tell me what's going on in that picture there's a little boy or there's a little girl and s talking to this boy up up on the and t up up on the stepladder stool s r and a and a and she's asking him to bring some of this down or whatever it was a jar or whatever it is that so it doesn't and r doesn't break es there's a mother over here she's watching them that she has that break s uk in her and an hand gram and it looks like it's and g uh very strong and bra or and k heku xn n uk or and b she's looking real real good at it a jar or whatever what else is going on over here she's touching giving a little little little touch of her mouth cir that's right although that's xxx jar anything else and it uh it looks like uh he's gonna bring some of that down down for them all es and and and mother's out there looking at them and and uh looks like she's washing this dishes that they already had it gram and she's she's washing the dishes away from them okay it it looks that way good she's cleaning it you know good
just look at the picture and tell me everything that you see somebody's getting cookies out of the cookie jar standing on a stool the stool's gonna tip over and the girl's saying shh don't let somebody hear and the mother's drying dishes the water's running out into the floor cups and plates are sitting on the counter and ou you can look out the window and see the shrubbery um the lid's sideways from the cookie jar the door is open on the cabinet um mother apparently doesn't really notice well enough and laughs and hm curtains are hanging on the window the window is open that's fine okay thank you
well this uh little boy is up on the stool taking cookies handing them down to his sister and she's telling him to be quiet and the stool is tipping over the mother is washing or drying dishes the water is running into the sink and running over down onto the floor uh the wind must be blowing because the curtains look like they're kitchen door the cabinet door is open mother's standing in water that's it okay good
tell me what you see going on in the picture well the boy is in the cookie jar and the and da and his sister is trying to uh take it from him and he's uh on a stool going like this and uh then there's uh and l uh and s a female over here with a plate in her hand that and clears throat she's drying dishes gram water or the uh and s the and s the water went and ov overboard on this one on the and m on this and s and si sink it's on the floor and the boy's uh cooking uh getting cookies and his chair stool s r is wobbling okay okay right here see okay good thank you
there's the picture you can start whenever you want it's a picture of a kitchen there's a child reaching on s r a cookie jar um a male a boy reaching into a cookie jar gram he's falling the stool is falling uh his uh uh a a female youngster maybe sister is reaching up and she's got a finger to her lip the uh mother is at the sink washing a dish the water is spilling over from the sink the window is open looking out onto uh shrubbery and a path to another house there are two and di uh two dishes three dishes sitting on the side of the uh on the and si and cou sink counter and there are a number of uh cabinets uh in the picture uh on the sink counter as it stretches around and there's the uh cabinets above where the boy is reaching in mother is washing a dish she is dressed in a um oh and d dress and it appears she has an apron and a towel in her hand as she's washing she's one of her feet is uh obviously in the water the other is somewhat obliterated the children are wearing um completely outfitted the girl with uh sandals of some kind and the boy it looks like maybe tennis shoes and INV okay of a sort and INV good okay of a sort and INV good INV good thank you
I want you to take a look at this picture here and tell me everything that you see happening in that picture oh you want me to tell you yeah just tell me everything that you see going on in that picture the mother and her two children gram and the children are getting in the cookie jar and she's doing the dishes and spilling the water and she had the spigot on and she didn't know it perhaps and coughs pardon me and they're looking out into the garden from the kitchen window it's open and the uh cookies must be pretty good they're eating the tair chair p wret uh the chair stool s r is and t uh tilting and he's gonna fall off and uh the lady the mother's splashing her shoes and stockings all up overflowing the water and there's um uh a window and curtains on the window and I can see some trees outside there and and there's dishes that and h had been washed and she's drying them and there's some shrub out there and okay very good
I want you to take a look at that picture mhm and I want you to tell me everything that you see going on in that picture tell me everything that you see happening in that picture you sure there nobody hiding in back in that gram no okay come on out tell me tell me everything you see happening in there happening mhm um the water's coming out and the guy's falling off the lid the kid the cookie jar gram and laughs the girl looks like she's laughing at and the woman's washing a dish then there's some dishes to be washed yet now what's this over in there looks like the grass outside that's about the chair stool falling over or the and s seat stool s r then kid's gonna get a fall gram I know that that's about it okay good
I'd like for you to take a look at this picture and I want you to tell me everything that's happening in this picture everything that you see going on there the water's spilling over the sink and stool's tipping when the boy's trying to get a cookie gram mother's drying the dishes uh the girl's asking for another cookie you can see outside into the garden do you want more no that's if you're done then mhm okay good
