Unnamed: 0.1
Unnamed: 0
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa s Justice Minister Michael Masutha on Friday denied parole to the killer of anti-apartheid leader Chris Hani, saying he had not expressed remorse for the murder. Janusz Walus has served more than 20 years of a life sentence for the assassination of Hani, who was a senior member of the now-ruling African National Congress (ANC) and head of the South African Communist Party. Walus, 64, emigrated from communist Poland in 1981 and became involved in far-right politics in South Africa. He shot Hani outside the anti-apartheid activist s home in 1993. The killing triggered nationwide riots that threatened to derail South Africa s 1994 transition to multi-racial democracy after decades of white apartheid rule. Masutha also blocked Walus parole application in 2015, a decision that triggered several court challenges. The Supreme Court of Appeal referred the matter back to the justice minister for reconsideration. Masutha said on Friday a psychologist s report had highlighted Walus political ideology as a risk factor. The report said Walus expressed remorse for the fact that the victim s children are fatherless and the wife is a widow . However, he showed no remorse for murdering Chris Hani. He still rationalizes his actions and insists that they were politically motivated. His ideas about communism still stand.
When ur friend and u are talking about forest fires in a forest and he tells u to drop ur mix tape out there... #straightfire
President Barack Obama only has a little more than five months left in his final term, a period in which other two-term leaders have simply set themselves in neutral and coasted to the finish line. Even as his presidential approval rises and the economy improves, Obama has chosen a different path on his way out.On Saturday morning the world got more evidence of his decision to get as much done in the time he has left as the U.S. and China announced a major agreement to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change.At a ceremony on the sidelines of a global economic summit, Obama and Xi, representing the world s two biggest carbon emitters, delivered a series of documents to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. The papers certified the U.S. and China have taken the necessary steps to join the Paris accord that set nation-by-nation targets for cutting carbon emissions. This is not a fight that any one country, no matter how powerful, can take alone, Obama said of the pact. Some day we may see this as the moment that we finally decided to save our planet. Other countries need to sign on to the agreement, but America and China are the two most consequential. Both countries are responsible for 38 percent of man-made carbon emissions in the entire world. By making this agreement, the two nations are setting the tone for everyone else.Climate change, which has been verified by scientific study after scientific study, is still rejected by Republicans who are compromised by donations from big business. The current Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump, takes this opposition to science even further with his conspiracy theory that climate change is a completely made up idea from the Chinese government.President Obama has embraced science, as have most Democrats including Hillary Clinton. Instead of twiddling his thumbs as the situation worsens, he s chosen to do something towards the end of his presidency about a critical issue. He isn t done. Not yet.Featured image via Flickr
Nailed in the face with a pine cone walking to the car. Hurricane Michael: 1 Me: 0
Immediate tornado danger in Hazel Green AL and Huntland, TN. Seek shelter now!
A video from 2018 was tweeted by BJP spokesperson Sambit Patra with the false claim that CAA protesters burnt posters of Hindu deities. #AltNewsFactCheck | @ArchitMeta https://t.co/phwUrgkJV1
He was looking for pats on his back harder than hurricane victims hunt for food.
A video from 2015 of former Malaysian prime minister visiting a mosque in Beijing has been shared with the false claim that the Chinese PM offered prayers in a mosque amid Coronavirus outbreak. #AltNewsFactCheck | @nibeditaspeaks https://t.co/2iofvFviuk
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former FBI Director Robert Mueller on Wednesday was named special prosecutor into an investigation of “Russian government efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election, and related matters,” the Justice Department said.
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9 PM EST every Wednesday. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for barfly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Join ACR hosts Hesher, & Spore along with Randy J of 21Wire, Daniel Spaulding from Soul of the East and Jay Dyer of jaysanalysis.com. Tonight the Boiler Gang discusses the Clinton FBI results, CA legislature s war against the people on behalf of a tyrannical government gone mad and whatever else floats into our air space during the show!BOILER ROOM IS NOT A POLICTALLY CORRECT ZONE! LISTEN TO THE SHOW IN THE PLAYER BELOW ENJOY! Reference Links:
Wild fires in California... Must be Global Warming. Can't just be extreme heat combined with dry foliage ignited by some douchebag hiker.
Hurricane Matthew needs to hurry up and pass so I can wash my car and hit up the course.
#CoronaVirusUpdates: Earlier, 4 persons staying at Mizoram House in Mumbai tested positive for the deadly coronavirus, said reports; the 4 new cases take the total to 8 cases #COVIDー19 #IndiaFightsCorona #COVID19 #CoronaUpdatesInIndia https://t.co/cEr8LOtsnY
Using Tesla in car filters, coughing from wildfire smoke stopped. Filtration is important for health and air quality. https://twitter.com/soumiksf/status/1061124725336752128 …
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee said on Tuesday he plans to hold public hearings on possible links between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia, although he did not say when they would take place. “It will happen,” Republican Senator Richard Burr told reporters after a closed committee meeting. Asked if he knew when, he said, “I don’t yet, but soon.” The House of Representatives Intelligence Committee, which, like the Senate panel, is conducting its own investigation of the possible Russia ties, will hold its first public hearing on Monday. Congressional Democrats have called for a special prosecutor or non-partisan select committee to investigate the matter. But Trump’s fellow Republicans, who control majorities in both the Senate and House, say the various probes by congressional committees are sufficient. U.S. intelligence agencies said in January that Russia had conducted cyber attacks on Democrats in an effort to influence the 2016 U.S. election on Trump’s behalf. Russia has denied this. Burr also said he did not now plan to follow the lead of other congressional committees that have requested any warrant applications or court documents related to Trump’s assertion that former President Barack Obama had wiretapped Trump Tower. Trump gave no evidence to support his charge, which former Obama administration officials have denied. When asked to explain why he had not asked for such evidence, Burr said he felt it was unnecessary. “We’ve had sufficient conversations and gotten answers that we find to be satisfactory from the appropriate folks,” Burr said, when asked to explain why he would not request. The leaders of the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee and the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism have requested evidence about the alleged wiretapping. The Justice Department has asked for more time to respond. Democratic Senator Joe Manchin, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, told reporters after leaving the closed committee meeting on Tuesday that he had still not seen any evidence to back up Trump’s wiretapping claim. Burr declined comment on whether he had seen any evidence.
KIEV (Reuters) - The Ukrainian wife of a Chechen man accused by Russia of plotting to kill President Vladimir Putin was shot dead outside Kiev on Monday in an attack that also wounded her husband, Ukrainian interior ministry officials said. Amina Okuyeva and Adam Osmayev were in a car that was shot at from bushes near a railway crossing on the outskirts of the capital, interior ministry advisors Anton Gerashchenko and Zoryan Shkiryak said in separate posts on Facebook. The attack follows a vehicle bombing in Kiev last Thursday, in which two people were killed and three wounded, including Ihor Mosiychuk, a member of the populist opposition Radical Party. Okuyeva had links to Mosiychuk, having once worked for him in an advisory role. As a result of the injuries she sustained, Amina died. Adam Osmayev was wounded, but will live. I just spoke to him on the telephone, Gerashchenko said. The incident is the second attempt this year on the life of Osmayev, from Russia s mainly Muslim Chechnya region. In June, he survived an attack by a gunman, who was in turn shot and wounded by Okuyeva. Gerashchenko and Shkiryak did not suggest a motive for the latest incident. Mosiychuk has blamed Russia for last week s bombing, while Ukrainian police have said Russian involvement is one of the possible motives being investigated. Russia has dismissed the accusations as a product of anti-Russian sentiment in Ukraine. Relations between Kiev and Moscow collapsed in 2014 after Russia seized Ukraine s Crimea peninsula and backed a pro-Russian separatist insurgency in eastern Ukrainian regions. Russian authorities accuse Osmayev of being part of a 2012 plot by Islamist rebels to kill Putin with a bomb in central Moscow. Osmayev and Okuyeva are well-known figures in Ukraine, having served as volunteers for the Ukrainian military in the fight against pro-Russian rebels. Moscow has fought two wars with separatists in Chechnya since the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union. The region is now broadly under the control of Moscow, but Chechens are known to have fought both for the pro-Russian rebels and for the Ukrainian army in the conflict in eastern Ukraine. Since fighting broke out in the east in 2014, the number of incidents involving explosives outside the conflict zone has increased. There has been a spate of vehicle bombings over the past 18 months in Kiev, the capital, and elsewhere, but investigators have failed to find those responsible.
Always a good idea -- even more so during wildfire season. Make sure your vehicle has supplies too, including extra water, first aid kit, etc. https://twitter.com/RedCrossNW/status/1024697548362145792 …
WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders defeated Hillary Clinton on Tuesday in West Virginia’s primary, winning over voters deeply skeptical about the economy and signaling the difficulty Clinton may have in industrial states in the general election. The loss slows Clinton’s march to the nomination, but she is still heavily favored to become the Democratic candidate in the Nov. 8 election. In a November match-up with Donald Trump, Clinton will need to win over working-class voters in the U.S. Rust Belt, which includes key states such as Ohio and Pennsylvania. Trump, 69, won contests in West Virginia and Nebraska handily on Tuesday. The presumptive Republican nominee is set to meet with party leaders in the U.S. Congress on Thursday, including U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan. After Ryan said last week that he was not yet ready to endorse Trump, Trump said on Sunday that he would have to decide whether he still wanted Ryan to preside over the party’s July convention. Trump said in a Fox interview on Tuesday night that he would like Ryan to chair the convention as planned. “He’s a very good man, he wants what’s good for the party,” the New York billionaire said. Trump has zeroed in on Clinton’s protracted battle with Sanders, a 74-year-old U.S. senator from Vermont. He has taunted Clinton in recent days by saying she “can’t close the deal” by beating Sanders, her only rival for the Democratic Party’s nomination since Feb. 1. Clinton, 68, has said she will ignore Trump’s personal insults, including his repeated use of his new nickname for her, “Crooked Hillary,” and instead will criticize his policy pronouncements. Deep concerns about the economy underscored West Virginia’s Democratic primary. Roughly six in 10 voters said they were very worried about the direction of the U.S. economy in the next few years. The same proportion cited the economy and jobs was their most important voting issue, according to a preliminary ABC News exit poll. A remark Clinton made at an Ohio town hall in March that the country would “put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business” at an Ohio town hall in a comment may have hurt her with voters in coal-mining states such as West Virginia. During Clinton’s visit to West Virginia and Ohio last week she repeatedly apologized to displaced coal and steel workers for her comment, which she said had been taken out of context, and discussed her plan to help retrain coal workers for clean energy jobs. To secure the Democratic nomination, a candidate needs 2,383 delegates. Going into West Virginia, Clinton, a former U.S. secretary of state, had 2,228 delegates, including 523 so-called superdelegates, elite party members who are free to support any candidate. Sanders had 1,454 delegates, including 39 superdelegates. Another 29 delegates will be apportioned based on West Virginia’s results. Clinton and Sanders will compete in another primary contest on May 17. Both candidates are also looking ahead to the June 7 contests, the last in the long nominating season, in which nearly 700 delegates are at stake, including 475 in California, where Sanders is now focusing his efforts. Sanders has vowed to take his campaign all the way to the Democrats’ July 25-28 convention in Philadelphia, and wants a say in shaping the party’s platform. Sanders has repeatedly told supporters at packed rallies that most opinion polls indicate he would beat Trump in a general election match-up by a larger margin than polls show Clinton defeating Trump. Trump, shifting into general election mode, has already begun to consider running mates. He told Fox on Tuesday night that he has narrowed his list to five people. He did not rule out picking New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, a former rival who ended his presidential bid in February. Christie, who endorsed Trump and then campaigned for him, on Monday was named to head Trump’s White House transition team. (Story refiles to add first name of Republican candidate Donald Trump in second paragraph.)
