes have irrevocably shifted, and you are No Longer Cool. You try, you struggle, you fail. Some of the stuff you hear is, in fact, good music, but it's derivative: it echoes the stuff you liked twenty years ago.You sigh, and listen to The Book of Knots. Posted by Bitter Old Punk at 12:22 AM Labels: drunk, music 3 comments: The CT blogger said... Sweet Jesus...I'm 41, obssess over my Anita O'Day and Wes Montomery collecions and I still treasure my bar napkin that Dez Cadenza signed when I was loaded. I thought I was the only one who was sufering from this blight.Fuckin A about D. Punk is whatever you make it. 6:28 PM James said... (This is good.) 8:17 AM enthomsen said... I must step in here, as I (fast) approach the age of 45. My hope is to supplement your blog entry to a full 20 years.The next step, at age 45: you start to believe that "it" is still out there. You start shopping. There is nothing on college radio and satellite radio is a waste of 13 bucks a month. Still, you keep shopping. The internet may be your only resource. Just keep shopping... Whoa: you find something. And, something else. As BOP says, five years ago, you have already tried, struggled, and failed. But, there is some good music out there. Keep looking-no reason to give up now.Still, in any case, you are a flake. None of your friends will see the merit in your discoveries: they are too busy listening to Brad Paisley's newest hit or Judas Priest's British Steel. And, those friends may be the same ones who scratched their heads while you tried to convince them that Dinosaur Jr was worth listening to 20 years ago.I guess the lesson learned between ages 40 and 45: don't give up. If it looks hopeless, but you ain't looked enough.
Camera Club is a classic club in Vienna that promises a good vibe, down for anything crowd and some of the best electronic music in the city... [Read More]
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The 2007 AOPA Garmin Giveaway at Oshkosh Sweepstakes rulesThe 2007 AOPA Garmin Giveaway at Oshkosh Sweepstakes rules June 28, 2007 The 2007 AOPA Garmin Giveaway at Oshkosh Sweepstakes rules No purchase necessary to enter or win. The sweepstakes is open to all guests of and/or attendees at EAA Airventure Oshkosh between July 23 through July 29, 2007. The sweepstakes is not open to employees of AOPA or EAA, their subsidiaries and affiliated companies, and the advertising and promotion agencies of each, are not eligible to win. Any person in the immediate family of an employee (including the spouse, children, parents, brothers and sisters of any employee) living in the same household of any such employee is not eligible to win. The sweepstakes is open to EAA volunteers. The total value of the prizes is approximately $2,395. The grand prize is a Garmin 496 GPS handheld unit. There is one (1) grand prize. The prize will be awarded. Winners will be determined by the following method: Random drawing: An entrant must completely fill out a supplied official entry form at the AOPA tent. Only the official entry form is an acceptable form of entry. Incomplete, unofficial, or illegible forms — where the information may not be reasonably determined — are void and will be discarded. At approximately 5 p.m. on July 29, 2007, an employee of AOPA will select by random drawing one (1) entry form. The first eligible form will be awarded the Garmin 496 GPS. An additional twenty-four (24) forms will be drawn and used in the case any winner is ineligible. Winner need not be present to win and will be notified by mail and posted on the AOPA Web site. AOPA will ship at its expense the prizes to the winners upon verification of their eligibility. Winners agree to be photographed by AOPA and have their names and likenesses used by AOPA at its sole discretion for the purposes of promoting the sweepstakes and AOPA. Winner is solely responsible for any taxes that may be payable as a result of their winning. Winner must sign an affidavit attesting to their eligibility and confirming their identities and address. Void where prohibited. Subject to all federal, state, and local laws. Odds of winning determined by number of participants. Limited liability. By participating in the sweepstakes, all participants agree to be bound by these official rules and the decisions of AOPA and its employees, whose decisions regarding the sweepstakes shall be final. By accepting any prize, all winners agree that the prizes are awarded without any warranties, expressed or implied, and AOPA disclaims all such warranties, and further agree to hold harmless the officers, directors, and employees of AOPA, their families, heirs, and assigns (collectively, "AOPA") from any and all injuries or damages arising out of the use of the prizes. Any warranty regarding any of the prizes is strictly limited to the warranty and guarantee that may be assigned by the manufacturers. Sponsor. This sweepstakes is sponsored by the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, 421 Aviation Way, Frederick, Maryland 21701. Related Articles
We are a fitness driven couple looking to help others build stronger bodies and healthier souls through clean diet and hard work. Sarah Brock Personal Trainer Crossfit L-1 ISSA Quentin Brock, Personal Trainer Crossfit L-1 ISSA Sarah Brock is a former Figure competitor in the state of Washington. Her fitness journey has included multiple half and full marathons, triathlon, scuba diving and long distance biking.She has recently moved to Leucadia from Seattle where she ran her own personal training company for 7 years. Throughout her career in the fitness industry she has gained a wide array of experience from helping people prepare for bodybuilding shows to assisting people in post-opperation recovery. She has also worked with competitive athletes and mothers-to-be. She aims to take people one step further along their fitness paths by assisting with meal planning and balanced strength training and conditioning. Quenitn Brock is a former collegiate athlete who has taken a lifetime of practical experience and passion for hard work and turned it into a career as a personal trainer. He was a competitor in Mt. Rainier's Strongest Man along side sprint triathlons and mountain biking.He takes a no-nonsense approach to training his clients and aims to increase their work capacity by teaching them proper mechanics and guiding them as they learn how to push their own limits. He believes that a strong, fit body must be coupled with a strong, fit mind and aims to impart this upon all those willing to give exercise their best effort.As a team Quentin and Sarah bring a well rounded, all encompassing approach to fitness. They combine their knowledge of structured diet and focused training to help others achieve the desired goals.
