Week of May 21-25th Can you believe we've had 5-9 ft seas for nearly 3 weeks now? Insane, but I have to view it as God's blessing upon us so that we're not tempted to get distracted with house moving & minor remodeling.Here are some before/after pics for your enjoyment. Tomorrow, we pack up the Uhaul. Our boat has made the trip today and is already nestled nicely next to the house. I will be without internet service until May 30th. Here the boys insisted they have new paint and so we brought it back to a more manageable blue. That is NASA theme border on top. Yes, we did let them write on the walls one day. The looked at me like I was utterly insane. Make sure if you do this, you prime over anything sharpie. It will bleed through the paint. Here you see a Lavender hallway bath, shared by the boys. We cannot deal with that, so we brought it back more neutral and will decorate with color in our accessories. On one of the walls, I'll do a 11x14 mural of Mutton & Yellowtail Snapper.Our LR/DR/Kitchen combo was also much too dark. Here it is seen with their furniture still in it. The tan wall looks light with the flash and lights on but it is closer to a camel color. The evergreen wall didn't work for us, nor the border.We went with a Coral Reef blue/green (looks more green than it is). We mounted our Mahi replica onto it. The trim is removed, but it will be eventually replaced with white bead-board on the bottom half to give it that beachy feel. As you can see in the background with the kitchen, we went with a much lighter sand/shell around the rest of the room to allow for colorful accents. Can you see the difference between the original color and the new color? To the left of that cabinet, there is unfinished work.One of the most dramatic changes was in the master bedroom. It felt like we were entering a cave. I love burgundy, but not everywhere in this huge room. Again, the doors & trim are not painted white yet. Here is our Master bath. It needs some serious loving. I don't know who thought pink and evergreen were a good match. Very odd selection. The green is already in the garbage. After we move in, we'll continue next with this room. The color will be the same sand that is in the master. I'd like to eventually put some bead-board in here too. Posted by Robin's Reports at 9:47 PM 2 comments Monday, May 21, 2007 Week of May 20th -No big fish - partly because the seas are still high and partly because we bought a house on Friday. Jack and I are renovating a few things before we move all of us over to the new place. The kids are having a blast entertaining themselves while we slave over cans of Glidden paint. That white you see on the fore wall is primer to start back at a neutral color. I'll add more pictures as we complete more work. Posted by Robin's Reports at 9:09 PM 0 comments Monday, May 14, 2007 It's a good time to move because the seas are 9 ft. It went up 3 ft just since dinner. Good Posted by Robin's Reports at 11:17 PM 0 comments Saturday, May 12, 2007 Lime-Grilled Mahi Mahi Steaks Many times I see homeschooling moms requesting ways to cook fish. This is one of our favorites. * 1/4 c. fresh lime juice (2-3 limes)* 2 tbsp olive oil* clove garlic, finely chopped* 1 tsp soy sauce* 1 tsp Dijon-style mustard (or yella)* 1/4 tsp salt* 1/4 tsp freshly ground blk pepper* 4-6 mahi or tuna steaks, about 1 inch thickFirst, preheat grill. In a small bowl, whisk together the lime juice, olive oil, soy sauce, mustard, salt and pepper. Brush the mahi mahi with about 1/3 of the dressing and reserve the rest. Meanwhile, get your crab cakes thawing and baking. I've tried my best to homemake these and I cannot duplicate anything as delicious as these Margaritaville Crab Cakes. Follow instructions & cook at least 20 min, with basting 2x with Smart Balance (or Butter) before and mid-way through cooking.As you get ready to put the steaks (fish) on the grill, you'll also throw the crab cakes into the broiler to give them a slight crunchy top. Jack says that all good chefs put a little crunchy crust on everything. I have to agree.So, back to the recipe..... cook fish until the steaks start to flake or break it to make sure it is white through and through. Rebaste the fish with a little bit more of the Lime Sauce (approx another 1/3). Now you're ready to serve hot fish, crunch crab cakes and add whatever veggies your families love. We happen to do a lot of salads or corn on the cob. Take the remaining Sauce and pour over steaks. I promise this will make the fish melt in your mouth. We have decided to swear off fish restaurants because we simply cannot get anything as good as what we can perfect in our own kitchen. The key is to start with very fresh fish. Bon appetit!Robin Posted by Robin's Reports at 8:16 PM 0 comments Friday, May 11, 2007 Friday FishingWe love to fish on Friday because that is Jack's start to the weekend. Well, between 7 ft waves and rain, I think we'll pass. Waves were up to 18 ft earlier in the week and expected to be at 2 ft tomorrow for a tournament, but.........who knows.Have a nice weekend. Posted by Robin's Reports at 6:57 AM 0 comments Thursday, May 10, 2007 THIS could save your life!! You need one of these if you fish, hike, hunt or explore in isolated areas. We decided today to invest in this ResQFix 406 w/ GPS model. It has a notification time of 2-15 minutes and will let the Coast Guard know your GPS coordinates within 110 yds of your location (hearing distance). Every minute counts when you're the EPIRB is meant to help rescuers locate you in an emergency situation, and these radios have saved many lives since their creation in the 1970s. Boaters are the main users of EPIRBs.A modern EPIRB is a sophisticated device that contains:A 5-watt radio transmitter operating at 406 MHz (see How the Radio Spectrum Works for details on frequencies)A 0.25-watt radio transmitter operating at 121.5 MHzA GPS receiver Once activated, both of the radios start transmitting. Approximately 24,000 miles (39,000 km) up in space, a GOES weather satellite in a geosynchronous orbit can detect the 406-MHz signal. Embedded in the signal is a unique serial number, and, if the unit is equipped with a GPS receiver, the exact location of the radio is conveyed in the signal as well. If the EPIRB is properly registered, the serial number lets the Coast Guard know who owns the EPIRB. Rescuers in planes or boats can home in on the EPIRB using either the 406-MHz or 121.5-MHz signal.Older EPIRBs did not contain the GPS receiver, so the GOES satellite received only a serial number. To locate the EPIRB, another set of satellites (like the TIROS-N satellite) orbiting the planet in a low polar orbit could pick up the signal as it passed overhead. This would give a rough fix on the location, but it took several hours for a satellite to come into range.We already have a hand-held GPS and 2-way radio (both waterproof) that can be grabbed easily if time permits. With the EPIRB purchase, they gifted us with a huge waterproof, floatable bag to store all our gear, like whistles, flares, mirrors, etc. It's called a "ditch" bag, which only adds to my adrenalin rush. The final item remaining on our To-Buy emergency list is an inflatable raft. This would make a disaster so much easier on us. We say, "Prepare for the worst and hope for the best." Jack had a friend survive 30 hours on the hull of his overturned boat during an oncoming Tropical Storm, blowing 6-8 ft seas. An EPIRB, ditch bag and prayer helped him to survive the ordeal. He even had water & food packed.Think safety!Robin Posted by Robin's Reports at 6:22 PM 0 comments Sunday, May 06, 2007 We went to a Nudist Beach!! (We did not see this sign but it was too funny not to include in this post) Unbeknownst to me, our little afternoon of exploration in the city north of our new home, landed us at a popular nudist, sometimes called "Naturalist" beach. We're driving along, enjoying the Wildlife Refuge's animals. We saw a beautiful Roseate Spoonbill. (click it.) We saw sandpipers and other skittish birds. We were hoping to see a wild gator, but didn't come across one. We hopped back in the car and see that there is a beach ahead of us. We paid the small fee to enter the park.We're driving along another few miles (it is very secluded out this way). Our view of NASA's VAB building (Vehicle Assembly Building) is getting better and we're seeing the 2 launching towers. Life couldn't seem more interesing, but I was wrong!All of a sudden, I'm seeing multiple signs about Brevard County's ordinance for No Nudity. Hmmm, that's funny. I've never seen that at Jetty park or anywhere else we've been. So, I asked Jack about it. He confesses that it used to be a nudist beach but that it isn't any more. I'm totally trusting Jack at this point and so we get out of the car. Everything seems fine. We enjoyed several minutes watching surf fishermen bringing in fish and kids building castles. We got back in the car and several miles later, got out of the car at Haulover Canal to see the Manatee Lookout. As if the manatee were on the clock, he showed up and gave us all a quick show. Granted, not a dolphin (porpoise) or seal show, but a manatee show none-the-less. We hopped in the car and headed home, totally thrilled with our new discovery.I got on the computer, inbetween thunderstorms, and looked up Playalinda info & photos to write about it, since I didn't bring my camera. Here is a little clip that I found:PLAYALINDA BEACHAt the Cape Canaveral National Seashore in Brevard County, The Central Florida Naturists organization says "The Brevard County anti-nudity ordinance remains (for now) in effect in the face of past and ongoing legal challenges, the strong public demand for nude recreation is still there and the people still come. If you come to Playalinda Beach for naturist recreation, please stay north of crossover 13. You may wish to be watchful for sheriff deputies. However the National Park Service rangers will not ticket you for simple nudity within the traditional naturist area as they do not enforce county ordinances."In the past, arrests were made here, but recent reports say it's safe now.It's safe now??!!! ??? Safe for who? Naturalist, I know. But not to safe for 7 and 10 yr old boys who are very curious as to what makes the difference between men and women. I think our wonderful little discovery shall remain a mystery to our family/ boys because I cannot chance them getting full frontal or back nudity. We already have enough excitement with thongs from time to time on the regular beaches. *This* is why we try to do beaches in the off-season. ha ha.Above is a beautiful arial of Playalinda beach & Atlantic ocean (far right top corner) and Mosquito Lagoon (center body of water). This all lies on the Northern edge of Cape Canaveral. Take your kids to the beach, but be careful with which one!Robin Posted by Robin's Reports at 3:01 PM 1 comments Friday, May 04, 2007 Blue MoooooooonI got the call about 6:15 that the guys were only a few miles from home. I begged for info and there wasn't much said with all their exhaustion. They were out of words. Tomorrow, I'll post more when I hear a full report. For now, the short report is that the water was like glass, as seen here with the picture of Bill holding Mike's mahi. Mahi actually don't like to feed on a smooth surface. Jack said the morning was slow, but as the wind kicked up, so did the bite. There was a 2nd very large dolphin that was caught by John and it was quite the fight. They got the fish all the way to the boat side and the line snapped and so it swam off. They were able to see that one enter the spread (of lure/bait choices) and take the bait.On a 3rd mahi, that one made it into the cooler (making it 2 altogether). I'm guessing this fish to be around 15 lbs. Nice cow mahi mahi. I'm holding it back at the house, but I did not catch it.Interesting note: They went out to 350 ft of water (approx 40 miles) because it was so smooth in the Gulf Stream. Jack said they saw sailfish several times but none of them were interested in the ballyhoo & assorted lures they were offering. They trolled west-bound back towards land to 130 ft. They saw the most action at 200 ft of water.Also, this was the first day after a full moon, which may have added to the difficulty of enticing the morning bite. They may have been full from feeding all night long. I'm adding this last picture to show you the most beautiful blue in the dolphin (mahi mahi). They can change their colors while attacking prey or during the fight. This deep blue is my favorite but I saw a purple spotted dolphin at the tournament that was gorgeous too. This is actually the same skin of the one I was holding in my hands above. From looking up direction, it was lt. green & rather dull. From this top view, it was gorgeous blue. It is a testament to God's perfect camoflague. Smooth seas,Robin Posted by Robin's Reports at 8:20 PM 1 comments Priorities We all have priorities. Everybody's list will look different. For us, we spent the past couple weeks getting house-buying paperwork finished. We hope to close next week at the soonest. So, while my priorities are to get the house packed, Jack's priorities are to get his blue water therapy and bring home as many dolphin, wahoo & tuna that he can. He took a crew of coworkers with him out to & beyond the Gulf Stream. I'm so excited as to what he may come home with. He took all that stinky bait out of the freezer because I don't want to have to move it in the weeks to come. The boys finished up their testing on Wednesday, so we've enjoyed taking the rest of this week to find boxes and fill them. We hit jackpot this morning. Tomorrow is our local homeschooling book sale. (Always a fun event for me - the teacher.)Yesterday, I helped Jack prepare for his trip. I focused on the cuddy cabin & oil tank. He worked on riggings, rods, reels and those little clasps for holding his trophy flags on the outrigger lines. It is similar to one's putting a ribbon on the mailbox when a woman gives birth. You are announcing to the world that you've got that species in your cooler. The guys have big aspirations of flying multiple flags. Check back tomorrow to see what the catch of the day is.Tight lines,Robin
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Posted on August 19, 2016 by kirsten Reply monday august 8th josh found out he won’t have a job after the end of this year. the bank where he works has been acquired by another bank and the new bank isn’t keeping his position. i’ve been here before. i’ve been here four times. in 2002, right after we celebrated our first wedding anniversary and bought our first home, josh lost his job. in 2006, right before our oldest three kiddos came to us, josh lost his job. in 2010-house, three kids, vehicles, dog-pretty comfy life, josh lost his job. i’ve been here before and here i go again. in 2016-house, vehicles, cancer recovery, nine kids-josh is losing his job. our last period of unemployment was just under 13 months long. we never missed a car payment. we never missed a house payment. our kiddos stayed in their school. this morning i’m encouraging myself with some of the words He gave me during that time. “the LORD Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”~deuteronomy 31:8 “have i not commanded you? be strong and courageous. do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”~joshua 1:9 “let the beloved of the LORD rest secure in Him, for He shields Him all day long, and the one the LORD loves rests between His shoulders.”~deuteronomy 33:12 “it is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure.”~2 samuel 22:33 “you will be secure, because there is hope; you will look about you and take your rest in safety.”~job 11:18 “LORD, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure.”~psalm 16:5 we trust the Lord and His provision for our lives. we’ve tasted and seen His faithfulness to us. will you pray for us? that we continue to trust Him, to follow Him. will you pray for me? that i will be an encouragement to my husband. will you pray for josh? that he will be confident in who the Lord has made him to be-in his gifts and abilities, that he will be himself for interviews, that he will not take a ‘no’ as personal rejection.
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LibrosEmerging foodborne pathogensAuthor: ISBN10: 849334292ISBN13: 9780849334290Publisher: CRC PressPrice: $259.95Pages: 634Edition: Publish date: septiembre 2006Outline:Defines the concept of emerging pathogens, clarifying the many ways that pathogens are considered to be emerging Discusses a variety of methods for identifying emerging pathogens Examines several individual pathogens in detail, including their epidemiology, methods of detection, and control Consider surveillance practices in the US and Europe as well as food safety objectives Developments such as the increasing globalization of the food industry, constant innovations in technologies and products, and changes in the susceptibility of populations to disease have all highlighted the problem of emerging pathogens, either newly discovered through more sensitive analytical methods, linked for the first time to disease in humans, or newly associated with a particular food. Designed for microbiologists and quality assurance professionals and for government and academic food safety scientists, this timely reference discusses ways of identifying emerging pathogens and includes chapters on individual pathogens, their epidemiology, methods of detection, and means of control.página de índice English | Nederlands | Deutsch | Espanol
The ability to compare DNA sequences from different organisms is refining our perspective on evolution. This session illustrates how molecular techniques are now combined with fossil evidence to explore relationships in organisms from whales to anthrax.. D
Dancing with the Stars judge Len Goodman recently had surgery for prostate cancer. He told The Daily Mail he feels "right as rain" and will take part in DwtS 9. The latest DwtS 9 casting rumor involves Debi Mazar, an actress who’s played bit parts in seemingly everything. In other DwtS news, Melissa Rycroft is engaged to Tye Strickland, whom she did not meet on a TV show. I know I’ve been singing the praises of the low-rated murder mystery Harper’s Island all season long, but the show got really good on Saturday. The episode was exciting and the deaths were heart-breaking; I actually cried. If you plan on checking out the show when it comes out on DVD on September 8, don’t read this Zap2It recap, or EW writer Michael Slezak’s post titled: Breaking: Harper’s Island Made Me Feel Something!. The CW is now using Sunday nights to burn off episodes of the canceled Valentine. Reality Blurred has the scoop on new CBS reality show There Goes the Neighborhood, described as "Big Brother but with families living in their actual homes." USA Today’s Pop Candy blog features an interview with Parker Lewis Can’t Lose star Corin Nemec. I think I’ve said here before that, if you ever have the chance to see Neil Diamond in concert, you should do it. Soon, you’ll be able to do it without leaving your house! On August 14, CBS will air a concert special called Neil Diamond — Hot August Night: NYC. Too bad the accompanying DVD and CD will only be available at Wal-Mart. This entry was posted in Reality TV and tagged dancing with the stars, dwts on June 30, 2009 by Kathy. Ox Notes: June 25, 2009 Networks are suffering this summer, particularly ABC. Tuesday’s premiere episode of The Superstars was watched by less than 5 million people. The supposedly funny new episode of Better Off Ted that followed didn’t even get 2 million viewers. I hope things are faring better for two of the only shows I make a point of watching during the summer, both of which happen to be on ABC on Wednesday nights: Wipeout and I Survived a Japanese Game Show. Also on TV last night were new episodes of So You Think You Can Dance and Top Chef Masters. If you’ll in the St. Petersburg, Florida, area this weekend, stop by the Millennium Dancesport Championships to catch a glimpse of celebrity judge Maksim Chmerkovskiy in action. CBS announced its fall schedule, including a two-hour premiere of The Amazing Race on Sunday, September 27. Here’s Melissa & Ade’s Rumba from last night’s SYTYCD: This entry was posted in Reality TV and tagged dancing with the stars, dwts on June 25, 2009 by Kathy. Ox Notes: June 23, 2009 Tonight, ABC unleashes its latest celebrity competition show, The Superstars, at 8 ET. One of the contestants, Dancing with the Stars pro Maksim Chmerkovskiy, spoke with TV Guide about being the celebrity in a celebrity-professional athlete pair for a change. In other DwtS news, Julianne Hough is up for a lead role in the Footloose remake, provided she gets her acting skills up to speed. Family Guy‘s Seth MacFarlane landed an acting role on ABC’s new fall drama Flash Forward. So You Think You Can Dance fans will want to check out host Cat Deeley’s blog at EW. Jessica Simpson will travel the world for VH1 in 2010 for a new series called The Price of Beauty. I admit that I’m intrigued by the show’s premise: "Jessica will study the local fashions, dietary fads and beauty regimes and even participate in some of the extreme practices she discovers." Apparently, I wasn’t the only one unimpressed by NBC’s Merlin, which premiered on Sunday night. Over two hours, it was only watched by 5.3 million people. The reimagining of the legend — including Merlin’s relationship with Arthur and the fact that Arthur has a relationship with his dad at all — didn’t work for me, and I thought the acting was lame, particularly Merlin’s wide-eyed staring at a CGI of Camelot (the 0:15 mark in the video): This entry was posted in Reality TV and tagged dancing with the stars, dwts on June 23, 2009 by Kathy. Ox Notes: June 18, 2009 Vera Wang confirmed to People that she’s been approached to compete on Dancing with the Stars 9 and is considering the offer. DwtS pros Karina Smirnoff and Maksim Chmerkovskiy will join the stage show Burn the Floor for a three-week run on Broadway, starting in late July. Former DwtS contestant Melissa Rycroft landed a gig as a summer correspondent on Good Morning America. Wednesday is my favorite night of TV during the summer. Last night I watched Wipeout, the premiere of I Survived a Japanese Game Show, an episode of Globe Trekker on PBS (whoops, forgot about Chess on the other local PBS station), and the latest episode of Top Chef Masters. Zap2It posted a recap of last night’s episode of So You Think You Can Dance. The CW announced its fall schedule. Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill will swap timeslots on Monday nights, and Smallville moves to Fridays. The Emmys have moved back to their original September 20 air date after realizing that MTV had already scheduled its Video Music Awards for September 13. The Travel Channel is set to premiere the lengthily-titled reality competition The Streets of America: The Search for America’s Worst Driver in early 2010. By rewarding bad drivers with fame and presumably money, isn’t Travel Channel actually promoting bad driving? This entry was posted in Reality TV and tagged dancing with the stars, dwts on June 18, 2009 by Kathy. Ox Notes: June 16, 2009 So You Think You Can Dance fans, brace yourselves for a performance by Katie Holmes. Us Magazine reports that Holmes filmed the Tyce Diorio-choreographed routine yesterday, and it may air as early as this week. FOX announced its fall schedule, which includes abbreviated episodes of So You Think You Can Dance until Hell’s Kitchen finishes its season in October. In Dancing with the Stars news, MOIB reader Deb noticed a rumor that Olympic gymnast Dominique Moceanu may be paired with Tony Dovolani for DwtS 9. The website Pure Dancing with the Stars also reports that American Idol contestant Danny Gokey is rumored to be in the DwtS 9 cast. Nielsen’s report of online network TV viewing — which doesn’t include Hulu viewers — revealed that Dancing with the Stars had the highest number of unique viewers among all shows in May. Jeff Probst told Reality Blurred that Survivor seasons 19 and 20 will film back-to-back in order to save money. The fact that Survivor‘s crew has booked Aggie Grey’s resort in Samoa through October means that both seasons will likely be filmed there. The musical Chess features on this week’s episode of Great Performances on PBS. I’m planning on watching the episode when it debuts on Wednesday night, but "One Night in Bangkok" won’t be the same without Murray Head (song begins at 0:51): This entry was posted in Reality TV and tagged dancing with the stars, dwts on June 16, 2009 by Kathy. Ox Notes: June 11, 2009 Top Chef Masters debuted on Bravo last night. There wasn’t much drama in the episode, but I thought that was fine. It’s just nice to watch a fresh episode of something from the Top Chef franchise. Zap2It recapped the premiere, and The Futon Critic interviewed TCM host Kelly Choi. Last night also featured performances by the top 20 competitors on So You Think You Can Dance. Zap2It’s recap includes the names of each couple’s choreographer and song, including new SYTYCD choreographer Louis van Amstel. SAG members agreed to a new contract, averting an actors strike for the time being. Hollywood is still feeling the effects of the 2007-08 writers strike. Fewer pilots are filming in California these days, heading instead to Canada and New York to take advantage of tax breaks. Comedy Central plans to revive Futurama, with new episodes of the cartoon airing mid-2010. Shark Week returns to Discovery Channel on August 2. The new season of Mad Men kicks off on AMC on August 16. ABC announced its fall premiere dates, including a September 21 debut for Dancing with the Stars 9. To go along with the schedule announcement, we have our first DwtS 9 cast rumor: Vera Wang. MOIB reader Amy wonders if there’s any chance that the 60-year-old fashion designer won’t be paired with either Jonathan Roberts or Tony Dovolani. ABC also revealed plans to import yet another celebrity dance show from the U.K. Let’s Dance will feature celebrities recreating famous dance routines, with proceeds from audience votes going to charity. The series will air in between seasons of Dancing with the Stars. The winner of the British version, officially titled Let’s Dance for Comic Relief, was Robert Webb, better known as Jeremy from Peep Show (the funniest show I’ve ever seen). His take on Flashdance is hilarious, even if is leotard is unsettling. This entry was posted in Reality TV and tagged dancing with the stars, dwts on June 11, 2009 by Kathy. Ox Notes: June 9, 2009 Emmy balloting is underway, with the nominees set to be announced on July 16. Variety compiled a list of likely contenders in the reality show categories. Variety also gathered a list of reality show stars who, while not eligible for Emmys themselves, keep us watching their shows — guys like Bret "Set Piece in the Face" Michaels and Survivor: Tocantins‘ Coach. Speaking of Coach, he recently gave a predictably long interview to the Springfield, MO News-Leader about life after Survivor. His villain edit on the show appears to have prompted a religious conversion, and he’s sadly toned down the Dragon Slayer act. Variety has another article about what it takes for new reality shows to succeed in a saturated market. EW gave a nod to fun, trashy summer TV shows, including Charm School and my beloved Harper’s Island. Former Dancing with the Stars contestants have found a home onstage in Las Vegas. Kelly Monaco and Mel B are leaving the revue PEEPSHOW on June 21, making way for Holly Madison to join the cast. In the previous edition of Ox Notes, I embedded a video compilation of ’80s cartoon theme songs. It inspired me to spend an embarrassing amount of time searching for other classic cartoon themes. Thanks to YouTube, I discovered that the wonderful theme song for Gummi Bears is available in Japanese, German, Swedish, Polish, Norwegian, Bulgarian, Dutch, Czech, French, Greek, Portuguese, Spanish and Slovak. The Slovak version is pretty intense, but I’m partial to the Russian version, complete with English subtitles: This entry was posted in Reality TV and tagged dancing with the stars, dwts on June 9, 2009 by Kathy. Post navigation
Wilson Jr. High School » Departments » Special Education » LeeAnn ClaytonLeeAnn Clayton​Hello My Name Is... Ms. Clayton ​ Hello! I have greatly enjoyed teaching students at Wilson for the past 7 years. Previously I taught students at elementary and high school levels. My school related interests include transition and self-advocacy as well as reading and math skills. I have three talented, inspiring, and fun loving children that I am very proud of! I enjoy traveling, reading, biking, yoga, nature, campfires, ice cream, but most of all, I enjoy time shared with my family and friends. I may be reached by phone at 920.663.9865 or via email at [email protected]. Schedule: 1 Reading Strategies 2 Prep 3 Math 8 with Mr. Plagenz HAWK HAWK Time 4 Reading Strategies 5 MLC 6 English 8 with Mrs. Mrozinsky 7 Guided Studies (MLC) Website by SchoolMessenger Presence. © 2017 Manitowoc Public School District
All it takes was a simple sentence from Cardinal beat reporter Bernie Miklasz. “Pineiro will start a game this weekend.” So a reliever who hasn’t started in a couple of years (stop me if you’ve heard THAT one before) is going to move straight into our rotation at a time when we are trying to get some momentum going. That just doesn’t seem logical. Sure, he might get a little boost because he’s never pitched in the NL before and players won’t have seen him, but that doesn’t seem like the reason you’d throw him right into the mix, especially since he’s not shown in his performance, well, ever, that he deserves to be there. But then I took a look at the rotation for this weekend in Washington. Anthony Reyes, Kip Wells and Adam Wainwright. Assuming that the weekend rotation is right and people won’t be moved up or back, who do you think will miss the start? Wainwright is the closest thing we have to an ace right now–he’s pitching every time out like clockwork. Wells has struggled most of the year, but is improving lately as we’ve documented here. Plus, even when he was struggling it took a long time before LaRussa and Duncan gave up. Which leaves us with the 2007 Whipping Boy of the Year, Anthony Reyes. Even though he got his first win this last time out against the Brewers, the same team that leads the division. Even though he looked extremely sharp and conserved pitches. Even though we have to have players like him (read young, cheap and talented) to compete in this division going forward. Even though even in his rough year he’s had more success than, say, Mike Maroth. All of this apparently will be going out the window and he’s being told that a crappy reliever can come in and do his job better than he can. I don’t know that Reyes is going to be the savior of the staff. I don’t know that he’ll ever be more than a #3 starter. But until he gets a chance to get out there and pitch the way he knows how and the way he’s proved he can in the majors, we are never going to know. And being that he is out of options and must be on the major league roster in 2008, this would be a good time to find out what he’s got. I seriously can’t believe they didn’t trade him off today, if this is true. They’ve obviously got no use for him. Hopefully it’s just a situation where he gets moved up or back a day, something like that. Otherwise, I really question the management of this team. EDIT: Thankfully, there are a few sane heads around there. According to the official site, Reyes has been moved to Thursday, with Pineiro scheduled for Saturday. Advertisements Like this:Like Loading... Related Posted in Adam Wainwright, Anthony Reyes, Joel Pineiro, St. Louis Cardinals, Tony LaRussa, Washington Nationals. Tags: Kip Wells, Mike Maroth. 2 Comments » 2 Responses to “More on the Move” Oberkfell3B Says: August 1, 2007 at 8:57 am This just goes to the LaRussa school of Management’s philosophy # 28 : Always go with veterans when given a chance. Reyes needs to either “crash and burn”, or learn via “trial by fire”. I fear the 2008 spring training choices this team will have. Reply cardinal70 Says: August 1, 2007 at 9:55 am I think it goes beyond “when given a chance” and goes to “hunt them down at all costs.” At least we know that next spring, either Reyes makes the team or he’s somewhere else that will give him a chance.