Florida man parks smart car in kitchen so it won't "blow away" in Hurricane Dorian https://www.cbsnews.com/news/smart-car-in-kitchen-florida-man-worried-hurricane-dorian-would-blow-away-car-parks-inside-his-jacksonville-home/ …
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireAnother shocking active-shooter incident rocks America. This time, according to Florida s Broward County Sheriff s Department, thirteen people were shot, including five dead, after an apparent shooting rampage took place at Fort Lauderdale s Hollywood International Airport yesterday.At the moment, there is still no clear motive for the shooting attack and no evidence linking the suspect to terror. However, officials have yet to rule out the possibility of terrorism.The timing of this shooting attack cannot be overstated, as there was a major US intelligence review over an alleged Russian hack influence on America s 2016 election that was scheduled on the very same day KNOWN WOLF? What really happened at the Fort Lauderdale airport? (Photo illustration 21WIRE s Shawn Helton)NOTE: It only took a matter of hours for the Fort Lauderdale shooter s back story to emerge.According to authorities, the suspected airport shooter, 26-year-old Esteban Santiago-Ruiz, checked a declared handgun inside his luggage, later retrieving it at Fort Lauderdale Airport s Terminal 2 baggage claim. Santiago then reportedly loaded the gun in a bathroom came out in the terminal opening fire on fellow travelers including a series of head shots.After the shooting spree, the suspect was reported to have calmly turned himself into the police.#Florida #BreakingNews #FLLSHOOTING Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport #Shooting#Warleak pic.twitter.com/XkU79MTx1J WarLeak (@WarLeak) January 6, 2017According to Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel, The shooter is in custody and unharmed, said . No law enforcement officers fired any shots. First picture of the shooter released by eye witness via Twistity! @CNN @FoxNews #FortLauderdale #Termianl2 #Shooting #EstebanSantiago pic.twitter.com/np3CUKNr41 Twistity (@TwistityNews) January 6, 2017We're told this is the gun used by the shooter at Ft Lauderdale airport (Photo courtesy: Mark Lea) pic.twitter.com/oENsB9MP5J WSVN 7 News (@wsvn) January 6, 2017@PoliticsGhost Smiling swat? No record he flew Air Canada? Only 2 cops escort away? Friday aftrn standard Dem fake news time pic.twitter.com/8qpi4tnGwL NeuroTrade (@neurotrade) January 6, 2017The whole series of events is strange to say the least, but the oddities didn t stop there. Santiago-Ruiz s US military background includes service in the Puerto Rico Army National Guard in 2007, according to the Department of Defense. Santiago-Ruiz was listed as a combat engineer who had been deployed to Iraq in April 2010, returning to US soil in 2011. Later in November of 2014, following a move to Alaska, he became a member of the Alaska National Guard. In August of 2016, Santiago-Ruiz was transferred to Inactive Ready Reserve.Additionally, Santiago-Ruiz was stated to be employed by an as of yet unnamed Anchorage security company while living in Alaska.According to the Associated Press and Miami s local CBS News affiliate, The Pentagon said he [Santiago-Ruiz] went AWOL several times as a specialist during a stint with the Alaska National Guard and was demoted to private first class, the Associated Press reported. He was given a general discharge, which is lower than an honorable discharge. Earlier reports stated that Santiago-Ruiz flew on a flight from Canada. Air Canada promptly denied that the suspected airport shooter was on any of their flights. Other US mainstream outlets later stated that he arrived on an in-bound Delta Airlines flight instead. AIRPORT SHOOTING Esteban Santiago is in custody following a shooting at a Fort Lauderdale airport. Authorities gathered travelers on the tarmac after the incident. (Image Source: Chicago Tribune)Interestingly, former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer was on the scene of the shooting, and was live-tweeting :I'm at the Ft. Lauderdale Airport. Shots have been fired. Everyone is running. Ari Fleischer (@AriFleischer) January 6, 2017Another Known Wolf?As 21 WIRE has documented over the years, many so-called shooting/terror/attacks involve individuals being monitored by security services prior to an alleged act taking place. A place where a lone wolf graduates into the ranks of a known wolf. In fact, very often those being watched by authorities exhibit all the tell-tale signs of a patsy or an informant, working either for a law enforcement or intelligence agency. Historically, government operators have often made use of low-life criminals, and mentally disturbed individuals to fulfill various role in entrapment stings or sometimes as bonafide actors in an actual attacks. In any case, alleged attackers and security agencies have a dicey relationship, making any link between them highly suspect in nature.In January of 2015, a strategic security service think-tank known as The Soufan Group, reported that a larger national security threat resides with radicals who ve had a lengthy criminal background with known ties to security agencies: The Soufan Group, a New York think tank, said a better term for lone wolves would be known wolves , given how many are already known to Western intelligence agencies before they strike. These individuals, acting alone or in small groups have been on the radar of various agencies and organisations, highlighting the difficulty of effectively monitoring and managing people at the nexus of criminality and terrorism, it said in a report this week The Fort Lauderdale shooting story rapidly emerged out of corporate media halls looking to sell the public on the latest tragic shooting in America. The Hollywood International Airport shooting has elements of other high-profile shooting events in recent history, such as the TSA/LAX shooting, the the Tucson shooting, Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting, the San Bernardino shooting attack, the Chattanooga military base shooting siege, as well as the aspects of the Aurora theater shooting and the Grand theater shooting in Lafayette and many others.Is the Fort Lauderdale airport shooter another case of a known wolf triggered into action?The apparent Fort Lauderdale airport shooter, Santiago-Ruiz, who is said to be Puerto Rican was born in New Jersey (living in Alaska), and was well-known to authorities, having recently undergone a mental health evaluation after allegedly visiting an FBI office in Alaska where he claimed he was under CIA mind control, with voices in his head telling him to join ISIS : They say last November, he walked into the FBI s office in Anchorage, Alaska, claiming that his mind was being controlled by the CIA and that it was forcing him to join ISIS. He appeared agitated and incoherent, and made disjointed statements and although he said he didn t wish to hurt anyone, agents were concerned by his erratic behavior and decided to call local authorities, a senior federal law enforcement official said.Local police took him to a local medical facility for evaluation, and the FBI closed its assessment of Santiago after conducting database reviews, interagency checks and interviews with family members, the official said. NEW: In Nov. 2016, FLL suspect walked into FBI office in Anchorage, claiming he was being forced to fight for ISIS, sources tell CBS News. CBS News (@CBSNews) January 6, 2017Shades of the Manchurian Candidate?We re also told that the suspect s aunt had flagged his mentally unstable condition previously. According to USA Today:Yet the troubling episode is now part of an emerging profile of a deeply disturbed man described by his aunt Friday as someone who had lost his mind. Maria Luisa Ruiz of Union City, N.J., said her nephew, who had moved to Alaska for work as a security guard, only recently began to show signs of instability. Like a month ago, it was like he lost his mind, she said He said he saw things. The inclusion of Santiago-Ruiz s alleged voices in his head, supposedly triggered by the CIA, immediately recalls another bizarre case that was also difficult to comprehend the Navy Yard Shooter from 2013.Here s a passage from a 21WIRE report discussing the apparent Navy Yard shooter, Aaron Alexis: Rather than get caught up in the fear campaigns sold to us by our favorite news anchor-zombies, its important to consider another aspect of these mass shootings by making a tally of the trigger points that media uses to manipulate public perception, as they carefully propagandize certain elements within a crisis making sure to illicit the right reaction from every major demographic. Is this what we are seeing in the aftermath of the Fort Lauderdale shooting?Heavy.com added the following details about the supposedly troubled Santiago-Ruiz:The shooter whose troubled behavior had already drawn the attention of the FBI, Army, and Anchorage police arrived Friday afternoon at the busy airport on a flight from Alaska, with the gun used in the shooting properly stored in his checked baggage, NBC News reports.One report said the shooter, who lived in Alaska, had no other luggage but the gun, which federal rules allow a person to declare at a ticket counter and check under the plane but not carry on. In addition to Santiago-Ruiz s lengthy time with the US military and the National Guard, in recent years, the suspected shooter was involved in various crimes. Here s a passage from The Daily Beast describing some of Santiago s background: According to charging documents provided by the Anchorage prosecutor s office to The Daily Beast, on January 10, 2016, Santiago verbally assaulted his then girlfriend, a 40-year old mother of one child from a previous marriage whom The Daily Beast is not naming, through a locked bathroom door, telling her to Get the fuck out, bitch. After he forced his way in by breaking down the door, he smacked her in the head and strangled her. By the time police arrived, Santiago had fled the scene.Santiago was arrested days later and released on the condition that he have no contact with the victim, but in February, Anchorage police found him at his girlfriend s residence and he was charged for violating the conditions of his release. That case is still pending.Alaska court records show a criminal record under Santiago s name for minor traffic infractions including operating a vehicle without insurance and a broken taillight. Records also show his landlord evicted him for non-payment of rent in February 2015.The assault case was resolved in March when Santiago entered into a deferred prosecution agreement, an alternative to adjudication where prosecutors agreed to dismiss the charges in exchange for Esteban s completion of requirements, the details of which are unknown. While Anchorage municipal prosecutor Seneca Theno told The Daily Beast that previous charges against Santiago-Ruiz are unlikely to be dropped following the airport shooting you still have to wonder what requirements were asked of Santiago-Ruiz to get the alleged assault charges dropped from his record in the first place, given the brutal nature of them.FOX NEWS echoes a Sun Sentinel report, Why the gunman may have chosen South Florida was unclear. He had no clear connection to the state aside from relatives in the Naples area, a two-hour drive away, the Sun Sentinel reported.The same FOX report adds the following about Santiago-Ruiz s alleged lengthy mental health battle: Bryan Santiago said his brother never spoke to him directly about his medical issues. We have not talked for the past three weeks, Bryan Santiago said. That s a bit unusual I m in shock. He was a serious person He was a normal person. Mass Shooting Distraction?Another aspect to these highly emotive and polarizing known wolf shooting events, is that usually they dominate US media coverage for several days. As other charged elements of an alleged shooter/attacker are propagandized, such as Santiago-Ruiz s Palestinian scarf image (seen on the left) seized upon by FOX News anchors who fused Santiago-Ruiz s allegedly ISIS-like hand gesture with the Gaza-Israeli conflict.The shocking scene at Fort Lauderdale s Hollywood International Airport occurred the same exact day US intelligence leaders briefed President-elect Donald Trump on so-called Russian hack allegations in the lead up to the 2016 election.Back in September of 2016, while examining the aftermath of the New York and New Jersey bomb plot/attack, we analyzed whether a deeper social engineering agenda might have been at play as part of a larger geopolitical drama unfolded in Syria appeared to be masked by media.When looking deeper, we discovered other overlapping stories that coincided alongside the known wolf NYC bomber. Here s a passage that discussed the NYC attack that seemed to bury Western coverage regarding a vicious airstrike campaign that killed dozens of members of Syria s army: You have to wonder, were the events in New York and New Jersey also a weapon of mass distraction, following a major international embarrassment for the United States both at home and abroad the brutal airstrike campaign in Syria that killed over 70 Syrian troops? This unlikely bombing incident just happened to also coincide with the UN General Assembly in NYC, where President Obama was delivering among other speeches, his War on Terror addresses to the international community. No surprise then, with the city suddenly on high terror alert that Obama quickly, confidently and comfortably used his center stage spotlight at the UN, shifting into national security mode boasting how quickly his police forces solved the case. It was almost if he was ready for events that weekend. Similarly, you have to consider if this new high-profile shooting event at Fort Lauderdale s Hollywood International Airport will dominate the news cycle, as the US intelligence community scrambles to prove Russian hack allegations over the next week.On January 4th ABC News reported the following: The classified report requested by President Barack Obama detailing Russia s alleged role in cyberattacks during U.S. presidential elections dating back to 2008 is now complete, and he is expected to receive the first briefing on its findings on Thursday afternoon, U.S. officials tell ABC News.President-elect Donald Trump, who said last week he would receive his briefing on the matter on Tuesday or Wednesday of this week, is scheduled to receive his briefing on Friday. Both briefings will be conducted by the heads of relevant agencies, including the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the National Security Agency, the FBI and the CIA.U.S. officials denied claims from Trump that his special briefing was delayed so the U.S. intelligence community could strengthen its case against Russia. Officials instead said there may have been a scheduling disconnect or some confusion on the part of the Trump transition team. Interestingly, other explosive high-profile stories went to the back burner, such as the Chicago kidnapping and teen torture story and the fallout from CNN s Don Lemon following his egregious comments after the tragic racially motivated attack.Media Memory: Reports of a Second Shooter at Terminal 1During the later hours of the US mainstream media coverage, networks like CNN were still floating the possibility of a second shooter, as reports emerged of shots fired in the adjacent terminal housing United Airlines, Terminal 1.Interestingly, local reports also reported eye-witness accounts of a second gunman involved in the Fort Lauderdale shooting. Here s a passage from an ABC News affiliate discussing the reports of a second gunman at the Fort Lauderdale shooting: All day I ve heard people talking about second incidences, Catie Rutledge wrote on Instagram. After waiting on the tarmac for hours and hunting someone down to get our bags, we are now waiting for a bus, so that we can leave the airport. There was panic when authorities feared there was a second gunman. Law enforcement asked travelers to seek shelter. Fear prompted many to say their final good byes to loved ones. Some frightened parents were in tears as they tried to protect their children. This aspect of the case seemingly disappeared from media outlets following Santiago-Ruiz s arrest.The phenomena of multiple shooters being immediately reported after an apparent mass shooting event was also echoed during both the Orlando nightclub shooting and the San Bernardino attack in 2015.Later in the evening, Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel confirmed that there was no second shooter despite previous reports. The suspect was being interrogated by the FBI. This statement was in stark contrast to multiple witness statements made on national TV, placing the series of shots, or perhaps an additional series of shots and subsequent crowds fleeing in panic at Terminal 1 that would either be instead of Terminal 2, or in addition to it. This wasn t just an anomaly