981 values
15 values
# util/ # Copyright (C) 2005-2015 the SQLAlchemy authors and contributors # <see AUTHORS file> # # This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under # the MIT License: """Handle Python version/platform incompatibilities.""" import sys try: import threading except ImportError: import dummy_threading as threading py36 = sys.version_info >= (3, 6) py33 = sys.version_info >= (3, 3) py32 = sys.version_info >= (3, 2) py3k = sys.version_info >= (3, 0) py2k = sys.version_info < (3, 0) py265 = sys.version_info >= (2, 6, 5) jython = sys.platform.startswith('java') pypy = hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info') win32 = sys.platform.startswith('win') cpython = not pypy and not jython # TODO: something better for this ? import collections next = next if py3k: import pickle else: try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: import pickle # work around if py265: safe_kwarg = lambda arg: arg else: safe_kwarg = str ArgSpec = collections.namedtuple("ArgSpec", ["args", "varargs", "keywords", "defaults"]) if py3k: import builtins from inspect import getfullargspec as inspect_getfullargspec from urllib.parse import (quote_plus, unquote_plus, parse_qsl, quote, unquote) import configparser from io import StringIO from io import BytesIO as byte_buffer def inspect_getargspec(func): return ArgSpec( *inspect_getfullargspec(func)[0:4] ) string_types = str, binary_type = bytes text_type = str int_types = int, iterbytes = iter def u(s): return s def ue(s): return s def b(s): return s.encode("latin-1") if py32: callable = callable else: def callable(fn): return hasattr(fn, '__call__') def cmp(a, b): return (a > b) - (a < b) from functools import reduce print_ = getattr(builtins, "print") import_ = getattr(builtins, '__import__') import itertools itertools_filterfalse = itertools.filterfalse itertools_filter = filter itertools_imap = map from itertools import zip_longest import base64 def b64encode(x): return base64.b64encode(x).decode('ascii') def b64decode(x): return base64.b64decode(x.encode('ascii')) else: from inspect import getargspec as inspect_getfullargspec inspect_getargspec = inspect_getfullargspec from urllib import quote_plus, unquote_plus, quote, unquote from urlparse import parse_qsl import ConfigParser as configparser from StringIO import StringIO from cStringIO import StringIO as byte_buffer string_types = basestring, binary_type = str text_type = unicode int_types = int, long def iterbytes(buf): return (ord(byte) for byte in buf) def u(s): # this differs from what six does, which doesn't support non-ASCII # strings - we only use u() with # literal source strings, and all our source files with non-ascii # in them (all are tests) are utf-8 encoded. return unicode(s, "utf-8") def ue(s): return unicode(s, "unicode_escape") def b(s): return s def import_(*args): if len(args) == 4: args = args[0:3] + ([str(arg) for arg in args[3]],) return __import__(*args) callable = callable cmp = cmp reduce = reduce import base64 b64encode = base64.b64encode b64decode = base64.b64decode def print_(*args, **kwargs): fp = kwargs.pop("file", sys.stdout) if fp is None: return for arg in enumerate(args): if not isinstance(arg, basestring): arg = str(arg) fp.write(arg) import itertools itertools_filterfalse = itertools.ifilterfalse itertools_filter = itertools.ifilter itertools_imap = itertools.imap from itertools import izip_longest as zip_longest import time if win32 or jython: time_func = time.clock else: time_func = time.time from collections import namedtuple from operator import attrgetter as dottedgetter if py3k: def reraise(tp, value, tb=None, cause=None): if cause is not None: value.__cause__ = cause if value.__traceback__ is not tb: raise value.with_traceback(tb) raise value def raise_from_cause(exception, exc_info=None): if exc_info is None: exc_info = sys.exc_info() exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = exc_info reraise(type(exception), exception, tb=exc_tb, cause=exc_value) else: exec("def reraise(tp, value, tb=None, cause=None):\n" " raise tp, value, tb\n") def raise_from_cause(exception, exc_info=None): # not as nice as that of Py3K, but at least preserves # the code line where the issue occurred if exc_info is None: exc_info = sys.exc_info() exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = exc_info reraise(type(exception), exception, tb=exc_tb) if py3k: exec_ = getattr(builtins, 'exec') else: def exec_(func_text, globals_, lcl=None): if lcl is None: exec('exec func_text in globals_') else: exec('exec func_text in globals_, lcl') def with_metaclass(meta, *bases): """Create a base class with a metaclass. Drops the middle class upon creation. Source: """ class metaclass(meta): __call__ = type.__call__ __init__ = type.__init__ def __new__(cls, name, this_bases, d): if this_bases is None: return type.__new__(cls, name, (), d) return meta(name, bases, d) return metaclass('temporary_class', None, {}) from contextlib import contextmanager try: from contextlib import nested except ImportError: # removed in py3k, credit to mitsuhiko for # workaround @contextmanager def nested(*managers): exits = [] vars = [] exc = (None, None, None) try: for mgr in managers: exit = mgr.__exit__ enter = mgr.__enter__ vars.append(enter()) exits.append(exit) yield vars except: exc = sys.exc_info() finally: while exits: exit = exits.pop() try: if exit(*exc): exc = (None, None, None) except: exc = sys.exc_info() if exc != (None, None, None): reraise(exc[0], exc[1], exc[2])
# coding=utf-8 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. # Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- from typing import Any, AsyncIterable, Callable, Dict, Generic, Optional, TypeVar, Union import warnings from azure.core.async_paging import AsyncItemPaged, AsyncList from azure.core.exceptions import ClientAuthenticationError, HttpResponseError, ResourceExistsError, ResourceNotFoundError, map_error from azure.core.pipeline import PipelineResponse from azure.core.pipeline.transport import AsyncHttpResponse, HttpRequest from azure.core.polling import AsyncLROPoller, AsyncNoPolling, AsyncPollingMethod from azure.mgmt.core.exceptions import ARMErrorFormat from azure.mgmt.core.polling.async_arm_polling import AsyncARMPolling from ... import models as _models T = TypeVar('T') ClsType = Optional[Callable[[PipelineResponse[HttpRequest, AsyncHttpResponse], T, Dict[str, Any]], Any]] class ImagesOperations: """ImagesOperations async operations. You should not instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should create a Client instance that instantiates it for you and attaches it as an attribute. :ivar models: Alias to model classes used in this operation group. :type models: ~azure.mgmt.compute.v2019_12_01.models :param client: Client for service requests. :param config: Configuration of service client. :param serializer: An object model serializer. :param deserializer: An object model deserializer. """ models = _models def __init__(self, client, config, serializer, deserializer) -> None: self._client = client self._serialize = serializer self._deserialize = deserializer self._config = config async def _create_or_update_initial( self, resource_group_name: str, image_name: str, parameters: "_models.Image", **kwargs: Any ) -> "_models.Image": cls = kwargs.pop('cls', None) # type: ClsType["_models.Image"] error_map = { 401: ClientAuthenticationError, 404: ResourceNotFoundError, 409: ResourceExistsError } error_map.update(kwargs.pop('error_map', {})) api_version = "2019-12-01" content_type = kwargs.pop("content_type", "application/json") accept = "application/json" # Construct URL url = self._create_or_update_initial.metadata['url'] # type: ignore path_format_arguments = { 'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str'), 'imageName': self._serialize.url("image_name", image_name, 'str'), 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self._config.subscription_id", self._config.subscription_id, 'str'), } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("api_version", api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] header_parameters['Content-Type'] = self._serialize.header("content_type", content_type, 'str') header_parameters['Accept'] = self._serialize.header("accept", accept, 'str') body_content_kwargs = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] body_content = self._serialize.body(parameters, 'Image') body_content_kwargs['content'] = body_content request = self._client.put(url, query_parameters, header_parameters, **body_content_kwargs) pipeline_response = await, stream=False, **kwargs) response = pipeline_response.http_response if response.status_code not in [200, 201]: map_error(status_code=response.status_code, response=response, error_map=error_map) raise HttpResponseError(response=response, error_format=ARMErrorFormat) if response.status_code == 200: deserialized = self._deserialize('Image', pipeline_response) if response.status_code == 201: deserialized = self._deserialize('Image', pipeline_response) if cls: return cls(pipeline_response, deserialized, {}) return deserialized _create_or_update_initial.metadata = {'url': '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/{imageName}'} # type: ignore async def begin_create_or_update( self, resource_group_name: str, image_name: str, parameters: "_models.Image", **kwargs: Any ) -> AsyncLROPoller["_models.Image"]: """Create or update an image. :param resource_group_name: The name of the resource group. :type resource_group_name: str :param image_name: The name of the image. :type image_name: str :param parameters: Parameters supplied to the Create Image operation. :type parameters: ~azure.mgmt.compute.v2019_12_01.models.Image :keyword callable cls: A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response :keyword str continuation_token: A continuation token to restart a poller from a saved state. :keyword polling: By default, your polling method will be AsyncARMPolling. Pass in False for this operation to not poll, or pass in your own initialized polling object for a personal polling strategy. :paramtype polling: bool or ~azure.core.polling.AsyncPollingMethod :keyword int polling_interval: Default waiting time between two polls for LRO operations if no Retry-After header is present. :return: An instance of AsyncLROPoller that returns either Image or the result of cls(response) :rtype: ~azure.core.polling.AsyncLROPoller[~azure.mgmt.compute.v2019_12_01.models.Image] :raises ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError: """ polling = kwargs.pop('polling', True) # type: Union[bool, AsyncPollingMethod] cls = kwargs.pop('cls', None) # type: ClsType["_models.Image"] lro_delay = kwargs.pop( 'polling_interval', self._config.polling_interval ) cont_token = kwargs.pop('continuation_token', None) # type: Optional[str] if cont_token is None: raw_result = await self._create_or_update_initial( resource_group_name=resource_group_name, image_name=image_name, parameters=parameters, cls=lambda x,y,z: x, **kwargs ) kwargs.pop('error_map', None) kwargs.pop('content_type', None) def get_long_running_output(pipeline_response): deserialized = self._deserialize('Image', pipeline_response) if cls: return cls(pipeline_response, deserialized, {}) return deserialized path_format_arguments = { 'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str'), 'imageName': self._serialize.url("image_name", image_name, 'str'), 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self._config.subscription_id", self._config.subscription_id, 'str'), } if polling is True: polling_method = AsyncARMPolling(lro_delay, path_format_arguments=path_format_arguments, **kwargs) elif polling is False: polling_method = AsyncNoPolling() else: polling_method = polling if cont_token: return AsyncLROPoller.from_continuation_token( polling_method=polling_method, continuation_token=cont_token, client=self._client, deserialization_callback=get_long_running_output ) else: return AsyncLROPoller(self._client, raw_result, get_long_running_output, polling_method) begin_create_or_update.metadata = {'url': '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/{imageName}'} # type: ignore async def _update_initial( self, resource_group_name: str, image_name: str, parameters: "_models.ImageUpdate", **kwargs: Any ) -> "_models.Image": cls = kwargs.pop('cls', None) # type: ClsType["_models.Image"] error_map = { 401: ClientAuthenticationError, 404: ResourceNotFoundError, 409: ResourceExistsError } error_map.update(kwargs.pop('error_map', {})) api_version = "2019-12-01" content_type = kwargs.pop("content_type", "application/json") accept = "application/json" # Construct URL url = self._update_initial.metadata['url'] # type: ignore path_format_arguments = { 'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str'), 'imageName': self._serialize.url("image_name", image_name, 'str'), 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self._config.subscription_id", self._config.subscription_id, 'str'), } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("api_version", api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] header_parameters['Content-Type'] = self._serialize.header("content_type", content_type, 'str') header_parameters['Accept'] = self._serialize.header("accept", accept, 'str') body_content_kwargs = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] body_content = self._serialize.body(parameters, 'ImageUpdate') body_content_kwargs['content'] = body_content request = self._client.patch(url, query_parameters, header_parameters, **body_content_kwargs) pipeline_response = await, stream=False, **kwargs) response = pipeline_response.http_response if response.status_code not in [200, 201]: map_error(status_code=response.status_code, response=response, error_map=error_map) raise HttpResponseError(response=response, error_format=ARMErrorFormat) if response.status_code == 200: deserialized = self._deserialize('Image', pipeline_response) if response.status_code == 201: deserialized = self._deserialize('Image', pipeline_response) if cls: return cls(pipeline_response, deserialized, {}) return deserialized _update_initial.metadata = {'url': '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/{imageName}'} # type: ignore async def begin_update( self, resource_group_name: str, image_name: str, parameters: "_models.ImageUpdate", **kwargs: Any ) -> AsyncLROPoller["_models.Image"]: """Update an image. :param resource_group_name: The name of the resource group. :type resource_group_name: str :param image_name: The name of the image. :type image_name: str :param parameters: Parameters supplied to the Update Image operation. :type parameters: ~azure.mgmt.compute.v2019_12_01.models.ImageUpdate :keyword callable cls: A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response :keyword str continuation_token: A continuation token to restart a poller from a saved state. :keyword polling: By default, your polling method will be AsyncARMPolling. Pass in False for this operation to not poll, or pass in your own initialized polling object for a personal polling strategy. :paramtype polling: bool or ~azure.core.polling.AsyncPollingMethod :keyword int polling_interval: Default waiting time between two polls for LRO operations if no Retry-After header is present. :return: An instance of AsyncLROPoller that returns either Image or the result of cls(response) :rtype: ~azure.core.polling.AsyncLROPoller[~azure.mgmt.compute.v2019_12_01.models.Image] :raises ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError: """ polling = kwargs.pop('polling', True) # type: Union[bool, AsyncPollingMethod] cls = kwargs.pop('cls', None) # type: ClsType["_models.Image"] lro_delay = kwargs.pop( 'polling_interval', self._config.polling_interval ) cont_token = kwargs.pop('continuation_token', None) # type: Optional[str] if cont_token is None: raw_result = await self._update_initial( resource_group_name=resource_group_name, image_name=image_name, parameters=parameters, cls=lambda x,y,z: x, **kwargs ) kwargs.pop('error_map', None) kwargs.pop('content_type', None) def get_long_running_output(pipeline_response): deserialized = self._deserialize('Image', pipeline_response) if cls: return cls(pipeline_response, deserialized, {}) return deserialized path_format_arguments = { 'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str'), 'imageName': self._serialize.url("image_name", image_name, 'str'), 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self._config.subscription_id", self._config.subscription_id, 'str'), } if polling is True: polling_method = AsyncARMPolling(lro_delay, path_format_arguments=path_format_arguments, **kwargs) elif polling is False: polling_method = AsyncNoPolling() else: polling_method = polling if cont_token: return AsyncLROPoller.from_continuation_token( polling_method=polling_method, continuation_token=cont_token, client=self._client, deserialization_callback=get_long_running_output ) else: return AsyncLROPoller(self._client, raw_result, get_long_running_output, polling_method) begin_update.metadata = {'url': '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/{imageName}'} # type: ignore async def _delete_initial( self, resource_group_name: str, image_name: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: cls = kwargs.pop('cls', None) # type: ClsType[None] error_map = { 401: ClientAuthenticationError, 404: ResourceNotFoundError, 409: ResourceExistsError } error_map.update(kwargs.pop('error_map', {})) api_version = "2019-12-01" # Construct URL url = self._delete_initial.metadata['url'] # type: ignore path_format_arguments = { 'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str'), 'imageName': self._serialize.url("image_name", image_name, 'str'), 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self._config.subscription_id", self._config.subscription_id, 'str'), } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("api_version", api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] request = self._client.delete(url, query_parameters, header_parameters) pipeline_response = await, stream=False, **kwargs) response = pipeline_response.http_response if response.status_code not in [200, 202, 204]: map_error(status_code=response.status_code, response=response, error_map=error_map) raise HttpResponseError(response=response, error_format=ARMErrorFormat) if cls: return cls(pipeline_response, None, {}) _delete_initial.metadata = {'url': '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/{imageName}'} # type: ignore async def begin_delete( self, resource_group_name: str, image_name: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> AsyncLROPoller[None]: """Deletes an Image. :param resource_group_name: The name of the resource group. :type resource_group_name: str :param image_name: The name of the image. :type image_name: str :keyword callable cls: A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response :keyword str continuation_token: A continuation token to restart a poller from a saved state. :keyword polling: By default, your polling method will be AsyncARMPolling. Pass in False for this operation to not poll, or pass in your own initialized polling object for a personal polling strategy. :paramtype polling: bool or ~azure.core.polling.AsyncPollingMethod :keyword int polling_interval: Default waiting time between two polls for LRO operations if no Retry-After header is present. :return: An instance of AsyncLROPoller that returns either None or the result of cls(response) :rtype: ~azure.core.polling.AsyncLROPoller[None] :raises ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError: """ polling = kwargs.pop('polling', True) # type: Union[bool, AsyncPollingMethod] cls = kwargs.pop('cls', None) # type: ClsType[None] lro_delay = kwargs.pop( 'polling_interval', self._config.polling_interval ) cont_token = kwargs.pop('continuation_token', None) # type: Optional[str] if cont_token is None: raw_result = await self._delete_initial( resource_group_name=resource_group_name, image_name=image_name, cls=lambda x,y,z: x, **kwargs ) kwargs.pop('error_map', None) kwargs.pop('content_type', None) def get_long_running_output(pipeline_response): if cls: return cls(pipeline_response, None, {}) path_format_arguments = { 'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str'), 'imageName': self._serialize.url("image_name", image_name, 'str'), 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self._config.subscription_id", self._config.subscription_id, 'str'), } if polling is True: polling_method = AsyncARMPolling(lro_delay, path_format_arguments=path_format_arguments, **kwargs) elif polling is False: polling_method = AsyncNoPolling() else: polling_method = polling if cont_token: return AsyncLROPoller.from_continuation_token( polling_method=polling_method, continuation_token=cont_token, client=self._client, deserialization_callback=get_long_running_output ) else: return AsyncLROPoller(self._client, raw_result, get_long_running_output, polling_method) begin_delete.metadata = {'url': '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/{imageName}'} # type: ignore async def get( self, resource_group_name: str, image_name: str, expand: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> "_models.Image": """Gets an image. :param resource_group_name: The name of the resource group. :type resource_group_name: str :param image_name: The name of the image. :type image_name: str :param expand: The expand expression to apply on the operation. :type expand: str :keyword callable cls: A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response :return: Image, or the result of cls(response) :rtype: ~azure.mgmt.compute.v2019_12_01.models.Image :raises: ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError """ cls = kwargs.pop('cls', None) # type: ClsType["_models.Image"] error_map = { 401: ClientAuthenticationError, 404: ResourceNotFoundError, 409: ResourceExistsError } error_map.update(kwargs.pop('error_map', {})) api_version = "2019-12-01" accept = "application/json" # Construct URL url = self.get.metadata['url'] # type: ignore path_format_arguments = { 'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str'), 'imageName': self._serialize.url("image_name", image_name, 'str'), 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self._config.subscription_id", self._config.subscription_id, 'str'), } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] if expand is not None: query_parameters['$expand'] = self._serialize.query("expand", expand, 'str') query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("api_version", api_version, 'str') # Construct headers header_parameters = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] header_parameters['Accept'] = self._serialize.header("accept", accept, 'str') request = self._client.get(url, query_parameters, header_parameters) pipeline_response = await, stream=False, **kwargs) response = pipeline_response.http_response if response.status_code not in [200]: map_error(status_code=response.status_code, response=response, error_map=error_map) raise HttpResponseError(response=response, error_format=ARMErrorFormat) deserialized = self._deserialize('Image', pipeline_response) if cls: return cls(pipeline_response, deserialized, {}) return deserialized get.metadata = {'url': '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/{imageName}'} # type: ignore def list_by_resource_group( self, resource_group_name: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> AsyncIterable["_models.ImageListResult"]: """Gets the list of images under a resource group. :param resource_group_name: The name of the resource group. :type resource_group_name: str :keyword callable cls: A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response :return: An iterator like instance of either ImageListResult or the result of cls(response) :rtype: ~azure.core.async_paging.AsyncItemPaged[~azure.mgmt.compute.v2019_12_01.models.ImageListResult] :raises: ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError """ cls = kwargs.pop('cls', None) # type: ClsType["_models.ImageListResult"] error_map = { 401: ClientAuthenticationError, 404: ResourceNotFoundError, 409: ResourceExistsError } error_map.update(kwargs.pop('error_map', {})) api_version = "2019-12-01" accept = "application/json" def prepare_request(next_link=None): # Construct headers header_parameters = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] header_parameters['Accept'] = self._serialize.header("accept", accept, 'str') if not next_link: # Construct URL url = self.list_by_resource_group.metadata['url'] # type: ignore path_format_arguments = { 'resourceGroupName': self._serialize.url("resource_group_name", resource_group_name, 'str'), 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self._config.subscription_id", self._config.subscription_id, 'str'), } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("api_version", api_version, 'str') request = self._client.get(url, query_parameters, header_parameters) else: url = next_link query_parameters = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] request = self._client.get(url, query_parameters, header_parameters) return request async def extract_data(pipeline_response): deserialized = self._deserialize('ImageListResult', pipeline_response) list_of_elem = deserialized.value if cls: list_of_elem = cls(list_of_elem) return deserialized.next_link or None, AsyncList(list_of_elem) async def get_next(next_link=None): request = prepare_request(next_link) pipeline_response = await, stream=False, **kwargs) response = pipeline_response.http_response if response.status_code not in [200]: map_error(status_code=response.status_code, response=response, error_map=error_map) raise HttpResponseError(response=response, error_format=ARMErrorFormat) return pipeline_response return AsyncItemPaged( get_next, extract_data ) list_by_resource_group.metadata = {'url': '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images'} # type: ignore def list( self, **kwargs: Any ) -> AsyncIterable["_models.ImageListResult"]: """Gets the list of Images in the subscription. Use nextLink property in the response to get the next page of Images. Do this till nextLink is null to fetch all the Images. :keyword callable cls: A custom type or function that will be passed the direct response :return: An iterator like instance of either ImageListResult or the result of cls(response) :rtype: ~azure.core.async_paging.AsyncItemPaged[~azure.mgmt.compute.v2019_12_01.models.ImageListResult] :raises: ~azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError """ cls = kwargs.pop('cls', None) # type: ClsType["_models.ImageListResult"] error_map = { 401: ClientAuthenticationError, 404: ResourceNotFoundError, 409: ResourceExistsError } error_map.update(kwargs.pop('error_map', {})) api_version = "2019-12-01" accept = "application/json" def prepare_request(next_link=None): # Construct headers header_parameters = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] header_parameters['Accept'] = self._serialize.header("accept", accept, 'str') if not next_link: # Construct URL url = self.list.metadata['url'] # type: ignore path_format_arguments = { 'subscriptionId': self._serialize.url("self._config.subscription_id", self._config.subscription_id, 'str'), } url = self._client.format_url(url, **path_format_arguments) # Construct parameters query_parameters = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] query_parameters['api-version'] = self._serialize.query("api_version", api_version, 'str') request = self._client.get(url, query_parameters, header_parameters) else: url = next_link query_parameters = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] request = self._client.get(url, query_parameters, header_parameters) return request async def extract_data(pipeline_response): deserialized = self._deserialize('ImageListResult', pipeline_response) list_of_elem = deserialized.value if cls: list_of_elem = cls(list_of_elem) return deserialized.next_link or None, AsyncList(list_of_elem) async def get_next(next_link=None): request = prepare_request(next_link) pipeline_response = await, stream=False, **kwargs) response = pipeline_response.http_response if response.status_code not in [200]: map_error(status_code=response.status_code, response=response, error_map=error_map) raise HttpResponseError(response=response, error_format=ARMErrorFormat) return pipeline_response return AsyncItemPaged( get_next, extract_data ) list.metadata = {'url': '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images'} # type: ignore
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import getpass from ._compat import string_types, ascii_lowercase, input def prompt(name, default=None): """ Grab user input from command line. :param name: prompt text :param default: default value if no input provided. """ prompt = name + (default and ' [%s]' % default or '') prompt += name.endswith('?') and ' ' or ': ' while True: rv = input(prompt) if rv: return rv if default is not None: return default def prompt_pass(name, default=None): """ Grabs hidden (password) input from command line. :param name: prompt text :param default: default value if no input provided. """ prompt = name + (default and ' [%s]' % default or '') prompt += name.endswith('?') and ' ' or ': ' while True: rv = getpass.getpass(prompt) if rv: return rv if default is not None: return default def prompt_bool(name, default=False, yes_choices=None, no_choices=None): """ Grabs user input from command line and converts to boolean value. :param name: prompt text :param default: default value if no input provided. :param yes_choices: default 'y', 'yes', '1', 'on', 'true', 't' :param no_choices: default 'n', 'no', '0', 'off', 'false', 'f' """ yes_choices = yes_choices or ('y', 'yes', '1', 'on', 'true', 't') no_choices = no_choices or ('n', 'no', '0', 'off', 'false', 'f') while True: rv = prompt(name, default and yes_choices[0] or no_choices[0]) if not rv: return default if rv.lower() in yes_choices: return True elif rv.lower() in no_choices: return False def prompt_choices(name, choices, default=None, resolve=ascii_lowercase, no_choice=('none',)): """ Grabs user input from command line from set of provided choices. :param name: prompt text :param choices: list or tuple of available choices. Choices may be single strings or (key, value) tuples. :param default: default value if no input provided. :param no_choice: acceptable list of strings for "null choice" """ _choices = [] options = [] for choice in choices: if isinstance(choice, string_types): options.append(choice) else: options.append("%s [%s]" % (choice[1], choice[0])) choice = choice[0] _choices.append(choice) while True: rv = prompt(name + ' - (%s)' % ', '.join(options), default) if not rv: return default rv = resolve(rv) if rv in no_choice: return None if rv in _choices: return rv
#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """This code example gets all activities. To create activities, run The LoadFromStorage method is pulling credentials and properties from a "googleads.yaml" file. By default, it looks for this file in your home directory. For more information, see the "Caching authentication information" section of our README. """ # Import appropriate modules from the client library. from googleads import dfp def main(client): # Initialize appropriate service. activity_service = client.GetService('ActivityService', version='v201411') # Create statement object to select only all activities. statement = dfp.FilterStatement() # Get activities by statement. while True: response = activity_service.getActivitiesByStatement( statement.ToStatement()) if 'results' in response: # Display results. for activity in response['results']: print ('Activity with ID \'%s\', name \'%s\', and type \'%s\' was ' 'found.' % (activity['id'], activity['name'], activity['type'])) statement.offset += dfp.SUGGESTED_PAGE_LIMIT else: break print '\nNumber of results found: %s' % response['totalResultSetSize'] if __name__ == '__main__': # Initialize client object. dfp_client = dfp.DfpClient.LoadFromStorage() main(dfp_client)
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # to configure behavior, define $CQL_TEST_HOST to the destination address # for Thrift connections, and $CQL_TEST_PORT to the associated port. from __future__ import with_statement import re from .basecase import BaseTestCase, cqlsh from .cassconnect import testrun_cqlsh BEL = '\x07' # the terminal-bell character CTRL_C = '\x03' TAB = '\t' # completions not printed out in this many seconds may not be acceptable. # tune if needed for a slow system, etc, but be aware that the test will # need to wait this long for each completion test, to make sure more info # isn't coming COMPLETION_RESPONSE_TIME = 0.5 completion_separation_re = re.compile(r'\s\s+') class CqlshCompletionCase(BaseTestCase): def setUp(self): self.cqlsh_runner = testrun_cqlsh(cqlver=self.cqlver, env={'COLUMNS': '100000'}) self.cqlsh = self.cqlsh_runner.__enter__() def tearDown(self): self.cqlsh_runner.__exit__(None, None, None) def _trycompletions_inner(self, inputstring, immediate='', choices=(), other_choices_ok=False): """ Test tab completion in cqlsh. Enters in the text in inputstring, then simulates a tab keypress to see what is immediately completed (this should only happen when there is only one completion possible). If there is an immediate completion, the new text is expected to match 'immediate'. If there is no immediate completion, another tab keypress is simulated in order to get a list of choices, which are expected to match the items in 'choices' (order is not important, but case is). """ self.cqlsh.send(inputstring) self.cqlsh.send(TAB) completed = self.cqlsh.read_up_to_timeout(COMPLETION_RESPONSE_TIME) self.assertEqual(completed[:len(inputstring)], inputstring) completed = completed[len(inputstring):] completed = completed.replace(BEL, '') self.assertEqual(completed, immediate, 'cqlsh completed %r, but we expected %r' % (completed, immediate)) if immediate: return self.cqlsh.send(TAB) choice_output = self.cqlsh.read_up_to_timeout(COMPLETION_RESPONSE_TIME) if choice_output == BEL: lines = () else: lines = choice_output.splitlines() self.assertRegexpMatches(lines[-1], self.cqlsh.prompt.lstrip() + re.escape(inputstring)) choicesseen = set() for line in lines[:-1]: choicesseen.update(completion_separation_re.split(line.strip())) choicesseen.discard('') if other_choices_ok: self.assertEqual(set(choices), choicesseen.intersection(choices)) else: self.assertEqual(set(choices), choicesseen) def trycompletions(self, inputstring, immediate='', choices=(), other_choices_ok=False): try: self._trycompletions_inner(inputstring, immediate, choices, other_choices_ok) finally: self.cqlsh.send(CTRL_C) # cancel any current line self.cqlsh.read_to_next_prompt() def strategies(self): return self.module.CqlRuleSet.replication_strategies class TestCqlshCompletion_CQL2(CqlshCompletionCase): cqlver = 2 module = cqlsh.cqlhandling def test_complete_on_empty_string(self): self.trycompletions('', choices=('?', 'ALTER', 'BEGIN', 'CAPTURE', 'CONSISTENCY', 'COPY', 'CREATE', 'DEBUG', 'DELETE', 'DESC', 'DESCRIBE', 'DROP', 'HELP', 'INSERT', 'SELECT', 'SHOW', 'SOURCE', 'TRACING', 'TRUNCATE', 'UPDATE', 'USE', 'exit', 'quit')) def test_complete_command_words(self): self.trycompletions('alt', '\b\b\bALTER ') self.trycompletions('I', 'NSERT INTO ') self.trycompletions('exit', ' ') def test_complete_in_string_literals(self): # would be great if we could get a space after this sort of completion, # but readline really wants to make things difficult for us self.trycompletions("insert into system.'NodeId", "Info'") self.trycompletions("USE '", choices=('system', self.cqlsh.keyspace), other_choices_ok=True) self.trycompletions("create keyspace blah with strategy_class = 'Sim", "pleStrategy'") def test_complete_in_uuid(self): pass def test_complete_in_select(self): pass def test_complete_in_insert(self): pass def test_complete_in_update(self): pass def test_complete_in_delete(self): pass def test_complete_in_batch(self): pass def test_complete_in_create_keyspace(self): self.trycompletions('create keyspace ', '', choices=('<new_keyspace_name>',)) self.trycompletions('create keyspace moo ', "WITH strategy_class = '") self.trycompletions("create keyspace '12SomeName' with ", "strategy_class = '") self.trycompletions("create keyspace moo with strategy_class", " = '") self.trycompletions("create keyspace moo with strategy_class='", choices=self.strategies()) self.trycompletions("create keySPACE 123 with strategy_class='SimpleStrategy' A", "ND strategy_options:replication_factor = ") self.trycompletions("create keyspace fish with strategy_class='SimpleStrategy'" "and strategy_options:replication_factor = ", '', choices=('<option_value>',)) self.trycompletions("create keyspace 'PB and J' with strategy_class=" "'NetworkTopologyStrategy' AND", ' ') self.trycompletions("create keyspace 'PB and J' with strategy_class=" "'NetworkTopologyStrategy' AND ", '', choices=('<strategy_option_name>',)) def test_complete_in_drop_keyspace(self): pass def test_complete_in_create_columnfamily(self): pass def test_complete_in_drop_columnfamily(self): pass def test_complete_in_truncate(self): pass def test_complete_in_alter_columnfamily(self): pass def test_complete_in_use(self): pass def test_complete_in_create_index(self): pass def test_complete_in_drop_index(self): pass class TestCqlshCompletion_CQL3final(TestCqlshCompletion_CQL2): cqlver = '3.0.0' module = cqlsh.cql3handling def test_complete_on_empty_string(self): self.trycompletions('', choices=('?', 'ALTER', 'BEGIN', 'CAPTURE', 'CONSISTENCY', 'COPY', 'CREATE', 'DEBUG', 'DELETE', 'DESC', 'DESCRIBE', 'DROP', 'GRANT', 'HELP', 'INSERT', 'LIST', 'REVOKE', 'SELECT', 'SHOW', 'SOURCE', 'TRACING', 'TRUNCATE', 'UPDATE', 'USE', 'exit', 'quit')) def test_complete_in_create_keyspace(self): self.trycompletions('create keyspace ', '', choices=('<identifier>', '<quotedName>')) self.trycompletions('create keyspace moo ', "WITH replication = {'class': '") self.trycompletions('create keyspace "12SomeName" with ', "replication = {'class': '") self.trycompletions("create keyspace fjdkljf with foo=bar ", "", choices=('AND', ';')) self.trycompletions("create keyspace fjdkljf with foo=bar AND ", "replication = {'class': '") self.trycompletions("create keyspace moo with replication", " = {'class': '") self.trycompletions("create keyspace moo with replication=", " {'class': '") self.trycompletions("create keyspace moo with replication={", "'class':'") self.trycompletions("create keyspace moo with replication={'class'", ":'") self.trycompletions("create keyspace moo with replication={'class': ", "'") self.trycompletions("create keyspace moo with replication={'class': '", "", choices=self.strategies()) # ttl is an "unreserved keyword". should work self.trycompletions("create keySPACE ttl with replication =" "{ 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy'", ", 'replication_factor': ") self.trycompletions("create keyspace ttl with replication =" "{'class':'SimpleStrategy',", " 'replication_factor': ") self.trycompletions("create keyspace \"ttl\" with replication =" "{'class': 'SimpleStrategy', ", "'replication_factor': ") self.trycompletions("create keyspace \"ttl\" with replication =" "{'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'repl", "ication_factor'") self.trycompletions("create keyspace foo with replication =" "{'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': ", '', choices=('<value>',)) self.trycompletions("create keyspace foo with replication =" "{'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1", '', choices=('<value>',)) self.trycompletions("create keyspace foo with replication =" "{'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1 ", '}') self.trycompletions("create keyspace foo with replication =" "{'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1, ", '', choices=()) self.trycompletions("create keyspace foo with replication =" "{'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1} ", '', choices=('AND', ';')) self.trycompletions("create keyspace foo with replication =" "{'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', ", '', choices=('<dc_name>',)) self.trycompletions("create keyspace \"PB and J\" with replication={" "'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy'", ', ') self.trycompletions("create keyspace PBJ with replication={" "'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy'} and ", "durable_writes = '") def test_complete_in_string_literals(self): # would be great if we could get a space after this sort of completion, # but readline really wants to make things difficult for us self.trycompletions('insert into system."NodeId', 'Info"') self.trycompletions('USE "', choices=('system', self.cqlsh.keyspace), other_choices_ok=True) self.trycompletions("create keyspace blah with replication = {'class': 'Sim", "pleStrategy'")
# Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. class MockPort(object): def name(self): return "MockPort" def check_webkit_style_command(self): return ["mock-check-webkit-style"] def update_webkit_command(self, non_interactive=False): return ["mock-update-webkit"] def build_webkit_command(self, build_style=None): return ["mock-build-webkit"] def prepare_changelog_command(self): return ['mock-prepare-ChangeLog'] def run_python_unittests_command(self): return ['mock-test-webkitpy'] def run_perl_unittests_command(self): return ['mock-test-webkitperl'] def run_javascriptcore_tests_command(self): return ['mock-run-javacriptcore-tests'] def run_webkit_unit_tests_command(self): return ['mock-run-webkit-unit-tests'] def run_webkit_tests_command(self): return ['mock-run-webkit-tests'] def run_bindings_tests_command(self): return ['mock-run-bindings-tests']
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Security related helpers such as secure password hashing tools. :copyright: (c) 2010 by the Werkzeug Team, see AUTHORS for more details. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. """ import hmac import string from random import SystemRandom # because the API of hmac changed with the introduction of the # new hashlib module, we have to support both. This sets up a # mapping to the digest factory functions and the digest modules # (or factory functions with changed API) try: from hashlib import sha1, md5 _hash_funcs = _hash_mods = {'sha1': sha1, 'md5': md5} _sha1_mod = sha1 _md5_mod = md5 except ImportError: import sha as _sha1_mod, md5 as _md5_mod _hash_mods = {'sha1': _sha1_mod, 'md5': _md5_mod} _hash_funcs = {'sha1':, 'md5':} SALT_CHARS = string.letters + string.digits _sys_rng = SystemRandom() def gen_salt(length): """Generate a random string of SALT_CHARS with specified ``length``.""" if length <= 0: raise ValueError('requested salt of length <= 0') return ''.join(_sys_rng.choice(SALT_CHARS) for _ in xrange(length)) def _hash_internal(method, salt, password): """Internal password hash helper. Supports plaintext without salt, unsalted and salted passwords. In case salted passwords are used hmac is used. """ if method == 'plain': return password if salt: if method not in _hash_mods: return None if isinstance(salt, unicode): salt = salt.encode('utf-8') h =, None, _hash_mods[method]) else: if method not in _hash_funcs: return None h = _hash_funcs[method]() if isinstance(password, unicode): password = password.encode('utf-8') h.update(password) return h.hexdigest() def generate_password_hash(password, method='sha1', salt_length=8): """Hash a password with the given method and salt with with a string of the given length. The format of the string returned includes the method that was used so that :func:`check_password_hash` can check the hash. The format for the hashed string looks like this:: method$salt$hash This method can **not** generate unsalted passwords but it is possible to set the method to plain to enforce plaintext passwords. If a salt is used, hmac is used internally to salt the password. :param password: the password to hash :param method: the hash method to use (``'md5'`` or ``'sha1'``) :param salt_length: the lengt of the salt in letters """ salt = method != 'plain' and gen_salt(salt_length) or '' h = _hash_internal(method, salt, password) if h is None: raise TypeError('invalid method %r' % method) return '%s$%s$%s' % (method, salt, h) def check_password_hash(pwhash, password): """check a password against a given salted and hashed password value. In order to support unsalted legacy passwords this method supports plain text passwords, md5 and sha1 hashes (both salted and unsalted). Returns `True` if the password matched, `False` otherwise. :param pwhash: a hashed string like returned by :func:`generate_password_hash` :param password: the plaintext password to compare against the hash """ if pwhash.count('$') < 2: return False method, salt, hashval = pwhash.split('$', 2) return _hash_internal(method, salt, password) == hashval
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Author: Vincent Dubourg <[email protected]> # (mostly translation, see implementation details) # License: BSD style import numpy as np from scipy import linalg, optimize, rand from ..base import BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin from ..metrics.pairwise import manhattan_distances from ..utils import array2d, check_random_state from ..utils import deprecated from . import regression_models as regression from . import correlation_models as correlation MACHINE_EPSILON = np.finfo(np.double).eps if hasattr(linalg, 'solve_triangular'): # only in scipy since 0.9 solve_triangular = linalg.solve_triangular else: # slower, but works def solve_triangular(x, y, lower=True): return linalg.solve(x, y) def l1_cross_distances(X): """ Computes the nonzero componentwise L1 cross-distances between the vectors in X. Parameters ---------- X: array_like An array with shape (n_samples, n_features) Returns ------- D: array with shape (n_samples * (n_samples - 1) / 2, n_features) The array of componentwise L1 cross-distances. ij: arrays with shape (n_samples * (n_samples - 1) / 2, 2) The indices i and j of the vectors in X associated to the cross- distances in D: D[k] = np.abs(X[ij[k, 0]] - Y[ij[k, 1]]). """ X = array2d(X) n_samples, n_features = X.shape n_nonzero_cross_dist = n_samples * (n_samples - 1) / 2 ij = np.zeros((n_nonzero_cross_dist, 2), D = np.zeros((n_nonzero_cross_dist, n_features)) ll_1 = 0 for k in range(n_samples - 1): ll_0 = ll_1 ll_1 = ll_0 + n_samples - k - 1 ij[ll_0:ll_1, 0] = k ij[ll_0:ll_1, 1] = np.arange(k + 1, n_samples) D[ll_0:ll_1] = np.abs(X[k] - X[(k + 1):n_samples]) return D, ij.astype( class GaussianProcess(BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin): """The Gaussian Process model class. Parameters ---------- regr : string or callable, optional A regression function returning an array of outputs of the linear regression functional basis. The number of observations n_samples should be greater than the size p of this basis. Default assumes a simple constant regression trend. Available built-in regression models are:: 'constant', 'linear', 'quadratic' corr : string or callable, optional A stationary autocorrelation function returning the autocorrelation between two points x and x'. Default assumes a squared-exponential autocorrelation model. Built-in correlation models are:: 'absolute_exponential', 'squared_exponential', 'generalized_exponential', 'cubic', 'linear' beta0 : double array_like, optional The regression weight vector to perform Ordinary Kriging (OK). Default assumes Universal Kriging (UK) so that the vector beta of regression weights is estimated using the maximum likelihood principle. storage_mode : string, optional A string specifying whether the Cholesky decomposition of the correlation matrix should be stored in the class (storage_mode = 'full') or not (storage_mode = 'light'). Default assumes storage_mode = 'full', so that the Cholesky decomposition of the correlation matrix is stored. This might be a useful parameter when one is not interested in the MSE and only plan to estimate the BLUP, for which the correlation matrix is not required. verbose : boolean, optional A boolean specifying the verbose level. Default is verbose = False. theta0 : double array_like, optional An array with shape (n_features, ) or (1, ). The parameters in the autocorrelation model. If thetaL and thetaU are also specified, theta0 is considered as the starting point for the maximum likelihood rstimation of the best set of parameters. Default assumes isotropic autocorrelation model with theta0 = 1e-1. thetaL : double array_like, optional An array with shape matching theta0's. Lower bound on the autocorrelation parameters for maximum likelihood estimation. Default is None, so that it skips maximum likelihood estimation and it uses theta0. thetaU : double array_like, optional An array with shape matching theta0's. Upper bound on the autocorrelation parameters for maximum likelihood estimation. Default is None, so that it skips maximum likelihood estimation and it uses theta0. normalize : boolean, optional Input X and observations y are centered and reduced wrt means and standard deviations estimated from the n_samples observations provided. Default is normalize = True so that data is normalized to ease maximum likelihood estimation. nugget : double or ndarray, optional Introduce a nugget effect to allow smooth predictions from noisy data. If nugget is an ndarray, it must be the same length as the number of data points used for the fit. The nugget is added to the diagonal of the assumed training covariance; in this way it acts as a Tikhonov regularization in the problem. In the special case of the squared exponential correlation function, the nugget mathematically represents the variance of the input values. Default assumes a nugget close to machine precision for the sake of robustness (nugget = 10. * MACHINE_EPSILON). optimizer : string, optional A string specifying the optimization algorithm to be used. Default uses 'fmin_cobyla' algorithm from scipy.optimize. Available optimizers are:: 'fmin_cobyla', 'Welch' 'Welch' optimizer is dued to Welch et al., see reference [WBSWM1992]_. It consists in iterating over several one-dimensional optimizations instead of running one single multi-dimensional optimization. random_start : int, optional The number of times the Maximum Likelihood Estimation should be performed from a random starting point. The first MLE always uses the specified starting point (theta0), the next starting points are picked at random according to an exponential distribution (log-uniform on [thetaL, thetaU]). Default does not use random starting point (random_start = 1). random_state: integer or numpy.RandomState, optional The generator used to shuffle the sequence of coordinates of theta in the Welch optimizer. If an integer is given, it fixes the seed. Defaults to the global numpy random number generator. Attributes ---------- `theta_`: array Specified theta OR the best set of autocorrelation parameters (the \ sought maximizer of the reduced likelihood function). `reduced_likelihood_function_value_`: array The optimal reduced likelihood function value. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from sklearn.gaussian_process import GaussianProcess >>> X = np.array([[1., 3., 5., 6., 7., 8.]]).T >>> y = (X * np.sin(X)).ravel() >>> gp = GaussianProcess(theta0=0.1, thetaL=.001, thetaU=1.) >>>, y) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS GaussianProcess(beta0=None... ... Notes ----- The presentation implementation is based on a translation of the DACE Matlab toolbox, see reference [NLNS2002]_. References ---------- .. [NLNS2002] `H.B. Nielsen, S.N. Lophaven, H. B. Nielsen and J. Sondergaard. DACE - A MATLAB Kriging Toolbox.` (2002) .. [WBSWM1992] `W.J. Welch, R.J. Buck, J. Sacks, H.P. Wynn, T.J. Mitchell, and M.D. Morris (1992). Screening, predicting, and computer experiments. Technometrics, 34(1) 15--25.` """ _regression_types = { 'constant': regression.constant, 'linear': regression.linear, 'quadratic': regression.quadratic} _correlation_types = { 'absolute_exponential': correlation.absolute_exponential, 'squared_exponential': correlation.squared_exponential, 'generalized_exponential': correlation.generalized_exponential, 'cubic': correlation.cubic, 'linear': correlation.linear} _optimizer_types = [ 'fmin_cobyla', 'Welch'] def __init__(self, regr='constant', corr='squared_exponential', beta0=None, storage_mode='full', verbose=False, theta0=1e-1, thetaL=None, thetaU=None, optimizer='fmin_cobyla', random_start=1, normalize=True, nugget=10. * MACHINE_EPSILON, random_state=None): self.regr = regr self.corr = corr self.beta0 = beta0 self.storage_mode = storage_mode self.verbose = verbose self.theta0 = theta0 self.thetaL = thetaL self.thetaU = thetaU self.normalize = normalize self.nugget = nugget self.optimizer = optimizer self.random_start = random_start self.random_state = random_state # Run input checks self._check_params() def fit(self, X, y): """ The Gaussian Process model fitting method. Parameters ---------- X : double array_like An array with shape (n_samples, n_features) with the input at which observations were made. y : double array_like An array with shape (n_samples, ) with the observations of the scalar output to be predicted. Returns ------- gp : self A fitted Gaussian Process model object awaiting data to perform predictions. """ self.random_state = check_random_state(self.random_state) # Force data to 2D numpy.array X = array2d(X) y = np.asarray(y).ravel()[:, np.newaxis] # Check shapes of DOE & observations n_samples_X, n_features = X.shape n_samples_y = y.shape[0] if n_samples_X != n_samples_y: raise ValueError("X and y must have the same number of rows.") else: n_samples = n_samples_X # Run input checks self._check_params(n_samples) # Normalize data or don't if self.normalize: X_mean = np.mean(X, axis=0) X_std = np.std(X, axis=0) y_mean = np.mean(y, axis=0) y_std = np.std(y, axis=0) X_std[X_std == 0.] = 1. y_std[y_std == 0.] = 1. # center and scale X if necessary X = (X - X_mean) / X_std y = (y - y_mean) / y_std else: X_mean = np.zeros(1) X_std = np.ones(1) y_mean = np.zeros(1) y_std = np.ones(1) # Calculate matrix of distances D between samples D, ij = l1_cross_distances(X) if np.min(np.sum(D, axis=1)) == 0. \ and self.corr != correlation.pure_nugget: raise Exception("Multiple input features cannot have the same" " value") # Regression matrix and parameters F = self.regr(X) n_samples_F = F.shape[0] if F.ndim > 1: p = F.shape[1] else: p = 1 if n_samples_F != n_samples: raise Exception("Number of rows in F and X do not match. Most " + "likely something is going wrong with the " + "regression model.") if p > n_samples_F: raise Exception(("Ordinary least squares problem is undetermined " + "n_samples=%d must be greater than the " + "regression model size p=%d.") % (n_samples, p)) if self.beta0 is not None: if self.beta0.shape[0] != p: raise Exception("Shapes of beta0 and F do not match.") # Set attributes self.X = X self.y = y self.D = D self.ij = ij self.F = F self.X_mean, self.X_std = X_mean, X_std self.y_mean, self.y_std = y_mean, y_std # Determine Gaussian Process model parameters if self.thetaL is not None and self.thetaU is not None: # Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the parameters if self.verbose: print("Performing Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the " + "autocorrelation parameters...") self.theta_, self.reduced_likelihood_function_value_, par = \ self._arg_max_reduced_likelihood_function() if np.isinf(self.reduced_likelihood_function_value_): raise Exception("Bad parameter region. " + "Try increasing upper bound") else: # Given parameters if self.verbose: print("Given autocorrelation parameters. " + "Computing Gaussian Process model parameters...") self.theta_ = self.theta0 self.reduced_likelihood_function_value_, par = \ self.reduced_likelihood_function() if np.isinf(self.reduced_likelihood_function_value_): raise Exception("Bad point. Try increasing theta0.") self.beta = par['beta'] self.gamma = par['gamma'] self.sigma2 = par['sigma2'] self.C = par['C'] self.Ft = par['Ft'] self.G = par['G'] if self.storage_mode == 'light': # Delete heavy data (it will be computed again if required) # (it is required only when MSE is wanted in self.predict) if self.verbose: print("Light storage mode specified. " + "Flushing autocorrelation matrix...") self.D = None self.ij = None self.F = None self.C = None self.Ft = None self.G = None return self def predict(self, X, eval_MSE=False, batch_size=None): """ This function evaluates the Gaussian Process model at x. Parameters ---------- X : array_like An array with shape (n_eval, n_features) giving the point(s) at which the prediction(s) should be made. eval_MSE : boolean, optional A boolean specifying whether the Mean Squared Error should be evaluated or not. Default assumes evalMSE = False and evaluates only the BLUP (mean prediction). batch_size : integer, optional An integer giving the maximum number of points that can be evaluated simulatneously (depending on the available memory). Default is None so that all given points are evaluated at the same time. Returns ------- y : array_like An array with shape (n_eval, ) with the Best Linear Unbiased Prediction at x. MSE : array_like, optional (if eval_MSE == True) An array with shape (n_eval, ) with the Mean Squared Error at x. """ # Check input shapes X = array2d(X) n_eval, n_features_X = X.shape n_samples, n_features = self.X.shape # Run input checks self._check_params(n_samples) if n_features_X != n_features: raise ValueError(("The number of features in X (X.shape[1] = %d) " + "should match the sample size used for fit() " + "which is %d.") % (n_features_X, n_features)) if batch_size is None: # No memory management # (evaluates all given points in a single batch run) # Normalize input X = (X - self.X_mean) / self.X_std # Initialize output y = np.zeros(n_eval) if eval_MSE: MSE = np.zeros(n_eval) # Get pairwise componentwise L1-distances to the input training set dx = manhattan_distances(X, Y=self.X, sum_over_features=False) # Get regression function and correlation f = self.regr(X) r = self.corr(self.theta_, dx).reshape(n_eval, n_samples) # Scaled predictor y_ =, self.beta) +, self.gamma) # Predictor y = (self.y_mean + self.y_std * y_).ravel() # Mean Squared Error if eval_MSE: C = self.C if C is None: # Light storage mode (need to recompute C, F, Ft and G) if self.verbose: print("This GaussianProcess used 'light' storage mode " + "at instanciation. Need to recompute " + "autocorrelation matrix...") reduced_likelihood_function_value, par = \ self.reduced_likelihood_function() self.C = par['C'] self.Ft = par['Ft'] self.G = par['G'] rt = solve_triangular(self.C, r.T, lower=True) if self.beta0 is None: # Universal Kriging u = solve_triangular(self.G.T,, rt) - f.T) else: # Ordinary Kriging u = np.zeros(y.shape) MSE = self.sigma2 * (1. - (rt ** 2.).sum(axis=0) + (u ** 2.).sum(axis=0)) # Mean Squared Error might be slightly negative depending on # machine precision: force to zero! MSE[MSE < 0.] = 0. return y, MSE else: return y else: # Memory management if type(batch_size) is not int or batch_size <= 0: raise Exception("batch_size must be a positive integer") if eval_MSE: y, MSE = np.zeros(n_eval), np.zeros(n_eval) for k in range(max(1, n_eval / batch_size)): batch_from = k * batch_size batch_to = min([(k + 1) * batch_size + 1, n_eval + 1]) y[batch_from:batch_to], MSE[batch_from:batch_to] = \ self.predict(X[batch_from:batch_to], eval_MSE=eval_MSE, batch_size=None) return y, MSE else: y = np.zeros(n_eval) for k in range(max(1, n_eval / batch_size)): batch_from = k * batch_size batch_to = min([(k + 1) * batch_size + 1, n_eval + 1]) y[batch_from:batch_to] = \ self.predict(X[batch_from:batch_to], eval_MSE=eval_MSE, batch_size=None) return y def reduced_likelihood_function(self, theta=None): """ This function determines the BLUP parameters and evaluates the reduced likelihood function for the given autocorrelation parameters theta. Maximizing this function wrt the autocorrelation parameters theta is equivalent to maximizing the likelihood of the assumed joint Gaussian distribution of the observations y evaluated onto the design of experiments X. Parameters ---------- theta : array_like, optional An array containing the autocorrelation parameters at which the Gaussian Process model parameters should be determined. Default uses the built-in autocorrelation parameters (ie ``theta = self.theta_``). Returns ------- reduced_likelihood_function_value : double The value of the reduced likelihood function associated to the given autocorrelation parameters theta. par : dict A dictionary containing the requested Gaussian Process model parameters: sigma2 Gaussian Process variance. beta Generalized least-squares regression weights for Universal Kriging or given beta0 for Ordinary Kriging. gamma Gaussian Process weights. C Cholesky decomposition of the correlation matrix [R]. Ft Solution of the linear equation system : [R] x Ft = F G QR decomposition of the matrix Ft. """ if theta is None: # Use built-in autocorrelation parameters theta = self.theta_ # Initialize output reduced_likelihood_function_value = - np.inf par = {} # Retrieve data n_samples = self.X.shape[0] D = self.D ij = self.ij F = self.F if D is None: # Light storage mode (need to recompute D, ij and F) D, ij = l1_cross_distances(self.X) if np.min(np.sum(D, axis=1)) == 0. \ and self.corr != correlation.pure_nugget: raise Exception("Multiple X are not allowed") F = self.regr(self.X) # Set up R r = self.corr(theta, D) R = np.eye(n_samples) * (1. + self.nugget) R[ij[:, 0], ij[:, 1]] = r R[ij[:, 1], ij[:, 0]] = r # Cholesky decomposition of R try: C = linalg.cholesky(R, lower=True) except linalg.LinAlgError: return reduced_likelihood_function_value, par # Get generalized least squares solution Ft = solve_triangular(C, F, lower=True) try: Q, G = linalg.qr(Ft, econ=True) except: #/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/scipy/linalg/ # DeprecationWarning: qr econ argument will be removed after scipy # 0.7. The economy transform will then be available through the # mode='economic' argument. Q, G = linalg.qr(Ft, mode='economic') pass sv = linalg.svd(G, compute_uv=False) rcondG = sv[-1] / sv[0] if rcondG < 1e-10: # Check F sv = linalg.svd(F, compute_uv=False) condF = sv[0] / sv[-1] if condF > 1e15: raise Exception("F is too ill conditioned. Poor combination " + "of regression model and observations.") else: # Ft is too ill conditioned, get out (try different theta) return reduced_likelihood_function_value, par Yt = solve_triangular(C, self.y, lower=True) if self.beta0 is None: # Universal Kriging beta = solve_triangular(G,, Yt)) else: # Ordinary Kriging beta = np.array(self.beta0) rho = Yt -, beta) sigma2 = (rho ** 2.).sum(axis=0) / n_samples # The determinant of R is equal to the squared product of the diagonal # elements of its Cholesky decomposition C detR = (np.diag(C) ** (2. / n_samples)).prod() # Compute/Organize output reduced_likelihood_function_value = - sigma2.sum() * detR par['sigma2'] = sigma2 * self.y_std ** 2. par['beta'] = beta par['gamma'] = solve_triangular(C.T, rho) par['C'] = C par['Ft'] = Ft par['G'] = G return reduced_likelihood_function_value, par @deprecated("to be removed in 0.14, access ``self.theta_`` etc. directly " " after fit.") def arg_max_reduced_likelihood_function(self): return self._arg_max_reduced_likelihood_function() @property @deprecated('``theta`` is deprecated and will be removed in 0.14, ' 'please use ``theta_`` instead.') def theta(self): return self.theta_ @property @deprecated("``reduced_likelihood_function_value`` is deprecated and will" "be removed in 0.14, please use " "``reduced_likelihood_function_value_`` instead.") def reduced_likelihood_function_value(self): return self.reduced_likelihood_function_value_ def _arg_max_reduced_likelihood_function(self): """ This function estimates the autocorrelation parameters theta as the maximizer of the reduced likelihood function. (Minimization of the opposite reduced likelihood function is used for convenience) Parameters ---------- self : All parameters are stored in the Gaussian Process model object. Returns ------- optimal_theta : array_like The best set of autocorrelation parameters (the sought maximizer of the reduced likelihood function). optimal_reduced_likelihood_function_value : double The optimal reduced likelihood function value. optimal_par : dict The BLUP parameters associated to thetaOpt. """ # Initialize output best_optimal_theta = [] best_optimal_rlf_value = [] best_optimal_par = [] if self.verbose: print "The chosen optimizer is: " + str(self.optimizer) if self.random_start > 1: print str(self.random_start) + " random starts are required." percent_completed = 0. # Force optimizer to fmin_cobyla if the model is meant to be isotropic if self.optimizer == 'Welch' and self.theta0.size == 1: self.optimizer = 'fmin_cobyla' if self.optimizer == 'fmin_cobyla': def minus_reduced_likelihood_function(log10t): return - self.reduced_likelihood_function(theta=10. ** log10t)[0] constraints = [] for i in range(self.theta0.size): constraints.append(lambda log10t: \ log10t[i] - np.log10(self.thetaL[0, i])) constraints.append(lambda log10t: \ np.log10(self.thetaU[0, i]) - log10t[i]) for k in range(self.random_start): if k == 0: # Use specified starting point as first guess theta0 = self.theta0 else: # Generate a random starting point log10-uniformly # distributed between bounds log10theta0 = np.log10(self.thetaL) \ + rand(self.theta0.size).reshape(self.theta0.shape) \ * np.log10(self.thetaU / self.thetaL) theta0 = 10. ** log10theta0 # Run Cobyla try: log10_optimal_theta = \ optimize.fmin_cobyla(minus_reduced_likelihood_function, np.log10(theta0), constraints, iprint=0) except ValueError as ve: print("Optimization failed. Try increasing the ``nugget``") raise ve optimal_theta = 10. ** log10_optimal_theta optimal_minus_rlf_value, optimal_par = \ self.reduced_likelihood_function(theta=optimal_theta) optimal_rlf_value = - optimal_minus_rlf_value # Compare the new optimizer to the best previous one if k > 0: if optimal_rlf_value > best_optimal_rlf_value: best_optimal_rlf_value = optimal_rlf_value best_optimal_par = optimal_par best_optimal_theta = optimal_theta else: best_optimal_rlf_value = optimal_rlf_value best_optimal_par = optimal_par best_optimal_theta = optimal_theta if self.verbose and self.random_start > 1: if (20 * k) / self.random_start > percent_completed: percent_completed = (20 * k) / self.random_start print "%s completed" % (5 * percent_completed) optimal_rlf_value = best_optimal_rlf_value optimal_par = best_optimal_par optimal_theta = best_optimal_theta elif self.optimizer == 'Welch': # Backup of the given atrributes theta0, thetaL, thetaU = self.theta0, self.thetaL, self.thetaU corr = self.corr verbose = self.verbose # This will iterate over fmin_cobyla optimizer self.optimizer = 'fmin_cobyla' self.verbose = False # Initialize under isotropy assumption if verbose: print("Initialize under isotropy assumption...") self.theta0 = array2d(self.theta0.min()) self.thetaL = array2d(self.thetaL.min()) self.thetaU = array2d(self.thetaU.max()) theta_iso, optimal_rlf_value_iso, par_iso = \ self._arg_max_reduced_likelihood_function() optimal_theta = theta_iso + np.zeros(theta0.shape) # Iterate over all dimensions of theta allowing for anisotropy if verbose: print("Now improving allowing for anisotropy...") for i in self.random_state.permutation(theta0.size): if verbose: print "Proceeding along dimension %d..." % (i + 1) self.theta0 = array2d(theta_iso) self.thetaL = array2d(thetaL[0, i]) self.thetaU = array2d(thetaU[0, i]) def corr_cut(t, d): return corr(array2d(np.hstack([ optimal_theta[0][0:i], t[0], optimal_theta[0][(i + 1)::]])), d) self.corr = corr_cut optimal_theta[0, i], optimal_rlf_value, optimal_par = \ self._arg_max_reduced_likelihood_function() # Restore the given atrributes self.theta0, self.thetaL, self.thetaU = theta0, thetaL, thetaU self.corr = corr self.optimizer = 'Welch' self.verbose = verbose else: raise NotImplementedError(("This optimizer ('%s') is not " + "implemented yet. Please contribute!") % self.optimizer) return optimal_theta, optimal_rlf_value, optimal_par def _check_params(self, n_samples=None): # Check regression model if not callable(self.regr): if self.regr in self._regression_types: self.regr = self._regression_types[self.regr] else: raise ValueError(("regr should be one of %s or callable, " + "%s was given.") % (self._regression_types.keys(), self.regr)) # Check regression weights if given (Ordinary Kriging) if self.beta0 is not None: self.beta0 = array2d(self.beta0) if self.beta0.shape[1] != 1: # Force to column vector self.beta0 = self.beta0.T # Check correlation model if not callable(self.corr): if self.corr in self._correlation_types: self.corr = self._correlation_types[self.corr] else: raise ValueError(("corr should be one of %s or callable, " + "%s was given.") % (self._correlation_types.keys(), self.corr)) # Check storage mode if self.storage_mode != 'full' and self.storage_mode != 'light': raise ValueError("Storage mode should either be 'full' or " + "'light', %s was given." % self.storage_mode) # Check correlation parameters self.theta0 = array2d(self.theta0) lth = self.theta0.size if self.thetaL is not None and self.thetaU is not None: self.thetaL = array2d(self.thetaL) self.thetaU = array2d(self.thetaU) if self.thetaL.size != lth or self.thetaU.size != lth: raise ValueError("theta0, thetaL and thetaU must have the " + "same length.") if np.any(self.thetaL <= 0) or np.any(self.thetaU < self.thetaL): raise ValueError("The bounds must satisfy O < thetaL <= " + "thetaU.") elif self.thetaL is None and self.thetaU is None: if np.any(self.theta0 <= 0): raise ValueError("theta0 must be strictly positive.") elif self.thetaL is None or self.thetaU is None: raise ValueError("thetaL and thetaU should either be both or " + "neither specified.") # Force verbose type to bool self.verbose = bool(self.verbose) # Force normalize type to bool self.normalize = bool(self.normalize) # Check nugget value self.nugget = np.asarray(self.nugget) if np.any(self.nugget) < 0.: raise ValueError("nugget must be positive or zero.") if (n_samples is not None and self.nugget.shape not in [(), (n_samples,)]): raise ValueError("nugget must be either a scalar " "or array of length n_samples.") # Check optimizer if not self.optimizer in self._optimizer_types: raise ValueError("optimizer should be one of %s" % self._optimizer_types) # Force random_start type to int self.random_start = int(self.random_start)
# Copyright 2011 Andrew Bogott for the Wikimedia Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import os import shutil import tempfile from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from nova import exception from nova.i18n import _, _LI, _LW from import dns_driver CONF = cfg.CONF LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class MiniDNS(dns_driver.DNSDriver): """Trivial DNS driver. This will read/write to a local, flat file and have no effect on your actual DNS system. This class is strictly for testing purposes, and should keep you out of dependency hell. Note that there is almost certainly a race condition here that will manifest anytime instances are rapidly created and deleted. A proper implementation will need some manner of locking. """ def __init__(self): if CONF.log_dir: self.filename = os.path.join(CONF.log_dir, "dnstest.txt") self.tempdir = None else: self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.filename = os.path.join(self.tempdir, "dnstest.txt") LOG.debug('minidns file is |%s|', self.filename) if not os.path.exists(self.filename): f = open(self.filename, "w+") f.write("# minidns\n\n\n") f.close() def get_domains(self): entries = [] infile = open(self.filename, 'r') for line in infile: entry = self.parse_line(line) if entry and entry['address'] == 'domain': entries.append(entry['name']) infile.close() return entries def qualify(self, name, domain): if domain: qualified = "%s.%s" % (name, domain) else: qualified = name return qualified.lower() def create_entry(self, name, address, type, domain): if name is None: raise exception.InvalidInput(_("Invalid name")) if type.lower() != 'a': raise exception.InvalidInput(_("This driver only supports " "type 'a'")) if self.get_entries_by_name(name, domain): raise exception.FloatingIpDNSExists(name=name, domain=domain) outfile = open(self.filename, 'a+') outfile.write("%s %s %s\n" % (address, self.qualify(name, domain), type)) outfile.close() def parse_line(self, line): vals = line.split() if len(vals) < 3: return None else: entry = {} entry['address'] = vals[0].lower() entry['name'] = vals[1].lower() entry['type'] = vals[2].lower() if entry['address'] == 'domain': entry['domain'] = entry['name'] else: entry['domain'] = entry['name'].partition('.')[2] return entry def delete_entry(self, name, domain): if name is None: raise exception.InvalidInput(_("Invalid name")) deleted = False infile = open(self.filename, 'r') outfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', delete=False) for line in infile: entry = self.parse_line(line) if ((not entry) or entry['name'] != self.qualify(name, domain)): outfile.write(line) else: deleted = True infile.close() outfile.close() shutil.move(, self.filename) if not deleted: LOG.warning(_LW('Cannot delete entry |%s|'), self.qualify(name, domain)) raise exception.NotFound def modify_address(self, name, address, domain): if not self.get_entries_by_name(name, domain): raise exception.NotFound infile = open(self.filename, 'r') outfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', delete=False) for line in infile: entry = self.parse_line(line) if (entry and entry['name'] == self.qualify(name, domain)): outfile.write("%s %s %s\n" % (address, self.qualify(name, domain), entry['type'])) else: outfile.write(line) infile.close() outfile.close() shutil.move(, self.filename) def get_entries_by_address(self, address, domain): entries = [] infile = open(self.filename, 'r') for line in infile: entry = self.parse_line(line) if entry and entry['address'] == address.lower(): if entry['name'].endswith(domain.lower()): name = entry['name'].split(".")[0] if name not in entries: entries.append(name) infile.close() return entries def get_entries_by_name(self, name, domain): entries = [] infile = open(self.filename, 'r') for line in infile: entry = self.parse_line(line) if (entry and entry['name'] == self.qualify(name, domain)): entries.append(entry['address']) infile.close() return entries def delete_dns_file(self): if os.path.exists(self.filename): try: os.remove(self.filename) except OSError: pass if self.tempdir and os.path.exists(self.tempdir): try: shutil.rmtree(self.tempdir) except OSError: pass def create_domain(self, fqdomain): if self.get_entries_by_name(fqdomain, ''): raise exception.FloatingIpDNSExists(name=fqdomain, domain='') outfile = open(self.filename, 'a+') outfile.write("%s %s %s\n" % ('domain', fqdomain, 'domain')) outfile.close() def delete_domain(self, fqdomain): deleted = False infile = open(self.filename, 'r') outfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', delete=False) for line in infile: entry = self.parse_line(line) if ((not entry) or entry['domain'] != fqdomain.lower()): outfile.write(line) else:"deleted %s"), entry) deleted = True infile.close() outfile.close() shutil.move(, self.filename) if not deleted: LOG.warning(_LW('Cannot delete domain |%s|'), fqdomain) raise exception.NotFound
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from modularodm import Q from modularodm.exceptions import NoResultsFound from rest_framework.exceptions import NotFound from rest_framework.reverse import reverse import furl from website import util as website_util # noqa from website import settings as website_settings from framework.auth import Auth, User from api.base.exceptions import Gone # These values are copied from rest_framework.fields.BooleanField # BooleanField cannot be imported here without raising an # ImproperlyConfigured error TRUTHY = set(('t', 'T', 'true', 'True', 'TRUE', '1', 1, True)) FALSY = set(('f', 'F', 'false', 'False', 'FALSE', '0', 0, 0.0, False)) UPDATE_METHODS = ['PUT', 'PATCH'] def is_bulk_request(request): """ Returns True if bulk request. Can be called as early as the parser. """ content_type = request.content_type return 'ext=bulk' in content_type def is_truthy(value): return value in TRUTHY def is_falsy(value): return value in FALSY def get_user_auth(request): """Given a Django request object, return an ``Auth`` object with the authenticated user attached to it. """ user = request.user if user.is_anonymous(): auth = Auth(None) else: auth = Auth(user) return auth def absolute_reverse(view_name, query_kwargs=None, args=None, kwargs=None): """Like django's `reverse`, except returns an absolute URL. Also add query parameters.""" relative_url = reverse(view_name, kwargs=kwargs) url = website_util.api_v2_url(relative_url, params=query_kwargs, base_prefix='') return url def get_object_or_error(model_cls, query_or_pk, display_name=None): display_name = display_name or None if isinstance(query_or_pk, basestring): query = Q('_id', 'eq', query_or_pk) else: query = query_or_pk try: obj = model_cls.find_one(query) if getattr(obj, 'is_deleted', False) is True: if display_name is None: raise Gone else: raise Gone(detail='The requested {name} is no longer available.'.format(name=display_name)) # For objects that have been disabled (is_active is False), return a 410. # The User model is an exception because we still want to allow # users who are unconfirmed or unregistered, but not users who have been # disabled. if model_cls is User: if obj.is_disabled: raise Gone(detail='The requested user is no longer available.') else: if not getattr(obj, 'is_active', True) or getattr(obj, 'is_deleted', False): if display_name is None: raise Gone else: raise Gone(detail='The requested {name} is no longer available.'.format(name=display_name)) return obj except NoResultsFound: raise NotFound def waterbutler_url_for(request_type, provider, path, node_id, token, obj_args=None, **query): """Reverse URL lookup for WaterButler routes :param str request_type: data or metadata :param str provider: The name of the requested provider :param str path: The path of the requested file or folder :param str node_id: The id of the node being accessed :param str token: The cookie to be used or None :param dict **query: Addition query parameters to be appended """ url = furl.furl(website_settings.WATERBUTLER_URL) url.path.segments.append(request_type) url.args.update({ 'path': path, 'nid': node_id, 'provider': provider, }) if token is not None: url.args['cookie'] = token if 'view_only' in obj_args: url.args['view_only'] = obj_args['view_only'] url.args.update(query) return url.url def add_dev_only_items(items, dev_only_items): """Add some items to a dictionary if in ``DEV_MODE``. """ items = items.copy() if website_settings.DEV_MODE: items.update(dev_only_items) return items
# (c) 2018, NetApp, Inc # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or ''' unit test template for ONTAP Ansible module ''' from __future__ import print_function import json import pytest from units.compat import unittest from units.compat.mock import patch, Mock from ansible.module_utils import basic from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes import ansible.module_utils.netapp as netapp_utils from \ import NetAppOntapUnixGroup as group_module # module under test if not netapp_utils.has_netapp_lib(): pytestmark = pytest.mark.skip('skipping as missing required netapp_lib') def set_module_args(args): """prepare arguments so that they will be picked up during module creation""" args = json.dumps({'ANSIBLE_MODULE_ARGS': args}) basic._ANSIBLE_ARGS = to_bytes(args) # pylint: disable=protected-access class AnsibleExitJson(Exception): """Exception class to be raised by module.exit_json and caught by the test case""" pass class AnsibleFailJson(Exception): """Exception class to be raised by module.fail_json and caught by the test case""" pass def exit_json(*args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """function to patch over exit_json; package return data into an exception""" if 'changed' not in kwargs: kwargs['changed'] = False raise AnsibleExitJson(kwargs) def fail_json(*args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """function to patch over fail_json; package return data into an exception""" kwargs['failed'] = True raise AnsibleFailJson(kwargs) class MockONTAPConnection(object): ''' mock server connection to ONTAP host ''' def __init__(self, kind=None, data=None): ''' save arguments ''' self.kind = kind self.params = data self.xml_in = None self.xml_out = None def invoke_successfully(self, xml, enable_tunneling): # pylint: disable=unused-argument ''' mock invoke_successfully returning xml data ''' self.xml_in = xml if self.kind == 'group': xml = self.build_group_info(self.params) elif self.kind == 'group-fail': raise netapp_utils.zapi.NaApiError(code='TEST', message="This exception is from the unit test") self.xml_out = xml return xml @staticmethod def build_group_info(data): ''' build xml data for vserser-info ''' xml = netapp_utils.zapi.NaElement('xml') attributes = \ {'attributes-list': {'unix-group-info': {'group-name': data['name'], 'group-id': data['id']}}, 'num-records': 1} xml.translate_struct(attributes) return xml class TestMyModule(unittest.TestCase): ''' a group of related Unit Tests ''' def setUp(self): self.mock_module_helper = patch.multiple(basic.AnsibleModule, exit_json=exit_json, fail_json=fail_json) self.mock_module_helper.start() self.addCleanup(self.mock_module_helper.stop) self.server = MockONTAPConnection() self.mock_group = { 'name': 'test', 'id': '11', 'vserver': 'something', } def mock_args(self): return { 'name': self.mock_group['name'], 'id': self.mock_group['id'], 'vserver': self.mock_group['vserver'], 'hostname': 'test', 'username': 'test_user', 'password': 'test_pass!' } def get_group_mock_object(self, kind=None, data=None): """ Helper method to return an na_ontap_unix_group object :param kind: passes this param to MockONTAPConnection() :return: na_ontap_unix_group object """ obj = group_module() obj.autosupport_log = Mock(return_value=None) if data is None: data = self.mock_group obj.server = MockONTAPConnection(kind=kind, data=data) return obj def test_module_fail_when_required_args_missing(self): ''' required arguments are reported as errors ''' with pytest.raises(AnsibleFailJson) as exc: set_module_args({}) group_module() def test_get_nonexistent_group(self): ''' Test if get_unix_group returns None for non-existent group ''' set_module_args(self.mock_args()) result = self.get_group_mock_object().get_unix_group() assert result is None def test_get_existing_group(self): ''' Test if get_unix_group returns details for existing group ''' set_module_args(self.mock_args()) result = self.get_group_mock_object('group').get_unix_group() assert result['name'] == self.mock_group['name'] def test_get_xml(self): set_module_args(self.mock_args()) obj = self.get_group_mock_object('group') result = obj.get_unix_group() assert obj.server.xml_in['query'] assert obj.server.xml_in['query']['unix-group-info'] group_info = obj.server.xml_in['query']['unix-group-info'] assert group_info['group-name'] == self.mock_group['name'] assert group_info['vserver'] == self.mock_group['vserver'] def test_create_error_missing_params(self): data = self.mock_args() del data['id'] set_module_args(data) with pytest.raises(AnsibleFailJson) as exc: self.get_group_mock_object('group').create_unix_group() assert 'Error: Missing a required parameter for create: (id)' == exc.value.args[0]['msg'] @patch('') def test_create_called(self, create_group): set_module_args(self.mock_args()) with pytest.raises(AnsibleExitJson) as exc: self.get_group_mock_object().apply() assert exc.value.args[0]['changed'] create_group.assert_called_with() def test_create_xml(self): '''Test create ZAPI element''' set_module_args(self.mock_args()) create = self.get_group_mock_object() with pytest.raises(AnsibleExitJson) as exc: create.apply() mock_key = { 'group-name': 'name', 'group-id': 'id', } for key in ['group-name', 'group-id']: assert create.server.xml_in[key] == self.mock_group[mock_key[key]] @patch('') @patch('') def test_delete_called(self, delete_group, modify_group): ''' Test delete existing group ''' data = self.mock_args() data['state'] = 'absent' set_module_args(data) with pytest.raises(AnsibleExitJson) as exc: self.get_group_mock_object('group').apply() assert exc.value.args[0]['changed'] delete_group.assert_called_with() assert modify_group.call_count == 0 @patch('') @patch('') def test_modify_called(self, modify_group, get_group): ''' Test modify group group_id ''' data = self.mock_args() data['id'] = 20 set_module_args(data) get_group.return_value = {'id': 10} obj = self.get_group_mock_object('group') with pytest.raises(AnsibleExitJson) as exc: obj.apply() get_group.assert_called_with() modify_group.assert_called_with({'id': 20}) def test_modify_only_id(self): ''' Test modify group id ''' set_module_args(self.mock_args()) modify = self.get_group_mock_object('group') modify.modify_unix_group({'id': 123}) print(modify.server.xml_in.to_string()) assert modify.server.xml_in['group-id'] == '123' with pytest.raises(KeyError): modify.server.xml_in['id'] def test_modify_xml(self): ''' Test modify group full_name ''' set_module_args(self.mock_args()) modify = self.get_group_mock_object('group') modify.modify_unix_group({'id': 25}) assert modify.server.xml_in['group-name'] == self.mock_group['name'] assert modify.server.xml_in['group-id'] == '25' @patch('') @patch('') @patch('') def test_do_nothing(self, modify, delete, create): ''' changed is False and none of the opetaion methods are called''' data = self.mock_args() data['state'] = 'absent' set_module_args(data) obj = self.get_group_mock_object() with pytest.raises(AnsibleExitJson) as exc: obj.apply() create.assert_not_called() delete.assert_not_called() modify.assert_not_called() def test_get_exception(self): set_module_args(self.mock_args()) with pytest.raises(AnsibleFailJson) as exc: self.get_group_mock_object('group-fail').get_unix_group() assert 'Error getting UNIX group' in exc.value.args[0]['msg'] def test_create_exception(self): set_module_args(self.mock_args()) with pytest.raises(AnsibleFailJson) as exc: self.get_group_mock_object('group-fail').create_unix_group() assert 'Error creating UNIX group' in exc.value.args[0]['msg'] def test_modify_exception(self): set_module_args(self.mock_args()) with pytest.raises(AnsibleFailJson) as exc: self.get_group_mock_object('group-fail').modify_unix_group({'id': '123'}) assert 'Error modifying UNIX group' in exc.value.args[0]['msg'] def test_delete_exception(self): set_module_args(self.mock_args()) with pytest.raises(AnsibleFailJson) as exc: self.get_group_mock_object('group-fail').delete_unix_group() assert 'Error removing UNIX group' in exc.value.args[0]['msg'] @patch('') def test_add_user_exception(self, get_unix_group): data = self.mock_args() data['users'] = 'test_user' set_module_args(data) get_unix_group.side_effect = [ {'users': []} ] with pytest.raises(AnsibleFailJson) as exc: self.get_group_mock_object('group-fail').modify_users_in_group() print(exc.value.args[0]['msg']) assert 'Error adding user' in exc.value.args[0]['msg'] @patch('') def test_delete_user_exception(self, get_unix_group): data = self.mock_args() data['users'] = '' set_module_args(data) get_unix_group.side_effect = [ {'users': ['test_user']} ] with pytest.raises(AnsibleFailJson) as exc: self.get_group_mock_object('group-fail').modify_users_in_group() print(exc.value.args[0]['msg']) assert 'Error deleting user' in exc.value.args[0]['msg']
"""CherryPy tools. A "tool" is any helper, adapted to CP. Tools are usually designed to be used in a variety of ways (although some may only offer one if they choose): Library calls All tools are callables that can be used wherever needed. The arguments are straightforward and should be detailed within the docstring. Function decorators All tools, when called, may be used as decorators which configure individual CherryPy page handlers (methods on the CherryPy tree). That is, "@tools.anytool()" should "turn on" the tool via the decorated function's _cp_config attribute. CherryPy config If a tool exposes a "_setup" callable, it will be called once per Request (if the feature is "turned on" via config). Tools may be implemented as any object with a namespace. The builtins are generally either modules or instances of the tools.Tool class. """ import sys import warnings import cherrypy def _getargs(func): """Return the names of all static arguments to the given function.""" # Use this instead of importing inspect for less mem overhead. import types if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): if isinstance(func, types.MethodType): func = func.__func__ co = func.__code__ else: if isinstance(func, types.MethodType): func = func.im_func co = func.func_code return co.co_varnames[:co.co_argcount] _attr_error = ("CherryPy Tools cannot be turned on directly. Instead, turn them " "on via config, or use them as decorators on your page handlers.") class Tool(object): """A registered function for use with CherryPy request-processing hooks. help(tool.callable) should give you more information about this Tool. """ namespace = "tools" def __init__(self, point, callable, name=None, priority=50): self._point = point self.callable = callable self._name = name self._priority = priority self.__doc__ = self.callable.__doc__ self._setargs() def _get_on(self): raise AttributeError(_attr_error) def _set_on(self, value): raise AttributeError(_attr_error) on = property(_get_on, _set_on) def _setargs(self): """Copy func parameter names to obj attributes.""" try: for arg in _getargs(self.callable): setattr(self, arg, None) except (TypeError, AttributeError): if hasattr(self.callable, "__call__"): for arg in _getargs(self.callable.__call__): setattr(self, arg, None) # IronPython 1.0 raises NotImplementedError because # inspect.getargspec tries to access Python bytecode # in co_code attribute. except NotImplementedError: pass # IronPython 1B1 may raise IndexError in some cases, # but if we trap it here it doesn't prevent CP from working. except IndexError: pass def _merged_args(self, d=None): """Return a dict of configuration entries for this Tool.""" if d: conf = d.copy() else: conf = {} tm = cherrypy.serving.request.toolmaps[self.namespace] if self._name in tm: conf.update(tm[self._name]) if "on" in conf: del conf["on"] return conf def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Compile-time decorator (turn on the tool in config). For example:: @tools.proxy() def whats_my_base(self): return cherrypy.request.base = True """ if args: raise TypeError("The %r Tool does not accept positional " "arguments; you must use keyword arguments." % self._name) def tool_decorator(f): if not hasattr(f, "_cp_config"): f._cp_config = {} subspace = self.namespace + "." + self._name + "." f._cp_config[subspace + "on"] = True for k, v in kwargs.items(): f._cp_config[subspace + k] = v return f return tool_decorator def _setup(self): """Hook this tool into cherrypy.request. The standard CherryPy request object will automatically call this method when the tool is "turned on" in config. """ conf = self._merged_args() p = conf.pop("priority", None) if p is None: p = getattr(self.callable, "priority", self._priority) cherrypy.serving.request.hooks.attach(self._point, self.callable, priority=p, **conf) class HandlerTool(Tool): """Tool which is called 'before main', that may skip normal handlers. If the tool successfully handles the request (by setting response.body), if should return True. This will cause CherryPy to skip any 'normal' page handler. If the tool did not handle the request, it should return False to tell CherryPy to continue on and call the normal page handler. If the tool is declared AS a page handler (see the 'handler' method), returning False will raise NotFound. """ def __init__(self, callable, name=None): Tool.__init__(self, 'before_handler', callable, name) def handler(self, *args, **kwargs): """Use this tool as a CherryPy page handler. For example:: class Root: nav = tools.staticdir.handler(section="/nav", dir="nav", root=absDir) """ def handle_func(*a, **kw): handled = self.callable(*args, **self._merged_args(kwargs)) if not handled: raise cherrypy.NotFound() return cherrypy.serving.response.body = True return handle_func def _wrapper(self, **kwargs): if self.callable(**kwargs): cherrypy.serving.request.handler = None def _setup(self): """Hook this tool into cherrypy.request. The standard CherryPy request object will automatically call this method when the tool is "turned on" in config. """ conf = self._merged_args() p = conf.pop("priority", None) if p is None: p = getattr(self.callable, "priority", self._priority) cherrypy.serving.request.hooks.attach(self._point, self._wrapper, priority=p, **conf) class HandlerWrapperTool(Tool): """Tool which wraps request.handler in a provided wrapper function. The 'newhandler' arg must be a handler wrapper function that takes a 'next_handler' argument, plus ``*args`` and ``**kwargs``. Like all page handler functions, it must return an iterable for use as cherrypy.response.body. For example, to allow your 'inner' page handlers to return dicts which then get interpolated into a template:: def interpolator(next_handler, *args, **kwargs): filename = cherrypy.request.config.get('template') cherrypy.response.template = env.get_template(filename) response_dict = next_handler(*args, **kwargs) return cherrypy.response.template.render(**response_dict) = HandlerWrapperTool(interpolator) """ def __init__(self, newhandler, point='before_handler', name=None, priority=50): self.newhandler = newhandler self._point = point self._name = name self._priority = priority def callable(self, debug=False): innerfunc = cherrypy.serving.request.handler def wrap(*args, **kwargs): return self.newhandler(innerfunc, *args, **kwargs) cherrypy.serving.request.handler = wrap class ErrorTool(Tool): """Tool which is used to replace the default request.error_response.""" def __init__(self, callable, name=None): Tool.__init__(self, None, callable, name) def _wrapper(self): self.callable(**self._merged_args()) def _setup(self): """Hook this tool into cherrypy.request. The standard CherryPy request object will automatically call this method when the tool is "turned on" in config. """ cherrypy.serving.request.error_response = self._wrapper # Builtin tools # from cherrypy.lib import cptools, encoding, auth, static, jsontools from cherrypy.lib import sessions as _sessions, xmlrpcutil as _xmlrpc from cherrypy.lib import caching as _caching from cherrypy.lib import auth_basic, auth_digest class SessionTool(Tool): """Session Tool for CherryPy. sessions.locking When 'implicit' (the default), the session will be locked for you, just before running the page handler. When 'early', the session will be locked before reading the request body. This is off by default for safety reasons; for example, a large upload would block the session, denying an AJAX progress meter (see When 'explicit' (or any other value), you need to call cherrypy.session.acquire_lock() yourself before using session data. """ def __init__(self): # _sessions.init must be bound after headers are read Tool.__init__(self, 'before_request_body', _sessions.init) def _lock_session(self): cherrypy.serving.session.acquire_lock() def _setup(self): """Hook this tool into cherrypy.request. The standard CherryPy request object will automatically call this method when the tool is "turned on" in config. """ hooks = cherrypy.serving.request.hooks conf = self._merged_args() p = conf.pop("priority", None) if p is None: p = getattr(self.callable, "priority", self._priority) hooks.attach(self._point, self.callable, priority=p, **conf) locking = conf.pop('locking', 'implicit') if locking == 'implicit': hooks.attach('before_handler', self._lock_session) elif locking == 'early': # Lock before the request body (but after _sessions.init runs!) hooks.attach('before_request_body', self._lock_session, priority=60) else: # Don't lock pass hooks.attach('before_finalize', hooks.attach('on_end_request', _sessions.close) def regenerate(self): """Drop the current session and make a new one (with a new id).""" sess = cherrypy.serving.session sess.regenerate() # Grab cookie-relevant tool args conf = dict([(k, v) for k, v in self._merged_args().items() if k in ('path', 'path_header', 'name', 'timeout', 'domain', 'secure')]) _sessions.set_response_cookie(**conf) class XMLRPCController(object): """A Controller (page handler collection) for XML-RPC. To use it, have your controllers subclass this base class (it will turn on the tool for you). You can also supply the following optional config entries:: tools.xmlrpc.encoding: 'utf-8' tools.xmlrpc.allow_none: 0 XML-RPC is a rather discontinuous layer over HTTP; dispatching to the appropriate handler must first be performed according to the URL, and then a second dispatch step must take place according to the RPC method specified in the request body. It also allows a superfluous "/RPC2" prefix in the URL, supplies its own handler args in the body, and requires a 200 OK "Fault" response instead of 404 when the desired method is not found. Therefore, XML-RPC cannot be implemented for CherryPy via a Tool alone. This Controller acts as the dispatch target for the first half (based on the URL); it then reads the RPC method from the request body and does its own second dispatch step based on that method. It also reads body params, and returns a Fault on error. The XMLRPCDispatcher strips any /RPC2 prefix; if you aren't using /RPC2 in your URL's, you can safely skip turning on the XMLRPCDispatcher. Otherwise, you need to use declare it in config:: request.dispatch: cherrypy.dispatch.XMLRPCDispatcher() """ # Note we're hard-coding this into the 'tools' namespace. We could do # a huge amount of work to make it relocatable, but the only reason why # would be if someone actually disabled the default_toolbox. Meh. _cp_config = {'tools.xmlrpc.on': True} def default(self, *vpath, **params): rpcparams, rpcmethod = _xmlrpc.process_body() subhandler = self for attr in str(rpcmethod).split('.'): subhandler = getattr(subhandler, attr, None) if subhandler and getattr(subhandler, "exposed", False): body = subhandler(*(vpath + rpcparams), **params) else: # # if a method is not found, an xmlrpclib.Fault should be returned # raising an exception here will do that; see # cherrypy.lib.xmlrpcutil.on_error raise Exception('method "%s" is not supported' % attr) conf = cherrypy.serving.request.toolmaps['tools'].get("xmlrpc", {}) _xmlrpc.respond(body, conf.get('encoding', 'utf-8'), conf.get('allow_none', 0)) return cherrypy.serving.response.body = True class SessionAuthTool(HandlerTool): def _setargs(self): for name in dir(cptools.SessionAuth): if not name.startswith("__"): setattr(self, name, None) class CachingTool(Tool): """Caching Tool for CherryPy.""" def _wrapper(self, **kwargs): request = cherrypy.serving.request if _caching.get(**kwargs): request.handler = None else: if request.cacheable: # Note the devious technique here of adding hooks on the fly request.hooks.attach('before_finalize', _caching.tee_output, priority = 90) _wrapper.priority = 20 def _setup(self): """Hook caching into cherrypy.request.""" conf = self._merged_args() p = conf.pop("priority", None) cherrypy.serving.request.hooks.attach('before_handler', self._wrapper, priority=p, **conf) class Toolbox(object): """A collection of Tools. This object also functions as a config namespace handler for itself. Custom toolboxes should be added to each Application's toolboxes dict. """ def __init__(self, namespace): self.namespace = namespace def __setattr__(self, name, value): # If the Tool._name is None, supply it from the attribute name. if isinstance(value, Tool): if value._name is None: value._name = name value.namespace = self.namespace object.__setattr__(self, name, value) def __enter__(self): """Populate request.toolmaps from tools specified in config.""" cherrypy.serving.request.toolmaps[self.namespace] = map = {} def populate(k, v): toolname, arg = k.split(".", 1) bucket = map.setdefault(toolname, {}) bucket[arg] = v return populate def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): """Run tool._setup() for each tool in our toolmap.""" map = cherrypy.serving.request.toolmaps.get(self.namespace) if map: for name, settings in map.items(): if settings.get("on", False): tool = getattr(self, name) tool._setup() class DeprecatedTool(Tool): _name = None warnmsg = "This Tool is deprecated." def __init__(self, point, warnmsg=None): self.point = point if warnmsg is not None: self.warnmsg = warnmsg def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): warnings.warn(self.warnmsg) def tool_decorator(f): return f return tool_decorator def _setup(self): warnings.warn(self.warnmsg) default_toolbox = _d = Toolbox("tools") _d.session_auth = SessionAuthTool(cptools.session_auth) _d.allow = Tool('on_start_resource', cptools.allow) _d.proxy = Tool('before_request_body', cptools.proxy, priority=30) _d.response_headers = Tool('on_start_resource', cptools.response_headers) _d.log_tracebacks = Tool('before_error_response', cptools.log_traceback) _d.log_headers = Tool('before_error_response', cptools.log_request_headers) _d.log_hooks = Tool('on_end_request', cptools.log_hooks, priority=100) _d.err_redirect = ErrorTool(cptools.redirect) _d.etags = Tool('before_finalize', cptools.validate_etags, priority=75) _d.decode = Tool('before_request_body', encoding.decode) # the order of encoding, gzip, caching is important _d.encode = Tool('before_handler', encoding.ResponseEncoder, priority=70) _d.gzip = Tool('before_finalize', encoding.gzip, priority=80) _d.staticdir = HandlerTool(static.staticdir) _d.staticfile = HandlerTool(static.staticfile) _d.sessions = SessionTool() _d.xmlrpc = ErrorTool(_xmlrpc.on_error) _d.caching = CachingTool('before_handler', _caching.get, 'caching') _d.expires = Tool('before_finalize', _caching.expires) _d.tidy = DeprecatedTool('before_finalize', "The tidy tool has been removed from the standard distribution of CherryPy. " "The most recent version can be found at") _d.nsgmls = DeprecatedTool('before_finalize', "The nsgmls tool has been removed from the standard distribution of CherryPy. " "The most recent version can be found at") _d.ignore_headers = Tool('before_request_body', cptools.ignore_headers) _d.referer = Tool('before_request_body', cptools.referer) _d.basic_auth = Tool('on_start_resource', auth.basic_auth) _d.digest_auth = Tool('on_start_resource', auth.digest_auth) _d.trailing_slash = Tool('before_handler', cptools.trailing_slash, priority=60) _d.flatten = Tool('before_finalize', cptools.flatten) _d.accept = Tool('on_start_resource', cptools.accept) _d.redirect = Tool('on_start_resource', cptools.redirect) _d.autovary = Tool('on_start_resource', cptools.autovary, priority=0) _d.json_in = Tool('before_request_body', jsontools.json_in, priority=30) _d.json_out = Tool('before_handler', jsontools.json_out, priority=30) _d.auth_basic = Tool('before_handler', auth_basic.basic_auth, priority=1) _d.auth_digest = Tool('before_handler', auth_digest.digest_auth, priority=1) del _d, cptools, encoding, auth, static
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2016 Ansible RedHat, Inc # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- author: "Brian Coca (@bcoca)" module: set_stats short_description: Set stats for the current ansible run description: - This module allows setting/accumulating stats on the current ansible run, either per host of for all hosts in the run. - This module is also supported for Windows targets. options: data: description: - A dictionary of which each key represents a stat (or variable) you want to keep track of required: true per_host: description: - boolean that indicates if the stats is per host or for all hosts in the run. required: no default: no aggregate: description: - boolean that indicates if the provided value is aggregated to the existing stat C(yes) or will replace it C(no) required: no default: yes notes: - This module is also supported for Windows targets. - In order for custom stats to be displayed, you must set C(show_custom_stats) in C(ansible.cfg) or C(ANSIBLE_SHOW_CUSTOM_STATS) to C(true). version_added: "2.3" ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Aggregating packages_installed stat per host - set_stats: data: packages_installed: 31 # Aggregating random stats for all hosts using complex arguments - set_stats: data: one_stat: 11 other_stat: "{{ local_var * 2 }}" another_stat: "{{ some_registered_var.results | map(attribute='ansible_facts.some_fact') | list }}" per_host: no # setting stats (not aggregating) - set_stats: data: the_answer: 42 aggregate: no '''
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Reading register value from the inferior, and provides a standardized interface to registers like "sp" and "pc". """ import collections import ctypes import re import sys from types import ModuleType import gdb import pwndbg.arch import import pwndbg.memoize import pwndbg.proc import pwndbg.remote try: long except NameError: long=int class RegisterSet: #: Program counter register pc = None #: Stack pointer register stack = None #: Frame pointer register frame = None #: Return address register retaddr = None #: Flags register (eflags, cpsr) flags = None #: List of native-size generalp-purpose registers gpr = None #: List of miscellaneous, valid registers misc = None #: Register-based arguments for most common ABI regs = None #: Return value register retval = None #: Common registers which should be displayed in the register context common = None #: All valid registers all = None def __init__(self, pc='pc', stack='sp', frame=None, retaddr=tuple(), flags=dict(), gpr=tuple(), misc=tuple(), args=tuple(), retval=None): self.pc = pc self.stack = stack self.frame = frame self.retaddr = retaddr self.flags = flags self.gpr = gpr self.misc = misc self.args = args self.retval = retval # In 'common', we don't want to lose the ordering of: self.common = [] for reg in gpr + (frame, stack, pc) + tuple(flags): if reg and reg not in self.common: self.common.append(reg) self.all = set(i for i in misc) | set(flags) | set(self.retaddr) | set(self.common) self.all -= {None} def __iter__(self): for r in self.all: yield r arm_cpsr_flags = collections.OrderedDict([ ('N', 31), ('Z', 30), ('C', 29), ('V', 28), ('Q', 27), ('J', 24), ('T', 5), ('E', 9), ('A', 8), ('I', 7), ('F', 6)]) arm_xpsr_flags = collections.OrderedDict([ ('N', 31), ('Z', 30), ('C', 29), ('V', 28), ('Q', 27), ('T', 24)]) arm = RegisterSet( retaddr = ('lr',), flags = {'cpsr': arm_cpsr_flags}, gpr = ('r0', 'r1', 'r2', 'r3', 'r4', 'r5', 'r6', 'r7', 'r8', 'r9', 'r10', 'r11', 'r12'), args = ('r0','r1','r2','r3'), retval = 'r0') # ARM Cortex-M armcm = RegisterSet( retaddr = ('lr',), flags = {'xpsr': arm_xpsr_flags}, gpr = ('r0', 'r1', 'r2', 'r3', 'r4', 'r5', 'r6', 'r7', 'r8', 'r9', 'r10', 'r11', 'r12'), args = ('r0','r1','r2','r3'), retval = 'r0') # FIXME AArch64 does not have a CPSR register aarch64 = RegisterSet( retaddr = ('lr',), flags = {'cpsr':{}}, frame = 'x29', gpr = ('x0', 'x1', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4', 'x5', 'x6', 'x7', 'x8', 'x9', 'x10', 'x11', 'x12', 'x13', 'x14', 'x15', 'x16', 'x17', 'x18', 'x19', 'x20', 'x21', 'x22', 'x23', 'x24', 'x25', 'x26', 'x27', 'x28'), misc = ('w0', 'w1', 'w2', 'w3', 'w4', 'w5', 'w6', 'w7', 'w8', 'w9', 'w10', 'w11', 'w12', 'w13', 'w14', 'w15', 'w16', 'w17', 'w18', 'w19', 'w20', 'w21', 'w22', 'w23', 'w24', 'w25', 'w26', 'w27', 'w28'), args = ('x0','x1','x2','x3'), retval = 'x0') x86flags = {'eflags': collections.OrderedDict([ ('CF', 0), ('PF', 2), ('AF', 4), ('ZF', 6), ('SF', 7), ('IF', 9), ('DF', 10), ('OF', 11), ])} amd64 = RegisterSet(pc = 'rip', stack = 'rsp', frame = 'rbp', flags = x86flags, gpr = ('rax','rbx','rcx','rdx','rdi','rsi', 'r8', 'r9', 'r10','r11','r12', 'r13','r14','r15'), misc = ('cs','ss','ds','es','fs','gs', 'fsbase', 'gsbase', 'ax','ah','al', 'bx','bh','bl', 'cx','ch','cl', 'dx','dh','dl', 'dil','sil','spl','bpl', 'di','si','bp','sp','ip'), args = ('rdi','rsi','rdx','rcx','r8','r9'), retval = 'rax') i386 = RegisterSet( pc = 'eip', stack = 'esp', frame = 'ebp', flags = x86flags, gpr = ('eax','ebx','ecx','edx','edi','esi'), misc = ('cs','ss','ds','es','fs','gs', 'fsbase', 'gsbase', 'ax','ah','al', 'bx','bh','bl', 'cx','ch','cl', 'dx','dh','dl', 'dil','sil','spl','bpl', 'di','si','bp','sp','ip'), retval = 'eax') # # r0 Volatile register which may be modified during function linkage # r1 Stack frame pointer, always valid # r2 System-reserved register (points at GOT) # r3-r4 Volatile registers used for parameter passing and return values # r5-r10 Volatile registers used for parameter passing # r11-r12 Volatile registers which may be modified during function linkage # r13 Small data area pointer register (points to TLS) # r14-r30 Registers used for local variables # r31 Used for local variables or "environment pointers" powerpc = RegisterSet( retaddr = ('lr','r0'), flags = {'msr':{},'xer':{}}, gpr = ('r3', 'r4', 'r5', 'r6', 'r7', 'r8', 'r9', 'r10', 'r11', 'r12', 'r13', 'r14', 'r15', 'r16', 'r17', 'r18', 'r19', 'r20', 'r21', 'r22', 'r23', 'r24', 'r25', 'r26', 'r27', 'r28', 'r29', 'r30', 'r31'), misc = ('cr','lr','r2'), args = ('r3', 'r4', 'r5', 'r6', 'r7', 'r8', 'r9', 'r10'), retval = 'r3') # # # # # # ____________________________________ # %g0 == %r0 (always zero) \ # %g1 == %r1 | g stands for global # ... | # %g7 == %r7 | # ____________________________________/ # %o0 == %r8 \ # ... | o stands for output (note: not 0) # %o6 == %r14 == %sp (stack ptr) | # %o7 == %r15 == for return address | # ____________________________________/ # %l0 == %r16 \ # ... | l stands for local (note: not 1) # %l7 == %r23 | # ____________________________________/ # %i0 == %r24 \ # ... | i stands for input # %i6 == %r30 == %fp (frame ptr) | # %i7 == %r31 == for return address | # ____________________________________/ sparc = RegisterSet(stack = 'sp', frame = 'fp', retaddr = ('i7',), flags = {'psr':{}}, gpr = ('g1', 'g2', 'g3', 'g4', 'g5', 'g6', 'g7', 'o0', 'o1', 'o2', 'o3', 'o4', 'o5', 'o7', 'l0', 'l1', 'l2', 'l3', 'l4', 'l5', 'l6', 'l7', 'i0', 'i1', 'i2', 'i3', 'i4', 'i5'), args = ('i0','i1','i2','i3','i4','i5'), retval = 'o0') # # r0 => zero # r1 => temporary # r2-r3 => values # r4-r7 => arguments # r8-r15 => temporary # r16-r23 => saved values # r24-r25 => temporary # r26-r27 => interrupt/trap handler # r28 => global pointer # r29 => stack pointer # r30 => frame pointer # r31 => return address mips = RegisterSet( frame = 'fp', retaddr = ('ra',), gpr = ('v0','v1','a0','a1','a2','a3', 't0', 't1', 't2', 't3', 't4', 't5', 't6', 't7', 't8', 't9', 's0', 's1', 's2', 's3', 's4', 's5', 's6', 's7', 's8'), args = ('a0','a1','a2','a3'), retval = 'v0') arch_to_regs = { 'i386': i386, 'i8086': i386, 'x86-64': amd64, 'mips': mips, 'sparc': sparc, 'arm': arm, 'armcm': armcm, 'aarch64': aarch64, 'powerpc': powerpc, } @pwndbg.proc.OnlyWhenRunning def gdb77_get_register(name): return gdb.parse_and_eval('$' + name) @pwndbg.proc.OnlyWhenRunning def gdb79_get_register(name): return gdb.selected_frame().read_register(name) try: gdb.Frame.read_register get_register = gdb79_get_register except AttributeError: get_register = gdb77_get_register # We need to manually make some ptrace calls to get fs/gs bases on Intel PTRACE_ARCH_PRCTL = 30 ARCH_GET_FS = 0x1003 ARCH_GET_GS = 0x1004 class module(ModuleType): last = {} @pwndbg.memoize.reset_on_stop @pwndbg.memoize.reset_on_prompt def __getattr__(self, attr): attr = attr.lstrip('$') try: # Seriously, gdb? Only accepts uint32. if 'eflags' in attr or 'cpsr' in attr: value = gdb77_get_register(attr) value = value.cast(pwndbg.typeinfo.uint32) else: if attr.lower() == 'xpsr': attr = 'xPSR' value = get_register(attr) size = pwndbg.typeinfo.unsigned.get(value.type.sizeof, pwndbg.typeinfo.ulong) value = value.cast(size) if attr.lower() == 'pc' and pwndbg.arch.current == 'i8086': value += self.cs * 16 value = int(value) return value & pwndbg.arch.ptrmask except (ValueError, gdb.error): return None @pwndbg.memoize.reset_on_stop @pwndbg.memoize.reset_on_prompt def __getitem__(self, item): if not isinstance(item, str): print("Unknown register type: %r" % (item)) import pdb import traceback traceback.print_stack() pdb.set_trace() return None # e.g. if we're looking for register "$rax", turn it into "rax" item = item.lstrip('$') item = getattr(self, item.lower()) if isinstance(item, int): return int(item) & pwndbg.arch.ptrmask return item def __iter__(self): regs = set(arch_to_regs[pwndbg.arch.current]) | {'pc', 'sp'} for item in regs: yield item @property def current(self): return arch_to_regs[pwndbg.arch.current] @property def gpr(self): return arch_to_regs[pwndbg.arch.current].gpr @property def common(self): return arch_to_regs[pwndbg.arch.current].common @property def frame(self): return arch_to_regs[pwndbg.arch.current].frame @property def retaddr(self): return arch_to_regs[pwndbg.arch.current].retaddr @property def flags(self): return arch_to_regs[pwndbg.arch.current].flags @property def stack(self): return arch_to_regs[pwndbg.arch.current].stack @property def retval(self): return arch_to_regs[pwndbg.arch.current].retval @property def all(self): regs = arch_to_regs[pwndbg.arch.current] retval = [] for regset in (regs.pc, regs.stack, regs.frame, regs.retaddr, regs.flags, regs.gpr, regs.misc): if regset is None: continue elif isinstance(regset, (list, tuple)): retval.extend(regset) elif isinstance(regset, dict): retval.extend(regset.keys()) else: retval.append(regset) return retval def fix(self, expression): for regname in set(self.all + ['sp','pc']): expression = re.sub(r'\$?\b%s\b' % regname, r'$'+regname, expression) return expression def items(self): for regname in self.all: yield regname, self[regname] arch_to_regs = arch_to_regs @property def changed(self): delta = [] for reg, value in self.previous.items(): if self[reg] != value: delta.append(reg) return delta @property @pwndbg.memoize.reset_on_stop def fsbase(self): return self._fs_gs_helper(ARCH_GET_FS) @property @pwndbg.memoize.reset_on_stop def gsbase(self): return self._fs_gs_helper(ARCH_GET_GS) @pwndbg.memoize.reset_on_stop def _fs_gs_helper(self, which): """Supports fetching based on segmented addressing, a la fs:[0x30]. Requires ptrace'ing the child directly.""" # We can't really do anything if the process is remote. if pwndbg.remote.is_remote(): return 0 # Use the lightweight process ID pid, lwpid, tid = gdb.selected_thread().ptid # Get the register ppvoid = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p) value = ppvoid(ctypes.c_void_p()) value.contents.value = 0 libc = ctypes.CDLL('') result = libc.ptrace(PTRACE_ARCH_PRCTL, lwpid, value, which) if result == 0: return (value.contents.value or 0) & pwndbg.arch.ptrmask return 0 def __repr__(self): return ('<module pwndbg.regs>') # To prevent garbage collection tether = sys.modules[__name__] sys.modules[__name__] = module(__name__, '') def update_last(): M = sys.modules[__name__] M.previous = M.last M.last = {k:M[k] for k in M.common} if pwndbg.config.show_retaddr_reg: M.last.update({k:M[k] for k in M.retaddr})
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL (<>). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ############################################################################## import os, time import random import StringIO from import render from import report_int from pychart import * theme.use_color = 1 class external_pdf(render): """ Generate External PDF """ def __init__(self, pdf): render.__init__(self) self.pdf = pdf self.output_type = 'pdf' def _render(self): return self.pdf class report_custom(report_int): """ Create Custom Report """ def create(self, cr, uid, ids, datas, context=None): """ @param cr: the current row, from the database cursor, @param uid: the current user’s ID for security checks, @param ids: List of IDs @param context: A standard dictionary for contextual values """ assert len(ids), 'You should provide some ids!' responsible_data = {} responsible_names = {} data = [] minbenef = 999999999999999999999 maxbenef = 0 cr.execute('select probability, planned_revenue, planned_cost, user_id,\ as name from crm_case left join res_users on \ ( where IN %s order by user_id',(tuple(ids),)) res = cr.dictfetchall() for row in res: proba = row['probability'] or 0 / 100.0 cost = row['planned_cost'] or 0 revenue = row['planned_revenue'] or 0 userid = row['user_id'] or 0 benefit = revenue - cost if benefit > maxbenef: maxbenef = benefit if benefit < minbenef: minbenef = benefit tuple_benefit = (proba * 100, benefit) responsible_data.setdefault(userid, []) responsible_data[userid].append(tuple_benefit) tuple_benefit = (proba * 100, cost, benefit) data.append(tuple_benefit) responsible_names[userid] = (row['name'] or '/').replace('/','//') minbenef -= maxbenef * 0.05 maxbenef *= 1.2 ratio = 0.5 minmaxdiff2 = (maxbenef - minbenef)/2 for l in responsible_data.itervalues(): for i in range(len(l)): percent, benef = l[i] proba = percent/100 current_ratio = 1 + (ratio-1) * proba newbenef = minmaxdiff2 + ((benef - minbenef - minmaxdiff2) * current_ratio) l[i] = (percent, newbenef) #TODO: #-group by "categorie de probabilites ds graphe du haut" #-echelle variable pdf_string = StringIO.StringIO() can = canvas.init(fname = pdf_string, format = 'pdf') chart_object.set_defaults(line_plot.T, line_style=None) xaxis = axis.X(label=None, format="%d%%", tic_interval=20) yaxis = axis.Y() x_range_a, x_range_b = (0, 100) y_range_a, y_range_b = (minbenef, maxbenef) if y_range_a == 0.0: y_range_a += 0.0001 ar = area.T( size = (300,200), y_grid_interval = 10000, y_grid_style = None, x_range = (x_range_a, x_range_b), y_range = (y_range_a, y_range_b), x_axis = xaxis, y_axis = None, legend = legend.T() ) #import pydb; pydb.debugger() for k, d in responsible_data.iteritems(): fill = fill_style.Plain(bgcolor=color.T(r=random.random(), g=random.random(), b=random.random())) tick = tick_mark.Square(size=6, fill_style=fill) ar.add_plot(line_plot.T(label=responsible_names[k], data=d, tick_mark=tick)) ar.draw(can) # second graph (top right) ar = area.T(legend = legend.T(), size = (200,100), loc = (100,250), x_grid_interval = lambda min, max: [40,60,80,100], x_grid_style = line_style.gray70_dash1, x_range = (33, 100), x_axis = axis.X(label=None, minor_tic_interval = lambda min,max: [50, 70, 90],\ format=lambda x: ""), y_axis = axis.Y(label="Planned amounts")) bar_plot.fill_styles.reset(); plot1 = bar_plot.T(label="Cost", data=data, plot2 = bar_plot.T(label="Revenue", data=data, hcol=2, stack_on = plot1, ar.add_plot(plot1, plot2) ar.draw(can) # diagonal "pipeline" lines can.line(, 0, 200, 300, 150) can.line(, 0, 0, 300, 50) # vertical lines ls = line_style.T(width=0.4, color=color.gray70, dash=(2, 2)) for x in range(120, 300, 60): can.line(ls, x, 0, x, 250) # draw arrows to the right a = arrow.fat1 for y in range(60, 150, 10): a.draw([(285, y), (315, y)], can=can) # close canvas so that the file is written to "disk" can.close() self.obj = external_pdf(pdf_string.getvalue()) self.obj.render() pdf_string.close() return (self.obj.pdf, 'pdf') report_custom('') # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.apps import apps from django.core import checks from django.core.checks.registry import registry from import BaseCommand, CommandError class Command(BaseCommand): help = "Checks the entire Django project for potential problems." requires_system_checks = False def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument('args', metavar='app_label', nargs='*') parser.add_argument('--tag', '-t', action='append', dest='tags', help='Run only checks labeled with given tag.') parser.add_argument('--list-tags', action='store_true', dest='list_tags', help='List available tags.') parser.add_argument('--deploy', action='store_true', dest='deploy', help='Check deployment settings.') def handle(self, *app_labels, **options): include_deployment_checks = options['deploy'] if options.get('list_tags'): self.stdout.write('\n'.join(sorted(registry.tags_available(include_deployment_checks)))) return if app_labels: app_configs = [apps.get_app_config(app_label) for app_label in app_labels] else: app_configs = None tags = options.get('tags') if tags: try: invalid_tag = next( tag for tag in tags if not checks.tag_exists(tag, include_deployment_checks) ) except StopIteration: # no invalid tags pass else: raise CommandError('There is no system check with the "%s" tag.' % invalid_tag) self.check( app_configs=app_configs, tags=tags, display_num_errors=True, include_deployment_checks=include_deployment_checks, )
import copy import itertools import re import operator from datetime import datetime, timedelta from collections import defaultdict import numpy as np from pandas.core.base import PandasObject from pandas.core.common import (_possibly_downcast_to_dtype, isnull, _NS_DTYPE, _TD_DTYPE, ABCSeries, is_list_like, ABCSparseSeries, _infer_dtype_from_scalar, is_null_datelike_scalar, _maybe_promote, is_timedelta64_dtype, is_datetime64_dtype, array_equivalent, _maybe_convert_string_to_object, is_categorical) from pandas.core.index import Index, MultiIndex, _ensure_index from pandas.core.indexing import maybe_convert_indices, length_of_indexer from pandas.core.categorical import Categorical, maybe_to_categorical import pandas.core.common as com from pandas.sparse.array import _maybe_to_sparse, SparseArray import pandas.lib as lib import pandas.tslib as tslib import pandas.computation.expressions as expressions from pandas.util.decorators import cache_readonly from pandas.tslib import Timestamp, Timedelta from pandas import compat from pandas.compat import range, map, zip, u from pandas.tseries.timedeltas import _coerce_scalar_to_timedelta_type from pandas.lib import BlockPlacement class Block(PandasObject): """ Canonical n-dimensional unit of homogeneous dtype contained in a pandas data structure Index-ignorant; let the container take care of that """ __slots__ = ['_mgr_locs', 'values', 'ndim'] is_numeric = False is_float = False is_integer = False is_complex = False is_datetime = False is_timedelta = False is_bool = False is_object = False is_categorical = False is_sparse = False _can_hold_na = False _downcast_dtype = None _can_consolidate = True _verify_integrity = True _validate_ndim = True _ftype = 'dense' _holder = None def __init__(self, values, placement, ndim=None, fastpath=False): if ndim is None: ndim = values.ndim elif values.ndim != ndim: raise ValueError('Wrong number of dimensions') self.ndim = ndim self.mgr_locs = placement self.values = values if len(self.mgr_locs) != len(self.values): raise ValueError('Wrong number of items passed %d,' ' placement implies %d' % ( len(self.values), len(self.mgr_locs))) @property def _consolidate_key(self): return (self._can_consolidate, @property def _is_single_block(self): return self.ndim == 1 @property def is_view(self): """ return a boolean if I am possibly a view """ return self.values.base is not None @property def is_datelike(self): """ return True if I am a non-datelike """ return self.is_datetime or self.is_timedelta def is_categorical_astype(self, dtype): """ validate that we have a astypeable to categorical, returns a boolean if we are a categorical """ if com.is_categorical_dtype(dtype): if dtype == com.CategoricalDtype(): return True # this is a pd.Categorical, but is not # a valid type for astypeing raise TypeError("invalid type {0} for astype".format(dtype)) return False def to_dense(self): return self.values.view() @property def fill_value(self): return np.nan @property def mgr_locs(self): return self._mgr_locs @property def array_dtype(self): """ the dtype to return if I want to construct this block as an array """ return self.dtype def make_block_same_class(self, values, placement, copy=False, fastpath=True, **kwargs): """ Wrap given values in a block of same type as self. `kwargs` are used in SparseBlock override. """ if copy: values = values.copy() return make_block(values, placement, klass=self.__class__, fastpath=fastpath, **kwargs) @mgr_locs.setter def mgr_locs(self, new_mgr_locs): if not isinstance(new_mgr_locs, BlockPlacement): new_mgr_locs = BlockPlacement(new_mgr_locs) self._mgr_locs = new_mgr_locs def __unicode__(self): # don't want to print out all of the items here name = com.pprint_thing(self.__class__.__name__) if self._is_single_block: result = '%s: %s dtype: %s' % ( name, len(self), self.dtype) else: shape = ' x '.join([com.pprint_thing(s) for s in self.shape]) result = '%s: %s, %s, dtype: %s' % ( name, com.pprint_thing(self.mgr_locs.indexer), shape, self.dtype) return result def __len__(self): return len(self.values) def __getstate__(self): return self.mgr_locs.indexer, self.values def __setstate__(self, state): self.mgr_locs = BlockPlacement(state[0]) self.values = state[1] self.ndim = self.values.ndim def _slice(self, slicer): """ return a slice of my values """ return self.values[slicer] def reshape_nd(self, labels, shape, ref_items): """ Parameters ---------- labels : list of new axis labels shape : new shape ref_items : new ref_items return a new block that is transformed to a nd block """ return _block2d_to_blocknd( values=self.get_values().T, placement=self.mgr_locs, shape=shape, labels=labels, ref_items=ref_items) def getitem_block(self, slicer, new_mgr_locs=None): """ Perform __getitem__-like, return result as block. As of now, only supports slices that preserve dimensionality. """ if new_mgr_locs is None: if isinstance(slicer, tuple): axis0_slicer = slicer[0] else: axis0_slicer = slicer new_mgr_locs = self.mgr_locs[axis0_slicer] new_values = self._slice(slicer) if self._validate_ndim and new_values.ndim != self.ndim: raise ValueError("Only same dim slicing is allowed") return self.make_block_same_class(new_values, new_mgr_locs) @property def shape(self): return self.values.shape @property def itemsize(self): return self.values.itemsize @property def dtype(self): return self.values.dtype @property def ftype(self): return "%s:%s" % (self.dtype, self._ftype) def merge(self, other): return _merge_blocks([self, other]) def reindex_axis(self, indexer, method=None, axis=1, fill_value=None, limit=None, mask_info=None): """ Reindex using pre-computed indexer information """ if axis < 1: raise AssertionError('axis must be at least 1, got %d' % axis) if fill_value is None: fill_value = self.fill_value new_values = com.take_nd(self.values, indexer, axis, fill_value=fill_value, mask_info=mask_info) return make_block(new_values, ndim=self.ndim, fastpath=True, placement=self.mgr_locs) def get(self, item): loc = self.items.get_loc(item) return self.values[loc] def iget(self, i): return self.values[i] def set(self, locs, values, check=False): """ Modify Block in-place with new item value Returns ------- None """ self.values[locs] = values def delete(self, loc): """ Delete given loc(-s) from block in-place. """ self.values = np.delete(self.values, loc, 0) self.mgr_locs = self.mgr_locs.delete(loc) def apply(self, func, **kwargs): """ apply the function to my values; return a block if we are not one """ result = func(self.values, **kwargs) if not isinstance(result, Block): result = make_block(values=_block_shape(result), placement=self.mgr_locs,) return result def fillna(self, value, limit=None, inplace=False, downcast=None): if not self._can_hold_na: if inplace: return [self] else: return [self.copy()] mask = isnull(self.values) if limit is not None: if self.ndim > 2: raise NotImplementedError("number of dimensions for 'fillna' " "is currently limited to 2") mask[mask.cumsum(self.ndim-1) > limit] = False value = self._try_fill(value) blocks = self.putmask(mask, value, inplace=inplace) return self._maybe_downcast(blocks, downcast) def _maybe_downcast(self, blocks, downcast=None): # no need to downcast our float # unless indicated if downcast is None and self.is_float: return blocks elif downcast is None and (self.is_timedelta or self.is_datetime): return blocks result_blocks = [] for b in blocks: result_blocks.extend(b.downcast(downcast)) return result_blocks def downcast(self, dtypes=None): """ try to downcast each item to the dict of dtypes if present """ # turn it off completely if dtypes is False: return [self] values = self.values # single block handling if self._is_single_block: # try to cast all non-floats here if dtypes is None: dtypes = 'infer' nv = _possibly_downcast_to_dtype(values, dtypes) return [make_block(nv, ndim=self.ndim, fastpath=True, placement=self.mgr_locs)] # ndim > 1 if dtypes is None: return [self] if not (dtypes == 'infer' or isinstance(dtypes, dict)): raise ValueError("downcast must have a dictionary or 'infer' as " "its argument") # item-by-item # this is expensive as it splits the blocks items-by-item blocks = [] for i, rl in enumerate(self.mgr_locs): if dtypes == 'infer': dtype = 'infer' else: raise AssertionError("dtypes as dict is not supported yet") dtype = dtypes.get(item, self._downcast_dtype) if dtype is None: nv = _block_shape(values[i], ndim=self.ndim) else: nv = _possibly_downcast_to_dtype(values[i], dtype) nv = _block_shape(nv, ndim=self.ndim) blocks.append(make_block(nv, ndim=self.ndim, fastpath=True, placement=[rl])) return blocks def astype(self, dtype, copy=False, raise_on_error=True, values=None, **kwargs): return self._astype(dtype, copy=copy, raise_on_error=raise_on_error, values=values, **kwargs) def _astype(self, dtype, copy=False, raise_on_error=True, values=None, klass=None, **kwargs): """ Coerce to the new type (if copy=True, return a new copy) raise on an except if raise == True """ # may need to convert to categorical # this is only called for non-categoricals if self.is_categorical_astype(dtype): return make_block(Categorical(self.values, **kwargs), ndim=self.ndim, placement=self.mgr_locs) # astype processing dtype = np.dtype(dtype) if self.dtype == dtype: if copy: return self.copy() return self if klass is None: if dtype == np.object_: klass = ObjectBlock try: # force the copy here if values is None: # _astype_nansafe works fine with 1-d only values = com._astype_nansafe(self.values.ravel(), dtype, copy=True) values = values.reshape(self.values.shape) newb = make_block(values, ndim=self.ndim, placement=self.mgr_locs, fastpath=True, dtype=dtype, klass=klass) except: if raise_on_error is True: raise newb = self.copy() if copy else self if newb.is_numeric and self.is_numeric: if newb.shape != self.shape: raise TypeError("cannot set astype for copy = [%s] for dtype " "(%s [%s]) with smaller itemsize that current " "(%s [%s])" % (copy,, self.itemsize,, newb.itemsize)) return newb def convert(self, copy=True, **kwargs): """ attempt to coerce any object types to better types return a copy of the block (if copy = True) by definition we are not an ObjectBlock here! """ return [self.copy()] if copy else [self] def _can_hold_element(self, value): raise NotImplementedError() def _try_cast(self, value): raise NotImplementedError() def _try_cast_result(self, result, dtype=None): """ try to cast the result to our original type, we may have roundtripped thru object in the mean-time """ if dtype is None: dtype = self.dtype if self.is_integer or self.is_bool or self.is_datetime: pass elif self.is_float and result.dtype == self.dtype: # protect against a bool/object showing up here if isinstance(dtype, compat.string_types) and dtype == 'infer': return result if not isinstance(dtype, type): dtype = dtype.type if issubclass(dtype, (np.bool_, np.object_)): if issubclass(dtype, np.bool_): if isnull(result).all(): return result.astype(np.bool_) else: result = result.astype(np.object_) result[result == 1] = True result[result == 0] = False return result else: return result.astype(np.object_) return result # may need to change the dtype here return _possibly_downcast_to_dtype(result, dtype) def _try_operate(self, values): """ return a version to operate on as the input """ return values def _try_coerce_args(self, values, other): """ provide coercion to our input arguments """ return values, other def _try_coerce_result(self, result): """ reverse of try_coerce_args """ return result def _try_coerce_and_cast_result(self, result, dtype=None): result = self._try_coerce_result(result) result = self._try_cast_result(result, dtype=dtype) return result def _try_fill(self, value): return value def to_native_types(self, slicer=None, na_rep='', quoting=None, **kwargs): """ convert to our native types format, slicing if desired """ values = self.values if slicer is not None: values = values[:, slicer] mask = isnull(values) if not self.is_object and not quoting: values = values.astype(str) else: values = np.array(values, dtype='object') values[mask] = na_rep return values # block actions #### def copy(self, deep=True): values = self.values if deep: values = values.copy() return make_block(values, ndim=self.ndim, klass=self.__class__, fastpath=True, placement=self.mgr_locs) def replace(self, to_replace, value, inplace=False, filter=None, regex=False): """ replace the to_replace value with value, possible to create new blocks here this is just a call to putmask. regex is not used here. It is used in ObjectBlocks. It is here for API compatibility.""" mask = com.mask_missing(self.values, to_replace) if filter is not None: filtered_out = ~self.mgr_locs.isin(filter) mask[filtered_out.nonzero()[0]] = False if not mask.any(): if inplace: return [self] return [self.copy()] return self.putmask(mask, value, inplace=inplace) def setitem(self, indexer, value): """ set the value inplace; return a new block (of a possibly different dtype) indexer is a direct slice/positional indexer; value must be a compatible shape """ # coerce None values, if appropriate if value is None: if self.is_numeric: value = np.nan # coerce args values, value = self._try_coerce_args(self.values, value) arr_value = np.array(value) # cast the values to a type that can hold nan (if necessary) if not self._can_hold_element(value): dtype, _ = com._maybe_promote(arr_value.dtype) values = values.astype(dtype) transf = (lambda x: x.T) if self.ndim == 2 else (lambda x: x) values = transf(values) l = len(values) # length checking # boolean with truth values == len of the value is ok too if isinstance(indexer, (np.ndarray, list)): if is_list_like(value) and len(indexer) != len(value): if not (isinstance(indexer, np.ndarray) and indexer.dtype == np.bool_ and len(indexer[indexer]) == len(value)): raise ValueError("cannot set using a list-like indexer " "with a different length than the value") # slice elif isinstance(indexer, slice): if is_list_like(value) and l: if len(value) != length_of_indexer(indexer, values): raise ValueError("cannot set using a slice indexer with a " "different length than the value") try: def _is_scalar_indexer(indexer): # return True if we are all scalar indexers if arr_value.ndim == 1: if not isinstance(indexer, tuple): indexer = tuple([indexer]) return all([ np.isscalar(idx) for idx in indexer ]) return False def _is_empty_indexer(indexer): # return a boolean if we have an empty indexer if arr_value.ndim == 1: if not isinstance(indexer, tuple): indexer = tuple([indexer]) return any(isinstance(idx, np.ndarray) and len(idx) == 0 for idx in indexer) return False # empty indexers # 8669 (empty) if _is_empty_indexer(indexer): pass # setting a single element for each dim and with a rhs that could be say a list # GH 6043 elif _is_scalar_indexer(indexer): values[indexer] = value # if we are an exact match (ex-broadcasting), # then use the resultant dtype elif len(arr_value.shape) and arr_value.shape[0] == values.shape[0] and == values[indexer] = value values = values.astype(arr_value.dtype) # set else: values[indexer] = value # coerce and try to infer the dtypes of the result if np.isscalar(value): dtype, _ = _infer_dtype_from_scalar(value) else: dtype = 'infer' values = self._try_coerce_and_cast_result(values, dtype) block = make_block(transf(values), ndim=self.ndim, placement=self.mgr_locs, fastpath=True) # may have to soft convert_objects here if block.is_object and not self.is_object: block = block.convert(convert_numeric=False) return block except (ValueError, TypeError) as detail: raise except Exception as detail: pass return [self] def putmask(self, mask, new, align=True, inplace=False): """ putmask the data to the block; it is possible that we may create a new dtype of block return the resulting block(s) Parameters ---------- mask : the condition to respect new : a ndarray/object align : boolean, perform alignment on other/cond, default is True inplace : perform inplace modification, default is False Returns ------- a new block(s), the result of the putmask """ new_values = self.values if inplace else self.values.copy() # may need to align the new if hasattr(new, 'reindex_axis'): new = new.values.T # may need to align the mask if hasattr(mask, 'reindex_axis'): mask = mask.values.T # if we are passed a scalar None, convert it here if not is_list_like(new) and isnull(new) and not self.is_object: new = self.fill_value if self._can_hold_element(new): new = self._try_cast(new) # pseudo-broadcast if isinstance(new, np.ndarray) and new.ndim == self.ndim - 1: new = np.repeat(new, self.shape[-1]).reshape(self.shape) np.putmask(new_values, mask, new) # maybe upcast me elif mask.any(): # need to go column by column new_blocks = [] if self.ndim > 1: for i, ref_loc in enumerate(self.mgr_locs): m = mask[i] v = new_values[i] # need a new block if m.any(): n = new[i] if isinstance( new, np.ndarray) else np.array(new) # type of the new block dtype, _ = com._maybe_promote(n.dtype) # we need to exiplicty astype here to make a copy n = n.astype(dtype) nv = _putmask_smart(v, m, n) else: nv = v if inplace else v.copy() # Put back the dimension that was taken from it and make # a block out of the result. block = make_block(values=nv[np.newaxis], placement=[ref_loc], fastpath=True) new_blocks.append(block) else: nv = _putmask_smart(new_values, mask, new) new_blocks.append(make_block(values=nv, placement=self.mgr_locs, fastpath=True)) return new_blocks if inplace: return [self] return [make_block(new_values, placement=self.mgr_locs, fastpath=True)] def interpolate(self, method='pad', axis=0, index=None, values=None, inplace=False, limit=None, fill_value=None, coerce=False, downcast=None, **kwargs): def check_int_bool(self, inplace): # Only FloatBlocks will contain NaNs. # timedelta subclasses IntBlock if (self.is_bool or self.is_integer) and not self.is_timedelta: if inplace: return self else: return self.copy() # a fill na type method try: m = com._clean_fill_method(method) except: m = None if m is not None: r = check_int_bool(self, inplace) if r is not None: return r return self._interpolate_with_fill(method=m, axis=axis, inplace=inplace, limit=limit, fill_value=fill_value, coerce=coerce, downcast=downcast) # try an interp method try: m = com._clean_interp_method(method, **kwargs) except: m = None if m is not None: r = check_int_bool(self, inplace) if r is not None: return r return self._interpolate(method=m, index=index, values=values, axis=axis, limit=limit, fill_value=fill_value, inplace=inplace, downcast=downcast, **kwargs) raise ValueError("invalid method '{0}' to interpolate.".format(method)) def _interpolate_with_fill(self, method='pad', axis=0, inplace=False, limit=None, fill_value=None, coerce=False, downcast=None): """ fillna but using the interpolate machinery """ # if we are coercing, then don't force the conversion # if the block can't hold the type if coerce: if not self._can_hold_na: if inplace: return [self] else: return [self.copy()] fill_value = self._try_fill(fill_value) values = self.values if inplace else self.values.copy() values = self._try_operate(values) values = com.interpolate_2d(values, method=method, axis=axis, limit=limit, fill_value=fill_value, dtype=self.dtype) values = self._try_coerce_result(values) blocks = [make_block(values, ndim=self.ndim, klass=self.__class__, fastpath=True, placement=self.mgr_locs)] return self._maybe_downcast(blocks, downcast) def _interpolate(self, method=None, index=None, values=None, fill_value=None, axis=0, limit=None, inplace=False, downcast=None, **kwargs): """ interpolate using scipy wrappers """ data = self.values if inplace else self.values.copy() # only deal with floats if not self.is_float: if not self.is_integer: return self data = data.astype(np.float64) if fill_value is None: fill_value = self.fill_value if method in ('krogh', 'piecewise_polynomial', 'pchip'): if not index.is_monotonic: raise ValueError("{0} interpolation requires that the " "index be monotonic.".format(method)) # process 1-d slices in the axis direction def func(x): # process a 1-d slice, returning it # should the axis argument be handled below in apply_along_axis? # i.e. not an arg to com.interpolate_1d return com.interpolate_1d(index, x, method=method, limit=limit, fill_value=fill_value, bounds_error=False, **kwargs) # interp each column independently interp_values = np.apply_along_axis(func, axis, data) blocks = [make_block(interp_values, ndim=self.ndim, klass=self.__class__, fastpath=True, placement=self.mgr_locs)] return self._maybe_downcast(blocks, downcast) def take_nd(self, indexer, axis, new_mgr_locs=None, fill_tuple=None): """ Take values according to indexer and return them as a """ if fill_tuple is None: fill_value = self.fill_value new_values = com.take_nd(self.get_values(), indexer, axis=axis, allow_fill=False) else: fill_value = fill_tuple[0] new_values = com.take_nd(self.get_values(), indexer, axis=axis, allow_fill=True, fill_value=fill_value) if new_mgr_locs is None: if axis == 0: slc = lib.indexer_as_slice(indexer) if slc is not None: new_mgr_locs = self.mgr_locs[slc] else: new_mgr_locs = self.mgr_locs[indexer] else: new_mgr_locs = self.mgr_locs if new_values.dtype != self.dtype: return make_block(new_values, new_mgr_locs) else: return self.make_block_same_class(new_values, new_mgr_locs) def get_values(self, dtype=None): return self.values def diff(self, n, axis=1): """ return block for the diff of the values """ new_values = com.diff(self.values, n, axis=axis) return [make_block(values=new_values, ndim=self.ndim, fastpath=True, placement=self.mgr_locs)] def shift(self, periods, axis=0): """ shift the block by periods, possibly upcast """ # convert integer to float if necessary. need to do a lot more than # that, handle boolean etc also new_values, fill_value = com._maybe_upcast(self.values) # make sure array sent to np.roll is c_contiguous f_ordered = new_values.flags.f_contiguous if f_ordered: new_values = new_values.T axis = new_values.ndim - axis - 1 if new_values = np.roll(new_values, com._ensure_platform_int(periods), axis=axis) axis_indexer = [ slice(None) ] * self.ndim if periods > 0: axis_indexer[axis] = slice(None,periods) else: axis_indexer[axis] = slice(periods,None) new_values[tuple(axis_indexer)] = fill_value # restore original order if f_ordered: new_values = new_values.T return [make_block(new_values, ndim=self.ndim, fastpath=True, placement=self.mgr_locs)] def eval(self, func, other, raise_on_error=True, try_cast=False): """ evaluate the block; return result block from the result Parameters ---------- func : how to combine self, other other : a ndarray/object raise_on_error : if True, raise when I can't perform the function, False by default (and just return the data that we had coming in) Returns ------- a new block, the result of the func """ values = self.values if hasattr(other, 'reindex_axis'): other = other.values # make sure that we can broadcast is_transposed = False if hasattr(other, 'ndim') and hasattr(values, 'ndim'): if values.ndim != other.ndim: is_transposed = True else: if values.shape == other.shape[::-1]: is_transposed = True elif values.shape[0] == other.shape[-1]: is_transposed = True else: # this is a broadcast error heree raise ValueError("cannot broadcast shape [%s] with block " "values [%s]" % (values.T.shape, other.shape)) transf = (lambda x: x.T) if is_transposed else (lambda x: x) # coerce/transpose the args if needed values, other = self._try_coerce_args(transf(values), other) # get the result, may need to transpose the other def get_result(other): return self._try_coerce_result(func(values, other)) # error handler if we have an issue operating with the function def handle_error(): if raise_on_error: raise TypeError('Could not operate %s with block values %s' % (repr(other), str(detail))) else: # return the values result = np.empty(values.shape, dtype='O') result.fill(np.nan) return result # get the result try: result = get_result(other) # if we have an invalid shape/broadcast error # GH4576, so raise instead of allowing to pass through except ValueError as detail: raise except Exception as detail: result = handle_error() # technically a broadcast error in numpy can 'work' by returning a # boolean False if not isinstance(result, np.ndarray): if not isinstance(result, np.ndarray): # differentiate between an invalid ndarray-ndarray comparison # and an invalid type comparison if isinstance(values, np.ndarray) and is_list_like(other): raise ValueError('Invalid broadcasting comparison [%s] ' 'with block values' % repr(other)) raise TypeError('Could not compare [%s] with block values' % repr(other)) # transpose if needed result = transf(result) # try to cast if requested if try_cast: result = self._try_cast_result(result) return [make_block(result, ndim=self.ndim, fastpath=True, placement=self.mgr_locs)] def where(self, other, cond, align=True, raise_on_error=True, try_cast=False): """ evaluate the block; return result block(s) from the result Parameters ---------- other : a ndarray/object cond : the condition to respect align : boolean, perform alignment on other/cond raise_on_error : if True, raise when I can't perform the function, False by default (and just return the data that we had coming in) Returns ------- a new block(s), the result of the func """ values = self.values # see if we can align other if hasattr(other, 'reindex_axis'): other = other.values # make sure that we can broadcast is_transposed = False if hasattr(other, 'ndim') and hasattr(values, 'ndim'): if values.ndim != other.ndim or values.shape == other.shape[::-1]: # if its symmetric are ok, no reshaping needed (GH 7506) if (values.shape[0] == np.array(values.shape)).all(): pass # pseodo broadcast (its a 2d vs 1d say and where needs it in a # specific direction) elif (other.ndim >= 1 and values.ndim - 1 == other.ndim and values.shape[0] != other.shape[0]): other = _block_shape(other).T else: values = values.T is_transposed = True # see if we can align cond if not hasattr(cond, 'shape'): raise ValueError( "where must have a condition that is ndarray like") if hasattr(cond, 'reindex_axis'): cond = cond.values # may need to undo transpose of values if hasattr(values, 'ndim'): if values.ndim != cond.ndim or values.shape == cond.shape[::-1]: values = values.T is_transposed = not is_transposed other = _maybe_convert_string_to_object(other) # our where function def func(c, v, o): if c.ravel().all(): return v v, o = self._try_coerce_args(v, o) try: return self._try_coerce_result( expressions.where(c, v, o, raise_on_error=True) ) except Exception as detail: if raise_on_error: raise TypeError('Could not operate [%s] with block values ' '[%s]' % (repr(o), str(detail))) else: # return the values result = np.empty(v.shape, dtype='float64') result.fill(np.nan) return result # see if we can operate on the entire block, or need item-by-item # or if we are a single block (ndim == 1) result = func(cond, values, other) if self._can_hold_na or self.ndim == 1: if not isinstance(result, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('Could not compare [%s] with block values' % repr(other)) if is_transposed: result = result.T # try to cast if requested if try_cast: result = self._try_cast_result(result) return make_block(result, ndim=self.ndim, placement=self.mgr_locs) # might need to separate out blocks axis = cond.ndim - 1 cond = cond.swapaxes(axis, 0) mask = np.array([cond[i].all() for i in range(cond.shape[0])], dtype=bool) result_blocks = [] for m in [mask, ~mask]: if m.any(): r = self._try_cast_result( result.take(m.nonzero()[0], axis=axis)) result_blocks.append(make_block(r.T, placement=self.mgr_locs[m])) return result_blocks def equals(self, other): if self.dtype != other.dtype or self.shape != other.shape: return False return array_equivalent(self.values, other.values) class NonConsolidatableMixIn(object): """ hold methods for the nonconsolidatable blocks """ _can_consolidate = False _verify_integrity = False _validate_ndim = False _holder = None def __init__(self, values, placement, ndim=None, fastpath=False,): # Placement must be converted to BlockPlacement via property setter # before ndim logic, because placement may be a slice which doesn't # have a length. self.mgr_locs = placement # kludgetastic if ndim is None: if len(self.mgr_locs) != 1: ndim = 1 else: ndim = 2 self.ndim = ndim if not isinstance(values, self._holder): raise TypeError("values must be {0}".format(self._holder.__name__)) self.values = values def get_values(self, dtype=None): """ need to to_dense myself (and always return a ndim sized object) """ values = self.values.to_dense() if values.ndim == self.ndim - 1: values = values.reshape((1,) + values.shape) return values def iget(self, col): if self.ndim == 2 and isinstance(col, tuple): col, loc = col if col != 0: raise IndexError("{0} only contains one item".format(self)) return self.values[loc] else: if col != 0: raise IndexError("{0} only contains one item".format(self)) return self.values def should_store(self, value): return isinstance(value, self._holder) def set(self, locs, values, check=False): assert locs.tolist() == [0] self.values = values def get(self, item): if self.ndim == 1: loc = self.items.get_loc(item) return self.values[loc] else: return self.values def _slice(self, slicer): """ return a slice of my values (but densify first) """ return self.get_values()[slicer] def _try_cast_result(self, result, dtype=None): return result class NumericBlock(Block): __slots__ = () is_numeric = True _can_hold_na = True class FloatOrComplexBlock(NumericBlock): __slots__ = () def equals(self, other): if self.dtype != other.dtype or self.shape != other.shape: return False left, right = self.values, other.values return ((left == right) | (np.isnan(left) & np.isnan(right))).all() class FloatBlock(FloatOrComplexBlock): __slots__ = () is_float = True _downcast_dtype = 'int64' def _can_hold_element(self, element): if is_list_like(element): element = np.array(element) tipo = element.dtype.type return issubclass(tipo, (np.floating, np.integer)) and not issubclass( tipo, (np.datetime64, np.timedelta64)) return isinstance(element, (float, int, np.float_, np.int_)) and not isinstance( element, (bool, np.bool_, datetime, timedelta, np.datetime64, np.timedelta64)) def _try_cast(self, element): try: return float(element) except: # pragma: no cover return element def to_native_types(self, slicer=None, na_rep='', float_format=None, decimal='.', quoting=None, **kwargs): """ convert to our native types format, slicing if desired """ values = self.values if slicer is not None: values = values[:, slicer] mask = isnull(values) formatter = None if float_format and decimal != '.': formatter = lambda v : (float_format % v).replace('.',decimal,1) elif decimal != '.': formatter = lambda v : ('%g' % v).replace('.',decimal,1) elif float_format: formatter = lambda v : float_format % v if formatter is None and not quoting: values = values.astype(str) else: values = np.array(values, dtype='object') values[mask] = na_rep if formatter: imask = (~mask).ravel() values.flat[imask] = np.array( [formatter(val) for val in values.ravel()[imask]]) return values def should_store(self, value): # when inserting a column should not coerce integers to floats # unnecessarily return (issubclass(value.dtype.type, np.floating) and value.dtype == self.dtype) class ComplexBlock(FloatOrComplexBlock): __slots__ = () is_complex = True def _can_hold_element(self, element): if is_list_like(element): element = np.array(element) return issubclass(element.dtype.type, (np.floating, np.integer, np.complexfloating)) return (isinstance(element, (float, int, complex, np.float_, np.int_)) and not isinstance(bool, np.bool_)) def _try_cast(self, element): try: return complex(element) except: # pragma: no cover return element def should_store(self, value): return issubclass(value.dtype.type, np.complexfloating) class IntBlock(NumericBlock): __slots__ = () is_integer = True _can_hold_na = False def _can_hold_element(self, element): if is_list_like(element): element = np.array(element) tipo = element.dtype.type return issubclass(tipo, np.integer) and not issubclass(tipo, (np.datetime64, np.timedelta64)) return com.is_integer(element) def _try_cast(self, element): try: return int(element) except: # pragma: no cover return element def should_store(self, value): return com.is_integer_dtype(value) and value.dtype == self.dtype class TimeDeltaBlock(IntBlock): __slots__ = () is_timedelta = True _can_hold_na = True is_numeric = False @property def fill_value(self): return tslib.iNaT def _try_fill(self, value): """ if we are a NaT, return the actual fill value """ if isinstance(value, type(tslib.NaT)) or np.array(isnull(value)).all(): value = tslib.iNaT elif isinstance(value, Timedelta): value = value.value elif isinstance(value, np.timedelta64): pass elif com.is_integer(value): # coerce to seconds of timedelta value = np.timedelta64(int(value * 1e9)) elif isinstance(value, timedelta): value = np.timedelta64(value) return value def _try_coerce_args(self, values, other): """ Coerce values and other to float64, with null values converted to NaN. values is always ndarray-like, other may not be """ def masker(v): mask = isnull(v) v = v.astype('float64') v[mask] = np.nan return v values = masker(values) if is_null_datelike_scalar(other): other = np.nan elif isinstance(other, (np.timedelta64, Timedelta, timedelta)): other = _coerce_scalar_to_timedelta_type(other, unit='s', box=False).item() if other == tslib.iNaT: other = np.nan elif lib.isscalar(other): other = np.float64(other) else: other = masker(other) return values, other def _try_operate(self, values): """ return a version to operate on """ return values.view('i8') def _try_coerce_result(self, result): """ reverse of try_coerce_args / try_operate """ if isinstance(result, np.ndarray): mask = isnull(result) if result.dtype.kind in ['i', 'f', 'O']: result = result.astype('m8[ns]') result[mask] = tslib.iNaT elif isinstance(result, np.integer): result = lib.Timedelta(result) return result def should_store(self, value): return issubclass(value.dtype.type, np.timedelta64) def to_native_types(self, slicer=None, na_rep=None, quoting=None, **kwargs): """ convert to our native types format, slicing if desired """ values = self.values if slicer is not None: values = values[:, slicer] mask = isnull(values) rvalues = np.empty(values.shape, dtype=object) if na_rep is None: na_rep = 'NaT' rvalues[mask] = na_rep imask = (~mask).ravel() #### FIXME #### # should use the core.format.Timedelta64Formatter here # to figure what format to pass to the Timedelta # e.g. to not show the decimals say rvalues.flat[imask] = np.array([Timedelta(val)._repr_base(format='all') for val in values.ravel()[imask]], dtype=object) return rvalues def get_values(self, dtype=None): # return object dtypes as Timedelta if dtype == object: return lib.map_infer(self.values.ravel(), lib.Timedelta ).reshape(self.values.shape) return self.values class BoolBlock(NumericBlock): __slots__ = () is_bool = True _can_hold_na = False def _can_hold_element(self, element): if is_list_like(element): element = np.array(element) return issubclass(element.dtype.type, np.integer) return isinstance(element, (int, bool)) def _try_cast(self, element): try: return bool(element) except: # pragma: no cover return element def should_store(self, value): return issubclass(value.dtype.type, np.bool_) def replace(self, to_replace, value, inplace=False, filter=None, regex=False): to_replace_values = np.atleast_1d(to_replace) if not np.can_cast(to_replace_values, bool): return self return super(BoolBlock, self).replace(to_replace, value, inplace=inplace, filter=filter, regex=regex) class ObjectBlock(Block): __slots__ = () is_object = True _can_hold_na = True def __init__(self, values, ndim=2, fastpath=False, placement=None): if issubclass(values.dtype.type, compat.string_types): values = np.array(values, dtype=object) super(ObjectBlock, self).__init__(values, ndim=ndim, fastpath=fastpath, placement=placement) @property def is_bool(self): """ we can be a bool if we have only bool values but are of type object """ return lib.is_bool_array(self.values.ravel()) def convert(self, convert_dates=True, convert_numeric=True, convert_timedeltas=True, copy=True, by_item=True): """ attempt to coerce any object types to better types return a copy of the block (if copy = True) by definition we ARE an ObjectBlock!!!!! can return multiple blocks! """ # attempt to create new type blocks blocks = [] if by_item and not self._is_single_block: for i, rl in enumerate(self.mgr_locs): values = self.iget(i) values = com._possibly_convert_objects( values.ravel(), convert_dates=convert_dates, convert_numeric=convert_numeric, convert_timedeltas=convert_timedeltas, ).reshape(values.shape) values = _block_shape(values, ndim=self.ndim) newb = make_block(values, ndim=self.ndim, placement=[rl]) blocks.append(newb) else: values = com._possibly_convert_objects( self.values.ravel(), convert_dates=convert_dates, convert_numeric=convert_numeric ).reshape(self.values.shape) blocks.append(make_block(values, ndim=self.ndim, placement=self.mgr_locs)) return blocks def set(self, locs, values, check=False): """ Modify Block in-place with new item value Returns ------- None """ # GH6026 if check: try: if (self.values[locs] == values).all(): return except: pass try: self.values[locs] = values except (ValueError): # broadcasting error # see GH6171 new_shape = list(values.shape) new_shape[0] = len(self.items) self.values = np.empty(tuple(new_shape),dtype=self.dtype) self.values.fill(np.nan) self.values[locs] = values def _maybe_downcast(self, blocks, downcast=None): if downcast is not None: return blocks # split and convert the blocks result_blocks = [] for blk in blocks: result_blocks.extend(blk.convert(convert_dates=True, convert_numeric=False)) return result_blocks def _can_hold_element(self, element): return True def _try_cast(self, element): return element def should_store(self, value): return not (issubclass(value.dtype.type, (np.integer, np.floating, np.complexfloating, np.datetime64, np.bool_)) or com.is_categorical_dtype(value)) def replace(self, to_replace, value, inplace=False, filter=None, regex=False): blk = [self] to_rep_is_list = com.is_list_like(to_replace) value_is_list = com.is_list_like(value) both_lists = to_rep_is_list and value_is_list either_list = to_rep_is_list or value_is_list if not either_list and com.is_re(to_replace): blk[0], = blk[0]._replace_single(to_replace, value, inplace=inplace, filter=filter, regex=True) elif not (either_list or regex): blk = super(ObjectBlock, self).replace(to_replace, value, inplace=inplace, filter=filter, regex=regex) elif both_lists: for to_rep, v in zip(to_replace, value): blk[0], = blk[0]._replace_single(to_rep, v, inplace=inplace, filter=filter, regex=regex) elif to_rep_is_list and regex: for to_rep in to_replace: blk[0], = blk[0]._replace_single(to_rep, value, inplace=inplace, filter=filter, regex=regex) else: blk[0], = blk[0]._replace_single(to_replace, value, inplace=inplace, filter=filter, regex=regex) return blk def _replace_single(self, to_replace, value, inplace=False, filter=None, regex=False): # to_replace is regex compilable to_rep_re = regex and com.is_re_compilable(to_replace) # regex is regex compilable regex_re = com.is_re_compilable(regex) # only one will survive if to_rep_re and regex_re: raise AssertionError('only one of to_replace and regex can be ' 'regex compilable') # if regex was passed as something that can be a regex (rather than a # boolean) if regex_re: to_replace = regex regex = regex_re or to_rep_re # try to get the pattern attribute (compiled re) or it's a string try: pattern = to_replace.pattern except AttributeError: pattern = to_replace # if the pattern is not empty and to_replace is either a string or a # regex if regex and pattern: rx = re.compile(to_replace) else: # if the thing to replace is not a string or compiled regex call # the superclass method -> to_replace is some kind of object result = super(ObjectBlock, self).replace(to_replace, value, inplace=inplace, filter=filter, regex=regex) if not isinstance(result, list): result = [result] return result new_values = self.values if inplace else self.values.copy() # deal with replacing values with objects (strings) that match but # whose replacement is not a string (numeric, nan, object) if isnull(value) or not isinstance(value, compat.string_types): def re_replacer(s): try: return value if is not None else s except TypeError: return s else: # value is guaranteed to be a string here, s can be either a string # or null if it's null it gets returned def re_replacer(s): try: return rx.sub(value, s) except TypeError: return s f = np.vectorize(re_replacer, otypes=[self.dtype]) if filter is None: filt = slice(None) else: filt = self.mgr_locs.isin(filter).nonzero()[0] new_values[filt] = f(new_values[filt]) return [self if inplace else make_block(new_values, fastpath=True, placement=self.mgr_locs)] class CategoricalBlock(NonConsolidatableMixIn, ObjectBlock): __slots__ = () is_categorical = True _can_hold_na = True _holder = Categorical def __init__(self, values, placement, fastpath=False, **kwargs): # coerce to categorical if we can super(CategoricalBlock, self).__init__(maybe_to_categorical(values), fastpath=True, placement=placement, **kwargs) @property def is_view(self): """ I am never a view """ return False def to_dense(self): return self.values.to_dense().view() @property def shape(self): return (len(self.mgr_locs), len(self.values)) @property def array_dtype(self): """ the dtype to return if I want to construct this block as an array """ return np.object_ def _slice(self, slicer): """ return a slice of my values """ # slice the category # return same dims as we currently have return self.values._slice(slicer) def fillna(self, value, limit=None, inplace=False, downcast=None): # we may need to upcast our fill to match our dtype if limit is not None: raise NotImplementedError("specifying a limit for 'fillna' has " "not been implemented yet") values = self.values if inplace else self.values.copy() return [self.make_block_same_class(values=values.fillna(value=value, limit=limit), placement=self.mgr_locs)] def interpolate(self, method='pad', axis=0, inplace=False, limit=None, fill_value=None, **kwargs): values = self.values if inplace else self.values.copy() return self.make_block_same_class(values=values.fillna(fill_value=fill_value, method=method, limit=limit), placement=self.mgr_locs) def take_nd(self, indexer, axis=0, new_mgr_locs=None, fill_tuple=None): """ Take values according to indexer and return them as a """ if fill_tuple is None: fill_value = None else: fill_value = fill_tuple[0] # axis doesn't matter; we are really a single-dim object # but are passed the axis depending on the calling routing # if its REALLY axis 0, then this will be a reindex and not a take new_values = self.values.take_nd(indexer, fill_value=fill_value) # if we are a 1-dim object, then always place at 0 if self.ndim == 1: new_mgr_locs = [0] else: if new_mgr_locs is None: new_mgr_locs = self.mgr_locs return self.make_block_same_class(new_values, new_mgr_locs) def putmask(self, mask, new, align=True, inplace=False): """ putmask the data to the block; it is possible that we may create a new dtype of block return the resulting block(s) Parameters ---------- mask : the condition to respect new : a ndarray/object align : boolean, perform alignment on other/cond, default is True inplace : perform inplace modification, default is False Returns ------- a new block(s), the result of the putmask """ new_values = self.values if inplace else self.values.copy() new_values[mask] = new return [self.make_block_same_class(values=new_values, placement=self.mgr_locs)] def _astype(self, dtype, copy=False, raise_on_error=True, values=None, klass=None): """ Coerce to the new type (if copy=True, return a new copy) raise on an except if raise == True """ if self.is_categorical_astype(dtype): values = self.values else: values = np.asarray(self.values).astype(dtype, copy=False) if copy: values = values.copy() return make_block(values, ndim=self.ndim, placement=self.mgr_locs) def to_native_types(self, slicer=None, na_rep='', quoting=None, **kwargs): """ convert to our native types format, slicing if desired """ values = self.values if slicer is not None: # Categorical is always one dimension values = values[slicer] mask = isnull(values) values = np.array(values, dtype='object') values[mask] = na_rep # we are expected to return a 2-d ndarray return values.reshape(1,len(values)) class DatetimeBlock(Block): __slots__ = () is_datetime = True _can_hold_na = True def __init__(self, values, placement, fastpath=False, **kwargs): if values.dtype != _NS_DTYPE: values = tslib.cast_to_nanoseconds(values) super(DatetimeBlock, self).__init__(values, fastpath=True, placement=placement, **kwargs) def _can_hold_element(self, element): if is_list_like(element): element = np.array(element) return element.dtype == _NS_DTYPE or element.dtype == np.int64 return (com.is_integer(element) or isinstance(element, datetime) or isnull(element)) def _try_cast(self, element): try: return int(element) except: return element def _try_operate(self, values): """ return a version to operate on """ return values.view('i8') def _try_coerce_args(self, values, other): """ Coerce values and other to dtype 'i8'. NaN and NaT convert to the smallest i8, and will correctly round-trip to NaT if converted back in _try_coerce_result. values is always ndarray-like, other may not be """ values = values.view('i8') if is_null_datelike_scalar(other): other = tslib.iNaT elif isinstance(other, datetime): other = lib.Timestamp(other).asm8.view('i8') elif hasattr(other, 'dtype') and com.is_integer_dtype(other): other = other.view('i8') else: other = np.array(other, dtype='i8') return values, other def _try_coerce_result(self, result): """ reverse of try_coerce_args """ if isinstance(result, np.ndarray): if result.dtype.kind in ['i', 'f', 'O']: result = result.astype('M8[ns]') elif isinstance(result, (np.integer, np.datetime64)): result = lib.Timestamp(result) return result @property def fill_value(self): return tslib.iNaT def _try_fill(self, value): """ if we are a NaT, return the actual fill value """ if isinstance(value, type(tslib.NaT)) or np.array(isnull(value)).all(): value = tslib.iNaT return value def fillna(self, value, limit=None, inplace=False, downcast=None): # straight putmask here values = self.values if inplace else self.values.copy() mask = isnull(self.values) value = self._try_fill(value) if limit is not None: if self.ndim > 2: raise NotImplementedError("number of dimensions for 'fillna' " "is currently limited to 2") mask[mask.cumsum(self.ndim-1)>limit]=False np.putmask(values, mask, value) return [self if inplace else make_block(values, fastpath=True, placement=self.mgr_locs)] def to_native_types(self, slicer=None, na_rep=None, date_format=None, quoting=None, **kwargs): """ convert to our native types format, slicing if desired """ values = self.values if slicer is not None: values = values[:, slicer] from pandas.core.format import _get_format_datetime64_from_values format = _get_format_datetime64_from_values(values, date_format) result = tslib.format_array_from_datetime(values.view('i8').ravel(), tz=None, format=format, na_rep=na_rep).reshape(values.shape) return result def should_store(self, value): return issubclass(value.dtype.type, np.datetime64) def set(self, locs, values, check=False): """ Modify Block in-place with new item value Returns ------- None """ if values.dtype != _NS_DTYPE: # Workaround for numpy 1.6 bug values = tslib.cast_to_nanoseconds(values) self.values[locs] = values def get_values(self, dtype=None): # return object dtype as Timestamps if dtype == object: return lib.map_infer(self.values.ravel(), lib.Timestamp)\ .reshape(self.values.shape) return self.values class SparseBlock(NonConsolidatableMixIn, Block): """ implement as a list of sparse arrays of the same dtype """ __slots__ = () is_sparse = True is_numeric = True _can_hold_na = True _ftype = 'sparse' _holder = SparseArray @property def shape(self): return (len(self.mgr_locs), self.sp_index.length) @property def itemsize(self): return self.dtype.itemsize @property def fill_value(self): #return np.nan return self.values.fill_value @fill_value.setter def fill_value(self, v): # we may need to upcast our fill to match our dtype if issubclass(self.dtype.type, np.floating): v = float(v) self.values.fill_value = v @property def sp_values(self): return self.values.sp_values @sp_values.setter def sp_values(self, v): # reset the sparse values self.values = SparseArray(v, sparse_index=self.sp_index, kind=self.kind, dtype=v.dtype, fill_value=self.values.fill_value, copy=False) @property def sp_index(self): return self.values.sp_index @property def kind(self): return self.values.kind def __len__(self): try: return self.sp_index.length except: return 0 def copy(self, deep=True): return self.make_block_same_class(values=self.values, sparse_index=self.sp_index, kind=self.kind, copy=deep, placement=self.mgr_locs) def make_block_same_class(self, values, placement, sparse_index=None, kind=None, dtype=None, fill_value=None, copy=False, fastpath=True): """ return a new block """ if dtype is None: dtype = self.dtype if fill_value is None: fill_value = self.values.fill_value # if not isinstance(values, SparseArray) and values.ndim != self.ndim: # raise ValueError("ndim mismatch") if values.ndim == 2: nitems = values.shape[0] if nitems == 0: # kludgy, but SparseBlocks cannot handle slices, where the # output is 0-item, so let's convert it to a dense block: it # won't take space since there's 0 items, plus it will preserve # the dtype. return make_block(np.empty(values.shape, dtype=dtype), placement, fastpath=True,) elif nitems > 1: raise ValueError("Only 1-item 2d sparse blocks are supported") else: values = values.reshape(values.shape[1]) new_values = SparseArray(values, sparse_index=sparse_index, kind=kind or self.kind, dtype=dtype, fill_value=fill_value, copy=copy) return make_block(new_values, ndim=self.ndim, fastpath=fastpath, placement=placement) def interpolate(self, method='pad', axis=0, inplace=False, limit=None, fill_value=None, **kwargs): values = com.interpolate_2d( self.values.to_dense(), method, axis, limit, fill_value) return self.make_block_same_class(values=values, placement=self.mgr_locs) def fillna(self, value, limit=None, inplace=False, downcast=None): # we may need to upcast our fill to match our dtype if limit is not None: raise NotImplementedError("specifying a limit for 'fillna' has " "not been implemented yet") if issubclass(self.dtype.type, np.floating): value = float(value) values = self.values if inplace else self.values.copy() return [self.make_block_same_class(values=values.get_values(value), fill_value=value, placement=self.mgr_locs)] def shift(self, periods, axis=0): """ shift the block by periods """ N = len(self.values.T) indexer = np.zeros(N, dtype=int) if periods > 0: indexer[periods:] = np.arange(N - periods) else: indexer[:periods] = np.arange(-periods, N) new_values = self.values.to_dense().take(indexer) # convert integer to float if necessary. need to do a lot more than # that, handle boolean etc also new_values, fill_value = com._maybe_upcast(new_values) if periods > 0: new_values[:periods] = fill_value else: new_values[periods:] = fill_value return [self.make_block_same_class(new_values, placement=self.mgr_locs)] def reindex_axis(self, indexer, method=None, axis=1, fill_value=None, limit=None, mask_info=None): """ Reindex using pre-computed indexer information """ if axis < 1: raise AssertionError('axis must be at least 1, got %d' % axis) # taking on the 0th axis always here if fill_value is None: fill_value = self.fill_value return self.make_block_same_class(self.values.take(indexer), fill_value=fill_value, placement=self.mgr_locs) def sparse_reindex(self, new_index): """ sparse reindex and return a new block current reindex only works for float64 dtype! """ values = self.values values = values.sp_index.to_int_index().reindex( values.sp_values.astype('float64'), values.fill_value, new_index) return self.make_block_same_class(values, sparse_index=new_index, placement=self.mgr_locs) def make_block(values, placement, klass=None, ndim=None, dtype=None, fastpath=False): if klass is None: dtype = dtype or values.dtype vtype = dtype.type if isinstance(values, SparseArray): klass = SparseBlock elif issubclass(vtype, np.floating): klass = FloatBlock elif (issubclass(vtype, np.integer) and issubclass(vtype, np.timedelta64)): klass = TimeDeltaBlock elif (issubclass(vtype, np.integer) and not issubclass(vtype, np.datetime64)): klass = IntBlock elif dtype == np.bool_: klass = BoolBlock elif issubclass(vtype, np.datetime64): klass = DatetimeBlock elif issubclass(vtype, np.complexfloating): klass = ComplexBlock elif is_categorical(values): klass = CategoricalBlock else: klass = ObjectBlock return klass(values, ndim=ndim, fastpath=fastpath, placement=placement) # TODO: flexible with index=None and/or items=None class BlockManager(PandasObject): """ Core internal data structure to implement DataFrame Manage a bunch of labeled 2D mixed-type ndarrays. Essentially it's a lightweight blocked set of labeled data to be manipulated by the DataFrame public API class Attributes ---------- shape ndim axes values items Methods ------- set_axis(axis, new_labels) copy(deep=True) get_dtype_counts get_ftype_counts get_dtypes get_ftypes apply(func, axes, block_filter_fn) get_bool_data get_numeric_data get_slice(slice_like, axis) get(label) iget(loc) get_scalar(label_tup) take(indexer, axis) reindex_axis(new_labels, axis) reindex_indexer(new_labels, indexer, axis) delete(label) insert(loc, label, value) set(label, value) Parameters ---------- Notes ----- This is *not* a public API class """ __slots__ = ['axes', 'blocks', '_ndim', '_shape', '_known_consolidated', '_is_consolidated', '_blknos', '_blklocs'] def __init__(self, blocks, axes, do_integrity_check=True, fastpath=True): self.axes = [_ensure_index(ax) for ax in axes] self.blocks = tuple(blocks) for block in blocks: if block.is_sparse: if len(block.mgr_locs) != 1: raise AssertionError("Sparse block refers to multiple items") else: if self.ndim != block.ndim: raise AssertionError(('Number of Block dimensions (%d) must ' 'equal number of axes (%d)') % (block.ndim, self.ndim)) if do_integrity_check: self._verify_integrity() self._consolidate_check() self._rebuild_blknos_and_blklocs() def make_empty(self, axes=None): """ return an empty BlockManager with the items axis of len 0 """ if axes is None: axes = [_ensure_index([])] + [ _ensure_index(a) for a in self.axes[1:] ] # preserve dtype if possible if self.ndim == 1: blocks = np.array([], dtype=self.array_dtype) else: blocks = [] return self.__class__(blocks, axes) def __nonzero__(self): return True # Python3 compat __bool__ = __nonzero__ @property def shape(self): return tuple(len(ax) for ax in self.axes) @property def ndim(self): return len(self.axes) def set_axis(self, axis, new_labels): new_labels = _ensure_index(new_labels) old_len = len(self.axes[axis]) new_len = len(new_labels) if new_len != old_len: raise ValueError('Length mismatch: Expected axis has %d elements, ' 'new values have %d elements' % (old_len, new_len)) self.axes[axis] = new_labels def rename_axis(self, mapper, axis, copy=True): """ Rename one of axes. Parameters ---------- mapper : unary callable axis : int copy : boolean, default True """ obj = self.copy(deep=copy) obj.set_axis(axis, _transform_index(self.axes[axis], mapper)) return obj def add_prefix(self, prefix): f = (str(prefix) + '%s').__mod__ return self.rename_axis(f, axis=0) def add_suffix(self, suffix): f = ('%s' + str(suffix)).__mod__ return self.rename_axis(f, axis=0) @property def _is_single_block(self): if self.ndim == 1: return True if len(self.blocks) != 1: return False blk = self.blocks[0] return (blk.mgr_locs.is_slice_like and blk.mgr_locs.as_slice == slice(0, len(self), 1)) def _rebuild_blknos_and_blklocs(self): """ Update mgr._blknos / mgr._blklocs. """ new_blknos = np.empty(self.shape[0], dtype=np.int64) new_blklocs = np.empty(self.shape[0], dtype=np.int64) new_blknos.fill(-1) new_blklocs.fill(-1) for blkno, blk in enumerate(self.blocks): rl = blk.mgr_locs new_blknos[rl.indexer] = blkno new_blklocs[rl.indexer] = np.arange(len(rl)) if (new_blknos == -1).any(): raise AssertionError("Gaps in blk ref_locs") self._blknos = new_blknos self._blklocs = new_blklocs # make items read only for now def _get_items(self): return self.axes[0] items = property(fget=_get_items) def _get_counts(self, f): """ return a dict of the counts of the function in BlockManager """ self._consolidate_inplace() counts = dict() for b in self.blocks: v = f(b) counts[v] = counts.get(v, 0) + b.shape[0] return counts def get_dtype_counts(self): return self._get_counts(lambda b: def get_ftype_counts(self): return self._get_counts(lambda b: b.ftype) def get_dtypes(self): dtypes = np.array([blk.dtype for blk in self.blocks]) return com.take_1d(dtypes, self._blknos, allow_fill=False) def get_ftypes(self): ftypes = np.array([blk.ftype for blk in self.blocks]) return com.take_1d(ftypes, self._blknos, allow_fill=False) def __getstate__(self): block_values = [b.values for b in self.blocks] block_items = [self.items[b.mgr_locs.indexer] for b in self.blocks] axes_array = [ax for ax in self.axes] extra_state = { '0.14.1': { 'axes': axes_array, 'blocks': [dict(values=b.values, mgr_locs=b.mgr_locs.indexer) for b in self.blocks] } } # First three elements of the state are to maintain forward # compatibility with 0.13.1. return axes_array, block_values, block_items, extra_state def __setstate__(self, state): def unpickle_block(values, mgr_locs): # numpy < 1.7 pickle compat if values.dtype == 'M8[us]': values = values.astype('M8[ns]') return make_block(values, placement=mgr_locs) if (isinstance(state, tuple) and len(state) >= 4 and '0.14.1' in state[3]): state = state[3]['0.14.1'] self.axes = [_ensure_index(ax) for ax in state['axes']] self.blocks = tuple( unpickle_block(b['values'], b['mgr_locs']) for b in state['blocks']) else: # discard anything after 3rd, support beta pickling format for a # little while longer ax_arrays, bvalues, bitems = state[:3] self.axes = [_ensure_index(ax) for ax in ax_arrays] if len(bitems) == 1 and self.axes[0].equals(bitems[0]): # This is a workaround for pre-0.14.1 pickles that didn't # support unpickling multi-block frames/panels with non-unique # columns/items, because given a manager with items ["a", "b", # "a"] there's no way of knowing which block's "a" is where. # # Single-block case can be supported under the assumption that # block items corresponded to manager items 1-to-1. all_mgr_locs = [slice(0, len(bitems[0]))] else: all_mgr_locs = [self.axes[0].get_indexer(blk_items) for blk_items in bitems] self.blocks = tuple( unpickle_block(values, mgr_locs) for values, mgr_locs in zip(bvalues, all_mgr_locs)) self._post_setstate() def _post_setstate(self): self._is_consolidated = False self._known_consolidated = False self._rebuild_blknos_and_blklocs() def __len__(self): return len(self.items) def __unicode__(self): output = com.pprint_thing(self.__class__.__name__) for i, ax in enumerate(self.axes): if i == 0: output += u('\nItems: %s') % ax else: output += u('\nAxis %d: %s') % (i, ax) for block in self.blocks: output += u('\n%s') % com.pprint_thing(block) return output def _verify_integrity(self): mgr_shape = self.shape tot_items = sum(len(x.mgr_locs) for x in self.blocks) for block in self.blocks: if not block.is_sparse and block.shape[1:] != mgr_shape[1:]: construction_error(tot_items, block.shape[1:], self.axes) if len(self.items) != tot_items: raise AssertionError('Number of manager items must equal union of ' 'block items\n# manager items: {0}, # ' 'tot_items: {1}'.format(len(self.items), tot_items)) def apply(self, f, axes=None, filter=None, do_integrity_check=False, **kwargs): """ iterate over the blocks, collect and create a new block manager Parameters ---------- f : the callable or function name to operate on at the block level axes : optional (if not supplied, use self.axes) filter : list, if supplied, only call the block if the filter is in the block do_integrity_check : boolean, default False. Do the block manager integrity check Returns ------- Block Manager (new object) """ result_blocks = [] # filter kwarg is used in replace-* family of methods if filter is not None: filter_locs = set(self.items.get_indexer_for(filter)) if len(filter_locs) == len(self.items): # All items are included, as if there were no filtering filter = None else: kwargs['filter'] = filter_locs if f == 'where' and kwargs.get('align', True): align_copy = True align_keys = ['other', 'cond'] elif f == 'putmask' and kwargs.get('align', True): align_copy = False align_keys = ['new', 'mask'] elif f == 'eval': align_copy = False align_keys = ['other'] elif f == 'fillna': # fillna internally does putmask, maybe it's better to do this # at mgr, not block level? align_copy = False align_keys = ['value'] else: align_keys = [] aligned_args = dict((k, kwargs[k]) for k in align_keys if hasattr(kwargs[k], 'reindex_axis')) for b in self.blocks: if filter is not None: if not b.mgr_locs.isin(filter_locs).any(): result_blocks.append(b) continue if aligned_args: b_items = self.items[b.mgr_locs.indexer] for k, obj in aligned_args.items(): axis = getattr(obj, '_info_axis_number', 0) kwargs[k] = obj.reindex_axis(b_items, axis=axis, copy=align_copy) applied = getattr(b, f)(**kwargs) if isinstance(applied, list): result_blocks.extend(applied) else: result_blocks.append(applied) if len(result_blocks) == 0: return self.make_empty(axes or self.axes) bm = self.__class__(result_blocks, axes or self.axes, do_integrity_check=do_integrity_check) bm._consolidate_inplace() return bm def isnull(self, **kwargs): return self.apply('apply', **kwargs) def where(self, **kwargs): return self.apply('where', **kwargs) def eval(self, **kwargs): return self.apply('eval', **kwargs) def setitem(self, **kwargs): return self.apply('setitem', **kwargs) def putmask(self, **kwargs): return self.apply('putmask', **kwargs) def diff(self, **kwargs): return self.apply('diff', **kwargs) def interpolate(self, **kwargs): return self.apply('interpolate', **kwargs) def shift(self, **kwargs): return self.apply('shift', **kwargs) def fillna(self, **kwargs): return self.apply('fillna', **kwargs) def downcast(self, **kwargs): return self.apply('downcast', **kwargs) def astype(self, dtype, **kwargs): return self.apply('astype', dtype=dtype, **kwargs) def convert(self, **kwargs): return self.apply('convert', **kwargs) def replace(self, **kwargs): return self.apply('replace', **kwargs) def replace_list(self, src_list, dest_list, inplace=False, regex=False): """ do a list replace """ # figure out our mask a-priori to avoid repeated replacements values = self.as_matrix() def comp(s): if isnull(s): return isnull(values) return _possibly_compare(values, getattr(s, 'asm8', s), operator.eq) masks = [comp(s) for i, s in enumerate(src_list)] result_blocks = [] for blk in self.blocks: # its possible to get multiple result blocks here # replace ALWAYS will return a list rb = [blk if inplace else blk.copy()] for i, (s, d) in enumerate(zip(src_list, dest_list)): new_rb = [] for b in rb: if b.dtype == np.object_: result = b.replace(s, d, inplace=inplace, regex=regex) if isinstance(result, list): new_rb.extend(result) else: new_rb.append(result) else: # get our mask for this element, sized to this # particular block m = masks[i][b.mgr_locs.indexer] if m.any(): new_rb.extend(b.putmask(m, d, inplace=True)) else: new_rb.append(b) rb = new_rb result_blocks.extend(rb) bm = self.__class__(result_blocks, self.axes) bm._consolidate_inplace() return bm def reshape_nd(self, axes, **kwargs): """ a 2d-nd reshape operation on a BlockManager """ return self.apply('reshape_nd', axes=axes, **kwargs) def is_consolidated(self): """ Return True if more than one block with the same dtype """ if not self._known_consolidated: self._consolidate_check() return self._is_consolidated def _consolidate_check(self): ftypes = [blk.ftype for blk in self.blocks] self._is_consolidated = len(ftypes) == len(set(ftypes)) self._known_consolidated = True @property def is_mixed_type(self): # Warning, consolidation needs to get checked upstairs self._consolidate_inplace() return len(self.blocks) > 1 @property def is_numeric_mixed_type(self): # Warning, consolidation needs to get checked upstairs self._consolidate_inplace() return all([block.is_numeric for block in self.blocks]) @property def is_datelike_mixed_type(self): # Warning, consolidation needs to get checked upstairs self._consolidate_inplace() return any([block.is_datelike for block in self.blocks]) @property def is_view(self): """ return a boolean if we are a single block and are a view """ if len(self.blocks) == 1: return self.blocks[0].is_view # It is technically possible to figure out which blocks are views # e.g. [ b.values.base is not None for b in self.blocks ] # but then we have the case of possibly some blocks being a view # and some blocks not. setting in theory is possible on the non-view # blocks w/o causing a SettingWithCopy raise/warn. But this is a bit # complicated return False def get_bool_data(self, copy=False): """ Parameters ---------- copy : boolean, default False Whether to copy the blocks """ self._consolidate_inplace() return self.combine([b for b in self.blocks if b.is_bool], copy) def get_numeric_data(self, copy=False): """ Parameters ---------- copy : boolean, default False Whether to copy the blocks """ self._consolidate_inplace() return self.combine([b for b in self.blocks if b.is_numeric], copy) def combine(self, blocks, copy=True): """ return a new manager with the blocks """ if len(blocks) == 0: return self.make_empty() # FIXME: optimization potential indexer = np.sort(np.concatenate([b.mgr_locs.as_array for b in blocks])) inv_indexer = lib.get_reverse_indexer(indexer, self.shape[0]) new_items = self.items.take(indexer) new_blocks = [] for b in blocks: b = b.copy(deep=copy) b.mgr_locs = com.take_1d(inv_indexer, b.mgr_locs.as_array, axis=0, allow_fill=False) new_blocks.append(b) new_axes = list(self.axes) new_axes[0] = new_items return self.__class__(new_blocks, new_axes, do_integrity_check=False) def get_slice(self, slobj, axis=0): if axis >= self.ndim: raise IndexError("Requested axis not found in manager") if axis == 0: new_blocks = self._slice_take_blocks_ax0(slobj) else: slicer = [slice(None)] * (axis + 1) slicer[axis] = slobj slicer = tuple(slicer) new_blocks = [blk.getitem_block(slicer) for blk in self.blocks] new_axes = list(self.axes) new_axes[axis] = new_axes[axis][slobj] bm = self.