UN/ECE was set up in 1947 by the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) to develop economic activity and strengthen economic relations among European countries and between them and other countries of the world. One of five regional commissions, UN/ECE acts as a regional arm of the United Nations. UN/ECE encourages greater economic cooperation among its members. UN/ECE provides a regional forum for governments to develop conventions, regulations and standards. These serve to harmonize action and facilitate exchanges between member countries by eliminating obstacles or simplifying procedures. As such UN/ECE provides consumer guarantees of safety and quality, helps protect the environment, facilitates trade and the greater integration of member States at the regional and international level. UN/ECE's main areas of activity are: economic analysis, environment, transport, development of trade, industry and enterprise, forests and timber, sustainable energy, statistics and human settlements. By publishing extensive economic analysis and statistics, UN/ECE encourages the exchange of views and the sharing of experience leading to greater mutual understanding and contributing to policy convergence. UN/ECE provides technical assistance to transition countries and sub-regional groupings, thus enabling them to benefit fully from its analytical, statistical and normative work.
About United States Media Turner Classic Movies: TCM All Types Link Photo Video Gif Event Note Turner Classic Movies: TCM today . Facebook John Garfield and Cary Grant in DESTINATION TOKYO ('43) View details 1381 likes - 82 comments Peter Michael Franzese today at 01:13 My Uncle, Lt. Cmdr. Salvatore Luppino with Cary Grant on set. Cary Grant was learning about his character for the movie, although they did not use his name in the film. Kathy Nichols today at 01:01 I'm watching @ this moment for the ......Ah...gave up counting! I'm sure my sister (if we were talking to each other) would say I was WEIRD or sick for my love of these war time movies!!! She may be right or she may be crazy so I'll go for the latter. Ken Peters today at 01:40 This is the movie that Tony Curtis saw when he was young, and was the reason that he was able to star with Cary Grant in "Operation Petticoat" and the pink submarine. 😜 View more 79 comments Turner Classic Movies: TCM yesterday at 13:00. Facebook Remembering Bob Hope on his birthday, here with Katharine Hepburn in THE IRON PETTICOAT ('56) View details 852 likes - 30 comments Myron Lenenski yesterday at 14:10 The version of "Iron Petticoat" on TCM was an exhaustive restoration project supervised by Dennis Millay of TCM. This Cold War Comedy is really a beautiful time capsule to an era of filmmaking when 35mm Vistavision production quality stood out. It's worth seeing in HD. Traci Brandt yesterday at 13:08 I just spent the day yesterday at the historical society in Cleveland where they have a display of Bob Hope's personal memorabilia and a lovely tribute to his work for our service men and women Alice Darby yesterday at 14:19 Never seen. Unusual especially w/Katharine. What a dress! Saw African Queen yesterday (for about the 20th x). Such great chemistry, acting, music. Still captivates me. That's a classic! Happy Bday Bob🐊🎞🎉 View more 27 comments Turner Classic Movies: TCM yesterday at 03:00. Facebook A fish-eyed shot from TORA! TORA! TORA! ('70) View details 675 likes - 39 comments Alberta Catalano yesterday at 15:57 I watched Tora, Tora, Tora last night, so sad to see our boys burned and shot on a beautiful Sunday morning. We will never forget their sacrifice to our nation. God Bless them all Judy Ramos yesterday at 03:21 Watching it Now, A must see movie at least once a Year. My boyfriend's father was in the plane's flying into Hawaii at the time. Mitch Jalandoni yesterday at 08:43 Watching it last night till I fell asleep. I m always in disbelief, how inept the U.S. Navy and armed forces was. Radars that has no direct comm. to central command, aircrafts hurdled in one place together, etc. "Call it in. There's a phone half-a-mile down the road." View more 36 comments Turner Classic Movies: TCM 05/28/2017 . Facebook Nick Adams and Andy Griffith in NO TIME FOR SERGEANTS ('58) View details 1889 likes - 113 comments Carrie Sollars Rodman 05/28/2017 at 00:14 Stooping to a new low Letterman by your uncalled for sexual liberal innuendos on Aunt Bea of Mayberry. This is why you don't belong commentating on movies or the actors! Dave Matteson 05/28/2017 at 00:15 My cable channel by choice is TCM. Until the two idiots introduce The Essentials. Then I change the channel to AMC and watch something less stupid. David Young 05/28/2017 at 02:11 Some films just last. Quiet Man. Thin Man. No Time for Sergeants. Classic comedy. Classic Griffith. The film's a reminder that Andy Griffith was more than just a Mayberry sheriff before 1960. View more 110 comments Turner Classic Movies: TCM 05/27/2017 at 20:00. Facebook We've got an offer you can't refuse. THE GODFATHER ('72) is back in theaters for its 45th anniversary. Get your family together, grab some cannoli, and head out to this special TCM Big Screen Classics presentation. Join us June 4th and June 7th. For tickets and showtimes, check out our partners at Fathom Events: [ Myt.cm Link ] TCM Big Screen: THE GODFATHER ('72) Download video View details 3312 likes - 225 comments Anne Ed Albert 05/27/2017 at 20:14 I watched this (and part 1) with a friend and he said he didn't get it, "what's so great about these films?" Dropped that sucker, didn't think twice. Saying you don't "get" The Godfather is like saying you don't get family or business. You're lost. Michael Adams 05/27/2017 at 20:24 I saw it at least 4-5 times when it was in theater, in 1972. I've seen it on VHS and DVD and can't wait to see it again in the theater. I love these Fathom Events (at least the movie ones) but it always leaves me dismayed when I go on a Sunday afternoon and there are 10-15 people in the theater with me. I went to see North By Northwest a couple of months back and there was a BIG turnout for that, which made me happy! In January, went to see All About Eve and I was one of 6 people :( Dixie Mulholland 05/28/2017 at 14:45 Wish they would release the "Saga" also know as The Godfather: The Complete Novel for Television shown on BBC in chronological order with loads of extra footage re inserted that explained things better View more 222 comments Turner Classic Movies: TCM 05/27/2017 at 17:00. Facebook Kristen Welch shares her classic guilty pleasure film. We want to know what yours is! Share in the comments below and then watch NO TIME FOR SERGEANTS ('58) tonight at 8pm ET on The Essentials. The Essentials: Guilt Pleasure Film FACEBOOK.COM Download video View details 148 likes - 118 comments Phillip Jimenez 05/27/2017 at 18:11 Isn't guilty pleasure supposed to mean a film you're embarrassed to admit you love? So mine would be any of the Beach Party pictures or any of Douglas Sirks 50s melodramas which are de rigueur these days. Cecilia Sofie 05/27/2017 at 19:00 I think a lot of people either don't know the meaning of "guilty pleasure" or have simply chosen to ignore it in favor of listing favorite films… Deborah S. Roberts 05/27/2017 at 20:23 Several of mine have been mentioned--the Beach movies, "The Ghost and Mr. Chicken." But one of my great guilty pleasures is that, along with all the sentimental holiday classics, I must watch "Die Hard" every Christmas. My mother thinks I'm just awful. LOL View more 115 comments Turner Classic Movies: TCM 05/27/2017 at 02:00. Facebook Don't forget to join us for The Essentials tomorrow night at 8pm ET for NO TIME FOR SERGEANTS ('58) starring Andy Griffith View details 816 likes - 79 comments Bob Russell 05/27/2017 at 02:55 I love that movie. I'm old enough to have seen it "at the show" back in the 1950's. Don't know why anyone would call it a "guilty pleasure" however. Andy Griffith and Nick Adams are terrific. I especially like Myron McCormick. "No waves!" Thomas Roberts 05/27/2017 at 02:12 Wait till the toilet seat inspection! Iwas at the Saturday matinee full of kids and when Andy flips those seats up all of us kids went hysterical screaming in laughter. You will too! Bill Darcey 05/27/2017 at 13:52 Shoudn't be anyone's guilty pleasure ; it's just pure pleasure .Playing it on a double bill with "A Face In The Crowd" would blow people's minds . Andy was so great , started on his own show as the comedian ; when he got Don onboard who is in "No Time" he became the rustic philosopher ; could do it all . View more 76 comments Turner Classic Movies: TCM 05/27/2017 . Facebook John Wayne in THE WINGS OF EAGLES (’57) View details 1705 likes - 72 comments Brian Wattles 05/27/2017 at 00:49 This film doesn't get enough mention when John Wayne's acting chops are discussed. Wayne clearly respected the material and the man so much he left the toupee on the dressing table. Charlie Hatfield 05/27/2017 at 21:50 My favorite John Wayne story is when the war was over and he and John Ford got back together Ford lost his temper and ask Wayne if he couldn't at least pretend to salute like someone that actually served. Marilyn Grissum 05/27/2017 at 15:20 I see FESTUS and DOC ADAMS in this film. And DOC was in Flying Leathernecks...And you thought he just showed up in GUNSMOKE....they both were around for along time. View more 69 comments Turner Classic Movies: TCM 05/26/2017 at 13:00. Facebook Remembering John Wayne on his birthday, here in FORT APACHE ('48) View details 3200 likes - 107 comments Holly Snider 05/26/2017 at 13:18 I have always enjoyed John Wayne's films but after watching The Searchers years ago, I developed a slight crush hehe That Ethan character was one of his greatest Kathy Kach Kitterman 05/26/2017 at 13:57 My favorite man in the world. Bad crush since childhood on this guy. I watch his films whenever they are on and have most on DVD. Love The Searchers, Rio Grande, Fort Apache, She Wore A Yellow Ribbon, Quiet Man, Big Jake, Stagecoach, Hondo ....anything John Wayne Don Bentley 05/26/2017 at 16:59 I met him years ago at his Red River Ranch in Arizona . He gave a barbecue every year for the people of Casa Grande .It was free .All you had to have was ID that showed you lived there . He stood at the gate to the house and shook hands with everyone as they were leaving . View more 104 comments Turner Classic Movies: TCM 05/26/2017 . Facebook TCM Essentials special guest David Letterman discuss NO TIME FOR SERGEANTS ('58) star Andy Griffith. Join us every Saturday evening at 8pm ET for some of the most essential films ever made! Visit [ Link ] to see the full schedule. The Essentials: NO TIME FOR SERGEANTS ('58) FACEBOOK.COM Download video View details 1647 likes - 221 comments Robin Kolaga Peterson 05/26/2017 at 00:06 I love these movies but the last 2 people I want to see discussing movies is David Letterman and Alec Baldwin. Nancy Hagerty 05/26/2017 at 01:40 I prefer to gain some insight or little known trivia about the movie and/or the players. Letterman and Baldwin are both under qualified. Lily Black 05/26/2017 at 01:32 I'd like to see Drew Barrymore come back again, she at least is an actual link to Hollywood's Golden Age. I'd much rather see her than these two buffoons. View more 218 comments Turner Classic Movies: TCM 05/25/2017 at 21:00. Facebook The creature attacks in TARANTULA ('55)!!! View details 1393 likes - 136 comments Bill Darcey 05/25/2017 at 23:03 Leo G. , what a late bloomer, almost 60 when he started to be recognized in his 6 Hitchcock films, about 70 when he made " Topper" on TV at the same time he was making " Tarantula" , around 80 when he made " Man from U.N.C.L.E. " and of course married Brian Keith to Maureen O'Hara in " The Parent Trap". Vee Brown 05/25/2017 at 21:18 Yes!!! I saw it when it first came out! Frightning, not necessarily because of the giant spider but because of Leo G. Carroll's creepy physical mutation! And the opening scene, of that man clad in pajamas, out in the lonely desert, falling face down in the dust. You glimpse his deformed hand clutching the sand, and the back of his swollen head. Phillip King 05/25/2017 at 21:15 I love b-movies from the 1950s, but I'm sorry I just can't handle spiders. Big ants, fine. Big lizards, wonderful. But spiders, I can't handle. ARACHNOPHOBIA traumatized me as kid. Even the facehuggers in ALIENS freaked me out because they were so spider-like. It got worse when EIGHT LEGGED FREAKS came out. I couldn't even handle the spider in RETURN OF THE KING. View more 133 comments Turner Classic Movies: TCM 05/25/2017 at 15:00. Facebook Montgomery Clift, Katharine Hepburn, and Elizabeth Taylor in SUDDENLY, LAST SUMMER ('59) View details 1837 likes - 121 comments Georgia Lehman Mackowiak 05/25/2017 at 15:23 Katharine Hepburn nearly turned down the role in this movie because she was very uncomfortable with the plot and with her character. It is not a pleasant movie, but the actors and their performances are superb. Peter Eykelenkamp 05/25/2017 at 15:15 I like this film because it takes Katharine Hepburn so much out of her usual comfort zone that she is really interesting. I love it how Mankiewicz and Tennessee Williams had to explain certain aspects of the plot because she didn't get them. Great performance though. Al Balbuena 05/25/2017 at 16:04 I love this movie! Eiizabeth Taylor should have won the Oscar for this film over Simone Signoret for ROOM AT THE TOP. No one screamed better than Elizabeth Taylor. This was the only film where Katharine Hepburn played a villain. View more 118 comments Turner Classic Movies: TCM 05/25/2017 at 13:00. Facebook Remembering Jeanne Crain on her birthday, here with Glenn Ford in THE FASTEST GUN ALIVE ('56) View details 753 likes - 43 comments J Davis Fleming 05/25/2017 at 14:58 In an era of gorgeous women on the screen, Jeanne Crain was truly one of the most beautiful---saw her in some footage of the red carpet at an awards ceremony from 1952, without all the benefit of studio cameras. She was stunning. Don King 05/25/2017 at 17:01 Always admired the beauty of Jeannie Crain, along with her acting skills. I feel empathy for today's youth, and the crass level of entertainment they are exposed to today with little basis for comparison! Susie Kroeger 05/26/2017 at 01:30 My favorite role of hers was that of Ann Gilbreth in "Cheaper By The Dozen". She was married to her husband Paul Brooks for about 58 years, they had 7 children, and Jeanne passed away just two months after her husband. View more 40 comments Turner Classic Movies: TCM 05/25/2017 . Facebook We proudly support the John Wayne Cancer Foundation and the #ShowYourGrit campaign, set to launch June 1! Get involved with the foundation and its work to find a cure here: View details 578 likes - 10 comments Mary Kirkpatrick 05/25/2017 at 01:16 How come you're not doing an all day marathon for his birthday like you did last year? You showed all of his 1930s work starting at 4am-yes, I got up that early to watch them. Regino Adkins 05/25/2017 at 00:27 Enjoyed your Clark Gable marathon, was nice to see movies that were shelved, or held back. Christine Lofstedt 05/25/2017 at 12:12 TCM Will there be a John Wayne marathon this weekend? View more 7 comments Turner Classic Movies: TCM 05/24/2017 at 19:00. Facebook Kim Novak and Frank Sinatra in PAL JOEY ('57) View details 1110 likes - 38 comments Julie Masterson 05/25/2017 at 00:54 Kim Novak told this story in a recent interview that she and Rita had worked out an exceptional dance at the end of the movie but Frank was having none of it. She actually teared up as she told the story saying that all Frank would day was "no". After all this time, she seemed to be very effected by Frank's rejection. Deanna Jayne 05/24/2017 at 19:08 Kim Novak, Rita Hayworth, Frank Sinatra, plus John O'Hara, Rodgers and Hart, and San Francisco (San Francisco is another "character" in this movie, if you're into that, as I am) -- who could ask for anything more? Anna Catalano Caruso 05/24/2017 at 20:27 Not a Kim Novak fan...but love Rita Hayworth...of course Frank..best song in this movie is The Lady is a Tramp...sung by Frank.... View more 35 comments Turner Classic Movies: TCM 05/24/2017 . Facebook Vivien Leigh, Clark Gable, and Victor Fleming on the set of GONE WITH THE WIND ('39) View details 5252 likes - 167 comments Virginia Cook 05/24/2017 at 00:35 This is my favorite movie of all time, I watch it a lot and watching it with my girls makes it even more special. It's a tradition with us. Trish Stripling 05/24/2017 at 00:51 My all time favorite. I fall in love with Mammy every time I watch. Authentic, dignified and an anchor for this classic film. Callan Dobson 05/24/2017 at 23:59 Vivien Leigh gave one of the best performances ever in this movie. Scarlet would have been so unlikeable had one of the, many, other choices had played her but somehow Vivien has you rooting for her throughout the whole thing even though Scarlet's not a very nice person. She's one of the best actors ever in my opinion. Never gave a less-than-incredible performance. I just think that a lot of people can't get over how beautiful she was so they don't take her quite as seriously as say Davis or Hepburn. View more 164 comments Turner Classic Movies: TCM 05/23/2017 at 14:15. Facebook Our thoughts are with the friends and family of Sir Roger Moore. Variety remembers him here: Roger Moore, James Bond Star, Dies at 89 View details 6176 likes - 804 comments Titus Belgard 05/23/2017 at 14:24 Roger Moore is how I knew there was a generation gap between me and my teachers in school. Anytime the Bond films came up in conversation, my teachers always said that Sean Connery was James Bond. For me, Sean Connery was Sean Connery (and Pierce Brosnan will always be Remington Steele), but Roger Moore *IS* James Bond. Edwina King 05/23/2017 at 14:19 He first came to my attention when he appeared as Simon Templar on "The Sanit". And followed him as he became James Bond. Condolences to his family. Brittany Billings 05/23/2017 at 14:46 No. This can't be true. I've always gotten a lot of crap for it- but he was always my favorite Bond. His movies are what made me love the franchise. My heart is broken. View more 801 comments Turner Classic Movies: TCM 05/23/2017 at 14:13. Facebook Our thoughts are with the friends and family of Dina Merrill. The Hollywood Reporter remembers here here: Dina Merrill, Actress Who Exuded Elegance, Dies at 93 View details 4902 likes - 531 comments Joanie Elaine 05/23/2017 at 14:21 Two great talents in one day. Very sad day, but glad to know they both got to live adventurous and amazing lives. RIP Moore & Merrill. And prays to the victims in Manchester 🙏 Marlene Stone 05/23/2017 at 14:37 Daughter of Marjorie Merriweather Post and E.F. Hutton and once married to actor Cliff Robertson. Mar-a-logo, her mother's winter home, is now the home of President Donald Trump. Joy Williams Brosious 05/23/2017 at 14:25 A true Hollywood legend, i have seen many of her films, though she was never a big-name actor, she certainly had a calling card worth millions: As the daughter of Wall Street maverick E.F. Hutton and Marjorie Merriweather Post, heir to the Post Cereals fortune, Merrill was born into and raised in New York society, and her characters often came from upper-crust backgrounds as well. View more 528 comments Turner Classic Movies: TCM 05/23/2017 at 13:00. Facebook Remembering Betty Garrett on her birthday, here with Frank Sinatra in TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALL GAME ('49) View details 1845 likes - 48 comments Holly Snider 05/23/2017 at 22:14 Love it!! This was my introduction to Frank Sinatra as a child and fell in love instantly. I remember getting his CDS at 10-11years old and listening to them on repeat during our vacations!! Wolfie Wolfe 05/24/2017 at 05:08 Interesting actress. She and her husband were blacklisted during the Commie Scare and her film career stalled. She was one of the few to talk about it later on (although much later). She had some great turns on various tv shows in the end, though. Anthony May 05/23/2017 at 16:18 Loved these two in both this movie and also On The Town. View more 45 comments Turner Classic Movies: TCM 05/23/2017. Facebook Original poster for WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO BABY JANE? ('62) View details 3101 likes - 234 comments Reg O'Brien 05/23/2017 at 00:04 Notice the broken doll in the ad looks nothing like the Baby Jane doll in the film. Come to think of it, it looks more like a Blanche doll...interesting. Susan Oliver 05/23/2017 at 02:35 The reason they are showing it so much is because of the series Feud on FX. It was about the making of the movie and the conflict of Bette and Joan. Good series. Barbara Kohn 05/23/2017 at 02:41 I really enjoy this film. Wish the orginal score was cut out of many scenes. The "happy" sounding background music kind of ruins it for me and isn't necessary. I'm really enjoying the Grand Dame Guignol special...but what's up with the big salad between Dave and Charles? Lol!
Johnson State began as an elementary and secondary school in 1828 and was chartered as Johnson Academy four years later. In 1866 the State of Vermont designated Johnson Academy as a “Normal School” — an institution exclusively for teacher training. Over the next eight decades, the Johnson Normal School offered one-, two- and three-year teacher-training programs. The school became Johnson Teachers College in 1947, when the state approved a four-year teaching program. In 1962 Johnson State College assumed its current name, signaling a change in mission from a single-purpose teacher-training college to a college that teaches the liberal arts and prepares students for a range of professions. Over the last four decades, we have expanded our curriculum in the professional programs and liberal arts and sciences — and we have boosted our enrollment and built new facilities to meet this mission. Today, our modern, 14-building campus spreads over 350 hilltop acres and serves nearly 2,000 students.
Has anyone visited Burnetts Wholesale Nursery located in Bradenton? Is it worth the drive? They list a few Crotons on their website and are open to the public.
Stephen Finch is a furniture maker with a passion for wood and its sensuous qualities. he shares a work space at Newbattle outside Edinburgh with Tom Cooper. Stephen makes incredible joints, dovetails and wedged tenons in particular, and works to enhance and capture all of the beauty of the timber in his furniture.
Then check out one of New York City's most beautiful burlesque starlets, Legs Malone at Three Clubs. She's only in town for a little while, so snap to! Here's she and I doing our (soon to be reprised) duet, at HyperGender burlesque.What a pair of tarts. Posted by La JohnJoseph at 9:54 PM 2 comments: Shirley Manson The only '90s rock chick for me.Who didn't want to be her? Posted by La JohnJoseph at 9:35 PM No comments: Recently Unearthed Thanks to Vin C for the picture. Posted by La JohnJoseph at 6:51 PM No comments: It's funny because it's true. And it's true becuase it's funny. Posted by La JohnJoseph at 2:28 PM No comments: Night of a thousand cocktails. I woke up this morning with gowns, capes, furs and high heels strewn far and wide. A half eaten box of chocolates sat wistfully on my desk, and the contents of a Solgar Vitamins gift bag strew across the sofa. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, last night was night of a Thousand Gowns, THE single campiest experience of my life.Everybody and their Mother (yes, literally) was dressed way passed the nines, in wigs higher than the stars and gowns that stretched out longer than the historical periods which inspired them. Yes, there was some serious First French Empire realness going on with a table full of party goers decked in gold brocade and powdered wigs. And the Tudors got a look in too, the Elizabethan high collar and small waist silhouette proving very popular amongst some of the courtiers, not to mention a perfect cavalcade of antebellum hoop skirts and curls.Growing up in the yUK I was familiar with the tradition of pantomime, but nothing really prepared me for the enormity of this. The whole spectacle was somewhere between a Disneyland parade and a civil war re-enactment, with smoke machines and a giant cardboard disco ball thrown in! It was all very jolly, but I couldn't help but wish for a downtown version of the festivities; a more deranged affair for the demi-monde. And quite what this Imperial Court thing is all about I don't know. God bless them all for the untold piles of money they've raised for good causes, but is it always necessary to mimic those old systems of snobbery and colonialism? I almost felt uncomfortable with that, and I haven't felt uncomfortable about anything since 2004, when my dress fell down whilst I was onstage delivering a very poignant speech as Margaret Thatcher. Comfort I realised, is overrated.Of course the stage show, was fabulous in a kind of never ending, what's-actually-happening?, Night kind of way. Truth be told, Sharyn Jackson (the downtown Dorothy Parker) and I were actually terribly moved by the Midler on the Roof section of the show. The Rose I always find so very moving, ever since last weekend when two of my dearest coke fiend friends burst into my room at 9.30 am (AM!) and demanded that I play Bette Midelr clips to them from youtube. Sharyn had rolled in about an hour and a half late, working a power dyke look; aubergine sparkled gown under a black dinner jacket and a smoky Weimar make-up look. She looked like the scandalous daughter of a dish soap heir, like she had run away for her life of privilege to slum it and make love to shapely women.There were a lot of shapely women there, and truth be told I was living for them. Dirty Martini came over the horizon looking like Mae West on a mission to Mars, an incredible green cape over a leopard corset and a hairdo that looked positively picture perfect. Both of Coney Island's reigning queens,Bambi the Mermaid and Bunny Love (replete with stick-on mustache) looked radiant, as did a rather foxy looking Maine, who attended the ball in a deliciously form fitting three-piece suit, looking every inch the 'thirties anti-hero. And then there was of course the Pixie Harlot contingent, working it for all it was worth, and then some. Darrell took it to another dimension with a ballgown made from heating duct wiring, whilst Mattie went for a more subtle look with an elegant blue smoking jacket and a yard of sequined fabric wrapped around his face. And of course Mother Superior herself, Machine Dazzle, crowned the table with a diamante skull and black feather headpiece, atop which sat a little luminous sparrow, whom we nicknamed Edith for the late Ms Piaf.And the booze flowed, and the photographers snapped, and before we knew it seven hours had gone by and we had seen all one thousand gowns, and we were standing in Times Square posing for hysterical tourists and yes, more photographers. It really was a special evening, highlights being the discovery of Bambi and Bunny's drugs den (under our table!) and sharing the honor, with Machine, of being called a "dirty, filthy slut" by Lady Bunny. For your information I was actually very modestly dressed in a peach and pink column gown with capelet, which I happened upon at a lawn sale in LA.It just so happened that when I was out for a stroll with my ever precious pal Kristahn, and the "vampy" (Spin magazine) Joseph Keckler one Sunday, a fashion model granny was clearing out her closet in the beautiful weekend sunshine. I got the dress for $7 which is nothing but an outrageous bargain. She also had a set of folk costumes, which piqued my interest. I asked her what she could tell me about them; "Oh those, they came from my old neighbor, a choreographer. Son of a bitch, but boy could he dance! I thought I'd do something with them but that was twenty years ago and I never have." And that my dear, is what you call life. Posted by La JohnJoseph at 12:32 PM No comments: Saturday, March 29, 2008 Sex It's my new look. Posted by La JohnJoseph at 3:58 PM No comments: Namesake My old pals in Dada cabaret crime. To whom this blog is dedicated. Posted by La JohnJoseph at 1:44 PM No comments: This is me, then. It's been a rough week. I'm starting a blog roughly five and a half years after everyone else, as a sort of scrapbook for ideas and images I come across. And also as a platform for my self-opinionated discussions on other people's work, and how they influence mine. Girl, I'm giving full-on cross pollination realness.Please direct your attention firstly to the luminary Ms Penny Arcade, as pictured on this virginal posting. She nursed the howling baby of glam rock out of the womb, she is punk rock's foster mother, an A.I.D.S era Florence Nightingale, and the parole officer of burlesque. You had their poster on your college dorm wall, she taught them how to give face.Earlier, this week I went to see Rami Shamir read from his terribly poignant debut novel Train to Pokipsie and as part of the evening's table of delights Ms Arcade herself presented material from her show Bad Education. Now, in the time I have been in New York, I have seen Ms Arcade perform more times than I have eaten; and tragically this is not much of an exaggeration. However, I had never seen anything from this show and frankly, it was staggering. She told of how she as a teenage girl, coming down from speed, was pulled from the street and forced into sexual trauma at the butt of a gun. The howls and sobs she brought up, the nauseating terror of a girl in fear for her life was so devestating I could hardly move to cover my mouth in horror. But of course, she's as smart as a whip and will never overindulge her audience in anyone emotion, she snapped out of the depths of this desolation with a whiplash instantaneity and rolled on, into uneasy humor, delighting us all with her encyclopedia of observations.Honorable mention to Mother Flawless Sabrina (pictured here by Johnny Dynell) who hosted the event as only she can, with an uplifting and pithy sermon on New York's waining underground. We can't wait for someone else to rescue us she said; "You are the people I've been waiting for. You are the people you have been waiting for." Hearing her speak, I felt as though I was in a Baptist Church in Alabama at the darkest hour of the civil rights struggle, listening to a preacher leading us onwards to freedom.Now look at the time! I'm attending Night of a Thousand Gowns tonight, it's four-thirty and I'm still sitting here eating peanut butter in my kimono. In fact, maybe I don't even need to change; it's a look isn't it?
