<s>[INST] hello, 6 days ago I had an upper tooth removed, not the last one but the second last one on my right side.. the first 2 days my swelling and pain were simply where they were supposed to be.. but after that point, my extraction site feels better (little bit of pink oozing still?) but I believe the actual socket is doing well.. but I was prescribed antibiotics because the original reason for removal was suspected infection.. anyways, on these antibiotics and as I said 6 days later, my cheek is still noticeably swollen.. I have quite a bit of pain in the last back tooth on the right side (which technically also may have been suffering the same problem as the one taken originally) but my main concern now is 1) there is a bubble/bump formed on the side of my cheek directly parallel to the remaining tooth.. 2)my cheek is still swollen.. so much so that I have difficulty smiling.. and 3) the back tooth is extremely sore when it is touched, any kind of liquid including the warm salt water solution I rinse with causes extreme pain... when the tooth was extracted it needed to be sectioned.. the dentist gave me MANY shots of local including atleast one that actually numbed my lower jaw (where some of my swelling is now) I would also wager a guess that my bump/sore is in the same general area where he was probably applying the needles.. it may also be that the remaining tooth could be rubbing up against it causing a very bad canker sore?? but the swelling is what really concerns me... I believe it could be infected as the dentist and the er doctor said, they thought it could be drainage.. the original reason I had the tooth taken was a bad taste coming from between the 2 teeth.. which was originally caused by trauma.. going to see the dentist tomorrow morning but I would really like to hear another opinion about this.. why is my cheek swollen all the way down to the jaw line when I had an upper tooth taken... 6 whole days ago... it was swollen to the point that my hair follicles were visible, looked like goosebumps.. what can I do to get back to feeling normal again [/INST] Hello pt-First, fill an ice bag, baggie or even a surgical glove with ice. Then, hold this ice pack against your face in that region directly adjacent to where your tooth has been removed. Leave the ice pack on your face for 10 minutes, and then leave it off for the next 20 minutes. Repeat this cycle for a few hours, or even all the way through the first 24 hours after your extraction. During the time frame 24 to 48 hours after your surgery, any swelling that's been triggered by the tissue trauma created by the extraction process should have come to a peak. Once it has, you can bring this swelling down more quickly via the application of warm, moist compresses. </s>
<s>[INST] my semen volume is 8 ml after 3 days abstinence....125 million sperms/ml ,liquiefaction after 20 mins and PH 7.5...progressive motility 35 non-prog 30 immotile 35 total motility 65normal forms 4% abnormal 96%..........TeratoZooSpermia Index ( TZI ) 2.17 and Sperm Deformity Index ( SDI ) 2.09......plz inform is this within normal range? [/INST] Hi, most of it is within normal range, but you have too many abnormal forms(96%) which might prevent you from conceiving a child if that's what you are looking for. I suggest you get a Semen culture done to see if there is any infection which is leading to these abnormal forms. If the Semen culture comes positive then you can take antibiotics to target the infection for 2 to 4 weeks and then repeat a Semen analysis after three months. Take care and do let me know how the results are. Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I had a cole sore develop a week ago and then started to get flu like symptoms, sore throat shooting aches and pains, extreme headache and fever, recently the gums surrounding my two front teeth have become swollen, what does this mean? I have never had a cold sore before but Im assuming it is one, my lips have also swollen dramatically and I m in a considerable amount of pain. [/INST] HELLO AND WELCOME, The cold sore and swelling may be associated with-Herpes labials Deep dental caries progressed into abscess formation Progressive periodontal infection resulting in abscess formation. Authors ulcers. I would suggest you to visit a dentist and get thorough clinical examination. Get deep scaling and root planning done. Curettage and Chat Doctor. Antibiotics-analgesics has to be taken. Avoid spicy/sour hard foods. Frequent warm saline gargle may help. Anesthetic gel has to be applied to relieve pain. TAKE CARE. </s>
<s>[INST] I have been experiencing rt upper abdominal pain with some left mid abdominal pain with occasional nausea for about 3months. I usually have BMs about once every 4-8 days. I thought this pain was my gallbladder but my last BM was thin and had maroon blood streaks in it. But what scared me was all of the water was maroon as well. I am a 42 yr old African American woman with history of breast CA on moms side. Should I wait two weeks and see what happens...even though I am still experiencing the abdominal pain? [/INST] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. I don't think this is an emergency if it last so long. It sounds to me like stomach or gallbladder tissue. You should do abdominal ultrasound and endoscopy to check this out especially if pain is aggravated after meal. Blood in stool in your age usually is caused by some benign disorders such as hemorrhoids, figures, polyps and andgiosysplasie. Cancer is the last thing to think of. As I said it really looks like gastritis/HERD or billiard comics, and you should investigate these 2 first. Wish you good health. </s>
<s>[INST] hello doc., i am 25 yrs f., and i m married 6 months, after marriage my periods are irregular and i ve consulted about this and found that there is a pcos, and using metformin for the past 1 month, and this month also my periods is getting late and my doctor advised me to take registron, after a home pregnancy test, today i ve taken the HPT and the result was negative. and i ve taken the registron tablet this morning, i am trying to get pregnant, can you suggest me to get pregnant soon apart from the other issues. [/INST] Hello dairy understand your concerns cause hormonal imbalance, an ovulation that cause infertility. First you have to regularize the period by usingProgesterone pill like progesterone or crimson 35Metformin and camphene citrate can be used to induce the ovulation. You can also add FSH analogue to increase the fertility have to use treatment for at least 6 months to increase the chance of the pregnancy. Reduce 10-12 % weight if you are obese. Chat Doctor. Avoid excessive sweet and take small frequent meal rather than large meal. Hope this may help noncontact Chat Doctor for further health query Best regards </s>
<s>[INST] Yes my dad is 74 with past kidney problems and they just did 2 procedures on him with dye . it is 4 days after any procedure and his creat level is still 2.6 . he has a kidney infection also. he has been drinking water and cranberry juice and they have been using antibiotics on him. question is there any thing else that can be done to bring the level down? [/INST] Thank you for using Chat Doctor Your question does not indicate what his pre-existing kidney function was, and I am making the presumption that the dye used was an Dominated radio contrast such as used for a heart catheterization or CAT scan and not a nuclear isotope or MRI contrast. There are a few things which can be done prior to the procedure to augment some potential kidney toxicity however once this has occurred, there is not much that can be done other than the following: -Avoid potentially kidney toxic medications including over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen or naproxen-Avoid changes in volume status such as with diuretics-Avoid overaggressive Chat Doctor. If this is your situation then at this point he would have to wait and see where things stand about a month from now. If contrast exposure included a catheter or guide wire, there is the added risk of atheroembolic renal insult (small debris from the wall of the blood vessel dislodged by the wire injuring the kidney). Renal function recovery may or may not ensue. Again re-evaluation is required in about a months time Take care and be well </s>
<s>[INST] Ive been sick for 3years now and I only keep getting worst. I feel I have infection in my intestions and I pass alot of musus and blood from my rectum.Ive done alot of studying about this but still not a 100% but I feel i got the infections from gnats or fruit flies that was in one of my apartments. [/INST] Passing a lot of mucus & blood in the stool is really a problem of concern. The inflammatory bowel disease as a cause of it is necessary to be ruled out as this may lead to non-responding persistent abdominal upset. It is advisable to get your stool routine & microscopic examination done & have a consultation from proper gastroenterologist who may ask you to perform few tests such as colonoscopy if needed. The gnats & fruit flies may be the reason for the infection but the won't cause the blood in the stools usually, nor they are responsible for such a long course of abdominal upset. So my advice is that you must have to consult gastroenterologist for this problem. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello - My mother was diagnosed with autoimmune cholangiopathy in 2005. She began her treatment with prednisone and responded positively to it and was then take off of the prednisone. After being take off, her liver levels elevated again and was put back on steroids and is now on Urso and Imuran for the rest of her life. Since 2008 she has been experiencing sporadic nausea which has become increasingly debilitating this last month. Can you please give me a prognosis for autoimmune choloangiopathy in patients who are being treated for it? [/INST] Hi and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for the query. If there is as good response on treatment then it should not reduce lifetime but some complications such as liver cirrhosis may occur. In case of cirrhosis, liver transplant may be required, but this usually happens in late stages of the disease after20-30 years. Today's therapy is very efficient, and you can hope for normal life. I hope I have answered your question. Wish you good health. Regards </s>
<s>[INST] dDr. my daughter is 2 years 10 monthsold on 15 Aug 2012 she got sever flu and was coughing a lot then. my peditrtion prescribed her levolin and maxforcecv kids tab she recovered but after one week her cough returns and its more bad Dr now told me that she is having allergic broncitis or asthma and prescribed bed asthalene an budecort inhalers with kidspred syrup my daughter is allergic to milk and milk products.i m very much worried how could she get asthma when me and my husband are perfectly fine pls advice me [/INST] Hi...asthma and other allergic problems are not always genetic related. Kids with perfectly normal parents can get this due to environmental pollution and other factors like animal dander or climatic changes. By what you quote I feel what your kid could be having viral associated wheeze or multi triggered wheeze. I have a few questions for you -Questions:1. How many days per month does she cough or feel breathless?2. How many nights per month does her sleep get disturbed due to above symptoms?3. Does she feel breathless when she runs around or plays with other kids?4. Are the symptoms when there are seasonal changes?5. Is there any family history of asthma or any other sort of allergies like skin allergy etc.?6. Is the cough always associated with fever? If your answer is yes for any of the above questions, your kid might be having viral associated wheezing or multi triggered wheezing, and I suggest you meet a pediatric pulmonologist who is near your place. Regards - </s>
<s>[INST] i am a 44yr woman, i am suffering from reducing blood count.now i am having wyslone 20mg ,azoran 40mg,folvite 5mg ,thyronorm 100 and gemfos.does this affect my health?now i am facing problems like losing hair ,rashes on face,swelling on neck and face.I am having the medicine for almost 2 months. [/INST] Hi, Thanks for asking. Based on your query, my opinion is as follows.1. Cyclone medication can cause bone marrow suppression leading to reduction in blood counts along with hair thinning and hair loss. Associated nutritional deficiency also requires evaluation.2. Hypothyroidism has caused goiter which has resulted in swollen neck. If there is any compression symptoms due to thyroid, surgery maybe necessary.3. It B12 supplements along with steroid dose reduction is necessary. Also skin moisturizers with good HY Chat Doctor. Once overall nutrition improves, you will start recovering. Hope it helps. Any further queries, happy to help again. </s>
<s>[INST] I was hit with a sofball on the inside of my ankle two days ago (bottom of leg bone). It hurt immediatly but I figured I just bruised it. After playing softball tonight it is now swollen, tingling, hurts to move and put weight on. Could it be fractured? [/INST] Hi there. Thanks for your question at Chat Doctor. Rest, Analgesics, Ice and bandage application usually help relieve the pain and swelling associated with ankle injuries.However, if the pain still persists 48 hours after injury, which gets aggravated on standing or walking, it needs further evaluation. I would suggest you to be seen by a physician in person since your pain still persists. Based on the examination an X-ray may be required to rule out fractures. It is also top to be noted that a severe soft tissue injury (ligaments and muscles) can cause pain as severe as pain associated with a fracture. Hope this helps. All the best. Regards. Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi. I had a urinalysis yesterday with no infection but some blood in my urine. I had stabbing pain yesteday on my right side on back that eventually went away. The walkin clinic gave me Levaquin 750 that I started yesterday. Also, Tramadol for pain. I had Pyelneohritis 3 years ago due to my right ureter being completely blocked. I had a cystoscopy with ureteroscopy then and they put a temporary stent in for 10 days. I have had no problems until now. Not sure if pyelonephritis or passing a kidney stone. Not sure what to do now. I currently dont have health insurance, so I havent been to the ER or a doctor yet. Please advise. Thank you [/INST] Hi. Thanks for using Chat Doctor.you have the past history of pyelonephritis which was treated with stent.now you have intense pain in the back, and hematuria followed by this.severe pain goes in favor of renal stone, and probably you have passed it, causing excoriation in the ureter which caused the hematuria...you need to undergo certain tests to rule out the pyelonephritis. Urine examination, ultrasound examination, ureteroscopy(recurrence).see your urologist for this.all the very best. </s>