__class__(new_blocks, new_axes, do_integrity_check=False, fastpath=True) bm._consolidate_inplace() return bm def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.items @property def nblocks(self): return len(self.blocks) def copy(self, deep=True): """ Make deep or shallow copy of BlockManager Parameters ---------- deep : boolean o rstring, default True If False, return shallow copy (do not copy data) If 'all', copy data and a deep copy of the index Returns ------- copy : BlockManager """ # this preserves the notion of view copying of axes if deep: if deep == 'all': copy = lambda ax: ax.copy(deep=True) else: copy = lambda ax: ax.view() new_axes = [ copy(ax) for ax in self.axes] else: new_axes = list(self.axes) return self.apply('copy', axes=new_axes, deep=deep, do_integrity_check=False) def as_matrix(self, items=None): if len(self.blocks) == 0: return np.empty(self.shape, dtype=float) if items is not None: mgr = self.reindex_axis(items, axis=0) else: mgr = self if self._is_single_block or not self.is_mixed_type: return mgr.blocks[0].get_values() else: return mgr._interleave() def _interleave(self): """ Return ndarray from blocks with specified item order Items must be contained in the blocks """ dtype = _interleaved_dtype(self.blocks) result = np.empty(self.shape, dtype=dtype) if result.shape[0] == 0: # Workaround for numpy 1.7 bug: # # >>> a = np.empty((0,10)) # >>> a[slice(0,0)] # array([], shape=(0, 10), dtype=float64) # >>> a[[]] # Traceback (most recent call last): # File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> # IndexError: index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0 return result itemmask = np.zeros(self.shape[0]) for blk in self.blocks: rl = blk.mgr_locs result[rl.indexer] = blk.get_values(dtype) itemmask[rl.indexer] = 1 if not itemmask.all(): raise AssertionError('Some items were not contained in blocks') return result def xs(self, key, axis=1, copy=True, takeable=False): if axis < 1: raise AssertionError('Can only take xs across axis >= 1, got %d' % axis) # take by position if takeable: loc = key else: loc = self.axes[axis].get_loc(key) slicer = [slice(None, None) for _ in range(self.ndim)] slicer[axis] = loc slicer = tuple(slicer) new_axes = list(self.axes) # could be an array indexer! if isinstance(loc, (slice, np.ndarray)): new_axes[axis] = new_axes[axis][loc] else: new_axes.pop(axis) new_blocks = [] if len(self.blocks) > 1: # we must copy here as we are mixed type for blk in self.blocks: newb = make_block(values=blk.values[slicer], klass=blk.__class__, fastpath=True, placement=blk.mgr_locs) new_blocks.append(newb) elif len(self.blocks) == 1: block = self.blocks[0] vals = block.values[slicer] if copy: vals = vals.copy() new_blocks = [make_block(values=vals, placement=block.mgr_locs, klass=block.__class__, fastpath=True,)] return self.__class__(new_blocks, new_axes) def fast_xs(self, loc): """ get a cross sectional for a given location in the items ; handle dups return the result, is *could* be a view in the case of a single block """ if len(self.blocks) == 1: return self.blocks[0].values[:, loc] items = self.items # non-unique (GH4726) if not items.is_unique: result = self._interleave() if self.ndim == 2: result = result.T return result[loc] # unique dtype = _interleaved_dtype(self.blocks) n = len(items) result = np.empty(n, dtype=dtype) for blk in self.blocks: # Such assignment may incorrectly coerce NaT to None # result[blk.mgr_locs] = blk._slice((slice(None), loc)) for i, rl in enumerate(blk.mgr_locs): result[rl] = blk._try_coerce_result(blk.iget((i, loc))) return result def consolidate(self): """ Join together blocks having same dtype Returns ------- y : BlockManager """ if self.is_consolidated(): return self bm = self.__class__(self.blocks, self.axes) bm._is_consolidated = False bm._consolidate_inplace() return bm def _consolidate_inplace(self): if not self.is_consolidated(): self.blocks = tuple(_consolidate(self.blocks)) self._is_consolidated = True self._known_consolidated = True self._rebuild_blknos_and_blklocs() def get(self, item, fastpath=True): """ Return values for selected item (ndarray or BlockManager). """ if self.items.is_unique: if not isnull(item): loc = self.items.get_loc(item) else: indexer = np.arange(len(self.items))[isnull(self.items)] # allow a single nan location indexer if not np.isscalar(indexer): if len(indexer) == 1: loc = indexer.item() else: raise ValueError("cannot label index with a null key") return self.iget(loc, fastpath=fastpath) else: if isnull(item): raise ValueError("cannot label index with a null key") indexer = self.items.get_indexer_for([item]) return self.reindex_indexer(new_axis=self.items[indexer], indexer=indexer, axis=0, allow_dups=True) def iget(self, i, fastpath=True): """ Return the data as a SingleBlockManager if fastpath=True and possible Otherwise return as a ndarray """ block = self.blocks[self._blknos[i]] values = block.iget(self._blklocs[i]) if not fastpath or block.is_sparse or values.ndim != 1: return values # fastpath shortcut for select a single-dim from a 2-dim BM return SingleBlockManager([ block.make_block_same_class(values, placement=slice(0, len(values)), ndim=1, fastpath=True) ], self.axes[1]) def get_scalar(self, tup): """ Retrieve single item """ full_loc = list(ax.get_loc(x) for ax, x in zip(self.axes, tup)) blk = self.blocks[self._blknos[full_loc[0]]] full_loc[0] = self._blklocs[full_loc[0]] # FIXME: this may return non-upcasted types? return blk.values[tuple(full_loc)] def delete(self, item): """ Delete selected item (items if non-unique) in-place. """ indexer = self.items.get_loc(item) is_deleted = np.zeros(self.shape[0], dtype=np.bool_) is_deleted[indexer] = True ref_loc_offset = -is_deleted.cumsum() is_blk_deleted = [False] * len(self.blocks) if isinstance(indexer, int): affected_start = indexer else: affected_start = is_deleted.nonzero()[0][0] for blkno, _ in _fast_count_smallints(self._blknos[affected_start:]): blk = self.blocks[blkno] bml = blk.mgr_locs blk_del = is_deleted[bml.indexer].nonzero()[0] if len(blk_del) == len(bml): is_blk_deleted[blkno] = True continue elif len(blk_del) != 0: blk.delete(blk_del) bml = blk.mgr_locs blk.mgr_locs = bml.add(ref_loc_offset[bml.indexer]) # FIXME: use Index.delete as soon as it uses fastpath=True self.axes[0] = self.items[~is_deleted] self.blocks = tuple(b for blkno, b in enumerate(self.blocks) if not is_blk_deleted[blkno]) self._shape = None self._rebuild_blknos_and_blklocs() def set(self, item, value, check=False): """ Set new item in-place. Does not consolidate. Adds new Block if not contained in the current set of items if check, then validate that we are not setting the same data in-place """ # FIXME: refactor, clearly separate broadcasting & zip-like assignment # can prob also fix the various if tests for sparse/categorical value_is_sparse = isinstance(value, SparseArray) value_is_cat = is_categorical(value) value_is_nonconsolidatable = value_is_sparse or value_is_cat if value_is_sparse: # sparse assert self.ndim == 2 def value_getitem(placement): return value elif value_is_cat: # categorical def value_getitem(placement): return value else: if value.ndim == self.ndim - 1: value = value.reshape((1,) + value.shape) def value_getitem(placement): return value else: def value_getitem(placement): return value[placement.indexer] if value.shape[1:] != self.shape[1:]: raise AssertionError('Shape of new values must be compatible ' 'with manager shape') try: loc = self.items.get_loc(item) except KeyError: # This item wasn't present, just insert at end self.insert(len(self.items), item, value) return if isinstance(loc, int): loc = [loc] blknos = self._blknos[loc] blklocs = self._blklocs[loc].copy() unfit_mgr_locs = [] unfit_val_locs = [] removed_blknos = [] for blkno, val_locs in _get_blkno_placements(blknos, len(self.blocks), group=True): blk = self.blocks[blkno] blk_locs = blklocs[val_locs.indexer] if blk.should_store(value): blk.set(blk_locs, value_getitem(val_locs), check=check) else: unfit_mgr_locs.append(blk.mgr_locs.as_array[blk_locs]) unfit_val_locs.append(val_locs) # If all block items are unfit, schedule the block for removal. if len(val_locs) == len(blk.mgr_locs): removed_blknos.append(blkno) else: self._blklocs[blk.mgr_locs.indexer] = -1 blk.delete(blk_locs) self._blklocs[blk.mgr_locs.indexer] = np.arange(len(blk)) if len(removed_blknos): # Remove blocks & update blknos accordingly is_deleted = np.zeros(self.nblocks, dtype=np.bool_) is_deleted[removed_blknos] = True new_blknos = np.empty(self.nblocks, dtype=np.int64) new_blknos.fill(-1) new_blknos[~is_deleted] = np.arange(self.nblocks - len(removed_blknos)) self._blknos = com.take_1d(new_blknos, self._blknos, axis=0, allow_fill=False) self.blocks = tuple(blk for i, blk in enumerate(self.blocks) if i not in set(removed_blknos)) if unfit_val_locs: unfit_mgr_locs = np.concatenate(unfit_mgr_locs) unfit_count = len(unfit_mgr_locs) new_blocks = [] if value_is_nonconsolidatable: # This code (ab-)uses the fact that sparse blocks contain only # one item. new_blocks.extend( make_block(values=value.copy(), ndim=self.ndim, placement=slice(mgr_loc, mgr_loc + 1)) for mgr_loc in unfit_mgr_locs) self._blknos[unfit_mgr_locs] = (np.arange(unfit_count) + len(self.blocks)) self._blklocs[unfit_mgr_locs] = 0 else: # unfit_val_locs contains BlockPlacement objects unfit_val_items = unfit_val_locs[0].append(unfit_val_locs[1:]) new_blocks.append( make_block(values=value_getitem(unfit_val_items), ndim=self.ndim, placement=unfit_mgr_locs)) self._blknos[unfit_mgr_locs] = len(self.blocks) self._blklocs[unfit_mgr_locs] = np.arange(unfit_count) self.blocks += tuple(new_blocks) # Newly created block's dtype may already be present. self._known_consolidated = False def insert(self, loc, item, value, allow_duplicates=False): """ Insert item at selected position. Parameters ---------- loc : int item : hashable value : array_like allow_duplicates: bool If False, trying to insert non-unique item will raise """ if not allow_duplicates and item in self.items: # Should this be a different kind of error?? raise ValueError('cannot insert %s, already exists' % item) if not isinstance(loc, int): raise TypeError("loc must be int") block = make_block(values=value, ndim=self.ndim, placement=slice(loc, loc+1)) for blkno, count in _fast_count_smallints(self._blknos[loc:]): blk = self.blocks[blkno] if count == len(blk.mgr_locs): blk.mgr_locs = blk.mgr_locs.add(1) else: new_mgr_locs = blk.mgr_locs.as_array.copy() new_mgr_locs[new_mgr_locs >= loc] += 1 blk.mgr_locs = new_mgr_locs if loc == self._blklocs.shape[0]: # np.append is a lot faster (at least in numpy 1.7.1), let's use it # if we can. self._blklocs = np.append(self._blklocs, 0) self._blknos = np.append(self._blknos, len(self.blocks)) else: self._blklocs = np.insert(self._blklocs, loc, 0) self._blknos = np.insert(self._blknos, loc, len(self.blocks)) self.axes[0] = self.items.insert(loc, item) self.blocks += (block,) self._shape = None self._known_consolidated = False if len(self.blocks) > 100: self._consolidate_inplace() def reindex_axis(self, new_index, axis, method=None, limit=None, fill_value=None, copy=True): """ Conform block manager to new index. """ new_index = _ensure_index(new_index) new_index, indexer = self.axes[axis].reindex( new_index, method=method, limit=limit) return self.reindex_indexer(new_index, indexer, axis=axis, fill_value=fill_value, copy=copy) def reindex_indexer(self, new_axis, indexer, axis, fill_value=None, allow_dups=False, copy=True): """ Parameters ---------- new_axis : Index indexer : ndarray of int64 or None axis : int fill_value : object allow_dups : bool pandas-indexer with -1's only. """ if indexer is None: if new_axis is self.axes[axis] and not copy: return self result = self.copy(deep=copy) result.axes = list(self.axes) result.axes[axis] = new_axis return result self._consolidate_inplace() # some axes don't allow reindexing with dups if not allow_dups: self.axes[axis]._can_reindex(indexer) if axis >= self.ndim: raise IndexError("Requested axis not found in manager") if axis == 0: new_blocks = self._slice_take_blocks_ax0( indexer, fill_tuple=(fill_value,)) else: new_blocks = [blk.take_nd(indexer, axis=axis, fill_tuple=(fill_value if fill_value is not None else blk.fill_value,)) for blk in self.blocks] new_axes = list(self.axes) new_axes[axis] = new_axis return self.__class__(new_blocks, new_axes) def _slice_take_blocks_ax0(self, slice_or_indexer, fill_tuple=None): """ Slice/take blocks along axis=0. Overloaded for SingleBlock Returns ------- new_blocks : list of Block """ allow_fill = fill_tuple is not None sl_type, slobj, sllen = _preprocess_slice_or_indexer( slice_or_indexer, self.shape[0], allow_fill=allow_fill) if self._is_single_block: blk = self.blocks[0] if sl_type in ('slice', 'mask'): return [blk.getitem_block(slobj, new_mgr_locs=slice(0, sllen))] elif not allow_fill or self.ndim == 1: if allow_fill and fill_tuple[0] is None: _, fill_value = com._maybe_promote(blk.dtype) fill_tuple = (fill_value,) return [blk.take_nd(slobj, axis=0, new_mgr_locs=slice(0, sllen), fill_tuple=fill_tuple)] if sl_type in ('slice', 'mask'): blknos = self._blknos[slobj] blklocs = self._blklocs[slobj] else: blknos = com.take_1d(self._blknos, slobj, fill_value=-1, allow_fill=allow_fill) blklocs = com.take_1d(self._blklocs, slobj, fill_value=-1, allow_fill=allow_fill) # When filling blknos, make sure blknos is updated before appending to # blocks list, that way new blkno is exactly len(blocks). # # FIXME: mgr_groupby_blknos must return mgr_locs in ascending order, # pytables serialization will break otherwise. blocks = [] for blkno, mgr_locs in _get_blkno_placements(blknos, len(self.blocks), group=True): if blkno == -1: # If we've got here, fill_tuple was not None. fill_value = fill_tuple[0] blocks.append(self._make_na_block( placement=mgr_locs, fill_value=fill_value)) else: blk = self.blocks[blkno] # Otherwise, slicing along items axis is necessary. if not blk._can_consolidate: # A non-consolidatable block, it's easy, because there's only one item # and each mgr loc is a copy of that single item. for mgr_loc in mgr_locs: newblk = blk.copy(deep=True) newblk.mgr_locs = slice(mgr_loc, mgr_loc + 1) blocks.append(newblk) else: blocks.append(blk.take_nd( blklocs[mgr_locs.indexer], axis=0, new_mgr_locs=mgr_locs, fill_tuple=None)) return blocks def _make_na_block(self, placement, fill_value=None): # TODO: infer dtypes other than float64 from fill_value if fill_value is None: fill_value = np.nan block_shape = list(self.shape) block_shape[0] = len(placement) dtype, fill_value = com._infer_dtype_from_scalar(fill_value) block_values = np.empty(block_shape, dtype=dtype) block_values.fill(fill_value) return make_block(block_values, placement=placement) def take(self, indexer, axis=1, verify=True, convert=True): """ Take items along any axis. """ self._consolidate_inplace() indexer = np.arange(indexer.start, indexer.stop, indexer.step, dtype='int64') if isinstance(indexer, slice) \ else np.asanyarray(indexer, dtype='int64') n = self.shape[axis] if convert: indexer = maybe_convert_indices(indexer, n) if verify: if ((indexer == -1) | (indexer >= n)).any(): raise Exception('Indices must be nonzero and less than ' 'the axis length') new_labels = self.axes[axis].take(indexer) return self.reindex_indexer(new_axis=new_labels, indexer=indexer, axis=axis, allow_dups=True) def merge(self, other, lsuffix='', rsuffix=''): if not self._is_indexed_like(other): raise AssertionError('Must have same axes to merge managers') l, r = items_overlap_with_suffix(left=self.items, lsuffix=lsuffix, right=other.items, rsuffix=rsuffix) new_items = _concat_indexes([l, r]) new_blocks = [blk.copy(deep=False) for blk in self.blocks] offset = self.shape[0] for blk in other.blocks: blk = blk.copy(deep=False) blk.mgr_locs = blk.mgr_locs.add(offset) new_blocks.append(blk) new_axes = list(self.axes) new_axes[0] = new_items return self.__class__(_consolidate(new_blocks), new_axes) def _is_indexed_like(self, other): """ Check all axes except items """ if self.ndim != other.ndim: raise AssertionError(('Number of dimensions must agree ' 'got %d and %d') % (self.ndim, other.ndim)) for ax, oax in zip(self.axes[1:], other.axes[1:]): if not ax.equals(oax): return False return True def equals(self, other): self_axes, other_axes = self.axes, other.axes if len(self_axes) != len(other_axes): return False if not all (ax1.equals(ax2) for ax1, ax2 in zip(self_axes, other_axes)): return False self._consolidate_inplace() other._consolidate_inplace() if len(self.blocks) != len(other.blocks): return False # canonicalize block order, using a tuple combining the type # name and then mgr_locs because there might be unconsolidated # blocks (say, Categorical) which can only be distinguished by # the iteration order def canonicalize(block): return (, block.mgr_locs.as_array.tolist()) self_blocks = sorted(self.blocks, key=canonicalize) other_blocks = sorted(other.blocks, key=canonicalize) return all(block.equals(oblock) for block, oblock in zip(self_blocks, other_blocks)) class SingleBlockManager(BlockManager): """ manage a single block with """ ndim = 1 _is_consolidated = True _known_consolidated = True __slots__ = () def __init__(self, block, axis, do_integrity_check=False, fastpath=False): if isinstance(axis, list): if len(axis) != 1: raise ValueError( "cannot create SingleBlockManager with more than 1 axis") axis = axis[0] # passed from constructor, single block, single axis if fastpath: self.axes = [axis] if isinstance(block, list): # empty block if len(block) == 0: block = [np.array([])] elif len(block) != 1: raise ValueError('Cannot create SingleBlockManager with ' 'more than 1 block') block = block[0] else: self.axes = [_ensure_index(axis)] # create the block here if isinstance(block, list): # provide consolidation to the interleaved_dtype if len(block) > 1: dtype = _interleaved_dtype(block) block = [b.astype(dtype) for b in block] block = _consolidate(block) if len(block) != 1: raise ValueError('Cannot create SingleBlockManager with ' 'more than 1 block') block = block[0] if not isinstance(block, Block): block = make_block(block, placement=slice(0, len(axis)), ndim=1, fastpath=True) self.blocks = [block] def _post_setstate(self): pass @property def _block(self): return self.blocks[0] @property def _values(self): return self._block.values def reindex(self, new_axis, indexer=None, method=None, fill_value=None, limit=None, copy=True): # if we are the same and don't copy, just return if self.index.equals(new_axis): if copy: return self.copy(deep=True) else: return self values = self._block.get_values() if indexer is None: indexer = self.items.get_indexer_for(new_axis) if fill_value is None: # FIXME: is fill_value used correctly in sparse blocks? if not self._block.is_sparse: fill_value = self._block.fill_value else: fill_value = np.nan new_values = com.take_1d(values, indexer, fill_value=fill_value) # fill if needed if method is not None or limit is not None: new_values = com.interpolate_2d(new_values, method=method, limit=limit, fill_value=fill_value) if self._block.is_sparse: make_block = self._block.make_block_same_class block = make_block(new_values, copy=copy, placement=slice(0, len(new_axis))) mgr = SingleBlockManager(block, new_axis) mgr._consolidate_inplace() return mgr def get_slice(self, slobj, axis=0): if axis >= self.ndim: raise IndexError("Requested axis not found in manager") return self.__class__(self._block._slice(slobj), self.index[slobj], fastpath=True) @property def index(self): return self.axes[0] def convert(self, **kwargs): """ convert the whole block as one """ kwargs['by_item'] = False return self.apply('convert', **kwargs) @property def dtype(self): return self._values.dtype @property def array_dtype(self): return self._block.array_dtype @property def ftype(self): return self._block.ftype def get_dtype_counts(self): return { 1} def get_ftype_counts(self): return {self.ftype: 1} def get_dtypes(self): return np.array([self._block.dtype]) def get_ftypes(self): return np.array([self._block.ftype]) @property def values(self): return self._values.view() def get_values(self): """ return a dense type view """ return np.array(self._block.to_dense(),copy=False) @property def itemsize(self): return self._values.itemsize @property def _can_hold_na(self): return self._block._can_hold_na def is_consolidated(self): return True def _consolidate_check(self): pass def _consolidate_inplace(self): pass def delete(self, item): """ Delete single item from SingleBlockManager. Ensures that self.blocks doesn't become empty. """ loc = self.items.get_loc(item) self._block.delete(loc) self.axes[0] = self.axes[0].delete(loc) def fast_xs(self, loc): """ fast path for getting a cross-section return a view of the data """ return self._block.values[loc] def construction_error(tot_items, block_shape, axes, e=None): """ raise a helpful message about our construction """ passed = tuple(map(int, [tot_items] + list(block_shape))) implied = tuple(map(int, [len(ax) for ax in axes])) if passed == implied and e is not None: raise e raise ValueError("Shape of passed values is {0}, indices imply {1}".format( passed,implied)) def create_block_manager_from_blocks(blocks, axes): try: if len(blocks) == 1 and not isinstance(blocks[0], Block): # if blocks[0] is of length 0, return empty blocks if not len(blocks[0]): blocks = [] else: # It's OK if a single block is passed as values, its placement is # basically "all items", but if there're many, don't bother # converting, it's an error anyway. blocks = [make_block(values=blocks[0], placement=slice(0, len(axes[0])))] mgr = BlockManager(blocks, axes) mgr._consolidate_inplace() return mgr except (ValueError) as e: blocks = [getattr(b, 'values', b) for b in blocks] tot_items = sum(b.shape[0] for b in blocks) construction_error(tot_items, blocks[0].shape[1:], axes, e) def create_block_manager_from_arrays(arrays, names, axes): try: blocks = form_blocks(arrays, names, axes) mgr = BlockManager(blocks, axes) mgr._consolidate_inplace() return mgr except (ValueError) as e: construction_error(len(arrays), arrays[0].shape, axes, e) def form_blocks(arrays, names, axes): # put "leftover" items in float bucket, where else? # generalize? float_items = [] complex_items = [] int_items = [] bool_items = [] object_items = [] sparse_items = [] datetime_items = [] cat_items = [] extra_locs = [] names_idx = Index(names) if names_idx.equals(axes[0]): names_indexer = np.arange(len(names_idx)) else: assert names_idx.intersection(axes[0]).is_unique names_indexer = names_idx.get_indexer_for(axes[0]) for i, name_idx in enumerate(names_indexer): if name_idx == -1: extra_locs.append(i) continue k = names[name_idx] v = arrays[name_idx] if isinstance(v, (SparseArray, ABCSparseSeries)): sparse_items.append((i, k, v)) elif issubclass(v.dtype.type, np.floating): float_items.append((i, k, v)) elif issubclass(v.dtype.type, np.complexfloating): complex_items.append((i, k, v)) elif issubclass(v.dtype.type, np.datetime64): if v.dtype != _NS_DTYPE: v = tslib.cast_to_nanoseconds(v) if hasattr(v, 'tz') and is not None: object_items.append((i, k, v)) else: datetime_items.append((i, k, v)) elif issubclass(v.dtype.type, np.integer): if v.dtype == np.uint64: # HACK #2355 definite overflow if (v > 2 ** 63 - 1).any(): object_items.append((i, k, v)) continue int_items.append((i, k, v)) elif v.dtype == np.bool_: bool_items.append((i, k, v)) elif is_categorical(v): cat_items.append((i, k, v)) else: object_items.append((i, k, v)) blocks = [] if len(float_items): float_blocks = _multi_blockify(float_items) blocks.extend(float_blocks) if len(complex_items): complex_blocks = _simple_blockify( complex_items, np.complex128) blocks.extend(complex_blocks) if len(int_items): int_blocks = _multi_blockify(int_items) blocks.extend(int_blocks) if len(datetime_items): datetime_blocks = _simple_blockify( datetime_items, _NS_DTYPE) blocks.extend(datetime_blocks) if len(bool_items): bool_blocks = _simple_blockify( bool_items, np.bool_) blocks.extend(bool_blocks) if len(object_items) > 0: object_blocks = _simple_blockify( object_items, np.object_) blocks.extend(object_blocks) if len(sparse_items) > 0: sparse_blocks = _sparse_blockify(sparse_items) blocks.extend(sparse_blocks) if len(cat_items) > 0: cat_blocks = [ make_block(array, klass=CategoricalBlock, fastpath=True, placement=[i] ) for i, names, array in cat_items ] blocks.extend(cat_blocks) if len(extra_locs): shape = (len(extra_locs),) + tuple(len(x) for x in axes[1:]) # empty items -> dtype object block_values = np.empty(shape, dtype=object) block_values.fill(np.nan) na_block = make_block(block_values, placement=extra_locs) blocks.append(na_block) return blocks def _simple_blockify(tuples, dtype): """ return a single array of a block that has a single dtype; if dtype is not None, coerce to this dtype """ values, placement = _stack_arrays(tuples, dtype) # CHECK DTYPE? if dtype is not None and values.dtype != dtype: # pragma: no cover values = values.astype(dtype) block = make_block(values, placement=placement) return [block] def _multi_blockify(tuples, dtype=None): """ return an array of blocks that potentially have different dtypes """ # group by dtype grouper = itertools.groupby(tuples, lambda x: x[2].dtype) new_blocks = [] for dtype, tup_block in grouper: values, placement = _stack_arrays( list(tup_block), dtype) block = make_block(values, placement=placement) new_blocks.append(block) return new_blocks def _sparse_blockify(tuples, dtype=None): """ return an array of blocks that potentially have different dtypes (and are sparse) """ new_blocks = [] for i, names, array in tuples: array = _maybe_to_sparse(array) block = make_block( array, klass=SparseBlock, fastpath=True, placement=[i]) new_blocks.append(block) return new_blocks def _stack_arrays(tuples, dtype): # fml def _asarray_compat(x): if isinstance(x, ABCSeries): return x.values else: return np.asarray(x) def _shape_compat(x): if isinstance(x, ABCSeries): return len(x), else: return x.shape placement, names, arrays = zip(*tuples) first = arrays[0] shape = (len(arrays),) + _shape_compat(first) stacked = np.empty(shape, dtype=dtype) for i, arr in enumerate(arrays): stacked[i] = _asarray_compat(arr) return stacked, placement def _interleaved_dtype(blocks): if not len(blocks): return None counts = defaultdict(lambda: []) for x in blocks: counts[type(x)].append(x) def _lcd_dtype(l): """ find the lowest dtype that can accomodate the given types """ m = l[0].dtype for x in l[1:]: if x.dtype.itemsize > m.itemsize: m = x.dtype return m have_int = len(counts[IntBlock]) > 0 have_bool = len(counts[BoolBlock]) > 0 have_object = len(counts[ObjectBlock]) > 0 have_float = len(counts[FloatBlock]) > 0 have_complex = len(counts[ComplexBlock]) > 0 have_dt64 = len(counts[DatetimeBlock]) > 0 have_td64 = len(counts[TimeDeltaBlock]) > 0 have_cat = len(counts[CategoricalBlock]) > 0 have_sparse = len(counts[SparseBlock]) > 0 have_numeric = have_float or have_complex or have_int has_non_numeric = have_dt64 or have_td64 or have_cat if (have_object or (have_bool and (have_numeric or have_dt64 or have_td64)) or (have_numeric and has_non_numeric) or have_cat or have_dt64 or have_td64): return np.dtype(object) elif have_bool: return np.dtype(bool) elif have_int and not have_float and not have_complex: # if we are mixing unsigned and signed, then return # the next biggest int type (if we can) lcd = _lcd_dtype(counts[IntBlock]) kinds = set([i.dtype.kind for i in counts[IntBlock]]) if len(kinds) == 1: return lcd if lcd == 'uint64' or lcd == 'int64': return np.dtype('int64') # return 1 bigger on the itemsize if unsinged if lcd.kind == 'u': return np.dtype('int%s' % (lcd.itemsize * 8 * 2)) return lcd elif have_complex: return np.dtype('c16') else: return _lcd_dtype(counts[FloatBlock] + counts[SparseBlock]) def _consolidate(blocks): """ Merge blocks having same dtype, exclude non-consolidating blocks """ # sort by _can_consolidate, dtype gkey = lambda x: x._consolidate_key grouper = itertools.groupby(sorted(blocks, key=gkey), gkey) new_blocks = [] for (_can_consolidate, dtype), group_blocks in grouper: merged_blocks = _merge_blocks(list(group_blocks), dtype=dtype, _can_consolidate=_can_consolidate) if isinstance(merged_blocks, list): new_blocks.extend(merged_blocks) else: new_blocks.append(merged_blocks) return new_blocks def _merge_blocks(blocks, dtype=None, _can_consolidate=True): if len(blocks) == 1: return blocks[0] if _can_consolidate: if dtype is None: if len(set([b.dtype for b in blocks])) != 1: raise AssertionError("_merge_blocks are invalid!") dtype = blocks[0].dtype # FIXME: optimization potential in case all mgrs contain slices and # combination of those slices is a slice, too. new_mgr_locs = np.concatenate([b.mgr_locs.as_array for b in blocks]) new_values = _vstack([b.values for b in blocks], dtype) argsort = np.argsort(new_mgr_locs) new_values = new_values[argsort] new_mgr_locs = new_mgr_locs[argsort] return make_block(new_values, fastpath=True, placement=new_mgr_locs) # no merge return blocks def _block_shape(values, ndim=1, shape=None): """ guarantee the shape of the values to be at least 1 d """ if values.ndim <= ndim: if shape is None: shape = values.shape values = values.reshape(tuple((1,) + shape)) return values def _vstack(to_stack, dtype): # work around NumPy 1.6 bug if dtype == _NS_DTYPE or dtype == _TD_DTYPE: new_values = np.vstack([x.view('i8') for x in to_stack]) return new_values.view(dtype) else: return np.vstack(to_stack) def _possibly_compare(a, b, op): res = op(a, b) is_a_array = isinstance(a, np.ndarray) is_b_array = isinstance(b, np.ndarray) if np.isscalar(res) and (is_a_array or is_b_array): type_names = [type(a).__name__, type(b).__name__] if is_a_array: type_names[0] = 'ndarray(dtype=%s)' % a.dtype if is_b_array: type_names[1] = 'ndarray(dtype=%s)' % b.dtype raise TypeError("Cannot compare types %r and %r" % tuple(type_names)) return res def _concat_indexes(indexes): return indexes[0].append(indexes[1:]) def _block2d_to_blocknd(values, placement, shape, labels, ref_items): """ pivot to the labels shape """ from pandas.core.internals import make_block panel_shape = (len(placement),) + shape # TODO: lexsort depth needs to be 2!! # Create observation selection vector using major and minor # labels, for converting to panel format. selector = _factor_indexer(shape[1:], labels) mask = np.zeros(, dtype=bool) mask.put(selector, True) if mask.all(): pvalues = np.empty(panel_shape, dtype=values.dtype) else: dtype, fill_value = _maybe_promote(values.dtype) pvalues = np.empty(panel_shape, dtype=dtype) pvalues.fill(fill_value) values = values for i in range(len(placement)): pvalues[i].flat[mask] = values[:, i] return make_block(pvalues, placement=placement) def _factor_indexer(shape, labels): """ given a tuple of shape and a list of Categorical labels, return the expanded label indexer """ mult = np.array(shape)[::-1].cumprod()[::-1] return com._ensure_platform_int( np.sum(np.array(labels).T * np.append(mult, [1]), axis=1).T) def _get_blkno_placements(blknos, blk_count, group=True): """ Parameters ---------- blknos : array of int64 blk_count : int group : bool Returns ------- iterator yield (BlockPlacement, blkno) """ blknos = com._ensure_int64(blknos) # FIXME: blk_count is unused, but it may avoid the use of dicts in cython for blkno, indexer in lib.get_blkno_indexers(blknos, group): yield blkno, BlockPlacement(indexer) def items_overlap_with_suffix(left, lsuffix, right, rsuffix): """ If two indices overlap, add suffixes to overlapping entries. If corresponding suffix is empty, the entry is simply converted to string. """ to_rename = left.intersection(right) if len(to_rename) == 0: return left, right else: if not lsuffix and not rsuffix: raise ValueError('columns overlap but no suffix specified: %s' % to_rename) def lrenamer(x): if x in to_rename: return '%s%s' % (x, lsuffix) return x def rrenamer(x): if x in to_rename: return '%s%s' % (x, rsuffix) return x return (_transform_index(left, lrenamer), _transform_index(right, rrenamer)) def _transform_index(index, func): """ Apply function to all values found in index. This includes transforming multiindex entries separately. """ if isinstance(index, MultiIndex): items = [tuple(func(y) for y in x) for x in index] return MultiIndex.from_tuples(items, names=index.names) else: items = [func(x) for x in index] return Index(items, def _putmask_smart(v, m, n): """ Return a new block, try to preserve dtype if possible. Parameters ---------- v : `values`, updated in-place (array like) m : `mask`, applies to both sides (array like) n : `new values` either scalar or an array like aligned with `values` """ # n should be the length of the mask or a scalar here if not is_list_like(n): n = np.array([n] * len(m)) elif isinstance(n, np.ndarray) and n.ndim == 0: # numpy scalar n = np.repeat(np.array(n, ndmin=1), len(m)) # see if we are only masking values that if putted # will work in the current dtype try: nn = n[m] nn_at = nn.astype(v.dtype) comp = (nn == nn_at) if is_list_like(comp) and comp.all(): nv = v.copy() nv[m] = nn_at return nv except (ValueError, IndexError, TypeError): pass # change the dtype dtype, _ = com._maybe_promote(n.dtype) nv = v.astype(dtype) try: nv[m] = n[m] except ValueError: idx, = np.where(np.squeeze(m)) for mask_index, new_val in zip(idx, n[m]): nv[mask_index] = new_val return nv def concatenate_block_managers(mgrs_indexers, axes, concat_axis, copy): """ Concatenate block managers into one. Parameters ---------- mgrs_indexers : list of (BlockManager, {axis: indexer,...}) tuples axes : list of Index concat_axis : int copy : bool """ concat_plan = combine_concat_plans([get_mgr_concatenation_plan(mgr, indexers) for mgr, indexers in mgrs_indexers], concat_axis) blocks = [make_block(concatenate_join_units(join_units, concat_axis, copy=copy), placement=placement) for placement, join_units in concat_plan] return BlockManager(blocks, axes) def get_empty_dtype_and_na(join_units): """ Return dtype and N/A values to use when concatenating specified units. Returned N/A value may be None which means there was no casting involved. Returns ------- dtype na """ if len(join_units) == 1: blk = join_units[0].block if blk is None: return np.float64, np.nan has_none_blocks = False dtypes = [None] * len(join_units) for i, unit in enumerate(join_units): if unit.block is None: has_none_blocks = True else: dtypes[i] = unit.dtype # dtypes = set() upcast_classes = set() null_upcast_classes = set() for dtype, unit in zip(dtypes, join_units): if dtype is None: continue if com.is_categorical_dtype(dtype): upcast_cls = 'category' elif issubclass(dtype.type, np.bool_): upcast_cls = 'bool' elif issubclass(dtype.type, np.object_): upcast_cls = 'object' elif is_datetime64_dtype(dtype): upcast_cls = 'datetime' elif is_timedelta64_dtype(dtype): upcast_cls = 'timedelta' else: upcast_cls = 'float' # Null blocks should not influence upcast class selection, unless there # are only null blocks, when same upcasting rules must be applied to # null upcast classes. if unit.is_null: null_upcast_classes.add(upcast_cls) else: upcast_classes.add(upcast_cls) if not upcast_classes: upcast_classes = null_upcast_classes # create the result if 'object' in upcast_classes: return np.dtype(np.object_), np.nan elif 'bool' in upcast_classes: if has_none_blocks: return np.dtype(np.object_), np.nan else: return np.dtype(np.bool_), None elif 'category' in upcast_classes: return com.CategoricalDtype(), np.nan elif 'float' in upcast_classes: return np.dtype(np.float64), np.nan elif 'datetime' in upcast_classes: return np.dtype('M8[ns]'), tslib.iNaT elif 'timedelta' in upcast_classes: return np.dtype('m8[ns]'), tslib.iNaT else: # pragma raise AssertionError("invalid dtype determination in get_concat_dtype") def concatenate_join_units(join_units, concat_axis, copy): """ Concatenate values from several join units along selected axis. """ if concat_axis == 0 and len(join_units) > 1: # Concatenating join units along ax0 is handled in _merge_blocks. raise AssertionError("Concatenating join units along axis0") empty_dtype, upcasted_na = get_empty_dtype_and_na(join_units) to_concat = [ju.get_reindexed_values(empty_dtype=empty_dtype, upcasted_na=upcasted_na) for ju in join_units] if len(to_concat) == 1: # Only one block, nothing to concatenate. concat_values = to_concat[0] if copy and concat_values.base is not None: concat_values = concat_values.copy() else: concat_values = com._concat_compat(to_concat, axis=concat_axis) return concat_values def get_mgr_concatenation_plan(mgr, indexers): """ Construct concatenation plan for given block manager and indexers. Parameters ---------- mgr : BlockManager indexers : dict of {axis: indexer} Returns ------- plan : list of (BlockPlacement, JoinUnit) tuples """ # Calculate post-reindex shape , save for item axis which will be separate # for each block anyway. mgr_shape = list(mgr.shape) for ax, indexer in indexers.items(): mgr_shape[ax] = len(indexer) mgr_shape = tuple(mgr_shape) if 0 in indexers: ax0_indexer = indexers.pop(0) blknos = com.take_1d(mgr._blknos, ax0_indexer, fill_value=-1) blklocs = com.take_1d(mgr._blklocs, ax0_indexer, fill_value=-1) else: if mgr._is_single_block: blk = mgr.blocks[0] return [(blk.mgr_locs, JoinUnit(blk, mgr_shape, indexers))] ax0_indexer = None blknos = mgr._blknos blklocs = mgr._blklocs plan = [] for blkno, placements in _get_blkno_placements(blknos, len(mgr.blocks), group=False): assert placements.is_slice_like join_unit_indexers = indexers.copy() shape = list(mgr_shape) shape[0] = len(placements) shape = tuple(shape) if blkno == -1: unit = JoinUnit(None, shape) else: blk = mgr.blocks[blkno] ax0_blk_indexer = blklocs[placements.indexer] unit_no_ax0_reindexing = ( len(placements) == len(blk.mgr_locs) and # Fastpath detection of join unit not needing to reindex its # block: no ax0 reindexing took place and block placement was # sequential before. ((ax0_indexer is None and blk.mgr_locs.is_slice_like and blk.mgr_locs.as_slice.step == 1) or # Slow-ish detection: all indexer locs are sequential (and # length match is checked above). (np.diff(ax0_blk_indexer) == 1).all())) # Omit indexer if no item reindexing is required. if unit_no_ax0_reindexing: join_unit_indexers.pop(0, None) else: join_unit_indexers[0] = ax0_blk_indexer unit = JoinUnit(blk, shape, join_unit_indexers) plan.append((placements, unit)) return plan def combine_concat_plans(plans, concat_axis): """ Combine multiple concatenation plans into one. existing_plan is updated in-place. """ if len(plans) == 1: for p in plans[0]: yield p[0], [p[1]] elif concat_axis == 0: offset = 0 for plan in plans: last_plc = None for plc, unit in plan: yield plc.add(offset), [unit] last_plc = plc if last_plc is not None: offset += last_plc.as_slice.stop else: num_ended = [0] def _next_or_none(seq): retval = next(seq, None) if retval is None: num_ended[0] += 1 return retval plans = list(map(iter, plans)) next_items = list(map(_next_or_none, plans)) while num_ended[0] != len(next_items): if num_ended[0] > 0: raise ValueError("Plan shapes are not aligned") placements, units = zip(*next_items) lengths = list(map(len, placements)) min_len, max_len = min(lengths), max(lengths) if min_len == max_len: yield placements[0], units next_items[:] = map(_next_or_none, plans) else: yielded_placement = None yielded_units = [None] * len(next_items) for i, (plc, unit) in enumerate(next_items): yielded_units[i] = unit if len(plc) > min_len: # trim_join_unit updates unit in place, so only # placement needs to be sliced to skip min_len. next_items[i] = (plc[min_len:], trim_join_unit(unit, min_len)) else: yielded_placement = plc next_items[i] = _next_or_none(plans[i]) yield yielded_placement, yielded_units def trim_join_unit(join_unit, length): """ Reduce join_unit's shape along item axis to length. Extra items that didn't fit are returned as a separate block. """ if 0 not in join_unit.indexers: extra_indexers = join_unit.indexers if join_unit.block is None: extra_block = None else: extra_block = join_unit.block.getitem_block(slice(length, None)) join_unit.block = join_unit.block.getitem_block(slice(length)) else: extra_block = join_unit.block extra_indexers = copy.copy(join_unit.indexers) extra_indexers[0] = extra_indexers[0][length:] join_unit.indexers[0] = join_unit.indexers[0][:length] extra_shape = (join_unit.shape[0] - length,) + join_unit.shape[1:] join_unit.shape = (length,) + join_unit.shape[1:] return JoinUnit(block=extra_block, indexers=extra_indexers, shape=extra_shape) class JoinUnit(object): def __init__(self, block, shape, indexers={}): # Passing shape explicitly is required for cases when block is None. self.block = block self.indexers = indexers self.shape = shape def __repr__(self): return '%s(%r, %s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.block, self.indexers) @cache_readonly def needs_filling(self): for indexer in self.indexers.values(): # FIXME: cache results of indexer == -1 checks. if (indexer == -1).any(): return True return False @cache_readonly def dtype(self): if self.block is None: raise AssertionError("Block is None, no dtype") if not self.needs_filling: return self.block.dtype else: return com._get_dtype(com._maybe_promote(self.block.dtype, self.block.fill_value)[0]) return self._dtype @cache_readonly def is_null(self): if self.block is None: return True if not self.block._can_hold_na: return False # Usually it's enough to check but a small fraction of values to see if # a block is NOT null, chunks should help in such cases. 1000 value # was chosen rather arbitrarily. values_flat = self.block.values.ravel() total_len = values_flat.shape[0] chunk_len = max(total_len // 40, 1000) for i in range(0, total_len, chunk_len): if not isnull(values_flat[i: i + chunk_len]).all(): return False return True @cache_readonly def needs_block_conversion(self): """ we might need to convert the joined values to a suitable block repr """ block = self.block return block is not None and (block.is_sparse or block.is_categorical) def get_reindexed_values(self, empty_dtype, upcasted_na): if upcasted_na is None: # No upcasting is necessary fill_value = self.block.fill_value values = self.block.get_values() else: fill_value = upcasted_na if self.is_null and not getattr(self.block,'is_categorical',None): missing_arr = np.empty(self.shape, dtype=empty_dtype) if # NumPy 1.6 workaround: this statement gets strange if all # blocks are of same dtype and some of them are empty: # empty one are considered "null" so they must be filled, # but no dtype upcasting happens and the dtype may not # allow NaNs. # # In general, no one should get hurt when one tries to put # incorrect values into empty array, but numpy 1.6 is # strict about that. missing_arr.fill(fill_value) return missing_arr if not self.indexers: if self.block.is_categorical: # preserve the categoricals for validation in _concat_compat return self.block.values elif self.block.is_sparse: # preserve the sparse array for validation in _concat_compat return self.block.values if self.block.is_bool: # External code requested filling/upcasting, bool values must # be upcasted to object to avoid being upcasted to numeric. values = self.block.astype(np.object_).values else: # No dtype upcasting is done here, it will be performed during # concatenation itself. values = self.block.get_values() if not self.indexers: # If there's no indexing to be done, we want to signal outside # code that this array must be copied explicitly. This is done # by returning a view and checking `retval.base`. values = values.view() else: for ax, indexer in self.indexers.items(): values = com.take_nd(values, indexer, axis=ax, fill_value=fill_value) return values def _fast_count_smallints(arr): """Faster version of set(arr) for sequences of small numbers.""" if len(arr) == 0: # Handle empty arr case separately: numpy 1.6 chokes on that. return np.empty((0, 2), dtype=arr.dtype) else: counts = np.bincount(arr.astype(np.int_)) nz = counts.nonzero()[0] return np.c_[nz, counts[nz]] def _preprocess_slice_or_indexer(slice_or_indexer, length, allow_fill): if isinstance(slice_or_indexer, slice): return 'slice', slice_or_indexer, lib.slice_len(slice_or_indexer, length) elif (isinstance(slice_or_indexer, np.ndarray) and slice_or_indexer.dtype == np.bool_): return 'mask', slice_or_indexer, slice_or_indexer.sum() else: indexer = np.asanyarray(slice_or_indexer, dtype=np.int64) if not allow_fill: indexer = maybe_convert_indices(indexer, length) return 'fancy', indexer, len(indexer)
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from horizon import exceptions from horizon import tabs from openstack_dashboard.api import nova from openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.hypervisors.compute \ import tabs as cmp_tabs from openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.hypervisors import tables class HypervisorTab(tabs.TableTab): table_classes = (tables.AdminHypervisorsTable,) name = _("Hypervisor") slug = "hypervisor" template_name = "horizon/common/_detail_table.html" def get_hypervisors_data(self): hypervisors = [] try: hypervisors = nova.hypervisor_list(self.request) except Exception: exceptions.handle(self.request, _('Unable to retrieve hypervisor information.')) return hypervisors class HypervisorHostTabs(tabs.TabGroup): slug = "hypervisor_info" tabs = (HypervisorTab, cmp_tabs.ComputeHostTab) sticky = True
# Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np from tensorflow.contrib.distributions.python.ops import deterministic as deterministic_lib from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_shape from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops from tensorflow.python.platform import test rng = np.random.RandomState(0) class DeterministicTest(test.TestCase): def testShape(self): with self.test_session(): loc = rng.rand(2, 3, 4) deterministic = deterministic_lib.Deterministic(loc) self.assertAllEqual(deterministic.batch_shape_tensor().eval(), (2, 3, 4)) self.assertAllEqual(deterministic.batch_shape, (2, 3, 4)) self.assertAllEqual(deterministic.event_shape_tensor().eval(), []) self.assertEqual(deterministic.event_shape, tensor_shape.TensorShape([])) def testInvalidTolRaises(self): loc = rng.rand(2, 3, 4).astype(np.float32) deterministic = deterministic_lib.Deterministic( loc, atol=-1, validate_args=True) with self.test_session(): with self.assertRaisesOpError("Condition x >= 0"): deterministic.prob(0.).eval() def testProbWithNoBatchDimsIntegerType(self): deterministic = deterministic_lib.Deterministic(0) with self.test_session(): self.assertAllClose(1, deterministic.prob(0).eval()) self.assertAllClose(0, deterministic.prob(2).eval()) self.assertAllClose([1, 0], deterministic.prob([0, 2]).eval()) def testProbWithNoBatchDims(self): deterministic = deterministic_lib.Deterministic(0.) with self.test_session(): self.assertAllClose(1., deterministic.prob(0.).eval()) self.assertAllClose(0., deterministic.prob(2.).eval()) self.assertAllClose([1., 0.], deterministic.prob([0., 2.]).eval()) def testProbWithDefaultTol(self): loc = [[0., 1.], [2., 3.]] x = [[0., 1.1], [1.99, 3.]] deterministic = deterministic_lib.Deterministic(loc) expected_prob = [[1., 0.], [0., 1.]] with self.test_session(): prob = deterministic.prob(x) self.assertAllEqual((2, 2), prob.get_shape()) self.assertAllEqual(expected_prob, prob.eval()) def testProbWithNonzeroATol(self): loc = [[0., 1.], [2., 3.]] x = [[0., 1.1], [1.99, 3.]] deterministic = deterministic_lib.Deterministic(loc, atol=0.05) expected_prob = [[1., 0.], [1., 1.]] with self.test_session(): prob = deterministic.prob(x) self.assertAllEqual((2, 2), prob.get_shape()) self.assertAllEqual(expected_prob, prob.eval()) def testProbWithNonzeroATolIntegerType(self): loc = [[0, 1], [2, 3]] x = [[0, 2], [4, 2]] deterministic = deterministic_lib.Deterministic(loc, atol=1) expected_prob = [[1, 1], [0, 1]] with self.test_session(): prob = deterministic.prob(x) self.assertAllEqual((2, 2), prob.get_shape()) self.assertAllEqual(expected_prob, prob.eval()) def testProbWithNonzeroRTol(self): loc = [[0., 1.], [100., 100.]] x = [[0., 1.1], [100.1, 103.]] deterministic = deterministic_lib.Deterministic(loc, rtol=0.01) expected_prob = [[1., 0.], [1., 0.]] with self.test_session(): prob = deterministic.prob(x) self.assertAllEqual((2, 2), prob.get_shape()) self.assertAllEqual(expected_prob, prob.eval()) def testProbWithNonzeroRTolIntegerType(self): loc = [[10, 10, 10], [10, 10, 10]] x = [[10, 20, 30], [10, 20, 30]] # Batch 0 will have rtol = 0 # Batch 1 will have rtol = 1 (100% slack allowed) deterministic = deterministic_lib.Deterministic(loc, rtol=[[0], [1]]) expected_prob = [[1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0]] with self.test_session(): prob = deterministic.prob(x) self.assertAllEqual((2, 3), prob.get_shape()) self.assertAllEqual(expected_prob, prob.eval()) def testCdfWithDefaultTol(self): loc = [[0., 0.], [0., 0.]] x = [[-1., -0.1], [-0.01, 1.000001]] deterministic = deterministic_lib.Deterministic(loc) expected_cdf = [[0., 0.], [0., 1.]] with self.test_session(): cdf = deterministic.cdf(x) self.assertAllEqual((2, 2), cdf.get_shape()) self.assertAllEqual(expected_cdf, cdf.eval()) def testCdfWithNonzeroATol(self): loc = [[0., 0.], [0., 0.]] x = [[-1., -0.1], [-0.01, 1.000001]] deterministic = deterministic_lib.Deterministic(loc, atol=0.05) expected_cdf = [[0., 0.], [1., 1.]] with self.test_session(): cdf = deterministic.cdf(x) self.assertAllEqual((2, 2), cdf.get_shape()) self.assertAllEqual(expected_cdf, cdf.eval()) def testCdfWithNonzeroRTol(self): loc = [[1., 1.], [100., 100.]] x = [[0.9, 1.], [99.9, 97]] deterministic = deterministic_lib.Deterministic(loc, rtol=0.01) expected_cdf = [[0., 1.], [1., 0.]] with self.test_session(): cdf = deterministic.cdf(x) self.assertAllEqual((2, 2), cdf.get_shape()) self.assertAllEqual(expected_cdf, cdf.eval()) def testSampleNoBatchDims(self): deterministic = deterministic_lib.Deterministic(0.) for sample_shape in [(), (4,)]: with self.test_session(): sample = deterministic.sample(sample_shape) self.assertAllEqual(sample_shape, sample.get_shape()) self.assertAllClose( np.zeros(sample_shape).astype(np.float32), sample.eval()) def testSampleWithBatchDims(self): deterministic = deterministic_lib.Deterministic([0., 0.]) for sample_shape in [(), (4,)]: with self.test_session(): sample = deterministic.sample(sample_shape) self.assertAllEqual(sample_shape + (2,), sample.get_shape()) self.assertAllClose( np.zeros(sample_shape + (2,)).astype(np.float32), sample.eval()) def testSampleDynamicWithBatchDims(self): loc = array_ops.placeholder(np.float32) sample_shape = array_ops.placeholder(np.int32) deterministic = deterministic_lib.Deterministic(loc) for sample_shape_ in [(), (4,)]: with self.test_session(): sample_ = deterministic.sample(sample_shape).eval( feed_dict={loc: [0., 0.], sample_shape: sample_shape_}) self.assertAllClose( np.zeros(sample_shape_ + (2,)).astype(np.float32), sample_) class VectorDeterministicTest(test.TestCase): def testShape(self): with self.test_session(): loc = rng.rand(2, 3, 4) deterministic = deterministic_lib.VectorDeterministic(loc) self.assertAllEqual(deterministic.batch_shape_tensor().eval(), (2, 3)) self.assertAllEqual(deterministic.batch_shape, (2, 3)) self.assertAllEqual(deterministic.event_shape_tensor().eval(), [4]) self.assertEqual(deterministic.event_shape, tensor_shape.TensorShape([4])) def testInvalidTolRaises(self): loc = rng.rand(2, 3, 4).astype(np.float32) deterministic = deterministic_lib.VectorDeterministic( loc, atol=-1, validate_args=True) with self.test_session(): with self.assertRaisesOpError("Condition x >= 0"): deterministic.prob(loc).eval() def testInvalidXRaises(self): loc = rng.rand(2, 3, 4).astype(np.float32) deterministic = deterministic_lib.VectorDeterministic( loc, atol=-1, validate_args=True) with self.test_session(): with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "must have rank at least 1"): deterministic.prob(0.).eval() def testProbVectorDeterministicWithNoBatchDims(self): # 0 batch of deterministics on R^1. deterministic = deterministic_lib.VectorDeterministic([0.]) with self.test_session(): self.assertAllClose(1., deterministic.prob([0.]).eval()) self.assertAllClose(0., deterministic.prob([2.]).eval()) self.assertAllClose([1., 0.], deterministic.prob([[0.], [2.]]).eval()) def testProbWithDefaultTol(self): # 3 batch of deterministics on R^2. loc = [[0., 1.], [2., 3.], [4., 5.]] x = [[0., 1.], [1.9, 3.], [3.99, 5.]] deterministic = deterministic_lib.VectorDeterministic(loc) expected_prob = [1., 0., 0.] with self.test_session(): prob = deterministic.prob(x) self.assertAllEqual((3,), prob.get_shape()) self.assertAllEqual(expected_prob, prob.eval()) def testProbWithNonzeroATol(self): # 3 batch of deterministics on R^2. loc = [[0., 1.], [2., 3.], [4., 5.]] x = [[0., 1.], [1.9, 3.], [3.99, 5.]] deterministic = deterministic_lib.VectorDeterministic(loc, atol=0.05) expected_prob = [1., 0., 1.] with self.test_session(): prob = deterministic.prob(x) self.assertAllEqual((3,), prob.get_shape()) self.assertAllEqual(expected_prob, prob.eval()) def testProbWithNonzeroRTol(self): # 3 batch of deterministics on R^2. loc = [[0., 1.], [1., 1.], [100., 100.]] x = [[0., 1.], [0.9, 1.], [99.9, 100.1]] deterministic = deterministic_lib.VectorDeterministic(loc, rtol=0.01) expected_prob = [1., 0., 1.] with self.test_session(): prob = deterministic.prob(x) self.assertAllEqual((3,), prob.get_shape()) self.assertAllEqual(expected_prob, prob.eval()) def testProbVectorDeterministicWithNoBatchDimsOnRZero(self): # 0 batch of deterministics on R^0. deterministic = deterministic_lib.VectorDeterministic( [], validate_args=True) with self.test_session(): self.assertAllClose(1., deterministic.prob([]).eval()) def testProbVectorDeterministicWithNoBatchDimsOnRZeroRaisesIfXNotInSameRk( self): # 0 batch of deterministics on R^0. deterministic = deterministic_lib.VectorDeterministic( [], validate_args=True) with self.test_session(): with self.assertRaisesOpError("not defined in the same space"): deterministic.prob([1.]).eval() def testSampleNoBatchDims(self): deterministic = deterministic_lib.VectorDeterministic([0.]) for sample_shape in [(), (4,)]: with self.test_session(): sample = deterministic.sample(sample_shape) self.assertAllEqual(sample_shape + (1,), sample.get_shape()) self.assertAllClose( np.zeros(sample_shape + (1,)).astype(np.float32), sample.eval()) def testSampleWithBatchDims(self): deterministic = deterministic_lib.VectorDeterministic([[0.], [0.]]) for sample_shape in [(), (4,)]: with self.test_session(): sample = deterministic.sample(sample_shape) self.assertAllEqual(sample_shape + (2, 1), sample.get_shape()) self.assertAllClose( np.zeros(sample_shape + (2, 1)).astype(np.float32), sample.eval()) def testSampleDynamicWithBatchDims(self): loc = array_ops.placeholder(np.float32) sample_shape = array_ops.placeholder(np.int32) deterministic = deterministic_lib.VectorDeterministic(loc) for sample_shape_ in [(), (4,)]: with self.test_session(): sample_ = deterministic.sample(sample_shape).eval( feed_dict={loc: [[0.], [0.]], sample_shape: sample_shape_}) self.assertAllClose( np.zeros(sample_shape_ + (2, 1)).astype(np.float32), sample_) if __name__ == "__main__": test.main()
# THIS FILE IS AUTO-GENERATED. DO NOT EDIT from verta._swagger.base_type import BaseType class ModeldbGetUrlForArtifact(BaseType): def __init__(self, id=None, key=None, method=None, artifact_type=None): required = { "id": False, "key": False, "method": False, "artifact_type": False, } = id self.key = key self.method = method self.artifact_type = artifact_type for k, v in required.items(): if self[k] is None and v: raise ValueError('attribute {} is required'.format(k)) @staticmethod def from_json(d): from .ArtifactTypeEnumArtifactType import ArtifactTypeEnumArtifactType tmp = d.get('id', None) if tmp is not None: d['id'] = tmp tmp = d.get('key', None) if tmp is not None: d['key'] = tmp tmp = d.get('method', None) if tmp is not None: d['method'] = tmp tmp = d.get('artifact_type', None) if tmp is not None: d['artifact_type'] = ArtifactTypeEnumArtifactType.from_json(tmp) return ModeldbGetUrlForArtifact(**d)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf8 -*- # ***************************************************************** # ** PTS -- Python Toolkit for working with SKIRT ** # ** © Astronomical Observatory, Ghent University ** # ***************************************************************** ## \package pts.core.simulation.units Working with SKIRT output units. # # An instance of the SkirtUnits class in this module provides support for working with SKIRT input/output units. # The constructor arguments specify the name of a SKIRT unit system (SI, stellar, or extragalactic units) # and the flux style (neutral, wavelength or frequency) to set the default units for physical quantities. # The instance then offers functions to convert a physical quantity from its default unit to some specified unit # (or between two specified units). # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Import standard modules import types import numpy as np # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # SkirtUnits class # ----------------------------------------------------------------- ## An instance of the SkirtUnits class represents a particular SKIRT input/output unit system, specified at # construction through the name of the unit system (SI, stellar, or extragalactic units) and the flux style # (neutral, wavelength or frequency). Based on this information, the object knows the output units used by SKIRT # for a series of supported physical quantities. This allows converting a value extracted from SKIRT output to # some specified unit without having to know the actual output unit. # # The SkirtUnits class supports the following physical quantities and unit specifiers: # #| Physical Quantity | Flux Style | Units #|-------------------|------------|------- #| length, distance, wavelength | | A, nm, micron, mm, cm, m, km, AU, pc, kpc, Mpc #| volume | | m3, AU3, pc3 #| mass | | g, kg, Msun #| luminosity | | W, Lsun #| luminositydensity | wavelength | W/m, W/micron, Lsun/micron #| luminositydensity | frequency | W/Hz, erg/s/Hz, Lsun/Hz #| fluxdensity | neutral | W/m2 #| fluxdensity | wavelength | W/m3, W/m2/micron #| fluxdensity | frequency | W/m2/Hz, Jy, mJy, MJy, erg/s/cm2/Hz #| surfacebrightness | neutral | W/m2/sr, W/m2/arcsec2 #| surfacebrightness | wavelength | W/m3/sr, W/m2/micron/sr, W/m2/micron/sr, W/m2/micron/arcsec2 #| surfacebrightness | frequency | W/m2/Hz/sr, W/m2/Hz/arcsec2, Jy/sr, Jy/arcsec2, MJy/sr, MJy/arcsec2 # # Flux style 'neutral' indicates \f$\lambda F_\lambda = \nu F_\nu\f$; 'wavelength' indicates # \f$F_\lambda\f$; and 'frequency' indicates \f$F_\nu\f$. class SkirtUnits: ## The constructor accepts the name of the SKIRT unit system ('SI', 'stellar', or 'extragalactic') # and the flux style ('neutral', 'wavelength' or 'frequency') to be represented by this instance. # The specified strings are case-insensitive, and any portion beyond the recognized names is ignored. # Based on this information, it initializes the default SKIRT units for a series of supported # physical quantities. # def __init__(self, unitsystem, fluxstyle): unitsystem = unitsystem.lower() fluxstyle = fluxstyle.lower() if unitsystem.startswith('si'): self._defaultunit = { 'length': 'm', 'distance': 'm', 'wavelength': 'm', 'volume': 'm3', 'mass': 'kg', 'luminosity': 'W', 'luminositydensity': 'W/m' } if fluxstyle.startswith('neutral'): self._defaultunit.update(fluxdensity='W/m2', surfacebrightness='W/m2/sr') elif fluxstyle.startswith('wavelength'): self._defaultunit.update(fluxdensity='W/m3', surfacebrightness='W/m3/sr') elif fluxstyle.startswith('frequency'): self._defaultunit.update(fluxdensity='W/m2/Hz', surfacebrightness='W/m2/Hz/sr') else: raise ValueError("Unsupported flux style: " + fluxstyle) elif unitsystem.startswith('stellar'): self._defaultunit = { 'length': 'AU', 'distance': 'pc', 'wavelength': 'micron', 'volume': 'AU3', 'mass': 'Msun', 'luminosity': 'Lsun', 'luminositydensity': 'Lsun/micron' } if fluxstyle.startswith('neutral'): self._defaultunit.update(fluxdensity='W/m2', surfacebrightness='W/m2/arcsec2') elif fluxstyle.startswith('wavelength'): self._defaultunit.update(fluxdensity='W/m2/micron', surfacebrightness='W/m2/micron/arcsec2') elif fluxstyle.startswith('frequency'): self._defaultunit.update(fluxdensity='Jy', surfacebrightness='MJy/sr') else: raise ValueError("Unsupported flux style: " + fluxstyle) elif unitsystem.startswith('extragalactic'): self._defaultunit = { 'length': 'pc', 'distance': 'Mpc', 'wavelength': 'micron', 'volume': 'pc3', 'mass': 'Msun', 'luminosity': 'Lsun', 'luminositydensity': 'Lsun/micron' } if fluxstyle.startswith('neutral'): self._defaultunit.update(fluxdensity='W/m2', surfacebrightness='W/m2/arcsec2') elif fluxstyle.startswith('wavelength'): self._defaultunit.update(fluxdensity='W/m2/micron', surfacebrightness='W/m2/micron/arcsec2') elif fluxstyle.startswith('frequency'): self._defaultunit.update(fluxdensity='Jy', surfacebrightness='MJy/sr') else: raise ValueError("Unsupported flux style: " + fluxstyle) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported unit system: " + unitsystem) ## This function performs unit conversion for a specified value (or for a numpy array of values). The first # argument specifies the value to be converted. This can be a number, a numpy array of numbers (in which case # the conversion is performed for each array element), or a string representing a number optionally followed # by a unit specifier (e.g. "0.76 micron"). The second argument specifies the target unit. In addition the # function accepts the following optional arguments: # - \em from_unit: specifies the units in which the incoming value is expressed. # - \em quantity: specifies the physical quantity of the incoming value; this is used to determine the appropriate # default unit in case the \em from_unit argument is missing (and the value is not a string including units). # - \em wavelength: provides the wavelength, in micron, for converting between flux styles; this argument can be # omitted for any other conversions; if \em value is a numpy array, \em wavelength can be an array of the same # length (one wavelength per flux value), or it can be a single number (in which case all fluxes are considered # to be at the same wavelength). # # The unit of the incoming value is determined using three mechanisms in the following order: # - if the value is a string with two segments, the second segement determines the unit. # - otherwise, if \em from_unit is specified (and not None), its value determines the unit. # - otherwise, the default SKIRT unit corresponding to the specified \em quantity is used. # def convert(self, value, to_unit, from_unit=None, quantity=None, wavelength=None): # if the value is a string, it may include a unit specifier that overrides the from_unit argument if isinstance(value, types.StringTypes): segments = value.split() if len(segments) == 2: value = float(segments[0]) from_unit = segments[1] elif len(segments) == 1: value = float(segments[0]) else: raise ValueError("Invalid value/unit string") # if the from_unit has not been specified, use the default for the specified quantity if from_unit==None: from_unit = self._defaultunit[quantity] # skip the conversion if the units are identical if from_unit == to_unit: return value # perform straightforward conversion between units of the same physical quantity from_quantity = _quantity[from_unit] to_quantity = _quantity[to_unit] if from_quantity == to_quantity: return value * (_conversion[from_unit]/_conversion[to_unit]) # perform conversion between styles of flux density or surface brightness if ('fluxdensity' in from_quantity and 'fluxdensity' in to_quantity) or \ ('luminositydensity' in from_quantity and 'luminositydensity' in to_quantity) or \ ('surfacebrightness' in from_quantity and 'surfacebrightness' in to_quantity): # convert to/from SI units within the respective flux styles flux = value * (_conversion[from_unit]/_conversion[to_unit]) # convert between flux styles (convert specified wavelength from micron to m) wave = wavelength * 1e-6 if 'wavelength' in from_quantity: flux *= wave elif 'frequency' in from_quantity: flux *= _c/wave if 'wavelength' in to_quantity: flux *= 1./wave elif 'frequency' in to_quantity: flux *= wave/_c return flux else: raise ValueError("Can't convert from " + from_unit + " to " + to_unit) ## This function returns the absolute AB magnitude corresponding to a given flux density and distance # from the source. The units in which these values are expressed can be explicitly specified. If not, # the default units for respectively flux density and distance are used instead. If the flux density # is expressed per unit of frequency, the \em wavelength argument may be omitted. Otherwise, the # wavelength is used to convert between flux styles. # # Given a flux density \f$F_\nu\f$, measured in ergs per second per square cm per Hz, the corresponding # AB magnitude is defined as \f$\text{AB}=-2.5\log_{10} F_\nu -48.60\f$. The resulting apparent magnitude # is converted to the absolute magnitude using the standard formula \f$M=m-5\log_{10}d^{(pc)}+5\f$. def absolutemagnitude(self, fluxdensity, distance, fluxdensity_unit=None, distance_unit=None, wavelength=None): fluxdensity = self.convert(fluxdensity, to_unit='erg/s/cm2/Hz', from_unit=fluxdensity_unit, quantity='fluxdensity', wavelength=wavelength) distance = self.convert(distance, to_unit='pc', from_unit=distance_unit, quantity='distance') apparent = -2.5*np.log10(fluxdensity) - 48.60 absolute = apparent - 5*np.log10(distance) + 5 return absolute ## This function returns the luminosity density corresponding to a given flux density and distance # from the source. The units in which these values are expressed can be explicitly specified. If not, # the default units for respectively flux density and distance are used instead. The units for the # returned luminosity must be specified (there is no default). If both the flux density and the # luminosity density are expressed in the same style (per unit of frequency or per unit of wavelength), # the \em wavelength argument may be omitted. Otherwise, the wavelength is used to convert between styles. def luminosityforflux(self, fluxdensity, distance, luminositydensity_unit, fluxdensity_unit=None, distance_unit=None, wavelength=None): if 'wavelength' in _quantity[luminositydensity_unit]: flux_si = 'W/m3' lumi_si = 'W/m' else: flux_si = 'W/m2/Hz' lumi_si = 'W/Hz' fluxdensity = self.convert(fluxdensity, to_unit=flux_si, from_unit=fluxdensity_unit, quantity='fluxdensity', wavelength=wavelength) distance = self.convert(distance, to_unit='m', from_unit=distance_unit, quantity='distance') luminosity = 4.*np.pi * distance*distance * fluxdensity return self.convert(luminosity, to_unit=luminositydensity_unit, from_unit=lumi_si) # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Private conversion facilities # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # --- fundamental physical and astronomical constants --- _c = 2.99792458e8 # light speed in m/s _AU = 1.49597871e11 # astronomical unit in m _pc = 3.08567758e16 # parsec in m _Lsun = 3.839e26 # solar bolometric luminosity in W (without solar neutrino radiation) _Msun = 1.9891e30 # solar mass in kg _arcsec2 = 2.350443053909789e-11 # solid angle of 1 square arc second in steradian # --- library providing the physical quantity corresponding to each supported unit --- # key: unit; value: physical quantity for this unit _quantity = { 'A': 'length', 'nm': 'length', 'micron': 'length', 'mm': 'length', 'cm': 'length', 'm': 'length', 'km': 'length', 'AU': 'length', 'kpc': 'length', 'pc': 'length', 'Mpc': 'length', 'm3': 'volume', 'AU3': 'volume', 'pc3': 'volume', 'g': 'mass', 'kg': 'mass', 'Msun': 'mass', 'W': 'luminosity', 'Lsun': 'luminosity', 'W/m': 'wavelengthluminositydensity', 'W/micron': 'wavelengthluminositydensity', 'Lsun/micron': 'wavelengthluminositydensity', 'W/Hz': 'frequencyluminositydensity', 'erg/s/Hz': 'frequencyluminositydensity', 'Lsun/Hz': 'frequencyluminositydensity', 'W/m2': 'neutralfluxdensity', 'W/m2/sr': 'neutralsurfacebrightness', 'W/m2/arcsec2': 'neutralsurfacebrightness', 'W/m3': 'wavelengthfluxdensity', 'W/m2/micron': 'wavelengthfluxdensity', 'W/m3/sr': 'wavelengthsurfacebrightness', 'W/m2/micron/sr': 'wavelengthsurfacebrightness', 'W/m2/micron/arcsec2': 'wavelengthsurfacebrightness', 'W/m2/Hz': 'frequencyfluxdensity', 'Jy': 'frequencyfluxdensity', 'mJy': 'frequencyfluxdensity', 'MJy': 'frequencyfluxdensity', 'erg/s/cm2/Hz': 'frequencyfluxdensity', 'W/m2/Hz/sr': 'frequencysurfacebrightness', 'W/m2/Hz/arcsec2': 'frequencysurfacebrightness', 'Jy/sr': 'frequencysurfacebrightness', 'Jy/arcsec2': 'frequencysurfacebrightness', 'MJy/sr': 'frequencysurfacebrightness', 'MJy/arcsec2': 'frequencysurfacebrightness' } # --- library providing the conversion factor to SI units for each supported unit --- # key: unit; value: conversion factor to corresponding SI unit _conversion = { 'A': 1e-10, 'nm': 1e-9, 'micron': 1e-6, 'mm': 1e-3, 'cm': 1e-2, 'm': 1., 'km': 1e3, 'AU': _AU, 'pc': _pc, 'kpc': 1e3*_pc, 'Mpc': 1e6*_pc, 'm3': 1., 'AU3': _AU**3, 'pc3': _pc**3, 'g': 1e-3, 'kg': 1., 'Msun': _Msun, 'W': 1., 'Lsun': _Lsun, 'W/m': 1., 'W/micron': 1e6, 'Lsun/micron': _Lsun*1e6, 'W/Hz': 1., 'Lsun/Hz': _Lsun, "erg/s/Hz": 1e-7, 'W/m2': 1., 'W/m2/sr': 1., 'W/m2/arcsec2': 1./_arcsec2, 'W/m3': 1., 'W/m2/micron': 1e6, 'W/m3/sr': 1., 'W/m2/micron/sr': 1e6, 'W/m2/micron/arcsec2': 1e6/_arcsec2, 'W/m2/Hz': 1., 'Jy': 1e-26, 'mJy': 1e-29, 'MJy': 1e-20, 'erg/s/cm2/Hz': 1e-3, 'W/m2/Hz/sr': 1., 'W/m2/Hz/arcsec2': 1./_arcsec2, 'Jy/sr': 1e-26, 'Jy/arcsec2': 1e-26/_arcsec2, 'MJy/sr': 1e-20, 'MJy/arcsec2': 1e-20/_arcsec2 } # -----------------------------------------------------------------
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ /*************************************************************************** Name : GdalTools Description : Integrate gdal tools into qgis Date : 17/Sep/09 copyright : (C) 2009 by Lorenzo Masini (Faunalia) email : [email protected] ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ """ # Import the PyQt and QGIS libraries from PyQt4.QtCore import QObject, QCoreApplication, QSettings, QLocale, QFileInfo, QTranslator, SIGNAL from PyQt4.QtGui import QMessageBox, QMenu, QIcon, QAction from qgis.core import QGis import qgis.utils # load icons for actions import resources_rc # are all dependencies satisfied? valid = True # Import required modules req_mods = {"osgeo": "osgeo [python-gdal]"} try: from osgeo import gdal from osgeo import ogr except ImportError as e: valid = False # if the plugin is shipped with QGis catch the exception and # display an error message import os.path qgisUserPluginPath = qgis.utils.home_plugin_path if not os.path.dirname(__file__).startswith(qgisUserPluginPath): title = QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Plugin error") message = QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", u'Unable to load {0} plugin. \nThe required "{1}" module is missing. \nInstall it and try again.') import qgis.utils QMessageBox.warning(qgis.utils.iface.mainWindow(), title, message.format("GdalTools", req_mods["osgeo"])) else: # if a module is missing show a more friendly module's name error_str = e.args[0] error_mod = error_str.replace("No module named ", "") if error_mod in req_mods: error_str = error_str.replace(error_mod, req_mods[error_mod]) raise ImportError(error_str) class GdalTools: def __init__(self, iface): if not valid: return # Save reference to the QGIS interface self.iface = iface try: self.QgisVersion = unicode(QGis.QGIS_VERSION_INT) except: self.QgisVersion = unicode(QGis.qgisVersion)[0] if QGis.QGIS_VERSION[0:3] < "1.5": # For i18n support userPluginPath = qgis.utils.home_plugin_path + "/GdalTools" systemPluginPath = qgis.utils.sys_plugin_path + "/GdalTools" overrideLocale = QSettings().value("locale/overrideFlag", False, type=bool) if not overrideLocale: localeFullName = QLocale.system().name() else: localeFullName = QSettings().value("locale/userLocale", "", type=str) if QFileInfo(userPluginPath).exists(): translationPath = userPluginPath + "/i18n/GdalTools_" + localeFullName + ".qm" else: translationPath = systemPluginPath + "/i18n/GdalTools_" + localeFullName + ".qm" self.localePath = translationPath if QFileInfo(self.localePath).exists(): self.translator = QTranslator() self.translator.load(self.localePath) QCoreApplication.installTranslator(self.translator) # The list of actions added to menus, so we can remove them when unloading the plugin self._menuActions = [] def initGui(self): if not valid: return if int(self.QgisVersion) < 1: QMessageBox.warning( self.iface.getMainWindow(), "Gdal Tools", QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "QGIS version detected: ") + unicode(self.QgisVersion) + ".xx\n" + QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "This version of Gdal Tools requires at least QGIS version 1.0.0\nPlugin will not be enabled.")) return None from tools.GdalTools_utils import GdalConfig, LayerRegistry self.GdalVersionNum = GdalConfig.versionNum() LayerRegistry.setIface(self.iface) # find the Raster menu rasterMenu = None menu_bar = self.iface.mainWindow().menuBar() actions = menu_bar.actions() rasterText = QCoreApplication.translate("QgisApp", "&Raster") for a in actions: if is not None and == rasterText: rasterMenu = break if rasterMenu is None: # no Raster menu, create and insert it before the Help menu = QMenu(rasterText, self.iface.mainWindow()) lastAction = actions[len(actions) - 1] menu_bar.insertMenu(lastAction, else: = rasterMenu self._menuActions.append( # projections menu (Warp (Reproject), Assign projection) self.projectionsMenu = QMenu(QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Projections"), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.projectionsMenu.setObjectName("projectionsMenu") self.warp = QAction(QIcon(":/icons/warp.png"), QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Warp (Reproject)..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.warp.setObjectName("warp") self.warp.setStatusTip(QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Warp an image into a new coordinate system")) QObject.connect(self.warp, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.doWarp) self.projection = QAction(QIcon(":icons/projection-add.png"), QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Assign Projection..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.projection.setObjectName("projection") self.projection.setStatusTip(QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Add projection info to the raster")) QObject.connect(self.projection, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.doProjection) self.extractProj = QAction(QIcon(":icons/projection-export.png"), QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Extract Projection..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.extractProj.setObjectName("extractProj") self.extractProj.setStatusTip(QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Extract projection information from raster(s)")) QObject.connect(self.extractProj, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.doExtractProj) self.projectionsMenu.addActions([self.warp, self.projection, self.extractProj]) # conversion menu (Rasterize (Vector to raster), Polygonize (Raster to vector), Translate, RGB to PCT, PCT to RGB) self.conversionMenu = QMenu(QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Conversion"), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.conversionMenu.setObjectName("conversionMenu") if self.GdalVersionNum >= 1300: self.rasterize = QAction(QIcon(":/icons/rasterize.png"), QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Rasterize (Vector to Raster)..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.rasterize.setObjectName("rasterize") self.rasterize.setStatusTip(QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Burns vector geometries into a raster")) QObject.connect(self.rasterize, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.doRasterize) self.conversionMenu.addAction(self.rasterize) if self.GdalVersionNum >= 1600: self.polygonize = QAction(QIcon(":/icons/polygonize.png"), QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Polygonize (Raster to Vector)..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.polygonize.setObjectName("polygonize") self.polygonize.setStatusTip(QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Produces a polygon feature layer from a raster")) QObject.connect(self.polygonize, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.doPolygonize) self.conversionMenu.addAction(self.polygonize) self.translate = QAction(QIcon(":/icons/translate.png"), QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Translate (Convert Format)..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.translate.setObjectName("translate") self.translate.setStatusTip(QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Converts raster data between different formats")) QObject.connect(self.translate, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.doTranslate) self.paletted = QAction(QIcon(":icons/24-to-8-bits.png"), QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "RGB to PCT..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.paletted.setObjectName("paletted") self.paletted.setStatusTip(QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Convert a 24bit RGB image to 8bit paletted")) QObject.connect(self.paletted, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.doPaletted) self.rgb = QAction(QIcon(":icons/8-to-24-bits.png"), QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "PCT to RGB..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.rgb.setObjectName("rgb") self.rgb.setStatusTip(QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Convert an 8bit paletted image to 24bit RGB")) QObject.connect(self.rgb, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.doRGB) self.conversionMenu.addActions([self.translate, self.paletted, self.rgb]) # extraction menu (Clipper, Contour) self.extractionMenu = QMenu(QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Extraction"), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.extractionMenu.setObjectName("extractionMenu") if self.GdalVersionNum >= 1600: self.contour = QAction(QIcon(":/icons/contour.png"), QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Contour..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.contour.setObjectName("contour") self.contour.setStatusTip(QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Builds vector contour lines from a DEM")) QObject.connect(self.contour, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.doContour) self.extractionMenu.addAction(self.contour) self.clipper = QAction(QIcon(":icons/raster-clip.png"), QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Clipper..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.clipper.setObjectName("clipper") #self.clipper.setStatusTip( QCoreApplication.translate( "GdalTools", "Converts raster data between different formats") ) QObject.connect(self.clipper, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.doClipper) self.extractionMenu.addActions([self.clipper]) # analysis menu (DEM (Terrain model), Grid (Interpolation), Near black, Proximity (Raster distance), Sieve) self.analysisMenu = QMenu(QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Analysis"), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.analysisMenu.setObjectName("analysisMenu") if self.GdalVersionNum >= 1600: self.sieve = QAction(QIcon(":/icons/sieve.png"), QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Sieve..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.sieve.setObjectName("sieve") self.sieve.setStatusTip(QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Removes small raster polygons")) QObject.connect(self.sieve, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.doSieve) self.analysisMenu.addAction(self.sieve) if self.GdalVersionNum >= 1500: self.nearBlack = QAction(QIcon(":/icons/nearblack.png"), QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Near Black..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.nearBlack.setObjectName("nearBlack") self.nearBlack.setStatusTip(QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Convert nearly black/white borders to exact value")) QObject.connect(self.nearBlack, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.doNearBlack) self.analysisMenu.addAction(self.nearBlack) if self.GdalVersionNum >= 1700: self.fillNodata = QAction(QIcon(":/icons/fillnodata.png"), QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Fill nodata..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.fillNodata.setObjectName("fillNodata") self.fillNodata.setStatusTip(QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Fill raster regions by interpolation from edges")) QObject.connect(self.fillNodata, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.doFillNodata) self.analysisMenu.addAction(self.fillNodata) if self.GdalVersionNum >= 1600: self.proximity = QAction(QIcon(":/icons/proximity.png"), QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Proximity (Raster Distance)..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.proximity.setObjectName("proximity") self.proximity.setStatusTip(QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Produces a raster proximity map")) QObject.connect(self.proximity, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.doProximity) self.analysisMenu.addAction(self.proximity) if self.GdalVersionNum >= 1500: self.grid = QAction(QIcon(":/icons/grid.png"), QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Grid (Interpolation)..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.grid.setObjectName("grid") self.grid.setStatusTip(QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Create raster from the scattered data")) QObject.connect(self.grid, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.doGrid) self.analysisMenu.addAction(self.grid) if self.GdalVersionNum >= 1700: self.dem = QAction(QIcon(":icons/dem.png"), QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "DEM (Terrain Models)..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.dem.setObjectName("dem") self.dem.setStatusTip(QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Tool to analyze and visualize DEMs")) QObject.connect(self.dem, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.doDEM) self.analysisMenu.addAction(self.dem) #self.analysisMenu.addActions( [ ] ) # miscellaneous menu (Build overviews (Pyramids), Tile index, Information, Merge, Build Virtual Raster (Catalog)) self.miscellaneousMenu = QMenu(QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Miscellaneous"), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.miscellaneousMenu.setObjectName("miscellaneousMenu") if self.GdalVersionNum >= 1600: self.buildVRT = QAction(QIcon(":/icons/vrt.png"), QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Build Virtual Raster (Catalog)..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.buildVRT.setObjectName("buildVRT") self.buildVRT.setStatusTip(QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Builds a VRT from a list of datasets")) QObject.connect(self.buildVRT, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.doBuildVRT) self.miscellaneousMenu.addAction(self.buildVRT) self.merge = QAction(QIcon(":/icons/merge.png"), QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Merge..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.merge.setObjectName("merge") self.merge.setStatusTip(QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Build a quick mosaic from a set of images")) QObject.connect(self.merge, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.doMerge) = QAction(QIcon(":/icons/raster-info.png"), QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Information..."), self.iface.mainWindow())"info")"GdalTools", "Lists information about raster dataset")) QObject.connect(, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.doInfo) self.overview = QAction(QIcon(":icons/raster-overview.png"), QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Build Overviews (Pyramids)..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.overview.setObjectName("overview") self.overview.setStatusTip(QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Builds or rebuilds overview images")) QObject.connect(self.overview, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.doOverview) self.tileindex = QAction(QIcon(":icons/tiles.png"), QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Tile Index..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.tileindex.setObjectName("tileindex") self.tileindex.setStatusTip(QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Build a shapefile as a raster tileindex")) QObject.connect(self.tileindex, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.doTileIndex) self.miscellaneousMenu.addActions([self.merge,, self.overview, self.tileindex]) self._menuActions.append( self._menuActions.append( self._menuActions.append( if not self.analysisMenu.isEmpty(): self._menuActions.append( self._menuActions.append( self.settings = QAction(QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "GdalTools Settings..."), self.iface.mainWindow()) self.settings.setObjectName("settings") self.settings.setStatusTip(QCoreApplication.translate("GdalTools", "Various settings for Gdal Tools")) QObject.connect(self.settings, SIGNAL("triggered()"), self.doSettings) self._menuActions.append(self.settings) def unload(self): if not valid: return for a in self._menuActions: def doBuildVRT(self): from tools.doBuildVRT import GdalToolsDialog as BuildVRT d = BuildVRT(self.iface) self.runToolDialog(d) def doContour(self): from tools.doContour import GdalToolsDialog as Contour d = Contour(self.iface) self.runToolDialog(d) def doRasterize(self): from tools.doRasterize import GdalToolsDialog as Rasterize d = Rasterize(self.iface) self.runToolDialog(d) def doPolygonize(self): from tools.doPolygonize import GdalToolsDialog as Polygonize d = Polygonize(self.iface) self.runToolDialog(d) def doMerge(self): from tools.doMerge import GdalToolsDialog as Merge d = Merge(self.iface) self.runToolDialog(d) def doSieve(self): from tools.doSieve import GdalToolsDialog as Sieve d = Sieve(self.iface) self.runToolDialog(d) def doProximity(self): from tools.doProximity import GdalToolsDialog as Proximity d = Proximity(self.iface) self.runToolDialog(d) def doNearBlack(self): from tools.doNearBlack import GdalToolsDialog as NearBlack d = NearBlack(self.iface) self.runToolDialog(d) def doFillNodata(self): from tools.doFillNodata import GdalToolsDialog as FillNodata d = FillNodata(self.iface) self.runToolDialog(d) def doWarp(self): from tools.doWarp import GdalToolsDialog as Warp d = Warp(self.iface) self.runToolDialog(d) def doGrid(self): from tools.doGrid import GdalToolsDialog as Grid d = Grid(self.iface) self.runToolDialog(d) def doTranslate(self): from tools.doTranslate import GdalToolsDialog as Translate d = Translate(self.iface) self.runToolDialog(d) def doInfo(self): from tools.doInfo import GdalToolsDialog as Info d = Info(self.iface) self.runToolDialog(d) def doProjection(self): from tools.doProjection import GdalToolsDialog as Projection d = Projection(self.iface) self.runToolDialog(d) def doOverview(self): from tools.doOverview import GdalToolsDialog as Overview d = Overview(self.iface) self.runToolDialog(d) def doClipper(self): from tools.doClipper import GdalToolsDialog as Clipper d = Clipper(self.iface) self.runToolDialog(d) def doPaletted(self): from tools.doRgbPct import GdalToolsDialog as RgbPct d = RgbPct(self.iface) self.runToolDialog(d) def doRGB(self): from tools.doPctRgb import GdalToolsDialog as PctRgb d = PctRgb(self.iface) self.runToolDialog(d) def doTileIndex(self): from tools.doTileIndex import GdalToolsDialog as TileIndex d = TileIndex(self.iface) self.runToolDialog(d) def doExtractProj(self): from tools.doExtractProj import GdalToolsDialog as ExtractProj d = ExtractProj(self.iface) d.exec_() def doDEM(self): from tools.doDEM import GdalToolsDialog as DEM d = DEM(self.iface) self.runToolDialog(d) def runToolDialog(self, dlg): dlg.show_() dlg.exec_() del dlg def doSettings(self): from tools.doSettings import GdalToolsSettingsDialog as Settings d = Settings(self.iface) d.exec_()
# changelog bisection for mercurial # # Copyright 2007 Matt Mackall # Copyright 2005, 2006 Benoit Boissinot <[email protected]> # # Inspired by git bisect, extension skeleton taken from # # This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the # GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version. import os, error from i18n import _ from node import short, hex import util def bisect(changelog, state): """find the next node (if any) for testing during a bisect search. returns a (nodes, number, good) tuple. 'nodes' is the final result of the bisect if 'number' is 0. Otherwise 'number' indicates the remaining possible candidates for the search and 'nodes' contains the next bisect target. 'good' is True if bisect is searching for a first good changeset, False if searching for a first bad one. """ clparents = changelog.parentrevs skip = set([changelog.rev(n) for n in state['skip']]) def buildancestors(bad, good): # only the earliest bad revision matters badrev = min([changelog.rev(n) for n in bad]) goodrevs = [changelog.rev(n) for n in good] goodrev = min(goodrevs) # build visit array ancestors = [None] * (len(changelog) + 1) # an extra for [-1] # set nodes descended from goodrevs for rev in goodrevs: ancestors[rev] = [] for rev in changelog.revs(goodrev + 1): for prev in clparents(rev): if ancestors[prev] == []: ancestors[rev] = [] # clear good revs from array for rev in goodrevs: ancestors[rev] = None for rev in changelog.revs(len(changelog), goodrev): if ancestors[rev] is None: for prev in clparents(rev): ancestors[prev] = None if ancestors[badrev] is None: return badrev, None return badrev, ancestors good = False badrev, ancestors = buildancestors(state['bad'], state['good']) if not ancestors: # looking for bad to good transition? good = True badrev, ancestors = buildancestors(state['good'], state['bad']) bad = changelog.node(badrev) if not ancestors: # now we're confused if len(state['bad']) == 1 and len(state['good']) == 1: raise util.Abort(_("starting revisions are not directly related")) raise util.Abort(_("inconsistent state, %s:%s is good and bad") % (badrev, short(bad))) # build children dict children = {} visit = util.deque([badrev]) candidates = [] while visit: rev = visit.popleft() if ancestors[rev] == []: candidates.append(rev) for prev in clparents(rev): if prev != -1: if prev in children: children[prev].append(rev) else: children[prev] = [rev] visit.append(prev) candidates.sort() # have we narrowed it down to one entry? # or have all other possible candidates besides 'bad' have been skipped? tot = len(candidates) unskipped = [c for c in candidates if (c not in skip) and (c != badrev)] if tot == 1 or not unskipped: return ([changelog.node(rev) for rev in candidates], 0, good) perfect = tot // 2 # find the best node to test best_rev = None best_len = -1 poison = set() for rev in candidates: if rev in poison: # poison children poison.update(children.get(rev, [])) continue a = ancestors[rev] or [rev] ancestors[rev] = None x = len(a) # number of ancestors y = tot - x # number of non-ancestors value = min(x, y) # how good is this test? if value > best_len and rev not in skip: best_len = value best_rev = rev if value == perfect: # found a perfect candidate? quit early break if y < perfect and rev not in skip: # all downhill from here? # poison children poison.update(children.get(rev, [])) continue for c in children.get(rev, []): if ancestors[c]: ancestors[c] = list(set(ancestors[c] + a)) else: ancestors[c] = a + [c] assert best_rev is not None best_node = changelog.node(best_rev) return ([best_node], tot, good) def load_state(repo): state = {'current': [], 'good': [], 'bad': [], 'skip': []} if os.path.exists(repo.join("bisect.state")): for l in repo.opener("bisect.state"): kind, node = l[:-1].split() node = repo.lookup(node) if kind not in state: raise util.Abort(_("unknown bisect kind %s") % kind) state[kind].append(node) return state def save_state(repo, state): f = repo.opener("bisect.state", "w", atomictemp=True) wlock = repo.wlock() try: for kind in sorted(state): for node in state[kind]: f.write("%s %s\n" % (kind, hex(node))) f.close() finally: wlock.release() def get(repo, status): """ Return a list of revision(s) that match the given status: - ``good``, ``bad``, ``skip``: csets explicitly marked as good/bad/skip - ``goods``, ``bads`` : csets topologically good/bad - ``range`` : csets taking part in the bisection - ``pruned`` : csets that are goods, bads or skipped - ``untested`` : csets whose fate is yet unknown - ``ignored`` : csets ignored due to DAG topology - ``current`` : the cset currently being bisected """ state = load_state(repo) if status in ('good', 'bad', 'skip', 'current'): return map(repo.changelog.rev, state[status]) else: # In the following sets, we do *not* call 'bisect()' with more # than one level of recursion, because that can be very, very # time consuming. Instead, we always develop the expression as # much as possible. # 'range' is all csets that make the bisection: # - have a good ancestor and a bad descendant, or conversely # that's because the bisection can go either way range = '( bisect(bad)::bisect(good) | bisect(good)::bisect(bad) )' _t = repo.revs('bisect(good)::bisect(bad)') # The sets of topologically good or bad csets if len(_t) == 0: # Goods are topologically after bads goods = 'bisect(good)::' # Pruned good csets bads = '::bisect(bad)' # Pruned bad csets else: # Goods are topologically before bads goods = '::bisect(good)' # Pruned good csets bads = 'bisect(bad)::' # Pruned bad csets # 'pruned' is all csets whose fate is already known: good, bad, skip skips = 'bisect(skip)' # Pruned skipped csets pruned = '( (%s) | (%s) | (%s) )' % (goods, bads, skips) # 'untested' is all cset that are- in 'range', but not in 'pruned' untested = '( (%s) - (%s) )' % (range, pruned) # 'ignored' is all csets that were not used during the bisection # due to DAG topology, but may however have had an impact. # E.g., a branch merged between bads and goods, but whose branch- # point is out-side of the range. iba = '::bisect(bad) - ::bisect(good)' # Ignored bads' ancestors iga = '::bisect(good) - ::bisect(bad)' # Ignored goods' ancestors ignored = '( ( (%s) | (%s) ) - (%s) )' % (iba, iga, range) if status == 'range': return repo.revs(range) elif status == 'pruned': return repo.revs(pruned) elif status == 'untested': return repo.revs(untested) elif status == 'ignored': return repo.revs(ignored) elif status == "goods": return repo.revs(goods) elif status == "bads": return repo.revs(bads) else: raise error.ParseError(_('invalid bisect state')) def label(repo, node): rev = repo.changelog.rev(node) # Try explicit sets if rev in get(repo, 'good'): # i18n: bisect changeset status return _('good') if rev in get(repo, 'bad'): # i18n: bisect changeset status return _('bad') if rev in get(repo, 'skip'): # i18n: bisect changeset status return _('skipped') if rev in get(repo, 'untested') or rev in get(repo, 'current'): # i18n: bisect changeset status return _('untested') if rev in get(repo, 'ignored'): # i18n: bisect changeset status return _('ignored') # Try implicit sets if rev in get(repo, 'goods'): # i18n: bisect changeset status return _('good (implicit)') if rev in get(repo, 'bads'): # i18n: bisect changeset status return _('bad (implicit)') return None def shortlabel(label): if label: return label[0].upper() return None
# Copyright 2014 LinkedIn Corp. # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. test = { "deployment_code": "test/samples/", "test_code": [ "test/samples/", "test/samples/" ], "perf_code": "test/samples/", "configs_directory": "test/samples/sample_configs" }
#! /usr/bin/env python3 """Keywords (from "graminit.c") This file is automatically generated; please don't muck it up! To update the symbols in this file, 'cd' to the top directory of the python source tree after building the interpreter and run: ./python Lib/ """ __all__ = ["iskeyword", "kwlist"] kwlist = [ #--start keywords-- 'False', 'None', 'True', 'and', 'as', 'assert', 'break', 'class', 'continue', 'def', 'del', 'elif', 'else', 'except', 'finally', 'for', 'from', 'global', 'if', 'import', 'in', 'is', 'lambda', 'nonlocal', 'not', 'or', 'pass', 'raise', 'return', 'try', 'while', 'with', 'yield', #--end keywords-- ] iskeyword = frozenset(kwlist).__contains__ def main(): import sys, re args = sys.argv[1:] iptfile = args and args[0] or "Python/graminit.c" if len(args) > 1: optfile = args[1] else: optfile = "Lib/" # scan the source file for keywords with open(iptfile) as fp: strprog = re.compile('"([^"]+)"') lines = [] for line in fp: if '{1, "' in line: match = if match: lines.append(" '" + + "',\n") lines.sort() # load the output skeleton from the target with open(optfile) as fp: format = fp.readlines() # insert the lines of keywords try: start = format.index("#--start keywords--\n") + 1 end = format.index("#--end keywords--\n") format[start:end] = lines except ValueError: sys.stderr.write("target does not contain format markers\n") sys.exit(1) # write the output file fp = open(optfile, 'w') fp.write(''.join(format)) fp.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals import re from . import _base from ..constants import rcdataElements, spaceCharacters spaceCharacters = "".join(spaceCharacters) SPACES_REGEX = re.compile("[%s]+" % spaceCharacters) class Filter(_base.Filter): spacePreserveElements = frozenset(["pre", "textarea"] + list(rcdataElements)) def __iter__(self): preserve = 0 for token in _base.Filter.__iter__(self): type = token["type"] if type == "StartTag" \ and (preserve or token["name"] in self.spacePreserveElements): preserve += 1 elif type == "EndTag" and preserve: preserve -= 1 elif not preserve and type == "SpaceCharacters" and token["data"]: # Test on token["data"] above to not introduce spaces where there were not token["data"] = " " elif not preserve and type == "Characters": token["data"] = collapse_spaces(token["data"]) yield token def collapse_spaces(text): return SPACES_REGEX.sub(' ', text)
import base64 import io import hashlib import hmac import random from .stream import Stream from .wrappers import StreamIOThreadWrapper, StreamIOIterWrapper from ..buffers import Buffer from ..compat import str, bytes, urlparse from ..exceptions import StreamError from ..utils import swfdecompress from ..packages.flashmedia import FLV, FLVError from ..packages.flashmedia.tag import ScriptData class TokenGenerator(object): def __init__(self, stream): = stream def generate(self): raise NotImplementedError class Auth3TokenGenerator(TokenGenerator): def generate(self): if not raise StreamError("A SWF URL is required to create session token") res =, exception=StreamError) data = swfdecompress(res.content) md5 = hashlib.md5() md5.update(data) data = bytes(, "ascii") + md5.digest() sig ="foo", data, hashlib.sha1) b64 = base64.encodestring(sig.digest()) token = str(b64, "ascii").replace("\n", "") return token def cache_bust_string(length): rval = "" for i in range(length): rval += chr(65 + int(round(random.random() * 25))) return rval class AkamaiHDStreamIO(io.IOBase): Version = "2.5.8" FlashVersion = "LNX 11,1,102,63" StreamURLFormat = "{host}/{streamname}" ControlURLFormat = "{host}/control/{streamname}" ControlData = b":)" TokenGenerators = { "c11e59dea648d56e864fc07a19f717b9": Auth3TokenGenerator } StatusComplete = 3 StatusError = 4 Errors = { 1: "Stream not found", 2: "Track not found", 3: "Seek out of bounds", 4: "Authentication failed", 5: "DVR disabled", 6: "Invalid bitrate test" } def __init__(self, session, url, swf=None, seek=None): parsed = urlparse(url) self.session = session self.logger = self.session.logger.new_module("stream.akamaihd") = ("{scheme}://{netloc}").format(scheme=parsed.scheme, netloc=parsed.netloc) self.streamname = parsed.path[1:] self.swf = swf = seek def open(self): self.guid = cache_bust_string(12) self.islive = None self.sessionid = None self.flv = None self.buffer = Buffer() self.completed_handshake = False url = self.StreamURLFormat.format(, streamname=self.streamname) params = self._create_params( self.logger.debug("Opening host={host} streamname={streamname}",, streamname=self.streamname) try: res = self.session.http.get(url, stream=True, params=params) self.fd = StreamIOIterWrapper(res.iter_content(8192)) except Exception as err: raise StreamError(str(err)) self.handshake(self.fd) return self def handshake(self, fd): try: self.flv = FLV(fd) except FLVError as err: raise StreamError(str(err)) self.buffer.write(self.flv.header.serialize()) self.logger.debug("Attempting to handshake") for i, tag in enumerate(self.flv): if i == 10: raise StreamError("No OnEdge metadata in FLV after 10 tags, probably not a AkamaiHD stream") self.process_tag(tag, exception=StreamError) if self.completed_handshake: self.logger.debug("Handshake successful") break def process_tag(self, tag, exception=IOError): if isinstance(, ScriptData) and == "onEdge": self._on_edge(, exception=exception) self.buffer.write(tag.serialize()) def send_token(self, token): headers = { "x-Akamai-Streaming-SessionToken": token } self.logger.debug("Sending new session token") self.send_control("sendingNewToken", headers=headers, swf=self.swf) def send_control(self, cmd, headers=None, **params): if not headers: headers = {} url = self.ControlURLFormat.format(, streamname=self.streamname) headers["x-Akamai-Streaming-SessionID"] = self.sessionid params = self._create_params(cmd=cmd, **params) return, headers=headers, params=params, data=self.ControlData, exception=StreamError) def read(self, size=-1): if not (self.flv and self.fd): return b"" if self.buffer.length: return else: return def _create_params(self, **extra): params = dict(v=self.Version, fp=self.FlashVersion, r=cache_bust_string(5), g=self.guid) params.update(extra) return params def _generate_session_token(self, data64): swfdata = base64.decodestring(bytes(data64, "ascii")) md5 = hashlib.md5() md5.update(swfdata) hash = md5.hexdigest() if hash in self.TokenGenerators: generator = self.TokenGenerators[hash](self) return generator.generate() else: raise StreamError(("No token generator available for hash '{0}'").format(hash)) def _on_edge(self, data, exception=IOError): def updateattr(attr, key): if key in data: setattr(self, attr, data[key]) self.logger.debug("onEdge data") for key, val in data.items(): if isinstance(val, str): val = val[:50] self.logger.debug(" {key}={val}", key=key, val=val) updateattr("islive", "isLive") updateattr("sessionid", "session") updateattr("status", "status") updateattr("streamname", "streamName") if self.status == self.StatusComplete: self.flv = None elif self.status == self.StatusError: errornum = data["errorNumber"] if errornum in self.Errors: msg = self.Errors[errornum] else: msg = "Unknown error" raise exception("onEdge error: " + msg) if not self.completed_handshake: if "data64" in data: sessiontoken = self._generate_session_token(data["data64"]) else: sessiontoken = None self.send_token(sessiontoken) self.completed_handshake = True class AkamaiHDStream(Stream): """ Implements the AkamaiHD Adaptive Streaming protocol *Attributes:* - :attr:`url` URL to the stream - :attr:`swf` URL to a SWF used by the handshake protocol - :attr:`seek` Position to seek to when opening the stream """ __shortname__ = "akamaihd" def __init__(self, session, url, swf=None, seek=None): Stream.__init__(self, session) = seek self.swf = swf self.url = url def __repr__(self): return ("<AkamaiHDStream({0!r}, " "swf={1!r})>".format(self.url, self.swf)) def __json__(self): return dict(type=AkamaiHDStream.shortname(), url=self.url, swf=self.swf) def open(self): stream = AkamaiHDStreamIO(self.session, self.url, self.swf, return StreamIOThreadWrapper(self.session, __all__ = ["AkamaiHDStream"]
import os from collections import OrderedDict import sys fil = open('energy.xvg').readlines() GMX_dat = [float(f)/4.184 for f in fil[-1].split()[1:-1]] nfil = open('LOG_NAMD').readlines() for line in nfil: if 'ENERGY: 0' in line: NAMD_DAT = [float(f) for f in line.split()[2:12]] break #print(NAMD_DAT) #print(GMX_dat) print('GMX: %6.3f NAMD: %6.3f BOND_DIFF: %5.5f'%(GMX_dat[0],NAMD_DAT[0],GMX_dat[0]-NAMD_DAT[0])) print('GMX: %6.3f NAMD: %6.3f ANGL_DIFF: %5.5f'%(GMX_dat[1],NAMD_DAT[1],GMX_dat[1]-NAMD_DAT[1])) print('GMX: %6.3f NAMD: %6.3f TORS_DIFF: %5.5f'%(GMX_dat[2],NAMD_DAT[2],GMX_dat[2]-NAMD_DAT[2])) print('GMX: %6.3f NAMD: %6.3f IMPR_DIFF: %5.5f'%(GMX_dat[3],NAMD_DAT[3],GMX_dat[3]-NAMD_DAT[3])) print('GMX: %6.3f NAMD: %6.3f ELEC_DIFF: %5.5f'%(GMX_dat[5]+GMX_dat[7],NAMD_DAT[4],(GMX_dat[5]+GMX_dat[7])-(NAMD_DAT[4]))) print('GMX: %6.3f NAMD: %6.3f VDWL_DIFF: %5.5f'%(GMX_dat[4]+GMX_dat[6],NAMD_DAT[5],GMX_dat[4]+GMX_dat[6]-NAMD_DAT[5])) print('GMX: %6.3f NAMD: %6.3f TOTL_DIFF: %5.5f'%(GMX_dat[8],NAMD_DAT[9],GMX_dat[8]-NAMD_DAT[9]))
# Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Mitch Garnaat # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, dis- # tribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit # persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol- # lowing conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIL- # ITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT # SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. """ Represents an EC2 Availability Zone """ from boto.ec2.ec2object import EC2Object class MessageSet(list): """ A list object that contains messages associated with an availability zone. """ def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection): return None def endElement(self, name, value, connection): if name == 'message': self.append(value) else: setattr(self, name, value) class Zone(EC2Object): """ Represents an Availability Zone. :ivar name: The name of the zone. :ivar state: The current state of the zone. :ivar region_name: The name of the region the zone is associated with. :ivar messages: A list of messages related to the zone. """ def __init__(self, connection=None): super(Zone, self).__init__(connection) = None self.state = None self.region_name = None self.messages = None def __repr__(self): return 'Zone:%s' % def startElement(self, name, attrs, connection): if name == 'messageSet': self.messages = MessageSet() return self.messages return None def endElement(self, name, value, connection): if name == 'zoneName': = value elif name == 'zoneState': self.state = value elif name == 'regionName': self.region_name = value else: setattr(self, name, value)
""" Utility functions for handling images. Requires Pillow as you might imagine. """ import struct import zlib from django.core.files import File class ImageFile(File): """ A mixin for use alongside django.core.files.base.File, which provides additional features for dealing with images. """ @property def width(self): return self._get_image_dimensions()[0] @property def height(self): return self._get_image_dimensions()[1] def _get_image_dimensions(self): if not hasattr(self, '_dimensions_cache'): close = self.closed self._dimensions_cache = get_image_dimensions(self, close=close) return self._dimensions_cache def get_image_dimensions(file_or_path, close=False): """ Return the (width, height) of an image, given an open file or a path. Set 'close' to True to close the file at the end if it is initially in an open state. """ from PIL import ImageFile as PillowImageFile p = PillowImageFile.Parser() if hasattr(file_or_path, 'read'): file = file_or_path file_pos = file.tell() else: file = open(file_or_path, 'rb') close = True try: # Most of the time Pillow only needs a small chunk to parse the image # and get the dimensions, but with some TIFF files Pillow needs to # parse the whole file. chunk_size = 1024 while 1: data = if not data: break try: p.feed(data) except zlib.error as e: # ignore zlib complaining on truncated stream, just feed more # data to parser (ticket #19457). if e.args[0].startswith("Error -5"): pass else: raise except struct.error: # Ignore PIL failing on a too short buffer when reads return # less bytes than expected. Skip and feed more data to the # parser (ticket #24544). pass if p.image: return p.image.size chunk_size *= 2 return (None, None) finally: if close: file.close() else:
import pytest import secp256k1 def test_schnorr_simple(): if not secp256k1.HAS_SCHNORR: pytest.skip('secp256k1_schnorr not enabled, skipping') return inst = secp256k1.PrivateKey() raw_sig = inst.schnorr_sign(b'hello') assert inst.pubkey.schnorr_verify(b'hello', raw_sig) key2 = secp256k1.PrivateKey() assert not key2.pubkey.schnorr_verify(b'hello', raw_sig) blank = secp256k1.PublicKey() pubkey = blank.schnorr_recover(b'hello', raw_sig) pub = secp256k1.PublicKey(pubkey) assert pub.serialize() == inst.pubkey.serialize() def test_schnorr_partial(): if not secp256k1.HAS_SCHNORR: pytest.skip('secp256k1_schnorr not enabled, skipping') return signer1 = secp256k1.PrivateKey() pubnonce1, privnonce1 = signer1.schnorr_generate_nonce_pair(b'hello') signer2 = secp256k1.PrivateKey() pubnonce2, privnonce2 = signer2.schnorr_generate_nonce_pair(b'hello') # First test partial signatures with only two signers. partial1 = signer1.schnorr_partial_sign(b'hello', privnonce1, pubnonce2) partial2 = signer2.schnorr_partial_sign(b'hello', privnonce2, pubnonce1) blank = secp256k1.PublicKey(flags=secp256k1.NO_FLAGS) sig = blank.schnorr_partial_combine([partial1, partial2]) # Recover the public key from the combined signature. pubkey = secp256k1.PublicKey().schnorr_recover(b'hello', sig) assert blank.public_key is None # Check that the combined public keys from signer1 and signer2 # match the recovered public key. blank.combine( [signer1.pubkey.public_key, signer2.pubkey.public_key]) assert blank.public_key assert secp256k1.PublicKey(pubkey).serialize() == blank.serialize()
#!/usr/bin/env python2 # Copyright (c) 2015 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or # # Test PrioritiseTransaction code # from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.util import * from test_framework.mininode import COIN, MAX_BLOCK_SIZE class PrioritiseTransactionTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def __init__(self): self.txouts = gen_return_txouts() def setup_chain(self): print("Initializing test directory "+self.options.tmpdir) initialize_chain_clean(self.options.tmpdir, 1) def setup_network(self): self.nodes = [] self.is_network_split = False self.nodes.append(start_node(0, self.options.tmpdir, ["-debug", "-printpriority=1"])) self.relayfee = self.nodes[0].getnetworkinfo()['relayfee'] def run_test(self): utxo_count = 90 utxos = create_confirmed_utxos(self.relayfee, self.nodes[0], utxo_count) base_fee = self.relayfee*100 # our transactions are smaller than 100kb txids = [] # Create 3 batches of transactions at 3 different fee rate levels range_size = utxo_count // 3 for i in xrange(3): txids.append([]) start_range = i * range_size end_range = start_range + range_size txids[i] = create_lots_of_big_transactions(self.nodes[0], self.txouts, utxos[start_range:end_range], (i+1)*base_fee) # Make sure that the size of each group of transactions exceeds # MAX_BLOCK_SIZE -- otherwise the test needs to be revised to create # more transactions. mempool = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool(True) sizes = [0, 0, 0] for i in xrange(3): for j in txids[i]: assert(j in mempool) sizes[i] += mempool[j]['size'] assert(sizes[i] > MAX_BLOCK_SIZE) # Fail => raise utxo_count # add a fee delta to something in the cheapest bucket and make sure it gets mined # also check that a different entry in the cheapest bucket is NOT mined (lower # the priority to ensure its not mined due to priority) self.nodes[0].prioritisetransaction(txids[0][0], 0, int(3*base_fee*COIN)) self.nodes[0].prioritisetransaction(txids[0][1], -1e15, 0) self.nodes[0].generate(1) mempool = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool() print "Assert that prioritised transaction was mined" assert(txids[0][0] not in mempool) assert(txids[0][1] in mempool) high_fee_tx = None for x in txids[2]: if x not in mempool: high_fee_tx = x # Something high-fee should have been mined! assert(high_fee_tx != None) # Add a prioritisation before a tx is in the mempool (de-prioritising a # high-fee transaction so that it's now low fee). self.nodes[0].prioritisetransaction(high_fee_tx, -1e15, -int(2*base_fee*COIN)) # Add everything back to mempool self.nodes[0].invalidateblock(self.nodes[0].getbestblockhash()) # Check to make sure our high fee rate tx is back in the mempool mempool = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool() assert(high_fee_tx in mempool) # Now verify the modified-high feerate transaction isn't mined before # the other high fee transactions. Keep mining until our mempool has # decreased by all the high fee size that we calculated above. while (self.nodes[0].getmempoolinfo()['bytes'] > sizes[0] + sizes[1]): self.nodes[0].generate(1) # High fee transaction should not have been mined, but other high fee rate # transactions should have been. mempool = self.nodes[0].getrawmempool() print "Assert that de-prioritised transaction is still in mempool" assert(high_fee_tx in mempool) for x in txids[2]: if (x != high_fee_tx): assert(x not in mempool) # Create a free, low priority transaction. Should be rejected. utxo_list = self.nodes[0].listunspent() assert(len(utxo_list) > 0) utxo = utxo_list[0] inputs = [] outputs = {} inputs.append({"txid" : utxo["txid"], "vout" : utxo["vout"]}) outputs[self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()] = utxo["amount"] - self.relayfee raw_tx = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) tx_hex = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction(raw_tx)["hex"] txid = self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(tx_hex) # A tx that spends an in-mempool tx has 0 priority, so we can use it to # test the effect of using prioritise transaction for mempool acceptance inputs = [] inputs.append({"txid": txid, "vout": 0}) outputs = {} outputs[self.nodes[0].getnewaddress()] = utxo["amount"] - self.relayfee raw_tx2 = self.nodes[0].createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs) tx2_hex = self.nodes[0].signrawtransaction(raw_tx2)["hex"] tx2_id = self.nodes[0].decoderawtransaction(tx2_hex)["txid"] try: self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(tx2_hex) except JSONRPCException as exp: assert_equal(exp.error['code'], -26) # insufficient fee assert(tx2_id not in self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()) else: assert(False) # This is a less than 1000-byte transaction, so just set the fee # to be the minimum for a 1000 byte transaction and check that it is # accepted. self.nodes[0].prioritisetransaction(tx2_id, 0, int(self.relayfee*COIN)) print "Assert that prioritised free transaction is accepted to mempool" assert_equal(self.nodes[0].sendrawtransaction(tx2_hex), tx2_id) assert(tx2_id in self.nodes[0].getrawmempool()) if __name__ == '__main__': PrioritiseTransactionTest().main()
from __future__ import absolute_import from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied from django.db import models from django.contrib.auth import authenticate from django.contrib.sites.models import Site from django.utils.encoding import python_2_unicode_compatible from django.utils.crypto import get_random_string from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ try: from django.utils.encoding import force_text except ImportError: from django.utils.encoding import force_unicode as force_text import allauth.app_settings from allauth.account.models import EmailAddress from allauth.account.utils import get_next_redirect_url, setup_user_email from allauth.utils import (get_user_model, get_current_site, serialize_instance, deserialize_instance) from . import app_settings from . import providers from .fields import JSONField from ..utils import get_request_param class SocialAppManager(models.Manager): def get_current(self, provider, request=None): site = get_current_site(request) return self.get(, provider=provider) @python_2_unicode_compatible class SocialApp(models.Model): objects = SocialAppManager() provider = models.CharField(verbose_name=_('provider'), max_length=30, choices=providers.registry.as_choices()) name = models.CharField(verbose_name=_('name'), max_length=40) client_id = models.CharField(verbose_name=_('client id'), max_length=100, help_text=_('App ID, or consumer key')) secret = models.CharField(verbose_name=_('secret key'), max_length=100, help_text=_('API secret, client secret, or' ' consumer secret')) key = models.CharField(verbose_name=_('key'), max_length=100, blank=True, help_text=_('Key')) # Most apps can be used across multiple domains, therefore we use # a ManyToManyField. Note that Facebook requires an app per domain # (unless the domains share a common base name). # blank=True allows for disabling apps without removing them sites = models.ManyToManyField(Site, blank=True) class Meta: verbose_name = _('social application') verbose_name_plural = _('social applications') def __str__(self): return @python_2_unicode_compatible class SocialAccount(models.Model): user = models.ForeignKey(allauth.app_settings.USER_MODEL) provider = models.CharField(verbose_name=_('provider'), max_length=30, choices=providers.registry.as_choices()) # Just in case you're wondering if an OpenID identity URL is going # to fit in a 'uid': # # Ideally, URLField(max_length=1024, unique=True) would be used # for identity. However, MySQL has a max_length limitation of 255 # for URLField. How about models.TextField(unique=True) then? # Well, that won't work either for MySQL due to another bug[1]. So # the only way out would be to drop the unique constraint, or # switch to shorter identity URLs. Opted for the latter, as [2] # suggests that identity URLs are supposed to be short anyway, at # least for the old spec. # # [1] # [2] uid = models.CharField(verbose_name=_('uid'), max_length=255) last_login = models.DateTimeField(verbose_name=_('last login'), auto_now=True) date_joined = models.DateTimeField(verbose_name=_('date joined'), auto_now_add=True) extra_data = JSONField(verbose_name=_('extra data'), default='{}') class Meta: unique_together = ('provider', 'uid') verbose_name = _('social account') verbose_name_plural = _('social accounts') def authenticate(self): return authenticate(account=self) def __str__(self): return force_text(self.user) def get_profile_url(self): return self.get_provider_account().get_profile_url() def get_avatar_url(self): return self.get_provider_account().get_avatar_url() def get_provider(self): return providers.registry.by_id(self.provider) def get_provider_account(self): return self.get_provider().wrap_account(self) @python_2_unicode_compatible class SocialToken(models.Model): app = models.ForeignKey(SocialApp) account = models.ForeignKey(SocialAccount) token = models.TextField( verbose_name=_('token'), help_text=_( '"oauth_token" (OAuth1) or access token (OAuth2)')) token_secret = models.TextField( blank=True, verbose_name=_('token secret'), help_text=_( '"oauth_token_secret" (OAuth1) or refresh token (OAuth2)')) expires_at = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name=_('expires at')) class Meta: unique_together = ('app', 'account') verbose_name = _('social application token') verbose_name_plural = _('social application tokens') def __str__(self): return self.token class SocialLogin(object): """ Represents a social user that is in the process of being logged in. This consists of the following information: `account` (`SocialAccount` instance): The social account being logged in. Providers are not responsible for checking whether or not an account already exists or not. Therefore, a provider typically creates a new (unsaved) `SocialAccount` instance. The `User` instance pointed to by the account (`account.user`) may be prefilled by the provider for use as a starting point later on during the signup process. `token` (`SocialToken` instance): An optional access token token that results from performing a successful authentication handshake. `state` (`dict`): The state to be preserved during the authentication handshake. Note that this state may end up in the url -- do not put any secrets in here. It currently only contains the url to redirect to after login. `email_addresses` (list of `EmailAddress`): Optional list of e-mail addresses retrieved from the provider. """ def __init__(self, user=None, account=None, token=None, email_addresses=[]): if token: assert token.account is None or token.account == account self.token = token self.user = user self.account = account self.email_addresses = email_addresses self.state = {} def connect(self, request, user): self.user = user, connect=True) def serialize(self): ret = dict(account=serialize_instance(self.account), user=serialize_instance(self.user), state=self.state, email_addresses=[serialize_instance(ea) for ea in self.email_addresses]) if self.token: ret['token'] = serialize_instance(self.token) return ret @classmethod def deserialize(cls, data): account = deserialize_instance(SocialAccount, data['account']) user = deserialize_instance(get_user_model(), data['user']) if 'token' in data: token = deserialize_instance(SocialToken, data['token']) else: token = None email_addresses = [] for ea in data['email_addresses']: email_address = deserialize_instance(EmailAddress, ea) email_addresses.append(email_address) ret = SocialLogin() ret.token = token ret.account = account ret.user = user ret.email_addresses = email_addresses ret.state = data['state'] return ret def save(self, request, connect=False): """ Saves a new account. Note that while the account is new, the user may be an existing one (when connecting accounts) """ assert not self.is_existing user = self.user self.account.user = user if app_settings.STORE_TOKENS and self.token: self.token.account = self.account if connect: # TODO: Add any new email addresses automatically? pass else: setup_user_email(request, user, self.email_addresses) @property def is_existing(self): """ Account is temporary, not yet backed by a database record. """ return def lookup(self): """ Lookup existing account, if any. """ assert not self.is_existing try: a = SocialAccount.objects.get(provider=self.account.provider, uid=self.account.uid) # Update account a.extra_data = self.account.extra_data self.account = a self.user = self.account.user # Update token if app_settings.STORE_TOKENS and self.token: assert not try: t = SocialToken.objects.get(account=self.account, t.token = self.token.token if self.token.token_secret: # only update the refresh token if we got one # many oauth2 providers do not resend the refresh token t.token_secret = self.token.token_secret t.expires_at = self.token.expires_at self.token = t except SocialToken.DoesNotExist: self.token.account = a except SocialAccount.DoesNotExist: pass def get_redirect_url(self, request): url = self.state.get('next') return url @classmethod def state_from_request(cls, request): state = {} next_url = get_next_redirect_url(request) if next_url: state['next'] = next_url state['process'] = get_request_param(request, 'process', 'login') state['scope'] = get_request_param(request, 'scope', '') state['auth_params'] = get_request_param(request, 'auth_params', '') return state @classmethod def stash_state(cls, request): state = cls.state_from_request(request) verifier = get_random_string() request.session['socialaccount_state'] = (state, verifier) return verifier @classmethod def unstash_state(cls, request): if 'socialaccount_state' not in request.session: raise PermissionDenied() state, verifier = request.session.pop('socialaccount_state') return state @classmethod def verify_and_unstash_state(cls, request, verifier): if 'socialaccount_state' not in request.session: raise PermissionDenied() state, verifier2 = request.session.pop('socialaccount_state') if verifier != verifier2: raise PermissionDenied() return state
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Zikzakmedia S.L. ( All Rights Reserved. # Jordi Esteve <[email protected]> # $Id$ # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ############################################################################## { "name" : "Spanish - Accounting (PGCE 2008)", "version" : "3.0", "author" : "Spanish Localization Team", 'website' : '', "category" : "Localization/Account Charts", "description": """ Spanish Charts of Accounts (PGCE 2008). ======================================= * Defines the following chart of account templates: * Spanish General Chart of Accounts 2008. * Spanish General Chart of Accounts 2008 for small and medium companies. * Defines templates for sale and purchase VAT. * Defines tax code templates. Note: You should install the l10n_ES_account_balance_report module for yearly account reporting (balance, profit & losses). """, "license" : "GPL-3", "depends" : ["account", "base_vat", "base_iban"], "init_xml" : [ "account_chart.xml", "taxes_data.xml", "fiscal_templates.xml", "account_chart_pymes.xml", "taxes_data_pymes.xml", "fiscal_templates_pymes.xml", "l10n_es_wizard.xml" ], "demo_xml" : [], "update_xml" : [ ], "auto_install": False, "installable": True, "certificate" : "00408828172062583229", 'images': ['images/config_chart_l10n_es.jpeg','images/l10n_es_chart.jpeg'], } # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:
"""Create portable serialized representations of Python objects. See module cPickle for a (much) faster implementation. See module copy_reg for a mechanism for registering custom picklers. See module pickletools source for extensive comments. Classes: Pickler Unpickler Functions: dump(object, file) dumps(object) -> string load(file) -> object loads(string) -> object Misc variables: __version__ format_version compatible_formats """ __version__ = "$Revision: 72223 $" # Code version from types import * from copy_reg import dispatch_table from copy_reg import _extension_registry, _inverted_registry, _extension_cache import marshal import sys import struct import re __all__ = ["PickleError", "PicklingError", "UnpicklingError", "Pickler", "Unpickler", "dump", "dumps", "load", "loads"] # These are purely informational; no code uses these. format_version = "2.0" # File format version we write compatible_formats = ["1.0", # Original protocol 0 "1.1", # Protocol 0 with INST added "1.2", # Original protocol 1 "1.3", # Protocol 1 with BINFLOAT added "2.0", # Protocol 2 ] # Old format versions we can read # Keep in synch with cPickle. This is the highest protocol number we # know how to read. HIGHEST_PROTOCOL = 2 # Why use struct.pack() for pickling but marshal.loads() for # unpickling? struct.pack() is 40% faster than marshal.dumps(), but # marshal.loads() is twice as fast as struct.unpack()! mloads = marshal.loads class PickleError(Exception): """A common base class for the other pickling exceptions.""" pass class PicklingError(PickleError): """This exception is raised when an unpicklable object is passed to the dump() method. """ pass class UnpicklingError(PickleError): """This exception is raised when there is a problem unpickling an object, such as a security violation. Note that other exceptions may also be raised during unpickling, including (but not necessarily limited to) AttributeError, EOFError, ImportError, and IndexError. """ pass # An instance of _Stop is raised by Unpickler.load_stop() in response to # the STOP opcode, passing the object that is the result of unpickling. class _Stop(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value # Jython has PyStringMap; it's a dict subclass with string keys try: from org.python.core import PyStringMap except ImportError: PyStringMap = None # UnicodeType may or may not be exported (normally imported from types) try: UnicodeType except NameError: UnicodeType = None # Pickle opcodes. See for extensive docs. The listing # here is in kind-of alphabetical order of 1-character pickle code. # pickletools groups them by purpose. MARK = '(' # push special markobject on stack STOP = '.' # every pickle ends with STOP POP = '0' # discard topmost stack item POP_MARK = '1' # discard stack top through topmost markobject DUP = '2' # duplicate top stack item FLOAT = 'F' # push float object; decimal string argument INT = 'I' # push integer or bool; decimal string argument BININT = 'J' # push four-byte signed int BININT1 = 'K' # push 1-byte unsigned int LONG = 'L' # push long; decimal string argument BININT2 = 'M' # push 2-byte unsigned int NONE = 'N' # push None PERSID = 'P' # push persistent object; id is taken from string arg BINPERSID = 'Q' # " " " ; " " " " stack REDUCE = 'R' # apply callable to argtuple, both on stack STRING = 'S' # push string; NL-terminated string argument BINSTRING = 'T' # push string; counted binary string argument SHORT_BINSTRING = 'U' # " " ; " " " " < 256 bytes UNICODE = 'V' # push Unicode string; raw-unicode-escaped'd argument BINUNICODE = 'X' # " " " ; counted UTF-8 string argument APPEND = 'a' # append stack top to list below it BUILD = 'b' # call __setstate__ or __dict__.update() GLOBAL = 'c' # push self.find_class(modname, name); 2 string args DICT = 'd' # build a dict from stack items EMPTY_DICT = '}' # push empty dict APPENDS = 'e' # extend list on stack by topmost stack slice GET = 'g' # push item from memo on stack; index is string arg BINGET = 'h' # " " " " " " ; " " 1-byte arg INST = 'i' # build & push class instance LONG_BINGET = 'j' # push item from memo on stack; index is 4-byte arg LIST = 'l' # build list from topmost stack items EMPTY_LIST = ']' # push empty list OBJ = 'o' # build & push class instance PUT = 'p' # store stack top in memo; index is string arg BINPUT = 'q' # " " " " " ; " " 1-byte arg LONG_BINPUT = 'r' # " " " " " ; " " 4-byte arg SETITEM = 's' # add key+value pair to dict TUPLE = 't' # build tuple from topmost stack items EMPTY_TUPLE = ')' # push empty tuple SETITEMS = 'u' # modify dict by adding topmost key+value pairs BINFLOAT = 'G' # push float; arg is 8-byte float encoding TRUE = 'I01\n' # not an opcode; see INT docs in FALSE = 'I00\n' # not an opcode; see INT docs in # Protocol 2 PROTO = '\x80' # identify pickle protocol NEWOBJ = '\x81' # build object by applying cls.__new__ to argtuple EXT1 = '\x82' # push object from extension registry; 1-byte index EXT2 = '\x83' # ditto, but 2-byte index EXT4 = '\x84' # ditto, but 4-byte index TUPLE1 = '\x85' # build 1-tuple from stack top TUPLE2 = '\x86' # build 2-tuple from two topmost stack items TUPLE3 = '\x87' # build 3-tuple from three topmost stack items NEWTRUE = '\x88' # push True NEWFALSE = '\x89' # push False LONG1 = '\x8a' # push long from < 256 bytes LONG4 = '\x8b' # push really big long _tuplesize2code = [EMPTY_TUPLE, TUPLE1, TUPLE2, TUPLE3] __all__.extend([x for x in dir() if re.match("[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+$",x)]) del x # Pickling machinery class Pickler: def __init__(self, file, protocol=None): """This takes a file-like object for writing a pickle data stream. The optional protocol argument tells the pickler to use the given protocol; supported protocols are 0, 1, 2. The default protocol is 0, to be backwards compatible. (Protocol 0 is the only protocol that can be written to a file opened in text mode and read back successfully. When using a protocol higher than 0, make sure the file is opened in binary mode, both when pickling and unpickling.) Protocol 1 is more efficient than protocol 0; protocol 2 is more efficient than protocol 1. Specifying a negative protocol version selects the highest protocol version supported. The higher the protocol used, the more recent the version of Python needed to read the pickle produced. The file parameter must have a write() method that accepts a single string argument. It can thus be an open file object, a StringIO object, or any other custom object that meets this interface. """ if protocol is None: protocol = 0 if protocol < 0: protocol = HIGHEST_PROTOCOL elif not 0 <= protocol <= HIGHEST_PROTOCOL: raise ValueError("pickle protocol must be <= %d" % HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) self.write = file.write self.memo = {} self.proto = int(protocol) self.bin = protocol >= 1 = 0 def clear_memo(self): """Clears the pickler's "memo". The memo is the data structure that remembers which objects the pickler has already seen, so that shared or recursive objects are pickled by reference and not by value. This method is useful when re-using picklers. """ self.memo.clear() def dump(self, obj): """Write a pickled representation of obj to the open file.""" if self.proto >= 2: self.write(PROTO + chr(self.proto)) self.write(STOP) def memoize(self, obj): """Store an object in the memo.""" # The Pickler memo is a dictionary mapping object ids to 2-tuples # that contain the Unpickler memo key and the object being memoized. # The memo key is written to the pickle and will become # the key in the Unpickler's memo. The object is stored in the # Pickler memo so that transient objects are kept alive during # pickling. # The use of the Unpickler memo length as the memo key is just a # convention. The only requirement is that the memo values be unique. # But there appears no advantage to any other scheme, and this # scheme allows the Unpickler memo to be implemented as a plain (but # growable) array, indexed by memo key. if return assert id(obj) not in self.memo memo_len = len(self.memo) self.write(self.put(memo_len)) self.memo[id(obj)] = memo_len, obj # Return a PUT (BINPUT, LONG_BINPUT) opcode string, with argument i. def put(self, i, pack=struct.pack): if self.bin: if i < 256: return BINPUT + chr(i) else: return LONG_BINPUT + pack("<i", i) return PUT + repr(i) + '\n' # Return a GET (BINGET, LONG_BINGET) opcode string, with argument i. def get(self, i, pack=struct.pack): if self.bin: if i < 256: return BINGET + chr(i) else: return LONG_BINGET + pack("<i", i) return GET + repr(i) + '\n' def save(self, obj): # Check for persistent id (defined by a subclass) pid = self.persistent_id(obj) if pid is not None: self.save_pers(pid) return # Check the memo x = self.memo.get(id(obj)) if x: self.write(self.get(x[0])) return # Check the type dispatch table t = type(obj) f = self.dispatch.get(t) if f: f(self, obj) # Call unbound method with explicit self return # Check copy_reg.dispatch_table reduce = dispatch_table.get(t) if reduce: rv = reduce(obj) else: # Check for a class with a custom metaclass; treat as regular class try: issc = issubclass(t, TypeType) except TypeError: # t is not a class (old Boost; see SF #502085) issc = 0 if issc: self.save_global(obj) return # Check for a __reduce_ex__ method, fall back to __reduce__ reduce = getattr(obj, "__reduce_ex__", None) if reduce: rv = reduce(self.proto) else: reduce = getattr(obj, "__reduce__", None) if reduce: rv = reduce() else: raise PicklingError("Can't pickle %r object: %r" % (t.__name__, obj)) # Check for string returned by reduce(), meaning "save as global" if type(rv) is StringType: self.save_global(obj, rv) return # Assert that reduce() returned a tuple if type(rv) is not TupleType: raise PicklingError("%s must return string or tuple" % reduce) # Assert that it returned an appropriately sized tuple l = len(rv) if not (2 <= l <= 5): raise PicklingError("Tuple returned by %s must have " "two to five elements" % reduce) # Save the reduce() output and finally memoize the object self.save_reduce(obj=obj, *rv) def persistent_id(self, obj): # This exists so a subclass can override it return None def save_pers(self, pid): # Save a persistent id reference if self.bin: self.write(BINPERSID) else: self.write(PERSID + str(pid) + '\n') def save_reduce(self, func, args, state=None, listitems=None, dictitems=None, obj=None): # This API is called by some subclasses # Assert that args is a tuple or None if not isinstance(args, TupleType): raise PicklingError("args from reduce() should be a tuple") # Assert that func is callable if not hasattr(func, '__call__'): raise PicklingError("func from reduce should be callable") save = write = self.write # Protocol 2 special case: if func's name is __newobj__, use NEWOBJ if self.proto >= 2 and getattr(func, "__name__", "") == "__newobj__": # A __reduce__ implementation can direct protocol 2 to # use the more efficient NEWOBJ opcode, while still # allowing protocol 0 and 1 to work normally. For this to # work, the function returned by __reduce__ should be # called __newobj__, and its first argument should be a # new-style class. The implementation for __newobj__ # should be as follows, although pickle has no way to # verify this: # # def __newobj__(cls, *args): # return cls.__new__(cls, *args) # # Protocols 0 and 1 will pickle a reference to __newobj__, # while protocol 2 (and above) will pickle a reference to # cls, the remaining args tuple, and the NEWOBJ code, # which calls cls.__new__(cls, *args) at unpickling time # (see load_newobj below). If __reduce__ returns a # three-tuple, the state from the third tuple item will be # pickled regardless of the protocol, calling __setstate__ # at unpickling time (see load_build below). # # Note that no standard __newobj__ implementation exists; # you have to provide your own. This is to enforce # compatibility with Python 2.2 (pickles written using # protocol 0 or 1 in Python 2.3 should be unpicklable by # Python 2.2). cls = args[0] if not hasattr(cls, "__new__"): raise PicklingError( "args[0] from __newobj__ args has no __new__") if obj is not None and cls is not obj.__class__: raise PicklingError( "args[0] from __newobj__ args has the wrong class") args = args[1:] save(cls) save(args) write(NEWOBJ) else: save(func) save(args) write(REDUCE) if obj is not None: self.memoize(obj) # More new special cases (that work with older protocols as # well): when __reduce__ returns a tuple with 4 or 5 items, # the 4th and 5th item should be iterators that provide list # items and dict items (as (key, value) tuples), or None. if listitems is not None: self._batch_appends(listitems) if dictitems is not None: self._batch_setitems(dictitems) if state is not None: save(state) write(BUILD) # Methods below this point are dispatched through the dispatch table dispatch = {} def save_none(self, obj): self.write(NONE) dispatch[NoneType] = save_none def save_bool(self, obj): if self.proto >= 2: self.write(obj and NEWTRUE or NEWFALSE) else: self.write(obj and TRUE or FALSE) dispatch[bool] = save_bool def save_int(self, obj, pack=struct.pack): if self.bin: # If the int is small enough to fit in a signed 4-byte 2's-comp # format, we can store it more efficiently than the general # case. # First one- and two-byte unsigned ints: if obj >= 0: if obj <= 0xff: self.write(BININT1 + chr(obj)) return if obj <= 0xffff: self.write("%c%c%c" % (BININT2, obj&0xff, obj>>8)) return # Next check for 4-byte signed ints: high_bits = obj >> 31 # note that Python shift sign-extends if high_bits == 0 or high_bits == -1: # All high bits are copies of bit 2**31, so the value # fits in a 4-byte signed int. self.write(BININT + pack("<i", obj)) return # Text pickle, or int too big to fit in signed 4-byte format. self.write(INT + repr(obj) + '\n') dispatch[IntType] = save_int def save_long(self, obj, pack=struct.pack): if self.proto >= 2: bytes = encode_long(obj) n = len(bytes) if n < 256: self.write(LONG1 + chr(n) + bytes) else: self.write(LONG4 + pack("<i", n) + bytes) return self.write(LONG + repr(obj) + '\n') dispatch[LongType] = save_long def save_float(self, obj, pack=struct.pack): if self.bin: self.write(BINFLOAT + pack('>d', obj)) else: self.write(FLOAT + repr(obj) + '\n') dispatch[FloatType] = save_float def save_string(self, obj, pack=struct.pack): if self.bin: n = len(obj) if n < 256: self.write(SHORT_BINSTRING + chr(n) + obj) else: self.write(BINSTRING + pack("<i", n) + obj) else: self.write(STRING + repr(obj) + '\n') self.memoize(obj) dispatch[StringType] = save_string def save_unicode(self, obj, pack=struct.pack): if self.bin: encoding = obj.encode('utf-8') n = len(encoding) self.write(BINUNICODE + pack("<i", n) + encoding) else: obj = obj.replace("\\", "\\u005c") obj = obj.replace("\n", "\\u000a") self.write(UNICODE + obj.encode('raw-unicode-escape') + '\n') self.memoize(obj) dispatch[UnicodeType] = save_unicode if StringType is UnicodeType: # This is true for Jython def save_string(self, obj, pack=struct.pack): unicode = obj.isunicode() if self.bin: if unicode: obj = obj.encode("utf-8") l = len(obj) if l < 256 and not unicode: self.write(SHORT_BINSTRING + chr(l) + obj) else: s = pack("<i", l) if unicode: self.write(BINUNICODE + s + obj) else: self.write(BINSTRING + s + obj) else: if unicode: obj = obj.replace("\\", "\\u005c") obj = obj.replace("\n", "\\u000a") obj = obj.encode('raw-unicode-escape') self.write(UNICODE + obj + '\n') else: self.write(STRING + repr(obj) + '\n') self.memoize(obj) dispatch[StringType] = save_string def save_tuple(self, obj): write = self.write proto = self.proto n = len(obj) if n == 0: if proto: write(EMPTY_TUPLE) else: write(MARK + TUPLE) return save = memo = self.memo if n <= 3 and proto >= 2: for element in obj: save(element) # Subtle. Same as in the big comment below. if id(obj) in memo: get = self.get(memo[id(obj)][0]) write(POP * n + get) else: write(_tuplesize2code[n]) self.memoize(obj) return # proto 0 or proto 1 and tuple isn't empty, or proto > 1 and tuple # has more than 3 elements. write(MARK) for element in obj: save(element) if id(obj) in memo: # Subtle. d was not in memo when we entered save_tuple(), so # the process of saving the tuple's elements must have saved # the tuple itself: the tuple is recursive. The proper action # now is to throw away everything we put on the stack, and # simply GET the tuple (it's already constructed). This check # could have been done in the "for element" loop instead, but # recursive tuples are a rare thing. get = self.get(memo[id(obj)][0]) if proto: write(POP_MARK + get) else: # proto 0 -- POP_MARK not available write(POP * (n+1) + get) return # No recursion. self.write(TUPLE) self.memoize(obj) dispatch[TupleType] = save_tuple # save_empty_tuple() isn't used by anything in Python 2.3. However, I # found a Pickler subclass in Zope3 that calls it, so it's not harmless # to remove it. def save_empty_tuple(self, obj): self.write(EMPTY_TUPLE) def save_list(self, obj): write = self.write if self.bin: write(EMPTY_LIST) else: # proto 0 -- can't use EMPTY_LIST write(MARK + LIST) self.memoize(obj) self._batch_appends(iter(obj)) dispatch[ListType] = save_list # Keep in synch with cPickle's BATCHSIZE. Nothing will break if it gets # out of synch, though. _BATCHSIZE = 1000 def _batch_appends(self, items): # Helper to batch up APPENDS sequences save = write = self.write if not self.bin: for x in items: save(x) write(APPEND) return r = xrange(self._BATCHSIZE) while items is not None: tmp = [] for i in r: try: x = tmp.append(x) except StopIteration: items = None break n = len(tmp) if n > 1: write(MARK) for x in tmp: save(x) write(APPENDS) elif n: save(tmp[0]) write(APPEND) # else tmp is empty, and we're done def save_dict(self, obj): write = self.write if self.bin: write(EMPTY_DICT) else: # proto 0 -- can't use EMPTY_DICT write(MARK + DICT) self.memoize(obj) self._batch_setitems(obj.iteritems()) dispatch[DictionaryType] = save_dict if not PyStringMap is None: dispatch[PyStringMap] = save_dict def _batch_setitems(self, items): # Helper to batch up SETITEMS sequences; proto >= 1 only save = write = self.write if not self.bin: for k, v in items: save(k) save(v) write(SETITEM) return r = xrange(self._BATCHSIZE) while items is not None: tmp = [] for i in r: try: tmp.append( except StopIteration: items = None break n = len(tmp) if n > 1: write(MARK) for k, v in tmp: save(k) save(v) write(SETITEMS) elif n: k, v = tmp[0] save(k) save(v) write(SETITEM) # else tmp is empty, and we're done def save_inst(self, obj): cls = obj.__class__ memo = self.memo write = self.write save = if hasattr(obj, '__getinitargs__'): args = obj.__getinitargs__() len(args) # XXX Assert it's a sequence _keep_alive(args, memo) else: args = () write(MARK) if self.bin: save(cls) for arg in args: save(arg) write(OBJ) else: for arg in args: save(arg) write(INST + cls.__module__ + '\n' + cls.__name__ + '\n') self.memoize(obj) try: getstate = obj.__getstate__ except AttributeError: stuff = obj.__dict__ else: stuff = getstate() _keep_alive(stuff, memo) save(stuff) write(BUILD) dispatch[InstanceType] = save_inst def save_global(self, obj, name=None, pack=struct.pack): write = self.write memo = self.memo if name is None: name = obj.__name__ module = getattr(obj, "__module__", None) if module is None: module = whichmodule(obj, name) try: __import__(module) mod = sys.modules[module] klass = getattr(mod, name) except (ImportError, KeyError, AttributeError): raise PicklingError( "Can't pickle %r: it's not found as %s.%s" % (obj, module, name)) else: if klass is not obj: raise PicklingError( "Can't pickle %r: it's not the same object as %s.%s" % (obj, module, name)) if self.proto >= 2: code = _extension_registry.get((module, name)) if code: assert code > 0 if code <= 0xff: write(EXT1 + chr(code)) elif code <= 0xffff: write("%c%c%c" % (EXT2, code&0xff, code>>8)) else: write(EXT4 + pack("<i", code)) return write(GLOBAL + module + '\n' + name + '\n') self.memoize(obj) dispatch[ClassType] = save_global dispatch[FunctionType] = save_global dispatch[BuiltinFunctionType] = save_global dispatch[TypeType] = save_global # Pickling helpers def _keep_alive(x, memo): """Keeps a reference to the object x in the memo. Because we remember objects by their id, we have to assure that possibly temporary objects are kept alive by referencing them. We store a reference at the id of the memo, which should normally not be used unless someone tries to deepcopy the memo itself... """ try: memo[id(memo)].append(x) except KeyError: # aha, this is the first one :-) memo[id(memo)]=[x] # A cache for whichmodule(), mapping a function object to the name of # the module in which the function was found. classmap = {} # called classmap for backwards compatibility def whichmodule(func, funcname): """Figure out the module in which a function occurs. Search sys.modules for the module. Cache in classmap. Return a module name. If the function cannot be found, return "__main__". """ # Python functions should always get an __module__ from their globals. mod = getattr(func, "__module__", None) if mod is not None: return mod if func in classmap: return classmap[func] for name, module in sys.modules.items(): if module is None: continue # skip dummy package entries if name != '__main__' and getattr(module, funcname, None) is func: break else: name = '__main__' classmap[func] = name return name # Unpickling machinery class Unpickler: def __init__(self, file): """This takes a file-like object for reading a pickle data stream. The protocol version of the pickle is detected automatically, so no proto argument is needed. The file-like object must have two methods, a read() method that takes an integer argument, and a readline() method that requires no arguments. Both methods should return a string. Thus file-like object can be a file object opened for reading, a StringIO object, or any other custom object that meets this interface. """ self.readline = file.readline = self.memo = {} def load(self): """Read a pickled object representation from the open file. Return the reconstituted object hierarchy specified in the file. """ self.mark = object() # any new unique object self.stack = [] self.append = self.stack.append read = dispatch = self.dispatch try: while 1: key = read(1) dispatch[key](self) except _Stop, stopinst: return stopinst.value # Return largest index k such that self.stack[k] is self.mark. # If the stack doesn't contain a mark, eventually raises IndexError. # This could be sped by maintaining another stack, of indices at which # the mark appears. For that matter, the latter stack would suffice, # and we wouldn't need to push mark objects on self.stack at all. # Doing so is probably a good thing, though, since if the pickle is # corrupt (or hostile) we may get a clue from finding self.mark embedded # in unpickled objects. def marker(self): stack = self.stack mark = self.mark k = len(stack)-1 while stack[k] is not mark: k = k-1 return k dispatch = {} def load_eof(self): raise EOFError dispatch[''] = load_eof def load_proto(self): proto = ord( if not 0 <= proto <= 2: raise ValueError, "unsupported pickle protocol: %d" % proto dispatch[PROTO] = load_proto def load_persid(self): pid = self.readline()[:-1] self.append(self.persistent_load(pid)) dispatch[PERSID] = load_persid def load_binpersid(self): pid = self.stack.pop() self.append(self.persistent_load(pid)) dispatch[BINPERSID] = load_binpersid def load_none(self): self.append(None) dispatch[NONE] = load_none def load_false(self): self.append(False) dispatch[NEWFALSE] = load_false def load_true(self): self.append(True) dispatch[NEWTRUE] = load_true def load_int(self): data = self.readline() if data == FALSE[1:]: val = False elif data == TRUE[1:]: val = True else: try: val = int(data) except ValueError: val = long(data) self.append(val) dispatch[INT] = load_int def load_binint(self): self.append(mloads('i' + dispatch[BININT] = load_binint def load_binint1(self): self.append(ord( dispatch[BININT1] = load_binint1 def load_binint2(self): self.append(mloads('i' + + '\000\000')) dispatch[BININT2] = load_binint2 def load_long(self): self.append(long(self.readline()[:-1], 0)) dispatch[LONG] = load_long def load_long1(self): n = ord( bytes = self.append(decode_long(bytes)) dispatch[LONG1] = load_long1 def load_long4(self): n = mloads('i' + bytes = self.append(decode_long(bytes)) dispatch[LONG4] = load_long4 def load_float(self): self.append(float(self.readline()[:-1])) dispatch[FLOAT] = load_float def load_binfloat(self, unpack=struct.unpack): self.append(unpack('>d',[0]) dispatch[BINFLOAT] = load_binfloat def load_string(self): rep = self.readline()[:-1] for q in "\"'": # double or single quote if rep.startswith(q): if len(rep) < 2 or not rep.endswith(q): raise ValueError, "insecure string pickle" rep = rep[len(q):-len(q)] break else: raise ValueError, "insecure string pickle" self.append(rep.decode("string-escape")) dispatch[STRING] = load_string def load_binstring(self): len = mloads('i' + self.append( dispatch[BINSTRING] = load_binstring def load_unicode(self): self.append(unicode(self.readline()[:-1],'raw-unicode-escape')) dispatch[UNICODE] = load_unicode def load_binunicode(self): len = mloads('i' + self.append(unicode(,'utf-8')) dispatch[BINUNICODE] = load_binunicode def load_short_binstring(self): len = ord( self.append( dispatch[SHORT_BINSTRING] = load_short_binstring def load_tuple(self): k = self.marker() self.stack[k:] = [tuple(self.stack[k+1:])] dispatch[TUPLE] = load_tuple def load_empty_tuple(self): self.stack.append(()) dispatch[EMPTY_TUPLE] = load_empty_tuple def load_tuple1(self): self.stack[-1] = (self.stack[-1],) dispatch[TUPLE1] = load_tuple1 def load_tuple2(self): self.stack[-2:] = [(self.stack[-2], self.stack[-1])] dispatch[TUPLE2] = load_tuple2 def load_tuple3(self): self.stack[-3:] = [(self.stack[-3], self.stack[-2], self.stack[-1])] dispatch[TUPLE3] = load_tuple3 def load_empty_list(self): self.stack.append([]) dispatch[EMPTY_LIST] = load_empty_list def load_empty_dictionary(self): self.stack.append({}) dispatch[EMPTY_DICT] = load_empty_dictionary def load_list(self): k = self.marker() self.stack[k:] = [self.stack[k+1:]] dispatch[LIST] = load_list def load_dict(self): k = self.marker() d = {} items = self.stack[k+1:] for i in range(0, len(items), 2): key = items[i] value = items[i+1] d[key] = value self.stack[k:] = [d] dispatch[DICT] = load_dict # INST and OBJ differ only in how they get a class object. It's not # only sensible to do the rest in a common routine, the two routines # previously diverged and grew different bugs. # klass is the class to instantiate, and k points to the topmost mark # object, following which are the arguments for klass.__init__. def _instantiate(self, klass, k): args = tuple(self.stack[k+1:]) del self.stack[k:] instantiated = 0 if (not args and type(klass) is ClassType and not hasattr(klass, "__getinitargs__")): try: value = _EmptyClass() value.__class__ = klass instantiated = 1 except RuntimeError: # In restricted execution, assignment to inst.__class__ is # prohibited pass if not instantiated: try: value = klass(*args) except TypeError, err: raise TypeError, "in constructor for %s: %s" % ( klass.__name__, str(err)), sys.exc_info()[2] self.append(value) def load_inst(self): module = self.readline()[:-1] name = self.readline()[:-1] klass = self.find_class(module, name) self._instantiate(klass, self.marker()) dispatch[INST] = load_inst def load_obj(self): # Stack is ... markobject classobject arg1 arg2 ... k = self.marker() klass = self.stack.pop(k+1) self._instantiate(klass, k) dispatch[OBJ] = load_obj def load_newobj(self): args = self.stack.pop() cls = self.stack[-1] obj = cls.__new__(cls, *args) self.stack[-1] = obj dispatch[NEWOBJ] = load_newobj def load_global(self): module = self.readline()[:-1] name = self.readline()[:-1] klass = self.find_class(module, name) self.append(klass) dispatch[GLOBAL] = load_global def load_ext1(self): code = ord( self.get_extension(code) dispatch[EXT1] = load_ext1 def load_ext2(self): code = mloads('i' + + '\000\000') self.get_extension(code) dispatch[EXT2] = load_ext2 def load_ext4(self): code = mloads('i' + self.get_extension(code) dispatch[EXT4] = load_ext4 def get_extension(self, code): nil = [] obj = _extension_cache.get(code, nil) if obj is not nil: self.append(obj) return key = _inverted_registry.get(code) if not key: raise ValueError("unregistered extension code %d" % code) obj = self.find_class(*key) _extension_cache[code] = obj self.append(obj) def find_class(self, module, name): # Subclasses may override this __import__(module) mod = sys.modules[module] klass = getattr(mod, name) return klass def load_reduce(self): stack = self.stack args = stack.pop() func = stack[-1] value = func(*args) stack[-1] = value dispatch[REDUCE] = load_reduce def load_pop(self): del self.stack[-1] dispatch[POP] = load_pop def load_pop_mark(self): k = self.marker() del self.stack[k:] dispatch[POP_MARK] = load_pop_mark def load_dup(self): self.append(self.stack[-1]) dispatch[DUP] = load_dup def load_get(self): self.append(self.memo[self.readline()[:-1]]) dispatch[GET] = load_get def load_binget(self): i = ord( self.append(self.memo[repr(i)]) dispatch[BINGET] = load_binget def load_long_binget(self): i = mloads('i' + self.append(self.memo[repr(i)]) dispatch[LONG_BINGET] = load_long_binget def load_put(self): self.memo[self.readline()[:-1]] = self.stack[-1] dispatch[PUT] = load_put def load_binput(self): i = ord( self.memo[repr(i)] = self.stack[-1] dispatch[BINPUT] = load_binput def load_long_binput(self): i = mloads('i' + self.memo[repr(i)] = self.stack[-1] dispatch[LONG_BINPUT] = load_long_binput def load_append(self): stack = self.stack value = stack.pop() list = stack[-1] list.append(value) dispatch[APPEND] = load_append def load_appends(self): stack = self.stack mark = self.marker() list = stack[mark - 1] list.extend(stack[mark + 1:]) del stack[mark:] dispatch[APPENDS] = load_appends def load_setitem(self): stack = self.stack value = stack.pop() key = stack.pop() dict = stack[-1] dict[key] = value dispatch[SETITEM] = load_setitem def load_setitems(self): stack = self.stack mark = self.marker() dict = stack[mark - 1] for i in range(mark + 1, len(stack), 2): dict[stack[i]] = stack[i + 1] del stack[mark:] dispatch[SETITEMS] = load_setitems def load_build(self): stack = self.stack state = stack.pop() inst = stack[-1] setstate = getattr(inst, "__setstate__", None) if setstate: setstate(state) return slotstate = None if isinstance(state, tuple) and len(state) == 2: state, slotstate = state if state: try: d = inst.__dict__ try: for k, v in state.iteritems(): d[intern(k)] = v # keys in state don't have to be strings # don't blow up, but don't go out of our way except TypeError: d.update(state) except RuntimeError: # XXX In restricted execution, the instance's __dict__ # is not accessible. Use the old way of unpickling # the instance variables. This is a semantic # difference when unpickling in restricted # vs. unrestricted modes. # Note, however, that cPickle has never tried to do the # .update() business, and always uses # PyObject_SetItem(inst.__dict__, key, value) in a # loop over state.items(). for k, v in state.items(): setattr(inst, k, v) if slotstate: for k, v in slotstate.items(): setattr(inst, k, v) dispatch[BUILD] = load_build def load_mark(self): self.append(self.mark) dispatch[MARK] = load_mark def load_stop(self): value = self.stack.pop() raise _Stop(value) dispatch[STOP] = load_stop # Helper class for load_inst/load_obj class _EmptyClass: pass # Encode/decode longs in linear time. import binascii as _binascii def encode_long(x): r"""Encode a long to a two's complement little-endian binary string. Note that 0L is a special case, returning an empty string, to save a byte in the LONG1 pickling context. >>> encode_long(0L) '' >>> encode_long(255L) '\xff\x00' >>> encode_long(32767L) '\xff\x7f' >>> encode_long(-256L) '\x00\xff' >>> encode_long(-32768L) '\x00\x80' >>> encode_long(-128L) '\x80' >>> encode_long(127L) '\x7f' >>> """ if x == 0: return '' if x > 0: ashex = hex(x) assert ashex.startswith("0x") njunkchars = 2 + ashex.endswith('L') nibbles = len(ashex) - njunkchars if nibbles & 1: # need an even # of nibbles for unhexlify ashex = "0x0" + ashex[2:] elif int(ashex[2], 16) >= 8: # "looks negative", so need a byte of sign bits ashex = "0x00" + ashex[2:] else: # Build the 256's-complement: (1L << nbytes) + x. The trick is # to find the number of bytes in linear time (although that should # really be a constant-time task). ashex = hex(-x) assert ashex.startswith("0x") njunkchars = 2 + ashex.endswith('L') nibbles = len(ashex) - njunkchars if nibbles & 1: # Extend to a full byte. nibbles += 1 nbits = nibbles * 4 x += 1L << nbits assert x > 0 ashex = hex(x) njunkchars = 2 + ashex.endswith('L') newnibbles = len(ashex) - njunkchars if newnibbles < nibbles: ashex = "0x" + "0" * (nibbles - newnibbles) + ashex[2:] if int(ashex[2], 16) < 8: # "looks positive", so need a byte of sign bits ashex = "0xff" + ashex[2:] if ashex.endswith('L'): ashex = ashex[2:-1] else: ashex = ashex[2:] assert len(ashex) & 1 == 0, (x, ashex) binary = _binascii.unhexlify(ashex) return binary[::-1] def decode_long(data): r"""Decode a long from a two's complement little-endian binary string. >>> decode_long('') 0L >>> decode_long("\xff\x00") 255L >>> decode_long("\xff\x7f") 32767L >>> decode_long("\x00\xff") -256L >>> decode_long("\x00\x80") -32768L >>> decode_long("\x80") -128L >>> decode_long("\x7f") 127L """ nbytes = len(data) if nbytes == 0: return 0L ashex = _binascii.hexlify(data[::-1]) n = long(ashex, 16) # quadratic time before Python 2.3; linear now if data[-1] >= '\x80': n -= 1L << (nbytes * 8) return n # Shorthands try: from cStringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from StringIO import StringIO def dump(obj, file, protocol=None): Pickler(file, protocol).dump(obj) def dumps(obj, protocol=None): file = StringIO() Pickler(file, protocol).dump(obj) return file.getvalue() def load(file): return Unpickler(file).load() def loads(str): file = StringIO(str) return Unpickler(file).load() # Doctest def _test(): import doctest return doctest.testmod() if __name__ == "__main__": _test()
# libjingle # Copyright 2013 Google Inc. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO # EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; # OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR # OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF # ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # List of files that should not be committed to DO_NOT_SUBMIT_FILES = [ "talk/media/webrtc/webrtcmediaengine.h", "talk/media/webrtc/", "talk/media/webrtc/webrtcvideoengine.h", "talk/media/webrtc/"] def _LicenseHeader(input_api): """Returns the license header regexp.""" # Accept any year number from start of project to the current year current_year = int(input_api.time.strftime('%Y')) allowed_years = (str(s) for s in reversed(xrange(2004, current_year + 1))) years_re = '(' + '|'.join(allowed_years) + ')' years_re = '%s(--%s)?' % (years_re, years_re) license_header = ( r'.*? libjingle\n' r'.*? Copyright %(year)s,? Google Inc\.\n' r'.*?\n' r'.*? Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without' r'\n' r'.*? modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ' r'are met:\n' r'.*?\n' r'.*? 1\. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ' r'notice,\n' r'.*? this list of conditions and the following disclaimer\.\n' r'.*? 2\. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above ' r'copyright notice,\n' r'.*? this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ' r'documentation\n' r'.*? and/or other materials provided with the distribution\.\n' r'.*? 3\. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote ' r'products\n' r'.*? derived from this software without specific prior written ' r'permission\.\n' r'.*?\n' r'.*? THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR \`\`AS IS\'\' AND ANY ' r'EXPRESS OR IMPLIED\n' r'.*? WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ' r'OF\n' r'.*? MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE ' r'DISCLAIMED\. IN NO\n' r'.*? EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ' r'INCIDENTAL,\n' r'.*? SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES \(INCLUDING, ' r'BUT NOT LIMITED TO,\n' r'.*? PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR ' r'PROFITS;\n' r'.*? OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION\) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF ' r'LIABILITY,\n' r'.*? WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT \(INCLUDING ' r'NEGLIGENCE OR\n' r'.*? OTHERWISE\) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, ' r'EVEN IF\n' r'.*? ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE\.\n' ) % { 'year': years_re, } return license_header def _ProtectedFiles(input_api, output_api): results = [] changed_files = [] for f in input_api.AffectedFiles(): changed_files.append(f.LocalPath()) bad_files = list(set(DO_NOT_SUBMIT_FILES) & set(changed_files)) if bad_files: error_type = output_api.PresubmitError results.append(error_type( 'The following affected files are only allowed to be updated when ' 'importing libjingle', bad_files)) return results def _CommonChecks(input_api, output_api): """Checks common to both upload and commit.""" results = [] results.extend(input_api.canned_checks.CheckLicense( input_api, output_api, _LicenseHeader(input_api))) results.extend(_ProtectedFiles(input_api, output_api)) return results def CheckChangeOnUpload(input_api, output_api): results = [] results.extend(_CommonChecks(input_api, output_api)) return results def CheckChangeOnCommit(input_api, output_api): results = [] results.extend(_CommonChecks(input_api, output_api)) return results
import json import re LUA_SOURCE = """ function main(splash) assert(splash:go(splash.args.url)) assert(splash:runjs(splash.args.js_source)) assert(splash:wait_for_resume(splash.args.slybot_actions_source)) splash:set_result_content_type("text/html") return splash.html() end """ JS_SOURCE = """ function main(splash) { var events = (%s); try{ __slybot__performEvents(events, function(){ splash.resume(); }); }catch(e){ splash.error(e); } } """ def filter_for_url(url): def _filter(page_action): accept = page_action.get('accept') reject = page_action.get('reject') if reject and, url): return False if accept and not, url): return False return True return _filter class PageActionsMiddleware(object): def process_request(self, request, spider): splash_options = request.meta.get('splash', None) if not splash_options: # Already processed or JS disabled return splash_args = splash_options.get('args', {}) events = spider.page_actions url = splash_args['url'] events = filter(filter_for_url(url), events) if len(events): splash_options['endpoint'] = 'execute' splash_args.update({ "lua_source": LUA_SOURCE, "slybot_actions_source": (JS_SOURCE % json.dumps(events)), }) __all__ = ['PageActionsMiddleware']
