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Who could forget the unbelievable standoff in Oregon between patriots and the government? Who could forget the dramatic shooting of patriot Savoy Finicum who traveled from Arizona to Oregon from to stand with American ranchers against the BLM, an overbearing government agency. Oregon State Police troopers fired the three rounds that killed the Arizona rancher and father of 11 during a confrontation on a remote road, law enforcement officials said at a news conference in Bend.An independent investigation by Oregon authorities later found the troopers were justified in shooting Finicum because he failed to heed their commands and repeatedly reached for his weapon, Masher County District Attorney Dan Norris said.The not guilty verdict of the other members who were involved with Finicum who gave his life for the fight against our government, must be especially stinging for the large loving family this father of 11 left behind.As expected, liberals are freaking out over the verdicts, like this Black Lives Matter crybaby:I have a criminal record for protesting for #FreddieGray meanwhile #oregonstandoff terrorists didn't even get a slap on the wrist. Kwame Rose (@kwamerose) October 28, 2016Here are the verdicts. #oregonstandoff pic.twitter.com/fXW9GoxKUr Ryan Haas (@ryanjhaas) October 27, 2016Ammon and Ryan Bundy have been found not guilty of conspiracy. Their five co-defendants Jeff Banta, Shawna Cox, David Fry, Kenneth Medenbach and Neil Wampler have all been found not guilty as well. Jurors were unable to reach a verdict on Ryan Bundy s theft of government property charge.The jury returned its verdict after some six weeks of testimony followed by less than six hours deliberations, and the last minute replacement of a juror after an allegation surfaced that he was biased.The jury was instructed to disregard their previous work and to re-consider the evidence. It was a pretty jaw-dropping verdict, said OPB reporter Amelia Templeton of the climate in the courtroom. The jury began by reading out the verdict for Ammon Bundy, ostensibly the leader of the occupation, and when we heard that Ammon Bundy was not guilty, it became clear very quickly that likely no one in the case was going to be found guilty, and indeed, everyone has been acquitted. After the verdict was read, Ammon Bundy s attorney Marcus Mumford was tackled to the ground by five U.S. Marshals. He insisted his client was free to go. Ammon Bundy faces a US Marshall hold and is supposed to be transferred to Nevada where he faces charges for the Bunkerville standoff. There s a hold for Ammon Bundy and Ryan Bundy out of the district of Nevada, said Matt Schindler attorney for Kenneth Medenbach. There s nothing Judge Brown can do about that. So acquitting him here, all it does is effectively release him to that hold, to be transported to Nevada. And the court that has anything authority to deal with that, is the court in Nevada. Marcus let the emotion of the moment, I think, overtake his better judgement. During the incident, Judge Brown ordered everyone out of the courthouse. Mumford was later detained.United States Attorney for the District of Oregon Billy J. Williams reacted to the decision on Thursday saying, While we had hoped for a different outcome, we respect the verdict of the jury and thank them for their dedicated service during this long and difficult trial. The charges stem from the 41-day armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge near Burns in eastern Oregon s high desert. The armed protest began Jan. 2 and ended when the final four occupiers surrendered to the FBI on Feb. 11. For many weeks, hundreds of law enforcement officers federal, state, and local worked around-the-clock to resolve the armed occupation at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge peacefully, said Greg Bretzing, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI in Oregon. Although we are extremely disappointed in the verdict, we respect the court and the role of the jury in the American judicial system. Prosecutors initially charged Ammon Bundy, his brother Ryan Bundy, and 24 others with conspiracy to prevent Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Fish and Wildlife employees from doing their jobs at the wildlife refuge in Harney County. Some defendants named in the indictment faced weapons charges for carrying firearms in a federal facility, as well as theft of government property.Only seven defendants went to trial in September. Others have pleaded guilty or are scheduled to go to trial in February 2017. Oregonian
BALTIMORE (Reuters) - A Maryland state senator backing law enforcement reform won a narrow victory on Tuesday in the Democratic nominating contest for the mayor of Baltimore, as the city recovers a year after rioting sparked by a black man’s death in police custody. The primary election in the mostly African-American city of 620,000 people comes as Baltimore residents confront rising violent crime and unrest sparked by the death of Freddie Gray in April, 2015. The incident stoked a simmering U.S. debate on treatment of minorities by law enforcement officers and prompted the current mayor to decline to seek re-election. While the Republican Party and other parties also held primaries, the Democratic race’s winner almost certainly will win November’s general election because Democrats outnumber Republicans 10 to one in Baltimore, about 40 miles (60 km) northeast of Washington. In the Democratic contest, state Senator Catherine Pugh, the chamber’s majority leader edged out former Mayor Sheila Dixon, 37 percent to 34 percent. Dixon was forced from office in 2010 for allegedly misappropriating gift cards for low-income families. Pugh defeated a field of 13 Democrats vying for the nomination, including DeRay Mckesson, a nationally known activist with the Black Lives Matter movement that sprang up after police killings of minorities in U.S. cities. Mckesson logged 12 percent of the vote. Pugh, Dixon, Mckesson and Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake are African-Americans. Pugh, who co-chaired a legislative working group on law enforcement reform, has called for greater accountability for Baltimore police and the use of mobile units to help residents find jobs. Voters said they hoped the election would bring positive change to the port city. At 7.1 percent, Baltimore’s jobless rate is above the national average, and the city has been hit by a surge in murders. “I think it’s a very important election. It’s time for change,” retiree Diane McCants, 67, said at a polling place in West Baltimore. Tyrone Forney, a 52-year-old voter in northeast Baltimore, said the mayor’s race was critical. “We need new faces, new ideas,” he said. The onetime steelmaking city exploded into world headlines a year ago after Gray, 25, died from a broken neck suffered in police custody. His death sparked protests and a day of rioting. Six police officers - three black and three white - have been charged in Gray’s death. Rawlings-Blake, the mayor since 2010, came under fire for her handling of the crisis. She said in September that she would not seek re-election.
Honest to god I thought this said 'food' : 99 flood warnings and 23 severe flood warnings in place in England
KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Sudan regrets that the United States has placed it on a list of states not doing enough to combat human trafficking, the foreign ministry said on Thursday, a week before Washington was due to announce a decision on lifting sanctions against the country. It said Washington had not appreciated the big steps Khartoum had made to alleviate the plight of victims of human trafficking. The United States has said it is deciding whether to lift a raft of penalties imposed first over Khartoum s perceived support of global terrorism and later its violent suppression of rebels in Darfur. The deadline for that decision is Oct. 12 and Sudan expects the economic sanctions will be lifted. But the White House said last Saturday that it had ordered a group of countries, including Iran, Venezuela and Sudan, to be added to a U.S. list of countries accused of failing to crack down on human trafficking. The Foreign Ministry expresses its regret over the United States administration s Sept. 30 decision to put Sudan on a list of states accused of not doing enough to limit human trafficking instead of highlighting the massive efforts being made, it said in a statement. Sudan had built shelters for victims and provided support, as well as made strides toward policing its borders, the ministry said. It called on the United States to provide it with support in order to help it further improve its efforts.
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Spain s EU partners fear a mounting crisis over Catalans latest push for independence, and their public support for Mariano Rajoy belies some disquiet that the conservative prime minister s hardline tactics might backfire. Few foreign leaders will speak out on a domestic dispute in which government and courts in Madrid say the Catalan regional authorities in Barcelona are defying a constitutional ban on secession by preparing an independence referendum for Oct. 1. The official European Union line is that Spanish democracy works and Spaniards should settle their affairs according to national laws. But the worsening standoff, with police arresting elected Catalan officials this week, is troubling officials and politicians abroad, who fear it may hurt Europe in various ways. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, through a spokesman, echoed that line when asked by Reuters if she had had recent contact on the matter with Rajoy, a fellow conservative. While stressing it was an internal Spanish matter , the spokesman also recalled that Merkel had in previous years told Rajoy that Berlin had great interest in the maintenance of stability in Spain . Less constrained by diplomatic protocol, other Europeans are starting to speak out: Rajoy has put a lot of oil on the fire, fuelling the independentist debate. He has made a huge mistake, Ska Keller, the German co-leader of the Greens in the European Parliament, told Reuters as she called on those who may have influence with Rajoy to intercede and calm things down. While publicly refusing to take sides on whether a Catalan breakaway is desirable, few European leaders would welcome it. As with the 2014 referendum in Scotland, which unlike Catalonia s vote was held with the blessing of the central government in London, countries fear encouraging separatists at home: Belgium s Flemings, Italy s Lombards and so on. There is also a broader unwillingness as Britain exits from the EU to open another Pandora s box of economic uncertainty and legal disruption. The EU s chief executive, Jean-Claude Juncker, was irked when Catalans seized on a remarks last week that they could join the EU after independence to suggest he favored their cause. The European Commission president said he had only reiterated the so-called Prodi doctrine , dating back 13 years. This is that a breakaway state would have to leave the Union and could then only be let back in if it has gained independence in accordance with constitutional law in the member state it left. Juncker also said that rich regional traditions should not become elements of separatism and fragmentation of Europe . Commission officials reject suggestions they are giving Madrid a soft ride on complaints that Spain s constitution is stifling Catalan rights while the EU is now threatening to suspend Poland over the Warsaw government s plans for constitutional change. The Commission feels constrained by EU law not to take sides in Spain. But the European Parliament, led by the European People s Party (EPP), the center-right bloc to which Rajoy, Merkel and Juncker belong, is more vocal in backing Madrid. Antonio Tajani, the legislature s Italian conservative president, bluntly told a Catalan newspaper last week that to ignore Spain s constitution was to undermine the legal basis for the whole European Union: Those are the rules, he said. This is not a tough line, this is a democratic and a legal line, the EPP s Spanish Secretary-General Antonio Lopez-Isturiz said, noting that Catalans voted for the constitution in 1978. The EU legislature s center-left group also backs the view that Spain s constitution must be respected above all. Nonetheless, that legal approach is causing disquiet. There are growing concerns in Europe about the way Rajoy is handling this, said Steven Blockmans of the Centre for European Policy Studies. They re trying to keep him on board, but with his tactics he s fuelling the independence debate. Blockmans suggested Spain look at how his native Belgium had amended its constitution to devolve power. The leader of Belgium s powerful Dutch-speaking Flanders region issued a call on Thursday for international mediation in the Catalan crisis. Andrew Duff, a British liberal former EU lawmaker now at the European Policy Centre think-tank, said EU leaders should be engaging quietly with Rajoy to try to soften the sense of crisis . If they are already, they are not making it public. Rajoy hasn t played this very cleverly, Duff said. From Brussels perspective, this kind of domestic constitutional crisis cries out for political sophistication of a very high level, which we haven t yet seen, either from the Catalans or from Madrid. It puts the Commission in a very awkward position. A senior EU official said Juncker was likely to go on exercising his right to stay largely silent on the issue for now: It s like in those police shows, he said. Anything you say can be held against you. It s better not to say anything.
