<s>[INST] hi i had two teeth extractions on wedensday 2nd one didint come out easy :( by friday i went back had an infection i had the site cleaned and was given antibiotics and advised to rinse with salt water.Today the tooth next to the extraction has broke half way down horizontally along gum line i can see the brown inner of my tooth upper part is still intact and healthy that tooth was filled on wed it was a small hole..I am very concerened as if i haft to get it pulled it will effect my smile..Is their any hope for my tooth i have no pain from that tooth the infection on my gum is still their im day 2 of my 3 day course i am calling dentist on monday am i am an nhs patient aswell just looking for reassurance (starting to reslly dislike the dentist ) regards carol [/INST] Hello, Thanks for writing to us. Tooth broken next to the extracted tooth has to be replaced or extracted for permanent relief. I would advise you to get a thorough clinical evaluation done. If the fracture involves pulp, tooth has to be root canal treated and crown has to be placed. If tooth cannot be saved, get it extracted. Antibiotics as well as analgesics will help to relieve pain. Meanwhile, avoid chewing on hard objects. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, My name is Rohaan, I am 25yrs old , i had recently suffered from jaundice. Its the third time during the last year, but every time its not severe (as far as readings of LFT are concerned). When I work a little or climb stairs 2 , 3 times or go out in sunlight or warm weather , I feel the same feeling of vomiting as I do in Jaundice. I am really worried. Plz Help. [/INST] Hi dear. Nusea and vomiting is very common after jaundice. As you have three attack of recurrent jaundice in succession you liver must be having hard time in recovering back to normal. Each episode of jaundice causes destruction of liver, After an attack of jaundice liver takes almost 90 days to return TTO normal. But due to recurrent attacks of jaundice you liver fails to restore itself to normally causing nemesis. Reccurenyt nausea and vomiting IIS suggestive of damage occurred in liver. Start taking Sylvain which is a liver regenerator. Few tests to be done are ultrasound of abdomenXray abdomen app and lateral a Repeat LFT. Hbsag, hav and CV to find out i recurrence is due to viral infection. All investigations are required before Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I wake up in the morning not feeling fresh. I have a very disturbed sleep cycle. I wake up at night from sleep around 4-5 times on an average. Finally when I wake up in the morning I feel like sleeping more, I feel exhausted. But when I m out drinking with my buddies, the next morning I just feel fine. Sometimes I have sleeping bags under my eyes. But as the day progresses I start feeling fine. So at midnight, I would say I m a lot more productive. [/INST] HiI understand your query. Sleep wake cycle disturbances can lead to various problem in daily routines. You have sleep fragmentation and require strict sleep hygiene management. Certain routines and lifestyle modification will help you like sleep schedule and stick on it, no daytime sleepExercise that makes you fatigueStress free activities and meditationsAvoid alcohol and smokingAvoid heavy meal in dinnerAvoid tea coffee soft Chat Doctor. Calm and cool bed rainfall of this will help you to restore good sleepBesides this there are some medicines like benzodiazepine and zolpidame which are useful in treat sleep problems but before that you have to do consultation and get help. I hope I have answered your query. Happy to help you further. Thank you </s>
<s>[INST] hello, ive been on zoloft for about 2 weeks now, this is my 2nd week. I started out on 50mg and the second day of taking it i nearly passed out, either it was the zoloft or the fact that my doc just went cold turkey and made me quit taking my 20mg lexapro that ive been taking for about 8 months. So for about 2 weeks my feet have been numb, and last night i noticed that i had lots of bruises on my lower legs and my feet. Also like a blueish tint to my skin like i wore a brand new pair of dark jeans, even know i didnt even wear dark or new jeans that day. I tried washing it off so i know its not dye. Im also on topamax but ive been on it for awhile now, 50mg of that. [/INST] Hi, Actually stopping it may have a main side effect which you may take into your concern it is called SSRI discontinuation syn Chat Doctor. It may start with some brain shivers, dizziness, acute depressions and irritability, as well as heightened senses of akathisia. Treatment is dependent on the severity of the discontinuation reaction and whether further antidepressant treatment is warranted. In cases where further antidepressant treatment is required then the only step required is restarting the antidepressant. This is usually the case following patient noncompliance with the </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Had breast cancer and masectomy 14 years ago. Has a lump removed under collarbone but was negative 6 months ago. Now i have a hard pea shaped lump under incision that does not move around. Could it be stitches or is is something else? [/INST] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have some fibrosis, or it can be breast cancer recurrence. You should go for excision biopsy and histopathological examination of that lump. It will give you exact diagnosis. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health. </s>
<s>[INST] I m suffering with hyper pigmentation. Currently I m using a cream with the following composition. Alpha Arbutin - 1% Phenyl Ethyl Resorcinol - 0.5% Lactokine Fluid - 1% MBBT - 6% Octyl Methoxy Cinnamate - 7.5% I have several brown and dark shades around my eyes and on the forehead. Is this dosage enough or is there any better composition that could work faster? And on the tube of the cream that I use it wasmentioned use it two times a day. But some advised me to use it to use it in the evening and use a sunscreen in the morning. Will it be helpful? [/INST] Hi. Srinivas Marne., Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor., Speedy recovery of Hyperpigmentation is not possible., Minimum, it will take 28 days.,1) Frequent washes with Moisturizing soap.,2) Morning apply SUNSCREEN LOTION with SPF 50...e.g..REGARD 50.,3) Night application of KO JIC CREAM....contains Comic, Azeloglicina, Cytokine.,4) If you want quick relief go for CHEMICAL PEELING...... Glycolic acid ....it will do by Trained good dermatologist....., ok....good luck., </s>
<s>[INST] hi doctor, i m 24yr old girl but have a serious hair fall problems.also i feel i smoke a lot that could be the reason.i smoke 10ciggarettes a day and this hair fall problem is happening for last 1yr now.i m left with very little hair.what do u suggest??? [/INST] Howell come to ChatDoctorI really appreciate your concern, some conditions are there as long as the hair fall is concern in female and these are hire root fungal infection, hormone changes, endocrine dysfunction, MAL nutrient, stress, and these all need to be ruled out and differentiated till then condition can be managed with "Minoxidil 5 %" to be applied on scalp hope this information take care and have a nice day. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi,I am constantly using depiwhite for an year now. It worked really well in improving my complexion. Is it harmful in any way? I read somewhere that skin whitening creams(which contain hydroquinone) are harmful and might lead to cancer.Please suggest me on this?Tell me good and bad effects of using DepiWhite cream..Thank you! [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor. I understand from your query that you are concerned about the long term side effects of definite cream. Depiwhite is a cream used to lighten hyperpigmentation and not to improve the general complexion. Your skin tone is determined at the time of your birth itself, and it is decided by the concentration of melanocytes and circulation. Therefore, any treatment or procedures can never make you fairer than what you were at the time of birth. But most of the people will acquire more pigmentation as age increases, we call it facultative pigmentation. Lot of factors determine it, most important being sunlight, others include dust, pollution, smoking, less HY Chat Doctor. Treatments should be to bring your pigmented skin back to your normal skin tone and make the skin tone even all over the face. Definite contain shy </s>
<s>[INST] hi i have got some circles growing on my penis and they are not healing.. i have visited and dermatologist and he gave me antibiotics and some other medicines but they are not healing they are still growing. they are painles like rings and 3 small on penis head and one big like 1 cm on foreskin and one on shaft. what it can be? [/INST] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for your query. I understand your concerns and I will try to help you as much as I can. These symptoms and signs are suggestive of STD especially if there is associated pain, fever, urethral discharge and recent sexual intercourse. So this is the first thing to rule out by doing STD testing. Second, it may be signed of reinfection or urinary stones and some other genital infection, but this is less common. In every case, antibiotic therapy may be required, so test should be done as soon as possible so that appropriate treatment can be started. Till that try to Chat Doctor. I hope I have answered you query. If you have any further questions you can contact us in every time. Kindly regards. Wish you a good health. </s>
<s>[INST] I have a rash on my neck , wrists and my anticubital area. It has been diagnosed as azsema once before and I have been given protopic tacrolimus ointment but that had no effect. I have yet to go get an allergy test which I hope is the cause but I have been experimenting taking things out of my diet and then putting them back in to see if there is any change and I have yet to find anything food related. One thing to note is that I am a non-strict vegetarian. I have never switched to a heavy meat diet for experimentation due to price and the amount of fats in meat itself. Any suggestions? [/INST] Hello, A restricted food diet is never a good idea as you keep taking things out of the diet and will find it difficult to re-introduce. Food allergies worsening eczema are not very common while some observational studies report eggs, milk, shrimp to worsen eczema in child Chat Doctor. Other studies have suggested an association with wheat.Therefore, it is always best to get a skin test (when you are NOT on antihistamines) as specific IGE blood test for eczema may sometimes give false positive results if the total IGE is high (>1000), confusing the picture. If you definitely have any food allergies, it is worth mentioning to your allergist before the test is done. Eczema can flare due to house dust mite or animal allergens, so it is important these are also checked at the same time. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi. I had a molar extracted about a month ago. After the extraction my gums got pretty infected and puss filled the empty socket. I took care of the infection with iodine swabs, the puss went away and the socket began to heal normally. Now, however, the gums beneath the socket and along the next several teeth are very hard and swollen. They are a little tender when poked at, but dont really hurt on their own. Is it still infected, do you think? Will my body take care of it on its own, or is it going to have to be lanced at some point now that there is no open wound? Or is the swelling something else? I really dont have time or money to go back to the dentist, so chances are I will do whatever needs to be done myself. [/INST] Hi, Thanks for asking the query, According to your clinical symptoms I suspect that there could be chance of some broken root piece left in the socket. I would suggest you to visit the Dentist a get an x-ray done, if present it can be removed surgically. Proper curettage of the extraction socket with antiseptic solution and saline is required. Take complete course of antibiotics and analgesics. Take antiseptic mouthwash and lukewarm saline rinses. Maintain a good oral hygiene. Hope this helps out. Regards.... </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, me & my husband is 32 & we both are trying for baby since 14 months......... complete hormonal profile is done, Ovulation studies and follicular monitoring is done, my husbands semen analysis is done &Also HSG, Hysteroscopy and laparoscopy is done.........and doctor said everything is absolutly normal..........try on every alternate day from 8 day to 26 day...........can we take Fertisure F for me & Fertisure M for my husband. [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor. As all of your investigations are normal, your case fits into the definition of unexplained infertility. Most effective treatment for it is super ovulation (stimulating multiple follicles with tablets/injections) with GUI. Feature tablets may help in conception but how much they will, is unknown. Better option as I told is super ovulation with GUI. Wish you good health. Regards. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi doctor, My name is AAAA writing from Dubai now. I have some doubts and clarifications regarding my daughter who is 17 year old and now studying in Kerala , India in 11 grade.. She is in Convent school hostel now and she is not interested in studies at all. I have two daughters and I brought them up alone as i am separated from my husband from 2001 to 2010.