Remember plants will dry out quickly when exposed to the heat of the sun and wind. If you are not ready to transplant them within a few days after delivery, then place them in a wind protected area out of sunlight. It is important to check them once or twice a day for watering. Planting and transplanting instructions We ship our plants in early spring to about mid June to reduce stress during transit. We avoid shipping from late June through August as the little guys would cook to death. We start shipping again in mid-September through mid December, weather permitting. Our bare dormant roots are shipped while they are still dormant with very little or no foliage appearing. They are not dead! They just have not broken their dormancy (sleeping) state yet. Most of our bare roots are two plus years old and fit into quart or gallon size containers. These roots are normally shipped late September through late April. We highly recommend that you install your plants into the soil as soon as possible after delivery. Container sizes Our plug size is 2.500” diameter x 3.500” deep with 30 plugs per tray. Our quart pots are trade size (4 3/16” x 4 7/8”). Plants purchased in containers may be shipped in dormant state to reduce stress in transit, or they may have their top growth cut back to reduce stress in transit.
Hannibal is a personable and versatile individual who thrives off positivity and energy of others. Fueled by his affinity for architecture and immense desire to help people, he passionately approaches every transaction with professionalism. Having held innumerable sales/ marketing/ customer service oriented positions cumulatively for 9+ years , impeccable service is now an instinct. He also benefits from experience garnered working with consulting and financial management companies. Hannibal takes initiative, exercises plenty patience, and is solution oriented when snafus arise. Call on him and his colleagues if you want to have a enjoyable experience amid a grueling process of finding vacancies. Expect to rely on him decades from now for your needs. With fervent zeal for making the process seamless/ painless for his clients and collaborative nature, you are in the right hands looking for your ideal space. Reviews from Renters (2) Hannibal miraculously found me an apartment in a impossible time frame. He showed me the apartment on Christmas 2015 & got me approved with minimal business days. My roommate fell through & he helped me find another space and qualify & move in. He also accommodated me by reducing the broker fee because of how expensive the upfront cost would be. I've happily been in my apartment sense. The entire process , as stressful as it could have been, Hannibal kept me composed and coaxed me through it. I am grateful February 2017 Haley He did a excellent job of finding me a space. It was actually under my budget somehow. He bought my girlfriend and I a great housewarming gift and helped us with our change of address and getting utilities situated. It was above and beyond.
Great tribute to the late Duck Dunn from Steve Cook writing in Premier Guitar magazine. This excerpt was really touching: Steve Cropper shared the news of Dunn’s passing on his Facebook page: “Today I lost my best friend, the world has lost the best guy and bass player to ever live.” Dunn’s fat P-bass tones and musical stamp are forever linked with some of the greatest popular music ever created, and his bass lines will be played on for generations to come. Duck, we thank you for your generous gift to the world, a world in which you will remain “legendary.” Godspeed, kind soul.
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So, you’re fulfilling your dream of living abroad. Here is general information about what you have to do to comply with American tax law after you move. Yes, you still have to file a federal tax return. All U.S. citizens must report their worldwide income each year. The same filing thresholds apply, whether you are in-country or overseas. Returns for expatriates are generally due June 15th, although interest on any balance due will begin to accrue after April 15th. If you cannot get your paperwork done on time, you can request an extension until October 15th, and another 2-month extension to December 15th. But that doesn’t mean that you will pay lots of tax. Many expatriates are subject to income tax in their resident country. U.S. tax law has two provisions that allow expatriates to escape double taxation. First, the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion (FEIE) allows expat workers to avoid U.S. tax on a certain amount of earned income, that is, wages and self-employment income. You qualify if you remain outside the U.S. for nearly 12 consecutive months, or if you can establish that you are a “bona fide resident” of a foreign country. In 2016, you can exclude income up to $101,300. The exclusion is adjusted each year for inflation. Claim it by filing Form 2555 with your tax return. The second option is the Foreign Tax Credit (FTC). Whether you live abroad or not, you can reduce your obligation to the IRS for taxes already paid on that same income overseas. This way, you avoid paying twice. Claim it by filing Form 1116 along with your federal return. It is possible to combine the two options. If your foreign earned income exceeds the FEIE maximum, and you pay tax on your income to your country of residence, you can claim the FTC on the income over and above that FEIE maximum. You will have to disclose bank account information to the Treasury, twice, maybe. All U.S. citizens, abroad or not, must disclose their bank account information to the Treasury Department, possibly on two separate forms. 1) FinCEN Form 114, commonly called the “FBAR,” is required if the aggregate maximum value of your non-U.S. bank and securities accounts exceeds $10,000. Include the full value of any jointly held accounts, as well as any accounts where you are not the owner, but have signature authority. No tax is due with this form. Penalties for non-compliance are harsh. The FBAR is filed separately from your income tax return. For 2016, it is due April 15th, with an extension available to October 15th. The IRS will also make the 2-month extension to June 15th, applicable to federal tax returns of individuals who are out of the country on tax day, available for the FBAR. The FBAR must be filed online through FinCen.gov. A professional preparer can file the FBAR for you. 2) Form 8938 contains much of the same information as the FBAR. However, there are substantial differences. The filing thresholds are much higher, and more complex. Some assets that are not reportable on the FBAR are reportable on 8938 (and vice versa). For example, if you hold shares of a foreign corporation outside of a brokerage account you may need to report that asset on Form 8938, but not the FBAR. Accounts where you have only signature authority, and no financial interest, are reportable on the FBAR, but not 8938. It is important to review each form’s instructions to determine which assets get reported where. This form is due with your tax return. Investing outside the U.S.? Be careful. Mutual funds and ETFs marketed to non-U.S. persons are rarely suitable investments for U.S. citizens. Many are Passive Foreign Investment Companies (PFICs), which have an onerous and unfriendly tax treatment in the U.S. Tax-advantaged accounts in your new country of residence are likewise treacherous to U.S. investors. Most of those accounts are not tax advantaged in the U.S., so what you don’t pay your resident country, you will pay to the U.S.. Examples of this include, but are not limited to, Canadian Tax Free Savings Accounts (TFSA) and Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs) in the United Kingdom. Retirement accounts are tricky. The tax treatment of your foreign retirement account will depend on lots of things, including the country you live in, the type of account, and whether you or your employer made the contribution. Speak with us or your tax advisor about the specifics of your situation. Here are some details about two of the friendliest countries for U.S. citizens with retirement accounts: Canada – The Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) is respected by the IRS as a tax-advantaged retirement account. Growth in the account is not taxable, and the account is not subject to foreign trust reporting requirements. United Kingdom – The U.K./U.S. tax treaty allows for contributions to retirement plans as well as growth in those plans to be excluded from income. Distributions are taxable in the country of residence. Other countries have considerably fewer retirement account provisions. The taxation of some, like the Australian Superannuation, are hotly debated in the tax community. Speak with us or your tax advisor before filing. Tax treaty positions require their own disclosure. If you do take a tax position based on a treaty, be sure to disclose the position on Form 8833. A word of caution: Be sure to check to see if the treaty article is covered by the Saving Clause or not. The Saving Clause is a paragraph of a treaty that usually says that the U.S. can tax its citizens as if the treaty had not come into effect. You’ll need to file for an Obamacare exemption. A very simple Form 8965 is required along with your tax return to tell the IRS that you have insurance in another country. Foreign trusts, estates, corporations or partnerships? Seek professional advice. Forms and requirements related to these foreign entities are very complex. Speak with your tax advisor, or contact John Schachter + Associates today. We are well-versed in the intricacies of tax preparation for Americans with foreign interests.
Okay, I hope I'm doing this right....One of my favorite bands on earth, if not my absolute favorite band, is Broadside Electric. If you're not familiar with them, well, I could tell you that they once described themselves by the phrase "eclectic electric Celtic acoustic," but actually the band has evolved quite a bit since then, so that phrase doesn't really begin to cover it. Put it this way: if you go to one of their concerts, you should not be surprised to hear to hear, in quick succession, gory Child ballads, Klezmer tunes, Bob Dylan, Gilbert and Sullivan, and a few rollicking reels, played by five musicians on at least a dozen instruments. And that would be just the first set. Oh, and they're all really nifty people offstage, as well.So, I love these folks, and in a recent mailing they sent out, they suggested that one way for their fans to promote their music would be to make an iMix on the iTunes store containing some of their songs and maybe 10 others by "popular artists." So I looked up the directions and it didn't seem too difficult--in fact, I already had several playlists on iTunes containing one or more Broadside songs, and I figured I could just publish one of those. Upon consideration, I decided that to get a good sampling of music I should combine two playlists, which I had entitled "Light" and "Darkness," into a single playlist called "Chiaroscuro," and publish that. So I spent a happy hour or so selecting songs from these two playlists and arranging them in a pleasing order, interspersing the lighter and darker material. Then I tried to publish it to iTunes and hit a snag: many of the songs in my collection were not available on the iTunes store. So a little more pondering ensued as I looked for alternate versions of these songs on iTunes. (Example: the entire Beatles catalogue is unavailable on iTunes, so I ended up with a live George Harrison version of "Here Comes the Sun" and the King's Singers' version of "Blackbird," which is actually quite nice. The Califone version of "The Orchids," by contrast, isn't nearly as cool as the Genesis P-Orridge version, but what can you do?) A few songs had to be cut completely because iTunes didn't have any version available at all, or at least not any that I found acceptable. So after considerable tweaking, I arrived at a finished iMix that I was reasonably happy with.Now, here's the part I hope I'm doing right. ITunes provided a link labeled "Publish to the Web" that is supposed to make my iMix available via my blog. (I assume that you can't actually listen to the songs unless you own them, but you can listen to a short clip from each song to see how you like it, and if you're interested, you can buy it.) So I'm going to give this a try. Here's the link (I think): Posted by Amy Livingston at 12:27 PM 1 comment: Saturday, April 11, 2009 Driving the bandwagon According to an article in yesterday's New York Times, frugality is actually a hot new trend. Here are a few of the radical steps the article mentions that people are taking to save money:• borrowing movies from the library• planting gardens• canceling cable service• composting (to avoid trash disposal fees)• having clothing swaps with friends• trash picking• darning socks• drying clothes on a lineIn short, people across the country have started doing all the stuff I've been doing for years. How about that--I'm trendy. Who knew? Posted by Amy Livingston at 9:44 PM No comments: Wednesday, April 1, 2009 Harumph Saturday's New York Times featured a column on puns by op-ed contributor Joseph Tartakovsky. His basic premise seemed to be that all puns are bad and that writers with any talent invariably eschew them. (Of course, he couldn't help admitting that Shakespeare was a notable exception, and he cited several other examples of extremely clever puns made by extremely clever people, but for some reason he didn't seem to feel that these counterexamples in any way undermined his central argument.)Well, I suppose that I, though a dedicated lover of puns, shouldn't have bothered to take umbrage at this. After all, this guy isn't exactly a noted literary critic (in fact, he's a law student at Fordham, so I'm not sure what makes him fancy himself an expert). He's obviously just a grouch who starts off every morning by sucking half a lemon and then taking a brisk sneer around the block. In fact, the very fact that a person like him hates puns seems like a better argument than any other for making them. But I couldn't help being a bit nettled by his supercilious sneering at puns as "low" humor, especially since he didn't bother to get his facts straight. He cited the fact that "The 20th century’s finest humorist, P. G. Wodehouse, doesn’t use" puns as evidence that puns are inherently unfunny. Well, as it happens, we're still on our Wodehouse kick at home, and the very same day I read this article, I happened on this passage in Thank You, Jeeves:"Mr. Stoker, sir. He is inquiring about Miss Stoker's whereabouts."Well, of course, there's always that old one about them being at the wash, but this seemed to me neither the time nor the place.Now if that isn't an example of how a well-aimed pun can strike directly on the funny bone, what is?
Strife, a Warrior Imp of Calendula, was an attendant and protector of the once mighty but now fallen god, Sire. Though only his skull remains, Strife is a loyal creature through and through. He still watches over Sire in death, awaiting his prophesied return."
A White Sox fan living in enemy territory talks about his favorite team and the team he loves to hate. Monday, July 19, 2004 Relocating I am happy to report that Exile in Wrigleyville is moving to Most Valuable Network. You can now find my posts about the White Sox at This site, including the archives, will remain at this location. The new template allows readers to post comments, which several readers have asked about here. I hope you'll continue to read at the new address. Thanks. # posted by Vince @ 10:27 PM Thursday, July 15, 2004 The fallout finally comes When a young man was shot and killed about a block from Wrigley Field in May, I wrote that city officials would make a ruckus about this. Well, the ruckus is finally here. Tom Tunney, my alderman in the 44th Ward, is calling on police to write more tickets and make more arrests in the area around the park. Tunney contends that police officers are wary of making misdemeanor arrests for disorderly conduct because the nearest lockup is at Area 19 headquarters at Belmont and Western. They don't want to be off the street all the time it takes to drive an arrestee there. Tunney's idea is to provide some sort of local option -- possibly even a bus that would transport arrestees -- for a lockup, allowing officers to arrest problem fans without taking themselves so far out of commission. Tunney also said some sort of temporary court could be set up in the area to quickly adjudicate these cases. The Philadelphia Eagles and local authorities set up a court house at the old Veterans Stadium and included space for a court and holding cells at their new home, Lincoln Financial Field.Here's my idea. I think Tunney's on the right track. The Cubs will be trying to get city approval to build their Cubs Hall of Fame and sports bar/restaurant on the parcel west of the park and their bleacher expansion that will encroach on city right of way on the sidewalks on Sheffield and Waveland. When the Cubs seek the zoning approval, the city should require some holding cells and a courtroom be built somewhere in or very near the park. The city holds all the cards here. The Cubs need the city's approval to make more money. Not much stands in the way of Tribune Co. making more money. # posted by Vince @ 12:31 AM Enjoy the Oakland series I am leaving town Thursday morning to drive up to Door County, Wis., for my annual golf trip with a group of friends. Except for 1998, I've been up for this trip every year since 1996. This is a long way of saying that I won't be posting for a few days. Monday evening is probably the best bet for seeing new content. Check back here then, and you'll also read an announcement about the future of this blog.(Music to write by: Steve Earle, "Transcendental Blues.") # posted by Vince @ 12:29 AM Wednesday, July 14, 2004 Up to his eyeballs in snubs I think even a big Frank Thomas fan like me can forget just how good this man has been in his career. (Some of that is Thomas's fault. His ability to stick his foot in his mouth is well-documented.) A couple of things triggered my interest in examining Thomas's career Monday night, and my review took so long that I had to wait a day to finish writing this post.I had already been thinking about the lack of respect for Thomas more than a week, since the All-Star teams were announced. I was at my parents' house having dinner on the Fourth and clicked on ESPN to see the announcement. Not only was Thomas not on the team, but neither was Paul Konerko (if Paulie had made it, I would've immediately understood leaving Thomas off, although, before his injury, Thomas was having the better season). I had a few choice words to say about Joe Torre. Later, when I saw how the player voting went down and how the American League was stuck taking Ken Harvey from the Royals to give them a representative, I understood Thomas's absence but it still bothered me. Why isn't this player who is among the all-time greats in the All-Star Game?Then, there was the column by Greg Couch in the Sun-Times which, without judging Thomas, noted that his visibility and prominence in the game of baseball has declined sharply. Coupled with his silent treatment for the media, Couch wondered if Thomas will be shut out of the Hall of Fame.Watching the Home Run Derby Monday night was the final straw. I really wish Thomas had been chosen for the 2003 Derby in his home park (not to mention that he belonged on the AL All-Star team). I bought a pair of tickets for my dad for Father's Day, and we had a great time, but it would have been even better with Thomas performing. Remember the 1994 Derby in Pittsburgh and those 500-foot bombs Thomas hit? Even though a lot of old clips were shown, I didn't see any of Thomas. OK, it's a decade ago. I understand. Still, I hate the lack of recognition for Thomas.Joe Morgan lit the match that set off my bomb. I don't remember the exact context, but somehow, he and that knucklehead Chris Berman got to talking about Seattle Mariners DH Edgar Martinez. Very offhandedly, with no qualifiers, Morgan called Martinez the best right-handed hitter of the 1990s. Let me repeat that: Edgar Martinez was the best right-handed hitter of the 1990s, according to Morgan. Are you kidding me? Thomas was the best right-handed hitter of the 1990s (Alex Rodriguez only played the second half of the decade). Probably the guy who comes closest to Thomas is the man born on the exact same day who also plays first base and has been with a single team (at the major-league level, anyway): Jeff Bagwell. At the very least, Thomas has been significantly better than Martinez, who I think has had an excellent career. Let's look at some comparisons (through the 2003 season):OPS (on-base plus slugging)FT: led league four times (1991, 1992, 1994, 1997) and five other top 10s, 10th careerEM: led league once (1995) and seven other top 10s, 25th careerOPS+ (OPS relative to league average = 100), best five seasonsFT: 212, 181, 180, 178, 178EM: 183, 166, 164, 163, 161Win Shares (as defined by Bill James), five best seasonsFT: 39, 34, 34, 33, 32EM: 32, 28, 27, 25, 24Win Shares, 1990sFT: 273 (3rd in all of baseball)EM: 204 (20th)Batting averageFT: led league once (1997) and six other top 10sEM: led league twice (1992, 1995) and five other top 10sSluggingFT: lead league once (1994), eight other top 10 (including six in top 5), and 16th careerEM: never led league, six top 10s, and 52nd careerRunsFT: led league in 1994 and six other Top 10sEM: led league in 1995 and two other top 10sHome runsFT: never led league, eight top 10sEM: never led league, one top 10WalksFT: led league four times, seven other top 10s, 24th on career listEM: never led league, eight top 10s, 41st on career listExtra-base hitsFT: led league twice, six other top 10s, 56th all-timeEM: never led league, four top 10s, tied for 78th all-timeDoublesFT: led league once, two other top 10s, 97th all-timeEM: led league twice, three other top 10s, tied for 46th all-timeCareer BA/OBP/SLG:EM: .315/.423/.525FT: .310/.428/.568Had enough? Well, I have just one more:MVP awardsFT: 1st (1993, 1994), 2nd (2000), 3rd (1991, 1997), 8th (1992, 1995, 1996)EM: 3rd (1995), 6th (2000)Case closed. Edgar Martinez has had an excellent career and he has meant an awful lot to the Mariners franchise, but he hasn't performed at the level at which Frank Thomas has and, when healthy, continues to perform. I especially like to compare the two since they've both been designated hitters for much of their careers and neither was known for defense when he played the field -- the comparisons are purely about hitting, their foremost skill.As I was looking up the statistics, I received this letter from Daniel Grillo regarding that Greg Couch column that I wrote about a few days ago:Greg Couch is a ding-dong. I can't believe he actually suggested that Frank's snubbing of the media will hurt his HOF chances. Look at guys like Steve Carlton or Eddie Murray. Neither one was media-friendly, they got in on the first ballot. I'm sure that other examples can be cited, but those are two I can think of off the top of my head. Anyway, Greg Couch is a ding-dong. Did I say that already?Dan raises a very good point. One thing that Murray and Carlton had going for them is round numbers -- 500 home runs and 3,000 hits for Murray and 300 wins and 4,000 strikeouts for Carlton. Here's my response to Dan, in part:I wish I could agree with you that it's outlandish for Couch to suggest this, but, unfortunately, sportswriters do a lot of knuckleheaded things. Like let their personal feelings about a player affect their voting for the Hall of Fame. I do agree with your two counter examples. I'd add a third who I think is particularly relevant to Frank Thomas -- Ted Williams. Neither one cared much for defense (do you think Williams would have played left field if the DH had been in existence? I sure don't), neither one had a good relationship with local media (actually, Thomas and the Chicago media get on pretty well compared to Williams and the Boston writers) and both were criticized for being selfish with all the walks they took.Where I think Couch makes his best point is how Thomas is simply overlooked. He's almost forgotten today, especially nationally.Can you believe that Frank Thomas hasn't been to the All-Star Game since 1997? It's simply a travesty, perpetrated in part by Joe Torre. In a way, this year's All-Star Game could turn out very well for Thomas. Since the AL won the game, the AL representative will have home-field advantage in the World Series. So if the White Sox make it to the Series -- a very large if -- Thomas would get an extra start as DH. That, and the Sox being in first place to start the second half, is what is really important.(Edited 7/14.)(Music to write by: Pearl Jam, "Riot Act," and the Rolling Stones, "Sticky Fingers.") # posted by Vince @ 12:27 AM Saturday, July 10, 2004 Prognosis negative for Thomas We may not see much more of Frank Thomas during the regular season. Thomas was placed on the 15-day disabled list today and was replaced on the roster by Joe Borchard. The rest could help Thomas avoid surgery on his left ankle, which has been bothering him since he hurt it running the bases in a game at Miami last month. He aggravated the problem during the sweep of the Twins in Minnesota. Thomas has a sharp case of tendinitis and so-called loose bodies in his left ankle that are causing him tremendous pain and making it difficult for him to put weight on his front side when swinging. If the condition doesn't improve enough over the next three weeks to allow him to play, Thomas may need in-season surgery, which would knock him out four to six weeks. Hence, the idea that he may not play again until September. I hope they don't wait too long and end up needing the surgery anyway. I do appreciate that they're taking the cautious approach, but sometimes I wonder if they aren't just engaging in wishful thinking. Then again, it's not my ankle they'd be cutting into.Earlier this week, the Sun-Times' Greg Couch wrote that Thomas may be hurting his chances for the Hall of Fame by not talking to the media. Using Thomas's snub in the All-Star Game as a jumping off point, Couch wrote that Thomas has receded from the public stage even as he continued to put up excellent numbers before his injury sapped his effectiveness. The main reason the All-Star snubs bother me with Thomas is that someday, when it comes time to vote him into the Hall of Fame, writers will use the fact that Thomas has played in "only five All-Star Games" against him, as if he weren't the best right-handed hitter of the 1990s. Joe Torre will be partially to blame.Thomas's injury represents a chance for Borchard to establish himself in the major leagues. Borchard figures to play right field Saturday and Sunday while Magglio Ordonez fills in at designated hitter. After the break, the two could alternate between right field and DH, with Borchard possibly playing some games in center field, too. Manager Ozzie Guillen said Borchard will play a lot -- he's not being recalled to ride the bench. # posted by Vince @ 5:25 PM Interesting to note Manager Ozzie Guillen caught his players and even his son Ozzie Jr. off guard Thursday with his dugout tirade during he come-from-behind win over the Angels.Carlos Lee has been at his most effective hitting cleanup this year. He'll stay there with Frank Thomas on the disabled list.Guillen plans to start the second half with Mark Buehrle, Freddy Garcia and Esteban Loiaza in some order depending on Loaiza's workload, if any, in the All-Star Game. I wrote it Friday and I'll repeat it now: Let Jon Garland start the first game after the break. Give the other guys the extra rest, as Garland has had plenty. I really don't care a bit if Scott Schoeneweis has to wait a long time between starts again. Maybe he can get an outing in relief before then, to clear his head a little. And if he complains, too bad. His performance lately hasn't justified any complaining.(Music to write by: Wilco, "A Ghost Is Born.") # posted by Vince @ 5:22 PM Friday, July 09, 2004 Sox 6, Mariners 2 I certainly liked what I saw tonight from the Sox. Magglio Ordonez returned from more than a month off and went 2-for-4, with a double, an RBI and two runs scored. Amazing. Jon Garland had his second straight strong outing, pitching seven innings and allowing only one run on four hits and two walks and striking out three batters. I hope the Sox have him pitch in the first game after the All-Star break. I won't mind seeing the Saturday and Sunday starters -- Mark Buehrle and Freddy Garcia -- get that extra day off with the way Garland is pitching. And he had waited eight days between starts before Friday night. He's pitching well -- three out of his last four starts have been excellent, including the 4-2 loss to the Expos in Montreal -- so I think we should ride him a bit right now.Carlos Lee was the hitting star, driving in five runs on two home runs. The second dinger was a towering shot that fell deep into the grandstand in left field. The first home run, however, landed around the second row. I know it's picky to criticize a guy who hit two home runs, but when is Lee going to stop standing at the plate and admiring his handiwork when he hits a deep drive to left field? Just start digging for first base. You are not Barry Bonds. Besides, has he already forgotten how he got thrown out at second base against the Indians when a ball he thought was out of the park hit the top of the wall and remained in play? I'd really hate to see the Sox get involved with a beanball war because Lee likes to stand at the plate and preen.While I'm dreading Frank Thomas's stay on the disabled list, I'm looking forward to seeing Joe Borchard play. Supposedly, he's showing more plate discipline and making better contact at Class AAA Charlotte this year. He's hitting .268 with 16 home runs, 48 RBI and 26 walks, but 64 strikeouts. His on-base percentage is .359 and he's slugging .503, which are nice numbers, but they don't scream out for a promotion to the big leagues, especially for a guy in his third year at Class AAA. Still, it pays to remember that Borchard didn't play as much baseball as most college players who are drafted at age 21 because of his football commitments at Stanford. Maybe he's learned all he can at Class AAA and needs to come up to The Show. Let's hope. # posted by Vince @ 11:09 PM Isn't this refreshing? Ozzie Guillen and Ken Williams are like us fans. They had had enough of the way the Sox had been playing during the five-game losing streak that included a sweep by the Cubs (so hard to type that). Guillen let his players know he was seriously unhappy with their performance as the Sox were trailing the Angels 8-5 Thursday afternoon. The Sox came back twice from three-run deficits Thursday, including a three-run eighth off All-Star reliever Francisco Rodriguez in a 9-8 win that the Sox desperately needed.Willie Harris cleanly summed it up: "He said, 'Let's go, I'm sick of it.' That's what it boiled down to." You can sum up the difference between Guillen and Jerry Manuel with what happened yesterday. Here's how the Sun-Times' Chris DeLuca described it:During his sales pitch for the job last November, Guillen promised general manager Ken Williams and chairman Jerry Reinsdorf there would be days like Thursday, when a swift kick in the pants serves as the manager's job description.This is what Guillen brings to the table. No hiding in the manager's office. No sitting quietly in the dugout watching the season swirl down the drain.Amen. Juan Uribe knocked in Jose Valentin in the bottom of the ninth for the winning run. In the eighth-inning rally, Willie Harris has a pinch-hit infield single to keep the inning alive for Timo Perez, who knocked in two runs with a single. Harris scored on the play when Vladimir Guerrero fumbled the ball away for an error. With Magglio Ordonez out for more than a month and with Frank Thomas headed to the disabled list, it's a good thing the Sox bench players have been playing well.Exile in Wrigleyville reader Ryan Lockwood sent this report after the game:I sat in Section 158 today (left field lower reserved), which are not that bad ... even though I'm as red as a lobster now from the scorching sun. I also sat next to a guy whose son played college ball with Neal Cotts at Illinois State (we were both glad to see Neal come in and close it down on the Angels...4 K's). Only issue of complaint for me today was Loaiza. He wasn't holding up his part of the bargain. I don't know if he will ever regain the form he had earlier this season, when he was gettin' his cutter inside, and working off-speed stuff in there. I would rather him skip next week's pageantry and take some time to work out the kinks. Maybe he can take Schoeneweis with him.It finally came together for me today, how the offense is working, or hasn't been working. It is a hole in the lineup when guys like Harris, Thomas and Ordonez aren't available to play. But for some reason, it was clicking...and I think one reason I liked what I saw today...Konerko is back hitting for power as well as average. He is up to .291, including today's four-hit outing. I was never happy this season watching him going for the long ball every time. Now that he is zoned in, I think we may see a good streak by the Sox.Another thought...this Thomas injury may spell well for all involved. First, it gives Thomas a chance to heal his wounds, and his ego. Maybe some time away from the clubhouse will calm him down, and he will come back renewed, and more able to concentrate on the task at hand, like playing in October. Second, this will shuffle some spots giving Harris and Uribe a chance to play the infield together, while Valentin can fill in at DH. Or maybe this will mean more at bats for Gload, who has been filling in quite well despite limited playing time.Those are my thoughts...oh, and today was the closest I ever came to getting a home run ball when C Lee hit one right in our area. I would have had it too if it wasn't for a Sox fans version of Greg Louganis, diving almost 5 seats down his row to grab it off the ground. He was so excited I thought he was going to jump out of himself.Here was my reply, also sent yesterday:Glad you enjoyed the game. Looked like a great day to be out there. I like sitting in those sections behind the bullpen. My favorite place in the park.I would rather that Loiaza not be on the All-Star team because he doesn't deserve it. I'm not sure he would work out his problems by staying home. I know if I got three days off in the middle of a long season, I'd probably put the glove down for at least a day.Thomas going down would be terrible for the team, but it may be necessary for him to be healthy for the stretch run. I agree that a hot Konerko can practically carry the lineup. I think Harris should get playing time when he's earned it. He'll get his spots here and there for now, and if he plays well, he'll play more. I think if Thomas has to go down, the Sox have to think about a call-up of Joe Borchard.And I'd add that I've had about enough of Ross Gload getting a lot of playing time. He's OK as your fifth outfielder and a pinch hitter. The Sox might be better off playing Lee, a platoon of Rowand and Borchard and Ordonez, from left to right, with Timo Perez as the fifth outfielder and Gload back at Charlotte, although I suppose that means you don't really have a back up for Konerko at first. # posted by Vince @ 10:45 PM The 25th anniversary of promotional infamy I just wanted to watch a baseball game. I wanted to see the second game of a doubleheader between the Tigers and the Sox on July 12, 1979. I was eight years old, so I didn't really have an opinion on rock 'n' roll versus disco (although I know that within four years, I would've come down on the rock side). I couldn't believe what I was seeing on the broadcast when the fans stormed the field on Disco Demolition Night. For a time, I demonized disc jockey Steve Dahl for forcing the Sox to forfeit the second game of the doubleheader. It wasn't long, maybe a year or two, till I was listening to Dahl and his partner, Gary Meier, on the Loop every afternoon after school. The only clear memory I have of Disco Demolition Night is the disgusted look on the face of Tigers manager Sparky Anderson as he talked to the umpires about the condition of the field.Greg Couch of the Sun-Times has the best recollection of Disco Demolition Night. He intersperses comments from the participants with quotes directly from the printed schedule for the promotion. Couch also recounts the difficult times that Mike Veeck has overcome since that fateful day, which ruined his career in sports promotion, at least in baseball, for a time.Jim Kirk of the Tribune has an interesting take on Disco Demolition Night. He compares the contemporary reaction to the reaction now. Kirk notes that the embarrassment and anger over the incident in 1979 mirrored a down-on-its-luck city, while today's fond recollections reflect a city that has bounced back.The Tribune's Paul Sullivan tells of his experience on Disco Demolition Night. Sullivan, then 20, writes that he went down on the field and ran the bases, among other things.Dave Hoekstra of the Sun-Times was also there that night. Unlike Sullivan, Hoekstra and his girlfriend at the time left as soon as the trouble began. Hoekstra also recounts some of the musical history of Comiskey Park in the 1970s under Bill Veeck's ownership.Jim Caple suggests honoring Disco Demolition Night by destroying all copies of some more recent songs and ridding the world of a lot of other things that annoy Caple. I can't condone all of his choices. He includes "Rock 'n' Roll, Part 2" because it's been played too much. I can't argue that it hasn't been overplayed, but that song will always remind me of the six-time champion Chicago Bulls. It's staying on my iPod. And he also suggests getting rid of bobbleheads and dog days. I just got a sweet Paul Konerko bobblehead for my birthday. He's wearing the black jersey and the (admittedly too small) bat comes right out of his hands. Nice touch. I put him on the shelf between Frank Thomas and Hank Williams Sr. (I'm serious -- a souvenir from Nashville.) And the White Sox invented Dog Day. So forget about that, Caple.