Video of Pastor speaking about Hurricane Dorian's wrath of Abaco Island, Bahamas. Heartbreaking If you had food, water, clothing & shelter today w/o giving it much thought...just know you are blessed! Praying for those in the islands of The Bahamas https://youtu.be/j26m9Rd9RrY 
"Airbnb offering free housing to Hurricane Dorian evacuees and relief workers" Please share with your networks. https://www.miamiherald.com/news/weather/hurricane/article234632627.html …
Marlboro County animal shelter preparing for possible impact from Hurricane Dorian - http://wpde.com  - https://www.bruning.com/news/2019/08/marlboro-county-animal-shelter-preparing-for-possible-impact-from-hurricane-dorian-wpde-com/ …
Earlier this week, 21WIRE reported on President Trump s recent ban on transgender persons in the US Military. Predictably, the White House announcement triggered an uproar from Hollywood s progressive alliance and LGBT lobby. US Army whistlerblower Bradley Manning, who later changed his name to Chelsea Manning and is in the process of trying to change his sex to female, tweeted this:The following video was posted by USArmy Drill Sergeant John Burk, where he explains a number of practical issues at play in this debate which are being avoided by America s hopelessly politicized media. WATCH:. READ MORE POLITICALLY CORRECT NEWS AT:21st Century Wire PC FilesSUPPORT OUR WORK BY SUBSCRIBING & BECOMING A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
@harry_styles trapped in shelter for hurricane sandy, thank god we still have power bc 'little things' is really calming us down #thanks
What the heck is going on over at FOX News, the cable news network that used to be the only place on TV that Americans could go to for truth?Sean Hannity is one of the few conservative voices with a massive audience who is willing to stick his neck out and risk his career to get the truth out behind the murder of 27-year old DNC staffer Seth Rich.After the notorious hacker Kim Dot.com tweeted about his claim to have evidence that Seth Rich was the person who sent the DNC emails to Wikileaks, Sean Hannity responded to him. Hannity even asked Dotcom to appear on his show, hoping that he would reveal evidence that Seth Rich was the person who sent the DNC emails to Wikileaks, and NOT the Russians.Here was the first email from Kim Dotcom where he claims to have known Seth Rich and that Rich was the Wikileaks source. Dotcom also claims he was involved in the email exchange.I knew Seth Rich. I know he was the @Wikileaks source. I was involved. https://t.co/MbGQteHhZM Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) May 20, 2017Sean Hannity responded to Kim Dotcom s tweet:You are the evidence? Can you explain that in more detail? https://t.co/9oOP3mYOn9 Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) May 20, 2017Hannity then invited Kim Dotcom to appear on his show and share the evidence he has that Rich was the DNC leaker with his audience:Stay tuned. Public invitation Kim Dotcom to be a guest on radio and TV. #GameChanger Buckle up destroy Trump media. Sheep that u all are!!! https://t.co/3qLwXCGl6z Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) May 20, 2017Kim Dotcom applauded Hannity for pursuing the Rich case:Congress, investigate Seth Rich Murder! @JulianAssange made comments u need to listen to! If Seth was wiki source, no Trump/Russia collusion https://t.co/QPHZwypU34 Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) May 22, 2017The flailing cable network station FOX News, that just fell into 3rd place in the ratings after firing their top host Bill O Reilly, made a public statement today about Sean Hannity s investigation into the murder of Seth Rich and the possibility that he was the DNC leaker.From FOX News:On May 16, a story was posted on the Fox News website on the investigation into the 2016 murder of DNC Staffer Seth Rich. The article was not initially subjected to the high degree of editorial scrutiny we require for all our reporting. Upon appropriate review, the article was found not to meet those standards and has since been removed.We will continue to investigate this story and will provide updates as warranted.After FOX News disavowed the Seth Rich story, liberal rag The Daily Beast published a story with unnamed sources at FOX News who were embarrassed by Sean Hannity pursuing this story, claiming he had no evidence .Sean Hannity re-tweeted their baseless, nameless story here:Very interesting. My heart is not troubled in the least. Night all. https://t.co/MgOow2XVYu Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) May 23, 2017It s interesting how leftist publications are circling conservative media like a bunch of vultures trying to shut down anyone who questions the Seth Rich DNC emails connection to Wikileaks, calling it embarrassing because there is no evidence , yet they ve been carrying on with an investigation into Trump-Russia collusion during the election that has not yielded an ounce of evidence. But that s somehow not embarrassing? Sorry hypocrites, you can t have it both ways Haha Shocking. "Anonymous sources" again!! Name names!!Maybe these anonymous people can work at @CNN and help with Fake News. Or I can .. https://t.co/1PCHjEjnC7 Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) May 23, 2017Hannity also tweeted about the media hypocrisy here:And if you dare ASK AN HONEST QUESTION, now it's a "conspiracy theory with, NO PROOF". Greatest hypocrisy ever. STAY TUNED! Busy week. https://t.co/Or7zCqZOFl Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) May 23, 2017Sean Hannity to his credit, has stayed the course and is sticking his neck out to get the truth out about Seth Rich. Only a few hours ago, Hannity tweeted about his bombshell announcement about Seth Rich tonight, and curiously, he also tweeted about his future at FOX! Who s pulling the strings at FOX these days? Huge announcement tonight about Seth Rich, Trump/Russian Collusion corrupt media, the liberal effort to silence me. And my future at Fox! Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) May 23, 2017Did George Soros get to the liberal Murdoch brothers? It would appear that Hannity may be suggesting they are in this tweet:I said publicly over and over to the Rich Family they are in my thoughts and prayers. I m trying to find the truth as the Mom Dad bro asked https://t.co/op11hVRlWW Sean Hannity (@seanhannity) May 23, 2017The more attention the Seth Rich case gets, the more the left is freaking out. Watch sanctimonious and as far as we know, the jobless Keith Olbermann (he lists his job as a GQ correspondent in his Twitter profile) tell his massive audience on Twitter (only 169 people liked his video) that Seth Rich was murdered in a botched robbery . Sorry Keith Bozo, but when nothing of value is stolen from the body of the person you were robbing it s not really considered a robbery. NEW VIDEO: If you're one of the scum selling this Seth Rich story to deflect from this scum Trump: Burn In Hell pic.twitter.com/6Iut1RB8av Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) May 22, 2017The left will stop at nothing to keep this story out of the news and to keep the focus on a Trump-Russia narrative that to date, has not provided one shred of actual evidence to their claim. Tonight could be a make it or break it night for Sean Hannity and his career with FOX News. No matter what happens on Hannity s show tonight, he s a hero in our eyes for at least pursuing the possibility that something other than the contrived Trump-Russia narrative put forth by the Democrats and their allies in the media could actually be the truth Here s to Hannity making conservatives proud again!
Powerlines down over tram on GC Highway. Passengers have just been evacuated @9NewsBrisbane @9NewsGoldCoast http://t.co/KD3Qsakbi5
Basing it on the reporting that went on during Hurricane Katrina. They labeled minorities as looters & whites were merely looking for food
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Deputy U.S. Attorney General Rod Rosenstein will conduct a classified briefing on Thursday, May 18 for the full U.S. Senate on President Donald Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey, a spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Monday. The top Democrat in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, said in a statement he hoped senators would use the briefing at 2:30 p.m. EDT (1830 GMT) to seek the “full truth” about Comey’s dismissal, press Rosenstein “to make way” for a special prosecutor and ensure the administration preserves and makes public any audio recordings of his conversations with Comey. Critics have assailed Trump for abruptly firing Comey, who was leading the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s probe into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. election and possible ties between Moscow and the Trump campaign. Russia denies it sought to interfere in the election. Trump has dismissed such talk as little more than sour grapes by Democrats who cannot accept his upset victory on Nov. 8. Democrats have been calling for a special prosecutor or select committee to investigate, saying getting to the bottom of foreign interference in the U.S. election is too important to leave to potentially partisan committees in Congress. Comey’s firing last week added to the worries, and even some of Trump’s fellow Republicans have expressed concern about the timing of his dismissal. The top Democrat in the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, said she has asked Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan to request a similar briefing for the House. There was no immediate word from Ryan’s office. However, administration officials typically do not conduct such briefings for only one of the two chambers.
If you re keeping track, so far, Donald Trump has screwed up two military missions, his plan to repeal and replace Obamacare, his tax plan, and now, Easter.Just days before Christians most holy day, the Trump White House still is not preoared for the annual easter egg hunt on the White House lawn. While this is symbolic, it s a big symbol.The Sunday tradition is 138 years old, and as Melinda Bates, the Easter event organizer behind President Bill Clinton s eight times as host, told The New York Times, It s the single most high-profile event that takes place at the White House each year, and the White House and the first lady are judged on how well they put it on. From her perspective, the outcome of the event is an indication of the administration s inner workings.Source: SalonFor this we can blame the First Lady no, not the First Daughter First Lady Melania. First Ladies have a job in this country and the Easter Egg hunt is one of them. Her refusal to leave her comfy home in Manhattan means thousands of children, including children of military personnel, could go without a favorite Easter pasttime.Some even took to reaching out to the FLOTUS on the one place they know they can find her husband: Twitter:@FLOTUS @realDonaldTrump @POTUS @MELANIATRUMP @IvankaTrump FYI manufacturing deadlines for the Easter eggs are near. Please reach out! pic.twitter.com/D78YqWVPBi Wells Wood Turning (@WellsTurning) February 20, 2017This event is actually pretty huge. About 4,000 school children receive tickets every year and about 3,000 children of military familes. They may all be disappointed. Unfortunately, the Trump administration has not reached out about it, Ashley Broadway-Mack, the president of the American Military Partner Association told the Times. Congress members have also not been contacted about tickets for their constituents.Because of this, the event has been cut in half and they ll only have about 1/5th of the security, and it s all because the First Lady has been neglegent in even staffing her office. She named a chief of staff and social secretary in early February but has yet to announce a director for the Visitors Office, normally the crucial player in the daunting execution of the event, the Times reported.The vacant positions are cause for concern, according to Bates. I m really concerned for the Trump people. This thing is all hands on deck. In her defense, this is all par for the course for the Trump administration, whose motto just seems to be wing it and hope things don t get too screwed up. Featured image via Mark Wilson/Getty Images.
HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s incoming president Emmerson Mnangagwa has called on citizens to remain peaceful and desist from any form of vengeful retribution , days after Robert Mugabe resigned from power. Mnangagwa s supporters were angered by his dismissal early this month, a move that triggered the military to intervene. Some of the supporters have been calling for unspecified action against the G40 group that backed Mugabe and his wife.