and there's the picture and it don't and you're gonna draw the picture no you're going to tell me what you see going on in this picture oh oh yeah the little girl looking up at the little boy gram he wants a and cook she wants a cookie jar and he's gonna fall and get hurt and mother's um and p probably looking at this these show here the water the water coming out of the spigot gram uh she got her hands full and uh so I don't know they're gonna have a mess xxx and laughs xxx okay and uh she's wiping the uh the plate off with her and she spilled the water breaking through on the and that's coming out on the floor let's see that and hm and hm and outside I don't know ain't much outside gram that's about it okay fine
you see going on in that picture alright mama's washing the dishes the water is running over in the sink the and the uh children are in the cookie jar and one of them is going to get his get hurt because he's got the stool he has nothing to hold onto there he does have but he he's not doing it the little girl has him interested in the cookie jar anything else going on over here and hm he's got what's he got on his feet that's the only thing I can see there okay over here poor mama gram okay she's dreaming of diamonds I guess and laughs okay and laughs all the water running out of the sink gram okay
I want you to tell me everything you see happening in that picture everything everything you see happening happening yeah everything that's going on and hm mhm what's happening in that picture well uh this is the boy trying to get the cookie jar down for his sister I would imagine it is uh and he's gonna fall off the ladder stool s rret off the uh his s tool or whatever he is setting on the mother is over here she just dropped spilled s r some water or whatever on the floor and and she looks pretty mad mhm and um the water's still running and it looks like the the girl is laughing at the at the boy because the uh the stool is gonna fall over and there's there's water on the floor there
I'd like for you to take a look at that picture I want you to tell me everything that's going on in that picture everything that's happening in that picture well I know she's got a wreath or something there to put up maybe on a window I don't know and there's some uh two saucers or two dishes and I don't know what that is it could be uh to throw them things around I don't know and over here is your spigot as was your water it must have run over I don't know and there's a cookie jar the uh little boy's getting the cookie jar one for his sister gram and he's almost upset here so I don't know what to tell you she's got a short apron on and a dress underneath it I think the water's flowing over there's two cups and that is must be one of those they throw around es okay thanks
going on in that picture somebody climbed up on this thing xxx jar jar gram and sh and she's washing clothes dishes s rret I mean uh washing dishes right okay anything else that's it what else do you see going on over here which uh which one right here right here what do you see what's going on the boy trying to get a cookie jar and on the stool gram and the little girl trying to help him gram okay anything else that's it how about over here what do you see going on over here washing dishes gram drying dishes gram the water coming from from the sink gram mhm oh please let me go because I can't stand this anymore
and here's the picture all of the action you see going on okay this is in the kitchen and the little boy is climbing up to the cookie jar and he is has the lid off and he's getting a cookie for his sister and handing it down to her and one for himself the mother has her back turned she's standing at the sink washing dishes she's probably looking out the window because the sink is running over on the floor the stool is tipping for the little boy and he's going to fall off in a couple of minutes and the window's open xxx the water is running in the sink is why it's xxx out now I see the mother's drying a dish okay mhm okay good
the mother is washing the dishes the children are getting into the cookie jar the little girl has a finger on her lip as though uh trying to uh silence the boy who is the culprit who's and cli he's up on a stool which is going to upset the mother is um so busy I don't know what she's doing that she doesn't know how the um sink uh the water in the sink to overflow gram it's down on the floor she's going to be disturbed by it maybe she had been looking outside I don't know the window is up she has a nice view of a outuhside outside there's a little yard and a path and the shrubbery and the tree out there and there's some dishes already wiped evidently and put up on the sink it is a um square kitchen now in the sink and then the uh others gram along one side in the uh cupboards gram along the other side is the boy on that cupboard is that enough okay thank you
you see going on in the picture everything I see in action or everything I in action or in action in action everything that's happening in that picture the little girl is trying to get a cookie from the little boy who is on a stool reaching up too high and is just about to have an accident stool is gonna tip over on him gram the supposed mother is drying dishes and not paying attention to what she's doing and the and s water in the sink is running over onto the floor making another hazardous condition the window seems to be open that's it mhm okay all this activity took place in the kitchen mhm