OMG. Your work continues to be so beautiful, haunting, intelligent and relevant. Thanks for sharing all of this. Stunning stuff these last posts. 20 November 2016 at 13:29 Mlle Paradis said... OMG. Your work continues to be so stunning, haunting, intelligent, beautiful. And relevant! Thank you again for sharing it with us.
One of Bertog Landscape Company's New Holland Skid Steer loaders moving snow after the blizzard of 2011! This is at an elementary school in Glenview, Illinois. The drifts were so high that the loader was needed to clear the walkways around the school.
“Jesus, joy of the highest heaven,Born as a little babyUnder a wondrous star.Like us, crying he takes His first breathHeld by His mother, helplessClose to her beating heart.Jesus, laid in a lowly manger,Facing a world of dangers,Come to turn me a strangerInto a child of God.Jesus, King of the highest heavenLearning to take His first steps,That He might bring us life.Like us, knowing our smiles and sorrows,He showed the way to follow,A way that is true and right.Jesus, take away every darkness,Steady my simple footstepsThat I might in your goodnessLive as a child of God.”
Suppose there are n soldiers in a row who want to fire at the same time. Each of them has a constant memory and can only communicate with its neighbors, i.e. send message to left or right one and rece…
(NEWSER) – President Obama has called the Boston Marathon bombings terrorism, but apparently insurance companies aren't inclined to agree. After 9/11, Congress enacted the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program to help stabilize terrorism insurance premiums, and under that federal law, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew must certify violent incidents as an "act of terrorism," along with Secretary of State John Kerry and AG Eric Holder. However, no such certificate has been issued for the Boston bombings, and with property damage expected to be less than the $5 million threshold, Lew cannot certify the attack, reports the Wall Street Journal.
Reporting from Kabul, Afghanistan— A veteran Afghan air force pilot opened fire inside a military compound at Kabul International Airport early Wednesday, killing an unknown number of Afghan and NATO forces in what might have been another in a series of attacks by Taliban infiltrators, authorities said. U.S. Master Sgt. Jason Haag, a NATO spokesman, said some NATO forces were killed, but could not say how many. The pilot, whose identity was not immediately released, began shooting about 11 a.m. after an argument with a foreign colleague, according to a statement released by Afghan Defense Ministry spokesman Gen. Mohammad Zahir Azimi. "An Afghan officer opened fire on foreigners after an argument," Azimi said. "For the past 20 years, he has been a military pilot."More Posted by
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Situated near the centre of Dunfermline in West Fife at 2 Moodie Street is an 18th-century pantiled weaver's cottage where Andrew Carnegie the industrialist and benefactor was born in 1835. Now a museum, it was extended in 1925 with the construction of the adjacent Memorial Building designed by James Shearer. Of the £70 million Carnegie gave to charity about £1 million came to benefit Dunfermline where the Carnegie Dunfermline Trust is based. Gifts to the town included the Carnegie Centre, the Carnegie Free Library, the Carnegie Hall and Pittencrieff Park.
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I am an American lawyer, editor, linguist and social justice activist. I am fascinated by the mind, consciousness, language, the structure of society, identity, critical theory, anti-colonialism, social justice, and how to make the world a better place. I am Jewish, agnostic, eclectic and spiritual. Raised first by my white family and then simultaneously by my adoptive second mom of color, I often feel I fall between my racial identities, never “fully” either. As an attorney, I try to use my skills, talents, sensitivities and awarenesses to bring people together to prevent and solve problems, promote social justice, foster education, empower the oppressed and give voice to the voiceless. I want to fight the “fear of the other” with every tool at my disposal, and to show people that there is nothing so esoteric as cannot also be completely normal. Former Staff prezzey – Website Design/Layout, Site Administration, Story Consultant, Artwork Editor Bogi Takács is a Hungarian Jewish author, a psycholinguist and a popular–science journalist. E writes both speculative fiction and poetry, and eir works have been published or are forthcoming in a variety of venues like Strange Horizons, Stone Telling, GigaNotoSaurus and Jabberwocky, among others. Jacie – Webmistress As an intersex lesbian girl who was raised as a boy in a highly traditional Vietnamese expatriate family, I am intimately and personally familiar with many of the unique challenges faced by multicultural LGBT people of color. I believe that well-crafted, authentic speculative fiction can be an important avenue for highlighting these and other social justice issues to those who do not experience them personally. Even though people read speculative fiction primarily for entertainment purposes, such stories can have a very strong educational impact by helping to shape the way in which people perceive and discuss these important subjects. Mainstream speculative fiction all too often plays a major part in perpetuating highly negative misconceptions and stereotypes about people like me. That’s why Expanded Horizons is so important: it’s about making a place for truth in fiction, fighting back against those misconceptions and stereotypes through authentic portrayals. I can be reached via e-mail at Maria Velazquez – Webmistress and Story Consultant I am a doctoral candidate at the University of Maryland, College Park. My research interests include constructions of race, class, gender, and sexuality in contemporary media, as well as community-building and technology. I have served on the board of Lifting Voices, a District of Columbia-based nonprofit that helped young people in Washington D.C. discover the power of creative writing, and am currently on the editorial board of Femspec, an academic journal exploring feminist speculative fiction. My poetry has been published in Expanded Horizons, Concise Delights, and Stone Telling. Layout credits Our layout is built on a WordPress template by Minimalistic Design. The artwork uses the Splat Circles brush by rce-ordinary, and public domain space imagery by NASA.