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When asked why they re protesting, these foolish young rioters responded with, Because it s a community kind of thing. and Right now is how you gotta show your support for someone else. These young lawless radicals and others just like them across the United States, with no direction or understanding of who they re harming with their violent behavior, helped to convince Americans why it was so important to vote for a President who promised to restore law and order in America.More than 70 percent of the 112 protesters arrested in Portland last week didn t vote in Oregon, according to state election records. The other approximately 30 percent did cast a ballot in Oregon or in another state.At least seventy-nine demonstrators either didn t turn in a ballot or weren t registered to vote in the state.Following Tuesday s presidential election of Donald Trump, thousands of people took to the streets in downtown Portland for five straight notes. The activity included at least one night that the police declared to be a riot, with more than $1 million in property damage. The bulk of the arrests happened on Friday and Saturday evenings as protesters faced off against police. KGW8
Freeport: Bahamians have rescued victims of Hurricane Dorian with jet skis and a bulldozer as the US Coast Guard, Britain's Royal Navy and a handful of aid groups tried to get food and medicine to survivors and take the most desperate people to safety.... http://bit.ly/2k0vL01 
how do u react when you are within several hundred feet of a massive and destructive tornado protected by only your car
21st Century Wire says The culture wars continue to ramp-up after events in Charlottesville. White House Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson reported on Wednesday that his Virginia home was vandalized by people who also wrote hateful rhetoric about President Trump. We were out of town, but other kind, embarrassed neighbors cleaned up most of the mess before we returned, he said.Carson issued a statement in which he noted a personal experience of an incident which took place after he and is wife previously purchased a farm in Maryland: One of the neighbors immediately put up a Confederate flag. A friend of ours who is an African-American three-star general was coming to visit and immediately turned around concluding that he was in the wrong place. Interestingly, all the other neighbors immediately put up American flags shaming the other neighbor who took down the Confederate flag. In both instances, less than kind behavior was met by people taking the high road We could all learn from these examples. Hatred and bigotry unfortunately still exists in our country and we must all continue to fight it, but let s use the right tools. Unfortunately, Carson s comments were met with a cynical and disrespectful response from the divisive gatekeepers at CNN, who proceeded to insult the African-American Republican cabinet minister. Incredibly, CNN s national political reporter Maeve Reston implied he was lying, saying that Carson s anecdote is worth a FACT-CHECK :This Ben Carson anecdote is worth a fact-check .. https://t.co/CvJSDSkfxW Maeve Reston (@MaeveReston) August 16, 2017Along with the criminal act of vandalism, CNN s attack on Carson also proves that the New Left in America do not accept the presence of an African-American, or black conservative in politics, and will seek to undermine him simply for being in the wrong party. READ MORE CHARLOTTESVILLE NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Charlottesville Files SUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @ 21WIRE.TV
you never predicted it cus you've not been personally affected.I lost my car in the tax day flood and knew a hurricane was dangerous
Hurricane Dorian kills 220 dogs and 50 cats in flooding at a Bahamas animal shelter. http://bit.ly/2ZNNfj2 
God damn it!!! I electrocuted myself ??
GUATEMALA CITY (Reuters) - Guatemala s top court on Tuesday ruled definitively against President Jimmy Morales internationally criticized push to expel the head of a U.N.-backed anti-corruption unit probing his campaign financing. The decision by the Constitutional Court ratifies a provisional ruling that the government could not expel Ivan Velasquez, a veteran Colombian prosecutor who leads Guatemala s International Commission against Impunity, known as CICIG. Morales on Sunday ordered the expulsion of the prosecutor, who has been a thorn in the president s side by investigating his son and brother, and then seeking to remove his own immunity from investigation over more than $800,000 in potentially unexplained campaign funds. He has denied any wrongdoing. Within the United Nations, Velasquez has the rank of assistant secretary general. He is widely respected and the president s moved unleashed a series of resignations from his cabinet and a storm of criticism from Western nations. Earlier in the day, Morales, 48, said he would respect the court s decision, stepping back from brinkmanship he displayed at the weekend when he said the court had overstepped its mandate by ruling on the case. He has sought support from Guatemala s mayors, possibly to try to counter the diplomatic pressure and street protests by activists calling him corrupt. I am not defending corrupt people, I am not against the anti-corruption fight, I am not even against the CICIG. Is a machete good or bad? It depends on who is wielding it, said the former comedian at a meeting with mayors. Morales won office in 2015 running on a platform of honest governance after his predecessor Otto Perez Molina was forced to resign and imprisoned in a multi-million dollar graft case stemming from a CICIG investigation. The United Nations on Tuesday said it was disturbed by Morales moves against Velasquez, while the Geneva-based International Commission of Jurists said failure to comply with the Constitutional Court ruling could constitute obstruction of justice , a criminal offense. The president s decision to declare Ivan Velasquez as non grata and ordering his immediate removal from the country is in clear breach of international law, the ICJ said in a statement. Hundreds of Guatemalans took to the streets on Monday in support of Velasquez, some shouting Take Jimmy Morales to court! Some groups came out in support of the president and against foreign interference. The U.S. ambassador to Guatemala, Todd Robinson, told Reuters the president s moves could put at risk a U.S. development plan in Central America to reduce poverty and crime. There will probably be consequences from the president s decision, Robinson said, while emphasizing that any U.S. measures would have to be carefully thought through so as not to affect the economy or migration to the United States. Many politicians in Guatemala consider the foreign-led body, which is unusual among U.N. bodies for its powers to bring cases to prosecutors, to be a violation of national sovereignty. Anti-corruption activists credit it with cleaning up government.
The “Free Palestine” protest against Israel in London descended into violence on Saturday, with activists attacking police officers with wooden sticks. https://t.co/DctS2BVGv6
If you haven t seen Dinesh D Souza s HILLARY S AMERICA yet, it is a MUST see! Watch here, as Dinesh explains why his historically correct movie casts the truth on the Democrats racist roots, discusses his time in prison and much more THE SOUND STARTS AT THE 1:00 MARK WHEN D SOUZA BEGINS TO SPEAK:
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How socialism and political correctness are destroying a nation We reported about the crime and chaos taking place in France, as Muslim migrants who have no intention of assimilating, have flooded their country. The border town of Calais is a disaster, with migrants camping in the jungle hoping to catch a ride across the border into the UK. France is also seeing a massive increase in rapes and sexual assault crimes by the grateful refugees. Every day 33 rapes are reported in France, that s one every 40 minutes! So far today, 20 have been arrested in French taxi driver, air traffic controller and teacher protests as riots are taking place in 2 major cities. Farmers blocked roads and burned tires, as they protested only yesterday against the prices of dairy and meat products in the province of Brittany. It would appear to the casual observer, that socialism and political correctness are not working out too well for France. What do you think? Taxi drivers in France are blockading roads with burning tires in protest at the low-cost Uber app, resulting in at least 20 arrests. Air traffic controllers are also staging a demonstration, leading to dozens of canceled flights.At least 20 arrests had already been made by 10 a.m. local time, following taxi driver protests around major cities including Paris and Marseille.Drivers blocked roads with burning tires, prompting the arrival of riot police and firefighters. Some drivers had set pre-dawn bonfires which authorities had to put out.Des pneus br lent sur le p riph rique #PorteMaillot pic.twitter.com/CfMyOKhyJQ Paul Louis (@paul_louis11) January 26, 2016Hundreds of taxis, joined by a few from Belgium and Spain, blocked a massive intersection leading into western Paris, causing huge disruption to the area.The taxi drivers are protesting over working conditions and competition from non-traditional services such as Uber.Uber drivers vandalize professionals who are paying taxes, who respect the rules, Rachid Boudjema, president of the taxi drivers union in Marseille, told AP.In response to the protests, Uber sent a message to its French customers which said that the goal of the demonstrations was to put pressure on the government to limit competition. Here is an example of a violent clash today in Paris:Meanwhile, a planned walkout from air traffic controllers prompted the French civil aviation authority, DGAC, to call on airlines to cancel one in five flights.EasyJet said it had cancelled 35 flights, although Air France said it would operate more than 80 percent of its short and medium-haul flights in France and Europe. It did, however, stress that last-minute delays or cancellations cannot be ruled out. Hundreds of thousands of civil servants and teachers also went on strike on Tuesday, protesting against a pay freeze and poor salaries. Teachers are scheduled to march in cities across the country on Tuesday afternoon.It s the newest challenge to Francois Hollande s Socialist government and its stop/start efforts to modernize the economy, in response to low economic growth and record-high unemployment. Earlier this month, Hollande announced what he called a state of economic and social emergency, involving a 2 billion (US$2.1 billion) plan to revive hiring and catch up with the world s economy.The protests come just one day after French farmers demonstrated against the prices of dairy and meat products in the province of Brittany, blocking roads and burning tires. The farmers demanded that prices be increased because the proceeds from their sale don t cover the cost of production. Via: RTWatch shocking video of Calais residents attacked by migrants in front of their home:
John Lester: As a Naval flight officer I held the top secret sensitive compartmentalized information clearance. And that provided me access with materials and information highly sensitive to our war fighting capabilities. Had I communicated this information not following the prescribed protocols I would have been prosecuted and imprisoned. Secretary Clinton, how can you expect those such as myself who are and were trusted with America s most sensitive information to have any confidence in your leadership as president when you clearly corrupted our national security.
@Chic71Smith that's good news. I should have waited for that train. The bus went through that flood. No cars made it lol.
She's like " I have everything BUT food ready for the blizzard"
Just bought another @meinlcymbals 18' medium crash!! Hey @meinlcymbals what about an endorsement! Starting to get expensive!
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner said on Monday the state has the power to block any debt offerings by financially distressed school districts, including the cash-strapped Chicago Public Schools (CPS), which has been dependent on borrowing to fund operations. The Republican governor last week launched a financial probe of the nation’s third-largest public school system through the Illinois State Board of Education. Rauner, who has called for a state takeover of the school district, said the board has the legal authority to block borrowings by districts found to be in financial duress. “The state board has never chosen to do that for the city of Chicago. I hope that never becomes necessary. But we’ve got to be ready to take action,” Rauner told reporters. Rauner’s office pointed to a provision of the school code that it says applies to CPS. The provision prohibits the sale of bonds, notes or other debt by a district certified to be in financial difficulty until a financial plan is approved by the state board of education. CPS Chief Executive Forrest Claypool contended that the authority Rauner seeks to exercise does not apply to CPS, according to a school district spokeswoman. CPS is struggling with a $1.1 billion structural budget deficit, caused largely by escalating annual pension payments that will reach $676 million this fiscal year. The district’s efforts to gain an additional $480 million in state dollars to pay its pension bill have become entangled in an ongoing impasse between Rauner and Democrats who control the legislature. To keep operating in anticipation of $1 billion in property tax revenue next month, CPS turned to short-term borrowing and a $725 million bond sale earlier this month for cash flow. The district said it plans to seek additional short-term borrowing authority from its governing board in the future. Rauner said accusations by Chicago officials that he attempted to derail the Feb. 3 bond sale by pushing for a state takeover or possible bankruptcy for CPS were “completely false.” Skittish investors demanded hefty yields for the “junk”-rated bonds, which will cost the district nearly $1.9 billion to pay off by 2044.