what do you see going on in that picture oh I see the sink is running over I see the stool is tipping over little boy's trying to get cookies out the girl is reaching to get a cookie the mother is drying dishes the window's open xxx that's what she's washing oh she's drying dishes now she's standing in the water the cupboard door is open there's a cookie jar the brother's leaning against the cookie jar curtains on the window gram there's some grass and some shrubbery outside the house next door okay kitchen cabinets gram is that it okay oh I see three people in there a mother and little boy and a girl that it
this picture and PAR yes and tell me everything that you see going on in that picture yes and tell me everything that you see going on in that picture what's happening there the water uhhuh what about it well let's see there's something hasta be where the water goes down over gram uh there's probably something that's uh or they don't have it open or or something might have I dunno don't know what uh when the water goes down and finger tap what what do you call that this here right here this what uh what do you call that what is that what what is that what would you call that I don't know that's what I'm saying I I don't know what that is I don't I I would call that the ul pipe is that and PAR the what what it's called the what what it's called a ul pipe the ul bend no it's just a pipe a pipe oh oh oh water pipe yeah oh yeah okay well then maybe the water pipe is uh broke and er uh not broke but uh there must be things in there and INV yeah that the water will not go down yeah that the water will not go down I don't know so what's happening to the water huh what's happening to the water what's happening to the water yeah well the water is and g going down in the uh and finger tap and sighs and claps and laughs I don't know what what what what would you call this on the floor floor floor and INV mhm floor mhm floor yeah and INV okay okay okay okay okay okay okay and and PAR yeah what's happening over this side of the picture then yeah what's happening over this side of the picture then what's happening over here well down on this side of the picture well this thing here is uh turning over es mhm yeah can you tell me what's going on there no uhuh I don't know what's going on well he's probably uh getting what's this here cocoa jar gram what's what's this cocoa say it again can you read it again for me cl ol ol kl il el what does that spell I don't know and laughs and laughs I don't know what and INV coo what what coo what what and coo cookie and PAR huh huh cookie and PAR cookie cookie oh a cookie and INV cookie yeah cookie cookie yeah cookie oh and PAR mhm mhm oh okay mhm and what are the kids doing well he's uh getting it out es and he's gonna give it to the girl and INV mhm down here and INV okay mhm down here and INV okay and PAR mhm is there anything else going on in the picture that you wanna tell me about mhm is there anything else going on in the picture that you wanna tell me about going on in the picture mhm well the boy is giving him her s r the girl the and co and co cocoa cookie s r this probably is broke mhm so the water will not go down in and it's coming up and finger tap and going in here huh and what's she doing well it looks like she's and wa uh she was gonna wash uh and INV mhm what she what they eat with cir mhm what she what they eat with cir yeah uh and INV mhm and wha what do you call that mhm and wha what do you call that what do what do you call this a plate the dishes the plate a plate mhm oh oh yeah yeah yeah yeah what you eat in on s r and INV yeah cir yeah cir is that is that what you call them a plate well a cup a cup and saucer oh this is a cup it might be a saucer oh maybe I don't know it might be a saucer or a plate mhm okay okay
I have a picture for you now that has a lot of action going on in it what I'd like you to do is to tell me all the action you see going on in the picture and here's the picture let's see the boy's taking the cookies out of the cookie jar and the girl is reaching to get the cookie and the boy is falling off the stool uh mother is drying the dishes while the water spills over the sink uh it looks like the wind's blowing the curtain there she's the mother is stepping out of the water I guess that's about it okay the boy is handing the girl a cookie too I don't know if I've said that and she's reaching for it the boy is um I don't wanna say falling off the stool and laughs or stepping off as it's moving I and laughs and laughs okay xxx I think that's it okay good
going on in the picture any action at all alright a boy is getting a cookie from the cookie jar and the stool that he's standing on is falling over the little girl is raising her hand reaching for some of the cookies he was taking mother is doing the dishes obviously and the water is running all over the floor and laughs um and hm let's see I can't and remem I guess or did I say the little girl was asking or reaching for a cookie too okay let's see and sighs well socks are falling down and laughs I think that's about it okay
there's the picture and clears throat you want me to tell you just tell me everything that you see happening um the girl is talking to the boy he's getting the cookie jar down he has a and coo cookie in his hand uh he's falling off of his stool the mother's doing the dishes and the water's running off into the floor and laughs she's looking out the window apparently um I see grass and a lawn at outside and I see two bowls cabinets anything else I xxx you want everything I can see yep mhm I also see a cabinet drawer door there mhm what's happening over here remember I said the water was overflowing okay yeah sorry is there a glare on that do you know sometimes the light glares on it oh that's fine xxx there's something inside here yeah it's only the major things that are happening that's all that's fine okay