<s>[INST] My 13 year old daughter has been complaining of tail bone pain. She is very athletic...just finished playing school volleyball and running cross country. She cannot remember injuring it. She is currently in off season athletics where the do workouts on a hard surface. I think this may be the cause, but not sure. [/INST] Hi. The actual cause could be excessive pressure on the tail bone while doing exercises on hard surface...without her knowledge she could have landed on or exert pressure over tail bone. It can also cause due to tight glute muscle pulling fascia of the tail London worry.... Let her first offload her weight from tail bone...let her sit on soft surface or over a Tyre like structure with Hole in the center... Apply a lot of ice over the painful area frequently... If you have any Anti-inflammatory medication given to her earlier let her have them for 3 days. Gently knead over the butt muscles... Gently stretch her butt muscles and performs muscles.... Let her work more on endurance kind of strengthening....on her gluteus.... Hope this is helpful for you... Kindly revert in case you need any further help in this regard.... </s>
<s>[INST] Doctor, I am 32 years old, female, weigh 131 lbs and have a heart mumor. I get irregular heart palpitations from time to time and I worry. How can I stop them when i get them?I exercise at a gym at least 3x a week. Today after the exercise, I got the palpitations and felt faint. [/INST] Murder in your heart can be because of a valvular malfunction or defect a 2 d echo should be done to find out which valve is involved and to see whether it is a stenotic lesion or regurgitate lesion, there are four types of valves in heart, a 2d echo will show which valve is involved and what is the nature of lesion and its degree whether mild moderate or severe stop doing any exercises till your echo is done, palpitations are because of that lesion only, once we find the defective valve we CN treat it and palpitations will settle down by themselfthanksadviceurgent 2D echo </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I got bitten by something in Bali around ten days ago and my leg is now very sore and seems to be losing yellow puss and very red around the area. Not sure what has bitten me and am not sure what to treat it with. Getting more and more painful over a larger area. [/INST] Hello dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. I have read your query and understood your concern. It seems you have got secondary infection at the site of possible bite. For this, you may need oral antibiotics like accolades/ cephalosporins for 5-7 days. Along with you may need oral anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. Topical antibiotics like mupirocin 2% is also advised twice daily application. As per details, this is my best advise for you. But cellulitis need to be ruled out, in that case you may need injectables. For that, I will advise you to visit your doctor or upload pic of the lesion. Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] hi... i had an operation 10years ago - spondylolisthesis - L4-L5. Now i have constant pain in my right groin and hip area. I cannot lean on my right leg when standing up. Earlier this year i also had left foot on the outer side but it doesnt hurt that often. the groin is painful, and after a while sitting down it hurt to walk and also cannot straighten my back so i wont feel it stretching . i had a check up and because i dont have contact pain and severe,the doctor will be seeing me again in one year followed with a ct scan . Can you help me? Should I consult another doctor or wait? thanks M.M [/INST] HiT hank you for your question. From the symptoms you have described, the pain may be coming from your spine or the hip. Pain associated with hip movement that increases on weight-bearing is more likely related to hip problems. Pain associated with tingling, numbness and radiation along the leg is commonly of neurological origin coming from spine. These are general associations and in your particular case to find out whether the pain is coming from hip or spine a detailed clinical examination is needed. X-ray of the pelvis with both hips and spine X-rays will also be helpful. Wish you the best. </s>
<s>[INST] my husband had brain aneurysm in sept of 2011. his dr put him on bromocriptine 5 mg daily he takes 2 2.5mg each day . nothing has been said about taking him off , was remarked to us about long term usage by family doctor. question is how long does he takes this medication. is this a question for his neurologist, he has not been seen by them since 2012. [/INST] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor It would be best to schedule an appointment with his neurologist to determine how long he will need to continue using this medication. Bromocriptine is commonly used in some conditions affecting the pituitary gland which is found in the brain. If the aneurysm rupture affected this area then this may be the possible reason for the medication, but a reevaluation by his neurologist is needed. I hope this helps </s>
<s>[INST] I started with a caught, when I couldnt get the mucus up to spit out. Soon after my lower left side (a little below the bellybutton) is in great pain when I do caught, laugh or move to play w/ my dogs....I am going threw menopause, but I don t think this is part of the many symptoms that come w/ that lovely old lady syndrome...Mucus is finally gone, but still coughing makes me buckle over for lesst pain. Whats join on w/me? Any suggestions are appreciated! Thank you~ Sorry, I am unemployed.... Im sorry to waste ur time.... Thank you again [/INST] Hi. Thanks for your query and an elucidated history. The most probable cause of the pain on coughing in the belly button area is either a sprain in the muscles in this area, or tear or a hernia. This is best diagnosed by an examination done by a General Surgeon. Ultrasonography may or may not help unless the Radiologist knows what to see. Once a proper diagnosis has been made the treatment will be according to the exact problem. If sprain or so, muscle relaxant, anti-inflammatory medicines, complete bed-rest and of course the most important is the control of the cough. Take products with codeine which needs a prescription as this will control cough as well as the pain. Take laxatives to avoid strain at passing bowel movement. Hormonal changes at menopause have indirect effect as the psychological overlay causes more pains, stress, anxiety adding to the already existing problems. The lovely old lady syn Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I get this horrible pain shoot up the left side of my neck it is like my pulse is beating so fast that it hurts. I could be just sitting there and decide to get up and it will happen or I could be walking and talking and then it will happen randomly. I am 21 years old, I am female, I am about 5 ft 7, my weight is 13 and a 1/2 stone, I know I am over weight for my height. There are heart condition in my family history my dad had a heart attack last year and my nan had one this year and so on with there parents. My mum thinks it is a blocked artery or something [/INST] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. The first question I need answer is Are you stressed and anxious? Anxiety and stress can cause pain around neck, shoulder and chest because stress related body readiness mechanism stretches muscles. Such stretching could create muscle soreness and after some time, there will be pain. If you are anxious, such pain will be obsessive, and you will become more anxious about it. Heart attack has other more important symptoms than this. In any case, you should consult a physician and get your EKG. They will explain to you everything. Don't worry. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. http://goo.gl/aYW2pR. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] I had a vaginal hysterectomy in Feb. 2014 . I m not the same person since. I have no appetite for life any more. I m on antidepressants and estrogen pills. Nothing is helping. On my days off I don t even want to leave my house. I want my life back. To be the person I once was. I ve gained 15 lbs since . I need some help and advice PLEASE!!?? [/INST] Hi dear, on which anti-depressant you are?what are the symptoms you have?there are many medication nowadays which helps you like SSRI(selective serotonin re uptake inhibitor), SARI(serotonin and nor epinephrine re uptake inhibitor) NASA (nor epinephrine and serotonin antagonist).discuss above medication with your doctor. Are you having thyroid problem?whether you test for thyroid any time? Thank you </s>
<s>[INST] I have a lot of trouble with abdominal adhesion, had surgery in may and had to have 4 of small bowel removed because it was kinked so bad. Then in July extreme pain again where it had attached to abdominal wall.. needless to say recovery after surgeries these close back to back. Any suggestions to prevent these?? Didn t know I had to pay for answer. No money sorry I did have adhesion surgery open again in July for this so surgery in may and in July, so surgeon is doing everything to prevent anymore surgery anytime soon due to the surgeries being difficult due to them being so close. And the degree of adhesion , he doesnt want me stuck in a always surgery situation. [/INST] Hi, Thanks for writing in to us. I would like you to know that adhesions in intestines are a difficult problem to treat fully. As mentioned, multiple surgeries may be needed for the same reason. In your situation, adhesions appearing again is the first suspicion. It might be causing a subacute or acute intestinal obstruction. You have not mentioned which part of your bowel was removed. Not all adhesions can be seen on ultrasound and CT scan. Right now you must first get an abdominal erect X-ray done to see for any significant sub acute or acute obstruction. Following this the surgeon may put you on observation and pain medications or may decide to operate again if there is indication of the intestines getting blocked. The pains should be reported to your doctor and investigations completed at the earliest. Hope this helps </s>
<s>[INST] I would like to know best way to enlarge my penis, my length is 3.8 inches in normal state and after erection it is 4.5 inches. My wife is not satisfied with my length. I would like to know what could be the best way to improve the length and girth.thanksPOlen [/INST] HelloThanks for query. The length of your penis both in flaccid state and on erection are within accepted range of normal human being. The length of the penis in flaccid state has no significance at all. It is the hardness of the penis that is important for sexual satisfaction of both the partners. If you do not have other issues like Erectile Dysfunction or Premature ejaculation and if she gets orgasm during intercourse, there is no reason why your wife should have unhappy with length of your penis. . Please consult qualified Sexologist for counselling and to convince her. Please note that there are no medicines that can increase the length and girth of penis. Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I was sick , thought it could of been bronchitis and was prescribed azithromycin for 5 days my cold symptoms went away but I m really tired. I had some labs done I have a glucose 68 , AST of 64 , bilirubin of 1.9. The urgent care dr. Thought it could be thyroid or anemia. What do you think ? [/INST] HelloIncreased bilirubin may be due to hepatitis. It is important to know other parameters like SGPT, alkaline phosphatase level.AST is non-specific, and it increases in many conditions. You may need few investigations like routine hologram, viral markers, ultrasound of abdomen and urine RE/ME. You should avoid fatty food. You may need to take few more medicines after full investigations. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] My son has small flat red patch that last a day or two then dissapears as quickly as it appears! No irritation -about half a centimetre in diameter. He suffers from exzema-but these look like a small bleed under the skin. He is nine years old. weighs average height and weight. Has been on steroid treatment for most of his life. Only other symptom he has is occasionally complaining of painful calves. [/INST] Hired patches are a part of allergy and is called urticaria. Here is the best way to control it is Avoidance of allergens. Most of the time patents or child Chat Doctor. Here I would suggest you to get an allergen test done after consulting an allergist/immunologist. Avoiding the allergens detected in allergy test will help in decreasing the episodes. You may also try allergy controller like montelukast and cetirizine combination. Regards </s>