If you ever find yourself struggling to explain to a foreign friend why the U.S. Congress is so universally reviled, look no further than this bit of political cowardice.In an explosive report by The Hill s Alexander Bolton, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell s office freely and openly admitted that his party s legislative goal for the next 11 months is to do absolutely nothing.Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), seeking to protect his majority in a tough cycle for Republicans, is leaning toward holding back several measures that have bipartisan support but are divisive in his conference.Some of these divisive bills that Republicans want to shove under the rug until they win their re-elections? A crucial justice reform bill. A long sought after authorization bill to combat ISIS (Remember when Republicans said they were serious about fighting terrorism? Ha!). A minimum wage increase? Any action on immigration? Nothing. They ll show up to their office to collect their paychecks, hold a few fundraisers, but don t expect them to do their jobs. Not this year.Astoundingly, McConnell s Do Nothing strategy is being praised by fellow Republicans. Here s The Hill again: McConnell is smart to wait on issues that divide us until such time as we can achieve a consensus, said a senior Republican aide. There s no question that some members want to turn to some things sooner than others. But McConnell s duty is to do what s best for the entire conference. Seems what s best for the conference is to focus on the things that unite us. Yeah, sitting on his hands until they go numb, what a hero.But if cowardice permeates every corner of the Republican Party, it s not without reason. For years Republican politicians have been held hostage by a radical fringe of their base that says any bipartisan cooperation means you aren t a true conservative. Just passing a bill to give more support to veterans is considered a betrayal to the party if it means working with Democrats. You accomplish exclusively conservative goals or you don t accomplish anything at all.McConnell, with all the backbone of a snail, isn t taking any chances. He ll wait out the election and hope that voters focus on how his party never once compromised with the enemy, and not, say, on the fact that they hadn t done their jobs for 12 months.How does he plan to cover his tracks? It s shameless but kind of clever. McConnell plans to intentionally slow down and string out the dozen annual appropriations bills. Those can be addressed individually and, if time is properly squandered, can go on pretty much indefinitely. By the end of the year, with 12 appropriations bills in hand, he can brag about having done something. Just not very much.When we think about how the election cycle brings out the worst in politicians, we typically picture the attack ads, the rat race, the pettiness. There s another side: The craven attempt to cling onto jobs by a group of people who demonstrably do not deserve them. It means in this crucial year, when the United States faces a ton of major challenges, Americans will be treated to nothing and all because a few politicians are worried what their most toxic supporters would think if they actually bothered show up to work.Feature image via Gage Skidmore/Flickr
aunt marge you're blown up eheks
Nathan Domingo is the founder of Identity Europa and is the guy who was seen by millions of viewers punching a female Antifa thug the media tried to portray as a helpless woman that just happened to be in the area when fighting broke out at a free speech rally in Berkeley, CA on April 16th.The last time these two group clashed, the Trump supporters were seriously outnumbered. This time was a different story. Trump supporters came prepared for the unprovoked attacks of these hate groups and took them to task. With all the violence that happened yesterday, leftist media outlets seemed to be obsessed with reporting on the video that was taken of an alleged Trump supporter who punched an antifa female who was part of the violent group Oak Roots Collective that traveled to Berkeley to confront Trump supporters and shut down their right to free speech.Here s the video. At the 18 second mark you can see the woman cock her arm back as though she is about to swing her arm at someone. When she brings her arm forward, that is where she gets hit. We are NOT condoning the hitting of a woman by a man, but if she had a bottle in her hand and was about to hit someone that changes everything:CBS San Fransisco Bay Area news interviewed anarchist Louise Rosealma, who along with her boyfriend is a member of the Oak Roots Collective. Here s a sample of the violence they promote on their Facebook page. This is how these people (that should be labeled as domestic terrorists) see themselves. These anarchists live in a world where it s okay to act with violence against law enforcement and innocent people who don t agree with their political views:Here s citizen journalist Tim Pool talking to the Antifa female who was hit. When he asks her if she thinks it s okay that Antifa rioters threw M-80 s at people on the Trump side, her response was, Well, the revolution isn t f*cking easy! (This video was taken after she was hit) Apparently she was correct about one thing For anyone wondering what an identiatrian is, here is a screen shot from the Identity Evropa website:
A snowflake came undone when she had to obey police orders to move along This unhinged liberal went bonkers! It was like watching a 2-year old throw a temper tantrum when they don t get their way. All we can say is WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD!Hmm She was doing what she was told to do. The Conditioning is disgusting Good job NYPD protecting Trump Tower! pic.twitter.com/hgkeVH6x8d PATRIOT 24/7 (@TrumpTrain45Pac) August 15, 2017SHE S ALSO A MEMBER OF THE MAN HATER S CLUB: You roll your eyes because you re f*cking weak! Cuz you know you re wrong. Because you re a man and you know you can roll your eyes at a young woman! Could this woman function in the real world? We think that s a valid question. The anger is coming from where? Is it the indoctrination she possibly received in college or was she also paid to stir up trouble?We think Tucker Carlson should find her and interview her That could be fun
This is my survival food for Hurricane Sandy. This could last me a few days....talk ab @ Ronmeister House http://instagr.am/p/RYmeu-R8Vg/ 
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South African Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa has received the most nominations for leader of the ruling African National Congress (ANC) ahead of a party vote this month, voting data from the country s nine provinces show. Ramaphosa is one of two frontrunners in a closely watched contest to take over from President Jacob Zuma as ANC leader at a party conference starting on Dec. 16. Whoever becomes ANC leader will most likely be the next president of South Africa, owing to the ruling party s electoral dominance. Ramaphosa received 1,862 nominations by ANC branches, whereas his main rival for ANC leader, former cabinet minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, received 1,309 endorsements. Reuters compiled the number of nominations for each candidate based on voting data released by provincial ANC structures. ANC officials in the provinces of Limpopo and KwaZulu-Natal were the last to release their nominations totals on Monday. Ramaphosa, a former trade union leader and millionaire businessman, is seen as more market-friendly than Dlamini-Zuma, who was previously married to Zuma. Signs that Ramaphosa has been doing well in the nominations by ANC branches have boosted the rand currency in recent weeks. However, Dlamini-Zuma could still win the race for ANC leader as analysts say the outcome in December could be swayed by inducements and pressure on conference delegates. Delegates are not bound to vote for the candidate that was nominated by their ANC branch.
Humane Society of Grand Bahama needs assistance with rescue / evacuations of personal and animals. There are 6 people in the shelter!! Is anyone able to help!? Location: Coral Road, Freeport #Freeport #GrandBahama #Bahamas #AnimalRescue #HurricaneDorian #Hurricane #Dorian
If you only attack black conservatives, does that make you exempt from being called a racist? When will Americans stop supporting foreigners like Josh Rogen who openly spout off about about their disdain for conservatives while advocating for gun control in our country?On the eve of the release of Universal s Steve Jobs, star Seth Rogen fired off a hate-tweet at black Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson. Fuck you @realBenCarson, the tweet said. In another tweet, Rogen, a high-profile Hillary Clinton supporter (and Canadian citizen), expressed his anger over comments Carson made about gun control and Nazi Germany.Carson believes Jews might have had a better chance at resisting the Nazi regime had they not been disarmed by that regime in advance. Rogen, who is Jewish, and much of the national media are horrified over the idea of Jews with guns fighting Nazis, something Jews did frequently throughout WWII with scrounged guns.Whether it is kids in classrooms or Jews in Nazi Germany, Carson proved this week that if you want to enrage a Leftist, suggest that they might have been better off had they been in a position to fight back.The social media backlash against both Rogen and his upcoming film was immediate, and some 12 hours later, even though it is very early in the morning, is still intense.Here is Rogan s vulgar tweet:A search of tweets containing only Seth Rogen s names finds that almost all of them are critical of the comedian s attack on Carson, many accusing Rogen of outright racism. The venomous, dehumanizing attacks black conservatives face from leftists like Rogen have been well-documented going back to Clarence Thomas. Via: Breitbart News
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - The most worrying thing about James Hodgkinson, experts on violent extremism say, is how unremarkable the 66-year-old home inspector from Illinois seemed until he opened fire on Republican lawmakers as they played baseball. Violent clashes between left-wing and right-wing groups at rallies and protests around the country have increased since the election of President Donald Trump in November. Experts say detecting and heading off anti-government attacks from people driven by political ideology is increasingly difficult because of the abundance of partisan rancor, particularly on social media. Hodgkinson wrote a series of strident messages against Trump and other Republicans on his Facebook account. But so have many other Americans as politics have become more polarized in recent years, particularly since the divisive 2016 presidential election campaign. None of Hodgkinson’s posts suggested he would end up opening fire at a baseball field outside Washington on Wednesday morning. He wounded a top Republican lawmaker, a Congressional aide, a lobbyist, and a Capitol police officer before being shot himself. He later died from his wounds. In one Facebook post, Hodgkinson wrote: “Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It’s Time to Destroy Trump & Co.” However, there is no evidence so far that he was linked to any radical or violent groups. Like millions of other Americans, he supported Senator Bernie Sanders, an independent who sought the Democratic presidential nomination and condemns violence. Steve Bongardt, who worked until 2015 as an FBI special agent focusing on threat detection, said traditional counter-terrorism tools such as behavioral profiling and surveillance are less effective because so many otherwise harmless people post virulent messages on social media. “The problem isn’t that behavioral profiles don’t work. The problem is the utility of them, because they give us so many false positives,” said Bongardt, who now heads The Gyges Group, a security firm. Mark Pitcavage, a senior research fellow in the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism, said the intensity of emotions on both sides of the political divide could be dangerous. “When you have people with basically mainstream opinions so worked up that they’re willing to commit acts of actual violence, it illustrates in a very stark way how divided our country is right now,” Pitcavage said. A spokesman for the Justice Department said the department is considering a possible statute to target “ideologically motivated crimes of violence” from radical groups or individuals inside the country. Jerry Boykin, executive vice president of the conservative Family Research Council, which a gunman attacked in 2012 over its opposition to same-sex marriage, said Wednesday’s shooting showed that both sides need to “tone down their rhetoric.” “This is an opportunity for a fresh start for everybody in a position of leadership, all the way up to the president,” Boykin said. Most political violence in the United States still comes from right-wing groups, according to Brian Levin, director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino. However, the United States also has a history of violence from left-wing groups such as the Weather Underground, which was active in the 1970s. It then eased substantially over the past three decades but has risen again in recent years with violence at protests against globalization, police brutality and the Trump administration, Levin said. Left-wing extremists “might be the junior varsity, but they’re now on the radar screen,” he said. It is too early to say if Hodgkinson’s attack was part of a post-election trend of left-wing violence, said J.J. MacNab, a fellow specializing in anti-government extremism at George Washington University’s Center for Cyber and Homeland Security. “We are a cycle-of-violence country. It looks like we may be going into a left-wing phase now, but I’m not sure the violent right-wing is ready to shut up yet,” MacNab said.
Oscar-winning actress Sandra Bullock is set to play Wendy Davis, or more commonly known to conservatives as, Abortion Barbie . When radical feminist Wendy Davis decided to make her gubenatorial campaign about killing babies, conservatives wasted no time outing her, and her radical agenda for the state of Texas. While attending a fundraiser in Los Angeles during her campaign for governor in the state of Texas, Davis was greeted by life size Abortion Barbie posters created by conservative artist Sabo .The Texas Democratic state senator who became a progressive darling after filibustering an abortion bill in 2013.Davis donned pink running shoes and filibustered for more than 11 hours on June 25, 2013, successfully blocking Senate Bill 5. The bill, among other measures, banned abortion after 20 weeks. WFBDavis got the unflattering nickname during her infamous filibuster. Thanks to conservative writer and Red State editor Erick Erickson, Davis will forever be known as Abortion Barbie. The moniker is a bit insulting but apropos given her steadfast defense of abortion on demand.Davis lost the race to the very popular conservative candidate, Republican Governor Greg Abott in a landslide.According to Variety, Sandra Bullock will star in the spec Let Her Speak as Texas senator Wendy Davis, whose 11-hour filibuster helped stall an anti-abortion bill in the Texas state house.Todd Black and Jason Blumenthal are on board to produce through their Escape Artists banner.
