981 values
15 values
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import nose from pandas.core import panelnd from pandas.core.panel import Panel from pandas.util.testing import assert_panel_equal import pandas.util.testing as tm class TestPanelnd(tm.TestCase): def setUp(self): pass def test_4d_construction(self): # create a 4D Panel4D = panelnd.create_nd_panel_factory( klass_name='Panel4D', orders=['labels', 'items', 'major_axis', 'minor_axis'], slices={'items': 'items', 'major_axis': 'major_axis', 'minor_axis': 'minor_axis'}, slicer=Panel, aliases={'major': 'major_axis', 'minor': 'minor_axis'}, stat_axis=2) p4d = Panel4D(dict(L1=tm.makePanel(), L2=tm.makePanel())) # noqa def test_4d_construction_alt(self): # create a 4D Panel4D = panelnd.create_nd_panel_factory( klass_name='Panel4D', orders=['labels', 'items', 'major_axis', 'minor_axis'], slices={'items': 'items', 'major_axis': 'major_axis', 'minor_axis': 'minor_axis'}, slicer='Panel', aliases={'major': 'major_axis', 'minor': 'minor_axis'}, stat_axis=2) p4d = Panel4D(dict(L1=tm.makePanel(), L2=tm.makePanel())) # noqa def test_4d_construction_error(self): # create a 4D self.assertRaises(Exception, panelnd.create_nd_panel_factory, klass_name='Panel4D', orders=['labels', 'items', 'major_axis', 'minor_axis'], slices={'items': 'items', 'major_axis': 'major_axis', 'minor_axis': 'minor_axis'}, slicer='foo', aliases={'major': 'major_axis', 'minor': 'minor_axis'}, stat_axis=2) def test_5d_construction(self): # create a 4D Panel4D = panelnd.create_nd_panel_factory( klass_name='Panel4D', orders=['labels1', 'items', 'major_axis', 'minor_axis'], slices={'items': 'items', 'major_axis': 'major_axis', 'minor_axis': 'minor_axis'}, slicer=Panel, aliases={'major': 'major_axis', 'minor': 'minor_axis'}, stat_axis=2) p4d = Panel4D(dict(L1=tm.makePanel(), L2=tm.makePanel())) # create a 5D Panel5D = panelnd.create_nd_panel_factory( klass_name='Panel5D', orders=['cool1', 'labels1', 'items', 'major_axis', 'minor_axis'], slices={'labels1': 'labels1', 'items': 'items', 'major_axis': 'major_axis', 'minor_axis': 'minor_axis'}, slicer=Panel4D, aliases={'major': 'major_axis', 'minor': 'minor_axis'}, stat_axis=2) p5d = Panel5D(dict(C1=p4d)) # slice back to 4d results = p5d.ix['C1', :, :, 0:3, :] expected = p4d.ix[:, :, 0:3, :] assert_panel_equal(results['L1'], expected['L1']) # test a transpose # results = p5d.transpose(1,2,3,4,0) # expected = if __name__ == '__main__': nose.runmodule(argv=[__file__, '-vvs', '-x', '--pdb', '--pdb-failure'], exit=False)
import datetime from django.core.mail import EmailMessage, EmailMultiAlternatives import olympia.core.logger from olympia import amo from olympia.activity.models import ActivityLog from olympia.amo.celery import task from olympia.amo.utils import get_email_backend from olympia.bandwagon.models import Collection from olympia.stats.models import Contribution log = olympia.core.logger.getLogger('z.task') @task def send_email(recipient, subject, message, from_email=None, html_message=None, attachments=None, real_email=False, cc=None, headers=None, fail_silently=False, async=False, max_retries=None, reply_to=None, **kwargs): backend = EmailMultiAlternatives if html_message else EmailMessage connection = get_email_backend(real_email) result = backend(subject, message, from_email, to=recipient, cc=cc, connection=connection, headers=headers, attachments=attachments, reply_to=reply_to) if html_message: result.attach_alternative(html_message, 'text/html') try: result.send(fail_silently=False) return True except Exception as e: log.error('send_mail failed with error: %s' % e) if async: return send_email.retry(exc=e, max_retries=max_retries) elif not fail_silently: raise else: return False @task def set_modified_on_object(obj, **kw): """Sets modified on one object at a time.""" try:'Setting modified on object: %s, %s' % (obj.__class__.__name__, obj.update( except Exception, e: log.error('Failed to set modified on: %s, %s - %s' % (obj.__class__.__name__,, e)) @task def delete_logs(items, **kw):'[%s@%s] Deleting logs' % (len(items), delete_logs.rate_limit)) ActivityLog.objects.filter(pk__in=items).exclude( action__in=amo.LOG_KEEP).delete() @task def delete_stale_contributions(items, **kw):'[%s@%s] Deleting stale contributions' % (len(items), delete_stale_contributions.rate_limit)) Contribution.objects.filter( transaction_id__isnull=True, pk__in=items).delete() @task def delete_anonymous_collections(items, **kw):'[%s@%s] Deleting anonymous collections' % (len(items), delete_anonymous_collections.rate_limit)) Collection.objects.filter(type=amo.COLLECTION_ANONYMOUS, pk__in=items).delete()
import os from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta from urlparse import urlparse import yaml from flask import Blueprint, redirect from flask.ext.mako import render_template import ofcourse from ofcourse.util import app_path, get_hw_keys participants_bp = Blueprint('participants_bp', __name__, template_folder=app_path('templates')) currentYear = str( currentTerm = "fall" if > 7 else "spring" @participants_bp.route('/') def participants_blank(): """ This is the default landing for the participants listing page. It will list all of the participants in the current term for HFOSS """ return participants_year_term(currentYear, currentTerm) @participants_bp.route('/<year_or_nick>') def participants_year(year_or_nick): """ This will get all the participants within a given year """ p_url = find_participant(year_or_nick) if p_url is not None: # render individual page return redirect(p_url) # otherwise render as a year return participants(year_or_nick + '/') @participants_bp.route('/<year>/<term>') def participants_year_term(year, term): """ This will get all the participants within a given year and term """ return participants(year + '/' + term + '/') @participants_bp.route('/all') def participants_all(): return participants('') """ This will get all the participants who have taken HFOSS """ def participants(root_dir): """ Render the participants page, which shows a directory of all the students with their forge links, blog posts, assignment links, and etc. """ yaml_dir = app_path('people', root_dir) student_data = [] for dirpath, dirnames, files in os.walk(yaml_dir): dirpath = dirpath.rstrip("/") for fname in sorted(files): if fname.endswith('.yaml'): with open(dirpath + '/' + fname) as students: contents = yaml.safe_load(students) contents['yaml'] = dirpath + '/' + fname year_term_data = dirpath.split('/') contents['participant_page'] = "{y}/{t}/{u}".format( y=year_term_data[-2], t=year_term_data[-1], u=os.path.splitext(fname)[0] ) for forge in contents['forges']: url = urlparse(forge) if "" in url.netloc: contents['github'] = url.path[1:] contents['isActive'] = (currentYear in year_term_data and currentTerm in year_term_data) student_data.append(contents) assignments = get_hw_keys() elapsed = ( - target_number = int(elapsed / timedelta(weeks=1).total_seconds() + 1 + len(assignments)) return render_template( 'blogs.mak', name='mako', student_data=student_data,, target_number=target_number, hw_keys=assignments ) def find_participant(nick): yaml_dir = app_path('people') for dirpath, dirnames, files in os.walk(yaml_dir): for fname in files: if (fname.lower().startswith(nick.lower()) and fname.endswith('.yaml')): participant = os.path.join( dirpath, fname ).replace(yaml_dir, '') participant = participant.replace('.yaml', '') return 'participants' + participant
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL (<>). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ############################################################################## from openerp.osv import fields, osv from import _ class validate_account_move(osv.osv_memory): _name = "validate.account.move" _description = "Validate Account Move" _columns = { 'journal_ids': fields.many2many('account.journal', 'wizard_validate_account_move_journal', 'wizard_id', 'journal_id', 'Journal', required=True), 'period_ids': fields.many2many('account.period', 'wizard_validate_account_move_period', 'wizard_id', 'period_id', 'Period', required=True, domain=[('state','<>','done')]), } def validate_move(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): obj_move = self.pool.get('account.move') if context is None: context = {} data =, uid, ids[0], context=context) ids_move =, uid, [('state','=','draft'),('journal_id','in',tuple(data['journal_ids'])),('period_id','in',tuple(data['period_ids']))], order='date') if not ids_move: raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning!'), _('Specified journals do not have any account move entries in draft state for the specified periods.')) obj_move.button_validate(cr, uid, ids_move, context=context) return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'} class validate_account_move_lines(osv.osv_memory): _name = "validate.account.move.lines" _description = "Validate Account Move Lines" def validate_move_lines(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None): obj_move_line = self.pool.get('account.move.line') obj_move = self.pool.get('account.move') move_ids = [] if context is None: context = {} data_line = obj_move_line.browse(cr, uid, context['active_ids'], context) for line in data_line: if line.move_id.state=='draft': move_ids.append( move_ids = list(set(move_ids)) if not move_ids: raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning!'), _('Selected Entry Lines does not have any account move entries in draft state.')) obj_move.button_validate(cr, uid, move_ids, context) return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'} # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:
data = ( 'Xia ', # 0x00 'Yuan ', # 0x01 'Zong ', # 0x02 'Xu ', # 0x03 'Nawa ', # 0x04 'Odoshi ', # 0x05 'Geng ', # 0x06 'Sen ', # 0x07 'Ying ', # 0x08 'Jin ', # 0x09 'Yi ', # 0x0a 'Zhui ', # 0x0b 'Ni ', # 0x0c 'Bang ', # 0x0d 'Gu ', # 0x0e 'Pan ', # 0x0f 'Zhou ', # 0x10 'Jian ', # 0x11 'Cuo ', # 0x12 'Quan ', # 0x13 'Shuang ', # 0x14 'Yun ', # 0x15 'Xia ', # 0x16 'Shuai ', # 0x17 'Xi ', # 0x18 'Rong ', # 0x19 'Tao ', # 0x1a 'Fu ', # 0x1b 'Yun ', # 0x1c 'Zhen ', # 0x1d 'Gao ', # 0x1e 'Ru ', # 0x1f 'Hu ', # 0x20 'Zai ', # 0x21 'Teng ', # 0x22 'Xian ', # 0x23 'Su ', # 0x24 'Zhen ', # 0x25 'Zong ', # 0x26 'Tao ', # 0x27 'Horo ', # 0x28 'Cai ', # 0x29 'Bi ', # 0x2a 'Feng ', # 0x2b 'Cu ', # 0x2c 'Li ', # 0x2d 'Suo ', # 0x2e 'Yin ', # 0x2f 'Xi ', # 0x30 'Zong ', # 0x31 'Lei ', # 0x32 'Zhuan ', # 0x33 'Qian ', # 0x34 'Man ', # 0x35 'Zhi ', # 0x36 'Lu ', # 0x37 'Mo ', # 0x38 'Piao ', # 0x39 'Lian ', # 0x3a 'Mi ', # 0x3b 'Xuan ', # 0x3c 'Zong ', # 0x3d 'Ji ', # 0x3e 'Shan ', # 0x3f 'Sui ', # 0x40 'Fan ', # 0x41 'Shuai ', # 0x42 'Beng ', # 0x43 'Yi ', # 0x44 'Sao ', # 0x45 'Mou ', # 0x46 'Zhou ', # 0x47 'Qiang ', # 0x48 'Hun ', # 0x49 'Sem ', # 0x4a 'Xi ', # 0x4b 'Jung ', # 0x4c 'Xiu ', # 0x4d 'Ran ', # 0x4e 'Xuan ', # 0x4f 'Hui ', # 0x50 'Qiao ', # 0x51 'Zeng ', # 0x52 'Zuo ', # 0x53 'Zhi ', # 0x54 'Shan ', # 0x55 'San ', # 0x56 'Lin ', # 0x57 'Yu ', # 0x58 'Fan ', # 0x59 'Liao ', # 0x5a 'Chuo ', # 0x5b 'Zun ', # 0x5c 'Jian ', # 0x5d 'Rao ', # 0x5e 'Chan ', # 0x5f 'Rui ', # 0x60 'Xiu ', # 0x61 'Hui ', # 0x62 'Hua ', # 0x63 'Zuan ', # 0x64 'Xi ', # 0x65 'Qiang ', # 0x66 'Un ', # 0x67 'Da ', # 0x68 'Sheng ', # 0x69 'Hui ', # 0x6a 'Xi ', # 0x6b 'Se ', # 0x6c 'Jian ', # 0x6d 'Jiang ', # 0x6e 'Huan ', # 0x6f 'Zao ', # 0x70 'Cong ', # 0x71 'Jie ', # 0x72 'Jiao ', # 0x73 'Bo ', # 0x74 'Chan ', # 0x75 'Yi ', # 0x76 'Nao ', # 0x77 'Sui ', # 0x78 'Yi ', # 0x79 'Shai ', # 0x7a 'Xu ', # 0x7b 'Ji ', # 0x7c 'Bin ', # 0x7d 'Qian ', # 0x7e 'Lan ', # 0x7f 'Pu ', # 0x80 'Xun ', # 0x81 'Zuan ', # 0x82 'Qi ', # 0x83 'Peng ', # 0x84 'Li ', # 0x85 'Mo ', # 0x86 'Lei ', # 0x87 'Xie ', # 0x88 'Zuan ', # 0x89 'Kuang ', # 0x8a 'You ', # 0x8b 'Xu ', # 0x8c 'Lei ', # 0x8d 'Xian ', # 0x8e 'Chan ', # 0x8f 'Kou ', # 0x90 'Lu ', # 0x91 'Chan ', # 0x92 'Ying ', # 0x93 'Cai ', # 0x94 'Xiang ', # 0x95 'Xian ', # 0x96 'Zui ', # 0x97 'Zuan ', # 0x98 'Luo ', # 0x99 'Xi ', # 0x9a 'Dao ', # 0x9b 'Lan ', # 0x9c 'Lei ', # 0x9d 'Lian ', # 0x9e 'Si ', # 0x9f 'Jiu ', # 0xa0 'Yu ', # 0xa1 'Hong ', # 0xa2 'Zhou ', # 0xa3 'Xian ', # 0xa4 'He ', # 0xa5 'Yue ', # 0xa6 'Ji ', # 0xa7 'Wan ', # 0xa8 'Kuang ', # 0xa9 'Ji ', # 0xaa 'Ren ', # 0xab 'Wei ', # 0xac 'Yun ', # 0xad 'Hong ', # 0xae 'Chun ', # 0xaf 'Pi ', # 0xb0 'Sha ', # 0xb1 'Gang ', # 0xb2 'Na ', # 0xb3 'Ren ', # 0xb4 'Zong ', # 0xb5 'Lun ', # 0xb6 'Fen ', # 0xb7 'Zhi ', # 0xb8 'Wen ', # 0xb9 'Fang ', # 0xba 'Zhu ', # 0xbb 'Yin ', # 0xbc 'Niu ', # 0xbd 'Shu ', # 0xbe 'Xian ', # 0xbf 'Gan ', # 0xc0 'Xie ', # 0xc1 'Fu ', # 0xc2 'Lian ', # 0xc3 'Zu ', # 0xc4 'Shen ', # 0xc5 'Xi ', # 0xc6 'Zhi ', # 0xc7 'Zhong ', # 0xc8 'Zhou ', # 0xc9 'Ban ', # 0xca 'Fu ', # 0xcb 'Zhuo ', # 0xcc 'Shao ', # 0xcd 'Yi ', # 0xce 'Jing ', # 0xcf 'Dai ', # 0xd0 'Bang ', # 0xd1 'Rong ', # 0xd2 'Jie ', # 0xd3 'Ku ', # 0xd4 'Rao ', # 0xd5 'Die ', # 0xd6 'Heng ', # 0xd7 'Hui ', # 0xd8 'Gei ', # 0xd9 'Xuan ', # 0xda 'Jiang ', # 0xdb 'Luo ', # 0xdc 'Jue ', # 0xdd 'Jiao ', # 0xde 'Tong ', # 0xdf 'Geng ', # 0xe0 'Xiao ', # 0xe1 'Juan ', # 0xe2 'Xiu ', # 0xe3 'Xi ', # 0xe4 'Sui ', # 0xe5 'Tao ', # 0xe6 'Ji ', # 0xe7 'Ti ', # 0xe8 'Ji ', # 0xe9 'Xu ', # 0xea 'Ling ', # 0xeb '[?] ', # 0xec 'Xu ', # 0xed 'Qi ', # 0xee 'Fei ', # 0xef 'Chuo ', # 0xf0 'Zhang ', # 0xf1 'Gun ', # 0xf2 'Sheng ', # 0xf3 'Wei ', # 0xf4 'Mian ', # 0xf5 'Shou ', # 0xf6 'Beng ', # 0xf7 'Chou ', # 0xf8 'Tao ', # 0xf9 'Liu ', # 0xfa 'Quan ', # 0xfb 'Zong ', # 0xfc 'Zhan ', # 0xfd 'Wan ', # 0xfe 'Lu ', # 0xff )
"""Nearest Neighbor Classification""" # Authors: Jake Vanderplas <[email protected]> # Fabian Pedregosa <[email protected]> # Alexandre Gramfort <[email protected]> # Sparseness support by Lars Buitinck <[email protected]> # Multi-output support by Arnaud Joly <[email protected]> # # License: BSD 3 clause (C) INRIA, University of Amsterdam import numpy as np from scipy import stats from ..utils.extmath import weighted_mode from .base import \ _check_weights, _get_weights, \ NeighborsBase, KNeighborsMixin,\ RadiusNeighborsMixin, SupervisedIntegerMixin from ..base import ClassifierMixin from ..utils import check_array class KNeighborsClassifier(NeighborsBase, KNeighborsMixin, SupervisedIntegerMixin, ClassifierMixin): """Classifier implementing the k-nearest neighbors vote. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <classification>`. Parameters ---------- n_neighbors : int, optional (default = 5) Number of neighbors to use by default for :meth:`k_neighbors` queries. weights : str or callable weight function used in prediction. Possible values: - 'uniform' : uniform weights. All points in each neighborhood are weighted equally. - 'distance' : weight points by the inverse of their distance. in this case, closer neighbors of a query point will have a greater influence than neighbors which are further away. - [callable] : a user-defined function which accepts an array of distances, and returns an array of the same shape containing the weights. Uniform weights are used by default. algorithm : {'auto', 'ball_tree', 'kd_tree', 'brute'}, optional Algorithm used to compute the nearest neighbors: - 'ball_tree' will use :class:`BallTree` - 'kd_tree' will use :class:`KDTree` - 'brute' will use a brute-force search. - 'auto' will attempt to decide the most appropriate algorithm based on the values passed to :meth:`fit` method. Note: fitting on sparse input will override the setting of this parameter, using brute force. leaf_size : int, optional (default = 30) Leaf size passed to BallTree or KDTree. This can affect the speed of the construction and query, as well as the memory required to store the tree. The optimal value depends on the nature of the problem. metric : string or DistanceMetric object (default = 'minkowski') the distance metric to use for the tree. The default metric is minkowski, and with p=2 is equivalent to the standard Euclidean metric. See the documentation of the DistanceMetric class for a list of available metrics. p : integer, optional (default = 2) Power parameter for the Minkowski metric. When p = 1, this is equivalent to using manhattan_distance (l1), and euclidean_distance (l2) for p = 2. For arbitrary p, minkowski_distance (l_p) is used. metric_params : dict, optional (default = None) Additional keyword arguments for the metric function. n_jobs : int, optional (default = 1) The number of parallel jobs to run for neighbors search. If ``-1``, then the number of jobs is set to the number of CPU cores. Doesn't affect :meth:`fit` method. Examples -------- >>> X = [[0], [1], [2], [3]] >>> y = [0, 0, 1, 1] >>> from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier >>> neigh = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=3) >>>, y) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS KNeighborsClassifier(...) >>> print(neigh.predict([[1.1]])) [0] >>> print(neigh.predict_proba([[0.9]])) [[ 0.66666667 0.33333333]] See also -------- RadiusNeighborsClassifier KNeighborsRegressor RadiusNeighborsRegressor NearestNeighbors Notes ----- See :ref:`Nearest Neighbors <neighbors>` in the online documentation for a discussion of the choice of ``algorithm`` and ``leaf_size``. .. warning:: Regarding the Nearest Neighbors algorithms, if it is found that two neighbors, neighbor `k+1` and `k`, have identical distances but but different labels, the results will depend on the ordering of the training data. """ def __init__(self, n_neighbors=5, weights='uniform', algorithm='auto', leaf_size=30, p=2, metric='minkowski', metric_params=None, n_jobs=1, **kwargs): self._init_params(n_neighbors=n_neighbors, algorithm=algorithm, leaf_size=leaf_size, metric=metric, p=p, metric_params=metric_params, n_jobs=n_jobs, **kwargs) self.weights = _check_weights(weights) def predict(self, X): """Predict the class labels for the provided data Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape (n_query, n_features), \ or (n_query, n_indexed) if metric == 'precomputed' Test samples. Returns ------- y : array of shape [n_samples] or [n_samples, n_outputs] Class labels for each data sample. """ X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr') neigh_dist, neigh_ind = self.kneighbors(X) classes_ = self.classes_ _y = self._y if not self.outputs_2d_: _y = self._y.reshape((-1, 1)) classes_ = [self.classes_] n_outputs = len(classes_) n_samples = X.shape[0] weights = _get_weights(neigh_dist, self.weights) y_pred = np.empty((n_samples, n_outputs), dtype=classes_[0].dtype) for k, classes_k in enumerate(classes_): if weights is None: mode, _ = stats.mode(_y[neigh_ind, k], axis=1) else: mode, _ = weighted_mode(_y[neigh_ind, k], weights, axis=1) mode = np.asarray(mode.ravel(), dtype=np.intp) y_pred[:, k] = classes_k.take(mode) if not self.outputs_2d_: y_pred = y_pred.ravel() return y_pred def predict_proba(self, X): """Return probability estimates for the test data X. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape (n_query, n_features), \ or (n_query, n_indexed) if metric == 'precomputed' Test samples. Returns ------- p : array of shape = [n_samples, n_classes], or a list of n_outputs of such arrays if n_outputs > 1. The class probabilities of the input samples. Classes are ordered by lexicographic order. """ X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr') neigh_dist, neigh_ind = self.kneighbors(X) classes_ = self.classes_ _y = self._y if not self.outputs_2d_: _y = self._y.reshape((-1, 1)) classes_ = [self.classes_] n_samples = X.shape[0] weights = _get_weights(neigh_dist, self.weights) if weights is None: weights = np.ones_like(neigh_ind) all_rows = np.arange(X.shape[0]) probabilities = [] for k, classes_k in enumerate(classes_): pred_labels = _y[:, k][neigh_ind] proba_k = np.zeros((n_samples, classes_k.size)) # a simple ':' index doesn't work right for i, idx in enumerate(pred_labels.T): # loop is O(n_neighbors) proba_k[all_rows, idx] += weights[:, i] # normalize 'votes' into real [0,1] probabilities normalizer = proba_k.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] normalizer[normalizer == 0.0] = 1.0 proba_k /= normalizer probabilities.append(proba_k) if not self.outputs_2d_: probabilities = probabilities[0] return probabilities class RadiusNeighborsClassifier(NeighborsBase, RadiusNeighborsMixin, SupervisedIntegerMixin, ClassifierMixin): """Classifier implementing a vote among neighbors within a given radius Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <classification>`. Parameters ---------- radius : float, optional (default = 1.0) Range of parameter space to use by default for :meth`radius_neighbors` queries. weights : str or callable weight function used in prediction. Possible values: - 'uniform' : uniform weights. All points in each neighborhood are weighted equally. - 'distance' : weight points by the inverse of their distance. in this case, closer neighbors of a query point will have a greater influence than neighbors which are further away. - [callable] : a user-defined function which accepts an array of distances, and returns an array of the same shape containing the weights. Uniform weights are used by default. algorithm : {'auto', 'ball_tree', 'kd_tree', 'brute'}, optional Algorithm used to compute the nearest neighbors: - 'ball_tree' will use :class:`BallTree` - 'kd_tree' will use :class:`KDtree` - 'brute' will use a brute-force search. - 'auto' will attempt to decide the most appropriate algorithm based on the values passed to :meth:`fit` method. Note: fitting on sparse input will override the setting of this parameter, using brute force. leaf_size : int, optional (default = 30) Leaf size passed to BallTree or KDTree. This can affect the speed of the construction and query, as well as the memory required to store the tree. The optimal value depends on the nature of the problem. metric : string or DistanceMetric object (default='minkowski') the distance metric to use for the tree. The default metric is minkowski, and with p=2 is equivalent to the standard Euclidean metric. See the documentation of the DistanceMetric class for a list of available metrics. p : integer, optional (default = 2) Power parameter for the Minkowski metric. When p = 1, this is equivalent to using manhattan_distance (l1), and euclidean_distance (l2) for p = 2. For arbitrary p, minkowski_distance (l_p) is used. outlier_label : int, optional (default = None) Label, which is given for outlier samples (samples with no neighbors on given radius). If set to None, ValueError is raised, when outlier is detected. metric_params : dict, optional (default = None) Additional keyword arguments for the metric function. Examples -------- >>> X = [[0], [1], [2], [3]] >>> y = [0, 0, 1, 1] >>> from sklearn.neighbors import RadiusNeighborsClassifier >>> neigh = RadiusNeighborsClassifier(radius=1.0) >>>, y) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS RadiusNeighborsClassifier(...) >>> print(neigh.predict([[1.5]])) [0] See also -------- KNeighborsClassifier RadiusNeighborsRegressor KNeighborsRegressor NearestNeighbors Notes ----- See :ref:`Nearest Neighbors <neighbors>` in the online documentation for a discussion of the choice of ``algorithm`` and ``leaf_size``. """ def __init__(self, radius=1.0, weights='uniform', algorithm='auto', leaf_size=30, p=2, metric='minkowski', outlier_label=None, metric_params=None, **kwargs): self._init_params(radius=radius, algorithm=algorithm, leaf_size=leaf_size, metric=metric, p=p, metric_params=metric_params, **kwargs) self.weights = _check_weights(weights) self.outlier_label = outlier_label def predict(self, X): """Predict the class labels for the provided data Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape (n_query, n_features), \ or (n_query, n_indexed) if metric == 'precomputed' Test samples. Returns ------- y : array of shape [n_samples] or [n_samples, n_outputs] Class labels for each data sample. """ X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr') n_samples = X.shape[0] neigh_dist, neigh_ind = self.radius_neighbors(X) inliers = [i for i, nind in enumerate(neigh_ind) if len(nind) != 0] outliers = [i for i, nind in enumerate(neigh_ind) if len(nind) == 0] classes_ = self.classes_ _y = self._y if not self.outputs_2d_: _y = self._y.reshape((-1, 1)) classes_ = [self.classes_] n_outputs = len(classes_) if self.outlier_label is not None: neigh_dist[outliers] = 1e-6 elif outliers: raise ValueError('No neighbors found for test samples %r, ' 'you can try using larger radius, ' 'give a label for outliers, ' 'or consider removing them from your dataset.' % outliers) weights = _get_weights(neigh_dist, self.weights) y_pred = np.empty((n_samples, n_outputs), dtype=classes_[0].dtype) for k, classes_k in enumerate(classes_): pred_labels = np.array([_y[ind, k] for ind in neigh_ind], dtype=object) if weights is None: mode = np.array([stats.mode(pl)[0] for pl in pred_labels[inliers]], else: mode = np.array([weighted_mode(pl, w)[0] for (pl, w) in zip(pred_labels[inliers], weights)], mode = mode.ravel() y_pred[inliers, k] = classes_k.take(mode) if outliers: y_pred[outliers, :] = self.outlier_label if not self.outputs_2d_: y_pred = y_pred.ravel() return y_pred
from __future__ import absolute_import # Copyright (c) 2010-2015 openpyxl from openpyxl.descriptors.serialisable import Serialisable from openpyxl.descriptors import ( Alias, Bool, Integer, Set, NoneSet, Typed, MinMax, Sequence, ) from openpyxl.descriptors.excel import Relation from openpyxl.descriptors.nested import ( NestedNoneSet, NestedSequence, ) from openpyxl.xml.constants import DRAWING_NS from .colors import ColorChoice from openpyxl.descriptors.excel import ExtensionList as OfficeArtExtensionList from .effect import * """ Fill elements from drawing main schema """ class PatternFillProperties(Serialisable): tagname = "pattFill" prst = NoneSet(values=(['pct5', 'pct10', 'pct20', 'pct25', 'pct30', 'pct40', 'pct50', 'pct60', 'pct70', 'pct75', 'pct80', 'pct90', 'horz', 'vert', 'ltHorz', 'ltVert', 'dkHorz', 'dkVert', 'narHorz', 'narVert', 'dashHorz', 'dashVert', 'cross', 'dnDiag', 'upDiag', 'ltDnDiag', 'ltUpDiag', 'dkDnDiag', 'dkUpDiag', 'wdDnDiag', 'wdUpDiag', 'dashDnDiag', 'dashUpDiag', 'diagCross', 'smCheck', 'lgCheck', 'smGrid', 'lgGrid', 'dotGrid', 'smConfetti', 'lgConfetti', 'horzBrick', 'diagBrick', 'solidDmnd', 'openDmnd', 'dotDmnd', 'plaid', 'sphere', 'weave', 'divot', 'shingle', 'wave', 'trellis', 'zigZag'])) preset = Alias("prst") fgClr = Typed(expected_type=ColorChoice, allow_none=True) foreground = Alias("fgClr") bgClr = Typed(expected_type=ColorChoice, allow_none=True) background = Alias("bgClr") __elements__ = ("fgClr", "bgClr") def __init__(self, prst=None, fgClr=None, bgClr=None, ): self.prst = prst self.fgClr = fgClr self.bgClr = bgClr class RelativeRect(Serialisable): tagname = "rect" namespace = DRAWING_NS l = MinMax(min=0, max=100, allow_none=True) left = Alias('l') t = MinMax(min=0, max=100, allow_none=True) top = Alias('t') r = MinMax(min=0, max=100, allow_none=True) right = Alias('r') b = MinMax(min=0, max=100, allow_none=True) bottom = Alias('b') def __init__(self, l=None, t=None, r=None, b=None, ): self.l = l self.t = t self.r = r self.b = b class StretchInfoProperties(Serialisable): tagname = "stretch" namespace = DRAWING_NS fillRect = Typed(expected_type=RelativeRect, allow_none=True) def __init__(self, fillRect=None, ): self.fillRect = fillRect class GradientStop(Serialisable): tagname = "gradStop" pos = MinMax(min=0, max=100, allow_none=True) # Color Choice Group def __init__(self, pos=None, ): self.pos = pos class GradientStopList(Serialisable): tagname = "gradStopLst" gs = Sequence(expected_type=GradientStop) def __init__(self, gs=None, ): if gs is None: gs = [GradientStop(), GradientStop()] = gs class LinearShadeProperties(Serialisable): ang = Integer() scaled = Bool(allow_none=True) def __init__(self, ang=None, scaled=None, ): self.ang = ang self.scaled = scaled class PathShadeProperties(Serialisable): path = Set(values=(['shape', 'circle', 'rect'])) fillToRect = Typed(expected_type=RelativeRect, allow_none=True) def __init__(self, path=None, fillToRect=None, ): self.path = path self.fillToRect = fillToRect class GradientFillProperties(Serialisable): tagname = "gradFill" flip = NoneSet(values=(['x', 'y', 'xy'])) rotWithShape = Bool(allow_none=True) gsLst = Typed(expected_type=GradientStopList, allow_none=True) stop_list = Alias("gsLst") lin = Typed(expected_type=LinearShadeProperties, allow_none=True) linear = Alias("lin") path = Typed(expected_type=PathShadeProperties, allow_none=True) tileRect = Typed(expected_type=RelativeRect, allow_none=True) __elements__ = ('gsLst', 'lin', 'path', 'tileRect') def __init__(self, flip=None, rotWithShape=None, gsLst=None, lin=None, path=None, tileRect=None, ): self.flip = flip self.rotWithShape = rotWithShape self.gsLst = gsLst self.lin = lin self.path = path self.tileRect = tileRect class Blip(Serialisable): tagname = "blip" namespace = DRAWING_NS #Using attribute groupAG_Blob cstate = NoneSet(values=(['email', 'screen', 'print', 'hqprint'])) embed = Relation() #rId link = Relation() #hyperlink noGrp = Bool(allow_none=True) noSelect = Bool(allow_none=True) noRot = Bool(allow_none=True) noChangeAspect = Bool(allow_none=True) noMove = Bool(allow_none=True) noResize = Bool(allow_none=True) noEditPoints = Bool(allow_none=True) noAdjustHandles = Bool(allow_none=True) noChangeArrowheads = Bool(allow_none=True) noChangeShapeType = Bool(allow_none=True) # some elements are choice extLst = Typed(expected_type=OfficeArtExtensionList, allow_none=True) alphaBiLevel = Typed(expected_type=AlphaBiLevelEffect, allow_none=True) alphaCeiling = Typed(expected_type=AlphaCeilingEffect, allow_none=True) alphaFloor = Typed(expected_type=AlphaFloorEffect, allow_none=True) alphaInv = Typed(expected_type=AlphaInverseEffect, allow_none=True) alphaMod = Typed(expected_type=AlphaModulateEffect, allow_none=True) alphaModFix = Typed(expected_type=AlphaModulateFixedEffect, allow_none=True) alphaRepl = Typed(expected_type=AlphaReplaceEffect, allow_none=True) biLevel = Typed(expected_type=BiLevelEffect, allow_none=True) blur = Typed(expected_type=BlurEffect, allow_none=True) clrChange = Typed(expected_type=ColorChangeEffect, allow_none=True) clrRepl = Typed(expected_type=ColorReplaceEffect, allow_none=True) duotone = Typed(expected_type=DuotoneEffect, allow_none=True) fillOverlay = Typed(expected_type=FillOverlayEffect, allow_none=True) grayscl = Typed(expected_type=GrayscaleEffect, allow_none=True) hsl = Typed(expected_type=HSLEffect, allow_none=True) lum = Typed(expected_type=LuminanceEffect, allow_none=True) tint = Typed(expected_type=TintEffect, allow_none=True) __elements__ = ('alphaBiLevel', 'alphaCeiling', 'alphaFloor', 'alphaInv', 'alphaMod', 'alphaModFix', 'alphaRepl', 'biLevel', 'blur', 'clrChange', 'clrRepl', 'duotone', 'fillOverlay', 'grayscl', 'hsl', 'lum', 'tint') def __init__(self, cstate=None, embed=None, link=None, noGrp=None, noSelect=None, noRot=None, noChangeAspect=None, noMove=None, noResize=None, noEditPoints=None, noAdjustHandles=None, noChangeArrowheads=None, noChangeShapeType=None, extLst=None, alphaBiLevel=None, alphaCeiling=None, alphaFloor=None, alphaInv=None, alphaMod=None, alphaModFix=None, alphaRepl=None, biLevel=None, blur=None, clrChange=None, clrRepl=None, duotone=None, fillOverlay=None, grayscl=None, hsl=None, lum=None, tint=None, ): self.cstate = cstate self.embed = embed = link self.noGrp = noGrp self.noSelect = noSelect self.noRot = noRot self.noChangeAspect = noChangeAspect self.noMove = noMove self.noResize = noResize self.noEditPoints = noEditPoints self.noAdjustHandles = noAdjustHandles self.noChangeArrowheads = noChangeArrowheads self.noChangeShapeType = noChangeShapeType self.extLst = extLst self.alphaBiLevel = alphaBiLevel self.alphaCeiling = alphaCeiling self.alphaFloor = alphaFloor self.alphaInv = alphaInv self.alphaMod = alphaMod self.alphaModFix = alphaModFix self.alphaRepl = alphaRepl self.biLevel = biLevel self.blur = blur self.clrChange = clrChange self.clrRepl = clrRepl self.duotone = duotone self.fillOverlay = fillOverlay self.grayscl = grayscl self.hsl = hsl self.lum = lum self.tint = tint class TileInfoProperties(Serialisable): tx = Integer(allow_none=True) ty = Integer(allow_none=True) sx = Integer(allow_none=True) sy = Integer(allow_none=True) flip = NoneSet(values=(['x', 'y', 'xy'])) algn = Set(values=(['tl', 't', 'tr', 'l', 'ctr', 'r', 'bl', 'b', 'br'])) def __init__(self, tx=None, ty=None, sx=None, sy=None, flip=None, algn=None, ): self.tx = tx self.ty = ty = sx = sy self.flip = flip self.algn = algn class BlipFillProperties(Serialisable): tagname = "blipFill" dpi = Integer(allow_none=True) rotWithShape = Bool(allow_none=True) blip = Typed(expected_type=Blip, allow_none=True) srcRect = Typed(expected_type=RelativeRect, allow_none=True) tile = Typed(expected_type=TileInfoProperties, allow_none=True) stretch = Typed(expected_type=StretchInfoProperties, allow_none=True) __elements__ = ("blip", "srcRect", "tile", "stretch") def __init__(self, dpi=None, rotWithShape=None, blip=None, tile=None, stretch=None, srcRect=None, ): self.dpi = dpi self.rotWithShape = rotWithShape self.blip = blip self.tile = tile self.stretch = stretch self.srcRect = srcRect
from django.urls import reverse from django.utils import timezone from datetime import timedelta from danceschool.core.constants import REG_VALIDATION_STR, updateConstant from danceschool.core.utils.tests import DefaultSchoolTestCase from danceschool.core.models import Invoice, Registration from .models import ( PointGroup, PricingTierGroup, DiscountCategory, DiscountCombo, DiscountComboComponent ) class BaseDiscountsTest(DefaultSchoolTestCase): def create_discount(self, **kwargs): ''' This method just creates the necessary objects to create a simple discount with a single required component. ''' test_group, created = PointGroup.objects.get_or_create( name=kwargs.get('pointGroupName', 'Test points') ) pt_group, created = PricingTierGroup.objects.get_or_create( group=test_group, pricingTier=self.defaultPricing, points=kwargs.get('pricingTierGroupPoints', 5), ) # Create a flat price combo that just knocks $5 off the regular price test_combo = DiscountCombo( name=kwargs.get('name', 'Test Discount'), category=kwargs.get('category', DiscountCategory.objects.get(id=1)), discountType=kwargs.get('discountType', DiscountCombo.DiscountType.flatPrice), onlinePrice=kwargs.get('onlinePrice', self.defaultPricing.onlinePrice - 5), doorPrice=kwargs.get('doorPrice', self.defaultPricing.doorPrice - 5), dollarDiscount=kwargs.get('dollarDiscount', 10), percentDiscount=kwargs.get('percentDiscount', 50), percentUniversallyApplied=kwargs.get('percentUniversallyApplied', False), active=kwargs.get('active', True), newCustomersOnly=kwargs.get('newCustomersOnly', False), daysInAdvanceRequired=kwargs.get('daysInAdvanceRequired', None), expirationDate=kwargs.get('expirationDate', None), ) test_component = DiscountComboComponent.objects.create( discountCombo=test_combo, pointGroup=test_group, quantity=kwargs.get('quantity', 5), allWithinPointGroup=kwargs.get('allWithinPointGroup', False), ) return (test_combo, test_component) def register_to_check_discount(self, series, expected_amount=None): ''' This method makes it easy to determine whether discounts are working correctly for a single class registration ''' s = series response = self.client.get(reverse('registration')) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertIn(s, response.context_data.get('regOpenSeries')) # Sign up for the series, and check that we proceed to the student information page. # Because of the way that roles are encoded on this form, we just grab the value to pass # from the form itself. post_data = {'series_%s_%s' % (, response.context_data['form'].fields['series_%s' %].field_choices[0].get('value') ): [1,]} response ='registration'), post_data, follow=True) self.assertEqual(response.redirect_chain, [(reverse('getStudentInfo'), 302)]) invoice = Invoice.objects.get( id=self.client.session[REG_VALIDATION_STR].get('invoiceId') ) tr = Registration.objects.filter(invoice=invoice).first() self.assertTrue(tr.eventregistration_set.filter( self.assertFalse( # Check that the student info page lists the correct subtotal with # the discount applied self.assertEqual(invoice.grossTotal, s.getBasePrice()) if expected_amount is not None: self.assertEqual(response.context_data.get('invoice').total, expected_amount) # Continue to the summary page post_data = { 'firstName': 'Discounted', 'lastName': 'Customer', 'email': '[email protected]', 'agreeToPolicies': True, } return'getStudentInfo'), post_data, follow=True) class DiscountsConditionsTest(BaseDiscountsTest): def test_inactive_discount(self): ''' Make a discount inactive and make sure that it doesn't work ''' updateConstant('general__discountsEnabled', True) test_combo, test_component = self.create_discount(active=False) s = self.create_series(pricingTier=self.defaultPricing) response = self.register_to_check_discount(s, s.getBasePrice()) invoice = response.context_data.get('invoice') self.assertEqual(response.redirect_chain, [(reverse('showRegSummary'), 