Unnamed: 0.1
Unnamed: 0
"Colorado Floods" Food For Thought a Good Reason to Ban Fracking in Michigan.......... http://fb.me/KKOErVcd 
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - About 100,000 Kurds have fled Kirkuk, fearing unrest, since Monday s takeover of the region by Iraqi forces, officials from the semi-autonomous Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) said on Thursday. About 18,000 families have taken shelter in the cities of Erbil and Sulaimaniya, the governor of Erbil Nawzad Hadi told reporters. One of his aides told Reuters the total number of people was about 100,000.
BOGOTA (Reuters) - Colombia has sent a letter of protest to Venezuela after it said security forces from the socialist country crossed the border into the Colombian province of La Guajira over the weekend, two government sources said on Monday. The sources told Reuters the Colombian Foreign Ministry had given the letter to Venezuela s embassy in Bogota, although the government of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro denied on Sunday that the crossing into Paraguachon, La Guajira, took place. The governor of La Guajira criticized the crossing on Twitter over the weekend, saying the security forces came over the border on Saturday night and stole money and cellphones from residents. Long-standing tensions between the neighboring countries have escalated since Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos joined with other countries in the region to criticize Maduro and said Venezuela was heading toward a dictatorship. Venezuela s former top prosecutor, who has accused Maduro of involvement with corruption, fled to Colombia this month.
Even fancy cars need to top off their tanks before a hurricane. #dorian #hurricane #prep #authorsofinstagram #amwriting https://www.instagram.com/p/B11WYakAYCN/?igshid=cw23ajfu13f6 …
WPDE ABC15 2 hrs · This is why Ed says storm surge is so dangerous. Here is video of Hurricane Michael's storm surge inundating a storm chasers' vehicle in Mexico Beach, Florida. (Credit: Brett Adair / LSM) https://www.facebook.com/jessejpeck/posts/1991295157599684 …
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan on Tuesday did not say when lawmakers would vote on a Republican plan to undo former President Barack Obama’s healthcare law, but said House leaders were making progress on the bill. Speaking to reporters, Ryan said Republicans “were making very good progress” on their proposed legislation. He rejected concerns about the measure’s potential health insurance impact on people with pre-existing health conditions, saying there were layers of protections for such patients.
I definitely just sat in my car for 30 minutes crying while watching hurricane Harvey rescue videos
Battle of the GOATS https://t.co/ofECs6tcvC
SO U WANT ME 2 GET SWEPT UP N THIS TORNADO ? SMH !!RT @NoVaselineSmh im in Passaic @GUNS_N_LIPGLOSS lmao take da bus or get a ride lol
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton promised on Monday to bring the “full weight of the law” against people who kill police officers if she becomes the next U.S. president after two recent episodes of gunmen slaying police officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge. Clinton, the presumptive Democratic candidate ahead of a Nov. 8 election, made the promise in a speech in Cincinnati at the annual convention of the civil rights group the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. “Anyone who kills a police officer and anyone who helps must be held accountable,” Clinton said. “As president, I will bring the full weight of the law to bear to make sure those who kill police officers are brought to justice.” The penalties for killing a police officer are rightly more severe than those for killing a civilian because police are symbols of the rule of law, she said. Clinton’s remarks come among heighten tensions between police forces and many black and Latino Americans, who have been rallying in protests across the country against a spate of police killings of black men, often unarmed, during encounters. A black former soldier killed five police officers during one such protest in Dallas, Texas, on July 7. On Sunday, another black former U.S. Marine sergeant killed three police officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Hurricane Dorian: NASA team set to ride out storm at Kennedy Space Center http://dlvr.it/RCPwxZ  via @foxnews
Setting the Stage of the Press-President War.US ruling ideology and Washington power have become unstuck as never before. A war of opposing certitudes and denunciations is waged day to day between the long-ruling US corporate media and the White House. Both continuously proclaim ringing recriminations of the other s fake news . Over months they both portray each other as malevolent liars. Prof. John McMurtry Global ResearchUS bully pulpits are now beyond show disagreements and successful media inquisitions of the past. Slanderous accusations long confined to vilifying the designated Enemy have crept into accusations of the President himself. The Russians are coming is returning as the final recourse of smear to stop deviations from the global program of hugely profitable enemy hate and perpetual preparations for foreign war.The ruling big lies of the US money party and corporate globalization have divided into opposing camps. The Press and the President denounce each other non-stop on the public stage, while US dark state agents take sides behind the scenes.Fake news is the medium of battle.Tracking the Real Fake News Built into Corporate GlobalizationBeneath the civil war of official narratives, cognitive space opens for truth long suffocated by the Washington Consensus . Even the US-led G-20 has recently agreed not to automatically condemn protectionism as an economic evil. The battle slogan of transnational corporate rule over 30 years has been quietly withdrawn on the global stage.Is the big lie of free trade finally coming to ground? It has long led the hollowing out of societies and life support systems across the world in a false mass promotion as freedom and prosperity for all . In fact beneath the pervasive fake news, a closed-door transnational corporate command system forces all enterprises across borders into a carbon-multiplying trade regime with thousands of rules to protect the transnational corporate looting and ruin of home economies and environments as the only rights enforced.Propagandist names and fake freedoms are proclaimed everywhere to conceal the reality. The corporate-investor regime has stripped out almost all evolved protections of workers, ecologies and social infrastructures. Non-stop liquidations and roboticizations of local jobs and enterprises are reversed in meaning to jobs, jobs, jobs and higher living standards , the very opposite of the facts. Destabilization and bombing wars attack resource-rich and air-defenceless societies outside the circle of treaty subjugation.False news allows every step. Even the happy-face Trudeau regime is taken aback by the tidal shift to national priorities. Its ministers scuttle around the US in near panic to find common cause for restoring the unaccountable regime. Multiplying carbon, disemployment and ecological plunder are ignored throughout in the longest standing fake news of all economic growth .In fact, there is no real economic growth in universal life necessities or reduction of waste. The only growth is of volumes and velocities of transnational money exchanges, foreign commodities, and private profits to the top. More prosperity for nations and the world means, decoded, more transnational corporate-state treaties to deprive nations of their rights to organization and production for citizens real needs as well as organically regulated protection of environments and ecosystems.The consequences covered over by pervasively false cover stories are speeded-up ecocidal extractions, permanent disemployments, and wastes hemorrhaging into cumulatively more polluted oceans, air, atmosphere and life habitats. Corporate-state solutions of carbon markets for pollution rights have nowhere reduced any of these life-and-death crises, but only further and selectively enriched transnational corporations.As for the Obama solution, we need more Canadas , fake news again conceals the reality. Beneath the global celebrity hype covering empty and broken promises, Canada s Trudeau regime is essentially a brand change of PM rhetoric to advance transnational corporate dictates as free trade and to ensure oil pipelines out of the most polluting oil basin in the world, Alberta s tar-sands, are built through water basins and indigenous lands across Canada and the US. One cannot help but observe this is Trump s plan too, and overrides Trudeau s promises to protect Canada s first peoples.I recently sent a letter to my local MP requesting evidence for what PM Trudeau promises over months of repetition that more free trade means a better life for those in the middle class and those wanting to join the middle class . As always, there is no evidence to support the non-stop false news from the PMO. Revealingly, the middle class turns out to be people making $180,000 a year slated to get significant tax cuts.Trump s rogue elephant charge on Washington-led lies, war, and dispossession of the working class is no solution to life-blind corporate globalization. Trump in office is a US nationalist oligarch commanding policies even more blindly rapacious in despoliation of the environment and transferring far more public wealth to the rich.The common ground of all our lives, collective life capital, does not exist for any government in the free world or any policy of globalization . The lies that must be promulgated to advance the private corporate agenda are built into its transnational command system from the beginning.Out of the Ruling Memory Hole with the Internet CommonsJoining the dots shows that every step of US money-party globalization has, in fact, been driven by fake news.No corporate media tolerance has been given in a quarter of a century to any voice demanding accountability to the common life-ground of citizens. A new game of numbers has proceeded instead. At most, a euphemistic climate change has been endlessly debated while the totalizing destabilization of human and planetary life cycles remains without a name or collective response. Only more profitable market panaceas which do not reduce any pollution continue to divert from the deepest degenerate trends destroying the planetary life host.On the upside, the big lies of free trade and humanitarian wars have been called into official question for the first time by the Trump presidential campaign, and he has been elected against the official line. Yet opposing camps are still at each other s throats. So the perpetual fallback on accusing the long-designated foreign enemy is triggered by the fallen establishment. The fake news chorus of Russia s aggressions now includes collusion of the Trump administration with its officials to win the US election. This mainspring diversion from reality is called back from the dead witch-hunts of the past. As then tool, facts do not count, only accusations do. The official media line is almost predictable: Russia is behind Trump s election victory. As always, reverse projection is the mass-psyche operation to blame an official Enemy to divert attention from the life-and-death facts. The Enemy is once again accused of doing what the US has always done worse as the reason for attacking It. Russia is the usual placeholder in this reverse-blame operation. The 2016 US election of Trump is the latest variation.Meanwhile throughout the election and its aftermath, the new transnational internet commons including Wiki-leaks over a decade has increasingly laid bare the greatest propaganda machine in history now in many-leveled crisis. The long normalized half-truths, one-sided slanting of the facts, and non-stop fallacies of inference are coming out into the open as never before. The pretexts and lies for US imperial bullying and war are exposed beyond any corporate-media gate.This time the accusation is interference and attack on the US presidential election with no evidence of wrongdoing or vote manipulation whatsoever. Yet as in the long past, the method is smear with no evidence for the accusations. Ever more media repetition and shadowy insinuation does the job. It has always worked before, why not again since all the other media buttons pushed on taking down the Trump peace initiatives with Russia and opposition to globalization of US jobs have failed.Having wondered during the election campaign whether we could be friends with Russia and promoted diplomatic relations into his administration, Trump can be named as the enemy in hiding to be rooted out. The real problem the fake news never mentions is that he threatens the cornerstone of the US war state over 70 years.So when Trump won the election with his heresy still intact, the ever-ready accusation of evil-Russia connection moves into high gear although the target is the opposite of communist and an epitome of capitalist riches and connections. We see here the historical mind-lock compulsion to blame the Enemy Russia and smear whoever dissents from it, even if it is a bully-capitalist president. There are very big stakes in keeping the game going.Yet the no-profit and unpaid analyses from the internet commons have no such ulterior motive and interest in false accusations. With more objectively informed analysts than the commercial press and unimpeachable facts like WikiLeaks going to tens of millions of readers across the world, the genie is out of the bottle. The official grand narrative and its normalized big lies are coming apart at the seams.So blame as usual is diverted onto the accepted Enemy, now conniving with Trump to attack the 2016 US presidential election. Beneath the fake news, the fact is that positive diplomatic relations with Russia not only threaten to stop the highly profitable permanent war against it, but spike the longest pretext for US war and military domination now moving through Ukraine.The free internet commons cannot be gagged for telling the truth. Freedom of speech in the US cannot be openly stopped without fatal loss of legitimacy of rule.So the rest follows. All the non-corporate and non-profit messages from the critical sites on the internet commons which are speaking against the US war state inside are now vilified as fake news . A third, unofficial protagonist has entered the battle with no private profit or career motive or corporate boss to serve and a wealth of proven professional knowledge and talent at work. It has to be denounced to sustain the big lies of the ruling money-war game which is in deepening crises and conflicts all the way to the unprecedented US President-Press civil war.The Harvard Proclamation of a New Memory HoleThe innermost fount of US ideology and war, Harvard University, has now stepped in. It is officially naming and denouncing US-critical internet sites for fake news .Not even the medieval Church went so far in its Index Librorum Prohibitorum of prohibited writings. It was at least innocent of scientific method and openly declared its dogmas. Not Harvard.Underneath notice, all the sites it attacks are internet commons, and none are financed by private corporate donors and captive institutions while Harvard and the corporate media are. This is the real battle agenda underneath, the long war to privatize the news for profit as everything else with anti-establishment internet criticism now the target.In the background, Harvard University has long propagated an unexamined academic method. It normally cuts off any faculty or learned source of opposition to the private corporate rule of America and the wars of aggression to impose it on the world. Accordingly, the underling grand narrative equations of the US is Good and the designated Enemy is Evil is not questioned. It is presupposed. Malevolent motives are always assumed of the designated Enemy, down to Harvard-produced geostrategic economic and war models. So when a host of internet commons sites challenge the grand narrative framework, Harvard and satellites denounce them to stop people reading them. A long list of critical sites is accused without criteria, proof or evidence as all spreaders of fake news .What is not recognised here is that only on the internet commons can the process of truth be free from ruling pressures to control message for external sponsors.Here there is no commercial-profit condition to speak and write, and no livelihood dependence on private profit. There is no inducement to avoid life-and-death issues in academic obfuscation or ad-vehicle style. Internet authors not on the payroll can be free of the game of all games behind the scenes enriching the rich further with no life-coherent criterion of truth.These underlying conditions of the internet commons and free speech itself cannot be recognised by the academy or the corporate press without undercutting their proclaimed status as the only legitimate founts of truth. The internet commons is a new world of competitive capacities to research, understand and disseminate not bound by private money patronage (as over centuries in Harvard University).When challenged in this way, Harvard (and the official press) are set back on their heels. They cannot think the facts through because their instituted presumptions have long been what they must presuppose and not question to acquire their credentials and pay for public speech. They must attack what calls all this into question if it effectively speaks truth to power to expose or de-legitimate the ruling system narrative as false. Harvard and the US press thus follow the reigning method of reverse projection. They accuse the effective opposition of fake news .The most revealing fact here is that Harvard authority as other academic administrations proceed in name-calling without any valid argument or demonstration the very basis of reasonable conclusion. Yet this is such a long tradition of presumptive accusation allowed against anyone designated as the Enemy, and anyone else exposing the falsehood of the ruling US story of moral superiority over all others and God s blessing to lead the world by force or money.This is why only dissenting sites from the official storyline of US freedom and rightness in all things are accused as fake news . Accusation of opposing positions is so well-worn into conditioned brains that endless repetition locks it in as self-evident. This is why