Plains All American Pipeline company may have spilled 40% more crude oil than previously estimated #KSBYNews @lilitan http://t.co/PegibIqk2w
Rly tragedy in MP: Some live to recount horror: ‰ÛÏWhen I saw coaches of my train plunging into water I called ... http://t.co/0Xh758OnUP
Lmao somewhere along the drainage at work there’s a clogged pipe. Wash a car & the shop starts to flood.
@ahhtheenikki And from what I can tell- they responded to today's gunman quickly and were able to evacuate all the ppl so no one was shot.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Most Americans want the media to present facts in news stories without adding interpretation, a Pew Research Center survey said on Friday amid a debate in the media about its role in covering Donald Trump’s unconventional presidential campaign. Journalists face the issue of how much guidance they should provide to help their audiences make sense of the news. The question is especially keen after the 2016 election when the media grappled with challenging false statements made by Republican Trump in his campaign against Democrat Hillary Clinton. Fifty-nine percent of U.S. adults reject the idea of adding interpretation, saying that the news media should present the facts alone, the survey showed. Four in 10 favored adding some interpretation to the facts. “Although the public prefers the news media to present ‘just the facts,’ they may not even agree on what the facts are,” Pew said in a statement. In the same survey, 81 percent of registered voters said that most supporters of Clinton and Trump not only disagreed over plans and policies, but also disagreed on basic facts. Voters who supported Trump, now the president-elect, favored a “just the facts” approach by 71 percent to 29 percent. Clinton supporters were evenly split on the issue. The survey showed strong support for fact-checking by the media. The election campaign saw a proliferation of fake news sites and articles on social media competing with news published by traditional media, although this was not included in the survey. Eighty-one percent of those who prefer facts without interpretation believe fact-checking is a major or minor responsibility of the news media. Among those who prefer interpretation, 83 percent think fact-checking is a responsibility. The survey of 4,132 adults was conducted from Sept. 27 to Oct. 10, before Election Day. The margin of error is 2.8 percentage points.
Trump s Department of Education is delaying action on requests for student loan forgiveness from those whose money was stolen by the scams that are for-profit universities while they work to erase everything Obama tried to do to protect those very same students. The Trump administration, while claiming they re draining the swamp, has brought more of the swamp into the federal government than anyone, and the people working at DOE are sympathetic to these scam universities, not their victims.It s true that a lack of action isn t the same as telling students defrauded by these places that they ll have to continue making their payments or face the consequences. However, that same lack of action is harming students and their families who are on the hook for loans they took out on false promises they d be able to get good jobs with their degrees. They re now stuck in a limbo that s teetering towards the for-profit education scam.Corinthian Colleges and ITT Technical Institute both closed their doors under President Obama, who forgave more than $600 million in loans to their students. That s $600 million in stolen money for which students were off the hook. But that was Obama, who tried to do things that helped ordinary Americans even in the face of unprecedented GOP obstruction. Trump and his administration?Everything they do favors the few over the many, even when it includes stealing, which is what misrepresenting yourself and taking people s money based on that misrepresentation is.Trump himself has been sued more than once over his fraudulent Trump University because that program was literally nothing but lies built upon lies. Trump U. took people s money and gave them nothing in return. Other for-profit universities promise students jobs in their fields within just a few months of graduation, but charge exorbitant tuition and have a history of forcing students to forfeit their right to sue as well as making promises they can t back up.Obama tried to eliminate the arbitration clauses for-profit universities were forcing on their students. Betsy DeVos, Trump s education secretary, says that students shouldn t be the victims of fraud, but also said that certain standards protecting students were unfairly applied.So DOE is allegedly working to change that. But since Trump himself operated a scam university, it s only natural that he and his administration are going to see the profit side of things more than they will the defrauded-student side of things. Fraud is nothing more than another way to put dollars in their pockets, and it s clear that they d rather help scams rake in even more money than help real people.Featured image via Mark Wilson/Getty Images
The NHC is advising that Abaco Island residents take immediate shelter, as this is a life-threatening situation. Hurricane Dorian is moving with 175 mph sustained winds and gusts over 200 mph. MORE: http://bit.ly/2LgIWDC https://twitter.com/NHC_Atlantic/status/1168156364687855621 …
No Food, No FEMA: Hurricane Michael’s Survivors Are Furious https://thebea.st/2IV0u6C?source=twitter&via=desktop … via @thedailybeast
@Cameron_WATE Parents of Colorado theater shooting victim fear copycat massacre http://t.co/LvlH3W3aWO #Antioch http://t.co/vIwXY1XDYK
Hurricane Matthew Wreaks Havoc On Haiti: Over 800 Feared Dead: Thousands are without food, shelter and… http://m.tbnn.it/MQ3Jcl 
LONDON (Reuters) - A public inquiry into a fire that killed at least 80 people at London s Grenfell Tower will get to the truth about the tragedy, its chairman pledged on Thursday, but critics said survivors of the blaze were still being failed. The 24-storey social housing block, home to a poor, multi-ethnic community, was gutted on June 14 in an inferno that started in a fourth-floor apartment in the middle of the night and quickly engulfed the building. Grenfell Tower was part of a deprived housing estate in Kensington and Chelsea, one of the richest boroughs in London, and the disaster has prompted a national debate about social inequality and government neglect of poor communities. The inquiry started with a minute s silence to honor the victims, whose exact number remains unknown because of the devastation inside the tower. (The inquiry) can and will provide answers to the pressing questions of how a disaster of this kind could occur in 21st century London, its chairman, retired judge Martin Moore-Bick, said in his opening statement. He said the inquiry was not there to punish anyone or to award compensation, but to get to the truth. A separate police investigation is underway, which could result in manslaughter charges. There have been no arrests. The inquiry will examine the cause and spread of the fire, the design, construction and refurbishment of the tower, whether fire regulations relating to high-rise buildings are adequate and whether they were complied with. It will also look at the actions of the authorities before and after the tragedy. But critics warned of a disconnect between the technical, legalistic inquiry process and the ongoing ordeal of traumatized former Grenfell Tower residents still awaiting new homes. Prime Minister Theresa May pledged that all families whose homes were destroyed in the fire would be rehoused within three weeks, but three months later most still live in hotels. Just three out of 197 households that needed rehousing have moved into permanent homes, while 29 have moved into temporary accommodation. We lost everything. It s difficult for the other people to be in our shoes, Miguel Alves, who escaped his 13th-floor apartment in Grenfell Tower with his family, told the BBC. Now I m without anything, I m in the hotel, I have to cope with my family. My daughter, she just started school. They need some stability and that I cannot give to my family, he said. Emma Dent Coad, a member of parliament from the opposition Labour Party who represents the area, said the inquiry s remit was too narrow and would fail to address the blaze s deeper causes such as failings in social housing policies. She also criticized the choice of venue for Moore-Bick s opening statement, a lavishly decorated room in central London. We were sitting in a ballroom dripping with chandeliers. I think it was the most incredibly inappropriate place to have something like that, and actually says it all about the us-and-them divide that people see, she told the BBC. Many of those affected have also expressed disquiet about the fact that Moore-Bick and the other lawyers appointed to run the inquiry are all white and part of a perceived establishment far removed from their own circumstances. The experience of many residents of that tower is that they were ignored because of their immigration status, lawyer Jolyon Maugham, who is advising some residents, told the BBC. We need someone on the inquiry team that can speak to that experience and at the moment on the panel we have a bunch of white privileged barristers, he said. One of the difficulties facing the inquiry is that it needs former residents to give evidence but some fear possible deportation. The government has said it would grant a 12-month amnesty to anyone affected by the fire who was in Britain illegally. Supporters say only permanent residency rights will persuade people to come forward.
HAVANA (Reuters) - An association of Cuban businesswomen has asked to meet with Republican Senator Marco Rubio of Florida to explain the impact on the country’s nascent private sector of rolling back a detente in U.S. relations. Rubio, a Cuban-American politician who advocates a “no contact” policy with the Communist-run island, has advised President Donald Trump on Cuba policy and welcomed his reversal of the Obama administration’s efforts at a rapprochement. “The current situation has us very worried and we would like to share our personal histories and perspective from Cuba,” the association, which represents women who own small businesses, said in a letter to Rubio last month. The entrepreneurs took advantage of an economic opening under President Raul Castro to build businesses, which they said took off as more Americans visited Cuba from 2015 in the wake of the detente. Now, they say those businesses are imploding. They would like Rubio, who was born in the United States and has never been to Cuba, to visit the Caribbean island and witness the impact of U.S. policy. “We want to invite him or part of his team to come and learn about Cuba, the Cubans here and our businesses,” said Niuris Higueras, owner of the Atelier restaurant in Havana, where she said business is down 60 percent from a year ago. The association said Rubio’s office had not responded to their letters but they would continue to seek a meeting. His office did not respond to requests for comment. Rubio welcomed Trump’s announcement in June that he would reverse former President Barack Obama’s policies in Cuba until democracy was restored but he said this month that new restrictions on business and travel did not go far enough. The entrepreneurs say they speak for much of Cuba’s private sector, which employs 600,000 of the island’s 11 million people. “We began to have a lot of cancellations after President Trump in June made his statement ending Obama’s policy,” said Nidialys Acosta, who runs a business renting vintage U.S. automobiles, Nastalgicar. “People said they were scared and uncertain.” Julia de la Rosa, who runs a 10 room bed and breakfast, said rentals were down 20 percent in October and she expected a further decline as new U.S. regulations on individual travel kick in this month. The new rules limit individual travel, make group visits more onerous and ban Americans from doing business with or patronizing 180 Cuban military-run businesses and their products. “We are not asking for anything. Simply that they do not take from us the opportunity to keep working,” de la Rosa said.