well the mother's washing the dishes and the boy is reaching for cookies and he's falling off the chair stool s r and the little girl's laughing at him of I think and the water's spilling over onto the floor and hums I can't see any other action I guess she's drying her dishes not washing them she's doing something with them okay
tell me everything that you see happening here things that are happening mhm girl's reaching for a cookie gram the boy is uh reaching a cookie to the girl and also reaching at the cookie jar and he's gonna fall off a stool the woman is and w drying dishes and washing dishes and she's let the water from the sink pour out on the floor I don't see any other thing okay what's happening here well I just told you that he was falling from a stool okay yep you did sorry okey dokey I said he was reaching a cookie to the girl reaching for a cookie for himself and he's gonna fall off the stool falling off a stool yeah that's right
this is the picture just tell me what's happening in the picture the boy is slipping off the stool he's trying to steal cookie the mother is uh working at the sink with the water running over she's uh the little girl is uh saying shh uh the mother don't hear did I tell say the sink was running over okay mhm you did mother's drying the dishes I don't see anything else okay that's fine
can you see the picture here mhm tell me what's going on in that picture what's happening there just tell me what you see happening in the picture oh there's a cookie jar mhm and the boy is toppling off a stool and the mother is spilling the water and the uh what else that's about it okay good
movement of any kind or whatever mhm what's going on in the picture well he's reaching for the cookie and laughs but he's handing the cookie to her in the the meantime the stool is falling over and INV mhm mhm PAR and uh she's drying dishes and the sink is running over and all that kind of stuff she's xxx the little girl she's uh motioning for a cookie I guess that's all I see anything else xxx I don't see xxx and INV okay that's fine he's flying on his can okay that's fine he's flying on his can PAR I can see that okay good
I want you to tell me anything that you see going on in that picture mhm what do you see uh they and s the cookie jar gram with the and hm the girl helping him gram but that isn't the right thing es but their mother was there spilling uh water and laughs and laughs this wouldn't be the grandmother I guess it's the children okay what do you see going on over here uh well I think he's going to fall pretty quick and laughs but uh she was helping handing he handed uh the cookies to his sister I guess and clears throat mhm anything else well it uh the mother was drying her dishes she better get the uh water off and laughs anything else well he might fall soon if and laughs he doesn't but he's careful xxx is that it I think so okay
okay the boy is standing on a stool it is tilting over he's and r reaching for and k cookies in the cookie jar and his sister is standing beside him side him reaching up for some of the cookies gram and uh the mother is standing uh right near them uh washing dishes in the sink and the water is running into the sink and the sink is flooding over uh with water and uh you want scenery description or anything like that whatever you see going on mhm okay yeah outside the window where the mother is there's uh there's a walkway and li it looks like it's going out to a garage and also one is uh on his kitchen sink area there's a like a coffee cup uh two cups and a and a plate and okay xxx hey okay and I did say the and sk stool is uh tilting uh
on in the picture girl is reaching up gram the boy is is uh taking cookies out of the cookie jar uh the uh stool is tilting mother is washing the dishes the water's running over the wind is blowing the uh curtains the mother is drying the dishes the boy is reaching down to I guess his sister the boy is climbing but he's gonna fall and the mother's drying the dishes I think I said that the water's running and running down and that's all I see on that okay xxx
in the picture xxx and laughs ready mhm children are and c stealing the cookie jar stealing cookies out of the the cookie jar and they stepped on a stepping step f p stool and it's and i it's falling over uh mother sister s rret uh sister is asking brother for some of the cookies that he's getting from the cookie jar mother's doing dishes the sink is clogged up the water is draining on the floor she's a little angry looks a little angry I don't see no husband or nobody uh cookie jar cabinets gram mother can't be dressed any different kids gram that's what I can see okay that's fine okay
okay there's the picture okay go ahead many and dish or the mother's washing the dishes and the sink is overflowing she has some of them uh dried already on the side as she's looking out the window while the little boy is falling off the stool because he's getting into the cookie jar to give to his little sister who's reaching up to get the cookie also um there's water all over the floor uh there's the garden is outside and the mother's not paying any attention to what they do the stool is tipping the cookie jar the um uh door is open um there may be a little breeze coming in because the this window is open um uh the little girl is saying has her finger to her mouth shh and t we won't tell mother while you give me the cookie um it's in the kitchen of course and uh the cups two cups and a dish already have been dried and uh the mother's stepping in the water and she's probably so engrossed in what she's doing outside she neither knows what the children are doing nor is she paying any attention that the water's overflowing okay good