(He was in Muscat at that time and went with some lady means he has some other relations. Because of her behaviour ,I thought of briging him back as per his brothers request if he can live as a family . But again he is leading the old life with many other relations.now he is not with us) She is very much addicted to mobile phones and internet even though i have restricted these 2 upto certain level. she used chat with unknown males in my absence and she is saying they are her friends. I tried my maximum to make her understand the meaning of friends and also the problems of such behaviour. Now whenever I spoke to her in the hostel over phone she is complainig that she cannot continue in the hostel and I know it is because of that strict not having access to internet and mobile. now the way she behaves is creating a lot of problems to me .she used to scribble something daily in her dairy and it is like she is living in fantasy world with her friend. She used to tell other children and warden that she used to go out with him etc which was not happened. the person she is talking about is not even seen her earlier. Earlier two years back i tried to consult a phycologists with her, she came one day and she didnt come for second time. I would be gateful if you can suggest some possible way how to take her to a normal life.Many Thanks,AAAAA [/INST] Hi, Thanks for writing to us, As you have explained, your daughter has had a difficult childhood being brought up by a single mother. She also might have witnessed her fathers' attitude towards the family or towards you who is her mother and as you say he was promiscuous. She has not had a father figure in her life and may have had improper parental supervision for many of these stated reasons. All this can have a negative impact on the development of a children personality. A person can have deviant personality traits which make them more vulnerable to problems like addiction or excessive usage of things like the internet and mobile phones to an extent of neglect of routine activities, seeking fulfillment of emotional needs from strangers, especially of the opposite gender or confabulating or manipulating by making up stories in order to get what they want. Firstly it would be advisable to get a detailed psychiatric evaluation at this point to rule out the possibility of any underlying mental illness. To make sure she does not truly believe the stories she has been telling people. You also need to make sure she is not having any genuine adjustment problems in the hostel. If this happens to be her way of manipulating you into getting her out of hostel then it would be advisable to keep her in the hostel till she gets used to it eventually. Get in touch with her hostel authorities and try to be aware of her behavior and also see if they can help you out by keeping her constantly engaged in some activities by making a schedule for her daily activities till late in the evening, by including sports, studies, projects, monitoring etc. This would help her a great deal. Hope this helps, Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] It says on the chest X-ray that there is a linear density seen in the right mid lungfield which may represent a prominent vessel or fibrosis. I had an xray last year but there was no findings like this. However, I had a tuberculosis or Primary complex when I was a child.. Would that possibly affect the result? I m a little bit worried now.. Can u tell me what is prominent vessel and fibrosis or is t just the same? Thank you [/INST] Hello Thanks for writing to ChatDoctorLinear density in right mid-field of lung may be due to fibrosis or prominent blood vessel. Both conditions doesn't require any treatment. For confirmation, contrast CT scan of thorax should be done. Linear density is more in favor of fibrosis since you have history of tuberculosis. Fibrosis is a healed stage of infection and generally it doesn't require any intervention. Take Care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] My 19 month old daughter has had intermittent emesis for over 4 weeks without any other symptoms. 4 days ago, she quit eating, drinking, urinating, and had more persistent emesis. Her monocytes and platelets are elevated. Any possible diagnosisyou can think of? [/INST] Seems to have caught cough and cold, but you have not reported any fever. If you can get piper longum herb, it may be boiled in milk or water and given 1tsp TDS. Holy basil leaves may also be boiled along with it. Piper longum may also be given by grinding as powder and approx 125 mg - one pinch may be given in honey. If you can grind seeds of cardamomum that may also be added. Or boil with piper longum, holy basil etc. Vomiting may not stop immediately. Give it thrice a day for few days. Hope this primary measure will help you without any toxicity, without any side effects. May be slow in action. </s>
<s>[INST] At 18 days old my daughter had bilirubin level - 335. Is it possible, that she had higher level (f.e. 400) at day 10? 335 level: can it go down by itself or only some treatment could help? Which level is dangerous or the brain cells? She eats well, gains weight well. Just not too much active (may be it is her personality). She is 2 months old, her level is still high: 146. Is it dangerous? [/INST] Hello, Your daughter had jaundice in the newborn period and her bilirubin is still high at 2 months of age. This is definitely not normal, and she needs to be evaluated in detail for the cause of persistent jaundice. There are many causes of persistent jaundice, and it is difficult to ascertain the cause based on the history you have provided. I advise you to take your child to a pediatrician for a detailed check-up, as some conditions causing jaundice at this age need urgent treatment. Wishing you good luck. Preeti </s>
<s>[INST] I have frequent chest pains and strong palpitations. The pains are hard to describe and they move around. Sometimes it feels like squeezing and pressure. Other times it feels like a lump in my chest. Sometimes its sort of a burning sensation like its in the muscles. I exercise regularly and never have a problem while I am exercising. I cant tolerate even a small amount of alcohol because a couple of hours later I start with strong palpitations that keep me up all night. I dont know what other things may be triggering this. I have stopped all caffiene. This has been going on for a couple of years. Any idea what this may be. I am a 41 year old female and I weigh 145. I used to be very overweight. I took a lot of diet and energy supplements over a period of ten years. Could this be related to my problem? [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. By your history and description, possibility of stress and anxiety induced HERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) is more. Your palpitations are due to stress and anxiety. Your chest tightness, pressure, worsening symptoms with alcohol etc. are due to HERD. So we should first treat your stress and anxiety. So consult psychiatrist and get done counselling sessions. Try to identify stressor in your life and start working on its solution. You may need anxiolytic Chat Doctor. For HERD, follow these steps. Avoid hot and spicy food. Avoid large meals, instead take frequent small meals. Take pantoprazole tablet on empty stomach. Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Avoid stress and tension, be relaxed and calm. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] I have urticaria for last 4 months. I still could not make out which food is causing this allergy. My age is 29 yrs , height is 52 and weight is 60 kg. yesterday i went to a doctor who prescribed me dynolap tabs for two weeks. will i be relieved permanantly with this drug? or should i go for homeopathy? [/INST] Hello. Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to make following suggestions for you:1. Urticaria, especially lasting more than 6 weeks, may not be always due to allergy. 2. Were I treating you, I would suggest you an antihistamine like cetirizine/levocetirizine for 1-2 weeks.3. I usually advise such patients tests like complete blood counts, ESR, CRP, urine & stool examination, and if necessary, allergy testing, thyroid testing and ANA. These investigations may give clues to cause of urticaria. Please discuss these tests with your treating physician.4. Intestinal worm infestations can commonly cause urticaria. If worms is a common problem in your area, I would suggest you a short course of antiparasitic Chat Doctor. 5. I would personally suggest you to avoid activities causing excessive sweating and hot/spicy foods. I would also suggest avoiding tight-fitting or woolen/synthetic type clothes if possible, loose-fitting, cotton clothes would be best in my opinion.6. Please do not scratch at the itchy areas as scratching worsens the problem. I would suggest you to apply lotion such as calamine over itchy areas.7. Dunlap can control the symptoms of urticaria, it does not "cure" the cause of the urticaria.8. I am not an authorized person to comment about homeopathy. A homeopathy doctor would be the best person to ask whether he/she can help. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any other query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish you the best of the health. Thank you & Regards. </s>
<s>[INST] My wifes palms and feet became cold suddenly and she was feeling congestion in her chest. Her blood perssure was normal (80-120) (she is 41 yrs old) but pulse was about 83 at that time. The symptoms subsided after an hour and again the palm and feet become warm. She is nomral now. Please advise. [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Sudden Sweating of palms and feet, chest congestion etc. are characteristic symptoms of heart diseases. So better to first rule out heart related diseases in her case. So consult cardiologist and get done ECG, 2d echo and stress test (trade mill test). If all these reports are normal then no need to worry about heart diseases. She is 41 years old. So she is approaching menopause. During this period, women tend to develop hormonal imbalance and this can also cause similar symptoms. So get done hormone levels to rule out hormonal imbalance. She may need hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Don't worry, she will be alright. But first rule out heart diseases. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wishing good health to your wife. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] my healthy nephew was in pain, went to a hospital they gave pain medicine but never check to see what the cause was. sent him home, went to another hospital and when he laid down to be seen he could not feel his legs. they did surgery that night and found a staph infection. he has no feeling from the chest down. is this a common problem? [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Loss of sensation below cheat is suggestive of spinal cord disease. Spinal cord supplies nerves to all parts of the body. There are several nerve roots originating from cord. In your nephews' case possibility of spinal cord damage at lumber spine is high. Damage at this level causes sensory loss below chest. So this needs evaluation in the form of MRI spine to rule out cause. So consult spine specialist and discuss all these and then start appropriate treatment. Hope I have solved your query. Wishing good health to your nephew. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] Doctor, I have an obstruction in the edge of the penis while urinating. Though urine flows fully, it is flowing like a shower. Almost 2 months now. Though I have not felt it alarming, still I thought you will be able to help me through this columns, with suitable instructions and medicines. Thanks. [/INST] Hello, Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor for posting your query. I have gone through your question in detail and I can understand what you are going through. An obstruction in the edge of the penis suggests that there could be a wart or growth. This can cause shower of urine instead one flow. It's very difficult to comment on the exact cause of the lesion without having a look at it. It would be advisable to either upload some pictures of it in Chat Doctor or show it to a urologist/surgeon/sexologist. Hope I am able to answer your concerns. If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you. In future if you wish to contact me directly, you can use the below-mentioned link:bit.ly/ Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] hi I am 29 years old and planning pregnancy but 4 months before I had a miscarriage so this time I went to doctor to plan pregnancy now she suggested me to take Folic Acid and deviry 10mg.So is Deviry 10mg is good to conceive safely since I have heard that deviry 10mg is to have mensuration? [/INST] Hi, generally we don't give devilry in patients who are planning to get pregnant. It is a progesterone which is given to bring periods. But progesterone also supports the pregnancy. The thing is that for baby it is not considered good. Many other safer progesterone like Austen or phaeton are available. Talk to your doctor regarding this. Hope I have answered your question. If you have any other query I will be happy to help. Regards Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello. I got over bronchitis approximately 2 weeks ago and the symptoms are starting to reoccur. This time my chest is tigh with shoot pains in the back opposite my lungs, coughing (dry at times), and my body aches like nothing else. What OTC can I look into? [/INST] Hello rearward welcome to Chat Doctor.come have evaluated your query thoroughly.* This is in relation with recurrent infection.* Suggestions for better recovery-Deep breathing exercises with YOGA to build up proper oxygenation of the lungs.- Balanced nutritious diet to boot up the immunity.- Avoid exposure to dust and pollen.- Do not smoke.- Busselton pearls 3 times a day.- Tylenol (500) mg 3 times a day after meals.- Gargles with salted lukewarm water added peppermint oil 3 times a day.- Keep check on fever or else in which condition, consult your doctor for further assistance. Hope this will help you. Always feel free to ask any further doubts. Regards dear. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi my 19 month old has this red rash on the bottom of his feet for the last week. Hes acting normal eating well, no fever and no sign of rash or sores anywhere else. I noticed today that his pinky toes are dry and hard almost like a calus. What could this be? [/INST] Hi... I feel by what you quote he should be having a - Hand Foot Mouth disease. This is one viral illness among all other anthems which can cause fever followed by rash over palms and soles. It is a self-limiting disorder and itching can be really worrisome. I suggest you use any over the counter antihistamine if you have one with you now. You can use HY Chat Doctor. This can even cause some peeling of skin in the next 4-6 weeks and do not worry about it. Regards - </s>
