in Destiny's Child's shows and tours
Where were items from the clothing line displayed?
her mother
Who shares in the House of Deréon fashion line introduction with Beyoncé?
What is the name of the House of Deréon junior collection?
What type of accessory company did Beyonce partner with in 2005?
In 2010, Beyonce released Dereon to what country?
Back-to-school shopping was introduced in what year of Beyonce's clothing line?
House of Deréon collection
What did Beyonce's Fashion Diva feature?
Sasha Fierce for Deréon
What new idea did Beyonce and her mother launch in 2009?
May 27, 2010
When did Beyonce partner with C&A to sell fashion in Brazil?
House of Brands
What company did Beyoncé get together with in 2005 to add shoes to her fashions?
Beyoncé Fashion Diva
What was the name of the game put out by Starwave Mobile in 2008 that featured Beyoncé fashions?
Sasha Fierce for Deréon
What was the name of the junior fashions launched in 2009 by Beyoncé and her mother?
Who did Beyoncé team up with in 2010 to get her fashions into Brazil?
Sasha Fierce for Deréon fashions were sold at stores that included Macy's and what other store?
Beyonce, during October 2014, partnered with whom to produce an outdoor line of clothing?
autumn 2015
Beyonce and Topshops first products were to be sold in stores when?
Parkwood Topshop Athletic Ltd
What is the new business called?
What is Beyonce's percentage of ownership in the new venture?
April 2016
When will the full line appear?
What company did Beyoncé contract with to sell clothing in England?
Parkwood Topshop Athletic Ltd
What is the name of the equal partnership's fashion line between Beyoncé and the British company to come out in 2016?
What type of clothing does the British partnership with Beyoncé sell?
Hurricane Katrina
What national disaster caused Beyonce to create the Survivor Foundation?
How much cash did Beyonce put into the venture, the Survivor Foundation at startup?
What hurricane years later after Katrina did the organization provide support for?
the Survivor Foundation
What did Beyonce and Rowland found in 2005?
How much did Beyonce initially contribute to the foundation?
expanded to work with other charities
How has this foundation changed in recent years?
Survivor Foundation
What foundation did Beyoncé start after Hurricane Katrina?
How much money did Beyoncé contribute at the beginning of her Hurricane Katrina foundation?
Hurricane Ike
What other hurricane did Beyoncé's foundation help with?
George Clooney and Wyclef Jean
Who did Beyonce participate with in the Hope for Haiti Now: A Global Benefit?
Brooklyn Phoenix House
Beyonce opened a cosmetology center in what location?
God Bless the USA
After Osama Bin Laden's death, what single did Beyonce cover?
$1 million
How much did the T-shirt with Beyonce's image on it make?
Beyoncé Cosmetology Center at the Brooklyn Phoenix House
What enterprise did Beyonce and her mother start on March 5, 2010?
New York Police and Fire Widows' and Children's Benefit Fund
What charity benefited from the release of the song, God Bless the USA?
Hope for Haiti Now: A Global Benefit
What did she participate in with George Clooney?
George Clooney and Wyclef Jean
Which two stars did Beyoncé help with their Haiti Earthquake organization?
Beyoncé Cosmetology Center
What did Beyoncé open at the Brooklyn Phoenix House in 2010?
God Bless the USA
What Lee Greenwood song did Beyoncé cover after Osama bin Laden was killed?
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting
Which national event caused Beyonce to produce "Demand a Plan?"
I Was Here
What song did Beyonce contribute to the campaign?
Miss a Meal
Beyonce is contributing to which food-donation campaign?
On June 1 , 2013 where was the concert held for "a Chime for Change"?
her mother
Beyonce was speaking about whom when she said her gift was "finding the best qualities in every human being."?
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.
The Demand a Plan video campaign followed what tragic event?
spread female empowerment
What was the focus of the Gucci Chime for Change campaign?
What crowdfunding platform was used in the concert?
Demand A Plan
What is the name of the campaign that Beyoncé and others are involved in that deals with gun control?
Sandy Hook Elementary School
What school shooting prompted the creation of Demand A Plan?
I Was Here
What song did Beyoncé donate to the 2012 World Humanitarian Day campaign?
Salma Hayek and Frida Giannini
Who did Beyoncé work with in 2013 on the Chime for Change campaign?
Polish and French
What was Frédéric's nationalities?
Romantic era
In what era was Frédéric active in?
solo piano
For what instrument did Frédéric write primarily for?
Duchy of Warsaw
In what area was Frédéric born in?
At what age did Frédéric depart from Poland?
What year was Chopin born?
Romantic era
What era was Chopin active during?
Where did Chopin grow up?
solo piano
What instrument did he mostly compose for?
At what age did Chopin leave Poland?
17 October 1849
When did Chopin die?
Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin
What was Chopin's full name?
solo piano
The majority of Chopin's compositions were for what instrument?
Romantic era
Chopin was active during what era?
In what year was Chopin born?
In what city was Chopin born and raised?
How old was Chopin when he left Poland?
In what era of music did Chopin compose?
What year did Chopin die?
At what age did Frédéric move to Paris?
How many public performances was Frédéric estimated to have given during the remainder of his life?
In what year did Frédéric obtain citizenship in France?
In what area had Frédéric's most productive period of composition taken place?
What was Frédéric's most likely cause of death?
Where did he end up living when he was 21?
How many public shows did he perform during the last years of his life?
Franz Liszt
What other composer did Chopin develop a friendship with?
What year did he gain citizenship in France?
Maria Wodzińska
What is the name of the woman he had a relationship with from 1837-847?
At what age did Chopin move to Paris?
During the last 18 years he lived about how many times did Chopin perform in public?
What year did Chopin become a citizen of France?
Jane Stirling
In the last years of his life who was the person that supported him financially?
In what year did Chopin become a French citizen?
Jane Stirling
Who gave Chopin money in the last years of his life?
What was the likely cause of death for Chopin?
What instrument did every composition by Frédéric include?
instrumental ballade
What concept was Frédéric credited with creating?
J. S. Bach, Mozart and Schubert
Whose music did Frédéric admire the most and thus provide influence on his work?
nuance and sensitivity
What features marked Frédéric's performance style and made them unique?
Paris salons
What establishments did Frédéric frequently visit in Paris that influenced his career?
Which instrument do every one of his compositions include?
instrumental ballade
What concept did Chopin create?
nuance and sensitivity
What are two things Chopin's performances were known for?
J. S. Bach, Mozart and Schubert
What three composers influenced Chopin's work?
Chopin wrote some music to lyrics, what language were the lyrics?
What instrument is involved in all of Chopin's work?