attributions of vile motive are automatic from Harvard or the New York Times for any outside leader opposing US interference in their countries including elections. US hypocrisy here is staggering, but unreported. In fact, Harvard s life-blind elite of war criminal geo-strategists, economic modellers and so on are fawned upon within the wider corporate rule they serve.None can engage critical facts and thought challenging the US moral superiority assumptions because they have never been required to consider them. So they denounce them as once the Church denounced apostasy.In the end, US system worship is a war-state religion. It eliminates all enemies to its right to rule. Its globalizing system institutes the market laws of God. War crimes are God-blessed justice.Freedom of Speech, the Process of Truth, and the US ConstitutionLed by senior academics, journalists and technical expertise, the internet commons provide for the first time impartial witness and free speech open to public examination and circulation across borders. They are free from corporate-rank dictate and private copy-right control.In consequence, the internet commons are liberated from private corporate profit as controlling goal. Those who know what they are talking about can speak truth to dogma and power without words to appease editors, business boards and ad revenues. Truth itself is not defined, but its principle of process is a more inclusively consistent taking into account towards life-coherent conclusionDespite Google black-holing of radical legal facts, CIA penetration of Wikipedia, and so on, the internet commons freedom of speech is far beyond anything guaranteed in the US constitution. In fact, the sacred US Constitution that all presidents give oath to preserve, protect and defend guarantees in the end only freedom of public speech to private money demand.Long before the Supreme Court s 2010 decision reverse-titled as Citizens United , the US constitution was structured to one overriding end to remove prior limits to private-money right over all else,including to begin, the rule of British law and the lands of the first nations West of the Appalachians.This is why no common life interest exists in the US Constitution from the start. People s universal human life necessities of water, food, protection and liveable environment are ruled out a-priori. This is why civil rights themselves were first federally enforced by the commerce clause protecting freedom of commercial bus passengers including blacks to cross borders.It is also why the Fourteenth Amendment to protect the equal rights of freed slaves ended up being the legal basis for private-profit corporations and wealthy funds to acquire the constitutional rights of living persons (e.g., to freedom of speech for big money to buy elections and to avoid government access to financial records).Even the iconic rights of life, liberty and happiness turn out to be in fact only private market rightswhich allow corporate fictive persons to unlimited money wealth, protection against public redistribution, and the freedom of private wealth alone to speak to America by buying corporate self promotions and election attack ads.The US Constitution fix goes all the way back to 1787. As professor of constitutional law at Chicago s iconic Kent College of Law, Matthew Stanton, explains in personal correspondence: [The fix] goes all the way back to the 1787 coup where the 39 signatories to the Constitution sequestered themselves in a Philadelphia meeting house, with locked doors and shuttered windows, to ostensibly make adjustments to the Articles of Confederation, but instead delivered an entirely new document that enabled creating a federal system centralizing control of the economy by propertied wealth .Russia the Enemy: the Deus ex Machina of Fake NewsWe may recall that the corporate-press and Wall-Street-enriched candidate for the presidency, Hillary Clinton, started the accusation of fake news to explain her defeat. As establishment mask of the politically correct masses with the money-war party as her paymaster, Clinton blamed her fall in the 2016 US election on the new enemy she saw arising against the official story and herself. When the glass mirror story line did not take, she joined forces with the corporate media on another plane. Fake news misled Americans. The New York Times, the Washington Post, the TV Networks, and other establishment tale tellers saw pay-dirt far beyond Clinton s failed bid for president.In fact, the corporate mass media were losing marketability by the escalating appeal of free social media. The once all-powerful press propaganda system has been increasingly deserted. The fake news story provided a media base to condemn free internet news and commentary as immoral. The 2016 election became the leverage for a big market grab back.Very soon it was not just fake news to spike news cycles and subscriptions. War as peace and corporate globalization as freedom found its long place of rule the enemy of Russia to blame. Now the news can be that Russia hacked and attacked the lost 2016 election. Russia may be a hollowed-out shell by global corporate and oligarch dispossession. But it can still continue as pretext for US-NATO war crimes and aggression reverse-blamed on it. As the European breadbasket and newly discovered fossil-fuel rich nation, Ukraine is a very big prize. Now in Ukraine s US-led coup aftermath and ethnic civil war, evil Russia can be an ace card again to accuse for attacking the US election.Since Russia led by Putin is drawing the line as in Crimea to support the Russia-speaking region against US-led war crimes under international law (documented in previous articles), all roads connect. Russia s uncontrolled aggression is reverse-projected onto the victim again in a glorious new use. Reverse blame it for interference in the US election of Trump and kill Russia-US peace initiatives at the same time. No fact is required to verify the accusation, and no law broken is needed to insinuate treason of whoever relates with Russia s officials in peace initiative. It can work even against an elected US president.At the same time, the US s own record attacking other nations elections and societies is thereby erased as well continually orchestrating mass-murder and dictatorship to sabotage the electoral process from Vietnam and Chile to Ukraine in 2010 and Latin America social democracies since.If it were a story of reverse projection by a mass-murderous psychopath, it would be too much to believe. Yet it now runs the US news cycle as the big story unfolding with no evidence of US illegality, force, or non-compliance with international law. The accusations run by themselves in US media culture and across the empire. So as 2017 Spring breaks, endless media insinuations of treason seep into the populace from corporate media sites across borders with backrooms and Congress setting up for another presidential inquisition.It is interesting to observe two precedents. Past inquisitions were unfolded soon after Bill Clinton said in India, it s time to level up rather than down in global trade and Richard Nixon founded the Environmental Protections Agency, stopped corporations from outsourcing US jobs, and made peace with China as Trump sought with Russia.The ludicrous hypocrisy, factual vacuum, and war-drums of blame-the-enemy go into high-volume operation again, led by an attack-dog media against the elected US president whose only action has been to have business-like relations with Russia. Few observe the immense stakes of the US media and war establishments in this process. Cui bono? who benefits? is the question never asked Continue this article at Global ResearchREAD MORE ABOUT FAKE NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Fake News Files
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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will propose beefing up military spending and slashing domestic programs and foreign aid in his fiscal year 2018 budget to be released on Thursday. Here are the highlights: The budget calls for an increase of $52 billion for the Defense Department above the 2017 base budget of about $522 billion, enacted under the Obama administration. There is an additional $2 billion increase in defense spending in other departments, including Energy and State. That is still less than some of Trump’s fellow Republicans in Congress have called for, including the heads of the committees in the Senate and House of Representatives that oversee the U.S. military. But at a time of broad cuts elsewhere in the budget, the Pentagon is unlikely to complain. The plan earmarks the new funds to accelerate the fight against Islamic State militants, reverse Army troop reductions, build more ships for the Navy and ramp up the Air Force – including by purchasing additional F-35 fighter jets, built by Lockheed Martin (LMT.N). The Department of Homeland Security would get a 6.8 percent increase, with more money for extra staff needed to catch, detain and deport illegal immigrants. Trump wants Congress to shell out $1.5 billion for his promised border wall with Mexico in the current fiscal year - enough for pilot projects to determine the best way to build it - and a further $2.6 billion in fiscal 2018. The combined budget for the State Department and U.S. Agency for International Development, or USAID, would fall by 28 percent, with funding cuts for the United Nations, climate change and cultural exchange programs. The plan preserves $3.1 billion in security aid to Israel. The budget also requests $12 billion in so-called Overseas Contingency Operations, or OCO, funding for extraordinary costs, chiefly in war zones such as Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. No comparison was provided for the current year’s OCO spending. Current commitments on HIV/AIDS treatment under PEPFAR, the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, will be maintained. PEPFAR is the world’s largest provider of AIDS-fighting medicine and enjoys bipartisan support. The Environmental Protection Agency’s budget would be cut by 31 percent, eliminating its climate change programs and trimming back core initiatives aimed at protecting air and water quality. The proposal would eliminate 3,200 EPA employees, or 19 percent of the current workforce, and effectively erase former Democratic President Barack Obama’s initiatives to combat climate change by cutting funding for the agency’s signature Clean Power Plan aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Healthcare companies such as drug makers and device makers will pay more than twice as much in 2018 to have their medical products reviewed for approval by the Food and Drug Administration under the proposed budget. The proposal budgets over $2 billion in fees to be collected from industry, twice as much in 2017. Oversight of air traffic control would move from the federal government to an independent group under the proposals, which include a 13 percent cut for the Department of Transportation’s discretionary budget. The plan also calls for cutting the U.S. space agency NASA budget by 0.8 percent to $19.1 billion. The budget for the Department of Energy would include $120 million to restart licensing for the proposed Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump in Nevada, a project that has been stalled for years because of lawsuits and local opposition. The Agriculture Department’s discretionary spending would be cut to $17.9 billion, a 21 percent drop from the temporary 2017 funding levels approved by Congress late last year. [L2N1GS2K1]
Fox News most popular prime time host, Bill O Reilly, responded to First Lady Michelle Obama s speech at the 2016 Democratic Convention and ended up defending the practice of slavery.Responding to Mrs. Obama s comment during her address that she lived in a White House built by slaves, O Reilly referred to himself as a history teacher and argued that the slaves who worked on the White House were well fed and had decent lodgings provided by the government. O Reilly also said in his commentary, Michelle Obama is essentially correct in citing slaves as builders of the White House, but there were others working as well. In the day after Obama s speech, other conservatives amazingly criticized the First Lady, trying to play gotcha on her remarks which were actually a positive statement about America, pointing out the progress from slavery to a black First Family.The fact-checking site Politifact even had to release a report in response to these conservative complaints, including some who said the building was not worked on by slaves. They rated the First Lady s speech as True. Journalist Jesse J. Holland also discussed the role of slaves in building the White House in his 2016 book, The Invisibles: The Untold Story of African American Slaves in the White House. With the invention of steam shovels still several years away, these slaves dug for the clay on site with hand shovels, working day and night to get the raw material to the skilled brick makers and at the same time, opening up ground on the site for the space that would become the White House s foundation and cellar, Holland wrote. The identity of these slaves and where they came from has been lost, he wrote.Obama s statement is true, Holland told PolitiFact.The Obamas have driven the conservative movement crazy. No matter what they are for, the right finds a way to support the opposite. Even the indefensible.Featured image via screen capture
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill on Wednesday to provide $622.1 million to control the spread of the Zika virus, far below President Barack Obama’s request and lower than Senate legislation. The bill passed the Republican-controlled House 241 to 184, largely along party lines, and sets up a confrontation with both the Republican-majority Senate and the Democratic Obama administration. The White House has threatened to veto the House bill, saying it was “woefully inadequate.” The Obama administration has requested $1.9 billion. On Tuesday, the Senate cleared the way for expected approval by the chamber on Thursday of $1.1 billion to fight the mosquito-borne Zika virus, which has been linked to birth defects. Unlike the Senate legislation, the House bill requires that the $622.1 million be fully offset with spending cuts elsewhere. Many conservative Republicans in the House refuse to approve Zika funds that would add to federal budget deficits, while Democrats and some Senate Republicans favor treating the problem as an emergency that would not have to be financed with spending cuts. House Republicans argue their bill, when coupled with $589 million the Obama administration already shifted to Zika from unused funds to battle Ebola, would provide enough money through Sept. 30, the end of this fiscal year. It was unclear how long it might take the Senate and House to work out their differences once they pass their respective bills. U.S. health officials have concluded that Zika infections in pregnant women can cause microcephaly, a birth defect marked by small head size that can lead to severe developmental problems in babies. The World Health Organization has said there is strong scientific consensus that Zika can also cause Guillain-Barre, a rare neurological syndrome that causes temporary paralysis in adults. Last year, Brazil began detecting an increase in microcephaly, and the virus has been spreading rapidly in the Americas, with new cases now being reported in warm climates in southern U.S. states including Florida. The Obama administration says it needs the emergency funds to help state and local governments eradicate mosquitoes that spread the virus and to develop a vaccine.
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Best wishes and thoughts to those who are affected by "Hurricane Sandy" take shelter and stay inside! Stay s http://instagr.am/p/RY8DqYyZfj/ 
The FBI uncovered 15,000 more Clinton emails; Here's why that's a problem for her https://t.co/enTtpHx4UQ
Speaking at a press conference with visiting Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni in Sochi, Russia, Vladimir Putin has claimed that he has a transcript of Donald Trump s meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Furthermore, Putin said he would be willing to provide a copy to the U.S. Congress. The only catch is that the request would have to come from Trump himself.The Trump administration came under fire for holding a meeting with Lavrov and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in the Oval Office last week, a meeting that Russian media were able to attend, yet from which U.S. media were banned. The situation came to a head when it became clear that Trump had disclosed confidential details pertaining to ISIS during the session. Initially, the White House denied the scandal, only to later claim that it was wholly appropriate for the president to discuss such information with the Russians. At no time were intelligence sources or methods discussed and the President did not disclose any military operations that weren t already publicly known, Trump s national security adviser H.R. McMaster said at a press conference on Monday. The premise of that article is false that in any way the President had a conversation that was inappropriate or that resulted in any kind of lapse in national security. The Kremlin still denies that Trump shared any U.S. intelligence during the meeting, with Russian President Vladimir Putin downplaying reports as political Schizophrenia, however, Trump s comments still have not been made public. Now it seems Putin is willing to go a step further to help out. If the administration of the United States deems this possible, we will be ready to provide a transcript of the Lavrov-Trump meeting to the U.S. Senate and Congress, Putin told reporters during the press conference in Sochi, adding it will happen if the U.S. administration wishes so. Not everyone sees Putin s offer as particularly beneficial to Trump, who the FBI has now confirmed is under investigation over links to the Russians, especially U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee. Probably the last person the person [Trump] needs to vouch for him right now is Vladimir Putin, Schiff told CBS s This Morning. Sure, send it [the transcript] our way. But its credibility would be less than zero. Featured image via Lintao Zhang/Pool/Getty Images
Driving around with the floor heat on blast trying to dry the carpets after that young passenger-side car flood. NWTS on repeat, naturally.
