everything that's happening in that picture well I see the mother what's she doing pouring the the faucet down on the floor gram she got yeah she got that running on the floor es she's wiping the dishes and the little boy's gonna break his neck trying to get into the cookie jar and the little girl's yelling for more they're heading into a disaster and laughs and laughs okay anything else well the little boy's gonna and br break his neck there if he doesn't watch out and clears throat now I expect there are a whole lot more that I didn't see okay that's fine
the uh young fellow is and s standing on the step ladder which is it's a stool which is getting ready to fall he's handing he's getting a cookie out while he's handing one to the sister the top is falling off of the cookie jar the girl is standing on the floor with her hand reaching up for the cookie while she has her right hand up to her mouth I think she's telling him to watch it he's at the cupboard with the door open the mother has her back turned towards them the water is overflowing from the faucet into the sink onto the floor while she wipes uh while she dries uh a dish and she doesn't even hear or know what's going on there the cupboard doors are closed the window is open or closed and you can see outside the path flowers and so forth gram now I know I'm missing something she's standing in the water the faucet the sink is overflowing two cups and a plate are there that's all I can see okay that's fine
here's the picture well well well we got a faucet turned on and water's overflowing from the sink onto the floor grass is growing on the outside trees are growing no indication that wind is coming in the window or that the window's open so we can't say that it might be open because it might not be gram and it looks like there's a mother there who's washing or drying dishes and uh she's standing in the water and Johnny over there is trying to take some cookies out of the cookie jar and he's uh falling off his little stool and he's handing a cookie while he's falling to his sister I suppose who's reaching up to get it and looks like she's also putting a finger in her nose but maybe she's not gram I think that's about all the action okay good Johnny of course is reaching into the cookie jar
tell me what's going on all the action what's going on in this picture oh the boy is up trying to cake take p w and the woman's sink is running over mhm and these are curtains and his stool is tumbling over mhm anything else going on in the picture anything else wrong with the picture going on any more action in the picture okay
tell me all the action you see going on in the picture oh my you mean how much or just and t the ones just tell me all the action tell me what's going on oh there's the sink is overflowing while she's wiping uh uh and k uh a plate and not looking and laughs mhm the little boy is hungry he wants to get some cookies and he's standing on uh um a stool and it's tipping over and I don't know whether he's gonna bring the cookie jar with him or what and laughs and the little girl is um uh holding up her hand wanting some and he's gonna give to him s r but uh I don't know if she has a finger to her mouth but and she knows that he's gonna be tipping over it looks like to me uhhuh or maybe she's just not noticing it and making her mouth get ready for this good cookie I don't know which way it is for the little girl because she's smiling gram I think if she saw him falling over she'd do something to to help him so he wouldn't get hurt I mean she'd grab it or something mhm but she's just looking up at him you know looking up at those good cookies and waiting for them to come to her hand but this little finger in her mouth is uh I'm not quite sure what it means I think it means that it's gonna be good and laughs mhm probably yeah okay and uh I don't know whether the mother knows this is wet yet and laughs she's gonna find out isn't she she's thinking something else I think I don't know what it is what are what's what are we going to have for lunch or and laughs or she's got something in her mind because certainly she'd see this if she didn't hear it okay
and mm dishes are being dried mhm and the child is getting some cookies out of the jar the the uh plant stand or the stand stool s r he's on is looks as though it's crooked and the water's going over in the sink from the sink is that all anything else that you see and then the boy was getting the cookies out of the jar and the cover is off okay but she he s rret he's giving her a cookie and the stool is turning over and the water in the sink is boiling flowing s rret over or flowing over mhm and she's drying dishes okay thank you
okay now what I want you to do here is to tell me everything that you see going on in this picture everything that you see happening here okay okay it's kinda kind of shiny there I and c well that's so you can see it mhm okay it looks like somebody's raiding the cookie jar there's a woman working in the kitchen uhhuh and there's this little girl here with something but I don't know what it is she anything else that you see going on there yeah I'm trying to identify this thing what is that ddku xn n uk trying to see is that a table leg hm I don't know okay tell me I'd say that's a table leg okay okay that's real good then
I want you to take a look at that picture and tell me everything that you see going on in that picture everything that's happening there well little boy and clears throat reaching out for the cookie jar gram and the stool he's standing on tilts over and um he's handing some cookies down to the little girl and the mother's and w drying dishes and spills water on the floor and she's looking out the window that's it good
okay a child falling off a stool in the attempt to reach the cookie jar which it looks like he's uh knocked the lid off gram and uh maybe he's gonna drop the the cookie and his girlfriend is standing there beckoning him or reaching for the cookie that he's sposta give her and the mother is not paying any attention to the kids she's looking out the window and uh drying the dishes at the same time she has let the sink uh run over and the water is cascading uh down on the floor and onto her feet the curtains are waving and the window is open and the yard looks like it's uh manicured and uh other than the the stool and the cabinets and the dishes that's all I can see
I want you to take a look at this picture and I want you to tell me everything that's happening there everything that's going on in that picture okay is there a number of things I mean and eh and eh do I hafta come up with a certain amount no oh okay just whatever you see happening there okay number one the boy is stealing some cookies and he's falling over from the chair stool s r that's not setting straight and the sink is overflowing you wanna know everything that's wrong with the picture or and eh everything that's happening xxx everything that's happening mhm okay it looks like it's a nice summer day outside and the lady's drying the dishes and uh everything that's happening and she's standing in the water better get out of there and laughs gram the girl seems to be giggling looks like uh the mother is a little p o'd pissed off and uh that's about all I can see okay fine that's good thank you very much
okay and there's the picture okay mhm it's a mother washing dishes she's left the water on the water is running on the floor um there's a child reaching for cookies he's handing a cookie to it looks like his sister he's on a stool that's falling over the wind's blowing the curtains are waving uh the mother's looking out the window instead of at the boy the girl's hungry and she's pointing to her mouth she's got her hand upraised the the floor's gonna be soaked with the water the mother's gonna have wet shoes it's running into her shoes and that's about all I can see the door's open for the to the cupboard okay good
take this picture and tell me everything that you see happening in that picture everything that you see going on well Johnny's falling off the stool the boy's falling off a stool after trying to steal cookies out of a cookie jar gonna give them to his sister gram the mother is washing dishes the water's running on the floor window's open gram the water's running can't think of anything uh they're in the kitchen the little girl's whispering or motioning to be quiet I guess that's it