302)]) self.assertEqual(invoice.grossTotal, s.getBasePrice()) self.assertEqual(, invoice.grossTotal ) self.assertEqual(response.context_data.get('zero_balance'), False) self.assertEqual(response.context_data.get('total_discount_amount'), 0) self.assertFalse(response.context_data.get('addonItems')) self.assertFalse(response.context_data.get('discount_codes')) def test_expired_discount(self): ''' Create an expired discount and make sure that it doesn't work. ''' updateConstant('general__discountsEnabled', True) test_combo, test_component = self.create_discount( + timedelta(days=-1) ) s = self.create_series(pricingTier=self.defaultPricing) response = self.register_to_check_discount(s, s.getBasePrice()) invoice = response.context_data.get('invoice') self.assertEqual(response.redirect_chain, [(reverse('showRegSummary'), 302)]) self.assertEqual(invoice.grossTotal, s.getBasePrice()) self.assertEqual(, invoice.grossTotal ) self.assertEqual(response.context_data.get('zero_balance'), False) self.assertEqual(response.context_data.get('total_discount_amount'), 0) self.assertFalse(response.context_data.get('addonItems')) self.assertFalse(response.context_data.get('discount_codes')) def test_discounts_disabled(self): ''' Disable discounts and check that they don't work anymore ''' updateConstant('general__discountsEnabled', False) test_combo, test_component = self.create_discount() s = self.create_series(pricingTier=self.defaultPricing) response = self.register_to_check_discount(s, s.getBasePrice()) invoice = response.context_data.get('invoice') self.assertEqual(response.redirect_chain, [(reverse('showRegSummary'), 302)]) self.assertEqual(invoice.grossTotal, s.getBasePrice()) self.assertEqual(, invoice.grossTotal ) self.assertEqual(response.context_data.get('zero_balance'), False) self.assertEqual(response.context_data.get('total_discount_amount'), 0) self.assertFalse(response.context_data.get('addonItems')) self.assertFalse(response.context_data.get('discount_codes')) def test_notenoughpoints(self): ''' Set the discount's components so that this discount is too small to apply, and check that it doesn't get applied. ''' updateConstant('general__discountsEnabled', True) test_combo, test_component = self.create_discount(quantity=10) s = self.create_series(pricingTier=self.defaultPricing) response = self.register_to_check_discount(s, s.getBasePrice()) invoice = response.context_data.get('invoice') self.assertEqual(response.redirect_chain, [(reverse('showRegSummary'), 302)]) self.assertEqual(invoice.grossTotal, s.getBasePrice()) self.assertEqual(, invoice.grossTotal ) self.assertEqual(response.context_data.get('zero_balance'), False) self.assertEqual(response.context_data.get('total_discount_amount'), 0) self.assertFalse(response.context_data.get('addonItems')) self.assertFalse(response.context_data.get('discount_codes')) def test_noearlybird(self): ''' Create an early registration discount that requires three day advance registration and ensure that it does not work less than three days in advance. ''' updateConstant('general__discountsEnabled', True) test_combo, test_component = self.create_discount(daysInAdvanceRequired=3) s = self.create_series( pricingTier=self.defaultPricing, + timedelta(days=1) ) response = self.register_to_check_discount(s, s.getBasePrice()) invoice = response.context_data.get('invoice') self.assertEqual(response.redirect_chain, [(reverse('showRegSummary'), 302)]) self.assertEqual(invoice.grossTotal, s.getBasePrice()) self.assertEqual(, invoice.grossTotal ) self.assertEqual(response.context_data.get('zero_balance'), False) self.assertEqual(response.context_data.get('total_discount_amount'), 0) self.assertFalse(response.context_data.get('addonItems')) self.assertFalse(response.context_data.get('discount_codes')) class DiscountsTypesTest(BaseDiscountsTest): def test_discount_applies(self): ''' Create a flat $5 discount and test that it applies ''' updateConstant('general__discountsEnabled', True) test_combo, test_component = self.create_discount() s = self.create_series(pricingTier=self.defaultPricing) response = self.register_to_check_discount(s, s.getBasePrice() - 5) invoice = response.context_data.get('invoice') self.assertEqual(response.redirect_chain, [(reverse('showRegSummary'), 302)]) self.assertEqual(invoice.grossTotal, s.getBasePrice()) self.assertEqual(, invoice.grossTotal - 5 ) self.assertEqual(response.context_data.get('zero_balance'), False) self.assertEqual(response.context_data.get('total_discount_amount'), 5) self.assertFalse(response.context_data.get('addonItems')) discount_codes = response.context_data.get('discount_codes') self.assertEqual([x[0] for x in discount_codes], [, ]) def test_earlybird(self): ''' Create an early registration discount that requires three day advance registration and ensure that it works more than three days in advance. ''' updateConstant('general__discountsEnabled', True) test_combo, test_component = self.create_discount(daysInAdvanceRequired=3) s = self.create_series( pricingTier=self.defaultPricing, + timedelta(days=4) ) response = self.register_to_check_discount(s, s.getBasePrice() - 5) invoice = response.context_data.get('invoice') self.assertEqual(response.redirect_chain, [(reverse('showRegSummary'), 302)]) self.assertEqual(invoice.grossTotal, s.getBasePrice()) self.assertEqual(, invoice.grossTotal - 5 ) self.assertEqual(response.context_data.get('zero_balance'), False) self.assertEqual(response.context_data.get('total_discount_amount'), 5) self.assertFalse(response.context_data.get('addonItems')) discount_codes = response.context_data.get('discount_codes') self.assertEqual([x[0] for x in discount_codes], [, ]) def test_allwithinpointgroup(self): ''' Set a discount to apply to an entire point group and check that the price is still the flat price ''' updateConstant('general__discountsEnabled', True) test_combo, test_component = self.create_discount(quantity=1, allWithinPointGroup=True) s = self.create_series(pricingTier=self.defaultPricing) response = self.register_to_check_discount(s, s.getBasePrice() - 5) invoice = response.context_data.get('invoice') self.assertEqual(response.redirect_chain, [(reverse('showRegSummary'), 302)]) self.assertEqual(invoice.grossTotal, s.getBasePrice()) self.assertEqual(, invoice.grossTotal - 5 ) self.assertEqual(response.context_data.get('zero_balance'), False) self.assertEqual(response.context_data.get('total_discount_amount'), 5) self.assertFalse(response.context_data.get('addonItems')) discount_codes = response.context_data.get('discount_codes') self.assertEqual([x[0] for x in discount_codes], [, ]) def test_dollarDiscount(self): ''' Create a $10 off discount and check that it applies appropriately ''' updateConstant('general__discountsEnabled', True) test_combo, test_component = self.create_discount( discountType=DiscountCombo.DiscountType.dollarDiscount, dollarDiscount=10 ) s = self.create_series(pricingTier=self.defaultPricing) response = self.register_to_check_discount(s, s.getBasePrice() - 10) invoice = response.context_data.get('invoice') self.assertEqual(response.redirect_chain, [(reverse('showRegSummary'), 302)]) self.assertEqual(invoice.grossTotal, s.getBasePrice()) self.assertEqual(, invoice.grossTotal - 10 ) self.assertEqual(response.context_data.get('zero_balance'), False) self.assertEqual(response.context_data.get('total_discount_amount'), 10) self.assertFalse(response.context_data.get('addonItems')) discount_codes = response.context_data.get('discount_codes') self.assertEqual([x[0] for x in discount_codes], [, ]) def test_percentDiscount(self): ''' Create a 50% off discount and check that it applies correctly. ''' updateConstant('general__discountsEnabled', True) test_combo, test_component = self.create_discount( discountType=DiscountCombo.DiscountType.percentDiscount, percentDiscount=50, percentUniversallyApplied=False ) s = self.create_series(pricingTier=self.defaultPricing) response = self.register_to_check_discount(s, s.getBasePrice()*0.5) invoice = response.context_data.get('invoice') self.assertEqual(response.redirect_chain, [(reverse('showRegSummary'), 302)]) self.assertEqual(invoice.grossTotal, s.getBasePrice()) self.assertEqual(, 0.5 * invoice.grossTotal ) self.assertEqual(response.context_data.get('zero_balance'), False) self.assertEqual( response.context_data.get('total_discount_amount'), 0.5 * invoice.grossTotal ) self.assertFalse(response.context_data.get('addonItems')) discount_codes = response.context_data.get('discount_codes') self.assertEqual([x[0] for x in discount_codes], [, ]) def test_addOnItem(self): ''' Create a free add-on item and ensure that it is applied correctly. ''' updateConstant('general__discountsEnabled', True) test_combo, test_component = self.create_discount( discountType=DiscountCombo.DiscountType.addOn, name='Test Free Add-On', ) s = self.create_series(pricingTier=self.defaultPricing) response = self.register_to_check_discount(s, s.getBasePrice()) invoice = response.context_data.get('invoice') self.assertEqual(response.redirect_chain, [(reverse('showRegSummary'), 302)]) self.assertEqual(invoice.grossTotal, s.getBasePrice()) self.assertEqual(, invoice.grossTotal ) self.assertEqual(response.context_data.get('zero_balance'), False) self.assertEqual(response.context_data.get('total_discount_amount'), 0) self.assertTrue(response.context_data.get('addonItems')) self.assertFalse(response.context_data.get('discount_codes')) def test_discountmakesitfree(self): ''' Make the dollar discount larger than the base price and check that the registration is free, that the registration is processed and that a $0 invoice is created. ''' updateConstant('general__discountsEnabled', True) s = self.create_series(pricingTier=self.defaultPricing) test_combo, test_component = self.create_discount( discountType=DiscountCombo.DiscountType.dollarDiscount, dollarDiscount=s.getBasePrice() + 10 ) response = self.register_to_check_discount(s, 0) invoice = response.context_data.get('invoice') self.assertEqual(response.redirect_chain, [(reverse('showRegSummary'), 302)]) self.assertEqual(invoice.grossTotal, s.getBasePrice()) self.assertEqual(, 0) self.assertEqual(response.context_data.get('zero_balance'), True) self.assertEqual(response.context_data.get('total_discount_amount'), s.getBasePrice()) self.assertFalse(response.context_data.get('addonItems')) discount_codes = response.context_data.get('discount_codes') self.assertEqual([x[0] for x in discount_codes], [, ]) # Since the above registration was free, check that the registration actually # processed, and that there exists a paid Invoice for $0 finalReg = response.context_data.get('registration') invoice = response.context_data.get('invoice') self.assertTrue(finalReg) self.assertTrue(finalReg.invoice) self.assertEqual(finalReg.invoice, invoice) self.assertTrue(invoice.status == Invoice.PaymentStatus.paid) self.assertEqual(invoice.outstandingBalance, 0) self.assertEqual(, 0) self.assertTrue( # Check that the invoice no longer has an expiration date self.assertIsNone(invoice.expirationDate) # Check that the RegistrationDiscount associated with this registration # has been applied. self.assertTrue(finalReg.registrationdiscount_set.first().applied) # Show that multiple registrations by the same customer are not permitted response = self.register_to_check_discount(s) self.assertIn( 'You are already registered for', ' '.join(response.context_data['form'].errors.get('__all__')) ) def test_largerdiscountapplies(self): ''' Create both a $10 discount and a $20 discount, and ensure that the larger discount applies ''' updateConstant('general__discountsEnabled', True) s = self.create_series(pricingTier=self.defaultPricing) test_combo, test_component = self.create_discount( discountType=DiscountCombo.DiscountType.dollarDiscount, dollarDiscount=10 ) bigger_combo, bigger_component = self.create_discount( discountType=DiscountCombo.DiscountType.dollarDiscount, dollarDiscount=20, name='Bigger Discount' ) response = self.register_to_check_discount(s, s.getBasePrice() - 20) invoice = response.context_data.get('invoice') self.assertEqual(response.redirect_chain, [(reverse('showRegSummary'), 302)]) self.assertEqual(invoice.grossTotal, s.getBasePrice()) self.assertEqual(, invoice.grossTotal - 20 ) self.assertEqual(response.context_data.get('zero_balance'), False) self.assertEqual(response.context_data.get('total_discount_amount'), 20) self.assertFalse(response.context_data.get('addonItems')) discount_codes = response.context_data.get('discount_codes') self.assertEqual([x[0] for x in discount_codes], [, ])
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Tiny SPRL (<>). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ############################################################################## import l10n_ma # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:
from __future__ import print_function import sys import os import getopt import re import string import errno import copy from jsbeautifier.__version__ import __version__ # # The MIT License (MIT) # Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Einar Lielmanis and contributors. # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files # (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, # including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, # publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, # and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # # Originally written by Einar Lielmanis et al., # Conversion to python by Einar Lielmanis, [email protected], # Parsing improvement for brace-less and semicolon-less statements # by Liam Newman <[email protected]> # Python is not my native language, feel free to push things around. # # Use either from command line (script displays its usage when run # without any parameters), # # # or, alternatively, use it as a module: # # import jsbeautifier # res = jsbeautifier.beautify('your javascript string') # res = jsbeautifier.beautify_file('some_file.js') # # you may specify some options: # # opts = jsbeautifier.default_options() # opts.indent_size = 2 # res = jsbeautifier.beautify('some javascript', opts) # # # Here are the available options: (read source) class BeautifierOptions: def __init__(self): self.indent_size = 4 self.indent_char = ' ' self.indent_with_tabs = False self.eol = '\n' self.preserve_newlines = True self.max_preserve_newlines = 10 self.space_in_paren = False self.space_in_empty_paren = False self.e4x = False self.jslint_happy = False self.space_after_anon_function = False self.brace_style = 'collapse' self.keep_array_indentation = False self.keep_function_indentation = False self.eval_code = False self.unescape_strings = False self.wrap_line_length = 0 self.break_chained_methods = False self.end_with_newline = False self.comma_first = False # For testing of beautify ignore:start directive self.test_output_raw = False def __repr__(self): return \ """indent_size = %d indent_char = [%s] preserve_newlines = %s max_preserve_newlines = %d space_in_paren = %s jslint_happy = %s space_after_anon_function = %s indent_with_tabs = %s brace_style = %s keep_array_indentation = %s eval_code = %s wrap_line_length = %s unescape_strings = %s """ % ( self.indent_size, self.indent_char, self.preserve_newlines, self.max_preserve_newlines, self.space_in_paren, self.jslint_happy, self.space_after_anon_function, self.indent_with_tabs, self.brace_style, self.keep_array_indentation, self.eval_code, self.wrap_line_length, self.unescape_strings, ) class BeautifierFlags: def __init__(self, mode): self.mode = mode self.parent = None self.last_text = '' self.last_word = '' self.declaration_statement = False self.declaration_assignment = False self.multiline_frame = False self.if_block = False self.else_block = False self.do_block = False self.do_while = False self.in_case = False self.in_case_statement = False self.case_body = False self.indentation_level = 0 self.line_indent_level = 0 self.start_line_index = 0 self.ternary_depth = 0 def apply_base(self, flags_base, added_newline): next_indent_level = flags_base.indentation_level if not added_newline and \ flags_base.line_indent_level > next_indent_level: next_indent_level = flags_base.line_indent_level self.parent = flags_base self.last_text = flags_base.last_text self.last_word = flags_base.last_word self.indentation_level = next_indent_level class Acorn: def __init__(self): # This is not pretty, but given how we did the version import # it is the only way to do this without having fail on a missing six dependency. self.six = __import__("six") # This section of code was translated to python from acorn (javascript). # # Acorn was written by Marijn Haverbeke and released under an MIT # license. The Unicode regexps (for identifiers and whitespace) were # taken from [Esprima]( by Ariya Hidayat. # # Git repositories for Acorn are available at # # # # ## Character categories # Big ugly regular expressions that match characters in the # whitespace, identifier, and identifier-start categories. These # are only applied when a character is found to actually have a # code point above 128. self.nonASCIIwhitespace = re.compile(self.six.u("[\u1680\u180e\u2000-\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufeff]")) self.nonASCIIidentifierStartChars = self.six.u("\xaa\xb5\xba\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-\u02c1\u02c6-\u02d1\u02e0-\u02e4\u02ec\u02ee\u0370-\u0374\u0376\u0377\u037a-\u037d\u0386\u0388-\u038a\u038c\u038e-\u03a1\u03a3-\u03f5\u03f7-\u0481\u048a-\u0527\u0531-\u0556\u0559\u0561-\u0587\u05d0-\u05ea\u05f0-\u05f2\u0620-\u064a\u066e\u066f\u0671-\u06d3\u06d5\u06e5\u06e6\u06ee\u06ef\u06fa-\u06fc\u06ff\u0710\u0712-\u072f\u074d-\u07a5\u07b1\u07ca-\u07ea\u07f4\u07f5\u07fa\u0800-\u0815\u081a\u0824\u0828\u0840-\u0858\u08a0\u08a2-\u08ac\u0904-\u0939\u093d\u0950\u0958-\u0961\u0971-\u0977\u0979-\u097f\u0985-\u098c\u098f\u0990\u0993-\u09a8\u09aa-\u09b0\u09b2\u09b6-\u09b9\u09bd\u09ce\u09dc\u09dd\u09df-\u09e1\u09f0\u09f1\u0a05-\u0a0a\u0a0f\u0a10\u0a13-\u0a28\u0a2a-\u0a30\u0a32\u0a33\u0a35\u0a36\u0a38\u0a39\u0a59-\u0a5c\u0a5e\u0a72-\u0a74\u0a85-\u0a8d\u0a8f-\u0a91\u0a93-\u0aa8\u0aaa-\u0ab0\u0ab2\u0ab3\u0ab5-\u0ab9\u0abd\u0ad0\u0ae0\u0ae1\u0b05-\u0b0c\u0b0f\u0b10\u0b13-\u0b28\u0b2a-\u0b30\u0b32\u0b33\u0b35-\u0b39\u0b3d\u0b5c\u0b5d\u0b5f-\u0b61\u0b71\u0b83\u0b85-\u0b8a\u0b8e-\u0b90\u0b92-\u0b95\u0b99\u0b9a\u0b9c\u0b9e\u0b9f\u0ba3\u0ba4\u0ba8-\u0baa\u0bae-\u0bb9\u0bd0\u0c05-\u0c0c\u0c0e-\u0c10\u0c12-\u0c28\u0c2a-\u0c33\u0c35-\u0c39\u0c3d\u0c58\u0c59\u0c60\u0c61\u0c85-\u0c8c\u0c8e-\u0c90\u0c92-\u0ca8\u0caa-\u0cb3\u0cb5-\u0cb9\u0cbd\u0cde\u0ce0\u0ce1\u0cf1\u0cf2\u0d05-\u0d0c\u0d0e-\u0d10\u0d12-\u0d3a\u0d3d\u0d4e\u0d60\u0d61\u0d7a-\u0d7f\u0d85-\u0d96\u0d9a-\u0db1\u0db3-\u0dbb\u0dbd\u0dc0-\u0dc6\u0e01-\u0e30\u0e32\u0e33\u0e40-\u0e46\u0e81\u0e82\u0e84\u0e87\u0e88\u0e8a\u0e8d\u0e94-\u0e97\u0e99-\u0e9f\u0ea1-\u0ea3\u0ea5\u0ea7\u0eaa\u0eab\u0ead-\u0eb0\u0eb2\u0eb3\u0ebd\u0ec0-\u0ec4\u0ec6\u0edc-\u0edf\u0f00\u0f40-\u0f47\u0f49-\u0f6c\u0f88-\u0f8c\u1000-\u102a\u103f\u1050-\u1055\u105a-\u105d\u1061\u1065\u1066\u106e-\u1070\u1075-\u1081\u108e\u10a0-\u10c5\u10c7\u10cd\u10d0-\u10fa\u10fc-\u1248\u124a-\u124d\u1250-\u1256\u1258\u125a-\u125d\u1260-\u1288\u128a-\u128d\u1290-\u12b0\u12b2-\u12b5\u12b8-\u12be\u12c0\u12c2-\u12c5\u12c8-\u12d6\u12d8-\u1310\u1312-\u1315\u1318-\u135a\u1380-\u138f\u13a0-\u13f4\u1401-\u166c\u166f-\u167f\u1681-\u169a\u16a0-\u16ea\u16ee-\u16f0\u1700-\u170c\u170e-\u1711\u1720-\u1731\u1740-\u1751\u1760-\u176c\u176e-\u1770\u1780-\u17b3\u17d7\u17dc\u1820-\u1877\u1880-\u18a8\u18aa\u18b0-\u18f5\u1900-\u191c\u1950-\u196d\u1970-\u1974\u1980-\u19ab\u19c1-\u19c7\u1a00-\u1a16\u1a20-\u1a54\u1aa7\u1b05-\u1b33\u1b45-\u1b4b\u1b83-\u1ba0\u1bae\u1baf\u1bba-\u1be5\u1c00-\u1c23\u1c4d-\u1c4f\u1c5a-\u1c7d\u1ce9-\u1cec\u1cee-\u1cf1\u1cf5\u1cf6\u1d00-\u1dbf\u1e00-\u1f15\u1f18-\u1f1d\u1f20-\u1f45\u1f48-\u1f4d\u1f50-\u1f57\u1f59\u1f5b\u1f5d\u1f5f-\u1f7d\u1f80-\u1fb4\u1fb6-\u1fbc\u1fbe\u1fc2-\u1fc4\u1fc6-\u1fcc\u1fd0-\u1fd3\u1fd6-\u1fdb\u1fe0-\u1fec\u1ff2-\u1ff4\u1ff6-\u1ffc\u2071\u207f\u2090-\u209c\u2102\u2107\u210a-\u2113\u2115\u2119-\u211d\u2124\u2126\u2128\u212a-\u212d\u212f-\u2139\u213c-\u213f\u2145-\u2149\u214e\u2160-\u2188\u2c00-\u2c2e\u2c30-\u2c5e\u2c60-\u2ce4\u2ceb-\u2cee\u2cf2\u2cf3\u2d00-\u2d25\u2d27\u2d2d\u2d30-\u2d67\u2d6f\u2d80-\u2d96\u2da0-\u2da6\u2da8-\u2dae\u2db0-\u2db6\u2db8-\u2dbe\u2dc0-\u2dc6\u2dc8-\u2dce\u2dd0-\u2dd6\u2dd8-\u2dde\u2e2f\u3005-\u3007\u3021-\u3029\u3031-\u3035\u3038-\u303c\u3041-\u3096\u309d-\u309f\u30a1-\u30fa\u30fc-\u30ff\u3105-\u312d\u3131-\u318e\u31a0-\u31ba\u31f0-\u31ff\u3400-\u4db5\u4e00-\u9fcc\ua000-\ua48c\ua4d0-\ua4fd\ua500-\ua60c\ua610-\ua61f\ua62a\ua62b\ua640-\ua66e\ua67f-\ua697\ua6a0-\ua6ef\ua717-\ua71f\ua722-\ua788\ua78b-\ua78e\ua790-\ua793\ua7a0-\ua7aa\ua7f8-\ua801\ua803-\ua805\ua807-\ua80a\ua80c-\ua822\ua840-\ua873\ua882-\ua8b3\ua8f2-\ua8f7\ua8fb\ua90a-\ua925\ua930-\ua946\ua960-\ua97c\ua984-\ua9b2\ua9cf\uaa00-\uaa28\uaa40-\uaa42\uaa44-\uaa4b\uaa60-\uaa76\uaa7a\uaa80-\uaaaf\uaab1\uaab5\uaab6\uaab9-\uaabd\uaac0\uaac2\uaadb-\uaadd\uaae0-\uaaea\uaaf2-\uaaf4\uab01-\uab06\uab09-\uab0e\uab11-\uab16\uab20-\uab26\uab28-\uab2e\uabc0-\uabe2\uac00-\ud7a3\ud7b0-\ud7c6\ud7cb-\ud7fb\uf900-\ufa6d\ufa70-\ufad9\ufb00-\ufb06\ufb13-\ufb17\ufb1d\ufb1f-\ufb28\ufb2a-\ufb36\ufb38-\ufb3c\ufb3e\ufb40\ufb41\ufb43\ufb44\ufb46-\ufbb1\ufbd3-\ufd3d\ufd50-\ufd8f\ufd92-\ufdc7\ufdf0-\ufdfb\ufe70-\ufe74\ufe76-\ufefc\uff21-\uff3a\uff41-\uff5a\uff66-\uffbe\uffc2-\uffc7\uffca-\uffcf\uffd2-\uffd7\uffda-\uffdc") self.nonASCIIidentifierChars = self.six.u("\u0300-\u036f\u0483-\u0487\u0591-\u05bd\u05bf\u05c1\u05c2\u05c4\u05c5\u05c7\u0610-\u061a\u0620-\u0649\u0672-\u06d3\u06e7-\u06e8\u06fb-\u06fc\u0730-\u074a\u0800-\u0814\u081b-\u0823\u0825-\u0827\u0829-\u082d\u0840-\u0857\u08e4-\u08fe\u0900-\u0903\u093a-\u093c\u093e-\u094f\u0951-\u0957\u0962-\u0963\u0966-\u096f\u0981-\u0983\u09bc\u09be-\u09c4\u09c7\u09c8\u09d7\u09df-\u09e0\u0a01-\u0a03\u0a3c\u0a3e-\u0a42\u0a47\u0a48\u0a4b-\u0a4d\u0a51\u0a66-\u0a71\u0a75\u0a81-\u0a83\u0abc\u0abe-\u0ac5\u0ac7-\u0ac9\u0acb-\u0acd\u0ae2-\u0ae3\u0ae6-\u0aef\u0b01-\u0b03\u0b3c\u0b3e-\u0b44\u0b47\u0b48\u0b4b-\u0b4d\u0b56\u0b57\u0b5f-\u0b60\u0b66-\u0b6f\u0b82\u0bbe-\u0bc2\u0bc6-\u0bc8\u0bca-\u0bcd\u0bd7\u0be6-\u0bef\u0c01-\u0c03\u0c46-\u0c48\u0c4a-\u0c4d\u0c55\u0c56\u0c62-\u0c63\u0c66-\u0c6f\u0c82\u0c83\u0cbc\u0cbe-\u0cc4\u0cc6-\u0cc8\u0cca-\u0ccd\u0cd5\u0cd6\u0ce2-\u0ce3\u0ce6-\u0cef\u0d02\u0d03\u0d46-\u0d48\u0d57\u0d62-\u0d63\u0d66-\u0d6f\u0d82\u0d83\u0dca\u0dcf-\u0dd4\u0dd6\u0dd8-\u0ddf\u0df2\u0df3\u0e34-\u0e3a\u0e40-\u0e45\u0e50-\u0e59\u0eb4-\u0eb9\u0ec8-\u0ecd\u0ed0-\u0ed9\u0f18\u0f19\u0f20-\u0f29\u0f35\u0f37\u0f39\u0f41-\u0f47\u0f71-\u0f84\u0f86-\u0f87\u0f8d-\u0f97\u0f99-\u0fbc\u0fc6\u1000-\u1029\u1040-\u1049\u1067-\u106d\u1071-\u1074\u1082-\u108d\u108f-\u109d\u135d-\u135f\u170e-\u1710\u1720-\u1730\u1740-\u1750\u1772\u1773\u1780-\u17b2\u17dd\u17e0-\u17e9\u180b-\u180d\u1810-\u1819\u1920-\u192b\u1930-\u193b\u1951-\u196d\u19b0-\u19c0\u19c8-\u19c9\u19d0-\u19d9\u1a00-\u1a15\u1a20-\u1a53\u1a60-\u1a7c\u1a7f-\u1a89\u1a90-\u1a99\u1b46-\u1b4b\u1b50-\u1b59\u1b6b-\u1b73\u1bb0-\u1bb9\u1be6-\u1bf3\u1c00-\u1c22\u1c40-\u1c49\u1c5b-\u1c7d\u1cd0-\u1cd2\u1d00-\u1dbe\u1e01-\u1f15\u200c\u200d\u203f\u2040\u2054\u20d0-\u20dc\u20e1\u20e5-\u20f0\u2d81-\u2d96\u2de0-\u2dff\u3021-\u3028\u3099\u309a\ua640-\ua66d\ua674-\ua67d\ua69f\ua6f0-\ua6f1\ua7f8-\ua800\ua806\ua80b\ua823-\ua827\ua880-\ua881\ua8b4-\ua8c4\ua8d0-\ua8d9\ua8f3-\ua8f7\ua900-\ua909\ua926-\ua92d\ua930-\ua945\ua980-\ua983\ua9b3-\ua9c0\uaa00-\uaa27\uaa40-\uaa41\uaa4c-\uaa4d\uaa50-\uaa59\uaa7b\uaae0-\uaae9\uaaf2-\uaaf3\uabc0-\uabe1\uabec\uabed\uabf0-\uabf9\ufb20-\ufb28\ufe00-\ufe0f\ufe20-\ufe26\ufe33\ufe34\ufe4d-\ufe4f\uff10-\uff19\uff3f") self.nonASCIIidentifierStart = re.compile("[" + self.nonASCIIidentifierStartChars + "]") self.nonASCIIidentifier = re.compile("[" + self.nonASCIIidentifierStartChars + self.nonASCIIidentifierChars + "]") # Whether a single character denotes a newline. self.newline = re.compile(self.six.u("[\n\r\u2028\u2029]")) # Matches a whole line break (where CRLF is considered a single # line break). Used to count lines. self.lineBreak = re.compile(self.six.u("\r\n|[\n\r\u2028\u2029]")) # Test whether a given character code starts an identifier. def isIdentifierStart(self, code): if code < 65: return code == 36 if code < 91: return True if code < 97: return code == 95 if code < 123: return True return code >= 0xaa and self.nonASCIIidentifierStart.match(self.six.unichr(code)) != None # Test whether a given character is part of an identifier. def isIdentifierChar(self, code): if code < 48: return code == 36 if code < 58: return True if code < 65: return False if code < 91: return True if code < 97: return code == 95 if code < 123: return True return code >= 0xaa and self.nonASCIIidentifier.match(self.six.unichr(code)) != None class Token: def __init__(self, type, text, newlines = 0, whitespace_before = '', mode = None, parent = None): self.type = type self.text = text self.comments_before = [] self.newlines = newlines self.wanted_newline = newlines > 0 self.whitespace_before = whitespace_before self.parent = None self.directives = None def default_options(): return BeautifierOptions() def beautify(string, opts = default_options() ): b = Beautifier() return b.beautify(string, opts) def beautify_file(file_name, opts = default_options() ): if file_name == '-': # stdin stream = sys.stdin else: stream = open(file_name) return beautify(''.join(stream.readlines()), opts) def usage(stream=sys.stdout): print("" + __version__ + """ Javascript beautifier ( Usage: [options] <infile> <infile> can be "-", which means stdin. <outfile> defaults to stdout Input options: -i, --stdin read input from stdin Output options: -s, --indent-size=NUMBER indentation size. (default 4). -c, --indent-char=CHAR character to indent with. (default space). -e, --eol=STRING character(s) to use as line terminators. (default newline - "\\n") -t, --indent-with-tabs Indent with tabs, overrides -s and -c -d, --disable-preserve-newlines do not preserve existing line breaks. -P, --space-in-paren add padding spaces within paren, ie. f( a, b ) -E, --space-in-empty-paren Add a single space inside empty paren, ie. f( ) -j, --jslint-happy more jslint-compatible output -a, --space_after_anon_function add a space before an anonymous function's parens, ie. function () -b, --brace-style=collapse brace style (collapse, expand, end-expand) -k, --keep-array-indentation keep array indentation. -r, --replace write output in-place, replacing input -o, --outfile=FILE specify a file to output to (default stdout) -f, --keep-function-indentation Do not re-indent function bodies defined in var lines. -x, --unescape-strings Decode printable chars encoded in \\xNN notation. -X, --e4x Pass E4X xml literals through untouched -w, --wrap-line-length Attempt to wrap line when it exceeds this length. NOTE: Line continues until next wrap point is found. -n, --end_with_newline End output with newline Rarely needed options: --eval-code evaluate code if a JS interpreter is installed. May be useful with some obfuscated script but poses a potential security issue. -l, --indent-level=NUMBER initial indentation level. (default 0). -h, --help, --usage prints this help statement. -v, --version Show the version """, file=stream) if stream == sys.stderr: return 1 else: return 0 class MODE: BlockStatement, Statement, ObjectLiteral, ArrayLiteral, \ ForInitializer, Conditional, Expression = range(7) class Beautifier: def __init__(self, opts = default_options() ): self.opts = copy.copy(opts) self.blank_state() self.acorn = Acorn() def blank_state(self, js_source_text = None): # internal flags self.flags = None self.previous_flags = None self.flag_store = [] self.tokens = [] self.token_pos = 0 # force opts.space_after_anon_function to true if opts.jslint_happy if self.opts.jslint_happy: self.opts.space_after_anon_function = True if self.opts.indent_with_tabs: self.opts.indent_char = "\t" self.opts.indent_size = 1 self.opts.eol = self.opts.eol.replace('\\r', '\r').replace('\\n', '\n') self.indent_string = self.opts.indent_char * self.opts.indent_size self.baseIndentString = '' self.last_type = 'TK_START_BLOCK' # last token type self.last_last_text = '' # pre-last token text preindent_index = 0; if not js_source_text == None and len(js_source_text) > 0: while preindent_index < len(js_source_text) and \ js_source_text[preindent_index] in [' ', '\t'] : self.baseIndentString += js_source_text[preindent_index] preindent_index += 1 js_source_text = js_source_text[preindent_index:] self.output = Output(self.indent_string, self.baseIndentString) # If testing the ignore directive, start with output disable set to true self.output.raw = self.opts.test_output_raw; self.set_mode(MODE.BlockStatement) return js_source_text def beautify(self, s, opts = None ): if opts != None: self.opts = copy.copy(opts) if self.opts.brace_style not in ['expand', 'collapse', 'end-expand', 'none']: raise(Exception('opts.brace_style must be "expand", "collapse", "end-expand", or "none".')) s = self.blank_state(s) input = self.unpack(s, self.opts.eval_code) self.handlers = { 'TK_START_EXPR': self.handle_start_expr, 'TK_END_EXPR': self.handle_end_expr, 'TK_START_BLOCK': self.handle_start_block, 'TK_END_BLOCK': self.handle_end_block, 'TK_WORD': self.handle_word, 'TK_RESERVED': self.handle_word, 'TK_SEMICOLON': self.handle_semicolon, 'TK_STRING': self.handle_string, 'TK_EQUALS': self.handle_equals, 'TK_OPERATOR': self.handle_operator, 'TK_COMMA': self.handle_comma, 'TK_BLOCK_COMMENT': self.handle_block_comment, 'TK_COMMENT': self.handle_comment, 'TK_DOT': self.handle_dot, 'TK_UNKNOWN': self.handle_unknown, 'TK_EOF': self.handle_eof } self.tokens = Tokenizer(input, self.opts, self.indent_string).tokenize() self.token_pos = 0 while not self.get_token() == None: local_token = self.get_token() for comment_token in local_token.comments_before: # The cleanest handling of inline comments is to treat them as though they aren't there. # Just continue formatting and the behavior should be logical. # Also ignore unknown tokens. Again, this should result in better behavior. self.handle_token(comment_token) self.handle_token(local_token) self.last_last_text = self.flags.last_text self.last_type = local_token.type self.flags.last_text = local_token.text self.token_pos += 1 sweet_code = self.output.get_code() if self.opts.end_with_newline: sweet_code += '\n' if not self.opts.eol == '\n': sweet_code = sweet_code.replace('\n', self.opts.eol) return sweet_code def handle_token(self, local_token): newlines = local_token.newlines keep_whitespace = self.opts.keep_array_indentation and self.is_array(self.flags.mode) if keep_whitespace: for i in range(newlines): self.print_newline(i > 0) else: # not keep_whitespace if self.opts.max_preserve_newlines != 0 and newlines > self.opts.max_preserve_newlines: newlines = self.opts.max_preserve_newlines if self.opts.preserve_newlines and newlines > 1: self.print_newline() for i in range(1, newlines): self.print_newline(True) self.handlers[local_token.type](local_token) def unpack(self, source, evalcode=False): import jsbeautifier.unpackers as unpackers try: return, evalcode) except unpackers.UnpackingError as error: print('error:', error) return '' def is_special_word(self, s): return s in ['case', 'return', 'do', 'if', 'throw', 'else'] def is_array(self, mode): return mode == MODE.ArrayLiteral def is_expression(self, mode): return mode in [MODE.Expression, MODE.ForInitializer, MODE.Conditional] def allow_wrap_or_preserved_newline(self, current_token, force_linewrap = False): # never wrap the first token of a line. if self.output.just_added_newline(): return if (self.opts.preserve_newlines and current_token.wanted_newline) or force_linewrap: self.print_newline(preserve_statement_flags = True) elif self.opts.wrap_line_length > 0: proposed_line_length = self.output.current_line.get_character_count() + len(current_token.text) if self.output.space_before_token: proposed_line_length += 1 if proposed_line_length >= self.opts.wrap_line_length: self.print_newline(preserve_statement_flags = True) def print_newline(self, force_newline = False, preserve_statement_flags = False): if not preserve_statement_flags: if self.flags.last_text != ';' and self.flags.last_text != ',' and self.flags.last_text != '=' and self.last_type != 'TK_OPERATOR': while self.flags.mode == MODE.Statement and not self.flags.if_block and not self.flags.do_block: self.restore_mode() if self.output.add_new_line(force_newline): self.flags.multiline_frame = True def print_token_line_indentation(self, current_token): if self.output.just_added_newline(): line = self.output.current_line if self.opts.keep_array_indentation and self.is_array(self.flags.mode) and current_token.wanted_newline: line.push(current_token.whitespace_before) self.output.space_before_token = False elif self.output.set_indent(self.flags.indentation_level): self.flags.line_indent_level = self.flags.indentation_level def print_token(self, current_token, s=None): if self.output.raw: self.output.add_raw_token(current_token) return if self.opts.comma_first and self.last_type == 'TK_COMMA' and self.output.just_added_newline(): if self.output.previous_line.last() == ',': self.output.previous_line.pop() self.print_token_line_indentation(current_token) self.output.add_token(',') self.output.space_before_token = True if s == None: s = current_token.text self.print_token_line_indentation(current_token) self.output.add_token(s); def indent(self): self.flags.indentation_level += 1 def deindent(self): allow_deindent = self.flags.indentation_level > 0 and ((self.flags.parent == None) or self.flags.indentation_level > self.flags.parent.indentation_level) if allow_deindent: self.flags.indentation_level -= 1 def set_mode(self, mode): if self.flags: self.flag_store.append(self.flags) self.previous_flags = self.flags else: self.previous_flags = BeautifierFlags(mode) self.flags = BeautifierFlags(mode) self.flags.apply_base(self.previous_flags, self.output.just_added_newline()) self.flags.start_line_index = self.output.get_line_number(); def restore_mode(self): if len(self.flag_store) > 0: self.previous_flags = self.flags self.flags = self.flag_store.pop() if self.previous_flags.mode == MODE.Statement: self.output.remove_redundant_indentation(self.previous_flags) def start_of_object_property(self): return self.flags.parent.mode == MODE.ObjectLiteral and self.flags.mode == MODE.Statement and \ ((self.flags.last_text == ':' and self.flags.ternary_depth == 0) or (self.last_type == 'TK_RESERVED' and self.flags.last_text in ['get', 'set'])) def start_of_statement(self, current_token): if ( (self.last_type == 'TK_RESERVED' and self.flags.last_text in ['var', 'let', 'const'] and current_token.type == 'TK_WORD') \ or (self.last_type == 'TK_RESERVED' and self.flags.last_text== 'do') \ or (self.last_type == 'TK_RESERVED' and self.flags.last_text== 'return' and not current_token.wanted_newline) \ or (self.last_type == 'TK_RESERVED' and self.flags.last_text == 'else' and not (current_token.type == 'TK_RESERVED' and current_token.text == 'if' )) \ or (self.last_type == 'TK_END_EXPR' and (self.previous_flags.mode == MODE.ForInitializer or self.previous_flags.mode == MODE.Conditional)) \ or (self.last_type == 'TK_WORD' and self.flags.mode == MODE.BlockStatement \ and not self.flags.in_case and not (current_token.text == '--' or current_token.text == '++') and self.last_last_text != 'function' and current_token.type != 'TK_WORD' and current_token.type != 'TK_RESERVED') \ or (self.flags.mode == MODE.ObjectLiteral and \ ((self.flags.last_text == ':' and self.flags.ternary_depth == 0) or (self.last_type == 'TK_RESERVED' and self.flags.last_text in ['get', 'set']))) ): self.set_mode(MODE.Statement) self.indent() if self.last_type == 'TK_RESERVED' and self.flags.last_text in ['var', 'let', 'const'] and current_token.type == 'TK_WORD': self.flags.declaration_statement = True # Issue #276: # If starting a new statement with [if, for, while, do], push to a new line. # if (a) if (b) if(c) d(); else e(); else f(); if not self.start_of_object_property(): self.allow_wrap_or_preserved_newline(current_token, current_token.type == 'TK_RESERVED' and current_token.text in ['do', 'for', 'if', 'while']) return True else: return False def get_token(self, offset = 0): index = self.token_pos + offset if index < 0 or index >= len(self.tokens): return None else: return self.tokens[index] def handle_start_expr(self, current_token): if self.start_of_statement(current_token): # The conditional starts the statement if appropriate. pass next_mode = MODE.Expression if current_token.text == '[': if self.last_type == 'TK_WORD' or self.flags.last_text == ')': if self.last_type == 'TK_RESERVED' and self.flags.last_text in Tokenizer.line_starters: self.output.space_before_token = True self.set_mode(next_mode) self.print_token(current_token) self.indent() if self.opts.space_in_paren: self.output.space_before_token = True return next_mode = MODE.ArrayLiteral if self.is_array(self.flags.mode): if self.flags.last_text == '[' or ( self.flags.last_text == ',' and (self.last_last_text == ']' or self.last_last_text == '}')): # ], [ goes to a new line # }, [ goes to a new line if not self.opts.keep_array_indentation: self.print_newline() else: if self.last_type == 'TK_RESERVED' and self.flags.last_text == 'for': next_mode = MODE.ForInitializer elif self.last_type == 'TK_RESERVED' and self.flags.last_text in ['if', 'while']: next_mode = MODE.Conditional else: next_mode = MODE.Expression if self.flags.last_text == ';' or self.last_type == 'TK_START_BLOCK': self.print_newline() elif self.last_type in ['TK_END_EXPR', 'TK_START_EXPR', 'TK_END_BLOCK'] or self.flags.last_text == '.': # do nothing on (( and )( and ][ and ]( and .