Unnamed: 0.1
Unnamed: 0
Deck furniture is put away, cars are in the garage. Lots of food on board. Ready for hurricane Sandy.
Eric, how are you preparing food-wise? I'm in Charleston and we are either evacuating or staying. Apt is built hurricane-standards.
No food, no FEMA: Hurricane Michael's survivors are furious - The Daily Beast https://apple.news/APp4E5UMtQT2ULJVMPM0ovw …
Bald eagle rescued from car grill: In the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew's path through Florida, it may have ... http://cnn.it/2dCNur9 
Someone parked their car in the living room because of Hurricane Matthew http://mashable.com/2016/10/07/car-in-living-room-hurricane-matthew/#SuSWaeWhk05D … via @mashable
Me & alyha just bought a NEW car, im working & bouta go bacc to school, everything going good but now im bouta get hit with Hurricane Irma
for real, scrap the snow off your car roof! blizzard recovery is a team sport. http://youtu.be/cIOo9BEou1Y 
President-elect Donald J. Trump s transition staff has issued a blanket edict requiring politically appointed ambassadors to leave their overseas posts by Inauguration Day, according to several American diplomats familiar with the plan, breaking with decades of precedent by declining to provide even the briefest of grace periods.The mandate issued without exceptions, according to a terse State Department cable sent on Dec. 23, diplomats who saw it said threatens to leave the United States without Senate-confirmed envoys for months in critical nations like Germany, Canada and Britain. In the past, administrations of both parties have often granted extensions on a case-by-case basis to allow a handful of ambassadors, particularly those with school-age children, to remain in place for weeks or months.Mr. Trump, by contrast, has taken a hard line against leaving any of President Obama s political appointees in place as he prepares to take office on Jan. 20 with a mission of dismantling many of his predecessor s signature foreign and domestic policy achievements. Political ambassadors, many of them major donors who are nominated by virtue of close ties with the president, almost always leave at the end of his term; ambassadors who are career diplomats often remain in their posts.A senior Trump transition official said there was no ill will in the move, describing it as a simple matter of ensuring that Mr. Obama s overseas appointees leave the government on schedule, just as thousands of political aides at the White House and in federal agencies must do. The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity about internal deliberations, said the ambassadors should not be surprised about being held to a hard end date. NYT s
BOGOTA (Reuters) - Nobel Peace Prize winners meeting in Colombia criticized U.S. President Donald Trump’s immigration policies on Thursday, accusing him of xenophobia and discrimination. Last week Trump issued an executive order that put a 120-day halt on the U.S. refugee program, barred Syrian refugees indefinitely and imposed a 90-day suspension on people from seven predominantly Muslim countries - Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. The measure, which Trump says is aimed at protecting the country from terrorist attacks, has drawn protests and legal challenges. “We need to fight to find peace and civil justice. We want to end this discussion of violence, of racism,” said Tawakkul Karman, a Yemeni journalist who won the 2011 prize for her work on women’s rights. “We can’t isolate Muslims because they are from a different religion, Mr. Trump,” she said at the opening of the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates in Bogota, Colombia. Some 30 winners of the prize are attending the two-day event. “It’s with great incredulity that we’re seeing how leaders of the biggest democracy in the world lack respect for human rights and international diplomacy,” said former Costa Rican President Oscar Arias, who won the 1987 prize for his work in putting an end to the civil wars in four Central American countries. Arias said he was worried about growing xenophobia and hate in the United States. Iranian lawyer Shirin Ebadi, who won the 2003 prize for efforts to improve democracy and human rights, criticized Trump for calling citizens from her country “terrorists,” while U.S. activist Jody Williams, the 1997 winner for her work against land mines, said Trump was “racist and sexist.” Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, the 2016 Nobel winner for his work on a peace deal with Marxist rebels, did not name Trump in a speech to attendees, but said the current rhetoric around terrorism, war, discrimination and refugees should be changed.
Book at >> https://goldmoneytravel.com  || A mandatory evacuation was issued for Sandbridge, but many locals choose to ride out Hurricane Dorian - Virginian-Pilot https://www.pilotonline.com/weather/vp-nw-sandbridge-evacuation-order-20190906-4fgs5dhsarfajbo5iqwzdea64a-story.html … #vacations #beachvacations
The Bahamas' death toll is rising as 70,000 residents left homeless by Hurricane Dorian seek food and shelter https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/07/us/hurricane-dorian-bahamas-saturday-wxc/index.html …
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Leading figures in the Catholic Church and international politics have advised Pope Francis not to use the term Rohingya during a trip to Myanmar due to political sensitivities but human rights groups want him to uphold international law on self-identity. Hundreds of thousands of Muslim Rohingya have fled Myanmar following a military crackdown that the United Nations has described as ethnic cleansing. Majority Buddhist Myanmar rejects the term Rohingya and does not recognize them as citizens nor as an ethnic group in its own right. In the run-up to the his Nov. 27-Dec. 2 trip to Myanmar and Bangladesh, several high-profile figures including former U.S. Secretary General Kofi Annan and Myanmar Cardinal Charles Maung Bo have indicated he should not use the term Rohingya. The pope, a less predictable figure than his predecessor who has overruled advisors in the past, has used the term Rohingya before, and it is widely employed by international institutions such as the United Nations and governments including the United States. The Vatican, which does not make comments on papal speeches ahead of trips, would not say if Francis might heed the advice and use a term like Muslims in Rakhine State . Roman Catholics make up a tiny minority in Myanmar. Francis, a strong defender of human rights and migrants, has spoken earlier this year of the persecution of our Rohingya brothers and sisters and has defended their right to live their culture and Muslim faith . This month Annan met the pope along with three other members of The Elders group of veteran statesmen and women and later hinted strongly that he believed the pope should not say Rohingya. Annan, a Nobel Peace Prize winner and author of an advisory commission report on Rakhine State given to the Yangon government in August, met the pope on the evening of November 6. The Vatican gave no details of the meeting but at a breakfast with a few reporters the next day, Annan was asked if he agreed with those who say the pope s use of the word Rohingya while he is in Myanmar could be incendiary . They are right, Annan said. Annan gave the pope a copy of his 63-page report, which does not use Rohingya but refers only to Muslims in Rakhine State . (The word) is so emotional, he said. Asked if he believed that message had been conveyed to the Vatican, Annan nodded. Lakhdar Brahimi, a former Algerian foreign minister and U.N. conflict mediator called the report quite substantial . Human rights groups hope the pope does not pull his punches in Myanmar. The Rohingya have little left besides their group name after years of statelessness, discriminatory restrictions on movement and access to life-sustaining services, and being targeted by a military subjecting them to ethnic cleansing and atrocities, said Phil Robertson, deputy director for Human Rights Watch in Asia. The Pope absolutely should stand up for the Rohingya by using the name Rohingya, he said in an email. Myanmar has denied U.N. accusations of ethnic cleansing. The government says the clearance operation in Rakhine State was necessary for national security after Rohingya militants attacked 30 security posts and an army base in August. Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi assumed power in 2016 in a landslide election win after former military leaders initiated a political transition. Asked if the pope should say Rohingya, Laura Haigh, London-based Myanmar expert for Amnesty International, said: International law recognizes the right of a group to self-identify. It comes down to a principled stand. Father Bernardo Cervelera, head of the Catholic news agency AsiaNews, said the pope should follow the local Church s advice in the country, which has some 700,000 Catholics in a population of more than 51 million that is mostly Buddhist. Both the Church there and Aung San Suu Kyi are in a delicate position and I think the pope knows that, he said. In 2015, Pope Francis angered Turkey when he used the word genocide to describe the World War One mass killings of Armenians by Ottoman Turks. The Turkish government, which denies that the deaths constituted a genocide, recalled its ambassador to the Vatican in protest.