Domestic league update 20 april03:42 Hello everyone, we got a new champion in Holland: AZ, Congratulations!! It means they are sure of participating in the CL-GS. Currently it looks like they will be put in pot 3, but the 5 winners from the non-champion play off are just above them and so if any of that 5 will lose - not completely unlikely with opponents as Valncia, Rangers, Besiktas, Sparta Praha and Genoa - AZ moves up to pot 2! Leaving behind them teams like Juve, OM, Celtic. In Spain Barca and Real are so far ahead, it's amazing. In Italy Inter managed a draw with Juve and will be champion, in England, it promises to be tight, though Manutd have given away the FA Cup final by playing a B-team. Very unprofessional! In France it seems like we get a new champion and in Germany it's Wolfsburg that keeps their little advantage on a big pack...
Hi ladies i am getting all confuddled wwith the reviews for all the different baby monitors they contradict each other can anyone make a recommendation for a baby monito that is around the ??50.00 mark.Thankslellyxxxxx Helpful 0 Report Reply annebop 27/06/2010 at 16:39 PM BT150 is wonderful, could be slightly more than ??50 but it works a treat and has lots of other features so could save you money in the long run. No need to buy extra thermometer, music player, etc x Helpful 0 Report Reply mybutler 27/06/2010 at 16:40 PM def agree with lawso...best baby purchase so far. BT150 everytime Helpful 0 Report Reply kayssis 27/06/2010 at 16:45 PM Happy with my bt150 too x Helpful 0 Report Reply Huxley 27/06/2010 at 16:45 PM Really happy with my BT150 as well. Its usually ??70 but if you shop around or wait for an offer you may get it for ??50ish. Maybe try amazon or ebay!? xx Helpful 0 Report Reply Huxley 27/06/2010 at 16:47 PM Its only ??52 on this one, might want to look at it properly though i only looked at Helpful 0 Report Reply lelly 27/06/2010 at 16:51 PM thats good thats one i was looking at but someone put a bad review on amazon although all the others were good.....i suppose you cant please evryone maybe she got a faulty one!Nevermind thanks ladies i shall make my purchase soon xlellyxxx Helpful 0 Report Reply Wonder_Woman 27/06/2010 at 17:11 PM I love my BT 150 too. Some of my friends who opted for a monitor that's not digital really regretted it due to interference etc x Helpful 0 Report Reply caleblake 28/06/2010 at 04:45 PM Hi hunny its a bit more expensive but its the best thing i have for baby. My mil bought us the angel care monitors and matt. You can use them as normal monitors but it also comes with a sensor matt. If your baby doesn't move or breath for 20 seconds an alarm goes off. Its excellent for your piece of mind and the reviews are really good. The only downside is i keep lifting the baby out during the night to feed and change him and forgetting to switch it off, obviously after 20 seconds the alarm goes off as their is no movement lol. Im unsure as to what they cost as it was a gift but did see it in tesco for ??70. Xxx Helpful 0 Report Reply Baby_B 28/06/2010 at 09:24 PM We have the BT150 to and it's fab.BUT - I bought a video monitor when Beth was about 5 months and it's probably the best thing I've bought for her. (that and the Jumperoooooo!) My sis has the BT150 and is also now buying a video monitor as she loves ours so much!
Over the last 14 years Joe has continually supported the P/I Center’s efforts working with Cobb County Schools in many ways. He has facilitated various pilot programs in the county’s schools, has spoken numerous times to the students, teachers, parents, school personnel and school administrators. We constantly receive positive feedback from Joe’s participation, presentations and programs.Jeff InmanDirector, Prevention/Intervention Center of Cobb County Schools
Jesus Christ the Lord God is already overly abused by faithless and ignorant people. Jesus Christ who poured out his
We will explore the gentle movement of breath, body and self in the practice of yoga. While intentionally keeping the style gentle, participants are free to modify their own practice. Please bring a yoga mat and your inner smile. Guided by Judith Abbe.
Waukegan, Ill.-based Coleman Cable recently announced plans to expand its distribution capabilities by securing a new 500,000-square-foot distribution center in Pleasant Prairie, Wis. The leased facility is located on approximately 28 acres of land and contains approximately 490,000 square feet of warehouse space, 12,000 square feet of office space, and 56 exterior truck docks. The company's plan is to have the facility in operation by April 1. In addition to providing added capacity to accommodate the company's growth plans, the new distribution facility will allow consolidation of existing distribution facilities currently located in Indianapolis, Gurnee, Ill., and Waukegan, Ill.