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin wants good news. The Russian leadership has told major companies to supply it with news stories that put its stewardship of the country in a positive light, according to documents seen by Reuters. A seven-page document spelled out the kind of articles required, with a focus on new jobs, scientific achievements and new infrastructure, especially those involving state support. It also detailed how the stories should be presented, and gave a weekly deadline for submissions. The instructions were sent last month by the energy ministry to 45 companies in Russia s energy and utilities sector including Rosneft, Lukoil and Novatek, according to a second document, a list of recipients. The drive coincides with the run-up to a presidential election in March next year when President Vladimir Putin needs a strong mandate with high turnout to maintain his firm grip on power after dominating Russian politics for two decades. Life for the majority of people has become calmer, more comfortable, more attractive. But many such examples often escape the media s attention, said the first document. Our task, through a creative and painstaking approach, is to select such topics and subjects and offer them to the media. That document, which did not mention the election, said the news items to be supplied were to feed a positive news wire and should correspond to two themes: Life is getting better and How things were; how they are now . Both documents were attached to an invitation, dated Oct. 9, sent by the energy ministry to senior executives in the public relations and government relations departments of the firms, of which 17 are state-controlled and 28 privately-held. The invitation requested they send representatives to an Oct. 12 meeting at the ministry in Moscow to discuss how to help the government s PR effort. Reuters saw a copy of the invitation and spoke to three executives who received it. According to the invitation, the news initiative was requested by Sergei Kiriyenko, the first deputy chief of staff in the presidential administration. A spokesman for Kiriyenko did not respond to a request for comment. The energy ministry also did not respond, nor did Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov. Reuters sent requests for comment to the biggest five companies out of the 45, by market value - state-owned oil major Rosneft, state-owned gas giant Gazprom, private oil companies Lukoil and Surgutneftegaz, and private gas firm Novatek. No responses were received. NINE-POINT LIST Oil and gas provide Russia s biggest source of revenue and energy firms are among the most powerful companies and biggest employers. Reuters has not found evidence that similar instructions were sent to companies in other sectors. The Oct. 12 meeting was chaired by Deputy Energy Minister Anton Inyutsyn, and an official from the presidential administration was also present, according to one of the sources who attended. The two officials went through and explained the instructions laid out in the seven-page document, said the source, who added that the election was not mentioned. Reuters reported in February that the ministry had enlisted energy companies to give it advance notice about developments that could influence public opinion. The meeting last month and the guidelines circulated in preparation for it show that, since then, the initiative has stepped up into a higher gear, with companies being handed highly specific instructions on how they are expected to help. It was not clear if the companies had acted on the instructions. The news guidelines document said the government wanted to highlight victories and achievements . It included a nine-point list of the kind of news that companies should supply. It asked, for example, for stories about business units where it s possible to say that state support helped lift them out of crisis, restored modern production, and re-equipped them with new equipment and gave work to local residents . Examples given of the kind of events of interest to the government from elsewhere in the corporate world included state lender Sberbank hiring 700 people in the Volga river city of Togliatti, a festival funded by a company in Kaliningrad region for young people with hearing difficulties and a sports center being opened in Cherkessk, southern Russia. The document also held up the case of Yevgeny Kosmin as an example of a positive news story, a miner in western Siberia whose team extracted 1.6 million tonnes of coal in July this year, a monthly record. That carried echoes of Alexey Stakhanov, a miner who in 1935 extracted almost 15 times more coal during a shift than his quota required. Communist propaganda held Stakhanov up as a symbol of Soviet industrial prowess. The instructions stipulated that companies should submit positive news stories every week - on the Monday, or Tuesday morning at the latest. They said the companies should present their items in the format of a table, with new additions highlighted in a colored font, and accompanied by a press release that could be passed on to journalists with minimal editing from government officials. The document also required each company to provide a contact person who could provide extra information to journalists, tell TV news crews how to reach the venue to report on an event, and organize access for news crews to the company s sites. Reuters was not able to establish if the Kremlin had made similarly specific demands of companies in the past. Putin has not yet declared his intention to seek re-election. Most Kremlin observers say he will. Opinion polls show he will win comfortably, with many voters crediting him with restoring national pride. The Kremlin s biggest headache with the election, scheduled for next March, is ensuring a strong turnout, say many political analysts. With the economy weak and many people viewing the result as a foregone conclusion, voters may be tempted to stay away from polling stations. A low turnout could undermine Putin s legitimacy in his next term, the analysts say.
Social Media Claims Pastor Joel Osteen Won't Open Megachurch To Shelter Hurricane Victims http://bit.ly/2wQPCDB pic.twitter.com/Jm5h6Unox6
No Food, No FEMA: Hurricane Michael’s Survivors Are Furious https://www.thedailybeast.com/no-food-no-fema-hurricane-michaels-survivors-are-furious …
No Food, No FEMA: Hurricane Michael’s Survivors Are Furious Miles and miles of Florida are obliterated, and residents have been left to fend for themselves with little help from the government. Where are you.
A staggering expos by Newsweek has revealed that the city and surrounding areas of once-great Detroit, are now so polluted that asthmatic people are literally choking to death.Zoe Schlanger s piece for Newsweek follows the story of 38-year-old asthmatic Jacqueline Carson and her 10-year-old son forced to River Rogue, a small town of 7,000 on the edge of Detroit by unaffordable housing anywhere better. Prior to moving to the area, her asthma was a footnote in her life, and since, it has become the headline. She suffers multiple crippling attacks a week, and her lungs feel constantly under assault by the toxic air about her. Air which, Schlanger writes, has to be breathed to be believed: As I drove east from the Detroit airport into River Rouge, she writes, the acrid stench of rotten eggs filled my rental car despite the windows being rolled up against the cold. I kept driving, and the smell acquired notes of burnt plastic and gasoline. If I had been anywhere else, I d have worried that my car was about to burst into flames. But I was in River Rouge, so I knew better. I pulled into a gas station. As soon as I opened my car door, I could feel the air in the back of my throat like a fine spray of gravel.It s dirty in River Rouge, and everybody here knows it. The way the air smells, and the gas flares, coal piles and smokestacks around every corner don t let you forget. There are 52 sites of heavy industry within a 3-mile radius; 22 of these either produce over 25,000 pounds or handle more than 10,000 pounds of toxic chemical waste, putting them on the Environmental Protection Agency s Toxics Release Inventory Program. For years, the area has also been out of compliance for sulfur dioxide, meaning there s more SO 2 a known contributor to asthma in the air than federal rules allow.As with the water crisis in Flint, Michigan is failing to protect its citizens from harm by native industries. Polluting corporations are making the area uninhabitable, while the state stands idly by. As Schlanger uncovered:According to the latest state data, more than 15 percent of Detroit s adults have asthma, a 29 percent higher rate than the rest of Michigan. Detroiters are hospitalized for their asthma three times more frequently than other Michiganders. Being black ups the rate significantly: Black Detroiters are hospitalized for asthma at a rate more than 150 percent that of their white neighborsThese citizens pay their taxes, their mortgages and their rents to live in a place so polluted that people are becoming ill and dying.This is yet another life-critical failure to be added to the expanding list of Michigan s Republican Governor Rick Snyder who now faces a recall petition by Michigan residents who have been made, quite literally sick, by his ultra-right wing policies. The petition has 60 days to gather 790,000 signatures to begin the process of ridding the state of perhaps the worst Governor in its history. Author of the petition, Rev. David Bullock of Detroit s Greater St. Matthew Baptist Church told WJBK: It s not about Democrats. This is not about Republicans. It s not about whites or blacks. It s not about rich or poor. You have all kinds of folks rural citizens, urban citizens, people of faith, people who are atheist, [of varying] sexual orientation we ve got everybody. And you have to ask yourself this question: When everybody agrees, what does that mean? I think that means Rick Snyder s got to go. Let s hope Snyder goes quickly, and the process of repairing the broken state of Michigan can begin in earnest. People s lives and livelihoods depend on it.You can watch a local news report from earlier this year about an increase in emissions from a Detroit factory, and the battle of locals to try to protect themselves and their families.Featured Image via Flickr Creative Commons
A group of college professors have released a report that claims the federal government s attempts to combat sexual harassment are stifling educators free speech on university campuses.The American Association of University (AAUP) found that the current interpretation of the government s Title IX laws which cover sexual harassment have made it hard for professors, especially female professors, to teach their students. Right now, if a student finds something offensive and complains about it, universities immediately open up an investigation into that teacher s actions, no matter how questionable that complaint is.According to the report, the failure of the federal government to make meaningful distinctions between conduct and speech or otherwise distinguish between hostile environment sexual harassment is putting academic freedom and free speech in jeopardy. The general counsel of the association and the chairwoman of the subcommittee who wrote the report, Risa L. Lieberwitz spoke to the NY Times, saying: We need to protect academic speech and the freedom that goes with academic speech, as well as due process. Universities are acting in a way that is overly precipitous as well as applying overly broad definitions of sexual harassment because they are afraid of scrutiny. The report even gives examples to support their claims. One of those was regarding Sociology Professor Patty Adler s class, Deviance in US Society, at the University of Colorado-Boulder. Adler had taught the class for more than twenty years and each semester around five hundred students enrolled in it, but in 2013 some of the students complained that her class constituted sexual harassment :At the conclusion of the term, undergraduate teaching assistants participated in and witnessed role-playing exercises featuring subjects relevant to course material involving the global sex trade: these performances animated character types, such as an Eastern European slave whore, a pimp, a bar whore, and a high-end escort. Adler s Dean offered her a buyout for early retirement and indicated if she did not accept the offer, she could incur penalties up to and including forfeiture of her retirement benefits.Her other option was to return to the classroom but never teach the course again. When students, faculty and advocacy groups found out what was happening they protested the school s ultimatum and eventually the university relented and welcomed her back without any conditions. However, the incident took such a toll on her that she only stayed for one semester and then retired.Professor Adler is not alone, similar incidents have happened all across the country and that is the violation of free speech and academic freedom the AAUP found so troubling. The group is not advocating sexual harassment, they are just asking that the government draw clearer lines between what is and what isn t harassment so that students can be properly educated.Right now, the lines are so blurry that colleges and universities are doing a disservice to the students who pay thousands of dollars for a well-rounded curriculum. Of course, these schools should act if a professor is violating the law, but there is a huge difference between harassment and well, this is an uncomfortable, intellectual topic. Nobody benefits when schools don t use common sense when investigating claims.Featured image via Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images
@SpenceBailey1 flood buddy. thanks :). We still gonna play champions and eat unhealthy food one evening?
I m a political refugee from Iran. I ve been to prison. I ve been under Islamic law. And I know how it starts, and I know how it ends. And it always starts with uh, for some reason unity of the left and Islamists and it scares me. So, I came here to be free. I chose Canada as my second home to live in a free country, and uh, I m beginning to get really scared. Because the way things are going, it looks like they re going to basically appease Islamists, just to not raise any ruckus. They [Islamists] see it as a sign of weakness, so they re [Islamists] are just gong to take more and more Watch:Iranian immigrant warns the West. Islamofascism "always starts with the unity of Leftists & Islamists." https://t.co/vFLOdAYjGL Tarek Fatah (@TarekFatah) March 5, 2017
Commissioner Garcia: Hurricane Matthew could affect DSNY's ability to export waste to SC. Extra rail cars being sent north to prepare.
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish authorities have issued an arrest warrant for a former officer of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) over suspected links to last year s failed coup, the Hurriyet daily said on Friday, in a further blow to troubled U.S.-Turkey ties. The Istanbul prosecutor s office is seeking the detention of Graham Fuller, former vice chairman of the National Intelligence Council and CIA officer in Turkey, on suspicion that he helped to plan the July 2016 coup attempt, Hurriyet said. It said prosecutors had also issued an arrest warrant for Henri Barkey, a prominent Turkey scholar based in the United States, on suspicion of involvement in planning the coup. The Istanbul prosecutor s office declined to comment on the matter. Neither Fuller nor Barkey could immediately be reached for comment. The arrest warrants, if confirmed, will put further strain on relations between NATO allies Turkey and the United States, already at loggerheads over a wide range of issues. Hurriyet said Turkish authorities believed Fuller had left Turkey after the abortive coup, in which rogue soldiers commandeered tanks and helicopters in an attempt to oust President Tayyip Erdogan and his government. It said the warrant marked the first time that Turkish authorities have been able to confirm Fuller s whereabouts before and after the putsch. Erdogan accuses U.S.-based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen and his supporters of organizing the coup, in which more than 250 people were killed. Gulen, a former ally of Erdogan, has condemned the coup and denies any involvement. Turkey has asked the United States to extradite Gulen for trial but U.S. officials say it has failed to provide sufficient evidence to justify such a move, infuriating Erdogan. Turkish authorities have shut down businesses, media outlets and schools belonging to Gulen and have sacked or suspended some 150,000 people including soldiers, journalists, academics and judges over their possible links to his network. Nearly 50,000 people suspected of involvement in the coup have been jailed. Human rights groups and some Western politicians have accused Erdogan of using the crackdown to muzzle dissent in Turkey, but the government says the purges are necessary due to the gravity of the security threats it faces.