Slamming reports, the Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan said that claims that a Chinese fighter plane was shot down by Taiwan were false. https://t.co/Vo1vNZ8im0
Bald eagle rescued from car grill after Matthew passes: In the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew's path through ... http://cnn.it/2dKYqiu 
Three students at a Florida high school are suspended for wearing KKK costumes to school for homecoming. The students from Wiregrass Ranch High School in Pasco County no doubt thought they were being funny or cute, or maybe they thought they were making some kind of a statement. Regardless, they upset many of their fellow students with the costumes, which they initially claimed were ghost costumes.The theme for the day was characters, and most students who chose to dress up dressed as superheroes or television characters. These three chose to emulate one of the most racist hate groups ever to exist in the U.S., but for what reason, nobody seems to know. A fourth student was wearing a Confederate flag, but that student took it off after being asked to, and doesn t face any disciplinary action.The outfits consisted of white sheets and pointy white hoods; very, very reminiscent of the KKK, not ghosts. They posted a photo of themselves in the costumes on social media with the caption, BRUHHHHHHH on it. Pasco County District Superintendent Kurt Browning said: Usually ghosts don t have pointed hoods. No, they don t. A senior at the school believes that these three had to have known what they were doing ghost costumes look very different from KKK outfits and everyone who grew up in the U.S. knows it. We all see ghosts everywhere at Halloween, and we all see images of the KKK in our history books and media.Furthermore, with all the protests against police brutality toward the black community going on, there s a lot of racial tension. Black people are being killed in the streets by police, and white people don t want to acknowledge that the root of that problem is systemic racism, so the problem just continues. White people also insist on trying to dictate when, where and how the black community can protest, which just makes the black community angrier, and rightfully so.Because of all of that, KKK outfits, no matter the context, are especially inflammatory.Two of the students were Hispanic, and one was Arabic. None of them were black or white. There s a possibility they thought they were making some kind of a statement about the white nationalism that Trump has uncorked and normalized here.They might have specifically intended to harass black students and faculty there.They might have just thought they were being funny and cute, and they may have even thought they wouldn t get in any trouble because they aren t white.There is just no way they didn t know what they were doing, though. Browning touched on that when he went on to say: The last thing we need is to have any student regardless of race dressed up in that type of costume. The students received a two-day suspension, so hopefully they learned differently. The KKK no matter who you are is a hate symbol. Whatever the students motives were, there is zero excuse.Watch a report on this incident below, from WFTS:Featured image via screen capture from embedded video
Crooked Hillary has always been crooked. She s just been better than anyone America s ever seen at not getting caught On September 5, 2006, Eli Chomsky was an editor and staff writer for the Jewish Press, and Hillary Clinton was running for a shoo-in re-election as a U.S. senator. Her trip making the rounds of editorial boards brought her to Brooklyn to meet the editorial board of the Jewish Press.The tape was never released and has only been heard by the small handful of Jewish Press staffers in the room. According to Chomsky, his old-school audiocassette is the only existent copy and no one has heard it since 2006, until today when he played it for the Observer.The tape is 45 minutes and contains much that is no longer relevant, such as analysis of the re-election battle that Sen. Joe Lieberman was then facing in Connecticut. But a seemingly throwaway remark about elections in areas controlled by the Palestinian Authority has taken on new relevance amid persistent accusations in the presidential campaign by Clinton s Republican opponent Donald Trump that the current election is rigged. Speaking to the Jewish Press about the January 25, 2006, election for the second Palestinian Legislative Council (the legislature of the Palestinian National Authority), Clinton weighed in about the result, which was a resounding victory for Hamas (74 seats) over the U.S.-preferred Fatah (45 seats). I do not think we should have pushed for an election in the Palestinian territories. I think that was a big mistake, said Sen. Clinton. And if we were going to push for an election, then we should have made sure that we did something to determine who was going to win. Chomsky recalls being taken aback that anyone could support the idea offered by a national political leader, no less that the U.S. should be in the business of fixing foreign elections. Some eyebrows were also raised when then-Senator Clinton appeared to make a questionable moral equivalency.For entire story: Observer
Earlier today, Trump appeared to tank the stock of yet another company with a single, ill-considered tweet:The F-35 program and cost is out of control. Billions of dollars can and will be saved on military (and other) purchases after January 20th. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 12, 2016While we can all agree that the man-child known as Donald King Cheeto Trump is absolutely clueless about his responsibilities and clout as president, it seems it might not have been that tweet that actually tanked Lockheed Martin s stock. What may have happened is considerably worse and considerably more terrifying. Newsweek s Kurt Eichenwald tweeted the following, which, if true, demonstrates just how dangerous it is that Trump has any access at all to social media:God. Wall Street guy tells me he & buddies watching TV news 2 see if they can figure out what company might make Trump angry, then short it. Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) December 12, 2016First Boeing, now Lockheed Martin. But it s not just that. Many of the replies are showing that Lockheed s stock actually began to tank a few minutes before Trump let the world know he was pissed at them. In other words, the possibility exists that Wall Street traders are manipulating the market to their advantage, and basing that manipulation on our ignorant, petty man-child of a president-elect:@kurteichenwald Did they get the word 5 minutes before Trump tweeted about F-35s (Lockheed Martin)? https://t.co/1LcN2lT8Jo Sean Smith (@protanope) December 12, 2016@kurteichenwald Clearly someone had the head s up on the F-35 program and shorted Lockheed minutes before. Wonder if S.A.C. still gets leaks Carolyn Lanzetta (@CarolynLanzetta) December 12, 2016@kurteichenwald @mybookishways kind of like whomever it was who dumped Lockheed shares 5 min before he tweeted? J.N. Duncan (@jimnduncan) December 12, 2016How s that swamp-draining going, Trumpkins? Bet they won t be so thrilled when Wall Street goes after their employers because of him.This is Trump s economy. One of two things is most likely to happen here: Either Wall Street will get tired of Cheetolini s antics and stop paying attention, or they ll go all out at some point and bankrupt someone. Regardless, this is something that should never have even gotten started. Trump is going to ruin us.Featured image via Drew Angerer/Getty Images
Help Water Food Trapped Flood Dead Rescue Lost Missing: @TranslatorsWB translating keywords to monitor #Haiyan
She wanted him to assimilate. She gave him a good job. She trusted him and offered the chance to prove he was willing to be a good employee. He slit her throat. There was nothing special or unique about Mohammad Hussain Rashwani, he was just another Muslim immigrant looking for a better life who had no interest in assimilating. Slitting his employer s throat is how Rashwani chose to show his gratitude for her trust in him.Mohammad Hussain Rashwani was hailed in the media as the paramount example of successful integration after he got a job as a hairdresser at a salon in Herzberg, Germany in late 2015.After a little over a year on the job, he decided to slit his female employer s throat.From Lausitzer Rundschau as translated by Gates of Vienna: For me there weren t any signs that I could see Herzberg s hairdresser speaks about the knife attack by her Syrian employeeHerzberg s master hairdresser talks about what is motivating her these days since the attack by her Syrian employee two weeks ago.Should she have seen this attack against her coming? She keeps asking herself this question over and over. And she can t find an answer. Even today, I do not know what I should think. Until that Wednesday evening, he was an endearing man. I believed up to the very last minute that something good could come of him because I appreciated his professional abilities very much, Ilona F. says.The Herzberg woman doesn t want to talk about the attack itself; her thoughts are much more circling around why again and again. Did I intervene too much? Was I too strong for him? Did we, my husband and I, organize too much for him? These and other thoughts are constantly crossing her mind. But there weren t any signs that the Damascus-born Syrian maybe had other plans. His mother, which whom Ilona F. was in contact, had repeatedly written how grateful her son was for the chance that he received and how much he had respected the she-boss . He even assured my husband and me personally of this. Yet still, something had to have happened to him that made him commit this terrible bloody deed. For me, there were no signs that something like this could happen, the 64-year-old says, looking back. But, she admits, he had changed considerably in the past few months. Ilona F. explains: We had invested a lot of time in him after our spectacular beginnings, and we had helped him in every way possible. We had plans. He is an outstanding hairdresser. The customers were super-happy with his work. Until the very last minute I had believed that things were going to work. Here s where the story that is all too typical of Muslim immigrants starts to take shape:Even then changes started to set in. He, a Muslim who until now did not seem in any way a devout believer, had began to talk about Allah more and more. This certainly got on her nerves for over time. He also quit visiting the hairdresser and her husband at home. Before the changes he came by almost every day. They had talked about everything, professional and private. But he had begun to neglect his study of the German language more and more. He kept assuring me that he wanted to learn the language, but later. More and more he said later this, later that, when we talked about his future, the businesswoman recounts.And then there were also problems in the salon. Mohammad H. came to work too late more often; he didn t take time very seriously. He became very reluctant to drive to work at Sch newalde, where his boss owned a second hair salon. And during the week the attack took place, he outright refused to go.After a disagreement in the Herzberg salon, when a customer was unhappy with the work of the Syrian hairdresser, she had given him notice that they had to talk. I knew it couldn t go on like this. But immediately the question arose in my mind, what would become of him if I were to throw him out. After all, I still believed in him. That this by now was a fatal mistake is something the Herzberg woman is only slowly beginning to realize. That I could have been so wrong in my judgment of another person, she shakes her head. Actually, I feel really sorry for him. Information Liberation
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump pulled off one of the biggest upsets in American political history when he toppled Hillary Clinton in the U.S. presidential election on Tuesday - and he did it using far less cash than his rival.     Relying heavily on an unorthodox mix of social media, unfiltered rhetoric, and a knack for winning free TV time, the New York real estate businessman likely paid less than $5 per vote during his insurgent White House bid, about half what Clinton paid, according to a Reuters analysis of campaign finance records and voting data. Those figures assume the candidates spent all the funds they raised.     Trump’s cost-effective win has upended prevailing concepts about the influence of money in American politics and raised the question of whether a lean, media-savvy campaign can become the new model for winning office in the United States.     Political strategists and academics tend to agree, however, that Trump’s performance would be tough to repeat. A household name for his luxury brand resorts, reality TV stardom, and ability to surround himself with non-stop controversy, Trump held advantages that many political candidates lack.     “I think this is a case where Trump had unique characteristics as a candidate that allowed him to pursue a different type of strategy,” said Tony Corrado, a professor of government at Colby College in Maine.     In total, Trump raised at least $270 million since launching his campaign in June 2015, a little more than a third of the money that Obama’s re-election campaign spent in 2012, according to the most recent filings with the Federal Elections Commission. With vote counting wrapping up in the early hours of Wednesday, Trump had won some 59 million votes nationwide in the general election. That amounts to less than $5 per vote for the $270 million he spent. According to data analytics firm mediaQuant, Trump garnered about $5 billion worth of free media coverage during the election campaign, more than twice the amount earned by Clinton, a lifelong politician who served as secretary of state, senator, and first lady at different times in her career.     mediaQuant adds up all the unpaid coverage the candidates earn in newspapers, magazines and social media and then compares the sum to what a comparable amount of coverage, with the same kind of reach, would have cost in advertising.     Trump has also frequently dominated news cycles with provocative rhetoric that breaks taboos, including unabashed insults targeting women he dislikes over Twitter, or unusual policy proscriptions like his call to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the country to prevent domestic attacks, or to force Mexico to pay for a multi-billion dollar border wall to keep out immigrants.     Trump made his self-funding a selling point early in his campaign as he fended off 16 Republican rivals for the party nomination, arguing that by eschewing big donors he was not beholden to special interests.     But once he secured the nomination, Trump changed course and began fundraising in earnest, replicating the small dollar fundraising juggernaut of another insurgent candidate, Democrat Bernie Sanders, along the way.     Clinton raised at least $521 million, according to filings.         The former secretary of state stuck to the more traditional campaigning model of launching expensive television ads and funding hundreds of staffers who fanned across the country to work to increase voter turnout on Election Day.     She spent more than $237 million on television ads and more than $42 million on hundreds of staffers.     She also benefited from spending by the Super PACs supporting her candidacy, which are allowed to raise and spend unlimited amounts of money but cannot coordinate directly with the campaign. More than a dozen people, including hedge fund magnate Donald Sussman and global financier George Soros, wrote multi-million checks to Priorities USA, the primary PAC supporting her campaign, according to filings.     Michael Traugott, a political science professor at the University of Michigan, said the traditional U.S. model for picking presidents might seem odd to people in other nations, where campaigns are shorter and require less cash.     “The system is clearly broken,” Traugott said.