<s>[INST] I had an infected Montgomery gland a few months ago and I regularly have to drain it because it becomes too full of puss like fluid. I went to squeeze it a few days ago and it started bleeding. Then today I squeezed it again and a brown almost black fluid came out. What could this be? [/INST] Dear user you had bacterial infection of Montgomery gland or breast abscess ...in this case sincerely you should not squeeze it...squeezing is contraindicated in breast abscess or infection as it will lead to spread of infection in the tissues and get worse then....you need to take appropriate antibiotic for the underlying infection causes pus and bloody discharge...if you take the appropriate antibiotic and bacterial infection rolled out then pus and bloody discharge will end, and you will feel improvement .you need not to carry about that as the cause is determined and just treatment of the cause will end that all.....but please don't squeeze it again as it will be worse after squeezing .....you should refer to specialist to treat this infection with simple antibiotics such as amoxicillin and will give good results.......wish you healthy life </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, my daughter is 5 yrs old, about 38 lbs and average to tall in height for her age. She is an active happy little girl who seems perfectly healthy but she complains about her tummy hurting all the time. Its always right after she eats and sometimes in the morning before she eats. She is completely fine all other moments so it doesnt slow her down or anything. But she mentions it enough for me to be concerned. Im starting to worry that she may have something wrong with her stomach or even a possibly food allergy. My sister has celiac disease so thats a concern for me that she may have it as well. [/INST] Hi. Thanks for your query. Read the history about your daughter and understood it. The most probable cause of pain in a child of 5, which increases after food and in the morning before she eats are :-Tummy tonsils-meaning enlargement of the lymph nodes of the abdomen.-Appendicitis- by default this has to be ruled out in every case of pain in -abdomen of a child.-Worms. The best diagnosis is a high resolution ultrasonography. Some blood, urine and stool tests. A therapeutic trial with a course of an antibiotic, metronidazole and probiotics under the guidance of a pediatrician / Surgeon always helps to solve the problem and to get a diagnosis. Also given is a dose of medicines active against worms in intestine. I hope a consultation with a Pediatric Surgeon, investigations and a course of an antibiotic and metronidazole should solve the problem. If this is indicative of appendicitis, please go for the surgery of appendectomy. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I have been experiencing some weird symptoms maybe typical of pregnancy.Ive had my period as normal in August but September it came early only lasted 4days,at the end of it,it faded to a brownish colour.I have also had white discharge that had no smell.I get bad back pain,and am now feeling like I have butterflies in my stomach.my stomach has grown rapidly,it is hard at the bottom sides and top,also very tired.My next period is due in 3 days,I thought I might wait to see what happens,I do feel that I may pregnant,but more toward the end of the first trimester?Im so confused right now,could you please enlighten me.Many thanxRoza [/INST] Hi, Thank you for choosing Chat Doctor. Your symptoms are similar to pelvic infection. You need to wait for your next period, if you miss your period kindly confirm pregnancy by urine pregnancy test. Also get a PAP smear done. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. In case of any doubt, I will be available for follow-ups. If you like my answers kindly rate it, and write a review as well. Please do not forget to accept it. Thank you, Wish you good health. Chat Doctor. Chat Doctor .com/doctors/ </s>
<s>[INST] Dear Doctor,12 years back i was hospitalized and at that night i could not sleep whole night. sudden fear cropped up and my heart began to palpitate and even worse with each moment. Till now i have that fear, palpitation and uneasiness and i cant live a normal life. I have consulted various doctors including cardiologist but there was no any heart problems. I am suffering a lot and could u please guide me what i need to undergo to cure my problems. [/INST] Hello, Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor for posting your query. From the description that you have given, it appears that you have an anxiety episode, and you need to get it treated. There are various option available.1) Talk therapy: Cognitive Behavioral therapy, REST and behavioral therapy.2) Paroxetine, venlafaxine, fluoxetine, Escitalopram.3) Regular exercise, fresh diet will also help. You need to see a psychiatrist. Do take out time and visit one. Hope I am able to answer your concerns. If you have any further query, I would be glad to help you. In future if you wish to contact me directly, you can use the below-mentioned link:bit.ly/ Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I am anorexic and I am taking Aciphex 20 mg. 2xday; Topomax 75mg.2x day, Pritiq 100mg. 1xday, Lyrica 125mg. 2x day, and Abilify 10mg. 1x day. I have been experiencing muscle spasm, where I can not control my legs, and fall and stumble, I do not know where I am at times, I am confused, I can not say what I want, my mouth will not say what my brain wants. Are they interacting with each other an causing me harm? [/INST] Your symptoms of disorientation, weakness in legs may be due to hypoglycemia, a condition where blood sugar gets lowered due to inadequate food due to anorexia. You may consult a neurologist if you have doubts. Blood sugar testing should be done. Cause for anorexia should be diagnosed and treated. Report to your treating doctor too to know whether any of medicines you are on is causing side effects </s>
<s>[INST] I have a spot on my penis which almost resembles a bruise but it is seeping an almost yellow substance. I ve read about busted blood vessels and how they will look like a bruise but not understanding where the secretion is coming from. I am a married man and have been for 16 years and we don t get crazy. We are monogamous to one another. [/INST] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thank you for your query. I understand your concerns and I will try to help you as much as I can. It may indicate herpes infection and this is the first thing to think of. In every case these symptoms and signs are suggestive of STD especially if there is associated pain, fever, urethral discharge and recent sexual intercourse. So this is the first thing to rule out by doing STD testing. Second, it may be signed of reinfection or urinary stones and some other genital infection, but this is less common. In every case, antibiotic therapy may be required, so test should be done as soon as possible so that appropriate treatment can be started. Till that try to Chat Doctor. I hope I have answered you query. If you have any further questions you can contact us in every time. Kindly regards. Wish you a good health. </s>
<s>[INST] I m only having sex from behind because my boyfriend prefers it this way(from the ass not the vegina) and I ve heared it causes prostate or hemorrhoid cancer. It s worrying me very much. Ive heared also that the act causes cracks in the lining of the anal straight and so when ejaculation of semen inside the anus, The presence of the cracks lead to some leakage of some sperm into the bloodstream and since the sperm is considered a foreign body to the female body, the body produces antibodies to attack the intruder stranger (the spirm) and so when an intercourse occurs naturally (in the vagina) These antibodies attack sperm ejected into the vagina and cripples if causing infertility for life. This is worrying me very much! Is it true? Please advice [/INST] Hi, anal sex may increase chance of HPV infection which has potential to develop cancer. But personal hygiene, no of sexual partners also play a role. Anyway anal cancer has no relation with infertility. What the explanation you are giving has got a theoretical background, but practically chance is negligible. Prostate cancer can not be caused by anal sex. Anal sex may increase chance of prostatitis not cancer. You may consult sexually transmitted disease specialist. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I was referred to a cardiologist due to chest pains and numbness in my left arm. I had an Echocardiogram and a Bubble Study Echocardiogram done which showed that I have PFO. The cardiologist now wants to do a stress echo. Is this common? What would this show? Lately I am very fatigued and short of breath. I just want to get to the bottom of this. Are they on the right track? What options are there so I can start feeling better? I am only 37 years old and exercise all of the time. I just want my quality of life back. Thank you in advance for your assistance. [/INST] Hereafter going through the details provided by you, I would like to tell you that STRESS ECHO is mainly done to rule out myocardial ischemia during increased work load in our day-to-day activities, and it has nothing to do with PFO. The symptoms which you are having could be due to reduced blood supply to heart muscle and to rule out that STRESS ECHO will be done as this issue can also give you a feel of tiredness, shortness of breath and fatigue all time. Kind Regards Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] My father in law has secondry kidney cancer in his spleen, lymph nodes and site where his kidney was before it was removed... He was admitted to hosp with pain and confusion.....the confusion is bad on and off and he has really low temp..... Is this a bad sign? [/INST] Hi dairy understand your concern. Confusion is most likely due to post-operative electrolyte imbalances. Low body temp. Has many etiologies. In post-operative period it is common. It depends upon several factors. Age is the most imp. Correction of electrolyte is must and 1st step.2nd step is looking for other factors. Blood and other investigation will give more idea. Consult your doctor and get help. Still if you have a query then feel free to ask. </s>
<s>[INST] my problem started with swelling on top left side of mouth around wisdom tooth, had the right side removed couple of years ago they said the left didnt need to be removed now of noticed my gums lighting and have big hard bumps in the bottom of mouth behind tongue please help [/INST] Hello, You should not worry. The wisdom tooth may have moved, and you see changes. Go to the dentist for an x-ray and re-evaluation for extraction. You can rinse with warm salt water and monitor for changes. Your jaw continues to grow and respond to pressure. It is common to have lower Tori which are bone bumps usually positioned more forward near your canines and premolars. If you feel inflamed or swollen, take anti-inflammatory medication and consult your dentist. Swollen glands, which are usually softer, indicate an active infection. Infection from a tooth can Chat Doctor. Expansion may be related to a cyst or other growth. Thank you for your inquiry. I am happy to assist you further with any additional questions. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi My 2 year old grandson has some small blister like spots on his hands, legs, upper ear lobes and back. He had a slight temperature this morning at 37.4 but that is back to normal now. He is also slightly off his food and not too happy. Have you any suggestions what this could be? Thanks Concerned Nanan [/INST] Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. Skin and eye conditions are best diagnosed only after seeing directly. I suggest you to upload photographs of the same on this website, so that I can guide you scientifically. But by what you quote this seems like a hand foot mouth disease to me. The kid might require oral anti allergy medications. Kindly see your pediatrician. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health. </s>
<s>[INST] hello i had the new implant put in my arm end of may and did not have a period till september and then i have only had a couple and its been very light for a couple of days. but i have a interest in new foods and i am slowely putting on weight but i am trying to lose it. i get a sick feeling every day but have not been sick. do u think i am pregant or is it just the implant? thank u [/INST] Hello what, and I hope I can help you today. The contraceptive implant is actually one of the most effective birth control methods available, and has a lower failure rate than even sterilization. Unfortunately, it is also very common to have irregular bleeding, mood changes, food cravings, and weight gain as a side effect of the hormones in the implant. So just in case, I would perform a urine pregnancy test to make sure that you are not pregnant, however the most likely explanation for your symptoms is general side effects from the hormones in the implant. Most people eventually stop menstruating completely with the implant and have minimal hormonal changes, but this may take 6 to 9 months to develop. I hope I was able to adequately answer your question today, and that my advice was helpful. Best wishes, </s>