this was backed up by at least 2 different witnesses on CNN, perhaps more in other reports which 21WIRE has yet to collate here.Was this a case of something that happened in Terminal 1 either part of a drill, or another gunman which was memory-holed by the media and DHS, or could this be we are looking at planted witnesses who got their lines wrong? This is a fair question to ask, considering we are talking about multiple witnesses stating the shots and crowds panicking in Terminals other than the official story in Terminal 2.Here are four alternative witnesses:Witness 1: CNN s coverage of the Active Shooter festival at Fort Lauderdale Airport reveals yet another anomaly in their story. CNN reported the alleged shooter, Esteban Santiago, shot 5 people dead in the Delta Terminal 2, and yet, all the witnesses reported 4 shots fired in the United Terminal 1. When this witness, a father who flew in from Chicago, tells of the United T1 shots fired, CNN s reporter Boris Sanchez appears to panic, possibly then receiving a feed in his ear and then essentially tells the witness you are wrong, there were no shots fired in United Terminal 1. Was this bad reporting, or bad stage management by CNN? Watch: Witness 2: Immediately after CNN s Boris Sanchez mix-up with man flying in from Chicago at United Terminal 1, another CNN witness was suddenly produced, going by the name of Ryan Ward , interviewed by Jim Sciutto, then comes on, using very scripted language apparently in an attempt to clean-up the inconsistent statements of the last witness. Ryan Ward describes the mayhem, people running, luggage flying and people screaming, gunman coming even though he admits he was NOT in Delta Terminal 2 where police report the actual shooting took place. Ward claims he was in a wheel chair because of back surgery, but then claims he got up and ran over to save a little girl and I ran back over and pushed the mom into a corner and laid on top of her . He then says that, It does sound like it was an unsubstantiated second threat, but people certainly weren t acting like it here he was mirroring the identical language used by the previous CNN reporters. Coincidence? Even more oddly, Ward claims he was flying Jet Blue, and that the, Jet Blue staff were really great only problem is that Jet Blue is in Terminal 3, and not in T1 or T2. Watch: Witness 3: Another witness, testifying multiple gunman on the scene, although the Terminal location being referenced by this 3rd witness is somewhat unclear:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBhiSblZtJs . Also, there is an additional media report by Intellihub of a pilot, in uniform and on-site, who also testifies about a loud commotion, with police in pursuit of a perpetrator seen in Terminal 1 a stark contrast to the official story: The pilot believes that there was another shooting in Terminal 1 that law enforcement and the F.B.I. are likely covering up. I could hear females screaming and people running away from terminal 1. The pilot said he feels that it was definitely some kind of combined effort to attack the airport.In addition to that, here is a fifth witness, seen in this unconfirmed cell phone video from a female passenger out on the airport tarmac apparently from Terminal 1, and referencing a second shooter event located after the TSA barrier which seems to be a different location to the baggage check area:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tayCW0pTBF8 . EDITORS NOTE: If readers have any other witness reports of a Second Shooter or shots fired in Terminal 2, please leave them below in the comment section.Here s an ABC News feature with Mark Lea, an apparent eye-witness (later photographed the crime scene) who came face-to-face with Santiago-Ruiz who also rather incredibly, managed to not get shot during the encounter Fort Lauderdale s Active Shooter DrillsVery often preceding an apparent shooting/attack there is the presence of mass casualty drills. Fort Lauderdale was no exception.In 2015, the Sun Sentinel reported the following: At a Fort Lauderdale cinema Wednesday, two men in camouflage gear calmly walked down the aisle and fired rifles and handguns at moviegoers.Twenty-seven volunteers were injured in three theaters during the drill.Fort Lauderdale police guarded and escorted paramedics wearing protective gear to tend to the wounded actors, even though the shooters weren t captured and blank gunfire echoed elsewhere in the Riverwalk movie complex.The agencies goal is to speed up paramedics responses during mass killings, domestic calls and other violent incidents. Similarly, in June of 2016, an inter-agency meeting described future protocols regarding mass drills: The meeting, held every quarter, is an opportunity for agencies to coordinate with one another and discuss the latest techniques in fighting domestic terror attacks.Last month, agencies participated in an active-shooter exercise at the Fort Lauderdale Postal Facility.In February, the group participated in Operation Heat Shield, consisting of weapons of mass destruction and an active shooting drill.Sheriff Scott Israel of Broward County Sheriff s Office and Sheriff Rick Bradshaw of Palm Beach County Sheriff s Office said these training exercises are important. With such a large law enforcement effort to tackle the active-shooter, you have to wonder why and how these events seem to coincide with major attacks on US soil.Here s a YouTube video from commentator Peekay Truth discussing aspects of this latest mass shooting tragedy in America https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYY0EgDRYgcDupes, Informants and PawnsAdditionally, as we ve mentioned before, during the aftermath of 2014 s Canadian Parliament Shooting in Ottawa, we outlined many of the primary markers used in certain terror related events globally and other mass casualty incidents often seen in America.The shocking event, like other bizarre attacks in recent years, have often distorted public opinion, pushing the populace towards new security measures in the wake of heavily coordinated and stylized crimes.The suspected Parliament Hill and National War Memorial shooter Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, (Left Image: therightscoop) had the perfect modus operandi and r sum to be an informant for either a law enforcement or intelligence agency.According to the Globe and Mail, Zehaf-Bibeau was already designated as a high risk traveller by the Canadian government s security services who had also seized his passport. Was this the reason why the Zehaf-Bibeau snapped? Was he being targeted or being pressured into becoming an informant?Other terror stooges and suspicious intelligence informant cases include the following:Tamerlan Tsarnaev (see his story here) Buford Rogers (see his story here) Jerad Miller (see his story here) Naji Mansour (see his story here) Quazi Mohammad Nafis (see his story here) Mohamed Osman Mohamud (see his story here) Timothy McVeigh (see his story here) Salim Benghalem (see his story here) Michael Adebolajo (see his story here) Daba Deng (see his story here) Elton Simpson (see his story here) Man Haron Monis (see his story here) Abu Hamza (see his story here) Haroon Rashid Aswat (see his story here) Glen Rodgers (see his story here) Omar Mateen (see his story here) Tashfeen Malik (see her story here) Djamel Beghal (see his story here) Anjem Choudary (see his story here) Cherif Kouachi (see his story here) Said Kouachi (see his story here) Amedy Coulibaly (see his story here) Hayat Boumeddiene (see her story here) Salah Abdeslam (see his story here) Michael Zehaf-Bibeau (see his story here) Nidal Malik Hassan (see his story here) Abdelhakim Dekhar (see his story here) Abdelhamid Abaaoud (see his story here) Samy Amimour (see his story here) Isma l Omar Mostefa (see his story here) Mohamed Lahouij Bouhlel (see his story here) Anis Amri (see his story here)As we ve mentioned here at 21WIRE before, many political leaders and media operatives bang the drums of security over so-called terror sleeper cells hiding in a nation near you none of them acknowledge the historical fact that they themselves have also helped to harbor, grow, foment and radicalize individuals through counter-terrorism operations for decades.It is important to mention again, that the FBI created the counter-intelligence program (COINTELPRO) to influence and disrupt political factions from the inside out. Between 1956 and 1971 (including the Socialist Workers party in 1973), the FBI s controversial program infiltrated and radicalized hundreds of left-wing and right-wing groups to control and neutralize political dissidents across America.As we stated after the suspicious Oregon campus shooting in 2015, mass media has worked out their own formula for laying out a familiar series of polarizing political points in the aftermath of any tragic event, as they have with many others incidents. The Fort Lauderdale shooting appears once again, to purposefully redirect the public to look at a ready-made laundry list of items (in this case mental-health, supported by online rants on social media) about the persona of a shooter as an ironclad motive for a crime. The aftermath in the case of Fort Lauderdale is no different, as it rapidly descended into an overindulgent barrage of media speculation and theorizing.All too often we ve seen the stage persona of any alleged attacker or killer being touted as hard evidence, despite the fact that even strong circumstantial evidence of any apparent crime would likely result in many hours of analysis and debate, potentially without a definitive conclusion, even if the evidence reaches a court room.For the average person, it s hard to differentiate from a drill or a real event, causing one to scrutinize the legitimacy of such an operation.In recent years, the investigative tactics of various intelligence agencies have come into question, none perhaps more dubious than the Newburgh FBI sting that involved entrapping four men to participate in a fabricated event created by the bureau. Here s a 2011 passage from The Guardian describing how an FBI informant named Shahed Hussain coerced four others into a fake terror plot: The Newburgh Four now languish in jail. Hussain does not. For Hussain was a fake. In fact, Hussain worked for the FBI as an informant trawling mosques in hope of picking up radicals.Yet far from being active militants, the four men he attracted were impoverished individuals struggling with Newburgh s grim epidemic of crack, drug crime and poverty. One had mental issues so severe his apartment contained bottles of his own urine. He also believed Florida was a foreign country.Hussain offered the men huge financial inducements to carry out the plot including $250,000 to one man and free holidays and expensive cars.As defence lawyers poured through the evidence, the Newburgh Four came to represent the most extreme form of a controversial FBI policy to use invented terrorist plots to lure targets. There has been no case as egregious as this. It is unique in the incentive the government provided. A quarter million dollars? said Professor Karen Greenberg, a terrorism expert at Fordham University. The whole episode seemed akin to the WTC 1993 bombing case, which involved yet another informant working alongside officials.The Gun Control & Security AgendaAs pointed out in 21WIRE during 2015 s Oregon campus shooting, the primary focus for mass media concerning the Fort Lauderdale incident, will now be all of the hot button socio-political issues including gun control-reform and those concerned over mental illness background checks, along with those who constitutionally oppose such restrictive legislation.It should be obvious by now that events like Fort Lauderdale, along with other mass-shootings , have become a sharp catalyst to usher in calls for endless new mass shooting protocols, inter-agency fusion , first-responder emergency medical protocols, and also for injecting more and more military terminology into civilian life with the media playing a critical role in steering the public away from questioning any of the dubious elements surrounding any shooting event.In a sense, the media is helping to nudge these shooting events out of the forensic sphere and into the political arena as quickly as possible, effectively closing the feedback loop of concerned citizens and those who may have been affected by an event.The Fort Lauderdale shooting has prompted the mainstream media to feed into concerns over airport security, gun ownership and a persons mental health background. All of media s fear-inducing drama regarding the Fort Lauderdale shooting boils down to a contentious battle over gun reform and mental health as the Obama administration comes to a close. No doubt this latest shooting will give cause to new security measures in airports across America.Here s another look at outgoing President Obama discussing his frustration on gun control in a legacy interview with the BBC from 2015 amazingly, only a few hours before a mass shooting in Lafayette *UPDATE* Broward Sheriff Scott Israel stated that deputies arrived on the scene between 60 to 70 seconds after the Fort Lauderdale shooting took place quite an incredible response time by most law enforcement standards.TMZ acquired footage of the Fort Lauderdale shooter in action the video appears to display elements of staging decide for yourself According to reports, Airport officials, along with federal and local authorities, are investigating who had access to the footage and who allowed it to be taped without authorization, Broward Mayor Barbara Sharief told the Sun Sentinel. *UPDATE* Just one week prior to the Fort Lauderdale shooting, Florida lawmakers began rallying support for SB 140, a state bill that would repeal laws which, among other things, ban guns in airport terminals like the one where the shooting occurred. Stayed tuned as more details come out regarding the Fort Lauderdale shooting READ MORE DAILY SHOOTER NEWS AT: 21WIRE Daily Shooter FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER@ 21WIRE.TV
How much longer will the citizens of San Juan, Puerto Rico put up with this loudmouth, liberal mayor trashing the leader of the nation who is bending over backward to ensure the delivery of much-needed food, water, and aid to bankrupt Puerto Rico? Americans are sick and tired of San Juan s Mayor Carmen Yul n Cruz bad-mouthing our President, and now, his wife Melania, every time a liberal network puts a microphone in front of her face.After President Trump s acting DHS Chief gave an optimistic view to reporters of how things were progressing in Puerto Rico, the San Juan mayor lashed out, saying, People are dying in this country. I am begging, begging anyone that can hear us, to save us from dying. If anybody out there is listening to us, we are dying, and you are killing us with the inefficiency and the bureaucracy. On Monday, President Trump took to Twitter to criticize Mayor Cruz for poor leadership ability. Trump also claimed that the island s leaders want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort. Such poor leadership ability by the Mayor of San Juan, and others in Puerto Rico, who are not able to get their workers to help. They . Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 30, 2017 want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort. 10,000 Federal workers now on Island doing a fantastic job. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 30, 2017Daily Caller San Juan Mayor Carmen Yul n Cruz insisted Saturday that she had, no time for small politics or for comments less than two minutes before attacking President Trump.On CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera, Cruz told Anderson Cooper, I smiled. Really, in response to President Trump s tweets about her. I have no time for small politics or for comments that really don t add to the situation here, she added.Just about a minute later in the interview, Cooper said, the President also says in a tweet early this morning that you had been nice to him early on but that Democrats told you, you have to be nasty towards him. Mayor Cruz responded to Andersen Cooper by taking a swipe at First Lady Melania Trump, saying, I don t know. Maybe he s used to women who have to be told what to do. That s not who we are in San Juan. Watch:In a 2014 interview, Cruz revealed her feelings about how she believed that woman in politics can t play nice , Politics is a rough game, and sometimes as females, we are taught that you have to play nice. Sometimes you can t play nice. When your bankrupt country is in desperate need of help, and the nation you are relying on for that help has a leader who is bending over backward to save you, it s probably not the right time to not play nice.
The virus is spreading like wildfire! I have to ride it out cause the doctors are scared of giving me medicine and it’ll cause a super bug.
Big thanks to @janwhich for cooking up a feast for our #Hurricane #sandy dinner. Great food and drink with @Bjc42 @EShoiks & crew!