( # TODO: Consider whether forcing this is required. Review failing tests when removed. self.allow_wrap_or_preserved_newline(current_token, current_token.wanted_newline) elif not (self.last_type == 'TK_RESERVED' and current_token.text == '(') and self.last_type not in ['TK_WORD', 'TK_OPERATOR']: self.output.space_before_token = True elif (self.last_type == 'TK_RESERVED' and (self.flags.last_word == 'function' or self.flags.last_word == 'typeof')) or \ (self.flags.last_text == '*' and self.last_last_text =='function'): # function() vs function (), typeof() vs typeof () if self.opts.space_after_anon_function: self.output.space_before_token = True elif self.last_type == 'TK_RESERVED' and (self.flags.last_text in Tokenizer.line_starters or self.flags.last_text == 'catch'): # TODO: option space_before_conditional self.output.space_before_token = True elif current_token.text == '(' and self.last_type == 'TK_RESERVED' and self.flags.last_word == 'await': self.output.space_before_token = True # Support of this kind of newline preservation: # a = (b && # (c || d)); if self.last_type in ['TK_EQUALS', 'TK_OPERATOR']: if not self.start_of_object_property(): self.allow_wrap_or_preserved_newline(current_token) self.set_mode(next_mode) self.print_token(current_token) if self.opts.space_in_paren: self.output.space_before_token = True # In all cases, if we newline while inside an expression it should be indented. self.indent() def handle_end_expr(self, current_token): # statements inside expressions are not valid syntax, but... # statements must all be closed when their container closes while self.flags.mode == MODE.Statement: self.restore_mode() if self.flags.multiline_frame: self.allow_wrap_or_preserved_newline(current_token, current_token.text == ']' and self.is_array(self.flags.mode) and not self.opts.keep_array_indentation) if self.opts.space_in_paren: if self.last_type == 'TK_START_EXPR' and not self.opts.space_in_empty_paren: # empty parens are always "()" and "[]", not "( )" or "[ ]" self.output.space_before_token = False self.output.trim() else: self.output.space_before_token = True if current_token.text == ']' and self.opts.keep_array_indentation: self.print_token(current_token) self.restore_mode() else: self.restore_mode() self.print_token(current_token) self.output.remove_redundant_indentation(self.previous_flags) # do {} while () // no statement required after if self.flags.do_while and self.previous_flags.mode == MODE.Conditional: self.previous_flags.mode = MODE.Expression self.flags.do_block = False self.flags.do_while = False def handle_start_block(self, current_token): # Check if this is a BlockStatement that should be treated as a ObjectLiteral next_token = self.get_token(1) second_token = self.get_token(2) if second_token != None and \ ((second_token.text == ':' and next_token.type in ['TK_STRING', 'TK_WORD', 'TK_RESERVED']) \ or (next_token.text in ['get', 'set'] and second_token.type in ['TK_WORD', 'TK_RESERVED'])): # We don't support TypeScript,but we didn't break it for a very long time. # We'll try to keep not breaking it. if not self.last_last_text in ['class','interface']: self.set_mode(MODE.ObjectLiteral); else: self.set_mode(MODE.BlockStatement) else: self.set_mode(MODE.BlockStatement) empty_braces = (not next_token == None) and len(next_token.comments_before) == 0 and next_token.text == '}' empty_anonymous_function = empty_braces and self.flags.last_word == 'function' and \ self.last_type == 'TK_END_EXPR' if self.opts.brace_style == 'expand' or \ (self.opts.brace_style == 'none' and current_token.wanted_newline): if self.last_type != 'TK_OPERATOR' and \ (empty_anonymous_function or self.last_type == 'TK_EQUALS' or (self.last_type == 'TK_RESERVED' and self.is_special_word(self.flags.last_text) and self.flags.last_text != 'else')): self.output.space_before_token = True else: self.print_newline(preserve_statement_flags = True) else: # collapse if self.last_type not in ['TK_OPERATOR', 'TK_START_EXPR']: if self.last_type == 'TK_START_BLOCK': self.print_newline() else: self.output.space_before_token = True else: # if TK_OPERATOR or TK_START_EXPR if self.is_array(self.previous_flags.mode) and self.flags.last_text == ',': if self.last_last_text == '}': self.output.space_before_token = True else: self.print_newline() self.print_token(current_token) self.indent() def handle_end_block(self, current_token): # statements must all be closed when their container closes while self.flags.mode == MODE.Statement: self.restore_mode() empty_braces = self.last_type == 'TK_START_BLOCK' if self.opts.brace_style == 'expand': if not empty_braces: self.print_newline() else: # skip {} if not empty_braces: if self.is_array(self.flags.mode) and self.opts.keep_array_indentation: self.opts.keep_array_indentation = False self.print_newline() self.opts.keep_array_indentation = True else: self.print_newline() self.restore_mode() self.print_token(current_token) def handle_word(self, current_token): if current_token.type == 'TK_RESERVED' and self.flags.mode != MODE.ObjectLiteral and \ current_token.text in ['set', 'get']: current_token.type = 'TK_WORD' if current_token.type == 'TK_RESERVED' and self.flags.mode == MODE.ObjectLiteral: next_token = self.get_token(1) if next_token.text == ':': current_token.type = 'TK_WORD' if self.start_of_statement(current_token): # The conditional starts the statement if appropriate. pass elif current_token.wanted_newline and \ not self.is_expression(self.flags.mode) and \ (self.last_type != 'TK_OPERATOR' or (self.flags.last_text == '--' or self.flags.last_text == '++')) and \ self.last_type != 'TK_EQUALS' and \ (self.opts.preserve_newlines or not (self.last_type == 'TK_RESERVED' and self.flags.last_text in ['var', 'let', 'const', 'set', 'get'])): self.print_newline() if self.flags.do_block and not self.flags.do_while: if current_token.type == 'TK_RESERVED' and current_token.text == 'while': # do {} ## while () self.output.space_before_token = True self.print_token(current_token) self.output.space_before_token = True self.flags.do_while = True return else: # do {} should always have while as the next word. # if we don't see the expected while, recover self.print_newline() self.flags.do_block = False # if may be followed by else, or not # Bare/inline ifs are tricky # Need to unwind the modes correctly: if (a) if (b) c(); else d(); else e(); if self.flags.if_block: if (not self.flags.else_block) and (current_token.type == 'TK_RESERVED' and current_token.text == 'else'): self.flags.else_block = True else: while self.flags.mode == MODE.Statement: self.restore_mode() self.flags.if_block = False if current_token.type == 'TK_RESERVED' and (current_token.text == 'case' or (current_token.text == 'default' and self.flags.in_case_statement)): self.print_newline() if self.flags.case_body or self.opts.jslint_happy: self.flags.case_body = False self.deindent() self.print_token(current_token) self.flags.in_case = True self.flags.in_case_statement = True return if current_token.type == 'TK_RESERVED' and current_token.text == 'function': if self.flags.last_text in ['}', ';'] or (self.output.just_added_newline() and not self.flags.last_text in ['[', '{', ':', '=', ',']): # make sure there is a nice clean space of at least one blank line # before a new function definition, except in arrays if not self.output.just_added_blankline() and len(current_token.comments_before) == 0: self.print_newline() self.print_newline(True) if self.last_type == 'TK_RESERVED' or self.last_type == 'TK_WORD': if self.last_type == 'TK_RESERVED' and self.flags.last_text in ['get', 'set', 'new', 'return', 'export', 'async']: self.output.space_before_token = True elif self.last_type == 'TK_RESERVED' and self.flags.last_text == 'default' and self.last_last_text == 'export': self.output.space_before_token = True else: self.print_newline() elif self.last_type == 'TK_OPERATOR' or self.flags.last_text == '=': # foo = function self.output.space_before_token = True elif not self.flags.multiline_frame and (self.is_expression(self.flags.mode) or self.is_array(self.flags.mode)): # (function pass else: self.print_newline() if self.last_type in ['TK_COMMA', 'TK_START_EXPR', 'TK_EQUALS', 'TK_OPERATOR']: if not self.start_of_object_property(): self.allow_wrap_or_preserved_newline(current_token) if current_token.type == 'TK_RESERVED' and current_token.text in ['function', 'get', 'set']: self.print_token(current_token) self.flags.last_word = current_token.text return prefix = 'NONE' if self.last_type == 'TK_END_BLOCK': if not (current_token.type == 'TK_RESERVED' and current_token.text in ['else', 'catch', 'finally']): prefix = 'NEWLINE' else: if self.opts.brace_style in ['expand', 'end-expand'] or \ (self.opts.brace_style == 'none' and current_token.wanted_newline): prefix = 'NEWLINE' else: prefix = 'SPACE' self.output.space_before_token = True elif self.last_type == 'TK_SEMICOLON' and self.flags.mode == MODE.BlockStatement: # TODO: Should this be for STATEMENT as well? prefix = 'NEWLINE' elif self.last_type == 'TK_SEMICOLON' and self.is_expression(self.flags.mode): prefix = 'SPACE' elif self.last_type == 'TK_STRING': prefix = 'NEWLINE' elif self.last_type == 'TK_RESERVED' or self.last_type == 'TK_WORD' or \ (self.flags.last_text == '*' and self.last_last_text == 'function'): prefix = 'SPACE' elif self.last_type == 'TK_START_BLOCK': prefix = 'NEWLINE' elif self.last_type == 'TK_END_EXPR': self.output.space_before_token = True prefix = 'NEWLINE' if current_token.type == 'TK_RESERVED' and current_token.text in Tokenizer.line_starters and self.flags.last_text != ')': if self.flags.last_text == 'else ' or self.flags.last_text == 'export': prefix = 'SPACE' else: prefix = 'NEWLINE' if current_token.type == 'TK_RESERVED' and current_token.text in ['else', 'catch', 'finally']: if self.last_type != 'TK_END_BLOCK' \ or self.opts.brace_style == 'expand' \ or self.opts.brace_style == 'end-expand' \ or (self.opts.brace_style == 'none' and current_token.wanted_newline): self.print_newline() else: self.output.trim(True) # If we trimmed and there's something other than a close block before us # put a newline back in. Handles '} // comment' scenario. if self.output.current_line.last() != '}': self.print_newline() self.output.space_before_token = True elif prefix == 'NEWLINE': if self.last_type == 'TK_RESERVED' and self.is_special_word(self.flags.last_text): # no newline between return nnn self.output.space_before_token = True elif self.last_type != 'TK_END_EXPR': if (self.last_type != 'TK_START_EXPR' or not (current_token.type == 'TK_RESERVED' and current_token.text in ['var', 'let', 'const'])) and self.flags.last_text != ':': # no need to force newline on VAR - # for (var x = 0... if current_token.type == 'TK_RESERVED' and current_token.text == 'if' and self.flags.last_text == 'else': self.output.space_before_token = True else: self.print_newline() elif current_token.type == 'TK_RESERVED' and current_token.text in Tokenizer.line_starters and self.flags.last_text != ')': self.print_newline() elif self.flags.multiline_frame and self.is_array(self.flags.mode) and self.flags.last_text == ',' and self.last_last_text == '}': self.print_newline() # }, in lists get a newline elif prefix == 'SPACE': self.output.space_before_token = True self.print_token(current_token) self.flags.last_word = current_token.text if current_token.type == 'TK_RESERVED' and current_token.text == 'do': self.flags.do_block = True if current_token.type == 'TK_RESERVED' and current_token.text == 'if': self.flags.if_block = True def handle_semicolon(self, current_token): if self.start_of_statement(current_token): # The conditional starts the statement if appropriate. # Semicolon can be the start (and end) of a statement self.output.space_before_token = False while self.flags.mode == MODE.Statement and not self.flags.if_block and not self.flags.do_block: self.restore_mode() self.print_token(current_token) def handle_string(self, current_token): if self.start_of_statement(current_token): # The conditional starts the statement if appropriate. # One difference - strings want at least a space before self.output.space_before_token = True elif self.last_type == 'TK_RESERVED' or self.last_type == 'TK_WORD': self.output.space_before_token = True elif self.last_type in ['TK_COMMA', 'TK_START_EXPR', 'TK_EQUALS', 'TK_OPERATOR']: if not self.start_of_object_property(): self.allow_wrap_or_preserved_newline(current_token) else: self.print_newline() self.print_token(current_token) def handle_equals(self, current_token): if self.start_of_statement(current_token): # The conditional starts the statement if appropriate. pass if self.flags.declaration_statement: # just got an '=' in a var-line, different line breaking rules will apply self.flags.declaration_assignment = True self.output.space_before_token = True self.print_token(current_token) self.output.space_before_token = True def handle_comma(self, current_token): if self.flags.declaration_statement: if self.is_expression(self.flags.parent.mode): # do not break on comma, for ( var a = 1, b = 2 self.flags.declaration_assignment = False self.print_token(current_token) if self.flags.declaration_assignment: self.flags.declaration_assignment = False self.print_newline(preserve_statement_flags = True) else: self.output.space_before_token = True # for comma-first, we want to allow a newline before the comma # to turn into a newline after the comma, which we will fixup later if self.opts.comma_first: self.allow_wrap_or_preserved_newline(current_token) return self.print_token(current_token) if self.flags.mode == MODE.ObjectLiteral \ or (self.flags.mode == MODE.Statement and self.flags.parent.mode == MODE.ObjectLiteral): if self.flags.mode == MODE.Statement: self.restore_mode() self.print_newline() else: # EXPR or DO_BLOCK self.output.space_before_token = True # for comma-first, we want to allow a newline before the comma # to turn into a newline after the comma, which we will fixup later if self.opts.comma_first: self.allow_wrap_or_preserved_newline(current_token) def handle_operator(self, current_token): if self.start_of_statement(current_token): # The conditional starts the statement if appropriate. pass if self.last_type == 'TK_RESERVED' and self.is_special_word(self.flags.last_text): # return had a special handling in TK_WORD self.output.space_before_token = True self.print_token(current_token) return # hack for actionscript's import .*; if current_token.text == '*' and self.last_type == 'TK_DOT': self.print_token(current_token) return if current_token.text == ':' and self.flags.in_case: self.flags.case_body = True self.indent() self.print_token(current_token) self.print_newline() self.flags.in_case = False return if current_token.text == '::': # no spaces around the exotic namespacing syntax operator self.print_token(current_token) return # Allow line wrapping between operators in an expression if self.last_type == 'TK_OPERATOR': self.allow_wrap_or_preserved_newline(current_token) space_before = True space_after = True if current_token.text in ['--', '++', '!', '~'] \ or (current_token.text in ['+', '-'] \ and (self.last_type in ['TK_START_BLOCK', 'TK_START_EXPR', 'TK_EQUALS', 'TK_OPERATOR'] \ or self.flags.last_text in Tokenizer.line_starters or self.flags.last_text == ',')): space_before = False space_after = False # # if there is a newline between -- or ++ and anything else we should preserve it. if current_token.wanted_newline and (current_token.text == '--' or current_token.text == '++'): self.print_newline(preserve_statement_flags = True) if self.flags.last_text == ';' and self.is_expression(self.flags.mode): # for (;; ++i) # ^^ space_before = True if self.last_type == 'TK_RESERVED': space_before = True elif self.last_type == 'TK_END_EXPR': space_before = not (self.flags.last_text == ']' and current_token.text in ['--', '++']) elif self.last_type == 'TK_OPERATOR': # a++ + ++b # a - -b space_before = current_token.text in ['--', '-','++', '+'] and self.flags.last_text in ['--', '-','++', '+'] # + and - are not unary when preceeded by -- or ++ operator # a-- + b # a * +b # a - -b if current_token.text in ['-', '+'] and self.flags.last_text in ['--', '++']: space_after = True if self.flags.mode == MODE.BlockStatement and self.flags.last_text in ['{', ';']: # { foo: --i } # foo(): --bar self.print_newline() elif current_token.text == ':': if self.flags.ternary_depth == 0: # Colon is invalid javascript outside of ternary and object, but do our best to guess what was meant. space_before = False else: self.flags.ternary_depth -= 1 elif current_token.text == '?': self.flags.ternary_depth += 1 elif current_token.text == '*' and self.last_type == 'TK_RESERVED' and self.flags.last_text == 'function': space_before = False space_after = False if space_before: self.output.space_before_token = True self.print_token(current_token) if space_after: self.output.space_before_token = True def handle_block_comment(self, current_token): if self.output.raw: self.output.add_raw_token(current_token) if current_token.directives and current_token.directives.get('preserve') == 'end': # If we're testing the raw output behavior, do not allow a directive to turn it off. if not self.opts.test_output_raw: self.output.raw = False return if current_token.directives: self.print_newline(preserve_statement_flags = True) self.print_token(current_token) if current_token.directives.get('preserve') == 'start': self.output.raw = True self.print_newline(preserve_statement_flags = True) return # inline block if not and not current_token.wanted_newline: self.output.space_before_token = True self.print_token(current_token) self.output.space_before_token = True return lines = self.acorn.lineBreak.split(current_token.text) javadoc = False starless = False last_indent = current_token.whitespace_before last_indent_length = len(last_indent) # block comment starts with a new line self.print_newline(preserve_statement_flags = True) if len(lines) > 1: if not any(l for l in lines[1:] if ( l.strip() == '' or (l.lstrip())[0] != '*')): javadoc = True elif all(l.startswith(last_indent) or l.strip() == '' for l in lines[1:]): starless = True # first line always indented self.print_token(current_token, lines[0]) for line in lines[1:]: self.print_newline(preserve_statement_flags = True) if javadoc: # javadoc: reformat and re-indent self.print_token(current_token, ' ' + line.lstrip()) elif starless and len(line) > last_indent_length: # starless: re-indent non-empty content, avoiding trim self.print_token(current_token, line[last_indent_length:]) else: # normal comments output raw self.output.add_token(line) self.print_newline(preserve_statement_flags = True) def handle_comment(self, current_token): if current_token.wanted_newline: self.print_newline(preserve_statement_flags = True) if not current_token.wanted_newline: self.output.trim(True) self.output.space_before_token = True self.print_token(current_token) self.print_newline(preserve_statement_flags = True) def handle_dot(self, current_token): if self.start_of_statement(current_token): # The conditional starts the statement if appropriate. pass if self.last_type == 'TK_RESERVED' and self.is_special_word(self.flags.last_text): self.output.space_before_token = True else: # allow preserved newlines before dots in general # force newlines on dots after close paren when break_chained - for bar().baz() self.allow_wrap_or_preserved_newline(current_token, self.flags.last_text == ')' and self.opts.break_chained_methods) self.print_token(current_token) def handle_unknown(self, current_token): self.print_token(current_token) if current_token.text[-1] == '\n': self.print_newline() def handle_eof(self, current_token): # Unwind any open statements while self.flags.mode == MODE.Statement: self.restore_mode() def mkdir_p(path): try: if path: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as exc: # Python >2.5 if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(path): pass else: raise # Using object instead of string to allow for later expansion of info about each line class OutputLine: def __init__(self, parent): self.