okay now going on in the picture okay the boy is falling off the stool he's taking cookies out of the cookie jar and the girl is reaching up for a cookie the mother is drying dishes the and s water is running out of the sink the overflowing sink the mother's standing in the water um the window is open looks like the window's open gram the water is running I don't know whether you'd consider her looking the other way or whether that would be an activity or not she's she's not looking at the children she's looking the other way the girl is shushing him so he won't make a noise the door is open on the cupboards that's all I can see okay xxx yeah okay
what I want you to do is take a look at this picture and tell me everything that you see happening in this picture I want you to tell me everything that's going on here everything not things that are just bad right right just everything that's going on okay there are two little kids a boy and a girl on a and s the boy's on a stool which is falling over getting cookies out of a jar the cookies are in the cabinet with the lid off and it's in the kitchen the mother is washing dishes at the window with a curtain on the window a walk outside with trees and grass gram the water is running over in the sink onto the floor the mother is drying a dish and stepping in the water there's a plate and two cups sitting on the cabinet the mother has an apron on okay okay
going on in that picture what's happening there oh my poor kids he's gonna fall off that cookie jar we'll start with the girl she's going to receive a cookie her brother is her brother is taking cookies out of a jar and he got careless and she's asking him for one so he's handing one down to her in the meantime he is getting ready to fall off of the off of a stool a three legged stool and the mother's not paying much attention she's looking out the window and in looking out the window why she's letting her sink run over and the water's splashing on the floor all over her and uh what else and noises thinking the outside looks alright they're doing more things on the outside there's some more there es and then she's drying she's drying a dish and she has two cups and a plate on the table they've already eaten xxx she could well I did say she was letting the uh water run over the sink down onto the floor splashing onto her feet oh boy then there's an angle here that is incomplete of the and st of the corner where the wall comes together and hm let's see what else should there be oh let's see the and ta there's a plate two and sau two cups oh and sh I did say she's letting the water run over the sink didn't I yes mhm and she s eems to be looking out the window while she's drying her dish how about that does that have enough okay that's fine
take a look at this picture and tell me everything that you see happening in that picture everything that you see going on the boy is on a stool that is falling while he's trying to get some cookies out of the cookie jar in the top shelf of the cupboard the little girl is reaching for a cookie it looks like she's sort of laughing at the boy or putting her finger up to her mouth to be quiet so her mother doesn't hear who is in the kitchen drying dishes but the water in the sink is overflowing onto the floor and she's stepping in the water the window is open looks like and s it's summer outside gram yeah there's trees with leaves is that all you want me to do she's doesn't look it's like she hears them she doesn't seem to be aware of them some of the dishes are already washed and dried is that all you want me to say okay
that's the picture a boy is taking uh cookies from the cookie jar giving one to his sister he's also falling off the stool he is on the mother is washing dishes she's letting the sink overflow it's getting all over the floor I see nothing further the girl is saying be quiet if that if that counts okay mhm that's fine I don't know what the mother gets by standing in all the water I don't think that's very important that's all I see okay thank you what have what have I missed
okay all of the action okay uh we see a uh a and b little boy climbed up on a stool reaching for the cookie jar and uh the stool is about to or is falling uh he is trying to get a cookie for himself and also one for his sister uh his sister is telling him to be very quiet she's going shho can't write that down telling him to be quiet gram and uh let's see in the meantime uh the mother is washing the dishes or yes washing dishes and the sink has uh overflowed and uh is pouring water on the floor I don't think I see anything else well good that's about all there is to see okay
and there's the picture oh you mean things like the boy climbing up on the stool reaching for cookies and the uh stool is tipping over and he's gonna go falling on his lupu xn n uk and his sister's talking to him and pointing and uh the mother is wiping the dishes and the sink is spilling over and going on the floor and did I say she's and wi wiping the dishes I presume there's something in the sink it looks like the girl is laughing the mother's standing in water you mean things like that mhm can I finish now mhm good
and here's your picture oh Johnny is sneaking cookies out of the cookie jar for his sister Sue mother is washing the dishes and the sink is overflowing with the water on the floor the curtains are spread aside to let the light in there's plates and saucers on the table here and the shall I tell you some more just tell me everything you see going on in the picture and tell me when you think you're through no I'm through okay good
I want you to tell me everything that you see going on in that picture everything that you see happening there a cookie jar gram and the kid's the boy's going to get from the cookie jar and the mother's washing drying dishes oh boy and then in here what happens and laughs where all that water's coming out of there and laughs gram oh gosh and the little one I don't know what he's she's s rret she's gonna get something from him es oy oy and hm that was it oh okay what do I hafta do now good that you done okay that's fine
I want you to tell me everything that you see happening in that picture everything that's going on in there I see the little boy reaching up for the cookie jar but he's also on the stool which is tumbling over and he's going to be hurt the little girl has her hand up for a cookie from the cookie jar too the we'll call her the mother is doing dishes and the water is splashing out of the sink she can look out the window and see the lawn the birds in the trees she's doing the dishes and as I said before the water is coming out onto the floor she doesn't seem to be aware of it and the little boy is going to get a bad fall on that stool the water's on full force and it's coming out onto the floor and laughs okay
kid trying to get into the cookie jar gram and he missed the thing es and he still isn't going out for them es and his sister whoever it is has has caught him at it and he's gonna hafta do the dishes because his mother uh can't let him go scotfree and of course the water's pouring out of the sink onto the floor already she didn't even take the plug out okay anything else well there's uh there's other colors s uk here jar and it isn't the first time this man boy s r has done this he been doing it all his life but his mother didn't find out until she he s r was big enough to walk okay
that it's not real clear so do want you can with it do you see anything going on yeah I see the woman's in a kitchen and okay now it looks like she's I and me I and c I can't really pick it out but oh and there's a glu little p n girl here talking and a blu little boy I assume on this side here mhm and this is a highchair stool s r here or some kind of a chair cir and uh I don't know what this is here I can't see what that is oh there's another did I talk about this girl up here what's she doing she's uh I can't see too plain what she's doing no here let me try this is it a little clearer oh yes I think so okay can you see what she's doing now where was she xxx this girl okay what's she doing I really can't see what she's doing how about can you see what's gonna going on over there no uh I don't yeah that's awfully hard for me to distinguish mhm okay
and there's the picture cookie jar gram the boy and a girl and the ladder gram the uh cabinet gram and the other cabinet with the sink in it or with the yes gram the water coming out gram the sink gram the dishes on the cabinet gram the lady drying dishes gram the window gram and you can see the trees outside the window the curtains on the window gram you see anything else going on in our picture the water gram spilling over in the sink gram I guess I mentioned the boy getting the cookies out of the jar anything else going on over here oh yeah the ladder's tipping over the boy's on the ladder and the ladder's tipping over and the girl's reaching to get a cookie and uh the water's flowing down on the floor you can see the grass out on the lawn okay