(Lightly edited 7/12.) # posted by Vince @ 10:32 PM A thaw in the cold war? Alan Schwarz of Baseball America has written a new book called "The Numbers Game" that tells the history of baseball's love of statistics. has a review of the book and an excerpt from it.I don't know enough about Schwarz to know if he's this way, but Baseball America is generally seen as being on the tools side of the "Moneyball" divide between tools (physical potential) and performance (based on statistics). All too often, this divide is made out to be scouts versus computer geeks. The former goes out and watches players play the game and projects what they'll be in five years, as the oversimplification goes. The computer geeks sit with their laptops and download statistics into a spreadsheet, then they draft players without ever seeing them, as the oversimplification continues. I hope that Schwarz's book will bridge the unnecessary divide between those who advocate using statistical analysis (I hope I understand it well enough some day to be able to say I'm one of them) and those who look for a player's physical tools.(Music to write by: the dulcet tones of Rooney and Farmer, the postgame program with Dave Wills and R.E.M., "Murmur.") # posted by Vince @ 10:25 PM Wednesday, July 07, 2004 Times that try a fan's soul I sincerely hope that this is the toughest stretch of the season for the White Sox. They are in the midst of a season-high five game losing streak after getting smoked by the Angels tonight, 12-0. I was at the game tonight and for last night's 6-2 loss to the Angels. I'm embarrassed to say that I had to look up tonight's final score because I left after the bottom of the eighth. I went to the game with my friend Dion on tickets he got from a business associate, so at least we didn't pay hard-earned money to watch the Sox sleepwalk through that game. (Tuesday night was half-priced night, so at least I only paid $10 to watch that lackluster performance.) I think the last time I left early was Opening Day 2003, when it was about 36 degrees, and we'd been there for 4.5 hours thanks to a long rain delay. And it wasn't my idea to leave that evening. Wednesday night, I suggested it. I couldn't watch it any longer.I'm not sure what's wrong with this team right now. To look on the bright side, recall that last season, the Sox swept the Twins after taking a series 2-1 against the Cubs and pulled off two trades in the middle of all that. Coming off the high of an extra-inning win over the Twins that came on a 12th inning, walk-off home run by Frank Thomas, the White Sox had what was probably their worst road trip of the year. They went to Tampa Bay and lost two of three. They got swept in Detroit by a team that won just 43 games. It was the only three-game sweep the Tigers had last year, according to retrosheet.org. On to Cleveland for a split of a four-game series, and the White Sox staggered into the break at 45-49.This year, the Sox won a series 2-1 against the Cubs, pulled off a huge trade for the best pitcher available (unless Randy Johnson agrees to be traded later) and then swept the Twins in Minnesota. Of course, they did get swept at Wrigley. Damn. But still, there are a lot of parallels. At least these last two losses were to a team like the Angels and not the 2003 Devil Rays or Tigers. I guess I'm just optimistic by nature, despite nearly 27 years as a Sox fan. The Sox are in much better shape than they were a year ago, although it's hard to feel that way right now. They are 42-38, 2.5 games behind the Twins, but only one back in the loss column. I can't find the standings for this point in the season last year, but the Sox, I believe, were behind both the Twins and the Royals. And the manager was Jerry Manuel, not Ozzie Guillen. (One plus for 2003 -- Esteban Loiaza was a whole lot better then.)That's all logical and rational. Right now, it feels like they might not ever win another game. I don't see how anyone can overlook what Frank Thomas does for this team. For the most part, if Thomas is on -- and he's day-to-day with some left ankle soreness -- the Sox are on. The highlight of Wednesday evening was obviously the 5-4-3 triple play the Sox turned in the sixth inning to save rookie pitcher Felix Diaz from himself. When I saw how close the one-hop grounder by Angels catcher Bengie Molina brought third baseman Joe Crede to the bag, I said to Dion, "That might be a triple play." I managed to get that short sentence out before Juan Uribe's strong relay throw easily beat the slow-footed Molina. That's definitely the first time I've seen, in person, a ground ball turned into a triple play. It's probably the first triple play I've ever seen in person, but I have this nagging feeling that some opposing team has turned an anti-climactic triple play on the Sox on a play with the runners in motion. I don't remember it, but maybe.Tomorrow, I plan on catching up on a few things. I visited the revamped upper deck Tuesday night for the first time. I have some thoughts on the All-Star Game selections for the American League. And I'll wrap up the Cubs debacle.(Music to write by: Pink Floyd, "The Wall" (Disc 2) and a few songs by Queen.) # posted by Vince @ 11:28 PM Saturday, July 03, 2004 Maybe it's me The White Sox are now 0-2 against the Cubs when I'm in attendance this year. Of course, they were 2-0 against the Cubs last year with me in attendance. I don't have anything to do with how they play. I'm not a Cubs fan, so I don't believes in curses, etc.The funniest moment of the day came as I made my way to the hot, putrid cesspool that the Cubs call the upper-deck men's room on the third base side of the park. I was wearing my black, fitted Sox cap, my "Nossek 23" jersey and, beneath that, my "Sox Pride" T-shirt (which I am still wearing as I write this). I heard plenty of taunts all day, most of them good natured. But as I walked along, minding my own business, I heard a woman say something to me. I think it was just "Sox suck," or something equally lacking in creativity. I don't know if it was her persistence in repeating the phrase, the tone of her voice or the fact that she was decked out in pink Cubs gear, but this grabbed my attention. I reacted before I could even think about it. I guess this phrase had been in my subconscious, waiting to leap out at the right moment."FIVE OUTS AWAY!! FIVE OUTS AWAY!!"I then made an "L" sign with my thumb and index finger and thrust my right hand toward the pink-clad loudmouth, who was about two or three rows up. Then it finally hit me what I'd yelled. I was surprised, almost as if I had heard someone else say it. I couldn't stop laughing, partly at myself. Having sufficiently cracked myself up, I continued on toward the men's room, even as Pinkie kept it up.When I finally arrived on the landing in front of the men's room, I spotted a Sox fan with a black cap on and a blue T-shirt with the big red "C" followed by the letters "hokers." I love those T-shirts. I gave him the fist bump and said, "1908 and never again," then made jokes about the washroom situation, to the agreement of all, Sox and Cubs fans alike. I had been hoping to make my way out of the park without that second trip to the men's room, but it couldn't be avoided. Well, if the beer vendors had ignored us a little, maybe it could've been avoided.I met my friend Kent at Murphy's before the game. The others in our group were running late and met us at the park. We also missed out on seeing Scott, who went to college with Kent and me. We did run into two of our fraternity brothers at Murphy's. After the game, we went to our favorite post-game hangout, the Nisei Lounge (where I pretended to be from Louisiana on Memorial Day). We ran into three more fraternity brothers there. It was great seeing all of those guys.A very good time was had by all, despite the Cubs winning 6-2. If only that ball Ross Gload hit had stayed fair. It was great seeing Sammy Sosa jumping up and down in anger at the initial call -- I said he was "doing his Moises Alou impersonation," referring to Alou's reaction to the Bartman play. I love to see Sosa all ticked off. Alas, it was pretty much the highlight of the day. The other encouraging sight was the double-play combination of Jose Valentin and Juan Uribe turning a couple beautiful double plays. Uribe's arm is good enough for shortstop, so he can throw out the batter on some double plays that other second basemen wouldn't.I was joking that Gload was a "plus 1" on the day, since he knocked in two runs (the only two) but also misplayed a fly ball in right field that led to an unearned run scoring. Gload has been shaky in right field during two games against the Cubs. I still say it wouldn't be a bad idea, with Magglio Ordonez out, to move Carlos Lee to right field, play Paul Konerko in left and have Frank Thomas at first base during interleague play in National League parks.And don't let a Cubs fan ever tell you that he doesn't care about the Sox or what they do. I saw an abundance of "Sox Suck" T-shirts. There was also a T-shirt that took unpleasant liberties with the Sox batter logo from the 1970s. Cubs fans, get over yourselves. It's OK to hate your crosstown rival. The Cubs and the Sox are the longest-standing crosstown rivalry in baseball. Enjoy it. # posted by Vince @ 11:33 AM Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! If I were the conspiracy-minded type, I would think that Tribune Co. is using its newspaper to help the Cubs land Magglio Ordonez. Cubs beat writer Paul Sullivan, who used to cover the Sox, accuses the Sox of failing to treat Ordonez like the superstar he is. In doing so, Sullivan writes, they may be driving him into the hands of the Cubs. They could decline the $11.5 million option on Moises Alou and add Ordonez. I think I would be very sick if that happened.Another Tribune reporter, Phil Rogers, wrote about the fleeting fame of Ross Gload. Rogers uses Gload's near grand slam in the first inning of Friday's game as a segue to talking about the Sox trading Ordonez, since the team can't sign him to a new contract (or won't offer him one to his liking, if you want to look at it that way). The rampant speculation is that the White Sox will send Ordonez and a young pitcher, probably Jon Rauch, and possibly other players, to the Atlanta Braves for starting pitcher Russ Ortiz and center fielder Andruw Jones.I wrote a post about this deal on White Sox Interactive, which I'm repeating here:I don't like this deal at all. Ortiz is nothing special. I'm plenty happy with the starters we have right now (all six, if you include Diaz and Schoeneweis). They're plenty good enough. The top three are the ones that matter the most in the post-season, and Ortiz is not better than Garcia, Loiaza or Buehrle. Is it worth it not to have Ordonez to have Ortiz start a Game 4 instead of Garland? Not in my opinion.Moreover, while I like Andruw Jones, I don't want his albatross contract on the Sox payroll. I'd rather lose Ordonez for the two draft picks the Sox would likely get (the first rounder of the team that signs him and a supplemental pick between the first and second rounds). The draft picks are determined by the contract Ordonez would sign, and I imagine it will be a big one that will net the Sox two draft picks. That restocks our prospect pool, making up for the Garcia trade. I'd prefer that than to lose the payroll flexibility.Finally, one reason that I didn't mind giving up two good players/prospects in the Garcia deal was the idea that the Sox are going for it this year. If you're going to do that, then go for it full bore. Keep Ordonez. After the season, offer him arbitration. If he walks, you'll get draft picks. And I doubt a player at his age would accept arbitration, which would be an implied one-year deal between him and the Sox, and thereby risk injury. This deal is the one that will set him for life (not that he shouldn't already be in pretty good shape, having made $30 million over the last three years). He delayed free agency by a year with his last deal. I doubt he'd do that again.My first choice is still to see the Sox and Ordonez come to terms on a new contract, with Carlos Lee sent away if the team needs to trim payroll. # posted by Vince @ 11:28 AM Tough call Who's the bigger idiot -- Hawk Harrelson or Jay Mariotti? The two numbskulls had a little confrontation in the press box in Minneapolis during the Sox-Twins series this week, the Tribune reports. The verbal war between them has reignited with Mariotti's column on the off-duty police officer and his wife who were injured in a fight with two young men during the Indians series last week.I guess my vote has to be for Harrelson. All Harrelson is doing is drawing more attention to Mariotti, which is just how he likes it. Mariotti is hardly a journalist anymore. He's an entertainer. He's doing radio and TV. It wouldn't surprise me to see him cut back on writing columns at some point -- perhaps by writing for a national publication instead of the Sun-Times, the better to go along with his electronic media gigs. Grab some bench, Hawk. # posted by Vince @ 11:27 AM Interesting to note Ozzie Guillen was wondering where Magglio Ordonez was. Sox trainer Herm Schneider said Ordonez was working on his rehabilitation with a physical therapist near his home in the west suburbs. Scheider noted that there isn't a whole lot of room in the visitors' clubhouse at Wrigley Field for rehab work.Comparisons with last year are not good for Sox starting pitcher Esteban Loiaza. Last year was a career year. His ERA was in the mid 3 range for the first two months of the season, but is up sharply since then. He doesn't have to pitch like he did in the first half of the 2003 season. Loiaza just needs to get back to the very solid performances he posted in April and May. The Sox are right to be careful with negotiating a new contract with Loiaza. He's playing out a club option this season at $4 million. I hope he pitches well enough to deserve a raise. If he doesn't, the Sox will need to look elsewhere.That's two days in a row that the Sox have been held to two runs. On the bright side, they split those games.(Music to write: Wilco, "A Ghost Is Born," and Yes, "Classic Yes.") # posted by Vince @ 11:26 AM Just a note on the Twins Before the Cubs-Sox series overshadows it, consider that the White Sox are now 6-1 against the Twins in Minneapolis this year, after winning just five games in total there the last two years. The only game the Sox have lost in the Humpdome came on a "bullpen day" on the first trip to Minneapolis. I can't wait to see them play there in person in September. # posted by Vince @ 11:24 AM Thursday, July 01, 2004 An all-too-familiar feeling I don't know about you, but whenever I hear of any kind of incident at the Cell, I get a deep sense of dread, knowing what the reaction is going to be. I hate to acknowledge that Jay Mariotti has a point, but this time he does, to an extent. Mariotti writes about an incident from last week's series against Cleveland, which didn't break into the news until Tuesday. Here's a synopsis of Mariotti's account of the incident: A couple and their two sons overheard two young men swearing loudly while sitting in their seats at the end of the game. Unwisely, the father, an off-duty suburban police officer, confronted the two men and strongly suggested that they watch their language. The two men then beat up the father. The mother tried to help and was hit by the wife of one of the alleged attackers. The two boys, 6 and 8, witnessed the whole thing before security guards finally broke it up. The White Sox need to be more proactive to do whatever they can to avoid these incidents. I don't know if that means more security guards or better supervision of them to ensure that they're on their toes. Maybe they're just so attuned to fans who might run on the field that they missed something going on in the stands. No matter the explanation, the White Sox have to do more to prevent these incidents because they are hurting the team's image.That said, Mariotti takes this reasonable point and goes so far beyond it that you can barely make out reasonable by the time he's done.We keep waiting for U.S. Cellular Field to mellow into a safe place, a happy place, a place where a family can attend a White Sox game without the dad -- and the mom, for God's sake -- getting beat up while their 6- and 8-year-old sons watch. But the joint is hopeless, I'm convinced, still filled with too many drunks looking for a fight and too many loons out on parole.It would be tough for even a world-class blowhard like Mariotti to exaggerate anything more than this lead paragraph. I have never witnessed a fight at the Cell. I know one broke out a few sections over from me at a Cubs-Sox game last year, but I only knew because everyone stood up and looked. That said, I know they happen there. They also happen at Cubs games, Bears games, concerts -- wherever a large group of people gather and drink in close proximity, you can probably expect a few fisticuffs. This one was worse than a normal fight, I agree, but still.True, there has been a homicide outside the Friendly Confines this season, part of a suffocating, pressure-cooker feel in what's supposed to be The Year of The Cub. But that was a road-rage episode outside the park two hours after a game. Tuesday night, 40,000 fans watched intently, with no incidents in the stands, as the Cubs and Houston Astros battled in another meaningful summer series. [emphasis added]This is where the difference in how the two teams are treated comes in. To his credit, Mariotti called for something to be done about the crowds around Wrigley after the murder there in May. But I would bet some good money that Mariotti really has no idea what happened Tuesday night at Wrigley Field or in the neighborhood after the game. The Sun-Times has somewhat early deadlines relative to the Tribune and the Daily Herald. Did Mariotti talk to police media affairs to see what went on? He may have been at the game, but that doesn't mean he can see everything going on in the park, and he certainly couldn't have seen everything that may have happened away from the park. Despite the continued reports of questionable activity around Wrigley, Mariotti always is willing to give that side of town the benefit of the doubt.The Cubs/Wrigleyville got much more sympathetic treatment after a murder than the Sox do after violent, but not deadly, incidents. Excuses are made for Wrigleyville (it wasn't inside the park, it was nearly two hours after game time), but none are accepted for the Cell/Bridgeport. Instead, Sox fans and the neighborhood around the park are painted with a broad brush. I don't blame anyone for reporting these incidents, and unfortunatley, there have been several of them in or near the park, but I do see a double standard. The murder on Clark Street wasn't the only incident in Wrigley or in the neighborhood, as I've written about before.It's possible that there aren't enough security officers at games, and that's the fault of the Sox. Just like it's possible that there's a problem in Wrigleyville in the after-game scene that the city, the team and the restaurant and bar owners need to address. # posted by Vince @ 12:22 AM I'm not blaming the victim I do have to wonder what the cop was thinking. There's a lot of bravado in confronting two drunken young men with the words, quoting Jay Mariotti's column, '' 'Do you mind? Our kids are here,' '' he said, confirming the dialogue in a Chicago Police report. 'I am a cop. Watch your mouth.' '' [Emphasis added] It doesn't say much for his judgment as a police officer. He should have notified security. Saying he was a cop very well may have fueled the two alleged attackers, who were already making trouble. I know that a lot of off-duty police officers carry a concealed gun. Did he ever think that he might have to use his weapon in front of his children? Why didn't he think that two jerks like the accused might go after him? Is he that imposing of a figure that he was reasonably sure they would back down? Or did he just forget for a moment how crazy some people are, especially when they've been drinking? It wasn't a smart move on the officer's part, which in no way absolves the alleged attackers. It's just that I expect more sense out of a police officer. # posted by Vince @ 12:18 AM I get letters -- really, I do Well, once in a while, anyway. Clifford Grammich wrote regarding my defense of Sox GM Ken Williams:Good points about the trades, but I'll give Kenny Williams credit simply for not signing Colon last winter (or at least not outbidding the Angels).That is a good point. He also wasn't afraid to let Roberto Alomar and Carl Everett walk away if they wouldn't agree to a contract on terms the Sox wanted. Alomar got a one-year, $1 million deal from Arizona, with a chunk of the money deferred. From the Expos, Everett got two years for a total of $7 million. Despite all the talk about Ken Williams being so enamored of "proven veterans" (which is something of an epithet among the stats-inclined -- and I'm one of them -- who believe that veterans often get paid for past performance, not what they can reasonably be expected to produce in the future), he let them walk and counted on Willie Harris and Aaron Rowand from his farm system and traded for Juan Uribe. They're less expensive, but you could throw Scott Sullivan and Tony Graffanino in there on the "proven veteran" side and throw Neal Cotts and Jon Adkins in on the relying-on-your-system side.True, I would be remiss if I didn't mention some other gaffes, such as retaining Jerry Manuel for the 2003 season and signing Royce Clayton to displace Jose Valentin. Ugh. The latter was as bad as that idiot Hawk Harrelson putting Carlton Fisk in left field so Joel Skinner could be the every-day catcher in 1986. Except that at least Williams was trying to solve what many Sox fans also felt was a problem -- Valentin's defense at shortstop. It turned out that better coaching (I've heard/read Valentin credit first-base coach Rafael Santanna with improving his defense) was a better answer. Nobody but Harrelson thought Fisk needed to be anywhere but behind the plate.Ryan Lockwood also wrote in about the Freddy Garcia trade:I had to write in, regarding Mariner fans, and their reaction to the recent Garcia trade. The common opinion I picked up from baseball blogs covering the trade was "Sox lose on this one" or "this was a steal for the M's." Are these the same reactions the M's fans had when (Junior) Griffey and (Randy) Johnson were traded?Was this trade a steal? From my point of view, I think both teams made out, especially when the trade fills the need of each team. The Sox needed a starter, especially with Schoeneweis going down. Garcia will be able to step in NOW, settle the boat, and solidify the rotation. Seattle (is rebuilding) and they don't have the pressure to win like the Sox do (c'mon, I've been to Seattle...it is no where near the sports town Chicago is...the best part about it is that Mariotti isn't there). (Miguel) Olivo will fill in nicely for the M's, and he may become the All-Star we know he can become. (Jeremy) Reed, on the other hand, is still a question mark, as any minor league prospect is. And I have to admit I have no idea about (Michael) Morse (and I wish the Seattle M's blogs would stop talking like they have been scouting Reed and Morse for months...they have no idea, yet talk of Reed sharing the outfield with Suzuki next year)....Seattle has had baseball for what, (about) 30 years ... not counting the Pilots (in 1969). The pressure to win NOW isn't as great...I mean, how many White Sox fans would watch a team win 116 games, NOT win the World Series, and then lose the way they have the past couple of years. Go back further, when this team had three first-ballot Hall of Famers in their PRIME playing on the same team, never winning a World Series, and then watching them all leave inside 4 years.... Would the Sox survive something like that?I hope Mariners fans enjoy the rest of their season. I know when it comes to October, I'll be at 35th and Shields, enjoying the playoffs, while the rest of Seattle blogs ponder the starting lineup for 2005...make that 2007, since they just picked up some Great Prospects.To be fair, Reed has been highly touted by national scouting publications. He was listed as the No. 2 prospect in Baseball Prospectus 2004 and made Baseball America's Top 25. So, at the very least, the Mariners bloggers who have been drooling over Reed have done some homework. And the Mariners didn't start losing until this year. The M's won 93 games in each of the last two seasons, but did not make the playoffs either time. That said, I agree with most of what Ryan is saying here. The Sox have to compete with another major league team located, famously, 8.1 miles to the north. Seattle has to put a good product on the field to keep its attendance up, to be sure -- it hasn't always been a great market -- but at least they don't have to compete with a national phenomenon like the Cubs for attention and ticket sales.And Garcia does fill a big need. I watched Wednesday night's 9-6 victory over the Twins. He made a huge mistake to Christian Guzman, and it ended up a three-run home run. Guzman shouldn't hit home runs off anybody but guys headed back to Class AAA. That said, I think the ability in Garcia's right arm was plainly evident tonight, too. Sure, he allowed five runs (four earned) and seven hits over six innings. Garcia also struck out nine batters and walked none, and he was dominant early in the game. It's possible that he was fatigued from the travel, the stress of being traded and the demands of blending into a new clubhouse and fulfilling all the media requests. I hope that explains the dropoff in his outing after the first three innings. He still had pretty good stuff his last three innings.Steve from Mariners Wheelhouse wrote this in response to Sunday's post about the trade:Just a note that it's far from clear about what the final impasse was in the Garcia trade. I know the Tribune says the Mariners wanted Crede and settled on Reed. But some of the word here in Seattle is that Reed was the key guy for the Mariners all along.I'm personally inclined to believe that the Mariners were more interested in Reed, myself.Could be. Fair enough. I didn't read the Seattle Times or Post-Intelligencer stories about the trade. I guess we Sox fans will have to watch the career of Jeremy Reed.Thanks to everyone for reading and writing in to talk a little baseball. I appreciate it.(Music to write by: Elastica, "Elastica," and The Cars, "Complete Greatest Hits.")
DSTRYRsg: Destroyer Submission Grappling and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu: DSTRYR/SG FEATURED EXCLUSIVE: MASTERING THE BJJ DVD INSTRUCTIONAL. STORE Tuesday, June 7, 2011 DSTRYR/SG FEATURED EXCLUSIVE: MASTERING THE BJJ DVD INSTRUCTIONAL. If you're anything like the modern BJJ practitioner, you have access to loads of great information and techniques. Sites like YouTube are famous for creating more rubber guard practitioners than Eddie Bravo could ever account for himself. The other main informational outlet we have is - you guessed it - instructional DVDs. These happen to be a personal favorite of mine. They can be very effective and useful in developing your game. At the same time, it’s very easy to get so overwhelmed by all these new and cool techniques that you don't end up learning anything . Being an owner of more than a handful, I want to take you on a journey with me - to master the DVD instructional. Below are 7 helpful steps to making this happen: 1. Don't watch more than 3 to 4 techniques at a time. This might seem hard to do. You may say, “Twiggson, its not fair. It’s like you gave me a new Christmas present (e.g., a Transformer and/or HeMan action figure), but you only allow me to play with it for 15 minutes at a time.” Just remember, I'm the dad, and what I say goes. What happens when you watch more then 3-4 techniques at a time? You start to jumble a lot of the same concepts together, and will often confuse new aspects of one move with another. The same rule should apply to the entire instructional - one at a time as well. Simple enough. 2. Look for things that apply to you. I see that a lot of time people are excited by a new move and will try them regardless of how it suits them. Most of us are physically capable of doing most or all BJJ moves, but that doesn't always make them right for us. If you'd have a little bit of time to develop in BJJ, you've probably established a typical game you play based on preferences in combination with your body build/type, weight and other natural physical traits. Sure, Marcelo Garcia may be able to play closed guard (probably better than most or all of us). But, we all know that it's his butterfly guard that fits him the best mostly because of his physical traits and how he's developed his game. That being said, this isn’t an ultimatum requiring you to stay in your comfort zone. Continue to look for new things, but note that you're more likely to be able to use and remember that which fits within your current game/style. 3. Write it down. Have a gameplan. Don't go to the gym and blindly try these moves. Write down which moves you want to do before you head out. As I watch DVDs, I like to pick out a few key points of certain positions and write down what might ring a bell with me when I’m training later on. It’s great to set a goal to try and use the move in rolling that day as well. Better yet – create a checklist of attempts and successes of each position. Keep tracking your progress. 4. Drill, Drill, Drill. This is one of the most important things to do. There is no doubt, you're more likely to succeed in applying a move if you've drilled it 100+ times as opposed to one. This is also the least glamorous of the steps, but it's worth it. The more you drill, the better you will get. Use proper form and bang out those reps! 5. Have a schedule. This coincides with #4 (above). You need a set schedule and timeframe to be drilling moves so you can continue to progress. Set a time with which you can be consistent to best avoid flaking and letting yourself down. Have a ballpark idea of home many reps you want to do during your scheduled training and, just like #4 (above), the more time the better. 6. Have a partner. This might seem like the most obvious because you can't drill without a partner. But, you don’t just need a body for drilling – you need a real partner who can match your dedication to learning. I highly recommend that your partner be familiar with the DVDs as well. Two people can almost always remember more than one alone. 7. Have fun. Like everything in life, if you don't enjoy it, you're less likely to stick with it. So, have fun with your BJJ and training with DVD instructionals in particular. Everyone loves to roll, but there’s a time and place for this too. Enjoy the company of your training partner and get excited to evolve. These steps are far from absolute. If you have any ideas you'd like to add that have helped you learn, please comment and share below. Lets get to it, grappler. Posted by TWIGGSON GRACIE JR. at 4:54 PM Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: Exclusives 2 comments: AnonymousJune 7, 2011 at 10:22 PMlikeReplyDeleteThe Part Time GrapplerJune 8, 2011 at 1:10 AMExcellent! this is Part Time Grappler mentality to the T!ReplyDeleteAdd commentLoad more...