<s>[INST] I noticed about a month ago that my 8 yr old daughter had what looked like a small canker sore right above the front tooth on the left side. It was bothering her at the time and was red around the area. I didnt give it much thought at the time because I really thought it was just a canker sore. She has been to her orthodontist twice since I noticed it to get things started for her braces (she only has spacers at this time). The orthodontist didnt say anything about it at either visit. I noticed last night that it is still there. I decided I would feel it and it is hard and spiky feeling. It doesnt seem to bother her at all, but she acted like it hurt a little when I touched it. Do you have any idea what it might be? [/INST] Hello, thank you for consulting with Chat Doctor. Canker sore does not stay for so long, it takes maximum 7-14 days to heal. The type of lesion you are mentioning, it can be a sinus opening, as it is present above the tooth in the gums. It is condition, which occur when a tooth is infected and there is an abscess formation in the apex of the tooth, and when the pus starts coming out it forms a sinus opening. You should visit your dentist and get an x-ray done of that tooth as it will show the infection. Hope it will help you. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I have missed my period for 2 months now and I have felt cramps and pain in the lower back. Slight nausea and headaches and recently diarrhea. I have always been regular and now I am stressed out because of this missed period. I have take 8 pregnancy tests which have been all negative however I have read that I cannot only rely on hpt. After 8 negative home pregnancy tests can I still be pregnant? I am 26 years old and I have been extremely stressed because of this as I have never missed a period. Thank you [/INST] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. If you people had unprotected sexual intercourse during unsafe period then chances of pregnancy are more. If you are pregnant the HPT should come positive in at least one test among the 8 tests you have done, I don't think all 8 Hits will give false negatives. It would have better if you had visited a gynecologist by now. There could be some other reason for missed periods or the way of doing HPT could be wrong. Please do it one more time using early morning urine sample, if that also negative you should definitely consult a doctorNausea, diarrhea, cramps all could be due gastroenteritis caused by food poisoning. Don't be stressed and consult a gynecologist as early as possible. Regards Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Gud morning sir, i an from jammu. I am suffering from pain in both hip joints l am unable to sleep in either of the position doctor advised me to take Tizen 2 mg and Nurokind lc I od. Pl.suggest me is it right treatment and how long it will take to cover the issue. My age is 52. [/INST] Welcome to Chat Doctor I have gone through your query and understand your concern. You are likely to be having bilateral osteoarthritic of hip joints. It will be confirmed by x-ray of both hips AP view. Glucosamine is helpful in arthritis. You can take analgesic such as ibuprofen for pain relief. You can take Mecobalamine to reduce tingling sensation s. Furthermore, you can discuss with your doctor about it. Hope your query get answered. If you have any clarification then don't hesitate to write to us. I will be happy to help you. Wishing you a good health. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] sir i m having a bulge in my right cheek for the first time...yesterday everything was fine but today when i woke up i found my skin bulged...i m 20 years of age...my height is 169 cm and i weigh 95 kg...sir pls help me...what it could be...or is it a serious bulge... [/INST] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have some infection in parotid gland. It is the most common cause of cheek bulge. You should consult your doctor and go for examination. Then you should take a course of antibiotics. If it does not respond to treatment then further investigations are required. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have any doubts then contact me at bit.ly/ Chat Doctor. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health. </s>
<s>[INST] My son 14 years age has mild TR in echocardiogram, now in chest x ray PA view doctor reported heart is not enlarged, mild prominence of right heart border, some hilar congestion and mild pulmonary vascularity, lungs are clear, no inflamation, no solid mass. He suggested ecocardiography which we already had, his serum Ig E level is high 686. In fact boy has off and on cough problems, sore throat with fever.When he was an infant doctors asked for heart check up, which later I did mild TR little PASP 35 mm Hg with no other defect RBBB in ECG. My boy has got good height say 68 inches but I am worried about his health.Kindly guide me. Thanks and best regards. Rehan Adil [/INST] HelloWelcome to Ask a Doctor Service I have reviewed your query and here is my advice. The findings are not suggestive of any disease of illness, and what ever the cough symptom he has that could be due to some allergic condition or may be nonspecific if this is the allergic condition then it is self limiting and no need to worry about this Mild TR has nothing to do with the symptoms he has, you can discuss this with his doctor Hope I have answered your query, let me know for further assistance. </s>
<s>[INST] Am 20 yrs old.i have been on the minigynon pill for couple months now onn n off so i was off for a week before my period n after my period i decided not to take it again i have had unprotected sex three times for the week n now experiencing tender nipples/sore tired n having sickness in the middle of the night could i be pregnant?? [/INST] Hi, I understand your concern. Tender & sore nipples, sickness are suggestive of pregnancy. Specially after having unprotected sex after normal period. If it was around ovulation. . Day. (Ovulation day is 14 days before the expected date of menses)But Such symptoms are seen in hormonal imbalance too. So though your symptoms suggest pregnancy but needs to be confirmed by urine pregnancy test after 8 days delay in periods. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] Is there a site I can go to where it tells me exactly what foods to avoid because I am having gall bladder problems. I know there are some sites that say to avoid red meat, and fatty things but I just want to know which fruits and vegetables I can eat. For instance, my sister-n-law says I should avoid bananas? Is this a true statement? I am no currently off all dairy products, red meat and bread and tortillas. [/INST] Hello! Thanks for putting your query in Chat Doctor. I am Chat Doctor. Foods to be avoided are:Fried foodsHighly processed foods (doughnuts, pie, cookies)Whole-milk dairy products (cheese, ice cream, butter)Fatty red meat Diet to be taken is:Fresh fruits and vegetablesWhole grains (whole-wheat bread, brown rice, oats, bran cereal)Lean meat, poultry, and fishLow-fat dairy productsBanana is not contraindicated, and all fruits can be taken hope I have answered your query. If you have any further query I will be happy to answer that too. Wish you a good health </s>
<s>[INST] Hello, I am having this none stop weird pain in my chest near my breast plate. it is almost physical in nature... when i drink i can literally feel the liquid pass over or through it ( i really do not know how to better explain ). The pain is pain and an ache and has NOT went away. [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Continuous chest pain is commonly seen in cardiac diseases. So better to first rule out cardiac cause. So get done ECG and 2d echo. If both are normal then no need to worry about heart diseases. Possibility of acute gastritis and associated chest pain is more in your case. So avoid stress and tension. Avoid hot and spicy food. Avoid junk food. Avoid large meals, instead take frequent small meals. Start proton pump inhibitors for gastritis pain. Don't worry, you will be alright with these lifestyle modifications. Hope I have solved your query. Wish you good health. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] I constantly have leg pain and swelling in my ankle, and knee this only one one side. My ana test was also positive with speckled pattern. I can t seem to stop this constant pain. I only been prescribed ibuprofen till I see a rhemy. PCP thinks its Lupus. [/INST] Hello, I have studied your case with diligence. Yes this can be lupus with reactive arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis may involve small joints and early morning stiffness in joints, do you have sucChatDoctorplain? Ankylosing spondylitis typically involve spine and hips with other large joint also. There is reduced chest function in this disease. Stiffness in spine is increased do you have such stiffness in spine? NSAIDs, Awards (disease-modifying anti-rheumatic Chat Doctor. These include methotrexate and sulfasalazine. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health. Take care </s>
<s>[INST] Im having an issue and hope you can help.For about two weeks Ive been experiencing a sporatic sensation on the upper left side of my adams apple and inner left ear when I swallow.Im having sinus issues and tonsils are a bit red.It not tender anywhere in the area and there isnt any obvious swelling.I used smokless tobacco very lightly for about 15 years but was very consciencious about never swallowing and alwasy brushing twice daily and flossing.I was diagnosed with GERD a few months ago and was wondering if this could be another symptom .I had a scope procedure in April and the Dr. said everything looked good and my CBC came back clear.does this sound like something more serious like cancer? [/INST] Hi, HERD has got similar symptoms. Simply based on this symptom no definite diagnosis can be made. Earache can be explained as the nerve supply to the throat region and tongue are similar like that of inner ear and there are communications. Anyway an indirect laryngoscopy should be done by an experienced ENT specialist. If he/she can find any abnormality then direct laryngoscopy/ fiber optic laryngoscopy may be done. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] I am coughing up a lot of mucus over the past several weeks. The mucus hacking episodes last for 15 minutes of gagging to get this stuff out. It doesn t stop for me until I get out the clump of mucus which is sometimes a dark brown, yellow, or red color. The majority of the mucus is a thick and white. It is to the point where I can t eat or drink until the stuff comes out. It makes me dizzy by the end of the episode of hacking. I don t have any food allergies . My dad s side of the family has thyroid, heart, and digestive problems. My grandma and dad had some procedure done to their throats. I have been tested for hypothyroidism many times and I come back clean. The only digestive problem I have had is with constipation , but I had a colonoscopy and everything was fine. I m not pregnant. I haven t done anything for this except gargle warm salt water and mucunex stuff. Nothing is working. I don t smoke or do drugs. I don t know what s wrong with me. [/INST] Hi Montoya, Thanks for writing your query. After reading your post, it seems that you are having bronchitis and lower respiratory tract infection.First you should get the following investigations done :-1. Chest X-ray PA view2. Complete Blood Count (CBC)3. Sputum examination (Culture and Sensitivity and AFB testing) Yellow and thick mucus can be due to some infection in the respiratory tract. Red color in the sputum can be due to some leakage of blood from thin blood vessels as a result of severe coughing. You can take bronchodilators like Levosalbutamol along with Multics like Bromine. Antibiotics, if needed can be started according to the culture/sensitivity report. Steam inhalation and chest physiotherapy will also help to cough out mucus easily. You should get yourself examined medically and investigated before starting any medication. I hope this is helpful to you. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] My left leg was hurting when I got out of the car. Now it s swelling and a bit numb. Something popped in my right upper leg about two months ago while lifting a heavy weight, been in pain sense then. Had surgery a year and a half a go for two severally hereraged discs. Should I be concerned? [/INST] Hi. The symptoms what you describe could be if local strain. I would recommend frequent icing...compression bandage...gentle kneading around the painful area...mild foam rolling on the area is also advisable... For left leg.the issue could be some inflammation locally causing swelling and this swelling in-turn causing numbness. Keep icing it frequently and keep it compressed witChatDoctorpression bandage... If you have any Anti-inflammatory medications prescribed previously for you then you can have them. Continue core and glute stability exercises taught to you before... Hope this is helpful for you...Revert in case you need any further clarification... </s>
<s>[INST] I had a rear upper molar extracted three days ago, during the procedure the dentist told me my root to my tooth was embedded into my sinuses, they put some type of patch in as a fill after they removed my root. Since then I have had several sneezing incidents and on top of the pain I have had lots of drainage and some blood clots . I have a follow up in 3 days but is there anything else I can be doing in the meantime? [/INST] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your question, the complication during extraction that is formation of communication between oral cavity and maxillary sinus could have resulted in some inflammation of the sinus results in sneezing which in turn creates negative pressure and induces bleeding...nothing to worry it will heal in one week...consult your dentist for suture removal and review...continue antibiotics...take soft diet.avoid vigorous gargling...I hope my answer will help you.take care... </s>