are you ready mhm um well the sink is overflowing mother is standing in the water like a jerk she's wiping the dishes also like a jerk um there uh the the the boy is trying to get a cookie out of the cookie jar but boy he's about to fall off the stool his sister has her has her hand up finger up to her mouth like she's saying shh to be quiet don't let mother know what you're doing and he's about to hand her a cookie but um in a few moments it's going to be like total catastrophe mother the reason the water's flowing out over the sink is because the water is running furiously um and I'm looking out through the window and I don't see anything going on out there unless and m I don't that's just a bush I'm presuming or a plum pudding um I told you the stools about to go over in a moment there's going to be real chaos which will make what's going on in the picture look like nothing and laughs the cookie jar is full the lid is off the cookie jar and the do you want me to tell you all of those things tell me all of the things you see going on in the picture the the cabinet door has just swung open stool is about to fall gram I guess I've just told you that with a terrible crash gram um mother is daydreaming she doesn't even know what's going on behind her I think that's very important and sometimes typical um seems to be all I can see okay that's fine
I'd like you to do is just look at the picture and tell me anything at all that you see going on children are getting into the cookie jar the little boy who's on the stool is about to fall because the s tool is going to topple over the mother has her back turned and is drying the dishes but the sink is full of water and the water's beginning to spill over onto the floor s ink is in front of a window gram uh one can look out the window and see a path and what is obviously a yard uh there's a plate and two cups or dishes on the counter the children getting into the cookie jar are uh are there's one boy and one girl gram the cookie jar is labelled Cookie jar the cupboard door is open there are curtains at the kitchen window the mother is wearing an apron she has a sleeveless dress and short hair the little girl has straps on her shoes the stool is a three legged stool okay that's about it okay
okay take a look at this picture here tell me everything that you see going on everything that you see happening in that picture the little girl's saying don't tell my mother she's reaching for a cookie the boy's getting cookies out of the cookie jar the lid fell off the cookie jar the stool's ready to fall it's slanted the lady's drying dishes water's running out of the sink faucets are running um dishes are sitting on the counter the window's open water's going on the floor the lady has her back to the kids looks like the drapes are blowing in the wind that's about all there is isn't it
you see going on in the picture well the little boy went up to get some cookies and the little girl reaching up to give the jar to the and cook to her brother the mother is washing dishes and the and wa and the uh the sink is full of dishes uh full of water and the mother is still uh uh and w uh wiping the dishes and let's see what else and the boy is uh almost falling off this long and s uh thing here cir uh what do you wanna call this a chair stool s rrep a chair stool s r okay and uh the and then uh and the water's and fa falling over on the floor by the mother and a and the little girl's uh handing uh handing her uh something to her brother and and c uh cookies it's probably cookies or he's handing her a cookies m a whatever right okay sure
picture that has a lot of action going on there's a lot of things going on in the picture tell me what you see going on in the picture well she's washing dishes he's climbing up to get cookies he's gonna fall and she's laughing okay and she's spill running the water over anything else that looks like someone down out there or something es I don't know what that is okay
okay picture and tell me everything that you see happening here everything that you see going on well the kid's standing on a tilted stool getting cookies the water's running out of the sink the girl has two different shoes on the stool is tilted the cookie jar is not a jar it's uh it's it's a uh tin tin tin thing tin dish or whatever okay alright
tell me what you see going on in the picture the girl's drying dishes she's washing the and wasits the water's flowing over and there's a boy up on the up up on the stool but it's the stool's going over he hasn't fallen yet yet and the girl is telling him what to do okay
okay and there's the picture all of the action uh just go ahead and tell you just say it the mother is drying a plate and the water's sink is clogged and there's more water going over and it's splashing onto the floor and the and s the boy's falling off the stool getting cookies from the cookie jar and the girl's putting her finger up to her lip which means I won't tell or something like that uh shoes are getting wet in the mother gram I'm looking outside but I don't see it doing anything it doesn't look snowy doesn't have too much to tell with that that's about the all the action I see is the water spilling over and the boy falling off the stool okay fine I don't know that snow is action I don't see it snowing it looked light out there okay I don't know
I'm gonna show you a picture now I want you to tell me what you see going on in this picture tell me what's happening in that picture this is uh a clause copy copy cl by his look at the picture up here yeah uhhuh tell me what's going on in the picture a mndu n ukret mdu n ukret mdnu n uk jar can you tell me what's going on in this picture the sun gram look here you see up here what's going on in this picture mhm what do you see in this picture his ku n uk jar can you tell me what's going on over here xxx ample xxx rice and clears throat discharged jar charged gram flexible gram flexible gram xxx jar can you tell me what's going on in this picture my husband and uh what's going on in this picture here is there somebody else there Missus Last name her too her gram Missus Last name uh Last name yeah Missus Last name can you look at me can you look at me I want you to look at the picture here yeah right here what's going on right there what do you see a lovely girl gram uhhuh any a do guess getting older I see I so jar uhhuh can you see anything else in the picture right here oh no this is oh I can just okay let me take this away from you
um there are two children a boy and a girl the girl is standing on the floor and and the boy is reaching up into a cupboard that's open that has a cookie jar with the lid off of it he has a cookie in his left hand he's reaching for a second one and the stool on which he is standing has uh tipped over and he's going to fall down the mother her back is to the um to the event and she is washing dishes while her uh sink is uh overflowing with water onto the floor she seems to be oblivious of it the window is uh opened looking out onto a pathway that has um a tree and shrubbery and a part of uh what might be an extension of the house or a garage and there are curtains over the window and there are are two cups and a saucer that she is either going to wash or has already washed and uh and y and y this event is taking place in the kitchen I don't know if I said that or not okay and I believe that's about all that I can see okay
I'm gonna show you a picture that has a lot of things going on in the picture and PAR mm I'd like you to tell me everything you see going on in the picture mm I'd like you to tell me everything you see going on in the picture mhm and hm this the boy is on the on the uh the uh chair stool s r trying to get some cookies out of the cupboard to give to and hi to his sister I guess and the mother is um doing and th the dishes and and the sink overflowed and and all the water's going on the floor that's it okay
what do you see going on I see a little boy on a stool almost falling over taking cookies out of the cookie jar and the little girl is putting her finger to her mouth that she's uh to keep it quiet the uh mother is washing dishes she's drying the dishes and letting the water uh keep being uh keep on running in the in the sink and then water is running over and she is standing in the sink water s rret in the water that's uh running over uh there's a window there she's looking at at the grass and the flowers and the uh uh curtains seem to be shaking from the wind and the air that's blowing in the dishes that she's through drying are sitting on the sink top and the little girl's raising her hands for the little boy to hand her a cookie and he has one cookie in his hand and he's going after another one uh he's ready to hand her a cookie mother is uh holding a dish cloth that she's drying the dishes with she has a platter that she's drying okay I don't see any other action okay that's fine