Florida man parks Smart car in kitchen so it won't blow away during Hurricane Dorian https://www.fox29.com/news/florida-man-parks-smart-car-in-kitchen-so-it-wont-blow-away-during-hurricane-dorian …
Turley: "Comey falls under federal laws governing the disclosure of classified and non-classified information." https://t.co/gr54GxKQf3
BOZEMAN, Mont. (Reuters) - Republican Greg Gianforte defeated a political novice to win Montana’s seat in the U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday, barely 24 hours after he was charged with assaulting a reporter who asked him about the Republican healthcare bill. A race that was expected to be a test of President Donald Trump’s political influence ahead of next year’s U.S. congressional elections was jolted by the charge against Gianforte, a wealthy technology executive who had urged voters to send him to Congress to help Trump. Speaking to cheering supporters in Bozeman after his win, Gianforte apologized for the incident and said he was not proud of his actions. “I should not have responded the way I did, and for that I’m sorry,” Gianforte said. “I should not have treated that reporter that way.” Gianforte beat Democrat Rob Quist, a banjo player and first-time candidate who had focused his campaign on criticism of the Republican effort to repeal and replace former President Barack Obama’s healthcare law. CNN projected Gianforte would win. With 96 percent of the vote counted, he led Quist by 51 percent to 43 percent. Gianforte prevailed despite being charged on Wednesday night with misdemeanor assault on Ben Jacobs, a political correspondent for the U.S. edition of the Guardian newspaper, who said the candidate “body-slammed” him during a campaign event in Bozeman. Gianforte’s victory is a boost for Republicans, who are worried Trump’s political stumbles and the unpopularity of the healthcare bill passed by the House will hurt their chances of holding on to a 24-seat House majority in next year’s elections. But the relatively close margin of the race in Republican-leaning Montana was encouraging to Democrats, who are already focused on next month’s hotly contested special House election in the suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia. Gianforte had been favored to win in Montana, where Republicans have held the lone House seat for two decades and where Trump won by more than 20 percentage points in the 2016 presidential election. The race had grown closer in the last week, however, as Quist focused on criticism of the House healthcare bill. Quist, wearing his signature cowboy hat, told supporters in Missoula, Montana, that the grassroots energy of his campaign would continue. “I know that Montanans will hold Mr Gianforte accountable,” Quist said. It was unclear if Gianforte’s assault had an impact on the vote. More than a third of the state’s registered voters had already submitted ballots before it happened, state election officials said, and some Gianforte supporters shrugged off the charges or said they did not believe published accounts. “I feel like, it’s all just propaganda, you know what I mean, it’s hard for me to believe anything the media tells me,” said Nathaniel Trumper, who cast a vote for Gianforte at a polling station in Helena. The assault occurred as Jacobs tried to ask Gianforte about healthcare, according to an audio tape. Fox News Channel reporter Alicia Acuna, who was preparing to interview Gianforte, said the candidate “grabbed Jacobs by the neck with both hands and slammed him to the ground.” Afterward, three state newspapers rescinded their endorsements of Gianforte. Some Republican lawmakers, including House Speaker Paul Ryan, suggested he apologize. Gianforte specifically addressed his apology to Jacobs. “Last night I made a mistake,” he said, adding: “I’m sorry, Mr Ben Jacobs.” Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel called Gianforte’s apology “a good first step toward redemption” and said she hoped he “continues to work toward righting his wrong.” Gianforte will take the House seat vacated when Trump named Ryan Zinke as secretary of the interior. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence recorded robocalls to voters on Gianforte’s behalf, and Republican groups poured millions into ads criticizing Quist for property tax liens and unpaid debts, which Quist said stemmed from a botched gallbladder surgery. Quist, who raised more than $6 million for his upstart bid, said the experience gave him insight into the economic struggles some people face. He campaigned last weekend with U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who won the state’s 2016 Democratic presidential primary against Hillary Clinton. Gianforte could face additional, more serious charges once prosecutors review the evidence, Gallatin County Attorney Marty Lambert told Reuters. Gianforte has two weeks to enter a plea to the misdemeanor citation issued by the Gallatin County Sheriff’s Office, according to Lambert, who said he would likely review the case before then to decide whether it should be treated as a felony offense, which would supersede the current charge. “There’s always the possibility that when we get the case and the details, that we might look differently at the charging decision,” Lambert said.
Fake news alert ! Photo Falsely Claims Obama Served Food To Hurricane Harvey Victims https://www.westernjournalism.com/photo-falsely-claims-obama-served-food-hurricane-harvey-victims/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=janbrewer&utm_content=2017-09-02&utm_campaign=can …
Hellfire! We don‰Ûªt even want to think about it or mention it so let‰Ûªs not do anything that leads to it #islam!
I get into my car after not using it for a few days.. And there's a flood inside.. Someone didn't shut the door properly.. Brilliant
In fly-over country, and pretty much anywhere in between the east and west coasts of America, people are sick and tired supporting the arrogant, condescending, anti-American, Trump hating, liberal actors and Hollywood is finally starting to feel the pain in their pocketbooks. George Clooney s Suburbicon notched one of the most dismal wide-release debuts in recent years on a sluggish pre-Halloween weekend where the horror sequel Jigsaw topped all releases despite an underperforming debut.Despite debuting on more than 2,000 screens, Suburbicon managed just $2.8 million, making it one of Paramount Pictures worst performing wide-releases ever and marking a new box-office low for Clooney as a director and star Matt Damon. Obviously we are disappointed in these results which we don t feel are indicative of the quality and message of his original movie, said Kyle Davies, president of distribution for Paramount. liberal activist actors Matt Damon, George Clooney and Julianne MooreAre liberal activist actors Matt Damon, George Clooney and Julianne Moore so blinded by their hate for middle America, that they can t see the audience they re trying to appeal to, has lost their desire to support them and their sub-par movies?Before the election last year, Matt Damon expressed his anxiety over a possible Trump win: It makes me nervous, Damon said of the possibility that Trump would win the presidency (which he did via the Electoral College). It s a binary choice . There s no way we can let this guy be the [president]. To let that dude have the nuclear football, are you kidding me? That s dangerous. He s impulsive and rash, and doesn t seem to think deeply about too many things. Who can forget George Clooney s interview, where he laughed at the idea that Trump would win the election, saying There s not gonna be a President Donald Trump. That s not gonna happen. Co-star Julianne Moore is no stranger to the Hollywood anti-Trump movement. The outspoken gun-control advocate shared her thoughts with the Huffington Post on Trump s nationalistic rhetoric more specifically. It s a very interesting time, she said. I don t know that any society has moved forward by being exclusive and nationalistic and that s what I m seeing Donald Trump doing. I think it s very negative and incredibly detrimental to us as a society.
@FuckThePublic say a tornado hit your house and you can't make it to class because it blew your car away. :) lls
On Wednesday, a jubilant President Trump tweeted about the passage of the biggest in history Tax Cut and Reform Bill. Not one Democrat voted for the massive tax cut bill that will put real money back into the pocket of working families.The United States Senate just passed the biggest in history Tax Cut and Reform Bill. Terrible Individual Mandate (ObamaCare)Repealed. Goes to the House tomorrow morning for final vote. If approved, there will be a News Conference at The White House at approximately 1:00 P.M. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 20, 2017As it turns out, the Democrats embarrassing #Resist plan is not to do one thing to help parents put food on the table or take that vacation they haven t been able to afford for the past 8 years. As Democrats try to create mass hysteria over the Republican tax reform bill, left-wing news organizations like CNN have admitted that the tax bill is going to give working families damn good money. On Wednesday, CNN host John King said, The Republicans are making a big bet, taking a big risk. Will over time the American people say, Oh, actually I like having more money in my pocket. Oh, they did hire more people at the factory down the street. That s their big bet, King said. Not one Democrat has voted for a bill that cuts taxes by $1.5 trillion, King continued. To Abby s point, if you re a working-class family, a lot of people say, Oh, it s only $200, $300, but if you re a working-class family living paycheck to paycheck, $200-$300 is damn good money and you are grateful for it. Daily WireWATCH:CNN s John King: The Republican tax bill gives working-class families damn good money. pic.twitter.com/PG4TRJ1JF4 Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) December 20, 2017Businesses are also pleased with the new pro-growth, pro-business tax plan, and as a result, more workers will be hired in America and many of the current workers will see pay raises and/or bonuses.According to the Daily Wire, seven American businesses announced on Wednesday that they would both be investing hundreds of millions of dollars in their employees because of Republican tax reform bill that the Senate passed on Tuesday night.AT&T announced that once President Donald Trump signed the bill into law that they would invest an additional $1 billion in the United States in 2018 and pay a special $1,000 bonus to more than 200,000 AT&T U.S. employees. AT&T further noted that if Trump signed the bill before Christmas that the company will receive the bonus over the holidays.Boeing announced an immediate commitment to investing an additional $300 million in three areas that will directly benefit their employees:$100 million for corporate giving, with funds used to support demand for employee gift-match programs and for investments in Boeing s focus areas for charitable giving: in education, in our communities, and for veterans and military personnel. $100 million for workforce development in the form of training, education, and other capabilities development to meet the scale needed for rapidly evolving technologies and expanding markets. $100 million for workplace of the future facilities and infrastructure enhancements for Boeing employees.Fifth Third Bancorp, a bank headquartered in Ohio, announced that they would raise the minimum hourly wage for all employees to $15 following the tax reform bill and would give a one-time bonus of $1,000 to more than 13,500 of its employees.Wells Fargo announced that they will increase their minimum hourly pay rate to $15, and will aim for $400M in philanthropic donations next year due to the newly-passed GOP tax bill. Comcast announced that they will give $1,000 bonuses to over 100,000 eligible frontline and non-executive employees & invest $50 billion over the next five years in infrastructure based on the passage of tax reform. FedEx announced that the company will ramp up hiring in response to the tax bill.CVS Health announced in October that it the corporate tax rate went down that it would create 3,000 permanent new jobs.Here s President Donald J. Trump s latest tweet with a video explaining the benefits to farmers and middle-income Americans:WE ARE MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! pic.twitter.com/HY353gXV0R Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 20, 2017
Georgia s secretary of state has claimed the Department of Homeland Security tried to breach his office s firewall and has issued a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson asking for an explanation.Brian Kemp issued a letter to Johnson on Thursday after the state s third-party cybersecurity provider detected an IP address from the agency s Southwest D.C. office trying to penetrate the state s firewall. According to the letter, the attempt was unsuccessful.And now, Channel 2 Investigative Reporter Aaron Diamond has learned two more states election agencies have confirmed suspected cyberattacks linked to the same U.S. Department of Homeland Security IP address as last month s massive attack in Georgia.The two states reporting the suspected cyberattacks were West Virginia and Kentucky. We need somebody to dig down into this story and figure out exactly what happened, said Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp.In the past week, the Georgia Secretary of State s Office has confirmed 10 separate cyberattacks on its network over the past 10 months that were traced back to DHS addresses. We re being told something that they think they have it figured out, yet nobody s really showed us how this happened, Kemp said. We need to know. He says the new information from the two other states presents even more reason to be concerned. So now this just raises more questions that haven t been answered about this and continues to raise the alarms and concern that I have, Kemp said.Through an open-records request, Diamant acquired the results of a survey Kemp asked the National Association of Secretaries of State to send to its members.West Virginia wrote back, This IP address did access our election night results on November 7, 2016. Kentucky responded the same IP address did touch the KY (online voter registration) system on one occasion, 11/1/16. In a letter this week, DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson told Kemp the department sourced the mid-November activity in Georgia to a federal contractor conducting what he called normal internet searches on the Secretary of State s website. But Kemp says there s a problem with that answer. We haven t been able to recreate this the way they explained it to us, Kemp said.Kemp also told Diamant that DHS has yet to explain at least nine other suspected network scans linked to DHS IP addresses over the last year on or around important primary and presidential election dates. Kemp s call for answers is amplified now by the National Association of Secretaries of State, or NASS. WSBTV
Hurricane Matthew prep: 10 tips to help you shelter in place: Hurricane Matthew prep: 10 tips to hel... http://bit.ly/2dy1gap  #shelter