<s>[INST] My problem of severe imbalance while walking have been diagonised as Vertigo and of dizziness (Light headed) are related to severe anxiety and panic disorder incl.phobias i.e.Agoraphobia (Panic disorder) and Acrophobia (heights) and avoiding situations and again those are related to subconsious mind. Also I am having severe abdominal disturbances with constant belching (Right side). What should be my course of action and what medications should I use without any side effects and addiction and for how long. [/INST] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. Agoraphobia, Acrophobia, severe anxiety and panic disorder, are common problems. You have nothing to worry about the cure. The cure is certain. The best method of treatment is initially with the help of psychiatrist (If the problem is too unmanageable. Otherwise, you can directly approach a clinical psychologist). Then you should consult a clinical psychologist. Clinical psychologist helps you with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). The therapy may take months according to the severely of the case. But cure is certain. As starting steps, Please do the following:Step 1 - Practice Deep and full breathing whenever possibles 2 - Chat Doctor. Step 3 - A Tomato a day keeps anxiety at basted 4 - Exercise regularlyStart these and follow strictly. After 7 days If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe some psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] I have always exercised a lot. But back in January I had a fall on some stairs where the heal of my shoe caught and I fell on both on to concrete. I knees we re very sore my foot the one that got caught . And the front of my shine . I walk a lot, feet get sore after and a burning in t h e knee..if I where shoes with a he as l it m a keys this worse [/INST] Hi, thank you for providing the brief history of you. Since you mentioned you had a direct impact onto the knee and your shin and foot are sore, you need to first rule out if any old fracture is present or any bony misalignment. This can be ruled out by a CT/MRI/X-ray.you said you exercised a lot, but what exercises you performed is important. You even had a fall on a concrete, So the impact will be big enough. As bone is a hard tissue and muscle is a soft tissue, the impact will be varied by landing on the muscle and different from landing on the bone. Once your X-ray/CT/MRI shows all fine you can look ahead to next step or else you need to strictly follow the or tho guidelines. For time being I can only say to do hot water fermentation until you visit the doctor.Self-medication and self-healing is not advisable as specialist can help better. There is nothing wrong taking their opinion. With the grace of god I wish you a great health. RegardsJay In Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Dear Healthcare, Good Day, Im rajesh 26 years old male of 85 kgs weight. For past three months I have been facing problem with digestion. Initially it was immediate motion problem which later converted to irritation after taking food, like having a feeling to go toilet. And Its been many days since I had perfect morning digestion routines, it would be either constipation or loose motion. Very recently I started to get chest pain, dont know exact reason, but I get a feel from ribs to the middle of the chest. To be frank, during entire period I was not particular about the diet restrictions, and I didnt follow the medications regularly, but recent chest pain is predominant and pulling my very anxious. Kindly suggest.with regards,rajesh, aundh, pune, India. [/INST] Hello, I believe you should post your question under digestive conditions. Please make sure to stay well HY Chat Doctor. Consume plenty of water to replenish your system. You may be off balance with your electrolytes. Consume liquids which replenish vitamins and nutrients. Supplement your meals with fortified liquid diets if you believe you are not getting proper nutrition. You describe signs of deny </s>
<s>[INST] hi well im a teenager and last night i hit my head really hard on my dads trunk door. it didnt hurt as much as i thought it would and i slept fine but im pretty sure my head has a bump on it and it hurts. i also have a throbbing feeling. and im dizzy and VERY worried. should i go to the ER? [/INST] HIT hank for asking to ChatDoctorI really appreciate your concern you said here that you had accident that hurt your head, in case of any head injury the 48 to 72 hours of observation is necessary because anything could happen during this period if nothing is happened during this period then no need to worry about this, if nothing have happened immediately the also nothing to worry, hope this information helps you, have nice day. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...Since giving birth to my last child, I have noticed blood on my tissue from the anal area, during my period only. Could there be a tear between my vagina and my anal canal? [/INST] Hi, I have gone through your question, and I think I have understood your concern. I will suggest you the best possible treatment options. Please do not worry. If you have undergone vagina delivery with perineal tear, or if your episiotomy wound had healing problem, then you may have an old healed perineal tear. Please get it correctly diagnosed from expert gone doctor. Till that time, I will suggest you to use Lactated vaginal wash. Take Sat bath. Keep private parts clean and Chat Doctor. I hope this answer helps you. Thanks </s>
<s>[INST] hi this is vaibhav shukla ,,age 24 ,from newdelhi ...i AM SUFFERING FROM THE PROBLEM OF NIGHTFALL.THE FREQUENCY OF NIGHTFALL IS 2 TIMES IN A WEEK AND NOW IT IS AFFECTING MY HEALTH...THER BECAME DARK CIRCLE NEAR MY EYES AND LOOSENING OF MY CHEEKS SKIN AND OTHER PART OF THE BODY,,,,I WANT TO OVER COME THIS PROBLEM...LAST 4 OR 5 YEARS I I HAVE DONE THE MISTAKE OF MASTERBATION.IS THIS A RESULT OF MASTERBATION.......THANKS [/INST] Dear, We understand your concerns went through your details. Night fall (nocturnal ejaculation) is not due to excess masturbation. In fact, masturbation controls night fall. You should understand the process. Your body produces sperm cells and semen whenever it is sexually aroused. The produced semen is stored within your body, and it is a waste product now. Body needs to throw the waste out. If you masturbate or engage in sex, the waste goes out. Otherwise, body finds its own way to expel the waste and the ways are through nocturnal ejaculation or through urine. Dark circles near eyes, loosening of cheeks etc. are due to stress. Stress is due to anxiety which is caused by your wrong or insufficient knowledge about masturbation, sex, sexual organs and other aspects. I suggest you to consult a psychologist for sexual counseling. Take care. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. http://goo.gl/aYW2pR. Make sure that you include every minute detail possible. Hope this answers your query. Further clarifications are welcome. Good luck. Happy New Year. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] I showed none of the symptoms of having any blood clots but I have them in my lungs and it s not hereditary so how did i get ot doctor couldn t give me an answer I wasn t driving long distance wasn t on a plane and didn t have no surgery I also played basketball that same day and didn t have no shortness of breath worked out 3 days that same week can you give me an answer [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. You are having Pulmonary embolism (PE). Other causes (other than you mentioned in the question) for PE are 1. Cigarette smoking 2. Diabetes 3. Hypertension 4. Dyslipidemia (high cholesterol and triglycerides) 5. Protein C deficiency, protein S deficiency 6. Homocysteine (high levels of homocysteine) 7. Factor V deficiency. So better to consult pulmonologist and discuss these causes. You need different investigations for the diagnosis of these conditions. If you are smoker then this is the most likely cause. So quit smoking as soon as possible if you are smoker. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] My wife 33 years old premenopausal women 171 cm ht,64 kgs weight had left radical mastectomy & left axillary dissection 20 days before ,confirmed on biopsy grade-2 ductal carcinoma & 12/24 lymph nodes with metastatic carcinoma?.week before undergone full body PET CT scan ,impression is no critical disease any where in the body & no metastatis.But our oncologist says 8 cycles of chemotherapy to be done ,radiation therapy to kill microscopic cells which cannot be detected by PET CT.We are worried of chemotherapy but we do not have option.Suggest please [/INST] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. She has ductal carcinoma of breast. Stage 2 with no metastasis. She has already gone through surgery. Noe she should take chemotherapy. She should also check for ER, PR and her 2 new. If this receptor is positive then receptor specific antagonist treatment is very useful in breast cancer. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health. </s>
<s>[INST] My daughter (22 months) has been having foul smelling grainy/ loose stool, about 3-4 times a day. A pimply like diaper rash has developed. She has been easily adjetated/ moody. She also has been having a hard time sleeping. Waking for 3-4 hours in the night. [/INST] Hi, Thanks and welcome to Chat Doctor. Your history indicates the child may be suffering from diarrhea. Ofloxacin and ornidazole combination syrup 2 times daily will control infection. Sporolac one sachet daily prevents diarrhea. Cyclopam syrup 2-3 times daily will make the child free from colicky pain and make them comfortable. Avoid wearing diapers for few days till diarrhea is controlled. Local application of clotrimazole ointment for diaper rash. Hopethis reply serves your purpose. Please feel free to ask further queries if any. Chat Doctor. V. Subrahmanyam. </s>
<s>[INST] I have really bad sciatica starts in my sacra area and into my left hip and terrible pain into the knee and down into my ankle bone of that same side. sitting is the worst standing okay and lying down flat what exercises should i be doing to elevate the pain want to get it right as travelling on long flight in a couple of weeks time [/INST] Hello ! I read your question and understand your concern. I would first recommend a lumbar CT scan to examine better the disks in this region. If I were your doctor I would recommend holding a lumbar brace, have a lot of physiotherapy, take Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen three times daily for 10 days. I would advise you to avoid standing in sitting position for long periods, as it can aggravate the problem. If the pain is disabling most of the time you may need to consult a surgeon. Hope to have been helpful. Best wishes </s>
<s>[INST] My dad had a heart attack and was intubated on 9/27, when they went to wake him up from sedation on monday october 1st - he didn t wake up. He can t move his rt arm and the ct scan of his brain showed a large left MCA. He seems to blink and move his left side alot but not following commands or waking up. I know he may have severe deficits. Do you think he has a chance to wake up? Yesterday has been a week. [/INST] Hi, Thank you for posting your query. It is unfortunate that your father has suffered a massive brain stroke of the left side of brain. This has resulted in right sided weakness and inability to speak/understand. The recovery is going to be delayed and incomplete. Regular physiotherapy and speech therapy would be very useful in ensuring good recovery. I hope my answer helps. Please get back if you have any follow-up queries or if you require any additional information. Wishing you good health, Chat Doctor. Ly/ </s>
<s>[INST] my liver function test report suggests my SGOT 51.0 IU/L & SGPT IS 64.0 IU/L. PLEASE SUGGEST an Advice, Atul [/INST] Welcome at Chat Doctor I have gone through your query and being your doctor I completely understand your health concerns.... Raised Sept and got levels occurs in variety of liver conditions. .what is your age? Any family history of jaundice or liver abnormality? In my opinion you should consult hepatologist do that proper workup can be done and diagnosis can be established. You need to get your liver function test done along with screening for HBV and HCV...you should also Be tested with metabolic liver disease profile also for autoimmune hepatitis.ultrasound should also be done to look for fatty liver too... Don't worry and meet your hepatologist... Regards Said Sultan </s>
<s>[INST] Wonder if ya can help me Ive being in hospital twice in 3 weeks with right side pain at bottom of my back and front lower of stomach left side not sore at all so they put it down to a kidney infection due to blood in urine high temp etc and done a ultra scan nothing showed up but Im still in agony so I got a CT SCAN last week still waiting on my results which Im angry cause Ive had this pain for weeks apon weeks now and all of sudden today when Im pooing its just all blood its not sore or anything and all of a sudden Im maybe only passing urine twice a day my doctors back in scotlNd glasgow are hopeless getting results back to ya but Im still young only 30 and due to my mum n family history scared incase it could be worse and there leaving me sore and taking there time with my results [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Of course, it is quite misleading, but I will try to solve your problem. The causes of pain in the right lower abdomen are the urinary tract infection, stone in the ureter near the bladder, appendicitis, iliocaecal tuberculosis, or amoebic colitis usually accompanied by the bloody stools. I usually prescribe to my patient with such symptoms niacin 500 mg B, D, furazolidone, metronidazole, fanatic acid, and dicyclomine HY Chat Doctor. Take more of green leafy vegetables, pulses, sprouts, and protein rich foods to facilitate the recovery. Wishing for a quick and complete recovery. </s>
