Chopin composed several songs to lyrics of what language?
nuance and sensitivity
Chopin's performances were known for what?
J. S. Bach, Mozart and Schubert
What three composers did Chopin take inspiration from?
What instrument was all of Chopin's compositions written for?
What language were some songs written in that Chopin wrote music for?
Paris salons
Of what venue was Chopin an often invited guest?
What was the degree of Frédéric's association with political insurrection?
his love life and his early death
What parts of Frédéric's personal life influenced his legacy as a leading symbol of the era?
Romantic era
In which era was Frédéric leave a legacy of as a leading symbol?
films and biographies
In what forms of media has Frédéric been the subject of?
Where did Chopin create the majority of his compositions?
Chopin is a native of what country?
political insurrection
He had a non-direct association with what?
Romantic era
Chopin is closely associated with what era?
Where did Chopin create most of his works?
political insurrection
Chopin was indirectly related to what?
Romantic era
Chopin is considered a prominent symbol of what?
Żelazowa Wola
In what village was Frédéric born in?
22 February 1810
On what date was Frédéric born on?
1 March
Despite the birthdate given by parish baptismal, what date is given by the composer and his family instead?
Fridericus Franciscus
What was the latin form of Frédéric's full name?
How many miles was the village Frédéric born in located to the west of Warsaw?
Żelazowa Wola
Where was Chopin born?
Who was responsible for the creation of the Duchy of Warsaw?
22 February 1810
When was his birthday recorded as being?
1 March
What birth date is now considered as his actual birthday?
Fridericus Franciscus
Chopin's given names in Latin are what?
The Duchy of Warsaw was created by whom?
22 February 1810
Chopin's birth is recorded as when?
1 March
What birth date is now considered correct for Chopin?
Fridericus Franciscus
What is the Latin form of Chopin's name?
Żelazowa Wola
Chopin was actually born outside of Warsaw at what location?
What famous French leader had established the Polish state at this time?
Justyna Krzyżanowska
Who did Frédéric's father marry in 1806?
23 April 1810
On what date was Frédéric baptised?
What language did Frédéric's father, Nicolas, insist on using in the household?
What was the given name of Chopin's father?
Where was Chopin's father from?
Justyna Krzyżanowska
Chopin's father married who?
Fryderyk Skarbek
What is the name of Chopin's godfather?
What is the name of Chopin's eldest sister?
What was Chopin's father's first name?
From where id Chopin's father emigrate from?
What is Chopin's older sister's name?
During what month did Frédéric move to Warsaw with his family?
What language did Frédéric's father teach after they had moved to Warsaw?
the Palace grounds
Where did Frédéric live with his family while they were in Warsaw?
flute and violin
What two instruments did Frédéric's father play during this time?
What was Frédéric prone to during early childhood as a result of his slight build?
October 1810
When did Chopin's family move to Warsaw?
Warsaw Lyceum
Where did Chopin's father get a teaching position?
flute and violin
What instruments did Chopin's father play?
What instrument did Chopin's mother teach?
six months
How old was Chopin when his family moved to Warsaw?
What language did Chopin's father teach?
flute and violin
What two instruments did Chopin's father play?
What instrument did Chopin's mother teach at the boarding house?
Saxon Palace.
Where did Chopin live with his family in Warsaw?
Wojciech Żywny
Who was Frédéric's first professional teacher in music?
Which sister did Frédéric play duets with sometimes while being tutored at this time?
At what age did Frédéric start giving public concerts?
two polonaises
What did Frédéric compose during the year of 1817?
a polonaise in A-flat major of 1821
What is the earliest surviving musical notation composed by Frédéric?
Wojciech Żywny
Who was Chopin's initial piano teacher?
Which of his sisters did Chopin sometimes duet with?
At what age did Chopin start playing publicly?
What year did Chopin compose his first work?
1816 to 1821
During what years did Chopin receive instruction from Żywny?
Wojciech Żywny
What is the name of Chopin's first music teacher that was not an amateur musician?
Which of Chopin's sisters would play music with him?
How old was Chopin when he began to perform for the public?
Wojciech Żywny
Who was Chopin's earliest piece of music, that there is a record of, dedicated to?
In what year was the Saxon Palace taken by the Russian governor for use regarding the military?
Warsaw University
What establishment today contains what was known as the Warsaw Lyceum during that time?
Kazimierz Palace
What building was Frédéric's new home adjacent to?
Belweder Palace
What palace was Frédéric sometimes invited to as a companion of the ruler's son?
Nasze Przebiegi
What short poem spoke of Frédéric's popularity as a child?
The Saxon Palace was taken over for military use in what year?
Kazimierz Palace
The Warsaw Lyceum was moved to where?
Grand Duke Constantine
As a child Chopin was invited to play with the son of whom?
a march
What did Chopin create for Grand Duke Constantine?
Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz
In one of his works who affirmed the popularity of Chopin as a child?
Belweder Palace
What was the place Chopin was invited to as a friend of ruler's son?
Grand Duke Constantine
What is the title and name of the ruler whose son Chopin was friends with?
a march
What type of musical piece did Chopin compose for his friend's ruling father?
Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz
Who wrote in 1818 about the popularity of Chopin?
1823 to 1826
During what years did Frédéric visit the Warsaw Lyceum for lessons?
Józef Elsner
Who was Frédéric a student of involving music theory starting in 1826?
What was the name of the mechanical organ Frédéric performed on during 1825?
Alexander I
Which tsar did Frédéric perform for due to his success in previous concerts?
10 June 1825
On what date was Frédéric's first performance that earned international esteem?
Wilhelm Würfel
Who taught Chopin to play the organ?
Józef Elsner
Chopin had three years of lessons with whom?
What instrument did Chopin play in front of Tsar Alexander I?
diamond ring
What gift did Tsar Alexander I give to Chopin?
Rondo Op. 1
What was the first of Chopin's works to gain international renown?
Wilhelm Würfel
Who gave Chopin instruction on how to play the organ?
Józef Elsner
What was the name of the teacher of Chopin's three year course that began in the fall of 1826?
What is th ename of the mechanical organ Chopin played in 1825?
a diamond ring.
What did Tsar Alexander I give to Chopin?