what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna show you a picture now in the picture there are some things going on there's some action taking place what I want you to do is look at the picture and tell me anything at all that you see going on can you tell me anything that you see going on in the picture oh yes quite a lot okay go ahead the kid's trying to get the uh cookie jar down and he's gonna fall down off the ladder or the stool whatever it is and she's trying to get it and f and o out of his hand and she's got little and so and s uh socks on and the mother is drying the dishes and the water's slopping all over the floor and there is a garden outside it looks like and there's drapes or uh not drapes whatever you call them that's and o over the window and there's dishes over here and this looks like cabinets where the water is flowing over and somebody's gonna fall down off that ladder stool s rret or that and su stool or whatever it is and the little girl has little shoes and socks on okay good
it's a sunny day because the window's open this is the interpreted one okay then um the little boy is reaching up to get a cookie and he's about to fall off the chair stool s r and uh the water's overflowing in the sinks sink s r and the mother is drying the dishes but she doesn't see the water flowing over the and s obviously she is just spaced out somewhere because she doesn't know that the boy's getting the cookies and she doesn't know the water's overflowing in the sink and even she's standing in it and sighs um the and l little the little girl has her has her hand finger on her mouth so she's um telling the little boy to be quiet and not let mother know that we're getting the cookies out of the cookie jar and um I'd say mother's in some kind of a depression or something just not with it gram
to look at this picture and tell me everything you see going on in this picture tell me everything you see happening well a little boy has gotten up to get cookies he's giving his sister one but in the meantime he's falling off the chair stool s r she's reaching out for the cookie the lid's off the cookie jar so he's in there and the mother is washing the dishes but she's letting the sink run over she has more dishes to do I think maybe not gram maybe they're clean and outside the window it's a lovely day and everything has leaves on it so it must be summer and um I guess that's about it do you wanna know about their clothes or anything and hmhunh just what's happening no that's it that's all okay thank you mhm
okay and here's the picture little boy getting in the cookie jar gram and the little girl holding out her hand for some cookies and a stool the boy is on is about to tip over and a lady is drying a dish and the water is running over overflowing from the sink uh you said just the action mhm the lady is stepping in the water on the floor and hm I don't know what's going on outside the window okay that's fine thank you
what I want you to do here is take a look a that picture I want you to tell me everything that you see happening in that picture everything that you see going on in there well the kids are raiding the cookie jar and he's about to fall off the stool mom's washing the dishes but the uh sink's overflowing and um and ts there's a view out the window get some dishes here some cups and the kitchen cabinets gram what do you mean what's going on mhm that's about it okay the window's open okay alright thank you
this picture is it action if she has a finger in her nose here and laughs okay no but anyway uh the boy's taking cookies out of the cookie jar he's about to fall off of the stool uh mother's drying dishes at the sink oh little girl's reaching up I don't know if that was one she's reaching up like this uh the curtains are being blown by the wind coming in through the open window and coughs uh there seems to be water running onto the floor from the sink uh is it action when mother's standing in the water and laughs okay uh we're drying the dishes we've we're already done that gram uh that uh doesn't seem to be more oh he's handing cookie handing cookie to girl gram girl reaching up for cookie gram uh mother's daydreaming or she would stop all this and laughs okay that's fine that's about all there is
and the boy in the in the cookie jar gram and the girl reaching up to him gram the chair stool s r slanting ready to topple gram and the cookie jar is open and his the lid's in there and the door's open and mother's drying the dishes and standing in a pool of water it looks water running down from the sink gram and there are some dishes on the sink the window is open and you can see outdoors she's I did say she was drying dishes didn't I mhm and I did mention the water running out of the sink yes okay and the few dishes on the sink gram and you can see the trees and the window outside looks like the little girl's eating a cookie and reaching up for another the boy's really in a precarious position and laughs he's got one hand in the cookie jar and another cookie in the other hand okay he looks just about ready to tumble okay thank you
tell me everything that you see happening in that picture everything that you see going on alright boy is getting into the cookie jar gram he's got one in his hand the stool is falling over as he's reaching for the cookies the girl is laughing at him mother is s tanding by the kitchen sink drying dishes the water is on and it is the sink is spilling over there is uh a window over the sink which shows a a yard there are curtains there are looks like two cups and a plate on the sink uh there's a set of kitchen cabinets and the mother has on an apron and a sleeveless dress um and eh the girl has on a and s dress or a skirt and blouse the boy looks like he's got on short trousers and a shirt with a sweater cookie jar is full of cookies gram the lid is off that's it
the kids are in the cookies the stool is falling over the mother's spilling the water and also drying the dishes and the wind might be blowing the curtains and the water's running uh I can't tell is anything going on outside or not I guess that's all I see that's not very many okay okay
okay now on in the picture do you want me to start mhm alright du the boy is standing on a stool and he is slipping and he is reaching into the cookie jar to take cookies out for him and his sister who has her hand out reaching for a cookie she's standing there beside him the door of the cabinet is open mother is standing at the sink drying a dish water is overflowing onto the floor there are cups and saucers on the counter the window is open you can see out the curtains look as if they are fluttering there is a tree and a walk and mother has her back to the youngsters I don't believe she knows what is going on what I see or what I see going on right what you see going on okay that's the activity okay
let me show you a picture and the picture has a lot of action going on in it what I want you to do is look at the picture just tell me anything you see going on well the boy's in the cookie jar his stool is gonna fall down it's on two legs the sister wants him to hand her a cookie the mother is drying a dish the water is overflowing yeah I think that's the activity isn't that right okay
alright ready the boy is going after cookies in a cookie jar he's standing on a stool that's tilting over the girl is the little girl is laughing the mother is washing dishes and the water is spilling over from the sink onto the floor and the window is open and she's drying the dishes evidently and uh the curtains are open and there's two cups and a saucer on the sink and that is about all I can see okay
okay I see a little girl telling her little brother to be quiet and the little brother is falling off the stool while getting cookies the mother is drying a plate and the sink is overflowing she can I can see out the window that's not an action no no no more action okay that's fine
I want you to tell me everything you see happening in that picture everything that's going on there uh the boy is reaching into the cookie jar he's falling off the stool the little girl is reaching for a cookie mother is drying the dishes the sink is running over mother's getting her feet wet they all have shoes on there's a cup two cups and a saucer on the sink the window has draw withdrawn drawn s r drapes you look out on the driveway there's kitchen cabinets now tell me what's happening oh what's happening mother is looking out the window the girl is touching her lips the boy is standing on his right foot his left foot is sort of up in the air mother's right foot is flat on the floor and her left she's on her left toe uh she's holding the dish cloth in her right hand and the plate she is drying in her left I think I've run out of oh yeah I think that's alright thanks yeah and laughs