<s>[INST] hi, my name is Jason Burden, im 23. i have a huge hole in one of molars, i have exceeded painkiller dosage so i cannot have any more. i have also tried oil of clove and anbasol. my face has slightly swollen. i have been up the hospital but they no longer help with dental problems. what can i try now. may thanks [/INST] Hello! Thank you for posting in Chat Doctor. Infection in the tooth will only subside with antibiotics. A treatment like root canal or extraction is necessary to completely eliminate infection. Swelling in the face suggests spread of the infection in the tissues of the face. I suggest you to see your dentist immediately to prevent any further spread of the infection. Take Novato 500 mg,Flagyl 400 mg for 5 days. Also take ibuprofen for temporary pain relief. Do not postpone treatment. Hope this helps. </s>
<s>[INST] I am a 19 year old healthy female and have been having a jittery feeling in my left shoulder for a few days now. My blood pressure and heart rate are fine as I have checked them with a home blood pressure monitor. Just wondering what could be causing this? It feels like I have to move my arm but if I do it doesn t help at all. [/INST] Hello, With history, it sounds to be nothing major. As your age is 19 you should not have any kind of high blood pressure or diabetic issue. This jittery feeling can be due to some other factors which need a physical examination. To ask you this. Are you having any kind of trouble? Like the pressure of studies, fight or argument with friend or teacher or anyone at home. If you are nervous that this kind of jittering feeling might come. But if you aren't nervous then wait and watch if the symptoms come again. Till then, you can relax and stay calm. There is nothing much of a worry. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Jay In Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] i live in the middle east so i do have a hairfall problem and a dandruff problem. i have fine curly hair and an oily scalp. i hv jus started using cipla x gain shampoo and i also use virgin coconut oil.is this enough or should i use sum other product?? [/INST] Hi, You said you have hair fall. I think probably you may be having halogen effluvium. You suffer from Dan Chat Doctor. And that may also contribute in hair fall. Kindly consult dermatologist to have firm diagnosis. Investigations may be done to find out some cause.like thyroid dysfunction, anaemia, vitamin deficiencies or internal diseases. I would suggest as below...- biotin tab 10 twice a day for few months-iron preparation and folic acid if anemia is found-treatment of disease ...if found-continue Ripley X gain shampoo to improve the state of scalp-use almond oil to oil the hairs-have patience hope you got my answer... Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] I have been seeing a pain specialist for many years. I am 63 years old, and have chronic pain in my low back, and left hip. My hip is constantly inflamed. I have had every kind of xrays, mri, etc. known to man. I also suffer from migraines. My dr has had me on oxycontin 15 mg time release tabs for over a year. Recently I changed insurance. They want me to try morphine sulfate or a fentayl patch(spelled wrong). I have paid out of pocket for another month of the oxycontin as I am traveling back and forth to Florida from TN, as my 88 year old Mother has been very ill. Please advise what medication is best with my symtoms. [/INST] For treatment chronic lower back and hip pain you can take some painkiller like biozobid-plus or osteopath only when the pain is worse enough or disturbing your daily work along with some calcium supplements like shackled or toscal-gem once daily for joint pain. Take some multivitamin like metilda-af or neurobian-plus once daily. Do some physiotherapy exercises after an expert opinion of physiotherapist. I will also advise you to sleep on a plain surface. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, i planned for IUI and for that i took medication - Injection - Recogon-50 units 1 ample(SC) from 6th to 10th day and some other medicine and advised to go for E2 level blood test this Monday (18th day) but today (17th day) having red discharge... Can i continue with IUI or not.... Plz assist, i am very much worried..... thank in advance..... [/INST] HelloThanks for your query. Firstly, you need to provide me with more details if you want assistance. If GUI had been planned, serial follicular monitoring must have been done. You need to tell me what was the status of follicular development during the stimulation. Also, whether ovulation occurred as expected or not? Simply having a red discharge is not a contraindication to having an GUI. You need to give the details of what has happened so far, and what is planned, for me to opine. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello. Last summer I went to a dentist for what I thought was an abcessed tooth. They took x-rays and said it wasn t an abcess but that instead I have cysts in my gums. They then told me that in order to stop the pain I had to have a tooth removed that was above the cysts. I did this. At no point in time were these cysts ever removed. At no point in time were these cysts ever biopsied. The tooth was pulled....Im still in pain almost a year later. and now the tooth behind it is broken. My wisdom tooth is impacted and pushing on the now broken one. I have been in severe pain for the past 2 days. Tried everything I could possibly think of and could find online to kill my pain or even help a little bit. Today, I was sucking on my tounge (my salt water was a little too salty) and in the process was sucking on the broken tooth as well. I had the most horrible pain of my life and then blood pouring out of my mouth. Toothache was gone after that for about 5 1/2 hours. Now pain comes back and is worse. My jaw feels like it is going to explode and again more blood. This lasted for about 5 min (although it felt like years) and now pain is gone. What could be causing all this pain? Is it the cysts? [/INST] Thank u for your query. Well if a cyst is diagnosed, it must have been removed, probably when u have undergone the procedure. U should meet your dentist regarding the same and confirm it. Pain is one of the signs of infection thus do not neglect it and get it checked at the earliest. U need to maintain a good oral hygiene, and please do not disturb or fight with the problematic area and aggravate your pain and bleeding. U need to get it checked at the earliest and also need to get your latest X-rays done. Regards, </s>
<s>[INST] Hi MY son is 10.6 year old and has fever 101 but Paracetamol 250 is not improving the situation even after 2 hrs i mean fever is not coming down so Meftal P is the other option ... need to know the permissible time Gap in dosage between Paracetamol and Meftal P .... His weight is 25.6 KG [/INST] Hello, You are giving very little paracetamol to your son. At this age he should be taking 500 mg up to 4 times a day (every 6 hours) and not 250 mg. Give your son the right dose of paracetamol, and he will be fine. Do not use metal medicine for your son as he is too young for that. You can give him Ibuprofen instead, 400 mg every 8 hours, always in alternation with paracetamol, if paracetamol alone will not do the work. For example, If you give paracetamol at 14 o'clock (2 p.m.) and the fever is high (next dose of paracetamol will be at 20:00), then you can give ibuprofen at 16:00 (next dose of ibuprofen will be at 24:00) and so on until the fever will be dominated. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] ring worm. I been having this for about a year.I have treated for it with creams ketoconasole 2%, twice daily, Mentax twice daily. pills Fluconazole 50mg once a day + creams for 2 weeks, then Griseofulvinmcr 500mg + creams 1 per day for 2 weeks. These helped some but I still have some ring worms on my legs calfs and back of my thighs, will tea tree oil help, would vinegar help thanks for any info you can give me Leonard Bacon YYYY@YYYY [/INST] Welcome to ChatDoctorHello, Ringworm is a fungal infection is contagiousMode of spread1. It spreads when you have skin-to-skin contact with a person or animal that has it2. It can also spread when you share things like towels, clothing, or sports gear.3. You can also get ringworm by touching an infected dog or cat, although this form of ringworm is not common. The reason your infection may be reoccurring are 1. Touching/scathing the infected area than touching other parts of your body2. Using the same towel or clothing after cleaning the infected marabou can prevent it by1. Not touching any other parts after a scratch2. Sterilizing the towel and frequently used clothing 3. Continuing the medication for longer period of time 4. Maintain proper hygiene including hand wash after touching the infected areaVinegar is said to help due to its potassium content and the alkalinity, but there is no data to prove this Thanks regard Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello Dr, I had high blood pressure 140/94 last week and relatively high heart beat 90 last week. This week ( 2 days back ) i noticed tiny (0.5 cm) red soft movable painless rubbery lump which has not changed in size near my armpit and one below my ear 0.5 cm) . I have lower back pain sometimes for past 2 days, no sweating and fever, urine like smell sometimes ,little body fatigue and dizziness sometimes when i am resting but it reduces while i am doing some heavy physical, no breathing problem, no itching and rashes , stiffness of neck, clear urine and no chest pain. I s it some kind of kidney infection or lymphoma? [/INST] Blood pressure has nothing to do with malignancy. The swellings are very small, <1cms which are not significant. Your low back may need painkillers. You also have no other systemic symptoms suggestive of lymphoma. Keep a followup of these lymph nodes and see for the increasing size. If increases in size these nodes biopsy should be done. You need to undergo routine urine examination to see for abnormal cells or microorganism followed by urine culture to rule out infection. </s>
<s>[INST] I am hypertensive female of 67 years.I was on 40MG OF Telmisartan in the morning and 25 mg of Aten in the night.Previously dose of Aten was 50 mg and reduced because of low pulse.This change was since 1 year.Since few days my BP was fluctuating ranging from 140/92 to 137/87. I myself is a doctor and I used to record my BP by digital apparatus . since 15 days I added 25 mg of Aten B D and 1/2 tab lasilatone twice in a week.My B P has come 127/67 and pulse 46. I am a IHD patient with hypothyroidism and I am on regular f u of my Investigation.Not diabetic. LVH was noted last year. I am not interested to go for Angiography/bipas surgery and prefer Medical treatment. Since 1 month I am Rosuvastatin 10 mg. I prefer to go for cilacar 10 mg alone or 5mg of Cilacar with 40 mg of Telmisartan in the morning Instead of beta blocker in the night ,along with statin and diuretic sos. Please suggest. [/INST] As you are a doctor we would discuss likewise. Mostly you have essential hypertension. When you say LVH on echo, it means the BP was on higher side to cause LVH, as you say telmisartan and clear are good Chat Doctor. Now on the important issue of beta blocker, you tend to get bradycardia with ten 50 mg in a day, as you are on so many years on beta blocker, and we want to medically manage HD, we should optimize the dose. Do try replacement of atenolol with Weibull, which has intrinsic sympathomimetic activity, so bradycardia is less than compared to ten. Take blood pressure at different times of the day, and dose the antihypertensive accordingly to minimize peaks and troughs. Lastly get you TSH and free t3/ free t4 next time to see whether we are over treating or undertaking hypothyroidism </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I was wondering, with a PET scan, should you be able to tell the difference between active scar tissue, and scar tissue from radiation treatment (which ended approx.7 weeks ago)? Also if a PET scan shows inflammation in the lymph nodes, but the lymph nodes appear normal how likely might it be that the inflammation is residual effects from the radiation,or rather that the cancer returned? [/INST] Hi, PET scan will certainly be able to differentiate between scar tissue and cancer. But the timing of PET scan is very, very important. After radiation therapy, it is ideal to wait for 12 weeks before radiation induced inflammation becomes normal. If FDG uptake occurs after 12 weeks from completion of radiation, it is not radiation induced inflammation. At 7 weeks, it becomes difficult to conclusively say if its cancer or radiation induced inflammation. But the dictum if radiation induced FDG uptake is usually diffuse and low to moderate grade. A focal area of uptake usually indicates another problem like cancer or infection. Recurrent cancer is usually focal and intense, though it's not a dictum in all the cases. </s>
<s>[INST] Hey, I m a 26 year old relatively healthy female. Earlier today while putting on my pants I noticed a rather large lump located about 2 inches below my right knee on the backside. It seems to have just appeared overnight. It has even grown over the last 10 hours. Please help. Thanks! [/INST] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have some cystic lesion, hematoma formation, edema or some tumor pathology. You should go for examination. If needed go for ultrasound study or fine needle aspiration cytology. It will give you exact diagnosis. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health. </s>
<s>[INST] A friend of mine went to the ER 4 days ago with a cough, sore throat, and elevated blood pressure. After the first day her WBC count was over 34,000. They determined she was septic and started treating her w/antibiotics intravenously and improved her CBC to just over 11,000. She was discharged pretty quickly and is home and still isn t feeling good. Her BP when she left was 150/108 and she is c/o the same symptoms. They said the sepsis came from her tonsils where she had an abscess. She has 5 small children and I m concerned it wasn t cleared. She is on Clindamycin now but I m nervous she will have to go back. Any advice and is this the right treatment? [/INST] HiT hanks for posting on ChatDoctorClindamycin is a bacterium well indicated in the treatment of bacteria infections. While on treatment for sepsis, healing is a progressive process. I will advise she continues with her Chat Doctor. With a High BP, an antihypertensive may be prescribed. However, high BP could have been due to her infection. I will suggest her BP be controlled again and if still high, an antihypertensive will then be indicated. I will advise the following:-Continue with your </s>