Needless to say once everyone I know heard about a hurricane they got beer, weed, and some food. Go y'all
=@Noor_Harazeen if Israel is dead All of Gaza will dry up no flood and no food
Arsonists being blamed for a blaze at a plastics recycling business in Adelaide | @pcaldicott7 reports. #7NewsAdl http://t.co/r1Xwdnvb0g
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission unveiled plans on Tuesday to repeal landmark 2015 rules that prohibited internet service providers from impeding consumer access to web content in a move that promises to recast the digital landscape. FCC chief Ajit Pai, a Republican appointed by President Donald Trump in January, said the commission will vote at a Dec. 14 meeting on his plan to rescind the so-called net neutrality rules championed by Democratic former President Barack Obama that treated internet service providers like public utilities. The rules barred broadband providers from blocking or slowing down access to content or charging consumers more for certain content. They were intended to ensure a free and open internet, give consumers equal access to web content and prevent broadband service providers from favoring their own content. The action marks a victory for big internet service providers such as AT&T Inc, Comcast Corp and Verizon Communications Inc that opposed the rules and gives them sweeping powers to decide what web content consumers can get and at what price. It represents a setback for Google parent Alphabet Inc and Facebook Inc, which had urged Pai not to rescind the rules. Netflix said Tuesday it opposed the measure to “roll back these core protections.” With three Republican and two Democratic commissioners, the move is all but certain to be approved. Trump, a Republican, expressed his opposition to net neutrality in 2014 before the regulations were even implemented, calling it a “power grab” by Obama. The White House did not immediately comment Tuesday. Pai said his proposal would prevent state and local governments from creating their own net neutrality rules because internet service is “inherently an interstate service.” The preemption is most likely to handcuff Democratic-governed states and localities that could have considered their own plans to protect consumers’ equal access to internet content. “The FCC will no longer be in the business of micromanaging business models and preemptively prohibiting services and applications and products that could be pro-competitive,” Pai said in an interview, adding that the Obama administration had sought to pick winners and losers and exercised “heavy-handed” regulation of the internet. “We should simply set rules of the road that let companies of all kinds in every sector compete and let consumers decide who wins and loses,” Pai added. Tom Wheeler, who headed the FCC under Obama and advocated for the net neutrality rules, called the planned repeal “a shameful sham and sellout. Even for this FCC and its leadership, this proposal raises hypocrisy to new heights.” AT&T, Comcast and Verizon have said that repealing the rules could lead to billions of dollars in additional broadband investment and eliminate the possibility that a future presidential administration could regulate internet pricing. Comcast said no matter what the FCC decided it would “not block, throttle, or discriminate against lawful content.” Verizon said it believed the FCC “will reinstate a framework that protects consumers’ access to the open internet, without forcing them to bear the heavy costs from unnecessary regulation.” The Internet Association, representing major technology firms including Alphabet and Facebook, said Pai’s proposal “represents the end of net neutrality as we know it and defies the will of millions of Americans.” “This proposal undoes nearly two decades of bipartisan agreement on baseline net neutrality principles that protect Americans’ ability to access the entire internet,” it said. Pai’s proposal would require internet service providers to disclose whether they allow blocking or slowing down of consumer web access or permit so-called internet fast lanes to facilitate a practice called paid prioritization of charging for certain content. Such disclosure will make it easier for another agency, the Federal Trade Commission, to act against internet service providers that fail to disclose such conduct to consumers, Pai said. The FTC could seek to bar practices that it deemed “anticompetitive” or violated antitrust rules. The FCC received more than 22 million comments. New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman disclosed Tuesday he has been investigating for more than six months in a bid to learn who was behind the filing of false comments. A U.S. appeals court last year upheld the legality of the net neutrality regulations, which were challenged in a lawsuit led by telecommunications industry trade association US Telecom. The group praised Pai’s decision to remove “antiquated, restrictive regulations” to “pave the way for broadband network investment, expansion and upgrades.” The FCC’s repeal is certain to draw a legal challenge from advocates of net neutrality. Nancy Pelosi, the top U.S. House of Representatives Democrat, said the FCC move would hurt consumers and chill competition, saying the agency “has launched an all-out assault on the entrepreneurship, innovation and competition at the heart of the internet.” The planned repeal represents the latest example of a legacy achievement of Obama being erased since Trump took office in January. Trump has abandoned international trade deals, the landmark Paris climate accord and environmental protections, taken aim at the Iran nuclear accord and closer relations with Cuba, and sought repeal Obama’s signature healthcare law. Pai, who has moved quickly to undo numerous regulatory actions since becoming FCC chairman, is pushing a broad deregulatory agenda. Pai said he had not shared his plans on the rollback with the White House in advance or been directed to undo net neutrality by White House officials. The FCC under Obama regulated internet service providers like public utilities under a section of federal law that gave the agency sweeping oversight over the conduct of these companies. Language in the new proposal would give the FCC significantly less authority to oversee the web. The FCC granted initial approval to Pai’s plan in May, but had left open many key questions including whether to retain any legal requirements limiting internet providers conduct. His plan would eliminate the “internet conduct standard,” which gave the FCC far-reaching discretion to prohibit improper internet service provider practices.
With all of the stories of, TV hosts involved in sexual misconduct, it s a mystery why nobody brings ups the accidental death of Joe Scarborough s female staffer. Last November, President Trump called for an investigation into the death of Lori Klausutis, a 28-year-old staffer for then-Congressman Joe Scarborough. Many Morning Joe viewers probably have forgotten, or never knew, that the body of a female aide once was found in Scarborough s Congressional office. Investigators quickly saw that a blow to the head, delivered accidentally or intentionally, was involved in Lori Klausutis death. There are also some serious questions as to the mental competency of the doctor who performed the autopsy, as well as an important question about why there was no time of death recorded on his autopsy.According to the Daily Kos: Joe Scarborough, a U.S. Congressman from Florida s 1st District from 1995 suddenly resigned only 5 months into his 4th term in September 2001. His reason? The classic In order to spend more time with his children Curiously, just 2 months before he resigned, his 28-year-old staffer was found dead in his office.While Mainstream Media was hounding Democrat U.S. Congressman Gary Condit about his missing ex-intern, Chandra Levy, viewers heard next to nothing about Joe s intern, a healthy 28-year-old woman was found dead in his Congressional District Office in Fort Walton Beach, FL.Only two days after Scarborough s staffer was found dead in his office, the 9-11 terror attack happened, and this huge story was mostly ignored by media outlets. In a tweet calling for Scarborough and MSNBC president Phil Griffin to be terminated in the wake of Matt Lauer s firing, the president mentioned an unsolved mystery that took place in Florida years ago. So now that Matt Lauer is gone when will the Fake News practitioners at NBC be terminating the contract of Phil Griffin? And will they terminate low ratings Joe Scarborough based on the unsolved mystery that took place in Florida years ago? Investigate! the president wrote to his 43.6 million followers.So now that Matt Lauer is gone when will the Fake News practitioners at NBC be terminating the contract of Phil Griffin? And will they terminate low ratings Joe Scarborough based on the unsolved mystery that took place in Florida years ago? Investigate! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 29, 2017Trump was referencing Lori Klausutis, 28-year-old office staffer who worked for Scarborough when he was a representative from Florida. Klausutis was found dead in the congressman s district office in July 2001. The HillThe autopsy of Lori Klausutis makes no reference to a time of death. That raises new questions about an investigation that started when the 28-year-old woman s body was found in the office of then U.S. Representative Joe Scarborough in summer 2001.Accidental death was the official finding in the Klausutis case, with a cardiac arrhythmia causing her to fall and hit her head on a desk. But the recent discovery of human remains at a storage unit in Pensacola, Florida, casts doubt on that ruling. That s because the storage unit was rented by Dr. Michael Berkland, the man who conducted the Klausutis autopsy 11 years earlier.Berkland now faces a felony charge of improper storage of hazardous waste, and the grisly nature of the discovery calls his competence and perhaps his sanity into question.Daily Mail Florida was not the only place Berkland ran into trouble over his work. In 1996, he was fired as a contract medical examiner in Jackson County, Missouri, in a dispute over his autopsy reports.Berkland had incorrectly stated on the reports that he had taken sections of several brains to be preserved as specimens for medical conferences and teaching purposes, AP reported.He claimed they were proofreading errors and the Missouri attorney general s office found they did not jeopardize any criminal cases.Berkland complained the actions against him were unfair because he was unable to present evidence in his defense. His doctor s license was ultimately revoked there. Independent blogger, Legal Schnauzer suggested in 2012 that Berkland s findings be dismissed and that his autopsy of the deceased staffer should not be trusted: Was the Lori Klausutis autopsy conducted in a professional manner? Was foul play prematurely ruled out? Should the investigation be reopened, perhaps with renewed scrutiny for Scarborough and others who might have had access to his office at the time?So it s hard to figure why the autopsy makes no reference to the time of death. (See full autopsy report here.)Why is that a key omission? Consider this from an online document titled Determining Time of Death (TOD) :Why is it important to know the time of death? TOD can set the time of murder Eliminate or suggest suspects Confirm or disprove alibisWhy did Berkland not include this critical detail? It s not as if his report does not provide plenty of other details. He tells us that Klausutis was wearing a white thong on the day of her death. (Page 7.) He tells us that she had a shaved genital region. (Page 8.) But no time of death?The core of the autopsy report can be found in the comment section, pages 3-7. This probably is the central finding:There is no doubt that the head injury is as a result of a fall, rather than a blow being delivered to the heading by a moving object. Lori has a classic contrecoup injury, or bruise to the brain, meaning that her brain was bruised on the opposite side from where the external force was applied. The left side of Lori s brain was bruised while the external abraded contusion (scratch and bruise) was in the right temple region. The contrecoup contusion results when a freely moving, mobile head strikes an unyielding, firm, fixed object in a fall, as in the floor, or in this case, the desk. This finding is in marked distinction from the coup contusion, or that injury which results from a moving object (example a ball bat) that strikes a stationary head. In the coup injury, there is bruising of the brain on the same side as the external injury. There was no coup contusion in Lori Klausutis.What would cause a seemingly healthy young woman, an avid runner, to collapse and lose consciousness, unable to break her fall? Berkland rules out some of the common causes of such an event a pulmonary embolus, a brain hemorrhage, a ruptured aneurysm, drug issues. He concludes:These facts leave only a cardiac arrhythmia as the reason to go unconscious and subsequently fall and strike the desk in an unprotected fashion. If Lori s heart was normal, it would be problematic to postulate a plausible reason for a cardiac arrhythmia in such a young person. However, her heart was not normal. The heart contained an abnormality (floppy mitral valve) that is known to result in cardiac ectopy and dangerous cardiac arrhythmias.All of this sounds reasonable. But given recent events, can Michael Berkland s work be trusted? Why on earth was he keeping body parts in a storage unit? And did any of those parts once belong to Lori Klausutis?According to the Daily Kos, Dr. Berkland and his supervisor at the time, Dr. Gary Cumberland were known to be high-giving donors to Scarborough s Congressional campaigns. Did their relationship with Scarborough influence any and all the results issued by the M.E. s Office?
People Displaced by Hurricane Matthew Can Stay at Free AirBnbs https://www.wired.com/2016/10/people-displaced-hurricane-matthew-can-stay-free-airbnbs/ … #Matthew #Emergency #Shelter #Airbnb
Will the State Department ever tell the truth and prove that careless, reckless, lying Hillary was responsible for his death? A State Department spokeswoman dodged questions Monday about whether the discussion of Shahram Amiri, an Iranian scientist who was executed by the Iranian government for working with the U.S., in a pair of Hillary Clinton s private emails may have played a role in his recent fate. We re not going to comment on what may have led to this event, said Elizabeth Trudeau, a State Department spokeswoman. I couldn t speak to Iranian judicial procedures related to this specific case, Trudeau said. We ve made our concerns known writ large around Iranian due process. She noted the State Department had been very public about this case when [Amiri] chose to return to Iran, pointing to a press conference Clinton gave in July 2010.In those remarks, Clinton compared Amiri s ability to leave the U.S. on his own free will with Iran s decision to hold three young Americans against their will. She did not reference the scientist s work with the U.S. government.But emails made public in August show State Department aides referring to Amiri as our friend. An Iranian official was quoted attributing Amiri s execution to his collusion with the Great Satan, America. Washington Examiner
While we don t yet have the smoking gun that specifically says Donald Trump colluded with the Russians to win the presidency, US officials now have the blueprint that the Russians used to ensure that Hillary Clinton lost the election, and much of it will sound very familiar.According to three current and four former US officials, a Russian think tank controlled by Vladimir Putin used tried and true KGB tactics to make sure the election went exactly as they wanted.They described two confidential documents from the think tank as providing the framework and rationale for what U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded was an intensive effort by Russia to interfere with the Nov. 8 election. U.S. intelligence officials acquired the documents, which were prepared by the Moscow-based Russian Institute for Strategic Studies [en.riss.ru/], after the election.Source: ReutersThe first of the two documents was written in June. It didn t specifically mention Donald Trump, but it did outline a plan of using social media to sour voters toward any candidate who would share President Obama s hardline stance toward Russia.The second document was from October, just a month before the election:A second institute document, drafted in October and distributed in the same way, warned that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was likely to win the election. For that reason, it argued, it was better for Russia to end its pro-Trump propaganda and instead intensify its messaging about voter fraud to undermine the U.S. electoral system s legitimacy and damage Clinton s reputation in an effort to undermine her presidency, the seven officials said.In other words, all the anti-Hillary, anti-DNC crap you heard during the election was straight out of Putin s playbook. From the right, while Trump was making accusations of voter fraud, you can be sure that his marching orders were coming from the Kremlin.The US officials are still remaining anonymous and American intelligence agencies are not commenting right now, but it s clear without Russia s campaign of fake news and their attempt to undermine confidence in our electoral system was exactly what Trump needed to win. The hacking wasn t part of the blueprint, but that was icing on the cake that came from another Kremlin source.Featured image via Drew Angerer/Getty Images.