the scene is in the in the kitchen the mother is wiping dishes and the water is running on the floor a child is trying to get a boy is trying to get cookies outta out of a jar and he's about to tip over on a stool uh the little girl is reacting to his falling uh it seems to be summer out the window is open the curtains are blowing it must be a gentle breeze there's grass outside in the garden uh mother's finished certain of the the dishes kitchen's very tidy gram the mother seems to have nothing in the house to eat except cookies in the cookie jar uh the children look to be almost about the same size perhaps they're twins they're dressed for summer warm weather um you want more no that's fine the mother's in a short sleeve dress that's great I'll hafta say it's warm okay good
well let's see and sighs the children are getting cookies and the stool is going to fall the sink is overflowing the mother's washing or drying dishes um the girl is putting her finger up to her mouth like I said the mother doesn't know they took the lid off the cookie jar they opened the door and that's all I can see okay
now I'm going to show you a picture this picture has a lot of action going on in it what I'm gonna have you do is while the recorder's on I want you to tell me all of the action you see going on in the picture tell me all the action tell me all the action in that picture a little boy is getting himself some cookies out of the jar and the and s stool is turning over on him that he's standing on he's handing the little girl some cookies out of the jar is that it tell me all the action you see and well that's in the first one he's handing the little girl cookies out of the cookie jar and he's on a stool and it's turning over and he's handing her some cookies and in the second picture the little girl uh looks as though she's drying dishes okay and uh oh let me think the sink is running over on the floor she has the spigots on okay a nice view from the window gram and INV okay is that is that it okay is that is that it that's it okay that's fine
what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna show you a picture and in the picture there's a and l some action taking place there's some things going on okay what I want you to do is look at the picture and tell me anything you see that's going on and clears throat okay Junior's in the kku cookie pnret jar cookie jar and he's just about to go and laughs have himself an accident his sister's standing down below waiting for a handful of cookies and uh his mom's washing and wash drying the dishes I think and she's having problems because the sink's running over and she's standing in a puddle of water some empty dishes on the counter um as far as the action that's just about it okay
on to the picture the boy's uh the girl's making fun of the boy she made fun of him so much while he was stealing a cookie out of the cookie jar and it made him trip and he's going to fall the mother's listening to the kids she's drying dishes she got the window open against a mirror she's isn't paying attention to the sink the sink's spilling water onto the floor it's getting her feet wet the curtains are open to allow uh fresh air to come in the house there's two uh cups on the and st a dish on the sink and the faucets are open and the cupboard door is open uh looks like it might be and su spring or summer out because things look like they're growing outside uh she has shoes on she has shoes on he has shoes on she has shoes on she has a dress dress apron shirt shorts socks socks uh the lid is off the cookie jar there's uh and s a fancy sink cabinet over here and a fancy wall cabinet over there that's about it okay good
I'd like for you to take a look at that picture I want you to tell me everything that you see happening in that picture everything that's going on there oh that kid's gonna get a good spill off of that stool if his mother don't turn around there and catch him gonna drop whatever he's got in his hands gram anything else you see going on what else is happening in that picture the little and s girl's reaching up there to get something from the boy xxx I think he's gonna land himself on the floor the way he does it mkay
tell me what you see going on in the picture oh this mhm there's a little boy he's getting some cookies out of the cookies jar s perret I mean out of the jar and he's giving his little sister something okay I don't know what it is and one of the girls is washing the dishes and drying them and the cookie jar is out there so that's pretty nice oh can you tell me what else you see going on over here what else do you see going on in the little boy is up on the foot stool I mean up up on the uh what do you call that stool that's big too big for a foot stool okay see the xxx I see I see it yes uhhuh what else do you see going he's up there getting a uh what's he getting down cookie jar see he's getting the cookie jar down he's giving it to his sister what do you see going on over here what is she doing she's washing dishes right there anything else that you can see going on I see the water spilling over see the sink okay the uhhuh that's going down and there's uh there's a saucer and a cup and i is that a commode in there it looks like it right there I don't know maybe that's uh I don't know okay okay
picture oh I remember this one and laughs this is great okay this looks like a mama who is uh working at the sink and actually what she's doing is looking out of the open window it looks as though it's spring or summer outside and very pleasant and she's sort of forgetting what she's doing and the water is running out of the sink and splashing down on the floor she has uh uh and sh a sleeveless dress and an apron on and she is drying a plate with a tea towel um the curtains are tieback curtains and it's a casement type window on the counter we have two cups and a plate um below the counter we have a cupboard on each side of the uh sink and I can't see the handles where there's there probably is under the sink cupboard also outsuhside outside d sw the window there are grass and trees um the lady has short hair she's um medium height and slender and she has slipon shoes with no ties or straps um while the mother is daydreaming looking out the window two children are getting into the cookie jar which is um in a cupboard which is to our left as we face the picture the little boy has climbed up on a three legged stool which is now tipping over as he reaches for the cookie jar which is on the second shelf the lid is off he has one cookie in his left hand which he is handing to his sister and he's reaching for another one with his right hand the sister is reaching up to get the cookie she has hair that is almost shoulder length and has a slight curl to it and she also has a summer short sleeve dress on with a short skirt um the boy looks as though he's dressed in sneakers and socks which are kind of sloppy he has shorts and a short sleeved shirt on the little girl has one strapped shoes with ankle socks she's making a um sign to her lips to say shh so he won't make any noise and let mother know that's what they're into mhm did I say they were tieback curtains they are at the window and sigh that's all I can see okay good
that you see going on in that picture all the action that you see happening there um the boy reaching uh standing on a stool which is tipping with one foot over the um edge of the stool gram and his heel is on the the heel of that foot is on the toe of his other foot um he's taking a cookie out of the cookie jar and has one in his left hand too looks as if he's going to hand it to his sister who has her arm up gram she has her finger in front of her face um looks as if she's laugh saying be quiet gram and the mother is at the the sister is standing on the floor the mother is at the kitchen sink drying a dish a plate the water is running over it's spilling over from the sink onto the floor it's running full tilt out of the tap um the mother is not looking she's facing away from everything um she has a dish cloth in her right hand dish towel in her right hand um you can see outside there's a cup two cups and a plate on the counter beside so and h she's either I guess she's finished washing those maybe um she's standing with one foot flat on the floor and the next foot up as if she's standing on the toe and th not resting on her heel gram okay alright