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Most of the world follows U.S. presidential elections closely, but Israel can seem particularly obsessive, endlessly assessing which candidate will better protect its interests and breaking down their every comment for policy clues. As America votes on Tuesday, a cartoon in the left-leaning Israeli newspaper Haaretz captured a sense of that fretfulness, depicting friends sitting outside a typical falafel stand and discussing in nerdy detail how the ballot will turn out. “There’s no way he’d lose Utah and Arizona, and you can’t count on North Carolina,” one says to the other. “They’d need to win Pennsylvania and hopefully Florida,” the other replies. The fact is, despite all the nervous introspection, both Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump are likely to be reliable for Israel, continuing the broad policy mix U.S. presidents have pursued since the 1980s. It’s the Palestinians who may have more to worry about. Over the past four years, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has had a fractious relationship with Barack Obama, openly campaigning against the U.S. deal on Iran’s nuclear program, including condemning it in a speech to Congress. But ultimately that did not stand in the way of the Obama administration’s agreeing a new, $38 billion, 10-year military aid package for Israel. And while the U.S. president has criticized Israel for building more settlements on land the Palestinians seek for their own state, the censure has never gone beyond words, essentially leaving Israel free to build. Analysts say that standoff-ish approach is likely to continue whether Clinton or Trump becomes president, and there are other reasons for Israel to expect a warmer embrace from the next administration than it has had from Obama. Netanyahu has been careful not to show favoritism, meeting both candidates and saying much the same thing afterwards. Clinton, a former New York senator and U.S. secretary of state, has repeatedly emphasized that she will protect Israel’s interests. Trump has said he will move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a popular line that would all but enshrine Jerusalem as the country’s capital. “We enjoy and appreciate the strong bipartisan support we get,” said Lior Weintraub, vice-president of The Israel Project, a pro-Israel lobby group, and a former chief of staff at the Israeli embassy in Washington, DC. “We believe either president will continue the tradition of the many presidents from both sides of the aisle of fostering the alliance on every front, from security to culture.” While polls show most Israelis favor Clinton, Trump has a hard-core following among some national-religious Israelis, many of whom are originally from the United States. When it comes to policy, Israeli analysts see Clinton as having a better handle on the issues, and the people who are likely to handle the Middle East if she is elected are more familiar faces than those in Trump’s circle. The question is what it may mean for the Palestinians. With deep internal divisions and little prospect of a resumption of peace talks with Israel, Palestinian observers believe neither candidate has their best interests at heart. “Either of them will maintain the U.S. commitment to aid Israel, the two have publicly angered the Palestinians in electoral speeches,” said analyst Hani Habib. “The only difference was that Trump promised to move the U.S. ambassador to Jerusalem while Clinton kept silent. “Any betting on either of them is a losing bet,” he said. (This version of the story was refiled to restore the dropped word ‘will’ in paragraph two)
Additional shipments of N-95 masks and other medical supplies bound for health partners impacted by California wildfires. https://www.directrelief.org/2018/08/as-wildfires-burn-across-california-more-emergency-shipments-bound-for-local-health-providers/ …
It s a bromance for the ages. One that may go down in history. Glenn Beck, while on the campaign trail in Iowa with Ted Cruz, formally endorsed the Republican candidate. However, that s not even the half of it.For most of the day, Beck was sending out these cryptic love notes regarding his feelings towards Cruz. Even going so far as to imply that Cruz is the next George Washington. Althoug, George Washington was actually born in the United States, we can t say as much for Cruz.The tweets really need to be put into letter form, so that s exactly what I ll do for you here: This election is about more than someone who understands your anger; it is about those who can stand shoulder to shoulder with you. I used to worry folks would vote party over principle. This year is worse it s paparazzi over principle. I need more than someone to vice my anger I need someone to have my back. The George Washington we need will not be found in the garish light of gold. Do we really want another 8 years of a president who views his role as a Benevolent Dictator? The president does not create jobs. He helps create the conditions in which WE THE PEOPLE create jobs and change lives.I have prayed for the next George Washington I believe I have found him. The presidency is not just a man, it is principles. That s why I stand with Ted Cruz. Our children deserve hope of a better tomorrow than our yesterdays; they deserve Ted Cruz. I am officially endorsing Ted Cruz to become the first Hispanic president!Connect with truth. Connect with freedom. Connect with Cruz.No, one man makes America great. But each of us as individuals, living our own lives, believing in our own strengths. That makes the USA great. Well, actually Beck, you ve made it pretty darn clear that you believe Ted Cruz is going to be your one and only in making the nation what you want it to be. While your passion for Cruz can be admired, your facts regarding your beloved candidate aren t quite accurate. Ted Cruz is no George Washington. Not even close. However, keep believing in your heart of hearts that Cruz is the man of your campaign dreams. If it s something you can hold close, do it. It may be all you have this election season.Here s the full series of tweets with a few jabs thrown at Trump and Hillary Clinton as well:This election is about more than someone who understands your anger; it is about those who can stand shoulder to shoulder with you. Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) January 23, 2016It's amazing how much time this presidential candidate is spending on someone who is so "irrelevant" cc @realDonaldTrump Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) January 23, 2016.@realDonaldTrump may not to need God s forgiveness, how about asking America s forgiveness 4 supporting trillions in Wall Street bailouts. Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) January 23, 2016I used to worry folks would vote party over principle. This year is worse it's paparazzi over principle. #GlennInIowa Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) January 23, 2016I need more than someone to vice my anger I need someone to have my back Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) January 23, 2016The George Washington we need will not be found in the garish light of gold Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) January 23, 2016Do we really want another 8 years of a president who views his role as a Benevolent Dictator? Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) January 23, 2016The president does not create jobs. He helps create the conditions in which WE THE PEOPLE create jobs and change lives. Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) January 23, 2016I have prayed for the next George Washington I believe I have found him Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) January 23, 2016.@HillaryClinton should be in prison Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) January 23, 2016The presidency is not just a man, it is principles. That's why I stand with @tedcruz @SenTedCruz Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) January 23, 2016Our children deserve hope of a better tomorrow than our yesterdays; they deserve @tedcruz Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) January 23, 2016I am officially endorsing Ted Cruz to become the first Hispanic president! @tedcruz #iacaucus Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) January 23, 2016Connect with truth. Connect with freedom. Connect with Cruz. @SenTedCruz @tedcruz Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) January 23, 2016No, one man makes America gr8t. But each of us as individuals, living our own lives, believing in our own strengths. That makes the USA gr8t Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) January 23, 2016Featured image: Twitter
Just when you thought you couldn t love Vice President Joe Biden more, his microphone gets left on and we all hear what he plans to do after leaving the White House continue his work against cancer.According to The Hill: Vice President Biden on Tuesday discussed on a live TV microphone his unconfirmed post-White House plans to continue his efforts on the cancer moonshot, working out of the University of Pennsylvania. While swearing in the new Senate, Biden was caught talking about The Biden Trust where he said: It s not so much about raising money or philanthropy, though there will be some of that, but it s more about keeping these guys cooperating and changing the culture. He then answered a question saying: I m going to be based out of Penn for foreign policy deliberately not associating with any one medical center. As you all may recall, Biden lost his son Beau Biden to brain cancer in 2015, and President Obama announced that the vice president s assignment was to fight and find a cure for cancer.Obama said during the State of the Union in January of 2016: Tonight, I m announcing a new national effort to get it done. And because he s gone to the mat for all of us, on so many issues over the past forty years, I m putting Joe in charge of Mission Control. A mission Biden is taking very seriously now and plans to continue after he is no longer vice president.Biden had said previously when he announced he wasn t going to run for president in 2016, that he s going to spend the next 15 months in this office pushing as hard as I can to accomplish this. Adding: Because I know there are Democrats and Republicans on the Hill who share our passion our passion to silence this deadly disease. If I could be anything, I would want it to be the President that ended cancer, because it s possible. And maybe, just maybe, in 2020 he ll have his chance.However, until then, he plans to keep moving forward to battle the deadly disease and we couldn t be more grateful for his efforts. Way to go, Joe!Featured image via Aaron P. Bernstein/Getty Images
Amazing Footage: Dogs Are Frantically Rescued from Shelter Evacuated in California Wildfire (via @InsideEdition)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAcfpmj6ImI …
Coronavirus victims are buried in crowded Tijuana cemetery https://t.co/RP9JdR8kpF
Thousands of people continue to deal with the devastation left behind by the still raging wildfires in California. The @RedCross is on the ground, providing shelter, food and comfort for them as fires continue to burn in both the northern and southern parts of the state. pic.twitter.com/qg6VGrQhDZ
I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/TiZc6nJAmSY?a  10-14-2018 Panama City Beach, Fl Hurricane Michael evacuee returns, car catches fire
CHISINAU (Reuters) - The Moldovan government said on Thursday it has sent 57 servicemen to Ukraine to participate in military exercises starting this week, deepening a row with the pro-Russian president who had vetoed the move. The drills in western Ukraine from Sept. 8-23 will be conducted mainly by NATO member countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom and Turkey. They coincide with war games known as Zapad , or West , by thousands of Russian troops in Belarus, the Baltic Sea, western Russia and the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad. The Russian exercises have worried NATO despite Moscow s assurances troops would rehearse a purely defensive scenario. Moldova is governed by a pro-Western government and a pro-Moscow president, meaning frequent clashes over foreign policy, especially where relations with Russia and the European Union are concerned. The government s plans to send troops were vetoed by President Igor Dodon, who argued that Moldova is bound by its constitution to stay neutral. The defense ministry ignored the president, who is also Moldova s commander-in-chief. Officially I confirm that, despite all the obstacles, 57 servicemen of Moldova, as was planned earlier, just an hour ago went by bus to participate in NATO military exercises, which start on Friday in Ukraine, Defence Ministry spokeswoman Diana Gradinaru said. Earlier this year Dodon banned the participation of military personnel in NATO exercises in Romania, prompting complaints by the U.S. and Romanian ambassadors. Moldova has been governed by pro-Western governments since 2009 and signed a trade pact with the EU in 2014. Russia retaliated by halting imports of Moldovan farm produce, depriving the country of a key market for its wine, fruit and vegetables. Relations suffered further this year due to a dispute in March over the treatment of Moldovan officials traveling to or through Russia, and the expulsion of Russian diplomats in May. In August, Moldova declared Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin persona non grata, accusing him of making defamatory remarks about Moldovan government officials.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Senate on Thursday moved closer to approving President Donald Trump’s pick to head the Environmental Protection Agency even as nearly 800 former officials urged the chamber to reject the nominee, who sued the agency more than a dozen times as attorney general of oil-producing Oklahoma. The 773 former officials signed a letter sent to the Senate that said Pruitt’s record and public statements suggest he does not agree with the underlying principles of U.S. environmental laws. Pruitt has also cast doubts on the science of climate change. “Mr. Pruitt has shown no interest in enforcing those laws, a critically important function for EPA,” the letter said. A spokesman for Pruitt did not immediate respond to a request for comment. The Senate advanced Pruitt’s nomination on Thursday, clearing the way for a final vote, expected on Friday. Republican Senator Susan Collins came out against Pruitt on Wednesday, saying she had doubts about whether he would fully support the EPA’s mission to protect human health and the environment. But Pruitt only needs a simple majority for approval, so unless Collins is joined by more Republicans, who control the Senate 52 to 48, his nomination is likely to succeed. Making Pruitt’s chances even likelier, Senator Heidi Heitkamp, a Democrat, said she would cast her for vote for him, even though she had “concerns” about his commitment to renewable power and to cut emissions blamed for climate change. Joseph Santarella, an EPA enforcement lawyer under former Republican and Democratic administrations, who signed the letter protesting Pruitt, said his lawsuits against the agency demonstrated he had “a fundamental lack of understanding and respect for the vital role that EPA plays in ensuring clean air and water for every American.” Senator John Barrasso, a Republican from coal-producing Wyoming and head of the Senate energy committee, said Pruitt had “led the charge to rein in big government and Washington overreach.” The public could soon learn more about Pruitt’s communications with energy companies while he was suing the EPA. Oklahoma County District Court Judge Aletia Timmons ruled that Pruitt will have to turn over 3,000 emails between his office and energy companies to her by Tuesday. Timmons will review the emails before deciding which of them to release. A watchdog group, the Center for Media and Democracy, has sought the release of the documents since January 2015.
VIDEO: Hurricane Victim Snaps After CNN Reporter Terrorizes Woman and Her Children at Houston Shelter http://truepundit.com/video-hurricane-victim-snaps-after-cnn-reporter-terrorizes-woman-and-her-children-at-houston-shelter/ …
RT @TWCBreaking: National Weather Service office in Huntsville, AL taking shelter due to confirmed tornado #severe
The picture says a million words. Trump's FEMA failing again - Citizens without water and food for days from Hurricane Michael https://www.dailykos.com/story/2018/10/14/1804277/-Trump-s-FEMA-failing-again-Citizens-without-water-and-food-for-days-from-Hurricane-Michael …
"California Wildfires Kill at Least 5 Trapped in Cars as They Fled" by THOMAS FULLER, MATTHEW HAAG and JENNIFER MEDINA via NYT Thousands of people have fled and hundreds of buildings have burned as wildfires raged in both Southern and Northern California.https://ift.tt/2RKq95b pic.twitter.com/w2keO5LDRq
All Barton offices will be closed 10/29 & 10/30 due to Hurricane Sandy. Stay safe and ride out the storm!  We plan on reopening on 10/31....