LIMA (Reuters) - The Peruvian attorney general s office accused former president Alejandro Toledo on Friday of taking bribes from Brazilian construction firm Camargo Correa SA [PMORRC.UL] in exchange for a lucrative highway contract during his 2001-2006 term. An unnamed state s witness had helped uncover evidence that showed some $3.98 million in payments Camargo made to Toledo through offshore bank accounts controlled by one of Toledo s associates, the attorney general s office said in an emailed statement. Camargo did not immediately respond to requests for comment. In Lima, Toledo s attorney, Heriberto Benitez, said Toledo was innocent of the accusations. I spoke with him yesterday, he said: I didn t take money from anyone, Benitez said to Reuters in a phone interview. Toledo is already wanted in Peru in connection with allegations that he took $20 million in bribes from Odebrecht[ODBES.UL], another privately owned Brazilian builder, for help winning a contract for building a different section of the same highway. Peruvian authorities are seeking Toledo s extradition from the United States. His current whereabouts is unclear, but authorities said in February that he was in California, near his alma mater Stanford University. Following a judge s order in February that he should be held in pre-trial detention, Toledo said he would not return to Peru. He has repeatedly described the probe as political persecution . Last year Odebrecht admitted to paying millions of dollars in bribes in Peru to secure lucrative government contracts over a decade-long period, spurring a far-reaching investigation to determine which officials received them. Odebrecht and Camargo were at the center of Brazil s biggest-ever graft inquiry, known as Operation Car Wash.
Florida man parks Smart car in kitchen over fear Hurricane Dorian would blow it away https://nbcnews.to/2zQ30az 
The other night a tornado took part of my brothers roof off and put it through the back window of his car. That's too close for comfort.
U.S. coronavirus vaccination drive heads to nursing homes https://t.co/0kajmVmVbd
Storm blitzes Traverse City disrupts Management Briefing Seminars: A violent summer storm blitzed through Tra... http://t.co/NKAW9EZqGg
Hurricane Michael hits Florida, some families decide to ride out storm https://www.good4utah.com/news/local-news/hurricane-michael-hits-florida-some-families-decide-to-ride-out-storm/1514260679 … @abc4utah
Suncoast SPCA in Pasco County suffered major flood damage from water main break. Lost pet food. http://www.myfoxtampabay.com/story/23428028/2013/09/13/suncoast-spca …
We hope everyone stays safe through hurricane Irma this weekend! Get supplies, and seek shelter
People in the Carolina's facing hurricane Dorian hurry up and strap windmills to your cars and get out. Might as well add a few solar panels to your hood and trunk. https://twitter.com/JulianCastro/status/1169360323033337857 …
.@GOPLeader Kevin McCarthy claimed California's #wildfires 'produce more #emissions than all of our cars.' Is that true? We checked the #facts: http://bit.ly/2wpYJJt  @PolitiFact @CapRadioNewspic.twitter.com/rxiPwOF0hj
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican chairman of the House Appropriations Committee said on Friday he could not support the healthcare bill, a major blow to Republican efforts to pass the legislation. “Unfortunately, the legislation before the House today is currently unacceptable as it would place significant new costs and barriers to care on my constituents in New Jersey,” said Rodney Frelinghuysen. “In addition to the loss of Medicaid coverage for so many people in my Medicaid-dependent state, the denial of essential health benefits in the individual market raise serious coverage and cost issues.”
Snugs, k bumps,and dabs on me ill even cook you food during the hurricane. Feed you grapes and water lol FWM
If you try to ride out #hurricane #Matthew "just because," I won't attend your funeral or say nice things about you. FU
First my house floods, then my car gets broken into. I guess I saved up all my luck for the perfect wedding and now I've run out.
Lady Gaga Volunteers at Wildfire Shelter After Fleeing Home, Gives Powerful Speech to Survivors https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/lady-gaga-volunteers-wildfire-shelter-193540746.html?.tsrc=fauxdal …
OMG! Gas prices affected by the hurricane!! Up 3 cents last night, 5 cents more before tomorrow!!!... oh wait, I ride a bike... nevermind...
SEOUL (Reuters) - The spokesman for the front runner in South Korea’s upcoming presidential election said on Friday that the deployment of the U.S. THAAD anti-missile defense system should be “immediately suspended” and await a decision by the next government. “As stressed again, the issue of THAAD deployment should be handed over to the next (South Korean) government,” Youn Kwan-suk, a spokesman for Moon Jae-in, said in a statement responding to U.S. President Donald Trump’s remarks during an interview with Reuters that South Korea should pay for the system.
Pro-Abortion Democrat Lawmaker Rashida Tlaib caught on video in profane tirade against President Trump “We’re Going to Go in and Impeach the MOTHER F-----!” If Trump had done this the media would have come unglued. #maga #kag https://t.co/H7px0azYAx
West Nyack Pineview Road railroad crossing off Western Highway. Units on scene of a CSX Train vs. truck no injuries.
Two weeks ago at Middlebury College, Charles Murray needed a safe space literally.In a significant escalation of the campus speech wars, protesters hooted down the conservative scholar in a lecture hall and then roughed up a Middlebury faculty member escorting him to a car.The Middlebury administration commendably tried to do the right thing and stand by Murray s right to be heard, but was overwhelmed by a yowling mob with all the manners and intellectual openness of a gang of British soccer hooligans.The students who brought in Charles Murray framed the evening as an invitation to argue, and in that spirit asked Professor Allison Stanger, a Democrat in good standing, to serve as Murray s interlocutor. When chanting students commandeered the lecture hall, Stanger and Murray repaired to another room for a livestreamed discussion.Protesters found the room and pounded on the windows and pulled fire alarms. When Murray and Stanger exited at the end of the livestream and headed for their getaway car, protesters assailed them. They shoved and grabbed Stanger, who was shaken up and later went to the hospital, and pounded on the car and tried to obstruct it. She was recently diagnosed with a concussion that she suffered during the liberal beating by Middlebury students.Stanger wrote afterward that she feared for my life. And for what offense? Talking to someone who thinks differently than the average Middleburg faculty member or student.Allison Stanger invited Charles Murray, famous for The Bell Curve, to speak at the school. Students were so outraged Murray had to flee for his life, and Stanger got beaten up. Her response?It s Trump s fault!During the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, student Red Guards forced professors to make self-confessions. This situation was clearly different, however, as most of the students were not Chinese.Stanger is smart. She doesn t have to deal with Donald Trump at her school, but she does have to deal with her fellow leftist faculty members and leftist students. She s trying to make kissy-kissy with them so they don t smack her in the head again.If I were in her position, I d probably do the same thing. On the other hand, Vermont is a concealed carry state, so maybe there could be another option when faced with a life-threatening leftist mob.Exit question:1) When someone goes to an emergency room with throbbing head pains and a hardcore leftist worldview, how can an E.R. doctor determine whether the patient has a head injury or simply a very rigid ideological point of view? American ThinkerSo in summary, the leftist professor who s made it her mission to indoctrinate Middlebury students, is now blaming President Trump because those same students she encouraged to think and behave like leftists, behaved in a way that is compatible with how leftists behave. Using violence and threatening behavior to get your way and drown out the opposing voices is nothing new for leftists, they ve just taken it a significant notch since Obama took office 8 years ago.
Donald Trump is NOT going to like this one bit.Saturday Night Live delivered a Christmas episode this week, and the cold-open was an instant classic because it featured the return of Alec Baldwin as Donald Trump.Baldwin s Trump openly complained about Kellyanne Conway trying to conduct a last bit of business before the holidays. Trump asked if there were any more cabinet positions to be filled. And when Conway informed him that Rick Perry had accepted the Energy Department position, Trump said that he picked him because he had so much energy on Dancing With The Stars.Conway then handed Trump a really short list of performers willing to appear at his inauguration, only to be pulled away by Melania as Conway told Trump she ll be handcuffed to you for all of history. Trump and Melania turn away, and then Russian President and Trump s new best friend Vladimir Putin arrives shirtless with a red bag down the chimney.Putin heaps lavish praise upon Trump, referring to him as the best candidate, the smartest candidate, the Manchurian candidate. Trump had no idea what the last one meant but liked it anyway.Putin was very happy to hear that Trump trusts Russia over the CIA, and gave him an Elf On The Shelf as a gift to keep on the mantle next to his Internet router. An oblivious Trump accepts the gift.Melania tries to warn Trump about getting friendly with foreigners who say nice things about him, but he married Melania so it apparently doesn t dawn on Trump that he s an easy mark.John Goodman then appears as Trump s pick for Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who performs a secret handshake with his good buddy Pooty and then proceeds to ignore Trump as he and Putin discuss oil production and lifting economic sanctions.As Putin and Tillerson discuss business without Trump, Trump continues trying to impress them by bragging about knowing Kanye West.Here s the video via YouTube.Once again, SNL nails Donald Trump. And now we wait for his temper tantrum on Twitter.Featured Image: Screenshot
Now that Donald Trump has completed his disastrous first overseas trip, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer must once again answer to the U.S. media as Trump continues to disgrace the country on its own soil.Following the Memorial Day holiday, it was back to business as usual with Spicer nearly losing his mind at a press briefing earlier today. When reporters asked Spicer about Trump s claims about fake news, Spicer pretty much imploded as he sparred with reporters.Spicer tried to defend his mentally incompetent boss by pointing out a tweet in which a BBC reported had made a mistake, claiming that Trump had not been wearing a translation earpiece when he met with foreign leaders. This mistake was quickly and publicly corrected by the reporter as soon as it was realized, but Spicer pathetically latched onto that one incident as proof of fake news. Spicer whined: On Friday, the president was having a great discussion at the G7 and someone from the BBC, and ultimately an incoming reporter for the New York Times retweeted that the president was being rude by disrespecting the Italian prime minister. When in fact, you all in all of the meetings watched the president with that one earpiece that s been used by all the other presidents That s just fake! Spicer s example was beyond ridiculous, and reporters not only reminded him that the inaccurate tweet had been corrected, but that it hadn t gone any further to major newspapers. But Spicer was beyond reasoning with. He fired back, looking as if a meltdown was just moments away: I was asked to give an example, and I did it. And when another reporter said the BBC reporter s tweet didn t affect how Trump s overseas trip was covered, Spicer s reply was nothing but disrespectful and dismissive. He replied sarcastically: Well, thank you, I appreciate it, you get to decide what is big and what is not. A lot of things have been pushed out based on unnamed unaccountable sources that is very troubling. Clearly, Spicer forgot that his own boss is the king of using anonymous sources and perpetuating fake news. You can watch Spicer fight with reporters below:Featured image via Win McNamee/Getty Images
Fear and panic in the air I want to be free from desolation and despair!