After it was announced that President Trump was seriously considering moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, he was roundly criticized by the anti-Trump media. Today, Democrats have announced they are drawing up the impeachment papers. Pope Francis appealed to President Trump to reconsider his decision so as not to offend anyone. In his appeal, Pope Francis said, Jerusalem is a unique city, sacred to Jews, Christians, and Muslims who venerate the holy places of their respective religions, and has a special vocation to peace. And yawn in Gaza, where the more things change, the more they stay the same, Palestinians burned the U.S. and Israeli flags.The media will try to make everyone believe that Palestinians loved us when Obama was President, even though there is no truth to that fantasy. (See image below)Daily Mail President Donald Trump announced Wednesday that America formally recognizes Jerusalem as Israel s capital city, changing decades of U.S. policy in a brief afternoon speech and casting the move as a bid to preserve, not derail, aspirations for regional peace.Appearing in the White House s Diplomatic Reception Room against an elaborate backdrop of Christmas decorations, He also said the United States embassy in Israel would, over time, be moved there from Tel Aviv.Israel is the only country where the United States has an embassy in a city that the host nation does not consider its capital. I have determined that it is time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, Trump said. While previous presidents have made this a major campaign promise, they failed to deliver. Today I am delivering. When I came into office I promised to look at the world s challenges with open eyes and very fresh thinking, he said, leaning heavily on a mid-1990s federal law that demanded the embassy s relocation. We have declined to acknowledge any Israeli capital at all, Trump added. But today we finally acknowledge the obvious, that Jerusalem is Israel s capital. This is nothing more or less than a recognition of reality. It is also the right thing to do. It is something that has to be done. Matthew Continetti of the Washington Free Beacon seems to think so. Continetti wrote the best piece on Trump s bold decision to move the embassy that we have seen to date.Not only is President Trump s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and begin the process of moving the U.S. embassy there one of the boldest moves of his presidency. It is one of the boldest moves any U.S. president has made since the beginning of the Oslo peace process in 1993. That process collapsed at Camp David in 2000 when Yasir Arafat rejected President Clinton s offer of a Palestinian state. And the process has been moribund ever since, despite multiple attempts to restart it.That is why the warnings from Trump critics that his decision may wreck the peace process ring hollow. There is no peace process to wreck. The conflict is frozen. And the largest barriers to the resumption of negotiations are found not in U.S. or Israeli policy but in Palestinian autocracy, corruption, and incitement. Have the former Obama administration officials decrying Trump s announcement read a newspaper lately? From listening to them, you d think it would be all roses and ponies in the Middle East but for Trump. In fact, the region is engulfed in war, terrorism, poverty, and despotism; Israel faces threats in the north and south; its sworn enemy, Iran, is growing in influence and reach; and the delegitimization of the Jewish State proceeds apace in international organizations and on college campuses. I forget how the Obama administration advanced the cause of peace by pressuring Israel while rewarding the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world. Maybe someone will remind me.A similar form of doublethink is present in our discussions over Jerusalem. Every Israeli knows Jerusalem was, is, and will remain his capital. Every recent president has agreed with him. And the U.S. consensus has been bipartisan. The last four Democratic platforms have said the obvious: that Jerusalem is Israel s capital. The Senate voted 90-0 only six months ago urging the embassy be moved to the ancient city. Were we to take seriously neither these platforms nor that vote? Was it all virtue-signaling, a bunch of empty gestures in the kabuki theater of U.S. diplomacy?It is a sign of the disingenuousness of American foreign policy that it required someone from outside this system to behave as if words have meaning. President Trump has no background in or admiration for the routines, manners, and norms of the U.S. foreign service, especially that part of it which specializes in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This has enabled him to state unequivocally the fact others would prefer to avoid: Jerusalem is Israel s capital, full stop. His transactional nature also brought him to this fateful recognition. In March 2016, at the AIPAC policy conference, he pledged that We will move the American embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem. His remarks today make clear his intention to fulfill that promise and to cement his support within the pro-Israel community.I wonder about the journalists and flacks and politicians criticizing this literal reading of U.S. law as disruptive. Have they not paid attention to this man? Donald Trump s purpose in office is to disrupt if not overturn the patterns of governance and ideological consensus that have dominated the U.S. capital for decades. In this sense, his Jerusalem policy is his presidency in microcosm. He is acting on a common sense appraisal of the world and satisfying the wishes of his supporters without regard to global or domestic elite opinion. What Trump knows more than the art of the deal is the art of the bluff and how to call one. By keeping his campaign promise today, he has called the bluff of everyone who thought the United States could have its cake and eat it too on the question of Israel s capital. And by moving our embassy to Jerusalem, the United States will acknowledge Israel s right to determine its own capital city. That is not something to condemn or fear. It is something to be proud of.
How this isn't being talked about more is astounding to me. They dropped their support of the USPS like a hot rock once they determined vote by mail was futile. Bye USPS! • • Disregard Their Previous Hysteria, Democrats Now Say In-Person Voting is Safe https://t.co/WLOA7h17eI
WASHINGTON (Reuters on Friday ) - U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller late on Friday unveiled a trove of evidence against President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort to convince a judge that he violated a gag order by ghost-writing an article to bolster his public image. The evidence Mueller revealed in a filing, which is a fraction of what he said earlier on Friday he has collected, is the first clear indication of the depth of his investigation and the nature of what his investigators have found. In the 41-page filing, prosecutors in Mueller’s office produced emails, drafts with tracked edits and records showing that a computer user named “paul manafort” created a version of the op-ed and made numerous changes on November 29 “between 8:41 p.m. and 9:11 p.m.”, and “last saved at 9:12 p.m.”. They also produced records indicating that the op-ed, published on Thursday in the English-language Kyiv Post over Mueller’s objections, tracked talking points Manafort and his business associate Richard Gates wrote in August 2016. That was after Manafort was forced to resign from Trump’s campaign because of political work he had done for pro-Russian figures including former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. Mueller also claimed in the filing that Manafort collaborated on the piece with Konstantin Kilimnik, a Russian to whom Mueller alluded in a filing earlier this week as having ties to Russian intelligence. The filing did not disclose how Mueller’s team acquired the data, and Jason Maloni, a spokesman for Manafort, declined to comment on it. In the filing, Mueller’s team argued that U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia Judge Amy Berman Jackson should deny a request by Manafort to lift his house arrest, saying the op-ed violated her gag order and demonstrated that he cannot be trusted. “Bail is fundamentally about trust,” the filing said. “Even taken in the light most favorable to Manafort, this conduct shows little respect for this Court and a penchant for skirting (if not breaking) rules.” Manafort’s attorney Kevin Downing on Thursday denied that his client had violated the gag order, saying an article published in a Ukrainian newspaper would not substantially prejudice the case in the United States. [L1N1O72H6] Downing acknowledged in a filing on Thursday that Manafort had helped edit the piece, but said it was his client’s First Amendment right to defend himself. He did not immediately respond to an emailed request for comment on Mueller’s second filing. Mueller’s team responded to Downing’s First Amendment argument by citing a Supreme Court case that found that free speech does not “disable a district court “ from taking steps to protect cases that could be harmed by “the creation of a ‘carnival atmosphere’ in high profile cases.” A federal grand jury indicted Manafort and his business associate Rick Gates in October as part of Mueller’s investigation into accusations of Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. Russia has denied any meddling and Trump has dismissed any suggestions of collusion. The charges against Manafort include conspiracy to launder money and failing to register as a foreign agent working on behalf of former pro-Russian Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych’s government, who was ousted in 2014. Manafort and Gates are under house arrest and electronic monitoring, but they have been negotiating to have those conditions lifted. All parties were ordered by the judge on Nov. 8 not to discuss the case in public or with the media in a way that could substantially prejudice a fair trial. Earlier this week, Mueller’s team discovered the draft op-ed was in the works and ordered Manafort’s lawyers to shut it down. It was published on Thursday under the byline of Oleg Voloshyn, a former spokesman for Ukraine’s foreign affairs ministry. [L1N1O71RK] On December 5, Voloshyn emailed the U.S. Embassy claiming credit for writing the piece and accusing Mueller of “deliberately twist(ing) the reality,” according to an email in the filing. The article praised Manafort’s work helping Ukraine secure better relations with the European Union and said he lobbied for pro-Western values, not Russian interests. Documents Mueller filed with the court showed that Gates and Manafort worked together in August and September of 2016 to craft “narratives” to deflect negative press about Manafort after his resignation from the campaign. “Need to beat back the idea that this was nefarious work,” a document said. “Your efforts were in support and promotion of pro-democratic values around the world.” The “narratives” also claimed that Manafort “never worked in Russia or for Russians,” that his work was “centered on pro-Ukraine efforts to enter the EU,” and that he “never took cash payments.” Manafort and Gates are scheduled to appear in court on Monday for a status conference hearing, where the judge is likely to address the dispute. Earlier on Friday, Mueller revealed in another filing that his office has turned over more than 400,000 emails, financial records and other documents to Manafort’s lawyers to demonstrate what evidence the government has against him ahead of a 2018 trial. In addition, they provided imaged copies of 36 electronic devices such as laptops, telephones and thumb drives, copies of 15 search or seizure warrants, and 2,000 so-called “hot” documents, or those that contain potentially crucial evidence.
Great morning to take a long bike ride. It helps clear the mind. The hurricane last week helps remind us what is really important in life... pic.twitter.com/3vodLMh7ih
it's almost like there's a fucking hurricane and people are trying to salvage food before it goes bad or gets contaminated by floods https://twitter.com/TomLlamasABC/status/902598322862555138 …
Let’s not forget the chaos that hurricane Michael has left on the east coast! If you can plan help a neighbor with clean up, food and water. If you can physically help, donate to your favorite hurricane relief charity! #bekind #dountoothers #inspiration https://www.facebook.com/krislavenderwedds/videos/2235571259995775/ …
In Atlantic Canada, The Salvation Army is on standby to provide food, hydration and emotional and spiritual care in the event hurricane Dorian makes landfall. http://ow.ly/IwBd50vVw60 
Grab these food and drink deals before the blizzard shuts everything down http://wapo.st/1QjeTXR?tid=ss_tw …
FEMA saying it’ll be “days” before they can help with food & water? Knew a well in advance. Should be prepared for exactly these events. Failure of leadership from the top @realDonaldTrump No food, no FEMA: Hurricane Michael’s survivors furious https://apple.news/APp4E5UMtQT2ULJVMPM0ovw …
FEMA recommends keeping 3 days' worth of water and food in an emergency. Here's what to buy before a hurricane… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/905560768913006593 …
Tornado cancels our volleyball game again. And a tree falls about 6 feet from our car. Good times. http://twitgoo.com/28817t
If you see something say something and maybe, if the FBI isn t too busy spending all of their time and resources investigating a presidential candidate who should already be in jail, they ll do something about it A gun store owner reported Orlando shooter Omar Mateen to authorities weeks before he committed the worst mass shooting in US history.Robbie Abell, co-owner of Lotus Gunworks, told the Wall Street Journal Mateen came into the store in South Florida in May and asked for heavy-duty body armor like the kind used by law enforcement.Staff at the store, which does not sell body armor, felt it was a strange demand.After his request was denied, Mateen asked to buy bulk ammunition.Though Lotus does sell ammunition, staff shut down his request and refused to sell him anything else.They subsequently reported the incident to the FBI, Abell said. Mateen had already been investigated by the FBI years before. But even after Abell s report, the 29-year-old self-radicalized gunman obtained an AR-15 and a semiautomatic pistol from another store in the area, bought stacks of ammunition, then opened fire on Pulse nightclub, where he killed 49 people and wounded 53.The store s owner Robbie Abell told the Journal: The questions he was asking were not the normal questions a normal person would be asking He just seemed very odd. Abell also said Mateen was speaking to someone on the phone in Arabic and was walking around the store texting.He added that staff were on high alert since authorities has recently warned them to look out for suspicious activity in the area.Abell did not specify which authorities gave this warning. Port St Lucie police said they did not receive a report about Mateen s suspicious behavior.The FBI has yet to comment.Once it emerged that Mateen was the perpetrator of the worst mass shooting in history, Abell said, Lotus staff instantly recognized him and reported their experience to the FBI.For entire story: Daily Mail
My woman crush wedneday goes to the beautiful @taykreidler #loveyouuuu #aintsheperty https://t.co/WeMwdtFwiC
Would-be looter in Hurricane Michael-ravaged Florida shot, killed after trying to steal law enforcement vehicle: report https://www.foxnews.com/us/would-be-looter-in-hurricane-michael-ravaged-florida-shot-killed-after-trying-to-steal-law-enforcement-vehicle-report …
Laptop stolen from Pelosi's office during storming of U.S. Capitol, says aide https://t.co/uDjfYtH6Cy
@coachot super lakas po ng ulan & sa katip cars r going slow bec of flood. There was even a car accident katip flyover SB. Trucks are stuck.