Clever #Dog Decides To Stock Up On #Food After #Hurricane https://www.thedodo.com/close-to-home/dog-steals-pet-food-hurricane-picture?utm_content=Clever+Dog+Decides+To+Stock+Up+On+Food+After+Hurricane&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social-media …
This weekend, the Libertarian Party held its annual convention in Orlando, Florida. On Sunday, as ballots were being counted to determine who would be the party s presidential and vice-presidential nominees, candidates vying for party chairman were each allowed two minutes to speak.During this time, James Weeks, a candidate for the chairman position, took to the stage. Instead of using his two minutes to urge party members to vote for him, he instead used his time to do a striptease.Reporters who were covering the convention tweeted out photos and video of the candidate s performance.The Washington Post s Dave Weigel tweeted:Image credit: Screen capture via Dave Weigel on TwitterAt around the same time, Byron Tau of the Wall Street Journal posted this image to Twitter.Image credit: Byron Tau via TwitterMeanwhile, Vaughn Hillyard of NBC News wondered how C-SPAN was dealing with the spontaneous striptease.Image credit: Vaughn Hillyard via TwitterC-SPAN aired the candidate s performance live.Video of the C-SPAN coverage, which identifies the candidate as James Weeks, was quickly posted to YouTube. At the end of the performance, Weeks told the audience that it was a dare, and announcing that he was going to go ahead and drop out. Watch the video below, courtesy of Crazy Horse on YouTube.According to multiple sources, many Libertarian Party delegates were not happy with Week s performance.Ben Jacobs, a reporter with The Guardian tweeted:NBC News reporter Jane Timm quoted other delegates, one who called the performance offensive, and another who feared that it might give people the wrong impression of the Libertarian Party.While Weeks performance is the most attention-getting story to come out of the Libertarian convention, it s not the only thing that happened.CNN reports party delegates eventually selected Gary Johnson, former Governor of New Mexico, as their presidential nominee and ex-Massachusetts Governor Bill Weld was chosen as vice presidential nominee.Image credit: video screen capture via C-Span on YouTube
Ebay Snipe RT? http://t.co/SlQnph34Nt Lego Power Miners Set 8960 Thunder Driller Boxed. ?Please Favorite & Share
The same ‘protestors’ who have been ready to burn down constitution over the Ram Janmabhoomi verdict, are insisting that the protestors be identified by their religion as it is far more important to be a Muslim protestor than a ‘secular’ protestor https://t.co/2ZFULw3kYe
WOW !! "What it was like to ride out Hurricane Sandy in Breezy Point" http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/ride-storm-breezy-point-article-1.1195057 …
Last Thursday, during Hillary s acceptance speech at the DNC, she delivered a heart-wrenching and emotional tale about a little girl in a wheelchair. Boy, that Hillary she s always thinking of the less fortunate and doesn t think twice about sticking her neck out to help the little guy. There s only one problem with Hillary s story (and pretty much everything she says) it was all a big LIE! Hillary told the crowd at the DNC and millions more who were watching her on TV, about a poor suffering handicapped girl in a wheelchair in New Bedford, Massachusetts who could not go to school because of her disability. Hillary said she helped the girl get to school.Here s part of the transcript from the LA Times: My mother, Dorothy, was abandoned by her parents as a young girl. She ended up on her own at 14, working as a housemaid. She was saved by the kindness of others.Her first-grade teacher saw she had nothing to eat at lunch and brought extra food to share the entire year. The lesson she passed on to me, years later, stuck with me: No one gets through life alone. We have to look out for each other and lift each other up.And she made sure I learned the words from our Methodist faith: Do all the good you can, for all the people you can, in all the ways you can, as long as ever you can. So, I went to work for the Children s Defense Fund, going door-to-door in New Bedford, Mass., on behalf of children with disabilities who were denied the chance to go to school.I remember meeting a young girl in a wheelchair on the small back porch of her house. She told me how badly she wanted to go to school it just didn t seem possible in those days. And I couldn t stop thinking of my mother and what she d gone through as a child.It became clear to me that simply caring is not enough. To drive real progress, you have to change both hearts and laws. You need both understanding and action.So we gathered facts. We built a coalition. And our work helped convince Congress to ensure access to education for all students with disabilities. WATCH HILLARY SPIN HER BIG LIE HERE:Ken Pittman at WBSM reported:Here s what I learned; The Mayor of New Bedford in 1973 was a guy I happen to know, Mayor John Markey (81 years old and a lifelong Democrat now living in Dartmouth, MA. Mayor Markey is also a retired judge and a man whose credibility and character are beyond reproach. Jack as he is known, is eligible for both court and municipal pension but only accepts one. He is not one to double dip . I called Jack and asked him a few questions about handicap services in 1973 at the New Bedford Public Schools, including wheelchair accessibility. I took over as Mayor in January of 1973. We had a budget for vans with drivers and provided services to students with disabilities. It was Tremblay Bus. They would pick them up and drop them off at their homes. Now, they may not have been able to go to the local school, depending on whether or not the schools were accessible for wheelchairs but there were many schools then which could and did accommodate our handicapped students in wheelchairs . In fact, we had a local guy who was a paraplegic, injured in a diving accident who came to my office many times to advocate for the disabled and I actually spent an entire day in 1973 in a wheelchair to better understand the challenges they face everyday. Soon after that we were cutting out sidewalks for wheelchairs and doing things in New Bedford before the laws ever compelled us to. Via: Gateway Pundit
This blogger s piece is a glimpse into the future of America. Unless we all find a way to stand together and stop Barack Obama and the Democrat party s fundamental transformation from happening we ll be looking for another country who cares more about its citizens than its immigrant population This is the last post on this blog. I am leaving Sweden for good shortly, and will no longer be following its descent from what was once the third most prosperous country in the world. Frankly, it s just too damn depressing.I was born and raised in Sweden, which leaves a cultural mark even though I moved to USA in the 1990s and have spent the better part of my adult life as an American. Coming back for a few years has been a shocking experience.When I was a child, Sweden was a dull yet very safe place to live. Yes, there was a heavy blanket of socialism and collectivist values covering everything, but there was a core of pragmatism beneath the redness. The intention and goal was always to benefit the citizens, even though they went about things in a backwards manner.Prime minister L fven Today, it s as if the inmates are running the asylum. The politicians are participating in a chicken race of goodness where everybody tries to one-up each other in caring for the citizens of OTHER countries while Swedish retirees, school children, handicapped and other vulnerable categories of people are thorougly ignored. Violence is exploding. Jihadist Trojan horses are flowing through the porous border along with the tens of thousands ID-less refugees.But what makes me the most pessimistic about Sweden s future is how the social fabric itself has been undermined.Now, to be clear, it is my opinion that modest immigration is healthy for society and beneficial for trade, cultural development and so forth. Protectionism as a concept is counter-productive, while free trade and the ability for skilled labor to go where they re in demand is beneficial for everyone.Having said that, what Sweden is doing is something completely different. The once homogenous population has been forever altered by a rapid and massive addition of people from vastly different cultures and value-systems. 26,8% of the population is now foreign-born or with at least one foreign-born parent, and the national census bureau estimates that some 150 000 per year will arrive to the country of just 9,8 million residents.There simply is no possible way to absorb and assimilate such volumes of people, period. Then you are merely creating ethnic enclaves, which due to incompatible language, culture and job skills become ghettos, which in turns brews crime, misery and extremism. Once the inflow has exceeded the capacity for absorbtion, further immigration only makes the problem worse.It s like someone having read that a cup of green tea per day is healthy, so they make it a policy to chug four gallons per day, every day. It s a good thing overdone to the extreme until it becomes toxic.Then you have the Swedish school system. There really is no nice way to put it; it s a complete disaster. The minister of education is a man-boy who spends his time making Youtube-videos showing heart-signs with his hands to boost school results, while university-level students can t read and comprehend the course literature.Education minister Gustav FridolinSince there is a delay in the changes in the school system, it is only in recent years the full impact of the knowledge-averse progressive school system is starting to be felt. Hard facts are largely irrelevant; the important thing is to sit in a group and discuss things until a consensus is reached. But with no hard facts to base the conclusions on, it becomes an exercise in futility because it s all random assumptions and opinions. As a university-level history student (!) was quoted as saying in newspaper Svenska Dagbladet the other day: Why would all these dates matter? Who cares in what order things happened? That s not exactly fertile soil for creating the researchers and engineers of the future.Financially, Sweden is an oddity in that it never had its real estate correction when Lehman Bros went belly-up and the housing market everywhere in the West crashed. Sweden just kept steaming ahead, which means housing is ridiculously overinflated. In Stockholm, the real estate prices increased 19% and in Gothenburg 24% in the last 12 months alone from an already sky-high level.Tear-down abandoned house from 1932 with small, unremarkable lot in the outskirts of Stockholm. Current bid: 7,5 million SEK, or close to $900,000.As a result, personal debt of the Swedish population is at an all-time high. To keep all this afloat the normal mortgage interest rates are at 2% with central bank Riksbanken at -0,25%, and yet a significant portion of the borrowers are hanging by a thread. If and when foreign banks and investors decide it s time to turn their backs on Sweden (as happened in the early 1990s) there s going to be a lot of pain.Then you have the financial obligations going forward. Like much of the western world, there is a demographic change where fewer tax-paying adults are to support a glut of retirees. What makes it especially dire for Sweden is that in addition to the old Swedes, there s also a ton of elderly immigrants that are granted family visas based on younger relatives having been granted asylum. They ve never paid a dime in taxes, yet enter the system with full benefits from day one. In theory, this would be made up for by the younger relatives working and paying taxes. Sadly, this is not the case; while ethnical Swedes have a 82% employment rate, immigrants only have 57% with non-Europeans coming in at just 51%.If Sweden was a person, it d be like the guy with three mortgages, seven maxed-out credit cards and four collection agencies chasing him that just signed a lease for a brand new BMW X6. Simply put, there s a lot of red ink in the future; it just hasn t been fully realized yet.Finally, there s the sorry state of the Swedish defense. After decades of constant slashing of the defense budget, the extent of Swedish ambition is to stall an invader for a week in a limited area. This with war raging in Europe, Russian missiles pointed at Sweden in Kaliningrad, and Russian submarines and bomber jets openly thumbing their nose at Sweden as they intrude on Swedish territory on a regular basis. The power vacuum in Scandinavia is so tangible you can almost hear a sucking sound as you fly over it. This, too, will require massive investments when the penny finally drops amongst Swedish politicians.So while I can t claim to be any kind of authority on macroeconomics or social predictive models, I see red lights across the board.In some ways, I d compare the country to a farm. Previously, Sweden acted like a sensible farmer and planted wheat here, carrots there, potatoes over there et cetera, by implementing free schooling, sound infrastructure investments, state-financed research and so forth. A few decades later, they reaped the rewards and climbed the prosperity ladder.In the late 1960s, this pragmatic line was abandoned as leftist idealist Olof Palme took over. But there was plenty to harvest from previous years, so Sweden continued to be the land of milk and honey for a good long while. Then things started drying up, and the process has been one of gradual erosion and decline since the 1990s.The famous Swedish health care system is a good example. 120 000 hospital beds in the late 1960s became 20 000 today. Cancer patients are put on waiting lists for months. Entire emergency wards shut down for summer. The crumbling Swedish railroad system is another symptom I examined in-depth last year. The aforementioned defense that now consist of about three fat generals and a rusty rifle (bullets withheld for budgetary reasons).A sensible farmer would see the problems for what they are and hurry to plant new seeds, so as to return to bountiful harvests of wheat, carrots, potatoes etc. Instead, the Swedish politicians goes by dogma and plants what they think SHOULD grow. So they plant M & Ms, hot dogs and pretzels. The results won t be fully evident for a few years yet, but as the last reserves of the old harvests are depleted, things will get Interesting.From what I can see, there simply is no plausible scenario where these social tensions and future financial committments will not lead to a downward spiral of hardship and strife. I hope I m wrong. I really do, because I have friends and family I care about that will remain here to see it all play out.But I won t. I ll be back in the US being mad at Obama for being a lying scumbag. And if Trump manages to get elected in 2016? Whoo boy. A racist ignoramus who takes pride in the worst qualities of a cranky eight-year old should make George Dumbo Bush seem like Abe Lincoln by comparison. So every country has its problems. USA has its corrupt yokel in office, just as Sweden has Stefan L fven. Via: The Sweden Report
Spent my whole day at work preparing for the hurricane. Was making sure that all our patients have all the medical supplies they need.