I finished this dress made from sheets today, it is so comfortable I have been wearing it around the house all day long! It has buttons down the front which are great for easy access while I'm nursing. I am really happy with how it turned out.I also did a little side project while baby was sleeping and bruno the dog was barking at my heals. I made him some rain booties! He didnt mind wearing them... it was raining today and he was happy to be dry. Other than that I still have a lot of projects going on, and hope to finish them within the week.
I like your signature! That's a really good way to display your pins and a great souvenir from each race. My son has a bunch of pins & patches from different races but he puts them on his backpack.
Food crisis is a big problem in our world. It can kill and it can make others look cruel and selfish of food. No one deserves to be tortured of starvation and have to suffer watching people eat. Imagine if you were one of these people who are starving and no one is helping you by giving you food. I put two types of pictures of a human of starvation and a horse that is starving and hoping to get help and get food. Not only people are suffering of starvation. Their are also animals such as dogs, cats,and horses,...etc. We are their only help. This topic relates to "The Gardener" by showing what will happen if their is less food for the growing populations. Comment Stream @donna01 2 years ago 0 I agree with you because people these days are just cruel and they are way too lazy to get up and feed and water there animals. And the people in Africa or Iran that are actually starving I feel really bad for them because we can go and get McDonalds but they cant they don't even have the money to get something to eat. @eric8531 2 years ago 0 I agree because people and animals around the world don't have food while others are just wasting food bye throwing it away while people are starving. @elizabethmedina14 2 years ago 0 I agree because the kids are also dying because there parents don't have money to buy food and that is so sad.
Call Us: 318-792-5757 email write me Kay Durden P.O. Box 18664Memphis TN 38181 Today is Friday May 19, 2017, This is an update to inform you no orders will be process or accepted before June 3, 2017. The good news is I will be offering a few hat making classes in Memphis the months of June, July and August 2017. For more information please check back and feel free to browse the site.Website Designed at Homestead™ Design a Website and List Your BusinessA number of things are changing here at Kay's Art of Millinery including our design. Some of those changes are we have created several lines of hats for sale. Those wishing to purchase custom hand made hats are invited to check out our newly relocated Kay's Hats of Distinction. We also sell buckram hat frames and I am proud to share the fact that Kay's Art of Millinery is the first to create a professionally produced line of FOSSHAPE(R) hat frames. The unfinished frames on both hat frames sites have been created for those wishing to make their own hats. We also take custom orders and those having custom hats created also have numerous options starting with unique hat shapes from my buckram or FOSSHAPE(R) hat shapes lines. Those wanting hats blocked have the option of choosing shapes from my line of wooden hat blocks unlike many others offered. Other choices include hats made using materials such as sinamay, fabric, felt, or straw. Having the choice of using different materials gives you the option of creating truly one of a kind hats for women of distinction. So if you love those HWOD Hats for Women of Distinction, look no further because hats on these page are NOT mass produced. Each hat is unique and created especially for women who wish to stand out from the crowd without having to compete with duplicated designs or materials. ​ For more information call 318 792-5757 or email We are located in Memphis Tennessee and ship to customers throughout the United States. Pages are still being updated so if you are interested in a product do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.Most SincerelyKay Kay's Art of Millinery1Index pageAbout Us PageKay's Buckram hat framesKay's Fosshape hat framesKay's Hats of DistinctionHat Making Students Return PolicyHat BlocksKay Durden millinery designer
Help us cheer on Kelvyn Park alums Karla Perez ('12) & Victor Manzanilla ('12), entry #6101, who have entered the 2012 Stuck at Prom Duck Tape Contest. Visit to view their amazing prom dress and suit made out of Duck Tape.
3. What would qualify as a successful brainstorm session? What outcomes are you looking for? How will you measure its impact? * 4. Describe the profile of people most likely to attend the session. How many participants? * 5. When would you like to see the brainstorm session happen? Where? How long of a session are you envisioning? *
Happy Friday! I tried this recipe from Rachael Ray's magazine and it was delicious. I love greek flavors and feta cheese....so yummy. Here is the made a couple substitutions since Trader Joe's doesn't carry everything I needed. I used ground beef instead of lamb and a red bell pepper for the red chili. I added a little cayenne for the spice it was missing. I hope you give this dish a try. And, I was so excited to see....Candy Cane ice cream at Trader Joes. So So YUMMY! Posted by AllThingsYummy at 9:24 PM Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest 4 comments: Lynze123December 3, 2010 at 7:26 AMi LOVE candy cane ice cream!! SO GOOD!! I'm gonna have to go look for some now :)ReplyDeleteMo DivaDecember 3, 2010 at 11:23 AMi am going to TJs today... tempted to buy 3, 2010 at 12:44 PMmmmm I love feta in warm dishes. It gets just a little melty and is 6, 2010 at 8:48 AMI am in love with candy cane joe-joes. I'll bet I would love the ice cream! I wish there were a Trader Joes in Utah.ReplyDeleteAdd commentLoad more...
Piper Strong holds a Masters Degree in Fine Arts from the University of Pennsylvania and an Undergraduate Degree from the Maine College of the Fine Arts. She is a "constant" artist who has great passion for fine art, especially linked to culture. Piper works near her home in rural Vermont. No recommended products at the moment.
Recently I upgraded my Piwik version, but the update of the database failed (most likely, because I tried to access Piwik during the ftp-upload of the new version was still in progress. This caused Piwik to assume that the upgrade of the database was already successful although this did not happen. So I needed to update the database manual. But what has changed since my last version? If you want to find information about this, you need to browse to the directory /piwik/core/Updates and open all php-files that contain a version number that is bigger than the version you had previously installed. Now you have to extract all SQL-statements replace the piwik-table prefix and execute it in your database. Afterwards your update should work without any problems. It would be nice feature if Piwik would support a “force-update” from version feature via the web-gui 😉
Well worth looking for as these were underated During the 1990s I travelled out to Japan on business alot,staying for 4 weeks here and there,staying with friends,touring round,having a good time.I noticed how cheap the cars were and with the strong pound on my side is wasn't long before I started buying cars to use back home,why not? When the Honda Prelude was on sale in the UK,it was marketed as quite an expensive upmarket car well above £20K+ I quite liked it,some prefered the older model with the XJS type rear lights and futuristic cabin so maybe this was a step backward in style? To me it was more grown up,not such a kids car and may suite my girlfriend as she had sold on her old Audi.I looked around a few places,I think this was back around 1999/2000 and found a reliable dealer I had bought from before.She located a one year old car that was as new,only 6000 miles, in Black, a Japanese type "S" I think with manual 5 speed transmission,smart 16" alloys,2.2 Vtec 16V engine that had around 190 BHP and had more than enough oomph.I considered this against a Honda Intergra type-R for similar money but the Japanese spec car was quite different from the UK model having a different front end,wrap around style lights instead of round so thought this may be a problem getting parts etc.The Integra-R was a quick car indeed,nothing ordinary about this ones performance!Best to pick something close to UK spec or you may find it hard to service and sell on when youre finished.Key to this,do your reaserch,looking the "same" is not always true for the mechanicals and electronics (try reading some of my other reviews!)This car was very smart looking,gleaming black,red pinstripes,alloys,black cloth interior,a great sound system,all for less than half price of a UK car,so yes buy!After paying the shipping,import duty/tax,getting the car SVA tested (SVA is an MOT for imports to check it complies with UK regulations)and registered it worked out thousands cheaper than buying from a UK main dealer.The strong pound at the time helped alot,not so sure you would do so well today!We used that car for about 18 months,my girlfriends car before we were married actually,a good allrounder.I was used to more powerful metal at the time,300 BHP or more so this felt a bit ordinary to me but my girlfriend loved it,more than quick enough.The Vtec engine has to be thrashed though to get the best performance out of it,very high reving little 4 cylinder engine but powerful for a non turbo and we found it ultra reliable.We sold it eventually but it was not a very popular car so it had to go cheap,somebody bagged a bargain off me!These cars sold poorly in the UK,partly because it was not that great looking,wasn't really a sports car and was overpriced.It was trying to be all things to all people,but I liked it,nice big boot,comfortable seats and it didn't breakdown unlike some,what more do you want?I hope you found my review interesting and take the time to rate it,much appreciated.I have posted reviews about this and other items on CIAO website so hope you will take a look,many thanks! Comments Login or register to add comments More + User: digitaria 21.06.2003 00:52 Very helpful(Rating) 1 Comment Advantages Disadvantages I have owned a Prelude 2.2VTi from new, since end 1999. The car is one of the latter models, with 197BHP (the older 2.2 VTi had 183BHP). Standard equipment includes electric windows, electric sunroof, electric, heated mirrors, air conditioning, cruise control, heated seats. This model came with 17" 5-spoke alloys, a boot spoiler and the very unusual active four wheel steering. Life with the Prelude has been mostly good. The performance is very impressive and like other hot Hondas, it can see off many more expensive cars. 0 - 60 time is probably not much over 7 seconds (most figures in the press are for the older engine). Top speed is a largely academic 143MPH. Handling is very tidy - the car sits low and flat, grips well and will ultimately understeer in a bend if you really overdo it. This is easily corrected by backing off on the throttle. The engine is twin cam VTEC and for those not familiar with the system, it means that normally the powerplant is quite docile but at a certain point high in the rev band, it alters cam profiles, which is accompanied by a sudden increase in engine noise and a big surge in the power output. On the Prelude VTi, these histrionics kick in at 5500RPM and the engine will rev to around 7500. This is where you want to be for overtaking, or outdragging that pesky hot hatch in the next lane. Four wheel steering is impressive and genuinely useful, though maybe not worth the development expenditure required to create it - but that's not your problem. At slow speeds, the rear wheels turn in the opposite direction to the front, though not as much. Above 20mph or so, they turn in the same direction as the front wheels. As a result of the 4WS, the car, though quite long, turns on a sixpence. Fast lane changes are quite impressive too. The Prelude is a slightly strange mix of some of the rawness of something like an Impreza with some of the comfort and refinement of a more luxury-orientated car. Cruise control and heated seats are creature comforts not always found in performance cars. The former is rarely useful in the traffic-strewn UK - the latter is great on a very cold morning. It's also unusual to get an electric sunroof and aircon as well. The car has yielded the usual Honda reliability except for a clutch fluid leak which was due to a component failure and was fixed under warranty. The vehicle never actually broke down - it just got increasingly difficult to change gear. Servicing costs have been very reasonable and the interval is 9000 miles. It does use up front tyres quite enthusiastically and these can be expensive, but not as much as they used to be. One disadvantage is space - the rear seats are cramped and the boot is not what you'd call cavernous - it's too shallow, and the suspension turrets intrude. This is despite the car being quite long, but that's the price you pay for coupe styling. And speaking of styling, this incarnation of the Prelude generated quite a lot of criticism, but I like it. It does look much more impressive with the 17" alloys and the body kit and spoiler - the less endowed examples are a bit plain. If you're looking for a performance bargain, the depreciation on this model has been heavy - which is bad for me, but good for SH buyers. And if you are going to buy a SH performance car, you'll be pushed to find anything with this kind of dependability. Comments Login or register to add comments More + User: r_welfare 30.06.2002 17:57 Very helpful(Rating) 4 Comments Advantages Disadvantages "insurance can be pricey" Okay - this is a review for a 1984 Prelude, and it is in the Dooyoo section for 1997-onwards models. Well, I couldn't find the right section to put it in, and I noticed someone else had done the same thing. Plus, I felt moved to write a review on what was possibly my favourite car, so far (plus I've written reviews for all the others!) This car came about as a result of a lifestyle change, i.e. as a single 21 year old I felt faintly ridiculous driving around in a Nissan Bluebird. That is not to denigrate that fine car, however. So, I decided sporty was the way to go. A word of warning though - if you are of tender age, as I was then (some three years ago), Mr Insurance Broker will be rubbing his hands with glee, thinking "his premium will pay for my new Jag!". A flick through Parker's Guide brings up the following insurance groups for popular coupes - Ford Capri 2.0 (11), Toyota Celica GT (15), Opel Manta GT/E (11), VW Scirocco GTI (14), Volvo 480ES (12). All appreciably higher than the saloons or hatchbacks on which they are based (except for the Scirocco, based on the Golf GTI). The Prelude is group 11 for the 1.8 twin-carb version that I had. Originally I was quite tempted by a Mazda 626 Coupe of 1985 vintage (more a two-door saloon, but quite stylish nonetheless) but was let down by the owner describing it in the ad as "immaculate", when in the metal it was anything but. Grrr, the dooyoo opinion you could write about people who do that! Once again through my favourite method, the local freeads paper (this was before the advent of internet auctions!) I turned up a Honda Prelude in the nearby (and very posh) village of Twyford. I proceeded to turn up to a very large country house, complete with a Bentley Turbo R outside. The seller had bought the car from a friend as a runaround while the Bentley was being fettled. I kid you not. Good grounds for haggling here, thinks I. To cut a long story short I got this EX model, with 93k on the clock backed up by a full service history, original owner's handbook, a four-inch stack of receipts, resplendent in bright red coachwork with the only faults I could find being some fading on the bonnet and a tear in the side of the drivers' seat, for £925. I didn't think this was too bad back in March 1999. I owned the car for the next 18 months, added 30,000 miles to it, tried to replace it - twice (you can see my reviews for my Volvo 440 and Rover 214 elsewhere on this site), and loved every minute. It let me down just once, but that was my fault - the battery light stayed on for a couple of days, then the car died. Of course, the alternator (the original) had given out. In terms of servicing, it didn't cost me much either, as the most important component (cambelt) had been changed at 90k, so I didn't need to get that sorted. It chewed a couple of exhaust manifold gaskets, and I think needed some welding of the front chassis rail for an MOT, but otherwise that was it. I didn't even need to get new tyres. I didn't work on it myself as I couldn't get a Haynes manual (I toyed with getting one that covered the US model, but the engines are different - anyway, the hilarious Japanese-English owner's manual covered basics like changing bulbs and fuses). I may be wrong, but the engine appears to be mounted upon its' side - certainly the air filter for the carb is at the back of the engine bay, against the bulkhead. In terms of living with the car, I personally think it was one of the nicest-looking Japanese cars of the mid-1980s (notable others being the Mazda 626, 2nd generation RX-7 and the first front-wheel drive Toyota Celica). Everyone loved the pop-up lights, which never failed to work (how many TR7 owners can say that?). The only thing that spoiled the styling, to my eyes, were the big, blocky door mirrors. The boot spoiler was made of very spongy material which would cause people to slap it and shout "Booooooooooiiiinnng!" at the tops of their voices. Hmm. Inside was quite futuristic for it's time, with air ducts in the tops of the door trims so the side windows could be demisted. Also, the heating/ventilation system had push-button control, and the instruments featured a top-down graphic of the car with various warning lights to show doors open and light failure. The front seats were of a high-back design, and were very comfortable. The previous owner supplied some cloth to fix the tear, which I repaired after a fashion - this was before I knew of a local seat-trimming genius who would have made the repair invisible. The rear bench was of no real use to man or beast, the legroom and headroom back there was appaling. You get someone in sideways (laid across the bench) for short trips but that was about it. Having said that the rear seat would fold, and the boot was wide and long, if shallow. On a couple of occassions I actually slept in there, it was fine until you tried to roll over! Having had a Nissan Bluebird convert me from the spartan equipment levels of regular European cars, I was not disappointed with the Prelude's specification. Electric front windows, electric glass sunroof (which would only slide and not tilt), remote release for fuel filler cap and boot (which was fine as I later found my key didn't work the glovebox or boot locks!), dinky little 13" alloy wheels, and power steering. No central locking but there were only two doors anyway. It even had the original National-Panasonic stereo, with manual tuning (hmm). In the manner of Japanese cars of the period (do they still do this now?) there were no symbols for functions, everything was labelled in English. Very straightforward. Of course, the indicator stalk was on the wrong side of the column, which took some adjustment. It did have a cool single win dscreen wiper, in the manner of Mercedes-Benz, though. The driving experience was also good fun. I had come from a Bluebird with about 80bhp, so a move up to the lighter Prelude, with 106bhp from a similar-sized engine (with 12 valves, no less) was quite a laugh, as it would wheelspin in second gear around tight corners, over humpback bridges or in the wet. The power steering wasn't as light as most Japanese cars of the period but still lacked a bit of feel. All the other controls were nice and light though. It would run on unleaded, as apparently nearly all Japanese cars from about 1978 will, and returned about 35mpg in mixed driving. One thing that Japanese cars were famed for, up until the late 1980's, was a propensity for rust. I could tell that this particular model had received a partial respray to rectify earlier rot (under streetlamps parts of the car would look like different shades). In my ownership it didn't really get any worse, but the rust bug did start chomping at the lower corners of the wheelarches and around the sunroof. It still looked very presentable at the end though, although the paintwork on the bonnet had faded very badly. After 18 months and 30,000 miles, I discovered the main problem with the Prelude, and the only major one - you can't sell them easily. I put my car up at £595 and the phone didn't ring once in 2 months ?(this despite Parker's Guide saying it was worth more). In the end I traded it in for a nearly-new Civic at the local Honda dealership, and got £300 for it. Where are you now B541 AMD? Probably in a landfill site, poor thing. Still, the plastic kit manufacturer Tamiya do a nice 1/24th scale model of the Prelude, and a red replica of my car graces the top of my computer monitor. Excellent cars! Comments Login or register to add comments More + User: Gittfinger 18.01.2001 12:36 Very helpful(Rating) 1 Comment Advantages Disadvantages I've had my 1998 2.0i Prelude 2 weeks now and I am still thinking of excuses to give the missus why I want to go out...all the time! This is my first automatic and I find there is a lag in acceleration, around 2 secs, but once it picks up and the noise from the exhaust turns from a rumble into a growl at around 4.5k rpm, you can forgive anything! I paricularly like the Sports Sequential Shift, useful when overtaking as you don't seem to get the lag that is experienced when you use "kick-down". This is something I'm still experimenting with. The interior at the front is roomy and very comfortable. The powered steering is light and precise. Braking is provided courtesy of 4 disks which although ABS, still allow feel of the road surface. I didn't think there was much room in the back, untill my mates girlfriend fell asleep no problem at all, and she's 8 months pregnant! While I'm on about the back of the car, my one critisism, I can't see the boot when reversing, leaving my judgement to guesswork, and when the bumpers are colour coded, guesswork is not something I'm comfortable with! Overall build quality and attention to detail are typical Honda...excellent (apart from the lack of heated wing mirrors)the ride is smooth, probably the smoothest car I've ever driven. We love our Honda to bits! Comments Login or register to add comments More + User: michellej 23.10.2000 17:34 Advantages Disadvantages I am not a very mechanically minded person, and have now learnt to put petrol, oil and water in your car regularly to prevent the engine from blowing up. (It happened to my Astra) Anyway, I am now the proud owner of a Honda Prelude, C registration. I was lucky enough to get one with manual gear as I am not so keen on automatic. It's got five gears, electric windows & sunroof, just enough space in the boot for shopping and suitcases and I reackon it's just absolutely wonderful. The Prelude hasn't had any problems at passing it's MOT, or any breakdowns etc, (touch wood) which is more than I can say for the Astra as it seemed to be breaking down every month. Over the past year, the change of car has saved me money and I am absolutely delighted with it, I would like to keep it forever but unfortunately people do tend to tell me that it's getting on a bit... unfortunately not everyone can afford brand new cars.. Everytime, I look outside and see my sexy Honda Prelude, I grin... as I've always wanted one and it's an absolute dream to drive! Comments Login or register to add comments More + User: mhatherall 03.09.2000 18:42 Very helpful(Rating) Advantages Disadvantages It comes packing a 200 horsepower engine (195 for automatic-laden models) from a naturally aspirated 2.2-liter, four-cylinder engine. This means no turbocharger, no supercharger, and no nitrous -- just plain Honda technology blasting you from 0 to 60 in 6.7 seconds. I have only driven this car for about 30 mins at a Test drive open day where I live, but I must say it was the smoothest, ride I have every taken. The test drive was on a field yet I could not feel one single bump or deep in the grass, thanks to the super shocks on this car. The power steering is brill, you only have to decide for yourself which way you wont to go then the car almost drives itself for you, all this car needs is a little voice system and it is straight from the future. All Preludes come packed with options such as air conditioning, power sunroof, windows, door locks, and mirrors. This car is a lot of Money but if you have decided that you are going to spend this amount then spending your money on a new prelude will be the best move you have every made. Comments Login or register to add comments More + User: Bob Barley 07.07.2000 19:15 Very helpful(Rating) 1 Comment Advantages Disadvantages I've only one word for this car, absafantastic! Since the purchase of the car on Friday, I don't think I'll look at any other car in the same way again. Compared to my old Rover 400, the steering is fantastic, it holds to the corners like it was using glue and the speed is outrageously great. My model is the 2.0i and it has automatic and 4-speed gearbox. The performance has been much better than I anticipated. I got it as a company car, and have been extremely pleased with it. It does use a fair amount of petrol, but I think it’s worth it. It's probably also worth mentioning that when you really put pedal to the metal there is a slight lag before it gets going, but I think it's ok considering the sheer performance of the vehicle. Comments
Why am I so American? Back in America I could happily ignore my monolingualism and the fact that I look like every other Midwestern girl around, but in Vietnam? Here I’m surrounded with 12-year-olds who have better English than I do, who also speak Vietnamese natively, and are studying Japanese or French on the side. Fml. That’s not even to mention all the beautiful French, Russian, and Italian chicks I have to compete against for a potential mate. Bested by 12-year-olds and exotic women. Greaaaat. My favorite. Why am I so fat? One time in my house in Vietnam, my bra scared a group of kids I was tutoring. That was the last time I ever left my laundry out, that’s for sure. Shopping was sad enough as it is, the massage parlor wondered why I didn’t wear the Barbie-size panties they gave me, and now my home has been compromised, too? I can’t escape it. No one who weighs over 80 pounds can escape it. “It” being the size medium in America, of course. Why don’t I have the balls to tell this creeper to stop staring at me? I guess that’s only halfway true. After a year and a half or so of just accepting it, I started staring back. It’s a small compromise, but it felt like a big win. Like a kind of win. Why did I even bother putting make up on? Monsoon season, meet me trying to be cute. Every day, Mother Nature would soak me to the bone, send my mascara fleeing down my cheeks, and make me resent not having naturally beautiful everything. I guess not wearing makeup is good for your skin and I always liked the idea of a society that didn’t seem to require it, but this isn’t exactly the scenario I had imagined. Why do I know fuck all about world history? I feel proud of myself for knowing that the 22nd and 24th presidents were both Grover Cleveland, but when it comes to thousands of years of history east of the Roman Empire, I draw mostly a blank, and I’m pretty sure I’m not alone. Right? Right?! I mean, I’m decent when it comes to WWII, but other than that, my guesses are pretty much shots in the dark. Sigh. What a vicious cycle. See the point about being American above. Why can’t I get away with wearing bows and giggling? All these dark, silky-haired girls flashing peace signs, wearing bows and heels (and still being 5’2”), giggling as they take selfies of each other – I could never get away with that. Do I want to get away with that? I kind of want to get away with that. Do I? No, that’s gross. Or do I? God. Who am I? What is this struggle? Why am I shelling out 6 dollars for imported yogurt? I lasted a long, long time just living off of street-side markets and vendors, but eventually, the call of the imported goods store was just too strong to resist. You don’t know what lengths you’ll go to to make a good ol’ fashioned pie (or cookies or cake or anything that resembles dessert) until you live somewhere in Asia; four trips to four different shops and $40 later, you don’t have enough energy to even turn the oven on. If you even have an oven. You probably have one of those small convection ovens, but that’s fine, it’ll work, TRUST ME. Then again, nothing is wrong with a giant bowl of raw cookie dough. Why did I just let that person cut me in line? The kind, English-speaking woman next to you sees it and says, “Don’t mind her, she’s just Vietnamese.” To which in your head you think, “THAT’S NOT AN EXCUSE.” But you let it happen anyway. When it happens the next time, you have no excuse. But the third time, that’s when you’re so inappropriately in the bubble of the person in front of you that you could swear potential cutters are giving you the evil eye. Let them. But for those first couple of times, the self-loathing is rough. Why am I turning into such a bitch? Eventually, you turn. You’re not letting people cut you, you’re staring back at the men staring at you, you’re cutting off other motorbikes who’ve already cut you off in the street, and whenever someone is trying to pull the wool over your eyes while they’re smiling, you tell them you know a way to wipe that silly, conniving smile right off their pretty little face. No? Just me? Why can’t this be real life? A legit French meal for $7? Doing voiceovers and commercials and modeling simply because I’m white? Having people ask me for my photo because they think I’m awesome and/or famous? Giving my autograph because my name is just that amazing to look at? Why did I have to come from an alternate universe that I know exists and will likely eventually have to go back to? Posted In
Everyone’s favourite all-girl scrunge-rockers have a month-long Wednesday night residency at Melbourne’s Cherry Bar through April. Valentiine will play new stuff and old each Wednesday night in April, with a different special guest each week. This entry was posted in News-Posts and tagged cherry bar, melbourne, valentiine. Bookmark the permalink. ← Previous Post Next Post →
When Murdoch Newspapers Do It, It's Journalism, When Bloggers Do It, They're Stealing "Original Content"By Darryl MasonJohn Hartigan, CEO of News Limited, publisher of The Australian, is very upset with independent online news sites like Crikey and Mumbrella because they take "original content" from Murdoch publications and run excerpts of it on their sites, for free. They are using Murdoch content to create content for their websites. They disguise this 'theft', you see, as media commentary, but they're not fooling Hartigan. No way.Most of the content on these sites is commentary and opinion on media coverage produced by the major outlets.These sites are covered in links to wire stories or mainstream mastheads. Typically, less than 10% of their content is original reporting.And they won't survive. Quality, Original Journalism will, says Hartigan :If you want to attract readers, break stories people want to read.Give them something they can’t get anywhere else....Most online news and comment sites don’t generate enough revenue to pay for good journalism.Good journalism is expensive.Hartigan is upset with blogs that feed on Murdoch content like Crikey and Mumbrella sometimes do, taking a story published at a News Limited website, like The Daily Telegraph or The Australian, and quoting extensively from it. Filling, say, 90% of a blog post not with original opinion or original journalism, but with heavy, fat slabs cut and pasted from Murdoch journalism that is "expensive", according to Hartigan.This is wrong, claims Hartigan. Unfair.But this is just as bizarre as his claim that bloggers don't go to jail, and aren't held accountable for the things they write.John Hartigan is, of course, full of shit.The Australian, Daily Telegraph, all News Limited newspapers and websites, rewrite stories published in non-News Limited newspapers and magazines and print them, or post them online, as "original content".The New York Times gets an exclusive about Saddam Hussein moving forward with plans to launch his own nuclear-missile equipped space station? Some barely heard of young actress admits to a dildo addiction in Vanity Fair? There's a couple of non-Murdoch media originated stories that can be quickly republished as "original content" in all the Murdoch tabloids, from Australia to New York To London and Manchester.This rewriting, and heavy quoting, of other stories, essay, letters and articles originally published elsewhere, fills Murdoch publications with news, features, breaking news, entertainment, sport and 'WTF' type stories that they never paid for, or spent any more money on 'creating' than it cost for one journalist to quickly lift the best bits and write a few lines like "She revealed to Vanity Fair magazine" or "The New York Times has claimed" to dash some original half sentences around all that furious cutting and pasting, to add 10% original content to the republishing of someone else's work.This method of taking stories published elsewhere to fill some of that space in its publications is by no means a Murdoch speciality. It's centuries old, and all newspapers, TV news, cable news, magazines, radio stations do it. They feed off each other, and republish each other's work for free, constantly.Where do you think all the bloggers and the independent online Australian media, now so despised by the heavily populated ranks of the Murdoch executive class, learned how to do it?As but one example, here's a piece of "original content", as John Hartigan would call it, from The Australian, published shortly after his speech at the National Press Club where he moaned about bloggers taking content from News Limited and using it to fill their own publications.Cameron Stewart, associate editor of The Australian, takes a 7000 word essay written by Robert Manne and fills more than 90% of a 1700 word story published in his newspaper's print and online with fat slabs of quotes from Manne's essay. Cameron adds the prerequisite "Manne says" and "Manne writes". The essay was published at the independent online magazine The Monthly. The Australian's cut and paste of the Manne essay did not include a link to the full essay.The Robert Manne essay is, in part, about the tragedy of the bureaucratic responses to the Victorian Fires in Fenruary, where 8 out of 10 phone calls to emergency services from towns like Kingslake and Marysville went unanswered that awful Saturday.The Australian tastefully titles Cameron's cut and paste effort of this essay on the events that led to the appalling deaths of more than 170 people : 'Manne On Fire'.The hypocrisy of John Hartigan railing against bloggers and independent online media for doing exactly what his own newspapers do constantly, have done for decades, is hilarious, gagging, mind-frying. You have to have a lot of gall and front to be a Murdoch CEO, obviously.Try this :People will pay for it if it is good enough. By good enough I mean that it will have to be: well researched; brilliantly written; perceptive and intelligent; professionally edited; accurate and reliable.This is not the territory in which aggregator sites or amateur bloggers will do well. This is the natural terrain of the well-trained, professional, experienced, clever journalist.Clever journalism obviously also includes building a lengthy story for your online and print newspaper out of a brilliantly written essay originally published elsewhere.But questions remain.When News Limited begins charging to read 'prime' or 'premium' content from The Australian online, will we have to pay to read the stories where associate editors rustle up a cutandpaster filled with slabs of other peoples' work? And how much will John Hartigan charge us to read a story in The Australian almost entirely composed of an essay published at its online competitor, The Monthly?.