well the kids are swiping the cookies mom's doing the dishes as usual and she's got water all over the floor anything else I need you need anything that you see anything she's drying dishes water running over the sink gram some of the dishes aren't washed yet kids are taking the cookies he's gonna fall off the of the stesu stool n k and s uh no what do you call that stool gram
one of the the boy is on the stool getting cookies from the cookie jar and giving them to the girl but the stool is about ready to tip over uh the mother is drying the dishes as the sink faucet has filled the sink bowl and is running over onto the floor uh that's all the action let's see okay okay good
and here's the picture the little girl's pointing to her mouth she wants a cookie the little boy is getting cookies and he's about to fall off his stool the mother's washing dishes she's wiping a plate the faucet is running the sink is running over the water is running on the floor um the curtains are blowing so there hasta be a breeze outside and laughs okay that's all I can see that's fine
and there's the picture this is the one where I insisted the tree doesn't have a trunk and I still think that tree doesn't have a trunk okay what do you want me to do tell a and s tell all the action that's going on in the picture what tree this is a tree and it and d if it had a trunk it would continue this is the top sash of the window and it hasta have a trunk down here and that's just grass looks like a bush to me so what well what's this oh I don't know isn't that a tree and laughs looks like a tree to me okay what do you want me to do you all the action all the action okay there's a little boy in short pants with short sleeves who is has a cookie in his left hand handing it to a little girl and grabbing another one and the lid is falling off the cookie jar and the stool is upsetting and it's a three legged stool and the little girl is shushing because the mother is standing there in a puddle of water with the water overflowing out of the and laughs drain and she's wiping a dish instead of the mess and she's wearing an apron and she has on sleeveless clothes you all done and laughs I don't know I could go on there are two cups and a plate and she's drying another plate and uh she has short hair that's parted on the left hand side and the little boy has a high pompadour and the little girl has long hair and a long low waisted dress how long should I go on that's fine and laughs
can I start mhm there is a boy on the stool the stool is tipping over the boy is taking cookies out of the jar uh the cupboard is open the girl is saying putting her finger to her mouth and also putting her hand out for a cookie the mother is washing dishes water is spilling over from the sink onto the floor and the the window is open the drapes are open there's two cups and a saucer on the sink and the she is stepping on the water on the floor and she is drying the dishes and she is looking outside at the wow at the shrubbery the boy is handing the girl a cookie that is all
here's the picture alrightie uh the action I see is um uh the uh little girl uh with her finger up to her mouth and the one arm extended up uh looking up at the boy who's reaching up to the cookie jar with his right hand he's reaching for a cookie with his left hand he already has a cookie it almost looks like the girl's trying to reach for the cookie in the lower hand the left hand and he's standing on a stool that's tipping over and uh looks like he's about ready to fall the uh woman at the sink uh looks like she's washing wiping a dish with a rag in her hand holding the dish with the other hand as water's flowing into the sink and over the sink it looks like she's not paying attention to the water just flowing out of the sink and all over the floor and she's stepping into the water too it's uh xxx as far as action no action outside the window um that's about it and INV okay
one more thing what I want you to do is take a look at that picture mhm and tell me everything you see happening everything that's going on well the water's running over on the floor uh the chair stool s r is tilting the boy is into the cookie jar and his sister is reaching for a cookie the mother's drying dishes um do you want action or just want anything I see just action okay okay thanks very much mhm
now I want you to tell me everything that you see happening in that picture everything that you see going on there alright um the mother is standing at the kitchen sink the water is overflowing the sink and she's paying no attention to it even though her foot is in a puddle uh she's drying a plate the window is open I believe it's open and it looks out onto the sidewalk and the and n um house or garage next door it has curtains in the window um the and w woman is smiling um there are cup two cups and a plate on the counter the and s boy the little boy is on the stool which is tipping over and he's reaching for a cookie he has one right in hand down to his sister or a friend and he's taking another one out of the cookie jar the lid is slid off to the side the little girl is standing beside him um on the floor and um she uh has her finger up to her lips as if she's saying be quiet mother might hear you and she's reaching up her hand for the cookie he has cupboard door is open gram obviously okay