<s>[INST] i suffer from dust allegy. underwent treatment with chest specialist. he suggested me to take montemac L 2 to 3 times in a week. i feel relaxed from the choking of breath with this tablet. there there any side effect of this tablet using frequently.? [/INST] Hello, I have gone through your query and here is my advice. As per your history taking Monterey LC few times may not have any side effects. But as no medicine is side effects free, it may cause problems on a prolonged use. I will advise you to avoid its prolonged usage and instead do yoga, breathing exercises, steam inhalation regularly. It will provide you good relief. Keep your self HY Chat Doctor. Hope I have answered your query, let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] I am 72 years old, Male. Asthamatic, Daily take 3 times, 4 puff of Foracort200 or Budocart inhaler.In Asthma attack, Deriphyline + Deccadron i/v injection take.( nearly 3-4 times/year)Now from last 15-20 days,, having only -ve thought, recalling only -ve decision made in past.If read news paper or watch news onTV.. only get -ve-vity from accidental, death news. [/INST] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. Negative thoughts while reading negative news is common and happens to everyone. All these "everyone" shrug the negative thoughts off and tries to enjoy the life and make it purposeful. You are already 72, and you have the life experience as well as the wisdom for that. Psychotherapy techniques should suit your requirement. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this URL. http://goo.gl/aYW2pR. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] I have avery bad spanned ankle, I am seeing a Ortho, but I am 9 weeks in and I am starting to walk without a boot and I am feeling a burning and itching sensation on the outside of my right foot above my ankle bone and shoots up? I don t see my doctor again until next week. IS this normal. [/INST] Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. As per your query you have itching, burning sensation and shoot up sprained ankle. Well there can be many reasons for symptoms you mention in query like metabolic conditions can lead to burning and tingling in the feet nerve damage, nerve compression or infection. Diabetes is among the most frequent causes. In some cases thyroid problem can also lead to burning sensation. Infections can lead to inflammation of the nerves in the legs and feet. I would suggest you to consult orthopedic surgeon for proper examination. Doctor may order CT scan, MRI along with physical examination and treat it accordingly. Doctor may refer you to neurologist for nerve dysfunction or podiatrist for food problem. For now do no was much, take proper rest and keep your foot in hot water tub for 15 minutes. Hope your concern has been resolved. Get Well Soon. Best Wishes, </s>
<s>[INST] sir, I am asking this question from India. i think i have got ringworm infection. (ring shaped fungal infection in the groin). I have applied itch guard for the past one week or so. itching has gone, but i still see dark marks on my skin. Should i use a different ointment to treat the above infection?thanks,venkat. [/INST] Itch guard contains the active antifungal medication clotrimazole which is an effective topical treatment for ringworm (along with many other fungal skin infections). The darkened color of the skin where the ringworm was could be due to the inflammation caused by the infection. This is a known medical phenomenon called "post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation". In any case, I usually tell my patients to continue using antifungal cream for at least a week after the symptoms resolve to make sure you have fully eradicated the fungal infection. </s>
<s>[INST] I have swelling in the space between my collar bone and the base of my neck only on the right side. It is soft, but has not gone away for several months. I thought it might have been fat, but am now worried that it could be a sign of oral cancer. Also, my dad has lymphocytic leukemia. Is this a typical area that an oral cancer lump would appear? [/INST] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. Oral cancer is mostly squamous cell type. Lump can be metastatic squamous cell carcinoma. Or it can be lymphoma, some soft tissue tumor or lymph node enlargement also. You should go for fine needle aspiration cytology or biopsy. It will give you exact diagnosis. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have any doubts then contact me at bit.ly/ Chat Doctor. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health. </s>
<s>[INST] im 16 and i have had this red bump in my lip lower lip and well 8th grade my lip would get dry and i would peel the bottom of my lower lip and then after peeling it and then started bleeding i had a red bump in my lower lip is there any way it can ge [/INST] Hello! Welcome to Chat Doctor. As you have mentioned trauma to the lip, this red lump is most likely a hematoma. Nothing is to be done as it resorts spontaneously. Try to avoid such trauma again. Use lip balm regularly twice in a day, so that there is no Chat Doctor. Watch for if infection sets in as indicated by fever. Antibiotics are needed in this situation with your doctors' opinion. Hope this helps. Wish you healthy life. Thanks. Regads. </s>
<s>[INST] Having a problem with severe pain in my leg. Am getting weak and am on pain medication. Have been tested for blood clots, heart issue, joint problem, chest X-ray, etc. All tests are negative. It just occurred to me that it might have something to do with the com plata I m taking? Been on it about a year. ???? [/INST] Hello, Your symptoms could be related to a pinched nerve or a hematological disorder. For this reason, I recommend consulting first with a neurologist and performing nerve conduction studies. If a pinched or damaged nerve is excluded, I recommend consulting with a rheumatologist and performing some other blood lab tests (vitamin D plasma levels, complete blood count, fibrinogen plasma levels, ANA and ANNA tier antibodies, etc.). Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I am married and 28 yrs old.. suffering from hydradentis supprativa.. was taking azithromycin when trying to conceive and got an allergic reaction but my dematologist said its safe.. i had my last period on 24/9/13 and then had unprotected sex during my unsafe and fertile period.. i missed my period 2 weeks but unfortunately got my periods yestarday ie on 7/11/13.. please help me as to how can i conceive a baby as soon as possible.. [/INST] Hi, thanks for using Chat Doctor Though a woman is more likely to conceive during a specific point of her menstrual cycle, pregnancy is possible at any part of the menstrual cycle. This means that it would be important to be intimate with your husband as often as possible. A healthy lifestyle for both of you would also be important. This means exercise and healthy eating habits. If, after a year, there is still a problem with conceiving then you can seek the assistance of a fertility doctor. I hope this helps </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, Im a 46 yr old black female. My BP today is 144/87 with a 101 heart rate. I had s Starbucks coffee this morning with an extra shot of espresso, hence might be the reason for increased heart rate. I take BP med at night ditiazem hcl er 240mg and sometimes zestoretic gen 20/25 in the morning. I also take the following vitamins- b6, k12, garlic, omega 3, calcium d3, and magnesium. I have had pain behind my right shoulder for a week, but no other symptoms. Do u know where this pain might be coming from? And, how bad is it to have that BP and heart rate over 100?? Thanks [/INST] Dear Mrs, Most probably elevated heart rate comes from the excess amount of caffeine. Don't worry, just cut the amount of caffeine. About pain in shoulder, it can have different causes: joint, spine, or it can be a simple muscle pain. Take some Ibuprofen, if doesn't help, you will need to have an X-Rays done. Hope I could help nourishing you good health In case of further questions don't hesitate to ask </s>
<s>[INST] Hello sir, I have a issue with my skin.. My skin is getting tan and even getting minute black scars.. I dont expose much to sun nor travel on two wheeler to be effected.. But i can feel my skin is getting really dark. Please suggest me some lotion or fairness cream to eradicate the problem.. Thanking you, Raghava. [/INST] Hello, Thanks for the query. This hyperpigmentation can be removed by using skin lightening creams. Various creams are available like Melanie XL, lookalike, Bungalow etc. You can take any of them. The following should be procedure to use it.1. Wash your face in evening around 7.2. Chat Doctor. 3. Keep it for one hour.4. Wash face again.5. Apply some moisturizing cream and sleep.6. In morning apply a sunscreen with SPF at least 30. Do this for a month, you will see the results. Let me know if you have any other doubts. Thank you </s>
<s>[INST] Im a very severe asthmatic with a peakflow of 200 at the moment. I m freezing but have a temperature and im coughing up alot of yellow muck. And to add to this, I cant stand up without needing my inhaler. I also have vocal chord dysfunction, should I go to a+e? [/INST] Hello dear, The symptoms as mentioned in your post can be attributed to acute exacerbation of asthma, secondary to a respiratory tract infection. Management involves:1. A course of antibiotics to eradicate the causative organism.2. Stalin & Aeroflot inhaler-provide symptomatic relief by causing bronchodilator (dilating the smaller airway passages, relieving the obstruction & increasing airflow to lungs)Can be used during an acute attack.3. Montelukast preparations- used as a maintenance therapy to relieve symptoms of asthma.4. Antihistamine & anti-tussive preparations for symptomatic relief from cough.5. Maintain adequate HY Chat Doctor. 6. Also make sure that you are well protected from cold, dust & other allergens. If symptoms still persist, kindly consult a Pulmonologist for proper clinical evaluation. Wishing a good health. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] My doctor prescribed Lisinopril 20 mg. Ive been taking it about a week now. Yesterday I broke out in a rash through my midsection down to my pubic area and up onto 1 breast. This morning it has spread around to my back. The right side of my midsection is also swollen. Ive also had joint pain. I havent had one of the pills since yesterday morning. Would this medicine cause this and if so should I be concerned? The swelling really has me concerned. Thank you for you answer Im 60 years old. I weigh 225 and I do have high blood pressure. [/INST] Hello! Thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! Regarding your concern, I would explain that this rush could be related to an allergic reaction caused by lisinopril. You should know that all the Chat Doctor. But, it is important excluding other possible causes that may lead to this symptomatology too. I would recommend consulting with your attending physician for a careful physical exam and some tests (complete blood count and inflammation tests for a possible infection). Meanwhile, I would recommend stopping lisinopril intake and closely monitoring your blood pressure (high blood pressure can occur from this change in your therapy). Hope to have been helpful! Kind regards, </s>
<s>[INST] hii, i am male 31 years old. i have high cholestrol and i have been taking cholestrol tablets(atrovostatin) for the past 6 years. i have a fatlly liver, stage 2. my mother has a auto immune hep B and liver cirrhosis.i had my liver function tests and all my readings were high. i am concerned about liver now. what odes the stage 2 means as far as fatty liver is concerned? any tips to slove this problem?? [/INST] HelloThanks for writing to ChatDoctorFatty liver is a very common disease among young adults due to changing lifestyle. Most commonly it is due to obesity and sedentary life. It is also related to alcohol intake, altered lipid profile etc. In your case it is related to altered lipid profile. You need few other investigations like routine hologram, Random blood sugar(RBS), Liver function test(LFT), Renal function test(RFT). You should try to lose your weight if you are overweight. Fatty liver is a reversible condition, and it can be reversed by diet and lifestyle changes. You are getting right medicines, and should continue it. It may take 10-12 months to reverse the findings. You should be active in your daily life. You should avoid red meat and high fat milk products. Cook food in olive or canola oil. You should take limited salt in your diet. You should also avoid fried and junk food. Take a lot of fruits and vegetables. You should also increase your physical activity in the form of walking and exercise. You can also do meditation and yoga. It will help you a lot. Don't take stress in life. You will be fine. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Dear Sir,I am 33 yrs old male, was diagnosed renal parenchymal disease two yrs back and since then I was under treatment. At that time my creatinine was 4 and I was taking medicine, Alphadopa 500, MinipressXL5, Amloguard 5, Dytor 10 and the vitamins. But the creatinine level increased each month and it reached up to 10 and my Nephrologist advised me to go for Dialysis. I am on dialysis now since six months but the condition never improved. Now my thighs are jammed and I am unable to walk freely. My BP is always high like 140/95.Pls advise me whether it is curable or not? And also advise me what should I do next to survive healthily? [/INST] Hello, You are suffering from chronic kidney disease(CKD). it's a non-reversible disease in which both kidneys are affected leads to reduction in kidney size along with decrease in function. When kidney function decrease less than 30% then dialysis is the mainstay of treatment to wash out the toxic products. But dialysis is not the cure of this disease. In fact, dialysis only helps to improve your quality of life and decrease the morbidity. According to your description, you are too young to develop this disease. Generally this disease occurs in some high risks like Diabetes, Hypertension, connective tissue disorders. As your blood pressure is high but CKD itself leads to high blood pressure, so your medication is good according to your disease. If BP is more than 140/90 then increase your Tab Armin 0.1 mg thrice a day. So there will be two approaches. First to manage regular dialysis to keep your serum creatinine lower side along with improved quality of life. Second is to find out the exact cause for CKD in this young age and treatment according to that. And for future, if possible then think of kidney transplant also for permanent treatment or in your word for cure of this disease. Thank you </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, My name is Ayush and iam 29 years old...i am suffering from sneezing problem. whenever i come under fan from outside i start sneezing and its opposite too, whenever i go outside from house i start sneezing due to temperature change. please advice, now a days it frequently happening with me, iam sitting in one room under fan and if i go to other room where fan is off, i start sneezing due to sudden change of temperature. [/INST] Hello Sneezing due to change of temperature is a characteristic feature of allergic rhinitis. Inflammation of nasal lining membrane is the main reason of such symptoms. Predisposing factors for sneezing are :Major allergens found in houses, so try to avoid them, these are dust, mite, pollen, fumes, sudden increase or decrease in temperature (as in your case),pests smoking (active or passive). Use vacuum cleaner and dehumidifier in house. If possible avoid the use of fan and install air conditioner. When such patient visit I prescribe them to take montelukast=levoceterizne tablet once in the night. Hot coffee and steam inhalation also provide relief. Since this medicine is a prescription medicine, so consult your physician and get a prescription. Good luck. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello Doc. I am 27 year old female a wife & a mother. i hav got breathing problem. since 1 day i was having excessive pain in right side of my lower abdomen. my family doc suggested my for sonagraphy also she checkd my bp whicChatDoctore 140/70 is it ok & also i got vibration in my whole body. whn my sonography was done it was examined that i am having acute appendix. i wanted to ask u is it curable by taking medicinal course or should i get it operated. please help [/INST] Hi ! Appendicitis is more of a clinical diagnosis and sonogram may be a corroborative investigation in arriving at the diagnosis. However, once you are being examined by your treating doctor and the sonogram also shows that you have got acute appendicitis, then the right treatment for this condition is emergency surgery after doing all other routine investigations like blood and urine test. Not infrequently some physician treat this with antibiotics to control the infection without surgery, but this carries the risk of perforation and other complications related to appendix and so I as a surgeon would not advise you for the same. The Blood Pressure checked for you does not need any treatment for the time being as the upper (systolic) level could be due to the pain in abdomen. The vibration in your body is also not related to your present symptoms of pain abdomen. This might be due to the anxiety factor if no other neurological problem is faced by you. I would suggest you to consult a general surgeon at the earliest for management of acute appendicitis. Wishing you an early recovery. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I m 8 weeks pregnant and have been constipated for a while now. It was so bad that I decided to use a Biscolax Suppository and it did help. but now I m worried that it might effect my baby. I only used it once...Is it possible to effect my unborn baby?? Please help!!! [/INST] Hello dear, I understand your concern. In my opinion usage of Nicolas suppository once might not cause any problem. Suppositary has local effect and absorption into blood is less. You need not worry. The fetus is safe. And constipation is routinely seen in pregnancy. It needs to be counteracted by taking high fiber diet, adequate fluids up to 3 liters per day and if needed laxatives. Best regards... </s>
<s>[INST] Hi Doctor, I just got my MRI done for my neck and spine as I am continuously feeling pain after prolonged sitting and waking up from the bed. I am 31 years old. Here is the report : Cervical Spine MRI T1 & T2 weighted sagittal and axial images were obtained. Normal Dimensions spinal canal with normal spinal cord including cervico-medullary junction The vertebral bodies height with their bone marrow signal intensity are preserved. No significant disc herniation, nerve root compression or exit foramina obliteration. Thankyou doctor. [/INST] Hi, Thank you for posting your query, and providing the MRI spine report. I would like to tell you that your MRI report is absolutely normal. So, the cause of your pain is mostly mechanical. You would benefit from neck and back extension exercises. In addition, please ensure a good posture while sitting. A few sessions of physiotherapy would help in reducing the pain further. Best wishes, Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I just got tested and diagnosed with influenza and acute pharyngitis. I ve been having cold chills and then getting hot to a point of sweating. Also have a moderate soar throat and slightly stuffy nose. I ve had a pretty moderately painful headache all week as well, I have migraine meds and 800mg ibuprofen. I ve take the migraine med and the ibuprofen and it hasn t gone away. The chills and fever just started last night and continued through to today. I got two shots today, steroid shot and antibiotic shot. Also was prescribed tamiflu which I ll start tomorrow a z pak and some more ibuprofen(800mg.) I took the antibiotics 1st as well as an Ibuprofen and my headache has not gotten better at in fact I almost feel like it s gotten a lil worse. Again I ve taken stuff all week off and on and it just keeps coming back. What else can I try and is it be of the flu on why it s not going away? [/INST] Hi, I have gone through your question and understand your concern. You haven't mentioned which antibiotic you are taking and for how many days. Are you positive for swine flu, or you had any contact with a positive person within 10 days? If your answer is no- then you need not take Tamil. You are suffering from sore throat, headache and fever with sweats right now. Are you from malaria endemic zone- if yes then go for a test for malaria? Are you a chronic patient of migraine- I think your headache is due to upper respiratory tract infection? Go for proper antibiotic like Augmenting in proper doses with anti-inflammatory like broken and add cetirizine for congestion. Your problem will be solved. </s>
<s>[INST] age 27, height-5.2, weight is 47kg, i want to get pregnant. my both tubes are fine, ovulation is good and my husband has good sperm counts 80% but still i didnt get pregnant then doctor has done D&C it did on 23rd nov13.my periods came on 12.12.13 and now doctor suggest me to take ovanac-cc for five days from 14th. tell me now can i get a pregnancy...plz let me know.. [/INST] Hi, Thanks for writing to Chat Doctor. Yes you can become pregnant no need to worry. You have to try calmly without taking stress. You should take Ivana which helps your follicles to grow properly and mature. I would suggest you to undergo tubal patency test and plan for intrauterine ingestion of sperms for your next cycle. You can discuss this with your doctor. This increase chances of conception. Hope I have been helpful. Regards Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I fell on uneven sidewalk on July 3rd and hurt my knee: I had no problem walking and I didn t have much pain just bruising on my knee with tenderness. Now as the bruising is entering the purple/green phase I am starting to get a lot of swelling in my calf and ankle- what should I do ?? [/INST] Welcome to Chat Doctor I have gone through your query and understand your concern. You're swelling of foot and calf may be related to edema after injury. It is useful to keep limb elevated. Active toe movement will be useful to reduce swelling. Analgesic such as ibuprofen is useful to get relief from pain. You can discuss with your doctor about it. Hope your query get answered. If you have any clarification then don't hesitate to write to us. I will be happy to help you. Wishing you a good health. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] I am 30 years old and I have had a cough for over 2 months now.I have taken syrups which have not done anything. I later turned onto antibiotics and nothing worked ! My cough is largely dry but sometimes there is thin salty spittle coming out. Please help! [/INST] Hello rearward welcome to Chat Doctor.come have evaluated your query in details .* The cough since 2 months not responding to antibiotics need evaluation with basic lab tests, x-ray chest with or without further detailed work up ( CT scan, pulmonary function test) depending upon the primary evaluation.* Without precise cause evaluation, empiric syrups or antibiotics are strongly not recommended in this case. Hope this clears your query. Wishing you fine recovery. Feel free to ask any further doubts. Regards . </s>
<s>[INST] M 29 female.my right upper wisdom tooth is impacted and its tilted..it is causing alot of pain n my right cheek is swollen too. i completed an antibiotic course few days back as my mouth had limited opening.all went fine and i was feeling well.After 1 .5 weeks now , i m facing the same condition again.dentist has again advised me antibiotic course and he told to have surgery after that.is extraction the only solution left? my eyesight is already weak(-4.75).does it vl effect my eyesight? [/INST] Hii, I have gone through your query and the reason for your pain and swollen cheek is the infection progressing around your impacted right wisdom toothache wisdom tooth is last to erupt in the oral cavity and hence many a time due to lack of space it gets impacted and tilted within the bone. The reason of infection around it is due to improper cleaning as it is the posterior most area. The only permanent treatment for it is the surgery.also it's just a taboo that surgery may affect your eyesight. The impaction surgery is very safe, and please feel free to visit an oral and maxillofacial surgeon for the same.take care.thank you </s>
<s>[INST] I slipped walking down a small ramp coming from the shed when I fell I slipped with my right folk causing me to bend my left foot forward I herd a crack and fell to the ground. I got back up and could walk on it with some pain. But as time passed the pain went up. I got off my foot and soaked it in cold water. The big toe is black and blue the foot is swollen. I can t put any weight on the foot . I tried warm water but the pain went up , I tried elevation and the pain went up I took 292s for the pain what else can I do. I am 45 miles from the nearest medical help. And am by myself. [/INST] Brief Answer:Most likely Ankle sprain of left foot requiring cast to immobilize ankle and x-ray to rule out fracture. Detailed Answer:Warm Welcome. I appreciate your trust in Chat Doctor and assure you are on best portal on the globe for expert online medical services. I have thoroughly reviewed health query you raised, and well realize all of those concerns. Being your physician, I will take care all of them today and will extend my expertise to solve the problems. Based on what you said, it is most likely that you have an ankle sprain. It has caused your ankle to swell up. There is a slight chance of ankle ligament tear and does not come up on x-ray. It requires an MRI scan but I wouldn't that far yet. You need an x-ray ankle to rule out any fracture. To be on safe side, you may require a cast on ankle for 2 weeks to prevent it from mobilization. You use tab. Naproxen 20 mg once daily for pain and swelling. Hope I ad Chat Doctor. Let me know if you have further questions. I will be more than happy to clear any doubts. Keep a follow-up to see how you're doing. Regards! </s>
<s>[INST] 19 y/o female 110 lbsI, no significant medical bg. was hit in the chest with a blunt object right above my left breast about 1 week ago. Now when I breathe in too deeply, sneeze, cough, or move my left arm in a certain way, I feel discomfort/pain. The pain comes from sneezing. Also now there is quarter-size bump and the pain travels to my armpit/side area at certain times. When I press down on the bump I feel some pain. It is a hard bump but no bruising. When my chest got hit I felt winded. Thank you for any answers [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. You had blunt chest trauma and symptoms you are having at present are due to musculoskeletal injury after such trauma. So follow these steps for better symptomatic relief in musculoskeletal pain. 1. Avoid movements causing pain. 2. Avoid bad postures in sleep. 3. Avoid heavyweight lifting and strenuous exercise. 4. Take painkiller and anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. 5. Apply warm water pad on affected areas. Don't worry, swelling and pain will subside with all these in 1-2 weeks. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] My kid has got temperature since 1 pm yesterday. Temperaure startedvto shoot up beyon 101 after 9 pm.so far given 4 doses of 6ml crocin ds.its 3 am now he has got 102 + temperature for sometime.cn I give meftal p? if so what is the dosage gap after giving crocin ds should i wait. [/INST] Thanks for posting on Chat Doctor. Metal P contains paracetamol and so does Cronin. It is to be given in dose of 15 mg/kg/dose at a minimum interval of 3-4 hours. Cronin DS syrup contains paracetamol in dose of 240 mg/5ml. You may calculate the required dose in ml as per your children. You may also give your child cold sponging in order to reduce the temperature. Hope that helps. Feel free to revert in case of further queries if any. </s>
<s>[INST] im 37 y/o, female, asian. my mother had breast CA. I am a little bit worried because there is a bruise-like discoloration on my right breast and its been there for over a month. It is not painful, no lumps, no warmth, and does not seem thickened. i did notice two black spots on the areola. should i be worried? [/INST] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor There is an increased risk of breast cancer if there is a family history of disease but this increased risk does not mean that you will definitely get this disease but that you need to monitor yourself. The bruise on your breast may just be an indicator of a small vein burst. It is not a normal presentation of breast cancer. You may want to consider the tests for the bra 1 and bra 2 genes. These genes make tumor suppressor proteins which are proteins that reduce the chance of breast cancer. Persons with abnormalities with these genes are at increased risk breast cancer. I hope this helps </s>