what I want you to do is to look at this picture and tell me everything that you see going on everything that you see happening in that picture beginning now yeah boy is getting reaching for cookies gram the stool is falling over his sister is reaching at uh for cookies uh and s woman's wiping the dishes gram the sink is running over um curtains um are blowing a little bit but not much gram the boy is stepping on one of his own toes uh the little girl's telling him to be and q be quiet don't let mommy see and that's everything then that's about it yeah
okay I just want you to tell me what you see going on in that picture well the water's running over the stool is and the boy's gonna fall off the stool the girl is saying give me one or I will tell and the boy is taking the second one out of the cookie jar the lid's gonna fall off the mother's drying the dishes the um window is open she's standing in the water she's drying the dishes anything else wait and w you want what's in the picture or what's going on I thought you said what's going on just what was going on okay action so it's got to be action um that's all okay
happening everything that you see happening in that picture what's going on in that picture the the water's flowing on the floor uhhuh what else and she's drying dishes mhm and he's up in the cookie jar and she's drying dishes mhm okay good thank you very much
I'd like for you to take a look at that picture and tell me everything that's happening in that picture everything that you see going on there okay the little boy is on a stool about to fall the stool's about to upset and he has a cookie in each hand handing about to hand one cookie to the little girl who is standing there with her hand reached up for the cookie and the water is running over into the dishpan there or into the sink and the mother or the lady is standing there drying a dish two and s uh two cups and a plate are on the um counter there and and sh and out the window there's a walkway and and and win and you can see a window across from the uh walkway uh drapes what's happening you said huh mhm okay that's that's what's happening I guess okay thank
going on in this picture well the boy is in the cookie jar and laughs he has a cookie in his hand and uh he's gonna fall and laughs his sister is looking for a cookie and the mother is drying a dish and the water is coming out and laughs anything else you see going on in the picture well the mother's flue s uk is gonna beep okay anything else just tell me when you think you're through mhm xxx tell me if you think you're through I think I'm through okay good
here's the picture oh boy wowie the boy's going up on a cookiejar stool s r to get cookies and he's falling off the jar stool s r and his sister is just wondering about it will he hit the bottom mama has an and ov a sink that's overrunning with with uh water splashing down onto her shoes she's in the process of drying dishes she's looking out an open window at the same time the cookie jar is open and the girl has her finger to her lips well let me see uh everything that's going to happen huh mhm looking out the window maybe it I don't know if it's uh the breeze blowing the curtains because the curtains look a little wee bit and th over the over the window blind over the window they look a little wee bit puffy so maybe there's a slight breeze coming in the in the kitchen window mama's drying the dishes and she forgetting herself and the water is overflowing from the sink down onto the floor splashing into her shoes alright there are two cups and a plate on the counter to the right of the sink and uh the boy well I did tell you the boy is getting ready to fall off of the chair stool s r his sister is reaching up for a cookie getting it from the cookie jar so what else the the door is open of course to get into the cupboard xxx doing jar xxx three three legged stool gram and that's about it I would venture to say that is it okay
okay what do you see going on in that picture mother's washing dishes the sink is overflowing the boy's falling off a chair stool s r as he's getting for the cookie gram girl's reaching up for the cookie gram um I did say the water is running down the mother's looking out the window uh dishes of course are on the sink think that's about it okay alright good
tell me everything that is going on in there and clears throat mother is um drying the dishes and looking out the window not paying any attention that the water is spilling all over the floor and the sink the window is open um the children are behind mother uh stealing cookies out of the cookie jar and the boy has climbed up on the and be on the stool which is tipping over he's getting cookies out of the cookie jar handing them to his sister his shoes are untied he's gonna fall um the cupboard door is open the lid's off the cookie jar uh mother's feet are getting wet she must be in outer space that she doesn't notice all this that's going on and laughs and laughs okay thanks
okay good going on in the picture well the poor mother's adoing doing dishes and laughs there's a boy on a and lad on a stool cookie jar gram and a girl down below gram is that all you wanted to know tell me everything that you see going on in the picture okay there's a cookie jar the little boy is standing on a stool and he's ready to go over the little girl's standing there the mother's and st at the sink doing dishes her water's overflowing okay anything else that's about it okay good
okay and I want you to tell me everything that you see going on in that picture just tell me everything that you see happening here there's the picture you I'm sposta tell you everything that's happening yeah mhm how many over there there's one two three three women has some aprons on her gram going to uh wash and dryer there gram little boy is xxx fast jar and laughs and laughs now then what's happening in the picture washing the washing dishes gram okay what else is happening hm what else is happening what else is happening here yeah uh then see a minute ago the girls I guess are getting up there and gonna xxx a cookie cookies jar he didn't get us cookies what's happening over here oh the and la the uh these women that are there are cease this all to send the ball jar pardon I heard it might but I'm saying let's tell her send the button and that's it jar okay you'll see it happen
there it is and mm the little girl is asking for a cookie little boy is handing her a cookie and taking a cookie and falling off the chair stool s r mother's washing dishes the water's running it's falling on the floor and she's standing in it uh the wind is blowing the curtains are ruffled the mother's smiling she must be deaf not to see what's going on behind her too and laughs and laughs it's summertime flower and er the plants are in bloom outside that's all I see okay great
please speak up so we can hear you there's um the two children are in the process of stealing cookies from the cookie jar and the little girl has her finger up to her mouth to be quiet and the stool on which the boy is standing is about to fall and the mother must be looking out the window because the sink is spilling over with water overflowing with water and the meanwhile she's drying the dishes and the water is falling down onto the floor and it's a nice day the window's up it looks like and it's a nice day outside that's about all I can see on that okay
what's happening in that picture what's happening there she's preparing a meal okay what else is going on I'm going to hafta quit reading this because this this is shining on this xxx okay let me lift it up a little bit getting my xxx mhm does that help xxx what's going on there xxx you don't hafta read it just look at the picture this this string is not on this is it yes can you see what's going on here they're reaching up for a cookie in cookie jar gram uhhuh and they're cooking a turkey dinner I guess pardon cooking a turkey dinner gram okay anything else what's happening over here she's doing the dishes mhm what else is happening this little boy might fall off of that stool he's on okay and the water's splashing out all over the floor and she doesn't know it mhm and the boy might he's looking for the cookie jar and he might bang his head on the thing by the door cir okay very good thank you
I want you to tell me everything you see happening in there well the boy is falling he's trying to get something a cookie jar mhm and the stool is he's gonna be on the floor in a minute mhm and uh he is trying to get a cookie for and h this gal mhm and she's over here uh oh and sh she's not paying any attention and she didn't turn off the water and the water is dripping all over the floor do you see that mhm and she's trying to uh and laughs she's in a mess she's got in a and f water all over the floor and she's standing in the water and uh she has an apron on and she's trying to wipe the plates dry mhm and uh