"As explained in analyses by the Tax Policy Center and the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget...Biden’s plan calls for increased income and Social Security payroll taxes only for those earning over $400,000 a year." https://t.co/thM1WpAG55
My [extended] family are such food snobs. Only 1 tried my caramel flan, that I made during hurricane Dorian. Thank the Gods I don’t have know them beyond today. #CookLove
@TheAbeSmith they're talking about tornado warning and to take shelter. ;-)
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan said on Wednesday he wants Congress to pass legislation to protect illegal immigrants brought to the United States as children but offered no timetable, with existing safeguards due to expire in March. President Donald Trump last month rescinded a program created under his Democratic predecessor Barack Obama that protected the young adult illegal immigrants known as “Dreamers” from deportation and provided work permits. Asked in a Reuters interview whether he thought Congress could tackle legislation this year to help the “Dreamers,” Ryan said the timing was unclear. “I don’t know when we’re going to do it. We’re having lots of discussions on how to do it, and the timing is something that’s just open to debate.” “I want to do it,” Ryan said. “The goal is: we want to fix this and we’re working on it, and we want to make sure that we do it in such a way that we don’t have the same problem down the road - that means border security and interior enforcement.” The illegal immigrants protected under the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program are primarily Hispanic young adults. Winning passage of legislation to protect the Dreamers may not be easy, as Congress has struggled for years to approve immigration-related legislation. Trump has taken a hard-line stance against illegal immigrants. Under Trump’s action, the protections for the Dreamers disappear in the first week of March. He urged lawmakers to come up with an alternative before the protections expire. Trump took Republican congressional leaders by surprise last month when he met with top Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer and top House of Representatives Democrat Nancy Pelosi about a potential deal on DACA. Schumer and Pelosi came away from the meeting saying they had the outlines of an agreement with Trump, but his administration subsequently made demands that angered Democrats including for funding of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. Democrats have said they see a budget vote in early December as a chance to try to force Republicans to accept legislation to help the Dreamers. In December, Congress will need to pass legislation to continue funding the federal government through the rest of the fiscal year that ends next Sept. 30. Republicans, who control both houses of Congress, will need Democratic votes to approve the spending bill. Senate rules require a super-majority of 60 votes in the 100-seat chamber to pass spending bills, and Republicans have a 52-48 majority. In the House, Republican hard-liners often oppose spending legislation.
Florida resident Vanilla Ice plans to ride out very dangerous Hurricane Matthew: Vanilla Ice may have been be... http://on.mash.to/2dWhePd 
Is anyone looking into the prisons and inmates within them that were affected by hurricane Michael? Food is scarce, inmates being given no water. We as loved ones have no idea what to do expect or what is going on. The truth isnt being told, they're being ignored. As are we!
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, asked for clarification his Thursday Twitter post about nuclear weapons, said: “Let it be an arms race,” MSNBC said on Friday. “We will outmatch them at every pass and outlast them all,” Trump said in an interview with MSNBC, the network reported, one day after the president-elect called for an expansion of U.S. nuclear capabilities in a tweet that alarmed nonproliferation experts.
Now this is great - a man in Jacksonville, Florida literally parked his car in the kitchen of his home to protect it from Hurricane Dorian. https://weartv.com/news/offbeat/florida-man-parks-smart-car-in-kitchen-so-it-wont-blow-away …
Brigitte Gabriel is a Christian who, after being terrorized by Muslim extremists in her homeland of Lebanon, fled to the US with her family. Gabriel, the president and founder of ACT for America, travels around the nation delivering a message to everyday Americans about the radical infiltration of Muslim extremists in America. She explains in easy to understand terms how the Muslim Brotherhood has one goal: to sabotage America from within, and to make Islam the dominant religion of the country.Watch Brigitte Gabriel explain the Muslim Brotherhood s plan for the destruction of the United States: The most important page of this document is the last page. Because in the last past, they list 29 Islamic organizations set up in the United States with the specific goal of sabotaging America from within, and destroying America by our own hands. The MSA is listed as one of the Islam organizations whose goal it is to destroy America. The MSA, or Muslim Student Association has more chapters on American college campuses than the Republican and Democrat Party combined. Watch here:The tolerance for the funding of terror groups by Americans is about to come to end under President Donald J. Trump. One of the first actions he may take is to designate what many experts have been calling a terror group for years. The Trump administration could soon declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization, a move that would greatly restrict the controversial group s global reach and would come despite its insistence that it has peaceful intentions.Trump himself was often critical of President Obama s outreach to the Muslim Brotherhood, and Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, has proposed a bill to call for declaring the Brotherhood a terror organization. In the past, it has been accused of supporting terrorist groups around the world, and several countries, including Muslim nations, have banned them.If the U.S. declares the Brotherhood a terrorist organization, it would make it a criminal act for Americans to fund the group, ban banks from processing money for it, bar people with ties to the group from coming to the United States and make it easier to deport immigrants who have worked with the organization. It is time to call this enemy by its name and speak with clarity and moral authority, Cruz said in a statement introducing the bill. Watch Brigitte Gabriel destroy this Imam on Judge Jeanine s FOX News show: FOX NewsThe Left doesn t think Trump should designate the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization and here s why:The New York Times editorial board thinks President Trump shouldn t designate the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization because it could make Trump the enemy of all Muslims.The liberal paper published Thursday an editorial Thursday titled All of Islam Isn t the Enemy arguing against the move, which the Trump administration is reportedly considering as a possible option. CIA Director Mike Pompeo has said he supports designating the group, which is open about its goal of creating a state ruled by Islamic law, as a terrorist organization. Is President Trump trying to make enemies of the entire Muslim world? That could well happen if he follows up his primitive ban on refugees and visa holders from seven Muslim nations with an order designating the Muslim Brotherhood perhaps the most influential Islamist group in the Middle East as a terrorist organization, the editors charged. Daily Caller
TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Libya’s internationally recognized government has appealed to the United States to drop or ease a travel ban imposed on its citizens by U.S. President Donald Trump, the Foreign Ministry said on Thursday. “The Libyan Foreign Ministry, through its embassy in Washington, has begun to take measures to lift Libya from the list of countries and to ease the restrictions on Libyan citizens,” the ministry said in a statement. Libya is one of six Muslim-majority countries subject to the travel ban. This week the U.S. Supreme Court allowed the ban to take full effect while litigation over its ultimate validity continues. The ban was also discussed at a meeting between Libyan Foreign Minister Mohamed Siyala and U.S Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security Elaine Duke on Monday, the statement said.
It s no secret that Republicans seem to think that the movie Idiocracy is a documentary. They refuse to believe the scientific consensus that climate change is manmade and a big f*cking deal. Republicans actually think that higher education is bad and well, the rise in flat earthers, can t be a coincidence.Is it any surprise, then, that the Republican-led House Committee on Science, Space and Technology doesn t have a single scientist? That s not even the worst of it. They have as a ranking member Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-California), whose greatest hits include blaming prehistorical climate change on dinosaur farts.During a panel with real scientists, as opposed to those who play scientist in Congress, Rohrabacher even topped the dinosaur theory. In a discussion about Mars, in which a NASA scientist said there might have been life on Mars many, many years ago, Rohrabacher just had to ask: You have indicated that Mars was totally different thousands of years ago. Is it possible that there was a civilization on Mars thousands of years ago? Source: SlateYeah, just a couple of things here. The NASA scientist was talking about microbial life, not anything resembling human life and we re talking billions of years, not thousands of years ago. Then again, it seems that most Christian Republicans think the earth is just 6,000 years old, so it s doubtful Rohrabacher can think in such vast terms.Kenneth Farley, who worked on the 2020 rover and Europa Clipper, and is a professor of geochemistry at the California Institute of Technology, somehow didn t lose his patience with Rohrabacher, and simply said: So, the evidence is that Mars was different billions of years ago not thousands of years ago, Farley said. There is no evidence that I am aware of. Rohrabacher, presumably refusing to take no for an answer, asked, would you rule that out? Harley said, that is extremely unlikely. Here s the video:Featured image via Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images.
'The Steal Is On' in PA: Poll Watchers Denied Access, Illegal Campaigning at Polling Locations https://t.co/Wg3F9R3UIW
#Pandemonium.iso psp http://t.co/HbpNFOAwII
@LateNightJimmy mine was the Swampmobile; it was caught in a flash flood and it was very humid inside the car for a long time
Comedian Dave Chappelle, known for his razor-sharp and hilarious views on race in America, is officially apologizing for asking America to give Trump a chance.Chappelle asked people to give Trump some time to settle into his role as President before judging him last year, during a monologue on Saturday Night Live that aired a few days after the election. But in a set the comedian performed at Caroline s in New York, he told the audience that he regrets what he said.Chappelle got right to the point with his apology, saying I was the first guy on TV to say Give Trump a chance. I fucked up. Sorry. That time when Dave Chappelle apologized for asking us to give Trump a chance The self-proclaimed "Jane Goodall" of white people now has this to say about Trump's instability, the Muslim ban, and what a black presidency was expected to look like ??? #davechappelle #nyc @robinhoodnycA post shared by Caroline NYC (@caroline_newyork) on May 15, 2017 at 11:26pm PDTHe went on to deliver a strong set that touched on exactly why he was wrong. Chappelle said, Every day you wake up and you never know what [Trump] is going to do next. The comedian also touched on Trump s racism and Islamophobia, bringing up the President s failed Muslim ban, Donald Trump said we shouldn t let any Muslims into the United States until we can figure out what s going on. And I think that s way out of step with the way people feel in America. At the time, his SNL monologue got some pushback from media critics who argued that giving Trump a chance to be Presidential, after spending most of his campaign behaving badly, was misguided.Chappelle couched his call for tolerance with a plea for Trump to return the favor, saying at the time, I m wishing Donald Trump luck. And I m going to give him a chance, and we, the historically disenfranchised, demand that he give us one too. But clearly Chappelle doesn t feel like Trump has held up his end of the bargain, and it s hard to disagree with that sentiment.
Donald Trump is still using his Twitter account to push big, ridiculous lies about his troubled personal foundation, the Donald J. Trump Foundation. Despite his success in the presidential election, it seems Trump just can t let go of the issue since it s still generating negative headlines for him.In a tweet Trump claimed that 100% of money donated to the foundation goes to wonderful charities, but as the Huffington Post reports, that is a total lie about how the foundation has operated over the years of its existence.The Donald J. Trump Foundation, established in 1987, admitted to the Internal Revenue Service just last year that it engaged in self-dealing, a prohibited practice in which a nonprofit leader uses an organization s money to benefit his or her own interests.According to a Washington Post report earlier this month, the foundation s 2015 tax filings confirmed it had transferred income or assets to a disqualified person that year (in this case, a disqualified person could be Trump himself or a member of his family or business) and had engaged in similar practices in previous years.While the media fixated on the optics and right-wing innuendo about the Clinton Foundation (much of that smear financed by the head of Breitbart by the way), Trump s foundation escaped much of the same scrutiny despite its admittedly illegal behavior.Additionally, the Trump Foundation donated money to a political group associated with Florida attorney general Pam Bondi, who dropped a probe of Trump University at the same time. The IRS fined the foundation over that behavior.He also used the foundation as a slush fund to settle multiple lawsuits that had been personally filed against him, instead of using his own bank accounts to do so. This behavior has continued to cast suspicion on Trump s claim that he is a billionaire, and his refusal to release his taxes hasn t helped alleviate those thoughts.Featured image via Flickr
No Food, No FEMA: Hurricane Michael’s Survivors Are Furious. https://thebea.st/2IV0u6C?source=twitter&via=desktop … via @thedailybeast
RT WIRED : Hurricane Dorian could be a sign of things to come, a new experiment adds to why the CDC is urging everyone to stop vaping, and Bugatti has built the first production car to ever hit 300mph. Here's the news to know: https://wired.trib.al/6vknAAU 
ANKARA (Reuters) - President Tayyip Erdogan s spokesman threatened a prominent opposition lawmaker with legal action on Monday for calling the Turkish leader a fascist dictator. In some of the most blistering criticism of Erdogan by a high-profile politician in recent memory, Bulent Tezcan, spokesman for the main opposition People s Republican Party, attacked what he said was a fearful atmosphere in Turkey. If you try to scare people and to create a fearful atmosphere by showing legal words as illegal ones we will not be deterred, Tezcan said in a speech in the western city of Tekirdag, criticizing local judicial authorities. His comments appeared to be in defense of the local mayor, a CHP member, who was questioned by authorities this month after he reportedly called Erdogan a dictator at a party congress. I don t know if our mayor said that or not. I, here in Tekirdag, say it now: Erdogan is a fascist dictator , Tezcan said. Tezcan s comments prompted a swift backlash from Erdogan s office and lawmakers from his ruling AK Party. Bulent Tezcan s hate speech is an example of disgrace for the main opposition, Erdogan s spokesman, Ibrahim Kalin, said on Twitter. This is not politics, but rather enmity towards the people s will. Legal measures will be sought in this regard. Insulting the president is a crime punishable by up to four years in prison in Turkey Lawyers for Erdogan, who has dominated Turkish politics for more than a decade, have filed more than 1,800 cases against people including cartoonists, a former Miss Turkey winner and schoolchildren on accusations of insulting him. Following a failed coup in July 2016, Erdogan said he would drop outstanding suits, in a one-off gesture. Nonetheless, rights groups and some Western governments have voiced concern that Turkey is sliding toward authoritarianism. Some 150,000 people have been sacked or suspended from their jobs and more than 50,000 jailed pending trial on suspicion of links to the failed coup. Erdogan says such measures are necessary to ensure stability and defend Turkey from multiple security threats.