__parent = parent self.__character_count = 0 self.__indent_count = -1 self.__items = [] self.__empty = True def get_character_count(self): return self.__character_count def is_empty(self): return self.__empty def set_indent(self, level): self.__character_count = self.__parent.baseIndentLength + level * self.__parent.indent_length self.__indent_count = level; def last(self): if not self.is_empty(): return self.__items[-1] else: return None def push(self, input): self.__items.append(input) self.__character_count += len(input) self.__empty = False def pop(self): item = None if not self.is_empty(): item = self.__items.pop() self.__character_count -= len(item) self.__empty = len(self.__items) == 0 return item def remove_indent(self): if self.__indent_count > 0: self.__indent_count -= 1 self.__character_count -= self.__parent.indent_length def trim(self): while self.last() == ' ': item = self._items.pop() self.__character_count -= 1 self.__empty = len(self.__items) == 0 def toString(self): result = '' if not self.is_empty(): if self.__indent_count >= 0: result = self.__parent.indent_cache[self.__indent_count] result += ''.join(self.__items) return result class Output: def __init__(self, indent_string, baseIndentString = ''): self.indent_string = indent_string self.baseIndentString = baseIndentString self.indent_cache = [ baseIndentString ] self.baseIndentLength = len(baseIndentString) self.indent_length = len(indent_string) self.raw = False self.lines = [] self.previous_line = None self.current_line = None self.space_before_token = False self.add_outputline() def add_outputline(self): self.previous_line = self.current_line self.current_line = OutputLine(self) self.lines.append(self.current_line) def get_line_number(self): return len(self.lines) def add_new_line(self, force_newline): if len(self.lines) == 1 and self.just_added_newline(): # no newline on start of file return False if force_newline or not self.just_added_newline(): if not self.raw: self.add_outputline() return True return False def get_code(self): sweet_code = "\n".join(line.toString() for line in self.lines) return re.sub('[\r\n\t ]+$', '', sweet_code) def set_indent(self, level): # Never indent your first output indent at the start of the file if len(self.lines) > 1: while level >= len(self.indent_cache): self.indent_cache.append(self.indent_cache[-1] + self.indent_string) self.current_line.set_indent(level) return True self.current_line.set_indent(0) return False def add_raw_token(self, token): for _ in range(token.newlines): self.add_outputline() self.current_line.push(token.whitespace_before) self.current_line.push(token.text) self.space_before_token = False def add_token(self, printable_token): self.add_space_before_token() self.current_line.push(printable_token) def add_space_before_token(self): if self.space_before_token and not self.just_added_newline(): self.current_line.push(' ') self.space_before_token = False def remove_redundant_indentation(self, frame): # This implementation is effective but has some issues: # - can cause line wrap to happen too soon due to indent removal # after wrap points are calculated # These issues are minor compared to ugly indentation. if frame.multiline_frame or frame.mode == MODE.ForInitializer or frame.mode == MODE.Conditional: return # remove one indent from each line inside this section index = frame.start_line_index while index < len(self.lines): self.lines[index].remove_indent() index += 1 def trim(self, eat_newlines = False): self.current_line.trim() while eat_newlines and len(self.lines) > 1 and self.current_line.is_empty(): self.lines.pop() self.current_line = self.lines[-1] self.current_line.trim() if len(self.lines) > 1: self.previous_line = self.lines[-2] else: self.previous_line = None def just_added_newline(self): return self.current_line.is_empty() def just_added_blankline(self): if self.just_added_newline(): if len(self.lines) == 1: return True line = self.lines[-2] return line.is_empty() return False class Tokenizer: whitespace = ["\n", "\r", "\t", " "] digit = re.compile('[0-9]') digit_hex = re.compile('[0123456789abcdefABCDEF]') punct = ('+ - * / % & ++ -- = += -= *= /= %= == === != !== > < >= <= >> << >>> >>>= >>= <<= && &= | || ! ~ , : ? ^ ^= |= :: =>' \ + ' <?= <? ?> <%= <% %>').split(' ') # Words which always should start on a new line line_starters = 'continue,try,throw,return,var,let,const,if,switch,case,default,for,while,break,function,import,export'.split(',') reserved_words = line_starters + ['do', 'in', 'else', 'get', 'set', 'new', 'catch', 'finally', 'typeof', 'yield', 'async', 'await'] def __init__ (self, input, opts, indent_string): self.input = input self.opts = opts self.indent_string = indent_string self.acorn = Acorn() # /* ... */ comment ends with nearest */ or end of file self.block_comment_pattern = re.compile('([\s\S]*?)((?:\*\/)|$)') # comment ends just before nearest linefeed or end of file self.comment_pattern = re.compile(self.acorn.six.u('([^\n\r\u2028\u2029]*)')) self.directives_block_pattern = re.compile('\/\* beautify( \w+[:]\w+)+ \*\/') self.directive_pattern = re.compile(' (\w+)[:](\w+)') self.directives_end_ignore_pattern = re.compile('([\s\S]*?)((?:\/\*\sbeautify\signore:end\s\*\/)|$)') self.template_pattern = re.compile('((<\?php|<\?=)[\s\S]*?\?>)|(<%[\s\S]*?%>)') def tokenize(self): self.in_html_comment = False self.parser_pos = 0 self.tokens = [] next = None last = None open = None open_stack = [] comments = [] while not (not last == None and last.type == 'TK_EOF'): token_values = self.__tokenize_next() next = Token(token_values[1], token_values[0], self.n_newlines, self.whitespace_before_token) while next.type == 'TK_COMMENT' or next.type == 'TK_BLOCK_COMMENT' or next.type == 'TK_UNKNOWN': if next.type == 'TK_BLOCK_COMMENT': next.directives = token_values[2] comments.append(next) token_values = self.__tokenize_next() next = Token(token_values[1], token_values[0], self.n_newlines, self.whitespace_before_token) if len(comments) > 0: next.comments_before = comments comments = [] if next.type == 'TK_START_BLOCK' or next.type == 'TK_START_EXPR': next.parent = last open_stack.append(open) open = next elif (next.type == 'TK_END_BLOCK' or next.type == 'TK_END_EXPR') and \ (not open == None and ( \ (next.text == ']' and open.text == '[') or \ (next.text == ')' and open.text == '(') or \ (next.text == '}' and open.text == '{'))): next.parent = open.parent open = open_stack.pop() self.tokens.append(next) last = next return self.tokens def get_directives (self, text): if not self.directives_block_pattern.match(text): return None directives = {} directive_match = while directive_match: directives[] = directive_match =, directive_match.end()) return directives def __tokenize_next(self): whitespace_on_this_line = [] self.n_newlines = 0 self.whitespace_before_token = '' if self.parser_pos >= len(self.input): return '', 'TK_EOF' if len(self.tokens) > 0: last_token = self.tokens[-1] else: # For the sake of tokenizing we can pretend that there was on open brace to start last_token = Token('TK_START_BLOCK', '{') c = self.input[self.parser_pos] self.parser_pos += 1 while c in self.whitespace: if self.acorn.newline.match(c): # treat \r\n as one newline if not (c == '\n' and self.input[self.parser_pos-2] == '\r'): self.n_newlines += 1 whitespace_on_this_line = [] else: whitespace_on_this_line.append(c) if self.parser_pos >= len(self.input): return '', 'TK_EOF' c = self.input[self.parser_pos] self.parser_pos += 1 if len(whitespace_on_this_line) != 0: self.whitespace_before_token = ''.join(whitespace_on_this_line) if self.digit.match(c): allow_decimal = True allow_e = True local_digit = self.digit if c == '0' and self.parser_pos < len(self.input) and re.match('[Xx]', self.input[self.parser_pos]): # switch to hex number, no decimal or e, just hex digits allow_decimal = False allow_e = False c += self.input[self.parser_pos] self.parser_pos += 1 local_digit = self.digit_hex else: # we know this first loop will run. It keeps the logic simpler. c = '' self.parser_pos -= 1 # Add the digits while self.parser_pos < len(self.input) and local_digit.match(self.input[self.parser_pos]): c += self.input[self.parser_pos] self.parser_pos += 1 if allow_decimal and self.parser_pos < len(self.input) and self.input[self.parser_pos] == '.': c += self.input[self.parser_pos] self.parser_pos += 1 allow_decimal = False if allow_e and self.parser_pos < len(self.input) and re.match('[Ee]', self.input[self.parser_pos]): c += self.input[self.parser_pos] self.parser_pos += 1 if self.parser_pos < len(self.input) and re.match('[+-]', self.input[self.parser_pos]): c += self.input[self.parser_pos] self.parser_pos += 1 allow_e = False allow_decimal = False return c, 'TK_WORD' if self.acorn.isIdentifierStart(ord(self.input[self.parser_pos-1])): if self.parser_pos < len(self.input): while self.acorn.isIdentifierChar(ord(self.input[self.parser_pos])): c = c + self.input[self.parser_pos] self.parser_pos += 1 if self.parser_pos == len(self.input): break if not (last_token.type == 'TK_DOT' \ or (last_token.type == 'TK_RESERVED' and last_token.text in ['set', 'get'])) \ and c in self.reserved_words: if c == 'in': # in is an operator, need to hack return c, 'TK_OPERATOR' return c, 'TK_RESERVED' return c, 'TK_WORD' if c in '([': return c, 'TK_START_EXPR' if c in ')]': return c, 'TK_END_EXPR' if c == '{': return c, 'TK_START_BLOCK' if c == '}': return c, 'TK_END_BLOCK' if c == ';': return c, 'TK_SEMICOLON' if c == '/': comment = '' inline_comment = True if self.input[self.parser_pos] == '*': # peek /* .. */ comment self.parser_pos += 1 comment_match = self.block_comment_pattern.match(self.input, self.parser_pos) comment = '/*' + self.parser_pos += len( directives = self.get_directives(comment) if directives and directives.get('ignore') == 'start': comment_match = self.directives_end_ignore_pattern.match(self.input, self.parser_pos) comment += self.parser_pos += len( comment = re.sub(self.acorn.lineBreak, '\n', comment) return comment, 'TK_BLOCK_COMMENT', directives if self.input[self.parser_pos] == '/': # peek // comment self.parser_pos += 1 comment_match = self.comment_pattern.match(self.input, self.parser_pos) comment = '//' + self.parser_pos += len(; return comment, 'TK_COMMENT' if c == '`' or c == "'" or c == '"' or \ ( \ (c == '/') or \ (self.opts.e4x and c == "<" and re.match('^<([-a-zA-Z:0-9_.]+|{[^{}]*}|!\[CDATA\[[\s\S]*?\]\])(\s+[-a-zA-Z:0-9_.]+\s*=\s*(\'[^\']*\'|"[^"]*"|{.*?}))*\s*(/?)\s*>', self.input[self.parser_pos - 1:])) \ ) and ( \ (last_token.type == 'TK_RESERVED' and last_token.text in ['return', 'case', 'throw', 'else', 'do', 'typeof', 'yield']) or \ (last_token.type == 'TK_END_EXPR' and last_token.text == ')' and \ last_token.parent and last_token.parent.type == 'TK_RESERVED' and last_token.parent.text in ['if', 'while', 'for']) or \ (last_token.type in ['TK_COMMENT', 'TK_START_EXPR', 'TK_START_BLOCK', 'TK_END_BLOCK', 'TK_OPERATOR', \ 'TK_EQUALS', 'TK_EOF', 'TK_SEMICOLON', 'TK_COMMA'])): sep = c esc = False esc1 = 0 esc2 = 0 resulting_string = c in_char_class = False if sep == '/': # handle regexp in_char_class = False while self.parser_pos < len(self.input) and \ (esc or in_char_class or self.input[self.parser_pos] != sep) and \ not self.acorn.newline.match(self.input[self.parser_pos]): resulting_string += self.input[self.parser_pos] if not esc: esc = self.input[self.parser_pos] == '\\' if self.input[self.parser_pos] == '[': in_char_class = True elif self.input[self.parser_pos] == ']': in_char_class = False else: esc = False self.parser_pos += 1 elif self.opts.e4x and sep == '<': # handle e4x xml literals xmlRegExp = re.compile('<(\/?)([-a-zA-Z:0-9_.]+|{[^{}]*}|!\[CDATA\[[\s\S]*?\]\])(\s+[-a-zA-Z:0-9_.]+\s*=\s*(\'[^\']*\'|"[^"]*"|{.*?}))*\s*(/?)\s*>') xmlStr = self.input[self.parser_pos - 1:] match = xmlRegExp.match(xmlStr) if match: rootTag = depth = 0 while (match): isEndTag = tagName = isSingletonTag = (match.groups()[-1] != "") or ([0:8] == "![CDATA[") if tagName == rootTag and not isSingletonTag: if isEndTag: depth -= 1 else: depth += 1 if depth <= 0: break match =, match.end()) if match: xmlLength = match.end() # + len( else: xmlLength = len(xmlStr) self.parser_pos += xmlLength - 1 xmlStr = re.sub(self.acorn.lineBreak, '\n', xmlStr[:xmlLength]) return xmlStr, 'TK_STRING' else: # handle string while self.parser_pos < len(self.input) and \ (esc or (self.input[self.parser_pos] != sep and (sep == '`' or not self.acorn.newline.match(self.input[self.parser_pos])))): resulting_string += self.input[self.parser_pos] # Handle \r\n linebreaks after escapes or in template strings if self.input[self.parser_pos] == '\r' and self.parser_pos + 1 < len(self.input) and self.input[self.parser_pos + 1] == '\n': self.parser_pos += 1 resulting_string += '\n' if esc1 and esc1 >= esc2: try: esc1 = int(resulting_string[-esc2:], 16) except Exception: esc1 = False if esc1 and esc1 >= 0x20 and esc1 <= 0x7e: esc1 = chr(esc1) resulting_string = resulting_string[:-2 - esc2] if esc1 == sep or esc1 == '\\': resulting_string += '\\' resulting_string += esc1 esc1 = 0 if esc1: esc1 += 1 elif not esc: esc = self.input[self.parser_pos] == '\\' else: esc = False if self.opts.unescape_strings: if self.input[self.parser_pos] == 'x': esc1 += 1 esc2 = 2 elif self.input[self.parser_pos] == 'u': esc1 += 1 esc2 = 4 self.parser_pos += 1 if self.parser_pos < len(self.input) and self.input[self.parser_pos] == sep: resulting_string += sep self.parser_pos += 1 if sep == '/': # regexps may have modifiers /regexp/MOD, so fetch those too # Only [gim] are valid, but if the user puts in garbage, do what we can to take it. while self.parser_pos < len(self.input) and self.acorn.isIdentifierStart(ord(self.input[self.parser_pos])): resulting_string += self.input[self.parser_pos] self.parser_pos += 1 resulting_string = re.sub(self.acorn.lineBreak, '\n', resulting_string) return resulting_string, 'TK_STRING' if c == '#': # she-bang if len(self.tokens) == 0 and len(self.input) > self.parser_pos and self.input[self.parser_pos] == '!': resulting_string = c while self.parser_pos < len(self.input) and c != '\n': c = self.input[self.parser_pos] resulting_string += c self.parser_pos += 1 return resulting_string.strip() + '\n', 'TK_UNKNOWN' # Spidermonkey-specific sharp variables for circular references # # around line 1935 sharp = '#' if self.parser_pos < len(self.input) and self.digit.match(self.input[self.parser_pos]): while True: c = self.input[self.parser_pos] sharp += c self.parser_pos += 1 if self.parser_pos >= len(self.input) or c == '#' or c == '=': break if c == '#' or self.parser_pos >= len(self.input): pass elif self.input[self.parser_pos] == '[' and self.input[self.parser_pos + 1] == ']': sharp += '[]' self.parser_pos += 2 elif self.input[self.parser_pos] == '{' and self.input[self.parser_pos + 1] == '}': sharp += '{}' self.parser_pos += 2 return sharp, 'TK_WORD' if c == '<' and self.input[self.parser_pos] in ['?', '%']: template_match = self.template_pattern.match(self.input, self.parser_pos - 1); if template_match: c = self.parser_pos += len(c) - 1 c = re.sub(self.acorn.lineBreak, '\n', c) return c, 'TK_STRING' if c == '<' and self.input[self.parser_pos - 1 : self.parser_pos + 3] == '<!--': self.parser_pos += 3 c = '<!--' while self.parser_pos < len(self.input) and not self.acorn.newline.match(self.input[self.parser_pos]): c += self.input[self.parser_pos] self.parser_pos += 1 self.in_html_comment = True return c, 'TK_COMMENT' if c == '-' and self.in_html_comment and self.input[self.parser_pos - 1 : self.parser_pos + 2] == '-->': self.in_html_comment = False self.parser_pos += 2 return '-->', 'TK_COMMENT' if c == '.': return c, 'TK_DOT' if c in self.punct: while self.parser_pos < len(self.input) and c + self.input[self.parser_pos] in self.punct: c += self.input[self.parser_pos] self.parser_pos += 1 if self.parser_pos >= len(self.input): break if c == ',': return c, 'TK_COMMA' if c == '=': return c, 'TK_EQUALS' return c, 'TK_OPERATOR' return c, 'TK_UNKNOWN' def isFileDifferent(filepath, expected): try: return (''.join(open(filepath).readlines()) != expected) except: return True def main(): argv = sys.argv[1:] try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "s:c:e:o:rdEPjabkil:xhtfvXnCw:", ['indent-size=','indent-char=','eol=''outfile=', 'replace', 'disable-preserve-newlines', 'space-in-paren', 'space-in-empty-paren', 'jslint-happy', 'space-after-anon-function', 'brace-style=', 'keep-array-indentation', 'indent-level=', 'unescape-strings', 'help', 'usage', 'stdin', 'eval-code', 'indent-with-tabs', 'keep-function-indentation', 'version', 'e4x', 'end-with-newline','comma-first','wrap-line-length']) except getopt.GetoptError as ex: print(ex, file=sys.stderr) return usage(sys.stderr) js_options = default_options() file = None outfile = 'stdout' replace = False if len(args) == 1: file = args[0] for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ('--keep-array-indentation', '-k'): js_options.keep_array_indentation = True if opt in ('--keep-function-indentation','-f'): js_options.keep_function_indentation = True elif opt in ('--outfile', '-o'): outfile = arg elif opt in ('--replace', '-r'): replace = True elif opt in ('--indent-size', '-s'): js_options.indent_size = int(arg) elif opt in ('--indent-char', '-c'): js_options.indent_char = arg elif opt in ('--eol', '-e'): js_options.eol = arg elif opt in ('--indent-with-tabs', '-t'): js_options.indent_with_tabs = True elif opt in ('--disable-preserve-newlines', '-d'): js_options.preserve_newlines = False elif opt in ('--space-in-paren', '-P'): js_options.space_in_paren = True elif opt in ('--space-in-empty-paren', '-E'): js_options.space_in_empty_paren = True elif opt in ('--jslint-happy', '-j'): js_options.jslint_happy = True elif opt in ('--space_after_anon_function', '-a'): js_options.space_after_anon_function = True elif opt in ('--eval-code'): js_options.eval_code = True elif opt in ('--brace-style', '-b'): js_options.brace_style = arg elif opt in ('--unescape-strings', '-x'): js_options.unescape_strings = True elif opt in ('--e4x', '-X'): js_options.e4x = True elif opt in ('--end-with-newline', '-n'): js_options.end_with_newline = True elif opt in ('--comma-first', '-C'): js_options.comma_first = True elif opt in ('--wrap-line-length ', '-w'): js_options.wrap_line_length = int(arg) elif opt in ('--stdin', '-i'): file = '-' elif opt in ('--version', '-v'): return print(__version__) elif opt in ('--help', '--usage', '-h'): return usage() if not file: print("Must define at least one file.", file=sys.stderr) return usage(sys.stderr) else: try: if outfile == 'stdout' and replace and not file == '-': outfile = file pretty = beautify_file(file, js_options) if outfile == 'stdout': sys.stdout.write(pretty) else: if isFileDifferent(outfile, pretty): mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(outfile)) with open(outfile, 'w') as f: f.write(pretty) except Exception as ex: print(ex, file=sys.stderr) return 1 # Success return 0