I want you oh just hold on a minute I want you to tell me everything that you see going on in the picture tell me everything that you see happening in that picture okay uh there's a cook a and b a boy's a boy is uh taking uh cookies and uh giving one to the girl imagine and she wants one I don't know and laughs the uh mother's uh washing dishes she spilled it uh she's washing dishes and uh uh I can I can dance s uk outside to you huh all the action that you see going on and PAR alright everything that you see happening alright everything that you see happening PAR oh uh what's happening over here uh oh he's gonna fall and laughs and uh and she's laughing at them there and INV okay I don't know what else okay I don't know what else PAR I don't know
here's the picture tell me all of the action uh there's a boy reaching and clears throat on he's on a stool reaching for cookies and the stool is ready to fall over uh he's got one hand in the cookie jar and he's got a cookie in the left hand and his girl's standing beside him and PAR am I going too fast go ahead am I going too fast go ahead PAR and uh she's reaching for the cookie that he has in his hand and she has her right finger up to her lips uh there's a woman presumably the mother standing at the sink drying dishes and the sink is overflowing with water onto the floor um you just want the action and INV mhm mhm PAR you just want the action the faucet the water's coming out of the faucet okay good thank you
I'm going to show you a picture and I want you to look at the picture I want you to tell me everything that you see happening in the picture mhm just tell me everything that you see going on now there's the picture look down here Mister Lastname oh I see a part of the whole kitchen is that all the kitchen or isn't it and s uh oh I can't read a lady a mother were in her kitchen gram in her ktu kitchen p nret kitchen doing some work I suppose gram and the uh and s there's another woman there sharing their pleasures or whatever okay there it is oh have you have you checked heard of that new game that they started to play after christmas yes you were telling me about that Mister Lastname did you Trivial Pursuit mhm xxx is a just tell me do you see anything else happening in this picture here what else do you see happening what's going on there well it looks like I'd say this is well let's see it looks like oh bmbdu xn n uk bmbdu xn n uk sings and sings my mother will beat me by my wife will beat me by a couple rows of this what's happening over here Mister Lastname that's that's like the washing would say washing machine or let me see I can't oh that's the son come out of from school maybe or something gram mhm that's a youngster there what's going on here well that's just as though they getting ready to go to school or they're just coming out from school gram okay and what's happening here and right there he's uh same as back there except for down there in the bottom I think it's uh that's a little xxx jar okay
going on in the picture well the guy's getting in the and coo the boy's getting in the cookie jar and he's and har standing on a stool that is falling over and his uh sister maybe is uh telling him to be quiet so his mother won't see him uh in the meantime uh the uh sink is running over onto the floor and she's drying dishes and um I don't there's something going on outside the window I don't know just what it is she's drying dishes but uh I don't get the connection between the picture outside I guess she's having her her problems and they're having theirs okay okay good
well the water ran over the mother's wiping dishes the boy's up in the cookie jar ready to fall over the little girl is reaching out to get the cookies and the mother's mad and the window's open and is there more than that that's fine
you mean just detail everything I see just everything that you see happening there well I see uh a little boy standing on a stool and the stool falling over he's up in the cupboard grabbing cookies and a little girl standing down there waiting to get some cookies off of him I guess their mother's standing there doing dishes at the sink and the water's overflowing and running onto the floor she's wiping a dish off just staring out the window I guess gram this is what I see okay okay
I see a boy getting into the cookie jar and he's he's very precarious he the stool he's standing on is tipping him over and she the little girl wants uh a cookie and mama doesn't notice what's going on she's too busy washing dishes and she's too busy to see that the sink is overflowing oh is and y you you mean the action you just want action mhm she's stepping in the water the little girl is begging for a cookie maybe I told you that though and sh uh shall I tell you more okay that's fine and n and k just and t no that's fine the cookies uh uh cups and saucers and so
just tell me what's happening in the picture uh the boy is standing on on a stepstool getting cookies out of the cookie jar and the stepstool is falling over and um the girl is standing there with her hands with her hand left hand up in the air waiting to get a cookie the little girl's right hand seems to be up to her mouth in a in a signal to be quiet mom has her back to the two apparently it's mom has her back to the two children and she's preoccupied with drying the dish drying a dish but she also seems to be looking out the window and doesn't uh isn't aware that the water is overflowing onto the floor and she's standing in a puddle of water and there's a torrent of water falling out of the sink
what action do you see going on in that picture well I see the mother washing dishes I see the water flowing out over the sink top I see the boy on a stool that's about to tilt and he's going to fall he's trying to get into the cookie jar the little girl has her hand out for a cookie the water's running dishes are on the sink top the lid is off the cookie jar you want me to tell you the grass is growing open through the window and laughs and laughs I can tell you the water is spilling out of the sink onto the floor and they got the the window to see the outside world is that it okay
picture the boy is uh and d after the cookie jar for him and his girl and the girl or the woman is drying dishes and the water is leaking on the floor spilling on the floor gram can you tell me what else is going on in the picture what else do you see the boy is getting cookies out of the jar and the the jack stool s urret or the and m cushion stool s rret or the hat stool s ur is falling over he's gonna fall and the water's spilling for the and w woman and won drying the dishes is that all okay that's fine
tell me everything that's happening there first of all I see I guess she's mother at the sink washing dishes and the water is uh overflowing from the sink on to the floor and she's standing in a puddle of water and at the same time uh there's a daughter I guess a and gir little girl uh has her hand up and also one finger to tell her brother I guess her brother to do it quietly and she's reaching up for a cookie he's taking out of a cookie jar and as he's doing that the stool is uh falling over that's it that's right
I want you to tell me everything that you see happening in that picture everything that's going on there well the boy's trying to get in this cookie jar and the stool overturns and uh the little girl is expecting to hand her a cookie uh the mother is her sink is running over and she's standing in some of the water and uh she's drying a dish or wiping a dish and uh you said everything is happening mhm well the water is still running in the sink and I said it's it's overflowing and she's standing in the water and that's I guess mhm look somebody laying in the lawn out there but I can't uh and laughs okay
so we can hear you because I usually can't get it all written down okay uhhuh so if you tell me what you see well the boy's up on the ladder stool s r oh the stool gonna fall with the cookie jar gram and the lid tpldu toppled p n over gram and uh what about the young lady the little lady she's helping him get the cookies I guess the momma she's doing the dishes and let the and s what did she let the uh spigot run and laughs over for on the floor all over the place and uh and there's dishes there plates and cups and saucers and what else just what's there honey it's a nice yard out there and curtains in the window it looks like three pieces of to eat on gram pardon me I said three pieces of and laughs to eat on food platter and cups saucer gram I guess that's for the under sink to put things cir and hm not much interest in the in the housekeeping and laughs gram and laughs it's about all that's the curtains see anything else the ones are nice sunny es there's one spill the water in there gram xxx guess wonder if he got the and cook got a cookie and laughs gram and laughs is that it uhhuh
