Who did Rolpe Dorje send as envoys to court in Nanjing?
Ming government
Who created a law that did not allow Han Chinese to learn the beliefs of Tibetan Buddhism?
What years did the Yongle Emperor reign?
the Yongle Emperor
Who worked towards obtaining a extension of relations with Tibet?
What years did the Qing dynasty rule?
what year was the history of Ming produced?
É-Lì-Sī Army-Civilian Marshal Office
What did the Ming dynasty create?
seventeen Qianhu offices
How many Qianhu offices were there?
western Tibet
where was the É-Lì-Sī Army-Civilian Marshal Office established?
How many princes of Dharma were assigned by the Ming court?
Tai Situ Changchub Gyaltsen
Who established the Tibetan law code?
Tai Situ Changchub Gyaltsen
Who was the Phagmodru ruler?
Turrell V. Wylie
who was a professor of the University of Washington?
Who had a large amount of contacts with china during Yuan?
Morris Rossabi
Who believed that Tibet barely had any diplomatic relations with the Ming?
historian Tsepon W. D. Shakabpa
Who supported van Praag's beliefs?
Wang Jiawei and Nyima Gyaincain
Who did not agree with van Praag and Shakabpa?
Wang and Nyima
Who believed that the Ming court had full sovereignty over Tibet?
What year did Wang and Nyima believe that the Mongol Prince Punala went to Nanjing?
What did the lamas called themselves?
imperial edicts
What edicts did the Ming issue?
Journalist and author Thomas Laird
Who wrote the book The Story of Tibet?
the British
who colonized India and New Zealand?
the government viewpoint of the People's Republic of China
Who's viewpoint does Thomas Laird believe Wang and Nyima present?
A Mongol dynasty of China
How did the The Columbia Encyclopedia describe the Yuan dynasty?
the line of Mongol rulers in China
How did the Encyclopedia Americana describe the Yuan Dynasty?
a non-Chinese polity
What did Thomas Laird dismiss the Yuan dynasty as?
Who wrote the book Khubilai Khan?
1271 to 1368
When did the yuan dynasty start and end?
When did Ayurbarwada Buyantu Khan reign?
a licensed border market
During the Yuan what existed between China and Tibet?
the Mongols and other ethnicities
Who was granted higher status than the Han Chinese majority?
the Ming
Who abolished the policy council?
the General of the Ngari Military and Civil Wanhu Office
What was the Tibetan leader Choskunskyabs appointed as?
Ming dynasty's Ü-Tsang Commanding Office
Who governed most areas of Tibet?
Where is the China Tibetology Research Center located?
Chen Qingying
Who was the Director of the History Studies Institute?
1,000 households
How many households were the offices of Qianhu in charge of?
10,000 households
How many households were the offices of Wanhu in charge of?
John Powers
What was the name of the Tibetologist?
ruling lamas
Who did the Ming emperors send invitations to?
When the lamas received an invite from the emperors, who did they send instead?
the Tarim Basin and oasis of Turpan
What was the western regions composed of?
foreign officials
Who believed that they were the true Han Western representatives?
Education Minister
What title was given by the Yuan court to Tai Situ Changchub Gyaltsen ?
What Tibetan title was hardly ever mentioned when referring to Tai Situ Changchub Gyaltsen?
Phagmodrupa Dynasty
What dynasty kept a Central-local government relation with the Yuan imperial court?
Wang and Nyima
What two people claim the title of Education Minister was often seen next to Tai Situ Changchub Gyaltsen's name in Tibetan texts?
The Tai Situpa
Who wrote in their will that they received loving care from the emperor in the east?
Changchub Gyaltsen
Who divided Central Tibet into districts?
Van Praag
Who strongly believed Changchub Gyaltsen wanted to restore the glories of its Imperial age to Tibet?
the University of Washington
What university was Lok-Ham Chan a professor at?
all traces of Mongol suzerainty
What did Lok-Ham Chan claim Changchub Gyaltsen wanted to remove?
Sagya Gyaincain
Who did the Hongwu Emperor grant the title Initiation State Master to?
the Ming officer of Hezhou
Who suggested to the emperor that an official title be granted to second Phagmodru ruler?
Jamyang Shakya Gyaltsen
Who was the second Phagmodru ruler?
the Ming officer of Hezhou
Who told the emperor that the situation in Dbus and Gtsang were under control?
to the Ming court
Where were the envoys sent?
the Phagmodrupa
Who lost their power over Tibet?
What year did the Phagmodrupa lose their power over Tibet?
What year did the 5th Dalai lama start to dominate over Tibet?
What did the other families fail to establish?
the Karmapa Kargyu
The Ming Dynasty granted what titles to lamas of schools?
Who did the Ming Dynasty decline titles from after receiving invitations?
Je Tsongkhapa
Who was the founder of the Gelug school?
the Ming Yongle Emperor
Who invited Je Tsongkhapa to come pay tribute?
Who wrote the letter declining the Emperor's invitation?
When did the Ming first request Tsongkhapa to come to court?
When did the Ming court send a second request to Tsongkhapa?
his disciple Chosrje Shākya Yeshes
Who did Tsongkhapa send in his place to Nanjing?
When was Chosrje Shākya Yeshes sent to Nanjing?
Dawa Norbu
Who believed the Ming reappointed old Yuan dynasty officials in Tibet?
eastern Tibetan princes
Who did the Ming appoint titles to?
an army
What didn't the Ming send to replace the Mongols when they left Tibet?
What does Yiu Yung-chin claim the Ming did not possess?
Yang Sanbao
What was the name of the eunuch?
Where did the Yongle Emperor send Yang Sanbao?
When did Yongle Emperor send Yang Sanbao into Tibet?
the allegiance of various Tibetan princes
Why did Yongle Emperor send Yang Sanbao into Tibet?
to maintain the loyalty of neighboring vassal states
Why did the emperor pay a small fortune in gifts?
the Ming court
Who did the Gelug exchange gifts with?
Until what year frame did the Gelug exchange gifts with the the Ming?
the Mingshi or the Mingshi Lu
What was the Gelug not mentioned in?
various lamas
Regardless of their sectarian affiliations, who did the Ming grant titles to?
the Phagmodru myriarchy
Who was the viceregal Sakya regime overthrown by?
Melvyn C. Goldstein
Who believed that the Ming had no real authority over Tibet?
What years did the Rinpungpa regime start and end?
Melvyn C. Goldstein
Who believed that the titles given to Tibetan leaders did not confer authority?
What years did the Tsangpa start and end?
What year did the Jianwen Emperor reign start and end?
the Buddhist monk Yao Guangxiao
Who aided the Yongle Emperor?
the Hongwu Emperor
Who was Yongle Emperor's father?
March 10, 1403
When did the Yongle Emperor invite Deshin Shekpa to his court?
Hou Xian and the Buddhist monk Zhi Guang
Who did the Yongle Emperor send to Tibet?
to seek out the Karmapa
Why did the Yongle Emperor send Hou Xian and Zhi Guang to Tibet?
When did Hou Xian and Zhi Guang return to Nanjing?
through Qinghai or via the Silk Road to Khotan
Where did Hou Xian and Zhi Guang travel through on their way to the Karmapa?
When did Deshin Shekpa travels start?
Where did the Yongle Emperor greet the Karmapa?
the Karmapa
Who did the Emperor give the place of honor at his left to?