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division, unicode_literals ## ## This file is part of DaBroker, a distributed data access manager. ## ## DaBroker is Copyright © 2014 by Matthias Urlichs <[email protected]>, ## it is licensed under the GPLv3. See the file `README.rst` for details, ## including optimistic statements by the author. ## ## This paragraph is auto-generated and may self-destruct at any time, ## courtesy of "make update". The original is in ‘utils/’. ## Thus, please do not remove the next line, or insert any blank lines. ##BP from gevent import GreenletExit from dabroker.util.thread import prep_spawned import logging logger = logging.getLogger("dabroker.base.transport") class ConnectionError(RuntimeError): pass class BaseCallbacks(object): def recv(self,msg): """Incoming message from the other side. NOT used for receiving replies!""" raise NotImplementedError("You need to override {}.recv()".format(self.__class__.__name__)) def send(self,msg): """Outgoing message to the other side. NOT used for sending replies!""" raise NotImplementedError("You need to override {}.send()".format(self.__class__.__name__)) def ended(self,err=None): """Called on receiver error. Do not reconnect here!""" pass def reconnect(self,err=None): """Called after a closed connection has been cleaned up""" pass def register_codec(self,codec): raise NotImplementedError("You need to override {}.register_codec()".format(self.__class__.__name__)) class RelayedError(Exception): """An encapsulation for a server error (with traceback)""" def __init__(self,err,tb): self.err = str(err) self.tb = tb def __repr__(self): return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__,self.err) def __str__(self): r = repr(self) if self.tb is None: return r return r+"\n"+self.tb class BaseTransport(object): _job = None defaults = {} connection = None last_msgid = 0 def __init__(self,callbacks, cfg={}): self.cfg = self.defaults.copy() self.cfg.update(cfg) self.callbacks = callbacks self.trace = cfg.get('trace',0) def connect(self, purge=False): """Connect. (Synchronously.) Do not override! Override .connect1() (setup) and .connect2() (initial tasks)""" assert self.callbacks is not None assert self.connection is None self.connect1() if purge: self.purge_all() self.connect2() def connect1(self): """Set up a connection. Call super() before your code.""" if self._job is not None: raise RuntimeError("Already connected") logger.debug("connecting: %r",self) def connect2(self): """Add initial tasks after a connection has been established. Call super() after your code.""" assert self._job is None self._job = self._run_job() self._job.start() def disconnect(self): """Sever the connection; do not auto-reconnect.""" logger.debug("disconnecting: %r",self) j,self._job = self._job,None if j: j.stop() def disconnected(self, err=None): """Clear connection objects. This will be called by the reader task as it exits. Do not reconnect from here; do that in your .reconnect""" logger.debug("disconnected: %r",self) def purge_all(self): """ Clear this transport's message queue. This should only be called when client and server are known to be idle AND when you suspect an unprocessable message might clog the queue. """ pass def send(self,msg): raise NotImplementedError("You need to override {}.send()".format(self.__class__.__name__)) def run(self): raise NotImplementedError("You need to override {}.run()".format(self.__class__.__name__)) @prep_spawned def _run_job(self): try: logger.debug("Running receiver loop: %r",self) except GreenletExit: err=None logger.debug("Receiver loop ends: %r",self) self.callbacks.ended(None) except BaseException as e: err = e logger.exception("Receiver loop error: %r",self) self.callbacks.ended(e) else: err=None logger.debug("Receiver loop ends: %r",self) self.callbacks.ended(None) finally: self.disconnected() if self._job is not None: self._job = None self.callbacks.reconnect(err)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ flask.templating ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Implements the bridge to Jinja2. :copyright: (c) 2011 by Armin Ronacher. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. """ import posixpath from jinja2 import BaseLoader, Environment as BaseEnvironment, \ TemplateNotFound from .globals import _request_ctx_stack, _app_ctx_stack from .signals import template_rendered from .module import blueprint_is_module from ._compat import itervalues, iteritems def _default_template_ctx_processor(): """Default template context processor. Injects `request`, `session` and `g`. """ reqctx = appctx = rv = {} if appctx is not None: rv['g'] = appctx.g if reqctx is not None: rv['request'] = reqctx.request rv['session'] = reqctx.session return rv class Environment(BaseEnvironment): """Works like a regular Jinja2 environment but has some additional knowledge of how Flask's blueprint works so that it can prepend the name of the blueprint to referenced templates if necessary. """ def __init__(self, app, **options): if 'loader' not in options: options['loader'] = app.create_global_jinja_loader() BaseEnvironment.__init__(self, **options) = app class DispatchingJinjaLoader(BaseLoader): """A loader that looks for templates in the application and all the blueprint folders. """ def __init__(self, app): = app def get_source(self, environment, template): for loader, local_name in self._iter_loaders(template): try: return loader.get_source(environment, local_name) except TemplateNotFound: pass raise TemplateNotFound(template) def _iter_loaders(self, template): loader = if loader is not None: yield loader, template # old style module based loaders in case we are dealing with a # blueprint that is an old style module try: module, local_name = posixpath.normpath(template).split('/', 1) blueprint =[module] if blueprint_is_module(blueprint): loader = blueprint.jinja_loader if loader is not None: yield loader, local_name except (ValueError, KeyError): pass for blueprint in itervalues( if blueprint_is_module(blueprint): continue loader = blueprint.jinja_loader if loader is not None: yield loader, template def list_templates(self): result = set() loader = if loader is not None: result.update(loader.list_templates()) for name, blueprint in iteritems( loader = blueprint.jinja_loader if loader is not None: for template in loader.list_templates(): prefix = '' if blueprint_is_module(blueprint): prefix = name + '/' result.add(prefix + template) return list(result) def _render(template, context, app): """Renders the template and fires the signal""" rv = template.render(context) template_rendered.send(app, template=template, context=context) return rv def render_template(template_name_or_list, **context): """Renders a template from the template folder with the given context. :param template_name_or_list: the name of the template to be rendered, or an iterable with template names the first one existing will be rendered :param context: the variables that should be available in the context of the template. """ ctx = return _render(, context, def render_template_string(source, **context): """Renders a template from the given template source string with the given context. :param source: the sourcecode of the template to be rendered :param context: the variables that should be available in the context of the template. """ ctx = return _render(, context,
# Copyright 2014 Rackspace US, Inc # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import os import mock from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_config import fixture as oslo_fixture from magnum.common.cert_manager import cert_manager from magnum.common.cert_manager import local_cert_manager from magnum.tests import base class TestLocalCert(base.BaseTestCase): def setUp(self): self.certificate = "My Certificate" self.intermediates = "My Intermediates" self.private_key = "My Private Key" self.private_key_passphrase = "My Private Key Passphrase" super(TestLocalCert, self).setUp() def test_local_cert(self): # Create a cert cert = local_cert_manager.Cert( certificate=self.certificate, intermediates=self.intermediates, private_key=self.private_key, private_key_passphrase=self.private_key_passphrase ) # Validate the cert functions self.assertEqual(cert.get_certificate(), self.certificate) self.assertEqual(cert.get_intermediates(), self.intermediates) self.assertEqual(cert.get_private_key(), self.private_key) self.assertEqual(cert.get_private_key_passphrase(), self.private_key_passphrase) class TestLocalManager(base.BaseTestCase): def setUp(self): self.certificate = "My Certificate" self.intermediates = "My Intermediates" self.private_key = "My Private Key" self.private_key_passphrase = "My Private Key Passphrase" conf = oslo_fixture.Config(cfg.CONF) conf.config(group="certificates", storage_path="/tmp/") super(TestLocalManager, self).setUp() def _store_cert(self): file_mock = mock.mock_open() # Attempt to store the cert with mock.patch('', file_mock, create=True): cert_id = local_cert_manager.CertManager.store_cert( certificate=self.certificate, intermediates=self.intermediates, private_key=self.private_key, private_key_passphrase=self.private_key_passphrase ) # Check that something came back self.assertIsNotNone(cert_id) # Verify the correct files were opened file_mock.assert_has_calls(['/tmp/{0}.crt'.format(cert_id)), 'w'),'/tmp/{0}.key'.format(cert_id)), 'w'),'/tmp/{0}.int'.format(cert_id)), 'w'),'/tmp/{0}.pass'.format(cert_id)), 'w') ], any_order=True) # Verify the writes were made file_mock().write.assert_has_calls([,,, ], any_order=True) return cert_id def _get_cert(self, cert_id): file_mock = mock.mock_open() # Attempt to retrieve the cert with mock.patch('', file_mock, create=True): data = local_cert_manager.CertManager.get_cert(cert_id) # Verify the correct files were opened file_mock.assert_has_calls(['/tmp/{0}.crt'.format(cert_id)), 'r'),'/tmp/{0}.key'.format(cert_id)), 'r'),'/tmp/{0}.int'.format(cert_id)), 'r'),'/tmp/{0}.pass'.format(cert_id)), 'r') ], any_order=True) # The returned data should be a Cert object self.assertIsInstance(data, cert_manager.Cert) return data def _delete_cert(self, cert_id): remove_mock = mock.Mock() # Delete the cert with mock.patch('os.remove', remove_mock): local_cert_manager.CertManager.delete_cert(cert_id) # Verify the correct files were removed remove_mock.assert_has_calls(['/tmp/{0}.crt'.format(cert_id))),'/tmp/{0}.key'.format(cert_id))),'/tmp/{0}.int'.format(cert_id))),'/tmp/{0}.pass'.format(cert_id))) ], any_order=True) def test_store_cert(self): self._store_cert() def test_get_cert(self): # Store a cert cert_id = self._store_cert() # Get the cert self._get_cert(cert_id) def test_delete_cert(self): # Store a cert cert_id = self._store_cert() # Verify the cert exists self._get_cert(cert_id) # Delete the cert self._delete_cert(cert_id)
from dxfwrite import DXFEngine as dxf from .format import Format class DXF(Format): _drawing = None def encode(self, features, **kwargs): tmpFile = kwargs["tmpFile"] if len(features) > 0: self._drawing = dxf.drawing(tmpFile) self._drawing.add_layer("featureserver") for feature in features: self.encode_feature(feature) return self._drawing def encode_feature(self, feature): if feature["geometry"]["type"] == "Point": self._drawing.add(dxf.point(point=(feature["geometry"]["coordinates"][0],feature["geometry"]["coordinates"][1]))) elif feature["geometry"]["type"] == "LineString": polyline= dxf.polyline() coords = feature["geometry"]["coordinates"] for coord in coords: polyline.add_vertex((coord[0], coord[1])) self._drawing.add(polyline) elif feature["geometry"]["type"] == "Polygon": polygon = dxf.polyline() coords = feature["geometry"]["coordinates"] for coord in coords: for point in coord: polygon.add_vertex((point[0], point[1])) polygon.close() self._drawing.add(polygon)
# vim: expandtab:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4 # pylint: skip-file # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes class OCUser(OpenShiftCLI): ''' Class to wrap the oc command line tools ''' kind = 'users' # pylint allows 5 # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__(self, config, groups=None, verbose=False): ''' Constructor for OCVolume ''' super(OCUser, self).__init__(config.namespace, config.kubeconfig) self.config = config self.groups = groups self._user = None @property def user(self): ''' property function service''' if not self._user: self.get() return self._user @user.setter def user(self, data): ''' setter function for yedit var ''' self._user = data def exists(self): ''' return whether a user exists ''' if self.user: return True return False def get(self): '''return user information ''' result = self._get(self.kind, self.config.username) if result['returncode'] == 0: self.user = User(content=result['results'][0]) elif 'users \"%s\" not found' % self.config.username in result['stderr']: result['returncode'] = 0 result['results'] = [{}] return result def delete(self): '''delete the object''' return self._delete(self.kind, self.config.username) def create_group_entries(self): ''' make entries for user to the provided group list ''' if self.groups != None: for group in self.groups: cmd = ['groups', 'add-users', group, self.config.username] rval = self.openshift_cmd(cmd, oadm=True) if rval['returncode'] != 0: return rval return rval return {'returncode': 0} def create(self): '''create the object''' rval = self.create_group_entries() if rval['returncode'] != 0: return rval return self._create_from_content(self.config.username, def group_update(self): ''' update group membership ''' rval = {'returncode': 0} cmd = ['get', 'groups', '-n', self.namespace, '-o', 'json'] all_groups = self.openshift_cmd(cmd, output=True) for group in all_groups['results']['items']: # If we're supposed to be in this group if group['metadata']['name'] in self.groups \ and ( group['users'] == None or self.config.username not in group['users']): cmd = ['groups', 'add-users', group['metadata']['name'], self.config.username] rval = self.openshift_cmd(cmd, oadm=True) if rval['returncode'] != 0: return rval # else if we're in the group, but aren't supposed to be elif self.config.username in group['users'] \ and group['metadata']['name'] not in self.groups: cmd = ['groups', 'remove-users', group['metadata']['name'], self.config.username] rval = self.openshift_cmd(cmd, oadm=True) if rval['returncode'] != 0: return rval return rval def update(self): '''update the object''' rval = self.group_update() if rval['returncode'] != 0: return rval # need to update the user's info return self._replace_content(self.kind, self.config.username,, force=True) def needs_group_update(self): ''' check if there are group membership changes ''' cmd = ['get', 'groups', '-n', self.namespace, '-o', 'json'] all_groups = self.openshift_cmd(cmd, output=True) for group in all_groups['results']['items']: # If we're supposed to be in this group if group['metadata']['name'] in self.groups \ and ( group['users'] == None or self.config.username not in group['users']): return True # else if we're in the group, but aren't supposed to be elif self.config.username in group['users'] \ and group['metadata']['name'] not in self.groups: return True return False def needs_update(self): ''' verify an update is needed ''' skip = [] if self.needs_group_update() == True: return True return not Utils.check_def_equal(, self.user.yaml_dict, skip_keys=skip, debug=True)
from __future__ import absolute_import from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from zerver.lib.actions import check_send_message, create_stream_if_needed from zerver.lib.response import json_success, json_error from zerver.lib.validator import check_string, check_int from zerver.decorator import REQ, has_request_variables, api_key_only_webhook_view from zerver.models import UserProfile ZULIP_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = u"**{message_sender}**: `{text}`" VALID_OPTIONS = {'SHOULD_NOT_BE_MAPPED': '0', 'SHOULD_BE_MAPPED': '1'} @api_key_only_webhook_view('Slack') @has_request_variables def api_slack_webhook(request, user_profile, user_name=REQ(), text=REQ(), channel_name=REQ(), stream=REQ(default='slack'), channels_map_to_topics=REQ(default='1')): # type: (HttpRequest, UserProfile, str, str, str, str, str) -> HttpResponse if channels_map_to_topics not in list(VALID_OPTIONS.values()): return json_error(_('Error: channels_map_to_topics parameter other than 0 or 1')) if channels_map_to_topics == VALID_OPTIONS['SHOULD_BE_MAPPED']: subject = "channel: {}".format(channel_name) else: stream = channel_name subject = _("Message from Slack") content = ZULIP_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.format(message_sender=user_name, text=text) check_send_message(user_profile, request.client, "stream", [stream], subject, content) return json_success()