<s>[INST] i have pancytopenia my hb is 6.9 and wbc is 2800 and rbc is 1.81 i was on nerroferritin and rudimin and vitcofol injection.now my doctor has changed my medications to leucovorin and livogen along with vitcofol injection daily for one week.i want to what is the exact problem im suffering from [/INST] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You have pancytopenia. There are many causes of pancytopenia. Megaloblastic anemia, Hypoplastic or plastic marrow, certain viral infection, bone marrow fibrosis etc. are the causes of pancytopenia. You should go for bone marrow examination once to find the cause of pancytopenia. Then you should take treatment according to cause. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health. Don't forget to click, thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] I was the unfortunate victim of a dog bite in my right calf. I was treated at the local hospital with the appropriate shots, etcs. I am experiencing numbness below my right leg extending to my large toe which awakens me in my sleep. This dog bite occurred 5 years ago. Could I have bacteria from the dog lingering in my system? I feel like I have some type of posion [/INST] Hi. I've gone through your query and I can understand your anxiety. Most common reported signs of nerve damage after dog bite could be weakness, burning, numbness, tingling Sensation & at the end paralysis. This means the wound is infected. But in the history you have mentioned that the full doses of vaccines were given. If vaccines and immunoglobulins were given in correct doses in the exact site, then you can relax as far as rabies is concerned. Also, if you have started the treatment immediately or within 7 days of exposure then you are safe. I advise you to do Physiotherapy & take analgesics for pain. If needed to do one nerve study after consulting a physician nearby. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] I am a college student and take 54 concerta during the week and 18 in the weekend. I am having great difficulty in being able to sleep and have anxiety and depression for the last 6 months. I had my wisdom teeth pulled out last week and stopped taking concerta 5 days ago bc I have not attended school bc of my removal of teeth. I feel like I am going crazy. What do I do? [/INST] Hi. I understand your concern. Depression IA associated with sleep problem and anxiety features. Insomnia is core symptoms of depression. Treatment of depression can help to improve your sleep also. Depression and anxiety can be treated with anti-depressant and anxiolytic.Anti-depressant like sertraline / Escitalopram / paroxetine /mirtazapine etc. can help in depression. It will also help in anxiety with benzodiazepine. Benzodiazapine like lorazepam and clonazepam will help in sleep also. Besides medicines behavior therapy and psychological counselling can help. Consult psychiatrist and get help. I hope I have answered your question. Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] constanst tireness weekness in my bones , no energy very short of breath, with any bit of exertion . its not my heart as i had that test done,and there are no blockages,and as i have to wait until sept for the results at the out clinic i am worried as my problem seems to be getting worse . only yesterday i was doing the lawn and while pairing along the edge with the spade i went faint a rainbow and bright lights appeared in my eyes for a few seconds and i had to grab hold of the pier to stop from falling what might be the cause ? sorry i cannot afford the cost. but thanks all the same [/INST] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor .com I am Chat Doctor. Mariano Into Bruno Mascaras, and I am here to help you. I have read your question with care and understand your concerns. Anemia (low Hemoglobin in Blood) will reduce the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. Hence, Less Oxygen will be delivered to your tissues. This can cause weakness with shortness of Blood Problems in Lungs can cause weakness with shortness of breathes are all easily treatable Hope you found the answer helpful. If you need any clarification / have doubts / have additional questions / have follow-up questions, then please do not hesitate in asking again. I will be happy to answer your questions. Best Wishes for Speedy Recovery Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] My skin is indented on my right upper buttocks, and lower back. At first, I thought it was a bruise, but it wasnt healing after 3 weeks or so. It was not until today that I noticed the large indent. Moreover, I thought I pulled my groin, or potentially pulled some hip muscle, because that it what it feels like. However, I am a long distance runner, and I havent been bothered by it when running. What could this be? [/INST] Hi, I don't want you to be worried because this is common and if it is symptomless and doesn't cause any pain or muscular spasm or increase in mass. Usually it is present but not seen or felt except by luck. Its cause is unknown mainly inherited or congenital. Rarely, sacral dimples are associated with a serious underlying abnormality of the spine or spinal cord. Examples include: Spina bifida - A very mild form of this condition, called spina bifida occult, occurs when the spine doesn't close properly around the spinal cord, but the cord remains within the spinal canal. For simple sacral dimple may not need any kind of treatment. Hope the above information helps you. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] I have 3 three things going on at any given time. My left eye jumps and at times I get this type of sensation on the right side top of my head along with a numbness on the left or right side.My regular physcian said that I may need to see a neurologist...I just dont want to be running down this path aimlessly! [/INST] I agree with the suggestion that you see a neurologist, absolutely. I would suggest you ask him/her about conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis and or Neuropathy; use those words and ask your physician to rule these potential conditions out. Furthermore, I will not definitively say you have either of these conditions, nonetheless, when it comes to our brains, and vision, and nervous system, it never hurts to be extra careful! </s>
<s>[INST] I ve had dizziness/vertigo for some time now...also degenerative joint disease primary in knees....over the past year i ve been loosing my balance and the power in my legs to keep me upright..in the past week has become a daily thing...any idea how i explain this to my doc? [/INST] Hi, Degenerative joint disease is due to wear and tear of joints as the age increases, vertigo has no relation with your knee pain, there are many causes of vertigo like high blood pressure, diabetes, ear problem, compression of nerves in the neck. The joint which suffers a lot of wear and tear due to aging needs to be replaced for complete pain relief. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] I have been having panic attacks and take Zanc but every now and then I have this fluttering or flapping in my chest right above my breast bone. It feels like something is opening and closing.It makes lose my breath and i get very upset and have a real weird feeling down my body. I then get light headed. I get acid reflex immediately after and burning sensation in my upper back and throat. Is this something to worry about or is this due to panic attacks. i am 55 years old, weight 121 and 4ft 10in. I quit smoking 3 years ago. On no other medications except for Vitamin D [/INST] HIFI admire you for positive outlook. Yes the symptoms itself suggestive of panic attack. But before it, we have to rule out cardiac problem, so please consult physician and if all reports come normal then we stamp it as panic attack. Require treatment to control panic attack. I prefer SSRI mainly paroxetine and clonazepam combination for better control. Apart from medicine following will helpful. Fix daily schedule and stick on it. Exercise meditation deep breathing and hyperventilation proper sleep stress free activity do pleasurable activity music and hobbies discuss with friends see all thing with different angle positive outlook confidence Apart from all need to treat your acid reflex also. Rabeparazole is the best way to control hyper acid reflex. Take care. Get well soon. </s>
<s>[INST] hi, my 6 month old is sufferring from loose stools from the last 15 days. the doctor prescibed enterogermina and got a stool test done. the stool test showed he had E histolytica and then the doctor prescribed nizonide. the stools were getting better but have started again today and now they are green and mucousy. please help. [/INST] Hi, I am Chat Doctor. A 6-month-old baby with not well-formed stools and enamel histologic in the stools, means he has an infection of the gut with a parasite called amoeba ----there are some hygienic actions you can take1.wash hands very carefully before and after you change his pampers and dispose them in a special waste-basket .2.The same applies to washing hands before and after formula preparation and sterilization of bottles.3. Most likely the first course of medication has nor removed the amoeba from children gut .4. I suggest that you repeat the stool test and proceed regarding medications after the results .5. Also report if you notice frequent crying, irritation, redness around anus or if stool has </s>
<s>[INST] I fell from the step in the bedroom while getting into bed. Theres a knot on the right side of my lower right leg, but the worst is whenever I put weight on my foot or try to bed my foot upward. Theres also a terrible bruise on the ball and surrounding area of my foot. [/INST] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, Knot on right side of leg along with bruising on ball of foot can be seen after trauma to the foot and leg. Bruising can resolve after few days and the lump can also resolve after few days. Most of the lumps after trauma are due to collection of blood in the subcutaneous tissue. In case there is associated pain, you can take painkillers and hot fomentation. Consult your healthcare provider if lump and bruising do not resolve within few days. Thanks and take care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I have shiitake mushroom rash. I recently ingested some of the mushrooms at a restaurant. I began itching the following day. Each day the rash gets angrier and more intense. I have a scratch like rash all over my body. Huge raised long scratch looking marks. I have had the symptoms for nearly two weeks. I take allergy medication which takes the edge off, but does seem to completely get rid of the symptoms. I have teribble outbreaks and i do not know what iginites them. Once they start, they are there for hours and I itch the whole day. Starts on back of hands, feet, then scalp, then neck, and then all over my back. Is there some sort of detox that I can do to get this out of my system? Anything make it go away? I have no other allergies. I am not on any medications [/INST] Hello, Thank you for posting on Chat Doctor. The condition you have referred to is called Urticaria or hives. It's an allergic manifestation of skin, where an allergen leads to release of certain substances from your blood, leading to itchy skin rash and swelling over soft tissues. Its proper management requires thorough history, clinical and laboratory work-up. You may have to go for specific tests like patch test, food prick test, IGE antibody levels etc. As for treatment part, best would be the avoidance of allergen as far as possible. Try to eliminate possible triggering foods from diet. I would also advise you various antihistamines for long duration(at least 3 months) with or without oral corticosteroids. For non-responding cases there are many other Chat Doctor. Hope this will help you in resolving your query. Thank you </s>
<s>[INST] Hi. I have graves disease and 8 months ago had rai which successfully destroyed my thyroid. I am a few weeks pregnant and although my t4 is normal 16.6 my tsh is 5.75 - this is the lowest so far. I know about the probs with a high tsh and I will be monitored more later all going well. Is there a cause for concern at this moment. [/INST] Hello, and I hope I can help you today. I first want to reassure you that women can and do have healthy pregnancies with thyroid disease all the time. In the case of someone like you, whose thyroid has been essentially destroyed by RAI, your TSH will frequently be high. But as long as your free T4 is normal (which is the actual level of your circulating thyroid hormone) the baby will receive enough hormone for normal healthy development. So as long as your supplemental thyroid medication is at the correct level, your baby will be fine. It is more important to monitor your thyroid hormone level by the T4 value, however, rather than the TSH. Your endocrinologist likely will check your level every month or two during the pregnancy as most women need more thyroid hormone as the away grows. So in summary, there is nothing to be concerned about right now, and under the right care you should absolutely be able to have a healthy pregnancy. I hope this answer was helpful and reassuring. Best wishes for the rest of the pregnancy, </s>
<s>[INST] Hi My name is Cheryl, I had a total thyroid ectomy in sept. I did have cancer. One day surgery turned into 2 days in intensive care then 6 more days in hospital. I still have stridor and possibly going to have my vocal cords injected. But today I started having pain on my left eide of myuper neck. What could cause that? [/INST] Hi, seems like you had recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy during surgery of thyroid. Hospital stay can also be because of hypocalcemia due to parathyroid gland insufficiency. Serum calcium level estimation will help in reaching to a diagnosis. Calcium and vitamin D supplementation will help over coming this. Pain in neck 8-10 days post surgery is can be because of some infection inside or an infected stick. Local examination of the area will help in finding the cause. If it is so, antibiotics will help to resolve this. If this is long time since your surgery, muscular causes are usually the reason for pain in neck. Painkillers and muscle relaxants will help in solving the problem. Regards </s>