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Read Lisa Swan's views on running, fitness, entertainment, pop culture, New York City, and whatever else pops into her head Home Archives Profile Subscribe Television December 04, 2009 TV Recap: The sassy, classy stars of "Jersey Shore" One of my rules to live by is that when people describe themselves as "classy," they usually aren't. Not so surprisingly, "classy" is a big buzzword on MTV's new "Jersey Shore" show. In the new series, which debuted Thursday night, eight self-described Guidos and Guidettes share a Seaside Heights beach house, use a lot of gelled products in their hair, wear Ed Hardy shirts, pump fists, and throw around the C word - no, not that C word - a lot about themselves. Like the girls who consider themselves classy because they haven't slept with their male roommates after a whole two days together. The word "classy" also comes up regarding Nicole, aka Snooki, aka Snickers, aka the drunk girl. She's the drama queen who jumps into the hot tub wearing just a leopard-print bra and thong underwear, and tries to make out with all the guys. Her behavior leads to this line from Angelina, one of her roommates: "How do you go in a (bleeping) Jacuzzi with a thong and a bra? Wear a thong bikini. That's a little bit more classier." Sing it, sister! But Angelina, one of three of the eight "Jersey Shore" stars with Staten Island connections (Vinny and Mike are also doing their part to embarrass my borough), does something distinctly unclassy to open her appearance in the series: she shows up to the beach house with her clothing in black trash bags. Yes, trash bags. Even her roommates are appalled by this lack of decorum. What, she couldn't find a laundry basket? Or even a cardboard box? Sheesh. Angelina, who refers to herself as the "Kim Kardashian of Staten Island" because of her "all natural" body, memorably complains about the indignity of having to work at a Seaside t-shirt store with her other roommates. "I feel this job is beneath me," she declares. "I'm a bartender, I do great things." Give her next year's Nobel Peace Prize already; she's earned it! She also keeps on talking about her boyfriend at home, and how she's not going to mess up a good thing by cheating. Which is why it takes her a whole two nights before she starts rubbing up against another guy. Classy! But, in her own strange way, Angelina, who calls herself - wait for it - "Jolie," does look classy compared to thong-wearing Nicole. Nicole refers to herself as the Princess of Poughkeepsie. We've heard about how Jersey Shore residents, and Italian-Americans, are angry about this show. What about the poor residents of Poughkeepsie, New York, having this chick as their princess? This is a girl who, the morning after she drinks too much and strips down to her underwear in the hot tub, seems disappointed that nobody agrees to hold her hair back when she vomits. And here I thought that whole hair-holding cliche was a metaphor. In her second night, Nicole, aka Snickers, hooks up with a guy who throws up all over the beach house's deck. Not only does she not hold his hair back, but she tells him to vomit off the side of the deck,and then refuses to kiss him goodnight. Where's your compassion, Snickers? She is also freaked out by the house phone - it's in the shape of a duck, and it quacks instead of rings. I was freaked out that the tiled coffee table the phone was on was the exact same one we had back in New Jersey in my childhood home. Fortunately, we didn't have license plates as art in my house when I was a kid - at least, not in the living room! Funny thing is, nobody on this show is actually from the Jersey Shore, and only one person is even from Jersey itself. But they've aped the stereotypes all the same - the Rhode Island-based DJ Pauly D even owns a tanning bed. He also brags about spending 25 minutes to blow-dry his hair. Maybe I'm sheltered, but I can't say I've ever met a man so devoted to his hair. Or maybe I have, and he just hasn't revealed that tidbit to me! I also don't know any people who have so many nicknames for themselves as these cast members do. When they first meet, they each ask each other not just their names, but their nicknames. And they all use these monikers for themselves with no sense of irony. Sammi calls herself Sammi Sweetheart, even though she looks like the kind of girl who will cut you up in the school bathroom for looking at her the wrong way. Jenni calls herself J-Wow (although I think MTV might have spelled J-Wow with an additional "W" or two, if I remember correctly.) What's wow - or is that "woww" - worthy about her, other than that she looks like she bought her implants at the dollar store? But nobody is as obnoxious with the nicknames as Mike, aka "The Situation." This dude, a native of Staten Island (shocker!), constantly refers to himself - and his pumped-up abs - with the nickname of "The Situation" constantly. He even gets girls at the t-shirt shop to buy super short-shorts/bikini bottoms with "The Situation" emblazoned on them. You know, that's what's missing from my life - no, not wearing words on the seat of my pants, but referring to myself not just in the first person, but with a nickname. I hereby declare myself "The Squawker," after my Subway Squawkers blog. Done and done! Anyhow, "The Squawker" likes a few characters on this show. Pauly D is a clown, but you get the sense he is well-aware how ridiculous his primping and preening is. Although "The Squawker" really didn't need to know about his pierced penis. "The Squawker" also likes Vinny, another Staten Islander, even if he is a mama's boy. He had the whole family gathered to say goodbye to him, and his mother cried when he drove off to Jersey. Mind you, it takes 90 minutes, tops, to get to Seaside from SI. It's not like he's going off to war or something (although there are an awful lot of fights at the shore!) One paragraph in, and I'm already sick of referring to myself in the third person. Unfortunately, "The Situation" never gets tired of it. Sheesh. Another thing the men on this show aren't big on is wearing shirts at the dinner table. Unsanitary! Do