Who sat on a lower platform than the Tibetan cleric?
the Yongle Emperor
Who showed a great amount of respect to Deshin Shekpa?
Linggu Temple
At what temple did the ceremonies for the Yongle Emperor's deceased parents take place?
Where was the Linggu Temple located?
Great Treasure Prince of Dharma
What title was Deshin Shekpa given at Nanjing?
religious leaders of other Tibetan Buddhist sects
Who did Deshin Shekpa persuade the Yongle Emperor to give the title to?
the Mongols
Who imposed on the military might on Tibet in the past?
religious purposes
Hok-Lam Chan states that Deshin Skekpa was only invited for what purpose?
to send a military force into Tibet
What was said to be the Yongle Emperor plans?
to forcibly give the Karmapa authority over all the Tibetan Buddhist schools
Why was the Yongle Emperor said to have been planning to send military forces into Tibet?
Deshin Shekpa
Who convinced the Yongle emperor not to send military forces into Tibet?
Jianwen Emperor
Who did the Yongle Emperor have a conflict with?
Deshin Shekpa
Who aided the legitimacy of the Yongle Emperor's rule?
Deshin Shekpa's miracles
What served as a legitimizing tool for the emperor's succession to the throne?
Chinese Communist historians
According to Norbu who failed to realize the significance of the religious aspect of the Ming-Tibetan relationship?
Buddhist artifacts
What were the items of tribute?
Josef Kolmaš
Who believe that the Ming dynasty did not exercise any direct political control over Tibet?
What years did the Zhengtong Emperor reign?
The Information Office of the State Council of the PRC
Who maintains an edict of the Zhengtong Emperor?
the Karmapa
Who was the edict addressed to?
Great Treasure Prince of Dharma
Who had a message delivered to them by Zhengtong?
after the latter's agent had brought holy relics to the Ming court
When was the edict written?
the Karmapa hierarchs
Who did the Ming cut off all relations with?
What year did the Ming cut off the Karmapa hierarchs?
When did Deshin Shekpa die?
the Karmapa
Who did the Ming court think the representatives were sent by?
to facilitate trade with Tibet
Why did Yongle order the construction?
tea, horses, and salt
What did Yongle want to trade with Tibet?
through Sichuan and crossed Shangri-La County in Yunnan
where did the trade route pass through?
to secure urgently needed horses
Why does Van Praag believe the Ming court set up a diplomatic delegation with Tibet?
Silk workshops
What shops were catered to the Tibetan market?
Tibetan Buddhist
What visual images and symbols were on furnishings from the silk workshops?
the Ming
who were the Tibetan areas were ruled by?
a mandatory "corvée" tax
Wang and Nyima believed horses were collected from Tibet as what kind of tax?
Who did the Ming trade horses with?
Altan Khan
Who was the leader of the Tümed Mongols?
the Oirat Mongol confederation's hegemony
Who did Altan Khan overthrow?
the Ming dynasty
Who did Altan Khan make peace with?
Altan Khan
Who convinced the Ming to reopen their border markets in 1573?
the 14th century
When did the Hongwu Emperor use military force in Tibet?
November 1378
When was the Marquis Mu Ying commissioned to quell?
How many Tibetan prisoners did Mu Ying capture?
How many animals did Mu Ying capture?
Ming general Qu Neng
Who was ordered to force a Tibetan assault into Sichuan?
recovery of the Ordos region
What did the mid Ming dynasty discussion focus mainly on?
the Mongols
Who used the the Ordos region as a place to stage raids?
Ming China
Where were the Mongols trying to raise?
to help stabilize border regions and protect trade routes
Why did P. Christiaan Klieger believe that the Ming court supported high Tibetan lamas?
What policy does Luciano Petech and Sato Hisashi claim the Ming held towards the Tibet?
after the Sakya regime had fallen
When did the Ming hold the divide and rule policy?
fifth Karmapa
Who did Yongle Emperor fail to build a solid relationship with?
many different Tibetan lamas
Who did the Yongle Emperor give patronage to?
the Phagmodrupa
Who were the Rinpungpa leaders related to?
When did the the prince of Rinbung occupy Lhasa?
New Years ceremonies and prayers
What was the most important event to the Gelug?
When was Gelug was given the right to conduct the New Years prayer?
When did the Zhengde Emperor rule?
the company of lamas
Who's company did the Zhengde Emperor enjoy?
Mikyö Dorje
Who was the 8th Karmapa Lama?
Chinese writers of the early 20th century
Who said Tibet wasn't an integral part of of China?
China's intervening Ming dynasty
What does Sperling claim did not have any control over Tibet?
the 13th century
Since what century has Sperling described Ming and Tibet's relation being problematic for China?
the 18th century
When was the Manchu Qing dynasty invasion?
the Qing dynasty
During Which dynasty does Josef Kolmaš claim Tibet was considered an organic part of China?
the Chinese central government
Josef Kolmaš states that Tibet became subject to what government?
the Tibetan lamas and Mongol khans
Who does P. Christiaan Klieger claim to have had a mutual role of religious prelate?
the Republic of China and its Communist successors
Who does P. Christiaan Klieger believe undertook the former imperial tributaries?
the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco
Where does P. Christiaan Klieger work?
the Mongols
Who was the vice royalty of the Sakya regime established by?
patron and priest relationship
The Sakya regime established what kind of relationship between the Tibetans and Mongol converts?
the 13th century
When was Tibet included into the territory of Yuan dynasty's China?
the Ming dynasty
Who was said to have gained the right to rule Tibet?
When was China Daily started?
the Ming
Who does the article claim had two itinerant high commands over Tibet?
the central government of China
According to article Tibet has remained under what jurisdiction?
When did the Jiajing Emperor reign?
the native Chinese ideology of Daoism
What ideology was sponsored at the Ming court?
the Tibetan lamas
Who stopped their trips to Ming China?
Yang Tinghe
Who was the Grand Secretary under Jiajing?
Yang Tinghe
Who broke the eunuch influence at court?
Who was Zhengde's successor?
Neo-Confucian establishment
What establishment did the politics at court shift in favor of?
the Portuguese embassy
Which embassy did the Neo-Confucian establishment reject?
Tibetan Buddhism and lamas
Who did the Neo-Confucian establishment have animosity towards?
Evelyn S. Rawski claims that Ming's relationship with Tibetan prelates ended during who's reign?
the Kokonor region
What region did the Tumed Mongols move into?
the Ming Chinese frontier
Which frontier did the Tumed Mongols raid?
the Ming
The presence of the Altan Khan in the west reduced whos influence?
When did Altan Khan make peace with the Ming dynasty?
the third hierarch of the Gelug—Sönam Gyatso
Who did Altan Khan invite to meet him in Amdo?
the native Mongol practices of shamanism and blood sacrifice
What practice did Altan Khan put to an end?
the Mongol princes and subjects
Who did Altan Khan persuade to convert to Gelug Buddhism?
What did Altan Khan threaten the Mongol princes and subjects with if they did not convert?
the Dalai Lama
Who did the Mongol princes ask to grant them titles?
Committed to their religious leader
Why did the Mongol princes ask for titles?
Tümen Khan
Who was Altan Khan's nominal superior?
the great-grandson of Altan Khan
To make the Mongol-Tibetan alliance stronger who became the 4th Dalai Lama?
the 5th Dalai Lama
Who was the first Dalai Lama to have political control over Tibet?
In 1642
When did the 5th Dalai Lama gain political control over Tibet?
Sonam Gyatso
Who was given the grandiose title?