<s>[INST] Please i want to know if i can conceive taking bromergon tablets and ikaclomin tablets. I had a miscarriage 3months ago. my doctor advised that i use 3months to recover. He gave me vitamins E and C tablets, cod liver oil, ferrous sulphate and folic acid all these tablets i have taken for 3months before he recommended the fertility drugs i mentioned in my first paragraph. Are the fertility drugs the right one for me to take. please reply. Nma [/INST] Hi, I think your serum prolactin level might be higher that's why Bremerton was given to you. It decreases the prolactin levels. High prolactin levels interfere with ovulation. Ikaclomin is a Chat Doctor. It increases the chance of pregnancy. You can track your follicles' growth by repeated ultrasound and when your follicles is more than 17 to 18 mm, take injection for rupturing the follicles. Be in contact with your husband for 2 to 3 days after injection. Take progesterone for next 2 weeks. Do a urine pregnancy test at home after that. You can try like that for 3 to 6 months. Hope I have answered your question. Regards </s>
<s>[INST] I m extremely itchy all over my body, the itch happens mostly at night, and in my room. I have washed my sheets and and now even on a sheet-less air mattress. The itch occurs at all points of my day except when I am in the shower. Baby powder and cortisone doesn t help at all. The itch is mostly on my chest, thighs, arms, and hands (and avoids the pubic area). PLEASE HELP I don t have any sort of bites; but I have noticed that much of the itchy areas house small red dots, and when I get out of the shower, some areas of my skin get very red (but are relieved). [/INST] Hello, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to make suggestions for you as follows:1. From your description, I would first think of "urticaria", which can be due to allergies or non-allergic causes too.2. I usually prescribe my such patients regular antihistamines like levocetirizine or cetirizine or HY Chat Doctor. 3. I would also suggest you to apply moisturizing lotion/cream over itchy/ </s>
<s>[INST] Hello I have a shallow disc bulge l3 - 4 which does extend into the left exit foramen where it does contact the exiting root. What is this. Is it serious. Is there any possible operations for this? I also have early reduction in disc hydration signal. Also, at l4-5 there is a further small disc protrusion which again extends to the exit foramen to the contacting root. small disc bulges with lateral extension and possoble nerve root contact. Please contact me back on YYYY@YYYY Thanks. [/INST] Hello, Thanks for the Quertle me tell you that the MRI findings should be correlated with clinical data and MRI may overestimate these types of problems. I suggest you to get a detailed neurological evaluation which will determine the type of management required in your case. Generally medical management is advised and if there are neurological deficit, you may go for surgical treatment Best wishes </s>
<s>[INST] I have just had back results of my 2nd cervical screening test results that have shown a result called mild dyskaryosis, i.e. changes to the cells of my cervix. Having read that it is often associated with the human papilloma virus, how long does the virus take to develop? [/INST] Hello, I understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor, infectious disease specialist, answering your concern.HPV has usually very long incubation period. Average incubation period is three months, but it can be varied from 8 weeks to 8 months. Many a time though changes has started developing at microscopic level, but they are grossly very clear. So, Microscopic examination is the only way to diagnose and confirm the changes associated with HPV. I will be happy to answer your further concern you can contact me here, or you can contact me on bit.ly/ Chat Doctor. You can hit thank you button if you are helped. Thank you, ChatDoctor </s>
<s>[INST] Hello Dr,Iam lakshmi 27yrs from chennai got married in 2006 & have a child , soon after marriage i went to US (NY) there i consulted a dermatalogist . after 3 months of medication hair fall was controlled . but then after pergnancy again i had hair fall problm , during pergnancy i was daigonosed for diabetes & Hypothyroid . after delivery too i have the above said complaints . taking hormone suppliment daily 50mg for hypo thyroid but for diabetes im not taking anything.Now i suffer lot of & severe hair fall problem , couldnt be controlled .please suggest me what to do next and how to control the hair fall . [/INST] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern regarding hair fall. Hair fall is usually ascribed to multiple factors like diet and nutrition, hormones, stress, acute or chronic medical conditions, Chat Doctor. From your description, it seems you might be having Halogen Effluvium, which is hairball secondary to any form of stress. Stress factor in your case seems to be diabetes, hypothyroidism and hormonal changes during pregnancy and lactation. If I were your dermatologist/trichologist, I would recommend some special investigations like pictogram and endoscopy and further aid in diagnosis and prognosis. I would suggest you a course of oral tablets containing biotin and other essential vitamins and minerals for minimum 3-6 months. Also, would put you on solution containing 5% minoxidil once a day and a hair serum containing peptides like acetyl tetra peptides and Buchanan etc. at night. I would advise use of gentle shampoo and conditioner on regular basis and use of coconut oil twice a week. Also inquire from your dermatologist about upcoming treatment options like monotherapy and platelet-rich plasma. Avoid combing in wet hair and let them </s>
<s>[INST] Hi. I hope you can me. I have a brother with lung problems. he is having problems menitally. The hospital has sent him home. They say he is not having trouble with his heart. He is on a breathing machine but menitally not doing well. How long without the right amount of oxygen will there be brain damage? [/INST] Hello. I am Chat Doctor. I have read your message. I need to know exactly what is the mental problem. To answer your question- it depends on the severity of lack of oxygen. After 1 minute, the brain cells start to die. After 3 minutes, the damage is usually serious. After 5 minutes, the damage is usually major. After 10 minutes, the damage is usually irreversible. After 15 minutes, recovery is usually not possible. Best of luck. Feel free to contact us for more information on the related issue. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi.My patient is a 18 y/o girl , a known case of bipolar disorder.she have developed psychosis Since 5 days ago(acutly and without any precipitants) Now she is admitted , cpk is rising from 500(yesterday) to 19000(today morning) and 56000 now(afternoon).LDH is 2000.HB is 11.4 wbc:8800 U/A: 1+ blood with 8-10 RBC, BUN,cr,Na,K :normalShe is oriented,with a low grade fever without rigidity, without pain, normal neurological exam,All drugs are holded(previous drugs:lithium and risperidone from 1yr ago till today morning)WOULD U PLZ HELP ME TO DIAGNOSE AND MANAGE THE PROBLEM [/INST] Hello, She is developing NMS most probably but appears to have better prognosis as she is hospitalized and Chat Doctor. It is good she has no rigidity and some tests are normal, she is oriented and neurologically normal. The only management presently is supportive and involves controlling fever, maintain fluid and electrolyte balance and prevention of kidney functioning. Let her be hospitalized, under 24hrs surveillance till her CPK and Blood counts improve. She cannot be managed at home presently. The treating team is doing good work, I think you should trust them. Wish you good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] I live in Buffalo, NY. My 18-year old daughter, who plays very competetive soccer, has scoliosis that has progesses to 56 degrees. We have been told she needs surgery. Is there any way to look up credientials and results of surgeries performed by a specific doctor in our area. The doctor that we have been dealing with is Dr. Robert D. Galpin of University Orthopedics who supposedly specializes in pediatric scoliosis but we cant find any information on him besides from the University Orthopedic website. [/INST] Hi, Early or mild symptoms of adult degenerative scoliosis may respond well to non-surgical treatments. Physical therapy can improve strength and flexibility in the trunk and legs, while nutritional changes and aerobic exercise can help patients lose weight, thereby decreasing the stress on the lumbar spine. Injections into the epidural space or into the spinal joints may help decrease inflammation and reduce back or leg pain, and alternative treatments such as acupuncture may also give relief. Bracing does not usually provide satisfactory relief. In some patients, symptoms may progress in spite of non-surgical care. This is often the case when a nerve root is chronically compressed. Surgery may then be appropriate. Surgical intervention can be broadly categorized into three groups:Simple decompression, Decompression with short fusion and Decompression and scoliosis correction surgery. The link below will help you find neurosurgeon at NY, their qualification surgery done and appointment detailshttp://neurosurgery.med.nyu.edu/conditions-we-treat/z-conditions-guide/adult-degenerative-scoliosis. Regards Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] My 17 year old daughter was just diagnosed with pigeon chest. I was looking online and noticed that there is a new procedure out for this condition that is less invasive than repositioning the breast bone and removing the cartilage. Which procedure is better? [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Honestly speaking, no treatment is required for rectus caricature (pigeon chest). It is developmental defect of rib cage. Surgical correction is very risky and 100% successful correction of the deformity is next to impossible. But if patient is having underlying lung developmental defect, breathlessness, collapsed lung, low oxygen saturation etc. than only surgical correction is required. Just for the cosmetic purpose, better not to go for surgery. And if surgery is indicated than repositioning of breastbone with removal of cartilage is best option. Hope I have solved your query. Wishing good health to your daughter. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] I am a patient 41 old years with non alchoholic fatty liver , high ALT& AST, high in level of insulin serum .I used below regimen drug : cap ursobile (urso deoxy cholic acid ) , tab methformin & vit E. please guide me. with warmest regardsmohamad [/INST] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor... You have NFL... So here you are taking correct Chat Doctor. Continue it esp. Ursodeoxycholic acid which dissolve cholesterol in bile.... Cutt off oil in diet. Regular one hour exercise needed. In morning take grinned carrot and spinach juices. Green leafy veg salad and fruits taken more. Refined food avoided. Junk food and non veg very minimal... Use less oil in cooking.... Sunflower, canola, peanut like good oil can be useful.... Take care. Hope your concern solved. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi im a male 25 years old , My case is a little complicated as I think that my practice of masturbation and my psychological frustration has caused me some kind of nervous harm. i have many symptoms and events that make me believe i have some kind of a nervous problem first when i finished masturbation i feel some heartburn and a significant increase in sensitivity in the right side of my face especially when do my effort to get the orgasm Then, I realized the right side of my face become much more sensitive in the social situations especially when i meet a person who make me nervous and i feel a strong muscle strain arround my right eye. Besides of this i have a little social phobia and it s not a big problem because it s under controle but the real problem is i can t control my facial expressions for example when i still in the home alone i feel my face relax with a little bit of muscle strain in the right side of my face but when i go out and meet people i feel the muscle strain increase so high and always in the right side and i can see the people and even my freinds fear me because i look so angry in my face expression and they think im a bad guy. searching the cause of the inconscinous anger i remembered that Two years ago, I ordered a period of frustration and resentment and one night while I was asleep I felt something strange like a dream where I would strongly angry and misled repeat words quickly and hysterical and I felt like I d lose my mind and repeat the command again after around a year, but lessand of the time and I m wondering if it could be an explosion not aware of the pent-up anger and caused damage in the brain? help me please i m loosing my freinds because of this and even they girls run away from and i know because they are more sensitive to the facial expressions [/INST] Held Dearth about masturbation is prevalent in age section of population Let me tell you from sexual maturity point of you masturbation is a normal sexual activity in males during development and even after that. Large majority of people do it ;believe me ; both married and unmarried .and lead total normal sexual and physical life It causes no harm to nerves or to any part of body including sexual part penis etc. Those who have myths or wrong notion and guilt about masturbation they get symptoms as you are getting My advice is take masturbation as normal sexual activity and get over the guilt about it. A psychiatrist; psychologist or sexual counselor will help you out. Please consult any one of they will be back to normal Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] whAT the best kind of condom to use for sex?? please anwser soon... need to know... [/INST] Hi Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. Condoms are very essential not only to prevent pregnancy but to protect from STDs like HIV, Hep B, etc. While choosing a condom, you must make sure that they are of a good company and also that they are not allergic to you, few people can get condom related contact dermatitis, so you must be careful when you use them, it is picked by trial and error method only, so experiment yourself. Only the company and brands must be approved and safe for use Good luck </s>