guys in real life really sit around the kitchen table without shirts on, like they all seem to do on this show? Or is it just the stuck-up guys I know who actually eat with their clothes on? This is a question for the ages. You know, I used to go to Seaside Heights, the location for "Jersey Shore," a lot when I was a teenager. These days, I prefer Asbury Park. It's closer, cheaper, and, dare I say it, classier. But now I kind of want to go to Seaside again, if only to see if real-life people act as ridiculous as the ones on this show. While I did look on in slack-jawed horror at the first two hours of "Jersey Shore," and gripe about it on Facebook, that doesn't mean I won't be watching it again. Oh no. This show will be a regular in "The Squawker's" household, even if I don't have men eating dinner at my kitchen table with their shirts off! Posted at 09:17 AM in Television | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0) Tags: Jersey Shore, MTV, Seaside Heights | Reblog (0) November 18, 2009 To serve readers: Ten forgotten "Twilight Zone" episodes you need to see Fifty years after its television debut, "The Twilight Zone," Rod Serling's CBS sci-fi anthology series, still holds resonance in the age of Twitter and the Snuggie.Billy Mumy's six-year-old sociopath in "It's a Good Life" scared the townspeople of Peaksville, Ohio - and TV viewers from the age of Eisenhower to the present. And a half-century after the "To Serve Man" episode, fans still remember what "It's a cookbook!" really means. Not bad for a black-and-white drama whose heyday ended before Beatlemania.Besides the classic moments couch potatoes know by heart, there are many other less-iconic, but still compelling, shows in the show's 156-episode history. Submitted for your approval, as Rod Serling would say, here's a list of ten obscure "Twilight Zone" shows worth checking out:* "The Obsolete Man": Burgess Meredith starred in four "Twilight Zone" episodes, with his most famous role being that of bespectacled, bad-luck bookworm bank teller Henry Bemis in "Time Enough at Last" episode. But "The Obsolete Man," which also features books as part of the plot line, is also worth remembering. In the episode, the state declares Meredith's librarian character obsolete and sentences him to death. But Meredith is able to turn the tables on the chancellor, and make that authority figure obsolete.* "Number 12 Looks Just Like You": This episode is not as well-known as "Eye of the Beholder," an famous "Twilight Zone" episode about society's obsession with beauty. But "Number 12" has even sharper observations. This dark episode features a teenager who doesn't want to undergo "The Transformation," a surgery where her body - and mind - will be radically changed. Think "The Stepford Wives" was ahead of its time? "Number 12" touched on the same themes a decade earlier.* "Mr. Garrity and the Graves": In this episode, set in the Old West, a con man shows up in the ironically-named Happiness, Arizona with a promise - to raise the dead. The townspeople have their own reasons why this isn't a good idea, so they pay him off. As it turns out, Mr. Garrity's talents are much better than he realizes, as the people of Happiness will soon discover.* "The Big Tall Wish": Nobody believes in a broken-down African-American boxer - except for one young boy, who wishes that the prizefighter wins his fight. But when the boxer is reluctant to believe that such wishes can really come true, his fortunes change for the worse. And the once-hopeful child grows cynical. Get your Kleenex ready - this topical episode, ahead of its time in featuring a nearly all-black cast, might be the most poignant "Twilight Zone" episode ever.* "Twenty Two": A stripper hospitalized for exhaustion is haunted by the same nightmare every evening. In the dream, a nurse welcomes her to the morgue, saying, "Room for one more, honey." Turns out that this horrible vision is trying to send her an important message, something she needs to hear before boarding a plane.* "A Most Unusual Camera": A gadget with mysterious powers is also the subject of this episode, in which a larcenous couple grabs a camera that shows the future. Money - and mayhem - ensues, especially after a crafty French bellhop gets involved. Although the "Twilight Zone" sometimes tried to be funny - and failed - with several episodes, most notably with the Carol Burnett episode "Cavender Is Coming," the humor in this episode works.* "The New Exhibit": If you work at a wax museum, don't take your work home with you, especially when the figures are of the world's worst killers. This seems to be the message of this creepy episode. Martin Balsam's waxworker is a little too enchanted by his museum's "Murderers' Row." This is one of the show's 18 one-hour episodes, so it's not often seen in syndication.* "Miniature": It's always fun to see future stars on "The Twilight Zone" - Carol Burnett, William Shatner, Robert Redford, and Charles Bronson were among the talent on the show. In this one-hour episode, future Oscar-winner Robert Duvall portrays a misfit loner who becomes obsessed with a doll in a museum exhibit. He thinks the woman in that dollhouse is alive, and he's sort of right. * "Stopover in a Quiet Town": Speaking of dollhouses, don't drive drunk, or you too might end up in a dollhouse from another planet. While all of the smoking Rod Serling does while narrating "Twilight Zone" episodes looks dated - and unhealthy - "Stopover" was ahead of its time in showing how one young New York couple's bender turns their world upside down, even if the real-life consequences of such an act aren't quite as dramatic.* "The Old Man in the Cave": It's 1974 in a post-apocalyptic earth. The frightened survivors get critical life advice from the title character. But when they find out the old man is really a computer, they stop listening to what he says. Unfortunately, this triumph of reason over faith doesn't end very well for them; that old man/computer knew what he was talking about when it came to contaminated food. So next time you want to step into the "Twilight Zone," take a trip to the unknown with one of these overlooked episodes.