<s>[INST] I am getting a tingling sensation in the top right side of my head, it only happens when IM laying down or waking up in the morning. I m now getting a fluttering feeling like a tapping on the back right side of my head. I no longer like having sex because after a orgasm it feels like someone is squeezing my brain. I made a appointment with my PCP because I m afraid I may have an aneurysm. [/INST] Hello! Welcome on Chat Doctor! Regarding your concern, I would explain that your symptoms seem to be related to tension type headache or post-coital headache. I recommend consulting with a neurologist for a careful physical check up. A brain MRI would help exclude possible intracranial lesions that may mimic these symptoms. A close monitoring of your blood pressure values is also helpful to exclude possible blood pressure fluctuations, which can cause similar symptoms. Hope you will find this answer helpful! Best wishes, </s>
<s>[INST] My little boy is 8.5 months old and for the last 3 days his stool has been like mush, kind of green, and smells very acidic. When you first smell it you would think it was vomit. We have yet to experience this and are not sure what might be the cause? [/INST] Hi...this looks like viral diarrhea. Once it starts it will take 5-7 days to completely get better. Unless the kids having low urine output or very dull or excessively sleepy or blood in motion or green bilious vomiting...you need not worry. There is no need to use antibiotics unless there is blood in the motion. Antibiotics might worsen if unnecessarily used causing antibiotic associated diarrhea. I suggest you use zinc supplements (Z&D Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi! I have very low blood pressure...90/60 often...I m undergoing in vitro. Embryos created and transferred, but not implanting for very long. Could my low blood pressure have anything to do with this? should I try to raise it for more circulation in my uterus daily? [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Yes, hypotension can cause failed implantation in IVF techniques. For successful implantation, blood richer uterus is needed. And for this adequate blood supply to the uterus is needed. This is possible only with normal systemic blood pressure. With low blood pressure, blood supply of uterus is also low and hence implantation will fail. So better to consult treat hypotension first. Most common cause for hypotension is fluid deficit in the body. So Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] hi good morning! please help me what cream will help me cure my skin rashes. i experience this rashes since college (17yo) only during my menstruation.. only in my lower buttocks, the area where we sit. but during the time even a cheap cream, the rashes will heal. but this time,, my rashes started july first week, until now it is still ichy and red. pls help, thanks [/INST] Hi. As per your case history my advice is-1. You're maybe having a fungal infection as per your complaints.2. Using regularly cheap creams (mostly containing topical steroids) will only cause temporary relief. So avoid using it.3. You can apply topical clotrimazole cream twice daily. Take tab.levocetrizine 5 mg twice daily for itching.4. Further treatment options include oral fluconazole, itraconazole, topical terminating only after consulting a dermatologist. Thanks. Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I have this empty feeling in my stomach even after eating and I dont feel hungry though its just a hollow feeling and I also have shortness of breath sometimes and occasional sharp pains that will happen. I recently became began I dont know if that means anything... [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. You are having stomach problem with shortness of breath. So possibility of HERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) induced bronchitis is more. HERD is known risk factor for bronchitis. So better to consult pulmonologist and get done clinical examination of respiratory system and PFT (Pulmonary Function Test). PFT will also tell you about severity of the disease and treatment of bronchitis is based on severity only. You may need inhaled bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroid (ICS). For stomach problem, take proton pump inhibitors and prokinetic Chat Doctor. Don't worry, you will be alright. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] For the past couple days around my lips it has been sore and parts of my toungue. I thought around my lips wre hurting because my teeth are crooked and maybe it was rubbing against them. Then yesterday in my mouth there were some red spotchy areas that have faded. They were small cuts or something on my bottom lip too because it stung when i ate. Also an infected taste dbu on my tonue. As of today my lips are a little swollen but not splotchy.and my tounge does feel weird underneath, sensitive. Is this a food allergy? [/INST] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor An allergy would normally present with swelling and itching though this can vary slightly from one person to the next. The presence of discomfort around the tongue and lips plus small cuts may indicate a cold sore. This is a common mouth infection. It is caused by the herpes virus 1, it is not necessarily sexually transmitted. The initial infection would normally resolve on its own hope this helps </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, I have a grade 3 AC joint separation. I m reading that grade 3 is sometimes treatable by a sling. But I also read that the ligaments aren t able to repair themselves. So, how does wearing a sling until the pain is gone do any good? If the ligaments don t repair themselves wont the collar bone just come back out of place once the sling is removed? [/INST] Hello For grade 3 ac joint separation which is symptomatic then you may need surgery after clinical examination. Use ice packs to reduce swelling, inflammation and pain. Physiotherapy with ultrasound and Tens will help you, For early healing you can take Tab Colin [it C] and antioxidant with anti-inflammatory [Tab enzymic plus]. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health. Take care </s>
<s>[INST] hi, i m devi. i have thyroid problem past one year. still i m taking thyronorm tablet 50mg per day. i delivered a baby last year. nw he is 1 year old. still i am giving breast milk. what the problem is, for the 5 months i have severe hair loss. i am taking combofit multivitamin tablet daily also. but still i have the problem. is there any prblem in my health or its normal? [/INST] Hello, It is quite normal to shed hair postpartum as the effect of estrogen on hair wanes off. Other factors that may be contributing to your hair loss is nutritional deficiency. Therefore, I suggest you take a balanced nutritious diet rich in proteins, minerals and vitamins along with a hair vitamin supplement e.g. tablet Reviles which is oral biotin and is good for hair. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor. , Dermatologist </s>
<s>[INST] suddenly experiencing groin pain. As I sat down on the couch two days ago it momenterily felt like I pulled a muscle in my inner left thigh. It quickly turned to testicle, groin and lower abdominal pain. The sensation was as if I was kicked in the groin. The problem is: I ve been in exteme pain in those areas for two days. I ve tried icing the area and then tried heat. I ve tried being very stationary with little movement and then I tried to slowly walk it off. I ve been taking advil to help with the pain. I continue in pain but when the effect of the advil wanes, the pain effects my body temperature and I shiver with chills. This Isn t just an ordinarty groin pull. What could it be and what should I do? [/INST] Hello, I read carefully your query and understand your concern. The symptoms seem to be related to a pulled muscle in the groin. I suggest using muscle relaxant such as Baclofen three times a day. I also suggest using magnesium supplements. Furthermore, I recommend using cold compresses for local application. Hope my answer was helpful. If you have further queries feel free to contact me again. Kind regards! Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] I went to my family doctor yesterday with a poss. kidney stone or infection. I was running a fever as well. I was given an antibiotic shot and pain meds. This morning it is still painful and I am feeling a lot of pressure on that side. Do I need to go to the ER? [/INST] HiT hanks for your query. I appreciate your concern for the fever and abdominal pain. If you have additional symptoms like burning urination or blood in the urine you have to undergo lab tests like urinalysis and an ultrasound to come to a diagnosis. Meanwhile, take plenty of oral fluids, NSAID painkillers like Diclofenac along with Dicyclomine. Hope this suggestion could be useful in getting the treatment for your problem. Rate this answer, if you are convinced. </s>
<s>[INST] my sister is sychopherinic or schizophrenic . She is a mother of two and living in merrut. She is suffereing from it since 2003. In this duration we are right now consulating Ms. Shivani aggarwal ar Vimhans. But no good result. Please advice, when we can visit you. [/INST] Hi dear. I had gone through your query. I admire you for positive outlook. Schizophrenia has poor prognosis. Only 33% can better with medicines and get cured. Rest of others has episodic illness and remain under control with medicines. Treatment depend upon type/severity/duration/symptoms/family history etc. Detail evaluation of his mental status examination will give more proper diagnosis. There are multi modalities of treatments. HUMANS is also good institute for indoor psychiatric care... There are other good institutions like AIMS and SIMIANS etc. So get admitted for better treatment. Still if you have a query then feel free to ask. . Thank you. </s>
<s>[INST] I am a black 39 year old married male. I have a swollen small lump in front of my left ear near my jawbone and a knot has come up on the right side of the top of my forehead. I have had no injury and have not been in any accident. What could be causing this? [/INST] Hi, If I were your treating Doctor for this case of upper neck lump, I would come up with only two possibilities like is lymph nodes and sebaceous cysts! Please get routine TLC/DC of your blood and an FNAC test of the lump for confirmation and to relieve your concerns! Lymph nodes could be infective, tuberculosis or even lymphoma! The cysts are benign and not to worry about them but to take care not to get them infected! Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions. Wishing you good health. </s>
<s>[INST] I have taken my birth control twice this week late, I usually take the pill at 9pm every night but wednesday and thursday I took it at 1:45am. I then had unprotected sex, last night where precum could have gotten in me but we never went all the way through. Should I get the morning after pill? [/INST] Hi, As you have taken oral contraceptive pill every day, so there is no need to take other contraceptive measures. You should take OC pills regularly but if you miss a pill then take double dose next day. If two consecutive days are missed then another measure of contraceptives should be sought out. Avoid Chat Doctor. Even it has complication including failure rate(but less than others). Hope this ll heptanes n regards </s>
<s>[INST] IAM 47 YEAR OLD WOMAN. MYSELF AMD MY HUSBAND HAD SEX AFTER TWO AND A HALF YEARS GAP.BEFORE 3 YEARS MY MENSURAL CYCLE WAS 30 DAYS. BUT FOR THE PAST TWO YEARS IT HAS BEEN CHANGED (ie)26,27,28,29 LIKE THAT MY LAST MENSURAL DATE WAS 17TH OCTOBER . WE HAD INTERCOURSE ON 10TH NOVEMBER. IS THER ANY POSSIBILITY OF GETTING PREGNANT? [/INST] Hallow Dear, Your menstrual cycle though not very regular, is varying between 26 and 29 days; I should say fairly regular. In regular menstrual cycle, the egg is released 14 days prior to the next expected menses. The Egg has a life of 24 hours while sperms are active for 72 hours. Hence, a period of about a week around the day of egg release is fertile period. Considering your period of about 28 days, your expected period was around 14 November and the day of egg release (ovulation) would be around 31 October. This calculates fertile period from 27 October to 4 November. Thus, your unprotected intercourse on 10 November falls way outside the fertile period. Thus, according to this calculation, you carry very minimal risk of pregnancy due to this intercourse. However, we have to consider your age factor. Your age is 47 years; nearing menopause. Variation in your menstrual pattern is due to the premenopausal changes. During this period of life, the ovulation is very unpredictable and irregular. Not all the cycles are ovulatory. Moreover, the menses also may become irregular. Thus, it really becomes difficult to calculate the safe period. Even if your menses are delayed, you cannot figure out whether these are premenopausal irregularities or possibility of pregnancy. Hence, during this phase of life, it is always advisable to use reliable contraceptive like condom. I feel, with this menstrual history and history of intercourse, you stand very minimal, almost no chance of pregnancy. You should get your menses. However, if at all you do not get menses even 40 days after the last menstrual period; i.e. 26 November, perform pregnancy test on overnight first morning urine sample. I hope this helps you. </s>