Florida Governor Rick Scott is not holding anything back. He is angry that Obama has made the Second Amendment the enemy while ignoring ISIS. We need a President who says my number one job right now is, on top of turning the economy around is to destroy ISIS.
Hurricane Irma tip lets you know if the food in your freezer is safe to eat after the storm passes! #IrmaHurricane http://pbpo.st/2f4rkM1 pic.twitter.com/MHCgEb0GLD
I hope hurricane Matthew breaks ur ride https://twitter.com/kiarajones__/status/784878621966106624 …
Horse Found 'Shivering Uncontrollably' Survives California Wildfire by Hiding in Backyard Pool - TIME Didn’t take her to some kind of animal shelter. No guarantee she’s from that immediate area or that owners are anywhere around. Only 1/2 a rescue. Sad. https://apple.news/AkFN1tkGuR_2jIqBBDGcRJA …
There is not another podcast station in this entire country that has better food related programming at this time than wildfire radio #GOAThttps://twitter.com/bluejeanfood/status/1038772011034701826 …
aw hell yeah I was listening to these tunes while bouncing on ur boy hurricane Matthew wasn't my proudest ride
Oh that’s interesting, THERE IS NO CURE #China says 8.2% of #coronavirus patients are cured https://t.co/VwpAKVchCT
A woman who was born in Nazi Germany says that what reminds her of Hitler more than anything else isn t Donald Trump, but the rioting leftists who are attempting to shut down free speech on college campuses.Ing Andrews lived in Dusseldorf, Germany during the Second World War and spent time hiding in air raid shelters and helping to clean up rubble from destroyed buildings. InfowarsIf anyone is in a position to have an opinion on the left s hysterical comparison of Donald Trump and Hitler, it s Inga. Here s what she told the Independent Review Journal
During an uncharacteristically blistering hot day, San Francisco residents noticed a surprising sight on Friday morning. There was smoke spewing out of the Russian Consulate that s scheduled to close and it s something Special Investigator Robert Mueller might want to look into.Temperatures on Friday barely escaped triple digits and it was a Spare the Air day in San Francisco, meaning that residents weren t allowed to burn their fireplaces (as if they d want to). Still, neighbors and the fire department were surprised to see black smoke coming from the chimney at the Russian Consulate.When the fire department arrived at the scene, they were turned away after allegedly being told that there wasn t a problem and that they were burning unidentified items in a fireplace.Mindy Talamadge, a spokeswoman from the San Francisco Fire Department, said the department received a call about the smoke and sent a crew to investigate but determined the smoke was coming from the chimney. They had a fire going in their fireplace, she said.Talmadge said she did not know what they were burning on a day when normally cool San Francisco temperatures had already climbed to 95 degrees by noon. It was not unintentional. They were burning something in their fireplace, she said.Source: SF ChronicleRemember, this is the consulate that Donald Trump ordered closed in retribution for Vladimir Putin s kicking diplomats out of Russia. Saturday is the deadline for the consulate to be closed.While the closure of the consulate and two diplomatic annexes might sound like a strong stance against Russia, it s a token measure, at best. Not a single diplomat is being kicked out of the country and the main consulate in Washington, D.C. will remain open.Saturday is the deadline for the oldest Russian consulate in the United States to close its doors. According to Russian propaganda Times, U.S. security services are set to search the facility on Saturday and it certainly appears that there s something in the San Francisco consulate that the Russians don t want Americans to find, or perhaps there s something that Trump doesn t want Americans to find.Update: Smoke was also seen outside the Russian consulate in Washington, D.C.EXCLUSIVE: Here's the fire in back of about to-be-closed DC Russia trade rep building. @janawinter on the scene. pic.twitter.com/oKoKX2OIBv Foreign Policy (@ForeignPolicy) September 1, 2017 Featured image via Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
That s the third suspicious death of a man tied in some way to Hillary. Does anyone in law enforcement have an accurate body count of suspicious deaths tied to Hillary? We recently questioned the suspicious murder of 27 year old Democrat Data Director Seth Rich, as he was walking home through his affluent Washington DC neighborhood. He was beaten and shot in the back, but apparently nothing of any value was taken from his body, which would likely mean robbery was not a motive. If robbery wasn t a motive and the police still have no clues what exactly was the motive for his brutal murder? In our previous article, we explored the possibility that he may have been about to blow the whistle on voter fraud. Does anyone have an actual tally of the number of people who had ties to the Clintons that ended up dead? Now Bernie Sanders supporter and activist Shawn Lucas is found dead.On July 3, 2016, Shawn Lucas and filmmaker Ricardo Villaba served the DNC Services Corp. and Chairperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz at DNC s headquarters in Washington, D.C., in the fraud class action suit against the Democrat Party on behalf of Bernie Sanders supporters.Shawn Lucas was thrilled about serving the papers to the DNC before Independence Day.According to Snopes Lucas was found dead on his bathroom floor.We contacted Lucas employer on 4 August 2016 to ask whether there was any truth to the rumor. According to an individual with whom we spoke at that company, Shawn Lucas died on 2 August 2016. The audibly and understandably shaken employee stated that interest in the circumstances of Lucas death had prompted a number of phone calls and other queries, but the company had not yet ascertained any details about Lucas cause of death and were unable to confirm anything more than the fact he had passed away.An unconfirmed report holds that Lucas was found lying on the bathroom floor by his girlfriend when she returned home on the evening of 2 August 2016. Paramedics responding to her 911 call found no signs of life.** This was before Wikileaks released documents proving the DNC was working against the Sanders campaign during the 2016 primary.Shawn Lucas was found dead this week.This follows the death of 27 year-old Democratic staffer Seth Conrad Rich who was murdered in Washington DC on July 8. The killer or killers appear to have taken nothing from their victim, leaving behind his wallet, watch and phone. Shortly after the killing, Redditors and social media users were pursuing a lead saying that Rich was en route to the FBI the morning of his murder, apparently intending to speak to special agents about an ongoing court case possibly involving the Clinton family.Watch here:And on June 22, 2016, former UN official John Ashe accidentally crushed his own throat and died a week before he was scheduled to testify against the Clintons and Democrat Party.Via: Gateway Pundit
Sen. Richard Burr (R., NC.), chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, scolded Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) for not allowing Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to answer her questions during a committee hearing on Wednesday. Harris repeatedly interrupted the Deputy AG Rude, Rude, Rude!Harris was asking Rosenstein about the authority of former FBI Director Robert Mueller in his current role as special counsel to investigate interference by Russia in the 2016 presidential election. Rosenstein started to answer the question several times before Harris cut him off over and over leading Burr to intervene: Will the senator suspend. The chair is going to exercise it s right to allow the witnesses to answer the question. And the committee is on notice to provide the witnesses the courtesy, which has not been extended all the way across, extend the courtesy for questions to get answered. Political demagogue Harris then blurted out that Rosenstein is known for joking about his ability to filibuster .Prior to Burr s comments, Sen. John McCain (R., Ariz.) asked the chairman to intervene after Harris repeatedly interrupted Rosenstein as he started to answer her questions.We reported on Ms. Harris yesterday she s rude, rude, rude!
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democrats on Monday corralled enough support to hold up a Senate confirmation vote on President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee but Republicans threatened to change the Senate rules to ensure conservative judge Neil Gorsuch gets the lifetime job. The Senate Judiciary Committee voted 11-9 along party lines to send Gorsuch’s nomination to the full Senate, setting up a political showdown this week between Trump’s fellow Republicans and the opposition Democrats that appears likely to trigger a change in long-standing Senate rules to allow his confirmation. Democrats, portraying Gorsuch as so conservative he is outside the judicial mainstream, have amassed 42 senators in support of a procedural hurdle called a filibuster requiring a super-majority of 60 votes in the Republican-led, 100-seat Senate to allow a confirmation vote. Even before the panel voted, committee member Christopher Coons put the Democrats over the threshold as the 41st senator backing the filibuster bid. (GRAPHIC - Where senators stand on bid to block Gorsuch vote tmsnrt.rs/2ov6ko0) The Senate’s Republican leaders insist Gorsuch will be confirmed on the Senate floor on Friday regardless of what the Democrats do. Republicans hold a 52-48 Senate majority. In the face of the filibuster, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell would be expected to force a confirmation vote by having the Senate change its rules and allow for a simple majority vote for confirmation of Supreme Court justices, a move sometimes called the “nuclear option” that Trump favors. Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer, leading the filibuster effort, said McConnell should have the “vision and courage to see past this impasse” and not “go nuclear,” suggesting that Trump replace Gorsuch with a new consensus nominee chosen after meeting with Democrats. Senate confirmation of Gorsuch, 49, would restore the nine-seat high court’s conservative majority, fulfilling one of Trump’s top promises during the 2016 presidential campaign. Trump in January nominated Gorsuch, a conservative appeals court judge from Colorado. He could be expected to serve for decades. On the Senate floor, McConnell called the Democratic strategy “a new low,” saying there was no principled reason to oppose a judge as well qualified and widely respected as Gorsuch. He did not explicitly say he would use the “nuclear option,” but several Republicans said that would happen. White House spokesman Sean Spicer said the decision would be McConnell’s. Republican Senator John McCain, a long-time opponent of Senate rules changes, told reporters he would support the move. Judiciary Committee Republicans blasted Democrats for pursuing what they called the first “partisan filibuster” of a Supreme Court nominee - there was a successful bipartisan filibuster five decades ago against a Democratic president’s nominee - and said it would come to naught because of the threatened rule change. But it was Senate Republicans who last year refused to even consider Democratic former President Barack Obama’s nomination of appellate judge Merrick Garland to fill the same high court vacancy that Trump has selected Gorsuch to fill. “Democrats, including me, are still furious at the way Judge Merrick Garland was treated last year. But the traditions and principles that have defined the Senate are crumbling, and we are poised to hasten that destruction this week,” Coons said. Gorsuch was nominated to fill a vacancy created by the February 2016 death of conservative Justice Antonin Scalia. Democrats have accused Gorsuch of being insufficiently independent of Trump, evading questions on key Supreme Court rulings of the past including on abortion and political spending, and favoring corporate interests over ordinary Americans. Republicans control the White House and Congress for the first time in a decade. The inability of Senate Republicans to coax enough Democratic support to avoid the “nuclear option” reflected the intense partisan divide in Washington and the Trump administration’s failure to win the cooperation of the opposition party. Senators Dianne Feinstein, the committee’s top Democrat, and panel member Patrick Leahy, along with fellow Democrats Mark Warner and Ben Cardin, also announced filibuster support on Monday. Spicer accused Democrats of partisan obstruction that sets “a very dangerous precedent” and told a briefing that “we’re obviously disappointed that the overwhelming majority of them are still playing politics with the nation’s highest court.” The actual confirmation vote would be by a simple majority if the filibuster is stopped. To date, four Democrats oppose a filibuster, four short of the eight that Republicans needed. With the failure of Republican healthcare legislation in Congress and with courts blocking the president’s ban on people from several Muslim-majority nations from entering the United States, winning confirmation for Gorsuch has taken on even more importance for Trump. The 60-vote super-majority threshold that gives the minority party power to hold up the majority party has over the decades forced the Senate to try to achieve bipartisanship in legislation and presidential appointments. Republican committee member Lindsey Graham said, “If we have to, we will change the rules, and it looks like we’re going to have to. I hate that. I really, really do.” While Gorsuch’s opponents would fight a Senate rule change, it was the Democrats who in 2013 changed the Senate rules to limit filibusters after Republicans used the procedure against Obama’s appeals court nominees. The Senate, then led by Democrats, barred filibusters for executive branch nominees and federal judges aside from Supreme Court justices. Even if Republicans do change the rules, legislation, as opposed to appointments, would still need to meet a 60-vote threshold.
NIZHNEBUREISKY, Russia (Reuters) - New U.S. sanctions imposed on Russia will do no harm to Russia’s pipeline monopoly Transneft, Transneft CEO Nikolai Tokarev said on Thursday, echoing a similar optimistic statement by the head of Russia’s largest oil firm Rosneft. U.S. President Donald Trump grudgingly signed into law new sanctions against Russia on Wednesday, a move Moscow said amounted to a full-scale trade war and an end to hopes for better ties with the Trump administration. “This will not affect us in any way. We have already considered and studied all this,” Tokarev told reporters, commenting on the U.S. sanctions law. “I believe these sanctions will not acquire a painful and sensitive form to hurt us.” About 94 percent of the equipment used by Transneft is produced in Russia, while some electronic equipment that the company need it buys in the Asia Pacific region, Tokarev said. “Furthermore, we do not attract external financing, we take no loans, we have enough of our own funds.” Igor Sechin, chief executive officer of Russia’s largest oil producer Rosneft, also played down on Thursday the impact of the U.S. sanctions, saying they would rather have negative consequences for the United States and backfire on U.S. energy majors.