""" Python Character Mapping Codec for PalmOS 3.5. Written by Sjoerd Mullender ([email protected]); based on """#" import codecs ### Codec APIs class Codec(codecs.Codec): def encode(self,input,errors='strict'): return codecs.charmap_encode(input,errors,encoding_table) def decode(self,input,errors='strict'): return codecs.charmap_decode(input,errors,decoding_table) class IncrementalEncoder(codecs.IncrementalEncoder): def encode(self, input, final=False): return codecs.charmap_encode(input,self.errors,encoding_table)[0] class IncrementalDecoder(codecs.IncrementalDecoder): def decode(self, input, final=False): return codecs.charmap_decode(input,self.errors,decoding_table)[0] class StreamWriter(Codec,codecs.StreamWriter): pass class StreamReader(Codec,codecs.StreamReader): pass ### encodings module API def getregentry(): return codecs.CodecInfo( name='palmos', encode=Codec().encode, decode=Codec().decode, incrementalencoder=IncrementalEncoder, incrementaldecoder=IncrementalDecoder, streamreader=StreamReader, streamwriter=StreamWriter, ) ### Decoding Table decoding_table = ( '\x00' # 0x00 -> NULL '\x01' # 0x01 -> START OF HEADING '\x02' # 0x02 -> START OF TEXT '\x03' # 0x03 -> END OF TEXT '\x04' # 0x04 -> END OF TRANSMISSION '\x05' # 0x05 -> ENQUIRY '\x06' # 0x06 -> ACKNOWLEDGE '\x07' # 0x07 -> BELL '\x08' # 0x08 -> BACKSPACE '\t' # 0x09 -> HORIZONTAL TABULATION '\n' # 0x0A -> LINE FEED '\x0b' # 0x0B -> VERTICAL TABULATION '\x0c' # 0x0C -> FORM FEED '\r' # 0x0D -> CARRIAGE RETURN '\x0e' # 0x0E -> SHIFT OUT '\x0f' # 0x0F -> SHIFT IN '\x10' # 0x10 -> DATA LINK ESCAPE '\x11' # 0x11 -> DEVICE CONTROL ONE '\x12' # 0x12 -> DEVICE CONTROL TWO '\x13' # 0x13 -> DEVICE CONTROL THREE '\x14' # 0x14 -> DEVICE CONTROL FOUR '\x15' # 0x15 -> NEGATIVE ACKNOWLEDGE '\x16' # 0x16 -> SYNCHRONOUS IDLE '\x17' # 0x17 -> END OF TRANSMISSION BLOCK '\x18' # 0x18 -> CANCEL '\x19' # 0x19 -> END OF MEDIUM '\x1a' # 0x1A -> SUBSTITUTE '\x1b' # 0x1B -> ESCAPE '\x1c' # 0x1C -> FILE SEPARATOR '\x1d' # 0x1D -> GROUP SEPARATOR '\x1e' # 0x1E -> RECORD SEPARATOR '\x1f' # 0x1F -> UNIT SEPARATOR ' ' # 0x20 -> SPACE '!' # 0x21 -> EXCLAMATION MARK '"' # 0x22 -> QUOTATION MARK '#' # 0x23 -> NUMBER SIGN '$' # 0x24 -> DOLLAR SIGN '%' # 0x25 -> PERCENT SIGN '&' # 0x26 -> AMPERSAND "'" # 0x27 -> APOSTROPHE '(' # 0x28 -> LEFT PARENTHESIS ')' # 0x29 -> RIGHT PARENTHESIS '*' # 0x2A -> ASTERISK '+' # 0x2B -> PLUS SIGN ',' # 0x2C -> COMMA '-' # 0x2D -> HYPHEN-MINUS '.' # 0x2E -> FULL STOP '/' # 0x2F -> SOLIDUS '0' # 0x30 -> DIGIT ZERO '1' # 0x31 -> DIGIT ONE '2' # 0x32 -> DIGIT TWO '3' # 0x33 -> DIGIT THREE '4' # 0x34 -> DIGIT FOUR '5' # 0x35 -> DIGIT FIVE '6' # 0x36 -> DIGIT SIX '7' # 0x37 -> DIGIT SEVEN '8' # 0x38 -> DIGIT EIGHT '9' # 0x39 -> DIGIT NINE ':' # 0x3A -> COLON ';' # 0x3B -> SEMICOLON '<' # 0x3C -> LESS-THAN SIGN '=' # 0x3D -> EQUALS SIGN '>' # 0x3E -> GREATER-THAN SIGN '?' # 0x3F -> QUESTION MARK '@' # 0x40 -> COMMERCIAL AT 'A' # 0x41 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A 'B' # 0x42 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B 'C' # 0x43 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C 'D' # 0x44 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D 'E' # 0x45 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E 'F' # 0x46 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F 'G' # 0x47 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G 'H' # 0x48 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H 'I' # 0x49 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I 'J' # 0x4A -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J 'K' # 0x4B -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K 'L' # 0x4C -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L 'M' # 0x4D -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M 'N' # 0x4E -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N 'O' # 0x4F -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O 'P' # 0x50 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P 'Q' # 0x51 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q 'R' # 0x52 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R 'S' # 0x53 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S 'T' # 0x54 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T 'U' # 0x55 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U 'V' # 0x56 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V 'W' # 0x57 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W 'X' # 0x58 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X 'Y' # 0x59 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y 'Z' # 0x5A -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z '[' # 0x5B -> LEFT SQUARE BRACKET '\\' # 0x5C -> REVERSE SOLIDUS ']' # 0x5D -> RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET '^' # 0x5E -> CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT '_' # 0x5F -> LOW LINE '`' # 0x60 -> GRAVE ACCENT 'a' # 0x61 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER A 'b' # 0x62 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER B 'c' # 0x63 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER C 'd' # 0x64 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER D 'e' # 0x65 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER E 'f' # 0x66 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER F 'g' # 0x67 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER G 'h' # 0x68 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER H 'i' # 0x69 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER I 'j' # 0x6A -> LATIN SMALL LETTER J 'k' # 0x6B -> LATIN SMALL LETTER K 'l' # 0x6C -> LATIN SMALL LETTER L 'm' # 0x6D -> LATIN SMALL LETTER M 'n' # 0x6E -> LATIN SMALL LETTER N 'o' # 0x6F -> LATIN SMALL LETTER O 'p' # 0x70 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER P 'q' # 0x71 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER Q 'r' # 0x72 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER R 's' # 0x73 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER S 't' # 0x74 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER T 'u' # 0x75 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER U 'v' # 0x76 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER V 'w' # 0x77 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER W 'x' # 0x78 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER X 'y' # 0x79 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER Y 'z' # 0x7A -> LATIN SMALL LETTER Z '{' # 0x7B -> LEFT CURLY BRACKET '|' # 0x7C -> VERTICAL LINE '}' # 0x7D -> RIGHT CURLY BRACKET '~' # 0x7E -> TILDE '\x7f' # 0x7F -> DELETE '\u20ac' # 0x80 -> EURO SIGN '\x81' # 0x81 -> <control> '\u201a' # 0x82 -> SINGLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK '\u0192' # 0x83 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH HOOK '\u201e' # 0x84 -> DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK '\u2026' # 0x85 -> HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS '\u2020' # 0x86 -> DAGGER '\u2021' # 0x87 -> DOUBLE DAGGER '\u02c6' # 0x88 -> MODIFIER LETTER CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT '\u2030' # 0x89 -> PER MILLE SIGN '\u0160' # 0x8A -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON '\u2039' # 0x8B -> SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK '\u0152' # 0x8C -> LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE '\u2666' # 0x8D -> BLACK DIAMOND SUIT '\u2663' # 0x8E -> BLACK CLUB SUIT '\u2665' # 0x8F -> BLACK HEART SUIT '\u2660' # 0x90 -> BLACK SPADE SUIT '\u2018' # 0x91 -> LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK '\u2019' # 0x92 -> RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK '\u201c' # 0x93 -> LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK '\u201d' # 0x94 -> RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK '\u2022' # 0x95 -> BULLET '\u2013' # 0x96 -> EN DASH '\u2014' # 0x97 -> EM DASH '\u02dc' # 0x98 -> SMALL TILDE '\u2122' # 0x99 -> TRADE MARK SIGN '\u0161' # 0x9A -> LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON '\x9b' # 0x9B -> <control> '\u0153' # 0x9C -> LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE '\x9d' # 0x9D -> <control> '\x9e' # 0x9E -> <control> '\u0178' # 0x9F -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS '\xa0' # 0xA0 -> NO-BREAK SPACE '\xa1' # 0xA1 -> INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK '\xa2' # 0xA2 -> CENT SIGN '\xa3' # 0xA3 -> POUND SIGN '\xa4' # 0xA4 -> CURRENCY SIGN '\xa5' # 0xA5 -> YEN SIGN '\xa6' # 0xA6 -> BROKEN BAR '\xa7' # 0xA7 -> SECTION SIGN '\xa8' # 0xA8 -> DIAERESIS '\xa9' # 0xA9 -> COPYRIGHT SIGN '\xaa' # 0xAA -> FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR '\xab' # 0xAB -> LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK '\xac' # 0xAC -> NOT SIGN '\xad' # 0xAD -> SOFT HYPHEN '\xae' # 0xAE -> REGISTERED SIGN '\xaf' # 0xAF -> MACRON '\xb0' # 0xB0 -> DEGREE SIGN '\xb1' # 0xB1 -> PLUS-MINUS SIGN '\xb2' # 0xB2 -> SUPERSCRIPT TWO '\xb3' # 0xB3 -> SUPERSCRIPT THREE '\xb4' # 0xB4 -> ACUTE ACCENT '\xb5' # 0xB5 -> MICRO SIGN '\xb6' # 0xB6 -> PILCROW SIGN '\xb7' # 0xB7 -> MIDDLE DOT '\xb8' # 0xB8 -> CEDILLA '\xb9' # 0xB9 -> SUPERSCRIPT ONE '\xba' # 0xBA -> MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR '\xbb' # 0xBB -> RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK '\xbc' # 0xBC -> VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER '\xbd' # 0xBD -> VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF '\xbe' # 0xBE -> VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS '\xbf' # 0xBF -> INVERTED QUESTION MARK '\xc0' # 0xC0 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE '\xc1' # 0xC1 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE '\xc2' # 0xC2 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX '\xc3' # 0xC3 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE '\xc4' # 0xC4 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS '\xc5' # 0xC5 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE '\xc6' # 0xC6 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER AE '\xc7' # 0xC7 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA '\xc8' # 0xC8 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE '\xc9' # 0xC9 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE '\xca' # 0xCA -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX '\xcb' # 0xCB -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS '\xcc' # 0xCC -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE '\xcd' # 0xCD -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE '\xce' # 0xCE -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX '\xcf' # 0xCF -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS '\xd0' # 0xD0 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH (Icelandic) '\xd1' # 0xD1 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE '\xd2' # 0xD2 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE '\xd3' # 0xD3 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE '\xd4' # 0xD4 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX '\xd5' # 0xD5 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE '\xd6' # 0xD6 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS '\xd7' # 0xD7 -> MULTIPLICATION SIGN '\xd8' # 0xD8 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE '\xd9' # 0xD9 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE '\xda' # 0xDA -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE '\xdb' # 0xDB -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX '\xdc' # 0xDC -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS '\xdd' # 0xDD -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE '\xde' # 0xDE -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER THORN (Icelandic) '\xdf' # 0xDF -> LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S (German) '\xe0' # 0xE0 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE '\xe1' # 0xE1 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE '\xe2' # 0xE2 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX '\xe3' # 0xE3 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE '\xe4' # 0xE4 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS '\xe5' # 0xE5 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE '\xe6' # 0xE6 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER AE '\xe7' # 0xE7 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA '\xe8' # 0xE8 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE '\xe9' # 0xE9 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE '\xea' # 0xEA -> LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX '\xeb' # 0xEB -> LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS '\xec' # 0xEC -> LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE '\xed' # 0xED -> LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE '\xee' # 0xEE -> LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX '\xef' # 0xEF -> LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS '\xf0' # 0xF0 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER ETH (Icelandic) '\xf1' # 0xF1 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE '\xf2' # 0xF2 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE '\xf3' # 0xF3 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE '\xf4' # 0xF4 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX '\xf5' # 0xF5 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE '\xf6' # 0xF6 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS '\xf7' # 0xF7 -> DIVISION SIGN '\xf8' # 0xF8 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE '\xf9' # 0xF9 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE '\xfa' # 0xFA -> LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE '\xfb' # 0xFB -> LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX '\xfc' # 0xFC -> LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS '\xfd' # 0xFD -> LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE '\xfe' # 0xFE -> LATIN SMALL LETTER THORN (Icelandic) '\xff' # 0xFF -> LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS ) ### Encoding table encoding_table=codecs.charmap_build(decoding_table)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL (<>). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ############################################################################## from openerp.osv import fields from openerp.osv import osv import openerp.addons.decimal_precision as dp from import _ class mrp_subproduct(osv.osv): _name = 'mrp.subproduct' _description = 'Byproduct' _columns={ 'product_id': fields.many2one('product.product', 'Product', required=True), 'product_qty': fields.float('Product Qty', digits_compute=dp.get_precision('Product Unit of Measure'), required=True), 'product_uom': fields.many2one('product.uom', 'Product Unit of Measure', required=True), 'subproduct_type': fields.selection([('fixed','Fixed'),('variable','Variable')], 'Quantity Type', required=True, help="Define how the quantity of byproducts will be set on the production orders using this BoM.\ 'Fixed' depicts a situation where the quantity of created byproduct is always equal to the quantity set on the BoM, regardless of how many are created in the production order.\ By opposition, 'Variable' means that the quantity will be computed as\ '(quantity of byproduct set on the BoM / quantity of manufactured product set on the BoM * quantity of manufactured product in the production order.)'"), 'bom_id': fields.many2one('', 'BoM', ondelete='cascade'), } _defaults={ 'subproduct_type': 'variable', 'product_qty': lambda *a: 1.0, } def onchange_product_id(self, cr, uid, ids, product_id, context=None): """ Changes UoM if product_id changes. @param product_id: Changed product_id @return: Dictionary of changed values """ if product_id: prod = self.pool.get('product.product').browse(cr, uid, product_id, context=context) v = {'product_uom':} return {'value': v} return {} def onchange_uom(self, cr, uid, ids, product_id, product_uom, context=None): res = {'value':{}} if not product_uom or not product_id: return res product = self.pool.get('product.product').browse(cr, uid, product_id, context=context) uom = self.pool.get('product.uom').browse(cr, uid, product_uom, context=context) if != res['warning'] = {'title': _('Warning'), 'message': _('The Product Unit of Measure you chose has a different category than in the product form.')} res['value'].update({'product_uom':}) return res class mrp_bom(osv.osv): _name = '' _description = 'Bill of Material' _inherit='' _columns={ 'sub_products':fields.one2many('mrp.subproduct', 'bom_id', 'Byproducts', copy=True), } class mrp_production(osv.osv): _description = 'Production' _inherit= 'mrp.production' def action_confirm(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): """ Confirms production order and calculates quantity based on subproduct_type. @return: Newly generated picking Id. """ move_obj = self.pool.get('stock.move') picking_id = super(mrp_production,self).action_confirm(cr, uid, ids, context=context) product_uom_obj = self.pool.get('product.uom') for production in self.browse(cr, uid, ids): source = if not production.bom_id: continue for sub_product in production.bom_id.sub_products: product_uom_factor = product_uom_obj._compute_qty(cr, uid,, production.product_qty, qty1 = sub_product.product_qty qty2 = production.product_uos and production.product_uos_qty or False product_uos_factor = 0.0 if qty2 and product_uos_factor = product_uom_obj._compute_qty(cr, uid,, production.product_uos_qty, if sub_product.subproduct_type == 'variable': if production.product_qty: qty1 *= product_uom_factor / (production.bom_id.product_qty or 1.0) if production.product_uos_qty: qty2 *= product_uos_factor / (production.bom_id.product_uos_qty or 1.0) data = { 'name': 'PROD:', 'date': production.date_planned, 'product_id':, 'product_uom_qty': qty1, 'product_uom':, 'product_uos_qty': qty2, 'product_uos': production.product_uos and or False, 'location_id': source, 'location_dest_id':, 'move_dest_id':, 'production_id': } move_id = move_obj.create(cr, uid, data, context=context) move_obj.action_confirm(cr, uid, [move_id], context=context) return picking_id def _get_subproduct_factor(self, cr, uid, production_id, move_id=None, context=None): """Compute the factor to compute the qty of procucts to produce for the given production_id. By default, it's always equal to the quantity encoded in the production order or the production wizard, but with the module mrp_byproduct installed it can differ for byproducts having type 'variable'. :param production_id: ID of the mrp.order :param move_id: ID of the stock move that needs to be produced. Identify the product to produce. :return: The factor to apply to the quantity that we should produce for the given production order and stock move. """ sub_obj = self.pool.get('mrp.subproduct') move_obj = self.pool.get('stock.move') production_obj = self.pool.get('mrp.production') production_browse = production_obj.browse(cr, uid, production_id, context=context) move_browse = move_obj.browse(cr, uid, move_id, context=context) subproduct_factor = 1 sub_id =, uid,[('product_id', '=',,('bom_id', '=',, ('subproduct_type', '=', 'variable')], context=context) if sub_id: subproduct_record = sub_obj.browse(cr ,uid, sub_id[0], context=context) if subproduct_record.bom_id.product_qty: subproduct_factor = subproduct_record.product_qty / subproduct_record.bom_id.product_qty return subproduct_factor return super(mrp_production, self)._get_subproduct_factor(cr, uid, production_id, move_id, context=context) class change_production_qty(osv.osv_memory): _inherit = 'change.production.qty' def _update_product_to_produce(self, cr, uid, prod, qty, context=None): bom_obj = self.pool.get('') move_lines_obj = self.pool.get('stock.move') prod_obj = self.pool.get('mrp.production') for m in prod.move_created_ids: if == move_lines_obj.write(cr, uid, [], {'product_uom_qty': qty}) else: for sub_product_line in prod.bom_id.sub_products: if == factor = prod_obj._get_subproduct_factor(cr, uid,,, context=context) subproduct_qty = sub_product_line.subproduct_type == 'variable' and qty * factor or sub_product_line.product_qty move_lines_obj.write(cr, uid, [], {'product_uom_qty': subproduct_qty}) # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals from six.moves import builtins import inspect import textwrap import six import sys import functools import os from utool import util_print from utool import util_time from utool import util_iter from utool import util_dbg from utool import util_arg from utool import util_type from utool import util_inject from utool._internal import meta_util_six (print, rrr, profile) = util_inject.inject2(__name__, '[decor]') if util_type.HAVE_NUMPY: import numpy as np # Commandline to toggle certain convinience decorators SIG_PRESERVE = util_arg.get_argflag('--sigpreserve') #SIG_PRESERVE = not util_arg.SAFE or util_arg.get_argflag('--sigpreserve') ONEX_REPORT_INPUT = '--onex-report-input' in sys.argv #IGNORE_TRACEBACK = '--smalltb' in sys.argv or '--ignoretb' in sys.argv # FIXME: dupliated in _internal/py2_syntax_funcs IGNORE_TRACEBACK = not ('--nosmalltb' in sys.argv or '--noignoretb' in sys.argv) #if util_arg.STRICT: # IGNORE_TRACEBACK = False # do not ignore traceback when profiling PROFILING = hasattr(builtins, 'profile') UNIQUE_NUMPY = True NOINDENT_DECOR = False #os.environ.get('UTOOL_AUTOGEN_SPHINX_RUNNING', 'OFF') #def composed(*decs): # """ combines multiple decorators """ # def deco(f): # for dec in reversed(decs): # f = dec(f) # return f # return deco def test_ignore_exec_traceback(): r""" CommandLine: python -m utool.util_decor --test-test_ignore_exec_traceback Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from utool.util_decor import * # NOQA >>> result = test_ignore_exec_traceback() >>> print(result) """ import utool as ut @ut.indent_func def foobar(): print('foobar') raise AssertionError('This error is exepcted') try: print('printing foobar') foobar() except AssertionError as ex: #import sys #exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() #print(exc_traceback) # TODO: ensure decorators are not printed in stack trace ut.printex(ex, 'There is no error. This is a test', tb=True) if six.PY2: # Use version that has special python2 only syntax. # can not include it here for that reason from utool._internal import py2_syntax_funcs ignores_exc_tb = py2_syntax_funcs.ignores_exc_tb else: def ignores_exc_tb(*args, **kwargs): """ PYTHON 3 VERSION ignore_exc_tb decorates a function and remove both itself and the function from any exception traceback that occurs. This is useful to decorate other trivial decorators which are polluting your stacktrace. if IGNORE_TRACEBACK is False then this decorator does nothing (and it should do nothing in production code!) References: # NOQA """ outer_wrapper = kwargs.get('outer_wrapper', True) def ignores_exc_tb_closure(func): # HACK JUST TURN THIS OFF return func if not IGNORE_TRACEBACK: # if the global enforces that we should not ignore anytracebacks # then just return the original function without any modifcation return func #@wraps(func) def wrp_noexectb(*args, **kwargs): try: #import utool #if utool.DEBUG: # print('[IN IGNORETB] args=%r' % (args,)) # print('[IN IGNORETB] kwargs=%r' % (kwargs,)) return func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception: # PYTHON 3.3 NEW METHODS exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() # Code to remove this decorator from traceback # Remove two levels to remove this one as well exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() try: exc_traceback = exc_traceback.tb_next exc_traceback = exc_traceback.tb_next except Exception: pass ex = exc_type(exc_value) ex.__traceback__ = exc_traceback raise ex if outer_wrapper: wrp_noexectb = preserve_sig(wrp_noexectb, func) return wrp_noexectb if len(args) == 1: # called with one arg means its a function call func = args[0] return ignores_exc_tb_closure(func) else: # called with no args means kwargs as specified return ignores_exc_tb_closure # NEW PYTHON 2.7/3 VERSION #def ignores_exc_tb(*args, **kwargs): # """ # ignore_exc_tb decorates a function and remove both itself # and the function from any exception traceback that occurs. # This is useful to decorate other trivial decorators # which are polluting your stacktrace. # if IGNORE_TRACEBACK is False then this decorator does nothing # (and it should do nothing in production code!) # References: # # NOQA # # """ # outer_wrapper = kwargs.get('outer_wrapper', True) # def ignores_exc_tb_closure(func): # if not IGNORE_TRACEBACK: # # if the global enforces that we should not ignore anytracebacks # # then just return the original function without any modifcation # return func # if six.PY2: # #python2_func = """ # common_wrp_noexcept_tb = """ # def wrp_noexectb(*args, **kwargs): # try: # return func(*args, **kwargs) # except Exception: # exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() # # Code to remove this decorator from traceback # # Remove two levels to remove this one as well # exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() # try: # exc_traceback = exc_traceback.tb_next # exc_traceback = exc_traceback.tb_next # except Exception: # pass # """ # if six.PY2: # python2_reraise = """ # raise exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback # """ # six_reraise = python2_reraise # elif six.PY3: # python3_reraise = """ # ex = exc_type(exc_value) # ex.__traceback__ = exc_traceback # raise ex # """ # six_reraise = python3_reraise # wrp_noexcept_tb_codeblock = common_wrp_noexcept_tb + six_reraise # globals_ = globals() # locals_ = locals() # six.exec_(wrp_noexcept_tb_codeblock, globals_, locals_) # wrp_noexectb = locals_['wrp_noexectb'] # if outer_wrapper: # wrp_noexectb = preserve_sig(wrp_noexectb, func) # return wrp_noexectb # if len(args) == 1: # # called with one arg means its a function call # func = args[0] # return ignores_exc_tb_closure(func) # else: # # called with no args means kwargs as specified # return ignores_exc_tb_closure def on_exception_report_input(func_=None, force=False, keys=None): """ If an error is thrown in the scope of this function's stack frame then the decorated function name and the arguments passed to it will be printed to the utool print function. """ def _closure_onexceptreport(func): if not ONEX_REPORT_INPUT and not force: return func @ignores_exc_tb(outer_wrapper=False) #@wraps(func) def wrp_onexceptreport(*args, **kwargs): try: #import utool #if utool.DEBUG: # print('[IN EXCPRPT] args=%r' % (args,)) # print('[IN EXCPRPT] kwargs=%r' % (kwargs,)) return func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as ex: from utool import util_str print('ERROR occured! Reporting input to function') if keys is not None: from utool import util_inspect from utool import util_list from utool import util_dict argspec = util_inspect.get_func_argspec(func) in_kwargs_flags = [key in kwargs for key in keys] kwarg_keys = util_list.compress(keys, in_kwargs_flags) kwarg_vals = [kwargs.get(key) for key in kwarg_keys] flags = util_list.not_list(in_kwargs_flags) arg_keys = util_list.compress(keys, flags) arg_idxs = [argspec.args.index(key) for key in arg_keys] num_nodefault = len(argspec.args) - len(argspec.defaults) default_vals = (([None] * (num_nodefault)) + list(argspec.defaults)) args_ = list(args) + default_vals[len(args) + 1:] arg_vals = util_list.take(args_, arg_idxs) requested_dict = dict(util_list.flatten( [zip(kwarg_keys, kwarg_vals), zip(arg_keys, arg_vals)])) print('input dict = ' + util_str.repr4( util_dict.dict_subset(requested_dict, keys))) # (print out specific keys only) pass arg_strs = ', '.join([repr(util_str.truncate_str(str(arg))) for arg in args]) kwarg_strs = ', '.join([ util_str.truncate_str('%s=%r' % (key, val)) for key, val in six.iteritems(kwargs)]) msg = ('\nERROR: funcname=%r,\n * args=%s,\n * kwargs=%r\n' % ( meta_util_six.get_funcname(func), arg_strs, kwarg_strs)) msg += ' * len(args) = %r\n' % len(args) msg += ' * len(kwargs) = %r\n' % len(kwargs) util_dbg.printex(ex, msg, pad_stdout=True) raise wrp_onexceptreport = preserve_sig(wrp_onexceptreport, func) return wrp_onexceptreport if func_ is None: return _closure_onexceptreport else: return _closure_onexceptreport(func_) def debug_function_exceptions(func): def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as ex: import utool as ut ut.printex(ex) import inspect # NOQA trace = inspect.trace() locals_ = trace[-1][0].f_locals print('-- <TRACE LOCALS> --') for level, t in enumerate(trace[1:]): frame = t[0] locals_ = frame.f_locals local_repr_dict = {key: ut.trunc_repr(val) for key, val in locals_.items()} print('LOCALS LEVEL %d' % (level,)) print(ut.repr3(local_repr_dict, strvals=True, nl=1)) print('-- </TRACE LOCALS> --') #import utool #utool.embed() raise return _wrapper #class DebugContext(object): # def __enter__(): # pass # def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback): # pass def _indent_decor(lbl): """ does the actual work of indent_func """ def closure_indent(func): if util_arg.TRACE: @ignores_exc_tb(outer_wrapper=False) #@wraps(func) def wrp_indent(*args, **kwargs): with util_print.Indenter(lbl): print(' ...trace[in]') ret = func(*args, **kwargs) print(' ...trace[out]') return ret else: @ignores_exc_tb(outer_wrapper=False) #@wraps(func) def wrp_indent(*args, **kwargs): with util_print.Indenter(lbl): ret = func(*args, **kwargs) return ret wrp_indent_ = ignores_exc_tb(wrp_indent) wrp_indent_ = preserve_sig(wrp_indent, func) return wrp_indent_ return closure_indent def indent_func(input_): """ Takes either no arguments or an alias label """ if isinstance(input_, six.string_types): # A label was specified lbl = input_ return _indent_decor(lbl) elif isinstance(input_, (bool, tuple)): # Allow individually turning of of this decorator func = input_ return func else: # Use the function name as the label func = input_ lbl = '[' + meta_util_six.get_funcname(func) + ']' return _indent_decor(lbl)(func) def tracefunc_xml(func): """ Causes output of function to be printed in an XML style block """ funcname = meta_util_six.get_funcname(func) def wrp_tracefunc2(*args, **kwargs): verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', True) if verbose: print('<%s>' % (funcname,)) with util_print.Indenter(' '): ret = func(*args, **kwargs) if verbose: print('</%s>' % (funcname,)) return ret wrp_tracefunc2_ = ignores_exc_tb(wrp_tracefunc2) wrp_tracefunc2_ = preserve_sig(wrp_tracefunc2_, func) return wrp_tracefunc2_ #---------- def accepts_scalar_input(func): """ DEPRICATE in favor of accepts_scalar_input2 only accepts one input as vector accepts_scalar_input is a decorator which expects to be used on class methods. It lets the user pass either a vector or a scalar to a function, as long as the function treats everything like a vector. Input and output is sanitized to the user expected format on return. Args: func (func): Returns: func: wrp_asi CommandLine: python -m utool.util_decor --test-accepts_scalar_input Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from utool.util_decor import * # NOQA >>> @accepts_scalar_input ... def foobar(self, list_): ... return [x + 1 for x in list_] >>> self = None # dummy self because this decorator is for classes >>> assert 2 == foobar(self, 1) >>> assert [2, 3] == foobar(self, [1, 2]) """ #@on_exception_report_input @ignores_exc_tb(outer_wrapper=False) #@wraps(func) def wrp_asi(self, input_, *args, **kwargs): #if HAVE_PANDAS: # if isinstance(input_, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)): # input_ = input_.values if util_iter.isiterable(input_): # If input is already iterable do default behavior return func(self, input_, *args, **kwargs) else: # If input is scalar, wrap input, execute, and unpack result #ret = func(self, (input_,), *args, **kwargs) ret = func(self, [input_], *args, **kwargs) if ret is not None: return ret[0] wrp_asi = preserve_sig(wrp_asi, func) return wrp_asi def accepts_scalar_input2(argx_list=[0], outer_wrapper=True): r""" FIXME: change to better name. Complete implementation. used in IBEIS setters accepts_scalar_input2 is a decorator which expects to be used on class methods. It lets the user pass either a vector or a scalar to a function, as long as the function treats everything like a vector. Input and output is sanitized to the user expected format on return. Args: argx_list (list): indexes of args that could be passed in as scalars to code that operates on lists. Ensures that decorated function gets the argument as an iterable. """ assert isinstance(argx_list, (list, tuple)), ( 'accepts_scalar_input2 must be called with argument positions') def closure_asi2(func): #@on_exception_report_input @ignores_exc_tb(outer_wrapper=False) def wrp_asi2(self, *args, **kwargs): # Hack in case wrapping a function with varargs argx_list_ = [argx for argx in argx_list if argx < len(args)] __assert_param_consistency(args, argx_list_) if all([util_iter.isiterable(args[ix]) for ix in argx_list_]): # If input is already iterable do default behavior return func(self, *args, **kwargs) else: # If input is scalar, wrap input, execute, and unpack result args_wrapped = [(arg,) if ix in argx_list_ else arg for ix, arg in enumerate(args)] ret = func(self, *args_wrapped, **kwargs) if ret is not None: return ret[0] if outer_wrapper: wrp_asi2 = on_exception_report_input(preserve_sig(wrp_asi2, func)) return wrp_asi2 return closure_asi2 def __assert_param_consistency(args, argx_list_): """ debugging function for accepts_scalar_input2 checks to make sure all the iterable inputs are of the same length """ if util_arg.NO_ASSERTS: return if len(argx_list_) == 0: return True argx_flags = [util_iter.isiterable(args[argx]) for argx in argx_list_] try: assert all([argx_flags[0] == flag for flag in argx_flags]), ( 'invalid mixing of iterable and scalar inputs') except AssertionError as ex: print('!!! ASSERTION ERROR IN UTIL_DECOR !!!') for argx in argx_list_: print('[util_decor] args[%d] = %r' % (argx, args[argx])) raise ex def accepts_scalar_input_vector_output(func): """ DEPRICATE IN FAVOR OF accepts_scalar_input2 accepts_scalar_input_vector_output Notes: Input: Excpeted Output 1to1 Expected Output 1toM scalar : 1 x [X] n element list : [1, 2, 3] [x, y, z] [[X], [Y], [Z]] 1 element list : [1] [x] [[X]] 0 element list : [] [] [] There seems to be no real issue here, I be the thing that tripped me up was when using sql and getting multiple columns that returned the values inside of the N-tuple whereas when you get one column you get one element inside of a 1-tuple, no that still makes sense. There was something where when you couln't unpack it becuase it was already empty... """ @ignores_exc_tb(outer_wrapper=False) #@wraps(func) def wrp_asivo(self, input_, *args, **kwargs): #import utool #if utool.DEBUG: # print('[IN SIVO] args=%r' % (args,)) # print('[IN SIVO] kwargs=%r' % (kwargs,)) if util_iter.isiterable(input_): # If input is already iterable do default behavior return func(self, input_, *args, **kwargs) else: # If input is scalar, wrap input, execute, and unpack result result = func(self, (input_,), *args, **kwargs) # The output length could be 0 on a scalar input if len(result) == 0: return [] else: assert len(result) == 1, 'error in asivo' return result[0] return wrp_asivo # TODO: Rename to listget_1to1 1toM etc... getter_1to1 = accepts_scalar_input getter_1toM = accepts_scalar_input_vector_output #---------- def accepts_numpy(func): """ Allows the first input to be a numpy array and get result in numpy form """ #@ignores_exc_tb #@wraps(func) def wrp_accepts_numpy(self, input_, *args, **kwargs): if not (util_type.HAVE_NUMPY and isinstance(input_, np.ndarray)): # If the input is not numpy, just call the function return func(self, input_, *args, **kwargs) else: # TODO: use a variant of util_list.unflat_unique_rowid_map # If the input is a numpy array, and return the output with the same # shape as the input if UNIQUE_NUMPY: # Remove redundant input (because we are passing it to SQL) input_list, inverse_unique = np.unique(input_, return_inverse=True) else: input_list = input_.flatten() # Call the function in list format # TODO: is this necessary? input_list = input_list.tolist() output_list = func(self, input_list, *args, **kwargs) # Put the output back into numpy if UNIQUE_NUMPY: # Reconstruct redundant queries output_arr = np.array(output_list)[inverse_unique] output_shape = tuple(list(input_.shape) + list(output_arr.shape[1:])) return np.array(output_arr).reshape(output_shape) else: return np.array(output_list).reshape(input_.shape) wrp_accepts_numpy = preserve_sig(wrp_accepts_numpy, func) return wrp_accepts_numpy def memoize_nonzero(func): """ Memoization decorator for functions taking a nonzero number of arguments. References: """ class _memorizer(dict): def __init__(self, func): self.func = func def __call__(self, *args): return self[args] def __missing__(self, key): ret = self[key] = self.func(*key) return ret return _memorizer(func) def memoize_single(func): """ Memoization decorator for a function taking a single argument References: """ class memodict_single(dict): def __missing__(self, key): ret = self[key] = func(key) return ret return memodict_single().__getitem__ def memoize_zero(func): """ Memoization decorator for a function taking no arguments """ wrp_memoize_single = memoize_single(func) def wrp_memoize_zero(): return wrp_memoize_single(None) return wrp_memoize_zero def memoize(func): """ simple memoization decorator References: Args: func (function): live python function Returns: func: CommandLine: python -m utool.util_decor memoize Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from utool.util_decor import * # NOQA >>> import utool as ut >>> closure = {'a': 'b', 'c': 'd'} >>> incr = [0] >>> def foo(key): >>> value = closure[key] >>> incr[0] += 1 >>> return value >>> foo_memo = memoize(foo) >>> assert foo('a') == 'b' and foo('c') == 'd' >>> assert incr[0] == 2 >>> print('Call memoized version') >>> assert foo_memo('a') == 'b' and foo_memo('c') == 'd' >>> assert incr[0] == 4 >>> assert foo_memo('a') == 'b' and foo_memo('c') == 'd' >>> print('Counter should no longer increase') >>> assert incr[0] == 4 >>> print('Closure changes result without memoization') >>> closure = {'a': 0, 'c': 1} >>> assert foo('a') == 0 and foo('c') == 1 >>> assert incr[0] == 6 >>> assert foo_memo('a') == 'b' and foo_memo('c') == 'd' """ cache = func._util_decor_memoize_cache = {} # @functools.wraps(func) def memoizer(*args, **kwargs): key = str(args) + str(kwargs) if key not in cache: cache[key] = func(*args, **kwargs) return cache[key] memoizer = preserve_sig(memoizer, func) memoizer.cache = cache return memoizer def interested(func): @indent_func #@ignores_exc_tb #@wraps(func) def wrp_interested(*args, **kwargs): sys.stdout.write('#\n') sys.stdout.write('#\n') sys.stdout.write( '<!INTERESTED>: ' + meta_util_six.get_funcname(func) + '\n') print('INTERESTING... ' + (' ' * 30) + ' <----') return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrp_interested def tracefunc(func): lbl = '[trace.' + meta_util_six.get_funcname(func) + ']' def wrp_tracefunc(*args, **kwargs): print(lbl + ' +--- ENTER ---') with util_print.Indenter(lbl + ' |'): ret = func(*args, **kwargs) print(lbl + ' L___ EXIT ____') return ret return wrp_tracefunc def show_return_value(func): from utool.util_str import func_str #@wraps(func) def wrp_show_return_value(*args, **kwargs): ret = func(*args, **kwargs) #print('%s(*%r, **%r) returns %r' % (meta_util_six.get_funcname(func), args, kwargs, rv)) print(func_str(func, args, kwargs) + ' -> ret=%r' % (ret,)) return ret return wrp_show_return_value def time_func(func): #@wraps(func) def wrp_time(*args, **kwargs): with util_time.Timer(meta_util_six.get_funcname(func)): return func(*args, **kwargs) wrp_time = preserve_sig(wrp_time, func) return wrp_time #def rename_func(newname): # import utool as ut # return ut.partial(ut.set_funcname, newname=newname) #class copy_argspec(object): # """ # copy_argspec is a signature modifying decorator. # Specifically, it copies the signature from `source_func` to the wrapper, and # the wrapper will call the original function (which should be using *args, # **kwds). The argspec, docstring, and default values are copied from # src_func, and __module__ and __dict__ from tgt_func. # .. References # # """ # def __init__(self, src_func): # self.argspec = inspect.getargspec(src_func) # self.src_doc = src_func.__doc__ # self.src_defaults = src_func.func_defaults # def __call__(self, tgt_func): # try: # tgt_argspec = inspect.getargspec(tgt_func) # need_self = False # if len(tgt_argspec) > 0 and len(tgt_argspec[0]) > 0 and tgt_argspec[0][0] == 'self': # need_self = True # name = tgt_func.__name__ # argspec = self.argspec # if len(argspec) > 0 and len(argspec[0]) > 0 and argspec[0][0] == 'self': # need_self = False # if need_self: # newargspec = (['self'] + argspec[0],) + argspec[1:] # else: # newargspec = argspec # signature = inspect.formatargspec(formatvalue=lambda val: "", # *newargspec)[1:-1] # new_func = ( # 'def _wrapper_({signature}):\n' # ' return {tgt_func}({signature})' # ).format(signature=signature, tgt_func='tgt_func') # evaldict = {'tgt_func' : tgt_func} # exec new_func in evaldict # wrapped = evaldict['_wrapper_'] # wrapped.__name__ = name # wrapped.__doc__ = self.src_doc # wrapped.func_defaults = self.src_defaults # wrapped.__module__ = tgt_func.__module__ # wrapped.__dict__ = tgt_func.__dict__ # return wrapped # except Exception as ex: # util_dbg.printex(ex, 'error wrapping: %r' % (tgt_func,)) # raise def lazyfunc(func): """ Returns a memcached version of a function """ closuremem_ = [{}] def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): mem = closuremem_[0] key = (repr(args), repr(kwargs)) try: return mem[key] except KeyError: mem[key] = func(*args, **kwargs) return mem[key] return wrapper def apply_docstr(docstr_func): """ Changes docstr of one functio to that of another """ def docstr_applier(func): #docstr = meta_util_six.get_funcdoc(docstr_func) #meta_util_six.set_funcdoc(func, docstr) if isinstance(docstr_func, six.string_types): olddoc = meta_util_six.get_funcdoc(func) if olddoc is None: olddoc = '' newdoc = olddoc + docstr_func meta_util_six.set_funcdoc(func, newdoc) return func else: preserved_func = preserve_sig(func, docstr_func) return preserved_func return docstr_applier def preserve_sig(wrapper, orig_func, force=False): """ Decorates a wrapper function. It seems impossible to presever signatures in python 2 without eval (Maybe another option is to write to a temporary module?) Args: wrapper: the function wrapping orig_func to change the signature of orig_func: the original function to take the signature from References: TODO: checkout funcsigs CommandLine: python -m utool.util_decor --test-preserve_sig Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> import utool as ut >>> #ut.rrrr(False) >>> def myfunction(self, listinput_, arg1, *args, **kwargs): >>> " just a test function " >>> return [x + 1 for x in listinput_] >>> #orig_func = ut.take >>> orig_func = myfunction >>> wrapper = ut.accepts_scalar_input2([0])(orig_func) >>> _wrp_preserve1 = ut.preserve_sig(wrapper, orig_func, True) >>> _wrp_preserve2 = ut.preserve_sig(wrapper, orig_func, False) >>> print('_wrp_preserve2 = %r' % (_wrp_preserve1,)) >>> print('_wrp_preserve2 = %r' % (_wrp_preserve2,)) >>> #print('source _wrp_preserve1 = %s' % (ut.get_func_sourcecode(_wrp_preserve1),)) >>> #print('source _wrp_preserve2 = %s' % (ut.get_func_sourcecode(_wrp_preserve2)),) >>> result = str(_wrp_preserve1) >>> print(result) """ #if True: # import functools # return functools.wraps(orig_func)(wrapper) from utool._internal import meta_util_six from utool import util_str from utool import util_inspect if wrapper is orig_func: # nothing to do return orig_func orig_docstr = meta_util_six.get_funcdoc(orig_func) orig_docstr = '' if orig_docstr is None else orig_docstr orig_argspec = util_inspect.get_func_argspec(orig_func) wrap_name = meta_util_six.get_funccode(wrapper).co_name orig_name = meta_util_six.get_funcname(orig_func) # At the very least preserve info in a dictionary _utinfo = {} _utinfo['orig_func'] = orig_func _utinfo['wrap_name'] = wrap_name _utinfo['orig_name'] = orig_name _utinfo['orig_argspec'] = orig_argspec if hasattr(wrapper, '_utinfo'): parent_wrapper_utinfo = wrapper._utinfo _utinfo['parent_wrapper_utinfo'] = parent_wrapper_utinfo if hasattr(orig_func, '_utinfo'): parent_orig_utinfo = orig_func._utinfo _utinfo['parent_orig_utinfo'] = parent_orig_utinfo # environment variable is set if you are building documentation # preserve sig if building docs building_docs = os.environ.get('UTOOL_AUTOGEN_SPHINX_RUNNING', 'OFF') == 'ON' if force or SIG_PRESERVE or building_docs: # PRESERVES ALL SIGNATURES WITH EXECS src_fmt = r''' def _wrp_preserve{defsig}: """ {orig_docstr} """ try: return wrapper{callsig} except Exception as ex: import utool as ut msg = ('Failure in signature preserving wrapper:\n') ut.printex(ex, msg) raise ''' # Put wrapped function into a scope globals_ = {'wrapper': wrapper} locals_ = {} # argspec is :ArgSpec(args=['bar', 'baz'], varargs=None, keywords=None, # defaults=(True,)) # get orig functions argspec # get functions signature # Get function call signature (no defaults) # Define an exec function argspec = inspect.getargspec(orig_func) (args, varargs, varkw, defaults) = argspec defsig = inspect.formatargspec(*argspec) callsig = inspect.formatargspec(*argspec[0:3]) # TODO: # ut.func_defsig # ut.func_callsig src_fmtdict = dict(defsig=defsig, callsig=callsig, orig_docstr=orig_docstr) src = textwrap.dedent(src_fmt).format(**src_fmtdict) # Define the new function on the fly # (I wish there was a non exec / eval way to do this) #print(src) code = compile(src, '<string>', 'exec') six.exec_(code, globals_, locals_) #six.exec_(src, globals_, locals_) # Use functools.update_wapper to complete preservation _wrp_preserve = functools.update_wrapper(locals_['_wrp_preserve'], orig_func) # Keep debug info _utinfo['src'] = src # Set an internal sig variable that we may use #_wrp_preserve.__sig__ = defsig else: # PRESERVES SOME SIGNATURES NO EXEC # signature preservation is turned off. just preserve the name. # Does not use any exec or eval statments. _wrp_preserve = functools.update_wrapper(wrapper, orig_func) # Just do something to preserve signature DEBUG_WRAPPED_DOCSTRING = False if DEBUG_WRAPPED_DOCSTRING: new_docstr_fmtstr = util_str.codeblock( ''' Wrapped function {wrap_name}({orig_name}) orig_argspec = {orig_argspec} orig_docstr = {orig_docstr} ''' ) else: new_docstr_fmtstr = util_str.codeblock( ''' {orig_docstr} ''' ) new_docstr = new_docstr_fmtstr.format( wrap_name=wrap_name, orig_name=orig_name, orig_docstr=orig_docstr, orig_argspec=orig_argspec) meta_util_six.set_funcdoc(_wrp_preserve, new_docstr) _wrp_preserve._utinfo = _utinfo return _wrp_preserve def dummy_args_decor(*args, **kwargs): def dummy_args_closure(func): return func return dummy_args_closure class classproperty(property): """ Decorates a method turning it into a classattribute References: """ def __get__(self, cls, owner): return classmethod(self.fget).__get__(None, owner)() if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: python -c "import utool, utool.util_decor; utool.doctest_funcs(utool.util_decor)" python -m utool.util_decor python -m utool.util_decor --allexamples """ import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() # for win32 import utool as ut # NOQA ut.doctest_funcs()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import models, migrations import datetime from django.utils.timezone import utc import import pootle_store.fields import pootle.core.mixins.treeitem from django.conf import settings import django.db.models.fields.files class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('pootle_translationproject', '0001_initial'), migrations.swappable_dependency(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL), ('pootle_app', '0001_initial'), ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='Store', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True)), ('file', django.db.models.fields.files.FileField(upload_to='', max_length=255, editable=False, db_index=True)), ('pootle_path', models.CharField(unique=True, max_length=255, verbose_name='Path', db_index=True)), ('name', models.CharField(max_length=128, editable=False)), ('file_mtime', models.DateTimeField(default=datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=utc))), ('state', models.IntegerField(default=0, editable=False, db_index=True)), ('creation_time', models.DateTimeField(db_index=True, auto_now_add=True, null=True)), ('last_sync_revision', models.IntegerField(null=True, db_index=True)), ('obsolete', models.BooleanField(default=False)), ('parent', models.ForeignKey(related_name='child_stores', editable=False, to='pootle_app.Directory', on_delete=models.CASCADE)), ('translation_project', models.ForeignKey(related_name='stores', editable=False, to='pootle_translationproject.TranslationProject', on_delete=models.CASCADE)), ], options={ 'ordering': ['pootle_path'], }, bases=(models.Model, pootle.core.mixins.treeitem.CachedTreeItem,, ), migrations.CreateModel( name='Unit', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True)), ('index', models.IntegerField(db_index=True)), ('unitid', models.TextField(editable=False)), ('unitid_hash', models.CharField(max_length=32, editable=False, db_index=True)), ('source_f', pootle_store.fields.MultiStringField(null=True)), ('source_hash', models.CharField(max_length=32, editable=False, db_index=True)), ('source_wordcount', models.SmallIntegerField(default=0, editable=False)), ('source_length', models.SmallIntegerField(default=0, editable=False, db_index=True)), ('target_f', pootle_store.fields.MultiStringField(null=True, blank=True)), ('target_wordcount', models.SmallIntegerField(default=0, editable=False)), ('target_length', models.SmallIntegerField(default=0, editable=False, db_index=True)), ('developer_comment', models.TextField(null=True, blank=True)), ('translator_comment', models.TextField(null=True, blank=True)), ('locations', models.TextField(null=True, editable=False)), ('context', models.TextField(null=True, editable=False)), ('state', models.IntegerField(default=0, db_index=True)), ('revision', models.IntegerField(default=0, db_index=True, blank=True)), ('creation_time', models.DateTimeField(db_index=True, auto_now_add=True, null=True)), ('mtime', models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True, auto_now_add=True, db_index=True)), ('submitted_on', models.DateTimeField(null=True, db_index=True)), ('commented_on', models.DateTimeField(null=True, db_index=True)), ('reviewed_on', models.DateTimeField(null=True, db_index=True)), ('commented_by', models.ForeignKey(related_name='commented', to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE)), ('reviewed_by', models.ForeignKey(related_name='reviewed', to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE)), ('store', models.ForeignKey(to='pootle_store.Store', on_delete=models.CASCADE)), ('submitted_by', models.ForeignKey(related_name='submitted', to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE)), ], options={ 'ordering': ['store', 'index'], 'get_latest_by': 'mtime', }, bases=(models.Model,, ), migrations.CreateModel( name='Suggestion', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True)), ('target_f', pootle_store.fields.MultiStringField()), ('target_hash', models.CharField(max_length=32, db_index=True)), ('translator_comment_f', models.TextField(null=True, blank=True)), ('state', models.CharField(default='pending', max_length=16, db_index=True, choices=[('pending', 'Pending'), ('accepted', 'Accepted'), ('rejected', 'Rejected')])), ('creation_time', models.DateTimeField(null=True, db_index=True)), ('review_time', models.DateTimeField(null=True, db_index=True)), ('unit', models.ForeignKey(to='pootle_store.Unit', on_delete=models.CASCADE)), ('reviewer', models.ForeignKey(related_name='reviews', to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE)), ('user', models.ForeignKey(related_name='suggestions', to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE)), ], options={ }, bases=(models.Model,, ), migrations.CreateModel( name='QualityCheck', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True)), ('name', models.CharField(max_length=64, db_index=True)), ('category', models.IntegerField(default=0)), ('message', models.TextField()), ('false_positive', models.BooleanField(default=False, db_index=True)), ('unit', models.ForeignKey(to='pootle_store.Unit', on_delete=models.CASCADE)), ], options={ }, bases=(models.Model,), ), migrations.AlterUniqueTogether( name='unit', unique_together=set([('store', 'unitid_hash')]), ), migrations.AlterUniqueTogether( name='store', unique_together=set([('parent', 'name')]), ), ]
# Author: Alexandre Gramfort <[email protected]> # License: BSD 3 clause import os from os.path import join import numpy from sklearn._build_utils import get_blas_info def configuration(parent_package='', top_path=None): from numpy.distutils.misc_util import Configuration cblas_libs, blas_info = get_blas_info() libraries = [] if == 'posix': cblas_libs.append('m') libraries.append('m') config = Configuration('cluster', parent_package, top_path) config.add_extension('_dbscan_inner', sources=['_dbscan_inner.cpp'], include_dirs=[numpy.get_include()], language="c++") config.add_extension('_hierarchical', sources=['_hierarchical.cpp'], language="c++", include_dirs=[numpy.get_include()], libraries=libraries) config.add_extension( '_k_means', libraries=cblas_libs, sources=['_k_means.c'], include_dirs=[join('..', 'src', 'cblas'), numpy.get_include(), blas_info.pop('include_dirs', [])], extra_compile_args=blas_info.pop('extra_compile_args', []), **blas_info ) return config if __name__ == '__main__': from numpy.distutils.core import setup setup(**configuration(top_path='').todict())
import json import codecs class DRelation(object): """Implicit discourse relation object The object is created from the CoNLL-json formatted data. The format can be a bit clunky to get certain information. So convenient methods should be implemented here mostly to be used by the feature functions """ def __init__(self, relation_dict, parse): self.relation_dict = relation_dict self.parse = parse self._arg_tokens = {} self._arg_tokens[1] = None self._arg_tokens[2] = None self._arg_words = {} self._arg_words[1] = None self._arg_words[2] = None self._arg_tree = {} self._arg_tree[1] = None self._arg_tree[2] = None self._arg1_tree = None self._arg1_tree_token_indices = None self._arg2_tree = None self._arg2_tree_token_indices = None @property def senses(self): return self.relation_dict['Sense'] def arg_words(self, arg_pos): """Returns a list of Word objects""" assert(arg_pos == 1 or arg_pos == 2) if self._arg_words[arg_pos] is None: key = 'Arg%s' % arg_pos word_list = self.relation_dict[key]['TokenList'] self._arg_words[arg_pos] = [Word(x, self.parse[self.doc_id]) for x in word_list] return self._arg_words[arg_pos] def arg_tree(self, arg_pos): """Extract the tree for the argument One tree only. Truncated as needed Returns: 1) tree string 2) token indices (not address tuples) of that tree. """ assert(arg_pos == 1 or arg_pos == 2) if self._arg_tree[arg_pos] is None: trees, sentence_indices = self.arg_trees(arg_pos) if arg_pos == 1: tree = trees[-1] sentence_index = sentence_indices[-1] elif arg_pos == 2: tree = trees[0] sentence_index = sentence_indices[0] key = 'Arg%s' % arg_pos token_indices = [x[4] for x in self.relation_dict[key]['TokenList'] if x[3] == sentence_index] self._arg_tree[arg_pos] = (tree, token_indices) return self._arg_tree[arg_pos] def arg_dtree_rule_list(self, arg_pos): """Returns a list of arcs in the dependency tree(s) for the arg """ assert(arg_pos == 1 or arg_pos == 2) token_list = self.arg_token_addresses(arg_pos) sentence_indices = set([x[3] for x in token_list]) sentence_index_to_dependency_tree = {} for sentence_index in sentence_indices: dependencies = \ self.parse[self.doc_id]['sentences'][sentence_index]['dependencies'] index_to_dependency = {} # a dependency looks like this [u'prep', u'reported-8', u'In-1'] for dep in dependencies: rel_type = dep[0] head, _ = dep[1].rsplit('-', 1) dependent, index = dep[2].rsplit('-', 1) index_to_dependency[int(index)] = [rel_type, head, dependent] sentence_index_to_dependency_tree[sentence_index] = index_to_dependency rule_list = [] for token_address in token_list: _, _, _, sentence_index, token_index = token_address dtree = sentence_index_to_dependency_tree[sentence_index] if token_index in dtree: rule_list.append('_'.join(dtree[token_index])) return rule_list def arg_token_addresses(self, arg_pos): assert(arg_pos == 1 or arg_pos == 2) key = 'Arg%s' % arg_pos return self.relation_dict[key]['TokenList'] @property def doc_id(self): return self.relation_dict['DocID'] @property def relation_id(self): return self.relation_dict['ID'] @property def relation_type(self): return self.relation_dict['Type'] @property def doc_relation_id(self): return '%s_%s' % (self.doc_id, self.relation_id) def arg_tokens(self, arg_pos): """Returns a list of raw tokens""" assert(arg_pos == 1 or arg_pos == 2) if self._arg_tokens[arg_pos] is None: key = 'Arg%s' % arg_pos token_list = self.relation_dict[key]['TokenList'] self._arg_tokens[arg_pos] = [self.parse[self.doc_id]['sentences'][x[3]]['words'][x[4]][0] for x in token_list] return self._arg_tokens[arg_pos] def arg_trees(self, arg_pos): key = 'Arg%s' % arg_pos token_list = self.relation_dict[key]['TokenList'] sentence_indices = set([x[3] for x in token_list]) return [self.parse[self.doc_id]['sentences'][x]['parsetree'] for x in sentence_indices], list(sentence_indices) def __repr__(self): return self.relation_dict.__repr__() def __str__(self): return self.relation_dict.__str__() class Word(object): """Word class wrapper [u"'ve", {u'CharacterOffsetBegin':2449, u'CharacterOffsetEnd':2452, u'Linkers':[u'arg2_15006',u'arg1_15008'], u'PartOfSpeech':u'VBP'}] """ def __init__(self, word_address, parse): self.word_address = word_address self.word_token, self.word_info = parse['sentences'][word_address[3]]['words'][word_address[4]] @property def pos(self): return self.word_info['PartOfSpeech'] @property def lemma(self): return self.word_info['Lemma'] @property def sentence_index(self): return self.word_address[3] def extract_implicit_relations(data_folder, label_function=None): #parse_file = '%s/pdtb-parses-plus.json' % data_folder #parse_file = '%s/pdtb-parses.json' % data_folder parse_file = '%s/parses.json' % data_folder parse = json.load(, encoding='utf8')) #relation_file = '%s/pdtb-data-plus.json' % data_folder #relation_file = '%s/pdtb-data.json' % data_folder relation_file = '%s/relations.json' % data_folder relation_dicts = [json.loads(x) for x in open(relation_file)] relations = [DRelation(x, parse) for x in relation_dicts if x['Type'] == 'Implicit'] if label_function is not None: relations = [x for x in relations if label_function.label(x) is not None] return relations def extract_non_explicit_relations(data_folder, label_function=None): parse_file = '%s/pdtb-parses.json' % data_folder parse = json.load(, encoding='utf8')) relation_file = '%s/pdtb-data.json' % data_folder relation_dicts = [json.loads(x) for x in open(relation_file)] relations = [DRelation(x, parse) for x in relation_dicts if x['Type'] != 'Explicit'] if label_function is not None: relations = [x for x in relations if label_function.label(x) is not None] return relations
# This file is part of Lerot. # # Lerot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Lerot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with Lerot. If not, see <>. import unittest import cStringIO import numpy as np import lerot.query as query import lerot.utils as utils class TestUtils(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): pass def testSplitArgStr(self): split = utils.split_arg_str("--a 10 --b foo --c \"--d bar --e 42\"") self.assertEqual(split, ["--a", "10", "--b", "foo", "--c", "--d bar --e 42"], "wrong split (1): %s" % ", ".join(split)) split = utils.split_arg_str("\"--a\" 10 --b foo --c --d bar --e 42") self.assertEqual(split, ["--a", "10", "--b", "foo", "--c", "--d", "bar", "--e", "42"], "wrong split (2): %s" % ", ".join(split)) split = utils.split_arg_str("\"--a\"\" 10\"--b foo --c --d bar --e 42") self.assertEqual(split, ["--a", " 10", "--b", "foo", "--c", "--d", "bar", "--e", "42"], "wrong split (2): %s" % ", ".join(split)) def testRank(self): scores = [2.1, 2.9, 2.3, 2.3, 5.5] self.assertIn(utils.rank(scores, ties="random"), [[0, 3, 1, 2, 4], [0, 3, 2, 1, 4]]) self.assertIn(utils.rank(scores, reverse=True, ties="random"), [[4, 1, 3, 2, 0], [4, 1, 2, 3, 0]]) self.assertEqual(utils.rank(scores, reverse=True, ties="first"), [4, 1, 2, 3, 0]) self.assertEqual(utils.rank(scores, reverse=True, ties="last"), [4, 1, 3, 2, 0]) scores = [2.1, 2.9, 2.3, 2.3, 5.5, 2.9] self.assertIn(utils.rank(scores, ties="random"), [[0, 4, 2, 1, 5, 3], [0, 3, 2, 1, 5, 4], [0, 4, 1, 2, 5, 3], [0, 3, 1, 2, 5, 4]]) self.assertIn(utils.rank(scores, reverse=True, ties="random"), [[5, 1, 3, 4, 0, 2], [5, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1], [5, 1, 4, 3, 0, 2], [5, 2, 4, 3, 0, 1]]) self.assertEqual(utils.rank(scores, reverse=True, ties="first"), [5, 1, 3, 4, 0, 2]) self.assertEqual(utils.rank(scores, reverse=True, ties="last"), [5, 2, 4, 3, 0, 1]) def test_create_ranking_vector(self): feature_count = 5 # Create queries to test with test_queries = """ 1 qid:373 1:0.080000 2:0.500000 3:0.500000 4:0.500000 5:0.160000 0 qid:373 1:0.070000 2:0.180000 3:0.000000 4:0.250000 5:0.080000 0 qid:373 1:0.150000 2:0.016000 3:0.250000 4:0.250000 5:0.150000 0 qid:373 1:0.100000 2:0.250000 3:0.500000 4:0.750000 5:0.130000 0 qid:373 1:0.050000 2:0.080000 3:0.250000 4:0.250000 5:0.060000 0 qid:373 1:0.050000 2:1.000000 3:0.250000 4:0.250000 5:0.160000 """ hard_gamma = [1, 0.63092975357, 0.5, 0.43067655807, 0.38685280723, 0.3562071871] hard_ranking_vector = [0.27938574, 1.11639191, 1.02610328, 1.29150486, 0.42166665] query_fh = cStringIO.StringIO(test_queries) this_query = query.Queries(query_fh, feature_count)['373'] query_fh.close() fake_ranking = sorted(this_query.get_docids()) # gamma, ranking_vector = utils.create_ranking_vector( ranking_vector = utils.create_ranking_vector( this_query, fake_ranking) # self.assertEqual(len(gamma), len(hard_gamma)) self.assertEqual(feature_count, len(ranking_vector)) # for i in xrange(0, len(gamma)): # self.assertAlmostEqual(gamma[i], hard_gamma[i]) for j in xrange(0, feature_count): self.assertAlmostEqual(ranking_vector[j], hard_ranking_vector[j]) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_compat -*- # # Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Compatability module to provide backwards compatability for useful Python features. This is mainly for use of internal Twisted code. We encourage you to use the latest version of Python directly from your code, if possible. """ import sys, string, socket, struct def inet_pton(af, addr): if af == socket.AF_INET: return socket.inet_aton(addr) elif af == getattr(socket, 'AF_INET6', 'AF_INET6'): if [x for x in addr if x not in string.hexdigits + ':.']: raise ValueError("Illegal characters: %r" % (''.join(x),)) parts = addr.split(':') elided = parts.count('') ipv4Component = '.' in parts[-1] if len(parts) > (8 - ipv4Component) or elided > 3: raise ValueError("Syntactically invalid address") if elided == 3: return '\x00' * 16 if elided: zeros = ['0'] * (8 - len(parts) - ipv4Component + elided) if addr.startswith('::'): parts[:2] = zeros elif addr.endswith('::'): parts[-2:] = zeros else: idx = parts.index('') parts[idx:idx+1] = zeros if len(parts) != 8 - ipv4Component: raise ValueError("Syntactically invalid address") else: if len(parts) != (8 - ipv4Component): raise ValueError("Syntactically invalid address") if ipv4Component: if parts[-1].count('.') != 3: raise ValueError("Syntactically invalid address") rawipv4 = socket.inet_aton(parts[-1]) unpackedipv4 = struct.unpack('!HH', rawipv4) parts[-1:] = [hex(x)[2:] for x in unpackedipv4] parts = [int(x, 16) for x in parts] return struct.pack('!8H', *parts) else: raise socket.error(97, 'Address family not supported by protocol') def inet_ntop(af, addr): if af == socket.AF_INET: return socket.inet_ntoa(addr) elif af == socket.AF_INET6: if len(addr) != 16: raise ValueError("address length incorrect") parts = struct.unpack('!8H', addr) curBase = bestBase = None for i in range(8): if not parts[i]: if curBase is None: curBase = i curLen = 0 curLen += 1 else: if curBase is not None: if bestBase is None or curLen > bestLen: bestBase = curBase bestLen = curLen curBase = None if curBase is not None and (bestBase is None or curLen > bestLen): bestBase = curBase bestLen = curLen parts = [hex(x)[2:] for x in parts] if bestBase is not None: parts[bestBase:bestBase + bestLen] = [''] if parts[0] == '': parts.insert(0, '') if parts[-1] == '': parts.insert(len(parts) - 1, '') return ':'.join(parts) else: raise socket.error(97, 'Address family not supported by protocol') try: socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, "::") except (AttributeError, NameError, socket.error): socket.inet_pton = inet_pton socket.inet_ntop = inet_ntop socket.AF_INET6 = 'AF_INET6' adict = dict # OpenSSL/ imports OpenSSL.tsafe. OpenSSL/ imports # threading. threading imports thread. All to make this stupid threadsafe # version of its Connection class. We don't even care about threadsafe # Connections. In the interest of not screwing over some crazy person # calling into OpenSSL from another thread and trying to use Twisted's SSL # support, we don't totally destroy OpenSSL.tsafe, but we will replace it # with our own version which imports threading as late as possible. class tsafe(object): class Connection: """ OpenSSL.tsafe.Connection, defined in such a way as to not blow. """ __module__ = 'OpenSSL.tsafe' def __init__(self, *args): from OpenSSL import SSL as _ssl self._ssl_conn = apply(_ssl.Connection, args) from threading import _RLock self._lock = _RLock() for f in ('get_context', 'pending', 'send', 'write', 'recv', 'read', 'renegotiate', 'bind', 'listen', 'connect', 'accept', 'setblocking', 'fileno', 'shutdown', 'close', 'get_cipher_list', 'getpeername', 'getsockname', 'getsockopt', 'setsockopt', 'makefile', 'get_app_data', 'set_app_data', 'state_string', 'sock_shutdown', 'get_peer_certificate', 'want_read', 'want_write', 'set_connect_state', 'set_accept_state', 'connect_ex', 'sendall'): exec """def %s(self, *args): self._lock.acquire() try: return apply(self._ssl_conn.%s, args) finally: self._lock.release()\n""" % (f, f) sys.modules['OpenSSL.tsafe'] = tsafe import operator try: operator.attrgetter except AttributeError: class attrgetter(object): def __init__(self, name): = name def __call__(self, obj): return getattr(obj, operator.attrgetter = attrgetter
""" Auto-auth page (used to automatically log in during testing). """ import json import os from six.moves import urllib from bok_choy.page_object import PageObject, unguarded # The URL used for user auth in testing HOSTNAME = os.environ.get('BOK_CHOY_HOSTNAME', 'localhost') CMS_PORT = os.environ.get('BOK_CHOY_CMS_PORT', 8031) AUTH_BASE_URL = os.environ.get('test_url', 'http://{}:{}'.format(HOSTNAME, CMS_PORT)) FULL_NAME = 'Test' class AutoAuthPage(PageObject): """ The automatic authorization page. When enabled via the Django settings file, visiting this url will create a user and log them in. """ # Internal cache for parsed user info. _user_info = None def __init__(self, browser, username=None, email=None, password=None, full_name=FULL_NAME, staff=False, superuser=None, course_id=None, enrollment_mode=None, roles=None, no_login=False, is_active=True, course_access_roles=None, should_manually_verify=False): """ Auto-auth is an end-point for HTTP GET requests. By default, it will create accounts with random user credentials, but you can also specify credentials using querystring parameters. `username`, `email`, and `password` are the user's credentials (strings) 'full_name' is the profile full name value `staff` is a boolean indicating whether the user is global staff. `superuser` is a boolean indicating whether the user is a super user. `course_id` is the ID of the course to enroll the student in. Currently, this has the form "org/number/run" `should_manually_verify` is a boolean indicating whether the created user should have their identification verified Note that "global staff" is NOT the same as course staff. """ super(AutoAuthPage, self).__init__(browser) # This will eventually hold the details about the user account self._user_info = None course_access_roles = course_access_roles or [] course_access_roles = ','.join(course_access_roles) self._params = { 'full_name': full_name, 'staff': staff, 'superuser': superuser, 'is_active': is_active, 'course_access_roles': course_access_roles, } if username: self._params['username'] = username if email: self._params['email'] = email if password: self._params['password'] = password if superuser is not None: self._params['superuser'] = "true" if superuser else "false" if course_id: self._params['course_id'] = course_id if enrollment_mode: self._params['enrollment_mode'] = enrollment_mode if roles: self._params['roles'] = roles if no_login: self._params['no_login'] = True if should_manually_verify: self._params['should_manually_verify'] = True @property def url(self): """ Construct the URL. """ url = AUTH_BASE_URL + "/auto_auth" query_str = urllib.parse.urlencode(self._params) if query_str: url += "?" + query_str return url def is_browser_on_page(self): return bool(self.user_info) @property @unguarded def user_info(self): """A dictionary containing details about the user account.""" if not self._user_info: body = self.q(css='BODY').text[0] self._user_info = json.loads(body) return self._user_info def get_user_id(self): """ Finds and returns the user_id """ return self.user_info['user_id']
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Copyright (C) 2009 Richard Lincoln # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, 1991. # # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANDABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ """ A collection of equipment at one common system voltage forming a switchgear. The equipment typically consist of breakers, busbars, instrumentation, control, regulation and protection devices as well as assemblies of all these. """ # <<< imports # @generated from cdpsm.iec61970.core.equipment_container import EquipmentContainer from cdpsm.iec61970.core.base_voltage import BaseVoltage from cdpsm.iec61970.core.substation import Substation from cdpsm.iec61970.domain import Voltage from google.appengine.ext import db # >>> imports class VoltageLevel(EquipmentContainer): """ A collection of equipment at one common system voltage forming a switchgear. The equipment typically consist of breakers, busbars, instrumentation, control, regulation and protection devices as well as assemblies of all these. """ # <<< voltage_level.attributes # @generated # The bus bar's low voltage limit low_voltage_limit = Voltage # The bus bar's high voltage limit high_voltage_limit = Voltage # >>> voltage_level.attributes # <<< voltage_level.references # @generated # The base voltage used for all equipment within the VoltageLevel. base_voltage = db.ReferenceProperty(BaseVoltage, collection_name="voltage_level") # Virtual property. The association is used in the naming hierarchy. pass # bays # The association is used in the naming hierarchy. substation = db.ReferenceProperty(Substation, collection_name="voltage_levels") # >>> voltage_level.references # <<< voltage_level.operations # @generated # >>> voltage_level.operations # EOF -------------------------------------------------------------------------
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _, ungettext_lazy from django_tables2 import Column, LinkColumn, TemplateColumn, A from oscar.core.loading import get_class, get_model DashboardTable = get_class('dashboard.tables', 'DashboardTable') Product = get_model('catalogue', 'Product') Category = get_model('catalogue', 'Category') class ProductTable(DashboardTable): title = TemplateColumn( verbose_name=_('Title'), template_name='dashboard/catalogue/product_row_title.html', order_by='title', accessor=A('title')) image = TemplateColumn( verbose_name=_('Image'), template_name='dashboard/catalogue/product_row_image.html', orderable=False) product_class = Column( verbose_name=_('Product type'), accessor=A('product_class'), order_by='product_class__name') variants = TemplateColumn( verbose_name=_("Variants"), template_name='dashboard/catalogue/product_row_variants.html', orderable=False ) stock_records = TemplateColumn( verbose_name=_('Stock records'), template_name='dashboard/catalogue/product_row_stockrecords.html', orderable=False) actions = TemplateColumn( verbose_name=_('Actions'), template_name='dashboard/catalogue/product_row_actions.html', orderable=False) icon = "sitemap" class Meta(DashboardTable.Meta): model = Product fields = ('upc', 'date_updated') sequence = ('title', 'upc', 'image', 'product_class', 'variants', 'stock_records', '...', 'date_updated', 'actions') order_by = '-date_updated' class CategoryTable(DashboardTable): name = LinkColumn('dashboard:catalogue-category-update', args=[A('pk')]) description = TemplateColumn( template_code='{{ record.description|default:""|striptags' '|cut:"&nbsp;"|truncatewords:6 }}') # mark_safe is needed because of # num_children = LinkColumn( 'dashboard:catalogue-category-detail-list', args=[A('pk')], verbose_name=mark_safe(_('Number of child categories')), accessor='get_num_children', orderable=False) actions = TemplateColumn( template_name='dashboard/catalogue/category_row_actions.html', orderable=False) icon = "sitemap" caption = ungettext_lazy("%s Category", "%s Categories") class Meta(DashboardTable.Meta): model = Category fields = ('name', 'description')
# Requirements: # See ../requirements.txt import eventlet import httplib import MySQLdb import MySQLdb.cursors import requests from six.moves import urllib_parse from st2reactor.sensor.base import PollingSensor BASE_URL = '' EMAIL_FIELD = "email_7723200" FIRST_NAME_FIELD = "textfield_7723291" LAST_NAME_FIELD = "textfield_7723236" SOURCE_FIELD = "textarea_7723206" NEWSLETTER_FIELD = "yesno_7723486" REFERER_FIELD = "referer" DATE_LAND_FIELD = "date_land" DATE_SUBMIT_FIELD = "date_submit" # pylint: disable=no-member class TypeformRegistrationSensor(PollingSensor): def __init__(self, sensor_service, config=None, poll_interval=180): super(TypeformRegistrationSensor, self).__init__( sensor_service=sensor_service, config=config, poll_interval=poll_interval) self.logger = self._sensor_service.get_logger( name=self.__class__.__name__) self._trigger_pack = 'typeform' self._trigger_ref = '.'.join([self._trigger_pack, 'registration']) db_config = self._config.get('mysql', False) self.db = self._conn_db(host=db_config.get('host', None), user=db_config.get('user', None), passwd=db_config.get('pass', None), db=db_config.get('name', None)) self.request_data = {"key": self._config.get('api_key', None), "completed": str(self._config.get('completed', True)).lower()} self.url = self._get_url(self._config.get('form_id', None)) # sensor specific config. self.sensor_config = self._config.get('sensor', {}) self.retries = int(self.sensor_config.get('retries', 3)) if self.retries < 0: self.retries = 0 self.retry_delay = int(self.sensor_config.get('retry_delay', 30)) if self.retry_delay < 0: self.retry_delay = 30 self.timeout = int(self.sensor_config.get('timeout', 20)) if self.timeout < 0: self.timeout = 20 def setup(self): pass def poll(self): registration = {} api_registration_list = self._get_api_registrations(self.request_data) for r in api_registration_list.get('responses', None): user = r.get('answers', None) meta = r.get('metadata', None) if self._check_new_registration(user.get(EMAIL_FIELD, False)): registration['email'] = user.get(EMAIL_FIELD, None) registration['first_name'] = user.get(FIRST_NAME_FIELD, None) registration['last_name'] = user.get(LAST_NAME_FIELD, None) registration['source'] = user.get(SOURCE_FIELD, None) registration['newsletter'] = user.get(NEWSLETTER_FIELD, None) registration['referer'] = meta.get(REFERER_FIELD, None) registration['date_land'] = meta.get(DATE_LAND_FIELD, None) registration['date_submit'] = meta.get(DATE_SUBMIT_FIELD, None) self._dispatch_trigger(self._trigger_ref, data=registration) def cleanup(self): pass def add_trigger(self, trigger): pass def update_trigger(self, trigger): pass def remove_trigger(self, trigger): pass def _dispatch_trigger(self, trigger, data): self._sensor_service.dispatch(trigger, data) def _get_url(self, endpoint): url = urllib_parse.urljoin(BASE_URL, endpoint) return url def _get_api_registrations(self, params): data = urllib_parse.urlencode(params) headers = {} headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' response = None attempts = 0 while attempts < self.retries: try: response = requests.request( method='GET', url=self.url, headers=headers, timeout=self.timeout, params=data) self.logger.debug('Got repsonse: %s.', response.json()) break except Exception: msg = 'Unable to connect to registrations API.' self.logger.exception(msg) attempts += 1 eventlet.sleep(self.retry_delay) if not response: raise Exception('Failed to connect to TypeForm API.') if response.status_code != httplib.OK: failure_reason = ('Failed to retrieve registrations: %s \ (status code: %s)' % (response.text, response.status_code)) self.logger.error(failure_reason) raise Exception(failure_reason) return response.json() def _check_new_registration(self, email): email = MySQLdb.escape_string(email) c = self.db.cursor() query = 'SELECT * FROM user_registration WHERE email="%s"' % email try: c.execute(query) self.db.commit() except MySQLdb.Error, e: return False row = c.fetchone() c.close() if row: return False"%s is not a currently registered user." % email) return True def _conn_db(self, host, user, passwd, db): return MySQLdb.connect(host=host, user=user, passwd=passwd, db=db, cursorclass=MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
#!/usr/bin/env python """ sentry.utils.runner ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :copyright: (c) 2012 by the Sentry Team, see AUTHORS for more details. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function from logan.runner import run_app, configure_app import base64 import os import pkg_resources import warnings USE_GEVENT = os.environ.get('USE_GEVENT') KEY_LENGTH = 40 CONFIG_TEMPLATE = """ # This file is just Python, with a touch of Django which means you # you can inherit and tweak settings to your hearts content. from sentry.conf.server import * import os.path CONF_ROOT = os.path.dirname(__file__) DATABASES = { 'default': { # You can swap out the engine for MySQL easily by changing this value # to ``django.db.backends.mysql`` or to PostgreSQL with # ``django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2`` # If you change this, you'll also need to install the appropriate python # package: psycopg2 (Postgres) or mysql-python 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': os.path.join(CONF_ROOT, 'sentry.db'), 'USER': 'postgres', 'PASSWORD': '', 'HOST': '', 'PORT': '', } } # You should not change this setting after your database has been created # unless you have altered all schemas first SENTRY_USE_BIG_INTS = True # If you're expecting any kind of real traffic on Sentry, we highly recommend # configuring the CACHES and Redis settings ########### ## Redis ## ########### # Generic Redis configuration used as defaults for various things including: # Buffers, Quotas, TSDB SENTRY_REDIS_OPTIONS = { 'hosts': { 0: { 'host': '', 'port': 6379, } } } ########### ## Cache ## ########### # If you wish to use memcached, install the dependencies and adjust the config # as shown: # # pip install python-memcached # # CACHES = { # 'default': { # 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache', # 'LOCATION': [''], # } # } # # SENTRY_CACHE = 'sentry.cache.django.DjangoCache' SENTRY_CACHE = 'sentry.cache.redis.RedisCache' ########### ## Queue ## ########### # See for more # information on configuring your queue broker and workers. Sentry relies # on a Python framework called Celery to manage queues. CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER = False BROKER_URL = 'redis://localhost:6379' ################# ## Rate Limits ## ################# SENTRY_RATELIMITER = 'sentry.ratelimits.redis.RedisRateLimiter' #################### ## Update Buffers ## #################### # Buffers (combined with queueing) act as an intermediate layer between the # database and the storage API. They will greatly improve efficiency on large # numbers of the same events being sent to the API in a short amount of time. # (read: if you send any kind of real data to Sentry, you should enable buffers) SENTRY_BUFFER = 'sentry.buffer.redis.RedisBuffer' ############ ## Quotas ## ############ # Quotas allow you to rate limit individual projects or the Sentry install as # a whole. SENTRY_QUOTAS = 'sentry.quotas.redis.RedisQuota' ########## ## TSDB ## ########## # The TSDB is used for building charts as well as making things like per-rate # alerts possible. SENTRY_TSDB = 'sentry.tsdb.redis.RedisTSDB' ################## ## File storage ## ################## # Any Django storage backend is compatible with Sentry. For more solutions see # the django-storages package: SENTRY_FILESTORE = '' SENTRY_FILESTORE_OPTIONS = { 'location': '/tmp/sentry-files', } ################ ## Web Server ## ################ # You MUST configure the absolute URI root for Sentry: SENTRY_URL_PREFIX = '' # No trailing slash! # If you're using a reverse proxy, you should enable the X-Forwarded-Proto # and X-Forwarded-Host headers, and uncomment the following settings # SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER = ('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO', 'https') # USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST = True SENTRY_WEB_HOST = '' SENTRY_WEB_PORT = 9000 SENTRY_WEB_OPTIONS = { 'workers': 3, # the number of gunicorn workers 'limit_request_line': 0, # required for raven-js 'secure_scheme_headers': {'X-FORWARDED-PROTO': 'https'}, } ################# ## Mail Server ## ################# # For more information check Django's documentation: # EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend' EMAIL_HOST = 'localhost' EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = '' EMAIL_HOST_USER = '' EMAIL_PORT = 25 EMAIL_USE_TLS = False # The email address to send on behalf of SERVER_EMAIL = 'root@localhost' # If you're using mailgun for inbound mail, set your API key and configure a # route to forward to /api/hooks/mailgun/inbound/ MAILGUN_API_KEY = '' ########### ## etc. ## ########### # If this file ever becomes compromised, it's important to regenerate your SECRET_KEY # Changing this value will result in all current sessions being invalidated SECRET_KEY = %(default_key)r # # It's important that input a callback URL, even if its useless. We have no idea why, consult Twitter. TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY = '' TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET = '' # FACEBOOK_APP_ID = '' FACEBOOK_API_SECRET = '' # GOOGLE_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID = '' GOOGLE_OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET = '' # GITHUB_APP_ID = '' GITHUB_API_SECRET = '' # TRELLO_API_KEY = '' TRELLO_API_SECRET = '' # BITBUCKET_CONSUMER_KEY = '' BITBUCKET_CONSUMER_SECRET = '' """ def generate_settings(): """ This command is run when ``default_path`` doesn't exist, or ``init`` is run and returns a string representing the default data to put into their settings file. """ output = CONFIG_TEMPLATE % dict( default_key=base64.b64encode(os.urandom(KEY_LENGTH)), ) return output def install_plugins(settings): from sentry.plugins import register # entry_points={ # 'sentry.plugins': [ # 'phabricator = sentry_phabricator.plugins:PhabricatorPlugin' # ], # }, installed_apps = list(settings.INSTALLED_APPS) for ep in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('sentry.apps'): try: plugin = ep.load() except Exception: import sys import traceback sys.stderr.write("Failed to load app %r:\n%s\n" % (, traceback.format_exc())) else: installed_apps.append(ep.module_name) settings.INSTALLED_APPS = tuple(installed_apps) for ep in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points('sentry.plugins'): try: plugin = ep.load() except Exception: import sys import traceback sys.stderr.write("Failed to load plugin %r:\n%s\n" % (, traceback.format_exc())) else: register(plugin) def initialize_receivers(): # force signal registration import sentry.receivers # NOQA def initialize_gevent(): from gevent import monkey monkey.patch_all() try: import psycopg2 # NOQA except ImportError: pass else: from sentry.utils.gevent import make_psycopg_green make_psycopg_green() def initialize_app(config): from django.utils import timezone from import env if USE_GEVENT: from django.db import connections connections['default'].allow_thread_sharing = True['config'] = config.get('config_path')['start_date'] = settings = config['settings'] install_plugins(settings) skip_migration_if_applied( settings, 'kombu.contrib.django', 'djkombu_queue') skip_migration_if_applied( settings, 'social_auth', 'social_auth_association') apply_legacy_settings(config) # Commonly setups don't correctly configure themselves for production envs # so lets try to provide a bit more guidance if settings.CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER and not settings.DEBUG: warnings.warn('Sentry is configured to run asynchronous tasks in-process. ' 'This is not recommended within production environments. ' 'See for more information.') initialize_receivers() def apply_legacy_settings(config): settings = config['settings'] # SENTRY_USE_QUEUE used to determine if Celery was eager or not if hasattr(settings, 'SENTRY_USE_QUEUE'): warnings.warn('SENTRY_USE_QUEUE is deprecated. Please use CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER instead. ' 'See for more information.', DeprecationWarning) settings.CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER = (not settings.SENTRY_USE_QUEUE) if settings.SENTRY_URL_PREFIX in ('', ''): # Maybe also point to a piece of documentation for more information? # This directly coincides with users getting the awkward # `ALLOWED_HOSTS` exception. print('') print('\033[91m!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\033[0m') print('\033[91m!! SENTRY_URL_PREFIX is not configured !!\033[0m') print('\033[91m!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\033[0m') print('') # Set `ALLOWED_HOSTS` to the catch-all so it works settings.ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['*'] # Set ALLOWED_HOSTS if it's not already available if not settings.ALLOWED_HOSTS: from urlparse import urlparse urlbits = urlparse(settings.SENTRY_URL_PREFIX) if urlbits.hostname: settings.ALLOWED_HOSTS = (urlbits.hostname,) if not settings.SERVER_EMAIL and hasattr(settings, 'SENTRY_SERVER_EMAIL'): warnings.warn('SENTRY_SERVER_EMAIL is deprecated. Please use SERVER_EMAIL instead.', DeprecationWarning) settings.SERVER_EMAIL = settings.SENTRY_SERVER_EMAIL def skip_migration_if_applied(settings, app_name, table_name, name='0001_initial'): from south.migration import Migrations from sentry.utils.db import table_exists import types migration = Migrations(app_name)[name] def skip_if_table_exists(original): def wrapped(self): # TODO: look into why we're having to return some ridiculous # lambda if table_exists(table_name): return lambda x=None: None return original() wrapped.__name__ = original.__name__ return wrapped migration.forwards = types.MethodType( skip_if_table_exists(migration.forwards), migration) def configure(config_path=None): configure_app( project='sentry', config_path=config_path, default_config_path='~/.sentry/', default_settings='sentry.conf.server', settings_initializer=generate_settings, settings_envvar='SENTRY_CONF', initializer=initialize_app, ) def main(): if USE_GEVENT: print("Configuring Sentry with gevent bindings") initialize_gevent() run_app( project='sentry', default_config_path='~/.sentry/', default_settings='sentry.conf.server', settings_initializer=generate_settings, settings_envvar='SENTRY_CONF', initializer=initialize_app, ) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Implements a case-insensitive (on keys) dictionary and order-sensitive dictionary""" # Copyright 2002, 2003 St James Software # # This file is part of translate. # # translate is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # translate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, see <>. class cidict(dict): def __init__(self, fromdict=None): """constructs the cidict, optionally using another dict to do so""" if fromdict is not None: self.update(fromdict) def __getitem__(self, key): if type(key) != str and type(key) != unicode: raise TypeError("cidict can only have str or unicode as key (got %r)" % type(key)) for akey in self.keys(): if akey.lower() == key.lower(): return dict.__getitem__(self, akey) raise IndexError def __setitem__(self, key, value): if type(key) != str and type(key) != unicode: raise TypeError("cidict can only have str or unicode as key (got %r)" % type(key)) for akey in self.keys(): if akey.lower() == key.lower(): return dict.__setitem__(self, akey, value) return dict.__setitem__(self, key, value) def update(self, updatedict): """D.update(E) -> None. Update D from E: for k in E.keys(): D[k] = E[k]""" for key, value in updatedict.iteritems(): self[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): if type(key) != str and type(key) != unicode: raise TypeError("cidict can only have str or unicode as key (got %r)" % type(key)) for akey in self.keys(): if akey.lower() == key.lower(): return dict.__delitem__(self, akey) raise IndexError def __contains__(self, key): if type(key) != str and type(key) != unicode: raise TypeError("cidict can only have str or unicode as key (got %r)" % type(key)) for akey in self.keys(): if akey.lower() == key.lower(): return 1 return 0 def has_key(self, key): return self.__contains__(key) def get(self, key, default=None): if key in self: return self[key] else: return default class ordereddict(dict): """a dictionary which remembers its keys in the order in which they were given""" def __init__(self, *args): if len(args) == 0: super(ordereddict, self).__init__() self.order = [] elif len(args) > 1: raise TypeError("ordereddict() takes at most 1 argument (%d given)" % len(args)) else: initarg = args[0] apply(super(ordereddict, self).__init__, args) if hasattr(initarg, "keys"): self.order = initarg.keys() else: # danger: could have duplicate keys... self.order = [] checkduplicates = {} for key, value in initarg: if not key in checkduplicates: self.order.append(key) checkduplicates[key] = None def __setitem__(self, key, value): alreadypresent = key in self result = dict.__setitem__(self, key, value) if not alreadypresent: self.order.append(key) return result def update(self, updatedict): """D.update(E) -> None. Update D from E: for k in E.keys(): D[k] = E[k]""" for key, value in updatedict.iteritems(): self[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): alreadypresent = key in self result = dict.__delitem__(self, key) if alreadypresent: del self.order[self.order.index(key)] return result def copy(self): """D.copy() -> a shallow copy of D""" thecopy = ordereddict(super(ordereddict, self).copy()) thecopy.order = self.order[:] return thecopy def items(self): """D.items() -> list of D's (key, value) pairs, as 2-tuples""" return [(key, self[key]) for key in self.order] def iteritems(self): """D.iteritems() -> an iterator over the (key, value) items of D""" for key in self.order: yield (key, self[key]) def iterkeys(self): """D.iterkeys() -> an iterator over the keys of D""" for key in self.order: yield key __iter__ = iterkeys def itervalues(self): """D.itervalues() -> an iterator over the values of D""" for key in self.order: yield self[key] def keys(self): """D.keys() -> list of D's keys""" return self.order[:] def popitem(self): """D.popitem() -> (k, v), remove and return some (key, value) pair as a 2-tuple; but raise KeyError if D is empty""" if len(self.order) == 0: raise KeyError("popitem(): ordered dictionary is empty") k = self.order.pop() v = self[k] del self[k] return (k, v) def pop(self, key): """remove entry from dict and internal list""" value = super(ordereddict, self).pop(key) del self.order[self.order.index(key)] return value
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import argparse import os import logging import platform import re import subprocess import urllib2 import json from core import path_util from telemetry import benchmark from telemetry.core import discover from telemetry.util import command_line from telemetry.util import matching CHROMIUM_CONFIG_FILENAME = 'tools/run-perf-test.cfg' BLINK_CONFIG_FILENAME = 'Tools/run-perf-test.cfg' SUCCESS, NO_CHANGES, ERROR = range(3) # Unsupported Perf bisect bots. EXCLUDED_BOTS = { 'win_xp_perf_bisect', # Goma issues: 'win_perf_bisect_builder', 'win64_nv_tester', 'winx64_bisect_builder', 'linux_perf_bisect_builder', 'mac_perf_bisect_builder', 'android_perf_bisect_builder', 'android_arm64_perf_bisect_builder', # Bisect FYI bots are not meant for testing actual perf regressions. # Hardware configuration on these bots is different from actual bisect bot # and these bots runs E2E integration tests for auto-bisect # using dummy benchmarks. 'linux_fyi_perf_bisect', 'mac_fyi_perf_bisect', 'win_fyi_perf_bisect', # CQ bots on tryserver.chromium.perf 'android_s5_perf_cq', 'winx64_10_perf_cq', 'mac_retina_perf_cq', 'linux_perf_cq', } INCLUDE_BOTS = [ 'all', 'all-win', 'all-mac', 'all-linux', 'all-android' ] # Default try bot to use incase builbot is unreachable. DEFAULT_TRYBOTS = [ 'linux_perf_bisect', 'mac_10_11_perf_bisect', 'winx64_10_perf_bisect', 'android_s5_perf_bisect', ] assert not set(DEFAULT_TRYBOTS) & set(EXCLUDED_BOTS), ( 'A trybot cannot ' 'present in both Default as well as Excluded bots lists.') class TrybotError(Exception): def __str__(self): return '%s\nError running tryjob.' % self.args[0] def _GetTrybotList(builders): builders = ['%s' % bot.replace('_perf_bisect', '').replace('_', '-') for bot in builders] builders.extend(INCLUDE_BOTS) return sorted(builders) def _GetBotPlatformFromTrybotName(trybot_name): os_names = ['linux', 'android', 'mac', 'win'] try: return next(b for b in os_names if b in trybot_name) except StopIteration: raise TrybotError('Trybot "%s" unsupported for tryjobs.' % trybot_name) def _GetBuilderNames(trybot_name, builders): """ Return platform and its available bot name as dictionary.""" os_names = ['linux', 'android', 'mac', 'win'] if 'all' not in trybot_name: bot = ['%s_perf_bisect' % trybot_name.replace('-', '_')] bot_platform = _GetBotPlatformFromTrybotName(trybot_name) if 'x64' in trybot_name: bot_platform += '-x64' return {bot_platform: bot} platform_and_bots = {} for os_name in os_names: platform_and_bots[os_name] = [bot for bot in builders if os_name in bot] # Special case for Windows x64, consider it as separate platform # config config should contain target_arch=x64 and --browser=release_x64. win_x64_bots = [ win_bot for win_bot in platform_and_bots['win'] if 'x64' in win_bot] # Separate out non x64 bits win bots platform_and_bots['win'] = list( set(platform_and_bots['win']) - set(win_x64_bots)) platform_and_bots['win-x64'] = win_x64_bots if 'all-win' in trybot_name: return {'win': platform_and_bots['win'], 'win-x64': platform_and_bots['win-x64']} if 'all-mac' in trybot_name: return {'mac': platform_and_bots['mac']} if 'all-android' in trybot_name: return {'android': platform_and_bots['android']} if 'all-linux' in trybot_name: return {'linux': platform_and_bots['linux']} return platform_and_bots def _RunProcess(cmd): logging.debug('Running process: "%s"', ' '.join(cmd)) proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = proc.communicate() returncode = proc.poll() return (returncode, out, err) _GIT_CMD = 'git' if platform.system() == 'Windows': # On windows, the git command is installed as 'git.bat' _GIT_CMD = 'git.bat' class Trybot(command_line.ArgParseCommand): """ Run telemetry perf benchmark on trybot """ usage = 'botname benchmark_name [<benchmark run options>]' _builders = None def __init__(self): self._builder_names = None @classmethod def _GetBuilderList(cls): if not cls._builders: try: f = urllib2.urlopen( ('' 'builders'), timeout=5) # In case of any kind of exception, allow tryjobs to use default trybots. # Possible exception are ssl.SSLError, urllib2.URLError, # socket.timeout, socket.error. except Exception: # Incase of any exception return default trybots. print ('WARNING: Unable to reach builbot to retrieve trybot ' 'information, tryjob will use default trybots.') cls._builders = DEFAULT_TRYBOTS else: builders = json.loads( # Exclude unsupported bots like win xp and some dummy bots. cls._builders = [bot for bot in builders if bot not in EXCLUDED_BOTS] return cls._builders def _InitializeBuilderNames(self, trybot): self._builder_names = _GetBuilderNames(trybot, self._GetBuilderList()) @classmethod def CreateParser(cls): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( ('Run telemetry benchmarks on trybot. You can add all the benchmark ' 'options available except the --browser option'), formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) return parser @classmethod def ProcessCommandLineArgs(cls, parser, options, extra_args, environment): del environment # unused for arg in extra_args: if arg == '--browser' or arg.startswith('--browser='): parser.error('--browser=... is not allowed when running trybot.') all_benchmarks = discover.DiscoverClasses( start_dir=path_util.GetPerfBenchmarksDir(), top_level_dir=path_util.GetPerfDir(), base_class=benchmark.Benchmark).values() all_benchmark_names = [b.Name() for b in all_benchmarks] all_benchmarks_by_names = {b.Name(): b for b in all_benchmarks} benchmark_class = all_benchmarks_by_names.get(options.benchmark_name, None) if not benchmark_class: possible_benchmark_names = matching.GetMostLikelyMatchedObject( all_benchmark_names, options.benchmark_name) parser.error( 'No benchmark named "%s". Do you mean any of those benchmarks ' 'below?\n%s' % (options.benchmark_name, '\n'.join(possible_benchmark_names))) is_benchmark_disabled, reason = cls.IsBenchmarkDisabledOnTrybotPlatform( benchmark_class, options.trybot) also_run_disabled_option = '--also-run-disabled-tests' if is_benchmark_disabled and also_run_disabled_option not in extra_args: parser.error('%s To run the benchmark on trybot anyway, add ' '%s option.' % (reason, also_run_disabled_option)) @classmethod def IsBenchmarkDisabledOnTrybotPlatform(cls, benchmark_class, trybot_name): """ Return whether benchmark will be disabled on trybot platform. Note that we cannot tell with certainty whether the benchmark will be disabled on the trybot platform since the disable logic in ShouldDisable() can be very dynamic and can only be verified on the trybot server platform. We are biased on the side of enabling the benchmark, and attempt to early discover whether the benchmark will be disabled as our best. It should never be the case that the benchmark will be enabled on the test platform but this method returns True. Returns: A tuple (is_benchmark_disabled, reason) whereas |is_benchmark_disabled| is a boolean that tells whether we are sure that the benchmark will be disabled, and |reason| is a string that shows the reason why we think the benchmark is disabled for sure. """ benchmark_name = benchmark_class.Name() benchmark_disabled_strings = set() if hasattr(benchmark_class, '_disabled_strings'): # pylint: disable=protected-access benchmark_disabled_strings = benchmark_class._disabled_strings # pylint: enable=protected-access if 'all' in benchmark_disabled_strings: return True, 'Benchmark %s is disabled on all platform.' % benchmark_name if trybot_name == 'all': return False, '' trybot_platform = _GetBotPlatformFromTrybotName(trybot_name) if trybot_platform in benchmark_disabled_strings: return True, ( "Benchmark %s is disabled on %s, and trybot's platform is %s." % (benchmark_name, ', '.join(benchmark_disabled_strings), trybot_platform)) benchmark_enabled_strings = None if hasattr(benchmark_class, '_enabled_strings'): # pylint: disable=protected-access benchmark_enabled_strings = benchmark_class._enabled_strings # pylint: enable=protected-access if (benchmark_enabled_strings and trybot_platform not in benchmark_enabled_strings and 'all' not in benchmark_enabled_strings): return True, ( "Benchmark %s is only enabled on %s, and trybot's platform is %s." % (benchmark_name, ', '.join(benchmark_enabled_strings), trybot_platform)) if benchmark_class.ShouldDisable != benchmark.Benchmark.ShouldDisable: logging.warning( 'Benchmark %s has ShouldDisable() method defined. If your trybot run ' 'does not produce any results, it is possible that the benchmark ' 'is disabled on the target trybot platform.', benchmark_name) return False, '' @classmethod def AddCommandLineArgs(cls, parser, environment): del environment # unused available_bots = _GetTrybotList(cls._GetBuilderList()) parser.add_argument( 'trybot', choices=available_bots, help=('specify which bots to run telemetry benchmarks on. ' ' Allowed values are:\n' + '\n'.join(available_bots)), metavar='<trybot name>') parser.add_argument( 'benchmark_name', type=str, help=('specify which benchmark to run. To see all available benchmarks,' ' run `run_benchmark list`'), metavar='<benchmark name>') def Run(self, options, extra_args=None): """Sends a tryjob to a perf trybot. This creates a branch, telemetry-tryjob, switches to that branch, edits the bisect config, commits it, uploads the CL to rietveld, and runs a tryjob on the given bot. """ if extra_args is None: extra_args = [] self._InitializeBuilderNames(options.trybot) arguments = [options.benchmark_name] + extra_args # First check if there are chromium changes to upload. status = self._AttemptTryjob(CHROMIUM_CONFIG_FILENAME, arguments) if status not in [SUCCESS, ERROR]: # If we got here, there are no chromium changes to upload. Try blink. os.chdir('third_party/WebKit/') status = self._AttemptTryjob(BLINK_CONFIG_FILENAME, arguments) os.chdir('../..') if status not in [SUCCESS, ERROR]: logging.error('No local changes found in chromium or blink trees. ' 'browser=%s argument sends local changes to the ' 'perf trybot(s): %s.', options.trybot, self._builder_names.values()) return 1 return 0 def _UpdateConfigAndRunTryjob(self, bot_platform, cfg_file_path, arguments): """Updates perf config file, uploads changes and excutes perf try job. Args: bot_platform: Name of the platform to be generated. cfg_file_path: Perf config file path. Returns: (result, msg) where result is one of: SUCCESS if a tryjob was sent NO_CHANGES if there was nothing to try, ERROR if a tryjob was attempted but an error encountered and msg is an error message if an error was encountered, or rietveld url if success, otherwise throws TrybotError exception. """ config = self._GetPerfConfig(bot_platform, arguments) config_to_write = 'config = %s' % json.dumps( config, sort_keys=True, indent=2, separators=(',', ': ')) try: with open(cfg_file_path, 'r') as config_file: if config_to_write == return NO_CHANGES, '' except IOError: msg = 'Cannot find %s. Please run from src dir.' % cfg_file_path return (ERROR, msg) with open(cfg_file_path, 'w') as config_file: config_file.write(config_to_write) # Commit the config changes locally. returncode, out, err = _RunProcess( [_GIT_CMD, 'commit', '-a', '-m', 'bisect config: %s' % bot_platform]) if returncode: raise TrybotError('Could not commit bisect config change for %s,' ' error %s' % (bot_platform, err)) # Upload the CL to rietveld and run a try job. returncode, out, err = _RunProcess([ _GIT_CMD, 'cl', 'upload', '-f', '--bypass-hooks', '-m', 'CL for perf tryjob on %s' % bot_platform ]) if returncode: raise TrybotError('Could not upload to rietveld for %s, error %s' % (bot_platform, err)) match ='[\d]+', out) if not match: raise TrybotError('Could not upload CL to rietveld for %s! Output %s' % (bot_platform, out)) rietveld_url = # Generate git try command for available bots. git_try_command = [_GIT_CMD, 'cl', 'try', '-m', 'tryserver.chromium.perf'] for bot in self._builder_names[bot_platform]: git_try_command.extend(['-b', bot]) returncode, out, err = _RunProcess(git_try_command) if returncode: raise TrybotError('Could not try CL for %s, error %s' % (bot_platform, err)) return (SUCCESS, rietveld_url) def _GetPerfConfig(self, bot_platform, arguments): """Generates the perf config for try job. Args: bot_platform: Name of the platform to be generated. Returns: A dictionary with perf config parameters. """ # To make sure that we don't mutate the original args arguments = arguments[:] # Always set verbose logging for later debugging if '-v' not in arguments and '--verbose' not in arguments: arguments.append('--verbose') # Generate the command line for the perf trybots target_arch = 'ia32' if any(arg == '--chrome-root' or arg.startswith('--chrome-root=') for arg in arguments): raise ValueError( 'Trybot does not suport --chrome-root option set directly ' 'through command line since it may contain references to your local ' 'directory') if bot_platform in ['win', 'win-x64']: arguments.insert(0, 'python tools\\perf\\run_benchmark') else: arguments.insert(0, './tools/perf/run_benchmark') if bot_platform == 'android': arguments.insert(1, '--browser=android-chromium') elif any('x64' in bot for bot in self._builder_names[bot_platform]): arguments.insert(1, '--browser=release_x64') target_arch = 'x64' else: arguments.insert(1, '--browser=release') command = ' '.join(arguments) return { 'command': command, 'repeat_count': '1', 'max_time_minutes': '120', 'truncate_percent': '0', 'target_arch': target_arch, } def _AttemptTryjob(self, cfg_file_path, arguments): """Attempts to run a tryjob from the current directory. This is run once for chromium, and if it returns NO_CHANGES, once for blink. Args: cfg_file_path: Path to the config file for the try job. Returns: Returns SUCCESS if a tryjob was sent, NO_CHANGES if there was nothing to try, ERROR if a tryjob was attempted but an error encountered. """ source_repo = 'chromium' if cfg_file_path == BLINK_CONFIG_FILENAME: source_repo = 'blink' # TODO(prasadv): This method is quite long, we should consider refactor # this by extracting to helper methods. returncode, original_branchname, err = _RunProcess( [_GIT_CMD, 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD']) if returncode: msg = 'Must be in a git repository to send changes to trybots.' if err: msg += '\nGit error: %s' % err logging.error(msg) return ERROR original_branchname = original_branchname.strip() # Check if the tree is dirty: make sure the index is up to date and then # run diff-index _RunProcess([_GIT_CMD, 'update-index', '--refresh', '-q']) returncode, out, err = _RunProcess([_GIT_CMD, 'diff-index', 'HEAD']) if out: logging.error( 'Cannot send a try job with a dirty tree. Commit locally first.') return ERROR # Make sure the tree does have local commits. returncode, out, err = _RunProcess( [_GIT_CMD, 'log', 'origin/master..HEAD']) if not out: return NO_CHANGES # Create/check out the telemetry-tryjob branch, and edit the configs # for the tryjob there. returncode, out, err = _RunProcess( [_GIT_CMD, 'checkout', '-b', 'telemetry-tryjob']) if returncode: logging.error('Error creating branch telemetry-tryjob. ' 'Please delete it if it exists.\n%s', err) return ERROR try: returncode, out, err = _RunProcess( [_GIT_CMD, 'branch', '--set-upstream-to', 'origin/master']) if returncode: logging.error('Error in git branch --set-upstream-to: %s', err) return ERROR for bot_platform in self._builder_names: if not self._builder_names[bot_platform]: logging.warning('No builder is found for %s', bot_platform) continue try: results, output = self._UpdateConfigAndRunTryjob( bot_platform, cfg_file_path, arguments) if results == ERROR: logging.error(output) return ERROR elif results == NO_CHANGES: print ('Skip the try job run on %s because it has been tried in ' 'previous try job run. ' % bot_platform) else: print ('Uploaded %s try job to rietveld for %s platform. ' 'View progress at %s' % (source_repo, bot_platform, output)) except TrybotError, err: print err logging.error(err) finally: # Checkout original branch and delete telemetry-tryjob branch. # TODO(prasadv): This finally block could be extracted out to be a # separate function called _CleanupBranch. returncode, out, err = _RunProcess( [_GIT_CMD, 'checkout', original_branchname]) if returncode: logging.error('Could not check out %s. Please check it out and ' 'manually delete the telemetry-tryjob branch. ' ': %s', original_branchname, err) return ERROR # pylint: disable=lost-exception'Checked out original branch: %s', original_branchname) returncode, out, err = _RunProcess( [_GIT_CMD, 'branch', '-D', 'telemetry-tryjob']) if returncode: logging.error('Could not delete telemetry-tryjob branch. ' 'Please delete it manually: %s', err) return ERROR # pylint: disable=lost-exception'Deleted temp branch: telemetry-tryjob') return SUCCESS
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Doctrine 2 ORM documentation build configuration file, created by # sphinx-quickstart on Fri Dec 3 18:10:24 2010. # # This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its containing dir. # # Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this # autogenerated file. # # All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out # serve to show the default. import sys, os # If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, # add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the # documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. sys.path.append(os.path.abspath('_exts')) # -- General configuration ----------------------------------------------------- # Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. 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Refer to documentation # for a list of supported languages. language = 'en' # There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some # non-false value, then it is used: #today = '' # Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call. #today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y' # List of documents that shouldn't be included in the build. #unused_docs = [] # List of directories, relative to source directory, that shouldn't be searched # for source files. exclude_trees = ['_build'] # The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all documents. #default_role = None # If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text. #add_function_parentheses = True # If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description # unit titles (such as .. function::). #add_module_names = True # If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the # output. They are ignored by default. show_authors = True # The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. pygments_style = 'sphinx' # A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting. #modindex_common_prefix = [] # -- Options for HTML output --------------------------------------------------- # The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. Major themes that come with # Sphinx are currently 'default' and 'sphinxdoc'. html_theme = 'doctrine' # Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme # further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the # documentation. #html_theme_options = {} # Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory. html_theme_path = ['_theme'] # The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to # "<project> v<release> documentation". #html_title = None # A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title. #html_short_title = None # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top # of the sidebar. #html_logo = None # The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the # docs. This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32 # pixels large. #html_favicon = None # Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, # relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, # so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". html_static_path = ['_static'] # If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom, # using the given strftime format. #html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y' # If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to # typographically correct entities. #html_use_smartypants = True # Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names. #html_sidebars = {} # Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to # template names. #html_additional_pages = {} # If false, no module index is generated. #html_use_modindex = True # If false, no index is generated. #html_use_index = True # If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter. #html_split_index = False # If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages. #html_show_sourcelink = True # If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will # contain a <link> tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the # base URL from which the finished HTML is served. #html_use_opensearch = '' # If nonempty, this is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml"). #html_file_suffix = '' # Output file base name for HTML help builder. htmlhelp_basename = 'Doctrine2ORMdoc' # -- Options for LaTeX output -------------------------------------------------- # The paper size ('letter' or 'a4'). #latex_paper_size = 'letter' # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). #latex_font_size = '10pt' # Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass [howto/manual]). latex_documents = [ ('index', 'Doctrine2ORM.tex', u'Doctrine 2 ORM Documentation', u'Doctrine Project Team', 'manual'), ] # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of # the title page. #latex_logo = None # For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts, # not chapters. #latex_use_parts = False # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. #latex_preamble = '' # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. #latex_appendices = [] # If false, no module index is generated. #latex_use_modindex = True primary_domain = "dcorm" def linkcode_resolve(domain, info): if domain == 'dcorm': return 'http://' return None
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright 2014 Nervana Systems Inc. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # import shortcuts from neon.optimizers.gradient_descent import (GradientDescent, # noqa GradientDescentPretrain, GradientDescentMomentum, GradientDescentMomentumWeightDecay) from neon.optimizers.adadelta import AdaDelta # noqa
from __future__ import print_function import datetime import os.path import test_lib as test import sys import unittest sys.path.insert(1, os.path.abspath('..')) sys.path.insert(1, os.path.abspath('../lib')) from sickbeard.name_parser import parser import sickbeard sickbeard.SYS_ENCODING = 'UTF-8' DEBUG = VERBOSE = False simple_test_cases = { 'standard': { 'Mr.Show.Name.S01E02.Source.Quality.Etc-Group': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Mr Show Name', 1, [2], 'Source.Quality.Etc', 'Group'), 'Show.Name.S01E02': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', 1, [2]), 'Show Name - S01E02 - My Ep Name': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', 1, [2], 'My Ep Name'), 'Show.1.0.Name.S01.E03.My.Ep.Name-Group': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show 1.0 Name', 1, [3], 'My.Ep.Name', 'Group'), 'Show.Name.S01E02E03.Source.Quality.Etc-Group': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', 1, [2, 3], 'Source.Quality.Etc', 'Group'), 'Mr. Show Name - S01E02-03 - My Ep Name': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Mr. Show Name', 1, [2, 3], 'My Ep Name'), 'Show.Name.S01.E02.E03': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', 1, [2, 3]), 'Show.Name-0.2010.S01E02.Source.Quality.Etc-Group': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name-0 2010', 1, [2], 'Source.Quality.Etc', 'Group'), 'S01E02 Ep Name': parser.ParseResult(None, None, 1, [2], 'Ep Name'), 'Show Name - S06E01 - 2009-12-20 - Ep Name': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', 6, [1], '2009-12-20 - Ep Name'), 'Show Name - S06E01 - -30-': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', 6, [1], '30-'), 'Show-Name-S06E01-720p': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show-Name', 6, [1], '720p'), 'Show-Name-S06E01-1080i': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show-Name', 6, [1], '1080i'), 'Show.Name.S06E01.Other.WEB-DL': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', 6, [1], 'Other.WEB-DL'), 'Show.Name.S06E01 Some-Stuff Here': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', 6, [1], 'Some-Stuff Here'), 'Show.Name.S01E15-11001001': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', 1, [15], None), 'Show.Name.S01E02.Source.Quality.Etc-Group - [stuff]': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', 1, [2], 'Source.Quality.Etc', 'Group'), }, 'fov': { 'Show_Name.1x02.Source_Quality_Etc-Group': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', 1, [2], 'Source_Quality_Etc', 'Group'), 'Show Name 1x02': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', 1, [2]), 'Show Name 1x02 x264 Test': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', 1, [2], 'x264 Test'), 'Show Name - 1x02 - My Ep Name': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', 1, [2], 'My Ep Name'), 'Show_Name.1x02x03x04.Source_Quality_Etc-Group': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', 1, [2, 3, 4], 'Source_Quality_Etc', 'Group'), 'Show Name - 1x02-03-04 - My Ep Name': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', 1, [2, 3, 4], 'My Ep Name'), '1x02 Ep Name': parser.ParseResult(None, None, 1, [2], 'Ep Name'), 'Show-Name-1x02-720p': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show-Name', 1, [2], '720p'), 'Show-Name-1x02-1080i': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show-Name', 1, [2], '1080i'), 'Show Name [05x12] Ep Name': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', 5, [12], 'Ep Name'), 'Show.Name.1x02.WEB-DL': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', 1, [2], 'WEB-DL'), }, 'standard_repeat': { 'Show.Name.S01E02.S01E03.Source.Quality.Etc-Group': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', 1, [2, 3], 'Source.Quality.Etc', 'Group'), 'Show.Name.S01E02.S01E03': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', 1, [2, 3]), 'Show Name - S01E02 - S01E03 - S01E04 - Ep Name': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', 1, [2, 3, 4], 'Ep Name'), 'Show.Name.S01E02.S01E03.WEB-DL': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', 1, [2, 3], 'WEB-DL'), }, 'fov_repeat': { 'Show.Name.1x02.1x03.Source.Quality.Etc-Group': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', 1, [2, 3], 'Source.Quality.Etc', 'Group'), 'Show.Name.1x02.1x03': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', 1, [2, 3]), 'Show Name - 1x02 - 1x03 - 1x04 - Ep Name': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', 1, [2, 3, 4], 'Ep Name'), 'Show.Name.1x02.1x03.WEB-DL': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', 1, [2, 3], 'WEB-DL'), }, 'bare': { 'Show.Name.102.Source.Quality.Etc-Group': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', 1, [2], 'Source.Quality.Etc', 'Group'), '': parser.ParseResult(None, 'show name 2010', 1, [23], 'source.quality.etc', 'group'), '': parser.ParseResult(None, 'show name 2010.222', 1, [23], 'source.quality.etc', 'group'), 'Show.Name.102': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', 1, [2]), 'the.event.401.hdtv-lol': parser.ParseResult(None, 'the event', 4, [1], 'hdtv', 'lol'), # '': None, }, 'stupid': { 'tpz-abc102': parser.ParseResult(None, None, 1, [2], None, 'tpz'), 'tpz-abc.102': parser.ParseResult(None, None, 1, [2], None, 'tpz'), }, 'no_season': { 'Show Name - 01 - Ep Name': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', None, [1], 'Ep Name'), '01 - Ep Name': parser.ParseResult(None, None, None, [1], 'Ep Name'), 'Show Name - 01 - Ep Name - WEB-DL': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', None, [1], 'Ep Name - WEB-DL'), 'Show.Name.2015.04.19.Ep.Name.Part.2.PROPER.PDTV.x264-GROUP': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', release_group='GROUP', extra_info='Ep.Name.Part.2.PROPER.PDTV.x264',, 4, 19)), }, 'no_season_general': { 'Show.Name.E23.Source.Quality.Etc-Group': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', None, [23], 'Source.Quality.Etc', 'Group'), 'Show Name - Episode 01 - Ep Name': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', None, [1], 'Ep Name'), 'Show.Name.Part.3.Source.Quality.Etc-Group': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', 1, [3], 'Source.Quality.Etc', 'Group'), 'Show.Name.Part.1.and.Part.2.Blah-Group': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', 1, [1, 2], 'Blah', 'Group'), 'Show.Name.Part.IV.Source.Quality.Etc-Group': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', None, [4], 'Source.Quality.Etc', 'Group'), 'Deconstructed.E07.1080i.HDTV.DD5.1.MPEG2-TrollHD': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Deconstructed', None, [7], '1080i.HDTV.DD5.1.MPEG2', 'TrollHD'), 'Show.Name.E23.WEB-DL': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', None, [23], 'WEB-DL'), }, 'no_season_multi_ep': { 'Show.Name.E23-24.Source.Quality.Etc-Group': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', None, [23, 24], 'Source.Quality.Etc', 'Group'), 'Show Name - Episode 01-02 - Ep Name': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', None, [1, 2], 'Ep Name'), 'Show.Name.E23-24.WEB-DL': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', None, [23, 24], 'WEB-DL'), }, 'season_only': { 'Show.Name.S02.Source.Quality.Etc-Group': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', 2, [], 'Source.Quality.Etc', 'Group'), 'Show Name Season 2': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', 2), 'Season 02': parser.ParseResult(None, None, 2), }, 'scene_date_format': { 'Show.Name.2010.11.23.Source.Quality.Etc-Group': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', None, [], 'Source.Quality.Etc', 'Group',, 11, 23)), 'Show Name - 2010.11.23': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name',, 11, 23)), 'Show.Name.2010.23.11.Source.Quality.Etc-Group': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', None, [], 'Source.Quality.Etc', 'Group',, 11, 23)), 'Show Name - 2010-11-23 - Ep Name': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', extra_info='Ep Name',, 11, 23)), '2010-11-23 - Ep Name': parser.ParseResult(None, extra_info='Ep Name',, 11, 23)), 'Show.Name.2010.11.23.WEB-DL': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', None, [], 'WEB-DL', None,, 11, 23)), }, 'uk_date_format': { 'Show.Name.23.11.2010.Source.Quality.Etc-Group': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', None, [], 'Source.Quality.Etc', 'Group',, 11, 23)), 'Show Name - 23.11.2010': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name',, 11, 23)), 'Show.Name.11.23.2010.Source.Quality.Etc-Group': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', None, [], 'Source.Quality.Etc', 'Group',, 11, 23)), 'Show Name - 23-11-2010 - Ep Name': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', extra_info='Ep Name',, 11, 23)), '23-11-2010 - Ep Name': parser.ParseResult(None, extra_info='Ep Name',, 11, 23)), 'Show.Name.23.11.2010.WEB-DL': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', None, [], 'WEB-DL', None,, 11, 23)), }, 'anime_ultimate': { '[Tsuki] Bleach - 301 [1280x720][61D1D4EE]': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Bleach', None, [], '1280x720', 'Tsuki', None, [301]), '[Tsuki] Fairy Tail - 70 [1280x720][C4807111]': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Fairy Tail', None, [], '1280x720', 'Tsuki', None, [70]), '[SGKK] Bleach 312v2 [720p MKV]': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Bleach', None, [], '720p MKV', 'SGKK', None, [312]), '[BSS-Anon] Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - 22-23 [1280x720][h264][6039D9AF]': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann', None, [], '1280x720', 'BSS-Anon', None, [22, 23]), '[SJSUBS]_Naruto_Shippuden_-_02_[480p AAC]': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Naruto Shippuden', None, [], '480p AAC', 'SJSUBS', None, [2]), '[SFW-Chihiro] Dance in the Vampire Bund - 12 [1920x1080 Blu-ray FLAC][2F6DBC66].mkv': parser.ParseResult( None, 'Dance in the Vampire Bund', None, [], '1920x1080 Blu-ray FLAC', 'SFW-Chihiro', None, [12]), '[SHiN-gx] Hanasaku Iroha - 01 [1280x720 h.264 AAC][BDC36683]': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Hanasaku Iroha', None, [], '1280x720 h.264 AAC', 'SHiN-gx', None, [1]), '[SFW-Chihiro] Dance in the Vampire Bund - 02 [1920x1080 Blu-ray FLAC][C1FA0A09]': parser.ParseResult( None, 'Dance in the Vampire Bund', None, [], '1920x1080 Blu-ray FLAC', 'SFW-Chihiro', None, [2]), '[HorribleSubs] No. 6 - 11 [720p]': parser.ParseResult(None, 'No. 6', None, [], '720p', 'HorribleSubs', None, [11]), '[HorribleSubs] D Gray-Man - 312 (480p) [F501C9BE]': parser.ParseResult(None, 'D Gray-Man', None, [], '480p', 'HorribleSubs', None, [312]), '[SGKK] Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - 45-46 (720p h264) [F501C9BE]': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann', None, [], '720p h264', 'SGKK', None, [45, 46]), '[Stratos-Subs]_Infinite_Stratos_-_12_(1280x720_H.264_AAC)_[379759DB]': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Infinite Stratos', None, [], '1280x720_H.264_AAC', 'Stratos-Subs', None, [12]), '[ShinBunBu-Subs] Bleach - 02-03 (CX 1280x720 x264 AAC)': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Bleach', None, [], 'CX 1280x720 x264 AAC', 'ShinBunBu-Subs', None, [2, 3]), '[Doki] Hanasaku Iroha - 03 (848x480 h264 AAC) [CB1AA73B]': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Hanasaku Iroha', None, [], '848x480 h264 AAC', 'Doki', None, [3]), '[UTW]_Fractal_-_01_[h264-720p][96D3F1BF]': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Fractal', None, [], 'h264-720p', 'UTW', None, [1]), '[a-s]_inuyasha_-_028_rs2_[BFDDF9F2]': parser.ParseResult(None, 'inuyasha', None, [], 'BFDDF9F2', 'a-s', None, [28]), '[HorribleSubs] Fairy Tail S2 - 37 [1080p]': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Fairy Tail S2', None, [], '1080p', 'HorribleSubs', None, [37]), '[HorribleSubs] Sword Art Online II - 23 [720p]': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Sword Art Online II', None, [], '720p', 'HorribleSubs', None, [23]), }, 'anime_standard': { '[Cthuko] Shirobako - 05v2 [720p H264 AAC][80C9B09B]': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Shirobako', None, [], '720p H264 AAC', 'Cthuko', None, [5]), '[Ayako]_Minami-ke_Okaeri_-_01v2_[1024x576 H264+AAC][B1912CD8]': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Minami-ke Okaeri', None, [], '1024x576 H264+AAC', 'Ayako', None, [1]), 'Show.Name.123-11001001': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', None, [], None, None, None, [123]), }, 'anime_ep_name': { '[TzaTziki]_One_Piece_279_Chopper_Man_1_[720p][8AE5F25D]': parser.ParseResult(None, 'One Piece', None, [], '720p', 'TzaTziki', None, [279]), "[ACX]Wolf's_Rain_-_04_-_Scars_in_the_Wasteland_[octavarium]_[82B7E357]": parser.ParseResult(None, "Wolf's Rain", None, [], 'octavarium', 'ACX', None, [4]), '[ACX]Black Lagoon - 02v2 - Mangrove Heaven [SaintDeath] [7481F875]': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Black Lagoon', None, [], 'SaintDeath', 'ACX', None, [2]), }, 'anime_standard_round': { '[SGKK] Bleach - 312v2 (1280x720 h264 AAC) [F501C9BE]': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Bleach', None, [], '1280x720 h264 AAC', 'SGKK', None, [312]), }, 'anime_slash': { '[SGKK] Bleach 312v1 [720p/MKV]': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Bleach', None, [], '720p', 'SGKK', None, [312]), '[SGKK] Bleach 312 [480p/MKV]': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Bleach', None, [], '480p', 'SGKK', None, [312]) }, 'anime_standard_codec': { '[Ayako]_Infinite_Stratos_-_IS_-_07_[H264][720p][EB7838FC]': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Infinite Stratos', None, [], '720p', 'Ayako', None, [7]), '[Ayako] Infinite Stratos - IS - 07v2 [H264][720p][44419534]': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Infinite Stratos', None, [], '720p', 'Ayako', None, [7]), '[Ayako-Shikkaku] Oniichan no Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki Janain Dakara ne - 10 [LQ][h264][720p] [8853B21C]': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Oniichan no Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki Janain Dakara ne', None, [], '720p', 'Ayako-Shikkaku', None, [10]), '[Tsuki] Fairy Tail - 72 [XviD][C4807111]': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Fairy Tail', None, [], 'C4807111', 'Tsuki', None, [72]), 'Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 - 25 [aX] [F4E2E558]': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040', None, [], 'aX', None, None, [25]), }, 'anime_and_normal': { 'Bleach - s02e03 - 012 - Name & Name': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Bleach', 2, [3], None, None, None, [12]), 'Bleach - s02e03e04 - 012-013 - Name & Name': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Bleach', 2, [3, 4], None, None, None, [12, 13]), 'Bleach - s16e03-04 - 313-314': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Bleach', 16, [3, 4], None, None, None, [313, 314]), 'Blue Submarine No. 6 s16e03e04 313-314': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Blue Submarine No. 6', 16, [3, 4], None, None, None, [313, 314]), 'Bleach.s16e03-04.313-314': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Bleach', 16, [3, 4], None, None, None, [313, 314]), '.hack roots s01e01 001.mkv': parser.ParseResult(None, 'hack roots', 1, [1], None, None, None, [1]), '.hack sign s01e01 001.mkv': parser.ParseResult(None, 'hack sign', 1, [1], None, None, None, [1]) }, 'anime_and_normal_reverse': { 'Bleach - 012 - s02e03 - Name & Name': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Bleach', 2, [3], None, None, None, [12]), 'Blue Submarine No. 6 - 012-013 - s02e03e04 - Name & Name': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Blue Submarine No. 6', 2, [3, 4], None, None, None, [12, 13]), '07-GHOST - 012-013 - s02e03e04 - Name & Name': parser.ParseResult(None, '07-GHOST', 2, [3, 4], None, None, None, [12, 13]), '3x3 Eyes - 012-013 - s02e03-04 - Name & Name': parser.ParseResult(None, '3x3 Eyes', 2, [3, 4], None, None, None, [12, 13]), }, 'anime_and_normal_front': { '165.Naruto Shippuuden.s08e014': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Naruto Shippuuden', 8, [14], None, None, None, [165]), '165-166.Naruto Shippuuden.s08e014e015': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Naruto Shippuuden', 8, [14, 15], None, None, None, [165, 166]), '165-166.07-GHOST.s08e014-015': parser.ParseResult(None, '07-GHOST', 8, [14, 15], None, None, None, [165, 166]), '165-166.3x3 Eyes.S08E014E015': parser.ParseResult(None, '3x3 Eyes', 8, [14, 15], None, None, None, [165, 166]), }, 'anime_bare': { 'One Piece 102': parser.ParseResult(None, 'One Piece', None, [], None, None, None, [102]), 'bleach - 010': parser.ParseResult(None, 'bleach', None, [], None, None, None, [10]), 'Naruto Shippuden - 314v2': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Naruto Shippuden', None, [], None, None, None, [314]), 'Blue Submarine No. 6 104-105': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Blue Submarine No. 6', None, [], None, None, None, [104, 105]), 'Samurai X: Trust & Betrayal (OVA) 001-002': parser.ParseResult(None, 'Samurai X: Trust & Betrayal (OVA)', None, [], None, None, None, [1, 2]), "[ACX]_Wolf's_Spirit_001.mkv": parser.ParseResult(None, "Wolf's Spirit", None, [], None, 'ACX', None, [1]) } } combination_test_cases = [ ('/test/path/to/Season 02/03 - Ep Name.avi', parser.ParseResult(None, None, 2, [3], 'Ep Name'), ['no_season', 'season_only']), ('Show.Name.S02.Source.Quality.Etc-Group/tpz-sn203.avi', parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', 2, [3], 'Source.Quality.Etc', 'Group'), ['stupid', 'season_only']), ('MythBusters.S08E16.720p.HDTV.x264-aAF/aaf-mb.s08e16.720p.mkv', parser.ParseResult(None, 'MythBusters', 8, [16], '720p.HDTV.x264', 'aAF'), ['standard']), ('/home/drop/storage/TV/Terminator The Sarah Connor Chronicles' + '/Season 2/S02E06 The Tower is Tall, But the Fall is Short.mkv', parser.ParseResult(None, None, 2, [6], 'The Tower is Tall, But the Fall is Short'), ['standard']), (r'/Test/TV/Jimmy Fallon/Season 2/Jimmy Fallon - 2010-12-15 - blah.avi', parser.ParseResult(None, 'Jimmy Fallon', extra_info='blah',, 12, 15)), ['scene_date_format']), (r'/X/30 Rock/Season 4/30 Rock - 4x22 -.avi', parser.ParseResult(None, '30 Rock', 4, [22]), ['fov']), ('Season 2\\Show Name - 03-04 - Ep Name.ext', parser.ParseResult(None, 'Show Name', 2, [3, 4], extra_info='Ep Name'), ['no_season', 'season_only']), ('Season 02\\03-04-05 - Ep Name.ext', parser.ParseResult(None, None, 2, [3, 4, 5], extra_info='Ep Name'), ['no_season', 'season_only']), ] unicode_test_cases = [ (u'The.Big.Bang.Theory.2x07.The.Panty.Pi\xf1ata.Polarization.720p.HDTV.x264.AC3-SHELDON.mkv', parser.ParseResult( u'The.Big.Bang.Theory.2x07.The.Panty.Pi\xf1ata.Polarization.720p.HDTV.x264.AC3-SHELDON.mkv', u'The Big Bang Theory', 2, [7], u'The.Panty.Pi\xf1ata.Polarization.720p.HDTV.x264.AC3', u'SHELDON', version=-1) ), ('The.Big.Bang.Theory.2x07.The.Panty.Pi\xc3\xb1ata.Polarization.720p.HDTV.x264.AC3-SHELDON.mkv', parser.ParseResult( u'The.Big.Bang.Theory.2x07.The.Panty.Pi\xf1ata.Polarization.720p.HDTV.x264.AC3-SHELDON.mkv', u'The Big Bang Theory', 2, [7], u'The.Panty.Pi\xf1ata.Polarization.720p.HDTV.x264.AC3', u'SHELDON', version=-1) ), ] failure_cases = ['7sins-jfcs01e09-720p-bluray-x264'] class UnicodeTests(test.SickbeardTestDBCase): def _test_unicode(self, name, result): result.which_regex = ['fov'] parse_result = parser.NameParser(True, testing=True).parse(name) self.assertEqual(parse_result, result) # this shouldn't raise an exception void = repr(str(parse_result)) void += '' def test_unicode(self): for (name, result) in unicode_test_cases: self._test_unicode(name, result) class FailureCaseTests(test.SickbeardTestDBCase): @staticmethod def _test_name(name): np = parser.NameParser(True) try: parse_result = np.parse(name) except (parser.InvalidNameException, parser.InvalidShowException): return True if VERBOSE: print('Actual: ', parse_result.which_regex, parse_result) return False def test_failures(self): for name in failure_cases: self.assertTrue(self._test_name(name)) class ComboTests(test.SickbeardTestDBCase): def _test_combo(self, name, result, which_regexes): if VERBOSE: print() print('Testing', name) np = parser.NameParser(True) try: test_result = np.parse(name) except parser.InvalidShowException: return False if DEBUG: print(test_result, test_result.which_regex) print(result, which_regexes) self.assertEqual(test_result, result) for cur_regex in which_regexes: self.assertTrue(cur_regex in test_result.which_regex) self.assertEqual(len(which_regexes), len(test_result.which_regex)) def test_combos(self): for (name, result, which_regexes) in combination_test_cases: # Normalise the paths. Converts UNIX-style paths into Windows-style # paths when test is run on Windows. self._test_combo(os.path.normpath(name), result, which_regexes) class BasicTests(test.SickbeardTestDBCase): def _test_names(self, np, section, transform=None, verbose=False): if VERBOSE or verbose: print('Running', section, 'tests') for cur_test_base in simple_test_cases[section]: if transform: cur_test = transform(cur_test_base) else: cur_test = cur_test_base if VERBOSE or verbose: print('Testing', cur_test) result = simple_test_cases[section][cur_test_base] if not result: self.assertRaises(parser.InvalidNameException, np.parse, cur_test) return else: test_result = np.parse(cur_test) try: # self.assertEqual(test_result.which_regex, [section]) self.assertEqual(test_result, result) except: print('air_by_date:', test_result.is_air_by_date, 'air_date:', test_result.air_date) print('anime:', test_result.is_anime, 'ab_episode_numbers:', test_result.ab_episode_numbers) print(test_result) print(result) raise def test_standard_names(self): np = parser.NameParser(False, testing=True) self._test_names(np, 'standard') def test_standard_repeat_names(self): np = parser.NameParser(False, testing=True) self._test_names(np, 'standard_repeat') def test_fov_names(self): np = parser.NameParser(False, testing=True) self._test_names(np, 'fov') def test_fov_repeat_names(self): np = parser.NameParser(False, testing=True) self._test_names(np, 'fov_repeat') def test_bare_names(self): np = parser.NameParser(False, testing=True) self._test_names(np, 'bare') def test_stupid_names(self): np = parser.NameParser(False, testing=True) self._test_names(np, 'stupid') def test_no_season_names(self): np = parser.NameParser(False, testing=True) self._test_names(np, 'no_season') def test_no_season_general_names(self): np = parser.NameParser(False, testing=True) self._test_names(np, 'no_season_general') def test_no_season_multi_ep_names(self): np = parser.NameParser(False, testing=True) self._test_names(np, 'no_season_multi_ep') def test_season_only_names(self): np = parser.NameParser(False, testing=True) self._test_names(np, 'season_only') def test_scene_date_format_names(self): np = parser.NameParser(False, testing=True) self._test_names(np, 'scene_date_format') def test_uk_date_format_names(self): np = parser.NameParser(False, testing=True) self._test_names(np, 'uk_date_format') def test_standard_file_names(self): np = parser.NameParser(testing=True) self._test_names(np, 'standard', lambda x: x + '.avi') def test_standard_repeat_file_names(self): np = parser.NameParser(testing=True) self._test_names(np, 'standard_repeat', lambda x: x + '.avi') def test_fov_file_names(self): np = parser.NameParser(testing=True) self._test_names(np, 'fov', lambda x: x + '.avi') def test_fov_repeat_file_names(self): np = parser.NameParser(testing=True) self._test_names(np, 'fov_repeat', lambda x: x + '.avi') def test_bare_file_names(self): np = parser.NameParser(testing=True) self._test_names(np, 'bare', lambda x: x + '.avi') def test_stupid_file_names(self): np = parser.NameParser(testing=True) self._test_names(np, 'stupid', lambda x: x + '.avi') def test_no_season_file_names(self): np = parser.NameParser(testing=True) self._test_names(np, 'no_season', lambda x: x + '.avi') def test_no_season_general_file_names(self): np = parser.NameParser(testing=True) self._test_names(np, 'no_season_general', lambda x: x + '.avi') def test_no_season_multi_ep_file_names(self): np = parser.NameParser(testing=True) self._test_names(np, 'no_season_multi_ep', lambda x: x + '.avi') def test_season_only_file_names(self): np = parser.NameParser(testing=True) self._test_names(np, 'season_only', lambda x: x + '.avi') def test_scene_date_format_file_names(self): np = parser.NameParser(testing=True) self._test_names(np, 'scene_date_format', lambda x: x + '.avi') def test_combination_names(self): pass def test_anime_ultimate(self): np = parser.NameParser(False, TVShow(is_anime=True), testing=True) self._test_names(np, 'anime_ultimate') def test_anime_standard(self): np = parser.NameParser(False, TVShow(is_anime=True), testing=True) self._test_names(np, 'anime_standard') def test_anime_ep_name(self): np = parser.NameParser(False, TVShow(is_anime=True), testing=True) self._test_names(np, 'anime_ep_name') def test_anime_slash(self): np = parser.NameParser(False, TVShow(is_anime=True), testing=True) self._test_names(np, 'anime_slash') def test_anime_codec(self): np = parser.NameParser(False, TVShow(is_anime=True), testing=True) self._test_names(np, 'anime_standard_codec') def test_anime_and_normal(self): np = parser.NameParser(False, TVShow(is_anime=True), testing=True) self._test_names(np, 'anime_and_normal') def test_anime_and_normal_reverse(self): np = parser.NameParser(False, TVShow(is_anime=True), testing=True) self._test_names(np, 'anime_and_normal_reverse') def test_anime_and_normal_front(self): np = parser.NameParser(False, TVShow(is_anime=True), testing=True) self._test_names(np, 'anime_and_normal_front') def test_anime_bare(self): np = parser.NameParser(False, TVShow(is_anime=True), testing=True) self._test_names(np, 'anime_bare') class TVShow(object): def __init__(self, is_anime=False): self.is_anime = is_anime if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) > 1: suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromName('name_parser_tests.BasicTests.test_' + sys.argv[1]) else: suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(BasicTests) unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite) suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(ComboTests) unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite) suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(UnicodeTests) unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite) suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(FailureCaseTests) unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (c) 2016, The OpenThread Authors. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the # names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # import time import unittest import ipv6 import node import mle import config import command LEADER = 1 DUT_ROUTER1 = 2 DUT_REED = 17 class Cert_5_2_7_REEDSynchronization(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.nodes = {} for i in range(1, 18): self.nodes[i] = node.Node(i) self.nodes[i].set_panid(0xface) self.nodes[i].set_mode('rsdn') self.nodes[i].set_router_selection_jitter(1) self.sniffer = config.create_default_thread_sniffer() self.sniffer.start() def tearDown(self): self.sniffer.stop() del self.sniffer for node in list(self.nodes.values()): node.stop() del self.nodes def test(self): # 1. Ensure topology is formed correctly without DUT_ROUTER1. self.nodes[LEADER].start() self.nodes[LEADER].set_state('leader') self.assertEqual(self.nodes[LEADER].get_state(), 'leader') for i in range(2, 17): self.nodes[i].start() time.sleep(5) for i in range(2, 17): self.assertEqual(self.nodes[i].get_state(), 'router') # 2. DUT_REED: Attach to network. Verify it didn't send an Address Solicit Request. # Avoid DUT_REED attach to DUT_ROUTER1. self.nodes[DUT_REED].add_whitelist(self.nodes[DUT_ROUTER1].get_addr64(), config.RSSI['LINK_QULITY_1']) self.nodes[DUT_REED].start() time.sleep(5) self.assertEqual(self.nodes[DUT_REED].get_state(), 'child') # The DUT_REED must not send a coap message here. reed_messages = self.sniffer.get_messages_sent_by(DUT_REED) msg = reed_messages.does_not_contain_coap_message() assert msg is True, "Error: The DUT_REED sent an Address Solicit Request" # 3. DUT_REED: Verify sent a Link Request to at least 3 neighboring Routers. for i in range(0, 3): msg = reed_messages.next_mle_message(mle.CommandType.LINK_REQUEST) command.check_link_request(msg) # 4. DUT_ROUTER1: Verify sent a Link Accept to DUT_REED. time.sleep(30) dut_messages = self.sniffer.get_messages_sent_by(DUT_ROUTER1) flag_link_accept = False while True: msg = dut_messages.next_mle_message(mle.CommandType.LINK_ACCEPT, False) if msg == None : break destination_link_local = self.nodes[DUT_REED].get_ip6_address(config.ADDRESS_TYPE.LINK_LOCAL) if ipv6.ip_address(destination_link_local) == msg.ipv6_packet.ipv6_header.destination_address: flag_link_accept = True break assert flag_link_accept is True, "Error: DUT_ROUTER1 didn't send a Link Accept to DUT_REED" command.check_link_accept(msg, self.nodes[DUT_REED]) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
# - Python extension for perf script, core functions # # Copyright (C) 2010 by Tom Zanussi <[email protected]> # # This software may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General # Public License ("GPL") version 2 as published by the Free Software # Foundation. from collections import defaultdict def autodict(): return defaultdict(autodict) flag_fields = autodict() symbolic_fields = autodict() def define_flag_field(event_name, field_name, delim): flag_fields[event_name][field_name]['delim'] = delim def define_flag_value(event_name, field_name, value, field_str): flag_fields[event_name][field_name]['values'][value] = field_str def define_symbolic_field(event_name, field_name): # nothing to do, really pass def define_symbolic_value(event_name, field_name, value, field_str): symbolic_fields[event_name][field_name]['values'][value] = field_str def flag_str(event_name, field_name, value): string = "" if flag_fields[event_name][field_name]: print_delim = 0 keys = flag_fields[event_name][field_name]['values'].keys() keys.sort() for idx in keys: if not value and not idx: string += flag_fields[event_name][field_name]['values'][idx] break if idx and (value & idx) == idx: if print_delim and flag_fields[event_name][field_name]['delim']: string += " " + flag_fields[event_name][field_name]['delim'] + " " string += flag_fields[event_name][field_name]['values'][idx] print_delim = 1 value &= ~idx return string def symbol_str(event_name, field_name, value): string = "" if symbolic_fields[event_name][field_name]: keys = symbolic_fields[event_name][field_name]['values'].keys() keys.sort() for idx in keys: if not value and not idx: string = symbolic_fields[event_name][field_name]['values'][idx] break if (value == idx): string = symbolic_fields[event_name][field_name]['values'][idx] break return string trace_flags = { 0x00: "NONE", \ 0x01: "IRQS_OFF", \ 0x02: "IRQS_NOSUPPORT", \ 0x04: "NEED_RESCHED", \ 0x08: "HARDIRQ", \ 0x10: "SOFTIRQ" } def trace_flag_str(value): string = "" print_delim = 0 keys = trace_flags.keys() for idx in keys: if not value and not idx: string += "NONE" break if idx and (value & idx) == idx: if print_delim: string += " | "; string += trace_flags[idx] print_delim = 1 value &= ~idx return string def taskState(state): states = { 0 : "R", 1 : "S", 2 : "D", 64: "DEAD" } if state not in states: return "Unknown" return states[state] class EventHeaders: def __init__(self, common_cpu, common_secs, common_nsecs, common_pid, common_comm): self.cpu = common_cpu self.secs = common_secs self.nsecs = common_nsecs = common_pid self.comm = common_comm def ts(self): return (self.secs * (10 ** 9)) + self.nsecs def ts_format(self): return "%d.%d" % (self.secs, int(self.nsecs / 1000))
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2009 Simon Arlott # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for # more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 # Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # Usage: < cxacru-cf.bin # Output: values string suitable for the sysfs adsl_config attribute # # Warning: cxacru-cf.bin with MD5 hash cdbac2689969d5ed5d4850f117702110 # contains mis-aligned values which will stop the modem from being able # to make a connection. If the first and last two bytes are removed then # the values become valid, but the modulation will be forced to ANSI # T1.413 only which may not be appropriate. # # The original binary format is a packed list of le32 values. import sys import struct i = 0 while True: buf = if len(buf) == 0: break elif len(buf) != 4: sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.stderr.write("Error: read {0} not 4 bytes\n".format(len(buf))) sys.exit(1) if i > 0: sys.stdout.write(" ") sys.stdout.write("{0:x}={1}".format(i, struct.unpack("<I", buf)[0])) i += 1 sys.stdout.write("\n")
# Dirac commands #/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ @diracCommand def getJobGroupJobs(jg): ''' Return jobs in a group''' return dirac.selectJobs(jobGroup=jg) @diracCommand def kill(id): ''' Kill a given DIRAC Job ID within DIRAC ''' return dirac.deleteJob(id) @diracCommand def peek(id): ''' Peek at the DIRAC Job id and return what we saw ''' return dirac.peekJob(id) @diracCommand def getJobCPUTime(id): ''' Get the amount of CPU time taken by the DIRAC Job id''' return dirac.getJobCPUTime(id) @diracCommand def reschedule(id): ''' Reschedule within DIRAC a given DIRAC Job id''' return dirac.reschedule(id) @diracCommand def submit(djob, mode='wms'): ''' Submit a DIRAC job given by the jdl:djob with a given mode ''' return dirac.submitJob(djob, mode=mode) @diracCommand def ping(system, service): ''' Ping a given service on a given system running DIRAC ''' return, service) @diracCommand def removeFile(lfn): ''' Remove a given LFN from the DFC''' ret = {} if type(lfn) is list: for l in lfn: ret.update(dirac.removeFile(l)) else: ret.update(dirac.removeFile(lfn)) return ret @diracCommand def getMetadata(lfn): ''' Return the metadata associated with a given :DN''' return dirac.getLfnMetadata(lfn) @diracCommand def getReplicas(lfns): ''' Return the locations of the replicas of a given LFN in a dict format, SE: location ''' return dirac.getReplicas(lfns, active=True, preferDisk = True) @diracCommand def getReplicasForJobs(lfns): ''' Return the locations of the replicas of a given LFN in a dict format, SE: location. This is for use in the splitter to negate copies at SEs that are not to be used for user jobs ''' return dirac.getReplicasForJobs(lfns) @diracCommand def getAccessURL(lfn, SE, protocol=False): ''' Return the access URL for the given LFN, storage element and protocol. The protocol should be in the form of a list ''' return dirac.getAccessURL(lfn, SE, False, protocol) @diracCommand def getFile(lfns, destDir=''): ''' Put the physical file behind the LFN in the destDir path''' return dirac.getFile(lfns, destDir=destDir) @diracCommand def replicateFile(lfn, destSE, srcSE='', locCache=''): ''' Replicate a given LFN from a srcSE to a destSE''' res = dirac.replicateFile(lfn, destSE, srcSE, locCache) return res @diracCommand def removeReplica(lfn, sE): ''' Remove the physical files and LFN from the DFC''' return dirac.removeReplica(lfn, sE) @diracCommand def getOutputData(id, outputFiles='', destinationDir=''): ''' Return output data of a requeted DIRAC Job id, place outputFiles in a given destinationDir') ''' return dirac.getJobOutputData(id, outputFiles, destinationDir) @diracCommand def splitInputData(files, files_per_job): ''' Split list of files ito a list of list of smaller files (below files_per_job in length) and return the list of lists''' return dirac.splitInputData(files, files_per_job) @diracCommand def getInputDataCatalog(lfns, site, xml_file): ''' Get the XML describing the given LFNs at a given site''' return dirac.getInputDataCatalog(lfns, site, xml_file) @diracCommand def uploadFile(lfn, file, diracSEs, guid=None): ''' Upload a given file to an lfn with 1 replica places at each element in diracSEs. Use a given guid if given''' outerr = {} for se in diracSEs: result = dirac.addFile(lfn, file, se, guid) if result.get('OK', False) and lfn in result.get('Value', {'Successful': {}})['Successful']: result['Value']['Successful'][lfn].update({'DiracSE': se}) md = dirac.getLfnMetadata(lfn) if md.get('OK', False) and lfn in md.get('Value', {'Successful': {}})['Successful']: guid = md['Value']['Successful'][lfn]['GUID'] result['Value']['Successful'][lfn].update({'GUID': guid}) return result outerr.update({se: result}) return outerr @diracCommand def addFile(lfn, file, diracSE, guid): ''' Upload a given file to an lfn with 1 replica places at each element in diracSEs. Use a given guid if given''' return dirac.addFile(lfn, file, diracSE, guid) @diracCommand def getOutputSandbox(id, outputDir=os.getcwd(), unpack=True, oversized=True, noJobDir=True, pipe_out=True): ''' Get the outputsandbox and return the output from Dirac to the calling function id: the DIRAC jobid of interest outputDir: output directory locall on disk to use oversized: is this output sandbox oversized this will be modified noJobDir: should we create a folder with the DIRAC job ID? output: should I output the Dirac output or should I return a python object (False) unpack: should the sandbox be untarred when downloaded''' result = dirac.getOutputSandbox(id, outputDir, oversized, noJobDir, unpack) if result is not None and result.get('OK', False): if not noJobDir: tmpdir = os.path.join(outputDir, str(id)) os.system('mv -f %s/* %s/. ; rm -rf %s' % (tmpdir, outputDir, tmpdir)) os.system('for file in $(ls %s/*Ganga_*.log); do ln -s ${file} %s/stdout; break; done' % (outputDir, outputDir)) #So the download failed. Maybe the sandbox was oversized and stored on the grid. Check in the job parameters and download it else: parameters = dirac.getJobParameters(id) if parameters is not None and parameters.get('OK', False): parameters = parameters['Value'] if 'OutputSandboxLFN' in parameters: result = dirac.getFile(parameters['OutputSandboxLFN'], destDir=outputDir) dirac.removeFile(parameters['OutputSandboxLFN']) return result @diracCommand def getOutputDataInfo(id, pipe_out=True): ''' Get information on the output data generated by a job of ID and pipe it out or return it''' ret = {} result = getOutputDataLFNs(id, pipe_out=False) if result.get('OK', False) and 'Value' in result: for lfn in result.get('Value', []): file_name = os.path.basename(lfn) ret[file_name] = {} ret[file_name]['LFN'] = lfn md = dirac.getLfnMetadata(lfn) if md.get('OK', False) and lfn in md.get('Value', {'Successful': {}})['Successful']: ret[file_name]['GUID'] = md['Value']['Successful'][lfn]['GUID'] # this catches if fail upload, note lfn still exists in list as # dirac tried it elif md.get('OK', False) and lfn in md.get('Value', {'Failed': {}})['Failed']: ret[file_name]['LFN'] = '###FAILED###' ret[file_name]['LOCATIONS'] = md['Value']['Failed'][lfn] ret[file_name]['GUID'] = 'NotAvailable' continue rp = dirac.getReplicas(lfn) if rp.get('OK', False) and lfn in rp.get('Value', {'Successful': {}})['Successful']: ret[file_name]['LOCATIONS'] = rp['Value']['Successful'][lfn].keys() return ret # could shrink this with dirac.getJobOutputLFNs from ##dirac @diracCommand def getOutputDataLFNs(id, pipe_out=True): ''' Get the outputDataLFN which have been generated by a Dirac job of ID and pipe it out or return it''' parameters = dirac.getJobParameters(id) lfns = [] ok = False message = 'The outputdata LFNs could not be found.' if parameters is not None and parameters.get('OK', False): parameters = parameters['Value'] # remove the sandbox if it has been uploaded sandbox = None if 'OutputSandboxLFN' in parameters: sandbox = parameters['OutputSandboxLFN'] # now find out about the outputdata if 'UploadedOutputData' in parameters: lfn_list = parameters['UploadedOutputData'] import re lfns = re.split(',\s*', lfn_list) if sandbox is not None and sandbox in lfns: lfns.remove(sandbox) ok = True elif parameters is not None and 'Message' in parameters: message = parameters['Message'] result = {'OK': ok} if ok: result['Value'] = lfns else: result['Message'] = message return result @diracCommand def normCPUTime(id, pipe_out=True): ''' Get the normalied CPU time that has been used by a DIRAC job of ID and pipe it out or return it''' parameters = dirac.getJobParameters(id) ncput = None if parameters is not None and parameters.get('OK', False): parameters = parameters['Value'] if 'NormCPUTime(s)' in parameters: ncput = parameters['NormCPUTime(s)'] return ncput @diracCommand def finished_job(id, outputDir=os.getcwd(), unpack=True, oversized=True, noJobDir=True, downloadSandbox = True): ''' Nesting function to reduce number of calls made against DIRAC when finalising a job, takes arguments such as getOutputSandbox Returns the CPU time of the job as a dict, the output sandbox information in another dict and a dict of the LFN of any uploaded data''' out_cpuTime = normCPUTime(id, pipe_out=False) if downloadSandbox: out_sandbox = getOutputSandbox(id, outputDir, unpack, oversized, noJobDir, pipe_out=False) else: out_sandbox = None out_dataInfo = getOutputDataInfo(id, pipe_out=False) outStateTime = {'completed' : getStateTime(id, 'completed', pipe_out=False)} return (out_cpuTime, out_sandbox, out_dataInfo, outStateTime) @diracCommand def finaliseJobs(inputDict, statusmapping, downloadSandbox=True, oversized=True, noJobDir=True): ''' A function to get the necessaries to finalise a whole bunch of jobs. Returns a dict of job information and a dict of stati.''' returnDict = {} statusList = dirac.getJobStatus(list(inputDict)) for diracID in inputDict: returnDict[diracID] = {} returnDict[diracID]['cpuTime'] = normCPUTime(diracID, pipe_out=False) if downloadSandbox: returnDict[diracID]['outSandbox'] = getOutputSandbox(diracID, inputDict[diracID], oversized, noJobDir, pipe_out=False) else: returnDict[diracID]['outSandbox'] = None returnDict[diracID]['outDataInfo'] = getOutputDataInfo(diracID, pipe_out=False) returnDict[diracID]['outStateTime'] = {'completed' : getStateTime(diracID, 'completed', pipe_out=False)} return returnDict, statusList @diracCommand def status(job_ids, statusmapping, pipe_out=True): '''Function to check the statuses and return the Ganga status of a job after looking it's DIRAC status against a Ganga one''' # Translate between the many statuses in DIRAC and the few in Ganga #return {'OK':True, 'Value':[['WIP', 'WIP', 'WIP', 'WIP', 'WIP']]} result = dirac.getJobStatus(job_ids) if not result['OK']: return result status_list = [] bulk_status = result['Value'] for _id in job_ids: job_status = bulk_status.get(_id, {}) minor_status = job_status.get('MinorStatus', None) dirac_status = job_status.get('Status', None) dirac_site = job_status.get('Site', None) ganga_status = statusmapping.get(dirac_status, None) if ganga_status is None: ganga_status = 'failed' dirac_status = 'Unknown: No status for Job' #if dirac_status == 'Completed' and (minor_status not in ['Pending Requests']): # ganga_status = 'running' if minor_status in ['Uploading Output Data']: ganga_status = 'running' try: from DIRAC.Core.DISET.RPCClient import RPCClient monitoring = RPCClient('WorkloadManagement/JobMonitoring') app_status = monitoring.getJobAttributes(_id)['Value']['ApplicationStatus'] except: app_status = "unknown ApplicationStatus" status_list.append([minor_status, dirac_status, dirac_site, ganga_status, app_status]) return status_list @diracCommand def getStateTime(id, status, pipe_out=True): ''' Return the state time from DIRAC corresponding to DIRACJob tranasitions''' log = dirac.getJobLoggingInfo(id) if 'Value' not in log: return None L = log['Value'] checkstr = '' if status == 'running': checkstr = 'Running' elif status == 'completed': checkstr = 'Done' elif status == 'completing': checkstr = 'Completed' elif status == 'failed': checkstr = 'Failed' else: checkstr = '' if checkstr == '': print("%s" % None) return for l in L: if checkstr in l[0]: T = datetime.datetime(*(time.strptime(l[3], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")[0:6])) return T return None @diracCommand def getBulkStateTime(job_ids, status, pipe_out=True): ''' Function to repeatedly call getStateTime for multiple Dirac Job id and return the result in a dictionary ''' result = {} for this_id in job_ids: result[this_id] = getStateTime(this_id, status, pipe_out=False) return result @diracCommand def monitorJobs(job_ids, status_mapping, pipe_out=True): ''' This combines 'status' and 'getBulkStateTime' into 1 function call for monitoring ''' status_info = status(job_ids, status_mapping, pipe_out=False) state_job_status = {} for job_id, this_stat_info in zip(job_ids, status_info): if this_stat_info: update_status = this_stat_info[3] if update_status not in state_job_status: state_job_status[update_status] = [] state_job_status[update_status].append(job_id) state_info = {} for this_status, these_jobs in state_job_status.items(): state_info[this_status] = getBulkStateTime(these_jobs, this_status, pipe_out=False) return (status_info, state_info) @diracCommand def timedetails(id): ''' Function to return the getJobLoggingInfo for a DIRAC Job of id''' log = dirac.getJobLoggingInfo(id) d = {} for i in range(0, len(log['Value'])): d[i] = log['Value'][i] return d # DiracAdmin commands #/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ @diracCommand def getJobPilotOutput(id, dir): ''' Get the output of the DIRAC pilot that this job was running on and place it in dir''' pwd = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(dir) os.system('rm -f pilot_%d/std.out && rmdir pilot_%d ' % (id, id)) result = DiracAdmin().getJobPilotOutput(id) finally: os.chdir(pwd) return result @diracCommand def getServicePorts(): ''' Get the service ports from the DiracAdmin based upon the Dirac config''' return DiracAdmin().getServicePorts() @diracCommand def isSEArchive(se): ''' Ask if the specified SE is for archive ''' from DIRAC.DataManagementSystem.Utilities.DMSHelpers import DMSHelpers return DMSHelpers().isSEArchive(se) @diracCommand def getSitesForSE(se): ''' Get the Sites associated with this SE''' from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.SiteSEMapping import getSitesForSE result = getSitesForSE(storageElement=se) return result @diracCommand def getSEsForSite(site): ''' Get the list of SE associated with this site''' from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.SiteSEMapping import getSEsForSite result = getSEsForSite(site) return result @diracCommand def getSESiteMapping(): '''Get the mapping of SEs and sites''' from DIRAC.Core.Utilities.SiteSEMapping import getSESiteMapping result = getSESiteMapping() return result @diracCommand def checkSEStatus(se, access = 'Write'): ''' returns the value of a certain SE status flag (access or other) param se: Storage Element name type se: string param access: type of access type access: string in ('Read', 'Write', 'Remove', 'Check') returns: True or False ''' result = dirac.checkSEAccess(se, access) return result @diracCommand def listFiles(baseDir, minAge = None): ''' Return a list of LFNs for files stored on the grid in the argument directory and its subdirectories param baseDir: Top directory to begin search type baseDir: string param minAge: minimum age of files to be returned type minAge: string format: "W:D:H" ''' from DIRAC.Resources.Catalog.FileCatalog import FileCatalog fc = FileCatalog() from datetime import datetime, timedelta withMetaData = False cutoffTime = datetime.utcnow() import re r = re.compile('\d:\d:\d') if r.match(minAge): withMetaData = True timeList = minAge.split(':') timeLimit = timedelta(weeks = int(timeList[0]), days = int(timeList[1]), hours = int(timeList[2])) cutoffTime = datetime.utcnow() - timeLimit baseDir = baseDir.rstrip('/') activeDirs = [baseDir] allFiles = [] emptyDirs = [] while len(activeDirs) > 0: currentDir = activeDirs.pop() res = fc.listDirectory(currentDir, withMetaData, timeout = 360) if not res['OK']: return "Error retrieving directory contents", "%s %s" % ( currentDir, res['Message'] ) elif currentDir in res['Value']['Failed']: return "Error retrieving directory contents", "%s %s" % ( currentDir, res['Value']['Failed'][currentDir] ) else: dirContents = res['Value']['Successful'][currentDir] subdirs = dirContents['SubDirs'] files = dirContents['Files'] if not subdirs and not files: emptyDirs.append( currentDir ) else: for subdir in sorted( subdirs, reverse=True): if (not withMetaData) or subdirs[subdir]['CreationDate'] < cutoffTime: activeDirs.append(subdir) for filename in sorted(files): fileOK = False if (not withMetaData) or files[filename]['MetaData']['CreationDate'] < cutoffTime: fileOK = True if not fileOK: files.pop(filename) allFiles += sorted(files) return allFiles
""" =================================================================== Multi-output Decision Tree Regression =================================================================== An example to illustrate multi-output regression with decision tree. The :ref:`decision trees <tree>` is used to predict simultaneously the noisy x and y observations of a circle given a single underlying feature. As a result, it learns local linear regressions approximating the circle. We can see that if the maximum depth of the tree (controlled by the `max_depth` parameter) is set too high, the decision trees learn too fine details of the training data and learn from the noise, i.e. they overfit. """ print(__doc__) import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor # Create a random dataset rng = np.random.RandomState(1) X = np.sort(200 * rng.rand(100, 1) - 100, axis=0) y = np.array([np.pi * np.sin(X).ravel(), np.pi * np.cos(X).ravel()]).T y[::5, :] += (0.5 - rng.rand(20, 2)) # Fit regression model regr_1 = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=2) regr_2 = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=5) regr_3 = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=8), y), y), y) # Predict X_test = np.arange(-100.0, 100.0, 0.01)[:, np.newaxis] y_1 = regr_1.predict(X_test) y_2 = regr_2.predict(X_test) y_3 = regr_3.predict(X_test) # Plot the results plt.figure() plt.scatter(y[:, 0], y[:, 1], c="k", label="data") plt.scatter(y_1[:, 0], y_1[:, 1], c="g", label="max_depth=2") plt.scatter(y_2[:, 0], y_2[:, 1], c="r", label="max_depth=5") plt.scatter(y_3[:, 0], y_3[:, 1], c="b", label="max_depth=8") plt.xlim([-6, 6]) plt.ylim([-6, 6]) plt.xlabel("data") plt.ylabel("target") plt.title("Multi-output Decision Tree Regression") plt.legend()
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # pyglet # Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Alex Holkner # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of the pyglet nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written # permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''' ''' __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext' __version__ = '' from pyglet.window import key # From SDL: src/video/quartz/SDL_QuartzKeys.h # These are the Macintosh key scancode constants -- from Inside Macintosh QZ_ESCAPE = 0x35 QZ_F1 = 0x7A QZ_F2 = 0x78 QZ_F3 = 0x63 QZ_F4 = 0x76 QZ_F5 = 0x60 QZ_F6 = 0x61 QZ_F7 = 0x62 QZ_F8 = 0x64 QZ_F9 = 0x65 QZ_F10 = 0x6D QZ_F11 = 0x67 QZ_F12 = 0x6F QZ_PRINT = 0x69 QZ_SCROLLOCK = 0x6B QZ_PAUSE = 0x71 QZ_POWER = 0x7F QZ_BACKQUOTE = 0x32 QZ_1 = 0x12 QZ_2 = 0x13 QZ_3 = 0x14 QZ_4 = 0x15 QZ_5 = 0x17 QZ_6 = 0x16 QZ_7 = 0x1A QZ_8 = 0x1C QZ_9 = 0x19 QZ_0 = 0x1D QZ_MINUS = 0x1B QZ_EQUALS = 0x18 QZ_BACKSPACE = 0x33 QZ_INSERT = 0x72 QZ_HOME = 0x73 QZ_PAGEUP = 0x74 QZ_NUMLOCK = 0x47 QZ_KP_EQUALS = 0x51 QZ_KP_DIVIDE = 0x4B QZ_KP_MULTIPLY = 0x43 QZ_TAB = 0x30 QZ_q = 0x0C QZ_w = 0x0D QZ_e = 0x0E QZ_r = 0x0F QZ_t = 0x11 QZ_y = 0x10 QZ_u = 0x20 QZ_i = 0x22 QZ_o = 0x1F QZ_p = 0x23 QZ_LEFTBRACKET = 0x21 QZ_RIGHTBRACKET = 0x1E QZ_BACKSLASH = 0x2A QZ_DELETE = 0x75 QZ_END = 0x77 QZ_PAGEDOWN = 0x79 QZ_KP7 = 0x59 QZ_KP8 = 0x5B QZ_KP9 = 0x5C QZ_KP_MINUS = 0x4E QZ_CAPSLOCK = 0x39 QZ_a = 0x00 QZ_s = 0x01 QZ_d = 0x02 QZ_f = 0x03 QZ_g = 0x05 QZ_h = 0x04 QZ_j = 0x26 QZ_k = 0x28 QZ_l = 0x25 QZ_SEMICOLON = 0x29 QZ_QUOTE = 0x27 QZ_RETURN = 0x24 QZ_KP4 = 0x56 QZ_KP5 = 0x57 QZ_KP6 = 0x58 QZ_KP_PLUS = 0x45 QZ_LSHIFT = 0x38 QZ_z = 0x06 QZ_x = 0x07 QZ_c = 0x08 QZ_v = 0x09 QZ_b = 0x0B QZ_n = 0x2D QZ_m = 0x2E QZ_COMMA = 0x2B QZ_PERIOD = 0x2F QZ_SLASH = 0x2C QZ_RSHIFT = 0x3C QZ_UP = 0x7E QZ_KP1 = 0x53 QZ_KP2 = 0x54 QZ_KP3 = 0x55 QZ_KP_ENTER = 0x4C QZ_LCTRL = 0x3B QZ_LALT = 0x3A QZ_LMETA = 0x37 QZ_SPACE = 0x31 QZ_RMETA = 0x36 QZ_RALT = 0x3D QZ_RCTRL = 0x3E QZ_LEFT = 0x7B QZ_DOWN = 0x7D QZ_RIGHT = 0x7C QZ_KP0 = 0x52 QZ_KP_PERIOD = 0x41 QZ_IBOOK_ENTER = 0x34 QZ_IBOOK_LEFT = 0x3B QZ_IBOOK_RIGHT = 0x3C QZ_IBOOK_DOWN = 0x3D QZ_IBOOK_UP = 0x3E keymap = { QZ_ESCAPE: key.ESCAPE, QZ_F1: key.F1, QZ_F2: key.F2, QZ_F3: key.F3, QZ_F4: key.F4, QZ_F5: key.F5, QZ_F6: key.F6, QZ_F7: key.F7, QZ_F8: key.F8, QZ_F9: key.F9, QZ_F10: key.F10, QZ_F11: key.F11, QZ_F12: key.F12, QZ_PRINT: key.PRINT, QZ_SCROLLOCK: key.SCROLLLOCK, QZ_PAUSE: key.PAUSE, #QZ_POWER: key.POWER, QZ_BACKQUOTE: key.QUOTELEFT, QZ_1: key._1, QZ_2: key._2, QZ_3: key._3, QZ_4: key._4, QZ_5: key._5, QZ_6: key._6, QZ_7: key._7, QZ_8: key._8, QZ_9: key._9, QZ_0: key._0, QZ_MINUS: key.MINUS, QZ_EQUALS: key.EQUAL, QZ_BACKSPACE: key.BACKSPACE, QZ_INSERT: key.INSERT, QZ_HOME: key.HOME, QZ_PAGEUP: key.PAGEUP, QZ_NUMLOCK: key.NUMLOCK, QZ_KP_EQUALS: key.NUM_EQUAL, QZ_KP_DIVIDE: key.NUM_DIVIDE, QZ_KP_MULTIPLY: key.NUM_MULTIPLY, QZ_TAB: key.TAB, QZ_q: key.Q, QZ_w: key.W, QZ_e: key.E, QZ_r: key.R, QZ_t: key.T, QZ_y: key.Y, QZ_u: key.U, QZ_i: key.I, QZ_o: key.O, QZ_p: key.P, QZ_LEFTBRACKET: key.BRACKETLEFT, QZ_RIGHTBRACKET: key.BRACKETRIGHT, QZ_BACKSLASH: key.BACKSLASH, QZ_DELETE: key.DELETE, QZ_END: key.END, QZ_PAGEDOWN: key.PAGEDOWN, QZ_KP7: key.NUM_7, QZ_KP8: key.NUM_8, QZ_KP9: key.NUM_9, QZ_KP_MINUS: key.NUM_SUBTRACT, QZ_CAPSLOCK: key.CAPSLOCK, QZ_a: key.A, QZ_s: key.S, QZ_d: key.D, QZ_f: key.F, QZ_g: key.G, QZ_h: key.H, QZ_j: key.J, QZ_k: key.K, QZ_l: key.L, QZ_SEMICOLON: key.SEMICOLON, QZ_QUOTE: key.APOSTROPHE, QZ_RETURN: key.RETURN, QZ_KP4: key.NUM_4, QZ_KP5: key.NUM_5, QZ_KP6: key.NUM_6, QZ_KP_PLUS: key.NUM_ADD, QZ_LSHIFT: key.LSHIFT, QZ_z: key.Z, QZ_x: key.X, QZ_c: key.C, QZ_v: key.V, QZ_b: key.B, QZ_n: key.N, QZ_m: key.M, QZ_COMMA: key.COMMA, QZ_PERIOD: key.PERIOD, QZ_SLASH: key.SLASH, QZ_RSHIFT: key.RSHIFT, QZ_UP: key.UP, QZ_KP1: key.NUM_1, QZ_KP2: key.NUM_2, QZ_KP3: key.NUM_3, QZ_KP_ENTER: key.NUM_ENTER, QZ_LCTRL: key.LCTRL, QZ_LALT: key.LALT, QZ_LMETA: key.LMETA, QZ_SPACE: key.SPACE, QZ_RMETA: key.RMETA, QZ_RALT: key.RALT, QZ_RCTRL: key.RCTRL, QZ_LEFT: key.LEFT, QZ_DOWN: key.DOWN, QZ_RIGHT: key.RIGHT, QZ_KP0: key.NUM_0, QZ_KP_PERIOD: key.NUM_DECIMAL, QZ_IBOOK_ENTER: key.ENTER, QZ_IBOOK_LEFT: key.LEFT, QZ_IBOOK_RIGHT: key.RIGHT, QZ_IBOOK_DOWN: key.DOWN, QZ_IBOOK_UP: key.UP, }
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import import numpy as np from numpy.testing import assert_array_almost_equal from scipy.sparse.csgraph import breadth_first_tree, depth_first_tree,\ csgraph_to_dense, csgraph_from_dense def test_graph_breadth_first(): csgraph = np.array([[0, 1, 2, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 3], [2, 0, 0, 7, 0], [0, 0, 7, 0, 1], [0, 3, 0, 1, 0]]) csgraph = csgraph_from_dense(csgraph, null_value=0) bfirst = np.array([[0, 1, 2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 3], [0, 0, 0, 7, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]) for directed in [True, False]: bfirst_test = breadth_first_tree(csgraph, 0, directed) assert_array_almost_equal(csgraph_to_dense(bfirst_test), bfirst) def test_graph_depth_first(): csgraph = np.array([[0, 1, 2, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 3], [2, 0, 0, 7, 0], [0, 0, 7, 0, 1], [0, 3, 0, 1, 0]]) csgraph = csgraph_from_dense(csgraph, null_value=0) dfirst = np.array([[0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 3], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 7, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]]) for directed in [True, False]: dfirst_test = depth_first_tree(csgraph, 0, directed) assert_array_almost_equal(csgraph_to_dense(dfirst_test), dfirst) def test_graph_breadth_first_trivial_graph(): csgraph = np.array([[0]]) csgraph = csgraph_from_dense(csgraph, null_value=0) bfirst = np.array([[0]]) for directed in [True, False]: bfirst_test = breadth_first_tree(csgraph, 0, directed) assert_array_almost_equal(csgraph_to_dense(bfirst_test), bfirst) def test_graph_depth_first_trivial_graph(): csgraph = np.array([[0]]) csgraph = csgraph_from_dense(csgraph, null_value=0) bfirst = np.array([[0]]) for directed in [True, False]: bfirst_test = depth_first_tree(csgraph, 0, directed) assert_array_almost_equal(csgraph_to_dense(bfirst_test), bfirst)
# FreeCAD init script of the Cam module # (c) 2007 Juergen Riegel #*************************************************************************** #* (c) Juergen Riegel ([email protected]) 2002 * #* * #* This file is Cam of the FreeCAD CAx development system. * #* * #* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * #* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) * #* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * #* the License, or (at your option) any later version. * #* for detail see the LICENCE text file. * #* * #* FreeCAD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * #* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * #* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * #* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * #* * #* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * #* License along with FreeCAD; if not, write to the Free Software * #* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * #* USA * #* * #* Juergen Riegel 2007 * #***************************************************************************/
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ werkzeug.debug ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WSGI application traceback debugger. :copyright: (c) 2011 by the Werkzeug Team, see AUTHORS for more details. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. """ import mimetypes from os.path import join, dirname, basename, isfile from werkzeug.wrappers import BaseRequest as Request, BaseResponse as Response from werkzeug.debug.tbtools import get_current_traceback, render_console_html from werkzeug.debug.console import Console from import gen_salt #: import this here because it once was documented as being available #: from this module. In case there are users left ... from werkzeug.debug.repr import debug_repr class _ConsoleFrame(object): """Helper class so that we can reuse the frame console code for the standalone console. """ def __init__(self, namespace): self.console = Console(namespace) = 0 class DebuggedApplication(object): """Enables debugging support for a given application:: from werkzeug.debug import DebuggedApplication from myapp import app app = DebuggedApplication(app, evalex=True) The `evalex` keyword argument allows evaluating expressions in a traceback's frame context. .. versionadded:: 0.7 The `lodgeit_url` parameter was added. :param app: the WSGI application to run debugged. :param evalex: enable exception evaluation feature (interactive debugging). This requires a non-forking server. :param request_key: The key that points to the request object in ths environment. This parameter is ignored in current versions. :param console_path: the URL for a general purpose console. :param console_init_func: the function that is executed before starting the general purpose console. The return value is used as initial namespace. :param show_hidden_frames: by default hidden traceback frames are skipped. You can show them by setting this parameter to `True`. :param lodgeit_url: the base URL of the LodgeIt instance to use for pasting tracebacks. """ # this class is public __module__ = 'werkzeug' def __init__(self, app, evalex=False, request_key='werkzeug.request', console_path='/console', console_init_func=None, show_hidden_frames=False, lodgeit_url=''): if not console_init_func: console_init_func = dict = app self.evalex = evalex self.frames = {} self.tracebacks = {} self.request_key = request_key self.console_path = console_path self.console_init_func = console_init_func self.show_hidden_frames = show_hidden_frames self.lodgeit_url = lodgeit_url self.secret = gen_salt(20) def debug_application(self, environ, start_response): """Run the application and conserve the traceback frames.""" app_iter = None try: app_iter =, start_response) for item in app_iter: yield item if hasattr(app_iter, 'close'): app_iter.close() except Exception: if hasattr(app_iter, 'close'): app_iter.close() traceback = get_current_traceback(skip=1, show_hidden_frames= self.show_hidden_frames, ignore_system_exceptions=True) for frame in traceback.frames: self.frames[] = frame self.tracebacks[] = traceback try: start_response('500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR', [ ('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8') ]) except Exception: # if we end up here there has been output but an error # occurred. in that situation we can do nothing fancy any # more, better log something into the error log and fall # back gracefully. environ['wsgi.errors'].write( 'Debugging middleware caught exception in streamed ' 'response at a point where response headers were already ' 'sent.\n') else: yield traceback.render_full(evalex=self.evalex, lodgeit_url=self.lodgeit_url, secret=self.secret) \ .encode('utf-8', 'replace') traceback.log(environ['wsgi.errors']) def execute_command(self, request, command, frame): """Execute a command in a console.""" return Response(frame.console.eval(command), mimetype='text/html') def display_console(self, request): """Display a standalone shell.""" if 0 not in self.frames: self.frames[0] = _ConsoleFrame(self.console_init_func()) return Response(render_console_html(secret=self.secret), mimetype='text/html') def paste_traceback(self, request, traceback): """Paste the traceback and return a JSON response.""" paste_id = traceback.paste(self.lodgeit_url) return Response('{"url": "%sshow/%s/", "id": "%s"}' % (self.lodgeit_url, paste_id, paste_id), mimetype='application/json') def get_source(self, request, frame): """Render the source viewer.""" return Response(frame.render_source(), mimetype='text/html') def get_resource(self, request, filename): """Return a static resource from the shared folder.""" filename = join(dirname(__file__), 'shared', basename(filename)) if isfile(filename): mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] \ or 'application/octet-stream' f = file(filename, 'rb') try: return Response(, mimetype=mimetype) finally: f.close() return Response('Not Found', status=404) def __call__(self, environ, start_response): """Dispatch the requests.""" # important: don't ever access a function here that reads the incoming # form data! Otherwise the application won't have access to that data # any more! request = Request(environ) response = self.debug_application if request.args.get('__debugger__') == 'yes': cmd = request.args.get('cmd') arg = request.args.get('f') secret = request.args.get('s') traceback = self.tracebacks.get(request.args.get('tb', type=int)) frame = self.frames.get(request.args.get('frm', type=int)) if cmd == 'resource' and arg: response = self.get_resource(request, arg) elif cmd == 'paste' and traceback is not None and \ secret == self.secret: response = self.paste_traceback(request, traceback) elif cmd == 'source' and frame and self.secret == secret: response = self.get_source(request, frame) elif self.evalex and cmd is not None and frame is not None and \ self.secret == secret: response = self.execute_command(request, cmd, frame) elif self.evalex and self.console_path is not None and \ request.path == self.console_path: response = self.display_console(request) return response(environ, start_response)
# coding=utf-8 """ Collect statistics from Nginx #### Dependencies * urllib2 #### Usage To enable the nginx status page to work with defaults, add a file to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ (on Ubuntu) with the following content: <pre> server { listen; server_name localhost; location /nginx_status { stub_status on; access_log /data/server/shared/log/access.log; allow; deny all; } } </pre> """ import urllib2 import re import diamond.collector class NginxCollector(diamond.collector.Collector): def get_default_config_help(self): config_help = super(NginxCollector, self).get_default_config_help() config_help.update({ 'req_host': 'Hostname', 'req_port': 'Port', 'req_path': 'Path', 'req_ssl': 'SSL Support', 'req_host_header': 'HTTP Host header (required for SSL)', }) return config_help def get_default_config(self): default_config = super(NginxCollector, self).get_default_config() default_config['req_host'] = 'localhost' default_config['req_port'] = 8080 default_config['req_path'] = '/nginx_status' default_config['req_ssl'] = False default_config['req_host_header'] = None default_config['path'] = 'nginx' return default_config def collect(self): # Determine what HTTP scheme to use based on SSL usage or not if str(self.config['req_ssl']).lower() == 'true': scheme = 'https' else: scheme = 'http' # Add host headers if present (Required for SSL cert validation) if self.config['req_host_header'] is not None: headers = {'Host': str(self.config['req_host_header'])} else: headers = {} url = '%s://%s:%i%s' % (scheme, self.config['req_host'], int(self.config['req_port']), self.config['req_path']) activeConnectionsRE = re.compile(r'Active connections: (?P<conn>\d+)') totalConnectionsRE = re.compile('^\s+(?P<conn>\d+)\s+' + '(?P<acc>\d+)\s+(?P<req>\d+)') connectionStatusRE = re.compile('Reading: (?P<reading>\d+) ' + 'Writing: (?P<writing>\d+) ' + 'Waiting: (?P<waiting>\d+)') req = urllib2.Request(url=url, headers=headers) try: handle = urllib2.urlopen(req) for l in handle.readlines(): l = l.rstrip('\r\n') if activeConnectionsRE.match(l): self.publish_gauge( 'active_connections', int(activeConnectionsRE.match(l).group('conn'))) elif totalConnectionsRE.match(l): m = totalConnectionsRE.match(l) req_per_conn = float('req')) / \ float('acc')) self.publish_counter('conn_accepted', int('conn'))) self.publish_counter('conn_handled', int('acc'))) self.publish_counter('req_handled', int('req'))) self.publish_gauge('req_per_conn', float(req_per_conn)) elif connectionStatusRE.match(l): m = connectionStatusRE.match(l) self.publish_gauge('act_reads', int('reading'))) self.publish_gauge('act_writes', int('writing'))) self.publish_gauge('act_waits', int('waiting'))) except IOError, e: self.log.error("Unable to open %s" % url) except Exception, e: self.log.error("Unknown error opening url: %s", e)
# AUTO-GENERATED by tools/ - DO NOT EDIT from .....testing import assert_equal from ..specialized import BRAINSConstellationDetector def test_BRAINSConstellationDetector_inputs(): input_map = dict(BackgroundFillValue=dict(argstr='--BackgroundFillValue %s', ), LLSModel=dict(argstr='--LLSModel %s', ), acLowerBound=dict(argstr='--acLowerBound %f', ), args=dict(argstr='%s', ), atlasLandmarkWeights=dict(argstr='--atlasLandmarkWeights %s', ), atlasLandmarks=dict(argstr='--atlasLandmarks %s', ), atlasVolume=dict(argstr='--atlasVolume %s', ), cutOutHeadInOutputVolume=dict(argstr='--cutOutHeadInOutputVolume ', ), debug=dict(argstr='--debug ', ), environ=dict(nohash=True, usedefault=True, ), forceACPoint=dict(argstr='--forceACPoint %s', sep=',', ), forceHoughEyeDetectorReportFailure=dict(argstr='--forceHoughEyeDetectorReportFailure ', ), forcePCPoint=dict(argstr='--forcePCPoint %s', sep=',', ), forceRPPoint=dict(argstr='--forceRPPoint %s', sep=',', ), forceVN4Point=dict(argstr='--forceVN4Point %s', sep=',', ), houghEyeDetectorMode=dict(argstr='--houghEyeDetectorMode %d', ), ignore_exception=dict(nohash=True, usedefault=True, ), inputLandmarksEMSP=dict(argstr='--inputLandmarksEMSP %s', ), inputTemplateModel=dict(argstr='--inputTemplateModel %s', ), inputVolume=dict(argstr='--inputVolume %s', ), interpolationMode=dict(argstr='--interpolationMode %s', ), mspQualityLevel=dict(argstr='--mspQualityLevel %d', ), numberOfThreads=dict(argstr='--numberOfThreads %d', ), otsuPercentileThreshold=dict(argstr='--otsuPercentileThreshold %f', ), outputLandmarksInACPCAlignedSpace=dict(argstr='--outputLandmarksInACPCAlignedSpace %s', hash_files=False, ), outputLandmarksInInputSpace=dict(argstr='--outputLandmarksInInputSpace %s', hash_files=False, ), outputMRML=dict(argstr='--outputMRML %s', hash_files=False, ), outputResampledVolume=dict(argstr='--outputResampledVolume %s', hash_files=False, ), outputTransform=dict(argstr='--outputTransform %s', hash_files=False, ), outputUntransformedClippedVolume=dict(argstr='--outputUntransformedClippedVolume %s', hash_files=False, ), outputVerificationScript=dict(argstr='--outputVerificationScript %s', hash_files=False, ), outputVolume=dict(argstr='--outputVolume %s', hash_files=False, ), rVN4=dict(argstr='--rVN4 %f', ), rac=dict(argstr='--rac %f', ), rescaleIntensities=dict(argstr='--rescaleIntensities ', ), rescaleIntensitiesOutputRange=dict(argstr='--rescaleIntensitiesOutputRange %s', sep=',', ), resultsDir=dict(argstr='--resultsDir %s', hash_files=False, ), rmpj=dict(argstr='--rmpj %f', ), rpc=dict(argstr='--rpc %f', ), terminal_output=dict(nohash=True, ), trimRescaledIntensities=dict(argstr='--trimRescaledIntensities %f', ), verbose=dict(argstr='--verbose ', ), writeBranded2DImage=dict(argstr='--writeBranded2DImage %s', hash_files=False, ), writedebuggingImagesLevel=dict(argstr='--writedebuggingImagesLevel %d', ), ) inputs = BRAINSConstellationDetector.input_spec() for key, metadata in list(input_map.items()): for metakey, value in list(metadata.items()): yield assert_equal, getattr(inputs.traits()[key], metakey), value def test_BRAINSConstellationDetector_outputs(): output_map = dict(outputLandmarksInACPCAlignedSpace=dict(), outputLandmarksInInputSpace=dict(), outputMRML=dict(), outputResampledVolume=dict(), outputTransform=dict(), outputUntransformedClippedVolume=dict(), outputVerificationScript=dict(), outputVolume=dict(), resultsDir=dict(), writeBranded2DImage=dict(), ) outputs = BRAINSConstellationDetector.output_spec() for key, metadata in list(output_map.items()): for metakey, value in list(metadata.items()): yield assert_equal, getattr(outputs.traits()[key], metakey), value
from django.contrib.staticfiles.testing import StaticLiveServerTestCase from django.test import modify_settings from django.test.selenium import SeleniumTestCase from django.utils.deprecation import MiddlewareMixin from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ class CSPMiddleware(MiddlewareMixin): """The admin's JavaScript should be compatible with CSP.""" def process_response(self, request, response): response['Content-Security-Policy'] = "default-src 'self'" return response @modify_settings(MIDDLEWARE={'append': 'django.contrib.admin.tests.CSPMiddleware'}) class AdminSeleniumTestCase(SeleniumTestCase, StaticLiveServerTestCase): available_apps = [ 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.sites', ] def wait_until(self, callback, timeout=10): """ Helper function that blocks the execution of the tests until the specified callback returns a value that is not falsy. This function can be called, for example, after clicking a link or submitting a form. See the other public methods that call this function for more details. """ from import WebDriverWait WebDriverWait(self.selenium, timeout).until(callback) def wait_for_popup(self, num_windows=2, timeout=10): """ Block until `num_windows` are present (usually 2, but can be overridden in the case of pop-ups opening other pop-ups). """ self.wait_until(lambda d: len(d.window_handles) == num_windows, timeout) def wait_for(self, css_selector, timeout=10): """ Helper function that blocks until a CSS selector is found on the page. """ from import By from import expected_conditions as ec self.wait_until( ec.presence_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, css_selector)), timeout ) def wait_for_text(self, css_selector, text, timeout=10): """ Helper function that blocks until the text is found in the CSS selector. """ from import By from import expected_conditions as ec self.wait_until( ec.text_to_be_present_in_element( (By.CSS_SELECTOR, css_selector), text), timeout ) def wait_for_value(self, css_selector, text, timeout=10): """ Helper function that blocks until the value is found in the CSS selector. """ from import By from import expected_conditions as ec self.wait_until( ec.text_to_be_present_in_element_value( (By.CSS_SELECTOR, css_selector), text), timeout ) def wait_until_visible(self, css_selector, timeout=10): """ Block until the element described by the CSS selector is visible. """ from import By from import expected_conditions as ec self.wait_until( ec.visibility_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, css_selector)), timeout ) def wait_until_invisible(self, css_selector, timeout=10): """ Block until the element described by the CSS selector is invisible. """ from import By from import expected_conditions as ec self.wait_until( ec.invisibility_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, css_selector)), timeout ) def wait_page_loaded(self): """ Block until page has started to load. """ from selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutException try: # Wait for the next page to be loaded self.wait_for('body') except TimeoutException: # IE7 occasionally returns an error "Internet Explorer cannot # display the webpage" and doesn't load the next page. We just # ignore it. pass def admin_login(self, username, password, login_url='/admin/'): """ Helper function to log into the admin. """ self.selenium.get('%s%s' % (self.live_server_url, login_url)) username_input = self.selenium.find_element_by_name('username') username_input.send_keys(username) password_input = self.selenium.find_element_by_name('password') password_input.send_keys(password) login_text = _('Log in') self.selenium.find_element_by_xpath( '//input[@value="%s"]' % login_text).click() self.wait_page_loaded() def get_css_value(self, selector, attribute): """ Helper function that returns the value for the CSS attribute of an DOM element specified by the given selector. Uses the jQuery that ships with Django. """ return self.selenium.execute_script( 'return django.jQuery("%s").css("%s")' % (selector, attribute)) def get_select_option(self, selector, value): """ Returns the <OPTION> with the value `value` inside the <SELECT> widget identified by the CSS selector `selector`. """ from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException options = self.selenium.find_elements_by_css_selector('%s > option' % selector) for option in options: if option.get_attribute('value') == value: return option raise NoSuchElementException('Option "%s" not found in "%s"' % (value, selector)) def _assertOptionsValues(self, options_selector, values): if values: options = self.selenium.find_elements_by_css_selector(options_selector) actual_values = [] for option in options: actual_values.append(option.get_attribute('value')) self.assertEqual(values, actual_values) else: # Prevent the `find_elements_by_css_selector` call from blocking # if the selector doesn't match any options as we expect it # to be the case. with self.disable_implicit_wait(): self.wait_until( lambda driver: len(driver.find_elements_by_css_selector(options_selector)) == 0 ) def assertSelectOptions(self, selector, values): """ Asserts that the <SELECT> widget identified by `selector` has the options with the given `values`. """ self._assertOptionsValues("%s > option" % selector, values) def assertSelectedOptions(self, selector, values): """ Asserts that the <SELECT> widget identified by `selector` has the selected options with the given `values`. """ self._assertOptionsValues("%s > option:checked" % selector, values) def has_css_class(self, selector, klass): """ Returns True if the element identified by `selector` has the CSS class `klass`. """ return (self.selenium.find_element_by_css_selector(selector) .get_attribute('class').find(klass) != -1)
import os import os.path import re import sys import subprocess import shlex # WAF modules from waflib import Options, Utils, Logs, TaskGen, Build, Context from waflib.Errors import WafError # these are set from the main wscript file APPNAME=None VERSION=None bld=None def get_command_template(env, arguments=()): cmd = Options.options.command_template or '%s' for arg in arguments: cmd = cmd + " " + arg return cmd if hasattr(os.path, "relpath"): relpath = os.path.relpath # since Python 2.6 else: def relpath(path, start=os.path.curdir): """Return a relative version of a path""" if not path: raise ValueError("no path specified") start_list = os.path.abspath(start).split(os.path.sep) path_list = os.path.abspath(path).split(os.path.sep) # Work out how much of the filepath is shared by start and path. i = len(os.path.commonprefix([start_list, path_list])) rel_list = [os.path.pardir] * (len(start_list)-i) + path_list[i:] if not rel_list: return os.path.curdir return os.path.join(*rel_list) def find_program(program_name, env): launch_dir = os.path.abspath(Context.launch_dir) #top_dir = os.path.abspath(Options.cwd_launch) found_programs = [] for obj in bld.all_task_gen: if not getattr(obj, 'is_ns3_program', False): continue ## filter out programs not in the subtree starting at the launch dir if not (obj.path.abspath().startswith(launch_dir) or obj.path.get_bld().abspath().startswith(launch_dir)): continue name1 = name2 = os.path.join(relpath(obj.path.abspath(), launch_dir), names = [name1, name2] found_programs.extend(names) if program_name in names: return obj raise ValueError("program '%s' not found; available programs are: %r" % (program_name, found_programs)) def get_proc_env(os_env=None): env = bld.env if sys.platform == 'linux2': pathvar = 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' elif sys.platform == 'darwin': pathvar = 'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH' elif sys.platform == 'win32': pathvar = 'PATH' elif sys.platform == 'cygwin': pathvar = 'PATH' elif sys.platform.startswith('freebsd'): pathvar = 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' else: Logs.warn(("Don't know how to configure " "dynamic library path for the platform %r;" " assuming it's LD_LIBRARY_PATH.") % (sys.platform,)) pathvar = 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' proc_env = dict(os.environ) if os_env is not None: proc_env.update(os_env) if pathvar is not None: if pathvar in proc_env: proc_env[pathvar] = os.pathsep.join(list(env['NS3_MODULE_PATH']) + [proc_env[pathvar]]) else: proc_env[pathvar] = os.pathsep.join(list(env['NS3_MODULE_PATH'])) pymoddir = bld.path.find_dir('bindings/python').get_bld().abspath() pyvizdir = bld.path.find_dir('src/visualizer').abspath() if 'PYTHONPATH' in proc_env: proc_env['PYTHONPATH'] = os.pathsep.join([pymoddir, pyvizdir] + [proc_env['PYTHONPATH']]) else: proc_env['PYTHONPATH'] = os.pathsep.join([pymoddir, pyvizdir]) if 'PATH' in proc_env: proc_env['PATH'] = os.pathsep.join(list(env['NS3_EXECUTABLE_PATH']) + [proc_env['PATH']]) else: proc_env['PATH'] = os.pathsep.join(list(env['NS3_EXECUTABLE_PATH'])) return proc_env def run_argv(argv, env, os_env=None, cwd=None, force_no_valgrind=False): proc_env = get_proc_env(os_env) if Options.options.valgrind and not force_no_valgrind: if Options.options.command_template: raise WafError("Options --command-template and --valgrind are conflicting") if not env['VALGRIND']: raise WafError("valgrind is not installed") argv = [env['VALGRIND'], "--leak-check=full", "--show-reachable=yes", "--error-exitcode=1"] + argv proc = subprocess.Popen(argv, env=proc_env, cwd=cwd, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) error = False for line in proc.stderr: sys.stderr.write(line) if "== LEAK SUMMARY" in line: error = True retval = proc.wait() if retval == 0 and error: retval = 1 else: try: WindowsError except NameError: retval = subprocess.Popen(argv, env=proc_env, cwd=cwd).wait() else: try: retval = subprocess.Popen(argv, env=proc_env, cwd=cwd).wait() except WindowsError, ex: raise WafError("Command %s raised exception %s" % (argv, ex)) if retval: signame = None if retval < 0: # signal? import signal for name, val in vars(signal).iteritems(): if len(name) > 3 and name[:3] == 'SIG' and name[3] != '_': if val == -retval: signame = name break if signame: raise WafError("Command %s terminated with signal %s." " Run it under a debugger to get more information " "(./waf --run <program> --command-template=\"gdb --args %%s <args>\")." % (argv, signame)) else: raise WafError("Command %s exited with code %i" % (argv, retval)) return retval def get_run_program(program_string, command_template=None): """ Return the program name and argv of the process that would be executed by run_program(program_string, command_template). """ #print "get_run_program_argv(program_string=%r, command_template=%r)" % (program_string, command_template) env = bld.env if command_template in (None, '%s'): argv = shlex.split(program_string) #print "%r ==shlex.split==> %r" % (program_string, argv) program_name = argv[0] try: program_obj = find_program(program_name, env) except ValueError, ex: raise WafError(str(ex)) program_node = program_obj.path.find_or_declare( #try: # program_node = program_obj.path.find_build(ccroot.get_target_name(program_obj)) #except AttributeError: # raise Utils.WafError("%s does not appear to be a program" % (program_name,)) execvec = [program_node.abspath()] + argv[1:] else: program_name = program_string try: program_obj = find_program(program_name, env) except ValueError, ex: raise WafError(str(ex)) program_node = program_obj.path.find_or_declare( #try: # program_node = program_obj.path.find_build(ccroot.get_target_name(program_obj)) #except AttributeError: # raise Utils.WafError("%s does not appear to be a program" % (program_name,)) tmpl = command_template % (program_node.abspath(),) execvec = shlex.split(tmpl.replace('\\', '\\\\')) #print "%r ==shlex.split==> %r" % (command_template % (program_node.abspath(env),), execvec) return program_name, execvec def run_program(program_string, env, command_template=None, cwd=None, visualize=False): """ if command_template is not None, then program_string == program name and argv is given by command_template with %s replaced by the full path to the program. Else, program_string is interpreted as a shell command with first name being the program name. """ dummy_program_name, execvec = get_run_program(program_string, command_template) if cwd is None: if (Options.options.cwd_launch): cwd = Options.options.cwd_launch else: cwd = Options.cwd_launch if visualize: execvec.append("--SimulatorImplementationType=ns3::VisualSimulatorImpl") return run_argv(execvec, env, cwd=cwd) def run_python_program(program_string, env, visualize=False): env = bld.env execvec = shlex.split(program_string) if (Options.options.cwd_launch): cwd = Options.options.cwd_launch else: cwd = Options.cwd_launch if visualize: execvec.append("--SimulatorImplementationType=ns3::VisualSimulatorImpl") return run_argv([env['PYTHON'][0]] + execvec, env, cwd=cwd) def uniquify_list(seq): """Remove duplicates while preserving order From Dave Kirby """ seen = set() return [ x for x in seq if x not in seen and not seen.add(x)]
# Copyright (C) 2011 Jason Anderson # # # This file is part of PseudoTV. # # PseudoTV is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # PseudoTV is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with PseudoTV. If not, see <>. import xbmc, xbmcgui, xbmcaddon import subprocess, os import time, threading import datetime import sys, re import random, traceback from ChannelList import ChannelList from Channel import Channel from Globals import * from Artdownloader import * class ChannelListThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.myOverlay = None sys.setcheckinterval(25) self.chanlist = ChannelList() self.paused = False self.fullUpdating = True self.Artdownloader = Artdownloader() def log(self, msg, level = xbmc.LOGDEBUG): log('ChannelListThread: ' + msg, level) def run(self): self.log("Starting") self.chanlist.exitThread = False self.chanlist.readConfig() self.chanlist.sleepTime = 0.1 if self.myOverlay == None: self.log("Overlay not defined. Exiting.") return self.chanlist.myOverlay = self.myOverlay self.fullUpdating = (self.myOverlay.backgroundUpdating == 0) validchannels = 0 for i in range(self.myOverlay.maxChannels): self.chanlist.channels.append(Channel()) if self.myOverlay.channels[i].isValid: validchannels += 1 # Don't load invalid channels if minimum threading mode is on if self.fullUpdating and self.myOverlay.isMaster: if validchannels < self.chanlist.enteredChannelCount: title = 'PseudoTV Live, Background Loading...' xbmc.executebuiltin('XBMC.Notification(%s, %s, %s)' % (title, 4000 , THUMB)) for i in range(self.myOverlay.maxChannels): if self.myOverlay.channels[i].isValid == False: while True: if self.myOverlay.isExiting: self.log("Closing thread") return time.sleep(1) if self.paused == False: break self.chanlist.channels[i].setAccessTime(self.myOverlay.channels[i].lastAccessTime) try: if self.chanlist.setupChannel(i + 1, True, True, False) == True: while self.paused: if self.myOverlay.isExiting: self.log("IsExiting") return time.sleep(1) self.myOverlay.channels[i] = self.chanlist.channels[i] if self.myOverlay.channels[i].isValid == True: title = "PseudoTV Live, Channel " + str(i + 1) + " Added" xbmc.executebuiltin('XBMC.Notification(%s, %s, %s)' % (title, 4000, THUMB)) except Exception,e: self.log("Unknown Channel Creation Exception", xbmc.LOGERROR) self.log(traceback.format_exc(), xbmc.LOGERROR) return REAL_SETTINGS.setSetting('ForceChannelReset', 'false') self.chanlist.sleepTime = 0.3 if REAL_SETTINGS.getSetting("ArtService_Enabled") == "true": InfoTimer = INFOBAR_TIMER[int(REAL_SETTINGS.getSetting('InfoTimer'))] self.ArtServiceThread = threading.Timer(float(InfoTimer), self.Artdownloader.ArtService) = "ArtServiceThread" self.ArtServiceThread.start() while True: for i in range(self.myOverlay.maxChannels): modified = True while modified == True and self.myOverlay.channels[i].getTotalDuration() < PREP_CHANNEL_TIME and self.myOverlay.channels[i].Playlist.size() < 16288: # If minimum updating is on, don't attempt to load invalid channels if self.fullUpdating == False and self.myOverlay.channels[i].isValid == False and self.myOverlay.isMaster: break modified = False if self.myOverlay.isExiting: self.log("Closing thread") return time.sleep(2) curtotal = self.myOverlay.channels[i].getTotalDuration() if self.myOverlay.isMaster: if curtotal > 0: # When appending, many of the channel variables aren't set, so copy them over. # This needs to be done before setup since a rule may use one of the values. # It also needs to be done after since one of them may have changed while being setup. self.chanlist.channels[i].playlistPosition = self.myOverlay.channels[i].playlistPosition self.chanlist.channels[i].showTimeOffset = self.myOverlay.channels[i].showTimeOffset self.chanlist.channels[i].lastAccessTime = self.myOverlay.channels[i].lastAccessTime self.chanlist.channels[i].totalTimePlayed = self.myOverlay.channels[i].totalTimePlayed self.chanlist.channels[i].isPaused = self.myOverlay.channels[i].isPaused self.chanlist.channels[i].mode = self.myOverlay.channels[i].mode # Only allow appending valid channels, don't allow erasing them try: self.chanlist.setupChannel(i + 1, True, False, True) except Exception,e: self.log("Unknown Channel Appending Exception", xbmc.LOGERROR) self.log(traceback.format_exc(), xbmc.LOGERROR) return self.chanlist.channels[i].playlistPosition = self.myOverlay.channels[i].playlistPosition self.chanlist.channels[i].showTimeOffset = self.myOverlay.channels[i].showTimeOffset self.chanlist.channels[i].lastAccessTime = self.myOverlay.channels[i].lastAccessTime self.chanlist.channels[i].totalTimePlayed = self.myOverlay.channels[i].totalTimePlayed self.chanlist.channels[i].isPaused = self.myOverlay.channels[i].isPaused self.chanlist.channels[i].mode = self.myOverlay.channels[i].mode else: try: self.chanlist.setupChannel(i + 1, True, True, False) except Exception,e: self.log("Unknown Channel Modification Exception", xbmc.LOGERROR) self.log(traceback.format_exc(), xbmc.LOGERROR) return else: try: # We're not master, so no modifications...just try and load the channel self.chanlist.setupChannel(i + 1, True, False, False) except Exception,e: self.log("Unknown Channel Loading Exception", xbmc.LOGERROR) self.log(traceback.format_exc(), xbmc.LOGERROR) return self.myOverlay.channels[i] = self.chanlist.channels[i] if self.myOverlay.isMaster: ADDON_SETTINGS.setSetting('Channel_' + str(i + 1) + '_time', str(self.myOverlay.channels[i].totalTimePlayed)) if self.myOverlay.channels[i].getTotalDuration() > curtotal and self.myOverlay.isMaster: modified = True # A do-while loop for the paused state while True: if self.myOverlay.isExiting: self.log("Closing thread") return time.sleep(2) if self.paused == False: break timeslept = 0 if self.fullUpdating == False and self.myOverlay.isMaster: return # If we're master, wait 30 minutes in between checks. If not, wait 5 minutes. while (timeslept < 1800 and self.myOverlay.isMaster == True) or (timeslept < 300 and self.myOverlay.isMaster == False): if self.myOverlay.isExiting: self.log("IsExiting") return time.sleep(2) timeslept += 2 self.log("All channels up to date. Exiting thread.") def pause(self): self.paused = True self.chanlist.threadPaused = True def unpause(self): self.paused = False self.chanlist.threadPaused = False
#!/usr/bin/python # $Id:,v 1.1 2006/12/01 00:57:00 binetude Exp $ # "Copyright (c) 2000-2003 The Regents of the University of California. # All rights reserved. # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its # documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without written agreement is # hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice, the following # two paragraphs and the author appear in all copies of this software. # # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR # DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT # OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF THE UNIVERSITY OF # CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, # INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY # AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS # ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION TO # PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS." # # Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Intel Corporation # All rights reserved. # # This file is distributed under the terms in the attached INTEL-LICENSE # file. If you do not find these files, copies can be found by writing to # Intel Research Berkeley, 2150 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 1300, Berkeley, CA, # 94704. Attention: Intel License Inquiry. # # @author Sukun Kim <[email protected]> # import os motes = [1, \ 2] MAX_RETRY = 10 for k in range(2): os.system('date') os.system('sleep 1') print 'java net.tinyos.sentri.DataCenter releaseRoute' os.system('sleep 1') print 'java net.tinyos.sentri.DataCenter eraseFlash' for i in range(6): os.system('sleep 2') print 'java net.tinyos.sentri.DataCenter ledOff' for i in motes: mote = str(i) os.system('sleep 1') result = 0 print 'java net.tinyos.sentri.DataCenter networkInfo ' + mote if result != 0: os.system('sleep 10') os.system('sleep 12') print 'java net.tinyos.sentri.DataCenter fixRoute' os.system('sleep 6') print 'java net.tinyos.sentri.DataCenter startSensing 48000 1000 -chnlSelect 31 -samplesToAvg 5' for i in motes: mote = str(i) for j in range(MAX_RETRY): os.system('sleep 1') result = 0 print 'java net.tinyos.sentri.DataCenter readData -dest ' + mote if result == 0: break os.system('sleep 1') print 'java net.tinyos.sentri.DataCenter releaseRoute'
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import os import os.path import xml.dom.minidom if os.environ["TRAVIS_SECURE_ENV_VARS"] == "false": print "no secure env vars available, skipping deployment" sys.exit() homedir = os.path.expanduser("~") m2 = xml.dom.minidom.parse(homedir + '/.m2/settings.xml') settings = m2.getElementsByTagName("settings")[0] serversNodes = settings.getElementsByTagName("servers") if not serversNodes: serversNode = m2.createElement("servers") settings.appendChild(serversNode) else: serversNode = serversNodes[0] sonatypeServerNode = m2.createElement("server") sonatypeServerId = m2.createElement("id") sonatypeServerUser = m2.createElement("username") sonatypeServerPass = m2.createElement("password") idNode = m2.createTextNode("sonatype-nexus-snapshots") userNode = m2.createTextNode(os.environ["SONATYPE_USERNAME"]) passNode = m2.createTextNode(os.environ["SONATYPE_PASSWORD"]) sonatypeServerId.appendChild(idNode) sonatypeServerUser.appendChild(userNode) sonatypeServerPass.appendChild(passNode) sonatypeServerNode.appendChild(sonatypeServerId) sonatypeServerNode.appendChild(sonatypeServerUser) sonatypeServerNode.appendChild(sonatypeServerPass) serversNode.appendChild(sonatypeServerNode) m2Str = m2.toxml() f = open(homedir + '/.m2/mySettings.xml', 'w') f.write(m2Str) f.close()