<s>[INST] i have flesh colored what look like swollen bumps on the head of my penis. They are not very big or terribly noticeable. I feel like i have to pee a lot. I have slight burning/discomfort only on the head area of my penis. It does not burn when I pee. I have no discharges. Other then that everything looks normal. Is this just a rash? Or could it be an STD? I m 33. [/INST] HiT hank you for asking ChatDoctorI have gone through your query. Your problem can be most likely due to yeast infection. But if you have unprotected sex with risky partner then you should run STD tests to rule out those. If you were my patient with yeast infection then I would suggest using fluconazole ointment for local application. Soaps and antiseptics should be avoided as it may increase irritation. You can use saline or warm water instead of that. Hope this may help you. Let me know if anything is not clear. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello doctor,I accidentally consumed less than one ounce of lysol disinfectant. The poison control center said its fine as its Ph is 5.0 which is less than the limit of 7.0. But i am worried if it could caused any internal damage. What would you suggest?Thanks! [/INST] Hello welcome to the ChatDoctorSince accidentally inhaling the product for an extended period may result in health problems. There are some side effects, if you feel you are having them after inhaling the product then you should alert the doctor, otherwise it could be very less amount you inhaled which will not cause any harm. The side effects are.1.feeling Chat Doctor. Tiredness 3.headache 4.breathing problem, suffocation,coughing and so on. If any of above side effect you are feeling you must alert nearby doctor and discuss further. Hopefully my answer will be helpful for you. </s>
<s>[INST] I have just been told that my 3rd 4th and 5th vertebrae are deteriorating, I have been told to take fish oil and panadol osteo how ever I still have some pain. Finding it hard to sleep at night. Need my sleep as fulltime carer for my husband. What do you advise? Thanks Ann [/INST] Hello, Might have been useful to mention your age and medical history as they influence medication recommendations. Such spinal changes as those you mention are common in many people with age. Management consists of over the counter anti-inflammatory medication like Ibuprofen and physical therapy. So you may use Ibuprofen in the evening but is not advised for prolonged periods as it may affect the kidneys, stomach and blood pressure. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi I m 26yr old having irregular periods since last 4yrs I m married since last 8yrs and have a 7yrs old boy but badly want to conceive again and want my cycles to b normal cos my periods dont come for months and I have to take duphaston and all my test results come back normal I do not have pcos or thyroids don t know what s wrong?? Pls help and advise Thanks a lot Xy [/INST] Hiplz rule out tuberculosis also. Get a SG done to see if tubes are functioning properly because many a times secondary infertility can be associated with this. Another possible cause of irregular periods -- being overweight, or underweight, can cause a disruption in your menstrual cycles. Both being overweight, and underweight, can also cause an ovulation. Extreme exercise and extreme dieting are more potential causes of irregular cycles. In this case, losing weight may be enough to regulate your cycles again, increasing the chances of getting pregnant naturally. If extreme dieting is the problem, changing your diet to a more balanced plan, and even gaining some weight if you're underweight, can help regulate your cycles. Bbyeee </s>
<s>[INST] When traveling to low altitudes, less than 3,000 , i have experienced chest pressure that starts about 10 minutes at the resting elevation. The pressure is centralized across the breast area and feels like gas. I do get burps, but then I get a shallow breathing. Seems like it s hard to breathe normally. I have had like a dizziness that starts from my body and goes to my head and doesn t last long - a few seconds. Then the back of my neck becomes stiff and tight and somewhat sore. I took a tums and the pressure did subside a little, but went away completely, as did all other symptoms, after we went back to our normal elevation of about 800 . Any idea what could be the problem? [/INST] Thanks for asking your question completely understand your problems we go to high altitudes the atm pressure decreases and concentration of oxygen decreases and air becomes denser so in order to escape from these symptoms of high altitude slow ascending and slow descending is followed that will acclimatize your body in due course of breaks in between climbing to high altitudes.thanks/regardsfeel free to ask more questions may god bless you with good health </s>
<s>[INST] Hi my 5year old daughter suffered from typhoid on 22august we treated her with azithromyin and around 5 days back was completely okay so we send her to school but now the fever below 100 is back.Is this a cause of concern.She took antibiotic for 15days approx. [/INST] Hi, welcome to Chat Doctor.contour child is fully recovered from typhoid, and he again develops typhoid, you need to understand how typhoid is caused. Typhoid fever is contracted by Chat Doctor. People with acute illness can contaminate the surrounding water supply through stool, which contains a high concentration of the bacteria. Contamination of the water supply can, in turn, taint the food supply. The bacteria can survive for weeks in water or </s>
<s>[INST] Our 5 month old had a fever for 2 days, and then developed a round red spot with a raised center that was filled with puss in the nape of her neck, the size of a silver penny (under her hairline). She also developed two smaller pimple sized spots in the back of her neck but which dried up and went away. We have been treating it with topical antibiotic. Is this something we need to seek medical advice to for? [/INST] Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. Skin conditions are best diagnosed only after seeing directly. I suggest you to upload photographs of the same on this website, so that I can guide you scientifically. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health. </s>
<s>[INST] I just had a PET/CT scan. I got to see the PET scan and it showed lots of dark spots. Are the dark spots just areas that hold moisture and are active? Such as brain, kidneys, liver, etc.? Only the back portion of my brain was black, what does that mean? [/INST] Howell come to ChatDoctorThank for asking really appreciate your concern, beside the radiologist it is not possible to read the radio imaging, and the most important is clinical history of the patients, the dark area may be normal or abnormal it is all depends upon the anatomy of organ and related pathological changes, without studying the image it is not at all possible to comment or predict or say anything hope this information helps. </s>
<s>[INST] i have a 40 yr old diabetic male patient who was not on any medication for 4 months and now complaints of pain abdomen for 3 days,he is also taking metformin from today,but he is not dehydrated,his smbg is 480 mg/dl,blodd for ketone bodies report pending,what to do? [/INST] Hi! Good evening. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. The high blood sugar itself would cause pain abdomen apart from in Etruria. However, any other common cause of pain abdomen like a parasitic infestation or an amebiaisis, specially if eating food from outside would have to be ruled out with a stool test for ova and cyst. I would suggest you to take him to a medical specialist who might put him on insulin if need be. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Chat Doctor </s>
<s>[INST] hi im sasha and i just turned 13 when i was 12and a half i started to get spots on my nose and my forehead i picked them usually on my forehead i get lots of spot and right at the middle i had 1i picked on it and i read online mustered helps so i kept it on for the night. The morning. I got up I washed. My face and their was a big red circle. Then the skin started To peal . Now it a scar I tried creams mask lemon and water it helped.a bit I have a side fringe so u can t. Really. See it but when. It s windy. It embarrassing everyone. Can see it I just wish to have a clean.soft skin with no spot or scars right now I have a scars and spots. Please. Tell me sum tips. That will. Help its embarrassing... help plz [/INST] Hi, Most probably you may be having acne necrotic. Kindly consult the dermatologist for the perfect diagnosis and proper treatment. Most important point to be kept in mind is that you must avoid pricking the lesions. The sensation to prick may be due to tension or anxiety. Kindly keep the mind relaxed. Take anxiolytic if needed under doctors observation. Apply clindamycin gel on the lesion. Take azithromycin 500 mg thrice a week till acne lesions subside. After healing of lesions, spots might take few weeks to clear. Apply vitamin E cream on the spots. Cleanse the face with face wash containing Monica acid and glycolic acid. Avoid sleeplessness, take proper sleep. Avoid oily food. Avoid exposure to sun. Take regular treatment. I hope this would help you. Thanks. Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] Hello, I do not know if this will reach the right person, but asking desperately for some help. My brother is a 26-year-old Mentally handicapped individual with some SERIOUS health issues going on and noone can come up with anything, which has now left him oxygen dependent and on Lasix to keep fluid off his lung and heart, and no signs of getting any better. Let me start from the beginning as I believe this is all linked someway somehow. About 4 months ago, my brother presented with severe leg swelling on one leg from knee to ankle. My parents took him to Dr, and they treated him with infection from a scratch on his leg. The swelling did not get better and he was having troubles walking. Please keep in mind that all his symptoms have been observed as due to his mental challenges, he never tells us when anything is wrong, without much prodding, (life is good in his eyes) . My parents took him back and they tested him and the sore on his leg had MRSA , therefore they started treating him for MRSA. Again he did not get better, and the finally did a ultrasound of his leg to discover he had a severe DVT from the knee to the ankle. He was therefore put on blood thinners which the DVT eventually did resolve and they were going to keep him on blood thinners for 6 months then take him off and do further testing to see what may have caused this in such a young, active young man. Then at the end of June my parents noticed he was having trouble breathing. When they asked him what was wrong, he said nothing initially, and as they observed him longer they realized he was really struggling to breathe. Therefore, they took him to the ER, and discovered he had a pericardial and pleural effusion . They drained the fluid and ran cytology tests on it whicChatDoctore back negative, but the color of the fluid was milky. They also created a pericardial window to drain the fluid off his heart. His white count was elevated and initially he had blood and high protein in his urine as well, which later cleared. They sent him home on a Sunday. Within 2 days he could not even get out of bed without heavy breathing and again he thought he was okay, so they took him back to the doctor. They did a chest x-ray to discover he had a massive effusion in his chest already. He was admitted and due to the severity they had to put a chest tube in each side and be had to be intubated to keep his oxygen levels up. They drained 2 L of fluid off one lung and 1 L off the other. His white count was elevated. They began running more tests on his heart, from echo to ultrasounds to many other tests. This showed his heart was working extra hard to pump. Eventually he stabilized was extubated still with tubes draining a lot, and they did an MR of his heart which showed his pericardium was thickened to 9 mm. They thought they would have to perform a pericardiectomy due to constrictive pericarditis . They did a heart cath to verify and it showed that his heart was constricted, and by the time they did the cath, his heart actually was pumping ok. The pericardium was still obviously thickened and showed some abnormalities; however was not constricting the heart, so they did not perform the pericardiectomy. They could not pull the chest tubes though as he was still putting out a lot of fluid, but now was clear, with a bloody-tinge. At this time his white counts started dropping as well as his hemoglobin. They ran several blood tests and discovered he was extremely protein malnourished (which is hard to believe as my brother is 6 foot 3 inches and weighs 300+ pounds). He was also severe anemia and had very low lymphocytes, monocytes. They tried iron supplementation and discovered this was making his iron levels worse. They even tried IV iron and still made his iron levels lower therefore they discontinued the iron. He was taking protein shakes for the protein, and this helped stabilize his protein levels. They also did a CT scan of his abdomen and discovered he has splenomegaly. His liver function tests were normal. His CRP and Sed rate were elevated. At this time, they transferred him to a higher level of care as they could not figure out what was going on with him. The University Medical Center ran even more tests, and said everytime they ran a test they ended up with more questions than answers. They were sure it was some kind of inflammatory condition such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis as my mom has rheumatoid; however all these tests came back negative. Rheumatology signed off on his case saying it was not a rheumatologic condition. The fluid eventually slowed in his lungs and they pulled one tube and then the next. He still requires at least 2 L of oxygen via nasal cannula, but hospital had to send him home as that was his only requirement and insurance would not allow him to stay longer. One week after discharge of being in hospital for nearly 3 weeks total, he is still protein malnourished with anemia. His white cells are still extremely low. They ran immunoglobulin tests on him and discovered they were nearly non-existent. Therefore between his low white count and immunoglobulins, he has no immune system. His lungs have began filling up again in his lungs, and therefore the doctor put him on Lasix to help get rid of fluid. We will not know until next week if this seems to be helping. My parents believe it is helping with his breathing however his ankles are still swelling. He is still requiring his Oxygen. He also had a bone marrow test done, this came back negative for cancers. However, they did say they are still waiting for the iron studies of the bone marrow, but I am not sure what that will really show, except his iron deficiency. Everyone is at a loss as to what is going on. None has any answers and every doctor keeps passing the buck to another and now we are back to his primary care, which I am not confident at all he can handle this. To me it seems this is above so many doctors heads, we need to know where to go. We are treating symptoms as he is now on blood pressure medicines and a medicine to keep his heart rate down as it gets too high, and oxygen and Lasix. This is a 26-year-old, how can he live like this for life. There has to be someone who can help us. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, or anything we can suggest they test for. Obviously this is something rare no one has seen, so we just need to get to the right doctor or someone who has seen this before and can help. [/INST] Hi, We can understand your pain, suffering and frustration due severe nature of problem of your brother. As your brother is having problem related to multiple medical specialty, he needs treatment from a multi-specialty team in intensive care in hospital. For you do not focus on outcome. Just do the things which can be done for his care according to your social situation. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. Wish you Good Health. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi my name is Evan. For the last month I have had a problem with reflux. My diet is not good lots of fatty foods, acidic drinks. I started a new job last week and have till today have had a tearing feeling in middle of my chest as well as everynow pains in arms or legs. I do have a history of hypochrondria and anxiety. Could my worrying about my reflux condition and stress of new job cause this feeling in my chest. I have been tested this week and my blood pressure is normal. Please help I am worried as it is near my left breast and worried about my heart. I also feel pressure on my chest when I lay down or in the night. [/INST] Hello, Thanks for the query to Chat Doctor. Forum. I would come up with these possibilities and measures for these symptoms, This includes.1 The first possibility is of hyper acidity (gastritis) , diagnosis can be confirmed by upper G I endoscopy. Try raising the head of your bed about 4 inches with blocks. It might also help to avoid eating or Chat Doctor. To help control the stomach acid one should not </s>
<s>[INST] I am a 40 Yr old female who tends to have a low WBC count. I had a routine check up 1 month ago and my CBC showed neutropenia (ANC 1150). I was shocked since I feel great! How common is it to have idiopathic neutropenia? My doc says that s just the way I am. I had a bone marrow bx and it was normal. I hardly ever get sick and have kids in preschool! It seems that my WBC count just goes up and down. What do you think? I ve also been tested for autoimmune disease and I was neg for anti- neutrophilic abs as well as ANA. Thoughts? [/INST] Welcome to ChatDoctorRead your prob, you have mild neutropenia, when this count is low then you are moderately prone to infection. As your bone marrow examination is normal so you should rule out other cause of it like deficiency of folic acid n copper, SLE, Antineurophylic antibody. Some sometime congenital neutropenia present. So consult with your doc n discuss it with your doc, start proper treatment. </s>
<s>[INST] I am 23yr old now. I am sufferiing from backpain since last 6 years. I cant even bend. Its getting stiffer everyday. Doctors say that my muscles are weak so i am facing that problem. They say i need a lot of excersice. So I am looking for a physiotherapist. [/INST] Welcome to Chat Doctor. 1. The possible cause of back pain in your age group will be positional abnormalities in the first place.2. Other possible cause could be systemic disorders like inflammatory / infective cause of the spine.3. You need to try back exercise initially followed by the physiotherapy if symptoms persists further investigations might be needed.4.MRI is the best investigation of choice for evaluate the cause. - see your GP and get the physiotherapy. Good luck. Hope I have answered your query,anything to ask do not hesitate to ask.http://doctor.ChatDoctor .com/doctors/ Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] i am 29 n married for 10 months. my cycle is 5-6/30 days n regular.according to my last medical report my doctor gave opinion as: non-grand normal size ovaries. both ovaries show multiple growing follical not more than 0.7 on either side. largest follical measuring 1.4 into 0.7cm.:i had taken inj.hmg massone inj IVF. c 5000 tab. Mc levo tab. Follic acid my doctor said that i am fine but why i am not getting pregnant? please help me my husbands report is also normal. [/INST] Hi welcome to Chat Doctor. I have gone through your question. Your both reports are normal is suggesting "UN explained infertility", I would advise doing follicular scan for next 3 cycles starting from 9/10 day of your cycle and see whether clicked are developing or not. If not then take some follicular stimulating medicines after discussion with your gynecologist. Hope I answered your question. Would be happy to help you further. Take care. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi! For a bout a week now I have been feeling so exhausted and tired it takes me till the middle of the day to feel normal, and then around 3pm I feel so tired my eyes literally start closing whilst I am at my desk, and I find it so hard to fight. I have noticed that I am short of breath and feel really tight in my chest, and only occasionally have a bit of nausea but it doesnt last long. I excersice regulary and eat as best I can. My mother had Amenia, is this hereditary as I have researched the disease? [/INST] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Yes, anemia can cause all your symptoms. Anemia is low hemoglobin. Most common cause for this is dietary deficiency of iron and folic acid. There are certain genetic causes for anemia, but they are very rare. So first get done CBC (complete blood count), serum iron and folic acid level. This will tell you if you have anemia or not. You may need iron and folic acid supplements if they are low. If your CBC is normal then possibility of stress and anxiety related symptoms is more likely. So avoid stress and tension, be relaxed and calm.Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks. </s>
<s>[INST] My mom s recent MRI results: IMPRESSIONS: NO ACUTE ABNORMALITIES ARE SEEN. MODERATE DIFFUSE VOLUME LOSS WITH MINIMAL TO MILD PERIVENTRICULAR AND SUBCORTICAL SMALL VESSEL ISCHEMIC CHANGES ARE SEEN She only started becoming very confused in March and I have searched for answers, including possible hereditary thyroid issues, but the only real answer is that this is dementia and could be related to early onset Alzheimer s (and mini strokes which I don t understand) - the other issue that began in March, and is not related to UTI is frequent urination as often as 15 to 30 minutes. She is almost 76, never had many problems other than developing a seizure disorder 12 years ago, but that has been controlled with Keppra. I am trying everything possible and have seen many specialist, but still think I am missing something? [/INST] Hi, Thank you for posting your query. First, I would like to reassure you that the MRI abnormalities in your moms' case are minor, and there is no need to worry. Kendra (levetiracetam) may cause confusion, and so, if possible it should be stopped and replaced with another anti seizure Chat Doctor. For mini strokes (small vessel ischemic changes), a blood thinner such as aspirin, should be started. For diffuse volume loss, no specific treatment is available. It could be normal for age, or it could be a part of Alzheimer's disease. This can be confirmed by a clinical examination by a neurologist. Best wishes, </s>
<s>[INST] My husband just retired work at a carton shop after 43 1/2 years. When he sits in his chair for a any period of time he had to stand because of the intense burning with a little ppain. He has to sit on the edge of his chard which is not comfortable. Years ago a dr. told him that he had the back of an 80year old. Another Dr. told home he had so many bone spurs and some were big. What does he have and does he need to get a referral to see a neurosurgeon? I understand he will need a MRI first. [/INST] Hi, I had gone through your question and understand your concerns If I were your treating Doctor for this case of severe back pain, I would come up with two possibilities, these include: The first possibility is Arthritic changes between the vertebrae(spindle degenerative changes) and this may be the cause of the bony spurs. The second possibility is disc herniation, but this usually cause articular pain in the lower limb. I prefer doing MRI lumbosacral spine, wearing lumbosacral belt a, bed rest and some medications as NSAID and muscle relaxant. </s>
<s>[INST] Hi, im 14 years old, male and have no medical history regarding illnesses. 2-3 weeks ago i discovered a lump on the left side of my neck. I thought it maybe dangerous. My parents felt it and said it was a gland. After more appeared on my neck I rubbed them as my relatives 8 year old daughter had lumps on her neck and she rubbed them, making them smaller and they soon disappeared. Im not sure what to expect, whether they are fat lumps, glads or damaged tissue, ive no idea. Can you tell me what they are? Theyre under my skin. [/INST] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, Lumps on side of the neck need to be investigated initially by an ultrasound of the neck. Ultrasound will determine the site and origin of the lumps- whether they are due to enlarged lymph nodes or any soft tissue swellings. After knowing the site and nature of the lumps, aspiration cytology of the lesions needs to be performed. In aspiration cytology, cells are aspirated using a fine needle, spread on a glass slide and stained with appropriate stains. On the basis of test result, the type of lesion is determined and thus management can be planned. Consult your primary health care provider for clinical assessment and investigations. Thanks and take care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] im 37 yr 165 lbs male i have a small lump on my lower back on the left hip side. It is not paining much, but once in a while I feel small pinch. This small lump was there for almost 3 years. I remember I was playing Tennis in hot sun in Arizona one day and was dehydrated and got this lump the next day and it stayed there. Was this lump due to the muscle spasm or anything else is I am worried of. Please let me know. Thank you very much. [/INST] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor, A lump on lower back on left hip region is most probably due to soft tissue swelling. Muscle spasm is unlikely to cause a lump or swelling. Imaging of the lower back will help to determine the relationship of the swelling with the bony structure. Imaging can be followed by aspiration cytology of the swelling. In aspiration cells are aspirated, spread on a slide, stained with appropriate stains and studied microscopically. This investigation will determine the origin and nature of the swelling. Management of the lesion can be done after this investigation. Consult your primary healthcare provider for clinical assessment, investigations and thus management. Thanks and take care Chat Doctor. </s>
<s>[INST] ok when me and my boifriend first had sex it was after my period had already came last month we went three roundsda first 2 we used protection the last one he used the urination method he did it twice before entering me and there was nonthing coming out anywways (pre cum).......................the second time we had sex was a day before my period we went three rounds again the first and second using protection the third time we did the urination method twice before entering me ,,,,,,,,,,,,,he put his penis inside me four pumps then he put a condom on................now my period was suppose to start monday and wednesday i expiernced spotting thursday which is today ..............am i prego........is my period coming.......................................by the way the spotting was pinkish [/INST] Hallow Dear, From your history I gather that your first venture of intercourses was immediately after the period and second was just a day before your menses were expected. Both these days fall in safe period. The egg release takes place 14 days prior to next expected period. The egg has a life of 24 hours while the sperms are active for 72 hours. Hence, a period of about one week around the day of egg release is considered as fertile period. The chances of pregnancy are very high if the intercourse is performed in this period. Your both sessions of intercourses were far away from this period. So there is no chance that you are pregnant. Moreover, you already have started having spotting. So you will get menses in few days. Get rid of the stress. Stress does delay menses. I hope this helps you and assures you. </s>
<s>[INST] i have a four year old daughter and she had a fever and it went a way but now her gums are swollen and they hurt when she eats and when she brushes they bleed and she has a big blister on the inside of lip. she has pretty bad breath too and her tongue is white. she always complains about her stomach hurting. what can it be? [/INST] Hi, Bleeding gums, pain while eating maybe due to bad oral hygiene and cavities as it is difficult for kids to clean their own teeth and parent supervision is required in many cases. Bad breath also supports this theory. Stomach upsets result in oral ulcers and as she was also suffering from fever, which maybe due to the oral infection, I would strongly recommend you to visit your dentist as well as physician. Once the teeth are clean and all the germs are eradicated she will be able to eat better and the bleeding along with swelling from gums will get eliminated. The doctor may start some low dose antibiotic for her if required. Regards </s>