Would-be looter in Hurricane Michael-ravaged Florida shot, killed after trying to steal law enforcement vehicle: report | Fox News https://www.foxnews.com/us/would-be-looter-in-hurricane-michael-ravaged-florida-shot-killed-after-trying-to-steal-law-enforcement-vehicle-report …
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is acknowledging that his proposals for sweeping government programs would require middle-class Americans to pay more taxes. https://t.co/7qr6lfG6Sm
Commies carrying flags fought with the Austin police and disobeyed orders during a protest in Austin, TX today. So these commies want to tell their fellow Americans what to do? Their judgement isn t so great if they re supporting communism Ya think? The cops should stand strong against the tyranny that is happening right now.Chanting their way through downtown Austin, the capital of Texas, demonstrators denounced Confederate symbolism and called for the dismantling of public works and streets that bear the name of Confederate icons like Robert E. Lee: Red paint sprayed on signs around the city:Spotted in South Austin: Red spray paint over almost all the street signs on Robert E. Lee Road pic.twitter.com/pI1RJNvv8y Alexa Ura (@alexazura) August 14, 2017 Like it or not, the Civil War is a part of our history. These protesters might want to pick up a history book and read it. People on both sides fought and died black and white! Only Virginia has more Confederate symbols (which include roads, schools, statues and county names) than Texas.Austin has already been taking steps to remove public reminders of its history as part of the Confederacy. Just last week Texas House Speaker Joe Strauss called for removal of a plaque near the Capitol that asserts slavery was not the underlying cause of the Civil War. And finally after years of resistance, administrators at the University of Texas Austin decided to take down Confederate statues on campus.
It s easy to see why there are so many Americans who would rather keep their heads firmly buried in the sand than know the truth about how inept our government officials really are Hillary Clinton is facing damaging new revelations about the lax security surrounding her emails.Watch Hillary try to make voters believe she is a victim in this insane security risk she has subjected our entire nation to:A Daily Mail Online investigation has found that a second firm hired to store a back-up of Clinton s secret server was so lax in its security employees failed to change passwords frequently and left computers logged in, unattended for extended periods and its own clients stumbled upon other clients data.Datto Inc, the company in question, was hired to store Hillary s emails by Platte River, the mom-and-pop company contracted to maintain her homebrew email system.Speaking exclusively to Daily Mail Online on condition of anonymity, one former employee at Datto, said the company was woefully exposed to being hacked. If you re talking about high-level data security, at the political, presidential level, the security level of data [at Datto] hired by Platte River, was nowhere near something that could have been protected from a good hacker that knows how to spread out their points at which to infiltrate, he said.The emails emails, 30,000 of which Clinton deleted, are now part of an FBI investigation into her handling of classified material while she was Secretary of State.A total of 22 have been deemed to contain top secret material out of 2,075 found to contain classified material and questions have mounted about whether her account was successfully hacked, which the Clinton campaign claims did not happen.The existence of the emails only came to light because of a House investigation into the deaths of four American in an Islamist attack on the mission in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11 2012.The probe concluded this week with an excoriating report by the majority Republican members of the committee, who accused her of shameful conduct with her secret email account.Clinton dismissed the report, saying it was time to move on and went to California to launch her policies on the tech industry.But now it can be disclosed that Datto Inc is accused of major security failings by people who worked for it and also those who used its services.The failings included allegations that security was so lax that customers warned the firm they had stumbled on other clients data; that in 2010, the company s internal servers were hacked; and that staff were not required to regularly change passwords, seen as a basic requirement for keeping systems secure.Staff computers which had access to servers holding confidential client information were left logged in while unoccupied for extended periods of time, whistleblowers said.And Datto headquarters were easily accessible and had no security guards on their floor, while employees opened and held doors open for others which should only have been accessible with a security pass.A longtime Datto partner, Marc Tamarin, told Daily Mail Online: Those guys were really morons. They weren t qualified to handle our back-up and that was the biggest concern for us. The former employee speaking exclusively to Daily Mail Online on condition of anonymity, spent three years at Datto, and said the company was woefully exposed to being hacked. It s not something that Datto was focused on. It was more about getting the data off-site quickly and cost-effectively than securing the data and keeping it from being hacked. There s no doubt in my mind that someone could easily hack them even today. Datto was named last October as the second data storage company to be investigated by the FBI over what threat Clinton s server posed to national security.One of the Datto insiders told Daily Mail Online that around 2010, the startup had its internal network hacked, leading to the authorities being called. Via: Daily Mail
DOHA (Reuters) - Qatar Airways is cancelling flights to Kurdish northern Iraq from Sept 29 to Oct 1 at the request of Iraq s Civil Aviation Authority, the carrier said on its website on Thursday. The flights to and from Erbil and Sulaymaniyah have been canceled after Iraqi authorities said all international air traffic would be suspended from Friday to those airports, the statement said.
Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson was confronted by an LGBT activist on Monday evening about the retired neurosurgeon s previous remarks that gay people have made the choice to be gay and luckily the awkward encounter was recorded on camera and posted by ABC News.Carson had been meeting with supporters at a town hall meeting in Staten Island. As he posed for pictures, a woman wearing a Pride Center of Staten Island t-shirt approached him and said she wanted to ask him a question. She said: I have a quick question. Do you think I chose to be gay? Carson was taken completely off guard and repeated her question back to her, avoiding a clear answer as many others looked on. He replied, Did you choose to be gay? That s a long conversation. Fully aware that the answer really wasn t that complicated, the activist walked away but not before telling Carson, I think you re full of sh*t. You can watch the Carson squirm in the footage below:WATCH: @realBenCarson confronted at Staten Island town hall: Do you think I chose to be gay? https://t.co/gL3N7TXpO1 ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) January 5, 2016Like many of his fellow Republicans, Carson s rhetoric is plagued by anti-gay remarks. Carson clearly expressed his stance on whether or not he felt homosexuality was a choice when he spoke to CNN s Chris Cuomo in March. Cuomo had asked Carson what his opinion was on the matter and Carson s unwavering response was: Absolutely. Because a lot of people who go into prison, go into prison straight, and when they come out they re gay. So, did something happen while they were in there? Ask yourself that question. Carson has said plenty of other equally ridiculous things about the LGBT community as well. In the past, he s likened homosexuals to pedophiles and those who engage in bestiality, and claimed that God thinks being gay is an abomination. And despite all his anti-LGBT comments and attempts to make sure that the LGBT community doesn t get the same rights as heterosexuals, Carson still has the nerve to say gay people are more protected than Christians.Featured image video screen capture
Jet-ski ride on flooded streets offers ‘comedic relief’ amid Hurricane Dorian https://buff.ly/34v3mSe pic.twitter.com/9xDBBRf3gF
Its like rain on ur wedding day Its a free ride when you've already paid Its a blizzard on ur audition day who would've thought, it figures
BRASILIA/CARACAS (Reuters) - Dismissed Venezuelan prosecutor Luisa Ortega said on Wednesday she had evidence that President Nicolas Maduro was involved in corruption with construction company Odebrecht. Ortega, 59, was a key player in Venezuela s government but broke with it in March. She fled last week to Colombia by boat and on Wednesday morning landed in Brazil. Ortega said she had been persecuted in an effort to hide details of high-level corruption, saying she had proof, though she offered none. Ortega linked the Odebrecht scandal with Maduro and Socialist Party heavyweights including Diosdado Cabello and Jorge Rodriguez. Ortega said she had evidence that Cabello received some $100 million from the Brazilian company. The international community must investigate such cases, she told a news conference. Venezuelan authorities did not respond to a request for comment. Odebrecht admitted in a settlement with U.S. and Brazilian prosecutors to paying bribes across 12 countries to win contracts. According to a U.S. court ruling, between 2001 and 2016, Odebrecht paid about $788 million in bribes in countries including Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Mexico and Venezuela. Ortega was removed from her position early this month by Venezuela s newly formed constituent assembly, a controversial pro-government body whose installation was called dictatorial by governments worldwide. Maduro said on Tuesday he would seek Ortega s arrest, accusing her of having worked for some time with the United States. Maduro blames Washington for many of Venezuela s problems, including triple-digit inflation, shortages of basic goods and months of anti-government unrest. In Caracas, state-controlled television broadcast images on Wednesday of a police operation in what it said was Ortega s apartment. The cameras showed marble floors, large paintings of Ortega herself and one by Andy Warhol, a cellar containing an array of expensive wines and a wardrobe filled with designer labels. Ortega said she would give details of the corruption cases to authorities in the United States, Spain, Mexico, Brazil and Colombia. Since settling in the United States, Brazil and Switzerland for a record $3.5 billion, Odebrecht has sought to negotiate leniency deals that would allow it to keep operating in other countries across Latin America.
Republican frontrunner Donald Trump is leading the pack by appealing to the very worst aspects of human nature, and the battle is on the find the sentence that truly expresses the horror and contempt this news generates in the rest of us. We think Trevor Noah might just have found it.Speaking on the Daily Show, Noah said: I hope there are two Donald Trumps that way he can go f*ck himself Yep that just about does it.But Noah s whole rant delivered a brutal drop kick to the Trump campaign and its cynical use of every dirty tactic in the book to gain power with near total disregard for the consequences. We laugh, but it s still more likely there s only one Donald Trump, who is just a cynical, manipulating man, manipulating his followers and his enemies and the media without any concern for what he s doing to the country, That s possible. That s probably the truth. But I do hope I do hope that there are two Donald Trumps. Because that way he could go f*ck himself. Turning to the ever-escalating racist violence spilling out of Trump rallies across the country, Noah didn t mince his words either. Here s the truth: Donald Trump didn t just create an atmosphere for violence at his rallies, he engineered it as carefully and deliberately as Matt Damon did when he was growing potatoes on Mars. Finally the host appealed to fans of Trump s opponents to avoid confronting Trump fans, or attempting to shut down their rallies, saying: If you come in, and you actually try to silence them, it s like trying to put a fire out by putting wood onto it, You ve given Trump the villain that, up until now, he was making up. The issue of course, with failing to confront Trump and his merry band of agitators, is that fascism is the genie you can t put back in the bottle.Donald Trump, and his fellow Republican candidates, have pulled the most noxious, toxic, racist, sexist behavior back into the mainstream.The Republican establishment knows they have opened pandora s box, a box that they cannot now close. They hoped to leverage its toxic contents by turning it into votes for their establishment candidate. Instead, Donald Trump and Ted Cruz have been given the chance to take over; two men who would have been unelectable in almost any ballot in modern times. Whatever hell these candidates and their followers reap upon the country, it will taint the Republican party forever.Featured image via screengrab
Jamaican Hurricane Matthew Preparedness at it's best. Protecting the car with "Cling Wrap". via @diviro... http://fb.me/7CJ8u0qCB 
Delhi policemen were caught on camera breaking CCTV cameras during Delhi riots last year. A video of this has been falsely shared as farmers' protest. #AltNewsFactCheck | @stoic_annu https://t.co/VXxuWx6rkM
@kathrynschulz Plus you're well out of the inundation zone amirite?