COLOMBO (Reuters) - Long delays in Sri Lanka s post-war reconciliation is not without cost, and its government should implement measures to resolve outstanding issues, the United Nations said on Monday. President Maithripala Sirisena s government in 2015 agreed with the U.N. to investigate alleged war crimes in the final phase of a 26-year civil war. It then requested a two-year extension to fulfill that commitment. Both sides in the conflict - the government military and the separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam - were equally responsible for war crimes, according to the U.N. The government has agreed to establish a special court to investigate the alleged crimes and return land occupied by the military in the north. However, much of the process has been delayed by the government amid worries it will lose popularity among Sinhala Buddhists, Sri Lanka s majority community, analysts say. After a two-week fact-finding mission, U.N. special rapporteur Pablo de Greiff said such delays raise questions about the determination of the government to undertake a comprehensive transitional justice program. Long delays between the acknowledgment of obligations to establish transitional justice measures and the fulfillment of these involves risks: no one should be under the impression that waiting is a costless alternative, he told reporters in Colombo after concluding his mission. He also said the process has been increasingly ethnicized. As a result, transitional justice is represented as if it were essentially a threat to the majority community, of interest to one of the minorities only and all others left at the margins, he said. Many Sri Lankans oppose foreign involvement, and supporters of former president Mahinda Rajapaksa believe the U.N. resolution on the need to investigate war crimes aims to punish the military unfairly. The international community has urged a judicial process to hold out a realistic prospect of punishment for senior figures in Rajapaksa s government and military, as well as Tamil Tiger rebels, who waged a bitter final battle in which the U.N. has said up to 40,000 people were killed.
Who can you trust most not to show you their penis in a professional setting? Democrat Dana Nessel asks in the new ad. Is it the candidate who doesn t have a penis? I d so say. She then makes several promises to her voters: I will not sexually harass my staff. And I won t tolerate it in your workplace either. I won t walk around in a half-open bathrobe. The ad follows allegations of sexual misconduct against U.S. Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., and U.S. Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., among others.Conyers, who allegedly used taxpayer money to settle with an accuser, won t seek re-election next year, Detroit s WDIV-TV reported.Nessel, a former assistant prosecutor vying against Republican state House Speaker Tom Leonard and Democratic state Sen. Tonya Schuitmaker, told WJBK-TV that she does not think the ad crosses a line. I think the ad was rather tame when it comes to the news stories that have come out whether they are journalists, whether they re in Hollywood, or whether they re political representatives, she said. We ve heard some pretty lewd stories coming out. Fox News
Fears of purges of personnel based on ideology have now reached the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security after a new, unusual request from the Donald Trump transition team has surfaced. The incoming Trump team is demanding a list of names for some reason.U.S. President-elect Donald Trump s transition team has asked two Cabinet departments for the names of government officials working on programs to counter violent extremism, according to a document seen by Reuters and U.S. officials.The requests to the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security involve a set of programs that seek to prevent violence by extremists of any stripe, including recruitment by militant Islamist groups within the United States and abroad.Reuters could not determine why the Trump team asked for these names. The Trump team did not immediately respond to a request for comment.Trump has often attacked President Obama and his team, including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, for not being tougher on extremists. Often this critique has included the complaint that Obama and his subordinates do not explicitly blame the Islamic faith, rather than point out how extremists deviate from mainstream Islam.It is certainly plausible that the Trump team is considering some way in which to remove those who differ from their ideology from the permanent bureaucracy once they assume power. Such a purge of those seen to be disloyal would be in line with the authoritarian mindset that Trump has so often embraced during the campaign.Trump has also issued a similar demand to the Department of Energy, asking for the names of those who worked on the Obama administration s climate change policy. The Department refused the request, and the Obama White House expressed concerns that the Trump team was trying to target civil servants like scientists and lawyers. Eventually facing bad headlines, the Trump team disavowed the purge request.Featured image via FlickrThese clowns have nothing on Obama
#Cars in the #News- Florida man parks Smart car in kitchen to save it from Hurricane Dorian https://www.autoblog.com/2019/09/05/hurricane-dorian-smart-car-in-kitchen/ …
I'm just gonna say fuck it and ride this hurricane out..... 'Merica
US/Silver Spring: NWS issues Tornado Warning for parts of #AR, #KY, #LA, #MD, #MI, #MS, #TN, #TX. Seek strong shelter: http://ow.ly/4HFQx
Reince Priebus, Donald Trump s chief of staff, is now facing a misconduct complaint related to his decision to interfere with the FBI s investigation of Russia.Attorney J. Whitfield Larrabee filed the complaint with the Wisconsin Office of Lawyer Regulation regarding Priebus attempt to persuade the FBI to favor Trump in their investigation of the Russian scandal that has plagued the administration.The complaint reads:There is probable cause to charge attorney Reince Priebus ( Priebus ) with violations of Wisconsin s Rules of Professional Conduct for Attorneys, Supreme Court Rules, Chapter 20. The violations of these rules relate to Priebus corrupt attempt to influence investigations by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation ( FBI ) into criminal activity involving associates of Donald J. Trump ( Trump ) and Russian government officials. .It is a violation of SCR 20:8.4 (b) for a lawyer to commit a criminal act that reflects adversely on the lawyer s honesty, trustworthiness or fitness as a lawyer in other respects. It is a violation of SCR 20:8.4 (c) to engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation. There is probable cause to charge Priebus with such serious violations of these particular ethical requirements that it will be necessary and appropriate to revoke his license to practice of law if the charges are established.Larrabee explained that he filed the complaint as a concerned citizen and attorney because I was alarmed that Reince Priebus would communicate with the FBI about a pending investigation of the collusion between Trump campaign officials and senior Russian intelligence officials. Communications by Priebus with the FBI about a pending investigation of this sort severely violates the integrity of the investigation and is a blatant form of corruption. While it isn t really likely that this complaint will bring about any real repercussions for Priebus, it does send a very important message: even if Republicans won t stand up to Trump s administration and hold them accountable, the citizens of the United States will.Featured image via Mark Wilson/Getty Images
They real deal put my food stamps on hold cause the hurricane smh IRMA stopping me from eatin tf it's gettin personal
Rep. Maxine Waters claims on @MSNBC that the sex allegations about Trump in the Russian dossier are true. https://t.co/cd5LNmL0eo
Hillary Clinton is a Planned Parenthood s champion. She was greeted like a rock star at the Planned Parenthood Action Fund event in June, 2016. She mocked Donald Trump s defense of life, while highlighting her undying support for destroying the life of the most vulnerable. She s been bending over backwards to pander to Blacks for their votes, while trying desperately to gain the confidence of the Black Lives Matter movement. But isn t Hillary s concern for Black lives just another one of her lies? She is the darling of Planned Parenthood after all, and their stated goal has always been to kill off the Black population? Finally, a prominent Black professional athlete is speaking out and telling the truth about the true intentions of this killing machine for profit.Christian NFL player Ben Watson does not hesitate to call out Planned Parenthood s targeting of minority women and their babies for abortions.In a recent interview with Turning Point Pregnancy Resource Center in San Diego, the Baltimore Ravens player talked about the racial divide in America and how it factors into the abortion issue. abortion saddens me period, but it seems to be something that is really pushed on minorities and provided to minorities especially as something that they should do, Watson said.He pointed to Planned Parenthood s founder Margaret Sanger and her eugenic push to exterminate people she deemed unfit. Today, it s working, Watson said. We sit here and talk about advancing the black agenda, whatever that means, we talk about our interests, and what s important to us like having political power and advancement and all those things and then we are turning around and we are killing our children, Watson continued. And we are buying the lie that it s our personal decision to make. Here s Hillary Clinton slamming Donald Trump over his defense of life and her willingness to destroy it at a Planned Parenthood event:The NFL star said he is sympathetic to the women who are struggling with an unplanned pregnancy. But Watson, a husband and father of five children, said many men are not stepping up to help their children and the women in their lives like they should. He urged men to take responsibility for their actions. He need to be there to support her through the physical changes of the pregnancy, and help and provide emotional strength, and do it together, Watson continued. As much as he has a role in making the baby in the first place, it needs to take both of them the whole way through. Sometimes, Watson said he does have the opportunity to talk with other NFL players about abortion and his pro-life convictions. Just like in almost any career setting, Watson said they talk about many different things, including politics and religion. You ve got guys that consider themselves Conservative and pro-life, and you ve got guys that consider themselves Liberal and pro-choice, and it kind of goes back and forth, he said. What I love is that in most of the situations I have been in, not all of them, but most, even if we sometimes talk abrasively to each other, we still have love for each other. Last year, after the Center for Medical Progress began releasing its undercover Planned Parenthood videos, Watson wasn t shy about speaking up for unborn babies either.He posted on his Facebook wall:As horrific as it is, the issue isn t really the sale of human parts. It s the legal practice that allows this to even be a possibility. Killing children and simply discarding the leftovers is not any more acceptable than profiting off of them. #PlannedParenthood Asked if he has faced backlash for his stance, Watson told Turning Point, I won t say I m not afraid, and I will say that I ve received some flack for some of the things I ve said I decided that you know, if the spirit of God has prompted me to say something, I m gonna trust in God and say it. Via: Life News
The arrival of Hurricane Sandy has led to widespread cancellations of performances http://nyti.ms/QOo6Zw  Hope NYers have safe shelter
Be Safe. A Few Tips for Surviving a Blizzard in a Stranded Car http://bit.ly/1QOBDRw 
No Food, No FEMA: Hurricane Michael’s Survivors Are Furious https://thebea.st/2IV0u6C?source=twitter&via=desktop … via @thedailybeast
BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - Four foreign engineers working for the Turkish construction firm Enka were kidnapped in southwest Libya on Friday, a Libyan state electricity official said. The men, who were Turkish and South African, were seized while traveling from the airport in the town of Ubari to a power plant they were helping to build, the official said, asking not to be named. There was no immediate indication who had abducted them. In a statement on its website, Enka referred to three Turkish citizens being kidnapped. Around midday today in Libya three of our citizens, two of them our personnel who were temporarily working in the country, were kidnapped by unidentified people while they were traveling outside the building site, the statement said. Our company is following the subject closely, in contact with Turkish and Libyan authorities, it added. Kidnapping is rife across Libya, which has been in turmoil since an uprising unseated autocratic leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011. Work at the Ubari plant has been going on for years, disrupted periodically by tribal clashes or other security problems.