The Early Modern Lines Research Network is hosting a discursive symposium with keynote presentations from Dr Matthew Eddy (Durham University), Matthias Garn, Master Mason, and carver Kibby Schaefer, alongside an exhibition of items from the Library’s Special Collections. We invite proposals for 10-minute lightning papers on any topic considering the ‘early modern line’, conceived of in the broadest possible sense. Papers should be designed to provoke discussion, raise problems, puzzle out ideas and ask questions rather than provide answers, and should present work in progress rather than polished research. Abstracts should be 150–200 words, outlining some of the main points you wish to discuss. Please email them - or any queries you might have - to by Monday 10th August 2015. Travel bursaries, generously provided by the White Rose College of the Arts and Humanities, are available to all postgraduate students attending the symposium. Please indicate in your email if you would like to be considered for a bursary . Topics for papers might include, but are not limited to:
Or Things To Do Instead Of What You Should be DoingFirst, I love people who don't make their art a mystery:More importantly, because of this I have a new favorite song of the moment. If you squished all the band members together, I am certain that I am in this Hot Chip video somewhere. Or should be anyway. These guys are definitely from my home planet:But instead of drawing I've been completely entranced by SoYouThinkYouCanDance. You have to say it all together like that in order to still have time for dinner. I have great respect for dancers mainly BecauseICan'tDanceAtAll. Clogging anyone?:
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Virginia Beach (Va.) Ocean Lakes defensive tackle Demetri McGill holds one offer to date. The 6-foot-2, 297-pounder is seeing his interest rise after a strong junior season. What's the latest? "I just have the offer from James Madison, that's it right now," he said. "A lot of schools are waiting on me to take the SAT and ACT. "I am getting a lot of mail from North Carolina, Virginia, Florida and Missouri. They all have just watched my highlights and are very interested. They are waiting on my grades and SAT scores." Does McGill like any schools? "I'm just sitting back and waiting," he said. "I really like James Madison, so I'm paying attention to them. I have family up there too with Sage Harold on the team. "Since I was little I loved Florida State. They have been sending me letters here and there." In terms of visits, McGill plans to head to North Carolina for junior day this weekend, followed by Virginia on February 25th. "I just want to go on these visits and see how the coaches are, the campus and see how they treat their players, stuff like that." The lineman posted 74 tackles, 25 for loss and 12 sacks while earning first team all-Beach, first team all-Tidewater and second team all-state honors. The year didn't come without an injury. "I actually just had a scope on my shoulder and I'm rehabbing it now," he said. "I actually got hurt before the season and played through it. I should be cleared by May."
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eWater's 4th Source workshop was held in Canberra on 24–25 August. The workshop focused on the implementation of Source as Australia’s National Hydrological Modelling Platform for Rivers and Urban Systems across Australia, and internationally. The first day of the workshop was dedicated to presentations by government water management agencies and their progress towards implementation of Source across Australia. The second day was a combination of sessions, with technology updates by the eWater Development Team, and papers from industry and academics showcasing domestic and international applications of Source.
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Since 2009 the Climate Frontlines Forum has provided an online space for discussions on indigenous knowledge and climate change through its global mailing list, web portal and social media (Facebook and Twitter). From 2010 - 2012 it also provided support to enable community-level research and discussions on climate change. Drawn from the discussion forums, the brochure, available in English, French, Spanish and Dutch, provides an informal learning resource for understanding indigenous knowledge and climate change.
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I has just had an epiphany, just a minute ago, just befoar my "Monday Musing" blog post that I scheduled in advance wuz abouts to post itself.Sumthing about "Monday Musing" seemed too similar to "Wednesday WOW" fur mai taste, then it hits me, "Monday Mission".I can puts up sum mission fur the week startings on every Monday Morning, sumthing I wants to work on myself, so anyone who wants to join in and try sum social experiments to make the world a better place can try it wif me and post their results. The way it iz in mai head nao, some missions will repeat all week, sum will be just until I find the answer. Or you, if you iz doing it, too.If you tend your own garden instead uv worrying about your neighbor'z garden your neighborhood will fix itself. Then your community will. Then your country will. Then the world. Sumtimes all it takes fur your neighbor to start weeding iz to see you iz growing flowerz.Iz OK to right-click the picture and repost it if you wants to try it, too. Iz ok fur any species to try it.(I iz EXCITED abouts this. SO excited I dunno whats to do for the mission! Um... Umm... Let me gets back to you.)Copy and paste this code if you iz really serious:<a alt="Introducing Loki's Monday Missions" border="0"></a>(I don't expects this, iz just here if you wants it.)
Reports from Algeria say 18 people have been killed and up to 20 others injured in an attack by two suicide bombers targeting a military academy. The attackers, including at least one who rode a motorcycle, struck on August 26 in the town of Cherchell, around 100 kilometers west of Algiers, the Algerian capital. News agencies quoted a source at a hospital as saying the dead included 16 soldiers and two civilians. The attack is reported to have taken place soon after iftar, when Muslims break their daily fast during the holy month of Ramadan. There was no immediate claim of responsibility. Islamic extremists have battled Algerian security forces since 1992, when the army cancelled a national election that a Muslim fundamentalist party was expected to win, in a conflict that has killed an estimated 200,000 people.