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Take a step back in time to the 1950'swhen hot rods were on the roadsand the local diner was theplace to stop for an evening meal!
Christmas is just around the corner. As you start to prepare for the holiday season, please read some of the safety tips from the U.S. Fire Administration about caring for your tree. Every year, approximately 210 home fires begin with a Christmas tree, so make sure to follow their suggestions and keep your tree well watered to have the safest holiday possible.
Mar 19 This Week in Games: “Still Waiting on A Strikers Sequel” Edition Category: Uncategorized Mario Sports Superstars comes out on the 3DS this Friday. Taking a page from Mario Sports Mix for the Wii, Superstars brings together five different sports in one package: Golf, Baseball, Tennis, Soccer and Horse Racing. The Mario Sports Superstars amiibo card series also launches this Friday. Tapping one of these cards into the game lets players recruit powered-up versions of characters.
What has chocolate got to do with resilience? (You may ask.) I invite you to read on, and see if you agree with my take on this crucial issue. Chocolate is a wonderful example of the tension that all of us in the modern Western world live with every day – that between pleasure and responsibility. When it comes to chocolate, the “pleasure” part of this dialectic is obvious – everyone (well, almost everyone) loves chocolate. Even better: It’s been discovered that chocolate loves us back, or at least pretends to love us by containing various substances that cause our bodies to release chemicals that make us feel happy and loved. The “responsibility” side of this tension is not immediately obvious, but it’s very real. It’s composed, really, of two kinds of obligations: to ourselves and our families, on the one hand, and to society on the other. On the personal plane, it’s easy to abuse chocolate as one might abuse any substance. For one thing, we might substitute chocolate for “real” food, thus avoiding our duty to keep ourselves and our children healthy by eating and serving nutritious meals. It’s also possible to use chocolate as an easy way of keeping children quiet – much like plunking them down in front of the television – or of getting them to do what we want, thus avoiding some of our educational obligations toward them. On the societal level, chocolate is often based on “plantation economies” that exploit, abuse, or even enslave their workers. In addition, some of the larger cocoa plantations were carved out of rain forests, thus contributing to the destruction of ecosystems that are vital to their countries’ – and indeed, the world’s – environmental health, perhaps even survival. Finally, in a hungry world, the land, water and financial resources presently used to make cocoa – a plant without nutritional value – might be better devoted to raising that nourishing food which, if we were really good, we’d be eating instead. Put this way, it would seem pretty clear that we should act in accordance with personal and social responsibility, and shun what has – despite or perhaps because of its sinful qualities – become a kind of icon of Western culture. The Protestant ethic (which, Jewish as I am, I’ve absorbed together with everyone else in the West) would pretty much unconditionally seem to demand no less. But I wonder if the very opposition of “pleasure versus duty” is as simple as that. We need to nourish not only our bodies, but our souls as well. An emotionally balanced person knows how to enjoy herself. Overly duty-oriented people tend to be rather grim, and can make their own lives miserable – as well as the lives of everyone around them. Moreover, people forced (whether by others or by their own conscience) to spend all their time tending to their responsibilities tend to get exhausted, thus rendering themselves far less efficient. Injecting enjoyment into our lives can give us the strength, and the good humor, to fulfill our obligations with a smile. If we spread the sunshine, others will also enjoy the lightness of heart to do what they need to do – and to pass the sunshine on.So pleasure greases the world’s wheels, so to speak. Freud, of course, knew this well, as did the composer(s) of the well-known Jewish folktale in which God temporarily suspended the Yetzer HaRa (the “Evil Inclination,” including our most basic drive to pleasure), which caused life itself to stop. To take the argument further, recharging our batteries regularly with pleasurable “fuel” can strengthen us not only to do what we need to in our personal lives, but to go beyond the call of immediate duty and work for the greater good, for example by volunteering for organizations working for social justice, or for sustainable development, or for any number of good causes. I know that I personally am much more effective in my own work helping people who are suffering from depression, anxiety, and trauma when I'm making sure to spend time and energy on myself, doing – including eating! – things that make me feel good. As a matter of fact, I would go so far as to say that my ability to enjoy myself without guilt is one of the gifts God has given me to make me resilient. Put more simply, when I do good stuff for myself, I can bounce back that much more easily when the bad stuff happens. Finally, life doesn’t have to be all or nothing! We don’t need to choose between Spartanism and Hedonism; we can take our pleasure in moderation. And nowadays the choice between social vice and virtue need not be so sharp, either. For example, one can find lists of “slave-free” chocolate brands, and there are several international organizations now advising cocoa-producers how they can make their farms environmentally sustainable. So go ahead and eat that (Fair Trade!) chocolate every day. It might just be a mitzvah. Posted by Susan (Sara) Avitzour at 6:17 AM Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest Labels: chocolate, resilience 1 comment: Ruth said... not to mention the latest research on the antioxidants:New research published in the Medical Journal "Lancet", shows that eating chocolate could prevent cancer and heart disease and contrary to popular belief also fights tooth decay.so, go ahead, indulge.as Grandpa said, "everything in moderation." July 31, 2011 6:47 PM Post a Comment Newer Post Older Post Home Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) Pages Home And Twice the Marrow of Her Bones Twice the Marrow: Original Hebrew Poems Twice the Marrow: Reviews - Excerpts and Links Understanding Betsy And Twice the Marrow of Her Bones Available on Amazon from March 15, 2011 About Me Susan (Sara) Avitzour On January 5, 2001, my eighteen-year-old daughter Timora died of leukemia, after a six-year struggle. I've written a memoir, And Twice the Marrow of Her Bones, telling of her struggle to lead a normal life during her illness, and of my own journey with, then without her. This blog will share my thoughts and reflections on life lived in the shadow of loss - and in the light of hope and healing - especially those relating to resilience, that stubborn refusal to let adversity get the best of us.
Tonight Grayson tried his first yogurt and it's safe to say he loved it. There haven't been many baby food he's been interested but this was a hit. At a play date today a friend of mine had her daughter eating it...which had me wondering if Grayson would too. Stonyfield is a fantastic organic yogurt brand that I eat regularly as does Brody. Now we're happy to see Grayson join the bandwagon. I've never seen him like something other than breast milk so much. We've found a great new snack for him to enjoy, how fun! In just two weeks he will be eight months. So exciting to watch him grow and learn but I wouldn't complain if time slowed down.
Try to save a quarter every day. You'll be surprised about how much you'll save within a short time. Spend it on a rainy day.
Home'The New Yorker : Aug 21, 1971ContentsTHE N W YORKER either record, since he had just thrown out his arm. Finding: Claim postponed. The advent of steel and alumznu'rn racquets has resulted in an ava- lanche of ne'w statistics, many of .which, if accepted, will make J{rieger's thro.w appear distinct- ly commonplace. The Bureau has already announced that eventual ne.w 'world and region- al records achieved 'with these lighter, .whippier racquets 'will be listed 'with an accompanying asterisk, in order not to .wzpe out memories of famous marks set in the aU-'wood days. Ho'w- ever, the Bureau did take note of th(' fact that Furman Krieger had already come to its attention three years ago, 'when he thre'w a sand 'wed ge znto th(' topmost branch of a wi!lo.w tree eighty- i'UJO feet to the right of a fair- 'wav bunker on the fifth hole at W ee Spinney (the iron is still there, an object of local awe and superstition), and it has issued a Special Commendation to Mr. Krieger for t.wo such memora- ble efforts in entirely' separate fields of sportzng endeavor. ',"". .... :t t 'W' .>>3ti dllJ;Y '- ,", :. . \" ", 1 I $* '" :; .:.;:.- ,.. . J, H OWARD LEBO, 41, the lyricist, was eleven weeks late with the words for the title song for "Bad Creek," the new, offbeat love-in-a-commune pic- ture that had already gone a quarter of a million over an extremely tight budget, with the result that everybody was very, very jumpy. Leho, who IS known in his business as a bleeder, hadn't been too worried, because shoot- ing had fallen way behind (rain on lo- cation in Oregon), and besides, this wasn't a musical; all that was needed was a strong thematic lead-in-a four- or five-verse voice-over behind the titles. But now the word was in that thev would wrap in another ten days, and the title people needed the finished theme right away, like no.w. It was Friday afternoon, and Lebo had been staring out of the window of his studio on West Fifty-third Street for an hour and twenty minutes. One of his trou- bles was that, although he had read the script, he still didn't know anything about communes. Another was that his composer, Jerry Monasch, had given him an un usually ambitious piece of music, very Burt Bacharach, with no release and four different tempo mark- ings. Monasch was probably up at his summer place at Martha's Vineyard, and Lebo had his telephone number ......... , , \ ( J. (, ....... ø ""'*Â '1 , " " 25 I 'J ) , \ 1 t I I I t \ { y, .. .7 '\' . - . J " , " I ,,\ \. \' t t .. tllf'I ((Dear Crissy: H ow is camp We had a nice dinner tonig-ht Mommy made spaghetti I had a nice day at thp office today, although there wasn't much to do. T he weather is O.K., but 1 hope. . ." . there, but he and Jerry hadn't been speaking for more than a month. Any- way, the real trouble was the title it- self-a spondee: two bullets behind the ear. Lebo, watching a row of inert pi- geons on the parapet of a litter-strewn roof across the street, felt more and more sorry for himself Joseph Con- rad should have had such troubles. "I bet Irving Berlin never had to hack anything like this," Lebo said aloud "Or Harold Rome, either." The two names swam in the fetid air of the studio, and suddenly Lebo . h d " H " h . d straIg tene up. ey, e saI . He went to his desk, thre\v the script and a stack of scribbled notes on the floor, and began to write. Twen- ty minutes later, he picked up the tele- phone and called his agent, Otto Ness. "Me, Otto," Leho said. "You won't believe this. Listen." He read aloud to Ness from a pIece of paper covered wIth names. "What?" said Ness when Lebo had finished. "What, this is the lyric? " "Wake up, Otto," said Lebo. "Don't you dig it? I'll read it again" "Don't read it," said Ness hastily. . "Now, listen to me, Howard They've been on the phone all day from the Coast. My God, I told them you were polishing. They said Monday for sure, or-" "Otto, all you understand is busi- nessmen," Lebo said in a hurt tone. "This is the first creative thing I've done in months. Sure, it's only a be- ginning, but who knows? I'm thinking in Larry Hart terms-a little patter- song for a charming O.B. revue." "Ho'ward!" Ness shouted. "I'm going out to the island now," Lebo said placatingly. "Y ou know I always work better out there. I'll have fifty verses for them tomorrow after- noon. There's nothing to worry about, Otto, I'm unblocked now." "I'll call you tomorrow," Ness said. "Make it Sunday." . At one o'clock the next afternoon, Saturday, Lebo, wearing a Mets cap and faded denim bells, was sitting on a chaise longue on the sundeck of his beach cottage at Seaview. He had not started on the lyric for "Bad Creek," LinksArchiveAug 14, 1971Aug 28, 1971NavigationPrevious PageNext Page
Check your motherboard manual for the proper jumper settings to go to the next level after 100mHz (probably 105 or 112). July 24th, 1999, 01:18 AM Rifter Some of the early P II's were not multiplier locked so you might be able to just change the multilier and do it that way. July 25th, 1999, 07:30 PM jdebris I have one doing 434 (3.5*124) on a BH6 using NEC cas3 pc100 ram. Seems pretty stable. So it may not be easy, but it is possible (by the way-- removed stock heatsink/fan-replaced with gargantuan hs/dual fan. Left cartridge intact though) Good Luck [This message has been edited by jdebris (edited 07-25-99).]
MADISON, Wis. — Wisconsin's September home sales were nearly 16 percent higher than in September 2012, continuing 27 months of consecutive growth.The Wisconsin Realtors Association said 6,026 homes were sold in state last month, compared to 5,202 that were sold the previous September. Wisconsin's year-on-year jump in September sales exceeded the national average increase of 10.7 percent.The median price of a home in Wisconsin also increased. The price rose 6.7 percent to $144,000 during the month. The median price in September peaked in 2007 at $163,000.Marquette University economics professor David Clark tells the Journal Sentinel ) Wisconsin home sales have shown steady growth, rather than sharp declines and increases."If you look at swings in other parts of the country, Wisconsin's housing market is fairly sedate by comparison," said Clark, who analyzes the sales and price data for the Realtors' group. "I think that tends to support a steady growth rather than one that gets overheated and is subject to strong swings on the plus and minus side."Wisconsin Realtors Association Board Chairman Steve Lane said the state has experienced steady growth even though mortgage rates have increased nearly a full percentage point compared with the same time last year.According to mortgage buyer Freddie Mac, the national average for a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage was 4.49% in September, compared with 3.47% in September 2012.
This blog is a Big Sisters, Little Sisters of America collaboration. Please join us in mentoring America's youth... give your time and help shape a life. Volunteer. Oct 2, 2006 Tooth Fairy Today I lost my first canine tooth. I hope the doggie tooth fairy comes tonight!I am a keeping a look out...
You saw it coming... People who make movies or games such which do nothing but show blood and gore, and that of other people, if i may add, are totally neurotic retards! They either have serious brain damage or no brains at all. We should have seen it coming. When someone submits something like this, i think the main idea is not to entertain, but to give a message. All movies or games reflect the personality of the author. If someone submits something about killing kids, may give the impression that the person hates kids. You know what i'm getting at. This is very depressing. If you don't want anyone thinking that you're a retard, don't make anything with theme's like this. Helpful! Useless. Flag as abusive. Recent Game Reviews 8 Game Reviews » Old Angry Wizard Rated 3 / 5 stars 2005-04-28 12:04:09 Cool art!! That was one of the coolest art i've seen for a flash game!! Great work! Effects for also cool. One thing you could work on is the stamina thing. Loss in stamina doesn't have to be the death of Gandalf. Maybe you should make hime immobile until stamina returns. Which brings me to the next suggestion: When not moving or attacking, stamina should gradually increase. It would make the game a little more enjoyable. Also it got boring after dying a couple of times. maybe you could add more attacks, more levels, and more enemies, like orcs and stuff. And where the heck is Golum?!? Helpful! Useless. Flag as abusive. Memory Qube Rated 3.5 / 5 stars 2005-04-25 13:45:00 Almost... i just wished you made it in random sequence, instead of having the same sequence and adding a new move each time. I think it would be a better memory game that way. Otherwise, nice work. Helpful! Useless. Flag as abusive. Cursors of the Future! Rated 5 / 5 stars 2005-03-18 22:09:12 Aww man... Geesh!!! If i had known that a simple effects movie could get high ratings, then i should have submitted mine long ago! Great job in being the first to submit it here, but frankly, flash cursors are not considered original work since they only copy how flash cursors work... by attaching (or duplicating) movieclips. If you go to Flashkit, you'll see a number of cursor effects that more or less share the same concept. Reading the reviews or other NG users, it seems that some of them fail to realize that this is actually an "Interactive" and not really a game, hence we the low scores. I may have given you low scores in regards to the graphics, or style... but since you were able to pull-off this movie here at NG, I give you a 10. Not for originality, not for creativeness, but for being "The Guy who pulled it off." Congratulations! Helpful!
Hot thin-walled short season chile first grown in Española New Mexico.. It is narrow and pointed and can be used green or red. If dried it makes a good chile powder. 70 days from transplants. 1 500-2 000 Scoville Heat Units.
First there was talk about people installing webcams and not having them secured and that these cameras are actually searchable and viewable via Google. Then there’s more talk… Now, this guy has written up a page so easy even my grandma can use to see any open cameras around the freaking world!! [click on the images to control the actual camera]Of cos, I do think he did that for fun and the kind of reverse-psycho way that writing AirSnort will help make wireless network safer by means of "wake up your freaking idea".Remember to wash your eyes, else see buck chum.
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Re: A Thought on Being Gay in AmericaThe problem (or solution, depending on one's POV) is that even gays are able to marry someone of the opposite sex if they want, therefore equal protection is not violated. I'm not saying its fair (and I strongly disagree with it in principle), but from a purely legal standpoint it is a valid argument.
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J. Crew announced a new collab today between themselves and Jesus Chirst, known around the blogosphere as JC. Together they will be producing a tunic that will make you look good while being nailed to a cross or for sitting in a sweltering church over the summer. Recently risen, Jesus Christ released a few comments about the collab. “I think this will improve the image of both brands. Evangelists will flock from everywhere to pick up a tunic, which is great for J. Crew. Plus, consumerists will become more aware of the fact that I died for their sins, which is always a plus for me. Seriously, pants won’t save your soul. I’d like to continue this relationship with J. Crew but we’ll have to see how this tunic sells.” J. Crew plans to do an exclusive online J. Crew X Jesus Christ look book. We were unable to contact Frank Muytjens (pronounced Muy-dooby-booby-gens) for comment on how successful he thought the collab would be but sources tell us that he was a doubting Thomas. When Jesus was asked what trend he saw those three days he was dead, he responded, “Boot cut jeans, those are just bad. Peter wore those all the time. I can’t believe I trusted my church with him.” I concur.Happy Easter. Enjoy the time with your family and your friends.Photo from NB Posted by The Enthusiast at 8:27 PM 2 comments Saturday, April 23, 2011 White Pants You’ve got questions to answer. People are demanding your attention with trite questions that they could find out with a google search. It frustrates you that this occurs but alas, you certainly wouldn’t want to lose followers. Your mother has asked you to get off the white couch with your new selvedge, as the indigo gets everywhere. But questions come first. You answer the easy ones first, where to get spiffied up (duh), what to wear with a black tie (one thing), and how to put on a shirt (tag on the inside). Halfway through answering a question about where to find a tailor (they’re typically in a place called ‘the tailor’s’) you are notified that you have a notification. Under your mp3 upload from Beck’s Mellow Gold album some bro is calling you out. “hay man. Your probably 1 of those ppl who started to like beck after guero your so cool.” Oh man, you hate petty arguments like this. You’re totally above them and morally superior to people who think they know music better than you do. You’re a cultural genius. You are all knowing. You are always first to the punch. Someone else makes it? You sure as hell let everyone else know that they made it and that you reblogged it. Well, this fucker was trying to show you up. You respond, “Yo, wanna’ have this argument? I started listening to Beck when Mellow Gold dropped and have followed him since. I have always been a Beck fan.” This would show this fucker that you’re superior to him. None of it was true, but it didn’t really matter. You actually didn’t start listening to Beck until after Sea Change but it’s the internet. You were still pooping your diaper when Mellow Gold dropped. No reason to tell the truth on the web. Ever. Your mother screams at you to get off the couch. “If you’re gonna’ sit on the couch, put those white pants I bought you on,” she yells from the kitchen. Well, you had finished complaining about your life to your followers, you figured you’d play the martyr and change your pants. All the females who followed you and were under the impression that you actually dressed well (well, you did dress well. Just not as well as you were comfortable with) offered their sympathy when you waited until the last second to do your homework and griped about it on the web. This always made you smile. Someone did care about you, even if they were 1500 miles away and completely incompatible with you in real life. You stepped out onto your back porch to smoke because if you changed pants before you smoke, you might forget your cigs in you pant pocket and leave them upstairs. The house next door looked exactly like yours. Big, plastic, landscaped by the same people who landscaped everyone else’s, with a Land Rover sitting in the drive. The other house next door looked just like the house next door and that one looked like your house. Your house looked like the house across the street. On the back porch of the house next door stood a neighbor boy. You never learned his name even though he was the same age as you. He was wearing white pants and was smoking the same cigarettes as you did. Good thing you hadn’t changed into your white pants like your mother had asked. Individual. Thunderclouds rolled in and prepared for a late afternoon crash, boom, and shatter. You could hear the grumbling of the sky’s gut. The thundercloud’s rage built up like your elitism. Maybe this was the kid who had accused you of not liking Beck until Guero. Maybe, just maybe. Maybe this kid had a gun. A little one. Like the kind you see on EDC. Maybe this kid would freak out like those kids in the news, walk across his lawn to your back porch, raise his pistol, and shoot a bullet through your shirt that you wore on Fridays, into your chest, out your back, and through the other side of you shirt. Maybe he’d put you out of your misery. Maybe you'd never have to reblog anything ever again. Maybe he’d redeem you from your couch. Maybe he’d vault you into a story in the news. Maybe he’d just take all your followers and tell them that you hadn’t heard of Beck until Sea Change. On second thought, you hoped that boy stayed right where he was, played lacrosse rather than answer questions on the internet, and had never listen to Beck once in his life. Posted by The Enthusiast at 10:18 PM 4 comments Thursday, April 14, 2011 Epochs of MW My first semester in college I had a choir professor teach me about art. Well, more specifically, how to look at art by not attaching any adjectives that carried relative weight to different people. It was an easy class. At the end of the semester he presented the comment that the current epoch of music was coming to a close. At the end of every epoch, musicians just take what people have been doing in the past, and mix it all up. With the arrival of mash-ups of a few years ago, pop-music was going to evolve into something else. It will become something not pop. As a random author from some online music magazine once said, “pop will eat itself.” I’d like to think that menswear would evolve in such a way that music does and that we are nearing the end of an epoch. Who knows what we’ll be wearing in 30 years much less 5 months? Maybe we’ll be wearing jumpsuits in 3 weeks. One can certainly say that menswear has been a mash-up of history after World War II. From this I’d love to say that menswear is unpredictable and we cannot say where it is going: all forecasts are off. Menswear doesn’t resemble the model I presented. Many people do not find joy in clothes. Much of society finds joy in music. Music is for most a means to happiness. For many, clothes are a means to covering yourself up and keeping warm. Clothes are too functional to resemble music and its evolution through epochs. However, I think that the menswear mash-up of the past 70 years should be observed and my model taken into consideration. It would be pretty awesome to be right. Posted by The Enthusiast at 8:40 PM 5 comments Wednesday, April 6, 2011 Corduroy I remember the first time I wore my corduroy shirt. Now it's faded and one side has taken on a bleach-y orange hue. It's "hobo-chic" as the fruitcakes would say but I'm sure somewhere would try to sell me the same thing for three figures. But back then, it was crisp and clean, straight out of the LL Bean catalog. It was approaching the holidays and my mother bought my brother and I the same shirt, only different colors. I had a lot of red shirts, I have a dark complexion, and my brother usually wore green or blue, he has a light. My mother was a bit obsessive about things like that. I don't remember why, but we switched it up when we got those shirts. I took the green corduroy shirt and my brother took the red corduroy shirt. I was probably about 10 years old.The first time we wore those shirts was to a Christmas party. It happened to be a Mennonite Christmas party. I'm Presbyterian but my family knows a number of the Mennonite families as we homeschooled at that period in time. My mother was a homeschool "organizer", you could say. The Mennonites that my family know run a boy's camp. It is a camp for troubled boys who act violently towards their parents and peers and are no longer able to be in their local schools. It is a last resort before kids got shipped off to a detention center. I always imagine the Mennonites talking to struggling parents, "We understand. We know that institutionalizing these boys probably won't work. Let us give them a little love and a little responsibility and see what happens." There the boys go out into the woods and live in tents with Mennonite conselours. They live in the woods for a number of weeks in hope that the new responsibilites they acquired will shape them into well-behaved young men. Some boys do better and some don't. The Mennonites do not make a lot money, and what they do earn goes to support their families and the boys camp. Selfless doesn't really seem to describe the Mennonites. Recently, in order to help support the camp, the church opened a ice cream parlor. All the girls who work there volunteer their time and all the profits go to the boys camp. All the Mennonites who volunteer their time to the boys camp aren't hoping to add the hours to their college application, they're hoping to better other people's lives. Before we headed up to the lodge, my parents explained how the boys camp worked to me, my brothers, and my sister. I don't remember much from the party. The food was good and the lodge had a big fire. After dinner I remember playing tag outside in the cold and dark. I think it was that night that I realized that Mennonites weren't different than us because they always tucked their shirts in and the women always wore skirts and caps. Mennonites are different than us because they are genuinely good and kind people. They don't count your faults, they don't judge you for your political views, and they don't judge you for the world that you participate in. They're not out to evangelize every Joe Schmo, they're out to make the world a better place, regardless of the world's religion. I hope that there's a heaven. Not for myself. I'm probably too materialist to make the cut anyway. When I die, I'm fine with just turning off like a TV. Ceasing to exist doesn't seem like a bad thing. I haven't done anything special to deserve anything else. I hope that there's a heaven for the Mennonites. I hope that when they reach it that someone is there waiting to shake their hand and say, "Thank you. Thank you for caring about human beings. Thank you for caring about me."And that was the first time I wore my corduroy shirt.
Can you believe it is already June and winter is here? It sure feels like it today in Sydney, lots of rain and wind, very cold!! This months challenge over at Scrap the Girls embraces all things winter with the challenge being to scrap a layout using Winter Colours. That means, no brights, no pastels. Here is my take on the challenge I've used EP Times and Seasons papers, love the deep blues and maroons, and the cute journaling tag with an appropriately wintery quote "You are my sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey". Hope to see lots of entries this month for this one, lots of great prizes up for grabs, be sure to check it all out here. Fiona x Posted by Fiona at 10:08 PM Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest 3 comments: LizzycJune 2, 2013 at 10:22 PMThis is lovely, I love the flower and spray of buds!! and the back ground blue color is 2, 2013 at 10:27 PMThe colours are perfect! Gorgeous page Fiona :).ReplyDeleteLinda EggletonJune 9, 2013 at 7:49 AMI love this EP collection...and you've scrapped it beautifully. Gorgeous layout, Fiona :)ReplyDeleteAdd commentLoad more...