These idiots are also bitchin about trump & the hurricane, even tho he went to LA last year w/18 wheelers of food & water after the floods
#JermaineBell age 6 #HurricaneDorian #volunteer Proud of this young man, evidently good parenting including grandparent(s); great story. Boy donates savings for Disney trip to buy food for Hurricane Dorian evacuees http://www.fox13news.com/news/boy-donates-savings-for-disney-trip-to-buy-food-for-hurricane-dorian-evacuees …
MADRID (Reuters) - Investment projects in the northeastern region of Catalonia have been paralyzed and the sale of a stake in state-run lender Bankia put on hold because of the current political uncertainty, Spain s economy minister said on Thursday. Catalonia s parliament is set to declare independence on Monday after going ahead with a banned referendum on Oct.1, while heavy-handed tactics employed by Spanish police trying to stop the ballot have been widely criticized. This is generating uncertainty that is paralyzing all investment projects in Catalonia, Economy Minister Luis de Guindos told Reuters in an interview. I m convinced that, right now, not one international or national investor will take part in a new investment project until this is cleared up. Catalonia is a center of industry and tourism that accounts for one-fifth of Spain s economy. It is a production base for major multi-nationals from Volkswagen to Nestle and home to Europe s fastest-growing sea port. On Thursday, Spain s fifth-largest bank, Sabadell, said it was considering whether to shift its headquarters away from Catalonia in the first major sign that the wealthy region s push for independence from Spain could scare away big business. Caixabank, Spain s third largest lender by market capitalization, is also considering moving its legal base outside Catalonia, a source with knowledge of the situation said. A spokesman for the bank said no decision had been taken on a move. Tensions between Madrid and Barcelona have intensified since the poll, which was overwhelmingly in favor of independence but which nearly 60 percent of Catalan voters boycotted. Catalan President Carles Puigdemont has said he favors mediation to find a way out of the crisis but that Spain s central government had rejected this. Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy s government has meanwhile called on Catalonia to return to the path of law before any negotiations. They know very well that independence, which isn t going to happen, would have very negative consequences, de Guindos said. It won t happen because the Spanish government won t let it happen. It s illegal. De Guindos said the crisis had not yet had any effect on the wider Spanish economy, which he expects to grow more than 3 percent this year. For the moment, we ve seen absolutely no economic impact. Preliminary indicators have been positive and show that the Spanish economy will continue to show strong growth, he said. But worries over the situation were growing. We re starting to see an enormous concern due to the irresponsibility of the Catalan government, and alarm has been growing in the last days and hours, de Guindos said. On the government s plans to sell a further stake in Bankia, de Guindos said Madrid would look at the placement again once the Catalan situation had been resolved. De Guindos said in July that Spain would explore selling a further stake in Bankia some time after the summer, estimating the stake sale would be around 7 percent. Spain s bailout fund had an advisor that was looking at different windows of opportunity, he said. Right now Catalonia is more important, but as I m convinced the Catalan situation will change course and we will fix it, as soon as circumstances and prices improve, we will look at the possibilities (of a share sale), he said.
BEIJING (Reuters) - Foreign leaders can t think they can get away with meeting exiled Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama just because they are doing it in a personal capacity, as they still represent their government, a senior Chinese official said on Saturday. China considers the Dalai Lama, who fled into exile in India in 1959 after a failed uprising against Chinese rule, to be a dangerous separatist. The Nobel Peace Prize winning monk says he simply seeks genuine autonomy for his Himalayan homeland. Visits by the Dalai Lama to foreign countries infuriate China, and fewer and fewer national leaders are willing to meet him, fearing the consequences of Chinese anger, though some have tried to placate Beijing by saying they are meeting him in a personal not official capacity. Zhang Yijiong, who heads the Communist Party s Tibet working group, told reporters on the sidelines of a party congress that there could be no excuses to meeting the Dalai Lama. Although some people say, the Dalai is a religious figure, our government didn t put in an appearance, it was just individual officials, this is incorrect, said Zhang, who is also a vice minister at the United Front Work Department, which has led failed talks with the Dalai Lama s representatives. Officials, in their capacity as officials, attending all foreign-related activities represent their governments. So I hope governments around the world speak and act with caution and give full consideration their friendship with China and their respect for China s sovereignty, he added. China took control of Tibet in 1950 in what it calls a peaceful liberation and has piled pressure on foreign governments to shun the Dalai Lama, using economic means to punish those who allow him in. China strongly denies accusations of rights abuses in Tibet, saying its rule has brought prosperity to what was a remote and backward region, and that it fully respects the religious and cultural rights of the Tibetan people. China also insists that Tibet in an integral part of its territory and has been for centuries. Zhang, who worked in Tibet from 2006-2010 as a deputy Communist Party boss, said that Tibetan Buddhism was a special religion born in our ancient China . It s a Chinese religion. It didn t come in from the outside, he said.
Man anonymously donates nearly $50K worth of food, supplies and generators to Bahamas after Hurricane Dorian devastation https://www.kokereport.com/single-post/2019/09/06/Man-anonymously-donates-nearly-50K-worth-of-food-supplies-and-generators-to-Bahamas-after-Hurricane-Dorian-devastation …
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Republican in the U.S. Senate on Tuesday rejected President Donald Trump’s suggestion that his party change the chamber’s rules to undercut the ability of Democrats to block legislation with filibusters. “There is an overwhelming majority on a bipartisan basis that is not interested in changing the way the Senate operates on the legislative calendar,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told reporters. McConnell was responding to a question about a tweet in which Trump suggested changing the rules so that legislation could pass on a simple majority vote. Currently, the rules require a super-majority of 60 votes to overcome a filibuster. (This version of the story corrects third paragraph to say “require a super-majority” instead of “request a super-majority”)
BEIJING (Reuters) - A prominent Chinese general under investigation for corruption has committed suicide, state media said on Tuesday, the latest development in a sweeping anti-graft campaign that has shaken the armed forces. Zhang Yang, a former member of the powerful Central Military Commission (CMC), was being investigated over links to disgraced generals Guo Boxiong and Xu Caihou, the official Xinhua news agency said. The investigation into Zhang, 66, had verified that he gravely violated discipline , was suspected of giving and taking bribes and the origin of a huge amount of assets was unclear, Xinhua said, citing the commission. On the afternoon of Nov. 23, Zhang Yang hanged himself at home, the agency said. A suicide by an officer who held such a senior post is rare, though experts have said the frequency of officials from various levels of government taking their own lives may have increased as a result of the intensity of the corruption crackdown since President Xi Jinping took power five years ago. A commentary carried on both the Defense Ministry and military s official websites said the CMC decided on Aug. 28 to investigate Zhang, who had lost his moral bottom line and used suicide as a means to escape punishment from the party and country , an extremely abominable act . This former general of high position and great power used this shameful way to end his own life, the commentary said. He would exhort loyalty but be corrupt behind others backs, a typical two-faced person , it said. Sources had told Reuters that Zhang, who had served as director of the military s Political Work Department, had been subject to an investigation, but the government had not announced it. Zhang s downfall was foreshadowed in September when he failed to make a list of 303 military delegates to the ruling Communist Party s key five-yearly congress, along with fellow CMC member Fang Fenghui. Both men were replaced at the congress, held last month, as part of a sweeping military leadership reshuffle in which Xi install trusted allies in key positions. China s military, the world s largest and undergoing an ambitious modernization campaign, has been an important focus of Xi s deep-seated fight against corruption. Serving and retired officers have said graft in the armed forces is so pervasive it could undermine China s ability to wage war. Dozens of officers have been investigated and jailed, including Xu and Guo, both former vice chairmen of the commission, which Xi heads. Xu once ran the Political Work Department, which is in charge of imbuing political thought and makes military personnel decisions, and along with Guo was accused of taking bribes in exchange for promotions. Guo was jailed for life last year. Xu died of cancer in 2015 before he could face trial.
You're more likely to die in a space travel incident than be killed by a refugee terrorist in America: https://t.co/wOn6TcLW40
BREAKING: New Michigan #COVID health order eliminates restaurant table limit, allows dance floors, pool tables to reopen https://t.co/RZ8kBUcSrS https://t.co/TpDSaMh7S4
'We‰Ûªre blown away by this extension. Nothing we‰Ûªve seen has as many options as this one.' https://t.co/0YzgW9ZbHR https://t.co/rHtaqjvQn2
I'm rey ask flood is Toni cooking , her food be delicious
Medicine Lake 2 (Wildfire) http://dlvr.it/Qf7mn2 
Dust Storm 'en route' from Alice Springs to Uluru http://t.co/4ilt6FXU45
Ken Ham is a right-wing, young-Earth creationist lunatic. EVERYTHING in this man s world revolves around the Bible and he wants the rest of us to be just as nuts. On Wednesday, this idiot turned his attentions to the fact that the press has been covering the tragic death of a gorilla who was shot dead because a 3-year-old fell into his enclosure. Proving that he is as heartless as he is crazy, Ham went off on the press for covering the story via his Twitter account. Here are the unhinged tweets:In 5 days thousands babies murdered by abortion, 700 refugees drown, 68 shot in Chicago and a Gorilla dominates news https://t.co/Ar4gG2qgQv Ken Ham (@aigkenham) June 1, 2016We cannot impose human emotion/morality on a gorilla it is not made in the image of God https://t.co/Ar4gG2qgQv Ken Ham (@aigkenham) June 1, 2016That s right we shouldn t feel badly about this poor, innocent animal s death because of something written in a 2,000-year-old book and interpreted by a person who is arguably one of the craziest men alive right now. As if that weren t bad enough, Ham took to his blog to use the bible to insist that he is right and everyone else is wrong to be concerned about the tragic death of this so-called sin-cursed gorilla. He ranted: Because we live in a fallen world, sin has affected everything, including gorillas and three-year-olds. Therefore when deciding what to do in a situation where a human being, made in God s image, is in the control of a sin-cursed animal with no sense of human morality, we must do all we can to protect the child from harm. Sure, we have to protect the kid from the gorilla, but that doesn t mean that it isn t a tragedy just the same. Ken Ham, you are insane. Please seek help. Further, you might want to stay off Twitter until you do.Featured image via Mark Lyons/Getty Images
Wildfires Kill at Least 5 Trapped in Cars in Northern California - https://trendingpress.com/wildfires-kill-at-least-5-trapped-in-cars-in-northern-california/ … - THOUSAND OAKS, Calif. — As wildfires swept over a large swath of California on Friday, the authorities said at least five people had been killed in a blaze that decimated a retiremen... pic.twitter.com/Nd4RRxjZh6
The impacts of Hurricane Dorian will soon be felt in Florida and throughout the Southeast. Do you know what foods are safe to eat after a power outage? Our handy guide: http://ow.ly/aRAP50vOBhK 
Bulshit I've lived through hurricanes you fill up your gas tank you get food you prepare or evacuate I never had the loot you're wrong
An unidentified photographer is reported to have fallen backwards off a press riser at Donald Trump s rally in Bethpage, New York.About 8,000 people were reported to be in attendance at the rally, which was held at Grumman Studios. Video published by The New Civil Rights Movement shows that about 20 minutes into his speech, Trump began referring to the media as dirty and awful people. As he did so, the audience began booing and jeering at members of the media who were packed together or press risers, calling the losers. NBC National News correspondent Peter Alexander tweeted:Image credit: screen capture Peter Alexander on TwitterAssociated Press reporter Jonathan Lemire also reported on Trump s attack on the media, quoting the candidate on Twitter:Image credit: screen capture Jonathon Lamire on TwitterReuters reporter Emily Flitter also posted about the incident.Image credit: screen capture Emily Flitter via TwitterDavid Badash of The New Civil Rights Movement reports that shortly after this disturbing scene took place, the unidentified reporter fell backward from the press riser.Multiple news outlets report that the crowd broke out into cheers when the person fell.Screen capture Emily Flitter via TwitterChris Dignam attributed the reporters fall to the fact that the press risers were overcrowded.Image credit: screen capture via Chris Dignam on TwitterThis isn t the first time that Donald Trump has endangered members of the press during one of his rallies. He often targets the media during his rants, inciting his followers to turn on the press. At other rallies, he s called the media dishonest and scum. He has also forced reporters to remain inside fenced-off pens. At a December 21 rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Trump told his audience I would never kill [journalists] but I do hate them. His hatred vehement hatred toward the press is not just ugly and wrong, it s dangerous to every reporter, journalist and photographer in America. The idea that Trump is creating a nationwide mob of potentially violent, media-hating followers is chilling.In August of last year, Allison Parker, a reporter with Virginia s WDBJ-TV was shot and killed on live TV. The man who shot her was a former coworker who had mental health issues. We can only guess how many of Trump s followers have similar mental health issues.Judging by the reaction of the crowd when the reporter fell from the risers, I d say a lot.Credit: Andrew Renneisen / Stringer Getty Images News
YANGON (Reuters) - One person was killed on Thursday in a massive fire that destroyed one of Yangon s best-known hotels, sending dark smoke billowing over the center of Myanmar s largest city and triggering an hours-long battle to put out the flames. It was not immediately clear what caused the fire, which broke out around 3:20 a.m. at the teak-and-stone Kandawgyi Palace Hotel overlooking a picturesque inner-city lake, authorities told Reuters. An unidentified body was found in a guest room and two people were injured, said Htay Lwin, a spokesman of hotel owner Htoo Group. Authorities were investigating the cause of the fire and the cost of the damage was not immediately clear, he added. The fire had been mostly extinguished by 7 a.m., and more than 140 guests were shifted to nearby hotels. Htoo Group is chaired by business tycoon Tay Za, who, until last year, was on the list of United States sanctions for his close links to Myanmar s former military regime. Myanmar s civilian-led government, helmed by Nobel laureate and former dissident Aung San Suu Kyi, is grappling with the aftermath of a harsh military crackdown that has driven out more than 500,000 of the country s Rohingya Muslim minority.