When Zoe and her friend Isa visit her grandmother’s old mansion, they discover a mysterious film reel as part of an aged game. Together with three friends they decide to watch it. The film inspires their imagination and soon they discover incredible worlds without limits. Every long-awaited dream seems to come true. However, like a veil, an unknown force of the past spreads over the mansion causing the worlds to entrap the creators. Will they find a way out of their imagination again? This full-length feature film was produced by ‚Chaos Turtle‘ and is at the same time the practical bachelor thesis of five students to conclude their studies at the University of Applied Sciences (HTW) Chur.
MOUNT OLIVE -- Ryan Schlecht scattered three hits and yielded an unearned run in seven innings of work as No. 1-ranked Mount Olive dispatched Anderson (S.C.) 7-1 on Sunday afternoon. Schlecht (5-0) finished with six strikeouts and three walks, which all occurred in the sixth inning. The right-hander lowered his ERA to 0.56 and hasn't surrendered an earned run in 27 consecutive innings. Alex Vertcnik pounded out three hits and collected two RBI, while Erik Lovett tied the school record for career home runs (27). Lovett's fifth-inning dinger, a two-run shot, tied the mark set by Stephen Nordan. Lovett hit three homers during the series sweep. Mount Olive (19-1 overall) improved to 6-0 against league opposition this season. The Trojans have won 12 consecutive Conference Carolinas series and 40 of their last 44 league games overall. Vertcnik put Mount Olive on the board in the first inning. His double down the third-base line scored Jesse Lancaster, who reached on a one-out triple. The Trojans, winners of 17 straight games, added two runs in the third inning. David Cooper led off with a single, stole second and scored on Vertcnik's single to center field. Vertcnik ended up scoring when Anderson's outfielder misplayed the ball, which rolled to the fence. Vertcnik kept the fifth inning alive with a two-out double and Lovett drove a pitch over the fence in straightaway center field to extend Mount Olive's lead to 5-0. It was Lovett's fifth homer of the season. Anderson (5-7, 1-5 CC) avoided the shutout in the sixth inning without logging a base hit. Alex Roberson drew a lead-off walk from Schlecht. The visiting Trojans loaded the bases on a two-out walk and infield error. Roberson crossed home on a wild pitch. Dylan Holton and Anthony Williams provided back-to-back, RBI triples in the eighth inning to conclude the scoring. Anthony Hernandez, who relieved Schlecht, retired the side in order in the eighth. The Trojans turned a key double play to send Anderson home. Mount Olive visits No. 7-ranked Francis Marion (S.C.) University for a two-game series Tuesday and Wednesday. First pitch is 3 p.m. on both days.
In a time before they wore white satin and sang in high voices, the Bee Gees warbled:"It’s only wordsAnd words are all I haveTo take your heart away"Even though - ironically - they dropped a grammatical clanger in the first line, the brothers Gibb were ahead of their time in pinpointing a huge dilemma in our digital age.So much of our existence now depends on the written word: in social media posts, texts and emails. We've all had to become superhero writers, able to grab a message and leap tall buildings in our response. The problem is, much of the time we crash and burn – and aren’t even aware of it.It’s a fact that when we write, we really do only have words – they’re all we have to “take the heart away” of our reader. There’s no body language or vocal tone to give the other person a clue about what we’re really on about. Sometimes we feel the need to add a smiley or sad face to our writing, because we know full well that our words alone won’t cut it.In a social sense, we can survive by blundering through because everyone else is doing the same. But in the business world, sub-standard written communication is costing us, big-time.It used to be that businesses and organisations could have some degree of control over the quality of information they put out to the world at large. Those days are gone. Consider this:Staff have huge communication clout. According to the Edelman Trust Barometer, ‘regular’ employees are now seen to be more credible than the CEO. Thanks to social media, people can see deeply into your organisation and they’re more likely to believe someone like themselves, than the boss.Employees have never had more access to communication tools. We used to stress over whether to allow staff to be on Facebook in work time. We could permit it or not, because the business owned the communication infrastructure. Now, it doesn’t matter what we think because everyone’s tapping away on their phones and tablets at any time of day.Most people don’t know how to write a good email. We don’t teach employees these skills, we just assume they can do it. But the proof is against us. Literacy levels in Australia aren't healthy. A recent report comparing Australian high school students with 65 other countries showed we’re slipping further behind in maths and reading skills.A bad experience has long-term impacts. Unclear, inaccurate and badly written email and other communication frustrates readers and leaves your business open to ridicule. We’re operating in a Reputation Economy, where people form opinions about your organisation based on what they hear from others. And if they’ve had a less than happy experience thanks to bad communication, they’ll tell their friends. Not only their friends; each of us is now a significant contributor in our very own ecosystem of influence. A dodgy email from your organisation can easily ricochet through global networks and do damage in places you’d once never imagined.How do we address this? We need to teach staff how to write well – with such clarity that the reader gets the message first time, every time. Think of the angst that would save, along with the time taken to answer follow-up inquiries. Even bad news is digested more easily if it’s communicated clearly.Any email will benefit from these steps:1. Plan ahead. Yes, even a brief email will be more effective if you take a minute to think about why you’re writing it. What do you want the result to be? And most importantly,who are you writing to? Think about your reader – I mean, really think about them. Picture them, or if you don’t know them, imagine what