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If you haven t seen Dinesh D Souza s HILLARY S AMERICA yet, it is a MUST see! Watch here, as Dinesh explains why his historically correct movie casts the truth on the Democrats racist roots, discusses his time in prison and much more THE SOUND STARTS AT THE 1:00 MARK WHEN D SOUZA BEGINS TO SPEAK:
Congress is already setting the stage to cut off U.S. funding to the United Nations in the wake of a contested vote last week in which the Obama administration permitted an anti-Israel resolution to win overwhelming approval, according to congressional leaders, who told the Washington Free Beacon that the current administration is already plotting to take further action against the Jewish state before vacating office.Other punitive actions by Congress could include expelling Palestinian diplomats from U.S. soil and scaling back ties with foreign nations that voted in favor of the controversial measure, according to multiple sources who spoke to the Free Beacon about the situation both on and off the record.The Obama administration is still under bipartisan attack for its decision to help craft and facilitate the passage of a U.N. resolution condemning the construction of Jewish homes in Jerusalem, a move that reversed years of U.S. policy on the matter.The Free Beacon was the first to disclose on Monday that senior Obama administration officials played a key role in ensuring the measure was passed unanimously by the U.N. Security Council. This included a phone call by Vice President Joe Biden to Ukraine s president to ensure that country voted in favor of the measure.While Biden s office continues to dispute the claim, reporters in Israel and Europe confirmed in the intervening days that the call between Biden and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko did in fact take place.With anger over the issue still roiling, leading members of Congress told the Free Beacon on Wednesday that they will not delay in seeking retribution against the U.N. for the vote. This could include cutting off U.S. funding for the U.N. and stripping the Palestinian mission s diplomatic privileges.Lawmakers also will work to rebuff further attempts by the Obama administration to chastise Israel on the international stage. This would include freezing funds that could be spent by the administration on further U.N. action. The disgraceful anti-Israel resolution passed by the UNSC was apparently only the opening salvo in the Obama administration s final assault on Israel, Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) told the Free Beacon. President Obama, Secretary Kerry, Ambassador Power, and their colleagues should remember that the United States Congress reconvenes on January 3rd, and under the Constitution we control the taxpayer funds they would use for their anti-Israel initiatives. The 115th Congress must stop the current administration s vicious attack on our great ally Israel, and address the major priorities of the incoming administration, Cruz said, expressing his desire to work with the incoming Trump administration to reset the U.S. relationship with Israel.< Senior congressional sources currently working on the issue further disclosed to the Free Beacon that lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are in an uproar over the Obama administration, which they accuse of plotting behind closed doors to smear Israel. Not content with spending the last eight years using the United Nations to undermine American sovereignty, the Obama administration has finally trained their sights on Israel and is trying to exploit this unelected and unaccountable international body to impose their resolution of the Palestinian issue on Israel, one senior congressional aide told the Free Beacon. Enough is enough. While the Trump administration will not take office until the end of January, Congress will be working overtime before then to stop the Obama administration from further damaging the U.S.-Israel relationship, according to the source, who hinted that a full cut-off of U.S. funding to the U.N. currently is on the table. A new administration will arrive on January 20th, but in the intervening weeks Congress has an important role mitigating the damage President Obama can do in his final hours, the source said. Why on earth would we throw good taxpayer dollars after bad in support of the UN, which has proven itself again and again utterly unable to encourage any positive progress? Just take Syria if they were doing anything over the last five years, it should have been working out a fair and equitable adjudication of the Syrian war. Instead, they ve proven themselves utterly useless in fact they ve probably made a gut-wrenching catastrophe worse, the source explained. There s no reason to think this action will turn out any more favorably. For entire story WFB
If Donald Trump had sent proper New Year s greetings to the American people to begin with, he wouldn t be getting humiliated.But he royally f*cked up on New Year s Eve morning by referring to millions of Americans as his enemies. Happy New Year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don t know what to do. Love! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 31, 2016Insulting the American people in this way only serves to further divide, and outrage understandably ensued.Fast-forward about 12 hours later and Trump apparently decided that he needed a mulligan. So he took another shot at it by wishing all Americans a happy new year without referring to anyone as a loser or an enemy.TO ALL AMERICANS-#HappyNewYear & many blessings to you all! Looking forward to a wonderful & prosperous 2017 as we work together to #MAGA?? pic.twitter.com/UaBFaoDYHe Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 1, 2017But Americans didn t forget about his previous New Year s message and proceeded to rip Trump a new one all over again.@realDonaldTrump Oh to all of us this time? Half of us aren t enemies this time? Jordan Uhl (@JordanUhl) January 1, 2017@realDonaldTrump Who wrote this tweet for you? Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) January 1, 2017@realDonaldTrump Even your enemies nitwit? Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) January 1, 2017@realDonaldTrump you know working together means you ve got to stop trolling everyone who doesn t agree with you Don t you Donald? Tom Knight (@TJ_Knight) January 1, 2017@realDonaldTrump Seriously the bar is low. If no one gets nuked in 2017, I ll be pleasantly surprised. Matt Peterson (@mattbpete) January 1, 2017@realDonaldTrump You will never be my president, you fraudulent pile of orange excrement. pic.twitter.com/tQpER7DL1N AynRandPaulRyan (@AynRandPaulRyan) January 1, 2017@realDonaldTrump If there s any violence or PISSED OFF people in the streets we can blame your last tweet, idiot. #TerroristTrump #StaySafe pic.twitter.com/e79lYHDgoG ErinHazel??#RESIST (@ErinRHazel) January 1, 2017@realDonaldTrump Earlier today you acted like a juvenile, did you get an Editor? pic.twitter.com/geXAdEr7YX Jolene Sugarbaker (@JolenesTrailer) January 1, 2017Donald, your Twitter antics reveal that you are a weak, insecure individual in need of a blankie. @realDonaldTrump America Resurgent (@ProgressOutlook) January 1, 2017@realDonaldTrump This message leaves out all the passive aggressive shit you sent this morning about losers and haters. Have ya been hacked? pic.twitter.com/BLIumNgQme Kristina Wong (@mskristinawong) January 1, 2017@realDonaldTrump If you re serious about helping Americans, pay some damn taxes and tell Putin to stay out of our computers and elections. MatthewDicks (@MatthewDicks) January 1, 2017@realDonaldTrump Wait, are your many enemies included in this #HappyNewYear too? Ian Boothby (@IanBoothby) January 1, 2017@realDonaldTrump All Americans??? I thought we were the enemy. You can stuff your #MAGA where the sun doesn t shine. #TinyFingeredPuppet pic.twitter.com/TVVqYoqZQO Jaly (@JalyIV) January 1, 2017Yeah, it definitely was not a good idea to call millions of Americans enemies. But it s an even worse idea for Trump to pretend he didn t send that first tweet and to assume that Americans will just forgive and forget.Clearly, Donald Trump is unfit to be president. He is incapable of being a president for all Americans.Featured image via Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images
PATERSON, N.J. (Reuters) - With its enormous Muslim population and reputation as a welcoming home for immigrants of some 50 nationalities, the New Jersey city of Paterson was the perfect place for the suspect in the New York City truck attack to go largely unnoticed. Sayfullo Saipov, 29, lived there with his wife and three young children for more than a year before authorities say he drove a rented truck through throngs of people on a lower Manhattan bike path on Tuesday, killing eight people in what officials called an act of terrorism. With one of the largest Muslim populations in the United States, estimated by community leaders at between 25,000 and 30,000 people, the city of nearly 150,000 boasts more than a half dozen mosques and many Middle Eastern and other ethnic restaurants. Within blocks of Saipov’s apartment, Lebanese, Turkish and Mediterranean restaurants line the streets with signs in Arabic and English, serving immigrants from numerous European, African and Asian countries as well as a sizeable Hispanic population. The city’s Muslim stores attract visitors from Philadelphia to Connecticut, said Ken Abuassab, director of the Paterson-based American Arab Civil Organization. Saipov’s apartment complex abuts the Omar Mosque, though several members said in the interviews they had never seen him there. Ramy Elhelw, 30, a lifelong member of the mosque, said the city serves as a kind of central hub for Muslims across the state. “No matter where you are in New Jersey, you come to Paterson for your halal breads, restaurants, weddings, funerals,” he said. “Halal” refers to food or drink allowed under Islamic dietary laws. Paterson, nearly 20 miles (32 km) west of northern Manhattan, is a natural landing spot for immigrants seeking a new job or a new life, given the communal infrastructure already in place for Muslims from any number of countries, he added. “Paterson is a melting pot of multiple nationalities,” Elhelw said. “We don’t have red lines.” Like many former New Jersey industrial centers, Paterson has struggled in recent decades, plagued by a stagnant economy and high violent crime rates. Paterson native Maria Mazziotti Gillan, 77, acknowledged the city has had its share of problems but said immigrants are crucial to its chances of revival. “With these new immigrants coming in and starting new restaurants in South Paterson – a lot of Arab restaurants, a lot of grocery stores that are catered toward Turkish people or people from Syria or Palestine – I’m seeing a kind of resurgence,” she said. Neighbors near Saipov’s two-bedroom rental apartment in a 10-unit, two-story brick complex said he was a quiet man who took his young daughters to school in the mornings and spent his evenings with a small circle of friends. Saipov moved to the United States from his Central Asian homeland on a so-called diversity visa in 2010. Three years later, according to CNN, he married a 19-year-old Uzbek, Nozima Odilova, in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. A neighbor in Paterson, Altana Dimitrovska, told Reuters the couple’s two daughters looked to be age 4 and 6, and that the they had an infant son. Odilova typically wore a head covering and a burka, leaving only her eyes exposed, Dimitrovska said. Saipov’s alleged attack is not the first time Paterson has found itself in the headlines following a militant strike. Hours after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks destroyed the World Trade Center in New York, rumors spread that Muslims in Paterson were celebrating, though police who rushed downtown found only people in prayer. The false report lived on as an urban myth. Saipov is also the second New Jersey man accused of a New York attack in the last 13 months. Ahmad Rahimi, who lived in Elizabeth, New Jersey, was convicted this month of setting off bombs in both Manhattan and New Jersey last fall, injuring 30 people.
Terrifying video shows woman’s desperate escape from California wildfire as flames and sparks lick car windows https://www.newscabal.co.uk/terrifying-video-shows-womans-desperate-escape-from-california-wildfire-as-flames-and-sparks-lick-car-windows/ …
By now, the whole world knows that Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore (R-Of Course) was banned from an Alabama mall and the YMCA for creeping on little girls. He has been accused of molesting young girls as young as age fourteen. Of course, when the allegations first came out and the uproar and backlash began, everyone, regardless of politics, reacted with outrage. However, the GOP s outrage was often much more muted. Further, it took awhile for the Republican National Committee to pull their support for Moore, despite the deeply disturbing allegations of his being a pedophile. Well, now that the rage has died down, the RNC is back with a new message regarding this Senate race: Better a pedophile than a Democrat.Under cover of night, the RNC reinstated their support for Roy Moore, and an RNC official confirmed to The Hill that, quote, We can confirm our involvement in the Alabama Senate race. So, there you have it, folks. They literally want a child molester in the United States Senate rather than a Democrat. There are only a few voices from the right who are being brave on this one and none of them are seeking re-election. Former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney tweeted that the GOP must not tolerate Moore:Roy Moore in the US Senate would be a stain on the GOP and on the nation. Leigh Corfman and other victims are courageous heroes. No vote, no majority is worth losing our honor, our integrity. Mitt Romney (@MittRomney) December 4, 2017Outgoing Arizona GOP Senator Jeff Flake has actually said that he would vote for the Democratic candidate, Doug Jones, if he lived in Alabama, and former Jeb Bush adviser Tim Miller has actually endorsed and donated to Jones. Outgoing Pennsylvania moderate Republican Charlie Dent said he never supported Moore in the first place. Here s the video of Dent s takedown of Moore:There is also outspoken Trump critic and longtime GOP strategist Steve Schmidt, who went on national television and called Moore a pedophile:Other than that, though, it has been radio silence. After all, they need that vote. Besides, let s face it the GOP writ large showed America and the world what they stand for when they elected Donald Trump.Featured image via Scott Olson/Getty Images
After using the money he'd saved for a trip to the Florida theme parks to buy food for Hurricane Dorian evacuees, Disney magic makers surprised Jermaine with a free vacation. https://www.news8000.com/lifestyle/boy-who-fed-dorian-evacuees-with-disney-savings-gets-surprise/1118839785 …
A video of a man removing his burqa in front of policemen has gone viral on social media with the claim that he is an RSS man who was caught waving the Pakistani flag in a burqa to defame Muslims. #FactCheck #AFWA @arjundeodia https://t.co/l1AqyXhb3k
A Texas federal judge appointed by Obama has again rejected the 2011 Texas voter ID law, stating that the legislators meant to discriminate against minority voters.Tucker Carlson interviewed one of the lawyers involved in the case. The reasoning is beyond flawed! The only people being discriminated against are the LEGAL voters of this nation! Why is this activist judge assuming that minorities are being discriminated against? You will find her reasoning to be biased and racist. The Court of Appeals even came back with this statement: some of the evidence used by the judge wasn t relevant. U.S. District Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos made this same ruling in 2014, which forced an appeal. The Fifth Circuit issued a stay against the order. The Supreme Court stepped in and allowed Texas to use the voter ID law.But last July the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans asked the judge to re-examine the decision since the judges found that some of the evidence used by the judge wasn t relevant. The two sides reached a deal for the 2016 election, which allowed a voter to sign a declaration swearing that he or she has had a reasonable difficulty that prevented obtaining one of the accepted forms of photo identification. Ramos went back to the drawing board but came to the same conclusion.The Texas Tribune reported:After weighing the evidence again, she came to the same conclusion, according to Monday s ruling. Her decision did not identify what some have called a smoking gun showing intent to discriminate, but it cited the state s long history of discrimination; virtually unprecedented radical departures from normal practices in fast-tracking the 2011 bill through the Legislature; the legislation s unduly strict terms; and lawmakers shifting rationales for passing a law that some said was needed to crack down on voter fraud. The Court holds that the evidence found infirm did not tip the scales, Ramos wrote. Civil rights groups and others suing the state offered evidence that established a discriminatory purpose was at least one of the substantial or motivating factors behind passage of SB 14, she added.The law requires a voter to use one of seven forms of identification when they vote. The voter can use a driver s license, concealed handgun license, military ID, passport, or a state-issued personal ID card.Democrats and civil rights activists claimed the Republican legislators departed from procedural norms in passing the law, including classifying it as emergency legislation, cutting debate short and bypassing the ordinary committee process in both chambers. But Republican officials, which includes Governor Greg Abbott, insists the law stops voter ID and strengthens the integrity of elections.From The New York Times:They said that the law was aimed at preventing voter fraud and that the departures from the normal legislative process were made to prevent Democratic lawmakers from manipulating procedural rules to thwart passage. They maintained that opponents had turned up no evidence that any legislator had intended to discriminate against blacks and Hispanics.Texas lawmakers have not announced how they ll respond, but they can choose to appeal again.Fox News reported:Republican Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton did not immediately react to the ruling, although the state could once again appeal, which is what one of Paxton s top deputies appeared to suggest would happen while testifying to lawmakers just as the ruling came down. Brantley Starr, a deputy first assistant attorney general, acknowledged that Texas could be dragged back under preclearance but noted there was little precedent. It s possible. It s our belief that you d have to have multiple instances of discriminatory purpose, he said.
#RedCross has opened an info center in The Dalles for people affected by the #SouthValleyFire. Anyone in need of food, water or info related to #wildfires in the area can just show up. The center is prepared to transition into an overnight shelter if needed. #oregonpic.twitter.com/TYm3jzJnPM
The parking garages are not designed for shelter during extreme hurricanes. If you park here, you do so at your own risk.
If Neighbor Science can help with the California wildfires, please let us know. I changed the air filter in my house like 6 months ago, so maybe my house will be useful as a base of operations. It's in VA and we don't have any extra spots but you can double park behind my car
Got News- New York Times Mexican telecom mogul Carlos Slim s blogger Michael Schmidt told professional liar Brian Williams that he hadn t seen the memos that James Comey allegedly wrote. Someone that had seen them recounted details to me, Schmidt said in what is a breach of journalistic protocol.Schmidt has been called out for getting a story wildly wrong before thanks to his anonymous sources. Schmidt, citing his anonymous federal law enforcement sources, claimed that one of the San Bernardino terrorists had talked about jihad openly. She didn t.His boss even reprimanded him and called for systematic changes to the way Schmidt and Carlos Slim s blog use anonymous sources.We guess our anonymous sources are better than the Times.Schmidt s open admissions on MSNBC confirm GotNews reporting Wednesday that Schmidt hasn t in fact seen the relevant Comey documents.