Hurricane Harvey could leave half a million destroyed cars in its wake [0.11]: https://parameterless.com/hurricane_harvey_could_leave_half_a_million_destroyed_cars_in_its_wake/ …pic.twitter.com/NAL8jpLOhH
Hurricane Sandy=chinese food, massive sleepover, Harry Potter, and candy :) #stayinginside
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval, a moderate Republican, took himself out of consideration for appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday as Senate Republicans dug in on their vow not to act on any nominee by President Barack Obama. Asked if the White House was disappointed by Sandoval’s decision, Obama spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters, “He’s obviously entitled to make decisions about his own career.” Sandoval’s name surfaced as a possible nominee on Wednesday, but Senate Republicans quickly said they still would not hold hearings or vote on any Obama nominee to fill the Supreme Court vacancy left by the Feb. 13 death of conservative Justice Antonin Scalia. Obama’s appointee could pivot the court to the left for the first time in decades. Sandoval, a Mexican-American who was Nevada’s first Hispanic governor, did not offer a reason for his withdrawal. “Earlier today, I notified the White House that I do not wish to be considered at this time for possible nomination to the Supreme Court of the United States,” he said in a statement. “The notion of being considered for a seat on the highest court in the land is beyond humbling and I am incredibly grateful to have been mentioned.” Earlier on Thursday, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton expressed concern about Sandoval, urging Obama to pick a “true progressive.” But Nancy Pelosi, the top House of Representatives Democrat, called it a “good idea” for Obama to consider Republicans as well as Democrats. The Republican-led Senate must confirm any nominee. Sandoval, 52, was appointed a judge by Republican President George W. Bush before becoming governor. He took a traditional Republican stance backing gun rights but held more moderate views on social issues, supporting abortion rights. Obama will meet next Tuesday with Senate Republican and Democratic leaders regarding a court nominee, officials said. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley said they will use the meeting to reiterate the Republican stance that the Senate will not act on any Supreme Court nominee until the next president takes office in January 2017, following the Nov. 8 presidential election. Republicans hope to win back the White House then. The fight over the nomination got nastier as Grassley accused Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid of “childish tantrums” after Reid called Grassley the most obstructionist Judiciary Committee chairman ever. Reid responded: “A childish tantrum, when we’re asking him to do his job?”
Bald eagle rescued from car grill after Matthew passes: In the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew's path through ... http://cnn.it/2dWvvGy 
Coolest. President. Ever.During his scheduled stop in Buenos Aires, Argentina, President Obama was asked to stand up and dance as a tango played at the State Dinner that took place at the Centro Cultural Kirchner on Wednesday night.After a pair of professional Argentine dancers finished performing for President Obama and the First Lady, the duo split off and asked the First Couple to do the tango with them.At first, President Obama politely declined but the beautiful woman in the gold dress finally got her wish.President Obama was every bit the gentleman and smoothly danced the Argentine Tango with his excited partner, proving once again that he is the President of Cool.Obama participated in the dance for a minute and then he returned to his table while the lady in the gold dress embraced First Lady Michelle Obama who looked just as surprised by her husband s moves.Here s the video via YouTube.Can you imagine Donald Trump or Ted Cruz pulling off the tango like President Obama did? Such a nightmarish image would be humiliating for this country and the presidency similar to all those times former President George W. Bush tried his hand at dancing at the White House like when he invited a a group of Africans to the Rose Garden in 2007.But Trump and Cruz would likely top Bush by being more embarrassing and even scarier.As President Obama continues to strengthen U.S. relations abroad, the Republican presidential candidates continue to embarrass themselves and the nation with their hateful and bigoted rhetoric that has made the world cringe.Luckily, President Obama is still in charge until next January and still light enough on his feet to dance the tango and school conservatives at the same time. Featured image via screenshot
21st Century Wire says Speaking to reporters from his summer golf retreat in New Jersey, President Donald Trump publicly thanked Russian leader Vladimir Putin for previously ordering the US to slash its embassy staff in Moscow and close two of its storage facilities there. Much to the chagrin of the adversarial media, Trump crowed, that Putin has helped him achieve a smaller payroll. Last month 21WIRE reported how Russia ordered Washington to remove 755 its 1,200 US embassy staff in Moscow as part of a retaliatory diplomatic tit-for-tat after the US leveled another round of sanctions against Russia. I want to thank him because we re trying to cut down our payroll and as far as I m concerned I m very thankful that he let go of a large number of people, said Trump.Meanwhile, it emerged this week that FBI special counsel Robert Mueller ordered a pre-dawn raid on former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, seizing personal documents and equipment.Trump told reporters, They do that very seldom. I was surprised to see it, and I thought it was a very strong signal. Sympathising with Manafort s situation, he added that the raid was a pretty tough stuff. Trump also went on to comment on the North Korea situation and defensed his previous comments against the regime in Pyongyang.Watch the full press conference here: . READ MORE RUSSIAGATE NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Russia FilesSUPPORT OUR WORK BY SUBSCRIBING & BECOMING A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
Here’s What I Saw as I Fled the Wildfire in Malibu: I can’t tell you how it started, or even where or when. I will not be the most informed person that you will find regarding the fire currently invading the city of Malibu. I can… http://www.automotivetestdrivers.com/heres-what-i-saw-as-i-fled-the-wildfire-in-malibu-1830347721/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter … #Cars #Autos #Automotivepic.twitter.com/5NnXCbwM91
Practical tip from law school: never close on a house or buy a car in late August or September. Insurers don't like hurricane season. #3L
The Bahamas' death toll is rising as 70,000 residents left homeless by Hurricane Dorian seek food and shelter https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/07/us/hurricane-dorian-bahamas-saturday-wxc/index.html …
When your presidential candidate is supported by the media of a corrupt tyrannical regime, that s a bad sign.North Korea is a sworn enemy of the United States, threatening us with nuclear strikes for many years and demanding that we pull our military out of South Korea, a move that would almost certainly be followed by a North Korean invasion of our ally.And that s precisely why North Korean media is enthusiastic about Donald Trump.According to NKNews.org,The article published in state media outlet DPRK Today also referred to Trump s proposal to hold direct talks with Kim Jong Un, praising the likely Republican nominee as a wise politician and far-sighted presidential candidate. In my personal opinion, there are many positive aspects to the Trump s inflammatory policies , wrote Han Yong Mook, who introduced himself as a Chinese North Korean scholar. Trump said he will not get involved in the war between the South and the North, isn t this fortunate from North Koreans perspective? Indeed, it would be most fortunate for North Korea because they wouldn t have to fight our military and South Korea s military at the same time in their effort to unite the two Koreas under a single banner. Of course, uniting would come at a great cost to South Korea since Kim Jong Un would still be the dictator of a united Korea. That is non-negotiable as far as the North Korean leader is concerned.Trump has already threatened to pull US forces out of South Korea unless the government in Seoul increases domestic military spending. Furthermore, he has indicated that he would like to negotiate with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.DPRK Today especially likes this and urged Trump to do it. Yes do it, now Who knew that the slogan Yankee Go Home would come true like this? The day when the Yankee Go Home slogan becomes real would be the day of Korean Unification. They even went so far as to attack Hillary Clinton on Trump s behalf, which every single American should be concerned about. The president that U.S. citizens must vote for is not that dull Hillary who claimed to adapt the Iranian model to resolve nuclear issues on the Korean Peninsula but Trump, who spoke of holding direct conversation with North Korea. Seriously, North Korea is part of the axis of evil former President Bush spoke of during his tenure in the White House. Now the Republican Party has gone from that to being endorsed by North Korean media.Aidan Foster-Carter of the University of Leeds, who is Honorary Senior Research Fellow in Sociology and Modern Korea, viewed the media support as concerning. Admittedly it is not exactly Pyongyang speaking, or at least not the DPRK government in an official capacity, Foster-Carter conceded. But it is certainly Pyongyang flying a kite, or testing the waters. For the rest of us, this is a timely reminder if it were needed of just how completely Trump plans to tear up established U.S. policy in the region; and what an irresponsible, unthinking menace the man is. Again, the Republican presidential nominee has the support of North Korea because he has threatened to weaken South Korea if Seoul does not comply with his demands.Trump has even expressed admiration for the way Kim Jong Un kills people to retain power. You ve got to give him credit. How many young guys he was like 26 or 25 when his father died take over these tough generals and all of a sudden, you know, it s pretty amazing when you think of it. How does he do that? Even though it is a culture, and it s a culture thing, he goes in, he takes over, he s the boss. It s incredible. He wiped out the uncle, he wiped out this one, that one. I mean this guy doesn t play games. Every American should be very concerned and very scared about this, especially Republicans who claim they care about our national security and the security of our closest allies.Featured Image: Joe Raedle/Getty Images
My good friend and her husband tried to send food supply to serious flood stricken Sg Isap area but failed to because of road closure..