<s>[INST] I recently had labs drawn for work. My HCV s/co ratio is 0.92, and my anti HCV is equivocal. I don t have a history of Iv drug use , blood transfusions or what I would consider, high risk factors. I do work in the health field but have not had needle sticks, however, I have of course cared for patients with HCV. Can you please help me understand these lab values. Thanks [/INST] Hi.thanks for posting query at Chat Doctor. The values of both tests suggest that you need further tests to confirm if you have HEPA or not. Equivocal means neither positive NOR negative. Results with S/CO ratios of > or =8.0 are highly predictive of the true Antioch status, but additional testing is needed to differentiate between past (resolved) and chronic hepatitis C. you be tested for HCV RNA by RT-PCR.hope to answer your concern regards Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi. Im a research scientist, and Im doing a query to find out if a systemic Clostridium infection could show up with a symptom of acute acne? Im not thinking C. tetani or perfringens, but maybe a commensal organism that isnt usually associated with serious illness? [/INST] Hello, I understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor, infectious diseases specialist, answering your query. In my opinion you should go ahead in such pathway. There are evidence of anaerobic bacteria causing acne. As clostridium species are anaerobic one, it may involve in acne. If you do some research you can found some evidence and which can be helpful for man kind. I will be happy to answer your further concern, you can ask me on bit.ly/ Chat Doctor. Thank you. ChatDoctorInfectious diseases specialist. </s>
<s>[INST] My boyfriend was at my house 11 days ago and pretty much we did oral and there was a little bit of precum and about 5 minutes later I rubbed my clit area on the underside of his penis for a few seconds. I am on the birth control pill but I m still scared that maybe I could be pregnant. I started my period today (I usually start on Wednesdays) and it s brown like usual but I can t help but still be scared. My boyfriend thinks I m overreacting and sometimes I think so too. Could I be pregnant? [/INST] Hello misunderstand your concerns you are already on the birth control pill, pregnancy is not possible (if you are taking it regularly without missed any pill). Birth control pill is very effective in preventing pregnancy and failure rate is just 0.5-1%. Pregnancy is not possible as period is already came. So do not worry. You are not pregnant. You can clear your doubt by doing urine pregnancy test. It will definitely come negative. Hope this may help noncontact Chat Doctor for further health issue. Best regards </s>
<s>[INST] I have gone to my general practitioner for the last year with unidentified stomach pain. It is pain to the touch. I have had an abdominal CT and a fatty liver has been identified. Now my pain extends from my mid abdomen and to my back and my back pain is more extensive when I lie down to sleep at night. this has been the case for the last 6 months. Im heading to a GI Specialist. Should this be a concern? [/INST] Welcome to Chat Doctor. The back pain would be due to musculoskeletal causes though spinal nerve root compression would need to be ruled out. A fatty liver would cause a moderate ache over the right subcostal area and Hyperion Chat Doctor. The management for the liver problem will include lifestyle changes, like a low fat diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables. Regular exercise like a daily 45-minute brisk walk would help. The back pain needs to be investigated and treated, use of NSAIDs like ibuprofen will help till to see your doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Was not sick. Normal and active healthy appetite got a root canal infection. Prescribed pen VK on Jan 3. 500mg 4 Ca a day. During this 7 days antibiotic bout was only able to eat small amounts of soft foods due to swelling and pain. Tooth removed on Jan 10. Have not regained appetite and feel really bad. Some stools are loose, others are formed and brown However sometimes when wiping paper look brownish yellow. I have only been eating yogurt, toast with honey, Farina cereal and very small amounts. How can u go from being so active and full of energy to not feeling well in such short time? [/INST] Hi. Thanks for the query. As per your complaint lack of appetite and brown yellow stools after intake of antibiotics can be due to probably Clostridium Difficile infection that can occur due to disturbance in the normal bacterial flora of intestines leading to Infection caused by Clostridium bacteria. You should consult a Gastroenterologist and get evaluated and a thorough clinical evaluation and investigation like blood test, occult stool test and Endoscopy can help in diagnosis and treatment can be done accordingly. In case of C. Diff you can be advised Metronidazole, fidoxamycin etc. along with plenty of Probiotics like Yogurt and taking ample of fluids and light diet. Hope this information helps. Thanks and regards. Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] hi me want to know the use t rinaloge [/INST] Hello. Thanks for writing to us. Renalog tablets are a combination of herbal extracts which has been claimed to improve renal disease, hypertension and other systemic chronic problems. Since its efficacy has not been proven with controlled clinical trials, it is not advisable to use these tablets without strict medical supervision. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. </s>
<s>[INST] I had a brain anyurism in 1993. I used to have severe migrains then after the anyurism I had no more.I am now experiencing some shooting pains off and on in my head and severe memory problems I forget what Im trying to save and that happens daily .Had a spell the other day and I couldn t speak at all. Do these symtoms tell of maybe another anyurism or brain tumor that. I appricaie any help ty. [/INST] Hello Brain tumor may present in various ways. It may present as headache, seizure(generalized or focal) etc. You may need detail neurological examination and investigations. Investigation include CT scan of brain, EEG etc. MRI can be done if needed. Contrast CT scan or MRI should be done as you have history of brain aneurysm. I advise consulting neurologist for detail evaluation. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I would like to know if Meganeuron OD Plus has vitamin B12, and what are the uses of this drug. I also suffer from Carpal Tunnel. I have been taking Meganeuron since the last 1 year, but dont seem to be benefiting for Carpal Tunnel and I still feel very tired [/INST] Hello, As you are on medication which isn't helped you why don't you try for physiotherapy. Noninvasive and completely safe. The flexor retinaculum is tightened in carpal tunnel syn Chat Doctor. With therapeutic ultrasound therapy and TENS therapy, the inflammation and pain will be reduced. MFR and IA STM will help reduce the spasm too. Some exercises to improve muscle strength and avoid spasm as well. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Jay In </s>
<s>[INST] Last Friday, after eating some cookie dough with a lot of butter and ginger, I began having trapped air and pain in my right shoulder blade. I was burping a lot. It got progressively worse to the point of being unbearable. I would writhe in pain on the floor if I had to get up and walk, since being upright would cause it to worsen greatly. My right upper arm began to ache,and it feels dull and heavy down to the fingers. The pain in the shoulder blade is sharp, stabbing , burning and is in the right scapula and middle of back,more to the right though. I did a olive oil and lemon juice gall bladder cleanse last night, after discontinuing all solid foods, just drinking fresh juices. I passed a handful of gallstones today at 12:30, the largest being the size of a quarter, all others small. The pain has lessoned and I am able to sit and type and bear it, but it is still great. I have NO pain in my front upper abdomen quad. just right area between neck and shoulder, scapula, back, and right arm. [/INST] Hello, thegeeksmom, I am really puzzled by your description of passing gallstones. This is not true gallstones showing up in the stool. Some sort of chemical reaction between olive oil and lemon juice, forms oily balls colored green by bile and comes out in the stool and floats. Real gallstones sink in the water. This liver cleansing and gallbladder cleansing is a quackery. What you probably had been an acute dilatation of the stomach due to excess gas from the butter and cookie dough. Ginger facilitates some digestive process and hence the beeps. When the stomach is quite distended, that causes pressure on the nerve endings and that is the reason for shoulder pain (Pressure on the diaphragm) and the back pain. I am sure, when once the stomach empties, and you expel all the gas, you should feel better. I suggest that you get an upper GI x-rays and also a sonogram of the gallbladder to see if you have real gallstones. Try to stay away from fatty and greasy foods. I wish you well. </s>
<s>[INST] i was in the ER a week are so ago and they did all kinds of test on me and the doctor told me my liver was inlarged but that is not why i was in the ER for what does that mean if you have an inlarged liver and what can i do i am not a every day drinker but i do at a gettgeather. i am on some meds .....and what can i do to fix this [/INST] HelloAlcoholism is one of the causes of enlarged liver. There are many other causes likeInfectionsGenetic problems Malaria etc It has to be evaluated further. Get the necessary blood workup and scans advised by your doctor.accordingly treatment will be planned. Hepatomegaly (liver enlargement)is not always a problematic condition.don't worry Hope this clears your doubts.if you have any queries I would be happy to answer. </s>
<s>[INST] Abdominal painIn my lower left side about belly button level I have some pain / discomfort when doing certain things. When playing softball and swinging the bat as a right handed batter when I finish my swing I feel some pain / discomfort. After doing the then when inhaling taking deeper breathalyzer I feel it as discomfort or even like a build up of pressure. What could be causing this. [/INST] Hi. This can be due to a strained muscle at the point of soreness. Another point to be ruled out - as per the spot of pain you have mentioned::: Torsion of the left testis. There may not be a pain at the scrotum. One can feel only the referred pain. This has to be ruled out as this has a direct bearing on your life. Get a consultation of a Surgeon or a Urologist. Use scrotal support. And most important is to avoid any exercise or activity which caused this pain, till a proper diagnosis has been made. </s>
<s>[INST] I sat my 4 month old baby up on his changing table to put lotion on his back, he slipped out of my hands and fell back hitting his head on the sharp edge of the changing table rail. He cried with high pitched screams for several minutes. I nursed him to calm him down, he spit up a little but that is not unusual after he nurses. He acted normally, no dialated pupils for about half an hour after and just feel asleep at usual bedtime. Is there a possitthat he has a serious brain bleed or injury? Do I need to take him to the ER? Should I not let him sleep? [/INST] Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. I understand your concern. First be reassured that your kid is normal. I will suggest you danger signs of head injury -1. Vomiting continuously2. Seizures3. Watery of bloody discharge from ears and nose4. Unconsciousness5. Altered sensorial or behavior. If none of them are present, I don't think you should worry about his trivial head injury. For pain, you can give oral Paracetamol in the dose of 15 mg/kg/dose(max ceiling dose 500 mg) every 4-6th hourly. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health. </s>
<s>[INST] My son is four years old and suffered with chronic constipation since I stopped breastfeeding at approx six months old. He is on Movicol which usually works ok. He is actually able to open hiis bowels every day without Movicol for about two weeks. Then he reverts back to not going for a few days and when he does finally go his stools are very very sticky! Any help? [/INST] Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. I think your kid is having habitual constipation. I have certain questions and suggestions for you. Questions:1. Did your kid pass motion or meconium on day one of life?2. Since how long is the kid constipated?3. Does the kid have any bleeding along with hard stools?4. How much milk does the kid consume per day?5. Does the kid eat fruits and vegetables (fiber diet) appropriately? You can get back with answers at the following link - www.ChatDoctor .com/doctors/ Chat Doctor. Natural methods are the best to relieve constipation.2. Constipation is a risk factor for UTI3. Maximum milk consumption per day should not exceed 300-400ml4. Minimum 3-4 cups of fruits and vegetables to be consumed per day5. Toilet training - that is - sitting in Indian type of lavatory daily at the same time will help a lot. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health. </s>