# Copyright (C) 2020 Red Hat, Inc., Jake Hunsaker <[email protected]> # This file is part of the sos project: # # This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, # modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of # version 2 of the GNU General Public License. # # See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information. from sos.options import SoSOptions from sos.presets import PresetDefaults RHEL_RELEASE_STR = "Red Hat Enterprise Linux" _opts_verify = SoSOptions(verify=True) _opts_all_logs = SoSOptions(all_logs=True) _opts_all_logs_verify = SoSOptions(all_logs=True, verify=True) _cb_profiles = ['boot', 'storage', 'system'] _cb_plugopts = ['boot.all-images=on', 'rpm.rpmva=on', 'rpm.rpmdb=on'] RHV = "rhv" RHV_DESC = "Red Hat Virtualization" RHEL = "rhel" RHEL_DESC = RHEL_RELEASE_STR RHOSP = "rhosp" RHOSP_DESC = "Red Hat OpenStack Platform" RHOCP = "ocp" RHOCP_DESC = "OpenShift Container Platform by Red Hat" RHOSP_OPTS = SoSOptions(plugopts=[ 'process.lsof=off', 'networking.ethtool_namespaces=False', 'networking.namespaces=200']) RH_CFME = "cfme" RH_CFME_DESC = "Red Hat CloudForms" RH_SATELLITE = "satellite" RH_SATELLITE_DESC = "Red Hat Satellite" SAT_OPTS = SoSOptions(log_size=100, plugopts=['apache.log=on']) CB = "cantboot" CB_DESC = "For use when normal system startup fails" CB_OPTS = SoSOptions( verify=True, all_logs=True, profiles=_cb_profiles, plugopts=_cb_plugopts ) CB_NOTE = ("Data collection will be limited to a boot-affecting scope") NOTE_SIZE = "This preset may increase report size" NOTE_TIME = "This preset may increase report run time" NOTE_SIZE_TIME = "This preset may increase report size and run time" RHEL_PRESETS = { RHV: PresetDefaults(name=RHV, desc=RHV_DESC, note=NOTE_TIME, opts=_opts_verify), RHEL: PresetDefaults(name=RHEL, desc=RHEL_DESC), RHOSP: PresetDefaults(name=RHOSP, desc=RHOSP_DESC, opts=RHOSP_OPTS), RHOCP: PresetDefaults(name=RHOCP, desc=RHOCP_DESC, note=NOTE_SIZE_TIME, opts=_opts_all_logs_verify), RH_CFME: PresetDefaults(name=RH_CFME, desc=RH_CFME_DESC, note=NOTE_TIME, opts=_opts_verify), RH_SATELLITE: PresetDefaults(name=RH_SATELLITE, desc=RH_SATELLITE_DESC, note=NOTE_TIME, opts=SAT_OPTS), CB: PresetDefaults(name=CB, desc=CB_DESC, note=CB_NOTE, opts=CB_OPTS) } ATOMIC = "atomic" ATOMIC_RELEASE_STR = "Atomic" ATOMIC_DESC = "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host" ATOMIC_PRESETS = { ATOMIC: PresetDefaults(name=ATOMIC, desc=ATOMIC_DESC, note=NOTE_TIME, opts=_opts_verify) } # vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :
#__all__ = ['deque', 'defaultdict', 'Counter'] from _collections import deque, defaultdict #from itertools import repeat as _repeat, chain as _chain, starmap as _starmap __all__ = ['deque', 'defaultdict', 'namedtuple', 'UserDict', 'UserList', 'UserString', 'Counter', 'OrderedDict'] # For bootstrapping reasons, the collection ABCs are defined in # They should however be considered an integral part of # fixme brython.. there is an issue with _abcoll #from _abcoll import * #from _abcoll import Set from _abcoll import MutableMapping #import _abcoll #__all__ += _abcoll.__all__ from import * import __all__ += from _collections import deque, defaultdict, namedtuple from operator import itemgetter as _itemgetter from keyword import iskeyword as _iskeyword import sys as _sys import heapq as _heapq #fixme brython #from weakref import proxy as _proxy from itertools import repeat as _repeat, chain as _chain, starmap as _starmap from reprlib import recursive_repr as _recursive_repr class Set(set): pass class Sequence(list): pass def _proxy(obj): return obj ################################################################################ ### OrderedDict ################################################################################ class _Link(object): __slots__ = 'prev', 'next', 'key', '__weakref__' class OrderedDict(dict): 'Dictionary that remembers insertion order' # An inherited dict maps keys to values. # The inherited dict provides __getitem__, __len__, __contains__, and get. # The remaining methods are order-aware. # Big-O running times for all methods are the same as regular dictionaries. # The internal self.__map dict maps keys to links in a doubly linked list. # The circular doubly linked list starts and ends with a sentinel element. # The sentinel element never gets deleted (this simplifies the algorithm). # The sentinel is in self.__hardroot with a weakref proxy in self.__root. # The prev links are weakref proxies (to prevent circular references). # Individual links are kept alive by the hard reference in self.__map. # Those hard references disappear when a key is deleted from an OrderedDict. def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): '''Initialize an ordered dictionary. The signature is the same as regular dictionaries, but keyword arguments are not recommended because their insertion order is arbitrary. ''' if len(args) > 1: raise TypeError('expected at most 1 arguments, got %d' % len(args)) try: self.__root except AttributeError: self.__hardroot = _Link() self.__root = root = _proxy(self.__hardroot) root.prev = = root self.__map = {} self.__update(*args, **kwds) def __setitem__(self, key, value, dict_setitem=dict.__setitem__, proxy=_proxy, Link=_Link): 'od.__setitem__(i, y) <==> od[i]=y' # Setting a new item creates a new link at the end of the linked list, # and the inherited dictionary is updated with the new key/value pair. if key not in self: self.__map[key] = link = Link() root = self.__root last = root.prev link.prev,, link.key = last, root, key = link root.prev = proxy(link) dict_setitem(self, key, value) def __delitem__(self, key, dict_delitem=dict.__delitem__): 'od.__delitem__(y) <==> del od[y]' # Deleting an existing item uses self.__map to find the link which gets # removed by updating the links in the predecessor and successor nodes. dict_delitem(self, key) link = self.__map.pop(key) link_prev = link.prev link_next = = link_next link_next.prev = link_prev def __iter__(self): 'od.__iter__() <==> iter(od)' # Traverse the linked list in order. root = self.__root curr = while curr is not root: yield curr.key curr = def __reversed__(self): 'od.__reversed__() <==> reversed(od)' # Traverse the linked list in reverse order. root = self.__root curr = root.prev while curr is not root: yield curr.key curr = curr.prev def clear(self): 'od.clear() -> None. Remove all items from od.' root = self.__root root.prev = = root self.__map.clear() dict.clear(self) def popitem(self, last=True): '''od.popitem() -> (k, v), return and remove a (key, value) pair. Pairs are returned in LIFO order if last is true or FIFO order if false. ''' if not self: raise KeyError('dictionary is empty') root = self.__root if last: link = root.prev link_prev = link.prev = root root.prev = link_prev else: link = link_next = = link_next link_next.prev = root key = link.key del self.__map[key] value = dict.pop(self, key) return key, value def move_to_end(self, key, last=True): '''Move an existing element to the end (or beginning if last==False). Raises KeyError if the element does not exist. When last=True, acts like a fast version of self[key]=self.pop(key). ''' link = self.__map[key] link_prev = link.prev link_next = = link_next link_next.prev = link_prev root = self.__root if last: last = root.prev link.prev = last = root = root.prev = link else: first = link.prev = root = first = first.prev = link def __sizeof__(self): sizeof = _sys.getsizeof n = len(self) + 1 # number of links including root size = sizeof(self.__dict__) # instance dictionary size += sizeof(self.__map) * 2 # internal dict and inherited dict size += sizeof(self.__hardroot) * n # link objects size += sizeof(self.__root) * n # proxy objects return size #fixme brython.. Issue with _abcoll, which contains MutableMapping update = __update = MutableMapping.update keys = MutableMapping.keys values = MutableMapping.values items = MutableMapping.items __ne__ = MutableMapping.__ne__ __marker = object() def pop(self, key, default=__marker): '''od.pop(k[,d]) -> v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value. If key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised. ''' if key in self: result = self[key] del self[key] return result if default is self.__marker: raise KeyError(key) return default def setdefault(self, key, default=None): 'od.setdefault(k[,d]) -> od.get(k,d), also set od[k]=d if k not in od' if key in self: return self[key] self[key] = default return default #fixme, brython issue #@_recursive_repr() def __repr__(self): 'od.__repr__() <==> repr(od)' if not self: return '%s()' % (self.__class__.__name__,) return '%s(%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, list(self.items())) def __reduce__(self): 'Return state information for pickling' items = [[k, self[k]] for k in self] inst_dict = vars(self).copy() for k in vars(OrderedDict()): inst_dict.pop(k, None) if inst_dict: return (self.__class__, (items,), inst_dict) return self.__class__, (items,) def copy(self): 'od.copy() -> a shallow copy of od' return self.__class__(self) @classmethod def fromkeys(cls, iterable, value=None): '''OD.fromkeys(S[, v]) -> New ordered dictionary with keys from S. If not specified, the value defaults to None. ''' self = cls() for key in iterable: self[key] = value return self def __eq__(self, other): '''od.__eq__(y) <==> od==y. Comparison to another OD is order-sensitive while comparison to a regular mapping is order-insensitive. ''' if isinstance(other, OrderedDict): return len(self)==len(other) and \ all(p==q for p, q in zip(self.items(), other.items())) return dict.__eq__(self, other) ######################################################################## ### Counter ######################################################################## def _count_elements(mapping, iterable): 'Tally elements from the iterable.' mapping_get = mapping.get for elem in iterable: mapping[elem] = mapping_get(elem, 0) + 1 #try: # Load C helper function if available # from _collections import _count_elements #except ImportError: # pass class Counter(dict): '''Dict subclass for counting hashable items. Sometimes called a bag or multiset. Elements are stored as dictionary keys and their counts are stored as dictionary values. >>> c = Counter('abcdeabcdabcaba') # count elements from a string >>> c.most_common(3) # three most common elements [('a', 5), ('b', 4), ('c', 3)] >>> sorted(c) # list all unique elements ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] >>> ''.join(sorted(c.elements())) # list elements with repetitions 'aaaaabbbbcccdde' >>> sum(c.values()) # total of all counts 15 >>> c['a'] # count of letter 'a' 5 >>> for elem in 'shazam': # update counts from an iterable ... c[elem] += 1 # by adding 1 to each element's count >>> c['a'] # now there are seven 'a' 7 >>> del c['b'] # remove all 'b' >>> c['b'] # now there are zero 'b' 0 >>> d = Counter('simsalabim') # make another counter >>> c.update(d) # add in the second counter >>> c['a'] # now there are nine 'a' 9 >>> c.clear() # empty the counter >>> c Counter() Note: If a count is set to zero or reduced to zero, it will remain in the counter until the entry is deleted or the counter is cleared: >>> c = Counter('aaabbc') >>> c['b'] -= 2 # reduce the count of 'b' by two >>> c.most_common() # 'b' is still in, but its count is zero [('a', 3), ('c', 1), ('b', 0)] ''' # References: # # # # # Knuth, TAOCP Vol. II section 4.6.3 def __init__(self, iterable=None, **kwds): '''Create a new, empty Counter object. And if given, count elements from an input iterable. Or, initialize the count from another mapping of elements to their counts. >>> c = Counter() # a new, empty counter >>> c = Counter('gallahad') # a new counter from an iterable >>> c = Counter({'a': 4, 'b': 2}) # a new counter from a mapping >>> c = Counter(a=4, b=2) # a new counter from keyword args ''' #super().__init__() #BE modified since super not supported dict.__init__(self) self.update(iterable, **kwds) def __missing__(self, key): 'The count of elements not in the Counter is zero.' # Needed so that self[missing_item] does not raise KeyError return 0 def most_common(self, n=None): '''List the n most common elements and their counts from the most common to the least. If n is None, then list all element counts. >>> Counter('abcdeabcdabcaba').most_common(3) [('a', 5), ('b', 4), ('c', 3)] ''' # Emulate Bag.sortedByCount from Smalltalk if n is None: return sorted(self.items(), key=_itemgetter(1), reverse=True) return _heapq.nlargest(n, self.items(), key=_itemgetter(1)) def elements(self): '''Iterator over elements repeating each as many times as its count. >>> c = Counter('ABCABC') >>> sorted(c.elements()) ['A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C', 'C'] # Knuth's example for prime factors of 1836: 2**2 * 3**3 * 17**1 >>> prime_factors = Counter({2: 2, 3: 3, 17: 1}) >>> product = 1 >>> for factor in prime_factors.elements(): # loop over factors ... product *= factor # and multiply them >>> product 1836 Note, if an element's count has been set to zero or is a negative number, elements() will ignore it. ''' # Emulate from Smalltalk and Multiset.begin from C++. return _chain.from_iterable(_starmap(_repeat, self.items())) # Override dict methods where necessary @classmethod def fromkeys(cls, iterable, v=None): # There is no equivalent method for counters because setting v=1 # means that no element can have a count greater than one. raise NotImplementedError( 'Counter.fromkeys() is undefined. Use Counter(iterable) instead.') def update(self, iterable=None, **kwds): '''Like dict.update() but add counts instead of replacing them. Source can be an iterable, a dictionary, or another Counter instance. >>> c = Counter('which') >>> c.update('witch') # add elements from another iterable >>> d = Counter('watch') >>> c.update(d) # add elements from another counter >>> c['h'] # four 'h' in which, witch, and watch 4 ''' # The regular dict.update() operation makes no sense here because the # replace behavior results in the some of original untouched counts # being mixed-in with all of the other counts for a mismash that # doesn't have a straight-forward interpretation in most counting # contexts. Instead, we implement straight-addition. Both the inputs # and outputs are allowed to contain zero and negative counts. if iterable is not None: if isinstance(iterable, Mapping): if self: self_get = self.get for elem, count in iterable.items(): self[elem] = count + self_get(elem, 0) else: super().update(iterable) # fast path when counter is empty else: _count_elements(self, iterable) if kwds: self.update(kwds) def subtract(self, iterable=None, **kwds): '''Like dict.update() but subtracts counts instead of replacing them. Counts can be reduced below zero. Both the inputs and outputs are allowed to contain zero and negative counts. Source can be an iterable, a dictionary, or another Counter instance. >>> c = Counter('which') >>> c.subtract('witch') # subtract elements from another iterable >>> c.subtract(Counter('watch')) # subtract elements from another counter >>> c['h'] # 2 in which, minus 1 in witch, minus 1 in watch 0 >>> c['w'] # 1 in which, minus 1 in witch, minus 1 in watch -1 ''' if iterable is not None: self_get = self.get if isinstance(iterable, Mapping): for elem, count in iterable.items(): self[elem] = self_get(elem, 0) - count else: for elem in iterable: self[elem] = self_get(elem, 0) - 1 if kwds: self.subtract(kwds) def copy(self): 'Return a shallow copy.' return self.__class__(self) def __reduce__(self): return self.__class__, (dict(self),) def __delitem__(self, elem): 'Like dict.__delitem__() but does not raise KeyError for missing values.' if elem in self: super().__delitem__(elem) def __repr__(self): if not self: return '%s()' % self.__class__.__name__ try: items = ', '.join(map('%r: %r'.__mod__, self.most_common())) return '%s({%s})' % (self.__class__.__name__, items) except TypeError: # handle case where values are not orderable return '{0}({1!r})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, dict(self)) # Multiset-style mathematical operations discussed in: # Knuth TAOCP Volume II section 4.6.3 exercise 19 # and at # # Outputs guaranteed to only include positive counts. # # To strip negative and zero counts, add-in an empty counter: # c += Counter() def __add__(self, other): '''Add counts from two counters. >>> Counter('abbb') + Counter('bcc') Counter({'b': 4, 'c': 2, 'a': 1}) ''' if not isinstance(other, Counter): return NotImplemented result = Counter() for elem, count in self.items(): newcount = count + other[elem] if newcount > 0: result[elem] = newcount for elem, count in other.items(): if elem not in self and count > 0: result[elem] = count return result def __sub__(self, other): ''' Subtract count, but keep only results with positive counts. >>> Counter('abbbc') - Counter('bccd') Counter({'b': 2, 'a': 1}) ''' if not isinstance(other, Counter): return NotImplemented result = Counter() for elem, count in self.items(): newcount = count - other[elem] if newcount > 0: result[elem] = newcount for elem, count in other.items(): if elem not in self and count < 0: result[elem] = 0 - count return result def __or__(self, other): '''Union is the maximum of value in either of the input counters. >>> Counter('abbb') | Counter('bcc') Counter({'b': 3, 'c': 2, 'a': 1}) ''' if not isinstance(other, Counter): return NotImplemented result = Counter() for elem, count in self.items(): other_count = other[elem] newcount = other_count if count < other_count else count if newcount > 0: result[elem] = newcount for elem, count in other.items(): if elem not in self and count > 0: result[elem] = count return result def __and__(self, other): ''' Intersection is the minimum of corresponding counts. >>> Counter('abbb') & Counter('bcc') Counter({'b': 1}) ''' if not isinstance(other, Counter): return NotImplemented result = Counter() for elem, count in self.items(): other_count = other[elem] newcount = count if count < other_count else other_count if newcount > 0: result[elem] = newcount return result ######################################################################## ### ChainMap (helper for configparser) ######################################################################## class ChainMap(MutableMapping): ''' A ChainMap groups multiple dicts (or other mappings) together to create a single, updateable view. The underlying mappings are stored in a list. That list is public and can accessed or updated using the *maps* attribute. There is no other state. Lookups search the underlying mappings successively until a key is found. In contrast, writes, updates, and deletions only operate on the first mapping. ''' def __init__(self, *maps): '''Initialize a ChainMap by setting *maps* to the given mappings. If no mappings are provided, a single empty dictionary is used. ''' self.maps = list(maps) or [{}] # always at least one map def __missing__(self, key): raise KeyError(key) def __getitem__(self, key): for mapping in self.maps: try: return mapping[key] # can't use 'key in mapping' with defaultdict except KeyError: pass return self.__missing__(key) # support subclasses that define __missing__ def get(self, key, default=None): return self[key] if key in self else default def __len__(self): return len(set().union(*self.maps)) # reuses stored hash values if possible def __iter__(self): return iter(set().union(*self.maps)) def __contains__(self, key): return any(key in m for m in self.maps) def __bool__(self): return any(self.maps) #fixme, brython #@_recursive_repr() def __repr__(self): return '{0.__class__.__name__}({1})'.format( self, ', '.join(map(repr, self.maps))) def __repr__(self): return ','.join(str(_map) for _map in self.maps) @classmethod def fromkeys(cls, iterable, *args): 'Create a ChainMap with a single dict created from the iterable.' return cls(dict.fromkeys(iterable, *args)) def copy(self): 'New ChainMap or subclass with a new copy of maps[0] and refs to maps[1:]' return self.__class__(self.maps[0].copy(), *self.maps[1:]) __copy__ = copy def new_child(self): # like Django's Context.push() 'New ChainMap with a new dict followed by all previous maps.' return self.__class__({}, *self.maps) @property def parents(self): # like Django's Context.pop() 'New ChainMap from maps[1:].' return self.__class__(*self.maps[1:]) def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.maps[0][key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): try: del self.maps[0][key] except KeyError: raise KeyError('Key not found in the first mapping: {!r}'.format(key)) def popitem(self): 'Remove and return an item pair from maps[0]. Raise KeyError is maps[0] is empty.' try: return self.maps[0].popitem() except KeyError: raise KeyError('No keys found in the first mapping.') def pop(self, key, *args): 'Remove *key* from maps[0] and return its value. Raise KeyError if *key* not in maps[0].' try: return self.maps[0].pop(key, *args) except KeyError: #raise KeyError('Key not found in the first mapping: {!r}'.format(key)) raise KeyError('Key not found in the first mapping: %s' % key) def clear(self): 'Clear maps[0], leaving maps[1:] intact.' self.maps[0].clear() ################################################################################ ### UserDict ################################################################################ class UserDict(MutableMapping): # Start by filling-out the abstract methods def __init__(self, dict=None, **kwargs): = {} if dict is not None: self.update(dict) if len(kwargs): self.update(kwargs) def __len__(self): return len( def __getitem__(self, key): if key in return[key] if hasattr(self.__class__, "__missing__"): return self.__class__.__missing__(self, key) raise KeyError(key) def __setitem__(self, key, item):[key] = item def __delitem__(self, key): del[key] def __iter__(self): return iter( # Modify __contains__ to work correctly when __missing__ is present def __contains__(self, key): return key in # Now, add the methods in dicts but not in MutableMapping def __repr__(self): return repr( def copy(self): if self.__class__ is UserDict: return UserDict( import copy data = try: = {} c = copy.copy(self) finally: = data c.update(self) return c @classmethod def fromkeys(cls, iterable, value=None): d = cls() for key in iterable: d[key] = value return d ################################################################################ ### UserList ################################################################################ ################################################################################ ### UserString ################################################################################
# Copyright 2014 PerfKitBenchmarker Authors. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Class to represent a Static Virtual Machine object. All static VMs provided in a given group will be used before any non-static VMs are provisioned. For example, in a test that uses 4 VMs, if 3 static VMs are provided, all of them will be used and one additional non-static VM will be provisioned. The VM's should be set up with passwordless ssh and passwordless sudo (neither sshing nor running a sudo command should prompt the user for a password). All VM specifics are self-contained and the class provides methods to operate on the VM: boot, shutdown, etc. """ import collections import json import logging import threading from perfkitbenchmarker import disk from perfkitbenchmarker import flags from perfkitbenchmarker import linux_virtual_machine from perfkitbenchmarker import virtual_machine from perfkitbenchmarker import windows_virtual_machine WINDOWS = 'windows' DEBIAN = 'debian' RHEL = 'rhel' UBUNTU_CONTAINER = 'ubuntu_container' FLAGS = flags.FLAGS class StaticVmSpec(virtual_machine.BaseVmSpec): """Object containing all info needed to create a Static VM.""" def __init__(self, ip_address=None, user_name=None, ssh_private_key=None, internal_ip=None, ssh_port=22, install_packages=True, password=None, disk_specs=None, os_type=None, **kwargs): """Initialize the StaticVmSpec object. Args: ip_address: The public ip address of the VM. user_name: The username of the VM that the keyfile corresponds to. ssh_private_key: The absolute path to the private keyfile to use to ssh to the VM. internal_ip: The internal ip address of the VM. ssh_port: The port number to use for SSH and SCP commands. install_packages: If false, no packages will be installed. This is useful if benchmark dependencies have already been installed. password: The password used to log into the VM (Windows Only). disk_specs: A list of dictionaries containing kwargs used to create disk.BaseDiskSpecs. os_type: The OS type of the VM. See the flag of the same name for more information. """ super(StaticVmSpec, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.ip_address = ip_address self.user_name = user_name self.ssh_private_key = ssh_private_key self.internal_ip = internal_ip self.ssh_port = ssh_port self.install_packages = install_packages self.password = password self.os_type = os_type self.disk_specs = disk_specs class StaticDisk(disk.BaseDisk): """Object representing a static Disk.""" def _Create(self): """StaticDisks don't implement _Create().""" pass def _Delete(self): """StaticDisks don't implement _Delete().""" pass def Attach(self): """StaticDisks don't implement Attach().""" pass def Detach(self): """StaticDisks don't implement Detach().""" pass class StaticVirtualMachine(virtual_machine.BaseVirtualMachine): """Object representing a Static Virtual Machine.""" is_static = True vm_pool = collections.deque() vm_pool_lock = threading.Lock() def __init__(self, vm_spec): """Initialize a static virtual machine. Args: vm_spec: A StaticVmSpec object containing arguments. """ super(StaticVirtualMachine, self).__init__(vm_spec, None, None) self.ip_address = vm_spec.ip_address self.user_name = vm_spec.user_name self.ssh_private_key = vm_spec.ssh_private_key self.internal_ip = vm_spec.internal_ip = or ('Static - %s@%s' % (self.user_name, self.ip_address)) self.ssh_port = vm_spec.ssh_port self.install_packages = vm_spec.install_packages self.password = vm_spec.password if vm_spec.disk_specs: for spec in vm_spec.disk_specs: self.disk_specs.append(disk.BaseDiskSpec(**spec)) self.from_pool = False def _Create(self): """StaticVirtualMachines do not implement _Create().""" pass def _Delete(self): """Returns the virtual machine to the pool.""" if self.from_pool: with self.vm_pool_lock: self.vm_pool.appendleft(self) def CreateScratchDisk(self, disk_spec): """Create a VM's scratch disk. Args: disk_spec: virtual_machine.BaseDiskSpec object of the disk. """ spec = self.disk_specs[len(self.scratch_disks)] self.scratch_disks.append(StaticDisk(spec)) def DeleteScratchDisks(self): """StaticVirtualMachines do not delete scratch disks.""" pass def GetLocalDisks(self): """Returns a list of local disks on the VM.""" return [disk_spec.device_path for disk_spec in self.disk_specs if disk_spec.device_path] @classmethod def ReadStaticVirtualMachineFile(cls, file_obj): """Read a file describing the static VMs to use. This function will read the static VM information from the provided file, instantiate VMs corresponding to the info, and add the VMs to the static VM pool. The provided file should contain a single array in JSON-format. Each element in the array must be an object with required format: ip_address: string. user_name: string. keyfile_path: string. ssh_port: integer, optional. Default 22 internal_ip: string, optional. zone: string, optional. local_disks: array of strings, optional. scratch_disk_mountpoints: array of strings, optional os_type: string, optional (see package_managers) install_packages: bool, optional Args: file_obj: An open handle to a file containing the static VM info. Raises: ValueError: On missing required keys, or invalid keys. """ vm_arr = json.load(file_obj) if not isinstance(vm_arr, list): raise ValueError('Invalid static VM file. Expected array, got: %s.' % type(vm_arr)) required_keys = frozenset(['ip_address', 'user_name']) linux_required_keys = required_keys | frozenset(['keyfile_path']) required_keys_by_os = { WINDOWS: required_keys | frozenset(['password']), DEBIAN: linux_required_keys, RHEL: linux_required_keys, UBUNTU_CONTAINER: linux_required_keys, } required_keys = required_keys_by_os[FLAGS.os_type] optional_keys = frozenset(['internal_ip', 'zone', 'local_disks', 'scratch_disk_mountpoints', 'os_type', 'ssh_port', 'install_packages']) allowed_keys = required_keys | optional_keys def VerifyItemFormat(item): """Verify that the decoded JSON object matches the required schema.""" item_keys = frozenset(item) extra_keys = sorted(item_keys - allowed_keys) missing_keys = required_keys - item_keys if extra_keys: raise ValueError('Unexpected keys: {0}'.format(', '.join(extra_keys))) elif missing_keys: raise ValueError('Missing required keys: {0}'.format( ', '.join(missing_keys))) for item in vm_arr: VerifyItemFormat(item) ip_address = item['ip_address'] user_name = item['user_name'] keyfile_path = item.get('keyfile_path') internal_ip = item.get('internal_ip') zone = item.get('zone') local_disks = item.get('local_disks', []) password = item.get('password') if not isinstance(local_disks, list): raise ValueError('Expected a list of local disks, got: {0}'.format( local_disks)) scratch_disk_mountpoints = item.get('scratch_disk_mountpoints', []) if not isinstance(scratch_disk_mountpoints, list): raise ValueError( 'Expected a list of disk mount points, got: {0}'.format( scratch_disk_mountpoints)) ssh_port = item.get('ssh_port', 22) os_type = item.get('os_type') install_packages = item.get('install_packages', True) if ((os_type == WINDOWS and FLAGS.os_type != WINDOWS) or (os_type != WINDOWS and FLAGS.os_type == WINDOWS)): raise ValueError('Please only use Windows VMs when using ' '--os_type=windows and vice versa.') disk_kwargs_list = [] for path in scratch_disk_mountpoints: disk_kwargs_list.append({'mount_point': path}) for local_disk in local_disks: disk_kwargs_list.append({'device_path': local_disk}) vm_spec = StaticVmSpec( ip_address=ip_address, user_name=user_name, ssh_port=ssh_port, install_packages=install_packages, ssh_private_key=keyfile_path, internal_ip=internal_ip, zone=zone, disk_specs=disk_kwargs_list, password=password) vm_class = GetStaticVmClass(os_type) vm = vm_class(vm_spec) cls.vm_pool.append(vm) @classmethod def GetStaticVirtualMachine(cls): """Pull a Static VM from the pool of static VMs. If there are no VMs left in the pool, the method will return None. Returns: A static VM from the pool, or None if there are no static VMs left. """ with cls.vm_pool_lock: if cls.vm_pool: vm = cls.vm_pool.popleft() vm.from_pool = True return vm else: return None def GetStaticVmClass(os_type): """Returns the static VM class that corresponds to the os_type.""" class_dict = { DEBIAN: DebianBasedStaticVirtualMachine, RHEL: RhelBasedStaticVirtualMachine, WINDOWS: WindowsBasedStaticVirtualMachine, UBUNTU_CONTAINER: ContainerizedStaticVirtualMachine, } if os_type in class_dict: return class_dict[os_type] else: logging.warning('Could not find os type for VM. Defaulting to debian.') return DebianBasedStaticVirtualMachine class ContainerizedStaticVirtualMachine( StaticVirtualMachine, linux_virtual_machine.ContainerizedDebianMixin): pass class DebianBasedStaticVirtualMachine(StaticVirtualMachine, linux_virtual_machine.DebianMixin): pass class RhelBasedStaticVirtualMachine(StaticVirtualMachine, linux_virtual_machine.RhelMixin): pass class WindowsBasedStaticVirtualMachine(StaticVirtualMachine, windows_virtual_machine.WindowsMixin): pass
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (c) Greenplum Inc 2008. All Rights Reserved. # """ Set of Classes for executing unix commands. """ import os import platform import psutil import socket import signal import uuid from gppylib.gplog import get_default_logger from gppylib.commands.base import * logger = get_default_logger() # ---------------platforms-------------------- # global variable for our platform SYSTEM = "unknown" SUNOS = "sunos" LINUX = "linux" DARWIN = "darwin" FREEBSD = "freebsd" platform_list = [SUNOS, LINUX, DARWIN, FREEBSD] curr_platform = platform.uname()[0].lower() GPHOME = os.environ.get('GPHOME', None) # ---------------command path-------------------- CMDPATH = ['/usr/kerberos/bin', '/usr/sfw/bin', '/opt/sfw/bin', '/bin', '/usr/local/bin', '/usr/bin', '/sbin', '/usr/sbin', '/usr/ucb', '/sw/bin', '/opt/Navisphere/bin'] if GPHOME: CMDPATH.append(GPHOME) CMD_CACHE = {} # ---------------------------------- class CommandNotFoundException(Exception): def __init__(self, cmd, paths): self.cmd = cmd self.paths = paths def __str__(self): return "Could not locate command: '%s' in this set of paths: %s" % (self.cmd, repr(self.paths)) def findCmdInPath(cmd): global CMD_CACHE if cmd not in CMD_CACHE: for p in CMDPATH: f = os.path.join(p, cmd) if os.path.exists(f): CMD_CACHE[cmd] = f return f logger.critical('Command %s not found' % cmd) search_path = CMDPATH[:] raise CommandNotFoundException(cmd, search_path) else: return CMD_CACHE[cmd] # For now we'll leave some generic functions outside of the Platform framework def getLocalHostname(): return socket.gethostname().split('.')[0] def getUserName(): return os.environ.get('LOGNAME') or os.environ.get('USER') def check_pid_on_remotehost(pid, host): """ Check For the existence of a unix pid on remote host. """ if pid == 0: return False cmd = Command(name='check pid on remote host', cmdStr='kill -0 %d' % pid, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=host) if cmd.get_results().rc == 0: return True return False def check_pid(pid): """ Check For the existence of a unix pid. """ if pid == 0: return False try: os.kill(int(pid), signal.SIG_DFL) except OSError: return False else: return True """ Given the data directory, port and pid for a segment, kill -9 all the processes associated with that segment. If pid is -1, then the postmaster is already stopped, so we check for any leftover processes for that segment and kill -9 those processes E.g postgres: port 45002, logger process postgres: port 45002, sweeper process postgres: port 45002, checkpoint process """ def kill_9_segment_processes(datadir, port, pid):'Terminating processes for segment %s' % datadir) pid_list = [] # pid is the pid of the postgres process. # pid can be -1 if the process is down already if pid != -1: pid_list = [pid] cmd = Command('get a list of processes to kill -9', cmdStr='ps ux | grep "[p]ostgres:\s*port\s*%s" | awk \'{print $2}\'' % (port)) try: except Exception as e: logger.warning('Unable to get the pid list of processes for segment %s: (%s)' % (datadir, str(e))) return results = cmd.get_results() results = results.stdout.strip().split('\n') for result in results: if result: pid_list.append(int(result)) for pid in pid_list: # Try to kill -9 the process. # We ignore any errors try: os.kill(pid, signal.SIGKILL) except Exception as e: logger.error('Failed to kill processes for segment %s: (%s)' % (datadir, str(e))) def logandkill(pid, sig): msgs = { signal.SIGCONT: "Sending SIGSCONT to %d", signal.SIGTERM: "Sending SIGTERM to %d (smart shutdown)", signal.SIGINT: "Sending SIGINT to %d (fast shutdown)", signal.SIGQUIT: "Sending SIGQUIT to %d (immediate shutdown)", signal.SIGABRT: "Sending SIGABRT to %d" }[sig] % pid) os.kill(pid, sig) def kill_sequence(pid): if not check_pid(pid): return # first send SIGCONT in case the process is stopped logandkill(pid, signal.SIGCONT) # next try SIGTERM (smart shutdown) logandkill(pid, signal.SIGTERM) # give process a few seconds to exit for i in range(0, 3): time.sleep(1) if not check_pid(pid): return # next try SIGINT (fast shutdown) logandkill(pid, signal.SIGINT) # give process a few more seconds to exit for i in range(0, 3): time.sleep(1) if not check_pid(pid): return # next try SIGQUIT (immediate shutdown) logandkill(pid, signal.SIGQUIT) # give process a final few seconds to exit for i in range(0, 5): time.sleep(1) if not check_pid(pid): return # all else failed - try SIGABRT logandkill(pid, signal.SIGABRT) # ---------------Platform Framework-------------------- """ The following platform framework is used to handle any differences between the platform's we support. The GenericPlatform class is the base class that a supported platform extends from and overrides any of the methods as necessary. TODO: should the platform stuff be broken out to separate module? """ class GenericPlatform(): def getName(self): "unsupported" def getDefaultLocale(self): return 'en_US.utf-8' def get_machine_arch_cmd(self): return 'uname -i' def getPingOnceCmd(self): pass def getDiskFreeCmd(self): return findCmdInPath('df') + " -k" def getTarCmd(self): return findCmdInPath('tar') def getCpCmd(self): return findCmdInPath('cp') def getSadcCmd(self, interval, outfilename): return None def getIfconfigCmd(self): return findCmdInPath('ifconfig') def getMountDevFirst(self): return True class LinuxPlatform(GenericPlatform): def __init__(self): pass def getName(self): return "linux" def getDefaultLocale(self): return 'en_US.utf8' def getDiskFreeCmd(self): # -P is for POSIX formatting. Prevents error # on lines that would wrap return findCmdInPath('df') + " -Pk" def getSadcCmd(self, interval, outfilename): cmd = "/usr/lib64/sa/sadc -F -d " + str(interval) + " " + outfilename return cmd def getMountDevFirst(self): return True def getPing6(self): return findCmdInPath('ping6') class SolarisPlatform(GenericPlatform): def __init__(self): pass def getName(self): return "sunos" def getDefaultLocale(self): return 'en_US.UTF-8' def getDiskFreeCmd(self): return findCmdInPath('df') + " -bk" def getTarCmd(self): return findCmdInPath('gtar') def getSadcCmd(self, interval, outfilename): cmd = "/usr/lib/sa/sadc " + str(interval) + " 100000 " + outfilename return cmd def getIfconfigCmd(self): return findCmdInPath('ifconfig') + ' -a inet' def getMountDevFirst(self): return False class DarwinPlatform(GenericPlatform): def __init__(self): pass def getName(self): return "darwin" def get_machine_arch_cmd(self): return 'uname -m' def getMountDevFirst(self): return True def getPing6(self): return findCmdInPath('ping6') class FreeBsdPlatform(GenericPlatform): def __init__(self): pass def getName(self): return "freebsd" def get_machine_arch_cmd(self): return 'uname -m' def getMountDevFirst(self): return True """ if self.SYSTEM == 'sunos': self.PS_TXT='ef' self.LIB_TYPE='LD_LIBRARY_PATH' self.ZCAT='gzcat' self.PG_METHOD='trust' self.NOLINE_ECHO='/usr/bin/echo' self.MAIL='/bin/mailx' self.PING_TIME='1' self.DF=findCmdInPath('df') self.DU_TXT='-s' elif self.SYSTEM == 'linux': self.PS_TXT='ax' self.LIB_TYPE='LD_LIBRARY_PATH' self.PG_METHOD='ident sameuser' self.NOLINE_ECHO='%s -e' % self.ECHO self.PING_TIME='-c 1' self.DF='%s -P' % findCmdInPath('df') self.DU_TXT='c' elif self.SYSTEM == 'darwin': self.PS_TXT='ax' self.LIB_TYPE='DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH' self.PG_METHOD='ident sameuser' self.NOLINE_ECHO= self.ECHO self.PING_TIME='-c 1' self.DF='%s -P' % findCmdInPath('df') self.DU_TXT='-c' elif self.SYSTEM == 'freebsd': self.PS_TXT='ax' self.LIB_TYPE='LD_LIBRARY_PATH' self.PG_METHOD='ident sameuser' self.NOLINE_ECHO='%s -e' % self.ECHO self.PING_TIME='-c 1' self.DF='%s -P' % findCmdInPath('df') self.DU_TXT='-c' """ # ---------------ping-------------------- class Ping(Command): def __init__(self, name, hostToPing, ctxt=LOCAL, remoteHost=None, obj=None): self.hostToPing = hostToPing self.obj = obj pingToUse = findCmdInPath('ping') if curr_platform == LINUX or curr_platform == DARWIN: # Get the family of the address we need to ping. If it's AF_INET6 # we must use ping6 to ping it. addrinfo = socket.getaddrinfo(hostToPing, None) if addrinfo and addrinfo[0] and addrinfo[0][0] == socket.AF_INET6: pingToUse = SYSTEM.getPing6() cmdStr = "%s -c 1 %s" % (pingToUse, hostToPing) Command.__init__(self, name, cmdStr, ctxt, remoteHost) @staticmethod def ping_list(host_list): for host in host_list: yield Ping("ping", host, ctxt=LOCAL, remoteHost=None) @staticmethod def local(name, hostToPing): p = Ping(name, hostToPing) @staticmethod def remote(name, hostToPing, hostToPingFrom): p = Ping(name, hostToPing, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=hostToPingFrom) # ---------------du-------------------- class DiskUsage(Command): def __init__(self, name, directory, ctxt=LOCAL, remoteHost=None): = directory if remoteHost: cmdStr = "ls -l -R %s | %s ^- | %s '{t+=\$5;} END{print t}'" % ( directory, findCmdInPath('grep'), findCmdInPath('awk')) else: cmdStr = "ls -l -R %s | %s ^- | %s '{t+=$5;} END{print t}'" % ( directory, findCmdInPath('grep'), findCmdInPath('awk')) Command.__init__(self, name, cmdStr, ctxt, remoteHost) @staticmethod def get_size(name, remote_host, directory): duCmd = DiskUsage(name, directory, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=remote_host) return duCmd.get_bytes_used() def get_bytes_used(self): rawIn = self.results.stdout.split('\t')[0].strip() # TODO: revisit this idea of parsing '' and making it a 0. seems dangerous. if rawIn == '': return 0 if rawIn[0] == 'd': raise ExecutionError("du command could not find directory: cmd: %s" "resulted in stdout: '%s' stderr: '%s'" % (self.cmdStr, self.results.stdout, self.results.stderr), self) else: dirBytes = int(rawIn) return dirBytes # -------------df---------------------- class DiskFree(Command): def __init__(self, name, directory, ctxt=LOCAL, remoteHost=None): = directory cmdStr = "%s %s" % (SYSTEM.getDiskFreeCmd(), directory) Command.__init__(self, name, cmdStr, ctxt, remoteHost) @staticmethod def get_size(name, remote_host, directory): dfCmd = DiskFree(name, directory, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=remote_host) return dfCmd.get_bytes_free() @staticmethod def get_size_local(name, directory): dfCmd = DiskFree(name, directory) return dfCmd.get_bytes_free() @staticmethod def get_disk_free_info_local(name, directory): dfCmd = DiskFree(name, directory) return dfCmd.get_disk_free_output() def get_disk_free_output(self): '''expected output of the form: Filesystem 512-blocks Used Available Capacity Mounted on /dev/disk0s2 194699744 158681544 35506200 82% / Returns data in list format: ['/dev/disk0s2', '194699744', '158681544', '35506200', '82%', '/'] ''' rawIn = self.results.stdout.split('\n')[1] return rawIn.split() def get_bytes_free(self): disk_free = self.get_disk_free_output() bytesFree = int(disk_free[3]) * 1024 return bytesFree # -------------mkdir------------------ class MakeDirectory(Command): def __init__(self, name, directory, ctxt=LOCAL, remoteHost=None): = directory cmdStr = "%s -p %s" % (findCmdInPath('mkdir'), directory) Command.__init__(self, name, cmdStr, ctxt, remoteHost) @staticmethod def local(name, directory): mkdirCmd = MakeDirectory(name, directory) @staticmethod def remote(name, remote_host, directory): mkdirCmd = MakeDirectory(name, directory, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=remote_host) # -------------mv------------------ class MoveDirectory(Command): def __init__(self, name, srcDirectory, dstDirectory, ctxt=LOCAL, remoteHost=None): self.srcDirectory = srcDirectory self.dstDirectory = dstDirectory cmdStr = "%s -f %s %s" % (findCmdInPath('mv'), srcDirectory, dstDirectory) Command.__init__(self, name, cmdStr, ctxt, remoteHost) # -------------append------------------ class AppendTextToFile(Command): def __init__(self, name, file, text, ctxt=LOCAL, remoteHost=None): cmdStr = "echo '%s' >> %s" % (text, file) Command.__init__(self, name, cmdStr, ctxt, remoteHost) # -------------inline perl replace------ class InlinePerlReplace(Command): def __init__(self, name, fromStr, toStr, file, ctxt=LOCAL, remoteHost=None): cmdStr = "%s -pi.bak -e's/%s/%s/g' %s" % (findCmdInPath('perl'), fromStr, toStr, file) Command.__init__(self, name, cmdStr, ctxt, remoteHost) # ------------- remove a directory recursively ------------------ class RemoveDirectory(Command): """ remove a directory recursively, including the directory itself. Uses rsync for efficiency. """ def __init__(self, name, directory, ctxt=LOCAL, remoteHost=None): unique_dir = "/tmp/emptyForRemove%s" % uuid.uuid4() cmd_str = "if [ -d {target_dir} ]; then " \ "mkdir -p {unique_dir} && " \ "{cmd} -a --delete {unique_dir}/ {target_dir}/ && " \ "rmdir {target_dir} {unique_dir} ; fi".format( unique_dir=unique_dir, cmd=findCmdInPath('rsync'), target_dir=directory ) Command.__init__(self, name, cmd_str, ctxt, remoteHost) @staticmethod def remote(name, remote_host, directory): rm_cmd = RemoveDirectory(name, directory, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=remote_host) @staticmethod def local(name, directory): rm_cmd = RemoveDirectory(name, directory) # -------------rm -rf ------------------ class RemoveFile(Command): def __init__(self, name, filepath, ctxt=LOCAL, remoteHost=None): cmdStr = "%s -f %s" % (findCmdInPath('rm'), filepath) Command.__init__(self, name, cmdStr, ctxt, remoteHost) @staticmethod def remote(name, remote_host, filepath): rmCmd = RemoveFile(name, filepath, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=remote_host) @staticmethod def local(name, filepath): rmCmd = RemoveFile(name, filepath) class RemoveDirectoryContents(Command): """ remove contents of a directory recursively, excluding the parent directory. Uses rsync for efficiency. """ def __init__(self, name, directory, ctxt=LOCAL, remoteHost=None): unique_dir = "/tmp/emptyForRemove%s" % uuid.uuid4() cmd_str = "if [ -d {target_dir} ]; then " \ "mkdir -p {unique_dir} && " \ "{cmd} -a --delete {unique_dir}/ {target_dir}/ && " \ "rmdir {unique_dir} ; fi".format( unique_dir=unique_dir, cmd=findCmdInPath('rsync'), target_dir=directory ) Command.__init__(self, name, cmd_str, ctxt, remoteHost) @staticmethod def remote(name, remote_host, directory): rm_cmd = RemoveDirectoryContents(name, directory, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=remote_host) @staticmethod def local(name, directory): rm_cmd = RemoveDirectoryContents(name, directory) class RemoveGlob(Command): """ This glob removal tool uses rm -rf, so it can fail OoM if there are too many files that match. """ def __init__(self, name, glob, ctxt=LOCAL, remoteHost=None): cmd_str = "%s -rf %s" % (findCmdInPath('rm'), glob) Command.__init__(self, name, cmd_str, ctxt, remoteHost) @staticmethod def remote(name, remote_host, directory): rm_cmd = RemoveGlob(name, directory, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=remote_host) @staticmethod def local(name, directory): rm_cmd = RemoveGlob(name, directory) # -------------file and dir existence ------------- class PathIsDirectory(Command): def __init__(self, name, directory, ctxt=LOCAL, remoteHost=None): = directory cmdStr = """python -c "import os; print os.path.isdir('%s')" """ % directory Command.__init__(self, name, cmdStr, ctxt, remoteHost) @staticmethod def remote(name, remote_host, directory): cmd = PathIsDirectory(name, directory, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=remote_host) return cmd.isDir() def isDir(self): return bool(self.results.stdout.strip()) # -------------------------- class FileDirExists(Command): def __init__(self, name, directory, ctxt=LOCAL, remoteHost=None): = directory cmdStr = """python -c "import os; print os.path.exists('%s')" """ % directory Command.__init__(self, name, cmdStr, ctxt, remoteHost) @staticmethod def remote(name, remote_host, directory): cmd = FileDirExists(name, directory, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=remote_host) return cmd.filedir_exists() def filedir_exists(self): return self.results.stdout.strip().upper() == 'TRUE' class CreateDirIfNecessary(Command): def __init__(self, name, directory, ctxt=LOCAL, remoteHost=None): = directory cmdStr = """python -c "import sys, os, errno; try: os.mkdir('%s') except OSError, ex: if ex.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise " """ % (directory) Command.__init__(self, name, cmdStr, ctxt, remoteHost) @staticmethod def remote(name, remote_host, directory): cmd = CreateDirIfNecessary(name, directory, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=remote_host) class DirectoryIsEmpty(Command): def __init__(self, name, directory, ctxt=LOCAL, remoteHost=None): = directory cmdStr = """python -c "import os; for root, dirs, files in os.walk('%s'): print (len(dirs) != 0 or len(files) != 0) " """ % Command.__init__(self, name, cmdStr, ctxt, remoteHost) @staticmethod def remote(name, remote_host, directory): cmd = DirectoryIsEmpty(name, directory, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=remote_host) return cmd.isEmpty() def isEmpty(self): return bool(self.results.stdout.strip()) # -------------scp------------------ # MPP-13617 def canonicalize(addr): if ':' not in addr: return addr if '[' in addr: return addr return '[' + addr + ']' class RemoteCopy(Command): def __init__(self, name, srcDirectory, dstHost, dstDirectory, ctxt=LOCAL, remoteHost=None): self.srcDirectory = srcDirectory self.dstHost = dstHost self.dstDirectory = dstDirectory cmdStr = "%s -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -r %s %s:%s" % ( findCmdInPath('scp'), srcDirectory, canonicalize(dstHost), dstDirectory) Command.__init__(self, name, cmdStr, ctxt, remoteHost) class Scp(Command): def __init__(self, name, srcFile, dstFile, srcHost=None, dstHost=None, recursive=False, ctxt=LOCAL, remoteHost=None): cmdStr = findCmdInPath('scp') + " " if recursive: cmdStr = cmdStr + "-r " if srcHost: cmdStr = cmdStr + canonicalize(srcHost) + ":" cmdStr = cmdStr + srcFile + " " if dstHost: cmdStr = cmdStr + canonicalize(dstHost) + ":" cmdStr = cmdStr + dstFile Command.__init__(self, name, cmdStr, ctxt, remoteHost) # -------------local copy------------------ class LocalDirCopy(Command): def __init__(self, name, srcDirectory, dstDirectory): # tar is much faster than cp for directories with lots of files self.srcDirectory = srcDirectory self.dstDirectory = dstDirectory tarCmd = SYSTEM.getTarCmd() cmdStr = "%s -cf - -C %s . | %s -xf - -C %s" % (tarCmd, srcDirectory, tarCmd, dstDirectory) Command.__init__(self, name, cmdStr, LOCAL, None) # -------------local copy------------------ class LocalCopy(Command): def __init__(self, name, srcFile, dstFile): # tar is much faster than cp for directories with lots of files cpCmd = SYSTEM.getCpCmd() cmdStr = "%s %s %s" % (cpCmd, srcFile, dstFile) Command.__init__(self, name, cmdStr, LOCAL, None) # ------------ ssh + tar ------------------ # TODO: impl this. # tar czf - srcDir/ | ssh user@dstHost tar xzf - -C dstDir # -------------create tar------------------ class CreateTar(Command): def __init__(self, name, srcDirectory, dstTarFile, ctxt=LOCAL, remoteHost=None): self.srcDirectory = srcDirectory self.dstTarFile = dstTarFile tarCmd = SYSTEM.getTarCmd() cmdStr = "%s cvPf %s -C %s ." % (tarCmd, self.dstTarFile, srcDirectory) Command.__init__(self, name, cmdStr, ctxt, remoteHost) # -------------extract tar--------------------- class ExtractTar(Command): def __init__(self, name, srcTarFile, dstDirectory, ctxt=LOCAL, remoteHost=None): self.srcTarFile = srcTarFile self.dstDirectory = dstDirectory tarCmd = SYSTEM.getTarCmd() cmdStr = "%s -C %s -xf %s" % (tarCmd, dstDirectory, srcTarFile) Command.__init__(self, name, cmdStr, ctxt, remoteHost) # --------------kill ---------------------- class Kill(Command): def __init__(self, name, pid, signal, ctxt=LOCAL, remoteHost=None): = pid self.signal = signal cmdStr = "%s -s %s %s" % (findCmdInPath('kill'), signal, pid) Command.__init__(self, name, cmdStr, ctxt, remoteHost) @staticmethod def local(name, pid, signal): cmd = Kill(name, pid, signal) @staticmethod def remote(name, pid, signal, remote_host): cmd = Kill(name, pid, signal, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=remote_host) # --------------kill children-------------- class KillChildren(Command): def __init__(self, name, pid, signal, ctxt=LOCAL, remoteHost=None): = pid self.signal = signal cmdStr = "%s -%s -P %s" % (findCmdInPath('pkill'), signal, pid) Command.__init__(self, name, cmdStr, ctxt, remoteHost) @staticmethod def local(name, pid, signal): cmd = KillChildren(name, pid, signal) @staticmethod def remote(name, pid, signal, remote_host): cmd = KillChildren(name, pid, signal, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=remote_host) # --------------pkill---------------------- class Pkill(Command): def __init__(self, name, processname, signal=signal.SIGTERM, ctxt=LOCAL, remoteHost=None): cmdStr = "%s -%s %s" % (findCmdInPath('pkill'), signal, processname) Command.__init__(self, name, cmdStr, ctxt, remoteHost) # --------------sadc----------------------- class Sadc(Command): def __init__(self, name, outfilename, interval=5, background=False, ctxt=LOCAL, remoteHost=None): cmdStr = SYSTEM.getSadcCmd(interval, outfilename) if background: cmdStr = "rm " + outfilename + "; nohup " + cmdStr + " < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 &" Command.__init__(self, name, cmdStr, ctxt, remoteHost) @staticmethod def local(name, outfilename, interval, background): cmd = Sadc(name, outfilename, interval, background) @staticmethod def remote(name, outfilename, interval, background, remote_host): cmd = Sadc(name, outfilename, interval, background, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=remote_host) # --------------hostname ---------------------- class Hostname(Command): def __init__(self, name, ctxt=LOCAL, remoteHost=None): self.remotehost = remoteHost Command.__init__(self, name, findCmdInPath('hostname'), ctxt, remoteHost) def get_hostname(self): if not self.results: raise Exception, 'Command not yet executed' return self.results.stdout.strip() class InterfaceAddrs(Command): """Returns list of interface IP Addresses. List does not include loopback.""" def __init__(self, name, ctxt=LOCAL, remoteHost=None): ifconfig = SYSTEM.getIfconfigCmd() grep = findCmdInPath('grep') awk = findCmdInPath('awk') cut = findCmdInPath('cut') cmdStr = '%s|%s "inet "|%s -v "127.0.0"|%s \'{print \$2}\'|%s -d: -f2' % (ifconfig, grep, grep, awk, cut) Command.__init__(self, name, cmdStr, ctxt, remoteHost) @staticmethod def local(name): cmd = InterfaceAddrs(name) return cmd.get_results().stdout.split() @staticmethod def remote(name, remoteHost): cmd = InterfaceAddrs(name, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=remoteHost) return cmd.get_results().stdout.split() class FileContainsTerm(Command): def __init__(self, name, search_term, file, ctxt=LOCAL, remoteHost=None): self.search_term = search_term self.file = file cmdStr = "%s -c %s %s" % (findCmdInPath('grep'), search_term, file) Command.__init__(self, name, cmdStr, ctxt, remoteHost) def contains_term(self): if not self.results: raise Exception, 'Command not yet executed' count = int(self.results.stdout.strip()) if count == 0: return False else: return True # --------------tcp port is active ----------------------- class PgPortIsActive(Command): def __init__(self, name, port, file, ctxt=LOCAL, remoteHost=None): self.port = port cmdStr = "%s -an 2>/dev/null | %s %s | %s '{print $NF}'" % \ (findCmdInPath('netstat'), findCmdInPath('grep'), file, findCmdInPath('awk')) Command.__init__(self, name, cmdStr, ctxt, remoteHost) def contains_port(self): rows = self.results.stdout.strip().split() if len(rows) == 0: return False for r in rows: val = r.split('.') netstatport = int(val[len(val) - 1]) if netstatport == self.port: return True return False @staticmethod def local(name, file, port): cmd = PgPortIsActive(name, port, file) return cmd.contains_port() @staticmethod def remote(name, file, port, remoteHost): cmd = PgPortIsActive(name, port, file, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=remoteHost) return cmd.contains_port() # --------------chmod ---------------------- class Chmod(Command): def __init__(self, name, dir, perm, ctxt=LOCAL, remoteHost=None): cmdStr = '%s %s %s' % (findCmdInPath('chmod'), perm, dir) Command.__init__(self, name, cmdStr, ctxt, remoteHost) @staticmethod def local(name, dir, perm): cmd = Chmod(name, dir, perm) @staticmethod def remote(name, hostname, dir, perm): cmd = Chmod(name, dir, perm, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=hostname) # --------------echo ---------------------- class Echo(Command): def __init__(self, name, echoString, ctxt=LOCAL, remoteHost=None): cmdStr = '%s "%s"' % (findCmdInPath('echo'), echoString) Command.__init__(self, name, cmdStr, ctxt, remoteHost) @staticmethod def remote(name, echoString, hostname): cmd = Echo(name, echoString, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=hostname) # --------------touch ---------------------- class Touch(Command): def __init__(self, name, file, ctxt=LOCAL, remoteHost=None): cmdStr = '%s %s' % (findCmdInPath('touch'), file) Command.__init__(self, name, cmdStr, ctxt, remoteHost) @staticmethod def remote(name, file, hostname): cmd = Touch(name, file, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=hostname) # --------------get user id ---------------------- class UserId(Command): def __init__(self, name, ctxt=LOCAL, remoteHost=None): idCmd = findCmdInPath('id') trCmd = findCmdInPath('tr') awkCmd = findCmdInPath('awk') cmdStr = "%s|%s '(' ' '|%s ')' ' '|%s '{print $2}'" % (idCmd, trCmd, trCmd, awkCmd) Command.__init__(self, name, cmdStr, ctxt, remoteHost) @staticmethod def local(name): cmd = UserId(name) return cmd.results.stdout.strip() # -------------- test file for setuid bit ---------------------- class FileTestSuid(Command): def __init__(self, name, filename, ctxt=LOCAL, remoteHost=None): cmdStr = """python -c "import os; import stat; testRes = os.stat('%s'); print (testRes.st_mode & stat.S_ISUID) == stat.S_ISUID" """ % filename Command.__init__(self, name, cmdStr, ctxt, remoteHost) @staticmethod def remote(name, remote_host, filename): cmd = FileTestSuid(name, filename, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=remote_host) return cmd.file_is_suid() def file_is_suid(self): return self.results.stdout.strip().upper() == 'TRUE' # -------------- get file owner ---------------------- class FileGetOwnerUid(Command): def __init__(self, name, filename, ctxt=LOCAL, remoteHost=None): cmdStr = """python -c "import os; import stat; testRes = os.stat('%s'); print testRes.st_uid " """ % filename Command.__init__(self, name, cmdStr, ctxt, remoteHost) @staticmethod def remote(name, remote_host, filename): cmd = FileGetOwnerUid(name, filename, ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=remote_host) return cmd.file_uid() def file_uid(self): return int(self.results.stdout.strip().upper()) # --------------get list of desecendant processes ------------------- def getDescendentProcesses(pid): ''' return all process pids which are descendant from the given processid ''' children_pids = [] for p in psutil.Process(pid).children(recursive=True): if p.is_running(): children_pids.append( return children_pids # --------------global variable initialization ---------------------- if curr_platform == SUNOS: SYSTEM = SolarisPlatform() elif curr_platform == LINUX: SYSTEM = LinuxPlatform() elif curr_platform == DARWIN: SYSTEM = DarwinPlatform() elif curr_platform == FREEBSD: SYSTEM = FreeBsdPlatform() else: raise Exception("Platform %s is not supported. Supported platforms are: %s", SYSTEM, str(platform_list))
# This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see <>. # Make coding more python3-ish from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import json from ansible.compat.tests.mock import patch from import eos_user from .eos_module import TestEosModule, load_fixture, set_module_args class TestEosUserModule(TestEosModule): module = eos_user def setUp(self): self.mock_get_config = patch('') self.get_config = self.mock_get_config.start() self.mock_load_config = patch('') self.load_config = self.mock_load_config.start() def tearDown(self): self.mock_get_config.stop() self.mock_load_config.stop() def load_fixtures(self, commands=None, transport='cli'): self.get_config.return_value = load_fixture('eos_user_config.cfg') self.load_config.return_value = dict(diff=None, session='session') def test_eos_user_create(self): set_module_args(dict(username='test', nopassword=True)) commands = ['username test nopassword'] self.execute_module(changed=True, commands=commands) def test_eos_user_delete(self): set_module_args(dict(username='ansible', state='absent')) commands = ['no username ansible'] self.execute_module(changed=True, commands=commands) def test_eos_user_password(self): set_module_args(dict(username='ansible', password='test')) commands = ['username ansible secret test'] self.execute_module(changed=True, commands=commands) def test_eos_user_privilege(self): set_module_args(dict(username='ansible', privilege=15)) commands = ['username ansible privilege 15'] self.execute_module(changed=True, commands=commands) def test_eos_user_privilege_invalid(self): set_module_args(dict(username='ansible', privilege=25)) self.execute_module(failed=True) def test_eos_user_purge(self): set_module_args(dict(purge=True)) commands = ['no username ansible'] self.execute_module(changed=True, commands=commands) def test_eos_user_role(self): set_module_args(dict(username='ansible', role='test')) commands = ['username ansible role test'] self.execute_module(changed=True, commands=commands) def test_eos_user_sshkey(self): set_module_args(dict(username='ansible', sshkey='test')) commands = ['username ansible sshkey test'] self.execute_module(changed=True, commands=commands) def test_eos_user_update_password_changed(self): set_module_args(dict(username='test', password='test', update_password='on_create')) commands = ['username test secret test'] self.execute_module(changed=True, commands=commands) def test_eos_user_update_password_on_create_ok(self): set_module_args(dict(username='ansible', password='test', update_password='on_create')) self.execute_module() def test_eos_user_update_password_always(self): set_module_args(dict(username='ansible', password='test', update_password='always')) commands = ['username ansible secret test'] self.execute_module(changed=True, commands=commands)
"""Example: statsmodels.OLS """ from statsmodels.datasets.longley import load import statsmodels.api as sm from statsmodels.iolib.table import SimpleTable, default_txt_fmt import numpy as np data = load() data_orig = (data.endog.copy(), data.exog.copy()) #.. Note: In this example using zscored/standardized variables has no effect on #.. regression estimates. Are there no numerical problems? rescale = 0 #0: no rescaling, 1:demean, 2:standardize, 3:standardize and transform back rescale_ratio = data.endog.std() / data.exog.std(0) if rescale > 0: # rescaling data.endog -= data.endog.mean() data.exog -= data.exog.mean(0) if rescale > 1: data.endog /= data.endog.std() data.exog /= data.exog.std(0) #skip because mean has been removed, but dimension is hardcoded in table data.exog =, prepend=False) ols_model = sm.OLS(data.endog, data.exog) ols_results = # the Longley dataset is well known to have high multicollinearity # one way to find the condition number is as follows #Find OLS parameters for model with one explanatory variable dropped resparams = np.nan * np.ones((7, 7)) res = sm.OLS(data.endog, data.exog).fit() resparams[:, 0] = res.params indall = range(7) for i in range(6): ind = indall[:] del ind[i] res = sm.OLS(data.endog, data.exog[:, ind]).fit() resparams[ind, i + 1] = res.params if rescale == 1: pass if rescale == 3: resparams[:-1, :] *= rescale_ratio[:, None] txt_fmt1 = default_txt_fmt numformat = '%10.4f' txt_fmt1 = dict(data_fmts=[numformat]) rowstubs = data.names[1:] + ['const'] headers = ['all'] + ['drop %s' % name for name in data.names[1:]] tabl = SimpleTable(resparams, headers, rowstubs, txt_fmt=txt_fmt1) nanstring = numformat % np.nan nn = len(nanstring) nanrep = ' ' * (nn - 1) nanrep = nanrep[:nn // 2] + '-' + nanrep[nn // 2:] print('Longley data - sensitivity to dropping an explanatory variable') print(str(tabl).replace(nanstring, nanrep))
#!/usr/bin/env python import yaml import argparse import os __author__ = "Anoop P Alias" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2014, PiServe Technologies Pvt Ltd , India" __license__ = "GPL" __email__ = "[email protected]" installation_path = "/opt/nDeploy" # Absolute Installation Path cluster_config_file = installation_path+"/conf/ndeploy_cluster.yaml" # Function defs def update_ip_map(server, iphere, ipthere): cluster_data_yaml = open(cluster_config_file, 'r') cluster_data_yaml_parsed = yaml.safe_load(cluster_data_yaml) cluster_data_yaml.close() if cluster_data_yaml_parsed: if server in cluster_data_yaml_parsed.keys(): connect_server_dict = cluster_data_yaml_parsed.get(server) ipmap_dict = connect_server_dict.get("ipmap") ipmap_dict[iphere] = ipthere with open(cluster_config_file, 'w') as yaml_file: yaml_file.write(yaml.dump(cluster_data_yaml_parsed, default_flow_style=False)) else: mydict = {server: {'ipmap': {iphere: ipthere}}} cluster_data_yaml_parsed.update(mydict) with open(cluster_config_file, 'w') as yaml_file: yaml_file.write(yaml.dump(cluster_data_yaml_parsed, default_flow_style=False)) else: print("Invalid cluster data") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="create/update nDeploy-cluster ipmap") parser.add_argument("slave_hostname") parser.add_argument("ip_here") parser.add_argument("remote_ip") args = parser.parse_args() server_key = args.slave_hostname ip_here = args.ip_here remote_ip = args.remote_ip if os.path.isfile(cluster_config_file): update_ip_map(server_key, ip_here, remote_ip) else: mydict = {server_key: {'ipmap': {ip_here: remote_ip}}} with open(cluster_config_file, 'w') as cluster_conf: cluster_conf.write(yaml.dump(mydict, default_flow_style=False))
from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.apps.registry import Apps from django.db import models from django.db.utils import DatabaseError from django.utils.encoding import python_2_unicode_compatible from django.utils.timezone import now from .exceptions import MigrationSchemaMissing class MigrationRecorder(object): """ Deals with storing migration records in the database. Because this table is actually itself used for dealing with model creation, it's the one thing we can't do normally via migrations. We manually handle table creation/schema updating (using schema backend) and then have a floating model to do queries with. If a migration is unapplied its row is removed from the table. Having a row in the table always means a migration is applied. """ @python_2_unicode_compatible class Migration(models.Model): app = models.CharField(max_length=255) name = models.CharField(max_length=255) applied = models.DateTimeField(default=now) class Meta: apps = Apps() app_label = "migrations" db_table = "django_migrations" def __str__(self): return "Migration %s for %s" % (, def __init__(self, connection): self.connection = connection @property def migration_qs(self): return self.Migration.objects.using(self.connection.alias) def ensure_schema(self): """ Ensures the table exists and has the correct schema. """ # If the table's there, that's fine - we've never changed its schema # in the codebase. if self.Migration._meta.db_table in self.connection.introspection.table_names(self.connection.cursor()): return # Make the table try: with self.connection.schema_editor() as editor: editor.create_model(self.Migration) except DatabaseError as exc: raise MigrationSchemaMissing("Unable to create the django_migrations table (%s)" % exc) def applied_migrations(self): """ Returns a set of (app, name) of applied migrations. """ self.ensure_schema() return set(tuple(x) for x in self.migration_qs.values_list("app", "name")) def record_applied(self, app, name): """ Records that a migration was applied. """ self.ensure_schema() self.migration_qs.create(app=app, name=name) def record_unapplied(self, app, name): """ Records that a migration was unapplied. """ self.ensure_schema() self.migration_qs.filter(app=app, name=name).delete() def flush(self): """ Deletes all migration records. Useful if you're testing migrations. """ self.migration_qs.all().delete()
#! /usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 # WARNING! Do not edit! import sys,os try: if not(sys.stderr.isatty()and sys.stdout.isatty()): raise ValueError('not a tty') from ctypes import Structure,windll,c_short,c_ushort,c_ulong,c_int,byref,POINTER,c_long,c_wchar class COORD(Structure): _fields_=[("X",c_short),("Y",c_short)] class SMALL_RECT(Structure): _fields_=[("Left",c_short),("Top",c_short),("Right",c_short),("Bottom",c_short)] class CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO(Structure): _fields_=[("Size",COORD),("CursorPosition",COORD),("Attributes",c_short),("Window",SMALL_RECT),("MaximumWindowSize",COORD)] class CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO(Structure): _fields_=[('dwSize',c_ulong),('bVisible',c_int)] windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle.argtypes=[c_ulong] windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle.restype=c_ulong windll.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo.argtypes=[c_ulong,POINTER(CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO)] windll.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo.restype=c_long windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTextAttribute.argtypes=[c_ulong,c_ushort] windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTextAttribute.restype=c_long windll.kernel32.FillConsoleOutputCharacterW.argtypes=[c_ulong,c_wchar,c_ulong,POINTER(COORD),POINTER(c_ulong)] windll.kernel32.FillConsoleOutputCharacterW.restype=c_long windll.kernel32.FillConsoleOutputAttribute.argtypes=[c_ulong,c_ushort,c_ulong,POINTER(COORD),POINTER(c_ulong)] windll.kernel32.FillConsoleOutputAttribute.restype=c_long windll.kernel32.SetConsoleCursorPosition.argtypes=[c_ulong,POINTER(COORD)] windll.kernel32.SetConsoleCursorPosition.restype=c_long windll.kernel32.SetConsoleCursorInfo.argtypes=[c_ulong,POINTER(CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO)] windll.kernel32.SetConsoleCursorInfo.restype=c_long sbinfo=CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO() csinfo=CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO() hconsole=windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(-11) windll.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hconsole,byref(sbinfo)) if sbinfo.Size.X<9 or sbinfo.Size.Y<9:raise ValueError('small console') windll.kernel32.GetConsoleCursorInfo(hconsole,byref(csinfo)) except Exception: pass else: import re,threading is_vista=getattr(sys,"getwindowsversion",None)and sys.getwindowsversion()[0]>=6 try: _type=unicode except NameError: _type=str to_int=lambda number,default:number and int(number)or default wlock=threading.Lock() STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE=-11 STD_ERROR_HANDLE=-12 class AnsiTerm(object): def __init__(self): self.encoding=sys.stdout.encoding self.hconsole=windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) self.cursor_history=[] self.orig_sbinfo=CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO() self.orig_csinfo=CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO() windll.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(self.hconsole,byref(self.orig_sbinfo)) windll.kernel32.GetConsoleCursorInfo(hconsole,byref(self.orig_csinfo)) def screen_buffer_info(self): sbinfo=CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO() windll.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(self.hconsole,byref(sbinfo)) return sbinfo def clear_line(self,param): mode=param and int(param)or 0 sbinfo=self.screen_buffer_info() if mode==1: line_start=COORD(0,sbinfo.CursorPosition.Y) line_length=sbinfo.Size.X elif mode==2: line_start=COORD(sbinfo.CursorPosition.X,sbinfo.CursorPosition.Y) line_length=sbinfo.Size.X-sbinfo.CursorPosition.X else: line_start=sbinfo.CursorPosition line_length=sbinfo.Size.X-sbinfo.CursorPosition.X chars_written=c_ulong() windll.kernel32.FillConsoleOutputCharacterW(self.hconsole,c_wchar(' '),line_length,line_start,byref(chars_written)) windll.kernel32.FillConsoleOutputAttribute(self.hconsole,sbinfo.Attributes,line_length,line_start,byref(chars_written)) def clear_screen(self,param): mode=to_int(param,0) sbinfo=self.screen_buffer_info() if mode==1: clear_start=COORD(0,0) clear_length=sbinfo.CursorPosition.X*sbinfo.CursorPosition.Y elif mode==2: clear_start=COORD(0,0) clear_length=sbinfo.Size.X*sbinfo.Size.Y windll.kernel32.SetConsoleCursorPosition(self.hconsole,clear_start) else: clear_start=sbinfo.CursorPosition clear_length=((sbinfo.Size.X-sbinfo.CursorPosition.X)+sbinfo.Size.X*(sbinfo.Size.Y-sbinfo.CursorPosition.Y)) chars_written=c_ulong() windll.kernel32.FillConsoleOutputCharacterW(self.hconsole,c_wchar(' '),clear_length,clear_start,byref(chars_written)) windll.kernel32.FillConsoleOutputAttribute(self.hconsole,sbinfo.Attributes,clear_length,clear_start,byref(chars_written)) def push_cursor(self,param): sbinfo=self.screen_buffer_info() self.cursor_history.append(sbinfo.CursorPosition) def pop_cursor(self,param): if self.cursor_history: old_pos=self.cursor_history.pop() windll.kernel32.SetConsoleCursorPosition(self.hconsole,old_pos) def set_cursor(self,param): y,sep,x=param.partition(';') x=to_int(x,1)-1 y=to_int(y,1)-1 sbinfo=self.screen_buffer_info() new_pos=COORD(min(max(0,x),sbinfo.Size.X),min(max(0,y),sbinfo.Size.Y)) windll.kernel32.SetConsoleCursorPosition(self.hconsole,new_pos) def set_column(self,param): x=to_int(param,1)-1 sbinfo=self.screen_buffer_info() new_pos=COORD(min(max(0,x),sbinfo.Size.X),sbinfo.CursorPosition.Y) windll.kernel32.SetConsoleCursorPosition(self.hconsole,new_pos) def move_cursor(self,x_offset=0,y_offset=0): sbinfo=self.screen_buffer_info() new_pos=COORD(min(max(0,sbinfo.CursorPosition.X+x_offset),sbinfo.Size.X),min(max(0,sbinfo.CursorPosition.Y+y_offset),sbinfo.Size.Y)) windll.kernel32.SetConsoleCursorPosition(self.hconsole,new_pos) def move_up(self,param): self.move_cursor(y_offset=-to_int(param,1)) def move_down(self,param): self.move_cursor(y_offset=to_int(param,1)) def move_left(self,param): self.move_cursor(x_offset=-to_int(param,1)) def move_right(self,param): self.move_cursor(x_offset=to_int(param,1)) def next_line(self,param): sbinfo=self.screen_buffer_info() self.move_cursor(x_offset=-sbinfo.CursorPosition.X,y_offset=to_int(param,1)) def prev_line(self,param): sbinfo=self.screen_buffer_info() self.move_cursor(x_offset=-sbinfo.CursorPosition.X,y_offset=-to_int(param,1)) def rgb2bgr(self,c): return((c&1)<<2)|(c&2)|((c&4)>>2) def set_color(self,param): cols=param.split(';') sbinfo=CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO() windll.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(self.hconsole,byref(sbinfo)) attr=sbinfo.Attributes for c in cols: if is_vista: c=int(c) else: c=to_int(c,0) if 29<c<38: attr=(attr&0xfff0)|self.rgb2bgr(c-30) elif 39<c<48: attr=(attr&0xff0f)|(self.rgb2bgr(c-40)<<4) elif c==0: attr=self.orig_sbinfo.Attributes elif c==1: attr|=0x08 elif c==4: attr|=0x80 elif c==7: attr=(attr&0xff88)|((attr&0x70)>>4)|((attr&0x07)<<4) windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTextAttribute(self.hconsole,attr) def show_cursor(self,param): csinfo.bVisible=1 windll.kernel32.SetConsoleCursorInfo(self.hconsole,byref(csinfo)) def hide_cursor(self,param): csinfo.bVisible=0 windll.kernel32.SetConsoleCursorInfo(self.hconsole,byref(csinfo)) ansi_command_table={'A':move_up,'B':move_down,'C':move_right,'D':move_left,'E':next_line,'F':prev_line,'G':set_column,'H':set_cursor,'f':set_cursor,'J':clear_screen,'K':clear_line,'h':show_cursor,'l':hide_cursor,'m':set_color,'s':push_cursor,'u':pop_cursor,} ansi_tokens=re.compile('(?:\x1b\[([0-9?;]*)([a-zA-Z])|([^\x1b]+))') def write(self,text): try: wlock.acquire() for param,cmd,txt in self.ansi_tokens.findall(text): if cmd: cmd_func=self.ansi_command_table.get(cmd) if cmd_func: cmd_func(self,param) else: self.writeconsole(txt) finally: wlock.release() def writeconsole(self,txt): chars_written=c_int() writeconsole=windll.kernel32.WriteConsoleA if isinstance(txt,_type): writeconsole=windll.kernel32.WriteConsoleW TINY_STEP=3000 for x in range(0,len(txt),TINY_STEP): tiny=txt[x:x+TINY_STEP] writeconsole(self.hconsole,tiny,len(tiny),byref(chars_written),None) def flush(self): pass def isatty(self): return True sys.stderr=sys.stdout=AnsiTerm() os.environ['TERM']='vt100'
# this should possibly be a abstract class as well from . import ConfigSource class DictSource(ConfigSource): def __init__(self, **kwargs): """If your backend data is exposable as a python dict, you can subclass from this class to avoid implementing :py:meth:`has`, :py:meth:`get`, :py:meth:`keys`, :py:meth:`subsection` and :py:meth:`subsections`. You only need to write :py:meth:`__init__` (which should set ``self.source`` to that exposed dict), and possibly :py:meth:`typed` and :py:meth:`save`. """ super(DictSource, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.source = {} def subsections(self): for (k, v) in self.source.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): yield k def keys(self): for (k, v) in self.source.items(): if not isinstance(v, dict) and not isinstance(v, type): yield k def subsection(self, key): # Make an object of the correct type return self.__class__(defaults=self.source[key], parent=self, identifier=self.identifier) def typed(self, key): # if we have it, we can type it return key in self.source and self.source[key] is not None def has(self, key): # should return true for real values only, not type placeholders or sub-dicts return key in self.source and not isinstance(self.source[key], (type, dict)) def get(self, key): return self.source[key] def set(self, key, value): self.source[key] = value
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2014, Jelmer Tiete <[email protected]>. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote # products derived from this software without specific prior # written permission. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE # GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING # NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # Implementation based on stm32loader by Ivan A-R <[email protected]> # Serial boot loader over UART for CC13xx / CC2538 / CC26xx # Based on the info found in TI's swru333a.pdf (spma029.pdf) # # Bootloader only starts if no valid image is found or if boot loader # backdoor is enabled. # Make sure you don't lock yourself out!! (enable backdoor in your firmware) # More info at from __future__ import print_function from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import sys import getopt import glob import time import os import struct import binascii import traceback try: import magic have_magic = True except ImportError: have_magic = False try: from intelhex import IntelHex have_hex_support = True except ImportError: have_hex_support = False # version VERSION_STRING = "2.1" # Verbose level QUIET = 5 # Check which version of Python is running PY3 = sys.version_info >= (3, 0) try: import serial except ImportError: print('{} requires the Python serial library'.format(sys.argv[0])) print('Please install it with one of the following:') print('') if PY3: print(' Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install python3-serial') print(' Mac: sudo port install py34-serial') else: print(' Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install python-serial') print(' Mac: sudo port install py-serial') sys.exit(1) def mdebug(level, message, attr='\n'): if QUIET >= level: print(message, end=attr, file=sys.stderr) # Takes chip IDs (obtained via Get ID command) to human-readable names CHIP_ID_STRS = {0xb964: 'CC2538', 0xb965: 'CC2538' } RETURN_CMD_STRS = {0x40: 'Success', 0x41: 'Unknown command', 0x42: 'Invalid command', 0x43: 'Invalid address', 0x44: 'Flash fail' } COMMAND_RET_SUCCESS = 0x40 COMMAND_RET_UNKNOWN_CMD = 0x41 COMMAND_RET_INVALID_CMD = 0x42 COMMAND_RET_INVALID_ADR = 0x43 COMMAND_RET_FLASH_FAIL = 0x44 class CmdException(Exception): pass class FirmwareFile(object): HEX_FILE_EXTENSIONS = ('hex', 'ihx', 'ihex') def __init__(self, path): """ Read a firmware file and store its data ready for device programming. This class will try to guess the file type if python-magic is available. If python-magic indicates a plain text file, and if IntelHex is available, then the file will be treated as one of Intel HEX format. In all other cases, the file will be treated as a raw binary file. In both cases, the file's contents are stored in bytes for subsequent usage to program a device or to perform a crc check. Parameters: path -- A str with the path to the firmware file. Attributes: bytes: A bytearray with firmware contents ready to send to the device """ self._crc32 = None firmware_is_hex = False if have_magic: file_type = bytearray(magic.from_file(path, True)) # from_file() returns bytes with PY3, str with PY2. This comparison # will be True in both cases""" if file_type == b'text/plain': firmware_is_hex = True mdebug(5, "Firmware file: Intel Hex") elif file_type == b'application/octet-stream': mdebug(5, "Firmware file: Raw Binary") else: error_str = "Could not determine firmware type. Magic " \ "indicates '%s'" % (file_type) raise CmdException(error_str) else: if os.path.splitext(path)[1][1:] in self.HEX_FILE_EXTENSIONS: firmware_is_hex = True mdebug(5, "Your firmware looks like an Intel Hex file") else: mdebug(5, "Cannot auto-detect firmware filetype: Assuming .bin") mdebug(10, "For more solid firmware type auto-detection, install " "python-magic.") mdebug(10, "Please see the readme for more details.") if firmware_is_hex: if have_hex_support: self.bytes = bytearray(IntelHex(path).tobinarray()) return else: error_str = "Firmware is Intel Hex, but the IntelHex library " \ "could not be imported.\n" \ "Install IntelHex in site-packages or program " \ "your device with a raw binary (.bin) file.\n" \ "Please see the readme for more details." raise CmdException(error_str) with open(path, 'rb') as f: self.bytes = bytearray( def crc32(self): """ Return the crc32 checksum of the firmware image Return: The firmware's CRC32, ready for comparison with the CRC returned by the ROM bootloader's COMMAND_CRC32 """ if self._crc32 is None: self._crc32 = binascii.crc32(bytearray(self.bytes)) & 0xffffffff return self._crc32 class CommandInterface(object): ACK_BYTE = 0xCC NACK_BYTE = 0x33 def open(self, aport='/dev/tty.usbserial-000013FAB', abaudrate=500000): self.sp = serial.Serial( port=aport, baudrate=abaudrate, # baudrate bytesize=8, # number of databits parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits=1, xonxoff=0, # enable software flow control rtscts=0, # disable RTS/CTS flow control timeout=0.5 # set a timeout value, None for waiting # forever ) def invoke_bootloader(self, dtr_active_high=False, inverted=False): # Use the DTR and RTS lines to control bootloader and the !RESET pin. # This can automatically invoke the bootloader without the user # having to toggle any pins. # # If inverted is False (default): # DTR: connected to the bootloader pin # RTS: connected to !RESET # If inverted is True, pin connections are the other way round if inverted: set_bootloader_pin = self.sp.setRTS set_reset_pin = self.sp.setDTR else: set_bootloader_pin = self.sp.setDTR set_reset_pin = self.sp.setRTS set_bootloader_pin(1 if not dtr_active_high else 0) set_reset_pin(0) set_reset_pin(1) set_reset_pin(0) # Make sure the pin is still asserted when the chip # comes out of reset. This fixes an issue where # there wasn't enough delay here on Mac. time.sleep(0.002) set_bootloader_pin(0 if not dtr_active_high else 1) # Some boards have a co-processor that detects this sequence here and # then drives the main chip's BSL enable and !RESET pins. Depending on # board design and co-processor behaviour, the !RESET pin may get # asserted after we have finished the sequence here. In this case, we # need a small delay so as to avoid trying to talk to main chip before # it has actually entered its bootloader mode. # # See contiki-os/contiki#1533 time.sleep(0.1) def close(self): self.sp.close() def _wait_for_ack(self, info="", timeout=1): stop = time.time() + timeout got = bytearray(2) while got[-2] != 00 or got[-1] not in (CommandInterface.ACK_BYTE, CommandInterface.NACK_BYTE): got += self._read(1) if time.time() > stop: raise CmdException("Timeout waiting for ACK/NACK after '%s'" % (info,)) # Our bytearray's length is: 2 initial bytes + 2 bytes for the ACK/NACK # plus a possible N-4 additional (buffered) bytes mdebug(10, "Got %d additional bytes before ACK/NACK" % (len(got) - 4,)) # wait for ask ask = got[-1] if ask == CommandInterface.ACK_BYTE: # ACK return 1 elif ask == CommandInterface.NACK_BYTE: # NACK mdebug(10, "Target replied with a NACK during %s" % info) return 0 # Unknown response mdebug(10, "Unrecognised response 0x%x to %s" % (ask, info)) return 0 def _encode_addr(self, addr): byte3 = (addr >> 0) & 0xFF byte2 = (addr >> 8) & 0xFF byte1 = (addr >> 16) & 0xFF byte0 = (addr >> 24) & 0xFF if PY3: return bytes([byte0, byte1, byte2, byte3]) else: return (chr(byte0) + chr(byte1) + chr(byte2) + chr(byte3)) def _decode_addr(self, byte0, byte1, byte2, byte3): return ((byte3 << 24) | (byte2 << 16) | (byte1 << 8) | (byte0 << 0)) def _calc_checks(self, cmd, addr, size): return ((sum(bytearray(self._encode_addr(addr))) + sum(bytearray(self._encode_addr(size))) + cmd) & 0xFF) def _write(self, data, is_retry=False): if PY3: if type(data) == int: assert data < 256 goal = 1 written = self.sp.write(bytes([data])) elif type(data) == bytes or type(data) == bytearray: goal = len(data) written = self.sp.write(data) else: raise CmdException("Internal Error. Bad data type: {}" .format(type(data))) else: if type(data) == int: assert data < 256 goal = 1 written = self.sp.write(chr(data)) else: goal = len(data) written = self.sp.write(data) if written < goal: mdebug(10, "*** Only wrote {} of target {} bytes" .format(written, goal)) if is_retry and written == 0: raise CmdException("Failed to write data on the serial bus") mdebug(10, "*** Retrying write for remainder") if type(data) == int: return self._write(data, is_retry=True) else: return self._write(data[written:], is_retry=True) def _read(self, length): return bytearray( def sendAck(self): self._write(0x00) self._write(0xCC) return def sendNAck(self): self._write(0x00) self._write(0x33) return def receivePacket(self): # stop = time.time() + 5 # got = None # while not got: got = self._read(2) # if time.time() > stop: # break # if not got: # raise CmdException("No response to %s" % info) size = got[0] # rcv size chks = got[1] # rcv checksum data = bytearray(self._read(size - 2)) # rcv data mdebug(10, "*** received %x bytes" % size) if chks == sum(data) & 0xFF: self.sendAck() return data else: self.sendNAck() # TODO: retry receiving! raise CmdException("Received packet checksum error") return 0 def sendSynch(self): cmd = 0x55 # flush serial input buffer for first ACK reception self.sp.flushInput() mdebug(10, "*** sending synch sequence") self._write(cmd) # send U self._write(cmd) # send U return self._wait_for_ack("Synch (0x55 0x55)", 2) def checkLastCmd(self): stat = self.cmdGetStatus() if not (stat): raise CmdException("No response from target on status request. " "(Did you disable the bootloader?)") if stat[0] == COMMAND_RET_SUCCESS: mdebug(10, "Command Successful") return 1 else: stat_str = RETURN_CMD_STRS.get(stat[0], None) if stat_str is None: mdebug(0, "Warning: unrecognized status returned " "0x%x" % stat[0]) else: mdebug(0, "Target returned: 0x%x, %s" % (stat[0], stat_str)) return 0 def cmdPing(self): cmd = 0x20 lng = 3 self._write(lng) # send size self._write(cmd) # send checksum self._write(cmd) # send data mdebug(10, "*** Ping command (0x20)") if self._wait_for_ack("Ping (0x20)"): return self.checkLastCmd() def cmdReset(self): cmd = 0x25 lng = 3 self._write(lng) # send size self._write(cmd) # send checksum self._write(cmd) # send data mdebug(10, "*** Reset command (0x25)") if self._wait_for_ack("Reset (0x25)"): return 1 def cmdGetChipId(self): cmd = 0x28 lng = 3 self._write(lng) # send size self._write(cmd) # send checksum self._write(cmd) # send data mdebug(10, "*** GetChipId command (0x28)") if self._wait_for_ack("Get ChipID (0x28)"): # 4 byte answ, the 2 LSB hold chip ID version = self.receivePacket() if self.checkLastCmd(): assert len(version) == 4, ("Unreasonable chip " "id: %s" % repr(version)) mdebug(10, " Version 0x%02X%02X%02X%02X" % tuple(version)) chip_id = (version[2] << 8) | version[3] return chip_id else: raise CmdException("GetChipID (0x28) failed") def cmdGetStatus(self): cmd = 0x23 lng = 3 self._write(lng) # send size self._write(cmd) # send checksum self._write(cmd) # send data mdebug(10, "*** GetStatus command (0x23)") if self._wait_for_ack("Get Status (0x23)"): stat = self.receivePacket() return stat def cmdSetXOsc(self): cmd = 0x29 lng = 3 self._write(lng) # send size self._write(cmd) # send checksum self._write(cmd) # send data mdebug(10, "*** SetXOsc command (0x29)") if self._wait_for_ack("SetXOsc (0x29)"): return 1 # UART speed (needs) to be changed! def cmdRun(self, addr): cmd = 0x22 lng = 7 self._write(lng) # send length self._write(self._calc_checks(cmd, addr, 0)) # send checksum self._write(cmd) # send cmd self._write(self._encode_addr(addr)) # send addr mdebug(10, "*** Run command(0x22)") return 1 def cmdEraseMemory(self, addr, size): cmd = 0x26 lng = 11 self._write(lng) # send length self._write(self._calc_checks(cmd, addr, size)) # send checksum self._write(cmd) # send cmd self._write(self._encode_addr(addr)) # send addr self._write(self._encode_addr(size)) # send size mdebug(10, "*** Erase command(0x26)") if self._wait_for_ack("Erase memory (0x26)", 10): return self.checkLastCmd() def cmdBankErase(self): cmd = 0x2C lng = 3 self._write(lng) # send length self._write(cmd) # send checksum self._write(cmd) # send cmd mdebug(10, "*** Bank Erase command(0x2C)") if self._wait_for_ack("Bank Erase (0x2C)", 10): return self.checkLastCmd() def cmdCRC32(self, addr, size): cmd = 0x27 lng = 11 self._write(lng) # send length self._write(self._calc_checks(cmd, addr, size)) # send checksum self._write(cmd) # send cmd self._write(self._encode_addr(addr)) # send addr self._write(self._encode_addr(size)) # send size mdebug(10, "*** CRC32 command(0x27)") if self._wait_for_ack("Get CRC32 (0x27)", 1): crc = self.receivePacket() if self.checkLastCmd(): return self._decode_addr(crc[3], crc[2], crc[1], crc[0]) def cmdCRC32CC26xx(self, addr, size): cmd = 0x27 lng = 15 self._write(lng) # send length self._write(self._calc_checks(cmd, addr, size)) # send checksum self._write(cmd) # send cmd self._write(self._encode_addr(addr)) # send addr self._write(self._encode_addr(size)) # send size self._write(self._encode_addr(0x00000000)) # send number of reads mdebug(10, "*** CRC32 command(0x27)") if self._wait_for_ack("Get CRC32 (0x27)", 1): crc = self.receivePacket() if self.checkLastCmd(): return self._decode_addr(crc[3], crc[2], crc[1], crc[0]) def cmdDownload(self, addr, size): cmd = 0x21 lng = 11 if (size % 4) != 0: # check for invalid data lengths raise Exception('Invalid data size: %i. ' 'Size must be a multiple of 4.' % size) self._write(lng) # send length self._write(self._calc_checks(cmd, addr, size)) # send checksum self._write(cmd) # send cmd self._write(self._encode_addr(addr)) # send addr self._write(self._encode_addr(size)) # send size mdebug(10, "*** Download command (0x21)") if self._wait_for_ack("Download (0x21)", 2): return self.checkLastCmd() def cmdSendData(self, data): cmd = 0x24 lng = len(data)+3 # TODO: check total size of data!! max 252 bytes! self._write(lng) # send size self._write((sum(bytearray(data))+cmd) & 0xFF) # send checksum self._write(cmd) # send cmd self._write(bytearray(data)) # send data mdebug(10, "*** Send Data (0x24)") if self._wait_for_ack("Send data (0x24)", 10): return self.checkLastCmd() def cmdMemRead(self, addr): # untested cmd = 0x2A lng = 8 self._write(lng) # send length self._write(self._calc_checks(cmd, addr, 4)) # send checksum self._write(cmd) # send cmd self._write(self._encode_addr(addr)) # send addr self._write(4) # send width, 4 bytes mdebug(10, "*** Mem Read (0x2A)") if self._wait_for_ack("Mem Read (0x2A)", 1): data = self.receivePacket() if self.checkLastCmd(): # self._decode_addr(ord(data[3]), # ord(data[2]),ord(data[1]),ord(data[0])) return data def cmdMemReadCC26xx(self, addr): cmd = 0x2A lng = 9 self._write(lng) # send length self._write(self._calc_checks(cmd, addr, 2)) # send checksum self._write(cmd) # send cmd self._write(self._encode_addr(addr)) # send addr self._write(1) # send width, 4 bytes self._write(1) # send number of reads mdebug(10, "*** Mem Read (0x2A)") if self._wait_for_ack("Mem Read (0x2A)", 1): data = self.receivePacket() if self.checkLastCmd(): return data def cmdMemWrite(self, addr, data, width): # untested # TODO: check width for 1 or 4 and data size cmd = 0x2B lng = 10 self._write(lng) # send length self._write(self._calc_checks(cmd, addr, 0)) # send checksum self._write(cmd) # send cmd self._write(self._encode_addr(addr)) # send addr self._write(bytearray(data)) # send data self._write(width) # send width, 4 bytes mdebug(10, "*** Mem write (0x2B)") if self._wait_for_ack("Mem Write (0x2B)", 2): return self.checkLastCmd() # Complex commands section def writeMemory(self, addr, data): lng = len(data) # amount of data bytes transferred per packet (theory: max 252 + 3) trsf_size = 248 empty_packet = bytearray((0xFF,) * trsf_size) # Boot loader enable check # TODO: implement check for all chip sizes & take into account partial # firmware uploads if (lng == 524288): # check if file is for 512K model # check the boot loader enable bit (only for 512K model) if not ((data[524247] & (1 << 4)) >> 4): if not (conf['force'] or query_yes_no("The boot loader backdoor is not enabled " "in the firmware you are about to write " "to the target. You will NOT be able to " "reprogram the target using this tool if " "you continue! " "Do you want to continue?", "no")): raise Exception('Aborted by user.') mdebug(5, "Writing %(lng)d bytes starting at address 0x%(addr)08X" % {'lng': lng, 'addr': addr}) offs = 0 addr_set = 0 # check if amount of remaining data is less then packet size while lng > trsf_size: # skip packets filled with 0xFF if data[offs:offs+trsf_size] != empty_packet: if addr_set != 1: # set starting address if not set self.cmdDownload(addr, lng) addr_set = 1 mdebug(5, " Write %(len)d bytes at 0x%(addr)08X" % {'addr': addr, 'len': trsf_size}, '\r') sys.stdout.flush() # send next data packet self.cmdSendData(data[offs:offs+trsf_size]) else: # skipped packet, address needs to be set addr_set = 0 offs = offs + trsf_size addr = addr + trsf_size lng = lng - trsf_size mdebug(5, "Write %(len)d bytes at 0x%(addr)08X" % {'addr': addr, 'len': lng}) self.cmdDownload(addr, lng) return self.cmdSendData(data[offs:offs+lng]) # send last data packet class Chip(object): def __init__(self, command_interface): self.command_interface = command_interface # Some defaults. The child can override. self.flash_start_addr = 0x00000000 self.has_cmd_set_xosc = False def crc(self, address, size): return getattr(self.command_interface, self.crc_cmd)(address, size) def disable_bootloader(self): if not (conf['force'] or query_yes_no("Disabling the bootloader will prevent you from " "using this script until you re-enable the " "bootloader using JTAG. Do you want to continue?", "no")): raise Exception('Aborted by user.') if PY3: pattern = struct.pack('<L', self.bootloader_dis_val) else: pattern = [ord(b) for b in struct.pack('<L', self.bootloader_dis_val)] if cmd.writeMemory(self.bootloader_address, pattern): mdebug(5, " Set bootloader closed done ") else: raise CmdException("Set bootloader closed failed ") class CC2538(Chip): def __init__(self, command_interface): super(CC2538, self).__init__(command_interface) self.flash_start_addr = 0x00200000 self.addr_ieee_address_secondary = 0x0027ffcc self.has_cmd_set_xosc = True self.bootloader_dis_val = 0xefffffff self.crc_cmd = "cmdCRC32" FLASH_CTRL_DIECFG0 = 0x400D3014 FLASH_CTRL_DIECFG2 = 0x400D301C addr_ieee_address_primary = 0x00280028 ccfg_len = 44 # Read out primary IEEE address, flash and RAM size model = self.command_interface.cmdMemRead(FLASH_CTRL_DIECFG0) self.size = (model[3] & 0x70) >> 4 if 0 < self.size <= 4: self.size *= 0x20000 # in bytes else: self.size = 0x10000 # in bytes self.bootloader_address = self.flash_start_addr + self.size - ccfg_len sram = (((model[2] << 8) | model[3]) & 0x380) >> 7 sram = (2 - sram) << 3 if sram <= 1 else 32 # in KB pg = self.command_interface.cmdMemRead(FLASH_CTRL_DIECFG2) pg_major = (pg[2] & 0xF0) >> 4 if pg_major == 0: pg_major = 1 pg_minor = pg[2] & 0x0F ti_oui = bytearray([0x00, 0x12, 0x4B]) ieee_addr = self.command_interface.cmdMemRead( addr_ieee_address_primary) ieee_addr_end = self.command_interface.cmdMemRead( addr_ieee_address_primary + 4) if ieee_addr[:3] == ti_oui: ieee_addr += ieee_addr_end else: ieee_addr = ieee_addr_end + ieee_addr mdebug(5, "CC2538 PG%d.%d: %dKB Flash, %dKB SRAM, CCFG at 0x%08X" % (pg_major, pg_minor, self.size >> 10, sram, self.bootloader_address)) mdebug(5, "Primary IEEE Address: %s" % (':'.join('%02X' % x for x in ieee_addr))) def erase(self): mdebug(5, "Erasing %s bytes starting at address 0x%08X" % (self.size, self.flash_start_addr)) return self.command_interface.cmdEraseMemory(self.flash_start_addr, self.size) def read_memory(self, addr): # CC2538's COMMAND_MEMORY_READ sends each 4-byte number in inverted # byte order compared to what's written on the device data = self.command_interface.cmdMemRead(addr) return bytearray([data[x] for x in range(3, -1, -1)]) class CC26xx(Chip): # Class constants MISC_CONF_1 = 0x500010A0 PROTO_MASK_BLE = 0x01 PROTO_MASK_IEEE = 0x04 PROTO_MASK_BOTH = 0x05 def __init__(self, command_interface): super(CC26xx, self).__init__(command_interface) self.bootloader_dis_val = 0x00000000 self.crc_cmd = "cmdCRC32CC26xx" ICEPICK_DEVICE_ID = 0x50001318 FCFG_USER_ID = 0x50001294 PRCM_RAMHWOPT = 0x40082250 FLASH_SIZE = 0x4003002C addr_ieee_address_primary = 0x500012F0 ccfg_len = 88 ieee_address_secondary_offset = 0x20 bootloader_dis_offset = 0x30 sram = "Unknown" # Determine CC13xx vs CC26xx via ICEPICK_DEVICE_ID::WAFER_ID and store # PG revision device_id = self.command_interface.cmdMemReadCC26xx(ICEPICK_DEVICE_ID) wafer_id = (((device_id[3] & 0x0F) << 16) + (device_id[2] << 8) + (device_id[1] & 0xF0)) >> 4 pg_rev = (device_id[3] & 0xF0) >> 4 # Read FCFG1_USER_ID to get the package and supported protocols user_id = self.command_interface.cmdMemReadCC26xx(FCFG_USER_ID) package = {0x00: '4x4mm', 0x01: '5x5mm', 0x02: '7x7mm'}.get(user_id[2] & 0x03, "Unknown") protocols = user_id[1] >> 4 # We can now detect the exact device if wafer_id == 0xB99A: chip = self._identify_cc26xx(pg_rev, protocols) elif wafer_id == 0xB9BE: chip = self._identify_cc13xx(pg_rev, protocols) # Read flash size, calculate and store bootloader disable address self.size = self.command_interface.cmdMemReadCC26xx( FLASH_SIZE)[0] * 4096 self.bootloader_address = self.size - ccfg_len + bootloader_dis_offset self.addr_ieee_address_secondary = (self.size - ccfg_len + ieee_address_secondary_offset) # RAM size ramhwopt_size = self.command_interface.cmdMemReadCC26xx( PRCM_RAMHWOPT)[0] & 3 if ramhwopt_size == 3: sram = "20KB" elif ramhwopt_size == 2: sram = "16KB" else: sram = "Unknown" # Primary IEEE address. Stored with the MSB at the high address ieee_addr = self.command_interface.cmdMemReadCC26xx( addr_ieee_address_primary + 4)[::-1] ieee_addr += self.command_interface.cmdMemReadCC26xx( addr_ieee_address_primary)[::-1] mdebug(5, "%s (%s): %dKB Flash, %s SRAM, CCFG.BL_CONFIG at 0x%08X" % (chip, package, self.size >> 10, sram, self.bootloader_address)) mdebug(5, "Primary IEEE Address: %s" % (':'.join('%02X' % x for x in ieee_addr))) def _identify_cc26xx(self, pg, protocols): chips_dict = { CC26xx.PROTO_MASK_IEEE: 'CC2630', CC26xx.PROTO_MASK_BLE: 'CC2640', CC26xx.PROTO_MASK_BOTH: 'CC2650', } chip_str = chips_dict.get(protocols & CC26xx.PROTO_MASK_BOTH, "Unknown") if pg == 1: pg_str = "PG1.0" elif pg == 3: pg_str = "PG2.0" elif pg == 7: pg_str = "PG2.1" elif pg == 8: rev_minor = self.command_interface.cmdMemReadCC26xx( CC26xx.MISC_CONF_1)[0] if rev_minor == 0xFF: rev_minor = 0x00 pg_str = "PG2.%d" % (2 + rev_minor,) return "%s %s" % (chip_str, pg_str) def _identify_cc13xx(self, pg, protocols): chip_str = "CC1310" if protocols & CC26xx.PROTO_MASK_IEEE == CC26xx.PROTO_MASK_IEEE: chip_str = "CC1350" if pg == 0: pg_str = "PG1.0" elif pg == 2: rev_minor = self.command_interface.cmdMemReadCC26xx( CC26xx.MISC_CONF_1)[0] if rev_minor == 0xFF: rev_minor = 0x00 pg_str = "PG2.%d" % (rev_minor,) return "%s %s" % (chip_str, pg_str) def erase(self): mdebug(5, "Erasing all main bank flash sectors") return self.command_interface.cmdBankErase() def read_memory(self, addr): # CC26xx COMMAND_MEMORY_READ returns contents in the same order as # they are stored on the device return self.command_interface.cmdMemReadCC26xx(addr) def query_yes_no(question, default="yes"): valid = {"yes": True, "y": True, "ye": True, "no": False, "n": False} if default is None: prompt = " [y/n] " elif default == "yes": prompt = " [Y/n] " elif default == "no": prompt = " [y/N] " else: raise ValueError("invalid default answer: '%s'" % default) while True: sys.stdout.write(question + prompt) if PY3: choice = input().lower() else: choice = raw_input().lower() if default is not None and choice == '': return valid[default] elif choice in valid: return valid[choice] else: sys.stdout.write("Please respond with 'yes' or 'no' " "(or 'y' or 'n').\n") # Convert the entered IEEE address into an integer def parse_ieee_address(inaddr): try: return int(inaddr, 16) except ValueError: # inaddr is not a hex string, look for other formats if ':' in inaddr: bytes = inaddr.split(':') elif '-' in inaddr: bytes = inaddr.split('-') if len(bytes) != 8: raise ValueError("Supplied IEEE address does not contain 8 bytes") addr = 0 for i, b in zip(range(8), bytes): try: addr += int(b, 16) << (56-(i*8)) except ValueError: raise ValueError("IEEE address contains invalid bytes") return addr def print_version(): # Get the version using "git describe". try: p = Popen(['git', 'describe', '--tags', '--match', '[0-9]*'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) p.stderr.close() line = p.stdout.readlines()[0] version = line.strip() except: # We're not in a git repo, or git failed, use fixed version string. version = VERSION_STRING print('%s %s' % (sys.argv[0], version)) def usage(): print("""Usage: %s [-DhqVfewvr] [-l length] [-p port] [-b baud] [-a addr] \ [-i addr] [--bootloader-active-high] [--bootloader-invert-lines] [file.bin] -h, --help This help -q Quiet -V Verbose -f Force operation(s) without asking any questions -e Erase (full) -w Write -v Verify (CRC32 check) -r Read -l length Length of read -p port Serial port (default: first USB-like port in /dev) -b baud Baud speed (default: 500000) -a addr Target address -i, --ieee-address addr Set the secondary 64 bit IEEE address --bootloader-active-high Use active high signals to enter bootloader --bootloader-invert-lines Inverts the use of RTS and DTR to enter bootloader -D, --disable-bootloader After finishing, disable the bootloader --version Print script version Examples: ./%s -e -w -v example/main.bin ./%s -e -w -v --ieee-address 00:12:4b:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee example/main.bin """ % (sys.argv[0], sys.argv[0], sys.argv[0])) if __name__ == "__main__": conf = { 'port': 'auto', 'baud': 500000, 'force_speed': 0, 'address': None, 'force': 0, 'erase': 0, 'write': 0, 'verify': 0, 'read': 0, 'len': 0x80000, 'fname': '', 'ieee_address': 0, 'bootloader_active_high': False, 'bootloader_invert_lines': False, 'disable-bootloader': 0 } # try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "DhqVfewvrp:b:a:l:i:", ['help', 'ieee-address=', 'disable-bootloader', 'bootloader-active-high', 'bootloader-invert-lines', 'version']) except getopt.GetoptError as err: # print help information and exit: print(str(err)) # will print something like "option -a not recognized" usage() sys.exit(2) for o, a in opts: if o == '-V': QUIET = 10 elif o == '-q': QUIET = 0 elif o == '-h' or o == '--help': usage() sys.exit(0) elif o == '-f': conf['force'] = 1 elif o == '-e': conf['erase'] = 1 elif o == '-w': conf['write'] = 1 elif o == '-v': conf['verify'] = 1 elif o == '-r': conf['read'] = 1 elif o == '-p': conf['port'] = a elif o == '-b': conf['baud'] = eval(a) conf['force_speed'] = 1 elif o == '-a': conf['address'] = eval(a) elif o == '-l': conf['len'] = eval(a) elif o == '-i' or o == '--ieee-address': conf['ieee_address'] = str(a) elif o == '--bootloader-active-high': conf['bootloader_active_high'] = True elif o == '--bootloader-invert-lines': conf['bootloader_invert_lines'] = True elif o == '-D' or o == '--disable-bootloader': conf['disable-bootloader'] = 1 elif o == '--version': print_version() sys.exit(0) else: assert False, "Unhandled option" try: # Sanity checks # check for input/output file if conf['write'] or conf['read'] or conf['verify']: try: args[0] except: raise Exception('No file path given.') if conf['write'] and conf['read']: if not (conf['force'] or query_yes_no("You are reading and writing to the same " "file. This will overwrite your input file. " "Do you want to continue?", "no")): raise Exception('Aborted by user.') if conf['erase'] and conf['read'] and not conf['write']: if not (conf['force'] or query_yes_no("You are about to erase your target before " "reading. Do you want to continue?", "no")): raise Exception('Aborted by user.') if conf['read'] and not conf['write'] and conf['verify']: raise Exception('Verify after read not implemented.') if conf['len'] < 0: raise Exception('Length must be positive but %d was provided' % (conf['len'],)) # Try and find the port automatically if conf['port'] == 'auto': ports = [] # Get a list of all USB-like names in /dev for name in ['tty.usbserial', 'ttyUSB', 'tty.usbmodem', 'tty.SLAB_USBtoUART']: ports.extend(glob.glob('/dev/%s*' % name)) ports = sorted(ports) if ports: # Found something - take it conf['port'] = ports[0] else: raise Exception('No serial port found.') cmd = CommandInterface()['port'], conf['baud']) cmd.invoke_bootloader(conf['bootloader_active_high'], conf['bootloader_invert_lines']) mdebug(5, "Opening port %(port)s, baud %(baud)d" % {'port': conf['port'], 'baud': conf['baud']}) if conf['write'] or conf['verify']: mdebug(5, "Reading data from %s" % args[0]) firmware = FirmwareFile(args[0]) mdebug(5, "Connecting to target...") if not cmd.sendSynch(): raise CmdException("Can't connect to target. Ensure boot loader " "is started. (no answer on synch sequence)") # if (cmd.cmdPing() != 1): # raise CmdException("Can't connect to target. Ensure boot loader " # "is started. (no answer on ping command)") chip_id = cmd.cmdGetChipId() chip_id_str = CHIP_ID_STRS.get(chip_id, None) if chip_id_str is None: mdebug(10, ' Unrecognized chip ID. Trying CC13xx/CC26xx') device = CC26xx(cmd) else: mdebug(10, " Target id 0x%x, %s" % (chip_id, chip_id_str)) device = CC2538(cmd) # Choose a good default address unless the user specified -a if conf['address'] is None: conf['address'] = device.flash_start_addr if conf['force_speed'] != 1 and device.has_cmd_set_xosc: if cmd.cmdSetXOsc(): # switch to external clock source cmd.close() conf['baud'] = 1000000['port'], conf['baud']) mdebug(6, "Opening port %(port)s, baud %(baud)d" % {'port': conf['port'], 'baud': conf['baud']}) mdebug(6, "Reconnecting to target at higher speed...") if (cmd.sendSynch() != 1): raise CmdException("Can't connect to target after clock " "source switch. (Check external " "crystal)") else: raise CmdException("Can't switch target to external clock " "source. (Try forcing speed)") if conf['erase']: # we only do full erase for now if device.erase(): mdebug(5, " Erase done") else: raise CmdException("Erase failed") if conf['write']: # TODO: check if boot loader back-door is open, need to read # flash size first to get address if cmd.writeMemory(conf['address'], firmware.bytes): mdebug(5, " Write done ") else: raise CmdException("Write failed ") if conf['verify']: mdebug(5, "Verifying by comparing CRC32 calculations.") crc_local = firmware.crc32() # CRC of target will change according to length input file crc_target = device.crc(conf['address'], len(firmware.bytes)) if crc_local == crc_target: mdebug(5, " Verified (match: 0x%08x)" % crc_local) else: cmd.cmdReset() raise Exception("NO CRC32 match: Local = 0x%x, " "Target = 0x%x" % (crc_local, crc_target)) if conf['ieee_address'] != 0: ieee_addr = parse_ieee_address(conf['ieee_address']) if PY3: mdebug(5, "Setting IEEE address to %s" % (':'.join(['%02x' % b for b in struct.pack('>Q', ieee_addr)]))) ieee_addr_bytes = struct.pack('<Q', ieee_addr) else: mdebug(5, "Setting IEEE address to %s" % (':'.join(['%02x' % ord(b) for b in struct.pack('>Q', ieee_addr)]))) ieee_addr_bytes = [ord(b) for b in struct.pack('<Q', ieee_addr)] if cmd.writeMemory(device.addr_ieee_address_secondary, ieee_addr_bytes): mdebug(5, " " "Set address done ") else: raise CmdException("Set address failed ") if conf['read']: length = conf['len'] # Round up to a 4-byte boundary length = (length + 3) & ~0x03 mdebug(5, "Reading %s bytes starting at address 0x%x" % (length, conf['address'])) with open(args[0], 'wb') as f: for i in range(0, length >> 2): # reading 4 bytes at a time rdata = device.read_memory(conf['address'] + (i * 4)) mdebug(5, " 0x%x: 0x%02x%02x%02x%02x" % (conf['address'] + (i * 4), rdata[0], rdata[1], rdata[2], rdata[3]), '\r') f.write(rdata) f.close() mdebug(5, " Read done ") if conf['disable-bootloader']: device.disable_bootloader() cmd.cmdReset() except Exception as err: if QUIET >= 10: traceback.print_exc() exit('ERROR: %s' % str(err))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals import pytest import sqlalchemy.exc from hyputils.memex import models from hyputils.memex._compat import PY2 class TestUserIdentity(object): def test_you_can_save_and_then_retrieve_field_values( self, db_session, matchers, user ): user_identity_1 = models.UserIdentity( provider="provider_1", provider_unique_id="1", user=user ) user_identity_2 = models.UserIdentity( provider="provider_1", provider_unique_id="2", user=user ) user_identity_3 = models.UserIdentity( provider="provider_2", provider_unique_id="3", user=user ) db_session.add_all([user_identity_1, user_identity_2, user_identity_3]) db_session.flush() user_identities = ( db_session.query(models.UserIdentity) .order_by(models.UserIdentity.provider_unique_id) .all() ) # Auto incrementing unique IDs should have been generated for us. assert type(user_identities[0].id) is int assert type(user_identities[1].id) is int assert type(user_identities[2].id) is int # The provider strings that we gave should have been saved. assert user_identities[0].provider == "provider_1" assert user_identities[1].provider == "provider_1" assert user_identities[2].provider == "provider_2" # The provider_unique_id strings that we gave should have been saved. assert user_identities[0].provider_unique_id == "1" assert user_identities[1].provider_unique_id == "2" assert user_identities[2].provider_unique_id == "3" def test_provider_cant_be_null(self, db_session, user): db_session.add(models.UserIdentity(provider_unique_id="1", user=user)) with pytest.raises( sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError, match='null value in column "provider" violates not-null constraint', ): db_session.flush() def test_provider_id_cant_be_null(self, db_session, user): db_session.add(models.UserIdentity(provider="provider", user=user)) with pytest.raises( sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError, match='null value in column "provider_unique_id" violates not-null constraint', ): db_session.flush() def test_user_cant_be_null(self, db_session): db_session.add(models.UserIdentity(provider="provider", provider_unique_id="1")) with pytest.raises( sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError, match='null value in column "user_id" violates not-null constraint', ): db_session.flush() def test_two_cant_have_the_same_provider_and_provider_id( self, db_session, factories ): db_session.add_all( [ models.UserIdentity( provider="provider", provider_unique_id="id", user=factories.User() ), models.UserIdentity( provider="provider", provider_unique_id="id", user=factories.User() ), ] ) with pytest.raises( sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError, match='duplicate key value violates unique constraint "uq__user_identity__provider"', ): db_session.flush() def test_one_user_can_have_the_same_provider_id_from_different_providers( self, db_session, user ): db_session.add_all( [ models.UserIdentity( provider="provider_1", provider_unique_id="id", user=user ), models.UserIdentity( provider="provider_2", provider_unique_id="id", user=user ), ] ) db_session.flush() def test_different_users_can_have_the_same_provider_id_from_different_providers( self, db_session, factories ): db_session.add_all( [ models.UserIdentity( provider="provider_1", provider_unique_id="id", user=factories.User(), ), models.UserIdentity( provider="provider_2", provider_unique_id="id", user=factories.User(), ), ] ) db_session.flush() def test_removing_a_user_identity_from_a_user_deletes_the_user_identity_from_the_db( self, db_session, user ): # Add a couple of noise UserIdentity's. These should not be removed # from the DB. models.UserIdentity(provider="provider", provider_unique_id="1", user=user) models.UserIdentity(provider="provider", provider_unique_id="2", user=user) # The UserIdentity that we are going to remove. user_identity = models.UserIdentity( provider="provider", provider_unique_id="3", user=user ) user.identities.remove(user_identity) assert user_identity not in db_session.query(models.UserIdentity).all() def test_deleting_a_user_identity_removes_it_from_its_user(self, db_session, user): # Add a couple of noise UserIdentity's. These should not be removed # from user.identities. models.UserIdentity(provider="provider", provider_unique_id="1", user=user) models.UserIdentity(provider="provider", provider_unique_id="2", user=user) # The UserIdentity that we are going to remove. user_identity = models.UserIdentity( provider="provider", provider_unique_id="3", user=user ) db_session.commit() db_session.delete(user_identity) db_session.refresh(user) # Make sure user.identities is up to date. assert user_identity not in user.identities def test_deleting_a_user_deletes_all_its_user_identities(self, db_session, user): models.UserIdentity(provider="provider", provider_unique_id="1", user=user) models.UserIdentity(provider="provider", provider_unique_id="2", user=user) db_session.commit() db_session.delete(user) assert db_session.query(models.UserIdentity).count() == 0 def test_repr(self): user_identity = models.UserIdentity( provider="provider_1", provider_unique_id="1" ) expected_repr = "UserIdentity(provider='provider_1', provider_unique_id='1')" if PY2: expected_repr = ( "UserIdentity(provider=u'provider_1', " "provider_unique_id=u'1')" ) assert repr(user_identity) == expected_repr @pytest.fixture def user(self, factories): return factories.User()
# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """A helper class for inferring Distribution shape.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import contextlib from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_util from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import check_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops from tensorflow.python.ops.distributions import util as distribution_util class _DistributionShape(object): """Manage and manipulate `Distribution` shape. Terminology: Recall that a `Tensor` has: - `shape`: size of `Tensor` dimensions, - `ndims`: size of `shape`; number of `Tensor` dimensions, - `dims`: indexes into `shape`; useful for transpose, reduce. `Tensor`s sampled from a `Distribution` can be partitioned by `sample_dims`, `batch_dims`, and `event_dims`. To understand the semantics of these dimensions, consider when two of the three are fixed and the remaining is varied: - `sample_dims`: indexes independent draws from identical parameterizations of the `Distribution`. - `batch_dims`: indexes independent draws from non-identical parameterizations of the `Distribution`. - `event_dims`: indexes event coordinates from one sample. The `sample`, `batch`, and `event` dimensions constitute the entirety of a `Distribution` `Tensor`'s shape. The dimensions are always in `sample`, `batch`, `event` order. Purpose: This class partitions `Tensor` notions of `shape`, `ndims`, and `dims` into `Distribution` notions of `sample,` `batch,` and `event` dimensions. That is, it computes any of: ``` sample_shape batch_shape event_shape sample_dims batch_dims event_dims sample_ndims batch_ndims event_ndims ``` for a given `Tensor`, e.g., the result of `Distribution.sample(sample_shape=...)`. For a given `Tensor`, this class computes the above table using minimal information: `batch_ndims` and `event_ndims`. Examples of `Distribution` `shape` semantics: - Sample dimensions: Computing summary statistics, i.e., the average is a reduction over sample dimensions. ```python sample_dims = [0] tf.reduce_mean(Normal(loc=1.3, scale=1.).sample_n(1000), axis=sample_dims) # ~= 1.3 ``` - Batch dimensions: Monte Carlo estimation of a marginal probability: Average over batch dimensions where batch dimensions are associated with random draws from a prior. E.g., suppose we want to find the Monte Carlo estimate of the marginal distribution of a `Normal` with a random `Laplace` location: ``` P(X=x) = integral P(X=x|y) P(Y=y) dy ~= 1/n sum_{i=1}^n P(X=x|y_i), y_i ~iid Laplace(0,1) = tf.reduce_mean(Normal(loc=Laplace(0., 1.).sample_n(n=1000), scale=tf.ones(1000)).prob(x), axis=batch_dims) ``` The `Laplace` distribution generates a `Tensor` of shape `[1000]`. When fed to a `Normal`, this is interpreted as 1000 different locations, i.e., 1000 non-identical Normals. Therefore a single call to `prob(x)` yields 1000 probabilities, one for every location. The average over this batch yields the marginal. - Event dimensions: Computing the determinant of the Jacobian of a function of a random variable involves a reduction over event dimensions. E.g., Jacobian of the transform `Y = g(X) = exp(X)`: ```python tf.div(1., tf.reduce_prod(x, event_dims)) ``` Examples using this class: Write `S, B, E` for `sample_shape`, `batch_shape`, and `event_shape`. ```python # 150 iid samples from one multivariate Normal with two degrees of freedom. mu = [0., 0] sigma = [[1., 0], [0, 1]] mvn = MultivariateNormal(mu, sigma) rand_mvn = mvn.sample(sample_shape=[3, 50]) shaper = DistributionShape(batch_ndims=0, event_ndims=1) S, B, E = shaper.get_shape(rand_mvn) # S = [3, 50] # B = [] # E = [2] # 12 iid samples from one Wishart with 2x2 events. sigma = [[1., 0], [2, 1]] wishart = Wishart(df=5, scale=sigma) rand_wishart = wishart.sample(sample_shape=[3, 4]) shaper = DistributionShape(batch_ndims=0, event_ndims=2) S, B, E = shaper.get_shape(rand_wishart) # S = [3, 4] # B = [] # E = [2, 2] # 100 iid samples from two, non-identical trivariate Normal distributions. mu = ... # shape(2, 3) sigma = ... # shape(2, 3, 3) X = MultivariateNormal(mu, sigma).sample(shape=[4, 25]) # S = [4, 25] # B = [2] # E = [3] ``` Argument Validation: When `validate_args=False`, checks that cannot be done during graph construction are performed at graph execution. This may result in a performance degradation because data must be switched from GPU to CPU. For example, when `validate_args=False` and `event_ndims` is a non-constant `Tensor`, it is checked to be a non-negative integer at graph execution. (Same for `batch_ndims`). Constant `Tensor`s and non-`Tensor` arguments are always checked for correctness since this can be done for "free," i.e., during graph construction. """ def __init__(self, batch_ndims=None, event_ndims=None, validate_args=False, name="DistributionShape"): """Construct `DistributionShape` with fixed `batch_ndims`, `event_ndims`. `batch_ndims` and `event_ndims` are fixed throughout the lifetime of a `Distribution`. They may only be known at graph execution. If both `batch_ndims` and `event_ndims` are python scalars (rather than either being a `Tensor`), functions in this class automatically perform sanity checks during graph construction. Args: batch_ndims: `Tensor`. Number of `dims` (`rank`) of the batch portion of indexes of a `Tensor`. A "batch" is a non-identical distribution, i.e, Normal with different parameters. event_ndims: `Tensor`. Number of `dims` (`rank`) of the event portion of indexes of a `Tensor`. An "event" is what is sampled from a distribution, i.e., a trivariate Normal has an event shape of [3] and a 4 dimensional Wishart has an event shape of [4, 4]. validate_args: Python `bool`, default `False`. When `True`, non-`tf.constant` `Tensor` arguments are checked for correctness. (`tf.constant` arguments are always checked.) name: Python `str`. The name prepended to Ops created by this class. Raises: ValueError: if either `batch_ndims` or `event_ndims` are: `None`, negative, not `int32`. """ if batch_ndims is None: raise ValueError("batch_ndims cannot be None") if event_ndims is None: raise ValueError("event_ndims cannot be None") self._batch_ndims = batch_ndims self._event_ndims = event_ndims self._validate_args = validate_args with ops.name_scope(name): self._name = name with ops.name_scope("init"): self._batch_ndims = self._assert_non_negative_int32_scalar( ops.convert_to_tensor( batch_ndims, name="batch_ndims")) self._batch_ndims_static, self._batch_ndims_is_0 = ( self._introspect_ndims(self._batch_ndims)) self._event_ndims = self._assert_non_negative_int32_scalar( ops.convert_to_tensor( event_ndims, name="event_ndims")) self._event_ndims_static, self._event_ndims_is_0 = ( self._introspect_ndims(self._event_ndims)) @property def name(self): """Name given to ops created by this class.""" return self._name @property def batch_ndims(self): """Returns number of dimensions corresponding to non-identical draws.""" return self._batch_ndims @property def event_ndims(self): """Returns number of dimensions needed to index a sample's coordinates.""" return self._event_ndims @property def validate_args(self): """Returns True if graph-runtime `Tensor` checks are enabled.""" return self._validate_args def get_ndims(self, x, name="get_ndims"): """Get `Tensor` number of dimensions (rank). Args: x: `Tensor`. name: Python `str`. The name to give this op. Returns: ndims: Scalar number of dimensions associated with a `Tensor`. """ with self._name_scope(name, values=[x]): x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x") ndims = x.get_shape().ndims if ndims is None: return array_ops.rank(x, name="ndims") return ops.convert_to_tensor(ndims, dtype=dtypes.int32, name="ndims") def get_sample_ndims(self, x, name="get_sample_ndims"): """Returns number of dimensions corresponding to iid draws ("sample"). Args: x: `Tensor`. name: Python `str`. The name to give this op. Returns: sample_ndims: `Tensor` (0D, `int32`). Raises: ValueError: if `sample_ndims` is calculated to be negative. """ with self._name_scope(name, values=[x]): ndims = self.get_ndims(x, name=name) if self._is_all_constant_helper(ndims, self.batch_ndims, self.event_ndims): ndims = tensor_util.constant_value(ndims) sample_ndims = (ndims - self._batch_ndims_static - self._event_ndims_static) if sample_ndims < 0: raise ValueError( "expected batch_ndims(%d) + event_ndims(%d) <= ndims(%d)" % (self._batch_ndims_static, self._event_ndims_static, ndims)) return ops.convert_to_tensor(sample_ndims, name="sample_ndims") else: with ops.name_scope(name="sample_ndims"): sample_ndims = ndims - self.batch_ndims - self.event_ndims if self.validate_args: sample_ndims = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies( [check_ops.assert_non_negative(sample_ndims)], sample_ndims) return sample_ndims def get_dims(self, x, name="get_dims"): """Returns dimensions indexing `sample_shape`, `batch_shape`, `event_shape`. Example: ```python x = ... # Tensor with shape [4, 3, 2, 1] sample_dims, batch_dims, event_dims = _DistributionShape( batch_ndims=2, event_ndims=1).get_dims(x) # sample_dims == [0] # batch_dims == [1, 2] # event_dims == [3] # Note that these are not the shape parts, but rather indexes into shape. ``` Args: x: `Tensor`. name: Python `str`. The name to give this op. Returns: sample_dims: `Tensor` (1D, `int32`). batch_dims: `Tensor` (1D, `int32`). event_dims: `Tensor` (1D, `int32`). """ with self._name_scope(name, values=[x]): def make_dims(start_sum, size, name): """Closure to make dims range.""" start_sum = start_sum if start_sum else [ array_ops.zeros([], dtype=dtypes.int32, name="zero")] if self._is_all_constant_helper(size, *start_sum): start = sum(tensor_util.constant_value(s) for s in start_sum) stop = start + tensor_util.constant_value(size) return ops.convert_to_tensor( list(range(start, stop)), dtype=dtypes.int32, name=name) else: start = sum(start_sum) return math_ops.range(start, start + size) sample_ndims = self.get_sample_ndims(x, name=name) return (make_dims([], sample_ndims, name="sample_dims"), make_dims([sample_ndims], self.batch_ndims, name="batch_dims"), make_dims([sample_ndims, self.batch_ndims], self.event_ndims, name="event_dims")) def get_shape(self, x, name="get_shape"): """Returns `Tensor`'s shape partitioned into `sample`, `batch`, `event`. Args: x: `Tensor`. name: Python `str`. The name to give this op. Returns: sample_shape: `Tensor` (1D, `int32`). batch_shape: `Tensor` (1D, `int32`). event_shape: `Tensor` (1D, `int32`). """ with self._name_scope(name, values=[x]): x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x") def slice_shape(start_sum, size, name): """Closure to slice out shape.""" start_sum = start_sum if start_sum else [ array_ops.zeros([], dtype=dtypes.int32, name="zero")] if (x.get_shape().ndims is not None and self._is_all_constant_helper(size, *start_sum)): start = sum(tensor_util.constant_value(s) for s in start_sum) stop = start + tensor_util.constant_value(size) slice_ = x.get_shape()[start:stop].as_list() if all(s is not None for s in slice_): return ops.convert_to_tensor(slice_, dtype=dtypes.int32, name=name) return array_ops.slice(array_ops.shape(x), [sum(start_sum)], [size]) sample_ndims = self.get_sample_ndims(x, name=name) return (slice_shape([], sample_ndims, name="sample_shape"), slice_shape([sample_ndims], self.batch_ndims, name="batch_shape"), slice_shape([sample_ndims, self.batch_ndims], self.event_ndims, name="event_shape")) # TODO(jvdillon): Make remove expand_batch_dim and make expand_batch_dim=False # the default behavior. def make_batch_of_event_sample_matrices( self, x, expand_batch_dim=True, name="make_batch_of_event_sample_matrices"): """Reshapes/transposes `Distribution` `Tensor` from S+B+E to B_+E_+S_. Where: - `B_ = B if B or not expand_batch_dim else [1]`, - `E_ = E if E else [1]`, - `S_ = [tf.reduce_prod(S)]`. Args: x: `Tensor`. expand_batch_dim: Python `bool`. If `True` the batch dims will be expanded such that `batch_ndims >= 1`. name: Python `str`. The name to give this op. Returns: x: `Tensor`. Input transposed/reshaped to `B_+E_+S_`. sample_shape: `Tensor` (1D, `int32`). """ with self._name_scope(name, values=[x]): x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x") # x.shape: S+B+E sample_shape, batch_shape, event_shape = self.get_shape(x) event_shape = distribution_util.pick_vector( self._event_ndims_is_0, [1], event_shape) if expand_batch_dim: batch_shape = distribution_util.pick_vector( self._batch_ndims_is_0, [1], batch_shape) new_shape = array_ops.concat([[-1], batch_shape, event_shape], 0) x = array_ops.reshape(x, shape=new_shape) # x.shape: [prod(S)]+B_+E_ x = distribution_util.rotate_transpose(x, shift=-1) # x.shape: B_+E_+[prod(S)] return x, sample_shape # TODO(jvdillon): Make remove expand_batch_dim and make expand_batch_dim=False # the default behavior. def undo_make_batch_of_event_sample_matrices( self, x, sample_shape, expand_batch_dim=True, name="undo_make_batch_of_event_sample_matrices"): """Reshapes/transposes `Distribution` `Tensor` from B_+E_+S_ to S+B+E. Where: - `B_ = B if B or not expand_batch_dim else [1]`, - `E_ = E if E else [1]`, - `S_ = [tf.reduce_prod(S)]`. This function "reverses" `make_batch_of_event_sample_matrices`. Args: x: `Tensor` of shape `B_+E_+S_`. sample_shape: `Tensor` (1D, `int32`). expand_batch_dim: Python `bool`. If `True` the batch dims will be expanded such that `batch_ndims>=1`. name: Python `str`. The name to give this op. Returns: x: `Tensor`. Input transposed/reshaped to `S+B+E`. """ with self._name_scope(name, values=[x, sample_shape]): x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x") # x.shape: _B+_E+[prod(S)] sample_shape = ops.convert_to_tensor(sample_shape, name="sample_shape") x = distribution_util.rotate_transpose(x, shift=1) # x.shape: [prod(S)]+_B+_E if self._is_all_constant_helper(self.batch_ndims, self.event_ndims): if self._batch_ndims_is_0 or self._event_ndims_is_0: squeeze_dims = [] if self._event_ndims_is_0: squeeze_dims += [-1] if self._batch_ndims_is_0 and expand_batch_dim: squeeze_dims += [1] if squeeze_dims: x = array_ops.squeeze(x, squeeze_dims=squeeze_dims) # x.shape: [prod(S)]+B+E _, batch_shape, event_shape = self.get_shape(x) else: s = (x.get_shape().as_list() if x.get_shape().is_fully_defined() else array_ops.shape(x)) batch_shape = s[1:1+self.batch_ndims] # Since sample_dims=1 and is left-most, we add 1 to the number of # batch_ndims to get the event start dim. event_start = array_ops.where( math_ops.logical_and(expand_batch_dim, self._batch_ndims_is_0), 2, 1 + self.batch_ndims) event_shape = s[event_start:event_start+self.event_ndims] new_shape = array_ops.concat([sample_shape, batch_shape, event_shape], 0) x = array_ops.reshape(x, shape=new_shape) # x.shape: S+B+E return x @contextlib.contextmanager def _name_scope(self, name=None, values=None): """Helper function to standardize op scope.""" with ops.name_scope( with ops.name_scope(name, values=( (values or []) + [self.batch_ndims, self.event_ndims])) as scope: yield scope def _is_all_constant_helper(self, *args): """Helper which returns True if all inputs are constant_value.""" return all(tensor_util.constant_value(x) is not None for x in args) def _assert_non_negative_int32_scalar(self, x): """Helper which ensures that input is a non-negative, int32, scalar.""" x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x") if x.dtype.base_dtype != dtypes.int32.base_dtype: raise TypeError("%s.dtype=%s is not %s" % (, x.dtype, dtypes.int32)) x_value_static = tensor_util.constant_value(x) if x.get_shape().ndims is not None and x_value_static is not None: if x.get_shape().ndims != 0: raise ValueError("%s.ndims=%d is not 0 (scalar)" % (, x.get_shape().ndims)) if x_value_static < 0: raise ValueError("%s.value=%d cannot be negative" % (, x_value_static)) return x if self.validate_args: x = control_flow_ops.with_dependencies([ check_ops.assert_rank(x, 0), check_ops.assert_non_negative(x)], x) return x def _introspect_ndims(self, ndims): """Helper to establish some properties of input ndims args.""" if self._is_all_constant_helper(ndims): return (tensor_util.constant_value(ndims), tensor_util.constant_value(ndims) == 0) return None, math_ops.equal(ndims, 0)
from django.template.base import Lexer, Parser, tag_re, NodeList, VariableNode, TemplateSyntaxError from django.utils.encoding import force_text from django.utils.html import escape from django.utils.safestring import SafeData, EscapeData from django.utils.formats import localize from django.utils.timezone import template_localtime class DebugLexer(Lexer): def __init__(self, template_string, origin): super(DebugLexer, self).__init__(template_string, origin) def tokenize(self): "Return a list of tokens from a given template_string" result, upto = [], 0 for match in tag_re.finditer(self.template_string): start, end = match.span() if start > upto: result.append(self.create_token(self.template_string[upto:start], (upto, start), False)) upto = start result.append(self.create_token(self.template_string[start:end], (start, end), True)) upto = end last_bit = self.template_string[upto:] if last_bit: result.append(self.create_token(last_bit, (upto, upto + len(last_bit)), False)) return result def create_token(self, token_string, source, in_tag): token = super(DebugLexer, self).create_token(token_string, in_tag) token.source = self.origin, source return token class DebugParser(Parser): def __init__(self, lexer): super(DebugParser, self).__init__(lexer) self.command_stack = [] def enter_command(self, command, token): self.command_stack.append( (command, token.source) ) def exit_command(self): self.command_stack.pop() def error(self, token, msg): return self.source_error(token.source, msg) def source_error(self, source, msg): e = TemplateSyntaxError(msg) e.django_template_source = source return e def create_nodelist(self): return DebugNodeList() def create_variable_node(self, contents): return DebugVariableNode(contents) def extend_nodelist(self, nodelist, node, token): node.source = token.source super(DebugParser, self).extend_nodelist(nodelist, node, token) def unclosed_block_tag(self, parse_until): command, source = self.command_stack.pop() msg = "Unclosed tag '%s'. Looking for one of: %s " % (command, ', '.join(parse_until)) raise self.source_error(source, msg) def compile_function_error(self, token, e): if not hasattr(e, 'django_template_source'): e.django_template_source = token.source class DebugNodeList(NodeList): def render_node(self, node, context): try: return node.render(context) except Exception as e: if not hasattr(e, 'django_template_source'): e.django_template_source = node.source raise class DebugVariableNode(VariableNode): def render(self, context): try: output = self.filter_expression.resolve(context) output = template_localtime(output, use_tz=context.use_tz) output = localize(output, use_l10n=context.use_l10n) output = force_text(output) except UnicodeDecodeError: return '' except Exception as e: if not hasattr(e, 'django_template_source'): e.django_template_source = self.source raise if (context.autoescape and not isinstance(output, SafeData)) or isinstance(output, EscapeData): return escape(output) else: return output
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This Python file uses the following encoding: utf-8 from storm import Spout, emit, log from random import choice from time import sleep from uuid import uuid4 words = [u"nathan", u"mike", u"jackson", u"golda", u"bertels人"] class TesterSpout(Spout): def initialize(self, conf, context): emit(['spout initializing']) self.pending = {} def nextTuple(self): sleep(1.0/2) word = choice(words) id = str(uuid4()) self.pending[id] = word emit([word], id=id) def ack(self, id): del self.pending[id] def fail(self, id): log("emitting " + self.pending[id] + " on fail") emit([self.pending[id]], id=id) TesterSpout().run()
""" Python 'utf-16' Codec Written by Marc-Andre Lemburg ([email protected]). (c) Copyright CNRI, All Rights Reserved. NO WARRANTY. """ import codecs, sys ### Codec APIs encode = codecs.utf_16_encode def decode(input, errors='strict'): return codecs.utf_16_decode(input, errors, True) class IncrementalEncoder(codecs.IncrementalEncoder): def __init__(self, errors='strict'): codecs.IncrementalEncoder.__init__(self, errors) self.encoder = None def encode(self, input, final=False): if self.encoder is None: result = codecs.utf_16_encode(input, self.errors)[0] if sys.byteorder == 'little': self.encoder = codecs.utf_16_le_encode else: self.encoder = codecs.utf_16_be_encode return result return self.encoder(input, self.errors)[0] def reset(self): codecs.IncrementalEncoder.reset(self) self.encoder = None def getstate(self): # state info we return to the caller: # 0: stream is in natural order for this platform # 2: endianness hasn't been determined yet # (we're never writing in unnatural order) return (2 if self.encoder is None else 0) def setstate(self, state): if state: self.encoder = None else: if sys.byteorder == 'little': self.encoder = codecs.utf_16_le_encode else: self.encoder = codecs.utf_16_be_encode class IncrementalDecoder(codecs.BufferedIncrementalDecoder): def __init__(self, errors='strict'): codecs.BufferedIncrementalDecoder.__init__(self, errors) self.decoder = None def _buffer_decode(self, input, errors, final): if self.decoder is None: (output, consumed, byteorder) = \ codecs.utf_16_ex_decode(input, errors, 0, final) if byteorder == -1: self.decoder = codecs.utf_16_le_decode elif byteorder == 1: self.decoder = codecs.utf_16_be_decode elif consumed >= 2: raise UnicodeError("UTF-16 stream does not start with BOM") return (output, consumed) return self.decoder(input, self.errors, final) def reset(self): codecs.BufferedIncrementalDecoder.reset(self) self.decoder = None class StreamWriter(codecs.StreamWriter): def __init__(self, stream, errors='strict'): codecs.StreamWriter.__init__(self, stream, errors) self.encoder = None def reset(self): codecs.StreamWriter.reset(self) self.encoder = None def encode(self, input, errors='strict'): if self.encoder is None: result = codecs.utf_16_encode(input, errors) if sys.byteorder == 'little': self.encoder = codecs.utf_16_le_encode else: self.encoder = codecs.utf_16_be_encode return result else: return self.encoder(input, errors) class StreamReader(codecs.StreamReader): def reset(self): codecs.StreamReader.reset(self) try: del self.decode except AttributeError: pass def decode(self, input, errors='strict'): (object, consumed, byteorder) = \ codecs.utf_16_ex_decode(input, errors, 0, False) if byteorder == -1: self.decode = codecs.utf_16_le_decode elif byteorder == 1: self.decode = codecs.utf_16_be_decode elif consumed>=2: raise UnicodeError,"UTF-16 stream does not start with BOM" return (object, consumed) ### encodings module API def getregentry(): return codecs.CodecInfo( name='utf-16', encode=encode, decode=decode, incrementalencoder=IncrementalEncoder, incrementaldecoder=IncrementalDecoder, streamreader=StreamReader, streamwriter=StreamWriter, )
# A sample implementation of IEmptyVolumeCache - see # for an overview. # # * Execute this script to register the handler # * Start the "disk cleanup" tool - look for "pywin32 compiled files" import sys, os, stat, time import pythoncom from import shell, shellcon from win32com.server.exception import COMException import win32gui import win32con import winerror # Our shell extension. IEmptyVolumeCache_Methods = "Initialize GetSpaceUsed Purge ShowProperties Deactivate".split() IEmptyVolumeCache2_Methods = "InitializeEx".split() ico = os.path.join(sys.prefix, "py.ico") if not os.path.isfile(ico): ico = os.path.join(sys.prefix, "PC", "py.ico") if not os.path.isfile(ico): ico = None print "Can't find python.ico - no icon will be installed" class EmptyVolumeCache: _reg_progid_ = "Python.ShellExtension.EmptyVolumeCache" _reg_desc_ = "Python Sample Shell Extension (disk cleanup)" _reg_clsid_ = "{EADD0777-2968-4c72-A999-2BF5F756259C}" _reg_icon_ = ico _com_interfaces_ = [shell.IID_IEmptyVolumeCache, shell.IID_IEmptyVolumeCache2] _public_methods_ = IEmptyVolumeCache_Methods + IEmptyVolumeCache2_Methods def Initialize(self, hkey, volume, flags): # This should never be called, except on win98. print "Unless we are on 98, Initialize call is unexpected!" raise COMException(hresult=winerror.E_NOTIMPL) def InitializeEx(self, hkey, volume, key_name, flags): # Must return a tuple of: # (display_name, description, button_name, flags) print "InitializeEx called with", hkey, volume, key_name, flags self.volume = volume if flags & shellcon.EVCF_SETTINGSMODE: print "We are being run on a schedule" # In this case, "because there is no opportunity for user # feedback, only those files that are extremely safe to clean up # should be touched. You should ignore the initialization # method's pcwszVolume parameter and clean unneeded files # regardless of what drive they are on." self.volume = None # flag as 'any disk will do' elif flags & shellcon.EVCF_OUTOFDISKSPACE: # In this case, "the handler should be aggressive about deleting # files, even if it results in a performance loss. However, the # handler obviously should not delete files that would cause an # application to fail or the user to lose data." print "We are being run as we are out of disk-space" else: # This case is not documented - we are guessing :) print "We are being run because the user asked" # For the sake of demo etc, we tell the shell to only show us when # there are > 0 bytes available. Our GetSpaceUsed will check the # volume, so will return 0 when we are on a different disk flags = shellcon.EVCF_DONTSHOWIFZERO | shellcon.EVCF_ENABLEBYDEFAULT return ("pywin32 compiled files", "Removes all .pyc and .pyo files in the pywin32 directories", "click me!", flags ) def _GetDirectories(self): root_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(win32gui.__file__))) if self.volume is not None and \ not root_dir.lower().startswith(self.volume.lower()): return [] return [os.path.join(root_dir, p) for p in ('win32', 'win32com', 'win32comext', 'isapi')] def _WalkCallback(self, arg, directory, files): # callback function for os.path.walk - no need to be member, but its # close to the callers :) callback, total_list = arg for file in files: fqn = os.path.join(directory, file).lower() if file.endswith(".pyc") or file.endswith(".pyo"): # See below - total_list == None means delete files, # otherwise it is a list where the result is stored. Its a # list simply due to the way os.walk works - only [0] is # referenced if total_list is None: print "Deleting file", fqn # Should do callback.PurgeProcess - left as an exercise :) os.remove(fqn) else: total_list[0] += os.stat(fqn)[stat.ST_SIZE] # and callback to the tool if callback: # for the sake of seeing the progress bar do its thing, # we take longer than we need to... # ACK - for some bizarre reason this screws up the XP # cleanup manager - clues welcome!! :) ## print "Looking in", directory, ", but waiting a while..." ## time.sleep(3) # now do it used = total_list[0] callback.ScanProgress(used, 0, "Looking at " + fqn) def GetSpaceUsed(self, callback): total = [0] # See _WalkCallback above try: for d in self._GetDirectories(): os.path.walk(d, self._WalkCallback, (callback, total)) print "After looking in", d, "we have", total[0], "bytes" except pythoncom.error, (hr, msg, exc, arg): # This will be raised by the callback when the user selects 'cancel'. if hr != winerror.E_ABORT: raise # that's the documented error code! print "User cancelled the operation" return total[0] def Purge(self, amt_to_free, callback): print "Purging", amt_to_free, "bytes..." # we ignore amt_to_free - it is generally what we returned for # GetSpaceUsed try: for d in self._GetDirectories(): os.path.walk(d, self._WalkCallback, (callback, None)) except pythoncom.error, (hr, msg, exc, arg): # This will be raised by the callback when the user selects 'cancel'. if hr != winerror.E_ABORT: raise # that's the documented error code! print "User cancelled the operation" def ShowProperties(self, hwnd): raise COMException(hresult=winerror.E_NOTIMPL) def Deactivate(self): print "Deactivate called" return 0 def DllRegisterServer(): # Also need to register specially in: # HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VolumeCaches # See link at top of file. import _winreg kn = r"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VolumeCaches\%s" \ % (EmptyVolumeCache._reg_desc_,) key = _winreg.CreateKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, kn) _winreg.SetValueEx(key, None, 0, _winreg.REG_SZ, EmptyVolumeCache._reg_clsid_) def DllUnregisterServer(): import _winreg kn = r"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VolumeCaches\%s" \ % (EmptyVolumeCache._reg_desc_,) try: key = _winreg.DeleteKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, kn) except WindowsError, details: import errno if details.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise print EmptyVolumeCache._reg_desc_, "unregistration complete." if __name__=='__main__': from win32com.server import register register.UseCommandLine(EmptyVolumeCache, finalize_register = DllRegisterServer, finalize_unregister = DllUnregisterServer)
from warnings import warn from . import overlap def fractional_slice(task, axes): """ >>> fractional_slice(('x', 5.1), {0: 2}) # doctest: +SKIP (getitem, ('x', 6), (slice(0, 2),)) >>> fractional_slice(('x', 3, 5.1), {0: 2, 1: 3}) # doctest: +SKIP (getitem, ('x', 3, 5), (slice(None, None, None), slice(-3, None))) >>> fractional_slice(('x', 2.9, 5.1), {0: 2, 1: 3}) # doctest: +SKIP (getitem, ('x', 3, 5), (slice(0, 2), slice(-3, None))) """ warn('DeprecationWarning: the dask.array.ghost module has ' 'been renamed to dask.array.overlap, ' 'use dask.array.overlap.fractional_slice.', Warning) return overlap.fractional_slice(task, axes) def expand_key(k, dims, name=None, axes=None): warn('DeprecationWarning: the dask.array.ghost module has ' 'been renamed to dask.array.overlap, ' 'use dask.array.overlap.expand_keys.', Warning) return overlap.expand_key(k, dims, name, axes) def ghost_internal(x, axes): """ Share boundaries between neighboring blocks Parameters ---------- x: da.Array A dask array axes: dict The size of the shared boundary per axis The axes input informs how many cells to dask.array.overlap between neighboring blocks {0: 2, 2: 5} means share two cells in 0 axis, 5 cells in 2 axis """ warn('DeprecationWarning: the dask.array.ghost module has ' 'been renamed to dask.array.overlap, ' 'use dask.array.overlap.ghost_internal.', Warning) return overlap.overlap_internal(x, axes) def trim_internal(x, axes): """ Trim sides from each block This couples well with the ghost operation, which may leave excess data on each block See also -------- dask.array.chunk.trim dask.array.map_blocks """ warn('DeprecationWarning: the dask.array.ghost module has ' 'been renamed to dask.array.overlap, ' 'use dask.array.overlap.trim_internal.', Warning) return overlap.trim_internal(x, axes) def periodic(x, axis, depth): """ Copy a slice of an array around to its other side Useful to create periodic boundary conditions for ghost """ warn('DeprecationWarning: the dask.array.ghost module has ' 'been renamed to dask.array.overlap, ' 'use dask.array.overlap.periodic.', Warning) return overlap.periodic(x, axis, depth) def reflect(x, axis, depth): """ Reflect boundaries of array on the same side This is the converse of ``periodic`` """ warn('DeprecationWarning: the dask.array.ghost module has ' 'been renamed to dask.array.overlap, ' 'use dask.array.overlap.reflect.', Warning) return overlap.reflect(x, axis, depth) def nearest(x, axis, depth): """ Each reflect each boundary value outwards This mimics what the skimage.filters.gaussian_filter(... mode="nearest") does. """ warn('DeprecationWarning: the dask.array.ghost module has ' 'been renamed to dask.array.overlap, ' 'use dask.array.overlap.nearest.', Warning) return overlap.nearest(x, axis, depth) def constant(x, axis, depth, value): """ Add constant slice to either side of array """ warn('DeprecationWarning: the dask.array.ghost module has ' 'been renamed to dask.array.overlap, ' 'use dask.array.overlap.constant.', Warning) return overlap.constant(x, axis, depth, value) def _remove_ghost_boundaries(l, r, axis, depth): lchunks = list(l.chunks) lchunks[axis] = (depth,) rchunks = list(r.chunks) rchunks[axis] = (depth,) l = l.rechunk(tuple(lchunks)) r = r.rechunk(tuple(rchunks)) return l, r def boundaries(x, depth=None, kind=None): """ Add boundary conditions to an array before ghosting See Also -------- periodic constant """ warn('DeprecationWarning: the dask.array.ghost module has ' 'been renamed to dask.array.overlap, ' 'use dask.array.overlap.boundaries.', Warning) return overlap.boundaries(x, depth, kind) def ghost(x, depth, boundary): """ Share boundaries between neighboring blocks Parameters ---------- x: da.Array A dask array depth: dict The size of the shared boundary per axis boundary: dict The boundary condition on each axis. Options are 'reflect', 'periodic', 'nearest', 'none', or an array value. Such a value will fill the boundary with that value. The depth input informs how many cells to dask.array.overlap between neighboring blocks ``{0: 2, 2: 5}`` means share two cells in 0 axis, 5 cells in 2 axis. Axes missing from this input will not be overlapped. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import dask.array as da >>> x = np.arange(64).reshape((8, 8)) >>> d = da.from_array(x, chunks=(4, 4)) >>> d.chunks ((4, 4), (4, 4)) >>> g = da.ghost.ghost(d, depth={0: 2, 1: 1}, ... boundary={0: 100, 1: 'reflect'}) >>> g.chunks ((8, 8), (6, 6)) >>> np.array(g) array([[100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100], [100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100], [ 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7], [ 8, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 15], [ 16, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 23], [ 24, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 31], [ 32, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 39], [ 40, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 47], [ 16, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 23], [ 24, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 31], [ 32, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 39], [ 40, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 47], [ 48, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 55], [ 56, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 63], [100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100], [100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100]]) """ warn('DeprecationWarning: the dask.array.ghost module has ' 'been renamed to dask.array.overlap, ' 'use dask.array.overlap.ghost.', Warning) return overlap.overlap(x, depth, boundary) def add_dummy_padding(x, depth, boundary): """ Pads an array which has 'none' as the boundary type. Used to simplify trimming arrays which use 'none'. >>> import dask.array as da >>> x = da.arange(6, chunks=3) >>> add_dummy_padding(x, {0: 1}, {0: 'none'}).compute() # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE array([..., 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...]) """ warn('DeprecationWarning: the dask.array.ghost module has ' 'been renamed to dask.array.overlap, ' 'use dask.array.overlap.add_dummy_padding.', Warning) return overlap.add_dummy_padding(x, depth, boundary) def map_overlap(x, func, depth, boundary=None, trim=True, **kwargs): """ Map a function over blocks of the array with some overlap We share neighboring zones between blocks of the array, then map a function, then trim away the neighboring strips. Parameters ---------- func: function The function to apply to each extended block depth: int, tuple, or dict The number of elements that each block should share with its neighbors If a tuple or dict then this can be different per axis boundary: str, tuple, dict How to handle the boundaries. Values include 'reflect', 'periodic', 'nearest', 'none', or any constant value like 0 or np.nan trim: bool Whether or not to trim ``depth`` elements from each block after calling the map function. Set this to False if your mapping function already does this for you **kwargs: Other keyword arguments valid in ``map_blocks`` Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> import dask.array as da >>> x = np.array([1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1]) >>> x = da.from_array(x, chunks=5) >>> def derivative(x): ... return x - np.roll(x, 1) >>> y = x.map_overlap(derivative, depth=1, boundary=0) >>> y.compute() array([ 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0]) >>> x = np.arange(16).reshape((4, 4)) >>> d = da.from_array(x, chunks=(2, 2)) >>> d.map_overlap(lambda x: x + x.size, depth=1).compute() array([[16, 17, 18, 19], [20, 21, 22, 23], [24, 25, 26, 27], [28, 29, 30, 31]]) >>> func = lambda x: x + x.size >>> depth = {0: 1, 1: 1} >>> boundary = {0: 'reflect', 1: 'none'} >>> d.map_overlap(func, depth, boundary).compute() # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE array([[12, 13, 14, 15], [16, 17, 18, 19], [20, 21, 22, 23], [24, 25, 26, 27]]) """ warn('DeprecationWarning: the dask.array.ghost module has ' 'been renamed to dask.array.overlap, ' 'use dask.array.overlap.map_overlap.', Warning) return overlap.map_overlap(x, func, depth, boundary, trim, **kwargs) def coerce_depth(ndim, depth): warn('DeprecationWarning: the dask.array.ghost module has ' 'been renamed to dask.array.overlap, ' 'use dask.array.overlap.coerce_depth.', Warning) return overlap.coerce_depth(ndim, depth) def coerce_boundary(ndim, boundary): warn('DeprecationWarning: the dask.array.ghost module has ' 'been renamed to dask.array.overlap, ' 'use dask.array.overlap.coerce_boundary.', Warning) return overlap.coerce_boundary(ndim, boundary)
# All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Utility methods for scheduling.""" import collections import functools import sys from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging import oslo_messaging as messaging from oslo_serialization import jsonutils from nova.compute import flavors from nova.compute import utils as compute_utils from nova import exception from nova.i18n import _, _LE, _LW from nova import objects from nova.objects import base as obj_base from nova import rpc LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) scheduler_opts = [ cfg.IntOpt('scheduler_max_attempts', default=3, help='Maximum number of attempts to schedule an instance'), ] CONF = cfg.CONF CONF.register_opts(scheduler_opts) CONF.import_opt('scheduler_default_filters', 'nova.scheduler.host_manager') GroupDetails = collections.namedtuple('GroupDetails', ['hosts', 'policies']) def build_request_spec(ctxt, image, instances, instance_type=None): """Build a request_spec for the scheduler. The request_spec assumes that all instances to be scheduled are the same type. """ instance = instances[0] if instance_type is None: if isinstance(instance, objects.Instance): instance_type = instance.get_flavor() else: instance_type = flavors.extract_flavor(instance) if isinstance(instance, objects.Instance): instance = obj_base.obj_to_primitive(instance) # obj_to_primitive doesn't copy this enough, so be sure # to detach our metadata blob because we modify it below. instance['system_metadata'] = dict(instance.get('system_metadata', {})) if isinstance(instance_type, objects.Flavor): instance_type = obj_base.obj_to_primitive(instance_type) # NOTE(danms): Replicate this old behavior because the # scheduler RPC interface technically expects it to be # there. Remove this when we bump the scheduler RPC API to # v5.0 try: flavors.save_flavor_info(instance.get('system_metadata', {}), instance_type) except KeyError: # If the flavor isn't complete (which is legit with a # flavor object, just don't put it in the request spec pass request_spec = { 'image': image or {}, 'instance_properties': instance, 'instance_type': instance_type, 'num_instances': len(instances)} return jsonutils.to_primitive(request_spec) def set_vm_state_and_notify(context, instance_uuid, service, method, updates, ex, request_spec, db): """changes VM state and notifies.""" LOG.warning(_LW("Failed to %(service)s_%(method)s: %(ex)s"), {'service': service, 'method': method, 'ex': ex}) vm_state = updates['vm_state'] properties = request_spec.get('instance_properties', {}) # NOTE(vish): We shouldn't get here unless we have a catastrophic # failure, so just set the instance to its internal state notifier = rpc.get_notifier(service) state = vm_state.upper() LOG.warning(_LW('Setting instance to %s state.'), state, instance_uuid=instance_uuid) instance = objects.Instance(context=context, uuid=instance_uuid, **updates) instance.obj_reset_changes(['uuid']) compute_utils.add_instance_fault_from_exc(context, instance, ex, sys.exc_info()) payload = dict(request_spec=request_spec, instance_properties=properties, instance_id=instance_uuid, state=vm_state, method=method, reason=ex) event_type = '%s.%s' % (service, method) notifier.error(context, event_type, payload) def populate_filter_properties(filter_properties, host_state): """Add additional information to the filter properties after a node has been selected by the scheduling process. """ if isinstance(host_state, dict): host = host_state['host'] nodename = host_state['nodename'] limits = host_state['limits'] else: host = nodename = host_state.nodename limits = host_state.limits # Adds a retry entry for the selected compute host and node: _add_retry_host(filter_properties, host, nodename) # Adds oversubscription policy if not filter_properties.get('force_hosts'): filter_properties['limits'] = limits def populate_retry(filter_properties, instance_uuid): max_attempts = _max_attempts() force_hosts = filter_properties.get('force_hosts', []) force_nodes = filter_properties.get('force_nodes', []) # In the case of multiple force hosts/nodes, scheduler should not # disable retry filter but traverse all force hosts/nodes one by # one till scheduler gets a valid target host. if (max_attempts == 1 or len(force_hosts) == 1 or len(force_nodes) == 1): # re-scheduling is disabled. return # retry is enabled, update attempt count: retry = filter_properties.setdefault( 'retry', { 'num_attempts': 0, 'hosts': [] # list of compute hosts tried }) retry['num_attempts'] += 1 _log_compute_error(instance_uuid, retry) exc = retry.pop('exc', None) if retry['num_attempts'] > max_attempts: msg = (_('Exceeded max scheduling attempts %(max_attempts)d ' 'for instance %(instance_uuid)s. ' 'Last exception: %(exc)s') % {'max_attempts': max_attempts, 'instance_uuid': instance_uuid, 'exc': exc}) raise exception.MaxRetriesExceeded(reason=msg) def _log_compute_error(instance_uuid, retry): """If the request contained an exception from a previous compute build/resize operation, log it to aid debugging """ exc = retry.get('exc') # string-ified exception from compute if not exc: return # no exception info from a previous attempt, skip hosts = retry.get('hosts', None) if not hosts: return # no previously attempted hosts, skip last_host, last_node = hosts[-1] LOG.error(_LE('Error from last host: %(last_host)s (node %(last_node)s):' ' %(exc)s'), {'last_host': last_host, 'last_node': last_node, 'exc': exc}, instance_uuid=instance_uuid) def _max_attempts(): max_attempts = CONF.scheduler_max_attempts if max_attempts < 1: raise exception.NovaException(_("Invalid value for " "'scheduler_max_attempts', must be >= 1")) return max_attempts def _add_retry_host(filter_properties, host, node): """Add a retry entry for the selected compute node. In the event that the request gets re-scheduled, this entry will signal that the given node has already been tried. """ retry = filter_properties.get('retry', None) if not retry: return hosts = retry['hosts'] hosts.append([host, node]) def parse_options(opts, sep='=', converter=str, name=""): """Parse a list of options, each in the format of <key><sep><value>. Also use the converter to convert the value into desired type. :params opts: list of options, e.g. from oslo_config.cfg.ListOpt :params sep: the separator :params converter: callable object to convert the value, should raise ValueError for conversion failure :params name: name of the option :returns: a lists of tuple of values (key, converted_value) """ good = [] bad = [] for opt in opts: try: key, seen_sep, value = opt.partition(sep) value = converter(value) except ValueError: key = None value = None if key and seen_sep and value is not None: good.append((key, value)) else: bad.append(opt) if bad: LOG.warning(_LW("Ignoring the invalid elements of the option " "%(name)s: %(options)s"), {'name': name, 'options': ", ".join(bad)}) return good def validate_filter(filter): """Validates that the filter is configured in the default filters.""" return filter in CONF.scheduler_default_filters _SUPPORTS_AFFINITY = None _SUPPORTS_ANTI_AFFINITY = None def _get_group_details(context, instance_uuid, user_group_hosts=None): """Provide group_hosts and group_policies sets related to instances if those instances are belonging to a group and if corresponding filters are enabled. :param instance_uuid: UUID of the instance to check :param user_group_hosts: Hosts from the group or empty set :returns: None or namedtuple GroupDetails """ global _SUPPORTS_AFFINITY if _SUPPORTS_AFFINITY is None: _SUPPORTS_AFFINITY = validate_filter( 'ServerGroupAffinityFilter') global _SUPPORTS_ANTI_AFFINITY if _SUPPORTS_ANTI_AFFINITY is None: _SUPPORTS_ANTI_AFFINITY = validate_filter( 'ServerGroupAntiAffinityFilter') _supports_server_groups = any((_SUPPORTS_AFFINITY, _SUPPORTS_ANTI_AFFINITY)) if not _supports_server_groups or not instance_uuid: return try: group = objects.InstanceGroup.get_by_instance_uuid(context, instance_uuid) except exception.InstanceGroupNotFound: return policies = set(('anti-affinity', 'affinity')) if any((policy in policies) for policy in group.policies): if (not _SUPPORTS_AFFINITY and 'affinity' in group.policies): msg = _("ServerGroupAffinityFilter not configured") LOG.error(msg) raise exception.UnsupportedPolicyException(reason=msg) if (not _SUPPORTS_ANTI_AFFINITY and 'anti-affinity' in group.policies): msg = _("ServerGroupAntiAffinityFilter not configured") LOG.error(msg) raise exception.UnsupportedPolicyException(reason=msg) group_hosts = set(group.get_hosts()) user_hosts = set(user_group_hosts) if user_group_hosts else set() return GroupDetails(hosts=user_hosts | group_hosts, policies=group.policies) def setup_instance_group(context, request_spec, filter_properties): """Add group_hosts and group_policies fields to filter_properties dict based on instance uuids provided in request_spec, if those instances are belonging to a group. :param request_spec: Request spec :param filter_properties: Filter properties """ group_hosts = filter_properties.get('group_hosts') # NOTE(sbauza) If there are multiple instance UUIDs, it's a boot # request and they will all be in the same group, so it's safe to # only check the first one. instance_uuid = request_spec.get('instance_properties', {}).get('uuid') group_info = _get_group_details(context, instance_uuid, group_hosts) if group_info is not None: filter_properties['group_updated'] = True filter_properties['group_hosts'] = group_info.hosts filter_properties['group_policies'] = group_info.policies def retry_on_timeout(retries=1): """Retry the call in case a MessagingTimeout is raised. A decorator for retrying calls when a service dies mid-request. :param retries: Number of retries :returns: Decorator """ def outer(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): attempt = 0 while True: try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except messaging.MessagingTimeout: attempt += 1 if attempt <= retries: LOG.warning(_LW( "Retrying %(name)s after a MessagingTimeout, " "attempt %(attempt)s of %(retries)s."), {'attempt': attempt, 'retries': retries, 'name': func.__name__}) else: raise return wrapped return outer retry_select_destinations = retry_on_timeout(_max_attempts() - 1)
# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Example of recurrent neural networks over characters for DBpedia dataset. This model is similar to one described in this paper: "Character-level Convolutional Networks for Text Classification" and is somewhat alternative to the Lua code from here: """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import argparse import sys import numpy as np import pandas import tensorflow as tf FLAGS = None MAX_DOCUMENT_LENGTH = 100 HIDDEN_SIZE = 20 MAX_LABEL = 15 CHARS_FEATURE = 'chars' # Name of the input character feature. def char_rnn_model(features, labels, mode): """Character level recurrent neural network model to predict classes.""" byte_vectors = tf.one_hot(features[CHARS_FEATURE], 256, 1., 0.) byte_list = tf.unstack(byte_vectors, axis=1) cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.GRUCell(HIDDEN_SIZE) _, encoding = tf.nn.static_rnn(cell, byte_list, dtype=tf.float32) logits = tf.layers.dense(encoding, MAX_LABEL, activation=None) predicted_classes = tf.argmax(logits, 1) if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT: return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec( mode=mode, predictions={ 'class': predicted_classes, 'prob': tf.nn.softmax(logits) }) onehot_labels = tf.one_hot(labels, MAX_LABEL, 1, 0) loss = tf.losses.softmax_cross_entropy( onehot_labels=onehot_labels, logits=logits) if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN: optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=0.01) train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=tf.train.get_global_step()) return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec(mode, loss=loss, train_op=train_op) eval_metric_ops = { 'accuracy': tf.metrics.accuracy( labels=labels, predictions=predicted_classes) } return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec( mode=mode, loss=loss, eval_metric_ops=eval_metric_ops) def main(unused_argv): # Prepare training and testing data dbpedia = tf.contrib.learn.datasets.load_dataset( 'dbpedia', test_with_fake_data=FLAGS.test_with_fake_data) x_train = pandas.DataFrame([1] y_train = pandas.Series( x_test = pandas.DataFrame([1] y_test = pandas.Series( # Process vocabulary char_processor = tf.contrib.learn.preprocessing.ByteProcessor( MAX_DOCUMENT_LENGTH) x_train = np.array(list(char_processor.fit_transform(x_train))) x_test = np.array(list(char_processor.transform(x_test))) # Build model classifier = tf.estimator.Estimator(model_fn=char_rnn_model) # Train. train_input_fn = tf.estimator.inputs.numpy_input_fn( x={CHARS_FEATURE: x_train}, y=y_train, batch_size=128, num_epochs=None, shuffle=True) classifier.train(input_fn=train_input_fn, steps=100) # Eval. test_input_fn = tf.estimator.inputs.numpy_input_fn( x={CHARS_FEATURE: x_test}, y=y_test, num_epochs=1, shuffle=False) scores = classifier.evaluate(input_fn=test_input_fn) print('Accuracy: {0:f}'.format(scores['accuracy'])) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '--test_with_fake_data', default=False, help='Test the example code with fake data.', action='store_true') FLAGS, unparsed = parser.parse_known_args(), argv=[sys.argv[0]] + unparsed)