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Posted in Life by Hannah Diane Happy Monday, y’all! Did you have a good weekend? I sure did. Today I am super excited to show you some cute {and modest!} jean and shorts outfits! I want to start out with this outfit I found while reading another girl’s blog. Here’s the SUPER cute jean outfit, and her post about wearing pants modestly. I don’t think that the outfit looks “frumpy” or out of style, do you? Here is an adorable short’s outfit. I like it because the shorts aren’t form fitting…but they’re not baggy either. They also come to the top of the knees….my husband (and before him, my family) is ok with a length right above my knees for shorts. I seriously love her top, too. The mint color is gorgeous! I think this next outfit has to be my favorite….a short dress over jeans? So comfortable AND cute! Don’t you just love her belt with the blue dress? Lovely! The next outfit is perfect for out on the town. A light, flowy top that covers your rear… and has a higher neckline. Love it! I know it doesn’t feel like it, but Fall is right around the corner….and that means colder weather. Last winter was seriously cold for the South. A long, big sweater with jeans is what you could find me in most of the winter. Super cute, isn’t it? I’m super into chevron right now. And her boots are perfect for keeping her feet warm. So what did you think of the outfits? Are the do-able? Remember though….modesty is a heart matter. Drop in next week for a guest post by one of my good friends about the heart matter of modesty. I hope you have a great Monday! Sincerely, Hannah Diane Share this:Like Loading... Related 4 Comments Post navigation « Bind My Wandering Heart An “Oily” Day » 4 thoughts on “Modest Mondays- Week 2” Goat momma July 28, 2014 at 2:01 pm Wonderful read for a mother an eleven year old girl (11 going on 21!). It is nice to see fashionably modest outfits that I know she would like! Reply Hannah Diane July 30, 2014 at 11:42 am Thank you for reading it! I’m glad it was a blessing. Reply Elizabeth July 30, 2014 at 2:53 pm All of these are great ideas for when the weather gets chillier!
2 - Lyon 1: Gareth Bale swerves up Spurs' stunners Premier PremiershipEuropean Teams Tottenham 2 - Lyon 1: Gareth Bale swerves up Spurs' stunners IF Tottenham's Gareth Bale continues to score impossibly swerving vital free-kicks like this, they are going to have to start checking all his pockets for dirt. By Matthew Dunn PUBLISHED: 00:00, Fri, Feb 15, 2013 Gareth Bale scores for Spurs to make it 1-0 against Lyon with a trademark free kick Boffins would be hard pushed to come up with any other explanation than balltampering for the path his two injury-time strikes - one at the end of each half - took on their route to goal.For the first, the ball dipped fiercely over the wall and swerved right. Then it swung back left, beyond Lyon goalkeeper Remy Vercoutre's despairing dive and into the bottom corner.The second set off from slightly nearer. The ball again turned right.This time, though, it forked left at the lights, took the third exit off the next roundabout, turned right by the church and took a final sharp left into the top corner - if you go past a white post you've gone too far.You would need a sat-nav to track it, let alone save it.Bale's own explanation is simple but superficial and unsatisfying."I have been practising," is all he would say.Lyon coach Remi Garde, formerly of Arsenal, was grudgingly able to appreciate Bale's ability and claimed the only way of stopping the Tottenham player was if he did not win the free-kicks in the first place."When we had Juninho at Lyon we used to think that every time we got a free-kick in that area it was like a penalty," he said."I think it is a bit like that with Bale and Tottenham."In the second leg, let's see what sort of referee we get and if he is going to blow for free-kicks that really are free-kicks or free-kicks that are not free-kicks. Or a proper penalty where he does not give it. Let's wait and see."Garde's point was aimed at a clumsy challenge by Jan Vertonghen on Bafetimbi Gomis which, if punished as it perhaps should have been, would have set a very different tone to this match and, arguably, the tie.Lyon, who had ex-Spurs midfielder Steed Malbranque marking his return to north London, looked more dangerous than Tottenham in open play, with the exception of Spurs' two glaring misses in the first half.Emmanuel Adebayor should have found the target after he was picked out by Mousa Dembele's sublime pass.However, nobody could quite believe that the ball did not end up in the back of the net in the 37th minute, when Kyle Walker squared to Bale just five yards away from a completely empty net and the Welshman's left-footed shot somehow angled wide of the gaping chasm.He may be human after all, but what a human. The latest for Bale’s DVD looked too far out, but the ball dipped, swerved, turned left at the lights and over the next roundabout before a final sharp right into the bottom corner Tottenham manager Andre Villas-Boas in the end was more than happy to be grateful that, in those vital moments, Bale can be relied on as much as the next man...especially if that "next man" is a certain Cristiano Ronaldo.Villas-Boas skirted the question of which he would rather have by saying : "I have one of them in my team already." But he added: "We saw a great match on Wednesday decided on a moment of magic from Ronaldo and players of this dimension step up to help their team reach their objectives."There is expectation because the player can strike the ball well and most likely a goal is going to happen."Gareth is going through a great individual spell at the moment. You have to recognise that."He is scoring lots of goals for the team and this is his best goal-scoring season for Tottenham. You can just see that the player is really enjoying his football and getting a buzz out of it."When things like this happen, individual players keep their motivation high and are able to help the team with its objectives." Arrow-straight, but no less emphatic was Samuel Umtiti's half-volley from the edge of the area between Bale's two goals. It sets up an intriguing return in France next Thursday."Their goal can represent a lot to them, but we area team who normally score away from home and hopefully we can cancel that out in the second leg," added Villas-Boas. Related articles Bale departure would be major blow - AVB Bale buoyant about European push William Gallas sets sights on Spurs success Bale brace puts Spurs in driving seat Per Mertesacker inspires Arsenal to FA Cup victory over Chelsea to end double hopes
An expanded version of the RC68 programmer with over 14,000 IR codes. It contains all the IR codes necessary to operate all the Xantech IR controlled components. Use to program universal learning devices, such as Xantech remotes and keypads. IR control code groups are adjustable within many Xantech components. Requires two AA batteries (not included). Dimensions: 7 1/8” H x 2 5/8” w x 7/8”D (181mm x 67mm x 23mm)
Nabil Karoui, the CEO of Nessma TV in Tunisia, is on trial for blasphemy after he broadcast the animated film Persepolis on 7th October. The film, directed by Marjane Satrapi and Vincent Paronnaud, includes comical sequences showing Allah in heaven, and visual depictions of Allah are forbidden under Islamic law. (Depictions of Mohammed are also considered blasphemous, of course.) After the television broadcast, arsonists attacked Karoui's home and demonstrators protested outside the TV station. (Previously, the film was banned from the 2007 Bangkok International Film Festival, following a request by the Iranian government.)
Not long after writing the architecture and anarchy essay, I decided to put some small scale performances into action on the unsuspecting streets of Sydney! Inspired by the ethics of punk; the performances are cheap, replicable by anyone, and seek to create an instant moment of disruption accessible to all. They do not seek to draw conclusions but seek to formulate a series of questions relevant to architecture and criticism: Does the city become more meaningful by supporting individual experience? Can a moment of disruption change the perception of social acceptance? Can the visible and invisible conventions and structures of the city be confused? Is it possible to re-write the historical meaning associated with place? How is it possible to unveil hidden facets of society and urban life? To what extent does the architect affect the individual, society and its institutions? Can we reduce (or gain) the control over a particular space or environment by creating spatial uses which was unintended? Can we change what a particular space means and represents to the community which uses it? It is important to understand that architecture makes a significant contribution to the corporate market; when architects accept commissions from corporations that affect public life they are in fact committed to supporting various political systems. Architecture contributes to these political systems, firstly, by creating physical devices. The architect for example designs the supermarket similar to a passage of narrative text, often forcing the user to pass from the beginning to the end. The architect designs the isles rounded so that you never be averted from the stock. Supermarket architect Ronald Smith describes this as a technique which endures the maximisation of time spent in store and also as a way to capitalise on impulse buying. Secondly, architecture contributes by manipulating and encouraging an emotional response. Buildings are designed to affect human behaviour. The tiles on the Woolworth’s floor in Bondi Junction, Sydney, for example, reduce in size as you approach the more expensive items, causing the wheels on your trolley to click faster and therefore subconsciously make the user slow down. Lastly, the ‘creative authority’ of the architect further diminishes the possibility for social encounter and individual freedom. Architects design buildings from a spatial vision, and in order for that space to function the users are typically controlled though various architectural strategies including program and circulation. Their renders, plans and photography typically show architectural space without people or disruptions; their vision is withdrawn from social and political responsibility. Architects typically understand their role as the creator or visionary, but it’s also possible to understand their role as someone who produces nothing more or less than a physical and social order designed by the corporations who hold political authority and power. Within this understanding of political systems the performances aim to in some way interrogate the role of architecture (and the architect), including its contribution to physical, physiological and social boundaries and acceptances. They aim to investigate various possibilities with regard to the individual, society and its institutions. My interest in the performances lies in the possibility of being able to explore methods for manipulating the physicality of corporate structures within the city. The performances hope to in some way question, invade or confuse urban space and by allowing pranks, performances, objects and fakes the opportunity to provide a forum to unveil the hidden facets of urban life. Performance 01 – Motionless Performance on George Street, Sydney Summary: The Motionless Performance was comprised of ten people. Nine actors froze in the street for six minutes. Each froze while doing seemingly natural activities; some froze for example, while in mid conversation, tying their shoe lace, on the phone or drinking a coffee. Actors stood as still as possible and did not talk or make eye contact with passing pedestrians. The performance was conducted between 412 & 414 George Street, Sydney. (Outside the Strand Arcade) The footpath is primarily a transitory space lined with commercial and retail activities, the motionless performance investigates the concept of urban play in a manner that disrupts pedestrian movement. Performance 02 – Conversation Performance on Martin Place, Sydney Summary: The Conversation Performance was comprised of six people. Actors began a conversation while standing approximately 1 metre apart. Every 3-5 minutes they stepped back approximately 1 metre. At the end of the performance they were approximately 7 metres apart. The performance was conducted out the front of No. 1 Martin Place, Sydney. (Corner of George Street) The individual functions to acceptable, comfortable and often invisible codes of conduct. The conversation performance begins to investigate perceptions and boundaries of private and public space. Performance 03 – Expanding Group Performance in ANZ, Sydney Summary: The Expanding Group Performance was comprised of ten people. The performance began with one actor entering ANZ, every couple of minutes another person enters the building and begins to talk with the 1st actor. This continues until we are removed from the building. The performance was conducted at No. 20 Martin Place, Sydney. (ANZ Building), There are a number rules which indicate the acceptable use of public space. The Expanding Group Performance begins to investigate at what point spatial acceptance become unacceptable and at what point does something normal such as talking become spatial disruption. Analysis: Spatial Response and Implications: The performances encouraged a variety of spatial interpretations. The motionless performance affected the use of the footpath by disrupting the typical user/pedestrian flow of traffic, this frustrated and also confused many users. It is likely that their frustration is the result of not being able to easily escape the situation. The performance was infact an invasion of personal space – the actors in the motionless performance physically provided barriers in the face of user movement, pedestrians began to bump into each other as their eye was drawn away from focus. The conversation performance in a similar manner disrupted user/pedestrian flow of traffic, users chose to either walk through or around the group of actors depending on their perception of private and public space, most users paused and considered the situation before making a decision. The performance begins to recognise different perceptions of individual space. Robert Sommors in ‘Personal Space – The Behavioral Basis of Design’ recognises that introverted and extroverted personality types as well as cultural differences affect the manner in which users perceive personal space. The expanding group performance did not affect the use of space for banking customers. It did however make the banking staff uncomfortable. The performance begins to raise the question of when acceptable behavior such as talking becomes unacceptable based on a particular set of conditions. Did the group for example become a danger to the bank? During the expanding group performance the actors were placed near the entry of ANZ, and within 7 minutes they were noticed by ANZ staff. If the actors were sitting down among customers then perhaps they would have taken longer to identify as their behavior would appear more common. The location of the performances had a significant impact on the way they were understood and interpreted by users. While it is possible to reconsider the location of the performances locally, it is also important to recognise larger cultural interpretations and possibilities. Anthropologist Edward Hall describes how people from different countries interpret the language of space. What Australians consider crowded for example may be considered spacious in Hong Kong. The conversation performance remained a private space while actors stood no further than two metres apart. If the performance however, was located on the footpath it is likely more people would push though the space as they have little option to walk around. Spatial perception is therefore affected by the speed in which people maneuver through space and also by the number of possibilities which they may be presented with. Their perception of what space implies is also important, users associate the footpath as a transitory space and often get quite annoyed when it is used in ways which are not expected – this was obvious during the motionless performance. The performances provoked participation from users in a manner which was unexpected. A user froze for the entire motionless performance along with the actors – I did not expect anyone to do this! Bill Hillier of University College, London focuses on spatial ‘rules of interaction’. He describes the ‘visual language of space’ and the line of sight as fundamental to encouraging interaction and participation. Users understand space differently if activity is in direct line of sight. The man who froze in the motionless performance is parallel to Hillier’s description of participation as an immediate response to spatial excitement and the desire to feel a ‘sense of belonging’. (Earls, M., 2007) The below image circles the man participating in the performance. Three skateboarders also participated in the conversation performance. They assumed their position, contributed to conversation and took a number of steps backward when the group moved apart. Skateboarders are often understood as anti-social yet their participation in the performance actively sought to engage in a social activity with strangers. The below images are extracted in sequence from the video documentation, the last 2 frames show the 3 skateboarders joining the performance. I have always been very interested in the way skateboarders understand the built environment. They interpret urban space not as something which controls them but as their playground. They seek out architectural objects based on their own objectives and use them exactly they as please. After the motionless performance many people up to me to ask what we were doing and I explained my objectives. One lady was very interested in participating in the other performances also. It is also important to consider at what point the performance and agenda may become lost. The conversation performance for example depending on where the actors were placed either went unnoticed or became a spectacle. This was also affected by the weather on the day of the performance. However, if the actors continued to step out and talk louder to the point of yelling, would it make people respond in a different manner? Would shop assistants for example, complain to security or would pedestrians tell us to be quiet? Likewise, if we walked into the bank with balaclava’s I assume customers and bank staff would be immediately alarmed. Behavioral Disruption: The motionless performance successfully disrupted pedestrian movement. At one point a crowd of people gathered in the entrance space to the strand building. People began to converse to their friends about the performance. American journalist, Tom Vanderbilt acknowledges that perceptions of space are affected depending upon whether we associate it with positive or negative experiences. He recognises it has the possibility to affect both your mood and your outlook on the world. (UXPod 2007) The footpath as a transitory space was compromised and this frustrated many users. During the performance new spatial orders were developed as the frozen actors began to block the footpath. Generally, two lanes were devised for users moving in either direction. When users broke the code of conduct they would step to the side while another user passed the actor and so on. This was done without instruction but voluntarily and in order to keep the space functioning in a manner that was as regular as possible. The conversation performance began with a close conversation, users chose to walk around rather than through the group. It provided a perceived spatial constraint as users interpreted the space as private. As the distance between actors grew users chose to walk through the group, rather than around. By contrast, the expanding group performance provided very little disruption, users of the bank were capable of doing their business. In all instances there is a relationship between scale and the manner in which it disrupted behaviour. It was documented in each of the performances that users appeared to typically follow the transitory line of the person in front. This was most obvious in the motionless and conversation performances. At one point, a lady followed the person in front as she walked through the conversation performance. Once she realised she was in the middle of a group conversation she appeared visibly uncomfortable. It is possible if no one was in front of her, she may have chose to walk around the group. She was also looking down to the others persons feet as she was approaching so did not realise what she was doing. Author, Mark Earls describes the behaviour of following movement as a way to blend in with perceived normality. It can be observed in the same manner by underage kids who enter a bar, they will act just like everyone else around them in order to not draw attention to themselves. (Earls, M., 2007) The performances were often unnoticed by children up to the age of approximately ten. It is important to then question at what age people begin to develop spatial and behavioral conventions? Elements which appeared strange and out of place for adults appeared either normal or went unnoticed by a child. It is also possible they are less aware of what is considered socially normal or strange behavior. The performances also documented differences between individual and group responses. When in a group people were more engaged, when not in a group people were more observant. During the conversation performance, the skateboarders who participated where in a group. A group of three people also approached the performance to ask what we were doing and why. During the expanding group performance people interacted with the camera when in pairs. However individuals appeared more observant and they looked around more frequently. It is important to then consider a person’s behavior and their receptiveness to space dependent upon their social surroundings. User Rationalisation: Welsh neurologist and psychoanlayst Ernest Jones describes the user as a rationaliser whose behavior is governed by “the necessity of providing an explanation.” Users construct a formal model of rationalisation. In the model a decision maker selects the best feasible alternative (accord­ing to our preferences) from among the possible explanations. (Cherepanov, V. 2009 ) While filming the motionless performance many assumed we were doing an advertisement. They associated the performance with abnormal behavior and therefore separated it from reality. Cultural theorist and urbanist Paul Virilio recognises that the growth of technology, namely television, separates us directly from the events of real space and real time. We lose wisdom and lose sight of our immediate horizon and resort to the indirect horizon of our dissimulated environment. It has been at least forty years since Virilio introduced such concepts and is it now possible to consider the loss of real space occurring within real time. Did users assume the motionless performance was an advertisement to in some way withdraw from the real space which surrounds them? and therefore what relevance the time have to space? The users assumed the behavior of the performance to be unreal. During the conversation performance many assumed the actors were a group of drama students doing an assignment. Due to the rain the performance became more of a spectacle and users of cause wondered why we were standing in the rain. The expanding group performance was undetected by those who saw the camera, many turned around to see what was happening but did not notice the actors within ANZ because they appeared to do normal activities. Two girls assumed I was filming for the news. In all instances, users were compelled to explain or justify the performances in order to classify and feel comfortable about its presence. Being able to recognise the purpose of something often neutralizes the possibility of perceived strangeness or threat. In most case assumptions are influenced by something – either through history, media, values or myths. Assumptions also begin to formulate invisible spatial controls. The design of buildings are also influenced by assumptions including from the council, the client, the architect, and the user. How can we confuse these assumptions by using spaces or objects in manners which are unintended? Private, Public and Hybrid Spaces: The ANZ building appears to be public, it is however limited in use, during the expanding group performance we were asked to leave the building simply because we were not ANZ bank customers. The expanding group performance explored how an institution might control hybrid public space by accepting a user behavior only under particular conditions or circumstances. Talking and gathering was acceptable when only with 4 persons, however at 9 persons we were asked to leave. Our intention was unclear and we could have proposed a threat. The below images are extracted in sequence from the video documentation, they show the expanding group prior to being removed from the building. The footpath, where the conversation and motionless performances took place appears to be on public property. However, each of the institutions and shops which line the footpath have an invested interest in the way in which the footpath is used. Shop security of the strand building came to observe the performance when he realised that people were gathering outside the strand. He appeared concerned, if we were entirely blocking the entry for example, we would have be removed from the footpath? Legally, we did not have the right loiter or restrict the possibility of users from entering the shops. The city of Sydney Council seeks un­obstructed use on public foot-ways, conditions for council approval for most major venues are required to the sign a document ensuring “Security officers to move-on any persons loitering or congregating on the foot-way or any adjoining area within 50 metres of the entrance to the premise, so as to maintain unobstructed pedestrian access.” (City of Sydney. 2010) Users are often not aware of the rules and conventions which govern public space. Public space recognised as ‘social space’ is reducing in size. By contrast work and home spaces are increasing. Urban sociologist Ray Oldenburg states that social life in most societies will rest on three elements: home, work, and the “third place” that is neither, and when we mindlessly destroy the third place (or the public space) — the beer garden, the piazza, the soda fountain or sidewalk cafe — we end up expecting home and work to fill the gaping hole. Manipulating Corporate Structures: Architects use physical materials and various techniques to manipulate and encourage an emotional user response. The city functions as a productive system which supports productivity and consumer spending and our spatial behavioral patterns are monitored in order to aid governments and businesses. The motionless performance recognizes the footpath as a transitory space lined with shop fronts to encourage consumer spending. The speed in which users walk on footpaths are generally relative to the users around them. Footpaths are faster than country, open or recreation spaces. The motionless performance created physical barriers which forced the speed in which users walked on the footpath to be disrupted. Users had difficulty looking into the shop fronts which were blocked partially by motionless actors. In such a manner it provides the possibility to break down corporate efficiencies. Research indicates that you are most likely to turn right when entering a shop. This is where retail outlets place products with good prices that ensure the consumer does not leave the store. It is possible through disruption that we could force customers to turn left (instead of right). If distracted by an actor, users will most likely behave in a manner which is non predictable and therefore difficult to manipulate and control. The performance also introduces the concept of play in urban life which in many instances took the user by surprise. It manipulates the manner in which they navigate through urban space. The conversation performance was located in Martin Place which in a similar manner to the footpath functions as a transitory space. The conversation performance distracted the user and became a spectacle which has the possibility of distracting the users from the commercial activities associated with place. The below images show a number of people interacting with or participating in the performance. The expanding group performance begins to manipulate corporate space by establishing at what point normal human behavior becomes unacceptable. And can it therefore reveal hidden codes of conduct which are not established through rules or law but through circumstance? The performances manipulate the use of corporate structures by encouraging a spatial use or behavior which is unintended and is then possible to understand how various installations and performances may break down the control over a particular space by creating a different acceptable behaviors, spatial history and interpretation? The performances could be varied in a number of ways to encourage different activities which hold promise for confusing the existing system by creating a pattern of human behavior which is no longer predicable. If similar things were done by everyone and everywhere and apparently without purpose, there would be no way to locate the disruptions. Challenging Architectures Role: Urban space is controlled by various people including government, institutions and the architect. Architects design space in a manner which encourages specific patterns of behaviour. Fountains are typically placed in shopping centers at the furthest rational point from the toilets. Therefore encouraging people to walk the longest distance and past all the shop fronts in their search for facilities. The performances have possibility to challenge role of the architect and planner by designing and manipulating urban space without regulation or license. It is therefore possible that designers or individuals explore emotion as a way in which to break down such techniques? Or to use new techniques with more meaningful agendas? Architects are often concerned with theory and aesthetics – they rarely think about the way the space might be manipulated and adapted after their job is done – it appears secondary to their spatial vision. And therefore should architects place greater consideration into the ordinary use of space? The manner in which architects manipulate the built environment affects human behavior and social and political conventions. By simple methods of disruption the performances contribute to the significance, mood and meaning of space, and so if applied to the role of the architect how might space become more meaningful? The architect usually designs free space described as ‘multi-purpose space’, this however does not complete the architects task. Robert Sommor’s in Personal Space – The Behavioral Basis of Design states “Most of the concern with functionalism has been focused upon form rather than function. It is as if the structure itself – harmony with the site, the integrity of the materials, the cohesiveness of the separate unite, has become the function. Relatively little emphasis is placed on the activities taking place inside the structure” (Sommer, R., 1969) Sommers makes reference to conceptual considerations of functionalism. As such the architect perhaps needs to consider spatial function in a manner which also shows the users how to interpret it. The performances put forward different ways to use public and hybrid public space in a manner that opens up new behavioural possibilities for the user. Under such design, spaces like the lobby is open for interpretation, play, recreation and confrontation. Architects have the possibility to create unique spaces, with reference to Daniel Burnham’s understanding of the city, lies architectures possibility to make a difference to the quality of life. By his definition it is the individual, combined with the work of other individuals that create memories, moments and confusions. The design of public space can be seen as devoted to public use, however it is only designed with specific uses in mind. The school for example, is an institution devoted to learning but designed for a particular model of teaching (sit and learn). Custodians upon spatial arrangements in architecture are evident throughout the built environment. Architecture creates social and physical boundaries and acceptances. We not only have a physical impact upon society but also one with is emotional. As such are designers shaping people as well as buildings? Sommors describes this to such an extent that “the long-range question is not so much what sort of environment we want, but what sort of man we want” (Sommer, R., 1969) Users are capable of adapting to anything and that is where I believe architects, designers and users of space can begin to explore exciting possibilities. Similar to the implications of the performances, can architects began to develop methods which break down or expose hierarchies that exist in the individual, society or its institutions? Conclusion: My interest in investigating disruption is influenced by the thinking of the Situationalists and Marxist theorist Guy Debord. Much of the explorations respond to Debords idea of the spectacle. Defining the spectacle is infact no easy task – the spectacle is society itself, it is part of society and of the instrument to dominate society. It is about the success of economy and the law and all other facets of life, including human life. Its first prerequisite is passivity and it aims to isolate the individual where reality itself becomes replaced by images of it. Debord wrote, “there can be no freedom apart from activity, and within the spectacle everything is banned.” (Gavin, F., 2007) Architecture itself, is a component of the spectacle described by Debord. The performances are grounded by the desire to encourage and reclaim principles of freedom and social culture which is suppressed under the control of government and corporation. I am intrigued in finding various relationships between architecture and to life which inhabits its framework. In a similar manner to the Dadaist collage the explorations seek to take an element and reassemble, modify or reinforce a different meaning. Should architects consider urban disturbance and provide opportunity through non-intervention in a manner which intervenes? I am interested in this idea because it places messages in the heart of the everyday. Can moments of disruption and surprise hold promise for confusing the existing system by creating and encouraging a pattern of human behavior which is no longer predicable – forcing the user to become alert and to interact differently with the world around them. In a culture of architecture which is dominated by theory, the practical or the conceptual, the “real” physical world has to reassert its presence. The urban environment (including all components of architecture and space) presents opportunity to engage with the user. If architects, begin to design with greater consideration to ordinary and social spaces, they could renegotiate their political position and establish a new code of architectural ethics. Architecture, if responding to social and individual concerns rather than corporations could explore techniques and possibilities that are entirely different to existing professional normalities. Further Reading: Burnham, S., 2008, Droog Event 2: Urban Play, Routledge, London Cherepanov, V. 2009, Rationalization, Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania. Earls, M., 2007, Herd: How to change mass behaviour by harnessing our true nature, John Wiley & Sons, N.Y. Ehrlich, H., et.al., 1979, Reinventing Anarchy: What are Anarchists Thinking These Days?, Routledge & Kegan Hall Ltd, London Gavin, F., 2007, Street Renegades: New Underground Art, Lauren King Publishing Ltd., London, U.K. Sommer, R., 1969, Personal Space: The Behavioral Basis of Design, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. Harvey, D. 2009, Capitalism and the City, Kasama Project. UXPod 2007, podcast radio programme, Info Design, May. Id love to know what you think about performances, concepts of urban disruption and architectures role with consideration to shaping to user behaviour. Leave your comments in the section below. Discussion One comment for “Reclaiming the Streets – Urban Disruption” helen this is a fantastic article and experiment. I think the selection of sites for the experiment and the reactions found in them offers a relevant social commentary.