I want you to take a look at this picture and tell me everything that you see going on that in that picture everything you see happening there okay the boy is standing up trying to get the cookie jar and the uh stool is falling the girl is reaching up to get a cookie out of his hand the mother is at the window washing dishes the sink is overflowing on getting on her shoes and there are saucers and a plate on the oh you wanna know what is going on you want me to tell you what's on the uh sink too and everything whatever you see happening oh well that is that's all I see happening plus stuff going outside okay good thanks
okay good the picture alright the little boy girl's reaching up there and she's got her finger to her lips and the boy's on a stool standing on a stool but its gonna fall pretty soon he's reaching for cookies and the mother has their her s r back to them she doesn't see them but her she hasn't payed any attention to her sink it's running all over the place her window is open and there's a nice garden and a garage out back she's drying some dishes she has an apron on her and s dress is sleeveless has a pretty nice kitchen and like uh pretty nice curtains on it gram and um the jar the cookie jar lid is off she has a couple cups and she has a couple plates but she better mop up that floor and laughs the little girl has socks and shoes on and a short dress and long hair medium long hair and the boy has his shorts on and a short sleeved s irt shirt p n so it must be summer trees are in bloom outside and the flowers out there okay that's fine
good okay uh the little boy is falling off the stool he is giving cookies to the little girl the little girl is telling him to be quiet so that mother will not hear mother is drying the dishes while the sink is overflowing
what I want you to do is take a good look at this picture and tell me everything that you see going on in that picture tell me everything that you see happening tell me everything he must be picking apples here okay because he's on the ladder stool s r and he's got both hands open and he can be anything else that you see happening here and the chair stool s r was falling okay anything else the baby's crying okay anything else that you see happening that's all okay
now I'm going to give you a picture uh and th these two little and g kids are getting cookies out of the cookie jar okay and and this lady over here is what is she doing she's uh uh decorating isn't that what she's doing okay decorating can you tell me what else is going on over here well they're uh and eh getting cookies outta the cookie jar okay up on uh a stool that looks like it's gonna topple over what about over here what else is going on over here looks like she's washing dishes drying dishes gram she's got a cloth in her hand and a dish in her hand and the oh maybe she's gonna wipe up some water because it's sure running out here okay of the sink okay good
every action you see going on in the picture can you tell me what's going on in the picture tell me all of the action well he's stealing a cookie and the stool's tipping and the sink's running over what else is going on she's standing in water for one thing and there's a path out there in the yard maybe a cookie jar and him getting a cookie and the stool upsetting gram a sink running over gram she's standing in the water in the path the roof that looks like the roof of the house here I guess that's all okay good
let's go you can go just tell you what the uh and INV right is that it right is that it you ready mhm I don't know what you mean by everything going on the kid's snitching the cookies okay the little girl I think is telling the little boy to be quiet because she's got her finger up to her and INV okay mouth okay mouth mommy's kinda kind of sloppy with the dishwater and laughs it's running out of the sink two cups a saucer plate gram and whistles the mommy's standing in the water is that the is one of the things you want mhm anything you find oh okay the kid's just about ready to let go there and and s fall on his back or his head off the ladder stool s r and hm the little girl looks okay but reaching up for the cookie is that what you wanna know like reaching up for the cookie and INV mhm or something mhm or something oh okay reaching up for the cookie and INV anything else that the kid brother is donating to her cause anything else that the kid brother is donating to her cause uh I did say the sink's overflowing didn't I okay and hm and hm I don't see much more than that and INV okay other than the kid's falling off of a stool okay other than the kid's falling off of a stool he's uh getting into the cookie jar which he hadn't oughta do well maybe he could that's alright I've done it myself okay that's good it's this one here just like me yeah
xxx getting in the picture all the action okay the boy's in the cookie jar he's he's gonna fall off his stool the mother's tub's running over on the floor kid's gonna hit on the floor and laughs mhm where's the girl at there and she's she reaching for uh a cookie poor old mom gotta and g get her and grunts that's about it huh okay
xxx what's going on in the picture water's running over the sink and she's ignoring it and the kid's he's grabbing the cookies and she's ignoring that she's and ig practically ignoring everything the kid's falling and the um what else do you want and laughs that's fine he's ready to fall his problem's the water's coming over he's ready to fall down and danger gram there's danger there or something I don't know what you want okay that's fine
take a look at this picture just tell me what you see going on in that picture mhm tell me everything that you see happening there now right now mhm yeah just tell me oh I thought you meant well the boy was uh taking some cookies from the cupboard up there and he the uh uh yeah that there uh uh stool I'd call it gram I don't know what you call them and what's she doing she's asking for some cookies mother's drying the dishes and she's spilled water all over the place at the sink she's also has some cups and uh a dish sitting there her curtains you could see real well oh what else that's about it okay fine thank you
a little girl is reaching for her brother to give her a cookie the stool is falling over the boy has taken the lid off the cookie jar has a cookie in his and l left hand is reaching with his right hand for one the mother is drying the dishes the water is flowing and o running and flowing out of the sink um mother is frowning there's nothing going on outside there's just bushes bushes bushes uh the door is open the girl has looks like she's laughing and ma a lady's standing in the water okay and INV okay think that's it okay think that's it that's fine
I want you to look at that picture and tell me everything that you see happening in there everything that's going on well the little girl is saying to be quiet to her brother and her brother's in the cookie jar and he's falling off the chair stool s r the mother's oblivious to all she's washing her dishes and the water's coming out of her sink I don't know what she's thinking of um let's see what we have anything outside I guess those are bushes I don't know yeah okay nothing out there hmhunh these are okay the dishes are okay let's see how are their shoes their socks are alright I don't know okay that's fine
and clears throat let's just take a look at that picture and tell me everything that you see happening in that picture everything that's going on there and clears throat okay and clears throat there are three persons in the kitchen the little girl is instructing the little boy to take cookies out of the cookie jar on the second uh shelf of the cupboard and at the same time his uh stool that he's standing on is about to collapse the mother apparently is uh doing dishes and uh looking out the window has the faucet and ro uh on in the sink gram and the apparently the plug is in and the water is cascading over the kitchen floor and uh it must be a warm sunny day because the window is open and I can see the shrubbery and what appears to be the end of the house maybe a garage door and on the counter there are dishes that the mother has either washed or and ha has dried and uh is still washing a plate okay thanks
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