THANK GOODNESS! Devin Nunes just announced a probe into the Uranium One Deal that smells to high heaven of corruption and money laundering by the Clintons and the Obama administration:BREAKING: Devin Nunes announces probe into the #UraniumOneDeal. pic.twitter.com/c7p9mVdTYa Based Monitored (@BasedMonitored) October 24, 2017FBN S LOU DOBBS SPOKE WITH THE AUTHOR OF CLINTON CASH : Biggest scandal in the history of American politics While speaking with Peter Schweizer, the author of Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich, and Breitbart News senior editor-at-large on Friday, Fox Business Network host Lou Dobbs argued that the Uranium One deal could end up being the biggest scandal in the history of American politics.Dobbs said, There is no clear statement as to why we would give up, for any reason, any price, 20% of our uranium in this country. And that is a question that is left open still unanswered. and secondly, have you ever heard of anyone putting $145 million, at one moment, into the hands of the Clinton foundation? And the answer is, of course not. These questions, most basic and fundamental, were armed by the very committee made up of the very agencies, departments, and individuals responsible for national security. this, this is the biggest Obama scandal. I think it may well turn out to be the biggest scandal in American political history.
We have some bad news for Charles Koch: Hillary Clinton just isn t that into you. Recently, the evil billionaire backer of the Tea Party announced that Republicans are so terrible, he is forced to admit that Hillary Clinton is possibly better than all of them. Koch told ABC s This Week that Clinton s husband was a much better President in terms of government spending than was George W. Bush, who is idolized by many conservatives. In some ways. In other ways, I mean he wasn t an exemplar. But as far as the growth of government, the increase in spending, it was 2.5 times under Bush than it was under Clinton, Koch said, explaining that for Hillary to be a better President than the entire Republican field, she would have to be a gigantic hypocrite who can be bought and sold like everyone else they back. Asked if he would support her campaign for President, Koch said: We would have to believe her actions would be quite different from her rhetoric, let me put it that way. While Koch is in love with Clinton as anyone on the Right is going to get, he probably should not expect much from her. On Sunday, Clinton let the Koch brothers know what she thinks of them and their money by essentially telling Charles to go f*ck himself.Referencing the Kochs climate denial and attempts to suppress minority voters, Clinton explained that she could not accept an endorsement from someone so evil. Not interested in endorsements from people who deny climate science and try to make it harder for people to vote, she said, linking the interview.Yes, it s no secret that the Republican field is chock-full of terribleness, but Koch is almost certainly not going to find any friends among Democrats these days. It s far, far too late for that.Watch the interview below:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pvqf3mSz8yQFeatured image via Getty Images (John Moore)/screengrab
BERLIN (Reuters) - The far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party called on Thursday for the repatriation of half a million Syrian refugees living in Germany, saying the war there was nearly over and that President Bashar al-Assad had urged refugees to return home. Earlier on Thursday, Syria s army declared victory over Islamic State, saying its capture of the jihadists last town in the country marked the collapse of their three-year, hardline reign in the region. However, fighting is continuing in many areas, the United Nations says, in a complex civil war in which millions have been killed or forced to flee their homes, many to neighboring countries or to Europe. The AfD s proposal for repatriating Syrian refugees is its first since it swept into Germany s lower house of parliament, the Bundestag, in September s federal election on an anti-immigrant platform. It is the third largest party in the new Bundestag but the proposal is very unlikely to win approval as mainstream parties including Chancellor Angela Merkel s conservatives, the biggest bloc, have refused to work with the AfD. In its proposal, the AfD said the new German government should immediately start talks with Syrian authorities over a deal to repatriate the refugees. This deal should ensure that the returnees will be accepted in Syria and accommodated only in safe areas, the AfD said in a statement adding that Damascus must guarantee not to persecute citizens who escaped the military draft. The proposal said Syrian refugees children in Germany should now be taught the Syrian school curriculum, either by Syrian teachers already resident in Germany or by teachers sent by the Syrian government for this purpose. The statement, signed by the two party leaders Alexander Gauland and Alice Weidel, said the Syrian government should work with Germany to finance the repatriation, which they said should be free for the individual refugees. The Greens party, which is expected to join Merkel s new conservative-led coalition, said the AfD proposal showed the party to be irresponsible, inhumane and heartless . No subject is too abysmal, no populism is too dirty for you. Shame on you! Greens politician Luise Amtsberg said on her Facebook account, commenting on the proposal. Immigration is one of the difficult issues where Merkel s conservative bloc, the left-leaning Greens and the pro-business Free Democrats (FDP) are struggling to forge a common stance in their coalition talks. Since the beginning of the year, some 156,000 people have applied for asylum in Germany, more than 25 percent of them from Syria, making them the biggest national group, data from the Federal Interior Ministry showed on Thursday.
Social media helps out as Hurricane Sandy approaches: WASHINGTON: Locating the nearest emergency shelter or chat... http://bit.ly/XIy5DC 
Donald Trump s new campaign manager is just a few days into her role, but already Kellyanne Conway is having difficulty defending her presidential candidate and is basically showing us that she is just as much of a flip-flopper as Trump.Trump s refusal to release his tax returns has become a massive talking point against him at this point of the election, with people from both parties asking him to be transparent. On Sunday night, Conway went on CNN to tell Americans that Trump would be releasing his tax returns after they were done being audited. But just seconds later, Conway seemed to contradict that statement and say that the campaign had no plans to release tax returns that were not being audited.CNN host Dana Bash had cornered Conway at the beginning of the interview, calling her out by stating that before she became Trump s campaign manager, she had been an advocate for releasing the tax returns. According to Conway, however, this all changed when she accepted her new role. Conway said: So, now that I am on the inside, I know something I didn t know then, which is, he is under audit and what that means. And he has said very clearly and I back him up completely that when the audit is completed, he will release the tax returns. Bash reminded Conway that not all of Trump s tax returns were being audited by the IRS some were finished. Bash asked, You mentioned the audit. According to his lawyers, the years 2002 to 2008 are no longer under audit. So, would you release those tax returns? Conway backtracked and said, No, I would not, and then rushed to change topics and blame Obama for something just like her boss. She said: And this entire tax return debate is somewhat confounding to me, in the following sense. I don t think that it creates one job, gets one more individual who does not have health insurance covered by health insurance, particularly under the disaster that has been Obamacare with these private insurers pulling out our exchanges now and reporting billions of dollars of losses. What I think happened I think people are most concerned about is, how would a President Trump or how would a President Hillary affect their tax bill? Everyday life is becoming increasingly unaffordable for Americans, and they deserve the kind of relief that he laid very strongly out in his speech. Ironically, Conway then talked about transparency: If we want transparency, if we want specifics, the most relevant thing that people can look at is, what is his plan for their tax bill to make everyday affordability, job security and rebuilding the American economy. You can watch Conway crash and burn below, following in her boss footsteps:Featured image is a screenshot
I bet you everyone is SA feels dumb for buying all that food and water thinking that hurricane was really gonna come over here
NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya s main opposition party warned the election commission against reorganizing voting in four western counties where polls did not open on Thursday due to violence and said supporters should boycott any process that goes ahead. We advise the people not to walk into this trap of death. We call on the residents of these counties to stay away from these planned polls, Musalia Mudavadi, a senior member of the NASA coalition, told reporters.
How unqualified and out of touch is he? I m wondering if Brian Williams would ve been better off fired rather than join this cast of characters.
MANILA (Reuters) - A cyclone dumped heavy rains in the Philippine capital, Manila, and nearby provinces on Tuesday, causing widespread flooding and landslides in some areas that killed at least two people, the national disaster agency said. Financial markets, government offices and schools were closed and port operations in some provinces were suspended, it said. Several flights were canceled. The weather bureau said cyclone Maring, which was packing winds of up to 60 kilometers per hour (37 mph), made landfall in the morning over Mauban municipality in the eastern province of Quezon. Romina Marasigan, a spokeswoman for the national disaster agency, said two teenaged brothers died from a landslide in Taytay, Rizal, 20 kilometers (12.43 miles) from Manila. Some residents unfortunately did not heed the advice of local officials to evacuate to safer grounds, she said in a media briefing. Marasigan warned of more flashfloods and landslides as rains were expected to continue later in the day, before the cyclone moves back over the sea early on Wednesday. Twenty-two passengers were rescued from a bus stuck in floodwaters in Pitogo town in Quezon, she said. Local officials ordered the evacuation of residents in some towns under floodwaters in Quezon, Laguna, Rizal and Batangas provinces, she said. The weather bureau said it was also keeping an eye on typhoon Talim which was packing winds of up to 120 kph (75 mph), spotted moving toward the country s northern tip and to Taiwan.
HONG KONG (Reuters) - Hundreds of Hong Kong soccer fans booed and jeered the Chinese national anthem at an Asia Cup qualifier match on Tuesday in defiance of Communist Party rulers in Beijing. The booing of the anthem, The March of the Volunteers , has become a fixture at football matches in the Chinese-ruled territory, with some parallels to protests in the United States where American football players have knelt during the national anthem, an act denounced by U.S. President Donald Trump. Now the former British colony is preparing to introduce a law that will penalize people who boo the anthem, a measure that critics say undermines the city s autonomy and freedoms guaranteed when it returned to China 20 years ago. Details of the law, including jail terms and the scope of enforcement, have yet to be set. China extended the law to cover Hong Kong earlier this month. Chinese President Xi Jinping in recent years has ushered in new legislation aimed at securing the country from threats both within and outside its borders, besides presiding over a sweeping crackdown on dissent and free speech. Chinese officials have said the anthem law is necessary to safeguard the authority of the state. Several hundred fans greeted the anthem before the match against Lebanon with jeers and boos, with some unfurling banners that said Die for Hong Kong , while others yelled We are Hong Kong in English, rather than the local Cantonese dialect. Some security guards signaled to the supporters to behave. I m not scared even if it becomes law ... I will go to the toilet instead of sitting when the national anthem is on, Hong Kong supporter Bendter Chong said when asked if he would continue to jeer the anthem when the law is enacted. Tensions between Hong Kong and mainland China have increased in recent years amid calls for greater democracy. Mass street protests in 2014 paralyzed parts of the city although they failed to secure concessions on electoral reform from Beijing. Most of the jeering was from youths, underscoring how the younger generation has become increasingly disaffected by political tension and economic hardship. Security was tight at the Hong Kong Stadium, the venue for the city s annual Rugby Sevens tournament, where about 10,000 gathered for the match. The stadium has capacity for 40,000. The game ended Lebanon 1, Hong Kong 0. I m not sure about the law, but for sure people will be more behaved, said Hong Kong supporter Fai Chan. But it is still a matter of whether it is worth our respect. Hong Kong returned from British to Chinese rule in 1997 under a one country, two systems arrangement that guarantees a high degree of autonomy, including an independent judiciary and freedom of expression. In 2015, Hong Kong football fans booed the Chinese anthem during a World Cup qualifier, prompting a fine for the Hong Kong Football Association from world body FIFA. The association was warned by the Asian Football Confederation recently over the conduct of fans and said a repeat violation may result in more severe punishment .