Unfortunately, our troops have been affected most by the ignorance of the American voter who couldn t see through the smoke and mirrors of the world s most successful con artist A CNN poll released Wednesday shows that George W. Bush is not only more popular than President Obama, a majority of Americans now view the former president in a positive light. A full 52% see Bush favorably, compared to just 43% who do not. Only 49% of Americans have a favorable opinion of Obama. The same number, 49%, do not.Obama s job approval numbers also took a serious dive in the CNN poll. Just last month, the president sat at a 48% approval rating, with just 47% disapproving. Not great, but he was at least above water. Today Obama is upside down a full 7 points, with just 45% approving of his job and a clear majority of 52% disapproving.That s an 8 point drop.On the specifics of his job, other than race relations, Obama is upside down, sometimes by huge margins, in every category: economy 46-53; ISIS 32-63; race relations 50-47; Climate Change 41-49; illegal immigration 36-60; government surveillance 29-67; health care 44-54; foreign affairs 43-55; terrorism 45-51.Since last month, Obama s numbers have worsened considerably on the specific issues of ISIS, immigration, and surveillance.Bush s favorability increase his first in positive territory since leaving office is likely due to two things. First, Bush has been nothing but a class act as a former president. He has stayed out of the public eye, except to further the causes like those of America s wounded warriors. He s removed himself completely from politics. People appreciate a class act, and Bush has been nothing but.Secondly, Bush s approval numbers were primarily dragged down by the Iraq War. In hindsight, though, the American people are now seeing that conflict now through a contextual prism they did not have before.As in all wars, major mistakes were made in Iraq. It is only in the television era, especially the 24/7 cable era, that this historical fact of conflict has been turned into something unique and a disqualifier. Nevertheless, Bush won the war in Iraq. The surge won the war in Iraq. It s harder to end a war than begin one. Indeed, everything that American troops have done in Iraq - all the fighting and all the dying, the bleeding and the building, and the training and the partnering - all of it has led to this moment of success. Now, Iraq is not a perfect place. It has many challenges ahead. But we re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq, with a representative government that was elected by its people. We re building a new partnership between our nations. This is an extraordinary achievement, nearly nine years in the making. That is not Bush announcing the Iraq War a success, that is President Obama just before he lost the war in an election year gambit by removing all of our troops, including the kind of stabilizing forces we still have in other countries like Korea and Japan.Compared to Obama s handling of foreign affairs, specifically in the Middle East, the Bush-era is getting a second look outside of the unceasing partisan politics and venomous media frenzies that defined his presidency. It was a long tough road to get there, but by the time Bush left office, things were better in the Middle East. The region had stabilized, or was at least stabilizing. Egypt, Libya, Iraq, and Afghanistan were all quiet or at least quieting. Our years-long engagement, sometimes at a terrible price, had made a positive difference.Obama s cynical political disengagement overseas has come at an even more terrible price. The region is on fire. Iraq is nearly lost. Libya is a terrorist haven. ISIS is on the march everywhere, especially in Obama s Iraq vacuum.War is tough and bloody and difficult and fraught with mistakes. That was true before the television age. It is true now. How would CNN cover an audacious, costly, and largely symbolic Doolittle Raid on Tokyo today? Imagine Lincoln dealing with a Washington Post, New York Times, and Wolf Blitzer in the first few years of the Civil War. It s only after you remove all the political and media smoke that one can gain a perspective.That smoke is mostly dissipated, and the American people can now see that things were better under Bush. It was hell to get there but in the end he won his war. Obama is losing everywhere and showing none of the grit to win Bush did at this time in his own presidency.Obama was supposed to be the cure for all the Bush-era ills. Democrats and the media promised us that.The American people are now realizing that the so-called cure is much worse than the problem, a problem that, as we can see now, did not need fixing.Via: Breitbart News
ALBANY, N.Y. (Reuters) - Lawyers for two New York residents seeking to throw Ted Cruz off next month’s presidential primary ballot in the state urged an Appeals Court panel on Wednesday to consider whether the U.S. senator from Texas is eligible given his Canadian birth. The case put forward by New York residents Barry Korman, 81, of Manhattan and William Gallo, 85, of Manhasset, had been dismissed by a Supreme Court judge earlier this month because it was filed after a procedural deadline. Lawyers Roger Bernstein and Judith Hancock urged the five judges of the Appellate Division of New York to consider the merits of their case to block Cruz from the April 19 New York state primary election. The objectors attached Cruz’s birth certificate showing he was born in December 1970 in Calgary, Alberta. Bernstein told the panel the primary ballot must only contain constitutionally eligible presidential candidates, and argued the appeals judges should give greater weight to the importance of the issue than the missed deadline. Their petition to block Cruz came 19 days beyond the three-day limit after a candidate files a request to be placed on the ballot, Cruz’s lawyers said, adding that the objection should not go forward because it was tardy. The appeals judges are expected to rule later this week. The case is one of several similar challenges to Cruz’s eligibility to run for the White House - including lawsuits in Alabama, Illinois, Pennsylvania and Texas - filed since Republican front-runner Donald Trump brought up questions about whether Cruz meets the constitutional requirement to be president. The Constitution says that to be president, a person must be a “natural-born citizen” of the United States. Cruz has argued that he is eligible to run because of his mother’s U.S. citizenship, and many legal experts say it is unlikely any judge in the United States would block his presidential bid. The lawyers representing the New York objectors are also representing the appeal of Carmon Elliott, who is complaining about Cruz being on the ballot in Pennsylvania.
When asked by the other hosts on the show, Where would you go? Whoopie pauses, then realizes there really is no better country on the earth, as she sheepishly replies, I don t know, I ve always been in America. There s usually a good reason that people don t give up their citizenship Whoopie. There s probably a reason so many people are willing to break the law and illegally enter our country. Despite the drivel you and your cohorts push on The View, every American doesn t believe they re somehow a victim, and most Americans agree with Trump that we shouldn t be willing to give up all that makes America great just because the Left wants to shore up their voting block. If you wanna know what is really getting under Whoopie s skin, it s the idea that no one in the media can control Trump. That s what s really got the girls on The View freaking out Wednesday on ABC s The View, co-host Whoopi Goldberg said Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump needs to stop blaming others for the problems in America and threatened to move out of the country.https://youtu.be/NwE2ZvcpKUsGoldberg said, People don t like being the butt of the jokes and now that people say, listen, you can t make me the butt of your jokes, I don t like it. You can t use me as some sort of stereotype. I don t like it. That s the PC people are talking about. And the bottom line is this find a different way to say what you re going to say. People are not going to take it anymore. So if that s what s pisses you off, you re going to stay angry. Co-host Joy Behar said, A lot of it has to do with their pocketbook. They re not making as much money as they used to make, that particular group of people. Maybe jobs are overseas, maybe technology has taken over, they don t have the background for it. They re ticked off. Goldberg interjected, But then you can t blame immigrants for that. Behar continued, That s scapegoating. It s as old as the hills. What do you think World War II is all about? You know that. It s all about blaming the Jews. Now it s the Mexicans and the Muslims. Blame everybody but yourself. Later in the segment, Goldberg continued her rant. Listen, he can be whatever party he wants to be, she said. What he can t be is he can t be the guy that says it s your fault stuff isn t working. That s not the president I want. Find a way to make stuff work. Stop blaming everybody because all of this, as American citizens, this is our we did all of this. We ve allowed all this stuff, so we have to fix it. But you can t say, Oh, you re Lebanese or you re black or you re Mexican or you re a woman. Stop blaming everybody. Let s fix the crap. Let s just fix it. If you can fix it, I will listen to what you have to say. The minute you start pointing and saying that person is a rapist and a murderer, it pisses me off because I ve been part of that when they just use a blanket statement to talk about black people or when they use a blanket statement to talk about white people or women or any other group. I don t think that s America. I don t want it to be America. Maybe it s time for me to move, you know. I can afford to go, she added. I ve always been an American, and this has always been my country and we ve always been able to have discussions. And suddenly now it s turning into, you know, not them, not them. And you know, we have a lot of friends whose parents saw this already. They don t want to relive this So I need all the candidates to get it together. Get back to American values. Behar said, I must be naive maybe but I do believe that at the end of the day the American people will not vote for that type of xenophobia. The fact that they voted twice for President Obama, twice for President Clinton, people like that. I really do believe they will come to their senses. You know what, he can t win without 40 percent of the Hispanic vote and he has alienated the Hispanics. Via: Breitbart News
NEW PORT RICHEY, Fla. (Reuters) - The day after the flaming out of U.S. President Donald Trump’s first major legislative initiative, his supporters across America were lashing out - at conservatives, at Democrats, at leaders of his Republican Party in Congress. Only Trump himself was spared their wrath. Many voters who elected him appeared largely willing to give him a pass on the collapse of his campaign promise to overhaul the U.S. healthcare system, stressing his short time in office. MORE STORIES REUTERS RECOMMENDS How Republicans can hobble Obamacare even without repeal White House threatens to bypass hardline conservatives on tax reform Obamacare exploding? Maybe just a slow burn “Being a businessman, he’ll not take ‘no’ for an answer,” said Tony Nappi, a 71-year-old from Trinity, Florida, one of the many disappointed Republicans on his weekend softball team. “He’ll get the job done.” Support for Trump appeared unflagging, from the playing fields of a Republican stronghold in central Florida to the small town diners of North Carolina, the suburbs of Arkansas and the streets of working-class Staten Island in New York City. Rebellion among members of his own party sealed the failure of Trump’s effort to repeal and replace the 2010 Affordable Care Act - known as Obamacare - the signature domestic policy achievement of Democratic former President Barack Obama. Despite casting himself on the campaign trail as “the best dealmaker there is”, Trump could not save the healthcare bill yanked by Republican leaders in the House of Representatives on Friday in an embarrassing turn of events for them and Trump. Objections among Republican moderates and the party’s most conservative lawmakers left leaders short of the votes needed for passage, with Democrats unified in opposition. “He can’t wave a magic wand,” said Ramona Bourdo, 70, a retired nurse, eating breakfast at a McDonald’s in suburban Little Rock, Arkansas. “I’ve not lost confidence in him.” Still, the barista at the Grind Cafe in Morganton, North Carolina, who cannot afford his own insurance and remains on his parents’ plan, felt Trump shared responsibility in the debacle. “I think it’s partially his fault,” said Joel Martin, a 21-year-old Republican and Trump supporter. “I don’t think he has enough personal knowledge to do what he needs to do to get a healthcare bill through Congress.” His hometown, population 17,000, sits within the heavily rural congressional district of Representative Mark Meadows, a North Carolina Republican whose opposition as the head of the conservative House Freedom Caucus helped sink the bill. Sharing in the frustration of loyal Republicans was 82-year-old Jeanette Madison, a registered independent in the New York City borough of Staten Island, who voted for Trump. “I blame the Democrats and Republicans in Congress. They are a bunch of bastards. I’m just fed up,” she said, apologizing for colorful language as she walked her dog down a city street.  In Florida’s Pasco County, where Trump’s stronger-than-expected showing helped to seal his victory in the largest U.S. battleground state, some fans seized on the silver lining. Neighbors Patti Niehaus, a Democrat, and Margie Hahne, a Republican, agreed that Trump may have needed last week’s crash course in governing, having never before held elected office. “You can’t just go and tell people what to do like he’s used to doing,” said Hahne, 74. “Trump’s got to learn a lot.” Bridging Tampa’s booming suburbs and still rural parts of central Florida, Pasco County lies in a politically decisive swing region of the state along the Interstate 4 highway corridor linking Tampa and Orlando. Trump won 58.4 percent of the vote in the mostly white, working- and middle-class county, surpassing the past two Republican presidential candidates by tens of thousands of votes. His pledge to end Obamacare helped to sway Kelle DeGroat, a 37-year-old nurse, a Republican who is open to other parties. “I thought there was a good plan the way he talked,” said DeGroat, still confident in Trump’s ability to make reform happen. “I was shocked that it didn’t pass.” Other Republicans applauded their leaders for returning to the drawing board, with polls showing the derailed healthcare plan to be unpopular following predictions that it would jeopardize or increase the cost of insurance for millions. Lisa Collins, a 53-year-old teacher with two adult children benefiting from Obamacare, for the first time started calling the region’s elected representatives to voice her opposition. “This is a success that the party listened,” said Collins, a Republican who did not support Trump. “To me, that’s amazing. They represented the average normal guy, the small guy.”