#Health Dr. Besser's 3 Tips to Ride Hurricane Sandy Out Safely: For those in the path of Hurricane Sandy, ... http://bit.ly/SQUz1l  #News
SEOUL (Reuters) - The billionaire head of South Korea s Samsung Group, Jay Y. Lee, was sentenced to five years in jail for bribery on Friday in a watershed for the country s decades-long economic order dominated by powerful, family-run conglomerates. After a six-month trial over a scandal that brought down the then president, Park Geun-hye, a court ruled that Lee had paid bribes in anticipation of favours from Park. The court also found Lee guilty of hiding assets abroad, embezzlement and perjury. Lee, the 49-year-old heir to one of the world s biggest corporate empires, has been held since February on charges that he bribed Park to help secure control of a conglomerate that owns Samsung Electronics, the world s leading smartphone and chip maker, and has interests ranging from drugs and home appliances to insurance and hotels. Lee, who emerged stony-faced from the Seoul courtroom in a dark suit, but without a tie, and holding a document envelope, was escorted by justice ministry officials back to his detention centre. This case is a matter of Lee Jae-yong and Samsung Group executives, who had been steadily preparing for Lee s succession ... bribing the president, Seoul Central District Court Judge Kim Jin-dong said, using Lee s Korean name. Kim said that as the group s heir apparent, Lee stood to benefit the most from any political favours for Samsung. Lee denied wrongdoing, and one of his lawyers, Song Wu-cheol, said he would appeal. The entire guilty verdict is unacceptable, Song said, adding he was confident his client s innocence would be affirmed by a higher court. The case is expected to be appealed all the way up to the Supreme Court, likely next year. The five year-sentence - one of the longest given to a South Korean business leader - is a landmark for South Korea, where the family-run conglomerates - or chaebols - have long been revered for helping transform the once war-ravaged country into a global economic powerhouse. But they have more recently been criticized for holding back the economy and stifling small businesses and start-ups. Samsung, a symbol of the country s rise from poverty following the 1950-53 Korean War, has come to epitomize the cosy and sometimes corrupt ties between politicians and the chaebols. The ruling is a turning point for chaebols, said Chang Sea-jin, a business professor at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. In the past, chaebols weren t afraid of laws because they were lenient. Now, Lee s ruling sets a precedent for strict enforcement of laws, and chaebols should be wary. Under South Korean law, sentences of more than three years cannot be suspended. The third-generation de facto head of the powerful Samsung Group, Lee has effectively directed operations since his father, Lee Kun-hee, was incapacitated by a heart attack in 2014. Some investors worry a prolonged leadership vacuum could slow decision-making at the group, which has more than five dozen affiliate companies and assets of 363.2 trillion won ($322.13 billion). Its listed companies make up about 30 percent of the market value of South Korea s KOSPI stock index. Many tycoons, including Lee s father, were convicted of crimes in the past, ranging from bribery, embezzlement and tax evasion, only to get presidential pardons, as both the government and the public feared going too hard on them would hurt the economy. But South Korea s new liberal president, Moon Jae-in, who won a May election, has pledged to rein in the chaebols, empower minority shareholders and end the practice of pardoning tycoons convicted of white-collar crime. The presidential Blue House said in a statement that it hopes the ruling will serve as an opportunity to end the nexus of business and politics that has held back the country. In a June interview with Reuters, Moon said he did not believe Samsung s operations depended just on Lee. When Lee was taken into custody, the share prices of Samsung went up, Moon said. If we were to succeed in reforming the running of the chaebols and also increasing transparency, I believe this will not only help the economic power of Korea but also help to make the chaebols themselves more competitive. Investors say shares in chaebol companies trade at lower prices than they would otherwise because of their opaque corporate governance - the so-called Korea Discount. Shares of Samsung Electronics dropped more than 1 percent, and other group companies, including Samsung C&T and Samsung SDS, also turned lower after the verdict. The court said Samsung s financial support of entities backed by a friend of Park s, Choi Soon-sil, constituted bribery, including 7.2 billion won ($6.4 million) in sponsoring the equestrian career of Choi s daughter. In return, prosecutors say, Samsung sought government support for the 2015 merger of two of its affiliates, which helped Lee tighten control of the conglomerate. His lawyers had argued that the merger was done for business reasons. Some criminal lawyers had expected Lee to be found innocent of the major charges, as much of the evidence at the trial has been circumstantial. The appeals court and the Supreme Court might put a greater emphasis on prosecutors to provide direct proof of quid pro quo, the lawyers said. Park, who was forced from office in March, faces her own corruption trial, with a ruling expected later this year. Prosecutors have argued that Park and Lee took part in the same act of bribery - so Lee s conviction would appear ominous for the former president. Hundreds of Park s diehard supporters who rallied outside the court on Friday reacted with outrage to the ruling. Our ultimate goal is Park s acquittal and release, Kim Won-joon, a 62-year-old former construction worker said. We worry how today s guilty verdict for Lee would affect Park s ruling. Such supporters are a minority compared with the huge crowds that turned out in Seoul every week to call for Park s ouster after the bribery scandal surfaced late last year. Public approval of Lee s prosecution may underscore growing frustration in Asia s fourth-largest economy that the wealth amassed by conglomerates has not trickled down. I think it was difficult for a court to ignore public opinion, given that the scandal rocked the country, said Chung Sun-sup, chief executive of research firm Chaebul.com. The five-year sentence was low given that he was found guilty of all the charges. I think the court gave him a lighter sentence, taking into account Samsung s importance to the economy.
Haryana BJP candidate claims to have rigged EVMs, gets EC notice ~~~ IANS: 20 Oct 2019 The EC has served a notice to the BJP candidate from Assandh, Karnal, Haryana over his video remark that BJP had tampered the EVMs and every vote would go to his party. https://t.co/PEkMrmEfeG
Vehicle blamed for deadly California wildfire https://news360.com/article/472890500 …
.Photo Falsely Claims Obama Served Food To Hurricane Harvey Victims http://www.westernjournalism.com/photo-falsely-claims-obama-served-food-hurricane-harvey-victims/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=PostSideSharingButtons&utm_content=2017-08-30&utm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons …
#hot Funtenna: hijacking computers to send data as sound waves [Black Hat 2015] http://t.co/qj3PVgaVN7 #prebreak #best
As GOP candidate, Donald Trump walked through a packed group of supporters at a rally in SC, he was approached by a man who yelled out, I m a Muslim and I support this man all the way! The media has spent an enormous amount of time trying to convince voters that Trump will never get the Muslim vote because of the hate he has earned from the Muslim community, after saying we need to stop allowing un-vetted Muslim refugees to enter our country.Look for this exchange to be used in future Trump ads:
DUBAI (Reuters) - Eight women and two children from the same Yemeni family were killed when an air strike by forces of the Saudi-led coalition involved in the country s three-year-old war hit a wedding party, residents said on Monday. The 10 people were returning on Sunday evening from a wedding in Marib province, an area east of the capital Sanaa held by the Iran-allied Houthi group, when their vehicle was struck, the sources said. A spokesman for the coalition, which denies targeting civilians and says that every report of an attack is investigated, did not respond to an email requesting comment. The residents said the victims, all female, were part of the same family, but gave no further details on their ages or if anyone else was traveling with them. The coalition has been conducting regular air strikes in Houthi-held areas as part of a campaign to restore President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi to power. The United Nations says that more than 60,000 people have been killed or wounded in the conflict, which also displaced more than two million and triggered a cholera epidemic that has infected about one million people.
Dr. @jayasreenair1 shared an old video of Ambedkar supporters protesting as CAA protesters setting ablaze photos of Hindu deities. Hasn't deleted even after being called out. She claims to work as Sr research scientist at @ColumbiaMed @ColumbiaPS. https://t.co/2CjBnQogls ... https://t.co/OqWqlJUlAF
Muslims take time away from protest to pray at DFW airport. #MuslimBan #MuslimBanprotest @ldelucaDMN pic.twitter.com/vJboEDYNuW DMN Photo (@dallasnewsphoto) January 29, 2017
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump picked a new fight on Thursday with his fellow Republicans, saying congressional leaders could have avoided a “mess” over raising the U.S. debt ceiling if they had taken his advice. In the latest in a stream of criticisms that could undermine his aims to cut taxes, pass a budget and rebuild infrastructure, Trump sought to blame party leaders if Congress fails to agree to raise the cap on how much the federal government may borrow. The Treasury Department has said the ceiling must be raised by Sept. 29. If not, the government would be unable to borrow more money or pay its bills, including its debt payments. That could hurt the United States’ credit rating, cause financial turmoil, harm the U.S. economy and possibly trigger a recession. Trump said he had advised Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan to link passage of legislation raising the debt ceiling to a bill on veterans affairs that he signed into law on Aug. 12. “They ... didn’t do it so now we have a big deal with Dems holding them up (as usual) on Debt Ceiling approval. Could have been so easy-now a mess!” Trump said in Twitter posts. Recent media reports suggest that Trump’s relationship with McConnell has deteriorated amid repeated attacks by Trump on the Republican Senate majority leader for, among other things, failing to get a healthcare bill passed. The New York Times reported on Tuesday that McConnell and Trump were locked in a political “cold war,” especially after an Aug. 9 phone call that it said devolved into a shouting match. On the 9th and the 10th Trump assailed McConnell via Twitter, angered by a speech in which McConnell said Trump had “excessive expectations” of Congress. Trump’s salvo ran counter to efforts this week by the White House and McConnell’s office to play down reports of discord. A spokesman for McConnell noted the Senate majority leader had said earlier this week, in an appearance with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, that the debt ceiling would be raised. McConnell was “unequivocal” about it, said spokesman Don Stewart. He said McConnell mentioned it again on Wednesday in a statement the Senate leader issued about his “shared goals” with Trump. Ryan, speaking at a town hall meeting on tax reform at a Boeing plant in Washington state, also said Congress would pass legislation to raise the ceiling in time to ensure debt payment. White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders denied there was any need to repair ties between Trump and top Republican lawmakers. “I think the relationships are fine,” she told reporters. “Certainly there are going to be some policy differences, but there are also a lot of shared goals and that’s what we’re focused on.” Raising the debt ceiling is one of the must-pass measures Congress will take up when it returns on Sept. 5. Congress will have about 12 working days from its return to approve spending measures to keep the government open. While the budget and debt cap are separate, they are likely to become entangled, with Republican opponents of a debt ceiling increase expected to demand federal spending cuts. Trump threatened on Tuesday to shut down the government if Congress failed to secure funding for his long-promised wall along the U.S.-Mexican border. His threat added a new wrinkle to the Republicans’ months-long struggle to reach a budget deal, rattling markets and drawing rebukes from some Republicans. Democrats, solidly opposed to funding the wall, have slammed Trump over his comments. Both the spending and debt ceiling bills could pass the Republican-led House by a simple majority vote, but will need 60 votes to pass the Senate, where Republicans hold 52 of 100 seats, meaning they will need some Democratic support. A respected think tank said in a report on Thursday the government might not have enough money to pay all its bills on Oct. 2 if Washington does not raise the debt cap. The Treasury might not have enough money on that day to make a roughly $80 billion payment that will be due to a military retirement fund, according to the Bipartisan Policy Center. Moody’s Investors Service said it would consider stripping the United States of its top-notch rating in the event of a default but not over late or skipped payments on non-debt obligations if the government ran short of funds. The warning about a possible U.S. downgrade seemed less dire and narrower in scope than one issued on Wednesday by Fitch Ratings. Trump has often expressed frustration that Congress has not passed significant legislation since he took office in January, particularly its failure to pass a bill to replace Democratic former President Barack Obama’s healthcare law - something that Trump had promised to accomplish. “The only problem I have with Mitch McConnell is that, after hearing Repeal & Replace for 7 years, he failed! That should NEVER have happened!” Trump said in a tweet on Thursday, echoing criticisms he made earlier this month. McConnell offered muted criticism of Trump on Thursday, saying he was “a little concerned about some of the trade rhetoric” by the president, who has repeatedly condemned trade deals he believes are bad for the United States, and by others. “Trade is a winner for America,” McConnell told Kentucky farmers and lawmakers. “The assumption that every free-trade agreement is a loser for America is largely untrue.”
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s acting director criticized President Donald Trump for telling law enforcement officers not to be “too nice” to suspects, urging DEA agents to show “respect and compassion” and saying he felt compelled to speak out when “something is wrong.” Acting Director Chuck Rosenberg sent an agency-wide email on Saturday, one day after Trump’s speech to officers in Brentwood, New York, on Long Island. The email was seen by Reuters on Tuesday. Trump suggested to officers that, as part of a tougher approach to suspects, they do away with practices like protecting the head of a suspect being put into a patrol car. That suggestion drew criticism from many local law enforcement agencies, as well as Rosenberg. “I write because we have an obligation to speak out when something is wrong,” the acting DEA chief said in the email. “The President, in remarks delivered yesterday in New York, condoned police misconduct regarding the treatment of individuals placed under arrest by law enforcement.” Rosenberg, who was not nominated by Trump but is a holdover from the Obama administration, was the first head of a federal agency to challenge Trump’s remarks in a wide arena. Incidents of police brutality and law enforcement killings of black suspects have sparked mass protests nationwide and led many departments to purchase body cameras to record interactions between officers and the public. Trump, a Republican, campaigned on a pro-law enforcement platform, winning the support of several police unions by promising to be tough on crime and more supportive of police than his predecessor, Democratic President Barack Obama. Chuck Canterbury, national president of the Fraternal Order of Police, the nation’s largest police union, said Trump’s “off the cuff comments” are taken “too literally” by news media. “The President knows, just as every cop out there knows, that our society does not, and should not, tolerate the mistreatment or prejudgment of any individual at any point in the criminal justice process,” Canterbury said in a statement on Saturday. The DEA combats drug trafficking into the United States from offices nationwide and several international posts. Rosenberg said he was not seeking to advance a political agenda, but to remind his agents of their core values, including accountability, diversity and integrity. “This is how we conduct ourselves. This is how we treat those whom we encounter in our work: victims, witnesses, subjects and defendants. This is who we are,” he wrote.
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If Facebook has aligned themselves with Germany to restrict the free speech of its users, what makes us so sure they won t do the same thing in the US with Obama or (God forbid) a Hillary presidency? And wouldn t Germany be better off focusing their policing efforts on the over 1 million freeloaders and terrorists they ve just admitted into Germanista?Police in Germany have started carrying out raids in peoples homes in an attempt to prosecute people for inciting hate speech on Facebook.A press release from Germany s federal police agency confirmed that around 60 homes were searched this week as a result of people posting messages deemed as extreme by the German authorities. The action carried out today shows that the authorities are acting firmly against hate on the internet, which has grown considerably in the wake of the refugee situation, said Holger M nch, head of the BKA, said in the statement. Attacks on refugees are often the result of radicalization, which begins on social networks. These words should not poison the social climate, he continued.The move comes after it was revealed in January that Mark Zuckerberg had teamed up with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in order to censor people s frustrations with her migrant policy, when she decided to open up Germany s borders to millions of migrants last year.Facebook consequently introduced a policy where they agreed to remove anything deemed as hate speech within 24 hours. Bretibart News
Dog Seen Walking Carrying His Bag Of Dog Food, Down The Street In Texas Hurricane Area!