"""Per-prefix data, mapping each prefix to a dict of locale:name. Auto-generated file, do not edit by hand. """ from ..util import u # Copyright (C) 2011-2017 The Libphonenumber Authors # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. data = { '55753217':{'en': 'Santo Amaro - BA', 'pt': 'Santo Amaro - BA'}, '55273401':{'en': 'Baixo Guandu - ES', 'pt': 'Baixo Guandu - ES'}, '55423229':{'en': 'Ponta Grossa - PR', 'pt': 'Ponta Grossa - PR'}, '55423228':{'en': 'Ponta Grossa - PR', 'pt': 'Ponta Grossa - PR'}, '55753211':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55173292':{'en': 'Paulo de Faria - SP', 'pt': 'Paulo de Faria - SP'}, '55173293':{'en': 'Palestina - SP', 'pt': 'Palestina - SP'}, '55423227':{'en': 'Ponta Grossa - PR', 'pt': 'Ponta Grossa - PR'}, '55173291':{'en': u('Riol\u00e2ndia - SP'), 'pt': u('Riol\u00e2ndia - SP')}, '55423221':{'en': u('Tel\u00eamaco Borba - PR'), 'pt': u('Tel\u00eamaco Borba - PR')}, '55423220':{'en': 'Ponta Grossa - PR', 'pt': 'Ponta Grossa - PR'}, '55423223':{'en': 'Ponta Grossa - PR', 'pt': 'Ponta Grossa - PR'}, '55173295':{'en': u('Monte Apraz\u00edvel - SP'), 'pt': u('Monte Apraz\u00edvel - SP')}, '55242566':{'en': 'Bom Jardim - RJ', 'pt': 'Bom Jardim - RJ'}, '55743639':{'en': u('V\u00e1rzea do Po\u00e7o - BA'), 'pt': u('V\u00e1rzea do Po\u00e7o - BA')}, '55684007':{'en': 'Rio Branco - AC', 'pt': 'Rio Branco - AC'}, '55684001':{'en': 'Rio Branco - AC', 'pt': 'Rio Branco - AC'}, '55684003':{'en': 'Rio Branco - AC', 'pt': 'Rio Branco - AC'}, '55533931':{'en': 'Rio Grande - RS', 'pt': 'Rio Grande - RS'}, '55313291':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55733678':{'en': 'Monte Pascoal - BA', 'pt': 'Monte Pascoal - BA'}, '55743631':{'en': u('Serrol\u00e2ndia - BA'), 'pt': u('Serrol\u00e2ndia - BA')}, '55513752':{'en': 'Jacarezinho - RS', 'pt': 'Jacarezinho - RS'}, '55733679':{'en': 'Porto Seguro - BA', 'pt': 'Porto Seguro - BA'}, '55743630':{'en': 'Mirangaba - BA', 'pt': 'Mirangaba - BA'}, '55743633':{'en': u('Sa\u00fade - BA'), 'pt': u('Sa\u00fade - BA')}, '55443201':{'en': u('Campo Mour\u00e3o - PR'), 'pt': u('Campo Mour\u00e3o - PR')}, '55743632':{'en': 'Mairi - BA', 'pt': 'Mairi - BA'}, '55753213':{'en': u('Banza\u00ea - BA'), 'pt': u('Banza\u00ea - BA')}, '55733675':{'en': 'Bahia', 'pt': 'Bahia'}, '55713167':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55423225':{'en': 'Ponta Grossa - PR', 'pt': 'Ponta Grossa - PR'}, '55423224':{'en': 'Ponta Grossa - PR', 'pt': 'Ponta Grossa - PR'}, '55423226':{'en': 'Ponta Grossa - PR', 'pt': 'Ponta Grossa - PR'}, '55773262':{'en': 'Itapetinga - BA', 'pt': 'Itapetinga - BA'}, '55443209':{'en': u('Nova Esperan\u00e7a - PR'), 'pt': u('Nova Esperan\u00e7a - PR')}, '55753218':{'en': u('Salgad\u00e1lia - BA'), 'pt': u('Salgad\u00e1lia - BA')}, '55423222':{'en': 'Ponta Grossa - PR', 'pt': 'Ponta Grossa - PR'}, '55553276':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Pedro do Sul - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Pedro do Sul - RS')}, '55553277':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Martinho da Serra - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Martinho da Serra - RS')}, '55413122':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55553272':{'en': u('Tupanciret\u00e3 - RS'), 'pt': u('Tupanciret\u00e3 - RS')}, '55553270':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Miguel - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Miguel - RS')}, '55553271':{'en': u('J\u00falio de Castilhos - RS'), 'pt': u('J\u00falio de Castilhos - RS')}, '55553278':{'en': 'Pinhal Grande - RS', 'pt': 'Pinhal Grande - RS'}, '55553279':{'en': 'Quevedos - RS', 'pt': 'Quevedos - RS'}, '55473390':{'en': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC'), 'pt': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC')}, '55473393':{'en': 'Bombinhas - SC', 'pt': 'Bombinhas - SC'}, '55473394':{'en': 'Indaial - SC', 'pt': 'Indaial - SC'}, '55473395':{'en': 'Pomerode - SC', 'pt': 'Pomerode - SC'}, '55473396':{'en': 'Brusque - SC', 'pt': 'Brusque - SC'}, '55473397':{'en': 'Gaspar - SC', 'pt': 'Gaspar - SC'}, '55473399':{'en': u('Timb\u00f3 - SC'), 'pt': u('Timb\u00f3 - SC')}, '55212108':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212103':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55163434':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163432':{'en': 'Franca - SP', 'pt': 'Franca - SP'}, '55613081':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613084':{'en': u('Luzi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Luzi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55212249':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55614501':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55483131':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55212241':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212240':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212243':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212242':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212244':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212247':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212246':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55753692':{'en': 'Paulo Afonso - BA', 'pt': 'Paulo Afonso - BA'}, '55753693':{'en': 'Pintadas - BA', 'pt': 'Pintadas - BA'}, '55643627':{'en': u('Riverl\u00e2ndia - GO'), 'pt': u('Riverl\u00e2ndia - GO')}, '55533243':{'en': 'Dom Pedrito - RS', 'pt': 'Dom Pedrito - RS'}, '55513205':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55533242':{'en': u('Bag\u00e9 - RS'), 'pt': u('Bag\u00e9 - RS')}, '55533245':{'en': 'Candiota - RS', 'pt': 'Candiota - RS'}, '55753697':{'en': 'Serra Preta - BA', 'pt': 'Serra Preta - BA'}, '55353858':{'en': 'Santana da Vargem - MG', 'pt': 'Santana da Vargem - MG'}, '55753694':{'en': u('Santan\u00f3polis - BA'), 'pt': u('Santan\u00f3polis - BA')}, '55353851':{'en': u('Boa Esperan\u00e7a - MG'), 'pt': u('Boa Esperan\u00e7a - MG')}, '55643626':{'en': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio da Barra - GO'), 'pt': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio da Barra - GO')}, '55353853':{'en': 'Campos Gerais - MG', 'pt': 'Campos Gerais - MG'}, '55353854':{'en': u('Ilic\u00ednea - MG'), 'pt': u('Ilic\u00ednea - MG')}, '55353855':{'en': 'Coqueiral - MG', 'pt': 'Coqueiral - MG'}, '55353856':{'en': u('Guap\u00e9 - MG'), 'pt': u('Guap\u00e9 - MG')}, '55353857':{'en': 'Campo do Meio - MG', 'pt': 'Campo do Meio - MG'}, '55183286':{'en': 'Anhumas - SP', 'pt': 'Anhumas - SP'}, '55183287':{'en': 'Campinal - SP', 'pt': 'Campinal - SP'}, '55183284':{'en': 'Rosana - SP', 'pt': 'Rosana - SP'}, '55183285':{'en': 'Caiabu - SP', 'pt': 'Caiabu - SP'}, '55183282':{'en': 'Teodoro Sampaio - SP', 'pt': 'Teodoro Sampaio - SP'}, '55183283':{'en': 'Euclides da Cunha Paulista - SP', 'pt': 'Euclides da Cunha Paulista - SP'}, '55183281':{'en': u('Presidente Epit\u00e1cio - SP'), 'pt': u('Presidente Epit\u00e1cio - SP')}, '55493431':{'en': u('Xanxer\u00ea - SC'), 'pt': u('Xanxer\u00ea - SC')}, '55183288':{'en': 'Rosana - SP', 'pt': 'Rosana - SP'}, '55183289':{'en': 'Tarabai - SP', 'pt': 'Tarabai - SP'}, '55753699':{'en': 'Saubara - BA', 'pt': 'Saubara - BA'}, '55352105':{'en': 'Varginha - MG', 'pt': 'Varginha - MG'}, '55493341':{'en': u('Jupi\u00e1 - SC'), 'pt': u('Jupi\u00e1 - SC')}, '55352107':{'en': u('Po\u00e7os de Caldas - MG'), 'pt': u('Po\u00e7os de Caldas - MG')}, '55352106':{'en': 'Varginha - MG', 'pt': 'Varginha - MG'}, '55352101':{'en': u('Po\u00e7os de Caldas - MG'), 'pt': u('Po\u00e7os de Caldas - MG')}, '55352103':{'en': 'Pouso Alegre - MG', 'pt': 'Pouso Alegre - MG'}, '55352102':{'en': 'Pouso Alegre - MG', 'pt': 'Pouso Alegre - MG'}, '55673411':{'en': 'Dourados - MS', 'pt': 'Dourados - MS'}, '55633015':{'en': 'Palmas - TO', 'pt': 'Palmas - TO'}, '55493435':{'en': 'Ponte Serrada - SC', 'pt': 'Ponte Serrada - SC'}, '55473330':{'en': 'Blumenau - SC', 'pt': 'Blumenau - SC'}, '55183221':{'en': 'Presidente Prudente - SP', 'pt': 'Presidente Prudente - SP'}, '55493434':{'en': u('Varge\u00e3o - SC'), 'pt': u('Varge\u00e3o - SC')}, '55183222':{'en': 'Presidente Prudente - SP', 'pt': 'Presidente Prudente - SP'}, '55222101':{'en': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ', 'pt': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ'}, '55222103':{'en': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ', 'pt': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ'}, '55222102':{'en': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ', 'pt': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ'}, '55222105':{'en': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ')}, '55222106':{'en': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ')}, '55243333':{'en': 'Arrozal - RJ', 'pt': 'Arrozal - RJ'}, '55343515':{'en': u('Patroc\u00ednio - MG'), 'pt': u('Patroc\u00ednio - MG')}, '55162101':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55162102':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55162105':{'en': u('Sert\u00e3ozinho - SP'), 'pt': u('Sert\u00e3ozinho - SP')}, '55162106':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP')}, '55162107':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP')}, '55162108':{'en': 'Araraquara - SP', 'pt': 'Araraquara - SP'}, '55162109':{'en': 'Araraquara - SP', 'pt': 'Araraquara - SP'}, '55673416':{'en': 'Dourados - MS', 'pt': 'Dourados - MS'}, '55212551':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213198':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55623289':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623288':{'en': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55212550':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55623285':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623284':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623287':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623286':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623281':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623280':{'en': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55213194':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55623282':{'en': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55323444':{'en': 'Recreio - MG', 'pt': 'Recreio - MG'}, '55323445':{'en': 'Argirita - MG', 'pt': 'Argirita - MG'}, '55323446':{'en': 'Palma - MG', 'pt': 'Palma - MG'}, '55323447':{'en': 'Leopoldina - MG', 'pt': 'Leopoldina - MG'}, '55163851':{'en': 'Morro Agudo - SP', 'pt': 'Morro Agudo - SP'}, '55323441':{'en': 'Leopoldina - MG', 'pt': 'Leopoldina - MG'}, '55323442':{'en': 'Leopoldina - MG', 'pt': 'Leopoldina - MG'}, '55163852':{'en': 'Sales Oliveira - SP', 'pt': 'Sales Oliveira - SP'}, '55653342':{'en': 'Denise - MT', 'pt': 'Denise - MT'}, '55713453':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55163859':{'en': u('Orl\u00e2ndia - SP'), 'pt': u('Orl\u00e2ndia - SP')}, '55323449':{'en': 'Leopoldina - MG', 'pt': 'Leopoldina - MG'}, '55473653':{'en': 'Papanduva - SC', 'pt': 'Papanduva - SC'}, '55773458':{'en': 'Brumado - BA', 'pt': 'Brumado - BA'}, '55773459':{'en': u('Tanha\u00e7u - BA'), 'pt': u('Tanha\u00e7u - BA')}, '55733162':{'en': 'Porto Seguro - BA', 'pt': 'Porto Seguro - BA'}, '55195657':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Paulo - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Paulo - SP')}, '55773450':{'en': 'Barra da Estiva - BA', 'pt': 'Barra da Estiva - BA'}, '55773451':{'en': 'Guanambi - BA', 'pt': 'Guanambi - BA'}, '55733166':{'en': u('Eun\u00e1polis - BA'), 'pt': u('Eun\u00e1polis - BA')}, '55773457':{'en': 'Riacho de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Riacho de Santana - BA'}, '55773454':{'en': u('Caetit\u00e9 - BA'), 'pt': u('Caetit\u00e9 - BA')}, '55773455':{'en': u('Cacul\u00e9 - BA'), 'pt': u('Cacul\u00e9 - BA')}, '55185821':{'en': 'Dracena - SP', 'pt': 'Dracena - SP'}, '55473652':{'en': u('Itai\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Itai\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55612102':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55612103':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55612101':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55612106':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55612107':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55612104':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55612105':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55612108':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55612109':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55643636':{'en': u('Jata\u00ed - GO'), 'pt': u('Jata\u00ed - GO')}, '55643637':{'en': 'Aparecida do Rio Doce - GO', 'pt': 'Aparecida do Rio Doce - GO'}, '55643634':{'en': u('Chapad\u00e3o do C\u00e9u - GO'), 'pt': u('Chapad\u00e3o do C\u00e9u - GO')}, '55643635':{'en': 'Santa Rita do Araguaia - GO', 'pt': 'Santa Rita do Araguaia - GO'}, '55643632':{'en': u('Jata\u00ed - GO'), 'pt': u('Jata\u00ed - GO')}, '55454009':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55643631':{'en': u('Jata\u00ed - GO'), 'pt': u('Jata\u00ed - GO')}, '55643639':{'en': u('Perol\u00e2ndia - GO'), 'pt': u('Perol\u00e2ndia - GO')}, '55733236':{'en': 'Una - BA', 'pt': 'Una - BA'}, '55713370':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55653341':{'en': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio do Leverger - MT'), 'pt': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio do Leverger - MT')}, '55733237':{'en': 'Buerarema - BA', 'pt': 'Buerarema - BA'}, '55322152':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55613319':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55143765':{'en': u('\u00c1guas de Santa B\u00e1rbara - SP'), 'pt': u('\u00c1guas de Santa B\u00e1rbara - SP')}, '55613312':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613313':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613314':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613315':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613316':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55533234':{'en': 'Rio Grande - RS', 'pt': 'Rio Grande - RS'}, '55533235':{'en': 'Rio Grande - RS', 'pt': 'Rio Grande - RS'}, '55533236':{'en': 'Rio Grande - RS', 'pt': 'Rio Grande - RS'}, '55533237':{'en': 'Povo Novo - RS', 'pt': 'Povo Novo - RS'}, '55753681':{'en': u('Cabaceiras do Paragua\u00e7u - BA'), 'pt': u('Cabaceiras do Paragua\u00e7u - BA')}, '55143767':{'en': 'Coronel Macedo - SP', 'pt': 'Coronel Macedo - SP'}, '55533232':{'en': 'Rio Grande - RS', 'pt': 'Rio Grande - RS'}, '55533233':{'en': 'Rio Grande - RS', 'pt': 'Rio Grande - RS'}, '55733234':{'en': u('Ilh\u00e9us - BA'), 'pt': u('Ilh\u00e9us - BA')}, '55533238':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Norte - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Norte - RS')}, '55443361':{'en': 'Umuarama - PR', 'pt': 'Umuarama - PR'}, '55163221':{'en': u('Mat\u00e3o - SP'), 'pt': u('Mat\u00e3o - SP')}, '55313779':{'en': 'Sete Lagoas - MG', 'pt': 'Sete Lagoas - MG'}, '55613272':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613271':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55613275':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613274':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55313771':{'en': 'Sete Lagoas - MG', 'pt': 'Sete Lagoas - MG'}, '55513133':{'en': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS', 'pt': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS'}, '55313775':{'en': 'Sete Lagoas - MG', 'pt': 'Sete Lagoas - MG'}, '55513134':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Leopoldo - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Leopoldo - RS')}, '55513137':{'en': 'Alvorada - RS', 'pt': 'Alvorada - RS'}, '55343811':{'en': u('Presidente Oleg\u00e1rio - MG'), 'pt': u('Presidente Oleg\u00e1rio - MG')}, '55513426':{'en': 'Canoas - RS', 'pt': 'Canoas - RS'}, '55343813':{'en': 'Vazante - MG', 'pt': 'Vazante - MG'}, '55183502':{'en': 'Adamantina - SP', 'pt': 'Adamantina - SP'}, '55513423':{'en': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS')}, '55343814':{'en': 'Patos de Minas - MG', 'pt': 'Patos de Minas - MG'}, '55343817':{'en': 'Coromandel - MG', 'pt': 'Coromandel - MG'}, '55343816':{'en': 'Lagoa Grande - MG', 'pt': 'Lagoa Grande - MG'}, '55343819':{'en': 'Monte Carmelo - MG', 'pt': 'Monte Carmelo - MG'}, '55343818':{'en': 'Patos de Minas - MG', 'pt': 'Patos de Minas - MG'}, '55513429':{'en': 'Canoas - RS', 'pt': 'Canoas - RS'}, '55513123':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55273335':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55273337':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55273331':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55143541':{'en': u('Promiss\u00e3o - SP'), 'pt': u('Promiss\u00e3o - SP')}, '55713113':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55313559':{'en': 'Ouro Preto - MG', 'pt': 'Ouro Preto - MG'}, '55313558':{'en': 'Mariana - MG', 'pt': 'Mariana - MG'}, '55313554':{'en': 'Lavras Novas - MG', 'pt': 'Lavras Novas - MG'}, '55313557':{'en': 'Mariana - MG', 'pt': 'Mariana - MG'}, '55173808':{'en': 'Engenheiro Schimidt - SP', 'pt': 'Engenheiro Schimidt - SP'}, '55313551':{'en': 'Ouro Preto - MG', 'pt': 'Ouro Preto - MG'}, '55313553':{'en': 'Cachoeira do Campo - MG', 'pt': 'Cachoeira do Campo - MG'}, '55313552':{'en': 'Ouro Preto - MG', 'pt': 'Ouro Preto - MG'}, '55143542':{'en': u('Promiss\u00e3o - SP'), 'pt': u('Promiss\u00e3o - SP')}, '55513128':{'en': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS')}, '55183875':{'en': 'Santa Mercedes - SP', 'pt': 'Santa Mercedes - SP'}, '55513822':{'en': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS')}, '55193306':{'en': u('Sumar\u00e9 - SP'), 'pt': u('Sumar\u00e9 - SP')}, '55193307':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193304':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193305':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193302':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55733249':{'en': 'Barro Preto - BA', 'pt': 'Barro Preto - BA'}, '55193301':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55183876':{'en': u('Paulic\u00e9ia - SP'), 'pt': u('Paulic\u00e9ia - SP')}, '55193308':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55173802':{'en': 'Paulo de Faria - SP', 'pt': 'Paulo de Faria - SP'}, '55213978':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55733231':{'en': u('Ilh\u00e9us - BA'), 'pt': u('Ilh\u00e9us - BA')}, '55713238':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713239':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55213970':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55713236':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55213974':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55713231':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55213976':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213977':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55153298':{'en': 'Pilar do Sul - SP', 'pt': 'Pilar do Sul - SP'}, '55153299':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Paulo'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Paulo')}, '55153291':{'en': u('Ara\u00e7oiaba da Serra - SP'), 'pt': u('Ara\u00e7oiaba da Serra - SP')}, '55153292':{'en': 'Salto de Pirapora - SP', 'pt': 'Salto de Pirapora - SP'}, '55153293':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55153294':{'en': u('Ibi\u00fana - SP'), 'pt': u('Ibi\u00fana - SP')}, '55153297':{'en': u('Ara\u00e7oiaba da Serra - SP'), 'pt': u('Ara\u00e7oiaba da Serra - SP')}, '55483721':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55663023':{'en': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT'), 'pt': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT')}, '55663022':{'en': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT'), 'pt': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT')}, '55663027':{'en': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT'), 'pt': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT')}, '55663026':{'en': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT'), 'pt': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT')}, '55733421':{'en': 'Porto Seguro - BA', 'pt': 'Porto Seguro - BA'}, '55693237':{'en': 'Porto Velho - RO', 'pt': 'Porto Velho - RO'}, '55693236':{'en': 'Porto Velho - RO', 'pt': 'Porto Velho - RO'}, '55623086':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55693233':{'en': 'Triunfo - RO', 'pt': 'Triunfo - RO'}, '55693231':{'en': u('Itapu\u00e3 do Oeste - RO'), 'pt': u('Itapu\u00e3 do Oeste - RO')}, '55693230':{'en': 'Candeias do Jamari - RO', 'pt': 'Candeias do Jamari - RO'}, '55693239':{'en': u('Campo Novo de Rond\u00f4nia - RO'), 'pt': u('Campo Novo de Rond\u00f4nia - RO')}, '55693238':{'en': 'Buritis - RO', 'pt': 'Buritis - RO'}, '55353623':{'en': u('Itajub\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Itajub\u00e1 - MG')}, '55353622':{'en': u('Itajub\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Itajub\u00e1 - MG')}, '55353621':{'en': u('Itajub\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Itajub\u00e1 - MG')}, '55353626':{'en': 'Wenceslau Braz - MG', 'pt': 'Wenceslau Braz - MG'}, '55353625':{'en': u('Marmel\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Marmel\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55353624':{'en': 'Delfim Moreira - MG', 'pt': 'Delfim Moreira - MG'}, '55353629':{'en': u('Itajub\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Itajub\u00e1 - MG')}, '55633468':{'en': u('Couto de Magalh\u00e3es - TO'), 'pt': u('Couto de Magalh\u00e3es - TO')}, '55633469':{'en': 'Goiatins - TO', 'pt': 'Goiatins - TO'}, '55543398':{'en': 'Charrua - RS', 'pt': 'Charrua - RS'}, '55543394':{'en': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio do Palma - RS'), 'pt': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio do Palma - RS')}, '55543395':{'en': 'Viadutos - RS', 'pt': 'Viadutos - RS'}, '55543396':{'en': 'Santo Expedito do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Santo Expedito do Sul - RS'}, '55543397':{'en': 'Maximiliano de Almeida - RS', 'pt': 'Maximiliano de Almeida - RS'}, '55633464':{'en': u('Guara\u00ed - TO'), 'pt': u('Guara\u00ed - TO')}, '55543391':{'en': 'Gaurama - RS', 'pt': 'Gaurama - RS'}, '55543392':{'en': u('Lagoa dos Tr\u00eas Cantos - RS'), 'pt': u('Lagoa dos Tr\u00eas Cantos - RS')}, '55543393':{'en': u('Morma\u00e7o - RS'), 'pt': u('Morma\u00e7o - RS')}, '55553513':{'en': 'Santa Rosa - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Rosa - RS'}, '55553512':{'en': 'Santa Rosa - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Rosa - RS'}, '55553511':{'en': 'Santa Rosa - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Rosa - RS'}, '55713797':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55773661':{'en': 'Candiba - BA', 'pt': 'Candiba - BA'}, '55773663':{'en': u('Morpar\u00e1 - BA'), 'pt': u('Morpar\u00e1 - BA')}, '55773662':{'en': 'Palmas de Monte Alto - BA', 'pt': 'Palmas de Monte Alto - BA'}, '55713177':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55773668':{'en': u('Sebasti\u00e3o Laranjeiras - BA'), 'pt': u('Sebasti\u00e3o Laranjeiras - BA')}, '55713699':{'en': 'Saubara - BA', 'pt': 'Saubara - BA'}, '55373016':{'en': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55353446':{'en': 'Albertina - MG', 'pt': 'Albertina - MG'}, '55353445':{'en': 'Borda da Mata - MG', 'pt': 'Borda da Mata - MG'}, '55373015':{'en': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55353443':{'en': 'Jacutinga - MG', 'pt': 'Jacutinga - MG'}, '55353442':{'en': u('Bueno Brand\u00e3o - MG'), 'pt': u('Bueno Brand\u00e3o - MG')}, '55353441':{'en': 'Ouro Fino - MG', 'pt': 'Ouro Fino - MG'}, '55353449':{'en': 'Pouso Alegre - MG', 'pt': 'Pouso Alegre - MG'}, '55183349':{'en': 'Frutal do Campo - SP', 'pt': 'Frutal do Campo - SP'}, '55433512':{'en': 'Arapoti - PR', 'pt': 'Arapoti - PR'}, '55433511':{'en': 'Jacarezinho - PR', 'pt': 'Jacarezinho - PR'}, '55373272':{'en': 'Maravilhas - MG', 'pt': 'Maravilhas - MG'}, '55343252':{'en': u('Ipia\u00e7u - MG'), 'pt': u('Ipia\u00e7u - MG')}, '55183341':{'en': u('C\u00e2ndido Mota - SP'), 'pt': u('C\u00e2ndido Mota - SP')}, '55373271':{'en': 'Pitangui - MG', 'pt': 'Pitangui - MG'}, '55343257':{'en': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG'), 'pt': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG')}, '55343256':{'en': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG'), 'pt': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG')}, '55183345':{'en': 'Presidente Prudente - SP', 'pt': 'Presidente Prudente - SP'}, '55183344':{'en': 'Presidente Prudente - SP', 'pt': 'Presidente Prudente - SP'}, '55323233':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55323232':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55673226':{'en': u('Lad\u00e1rio - MS'), 'pt': u('Lad\u00e1rio - MS')}, '55673227':{'en': u('Anhandu\u00ed - MS'), 'pt': u('Anhandu\u00ed - MS')}, '55673225':{'en': 'Coxim - MS', 'pt': 'Coxim - MS'}, '55673221':{'en': u('Tr\u00eas Lagoas - MS'), 'pt': u('Tr\u00eas Lagoas - MS')}, '55653233':{'en': u('Salto do C\u00e9u - MT'), 'pt': u('Salto do C\u00e9u - MT')}, '55653346':{'en': u('Nortel\u00e2ndia - MT'), 'pt': u('Nortel\u00e2ndia - MT')}, '55323235':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55653235':{'en': u('Figueir\u00f3polis D\'Oeste - MT'), 'pt': u('Figueir\u00f3polis D\'Oeste - MT')}, '55323234':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55214501':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55214503':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212768':{'en': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ')}, '55212769':{'en': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ')}, '55212763':{'en': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ')}, '55212760':{'en': 'Rio das Ostras - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio das Ostras - RJ'}, '55212767':{'en': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ')}, '55212765':{'en': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ')}, '55513632':{'en': 'Montenegro - RS', 'pt': 'Montenegro - RS'}, '55513633':{'en': 'Pareci Novo - RS', 'pt': 'Pareci Novo - RS'}, '55513631':{'en': 'Escadinhas - RS', 'pt': 'Escadinhas - RS'}, '55513637':{'en': 'Feliz - RS', 'pt': 'Feliz - RS'}, '55513634':{'en': u('Bom Princ\u00edpio - RS'), 'pt': u('Bom Princ\u00edpio - RS')}, '55513635':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o do Ca\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o do Ca\u00ed - RS')}, '55513638':{'en': 'Salvador do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Salvador do Sul - RS'}, '55513639':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Vendelino - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Vendelino - RS')}, '55193955':{'en': 'Socorro - SP', 'pt': 'Socorro - SP'}, '55623494':{'en': 'Cavalcante - GO', 'pt': 'Cavalcante - GO'}, '55753278':{'en': u('C\u00edcero Dantas - BA'), 'pt': u('C\u00edcero Dantas - BA')}, '55753279':{'en': 'Paripiranga - BA', 'pt': 'Paripiranga - BA'}, '55753274':{'en': u('Cansan\u00e7\u00e3o - BA'), 'pt': u('Cansan\u00e7\u00e3o - BA')}, '55753275':{'en': 'Monte Santo - BA', 'pt': 'Monte Santo - BA'}, '55753276':{'en': 'Ribeira do Pombal - BA', 'pt': 'Ribeira do Pombal - BA'}, '55753277':{'en': 'Antas - BA', 'pt': 'Antas - BA'}, '55753271':{'en': 'Euclides da Cunha - BA', 'pt': 'Euclides da Cunha - BA'}, '55753272':{'en': 'Tucano - BA', 'pt': 'Tucano - BA'}, '55173271':{'en': 'Neves Paulista - SP', 'pt': 'Neves Paulista - SP'}, '55173272':{'en': 'Tanabi - SP', 'pt': 'Tanabi - SP'}, '55333433':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Jacuri - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Jacuri - MG')}, '55173274':{'en': 'Tanabi - SP', 'pt': 'Tanabi - SP'}, '55173275':{'en': u('Monte Apraz\u00edvel - SP'), 'pt': u('Monte Apraz\u00edvel - SP')}, '55173276':{'en': u('Engenheiro Baldu\u00edno - SP'), 'pt': u('Engenheiro Baldu\u00edno - SP')}, '55173277':{'en': u('Nipo\u00e3 - SP'), 'pt': u('Nipo\u00e3 - SP')}, '55173278':{'en': u('Uni\u00e3o Paulista - SP'), 'pt': u('Uni\u00e3o Paulista - SP')}, '55173279':{'en': u('Ol\u00edmpia - SP'), 'pt': u('Ol\u00edmpia - SP')}, '55213419':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213418':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213413':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213412':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213411':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213410':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213417':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55473130':{'en': 'Joinville - SC', 'pt': 'Joinville - SC'}, '55513099':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Leopoldo - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Leopoldo - RS')}, '55513097':{'en': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS', 'pt': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS'}, '55623878':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55173016':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55153467':{'en': 'Capela do Alto - SP', 'pt': 'Capela do Alto - SP'}, '55173011':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55173012':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55713248':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55643405':{'en': 'Piracanjuba - GO', 'pt': 'Piracanjuba - GO'}, '55543632':{'en': 'Passo Fundo - RS', 'pt': 'Passo Fundo - RS'}, '55643408':{'en': u('Jovi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Jovi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55413323':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413322':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413321':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55414116':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413327':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55313121':{'en': u('Igarap\u00e9 - MG'), 'pt': u('Igarap\u00e9 - MG')}, '55414113':{'en': 'Pinhais - PR', 'pt': 'Pinhais - PR'}, '55313123':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55413329':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55313128':{'en': 'Jaboticatubas - MG', 'pt': 'Jaboticatubas - MG'}, '55513898':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55433351':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55473622':{'en': 'Canoinhas - SC', 'pt': 'Canoinhas - SC'}, '55473623':{'en': u('Tr\u00eas Barras - SC'), 'pt': u('Tr\u00eas Barras - SC')}, '55433354':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55433355':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55433356':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55473627':{'en': 'Canoinhas - SC', 'pt': 'Canoinhas - SC'}, '55473629':{'en': 'Bela Vista do Toldo - SC', 'pt': 'Bela Vista do Toldo - SC'}, '55713676':{'en': u('Mata de S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o - BA'), 'pt': u('Mata de S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o - BA')}, '55163931':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55413146':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR')}, '55413140':{'en': 'Campo Largo - PR', 'pt': 'Campo Largo - PR'}, '55353292':{'en': 'Alfenas - MG', 'pt': 'Alfenas - MG'}, '55353293':{'en': 'Areado - MG', 'pt': 'Areado - MG'}, '55353291':{'en': 'Alfenas - MG', 'pt': 'Alfenas - MG'}, '55353296':{'en': 'Fama - MG', 'pt': 'Fama - MG'}, '55353297':{'en': 'Alfenas - MG', 'pt': 'Alfenas - MG'}, '55353294':{'en': 'Alterosa - MG', 'pt': 'Alterosa - MG'}, '55353295':{'en': 'Machado - MG', 'pt': 'Machado - MG'}, '55353298':{'en': 'Machado - MG', 'pt': 'Machado - MG'}, '55353299':{'en': 'Alfenas - MG', 'pt': 'Alfenas - MG'}, '55753284':{'en': u('Macurur\u00e9 - BA'), 'pt': u('Macurur\u00e9 - BA')}, '55753627':{'en': u('Sapea\u00e7u - BA'), 'pt': u('Sapea\u00e7u - BA')}, '55753626':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55163415':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP')}, '55163411':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP')}, '55163413':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP')}, '55163412':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP')}, '55753624':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55753287':{'en': u('Abar\u00e9 - BA'), 'pt': u('Abar\u00e9 - BA')}, '55623550':{'en': u('Aragoi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Aragoi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55753621':{'en': 'Cruz das Almas - BA', 'pt': 'Cruz das Almas - BA'}, '55483443':{'en': u('Crici\u00fama - SC'), 'pt': u('Crici\u00fama - SC')}, '55483442':{'en': u('Crici\u00fama - SC'), 'pt': u('Crici\u00fama - SC')}, '55483441':{'en': 'Urussanga - SC', 'pt': 'Urussanga - SC'}, '55483447':{'en': 'Cocal do Sul - SC', 'pt': 'Cocal do Sul - SC'}, '55343003':{'en': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG'), 'pt': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG')}, '55212228':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55193795':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193794':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55212225':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212224':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212223':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212222':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212221':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212220':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55673488':{'en': 'Aral Moreira - MS', 'pt': 'Aral Moreira - MS'}, '55443629':{'en': 'Cianorte - PR', 'pt': 'Cianorte - PR'}, '55443628':{'en': 'Jussara - PR', 'pt': 'Jussara - PR'}, '55553218':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55553219':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55443623':{'en': 'Umuarama - PR', 'pt': 'Umuarama - PR'}, '55443622':{'en': 'Umuarama - PR', 'pt': 'Umuarama - PR'}, '55443621':{'en': 'Umuarama - PR', 'pt': 'Umuarama - PR'}, '55513295':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55443627':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Louren\u00e7o - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Louren\u00e7o - PR')}, '55443626':{'en': 'Umuarama - PR', 'pt': 'Umuarama - PR'}, '55443625':{'en': 'Perobal - PR', 'pt': 'Perobal - PR'}, '55443624':{'en': 'Umuarama - PR', 'pt': 'Umuarama - PR'}, '55213321':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212595':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212594':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212591':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212590':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212593':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212592':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55713346':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55693413':{'en': u('Urup\u00e1 - RO'), 'pt': u('Urup\u00e1 - RO')}, '55714109':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55714102':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55714101':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55773453':{'en': 'Brumado - BA', 'pt': 'Brumado - BA'}, '55213171':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55623261':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55643248':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55623267':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55213175':{'en': u('Nil\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nil\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55623265':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623264':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55323462':{'en': u('Al\u00e9m Para\u00edba - MG'), 'pt': u('Al\u00e9m Para\u00edba - MG')}, '55323463':{'en': 'Volta Grande - MG', 'pt': 'Volta Grande - MG'}, '55643241':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55323461':{'en': 'Angustura - MG', 'pt': 'Angustura - MG'}, '55323466':{'en': u('Al\u00e9m Para\u00edba - MG'), 'pt': u('Al\u00e9m Para\u00edba - MG')}, '55533306':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55323464':{'en': 'Estrela Dalva - MG', 'pt': 'Estrela Dalva - MG'}, '55323465':{'en': 'Pirapetinga - MG', 'pt': 'Pirapetinga - MG'}, '55533307':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55533301':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55533302':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55493634':{'en': u('Ipor\u00e3 do Oeste - SC'), 'pt': u('Ipor\u00e3 do Oeste - SC')}, '55533303':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55643999':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55493636':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o do Oeste - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o do Oeste - SC')}, '55643691':{'en': u('Vicentin\u00f3polis - GO'), 'pt': u('Vicentin\u00f3polis - GO')}, '55493631':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Miguel do Oeste - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Miguel do Oeste - SC')}, '55513378':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55533309':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55663442':{'en': 'Vale dos Sonhos - MT', 'pt': 'Vale dos Sonhos - MT'}, '55313375':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55543021':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55543026':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55543027':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55543025':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55643654':{'en': 'Cachoeira Alta - GO', 'pt': 'Cachoeira Alta - GO'}, '55643655':{'en': 'Paranaiguara - GO', 'pt': 'Paranaiguara - GO'}, '55543028':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55543029':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55643651':{'en': u('Quirin\u00f3polis - GO'), 'pt': u('Quirin\u00f3polis - GO')}, '55643652':{'en': u('Cristian\u00f3polis - GO'), 'pt': u('Cristian\u00f3polis - GO')}, '55643653':{'en': u('Gouvel\u00e2ndia - GO'), 'pt': u('Gouvel\u00e2ndia - GO')}, '55663559':{'en': 'Novo Horizonte do Norte - MT', 'pt': 'Novo Horizonte do Norte - MT'}, '55493641':{'en': 'Princesa - SC', 'pt': 'Princesa - SC'}, '55493642':{'en': u('Guaruj\u00e1 do Sul - SC'), 'pt': u('Guaruj\u00e1 do Sul - SC')}, '55493643':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Cedro - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Cedro - SC')}, '55493644':{'en': u('Dion\u00edsio Cerqueira - SC'), 'pt': u('Dion\u00edsio Cerqueira - SC')}, '55453375':{'en': 'Esquina Ipiranga - PR', 'pt': 'Esquina Ipiranga - PR'}, '55453376':{'en': u('Nova Conc\u00f3rdia - PR'), 'pt': u('Nova Conc\u00f3rdia - PR')}, '55453377':{'en': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55453378':{'en': 'Toledo - PR', 'pt': 'Toledo - PR'}, '55453379':{'en': 'Toledo - PR', 'pt': 'Toledo - PR'}, '55424009':{'en': 'Ponta Grossa - PR', 'pt': 'Ponta Grossa - PR'}, '55242242':{'en': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55242243':{'en': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55242244':{'en': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55242245':{'en': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55242246':{'en': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55242247':{'en': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55242248':{'en': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55242249':{'en': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55424007':{'en': 'Ponta Grossa - PR', 'pt': 'Ponta Grossa - PR'}, '55693427':{'en': 'Nova Colina - RO', 'pt': 'Nova Colina - RO'}, '55383543':{'en': 'Gouveia - MG', 'pt': 'Gouveia - MG'}, '55383014':{'en': 'Montes Claros - MG', 'pt': 'Montes Claros - MG'}, '55383541':{'en': 'Serro - MG', 'pt': 'Serro - MG'}, '55383547':{'en': 'Serra Azul de Minas - MG', 'pt': 'Serra Azul de Minas - MG'}, '55383546':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo do Rio Preto - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo do Rio Preto - MG')}, '55383545':{'en': 'Presidente Kubitschek - MG', 'pt': 'Presidente Kubitschek - MG'}, '55613339':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613336':{'en': 'Taguatinga - DF', 'pt': 'Taguatinga - DF'}, '55613334':{'en': 'Recanto das Emas - DF', 'pt': 'Recanto das Emas - DF'}, '55613335':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o - DF'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o - DF')}, '55613332':{'en': 'Recanto das Emas - DF', 'pt': 'Recanto das Emas - DF'}, '55613333':{'en': 'Recanto das Emas - DF', 'pt': 'Recanto das Emas - DF'}, '55613331':{'en': 'Recanto das Emas - DF', 'pt': 'Recanto das Emas - DF'}, '55613251':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613253':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613252':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613255':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613254':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613257':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55513409':{'en': 'Miraguaia - RS', 'pt': 'Miraguaia - RS'}, '55313718':{'en': 'Baldim - MG', 'pt': 'Baldim - MG'}, '55313717':{'en': 'Santana de Pirapama - MG', 'pt': 'Santana de Pirapama - MG'}, '55313716':{'en': u('Inha\u00fama - MG'), 'pt': u('Inha\u00fama - MG')}, '55313715':{'en': 'Cordisburgo - MG', 'pt': 'Cordisburgo - MG'}, '55313714':{'en': 'Paraopeba - MG', 'pt': 'Paraopeba - MG'}, '55313713':{'en': 'Capim Branco - MG', 'pt': 'Capim Branco - MG'}, '55313712':{'en': 'Matozinhos - MG', 'pt': 'Matozinhos - MG'}, '55313711':{'en': 'Prudente de Morais - MG', 'pt': 'Prudente de Morais - MG'}, '55513402':{'en': u('Gua\u00edba - RS'), 'pt': u('Gua\u00edba - RS')}, '55733211':{'en': 'Itabuna - BA', 'pt': 'Itabuna - BA'}, '55313373':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55653904':{'en': 'Campo Novo do Parecis - MT', 'pt': 'Campo Novo do Parecis - MT'}, '55412152':{'en': u('Paranagu\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Paranagu\u00e1 - PR')}, '55323264':{'en': u('Guarar\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Guarar\u00e1 - MG')}, '55323265':{'en': 'Descoberto - MG', 'pt': 'Descoberto - MG'}, '55173489':{'en': u('Brasit\u00e2nia - SP'), 'pt': u('Brasit\u00e2nia - SP')}, '55443435':{'en': u('Planaltina do Paran\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Planaltina do Paran\u00e1 - PR')}, '55443432':{'en': 'Nova Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Nova Londrina - PR'}, '55194113':{'en': u('Sumar\u00e9 - SP'), 'pt': u('Sumar\u00e9 - SP')}, '55323262':{'en': 'Rochedo de Minas - MG', 'pt': 'Rochedo de Minas - MG'}, '55323263':{'en': u('Marip\u00e1 de Minas - MG'), 'pt': u('Marip\u00e1 de Minas - MG')}, '55173483':{'en': u('Nova Luzit\u00e2nia - SP'), 'pt': u('Nova Luzit\u00e2nia - SP')}, '55173482':{'en': 'Auriflama - SP', 'pt': 'Auriflama - SP'}, '55173481':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o das Duas Pontes - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o das Duas Pontes - SP')}, '55173487':{'en': 'Magda - SP', 'pt': 'Magda - SP'}, '55173486':{'en': u('\u00c1lvares Florence - SP'), 'pt': u('\u00c1lvares Florence - SP')}, '55173485':{'en': 'Valentim Gentil - SP', 'pt': 'Valentim Gentil - SP'}, '55173484':{'en': u('Mon\u00e7\u00f5es - SP'), 'pt': u('Mon\u00e7\u00f5es - SP')}, '55613380':{'en': u('N\u00facleo Bandeirante - DF'), 'pt': u('N\u00facleo Bandeirante - DF')}, '55713212':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713213':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55663593':{'en': u('Apiac\u00e1s - MT'), 'pt': u('Apiac\u00e1s - MT')}, '55663592':{'en': 'Brasnorte - MT', 'pt': 'Brasnorte - MT'}, '55663595':{'en': u('Matup\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Matup\u00e1 - MT')}, '55663594':{'en': 'Santa Cruz do Xingu - MT', 'pt': 'Santa Cruz do Xingu - MT'}, '55663597':{'en': 'Nova Monte Verde - MT', 'pt': 'Nova Monte Verde - MT'}, '55663596':{'en': 'Paranorte - MT', 'pt': 'Paranorte - MT'}, '55663599':{'en': 'Guariba - MT', 'pt': 'Guariba - MT'}, '55463220':{'en': 'Pato Branco - PR', 'pt': 'Pato Branco - PR'}, '55463223':{'en': 'Pato Branco - PR', 'pt': 'Pato Branco - PR'}, '55713219':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55463225':{'en': 'Pato Branco - PR', 'pt': 'Pato Branco - PR'}, '55463224':{'en': 'Pato Branco - PR', 'pt': 'Pato Branco - PR'}, '55463227':{'en': 'Vitorino - PR', 'pt': 'Vitorino - PR'}, '55463226':{'en': u('Mari\u00f3polis - PR'), 'pt': u('Mari\u00f3polis - PR')}, '55193388':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55733215':{'en': 'Itabuna - BA', 'pt': 'Itabuna - BA'}, '55753426':{'en': 'Rio Real - BA', 'pt': 'Rio Real - BA'}, '55323694':{'en': 'Leopoldina - MG', 'pt': 'Leopoldina - MG'}, '55323696':{'en': u('Muria\u00e9 - MG'), 'pt': u('Muria\u00e9 - MG')}, '55323691':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55693218':{'en': 'Porto Velho - RO', 'pt': 'Porto Velho - RO'}, '55323693':{'en': 'Barbacena - MG', 'pt': 'Barbacena - MG'}, '55493572':{'en': 'Matos Costa - SC', 'pt': 'Matos Costa - SC'}, '55193889':{'en': 'Monte Mor - SP', 'pt': 'Monte Mor - SP'}, '55693216':{'en': 'Porto Velho - RO', 'pt': 'Porto Velho - RO'}, '5569':{'en': u('Rond\u00f4nia'), 'pt': u('Rond\u00f4nia')}, '55473459':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Francisco do Sul - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Francisco do Sul - SC')}, '55473458':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o do Itaperi\u00fa - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o do Itaperi\u00fa - SC')}, '55654104':{'en': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT'), 'pt': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT')}, '55153141':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55473453':{'en': 'Joinville - SC', 'pt': 'Joinville - SC'}, '55433162':{'en': 'Apucarana - PR', 'pt': 'Apucarana - PR'}, '55314113':{'en': 'Sete Lagoas - MG', 'pt': 'Sete Lagoas - MG'}, '55473457':{'en': 'Barra Velha - SC', 'pt': 'Barra Velha - SC'}, '55473456':{'en': 'Barra Velha - SC', 'pt': 'Barra Velha - SC'}, '55473455':{'en': 'Joinville - SC', 'pt': 'Joinville - SC'}, '55143654':{'en': 'Brotas - SP', 'pt': 'Brotas - SP'}, '55143656':{'en': 'Torrinha - SP', 'pt': 'Torrinha - SP'}, '55183981':{'en': 'Mirante do Paranapanema - SP', 'pt': 'Mirante do Paranapanema - SP'}, '55493573':{'en': 'Calmon - SC', 'pt': 'Calmon - SC'}, '55143653':{'en': 'Brotas - SP', 'pt': 'Brotas - SP'}, '55143652':{'en': u('Dois C\u00f3rregos - SP'), 'pt': u('Dois C\u00f3rregos - SP')}, '55663538':{'en': 'Bom Jesus do Araguaia - MT', 'pt': 'Bom Jesus do Araguaia - MT'}, '55193366':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Boa Vista - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Boa Vista - SP')}, '55193361':{'en': u('Mogi-Gua\u00e7u - SP'), 'pt': u('Mogi-Gua\u00e7u - SP')}, '55193362':{'en': u('Mogi-Gua\u00e7u - SP'), 'pt': u('Mogi-Gua\u00e7u - SP')}, '55193363':{'en': u('Paul\u00ednia - SP'), 'pt': u('Paul\u00ednia - SP')}, '55553539':{'en': u('Independ\u00eancia - RS'), 'pt': u('Independ\u00eancia - RS')}, '55413200':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '5567':{'en': 'Mato Grosso do Sul', 'pt': 'Mato Grosso do Sul'}, '55773674':{'en': 'Ibipitanga - BA', 'pt': 'Ibipitanga - BA'}, '55633448':{'en': u('Baba\u00e7ul\u00e2ndia - TO'), 'pt': u('Baba\u00e7ul\u00e2ndia - TO')}, '55633449':{'en': 'Tupiratins - TO', 'pt': 'Tupiratins - TO'}, '55633446':{'en': u('S\u00edtio Novo do Tocantins - TO'), 'pt': u('S\u00edtio Novo do Tocantins - TO')}, '55633447':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Miguel do Tocantins - TO'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Miguel do Tocantins - TO')}, '55553533':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Martinho - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Martinho - RS')}, '55553535':{'en': u('Tr\u00eas de Maio - RS'), 'pt': u('Tr\u00eas de Maio - RS')}, '55553534':{'en': u('Doutor Maur\u00edcio Cardoso - RS'), 'pt': u('Doutor Maur\u00edcio Cardoso - RS')}, '55553537':{'en': 'Horizontina - RS', 'pt': 'Horizontina - RS'}, '55553536':{'en': 'Alegria - RS', 'pt': 'Alegria - RS'}, '55553027':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55553026':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55553025':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55413971':{'en': 'Matinhos - PR', 'pt': 'Matinhos - PR'}, '5562':{'en': u('Goi\u00e1s'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e1s')}, '5563':{'en': 'Tocantins', 'pt': 'Tocantins'}, '55553028':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55664141':{'en': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT'), 'pt': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT')}, '55353465':{'en': u('Monte Si\u00e3o - MG'), 'pt': u('Monte Si\u00e3o - MG')}, '55353464':{'en': 'Inconfidentes - MG', 'pt': 'Inconfidentes - MG'}, '55353466':{'en': 'Munhoz - MG', 'pt': 'Munhoz - MG'}, '55353461':{'en': 'Bom Repouso - MG', 'pt': 'Bom Repouso - MG'}, '55373071':{'en': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55353463':{'en': u('Bueno Brand\u00e3o - MG'), 'pt': u('Bueno Brand\u00e3o - MG')}, '55353462':{'en': 'Estiva - MG', 'pt': 'Estiva - MG'}, '55163601':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163603':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163604':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163605':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163607':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163951':{'en': 'Cravinhos - SP', 'pt': 'Cravinhos - SP'}, '55163952':{'en': 'Pitangueiras - SP', 'pt': 'Pitangueiras - SP'}, '55163953':{'en': 'Pontal - SP', 'pt': 'Pontal - SP'}, '55163954':{'en': 'Santa Rosa de Viterbo - SP', 'pt': 'Santa Rosa de Viterbo - SP'}, '55163956':{'en': 'Pontal - SP', 'pt': 'Pontal - SP'}, '55163957':{'en': u('Ibiti\u00fava - SP'), 'pt': u('Ibiti\u00fava - SP')}, '55163958':{'en': 'Taquaral - SP', 'pt': 'Taquaral - SP'}, '55713350':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55473048':{'en': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC'), 'pt': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC')}, '55433579':{'en': u('Salto do Itarar\u00e9 - PR'), 'pt': u('Salto do Itarar\u00e9 - PR')}, '55473044':{'en': 'Brusque - SC', 'pt': 'Brusque - SC'}, '55433575':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55473046':{'en': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC'), 'pt': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC')}, '55473047':{'en': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC'), 'pt': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC')}, '55433571':{'en': 'Siqueira Campos - PR', 'pt': 'Siqueira Campos - PR'}, '55433572':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55433573':{'en': 'Guapirama - PR', 'pt': 'Guapirama - PR'}, '55183361':{'en': u('Paragua\u00e7u Paulista - SP'), 'pt': u('Paragua\u00e7u Paulista - SP')}, '55193589':{'en': 'Porto Ferreira - SP', 'pt': 'Porto Ferreira - SP'}, '55183362':{'en': u('Paragua\u00e7u Paulista - SP'), 'pt': u('Paragua\u00e7u Paulista - SP')}, '55183367':{'en': u('Bor\u00e1 - SP'), 'pt': u('Bor\u00e1 - SP')}, '55183366':{'en': u('Quat\u00e1 - SP'), 'pt': u('Quat\u00e1 - SP')}, '55183368':{'en': u('Lut\u00e9cia - SP'), 'pt': u('Lut\u00e9cia - SP')}, '55193582':{'en': 'Santa Rita do Passa Quatro - SP', 'pt': 'Santa Rita do Passa Quatro - SP'}, '55193583':{'en': 'Descalvado - SP', 'pt': 'Descalvado - SP'}, '55193584':{'en': 'Santa Rita do Passa Quatro - SP', 'pt': 'Santa Rita do Passa Quatro - SP'}, '55193585':{'en': 'Porto Ferreira - SP', 'pt': 'Porto Ferreira - SP'}, '55193586':{'en': 'Itirapina - SP', 'pt': 'Itirapina - SP'}, '55653211':{'en': u('C\u00e1ceres - MT'), 'pt': u('C\u00e1ceres - MT')}, '55653212':{'en': 'Lucas do Rio Verde - MT', 'pt': 'Lucas do Rio Verde - MT'}, '55533025':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55533027':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55533026':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55493433':{'en': u('Xanxer\u00ea - SC'), 'pt': u('Xanxer\u00ea - SC')}, '55533029':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55533028':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55212780':{'en': 'Mangaratiba - RJ', 'pt': 'Mangaratiba - RJ'}, '55212787':{'en': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ', 'pt': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ'}, '55212789':{'en': 'Mangaratiba - RJ', 'pt': 'Mangaratiba - RJ'}, '55493432':{'en': 'Irani - SC', 'pt': 'Irani - SC'}, '55633014':{'en': 'Palmas - TO', 'pt': 'Palmas - TO'}, '55743259':{'en': 'Macajuba - BA', 'pt': 'Macajuba - BA'}, '55743258':{'en': 'Baixa Grande - BA', 'pt': 'Baixa Grande - BA'}, '55673420':{'en': 'Dourados - MS', 'pt': 'Dourados - MS'}, '55193979':{'en': 'Monte Mor - SP', 'pt': 'Monte Mor - SP'}, '55343663':{'en': 'Perdizes - MG', 'pt': 'Perdizes - MG'}, '55343661':{'en': u('Arax\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Arax\u00e1 - MG')}, '55343664':{'en': u('Arax\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Arax\u00e1 - MG')}, '55343669':{'en': u('Arax\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Arax\u00e1 - MG')}, '55193977':{'en': 'Artur Nogueira - SP', 'pt': 'Artur Nogueira - SP'}, '55753494':{'en': 'Canudos - BA', 'pt': 'Canudos - BA'}, '55513493':{'en': u('Viam\u00e3o - RS'), 'pt': u('Viam\u00e3o - RS')}, '55753496':{'en': 'Adustina - BA', 'pt': 'Adustina - BA'}, '55443482':{'en': u('Paranava\u00ed - PR'), 'pt': u('Paranava\u00ed - PR')}, '55213789':{'en': 'Mangaratiba - RJ', 'pt': 'Mangaratiba - RJ'}, '55673248':{'en': 'Costa Rica - MS', 'pt': 'Costa Rica - MS'}, '55194009':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55673245':{'en': u('Anast\u00e1cio - MS'), 'pt': u('Anast\u00e1cio - MS')}, '55213781':{'en': u('Itagua\u00ed - RJ'), 'pt': u('Itagua\u00ed - RJ')}, '55213780':{'en': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ', 'pt': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ'}, '55213787':{'en': u('Serop\u00e9dica - RJ'), 'pt': u('Serop\u00e9dica - RJ')}, '55673241':{'en': 'Aquidauana - MS', 'pt': 'Aquidauana - MS'}, '55673242':{'en': 'Miranda - MS', 'pt': 'Miranda - MS'}, '55673243':{'en': u('Dois Irm\u00e3os do Buriti - MS'), 'pt': u('Dois Irm\u00e3os do Buriti - MS')}, '55753252':{'en': 'Ruy Barbosa - BA', 'pt': 'Ruy Barbosa - BA'}, '55753522':{'en': 'Castro Alves - BA', 'pt': 'Castro Alves - BA'}, '55753251':{'en': 'Itaberaba - BA', 'pt': 'Itaberaba - BA'}, '55753256':{'en': 'Tucano - BA', 'pt': 'Tucano - BA'}, '55753257':{'en': 'Bessa - BA', 'pt': 'Bessa - BA'}, '55753254':{'en': u('Ipir\u00e1 - BA'), 'pt': u('Ipir\u00e1 - BA')}, '55753258':{'en': 'Araci - BA', 'pt': 'Araci - BA'}, '55513495':{'en': u('Sert\u00e3o Santana - RS'), 'pt': u('Sert\u00e3o Santana - RS')}, '55493437':{'en': 'Passos Maia - SC', 'pt': 'Passos Maia - SC'}, '55173256':{'en': 'Santa Luzia - SP', 'pt': 'Santa Luzia - SP'}, '55173257':{'en': u('Bagua\u00e7u - SP'), 'pt': u('Bagua\u00e7u - SP')}, '55173254':{'en': 'Mirassol - SP', 'pt': 'Mirassol - SP'}, '55333415':{'en': 'Gonzaga - MG', 'pt': 'Gonzaga - MG'}, '55333412':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o Evangelista - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o Evangelista - MG')}, '55173253':{'en': 'Mirassol - SP', 'pt': 'Mirassol - SP'}, '55173251':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55173258':{'en': 'Bady Bassitt - SP', 'pt': 'Bady Bassitt - SP'}, '55273395':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55213431':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213433':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213432':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213434':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55642102':{'en': u('Jata\u00ed - GO'), 'pt': u('Jata\u00ed - GO')}, '55423233':{'en': 'Castro - PR', 'pt': 'Castro - PR'}, '55543618':{'en': 'Nonoai - RS', 'pt': 'Nonoai - RS'}, '55543614':{'en': u('Rio dos \u00cdndios - RS'), 'pt': u('Rio dos \u00cdndios - RS')}, '55543617':{'en': 'Tapejara - RS', 'pt': 'Tapejara - RS'}, '55543611':{'en': u('Andr\u00e9 da Rocha - RS'), 'pt': u('Andr\u00e9 da Rocha - RS')}, '55543612':{'en': u('Muitos Cap\u00f5es - RS'), 'pt': u('Muitos Cap\u00f5es - RS')}, '55643465':{'en': u('Uruta\u00ed - GO'), 'pt': u('Uruta\u00ed - GO')}, '55643462':{'en': 'Goiandira - GO', 'pt': 'Goiandira - GO'}, '55643461':{'en': 'Pires do Rio - GO', 'pt': 'Pires do Rio - GO'}, '55623464':{'en': u('\u00c1gua Fria de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('\u00c1gua Fria de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55693912':{'en': u('Espig\u00e3o do Oeste - RO'), 'pt': u('Espig\u00e3o do Oeste - RO')}, '55693913':{'en': u('Guajar\u00e1-Mirim - RO'), 'pt': u('Guajar\u00e1-Mirim - RO')}, '55153624':{'en': 'Itapeva - SP', 'pt': 'Itapeva - SP'}, '55433376':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55433374':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55433375':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55433372':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55433373':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55433371':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55242471':{'en': 'Vassouras - RJ', 'pt': 'Vassouras - RJ'}, '55433378':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55433379':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55163389':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Louren\u00e7o do Turvo - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Louren\u00e7o do Turvo - SP')}, '55163385':{'en': 'Tabatinga - SP', 'pt': 'Tabatinga - SP'}, '55163384':{'en': u('Mat\u00e3o - SP'), 'pt': u('Mat\u00e3o - SP')}, '55163387':{'en': 'Nova Europa - SP', 'pt': 'Nova Europa - SP'}, '55163386':{'en': 'Dobrada - SP', 'pt': 'Dobrada - SP'}, '55163383':{'en': u('Mat\u00e3o - SP'), 'pt': u('Mat\u00e3o - SP')}, '55163382':{'en': u('Mat\u00e3o - SP'), 'pt': u('Mat\u00e3o - SP')}, '55383201':{'en': 'Montes Claros - MG', 'pt': 'Montes Claros - MG'}, '55383758':{'en': 'Augusto de Lima - MG', 'pt': 'Augusto de Lima - MG'}, '55383759':{'en': 'Lassance - MG', 'pt': 'Lassance - MG'}, '55383756':{'en': u('Buen\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Buen\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55383757':{'en': u('Joaquim Fel\u00edcio - MG'), 'pt': u('Joaquim Fel\u00edcio - MG')}, '55383754':{'en': u('Tr\u00eas Marias - MG'), 'pt': u('Tr\u00eas Marias - MG')}, '55383755':{'en': 'Morada Nova de Minas - MG', 'pt': 'Morada Nova de Minas - MG'}, '55383753':{'en': u('Felixl\u00e2ndia - MG'), 'pt': u('Felixl\u00e2ndia - MG')}, '55383751':{'en': 'Corinto - MG', 'pt': 'Corinto - MG'}, '55433523':{'en': u('Corn\u00e9lio Proc\u00f3pio - PR'), 'pt': u('Corn\u00e9lio Proc\u00f3pio - PR')}, '55493543':{'en': 'Anita Garibaldi - SC', 'pt': 'Anita Garibaldi - SC'}, '55332102':{'en': 'Governador Valadares - MG', 'pt': 'Governador Valadares - MG'}, '55332101':{'en': 'Governador Valadares - MG', 'pt': 'Governador Valadares - MG'}, '55433526':{'en': u('Santana do Itarar\u00e9 - PR'), 'pt': u('Santana do Itarar\u00e9 - PR')}, '55313458':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55513219':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513537':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55213899':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55343241':{'en': 'Araguari - MG', 'pt': 'Araguari - MG'}, '55313450':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55213896':{'en': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ', 'pt': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ'}, '55213895':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55313453':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313454':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313107':{'en': 'Sete Lagoas - MG', 'pt': 'Sete Lagoas - MG'}, '55213891':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213890':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55483461':{'en': u('Crici\u00fama - SC'), 'pt': u('Crici\u00fama - SC')}, '55483463':{'en': 'Forquilhinha - SC', 'pt': 'Forquilhinha - SC'}, '55343243':{'en': 'Amanhece - MG', 'pt': 'Amanhece - MG'}, '55483465':{'en': 'Urussanga - SC', 'pt': 'Urussanga - SC'}, '55483464':{'en': 'Lauro Muller - SC', 'pt': 'Lauro Muller - SC'}, '55483467':{'en': u('I\u00e7ara - SC'), 'pt': u('I\u00e7ara - SC')}, '55483466':{'en': 'Orleans - SC', 'pt': 'Orleans - SC'}, '55483469':{'en': 'Treviso - SC', 'pt': 'Treviso - SC'}, '55343244':{'en': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG'), 'pt': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG')}, '55343061':{'en': 'Patos de Minas - MG', 'pt': 'Patos de Minas - MG'}, '55343245':{'en': u('Indian\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Indian\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55193773':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193772':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55212206':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212201':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55343246':{'en': 'Araguari - MG', 'pt': 'Araguari - MG'}, '55193775':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55713305':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55193779':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193778':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55212209':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212208':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55713307':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55213844':{'en': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ')}, '55513469':{'en': 'Cachoeirinha - RS', 'pt': 'Cachoeirinha - RS'}, '55663439':{'en': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT'), 'pt': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT')}, '55213337':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55553232':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Gabriel - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Gabriel - RS')}, '55553233':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Sep\u00e9 - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Sep\u00e9 - RS')}, '55553231':{'en': u('Ros\u00e1rio do Sul - RS'), 'pt': u('Ros\u00e1rio do Sul - RS')}, '55553236':{'en': 'Formigueiro - RS', 'pt': 'Formigueiro - RS'}, '55553237':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Gabriel - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Gabriel - RS')}, '55443607':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Tom\u00e9 - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Tom\u00e9 - PR')}, '55213335':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55673384':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55193112':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55213239':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213238':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213233':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213232':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213231':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213237':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213236':{'en': u('Nil\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nil\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55213235':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213234':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55663452':{'en': u('Novo S\u00e3o Joaquim - MT'), 'pt': u('Novo S\u00e3o Joaquim - MT')}, '55623249':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623248':{'en': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623241':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623243':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623245':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623247':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623246':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55213156':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213157':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213154':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213155':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213152':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213153':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213150':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213151':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55643269':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55213158':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213159':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55773496':{'en': u('Santa Maria da Vit\u00f3ria - BA'), 'pt': u('Santa Maria da Vit\u00f3ria - BA')}, '55773494':{'en': 'Tremedal - BA', 'pt': 'Tremedal - BA'}, '55773495':{'en': u('Caetit\u00e9 - BA'), 'pt': u('Caetit\u00e9 - BA')}, '55633467':{'en': 'Presidente Kennedy - TO', 'pt': 'Presidente Kennedy - TO'}, '55773493':{'en': 'Guanambi - BA', 'pt': 'Guanambi - BA'}, '55183223':{'en': 'Presidente Prudente - SP', 'pt': 'Presidente Prudente - SP'}, '55653222':{'en': u('C\u00e1ceres - MT'), 'pt': u('C\u00e1ceres - MT')}, '55773498':{'en': 'Formoso A - BA', 'pt': 'Formoso A - BA'}, '55773499':{'en': 'Sussuarana - BA', 'pt': 'Sussuarana - BA'}, '55513272':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55222633':{'en': u('Arma\u00e7\u00e3o dos B\u00fazios - RJ'), 'pt': u('Arma\u00e7\u00e3o dos B\u00fazios - RJ')}, '55222630':{'en': 'Cabo Frio - RJ', 'pt': 'Cabo Frio - RJ'}, '55693474':{'en': 'Castanheiras - RO', 'pt': 'Castanheiras - RO'}, '55653225':{'en': u('Porto Esperidi\u00e3o - MT'), 'pt': u('Porto Esperidi\u00e3o - MT')}, '55513273':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55643672':{'en': 'Mineiros - GO', 'pt': 'Mineiros - GO'}, '55673380':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55673383':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55643671':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Lu\u00eds de Montes Belos - GO'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Lu\u00eds de Montes Belos - GO')}, '55643676':{'en': u('Cachoeira de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Cachoeira de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55643677':{'en': u('Amorin\u00f3polis - GO'), 'pt': u('Amorin\u00f3polis - GO')}, '55643674':{'en': u('Ipor\u00e1 - GO'), 'pt': u('Ipor\u00e1 - GO')}, '55643675':{'en': u('Palmin\u00f3polis - GO'), 'pt': u('Palmin\u00f3polis - GO')}, '55673388':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55643678':{'en': u('Israel\u00e2ndia - GO'), 'pt': u('Israel\u00e2ndia - GO')}, '55643679':{'en': u('Sanclerl\u00e2ndia - GO'), 'pt': u('Sanclerl\u00e2ndia - GO')}, '55613689':{'en': 'Formosa - GO', 'pt': 'Formosa - GO'}, '55493667':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Miguel da Boa Vista - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Miguel da Boa Vista - SC')}, '55493664':{'en': 'Maravilha - SC', 'pt': 'Maravilha - SC'}, '55493665':{'en': 'Iraceminha - SC', 'pt': 'Iraceminha - SC'}, '55453352':{'en': 'Rio do Salto - PR', 'pt': 'Rio do Salto - PR'}, '55483521':{'en': u('Ararangu\u00e1 - SC'), 'pt': u('Ararangu\u00e1 - SC')}, '55493668':{'en': u('Flor do Sert\u00e3o - SC'), 'pt': u('Flor do Sert\u00e3o - SC')}, '55242266':{'en': 'Werneck - RJ', 'pt': 'Werneck - RJ'}, '55483523':{'en': u('Maracaj\u00e1 - SC'), 'pt': u('Maracaj\u00e1 - SC')}, '55242263':{'en': u('Para\u00edba do Sul - RJ'), 'pt': u('Para\u00edba do Sul - RJ')}, '55483524':{'en': u('Ararangu\u00e1 - SC'), 'pt': u('Ararangu\u00e1 - SC')}, '55183649':{'en': 'Birigui - SP', 'pt': 'Birigui - SP'}, '55483525':{'en': 'Turvo - SC', 'pt': 'Turvo - SC'}, '55483526':{'en': u('Balne\u00e1rio Arroio do Silva - SC'), 'pt': u('Balne\u00e1rio Arroio do Silva - SC')}, '55383561':{'en': u('Jo\u00e3o Pinheiro - MG'), 'pt': u('Jo\u00e3o Pinheiro - MG')}, '55383563':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo do Abaet\u00e9 - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo do Abaet\u00e9 - MG')}, '55383562':{'en': u('Brasil\u00e2ndia de Minas - MG'), 'pt': u('Brasil\u00e2ndia de Minas - MG')}, '55383564':{'en': 'Ruralminas I - MG', 'pt': 'Ruralminas I - MG'}, '55383567':{'en': u('Varj\u00e3o de Minas - MG'), 'pt': u('Varj\u00e3o de Minas - MG')}, '55273248':{'en': u('Arac\u00ea - ES'), 'pt': u('Arac\u00ea - ES')}, '55273249':{'en': 'Paraju - ES', 'pt': 'Paraju - ES'}, '55493448':{'en': u('Arabut\u00e3 - SC'), 'pt': u('Arabut\u00e3 - SC')}, '55443048':{'en': 'Sarandi - PR', 'pt': 'Sarandi - PR'}, '55313841':{'en': 'Coronel Fabriciano - MG', 'pt': 'Coronel Fabriciano - MG'}, '55613352':{'en': 'Taguatinga - DF', 'pt': 'Taguatinga - DF'}, '55613353':{'en': 'Taguatinga - DF', 'pt': 'Taguatinga - DF'}, '55443043':{'en': u('Pai\u00e7andu - PR'), 'pt': u('Pai\u00e7andu - PR')}, '55183642':{'en': 'Birigui - SP', 'pt': 'Birigui - SP'}, '55273242':{'en': 'Vila Velha - ES', 'pt': 'Vila Velha - ES'}, '55493441':{'en': u('Conc\u00f3rdia - SC'), 'pt': u('Conc\u00f3rdia - SC')}, '55493446':{'en': u('Lind\u00f3ia do Sul - SC'), 'pt': u('Lind\u00f3ia do Sul - SC')}, '55273245':{'en': 'Serra - ES', 'pt': 'Serra - ES'}, '55443045':{'en': u('Paranava\u00ed - PR'), 'pt': u('Paranava\u00ed - PR')}, '55493445':{'en': 'Abelardo Luz - SC', 'pt': 'Abelardo Luz - SC'}, '55333084':{'en': 'Governador Valadares - MG', 'pt': 'Governador Valadares - MG'}, '55333087':{'en': u('Te\u00f3filo Otoni - MG'), 'pt': u('Te\u00f3filo Otoni - MG')}, '55333082':{'en': 'Governador Valadares - MG', 'pt': 'Governador Valadares - MG'}, '55333089':{'en': 'Governador Valadares - MG', 'pt': 'Governador Valadares - MG'}, '55553798':{'en': 'Rodeio Bonito - RS', 'pt': 'Rodeio Bonito - RS'}, '55623347':{'en': 'Campinorte - GO', 'pt': 'Campinorte - GO'}, '55513277':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55773456':{'en': 'Urandi - BA', 'pt': 'Urandi - BA'}, '55753652':{'en': 'Cairu - BA', 'pt': 'Cairu - BA'}, '55713270':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55613234':{'en': u('Guar\u00e1 - DF'), 'pt': u('Guar\u00e1 - DF')}, '55613233':{'en': u('Guar\u00e1 - DF'), 'pt': u('Guar\u00e1 - DF')}, '55383690':{'en': 'Montes Claros - MG', 'pt': 'Montes Claros - MG'}, '55313735':{'en': 'Jeceaba - MG', 'pt': 'Jeceaba - MG'}, '55313734':{'en': 'Belo Vale - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Vale - MG'}, '55642101':{'en': 'Rio Verde - GO', 'pt': 'Rio Verde - GO'}, '55313736':{'en': 'Desterro de Entre Rios - MG', 'pt': 'Desterro de Entre Rios - MG'}, '55343859':{'en': 'Patos de Minas - MG', 'pt': 'Patos de Minas - MG'}, '55513170':{'en': u('Est\u00e2ncia Velha - RS'), 'pt': u('Est\u00e2ncia Velha - RS')}, '55313733':{'en': 'Joaquim Murtinho - MG', 'pt': 'Joaquim Murtinho - MG'}, '55313732':{'en': 'Congonhas - MG', 'pt': 'Congonhas - MG'}, '55343855':{'en': u('Rio Parana\u00edba - MG'), 'pt': u('Rio Parana\u00edba - MG')}, '55343856':{'en': u('Arapu\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Arapu\u00e1 - MG')}, '55343851':{'en': u('Carmo do Parana\u00edba - MG'), 'pt': u('Carmo do Parana\u00edba - MG')}, '55313738':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Br\u00e1s do Sua\u00e7u\u00ed - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Br\u00e1s do Sua\u00e7u\u00ed - MG')}, '55343853':{'en': 'Tiros - MG', 'pt': 'Tiros - MG'}, '55773021':{'en': 'Barreiras - BA', 'pt': 'Barreiras - BA'}, '55692183':{'en': u('Ji-Paran\u00e1 - RO'), 'pt': u('Ji-Paran\u00e1 - RO')}, '55513275':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55733207':{'en': u('Nova Cana\u00e3 - BA'), 'pt': u('Nova Cana\u00e3 - BA')}, '55313599':{'en': u('Ibirit\u00e9 - MG'), 'pt': u('Ibirit\u00e9 - MG')}, '55693532':{'en': u('Cacaul\u00e2ndia - RO'), 'pt': u('Cacaul\u00e2ndia - RO')}, '55313591':{'en': 'Betim - MG', 'pt': 'Betim - MG'}, '55443455':{'en': u('Santa M\u00f4nica - PR'), 'pt': u('Santa M\u00f4nica - PR')}, '55313593':{'en': 'Betim - MG', 'pt': 'Betim - MG'}, '55313592':{'en': 'Betim - MG', 'pt': 'Betim - MG'}, '55313595':{'en': 'Betim - MG', 'pt': 'Betim - MG'}, '55313594':{'en': 'Betim - MG', 'pt': 'Betim - MG'}, '55443452':{'en': 'Santa Cruz de Monte Castelo - PR', 'pt': 'Santa Cruz de Monte Castelo - PR'}, '55443453':{'en': u('Santa Isabel do Iva\u00ed - PR'), 'pt': u('Santa Isabel do Iva\u00ed - PR')}, '55753381':{'en': 'Varzedo - BA', 'pt': 'Varzedo - BA'}, '55493361':{'en': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC'), 'pt': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC')}, '55463246':{'en': u('Saudade do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Saudade do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55463245':{'en': u('Hon\u00f3rio Serpa - PR'), 'pt': u('Hon\u00f3rio Serpa - PR')}, '55463244':{'en': 'Sulina - PR', 'pt': 'Sulina - PR'}, '55213938':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55463242':{'en': 'Chopinzinho - PR', 'pt': 'Chopinzinho - PR'}, '55693583':{'en': 'Quinto Bec - RO', 'pt': 'Quinto Bec - RO'}, '55693582':{'en': 'Cujubim - RO', 'pt': 'Cujubim - RO'}, '55353241':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo do Sapuca\u00ed - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo do Sapuca\u00ed - MG')}, '55222555':{'en': 'Cantagalo - RJ', 'pt': 'Cantagalo - RJ'}, '55543401':{'en': 'Farroupilha - RS', 'pt': 'Farroupilha - RS'}, '55553257':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Vicente do Sul - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Vicente do Sul - RS')}, '55353716':{'en': u('Po\u00e7os de Caldas - MG'), 'pt': u('Po\u00e7os de Caldas - MG')}, '55383733':{'en': 'Francisco Dumont - MG', 'pt': 'Francisco Dumont - MG'}, '55613906':{'en': u('Luzi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Luzi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55222551':{'en': 'Cordeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Cordeiro - RJ'}, '55613024':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55633519':{'en': 'Lajeado - TO', 'pt': 'Lajeado - TO'}, '55623515':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55433141':{'en': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio da Platina - PR'), 'pt': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio da Platina - PR')}, '55473473':{'en': 'Joinville - SC', 'pt': 'Joinville - SC'}, '55473472':{'en': 'Joinville - SC', 'pt': 'Joinville - SC'}, '55433145':{'en': 'Bandeirantes - PR', 'pt': 'Bandeirantes - PR'}, '55353664':{'en': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o das Pedras - MG'), 'pt': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o das Pedras - MG')}, '55353663':{'en': 'Pedralva - MG', 'pt': 'Pedralva - MG'}, '55353662':{'en': u('Maria da F\u00e9 - MG'), 'pt': u('Maria da F\u00e9 - MG')}, '55313432':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55193341':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55553317':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55193345':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55633424':{'en': 'Goianorte - TO', 'pt': 'Goianorte - TO'}, '55633425':{'en': 'Pau D\'Arco - TO', 'pt': 'Pau D\'Arco - TO'}, '55633426':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o do Tocantins - TO'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o do Tocantins - TO')}, '55513271':{'en': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS', 'pt': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS'}, '55633421':{'en': u('Aragua\u00edna - TO'), 'pt': u('Aragua\u00edna - TO')}, '55553559':{'en': 'Braga - RS', 'pt': 'Braga - RS'}, '55633423':{'en': u('Darcin\u00f3polis - TO'), 'pt': u('Darcin\u00f3polis - TO')}, '55553557':{'en': 'Coronel Bicaco - RS', 'pt': 'Coronel Bicaco - RS'}, '55513276':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55553554':{'en': u('Miragua\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Miragua\u00ed - RS')}, '55633428':{'en': u('Araguan\u00e3 - TO'), 'pt': u('Araguan\u00e3 - TO')}, '55553552':{'en': u('Vista Ga\u00facha - RS'), 'pt': u('Vista Ga\u00facha - RS')}, '55553551':{'en': 'Tenente Portela - RS', 'pt': 'Tenente Portela - RS'}, '55413414':{'en': u('Taga\u00e7aba - PR'), 'pt': u('Taga\u00e7aba - PR')}, '55343631':{'en': u('Ibi\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Ibi\u00e1 - MG')}, '55313434':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55483090':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC')}, '55483091':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55323344':{'en': 'Bias Fortes - MG', 'pt': 'Bias Fortes - MG'}, '55343633':{'en': 'Tapira - MG', 'pt': 'Tapira - MG'}, '55513601':{'en': u('Os\u00f3rio - RS'), 'pt': u('Os\u00f3rio - RS')}, '55163628':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163629':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163626':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163627':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163624':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163625':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163622':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163623':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163620':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163621':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163976':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163977':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163974':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163975':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163972':{'en': 'Bonfim Paulista - SP', 'pt': 'Bonfim Paulista - SP'}, '55163973':{'en': u('Guatapar\u00e1 - SP'), 'pt': u('Guatapar\u00e1 - SP')}, '55163979':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55433552':{'en': u('Nova F\u00e1tima - PR'), 'pt': u('Nova F\u00e1tima - PR')}, '55433553':{'en': u('Nova Am\u00e9rica da Colina - PR'), 'pt': u('Nova Am\u00e9rica da Colina - PR')}, '55433551':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o do Pinhal - PR'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o do Pinhal - PR')}, '55433556':{'en': u('Abati\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Abati\u00e1 - PR')}, '55433557':{'en': 'Arapoti - PR', 'pt': 'Arapoti - PR'}, '55433554':{'en': 'Congonhinhas - PR', 'pt': 'Congonhinhas - PR'}, '55433555':{'en': 'Japira - PR', 'pt': 'Japira - PR'}, '55433558':{'en': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio da Platina - PR'), 'pt': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio da Platina - PR')}, '55433559':{'en': u('Joaquim T\u00e1vora - PR'), 'pt': u('Joaquim T\u00e1vora - PR')}, '55483322':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55483321':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55212410':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212411':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212412':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212413':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212414':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55183302':{'en': 'Assis - SP', 'pt': 'Assis - SP'}, '55212416':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212417':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212418':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212419':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55143849':{'en': 'Bairro de Santana - SP', 'pt': 'Bairro de Santana - SP'}, '55663424':{'en': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT'), 'pt': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT')}, '55653277':{'en': 'Caramujo - MT', 'pt': 'Caramujo - MT'}, '55653275':{'en': u('Gl\u00f3ria D\'Oeste - MT'), 'pt': u('Gl\u00f3ria D\'Oeste - MT')}, '55653273':{'en': u('Curvel\u00e2ndia - MT'), 'pt': u('Curvel\u00e2ndia - MT')}, '55193241':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55273033':{'en': 'Vila Velha - ES', 'pt': 'Vila Velha - ES'}, '55273032':{'en': 'Vila Velha - ES', 'pt': 'Vila Velha - ES'}, '55273031':{'en': 'Vila Velha - ES', 'pt': 'Vila Velha - ES'}, '55193245':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55483333':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55713631':{'en': 'Itaparica - BA', 'pt': 'Itaparica - BA'}, '55713632':{'en': u('P\u00f3lo Petroqu\u00edmico Cama\u00e7ari - BA'), 'pt': u('P\u00f3lo Petroqu\u00edmico Cama\u00e7ari - BA')}, '55713633':{'en': 'Vera Cruz - BA', 'pt': 'Vera Cruz - BA'}, '55713634':{'en': u('P\u00f3lo Petroqu\u00edmico Cama\u00e7ari - BA'), 'pt': u('P\u00f3lo Petroqu\u00edmico Cama\u00e7ari - BA')}, '55713635':{'en': u('Mata de S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o - BA'), 'pt': u('Mata de S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o - BA')}, '55713636':{'en': 'Vera Cruz - BA', 'pt': 'Vera Cruz - BA'}, '55713637':{'en': 'Vera Cruz - BA', 'pt': 'Vera Cruz - BA'}, '55193917':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55193913':{'en': 'Itapira - SP', 'pt': 'Itapira - SP'}, '55193911':{'en': u('Mogi-Gua\u00e7u - SP'), 'pt': u('Mogi-Gua\u00e7u - SP')}, '55673260':{'en': u('Alcin\u00f3polis - MS'), 'pt': u('Alcin\u00f3polis - MS')}, '55673261':{'en': 'Bandeirantes - MS', 'pt': 'Bandeirantes - MS'}, '55673268':{'en': 'Bodoquena - MS', 'pt': 'Bodoquena - MS'}, '55673269':{'en': 'Guia Lopes da Laguna - MS', 'pt': 'Guia Lopes da Laguna - MS'}, '55173238':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55753208':{'en': 'Campinhos - BA', 'pt': 'Campinhos - BA'}, '55173234':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55173235':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55173236':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55173237':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55173231':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55173232':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55173233':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55454100':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55454101':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55213455':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213454':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213453':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213452':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213451':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213450':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213458':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55173638':{'en': u('Mes\u00f3polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Mes\u00f3polis - SP')}, '55173587':{'en': 'Palmares Paulista - SP', 'pt': 'Palmares Paulista - SP'}, '55753204':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55733662':{'en': u('Jucuru\u00e7u - BA'), 'pt': u('Jucuru\u00e7u - BA')}, '55733665':{'en': 'Teixeira de Freitas - BA', 'pt': 'Teixeira de Freitas - BA'}, '55733667':{'en': 'Itamaraju - BA', 'pt': 'Itamaraju - BA'}, '55643444':{'en': 'Buriti Alegre - GO', 'pt': 'Buriti Alegre - GO'}, '55643447':{'en': u('Corumba\u00edba - GO'), 'pt': u('Corumba\u00edba - GO')}, '55163024':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163025':{'en': 'Franca - SP', 'pt': 'Franca - SP'}, '55163026':{'en': 'Franca - SP', 'pt': 'Franca - SP'}, '55643442':{'en': u('Catal\u00e3o - GO'), 'pt': u('Catal\u00e3o - GO')}, '5568':{'en': 'Acre', 'pt': 'Acre'}, '55173631':{'en': u('Santa F\u00e9 do Sul - SP'), 'pt': u('Santa F\u00e9 do Sul - SP')}, '55153394':{'en': u('Ibi\u00fana - SP'), 'pt': u('Ibi\u00fana - SP')}, '55153392':{'en': 'Itapetininga - SP', 'pt': 'Itapetininga - SP'}, '55752101':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55433315':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55433316':{'en': 'Arapongas - PR', 'pt': 'Arapongas - PR'}, '55752102':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55433311':{'en': u('Rol\u00e2ndia - PR'), 'pt': u('Rol\u00e2ndia - PR')}, '55433312':{'en': 'Arapongas - PR', 'pt': 'Arapongas - PR'}, '55242453':{'en': u('Valen\u00e7a - RJ'), 'pt': u('Valen\u00e7a - RJ')}, '55242452':{'en': u('Valen\u00e7a - RJ'), 'pt': u('Valen\u00e7a - RJ')}, '55242457':{'en': 'Santa Isabel do Rio Preto - RJ', 'pt': 'Santa Isabel do Rio Preto - RJ'}, '55653332':{'en': u('Nova Ol\u00edmpia - MT'), 'pt': u('Nova Ol\u00edmpia - MT')}, '55242458':{'en': 'Rio das Flores - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio das Flores - RJ'}, '55163363':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP')}, '55163362':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP')}, '55163361':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP')}, '55163367':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP')}, '55163366':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP')}, '55464055':{'en': 'Pato Branco - PR', 'pt': 'Pato Branco - PR'}, '55163364':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP')}, '55163368':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP')}, '55383226':{'en': u('Cora\u00e7\u00e3o de Jesus - MG'), 'pt': u('Cora\u00e7\u00e3o de Jesus - MG')}, '55383227':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia de Minas - MG'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia de Minas - MG')}, '55383222':{'en': 'Montes Claros - MG', 'pt': 'Montes Claros - MG'}, '55383223':{'en': 'Montes Claros - MG', 'pt': 'Montes Claros - MG'}, '55383221':{'en': 'Montes Claros - MG', 'pt': 'Montes Claros - MG'}, '55313697':{'en': 'Bairro Eldorado - Sete Lagoas MG', 'pt': 'Bairro Eldorado - Sete Lagoas MG'}, '55383228':{'en': u('Cora\u00e7\u00e3o de Jesus - MG'), 'pt': u('Cora\u00e7\u00e3o de Jesus - MG')}, '55483664':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55483668':{'en': 'Pinheiral - SC', 'pt': 'Pinheiral - SC'}, '55453902':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55483624':{'en': 'Jaguaruna - SC', 'pt': 'Jaguaruna - SC'}, '5564':{'en': u('Goi\u00e1s'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e1s')}, '55313478':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55613311':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55313476':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313477':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313474':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313475':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55513232':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55313473':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55413361':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55313471':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55193758':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193751':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '5565':{'en': 'Mato Grosso', 'pt': 'Mato Grosso'}, '55193753':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193755':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193754':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193757':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193756':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193287':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193285':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193284':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193283':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193282':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193281':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193289':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193288':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55753685':{'en': u('Ipecaet\u00e1 - BA'), 'pt': u('Ipecaet\u00e1 - BA')}, '55633219':{'en': 'Palmas - TO', 'pt': 'Palmas - TO'}, '55633218':{'en': 'Palmas - TO', 'pt': 'Palmas - TO'}, '55633217':{'en': 'Palmas - TO', 'pt': 'Palmas - TO'}, '55633216':{'en': 'Palmas - TO', 'pt': 'Palmas - TO'}, '55633215':{'en': 'Palmas - TO', 'pt': 'Palmas - TO'}, '55633214':{'en': 'Palmas - TO', 'pt': 'Palmas - TO'}, '55633213':{'en': 'Palmas - TO', 'pt': 'Palmas - TO'}, '55633212':{'en': 'Palmas - TO', 'pt': 'Palmas - TO'}, '55443667':{'en': 'Santa Eliza - PR', 'pt': 'Santa Eliza - PR'}, '55443666':{'en': u('Hercul\u00e2ndia - PR'), 'pt': u('Hercul\u00e2ndia - PR')}, '55443665':{'en': u('Icara\u00edma - PR'), 'pt': u('Icara\u00edma - PR')}, '55443664':{'en': u('Alto Para\u00edso - PR'), 'pt': u('Alto Para\u00edso - PR')}, '55443663':{'en': 'Douradina - PR', 'pt': 'Douradina - PR'}, '55443662':{'en': 'Maria Helena - PR', 'pt': 'Maria Helena - PR'}, '55443668':{'en': 'Serra dos Dourados - PR', 'pt': 'Serra dos Dourados - PR'}, '55433426':{'en': 'Apucarana - PR', 'pt': 'Apucarana - PR'}, '55773658':{'en': 'Ibitiara - BA', 'pt': 'Ibitiara - BA'}, '55753683':{'en': 'Humildes - BA', 'pt': 'Humildes - BA'}, '55753682':{'en': u('Gavi\u00e3o - BA'), 'pt': u('Gavi\u00e3o - BA')}, '55673468':{'en': 'Vicentina - MS', 'pt': 'Vicentina - MS'}, '55493700':{'en': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC'), 'pt': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC')}, '55713403':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55323711':{'en': 'Vermelho - MG', 'pt': 'Vermelho - MG'}, '55213213':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213212':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55713407':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713406':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713405':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713404':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55213219':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55713409':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55323533':{'en': u('Col\u00f4nia Padre Dami\u00e3o - MG'), 'pt': u('Col\u00f4nia Padre Dami\u00e3o - MG')}, '55463057':{'en': u('Francisco Beltr\u00e3o - PR'), 'pt': u('Francisco Beltr\u00e3o - PR')}, '55463055':{'en': u('Francisco Beltr\u00e3o - PR'), 'pt': u('Francisco Beltr\u00e3o - PR')}, '55623348':{'en': u('Mozarl\u00e2ndia - GO'), 'pt': u('Mozarl\u00e2ndia - GO')}, '55623349':{'en': 'Hidrolina - GO', 'pt': 'Hidrolina - GO'}, '55673466':{'en': u('Gl\u00f3ria de Dourados - MS'), 'pt': u('Gl\u00f3ria de Dourados - MS')}, '55673467':{'en': u('F\u00e1tima do Sul - MS'), 'pt': u('F\u00e1tima do Sul - MS')}, '55673461':{'en': u('Navira\u00ed - MS'), 'pt': u('Navira\u00ed - MS')}, '55213138':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213139':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55623229':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623228':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623227':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623225':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55213137':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55623223':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55213131':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55623221':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55213133':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55643207':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643206':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643205':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643204':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643203':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643202':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55733230':{'en': 'Ubaitaba - BA', 'pt': 'Ubaitaba - BA'}, '55323535':{'en': u('Divin\u00e9sia - MG'), 'pt': u('Divin\u00e9sia - MG')}, '55693026':{'en': 'Porto Velho - RO', 'pt': 'Porto Velho - RO'}, '55693025':{'en': 'Porto Velho - RO', 'pt': 'Porto Velho - RO'}, '55643209':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643208':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55353832':{'en': 'Campo Belo - MG', 'pt': 'Campo Belo - MG'}, '55353341':{'en': 'Caxambu - MG', 'pt': 'Caxambu - MG'}, '55353831':{'en': 'Campo Belo - MG', 'pt': 'Campo Belo - MG'}, '55353344':{'en': 'Aiuruoca - MG', 'pt': 'Aiuruoca - MG'}, '55353345':{'en': 'Carvalhos - MG', 'pt': 'Carvalhos - MG'}, '55353346':{'en': u('Cruz\u00edlia - MG'), 'pt': u('Cruz\u00edlia - MG')}, '55353835':{'en': 'Cristais - MG', 'pt': 'Cristais - MG'}, '55623595':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623594':{'en': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623597':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623596':{'en': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623591':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623593':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623592':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55553611':{'en': 'Unistalda - RS', 'pt': 'Unistalda - RS'}, '55213688':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55553613':{'en': 'Mato Queimado - RS', 'pt': 'Mato Queimado - RS'}, '55553614':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria das Miss\u00f5es - RS'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria das Miss\u00f5es - RS')}, '55553615':{'en': 'Santa Margarida do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Margarida do Sul - RS'}, '55553617':{'en': 'Tiradentes do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Tiradentes do Sul - RS'}, '55185841':{'en': u('Junqueir\u00f3polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Junqueir\u00f3polis - SP')}, '55613223':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55673479':{'en': 'Sete Quedas - MS', 'pt': 'Sete Quedas - MS'}, '55373553':{'en': u('Estrela do Indai\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Estrela do Indai\u00e1 - MG')}, '55373551':{'en': u('Dores do Indai\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Dores do Indai\u00e1 - MG')}, '55673478':{'en': 'Tacuru - MS', 'pt': 'Tacuru - MS'}, '55773657':{'en': 'Tabocas do Brejo Velho - BA', 'pt': 'Tabocas do Brejo Velho - BA'}, '55653396':{'en': 'Alto Paraguai - MT', 'pt': 'Alto Paraguai - MT'}, '55653397':{'en': 'Diamantino - MT', 'pt': 'Diamantino - MT'}, '55653391':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55453336':{'en': 'Luz Marina - PR', 'pt': 'Luz Marina - PR'}, '55453332':{'en': 'Nova Santa Rosa - PR', 'pt': 'Nova Santa Rosa - PR'}, '55453333':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55212629':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55212622':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55212621':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55212620':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55212627':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55212626':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55212625':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55613273':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55673476':{'en': u('Itaquira\u00ed - MS'), 'pt': u('Itaquira\u00ed - MS')}, '55613378':{'en': u('Ceil\u00e2ndia - DF'), 'pt': u('Ceil\u00e2ndia - DF')}, '55613379':{'en': u('Ceil\u00e2ndia - DF'), 'pt': u('Ceil\u00e2ndia - DF')}, '55613372':{'en': u('Ceil\u00e2ndia - DF'), 'pt': u('Ceil\u00e2ndia - DF')}, '55383506':{'en': 'Buritis - MG', 'pt': 'Buritis - MG'}, '55383505':{'en': u('Una\u00ed - MG'), 'pt': u('Una\u00ed - MG')}, '55383504':{'en': 'Paracatu - MG', 'pt': 'Paracatu - MG'}, '55613376':{'en': u('Ceil\u00e2ndia - DF'), 'pt': u('Ceil\u00e2ndia - DF')}, '55613377':{'en': u('Ceil\u00e2ndia - DF'), 'pt': u('Ceil\u00e2ndia - DF')}, '55613374':{'en': u('Ceil\u00e2ndia - DF'), 'pt': u('Ceil\u00e2ndia - DF')}, '55613375':{'en': u('Ceil\u00e2ndia - DF'), 'pt': u('Ceil\u00e2ndia - DF')}, '55443062':{'en': u('Paranava\u00ed - PR'), 'pt': u('Paranava\u00ed - PR')}, '55273268':{'en': 'Domingos Martins - ES', 'pt': 'Domingos Martins - ES'}, '55273269':{'en': 'Alfredo Chaves - ES', 'pt': 'Alfredo Chaves - ES'}, '55273266':{'en': 'Santa Leopoldina - ES', 'pt': 'Santa Leopoldina - ES'}, '55443068':{'en': u('Campo Mour\u00e3o - PR'), 'pt': u('Campo Mour\u00e3o - PR')}, '55273264':{'en': 'Linhares - ES', 'pt': 'Linhares - ES'}, '55273265':{'en': 'Rio Bananal - ES', 'pt': 'Rio Bananal - ES'}, '55273262':{'en': 'Guarapari - ES', 'pt': 'Guarapari - ES'}, '55273263':{'en': u('Santa Maria de Jetib\u00e1 - ES'), 'pt': u('Santa Maria de Jetib\u00e1 - ES')}, '55153258':{'en': u('Guare\u00ed - SP'), 'pt': u('Guare\u00ed - SP')}, '55273261':{'en': 'Guarapari - ES', 'pt': 'Guarapari - ES'}, '55313825':{'en': 'Ipatinga - MG', 'pt': 'Ipatinga - MG'}, '55613214':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613217':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613213':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613212':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55314122':{'en': 'Contagem - MG', 'pt': 'Contagem - MG'}, '55553217':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55513427':{'en': 'Canoas - RS', 'pt': 'Canoas - RS'}, '55513425':{'en': 'Canoas - RS', 'pt': 'Canoas - RS'}, '55343812':{'en': 'Lagamar - MG', 'pt': 'Lagamar - MG'}, '55513422':{'en': 'Barro Vermelho - RS', 'pt': 'Barro Vermelho - RS'}, '55273327':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55513421':{'en': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS')}, '55313846':{'en': 'Coronel Fabriciano - MG', 'pt': 'Coronel Fabriciano - MG'}, '55423311':{'en': 'Ponta Grossa - PR', 'pt': 'Ponta Grossa - PR'}, '55643419':{'en': u('Crom\u00ednia - GO'), 'pt': u('Crom\u00ednia - GO')}, '55313845':{'en': u('Jaguara\u00e7u - MG'), 'pt': u('Jaguara\u00e7u - MG')}, '55412118':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55173831':{'en': 'Nova Castilho - SP', 'pt': 'Nova Castilho - SP'}, '55313843':{'en': u('Ant\u00f4nio Dias - MG'), 'pt': u('Ant\u00f4nio Dias - MG')}, '55173837':{'en': u('Sebastian\u00f3polis do Sul - SP'), 'pt': u('Sebastian\u00f3polis do Sul - SP')}, '55733272':{'en': u('Ibicu\u00ed - BA'), 'pt': u('Ibicu\u00ed - BA')}, '55173834':{'en': 'Guarani D\'Oeste - SP', 'pt': 'Guarani D\'Oeste - SP'}, '55733273':{'en': 'Pau Brasil - BA', 'pt': 'Pau Brasil - BA'}, '55733270':{'en': 'Itabela - BA', 'pt': 'Itabela - BA'}, '55532126':{'en': 'Rio Grande - RS', 'pt': 'Rio Grande - RS'}, '55532125':{'en': 'Rio Grande - RS', 'pt': 'Rio Grande - RS'}, '55733271':{'en': u('Igua\u00ed - BA'), 'pt': u('Igua\u00ed - BA')}, '55532123':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55532128':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55413330':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55213913':{'en': u('Itabora\u00ed - RJ'), 'pt': u('Itabora\u00ed - RJ')}, '55143533':{'en': 'Lins - SP', 'pt': 'Lins - SP'}, '55213916':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55313153':{'en': 'Sete Lagoas - MG', 'pt': 'Sete Lagoas - MG'}, '55413333':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55463263':{'en': 'Palmas - PR', 'pt': 'Palmas - PR'}, '55463262':{'en': 'Palmas - PR', 'pt': 'Palmas - PR'}, '55733278':{'en': u('Wenceslau Guimar\u00e3es - BA'), 'pt': u('Wenceslau Guimar\u00e3es - BA')}, '55413335':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55693418':{'en': u('Nova Brasil\u00e2ndia D\'Oeste - RO'), 'pt': u('Nova Brasil\u00e2ndia D\'Oeste - RO')}, '55413338':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55693416':{'en': u('Ji-Paran\u00e1 - RO'), 'pt': u('Ji-Paran\u00e1 - RO')}, '55513254':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55543421':{'en': 'Gramado - RS', 'pt': 'Gramado - RS'}, '55413648':{'en': 'Bateias - PR', 'pt': 'Bateias - PR'}, '55413649':{'en': 'Campo Largo - PR', 'pt': 'Campo Largo - PR'}, '55313318':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55613963':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613962':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613961':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55313312':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55413642':{'en': u('Arauc\u00e1ria - PR'), 'pt': u('Arauc\u00e1ria - PR')}, '55413643':{'en': u('Arauc\u00e1ria - PR'), 'pt': u('Arauc\u00e1ria - PR')}, '55654141':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55353645':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Alegre - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Alegre - MG')}, '55353644':{'en': 'Piranguinho - MG', 'pt': 'Piranguinho - MG'}, '55353641':{'en': u('Bras\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55433122':{'en': 'Apucarana - PR', 'pt': 'Apucarana - PR'}, '55353643':{'en': u('Pirangu\u00e7u - MG'), 'pt': u('Pirangu\u00e7u - MG')}, '55473418':{'en': 'Joinville - SC', 'pt': 'Joinville - SC'}, '55643469':{'en': 'Anhanguera - GO', 'pt': 'Anhanguera - GO'}, '55513257':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55713176':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55483344':{'en': u('Palho\u00e7a - SC'), 'pt': u('Palho\u00e7a - SC')}, '55413377':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55483346':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC')}, '55183329':{'en': u('Tarum\u00e3 - SP'), 'pt': u('Tarum\u00e3 - SP')}, '55483341':{'en': u('Palho\u00e7a - SC'), 'pt': u('Palho\u00e7a - SC')}, '55483342':{'en': u('Palho\u00e7a - SC'), 'pt': u('Palho\u00e7a - SC')}, '55483343':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC')}, '55343235':{'en': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG'), 'pt': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG')}, '55183324':{'en': 'Assis - SP', 'pt': 'Assis - SP'}, '55183851':{'en': 'Tupi Paulista - SP', 'pt': 'Tupi Paulista - SP'}, '55343236':{'en': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG'), 'pt': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG')}, '55183857':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o do Pau D\'Alho - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o do Pau D\'Alho - SP')}, '55183856':{'en': 'Nova Guataporanga - SP', 'pt': 'Nova Guataporanga - SP'}, '55183855':{'en': 'Monte Castelo - SP', 'pt': 'Monte Castelo - SP'}, '55183322':{'en': 'Assis - SP', 'pt': 'Assis - SP'}, '55212436':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212437':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212434':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212435':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212432':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212433':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212430':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212431':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212438':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212439':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55673421':{'en': 'Dourados - MS', 'pt': 'Dourados - MS'}, '55713118':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55633402':{'en': u('Aragua\u00edna - TO'), 'pt': u('Aragua\u00edna - TO')}, '55744400':{'en': u('Pil\u00e3o Arcado - BA'), 'pt': u('Pil\u00e3o Arcado - BA')}, '55193181':{'en': 'Floresta Escura - SP', 'pt': 'Floresta Escura - SP'}, '55613585':{'en': u('Ceil\u00e2ndia - DF'), 'pt': u('Ceil\u00e2ndia - DF')}, '55653254':{'en': u('Indiava\u00ed - MT'), 'pt': u('Indiava\u00ed - MT')}, '55653257':{'en': 'Rio Branco - MT', 'pt': 'Rio Branco - MT'}, '55313556':{'en': 'Mariana - MG', 'pt': 'Mariana - MG'}, '55613581':{'en': u('Ceil\u00e2ndia - DF'), 'pt': u('Ceil\u00e2ndia - DF')}, '55323202':{'en': 'Cataguases - MG', 'pt': 'Cataguases - MG'}, '55693311':{'en': 'Cacoal - RO', 'pt': 'Cacoal - RO'}, '55273015':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55413371':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55323201':{'en': 'Cataguases - MG', 'pt': 'Cataguases - MG'}, '55473633':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Bento do Sul - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Bento do Sul - SC')}, '55513749':{'en': 'Palanque - RS', 'pt': 'Palanque - RS'}, '55673285':{'en': 'Jaraguari - MS', 'pt': 'Jaraguari - MS'}, '55163919':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163914':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163916':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163917':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55713612':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55163911':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163913':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55434009':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55193934':{'en': 'Indaiatuba - SP', 'pt': 'Indaiatuba - SP'}, '55193937':{'en': u('Jaguari\u00fana - SP'), 'pt': u('Jaguari\u00fana - SP')}, '55193936':{'en': 'Indaiatuba - SP', 'pt': 'Indaiatuba - SP'}, '55193933':{'en': u('Paul\u00ednia - SP'), 'pt': u('Paul\u00ednia - SP')}, '55434001':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55434004':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55434007':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55543228':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55543229':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55543220':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55543221':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55543222':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55543223':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55543225':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55543226':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55543227':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55173212':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55333321':{'en': 'Caratinga - MG', 'pt': 'Caratinga - MG'}, '55333322':{'en': 'Caratinga - MG', 'pt': 'Caratinga - MG'}, '55333323':{'en': 'Ubaporanga - MG', 'pt': 'Ubaporanga - MG'}, '55333324':{'en': 'Vargem Alegre - MG', 'pt': 'Vargem Alegre - MG'}, '55333325':{'en': u('Imb\u00e9 de Minas - MG'), 'pt': u('Imb\u00e9 de Minas - MG')}, '55333326':{'en': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara do Leste - MG'), 'pt': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara do Leste - MG')}, '55333327':{'en': 'Ipaba - MG', 'pt': 'Ipaba - MG'}, '55333328':{'en': 'Alvarenga - MG', 'pt': 'Alvarenga - MG'}, '55333329':{'en': 'Caratinga - MG', 'pt': 'Caratinga - MG'}, '55173218':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55173219':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55513258':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55533312':{'en': u('Bag\u00e9 - RS'), 'pt': u('Bag\u00e9 - RS')}, '55533311':{'en': u('Bag\u00e9 - RS'), 'pt': u('Bag\u00e9 - RS')}, '55474141':{'en': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC'), 'pt': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC')}, '55653291':{'en': u('C\u00e1ceres - MT'), 'pt': u('C\u00e1ceres - MT')}, '55473642':{'en': 'Mafra - SC', 'pt': 'Mafra - SC'}, '55473643':{'en': 'Mafra - SC', 'pt': 'Mafra - SC'}, '55473641':{'en': 'Mafra - SC', 'pt': 'Mafra - SC'}, '55433336':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55433337':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55433334':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55384141':{'en': 'Montes Claros - MG', 'pt': 'Montes Claros - MG'}, '55433339':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55242437':{'en': 'Ipiabas - RJ', 'pt': 'Ipiabas - RJ'}, '55163348':{'en': 'Motuca - SP', 'pt': 'Motuca - SP'}, '55242433':{'en': u('Barra do Pira\u00ed - RJ'), 'pt': u('Barra do Pira\u00ed - RJ')}, '55242431':{'en': u('Pira\u00ed - RJ'), 'pt': u('Pira\u00ed - RJ')}, '55242430':{'en': u('Barra do Pira\u00ed - RJ'), 'pt': u('Barra do Pira\u00ed - RJ')}, '55163341':{'en': 'Ibitinga - SP', 'pt': 'Ibitinga - SP'}, '55163343':{'en': u('Ibat\u00e9 - SP'), 'pt': u('Ibat\u00e9 - SP')}, '55163342':{'en': 'Ibitinga - SP', 'pt': 'Ibitinga - SP'}, '55163345':{'en': 'Dourado - SP', 'pt': 'Dourado - SP'}, '55163344':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Bonito - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Bonito - SP')}, '55163347':{'en': 'Cambaratiba - SP', 'pt': 'Cambaratiba - SP'}, '55242438':{'en': u('Conservat\u00f3ria - RJ'), 'pt': u('Conservat\u00f3ria - RJ')}, '55713667':{'en': u('Mata de S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o - BA'), 'pt': u('Mata de S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o - BA')}, '55713230':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55313671':{'en': u('Sabar\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Sabar\u00e1 - MG')}, '55313672':{'en': u('Sabar\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Sabar\u00e1 - MG')}, '55313673':{'en': u('Sabar\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Sabar\u00e1 - MG')}, '55313674':{'en': u('Sabar\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Sabar\u00e1 - MG')}, '55313675':{'en': u('Sabar\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Sabar\u00e1 - MG')}, '55483301':{'en': u('Tubar\u00e3o - SC'), 'pt': u('Tubar\u00e3o - SC')}, '55513037':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Leopoldo - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Leopoldo - RS')}, '55513038':{'en': 'Campo Bom - RS', 'pt': 'Campo Bom - RS'}, '55313679':{'en': u('Sabar\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Sabar\u00e1 - MG')}, '55513784':{'en': u('Mato Leit\u00e3o - RS'), 'pt': u('Mato Leit\u00e3o - RS')}, '55214125':{'en': 'Belford Roxo - RJ', 'pt': 'Belford Roxo - RJ'}, '55513782':{'en': 'Santa Clara do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Clara do Sul - RS'}, '55513783':{'en': 'Esteio - RS', 'pt': 'Esteio - RS'}, '55753616':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55212186':{'en': u('Nil\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nil\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55653531':{'en': 'Sinop - MT', 'pt': 'Sinop - MT'}, '55613003':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613004':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55423522':{'en': u('Uni\u00e3o da Vit\u00f3ria - PR'), 'pt': u('Uni\u00e3o da Vit\u00f3ria - PR')}, '55713052':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713054':{'en': u('Cama\u00e7ari - BA'), 'pt': u('Cama\u00e7ari - BA')}, '55753387':{'en': 'Quijingue - BA', 'pt': 'Quijingue - BA'}, '55413345':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413344':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413347':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413346':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55513250':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55413340':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413343':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413342':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413349':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413348':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55193739':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193738':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193737':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193736':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193735':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193734':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193733':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193732':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193731':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '5548':{'en': 'Santa Catarina', 'pt': 'Santa Catarina'}, '55223723':{'en': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ')}, '55443649':{'en': 'Palotina - PR', 'pt': 'Palotina - PR'}, '55443648':{'en': 'Santa Rita do Oeste - PR', 'pt': 'Santa Rita do Oeste - PR'}, '55633233':{'en': 'Palmas - TO', 'pt': 'Palmas - TO'}, '55633232':{'en': 'Palmas - TO', 'pt': 'Palmas - TO'}, '55443645':{'en': 'Terra Roxa - PR', 'pt': 'Terra Roxa - PR'}, '55443644':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Manoel do Paran\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Manoel do Paran\u00e1 - PR')}, '55443647':{'en': u('Marip\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Marip\u00e1 - PR')}, '55443646':{'en': u('P\u00e9rola Independente - PR'), 'pt': u('P\u00e9rola Independente - PR')}, '55443641':{'en': 'Terra Boa - PR', 'pt': 'Terra Boa - PR'}, '55443640':{'en': u('Esperan\u00e7a Nova - PR'), 'pt': u('Esperan\u00e7a Nova - PR')}, '55443643':{'en': 'Francisco Alves - PR', 'pt': 'Francisco Alves - PR'}, '55443642':{'en': u('Gua\u00edra - PR'), 'pt': u('Gua\u00edra - PR')}, '55483648':{'en': 'Termas do Gravatal - SC', 'pt': 'Termas do Gravatal - SC'}, '55483641':{'en': 'Tijucas - SC', 'pt': 'Tijucas - SC'}, '55483643':{'en': u('Imaru\u00ed - SC'), 'pt': u('Imaru\u00ed - SC')}, '55483642':{'en': 'Gravatal - SC', 'pt': 'Gravatal - SC'}, '55483645':{'en': u('Armaz\u00e9m - SC'), 'pt': u('Armaz\u00e9m - SC')}, '55483644':{'en': 'Laguna - SC', 'pt': 'Laguna - SC'}, '55483647':{'en': 'Laguna - SC', 'pt': 'Laguna - SC'}, '55483646':{'en': 'Laguna - SC', 'pt': 'Laguna - SC'}, '55713316':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55623142':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55213274':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55513436':{'en': u('Viam\u00e3o - RS'), 'pt': u('Viam\u00e3o - RS')}, '55653351':{'en': 'Nossa Senhora do Livramento - MT', 'pt': 'Nossa Senhora do Livramento - MT'}, '55753680':{'en': 'Rafael Jambeiro - BA', 'pt': 'Rafael Jambeiro - BA'}, '55653352':{'en': u('Nova Maril\u00e2ndia - MT'), 'pt': u('Nova Maril\u00e2ndia - MT')}, '55213279':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55653353':{'en': 'Acorizal - MT', 'pt': 'Acorizal - MT'}, '55653354':{'en': 'Mato Grosso', 'pt': 'Mato Grosso'}, '55653356':{'en': u('Ros\u00e1rio Oeste - MT'), 'pt': u('Ros\u00e1rio Oeste - MT')}, '55453565':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Miguel do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Miguel do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55623205':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55213113':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55623207':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623206':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55213116':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55733259':{'en': 'Ibirapitanga - BA', 'pt': 'Ibirapitanga - BA'}, '55213114':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55623202':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55643225':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643224':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55213118':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213119':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ')}, '55643221':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55623208':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55643223':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643954':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55513430':{'en': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS')}, '55513695':{'en': 'Harmonia - RS', 'pt': 'Harmonia - RS'}, '55513696':{'en': u('Bar\u00e3o - RS'), 'pt': u('Bar\u00e3o - RS')}, '55643688':{'en': 'Jaupaci - GO', 'pt': 'Jaupaci - GO'}, '55143488':{'en': 'Quintana - SP', 'pt': 'Quintana - SP'}, '55143489':{'en': 'Iacri - SP', 'pt': 'Iacri - SP'}, '55353366':{'en': 'Alagoa - MG', 'pt': 'Alagoa - MG'}, '55513342':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55353364':{'en': 'Pouso Alto - MG', 'pt': 'Pouso Alto - MG'}, '55143487':{'en': u('J\u00falio Mesquita - SP'), 'pt': u('J\u00falio Mesquita - SP')}, '55143481':{'en': u('Mar\u00edlia - SP'), 'pt': u('Mar\u00edlia - SP')}, '55353361':{'en': 'Itanhandu - MG', 'pt': 'Itanhandu - MG'}, '55513340':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55543210':{'en': 'Passo Fundo - RS', 'pt': 'Passo Fundo - RS'}, '55533310':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55643682':{'en': u('Turv\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Turv\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623407':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Miguel do Passa Quatro - GO'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Miguel do Passa Quatro - GO')}, '55713315':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55623406':{'en': u('Buritin\u00f3polis - GO'), 'pt': u('Buritin\u00f3polis - GO')}, '55543217':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55222674':{'en': 'Araruama - RJ', 'pt': 'Araruama - RJ'}, '55222673':{'en': 'Araruama - RJ', 'pt': 'Araruama - RJ'}, '55643684':{'en': u('Auril\u00e2ndia - GO'), 'pt': u('Auril\u00e2ndia - GO')}, '55733051':{'en': u('Alcoba\u00e7a - BA'), 'pt': u('Alcoba\u00e7a - BA')}, '55212234':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212235':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55493622':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Miguel do Oeste - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Miguel do Oeste - SC')}, '55493623':{'en': 'Descanso - SC', 'pt': 'Descanso - SC'}, '55212237':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55493626':{'en': 'Bandeirante - SC', 'pt': 'Bandeirante - SC'}, '55493627':{'en': u('Para\u00edso - SC'), 'pt': u('Para\u00edso - SC')}, '55493624':{'en': u('Romel\u00e2ndia - SC'), 'pt': u('Romel\u00e2ndia - SC')}, '55493625':{'en': 'Belmonte - SC', 'pt': 'Belmonte - SC'}, '55243065':{'en': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55243064':{'en': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55212231':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212601':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ')}, '55212603':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ')}, '55212602':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ')}, '55212605':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ')}, '55212604':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ')}, '55793045':{'en': 'Aracaju - SE', 'pt': 'Aracaju - SE'}, '55212606':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ')}, '55212609':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55212608':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55212233':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55733684':{'en': 'Itamaraty - BA', 'pt': 'Itamaraty - BA'}, '55313064':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55693235':{'en': 'Porto Velho - RO', 'pt': 'Porto Velho - RO'}, '55383525':{'en': u('Senador Modestino Gon\u00e7alves - MG'), 'pt': u('Senador Modestino Gon\u00e7alves - MG')}, '55613391':{'en': u('Brazl\u00e2ndia - DF'), 'pt': u('Brazl\u00e2ndia - DF')}, '55383527':{'en': 'Turmalina - MG', 'pt': 'Turmalina - MG'}, '55383526':{'en': 'Carbonita - MG', 'pt': 'Carbonita - MG'}, '55383521':{'en': 'Itamarandiba - MG', 'pt': 'Itamarandiba - MG'}, '55613395':{'en': 'Santa Maria - DF', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - DF'}, '55383523':{'en': u('Fel\u00edcio dos Santos - MG'), 'pt': u('Fel\u00edcio dos Santos - MG')}, '55613397':{'en': 'Taguatinga - DF', 'pt': 'Taguatinga - DF'}, '55733680':{'en': u('Ilh\u00e9us - BA'), 'pt': u('Ilh\u00e9us - BA')}, '55193898':{'en': u('Lind\u00f3ia - SP'), 'pt': u('Lind\u00f3ia - SP')}, '55193899':{'en': 'Monte Alegre do Sul - SP', 'pt': 'Monte Alegre do Sul - SP'}, '55493482':{'en': u('Conc\u00f3rdia - SC'), 'pt': u('Conc\u00f3rdia - SC')}, '55193892':{'en': 'Serra Negra - SP', 'pt': 'Serra Negra - SP'}, '55193893':{'en': 'Pedreira - SP', 'pt': 'Pedreira - SP'}, '55193891':{'en': u('Mogi-Gua\u00e7u - SP'), 'pt': u('Mogi-Gua\u00e7u - SP')}, '55193896':{'en': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio de Posse - SP'), 'pt': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio de Posse - SP')}, '55173694':{'en': 'Dirce Reis - SP', 'pt': 'Dirce Reis - SP'}, '55193894':{'en': 'Indaiatuba - SP', 'pt': 'Indaiatuba - SP'}, '55193895':{'en': 'Socorro - SP', 'pt': 'Socorro - SP'}, '55484003':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55153557':{'en': u('Ita\u00f3ca - SP'), 'pt': u('Ita\u00f3ca - SP')}, '55153556':{'en': 'Iporanga - SP', 'pt': 'Iporanga - SP'}, '55153554':{'en': u('Barra do Chap\u00e9u - SP'), 'pt': u('Barra do Chap\u00e9u - SP')}, '55183581':{'en': u('Fl\u00f3rida Paulista - SP'), 'pt': u('Fl\u00f3rida Paulista - SP')}, '55183583':{'en': u('Rin\u00f3polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Rin\u00f3polis - SP')}, '55183582':{'en': u('Parapu\u00e3 - SP'), 'pt': u('Parapu\u00e3 - SP')}, '55183586':{'en': u('Mari\u00e1polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Mari\u00e1polis - SP')}, '55553268':{'en': 'Dona Francisca - RS', 'pt': 'Dona Francisca - RS'}, '55673410':{'en': 'Dourados - MS', 'pt': 'Dourados - MS'}, '55242222':{'en': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55242223':{'en': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55242220':{'en': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55242221':{'en': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55242224':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Vale do Rio Preto - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Vale do Rio Preto - RJ')}, '55242225':{'en': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55424062':{'en': 'Ponta Grossa - PR', 'pt': 'Ponta Grossa - PR'}, '55424063':{'en': 'Ponta Grossa - PR', 'pt': 'Ponta Grossa - PR'}, '55242228':{'en': u('Secret\u00e1rio - RJ'), 'pt': u('Secret\u00e1rio - RJ')}, '55483583':{'en': u('Balne\u00e1rio Gaivota - SC'), 'pt': u('Balne\u00e1rio Gaivota - SC')}, '55653646':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55673413':{'en': 'Panambi - MS', 'pt': 'Panambi - MS'}, '55653644':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55323286':{'en': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio do Aventureiro - MG'), 'pt': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio do Aventureiro - MG')}, '55323287':{'en': 'Senador Cortes - MG', 'pt': 'Senador Cortes - MG'}, '55323284':{'en': 'Belmiro Braga - MG', 'pt': 'Belmiro Braga - MG'}, '55323285':{'en': 'Chiador - MG', 'pt': 'Chiador - MG'}, '55323282':{'en': 'Pedro Teixeira - MG', 'pt': 'Pedro Teixeira - MG'}, '55323283':{'en': 'Rio Preto - MG', 'pt': 'Rio Preto - MG'}, '55323281':{'en': 'Lima Duarte - MG', 'pt': 'Lima Duarte - MG'}, '55553263':{'en': 'Faxinal do Soturno - RS', 'pt': 'Faxinal do Soturno - RS'}, '55323288':{'en': 'Olaria - MG', 'pt': 'Olaria - MG'}, '55553262':{'en': u('Para\u00edso do Sul - RS'), 'pt': u('Para\u00edso do Sul - RS')}, '55613242':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55673412':{'en': 'Douradina - MS', 'pt': 'Douradina - MS'}, '55553265':{'en': 'Agudo - RS', 'pt': 'Agudo - RS'}, '55513522':{'en': 'Morro da Pedra - RS', 'pt': 'Morro da Pedra - RS'}, '55553267':{'en': u('Ivor\u00e1 - RS'), 'pt': u('Ivor\u00e1 - RS')}, '55314003':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55553266':{'en': 'Nova Palma - RS', 'pt': 'Nova Palma - RS'}, '55753294':{'en': u('\u00c1gua Fria - BA'), 'pt': u('\u00c1gua Fria - BA')}, '55663533':{'en': 'Sinop - MT', 'pt': 'Sinop - MT'}, '55663532':{'en': 'Sinop - MT', 'pt': 'Sinop - MT'}, '55663531':{'en': 'Sinop - MT', 'pt': 'Sinop - MT'}, '55413562':{'en': 'Colombo - PR', 'pt': 'Colombo - PR'}, '55663537':{'en': u('Nova Maring\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Nova Maring\u00e1 - MT')}, '55663536':{'en': u('Marcel\u00e2ndia - MT'), 'pt': u('Marcel\u00e2ndia - MT')}, '55663535':{'en': 'Sinop - MT', 'pt': 'Sinop - MT'}, '55663534':{'en': 'Terra Nova do Norte - MT', 'pt': 'Terra Nova do Norte - MT'}, '55693541':{'en': u('Guajar\u00e1-Mirim - RO'), 'pt': u('Guajar\u00e1-Mirim - RO')}, '55413083':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55663539':{'en': 'Novo Mundo - MT', 'pt': 'Novo Mundo - MT'}, '55313080':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55693544':{'en': u('Nova Mamor\u00e9 - RO'), 'pt': u('Nova Mamor\u00e9 - RO')}, '55313084':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55153211':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55153212':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55153213':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55314004':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55153217':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55153218':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55153219':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55653649':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55673414':{'en': 'Vila Vargas - MS', 'pt': 'Vila Vargas - MS'}, '55543444':{'en': u('Serafina Corr\u00eaa - RS'), 'pt': u('Serafina Corr\u00eaa - RS')}, '55543445':{'en': 'Fagundes Varela - RS', 'pt': 'Fagundes Varela - RS'}, '55543446':{'en': u('Cotipor\u00e3 - RS'), 'pt': u('Cotipor\u00e3 - RS')}, '55543447':{'en': 'Vila Flores - RS', 'pt': 'Vila Flores - RS'}, '55543441':{'en': u('Veran\u00f3polis - RS'), 'pt': u('Veran\u00f3polis - RS')}, '55543443':{'en': u('Guapor\u00e9 - RS'), 'pt': u('Guapor\u00e9 - RS')}, '55543449':{'en': u('Bento Gon\u00e7alves - RS'), 'pt': u('Bento Gon\u00e7alves - RS')}, '55643534':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55413883':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55633463':{'en': 'Aragominas - TO', 'pt': 'Aragominas - TO'}, '55313335':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313337':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55413669':{'en': 'Pinhais - PR', 'pt': 'Pinhais - PR'}, '55313339':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313338':{'en': 'Nova Lima - MG', 'pt': 'Nova Lima - MG'}, '55413664':{'en': 'Doutor Ulysses - PR', 'pt': 'Doutor Ulysses - PR'}, '55413665':{'en': 'Pinhais - PR', 'pt': 'Pinhais - PR'}, '55413662':{'en': 'Cerro Azul - PR', 'pt': 'Cerro Azul - PR'}, '55413663':{'en': 'Colombo - PR', 'pt': 'Colombo - PR'}, '55633465':{'en': 'Itapiratins - TO', 'pt': 'Itapiratins - TO'}, '55473439':{'en': 'Joinville - SC', 'pt': 'Joinville - SC'}, '55633466':{'en': 'Pedro Afonso - TO', 'pt': 'Pedro Afonso - TO'}, '55753684':{'en': 'Ichu - BA', 'pt': 'Ichu - BA'}, '55473434':{'en': 'Joinville - SC', 'pt': 'Joinville - SC'}, '55473437':{'en': 'Joinville - SC', 'pt': 'Joinville - SC'}, '55473436':{'en': 'Joinville - SC', 'pt': 'Joinville - SC'}, '55473431':{'en': 'Joinville - SC', 'pt': 'Joinville - SC'}, '55473433':{'en': 'Joinville - SC', 'pt': 'Joinville - SC'}, '55473432':{'en': 'Joinville - SC', 'pt': 'Joinville - SC'}, '5579':{'en': 'Sergipe', 'pt': 'Sergipe'}, '55773664':{'en': 'Paratinga - BA', 'pt': 'Paratinga - BA'}, '55773667':{'en': u('Pinda\u00ed - BA'), 'pt': u('Pinda\u00ed - BA')}, '55493645':{'en': 'Guaraciaba - SC', 'pt': 'Guaraciaba - SC'}, '55413212':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55712105':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55712104':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55712106':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55712101':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55513694':{'en': u('Minas do Le\u00e3o - RS'), 'pt': u('Minas do Le\u00e3o - RS')}, '55712102':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55413217':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55712109':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55712108':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55163668':{'en': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio da Alegria - SP'), 'pt': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio da Alegria - SP')}, '55163669':{'en': u('C\u00e1ssia dos Coqueiros - SP'), 'pt': u('C\u00e1ssia dos Coqueiros - SP')}, '55163662':{'en': 'Batatais - SP', 'pt': 'Batatais - SP'}, '55163663':{'en': u('Jardin\u00f3polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Jardin\u00f3polis - SP')}, '55163660':{'en': 'Batatais - SP', 'pt': 'Batatais - SP'}, '55163661':{'en': 'Batatais - SP', 'pt': 'Batatais - SP'}, '55163666':{'en': u('Santa Cruz da Esperan\u00e7a - SP'), 'pt': u('Santa Cruz da Esperan\u00e7a - SP')}, '55163667':{'en': 'Cajuru - SP', 'pt': 'Cajuru - SP'}, '55163664':{'en': 'Brodowski - SP', 'pt': 'Brodowski - SP'}, '55163665':{'en': u('Altin\u00f3polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Altin\u00f3polis - SP')}, '55633399':{'en': 'Sucupira - TO', 'pt': 'Sucupira - TO'}, '55633393':{'en': 'Chapada da Natividade - TO', 'pt': 'Chapada da Natividade - TO'}, '55633396':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Salvador do Tocantins - TO'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Salvador do Tocantins - TO')}, '55633397':{'en': 'Pugmil - TO', 'pt': 'Pugmil - TO'}, '55633394':{'en': u('Sandol\u00e2ndia - TO'), 'pt': u('Sandol\u00e2ndia - TO')}, '55483369':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55533231':{'en': 'Rio Grande - RS', 'pt': 'Rio Grande - RS'}, '55183871':{'en': 'Panorama - SP', 'pt': 'Panorama - SP'}, '55143543':{'en': u('Promiss\u00e3o - SP'), 'pt': u('Promiss\u00e3o - SP')}, '55183872':{'en': 'Ouro Verde - SP', 'pt': 'Ouro Verde - SP'}, '55212458':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55143547':{'en': u('Guai\u00e7ara - SP'), 'pt': u('Guai\u00e7ara - SP')}, '55143546':{'en': 'Sabino - SP', 'pt': 'Sabino - SP'}, '55212454':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212455':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212456':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212457':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212450':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212452':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212453':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55493649':{'en': 'Barra Bonita - SC', 'pt': 'Barra Bonita - SC'}, '55152108':{'en': u('Tiet\u00ea - SP'), 'pt': u('Tiet\u00ea - SP')}, '55152107':{'en': 'Porto Feliz - SP', 'pt': 'Porto Feliz - SP'}, '55152105':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55152104':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55152102':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55152101':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55273079':{'en': 'Serra - ES', 'pt': 'Serra - ES'}, '55273076':{'en': 'Cariacica - ES', 'pt': 'Cariacica - ES'}, '55273072':{'en': 'Vila Velha - ES', 'pt': 'Vila Velha - ES'}, '55273071':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55713674':{'en': 'Bahia', 'pt': 'Bahia'}, '55423519':{'en': u('Uni\u00e3o da Vit\u00f3ria - PR'), 'pt': u('Uni\u00e3o da Vit\u00f3ria - PR')}, '55353444':{'en': 'Jacutinga - MG', 'pt': 'Jacutinga - MG'}, '55713671':{'en': u('Cama\u00e7ari - BA'), 'pt': u('Cama\u00e7ari - BA')}, '55163934':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55423511':{'en': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio do Iratim - PR'), 'pt': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio do Iratim - PR')}, '55423516':{'en': 'Rio Claro do Sul - PR', 'pt': 'Rio Claro do Sul - PR'}, '55513692':{'en': u('Camaqu\u00e3 - RS'), 'pt': u('Camaqu\u00e3 - RS')}, '55434063':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55434062':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55753487':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55623412':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55543208':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55543209':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55543206':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55543207':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Br\u00e1s - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Br\u00e1s - RS')}, '55543204':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55543205':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55543202':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55543203':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55543201':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55513486':{'en': 'Morungava - RS', 'pt': 'Morungava - RS'}, '55753483':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55173562':{'en': u('Tabapu\u00e3 - SP'), 'pt': u('Tabapu\u00e3 - SP')}, '55753481':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55173893':{'en': 'Palestina - SP', 'pt': 'Palestina - SP'}, '55213492':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55533239':{'en': 'Rio Grande - RS', 'pt': 'Rio Grande - RS'}, '55714111':{'en': u('Cama\u00e7ari - BA'), 'pt': u('Cama\u00e7ari - BA')}, '55643489':{'en': u('\u00c1gua Limpa - GO'), 'pt': u('\u00c1gua Limpa - GO')}, '55643480':{'en': 'Edealina - GO', 'pt': 'Edealina - GO'}, '55513235':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55493549':{'en': 'Vargem - SC', 'pt': 'Vargem - SC'}, '55493548':{'en': 'Vargem Bonita - SC', 'pt': 'Vargem Bonita - SC'}, '55493019':{'en': 'Lages - SC', 'pt': 'Lages - SC'}, '55493018':{'en': 'Lages - SC', 'pt': 'Lages - SC'}, '55753544':{'en': u('Uba\u00edra - BA'), 'pt': u('Uba\u00edra - BA')}, '55753545':{'en': 'Milagres - BA', 'pt': 'Milagres - BA'}, '55493015':{'en': 'Lages - SC', 'pt': 'Lages - SC'}, '55493542':{'en': 'Erval Velho - SC', 'pt': 'Erval Velho - SC'}, '55493541':{'en': 'Campos Novos - SC', 'pt': 'Campos Novos - SC'}, '55493547':{'en': 'Celso Ramos - SC', 'pt': 'Celso Ramos - SC'}, '55493546':{'en': 'Monte Carlo - SC', 'pt': 'Monte Carlo - SC'}, '55493545':{'en': 'Abdon Batista - SC', 'pt': 'Abdon Batista - SC'}, '55493544':{'en': 'Campos Novos - SC', 'pt': 'Campos Novos - SC'}, '55613443':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55513793':{'en': u('Ven\u00e2ncio Aires - RS'), 'pt': u('Ven\u00e2ncio Aires - RS')}, '55242411':{'en': u('Barra do Pira\u00ed - RJ'), 'pt': u('Barra do Pira\u00ed - RJ')}, '55163326':{'en': u('Boa Esperan\u00e7a do Sul - SP'), 'pt': u('Boa Esperan\u00e7a do Sul - SP')}, '55163324':{'en': 'Araraquara - SP', 'pt': 'Araraquara - SP'}, '55163323':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163322':{'en': 'Araraquara - SP', 'pt': 'Araraquara - SP'}, '55163321':{'en': 'Tabatinga - SP', 'pt': 'Tabatinga - SP'}, '55183648':{'en': 'Juritis - SP', 'pt': 'Juritis - SP'}, '55313651':{'en': u('Caet\u00e9 - MG'), 'pt': u('Caet\u00e9 - MG')}, '55183646':{'en': 'Brejo Alegre - SP', 'pt': 'Brejo Alegre - SP'}, '55183647':{'en': u('Glic\u00e9rio - SP'), 'pt': u('Glic\u00e9rio - SP')}, '55183644':{'en': 'Birigui - SP', 'pt': 'Birigui - SP'}, '55183645':{'en': 'Coroados - SP', 'pt': 'Coroados - SP'}, '55343972':{'en': 'Uberaba - MG', 'pt': 'Uberaba - MG'}, '55183643':{'en': 'Birigui - SP', 'pt': 'Birigui - SP'}, '55513018':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55183641':{'en': 'Birigui - SP', 'pt': 'Birigui - SP'}, '55713198':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55373278':{'en': 'Pequi - MG', 'pt': 'Pequi - MG'}, '55163491':{'en': u('Sert\u00e3ozinho - SP'), 'pt': u('Sert\u00e3ozinho - SP')}, '55513231':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55493574':{'en': 'Macieira - SC', 'pt': 'Macieira - SC'}, '55613026':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613027':{'en': 'Taguatinga - DF', 'pt': 'Taguatinga - DF'}, '55513278':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55323348':{'en': u('Cipot\u00e2nea - MG'), 'pt': u('Cipot\u00e2nea - MG')}, '55653513':{'en': 'Lucas do Rio Verde - MT', 'pt': 'Lucas do Rio Verde - MT'}, '55663301':{'en': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT'), 'pt': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT')}, '55323343':{'en': u('Senhora dos Rem\u00e9dios - MG'), 'pt': u('Senhora dos Rem\u00e9dios - MG')}, '55323342':{'en': 'Santa Rita de Ibitipoca - MG', 'pt': 'Santa Rita de Ibitipoca - MG'}, '55323341':{'en': 'Ressaquinha - MG', 'pt': 'Ressaquinha - MG'}, '55313431':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55323347':{'en': 'Ibertioga - MG', 'pt': 'Ibertioga - MG'}, '55323346':{'en': u('Ant\u00f4nio Carlos - MG'), 'pt': u('Ant\u00f4nio Carlos - MG')}, '55323345':{'en': 'Alto Rio Doce - MG', 'pt': 'Alto Rio Doce - MG'}, '55313435':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55143844':{'en': u('Prat\u00e2nia - SP'), 'pt': u('Prat\u00e2nia - SP')}, '55143845':{'en': 'Conchas - SP', 'pt': 'Conchas - SP'}, '55143846':{'en': u('Arei\u00f3polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Arei\u00f3polis - SP')}, '55143847':{'en': 'Itatinga - SP', 'pt': 'Itatinga - SP'}, '55143841':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Manuel - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Manuel - SP')}, '55143842':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Manuel - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Manuel - SP')}, '55373273':{'en': u('On\u00e7a de Pitangui - MG'), 'pt': u('On\u00e7a de Pitangui - MG')}, '55472106':{'en': u('Jaragu\u00e1 do Sul - SC'), 'pt': u('Jaragu\u00e1 do Sul - SC')}, '55143848':{'en': 'Itatinga - SP', 'pt': 'Itatinga - SP'}, '55343251':{'en': u('Santa Vit\u00f3ria - MG'), 'pt': u('Santa Vit\u00f3ria - MG')}, '55472107':{'en': u('Jaragu\u00e1 do Sul - SC'), 'pt': u('Jaragu\u00e1 do Sul - SC')}, '55193243':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193717':{'en': 'Limeira - SP', 'pt': 'Limeira - SP'}, '55193716':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193246':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193713':{'en': 'Limeira - SP', 'pt': 'Limeira - SP'}, '55373276':{'en': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o do Par\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o do Par\u00e1 - MG')}, '55193249':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55373277':{'en': 'Leandro Ferreira - MG', 'pt': 'Leandro Ferreira - MG'}, '55373274':{'en': 'Papagaios - MG', 'pt': 'Papagaios - MG'}, '55213852':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55383845':{'en': 'Taiobeiras - MG', 'pt': 'Taiobeiras - MG'}, '55383842':{'en': 'Salinas - MG', 'pt': 'Salinas - MG'}, '55383843':{'en': 'Novorizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Novorizonte - MG'}, '55383841':{'en': 'Salinas - MG', 'pt': 'Salinas - MG'}, '55463540':{'en': 'Pranchita - PR', 'pt': 'Pranchita - PR'}, '55173639':{'en': 'Populina - SP', 'pt': 'Populina - SP'}, '55463542':{'en': 'Santa Izabel do Oeste - PR', 'pt': 'Santa Izabel do Oeste - PR'}, '55463543':{'en': 'Realeza - PR', 'pt': 'Realeza - PR'}, '55463544':{'en': u('En\u00e9as Marques - PR'), 'pt': u('En\u00e9as Marques - PR')}, '55463545':{'en': u('Nova Prata do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Nova Prata do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55463546':{'en': u('Nova Esperan\u00e7a do Sudoeste - PR'), 'pt': u('Nova Esperan\u00e7a do Sudoeste - PR')}, '55463547':{'en': u('Amp\u00e9re - PR'), 'pt': u('Amp\u00e9re - PR')}, '55463548':{'en': 'Bom Jesus do Sul - PR', 'pt': 'Bom Jesus do Sul - PR'}, '55463549':{'en': 'Realeza - PR', 'pt': 'Realeza - PR'}, '55173632':{'en': 'Jales - SP', 'pt': 'Jales - SP'}, '55173633':{'en': 'Santa Albertina - SP', 'pt': 'Santa Albertina - SP'}, '55173634':{'en': u('Ur\u00e2nia - SP'), 'pt': u('Ur\u00e2nia - SP')}, '55173635':{'en': 'Aparecida D\'Oeste - SP', 'pt': 'Aparecida D\'Oeste - SP'}, '55173636':{'en': u('Dolcin\u00f3polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Dolcin\u00f3polis - SP')}, '55173637':{'en': u('Guzol\u00e2ndia - SP'), 'pt': u('Guzol\u00e2ndia - SP')}, '55213855':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55483626':{'en': u('Tubar\u00e3o - SC'), 'pt': u('Tubar\u00e3o - SC')}, '55483625':{'en': 'Treze de Maio - SC', 'pt': 'Treze de Maio - SC'}, '55213322':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55483623':{'en': 'Capivari de Baixo - SC', 'pt': 'Capivari de Baixo - SC'}, '55483622':{'en': u('Tubar\u00e3o - SC'), 'pt': u('Tubar\u00e3o - SC')}, '55753424':{'en': 'Muritiba - BA', 'pt': 'Muritiba - BA'}, '55742102':{'en': 'Juazeiro - BA', 'pt': 'Juazeiro - BA'}, '55693485':{'en': u('Espig\u00e3o D\'Oeste - RO'), 'pt': u('Espig\u00e3o D\'Oeste - RO')}, '55153379':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Miguel Arcanjo - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Miguel Arcanjo - SP')}, '55153378':{'en': 'Pilar do Sul - SP', 'pt': 'Pilar do Sul - SP'}, '55323754':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Francisco do Gl\u00f3ria - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Francisco do Gl\u00f3ria - MG')}, '55323755':{'en': 'Vieiras - MG', 'pt': 'Vieiras - MG'}, '55513902':{'en': 'Santa Cruz do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Cruz do Sul - RS'}, '55713444':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55323751':{'en': 'Tombos - MG', 'pt': 'Tombos - MG'}, '55323753':{'en': 'Miradouro - MG', 'pt': 'Miradouro - MG'}, '55153022':{'en': u('Tatu\u00ed - SP'), 'pt': u('Tatu\u00ed - SP')}, '55153026':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55353561':{'en': 'Carmo do Rio Claro - MG', 'pt': 'Carmo do Rio Claro - MG'}, '55353562':{'en': 'Nova Resende - MG', 'pt': 'Nova Resende - MG'}, '55353563':{'en': 'Bom Jesus da Penha - MG', 'pt': 'Bom Jesus da Penha - MG'}, '55353564':{'en': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o da Aparecida - MG'), 'pt': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o da Aparecida - MG')}, '55143714':{'en': u('Cerqueira C\u00e9sar - SP'), 'pt': u('Cerqueira C\u00e9sar - SP')}, '55483199':{'en': u('Tubar\u00e3o - SC'), 'pt': u('Tubar\u00e3o - SC')}, '55143711':{'en': u('Avar\u00e9 - SP'), 'pt': u('Avar\u00e9 - SP')}, '55143713':{'en': 'Paranapanema - SP', 'pt': 'Paranapanema - SP'}, '55553430':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Borja - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Borja - RS')}, '55553431':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Borja - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Borja - RS')}, '55414009':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55553433':{'en': 'Itaqui - RS', 'pt': 'Itaqui - RS'}, '55733276':{'en': 'Apuarema - BA', 'pt': 'Apuarema - BA'}, '55553435':{'en': u('Ma\u00e7ambara - RS'), 'pt': u('Ma\u00e7ambara - RS')}, '55733274':{'en': 'Vera Cruz - BA', 'pt': 'Vera Cruz - BA'}, '55414003':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55553387':{'en': 'Ajuricaba - RS', 'pt': 'Ajuricaba - RS'}, '55414001':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55733279':{'en': u('Teol\u00e2ndia - BA'), 'pt': u('Teol\u00e2ndia - BA')}, '55414007':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55753421':{'en': 'Alagoinhas - BA', 'pt': 'Alagoinhas - BA'}, '55553381':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Miguel das Miss\u00f5es - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Miguel das Miss\u00f5es - RS')}, '55433711':{'en': u('Camb\u00e9 - PR'), 'pt': u('Camb\u00e9 - PR')}, '55433717':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55373373':{'en': u('Capit\u00f3lio - MG'), 'pt': u('Capit\u00f3lio - MG')}, '55373371':{'en': 'Piumhi - MG', 'pt': 'Piumhi - MG'}, '55353301':{'en': u('Po\u00e7os de Caldas - MG'), 'pt': u('Po\u00e7os de Caldas - MG')}, '55223308':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Pedro da Aldeia - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Pedro da Aldeia - RJ')}, '55633612':{'en': 'Gurupi - TO', 'pt': 'Gurupi - TO'}, '55433904':{'en': u('Corn\u00e9lio Proc\u00f3pio - PR'), 'pt': u('Corn\u00e9lio Proc\u00f3pio - PR')}, '55433906':{'en': u('Rol\u00e2ndia - PR'), 'pt': u('Rol\u00e2ndia - PR')}, '55433901':{'en': 'Apucarana - PR', 'pt': 'Apucarana - PR'}, '55433675':{'en': u('Centen\u00e1rio do Sul - PR'), 'pt': u('Centen\u00e1rio do Sul - PR')}, '55222655':{'en': 'Saquarema - RJ', 'pt': 'Saquarema - RJ'}, '55222654':{'en': 'Sampaio Correia - RJ', 'pt': 'Sampaio Correia - RJ'}, '55222651':{'en': 'Saquarema - RJ', 'pt': 'Saquarema - RJ'}, '55222653':{'en': 'Saquarema - RJ', 'pt': 'Saquarema - RJ'}, '55222652':{'en': 'Saquarema - RJ', 'pt': 'Saquarema - RJ'}, '55373514':{'en': u('Abaet\u00e9 - MG'), 'pt': u('Abaet\u00e9 - MG')}, '55373513':{'en': u('Pomp\u00e9u - MG'), 'pt': u('Pomp\u00e9u - MG')}, '55373512':{'en': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55373511':{'en': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55753422':{'en': 'Alagoinhas - BA', 'pt': 'Alagoinhas - BA'}, '55453229':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55673323':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55673322':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55673321':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55673320':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55673495':{'en': 'Caracol - MS', 'pt': 'Caracol - MS'}, '55673325':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55673324':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55673499':{'en': 'Vila Nova Casa Verde - MS', 'pt': 'Vila Nova Casa Verde - MS'}, '55673498':{'en': u('Caarap\u00f3 - MS'), 'pt': u('Caarap\u00f3 - MS')}, '55613620':{'en': u('Luzi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Luzi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55613621':{'en': u('Luzi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Luzi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55613622':{'en': u('Luzi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Luzi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55613623':{'en': u('Luzi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Luzi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55613624':{'en': u('Valpara\u00edso de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Valpara\u00edso de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55613625':{'en': 'Cidade Ocidental - GO', 'pt': 'Cidade Ocidental - GO'}, '55613626':{'en': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio do Descoberto - GO'), 'pt': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio do Descoberto - GO')}, '55613627':{'en': u('Valpara\u00edso de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Valpara\u00edso de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55613628':{'en': 'Novo Gama - GO', 'pt': 'Novo Gama - GO'}, '55613629':{'en': u('Valpara\u00edso de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Valpara\u00edso de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55273194':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55273198':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55212667':{'en': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ')}, '55212666':{'en': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ')}, '55212665':{'en': 'Queimados - RJ', 'pt': 'Queimados - RJ'}, '55212664':{'en': 'Japeri - RJ', 'pt': 'Japeri - RJ'}, '55483532':{'en': 'Praia Grande - SC', 'pt': 'Praia Grande - SC'}, '55483531':{'en': 'Morro Grande - SC', 'pt': 'Morro Grande - SC'}, '55212669':{'en': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ')}, '55212668':{'en': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ')}, '55483537':{'en': 'Meleiro - SC', 'pt': 'Meleiro - SC'}, '55533293':{'en': 'Rio Grande - RS', 'pt': 'Rio Grande - RS'}, '55273229':{'en': 'Vila Velha - ES', 'pt': 'Vila Velha - ES'}, '55483535':{'en': 'Jacinto Machado - SC', 'pt': 'Jacinto Machado - SC'}, '55273222':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55273223':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55483534':{'en': 'Santa Rosa do Sul - SC', 'pt': 'Santa Rosa do Sul - SC'}, '55273227':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55273224':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55273225':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55193871':{'en': 'Valinhos - SP', 'pt': 'Valinhos - SP'}, '55193872':{'en': u('Cosm\u00f3polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Cosm\u00f3polis - SP')}, '55193873':{'en': u('Sumar\u00e9 - SP'), 'pt': u('Sumar\u00e9 - SP')}, '55193874':{'en': u('Paul\u00ednia - SP'), 'pt': u('Paul\u00ednia - SP')}, '55193875':{'en': 'Indaiatuba - SP', 'pt': 'Indaiatuba - SP'}, '55193876':{'en': 'Vinhedo - SP', 'pt': 'Vinhedo - SP'}, '55193877':{'en': 'Artur Nogueira - SP', 'pt': 'Artur Nogueira - SP'}, '55193878':{'en': 'Louveira - SP', 'pt': 'Louveira - SP'}, '55193879':{'en': 'Monte Mor - SP', 'pt': 'Monte Mor - SP'}, '5575':{'en': 'Bahia', 'pt': 'Bahia'}, '5574':{'en': 'Bahia', 'pt': 'Bahia'}, '5573':{'en': 'Bahia', 'pt': 'Bahia'}, '5571':{'en': 'Bahia', 'pt': 'Bahia'}, '55713232':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55643956':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55753429':{'en': 'Conde - BA', 'pt': 'Conde - BA'}, '55513485':{'en': u('Viam\u00e3o - RS'), 'pt': u('Viam\u00e3o - RS')}, '55513484':{'en': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS')}, '55513487':{'en': 'Glorinha - RS', 'pt': 'Glorinha - RS'}, '55513457':{'en': 'Rio Grande do Sul', 'pt': 'Rio Grande do Sul'}, '55513481':{'en': 'Eldorado do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Eldorado do Sul - RS'}, '55513480':{'en': u('Gua\u00edba - RS'), 'pt': u('Gua\u00edba - RS')}, '55513483':{'en': 'Alvorada - RS', 'pt': 'Alvorada - RS'}, '55513482':{'en': 'Barra do Ribeiro - RS', 'pt': 'Barra do Ribeiro - RS'}, '55513489':{'en': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS')}, '55513488':{'en': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS')}, '55623628':{'en': 'Novo Gama - GO', 'pt': 'Novo Gama - GO'}, '55623622':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623621':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55213534':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55623626':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623625':{'en': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623624':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55493202':{'en': u('Joa\u00e7aba - SC'), 'pt': u('Joa\u00e7aba - SC')}, '55173405':{'en': 'Votuporanga - SP', 'pt': 'Votuporanga - SP'}, '55514062':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55473312':{'en': u('Timb\u00f3 - SC'), 'pt': u('Timb\u00f3 - SC')}, '55413060':{'en': 'Fazenda Rio Grande - PR', 'pt': 'Fazenda Rio Grande - PR'}, '55413061':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413063':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55693526':{'en': 'Jaru - RO', 'pt': 'Jaru - RO'}, '55693525':{'en': 'Vale do Anari - RO', 'pt': 'Vale do Anari - RO'}, '55693524':{'en': 'Governador Jorge Teixeira - RO', 'pt': 'Governador Jorge Teixeira - RO'}, '55693523':{'en': 'Theobroma - RO', 'pt': 'Theobroma - RO'}, '55693521':{'en': 'Jaru - RO', 'pt': 'Jaru - RO'}, '55153236':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55153237':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55153234':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55153235':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55153232':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55153233':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55513226':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55153231':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55473317':{'en': 'Indaial - SC', 'pt': 'Indaial - SC'}, '55153238':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55153239':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55543468':{'en': 'Pinto Bandeira - RS', 'pt': 'Pinto Bandeira - RS'}, '55543462':{'en': 'Garibaldi - RS', 'pt': 'Garibaldi - RS'}, '55543463':{'en': 'Rio Grande do Sul', 'pt': 'Rio Grande do Sul'}, '55543461':{'en': 'Carlos Barbosa - RS', 'pt': 'Carlos Barbosa - RS'}, '55543464':{'en': 'Garibaldi - RS', 'pt': 'Garibaldi - RS'}, '55273302':{'en': 'Aracruz - ES', 'pt': 'Aracruz - ES'}, '55353231':{'en': u('Tr\u00eas Cora\u00e7\u00f5es - MG'), 'pt': u('Tr\u00eas Cora\u00e7\u00f5es - MG')}, '55413604':{'en': 'Fazenda Rio Grande - PR', 'pt': 'Fazenda Rio Grande - PR'}, '55413605':{'en': 'Colombo - PR', 'pt': 'Colombo - PR'}, '55413606':{'en': 'Colombo - PR', 'pt': 'Colombo - PR'}, '55413607':{'en': u('Arauc\u00e1ria - PR'), 'pt': u('Arauc\u00e1ria - PR')}, '55413601':{'en': 'Pinhais - PR', 'pt': 'Pinhais - PR'}, '55313351':{'en': 'Contagem - MG', 'pt': 'Contagem - MG'}, '55413603':{'en': u('Itaperu\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Itaperu\u00e7u - PR')}, '55353233':{'en': u('Tr\u00eas Cora\u00e7\u00f5es - MG'), 'pt': u('Tr\u00eas Cora\u00e7\u00f5es - MG')}, '55413608':{'en': 'Fazenda Rio Grande - PR', 'pt': 'Fazenda Rio Grande - PR'}, '55313358':{'en': 'Contagem - MG', 'pt': 'Contagem - MG'}, '55643996':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55443344':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55633509':{'en': u('Dian\u00f3polis - TO'), 'pt': u('Dian\u00f3polis - TO')}, '55513268':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513265':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55413465':{'en': 'Morretes - PR', 'pt': 'Morretes - PR'}, '55663511':{'en': 'Sinop - MT', 'pt': 'Sinop - MT'}, '55663510':{'en': 'Juara - MT', 'pt': 'Juara - MT'}, '55663513':{'en': 'Sorriso - MT', 'pt': 'Sorriso - MT'}, '55553363':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Nicolau - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Nicolau - RS')}, '55663515':{'en': 'Sinop - MT', 'pt': 'Sinop - MT'}, '55663517':{'en': 'Sinop - MT', 'pt': 'Sinop - MT'}, '55423323':{'en': 'Ponta Grossa - PR', 'pt': 'Ponta Grossa - PR'}, '55513261':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55484062':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55643621':{'en': 'Rio Verde - GO', 'pt': 'Rio Verde - GO'}, '55513262':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55643623':{'en': 'Rio Verde - GO', 'pt': 'Rio Verde - GO'}, '55643624':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55443568':{'en': u('Mambor\u00ea - PR'), 'pt': u('Mambor\u00ea - PR')}, '55443569':{'en': 'Juranda - PR', 'pt': 'Juranda - PR'}, '55633372':{'en': 'Natividade - TO', 'pt': 'Natividade - TO'}, '55633373':{'en': 'Almas - TO', 'pt': 'Almas - TO'}, '55633374':{'en': u('Figueir\u00f3polis - TO'), 'pt': u('Figueir\u00f3polis - TO')}, '55633375':{'en': 'Pindorama do Tocantins - TO', 'pt': 'Pindorama do Tocantins - TO'}, '55633376':{'en': u('Barrol\u00e2ndia - TO'), 'pt': u('Barrol\u00e2ndia - TO')}, '55633377':{'en': u('Alian\u00e7a do Tocantins - TO'), 'pt': u('Alian\u00e7a do Tocantins - TO')}, '55633378':{'en': 'Ponte Alta do Tocantins - TO', 'pt': 'Ponte Alta do Tocantins - TO'}, '55633379':{'en': 'Caseara - TO', 'pt': 'Caseara - TO'}, '55443562':{'en': 'Araruna - PR', 'pt': 'Araruna - PR'}, '55443563':{'en': 'Farol - PR', 'pt': 'Farol - PR'}, '55443565':{'en': 'Tuneiras do Oeste - PR', 'pt': 'Tuneiras do Oeste - PR'}, '55443566':{'en': 'Juranda - PR', 'pt': 'Juranda - PR'}, '55443567':{'en': 'Quinta do Sol - PR', 'pt': 'Quinta do Sol - PR'}, '55644008':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55483381':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC')}, '55353799':{'en': 'Caldas - MG', 'pt': 'Caldas - MG'}, '55353798':{'en': 'Areado - MG', 'pt': 'Areado - MG'}, '55644001':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55644003':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55644005':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55644006':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55644007':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55193501':{'en': u('Hortol\u00e2ndia - SP'), 'pt': u('Hortol\u00e2ndia - SP')}, '55193502':{'en': 'Rio Claro - SP', 'pt': 'Rio Claro - SP'}, '55212471':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55143523':{'en': 'Lins - SP', 'pt': 'Lins - SP'}, '55143522':{'en': 'Lins - SP', 'pt': 'Lins - SP'}, '55212474':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212475':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55193508':{'en': 'Araras - SP', 'pt': 'Araras - SP'}, '55673433':{'en': u('Ponta Por\u00e3 - MS'), 'pt': u('Ponta Por\u00e3 - MS')}, '55193055':{'en': 'Pirassununga - SP', 'pt': 'Pirassununga - SP'}, '55193053':{'en': 'Leme - SP', 'pt': 'Leme - SP'}, '55143529':{'en': 'Lins - SP', 'pt': 'Lins - SP'}, '55713384':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713385':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713386':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713387':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713380':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55673432':{'en': u('Ponta Por\u00e3 - MS'), 'pt': u('Ponta Por\u00e3 - MS')}, '55713388':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55443906':{'en': 'Umuarama - PR', 'pt': 'Umuarama - PR'}, '55313357':{'en': 'Contagem - MG', 'pt': 'Contagem - MG'}, '55273051':{'en': 'Serra - ES', 'pt': 'Serra - ES'}, '55222222':{'en': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ', 'pt': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ'}, '55313356':{'en': 'Contagem - MG', 'pt': 'Contagem - MG'}, '55673431':{'en': u('Ponta Por\u00e3 - MS'), 'pt': u('Ponta Por\u00e3 - MS')}, '55773616':{'en': 'Formosa do Rio Preto - BA', 'pt': 'Formosa do Rio Preto - BA'}, '55713652':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Francisco do Conde - BA'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Francisco do Conde - BA')}, '55713651':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Francisco do Conde - BA'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Francisco do Conde - BA')}, '55713656':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o do Pass\u00e9 - BA'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o do Pass\u00e9 - BA')}, '55713655':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o do Pass\u00e9 - BA'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o do Pass\u00e9 - BA')}, '55423533':{'en': u('Ant\u00f4nio Olinto - PR'), 'pt': u('Ant\u00f4nio Olinto - PR')}, '55423532':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Mateus do Sul - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Mateus do Sul - PR')}, '55443260':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55773617':{'en': u('Baian\u00f3polis - BA'), 'pt': u('Baian\u00f3polis - BA')}, '55493908':{'en': 'Fraiburgo - SC', 'pt': 'Fraiburgo - SC'}, '55452101':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55452102':{'en': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55452103':{'en': 'Toledo - PR', 'pt': 'Toledo - PR'}, '55452104':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55452105':{'en': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55733047':{'en': u('Jequi\u00e9 - BA'), 'pt': u('Jequi\u00e9 - BA')}, '55733046':{'en': u('Jequi\u00e9 - BA'), 'pt': u('Jequi\u00e9 - BA')}, '55543268':{'en': 'Farroupilha - RS', 'pt': 'Farroupilha - RS'}, '55623438':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o D\'Alian\u00e7a - GO'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o D\'Alian\u00e7a - GO')}, '55753526':{'en': 'Maragogipe - BA', 'pt': 'Maragogipe - BA'}, '55493907':{'en': 'Lages - SC', 'pt': 'Lages - SC'}, '55443265':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55493905':{'en': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC'), 'pt': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC')}, '55243388':{'en': 'Resende - RJ', 'pt': 'Resende - RJ'}, '55243389':{'en': 'Barra Mansa - RJ', 'pt': 'Barra Mansa - RJ'}, '55243381':{'en': 'Resende - RJ', 'pt': 'Resende - RJ'}, '55243387':{'en': u('Visconde de Mau\u00e1 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Visconde de Mau\u00e1 - RJ')}, '55474104':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Bento do Sul - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Bento do Sul - SC')}, '55474105':{'en': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC'), 'pt': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC')}, '55733617':{'en': 'Itabuna - BA', 'pt': 'Itabuna - BA'}, '55163042':{'en': u('Sert\u00e3ozinho - SP'), 'pt': u('Sert\u00e3ozinho - SP')}, '55163041':{'en': u('Sert\u00e3ozinho - SP'), 'pt': u('Sert\u00e3ozinho - SP')}, '55474108':{'en': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC'), 'pt': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC')}, '55533255':{'en': u('Pedro Os\u00f3rio - RS'), 'pt': u('Pedro Os\u00f3rio - RS')}, '55613459':{'en': 'Samambaia Sul - DF', 'pt': 'Samambaia Sul - DF'}, '55613458':{'en': 'Samambaia Sul - DF', 'pt': 'Samambaia Sul - DF'}, '55733612':{'en': 'Itabuna - BA', 'pt': 'Itabuna - BA'}, '55333431':{'en': u('Santa Maria do Sua\u00e7u\u00ed - MG'), 'pt': u('Santa Maria do Sua\u00e7u\u00ed - MG')}, '55613453':{'en': 'Sobradinho - DF', 'pt': 'Sobradinho - DF'}, '55333432':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o do Maranh\u00e3o - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o do Maranh\u00e3o - MG')}, '55613454':{'en': 'Sobradinho - DF', 'pt': 'Sobradinho - DF'}, '55493561':{'en': u('Ca\u00e7ador - SC'), 'pt': u('Ca\u00e7ador - SC')}, '55493563':{'en': u('Ca\u00e7ador - SC'), 'pt': u('Ca\u00e7ador - SC')}, '55493562':{'en': 'Pinheiro Preto - SC', 'pt': 'Pinheiro Preto - SC'}, '55493564':{'en': 'Rio das Antas - SC', 'pt': 'Rio das Antas - SC'}, '55493567':{'en': u('Ca\u00e7ador - SC'), 'pt': u('Ca\u00e7ador - SC')}, '55493566':{'en': 'Videira - SC', 'pt': 'Videira - SC'}, '55333434':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Pedro do Sua\u00e7u\u00ed - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Pedro do Sua\u00e7u\u00ed - MG')}, '55463559':{'en': u('Quedas do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Quedas do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55333435':{'en': 'Coluna - MG', 'pt': 'Coluna - MG'}, '55513211':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55333436':{'en': 'Rio Vermelho - MG', 'pt': 'Rio Vermelho - MG'}, '55163305':{'en': 'Araraquara - SP', 'pt': 'Araraquara - SP'}, '55163304':{'en': 'Araraquara - SP', 'pt': 'Araraquara - SP'}, '55163307':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP')}, '55163306':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP')}, '55163301':{'en': 'Araraquara - SP', 'pt': 'Araraquara - SP'}, '55163303':{'en': 'Araraquara - SP', 'pt': 'Araraquara - SP'}, '55553543':{'en': 'Tuparendi - RS', 'pt': 'Tuparendi - RS'}, '55163308':{'en': u('Gavi\u00e3o Peixoto - SP'), 'pt': u('Gavi\u00e3o Peixoto - SP')}, '55513212':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55313634':{'en': 'Santa Luzia - MG', 'pt': 'Santa Luzia - MG'}, '55513075':{'en': 'Canoas - RS', 'pt': 'Canoas - RS'}, '55313637':{'en': 'Santa Luzia - MG', 'pt': 'Santa Luzia - MG'}, '55193454':{'en': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara D\'Oeste - SP'), 'pt': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara D\'Oeste - SP')}, '55183624':{'en': u('Ara\u00e7atuba - SP'), 'pt': u('Ara\u00e7atuba - SP')}, '55183625':{'en': u('Ara\u00e7atuba - SP'), 'pt': u('Ara\u00e7atuba - SP')}, '55183621':{'en': u('Ara\u00e7atuba - SP'), 'pt': u('Ara\u00e7atuba - SP')}, '55183622':{'en': u('Ara\u00e7atuba - SP'), 'pt': u('Ara\u00e7atuba - SP')}, '55183623':{'en': u('Ara\u00e7atuba - SP'), 'pt': u('Ara\u00e7atuba - SP')}, '55373691':{'en': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55613048':{'en': 'Taguatinga - DF', 'pt': 'Taguatinga - DF'}, '55613044':{'en': 'Taguatinga - DF', 'pt': 'Taguatinga - DF'}, '55613045':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55513214':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55613043':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55323361':{'en': u('Caranda\u00ed - MG'), 'pt': u('Caranda\u00ed - MG')}, '55443352':{'en': u('Santo In\u00e1cio - PR'), 'pt': u('Santo In\u00e1cio - PR')}, '55323363':{'en': 'Lagoa Dourada - MG', 'pt': 'Lagoa Dourada - MG'}, '55323362':{'en': 'Barbacena - MG', 'pt': 'Barbacena - MG'}, '55323365':{'en': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara do Tug\u00fario - MG'), 'pt': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara do Tug\u00fario - MG')}, '55323364':{'en': 'Paiva - MG', 'pt': 'Paiva - MG'}, '55323367':{'en': 'Alfredo Vasconcelos - MG', 'pt': 'Alfredo Vasconcelos - MG'}, '55323366':{'en': 'Oliveira Fortes - MG', 'pt': 'Oliveira Fortes - MG'}, '55333581':{'en': u('Nova M\u00f3dica - MG'), 'pt': u('Nova M\u00f3dica - MG')}, '55333582':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Divino - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Divino - MG')}, '55333583':{'en': 'Pescador - MG', 'pt': 'Pescador - MG'}, '55413473':{'en': u('Caiob\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Caiob\u00e1 - PR')}, '55413472':{'en': 'Guaratuba - PR', 'pt': 'Guaratuba - PR'}, '55423334':{'en': u('Macei\u00f3 - AL'), 'pt': u('Macei\u00f3 - AL')}, '55653053':{'en': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT'), 'pt': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT')}, '55683311':{'en': 'Cruzeiro do Sul - AC', 'pt': 'Cruzeiro do Sul - AC'}, '55653052':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55653057':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55383824':{'en': 'Rio Pardo de Minas - MG', 'pt': 'Rio Pardo de Minas - MG'}, '55443688':{'en': u('Xambr\u00ea - PR'), 'pt': u('Xambr\u00ea - PR')}, '55383821':{'en': u('Jana\u00faba - MG'), 'pt': u('Jana\u00faba - MG')}, '55383822':{'en': u('Jana\u00faba - MG'), 'pt': u('Jana\u00faba - MG')}, '55383823':{'en': 'Riacho dos Machados - MG', 'pt': 'Riacho dos Machados - MG'}, '55443683':{'en': 'Doutor Oliveira Castro - PR', 'pt': 'Doutor Oliveira Castro - PR'}, '55653054':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55443685':{'en': u('Nova Ol\u00edmpia - PR'), 'pt': u('Nova Ol\u00edmpia - PR')}, '55443684':{'en': 'Guaporema - PR', 'pt': 'Guaporema - PR'}, '55443687':{'en': u('Marip\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Marip\u00e1 - PR')}, '55443686':{'en': 'Palotina - PR', 'pt': 'Palotina - PR'}, '55463564':{'en': 'Salgado Filho - PR', 'pt': 'Salgado Filho - PR'}, '55463565':{'en': 'Flor da Serra do Sul - PR', 'pt': 'Flor da Serra do Sul - PR'}, '55463562':{'en': u('Manfrin\u00f3polis - PR'), 'pt': u('Manfrin\u00f3polis - PR')}, '55463563':{'en': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio do Sudoeste - PR'), 'pt': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio do Sudoeste - PR')}, '55463560':{'en': u('Pinhal de S\u00e3o Bento - PR'), 'pt': u('Pinhal de S\u00e3o Bento - PR')}, '55513217':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55312586':{'en': 'Contagem - MG', 'pt': 'Contagem - MG'}, '55623353':{'en': u('Goian\u00e9sia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goian\u00e9sia - GO')}, '55623351':{'en': 'Campos Verdes - GO', 'pt': 'Campos Verdes - GO'}, '55413298':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55713461':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713460':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713462':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55413292':{'en': 'Campo Largo - PR', 'pt': 'Campo Largo - PR'}, '55413291':{'en': 'Campo Largo - PR', 'pt': 'Campo Largo - PR'}, '55413297':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413296':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55623356':{'en': 'Nova Veneza - GO', 'pt': 'Nova Veneza - GO'}, '55713472':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55153003':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55623355':{'en': 'Itapuranga - GO', 'pt': 'Itapuranga - GO'}, '55283528':{'en': 'Vargem Alta - ES', 'pt': 'Vargem Alta - ES'}, '55283529':{'en': 'Itapemirim - ES', 'pt': 'Itapemirim - ES'}, '55283526':{'en': 'Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - ES', 'pt': 'Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - ES'}, '55283524':{'en': 'Vargem Grande do Soturno - ES', 'pt': 'Vargem Grande do Soturno - ES'}, '55283525':{'en': u('Jacigu\u00e1 - ES'), 'pt': u('Jacigu\u00e1 - ES')}, '55283522':{'en': 'Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - ES', 'pt': 'Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - ES'}, '55283523':{'en': 'Gironda - ES', 'pt': 'Gironda - ES'}, '55283520':{'en': u('Pi\u00fama - ES'), 'pt': u('Pi\u00fama - ES')}, '55283521':{'en': 'Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - ES', 'pt': 'Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - ES'}, '55143732':{'en': u('Avar\u00e9 - SP'), 'pt': u('Avar\u00e9 - SP')}, '55143733':{'en': u('Avar\u00e9 - SP'), 'pt': u('Avar\u00e9 - SP')}, '55353544':{'en': 'Ibiraci - MG', 'pt': 'Ibiraci - MG'}, '55353545':{'en': 'Ibiraci - MG', 'pt': 'Ibiraci - MG'}, '55353543':{'en': 'Capetinga - MG', 'pt': 'Capetinga - MG'}, '55353541':{'en': u('C\u00e1ssia - MG'), 'pt': u('C\u00e1ssia - MG')}, '55193263':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193262':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193265':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55673475':{'en': u('Japor\u00e3 - MS'), 'pt': u('Japor\u00e3 - MS')}, '55193267':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193266':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55733221':{'en': u('Ilh\u00e9us - BA'), 'pt': u('Ilh\u00e9us - BA')}, '55673474':{'en': 'Mundo Novo - MS', 'pt': 'Mundo Novo - MS'}, '55543908':{'en': 'Vacaria - RS', 'pt': 'Vacaria - RS'}, '55623877':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55543905':{'en': 'Gramado - RS', 'pt': 'Gramado - RS'}, '55543906':{'en': 'Farroupilha - RS', 'pt': 'Farroupilha - RS'}, '55223094':{'en': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ', 'pt': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ'}, '55543902':{'en': 'Passo Fundo - RS', 'pt': 'Passo Fundo - RS'}, '55414020':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55553414':{'en': 'Uruguaiana - RS', 'pt': 'Uruguaiana - RS'}, '55553412':{'en': 'Uruguaiana - RS', 'pt': 'Uruguaiana - RS'}, '55553413':{'en': 'Uruguaiana - RS', 'pt': 'Uruguaiana - RS'}, '55323746':{'en': 'Espera Feliz - MG', 'pt': 'Espera Feliz - MG'}, '55673496':{'en': u('Ponta Por\u00e3 - MS'), 'pt': u('Ponta Por\u00e3 - MS')}, '55413282':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR')}, '55553419':{'en': u('Barra do Quara\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Barra do Quara\u00ed - RS')}, '55373359':{'en': 'Arcos - MG', 'pt': 'Arcos - MG'}, '55373351':{'en': 'Arcos - MG', 'pt': 'Arcos - MG'}, '55323743':{'en': 'Divino - MG', 'pt': 'Divino - MG'}, '55373353':{'en': 'Iguatama - MG', 'pt': 'Iguatama - MG'}, '55373352':{'en': 'Arcos - MG', 'pt': 'Arcos - MG'}, '55353326':{'en': 'Minduri - MG', 'pt': 'Minduri - MG'}, '55373354':{'en': u('Japara\u00edba - MG'), 'pt': u('Japara\u00edba - MG')}, '55323742':{'en': 'Fervedouro - MG', 'pt': 'Fervedouro - MG'}, '55323741':{'en': 'Carangola - MG', 'pt': 'Carangola - MG'}, '55553336':{'en': u('Catu\u00edpe - RS'), 'pt': u('Catu\u00edpe - RS')}, '55743659':{'en': u('V\u00e1rzea Nova - BA'), 'pt': u('V\u00e1rzea Nova - BA')}, '55743658':{'en': 'Canarana - BA', 'pt': 'Canarana - BA'}, '55743653':{'en': u('Morro do Chap\u00e9u - BA'), 'pt': u('Morro do Chap\u00e9u - BA')}, '55713642':{'en': u('P\u00f3lo Petroqu\u00edmico Cama\u00e7ari - BA'), 'pt': u('P\u00f3lo Petroqu\u00edmico Cama\u00e7ari - BA')}, '55743651':{'en': 'Capim Grosso - BA', 'pt': 'Capim Grosso - BA'}, '55743657':{'en': u('Lap\u00e3o - BA'), 'pt': u('Lap\u00e3o - BA')}, '55743656':{'en': 'Canarana - BA', 'pt': 'Canarana - BA'}, '55743655':{'en': 'Central - BA', 'pt': 'Central - BA'}, '55223321':{'en': 'Rio das Ostras - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio das Ostras - RJ'}, '55343359':{'en': 'Uberaba - MG', 'pt': 'Uberaba - MG'}, '55343356':{'en': 'Nova Ponte - MG', 'pt': 'Nova Ponte - MG'}, '55343354':{'en': 'Santa Juliana - MG', 'pt': 'Santa Juliana - MG'}, '55343355':{'en': u('Pedrin\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Pedrin\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55343352':{'en': 'Uberaba - MG', 'pt': 'Uberaba - MG'}, '55343353':{'en': 'Conquista - MG', 'pt': 'Conquista - MG'}, '55343351':{'en': 'Sacramento - MG', 'pt': 'Sacramento - MG'}, '55212397':{'en': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ', 'pt': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ'}, '55212394':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212391':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55283511':{'en': 'Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - ES', 'pt': 'Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - ES'}, '55283517':{'en': 'Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - ES', 'pt': 'Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - ES'}, '55613606':{'en': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio do Descoberto - GO'), 'pt': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio do Descoberto - GO')}, '55613607':{'en': 'Distrito de Campos Lindos - GO', 'pt': 'Distrito de Campos Lindos - GO'}, '55653374':{'en': 'Cangas - MT', 'pt': 'Cangas - MT'}, '55613605':{'en': 'Cidade Ocidental - GO', 'pt': 'Cidade Ocidental - GO'}, '55613603':{'en': u('Luzi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Luzi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55613601':{'en': u('Luzi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Luzi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55613608':{'en': 'Novo Gama - GO', 'pt': 'Novo Gama - GO'}, '55212649':{'en': 'Cachoeiras de Macacu - RJ', 'pt': 'Cachoeiras de Macacu - RJ'}, '55212648':{'en': u('Maric\u00e1 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Maric\u00e1 - RJ')}, '55633371':{'en': u('Paran\u00e3 - TO'), 'pt': u('Paran\u00e3 - TO')}, '55212645':{'en': u('Itabora\u00ed - RJ'), 'pt': u('Itabora\u00ed - RJ')}, '55212647':{'en': u('Mag\u00e9 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Mag\u00e9 - RJ')}, '55212646':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ')}, '55173217':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55212643':{'en': u('Teres\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Teres\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55212642':{'en': u('Teres\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Teres\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55613246':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55713624':{'en': u('Cama\u00e7ari - BA'), 'pt': u('Cama\u00e7ari - BA')}, '55773452':{'en': 'Guanambi - BA', 'pt': 'Guanambi - BA'}, '55753602':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '5555':{'en': 'Rio Grande do Sul', 'pt': 'Rio Grande do Sul'}, '5554':{'en': 'Rio Grande do Sul', 'pt': 'Rio Grande do Sul'}, '5551':{'en': 'Rio Grande do Sul', 'pt': 'Rio Grande do Sul'}, '5553':{'en': 'Rio Grande do Sul', 'pt': 'Rio Grande do Sul'}, '5552':{'en': 'Rio Grande do Sul', 'pt': 'Rio Grande do Sul'}, '55552103':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55552102':{'en': 'Uruguaiana - RS', 'pt': 'Uruguaiana - RS'}, '55552101':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55613243':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55193856':{'en': 'Vinhedo - SP', 'pt': 'Vinhedo - SP'}, '55193857':{'en': 'Engenheiro Coelho - SP', 'pt': 'Engenheiro Coelho - SP'}, '55193855':{'en': 'Socorro - SP', 'pt': 'Socorro - SP'}, '55193852':{'en': 'Pedreira - SP', 'pt': 'Pedreira - SP'}, '55193853':{'en': 'Pedreira - SP', 'pt': 'Pedreira - SP'}, '55193851':{'en': u('Mogi-Gua\u00e7u - SP'), 'pt': u('Mogi-Gua\u00e7u - SP')}, '55613241':{'en': 'Olinda - PE', 'pt': 'Olinda - PE'}, '55193858':{'en': 'Engenheiro Coelho - SP', 'pt': 'Engenheiro Coelho - SP'}, '55193859':{'en': 'Valinhos - SP', 'pt': 'Valinhos - SP'}, '55733291':{'en': 'Teixeira de Freitas - BA', 'pt': 'Teixeira de Freitas - BA'}, '55673303':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55673302':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55673304':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55673306':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55493198':{'en': 'Maravilha - SC', 'pt': 'Maravilha - SC'}, '55493199':{'en': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC'), 'pt': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC')}, '55644009':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55513416':{'en': u('Cap\u00e3o da Canoa - RS'), 'pt': u('Cap\u00e3o da Canoa - RS')}, '55273312':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Mateus - ES'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Mateus - ES')}, '55313873':{'en': u('Matip\u00f3 - MG'), 'pt': u('Matip\u00f3 - MG')}, '55273311':{'en': 'Vila Velha - ES', 'pt': 'Vila Velha - ES'}, '55343455':{'en': 'Carneirinho - MG', 'pt': 'Carneirinho - MG'}, '55273317':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55623605':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55343457':{'en': 'Carneirinho - MG', 'pt': 'Carneirinho - MG'}, '55623607':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623609':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623608':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55313875':{'en': 'Santa Margarida - MG', 'pt': 'Santa Margarida - MG'}, '55213512':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213513':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55643404':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55493228':{'en': 'Bocaina do Sul - SC', 'pt': 'Bocaina do Sul - SC'}, '55493229':{'en': 'Lages - SC', 'pt': 'Lages - SC'}, '55173421':{'en': 'Votuporanga - SP', 'pt': 'Votuporanga - SP'}, '55493227':{'en': 'Lages - SC', 'pt': 'Lages - SC'}, '55173423':{'en': 'Votuporanga - SP', 'pt': 'Votuporanga - SP'}, '55173422':{'en': 'Votuporanga - SP', 'pt': 'Votuporanga - SP'}, '55493222':{'en': 'Lages - SC', 'pt': 'Lages - SC'}, '55493223':{'en': 'Lages - SC', 'pt': 'Lages - SC'}, '55173426':{'en': 'Votuporanga - SP', 'pt': 'Votuporanga - SP'}, '55733294':{'en': 'Itamaraju - BA', 'pt': 'Itamaraju - BA'}, '55733265':{'en': u('Itoror\u00f3 - BA'), 'pt': u('Itoror\u00f3 - BA')}, '55413399':{'en': 'Campo Largo - PR', 'pt': 'Campo Largo - PR'}, '55212473':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212470':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55193503':{'en': u('Hortol\u00e2ndia - SP'), 'pt': u('Hortol\u00e2ndia - SP')}, '55514001':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55514003':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55514009':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55643901':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55413047':{'en': u('Almirante Tamandar\u00e9 - PR'), 'pt': u('Almirante Tamandar\u00e9 - PR')}, '55413590':{'en': 'Piraquara - PR', 'pt': 'Piraquara - PR'}, '55153259':{'en': u('Tatu\u00ed - SP'), 'pt': u('Tatu\u00ed - SP')}, '55414114':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55153255':{'en': 'Angatuba - SP', 'pt': 'Angatuba - SP'}, '55153256':{'en': 'Campina do Monte Alegre - SP', 'pt': 'Campina do Monte Alegre - SP'}, '55193507':{'en': 'Araras - SP', 'pt': 'Araras - SP'}, '55153251':{'en': u('Tatu\u00ed - SP'), 'pt': u('Tatu\u00ed - SP')}, '55413048':{'en': u('Arauc\u00e1ria - PR'), 'pt': u('Arauc\u00e1ria - PR')}, '55153253':{'en': 'Quadra - SP', 'pt': 'Quadra - SP'}, '55193056':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Boa Vista - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Boa Vista - SP')}, '55413320':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413326':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55212479':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ')}, '55693424':{'en': u('Ji-Paran\u00e1 - RO'), 'pt': u('Ji-Paran\u00e1 - RO')}, '55413324':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55694007':{'en': 'Porto Velho - RO', 'pt': 'Porto Velho - RO'}, '55693428':{'en': 'Nova Londrina - RO', 'pt': 'Nova Londrina - RO'}, '55554052':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55163511':{'en': u('Sert\u00e3ozinho - SP'), 'pt': u('Sert\u00e3ozinho - SP')}, '55212005':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55163513':{'en': u('Sert\u00e3ozinho - SP'), 'pt': u('Sert\u00e3ozinho - SP')}, '55163514':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163515':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55473621':{'en': 'Canoinhas - SC', 'pt': 'Canoinhas - SC'}, '55163518':{'en': 'Cravinhos - SP', 'pt': 'Cravinhos - SP'}, '55163519':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55212008':{'en': u('Teres\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Teres\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55663579':{'en': u('Nova Ubirat\u00e3 - MT'), 'pt': u('Nova Ubirat\u00e3 - MT')}, '55663578':{'en': u('Itanhang\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Itanhang\u00e1 - MT')}, '55663577':{'en': 'Canabrava do Norte - MT', 'pt': 'Canabrava do Norte - MT'}, '55473624':{'en': 'Canoinhas - SC', 'pt': 'Canoinhas - SC'}, '55663575':{'en': 'Peixoto de Azevedo - MT', 'pt': 'Peixoto de Azevedo - MT'}, '55663574':{'en': 'Nova Guarita - MT', 'pt': 'Nova Guarita - MT'}, '55663573':{'en': 'Paranatinga - MT', 'pt': 'Paranatinga - MT'}, '55663572':{'en': 'Nova Bandeirantes - MT', 'pt': 'Nova Bandeirantes - MT'}, '55663571':{'en': 'Colniza - MT', 'pt': 'Colniza - MT'}, '55473625':{'en': u('Irine\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Irine\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55483014':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o Batista - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o Batista - SC')}, '55473626':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Bento do Sul - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Bento do Sul - SC')}, '55483018':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55484042':{'en': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC'), 'pt': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC')}, '55542991':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55542992':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55413393':{'en': 'Campo Largo - PR', 'pt': 'Campo Largo - PR'}, '55613981':{'en': 'Formosa - GO', 'pt': 'Formosa - GO'}, '55633356':{'en': 'Peixe - TO', 'pt': 'Peixe - TO'}, '55633357':{'en': 'Formoso do Araguaia - TO', 'pt': 'Formoso do Araguaia - TO'}, '55413628':{'en': 'Campo do Tenente - PR', 'pt': 'Campo do Tenente - PR'}, '55413629':{'en': 'Tijucas do Sul - PR', 'pt': 'Tijucas do Sul - PR'}, '55633352':{'en': u('Crix\u00e1s do Tocantins - TO'), 'pt': u('Crix\u00e1s do Tocantins - TO')}, '55313378':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55323314':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55443546':{'en': u('Quarto Centen\u00e1rio - PR'), 'pt': u('Quarto Centen\u00e1rio - PR')}, '55413623':{'en': 'Quitandinha - PR', 'pt': 'Quitandinha - PR'}, '55443544':{'en': u('Tup\u00e3ssi - PR'), 'pt': u('Tup\u00e3ssi - PR')}, '55413621':{'en': 'Colombo - PR', 'pt': 'Colombo - PR'}, '55413626':{'en': 'Mandirituba - PR', 'pt': 'Mandirituba - PR'}, '55443543':{'en': u('Ubirat\u00e3 - PR'), 'pt': u('Ubirat\u00e3 - PR')}, '55413624':{'en': 'Agudos do Sul - PR', 'pt': 'Agudos do Sul - PR'}, '55443541':{'en': 'Moreira Sales - PR', 'pt': 'Moreira Sales - PR'}, '55713164':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55183839':{'en': 'Jamaica - SP', 'pt': 'Jamaica - SP'}, '55443401':{'en': 'Cianorte - PR', 'pt': 'Cianorte - PR'}, '55193526':{'en': 'Rio Claro - SP', 'pt': 'Rio Claro - SP'}, '55444007':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55193524':{'en': 'Rio Claro - SP', 'pt': 'Rio Claro - SP'}, '55193525':{'en': 'Rio Claro - SP', 'pt': 'Rio Claro - SP'}, '55193522':{'en': 'Rio Claro - SP', 'pt': 'Rio Claro - SP'}, '55444003':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55193032':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55444001':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55444009':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55213358':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213359':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55663399':{'en': 'Campo Verde - MT', 'pt': 'Campo Verde - MT'}, '55773274':{'en': 'Macarani - BA', 'pt': 'Macarani - BA'}, '55213350':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213351':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213353':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213354':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213355':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213356':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213357':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55374141':{'en': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55513756':{'en': 'Anta Gorda - RS', 'pt': 'Anta Gorda - RS'}, '55513751':{'en': 'Encantado - RS', 'pt': 'Encantado - RS'}, '55513750':{'en': 'Vale do Sol - RS', 'pt': 'Vale do Sol - RS'}, '55513753':{'en': 'Roca Sales - RS', 'pt': 'Roca Sales - RS'}, '55273324':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55443902':{'en': u('Paranava\u00ed - PR'), 'pt': u('Paranava\u00ed - PR')}, '55773088':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA')}, '55773084':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA')}, '55773087':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA')}, '55443901':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55323541':{'en': u('Ub\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Ub\u00e1 - MG')}, '55773083':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA')}, '55773082':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA')}, '55313492':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55423554':{'en': 'Cruz Machado - PR', 'pt': 'Cruz Machado - PR'}, '55423553':{'en': 'Bituruna - PR', 'pt': 'Bituruna - PR'}, '55423552':{'en': 'General Carneiro - PR', 'pt': 'General Carneiro - PR'}, '55423551':{'en': 'Santana - PR', 'pt': 'Santana - PR'}, '55743641':{'en': u('Irec\u00ea - BA'), 'pt': u('Irec\u00ea - BA')}, '55743642':{'en': u('Irec\u00ea - BA'), 'pt': u('Irec\u00ea - BA')}, '55273322':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55313493':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55623459':{'en': u('Alto Para\u00edso de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Alto Para\u00edso de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55543242':{'en': 'Nova Prata - RS', 'pt': 'Nova Prata - RS'}, '55623455':{'en': u('Povoado de S\u00e3o Jorge - GO'), 'pt': u('Povoado de S\u00e3o Jorge - GO')}, '55623456':{'en': u('Divin\u00f3polis de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Divin\u00f3polis de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55623457':{'en': u('Monte Alegre de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Monte Alegre de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55213724':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55543244':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Francisco de Paula - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Francisco de Paula - RS')}, '55213726':{'en': u('Teres\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Teres\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55323312':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55222758':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Fid\u00e9lis - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Fid\u00e9lis - RJ')}, '55222759':{'en': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ')}, '55222751':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Fid\u00e9lis - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Fid\u00e9lis - RJ')}, '55222757':{'en': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ')}, '55613573':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55753425':{'en': 'Cachoeira - BA', 'pt': 'Cachoeira - BA'}, '55453241':{'en': u('Cafel\u00e2ndia - PR'), 'pt': u('Cafel\u00e2ndia - PR')}, '55753427':{'en': 'Esplanada - BA', 'pt': 'Esplanada - BA'}, '55243363':{'en': 'Angra dos Reis - RJ', 'pt': 'Angra dos Reis - RJ'}, '55243364':{'en': 'Angra dos Reis - RJ', 'pt': 'Angra dos Reis - RJ'}, '55243365':{'en': 'Angra dos Reis - RJ', 'pt': 'Angra dos Reis - RJ'}, '55243366':{'en': 'Angra dos Reis - RJ', 'pt': 'Angra dos Reis - RJ'}, '55243367':{'en': 'Angra dos Reis - RJ', 'pt': 'Angra dos Reis - RJ'}, '55243368':{'en': 'Angra dos Reis - RJ', 'pt': 'Angra dos Reis - RJ'}, '55243369':{'en': 'Angra dos Reis - RJ', 'pt': 'Angra dos Reis - RJ'}, '55753420':{'en': 'Entre Rios - BA', 'pt': 'Entre Rios - BA'}, '55753423':{'en': 'Alagoinhas - BA', 'pt': 'Alagoinhas - BA'}, '55453247':{'en': 'Penha - PR', 'pt': 'Penha - PR'}, '55333261':{'en': 'Conselheiro Pena - MG', 'pt': 'Conselheiro Pena - MG'}, '55453529':{'en': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55453528':{'en': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55613475':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55453521':{'en': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55453520':{'en': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55453523':{'en': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55453522':{'en': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55453524':{'en': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55453527':{'en': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55753428':{'en': u('Pedr\u00e3o - BA'), 'pt': u('Pedr\u00e3o - BA')}, '55333342':{'en': u('Durand\u00e9 - MG'), 'pt': u('Durand\u00e9 - MG')}, '55333343':{'en': u('Alto Jequitib\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Alto Jequitib\u00e1 - MG')}, '55333340':{'en': 'Governador Valadares - MG', 'pt': 'Governador Valadares - MG'}, '55333341':{'en': 'Manhumirim - MG', 'pt': 'Manhumirim - MG'}, '55333344':{'en': 'Lajinha - MG', 'pt': 'Lajinha - MG'}, '55333345':{'en': u('Chal\u00e9 - MG'), 'pt': u('Chal\u00e9 - MG')}, '55713311':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55242107':{'en': 'Volta Redonda - RJ', 'pt': 'Volta Redonda - RJ'}, '55242106':{'en': 'Barra Mansa - RJ', 'pt': 'Barra Mansa - RJ'}, '55242104':{'en': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55242103':{'en': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55242102':{'en': 'Volta Redonda - RJ', 'pt': 'Volta Redonda - RJ'}, '55663603':{'en': u('Aripuan\u00e3 - MT'), 'pt': u('Aripuan\u00e3 - MT')}, '55242109':{'en': 'Resende - RJ', 'pt': 'Resende - RJ'}, '55713225':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55513052':{'en': 'Canoas - RS', 'pt': 'Canoas - RS'}, '55513053':{'en': 'Santa Cruz do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Cruz do Sul - RS'}, '55183608':{'en': u('Ara\u00e7atuba - SP'), 'pt': u('Ara\u00e7atuba - SP')}, '55183609':{'en': u('Ara\u00e7atuba - SP'), 'pt': u('Ara\u00e7atuba - SP')}, '55513056':{'en': 'Santa Cruz do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Cruz do Sul - RS'}, '55513057':{'en': 'Montenegro - RS', 'pt': 'Montenegro - RS'}, '55513054':{'en': u('Viam\u00e3o - RS'), 'pt': u('Viam\u00e3o - RS')}, '55313615':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55183602':{'en': 'Gabriel Monteiro - SP', 'pt': 'Gabriel Monteiro - SP'}, '55183603':{'en': u('Luizi\u00e2nia - SP'), 'pt': u('Luizi\u00e2nia - SP')}, '55183601':{'en': 'Bento de Abreu - SP', 'pt': 'Bento de Abreu - SP'}, '55183606':{'en': 'Guararapes - SP', 'pt': 'Guararapes - SP'}, '55183607':{'en': u('Ara\u00e7atuba - SP'), 'pt': u('Ara\u00e7atuba - SP')}, '55183604':{'en': u('Vicentin\u00f3polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Vicentin\u00f3polis - SP')}, '55183605':{'en': u('Sant\u00f3polis do Aguape\u00ed - SP'), 'pt': u('Sant\u00f3polis do Aguape\u00ed - SP')}, '55494101':{'en': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC'), 'pt': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC')}, '55713083':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55463234':{'en': 'Bom Sucesso do Sul - PR', 'pt': 'Bom Sucesso do Sul - PR'}, '55663321':{'en': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT'), 'pt': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT')}, '55713038':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55753603':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55493337':{'en': u('Jardin\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Jardin\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55753674':{'en': 'Cruz das Almas - BA', 'pt': 'Cruz das Almas - BA'}, '55753676':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Miguel das Matas - BA'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Miguel das Matas - BA')}, '55753677':{'en': u('Valen\u00e7a - BA'), 'pt': u('Valen\u00e7a - BA')}, '55143880':{'en': 'Botucatu - SP', 'pt': 'Botucatu - SP'}, '55143881':{'en': 'Botucatu - SP', 'pt': 'Botucatu - SP'}, '55143882':{'en': 'Botucatu - SP', 'pt': 'Botucatu - SP'}, '55143883':{'en': 'Bofete - SP', 'pt': 'Bofete - SP'}, '55143884':{'en': 'Anhembi - SP', 'pt': 'Anhembi - SP'}, '55143885':{'en': u('Piramb\u00f3ia - SP'), 'pt': u('Piramb\u00f3ia - SP')}, '55143886':{'en': 'Pardinho - SP', 'pt': 'Pardinho - SP'}, '55273711':{'en': 'Colatina - ES', 'pt': 'Colatina - ES'}, '55143888':{'en': 'Pereiras - SP', 'pt': 'Pereiras - SP'}, '55513523':{'en': u('Parob\u00e9 - RS'), 'pt': u('Parob\u00e9 - RS')}, '55173355':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55173354':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55663494':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Povo - MT'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Povo - MT')}, '55663495':{'en': 'Primavera do Leste - MT', 'pt': 'Primavera do Leste - MT'}, '55663496':{'en': 'Alto Taquari - MT', 'pt': 'Alto Taquari - MT'}, '55663497':{'en': 'Primavera do Leste - MT', 'pt': 'Primavera do Leste - MT'}, '55733629':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o do Para\u00edso - BA'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o do Para\u00edso - BA')}, '55733628':{'en': 'Santa Luzia - BA', 'pt': 'Santa Luzia - BA'}, '55663493':{'en': 'Pedra Preta - MT', 'pt': 'Pedra Preta - MT'}, '55733625':{'en': 'Mascote - BA', 'pt': 'Mascote - BA'}, '55423035':{'en': 'Guarapuava - PR', 'pt': 'Guarapuava - PR'}, '55423036':{'en': 'Guarapuava - PR', 'pt': 'Guarapuava - PR'}, '55733626':{'en': u('N\u00facleo Colonial de Una - BA'), 'pt': u('N\u00facleo Colonial de Una - BA')}, '55663498':{'en': 'Primavera do Leste - MT', 'pt': 'Primavera do Leste - MT'}, '55663499':{'en': 'Araguaiana - MT', 'pt': 'Araguaiana - MT'}, '55733623':{'en': 'Firmino Alves - BA', 'pt': 'Firmino Alves - BA'}, '55733622':{'en': 'Mucuri - BA', 'pt': 'Mucuri - BA'}, '55483953':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55483952':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55312564':{'en': 'Contagem - MG', 'pt': 'Contagem - MG'}, '55213291':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213293':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213292':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213295':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213294':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213296':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55413902':{'en': u('Paranagu\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Paranagu\u00e1 - PR')}, '55413907':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413906':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55693316':{'en': 'Vilhena - RO', 'pt': 'Vilhena - RO'}, '55413908':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55283544':{'en': 'Muniz Freire - ES', 'pt': 'Muniz Freire - ES'}, '55283545':{'en': u('I\u00fana - ES'), 'pt': u('I\u00fana - ES')}, '55283546':{'en': 'Venda Nova do Imigrante - ES', 'pt': 'Venda Nova do Imigrante - ES'}, '55283547':{'en': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o do Castelo - ES'), 'pt': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o do Castelo - ES')}, '55353529':{'en': 'Passos - MG', 'pt': 'Passos - MG'}, '55283542':{'en': 'Castelo - ES', 'pt': 'Castelo - ES'}, '55283543':{'en': 'Ibatiba - ES', 'pt': 'Ibatiba - ES'}, '55353524':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o Batista do Gl\u00f3ria - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o Batista do Gl\u00f3ria - MG')}, '55353525':{'en': u('Delfin\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Delfin\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55353526':{'en': 'Passos - MG', 'pt': 'Passos - MG'}, '55353527':{'en': 'Bom Jesus dos Campos - MG', 'pt': 'Bom Jesus dos Campos - MG'}, '55283548':{'en': 'Irupi - ES', 'pt': 'Irupi - ES'}, '55353521':{'en': 'Passos - MG', 'pt': 'Passos - MG'}, '55353522':{'en': 'Passos - MG', 'pt': 'Passos - MG'}, '55353523':{'en': u('Alpin\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Alpin\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55193209':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193208':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193207':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193206':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193203':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193202':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193201':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55613636':{'en': 'Cabeceiras - GO', 'pt': 'Cabeceiras - GO'}, '55533321':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55643289':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643288':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643287':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643286':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643285':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643284':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643931':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643282':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643281':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643280':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55634101':{'en': 'Palmas - TO', 'pt': 'Palmas - TO'}, '55533325':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55653349':{'en': 'Campo Novo do Parecis - MT', 'pt': 'Campo Novo do Parecis - MT'}, '55373335':{'en': 'Passa Tempo - MG', 'pt': 'Passa Tempo - MG'}, '55373334':{'en': 'Piracema - MG', 'pt': 'Piracema - MG'}, '55373333':{'en': u('Carm\u00f3polis de Minas - MG'), 'pt': u('Carm\u00f3polis de Minas - MG')}, '55373332':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Francisco de Paula - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Francisco de Paula - MG')}, '55373331':{'en': 'Oliveira - MG', 'pt': 'Oliveira - MG'}, '55163729':{'en': 'Ituverava - SP', 'pt': 'Ituverava - SP'}, '55163728':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Joaquim da Barra - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Joaquim da Barra - SP')}, '55163723':{'en': 'Franca - SP', 'pt': 'Franca - SP'}, '55163722':{'en': 'Franca - SP', 'pt': 'Franca - SP'}, '55163721':{'en': 'Franca - SP', 'pt': 'Franca - SP'}, '55163726':{'en': u('Orl\u00e2ndia - SP'), 'pt': u('Orl\u00e2ndia - SP')}, '55163725':{'en': 'Franca - SP', 'pt': 'Franca - SP'}, '55163724':{'en': 'Franca - SP', 'pt': 'Franca - SP'}, '55743673':{'en': u('Uau\u00e1 - BA'), 'pt': u('Uau\u00e1 - BA')}, '55633654':{'en': 'Taguatinga - TO', 'pt': 'Taguatinga - TO'}, '55633653':{'en': 'Arraias - TO', 'pt': 'Arraias - TO'}, '55743674':{'en': 'Lajes do Batata - BA', 'pt': 'Lajes do Batata - BA'}, '55743677':{'en': 'Ponto Novo - BA', 'pt': 'Ponto Novo - BA'}, '55743676':{'en': 'Quixabeira - BA', 'pt': 'Quixabeira - BA'}, '55754141':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55543266':{'en': u('Santa L\u00facia do Pia\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Santa L\u00facia do Pia\u00ed - RS')}, '55633659':{'en': 'Ponte Alta do Bom Jesus - TO', 'pt': 'Ponte Alta do Bom Jesus - TO'}, '55633658':{'en': 'Aurora do Tocantins - TO', 'pt': 'Aurora do Tocantins - TO'}, '55483229':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55483228':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55483223':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55483222':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55483221':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55483226':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55483225':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55483224':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55343336':{'en': 'Uberaba - MG', 'pt': 'Uberaba - MG'}, '55343332':{'en': 'Uberaba - MG', 'pt': 'Uberaba - MG'}, '55343333':{'en': 'Uberaba - MG', 'pt': 'Uberaba - MG'}, '55343338':{'en': 'Uberaba - MG', 'pt': 'Uberaba - MG'}, '55173045':{'en': 'Catanduva - SP', 'pt': 'Catanduva - SP'}, '55193798':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55653318':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55613669':{'en': u('Valpara\u00edso de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Valpara\u00edso de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55653314':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55733041':{'en': 'Itabuna - BA', 'pt': 'Itabuna - BA'}, '55653311':{'en': u('Tangar\u00e1 da Serra - MT'), 'pt': u('Tangar\u00e1 da Serra - MT')}, '55653312':{'en': 'Santo Afonso - MT', 'pt': 'Santo Afonso - MT'}, '55653313':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55273151':{'en': 'Linhares - ES', 'pt': 'Linhares - ES'}, '55733043':{'en': 'Itabuna - BA', 'pt': 'Itabuna - BA'}, '55212226':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55193797':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193796':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55793022':{'en': 'Aracaju - SE', 'pt': 'Aracaju - SE'}, '55193792':{'en': 'Limeira - SP', 'pt': 'Limeira - SP'}, '55694062':{'en': 'Porto Velho - RO', 'pt': 'Porto Velho - RO'}, '55623441':{'en': u('Catal\u00e3o - GO'), 'pt': u('Catal\u00e3o - GO')}, '5533':{'en': 'Minas Gerais', 'pt': 'Minas Gerais'}, '5532':{'en': 'Minas Gerais', 'pt': 'Minas Gerais'}, '5531':{'en': 'Minas Gerais', 'pt': 'Minas Gerais'}, '5537':{'en': 'Minas Gerais', 'pt': 'Minas Gerais'}, '55193839':{'en': 'Amparo - SP', 'pt': 'Amparo - SP'}, '5535':{'en': 'Minas Gerais', 'pt': 'Minas Gerais'}, '5534':{'en': 'Minas Gerais', 'pt': 'Minas Gerais'}, '55193834':{'en': 'Indaiatuba - SP', 'pt': 'Indaiatuba - SP'}, '55193835':{'en': 'Indaiatuba - SP', 'pt': 'Indaiatuba - SP'}, '55193836':{'en': 'Vinhedo - SP', 'pt': 'Vinhedo - SP'}, '5538':{'en': 'Minas Gerais', 'pt': 'Minas Gerais'}, '55193831':{'en': u('Mogi-Gua\u00e7u - SP'), 'pt': u('Mogi-Gua\u00e7u - SP')}, '55193833':{'en': u('Paul\u00ednia - SP'), 'pt': u('Paul\u00ednia - SP')}, '55773698':{'en': 'Ibotirama - BA', 'pt': 'Ibotirama - BA'}, '55673368':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55673366':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55673365':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55673364':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55673363':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55473442':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Francisco do Sul - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Francisco do Sul - SC')}, '55673361':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55753443':{'en': u('Cris\u00f3polis - BA'), 'pt': u('Cris\u00f3polis - BA')}, '55753441':{'en': u('Apor\u00e1 - BA'), 'pt': u('Apor\u00e1 - BA')}, '55753447':{'en': u('Ouri\u00e7angas - BA'), 'pt': u('Ouri\u00e7angas - BA')}, '55753446':{'en': u('S\u00e1tiro Dias - BA'), 'pt': u('S\u00e1tiro Dias - BA')}, '55753445':{'en': u('Janda\u00edra - BA'), 'pt': u('Janda\u00edra - BA')}, '55333751':{'en': 'Pedra Azul - MG', 'pt': 'Pedra Azul - MG'}, '55473444':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Francisco do Sul - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Francisco do Sul - SC')}, '55333753':{'en': 'Medina - MG', 'pt': 'Medina - MG'}, '55753448':{'en': 'Itamira - BA', 'pt': 'Itamira - BA'}, '55333755':{'en': u('\u00c1guas Vermelhas - MG'), 'pt': u('\u00c1guas Vermelhas - MG')}, '55333754':{'en': u('Cachoeira de Paje\u00fa - MG'), 'pt': u('Cachoeira de Paje\u00fa - MG')}, '55333284':{'en': u('Frei Inoc\u00eancio - MG'), 'pt': u('Frei Inoc\u00eancio - MG')}, '55473446':{'en': 'Barra Velha - SC', 'pt': 'Barra Velha - SC'}, '55183992':{'en': 'Narandiba - SP', 'pt': 'Narandiba - SP'}, '55183991':{'en': 'Mirante do Paranapanema - SP', 'pt': 'Mirante do Paranapanema - SP'}, '55623661':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55183996':{'en': u('Marab\u00e1 Paulista - SP'), 'pt': u('Marab\u00e1 Paulista - SP')}, '55493244':{'en': u('Santa Cec\u00edlia - SC'), 'pt': u('Santa Cec\u00edlia - SC')}, '55493245':{'en': 'Curitibanos - SC', 'pt': 'Curitibanos - SC'}, '55493246':{'en': 'Fraiburgo - SC', 'pt': 'Fraiburgo - SC'}, '55493247':{'en': u('Lebon R\u00e9gis - SC'), 'pt': u('Lebon R\u00e9gis - SC')}, '55143644':{'en': u('Igara\u00e7u do Tiet\u00ea - SP'), 'pt': u('Igara\u00e7u do Tiet\u00ea - SP')}, '55493242':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Cerrito - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Cerrito - SC')}, '55493243':{'en': 'Correia Pinto - SC', 'pt': 'Correia Pinto - SC'}, '55473332':{'en': 'Gaspar - SC', 'pt': 'Gaspar - SC'}, '55173445':{'en': u('Am\u00e9rico de Campos - SP'), 'pt': u('Am\u00e9rico de Campos - SP')}, '55493248':{'en': 'Ponte Alta - SC', 'pt': 'Ponte Alta - SC'}, '55173442':{'en': u('Fernand\u00f3polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Fernand\u00f3polis - SP')}, '55173441':{'en': 'General Salgado - SP', 'pt': 'General Salgado - SP'}, '55553214':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55753282':{'en': 'Paulo Afonso - BA', 'pt': 'Paulo Afonso - BA'}, '55513539':{'en': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS', 'pt': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS'}, '55513538':{'en': 'Canoas - RS', 'pt': 'Canoas - RS'}, '55543712':{'en': 'Erechim - RS', 'pt': 'Erechim - RS'}, '55143649':{'en': 'Barra Bonita - SC', 'pt': 'Barra Bonita - SC'}, '55313049':{'en': 'Contagem - MG', 'pt': 'Contagem - MG'}, '55473333':{'en': 'Indaial - SC', 'pt': 'Indaial - SC'}, '55443277':{'en': u('Corumbata\u00ed do Sul - PR'), 'pt': u('Corumbata\u00ed do Sul - PR')}, '55553211':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55423250':{'en': u('Abap\u00e3 - PR'), 'pt': u('Abap\u00e3 - PR')}, '55553212':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55513534':{'en': 'Rio Grande do Sul', 'pt': 'Rio Grande do Sul'}, '55533281':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55553213':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55423252':{'en': 'Palmeira - PR', 'pt': 'Palmeira - PR'}, '55153272':{'en': 'Itapetininga - SP', 'pt': 'Itapetininga - SP'}, '55153273':{'en': 'Itapetininga - SP', 'pt': 'Itapetininga - SP'}, '55153271':{'en': 'Itapetininga - SP', 'pt': 'Itapetininga - SP'}, '55153276':{'en': u('Sarapu\u00ed - SP'), 'pt': u('Sarapu\u00ed - SP')}, '55153277':{'en': u('Tapira\u00ed - SP'), 'pt': u('Tapira\u00ed - SP')}, '55153274':{'en': 'Alambari - SP', 'pt': 'Alambari - SP'}, '55153275':{'en': 'Itapetininga - SP', 'pt': 'Itapetininga - SP'}, '55423254':{'en': u('Col\u00f4nia Witmarsum - PR'), 'pt': u('Col\u00f4nia Witmarsum - PR')}, '55153278':{'en': 'Pilar do Sul - SP', 'pt': 'Pilar do Sul - SP'}, '55153279':{'en': 'Sao Miguel Arcanjo - SP', 'pt': 'Sao Miguel Arcanjo - SP'}, '55273237':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55192106':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55643545':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55633473':{'en': u('Xambio\u00e1 - TO'), 'pt': u('Xambio\u00e1 - TO')}, '55383321':{'en': 'Montes Claros - MG', 'pt': 'Montes Claros - MG'}, '55633472':{'en': 'Araguacema - TO', 'pt': 'Araguacema - TO'}, '55533342':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55633471':{'en': u('Tocantin\u00f3polis - TO'), 'pt': u('Tocantin\u00f3polis - TO')}, '55633470':{'en': u('Santa F\u00e9 do Araguaia - TO'), 'pt': u('Santa F\u00e9 do Araguaia - TO')}, '55633477':{'en': 'Itaguatins - TO', 'pt': 'Itaguatins - TO'}, '55643543':{'en': 'Cezarina - GO', 'pt': 'Cezarina - GO'}, '55473492':{'en': 'Santa Cruz - SC', 'pt': 'Santa Cruz - SC'}, '55633476':{'en': 'Colinas do Tocantins - TO', 'pt': 'Colinas do Tocantins - TO'}, '55633475':{'en': 'Esperantina - TO', 'pt': 'Esperantina - TO'}, '55212025':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55633474':{'en': 'Araguatins - TO', 'pt': 'Araguatins - TO'}, '55663555':{'en': u('Cotrigua\u00e7u - MT'), 'pt': u('Cotrigua\u00e7u - MT')}, '55663554':{'en': 'Vila Rica - MT', 'pt': 'Vila Rica - MT'}, '55513559':{'en': 'Sapiranga - RS', 'pt': 'Sapiranga - RS'}, '55663556':{'en': 'Juara - MT', 'pt': 'Juara - MT'}, '55663551':{'en': u('Nova Cana\u00e3 do Norte - MT'), 'pt': u('Nova Cana\u00e3 do Norte - MT')}, '55663553':{'en': 'Juruena - MT', 'pt': 'Juruena - MT'}, '55663552':{'en': u('Guarant\u00e3 do Norte - MT'), 'pt': u('Guarant\u00e3 do Norte - MT')}, '55513553':{'en': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS', 'pt': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS'}, '55413025':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55513551':{'en': u('Est\u00e2ncia Velha - RS'), 'pt': u('Est\u00e2ncia Velha - RS')}, '55413020':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55663558':{'en': 'Santa Terezinha - MT', 'pt': 'Santa Terezinha - MT'}, '55513554':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Leopoldo - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Leopoldo - RS')}, '55413226':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55483034':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC')}, '55193868':{'en': 'Estiva Gerbi - SP', 'pt': 'Estiva Gerbi - SP'}, '55484020':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55483033':{'en': u('Palho\u00e7a - SC'), 'pt': u('Palho\u00e7a - SC')}, '55483030':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55483031':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55553033':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55483039':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55313263':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313262':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55443524':{'en': u('Campo Mour\u00e3o - PR'), 'pt': u('Campo Mour\u00e3o - PR')}, '55443525':{'en': u('Campo Mour\u00e3o - PR'), 'pt': u('Campo Mour\u00e3o - PR')}, '55313391':{'en': 'Contagem - MG', 'pt': 'Contagem - MG'}, '55443527':{'en': 'Nova Cantu - PR', 'pt': 'Nova Cantu - PR'}, '55313397':{'en': 'Contagem - MG', 'pt': 'Contagem - MG'}, '55443521':{'en': u('Goioer\u00ea - PR'), 'pt': u('Goioer\u00ea - PR')}, '55443522':{'en': u('Goioer\u00ea - PR'), 'pt': u('Goioer\u00ea - PR')}, '55313394':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55443528':{'en': 'Assis Chateaubriand - PR', 'pt': 'Assis Chateaubriand - PR'}, '55443529':{'en': u('Campo Mour\u00e3o - PR'), 'pt': u('Campo Mour\u00e3o - PR')}, '55193019':{'en': u('Mogi-Gua\u00e7u - SP'), 'pt': u('Mogi-Gua\u00e7u - SP')}, '55193549':{'en': 'Mogi Mirim - SP', 'pt': 'Mogi Mirim - SP'}, '55193544':{'en': 'Araras - SP', 'pt': 'Araras - SP'}, '55193545':{'en': 'Santa Gertrudes - SP', 'pt': 'Santa Gertrudes - SP'}, '55193546':{'en': u('Cordeir\u00f3polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Cordeir\u00f3polis - SP')}, '55193547':{'en': 'Araras - SP', 'pt': 'Araras - SP'}, '55193016':{'en': 'Indaiatuba - SP', 'pt': 'Indaiatuba - SP'}, '55193541':{'en': 'Araras - SP', 'pt': 'Araras - SP'}, '55193542':{'en': 'Araras - SP', 'pt': 'Araras - SP'}, '55193543':{'en': 'Araras - SP', 'pt': 'Araras - SP'}, '55313269':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55713340':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55633483':{'en': 'Bom Jesus do Tocantins - TO', 'pt': 'Bom Jesus do Tocantins - TO'}, '55713342':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55513524':{'en': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS', 'pt': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS'}, '55713344':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55633487':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Bento do Tocantins - TO'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Bento do Tocantins - TO')}, '55213378':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55713347':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55213376':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213377':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55633488':{'en': 'Praia Norte - TO', 'pt': 'Praia Norte - TO'}, '55213375':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213372':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213373':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213371':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55733552':{'en': u('C\u00f3rrego de Pedras - BA'), 'pt': u('C\u00f3rrego de Pedras - BA')}, '55733551':{'en': 'Aurelino Leal - BA', 'pt': 'Aurelino Leal - BA'}, '55733556':{'en': 'Lajedo do Tabocal - BA', 'pt': 'Lajedo do Tabocal - BA'}, '55733554':{'en': 'Aurelino Leal - BA', 'pt': 'Aurelino Leal - BA'}, '55182104':{'en': 'Presidente Prudente - SP', 'pt': 'Presidente Prudente - SP'}, '55182102':{'en': u('Ara\u00e7atuba - SP'), 'pt': u('Ara\u00e7atuba - SP')}, '55182103':{'en': u('Ara\u00e7atuba - SP'), 'pt': u('Ara\u00e7atuba - SP')}, '55423573':{'en': u('Porto Vit\u00f3ria - PR'), 'pt': u('Porto Vit\u00f3ria - PR')}, '55182101':{'en': 'Presidente Prudente - SP', 'pt': 'Presidente Prudente - SP'}, '55624109':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623473':{'en': 'Iaciara - GO', 'pt': 'Iaciara - GO'}, '55623476':{'en': 'Colinas do Tocantins - TO', 'pt': 'Colinas do Tocantins - TO'}, '55213748':{'en': 'Belford Roxo - RJ', 'pt': 'Belford Roxo - RJ'}, '55213747':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213746':{'en': 'Mesquita - RJ', 'pt': 'Mesquita - RJ'}, '55213745':{'en': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ')}, '55213743':{'en': u('Nil\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nil\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55213742':{'en': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ')}, '55733086':{'en': u('Ilh\u00e9us - BA'), 'pt': u('Ilh\u00e9us - BA')}, '55222778':{'en': 'Casimiro de Abreu - RJ', 'pt': 'Casimiro de Abreu - RJ'}, '55222779':{'en': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o de Macabu - RJ'), 'pt': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o de Macabu - RJ')}, '55222777':{'en': 'Rio das Ostras - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio das Ostras - RJ'}, '55643229':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55222772':{'en': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ')}, '55222773':{'en': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ')}, '55222771':{'en': 'Rio das Ostras - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio das Ostras - RJ'}, '55624106':{'en': 'Trindade - GO', 'pt': 'Trindade - GO'}, '55273344':{'en': 'Viana - ES', 'pt': 'Viana - ES'}, '55212568':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212569':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55243344':{'en': 'Volta Redonda - RJ', 'pt': 'Volta Redonda - RJ'}, '55243345':{'en': 'Volta Redonda - RJ', 'pt': 'Volta Redonda - RJ'}, '55243342':{'en': 'Volta Redonda - RJ', 'pt': 'Volta Redonda - RJ'}, '55243343':{'en': 'Volta Redonda - RJ', 'pt': 'Volta Redonda - RJ'}, '55212560':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212561':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212562':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212563':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212564':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212565':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212566':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212567':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55424101':{'en': 'Guarapuava - PR', 'pt': 'Guarapuava - PR'}, '55273369':{'en': 'Vila Velha - ES', 'pt': 'Vila Velha - ES'}, '55613411':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55493525':{'en': 'Catanduvas - SC', 'pt': 'Catanduvas - SC'}, '55273362':{'en': 'Guarapari - ES', 'pt': 'Guarapari - ES'}, '55273361':{'en': 'Guarapari - ES', 'pt': 'Guarapari - ES'}, '55493526':{'en': u('Jabor\u00e1 - SC'), 'pt': u('Jabor\u00e1 - SC')}, '55453543':{'en': 'Vila Ipiranga - PR', 'pt': 'Vila Ipiranga - PR'}, '55453541':{'en': 'Santa Terezinha de Itaipu - PR', 'pt': 'Santa Terezinha de Itaipu - PR'}, '55273364':{'en': 'Guarapari - ES', 'pt': 'Guarapari - ES'}, '55173874':{'en': 'Macaubal - SP', 'pt': 'Macaubal - SP'}, '55173875':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Iracema - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Iracema - SP')}, '55613456':{'en': 'Taguatinga - DF', 'pt': 'Taguatinga - DF'}, '55383799':{'en': 'Curvelo - MG', 'pt': 'Curvelo - MG'}, '55513707':{'en': 'Lajeado - RS', 'pt': 'Lajeado - RS'}, '55513704':{'en': 'Monte Alverne - RS', 'pt': 'Monte Alverne - RS'}, '55513705':{'en': 'Marques de Souza - RS', 'pt': 'Marques de Souza - RS'}, '55513708':{'en': 'Sinimbu - RS', 'pt': 'Sinimbu - RS'}, '55513709':{'en': 'Lajeado - RS', 'pt': 'Lajeado - RS'}, '55753486':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55643249':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55753301':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55313498':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55753658':{'en': u('F\u00e1tima - BA'), 'pt': u('F\u00e1tima - BA')}, '55753659':{'en': 'Salinas da Margarida - BA', 'pt': 'Salinas da Margarida - BA'}, '55313494':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313495':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55273776':{'en': u('Barra de S\u00e3o Francisco - ES'), 'pt': u('Barra de S\u00e3o Francisco - ES')}, '55313497':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55273770':{'en': 'Colatina - ES', 'pt': 'Colatina - ES'}, '55273771':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Mateus - ES'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Mateus - ES')}, '55273772':{'en': u('Nova Ven\u00e9cia - ES'), 'pt': u('Nova Ven\u00e9cia - ES')}, '55273773':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Mateus - ES'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Mateus - ES')}, '55173386':{'en': 'Pirangi - SP', 'pt': 'Pirangi - SP'}, '55673509':{'en': u('Tr\u00eas Lagoas - MS'), 'pt': u('Tr\u00eas Lagoas - MS')}, '55753485':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55183379':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 Laranjeiras - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 Laranjeiras - SP')}, '55343266':{'en': u('Can\u00e1polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Can\u00e1polis - MG')}, '55343267':{'en': 'Centralina - MG', 'pt': 'Centralina - MG'}, '55713326':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55343265':{'en': 'Cachoeira Dourada - MG', 'pt': 'Cachoeira Dourada - MG'}, '55753484':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55373261':{'en': 'Lagoa da Prata - MG', 'pt': 'Lagoa da Prata - MG'}, '55713325':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55183373':{'en': u('Tarum\u00e3 - SP'), 'pt': u('Tarum\u00e3 - SP')}, '55323017':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55463520':{'en': u('Francisco Beltr\u00e3o - PR'), 'pt': u('Francisco Beltr\u00e3o - PR')}, '55463526':{'en': 'Itapejara D\'Oeste - PR', 'pt': 'Itapejara D\'Oeste - PR'}, '55463527':{'en': u('Francisco Beltr\u00e3o - PR'), 'pt': u('Francisco Beltr\u00e3o - PR')}, '55463524':{'en': u('Francisco Beltr\u00e3o - PR'), 'pt': u('Francisco Beltr\u00e3o - PR')}, '55463525':{'en': 'Marmeleiro - PR', 'pt': 'Marmeleiro - PR'}, '55173121':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55173122':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55173651':{'en': 'Palmeira D\'Oeste - SP', 'pt': 'Palmeira D\'Oeste - SP'}, '55423623':{'en': 'Guarapuava - PR', 'pt': 'Guarapuava - PR'}, '55423622':{'en': 'Guarapuava - PR', 'pt': 'Guarapuava - PR'}, '55543528':{'en': 'Itatiba do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Itatiba do Sul - RS'}, '55213860':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55543523':{'en': u('Bar\u00e3o de Cotegipe - RS'), 'pt': u('Bar\u00e3o de Cotegipe - RS')}, '55543522':{'en': 'Erechim - RS', 'pt': 'Erechim - RS'}, '55423626':{'en': 'Guarapuava - PR', 'pt': 'Guarapuava - PR'}, '55543527':{'en': u('\u00c1urea - RS'), 'pt': u('\u00c1urea - RS')}, '55543526':{'en': u('Tr\u00eas Arroios - RS'), 'pt': u('Tr\u00eas Arroios - RS')}, '55543525':{'en': 'Severiano de Almeida - RS', 'pt': 'Severiano de Almeida - RS'}, '55543524':{'en': 'Mariano Moro - RS', 'pt': 'Mariano Moro - RS'}, '55313238':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313239':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55733632':{'en': u('Ilh\u00e9us - BA'), 'pt': u('Ilh\u00e9us - BA')}, '55313235':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313236':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313237':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55654009':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55283569':{'en': 'Ibitirama - ES', 'pt': 'Ibitirama - ES'}, '55283562':{'en': 'Bom Jesus do Norte - ES', 'pt': 'Bom Jesus do Norte - ES'}, '55283560':{'en': 'Alegre - ES', 'pt': 'Alegre - ES'}, '55654004':{'en': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT'), 'pt': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT')}, '55654007':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55473534':{'en': u('Agrol\u00e2ndia - SC'), 'pt': u('Agrol\u00e2ndia - SC')}, '55473535':{'en': 'Atalanta - SC', 'pt': 'Atalanta - SC'}, '55473536':{'en': u('Petrol\u00e2ndia - SC'), 'pt': u('Petrol\u00e2ndia - SC')}, '55473537':{'en': u('Chapad\u00e3o do Lageado - SC'), 'pt': u('Chapad\u00e3o do Lageado - SC')}, '55473531':{'en': 'Rio do Sul - SC', 'pt': 'Rio do Sul - SC'}, '55733633':{'en': u('Ilh\u00e9us - BA'), 'pt': u('Ilh\u00e9us - BA')}, '55473533':{'en': 'Ituporanga - SC', 'pt': 'Ituporanga - SC'}, '55193225':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193224':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193227':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193226':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193221':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193223':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193229':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193228':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55553321':{'en': 'Cruz Alta - RS', 'pt': 'Cruz Alta - RS'}, '55553322':{'en': 'Cruz Alta - RS', 'pt': 'Cruz Alta - RS'}, '55553324':{'en': 'Cruz Alta - RS', 'pt': 'Cruz Alta - RS'}, '55553326':{'en': 'Cruz Alta - RS', 'pt': 'Cruz Alta - RS'}, '55553327':{'en': u('Salto do Jacu\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Salto do Jacu\u00ed - RS')}, '55553328':{'en': 'Fortaleza dos Valos - RS', 'pt': 'Fortaleza dos Valos - RS'}, '55414064':{'en': u('Paranagu\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Paranagu\u00e1 - PR')}, '55414062':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55163704':{'en': 'Franca - SP', 'pt': 'Franca - SP'}, '55163707':{'en': 'Franca - SP', 'pt': 'Franca - SP'}, '55163706':{'en': 'Franca - SP', 'pt': 'Franca - SP'}, '55163708':{'en': 'Franca - SP', 'pt': 'Franca - SP'}, '55743617':{'en': 'Juazeiro - BA', 'pt': 'Juazeiro - BA'}, '55743614':{'en': 'Juazeiro - BA', 'pt': 'Juazeiro - BA'}, '55743613':{'en': 'Juazeiro - BA', 'pt': 'Juazeiro - BA'}, '55743612':{'en': 'Juazeiro - BA', 'pt': 'Juazeiro - BA'}, '55743611':{'en': 'Juazeiro - BA', 'pt': 'Juazeiro - BA'}, '55534007':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55743619':{'en': 'Jaguarari - BA', 'pt': 'Jaguarari - BA'}, '55534001':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55343318':{'en': 'Uberaba - MG', 'pt': 'Uberaba - MG'}, '55433616':{'en': u('Seng\u00e9s - PR'), 'pt': u('Seng\u00e9s - PR')}, '55483205':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55483207':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55483208':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55433619':{'en': 'Ibaiti - PR', 'pt': 'Ibaiti - PR'}, '55433618':{'en': 'Ibaiti - PR', 'pt': 'Ibaiti - PR'}, '55193481':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Pedro - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Pedro - SP')}, '55193483':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Pedro - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Pedro - SP')}, '55193482':{'en': u('\u00c1guas de S\u00e3o Pedro - SP'), 'pt': u('\u00c1guas de S\u00e3o Pedro - SP')}, '55193484':{'en': 'Nova Odessa - SP', 'pt': 'Nova Odessa - SP'}, '55193487':{'en': 'Santa Maria da Serra - SP', 'pt': 'Santa Maria da Serra - SP'}, '55193486':{'en': 'Charqueada - SP', 'pt': 'Charqueada - SP'}, '55193488':{'en': 'Mombuca - SP', 'pt': 'Mombuca - SP'}, '55613642':{'en': 'Formosa - GO', 'pt': 'Formosa - GO'}, '55513077':{'en': 'Canoas - RS', 'pt': 'Canoas - RS'}, '55653336':{'en': 'Diamantino - MT', 'pt': 'Diamantino - MT'}, '55653337':{'en': 'Diamantino - MT', 'pt': 'Diamantino - MT'}, '55553505':{'en': 'Alegrete - RS', 'pt': 'Alegrete - RS'}, '55653335':{'en': 'Agrovila das Palmeiras - MT', 'pt': 'Agrovila das Palmeiras - MT'}, '55653338':{'en': u('Gleba Ranch\u00e3o - MT'), 'pt': u('Gleba Ranch\u00e3o - MT')}, '55653339':{'en': u('Tangar\u00e1 da Serra - MT'), 'pt': u('Tangar\u00e1 da Serra - MT')}, '55212689':{'en': 'Porto Belo - RJ', 'pt': 'Porto Belo - RJ'}, '55212688':{'en': u('Itagua\u00ed - RJ'), 'pt': u('Itagua\u00ed - RJ')}, '55273171':{'en': 'Linhares - ES', 'pt': 'Linhares - ES'}, '55212681':{'en': u('Serop\u00e9dica - RJ'), 'pt': u('Serop\u00e9dica - RJ')}, '55212680':{'en': 'Mangaratiba - RJ', 'pt': 'Mangaratiba - RJ'}, '55212683':{'en': 'Paracambi - RJ', 'pt': 'Paracambi - RJ'}, '55212682':{'en': u('Serop\u00e9dica - RJ'), 'pt': u('Serop\u00e9dica - RJ')}, '55212685':{'en': 'Mangaratiba - RJ', 'pt': 'Mangaratiba - RJ'}, '55212687':{'en': u('Itagua\u00ed - RJ'), 'pt': u('Itagua\u00ed - RJ')}, '55273288':{'en': 'Marechal Floriano - ES', 'pt': 'Marechal Floriano - ES'}, '55273287':{'en': u('Fund\u00e3o - ES'), 'pt': u('Fund\u00e3o - ES')}, '55193812':{'en': u('Cosm\u00f3polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Cosm\u00f3polis - SP')}, '55193813':{'en': 'Itapira - SP', 'pt': 'Itapira - SP'}, '55193811':{'en': u('Mogi-Gua\u00e7u - SP'), 'pt': u('Mogi-Gua\u00e7u - SP')}, '55193816':{'en': 'Indaiatuba - SP', 'pt': 'Indaiatuba - SP'}, '55193817':{'en': 'Amparo - SP', 'pt': 'Amparo - SP'}, '55193814':{'en': 'Mogi Mirim - SP', 'pt': 'Mogi Mirim - SP'}, '55673345':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55193818':{'en': u('Mogi-Gua\u00e7u - SP'), 'pt': u('Mogi-Gua\u00e7u - SP')}, '55193819':{'en': u('Hortol\u00e2ndia - SP'), 'pt': u('Hortol\u00e2ndia - SP')}, '5515':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Paulo'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Paulo')}, '5517':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Paulo'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Paulo')}, '5516':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Paulo'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Paulo')}, '55213084':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55623396':{'en': 'Itaguari - GO', 'pt': 'Itaguari - GO'}, '55673347':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55623394':{'en': 'Santa Rita do Novo Destino - GO', 'pt': 'Santa Rita do Novo Destino - GO'}, '55623393':{'en': u('Bon\u00f3polis - GO'), 'pt': u('Bon\u00f3polis - GO')}, '55623391':{'en': 'Mundo Novo - GO', 'pt': 'Mundo Novo - GO'}, '55673342':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55673439':{'en': 'Bela Vista - MS', 'pt': 'Bela Vista - MS'}, '55673438':{'en': u('Laguna Carap\u00e3 - MS'), 'pt': u('Laguna Carap\u00e3 - MS')}, '55673349':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55213089':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55623398':{'en': 'Itaguaru - GO', 'pt': 'Itaguaru - GO'}, '55453284':{'en': u('Marechal C\u00e2ndido Rondon - PR'), 'pt': u('Marechal C\u00e2ndido Rondon - PR')}, '55453285':{'en': u('Subsede S\u00e3o Francisco - PR'), 'pt': u('Subsede S\u00e3o Francisco - PR')}, '55453286':{'en': u('Capit\u00e3o Le\u00f4nidas Marques - PR'), 'pt': u('Capit\u00e3o Le\u00f4nidas Marques - PR')}, '55453287':{'en': 'Boa Vista da Aparecida - PR', 'pt': 'Boa Vista da Aparecida - PR'}, '55453280':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Luiz D\'Oeste - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Luiz D\'Oeste - PR')}, '55453281':{'en': u('Marechal C\u00e2ndido Rondon - PR'), 'pt': u('Marechal C\u00e2ndido Rondon - PR')}, '55453282':{'en': 'Pato Bragado - PR', 'pt': 'Pato Bragado - PR'}, '55453283':{'en': 'Margarida - PR', 'pt': 'Margarida - PR'}, '55333737':{'en': 'Berilo - MG', 'pt': 'Berilo - MG'}, '55333736':{'en': 'Virgem da Lapa - MG', 'pt': 'Virgem da Lapa - MG'}, '55333735':{'en': 'Coronel Murta - MG', 'pt': 'Coronel Murta - MG'}, '55333734':{'en': 'Itaobim - MG', 'pt': 'Itaobim - MG'}, '55333733':{'en': 'Itinga - MG', 'pt': 'Itinga - MG'}, '55333732':{'en': 'Comercinho - MG', 'pt': 'Comercinho - MG'}, '55333731':{'en': u('Ara\u00e7ua\u00ed - MG'), 'pt': u('Ara\u00e7ua\u00ed - MG')}, '55193387':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55213552':{'en': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ', 'pt': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ'}, '55213553':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213551':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55643096':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643097':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55213554':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213555':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55173465':{'en': u('Fernand\u00f3polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Fernand\u00f3polis - SP')}, '55173467':{'en': 'Nhandeara - SP', 'pt': 'Nhandeara - SP'}, '55173466':{'en': 'Cardoso - SP', 'pt': 'Cardoso - SP'}, '55173461':{'en': 'General Salgado - SP', 'pt': 'General Salgado - SP'}, '55173463':{'en': u('Fernand\u00f3polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Fernand\u00f3polis - SP')}, '55173462':{'en': u('Fernand\u00f3polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Fernand\u00f3polis - SP')}, '55354141':{'en': u('Po\u00e7os de Caldas - MG'), 'pt': u('Po\u00e7os de Caldas - MG')}, '55323214':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55543733':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55163143':{'en': 'Restinga - SP', 'pt': 'Restinga - SP'}, '55163142':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 da Bela Vista - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 da Bela Vista - SP')}, '55163146':{'en': u('Itirapu\u00e3 - SP'), 'pt': u('Itirapu\u00e3 - SP')}, '55163145':{'en': u('Patroc\u00ednio Paulista - SP'), 'pt': u('Patroc\u00ednio Paulista - SP')}, '55753469':{'en': u('C\u00edcero Dantas - BA'), 'pt': u('C\u00edcero Dantas - BA')}, '55222534':{'en': 'Duas Barras - RJ', 'pt': 'Duas Barras - RJ'}, '55753462':{'en': 'Itapicuru - BA', 'pt': 'Itapicuru - BA'}, '55433051':{'en': u('Rol\u00e2ndia - PR'), 'pt': u('Rol\u00e2ndia - PR')}, '55222537':{'en': 'Carmo - RJ', 'pt': 'Carmo - RJ'}, '55473307':{'en': u('Jaragu\u00e1 do Sul - SC'), 'pt': u('Jaragu\u00e1 do Sul - SC')}, '55473702':{'en': 'Blumenau - SC', 'pt': 'Blumenau - SC'}, '55222531':{'en': 'Sumidouro - RJ', 'pt': 'Sumidouro - RJ'}, '55433055':{'en': 'Arapongas - PR', 'pt': 'Arapongas - PR'}, '55353736':{'en': 'Cabo Verde - MG', 'pt': 'Cabo Verde - MG'}, '55513560':{'en': u('Araric\u00e1 - RS'), 'pt': u('Araric\u00e1 - RS')}, '55353226':{'en': u('Lumin\u00e1rias - MG'), 'pt': u('Lumin\u00e1rias - MG')}, '55353225':{'en': 'Carmo da Cachoeira - MG', 'pt': 'Carmo da Cachoeira - MG'}, '55613041':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55453028':{'en': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55453029':{'en': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55743553':{'en': 'Campo Formoso - BA', 'pt': 'Campo Formoso - BA'}, '55513398':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513395':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55143581':{'en': u('Ponga\u00ed - SP'), 'pt': u('Ponga\u00ed - SP')}, '55513397':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513391':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55453025':{'en': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55453026':{'en': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55453027':{'en': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55713014':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55353221':{'en': 'Varginha - MG', 'pt': 'Varginha - MG'}, '55713015':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55443351':{'en': 'Cianorte - PR', 'pt': 'Cianorte - PR'}, '55273733':{'en': 'Brejetuba - ES', 'pt': 'Brejetuba - ES'}, '55743559':{'en': u('Pindoba\u00e7u - BA'), 'pt': u('Pindoba\u00e7u - BA')}, '55753643':{'en': u('Valen\u00e7a - BA'), 'pt': u('Valen\u00e7a - BA')}, '55273735':{'en': u('Afonso Cl\u00e1udio - ES'), 'pt': u('Afonso Cl\u00e1udio - ES')}, '55443355':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55653928':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55653695':{'en': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT'), 'pt': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT')}, '55653694':{'en': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT'), 'pt': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT')}, '55274104':{'en': 'Cariacica - ES', 'pt': 'Cariacica - ES'}, '55274105':{'en': 'Vila Velha - ES', 'pt': 'Vila Velha - ES'}, '55274102':{'en': 'Serra - ES', 'pt': 'Serra - ES'}, '55653692':{'en': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT'), 'pt': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT')}, '55513571':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Hort\u00eancio - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Hort\u00eancio - RS')}, '55413003':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413552':{'en': u('Arauc\u00e1ria - PR'), 'pt': u('Arauc\u00e1ria - PR')}, '55413554':{'en': 'Quatro Barras - PR', 'pt': 'Quatro Barras - PR'}, '55413555':{'en': 'Campo Largo - PR', 'pt': 'Campo Largo - PR'}, '55413556':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR')}, '55513579':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Leopoldo - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Leopoldo - RS')}, '55643658':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Sim\u00e3o - GO'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Sim\u00e3o - GO')}, '55643659':{'en': u('Itarum\u00e3 - GO'), 'pt': u('Itarum\u00e3 - GO')}, '55512117':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513622':{'en': 'Arroio Teixeira - RS', 'pt': 'Arroio Teixeira - RS'}, '55653645':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55643656':{'en': u('Ca\u00e7u - GO'), 'pt': u('Ca\u00e7u - GO')}, '55633312':{'en': 'Gurupi - TO', 'pt': 'Gurupi - TO'}, '55633313':{'en': 'Gurupi - TO', 'pt': 'Gurupi - TO'}, '55343654':{'en': 'Santa Rosa da Serra - MG', 'pt': 'Santa Rosa da Serra - MG'}, '55633316':{'en': 'Gurupi - TO', 'pt': 'Gurupi - TO'}, '55633314':{'en': 'Gurupi - TO', 'pt': 'Gurupi - TO'}, '55633315':{'en': 'Gurupi - TO', 'pt': 'Gurupi - TO'}, '55313426':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55472033':{'en': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC'), 'pt': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC')}, '55513628':{'en': u('Maquin\u00e9 - RS'), 'pt': u('Maquin\u00e9 - RS')}, '55753644':{'en': 'Queimadas - BA', 'pt': 'Queimadas - BA'}, '55193562':{'en': 'Pirassununga - SP', 'pt': 'Pirassununga - SP'}, '55193563':{'en': 'Pirassununga - SP', 'pt': 'Pirassununga - SP'}, '55193561':{'en': 'Pirassununga - SP', 'pt': 'Pirassununga - SP'}, '55193566':{'en': u('Anal\u00e2ndia - SP'), 'pt': u('Anal\u00e2ndia - SP')}, '55193567':{'en': u('Santa Cruz da Concei\u00e7\u00e3o - SP'), 'pt': u('Santa Cruz da Concei\u00e7\u00e3o - SP')}, '55193565':{'en': 'Pirassununga - SP', 'pt': 'Pirassununga - SP'}, '55213314':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55323052':{'en': 'Barbacena - MG', 'pt': 'Barbacena - MG'}, '55213316':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213317':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55713362':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55213311':{'en': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ')}, '55213312':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213313':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55374101':{'en': u('Ita\u00fana - MG'), 'pt': u('Ita\u00fana - MG')}, '55463313':{'en': 'Pato Branco - PR', 'pt': 'Pato Branco - PR'}, '55713369':{'en': 'Lauro de Freitas - BA', 'pt': 'Lauro de Freitas - BA'}, '55753646':{'en': 'Guaibim - BA', 'pt': 'Guaibim - BA'}, '55484009':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55483055':{'en': u('I\u00e7ara - SC'), 'pt': u('I\u00e7ara - SC')}, '55484001':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55484007':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55483052':{'en': u('Tubar\u00e3o - SC'), 'pt': u('Tubar\u00e3o - SC')}, '55483053':{'en': u('Tubar\u00e3o - SC'), 'pt': u('Tubar\u00e3o - SC')}, '55753649':{'en': u('El\u00edsio Medrado - BA'), 'pt': u('El\u00edsio Medrado - BA')}, '55733573':{'en': 'Prado - BA', 'pt': 'Prado - BA'}, '55733575':{'en': 'Arraial d\'Ajuda - BA', 'pt': 'Arraial d\'Ajuda - BA'}, '55353263':{'en': 'Monsenhor Paulo - MG', 'pt': 'Monsenhor Paulo - MG'}, '55353261':{'en': 'Campanha - MG', 'pt': 'Campanha - MG'}, '55353267':{'en': u('Paragua\u00e7u - MG'), 'pt': u('Paragua\u00e7u - MG')}, '55353266':{'en': u('Tr\u00eas Pontas - MG'), 'pt': u('Tr\u00eas Pontas - MG')}, '55353265':{'en': u('Tr\u00eas Pontas - MG'), 'pt': u('Tr\u00eas Pontas - MG')}, '55353264':{'en': u('El\u00f3i Mendes - MG'), 'pt': u('El\u00f3i Mendes - MG')}, '55493646':{'en': u('Cunha Por\u00e3 - SC'), 'pt': u('Cunha Por\u00e3 - SC')}, '55493647':{'en': 'Palmitos - SC', 'pt': 'Palmitos - SC'}, '55213765':{'en': 'Mesquita - RJ', 'pt': 'Mesquita - RJ'}, '55493648':{'en': 'Caibi - SC', 'pt': 'Caibi - SC'}, '55543284':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55213766':{'en': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ')}, '55213761':{'en': u('Nil\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nil\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55213760':{'en': u('Nil\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nil\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55213763':{'en': 'Mesquita - RJ', 'pt': 'Mesquita - RJ'}, '55213762':{'en': u('Nil\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nil\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55623481':{'en': 'Posse - GO', 'pt': 'Posse - GO'}, '55543288':{'en': 'Gramado - RS', 'pt': 'Gramado - RS'}, '55383825':{'en': 'Montezuma - MG', 'pt': 'Montezuma - MG'}, '55673234':{'en': u('Corumb\u00e1 - MS'), 'pt': u('Corumb\u00e1 - MS')}, '5566':{'en': 'Mato Grosso', 'pt': 'Mato Grosso'}, '55673236':{'en': 'Nioaque - MS', 'pt': 'Nioaque - MS'}, '55623988':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55433401':{'en': u('Corn\u00e9lio Proc\u00f3pio - PR'), 'pt': u('Corn\u00e9lio Proc\u00f3pio - PR')}, '55243328':{'en': 'Barra Mansa - RJ', 'pt': 'Barra Mansa - RJ'}, '55243324':{'en': 'Barra Mansa - RJ', 'pt': 'Barra Mansa - RJ'}, '55243325':{'en': 'Barra Mansa - RJ', 'pt': 'Barra Mansa - RJ'}, '55243320':{'en': 'Volta Redonda - RJ', 'pt': 'Volta Redonda - RJ'}, '55243321':{'en': 'Resende - RJ', 'pt': 'Resende - RJ'}, '55243322':{'en': 'Barra Mansa - RJ', 'pt': 'Barra Mansa - RJ'}, '55243323':{'en': 'Barra Mansa - RJ', 'pt': 'Barra Mansa - RJ'}, '55212548':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212549':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212546':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212547':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212544':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212545':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212542':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212543':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212540':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212541':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55673668':{'en': u('Parana\u00edba - MS'), 'pt': u('Parana\u00edba - MS')}, '55673669':{'en': u('Parana\u00edba - MS'), 'pt': u('Parana\u00edba - MS')}, '55673666':{'en': u('Chapad\u00e3o do Sul - MS'), 'pt': u('Chapad\u00e3o do Sul - MS')}, '55673665':{'en': u('\u00c1gua Clara - MS'), 'pt': u('\u00c1gua Clara - MS')}, '55733605':{'en': 'Itabatan - BA', 'pt': 'Itabatan - BA'}, '55733604':{'en': 'Batinga - BA', 'pt': 'Batinga - BA'}, '55613435':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613434':{'en': 'Recanto das Emas - DF', 'pt': 'Recanto das Emas - DF'}, '55613436':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613433':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613432':{'en': 'Formosa - GO', 'pt': 'Formosa - GO'}, '55273341':{'en': 'Serra - ES', 'pt': 'Serra - ES'}, '55173263':{'en': u('Mirassol\u00e2ndia - SP'), 'pt': u('Mirassol\u00e2ndia - SP')}, '55313823':{'en': 'Ipatinga - MG', 'pt': 'Ipatinga - MG'}, '55313822':{'en': 'Ipatinga - MG', 'pt': 'Ipatinga - MG'}, '55173818':{'en': 'Bady Bassitt - SP', 'pt': 'Bady Bassitt - SP'}, '55173819':{'en': 'Poloni - SP', 'pt': 'Poloni - SP'}, '55273347':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55173814':{'en': 'Adolfo - SP', 'pt': 'Adolfo - SP'}, '55173815':{'en': 'Guaraci - SP', 'pt': 'Guaraci - SP'}, '55173816':{'en': u('Orindi\u00fava - SP'), 'pt': u('Orindi\u00fava - SP')}, '55173817':{'en': u('Sever\u00ednia - SP'), 'pt': u('Sever\u00ednia - SP')}, '55333421':{'en': u('Guanh\u00e3es - MG'), 'pt': u('Guanh\u00e3es - MG')}, '55173812':{'en': u('Ic\u00e9m - SP'), 'pt': u('Ic\u00e9m - SP')}, '55173813':{'en': 'Jaci - SP', 'pt': 'Jaci - SP'}, '55333427':{'en': u('Materl\u00e2ndia - MG'), 'pt': u('Materl\u00e2ndia - MG')}, '55333426':{'en': u('Dores de Guanh\u00e3es - MG'), 'pt': u('Dores de Guanh\u00e3es - MG')}, '55173265':{'en': u('Jos\u00e9 Bonif\u00e1cio - SP'), 'pt': u('Jos\u00e9 Bonif\u00e1cio - SP')}, '55673047':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55173264':{'en': u('B\u00e1lsamo - SP'), 'pt': u('B\u00e1lsamo - SP')}, '55673596':{'en': u('Cassil\u00e2ndia - MS'), 'pt': u('Cassil\u00e2ndia - MS')}, '55513764':{'en': 'Cruzeiro do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Cruzeiro do Sul - RS'}, '55513765':{'en': u('Lago\u00e3o - RS'), 'pt': u('Lago\u00e3o - RS')}, '55473148':{'en': 'Navegantes - SC', 'pt': 'Navegantes - SC'}, '55513767':{'en': 'Tunas - RS', 'pt': 'Tunas - RS'}, '55513760':{'en': 'Colinas - RS', 'pt': 'Colinas - RS'}, '55513761':{'en': 'Paverama - RS', 'pt': 'Paverama - RS'}, '55673591':{'en': 'Santa Rita do Pardo - MS', 'pt': 'Santa Rita do Pardo - MS'}, '55333428':{'en': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio do Itamb\u00e9 - MG'), 'pt': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio do Itamb\u00e9 - MG')}, '55273752':{'en': u('Nova Ven\u00e9cia - ES'), 'pt': u('Nova Ven\u00e9cia - ES')}, '55273753':{'en': u('Vila Pav\u00e3o - ES'), 'pt': u('Vila Pav\u00e3o - ES')}, '55753636':{'en': u('Nazar\u00e9 - BA'), 'pt': u('Nazar\u00e9 - BA')}, '55273751':{'en': 'Mucurici - ES', 'pt': 'Mucurici - ES'}, '55273756':{'en': u('Barra de S\u00e3o Francisco - ES'), 'pt': u('Barra de S\u00e3o Francisco - ES')}, '55273757':{'en': 'Ponto Belo - ES', 'pt': 'Ponto Belo - ES'}, '55273754':{'en': 'Montanha - ES', 'pt': 'Montanha - ES'}, '55273755':{'en': 'Ecoporanga - ES', 'pt': 'Ecoporanga - ES'}, '55273758':{'en': u('Manten\u00f3polis - ES'), 'pt': u('Manten\u00f3polis - ES')}, '55273759':{'en': u('\u00c1gua Doce do Norte - ES'), 'pt': u('\u00c1gua Doce do Norte - ES')}, '55753638':{'en': 'Governador Mangabeira - BA', 'pt': 'Governador Mangabeira - BA'}, '55753639':{'en': 'Santa Teresinha - BA', 'pt': 'Santa Teresinha - BA'}, '55753328':{'en': 'Ibiquera - BA', 'pt': 'Ibiquera - BA'}, '55613338':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55173353':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55242491':{'en': 'Vassouras - RJ', 'pt': 'Vassouras - RJ'}, '55663562':{'en': 'Santa Carmem - MT', 'pt': 'Santa Carmem - MT'}, '55623920':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623921':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623922':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623923':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55663455':{'en': 'Santa Elvira - MT', 'pt': 'Santa Elvira - MT'}, '55623928':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55173101':{'en': 'Uchoa - SP', 'pt': 'Uchoa - SP'}, '55312524':{'en': 'Contagem - MG', 'pt': 'Contagem - MG'}, '55773411':{'en': 'Ibitira - BA', 'pt': 'Ibitira - BA'}, '55643519':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643513':{'en': 'Caldas Novas - GO', 'pt': 'Caldas Novas - GO'}, '55643512':{'en': 'Rio Quente - GO', 'pt': 'Rio Quente - GO'}, '55643517':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643515':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55623366':{'en': 'Mara Rosa - GO', 'pt': 'Mara Rosa - GO'}, '55513982':{'en': 'Lajeado - RS', 'pt': 'Lajeado - RS'}, '55513983':{'en': u('Ven\u00e2ncio Aires - RS'), 'pt': u('Ven\u00e2ncio Aires - RS')}, '55313218':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313219':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313217':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313214':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313212':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313213':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55413941':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55543317':{'en': 'Passo Fundo - RS', 'pt': 'Passo Fundo - RS'}, '55673446':{'en': u('Ang\u00e9lica - MS'), 'pt': u('Ang\u00e9lica - MS')}, '55493804':{'en': 'Lages - SC', 'pt': 'Lages - SC'}, '55654062':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55623363':{'en': 'Porangatu - GO', 'pt': 'Porangatu - GO'}, '55673444':{'en': 'Taquarussu - MS', 'pt': 'Taquarussu - MS'}, '55543313':{'en': 'Passo Fundo - RS', 'pt': 'Passo Fundo - RS'}, '55553307':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55553304':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55553305':{'en': u('Iju\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Iju\u00ed - RS')}, '55553302':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55553303':{'en': 'Cruz Alta - RS', 'pt': 'Cruz Alta - RS'}, '55553301':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55733311':{'en': 'Teixeira de Freitas - BA', 'pt': 'Teixeira de Freitas - BA'}, '55553308':{'en': u('Iju\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Iju\u00ed - RS')}, '55543319':{'en': 'Montauri - RS', 'pt': 'Montauri - RS'}, '55733313':{'en': u('Ipia\u00fa - BA'), 'pt': u('Ipia\u00fa - BA')}, '55543520':{'en': 'Erechim - RS', 'pt': 'Erechim - RS'}, '55163763':{'en': u('Jardin\u00f3polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Jardin\u00f3polis - SP')}, '55163761':{'en': 'Batatais - SP', 'pt': 'Batatais - SP'}, '55534062':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55483267':{'en': 'Nova Trento - SC', 'pt': 'Nova Trento - SC'}, '55483266':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55483265':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o Batista - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o Batista - SC')}, '55483264':{'en': 'Canelinha - SC', 'pt': 'Canelinha - SC'}, '55483263':{'en': 'Tijucas - SC', 'pt': 'Tijucas - SC'}, '55483262':{'en': 'Governador Celso Ramos - SC', 'pt': 'Governador Celso Ramos - SC'}, '55483269':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55483268':{'en': 'Leoberto Leal - SC', 'pt': 'Leoberto Leal - SC'}, '55183866':{'en': 'Flora Rica - SP', 'pt': 'Flora Rica - SP'}, '55192516':{'en': 'Indaiatuba - SP', 'pt': 'Indaiatuba - SP'}, '55192511':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55192513':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55183654':{'en': u('Pen\u00e1polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Pen\u00e1polis - SP')}, '55273115':{'en': 'Linhares - ES', 'pt': 'Linhares - ES'}, '55273111':{'en': 'Aracruz - ES', 'pt': 'Aracruz - ES'}, '55193608':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Pardo - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Pardo - SP')}, '55193602':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Boa Vista - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Boa Vista - SP')}, '55193601':{'en': 'Americana - SP', 'pt': 'Americana - SP'}, '55193607':{'en': 'Casa Branca - SP', 'pt': 'Casa Branca - SP'}, '55193269':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55693539':{'en': 'Rio Crespo - RO', 'pt': 'Rio Crespo - RO'}, '55193268':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55423438':{'en': 'Guamiranga - PR', 'pt': 'Guamiranga - PR'}, '55633692':{'en': u('Dian\u00f3polis - TO'), 'pt': u('Dian\u00f3polis - TO')}, '55633691':{'en': u('Rio da Concei\u00e7\u00e3o - TO'), 'pt': u('Rio da Concei\u00e7\u00e3o - TO')}, '55143731':{'en': u('Avar\u00e9 - SP'), 'pt': u('Avar\u00e9 - SP')}, '55713555':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55633696':{'en': 'Novo Jardim - TO', 'pt': 'Novo Jardim - TO'}, '55633695':{'en': 'Novo Alegre - TO', 'pt': 'Novo Alegre - TO'}, '55743635':{'en': u('Tapiramut\u00e1 - BA'), 'pt': u('Tapiramut\u00e1 - BA')}, '55743634':{'en': u('Caldeir\u00e3o Grande - BA'), 'pt': u('Caldeir\u00e3o Grande - BA')}, '55743637':{'en': 'Gentio do Ouro - BA', 'pt': 'Gentio do Ouro - BA'}, '55743636':{'en': u('Ca\u00e9m - BA'), 'pt': u('Ca\u00e9m - BA')}, '55423434':{'en': 'Guamirim - PR', 'pt': 'Guamirim - PR'}, '55423435':{'en': 'Pinho de Baixo - PR', 'pt': 'Pinho de Baixo - PR'}, '55423436':{'en': 'Imbituva - PR', 'pt': 'Imbituva - PR'}, '55143737':{'en': u('Gar\u00e7a - SP'), 'pt': u('Gar\u00e7a - SP')}, '55222031':{'en': 'Saquarema - RJ', 'pt': 'Saquarema - RJ'}, '55222030':{'en': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ', 'pt': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ'}, '55633369':{'en': 'Novo Acordo - TO', 'pt': 'Novo Acordo - TO'}, '55673419':{'en': u('Ang\u00e9lica - MS'), 'pt': u('Ang\u00e9lica - MS')}, '55673418':{'en': 'Itaum - MS', 'pt': 'Itaum - MS'}, '55543349':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Domingos do Sul - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Domingos do Sul - RS')}, '55543348':{'en': u('\u00c1gua Santa - RS'), 'pt': u('\u00c1gua Santa - RS')}, '55622764':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55543343':{'en': 'Sananduva - RS', 'pt': 'Sananduva - RS'}, '55543342':{'en': 'Marau - RS', 'pt': 'Marau - RS'}, '55543341':{'en': u('Get\u00falio Vargas - RS'), 'pt': u('Get\u00falio Vargas - RS')}, '55543340':{'en': 'Vanini - RS', 'pt': 'Vanini - RS'}, '55543347':{'en': 'Casca - RS', 'pt': 'Casca - RS'}, '55543346':{'en': u('Cir\u00edaco - RS'), 'pt': u('Cir\u00edaco - RS')}, '55543345':{'en': u('Sert\u00e3o - RS'), 'pt': u('Sert\u00e3o - RS')}, '55543344':{'en': 'Tapejara - RS', 'pt': 'Tapejara - RS'}, '55513157':{'en': u('Tr\u00eas Coroas - RS'), 'pt': u('Tr\u00eas Coroas - RS')}, '55313869':{'en': 'Congonhas do Norte - MG', 'pt': 'Congonhas do Norte - MG'}, '55513407':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55313868':{'en': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o do Mato Dentro - MG'), 'pt': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o do Mato Dentro - MG')}, '55333243':{'en': 'Central de Minas - MG', 'pt': 'Central de Minas - MG'}, '55333242':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o do Manteninha - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o do Manteninha - MG')}, '55333241':{'en': 'Mantena - MG', 'pt': 'Mantena - MG'}, '55333247':{'en': 'Itabirinha - MG', 'pt': 'Itabirinha - MG'}, '55333246':{'en': 'Mendes Pimentel - MG', 'pt': 'Mendes Pimentel - MG'}, '55333245':{'en': 'Divino das Laranjeiras - MG', 'pt': 'Divino das Laranjeiras - MG'}, '55333244':{'en': u('Galil\u00e9ia - MG'), 'pt': u('Galil\u00e9ia - MG')}, '55454007':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55513401':{'en': u('Gua\u00edba - RS'), 'pt': u('Gua\u00edba - RS')}, '55454003':{'en': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55454001':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55313865':{'en': 'Coronel Fabriciano - MG', 'pt': 'Coronel Fabriciano - MG'}, '55513151':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55313864':{'en': u('Carm\u00e9sia - MG'), 'pt': u('Carm\u00e9sia - MG')}, '55313867':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o do Rio Preto - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o do Rio Preto - MG')}, '55643071':{'en': 'Rio Verde - GO', 'pt': 'Rio Verde - GO'}, '55343427':{'en': 'Planura - MG', 'pt': 'Planura - MG'}, '55183822':{'en': 'Dracena - SP', 'pt': 'Dracena - SP'}, '55644012':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55313862':{'en': 'Alvorada de Minas - MG', 'pt': 'Alvorada de Minas - MG'}, '55643471':{'en': 'Pontalina - GO', 'pt': 'Pontalina - GO'}, '55733668':{'en': 'Trancoso - BA', 'pt': 'Trancoso - BA'}, '55474063':{'en': 'Joinville - SC', 'pt': 'Joinville - SC'}, '55474062':{'en': 'Joinville - SC', 'pt': 'Joinville - SC'}, '55193513':{'en': 'Limeira - SP', 'pt': 'Limeira - SP'}, '55193512':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193042':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55754101':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55753402':{'en': 'Entre Rios - BA', 'pt': 'Entre Rios - BA'}, '55193516':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55693435':{'en': 'Novo Horizonte do Oeste - RO', 'pt': 'Novo Horizonte do Oeste - RO'}, '55693434':{'en': 'Santa Luzia D\'Oeste - RO', 'pt': 'Santa Luzia D\'Oeste - RO'}, '55553411':{'en': 'Uruguaiana - RS', 'pt': 'Uruguaiana - RS'}, '55674003':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55674002':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55674001':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55674007':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55674004':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55693432':{'en': 'Rolim de Moura - RO', 'pt': 'Rolim de Moura - RO'}, '55513373':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55533305':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55513371':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55183788':{'en': 'Murutinga do Sul - SP', 'pt': 'Murutinga do Sul - SP'}, '55513377':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513376':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55214007':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55513374':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55493289':{'en': 'Lages - SC', 'pt': 'Lages - SC'}, '55343691':{'en': u('Arax\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Arax\u00e1 - MG')}, '55343690':{'en': 'Araguari - MG', 'pt': 'Araguari - MG'}, '55183786':{'en': 'Sud Mennucci - SP', 'pt': 'Sud Mennucci - SP'}, '55624001':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55613381':{'en': u('Guar\u00e1 - DF'), 'pt': u('Guar\u00e1 - DF')}, '55313029':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55433343':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55653901':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55473632':{'en': 'Campo Alegre - SC', 'pt': 'Campo Alegre - SC'}, '55223811':{'en': 'Itaperuna - RJ', 'pt': 'Itaperuna - RJ'}, '55313026':{'en': 'Sete Lagoas - MG', 'pt': 'Sete Lagoas - MG'}, '55413576':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55353322':{'en': 'Seritinga - MG', 'pt': 'Seritinga - MG'}, '55513515':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55413575':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413573':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55353323':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Vicente de Minas - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Vicente de Minas - MG')}, '55413579':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55473635':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Bento do Sul - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Bento do Sul - SC')}, '55373355':{'en': u('Dores\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Dores\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55473634':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Bento do Sul - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Bento do Sul - SC')}, '55353327':{'en': 'Carrancas - MG', 'pt': 'Carrancas - MG'}, '55623317':{'en': u('An\u00e1polis - GO'), 'pt': u('An\u00e1polis - GO')}, '55353325':{'en': u('Andrel\u00e2ndia - MG'), 'pt': u('Andrel\u00e2ndia - MG')}, '55713397':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55194002':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55194003':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55194007':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55413685':{'en': 'Paiol de Baixo - PR', 'pt': 'Paiol de Baixo - PR'}, '55623316':{'en': u('An\u00e1polis - GO'), 'pt': u('An\u00e1polis - GO')}, '55443436':{'en': u('Ita\u00fana do Sul - PR'), 'pt': u('Ita\u00fana do Sul - PR')}, '55443437':{'en': u('Amapor\u00e3 - PR'), 'pt': u('Amapor\u00e3 - PR')}, '55713390':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55213849':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213338':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213339':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55713308':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713309':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55213332':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213333':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213842':{'en': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ', 'pt': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ'}, '55213331':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213336':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213845':{'en': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ', 'pt': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ'}, '55213846':{'en': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ', 'pt': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ'}, '55213847':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55153363':{'en': 'Boituva - SP', 'pt': 'Boituva - SP'}, '55153364':{'en': 'Boituva - SP', 'pt': 'Boituva - SP'}, '55623314':{'en': u('An\u00e1polis - GO'), 'pt': u('An\u00e1polis - GO')}, '55512139':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55512131':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55713012':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55732105':{'en': 'Porto Seguro - BA', 'pt': 'Porto Seguro - BA'}, '55732103':{'en': 'Itabuna - BA', 'pt': 'Itabuna - BA'}, '55732102':{'en': 'Itabuna - BA', 'pt': 'Itabuna - BA'}, '55732101':{'en': u('Ilh\u00e9us - BA'), 'pt': u('Ilh\u00e9us - BA')}, '55443438':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Carlos do Iva\u00ed - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Carlos do Iva\u00ed - PR')}, '55673919':{'en': u('Tr\u00eas Lagoas - MS'), 'pt': u('Tr\u00eas Lagoas - MS')}, '55553794':{'en': 'Planalto - RS', 'pt': 'Planalto - RS'}, '55553797':{'en': 'Novo Tiradentes - RS', 'pt': 'Novo Tiradentes - RS'}, '55553796':{'en': 'Alpestre - RS', 'pt': 'Alpestre - RS'}, '55553791':{'en': 'Palmitinho - RS', 'pt': 'Palmitinho - RS'}, '55733512':{'en': u('Eun\u00e1polis - BA'), 'pt': u('Eun\u00e1polis - BA')}, '55733511':{'en': u('Eun\u00e1polis - BA'), 'pt': u('Eun\u00e1polis - BA')}, '55553792':{'en': 'Pinheirinho do Vale - RS', 'pt': 'Pinheirinho do Vale - RS'}, '55353713':{'en': u('Po\u00e7os de Caldas - MG'), 'pt': u('Po\u00e7os de Caldas - MG')}, '55353712':{'en': u('Po\u00e7os de Caldas - MG'), 'pt': u('Po\u00e7os de Caldas - MG')}, '55222554':{'en': 'Macuco - RJ', 'pt': 'Macuco - RJ'}, '55353242':{'en': u('Turvol\u00e2ndia - MG'), 'pt': u('Turvol\u00e2ndia - MG')}, '55222552':{'en': 'Santa Rita da Floresta - RJ', 'pt': 'Santa Rita da Floresta - RJ'}, '55222553':{'en': 'Cantagalo - RJ', 'pt': 'Cantagalo - RJ'}, '55353715':{'en': u('Po\u00e7os de Caldas - MG'), 'pt': u('Po\u00e7os de Caldas - MG')}, '55353714':{'en': u('Po\u00e7os de Caldas - MG'), 'pt': u('Po\u00e7os de Caldas - MG')}, '55222559':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o do Alto - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o do Alto - RJ')}, '55623311':{'en': u('An\u00e1polis - GO'), 'pt': u('An\u00e1polis - GO')}, '55743654':{'en': 'Barra do Mendes - BA', 'pt': 'Barra do Mendes - BA'}, '55743542':{'en': 'Senhor do Bonfim - BA', 'pt': 'Senhor do Bonfim - BA'}, '55473261':{'en': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC'), 'pt': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC')}, '55473263':{'en': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC'), 'pt': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC')}, '55473264':{'en': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC'), 'pt': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC')}, '55773439':{'en': 'Encruzilhada - BA', 'pt': 'Encruzilhada - BA'}, '55222732':{'en': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ', 'pt': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ'}, '55222733':{'en': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ', 'pt': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ'}, '55623310':{'en': u('An\u00e1polis - GO'), 'pt': u('An\u00e1polis - GO')}, '55222734':{'en': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ', 'pt': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ'}, '55222735':{'en': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ', 'pt': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ'}, '55373434':{'en': 'Medeiros - MG', 'pt': 'Medeiros - MG'}, '55373435':{'en': 'Vargem Bonita - MG', 'pt': 'Vargem Bonita - MG'}, '55373431':{'en': u('Bambu\u00ed - MG'), 'pt': u('Bambu\u00ed - MG')}, '55373433':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Roque de Minas - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Roque de Minas - MG')}, '55753662':{'en': 'Laje - BA', 'pt': 'Laje - BA'}, '55243302':{'en': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55433427':{'en': 'Apucarana - PR', 'pt': 'Apucarana - PR'}, '55433424':{'en': 'Apucarana - PR', 'pt': 'Apucarana - PR'}, '55433425':{'en': 'Apucarana - PR', 'pt': 'Apucarana - PR'}, '55433422':{'en': 'Apucarana - PR', 'pt': 'Apucarana - PR'}, '55433423':{'en': 'Apucarana - PR', 'pt': 'Apucarana - PR'}, '55433420':{'en': 'Apucarana - PR', 'pt': 'Apucarana - PR'}, '55453252':{'en': 'Toledo - PR', 'pt': 'Toledo - PR'}, '55433428':{'en': u('Maril\u00e2ndia do Sul - PR'), 'pt': u('Maril\u00e2ndia do Sul - PR')}, '55433429':{'en': u('Calif\u00f3rnia - PR'), 'pt': u('Calif\u00f3rnia - PR')}, '55212524':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212525':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212526':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212527':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212520':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212521':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212522':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212523':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212528':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212529':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55753660':{'en': u('P\u00e9 de Serra - BA'), 'pt': u('P\u00e9 de Serra - BA')}, '55453254':{'en': u('Marechal C\u00e2ndido Rondon - PR'), 'pt': u('Marechal C\u00e2ndido Rondon - PR')}, '55713649':{'en': u('Cama\u00e7ari - BA'), 'pt': u('Cama\u00e7ari - BA')}, '55713648':{'en': u('Dias d\'\u00c1vila - BA'), 'pt': u('Dias d\'\u00c1vila - BA')}, '55173832':{'en': 'General Salgado - SP', 'pt': 'General Salgado - SP'}, '55273326':{'en': 'Vila Velha - ES', 'pt': 'Vila Velha - ES'}, '55273325':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55313844':{'en': 'Cava Grande - MG', 'pt': 'Cava Grande - MG'}, '55173836':{'en': 'Cosmorama - SP', 'pt': 'Cosmorama - SP'}, '55313842':{'en': 'Coronel Fabriciano - MG', 'pt': 'Coronel Fabriciano - MG'}, '55273321':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55173838':{'en': u('Pedran\u00f3polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Pedran\u00f3polis - SP')}, '55173839':{'en': 'Parisi - SP', 'pt': 'Parisi - SP'}, '55313849':{'en': u('Tim\u00f3teo - MG'), 'pt': u('Tim\u00f3teo - MG')}, '55323553':{'en': 'Guiricema - MG', 'pt': 'Guiricema - MG'}, '55713216':{'en': u('Sim\u00f5es Filho - BA'), 'pt': u('Sim\u00f5es Filho - BA')}, '55623541':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55713017':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713646':{'en': 'Lauro de Freitas - BA', 'pt': 'Lauro de Freitas - BA'}, '55713214':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713641':{'en': 'Catu - BA', 'pt': 'Catu - BA'}, '55713215':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55513742':{'en': 'Sobradinho - RS', 'pt': 'Sobradinho - RS'}, '55513743':{'en': u('Candel\u00e1ria - RS'), 'pt': u('Candel\u00e1ria - RS')}, '55513740':{'en': 'Santa Cruz do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Cruz do Sul - RS'}, '55513741':{'en': u('Ven\u00e2ncio Aires - RS'), 'pt': u('Ven\u00e2ncio Aires - RS')}, '55513747':{'en': 'Arroio do Tigre - RS', 'pt': 'Arroio do Tigre - RS'}, '55513744':{'en': 'Ibarama - RS', 'pt': 'Ibarama - RS'}, '55513745':{'en': 'Segredo - RS', 'pt': 'Segredo - RS'}, '55673246':{'en': 'Terenos - MS', 'pt': 'Terenos - MS'}, '55513748':{'en': 'Lajeado - RS', 'pt': 'Lajeado - RS'}, '55492020':{'en': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC'), 'pt': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC')}, '55713218':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55673247':{'en': 'Costa Rica - MS', 'pt': 'Costa Rica - MS'}, '55623561':{'en': 'Caldazinha - GO', 'pt': 'Caldazinha - GO'}, '55713011':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55424141':{'en': 'Ponta Grossa - PR', 'pt': 'Ponta Grossa - PR'}, '55623565':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623567':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55753344':{'en': 'Palmeiras - BA', 'pt': 'Palmeiras - BA'}, '55753345':{'en': u('Nova Reden\u00e7\u00e3o - BA'), 'pt': u('Nova Reden\u00e7\u00e3o - BA')}, '55753340':{'en': u('Marcion\u00edlio Souza - BA'), 'pt': u('Marcion\u00edlio Souza - BA')}, '55753341':{'en': u('Jo\u00e3o Amaro - BA'), 'pt': u('Jo\u00e3o Amaro - BA')}, '55753614':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55753343':{'en': 'Bonito - BA', 'pt': 'Bonito - BA'}, '55173341':{'en': 'Colina - SP', 'pt': 'Colina - SP'}, '55173342':{'en': 'Bebedouro - SP', 'pt': 'Bebedouro - SP'}, '55173343':{'en': 'Bebedouro - SP', 'pt': 'Bebedouro - SP'}, '55173344':{'en': 'Bebedouro - SP', 'pt': 'Bebedouro - SP'}, '55173345':{'en': 'Bebedouro - SP', 'pt': 'Bebedouro - SP'}, '55173346':{'en': 'Bebedouro - SP', 'pt': 'Bebedouro - SP'}, '55173347':{'en': 'Jaborandi - SP', 'pt': 'Jaborandi - SP'}, '55333508':{'en': 'Governador Valadares - MG', 'pt': 'Governador Valadares - MG'}, '55173349':{'en': u('Turv\u00ednia - SP'), 'pt': u('Turv\u00ednia - SP')}, '55624006':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55624007':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55643689':{'en': 'Diorama - GO', 'pt': 'Diorama - GO'}, '55624005':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55713013':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55173362':{'en': u('Marcond\u00e9sia - SP'), 'pt': u('Marcond\u00e9sia - SP')}, '55643681':{'en': u('Firmin\u00f3polis - GO'), 'pt': u('Firmin\u00f3polis - GO')}, '55643680':{'en': u('Naz\u00e1rio - GO'), 'pt': u('Naz\u00e1rio - GO')}, '55643687':{'en': u('C\u00f3rrego do Ouro - GO'), 'pt': u('C\u00f3rrego do Ouro - GO')}, '55643686':{'en': u('Moipor\u00e1 - GO'), 'pt': u('Moipor\u00e1 - GO')}, '55643685':{'en': u('Ivol\u00e2ndia - GO'), 'pt': u('Ivol\u00e2ndia - GO')}, '55624003':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55663476':{'en': 'Araguainha - MT', 'pt': 'Araguainha - MT'}, '55663472':{'en': 'Serra Dourada - MT', 'pt': 'Serra Dourada - MT'}, '55733689':{'en': 'Bahia', 'pt': 'Bahia'}, '55663471':{'en': u('Alto Gar\u00e7as - MT'), 'pt': u('Alto Gar\u00e7as - MT')}, '55733687':{'en': 'Caravelas - BA', 'pt': 'Caravelas - BA'}, '55173361':{'en': 'Monte Azul Paulista - SP', 'pt': 'Monte Azul Paulista - SP'}, '55733683':{'en': 'Guarani - BA', 'pt': 'Guarani - BA'}, '55733682':{'en': 'Teixeira de Freitas - BA', 'pt': 'Teixeira de Freitas - BA'}, '55663478':{'en': 'Canarana - MT', 'pt': 'Canarana - MT'}, '55663479':{'en': u('Novo S\u00e3o Joaquim - MT'), 'pt': u('Novo S\u00e3o Joaquim - MT')}, '55153553':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Branco - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Branco - SP')}, '55153552':{'en': u('Apia\u00ed - SP'), 'pt': u('Apia\u00ed - SP')}, '55153551':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Branco - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Branco - SP')}, '55173695':{'en': u('Marin\u00f3polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Marin\u00f3polis - SP')}, '55173692':{'en': 'Santana da Ponte Pensa - SP', 'pt': 'Santana da Ponte Pensa - SP'}, '55173693':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Francisco - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Francisco - SP')}, '55153555':{'en': 'Ribeira - SP', 'pt': 'Ribeira - SP'}, '55173691':{'en': u('Tr\u00eas Fronteiras - SP'), 'pt': u('Tr\u00eas Fronteiras - SP')}, '55153558':{'en': u('Apia\u00ed - SP'), 'pt': u('Apia\u00ed - SP')}, '55173699':{'en': 'Pontalinda - SP', 'pt': 'Pontalinda - SP'}, '55373275':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 da Varginha - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 da Varginha - MG')}, '55643531':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643533':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643532':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55624008':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55643539':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55624009':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55543568':{'en': 'Ponte Preta - RS', 'pt': 'Ponte Preta - RS'}, '55313274':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313275':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55413210':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55313270':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313271':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313272':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313273':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55413219':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55313278':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313279':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55433223':{'en': u('Camb\u00e9 - PR'), 'pt': u('Camb\u00e9 - PR')}, '55433224':{'en': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio do Para\u00edso - PR'), 'pt': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio do Para\u00edso - PR')}, '55353015':{'en': 'Varginha - MG', 'pt': 'Varginha - MG'}, '55353011':{'en': 'Alfenas - MG', 'pt': 'Alfenas - MG'}, '55353012':{'en': u('Itajub\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Itajub\u00e1 - MG')}, '55353013':{'en': 'Lavras - MG', 'pt': 'Lavras - MG'}, '55653376':{'en': 'Nobres - MT', 'pt': 'Nobres - MT'}, '55383647':{'en': 'Formoso - MG', 'pt': 'Formoso - MG'}, '55143622':{'en': u('Ja\u00fa - SP'), 'pt': u('Ja\u00fa - SP')}, '55653371':{'en': 'Nova Mutum - MT', 'pt': 'Nova Mutum - MT'}, '55513597':{'en': 'Campo Bom - RS', 'pt': 'Campo Bom - RS'}, '55163749':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Corrente - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Corrente - SP')}, '55733251':{'en': u('Itacar\u00e9 - BA'), 'pt': u('Itacar\u00e9 - BA')}, '55483539':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o do Sul - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o do Sul - SC')}, '55483538':{'en': u('Balne\u00e1rio Bela Torres - SC'), 'pt': u('Balne\u00e1rio Bela Torres - SC')}, '55483248':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55483245':{'en': 'Santo Amaro da Imperatriz - SC', 'pt': 'Santo Amaro da Imperatriz - SC'}, '55483244':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55483247':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC')}, '55483246':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC')}, '55483241':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC')}, '55483536':{'en': u('Timb\u00e9 do Sul - SC'), 'pt': u('Timb\u00e9 do Sul - SC')}, '55483243':{'en': u('Bigua\u00e7u - SC'), 'pt': u('Bigua\u00e7u - SC')}, '55483242':{'en': u('Palho\u00e7a - SC'), 'pt': u('Palho\u00e7a - SC')}, '55614101':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55614102':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55614103':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55624141':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55543272':{'en': 'Guabiju - RS', 'pt': 'Guabiju - RS'}, '55212213':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55192532':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55192533':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55223012':{'en': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ', 'pt': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ'}, '55223013':{'en': 'Campos dos Goitacazes - RJ', 'pt': 'Campos dos Goitacazes - RJ'}, '55553369':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Pedro do Buti\u00e1 - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Pedro do Buti\u00e1 - RS')}, '55223016':{'en': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ', 'pt': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ'}, '55643998':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643997':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55553365':{'en': 'Roque Gonzales - RS', 'pt': 'Roque Gonzales - RS'}, '55553366':{'en': 'Itacurubi - RS', 'pt': 'Itacurubi - RS'}, '55553367':{'en': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio das Miss\u00f5es - RS'), 'pt': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio das Miss\u00f5es - RS')}, '55553361':{'en': u('Giru\u00e1 - RS'), 'pt': u('Giru\u00e1 - RS')}, '55553362':{'en': 'Dezesseis de Novembro - RS', 'pt': 'Dezesseis de Novembro - RS'}, '55212217':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55273132':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55273136':{'en': 'Cariacica - ES', 'pt': 'Cariacica - ES'}, '55273137':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55212641':{'en': u('Teres\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Teres\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55273138':{'en': 'Serra - ES', 'pt': 'Serra - ES'}, '55273139':{'en': 'Vila Velha - ES', 'pt': 'Vila Velha - ES'}, '55313433':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55193621':{'en': 'Americana - SP', 'pt': 'Americana - SP'}, '55193623':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Boa Vista - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Boa Vista - SP')}, '55193622':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Boa Vista - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Boa Vista - SP')}, '55193625':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Boa Vista - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Boa Vista - SP')}, '55193624':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Boa Vista - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Boa Vista - SP')}, '55193626':{'en': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara D\'Oeste - SP'), 'pt': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara D\'Oeste - SP')}, '55193629':{'en': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara D\'Oeste - SP'), 'pt': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara D\'Oeste - SP')}, '55193628':{'en': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara D\'Oeste - SP'), 'pt': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara D\'Oeste - SP')}, '55543278':{'en': 'Canela - RS', 'pt': 'Canela - RS'}, '55713533':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55423414':{'en': 'Rio da Areia - PR', 'pt': 'Rio da Areia - PR'}, '55423412':{'en': 'Mato Branco de Baixo - PR', 'pt': 'Mato Branco de Baixo - PR'}, '55343212':{'en': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG'), 'pt': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG')}, '55483878':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55143629':{'en': 'Potunduva - SP', 'pt': 'Potunduva - SP'}, '55483879':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55683322':{'en': 'Cruzeiro do Sul - AC', 'pt': 'Cruzeiro do Sul - AC'}, '55543361':{'en': 'Sarandi - RS', 'pt': 'Sarandi - RS'}, '55543360':{'en': 'Nova Boa Vista - RS', 'pt': 'Nova Boa Vista - RS'}, '55543363':{'en': 'Constantina - RS', 'pt': 'Constantina - RS'}, '55543362':{'en': 'Nonoai - RS', 'pt': 'Nonoai - RS'}, '55543365':{'en': 'Rondinha - RS', 'pt': 'Rondinha - RS'}, '55543364':{'en': 'Ronda Alta - RS', 'pt': 'Ronda Alta - RS'}, '55543367':{'en': u('Tr\u00eas Palmeiras - RS'), 'pt': u('Tr\u00eas Palmeiras - RS')}, '55543366':{'en': 'Campinas do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Campinas do Sul - RS'}, '55543369':{'en': 'Barra Funda - RS', 'pt': 'Barra Funda - RS'}, '55543368':{'en': 'Jacutinga - RS', 'pt': 'Jacutinga - RS'}, '55623359':{'en': u('Jes\u00fapolis - GO'), 'pt': u('Jes\u00fapolis - GO')}, '55623358':{'en': 'Santa Isabel - GO', 'pt': 'Santa Isabel - GO'}, '55673473':{'en': 'Eldorado - MS', 'pt': 'Eldorado - MS'}, '55673471':{'en': 'Iguatemi - MS', 'pt': 'Iguatemi - MS'}, '55473452':{'en': 'Araquari - SC', 'pt': 'Araquari - SC'}, '55712223':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55483877':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55623683':{'en': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55643054':{'en': 'Rio Verde - GO', 'pt': 'Rio Verde - GO'}, '55643051':{'en': 'Rio Verde - GO', 'pt': 'Rio Verde - GO'}, '55643264':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55673562':{'en': u('Chapad\u00e3o do Sul - MS'), 'pt': u('Chapad\u00e3o do Sul - MS')}, '55473098':{'en': 'Itapema - SC', 'pt': 'Itapema - SC'}, '55694001':{'en': 'Porto Velho - RO', 'pt': 'Porto Velho - RO'}, '55694003':{'en': 'Porto Velho - RO', 'pt': 'Porto Velho - RO'}, '55694009':{'en': 'Porto Velho - RO', 'pt': 'Porto Velho - RO'}, '55354104':{'en': 'Lavras - MG', 'pt': 'Lavras - MG'}, '55354103':{'en': 'Passos - MG', 'pt': 'Passos - MG'}, '55354102':{'en': 'Pouso Alegre - MG', 'pt': 'Pouso Alegre - MG'}, '55354101':{'en': 'Varginha - MG', 'pt': 'Varginha - MG'}, '55223820':{'en': 'Itaperuna - RJ', 'pt': 'Itaperuna - RJ'}, '55312191':{'en': 'Contagem - MG', 'pt': 'Contagem - MG'}, '55223823':{'en': 'Itaperuna - RJ', 'pt': 'Itaperuna - RJ'}, '55223822':{'en': 'Itaperuna - RJ', 'pt': 'Itaperuna - RJ'}, '55673292':{'en': 'Rio Verde de Mato Grosso - MS', 'pt': 'Rio Verde de Mato Grosso - MS'}, '55673291':{'en': 'Coxim - MS', 'pt': 'Coxim - MS'}, '55673297':{'en': u('Chapad\u00e3o do Ba\u00fas - MS'), 'pt': u('Chapad\u00e3o do Ba\u00fas - MS')}, '55673295':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Gabriel do Oeste - MS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Gabriel do Oeste - MS')}, '55443266':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55613578':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55223827':{'en': 'Itaperuna - RJ', 'pt': 'Itaperuna - RJ'}, '55163101':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55443264':{'en': 'Sarandi - PR', 'pt': 'Sarandi - PR'}, '55613574':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55633547':{'en': 'Porto Nacional - TO', 'pt': 'Porto Nacional - TO'}, '55613577':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55453240':{'en': 'Medianeira - PR', 'pt': 'Medianeira - PR'}, '55423243':{'en': 'Ponta Grossa - PR', 'pt': 'Ponta Grossa - PR'}, '55453242':{'en': u('Corb\u00e9lia - PR'), 'pt': u('Corb\u00e9lia - PR')}, '55453243':{'en': 'Nova Aurora - PR', 'pt': 'Nova Aurora - PR'}, '55453244':{'en': 'Missal - PR', 'pt': 'Missal - PR'}, '55453245':{'en': 'Braganey - PR', 'pt': 'Braganey - PR'}, '55453246':{'en': u('Palmit\u00f3polis - PR'), 'pt': u('Palmit\u00f3polis - PR')}, '55223828':{'en': 'Boaventura - RJ', 'pt': 'Boaventura - RJ'}, '55453248':{'en': 'Iguatu - PR', 'pt': 'Iguatu - PR'}, '55453249':{'en': 'Anahy - PR', 'pt': 'Anahy - PR'}, '55333263':{'en': 'Resplendor - MG', 'pt': 'Resplendor - MG'}, '55333262':{'en': 'Goiabeira - MG', 'pt': 'Goiabeira - MG'}, '55333265':{'en': 'Santa Rita do Itueto - MG', 'pt': 'Santa Rita do Itueto - MG'}, '55443269':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55333267':{'en': u('Aimor\u00e9s - MG'), 'pt': u('Aimor\u00e9s - MG')}, '55333266':{'en': 'Quatituba - MG', 'pt': 'Quatituba - MG'}, '55553538':{'en': u('Boa Vista do Buric\u00e1 - RS'), 'pt': u('Boa Vista do Buric\u00e1 - RS')}, '55212886':{'en': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ')}, '55212882':{'en': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ')}, '55513359':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513358':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55643556':{'en': u('Para\u00fana - GO'), 'pt': u('Para\u00fana - GO')}, '55513351':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513350':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513353':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513352':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513355':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513357':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513356':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513687':{'en': 'Arroio do Sal - RS', 'pt': 'Arroio do Sal - RS'}, '55513686':{'en': u('Magist\u00e9rio - RS'), 'pt': u('Magist\u00e9rio - RS')}, '55513685':{'en': 'Capivari do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Capivari do Sul - RS'}, '55513684':{'en': u('Tramanda\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Tramanda\u00ed - RS')}, '55214062':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55513681':{'en': 'Cidreira - RS', 'pt': 'Cidreira - RS'}, '55513680':{'en': u('Quint\u00e3o - RS'), 'pt': u('Quint\u00e3o - RS')}, '55633444':{'en': u('Axix\u00e1 do Tocantins - TO'), 'pt': u('Axix\u00e1 do Tocantins - TO')}, '55513689':{'en': u('Xangri-L\u00e1 - RS'), 'pt': u('Xangri-L\u00e1 - RS')}, '55773691':{'en': 'Malhada - BA', 'pt': 'Malhada - BA'}, '55212088':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ')}, '55633442':{'en': u('Anan\u00e1s - TO'), 'pt': u('Anan\u00e1s - TO')}, '55613108':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55633440':{'en': u('Fortaleza do Taboc\u00e3o - TO'), 'pt': u('Fortaleza do Taboc\u00e3o - TO')}, '55613101':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613107':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55443270':{'en': 'Uniflor - PR', 'pt': 'Uniflor - PR'}, '55423259':{'en': 'Ventania - PR', 'pt': 'Ventania - PR'}, '55443272':{'en': u('F\u00eanix - PR'), 'pt': u('F\u00eanix - PR')}, '55443273':{'en': 'Ivatuba - PR', 'pt': 'Ivatuba - PR'}, '55443274':{'en': 'Sarandi - PR', 'pt': 'Sarandi - PR'}, '55443275':{'en': 'Barbosa Ferraz - PR', 'pt': 'Barbosa Ferraz - PR'}, '55443276':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55313048':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55443278':{'en': 'Ourizona - PR', 'pt': 'Ourizona - PR'}, '55423251':{'en': 'Papagaios Novos - PR', 'pt': 'Papagaios Novos - PR'}, '55313045':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55223835':{'en': u('Carabu\u00e7u - RJ'), 'pt': u('Carabu\u00e7u - RJ')}, '55223832':{'en': 'Rosal - RJ', 'pt': 'Rosal - RJ'}, '55223833':{'en': 'Bom Jesus do Itabapoana - RJ', 'pt': 'Bom Jesus do Itabapoana - RJ'}, '55423256':{'en': 'Porto Amazonas - PR', 'pt': 'Porto Amazonas - PR'}, '55223831':{'en': 'Bom Jesus do Itabapoana - RJ', 'pt': 'Bom Jesus do Itabapoana - RJ'}, '55643559':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55773693':{'en': 'Rio do Pires - BA', 'pt': 'Rio do Pires - BA'}, '55623233':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55413534':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR')}, '55173579':{'en': 'Botelho - SP', 'pt': 'Botelho - SP'}, '55173573':{'en': 'Roberto - SP', 'pt': 'Roberto - SP'}, '55173572':{'en': 'Pindorama - SP', 'pt': 'Pindorama - SP'}, '55173571':{'en': u('Santa Ad\u00e9lia - SP'), 'pt': u('Santa Ad\u00e9lia - SP')}, '55173576':{'en': 'Ariranha - SP', 'pt': 'Ariranha - SP'}, '55773695':{'en': 'Tanque Novo - BA', 'pt': 'Tanque Novo - BA'}, '55423912':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Mateus do Sul - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Mateus do Sul - PR')}, '55713323':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713321':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55472111':{'en': 'Blumenau - SC', 'pt': 'Blumenau - SC'}, '55713327':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55213868':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213869':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55423621':{'en': 'Guarapuava - PR', 'pt': 'Guarapuava - PR'}, '55213867':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55323015':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55213865':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55423625':{'en': 'Entre Rios - PR', 'pt': 'Entre Rios - PR'}, '55423624':{'en': 'Guarapuava - PR', 'pt': 'Guarapuava - PR'}, '55423627':{'en': 'Guarapuava - PR', 'pt': 'Guarapuava - PR'}, '55213861':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55153349':{'en': u('Ibi\u00fana - SP'), 'pt': u('Ibi\u00fana - SP')}, '55153344':{'en': 'Piedade - SP', 'pt': 'Piedade - SP'}, '55153342':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55153343':{'en': 'Votorantim - SP', 'pt': 'Votorantim - SP'}, '55184101':{'en': 'Presidente Prudente - SP', 'pt': 'Presidente Prudente - SP'}, '55184104':{'en': 'Birigui - SP', 'pt': 'Birigui - SP'}, '55633484':{'en': 'Campos Lindos - TO', 'pt': 'Campos Lindos - TO'}, '55733535':{'en': u('Jita\u00fana - BA'), 'pt': u('Jita\u00fana - BA')}, '55733534':{'en': 'Jaguaquara - BA', 'pt': 'Jaguaquara - BA'}, '55733537':{'en': 'Ibirataia - BA', 'pt': 'Ibirataia - BA'}, '55733536':{'en': u('Santa In\u00eas - BA'), 'pt': u('Santa In\u00eas - BA')}, '55733531':{'en': u('Ipia\u00fa - BA'), 'pt': u('Ipia\u00fa - BA')}, '55733530':{'en': 'Entroncamento de Jaguaquara - BA', 'pt': 'Entroncamento de Jaguaquara - BA'}, '55733533':{'en': 'Maracas - BA', 'pt': 'Maracas - BA'}, '55733532':{'en': 'Itamari - BA', 'pt': 'Itamari - BA'}, '55373073':{'en': u('Ita\u00fana - MG'), 'pt': u('Ita\u00fana - MG')}, '55733539':{'en': 'Itagi - BA', 'pt': 'Itagi - BA'}, '55733538':{'en': u('Itiru\u00e7u - BA'), 'pt': u('Itiru\u00e7u - BA')}, '55353739':{'en': 'Andradas - MG', 'pt': 'Andradas - MG'}, '55473309':{'en': 'Blumenau - SC', 'pt': 'Blumenau - SC'}, '55353731':{'en': 'Andradas - MG', 'pt': 'Andradas - MG'}, '55353733':{'en': u('Ibiti\u00fara de Minas - MG'), 'pt': u('Ibiti\u00fara de Minas - MG')}, '55353732':{'en': u('Ipui\u00fana - MG'), 'pt': u('Ipui\u00fana - MG')}, '55353735':{'en': 'Caldas - MG', 'pt': 'Caldas - MG'}, '55353734':{'en': 'Santa Rita de Caldas - MG', 'pt': 'Santa Rita de Caldas - MG'}, '55353737':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Pedro de Caldas - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Pedro de Caldas - MG')}, '55222533':{'en': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ', 'pt': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ'}, '55143585':{'en': u('Piraju\u00ed - SP'), 'pt': u('Piraju\u00ed - SP')}, '55143584':{'en': u('Piraju\u00ed - SP'), 'pt': u('Piraju\u00ed - SP')}, '55143587':{'en': 'Presidente Alves - SP', 'pt': 'Presidente Alves - SP'}, '55143586':{'en': u('Guarant\u00e3 - SP'), 'pt': u('Guarant\u00e3 - SP')}, '55353223':{'en': 'Varginha - MG', 'pt': 'Varginha - MG'}, '55353222':{'en': 'Varginha - MG', 'pt': 'Varginha - MG'}, '55143583':{'en': 'Balbinos - SP', 'pt': 'Balbinos - SP'}, '55143582':{'en': 'Uru - SP', 'pt': 'Uru - SP'}, '55143589':{'en': u('Regin\u00f3polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Regin\u00f3polis - SP')}, '55353229':{'en': 'Varginha - MG', 'pt': 'Varginha - MG'}, '55473242':{'en': 'Pomerode - SC', 'pt': 'Pomerode - SC'}, '55473241':{'en': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC'), 'pt': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC')}, '55473249':{'en': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC'), 'pt': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC')}, '55163820':{'en': u('Orl\u00e2ndia - SP'), 'pt': u('Orl\u00e2ndia - SP')}, '55163821':{'en': u('Orl\u00e2ndia - SP'), 'pt': u('Orl\u00e2ndia - SP')}, '55673044':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55673043':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55673041':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55163829':{'en': 'Ituverava - SP', 'pt': 'Ituverava - SP'}, '55623374':{'en': u('Itapirapu\u00e3 - GO'), 'pt': u('Itapirapu\u00e3 - GO')}, '55433444':{'en': u('Arapu\u00e3 - PR'), 'pt': u('Arapu\u00e3 - PR')}, '55433440':{'en': u('Pirap\u00f3 - PR'), 'pt': u('Pirap\u00f3 - PR')}, '55433441':{'en': 'Marumbi - PR', 'pt': 'Marumbi - PR'}, '55433442':{'en': 'Bom Sucesso - PR', 'pt': 'Bom Sucesso - PR'}, '55183211':{'en': 'Birigui - SP', 'pt': 'Birigui - SP'}, '55212508':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212509':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55183217':{'en': 'Presidente Prudente - SP', 'pt': 'Presidente Prudente - SP'}, '55212502':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212503':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212501':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212506':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212507':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212504':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212505':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55622765':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55353212':{'en': 'Varginha - MG', 'pt': 'Varginha - MG'}, '55343428':{'en': 'Fronteira - MG', 'pt': 'Fronteira - MG'}, '55343429':{'en': 'Frutal - MG', 'pt': 'Frutal - MG'}, '55343424':{'en': 'Itapagipe - MG', 'pt': 'Itapagipe - MG'}, '55343425':{'en': 'Frutal - MG', 'pt': 'Frutal - MG'}, '55343426':{'en': 'Pirajuba - MG', 'pt': 'Pirajuba - MG'}, '55313866':{'en': 'Dom Joaquim - MG', 'pt': 'Dom Joaquim - MG'}, '55313861':{'en': 'Nova Era - MG', 'pt': 'Nova Era - MG'}, '55343421':{'en': 'Frutal - MG', 'pt': 'Frutal - MG'}, '55313863':{'en': 'Ferros - MG', 'pt': 'Ferros - MG'}, '55343423':{'en': 'Frutal - MG', 'pt': 'Frutal - MG'}, '55213803':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55663410':{'en': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT'), 'pt': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT')}, '55473045':{'en': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC'), 'pt': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC')}, '55483303':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55473041':{'en': 'Blumenau - SC', 'pt': 'Blumenau - SC'}, '55483306':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55623548':{'en': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623549':{'en': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623546':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623545':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623542':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55213674':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55753362':{'en': u('Boa Vista Canan\u00e9ia - BA'), 'pt': u('Boa Vista Canan\u00e9ia - BA')}, '55193588':{'en': 'Porto Ferreira - SP', 'pt': 'Porto Ferreira - SP'}, '55493329':{'en': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC'), 'pt': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC')}, '55493328':{'en': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC'), 'pt': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC')}, '55753364':{'en': 'Iraquara - BA', 'pt': 'Iraquara - BA'}, '55493323':{'en': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC'), 'pt': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC')}, '55493322':{'en': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC'), 'pt': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC')}, '55493321':{'en': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC'), 'pt': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC')}, '55493327':{'en': 'Nova Itaberaba - SC', 'pt': 'Nova Itaberaba - SC'}, '55493326':{'en': 'Caxambu do Sul - SC', 'pt': 'Caxambu do Sul - SC'}, '55493325':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SC')}, '55333526':{'en': u('Atal\u00e9ia - MG'), 'pt': u('Atal\u00e9ia - MG')}, '55333527':{'en': 'Ouro Verde de Minas - MG', 'pt': 'Ouro Verde de Minas - MG'}, '55333524':{'en': 'Ladainha - MG', 'pt': 'Ladainha - MG'}, '55333525':{'en': u('Pot\u00e9 - MG'), 'pt': u('Pot\u00e9 - MG')}, '55333522':{'en': u('Te\u00f3filo Otoni - MG'), 'pt': u('Te\u00f3filo Otoni - MG')}, '55333523':{'en': u('Te\u00f3filo Otoni - MG'), 'pt': u('Te\u00f3filo Otoni - MG')}, '55333521':{'en': u('Te\u00f3filo Otoni - MG'), 'pt': u('Te\u00f3filo Otoni - MG')}, '55623252':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55333528':{'en': u('Te\u00f3filo Otoni - MG'), 'pt': u('Te\u00f3filo Otoni - MG')}, '55333529':{'en': u('Te\u00f3filo Otoni - MG'), 'pt': u('Te\u00f3filo Otoni - MG')}, '55713334':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55612195':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55612194':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55612196':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55612191':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55713337':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55612193':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55612192':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55213872':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55193581':{'en': 'Porto Ferreira - SP', 'pt': 'Porto Ferreira - SP'}, '55213875':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55423659':{'en': 'Samambaia - PR', 'pt': 'Samambaia - PR'}, '55153571':{'en': 'Riversul - SP', 'pt': 'Riversul - SP'}, '55153573':{'en': u('Bar\u00e3o de Antonina - SP'), 'pt': u('Bar\u00e3o de Antonina - SP')}, '55153572':{'en': u('Itaber\u00e1 - SP'), 'pt': u('Itaber\u00e1 - SP')}, '55153577':{'en': 'Barra do Turvo - SP', 'pt': 'Barra do Turvo - SP'}, '55213879':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213878':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55643271':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55543544':{'en': 'Entre Rios do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Entre Rios do Sul - RS'}, '55543546':{'en': 'Faxinalzinho - RS', 'pt': 'Faxinalzinho - RS'}, '55543541':{'en': 'Trindade do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Trindade do Sul - RS'}, '55493226':{'en': 'Lages - SC', 'pt': 'Lages - SC'}, '55643555':{'en': u('Avelin\u00f3polis - GO'), 'pt': u('Avelin\u00f3polis - GO')}, '55663328':{'en': 'Planalto da Serra - MT', 'pt': 'Planalto da Serra - MT'}, '55383083':{'en': 'Montes Claros - MG', 'pt': 'Montes Claros - MG'}, '55383081':{'en': 'Montes Claros - MG', 'pt': 'Montes Claros - MG'}, '55493224':{'en': 'Lages - SC', 'pt': 'Lages - SC'}, '55383084':{'en': 'Montes Claros - MG', 'pt': 'Montes Claros - MG'}, '55643558':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55493225':{'en': 'Lages - SC', 'pt': 'Lages - SC'}, '55413721':{'en': u('Paranagu\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Paranagu\u00e1 - PR')}, '55433202':{'en': 'Apucarana - PR', 'pt': 'Apucarana - PR'}, '55242723':{'en': 'Campos dos Goitacazes - RJ', 'pt': 'Campos dos Goitacazes - RJ'}, '55493221':{'en': 'Lages - SC', 'pt': 'Lages - SC'}, '55633386':{'en': u('Palmeir\u00f3polis - TO'), 'pt': u('Palmeir\u00f3polis - TO')}, '55513431':{'en': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS')}, '55663418':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Pedro da Cipa - MT'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Pedro da Cipa - MT')}, '55663419':{'en': 'Campo Verde - MT', 'pt': 'Campo Verde - MT'}, '55663415':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3ozinho - MT'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3ozinho - MT')}, '55663416':{'en': 'General Carneiro - MT', 'pt': 'General Carneiro - MT'}, '55383662':{'en': 'Buritis - MG', 'pt': 'Buritis - MG'}, '55383663':{'en': 'Buritis - MG', 'pt': 'Buritis - MG'}, '55663412':{'en': 'Juscimeira - MT', 'pt': 'Juscimeira - MT'}, '55683221':{'en': 'Rio Branco - AC', 'pt': 'Rio Branco - AC'}, '55683223':{'en': 'Rio Branco - AC', 'pt': 'Rio Branco - AC'}, '55683222':{'en': 'Rio Branco - AC', 'pt': 'Rio Branco - AC'}, '55683225':{'en': 'Rio Branco - AC', 'pt': 'Rio Branco - AC'}, '55683224':{'en': 'Rio Branco - AC', 'pt': 'Rio Branco - AC'}, '55683227':{'en': 'Rio Branco - AC', 'pt': 'Rio Branco - AC'}, '55683226':{'en': 'Rio Branco - AC', 'pt': 'Rio Branco - AC'}, '55683229':{'en': 'Rio Branco - AC', 'pt': 'Rio Branco - AC'}, '55683228':{'en': 'Rio Branco - AC', 'pt': 'Rio Branco - AC'}, '55734141':{'en': 'Itabuna - BA', 'pt': 'Itabuna - BA'}, '55313528':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55413238':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413239':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55313529':{'en': 'Betim - MG', 'pt': 'Betim - MG'}, '55313253':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55413233':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413232':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413235':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413234':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55313254':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55413236':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55183918':{'en': 'Presidente Prudente - SP', 'pt': 'Presidente Prudente - SP'}, '55312128':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55353698':{'en': 'Alfenas - MG', 'pt': 'Alfenas - MG'}, '55353696':{'en': u('Guaxup\u00e9 - MG'), 'pt': u('Guaxup\u00e9 - MG')}, '55353697':{'en': u('Po\u00e7os de Caldas - MG'), 'pt': u('Po\u00e7os de Caldas - MG')}, '55353694':{'en': 'Lavras - MG', 'pt': 'Lavras - MG'}, '55353695':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Louren\u00e7o - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Louren\u00e7o - MG')}, '55353692':{'en': u('Itajub\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Itajub\u00e1 - MG')}, '55353693':{'en': 'Pouso Alegre - MG', 'pt': 'Pouso Alegre - MG'}, '55353690':{'en': 'Varginha - MG', 'pt': 'Varginha - MG'}, '55353691':{'en': u('Tr\u00eas Cora\u00e7\u00f5es - MG'), 'pt': u('Tr\u00eas Cora\u00e7\u00f5es - MG')}, '55193423':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55193422':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55193421':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55193427':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55193394':{'en': 'Indaiatuba - SP', 'pt': 'Indaiatuba - SP'}, '55193425':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55193424':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55193399':{'en': u('Sumar\u00e9 - SP'), 'pt': u('Sumar\u00e9 - SP')}, '55623434':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55193429':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55193428':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55313251':{'en': u('Santana do Para\u00edso - MG'), 'pt': u('Santana do Para\u00edso - MG')}, '55633521':{'en': u('Brejinho de Nazar\u00e9 - TO'), 'pt': u('Brejinho de Nazar\u00e9 - TO')}, '55313524':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55633522':{'en': 'Lagoa do Tocantins - TO', 'pt': 'Lagoa do Tocantins - TO'}, '55633524':{'en': 'Porto Alegre do Tocantins - TO', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre do Tocantins - TO'}, '55633527':{'en': 'Santa Tereza do Tocantins - TO', 'pt': 'Santa Tereza do Tocantins - TO'}, '55513067':{'en': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS', 'pt': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS'}, '55743541':{'en': 'Senhor do Bonfim - BA', 'pt': 'Senhor do Bonfim - BA'}, '55743547':{'en': u('Ant\u00f4nio Gon\u00e7alves - BA'), 'pt': u('Ant\u00f4nio Gon\u00e7alves - BA')}, '55553347':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55513066':{'en': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS', 'pt': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS'}, '55743549':{'en': u('R\u00f4mulo Campos - BA'), 'pt': u('R\u00f4mulo Campos - BA')}, '55743548':{'en': u('Pindoba\u00e7u - BA'), 'pt': u('Pindoba\u00e7u - BA')}, '55513065':{'en': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS', 'pt': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS'}, '55513064':{'en': 'Sapiranga - RS', 'pt': 'Sapiranga - RS'}, '55343271':{'en': 'Ituiutaba - MG', 'pt': 'Ituiutaba - MG'}, '55193647':{'en': 'Itobi - SP', 'pt': 'Itobi - SP'}, '55193646':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o da Grama - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o da Grama - SP')}, '55193643':{'en': 'Vargem Grande do Sul - SP', 'pt': 'Vargem Grande do Sul - SP'}, '55193642':{'en': u('\u00c1guas da Prata - SP'), 'pt': u('\u00c1guas da Prata - SP')}, '55193641':{'en': 'Vargem Grande do Sul - SP', 'pt': 'Vargem Grande do Sul - SP'}, '55193649':{'en': u('\u00c1guas da Prata - SP'), 'pt': u('\u00c1guas da Prata - SP')}, '55514007':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55183913':{'en': u('Montalv\u00e3o - SP'), 'pt': u('Montalv\u00e3o - SP')}, '55183911':{'en': 'Eneida - SP', 'pt': 'Eneida - SP'}, '55183916':{'en': 'Presidente Prudente - SP', 'pt': 'Presidente Prudente - SP'}, '55424001':{'en': 'Ponta Grossa - PR', 'pt': 'Ponta Grossa - PR'}, '55183917':{'en': 'Presidente Prudente - SP', 'pt': 'Presidente Prudente - SP'}, '55623379':{'en': u('Mina\u00e7u - GO'), 'pt': u('Mina\u00e7u - GO')}, '55623378':{'en': u('Itau\u00e7u - GO'), 'pt': u('Itau\u00e7u - GO')}, '55623371':{'en': u('Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55623370':{'en': u('Montes Claros de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Montes Claros de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55623373':{'en': 'Jussara - GO', 'pt': 'Jussara - GO'}, '55623372':{'en': u('Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55623375':{'en': u('Itabera\u00ed - GO'), 'pt': u('Itabera\u00ed - GO')}, '55493527':{'en': u('Joa\u00e7aba - SC'), 'pt': u('Joa\u00e7aba - SC')}, '55623377':{'en': 'Formoso - GO', 'pt': 'Formoso - GO'}, '55623376':{'en': u('Aruan\u00e3 - GO'), 'pt': u('Aruan\u00e3 - GO')}, '55673455':{'en': 'Rio Brilhante - MS', 'pt': 'Rio Brilhante - MS'}, '55673454':{'en': 'Maracaju - MS', 'pt': 'Maracaju - MS'}, '55673457':{'en': u('Itapor\u00e3 - MS'), 'pt': u('Itapor\u00e3 - MS')}, '55673456':{'en': 'Nova Alvorada do Sul - MS', 'pt': 'Nova Alvorada do Sul - MS'}, '55673451':{'en': u('Itapor\u00e3 - MS'), 'pt': u('Itapor\u00e3 - MS')}, '55673453':{'en': u('Caarap\u00f3 - MS'), 'pt': u('Caarap\u00f3 - MS')}, '55673452':{'en': 'Rio Brilhante - MS', 'pt': 'Rio Brilhante - MS'}, '55773618':{'en': u('Crist\u00f3polis - BA'), 'pt': u('Crist\u00f3polis - BA')}, '55773619':{'en': u('Catol\u00e2ndia - BA'), 'pt': u('Catol\u00e2ndia - BA')}, '55634052':{'en': 'Palmas - TO', 'pt': 'Palmas - TO'}, '55553742':{'en': u('Palmeira das Miss\u00f5es - RS'), 'pt': u('Palmeira das Miss\u00f5es - RS')}, '55193426':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55193396':{'en': u('Sumar\u00e9 - SP'), 'pt': u('Sumar\u00e9 - SP')}, '55223866':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 de Ub\u00e1 - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 de Ub\u00e1 - RJ')}, '55192118':{'en': u('Hortol\u00e2ndia - SP'), 'pt': u('Hortol\u00e2ndia - SP')}, '55192119':{'en': u('Hortol\u00e2ndia - SP'), 'pt': u('Hortol\u00e2ndia - SP')}, '55192111':{'en': 'Rio Claro - SP', 'pt': 'Rio Claro - SP'}, '55192112':{'en': 'Rio Claro - SP', 'pt': 'Rio Claro - SP'}, '55192113':{'en': 'Limeira - SP', 'pt': 'Limeira - SP'}, '55192114':{'en': 'Limeira - SP', 'pt': 'Limeira - SP'}, '55192117':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55413041':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55543324':{'en': u('Ibirub\u00e1 - RS'), 'pt': u('Ibirub\u00e1 - RS')}, '55153257':{'en': 'Porangaba - SP', 'pt': 'Porangaba - SP'}, '55673902':{'en': 'Dourados - MS', 'pt': 'Dourados - MS'}, '55673901':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55673907':{'en': u('Corumb\u00e1 - MS'), 'pt': u('Corumb\u00e1 - MS')}, '55153252':{'en': 'Torre de Pedra - SP', 'pt': 'Torre de Pedra - SP'}, '55313061':{'en': 'Conselheiro Lafaiete - MG', 'pt': 'Conselheiro Lafaiete - MG'}, '55223863':{'en': u('Jaguaremb\u00e9 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Jaguaremb\u00e9 - RJ')}, '55613559':{'en': 'Samambaia Sul - DF', 'pt': 'Samambaia Sul - DF'}, '55613556':{'en': 'Federal District', 'pt': 'Distrito Federal'}, '55613554':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55473339':{'en': 'Blumenau - SC', 'pt': 'Blumenau - SC'}, '55613552':{'en': u('N\u00facleo Bandeirante - DF'), 'pt': u('N\u00facleo Bandeirante - DF')}, '55613553':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613551':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55453266':{'en': u('C\u00e9u Azul - PR'), 'pt': u('C\u00e9u Azul - PR')}, '55222527':{'en': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ', 'pt': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ'}, '55243111':{'en': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55453262':{'en': u('Matel\u00e2ndia - PR'), 'pt': u('Matel\u00e2ndia - PR')}, '55453260':{'en': 'Missal - PR', 'pt': 'Missal - PR'}, '55473337':{'en': 'Blumenau - SC', 'pt': 'Blumenau - SC'}, '55333203':{'en': 'Governador Valadares - MG', 'pt': 'Governador Valadares - MG'}, '55333202':{'en': 'Governador Valadares - MG', 'pt': 'Governador Valadares - MG'}, '55453268':{'en': 'Santa Helena - PR', 'pt': 'Santa Helena - PR'}, '55453269':{'en': 'Vila Nova - PR', 'pt': 'Vila Nova - PR'}, '55353211':{'en': 'Passos - MG', 'pt': 'Passos - MG'}, '55433062':{'en': u('Camb\u00e9 - PR'), 'pt': u('Camb\u00e9 - PR')}, '55353741':{'en': 'Botelhos - MG', 'pt': 'Botelhos - MG'}, '55353214':{'en': 'Varginha - MG', 'pt': 'Varginha - MG'}, '55653566':{'en': u('Ju\u00edna - MT'), 'pt': u('Ju\u00edna - MT')}, '55222520':{'en': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ', 'pt': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ'}, '55513339':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513338':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55443133':{'en': 'Mandaguari - PR', 'pt': 'Mandaguari - PR'}, '55513336':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513335':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513334':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513333':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513332':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513331':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513330':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55272101':{'en': 'Colatina - ES', 'pt': 'Colatina - ES'}, '55272102':{'en': 'Colatina - ES', 'pt': 'Colatina - ES'}, '55272103':{'en': 'Linhares - ES', 'pt': 'Linhares - ES'}, '55743546':{'en': u('Iti\u00faba - BA'), 'pt': u('Iti\u00faba - BA')}, '55413442':{'en': 'Guaratuba - PR', 'pt': 'Guaratuba - PR'}, '55313194':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55513281':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55542628':{'en': 'Farroupilha - RS', 'pt': 'Farroupilha - RS'}, '55513280':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55653637':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55143879':{'en': 'Bauru - SP', 'pt': 'Bauru - SP'}, '55653631':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55323311':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55223854':{'en': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio de P\u00e1dua - RJ'), 'pt': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio de P\u00e1dua - RJ')}, '55223855':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro'}, '55313067':{'en': 'Itabira - MG', 'pt': 'Itabira - MG'}, '55443255':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55223850':{'en': 'Miracema - RJ', 'pt': 'Miracema - RJ'}, '55223851':{'en': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio de P\u00e1dua - RJ'), 'pt': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio de P\u00e1dua - RJ')}, '55423278':{'en': u('Imba\u00fa - PR'), 'pt': u('Imba\u00fa - PR')}, '55413535':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55423276':{'en': 'Reserva - PR', 'pt': 'Reserva - PR'}, '55423277':{'en': 'Ortigueira - PR', 'pt': 'Ortigueira - PR'}, '55423274':{'en': 'Ventania - PR', 'pt': 'Ventania - PR'}, '55413539':{'en': 'Campo Largo - PR', 'pt': 'Campo Largo - PR'}, '55423272':{'en': u('Tel\u00eamaco Borba - PR'), 'pt': u('Tel\u00eamaco Borba - PR')}, '55423273':{'en': u('Tel\u00eamaco Borba - PR'), 'pt': u('Tel\u00eamaco Borba - PR')}, '55443258':{'en': 'Munhoz de Melo - PR', 'pt': 'Munhoz de Melo - PR'}, '55423271':{'en': u('Tel\u00eamaco Borba - PR'), 'pt': u('Tel\u00eamaco Borba - PR')}, '55273729':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Roque do Cana\u00e3 - ES'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Roque do Cana\u00e3 - ES')}, '55643242':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55412626':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55643648':{'en': u('Itaj\u00e1 - GO'), 'pt': u('Itaj\u00e1 - GO')}, '55173551':{'en': u('Ibir\u00e1 - SP'), 'pt': u('Ibir\u00e1 - SP')}, '55173553':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Itagua\u00e7u - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Itagua\u00e7u - SP')}, '55173552':{'en': u('Urup\u00eas - SP'), 'pt': u('Urup\u00eas - SP')}, '55173557':{'en': 'Sales - SP', 'pt': 'Sales - SP'}, '55173556':{'en': u('Irapu\u00e3 - SP'), 'pt': u('Irapu\u00e3 - SP')}, '55643642':{'en': u('Turvel\u00e2ndia - GO'), 'pt': u('Turvel\u00e2ndia - GO')}, '55473021':{'en': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC'), 'pt': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC')}, '55643640':{'en': 'Lagoa Santa - GO', 'pt': 'Lagoa Santa - GO'}, '55643240':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55213806':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55323031':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55413398':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR')}, '55323032':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55413396':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55423646':{'en': 'Pitanga - PR', 'pt': 'Pitanga - PR'}, '55423645':{'en': 'Laranjal - PR', 'pt': 'Laranjal - PR'}, '55413395':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413392':{'en': 'Campo Largo - PR', 'pt': 'Campo Largo - PR'}, '55423642':{'en': 'Turvo - PR', 'pt': 'Turvo - PR'}, '55413391':{'en': 'Campo Largo - PR', 'pt': 'Campo Largo - PR'}, '55153324':{'en': u('Tatu\u00ed - SP'), 'pt': u('Tatu\u00ed - SP')}, '55153325':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55153327':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55153321':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55614020':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55643246':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55553751':{'en': u('Dois Irm\u00e3os das Miss\u00f5Es - RS'), 'pt': u('Dois Irm\u00e3os das Miss\u00f5Es - RS')}, '55553753':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 das Miss\u00f5Es - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 das Miss\u00f5Es - RS')}, '55553752':{'en': 'Ametista do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Ametista do Sul - RS'}, '55553755':{'en': 'Liberato Salzano - RS', 'pt': 'Liberato Salzano - RS'}, '55553754':{'en': 'Pinhal - RS', 'pt': 'Pinhal - RS'}, '55553757':{'en': 'Novo Barreiro - RS', 'pt': 'Novo Barreiro - RS'}, '55553756':{'en': 'Cerro Grande - RS', 'pt': 'Cerro Grande - RS'}, '55553286':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55553282':{'en': 'Lavras do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Lavras do Sul - RS'}, '55553281':{'en': u('Ca\u00e7apava do Sul - RS'), 'pt': u('Ca\u00e7apava do Sul - RS')}, '55643245':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55553289':{'en': u('Vale V\u00eaneto - RS'), 'pt': u('Vale V\u00eaneto - RS')}, '55473323':{'en': 'Blumenau - SC', 'pt': 'Blumenau - SC'}, '55473322':{'en': 'Blumenau - SC', 'pt': 'Blumenau - SC'}, '55473325':{'en': 'Blumenau - SC', 'pt': 'Blumenau - SC'}, '55473324':{'en': 'Blumenau - SC', 'pt': 'Blumenau - SC'}, '55473326':{'en': 'Blumenau - SC', 'pt': 'Blumenau - SC'}, '55473329':{'en': 'Blumenau - SC', 'pt': 'Blumenau - SC'}, '55473328':{'en': 'Blumenau - SC', 'pt': 'Blumenau - SC'}, '55222519':{'en': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ', 'pt': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ'}, '55163461':{'en': 'Araraquara - SP', 'pt': 'Araraquara - SP'}, '55163463':{'en': 'Araraquara - SP', 'pt': 'Araraquara - SP'}, '55223201':{'en': 'Araruama - RJ', 'pt': 'Araruama - RJ'}, '55223205':{'en': 'Saquarema - RJ', 'pt': 'Saquarema - RJ'}, '55173809':{'en': u('Mendon\u00e7a - SP'), 'pt': u('Mendon\u00e7a - SP')}, '55473228':{'en': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC'), 'pt': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC')}, '55313184':{'en': 'Itaguara - MG', 'pt': 'Itaguara - MG'}, '55473221':{'en': 'Blumenau - SC', 'pt': 'Blumenau - SC'}, '55473222':{'en': 'Blumenau - SC', 'pt': 'Blumenau - SC'}, '55212298':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212299':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212292':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212293':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212290':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212291':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212296':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212294':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212295':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55733639':{'en': u('Ilh\u00e9us - BA'), 'pt': u('Ilh\u00e9us - BA')}, '55623995':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623997':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55222556':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o do Alto - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o do Alto - RJ')}, '55433463':{'en': 'Godoy Moreira - PR', 'pt': 'Godoy Moreira - PR'}, '55413517':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR')}, '55433467':{'en': u('Rio Branco do Iva\u00ed - PR'), 'pt': u('Rio Branco do Iva\u00ed - PR')}, '55433464':{'en': u('Mau\u00e1 da Serra - PR'), 'pt': u('Mau\u00e1 da Serra - PR')}, '55433465':{'en': u('Ros\u00e1rio do Iva\u00ed - PR'), 'pt': u('Ros\u00e1rio do Iva\u00ed - PR')}, '55433468':{'en': 'Rio Bom - PR', 'pt': 'Rio Bom - PR'}, '55183277':{'en': 'Sandovalina - SP', 'pt': 'Sandovalina - SP'}, '55183276':{'en': 'Piquerobi - SP', 'pt': 'Piquerobi - SP'}, '55183275':{'en': u('Martin\u00f3polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Martin\u00f3polis - SP')}, '55183274':{'en': u('Te\u00e7aind\u00e1 - SP'), 'pt': u('Te\u00e7aind\u00e1 - SP')}, '55183273':{'en': u('\u00c1lvares Machado - SP'), 'pt': u('\u00c1lvares Machado - SP')}, '55183272':{'en': 'Presidente Venceslau - SP', 'pt': 'Presidente Venceslau - SP'}, '55183271':{'en': 'Presidente Venceslau - SP', 'pt': 'Presidente Venceslau - SP'}, '55643923':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55673240':{'en': 'Aquidauana - MS', 'pt': 'Aquidauana - MS'}, '55183279':{'en': u('Regente Feij\u00f3 - SP'), 'pt': u('Regente Feij\u00f3 - SP')}, '55183278':{'en': u('Caiu\u00e1 - SP'), 'pt': u('Caiu\u00e1 - SP')}, '55733634':{'en': u('Ilh\u00e9us - BA'), 'pt': u('Ilh\u00e9us - BA')}, '55753259':{'en': 'Euclides da Cunha - BA', 'pt': 'Euclides da Cunha - BA'}, '55163512':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55613491':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55313883':{'en': 'Rio Doce - MG', 'pt': 'Rio Doce - MG'}, '55313881':{'en': 'Ponte Nova - MG', 'pt': 'Ponte Nova - MG'}, '55313887':{'en': 'Acaiaca - MG', 'pt': 'Acaiaca - MG'}, '55313886':{'en': 'Diogo de Vasconcelos - MG', 'pt': 'Diogo de Vasconcelos - MG'}, '55313885':{'en': u('Vi\u00e7osa - MG'), 'pt': u('Vi\u00e7osa - MG')}, '55313889':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55633311':{'en': 'Gurupi - TO', 'pt': 'Gurupi - TO'}, '55333416':{'en': u('Virgin\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Virgin\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55693651':{'en': 'Costa Marques - RO', 'pt': 'Costa Marques - RO'}, '55423916':{'en': 'Tibagi - PR', 'pt': 'Tibagi - PR'}, '55333414':{'en': u('Divinol\u00e2ndia de Minas - MG'), 'pt': u('Divinol\u00e2ndia de Minas - MG')}, '55673028':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55673029':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55673025':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55673027':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55673021':{'en': 'Dourados - MS', 'pt': 'Dourados - MS'}, '55673022':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55333413':{'en': 'Paulistas - MG', 'pt': 'Paulistas - MG'}, '55333411':{'en': u('Pe\u00e7anha - MG'), 'pt': u('Pe\u00e7anha - MG')}, '55623524':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623526':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623527':{'en': u('Ara\u00e7u - GO'), 'pt': u('Ara\u00e7u - GO')}, '55623520':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623522':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623523':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55773423':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA')}, '55773422':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA')}, '55773421':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA')}, '55773420':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA')}, '55623528':{'en': u('Catura\u00ed - GO'), 'pt': u('Catura\u00ed - GO')}, '55623529':{'en': 'Brazabrantes - GO', 'pt': 'Brazabrantes - GO'}, '55773425':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA')}, '55773424':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA')}, '55493301':{'en': u('Conc\u00f3rdia - SC'), 'pt': u('Conc\u00f3rdia - SC')}, '55493304':{'en': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC'), 'pt': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC')}, '55173301':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55333014':{'en': 'Governador Valadares - MG', 'pt': 'Governador Valadares - MG'}, '55613328':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55153519':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55153511':{'en': 'Itapetininga - SP', 'pt': 'Itapetininga - SP'}, '55643579':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643575':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55322104':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55643576':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55322102':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55643570':{'en': u('Claudin\u00e1polis - GO'), 'pt': u('Claudin\u00e1polis - GO')}, '55643573':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55322101':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55623357':{'en': u('Urua\u00e7u - GO'), 'pt': u('Urua\u00e7u - GO')}, '55433268':{'en': u('Ibipor\u00e3 - PR'), 'pt': u('Ibipor\u00e3 - PR')}, '55683026':{'en': 'Rio Branco - AC', 'pt': 'Rio Branco - AC'}, '55683025':{'en': 'Rio Branco - AC', 'pt': 'Rio Branco - AC'}, '55773611':{'en': 'Barreiras - BA', 'pt': 'Barreiras - BA'}, '55433265':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o da Amoreira - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o da Amoreira - PR')}, '55433266':{'en': u('Nova Santa B\u00e1rbara - PR'), 'pt': u('Nova Santa B\u00e1rbara - PR')}, '55433267':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jer\u00f4nimo da Serra - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jer\u00f4nimo da Serra - PR')}, '55433260':{'en': 'Guaraci - PR', 'pt': 'Guaraci - PR'}, '55773612':{'en': 'Barreiras - BA', 'pt': 'Barreiras - BA'}, '55433262':{'en': u('Assa\u00ed - PR'), 'pt': u('Assa\u00ed - PR')}, '55773613':{'en': 'Barreiras - BA', 'pt': 'Barreiras - BA'}, '55753235':{'en': 'Candeal - BA', 'pt': 'Candeal - BA'}, '55773614':{'en': 'Barreiras - BA', 'pt': 'Barreiras - BA'}, '55212518':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55163253':{'en': 'Taquaritinga - SP', 'pt': 'Taquaritinga - SP'}, '55163252':{'en': 'Taquaritinga - SP', 'pt': 'Taquaritinga - SP'}, '55163251':{'en': 'Guariba - SP', 'pt': 'Guariba - SP'}, '55163257':{'en': u('C\u00e2ndido Rodrigues - SP'), 'pt': u('C\u00e2ndido Rodrigues - SP')}, '55163256':{'en': 'Santa Ernestina - SP', 'pt': 'Santa Ernestina - SP'}, '55163254':{'en': 'Guariroba - SP', 'pt': 'Guariroba - SP'}, '55163258':{'en': 'Fernando Prestes - SP', 'pt': 'Fernando Prestes - SP'}, '55623942':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55513479':{'en': 'Nova Santa Rita - RS', 'pt': 'Nova Santa Rita - RS'}, '55623941':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623946':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55663437':{'en': u('Campin\u00e1polis - MT'), 'pt': u('Campin\u00e1polis - MT')}, '55753236':{'en': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara - BA'), 'pt': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara - BA')}, '55623945':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55513471':{'en': 'Cachoeirinha - RS', 'pt': 'Cachoeirinha - RS'}, '55513472':{'en': 'Canoas - RS', 'pt': 'Canoas - RS'}, '55513473':{'en': 'Esteio - RS', 'pt': 'Esteio - RS'}, '55513474':{'en': 'Sapucaia do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Sapucaia do Sul - RS'}, '55513475':{'en': 'Canoas - RS', 'pt': 'Canoas - RS'}, '55513476':{'en': 'Canoas - RS', 'pt': 'Canoas - RS'}, '55513477':{'en': 'Canoas - RS', 'pt': 'Canoas - RS'}, '55683244':{'en': 'Rio Branco - AC', 'pt': 'Rio Branco - AC'}, '55683242':{'en': 'Rio Branco - AC', 'pt': 'Rio Branco - AC'}, '55212511':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212510':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55623354':{'en': u('Niquel\u00e2ndia - GO'), 'pt': u('Niquel\u00e2ndia - GO')}, '55753237':{'en': 'Teodoro Sampaio - BA', 'pt': 'Teodoro Sampaio - BA'}, '55753238':{'en': 'Terra Nova - BA', 'pt': 'Terra Nova - BA'}, '55413259':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413258':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413257':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413256':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413255':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413254':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413251':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55312101':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55143621':{'en': u('Ja\u00fa - SP'), 'pt': u('Ja\u00fa - SP')}, '55312103':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55312102':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55143624':{'en': u('Ja\u00fa - SP'), 'pt': u('Ja\u00fa - SP')}, '55143625':{'en': u('Ja\u00fa - SP'), 'pt': u('Ja\u00fa - SP')}, '55312107':{'en': 'Sete Lagoas - MG', 'pt': 'Sete Lagoas - MG'}, '55312106':{'en': 'Sete Lagoas - MG', 'pt': 'Sete Lagoas - MG'}, '55312109':{'en': 'Ipatinga - MG', 'pt': 'Ipatinga - MG'}, '55312108':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55193402':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55193405':{'en': 'Americana - SP', 'pt': 'Americana - SP'}, '55193404':{'en': 'Limeira - SP', 'pt': 'Limeira - SP'}, '55193407':{'en': 'Americana - SP', 'pt': 'Americana - SP'}, '55193406':{'en': 'Americana - SP', 'pt': 'Americana - SP'}, '55753239':{'en': 'Anguera - BA', 'pt': 'Anguera - BA'}, '55224009':{'en': 'Campos dos Goitacazes - RJ', 'pt': 'Campos dos Goitacazes - RJ'}, '55223058':{'en': 'Cabo Frio - RJ', 'pt': 'Cabo Frio - RJ'}, '55713288':{'en': 'Lauro de Freitas - BA', 'pt': 'Lauro de Freitas - BA'}, '55223054':{'en': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ', 'pt': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ'}, '55223056':{'en': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ', 'pt': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ'}, '55713286':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55223051':{'en': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ')}, '55713283':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55223053':{'en': 'Cabo Frio - RJ', 'pt': 'Cabo Frio - RJ'}, '55283539':{'en': 'Itaoca - ES', 'pt': 'Itaoca - ES'}, '55473562':{'en': u('Tai\u00f3 - SC'), 'pt': u('Tai\u00f3 - SC')}, '55193669':{'en': u('Divinol\u00e2ndia - SP'), 'pt': u('Divinol\u00e2ndia - SP')}, '55193665':{'en': 'Mococa - SP', 'pt': 'Mococa - SP'}, '55193667':{'en': 'Mococa - SP', 'pt': 'Mococa - SP'}, '55193661':{'en': u('Esp\u00edrito Santo do Pinhal - SP'), 'pt': u('Esp\u00edrito Santo do Pinhal - SP')}, '55193663':{'en': u('Divinol\u00e2ndia - SP'), 'pt': u('Divinol\u00e2ndia - SP')}, '55193662':{'en': 'Caconde - SP', 'pt': 'Caconde - SP'}, '55473564':{'en': 'Rio do Campo - SC', 'pt': 'Rio do Campo - SC'}, '55753593':{'en': u('Heli\u00f3polis - BA'), 'pt': u('Heli\u00f3polis - BA')}, '55423459':{'en': 'Fernandes Pinheiro - PR', 'pt': 'Fernandes Pinheiro - PR'}, '55743699':{'en': u('Lap\u00e3o - BA'), 'pt': u('Lap\u00e3o - BA')}, '55413873':{'en': 'Campina Grande do Sul - PR', 'pt': 'Campina Grande do Sul - PR'}, '55483527':{'en': u('Ararangu\u00e1 - SC'), 'pt': u('Ararangu\u00e1 - SC')}, '55423457':{'en': u('Rebou\u00e7as - PR'), 'pt': u('Rebou\u00e7as - PR')}, '55633355':{'en': 'Miranorte - TO', 'pt': 'Miranorte - TO'}, '55483283':{'en': u('Palho\u00e7a - SC'), 'pt': u('Palho\u00e7a - SC')}, '55483282':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55483285':{'en': u('Bigua\u00e7u - SC'), 'pt': u('Bigua\u00e7u - SC')}, '55483287':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55483286':{'en': u('Palho\u00e7a - SC'), 'pt': u('Palho\u00e7a - SC')}, '55314111':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55633351':{'en': 'Gurupi - TO', 'pt': 'Gurupi - TO'}, '55343848':{'en': 'Romaria - MG', 'pt': 'Romaria - MG'}, '55413622':{'en': 'Lapa - PR', 'pt': 'Lapa - PR'}, '55313721':{'en': 'Conselheiro Lafaiete - MG', 'pt': 'Conselheiro Lafaiete - MG'}, '55543329':{'en': 'Carazinho - RS', 'pt': 'Carazinho - RS'}, '55623319':{'en': u('An\u00e1polis - GO'), 'pt': u('An\u00e1polis - GO')}, '55543325':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Herval - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Herval - RS')}, '55314114':{'en': 'Conselheiro Lafaiete - MG', 'pt': 'Conselheiro Lafaiete - MG'}, '55543327':{'en': 'Passo Fundo - RS', 'pt': 'Passo Fundo - RS'}, '55543326':{'en': 'Campos Borges - RS', 'pt': 'Campos Borges - RS'}, '55543321':{'en': 'Erechim - RS', 'pt': 'Erechim - RS'}, '55313377':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55213002':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55314115':{'en': 'Lagoa Santa - MG', 'pt': 'Lagoa Santa - MG'}, '55643377':{'en': u('Moss\u00e2medes - GO'), 'pt': u('Moss\u00e2medes - GO')}, '55443545':{'en': 'Yolanda - PR', 'pt': 'Yolanda - PR'}, '55443542':{'en': 'Campina da Lagoa - PR', 'pt': 'Campina da Lagoa - PR'}, '55413627':{'en': 'Fazenda Rio Grande - PR', 'pt': 'Fazenda Rio Grande - PR'}, '55343842':{'en': 'Monte Carmelo - MG', 'pt': 'Monte Carmelo - MG'}, '55443540':{'en': 'Bragantina - PR', 'pt': 'Bragantina - PR'}, '55343843':{'en': 'Estrela do Sul - MG', 'pt': 'Estrela do Sul - MG'}, '55353411':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o do Para\u00edso - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o do Para\u00edso - MG')}, '55413625':{'en': 'Contenda - PR', 'pt': 'Contenda - PR'}, '55343841':{'en': 'Coromandel - MG', 'pt': 'Coromandel - MG'}, '55183556':{'en': u('In\u00fabia Paulista - SP'), 'pt': u('In\u00fabia Paulista - SP')}, '55343847':{'en': 'Abadia dos Dourados - MG', 'pt': 'Abadia dos Dourados - MG'}, '55192138':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55192137':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55643018':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55343259':{'en': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG'), 'pt': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG')}, '55643294':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55673385':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55643295':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55373201':{'en': u('Ita\u00fana - MG'), 'pt': u('Ita\u00fana - MG')}, '55643296':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55673929':{'en': u('Tr\u00eas Lagoas - MS'), 'pt': u('Tr\u00eas Lagoas - MS')}, '55643297':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643290':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55474007':{'en': 'Joinville - SC', 'pt': 'Joinville - SC'}, '55474001':{'en': 'Joinville - SC', 'pt': 'Joinville - SC'}, '55474003':{'en': 'Blumenau - SC', 'pt': 'Blumenau - SC'}, '55343292':{'en': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG'), 'pt': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG')}, '55553931':{'en': u('Santo \u00c2ngelo - RS'), 'pt': u('Santo \u00c2ngelo - RS')}, '55433056':{'en': 'Arapongas - PR', 'pt': 'Arapongas - PR'}, '55613349':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55643293':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55533503':{'en': u('Bag\u00e9 - RS'), 'pt': u('Bag\u00e9 - RS')}, '55613536':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613532':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55193527':{'en': 'Rio Claro - SP', 'pt': 'Rio Claro - SP'}, '55453206':{'en': 'Agro Cafeeira - PR', 'pt': 'Agro Cafeeira - PR'}, '55333225':{'en': 'Governador Valadares - MG', 'pt': 'Governador Valadares - MG'}, '55212719':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55333221':{'en': 'Governador Valadares - MG', 'pt': 'Governador Valadares - MG'}, '55613348':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55243421':{'en': 'Angra dos Reis - RJ', 'pt': 'Angra dos Reis - RJ'}, '55212713':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ')}, '55212712':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ')}, '55212711':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55212710':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55212717':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55383745':{'en': 'Lagoa dos Patos - MG', 'pt': 'Lagoa dos Patos - MG'}, '55212715':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55193523':{'en': 'Rio Claro - SP', 'pt': 'Rio Claro - SP'}, '55733528':{'en': u('Jequi\u00e9 - BA'), 'pt': u('Jequi\u00e9 - BA')}, '55193521':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55674062':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55513315':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513314':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513317':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513316':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513311':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513313':{'en': 'Nova Santa Rita - RS', 'pt': 'Nova Santa Rita - RS'}, '55513312':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513649':{'en': 'Montenegro - RS', 'pt': 'Montenegro - RS'}, '55513319':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55273533':{'en': 'Vila Velha - ES', 'pt': 'Vila Velha - ES'}, '55193984':{'en': u('Paul\u00ednia - SP'), 'pt': u('Paul\u00ednia - SP')}, '55713352':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55653617':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55443238':{'en': 'Doutor Camargo - PR', 'pt': 'Doutor Camargo - PR'}, '55653613':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55443234':{'en': 'Astorga - PR', 'pt': 'Astorga - PR'}, '55443236':{'en': 'Floresta - PR', 'pt': 'Floresta - PR'}, '55443237':{'en': u('Santa Z\u00e9lia - PR'), 'pt': u('Santa Z\u00e9lia - PR')}, '55653619':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55443231':{'en': u('Itamb\u00e9 - PR'), 'pt': u('Itamb\u00e9 - PR')}, '55443232':{'en': 'Marialva - PR', 'pt': 'Marialva - PR'}, '55443233':{'en': 'Mandaguari - PR', 'pt': 'Mandaguari - PR'}, '55663512':{'en': 'Alta Floresta - MT', 'pt': 'Alta Floresta - MT'}, '55633554':{'en': 'Taquarussu do Porto - TO', 'pt': 'Taquarussu do Porto - TO'}, '55333294':{'en': 'Nacip Raydan - MG', 'pt': 'Nacip Raydan - MG'}, '55423219':{'en': 'Ponta Grossa - PR', 'pt': 'Ponta Grossa - PR'}, '55373324':{'en': 'Pimenta - MG', 'pt': 'Pimenta - MG'}, '55493524':{'en': u('\u00c1gua Doce - SC'), 'pt': u('\u00c1gua Doce - SC')}, '55333268':{'en': u('Aimor\u00e9s - MG'), 'pt': u('Aimor\u00e9s - MG')}, '55443582':{'en': u('Guaipor\u00e3 - PR'), 'pt': u('Guaipor\u00e3 - PR')}, '55753023':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55753022':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55753025':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55373322':{'en': 'Formiga - MG', 'pt': 'Formiga - MG'}, '55443584':{'en': u('Icara\u00edma - PR'), 'pt': u('Icara\u00edma - PR')}, '55443588':{'en': 'Vidigal - PR', 'pt': 'Vidigal - PR'}, '55373323':{'en': 'Pains - MG', 'pt': 'Pains - MG'}, '55333296':{'en': u('Sardo\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Sardo\u00e1 - MG')}, '55173531':{'en': 'Catanduva - SP', 'pt': 'Catanduva - SP'}, '55693733':{'en': 'Porto Velho - RO', 'pt': 'Porto Velho - RO'}, '55333297':{'en': u('Santa Efig\u00eania de Minas - MG'), 'pt': u('Santa Efig\u00eania de Minas - MG')}, '55213828':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213398':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55623089':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623088':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55213394':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213395':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213820':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213397':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213390':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213391':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213824':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213393':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55423664':{'en': u('Faxinal do C\u00e9u - PR'), 'pt': u('Faxinal do C\u00e9u - PR')}, '55423667':{'en': u('In\u00e1cio Martins - PR'), 'pt': u('In\u00e1cio Martins - PR')}, '55423661':{'en': 'Porto Barreiro - PR', 'pt': 'Porto Barreiro - PR'}, '55423663':{'en': 'Palmeirinha - PR', 'pt': 'Palmeirinha - PR'}, '55423662':{'en': 'Paz - PR', 'pt': 'Paz - PR'}, '55153302':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55693459':{'en': u('Ji-Paran\u00e1 - RO'), 'pt': u('Ji-Paran\u00e1 - RO')}, '55153653':{'en': u('Cap\u00e3o Bonito - SP'), 'pt': u('Cap\u00e3o Bonito - SP')}, '55153307':{'en': 'Itapetininga - SP', 'pt': 'Itapetininga - SP'}, '55153305':{'en': u('Tatu\u00ed - SP'), 'pt': u('Tatu\u00ed - SP')}, '55713351':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55553739':{'en': u('Taquaru\u00e7u do Sul - RS'), 'pt': u('Taquaru\u00e7u do Sul - RS')}, '55553738':{'en': u('Cai\u00e7ara - RS'), 'pt': u('Cai\u00e7ara - RS')}, '55553737':{'en': 'Vicente Dutra - RS', 'pt': 'Vicente Dutra - RS'}, '55413111':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413112':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413113':{'en': 'Campo Largo - PR', 'pt': 'Campo Largo - PR'}, '55413116':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR')}, '55553730':{'en': 'Vista Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Vista Alegre - RS'}, '55323278':{'en': 'Pequeri - MG', 'pt': 'Pequeri - MG'}, '55433017':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55433016':{'en': u('Rol\u00e2ndia - PR'), 'pt': u('Rol\u00e2ndia - PR')}, '55433015':{'en': u('Rol\u00e2ndia - PR'), 'pt': u('Rol\u00e2ndia - PR')}, '55473344':{'en': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC'), 'pt': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC')}, '55473343':{'en': 'Ilhota - SC', 'pt': 'Ilhota - SC'}, '55473342':{'en': 'Navegantes - SC', 'pt': 'Navegantes - SC'}, '55433011':{'en': 'Arapongas - PR', 'pt': 'Arapongas - PR'}, '55473340':{'en': 'Blumenau - SC', 'pt': 'Blumenau - SC'}, '55493522':{'en': u('Joa\u00e7aba - SC'), 'pt': u('Joa\u00e7aba - SC')}, '55473349':{'en': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC'), 'pt': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC')}, '55473348':{'en': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC'), 'pt': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC')}, '55223841':{'en': 'Natividade - RJ', 'pt': 'Natividade - RJ'}, '55743221':{'en': 'Senhor do Bonfim - BA', 'pt': 'Senhor do Bonfim - BA'}, '55534141':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55613521':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55473204':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Francisco do Sul - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Francisco do Sul - SC')}, '55473205':{'en': 'Joinville - SC', 'pt': 'Joinville - SC'}, '55222796':{'en': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ')}, '55222791':{'en': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ')}, '55222793':{'en': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ')}, '55212270':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212272':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212273':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212274':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212275':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212276':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212277':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212278':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55623516':{'en': 'Goianira - GO', 'pt': 'Goianira - GO'}, '55733243':{'en': 'Floresta Azul - BA', 'pt': 'Floresta Azul - BA'}, '55613704':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613703':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613702':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613701':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55653283':{'en': 'Comodoro - MT', 'pt': 'Comodoro - MT'}, '55483231':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55183255':{'en': 'Rancharia - SP', 'pt': 'Rancharia - SP'}, '55733242':{'en': u('Ibicara\u00ed - BA'), 'pt': u('Ibicara\u00ed - BA')}, '55183251':{'en': u('Presidente Epit\u00e1cio - SP'), 'pt': u('Presidente Epit\u00e1cio - SP')}, '55483232':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55773438':{'en': u('C\u00e2ndido Sales - BA'), 'pt': u('C\u00e2ndido Sales - BA')}, '55453267':{'en': 'Vera Cruz do Oeste - PR', 'pt': 'Vera Cruz do Oeste - PR'}, '55453264':{'en': 'Medianeira - PR', 'pt': 'Medianeira - PR'}, '55633028':{'en': 'Palmas - TO', 'pt': 'Palmas - TO'}, '55713499':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55483236':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55713491':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713492':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713493':{'en': u('Cama\u00e7ari - BA'), 'pt': u('Cama\u00e7ari - BA')}, '55633025':{'en': 'Palmas - TO', 'pt': 'Palmas - TO'}, '55633026':{'en': 'Palmas - TO', 'pt': 'Palmas - TO'}, '55713497':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55343512':{'en': 'Araguari - MG', 'pt': 'Araguari - MG'}, '55222134':{'en': 'Iguaba Grande - RJ', 'pt': 'Iguaba Grande - RJ'}, '55773431':{'en': u('Po\u00e7\u00f5es - BA'), 'pt': u('Po\u00e7\u00f5es - BA')}, '55773432':{'en': u('Itamb\u00e9 - BA'), 'pt': u('Itamb\u00e9 - BA')}, '55343513':{'en': 'Araguari - MG', 'pt': 'Araguari - MG'}, '55773434':{'en': 'Planalto - BA', 'pt': 'Planalto - BA'}, '55773435':{'en': u('Anag\u00e9 - BA'), 'pt': u('Anag\u00e9 - BA')}, '55673003':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55733289':{'en': 'Itagimirim - BA', 'pt': 'Itagimirim - BA'}, '55733288':{'en': 'Porto Seguro - BA', 'pt': 'Porto Seguro - BA'}, '55673557':{'en': u('Tr\u00eas Lagoas - MS'), 'pt': u('Tr\u00eas Lagoas - MS')}, '55733283':{'en': u('Camac\u00e3 - BA'), 'pt': u('Camac\u00e3 - BA')}, '55673559':{'en': u('Parana\u00edba - MS'), 'pt': u('Parana\u00edba - MS')}, '55733281':{'en': u('Eun\u00e1polis - BA'), 'pt': u('Eun\u00e1polis - BA')}, '55733287':{'en': 'Belmonte - BA', 'pt': 'Belmonte - BA'}, '55733286':{'en': 'Itapebi - BA', 'pt': 'Itapebi - BA'}, '55733285':{'en': u('Potiragu\u00e1 - BA'), 'pt': u('Potiragu\u00e1 - BA')}, '55733284':{'en': 'Canavieiras - BA', 'pt': 'Canavieiras - BA'}, '55773086':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA')}, '55773081':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA')}, '55713357':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713328':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55623502':{'en': u('Bela Vista de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Bela Vista de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55623503':{'en': u('Abadia de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Abadia de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55623506':{'en': 'Trindade - GO', 'pt': 'Trindade - GO'}, '55612030':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55623505':{'en': 'Trindade - GO', 'pt': 'Trindade - GO'}, '55773401':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA')}, '55493316':{'en': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC'), 'pt': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC')}, '55213634':{'en': 'Rio Bonito - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio Bonito - RJ'}, '55213633':{'en': 'Guapimirim - RJ', 'pt': 'Guapimirim - RJ'}, '55213632':{'en': u('Mag\u00e9 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Mag\u00e9 - RJ')}, '55713329':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55213630':{'en': u('Mag\u00e9 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Mag\u00e9 - RJ')}, '55773409':{'en': 'Iguatemi - BA', 'pt': 'Iguatemi - BA'}, '55213639':{'en': u('Itabora\u00ed - RJ'), 'pt': u('Itabora\u00ed - RJ')}, '55173322':{'en': 'Barretos - SP', 'pt': 'Barretos - SP'}, '55173323':{'en': 'Barretos - SP', 'pt': 'Barretos - SP'}, '55493365':{'en': 'Modelo - SC', 'pt': 'Modelo - SC'}, '55173321':{'en': 'Barretos - SP', 'pt': 'Barretos - SP'}, '55173326':{'en': 'Barretos - SP', 'pt': 'Barretos - SP'}, '55493362':{'en': 'Novo Horizonte - SC', 'pt': 'Novo Horizonte - SC'}, '55173324':{'en': 'Barretos - SP', 'pt': 'Barretos - SP'}, '55173325':{'en': 'Barretos - SP', 'pt': 'Barretos - SP'}, '55493312':{'en': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC'), 'pt': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC')}, '55173328':{'en': 'Barretos - SP', 'pt': 'Barretos - SP'}, '55173329':{'en': 'Alberto Moreira - SP', 'pt': 'Alberto Moreira - SP'}, '55493313':{'en': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC'), 'pt': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC')}, '55493311':{'en': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC'), 'pt': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC')}, '55643014':{'en': u('Jata\u00ed - GO'), 'pt': u('Jata\u00ed - GO')}, '55543052':{'en': u('Bento Gon\u00e7alves - RS'), 'pt': u('Bento Gon\u00e7alves - RS')}, '55514109':{'en': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS')}, '55543056':{'en': 'Farroupilha - RS', 'pt': 'Farroupilha - RS'}, '55543055':{'en': u('Bento Gon\u00e7alves - RS'), 'pt': u('Bento Gon\u00e7alves - RS')}, '55543054':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55514104':{'en': 'Canoas - RS', 'pt': 'Canoas - RS'}, '55543267':{'en': 'Vila Seca - RS', 'pt': 'Vila Seca - RS'}, '55483035':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC')}, '55153535':{'en': 'Nova Campina - SP', 'pt': 'Nova Campina - SP'}, '55153534':{'en': u('Taquariva\u00ed - SP'), 'pt': u('Taquariva\u00ed - SP')}, '55153537':{'en': 'Itapetininga - SP', 'pt': 'Itapetininga - SP'}, '55153531':{'en': u('Itarar\u00e9 - SP'), 'pt': u('Itarar\u00e9 - SP')}, '55153533':{'en': u('Bom Sucesso de Itarar\u00e9 - SP'), 'pt': u('Bom Sucesso de Itarar\u00e9 - SP')}, '55153532':{'en': u('Itarar\u00e9 - SP'), 'pt': u('Itarar\u00e9 - SP')}, '55543260':{'en': 'Caravaggio - RS', 'pt': 'Caravaggio - RS'}, '55543581':{'en': 'Passo Fundo - RS', 'pt': 'Passo Fundo - RS'}, '55543584':{'en': 'Passo Fundo - RS', 'pt': 'Passo Fundo - RS'}, '55643593':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643591':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643597':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643595':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643594':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55513584':{'en': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS', 'pt': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS'}, '55543261':{'en': 'Farroupilha - RS', 'pt': 'Farroupilha - RS'}, '55533263':{'en': u('Santa Vit\u00f3ria do Palmar - RS'), 'pt': u('Santa Vit\u00f3ria do Palmar - RS')}, '55533262':{'en': 'Arroio Grande - RS', 'pt': 'Arroio Grande - RS'}, '55533261':{'en': u('Jaguar\u00e3o - RS'), 'pt': u('Jaguar\u00e3o - RS')}, '55533267':{'en': 'Herval - RS', 'pt': 'Herval - RS'}, '55653363':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55533265':{'en': u('Chu\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Chu\u00ed - RS')}, '55533264':{'en': 'Praia do Hermenegildo - RS', 'pt': 'Praia do Hermenegildo - RS'}, '55433242':{'en': u('Bela Vista do Para\u00edso - PR'), 'pt': u('Bela Vista do Para\u00edso - PR')}, '55433240':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Martinho - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Martinho - PR')}, '55613612':{'en': 'Cristalina - GO', 'pt': 'Cristalina - GO'}, '55433244':{'en': 'Prado Ferreira - PR', 'pt': 'Prado Ferreira - PR'}, '55433249':{'en': u('Camb\u00e9 - PR'), 'pt': u('Camb\u00e9 - PR')}, '55473563':{'en': 'Salete - SC', 'pt': 'Salete - SC'}, '55513585':{'en': 'Campo Bom - RS', 'pt': 'Campo Bom - RS'}, '55313451':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55163273':{'en': u('It\u00e1polis - SP'), 'pt': u('It\u00e1polis - SP')}, '55653366':{'en': 'Nova Mutum - MT', 'pt': 'Nova Mutum - MT'}, '55163275':{'en': u('Taia\u00e7u - SP'), 'pt': u('Taia\u00e7u - SP')}, '55313452':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55513213':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55383622':{'en': 'Pedras de Maria da Cruz - MG', 'pt': 'Pedras de Maria da Cruz - MG'}, '55383623':{'en': u('Janu\u00e1ria - MG'), 'pt': u('Janu\u00e1ria - MG')}, '55383621':{'en': u('Janu\u00e1ria - MG'), 'pt': u('Janu\u00e1ria - MG')}, '55383626':{'en': 'Ibiracatu - MG', 'pt': 'Ibiracatu - MG'}, '55383624':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Rom\u00e3o - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Rom\u00e3o - MG')}, '55383625':{'en': u('Varzel\u00e2ndia - MG'), 'pt': u('Varzel\u00e2ndia - MG')}, '55313741':{'en': 'Ouro Branco - MG', 'pt': 'Ouro Branco - MG'}, '55313742':{'en': 'Ouro Branco - MG', 'pt': 'Ouro Branco - MG'}, '55513216':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55313746':{'en': 'Piranga - MG', 'pt': 'Piranga - MG'}, '55513459':{'en': 'Esteio - RS', 'pt': 'Esteio - RS'}, '55343820':{'en': 'Patos de Minas - MG', 'pt': 'Patos de Minas - MG'}, '55343821':{'en': 'Patos de Minas - MG', 'pt': 'Patos de Minas - MG'}, '55513454':{'en': 'Esteio - RS', 'pt': 'Esteio - RS'}, '55343823':{'en': 'Patos de Minas - MG', 'pt': 'Patos de Minas - MG'}, '55343824':{'en': 'Lagoa Formosa - MG', 'pt': 'Lagoa Formosa - MG'}, '55343826':{'en': 'Patos de Minas - MG', 'pt': 'Patos de Minas - MG'}, '55513587':{'en': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS', 'pt': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS'}, '55282102':{'en': 'Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - ES', 'pt': 'Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - ES'}, '55282101':{'en': 'Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - ES', 'pt': 'Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - ES'}, '55483462':{'en': u('Crici\u00fama - SC'), 'pt': u('Crici\u00fama - SC')}, '55734102':{'en': u('Ilh\u00e9us - BA'), 'pt': u('Ilh\u00e9us - BA')}, '55544052':{'en': 'Passo Fundo - RS', 'pt': 'Passo Fundo - RS'}, '55713121':{'en': u('Cama\u00e7ari - BA'), 'pt': u('Cama\u00e7ari - BA')}, '55513580':{'en': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS', 'pt': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS'}, '55713125':{'en': u('Cama\u00e7ari - BA'), 'pt': u('Cama\u00e7ari - BA')}, '55623451':{'en': 'Campos Belos - GO', 'pt': 'Campos Belos - GO'}, '55413275':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413274':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413277':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413276':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413271':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413270':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55313562':{'en': 'Itabirito - MG', 'pt': 'Itabirito - MG'}, '55413272':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55313537':{'en': 'Serra Azul - MG', 'pt': 'Serra Azul - MG'}, '55413279':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413278':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55613408':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55143604':{'en': 'Barra Bonita - SP', 'pt': 'Barra Bonita - SP'}, '55143602':{'en': u('Ja\u00fa - SP'), 'pt': u('Ja\u00fa - SP')}, '55193469':{'en': 'Americana - SP', 'pt': 'Americana - SP'}, '55143601':{'en': u('Ja\u00fa - SP'), 'pt': u('Ja\u00fa - SP')}, '55193467':{'en': 'Americana - SP', 'pt': 'Americana - SP'}, '55193466':{'en': 'Nova Odessa - SP', 'pt': 'Nova Odessa - SP'}, '55193465':{'en': 'Americana - SP', 'pt': 'Americana - SP'}, '55193464':{'en': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara D\'Oeste - SP'), 'pt': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara D\'Oeste - SP')}, '55193463':{'en': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara D\'Oeste - SP'), 'pt': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara D\'Oeste - SP')}, '55193462':{'en': 'Americana - SP', 'pt': 'Americana - SP'}, '55444101':{'en': 'Sarandi - PR', 'pt': 'Sarandi - PR'}, '55212205':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55713261':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713267':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55313283':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55513582':{'en': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS', 'pt': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS'}, '55212204':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55413677':{'en': 'Campo Magro - PR', 'pt': 'Campo Magro - PR'}, '55683267':{'en': 'Vila Campinas (Pad Peixoto) - AC', 'pt': 'Vila Campinas (Pad Peixoto) - AC'}, '55683261':{'en': u('Humait\u00e1 (Pad Humait\u00e1) - AC'), 'pt': u('Humait\u00e1 (Pad Humait\u00e1) - AC')}, '55683262':{'en': 'Vila do V - AC', 'pt': 'Vila do V - AC'}, '55193683':{'en': 'Santa Cruz das Palmeiras - SP', 'pt': 'Santa Cruz das Palmeiras - SP'}, '55193682':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Pardo - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Pardo - SP')}, '55193681':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Pardo - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Pardo - SP')}, '55212203':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55193684':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Pardo - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Pardo - SP')}, '55663015':{'en': 'Sinop - MT', 'pt': 'Sinop - MT'}, '55663016':{'en': 'Primavera do Leste - MT', 'pt': 'Primavera do Leste - MT'}, '55343662':{'en': u('Arax\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Arax\u00e1 - MG')}, '55623335':{'en': u('Vian\u00f3polis - GO'), 'pt': u('Vian\u00f3polis - GO')}, '55623334':{'en': u('Petrolina de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Petrolina de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55213020':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55623336':{'en': u('Alex\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Alex\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623331':{'en': u('Piren\u00f3polis - GO'), 'pt': u('Piren\u00f3polis - GO')}, '55623332':{'en': u('Silv\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Silv\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55773656':{'en': u('Brejol\u00e2ndia - BA'), 'pt': u('Brejol\u00e2ndia - BA')}, '55413432':{'en': 'Antonina - PR', 'pt': 'Antonina - PR'}, '55623338':{'en': u('Corumb\u00e1 de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Corumb\u00e1 de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55773652':{'en': u('Muqu\u00e9m de S\u00e3o Francisco - BA'), 'pt': u('Muqu\u00e9m de S\u00e3o Francisco - BA')}, '55353438':{'en': 'Camanducaia - MG', 'pt': 'Camanducaia - MG'}, '55353436':{'en': 'Toledo - MG', 'pt': 'Toledo - MG'}, '55353437':{'en': 'Senador Amaral - MG', 'pt': 'Senador Amaral - MG'}, '55353434':{'en': 'Itapeva - MG', 'pt': 'Itapeva - MG'}, '55353435':{'en': 'Extrema - MG', 'pt': 'Extrema - MG'}, '55353432':{'en': u('C\u00f3rrego do Bom Jesus - MG'), 'pt': u('C\u00f3rrego do Bom Jesus - MG')}, '55353433':{'en': 'Camanducaia - MG', 'pt': 'Camanducaia - MG'}, '55353431':{'en': u('Cambu\u00ed - MG'), 'pt': u('Cambu\u00ed - MG')}, '55513605':{'en': 'Torres - RS', 'pt': 'Torres - RS'}, '55373221':{'en': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55212489':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55373222':{'en': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55373225':{'en': 'Nova Serrana - MG', 'pt': 'Nova Serrana - MG'}, '55373227':{'en': 'Nova Serrana - MG', 'pt': 'Nova Serrana - MG'}, '55373226':{'en': 'Nova Serrana - MG', 'pt': 'Nova Serrana - MG'}, '55212483':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55373228':{'en': 'Nova Serrana - MG', 'pt': 'Nova Serrana - MG'}, '55212481':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212480':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212487':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212486':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55692181':{'en': 'Porto Velho - RO', 'pt': 'Porto Velho - RO'}, '55212484':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55443256':{'en': u('\u00c2ngulo - PR'), 'pt': u('\u00c2ngulo - PR')}, '55553234':{'en': 'Vila Nova do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Vila Nova do Sul - RS'}, '55443257':{'en': u('Fl\u00f3rida - PR'), 'pt': u('Fl\u00f3rida - PR')}, '55443254':{'en': 'Atalaia - PR', 'pt': 'Atalaia - PR'}, '55443252':{'en': u('Nova Esperan\u00e7a - PR'), 'pt': u('Nova Esperan\u00e7a - PR')}, '55613517':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55443253':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55453222':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55453223':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55453220':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55453226':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55453227':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55453224':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55453225':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55453228':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55223853':{'en': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio de P\u00e1dua - RJ'), 'pt': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio de P\u00e1dua - RJ')}, '55273082':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55273080':{'en': 'Serra - ES', 'pt': 'Serra - ES'}, '55273081':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55212730':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212734':{'en': 'Rio Bonito - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio Bonito - RJ'}, '55423275':{'en': 'Tibagi - PR', 'pt': 'Tibagi - PR'}, '55513669':{'en': u('Nova Tramanda\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Nova Tramanda\u00ed - RS')}, '55193841':{'en': u('Mogi-Gua\u00e7u - SP'), 'pt': u('Mogi-Gua\u00e7u - SP')}, '55423270':{'en': 'Guaragi - PR', 'pt': 'Guaragi - PR'}, '55513661':{'en': u('Tramanda\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Tramanda\u00ed - RS')}, '55633455':{'en': u('Nazar\u00e9 - TO'), 'pt': u('Nazar\u00e9 - TO')}, '55513663':{'en': u('Os\u00f3rio - RS'), 'pt': u('Os\u00f3rio - RS')}, '55443259':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55513665':{'en': u('Cap\u00e3o da Canoa - RS'), 'pt': u('Cap\u00e3o da Canoa - RS')}, '55513664':{'en': 'Torres - RS', 'pt': 'Torres - RS'}, '55513667':{'en': u('Tr\u00eas Cachoeiras - RS'), 'pt': u('Tr\u00eas Cachoeiras - RS')}, '55513666':{'en': 'Terra de Areia - RS', 'pt': 'Terra de Areia - RS'}, '55183703':{'en': 'Bairro Formosa - SP', 'pt': 'Bairro Formosa - SP'}, '55343612':{'en': u('Arax\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Arax\u00e1 - MG')}, '55343611':{'en': u('Arax\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Arax\u00e1 - MG')}, '55183706':{'en': u('Suzan\u00e1polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Suzan\u00e1polis - SP')}, '55183705':{'en': u('Guara\u00e7a\u00ed - SP'), 'pt': u('Guara\u00e7a\u00ed - SP')}, '55273553':{'en': u('Gua\u00e7u\u00ed - ES'), 'pt': u('Gua\u00e7u\u00ed - ES')}, '55183708':{'en': u('Primeira Alian\u00e7a - SP'), 'pt': u('Primeira Alian\u00e7a - SP')}, '55272144':{'en': 'Vila Velha - ES', 'pt': 'Vila Velha - ES'}, '55633459':{'en': 'Buriti do Tocantins - TO', 'pt': 'Buriti do Tocantins - TO'}, '55753296':{'en': u('S\u00edtio do Quinto - BA'), 'pt': u('S\u00edtio do Quinto - BA')}, '55653362':{'en': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT'), 'pt': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT')}, '55753223':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55423238':{'en': 'Ponta Grossa - PR', 'pt': 'Ponta Grossa - PR'}, '55423239':{'en': 'Ponta Grossa - PR', 'pt': 'Ponta Grossa - PR'}, '55753226':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55513599':{'en': 'Sapiranga - RS', 'pt': 'Sapiranga - RS'}, '55513598':{'en': 'Campo Bom - RS', 'pt': 'Campo Bom - RS'}, '55423232':{'en': 'Castro - PR', 'pt': 'Castro - PR'}, '55273736':{'en': 'Laranja da Terra - ES', 'pt': 'Laranja da Terra - ES'}, '55443218':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55423231':{'en': u('Carambe\u00ed - PR'), 'pt': u('Carambe\u00ed - PR')}, '55423236':{'en': 'Ponta Grossa - PR', 'pt': 'Ponta Grossa - PR'}, '55423237':{'en': u('Pira\u00ed do Sul - PR'), 'pt': u('Pira\u00ed do Sul - PR')}, '55423234':{'en': u('Col\u00f4nia Castrolanda - PR'), 'pt': u('Col\u00f4nia Castrolanda - PR')}, '55423235':{'en': 'Ponta Grossa - PR', 'pt': 'Ponta Grossa - PR'}, '55212868':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55653364':{'en': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT'), 'pt': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT')}, '55533921':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55153492':{'en': 'Salto de Pirapora - SP', 'pt': 'Salto de Pirapora - SP'}, '55153491':{'en': 'Salto de Pirapora - SP', 'pt': 'Salto de Pirapora - SP'}, '55173513':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55173512':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55643438':{'en': 'Domiciano Ribeiro - GO', 'pt': 'Domiciano Ribeiro - GO'}, '55643430':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643431':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643432':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643433':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643434':{'en': 'Cachoeira Dourada - GO', 'pt': 'Cachoeira Dourada - GO'}, '55693471':{'en': u('Presidente M\u00e9dici - RO'), 'pt': u('Presidente M\u00e9dici - RO')}, '55414121':{'en': 'Fazenda Rio Grande - PR', 'pt': 'Fazenda Rio Grande - PR'}, '55414122':{'en': 'Curitiba', 'pt': 'Curitiba'}, '55643657':{'en': u('Bom Jardim de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Bom Jardim de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55442031':{'en': 'Umuarama - PR', 'pt': 'Umuarama - PR'}, '55553243':{'en': 'Santana do Livramento - RS', 'pt': 'Santana do Livramento - RS'}, '55553242':{'en': 'Santana do Livramento - RS', 'pt': 'Santana do Livramento - RS'}, '55553241':{'en': 'Santana do Livramento - RS', 'pt': 'Santana do Livramento - RS'}, '55634009':{'en': 'Palmas - TO', 'pt': 'Palmas - TO'}, '55553244':{'en': 'Santana do Livramento - RS', 'pt': 'Santana do Livramento - RS'}, '55634007':{'en': 'Palmas - TO', 'pt': 'Palmas - TO'}, '55693654':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Domingos - RO'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Domingos - RO')}, '55413134':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR')}, '55413132':{'en': 'Pinhais - PR', 'pt': 'Pinhais - PR'}, '55634001':{'en': 'Palmas - TO', 'pt': 'Palmas - TO'}, '55413131':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55433035':{'en': u('Camb\u00e9 - PR'), 'pt': u('Camb\u00e9 - PR')}, '55473364':{'en': 'Dona Emma - SC', 'pt': 'Dona Emma - SC'}, '55473367':{'en': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC'), 'pt': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC')}, '55473366':{'en': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC'), 'pt': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC')}, '55433031':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55473360':{'en': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC'), 'pt': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC')}, '55433033':{'en': 'Apucarana - PR', 'pt': 'Apucarana - PR'}, '55433032':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55212133':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212132':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212136':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55163421':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55743672':{'en': u('Morro do Chap\u00e9u - BA'), 'pt': u('Morro do Chap\u00e9u - BA')}, '55614063':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55614062':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55212256':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212257':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212254':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212255':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212252':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212253':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55333295':{'en': u('Virgol\u00e2ndia - MG'), 'pt': u('Virgol\u00e2ndia - MG')}, '55454052':{'en': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55212258':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212259':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55513788':{'en': 'Progresso - RS', 'pt': 'Progresso - RS'}, '55454053':{'en': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55613879':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613878':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613877':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55333291':{'en': 'Coroaci - MG', 'pt': 'Coroaci - MG'}, '55333293':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 da Safira - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 da Safira - MG')}, '55143477':{'en': u('Arco-\u00cdris - SP'), 'pt': u('Arco-\u00cdris - SP')}, '55143476':{'en': 'Campos Novos Paulista - SP', 'pt': 'Campos Novos Paulista - SP'}, '55143479':{'en': 'Avencas - SP', 'pt': 'Avencas - SP'}, '55143478':{'en': 'Bastos - SP', 'pt': 'Bastos - SP'}, '55223533':{'en': 'Vila Velha - ES', 'pt': 'Vila Velha - ES'}, '55613471':{'en': u('Ceil\u00e2ndia - DF'), 'pt': u('Ceil\u00e2ndia - DF')}, '55623979':{'en': u('An\u00e1polis - GO'), 'pt': u('An\u00e1polis - GO')}, '55623978':{'en': u('An\u00e1polis - GO'), 'pt': u('An\u00e1polis - GO')}, '55663407':{'en': u('Barra do Gar\u00e7as - MT'), 'pt': u('Barra do Gar\u00e7as - MT')}, '55663406':{'en': u('Torixor\u00e9u - MT'), 'pt': u('Torixor\u00e9u - MT')}, '55733225':{'en': u('Igrapi\u00fana - BA'), 'pt': u('Igrapi\u00fana - BA')}, '55623298':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623299':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623292':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623293':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623290':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623291':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623296':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623297':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55613479':{'en': u('Brazl\u00e2ndia - DF'), 'pt': u('Brazl\u00e2ndia - DF')}, '55673574':{'en': u('Inoc\u00eancia - MS'), 'pt': u('Inoc\u00eancia - MS')}, '55163847':{'en': 'Nuporanga - SP', 'pt': 'Nuporanga - SP'}, '55613478':{'en': 'Sobradinho - DF', 'pt': 'Sobradinho - DF'}, '55673579':{'en': u('Selv\u00edria - MS'), 'pt': u('Selv\u00edria - MS')}, '55473059':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Bento do Sul - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Bento do Sul - SC')}, '55613548':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55473056':{'en': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC'), 'pt': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC')}, '55473055':{'en': u('Jaragu\u00e1 do Sul - SC'), 'pt': u('Jaragu\u00e1 do Sul - SC')}, '55473054':{'en': u('Jaragu\u00e1 do Sul - SC'), 'pt': u('Jaragu\u00e1 do Sul - SC')}, '55673686':{'en': 'Bonito - MS', 'pt': 'Bonito - MS'}, '55673687':{'en': 'Miranda - MS', 'pt': 'Miranda - MS'}, '55213611':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ')}, '55213610':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55673682':{'en': u('Camapu\u00e3 - MS'), 'pt': u('Camapu\u00e3 - MS')}, '55473052':{'en': 'Indaial - SC', 'pt': 'Indaial - SC'}, '55773467':{'en': 'Jacaraci - BA', 'pt': 'Jacaraci - BA'}, '55773466':{'en': 'Jacaraci - BA', 'pt': 'Jacaraci - BA'}, '55773465':{'en': u('Ibiassuc\u00ea - BA'), 'pt': u('Ibiassuc\u00ea - BA')}, '55773464':{'en': 'Mortugaba - BA', 'pt': 'Mortugaba - BA'}, '55773463':{'en': u('Lic\u00ednio de Almeida - BA'), 'pt': u('Lic\u00ednio de Almeida - BA')}, '55773462':{'en': 'Caetanos - BA', 'pt': 'Caetanos - BA'}, '55773461':{'en': 'Bom Jesus da Serra - BA', 'pt': 'Bom Jesus da Serra - BA'}, '55773460':{'en': u('Igapor\u00e3 - BA'), 'pt': u('Igapor\u00e3 - BA')}, '55713304':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55473050':{'en': u('Cambori\u00fa - SC'), 'pt': u('Cambori\u00fa - SC')}, '55773468':{'en': 'Mirante - BA', 'pt': 'Mirante - BA'}, '55643261':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55673524':{'en': u('Tr\u00eas Lagoas - MS'), 'pt': u('Tr\u00eas Lagoas - MS')}, '55733212':{'en': 'Itabuna - BA', 'pt': 'Itabuna - BA'}, '55643265':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55343201':{'en': u('Arax\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Arax\u00e1 - MG')}, '55643603':{'en': u('Ipor\u00e1 - GO'), 'pt': u('Ipor\u00e1 - GO')}, '55643602':{'en': 'Rio Verde - GO', 'pt': 'Rio Verde - GO'}, '55643601':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Lu\u00eds de Montes Belos - GO'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Lu\u00eds de Montes Belos - GO')}, '55633530':{'en': 'Rio dos Bois - TO', 'pt': 'Rio dos Bois - TO'}, '55643607':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643604':{'en': 'Mairipotaba - GO', 'pt': 'Mairipotaba - GO'}, '55643609':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643608':{'en': u('Bom Jesus de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Bom Jesus de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55542106':{'en': 'Erechim - RS', 'pt': 'Erechim - RS'}, '55713306':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55542107':{'en': 'Erechim - RS', 'pt': 'Erechim - RS'}, '55313455':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313346':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55542105':{'en': u('Bento Gon\u00e7alves - RS'), 'pt': u('Bento Gon\u00e7alves - RS')}, '55423649':{'en': u('Guar\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Guar\u00e1 - PR')}, '55542102':{'en': u('Bento Gon\u00e7alves - RS'), 'pt': u('Bento Gon\u00e7alves - RS')}, '55423648':{'en': 'Marquinho - PR', 'pt': 'Marquinho - PR'}, '55242292':{'en': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55242291':{'en': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55542101':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55423644':{'en': 'Santa Maria do Oeste - PR', 'pt': 'Santa Maria do Oeste - PR'}, '55423643':{'en': 'Nova Tebas - PR', 'pt': 'Nova Tebas - PR'}, '55213809':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55533241':{'en': u('Bag\u00e9 - RS'), 'pt': u('Bag\u00e9 - RS')}, '55533240':{'en': u('Bag\u00e9 - RS'), 'pt': u('Bag\u00e9 - RS')}, '55493439':{'en': 'Linha Planalto - SC', 'pt': 'Linha Planalto - SC'}, '55493438':{'en': 'Ipumirim - SC', 'pt': 'Ipumirim - SC'}, '55493349':{'en': 'Irati - SC', 'pt': 'Irati - SC'}, '55493348':{'en': u('Uni\u00e3o do Oeste - SC'), 'pt': u('Uni\u00e3o do Oeste - SC')}, '55533247':{'en': u('Bag\u00e9 - RS'), 'pt': u('Bag\u00e9 - RS')}, '55313457':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55493345':{'en': 'Santiago do Sul - SC', 'pt': 'Santiago do Sul - SC'}, '55493344':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Louren\u00e7o do Oeste - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Louren\u00e7o do Oeste - SC')}, '55493347':{'en': 'Coronel Freitas - SC', 'pt': 'Coronel Freitas - SC'}, '55493346':{'en': 'Quilombo - SC', 'pt': 'Quilombo - SC'}, '55453411':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55493436':{'en': 'Faxinal dos Guedes - SC', 'pt': 'Faxinal dos Guedes - SC'}, '55493343':{'en': 'Formosa do Sul - SC', 'pt': 'Formosa do Sul - SC'}, '55493342':{'en': u('Galv\u00e3o - SC'), 'pt': u('Galv\u00e3o - SC')}, '55623268':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55713301':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55163214':{'en': 'Araraquara - SP', 'pt': 'Araraquara - SP'}, '55613261':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613262':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613263':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613264':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55713302':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55513434':{'en': u('Viam\u00e3o - RS'), 'pt': u('Viam\u00e3o - RS')}, '55513127':{'en': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS')}, '55313764':{'en': 'Conselheiro Lafaiete - MG', 'pt': 'Conselheiro Lafaiete - MG'}, '55313762':{'en': 'Conselheiro Lafaiete - MG', 'pt': 'Conselheiro Lafaiete - MG'}, '55313763':{'en': 'Conselheiro Lafaiete - MG', 'pt': 'Conselheiro Lafaiete - MG'}, '55513432':{'en': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS')}, '55313761':{'en': 'Conselheiro Lafaiete - MG', 'pt': 'Conselheiro Lafaiete - MG'}, '55513438':{'en': 'Cachoeirinha - RS', 'pt': 'Cachoeirinha - RS'}, '55513439':{'en': 'Cachoeirinha - RS', 'pt': 'Cachoeirinha - RS'}, '55313768':{'en': 'Contagem - MG', 'pt': 'Contagem - MG'}, '55313769':{'en': 'Conselheiro Lafaiete - MG', 'pt': 'Conselheiro Lafaiete - MG'}, '55623532':{'en': 'Senador Canedo - GO', 'pt': 'Senador Canedo - GO'}, '55713303':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55323239':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55653421':{'en': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT'), 'pt': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT')}, '55313542':{'en': 'Nova Lima - MG', 'pt': 'Nova Lima - MG'}, '55313543':{'en': 'Raposos - MG', 'pt': 'Raposos - MG'}, '55323231':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55313541':{'en': 'Nova Lima - MG', 'pt': 'Nova Lima - MG'}, '55323237':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55323236':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55313544':{'en': 'Betim - MG', 'pt': 'Betim - MG'}, '55313545':{'en': 'Rio Acima - MG', 'pt': 'Rio Acima - MG'}, '55313249':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313248':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55193445':{'en': 'Limeira - SP', 'pt': 'Limeira - SP'}, '55193444':{'en': 'Limeira - SP', 'pt': 'Limeira - SP'}, '55193447':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55193446':{'en': 'Limeira - SP', 'pt': 'Limeira - SP'}, '55193441':{'en': 'Limeira - SP', 'pt': 'Limeira - SP'}, '55193336':{'en': 'Rio Claro - SP', 'pt': 'Rio Claro - SP'}, '55193443':{'en': 'Limeira - SP', 'pt': 'Limeira - SP'}, '55193442':{'en': 'Limeira - SP', 'pt': 'Limeira - SP'}, '55193448':{'en': 'Ibitiruna - SP', 'pt': 'Ibitiruna - SP'}, '55212421':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55713249':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55313245':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313611':{'en': u('Vi\u00e7osa - MG'), 'pt': u('Vi\u00e7osa - MG')}, '55413245':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55713241':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55513724':{'en': 'Cachoeira do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Cachoeira do Sul - RS'}, '55713243':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713242':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55413246':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55513725':{'en': 'Cerro Branco - RS', 'pt': 'Cerro Branco - RS'}, '55773261':{'en': 'Itapetinga - BA', 'pt': 'Itapetinga - BA'}, '55463211':{'en': u('Francisco Beltr\u00e3o - PR'), 'pt': u('Francisco Beltr\u00e3o - PR')}, '55743527':{'en': 'Casa Nova - BA', 'pt': 'Casa Nova - BA'}, '55463213':{'en': 'Pato Branco - PR', 'pt': 'Pato Branco - PR'}, '55513726':{'en': 'Lajeado - RS', 'pt': 'Lajeado - RS'}, '55513364':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55313241':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55513055':{'en': u('Gua\u00edba - RS'), 'pt': u('Gua\u00edba - RS')}, '55743529':{'en': 'Andorinha - BA', 'pt': 'Andorinha - BA'}, '55743528':{'en': 'Umburanas - BA', 'pt': 'Umburanas - BA'}, '55413241':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55313535':{'en': 'Mateus Leme - MG', 'pt': 'Mateus Leme - MG'}, '55513729':{'en': 'Lajeado - RS', 'pt': 'Lajeado - RS'}, '55483717':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55313534':{'en': u('Igarap\u00e9 - MG'), 'pt': u('Igarap\u00e9 - MG')}, '55513059':{'en': 'Canoas - RS', 'pt': 'Canoas - RS'}, '55693222':{'en': 'Porto Velho - RO', 'pt': 'Porto Velho - RO'}, '55153115':{'en': 'Boituva - SP', 'pt': 'Boituva - SP'}, '55483821':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55143668':{'en': 'Itaju - SP', 'pt': 'Itaju - SP'}, '55143664':{'en': u('Itapu\u00ed - SP'), 'pt': u('Itapu\u00ed - SP')}, '55143666':{'en': 'Bocaina - SP', 'pt': 'Bocaina - SP'}, '55143667':{'en': 'Itaju - SP', 'pt': 'Itaju - SP'}, '55644141':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55143662':{'en': 'Bariri - SP', 'pt': 'Bariri - SP'}, '55183901':{'en': 'Presidente Prudente - SP', 'pt': 'Presidente Prudente - SP'}, '55773673':{'en': 'Oliveira dos Brejinhos - BA', 'pt': 'Oliveira dos Brejinhos - BA'}, '55773671':{'en': u('S\u00edtio do Mato - BA'), 'pt': u('S\u00edtio do Mato - BA')}, '55483298':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55553506':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Francisco de Assis - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Francisco de Assis - RS')}, '55773492':{'en': u('Presidente J\u00e2nio Quadros - BA'), 'pt': u('Presidente J\u00e2nio Quadros - BA')}, '55773678':{'en': u('Botupor\u00e3 - BA'), 'pt': u('Botupor\u00e3 - BA')}, '55183902':{'en': 'Presidente Prudente - SP', 'pt': 'Presidente Prudente - SP'}, '55773491':{'en': u('S\u00e3o F\u00e9lix do Coribe - BA'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o F\u00e9lix do Coribe - BA')}, '55353454':{'en': u('Esp\u00edrito Santo do Dourado - MG'), 'pt': u('Esp\u00edrito Santo do Dourado - MG')}, '55353455':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Mata - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Mata - MG')}, '55353456':{'en': u('Nat\u00e9rcia - MG'), 'pt': u('Nat\u00e9rcia - MG')}, '55353457':{'en': 'Heliodora - MG', 'pt': 'Heliodora - MG'}, '55353451':{'en': u('Silvian\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Silvian\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55353452':{'en': u('Carea\u00e7u - MG'), 'pt': u('Carea\u00e7u - MG')}, '55353453':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o da Bela Vista - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o da Bela Vista - MG')}, '55163987':{'en': 'Serrana - SP', 'pt': 'Serrana - SP'}, '55163986':{'en': u('Lu\u00eds Ant\u00f4nio - SP'), 'pt': u('Lu\u00eds Ant\u00f4nio - SP')}, '55163984':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Sim\u00e3o - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Sim\u00e3o - SP')}, '55163983':{'en': u('Lu\u00eds Ant\u00f4nio - SP'), 'pt': u('Lu\u00eds Ant\u00f4nio - SP')}, '55163982':{'en': 'Serra Azul - SP', 'pt': 'Serra Azul - SP'}, '55163981':{'en': u('Prad\u00f3polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Prad\u00f3polis - SP')}, '55343248':{'en': 'Cascalho Rico - MG', 'pt': 'Cascalho Rico - MG'}, '55343249':{'en': 'Araguari - MG', 'pt': 'Araguari - MG'}, '55433521':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55433520':{'en': u('Corn\u00e9lio Proc\u00f3pio - PR'), 'pt': u('Corn\u00e9lio Proc\u00f3pio - PR')}, '55433527':{'en': 'Jacarezinho - PR', 'pt': 'Jacarezinho - PR'}, '55413581':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55433525':{'en': 'Jacarezinho - PR', 'pt': 'Jacarezinho - PR'}, '55433524':{'en': u('Corn\u00e9lio Proc\u00f3pio - PR'), 'pt': u('Corn\u00e9lio Proc\u00f3pio - PR')}, '55183351':{'en': 'Palmital - SP', 'pt': 'Palmital - SP'}, '55343242':{'en': 'Araguari - MG', 'pt': 'Araguari - MG'}, '55433528':{'en': 'Wenceslau Braz - PR', 'pt': 'Wenceslau Braz - PR'}, '55183354':{'en': 'Platina - SP', 'pt': 'Platina - SP'}, '55183355':{'en': 'Presidente Prudente - SP', 'pt': 'Presidente Prudente - SP'}, '55183356':{'en': u('Echapor\u00e3 - SP'), 'pt': u('Echapor\u00e3 - SP')}, '55373247':{'en': 'Igaratinga - MG', 'pt': 'Igaratinga - MG'}, '55373246':{'en': 'Igaratinga - MG', 'pt': 'Igaratinga - MG'}, '55373244':{'en': 'Carmo do Cajuru - MG', 'pt': 'Carmo do Cajuru - MG'}, '55373243':{'en': u('Ita\u00fana - MG'), 'pt': u('Ita\u00fana - MG')}, '55373242':{'en': u('Ita\u00fana - MG'), 'pt': u('Ita\u00fana - MG')}, '55373241':{'en': u('Ita\u00fana - MG'), 'pt': u('Ita\u00fana - MG')}, '55373249':{'en': u('Ita\u00fana - MG'), 'pt': u('Ita\u00fana - MG')}, '55673213':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55673216':{'en': u('Sidrol\u00e2ndia - MS'), 'pt': u('Sidrol\u00e2ndia - MS')}, '55653221':{'en': u('C\u00e1ceres - MT'), 'pt': u('C\u00e1ceres - MT')}, '55652122':{'en': u('C\u00e1ceres - MT'), 'pt': u('C\u00e1ceres - MT')}, '55653223':{'en': u('C\u00e1ceres - MT'), 'pt': u('C\u00e1ceres - MT')}, '55653224':{'en': u('C\u00e1ceres - MT'), 'pt': u('C\u00e1ceres - MT')}, '55413589':{'en': 'Piraquara - PR', 'pt': 'Piraquara - PR'}, '55633354':{'en': u('Cristal\u00e2ndia - TO'), 'pt': u('Cristal\u00e2ndia - TO')}, '55653228':{'en': 'Lambari D\'Oeste - MT', 'pt': 'Lambari D\'Oeste - MT'}, '55533015':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55533011':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55772102':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA')}, '55772101':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA')}, '55652123':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55212756':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Meriti - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Meriti - RJ')}, '55212755':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Meriti - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Meriti - RJ')}, '55212753':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Meriti - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Meriti - RJ')}, '55212752':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Meriti - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Meriti - RJ')}, '55212751':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Meriti - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Meriti - RJ')}, '55713291':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55183721':{'en': 'Andradina - SP', 'pt': 'Andradina - SP'}, '55513606':{'en': 'Rondinha Velha - RS', 'pt': 'Rondinha Velha - RS'}, '55183723':{'en': 'Andradina - SP', 'pt': 'Andradina - SP'}, '55183722':{'en': 'Andradina - SP', 'pt': 'Andradina - SP'}, '55513603':{'en': 'Rainha do Mar - RS', 'pt': 'Rainha do Mar - RS'}, '55513602':{'en': u('Cara\u00e1 - RS'), 'pt': u('Cara\u00e1 - RS')}, '55343637':{'en': 'Pratinha - MG', 'pt': 'Pratinha - MG'}, '55193948':{'en': 'Louveira - SP', 'pt': 'Louveira - SP'}, '55693422':{'en': u('Ji-Paran\u00e1 - RO'), 'pt': u('Ji-Paran\u00e1 - RO')}, '55633353':{'en': 'Alvorada - TO', 'pt': 'Alvorada - TO'}, '55413455':{'en': u('Pontal do Paran\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Pontal do Paran\u00e1 - PR')}, '55273717':{'en': 'Colatina - ES', 'pt': 'Colatina - ES'}, '55753201':{'en': 'Acupe - BA', 'pt': 'Acupe - BA'}, '55753203':{'en': 'Jeremoabo - BA', 'pt': 'Jeremoabo - BA'}, '55753202':{'en': u('Retirol\u00e2ndia - BA'), 'pt': u('Retirol\u00e2ndia - BA')}, '55693423':{'en': u('Ji-Paran\u00e1 - RO'), 'pt': u('Ji-Paran\u00e1 - RO')}, '55413457':{'en': u('Pontal do Paran\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Pontal do Paran\u00e1 - PR')}, '55413456':{'en': 'Matinhos - PR', 'pt': 'Matinhos - PR'}, '55173284':{'en': 'Ribeiro dos Santos - SP', 'pt': 'Ribeiro dos Santos - SP'}, '55173281':{'en': u('Ol\u00edmpia - SP'), 'pt': u('Ol\u00edmpia - SP')}, '55173280':{'en': u('Ol\u00edmpia - SP'), 'pt': u('Ol\u00edmpia - SP')}, '55173283':{'en': 'Jaci - SP', 'pt': 'Jaci - SP'}, '55173282':{'en': u('Ic\u00e9m - SP'), 'pt': u('Ic\u00e9m - SP')}, '55673381':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55413453':{'en': 'Matinhos - PR', 'pt': 'Matinhos - PR'}, '55413452':{'en': 'Matinhos - PR', 'pt': 'Matinhos - PR'}, '55213408':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213409':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55673382':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55213400':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213401':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213402':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213403':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213404':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213405':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213406':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213407':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55673387':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55693421':{'en': u('Ji-Paran\u00e1 - RO'), 'pt': u('Ji-Paran\u00e1 - RO')}, '55673386':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55753062':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55333621':{'en': 'Nanuque - MG', 'pt': 'Nanuque - MG'}, '55333623':{'en': 'Fronteira dos Vales - MG', 'pt': 'Fronteira dos Vales - MG'}, '55333622':{'en': 'Nanuque - MG', 'pt': 'Nanuque - MG'}, '55333625':{'en': u('Serra dos Aimor\u00e9s - MG'), 'pt': u('Serra dos Aimor\u00e9s - MG')}, '55333624':{'en': 'Carlos Chagas - MG', 'pt': 'Carlos Chagas - MG'}, '55333627':{'en': 'Machacalis - MG', 'pt': 'Machacalis - MG'}, '55333626':{'en': 'Santa Helena de Minas - MG', 'pt': 'Santa Helena de Minas - MG'}, '55153478':{'en': 'Pilar do Sul - SP', 'pt': 'Pilar do Sul - SP'}, '55333628':{'en': 'Umburatiba - MG', 'pt': 'Umburatiba - MG'}, '55543625':{'en': u('Cap\u00e3o Bonito do Sul - RS'), 'pt': u('Cap\u00e3o Bonito do Sul - RS')}, '55543622':{'en': 'Passo Fundo - RS', 'pt': 'Passo Fundo - RS'}, '55513283':{'en': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS', 'pt': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS'}, '55643416':{'en': 'Morrinhos - GO', 'pt': 'Morrinhos - GO'}, '55643417':{'en': 'Morrinhos - GO', 'pt': 'Morrinhos - GO'}, '55643412':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643413':{'en': 'Morrinhos - GO', 'pt': 'Morrinhos - GO'}, '55643411':{'en': u('Catal\u00e3o - GO'), 'pt': u('Catal\u00e3o - GO')}, '55313151':{'en': 'Sete Lagoas - MG', 'pt': 'Sete Lagoas - MG'}, '55413332':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55313152':{'en': 'Sete Lagoas - MG', 'pt': 'Sete Lagoas - MG'}, '55413334':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55414107':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413336':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413337':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55313159':{'en': 'Betim - MG', 'pt': 'Betim - MG'}, '55413339':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413482':{'en': u('Guaraque\u00e7aba - PR'), 'pt': u('Guaraque\u00e7aba - PR')}, '55693412':{'en': 'Alvorada do Oeste - RO', 'pt': 'Alvorada do Oeste - RO'}, '55693411':{'en': u('Ji-Paran\u00e1 - RO'), 'pt': u('Ji-Paran\u00e1 - RO')}, '55283310':{'en': 'Castelo - ES', 'pt': 'Castelo - ES'}, '55513282':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55773202':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA')}, '55683548':{'en': 'Assis Brasil - AC', 'pt': 'Assis Brasil - AC'}, '55413157':{'en': 'Quatro Barras - PR', 'pt': 'Quatro Barras - PR'}, '55413150':{'en': 'Fazenda Rio Grande - PR', 'pt': 'Fazenda Rio Grande - PR'}, '55683542':{'en': 'Xapuri - AC', 'pt': 'Xapuri - AC'}, '55413158':{'en': 'Campina Grande do Sul - PR', 'pt': 'Campina Grande do Sul - PR'}, '55683546':{'en': u('Brasil\u00e9ia - AC'), 'pt': u('Brasil\u00e9ia - AC')}, '55473383':{'en': 'Ascurra - SC', 'pt': 'Ascurra - SC'}, '55473382':{'en': u('Timb\u00f3 - SC'), 'pt': u('Timb\u00f3 - SC')}, '55473387':{'en': 'Pomerode - SC', 'pt': 'Pomerode - SC'}, '55473386':{'en': 'Rio dos Cedros - SC', 'pt': 'Rio dos Cedros - SC'}, '55473385':{'en': 'Benedito Novo - SC', 'pt': 'Benedito Novo - SC'}, '55473384':{'en': 'Rodeio - SC', 'pt': 'Rodeio - SC'}, '55473388':{'en': 'Doutor Pedrinho - SC', 'pt': 'Doutor Pedrinho - SC'}, '55163409':{'en': 'Franca - SP', 'pt': 'Franca - SP'}, '55163403':{'en': 'Franca - SP', 'pt': 'Franca - SP'}, '55163406':{'en': 'Franca - SP', 'pt': 'Franca - SP'}, '55163405':{'en': 'Franca - SP', 'pt': 'Franca - SP'}, '55653343':{'en': u('Aren\u00e1polis - MT'), 'pt': u('Aren\u00e1polis - MT')}, '55633358':{'en': u('Duer\u00e9 - TO'), 'pt': u('Duer\u00e9 - TO')}, '55673258':{'en': 'Taunay - MS', 'pt': 'Taunay - MS'}, '55513286':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55193788':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193789':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55212238':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212239':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55193782':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193783':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55212236':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55193781':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55212230':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55193787':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55212232':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55193785':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55313201':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55553269':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o do Pol\u00easine - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o do Pol\u00easine - RS')}, '55443639':{'en': 'Umuarama - PR', 'pt': 'Umuarama - PR'}, '55553261':{'en': 'Restinga Seca - RS', 'pt': 'Restinga Seca - RS'}, '55443631':{'en': 'Cianorte - PR', 'pt': 'Cianorte - PR'}, '55443632':{'en': u('Xambr\u00ea - PR'), 'pt': u('Xambr\u00ea - PR')}, '55443633':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o - PR')}, '55443634':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jorge do Patroc\u00ednio - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jorge do Patroc\u00ednio - PR')}, '55443635':{'en': u('Japur\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Japur\u00e1 - PR')}, '55443636':{'en': u('P\u00e9rola - PR'), 'pt': u('P\u00e9rola - PR')}, '55443637':{'en': 'Cianorte - PR', 'pt': 'Cianorte - PR'}, '55753245':{'en': u('Santo Est\u00eav\u00e3o - BA'), 'pt': u('Santo Est\u00eav\u00e3o - BA')}, '55753244':{'en': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o da Feira - BA'), 'pt': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o da Feira - BA')}, '55353843':{'en': 'Ijaci - MG', 'pt': 'Ijaci - MG'}, '55353842':{'en': 'Nazareno - MG', 'pt': 'Nazareno - MG'}, '55353841':{'en': 'Bom Sucesso - MG', 'pt': 'Bom Sucesso - MG'}, '55353844':{'en': 'Ibituruna - MG', 'pt': 'Ibituruna - MG'}, '55212580':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212586':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212587':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212584':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212585':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212588':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212589':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55733627':{'en': u('Santa Cruz da Vit\u00f3ria - BA'), 'pt': u('Santa Cruz da Vit\u00f3ria - BA')}, '55733621':{'en': u('D\u00e1rio Meira - BA'), 'pt': u('D\u00e1rio Meira - BA')}, '55223512':{'en': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ', 'pt': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ'}, '55653347':{'en': 'Assari - MT', 'pt': 'Assari - MT'}, '55463025':{'en': 'Pato Branco - PR', 'pt': 'Pato Branco - PR'}, '55273385':{'en': 'Serra - ES', 'pt': 'Serra - ES'}, '55273381':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55714119':{'en': 'Candeias - BA', 'pt': 'Candeias - BA'}, '55273382':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55753249':{'en': 'Tanquinho - BA', 'pt': 'Tanquinho - BA'}, '55714116':{'en': u('Dias d\'\u00c1vila - BA'), 'pt': u('Dias d\'\u00c1vila - BA')}, '55714117':{'en': u('Sim\u00f5es Filho - BA'), 'pt': u('Sim\u00f5es Filho - BA')}, '55273388':{'en': 'Vila Velha - ES', 'pt': 'Vila Velha - ES'}, '55714112':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55714113':{'en': 'Lauro de Freitas - BA', 'pt': 'Lauro de Freitas - BA'}, '55162111':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55643258':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643259':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55623272':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623273':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623274':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623275':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623277':{'en': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55643250':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643251':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643252':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643253':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643254':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55492101':{'en': 'Lages - SC', 'pt': 'Lages - SC'}, '55492102':{'en': 'Lages - SC', 'pt': 'Lages - SC'}, '55643257':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55323453':{'en': u('Dona Eus\u00e9bia - MG'), 'pt': u('Dona Eus\u00e9bia - MG')}, '55323452':{'en': 'Itamarati de Minas - MG', 'pt': 'Itamarati de Minas - MG'}, '55323451':{'en': 'Astolfo Dutra - MG', 'pt': 'Astolfo Dutra - MG'}, '55653344':{'en': 'Jangada - MT', 'pt': 'Jangada - MT'}, '55513548':{'en': 'Riozinho - RS', 'pt': 'Riozinho - RS'}, '55773449':{'en': 'Malhada de Pedras - BA', 'pt': 'Malhada de Pedras - BA'}, '55773448':{'en': u('Dom Bas\u00edlio - BA'), 'pt': u('Dom Bas\u00edlio - BA')}, '55513549':{'en': 'Igrejinha - RS', 'pt': 'Igrejinha - RS'}, '55773445':{'en': u('Conde\u00faba - BA'), 'pt': u('Conde\u00faba - BA')}, '55773444':{'en': 'Livramento de Nossa Senhora - BA', 'pt': 'Livramento de Nossa Senhora - BA'}, '55773447':{'en': 'Cordeiros - BA', 'pt': 'Cordeiros - BA'}, '55773446':{'en': 'Aracatu - BA', 'pt': 'Aracatu - BA'}, '55773441':{'en': 'Brumado - BA', 'pt': 'Brumado - BA'}, '55773440':{'en': u('Pirip\u00e1 - BA'), 'pt': u('Pirip\u00e1 - BA')}, '55773443':{'en': u('Cara\u00edbas - BA'), 'pt': u('Cara\u00edbas - BA')}, '55773442':{'en': 'Buritirama - BA', 'pt': 'Buritirama - BA'}, '55613354':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613355':{'en': 'Taguatinga - DF', 'pt': 'Taguatinga - DF'}, '55613356':{'en': 'Taguatinga - DF', 'pt': 'Taguatinga - DF'}, '55643629':{'en': 'Montividiu - GO', 'pt': 'Montividiu - GO'}, '55643628':{'en': 'Ouroana - GO', 'pt': 'Ouroana - GO'}, '55493449':{'en': u('Ipua\u00e7u - SC'), 'pt': u('Ipua\u00e7u - SC')}, '55543017':{'en': u('Veran\u00f3polis - RS'), 'pt': u('Veran\u00f3polis - RS')}, '55643620':{'en': 'Rio Verde - GO', 'pt': 'Rio Verde - GO'}, '55543015':{'en': 'Erechim - RS', 'pt': 'Erechim - RS'}, '55643622':{'en': 'Rio Verde - GO', 'pt': 'Rio Verde - GO'}, '55513542':{'en': 'Taquara - RS', 'pt': 'Taquara - RS'}, '55543011':{'en': 'Farroupilha - RS', 'pt': 'Farroupilha - RS'}, '55613351':{'en': 'Taguatinga - DF', 'pt': 'Taguatinga - DF'}, '55652121':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55653003':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55643633':{'en': 'Lagoa do Bauzinho - GO', 'pt': 'Lagoa do Bauzinho - GO'}, '55513545':{'en': 'Igrejinha - RS', 'pt': 'Igrejinha - RS'}, '55493442':{'en': u('Conc\u00f3rdia - SC'), 'pt': u('Conc\u00f3rdia - SC')}, '55433461':{'en': 'Faxinal - PR', 'pt': 'Faxinal - PR'}, '55493443':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Domingos - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Domingos - SC')}, '55324101':{'en': 'Barbacena - MG', 'pt': 'Barbacena - MG'}, '55513547':{'en': 'Rolante - RS', 'pt': 'Rolante - RS'}, '55613358':{'en': 'Samambaia Sul - DF', 'pt': 'Samambaia Sul - DF'}, '55493447':{'en': 'Ouro Verde - SC', 'pt': 'Ouro Verde - SC'}, '55652128':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55693345':{'en': 'Cabixi - RO', 'pt': 'Cabixi - RO'}, '55493444':{'en': u('Conc\u00f3rdia - SC'), 'pt': u('Conc\u00f3rdia - SC')}, '55623305':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Francisco de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Francisco de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55613308':{'en': 'Planaltina - DF', 'pt': 'Planaltina - DF'}, '55613303':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613302':{'en': 'Sobradinho - DF', 'pt': 'Sobradinho - DF'}, '55613301':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613307':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613306':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55653055':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55613304':{'en': u('Guar\u00e1 - DF'), 'pt': u('Guar\u00e1 - DF')}, '55533227':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55533226':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55533225':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55533224':{'en': 'Morro Redondo - RS', 'pt': 'Morro Redondo - RS'}, '55533223':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55533222':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55533221':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55343799':{'en': 'Araguari - MG', 'pt': 'Araguari - MG'}, '55623303':{'en': u('Montes Claros de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Montes Claros de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55533229':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55533228':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55733202':{'en': 'Barra do Rocha - BA', 'pt': 'Barra do Rocha - BA'}, '55163234':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163236':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163231':{'en': 'Guariba - SP', 'pt': 'Guariba - SP'}, '55274007':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55613247':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613244':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613245':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55274003':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55274002':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55213252':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55513945':{'en': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS')}, '55513411':{'en': 'Alvorada - RS', 'pt': 'Alvorada - RS'}, '55513140':{'en': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS', 'pt': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS'}, '55613248':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55513415':{'en': 'Canoas - RS', 'pt': 'Canoas - RS'}, '55753696':{'en': 'Saubara - BA', 'pt': 'Saubara - BA'}, '55183571':{'en': u('Fl\u00f3rida Paulista - SP'), 'pt': u('Fl\u00f3rida Paulista - SP')}, '55513941':{'en': 'Canoas - RS', 'pt': 'Canoas - RS'}, '55323211':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55323213':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55323212':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55323215':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55194126':{'en': 'Itapira - SP', 'pt': 'Itapira - SP'}, '55323217':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55323216':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55323218':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55753229':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55733206':{'en': 'Mucuri - BA', 'pt': 'Mucuri - BA'}, '55663588':{'en': 'Ipiranga do Norte - MT', 'pt': 'Ipiranga do Norte - MT'}, '55663586':{'en': 'Cocalinho - MT', 'pt': 'Cocalinho - MT'}, '55663584':{'en': 'Sorriso - MT', 