Whoever thought asking Obama s terrorists soldiers to shut down highways, throw Molotov cocktails, bricks, concrete and fireworks at innocent human beings who risk their lives every day to keep our cities and towns safe would be a good idea, should really reconsider. There hasn t been this much anger or distrust between Americans in decades. In the end, this movement will have just the opposite effect the protesters hoped it would have. Police officers will likely stop coming into high crime areas and will instead, allow residents to sort out their own dangerous situations. This movement has completely divided our country into responsible, level-headed Americans vs. angry citizens and illegal aliens who have signed up to be soldiers in Obama s race war and his war on law enforcement in America. Nothing good or positive will come out of this and Obama knows that. But then again, Barack care about the interests of the Americans who elected him. It s all about pushing his radical agenda. Twenty-one officers from various Minnesota law enforcement agencies were injured and more than 102 protestors were arrested as a demonstration on the I-94 freeway in St. Paul turned violent Saturday night, with protestors hurling rocks, bottles, fireworks and bricks at law enforcement officers on the scene.Hundreds of demonstrators began protesting at the Governor s Residence in St. Paul Saturday night over the police-involved shooting death of Philander Castile earlier in the week before heading onto the I-94 freeway around 8 p.m., local Fox affiliate KMSP reported.The interstate was shut down in both directions for more than five hours and the protests eventually turned violent, with demonstrators hurling bricks, fireworks and at least one Molotov cocktail at officers, according to the St. Paul Police Department. Via: BreitbartLast night and this morning, 21 officers from multiple agencies were injured on I-94 and other areas of the city. #I94closed St. Paul Police PIO (@sppdPIO) July 10, 2016Molotov cocktail thrown at officers. Unclear if anyone injured. #I94closed St. Paul Police PIO (@sppdPIO) July 10, 2016Another officer hit in the head with a large piece of concrete, possibly dropped from bridge. #I94closed St. Paul Police PIO (@sppdPIO) July 10, 2016Bricks now being thrown at officers, along with more rocks and bottles. #I94closed St. Paul Police PIO (@sppdPIO) July 10, 2016An officer was just hit in face with bottle thrown by a protester on St. Paul street. #I94closed St. Paul Police PIO (@sppdPIO) July 10, 2016Officers arrested 50 people for 3rd degree riot last night on I-94. #I94closed St. Paul Police PIO (@sppdPIO) July 10, 2016
#AFWAFactCheck A video of a hospitalised woman is going viral on social media with the claim that this is the wife of the Canadian PM, who has been infected with the #coronavirus. (@arjundeodia) https://t.co/UdNFaowEHe
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey s military operations in Syria s rebel-held province of Idlib aim to prevent a wave of migration into Turkey, Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said on Tuesday. Turkey has said it will provide assistance to rebels it has long backed as it implements a de-escalation agreement designed to reduce fighting with pro-government forces in the area, the most populous pocket of Syria still in rebel hands. On Sunday, a Turkish army reconnaissance team scouted the Idlib province before an expected military operation to impose peace in the bitterly contested Syrian northwest. The reason for our activities is to prepare the groundwork and prevent a potential migrant wave into our country and lower tensions, Yildirim told a parliamentary meeting of the ruling AK Party. Turkey, which is already hosting around three million Syrians, has been one of the biggest supporters of rebels fighting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad during the six-and-a-half-year war, but its focus has moved from ousting him to securing its own border against jihadist and Kurdish groups. Yildirim also said Turkey aimed to create control points in Idlib for future deployments, and that the activities of the armed forces in Idlib would help prevent internal conflicts between civilians and militant groups in the region.
#FactCheck: Were Indian flags waved at a political rally in Pakistan? #AFWAFactCheck l @IndiaToday https://t.co/hZeS5dO7Iz
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Cambodia police on Saturday deported 61 Chinese nationals wanted in China on suspicion of extorting money over the internet and by phone, they said, but Taiwan said 19 were from Taiwan. Several hundred suspected scammers have been arrested in Cambodia, which has emerged as a major center of rackets that have cost the victims billions of dollars. Pictures sent to Reuters on Saturday showed suspects wearing red shirts with their wrists bound together ahead of the deportation. Uk Heisela, chief of investigation at Cambodia s immigration department, said Chinese police had arrived to pick up the suspects. The Immigration Department deported 61 suspects, including 13 women, who were involved in extortions on the internet, Uk Heisela told Reuters. Uk Heisela said they had been detained during raids on Oct 17 and Oct 21 in the capital, Phnom Penh, and in Kandal and Preah Sihanouk provinces. Taiwan s government said 19 of them were from Taiwan, and that it had lodged a strong protest with China about the deportations. Taiwan has been unhappy that Taiwanese extortion suspects have been deported to China in the past and has accused Phnom Penh of acting at the behest of Beijing. China considers self-ruled Taiwan sovereign territory and Cambodia is one of China s closest allies in Southeast Asia.
You know how we all joke about Donald Trump s tiny hands because it s a safe way to avoid having to talk about his penis and/or testicles while still cracking wise about his penis and/or testicles? Well, now we have to talk about those after a photographer managed to catch a perfect shot of The Donald s probably gold-plated moose knuckle.Little Green Footballs Charles Johnson posted a photo that includes both Trump s tiny, tiny hands and his gross old man balls, which are drooping even lower than his approval ratings in the photo:Are you horrified? So is the rest of the internet.In the name of all that is holy, why didn t you pixelate the lower half of that pic?! ? Kilohana (@KilohanaKona) October 7, 2017Thank god someone else saw that besides me. I can never unsee that LZwirn (@lzwirn) October 7, 2017Sorry. I opened up the picture and it was his camel toe that caught my eye. I have to go now will be poking my eyes out. Thx Susie (@lali_susie) October 7, 2017I believe the gender appropriate term is moose knuckle . Petefied (@FiedlerPete) October 7, 2017His depends are bunched up. ?? (@csbarbourv) October 7, 2017My eyesssss!!!!!!!!!!! ??? JBerk (@JoeDaltn) October 7, 2017And racists think this fool is the epitome of the master race? Deeps (@dlreddy14051) October 7, 2017I haven t seen a camel toe on a man since Chris Christie s god-awful baseball uniform picture. Christie (@Christie1337) October 7, 2017Ewww! Ewwww! Ewwwww! Angry gram (@angry_gram) October 7, 2017At this point, Trump doesn t need to worry about any jokes about his tiny, tiny hands at all. This picture exists.Featured image is a screenshot
The solution is within the description of problems below: Food shortage = Economic issue of inequality NOT climatechange Wildfire = Mismanagement issue of Officials NOT climatechange Coastal destruction = Mismanagement issue of Officials NOT climatechange cont.. https://twitter.com/RepAnthonyBrown/status/1049759249239339008 …
Wikileaks released another email showing how phony Hillary s campaign has been from the start. Americans should never believe the polls. Hillary has NEVER given Americans a reason to want to get behind her. Its why she and her camp, with the help of the media are constantly manufacturing what appears to be (but really is not) support for her candidacy. The most HILL-larious part of this whole story is that Hillary s camp planned to use the young Tallahassee Mayor, Andrew Gillum to launch Hillary s fake grassroots group after he gave a speech at the DNC about how trust in government can be restored! Here is the attachment to an email addressed to Hillary s campaign manager, John Podesta:CONCEPT PAPEROBJECTIVE:Mobilize young voter participation for the 2016 election in support of Hillary ClintonSTRATEGY: Use young elected officials and entertainers to build a grassroots movement of under 40 voters as a vehicle to migrate support for Bernie into activism for Hillary.OPERATIONAL GOALS: Identify young elected officials (YEOs)across the country to become the face of a new organization that is focused on a progressive future. These young elected officials would promote both the organization, the ideas embraced by it and the need for civic engagement with an immediate focus on involvement in the 2016 election. They would be seen as the faces of a new progressivist movement that combines noble goals with political realities resulting in real progress.The organization would be built around a group of ideas or concepts as opposed to parties or individuals. The ideas should always reinforce the message that the under 40 generation needs to engage politically to shape their own future. Building the New Economy, Creating an Empowerment Society, Transitioning to a Sustainable World, Tearing Down Barriers are all phrases which might be included in the messaging. Support for the Hillary would be included in the messaging but initially as tangential to it, i.e. if you support these things then there really isn t another choice but her . Over time the messaging would transition more into the actionable item of involvement in the campaign and support for its efforts.The organization should be built around a Ready for Hillary type model: grassroots driven, limited engagement of the principal, both an organizational and small dollar fundraising component, centered on-line and in venues frequented by under 40 s college campuses, with a big emphasis on community colleges, nightclubs, athletic events, etc.The group should be branded separately from the campaign so people who engage with it feel like they created and own it as opposed to feeling swallowed by an organization that defeated them. A distinct name, artwork, website, spokespeople etc would be desired.TACTICS:The program should be launched initially in one state and then expand out. It should be seen as growing and spreading. We want people calling and asking if they can set one up in their state as opposed to forcing the model on them.The YEO s in that state would announce the formation of their group stating theirs goal to help elect a progressive President and engage young people with a goal of making sure their voices are heard and they are ready to participate. It should feel almost like we got together and decided to do this on our own . Depending on the organizational model, they could say they all support Hillary and are doing it to help but there are bigger and longer term objectives here, etc. Ideally you could say something like the campaign is providing limited resources but has agreed any funds you raise will be directed into youth outreach.They would then do a series of event which would be a college campus town hall during the day and a club type event that night. The town hall with students would be informal with talking with students about goals, dreams, political reality, how government can make things happen, how sometimes it doesn t, etc. It would end in a pitch for them to become engaged politically to build a progressive future. Later in the evening, these YEO s would attend and speak briefly at a campaign event in a bar/club featuring a local DJ or entertainer and has a nominal contribution as part of attendence. The campus event will be used to build buzz for the second event as well as the campaign itself. As momentum grows for the organization, bigger names would be brought in for the town hall events as well as bigger artists for the club events, furthering the momentum. Eventually, HRC/WJC/CVC as well as VP and Spouse would be integrated into these events but it should be seen as them coming to the movement as opposed to them trying to take it over.RECOMMENDATIONS:This program be launched by Mayor Andre Gillum in Florida. Goal would be early AprilTarget is to have 10 people at launchDo events in Miami, Palm Beach, Gainesville, Jacksonville, Tampa and Orlando in April.Convene a group of National YEO s in May/June to discuss their involvement.Have organization functioning in 5 battlegound states by June 1 Florida, Colorado, Virginia, North Carolina?
Category 5 hurricane #Dorian rips through the #Bahamas throwing vehicles and leveling housing complexes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpLcyyoguHw …
Bill Maher and his guests took an opportunity during Bill s show Real Time, to delight in the many failings of the most unsuccessful half-term governor in American history: Sarah Palin.This night, like many others, was not kind to Caribou Barbie. Bill and the guests began with a criticism of Trump for continuing to use Sarah Palin as his media mouthpiece. Bill compared Sarah to the Billy Bass talking fish decoration in an amazingly accurate way: The novelty has worn off, we can t remember why it was fun to begin with, and yet it keeps talking and quite frankly, it looks like it s on meth. After some accurate criticisms of Palin, Bill made his way into the announcement that Sarah is actually becoming a rapper. He d noticed recently that Sarah s speeches have been taking on something of a different tone, and they included a lot of rhyming words, showing examples in a video clip he had prepared.As if the video was not hilarious enough, Bill then presented Sarah s debut rap album, The Miseducation of Sarah Palin, with a track list that includes Boyz In My Daughter, Me, So Honky, and Fear Of A Black Planet (No Seriously, I m Terrified Of Black People). While we can all sit and laugh at the daily exercise in embarrassment that is Sarah s life, it does highlight an important point. The person who is probably going to be the Republican presidential nominee had the poor judgement to not only accept her endorsement, but he literally took her with him on the campaign. It s like 2008 all over again. Why doesn t anyone understand how bad she is?For Trump to one day announce that his entire campaign was an elaborate prank to embarrass republicans would be hilarious, but not surprising. It s the only way to explain it.Watch the funniest compilation of Sarah Palin in months below:Featured image via video screen capture
Trump s supporters, and some in the press, believe that if it wasn t for Trump being a disgusting sexual predator, Hillary Clinton would have been done when Wikileaks released a bunch of emails from her campaign. However, an aide to Hillary, John Podesta, has made an interesting connection, too. One of Trump s close allies, Roger Stone, communicates with Wikileaks.And Stone has just admitted to it. I do have a back-channel communication with Assange, because we have a good mutual friend, Stone told CBS4 News [Miami] Wednesday evening. That friend travels back and forth from the United States to London and we talk. I had dinner with him last Monday.' He claims he doesn t have direct communication with Assange, though, and he insists he has nothing to do with their email dump. Democrats and U.S. officials believe that Wikileaks might be working with Russia on this, which wouldn t be surprising since they hacked the DNC over the summer and are showing interest in trying to rig our election.Podesta has also accused Stone of having advance knowledge of what was going to be in Wikileaks email dump an accusation that Stone flatly denies: I have a back-channel communications with WikiLeaks, Stone told NBC News. But they certainly don t clear or tell me in advance what they re going to do.' What s the point of the communication, then? Given what Wikileaks is busy doing trying to expose Hillary as corrupt, which could tilt the election in Trump s favor it s not really all that difficult to imagine that this back-channel communication is actually collusion directly between Stone and Assange.In fact, back in August, Stone said he was in direct communication with Assange and that they were actively working to bring down Hillary s campaign. Speaking to the Southwest Broward Republican Organization, Stone referred directly to the so-called October surprise, saying, according to Mediaite: Well, it could be any number of things. I actually have communicated with Assange. I believe the next tranche of his documents pertain to the Clinton Foundation but there s no telling what the October surprise may be. Lately, it seems that everything anyone involved with Trump tries to do to bring Hillary and the Democrats down backfires. If Stone communicates with Wikileaks, that implicates the Trump campaign. He s admitted to back-channel communication. He has said he s spoken to Assange, although he denies it now. This won t look good for Trump s already faltering campaign.Featured image via Ben Jackson/Getty Images for SiriusXM