Social marketing can take up a lot of time, and time is precious, so it only makes sense to use integrated tools to monitor and manage your social marketing campaign. There are many benefits to engaging in social marketing, including the opportunity to find new customers and build your brand through word of mouth. Monitoring social media is a business building task, but it is also a preventative measure that allows you to manage your brand through knowing about media mentions and being given the chance to respond to them before negative word of mouth ruins your brand and crisis management comes into play. When it comes to social media monitoring and management, there are several tools to make it easier and less time consuming but learning them all to identify which is best for you can be quite a task. Comparisons are useful for discovering what they are all about. Reviewing the basic features will help you to decide which one fits best into your business goals and which will be most useful. SproutSocial and HootSuite are two of the popular monitoring and management tools for social media. They each produce valuable information, but choosing which is best depends a lot on how you intend to use it. Let’s start off by comparing the features… Common Features Both SproutSocial and HootSuite enable you to monitor multiple networks from one dashboard. They both have analytic capabilities and permit the customization of reports as well as containing automated reports. They both track demographic information about your followers which is useful to target marketing, and they both include Twitter contact details. SproutSocial and HootSuite include the opportunity for tracking mentions which is helpful in monitoring your brand and engaging in conversations with potential customers or critics. They both have search features that allow you to find new customers through social media as well as enabling the smart move of monitoring your competition. Both tools have a scheduler that allows you to schedule messages to post at a certain time and both have the capability of managing RSS feeds. What is Different? While both SproutSocial and HootSuite are useful tools for managing social media activities, HootSuite has the capability of managing a team making it the best choice if you use, or intend to use, multiple contributors to your social profiles. This feature allows you to assign individual passwords instead of sharing them as well as limiting the activities that the team members engage in. HootSuite’s secure profiles prevent erroneous postings to secured profiles which is essential when working with multiple contributors. The assignment feature of HootSuite makes it possible for you to delegate tasks to team members and provides follow-up capabilities through a message system. This saves time and money as well as making your responses to opportunities or threats more efficient. HootSuite also supports mobile apps that enable access on the go which is essential to the busy entrepreneur. It also offers themes so that spending time on the dashboard won’t get so boring. You can liven it up a little bit by changing themes from time to time. These are features that SproutSocial does not have. SproutSocial is adequate in monitoring and managing social media. However, if multiple contributors are involved in your social media efforts, HootSuite is the best choice. Never underestimate the affect that social media has on your business or brand. Honestly, it can make or break you. Monitoring and managing social media is essential to make the most out of the benefits and to effectively control the detriments of being in the spotlight. What tool do you prefer for social media management? Let us know by commenting on this article! Andy from HootSuite Hi Jason, Thanks for sharing the HootSuite story. The dashboard’s team collaboration and security features are two of the many features that help make HootSuite a powerful tool. Keep an eye out on our blog as we’re always updating and rolling out new features. Tessa Auza Thanks for including Sprout Social in your comparison, Jason. You do make great points about the importance of team management and mobile apps for social media management. I hope you give us a look again in the upcoming weeks as well have both of these features available very soon. Jason Corgiat @Andy – Thanks for chiming in! We’ll keep an eye out for new features and be sure to follow up with an edit or new article altogether. @Tessa – Thank you as well! Definitely looking forward to the new features! That’s one of the things I love about this industry. Any review that’s more than a few weeks old is probably outdated. 🙂 Fawn @Happy Wives Club Thanks for this info! I was surprised that you didn’t have Tweetdeck as a comparison but maybe that ones not popular anymore. I’d not heard of Sprout Social so I’ll look into that one too. Thanks! Jason Corgiat Hi Fawn! Thanks for your comment! We are actually going to be doing several comparisons over time so I’m sure tweetdeck will make the list. Let us know if there is any specific tool you’d like to see tweetdeck compared to! Also, keep an eye out next week for a post called “Top 20 Social Media Tools”. You can subscribe to our blog via email at the top right if you like. Thanks for stopping by! Fergus Gibson I thought I’d point out that this story was accurate in the past but now requires an update. Sprout Social has added a number of features, including support for teams and a mobile app. Ed Podowski We like the capabilities of HootSuite, but SpoutSocial’s dashboard and their new team collaboration and mobile apps are very, very nice. Jason Corgiat Hi Ed, Welcome to the LeapGo blog! I totally agree with you, while Hootsuite has nice functionality it’s tough to compete with the offering of Sprout. We recently did an article by one of our social media account managers on how we use sprout social. Check it out here – David LIn We just release a new social media tool called SocialMotus, may be you can consider to include in your future review list. Kyle Jones I have used both Sprout Social and Hootsuite. I like Hootsuite better for the robust choices of networks but I like Sprout Social interface.
I'm investigating solutions to synchronize user accounts with outlook. As far as I have tested this version, the sync looks very good. My question is: Is it possible to let users make a selection in the categories in outlook, and after save, then (if the updated category exists in the user role table) update the userroles for the updated user.
Filed under: Family Meals | Tags: beans, enchiladas, margaritas, mexican, mole, rice | Ah, Maria’s. Friends, if you’re in need of a restaurant to have your last supper at, let me offer Maria’s for your consideration. The walls are covered in Aztec murals. The mariachi strum their guitars table-side. The margaritas are scratch made with legitimate amounts of Grand Marnier and Cuervo Gold. Authenticity oozes from this establishment, inconveniently located at Armitage and Harlem in Chicago.
Started season 3 as Silver 3, ended it as plat 5 but sadly couldn't push any higher since I was in jail for the last couple months of the season. I'm quite confident in my top lane and jungle abilities. I main jungled S3 but couldn't talk the flaming and harassment from players in lower leagues "It's always the junglers fault" got old really fast. But that was a long time ago and my attitude and perspective of my goals for league have changed drastically. I don't play to win I play to improve since losses are inevitable. Hit me up! Skype: puahpuah89
The Utah Flash return to the McKay Events Center with hopes of bringing the NBA D-League title back to Orem after falling just short last year. UVU fans will be pleased to know that former Wolverine forward Jordan Brady will be suiting up for the Flash after spending last season playing overseas in Europe. But Brady isn’t the only player with local ties to the state. Former BYU Cougar Lee Cummard and former Utah Ute Luke Nevill have signed with the Flash bringing the one-time rivals together. Cummard said he was looking forward to playing Nevill. “Luke and I had some great battles over the years, but I’m excited to finally play with him, not against him,” said Cummard. “I look forward to sharing the court with him as a friend and teammate, not an opponent.” The team also returns many key players from that successful 2008-09 campaign that ended when the Flash lost to Colorado in the D-League Finals. Standing out among those players is Dontell Jefferson, who played much of last season in Orem before being called up to the Charlotte Bobcats of the NBA to finish the season. The 6-5 guard out of Arkansas averaged 18 points and 5.4 assists per game to lead the offensive attack. Also back from last year’s squad are forwards Carlos Wheeler and Bennet Davis. Sharp-shooting guard Andre Ingram will also return to the lineup. Head coach Brad Jones will roam the sidelines-clipboard in hand-for the third straight year. Jones will be assisted by former NBA champion Mark “Mad Dog” Madsen and Kevin Young. Madsen is best known for “letting the dogs out” at a Lakers championship celebration in 2001. As of Dec. 2, the team has posted a 2-1 record in the early going-with wins at Tulsa and Los Angeles. Jefferson has led the way for the Flash averaging 18 points per game through the three contests. Wheeler and newcomer Orien Greene have chipped in, each averaging 12 points per game. The Flash will host the Dakota Wizards in their home opener on Dec. 7 and then welcome the Reno Bighorns to town on Dec. 11. Both games begin at 7 p.m. at the McKay Events Center.
For the first time, two single records of Baksey Cham Krong - the first Cambodian guitar band - are officially being reissued in an identical version. Between surf music and ballad, these two records released in 1963 (Je Te Quitterai) and 1964 (Ne Penser Qu'A Toi (AKU 7001EP)) are an invitation to rediscover the effervescent Khmer musical scene of the 1960s. The early 1960s are often described as the "golden age" of Cambodia, with a flourishing economy and a strong cultural development. As the country had just won its independence, the King Norodom Sihanouk - who had been a singer himself - encouraged dynamism and creativity in all aspects of cultural life. In 1959, in the midst of this artistic turmoil, Mol Kamach and his brothers created a band: the Baksey Cham Krong (also spelled Bakseis Cham Krung) named after a temple of the Angkor site. The teenagers were influenced by the latest hits they had listened on the radio. For the music, Kagnol got his inspiration from the rock 'n' roll of The Ventures and The Shadows while Kamach took over the vocal techniques of crooners such as Paul Anka. The lyrics were either in French (as for the song "Ne Penser Qu'à Toi") or in Khmer. The song "Pleine Lune" became a hit and revealed Kagnol's musical genius at playing guitar and Kamach's delicate voice. From their beginnings on the capital's high school stages to their first broadcasts on national radio, the success of the Baksey Cham Krong was very quick. At the end of the decade the band already split, the brothers getting back to activities that conformed more with their parents expectations. A few years later, in April 1975, the arrival of the Khmer Rouge in Phnom Penh put an end to this musical development and started the darkest era of Cambodia's contemporary history. A quarter of the population was killed in the Khmer Rouge genocide and the majority of artists and intellectuals were exterminated in a sordid will to wipe out any form of culture in the country. Films and music were banned, movie tapes and vinyls were destroyed. Mol Kamach and Mol Kagnol luckily managed to flee the country: one now lives in France, the other in the USA. Both still continue to make music nowadays. Bearing witness to the past history, the reissue of these two single records of Baksey Cham Krong brings back to us the Cambodian musical scene of the 1960s.
imagine having a process node in a member operation of a record.(in the production patch it was an lfo modulating an alpha value if operation is enabled by some condition) beta35.2took a while to get it working, since you seemingly can assign to an, or create a new operation after selecting those nodes. (new operation appears in the sidebar). links stay grey, which didn't alarm me, since colors sometimes don't update anyways...now only after selcting all the crucial links to the process node and assigning them, those links and the pins turn into the op color and the thing start working.for an lfo eg period/pause has to be in the same operation. so i guess i'd call it a bug in how the assigment is working:* assigning processnode + other nodes and links should at least try to move everything possible to that operation* if nothing of the current selection is assigned to a new operation, it shouldn't tell me that there is one.* the mere hint color on the pins, to distinguish if on update or other ops is not really clear. 1 because color drawing is not always reliable, so you learn to ignore that. 2 pins in regions are never the op color, so it doesn't really attract your attention, if some other pins stay gray instead of the operation color have a try with the attached ProcessInMemberOp.zip (6.2 KB) tonfilm 2017-05-19 20:46:54 UTC #2 hello woei, you have hit a special case where no element is part of a specific operation and the VL compiler just has to guess what belongs where. pads (also IOBoxes, can be discussed) never belong to an operation because they only represent data. also fragments of a process node will only be assigned to update, if there is an update and then also only if the operation that defines the fragment itself is called update. the latest beta35.5 tries to assign cases where nothing is clear to update if available. the solution in your case is that you need to assign any of the links to the operation you want to have it on. assigning links might not be intuitive, but its the only solution to remove all ambiguities in that case. woei 2017-05-19 21:00:49 UTC #3 hej, this is just the stripped down version of a production patch. the real one definitely had nodes and links assigned to an operation already. the output of the process node was connected to a multiply of a member op. input pins were left on default. i'd argue, that at least for that case the system should be intelligent enough to move the whole process to the assigned operation. since in any other case you have to force it, to have something shared between different operations and the mere hint of the grey pin is not enough to get aware, that some parts of the node are still in another operation
Drea De Matteo's New York home of more than two decades was among those destroyed by a building explosion and fire that also left two dozen people injured and two unaccounted for, the actress said. "A hole where my NYC home of the last 22 years once stood..." the "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." actress wrote on Instagram. "RIP 123 2nd Avenue."
History of SYMI,Simi island,Travel to Symi ,accommodation in Symi,apartments,hotel in Simi,Grecia,Griechenland The History of Symi The sea has always been a focal element in the life of Simi, which once lived from sponge fishing. Nowadays ,only memories are left from these glory days , Although the sea element always remains in every Symian hart The island's History begins in ancient times and some of it's ancient names were KARIKI,AIGLI,AND METAPONTIS. The island got it's current name from the Nymph Symi ,who according to mythology married the god of the seas Poseidon ,and brought to life Hthonios who became the leader of the islands inhabitants. It is Postulated that the island's first inhabitants were the Carians and the leleges. Homer mentions Symi in the Heliade ,for it's participation in the Trojan war with tree ships ,headed by the Symiot King Nireas.` Having gone through it's own history during the ancient and Byzantine period .(this is when the islands fortress was built),Symi was conquered in 1309 by the Knights of John. This is when a period of prosperity begins for the island with the development of shipping ,sponge commerce ,boat and big other crafts . The neoclassical mansions ,which remain intact to this DAY,and the most of the islands churches were build in that period. The houses begun to spread outside the castle area and the same time .many of the up to then traditional settlements were abandoned. Simi was conquered to the Turks in 1522. In an attempt to preserve as many rights as they could ,the Symiots offered gifts to the Sultan and gained in return the grant of many special privileges such as the freedom of religious expression and speech. Great progress was achieved in letters and Grafts and schools such as the Agia Marina Academy were founded 1756-1821 Prosperity in Shipping and commerce gave the Symiots the opportunity to support the national war of independence from the Turkish dominion both by financially supporting in the war and also by financially supporting this national cause. Unfortunately in 1832 Symi was Found once again under the Turkish dominion which in 1912 was succeeded by the Italian dominion which was particularly harsh on the locals. Once very prosperous , Simi confronted povertly - at time the replacement of sailing with motor ships also occurred ,sponge diving decreased and world war 2 begun resulting in great migration wave of Symiots abroad. From 1943 when the Italian dominion ceased and onwards ,Symi changed Hands several times between English and Germans, with the English taking over the island for the 3rd time on Septemper 25 1944 date when the island's Castle and its surroundings were blown up On May 8th 1945 the Germans signed the Treaty of Dodecanese Surrender, with on April 1st 1947 the British Military Command handed over its rights to Greek one At last,it was on Symi that on March 8th 1948 the protocol of Integration of all Dodecanese islands to the Greek state was Signed. The Photo Gallery of Simi island The sights in Simi The beaches hotel-villa-apartments Home Page Map&Transport Rhodes Town Home page Greek islands
So that's how do you make stick movies? Answer please.. Really? that's.. pretty cool.. you can do better stuff with that more that a stick movie.. Yes I'm way cooler.. Nah.. kidding.. so pivot?.. I'll check it out
Over the past few years, especially with the emergence of the Internet, the exchange of information has increased immensely, affecting all of us. On the one hand, the scientific community makes us aware instantly of its scientific breakthroughs while on the other hand, journalists present reports from around the world in real time. The growing number of electronic articles, magazines and books that are made available everyday, puts more pressure on professionals from every walk of life as they struggle with information overload. With the increasing availability of information and the limited time people have to sort through it all, it has become more and more difficult for professionals in various fields to keep abreast of developments in their respective disciplines A large portion of all available information today exists in the form of unstructured texts. Books, magazine articles, research papers, product manuals, memorandums, e-mails, and of course the Web, all contain textual information in the natural language form. Analyzing huge piles of textual information is often involved in making informed and correct business decisions. By and large, we all have to deal with reviewing large volumes of textual information. This problem could be solved by the use of “Automated Text Summarization” systems. Such systems have been in research for over 50 years. It views a system that can model the information processing capabilities of the human brain. In general, systems based on traditional text summarization approaches analyzed a natural language text in a certain way at the level of individual sentences. The objective was to create a semantic representation of a sentence in the form of structured relations between important words comprising this sentence. To solve this task, various previously developed linguistic molds were tried with the sentence and its components. When a mold matched the sentence well, a corresponding semantic construction was associated with the sentence. This technique provides a good first guidance for understanding the meaning of a text. But as it turns out, the main problem with this approach is that there can be too many different molds that one needs to build for analyzing different types of sentences. In addition, the list of exceptional constructions in this approach quickly grows prohibitively large. In other words, this approach works well only for a limited subset of natural language texts.FULL PAPER LINK
The astronuts went on an exciting field trip to the napas rocket launching range in grand valley just north of orangeville....napas stands for north american propulsion and space society....they invited us up to experience some very thrilling large rockets! Local napas members Kevin Fraser and Dave Rajnauth were our contacts...Dave had set the opportunity for us and Kevin fraser was on site.
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Hello, Please do excuse the not so exciting thread name.... Composing is a passion of mine and it is my ambition to be a composer, as well as a conductor. My first composition attempts were when I was around 11 years old, but I only started passionately composing around two years later, when I composed a variety of works including a cello concerto, an orchestral suite depicting the earth, some piano etudes which were performed by an excellent Japanese pianist and eventually a symphony. I regard 2011 to have been the most important year for me as a composer so far. It started off by writing an orchestral tone poem based on Robert Browning's poem 'Porphyria's Lover', and then, I recieved my first commission which was from the Misbourne Symphony Orchestra to write a piece for their 50th anniversary season. I wrote for them my 'Rhapsody for Orchestra' which was premiered by the orchestra in the first concert of the season in November. It was such an amazing experience, the first time I had ever heard an orchestra perform my works in concert... and recieving the applause and cheering from the audience was so special! Also, earlier in the year, I had auditioned to the Junior Department of the Royal Academy of Music, London, to study composition and piano. I was accepted and started in September. I am really enjoying my time there, my teacher is Matthew Taylor, who some fans of Robert Simpson may have heard of! Before, my style had been very romantic, but now, in my most recent work called 'Seascapes' for orchestra, I think I have developed a more original, distinct style which is more impressionist. On this thread, I shall post updates on my compositions for anyone who is interested. I would love your opinions as I value feedback very much!Here are some links to my work - all are computer sounds I'm afraid. Some live performances, including the premiere of the 'Rhapsody for Orchestra' shall be uploaded soon. 'Seascapes' - an orchestral depiction of the sea. 11 minutes - composed between October and December for Orchestra' - dedicated to Richard Jacklin and the Misbourne Symphony Orchestra. Composed between April and June 2011, premiered on 12th November. for Piano' - a solo piano depiction of - after the poem 'Porphyria's Lover' by Robert Browning. for large orchestra. for Orchestra - dedicated to Mahler (originally from 'Symphony post more soon! :) My new projects will include:A 'reverie' for piano 8-hand - for my chamber group at the Royal AcademyA set of lieder Violin duets for myself and a excellent violinist friend at school to play, she is only 12 and is already capable of many virtuosic solo concerto parts!'Nocturnes' for wordless choir and chamber orchestra. Thank you!Best Wishes, Daniel Hogan petrarch: Congrats! Off to a great start there and I am sure there's a lot of good stuff waiting to pour out of you onto paper. Mirror Image: Daniel, I just listened to your Seascapes and I'm very impressed with it! I like the direction you're going with your music. Congrats on all of your compositions! I look forward to hearing your music recorded by the London Symphony Orchestra one day. 8) ibanezmonster: Just listened to Seascapes.Very nice! I really enjoyed it. 8) The use of glissandi was also interesting in that context (though in *Sibelius the glissandi sound might not always be as accurate as it should be). I'm assuming the glissandi somehow represented the up-and-down waves of the sea?*it was Sibelius that you use, right?I don't know if you showcase your scores to the public or not, but just in case you do, I would be interested in reading them... Mirror Image: --- Quote from: madaboutmahler on December 22, 2011, 02:32:03 PM ---'Nocturnes' for wordless choir and chamber orchestra.--- End quote ---I will be interested in hearing this one, Daniel.
Bella posted a photo of her starry hairstyle on April 8, just two weeks after Khloe rocked a very similar look! We love the pretty hair but who rocked it better? Vote below. Khloe Kardashian Instagrammed her pretty starry style, created by hairstylist Jen Atkin, on March 25. On April 8, Bella Thorne posted a pic of her gorgeous red hair using the same star accents! The styles are so similar, we don’t know if we can pick a fave! Bella Thorne’s Star Hair — Get The Look It’s easy to get this look! Just buy star ribbon at any craft or fabric store. Secure the end of the ribbon with bobby pins near the temple, using your hair to hide the end of the ribbon and pin. Twist a one inch section of hair around and back simultaneously. Do the same with the other side. Secure both sides with a clear elastic. Hide the elastic with more star ribbon and let pieces fall down the back of your hair. Voila! Khloe Kardashian’s Star Hair — Her Girly Look Khloe posted the pic to her Instagram on March 25, writing: “In love with my look today thank you @atkinjen @robscheppy.” In our poll, a whopping 86 percent of you loved the look! Well, I guess Disney star Bella took notice of Khloe’s romantic do! She rocked a very similar look on April 8 at a Paul Frank event in Hollywood. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery! She tweeted a pretty pic, saying: “Sitting poolside at the W in #PaulFrank.” She also posted a back shot of her hair, saying: “Meh hair doe.”
Road Conditions by RouteORE22 MP 1.2Informational only; Commercial Vehicle InformationDetails: OR22/OR99E Bus EB (Mission St) Exit 1A ramp to I-5 SB (Salem) Effective June 11, 2017, the ramp from OR22/OR99E Bus eastbound (Mission St) Exit 1A to I-5 southbound will be intermittently closed between the hours of 9 PM & 5 AM. Estimated date of completion is June 20, 2017.Updated: 05/28/2017 7:01 pm
While most illnesses can't necessarily be cured solely through diet and nutrition, careful consideration of what you eat can be a decisive factor in recovery. Discussing everyday ailments (bad breath and acne), uncommon maladies (rosacea and fibromyalgia), and serious diseases (AIDS and cancer), this comprehensive, alphabetical guide to health conditions assists in identifying symptoms, provides ideas on the foods to eat and avoid, and suggests strategies to help you stay healthy.
anthology of letters by women writers such as Simone De Beauvoir, Anne Stevenson, Anne Boleyn, and two by Edith Thompson, the subject of Jill Dawson’s novel, Fred & Edie. ‘Jill Dawson has snipped the pink ribbons on a bushel of vintage love letters and exposed their secret folds to the light.’ – Daily Express Passion, longing, the desolation of unrequited love or the end of an affair are some of the consuming emotions in this ravishing compendium which reveals the enduring power of the love affair to produce ardent and often unguarded personal writings. From Emily Dickinson to Anais Nin, Ann Boleyn to the Empress Josephine, all wrote marvellous, highly charged love letters. With the promise of intimate glimpses into the writers’ hearts, this anthology delivers Virginia Woolf at her wittiest, Colette in her ardent and dreamy mood, Simone de Beauvoir at her most private and provocative. ‘As we head down the super-highway of e-mail and fax, we shall all need instruction in this old-fashioned art.’
Laysan Albatross Diomedea immutabilis The Laysan Albatross breeds on isolated islands in the central Pacific Ocean, but is found throughout the northern oceans during all times of the year. They are most commonly seen in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands flying low over the waves searching for food. Laysan Albatrosses are among the largest of all flying birds, having a wingspread greater than 2m (6 ft), but weighing only 10 kg (22 lbs). Early Aleut and Eskimo hunters apparently preferred albatrosses for their meals because archeologists find hundreds of albatross bones in the remains of old houses and villages along the Bering Sea coast. Laysan Albatrosses are specialized feeders on schooling fish and snatch unwary individuals from just under the surface. Once hatched, albatrosses will return to land only to breed, the rest of their life is spent at sea. They sometimes are seen asleep on the water, but this makes them easy targets for killer whales and stealthy hunters in kayaks; most albatrosses apparently sleep while gliding in the air. Black-Browed AlbatrossPhoto � PhotoDisc
My favorite place to live in the US, Houston, TX. I can have blooming flowers all year long. If you look close, the pot to the right has a pineapple plant growing. Remember to thank God for all your blessings he has brought us in our life. For the month of November & December, free monogramming. Just ask for booth #8477 at Tomball Arts & Crafts. Need help preparing that big dinner. Place this wall hanging in a very visible location. $10.00 each Nothing gets a woman moving faster in the kitchen than guests at the table. That is why this cute wall hanging is a sweet reminder. $10.00 each While preparing dinner for your family and love ones, what a refreshing look out the window with your new fresh lace curtains. Posted by
This slideshow shouldn't be missed. Not only does it show you the last few images of Bhutto (and some beautiful images from the rally), but it shows the bombing and the aftermath.» The Assisination of Benazir Bhutto Posted by emdot 1 comment: Cookiemouse said... Thank you for posting this. I am too upset to blog about this at the moment. Some of my friends are in the region and have told me it's very ugly and dangerous at this time in Pakistan. It was interesting that the photographer says two shots were fired which the Pakistan government denies. In some way they are responsible for Bhutto's death. We live in sad times for humanity.
DRESS: HARPER & BAY (C/O) (DRESSES ARE CURRENTLY ON SALE OVER AT KICKSTARTER) | PERFORATED FLATS (SIMILAR HERE) | DIAPER BAG | NECKLACES HERE AND HERE, BRACELETS HERE, HERE AND HERE STROLLER | CARSEAT | MOCCASINS We have been going through the most ridiculous heat stroke for the past few weeks here in Southern California. It's been crazy hot and really humid for our area. I thought it was bad being pregnant in all this heat (and it was!), but having a newborn and being always on the go is much harder in the heat than I expected! Trekking up and down the hill with my stroller for school drop offs, days at the park, and errands around town can leave me so hot and miserable. To make matters worse, now that I am nursing, all of my cool sundresses that I wore everyday are now no longer options in my closet! I am constantly nursing on the go, but have had to wear pants with a top or button-up in order to be able to nurse in public, and it is just so crazy hot! No way am I hiking my entire dress up to nurse in public (although....at times I've seriously considered it). I just discovered Harper and Bay's new line of nursing friendly dresses, and they are game changers! Finally, a nursing friendly dress that is actually cute and on trend! I've seen my fair share of nursing dresses, but just can't bring myself to wear them. They scream "I'm Nursing!" too much to me. But I'd wear these dresses even if I weren't nursing. This raglan dress is my favorite because the fabric is super soft and the zipper along the sleeve makes it so easy to nurse Eli in public. The side-ruching is also great for my post baby body (a must for before and after a baby) I was also really tempted to get their swing dress. They are having a sale on all of their nursing friendly dresses over on kickstarter now until October 1st. After that date, the prices will go back up, so run and snag yourself one at this great price! *In collaboration with Harper & Bay
Get Heavy's Top 5 News Stories Every DayWe will never share your email address. Family Cat Hits the Town on Crime/Drug/Sex Binge Published 12:16 pm EDT, November 30, 2012 Updated 1:06 pm EDT, April 17, 2015 Comment By Joel Stice Share Tweet Share Email Follow A family decided to strap a video camera to the collar of their family pet and find out what sort of cute hijinks he got into when leaving the house. Ya know, stalking butterflies, napping in the sun and doing blow in dirty bathroom stalls. The usual kitty stuff. Joel Stice
During four days, the participating restaurants have part of their menu dedicated to Magusto dishes, accompanied by various regional delicacies such as baked cod or grilled cuttlefish.
I hope Vincent comes back to AMC along with Cady McClain as Dixie. David Hayward is THE PERFECT way to bring back Dixie from the dead. David could've given her the same drug that he gave Maria and could be living with her somewhere with Dixie as his wife. This would be great even if David is only brought back short term, which might be the best way to bring him back.
Filed under: General — jen Out here in the �burbs people are obsessed with leaves, specifically the leaves that have the gall to wither and die in the Autumn and make a mess of their pristine, golf course-like lawns. In our neighbourhood people spend small fortunes to have someone come with their leaf-blowers and their tarps or their giant leaf vacuums to remove every last bit of Mother Nature�s fall bounty. Being former city-folk, and not knowing all the rules, we left our leaves right where they were last year. As it turns out, this is the equivalent to having one or more cars up on blocks on your front lawn. This year I had a cursory check into what it would cost to have our leaves professionally removed and quickly decided that it would be better to put the money aside for shoes emergency household repairs. Why pay someone to do it when we could do it ourselves Mark could do it himself? 7 Responses to “All the leaves are brown” michele Says: November 14th, 2004 at 2:35 pm I can read under the lines, don’t you try and fool me. No sane woman would choose leaf removal over new shoes. To hell with the neighbours, worry about pretty feet. Fi Says: November 15th, 2004 at 3:29 pm Amen. Shoes versus leaf removal? No contest. But I guess you’ll just have to be prepared for the neighbourhood ostracism Mark Says: November 15th, 2004 at 5:54 pm I was out there raking all weekend! I was up and out at 7am and I raked until at least 10pm. Then I did the same thing on Sunday. We now have a pristine lawn. No thanks to my blog exploding wife… Marie Says: November 15th, 2004 at 5:57 pm I alway thought that the leaves falling to the ground served an ecological function - like providing nutrients to the grass through the winter. I just leave them - no pun intended JNo Says: November 15th, 2004 at 6:01 pm Darling, put the crack pipe down. Garth Says: November 16th, 2004 at 10:24 am It would be cool to find a way to use the collected leaves for some neat way of making beer, or curing cancer or something. Then everybody’d be like “hey, can I rake your leaves?”. Greg Says: November 21st, 2004 at 7:09 pm Hi there.. great post.. go for the shoes. Funny you should write all this about suburbanites and their lawns/leafs. I wrote something quite similar a month or so ago on my blog, after a buddy talked about his boy mowing in imperfect lines.. here’s the link. Leave a Reply
I've been on vacation and I've seen many people, places and things. I want to say thank you to all the folks I've seen on my vacation. It truly has been a joy to see everyone! When I get back to Marquette there will be many drawing projects waiting for me. I also will be planning for a drawing workshop that I will teach beginning September 21st. Call the Marquette Arts and Culture Center to sign up. Marquette Arts & Culture Center 217 N. Front St. (Peter White Public Library) Marquette, MI 49855 906-228-0472 Bring your pencils and your paper. Here is a picture of me at my Grandma Garzelloni's house. My mother took the photo. You can see my Grandpa Beef's grape arbor in the reflection of the glass door slider. I think this is a unique picture because there are multiple images layered on top of each other. Tom Cappuccio told me that reflections do not have shadows. Think about that one.
A RESOLUTION recognizing and commending J. Frederick Agel for outstanding community service and excellence as a volunteer in the field of public health; and for other purposes. Status History
What is better than the sight of a hot air balloon? The sight of FOUR hot air balloons sailing over house and fields! OK--couldn't get all four in the photo--but this gives you the idea. So pretty!! Maybe someday you or I will sail over Claret Farm and get a shot from the sky? 0 Comments
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