A video is viral with false claims that members of the Muslim community licked utensils to spread coronavirus. The video is old and shows a custom followed by Bohra Muslims where they lick leftovers to avoid wastage. #AltNewsfactCheck | @Pooja_Chaudhuri https://t.co/HvpB0NqWab
#ChefsForBahamas I am a baker with 20 years experience working in a scratch commercial bakery. I have time to come help. Can you use me to help provide food for those affected by Hurricane Dorian? Contact me at #MarkKadel
GENEVA (Reuters) - A European and African deal to stem the flow of migrants coming through Libya to Europe fails to tackle the abuses they face, the top U.N. human rights official wrote on Friday. The 28-nation European Union has long struggled to reach a coherent answer to the influx of migrants fleeing war, poverty and political upheaval in the Middle East and Africa, and the crisis is testing cooperation between member states. On Aug. 28, the leaders of France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Chad, Niger and Libya agreed a plan to tackle illegal human trafficking and support nations struggling to contain the flow of people across the desert and Mediterranean sea. U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra ad al-Hussein said it was significant that the agreement they struck in Paris recognized that a comprehensive response was needed. But it is very thin on the protection of the human rights of migrants inside Libya and on the boats, and silent on the urgent need for alternatives to the arbitrary detention of vulnerable people, he wrote in an article published by the United Nations. Zeid s office published a report last December on abuses faced by migrants in detention centres in Libya, but memories are short when facts are inconvenient , he wrote. Since then the situation had worsened, with far too many allegations to verify and reports of bodies in the desert, in the forest, on the beaches . Libya s morgues were overflowing, he said. Apart from the families awaiting word from missing relatives, hardly anybody seemed to care, Zeid wrote. The EU faces a moral and legal dilemma because it relies on cooperation with Libyan coastguards and plays down their abuses, which include shooting at aid workers trying to rescue migrants, Zeid said. A coastguard that sometimes rescues migrants in distress but sometimes chooses not to. Like the militias onshore, coastguards also sometimes beat, rob and even shoot the migrants they intercept, he said. Zeid said he agreed with a letter to European leaders from Joanne Liu, the head of Medecins Sans Frontieres, a charity that has sent aid workers to rescue migrants. The letter, entitled European governments are feeding the business of suffering , asked: Is allowing people to be pushed into rape, torture and slavery via criminal pay-offs a price European governments are willing to pay? I fully support her analysis, and share her disgust at this situation, Zeid wrote.
Some council members say not including First Street in the zone will flood it with cars and make it unsafe.
For every action there is an equal reaction. Do a little insurrection -- get designated a domestic terrorist. Trump rioter caught on video sobbing 'they called me a terrorist' after being put on 'no-fly' list https://t.co/pColn9Wsww
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort met with Senate Intelligence Committee staff on Tuesday, a spokesman said, as another Senate panel issued a subpoena to force him to appear at a hearing. “Paul Manafort met this morning, by previous agreement, with the bipartisan staff of the Senate Intelligence Committee and answered their questions fully,” Jason Maloni, Manafort’s spokesman, said in an email. Earlier, the Senate Judiciary Committee said it had issued a subpoena on Monday night to force Manafort to appear at a hearing on Wednesday.
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Alabama DHR to issue food benefits early in tornado-damaged counties - al.com (blog) http://bit.ly/jTPzMe
Shelter dogs moved out of hurricane Matthew's path, thanks to the HSUS. Stay safe everybody! http://fb.me/1AvmQthNs 
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The failure by President Donald Trump and his fellow Republicans to dismantle Obamacare has infuriated the party’s conservative flank and is intensifying intra-party warfare ahead of the 2018 U.S. congressional elections. Donors and activists upset by the collapse of the latest Senate healthcare bill said it hardened their determination to back conservative candidates in next year’s elections, even if that means ousting Republican incumbents. “I am fed up. I’m beyond frustrated,” said Mica Mosbacher, a Houston-based Republican fundraiser, who added she was “extremely disappointed in Ted Cruz,” a Republican U.S. senator from Texas who had threatened to oppose the latest healthcare bill because he wanted to see changes. Texas is scheduled to hold the first nominating primary of the midterm elections in March 2018. Trump vowed during the 2016 election campaign to scrap the 2010 Affordable Care Act, former Democratic President Barack Obama’s signature domestic achievement, which Republicans see as a costly government overreach. Democrats say it has extended health insurance to millions. The latest bill to overturn Obamacare failed on Tuesday after three Senate Republicans, including moderate Susan Collins and conservative Rand Paul, said they could not support it. Republicans narrowly control the chamber by 52-48. In November 2018, all 435 seats of the U.S. House of Representatives and 33 seats in the Senate will be up for election. In the Senate, that includes 23 Democrats and eight Republicans, with several in both parties in fights expected to be competitive. If a large number of Republicans are forced to defend their seats against challengers from their own party in primary fights, Democrats will seek to exploit weakened candidates in the general election in their effort to wrest control of the House and Senate from Republicans. A shift of either chamber into Democratic hands would make it even more difficult for Trump to pass his agenda of tax reform, toughening immigration laws and rolling back Obamacare. Republicans have not delivered a significant legislative win on any topic since Trump took office in January. Mosbacher said she was “leaning toward supporting” Cruz’s primary opponent, Stefano de Stefano, even though she served as fundraiser for the incumbent’s 2012 campaign. Whoever prevails in that fight would likely face Beto O’Rourke, a well-funded Democrat, in the general election. Texas last elected a Democrat to the Senate in 1988. The conservative group Club For Growth has already begun interviewing Republican primary challengers it will consider backing next year. “We’ll continue to push for full repeal of Obamacare, and we’re disappointed Republicans have been unable to deliver on their seven-year promise,” said Rachael Slobodien, a spokeswoman for Club for Growth. Club for Growth is not alone in its frustration over the defeat of the Obamacare repeal effort. David Bozell, president of ForAmerica, a conservative grassroots organization, said incumbents who failed to line up solidly behind repeal had “shown some true colors” and in doing so, were inviting primary fights for their party’s nomination. Republican Senators Jeff Flake of Arizona and Dean Heller of Nevada are top targets for conservative groups. Conservative Kelli Ward has already announced her candidacy challenging Flake, and is seeking to amass support as a more conservative option. Dave Tamasi, a Republican lobbyist and fundraiser, said he thought it was too soon to know if the healthcare failure would hurt Republicans. “Opponents may try to use today or the failure to pass a repeal of the Affordable Care Act to give their candidacy a little bit of a push. The question is can that fuel today sustain itself over the long term of an election cycle,” he said. So far, Trump has been hedging his bets on the Republican primaries. But many of his allies are already backing conservative primary challengers. Trump has blasted Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell over Congress’ inaction. Such criticisms could help turn next year’s elections into a referendum on congressional incumbents, rather than on the president himself. “I think we are entering an era of more primary challenges in general, The disappointment by activists over the inability for Republicans to repeal Obamacare only adds fuel to this fire,” said Craig Robinson, former political director of the Iowa Republican Party.
Wildfires are blazing across the West. Gas prices are up 30% in the last six mos. Summer temperatures in Europe are beating all-time records. But apparently it's a perfect time to weaken emissions standards for our cars. https://nyti.ms/2n2K41M 
What would your city look like if it had been the subject of the #Hiroshima bombing? Hint-devastation. #BeyondtheBomb http://t.co/3nKcUlGVMW
Hillary Clinton breaks the law, gets people who work for her killed, lies to the American people and she s still a media darling? How is that possible???
RABAT (Reuters) - Fifteen people were killed and five more injured when a stampede broke out in a southwestern Moroccan town on Sunday as food aid was being distributed in a market, the Interior Ministry said. A hospital source put the death toll at 18, adding that most victims were women who had been scrambling for food handed out by a rich man in the small coastal town of Sidi Boulaalam. A local journalist said the donor had organised similar handouts before, but this year some 1,000 people arrived, storming an iron barrier under which several women were crushed. King Mohammed ordered that the victims families be given any assistance they needed and the wounded treated at his cost, the ministry said in a statement, adding that a criminal investigation had been opened. Last month, the king dismissed the ministers of education, planning and housing and health after an economic agency found imbalances in implementing a development plan to fight poverty in the northern Rif region. The Rif saw numerous protests after a fishmonger was accidentally crushed to death in a garbage truck in October 2016 after a confrontation with police, and he became a symbol of the effects of corruption and official abuse. In July, the king pardoned dozens of people arrested in the protests and accused local officials of stoking public anger by being too slow to implement development projects.
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