Friday Night Floods leave latest mark: Sinkhole swallows cars in Galleria area http://ow.ly/2A8Kfh 
US military begins preparations for Hurricane Matthew:… http://www.autoblog.com/2016/10/06/us-military-preparations-hurricane-matthew-evacuation/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter … #airforce #c17 #f22 #florida #hurricane #Autos #Car #Trucks
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The U.S. government will pay U.S. health insurers who provide Medicare Advantage plans to elderly and disabled Americans about 0.85 percent more on average in 2017 than in 2016, reflecting mostly stable medical costs, a government agency said on Monday. The Department of Health and Human Services’ final plan to raise payments was a bit less than the 1.35 percent increase the agency proposed in February. It said the lower figure reflected revisions to medical services cost calculations. “The Medicare Advantage rates look very much in line with the proposed rule,” said Ipsita Smolinski of Capitol Street, a Washington research firm. Insurers including UnitedHealth Group Inc, Aetna Inc and Anthem Inc manage health benefits for more than 17 million Americans enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans. The other more than 30 million people eligible for Medicare coverage are part of the government-run fee-for-service program. Shares in UnitedHealth and Aetna were slightly lower in very light after-hours trading, while Anthem was unchanged. Each year, the government sets out how it will reimburse insurers for the healthcare services their members use. Payments vary by region, the quality rating earned by the health plan and the relative health of the members. The proposal is always subject to industry lobbying and often changes before it is finalized. Analysts said that while that the lower-than-proposed payment was a slight negative for insurers, the agency made two other modifications in the final overall payment plan that would benefit the industry next year. Capital Alpha Partners analyst Kim Monk said the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the health agency division that regulates Medicare, gave ground on two issues: a new method for calculating risk and cuts in payments for certain employer-based retiree drug plans. The government agency, which initially planned to implement the cuts over a year, said on Monday it now planned to introduce a two-year transition period after hearing from insurers, unions, employers and lobbying groups that the cuts proposed in February were too aggressive. Insurance lobbyist America’s Health Insurance Plans President Marilyn Tavenner said in a statement the government had made changes to mitigate the negative impact of its original proposal, but that more could be done to improve the stability of the employer-based retiree plans.
Thank God Hillary never worked in a rape clinic or with women who were victims of sexual abuse One of Bill Clinton s rape victims, Juanita Broaddrick tweeted this in January:I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton, Ark. Attorney General raped me and Hillary tried to silence me. I am now 73 .it never goes away. Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) January 6, 2016After Hillary came out feigning shock over Trump s WORDS about women, Juanita Broaddrick struck back here:Hillary calls Trump's remarks "horrific" while she lives with and protects a "Rapist". Her actions are horrific. Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) October 8, 2016And here:How many times must it be said? Actions speak louder than words. DT said bad things!HRC threatened me after BC raped me. Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) October 8, 2016It is commonly believed by Clinton victims that Hillary was behind the siccing of private investigators on the many women who accused her husband of rape, sexual assault or infidelity in the 1990s.Hillary Clinton revealed her hidden hand when she menacingly issued a clear warning of intimidation to her husband s accusers (and those who would pursue their charges) on the nationally broadcast Today Show in early 1998 in the days after the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke.The Today Show interview with Matt Lauer on January 27, 1998 is famous for Hillary s claim that a vast right-wing conspiracy was behind the allegations of an affair between her husband President Clinton and White House intern Monica Lewinsky. (Transcript source.) This is the great story here for anybody willing to find it and write about it and explain it is this vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for president. A few journalists have kind of caught on to it and explained it. But it has not yet been fully revealed to the American public. And actually, you know, in a bizarre sort of way, this may do it. Later in the interview, Hillary bluntly issued her threat: I think we re going to find some other things. And I think that when all of this is put into context, and we really look at the people involved here, look at their motivations and look at their backgrounds, look at their past behavior, some folks are going to have a lot to answer for. Here s the video Video from Today Show video hosted by C-SPAN.https://youtu.be/BEEIimRCp4EVia: Gateway Pundit
BERLIN (Reuters) - German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier will host a joint meeting next week between Chancellor Angela Merkel, the leader of the center-left Social Democrats (SPD) and the head of the Bavarian Christian Social Union (CSU), a spokeswoman said. Merkel s Christian Democrats (CDU) and their CSU Bavarian sister party have ruled with the SPD in a grand coalition since 2013 and their caretaker government remains in place after an election in September. After meeting this week with the leaders of the CDU, CSU and SPD the federal president has agreed to meet a joint meeting at Schloss Bellevue, Steinmeier s spokeswoman said in a statement. The meeting takes place next week. The exact date will be communicated at a later time.
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel told a newspaper she was looking forward to meeting U.S. President Donald Trump in Washington on Friday. “It’s always better to talk with each other than about each other,” Merkel told regional newspaper Saarbruecker Zeitung. Asked if both sides were curious, Merkel said: “There’s definitely curiosity. And also pleasure at meeting each other. At least from my side.” Merkel was on her way to the airport on Monday to fly to Washington for her first meeting with Trump when he rang her to postpone the trip due to the approach of a winter storm. Merkel said she wanted to speak with Trump, who was elected in November, about security and economic issues as well as about future international cooperation. Regarding concerns about a trade war between the United States and Germany or Europe, Merkel said: “Our countries benefit when we work together well and fairly.” The United States has repeatedly criticized Germany’s large current account surplus, but Merkel said there was also a lot of direct German investment in the United States. Carmaker BMW’s U.S. plant exports “more cars than GM and Ford together” from the United States, Merkel said. “I’ll make that clear,” she added.
The Donald Trump administration is beginning to represent an 80s horror film the leak is coming from inside the (White) House and at least one is coming from one of Trump s most trusted people, Kellyanne Conway.According to CNN as told to them by trusted sources, Conway is trying to throw White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer under the bus.Spicer, who, more than even Conway, is the public face of the Trump administration, has become a national laughing stock, especially after being played (far too accurately) by Melissa McCarthy on Saturday Night Live.The narrative is that Trump is unhappy with Spicer and that the fact that he was so easily played by a woman shows him as weak. Of course, there s also the fact that the media absolutely hates the guy who often berates them and pretty much always lies. Could it be, though, that the rumors of Spicer s demise are premature and that it s all a plot by Conway to rid her of at least one of the people she s always having to defend.So where is the narrative coming from? Spicer declined to comment on the record for this article, but Bannon and Priebus dismissed the leaks about his fate as scuttlebutt from lower level staff. Or maybe the media, the opposition party was just making it up, Bannon said.Many people sympathetic to Spicer in and out of the White House believe otherwise. Five of these sources think the person behind the leaks is Kellyanne Conway, Trump s ever-visible White House counselor. Though they offer no hard evidence, they say Conway is trying to offload blame for administration setbacks on Spicer to prove she is the more effective public advocate and earn a lasting place in the President s inner circle. She s clearly guiding a press narrative that he s not up for the job, and that they re reviewing other candidates, one GOP strategist said. It s becoming abundantly clear that Kellyanne is making Sean s job impossible. Source: CNNConway denies all of this, saying that Sean has my full support. The White House says the same of Spicer.Of course, the Trump administration would be far from the first to put a public happy face on a tumultuous situation, but there are several reasons to believe that Spicer might be on the way out, but the only one that really matters is that Spicer is embarrassing an already teetering on the edge presidency. In other words, it s likely that the leaks are right Spicer s days are numbered. Whether or not that comes from Conway is another question. However, if she s leaking this, it means the loyalty is eroding and bigger leaks could be in her future.Featured image via Pool/Getty Images
A discarded cigarette. A child playing with matches. Fireworks. A car accident. Arson. There are endless ways people ignite wildfires in California. https://nyti.ms/2nVc6go 
Cars or other vehicles do not provide adequate protection from flood waters. Cars can be swept away or may break down in moving water.
ADDITIONALLY, TRUMP'S changes to the U.S. Environmental Regulatory environment, in just 2&1/2 years, has been equivalent to putting 40 Million new Gas and Diesel burning U.S. cars on the Road! HURRICANE DORIAN, ROCK ON!
Large explosion rocks aluminum plant in southeast Missouri Re:Naomi-No Logo http://t.co/0WdsEIHYQu
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8:00 PM CST | 9:00 PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for bar fly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Join ACR hosts Hesher and Spore along side Jay Dyer of Jays Analysis, Funk$oul & Infidel Pharaoh (ACR Contributors,) for the hundred and twenty sixth episode of BOILER ROOM. Turn it up, tune in and hang with the ACR Brain-Trust for this weeks boil downs and analysis and the usual gnashing of the teeth of the political animals in the social reject club.This week on the show the ACR Brain-Trust is back with another meeting of the Social Reject Club in the No Friends Left Zone and the gang is discussing the consternation associated with immigration, DACA, Trump making deals with D.C. Swamp-critters like Schumer and Pelosi, technology, not-so-free markets, 9-11, Hesher s chat with Psonick and the Type 1 Radio crew along with Dr. Judy Wood and Andrew Johnson and much more.Direct Download Episode #126 (Link Available Shortly After Live Recording)Please like and share the program and visit our donate page to get involved! Reference Links, for your consideration and research:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A federal grand jury in Washington on Friday approved the first charges in the investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, a source briefed on the matter told Reuters. The filing of the sealed charges was first reported by CNN.
Video shows Italian army trucks transporting coffins from its worst-hit town to remote cremation sites because morgues can't cope with more coronavirus deaths https://t.co/sB9ZBtqBnO
(Reuters) - A federal judge on Friday struck down a string of Wisconsin voting restrictions passed by the Republican-led legislature and ordered the state to revamp its voter identification rules, finding that they disenfranchised minority voters. U.S. District Judge James Peterson, ruling in a legal challenge to the laws by two liberal groups, said he could not overturn the entire voter ID law because a federal appeals court had already found such restrictions to be constitutional. But Peterson, in his 119-page ruling, said the requirements that Wisconsin voters show either a photo identification or go through a special petition process had unfairly burdened minorities and needed to be reformed or replaced before the November presidential election. “To put it bluntly, Wisconsin’s strict version of voter ID law is a cure worse than the disease,” the judge wrote. Peterson left the voting rules intact for the Aug 9. primary elections for federal, state and local offices, saying to change them less than two weeks in advance would be disruptive. But his ruling was expected to impact the November presidential election in Wisconsin, which could prove a crucial battleground state for Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump. Peterson also struck down as unconstitutional limits on in-person absentee voting, residency requirements and a ban on using expired student identification. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker said in a tweet that he was “disappointed in the decision by an activist federal judge” and expected to file an appeal. A spokesman for One Wisconsin Institute, one of the two groups which filed the challenge, hailed Peterson’s ruling as “a huge win not only for the plaintiffs but for democracy itself.” Wisconsin is one of several Republican-led states that have passed such voter ID laws in recent years amid fear of fraudulent voting by illegal immigrants and others. Among the nine states with the strictest laws, insisting on state-issued photo identification for voters, are Georgia, Indiana, Texas and Virginia. A U.S. appeals court judge earlier this month ruled the Texas law discriminatory. The judge sent the case back to the lower court to examine whether the law had a discriminatory purpose and also asked the court for a short-term fix for the November general election. Republicans say voter ID laws are needed to prevent voter fraud. Democrats say the laws are really intended to make it harder for poor African-Americans and Latinos, who tend to vote Democrat, to vote.
Me and @daijja_ and @Kayy_Jeffries gotta work since they wanna flood my TL with this gorgeous ass food
While Donald Trump continues to paint himself as the anti-Saudi, anti-terrorist candidate, the truth is coming to light that he may in fact be financially beholden to the Saudi Royal Family.After Trump retweeted a photo-shopped image of Megyn Kelly, a Saudi woman (supposedly a member of the royal family) Prince Alwaleed bin Talal together, in which the image describes bin Talal as a co-owner of Fox News, the Prince had a few words to share:Trump:You base your statements on photoshopped pics?I bailed you out twice;a 3rd time,maybe?https://t.co/Raco0mvusp https://t.co/jStBl7Ghia (@Alwaleed_Talal) January 28, 2016Indeed, Prince Alwaleed (who only has a one percent stake in Fox News hardly a co-owner) included news snippets in his tweets. One news story was the fact he had to buy Trump s yacht, which had recently been turned over to creditors when it fell a staggering $900 million in debt.Alwaleed also included the story of how he bought Trump Plaza Hotel in New York after promising to erase the mogul s debt. Calling it a defeat for the real estate developer, The New York Times reports that the outstanding debt accumulated form the hotel around $300 million, yet the Prince was able to buy it down to roughly $25 million.There are two questions everyone should be asking. One, how did Trump run up $900 million in debt over a yacht, and how did he acquire $300 million of debt from a world famous hotel? Second, how can anymore expect Trump to be tough on the Saudis and the Royal Family when he owes them millions of dollars?Can you imagine the outrage from Republicans if President Obama had over a billion dollars worth of debt paybacks to the Saudi Royal Family? Republicans though, always the hypocrites, are choosing to turn a blind eye to the issue, instead the continue to believe everything the blowhard says.Another conflict of interest, out of dozens now pending against the presidential nominee, arises again. Once more, the Republican candidate shows how inept he is at his own financials. And he again shows that he gets his information completely from the media.Alwaleed, a Trump-Kasich supporter, has had a few Twitter spats with the Saudi Prince, after the billionaire (and heavily indebted) called for a ban on Muslims in the United States, and Trump responded by calling him dopey and told him that his daddy s money couldn t persuade him how ironic.Featured image via Olli Scarff/Getty Images
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Energy market dynamics factored into the decision by the Obama administration to reverse course on a proposal to open the southeastern Atlantic coastal area to oil and gas drilling, the White House said on Tuesday. There were also objections from the Department of Defense, commercial interests and local communities, a White House spokesman said. The U.S. Interior Department said earlier on Tuesday that it would not allow drilling in the area, reversing a January 2015 proposal for new leases in the Atlantic as part of the department’s five-year plan to set new boundaries for oil development in federal waters through 2022.
It's the insurance and ac people, about my car accident, and the broken ac.And Mom and grandma about the hurricane that's bout to happen.