'pt': 'Sorriso - MT'}, '55663585':{'en': 'Feliz Natal - MT', 'pt': 'Feliz Natal - MT'}, '55663582':{'en': u('Ga\u00facha do Norte - MT'), 'pt': u('Ga\u00facha do Norte - MT')}, '55663583':{'en': 'Vera - MT', 'pt': 'Vera - MT'}, '55713221':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55663581':{'en': 'Castanheira - MT', 'pt': 'Castanheira - MT'}, '55733205':{'en': 'Argolo - BA', 'pt': 'Argolo - BA'}, '55153289':{'en': u('Ibi\u00fana - SP'), 'pt': u('Ibi\u00fana - SP')}, '55153288':{'en': 'Cerquilho - SP', 'pt': 'Cerquilho - SP'}, '55463232':{'en': 'Coronel Vivida - PR', 'pt': 'Coronel Vivida - PR'}, '55463233':{'en': 'Coronel Vivida - PR', 'pt': 'Coronel Vivida - PR'}, '55773201':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA')}, '55153283':{'en': 'Laranjal Paulista - SP', 'pt': 'Laranjal Paulista - SP'}, '55153282':{'en': u('Tiet\u00ea - SP'), 'pt': u('Tiet\u00ea - SP')}, '55153281':{'en': u('Ara\u00e7oiaba da Serra - SP'), 'pt': u('Ara\u00e7oiaba da Serra - SP')}, '55153287':{'en': 'Laranjal Paulista - SP', 'pt': 'Laranjal Paulista - SP'}, '55153286':{'en': 'Jumirim - SP', 'pt': 'Jumirim - SP'}, '55153285':{'en': u('Tiet\u00ea - SP'), 'pt': u('Tiet\u00ea - SP')}, '55153284':{'en': 'Cerquilho - SP', 'pt': 'Cerquilho - SP'}, '55473556':{'en': 'Santa Terezinha - SC', 'pt': 'Santa Terezinha - SC'}, '55484107':{'en': u('Palho\u00e7a - SC'), 'pt': u('Palho\u00e7a - SC')}, '55484106':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55473557':{'en': 'Imbuia - SC', 'pt': 'Imbuia - SC'}, '55484109':{'en': u('Bigua\u00e7u - SC'), 'pt': u('Bigua\u00e7u - SC')}, '55483357':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC')}, '55713594':{'en': u('Sim\u00f5es Filho - BA'), 'pt': u('Sim\u00f5es Filho - BA')}, '55473448':{'en': u('Balne\u00e1rio Barra do Sul - SC'), 'pt': u('Balne\u00e1rio Barra do Sul - SC')}, '55473449':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Francisco do Sul - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Francisco do Sul - SC')}, '55483591':{'en': 'Jacinto Machado - SC', 'pt': 'Jacinto Machado - SC'}, '55433172':{'en': 'Arapongas - PR', 'pt': 'Arapongas - PR'}, '55473443':{'en': u('Itapo\u00e1 - SC'), 'pt': u('Itapo\u00e1 - SC')}, '55433174':{'en': u('Camb\u00e9 - PR'), 'pt': u('Camb\u00e9 - PR')}, '55473445':{'en': 'Garuva - SC', 'pt': 'Garuva - SC'}, '55433176':{'en': u('Rol\u00e2ndia - PR'), 'pt': u('Rol\u00e2ndia - PR')}, '55473447':{'en': 'Araquari - SC', 'pt': 'Araquari - SC'}, '55143642':{'en': 'Barra Bonita - SP', 'pt': 'Barra Bonita - SP'}, '55183993':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 Paulista - SP'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 Paulista - SP')}, '55143641':{'en': 'Barra Bonita - SP', 'pt': 'Barra Bonita - SP'}, '55143646':{'en': u('Mineiros do Tiet\u00ea - SP'), 'pt': u('Mineiros do Tiet\u00ea - SP')}, '55183997':{'en': 'Taciba - SP', 'pt': 'Taciba - SP'}, '55183994':{'en': u('Emilian\u00f3polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Emilian\u00f3polis - SP')}, '55183995':{'en': 'Indiana - SP', 'pt': 'Indiana - SP'}, '55193311':{'en': u('Jaguari\u00fana - SP'), 'pt': u('Jaguari\u00fana - SP')}, '55413639':{'en': 'Lapa - PR', 'pt': 'Lapa - PR'}, '55183998':{'en': u('Jo\u00e3o Ramalho - SP'), 'pt': u('Jo\u00e3o Ramalho - SP')}, '55183999':{'en': 'Estrela do Norte - SP', 'pt': 'Estrela do Norte - SP'}, '55544141':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55642103':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55633479':{'en': u('Piraqu\u00ea - TO'), 'pt': u('Piraqu\u00ea - TO')}, '55633478':{'en': u('Filad\u00e9lfia - TO'), 'pt': u('Filad\u00e9lfia - TO')}, '55543389':{'en': 'Fontoura Xavier - RS', 'pt': 'Fontoura Xavier - RS'}, '55543388':{'en': u('Bento Gon\u00e7alves - RS'), 'pt': u('Bento Gon\u00e7alves - RS')}, '55543387':{'en': 'Selbach - RS', 'pt': 'Selbach - RS'}, '55543386':{'en': 'Muliterno - RS', 'pt': 'Muliterno - RS'}, '55543385':{'en': 'Tapera - RS', 'pt': 'Tapera - RS'}, '55543384':{'en': 'Barros Cassal - RS', 'pt': 'Barros Cassal - RS'}, '55543383':{'en': 'Espumoso - RS', 'pt': 'Espumoso - RS'}, '55543382':{'en': 'Alto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Alto Alegre - RS'}, '55543381':{'en': 'Soledade - RS', 'pt': 'Soledade - RS'}, '55543380':{'en': u('Ibirapuit\u00e3 - RS'), 'pt': u('Ibirapuit\u00e3 - RS')}, '55553526':{'en': 'Sede Nova - RS', 'pt': 'Sede Nova - RS'}, '55413635':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR')}, '55553524':{'en': 'Crissiumal - RS', 'pt': 'Crissiumal - RS'}, '55553525':{'en': u('Humait\u00e1 - RS'), 'pt': u('Humait\u00e1 - RS')}, '55553522':{'en': u('Tr\u00eas Passos - RS'), 'pt': u('Tr\u00eas Passos - RS')}, '55553523':{'en': 'Padre Gonzales - RS', 'pt': 'Padre Gonzales - RS'}, '55553032':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55413634':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR')}, '55313731':{'en': 'Congonhas - MG', 'pt': 'Congonhas - MG'}, '55553528':{'en': 'Campo Novo - RS', 'pt': 'Campo Novo - RS'}, '55713365':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55353472':{'en': 'Cachoeira de Minas - MG', 'pt': 'Cachoeira de Minas - MG'}, '55353473':{'en': u('Santa Rita do Sapuca\u00ed - MG'), 'pt': u('Santa Rita do Sapuca\u00ed - MG')}, '55353471':{'en': u('Santa Rita do Sapuca\u00ed - MG'), 'pt': u('Santa Rita do Sapuca\u00ed - MG')}, '55183117':{'en': u('Ara\u00e7atuba - SP'), 'pt': u('Ara\u00e7atuba - SP')}, '55513179':{'en': 'Taquara - RS', 'pt': 'Taquara - RS'}, '55473039':{'en': 'Blumenau - SC', 'pt': 'Blumenau - SC'}, '55643454':{'en': 'Caldas Novas - GO', 'pt': 'Caldas Novas - GO'}, '55473031':{'en': 'Joinville - SC', 'pt': 'Joinville - SC'}, '55713363':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55473035':{'en': 'Blumenau - SC', 'pt': 'Blumenau - SC'}, '55343268':{'en': 'Ituiutaba - MG', 'pt': 'Ituiutaba - MG'}, '55343269':{'en': 'Ituiutaba - MG', 'pt': 'Ituiutaba - MG'}, '55183376':{'en': u('Cruz\u00e1lia - SP'), 'pt': u('Cruz\u00e1lia - SP')}, '55183377':{'en': u('Flor\u00ednia - SP'), 'pt': u('Flor\u00ednia - SP')}, '55343264':{'en': u('Gurinhat\u00e3 - MG'), 'pt': u('Gurinhat\u00e3 - MG')}, '55183375':{'en': 'Pedrinhas Paulista - SP', 'pt': 'Pedrinhas Paulista - SP'}, '55343262':{'en': 'Ituiutaba - MG', 'pt': 'Ituiutaba - MG'}, '55343263':{'en': u('Capin\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Capin\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55183371':{'en': u('Maraca\u00ed - SP'), 'pt': u('Maraca\u00ed - SP')}, '55533031':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55643933':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55533035':{'en': 'Rio Grande - RS', 'pt': 'Rio Grande - RS'}, '55643932':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55212774':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Meriti - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Meriti - RJ')}, '55212771':{'en': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ', 'pt': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ'}, '55212772':{'en': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ', 'pt': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ'}, '55513625':{'en': u('Cap\u00e3o da Canoa - RS'), 'pt': u('Cap\u00e3o da Canoa - RS')}, '55513624':{'en': 'Santa Terezinha - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Terezinha - RS'}, '55513627':{'en': u('Imb\u00e9 - RS'), 'pt': u('Imb\u00e9 - RS')}, '55513626':{'en': 'Torres - RS', 'pt': 'Torres - RS'}, '55513621':{'en': u('Cap\u00e3o Novo - RS'), 'pt': u('Cap\u00e3o Novo - RS')}, '55183748':{'en': 'Ilha Solteira - SP', 'pt': 'Ilha Solteira - SP'}, '55183746':{'en': 'Pereira Barreto - SP', 'pt': 'Pereira Barreto - SP'}, '55183745':{'en': 'Itapura - SP', 'pt': 'Itapura - SP'}, '55183744':{'en': u('Nova Independ\u00eancia - SP'), 'pt': u('Nova Independ\u00eancia - SP')}, '55183743':{'en': 'Ilha Solteira - SP', 'pt': 'Ilha Solteira - SP'}, '55183742':{'en': 'Ilha Solteira - SP', 'pt': 'Ilha Solteira - SP'}, '55183741':{'en': 'Castilho - SP', 'pt': 'Castilho - SP'}, '55193966':{'en': 'Conchal - SP', 'pt': 'Conchal - SP'}, '55193965':{'en': u('Hortol\u00e2ndia - SP'), 'pt': u('Hortol\u00e2ndia - SP')}, '55663427':{'en': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT'), 'pt': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT')}, '55673239':{'en': u('\u00c1gua Clara - MS'), 'pt': u('\u00c1gua Clara - MS')}, '55673238':{'en': 'Ribas do Rio Pardo - MS', 'pt': 'Ribas do Rio Pardo - MS'}, '55623488':{'en': u('Simol\u00e2ndia - GO'), 'pt': u('Simol\u00e2ndia - GO')}, '55623483':{'en': u('S\u00edtio D\'Abadia - GO'), 'pt': u('S\u00edtio D\'Abadia - GO')}, '55623482':{'en': 'Nova Roma - GO', 'pt': 'Nova Roma - GO'}, '55213792':{'en': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ', 'pt': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ'}, '55673232':{'en': u('Corumb\u00e1 - MS'), 'pt': u('Corumb\u00e1 - MS')}, '55623486':{'en': 'Colinas do Sul - GO', 'pt': 'Colinas do Sul - GO'}, '55623484':{'en': u('Mamba\u00ed - GO'), 'pt': u('Mamba\u00ed - GO')}, '55753269':{'en': u('Riach\u00e3o do Jacu\u00edpe - BA'), 'pt': u('Riach\u00e3o do Jacu\u00edpe - BA')}, '55753268':{'en': u('Teofil\u00e2ndia - BA'), 'pt': u('Teofil\u00e2ndia - BA')}, '55753267':{'en': 'Biritinga - BA', 'pt': 'Biritinga - BA'}, '55753266':{'en': 'Araci - BA', 'pt': 'Araci - BA'}, '55753265':{'en': 'Santaluz - BA', 'pt': 'Santaluz - BA'}, '55753264':{'en': u('Riach\u00e3o do Jacu\u00edpe - BA'), 'pt': u('Riach\u00e3o do Jacu\u00edpe - BA')}, '55753263':{'en': 'Valente - BA', 'pt': 'Valente - BA'}, '55753262':{'en': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o do Coit\u00e9 - BA'), 'pt': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o do Coit\u00e9 - BA')}, '55753261':{'en': 'Serrinha - BA', 'pt': 'Serrinha - BA'}, '55423904':{'en': u('Tel\u00eamaco Borba - PR'), 'pt': u('Tel\u00eamaco Borba - PR')}, '55173262':{'en': 'Nova Granada - SP', 'pt': 'Nova Granada - SP'}, '55173261':{'en': 'Nova Granada - SP', 'pt': 'Nova Granada - SP'}, '55423907':{'en': 'Irati - PR', 'pt': 'Irati - PR'}, '55173267':{'en': u('Guapia\u00e7u - SP'), 'pt': u('Guapia\u00e7u - SP')}, '55173266':{'en': 'Cedral - SP', 'pt': 'Cedral - SP'}, '55423902':{'en': 'Guarapuava - PR', 'pt': 'Guarapuava - PR'}, '55423903':{'en': u('Uni\u00e3o da Vit\u00f3ria - PR'), 'pt': u('Uni\u00e3o da Vit\u00f3ria - PR')}, '55173269':{'en': u('Ipigu\u00e1 - SP'), 'pt': u('Ipigu\u00e1 - SP')}, '55173268':{'en': 'Onda Verde - SP', 'pt': 'Onda Verde - SP'}, '55423909':{'en': 'Palmeira - PR', 'pt': 'Palmeira - PR'}, '55493719':{'en': 'Capinzal - SC', 'pt': 'Capinzal - SC'}, '55213426':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213427':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213424':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213425':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213422':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213423':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213421':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55513088':{'en': 'Lajeado - RS', 'pt': 'Lajeado - RS'}, '55283155':{'en': 'Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - ES', 'pt': 'Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - ES'}, '55153451':{'en': u('Tatu\u00ed - SP'), 'pt': u('Tatu\u00ed - SP')}, '55153459':{'en': u('Iper\u00f3 - SP'), 'pt': u('Iper\u00f3 - SP')}, '55653028':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55323241':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55543601':{'en': 'Passo Fundo - RS', 'pt': 'Passo Fundo - RS'}, '55643474':{'en': 'Orizona - GO', 'pt': 'Orizona - GO'}, '55643475':{'en': u('Tr\u00eas Ranchos - GO'), 'pt': u('Tr\u00eas Ranchos - GO')}, '55313597':{'en': 'Betim - MG', 'pt': 'Betim - MG'}, '55643472':{'en': u('Santa Cruz de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Santa Cruz de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55313596':{'en': 'Betim - MG', 'pt': 'Betim - MG'}, '55643478':{'en': 'Ouvidor - GO', 'pt': 'Ouvidor - GO'}, '55643479':{'en': u('Panam\u00e1 - GO'), 'pt': u('Panam\u00e1 - GO')}, '55413316':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413317':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413314':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413315':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413312':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55313132':{'en': 'Esmeraldas - MG', 'pt': 'Esmeraldas - MG'}, '55413310':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55313130':{'en': 'Matozinhos - MG', 'pt': 'Matozinhos - MG'}, '55333425':{'en': u('Bra\u00fanas - MG'), 'pt': u('Bra\u00fanas - MG')}, '55433342':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55473631':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Bento do Sul - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Bento do Sul - SC')}, '55433345':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55433344':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55242463':{'en': 'Engenheiro Paulo de Frontin - RJ', 'pt': 'Engenheiro Paulo de Frontin - RJ'}, '55242465':{'en': 'Mendes - RJ', 'pt': 'Mendes - RJ'}, '55163398':{'en': u('Fazenda Babil\u00f4nia - SP'), 'pt': u('Fazenda Babil\u00f4nia - SP')}, '55163392':{'en': u('Am\u00e9rico Brasiliense - SP'), 'pt': u('Am\u00e9rico Brasiliense - SP')}, '55163393':{'en': u('Am\u00e9rico Brasiliense - SP'), 'pt': u('Am\u00e9rico Brasiliense - SP')}, '55163396':{'en': u('Santa L\u00facia - SP'), 'pt': u('Santa L\u00facia - SP')}, '55163397':{'en': 'Araraquara - SP', 'pt': 'Araraquara - SP'}, '55163394':{'en': u('Mat\u00e3o - SP'), 'pt': u('Mat\u00e3o - SP')}, '55163395':{'en': u('Rinc\u00e3o - SP'), 'pt': u('Rinc\u00e3o - SP')}, '55353284':{'en': 'Serrania - MG', 'pt': 'Serrania - MG'}, '55353286':{'en': 'Divisa Nova - MG', 'pt': 'Divisa Nova - MG'}, '55353281':{'en': 'Cristina - MG', 'pt': 'Cristina - MG'}, '55353283':{'en': u('Po\u00e7o Fundo - MG'), 'pt': u('Po\u00e7o Fundo - MG')}, '55353282':{'en': u('Carvalh\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Carvalh\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55743675':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Jacu\u00edpe - BA'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Jacu\u00edpe - BA')}, '55212173':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55553224':{'en': 'Silveira Martins - RS', 'pt': 'Silveira Martins - RS'}, '55663542':{'en': u('Rondol\u00e2ndia - MT'), 'pt': u('Rondol\u00e2ndia - MT')}, '55213888':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213889':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213884':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213885':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213886':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213887':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213882':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55383216':{'en': 'Montes Claros - MG', 'pt': 'Montes Claros - MG'}, '55613541':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55553227':{'en': 'Itaara - RS', 'pt': 'Itaara - RS'}, '55483478':{'en': u('Crici\u00fama - SC'), 'pt': u('Crici\u00fama - SC')}, '55613540':{'en': u('Brazl\u00e2ndia - DF'), 'pt': u('Brazl\u00e2ndia - DF')}, '55483476':{'en': 'Nova Veneza - SC', 'pt': 'Nova Veneza - SC'}, '55383214':{'en': 'Montes Claros - MG', 'pt': 'Montes Claros - MG'}, '55212212':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55193761':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55212210':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212211':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212216':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55193765':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55212214':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212215':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55193768':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193769':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55212219':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55313877':{'en': 'Jequeri - MG', 'pt': 'Jequeri - MG'}, '55443619':{'en': 'Cianorte - PR', 'pt': 'Cianorte - PR'}, '55313247':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55553201':{'en': u('Santo \u00c2ngelo - RS'), 'pt': u('Santo \u00c2ngelo - RS')}, '55353861':{'en': 'Nepomuceno - MG', 'pt': 'Nepomuceno - MG'}, '55353863':{'en': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio do Amparo - MG'), 'pt': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio do Amparo - MG')}, '55353865':{'en': 'Cana Verde - MG', 'pt': 'Cana Verde - MG'}, '55353864':{'en': u('Perd\u00f5es - MG'), 'pt': u('Perd\u00f5es - MG')}, '55353867':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Vermelho - MG'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Vermelho - MG')}, '55353866':{'en': u('Santana do Jacar\u00e9 - MG'), 'pt': u('Santana do Jacar\u00e9 - MG')}, '55513269':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55213229':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212709':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55213221':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213222':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213224':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55773429':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA')}, '55213227':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55162138':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55162133':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55162132':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55623983':{'en': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55162137':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55313240':{'en': u('Perp\u00e9tuo Socorro - MG'), 'pt': u('Perp\u00e9tuo Socorro - MG')}, '55623256':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55213162':{'en': u('Nil\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nil\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55623255':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55213167':{'en': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ', 'pt': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ'}, '55623253':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55643278':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55623251':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55773427':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA')}, '55643274':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643275':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643272':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643273':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55623258':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623259':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55733548':{'en': 'Irajuba - BA', 'pt': 'Irajuba - BA'}, '55673398':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55623981':{'en': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55612099':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55463243':{'en': 'Mangueirinha - PR', 'pt': 'Mangueirinha - PR'}, '55222621':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Pedro da Aldeia - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Pedro da Aldeia - RJ')}, '55222622':{'en': 'Arraial do Cabo - RJ', 'pt': 'Arraial do Cabo - RJ'}, '55222623':{'en': u('Arma\u00e7\u00e3o dos B\u00fazios - RJ'), 'pt': u('Arma\u00e7\u00e3o dos B\u00fazios - RJ')}, '55222624':{'en': 'Iguaba Grande - RJ', 'pt': 'Iguaba Grande - RJ'}, '55222627':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Pedro da Aldeia - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Pedro da Aldeia - RJ')}, '55513720':{'en': u('Estr\u00eala - RS'), 'pt': u('Estr\u00eala - RS')}, '55543035':{'en': 'Farroupilha - RS', 'pt': 'Farroupilha - RS'}, '55543034':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Marcos - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Marcos - RS')}, '55543037':{'en': 'Carlos Barbosa - RS', 'pt': 'Carlos Barbosa - RS'}, '55543036':{'en': 'Gramado - RS', 'pt': 'Gramado - RS'}, '55543031':{'en': 'Canela - RS', 'pt': 'Canela - RS'}, '55173302':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55543033':{'en': u('Nova Petr\u00f3polis - RS'), 'pt': u('Nova Petr\u00f3polis - RS')}, '55543032':{'en': 'Flores da Cunha - RS', 'pt': 'Flores da Cunha - RS'}, '55643647':{'en': u('Mauril\u00e2ndia - GO'), 'pt': u('Mauril\u00e2ndia - GO')}, '55673397':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55643645':{'en': u('Acre\u00fana - GO'), 'pt': u('Acre\u00fana - GO')}, '55643644':{'en': u('Apor\u00e9 - GO'), 'pt': u('Apor\u00e9 - GO')}, '55643643':{'en': u('Porteir\u00e3o - GO'), 'pt': u('Porteir\u00e3o - GO')}, '55543038':{'en': 'Garibaldi - RS', 'pt': 'Garibaldi - RS'}, '55643641':{'en': u('Santa Helena de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Santa Helena de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55553343':{'en': 'Cruz Alta - RS', 'pt': 'Cruz Alta - RS'}, '55513721':{'en': 'Triunfo - RS', 'pt': 'Triunfo - RS'}, '55493653':{'en': 'Anchieta - SC', 'pt': 'Anchieta - SC'}, '55493652':{'en': 'Palma Sola - SC', 'pt': 'Palma Sola - SC'}, '55493657':{'en': 'Santa Terezinha do Progresso - SC', 'pt': 'Santa Terezinha do Progresso - SC'}, '55493656':{'en': 'Saltinho - SC', 'pt': 'Saltinho - SC'}, '55493655':{'en': u('Campo Er\u00ea - SC'), 'pt': u('Campo Er\u00ea - SC')}, '55493654':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Bernardino - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Bernardino - SC')}, '55493658':{'en': 'Tigrinhos - SC', 'pt': 'Tigrinhos - SC'}, '55242252':{'en': u('Tr\u00eas Rios - RJ'), 'pt': u('Tr\u00eas Rios - RJ')}, '55242251':{'en': u('Tr\u00eas Rios - RJ'), 'pt': u('Tr\u00eas Rios - RJ')}, '55513722':{'en': 'Cachoeira do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Cachoeira do Sul - RS'}, '55242257':{'en': 'Areal - RJ', 'pt': 'Areal - RJ'}, '55242255':{'en': u('Tr\u00eas Rios - RJ'), 'pt': u('Tr\u00eas Rios - RJ')}, '55242254':{'en': 'Comendador Levy Gasparian - RJ', 'pt': 'Comendador Levy Gasparian - RJ'}, '55242259':{'en': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55242258':{'en': 'Bemposta - RJ', 'pt': 'Bemposta - RJ'}, '55653319':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55613321':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55513723':{'en': 'Cachoeira do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Cachoeira do Sul - RS'}, '55613323':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613322':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613325':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613327':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613326':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613329':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55533204':{'en': 'Rio Grande - RS', 'pt': 'Rio Grande - RS'}, '55493382':{'en': u('Xanxer\u00ea - SC'), 'pt': u('Xanxer\u00ea - SC')}, '55533201':{'en': 'Rio Grande - RS', 'pt': 'Rio Grande - RS'}, '55443055':{'en': 'Umuarama - PR', 'pt': 'Umuarama - PR'}, '55443056':{'en': 'Umuarama - PR', 'pt': 'Umuarama - PR'}, '55413379':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55513203':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55613224':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613225':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613226':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613221':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613222':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55513655':{'en': u('General C\u00e2mara - RS'), 'pt': u('General C\u00e2mara - RS')}, '55313722':{'en': 'Queluzito - MG', 'pt': 'Queluzito - MG'}, '55313723':{'en': 'Casa Grande - MG', 'pt': 'Casa Grande - MG'}, '55183558':{'en': 'Sagres - SP', 'pt': 'Sagres - SP'}, '55343849':{'en': 'Monte Carmelo - MG', 'pt': 'Monte Carmelo - MG'}, '55313726':{'en': 'Santana dos Montes - MG', 'pt': 'Santana dos Montes - MG'}, '55313727':{'en': 'Capela Nova - MG', 'pt': 'Capela Nova - MG'}, '55313724':{'en': 'Cristiano Otoni - MG', 'pt': 'Cristiano Otoni - MG'}, '55313725':{'en': u('Carana\u00edba - MG'), 'pt': u('Carana\u00edba - MG')}, '55183552':{'en': 'Pracinha - SP', 'pt': 'Pracinha - SP'}, '55313111':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Joaquim de Bicas - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Joaquim de Bicas - MG')}, '55313728':{'en': 'Buarque de Macedo - MG', 'pt': 'Buarque de Macedo - MG'}, '55183551':{'en': u('Luc\u00e9lia - SP'), 'pt': u('Luc\u00e9lia - SP')}, '55343846':{'en': 'Douradoquara - MG', 'pt': 'Douradoquara - MG'}, '55183557':{'en': u('Salmour\u00e3o - SP'), 'pt': u('Salmour\u00e3o - SP')}, '55343844':{'en': 'Grupiara - MG', 'pt': 'Grupiara - MG'}, '55343845':{'en': u('Ira\u00ed de Minas - MG'), 'pt': u('Ira\u00ed de Minas - MG')}, '55513658':{'en': 'Charqueadas - RS', 'pt': 'Charqueadas - RS'}, '55313445':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313444':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55443429':{'en': 'Diamante do Norte - PR', 'pt': 'Diamante do Norte - PR'}, '55443428':{'en': 'Graciosa - PR', 'pt': 'Graciosa - PR'}, '55623446':{'en': u('Alto Para\u00edso de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Alto Para\u00edso de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55443421':{'en': u('Paranava\u00ed - PR'), 'pt': u('Paranava\u00ed - PR')}, '55443423':{'en': u('Paranava\u00ed - PR'), 'pt': u('Paranava\u00ed - PR')}, '55443422':{'en': u('Paranava\u00ed - PR'), 'pt': u('Paranava\u00ed - PR')}, '55443425':{'en': 'Loanda - PR', 'pt': 'Loanda - PR'}, '55443424':{'en': u('Paranava\u00ed - PR'), 'pt': u('Paranava\u00ed - PR')}, '55443427':{'en': 'Porto Rico - PR', 'pt': 'Porto Rico - PR'}, '55323277':{'en': u('Ch\u00e1cara - MG'), 'pt': u('Ch\u00e1cara - MG')}, '55323276':{'en': 'Mar de Espanha - MG', 'pt': 'Mar de Espanha - MG'}, '55323275':{'en': 'Santana do Deserto - MG', 'pt': 'Santana do Deserto - MG'}, '55323274':{'en': 'Rio Novo - MG', 'pt': 'Rio Novo - MG'}, '55323273':{'en': 'Matias Barbosa - MG', 'pt': 'Matias Barbosa - MG'}, '55323272':{'en': u('Sim\u00e3o Pereira - MG'), 'pt': u('Sim\u00e3o Pereira - MG')}, '55323271':{'en': 'Bicas - MG', 'pt': 'Bicas - MG'}, '55313581':{'en': 'Nova Lima - MG', 'pt': 'Nova Lima - MG'}, '55313589':{'en': 'Nova Lima - MG', 'pt': 'Nova Lima - MG'}, '55613632':{'en': 'Formosa - GO', 'pt': 'Formosa - GO'}, '55543253':{'en': 'Jaquirana - RS', 'pt': 'Jaquirana - RS'}, '55283531':{'en': 'Itapemirim - ES', 'pt': 'Itapemirim - ES'}, '55513287':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55713205':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713204':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55663212':{'en': 'Sorriso - MT', 'pt': 'Sorriso - MT'}, '55614003':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55713203':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55663211':{'en': 'Sinop - MT', 'pt': 'Sinop - MT'}, '55463254':{'en': 'Coronel Domingos Soares - PR', 'pt': 'Coronel Domingos Soares - PR'}, '55773221':{'en': 'Itapetinga - BA', 'pt': 'Itapetinga - BA'}, '55463252':{'en': u('Clevel\u00e2ndia - PR'), 'pt': u('Clevel\u00e2ndia - PR')}, '55193294':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193296':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193848':{'en': 'Louveira - SP', 'pt': 'Louveira - SP'}, '55663528':{'en': u('Luci\u00e1ra - MT'), 'pt': u('Luci\u00e1ra - MT')}, '55433158':{'en': u('Ibipor\u00e3 - PR'), 'pt': u('Ibipor\u00e3 - PR')}, '55433156':{'en': u('Rol\u00e2ndia - PR'), 'pt': u('Rol\u00e2ndia - PR')}, '55473467':{'en': 'Joinville - SC', 'pt': 'Joinville - SC'}, '55433154':{'en': u('Camb\u00e9 - PR'), 'pt': u('Camb\u00e9 - PR')}, '55473465':{'en': 'Joinville - SC', 'pt': 'Joinville - SC'}, '55433152':{'en': 'Arapongas - PR', 'pt': 'Arapongas - PR'}, '55433151':{'en': u('Sab\u00e1udia - PR'), 'pt': u('Sab\u00e1udia - PR')}, '55193377':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55193375':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55193374':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55193373':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55193371':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55633451':{'en': 'Rio Sono - TO', 'pt': 'Rio Sono - TO'}, '55473471':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Francisco do Sul - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Francisco do Sul - SC')}, '55633453':{'en': u('Wanderl\u00e2ndia - TO'), 'pt': u('Wanderl\u00e2ndia - TO')}, '55633452':{'en': 'Nova Olinda - TO', 'pt': 'Nova Olinda - TO'}, '55553548':{'en': u('C\u00e2ndido God\u00f3i - RS'), 'pt': u('C\u00e2ndido God\u00f3i - RS')}, '55633454':{'en': u('Aguiarn\u00f3polis - TO'), 'pt': u('Aguiarn\u00f3polis - TO')}, '55633457':{'en': u('Colm\u00e9ia - TO'), 'pt': u('Colm\u00e9ia - TO')}, '55633456':{'en': u('Augustin\u00f3polis - TO'), 'pt': u('Augustin\u00f3polis - TO')}, '55553544':{'en': 'Novo Machado - RS', 'pt': 'Novo Machado - RS'}, '55553545':{'en': u('Porto Mau\u00e1 - RS'), 'pt': u('Porto Mau\u00e1 - RS')}, '55553546':{'en': 'Alecrim - RS', 'pt': 'Alecrim - RS'}, '55553541':{'en': 'Santo Cristo - RS', 'pt': 'Santo Cristo - RS'}, '55553542':{'en': 'Tucunduva - RS', 'pt': 'Tucunduva - RS'}, '55553015':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55533045':{'en': 'Rio Grande - RS', 'pt': 'Rio Grande - RS'}, '55643922':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55163618':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163612':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163611':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163610':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163617':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163615':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55713341':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55163943':{'en': 'Barrinha - SP', 'pt': 'Barrinha - SP'}, '55163942':{'en': u('Sert\u00e3ozinho - SP'), 'pt': u('Sert\u00e3ozinho - SP')}, '55163941':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163947':{'en': u('Sert\u00e3ozinho - SP'), 'pt': u('Sert\u00e3ozinho - SP')}, '55163946':{'en': u('Sert\u00e3ozinho - SP'), 'pt': u('Sert\u00e3ozinho - SP')}, '55163945':{'en': u('Sert\u00e3ozinho - SP'), 'pt': u('Sert\u00e3ozinho - SP')}, '55163944':{'en': 'Dumont - SP', 'pt': 'Dumont - SP'}, '55163949':{'en': 'Cruz das Posses - SP', 'pt': 'Cruz das Posses - SP'}, '55712203':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55623573':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55433569':{'en': u('Pinhal\u00e3o - PR'), 'pt': u('Pinhal\u00e3o - PR')}, '55433567':{'en': u('Seng\u00e9s - PR'), 'pt': u('Seng\u00e9s - PR')}, '55433566':{'en': u('Carl\u00f3polis - PR'), 'pt': u('Carl\u00f3polis - PR')}, '55433565':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 da Boa Vista - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 da Boa Vista - PR')}, '55433564':{'en': u('Quatigu\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Quatigu\u00e1 - PR')}, '55433563':{'en': 'Tomazina - PR', 'pt': 'Tomazina - PR'}, '55433562':{'en': 'Sertaneja - PR', 'pt': 'Sertaneja - PR'}, '55433561':{'en': 'Conselheiro Mairinck - PR', 'pt': 'Conselheiro Mairinck - PR'}, '55433560':{'en': u('Corn\u00e9lio Proc\u00f3pio - PR'), 'pt': u('Corn\u00e9lio Proc\u00f3pio - PR')}, '55553225':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55373281':{'en': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio do Monte - MG'), 'pt': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio do Monte - MG')}, '55373287':{'en': u('Perdig\u00e3o - MG'), 'pt': u('Perdig\u00e3o - MG')}, '55183311':{'en': 'Presidente Prudente - SP', 'pt': 'Presidente Prudente - SP'}, '55542108':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55542109':{'en': 'Farroupilha - RS', 'pt': 'Farroupilha - RS'}, '55193593':{'en': 'Descalvado - SP', 'pt': 'Descalvado - SP'}, '55193592':{'en': 'Santa Rita do Passa Quatro - SP', 'pt': 'Santa Rita do Passa Quatro - SP'}, '55542104':{'en': 'Passo Fundo - RS', 'pt': 'Passo Fundo - RS'}, '55373288':{'en': u('Ara\u00fajos - MG'), 'pt': u('Ara\u00fajos - MG')}, '55193597':{'en': 'Rio Claro - SP', 'pt': 'Rio Claro - SP'}, '55542103':{'en': 'Passo Fundo - RS', 'pt': 'Passo Fundo - RS'}, '55193594':{'en': 'Descalvado - SP', 'pt': 'Descalvado - SP'}, '55553226':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55653268':{'en': u('Vale de S\u00e3o Domingos - MT'), 'pt': u('Vale de S\u00e3o Domingos - MT')}, '55553223':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55643921':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55653265':{'en': 'Conquista D\'Oeste - MT', 'pt': 'Conquista D\'Oeste - MT'}, '55653266':{'en': 'Pontes e Lacerda - MT', 'pt': 'Pontes e Lacerda - MT'}, '55553222':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55653261':{'en': 'Araputanga - MT', 'pt': 'Araputanga - MT'}, '55273021':{'en': 'Guarapari - ES', 'pt': 'Guarapari - ES'}, '55212792':{'en': u('Nil\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nil\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55212791':{'en': u('Nil\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nil\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55643926':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55212796':{'en': 'Mesquita - RJ', 'pt': 'Mesquita - RJ'}, '55553228':{'en': 'Boca do Monte - RS', 'pt': 'Boca do Monte - RS'}, '55312146':{'en': 'Sete Lagoas - MG', 'pt': 'Sete Lagoas - MG'}, '55643571':{'en': u('Palmeiras de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Palmeiras de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55343674':{'en': 'Matutina - MG', 'pt': 'Matutina - MG'}, '55633427':{'en': 'Pequizeiro - TO', 'pt': 'Pequizeiro - TO'}, '55343671':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Gotardo - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Gotardo - MG')}, '55193909':{'en': u('Hortol\u00e2ndia - SP'), 'pt': u('Hortol\u00e2ndia - SP')}, '55193904':{'en': 'Mogi Mirim - SP', 'pt': 'Mogi Mirim - SP'}, '55193907':{'en': 'Amparo - SP', 'pt': 'Amparo - SP'}, '55193902':{'en': 'Holambra - SP', 'pt': 'Holambra - SP'}, '55193903':{'en': u('Sumar\u00e9 - SP'), 'pt': u('Sumar\u00e9 - SP')}, '55643924':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55193837':{'en': u('Jaguari\u00fana - SP'), 'pt': u('Jaguari\u00fana - SP')}, '55633422':{'en': u('Bernardo Say\u00e3o - TO'), 'pt': u('Bernardo Say\u00e3o - TO')}, '55553556':{'en': 'Redentora - RS', 'pt': 'Redentora - RS'}, '55733031':{'en': 'Itamaraju - BA', 'pt': 'Itamaraju - BA'}, '55673255':{'en': 'Bonito - MS', 'pt': 'Bonito - MS'}, '55673254':{'en': 'Sonora - MS', 'pt': 'Sonora - MS'}, '55673251':{'en': 'Jardim - MS', 'pt': 'Jardim - MS'}, '55673250':{'en': 'Corguinho - MS', 'pt': 'Corguinho - MS'}, '55173249':{'en': 'Potirendaba - SP', 'pt': 'Potirendaba - SP'}, '55173248':{'en': u('Mendon\u00e7a - SP'), 'pt': u('Mendon\u00e7a - SP')}, '55753247':{'en': u('Irar\u00e1 - BA'), 'pt': u('Irar\u00e1 - BA')}, '55753246':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo dos Campos - BA'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo dos Campos - BA')}, '55753241':{'en': 'Santo Amaro - BA', 'pt': 'Santo Amaro - BA'}, '55753243':{'en': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o do Jacu\u00edpe - BA'), 'pt': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o do Jacu\u00edpe - BA')}, '55753242':{'en': u('Am\u00e9lia Rodrigues - BA'), 'pt': u('Am\u00e9lia Rodrigues - BA')}, '55173243':{'en': 'Mirassol - SP', 'pt': 'Mirassol - SP'}, '55173242':{'en': 'Mirassol - SP', 'pt': 'Mirassol - SP'}, '55173245':{'en': u('Jos\u00e9 Bonif\u00e1cio - SP'), 'pt': u('Jos\u00e9 Bonif\u00e1cio - SP')}, '55753248':{'en': u('Cora\u00e7\u00e3o de Maria - BA'), 'pt': u('Cora\u00e7\u00e3o de Maria - BA')}, '55633429':{'en': u('Muricil\u00e2ndia - TO'), 'pt': u('Muricil\u00e2ndia - TO')}, '55213445':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213448':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55493424':{'en': 'Bom Jesus - SC', 'pt': 'Bom Jesus - SC'}, '55513284':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55153431':{'en': u('Itarar\u00e9 - SP'), 'pt': u('Itarar\u00e9 - SP')}, '55513529':{'en': 'Sapiranga - RS', 'pt': 'Sapiranga - RS'}, '55673521':{'en': u('Tr\u00eas Lagoas - MS'), 'pt': u('Tr\u00eas Lagoas - MS')}, '55483093':{'en': u('Palho\u00e7a - SC'), 'pt': u('Palho\u00e7a - SC')}, '55612323':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55643452':{'en': 'Rio Quente - GO', 'pt': 'Rio Quente - GO'}, '55643453':{'en': 'Caldas Novas - GO', 'pt': 'Caldas Novas - GO'}, '55643450':{'en': u('Marzag\u00e3o - GO'), 'pt': u('Marzag\u00e3o - GO')}, '55612328':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55643455':{'en': 'Caldas Novas - GO', 'pt': 'Caldas Novas - GO'}, '55663601':{'en': 'Nova Fronteira - MT', 'pt': 'Nova Fronteira - MT'}, '55153383':{'en': 'Laranjal Paulista - SP', 'pt': 'Laranjal Paulista - SP'}, '55683028':{'en': 'Rio Branco - AC', 'pt': 'Rio Branco - AC'}, '55153384':{'en': 'Cerquilho - SP', 'pt': 'Cerquilho - SP'}, '55153388':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55433367':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55442101':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55442103':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55442102':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55242447':{'en': u('Barra do Pira\u00ed - RJ'), 'pt': u('Barra do Pira\u00ed - RJ')}, '55242444':{'en': u('Barra do Pira\u00ed - RJ'), 'pt': u('Barra do Pira\u00ed - RJ')}, '55242445':{'en': u('Barra do Pira\u00ed - RJ'), 'pt': u('Barra do Pira\u00ed - RJ')}, '55242442':{'en': u('Barra do Pira\u00ed - RJ'), 'pt': u('Barra do Pira\u00ed - RJ')}, '55242443':{'en': u('Barra do Pira\u00ed - RJ'), 'pt': u('Barra do Pira\u00ed - RJ')}, '55163371':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP')}, '55163372':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP')}, '55163373':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP')}, '55163374':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP')}, '55163375':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP')}, '55163376':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP')}, '55163377':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP')}, '55163378':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP')}, '55163379':{'en': u('Fazenda Babil\u00f4nia - SP'), 'pt': u('Fazenda Babil\u00f4nia - SP')}, '55713417':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55673522':{'en': u('Tr\u00eas Lagoas - MS'), 'pt': u('Tr\u00eas Lagoas - MS')}, '55673362':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55383741':{'en': 'Pirapora - MG', 'pt': 'Pirapora - MG'}, '55383740':{'en': 'Pirapora - MG', 'pt': 'Pirapora - MG'}, '55383743':{'en': 'Pirapora - MG', 'pt': 'Pirapora - MG'}, '55383742':{'en': 'Buritizeiro - MG', 'pt': 'Buritizeiro - MG'}, '55383217':{'en': 'Montes Claros - MG', 'pt': 'Montes Claros - MG'}, '55383744':{'en': u('Jequita\u00ed - MG'), 'pt': u('Jequita\u00ed - MG')}, '55383747':{'en': u('Pared\u00e3o de Minas - MG'), 'pt': u('Pared\u00e3o de Minas - MG')}, '55383746':{'en': u('Ibia\u00ed - MG'), 'pt': u('Ibia\u00ed - MG')}, '55383749':{'en': 'Pirapora - MG', 'pt': 'Pirapora - MG'}, '55383218':{'en': 'Montes Claros - MG', 'pt': 'Montes Claros - MG'}, '5577':{'en': 'Bahia', 'pt': 'Bahia'}, '55433529':{'en': 'Jacarezinho - PR', 'pt': 'Jacarezinho - PR'}, '55733301':{'en': 'Itabuna - BA', 'pt': 'Itabuna - BA'}, '55212153':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212152':{'en': u('Teres\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Teres\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55663408':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Couto - MT'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Couto - MT')}, '55312122':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313449':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55413378':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55313118':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55413374':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413375':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR')}, '55413376':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55313116':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313447':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313446':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55413372':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413373':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55614009':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55483411':{'en': u('Crici\u00fama - SC'), 'pt': u('Crici\u00fama - SC')}, '55483413':{'en': u('Crici\u00fama - SC'), 'pt': u('Crici\u00fama - SC')}, '55614007':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55343074':{'en': 'Uberaba - MG', 'pt': 'Uberaba - MG'}, '55614001':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55343071':{'en': 'Uberaba - MG', 'pt': 'Uberaba - MG'}, '55193746':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193295':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193744':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55673442':{'en': 'Ivinhema - MS', 'pt': 'Ivinhema - MS'}, '55193743':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193298':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193749':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55443674':{'en': u('Indian\u00f3polis - PR'), 'pt': u('Indian\u00f3polis - PR')}, '55443675':{'en': u('Cidade Ga\u00facha - PR'), 'pt': u('Cidade Ga\u00facha - PR')}, '55443676':{'en': 'Cruzeiro do Oeste - PR', 'pt': 'Cruzeiro do Oeste - PR'}, '55443677':{'en': 'Tapejara - PR', 'pt': 'Tapejara - PR'}, '55553221':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55553220':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55443672':{'en': 'Rondon - PR', 'pt': 'Rondon - PR'}, '55443673':{'en': u('Ivat\u00e9 - PR'), 'pt': u('Ivat\u00e9 - PR')}, '55443679':{'en': 'Tapira - PR', 'pt': 'Tapira - PR'}, '55193129':{'en': 'Vinhedo - SP', 'pt': 'Vinhedo - SP'}, '55193123':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193124':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55673440':{'en': 'Amandina - MS', 'pt': 'Amandina - MS'}, '55682106':{'en': 'Rio Branco - AC', 'pt': 'Rio Branco - AC'}, '55682102':{'en': 'Rio Branco - AC', 'pt': 'Rio Branco - AC'}, '55682101':{'en': 'Rio Branco - AC', 'pt': 'Rio Branco - AC'}, '55663432':{'en': u('Poxor\u00e9o - MT'), 'pt': u('Poxor\u00e9o - MT')}, '55713412':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713414':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55213208':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55663433':{'en': 'Primavera do Leste - MT', 'pt': 'Primavera do Leste - MT'}, '55213207':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213202':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55673441':{'en': 'Nova Andradina - MS', 'pt': 'Nova Andradina - MS'}, '55213201':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55663431':{'en': 'Guiratinga - MT', 'pt': 'Guiratinga - MT'}, '55663436':{'en': u('Poxor\u00e9o - MT'), 'pt': u('Poxor\u00e9o - MT')}, '55663435':{'en': 'Tesouro - MT', 'pt': 'Tesouro - MT'}, '55773647':{'en': 'Ibitiara - BA', 'pt': 'Ibitiara - BA'}, '55623238':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623234':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55213142':{'en': u('Itabora\u00ed - RJ'), 'pt': u('Itabora\u00ed - RJ')}, '55663438':{'en': 'Nova Xavantina - MT', 'pt': 'Nova Xavantina - MT'}, '55623232':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55613401':{'en': 'Taguatinga - DF', 'pt': 'Taguatinga - DF'}, '55643214':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55473062':{'en': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC'), 'pt': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC')}, '55643216':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643217':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643210':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643211':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643212':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643213':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55673447':{'en': 'Novo Horizonte do Sul - MS', 'pt': 'Novo Horizonte do Sul - MS'}, '55733209':{'en': 'Posto da Mata - BA', 'pt': 'Posto da Mata - BA'}, '55733208':{'en': u('Nova Vi\u00e7osa - BA'), 'pt': u('Nova Vi\u00e7osa - BA')}, '55643218':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643219':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55493533':{'en': 'Videira - SC', 'pt': 'Videira - SC'}, '55493531':{'en': 'Videira - SC', 'pt': 'Videira - SC'}, '55493536':{'en': 'Salto Veloso - SC', 'pt': 'Salto Veloso - SC'}, '55473065':{'en': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC'), 'pt': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC')}, '55623582':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623583':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623581':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623586':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623587':{'en': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623584':{'en': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55773481':{'en': 'Bom Jesus da Lapa - BA', 'pt': 'Bom Jesus da Lapa - BA'}, '55773480':{'en': 'Coribe - BA', 'pt': 'Coribe - BA'}, '55623588':{'en': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55493535':{'en': 'Arroio Trinta - SC', 'pt': 'Arroio Trinta - SC'}, '55773485':{'en': 'Carinhanha - BA', 'pt': 'Carinhanha - BA'}, '55483324':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55333355':{'en': 'Iapu - MG', 'pt': 'Iapu - MG'}, '55623237':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55673445':{'en': u('Anauril\u00e2ndia - MS'), 'pt': u('Anauril\u00e2ndia - MS')}, '55333354':{'en': 'Bom Jesus do Galho - MG', 'pt': 'Bom Jesus do Galho - MG'}, '55333357':{'en': 'Dom Cavati - MG', 'pt': 'Dom Cavati - MG'}, '55185871':{'en': 'Panorama - SP', 'pt': 'Panorama - SP'}, '55333351':{'en': 'Raul Soares - MG', 'pt': 'Raul Soares - MG'}, '55373543':{'en': 'Quartel Geral - MG', 'pt': 'Quartel Geral - MG'}, '55373544':{'en': u('Cedro do Abaet\u00e9 - MG'), 'pt': u('Cedro do Abaet\u00e9 - MG')}, '55373545':{'en': 'Paineiras - MG', 'pt': 'Paineiras - MG'}, '55373546':{'en': 'Biquinhas - MG', 'pt': 'Biquinhas - MG'}, '55733203':{'en': u('Ibicara\u00ed - BA'), 'pt': u('Ibicara\u00ed - BA')}, '55333353':{'en': u('Pingo-D\'\u00c1gua - MG'), 'pt': u('Pingo-D\'\u00c1gua - MG')}, '55773643':{'en': 'Matina - BA', 'pt': 'Matina - BA'}, '55643215':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55333352':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Pedro dos Ferros - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Pedro dos Ferros - MG')}, '55343215':{'en': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG'), 'pt': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG')}, '55643665':{'en': 'Piranhas - GO', 'pt': 'Piranhas - GO'}, '55643664':{'en': u('Doverl\u00e2ndia - GO'), 'pt': u('Doverl\u00e2ndia - GO')}, '55643667':{'en': u('Aren\u00f3polis - GO'), 'pt': u('Aren\u00f3polis - GO')}, '55643666':{'en': u('Portel\u00e2ndia - GO'), 'pt': u('Portel\u00e2ndia - GO')}, '55553816':{'en': 'Condor - RS', 'pt': 'Condor - RS'}, '55643663':{'en': u('Caiap\u00f4nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Caiap\u00f4nia - GO')}, '55643662':{'en': u('Palestina de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Palestina de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55343213':{'en': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG'), 'pt': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG')}, '55683248':{'en': 'Rio Branco - AC', 'pt': 'Rio Branco - AC'}, '55643668':{'en': u('Serran\u00f3polis - GO'), 'pt': u('Serran\u00f3polis - GO')}, '55212415':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55493678':{'en': 'Itapiranga - SC', 'pt': 'Itapiranga - SC'}, '55183301':{'en': u('Ara\u00e7atuba - SP'), 'pt': u('Ara\u00e7atuba - SP')}, '55613697':{'en': 'Taboquinha - GO', 'pt': 'Taboquinha - GO'}, '55693441':{'en': 'Cacoal - RO', 'pt': 'Cacoal - RO'}, '55493030':{'en': u('Conc\u00f3rdia - SC'), 'pt': u('Conc\u00f3rdia - SC')}, '55733204':{'en': u('Itaju do Col\u00f4nia - BA'), 'pt': u('Itaju do Col\u00f4nia - BA')}, '55453345':{'en': u('Port\u00e3o Ocoi - PR'), 'pt': u('Port\u00e3o Ocoi - PR')}, '55493674':{'en': u('Monda\u00ed - SC'), 'pt': u('Monda\u00ed - SC')}, '55493677':{'en': 'Itapiranga - SC', 'pt': 'Itapiranga - SC'}, '55453346':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o d\'Oeste - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o d\'Oeste - PR')}, '55212638':{'en': u('Maric\u00e1 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Maric\u00e1 - RJ')}, '55213814':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55324141':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55212630':{'en': u('Mag\u00e9 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Mag\u00e9 - RJ')}, '55212631':{'en': u('Mag\u00e9 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Mag\u00e9 - RJ')}, '55212632':{'en': 'Guapimirim - RJ', 'pt': 'Guapimirim - RJ'}, '55212633':{'en': u('Mag\u00e9 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Mag\u00e9 - RJ')}, '55212634':{'en': u('Maric\u00e1 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Maric\u00e1 - RJ')}, '55212637':{'en': u('Maric\u00e1 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Maric\u00e1 - RJ')}, '55413386':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55693448':{'en': 'Ministro Andreazza - RO', 'pt': 'Ministro Andreazza - RO'}, '55493241':{'en': 'Curitibanos - SC', 'pt': 'Curitibanos - SC'}, '55613347':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613346':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55273259':{'en': 'Santa Teresa - ES', 'pt': 'Santa Teresa - ES'}, '55273258':{'en': u('Jo\u00e3o Neiva - ES'), 'pt': u('Jo\u00e3o Neiva - ES')}, '55493459':{'en': 'Coronel Martins - SC', 'pt': 'Coronel Martins - SC'}, '55493458':{'en': u('It\u00e1 - SC'), 'pt': u('It\u00e1 - SC')}, '55613341':{'en': 'Cruzeiro - DF', 'pt': 'Cruzeiro - DF'}, '55613340':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55273253':{'en': 'Serra - ES', 'pt': 'Serra - ES'}, '55493454':{'en': 'Xavantina - SC', 'pt': 'Xavantina - SC'}, '55273251':{'en': 'Serra - ES', 'pt': 'Serra - ES'}, '55273250':{'en': 'Coqueiral - ES', 'pt': 'Coqueiral - ES'}, '55273257':{'en': u('Ibira\u00e7u - ES'), 'pt': u('Ibira\u00e7u - ES')}, '55273256':{'en': 'Aracruz - ES', 'pt': 'Aracruz - ES'}, '55273255':{'en': 'Viana - ES', 'pt': 'Viana - ES'}, '55273254':{'en': 'Cariacica - ES', 'pt': 'Cariacica - ES'}, '55753695':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Domingos - BA'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Domingos - BA')}, '55493249':{'en': 'Campo Belo do Sul - SC', 'pt': 'Campo Belo do Sul - SC'}, '55613202':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613203':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55313852':{'en': u('Jo\u00e3o Monlevade - MG'), 'pt': u('Jo\u00e3o Monlevade - MG')}, '55613207':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613204':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55753182':{'en': 'Alagoinhas - BA', 'pt': 'Alagoinhas - BA'}, '55613208':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613209':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55314136':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55183022':{'en': 'Assis - SP', 'pt': 'Assis - SP'}, '55314133':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55314138':{'en': 'Vespasiano - MG', 'pt': 'Vespasiano - MG'}, '55313853':{'en': 'Bela Vista de Minas - MG', 'pt': 'Bela Vista de Minas - MG'}, '55242271':{'en': 'Sapucaia - RJ', 'pt': 'Sapucaia - RJ'}, '55144104':{'en': u('Gar\u00e7a - SP'), 'pt': u('Gar\u00e7a - SP')}, '55412106':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55412107':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55144103':{'en': u('Ja\u00fa - SP'), 'pt': u('Ja\u00fa - SP')}, '55412108':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55323258':{'en': 'Coronel Pacheco - MG', 'pt': 'Coronel Pacheco - MG'}, '55443448':{'en': 'Marilena - PR', 'pt': 'Marilena - PR'}, '55443447':{'en': u('Alto Paran\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Alto Paran\u00e1 - PR')}, '55443446':{'en': u('Paranava\u00ed - PR'), 'pt': u('Paranava\u00ed - PR')}, '55323257':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55443444':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Pedro do Paran\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Pedro do Paran\u00e1 - PR')}, '55323251':{'en': 'Santos Dumont - MG', 'pt': 'Santos Dumont - MG'}, '55443442':{'en': u('Guaira\u00e7\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Guaira\u00e7\u00e1 - PR')}, '55443441':{'en': 'Terra Rica - PR', 'pt': 'Terra Rica - PR'}, '55443440':{'en': u('Inaj\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Inaj\u00e1 - PR')}, '55513733':{'en': 'Encruzilhada do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Encruzilhada do Sul - RS'}, '55653648':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55313508':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55513731':{'en': 'Rio Pardo - RS', 'pt': 'Rio Pardo - RS'}, '55423122':{'en': 'Ponta Grossa - PR', 'pt': 'Ponta Grossa - PR'}, '55213923':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55313507':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313504':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55773489':{'en': 'Cocos - BA', 'pt': 'Cocos - BA'}, '55513735':{'en': u('V\u00e1rzea do Capivarita - RS'), 'pt': u('V\u00e1rzea do Capivarita - RS')}, '55773488':{'en': 'Correntina - BA', 'pt': 'Correntina - BA'}, '55513734':{'en': 'Pantano Grande - RS', 'pt': 'Pantano Grande - RS'}, '55484141':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55543412':{'en': 'Farroupilha - RS', 'pt': 'Farroupilha - RS'}, '55313309':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55193408':{'en': 'Americana - SP', 'pt': 'Americana - SP'}, '55313303':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313305':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55143623':{'en': u('Ja\u00fa - SP'), 'pt': u('Ja\u00fa - SP')}, '55773483':{'en': u('Santa Maria da Vit\u00f3ria - BA'), 'pt': u('Santa Maria da Vit\u00f3ria - BA')}, '55473404':{'en': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC'), 'pt': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC')}, '55353653':{'en': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o dos Ouros - MG'), 'pt': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o dos Ouros - MG')}, '55473406':{'en': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC'), 'pt': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC')}, '55353651':{'en': u('Parais\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Parais\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55353656':{'en': u('Consola\u00e7\u00e3o - MG'), 'pt': u('Consola\u00e7\u00e3o - MG')}, '55143626':{'en': u('Ja\u00fa - SP'), 'pt': u('Ja\u00fa - SP')}, '55353654':{'en': u('Gon\u00e7alves - MG'), 'pt': u('Gon\u00e7alves - MG')}, '55353655':{'en': u('Sapuca\u00ed-Mirim - MG'), 'pt': u('Sapuca\u00ed-Mirim - MG')}, '55513244':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55773484':{'en': 'Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Santana - BA'}, '55193401':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55193351':{'en': 'Araras - SP', 'pt': 'Araras - SP'}, '55193353':{'en': 'Araras - SP', 'pt': 'Araras - SP'}, '55193352':{'en': 'Araras - SP', 'pt': 'Araras - SP'}, '55633437':{'en': 'Cachoeirinha - TO', 'pt': 'Cachoeirinha - TO'}, '55553563':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Paulo das Miss\u00f5es - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Paulo das Miss\u00f5es - RS')}, '55633435':{'en': 'Arapoema - TO', 'pt': 'Arapoema - TO'}, '55633434':{'en': 'Juarina - TO', 'pt': 'Juarina - TO'}, '55633433':{'en': 'Palmeiras do Tocantins - TO', 'pt': 'Palmeiras do Tocantins - TO'}, '55553567':{'en': u('Campina das Miss\u00f5es - RS'), 'pt': u('Campina das Miss\u00f5es - RS')}, '55633431':{'en': 'Angico - TO', 'pt': 'Angico - TO'}, '55553565':{'en': 'Porto Lucena - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Lucena - RS'}, '55633439':{'en': u('Itacaj\u00e1 - TO'), 'pt': u('Itacaj\u00e1 - TO')}, '55633438':{'en': u('Recursol\u00e2ndia - TO'), 'pt': u('Recursol\u00e2ndia - TO')}, '55483089':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC')}, '55483081':{'en': u('Crici\u00fama - SC'), 'pt': u('Crici\u00fama - SC')}, '55483086':{'en': u('Palho\u00e7a - SC'), 'pt': u('Palho\u00e7a - SC')}, '55483085':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55483084':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55163630':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163633':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163632':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163635':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55713285':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55163637':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163636':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163639':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163638':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55433545':{'en': u('Curi\u00fava - PR'), 'pt': u('Curi\u00fava - PR')}, '55433544':{'en': u('Santa Am\u00e9lia - PR'), 'pt': u('Santa Am\u00e9lia - PR')}, '55433547':{'en': 'Figueira - PR', 'pt': 'Figueira - PR'}, '55433546':{'en': 'Ibaiti - PR', 'pt': 'Ibaiti - PR'}, '55433541':{'en': u('Ura\u00ed - PR'), 'pt': u('Ura\u00ed - PR')}, '55433540':{'en': 'Rancho Alegre - PR', 'pt': 'Rancho Alegre - PR'}, '55433543':{'en': u('Itambarac\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Itambarac\u00e1 - PR')}, '55433542':{'en': 'Bandeirantes - PR', 'pt': 'Bandeirantes - PR'}, '55183841':{'en': u('Junqueir\u00f3polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Junqueir\u00f3polis - SP')}, '55143572':{'en': u('Piraju\u00ed - SP'), 'pt': u('Piraju\u00ed - SP')}, '55343221':{'en': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG'), 'pt': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG')}, '55433549':{'en': 'Bandeirantes - PR', 'pt': 'Bandeirantes - PR'}, '55433548':{'en': 'Sapopema - PR', 'pt': 'Sapopema - PR'}, '55183334':{'en': 'Presidente Prudente - SP', 'pt': 'Presidente Prudente - SP'}, '55212403':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212402':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212401':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212407':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212406':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212405':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212404':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212409':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212408':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55483214':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC')}, '55713287':{'en': 'Lauro de Freitas - BA', 'pt': 'Lauro de Freitas - BA'}, '55733267':{'en': u('Itoror\u00f3 - BA'), 'pt': u('Itoror\u00f3 - BA')}, '55613591':{'en': 'Sobradinho - DF', 'pt': 'Sobradinho - DF'}, '55613597':{'en': 'Taguatinga - DF', 'pt': 'Taguatinga - DF'}, '55653244':{'en': 'Jauru - MT', 'pt': 'Jauru - MT'}, '55613595':{'en': 'Sobradinho - DF', 'pt': 'Sobradinho - DF'}, '55473357':{'en': 'Ibirama - SC', 'pt': 'Ibirama - SC'}, '55373541':{'en': u('Abaet\u00e9 - MG'), 'pt': u('Abaet\u00e9 - MG')}, '55713289':{'en': 'Lauro de Freitas - BA', 'pt': 'Lauro de Freitas - BA'}, '55753669':{'en': 'Ponte 2 de Julho - BA', 'pt': 'Ponte 2 de Julho - BA'}, '55323538':{'en': 'Presidente Bernardes - MG', 'pt': 'Presidente Bernardes - MG'}, '55163968':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55713628':{'en': 'Arembepe - BA', 'pt': 'Arembepe - BA'}, '55163961':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55323531':{'en': u('Ub\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Ub\u00e1 - MG')}, '55163963':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163962':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163965':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163964':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163967':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163966':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55633542':{'en': u('Silvan\u00f3polis - TO'), 'pt': u('Silvan\u00f3polis - TO')}, '55443304':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55193927':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55193924':{'en': u('\u00c1guas de Lind\u00f3ia - SP'), 'pt': u('\u00c1guas de Lind\u00f3ia - SP')}, '55443305':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55193929':{'en': 'Valinhos - SP', 'pt': 'Valinhos - SP'}, '55713026':{'en': 'Lauro de Freitas - BA', 'pt': 'Lauro de Freitas - BA'}, '55653549':{'en': 'Lucas do Rio Verde - MT', 'pt': 'Lucas do Rio Verde - MT'}, '55653548':{'en': 'Lucas do Rio Verde - MT', 'pt': 'Lucas do Rio Verde - MT'}, '55673274':{'en': u('Figueir\u00e3o - MS'), 'pt': u('Figueir\u00e3o - MS')}, '55443302':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55673272':{'en': u('Sidrol\u00e2ndia - MS'), 'pt': u('Sidrol\u00e2ndia - MS')}, '55733017':{'en': u('Ilh\u00e9us - BA'), 'pt': u('Ilh\u00e9us - BA')}, '55753664':{'en': u('Tapero\u00e1 - BA'), 'pt': u('Tapero\u00e1 - BA')}, '55733012':{'en': 'Porto Seguro - BA', 'pt': 'Porto Seguro - BA'}, '55673278':{'en': 'Rio Negro - MS', 'pt': 'Rio Negro - MS'}, '55733011':{'en': 'Teixeira de Freitas - BA', 'pt': 'Teixeira de Freitas - BA'}, '55413244':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55493021':{'en': 'Lages - SC', 'pt': 'Lages - SC'}, '55173229':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55173227':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55173226':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55173225':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55173224':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55173223':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55173222':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55624101':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55213468':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213469':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213462':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213463':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213466':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213467':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213464':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213465':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55643661':{'en': 'Mineiros - GO', 'pt': 'Mineiros - GO'}, '55153412':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55153411':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55153416':{'en': 'Votorantim - SP', 'pt': 'Votorantim - SP'}, '55153417':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55153414':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55153415':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55153418':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55513248':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55413247':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55683342':{'en': 'Rodrigues Alves - AC', 'pt': 'Rodrigues Alves - AC'}, '55683343':{'en': u('M\u00e2ncio Lima - AC'), 'pt': u('M\u00e2ncio Lima - AC')}, '55433306':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55433305':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55433304':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55433303':{'en': 'Arapongas - PR', 'pt': 'Arapongas - PR'}, '55433302':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55433301':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55383239':{'en': 'Mirabela - MG', 'pt': 'Mirabela - MG'}, '55383238':{'en': u('Gr\u00e3o Mogol - MG'), 'pt': u('Gr\u00e3o Mogol - MG')}, '55163354':{'en': 'Guarapiranga - SP', 'pt': 'Guarapiranga - SP'}, '55163352':{'en': 'Ibitinga - SP', 'pt': 'Ibitinga - SP'}, '55163353':{'en': u('Ibat\u00e9 - SP'), 'pt': u('Ibat\u00e9 - SP')}, '55163351':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP')}, '55383231':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia de Minas - MG'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia de Minas - MG')}, '55383233':{'en': u('Francisco S\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Francisco S\u00e1 - MG')}, '55383232':{'en': u('Crist\u00e1lia - MG'), 'pt': u('Crist\u00e1lia - MG')}, '55383235':{'en': u('Capit\u00e3o En\u00e9as - MG'), 'pt': u('Capit\u00e3o En\u00e9as - MG')}, '55383234':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Ponte - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Ponte - MG')}, '55163358':{'en': 'Araraquara - SP', 'pt': 'Araraquara - SP'}, '55383236':{'en': 'Juramento - MG', 'pt': 'Juramento - MG'}, '55383727':{'en': 'Monjolos - MG', 'pt': 'Monjolos - MG'}, '55383726':{'en': u('Santo Hip\u00f3lito - MG'), 'pt': u('Santo Hip\u00f3lito - MG')}, '55383725':{'en': u('Morro da Gar\u00e7a - MG'), 'pt': u('Morro da Gar\u00e7a - MG')}, '55214118':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55383723':{'en': 'Inimutaba - MG', 'pt': 'Inimutaba - MG'}, '55383722':{'en': 'Curvelo - MG', 'pt': 'Curvelo - MG'}, '55383721':{'en': 'Curvelo - MG', 'pt': 'Curvelo - MG'}, '55313685':{'en': u('Nova Uni\u00e3o - MG'), 'pt': u('Nova Uni\u00e3o - MG')}, '55313684':{'en': u('Taquara\u00e7u de Minas - MG'), 'pt': u('Taquara\u00e7u de Minas - MG')}, '55313686':{'en': 'Confins - MG', 'pt': 'Confins - MG'}, '55313681':{'en': 'Lagoa Santa - MG', 'pt': 'Lagoa Santa - MG'}, '55383729':{'en': 'Curvelo - MG', 'pt': 'Curvelo - MG'}, '55383728':{'en': u('Angueret\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Angueret\u00e1 - MG')}, '55483656':{'en': u('Sang\u00e3o - SC'), 'pt': u('Sang\u00e3o - SC')}, '55483657':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Ludgero - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Ludgero - SC')}, '55483654':{'en': 'Santa Rosa de Lima - SC', 'pt': 'Santa Rosa de Lima - SC'}, '55483655':{'en': u('Sang\u00e3o - SC'), 'pt': u('Sang\u00e3o - SC')}, '55483652':{'en': u('Gr\u00e3o Par\u00e1 - SC'), 'pt': u('Gr\u00e3o Par\u00e1 - SC')}, '55483653':{'en': 'Rio Fortuna - SC', 'pt': 'Rio Fortuna - SC'}, '55493675':{'en': 'Riqueza - SC', 'pt': 'Riqueza - SC'}, '55483658':{'en': u('Bra\u00e7o do Norte - SC'), 'pt': u('Bra\u00e7o do Norte - SC')}, '55483659':{'en': 'Pedras Grandes - SC', 'pt': 'Pedras Grandes - SC'}, '55413420':{'en': u('Paranagu\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Paranagu\u00e1 - PR')}, '55513220':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55413422':{'en': u('Paranagu\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Paranagu\u00e1 - PR')}, '55313462':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55413356':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413357':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413426':{'en': u('Paranagu\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Paranagu\u00e1 - PR')}, '55413355':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55143813':{'en': 'Botucatu - SP', 'pt': 'Botucatu - SP'}, '55143812':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Manuel - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Manuel - SP')}, '55413358':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR')}, '55143815':{'en': 'Botucatu - SP', 'pt': 'Botucatu - SP'}, '55143814':{'en': 'Botucatu - SP', 'pt': 'Botucatu - SP'}, '55193728':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193725':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193726':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193721':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193722':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193723':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55462101':{'en': 'Pato Branco - PR', 'pt': 'Pato Branco - PR'}, '55733021':{'en': 'Prado - BA', 'pt': 'Prado - BA'}, '55333423':{'en': u('Sabin\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Sabin\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55633223':{'en': 'Palmas - TO', 'pt': 'Palmas - TO'}, '55443659':{'en': u('Alt\u00f4nia - PR'), 'pt': u('Alt\u00f4nia - PR')}, '55633224':{'en': 'Palmas - TO', 'pt': 'Palmas - TO'}, '55633225':{'en': 'Palmas - TO', 'pt': 'Palmas - TO'}, '55223717':{'en': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ')}, '55443653':{'en': 'Tuneiras do Oeste - PR', 'pt': 'Tuneiras do Oeste - PR'}, '55633228':{'en': 'Palmas - TO', 'pt': 'Palmas - TO'}, '55633229':{'en': 'Palmas - TO', 'pt': 'Palmas - TO'}, '55443656':{'en': 'Alto Piquiri - PR', 'pt': 'Alto Piquiri - PR'}, '55443654':{'en': u('Brasil\u00e2ndia do Sul - PR'), 'pt': u('Brasil\u00e2ndia do Sul - PR')}, '55443655':{'en': 'Cafezal do Sul - PR', 'pt': 'Cafezal do Sul - PR'}, '55643093':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55743692':{'en': u('Am\u00e9rica Dourada - BA'), 'pt': u('Am\u00e9rica Dourada - BA')}, '55213267':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55713433':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55213263':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55753501':{'en': 'Paulo Afonso - BA', 'pt': 'Paulo Afonso - BA'}, '55483438':{'en': u('Crici\u00fama - SC'), 'pt': u('Crici\u00fama - SC')}, '55483439':{'en': u('Crici\u00fama - SC'), 'pt': u('Crici\u00fama - SC')}, '55483432':{'en': u('I\u00e7ara - SC'), 'pt': u('I\u00e7ara - SC')}, '55483433':{'en': u('Crici\u00fama - SC'), 'pt': u('Crici\u00fama - SC')}, '55483430':{'en': u('Crici\u00fama - SC'), 'pt': u('Crici\u00fama - SC')}, '55483431':{'en': 'Quarta Linha - SC', 'pt': 'Quarta Linha - SC'}, '55483436':{'en': 'Nova Veneza - SC', 'pt': 'Nova Veneza - SC'}, '55483437':{'en': u('Crici\u00fama - SC'), 'pt': u('Crici\u00fama - SC')}, '55483434':{'en': u('Morro da Fuma\u00e7a - SC'), 'pt': u('Morro da Fuma\u00e7a - SC')}, '55483435':{'en': u('Sider\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Sider\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55153584':{'en': u('Taquariva\u00ed - SP'), 'pt': u('Taquariva\u00ed - SP')}, '55643091':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55732011':{'en': 'Teixeira de Freitas - BA', 'pt': 'Teixeira de Freitas - BA'}, '55623212':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623213':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623210':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623211':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623217':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623214':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623215':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55643232':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643233':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55623218':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55643231':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643236':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643237':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643234':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55673503':{'en': u('Parana\u00edba - MS'), 'pt': u('Parana\u00edba - MS')}, '55353829':{'en': 'Lavras - MG', 'pt': 'Lavras - MG'}, '55353825':{'en': 'Itutinga - MG', 'pt': 'Itutinga - MG'}, '55373383':{'en': 'Carmo da Mata - MG', 'pt': 'Carmo da Mata - MG'}, '55373381':{'en': u('Cl\u00e1udio - MG'), 'pt': u('Cl\u00e1udio - MG')}, '55353821':{'en': 'Lavras - MG', 'pt': 'Lavras - MG'}, '55673344':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55373384':{'en': 'Itaguara - MG', 'pt': 'Itaguara - MG'}, '55353822':{'en': 'Lavras - MG', 'pt': 'Lavras - MG'}, '55174004':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55174003':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55713669':{'en': 'Palmares - BA', 'pt': 'Palmares - BA'}, '55174009':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55213694':{'en': u('Maric\u00e1 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Maric\u00e1 - RJ')}, '55213691':{'en': 'Japeri - RJ', 'pt': 'Japeri - RJ'}, '55213693':{'en': 'Paracambi - RJ', 'pt': 'Paracambi - RJ'}, '55213699':{'en': 'Queimados - RJ', 'pt': 'Queimados - RJ'}, '55643094':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55773621':{'en': 'Cotegipe - BA', 'pt': 'Cotegipe - BA'}, '55663557':{'en': u('Tabapor\u00e3 - MT'), 'pt': u('Tabapor\u00e3 - MT')}, '55222664':{'en': 'Araruama - RJ', 'pt': 'Araruama - RJ'}, '55222665':{'en': 'Araruama - RJ', 'pt': 'Araruama - RJ'}, '55222666':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Vicente de Paula - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Vicente de Paula - RJ')}, '55222667':{'en': 'Araruama - RJ', 'pt': 'Araruama - RJ'}, '55222661':{'en': 'Araruama - RJ', 'pt': 'Araruama - RJ'}, '55222662':{'en': 'Arraial do Cabo - RJ', 'pt': 'Arraial do Cabo - RJ'}, '55222668':{'en': 'Silva Jardim - RJ', 'pt': 'Silva Jardim - RJ'}, '55643095':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55773620':{'en': 'Serra do Ramalho - BA', 'pt': 'Serra do Ramalho - BA'}, '55613345':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613344':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55513552':{'en': 'Lindolfo Collor - RS', 'pt': 'Lindolfo Collor - RS'}, '55613343':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613342':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55653387':{'en': u('Campos de J\u00falio - MT'), 'pt': u('Campos de J\u00falio - MT')}, '55493802':{'en': 'Lages - SC', 'pt': 'Lages - SC'}, '55653384':{'en': 'Porto Estrela - MT', 'pt': 'Porto Estrela - MT'}, '55653383':{'en': 'Sapezal - MT', 'pt': 'Sapezal - MT'}, '55653382':{'en': 'Campo Novo do Parecis - MT', 'pt': 'Campo Novo do Parecis - MT'}, '55773623':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Desid\u00e9rio - BA'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Desid\u00e9rio - BA')}, '55453326':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55243076':{'en': 'Volta Redonda - RJ', 'pt': 'Volta Redonda - RJ'}, '55453324':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55453323':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55453322':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55453321':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55653388':{'en': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT'), 'pt': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT')}, '55493455':{'en': 'Alto Bela Vista - SC', 'pt': 'Alto Bela Vista - SC'}, '55212618':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55212619':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55212616':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55652137':{'en': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT'), 'pt': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT')}, '55543537':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55212612':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55212613':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55212610':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55212611':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55493456':{'en': 'Campina da Alegria - SC', 'pt': 'Campina da Alegria - SC'}, '55773622':{'en': 'Angical - BA', 'pt': 'Angical - BA'}, '55424052':{'en': 'Guarapuava - PR', 'pt': 'Guarapuava - PR'}, '55483037':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55493451':{'en': 'Paial - SC', 'pt': 'Paial - SC'}, '55383532':{'en': 'Diamantina - MG', 'pt': 'Diamantina - MG'}, '55383533':{'en': u('Couto de Magalh\u00e3es de Minas - MG'), 'pt': u('Couto de Magalh\u00e3es de Minas - MG')}, '55383531':{'en': 'Diamantina - MG', 'pt': 'Diamantina - MG'}, '55613369':{'en': u('Parano\u00e1 - DF'), 'pt': u('Parano\u00e1 - DF')}, '55493453':{'en': 'Peritiba - SC', 'pt': 'Peritiba - SC'}, '55383534':{'en': 'Diamantina - MG', 'pt': 'Diamantina - MG'}, '55383535':{'en': 'Datas - MG', 'pt': 'Datas - MG'}, '55613365':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613364':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613367':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55493452':{'en': 'Seara - SC', 'pt': 'Seara - SC'}, '55613361':{'en': u('Guar\u00e1 - DF'), 'pt': u('Guar\u00e1 - DF')}, '55613363':{'en': u('Guar\u00e1 - DF'), 'pt': u('Guar\u00e1 - DF')}, '55613362':{'en': u('Guar\u00e1 - DF'), 'pt': u('Guar\u00e1 - DF')}, '55443014':{'en': 'Marialva - PR', 'pt': 'Marialva - PR'}, '55273270':{'en': 'Barra do Riacho - ES', 'pt': 'Barra do Riacho - ES'}, '55443016':{'en': u('Campo Mour\u00e3o - PR'), 'pt': u('Campo Mour\u00e3o - PR')}, '55273272':{'en': 'Guarapari - ES', 'pt': 'Guarapari - ES'}, '55273275':{'en': 'Aracruz - ES', 'pt': 'Aracruz - ES'}, '55443011':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55273277':{'en': u('Timbu\u00ed - ES'), 'pt': u('Timbu\u00ed - ES')}, '55273276':{'en': u('Guaran\u00e1 - ES'), 'pt': u('Guaran\u00e1 - ES')}, '55273278':{'en': 'Acioli - ES', 'pt': 'Acioli - ES'}, '55443018':{'en': 'Cianorte - PR', 'pt': 'Cianorte - PR'}, '55443019':{'en': 'Cianorte - PR', 'pt': 'Cianorte - PR'}, '55623312':{'en': 'Itapuranga - GO', 'pt': 'Itapuranga - GO'}, '55543323':{'en': 'Nova Alvorada - RS', 'pt': 'Nova Alvorada - RS'}, '55543322':{'en': 'Quinze de Novembro - RS', 'pt': 'Quinze de Novembro - RS'}, '55673465':{'en': u('Jate\u00ed - MS'), 'pt': u('Jate\u00ed - MS')}, '55733688':{'en': u('Pira\u00ed do Norte - BA'), 'pt': u('Pira\u00ed do Norte - BA')}, '55753161':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55753162':{'en': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio de Jesus - BA'), 'pt': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio de Jesus - BA')}, '55513952':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Leopoldo - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Leopoldo - RS')}, '55443465':{'en': 'Cruzeiro do Sul - PR', 'pt': 'Cruzeiro do Sul - PR'}, '55443464':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Pedro do Paran\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Pedro do Paran\u00e1 - PR')}, '55443460':{'en': 'Tamboara - PR', 'pt': 'Tamboara - PR'}, '55443463':{'en': 'Paranacity - PR', 'pt': 'Paranacity - PR'}, '55443462':{'en': u('Quer\u00eancia do Norte - PR'), 'pt': u('Quer\u00eancia do Norte - PR')}, '55773639':{'en': u('Luis Eduardo Magalh\u00e3es - BA'), 'pt': u('Luis Eduardo Magalh\u00e3es - BA')}, '55663521':{'en': 'Alta Floresta - MT', 'pt': 'Alta Floresta - MT'}, '55663522':{'en': u('S\u00e3o F\u00e9lix do Araguaia - MT'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o F\u00e9lix do Araguaia - MT')}, '55663523':{'en': 'Nova Santa Helena - MT', 'pt': 'Nova Santa Helena - MT'}, '55663525':{'en': 'Carlinda - MT', 'pt': 'Carlinda - MT'}, '55663526':{'en': u('Porto dos Ga\u00fachos - MT'), 'pt': u('Porto dos Ga\u00fachos - MT')}, '55663527':{'en': u('Nova Uni\u00e3o - MT'), 'pt': u('Nova Uni\u00e3o - MT')}, '55313090':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55663529':{'en': u('Quer\u00eancia - MT'), 'pt': u('Quer\u00eancia - MT')}, '55313094':{'en': 'Ipatinga - MG', 'pt': 'Ipatinga - MG'}, '55473543':{'en': 'Rio do Oeste - SC', 'pt': 'Rio do Oeste - SC'}, '55313096':{'en': 'Ipatinga - MG', 'pt': 'Ipatinga - MG'}, '55473542':{'en': u('Agron\u00f4mica - SC'), 'pt': u('Agron\u00f4mica - SC')}, '55473545':{'en': 'Pouso Redondo - SC', 'pt': 'Pouso Redondo - SC'}, '55693442':{'en': 'Rolim de Moura - RO', 'pt': 'Rolim de Moura - RO'}, '55473544':{'en': 'Trombudo Central - SC', 'pt': 'Trombudo Central - SC'}, '55353413':{'en': 'Passos - MG', 'pt': 'Passos - MG'}, '55353539':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o do Para\u00edso - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o do Para\u00edso - MG')}, '55673463':{'en': 'Juti - MS', 'pt': 'Juti - MS'}, '55543433':{'en': 'Arco Verde - RS', 'pt': 'Arco Verde - RS'}, '55613201':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55543435':{'en': 'Boa Vista do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Boa Vista do Sul - RS'}, '55543434':{'en': 'Silva Jardim - RS', 'pt': 'Silva Jardim - RS'}, '55543439':{'en': 'Faria Lemos - RS', 'pt': 'Faria Lemos - RS'}, '55693443':{'en': 'Cacoal - RO', 'pt': 'Cacoal - RO'}, '55413659':{'en': 'Tunas - PR', 'pt': 'Tunas - PR'}, '55413658':{'en': u('Bocai\u00fava do Sul - PR'), 'pt': u('Bocai\u00fava do Sul - PR')}, '55413653':{'en': 'Pinhais - PR', 'pt': 'Pinhais - PR'}, '55413652':{'en': 'Rio Branco do Sul - PR', 'pt': 'Rio Branco do Sul - PR'}, '55413651':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Luiz do Purun\u00e3 - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Luiz do Purun\u00e3 - PR')}, '55413657':{'en': u('Almirante Tamandar\u00e9 - PR'), 'pt': u('Almirante Tamandar\u00e9 - PR')}, '55413656':{'en': 'Colombo - PR', 'pt': 'Colombo - PR'}, '55313320':{'en': 'Ipaba - MG', 'pt': 'Ipaba - MG'}, '55753353':{'en': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio de Jesus - BA'), 'pt': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio de Jesus - BA')}, '55473428':{'en': 'Dona Francisca SC 301 - SC', 'pt': 'Dona Francisca SC 301 - SC'}, '55353531':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o do Para\u00edso - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o do Para\u00edso - MG')}, '55473422':{'en': 'Joinville - SC', 'pt': 'Joinville - SC'}, '55473423':{'en': 'Joinville - SC', 'pt': 'Joinville - SC'}, '55473426':{'en': 'Joinville - SC', 'pt': 'Joinville - SC'}, '55473427':{'en': 'Joinville - SC', 'pt': 'Joinville - SC'}, '55473424':{'en': 'Pirabeiraba - SC', 'pt': 'Pirabeiraba - SC'}, '55554001':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55753181':{'en': 'Alagoinhas - BA', 'pt': 'Alagoinhas - BA'}, '55353100':{'en': 'Extrema - MG', 'pt': 'Extrema - MG'}, '55313392':{'en': 'Contagem - MG', 'pt': 'Contagem - MG'}, '55443526':{'en': 'Formosa do Oeste - PR', 'pt': 'Formosa do Oeste - PR'}, '55693445':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Felipe do Oeste - RO'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Felipe do Oeste - RO')}, '55313395':{'en': 'Contagem - MG', 'pt': 'Contagem - MG'}, '55443523':{'en': u('Campo Mour\u00e3o - PR'), 'pt': u('Campo Mour\u00e3o - PR')}, '55693447':{'en': 'Parecis - RO', 'pt': 'Parecis - RO'}, '55163659':{'en': 'Brodowski - SP', 'pt': 'Brodowski - SP'}, '55513222':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55643441':{'en': u('Catal\u00e3o - GO'), 'pt': u('Catal\u00e3o - GO')}, '55643440':{'en': 'Cumari - GO', 'pt': 'Cumari - GO'}, '55212429':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212428':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55483355':{'en': 'Imbituba - SC', 'pt': 'Imbituba - SC'}, '55483354':{'en': 'Garopaba - SC', 'pt': 'Garopaba - SC'}, '55643443':{'en': u('Catal\u00e3o - GO'), 'pt': u('Catal\u00e3o - GO')}, '55143556':{'en': u('Cafel\u00e2ndia - SP'), 'pt': u('Cafel\u00e2ndia - SP')}, '55143554':{'en': u('Cafel\u00e2ndia - SP'), 'pt': u('Cafel\u00e2ndia - SP')}, '55212422':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55183862':{'en': 'Pacaembu - SP', 'pt': 'Pacaembu - SP'}, '55143553':{'en': u('Guaimb\u00ea - SP'), 'pt': u('Guaimb\u00ea - SP')}, '55212427':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55183861':{'en': 'Irapuru - SP', 'pt': 'Irapuru - SP'}, '55513225':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55633415':{'en': u('Aragua\u00edna - TO'), 'pt': u('Aragua\u00edna - TO')}, '55633414':{'en': u('Aragua\u00edna - TO'), 'pt': u('Aragua\u00edna - TO')}, '55633416':{'en': u('Aragua\u00edna - TO'), 'pt': u('Aragua\u00edna - TO')}, '55633411':{'en': u('Aragua\u00edna - TO'), 'pt': u('Aragua\u00edna - TO')}, '55513682':{'en': u('Balne\u00e1rio Pinhal - RS'), 'pt': u('Balne\u00e1rio Pinhal - RS')}, '55633413':{'en': u('Aragua\u00edna - TO'), 'pt': u('Aragua\u00edna - TO')}, '55633412':{'en': u('Aragua\u00edna - TO'), 'pt': u('Aragua\u00edna - TO')}, '55513224':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55433878':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55273064':{'en': 'Serra - ES', 'pt': 'Serra - ES'}, '55273065':{'en': 'Serra - ES', 'pt': 'Serra - ES'}, '55473365':{'en': u('Cambori\u00fa - SC'), 'pt': u('Cambori\u00fa - SC')}, '55193017':{'en': 'Indaiatuba - SP', 'pt': 'Indaiatuba - SP'}, '55513227':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55753667':{'en': 'Nossa Senhora da Ajuda - BA', 'pt': 'Nossa Senhora da Ajuda - BA'}, '55713601':{'en': 'Candeias - BA', 'pt': 'Candeias - BA'}, '55713602':{'en': 'Candeias - BA', 'pt': 'Candeias - BA'}, '55713605':{'en': 'Candeias - BA', 'pt': 'Candeias - BA'}, '55713604':{'en': 'Madre de Deus - BA', 'pt': 'Madre de Deus - BA'}, '55413304':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55323512':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55163902':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55323511':{'en': u('Muria\u00e9 - MG'), 'pt': u('Muria\u00e9 - MG')}, '55533304':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55193457':{'en': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara D\'Oeste - SP'), 'pt': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara D\'Oeste - SP')}, '55733214':{'en': 'Itabuna - BA', 'pt': 'Itabuna - BA'}, '55543238':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55633491':{'en': u('Luzin\u00f3polis - TO'), 'pt': u('Luzin\u00f3polis - TO')}, '55733299':{'en': u('Lajed\u00e3o - BA'), 'pt': u('Lajed\u00e3o - BA')}, '55543233':{'en': u('Ip\u00ea - RS'), 'pt': u('Ip\u00ea - RS')}, '55543232':{'en': 'Vacaria - RS', 'pt': 'Vacaria - RS'}, '55543231':{'en': 'Vacaria - RS', 'pt': 'Vacaria - RS'}, '55412103':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55543237':{'en': 'Bom Jesus - RS', 'pt': 'Bom Jesus - RS'}, '55543235':{'en': 'Campestre da Serra - RS', 'pt': 'Campestre da Serra - RS'}, '55543234':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Ausentes - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Ausentes - RS')}, '55244004':{'en': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55333333':{'en': 'Realeza - MG', 'pt': 'Realeza - MG'}, '55333332':{'en': u('Manhua\u00e7u - MG'), 'pt': u('Manhua\u00e7u - MG')}, '55333331':{'en': u('Manhua\u00e7u - MG'), 'pt': u('Manhua\u00e7u - MG')}, '55173201':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55333336':{'en': u('Simon\u00e9sia - MG'), 'pt': u('Simon\u00e9sia - MG')}, '55333335':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Mantimento - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Mantimento - MG')}, '55333334':{'en': u('Manhua\u00e7u - MG'), 'pt': u('Manhua\u00e7u - MG')}, '55333339':{'en': u('Manhua\u00e7u - MG'), 'pt': u('Manhua\u00e7u - MG')}, '55173209':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55733290':{'en': u('Ibirapu\u00e3 - BA'), 'pt': u('Ibirapu\u00e3 - BA')}, '55163810':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Joaquim da Barra - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Joaquim da Barra - SP')}, '55713345':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55213481':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213483':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213484':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213485':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55642104':{'en': 'Rio Verde - GO', 'pt': 'Rio Verde - GO'}, '55713717':{'en': u('Cama\u00e7ari - BA'), 'pt': u('Cama\u00e7ari - BA')}, '55733295':{'en': u('Itanh\u00e9m - BA'), 'pt': u('Itanh\u00e9m - BA')}, '55733297':{'en': 'Caravelas - BA', 'pt': 'Caravelas - BA'}, '55323255':{'en': u('Ewbank da C\u00e2mara - MG'), 'pt': u('Ewbank da C\u00e2mara - MG')}, '55773677':{'en': u('\u00c9rico Cardoso - BA'), 'pt': u('\u00c9rico Cardoso - BA')}, '55323254':{'en': 'Piau - MG', 'pt': 'Piau - MG'}, '55443445':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o do Caiu\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o do Caiu\u00e1 - PR')}, '55643496':{'en': u('Alo\u00e2ndia - GO'), 'pt': u('Alo\u00e2ndia - GO')}, '55163010':{'en': 'Araraquara - SP', 'pt': 'Araraquara - SP'}, '55323256':{'en': 'Aracitaba - MG', 'pt': 'Aracitaba - MG'}, '55643492':{'en': u('Ed\u00e9ia - GO'), 'pt': u('Ed\u00e9ia - GO')}, '55163014':{'en': 'Araraquara - SP', 'pt': 'Araraquara - SP'}, '55643491':{'en': 'Ipameri - GO', 'pt': 'Ipameri - GO'}, '55443443':{'en': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio do Caiu\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio do Caiu\u00e1 - PR')}, '55643498':{'en': 'Professor Jamil - GO', 'pt': 'Professor Jamil - GO'}, '55323250':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55493558':{'en': 'Ipira - SC', 'pt': 'Ipira - SC'}, '55323253':{'en': 'Tabuleiro - MG', 'pt': 'Tabuleiro - MG'}, '55493551':{'en': u('Joa\u00e7aba - SC'), 'pt': u('Joa\u00e7aba - SC')}, '55493552':{'en': u('Lacerd\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Lacerd\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55323252':{'en': 'Santos Dumont - MG', 'pt': 'Santos Dumont - MG'}, '55493554':{'en': 'Herval D\'Oeste - SC', 'pt': 'Herval D\'Oeste - SC'}, '55493555':{'en': 'Capinzal - SC', 'pt': 'Capinzal - SC'}, '55493556':{'en': u('Brun\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Brun\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55493557':{'en': u('Zort\u00e9a - SC'), 'pt': u('Zort\u00e9a - SC')}, '55433325':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55433324':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55433326':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55433321':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55433323':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55433322':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55242401':{'en': u('Barra do Pira\u00ed - RJ'), 'pt': u('Barra do Pira\u00ed - RJ')}, '55433329':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55242404':{'en': 'Angra dos Reis - RJ', 'pt': 'Angra dos Reis - RJ'}, '55163338':{'en': u('Gavi\u00e3o Peixoto - SP'), 'pt': u('Gavi\u00e3o Peixoto - SP')}, '55163339':{'en': 'Araraquara - SP', 'pt': 'Araraquara - SP'}, '55163334':{'en': 'Araraquara - SP', 'pt': 'Araraquara - SP'}, '55163335':{'en': 'Araraquara - SP', 'pt': 'Araraquara - SP'}, '55163336':{'en': 'Araraquara - SP', 'pt': 'Araraquara - SP'}, '55163337':{'en': 'Araraquara - SP', 'pt': 'Araraquara - SP'}, '55163331':{'en': 'Araraquara - SP', 'pt': 'Araraquara - SP'}, '55163332':{'en': 'Araraquara - SP', 'pt': 'Araraquara - SP'}, '55163333':{'en': 'Araraquara - SP', 'pt': 'Araraquara - SP'}, '55383255':{'en': 'Botumirim - MG', 'pt': 'Botumirim - MG'}, '55383254':{'en': 'Itacambira - MG', 'pt': 'Itacambira - MG'}, '55383253':{'en': 'Engenheiro Navarro - MG', 'pt': 'Engenheiro Navarro - MG'}, '55383252':{'en': 'Engenheiro Dolabela - MG', 'pt': 'Engenheiro Dolabela - MG'}, '55383251':{'en': u('Bocai\u00fava - MG'), 'pt': u('Bocai\u00fava - MG')}, '55313663':{'en': 'Pedro Leopoldo - MG', 'pt': 'Pedro Leopoldo - MG'}, '55313662':{'en': 'Pedro Leopoldo - MG', 'pt': 'Pedro Leopoldo - MG'}, '55214133':{'en': u('Mag\u00e9 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Mag\u00e9 - RJ')}, '55313660':{'en': 'Pedro Leopoldo - MG', 'pt': 'Pedro Leopoldo - MG'}, '55313667':{'en': 'Coronel Fabriciano - MG', 'pt': 'Coronel Fabriciano - MG'}, '55214137':{'en': u('Nil\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nil\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55214139':{'en': u('Maric\u00e1 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Maric\u00e1 - RJ')}, '55214138':{'en': 'Queimados - RJ', 'pt': 'Queimados - RJ'}, '55464054':{'en': u('Francisco Beltr\u00e3o - PR'), 'pt': u('Francisco Beltr\u00e3o - PR')}, '55163482':{'en': 'Cravinhos - SP', 'pt': 'Cravinhos - SP'}, '55513318':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55163488':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Sim\u00e3o - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Sim\u00e3o - SP')}, '55163489':{'en': 'Serrana - SP', 'pt': 'Serrana - SP'}, '55613013':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55513051':{'en': 'Canoas - RS', 'pt': 'Canoas - RS'}, '55613010':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55713043':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55323351':{'en': 'Barroso - MG', 'pt': 'Barroso - MG'}, '55653529':{'en': 'Santa Rita do Trivelato - MT', 'pt': 'Santa Rita do Trivelato - MT'}, '55323353':{'en': 'Dores de Campos - MG', 'pt': 'Dores de Campos - MG'}, '55323354':{'en': 'Resende Costa - MG', 'pt': 'Resende Costa - MG'}, '55323355':{'en': 'Tiradentes - MG', 'pt': 'Tiradentes - MG'}, '55323356':{'en': u('Rit\u00e1polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Rit\u00e1polis - MG')}, '55323357':{'en': 'Coronel Xavier Chaves - MG', 'pt': 'Coronel Xavier Chaves - MG'}, '55513247':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513246':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55413404':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413405':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR')}, '55313402':{'en': 'Nova Lima - MG', 'pt': 'Nova Lima - MG'}, '55513241':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513240':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55683325':{'en': 'Marechal Thaumaturgo - AC', 'pt': 'Marechal Thaumaturgo - AC'}, '55683327':{'en': 'Assis Brasil (Vila) - AC', 'pt': 'Assis Brasil (Vila) - AC'}, '55313409':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55383731':{'en': u('V\u00e1rzea da Palma - MG'), 'pt': u('V\u00e1rzea da Palma - MG')}, '55193702':{'en': 'Limeira - SP', 'pt': 'Limeira - SP'}, '55193251':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193252':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193253':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193254':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193255':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193256':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193257':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193258':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193259':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193708':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193709':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55653611':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55224105':{'en': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ', 'pt': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ'}, '55224104':{'en': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ')}, '55733676':{'en': u('Barrol\u00e2ndia - BA'), 'pt': u('Barrol\u00e2ndia - BA')}, '55733677':{'en': 'Coroa Vermelha - BA', 'pt': 'Coroa Vermelha - BA'}, '55733674':{'en': 'Barra de Caravelas - BA', 'pt': 'Barra de Caravelas - BA'}, '55613533':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55733672':{'en': u('Santa Cruz Cabr\u00e1lia - BA'), 'pt': u('Santa Cruz Cabr\u00e1lia - BA')}, '55733673':{'en': 'Arataca - BA', 'pt': 'Arataca - BA'}, '55733671':{'en': u('Santa Cruz Cabr\u00e1lia - BA'), 'pt': u('Santa Cruz Cabr\u00e1lia - BA')}, '55313694':{'en': 'Nova Lima - MG', 'pt': 'Nova Lima - MG'}, '55483631':{'en': u('Tubar\u00e3o - SC'), 'pt': u('Tubar\u00e3o - SC')}, '55483632':{'en': u('Tubar\u00e3o - SC'), 'pt': u('Tubar\u00e3o - SC')}, '55323729':{'en': u('Muria\u00e9 - MG'), 'pt': u('Muria\u00e9 - MG')}, '55323728':{'en': u('Muria\u00e9 - MG'), 'pt': u('Muria\u00e9 - MG')}, '55513441':{'en': 'Cachoeirinha - RS', 'pt': 'Cachoeirinha - RS'}, '55323721':{'en': u('Muria\u00e9 - MG'), 'pt': u('Muria\u00e9 - MG')}, '55323723':{'en': u('Ros\u00e1rio da Limeira - MG'), 'pt': u('Ros\u00e1rio da Limeira - MG')}, '55323722':{'en': u('Muria\u00e9 - MG'), 'pt': u('Muria\u00e9 - MG')}, '55323725':{'en': u('Ant\u00f4nio Prado de Minas - MG'), 'pt': u('Ant\u00f4nio Prado de Minas - MG')}, '55323724':{'en': u('Eugen\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Eugen\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55323727':{'en': u('Bar\u00e3o de Monte Alto - MG'), 'pt': u('Bar\u00e3o de Monte Alto - MG')}, '55323726':{'en': u('Patroc\u00ednio do Muria\u00e9 - MG'), 'pt': u('Patroc\u00ednio do Muria\u00e9 - MG')}, '55623535':{'en': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55143769':{'en': 'Holambra II - SP', 'pt': 'Holambra II - SP'}, '55143768':{'en': 'Jurumirim - SP', 'pt': 'Jurumirim - SP'}, '55143761':{'en': u('Ita\u00ed - SP'), 'pt': u('Ita\u00ed - SP')}, '55623533':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55143762':{'en': 'Taquarituba - SP', 'pt': 'Taquarituba - SP'}, '55353591':{'en': 'Monte Santo de Minas - MG', 'pt': 'Monte Santo de Minas - MG'}, '55143764':{'en': 'Iaras - SP', 'pt': 'Iaras - SP'}, '55353593':{'en': u('Jacu\u00ed - MG'), 'pt': u('Jacu\u00ed - MG')}, '55143766':{'en': 'Arandu - SP', 'pt': 'Arandu - SP'}, '55213105':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213104':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213107':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213106':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213103':{'en': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ')}, '55733248':{'en': u('Itap\u00e9 - BA'), 'pt': u('Itap\u00e9 - BA')}, '55733247':{'en': 'Almadina - BA', 'pt': 'Almadina - BA'}, '55733246':{'en': 'Itapitanga - BA', 'pt': 'Itapitanga - BA'}, '55733245':{'en': u('Ubat\u00e3 - BA'), 'pt': u('Ubat\u00e3 - BA')}, '55733244':{'en': u('Itagib\u00e1 - BA'), 'pt': u('Itagib\u00e1 - BA')}, '55213109':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213108':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55733241':{'en': 'Coaraci - BA', 'pt': 'Coaraci - BA'}, '55733240':{'en': 'Gongogi - BA', 'pt': 'Gongogi - BA'}, '55463272':{'en': 'Pato Branco - PR', 'pt': 'Pato Branco - PR'}, '55773413':{'en': 'Cascavel - BA', 'pt': 'Cascavel - BA'}, '55353371':{'en': 'Passa Quatro - MG', 'pt': 'Passa Quatro - MG'}, '55373361':{'en': 'Oliveira - MG', 'pt': 'Oliveira - MG'}, '55353373':{'en': u('Virg\u00ednia - MG'), 'pt': u('Virg\u00ednia - MG')}, '55353375':{'en': u('Dom Vi\u00e7oso - MG'), 'pt': u('Dom Vi\u00e7oso - MG')}, '55143496':{'en': u('Tup\u00e3 - SP'), 'pt': u('Tup\u00e3 - SP')}, '55143495':{'en': u('Tup\u00e3 - SP'), 'pt': u('Tup\u00e3 - SP')}, '55212714':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55143493':{'en': 'Varpa - SP', 'pt': 'Varpa - SP'}, '55143492':{'en': 'Vera Cruz - SP', 'pt': 'Vera Cruz - SP'}, '55143491':{'en': u('Tup\u00e3 - SP'), 'pt': u('Tup\u00e3 - SP')}, '55633602':{'en': u('Para\u00edso do Tocantins - TO'), 'pt': u('Para\u00edso do Tocantins - TO')}, '55513445':{'en': 'Presidente Lucena - RS', 'pt': 'Presidente Lucena - RS'}, '55553621':{'en': 'Santana do Livramento - RS', 'pt': 'Santana do Livramento - RS'}, '55673443':{'en': u('Bataypor\u00e3 - MS'), 'pt': u('Bataypor\u00e3 - MS')}, '55443433':{'en': u('Nova Alian\u00e7a do Iva\u00ed - PR'), 'pt': u('Nova Alian\u00e7a do Iva\u00ed - PR')}, '55553629':{'en': 'Jacuizinho - RS', 'pt': 'Jacuizinho - RS'}, '55343328':{'en': 'Campo Florido - MG', 'pt': 'Campo Florido - MG'}, '55193312':{'en': 'Indaiatuba - SP', 'pt': 'Indaiatuba - SP'}, '55433660':{'en': u('Lupion\u00f3polis - PR'), 'pt': u('Lupion\u00f3polis - PR')}, '55433661':{'en': 'Alvorada do Sul - PR', 'pt': 'Alvorada do Sul - PR'}, '55433662':{'en': u('Florest\u00f3polis - PR'), 'pt': u('Florest\u00f3polis - PR')}, '55433911':{'en': 'Jacarezinho - PR', 'pt': 'Jacarezinho - PR'}, '55473135':{'en': 'Rio da Anta - SC', 'pt': 'Rio da Anta - SC'}, '55222643':{'en': 'Cabo Frio - RJ', 'pt': 'Cabo Frio - RJ'}, '55222640':{'en': 'Cabo Frio - RJ', 'pt': 'Cabo Frio - RJ'}, '55222647':{'en': 'Cabo Frio - RJ', 'pt': 'Cabo Frio - RJ'}, '55222644':{'en': 'Cabo Frio - RJ', 'pt': 'Cabo Frio - RJ'}, '55222645':{'en': 'Cabo Frio - RJ', 'pt': 'Cabo Frio - RJ'}, '55673565':{'en': 'Aparecida do Taboado - MS', 'pt': 'Aparecida do Taboado - MS'}, '55673331':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55372102':{'en': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55372101':{'en': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55673489':{'en': u('Ind\u00e1polis - MS'), 'pt': u('Ind\u00e1polis - MS')}, '55673487':{'en': 'Vila Marques - MS', 'pt': 'Vila Marques - MS'}, '55673484':{'en': u('Caarap\u00f3 - MS'), 'pt': u('Caarap\u00f3 - MS')}, '55513447':{'en': 'Alvorada - RS', 'pt': 'Alvorada - RS'}, '55673483':{'en': 'Coronel Sapucaia - MS', 'pt': 'Coronel Sapucaia - MS'}, '55673480':{'en': 'Paranhos - MS', 'pt': 'Paranhos - MS'}, '55673481':{'en': u('Amamba\u00ed - MS'), 'pt': u('Amamba\u00ed - MS')}, '55443431':{'en': u('Para\u00edso do Norte - PR'), 'pt': u('Para\u00edso do Norte - PR')}, '55453305':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55453304':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55493637':{'en': 'Cristo Rei - SC', 'pt': 'Cristo Rei - SC'}, '55453306':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55453301':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55493633':{'en': 'Santa Helena - SC', 'pt': 'Santa Helena - SC'}, '55493632':{'en': u('Tun\u00e1polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Tun\u00e1polis - SC')}, '55624015':{'en': u('An\u00e1polis - GO'), 'pt': u('An\u00e1polis - GO')}, '55513446':{'en': u('Viam\u00e3o - RS'), 'pt': u('Viam\u00e3o - RS')}, '55212675':{'en': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ', 'pt': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ'}, '55212670':{'en': 'Japeri - RJ', 'pt': 'Japeri - RJ'}, '55212671':{'en': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ', 'pt': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ'}, '55212673':{'en': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ', 'pt': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ'}, '55613383':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613382':{'en': u('Guar\u00e1 - DF'), 'pt': u('Guar\u00e1 - DF')}, '55443038':{'en': 'Umuarama - PR', 'pt': 'Umuarama - PR'}, '55443039':{'en': 'Cianorte - PR', 'pt': 'Cianorte - PR'}, '55613387':{'en': 'Sobradinho - DF', 'pt': 'Sobradinho - DF'}, '55613386':{'en': u('N\u00facleo Bandeirante - DF'), 'pt': u('N\u00facleo Bandeirante - DF')}, '55613385':{'en': 'Federal District', 'pt': 'Distrito Federal'}, '55613384':{'en': 'Federal District', 'pt': 'Distrito Federal'}, '55493491':{'en': 'Seara - SC', 'pt': 'Seara - SC'}, '55613389':{'en': 'Planaltina - DF', 'pt': 'Planaltina - DF'}, '55613388':{'en': 'Planaltina - DF', 'pt': 'Planaltina - DF'}, '55273215':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55273213':{'en': 'Cariacica - ES', 'pt': 'Cariacica - ES'}, '55193888':{'en': u('Paul\u00ednia - SP'), 'pt': u('Paul\u00ednia - SP')}, '55193885':{'en': 'Indaiatuba - SP', 'pt': 'Indaiatuba - SP'}, '55193884':{'en': u('Paul\u00ednia - SP'), 'pt': u('Paul\u00ednia - SP')}, '55193887':{'en': u('Hortol\u00e2ndia - SP'), 'pt': u('Hortol\u00e2ndia - SP')}, '55193886':{'en': 'Vinhedo - SP', 'pt': 'Vinhedo - SP'}, '55193881':{'en': 'Valinhos - SP', 'pt': 'Valinhos - SP'}, '5561':{'en': 'Federal District', 'pt': 'Distrito Federal'}, '55193883':{'en': u('Sumar\u00e9 - SP'), 'pt': u('Sumar\u00e9 - SP')}, '55193882':{'en': u('Cosm\u00f3polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Cosm\u00f3polis - SP')}, '55413369':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55513492':{'en': u('Viam\u00e3o - RS'), 'pt': u('Viam\u00e3o - RS')}, '55413367':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55513490':{'en': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS')}, '55513491':{'en': u('Gua\u00edba - RS'), 'pt': u('Gua\u00edba - RS')}, '55513496':{'en': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS')}, '55513497':{'en': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS')}, '55513494':{'en': u('Itapu\u00e3 - RS'), 'pt': u('Itapu\u00e3 - RS')}, '55413366':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55513647':{'en': 'Vendinha - RS', 'pt': 'Vendinha - RS'}, '55513499':{'en': 'Eldorado do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Eldorado do Sul - RS'}, '55413365':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413364':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55513645':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Pedro da Serra - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Pedro da Serra - RS')}, '55513233':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55242235':{'en': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55623639':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55242237':{'en': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55242236':{'en': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55242231':{'en': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55513230':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55242233':{'en': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55242232':{'en': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55623631':{'en': u('Jata\u00ed - GO'), 'pt': u('Jata\u00ed - GO')}, '55413360':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55623636':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623637':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55323291':{'en': 'Santa Rita de Jacutinga - MG', 'pt': 'Santa Rita de Jacutinga - MG'}, '55323293':{'en': 'Liberdade - MG', 'pt': 'Liberdade - MG'}, '55323292':{'en': 'Bom Jardim de Minas - MG', 'pt': 'Bom Jardim de Minas - MG'}, '55323295':{'en': 'Passa-Vinte - MG', 'pt': 'Passa-Vinte - MG'}, '55323294':{'en': 'Bocaina de Minas - MG', 'pt': 'Bocaina de Minas - MG'}, '55323296':{'en': 'Arantina - MG', 'pt': 'Arantina - MG'}, '55453578':{'en': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55733084':{'en': u('Ilh\u00e9us - BA'), 'pt': u('Ilh\u00e9us - BA')}, '55323323':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o Del Rei - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o Del Rei - MG')}, '55663506':{'en': u('Anal\u00e2ndia do Norte - MT'), 'pt': u('Anal\u00e2ndia do Norte - MT')}, '55663507':{'en': 'Simione - MT', 'pt': 'Simione - MT'}, '55663504':{'en': u('Uni\u00e3o do Norte (Antiga Lenisl\u00e2ndia) - MT'), 'pt': u('Uni\u00e3o do Norte (Antiga Lenisl\u00e2ndia) - MT')}, '55413099':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55663503':{'en': 'Brianorte - MT', 'pt': 'Brianorte - MT'}, '55663500':{'en': 'Primavera do Leste - MT', 'pt': 'Primavera do Leste - MT'}, '55663501':{'en': 'Alta Floresta - MT', 'pt': 'Alta Floresta - MT'}, '55693534':{'en': u('Alto Para\u00edso - RO'), 'pt': u('Alto Para\u00edso - RO')}, '55693535':{'en': 'Ariquemes - RO', 'pt': 'Ariquemes - RO'}, '55693536':{'en': 'Ariquemes - RO', 'pt': 'Ariquemes - RO'}, '55413096':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR')}, '55693530':{'en': 'Monte Negro - RO', 'pt': 'Monte Negro - RO'}, '55663508':{'en': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio Fontoura - MT'), 'pt': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio Fontoura - MT')}, '55693533':{'en': 'Porto Velho - RO', 'pt': 'Porto Velho - RO'}, '55153202':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55153207':{'en': 'Gramadinho - SP', 'pt': 'Gramadinho - SP'}, '55153205':{'en': u('Tatu\u00ed - SP'), 'pt': u('Tatu\u00ed - SP')}, '55543457':{'en': 'Monte Belo do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Monte Belo do Sul - RS'}, '55543456':{'en': 'Santa Tereza - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Tereza - RS'}, '55543452':{'en': u('Bento Gon\u00e7alves - RS'), 'pt': u('Bento Gon\u00e7alves - RS')}, '55543451':{'en': u('Bento Gon\u00e7alves - RS'), 'pt': u('Bento Gon\u00e7alves - RS')}, '55543459':{'en': u('Bento Gon\u00e7alves - RS'), 'pt': u('Bento Gon\u00e7alves - RS')}, '55543458':{'en': u('Tuiut\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Tuiut\u00ed - RS')}, '55413671':{'en': 'Quatro Barras - PR', 'pt': 'Quatro Barras - PR'}, '55413673':{'en': 'Piraquara - PR', 'pt': 'Piraquara - PR'}, '55413672':{'en': 'Quatro Barras - PR', 'pt': 'Quatro Barras - PR'}, '55413675':{'en': 'Colombo - PR', 'pt': 'Colombo - PR'}, '55413674':{'en': 'Tijucas do Sul - PR', 'pt': 'Tijucas do Sul - PR'}, '55313342':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55413676':{'en': 'Campina Grande do Sul - PR', 'pt': 'Campina Grande do Sul - PR'}, '55413679':{'en': 'Campina Grande do Sul - PR', 'pt': 'Campina Grande do Sul - PR'}, '55413678':{'en': u('Adrian\u00f3polis - PR'), 'pt': u('Adrian\u00f3polis - PR')}, '55693581':{'en': 'Machadinho D\'Oeste - RO', 'pt': 'Machadinho D\'Oeste - RO'}, '55473405':{'en': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC'), 'pt': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC')}, '55662101':{'en': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT'), 'pt': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT')}, '55662103':{'en': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT'), 'pt': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT')}, '55513567':{'en': 'Santa Maria do Herval - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria do Herval - RS'}, '55753690':{'en': 'Capela do Alto Alegre - BA', 'pt': 'Capela do Alto Alegre - BA'}, '55433132':{'en': u('Corn\u00e9lio Proc\u00f3pio - PR'), 'pt': u('Corn\u00e9lio Proc\u00f3pio - PR')}, '55433133':{'en': u('Corn\u00e9lio Proc\u00f3pio - PR'), 'pt': u('Corn\u00e9lio Proc\u00f3pio - PR')}, '55633389':{'en': u('Abreul\u00e2ndia - TO'), 'pt': u('Abreul\u00e2ndia - TO')}, '55633388':{'en': 'Santa Rosa do Tocantins - TO', 'pt': 'Santa Rosa do Tocantins - TO'}, '55633385':{'en': u('Talism\u00e3 - TO'), 'pt': u('Talism\u00e3 - TO')}, '55633384':{'en': u('Aragua\u00e7u - TO'), 'pt': u('Aragua\u00e7u - TO')}, '55633387':{'en': u('Ja\u00fa do Tocantins - TO'), 'pt': u('Ja\u00fa do Tocantins - TO')}, '55513564':{'en': u('Dois Irm\u00e3os - RS'), 'pt': u('Dois Irm\u00e3os - RS')}, '55633381':{'en': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o do Tocantins - TO'), 'pt': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o do Tocantins - TO')}, '55633383':{'en': 'Cariri do Tocantins - TO', 'pt': 'Cariri do Tocantins - TO'}, '55483378':{'en': 'Santa Tereza - SC', 'pt': 'Santa Tereza - SC'}, '55483372':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC')}, '55143535':{'en': u('Pomp\u00e9ia - SP'), 'pt': u('Pomp\u00e9ia - SP')}, '55143532':{'en': 'Lins - SP', 'pt': 'Lins - SP'}, '55212448':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212447':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212446':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212445':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212444':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212442':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212441':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212440':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55463581':{'en': 'Dois Vizinhos - PR', 'pt': 'Dois Vizinhos - PR'}, '55513209':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55273047':{'en': 'Linhares - ES', 'pt': 'Linhares - ES'}, '55273044':{'en': 'Colatina - ES', 'pt': 'Colatina - ES'}, '55273048':{'en': 'Linhares - ES', 'pt': 'Linhares - ES'}, '55273049':{'en': 'Colatina - ES', 'pt': 'Colatina - ES'}, '55492049':{'en': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC'), 'pt': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC')}, '55323574':{'en': 'Tocantins - MG', 'pt': 'Tocantins - MG'}, '55323575':{'en': 'Guarani - MG', 'pt': 'Guarani - MG'}, '55323576':{'en': 'Dores do Turvo - MG', 'pt': 'Dores do Turvo - MG'}, '55323577':{'en': 'Rodeiro - MG', 'pt': 'Rodeiro - MG'}, '55323571':{'en': 'Rio Pomba - MG', 'pt': 'Rio Pomba - MG'}, '55323572':{'en': u('Silveir\u00e2nia - MG'), 'pt': u('Silveir\u00e2nia - MG')}, '55323573':{'en': u('Pira\u00faba - MG'), 'pt': u('Pira\u00faba - MG')}, '55423526':{'en': u('Porto Uni\u00e3o - SC'), 'pt': u('Porto Uni\u00e3o - SC')}, '55533246':{'en': u('Acegu\u00e1 - RS'), 'pt': u('Acegu\u00e1 - RS')}, '55423524':{'en': u('Uni\u00e3o da Vit\u00f3ria - PR'), 'pt': u('Uni\u00e3o da Vit\u00f3ria - PR')}, '55323578':{'en': 'Guidoval - MG', 'pt': 'Guidoval - MG'}, '55423523':{'en': u('Uni\u00e3o da Vit\u00f3ria - PR'), 'pt': u('Uni\u00e3o da Vit\u00f3ria - PR')}, '55423520':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Mateus do Sul - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Mateus do Sul - PR')}, '55423521':{'en': u('Uni\u00e3o da Vit\u00f3ria - PR'), 'pt': u('Uni\u00e3o da Vit\u00f3ria - PR')}, '55434052':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55533249':{'en': 'Hulha Negra - RS', 'pt': 'Hulha Negra - RS'}, '55633432':{'en': 'Bandeirantes do Tocantins - TO', 'pt': 'Bandeirantes do Tocantins - TO'}, '55543211':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55443250':{'en': 'Presidente Castelo Branco - PR', 'pt': 'Presidente Castelo Branco - PR'}, '55543213':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55543212':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55543215':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55543214':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55213716':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ')}, '55623404':{'en': u('Assun\u00e7\u00e3o de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Assun\u00e7\u00e3o de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55543219':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55633430':{'en': u('Carmol\u00e2ndia - TO'), 'pt': u('Carmol\u00e2ndia - TO')}, '55533248':{'en': 'Pinheiro Machado - RS', 'pt': 'Pinheiro Machado - RS'}, '55443251':{'en': u('Sab\u00e1udia - PR'), 'pt': u('Sab\u00e1udia - PR')}, '55173889':{'en': 'Altair - SP', 'pt': 'Altair - SP'}, '55753698':{'en': u('Santa Br\u00edgida - BA'), 'pt': u('Santa Br\u00edgida - BA')}, '55653046':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55712136':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55613448':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55243346':{'en': 'Volta Redonda - RJ', 'pt': 'Volta Redonda - RJ'}, '55163075':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55243347':{'en': 'Volta Redonda - RJ', 'pt': 'Volta Redonda - RJ'}, '55613441':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613442':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55543717':{'en': 'Nova Prata - RS', 'pt': 'Nova Prata - RS'}, '55613445':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613447':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55333318':{'en': 'Caratinga - MG', 'pt': 'Caratinga - MG'}, '55623387':{'en': u('An\u00e1polis - GO'), 'pt': u('An\u00e1polis - GO')}, '55533613':{'en': 'Pedras Altas - RS', 'pt': 'Pedras Altas - RS'}, '55533611':{'en': u('Port\u00e3o - RS'), 'pt': u('Port\u00e3o - RS')}, '55673356':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55333313':{'en': 'Inhapim - MG', 'pt': 'Inhapim - MG'}, '55333312':{'en': 'Mutum - MG', 'pt': 'Mutum - MG'}, '55333315':{'en': 'Inhapim - MG', 'pt': 'Inhapim - MG'}, '55333314':{'en': 'Ipanema - MG', 'pt': 'Ipanema - MG'}, '55333317':{'en': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o de Ipanema - MG'), 'pt': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o de Ipanema - MG')}, '55333316':{'en': 'Pocrane - MG', 'pt': 'Pocrane - MG'}, '55673354':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55713402':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55172136':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55172137':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55513536':{'en': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o - RS'), 'pt': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o - RS')}, '55713401':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55773683':{'en': 'Jaborandi - BA', 'pt': 'Jaborandi - BA'}, '55163311':{'en': 'Araraquara - SP', 'pt': 'Araraquara - SP'}, '55163315':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55313649':{'en': 'Santa Luzia - MG', 'pt': 'Santa Luzia - MG'}, '55753021':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55313641':{'en': 'Santa Luzia - MG', 'pt': 'Santa Luzia - MG'}, '55313645':{'en': 'Vespasiano - MG', 'pt': 'Vespasiano - MG'}, '55773686':{'en': 'Serra Dourada - BA', 'pt': 'Serra Dourada - BA'}, '55183651':{'en': 'Avanhandava - SP', 'pt': 'Avanhandava - SP'}, '55183653':{'en': u('Pen\u00e1polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Pen\u00e1polis - SP')}, '55183652':{'en': u('Pen\u00e1polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Pen\u00e1polis - SP')}, '55183655':{'en': 'Barbosa - SP', 'pt': 'Barbosa - SP'}, '55243348':{'en': 'Volta Redonda - RJ', 'pt': 'Volta Redonda - RJ'}, '55183657':{'en': 'Alto Alegre - SP', 'pt': 'Alto Alegre - SP'}, '55183656':{'en': u('Jatob\u00e1 - SP'), 'pt': u('Jatob\u00e1 - SP')}, '55183659':{'en': 'Bilac - SP', 'pt': 'Bilac - SP'}, '55183658':{'en': 'Clementina - SP', 'pt': 'Clementina - SP'}, '55542621':{'en': u('Bento Gon\u00e7alves - RS'), 'pt': u('Bento Gon\u00e7alves - RS')}, '55773684':{'en': 'Roda Velha - BA', 'pt': 'Roda Velha - BA'}, '55753024':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55713408':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55513206':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55613039':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613038':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613031':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613033':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613032':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613035':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613034':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613037':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613036':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55443340':{'en': 'Alto Alegre - PR', 'pt': 'Alto Alegre - PR'}, '55443342':{'en': 'Paranapoema - PR', 'pt': 'Paranapoema - PR'}, '55443343':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55413468':{'en': 'Alexandra - PR', 'pt': 'Alexandra - PR'}, '55313428':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55323379':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o Del Rei - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o Del Rei - MG')}, '55323376':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Tiago - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Tiago - MG')}, '55313424':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55323374':{'en': 'Rio das Mortes - MG', 'pt': 'Rio das Mortes - MG'}, '55323375':{'en': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o da Barra de Minas - MG'), 'pt': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o da Barra de Minas - MG')}, '55323372':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o Del Rei - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o Del Rei - MG')}, '55323373':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o Del Rei - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o Del Rei - MG')}, '55413462':{'en': 'Morretes - PR', 'pt': 'Morretes - PR'}, '55323371':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o Del Rei - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o Del Rei - MG')}, '55683302':{'en': 'Rio Branco - AC', 'pt': 'Rio Branco - AC'}, '55683303':{'en': 'Rio Branco - AC', 'pt': 'Rio Branco - AC'}, '55683301':{'en': 'Rio Branco - AC', 'pt': 'Rio Branco - AC'}, '55193276':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193277':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193274':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193275':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193272':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193273':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193271':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193278':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193279':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193030':{'en': 'Vinhedo - SP', 'pt': 'Vinhedo - SP'}, '55163262':{'en': u('It\u00e1polis - SP'), 'pt': u('It\u00e1polis - SP')}, '55163263':{'en': u('It\u00e1polis - SP'), 'pt': u('It\u00e1polis - SP')}, '55463553':{'en': u('Espig\u00e3o Alto do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Espig\u00e3o Alto do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55463552':{'en': 'Capanema - PR', 'pt': 'Capanema - PR'}, '55733616':{'en': 'Itabuna - BA', 'pt': 'Itabuna - BA'}, '55463550':{'en': u('Renascen\u00e7a - PR'), 'pt': u('Renascen\u00e7a - PR')}, '55463557':{'en': 'Bela Vista da Caroba - PR', 'pt': 'Bela Vista da Caroba - PR'}, '55463556':{'en': u('P\u00e9rola D\'Oeste - PR'), 'pt': u('P\u00e9rola D\'Oeste - PR')}, '55463555':{'en': 'Planalto - PR', 'pt': 'Planalto - PR'}, '55733613':{'en': 'Itabuna - BA', 'pt': 'Itabuna - BA'}, '55173622':{'en': 'Jales - SP', 'pt': 'Jales - SP'}, '55173621':{'en': 'Jales - SP', 'pt': 'Jales - SP'}, '55463558':{'en': u('P\u00e9rola D\'Oeste - PR'), 'pt': u('P\u00e9rola D\'Oeste - PR')}, '55173624':{'en': 'Jales - SP', 'pt': 'Jales - SP'}, '55193031':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55312591':{'en': 'Betim - MG', 'pt': 'Betim - MG'}, '55714007':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55413288':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413289':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55323749':{'en': 'Faria Lemos - MG', 'pt': 'Faria Lemos - MG'}, '55323748':{'en': 'Pedra Dourada - MG', 'pt': 'Pedra Dourada - MG'}, '55323747':{'en': u('Alto Capara\u00f3 - MG'), 'pt': u('Alto Capara\u00f3 - MG')}, '55413281':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55323745':{'en': 'Caiana - MG', 'pt': 'Caiana - MG'}, '55413283':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR')}, '55413284':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413285':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413286':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413287':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55283518':{'en': 'Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - ES', 'pt': 'Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - ES'}, '55623954':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55153016':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55153017':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55153014':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55153012':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55153013':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55283515':{'en': 'Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - ES', 'pt': 'Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - ES'}, '55153011':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55353573':{'en': 'Monte Belo - MG', 'pt': 'Monte Belo - MG'}, '55353571':{'en': 'Muzambinho - MG', 'pt': 'Muzambinho - MG'}, '55623956':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55663421':{'en': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT'), 'pt': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT')}, '55513787':{'en': 'Pinheiral - RS', 'pt': 'Pinheiral - RS'}, '55313809':{'en': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara - MG'), 'pt': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara - MG')}, '55553423':{'en': u('Quara\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Quara\u00ed - RS')}, '55553422':{'en': 'Alegrete - RS', 'pt': 'Alegrete - RS'}, '55553421':{'en': 'Alegrete - RS', 'pt': 'Alegrete - RS'}, '55733266':{'en': 'Itarantim - BA', 'pt': 'Itarantim - BA'}, '55733261':{'en': u('Eun\u00e1polis - BA'), 'pt': u('Eun\u00e1polis - BA')}, '55553426':{'en': 'Alegrete - RS', 'pt': 'Alegrete - RS'}, '55733263':{'en': 'Teixeira de Freitas - BA', 'pt': 'Teixeira de Freitas - BA'}, '55733262':{'en': u('Eun\u00e1polis - BA'), 'pt': u('Eun\u00e1polis - BA')}, '55733269':{'en': u('Ilh\u00e9us - BA'), 'pt': u('Ilh\u00e9us - BA')}, '55733268':{'en': 'Porto Seguro - BA', 'pt': 'Porto Seguro - BA'}, '55544003':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55483330':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55623959':{'en': u('Niquel\u00e2ndia - GO'), 'pt': u('Niquel\u00e2ndia - GO')}, '55343228':{'en': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG'), 'pt': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG')}, '55373344':{'en': u('Pedra do Indai\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Pedra do Indai\u00e1 - MG')}, '55483332':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55373690':{'en': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55373343':{'en': 'Camacho - MG', 'pt': 'Camacho - MG'}, '55373341':{'en': 'Itapecerica - MG', 'pt': 'Itapecerica - MG'}, '55193186':{'en': 'Charqueada - SP', 'pt': 'Charqueada - SP'}, '55193187':{'en': 'Santa Maria da Serra - SP', 'pt': 'Santa Maria da Serra - SP'}, '55453545':{'en': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55483334':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55743648':{'en': 'Ibipeba - BA', 'pt': 'Ibipeba - BA'}, '55743649':{'en': u('Uiba\u00ed - BA'), 'pt': u('Uiba\u00ed - BA')}, '55743640':{'en': 'Presidente Dutra - BA', 'pt': 'Presidente Dutra - BA'}, '55493521':{'en': u('Joa\u00e7aba - SC'), 'pt': u('Joa\u00e7aba - SC')}, '55223311':{'en': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ')}, '55743643':{'en': 'Mulungu do Morro - BA', 'pt': 'Mulungu do Morro - BA'}, '55743644':{'en': u('Itagua\u00e7u da Bahia - BA'), 'pt': u('Itagua\u00e7u da Bahia - BA')}, '55743645':{'en': 'Campo Formoso - BA', 'pt': 'Campo Formoso - BA'}, '55743646':{'en': 'Cafarnaum - BA', 'pt': 'Cafarnaum - BA'}, '55743647':{'en': 'Jussara - BA', 'pt': 'Jussara - BA'}, '55553643':{'en': 'Boa Vista do Cadeado - RS', 'pt': 'Boa Vista do Cadeado - RS'}, '55493523':{'en': 'Luzerna - SC', 'pt': 'Luzerna - SC'}, '55453540':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Miguel do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Miguel do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55183842':{'en': u('Junqueir\u00f3polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Junqueir\u00f3polis - SP')}, '55553649':{'en': 'Sanchuri - RS', 'pt': 'Sanchuri - RS'}, '55623224':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55373522':{'en': 'Bom Despacho - MG', 'pt': 'Bom Despacho - MG'}, '55373523':{'en': u('Pomp\u00e9u - MG'), 'pt': u('Pomp\u00e9u - MG')}, '55373521':{'en': 'Bom Despacho - MG', 'pt': 'Bom Despacho - MG'}, '55373524':{'en': 'Martinho Campos - MG', 'pt': 'Martinho Campos - MG'}, '55373525':{'en': 'Moema - MG', 'pt': 'Moema - MG'}, '55623087':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55212380':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213823':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55623220':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623085':{'en': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55673316':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55673317':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55673314':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55673315':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55673312':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55673313':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55673311':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55213826':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55713621':{'en': u('Cama\u00e7ari - BA'), 'pt': u('Cama\u00e7ari - BA')}, '55673318':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55613633':{'en': 'Padre Bernardo - GO', 'pt': 'Padre Bernardo - GO'}, '55183702':{'en': 'Andradina - SP', 'pt': 'Andradina - SP'}, '55613631':{'en': 'Formosa - GO', 'pt': 'Formosa - GO'}, '55613637':{'en': 'Planaltina - GO', 'pt': 'Planaltina - GO'}, '55213392':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55653345':{'en': u('Pocon\u00e9 - MT'), 'pt': u('Pocon\u00e9 - MT')}, '55613634':{'en': 'Padre Bernardo - GO', 'pt': 'Padre Bernardo - GO'}, '55613639':{'en': 'Planaltina - GO', 'pt': 'Planaltina - GO'}, '55212659':{'en': u('Mag\u00e9 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Mag\u00e9 - RJ')}, '55273182':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55273181':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55793014':{'en': 'Nossa Senhora do Socorro - SE', 'pt': 'Nossa Senhora do Socorro - SE'}, '55212653':{'en': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ', 'pt': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ'}, '55212651':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Meriti - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Meriti - RJ')}, '55212656':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Meriti - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Meriti - RJ')}, '55693451':{'en': 'Pimenta Bueno - RO', 'pt': 'Pimenta Bueno - RO'}, '55212655':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Meriti - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Meriti - RJ')}, '55643941':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55493257':{'en': u('Frei Rog\u00e9rio - SC'), 'pt': u('Frei Rog\u00e9rio - SC')}, '55713627':{'en': u('Cama\u00e7ari - BA'), 'pt': u('Cama\u00e7ari - BA')}, '55533284':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55273239':{'en': 'Vila Velha - ES', 'pt': 'Vila Velha - ES'}, '55733238':{'en': u('Itaju\u00edpe - BA'), 'pt': u('Itaju\u00edpe - BA')}, '55533283':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55533282':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55273235':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55413385':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR')}, '55733239':{'en': u('Uru\u00e7uca - BA'), 'pt': u('Uru\u00e7uca - BA')}, '55643942':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55273233':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55273232':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55193863':{'en': 'Itapira - SP', 'pt': 'Itapira - SP'}, '55193862':{'en': 'Mogi Mirim - SP', 'pt': 'Mogi Mirim - SP'}, '55193861':{'en': u('Mogi-Gua\u00e7u - SP'), 'pt': u('Mogi-Gua\u00e7u - SP')}, '5549':{'en': 'Santa Catarina', 'pt': 'Santa Catarina'}, '55193867':{'en': u('Jaguari\u00fana - SP'), 'pt': u('Jaguari\u00fana - SP')}, '55193866':{'en': 'Conchal - SP', 'pt': 'Conchal - SP'}, '55193865':{'en': u('Hortol\u00e2ndia - SP'), 'pt': u('Hortol\u00e2ndia - SP')}, '55713626':{'en': u('Cama\u00e7ari - BA'), 'pt': u('Cama\u00e7ari - BA')}, '5542':{'en': u('Paran\u00e1'), 'pt': u('Paran\u00e1')}, '5543':{'en': u('Paran\u00e1'), 'pt': u('Paran\u00e1')}, '55193869':{'en': 'Valinhos - SP', 'pt': 'Valinhos - SP'}, '5541':{'en': u('Paran\u00e1'), 'pt': u('Paran\u00e1')}, '5546':{'en': u('Paran\u00e1'), 'pt': u('Paran\u00e1')}, '5547':{'en': 'Santa Catarina', 'pt': 'Santa Catarina'}, '5544':{'en': u('Paran\u00e1'), 'pt': u('Paran\u00e1')}, '5545':{'en': u('Paran\u00e1'), 'pt': u('Paran\u00e1')}, '55423677':{'en': u('Pinh\u00e3o - PR'), 'pt': u('Pinh\u00e3o - PR')}, '55713625':{'en': u('Dias d\'\u00c1vila - BA'), 'pt': u('Dias d\'\u00c1vila - BA')}, '55333764':{'en': 'Minas Novas - MG', 'pt': 'Minas Novas - MG'}, '55353833':{'en': 'Candeias - MG', 'pt': 'Candeias - MG'}, '55353343':{'en': 'Baependi - MG', 'pt': 'Baependi - MG'}, '55213528':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55353834':{'en': 'Aguanil - MG', 'pt': 'Aguanil - MG'}, '55713186':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55213520':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55623612':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55213525':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55623611':{'en': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55183704':{'en': 'Pereira Barreto - SP', 'pt': 'Pereira Barreto - SP'}, '55653241':{'en': 'Mirassol D\'Oeste - MT', 'pt': 'Mirassol D\'Oeste - MT'}, '55643946':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55653247':{'en': u('Reserva do Caba\u00e7al - MT'), 'pt': u('Reserva do Caba\u00e7al - MT')}, '55413261':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413266':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55544062':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55413073':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55153228':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55413070':{'en': 'Fazenda Rio Grande - PR', 'pt': 'Fazenda Rio Grande - PR'}, '55693516':{'en': 'Ariquemes - RO', 'pt': 'Ariquemes - RO'}, '55153221':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55153223':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55153222':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55153225':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55153224':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55153227':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55153226':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55543478':{'en': 'Vista Alegre do Prata - RS', 'pt': 'Vista Alegre do Prata - RS'}, '55543477':{'en': u('Para\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Para\u00ed - RS')}, '55543476':{'en': u('Uni\u00e3o da Serra - RS'), 'pt': u('Uni\u00e3o da Serra - RS')}, '55543471':{'en': 'Dois Lajeados - RS', 'pt': 'Dois Lajeados - RS'}, '55543472':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Valentim do Sul - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Valentim do Sul - RS')}, '55212227':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55413614':{'en': u('Arauc\u00e1ria - PR'), 'pt': u('Arauc\u00e1ria - PR')}, '55683463':{'en': u('Feij\u00f3 - AC'), 'pt': u('Feij\u00f3 - AC')}, '55683462':{'en': u('Tarauac\u00e1 - AC'), 'pt': u('Tarauac\u00e1 - AC')}, '55683464':{'en': u('Jord\u00e3o - AC'), 'pt': u('Jord\u00e3o - AC')}, '55713183':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55553612':{'en': 'Dilermando de Aguiar - RS', 'pt': 'Dilermando de Aguiar - RS'}, '55212016':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55273315':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55623598':{'en': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55663568':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Xingu - MT'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Xingu - MT')}, '55663569':{'en': 'Porto Alegre do Norte - MT', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre do Norte - MT'}, '55663564':{'en': 'Confresa - MT', 'pt': 'Confresa - MT'}, '55663565':{'en': u('Aripuan\u00e3 - MT'), 'pt': u('Aripuan\u00e3 - MT')}, '55663566':{'en': u('Ju\u00edna - MT'), 'pt': u('Ju\u00edna - MT')}, '55663560':{'en': 'Mato Grosso', 'pt': 'Mato Grosso'}, '55663561':{'en': u('Ita\u00faba - MT'), 'pt': u('Ita\u00faba - MT')}, '55613190':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55663563':{'en': u('Parana\u00edta - MT'), 'pt': u('Parana\u00edta - MT')}, '55373755':{'en': 'Morada Nova de Minas - MG', 'pt': 'Morada Nova de Minas - MG'}, '55333424':{'en': 'Senhora do Porto - MG', 'pt': 'Senhora do Porto - MG'}, '55163693':{'en': u('Jardin\u00f3polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Jardin\u00f3polis - SP')}, '55163690':{'en': u('Jardin\u00f3polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Jardin\u00f3polis - SP')}, '55633363':{'en': 'Porto Nacional - TO', 'pt': 'Porto Nacional - TO'}, '55633362':{'en': u('Dois Irm\u00e3os do Tocantins - TO'), 'pt': u('Dois Irm\u00e3os do Tocantins - TO')}, '55633361':{'en': u('Para\u00edso do Tocantins - TO'), 'pt': u('Para\u00edso do Tocantins - TO')}, '55633367':{'en': u('Tocant\u00ednia - TO'), 'pt': u('Tocant\u00ednia - TO')}, '55633366':{'en': 'Miracema do Tocantins - TO', 'pt': 'Miracema do Tocantins - TO'}, '55633365':{'en': u('F\u00e1tima - TO'), 'pt': u('F\u00e1tima - TO')}, '55633364':{'en': u('Lagoa da Confus\u00e3o - TO'), 'pt': u('Lagoa da Confus\u00e3o - TO')}, '55443573':{'en': 'Iretama - PR', 'pt': 'Iretama - PR'}, '55443572':{'en': u('Piquiriva\u00ed - PR'), 'pt': u('Piquiriva\u00ed - PR')}, '55443571':{'en': 'Luiziana - PR', 'pt': 'Luiziana - PR'}, '55633368':{'en': 'Pium - TO', 'pt': 'Pium - TO'}, '55443576':{'en': u('\u00c1guas de Jurema - PR'), 'pt': u('\u00c1guas de Jurema - PR')}, '55443575':{'en': 'Roncador - PR', 'pt': 'Roncador - PR'}, '55343284':{'en': u('Arapor\u00e3 - MG'), 'pt': u('Arapor\u00e3 - MG')}, '55183823':{'en': 'Dracena - SP', 'pt': 'Dracena - SP'}, '55183821':{'en': 'Dracena - SP', 'pt': 'Dracena - SP'}, '55343281':{'en': 'Tupaciguara - MG', 'pt': 'Tupaciguara - MG'}, '55343283':{'en': 'Monte Alegre de Minas - MG', 'pt': 'Monte Alegre de Minas - MG'}, '55212465':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212464':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212467':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212466':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212460':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212463':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212462':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55193519':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55163969':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55323539':{'en': u('Ub\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Ub\u00e1 - MG')}, '55663385':{'en': u('Nova Brasil\u00e2ndia - MT'), 'pt': u('Nova Brasil\u00e2ndia - MT')}, '55663386':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Claro - MT'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Claro - MT')}, '55323084':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55713396':{'en': u('Sim\u00f5es Filho - BA'), 'pt': u('Sim\u00f5es Filho - BA')}, '55713395':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713394':{'en': 'Aratu - BA', 'pt': 'Aratu - BA'}, '55713393':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55323083':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55713399':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713398':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55473347':{'en': u('Pi\u00e7arras - SC'), 'pt': u('Pi\u00e7arras - SC')}, '55473346':{'en': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC'), 'pt': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC')}, '55713273':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713622':{'en': u('Cama\u00e7ari - BA'), 'pt': u('Cama\u00e7ari - BA')}, '55323532':{'en': u('Ub\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Ub\u00e1 - MG')}, '55323559':{'en': 'Visconde do Rio Branco - MG', 'pt': 'Visconde do Rio Branco - MG'}, '55193704':{'en': 'Limeira - SP', 'pt': 'Limeira - SP'}, '55473341':{'en': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC'), 'pt': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC')}, '55713645':{'en': 'Pojuca - BA', 'pt': 'Pojuca - BA'}, '55323534':{'en': u('Br\u00e1s Pires - MG'), 'pt': u('Br\u00e1s Pires - MG')}, '55713647':{'en': 'Catu - BA', 'pt': 'Catu - BA'}, '55323551':{'en': 'Visconde do Rio Branco - MG', 'pt': 'Visconde do Rio Branco - MG'}, '55323556':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Geraldo - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Geraldo - MG')}, '55323554':{'en': u('Erv\u00e1lia - MG'), 'pt': u('Erv\u00e1lia - MG')}, '55323555':{'en': 'Coimbra - MG', 'pt': 'Coimbra - MG'}, '55323536':{'en': 'Senador Firmino - MG', 'pt': 'Senador Firmino - MG'}, '55423542':{'en': 'Mallet - PR', 'pt': 'Mallet - PR'}, '55423543':{'en': 'Paulo Frontin - PR', 'pt': 'Paulo Frontin - PR'}, '55323537':{'en': u('Paula C\u00e2ndido - MG'), 'pt': u('Paula C\u00e2ndido - MG')}, '55673422':{'en': 'Dourados - MS', 'pt': 'Dourados - MS'}, '55623429':{'en': 'Posse - GO', 'pt': 'Posse - GO'}, '55753656':{'en': u('Gl\u00f3ria - BA'), 'pt': u('Gl\u00f3ria - BA')}, '55623421':{'en': 'Alvorada do Norte - GO', 'pt': 'Alvorada do Norte - GO'}, '55623425':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Domingos - GO'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Domingos - GO')}, '55313496':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55213736':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55543276':{'en': u('Prot\u00e1sio Alves - RS'), 'pt': u('Prot\u00e1sio Alves - RS')}, '55543275':{'en': u('Nova Ara\u00e7\u00e1 - RS'), 'pt': u('Nova Ara\u00e7\u00e1 - RS')}, '55543273':{'en': 'Nova Bassano - RS', 'pt': 'Nova Bassano - RS'}, '55213733':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55543271':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jorge - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jorge - RS')}, '55213731':{'en': u('Maric\u00e1 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Maric\u00e1 - RJ')}, '55443313':{'en': u('Santa In\u00eas - PR'), 'pt': u('Santa In\u00eas - PR')}, '55543279':{'en': 'Linha Oitenta - RS', 'pt': 'Linha Oitenta - RS'}, '55443312':{'en': u('Nossa Senhora das Gra\u00e7as - PR'), 'pt': u('Nossa Senhora das Gra\u00e7as - PR')}, '55443311':{'en': 'Jardim Olinda - PR', 'pt': 'Jardim Olinda - PR'}, '55323322':{'en': 'Nazareno - MG', 'pt': 'Nazareno - MG'}, '55673424':{'en': 'Dourados - MS', 'pt': 'Dourados - MS'}, '55673425':{'en': 'Dourados - MS', 'pt': 'Dourados - MS'}, '55624051':{'en': u('An\u00e1polis - GO'), 'pt': u('An\u00e1polis - GO')}, '55673426':{'en': 'Dourados - MS', 'pt': 'Dourados - MS'}, '55673427':{'en': 'Dourados - MS', 'pt': 'Dourados - MS'}, '55613468':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613467':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613465':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613461':{'en': u('Ceil\u00e2ndia - DF'), 'pt': u('Ceil\u00e2ndia - DF')}, '55333377':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o do Manhua\u00e7u - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o do Manhua\u00e7u - MG')}, '55333373':{'en': u('Santana do Manhua\u00e7u - MG'), 'pt': u('Santana do Manhua\u00e7u - MG')}, '55443652':{'en': u('Ipor\u00e3 - PR'), 'pt': u('Ipor\u00e3 - PR')}, '55624105':{'en': 'Senador Canedo - GO', 'pt': 'Senador Canedo - GO'}, '55673429':{'en': u('Vila Maca\u00faba - MS'), 'pt': u('Vila Maca\u00faba - MS')}, '55323267':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o Nepomuceno - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o Nepomuceno - MG')}, '55544009':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55313628':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o das Neves - MG'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o das Neves - MG')}, '55313627':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o das Neves - MG'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o das Neves - MG')}, '55313626':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o das Neves - MG'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o das Neves - MG')}, '55313625':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o das Neves - MG'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o das Neves - MG')}, '55313624':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o das Neves - MG'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o das Neves - MG')}, '55313623':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 da Lapa - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 da Lapa - MG')}, '55313622':{'en': 'Vespasiano - MG', 'pt': 'Vespasiano - MG'}, '55313621':{'en': 'Vespasiano - MG', 'pt': 'Vespasiano - MG'}, '55473402':{'en': 'Joinville - SC', 'pt': 'Joinville - SC'}, '55183637':{'en': u('Ara\u00e7atuba - SP'), 'pt': u('Ara\u00e7atuba - SP')}, '55183636':{'en': u('Ara\u00e7atuba - SP'), 'pt': u('Ara\u00e7atuba - SP')}, '55183634':{'en': 'Birigui - SP', 'pt': 'Birigui - SP'}, '55183631':{'en': u('Ara\u00e7atuba - SP'), 'pt': u('Ara\u00e7atuba - SP')}, '55183639':{'en': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio do Aracangu\u00e1 - SP'), 'pt': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio do Aracangu\u00e1 - SP')}, '55183638':{'en': 'Birigui - SP', 'pt': 'Birigui - SP'}, '55643698':{'en': 'Nova Aurora - GO', 'pt': 'Nova Aurora - GO'}, '55323261':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o Nepomuceno - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o Nepomuceno - MG')}, '55633359':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Val\u00e9rio da Natividade - TO'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Val\u00e9rio da Natividade - TO')}, '55613055':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613054':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613053':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55443366':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55413443':{'en': 'Guaratuba - PR', 'pt': 'Guaratuba - PR'}, '55273721':{'en': 'Colatina - ES', 'pt': 'Colatina - ES'}, '55273720':{'en': 'Itarana - ES', 'pt': 'Itarana - ES'}, '55273727':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Gabriel da Palha - ES'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Gabriel da Palha - ES')}, '55273726':{'en': 'Pancas - ES', 'pt': 'Pancas - ES'}, '55273725':{'en': u('Itagua\u00e7u - ES'), 'pt': u('Itagua\u00e7u - ES')}, '55323313':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55423304':{'en': 'Guarapuava - PR', 'pt': 'Guarapuava - PR'}, '55273728':{'en': u('Vila Val\u00e9rio - ES'), 'pt': u('Vila Val\u00e9rio - ES')}, '55423302':{'en': 'Ponta Grossa - PR', 'pt': 'Ponta Grossa - PR'}, '55423303':{'en': 'Guarapuava - PR', 'pt': 'Guarapuava - PR'}, '55423301':{'en': 'Ponta Grossa - PR', 'pt': 'Ponta Grossa - PR'}, '55383834':{'en': 'Nova Porteirinha - MG', 'pt': 'Nova Porteirinha - MG'}, '55383833':{'en': u('Ja\u00edba - MG'), 'pt': u('Ja\u00edba - MG')}, '55383832':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o do Para\u00edso - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o do Para\u00edso - MG')}, '55383831':{'en': 'Porteirinha - MG', 'pt': 'Porteirinha - MG'}, '55623999':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623998':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55463572':{'en': u('Cruzeiro do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Cruzeiro do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55224141':{'en': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ', 'pt': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ'}, '55713644':{'en': u('Cama\u00e7ari - BA'), 'pt': u('Cama\u00e7ari - BA')}, '55463523':{'en': u('Francisco Beltr\u00e3o - PR'), 'pt': u('Francisco Beltr\u00e3o - PR')}, '55733013':{'en': 'Teixeira de Freitas - BA', 'pt': 'Teixeira de Freitas - BA'}, '55312571':{'en': 'Betim - MG', 'pt': 'Betim - MG'}, '55312572':{'en': 'Betim - MG', 'pt': 'Betim - MG'}, '55753612':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55493025':{'en': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC'), 'pt': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC')}, '55513931':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513930':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513933':{'en': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS')}, '55213288':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55353559':{'en': u('Guaxup\u00e9 - MG'), 'pt': u('Guaxup\u00e9 - MG')}, '55353558':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o do Para\u00edso - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o do Para\u00edso - MG')}, '55283533':{'en': 'Rio Novo do Sul - ES', 'pt': 'Rio Novo do Sul - ES'}, '55283532':{'en': u('Marata\u00edzes - ES'), 'pt': u('Marata\u00edzes - ES')}, '55283535':{'en': 'Presidente Kennedy - ES', 'pt': 'Presidente Kennedy - ES'}, '55283534':{'en': 'Anchieta - ES', 'pt': 'Anchieta - ES'}, '55283537':{'en': 'Iconha - ES', 'pt': 'Iconha - ES'}, '55283536':{'en': 'Anchieta - ES', 'pt': 'Anchieta - ES'}, '55353551':{'en': u('Guaxup\u00e9 - MG'), 'pt': u('Guaxup\u00e9 - MG')}, '55283538':{'en': 'Atilio Vivacqua - ES', 'pt': 'Atilio Vivacqua - ES'}, '55353553':{'en': 'Juruaia - MG', 'pt': 'Juruaia - MG'}, '55353552':{'en': u('Guaxup\u00e9 - MG'), 'pt': u('Guaxup\u00e9 - MG')}, '55353555':{'en': u('Guaran\u00e9sia - MG'), 'pt': u('Guaran\u00e9sia - MG')}, '55353554':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Pedro da Uni\u00e3o - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Pedro da Uni\u00e3o - MG')}, '55473565':{'en': 'Mirim Doce - SC', 'pt': 'Mirim Doce - SC'}, '55353556':{'en': 'Arceburgo - MG', 'pt': 'Arceburgo - MG'}, '55143722':{'en': u('Tup\u00e3 - SP'), 'pt': u('Tup\u00e3 - SP')}, '55193216':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193211':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193212':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193213':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55624104':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55643298':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643299':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55553401':{'en': 'Uruguaiana - RS', 'pt': 'Uruguaiana - RS'}, '55624103':{'en': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55223081':{'en': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ')}, '55553402':{'en': 'Uruguaiana - RS', 'pt': 'Uruguaiana - RS'}, '55223087':{'en': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ')}, '55643291':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643292':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55223084':{'en': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ')}, '55693481':{'en': u('Espig\u00e3o do Oeste - RO'), 'pt': u('Espig\u00e3o do Oeste - RO')}, '55743533':{'en': 'Campo Alegre de Lourdes - BA', 'pt': 'Campo Alegre de Lourdes - BA'}, '55353339':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Louren\u00e7o - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Louren\u00e7o - MG')}, '55373329':{'en': 'Formiga - MG', 'pt': 'Formiga - MG'}, '55353335':{'en': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o do Rio Verde - MG'), 'pt': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o do Rio Verde - MG')}, '55353334':{'en': 'Carmo de Minas - MG', 'pt': 'Carmo de Minas - MG'}, '55212425':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55353331':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Louren\u00e7o - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Louren\u00e7o - MG')}, '55373321':{'en': 'Formiga - MG', 'pt': 'Formiga - MG'}, '55353333':{'en': 'Soledade de Minas - MG', 'pt': 'Soledade de Minas - MG'}, '55353332':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Louren\u00e7o - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Louren\u00e7o - MG')}, '55653029':{'en': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT'), 'pt': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT')}, '55743668':{'en': u('Jo\u00e3o Dourado - BA'), 'pt': u('Jo\u00e3o Dourado - BA')}, '55743669':{'en': u('V\u00e1rzea da Ro\u00e7a - BA'), 'pt': u('V\u00e1rzea da Ro\u00e7a - BA')}, '55743667':{'en': 'Piritiba - BA', 'pt': 'Piritiba - BA'}, '55743664':{'en': 'Xique-xique - BA', 'pt': 'Xique-xique - BA'}, '55743665':{'en': 'Jacobina - BA', 'pt': 'Jacobina - BA'}, '55743662':{'en': 'Barra - BA', 'pt': 'Barra - BA'}, '55743661':{'en': 'Xique-Xique - BA', 'pt': 'Xique-Xique - BA'}, '55483239':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55653023':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55433625':{'en': 'Cafeara - PR', 'pt': 'Cafeara - PR'}, '55433626':{'en': u('Jundia\u00ed do Sul - PR'), 'pt': u('Jundia\u00ed do Sul - PR')}, '55433627':{'en': u('Le\u00f3polis - PR'), 'pt': u('Le\u00f3polis - PR')}, '55433622':{'en': 'Jaboti - PR', 'pt': 'Jaboti - PR'}, '55433623':{'en': 'Porecatu - PR', 'pt': 'Porecatu - PR'}, '55613371':{'en': u('Ceil\u00e2ndia - DF'), 'pt': u('Ceil\u00e2ndia - DF')}, '55653026':{'en': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT'), 'pt': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT')}, '55653027':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55653025':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55613619':{'en': u('\u00c1guas Lindas de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('\u00c1guas Lindas de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55613618':{'en': u('\u00c1guas Lindas de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('\u00c1guas Lindas de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55653361':{'en': 'Barra do Bugres - MT', 'pt': 'Barra do Bugres - MT'}, '55613613':{'en': u('\u00c1guas Lindas de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('\u00c1guas Lindas de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55513569':{'en': 'Morro Reuter - RS', 'pt': 'Morro Reuter - RS'}, '55653365':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55613614':{'en': 'Novo Gama - GO', 'pt': 'Novo Gama - GO'}, '55613617':{'en': u('\u00c1guas Lindas de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('\u00c1guas Lindas de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55613616':{'en': u('\u00c1guas Lindas de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('\u00c1guas Lindas de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55413036':{'en': u('Almirante Tamandar\u00e9 - PR'), 'pt': u('Almirante Tamandar\u00e9 - PR')}, '55413035':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR')}, '55513565':{'en': 'Nova Hartz - RS', 'pt': 'Nova Hartz - RS'}, '55153229':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55773628':{'en': u('Luis Eduardo Magalh\u00e3es - BA'), 'pt': u('Luis Eduardo Magalh\u00e3es - BA')}, '55513562':{'en': u('Port\u00e3o - RS'), 'pt': u('Port\u00e3o - RS')}, '55513563':{'en': 'Ivoti - RS', 'pt': 'Ivoti - RS'}, '55413031':{'en': u('Arauc\u00e1ria - PR'), 'pt': u('Arauc\u00e1ria - PR')}, '55273267':{'en': u('Fund\u00e3o - ES'), 'pt': u('Fund\u00e3o - ES')}, '55623324':{'en': u('An\u00e1polis - GO'), 'pt': u('An\u00e1polis - GO')}, '55623325':{'en': 'Rubiataba - GO', 'pt': 'Rubiataba - GO'}, '55743535':{'en': 'Remanso - BA', 'pt': 'Remanso - BA'}, '55193849':{'en': 'Valinhos - SP', 'pt': 'Valinhos - SP'}, '5521':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro'}, '5522':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro'}, '55183021':{'en': 'Birigui - SP', 'pt': 'Birigui - SP'}, '5524':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro'}, '55273260':{'en': 'Vila Velha - ES', 'pt': 'Vila Velha - ES'}, '5527':{'en': 'Espirito Santo', 'pt': 'Espirito Santo'}, '5528':{'en': 'Espirito Santo', 'pt': 'Espirito Santo'}, '55193843':{'en': 'Itapira - SP', 'pt': 'Itapira - SP'}, '55193842':{'en': 'Serra Negra - SP', 'pt': 'Serra Negra - SP'}, '55193845':{'en': u('Hortol\u00e2ndia - SP'), 'pt': u('Hortol\u00e2ndia - SP')}, '55193844':{'en': u('Paul\u00ednia - SP'), 'pt': u('Paul\u00ednia - SP')}, '55193847':{'en': u('Jaguari\u00fana - SP'), 'pt': u('Jaguari\u00fana - SP')}, '55193846':{'en': 'Vinhedo - SP', 'pt': 'Vinhedo - SP'}, '55623329':{'en': u('An\u00e1polis - GO'), 'pt': u('An\u00e1polis - GO')}, '55413370':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55773625':{'en': u('Santa Rita de C\u00e1ssia - BA'), 'pt': u('Santa Rita de C\u00e1ssia - BA')}, '55773624':{'en': u('Riach\u00e3o das Neves - BA'), 'pt': u('Riach\u00e3o das Neves - BA')}, '55673378':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55773626':{'en': 'Wanderley - BA', 'pt': 'Wanderley - BA'}, '55673373':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55753451':{'en': u('Ara\u00e7as - BA'), 'pt': u('Ara\u00e7as - BA')}, '55753452':{'en': 'Itatim - BA', 'pt': 'Itatim - BA'}, '55753453':{'en': 'Itanagra - BA', 'pt': 'Itanagra - BA'}, '55753456':{'en': 'Cardeal da Silva - BA', 'pt': 'Cardeal da Silva - BA'}, '55643920':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55333746':{'en': 'Rubim - MG', 'pt': 'Rubim - MG'}, '55333747':{'en': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio do Jacinto - MG'), 'pt': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio do Jacinto - MG')}, '55333744':{'en': 'Rio do Prado - MG', 'pt': 'Rio do Prado - MG'}, '55333745':{'en': u('Joa\u00edma - MG'), 'pt': u('Joa\u00edma - MG')}, '55333743':{'en': 'Felisburgo - MG', 'pt': 'Felisburgo - MG'}, '55333292':{'en': 'Marilac - MG', 'pt': 'Marilac - MG'}, '55333741':{'en': 'Jequitinhonha - MG', 'pt': 'Jequitinhonha - MG'}, '55333298':{'en': u('A\u00e7ucena - MG'), 'pt': u('A\u00e7ucena - MG')}, '55333299':{'en': u('A\u00e7ucena - MG'), 'pt': u('A\u00e7ucena - MG')}, '55213504':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213508':{'en': u('Itabora\u00ed - RJ'), 'pt': u('Itabora\u00ed - RJ')}, '55493233':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Joaquim - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Joaquim - SC')}, '55493232':{'en': 'Bom Jardim da Serra - SC', 'pt': 'Bom Jardim da Serra - SC'}, '55493235':{'en': 'Painel - SC', 'pt': 'Painel - SC'}, '55493237':{'en': u('Cap\u00e3o Alto - SC'), 'pt': u('Cap\u00e3o Alto - SC')}, '55493236':{'en': 'Urupema - SC', 'pt': 'Urupema - SC'}, '55493238':{'en': 'Palmeira - SC', 'pt': 'Palmeira - SC'}, '55173453':{'en': 'Cardoso - SP', 'pt': 'Cardoso - SP'}, '55654001':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55654003':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55413587':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR')}, '55413586':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR')}, '55413585':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413584':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413582':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55153249':{'en': u('Ibi\u00fana - SP'), 'pt': u('Ibi\u00fana - SP')}, '55153248':{'en': u('Ibi\u00fana - SP'), 'pt': u('Ibi\u00fana - SP')}, '55153247':{'en': 'Votorantim - SP', 'pt': 'Votorantim - SP'}, '55153246':{'en': u('Ces\u00e1rio Lange - SP'), 'pt': u('Ces\u00e1rio Lange - SP')}, '55153245':{'en': 'Votorantim - SP', 'pt': 'Votorantim - SP'}, '55153244':{'en': 'Piedade - SP', 'pt': 'Piedade - SP'}, '55153243':{'en': 'Votorantim - SP', 'pt': 'Votorantim - SP'}, '55153242':{'en': 'Votorantim - SP', 'pt': 'Votorantim - SP'}, '55153241':{'en': u('Ibi\u00fana - SP'), 'pt': u('Ibi\u00fana - SP')}, '55413588':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR')}, '55713495':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713496':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55473488':{'en': 'Blumenau - SC', 'pt': 'Blumenau - SC'}, '55554062':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55163501':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP')}, '55163506':{'en': u('Mat\u00e3o - SP'), 'pt': u('Mat\u00e3o - SP')}, '55163509':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP')}, '55163508':{'en': 'Araraquara - SP', 'pt': 'Araraquara - SP'}, '55613218':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55413059':{'en': 'Pinhais - PR', 'pt': 'Pinhais - PR'}, '55413058':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR')}, '55663540':{'en': u('Uni\u00e3o do Sul - MT'), 'pt': u('Uni\u00e3o do Sul - MT')}, '55663541':{'en': u('Col\u00edder - MT'), 'pt': u('Col\u00edder - MT')}, '55663546':{'en': u('Cl\u00e1udia - MT'), 'pt': u('Cl\u00e1udia - MT')}, '55663547':{'en': 'Tapurah - MT', 'pt': 'Tapurah - MT'}, '55663544':{'en': 'Sorriso - MT', 'pt': 'Sorriso - MT'}, '55663545':{'en': 'Sorriso - MT', 'pt': 'Sorriso - MT'}, '55513541':{'en': 'Taquara - RS', 'pt': 'Taquara - RS'}, '55314062':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55513543':{'en': u('Parob\u00e9 - RS'), 'pt': u('Parob\u00e9 - RS')}, '55513544':{'en': 'Taquara - RS', 'pt': 'Taquara - RS'}, '55413054':{'en': 'Campo Largo - PR', 'pt': 'Campo Largo - PR'}, '55513546':{'en': u('Tr\u00eas Coroas - RS'), 'pt': u('Tr\u00eas Coroas - RS')}, '55413056':{'en': 'Pinhais - PR', 'pt': 'Pinhais - PR'}, '55483003':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55484053':{'en': u('Crici\u00fama - SC'), 'pt': u('Crici\u00fama - SC')}, '55633344':{'en': 'Carrasco Bonito - TO', 'pt': 'Carrasco Bonito - TO'}, '55443551':{'en': 'Iracema do Oeste - PR', 'pt': 'Iracema do Oeste - PR'}, '55313381':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55443553':{'en': u('Jani\u00f3polis - PR'), 'pt': u('Jani\u00f3polis - PR')}, '55313383':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313384':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55443554':{'en': 'Assis Chateaubriand - PR', 'pt': 'Assis Chateaubriand - PR'}, '55443557':{'en': u('Terra Nova do Piquir\u00ed - PR'), 'pt': u('Terra Nova do Piquir\u00ed - PR')}, '55443556':{'en': 'Rancho Alegre D\'Oeste - PR', 'pt': 'Rancho Alegre D\'Oeste - PR'}, '55313388':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313389':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55413637':{'en': 'Bugre - PR', 'pt': 'Bugre - PR'}, '55413636':{'en': 'Balsa Nova - PR', 'pt': 'Balsa Nova - PR'}, '55413633':{'en': u('Paran\u00e1'), 'pt': u('Paran\u00e1')}, '55413632':{'en': u('Pi\u00ean - PR'), 'pt': u('Pi\u00ean - PR')}, '55193539':{'en': 'Ajapi - SP', 'pt': 'Ajapi - SP'}, '55193538':{'en': 'Ajapi - SP', 'pt': 'Ajapi - SP'}, '55193531':{'en': 'Rio Claro - SP', 'pt': 'Rio Claro - SP'}, '55193533':{'en': 'Rio Claro - SP', 'pt': 'Rio Claro - SP'}, '55193532':{'en': 'Rio Claro - SP', 'pt': 'Rio Claro - SP'}, '55193535':{'en': 'Rio Claro - SP', 'pt': 'Rio Claro - SP'}, '55193534':{'en': 'Rio Claro - SP', 'pt': 'Rio Claro - SP'}, '55193537':{'en': u('Ipe\u00fana - SP'), 'pt': u('Ipe\u00fana - SP')}, '55193536':{'en': 'Rio Claro - SP', 'pt': 'Rio Claro - SP'}, '55193026':{'en': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara D\'Oeste - SP'), 'pt': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara D\'Oeste - SP')}, '55193024':{'en': 'Rio Claro - SP', 'pt': 'Rio Claro - SP'}, '55193023':{'en': 'Rio Claro - SP', 'pt': 'Rio Claro - SP'}, '55193022':{'en': 'Mogi Mirim - SP', 'pt': 'Mogi Mirim - SP'}, '55193029':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55213348':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213342':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213341':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213340':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213347':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213346':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55513011':{'en': 'Lajeado - RS', 'pt': 'Lajeado - RS'}, '55553329':{'en': u('Entre Iju\u00eds - RS'), 'pt': u('Entre Iju\u00eds - RS')}, '55193000':{'en': 'Vinhedo - SP', 'pt': 'Vinhedo - SP'}, '55733540':{'en': 'Presidente Tancredo Neves - BA', 'pt': 'Presidente Tancredo Neves - BA'}, '55733542':{'en': 'Km Cem - BA', 'pt': 'Km Cem - BA'}, '55733543':{'en': 'Itaquara - BA', 'pt': 'Itaquara - BA'}, '55733544':{'en': 'Planaltino - BA', 'pt': 'Planaltino - BA'}, '55733546':{'en': 'Nova Itarana - BA', 'pt': 'Nova Itarana - BA'}, '55733547':{'en': 'Aiquara - BA', 'pt': 'Aiquara - BA'}, '55423562':{'en': 'Paula Freitas - PR', 'pt': 'Paula Freitas - PR'}, '55733549':{'en': 'Manoel Vitorino - BA', 'pt': 'Manoel Vitorino - BA'}, '55423560':{'en': u('Fluvi\u00f3polis - PR'), 'pt': u('Fluvi\u00f3polis - PR')}, '55672105':{'en': u('Tr\u00eas Lagoas - MS'), 'pt': u('Tr\u00eas Lagoas - MS')}, '55672106':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55672108':{'en': 'Dourados - MS', 'pt': 'Dourados - MS'}, '55473547':{'en': u('Bra\u00e7o do Trombudo - SC'), 'pt': u('Bra\u00e7o do Trombudo - SC')}, '55543259':{'en': 'Nova Sardenha - RS', 'pt': 'Nova Sardenha - RS'}, '55623449':{'en': u('Guarani de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Guarani de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55623448':{'en': u('Flores de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Flores de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55213754':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Meriti - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Meriti - RJ')}, '55213755':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Meriti - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Meriti - RJ')}, '55213756':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Meriti - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Meriti - RJ')}, '55213757':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Meriti - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Meriti - RJ')}, '55543251':{'en': u('Cambar\u00e1 do Sul - RS'), 'pt': u('Cambar\u00e1 do Sul - RS')}, '55213752':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Meriti - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Meriti - RJ')}, '55213753':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Meriti - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Meriti - RJ')}, '55222748':{'en': u('Travess\u00e3o - RJ'), 'pt': u('Travess\u00e3o - RJ')}, '55222741':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Barra - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Barra - RJ')}, '55222747':{'en': u('Farol de S\u00e3o Tom\u00e9 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Farol de S\u00e3o Tom\u00e9 - RJ')}, '55713353':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55473674':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Miguel da Serra - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Miguel da Serra - SC')}, '55633494':{'en': 'Barra do Ouro - TO', 'pt': 'Barra do Ouro - TO'}, '55623016':{'en': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55513111':{'en': 'Cachoeirinha - RS', 'pt': 'Cachoeirinha - RS'}, '55733282':{'en': u('Santa Cruz Cabr\u00e1lia - BA'), 'pt': u('Santa Cruz Cabr\u00e1lia - BA')}, '55623010':{'en': 'Senador Canedo - GO', 'pt': 'Senador Canedo - GO'}, '55212492':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55713356':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55212493':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55713355':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55212494':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212495':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55243373':{'en': 'Paraty - RJ', 'pt': 'Paraty - RJ'}, '55243372':{'en': 'Paraty - RJ', 'pt': 'Paraty - RJ'}, '55243371':{'en': 'Paraty - RJ', 'pt': 'Paraty - RJ'}, '55243370':{'en': 'Angra dos Reis - RJ', 'pt': 'Angra dos Reis - RJ'}, '55243377':{'en': 'Angra dos Reis - RJ', 'pt': 'Angra dos Reis - RJ'}, '55324009':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55243379':{'en': 'Angra dos Reis - RJ', 'pt': 'Angra dos Reis - RJ'}, '55212497':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55313819':{'en': 'Ponte Nova - MG', 'pt': 'Ponte Nova - MG'}, '55493538':{'en': u('Ibicar\u00e9 - SC'), 'pt': u('Ibicar\u00e9 - SC')}, '55493539':{'en': u('Iomer\u00ea - SC'), 'pt': u('Iomer\u00ea - SC')}, '55453559':{'en': u('Itaipul\u00e2ndia - PR'), 'pt': u('Itaipul\u00e2ndia - PR')}, '55483028':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55493532':{'en': u('Tangar\u00e1 - SC'), 'pt': u('Tangar\u00e1 - SC')}, '55273371':{'en': 'Linhares - ES', 'pt': 'Linhares - ES'}, '55273372':{'en': 'Linhares - ES', 'pt': 'Linhares - ES'}, '55273373':{'en': 'Linhares - ES', 'pt': 'Linhares - ES'}, '55453550':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jorge - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jorge - PR')}, '55493537':{'en': u('Treze T\u00edlias - SC'), 'pt': u('Treze T\u00edlias - SC')}, '55493534':{'en': 'Ibiam - SC', 'pt': 'Ibiam - SC'}, '55313817':{'en': 'Ponte Nova - MG', 'pt': 'Ponte Nova - MG'}, '55173843':{'en': 'Ouroeste - SP', 'pt': 'Ouroeste - SP'}, '55173842':{'en': u('Indiapor\u00e3 - SP'), 'pt': u('Indiapor\u00e3 - SP')}, '55173841':{'en': u('Arab\u00e1 - SP'), 'pt': u('Arab\u00e1 - SP')}, '55333356':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o do Oriente - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o do Oriente - MG')}, '55173847':{'en': 'Floreal - SP', 'pt': 'Floreal - SP'}, '55173846':{'en': 'Mira Estrela - SP', 'pt': 'Mira Estrela - SP'}, '55173845':{'en': 'Meridiano - SP', 'pt': 'Meridiano - SP'}, '55173844':{'en': 'Pontes Gestal - SP', 'pt': 'Pontes Gestal - SP'}, '55173849':{'en': u('Maced\u00f4nia - SP'), 'pt': u('Maced\u00f4nia - SP')}, '55173848':{'en': u('Gast\u00e3o Vidigal - SP'), 'pt': u('Gast\u00e3o Vidigal - SP')}, '55163357':{'en': 'Araraquara - SP', 'pt': 'Araraquara - SP'}, '55513045':{'en': u('Viam\u00e3o - RS'), 'pt': u('Viam\u00e3o - RS')}, '55513044':{'en': 'Alvorada - RS', 'pt': 'Alvorada - RS'}, '55513047':{'en': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS')}, '55513730':{'en': 'Passo do Sobrado - RS', 'pt': 'Passo do Sobrado - RS'}, '55513041':{'en': 'Cachoeirinha - RS', 'pt': 'Cachoeirinha - RS'}, '55513736':{'en': u('Estr\u00eala - RS'), 'pt': u('Estr\u00eala - RS')}, '55513043':{'en': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS')}, '55513042':{'en': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Gravata\u00ed - RS')}, '55513738':{'en': u('Ven\u00e2ncio Aires - RS'), 'pt': u('Ven\u00e2ncio Aires - RS')}, '55513049':{'en': 'Campo Bom - RS', 'pt': 'Campo Bom - RS'}, '55513048':{'en': u('Os\u00f3rio - RS'), 'pt': u('Os\u00f3rio - RS')}, '55323338':{'en': 'Madre de Deus de Minas - MG', 'pt': 'Madre de Deus de Minas - MG'}, '55323339':{'en': 'Barbacena - MG', 'pt': 'Barbacena - MG'}, '55653541':{'en': u('Col\u00edder - MT'), 'pt': u('Col\u00edder - MT')}, '55383237':{'en': u('Claro dos Po\u00e7\u00f5es - MG'), 'pt': u('Claro dos Po\u00e7\u00f5es - MG')}, '55323332':{'en': 'Barbacena - MG', 'pt': 'Barbacena - MG'}, '55323333':{'en': 'Barbacena - MG', 'pt': 'Barbacena - MG'}, '55323330':{'en': 'Correia de Almeida - MG', 'pt': 'Correia de Almeida - MG'}, '55323331':{'en': 'Barbacena - MG', 'pt': 'Barbacena - MG'}, '55323336':{'en': 'Desterro do Melo - MG', 'pt': 'Desterro do Melo - MG'}, '55323337':{'en': u('Merc\u00eas - MG'), 'pt': u('Merc\u00eas - MG')}, '55323334':{'en': u('Santana do Garamb\u00e9u - MG'), 'pt': u('Santana do Garamb\u00e9u - MG')}, '55323335':{'en': 'Piedade do Rio Grande - MG', 'pt': 'Piedade do Rio Grande - MG'}, '55683615':{'en': 'Santa Rosa do Purus - AC', 'pt': 'Santa Rosa do Purus - AC'}, '55683611':{'en': 'Manoel Urbano - AC', 'pt': 'Manoel Urbano - AC'}, '55683612':{'en': 'Sena Madureira - AC', 'pt': 'Sena Madureira - AC'}, '55383724':{'en': 'Presidente Juscelino - MG', 'pt': 'Presidente Juscelino - MG'}, '55383814':{'en': 'Mamonas - MG', 'pt': 'Mamonas - MG'}, '55383811':{'en': 'Monte Azul - MG', 'pt': 'Monte Azul - MG'}, '55613525':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55383813':{'en': 'Mato Verde - MG', 'pt': 'Mato Verde - MG'}, '55383812':{'en': 'Espinosa - MG', 'pt': 'Espinosa - MG'}, '55663486':{'en': 'Pedra Preta - MT', 'pt': 'Pedra Preta - MT'}, '55663481':{'en': 'Alto Araguaia - MT', 'pt': 'Alto Araguaia - MT'}, '55423028':{'en': 'Ponta Grossa - PR', 'pt': 'Ponta Grossa - PR'}, '55423027':{'en': 'Ponta Grossa - PR', 'pt': 'Ponta Grossa - PR'}, '55423026':{'en': 'Ponta Grossa - PR', 'pt': 'Ponta Grossa - PR'}, '55423025':{'en': 'Ponta Grossa - PR', 'pt': 'Ponta Grossa - PR'}, '55743618':{'en': 'Juazeiro - BA', 'pt': 'Juazeiro - BA'}, '55663489':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Cascalheira - MT'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Cascalheira - MT')}, '55663488':{'en': 'Santo Antonuio do Leste - MT', 'pt': 'Santo Antonuio do Leste - MT'}, '55173667':{'en': 'Turmalina - SP', 'pt': 'Turmalina - SP'}, '55173664':{'en': u('Asp\u00e1sia - SP'), 'pt': u('Asp\u00e1sia - SP')}, '55173663':{'en': 'Santa Clara D\'Oeste - SP', 'pt': 'Santa Clara D\'Oeste - SP'}, '55173662':{'en': 'Santa Salete - SP', 'pt': 'Santa Salete - SP'}, '55173661':{'en': u('Rubin\u00e9ia - SP'), 'pt': u('Rubin\u00e9ia - SP')}, '55214117':{'en': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ')}, '55483203':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55312557':{'en': 'Contagem - MG', 'pt': 'Contagem - MG'}, '55483202':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55313683':{'en': 'Jaboticatubas - MG', 'pt': 'Jaboticatubas - MG'}, '55733624':{'en': 'Jussari - BA', 'pt': 'Jussari - BA'}, '55543531':{'en': 'Paim Filho - RS', 'pt': 'Paim Filho - RS'}, '55543532':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Urtiga - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Urtiga - RS')}, '55543533':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55543534':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55543535':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55543536':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55312559':{'en': 'Contagem - MG', 'pt': 'Contagem - MG'}, '55713003':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55774009':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA')}, '55693302':{'en': 'Porto Velho - RO', 'pt': 'Porto Velho - RO'}, '55344009':{'en': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG'), 'pt': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG')}, '55513951':{'en': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS', 'pt': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS'}, '55614141':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55513959':{'en': 'Sapiranga - RS', 'pt': 'Sapiranga - RS'}, '55513958':{'en': 'Charqueadas - RS', 'pt': 'Charqueadas - RS'}, '55283557':{'en': u('Apiac\u00e1 - ES'), 'pt': u('Apiac\u00e1 - ES')}, '55283556':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Cal\u00e7ado - ES'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Cal\u00e7ado - ES')}, '55283555':{'en': 'Mimoso do Sul - ES', 'pt': 'Mimoso do Sul - ES'}, '55283554':{'en': 'Muqui - ES', 'pt': 'Muqui - ES'}, '55283553':{'en': u('Gua\u00e7u\u00ed - ES'), 'pt': u('Gua\u00e7u\u00ed - ES')}, '55283552':{'en': 'Alegre - ES', 'pt': 'Alegre - ES'}, '55283551':{'en': u('Divino de S\u00e3o Louren\u00e7o - ES'), 'pt': u('Divino de S\u00e3o Louren\u00e7o - ES')}, '55473546':{'en': 'Laurentino - SC', 'pt': 'Laurentino - SC'}, '55353537':{'en': 'Fortaleza de Minas - MG', 'pt': 'Fortaleza de Minas - MG'}, '55353536':{'en': u('Ita\u00fa de Minas - MG'), 'pt': u('Ita\u00fa de Minas - MG')}, '55353535':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Tom\u00e1s de Aquino - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Tom\u00e1s de Aquino - MG')}, '55353534':{'en': 'Itamogi - MG', 'pt': 'Itamogi - MG'}, '55353533':{'en': u('Prat\u00e1polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Prat\u00e1polis - MG')}, '55353532':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o do Para\u00edso - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o do Para\u00edso - MG')}, '55283559':{'en': 'Dores do Rio Preto - ES', 'pt': 'Dores do Rio Preto - ES'}, '55283558':{'en': u('Jer\u00f4nimo Monteiro - ES'), 'pt': u('Jer\u00f4nimo Monteiro - ES')}, '55193232':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193233':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193231':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193236':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193237':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193234':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193235':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193238':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193239':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55743061':{'en': 'Juazeiro - BA', 'pt': 'Juazeiro - BA'}, '55473464':{'en': 'Joinville - SC', 'pt': 'Joinville - SC'}, '55743065':{'en': 'Juazeiro - BA', 'pt': 'Juazeiro - BA'}, '55213917':{'en': u('Maric\u00e1 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Maric\u00e1 - RJ')}, '55373301':{'en': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55733561':{'en': 'Ubaitaba - BA', 'pt': 'Ubaitaba - BA'}, '55163711':{'en': 'Franca - SP', 'pt': 'Franca - SP'}, '55493367':{'en': 'Sul Brasil - SC', 'pt': 'Sul Brasil - SC'}, '55493366':{'en': 'Pinhalzinho - SC', 'pt': 'Pinhalzinho - SC'}, '55423132':{'en': 'Irati - PR', 'pt': 'Irati - PR'}, '55473152':{'en': 'Gaspar Alto - SC', 'pt': 'Gaspar Alto - SC'}, '55493364':{'en': 'Serra Alta - SC', 'pt': 'Serra Alta - SC'}, '55473156':{'en': u('Bra\u00e7o do Ba\u00fa - SC'), 'pt': u('Bra\u00e7o do Ba\u00fa - SC')}, '55473154':{'en': 'Rio dos Cedros - SC', 'pt': 'Rio dos Cedros - SC'}, '55483216':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55493363':{'en': 'Bom Jesus do Oeste - SC', 'pt': 'Bom Jesus do Oeste - SC'}, '55473158':{'en': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC'), 'pt': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC')}, '55483215':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55483212':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55483211':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55343327':{'en': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o das Alagoas - MG'), 'pt': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o das Alagoas - MG')}, '55343324':{'en': u('\u00c1gua Comprida - MG'), 'pt': u('\u00c1gua Comprida - MG')}, '55343323':{'en': u('Ver\u00edssimo - MG'), 'pt': u('Ver\u00edssimo - MG')}, '55343322':{'en': 'Uberaba - MG', 'pt': 'Uberaba - MG'}, '55193498':{'en': 'Nova Odessa - SP', 'pt': 'Nova Odessa - SP'}, '55193499':{'en': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara D\'Oeste - SP'), 'pt': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara D\'Oeste - SP')}, '55193496':{'en': 'Rafard - SP', 'pt': 'Rafard - SP'}, '55193497':{'en': 'Limeira - SP', 'pt': 'Limeira - SP'}, '55193494':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Paulo'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Paulo')}, '55193495':{'en': 'Limeira - SP', 'pt': 'Limeira - SP'}, '55193492':{'en': 'Capivari - SP', 'pt': 'Capivari - SP'}, '55193493':{'en': 'Rio das Pedras - SP', 'pt': 'Rio das Pedras - SP'}, '55193491':{'en': 'Capivari - SP', 'pt': 'Capivari - SP'}, '55713452':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55613679':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Gabriel de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Gabriel de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55653308':{'en': 'Nova Mutum - MT', 'pt': 'Nova Mutum - MT'}, '55613677':{'en': 'Planaltina - GO', 'pt': 'Planaltina - GO'}, '55653301':{'en': u('Chapada dos Guimar\u00e3es - MT'), 'pt': u('Chapada dos Guimar\u00e3es - MT')}, '55273145':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55212697':{'en': 'Mesquita - RJ', 'pt': 'Mesquita - RJ'}, '55212692':{'en': u('Nil\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nil\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55212693':{'en': u('Nil\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nil\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55212691':{'en': u('Nil\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nil\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55222009':{'en': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ', 'pt': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ'}, '55653331':{'en': u('Bar\u00e3o de Melga\u00e7o - MT'), 'pt': u('Bar\u00e3o de Melga\u00e7o - MT')}, '55193829':{'en': 'Valinhos - SP', 'pt': 'Valinhos - SP'}, '55193828':{'en': u('Sumar\u00e9 - SP'), 'pt': u('Sumar\u00e9 - SP')}, '55193827':{'en': 'Artur Nogueira - SP', 'pt': 'Artur Nogueira - SP'}, '55193826':{'en': 'Vinhedo - SP', 'pt': 'Vinhedo - SP'}, '55193825':{'en': 'Indaiatuba - SP', 'pt': 'Indaiatuba - SP'}, '55193824':{'en': u('\u00c1guas de Lind\u00f3ia - SP'), 'pt': u('\u00c1guas de Lind\u00f3ia - SP')}, '55193822':{'en': u('Sumar\u00e9 - SP'), 'pt': u('Sumar\u00e9 - SP')}, '55193821':{'en': 'Elias Fausto - SP', 'pt': 'Elias Fausto - SP'}, '55533717':{'en': 'Rio Grande - RS', 'pt': 'Rio Grande - RS'}, '55513221':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55653334':{'en': 'Mato Grosso', 'pt': 'Mato Grosso'}, '55513223':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55623384':{'en': u('Taquaral de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Taquaral de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55623385':{'en': u('Nova Crix\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Nova Crix\u00e1s - GO')}, '55623386':{'en': 'Faina - GO', 'pt': 'Faina - GO'}, '55413423':{'en': u('Paranagu\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Paranagu\u00e1 - PR')}, '55623380':{'en': 'Araguapaz - GO', 'pt': 'Araguapaz - GO'}, '55623381':{'en': 'Estrela do Norte - GO', 'pt': 'Estrela do Norte - GO'}, '55623382':{'en': 'Fazenda Nova - GO', 'pt': 'Fazenda Nova - GO'}, '55623383':{'en': u('Brit\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Brit\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55673428':{'en': 'Dourados - MS', 'pt': 'Dourados - MS'}, '55413424':{'en': u('Paranagu\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Paranagu\u00e1 - PR')}, '55673358':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55773687':{'en': u('Can\u00e1polis - BA'), 'pt': u('Can\u00e1polis - BA')}, '55623389':{'en': u('Goian\u00e9sia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goian\u00e9sia - GO')}, '55313464':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55753477':{'en': u('Chorroch\u00f3 - BA'), 'pt': u('Chorroch\u00f3 - BA')}, '55753475':{'en': 'Porto de Sauipe - BA', 'pt': 'Porto de Sauipe - BA'}, '55333728':{'en': 'Bandeira - MG', 'pt': 'Bandeira - MG'}, '55413354':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55753471':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55333724':{'en': u('Divis\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Divis\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55333725':{'en': 'Salto da Divisa - MG', 'pt': 'Salto da Divisa - MG'}, '55333726':{'en': u('Jord\u00e2nia - MG'), 'pt': u('Jord\u00e2nia - MG')}, '55333727':{'en': 'Santa Maria do Salto - MG', 'pt': 'Santa Maria do Salto - MG'}, '55333721':{'en': 'Almenara - MG', 'pt': 'Almenara - MG'}, '55333722':{'en': 'Mata Verde - MG', 'pt': 'Mata Verde - MG'}, '55333723':{'en': 'Jacinto - MG', 'pt': 'Jacinto - MG'}, '55513228':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55543057':{'en': u('Bento Gon\u00e7alves - RS'), 'pt': u('Bento Gon\u00e7alves - RS')}, '55143811':{'en': 'Botucatu - SP', 'pt': 'Botucatu - SP'}, '55273177':{'en': 'Colatina - ES', 'pt': 'Colatina - ES'}, '55663902':{'en': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT'), 'pt': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT')}, '55663903':{'en': 'Alta Floresta - MT', 'pt': 'Alta Floresta - MT'}, '55663904':{'en': u('Barra do Gar\u00e7as - MT'), 'pt': u('Barra do Gar\u00e7as - MT')}, '55713029':{'en': 'Lauro de Freitas - BA', 'pt': 'Lauro de Freitas - BA'}, '55623461':{'en': 'Pires do Rio - GO', 'pt': 'Pires do Rio - GO'}, '55473301':{'en': 'Indaial - SC', 'pt': 'Indaial - SC'}, '55213568':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55173472':{'en': 'Nhandeara - SP', 'pt': 'Nhandeara - SP'}, '55493256':{'en': 'Fraiburgo - SC', 'pt': 'Fraiburgo - SC'}, '55493254':{'en': 'Ponte Alta do Norte - SC', 'pt': 'Ponte Alta do Norte - SC'}, '55493253':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Cristov\u00e3o do Sul - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Cristov\u00e3o do Sul - SC')}, '55493252':{'en': u('Timb\u00f3 Grande - SC'), 'pt': u('Timb\u00f3 Grande - SC')}, '55493251':{'en': 'Lages - SC', 'pt': 'Lages - SC'}, '55173475':{'en': 'Meridiano - SP', 'pt': 'Meridiano - SP'}, '55283036':{'en': 'Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - ES', 'pt': 'Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - ES'}, '55283037':{'en': 'Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - ES', 'pt': 'Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - ES'}, '55493258':{'en': 'Cerro Negro - SC', 'pt': 'Cerro Negro - SC'}, '55613964':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55473300':{'en': 'Rio do Sul - SC', 'pt': 'Rio do Sul - SC'}, '55543702':{'en': u('Bento Gon\u00e7alves - RS'), 'pt': u('Bento Gon\u00e7alves - RS')}, '55543701':{'en': u('Bento Gon\u00e7alves - RS'), 'pt': u('Bento Gon\u00e7alves - RS')}, '55753634':{'en': 'Amargosa - BA', 'pt': 'Amargosa - BA'}, '55153264':{'en': u('\u00c1guia da Castelo - SP'), 'pt': u('\u00c1guia da Castelo - SP')}, '55153267':{'en': 'Capela do Alto - SP', 'pt': 'Capela do Alto - SP'}, '55153266':{'en': u('Iper\u00f3 - SP'), 'pt': u('Iper\u00f3 - SP')}, '55153261':{'en': 'Porto Feliz - SP', 'pt': 'Porto Feliz - SP'}, '55153263':{'en': 'Boituva - SP', 'pt': 'Boituva - SP'}, '55153262':{'en': 'Porto Feliz - SP', 'pt': 'Porto Feliz - SP'}, '55153268':{'en': 'Boituva - SP', 'pt': 'Boituva - SP'}, '55753635':{'en': u('Mutu\u00edpe - BA'), 'pt': u('Mutu\u00edpe - BA')}, '55713025':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55513388':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55383311':{'en': 'Paracatu - MG', 'pt': 'Paracatu - MG'}, '55513383':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513386':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513384':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513385':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55163521':{'en': u('Sert\u00e3ozinho - SP'), 'pt': u('Sert\u00e3ozinho - SP')}, '55163524':{'en': u('Sert\u00e3ozinho - SP'), 'pt': u('Sert\u00e3ozinho - SP')}, '55653688':{'en': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT'), 'pt': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT')}, '55713677':{'en': u('Mata de S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o - BA'), 'pt': u('Mata de S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o - BA')}, '55653682':{'en': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT'), 'pt': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT')}, '55653681':{'en': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT'), 'pt': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT')}, '55653686':{'en': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT'), 'pt': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT')}, '55653684':{'en': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT'), 'pt': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT')}, '55653685':{'en': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT'), 'pt': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT')}, '55213987':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55313014':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55213980':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55513568':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Leopoldo - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Leopoldo - RS')}, '55213982':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55513566':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Leopoldo - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Leopoldo - RS')}, '55183401':{'en': u('Valpara\u00edso - SP'), 'pt': u('Valpara\u00edso - SP')}, '55183402':{'en': 'Assis - SP', 'pt': 'Assis - SP'}, '55413034':{'en': 'Piraquara - PR', 'pt': 'Piraquara - PR'}, '55413033':{'en': 'Pinhais - PR', 'pt': 'Pinhais - PR'}, '55413032':{'en': 'Campo Largo - PR', 'pt': 'Campo Largo - PR'}, '55183406':{'en': 'Guararapes - SP', 'pt': 