they might look like. How much do they already know about what will be in your email? Do you need to explain things from the ground up, or can you assume a certain amount of knowledge?2. Build rapport. Once you’ve pictured your reader, try to put things from their point of view rather than from your perspective. Write directly to them, as though you were communicating face to face. Use “you”, “we” and "I" rather than bureaucratic jargon. Are you emailing them because or a problem? Acknowledge the effect or inconvenience the issue is likely to have had. If you can connect and show you’re really interested, you’ve opened the door and are in with half a chance of getting your message across.3. Keep the tone conversational, and always appropriate. Some people turn into bureaucranazis the minute they start typing an email. Lighten up a little. You’re a person, communicating with a fellow human. Have a conversation with them, even if it only consists of words typed on a screen. Don’t get so chatty that the tone is inappropriate (avoid “Hello” at the start of an email – it makes you sound creepy). Think friendly andprofessional.4. Use simple words. Winston Churchill said, “short words are best, and the old words, when they are short, are the best of all” – and didn’t he know a thing or two about communication. Using big words to try to sound powerful or important will just make you sound like a wally. Are you trying to impress someone (which you won’t), or is it more important that you’re understood? Go for short, commonly-used words that people will know. Leave the high-fallutin’ stuff for another time. In an email, words are all you have, as the Bee Gees sang. But they’re not just words. They’re powerful tools that can create bonds and help to build reputation. Use them wisely, to capture the heart of your reader. Newer PostWhy today's communicators need big EARSOlder PostThe seven habits of highly effective digital enterprises
I sat on the barber chair realizing that I'd been going to Tiny Tina for 10 years. 10 years of her dry humor, wisdom, and meticulous beard trimming (though for the first five years it was just a goatee requiring her attention.) 10 years ago I moved back to Cincinnati and started working on websites as a full-time job. And it was 10 years ago I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. -- I met with my oncologist earlier this morning to go over scans and bloodwork. He can attest with a grin that I am stable (and continually breaking records - I'm heavier than ever.) So for now I continue to be on the good side of statistics, requiring careful observation, but no treatment. It will come in it's own time. Tina was pleased to hear the news, but mourning the loss of her dog, Bear (pictured here) who passed on last week. So there was some bad news to add perspective to the good news, handfuls of laughter, and a fine haircut. Filed in: Pondersome | « The day before | The Last 10 | The day after » Comments hey, chris :o) excellent news about your tests and health. we're all a little heavier these days. storin' up for the winter ;o) blessings, angie Posted by: angie | Nov 6, 2006 5:16:23 PM I'm happy to hear about your check up Chris. Congratulations. I'm confident that there's gonna be many more years of happiness and good health in your future. Posted by: Eamonn | Oct 26, 2006 10:38:21 PM kudos for the great news ma brother!! here's to wishing you many many many mores years of fine health and neva ending adventures in your sweetttttt young life!! love ya more than you know~~<>
The bridge at Auburn-Knightdale Road that is located just north of River Ridge Golf Club is currently under construction. As a result, Auburn-Knightdale Road is closed. Detour InformationDismiss Golf Membership Weddings & Events About Book a Tee Time Win Free Golf Junior League Junior Golf League Learn more about the PGA Junior League Sign up as soon as possible! River Ridge is excited to be part of the new Junior Golf League through the PGA of America. This is the second year for this program, and Raleigh will be one of the areas with a few courses participating. Modeled similarly to the Junior Golf League we have solely held over the past 10 years, River Ridge is hoping to host two teams of 12 kids each. All kids who are currently 13 years of age when the program starts will be eligible for the Junior League regular season. In order to be eligible for the City Championship in July, Regionals in August, and Worlds in September, kids must not turn 14 prior to July 31st. Sign-up Information Age Group: 7-14 years Practices: Beginning in May (generally around 6 pm) Matches: Mid to Late May Registration Fee: $140 (members) $170 (nonmembers) Kids 15+ If you are over the age of 15, River Ridge will be setting aside some tee times for you during the summer so that you can play golf. Don’t worry; we are not leaving out the older kids! Sign up now! Book a Tee Time Win Free Golf! OutingsOutings GalleryJunior LeagueLeague InformationRiver Ridge Ladies’ Golf AssociationEventsKick-off BreakfastThursday ScheduleSaturday TypesApplicationWeddings & & Amenities ReviewsEvent Inquiries AboutAddress & Social MediaDirectionsStaff ©2017 River Ridge Golf Club
My friends and I are wanting to start a monthly lunch group to try various ethnic and unusual restaurants in the Kansas City area. We were first looking for a Cuban restaurant, but will take all kinds of suggestions!
For freelance & job-related inquiries, EMAIL: can also stay connected to my work and updates through these other social media pages.
May 22, 2014 The acoustic trio Mt Thelonious dropped by the KVNF studios to play a few tunes before their show at the Revolution Brewery in Paonia. Craft Beer In Colorado Is Booming By Laura Palmisano • May 19, 2014 Laura Palmisano A recent report finds Colorado has more than doubled its number of craft breweries since 2009. The state’s craft brewery industry is doing well, according to the report by the University of Colorado Boulder’s Leeds School of Business. The study, commissioned by the Colorado Brewers Guild, found the state ranks third in the nation, just behind California and Washington, in number of craft breweries. Pass the Mic: Mike King of Revolution Brewery By Ali Lightfoot • Oct 16, 2013 Pass the Mic's agriculture reporter, Tao Freeman, interview Mike King - brewmaster and owner of Revolution Brewery in Paonia. © 2017 KVNF Public Radio