'Guararapes - SP'}, '55513561':{'en': u('Est\u00e2ncia Velha - RS'), 'pt': u('Est\u00e2ncia Velha - RS')}, '55343131':{'en': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG'), 'pt': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG')}, '55473416':{'en': 'Joinville - SC', 'pt': 'Joinville - SC'}, '55633221':{'en': 'Palmas - TO', 'pt': 'Palmas - TO'}, '55753632':{'en': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio de Jesus - BA'), 'pt': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio de Jesus - BA')}, '55473411':{'en': 'Rio do Sul - SC', 'pt': 'Rio do Sul - SC'}, '55633322':{'en': 'Palmas - TO', 'pt': 'Palmas - TO'}, '55633321':{'en': u('Aragua\u00edna - TO'), 'pt': u('Aragua\u00edna - TO')}, '55443537':{'en': u('Engenheiro Beltr\u00e3o - PR'), 'pt': u('Engenheiro Beltr\u00e3o - PR')}, '55443536':{'en': 'Brasiliana - PR', 'pt': 'Brasiliana - PR'}, '55443535':{'en': u('Jesu\u00edtas - PR'), 'pt': u('Jesu\u00edtas - PR')}, '55443534':{'en': 'Mariluz - PR', 'pt': 'Mariluz - PR'}, '55443532':{'en': 'Moreira Sales - PR', 'pt': 'Moreira Sales - PR'}, '55443531':{'en': 'Peabiru - PR', 'pt': 'Peabiru - PR'}, '55753234':{'en': u('Nova F\u00e1tima - BA'), 'pt': u('Nova F\u00e1tima - BA')}, '55443538':{'en': u('Engenheiro Beltr\u00e3o - PR'), 'pt': u('Engenheiro Beltr\u00e3o - PR')}, '55644052':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55193557':{'en': 'Rio Claro - SP', 'pt': 'Rio Claro - SP'}, '55193556':{'en': u('Cordeir\u00f3polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Cordeir\u00f3polis - SP')}, '55193555':{'en': 'Leme - SP', 'pt': 'Leme - SP'}, '55193554':{'en': 'Leme - SP', 'pt': 'Leme - SP'}, '55193552':{'en': 'Mogi Mirim - SP', 'pt': 'Mogi Mirim - SP'}, '55193551':{'en': 'Araras - SP', 'pt': 'Araras - SP'}, '55223865':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o do Para\u00edso - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o do Para\u00edso - RJ')}, '55733656':{'en': u('Ilh\u00e9us - BA'), 'pt': u('Ilh\u00e9us - BA')}, '55223864':{'en': u('Aperib\u00e9 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Aperib\u00e9 - RJ')}, '55213361':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55623015':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55213363':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213362':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213365':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213364':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55633493':{'en': 'Palmeirante - TO', 'pt': 'Palmeirante - TO'}, '55713354':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55213369':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55223861':{'en': 'Itaocara - RJ', 'pt': 'Itaocara - RJ'}, '55713359':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713358':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55513581':{'en': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS', 'pt': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS'}, '55483029':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC')}, '55373286':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o do Oeste - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o do Oeste - MG')}, '55273422':{'en': 'Cariacica - ES', 'pt': 'Cariacica - ES'}, '55483023':{'en': u('Palho\u00e7a - SC'), 'pt': u('Palho\u00e7a - SC')}, '55223862':{'en': 'Portela - RJ', 'pt': 'Portela - RJ'}, '55483025':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55483024':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55483027':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55623463':{'en': u('Mimoso de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Mimoso de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55713681':{'en': 'Vera Cruz - BA', 'pt': 'Vera Cruz - BA'}, '55773402':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA')}, '55713682':{'en': 'Bom Despacho - BA', 'pt': 'Bom Despacho - BA'}, '5519':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Paulo'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Paulo')}, '5518':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Paulo'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Paulo')}, '55353271':{'en': 'Lambari - MG', 'pt': 'Lambari - MG'}, '55353273':{'en': u('Jesu\u00e2nia - MG'), 'pt': u('Jesu\u00e2nia - MG')}, '55353274':{'en': u('Ol\u00edmpio Noronha - MG'), 'pt': u('Ol\u00edmpio Noronha - MG')}, '55222580':{'en': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ', 'pt': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ'}, '55213773':{'en': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ')}, '55623467':{'en': u('Teresina de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Teresina de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55623466':{'en': 'Vila Boa - GO', 'pt': 'Vila Boa - GO'}, '55334141':{'en': 'Governador Valadares - MG', 'pt': 'Governador Valadares - MG'}, '55213774':{'en': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ', 'pt': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ'}, '55213779':{'en': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ')}, '55222760':{'en': 'Rio das Ostras - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio das Ostras - RJ'}, '55222762':{'en': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ')}, '55222765':{'en': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ')}, '55222764':{'en': 'Rio das Ostras - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio das Ostras - RJ'}, '55222767':{'en': 'Cambuci - RJ', 'pt': 'Cambuci - RJ'}, '55222768':{'en': u('Quissam\u00e3 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Quissam\u00e3 - RJ')}, '55243358':{'en': 'Resende - RJ', 'pt': 'Resende - RJ'}, '55613797':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55243351':{'en': 'Itatiaia - RJ', 'pt': 'Itatiaia - RJ'}, '55493735':{'en': 'Fazenda Zandavalli - SC', 'pt': 'Fazenda Zandavalli - SC'}, '55243353':{'en': 'Porto Real - RJ', 'pt': 'Porto Real - RJ'}, '55243352':{'en': 'Itatiaia - RJ', 'pt': 'Itatiaia - RJ'}, '55243355':{'en': 'Resende - RJ', 'pt': 'Resende - RJ'}, '55243354':{'en': 'Resende - RJ', 'pt': 'Resende - RJ'}, '55243357':{'en': 'Resende - RJ', 'pt': 'Resende - RJ'}, '55243356':{'en': 'Pinheiral - RJ', 'pt': 'Pinheiral - RJ'}, '55212579':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212578':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212573':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212572':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212571':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212570':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212577':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212576':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212575':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212574':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55613799':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613429':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613421':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613426':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613427':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613424':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613425':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55453572':{'en': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55453573':{'en': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55453576':{'en': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55453577':{'en': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55313838':{'en': 'Santa Maria de Itabira - MG', 'pt': 'Santa Maria de Itabira - MG'}, '55313839':{'en': 'Itabira - MG', 'pt': 'Itabira - MG'}, '55313836':{'en': u('Itamb\u00e9 do Mato Dentro - MG'), 'pt': u('Itamb\u00e9 do Mato Dentro - MG')}, '55273357':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55273354':{'en': 'Viana - ES', 'pt': 'Viana - ES'}, '55273355':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55313832':{'en': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara - MG'), 'pt': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara - MG')}, '55313833':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo do Rio Abaixo - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo do Rio Abaixo - MG')}, '55273350':{'en': 'Vila Velha - ES', 'pt': 'Vila Velha - ES'}, '55313831':{'en': 'Itabira - MG', 'pt': 'Itabira - MG'}, '55673346':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55673437':{'en': u('Ponta Por\u00e3 - MS'), 'pt': u('Ponta Por\u00e3 - MS')}, '55673435':{'en': u('Ant\u00f4nio Jo\u00e3o - MS'), 'pt': u('Ant\u00f4nio Jo\u00e3o - MS')}, '55673434':{'en': u('Sanga Puit\u00e3 - MS'), 'pt': u('Sanga Puit\u00e3 - MS')}, '55513719':{'en': 'Santa Cruz do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Cruz do Sul - RS'}, '55513718':{'en': 'Vera Cruz - RS', 'pt': 'Vera Cruz - RS'}, '55513711':{'en': 'Santa Cruz do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Cruz do Sul - RS'}, '55513710':{'en': 'Lajeado - RS', 'pt': 'Lajeado - RS'}, '55513713':{'en': 'Santa Cruz do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Cruz do Sul - RS'}, '55513712':{'en': u('Estr\u00eala - RS'), 'pt': u('Estr\u00eala - RS')}, '55513715':{'en': 'Santa Cruz do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Cruz do Sul - RS'}, '55513714':{'en': 'Lajeado - RS', 'pt': 'Lajeado - RS'}, '55513717':{'en': 'Santa Cruz do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Cruz do Sul - RS'}, '55313956':{'en': 'Contagem - MG', 'pt': 'Contagem - MG'}, '55713431':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55753641':{'en': u('Valen\u00e7a - BA'), 'pt': u('Valen\u00e7a - BA')}, '55443323':{'en': 'Colorado - PR', 'pt': 'Colorado - PR'}, '55432104':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55432105':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55432102':{'en': 'Apucarana - PR', 'pt': 'Apucarana - PR'}, '55432103':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55273769':{'en': u('Jaguar\u00e9 - ES'), 'pt': u('Jaguar\u00e9 - ES')}, '55432101':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55273767':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Mateus - ES'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Mateus - ES')}, '55313486':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55273765':{'en': 'Pinheiros - ES', 'pt': 'Pinheiros - ES'}, '55273764':{'en': u('Pedro Can\u00e1rio - ES'), 'pt': u('Pedro Can\u00e1rio - ES')}, '55273763':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Mateus - ES'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Mateus - ES')}, '55273762':{'en': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o da Barra - ES'), 'pt': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o da Barra - ES')}, '55273761':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Mateus - ES'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Mateus - ES')}, '55173395':{'en': 'Terra Roxa - SP', 'pt': 'Terra Roxa - SP'}, '55333739':{'en': 'Chapada do Norte - MG', 'pt': 'Chapada do Norte - MG'}, '55333738':{'en': u('Francisco Badar\u00f3 - MG'), 'pt': u('Francisco Badar\u00f3 - MG')}, '55242483':{'en': 'Miguel Pereira - RJ', 'pt': 'Miguel Pereira - RJ'}, '55242487':{'en': 'Avelar - RJ', 'pt': 'Avelar - RJ'}, '55242484':{'en': 'Miguel Pereira - RJ', 'pt': 'Miguel Pereira - RJ'}, '55242485':{'en': 'Paty do Alferes - RJ', 'pt': 'Paty do Alferes - RJ'}, '55454063':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55483491':{'en': 'Orleans - SC', 'pt': 'Orleans - SC'}, '55454062':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55453288':{'en': u('Santa L\u00facia - PR'), 'pt': u('Santa L\u00facia - PR')}, '55463535':{'en': u('Ver\u00ea - PR'), 'pt': u('Ver\u00ea - PR')}, '55463534':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jorge D\'Oeste - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jorge D\'Oeste - PR')}, '55463537':{'en': u('Boa Esperan\u00e7a do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Boa Esperan\u00e7a do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55463536':{'en': 'Dois Vizinhos - PR', 'pt': 'Dois Vizinhos - PR'}, '55173648':{'en': u('Paranapu\u00e3 - SP'), 'pt': u('Paranapu\u00e3 - SP')}, '55463533':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o - PR')}, '55463532':{'en': u('Quedas do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Quedas do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55173641':{'en': u('Santa F\u00e9 do Sul - SP'), 'pt': u('Santa F\u00e9 do Sul - SP')}, '55463538':{'en': 'Salto do Lontra - PR', 'pt': 'Salto do Lontra - PR'}, '55173643':{'en': 'Santa Rita D\'Oeste - SP', 'pt': 'Santa Rita D\'Oeste - SP'}, '55173642':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria Brasil - SP'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria Brasil - SP')}, '55483902':{'en': u('Crici\u00fama - SC'), 'pt': u('Crici\u00fama - SC')}, '55483903':{'en': u('Ararangu\u00e1 - SC'), 'pt': u('Ararangu\u00e1 - SC')}, '55483906':{'en': u('Tubar\u00e3o - SC'), 'pt': u('Tubar\u00e3o - SC')}, '55312535':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55543519':{'en': 'Erechim - RS', 'pt': 'Erechim - RS'}, '55643504':{'en': 'Americano do Brasil - GO', 'pt': 'Americano do Brasil - GO'}, '55543511':{'en': 'Vacaria - RS', 'pt': 'Vacaria - RS'}, '55313228':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55443552':{'en': u('Boa Esperan\u00e7a - PR'), 'pt': u('Boa Esperan\u00e7a - PR')}, '55313223':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313222':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313221':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55693322':{'en': 'Vilhena - RO', 'pt': 'Vilhena - RO'}, '55313227':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313226':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313225':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313224':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55623589':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55624011':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623204':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55473525':{'en': 'Rio do Sul - SC', 'pt': 'Rio do Sul - SC'}, '55473524':{'en': 'Aurora - SC', 'pt': 'Aurora - SC'}, '55473523':{'en': 'Lontras - SC', 'pt': 'Lontras - SC'}, '55443555':{'en': 'Nice - PR', 'pt': 'Nice - PR'}, '55473521':{'en': 'Rio do Sul - SC', 'pt': 'Rio do Sul - SC'}, '55473520':{'en': 'Rio do Sul - SC', 'pt': 'Rio do Sul - SC'}, '55753491':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55553333':{'en': u('Iju\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Iju\u00ed - RS')}, '55553332':{'en': u('Iju\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Iju\u00ed - RS')}, '55553331':{'en': u('Iju\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Iju\u00ed - RS')}, '55513458':{'en': 'Esteio - RS', 'pt': 'Esteio - RS'}, '55553335':{'en': u('Eug\u00eanio de Castro - RS'), 'pt': u('Eug\u00eanio de Castro - RS')}, '55553334':{'en': 'Augusto Pestana - RS', 'pt': 'Augusto Pestana - RS'}, '55553338':{'en': 'Nova Ramada - RS', 'pt': 'Nova Ramada - RS'}, '55513456':{'en': 'Canoas - RS', 'pt': 'Canoas - RS'}, '55313749':{'en': 'Ouro Branco - MG', 'pt': 'Ouro Branco - MG'}, '55453574':{'en': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55483345':{'en': 'Tijucas - SC', 'pt': 'Tijucas - SC'}, '55513452':{'en': 'Sapucaia do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Sapucaia do Sul - RS'}, '55453575':{'en': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55643238':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55623645':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55643239':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55624012':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55313837':{'en': u('Bar\u00e3o de Cocais - MG'), 'pt': u('Bar\u00e3o de Cocais - MG')}, '55623201':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55313834':{'en': 'Itabira - MG', 'pt': 'Itabira - MG'}, '55313835':{'en': 'Itabira - MG', 'pt': 'Itabira - MG'}, '55483274':{'en': 'Angelina - SC', 'pt': 'Angelina - SC'}, '55183325':{'en': 'Assis - SP', 'pt': 'Assis - SP'}, '55483276':{'en': 'Alfredo Wagner - SC', 'pt': 'Alfredo Wagner - SC'}, '55483277':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Pedro de Alc\u00e2ntara - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Pedro de Alc\u00e2ntara - SC')}, '55483271':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55483272':{'en': u('Ant\u00f4nio Carlos - SC'), 'pt': u('Ant\u00f4nio Carlos - SC')}, '55483273':{'en': 'Major Gercino - SC', 'pt': 'Major Gercino - SC'}, '55343304':{'en': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG'), 'pt': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG')}, '55623642':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55343301':{'en': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG'), 'pt': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG')}, '55483279':{'en': u('Palho\u00e7a - SC'), 'pt': u('Palho\u00e7a - SC')}, '55733222':{'en': u('Ilh\u00e9us - BA'), 'pt': u('Ilh\u00e9us - BA')}, '55183321':{'en': 'Assis - SP', 'pt': 'Assis - SP'}, '55643945':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55624014':{'en': u('An\u00e1polis - GO'), 'pt': u('An\u00e1polis - GO')}, '55213387':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55183323':{'en': 'Assis - SP', 'pt': 'Assis - SP'}, '55213386':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55343232':{'en': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG'), 'pt': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG')}, '55213385':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55653325':{'en': u('Tangar\u00e1 da Serra - MT'), 'pt': u('Tangar\u00e1 da Serra - MT')}, '55653327':{'en': 'Progresso - MT', 'pt': 'Progresso - MT'}, '55653326':{'en': u('Tangar\u00e1 da Serra - MT'), 'pt': u('Tangar\u00e1 da Serra - MT')}, '55653321':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55653322':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55273161':{'en': 'Guarapari - ES', 'pt': 'Guarapari - ES'}, '55213383':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55653329':{'en': u('Tangar\u00e1 da Serra - MT'), 'pt': u('Tangar\u00e1 da Serra - MT')}, '55313165':{'en': 'Santa Luzia - MG', 'pt': 'Santa Luzia - MG'}, '55213381':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55193617':{'en': 'Rio Claro - SP', 'pt': 'Rio Claro - SP'}, '55743628':{'en': 'Piritiba - BA', 'pt': 'Piritiba - BA'}, '55693465':{'en': u('Teixeir\u00f3polis - RO'), 'pt': u('Teixeir\u00f3polis - RO')}, '55633685':{'en': 'Combinado - TO', 'pt': 'Combinado - TO'}, '55743622':{'en': 'Jacobina - BA', 'pt': 'Jacobina - BA'}, '55743620':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Gabriel - BA'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Gabriel - BA')}, '55743621':{'en': 'Jacobina - BA', 'pt': 'Jacobina - BA'}, '55743626':{'en': 'Mundo Novo - BA', 'pt': 'Mundo Novo - BA'}, '55743627':{'en': 'Miguel Calmon - BA', 'pt': 'Miguel Calmon - BA'}, '55743624':{'en': 'Jacobina - BA', 'pt': 'Jacobina - BA'}, '55273299':{'en': 'Vila Velha - ES', 'pt': 'Vila Velha - ES'}, '55273296':{'en': 'Aracruz - ES', 'pt': 'Aracruz - ES'}, '55193805':{'en': 'Mogi Mirim - SP', 'pt': 'Mogi Mirim - SP'}, '55193804':{'en': 'Mogi Mirim - SP', 'pt': 'Mogi Mirim - SP'}, '55193807':{'en': 'Amparo - SP', 'pt': 'Amparo - SP'}, '55193806':{'en': 'Mogi Mirim - SP', 'pt': 'Mogi Mirim - SP'}, '55193801':{'en': 'Indaiatuba - SP', 'pt': 'Indaiatuba - SP'}, '55714003':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55193803':{'en': u('Sumar\u00e9 - SP'), 'pt': u('Sumar\u00e9 - SP')}, '55193802':{'en': 'Holambra - SP', 'pt': 'Holambra - SP'}, '55193809':{'en': u('Hortol\u00e2ndia - SP'), 'pt': u('Hortol\u00e2ndia - SP')}, '55193808':{'en': 'Amparo - SP', 'pt': 'Amparo - SP'}, '55714009':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55543358':{'en': 'Lagoa Vermelha - RS', 'pt': 'Lagoa Vermelha - RS'}, '55543359':{'en': 'Vila Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Vila Maria - RS'}, '55543351':{'en': 'David Canabarro - RS', 'pt': 'David Canabarro - RS'}, '55543352':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Ouro - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Ouro - RS')}, '55543353':{'en': 'Caseiros - RS', 'pt': 'Caseiros - RS'}, '55543354':{'en': 'Esmeralda - RS', 'pt': 'Esmeralda - RS'}, '55543355':{'en': 'Ibiraiaras - RS', 'pt': 'Ibiraiaras - RS'}, '55543356':{'en': u('Barrac\u00e3o - RS'), 'pt': u('Barrac\u00e3o - RS')}, '55543357':{'en': 'Camargo - RS', 'pt': 'Camargo - RS'}, '55213097':{'en': u('Teres\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Teres\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55673405':{'en': 'Vista Alegre - MS', 'pt': 'Vista Alegre - MS'}, '55213099':{'en': u('Teres\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Teres\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55673409':{'en': u('Navira\u00ed - MS'), 'pt': u('Navira\u00ed - MS')}, '55333251':{'en': u('Santana do Para\u00edso - MG'), 'pt': u('Santana do Para\u00edso - MG')}, '55333252':{'en': u('Joan\u00e9sia - MG'), 'pt': u('Joan\u00e9sia - MG')}, '55333253':{'en': 'Belo Oriente - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Oriente - MG'}, '55333254':{'en': u('Perp\u00e9tuo Socorro - MG'), 'pt': u('Perp\u00e9tuo Socorro - MG')}, '55673352':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55153461':{'en': 'Porto Feliz - SP', 'pt': 'Porto Feliz - SP'}, '55353824':{'en': u('Inga\u00ed - MG'), 'pt': u('Inga\u00ed - MG')}, '55353826':{'en': 'Lavras - MG', 'pt': 'Lavras - MG'}, '55643089':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643088':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643087':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643086':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55213540':{'en': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ')}, '55213543':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55353823':{'en': 'Itumirim - MG', 'pt': 'Itumirim - MG'}, '55213837':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55653251':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Quatro Marcos - MT'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Quatro Marcos - MT')}, '55673351':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55163176':{'en': 'Furnas Vila Residencial - SP', 'pt': 'Furnas Vila Residencial - SP'}, '55163172':{'en': 'Igarapava - SP', 'pt': 'Igarapava - SP'}, '55163173':{'en': 'Igarapava - SP', 'pt': 'Igarapava - SP'}, '55163171':{'en': 'Pedregulho - SP', 'pt': 'Pedregulho - SP'}, '55313295':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55753418':{'en': 'Alagoinhas - BA', 'pt': 'Alagoinhas - BA'}, '55753414':{'en': 'Cachoeira - BA', 'pt': 'Cachoeira - BA'}, '55313292':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55513716':{'en': 'Arroio do Meio - RS', 'pt': 'Arroio do Meio - RS'}, '55313561':{'en': 'Itabirito - MG', 'pt': 'Itabirito - MG'}, '55413273':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55653259':{'en': u('Vila Bela da Sant\u00edssima Trindade - MT'), 'pt': u('Vila Bela da Sant\u00edssima Trindade - MT')}, '55313563':{'en': 'Itabirito - MG', 'pt': 'Itabirito - MG'}, '55673357':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55513360':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513361':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55453039':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55453038':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55493279':{'en': 'Rio Rufino - SC', 'pt': 'Rio Rufino - SC'}, '55493278':{'en': 'Urubici - SC', 'pt': 'Urubici - SC'}, '55513366':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513367':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55493275':{'en': u('Otac\u00edlio Costa - SC'), 'pt': u('Otac\u00edlio Costa - SC')}, '55513369':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55453031':{'en': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55453030':{'en': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55453037':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55453036':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55453035':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55213833':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55653661':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55653663':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55653664':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55653665':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55653666':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55653667':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55653668':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55653669':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55193468':{'en': 'Americana - SP', 'pt': 'Americana - SP'}, '55413543':{'en': 'Rio Negro - PR', 'pt': 'Rio Negro - PR'}, '55693642':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Miguel do Guapor\u00e9 - RO'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Miguel do Guapor\u00e9 - RO')}, '55313034':{'en': 'Contagem - MG', 'pt': 'Contagem - MG'}, '55413547':{'en': 'Lapa - PR', 'pt': 'Lapa - PR'}, '55513502':{'en': u('Cap\u00e3o da Canoa - RS'), 'pt': u('Cap\u00e3o da Canoa - RS')}, '55413012':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55183422':{'en': 'Assis - SP', 'pt': 'Assis - SP'}, '55513509':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Leopoldo - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Leopoldo - RS')}, '55313039':{'en': u('Tim\u00f3teo - MG'), 'pt': u('Tim\u00f3teo - MG')}, '55512107':{'en': 'Santa Cruz do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Cruz do Sul - RS'}, '55512106':{'en': 'Santa Cruz do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Cruz do Sul - RS'}, '55512104':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55512101':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55623397':{'en': 'Rialma - GO', 'pt': 'Rialma - GO'}, '55512109':{'en': 'Santa Cruz do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Cruz do Sul - RS'}, '55193461':{'en': 'Americana - SP', 'pt': 'Americana - SP'}, '55633301':{'en': 'Gurupi - TO', 'pt': 'Gurupi - TO'}, '55443518':{'en': u('Campo Mour\u00e3o - PR'), 'pt': u('Campo Mour\u00e3o - PR')}, '55623328':{'en': u('An\u00e1polis - GO'), 'pt': u('An\u00e1polis - GO')}, '55473379':{'en': 'Massaranduba - SC', 'pt': 'Massaranduba - SC'}, '55193575':{'en': 'Itirapina - SP', 'pt': 'Itirapina - SP'}, '55193577':{'en': u('Corumbata\u00ed - SP'), 'pt': u('Corumbata\u00ed - SP')}, '55193576':{'en': u('Ipe\u00fana - SP'), 'pt': u('Ipe\u00fana - SP')}, '55193571':{'en': 'Leme - SP', 'pt': 'Leme - SP'}, '55193573':{'en': 'Leme - SP', 'pt': 'Leme - SP'}, '55193572':{'en': 'Leme - SP', 'pt': 'Leme - SP'}, '55193579':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193578':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55713379':{'en': 'Lauro de Freitas - BA', 'pt': 'Lauro de Freitas - BA'}, '55713378':{'en': 'Lauro de Freitas - BA', 'pt': 'Lauro de Freitas - BA'}, '55713371':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55472125':{'en': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC'), 'pt': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC')}, '55713375':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713374':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55472122':{'en': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC'), 'pt': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC')}, '55472123':{'en': 'Blumenau - SC', 'pt': 'Blumenau - SC'}, '55773311':{'en': 'Brumado - BA', 'pt': 'Brumado - BA'}, '55213305':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213304':{'en': 'Belford Roxo - RJ', 'pt': 'Belford Roxo - RJ'}, '55213303':{'en': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ', 'pt': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ'}, '55323061':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55423618':{'en': 'Virmond - PR', 'pt': 'Virmond - PR'}, '55473376':{'en': u('Jaragu\u00e1 do Sul - SC'), 'pt': u('Jaragu\u00e1 do Sul - SC')}, '55213309':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55473377':{'en': 'Luiz Alves - SC', 'pt': 'Luiz Alves - SC'}, '55473374':{'en': 'Schroeder - SC', 'pt': 'Schroeder - SC'}, '55483049':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC')}, '55483047':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC')}, '55483045':{'en': u('Crici\u00fama - SC'), 'pt': u('Crici\u00fama - SC')}, '55473375':{'en': u('Corup\u00e1 - SC'), 'pt': u('Corup\u00e1 - SC')}, '55483043':{'en': u('Tubar\u00e3o - SC'), 'pt': u('Tubar\u00e3o - SC')}, '55713616':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55553781':{'en': 'Santo Augusto - RS', 'pt': 'Santo Augusto - RS'}, '55553784':{'en': 'Chiapetta - RS', 'pt': 'Chiapetta - RS'}, '55553785':{'en': u('Inhacor\u00e1 - RS'), 'pt': u('Inhacor\u00e1 - RS')}, '55753312':{'en': 'Cruz das Almas - BA', 'pt': 'Cruz das Almas - BA'}, '55713264':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55753311':{'en': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio de Jesus - BA'), 'pt': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio de Jesus - BA')}, '55353701':{'en': 'Alfenas - MG', 'pt': 'Alfenas - MG'}, '55222561':{'en': 'Santa Maria Madalena - RJ', 'pt': 'Santa Maria Madalena - RJ'}, '55753642':{'en': 'Jaguaripe - BA', 'pt': 'Jaguaripe - BA'}, '55222566':{'en': 'Bom Jardim - RJ', 'pt': 'Bom Jardim - RJ'}, '55222565':{'en': 'Bom Jardim - RJ', 'pt': 'Bom Jardim - RJ'}, '55222564':{'en': 'Trajano de Morais - RJ', 'pt': 'Trajano de Morais - RJ'}, '55353251':{'en': 'Cambuquira - MG', 'pt': 'Cambuquira - MG'}, '55753647':{'en': u('Aratu\u00edpe - BA'), 'pt': u('Aratu\u00edpe - BA')}, '55543291':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Marcos - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Marcos - RS')}, '55543290':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55543293':{'en': u('Ant\u00f4nio Prado - RS'), 'pt': u('Ant\u00f4nio Prado - RS')}, '55273768':{'en': u('Boa Esperan\u00e7a - ES'), 'pt': u('Boa Esperan\u00e7a - ES')}, '55543295':{'en': 'Gramado - RS', 'pt': 'Gramado - RS'}, '55543294':{'en': 'Nova Roma do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Nova Roma do Sul - RS'}, '55543297':{'en': 'Flores da Cunha - RS', 'pt': 'Flores da Cunha - RS'}, '55543296':{'en': u('Nova P\u00e1dua - RS'), 'pt': u('Nova P\u00e1dua - RS')}, '55313487':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55753648':{'en': 'Dom Macedo Costa - BA', 'pt': 'Dom Macedo Costa - BA'}, '55313485':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313484':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313483':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313481':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55753654':{'en': u('Brej\u00f5es - BA'), 'pt': u('Brej\u00f5es - BA')}, '55173392':{'en': 'Viradouro - SP', 'pt': 'Viradouro - SP'}, '55183229':{'en': 'Presidente Prudente - SP', 'pt': 'Presidente Prudente - SP'}, '55433417':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Bonito - PR'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Bonito - PR')}, '55343511':{'en': u('Patroc\u00ednio - MG'), 'pt': u('Patroc\u00ednio - MG')}, '55243335':{'en': 'Rio Claro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio Claro - RJ'}, '55243334':{'en': 'Rio Claro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio Claro - RJ'}, '55343514':{'en': 'Cachoeira Dourada - MG', 'pt': 'Cachoeira Dourada - MG'}, '55243332':{'en': 'Rio Claro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio Claro - RJ'}, '55342108':{'en': 'Araguari - MG', 'pt': 'Araguari - MG'}, '55342109':{'en': 'Araguari - MG', 'pt': 'Araguari - MG'}, '55212553':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212552':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212555':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212554':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212557':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212556':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212558':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55342102':{'en': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG'), 'pt': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG')}, '55342106':{'en': 'Patos de Minas - MG', 'pt': 'Patos de Minas - MG'}, '55673671':{'en': 'Dourados - MS', 'pt': 'Dourados - MS'}, '55673673':{'en': u('Jate\u00ed - MS'), 'pt': u('Jate\u00ed - MS')}, '55673672':{'en': 'Rio Brilhante - MS', 'pt': 'Rio Brilhante - MS'}, '55673675':{'en': 'Tacuru - MS', 'pt': 'Tacuru - MS'}, '55673674':{'en': 'Bela Vista - MS', 'pt': 'Bela Vista - MS'}, '55673676':{'en': 'Nova Andradina - MS', 'pt': 'Nova Andradina - MS'}, '55753653':{'en': 'Cairu - BA', 'pt': 'Cairu - BA'}, '55623445':{'en': u('Damian\u00f3polis - GO'), 'pt': u('Damian\u00f3polis - GO')}, '55773688':{'en': u('Novo Paran\u00e1 - BA'), 'pt': u('Novo Paran\u00e1 - BA')}, '55313854':{'en': 'Rio Piracicaba - MG', 'pt': 'Rio Piracicaba - MG'}, '55313855':{'en': u('Alvin\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Alvin\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55313856':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Domingos do Prata - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Domingos do Prata - MG')}, '55313857':{'en': u('Dom Silv\u00e9rio - MG'), 'pt': u('Dom Silv\u00e9rio - MG')}, '55313851':{'en': u('Jo\u00e3o Monlevade - MG'), 'pt': u('Jo\u00e3o Monlevade - MG')}, '55273332':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55273333':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55173807':{'en': 'Ubarana - SP', 'pt': 'Ubarana - SP'}, '55613966':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55313858':{'en': u('Dion\u00edsio - MG'), 'pt': u('Dion\u00edsio - MG')}, '55313859':{'en': u('Jo\u00e3o Monlevade - MG'), 'pt': u('Jo\u00e3o Monlevade - MG')}, '55173801':{'en': u('Riol\u00e2ndia - SP'), 'pt': u('Riol\u00e2ndia - SP')}, '55193938':{'en': 'Indaiatuba - SP', 'pt': 'Indaiatuba - SP'}, '55753650':{'en': 'Nordestina - BA', 'pt': 'Nordestina - BA'}, '55653386':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Claro - MT'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Claro - MT')}, '55753651':{'en': u('Jiquiri\u00e7\u00e1 - BA'), 'pt': u('Jiquiri\u00e7\u00e1 - BA')}, '55313939':{'en': 'Conselheiro Lafaiete - MG', 'pt': 'Conselheiro Lafaiete - MG'}, '55513777':{'en': 'Putinga - RS', 'pt': 'Putinga - RS'}, '55513776':{'en': 'Relvado - RS', 'pt': 'Relvado - RS'}, '55513775':{'en': 'Pouso Novo - RS', 'pt': 'Pouso Novo - RS'}, '55513774':{'en': u('Il\u00f3polis - RS'), 'pt': u('Il\u00f3polis - RS')}, '55513773':{'en': u('Po\u00e7o das Antas - RS'), 'pt': u('Po\u00e7o das Antas - RS')}, '55513772':{'en': 'Arvorezinha - RS', 'pt': 'Arvorezinha - RS'}, '55513770':{'en': u('S\u00e9rio - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e9rio - RS')}, '55513390':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513393':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513392':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55753339':{'en': 'Souto Soares - BA', 'pt': 'Souto Soares - BA'}, '55753338':{'en': u('Mucug\u00ea - BA'), 'pt': u('Mucug\u00ea - BA')}, '55753331':{'en': 'Seabra - BA', 'pt': 'Seabra - BA'}, '55753330':{'en': 'Boninal - BA', 'pt': 'Boninal - BA'}, '55753332':{'en': 'Palmeiras - BA', 'pt': 'Palmeiras - BA'}, '55753335':{'en': u('Andara\u00ed - BA'), 'pt': u('Andara\u00ed - BA')}, '55753334':{'en': u('Len\u00e7\u00f3is - BA'), 'pt': u('Len\u00e7\u00f3is - BA')}, '55753337':{'en': 'Utinga - BA', 'pt': 'Utinga - BA'}, '55753336':{'en': 'Wagner - BA', 'pt': 'Wagner - BA'}, '55273745':{'en': u('\u00c1guia Branca - ES'), 'pt': u('\u00c1guia Branca - ES')}, '55273744':{'en': 'Governador Lindenberg - ES', 'pt': 'Governador Lindenberg - ES'}, '55273746':{'en': 'Alto Rio Novo - ES', 'pt': 'Alto Rio Novo - ES'}, '55753623':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55753622':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55273743':{'en': 'Colatina - ES', 'pt': 'Colatina - ES'}, '55273742':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Domingos do Norte - ES'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Domingos do Norte - ES')}, '55333062':{'en': 'Governador Valadares - MG', 'pt': 'Governador Valadares - MG'}, '55753629':{'en': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o do Almeida - BA'), 'pt': u('Concei\u00e7\u00e3o do Almeida - BA')}, '55753628':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Felipe - BA'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Felipe - BA')}, '55382104':{'en': 'Montes Claros - MG', 'pt': 'Montes Claros - MG'}, '55643699':{'en': u('Buriti de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Buriti de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55382101':{'en': 'Montes Claros - MG', 'pt': 'Montes Claros - MG'}, '55382102':{'en': u('Una\u00ed - MG'), 'pt': u('Una\u00ed - MG')}, '55382103':{'en': 'Montes Claros - MG', 'pt': 'Montes Claros - MG'}, '55373262':{'en': 'Lagoa da Prata - MG', 'pt': 'Lagoa da Prata - MG'}, '55643694':{'en': 'Palmelo - GO', 'pt': 'Palmelo - GO'}, '55643695':{'en': u('Adel\u00e2ndia - GO'), 'pt': u('Adel\u00e2ndia - GO')}, '55643696':{'en': u('Campo Alegre de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Campo Alegre de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55643697':{'en': u('Davin\u00f3polis - GO'), 'pt': u('Davin\u00f3polis - GO')}, '55623933':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623932':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623931':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623937':{'en': u('An\u00e1polis - GO'), 'pt': u('An\u00e1polis - GO')}, '55212262':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55733694':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 da Vit\u00f3ria - BA'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 da Vit\u00f3ria - BA')}, '55513192':{'en': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS', 'pt': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS'}, '55513191':{'en': u('Port\u00e3o - RS'), 'pt': u('Port\u00e3o - RS')}, '55733697':{'en': u('Travess\u00e3o - BA'), 'pt': u('Travess\u00e3o - BA')}, '55733692':{'en': 'Camacan - BA', 'pt': 'Camacan - BA'}, '55153542':{'en': u('Cap\u00e3o Bonito - SP'), 'pt': u('Cap\u00e3o Bonito - SP')}, '55153543':{'en': u('Cap\u00e3o Bonito - SP'), 'pt': u('Cap\u00e3o Bonito - SP')}, '55153544':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Grande - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Grande - SP')}, '55153546':{'en': 'Buri - SP', 'pt': 'Buri - SP'}, '55153547':{'en': 'Guapiara - SP', 'pt': 'Guapiara - SP'}, '55153548':{'en': u('Itapirapu\u00e3 Paulista - SP'), 'pt': u('Itapirapu\u00e3 Paulista - SP')}, '55773426':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA')}, '55144009':{'en': 'Bauru - SP', 'pt': 'Bauru - SP'}, '55643526':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55144004':{'en': 'Bauru - SP', 'pt': 'Bauru - SP'}, '55643522':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643520':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643521':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55413972':{'en': u('Pontal do Paran\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Pontal do Paran\u00e1 - PR')}, '55413973':{'en': 'Rio Branco do Sul - PR', 'pt': 'Rio Branco do Sul - PR'}, '55413202':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55313202':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313207':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55173213':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55413208':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55693346':{'en': 'Chupinguaia - RO', 'pt': 'Chupinguaia - RO'}, '55413978':{'en': 'Antonina - PR', 'pt': 'Antonina - PR'}, '55693344':{'en': 'Pimenteiras do Oeste - RO', 'pt': 'Pimenteiras do Oeste - RO'}, '55693343':{'en': 'Corumbiara - RO', 'pt': 'Corumbiara - RO'}, '55693342':{'en': 'Cerejeiras - RO', 'pt': 'Cerejeiras - RO'}, '55693341':{'en': 'Colorado do Oeste - RO', 'pt': 'Colorado do Oeste - RO'}, '55654052':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55353068':{'en': 'Varginha - MG', 'pt': 'Varginha - MG'}, '55173211':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55173216':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55473501':{'en': u('Jaragu\u00e1 do Sul - SC'), 'pt': u('Jaragu\u00e1 do Sul - SC')}, '55353064':{'en': u('Po\u00e7os de Caldas - MG'), 'pt': u('Po\u00e7os de Caldas - MG')}, '55353067':{'en': 'Varginha - MG', 'pt': 'Varginha - MG'}, '55353066':{'en': u('Po\u00e7os de Caldas - MG'), 'pt': u('Po\u00e7os de Caldas - MG')}, '55173214':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55463539':{'en': u('Doutor Ant\u00f4nio Paranhos - PR'), 'pt': u('Doutor Ant\u00f4nio Paranhos - PR')}, '55173215':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55163286':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163287':{'en': 'Vista Alegre do Alto - SP', 'pt': 'Vista Alegre do Alto - SP'}, '55683211':{'en': 'Rio Branco - AC', 'pt': 'Rio Branco - AC'}, '55683212':{'en': 'Rio Branco - AC', 'pt': 'Rio Branco - AC'}, '55683213':{'en': 'Rio Branco - AC', 'pt': 'Rio Branco - AC'}, '55683214':{'en': 'Rio Branco - AC', 'pt': 'Rio Branco - AC'}, '55683216':{'en': 'Rio Branco - AC', 'pt': 'Rio Branco - AC'}, '55163759':{'en': 'Franca - SP', 'pt': 'Franca - SP'}, '55163752':{'en': 'Aramina - SP', 'pt': 'Aramina - SP'}, '55163751':{'en': 'Buritizal - SP', 'pt': 'Buritizal - SP'}, '55653927':{'en': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT'), 'pt': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT')}, '55653492':{'en': u('Ouro Branco (Antiga Raposol\u00e2ndia) - MT'), 'pt': u('Ouro Branco (Antiga Raposol\u00e2ndia) - MT')}, '55653491':{'en': 'Itiquira - MT', 'pt': 'Itiquira - MT'}, '55653925':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55613368':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55483529':{'en': 'Praia Grande - SC', 'pt': 'Praia Grande - SC'}, '55483258':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC')}, '55483259':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC')}, '55483252':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Bonif\u00e1cio - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Bonif\u00e1cio - SC')}, '55483253':{'en': 'Paulo Lopes - SC', 'pt': 'Paulo Lopes - SC'}, '55483522':{'en': u('Ararangu\u00e1 - SC'), 'pt': u('Ararangu\u00e1 - SC')}, '55483251':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55483256':{'en': u('Anit\u00e1polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Anit\u00e1polis - SC')}, '55483257':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC')}, '55483254':{'en': 'Garopaba - SC', 'pt': 'Garopaba - SC'}, '55483255':{'en': 'Imbituba - SC', 'pt': 'Imbituba - SC'}, '55183941':{'en': u('Espig\u00e3o - SP'), 'pt': u('Espig\u00e3o - SP')}, '55183942':{'en': u('Gard\u00eania - SP'), 'pt': u('Gard\u00eania - SP')}, '55212301':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212303':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55613366':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55553318':{'en': u('J\u00f3ia - RS'), 'pt': u('J\u00f3ia - RS')}, '55553311':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55513575':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Leopoldo - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Leopoldo - RS')}, '55553313':{'en': u('Santo \u00c2ngelo - RS'), 'pt': u('Santo \u00c2ngelo - RS')}, '55553312':{'en': u('Santo \u00c2ngelo - RS'), 'pt': u('Santo \u00c2ngelo - RS')}, '55553314':{'en': u('Santo \u00c2ngelo - RS'), 'pt': u('Santo \u00c2ngelo - RS')}, '55513101':{'en': 'Alvorada - RS', 'pt': 'Alvorada - RS'}, '55643983':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55443015':{'en': 'Marialva - PR', 'pt': 'Marialva - PR'}, '55273273':{'en': 'Sooretama - ES', 'pt': 'Sooretama - ES'}, '55443017':{'en': u('Campo Mour\u00e3o - PR'), 'pt': u('Campo Mour\u00e3o - PR')}, '55193638':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Boa Vista - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Boa Vista - SP')}, '55193636':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Boa Vista - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Boa Vista - SP')}, '55193634':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Boa Vista - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Boa Vista - SP')}, '55193635':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Boa Vista - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Boa Vista - SP')}, '55193632':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Boa Vista - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Boa Vista - SP')}, '55193633':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Boa Vista - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Boa Vista - SP')}, '55193631':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Boa Vista - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Boa Vista - SP')}, '55713521':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55423423':{'en': 'Irati - PR', 'pt': 'Irati - PR'}, '55423422':{'en': 'Irati - PR', 'pt': 'Irati - PR'}, '55423421':{'en': 'Irati - PR', 'pt': 'Irati - PR'}, '55773689':{'en': u('Ros\u00e1rio - BA'), 'pt': u('Ros\u00e1rio - BA')}, '55714062':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55623340':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Patr\u00edcio - GO'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Patr\u00edcio - GO')}, '55623341':{'en': u('Goian\u00e1polis - GO'), 'pt': u('Goian\u00e1polis - GO')}, '55623342':{'en': u('Ipiranga de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Ipiranga de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55623343':{'en': u('Abadi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Abadi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623344':{'en': 'Uruana - GO', 'pt': 'Uruana - GO'}, '55673469':{'en': 'Culturama - MS', 'pt': 'Culturama - MS'}, '55543378':{'en': 'Ernestina - RS', 'pt': 'Ernestina - RS'}, '55543379':{'en': 'Coxilha - RS', 'pt': 'Coxilha - RS'}, '55543376':{'en': 'Aratiba - RS', 'pt': 'Aratiba - RS'}, '55543377':{'en': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio do Planalto - RS'), 'pt': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio do Planalto - RS')}, '55543374':{'en': u('Ibia\u00e7\u00e1 - RS'), 'pt': u('Ibia\u00e7\u00e1 - RS')}, '55543375':{'en': 'Erval Grande - RS', 'pt': 'Erval Grande - RS'}, '55543372':{'en': 'Marcelino Ramos - RS', 'pt': 'Marcelino Ramos - RS'}, '55543373':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Valentim - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Valentim - RS')}, '55543371':{'en': 'Marau - RS', 'pt': 'Marau - RS'}, '55693321':{'en': 'Vilhena - RO', 'pt': 'Vilhena - RO'}, '55333276':{'en': 'Governador Valadares - MG', 'pt': 'Governador Valadares - MG'}, '55333277':{'en': 'Governador Valadares - MG', 'pt': 'Governador Valadares - MG'}, '55333274':{'en': 'Governador Valadares - MG', 'pt': 'Governador Valadares - MG'}, '55333275':{'en': 'Governador Valadares - MG', 'pt': 'Governador Valadares - MG'}, '55333272':{'en': 'Governador Valadares - MG', 'pt': 'Governador Valadares - MG'}, '55333271':{'en': 'Governador Valadares - MG', 'pt': 'Governador Valadares - MG'}, '55333278':{'en': 'Governador Valadares - MG', 'pt': 'Governador Valadares - MG'}, '55333279':{'en': 'Governador Valadares - MG', 'pt': 'Governador Valadares - MG'}, '55473080':{'en': 'Blumenau - SC', 'pt': 'Blumenau - SC'}, '55473081':{'en': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC'), 'pt': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC')}, '55473084':{'en': u('Jaragu\u00e1 do Sul - SC'), 'pt': u('Jaragu\u00e1 do Sul - SC')}, '55473087':{'en': 'Brusque - SC', 'pt': 'Brusque - SC'}, '55733661':{'en': 'Vereda - BA', 'pt': 'Vereda - BA'}, '55673289':{'en': 'Rochedo - MS', 'pt': 'Rochedo - MS'}, '55474052':{'en': 'Blumenau - SC', 'pt': 'Blumenau - SC'}, '55474053':{'en': 'Blumenau - SC', 'pt': 'Blumenau - SC'}, '55673286':{'en': u('Camapu\u00e3 - MS'), 'pt': u('Camapu\u00e3 - MS')}, '55673287':{'en': 'Porto Murtinho - MS', 'pt': 'Porto Murtinho - MS'}, '55163114':{'en': 'Araraquara - SP', 'pt': 'Araraquara - SP'}, '55163116':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Carlos - SP')}, '55163111':{'en': 'Franca - SP', 'pt': 'Franca - SP'}, '55753432':{'en': 'Aramari - BA', 'pt': 'Aramari - BA'}, '55753433':{'en': u('Suba\u00fama - BA'), 'pt': u('Suba\u00fama - BA')}, '55753430':{'en': 'Itapicuru - BA', 'pt': 'Itapicuru - BA'}, '55753431':{'en': 'Inhambupe - BA', 'pt': 'Inhambupe - BA'}, '55753436':{'en': 'Olindina - BA', 'pt': 'Olindina - BA'}, '55753437':{'en': 'Nova Soure - BA', 'pt': 'Nova Soure - BA'}, '55753434':{'en': 'Acajutiba - BA', 'pt': 'Acajutiba - BA'}, '55753435':{'en': u('Cip\u00f3 - BA'), 'pt': u('Cip\u00f3 - BA')}, '55753438':{'en': u('S\u00e3o F\u00e9lix - BA'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o F\u00e9lix - BA')}, '55753439':{'en': 'Ribeira do Amparo - BA', 'pt': 'Ribeira do Amparo - BA'}, '55183529':{'en': 'Osvaldo Cruz - SP', 'pt': 'Osvaldo Cruz - SP'}, '55773682':{'en': u('Iui\u00fa - BA'), 'pt': u('Iui\u00fa - BA')}, '55473522':{'en': 'Rio do Sul - SC', 'pt': 'Rio do Sul - SC'}, '55623222':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55513346':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513347':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513344':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513697':{'en': 'Brochier - RS', 'pt': 'Brochier - RS'}, '55453015':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55513343':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55453017':{'en': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Foz do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55513341':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513698':{'en': 'Capela de Santana - RS', 'pt': 'Capela de Santana - RS'}, '55513349':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55222525':{'en': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ', 'pt': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ'}, '55163567':{'en': 'Cajuru - SP', 'pt': 'Cajuru - SP'}, '55413569':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413568':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55613114':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55314009':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55653642':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55443288':{'en': 'Sarandi - PR', 'pt': 'Sarandi - PR'}, '55653641':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55314002':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313055':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55413563':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55313057':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55413565':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55314007':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55443283':{'en': 'Barbosa Ferraz - PR', 'pt': 'Barbosa Ferraz - PR'}, '55413566':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55183441':{'en': u('Ara\u00e7atuba - SP'), 'pt': u('Ara\u00e7atuba - SP')}, '55613393':{'en': 'Santa Maria - DF', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - DF'}, '55413699':{'en': u('Almirante Tamandar\u00e9 - PR'), 'pt': u('Almirante Tamandar\u00e9 - PR')}, '55413698':{'en': u('Almirante Tamandar\u00e9 - PR'), 'pt': u('Almirante Tamandar\u00e9 - PR')}, '55173561':{'en': 'Novais - SP', 'pt': 'Novais - SP'}, '55413695':{'en': u('Paran\u00e1'), 'pt': u('Paran\u00e1')}, '55173563':{'en': 'Cajobi - SP', 'pt': 'Cajobi - SP'}, '55173564':{'en': u('Catigu\u00e1 - SP'), 'pt': u('Catigu\u00e1 - SP')}, '55173566':{'en': u('Emba\u00faba - SP'), 'pt': u('Emba\u00faba - SP')}, '55173567':{'en': u('Para\u00edso - SP'), 'pt': u('Para\u00edso - SP')}, '55222521':{'en': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ', 'pt': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ'}, '55472102':{'en': 'Blumenau - SC', 'pt': 'Blumenau - SC'}, '55472103':{'en': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC'), 'pt': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC')}, '55663302':{'en': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT'), 'pt': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT')}, '55213329':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213328':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55472104':{'en': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC'), 'pt': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC')}, '55213325':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213324':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213851':{'en': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ')}, '55213326':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213857':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ')}, '55213856':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ')}, '55213323':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55323003':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55423636':{'en': 'Cantagalo - PR', 'pt': 'Cantagalo - PR'}, '55423637':{'en': 'Nova Laranjeiras - PR', 'pt': 'Nova Laranjeiras - PR'}, '55423634':{'en': u('Campina do Sim\u00e3o - PR'), 'pt': u('Campina do Sim\u00e3o - PR')}, '55423635':{'en': 'Laranjeiras do Sul - PR', 'pt': 'Laranjeiras do Sul - PR'}, '55423632':{'en': u('Jord\u00e3ozinho - PR'), 'pt': u('Jord\u00e3ozinho - PR')}, '55423633':{'en': 'Mato Rico - PR', 'pt': 'Mato Rico - PR'}, '55423630':{'en': 'Guarapuava - PR', 'pt': 'Guarapuava - PR'}, '55423631':{'en': 'Guarapuava - PR', 'pt': 'Guarapuava - PR'}, '55153373':{'en': 'Itapetininga - SP', 'pt': 'Itapetininga - SP'}, '55153372':{'en': 'Itapetininga - SP', 'pt': 'Itapetininga - SP'}, '55273732':{'en': 'Baixo Guandu - ES', 'pt': 'Baixo Guandu - ES'}, '55153376':{'en': 'Itapetininga - SP', 'pt': 'Itapetininga - SP'}, '55423638':{'en': u('Cand\u00f3i - PR'), 'pt': u('Cand\u00f3i - PR')}, '55423639':{'en': u('Foz do Jord\u00e3o - PR'), 'pt': u('Foz do Jord\u00e3o - PR')}, '55483065':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55483061':{'en': u('Crici\u00fama - SC'), 'pt': u('Crici\u00fama - SC')}, '55483062':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55512125':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55512126':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55512121':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55643247':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55733526':{'en': u('Jequi\u00e9 - BA'), 'pt': u('Jequi\u00e9 - BA')}, '55733527':{'en': u('Jequi\u00e9 - BA'), 'pt': u('Jequi\u00e9 - BA')}, '55733525':{'en': u('Jequi\u00e9 - BA'), 'pt': u('Jequi\u00e9 - BA')}, '55693621':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Francisco do Guapor\u00e9 - RO'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Francisco do Guapor\u00e9 - RO')}, '55493592':{'en': u('Tangar\u00e1 - SC'), 'pt': u('Tangar\u00e1 - SC')}, '55693623':{'en': 'Seringueiras - RO', 'pt': 'Seringueiras - RO'}, '55473318':{'en': 'Gaspar - SC', 'pt': 'Gaspar - SC'}, '55473319':{'en': 'Navegantes - SC', 'pt': 'Navegantes - SC'}, '55222541':{'en': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ', 'pt': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ'}, '55222540':{'en': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ', 'pt': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ'}, '55222543':{'en': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ', 'pt': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ'}, '55222542':{'en': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ', 'pt': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ'}, '55433046':{'en': 'Arapongas - PR', 'pt': 'Arapongas - PR'}, '55433047':{'en': 'Apucarana - PR', 'pt': 'Apucarana - PR'}, '55353234':{'en': u('Tr\u00eas Cora\u00e7\u00f5es - MG'), 'pt': u('Tr\u00eas Cora\u00e7\u00f5es - MG')}, '55353235':{'en': u('Tr\u00eas Cora\u00e7\u00f5es - MG'), 'pt': u('Tr\u00eas Cora\u00e7\u00f5es - MG')}, '55353236':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Bento Abade - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Bento Abade - MG')}, '55353237':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Thom\u00e9 das Letras - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Thom\u00e9 das Letras - MG')}, '55353722':{'en': u('Po\u00e7os de Caldas - MG'), 'pt': u('Po\u00e7os de Caldas - MG')}, '55143597':{'en': 'Presidente Alves - SP', 'pt': 'Presidente Alves - SP'}, '55353232':{'en': u('Tr\u00eas Cora\u00e7\u00f5es - MG'), 'pt': u('Tr\u00eas Cora\u00e7\u00f5es - MG')}, '55353721':{'en': u('Po\u00e7os de Caldas - MG'), 'pt': u('Po\u00e7os de Caldas - MG')}, '55353239':{'en': u('Tr\u00eas Cora\u00e7\u00f5es - MG'), 'pt': u('Tr\u00eas Cora\u00e7\u00f5es - MG')}, '55353729':{'en': u('Po\u00e7os de Caldas - MG'), 'pt': u('Po\u00e7os de Caldas - MG')}, '55223234':{'en': 'Campos dos Goitacazes - RJ', 'pt': 'Campos dos Goitacazes - RJ'}, '55213813':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55623301':{'en': u('Leopoldo de Bulh\u00f5es - GO'), 'pt': u('Leopoldo de Bulh\u00f5es - GO')}, '55473647':{'en': 'Mafra - SC', 'pt': 'Mafra - SC'}, '55473270':{'en': u('Jaragu\u00e1 do Sul - SC'), 'pt': u('Jaragu\u00e1 do Sul - SC')}, '55473644':{'en': 'Rio Negrinho - SC', 'pt': 'Rio Negrinho - SC'}, '55473275':{'en': u('Jaragu\u00e1 do Sul - SC'), 'pt': u('Jaragu\u00e1 do Sul - SC')}, '55473274':{'en': u('Jaragu\u00e1 do Sul - SC'), 'pt': u('Jaragu\u00e1 do Sul - SC')}, '55222724':{'en': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ', 'pt': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ'}, '55222727':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Francisco de Itabapoana - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Francisco de Itabapoana - RJ')}, '55222726':{'en': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ', 'pt': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ'}, '55222721':{'en': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ', 'pt': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ'}, '55222720':{'en': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ', 'pt': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ'}, '55222723':{'en': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ', 'pt': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ'}, '55222722':{'en': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ', 'pt': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ'}, '55373426':{'en': 'Campos Altos - MG', 'pt': 'Campos Altos - MG'}, '55373425':{'en': 'Luz - MG', 'pt': 'Luz - MG'}, '55373424':{'en': u('C\u00f3rrego Danta - MG'), 'pt': u('C\u00f3rrego Danta - MG')}, '55373423':{'en': u('Tapira\u00ed - MG'), 'pt': u('Tapira\u00ed - MG')}, '55373421':{'en': 'Luz - MG', 'pt': 'Luz - MG'}, '55623302':{'en': 'Jussara - GO', 'pt': 'Jussara - GO'}, '55713367':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55163878':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55323051':{'en': 'Barbacena - MG', 'pt': 'Barbacena - MG'}, '55373229':{'en': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55623004':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55212482':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55433433':{'en': u('Ariranha do Iva\u00ed - PR'), 'pt': u('Ariranha do Iva\u00ed - PR')}, '55433432':{'en': 'Jandaia do Sul - PR', 'pt': 'Jandaia do Sul - PR'}, '55433435':{'en': 'Manoel Ribas - PR', 'pt': 'Manoel Ribas - PR'}, '55433437':{'en': 'Novo Itacolomi - PR', 'pt': 'Novo Itacolomi - PR'}, '55433436':{'en': 'Cambira - PR', 'pt': 'Cambira - PR'}, '55163349':{'en': 'Trabiju - SP', 'pt': 'Trabiju - SP'}, '55743552':{'en': 'Campo Formoso - BA', 'pt': 'Campo Formoso - BA'}, '55212537':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212535':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212534':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212533':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212532':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212531':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212530':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212539':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212538':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55463311':{'en': 'Pato Branco - PR', 'pt': 'Pato Branco - PR'}, '55343459':{'en': 'Frutal - MG', 'pt': 'Frutal - MG'}, '55313878':{'en': 'Contagem - MG', 'pt': 'Contagem - MG'}, '55313879':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55713368':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55313872':{'en': 'Abre Campo - MG', 'pt': 'Abre Campo - MG'}, '55273313':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Mateus - ES'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Mateus - ES')}, '55343453':{'en': 'Limeira do Oeste - MG', 'pt': 'Limeira do Oeste - MG'}, '55313871':{'en': 'Rio Casca - MG', 'pt': 'Rio Casca - MG'}, '55313876':{'en': u('Uruc\u00e2nia - MG'), 'pt': u('Uruc\u00e2nia - MG')}, '55343454':{'en': 'Carneirinho - MG', 'pt': 'Carneirinho - MG'}, '55273314':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55343456':{'en': u('Uni\u00e3o de Minas - MG'), 'pt': u('Uni\u00e3o de Minas - MG')}, '55173827':{'en': 'Potirendaba - SP', 'pt': 'Potirendaba - SP'}, '55173826':{'en': 'Uchoa - SP', 'pt': 'Uchoa - SP'}, '55173829':{'en': 'Talhado - SP', 'pt': 'Talhado - SP'}, '55163346':{'en': u('Boa Esperan\u00e7a do Sul - SP'), 'pt': u('Boa Esperan\u00e7a do Sul - SP')}, '55673231':{'en': u('Corumb\u00e1 - MS'), 'pt': u('Corumb\u00e1 - MS')}, '55313915':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55513754':{'en': 'Imigrante - RS', 'pt': 'Imigrante - RS'}, '55463902':{'en': 'Pato Branco - PR', 'pt': 'Pato Branco - PR'}, '55313916':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313911':{'en': 'Contagem - MG', 'pt': 'Contagem - MG'}, '55463905':{'en': u('Francisco Beltr\u00e3o - PR'), 'pt': u('Francisco Beltr\u00e3o - PR')}, '55313913':{'en': 'Contagem - MG', 'pt': 'Contagem - MG'}, '55313912':{'en': 'Contagem - MG', 'pt': 'Contagem - MG'}, '55513759':{'en': 'Travesseiro - RS', 'pt': 'Travesseiro - RS'}, '55513758':{'en': u('Capit\u00e3o - RS'), 'pt': u('Capit\u00e3o - RS')}, '55653691':{'en': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT'), 'pt': u('V\u00e1rzea Grande - MT')}, '55213668':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Meriti - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o de Meriti - RJ')}, '55623579':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623578':{'en': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55484004':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55213660':{'en': 'Barra Mansa - RJ', 'pt': 'Barra Mansa - RJ'}, '55623572':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55213664':{'en': 'Belford Roxo - RJ', 'pt': 'Belford Roxo - RJ'}, '55213665':{'en': 'Queimados - RJ', 'pt': 'Queimados - RJ'}, '55623575':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55213667':{'en': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ', 'pt': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ'}, '55493338':{'en': u('Cunhata\u00ed - SC'), 'pt': u('Cunhata\u00ed - SC')}, '55493339':{'en': u('\u00c1guas de Chapec\u00f3 - SC'), 'pt': u('\u00c1guas de Chapec\u00f3 - SC')}, '55753609':{'en': 'Bravo - BA', 'pt': 'Bravo - BA'}, '55753608':{'en': 'Barrocas - BA', 'pt': 'Barrocas - BA'}, '55753358':{'en': 'Coronel Octaviano Alves - BA', 'pt': 'Coronel Octaviano Alves - BA'}, '55493330':{'en': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC'), 'pt': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC')}, '55753604':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55493332':{'en': u('\u00c1guas Frias - SC'), 'pt': u('\u00c1guas Frias - SC')}, '55493333':{'en': 'Nova Erechim - SC', 'pt': 'Nova Erechim - SC'}, '55493334':{'en': 'Saudades - SC', 'pt': 'Saudades - SC'}, '55493335':{'en': 'Planalto Alegre - SC', 'pt': 'Planalto Alegre - SC'}, '55493336':{'en': u('Guatamb\u00fa - SC'), 'pt': u('Guatamb\u00fa - SC')}, '55323393':{'en': 'Senhora das Dores - MG', 'pt': 'Senhora das Dores - MG'}, '55333513':{'en': u('Campan\u00e1rio - MG'), 'pt': u('Campan\u00e1rio - MG')}, '55333512':{'en': 'Frei Gaspar - MG', 'pt': 'Frei Gaspar - MG'}, '55333511':{'en': 'Itambacuri - MG', 'pt': 'Itambacuri - MG'}, '55333516':{'en': 'Capelinha - MG', 'pt': 'Capelinha - MG'}, '55333515':{'en': u('\u00c1gua Boa - MG'), 'pt': u('\u00c1gua Boa - MG')}, '55333514':{'en': 'Malacacheta - MG', 'pt': 'Malacacheta - MG'}, '55173359':{'en': u('Col\u00f4mbia - SP'), 'pt': u('Col\u00f4mbia - SP')}, '55513031':{'en': 'Canoas - RS', 'pt': 'Canoas - RS'}, '55513032':{'en': 'Canoas - RS', 'pt': 'Canoas - RS'}, '55513033':{'en': 'Esteio - RS', 'pt': 'Esteio - RS'}, '55513034':{'en': 'Sapucaia do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Sapucaia do Sul - RS'}, '55513035':{'en': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS', 'pt': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS'}, '55513036':{'en': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS', 'pt': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS'}, '55173681':{'en': u('Nova Cana\u00e3 Paulista - SP'), 'pt': u('Nova Cana\u00e3 Paulista - SP')}, '55513789':{'en': u('Boqueir\u00e3o do Le\u00e3o - RS'), 'pt': u('Boqueir\u00e3o do Le\u00e3o - RS')}, '55153566':{'en': 'Bairro Palmitalzinho - SP', 'pt': 'Bairro Palmitalzinho - SP'}, '55153565':{'en': 'Itaporanga - SP', 'pt': 'Itaporanga - SP'}, '55153562':{'en': u('Itaber\u00e1 - SP'), 'pt': u('Itaber\u00e1 - SP')}, '55153563':{'en': 'Guapiara - SP', 'pt': 'Guapiara - SP'}, '55513039':{'en': 'Sapiranga - RS', 'pt': 'Sapiranga - RS'}, '55623518':{'en': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55483275':{'en': 'Rancho Queimado - SC', 'pt': 'Rancho Queimado - SC'}, '55543552':{'en': 'Cacique Doble - RS', 'pt': 'Cacique Doble - RS'}, '55543551':{'en': 'Machadinho - RS', 'pt': 'Machadinho - RS'}, '55612029':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55643546':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643547':{'en': 'Indiara - GO', 'pt': 'Indiara - GO'}, '55643541':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643542':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55623514':{'en': 'Inhumas - GO', 'pt': 'Inhumas - GO'}, '55743652':{'en': u('Ibitit\u00e1 - BA'), 'pt': u('Ibitit\u00e1 - BA')}, '55643548':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55273084':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55313267':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55413227':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413224':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413225':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413222':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413223':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55313261':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55413221':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55243401':{'en': 'Barra Mansa - RJ', 'pt': 'Barra Mansa - RJ'}, '55413228':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413229':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55433232':{'en': u('Sertan\u00f3polis - PR'), 'pt': u('Sertan\u00f3polis - PR')}, '55623513':{'en': u('Ner\u00f3polis - GO'), 'pt': u('Ner\u00f3polis - GO')}, '55433235':{'en': 'Primeiro de Maio - PR', 'pt': 'Primeiro de Maio - PR'}, '55632112':{'en': u('Aragua\u00edna - TO'), 'pt': u('Aragua\u00edna - TO')}, '55632111':{'en': 'Palmas - TO', 'pt': 'Palmas - TO'}, '55483278':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 - SC')}, '55753326':{'en': 'Boa Vista do Tupim - BA', 'pt': 'Boa Vista do Tupim - BA'}, '55663468':{'en': u('\u00c1gua Boa - MT'), 'pt': u('\u00c1gua Boa - MT')}, '55663461':{'en': 'Jaciara - MT', 'pt': 'Jaciara - MT'}, '55663463':{'en': 'Primavera do Leste - MT', 'pt': 'Primavera do Leste - MT'}, '55164003':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55663467':{'en': u('Nova Nazar\u00e9 - MT'), 'pt': u('Nova Nazar\u00e9 - MT')}, '55663466':{'en': 'Ponte Branca - MT', 'pt': 'Ponte Branca - MT'}, '55384009':{'en': 'Montes Claros - MG', 'pt': 'Montes Claros - MG'}, '55683237':{'en': u('Pl\u00e1cido de Castro - AC'), 'pt': u('Pl\u00e1cido de Castro - AC')}, '55683234':{'en': 'Capixaba - AC', 'pt': 'Capixaba - AC'}, '55683235':{'en': u('Acrel\u00e2ndia - AC'), 'pt': u('Acrel\u00e2ndia - AC')}, '55683232':{'en': 'Senador Guiomard - AC', 'pt': 'Senador Guiomard - AC'}, '55683233':{'en': 'Porto Acre - AC', 'pt': 'Porto Acre - AC'}, '55753327':{'en': 'Lajedinho - BA', 'pt': 'Lajedinho - BA'}, '55683231':{'en': 'Bujari - AC', 'pt': 'Bujari - AC'}, '55312138':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55753325':{'en': u('Ia\u00e7u - BA'), 'pt': u('Ia\u00e7u - BA')}, '55312136':{'en': 'Ipatinga - MG', 'pt': 'Ipatinga - MG'}, '55193430':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55193431':{'en': 'Tanquinho - SP', 'pt': 'Tanquinho - SP'}, '55193432':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55193433':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55193434':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55193435':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55193436':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55193437':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55193386':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193439':{'en': 'Saltinho - SP', 'pt': 'Saltinho - SP'}, '55193384':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193385':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55183928':{'en': 'Presidente Prudente - SP', 'pt': 'Presidente Prudente - SP'}, '55753322':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55624052':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55743551':{'en': u('Filad\u00e9lfia - BA'), 'pt': u('Filad\u00e9lfia - BA')}, '55633534':{'en': 'Mateiros - TO', 'pt': 'Mateiros - TO'}, '55633535':{'en': u('Marian\u00f3polis do Tocantins - TO'), 'pt': u('Marian\u00f3polis do Tocantins - TO')}, '55553379':{'en': 'Condor - RS', 'pt': 'Condor - RS'}, '55633531':{'en': u('Divin\u00f3polis do Tocantins - TO'), 'pt': u('Divin\u00f3polis do Tocantins - TO')}, '55553377':{'en': u('Peju\u00e7ara - RS'), 'pt': u('Peju\u00e7ara - RS')}, '55553376':{'en': 'Panambi - RS', 'pt': 'Panambi - RS'}, '55553375':{'en': 'Panambi - RS', 'pt': 'Panambi - RS'}, '55553373':{'en': 'Saldanha Marinho - RS', 'pt': 'Saldanha Marinho - RS'}, '55553372':{'en': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara do Sul - RS'), 'pt': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara do Sul - RS')}, '55633538':{'en': 'Aparecida do Rio Negro - TO', 'pt': 'Aparecida do Rio Negro - TO'}, '55633539':{'en': 'Lizarda - TO', 'pt': 'Lizarda - TO'}, '55273125':{'en': 'Guarapari - ES', 'pt': 'Guarapari - ES'}, '55273120':{'en': 'Colatina - ES', 'pt': 'Colatina - ES'}, '55273129':{'en': 'Guarapari - ES', 'pt': 'Guarapari - ES'}, '55193654':{'en': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio do Jardim - SP'), 'pt': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio do Jardim - SP')}, '55193656':{'en': 'Mococa - SP', 'pt': 'Mococa - SP'}, '55193657':{'en': 'Tapiratiba - SP', 'pt': 'Tapiratiba - SP'}, '55193651':{'en': u('Esp\u00edrito Santo do Pinhal - SP'), 'pt': u('Esp\u00edrito Santo do Pinhal - SP')}, '55193652':{'en': u('Agua\u00ed - SP'), 'pt': u('Agua\u00ed - SP')}, '55193653':{'en': u('Agua\u00ed - SP'), 'pt': u('Agua\u00ed - SP')}, '55713508':{'en': 'Lauro de Freitas - BA', 'pt': 'Lauro de Freitas - BA'}, '55513668':{'en': 'Palmares do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Palmares do Sul - RS'}, '55713500':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713501':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713504':{'en': 'Lauro de Freitas - BA', 'pt': 'Lauro de Freitas - BA'}, '55713051':{'en': 'Lauro de Freitas - BA', 'pt': 'Lauro de Freitas - BA'}, '55643092':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55534052':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55753321':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55713364':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55482101':{'en': u('Crici\u00fama - SC'), 'pt': u('Crici\u00fama - SC')}, '55482102':{'en': u('Crici\u00fama - SC'), 'pt': u('Crici\u00fama - SC')}, '55482107':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55482106':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55482108':{'en': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC'), 'pt': u('Florian\u00f3polis - SC')}, '55543314':{'en': 'Passo Fundo - RS', 'pt': 'Passo Fundo - RS'}, '55452031':{'en': u('Marechal C\u00e2ndido Rondon - PR'), 'pt': u('Marechal C\u00e2ndido Rondon - PR')}, '55543316':{'en': 'Passo Fundo - RS', 'pt': 'Passo Fundo - RS'}, '55513662':{'en': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio da Patrulha - RS'), 'pt': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio da Patrulha - RS')}, '55623362':{'en': 'Porangatu - GO', 'pt': 'Porangatu - GO'}, '55543311':{'en': 'Passo Fundo - RS', 'pt': 'Passo Fundo - RS'}, '55543312':{'en': 'Passo Fundo - RS', 'pt': 'Passo Fundo - RS'}, '55313415':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55673448':{'en': u('Deod\u00e1polis - MS'), 'pt': u('Deod\u00e1polis - MS')}, '55673449':{'en': 'Nova Andradina - MS', 'pt': 'Nova Andradina - MS'}, '55543318':{'en': 'Passo Fundo - RS', 'pt': 'Passo Fundo - RS'}, '55313416':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55553595':{'en': 'Tuparendi - RS', 'pt': 'Tuparendi - RS'}, '55733312':{'en': 'Itamaraju - BA', 'pt': 'Itamaraju - BA'}, '55313417':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55513251':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55313412':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55273555':{'en': 'Mimoso do Sul - ES', 'pt': 'Mimoso do Sul - ES'}, '55313413':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55183701':{'en': u('Mirand\u00f3polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Mirand\u00f3polis - SP')}, '55213589':{'en': 'Mesquita - RJ', 'pt': 'Mesquita - RJ'}, '55213584':{'en': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ')}, '55543286':{'en': 'Gramado - RS', 'pt': 'Gramado - RS'}, '55543287':{'en': 'Vila Cristina - RS', 'pt': 'Vila Cristina - RS'}, '55313418':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55343614':{'en': 'Perdizes - MG', 'pt': 'Perdizes - MG'}, '55513259':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55543285':{'en': u('Picada Caf\u00e9 - RS'), 'pt': u('Picada Caf\u00e9 - RS')}, '55543282':{'en': 'Canela - RS', 'pt': 'Canela - RS'}, '55543283':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55543280':{'en': 'Pedras Brancas - RS', 'pt': 'Pedras Brancas - RS'}, '55543281':{'en': u('Nova Petr\u00f3polis - RS'), 'pt': u('Nova Petr\u00f3polis - RS')}, '55713105':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55163133':{'en': 'Cristais Paulista - SP', 'pt': 'Cristais Paulista - SP'}, '55163134':{'en': 'Jeriquara - SP', 'pt': 'Jeriquara - SP'}, '55163135':{'en': 'Rifaina - SP', 'pt': 'Rifaina - SP'}, '55613568':{'en': u('Guar\u00e1 - DF'), 'pt': u('Guar\u00e1 - DF')}, '55613563':{'en': 'Taguatinga - DF', 'pt': 'Taguatinga - DF'}, '55613562':{'en': 'Taguatinga - DF', 'pt': 'Taguatinga - DF'}, '55613561':{'en': 'Taguatinga - DF', 'pt': 'Taguatinga - DF'}, '55613567':{'en': u('Guar\u00e1 - DF'), 'pt': u('Guar\u00e1 - DF')}, '55453253':{'en': 'Nova Santa Rosa - PR', 'pt': 'Nova Santa Rosa - PR'}, '55313326':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55453251':{'en': 'Ouro Verde do Oeste - PR', 'pt': 'Ouro Verde do Oeste - PR'}, '55453257':{'en': 'Entre Rios do Oeste - PR', 'pt': 'Entre Rios do Oeste - PR'}, '55453256':{'en': 'Mercedes - PR', 'pt': 'Mercedes - PR'}, '55453255':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Pedro do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Pedro do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55313327':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55333215':{'en': 'Governador Valadares - MG', 'pt': 'Governador Valadares - MG'}, '55453259':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 das Palmeiras - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 das Palmeiras - PR')}, '55453258':{'en': u('Ramil\u00e2ndia - PR'), 'pt': u('Ramil\u00e2ndia - PR')}, '55313324':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55333212':{'en': 'Governador Valadares - MG', 'pt': 'Governador Valadares - MG'}, '55333213':{'en': 'Governador Valadares - MG', 'pt': 'Governador Valadares - MG'}, '55313323':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55513329':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55713240':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55513325':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55443122':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55443123':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55513320':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55443125':{'en': 'Marialva - PR', 'pt': 'Marialva - PR'}, '55513323':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55653624':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55653625':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55653626':{'en': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT'), 'pt': u('Cuiab\u00e1 - MT')}, '55443263':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55443262':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55443261':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55313071':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55443267':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55223824':{'en': 'Itaperuna - RJ', 'pt': 'Itaperuna - RJ'}, '55313074':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55223826':{'en': 'Itaperuna - RJ', 'pt': 'Itaperuna - RJ'}, '55223829':{'en': u('Laje do Muria\u00e9 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Laje do Muria\u00e9 - RJ')}, '55423242':{'en': 'Ipiranga - PR', 'pt': 'Ipiranga - PR'}, '55313078':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55443268':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55423247':{'en': u('Iva\u00ed - PR'), 'pt': u('Iva\u00ed - PR')}, '55423246':{'en': 'Caetano Mendes - PR', 'pt': 'Caetano Mendes - PR'}, '55423245':{'en': u('Socav\u00e3o - PR'), 'pt': u('Socav\u00e3o - PR')}, '55743629':{'en': 'Barro Alto - BA', 'pt': 'Barro Alto - BA'}, '55633234':{'en': 'Palmas - TO', 'pt': 'Palmas - TO'}, '55173833':{'en': 'Estrela D\'Oeste - SP', 'pt': 'Estrela D\'Oeste - SP'}, '55423906':{'en': 'Castro - PR', 'pt': 'Castro - PR'}, '55753011':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55753015':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55173548':{'en': 'Marapoama - SP', 'pt': 'Marapoama - SP'}, '55173546':{'en': 'Itajobi - SP', 'pt': 'Itajobi - SP'}, '55173547':{'en': 'Itajobi - SP', 'pt': 'Itajobi - SP'}, '55554007':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55173542':{'en': 'Novo Horizonte - SP', 'pt': 'Novo Horizonte - SP'}, '55173543':{'en': 'Novo Horizonte - SP', 'pt': 'Novo Horizonte - SP'}, '55753225':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55753224':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55713335':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55213870':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213873':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55323021':{'en': u('Ub\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('Ub\u00e1 - MG')}, '55323026':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55213874':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55323025':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55423654':{'en': 'Catuporanga - PR', 'pt': 'Catuporanga - PR'}, '55423655':{'en': u('Altamira do Paran\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Altamira do Paran\u00e1 - PR')}, '55423656':{'en': 'Goioxim - PR', 'pt': 'Goioxim - PR'}, '55423657':{'en': 'Palmital - PR', 'pt': 'Palmital - PR'}, '55423651':{'en': u('Reserva do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Reserva do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55423652':{'en': u('Boa Ventura de S\u00e3o Roque - PR'), 'pt': u('Boa Ventura de S\u00e3o Roque - PR')}, '55423653':{'en': u('Rio Bonito do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Rio Bonito do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55153353':{'en': 'Votorantim - SP', 'pt': 'Votorantim - SP'}, '55443219':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55153355':{'en': 'Angatuba - SP', 'pt': 'Angatuba - SP'}, '55633497':{'en': 'Tupirama - TO', 'pt': 'Tupirama - TO'}, '55513593':{'en': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS', 'pt': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS'}, '55513592':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Leopoldo - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Leopoldo - RS')}, '55423901':{'en': 'Ponta Grossa - PR', 'pt': 'Ponta Grossa - PR'}, '55513591':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Leopoldo - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Leopoldo - RS')}, '55513590':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Leopoldo - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Leopoldo - RS')}, '55553746':{'en': 'Seberi - RS', 'pt': 'Seberi - RS'}, '55553747':{'en': u('Boa Vista das Miss\u00f5es - RS'), 'pt': u('Boa Vista das Miss\u00f5es - RS')}, '55553744':{'en': 'Frederico Westphalen - RS', 'pt': 'Frederico Westphalen - RS'}, '55553745':{'en': u('Ira\u00ed - RS'), 'pt': u('Ira\u00ed - RS')}, '55553290':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55553743':{'en': 'Jaboticaba - RS', 'pt': 'Jaboticaba - RS'}, '55553748':{'en': 'Erval Seco - RS', 'pt': 'Erval Seco - RS'}, '55222529':{'en': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ', 'pt': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ'}, '55222528':{'en': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ', 'pt': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ'}, '55433066':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55222526':{'en': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ', 'pt': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ'}, '55433064':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55222524':{'en': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ', 'pt': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ'}, '55222523':{'en': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ', 'pt': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ'}, '55222522':{'en': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ', 'pt': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ'}, '55353742':{'en': 'Bandeira do Sul - MG', 'pt': 'Bandeira do Sul - MG'}, '55353743':{'en': 'Campestre - MG', 'pt': 'Campestre - MG'}, '55223211':{'en': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ', 'pt': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ'}, '55473258':{'en': 'Vitor Meireles - SC', 'pt': 'Vitor Meireles - SC'}, '55473251':{'en': 'Brusque - SC', 'pt': 'Brusque - SC'}, '55473255':{'en': 'Brusque - SC', 'pt': 'Brusque - SC'}, '55343088':{'en': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG'), 'pt': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG')}, '55373405':{'en': 'Arcos - MG', 'pt': 'Arcos - MG'}, '55493358':{'en': 'Cordilheira Alta - SC', 'pt': 'Cordilheira Alta - SC'}, '55373402':{'en': u('Ita\u00fana - MG'), 'pt': u('Ita\u00fana - MG')}, '55163832':{'en': u('Ipu\u00e3 - SP'), 'pt': u('Ipu\u00e3 - SP')}, '55163831':{'en': u('Guar\u00e1 - SP'), 'pt': u('Guar\u00e1 - SP')}, '55163830':{'en': 'Ituverava - SP', 'pt': 'Ituverava - SP'}, '55163835':{'en': u('Miguel\u00f3polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Miguel\u00f3polis - SP')}, '55163839':{'en': 'Ituverava - SP', 'pt': 'Ituverava - SP'}, '55163838':{'en': 'Ituverava - SP', 'pt': 'Ituverava - SP'}, '55533257':{'en': 'Piratini - RS', 'pt': 'Piratini - RS'}, '55433456':{'en': 'Apucarana - PR', 'pt': 'Apucarana - PR'}, '55433454':{'en': 'Cruzmaltina - PR', 'pt': 'Cruzmaltina - PR'}, '55433453':{'en': u('Kalor\u00e9 - PR'), 'pt': u('Kalor\u00e9 - PR')}, '55433452':{'en': u('Borraz\u00f3polis - PR'), 'pt': u('Borraz\u00f3polis - PR')}, '55433451':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Pedro do Iva\u00ed - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Pedro do Iva\u00ed - PR')}, '55183264':{'en': u('Iep\u00ea - SP'), 'pt': u('Iep\u00ea - SP')}, '55183265':{'en': 'Rancharia - SP', 'pt': 'Rancharia - SP'}, '55183266':{'en': 'Alfredo Marcondes - SP', 'pt': 'Alfredo Marcondes - SP'}, '55183267':{'en': 'Santo Expedito - SP', 'pt': 'Santo Expedito - SP'}, '55212519':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55183261':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o dos \u00cdndios - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o dos \u00cdndios - SP')}, '55183262':{'en': 'Presidente Bernardes - SP', 'pt': 'Presidente Bernardes - SP'}, '55183263':{'en': u('Santo Anast\u00e1cio - SP'), 'pt': u('Santo Anast\u00e1cio - SP')}, '55212515':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212514':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212517':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212516':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55183268':{'en': 'Nantes - SP', 'pt': 'Nantes - SP'}, '55183269':{'en': 'Pirapozinho - SP', 'pt': 'Pirapozinho - SP'}, '55212513':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212512':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55533251':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Louren\u00e7o do Sul - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Louren\u00e7o do Sul - RS')}, '55733645':{'en': 'Medeiros Neto - BA', 'pt': 'Medeiros Neto - BA'}, '55613488':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613489':{'en': 'Planaltina - DF', 'pt': 'Planaltina - DF'}, '55613484':{'en': 'Federal District', 'pt': 'Distrito Federal'}, '55613485':{'en': 'Sobradinho - DF', 'pt': 'Sobradinho - DF'}, '55613486':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613487':{'en': 'Sobradinho - DF', 'pt': 'Sobradinho - DF'}, '55613483':{'en': 'Sobradinho - DF', 'pt': 'Sobradinho - DF'}, '55313891':{'en': u('Vi\u00e7osa - MG'), 'pt': u('Vi\u00e7osa - MG')}, '55313892':{'en': u('Vi\u00e7osa - MG'), 'pt': u('Vi\u00e7osa - MG')}, '55313893':{'en': 'Porto Firme - MG', 'pt': 'Porto Firme - MG'}, '55313894':{'en': 'Araponga - MG', 'pt': 'Araponga - MG'}, '55313895':{'en': 'Teixeiras - MG', 'pt': 'Teixeiras - MG'}, '55313896':{'en': 'Pedra do Anta - MG', 'pt': 'Pedra do Anta - MG'}, '55313897':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Miguel do Anta - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Miguel do Anta - MG')}, '55313898':{'en': 'Cajuri - MG', 'pt': 'Cajuri - MG'}, '55313899':{'en': u('Vi\u00e7osa - MG'), 'pt': u('Vi\u00e7osa - MG')}, '55343431':{'en': 'Prata - MG', 'pt': 'Prata - MG'}, '55183695':{'en': 'Planalto - SP', 'pt': 'Planalto - SP'}, '55183694':{'en': 'Zacarias - SP', 'pt': 'Zacarias - SP'}, '55183697':{'en': u('Rubi\u00e1cea - SP'), 'pt': u('Rubi\u00e1cea - SP')}, '55183696':{'en': u('Turi\u00faba - SP'), 'pt': u('Turi\u00faba - SP')}, '55183691':{'en': 'Buritama - SP', 'pt': 'Buritama - SP'}, '55183693':{'en': 'Piacatu - SP', 'pt': 'Piacatu - SP'}, '55183692':{'en': u('Bra\u00fana - SP'), 'pt': u('Bra\u00fana - SP')}, '55183699':{'en': 'Lourdes - SP', 'pt': 'Lourdes - SP'}, '55183698':{'en': u('Lav\u00ednia - SP'), 'pt': u('Lav\u00ednia - SP')}, '55434101':{'en': 'Apucarana - PR', 'pt': 'Apucarana - PR'}, '55434104':{'en': 'Apucarana - PR', 'pt': 'Apucarana - PR'}, '55623551':{'en': u('Bela Vista de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Bela Vista de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55623367':{'en': 'Porangatu - GO', 'pt': 'Porangatu - GO'}, '55623553':{'en': u('Hidrol\u00e2ndia - GO'), 'pt': u('Hidrol\u00e2ndia - GO')}, '55623552':{'en': u('Guap\u00f3 - GO'), 'pt': u('Guap\u00f3 - GO')}, '55623554':{'en': u('Varj\u00e3o - GO'), 'pt': u('Varj\u00e3o - GO')}, '55623557':{'en': u('Campestre de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Campestre de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55773430':{'en': 'Caatiba - BA', 'pt': 'Caatiba - BA'}, '55623558':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55213644':{'en': u('Teres\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Teres\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55773433':{'en': 'Boa Nova - BA', 'pt': 'Boa Nova - BA'}, '55213642':{'en': u('Teres\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Teres\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55213643':{'en': u('Teres\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Teres\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55773436':{'en': u('Barra do Cho\u00e7a - BA'), 'pt': u('Barra do Cho\u00e7a - BA')}, '55773437':{'en': 'Belo Campo - BA', 'pt': 'Belo Campo - BA'}, '55493319':{'en': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC'), 'pt': u('Chapec\u00f3 - SC')}, '55333531':{'en': u('Cara\u00ed - MG'), 'pt': u('Cara\u00ed - MG')}, '55333533':{'en': 'Novo Cruzeiro - MG', 'pt': 'Novo Cruzeiro - MG'}, '55333532':{'en': u('Itaip\u00e9 - MG'), 'pt': u('Itaip\u00e9 - MG')}, '55333535':{'en': u('Pav\u00e3o - MG'), 'pt': u('Pav\u00e3o - MG')}, '55333534':{'en': u('Padre Para\u00edso - MG'), 'pt': u('Padre Para\u00edso - MG')}, '55624017':{'en': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55333536':{'en': u('Te\u00f3filo Otoni - MG'), 'pt': u('Te\u00f3filo Otoni - MG')}, '55753221':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55173043':{'en': 'Barretos - SP', 'pt': 'Barretos - SP'}, '55333025':{'en': 'Governador Valadares - MG', 'pt': 'Governador Valadares - MG'}, '55333022':{'en': 'Governador Valadares - MG', 'pt': 'Governador Valadares - MG'}, '55333021':{'en': 'Governador Valadares - MG', 'pt': 'Governador Valadares - MG'}, '55623365':{'en': u('Crix\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Crix\u00e1s - GO')}, '55153494':{'en': u('Ibi\u00fana - SP'), 'pt': u('Ibi\u00fana - SP')}, '55173044':{'en': 'Bebedouro - SP', 'pt': 'Bebedouro - SP'}, '55643563':{'en': 'Jandaia - GO', 'pt': 'Jandaia - GO'}, '55643560':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Para\u00fana - GO'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Para\u00fana - GO')}, '55483533':{'en': 'Sombrio - SC', 'pt': 'Sombrio - SC'}, '55643567':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643564':{'en': 'Anicuns - GO', 'pt': 'Anicuns - GO'}, '55643565':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55353021':{'en': 'Passos - MG', 'pt': 'Passos - MG'}, '55442033':{'en': 'Palotina - PR', 'pt': 'Palotina - PR'}, '55353022':{'en': 'Pouso Alegre - MG', 'pt': 'Pouso Alegre - MG'}, '55163241':{'en': 'Monte Alto - SP', 'pt': 'Monte Alto - SP'}, '55163242':{'en': 'Monte Alto - SP', 'pt': 'Monte Alto - SP'}, '55163243':{'en': 'Monte Alto - SP', 'pt': 'Monte Alto - SP'}, '55163244':{'en': 'Monte Alto - SP', 'pt': 'Monte Alto - SP'}, '55623361':{'en': 'Itapaci - GO', 'pt': 'Itapaci - GO'}, '55163246':{'en': u('Tai\u00fava - SP'), 'pt': u('Tai\u00fava - SP')}, '55773229':{'en': 'Brumado - BA', 'pt': 'Brumado - BA'}, '55343839':{'en': u('Patroc\u00ednio - MG'), 'pt': u('Patroc\u00ednio - MG')}, '55383671':{'en': 'Paracatu - MG', 'pt': 'Paracatu - MG'}, '55383673':{'en': 'Guarda-Mor - MG', 'pt': 'Guarda-Mor - MG'}, '55383672':{'en': 'Paracatu - MG', 'pt': 'Paracatu - MG'}, '55383675':{'en': u('Bonfin\u00f3polis de Minas - MG'), 'pt': u('Bonfin\u00f3polis de Minas - MG')}, '55383674':{'en': 'Cabeceira Grande - MG', 'pt': 'Cabeceira Grande - MG'}, '55383677':{'en': u('Una\u00ed - MG'), 'pt': u('Una\u00ed - MG')}, '55383676':{'en': u('Una\u00ed - MG'), 'pt': u('Una\u00ed - MG')}, '55383679':{'en': 'Paracatu - MG', 'pt': 'Paracatu - MG'}, '55383678':{'en': 'Riachinho - MG', 'pt': 'Riachinho - MG'}, '55663405':{'en': u('Barra do Gar\u00e7as - MT'), 'pt': u('Barra do Gar\u00e7as - MT')}, '55653102':{'en': 'Nobres - MT', 'pt': 'Nobres - MT'}, '55663402':{'en': u('Barra do Gar\u00e7as - MT'), 'pt': u('Barra do Gar\u00e7as - MT')}, '55663401':{'en': u('Barra do Gar\u00e7as - MT'), 'pt': u('Barra do Gar\u00e7as - MT')}, '55313821':{'en': 'Ipatinga - MG', 'pt': 'Ipatinga - MG'}, '55513115':{'en': 'Canoas - RS', 'pt': 'Canoas - RS'}, '55513114':{'en': u('Gua\u00edba - RS'), 'pt': u('Gua\u00edba - RS')}, '55343832':{'en': u('Patroc\u00ednio - MG'), 'pt': u('Patroc\u00ednio - MG')}, '55273345':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria - ES')}, '55623307':{'en': 'Ceres - GO', 'pt': 'Ceres - GO'}, '55343831':{'en': u('Patroc\u00ednio - MG'), 'pt': u('Patroc\u00ednio - MG')}, '55313824':{'en': 'Ipatinga - MG', 'pt': 'Ipatinga - MG'}, '55163797':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55483356':{'en': 'Imbituba - SC', 'pt': 'Imbituba - SC'}, '55213382':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55544001':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55313829':{'en': 'Ipatinga - MG', 'pt': 'Ipatinga - MG'}, '55313539':{'en': 'Betim - MG', 'pt': 'Betim - MG'}, '55313538':{'en': 'Esmeraldas - MG', 'pt': 'Esmeraldas - MG'}, '55413248':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413249':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55544007':{'en': 'Caxias do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Caxias do Sul - RS'}, '55313533':{'en': u('Ibirit\u00e9 - MG'), 'pt': u('Ibirit\u00e9 - MG')}, '55313532':{'en': 'Betim - MG', 'pt': 'Betim - MG'}, '55313531':{'en': 'Betim - MG', 'pt': 'Betim - MG'}, '55313530':{'en': 'Betim - MG', 'pt': 'Betim - MG'}, '55413240':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55313536':{'en': 'Florestal - MG', 'pt': 'Florestal - MG'}, '55413242':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413243':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55483296':{'en': u('Bigua\u00e7u - SC'), 'pt': u('Bigua\u00e7u - SC')}, '55183909':{'en': 'Presidente Prudente - SP', 'pt': 'Presidente Prudente - SP'}, '55183908':{'en': 'Presidente Prudente - SP', 'pt': 'Presidente Prudente - SP'}, '55183905':{'en': 'Presidente Prudente - SP', 'pt': 'Presidente Prudente - SP'}, '55183907':{'en': 'Presidente Prudente - SP', 'pt': 'Presidente Prudente - SP'}, '55183906':{'en': 'Presidente Prudente - SP', 'pt': 'Presidente Prudente - SP'}, '55312112':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55183903':{'en': 'Presidente Prudente - SP', 'pt': 'Presidente Prudente - SP'}, '55312111':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55193417':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55193414':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55193415':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55193412':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55193413':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55193411':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55212423':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55193418':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55713298':{'en': u('Sim\u00f5es Filho - BA'), 'pt': u('Sim\u00f5es Filho - BA')}, '55643226':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55223021':{'en': 'Araruama - RJ', 'pt': 'Araruama - RJ'}, '55143552':{'en': 'Getulina - SP', 'pt': 'Getulina - SP'}, '55223022':{'en': 'Itaperuna - RJ', 'pt': 'Itaperuna - RJ'}, '55713296':{'en': u('Sim\u00f5es Filho - BA'), 'pt': u('Sim\u00f5es Filho - BA')}, '55713297':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55212424':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55553355':{'en': u('Caibat\u00e9 - RS'), 'pt': u('Caibat\u00e9 - RS')}, '55553354':{'en': 'Porto Xavier - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Xavier - RS'}, '55553356':{'en': 'Bossoroca - RS', 'pt': 'Bossoroca - RS'}, '55553351':{'en': u('Pirap\u00f3 - RS'), 'pt': u('Pirap\u00f3 - RS')}, '55553353':{'en': u('Guarani das Miss\u00f5es - RS'), 'pt': u('Guarani das Miss\u00f5es - RS')}, '55553352':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Luiz Gonzaga - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Luiz Gonzaga - RS')}, '55212426':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55553359':{'en': 'Cerro Largo - RS', 'pt': 'Cerro Largo - RS'}, '55553358':{'en': u('Salvador das Miss\u00f5es - RS'), 'pt': u('Salvador das Miss\u00f5es - RS')}, '55753688':{'en': u('Lamar\u00e3o - BA'), 'pt': u('Lamar\u00e3o - BA')}, '55193678':{'en': 'Canoas - SP', 'pt': 'Canoas - SP'}, '55193679':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Paulo'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Paulo')}, '55193672':{'en': 'Santa Cruz das Palmeiras - SP', 'pt': 'Santa Cruz das Palmeiras - SP'}, '55193673':{'en': u('Tamba\u00fa - SP'), 'pt': u('Tamba\u00fa - SP')}, '55193671':{'en': 'Casa Branca - SP', 'pt': 'Casa Branca - SP'}, '55193674':{'en': 'Casa Branca - SP', 'pt': 'Casa Branca - SP'}, '55193675':{'en': u('Tamba\u00fa - SP'), 'pt': u('Tamba\u00fa - SP')}, '55313376':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55513755':{'en': u('Mu\u00e7um - RS'), 'pt': u('Mu\u00e7um - RS')}, '55743684':{'en': 'Canarana - BA', 'pt': 'Canarana - BA'}, '55743685':{'en': 'Mundo Novo - BA', 'pt': 'Mundo Novo - BA'}, '55743686':{'en': 'Ibipeba - BA', 'pt': 'Ibipeba - BA'}, '55693043':{'en': 'Porto Velho - RO', 'pt': 'Porto Velho - RO'}, '55743681':{'en': u('Ourol\u00e2ndia - BA'), 'pt': u('Ourol\u00e2ndia - BA')}, '55423463':{'en': 'Rio Azul - PR', 'pt': 'Rio Azul - PR'}, '55423460':{'en': 'Teixeira Soares - PR', 'pt': 'Teixeira Soares - PR'}, '55513883':{'en': 'Montenegro - RS', 'pt': 'Montenegro - RS'}, '55213078':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55543338':{'en': 'Victor Graeff - RS', 'pt': 'Victor Graeff - RS'}, '55543339':{'en': 'Erebango - RS', 'pt': 'Erebango - RS'}, '55543332':{'en': u('N\u00e3o-Me-Toque - RS'), 'pt': u('N\u00e3o-Me-Toque - RS')}, '55543333':{'en': 'Chapada - RS', 'pt': 'Chapada - RS'}, '55543330':{'en': 'Carazinho - RS', 'pt': 'Carazinho - RS'}, '55543331':{'en': 'Carazinho - RS', 'pt': 'Carazinho - RS'}, '55543336':{'en': 'Ipiranga do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Ipiranga do Sul - RS'}, '55543337':{'en': u('Esta\u00e7\u00e3o - RS'), 'pt': u('Esta\u00e7\u00e3o - RS')}, '55213077':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55154009':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55513757':{'en': u('Nova Br\u00e9scia - RS'), 'pt': u('Nova Br\u00e9scia - RS')}, '55443810':{'en': u('Campo Mour\u00e3o - PR'), 'pt': u('Campo Mour\u00e3o - PR')}, '55313288':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55143484':{'en': u('\u00c1lvaro de Carvalho - SP'), 'pt': u('\u00c1lvaro de Carvalho - SP')}, '55192108':{'en': 'Americana - SP', 'pt': 'Americana - SP'}, '55192103':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55192102':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55192101':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55192107':{'en': 'Indaiatuba - SP', 'pt': 'Indaiatuba - SP'}, '55143486':{'en': u('Hercul\u00e2ndia - SP'), 'pt': u('Hercul\u00e2ndia - SP')}, '55192105':{'en': 'Piracicaba - SP', 'pt': 'Piracicaba - SP'}, '55192104':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55353365':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o do Rio Verde - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Sebasti\u00e3o do Rio Verde - MG')}, '55353363':{'en': 'Itamonte - MG', 'pt': 'Itamonte - MG'}, '55373212':{'en': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55373213':{'en': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55373214':{'en': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55373215':{'en': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55373216':{'en': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG'), 'pt': u('Divin\u00f3polis - MG')}, '55313285':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55553921':{'en': 'Santa Maria - RS', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - RS'}, '55513766':{'en': 'Bom Retiro do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Bom Retiro do Sul - RS'}, '55453279':{'en': 'Quatro Pontes - PR', 'pt': 'Quatro Pontes - PR'}, '55453278':{'en': 'Toledo - PR', 'pt': 'Toledo - PR'}, '55613543':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613542':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613547':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613546':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55453271':{'en': 'Sede Alvorada - PR', 'pt': 'Sede Alvorada - PR'}, '55453270':{'en': u('Iguipor\u00e3 - PR'), 'pt': u('Iguipor\u00e3 - PR')}, '55453273':{'en': 'Toledo - PR', 'pt': 'Toledo - PR'}, '55453272':{'en': 'Diamante D\'Oeste - PR', 'pt': 'Diamante D\'Oeste - PR'}, '55453275':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Clemente - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Clemente - PR')}, '55453274':{'en': 'Toledo - PR', 'pt': 'Toledo - PR'}, '55453277':{'en': 'Toledo - PR', 'pt': 'Toledo - PR'}, '55453276':{'en': 'Santa Helena - PR', 'pt': 'Santa Helena - PR'}, '55333232':{'en': u('Sobr\u00e1lia - MG'), 'pt': u('Sobr\u00e1lia - MG')}, '55333233':{'en': 'Tarumirim - MG', 'pt': 'Tarumirim - MG'}, '55333231':{'en': 'Itanhomi - MG', 'pt': 'Itanhomi - MG'}, '55333236':{'en': 'Alpercata - MG', 'pt': 'Alpercata - MG'}, '55333237':{'en': 'Fernandes Tourinho - MG', 'pt': 'Fernandes Tourinho - MG'}, '55333234':{'en': 'Engenheiro Caldas - MG', 'pt': 'Engenheiro Caldas - MG'}, '55333235':{'en': 'Tumiritinga - MG', 'pt': 'Tumiritinga - MG'}, '55212700':{'en': u('Itagua\u00ed - RJ'), 'pt': u('Itagua\u00ed - RJ')}, '55333238':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Geraldo da Piedade - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Geraldo da Piedade - MG')}, '55212703':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55212704':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55212705':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55212707':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55513650':{'en': u('Bar\u00e3o do Triunfo - RS'), 'pt': u('Bar\u00e3o do Triunfo - RS')}, '55513651':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jer\u00f4nimo - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jer\u00f4nimo - RS')}, '55513652':{'en': u('Buti\u00e1 - RS'), 'pt': u('Buti\u00e1 - RS')}, '55513653':{'en': 'Taquari - RS', 'pt': 'Taquari - RS'}, '55513654':{'en': 'Triunfo - RS', 'pt': 'Triunfo - RS'}, '55513307':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55513656':{'en': 'Arroio dos Ratos - RS', 'pt': 'Arroio dos Ratos - RS'}, '55513657':{'en': 'Vendinha - RS', 'pt': 'Vendinha - RS'}, '55453055':{'en': 'Toledo - PR', 'pt': 'Toledo - PR'}, '55453054':{'en': 'Toledo - PR', 'pt': 'Toledo - PR'}, '55513308':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55453056':{'en': 'Toledo - PR', 'pt': 'Toledo - PR'}, '55542521':{'en': u('Bento Gon\u00e7alves - RS'), 'pt': u('Bento Gon\u00e7alves - RS')}, '55193453':{'en': 'Limeira - SP', 'pt': 'Limeira - SP'}, '55613357':{'en': 'Samambaia Sul - DF', 'pt': 'Samambaia Sul - DF'}, '55443249':{'en': 'Lobato - PR', 'pt': 'Lobato - PR'}, '55443248':{'en': u('Iguara\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Iguara\u00e7u - PR')}, '55423915':{'en': u('Carambe\u00ed - PR'), 'pt': u('Carambe\u00ed - PR')}, '55193456':{'en': u('Iracem\u00e1polis - SP'), 'pt': u('Iracem\u00e1polis - SP')}, '55443243':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jorge do Iva\u00ed - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jorge do Iva\u00ed - PR')}, '55443242':{'en': u('Flora\u00ed - PR'), 'pt': u('Flora\u00ed - PR')}, '55443245':{'en': u('Mandagua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Mandagua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55443244':{'en': u('Pai\u00e7andu - PR'), 'pt': u('Pai\u00e7andu - PR')}, '55443247':{'en': u('Santa F\u00e9 - PR'), 'pt': u('Santa F\u00e9 - PR')}, '55443246':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55223847':{'en': 'Raposo - RJ', 'pt': 'Raposo - RJ'}, '55223844':{'en': u('Porci\u00fancula - RJ'), 'pt': u('Porci\u00fancula - RJ')}, '55223843':{'en': 'Varre-Sai - RJ', 'pt': 'Varre-Sai - RJ'}, '55223842':{'en': u('Porci\u00fancula - RJ'), 'pt': u('Porci\u00fancula - RJ')}, '55413523':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55543334':{'en': 'Colorado - RS', 'pt': 'Colorado - RS'}, '55242522':{'en': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ', 'pt': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ'}, '55733277':{'en': 'Guaratinga - BA', 'pt': 'Guaratinga - BA'}, '55553249':{'en': 'Santiago - RS', 'pt': 'Santiago - RS'}, '55634003':{'en': 'Palmas - TO', 'pt': 'Palmas - TO'}, '55753030':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55753031':{'en': 'Alagoinhas - BA', 'pt': 'Alagoinhas - BA'}, '55173524':{'en': 'Catanduva - SP', 'pt': 'Catanduva - SP'}, '55173525':{'en': 'Catanduva - SP', 'pt': 'Catanduva - SP'}, '55173521':{'en': 'Catanduva - SP', 'pt': 'Catanduva - SP'}, '55173522':{'en': 'Catanduva - SP', 'pt': 'Catanduva - SP'}, '55173523':{'en': 'Catanduva - SP', 'pt': 'Catanduva - SP'}, '55173529':{'en': u('Elisi\u00e1rio - SP'), 'pt': u('Elisi\u00e1rio - SP')}, '55753413':{'en': 'Esplanada - BA', 'pt': 'Esplanada - BA'}, '55774141':{'en': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA'), 'pt': u('Vit\u00f3ria da Conquista - BA')}, '55623098':{'en': u('An\u00e1polis - GO'), 'pt': u('An\u00e1polis - GO')}, '55623099':{'en': u('An\u00e1polis - GO'), 'pt': u('An\u00e1polis - GO')}, '55623094':{'en': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623095':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623096':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623097':{'en': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623091':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623092':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623093':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55213816':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55413383':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR')}, '55413382':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR')}, '55423676':{'en': 'Faxinal da Boa Vista - PR', 'pt': 'Faxinal da Boa Vista - PR'}, '55413384':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR')}, '55693446':{'en': u('Primavera de Rond\u00f4nia - RO'), 'pt': u('Primavera de Rond\u00f4nia - RO')}, '55423675':{'en': 'Copel - PR', 'pt': 'Copel - PR'}, '55413389':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55693449':{'en': 'Rolim de Moura - RO', 'pt': 'Rolim de Moura - RO'}, '55333825':{'en': 'Belo Oriente - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Oriente - MG'}, '55213818':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55153336':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55153335':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55153334':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55153330':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55473361':{'en': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC'), 'pt': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC')}, '55312323':{'en': 'Betim - MG', 'pt': 'Betim - MG'}, '55153339':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55473363':{'en': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC'), 'pt': u('Balne\u00e1rio Cambori\u00fa - SC')}, '55343261':{'en': 'Ituiutaba - MG', 'pt': 'Ituiutaba - MG'}, '55473362':{'en': 'Presidente Nereu - SC', 'pt': 'Presidente Nereu - SC'}, '55633540':{'en': 'Monte do Carmo - TO', 'pt': 'Monte do Carmo - TO'}, '55743531':{'en': u('Cura\u00e7\u00e1 - BA'), 'pt': u('Cura\u00e7\u00e1 - BA')}, '55713336':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55743536':{'en': 'Casa Nova - BA', 'pt': 'Casa Nova - BA'}, '55743537':{'en': u('Sento S\u00e9 - BA'), 'pt': u('Sento S\u00e9 - BA')}, '55473354':{'en': 'Guabiruba - SC', 'pt': 'Guabiruba - SC'}, '55473355':{'en': 'Brusque - SC', 'pt': 'Brusque - SC'}, '55473356':{'en': 'Vidal Ramos - SC', 'pt': 'Vidal Ramos - SC'}, '55163904':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55473350':{'en': 'Brusque - SC', 'pt': 'Brusque - SC'}, '55473351':{'en': 'Brusque - SC', 'pt': 'Brusque - SC'}, '55473352':{'en': u('Presidente Get\u00falio - SC'), 'pt': u('Presidente Get\u00falio - SC')}, '55473353':{'en': u('Api\u00fana - SC'), 'pt': u('Api\u00fana - SC')}, '55623364':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Miguel do Araguaia - GO'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Miguel do Araguaia - GO')}, '55643255':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55473358':{'en': 'Witmarsum - SC', 'pt': 'Witmarsum - SC'}, '55473359':{'en': u('Botuver\u00e1 - SC'), 'pt': u('Botuver\u00e1 - SC')}, '55513403':{'en': u('Gua\u00edba - RS'), 'pt': u('Gua\u00edba - RS')}, '55163472':{'en': 'Araraquara - SP', 'pt': 'Araraquara - SP'}, '55743162':{'en': 'Juazeiro - BA', 'pt': 'Juazeiro - BA'}, '55313466':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55163475':{'en': u('Sert\u00e3ozinho - SP'), 'pt': u('Sert\u00e3ozinho - SP')}, '55753631':{'en': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio de Jesus - BA'), 'pt': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio de Jesus - BA')}, '55753320':{'en': u('Itaet\u00e9 - BA'), 'pt': u('Itaet\u00e9 - BA')}, '55643256':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55443332':{'en': u('Itaguaj\u00e9 - PR'), 'pt': u('Itaguaj\u00e9 - PR')}, '55713330':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55473238':{'en': 'Blumenau - SC', 'pt': 'Blumenau - SC'}, '55473236':{'en': 'Blumenau - SC', 'pt': 'Blumenau - SC'}, '55473234':{'en': 'Blumenau - SC', 'pt': 'Blumenau - SC'}, '55473233':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Francisco do Sul - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Francisco do Sul - SC')}, '55473018':{'en': 'Gaspar - SC', 'pt': 'Gaspar - SC'}, '55473231':{'en': 'Blumenau - SC', 'pt': 'Blumenau - SC'}, '55422102':{'en': 'Ponta Grossa - PR', 'pt': 'Ponta Grossa - PR'}, '55422101':{'en': 'Ponta Grossa - PR', 'pt': 'Ponta Grossa - PR'}, '55212289':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212288':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212285':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212284':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212287':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212286':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212280':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212283':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212282':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55613718':{'en': 'Formosa - GO', 'pt': 'Formosa - GO'}, '55613717':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55433475':{'en': 'Jardim Alegre - PR', 'pt': 'Jardim Alegre - PR'}, '55433474':{'en': 'Grandes Rios - PR', 'pt': 'Grandes Rios - PR'}, '55433477':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o do Iva\u00ed - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o do Iva\u00ed - PR')}, '55433476':{'en': u('C\u00e2ndido de Abreu - PR'), 'pt': u('C\u00e2ndido de Abreu - PR')}, '55433471':{'en': 'Jacutinga - PR', 'pt': 'Jacutinga - PR'}, '55433473':{'en': u('Lidian\u00f3polis - PR'), 'pt': u('Lidian\u00f3polis - PR')}, '55433472':{'en': u('Ivaipor\u00e3 - PR'), 'pt': u('Ivaipor\u00e3 - PR')}, '55433478':{'en': 'Lunardelli - PR', 'pt': 'Lunardelli - PR'}, '55493457':{'en': 'Presidente Castelo Branco - SC', 'pt': 'Presidente Castelo Branco - SC'}, '55693643':{'en': 'Alto Alegre dos Parecis - RO', 'pt': 'Alto Alegre dos Parecis - RO'}, '55163877':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55343415':{'en': 'Iturama - MG', 'pt': 'Iturama - MG'}, '55343414':{'en': 'Contagem - MG', 'pt': 'Contagem - MG'}, '55754009':{'en': 'Feira de Santana - BA', 'pt': 'Feira de Santana - BA'}, '55343411':{'en': 'Iturama - MG', 'pt': 'Iturama - MG'}, '55343413':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Francisco de Sales - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Francisco de Sales - MG')}, '55343412':{'en': 'Campina Verde - MG', 'pt': 'Campina Verde - MG'}, '55613415':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55733298':{'en': 'Prado - BA', 'pt': 'Prado - BA'}, '55163818':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Joaquim da Barra - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Joaquim da Barra - SP')}, '55673038':{'en': 'Dourados - MS', 'pt': 'Dourados - MS'}, '55163811':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Joaquim da Barra - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Joaquim da Barra - SP')}, '55323401':{'en': 'Leopoldina - MG', 'pt': 'Leopoldina - MG'}, '55733292':{'en': 'Teixeira de Freitas - BA', 'pt': 'Teixeira de Freitas - BA'}, '55733293':{'en': u('Alcoba\u00e7a - BA'), 'pt': u('Alcoba\u00e7a - BA')}, '55673033':{'en': 'Dourados - MS', 'pt': 'Dourados - MS'}, '55413564':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55733296':{'en': 'Medeiros Neto - BA', 'pt': 'Medeiros Neto - BA'}, '55513365':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55473901':{'en': 'Blumenau - SC', 'pt': 'Blumenau - SC'}, '55473903':{'en': 'Joinville - SC', 'pt': 'Joinville - SC'}, '55473902':{'en': u('Jaragu\u00e1 do Sul - SC'), 'pt': u('Jaragu\u00e1 do Sul - SC')}, '55473904':{'en': 'Itapema - SC', 'pt': 'Itapema - SC'}, '55473908':{'en': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC'), 'pt': u('Itaja\u00ed - SC')}, '55493621':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Miguel do Oeste - SC'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Miguel do Oeste - SC')}, '55713473':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55413567':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55493277':{'en': 'Bom Retiro - SC', 'pt': 'Bom Retiro - SC'}, '55713115':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55623537':{'en': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623536':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55213626':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55623534':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55213620':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55213621':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55773416':{'en': u('Contendas do Sincor\u00e1 - BA'), 'pt': u('Contendas do Sincor\u00e1 - BA')}, '55773417':{'en': 'Guajeru - BA', 'pt': 'Guajeru - BA'}, '55773414':{'en': 'Jussiape - BA', 'pt': 'Jussiape - BA'}, '55773415':{'en': u('Itua\u00e7u - BA'), 'pt': u('Itua\u00e7u - BA')}, '55773412':{'en': 'Iramaia - BA', 'pt': 'Iramaia - BA'}, '55213629':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55623539':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55623538':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55453421':{'en': 'Toledo - PR', 'pt': 'Toledo - PR'}, '55663451':{'en': 'Dom Aquino - MT', 'pt': 'Dom Aquino - MT'}, '55173312':{'en': 'Barretos - SP', 'pt': 'Barretos - SP'}, '55173311':{'en': 'Catanduva - SP', 'pt': 'Catanduva - SP'}, '55173811':{'en': u('Nova Alian\u00e7a - SP'), 'pt': u('Nova Alian\u00e7a - SP')}, '55543042':{'en': 'Farroupilha - RS', 'pt': 'Farroupilha - RS'}, '55543045':{'en': 'Passo Fundo - RS', 'pt': 'Passo Fundo - RS'}, '55543046':{'en': 'Passo Fundo - RS', 'pt': 'Passo Fundo - RS'}, '55612141':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55514112':{'en': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS', 'pt': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS'}, '55514116':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55153522':{'en': 'Itapeva - SP', 'pt': 'Itapeva - SP'}, '55153523':{'en': 'Caputera - SP', 'pt': 'Caputera - SP'}, '55153521':{'en': 'Itapeva - SP', 'pt': 'Itapeva - SP'}, '55153526':{'en': 'Itapeva - SP', 'pt': 'Itapeva - SP'}, '55153527':{'en': 'Itapetininga - SP', 'pt': 'Itapetininga - SP'}, '55153524':{'en': 'Itapeva - SP', 'pt': 'Itapeva - SP'}, '55643581':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55513596':{'en': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS', 'pt': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS'}, '55643586':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55643588':{'en': 'Itumbiara - GO', 'pt': 'Itumbiara - GO'}, '55212251':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ')}, '55533278':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55533279':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55533271':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55533272':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55533273':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55533274':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55533275':{'en': u('Cap\u00e3o do Le\u00e3o - RS'), 'pt': u('Cap\u00e3o do Le\u00e3o - RS')}, '55513443':{'en': 'Alvorada - RS', 'pt': 'Alvorada - RS'}, '55513595':{'en': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS', 'pt': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS'}, '55433276':{'en': 'Arapongas - PR', 'pt': 'Arapongas - PR'}, '55433275':{'en': 'Arapongas - PR', 'pt': 'Arapongas - PR'}, '55433274':{'en': 'Arapongas - PR', 'pt': 'Arapongas - PR'}, '55433273':{'en': 'Miraselva - PR', 'pt': 'Miraselva - PR'}, '55433272':{'en': u('Jaguapit\u00e3 - PR'), 'pt': u('Jaguapit\u00e3 - PR')}, '55433270':{'en': u('Santa Cec\u00edlia do Pav\u00e3o - PR'), 'pt': u('Santa Cec\u00edlia do Pav\u00e3o - PR')}, '55513594':{'en': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS', 'pt': 'Novo Hamburgo - RS'}, '55623643':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55163266':{'en': 'Borborema - SP', 'pt': 'Borborema - SP'}, '55163265':{'en': 'Tapinas - SP', 'pt': 'Tapinas - SP'}, '55213850':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55173203':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55173202':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55383616':{'en': 'Matias Cardoso - MG', 'pt': 'Matias Cardoso - MG'}, '55383615':{'en': 'Manga - MG', 'pt': 'Manga - MG'}, '55383614':{'en': u('Montalv\u00e2nia - MG'), 'pt': u('Montalv\u00e2nia - MG')}, '55383613':{'en': 'Itacarambi - MG', 'pt': 'Itacarambi - MG'}, '55383612':{'en': u('Montalv\u00e2nia - MG'), 'pt': u('Montalv\u00e2nia - MG')}, '55663423':{'en': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT'), 'pt': u('Rondon\u00f3polis - MT')}, '55623952':{'en': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55513462':{'en': 'Canoas - RS', 'pt': 'Canoas - RS'}, '55513461':{'en': 'Esteio - RS', 'pt': 'Esteio - RS'}, '55513460':{'en': 'Esteio - RS', 'pt': 'Esteio - RS'}, '55513467':{'en': 'Canoas - RS', 'pt': 'Canoas - RS'}, '55513466':{'en': 'Canoas - RS', 'pt': 'Canoas - RS'}, '55513465':{'en': 'Canoas - RS', 'pt': 'Canoas - RS'}, '55513464':{'en': 'Canoas - RS', 'pt': 'Canoas - RS'}, '55692101':{'en': 'Vilhena - RO', 'pt': 'Vilhena - RO'}, '55212488':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55613392':{'en': 'Santa Maria - DF', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - DF'}, '55313511':{'en': 'Betim - MG', 'pt': 'Betim - MG'}, '55413263':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55313512':{'en': 'Betim - MG', 'pt': 'Betim - MG'}, '55313515':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55413267':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413264':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413265':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55313519':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55613394':{'en': 'Santa Maria - DF', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - DF'}, '55413268':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55413269':{'en': 'Curitiba - PR', 'pt': 'Curitiba - PR'}, '55143632':{'en': u('Dois C\u00f3rregos - SP'), 'pt': u('Dois C\u00f3rregos - SP')}, '55193478':{'en': 'Americana - SP', 'pt': 'Americana - SP'}, '55193476':{'en': 'Nova Odessa - SP', 'pt': 'Nova Odessa - SP'}, '55193477':{'en': 'Americana - SP', 'pt': 'Americana - SP'}, '55193473':{'en': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara D\'Oeste - SP'), 'pt': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara D\'Oeste - SP')}, '55513442':{'en': 'Alvorada - RS', 'pt': 'Alvorada - RS'}, '55633572':{'en': 'Palmas - TO', 'pt': 'Palmas - TO'}, '55713271':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713272':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55633571':{'en': 'Palmas - TO', 'pt': 'Palmas - TO'}, '55713276':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55193695':{'en': 'Mococa - SP', 'pt': 'Mococa - SP'}, '55423447':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o do Triunfo - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o do Triunfo - PR')}, '55423446':{'en': u('Prudent\u00f3polis - PR'), 'pt': u('Prudent\u00f3polis - PR')}, '55483548':{'en': 'Passo de Torres - SC', 'pt': 'Passo de Torres - SC'}, '55183421':{'en': 'Assis - SP', 'pt': 'Assis - SP'}, '55483546':{'en': 'Ermo - SC', 'pt': 'Ermo - SC'}, '55483544':{'en': 'Morro Grande - SC', 'pt': 'Morro Grande - SC'}, '55773648':{'en': 'Novo Horizonte - BA', 'pt': 'Novo Horizonte - BA'}, '55193897':{'en': u('Hortol\u00e2ndia - SP'), 'pt': u('Hortol\u00e2ndia - SP')}, '55773629':{'en': 'Recife - PE', 'pt': 'Recife - PE'}, '55623323':{'en': 'Ceres - GO', 'pt': 'Ceres - GO'}, '55623320':{'en': u('An\u00e1polis - GO'), 'pt': u('An\u00e1polis - GO')}, '55623321':{'en': u('An\u00e1polis - GO'), 'pt': u('An\u00e1polis - GO')}, '55623326':{'en': u('Jaragu\u00e1 - GO'), 'pt': u('Jaragu\u00e1 - GO')}, '55623327':{'en': u('An\u00e1polis - GO'), 'pt': u('An\u00e1polis - GO')}, '55213019':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213018':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213017':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213016':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213015':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213014':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213013':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213012':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213010':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55353244':{'en': u('Cordisl\u00e2ndia - MG'), 'pt': u('Cordisl\u00e2ndia - MG')}, '55683901':{'en': 'Rio Branco - AC', 'pt': 'Rio Branco - AC'}, '55353409':{'en': 'Lavras - MG', 'pt': 'Lavras - MG'}, '55773641':{'en': u('Mansid\u00e3o - BA'), 'pt': u('Mansid\u00e3o - BA')}, '55273723':{'en': 'Colatina - ES', 'pt': 'Colatina - ES'}, '55753281':{'en': 'Paulo Afonso - BA', 'pt': 'Paulo Afonso - BA'}, '55192121':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55192122':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55273722':{'en': 'Colatina - ES', 'pt': 'Colatina - ES'}, '55192127':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55192129':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55212498':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212499':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55373238':{'en': u('Par\u00e1 de Minas - MG'), 'pt': u('Par\u00e1 de Minas - MG')}, '55212490':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212491':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55373234':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo do Par\u00e1 - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo do Par\u00e1 - MG')}, '55373235':{'en': u('Par\u00e1 de Minas - MG'), 'pt': u('Par\u00e1 de Minas - MG')}, '55373232':{'en': u('Par\u00e1 de Minas - MG'), 'pt': u('Par\u00e1 de Minas - MG')}, '55373233':{'en': u('Par\u00e1 de Minas - MG'), 'pt': u('Par\u00e1 de Minas - MG')}, '55212496':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55373231':{'en': u('Par\u00e1 de Minas - MG'), 'pt': u('Par\u00e1 de Minas - MG')}, '55613526':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55533517':{'en': 'Pelotas - RS', 'pt': 'Pelotas - RS'}, '55344004':{'en': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG'), 'pt': u('Uberl\u00e2ndia - MG')}, '55613522':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55453219':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55453218':{'en': 'Cascavel - PR', 'pt': 'Cascavel - PR'}, '55453211':{'en': 'Santa Maria - PR', 'pt': 'Santa Maria - PR'}, '55212728':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Gon\u00e7alo - RJ')}, '55212722':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55212721':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55513676':{'en': u('Arambar\u00e9 - RS'), 'pt': u('Arambar\u00e9 - RS')}, '55513677':{'en': 'Dom Feliciano - RS', 'pt': 'Dom Feliciano - RS'}, '55513674':{'en': 'Tavares - RS', 'pt': 'Tavares - RS'}, '55513675':{'en': 'Cerro Grande do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Cerro Grande do Sul - RS'}, '55513672':{'en': 'Tapes - RS', 'pt': 'Tapes - RS'}, '55513673':{'en': 'Mostardas - RS', 'pt': 'Mostardas - RS'}, '55513670':{'en': 'Amaral Ferrador - RS', 'pt': 'Amaral Ferrador - RS'}, '55513671':{'en': u('Camaqu\u00e3 - RS'), 'pt': u('Camaqu\u00e3 - RS')}, '55513678':{'en': 'Cristal - RS', 'pt': 'Cristal - RS'}, '55513679':{'en': 'Sentinela do Sul - RS', 'pt': 'Sentinela do Sul - RS'}, '55273724':{'en': u('Maril\u00e2ndia - ES'), 'pt': u('Maril\u00e2ndia - ES')}, '55753230':{'en': u('Ant\u00f4nio Cardoso - BA'), 'pt': u('Ant\u00f4nio Cardoso - BA')}, '55513588':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Leopoldo - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Leopoldo - RS')}, '55513589':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Leopoldo - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Leopoldo - RS')}, '55443229':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55443228':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55443227':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55443226':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55443225':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55443224':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55443223':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55443222':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55443221':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55443220':{'en': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Maring\u00e1 - PR')}, '55713217':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55643497':{'en': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio do Rio Verde - GO'), 'pt': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio do Rio Verde - GO')}, '55684062':{'en': 'Rio Branco - AC', 'pt': 'Rio Branco - AC'}, '55643495':{'en': 'Goiatuba - GO', 'pt': 'Goiatuba - GO'}, '55443593':{'en': 'Jota Esse - PR', 'pt': 'Jota Esse - PR'}, '55333611':{'en': u('\u00c1guas Formosas - MG'), 'pt': u('\u00c1guas Formosas - MG')}, '55443599':{'en': u('Campo Mour\u00e3o - PR'), 'pt': u('Campo Mour\u00e3o - PR')}, '55753283':{'en': 'Paulo Afonso - BA', 'pt': 'Paulo Afonso - BA'}, '55192146':{'en': 'Capivari - SP', 'pt': 'Capivari - SP'}, '55633520':{'en': u('Nova Rosal\u00e2ndia - TO'), 'pt': u('Nova Rosal\u00e2ndia - TO')}, '55633461':{'en': u('Brasil\u00e2ndia do Tocantins - TO'), 'pt': u('Brasil\u00e2ndia do Tocantins - TO')}, '55733258':{'en': u('Mara\u00fa - BA'), 'pt': u('Mara\u00fa - BA')}, '55213839':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213389':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213388':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213835':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55313161':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o das Neves - MG'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o das Neves - MG')}, '55313162':{'en': 'Betim - MG', 'pt': 'Betim - MG'}, '55213384':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55313164':{'en': 'Santa Luzia - MG', 'pt': 'Santa Luzia - MG'}, '55213830':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55313166':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55213380':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55693466':{'en': u('Nova Uni\u00e3o - RO'), 'pt': u('Nova Uni\u00e3o - RO')}, '55693467':{'en': 'Rondominas - RO', 'pt': 'Rondominas - RO'}, '55693464':{'en': u('Vale do Para\u00edso - RO'), 'pt': u('Vale do Para\u00edso - RO')}, '55634141':{'en': 'Palmas - TO', 'pt': 'Palmas - TO'}, '55693463':{'en': 'Mirante da Serra - RO', 'pt': 'Mirante da Serra - RO'}, '55693461':{'en': 'Ouro Preto do Oeste - RO', 'pt': 'Ouro Preto do Oeste - RO'}, '55283322':{'en': 'Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - ES', 'pt': 'Cachoeiro de Itapemirim - ES'}, '55153311':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55153646':{'en': 'Buri - SP', 'pt': 'Buri - SP'}, '55153313':{'en': 'Sorocaba - SP', 'pt': 'Sorocaba - SP'}, '55613535':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55433398':{'en': 'Tamarana - PR', 'pt': 'Tamarana - PR'}, '55433399':{'en': 'Tamarana - PR', 'pt': 'Tamarana - PR'}, '55533252':{'en': u('Cangu\u00e7u - RS'), 'pt': u('Cangu\u00e7u - RS')}, '55673393':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55753449':{'en': 'Conde - BA', 'pt': 'Conde - BA'}, '55553250':{'en': u('Nova Esperan\u00e7a do Sul - RS'), 'pt': u('Nova Esperan\u00e7a do Sul - RS')}, '55553251':{'en': 'Santiago - RS', 'pt': 'Santiago - RS'}, '55553252':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Francisco de Assis - RS'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Francisco de Assis - RS')}, '55553254':{'en': 'Cacequi - RS', 'pt': 'Cacequi - RS'}, '55553255':{'en': 'Jaguari - RS', 'pt': 'Jaguari - RS'}, '55553256':{'en': 'Manoel Viana - RS', 'pt': 'Manoel Viana - RS'}, '55473001':{'en': 'Joinville - SC', 'pt': 'Joinville - SC'}, '55553258':{'en': u('Nova Esperan\u00e7a do Sul - RS'), 'pt': u('Nova Esperan\u00e7a do Sul - RS')}, '55553259':{'en': 'Mata - RS', 'pt': 'Mata - RS'}, '55693641':{'en': 'Alta Floresta do Oeste - RO', 'pt': 'Alta Floresta do Oeste - RO'}, '55433028':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55433029':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55473372':{'en': u('Jaragu\u00e1 do Sul - SC'), 'pt': u('Jaragu\u00e1 do Sul - SC')}, '55473373':{'en': 'Guaramirim - SC', 'pt': 'Guaramirim - SC'}, '55433020':{'en': u('Rol\u00e2ndia - PR'), 'pt': u('Rol\u00e2ndia - PR')}, '55473371':{'en': u('Jaragu\u00e1 do Sul - SC'), 'pt': u('Jaragu\u00e1 do Sul - SC')}, '55433026':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55433027':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55433024':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55433025':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55493553':{'en': 'Piratuba - SC', 'pt': 'Piratuba - SC'}, '55212124':{'en': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ', 'pt': 'Duque de Caxias - RJ'}, '55673391':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55733254':{'en': 'Gandu - BA', 'pt': 'Gandu - BA'}, '55643649':{'en': u('Castel\u00e2ndia - GO'), 'pt': u('Castel\u00e2ndia - GO')}, '55163456':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55473655':{'en': 'Major Vieira - SC', 'pt': 'Major Vieira - SC'}, '55473654':{'en': 'Monte Castelo - SC', 'pt': 'Monte Castelo - SC'}, '55733255':{'en': 'Camamu - BA', 'pt': 'Camamu - BA'}, '55473211':{'en': 'Brusque - SC', 'pt': 'Brusque - SC'}, '55222789':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Francisco de Paula - RJ'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Francisco de Paula - RJ')}, '55473212':{'en': 'Brusque - SC', 'pt': 'Brusque - SC'}, '55222785':{'en': 'Cardoso Moreira - RJ', 'pt': 'Cardoso Moreira - RJ'}, '55422122':{'en': 'Castro - PR', 'pt': 'Castro - PR'}, '55222783':{'en': 'Italva - RJ', 'pt': 'Italva - RJ'}, '55222781':{'en': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ', 'pt': 'Campos dos Goytacazes - RJ'}, '55212263':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55223852':{'en': 'Miracema - RJ', 'pt': 'Miracema - RJ'}, '55212261':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212260':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212267':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212266':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212265':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212264':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55212268':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55733256':{'en': u('Ituber\u00e1 - BA'), 'pt': u('Ituber\u00e1 - BA')}, '55713377':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713376':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55673230':{'en': 'Pedro Gomes - MS', 'pt': 'Pedro Gomes - MS'}, '55733257':{'en': u('Nilo Pe\u00e7anha - BA'), 'pt': u('Nilo Pe\u00e7anha - BA')}, '55613359':{'en': 'Samambaia Sul - DF', 'pt': 'Samambaia Sul - DF'}, '55423617':{'en': 'Santa Maria do Oeste - PR', 'pt': 'Santa Maria do Oeste - PR'}, '55713489':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713483':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713481':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713480':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713487':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713486':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713484':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55222123':{'en': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Maca\u00e9 - RJ')}, '55713319':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55753285':{'en': 'Rodelas - BA', 'pt': 'Rodelas - BA'}, '55464007':{'en': u('Francisco Beltr\u00e3o - PR'), 'pt': u('Francisco Beltr\u00e3o - PR')}, '55673541':{'en': 'Bataguassu - MS', 'pt': 'Bataguassu - MS'}, '55673016':{'en': 'Dourados - MS', 'pt': 'Dourados - MS'}, '55673547':{'en': 'Debrasa - MS', 'pt': 'Debrasa - MS'}, '55673546':{'en': u('Brasil\u00e2ndia - MS'), 'pt': u('Brasil\u00e2ndia - MS')}, '55323429':{'en': 'Cataguases - MG', 'pt': 'Cataguases - MG'}, '55323426':{'en': u('Mira\u00ed - MG'), 'pt': u('Mira\u00ed - MG')}, '55323424':{'en': 'Laranjal - MG', 'pt': 'Laranjal - MG'}, '55323425':{'en': 'Santana de Cataguases - MG', 'pt': 'Santana de Cataguases - MG'}, '55323422':{'en': 'Cataguases - MG', 'pt': 'Cataguases - MG'}, '55323423':{'en': 'Cataguases - MG', 'pt': 'Cataguases - MG'}, '55323421':{'en': 'Cataguases - MG', 'pt': 'Cataguases - MG'}, '55434141':{'en': 'Londrina - PR', 'pt': 'Londrina - PR'}, '55612020':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55612023':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55612022':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55623519':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55612024':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55612027':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55213602':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55612028':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55623517':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55213601':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55623511':{'en': 'Inhumas - GO', 'pt': 'Inhumas - GO'}, '55213604':{'en': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ'), 'pt': u('Niter\u00f3i - RJ')}, '55623512':{'en': 'Senador Canedo - GO', 'pt': 'Senador Canedo - GO'}, '55773474':{'en': 'Feira da Mata - BA', 'pt': 'Feira da Mata - BA'}, '55773475':{'en': 'Rio de Contas - BA', 'pt': 'Rio de Contas - BA'}, '55773476':{'en': u('Aba\u00edra - BA'), 'pt': u('Aba\u00edra - BA')}, '55773477':{'en': 'Lagoa Real - BA', 'pt': 'Lagoa Real - BA'}, '55773470':{'en': u('Rio do Ant\u00f4nio - BA'), 'pt': u('Rio do Ant\u00f4nio - BA')}, '55773471':{'en': 'Paramirim - BA', 'pt': 'Paramirim - BA'}, '55773472':{'en': 'Maetinga - BA', 'pt': 'Maetinga - BA'}, '55773473':{'en': u('Maca\u00fabas - BA'), 'pt': u('Maca\u00fabas - BA')}, '55773478':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o do Largo - BA'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o do Largo - BA')}, '55773479':{'en': u('Piat\u00e3 - BA'), 'pt': u('Piat\u00e3 - BA')}, '55173335':{'en': u('Col\u00f4mbia - SP'), 'pt': u('Col\u00f4mbia - SP')}, '55173334':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 do Rio Preto - SP')}, '55173331':{'en': u('Gua\u00edra - SP'), 'pt': u('Gua\u00edra - SP')}, '55173330':{'en': u('Gua\u00edra - SP'), 'pt': u('Gua\u00edra - SP')}, '55624053':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55173332':{'en': u('Gua\u00edra - SP'), 'pt': u('Gua\u00edra - SP')}, '55613504':{'en': 'Cristalina - GO', 'pt': 'Cristalina - GO'}, '55643610':{'en': 'Mineiros - GO', 'pt': 'Mineiros - GO'}, '55643611':{'en': 'Rio Verde - GO', 'pt': 'Rio Verde - GO'}, '55643612':{'en': 'Rio Verde - GO', 'pt': 'Rio Verde - GO'}, '55643613':{'en': 'Rio Verde - GO', 'pt': 'Rio Verde - GO'}, '55643614':{'en': u('Santa Helena de Goi\u00e1s - GO'), 'pt': u('Santa Helena de Goi\u00e1s - GO')}, '55643615':{'en': u('Quirin\u00f3polis - GO'), 'pt': u('Quirin\u00f3polis - GO')}, '55553884':{'en': u('Dona Ot\u00edlia - RS'), 'pt': u('Dona Ot\u00edlia - RS')}, '55313661':{'en': 'Pedro Leopoldo - MG', 'pt': 'Pedro Leopoldo - MG'}, '55513792':{'en': u('Cost\u00e3o - RS'), 'pt': u('Cost\u00e3o - RS')}, '55613502':{'en': u('Luzi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Luzi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55273091':{'en': 'Cariacica - ES', 'pt': 'Cariacica - ES'}, '55313665':{'en': 'Pedro Leopoldo - MG', 'pt': 'Pedro Leopoldo - MG'}, '55273090':{'en': 'Cariacica - ES', 'pt': 'Cariacica - ES'}, '55242280':{'en': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Petr\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55513798':{'en': 'Rio Grande do Sul', 'pt': 'Rio Grande do Sul'}, '55473336':{'en': 'Blumenau - SC', 'pt': 'Blumenau - SC'}, '55533258':{'en': 'Santana da Boa Vista - RS', 'pt': 'Santana da Boa Vista - RS'}, '55533256':{'en': 'Bojuru - RS', 'pt': 'Bojuru - RS'}, '55493353':{'en': 'Xaxim - SC', 'pt': 'Xaxim - SC'}, '55533254':{'en': 'Cerrito - RS', 'pt': 'Cerrito - RS'}, '55493351':{'en': 'Entre Rios - SC', 'pt': 'Entre Rios - SC'}, '55493356':{'en': 'Arvoredo - SC', 'pt': 'Arvoredo - SC'}, '55493425':{'en': u('Conc\u00f3rdia - SC'), 'pt': u('Conc\u00f3rdia - SC')}, '55493354':{'en': 'Marema - SC', 'pt': 'Marema - SC'}, '55493355':{'en': 'Lajeado Grande - SC', 'pt': 'Lajeado Grande - SC'}, '55433255':{'en': u('Rol\u00e2ndia - PR'), 'pt': u('Rol\u00e2ndia - PR')}, '55433254':{'en': u('Camb\u00e9 - PR'), 'pt': u('Camb\u00e9 - PR')}, '55433257':{'en': 'Pitangueiras - PR', 'pt': 'Pitangueiras - PR'}, '55433256':{'en': u('Rol\u00e2ndia - PR'), 'pt': u('Rol\u00e2ndia - PR')}, '55433251':{'en': u('Camb\u00e9 - PR'), 'pt': u('Camb\u00e9 - PR')}, '55433253':{'en': u('Camb\u00e9 - PR'), 'pt': u('Camb\u00e9 - PR')}, '55433252':{'en': 'Arapongas - PR', 'pt': 'Arapongas - PR'}, '55433259':{'en': 'Jataizinho - PR', 'pt': 'Jataizinho - PR'}, '55433258':{'en': u('Ibipor\u00e3 - PR'), 'pt': u('Ibipor\u00e3 - PR')}, '55673926':{'en': u('Ponta Por\u00e3 - MS'), 'pt': u('Ponta Por\u00e3 - MS')}, '55673681':{'en': 'Terenos - MS', 'pt': 'Terenos - MS'}, '55163209':{'en': 'Jaboticabal - SP', 'pt': 'Jaboticabal - SP'}, '55163204':{'en': 'Jaboticabal - SP', 'pt': 'Jaboticabal - SP'}, '55673683':{'en': 'Rio Verde de Mato Grosso - MS', 'pt': 'Rio Verde de Mato Grosso - MS'}, '55713310':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55163202':{'en': 'Jaboticabal - SP', 'pt': 'Jaboticabal - SP'}, '55163203':{'en': 'Jaboticabal - SP', 'pt': 'Jaboticabal - SP'}, '55613299':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613298':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55212745':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro'}, '55383635':{'en': 'Arinos - MG', 'pt': 'Arinos - MG'}, '55383634':{'en': u('Chapada Ga\u00facha - MG'), 'pt': u('Chapada Ga\u00facha - MG')}, '55613297':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55383631':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Francisco - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Francisco - MG')}, '55383633':{'en': u('Uba\u00ed - MG'), 'pt': u('Uba\u00ed - MG')}, '55383632':{'en': u('Santa F\u00e9 de Minas - MG'), 'pt': u('Santa F\u00e9 de Minas - MG')}, '55313753':{'en': 'Rio Espera - MG', 'pt': 'Rio Espera - MG'}, '55313752':{'en': 'Catas Altas da Noruega - MG', 'pt': 'Catas Altas da Noruega - MG'}, '55313751':{'en': 'Entre Rios de Minas - MG', 'pt': 'Entre Rios de Minas - MG'}, '55183528':{'en': 'Osvaldo Cruz - SP', 'pt': 'Osvaldo Cruz - SP'}, '55313757':{'en': 'Itaverava - MG', 'pt': 'Itaverava - MG'}, '55513444':{'en': u('Viam\u00e3o - RS'), 'pt': u('Viam\u00e3o - RS')}, '55313755':{'en': 'Senhora de Oliveira - MG', 'pt': 'Senhora de Oliveira - MG'}, '55313754':{'en': 'Lamim - MG', 'pt': 'Lamim - MG'}, '55343833':{'en': 'Serra do Salitre - MG', 'pt': 'Serra do Salitre - MG'}, '55183522':{'en': 'Adamantina - SP', 'pt': 'Adamantina - SP'}, '55183521':{'en': 'Adamantina - SP', 'pt': 'Adamantina - SP'}, '55343836':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Serra Negra - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jo\u00e3o da Serra Negra - MG')}, '55343835':{'en': 'Cruzeiro da Fortaleza - MG', 'pt': 'Cruzeiro da Fortaleza - MG'}, '55343834':{'en': u('Guimar\u00e2nia - MG'), 'pt': u('Guimar\u00e2nia - MG')}, '55413081':{'en': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR'), 'pt': u('S\u00e3o Jos\u00e9 dos Pinhais - PR')}, '55212743':{'en': u('Teres\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Teres\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55313521':{'en': u('Ibirit\u00e9 - MG'), 'pt': u('Ibirit\u00e9 - MG')}, '55623432':{'en': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55693546':{'en': u('Nova Dimens\u00e3o - RO'), 'pt': u('Nova Dimens\u00e3o - RO')}, '55323228':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55323229':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55313281':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313280':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55323222':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55313282':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55323224':{'en': 'Juiz de Fora - MG', 'pt': 'Juiz de Fora - MG'}, '55313284':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313287':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313286':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55313576':{'en': 'Bonfim - MG', 'pt': 'Bonfim - MG'}, '55313575':{'en': 'Moeda - MG', 'pt': 'Moeda - MG'}, '55313574':{'en': u('Crucil\u00e2ndia - MG'), 'pt': u('Crucil\u00e2ndia - MG')}, '55313573':{'en': 'Rio Manso - MG', 'pt': 'Rio Manso - MG'}, '55313572':{'en': u('Itatiaiu\u00e7u - MG'), 'pt': u('Itatiaiu\u00e7u - MG')}, '55313571':{'en': 'Brumadinho - MG', 'pt': 'Brumadinho - MG'}, '55623283':{'en': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Aparecida de Goi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55313579':{'en': 'Aranha - MG', 'pt': 'Aranha - MG'}, '55313578':{'en': 'Piedade dos Gerais - MG', 'pt': 'Piedade dos Gerais - MG'}, '55193452':{'en': 'Limeira - SP', 'pt': 'Limeira - SP'}, '55193321':{'en': 'Araras - SP', 'pt': 'Araras - SP'}, '55193451':{'en': 'Limeira - SP', 'pt': 'Limeira - SP'}, '55193324':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193325':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193326':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55193455':{'en': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara D\'Oeste - SP'), 'pt': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara D\'Oeste - SP')}, '55193328':{'en': 'Indaiatuba - SP', 'pt': 'Indaiatuba - SP'}, '55313523':{'en': u('S\u00edtio Novo - MG'), 'pt': u('S\u00edtio Novo - MG')}, '55193458':{'en': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara D\'Oeste - SP'), 'pt': u('Santa B\u00e1rbara D\'Oeste - SP')}, '55743532':{'en': 'Pilar - BA', 'pt': 'Pilar - BA'}, '55713257':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713254':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55223066':{'en': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ', 'pt': 'Nova Friburgo - RJ'}, '55713252':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713253':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55743534':{'en': u('Pil\u00e3o Arcado - BA'), 'pt': u('Pil\u00e3o Arcado - BA')}, '55713251':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55743538':{'en': 'Sobradinho - BA', 'pt': 'Sobradinho - BA'}, '55773275':{'en': 'Maiquinique - BA', 'pt': 'Maiquinique - BA'}, '55713259':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55613012':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55753286':{'en': u('Coronel Jo\u00e3o S\u00e1 - BA'), 'pt': u('Coronel Jo\u00e3o S\u00e1 - BA')}, '55693251':{'en': u('Vista Alegre do Abun\u00e3 - RO'), 'pt': u('Vista Alegre do Abun\u00e3 - RO')}, '55693253':{'en': u('Vila Nova Calif\u00f3rnia - RO'), 'pt': u('Vila Nova Calif\u00f3rnia - RO')}, '55693252':{'en': 'Vila Extrema - RO', 'pt': 'Vila Extrema - RO'}, '55413668':{'en': 'Pinhais - PR', 'pt': 'Pinhais - PR'}, '55193935':{'en': 'Indaiatuba - SP', 'pt': 'Indaiatuba - SP'}, '55713450':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55713041':{'en': u('Cama\u00e7ari - BA'), 'pt': u('Cama\u00e7ari - BA')}, '55713040':{'en': u('Cama\u00e7ari - BA'), 'pt': u('Cama\u00e7ari - BA')}, '55213035':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213037':{'en': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nova Igua\u00e7u - RJ')}, '55213030':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55213032':{'en': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ', 'pt': 'Rio de Janeiro - RJ'}, '55713451':{'en': 'Salvador - BA', 'pt': 'Salvador - BA'}, '55773646':{'en': 'Ipupiara - BA', 'pt': 'Ipupiara - BA'}, '55773645':{'en': 'Boquira - BA', 'pt': 'Boquira - BA'}, '55773644':{'en': u('Brotas de Maca\u00fabas - BA'), 'pt': u('Brotas de Maca\u00fabas - BA')}, '55213039':{'en': u('Nil\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Nil\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55773642':{'en': 'Oliveira dos Brejinhos - BA', 'pt': 'Oliveira dos Brejinhos - BA'}, '55473334':{'en': 'Blumenau - SC', 'pt': 'Blumenau - SC'}, '55673423':{'en': 'Dourados - MS', 'pt': 'Dourados - MS'}, '55513245':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55353421':{'en': 'Pouso Alegre - MG', 'pt': 'Pouso Alegre - MG'}, '55353423':{'en': 'Pouso Alegre - MG', 'pt': 'Pouso Alegre - MG'}, '55353422':{'en': 'Pouso Alegre - MG', 'pt': 'Pouso Alegre - MG'}, '55353425':{'en': 'Pouso Alegre - MG', 'pt': 'Pouso Alegre - MG'}, '55353424':{'en': 'Congonhal - MG', 'pt': 'Congonhal - MG'}, '55353427':{'en': 'Pouso Alegre - MG', 'pt': 'Pouso Alegre - MG'}, '55353426':{'en': u('Senador Jos\u00e9 Bento - MG'), 'pt': u('Senador Jos\u00e9 Bento - MG')}, '55353429':{'en': 'Pouso Alegre - MG', 'pt': 'Pouso Alegre - MG'}, '55513242':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55543292':{'en': 'Flores da Cunha - RS', 'pt': 'Flores da Cunha - RS'}, '55163995':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163996':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55163993':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Preto - SP')}, '55433531':{'en': 'Santa Mariana - PR', 'pt': 'Santa Mariana - PR'}, '55433532':{'en': u('Cambar\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Cambar\u00e1 - PR')}, '55433533':{'en': 'Panema - PR', 'pt': 'Panema - PR'}, '55433534':{'en': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio da Platina - PR'), 'pt': u('Santo Ant\u00f4nio da Platina - PR')}, '55433535':{'en': u('Jaguaria\u00edva - PR'), 'pt': u('Jaguaria\u00edva - PR')}, '55433536':{'en': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Claro - PR'), 'pt': u('Ribeir\u00e3o Claro - PR')}, '55433537':{'en': u('Barra do Jacar\u00e9 - PR'), 'pt': u('Barra do Jacar\u00e9 - PR')}, '55433538':{'en': u('Andir\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Andir\u00e1 - PR')}, '55753289':{'en': 'Pedro Alexandre - BA', 'pt': 'Pedro Alexandre - BA'}, '55513249':{'en': 'Porto Alegre - RS', 'pt': 'Porto Alegre - RS'}, '55313408':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55373258':{'en': 'Pitangui - MG', 'pt': 'Pitangui - MG'}, '55373259':{'en': 'Pitangui - MG', 'pt': 'Pitangui - MG'}, '55673202':{'en': 'Campo Grande - MS', 'pt': 'Campo Grande - MS'}, '55313330':{'en': 'Belo Horizonte - MG', 'pt': 'Belo Horizonte - MG'}, '55193701':{'en': 'Limeira - SP', 'pt': 'Limeira - SP'}, '55613505':{'en': u('Luzi\u00e2nia - GO'), 'pt': u('Luzi\u00e2nia - GO')}, '55193706':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55613506':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613501':{'en': 'Planaltina - DF', 'pt': 'Planaltina - DF'}, '55613500':{'en': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF'), 'pt': u('Bras\u00edlia - DF')}, '55613503':{'en': 'Planaltina - GO', 'pt': 'Planaltina - GO'}, '55193707':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55453235':{'en': u('Tr\u00eas Barras do Paran\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Tr\u00eas Barras do Paran\u00e1 - PR')}, '55453234':{'en': 'Catanduvas - PR', 'pt': 'Catanduvas - PR'}, '55453237':{'en': 'Lindoeste - PR', 'pt': 'Lindoeste - PR'}, '55453236':{'en': u('Serran\u00f3polis do Igua\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Serran\u00f3polis do Igua\u00e7u - PR')}, '55453231':{'en': 'Santa Tereza do Oeste - PR', 'pt': 'Santa Tereza do Oeste - PR'}, '55453230':{'en': 'Diamante do Sul - PR', 'pt': 'Diamante do Sul - PR'}, '55453233':{'en': 'Campo Bonito - PR', 'pt': 'Campo Bonito - PR'}, '55453232':{'en': u('Guarania\u00e7u - PR'), 'pt': u('Guarania\u00e7u - PR')}, '55193705':{'en': 'Campinas - SP', 'pt': 'Campinas - SP'}, '55453239':{'en': u('Juvin\u00f3polis - PR'), 'pt': u('Juvin\u00f3polis - PR')}, '55453238':{'en': 'Ibema - PR', 'pt': 'Ibema - PR'}, '55413666':{'en': 'Colombo - PR', 'pt': 'Colombo - PR'}, '55212747':{'en': u('Tangu\u00e1 - RJ'), 'pt': u('Tangu\u00e1 - RJ')}, '55212741':{'en': u('Teres\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Teres\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55212742':{'en': u('Teres\u00f3polis - RJ'), 'pt': u('Teres\u00f3polis - RJ')}, '55413667':{'en': 'Pinhais - PR', 'pt': 'Pinhais - PR'}, '55413425':{'en': u('Paranagu\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Paranagu\u00e1 - PR')}, '55513618':{'en': u('Bar\u00e3o - RS'), 'pt': u('Bar\u00e3o - RS')}, '55513614':{'en': u('Marat\u00e1 - RS'), 'pt': u('Marat\u00e1 - RS')}, '55513615':{'en': u('Cara\u00e1 - RS'), 'pt': u('Cara\u00e1 - RS')}, '55513611':{'en': 'Chuvisca - RS', 'pt': 'Chuvisca - RS'}, '55513612':{'en': 'Doutor Ricardo - RS', 'pt': 'Doutor Ricardo - RS'}, '55513613':{'en': 'Fazenda Vilanova - RS', 'pt': 'Fazenda Vilanova - RS'}, '55413427':{'en': u('Paranagu\u00e1 - PR'), 'pt': u('Paranagu\u00e1 - PR')}, }
# Fields NAME = 'name' SET = 'set' USES_REFUGEES = 'uses-refugees' TEXT = 'text' # Set values HQ_EXP = 'hq' RECON_EXP = 'recon' # Information not strictly contained on the card COMMENT = 'comment' class Leaders: ALL_LEADERS = [ { NAME: 'The Peacemaker', SET: HQ_EXP, USES_REFUGEES: True, TEXT: 'Each round you may play 1 Refugee to increase the power of another tribe member\s hunt or dig actions by +2.' }, { NAME: 'The Gangster', SET: HQ_EXP, USES_REFUGEES: True, TEXT: 'Your Refugees have a fight of 0 and they count as 2 people for the purpose of breaking tied skirmishes.' }, { NAME: 'The Butcher', SET: HQ_EXP, TEXT: 'Each round you may kill 1 of your tribe members (remove the card permanently from play) and sell his/her internal organs for 1 food and 1 med.' }, { NAME: 'The Fanatic', SET: HQ_EXP, USES_REFUGEES: True, TEXT: 'Each round you may use 1 Refugee from your hand as a suicide bomber against an opponent. ' 'Discard 1 of your opponent\'s revealed cards (your choice), the Refugee dies in the process (remove card from play).' }, { NAME: 'The Organizer', SET: HQ_EXP, USES_REFUGEES: True, TEXT: 'Each round you may play 1 Refugee to perform a draw of 2, but only keep 1. ' 'No other cards may be played to modify this draw and you may not perform another draw this round.' }, { NAME: 'The Cannibal', SET: HQ_EXP, TEXT: 'Each round you may cannibalize 1 tribe member for 3 food (and subsequently remove that card from play). ' 'You may not combine food from hunting or a garden when hiring with cannibalized food.' }, { NAME: 'The Sergent at Arms', SET: HQ_EXP, TEXT: 'You are immune to the disarm action, preventing saboteurs from discarding your tools. ' 'When hiring saboteurs, you pay no food (cost for you is 1 med).', COMMENT: 'This card is misspelled as printed: the correct spelling is Sergeant.' }, { NAME: 'The Mentor', SET: HQ_EXP, USES_REFUGEES: True, TEXT: 'Each round you may play 1 Refugee card to grant another tribe member a +1 to any action.' }, { NAME: 'The Excavator', SET: HQ_EXP, USES_REFUGEES: True, TEXT: 'All of your Refugees have a dig of 1. ' 'If a Refugee uses a digging tool (i.e. shovel or a pick axe), ignore the tool\'s normal bonus and add +1 to the score.' }, { NAME: 'The Ranger', SET: HQ_EXP, USES_REFUGEES: True, TEXT: 'All of your Refugees and Tribe Families have a hunt of 1.' }, { NAME: 'The Swindler', SET: RECON_EXP, USES_REFUGEES: True, TEXT: 'Once per turn, you may discard 1 Refugee to persuade a mercenary into joining your tribe for 1 less food ' 'or discard two Refugees to reduce the price by 1 med.' }, { NAME: 'The Yardmaster', SET: RECON_EXP, TEXT: 'Once per turn, you may peek at the top 2 cards of the Junkyard. ' 'Return both of them to the top or bottom of the Junkyard.' } ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Cipher/ : DES # # =================================================================== # The contents of this file are dedicated to the public domain. To # the extent that dedication to the public domain is not available, # everyone is granted a worldwide, perpetual, royalty-free, # non-exclusive license to exercise all rights associated with the # contents of this file for any purpose whatsoever. # No rights are reserved. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # =================================================================== """DES symmetric cipher DES `(Data Encryption Standard)`__ is a symmetric block cipher standardized by NIST_ . It has a fixed data block size of 8 bytes. Its keys are 64 bits long, even though 8 bits were used for integrity (now they are ignored) and do not contribute to securty. The effective key length is therefore 56 bits only. DES is cryptographically secure, but its key length is too short by nowadays standards and it could be brute forced with some effort. **Use AES, not DES. This module is provided only for legacy purposes.** As an example, encryption can be done as follows: >>> from Crypto.Cipher import DES >>> >>> key = b'-8B key-' >>> cipher =, DES.MODE_OFB) >>> plaintext = b'sona si latine loqueris ' >>> msg = cipher.iv + cipher.encrypt(plaintext) .. __: .. _NIST: :undocumented: __package__ """ import sys from Crypto.Cipher import _create_cipher from Crypto.Util.py3compat import byte_string from Crypto.Util._raw_api import (load_pycryptodome_raw_lib, VoidPointer, SmartPointer, c_size_t, expect_byte_string) _raw_des_lib = load_pycryptodome_raw_lib( "Crypto.Cipher._raw_des", """ int DES_start_operation(const uint8_t key[], size_t key_len, void **pResult); int DES_encrypt(const void *state, const uint8_t *in, uint8_t *out, size_t data_len); int DES_decrypt(const void *state, const uint8_t *in, uint8_t *out, size_t data_len); int DES_stop_operation(void *state); """) def _create_base_cipher(dict_parameters): """This method instantiates and returns a handle to a low-level base cipher. It will absorb named parameters in the process.""" try: key = dict_parameters.pop("key") except KeyError: raise TypeError("Missing 'key' parameter") expect_byte_string(key) if len(key) != key_size: raise ValueError("Incorrect DES key length (%d bytes)" % len(key)) start_operation = _raw_des_lib.DES_start_operation stop_operation = _raw_des_lib.DES_stop_operation cipher = VoidPointer() result = start_operation(key, c_size_t(len(key)), cipher.address_of()) if result: raise ValueError("Error %X while instantiating the DES cipher" % result) return SmartPointer(cipher.get(), stop_operation) def new(key, mode, *args, **kwargs): """Create a new DES cipher :Parameters: key : byte string The secret key to use in the symmetric cipher. It must be 8 byte long. The parity bits will be ignored. :Keywords: mode : a *MODE_** constant The chaining mode to use for encryption or decryption. iv : byte string (*Only* `MODE_CBC`, `MODE_CFB`, `MODE_OFB`, `MODE_OPENPGP`). The initialization vector to use for encryption or decryption. For `MODE_OPENPGP`, IV must be 8 bytes long for encryption and 10 bytes for decryption (in the latter case, it is actually the *encrypted* IV which was prefixed to the ciphertext). For all other modes, it must be 8 bytes long. If not provided, a random byte string is generated (you can read it back via the ``iv`` attribute). nonce : byte string (*Only* `MODE_EAX` and `MODE_CTR`). A mandatory value that must never be reused for any other encryption. For `MODE_CTR`, its length must be in the range ``[0..7]``. For `MODE_EAX`, there are no restrictions, but it is recommended to use at least 16 bytes. If not provided for `MODE_EAX`, a random byte string is generated (you can read it back via the ``nonce`` attribute). mac_len : integer (*Only* `MODE_EAX`). Length of the authentication tag, in bytes. It must be no larger than 8 (which is the default). segment_size : integer (*Only* `MODE_CFB`).The number of **bits** the plaintext and ciphertext are segmented in. It must be a multiple of 8. If not specified, it will be assumed to be 8. initial_value : integer (*Only* `MODE_CTR`). The initial value for the counter within the counter block. By default it is 0. :Return: a DES cipher, of the applicable mode: - CBC_ mode - CFB_ mode - CTR_ mode - EAX_ mode - ECB_ mode - OFB_ mode - OpenPgp_ mode .. _CBC: Crypto.Cipher._mode_cbc.CbcMode-class.html .. _CFB: Crypto.Cipher._mode_cfb.CfbMode-class.html .. _CTR: Crypto.Cipher._mode_ctr.CtrMode-class.html .. _EAX: Crypto.Cipher._mode_eax.EaxMode-class.html .. _ECB: Crypto.Cipher._mode_ecb.EcbMode-class.html .. _OFB: Crypto.Cipher._mode_ofb.OfbMode-class.html .. _OpenPgp: Crypto.Cipher._mode_openpgp.OpenPgpMode-class.html """ return _create_cipher(sys.modules[__name__], key, mode, *args, **kwargs) #: Electronic Code Book (ECB). See `Crypto.Cipher._mode_ecb.EcbMode`. MODE_ECB = 1 #: Cipher-Block Chaining (CBC). See `Crypto.Cipher._mode_cbc.CbcMode`. MODE_CBC = 2 #: Cipher FeedBack (CFB). See `Crypto.Cipher._mode_cfb.CfbMode`. MODE_CFB = 3 #: Output FeedBack (OFB). See `Crypto.Cipher._mode_ofb.OfbMode`. MODE_OFB = 5 #: CounTer Mode (CTR). See `Crypto.Cipher._mode_ctr.CtrMode`. MODE_CTR = 6 #: OpenPGP Mode. See `Crypto.Cipher._mode_openpgp.OpenPgpMode`. MODE_OPENPGP = 7 #: EAX Mode. See `Crypto.Cipher._mode_eax.EaxMode`. MODE_EAX = 9 #: Size of a data block (in bytes) block_size = 8 #: Size of a key (in bytes) key_size = 8
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.db import migrations, models import django.db.models.deletion from django.conf import settings class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ migrations.swappable_dependency(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL), ('api_admin', '0002_auto_20160325_1604'), ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='ApiAccessConfig', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(verbose_name='ID', serialize=False, auto_created=True, primary_key=True)), ('change_date', models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, verbose_name='Change date')), ('enabled', models.BooleanField(default=False, verbose_name='Enabled')), ('changed_by', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, editable=False, to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, null=True, verbose_name='Changed by')), ], options={ 'ordering': ('-change_date',), 'abstract': False, }, ), migrations.AddField( model_name='apiaccessrequest', name='company_address', field=models.CharField(default=b'', max_length=255), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='apiaccessrequest', name='company_name', field=models.CharField(default=b'', max_length=255), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='historicalapiaccessrequest', name='company_address', field=models.CharField(default=b'', max_length=255), ), migrations.AddField( model_name='historicalapiaccessrequest', name='company_name', field=models.CharField(default=b'', max_length=255), ), migrations.AlterField( model_name='apiaccessrequest', name='user', field=models.OneToOneField(to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, on_delete=models.CASCADE), ), ]
from django.template import TemplateSyntaxError from django.test import SimpleTestCase from ..utils import setup class NamedEndblockTests(SimpleTestCase): @setup({'namedendblocks01': '1{% block first %}_{% block second %}' '2{% endblock second %}_{% endblock first %}3'}) def test_namedendblocks01(self): output = self.engine.render_to_string('namedendblocks01') self.assertEqual(output, '1_2_3') # Unbalanced blocks @setup({'namedendblocks02': '1{% block first %}_{% block second %}' '2{% endblock first %}_{% endblock second %}3'}) def test_namedendblocks02(self): with self.assertRaises(TemplateSyntaxError): self.engine.get_template('namedendblocks02') @setup({'namedendblocks03': '1{% block first %}_{% block second %}' '2{% endblock %}_{% endblock second %}3'}) def test_namedendblocks03(self): with self.assertRaises(TemplateSyntaxError): self.engine.get_template('namedendblocks03') @setup({'namedendblocks04': '1{% block first %}_{% block second %}' '2{% endblock second %}_{% endblock third %}3'}) def test_namedendblocks04(self): with self.assertRaises(TemplateSyntaxError): self.engine.get_template('namedendblocks04') @setup({'namedendblocks05': '1{% block first %}_{% block second %}2{% endblock first %}'}) def test_namedendblocks05(self): with self.assertRaises(TemplateSyntaxError): self.engine.get_template('namedendblocks05') # Mixed named and unnamed endblocks @setup({'namedendblocks06': '1{% block first %}_{% block second %}' '2{% endblock %}_{% endblock first %}3'}) def test_namedendblocks06(self): """ Mixed named and unnamed endblocks """ output = self.engine.render_to_string('namedendblocks06') self.assertEqual(output, '1_2_3') @setup({'namedendblocks07': '1{% block first %}_{% block second %}' '2{% endblock second %}_{% endblock %}3'}) def test_namedendblocks07(self): output = self.engine.render_to_string('namedendblocks07') self.assertEqual(output, '1_2_3')
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing (NuPIC) # Copyright (C) 2016, Numenta, Inc. Unless you have an agreement # with Numenta, Inc., for a separate license for this software code, the # following terms and conditions apply: # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see # # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # This uses plotly to create a nice looking graph of average false positive # error rates as a function of N, the dimensionality of the vectors. I'm sorry # this code is so ugly. import plotly.plotly as py from plotly.graph_objs import * import os plotlyUser = os.environ['PLOTLY_USERNAME'] plotlyAPIKey = os.environ['PLOTLY_API_KEY'] py.sign_in(plotlyUser, plotlyAPIKey) # Calculated error values # w=64, s=24 synapses on segment, dendritic threshold is theta=12 errorsW64 = [0.00109461662333690, 5.69571108769533e-6, 1.41253230930730e-7, 8.30107183322324e-9, 8.36246969414003e-10, 1.21653747887184e-10, 2.30980246348674e-11, 5.36606800342786e-12, 1.46020443491340e-12, 4.51268292560082e-13, 1.54840085336688e-13, 5.79872960230082e-14, 2.33904818374099e-14, 1.00570025123595e-14, 4.57067109837325e-15, 2.18074665975532e-15, 1.08615761649705e-15, 5.62075747510851e-16, 3.01011222991216e-16, 1.66258638217391e-16, 9.44355122475050e-17, 5.50227860973758e-17, 3.28135862312369e-17, 1.99909942419741e-17, 1.24208005365401e-17, 7.85865625150437e-18, 5.05651456769333e-18, 3.30476684404715e-18, 2.19155538525467e-18, 1.47322040125054e-18, 1.00301732527126e-18, 6.91085187713756e-19, 4.81531998098323e-19, 3.39081789745300e-19, 2.41162129140343e-19, 1.73141122432297e-19, 1.25417524780710e-19, 9.16179854408830e-20, 6.74653665117861e-20, 5.00594093406879e-20, 3.74140647385797e-20, 2.81565500298724e-20, 2.13295032637269e-20, 1.62595896290270e-20, 1.24693930357791e-20, 9.61778646245879e-21, 7.45921945784706e-21, 5.81568673720061e-21, 4.55727209094172e-21, 3.58853982726974e-21, 2.83894572073852e-21, 2.25603220132537e-21, 1.80056639958786e-21, 1.44304355442520e-21, 1.16115649370912e-21, 9.37953155574248e-22, 7.60487232154203e-22, 6.18824388817498e-22, 5.05306382976791e-22, 4.14003297073025e-22, 3.40303733585598e-22, 2.80606724840170e-22, 2.32089016319463e-22, 1.92528479384963e-22, 1.60169522159935e-22, 1.33620070237719e-22, 1.11772384488816e-22, 9.37419553557710e-23, 7.88201628070397e-23, 6.64374619109495e-23, 5.61346484579118e-23, 4.75403511103980e-23, 4.03533396572869e-23, 3.43285719468893e-23, 2.92661533398441e-23, 2.50025728639646e-23, 2.14037249918740e-23, 1.83593364333338e-23, 1.57785019555348e-23, 1.35860982932100e-23, 1.17198953848347e-23, 1.01282230018514e-23, 8.76808098727516e-24, 7.60360480333303e-24, 6.60481643546819e-24, 5.74660507849120e-24, 5.00789333176087e-24, 4.37095353819125e-24, 3.82084594311781e-24, 3.34495593004021e-24, 2.93261202567532e-24, 2.57476990096962e-24, 2.26375041804855e-24, 1.99302203415240e-24, 1.75701968882530e-24, 1.55099376138908e-24, 1.37088386401156e-24, 1.21321318827475e-24, 1.07499989501613e-24] # w=128, s=24 synapses on segment, dendritic threshold is theta=12 errorsW128 = [0.292078213737764, 0.00736788303358289, 0.000320106080889471, 2.50255519815378e-5, 2.99642102590114e-6, 4.89399786076359e-7, 1.00958512780931e-7, 2.49639031779358e-8, 7.13143762262004e-9, 2.29143708340810e-9, 8.11722283609541e-10, 3.12183638427824e-10, 1.28795248562774e-10, 5.64573534731427e-11, 2.60920666735517e-11, 1.26329222640928e-11, 6.37403647747254e-12, 3.33669667244209e-12, 1.80542698201560e-12, 1.00649239071800e-12, 5.76511433714795e-13, 3.38478276365079e-13, 2.03268423835688e-13, 1.24631220425762e-13, 7.78926809872514e-14, 4.95511644935965e-14, 3.20435767306233e-14, 2.10406420101461e-14, 1.40139130251568e-14, 9.45883828128567e-15, 6.46439769450458e-15, 4.46990041341270e-15, 3.12495999111406e-15, 2.20745309613471e-15, 1.57465638743741e-15, 1.13369191106350e-15, 8.23389688886499e-16, 6.03003384235568e-16, 4.45098155251971e-16, 3.31012812127460e-16, 2.47930640620987e-16, 1.86967641684828e-16, 1.41911643042882e-16, 1.08382344694871e-16, 8.32664249878792e-17, 6.43341686630739e-17, 4.99770213701060e-17, 3.90264314839685e-17, 3.06278060677719e-17, 2.41521444354171e-17, 1.91336334608186e-17, 1.52252678771373e-17, 1.21670765082745e-17, 9.76322639206603e-18, 7.86542142828590e-18, 6.36079286593057e-18, 5.16301523572075e-18, 4.20575231020497e-18, 3.43779601881797e-18, 2.81944231990508e-18, 2.31977574047117e-18, 1.91462490842612e-18, 1.58501607064100e-18, 1.31599800204033e-18, 1.09574520166929e-18, 9.14870565820523e-19, 7.65896441163367e-19, 6.42845939069147e-19, 5.40925947054799e-19, 4.56280340219040e-19, 3.85797146007365e-19, 3.26957333574643e-19, 2.77715835010627e-19, 2.36407614922344e-19, 2.01673273889071e-19, 1.72399937123611e-19, 1.47674143329993e-19, 1.26744185074274e-19, 1.08989916627431e-19, 9.38984797396823e-20, 8.10447332969045e-20, 7.00754327115433e-20, 6.06964068938479e-20, 5.26621381311802e-20, 4.57672733591788e-20, 3.98396919091576e-20, 3.47348308088003e-20, 3.03310286648971e-20, 2.65256965853905e-20, 2.32321622214084e-20, 2.03770629346944e-20, 1.78981879590753e-20, 1.57426885025016e-20, 1.38655900262325e-20, 1.22285532217681e-20, 1.07988400985754e-20, 9.54844958066234e-21, 8.45339347007471e-21, 7.49308887332261e-21] # w=256 s=24 synapses on segment, dendritic threshold is theta=12 errorsW256 = [0.999997973443107, 0.629372754740777, 0.121087724790945, 0.0193597645959856, 0.00350549721741729, 0.000748965962032781, 0.000186510373919969, 5.30069204544174e-5, 1.68542688790000e-5, 5.89560747849969e-6, 2.23767020178735e-6, 9.11225564771580e-7, 3.94475072403605e-7, 1.80169987461924e-7, 8.62734957588259e-8, 4.30835081022293e-8, 2.23380881095835e-8, 1.19793311140766e-8, 6.62301584036177e-9, 3.76438169312996e-9, 2.19423953869126e-9, 1.30887557403056e-9, 7.97480990380968e-10, 4.95482969325862e-10, 3.13460830324406e-10, 2.01656908833009e-10, 1.31767135541276e-10, 8.73586539716713e-11, 5.87077297245969e-11, 3.99576761200323e-11, 2.75220232248960e-11, 1.91701608847159e-11, 1.34943954043346e-11, 9.59410134279997e-12, 6.88558106762690e-12, 4.98590018053347e-12, 3.64092373686549e-12, 2.68014488783288e-12, 1.98797603387229e-12, 1.48528633835993e-12, 1.11739495331362e-12, 8.46179085322245e-13, 6.44833912395788e-13, 4.94359544385977e-13, 3.81184046390743e-13, 2.95540942533515e-13, 2.30352375229645e-13, 1.80454125570680e-13, 1.42053695445942e-13, 1.12348554361008e-13, 8.92553023993497e-14, 7.12162118182915e-14, 5.70601336962939e-14, 4.59018613132802e-14, 3.70688756443847e-14, 3.00477108050374e-14, 2.44444632746040e-14, 1.99555570507925e-14, 1.63459876978165e-14, 1.34330500162347e-14, 1.10741076071588e-14, 9.15735686079334e-15, 7.59482030375183e-15, 6.31700763775213e-15, 5.26883007721797e-15, 4.40646078058260e-15, 3.69491257084125e-15, 3.10616176350258e-15, 2.61768946987837e-15, 2.21134330625883e-15, 1.87244595538993e-15, 1.58909462235613e-15, 1.35160864769231e-15, 1.15209251425918e-15, 9.84089038159454e-16, 8.42303276784589e-16, 7.22382069351279e-16, 6.20737481445016e-16, 5.34405004455211e-16, 4.60929349954820e-16, 3.98272218221725e-16, 3.44737614911305e-16, 2.98911220348303e-16, 2.59611042743928e-16, 2.25847156136861e-16, 1.96788771381788e-16, 1.71737241200100e-16, 1.50103879041435e-16, 1.31391692394609e-16, 1.15180306705465e-16, 1.01113495891954e-16, 8.88888471340935e-17, 7.82491770468619e-17, 6.89753881281890e-17, 6.08805121319100e-17, 5.38047335965072e-17, 4.76112244136112e-17, 4.21826508250283e-17, 3.74182390049037e-17] # a=n/2 cells active, s=24 synapses on segment, dendritic threshold is theta=12 errorsWHalfOfN = [0.00518604306750049, 0.00595902789913702, 0.00630387009654985, 0.00649883841432922, 0.00662414645898081, 0.00671145554136860, 0.00677576979476038, 0.00682511455944402, 0.00686417048273405, 0.00689585128896232, 0.00692206553525732, 0.00694411560202313, 0.00696292062841680, 0.00697914780884254, 0.00699329317658955, 0.00700573317947932, 0.00701675866709042, 0.00702659791060005, 0.00703543257326555, 0.00704340902766207, 0.00705064652812678, 0.00705724321275902, 0.00706328057895142, 0.00706882686694759, 0.00707393965010535, 0.00707866784069150, 0.00708305325948833, 0.00708713187600340, 0.00709093479720398, 0.00709448906232020, 0.00709781828668885, 0.00710094318706191, 0.00710388201308149, 0.00710665090391040, 0.00710926418473885, 0.00711173461466950, 0.00711407359503532, 0.00711629134532740, 0.00711839705245984, 0.00712039899796979, 0.00712230466686664, 0.00712412084114628, 0.00712585368043317, 0.00712750879177102, 0.00712909129022819, 0.00713060585169798, 0.00713205675904178, 0.00713344794253425, 0.00713478301541479, 0.00713606530522246, 0.00713729788148649, 0.00713848358025748, 0.00713962502589200, 0.00714072465044275, 0.00714178471095577, 0.00714280730493375, 0.00714379438418811, 0.00714474776727266, 0.00714566915066510, 0.00714656011884143, 0.00714742215336873, 0.00714825664112637, 0.00714906488175141, 0.00714984809439242, 0.00715060742384539, 0.00715134394613683, 0.00715205867361116, 0.00715275255957311, 0.00715342650252986, 0.00715408135007252, 0.00715471790243238, 0.00715533691574314, 0.00715593910503720, 0.00715652514700088, 0.00715709568251095, 0.00715765131897250, 0.00715819263247588, 0.00715872016978916, 0.00715923445020018, 0.00715973596722158, 0.00716022519017042, 0.00716070256563302, 0.00716116851882463, 0.00716162345485272, 0.00716206775989168, 0.00716250180227608, 0.00716292593351907, 0.00716334048926185, 0.00716374579015949, 0.00716414214270805, 0.00716452984001762, 0.00716490916253519, 0.00716528037872114, 0.00716564374568296, 0.00716599950976899, 0.00716634790712550, 0.00716668916421930, 0.00716702349832872, 0.00716735111800491] listofNValues = [300, 500, 700, 900, 1100, 1300, 1500, 1700, 1900, 2100, 2300, 2500, 2700, 2900, 3100, 3300, 3500, 3700, 3900, 4100, 4300, 4500, 4700, 4900, 5100, 5300, 5500, 5700, 5900, 6100, 6300, 6500, 6700, 6900, 7100, 7300, 7500, 7700, 7900, 8100, 8300, 8500, 8700, 8900, 9100, 9300, 9500, 9700, 9900, 10100, 10300, 10500, 10700, 10900, 11100, 11300, 11500, 11700, 11900, 12100, 12300, 12500, 12700, 12900, 13100, 13300, 13500, 13700, 13900, 14100, 14300, 14500, 14700, 14900, 15100, 15300, 15500, 15700, 15900, 16100, 16300, 16500, 16700, 16900, 17100, 17300, 17500, 17700, 17900, 18100, 18300, 18500, 18700, 18900, 19100, 19300, 19500, 19700, 19900] trace1 = Scatter( y=errorsW64, x=listofNValues, line=Line( color='rgb(0, 0, 0)', width=3, shape='spline' ), name="w=64" ) trace2 = Scatter( y=errorsW128, x=listofNValues[1:], line=Line( color='rgb(0, 0, 0)', width=3, shape='spline' ), name="w=128" ) trace3 = Scatter( y=errorsW256, x=listofNValues[1:], line=Line( color='rgb(0, 0, 0)', width=3, shape='spline' ), name="w=256" ) trace4 = Scatter( y=errorsWHalfOfN, x=listofNValues[1:], line=Line( color='rgb(0, 0, 0)', width=3, dash='dash', shape='spline', ), name="w=0.5*n" ) data = Data([trace1, trace2, trace3, trace4]) layout = Layout( title='', showlegend=False, autosize=False, width=855, height=700, xaxis=XAxis( title='SDR size (n)', titlefont=Font( family='', size=26, color='' ), tickfont=Font( family='', size=16, color='' ), exponentformat="none", dtick=2000, showline=True, range=[0,20000], ), yaxis=YAxis( title='Probability of false positives', type='log', exponentformat='power', autorange=True, titlefont=Font( family='', size=26, color='' ), tickfont=Font( family='', size=12, color='' ), showline=True, ), annotations=Annotations([ Annotation( x=16988, y=0.1143, xref='x', yref='paper', text='$w = 64$', showarrow=False, font=Font( family='', size=16, color='' ), align='center', textangle=0, bordercolor='', borderwidth=1, borderpad=1, bgcolor='rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)', opacity=1 ), Annotation( x=17103, y=0.259, xref='x', yref='paper', text='$w = 128$', showarrow=False, font=Font( family='', size=16, color='' ), align='center', textangle=0, bordercolor='', borderwidth=1, borderpad=1, bgcolor='rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)', opacity=1 ), Annotation( x=17132, y=0.411, xref='x', yref='paper', text='$w = 256$', showarrow=False, font=Font( family='', size=16, color='' ), align='center', textangle=0, bordercolor='', borderwidth=1, borderpad=1, bgcolor='rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)', opacity=1 ), Annotation( x=16845, y=0.933, xref='x', yref='paper', text='$w = \\frac{n}{2}$', showarrow=False, font=Font( family='', size=16, color='' ), align='center', textangle=0, bordercolor='', borderwidth=1, borderpad=1, bgcolor='rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)', opacity=1 ), ]),) fig = Figure(data=data, layout=layout) plot_url = py.plot(fig) print "url=",plot_url figure = py.get_figure(plot_url) py.image.save_as(figure, 'images/effect_of_n_bami.png', scale=4)
import logging import hangups logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class GenericEvent: bot = None emit_log = logging.INFO def __init__(self, bot): = bot class StatusEvent(GenericEvent): """base class for all non-ConversationEvent""" def __init__(self, bot, state_update_event): super().__init__(bot) self.conv_event = state_update_event self.conv_id = state_update_event.conversation_id.id_ self.conv = None self.event_id = None self.user_id = None self.user = None self.timestamp = None self.text = '' self.from_bot = False class TypingEvent(StatusEvent): """user starts/pauses/stops typing""" def __init__(self, bot, state_update_event): super().__init__(bot, state_update_event) self.user_id = state_update_event.user_id self.timestamp = state_update_event.timestamp self.user = if self.user.is_self: self.from_bot = True self.text = "typing" class WatermarkEvent(StatusEvent): """user reads up to a certain point in the conversation""" def __init__(self, bot, state_update_event): super().__init__(bot, state_update_event) self.user_id = state_update_event.participant_id self.timestamp = state_update_event.latest_read_timestamp self.user = if self.user.is_self: self.from_bot = True self.text = "watermark" class ConversationEvent(GenericEvent): """user joins, leaves, renames or messages a conversation""" def __init__(self, bot, conv_event): super().__init__(bot) self.conv_event = conv_event self.conv_id = conv_event.conversation_id self.conv = self.event_id = conv_event.id_ self.user_id = conv_event.user_id self.user = self.conv.get_user(self.user_id) self.timestamp = conv_event.timestamp self.text = conv_event.text.strip() if isinstance(conv_event, hangups.ChatMessageEvent) else '' self.log() def log(self): if logger.isEnabledFor(self.emit_log): logger.log(self.emit_log, 'eid/dt: {}/{}'.format(self.event_id, self.timestamp.astimezone(tz=None).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))) logger.log(self.emit_log, 'cid/cn: {}/{}'.format(self.conv_id, logger.log(self.emit_log, 'c/g/un: {}/{}/{}'.format(self.user_id.chat_id, self.user_id.gaia_id, self.user.full_name)) logger.log(self.emit_log, 'len/tx: {}/{}'.format(len(self.text), self.text))
# coding: utf-8 # Example for DEMUX class. # In[1]: from __future__ import print_function from BinPy.Combinational.combinational import * # In[2]: # Initializing the DEMUX class # Must be a single input demux = DEMUX(1) # Put select lines # Select Lines must be power of 2 demux.selectLines(0) # Output of demux print (demux.output()) # In[3]: # Input changes # Input at index 1 is changed to 0 demux.setInput(0, 0) # New Output of the demux print (demux.output()) # In[4]: # Get Input States print (demux.getInputStates()) # In[5]: # Using Connectors as the input lines # Take a Connector conn = Connector() # Set Output of demux to Connector conn # sets conn as the output at index 0 demux.setOutput(0, conn) # Put this connector as the input to gate1 gate1 = AND(conn, 0) # Output of the gate1 print (gate1.output()) # In[6]: # Changing select lines # selects input line 2 demux.selectLine(0, 1) # New output of demux print (demux.output()) # In[7]: # Information about demux instance can be found by print (demux)
import os import sys import shutil import tempfile import contextlib from ._compat import iteritems, PY2 # If someone wants to vendor click, we want to ensure the # correct package is discovered. Ideally we could use a # relative import here but unfortunately Python does not # support that. clickpkg = sys.modules[__name__.rsplit('.', 1)[0]] if PY2: from cStringIO import StringIO else: import io from ._compat import _find_binary_reader class EchoingStdin(object): def __init__(self, input, output): self._input = input self._output = output def __getattr__(self, x): return getattr(self._input, x) def _echo(self, rv): self._output.write(rv) return rv def read(self, n=-1): return self._echo( def readline(self, n=-1): return self._echo(self._input.readline(n)) def readlines(self): return [self._echo(x) for x in self._input.readlines()] def __iter__(self): return iter(self._echo(x) for x in self._input) def __repr__(self): return repr(self._input) def make_input_stream(input, charset): # Is already an input stream. if hasattr(input, 'read'): if PY2: return input rv = _find_binary_reader(input) if rv is not None: return rv raise TypeError('Could not find binary reader for input stream.') if input is None: input = b'' elif not isinstance(input, bytes): input = input.encode(charset) if PY2: return StringIO(input) return io.BytesIO(input) class Result(object): """Holds the captured result of an invoked CLI script.""" def __init__(self, runner, output_bytes, exit_code, exception, exc_info=None): #: The runner that created the result self.runner = runner #: The output as bytes. self.output_bytes = output_bytes #: The exit code as integer. self.exit_code = exit_code #: The exception that happend if one did. self.exception = exception #: The traceback self.exc_info = exc_info @property def output(self): """The output as unicode string.""" return self.output_bytes.decode(self.runner.charset, 'replace') \ .replace('\r\n', '\n') def __repr__(self): return '<Result %s>' % ( self.exception and repr(self.exception) or 'okay', ) class CliRunner(object): """The CLI runner provides functionality to invoke a Click command line script for unittesting purposes in a isolated environment. This only works in single-threaded systems without any concurrency as it changes the global interpreter state. :param charset: the character set for the input and output data. This is UTF-8 by default and should not be changed currently as the reporting to Click only works in Python 2 properly. :param env: a dictionary with environment variables for overriding. :param echo_stdin: if this is set to `True`, then reading from stdin writes to stdout. This is useful for showing examples in some circumstances. Note that regular prompts will automatically echo the input. """ def __init__(self, charset=None, env=None, echo_stdin=False): if charset is None: charset = 'utf-8' self.charset = charset self.env = env or {} self.echo_stdin = echo_stdin def get_default_prog_name(self, cli): """Given a command object it will return the default program name for it. The default is the `name` attribute or ``"root"`` if not set. """ return or 'root' def make_env(self, overrides=None): """Returns the environment overrides for invoking a script.""" rv = dict(self.env) if overrides: rv.update(overrides) return rv @contextlib.contextmanager def isolation(self, input=None, env=None, color=False): """A context manager that sets up the isolation for invoking of a command line tool. This sets up stdin with the given input data and `os.environ` with the overrides from the given dictionary. This also rebinds some internals in Click to be mocked (like the prompt functionality). This is automatically done in the :meth:`invoke` method. .. versionadded:: 4.0 The ``color`` parameter was added. :param input: the input stream to put into sys.stdin. :param env: the environment overrides as dictionary. :param color: whether the output should contain color codes. The application can still override this explicitly. """ input = make_input_stream(input, self.charset) old_stdin = sys.stdin old_stdout = sys.stdout old_stderr = sys.stderr old_forced_width = clickpkg.formatting.FORCED_WIDTH clickpkg.formatting.FORCED_WIDTH = 80 env = self.make_env(env) if PY2: sys.stdout = sys.stderr = bytes_output = StringIO() if self.echo_stdin: input = EchoingStdin(input, bytes_output) else: bytes_output = io.BytesIO() if self.echo_stdin: input = EchoingStdin(input, bytes_output) input = io.TextIOWrapper(input, encoding=self.charset) sys.stdout = sys.stderr = io.TextIOWrapper( bytes_output, encoding=self.charset) sys.stdin = input def visible_input(prompt=None): sys.stdout.write(prompt or '') val = input.readline().rstrip('\r\n') sys.stdout.write(val + '\n') sys.stdout.flush() return val def hidden_input(prompt=None): sys.stdout.write((prompt or '') + '\n') sys.stdout.flush() return input.readline().rstrip('\r\n') def _getchar(echo): char = if echo: sys.stdout.write(char) sys.stdout.flush() return char default_color = color def should_strip_ansi(stream=None, color=None): if color is None: return not default_color return not color old_visible_prompt_func = clickpkg.termui.visible_prompt_func old_hidden_prompt_func = clickpkg.termui.hidden_prompt_func old__getchar_func = clickpkg.termui._getchar old_should_strip_ansi = clickpkg.utils.should_strip_ansi clickpkg.termui.visible_prompt_func = visible_input clickpkg.termui.hidden_prompt_func = hidden_input clickpkg.termui._getchar = _getchar clickpkg.utils.should_strip_ansi = should_strip_ansi old_env = {} try: for key, value in iteritems(env): old_env[key] = os.environ.get(key) if value is None: try: del os.environ[key] except Exception: pass else: os.environ[key] = value yield bytes_output finally: for key, value in iteritems(old_env): if value is None: try: del os.environ[key] except Exception: pass else: os.environ[key] = value sys.stdout = old_stdout sys.stderr = old_stderr sys.stdin = old_stdin clickpkg.termui.visible_prompt_func = old_visible_prompt_func clickpkg.termui.hidden_prompt_func = old_hidden_prompt_func clickpkg.termui._getchar = old__getchar_func clickpkg.utils.should_strip_ansi = old_should_strip_ansi clickpkg.formatting.FORCED_WIDTH = old_forced_width def invoke(self, cli, args=None, input=None, env=None, catch_exceptions=True, color=False, **extra): """Invokes a command in an isolated environment. The arguments are forwarded directly to the command line script, the `extra` keyword arguments are passed to the :meth:`~clickpkg.Command.main` function of the command. This returns a :class:`Result` object. .. versionadded:: 3.0 The ``catch_exceptions`` parameter was added. .. versionchanged:: 3.0 The result object now has an `exc_info` attribute with the traceback if available. .. versionadded:: 4.0 The ``color`` parameter was added. :param cli: the command to invoke :param args: the arguments to invoke :param input: the input data for `sys.stdin`. :param env: the environment overrides. :param catch_exceptions: Whether to catch any other exceptions than ``SystemExit``. :param extra: the keyword arguments to pass to :meth:`main`. :param color: whether the output should contain color codes. The application can still override this explicitly. """ exc_info = None with self.isolation(input=input, env=env, color=color) as out: exception = None exit_code = 0 try: cli.main(args=args or (), prog_name=self.get_default_prog_name(cli), **extra) except SystemExit as e: if e.code != 0: exception = e exc_info = sys.exc_info() exit_code = e.code if not isinstance(exit_code, int): sys.stdout.write(str(exit_code)) sys.stdout.write('\n') exit_code = 1 except Exception as e: if not catch_exceptions: raise exception = e exit_code = -1 exc_info = sys.exc_info() finally: sys.stdout.flush() output = out.getvalue() return Result(runner=self, output_bytes=output, exit_code=exit_code, exception=exception, exc_info=exc_info) @contextlib.contextmanager def isolated_filesystem(self): """A context manager that creates a temporary folder and changes the current working directory to it for isolated filesystem tests. """ cwd = os.getcwd() t = tempfile.mkdtemp() os.chdir(t) try: yield t finally: os.chdir(cwd) try: shutil.rmtree(t) except (OSError, IOError): pass