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf8 -*- """ Testing the mean firing rate of a fiber for different signal strengths. Prints to a figure the mean firing rate for the output (ON and OFF) as a function of the different parameter values. It's similar to a CRF function. Results illustrate that - the higher the value the more the neuron spikes (wouah!), - that this follows a ramp-type of function - and that noise "smoothes" the transition in theinput/output function. TODO: do a better plot as in $Id: 362 2008-12-08 17:35:59Z LaurentPerrinet $ """ import os, sys, numpy, pylab, shelve from NeuroTools.parameters import * # this is not mandatory but just a "easy_install progressbar" away # else remove all corresponding 3 lines in this code... import progressbar # see N_exp_snr = 20 N_exp_noise = 9 ps = ParameterSpace({ 'snr' : ParameterRange(list(numpy.linspace(-1.,4.,N_exp_snr))), 'noise_std' : ParameterRange(list(10.**(numpy.linspace(-.50,1.,N_exp_noise))))}) name = sys.argv[0].split('.')[0] # name of the current script withpout the '.py' part results ='results/mat-' + name) try: CRF = results['CRF'] except: # calculates the dimension of the parameter space results_dim, results_label = ps.parameter_space_dimension_labels() # creates results array with size of parameter space dimension import simple_single_neuron as model myFibers = model.FiberChannel() CRF = numpy.empty(results_dim) pbar=progressbar.ProgressBar(widgets=[name, " ", progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar(), ' ', progressbar.ETA()], for i_exp,experiment in enumerate(ps.iter_inner()): params = myFibers.params params.update(experiment) # updates what changed in the dictionary # simulate the experiment and get its data data =,verbose=False) # calculating the index in the parameter space index = ps.parameter_space_index(experiment) # put the data at the right position in the results array CRF[index] = data.mean_rate()# pbar.update(i_exp) results['CRF'] = CRF pbar.finish() results.close() #numpy.array(p.noise_std._values),numpy.array(p.snr._values), #pylab.plot(ps.snr._values,CRF.transpose()) #color = (sin(2*pi*noise_list)**2,cos(2*pi*noise_list)**2,1)) for i_noise, noise in enumerate(ps.noise_std._values): pylab.plot(ps.snr._values,CRF[i_noise,:], label='noise = %5.3f' % noise) #pylab.yticks(p.noise_std._values[:2:]) pylab.ylabel('Firing Rate (Hz/neuron)') #pylab.xticks(p.snr._values[:2:]) pylab.xlabel('Signal') pylab.legend(loc = 'lower right') pylab.axis([numpy.min(ps.snr._values), numpy.max(ps.snr._values), 0.0, numpy.max(CRF[:])]) if 0: else: pylab.savefig('results/fig-' + name + '.pdf') pylab.savefig('results/fig-' + name + '.png')
import nc import iso import math import datetime import time from format import Format now = class Creator(iso.Creator): def __init__(self): iso.Creator.__init__(self) self.output_tool_definitions = False self.m_codes_on_their_own_line = True self.output_g98_and_g99 = False #self.fmt = Format(dp_wanted = False, add_trailing_zeros = True, add_plus = True) #def SPACE_STR(self): return ' ' def PROGRAM(self): return None def RETRACT(self, height): return('R' + (self.fmt.string(height))) def PECK_DEPTH(self, depth): return('O' + (self.fmt.string(depth))) def program_begin(self, id, name=''): self.write('(' + name + ')\n') def imperial(self): #self.g_list.append(self.IMPERIAL()) self.fmt.number_of_decimal_places = 4 def metric(self): #self.g_list.append(self.METRIC()) self.fmt.number_of_decimal_places = 3 def comment(self, text): pass nc.creator = Creator()
import os import urlparse from lib import gdata import import secrets GDATA_API_CLIENT_ID = 'CrowdTube-Connector' class YouTubeCaptionEditor(object): def __init__(self, google_email, google_password, youtube_username): self.youtube_username = youtube_username self.youtube_client = # We shouldn't need this auth_token, but we'll keep it around self.auth_token = self.youtube_client.client_login( google_email, google_password, GDATA_API_CLIENT_ID) # A dictionary of youtube_id and YouTubeVideo objects self.videos = {} def get_videos(self): # Format copied from feed_uri = '%s%s/%s' % (, self.youtube_username, 'uploads') all_videos = self.youtube_client.get_videos(uri=feed_uri) for video in all_videos.entry: new_video = YouTubeVideo(video, self.youtube_client) self.videos[new_video.video_id] = new_video def get_video(self, video_id): video_entry = self.youtube_client.get_video_entry(video_id=video_id) return YouTubeVideo(video_entry, self.youtube_client) def delete_track(self, video_id, track_id): """Deletes an existing track.""" # TODO(mattfaus): Take google_developer_key as a constructor arg? response = self.youtube_client.delete_track(video_id, track_id, client_id=GDATA_API_CLIENT_ID, developer_key=secrets.google_developer_key) # if response.status != 200: print response.status, response.msg return False return True def add_track(self, video_id, title, language, track_content): """Adds a caption track. If a track with the same title already exists, this will silently fail. """ # TODO(mattfaus): Take google_developer_key as a constructor arg? track_content = track_content.encode('utf-8') response = self.youtube_client.create_track(video_id, title, language, track_content, client_id=GDATA_API_CLIENT_ID, developer_key=secrets.google_developer_key, fmt='sub') # Returns a TrackEntry object return response def update_track(self, video_id, track_id, track_content): """Adds a caption track.""" # TODO(mattfaus): Take google_developer_key as a constructor arg? track_content = track_content.encode('utf-8') response = self.youtube_client.update_track(video_id, track_id, track_content, client_id=GDATA_API_CLIENT_ID, developer_key=secrets.google_developer_key, fmt='sub') # Returns a TrackEntry object return response # TODO(mattfaus): Suck these two classes into the YouTubeCaptionEditor, above # make the YouTubeCaptionEditor behave more like a full-fledged youtube client # Shouldn't have to pass the youtube_client object around to the sub-classes # No need to have dictionaries where an array would do just fine (YouTubeVideo.caption_tracks) class YouTubeVideo(object): def __init__(self, video_entry, youtube_client=None): self.youtube_client = youtube_client #,2008:video:SNrEiiJwD4Y id_parts = video_entry.GetId().split(':') self.video_id = id_parts[id_parts.index('video') + 1] self.title = video_entry.title.text caption_link = video_entry.get_link( '') self.caption_feed = caption_link.href # TODO(mattfaus): Make this less ugly has_entries = [ a.value for a in caption_link.GetAttributes() if '{}hasEntries' == a._qname] has_entries = has_entries[0] == 'true' self.has_entries = has_entries self.caption_tracks = {} def get_caption_tracks(self, download=False): # Don't check self.has_entries. It may be False when only a # machine-generated caption track exists. if not self.youtube_client: raise ValueError('No youtube client available!') # STOPSHIP(mattfaus): get_caption_feed() only returns the first 24 caption tracks # so we must iterate to read more # TODO(mattfaus): Filter this by language with the 'lr' attribute all_captions = self.youtube_client.get_caption_feed(self.caption_feed) for caption_entry in all_captions.entry: new_track = YouTubeCaptionTrack(caption_entry, self.youtube_client) self.caption_tracks[new_track.track_source] = new_track if download: new_track.download_track() def get_machine_generated_track(self): self.get_caption_tracks() for src, caption_track in self.caption_tracks.iteritems(): print src, caption_track if caption_track.machine_generated: caption_track.download_track() return caption_track class YouTubeCaptionTrack(object): def __init__(self, caption_entry, youtube_client): self.youtube_client = youtube_client self.language = caption_entry.content.lang self.track_source = caption_entry.content.src self.machine_generated = YouTubeCaptionTrack._is_machine_generated( caption_entry) # Parse the video_id and caption_id out of a url like this: # o = urlparse.urlparse(self.track_source) path_parts = o.path.split('/') self.video_id = path_parts[path_parts.index('videos') + 1] self.track_id = path_parts[path_parts.index('captiondata') + 1] self.track_content = None @staticmethod def _is_machine_generated(caption_entry): """Looks for the derived element, and returns True if it is equal to speechRecognition. """ # TODO(mattfaus): Move this to TrackEntry within youtube/ derived = caption_entry.GetElements( tag='derived', namespace='') if not derived: return False else: derived = derived[0] return derived.text == 'speechRecognition' def download_track(self): response = self.youtube_client.get_caption_track( track_url=self.track_source, client_id=GDATA_API_CLIENT_ID, developer_key=secrets.google_developer_key) self.track_content = ** 31) return self.track_content
# Copyright 2001-2013 by Vinay Sajip. All Rights Reserved. # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its # documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, # provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that # both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in # supporting documentation, and that the name of Vinay Sajip # not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution # of the software without specific, written prior permission. # VINAY SAJIP DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING # ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL # VINAY SAJIP BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR # ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER # IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT # OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. """ Configuration functions for the logging package for Python. The core package is based on PEP 282 and comments thereto in comp.lang.python, and influenced by Apache's log4j system. Copyright (C) 2001-2013 Vinay Sajip. All Rights Reserved. To use, simply 'import logging' and log away! """ import sys, logging, logging.handlers, socket, struct, traceback, re import io try: import _thread as thread import threading except ImportError: #pragma: no cover thread = None from socketserver import ThreadingTCPServer, StreamRequestHandler DEFAULT_LOGGING_CONFIG_PORT = 9030 if sys.platform == "win32": RESET_ERROR = 10054 #WSAECONNRESET else: RESET_ERROR = 104 #ECONNRESET # # The following code implements a socket listener for on-the-fly # reconfiguration of logging. # # _listener holds the server object doing the listening _listener = None def fileConfig(fname, defaults=None, disable_existing_loggers=True): """ Read the logging configuration from a ConfigParser-format file. This can be called several times from an application, allowing an end user the ability to select from various pre-canned configurations (if the developer provides a mechanism to present the choices and load the chosen configuration). """ import configparser cp = configparser.ConfigParser(defaults) if hasattr(fname, 'readline'): cp.read_file(fname) else: formatters = _create_formatters(cp) # critical section logging._acquireLock() try: logging._handlers.clear() del logging._handlerList[:] # Handlers add themselves to logging._handlers handlers = _install_handlers(cp, formatters) _install_loggers(cp, handlers, disable_existing_loggers) finally: logging._releaseLock() def _resolve(name): """Resolve a dotted name to a global object.""" name = name.split('.') used = name.pop(0) found = __import__(used) for n in name: used = used + '.' + n try: found = getattr(found, n) except AttributeError: __import__(used) found = getattr(found, n) return found def _strip_spaces(alist): return map(lambda x: x.strip(), alist) def _create_formatters(cp): """Create and return formatters""" flist = cp["formatters"]["keys"] if not len(flist): return {} flist = flist.split(",") flist = _strip_spaces(flist) formatters = {} for form in flist: sectname = "formatter_%s" % form fs = cp.get(sectname, "format", raw=True, fallback=None) dfs = cp.get(sectname, "datefmt", raw=True, fallback=None) c = logging.Formatter class_name = cp[sectname].get("class") if class_name: c = _resolve(class_name) f = c(fs, dfs) formatters[form] = f return formatters def _install_handlers(cp, formatters): """Install and return handlers""" hlist = cp["handlers"]["keys"] if not len(hlist): return {} hlist = hlist.split(",") hlist = _strip_spaces(hlist) handlers = {} fixups = [] #for inter-handler references for hand in hlist: section = cp["handler_%s" % hand] klass = section["class"] fmt = section.get("formatter", "") try: klass = eval(klass, vars(logging)) except (AttributeError, NameError): klass = _resolve(klass) args = section["args"] args = eval(args, vars(logging)) h = klass(*args) if "level" in section: level = section["level"] h.setLevel(logging._levelNames[level]) if len(fmt): h.setFormatter(formatters[fmt]) if issubclass(klass, logging.handlers.MemoryHandler): target = section.get("target", "") if len(target): #the target handler may not be loaded yet, so keep for later... fixups.append((h, target)) handlers[hand] = h #now all handlers are loaded, fixup inter-handler references... for h, t in fixups: h.setTarget(handlers[t]) return handlers def _handle_existing_loggers(existing, child_loggers, disable_existing): """ When (re)configuring logging, handle loggers which were in the previous configuration but are not in the new configuration. There's no point deleting them as other threads may continue to hold references to them; and by disabling them, you stop them doing any logging. However, don't disable children of named loggers, as that's probably not what was intended by the user. Also, allow existing loggers to NOT be disabled if disable_existing is false. """ root = logging.root for log in existing: logger = root.manager.loggerDict[log] if log in child_loggers: logger.level = logging.NOTSET logger.handlers = [] logger.propagate = True else: logger.disabled = disable_existing def _install_loggers(cp, handlers, disable_existing): """Create and install loggers""" # configure the root first llist = cp["loggers"]["keys"] llist = llist.split(",") llist = list(map(lambda x: x.strip(), llist)) llist.remove("root") section = cp["logger_root"] root = logging.root log = root if "level" in section: level = section["level"] log.setLevel(logging._levelNames[level]) for h in root.handlers[:]: root.removeHandler(h) hlist = section["handlers"] if len(hlist): hlist = hlist.split(",") hlist = _strip_spaces(hlist) for hand in hlist: log.addHandler(handlers[hand]) #and now the others... #we don't want to lose the existing loggers, #since other threads may have pointers to them. #existing is set to contain all existing loggers, #and as we go through the new configuration we #remove any which are configured. At the end, #what's left in existing is the set of loggers #which were in the previous configuration but #which are not in the new configuration. existing = list(root.manager.loggerDict.keys()) #The list needs to be sorted so that we can #avoid disabling child loggers of explicitly #named loggers. With a sorted list it is easier #to find the child loggers. existing.sort() #We'll keep the list of existing loggers #which are children of named loggers here... child_loggers = [] #now set up the new ones... for log in llist: section = cp["logger_%s" % log] qn = section["qualname"] propagate = section.getint("propagate", fallback=1) logger = logging.getLogger(qn) if qn in existing: i = existing.index(qn) + 1 # start with the entry after qn prefixed = qn + "." pflen = len(prefixed) num_existing = len(existing) while i < num_existing: if existing[i][:pflen] == prefixed: child_loggers.append(existing[i]) i += 1 existing.remove(qn) if "level" in section: level = section["level"] logger.setLevel(logging._levelNames[level]) for h in logger.handlers[:]: logger.removeHandler(h) logger.propagate = propagate logger.disabled = 0 hlist = section["handlers"] if len(hlist): hlist = hlist.split(",") hlist = _strip_spaces(hlist) for hand in hlist: logger.addHandler(handlers[hand]) #Disable any old loggers. There's no point deleting #them as other threads may continue to hold references #and by disabling them, you stop them doing any logging. #However, don't disable children of named loggers, as that's #probably not what was intended by the user. #for log in existing: # logger = root.manager.loggerDict[log] # if log in child_loggers: # logger.level = logging.NOTSET # logger.handlers = [] # logger.propagate = 1 # elif disable_existing_loggers: # logger.disabled = 1 _handle_existing_loggers(existing, child_loggers, disable_existing) IDENTIFIER = re.compile('^[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*$', re.I) def valid_ident(s): m = IDENTIFIER.match(s) if not m: raise ValueError('Not a valid Python identifier: %r' % s) return True # The ConvertingXXX classes are wrappers around standard Python containers, # and they serve to convert any suitable values in the container. The # conversion converts base dicts, lists and tuples to their wrapped # equivalents, whereas strings which match a conversion format are converted # appropriately. # # Each wrapper should have a configurator attribute holding the actual # configurator to use for conversion. class ConvertingDict(dict): """A converting dictionary wrapper.""" def __getitem__(self, key): value = dict.__getitem__(self, key) result = self.configurator.convert(value) #If the converted value is different, save for next time if value is not result: self[key] = result if type(result) in (ConvertingDict, ConvertingList, ConvertingTuple): result.parent = self result.key = key return result def get(self, key, default=None): value = dict.get(self, key, default) result = self.configurator.convert(value) #If the converted value is different, save for next time if value is not result: self[key] = result if type(result) in (ConvertingDict, ConvertingList, ConvertingTuple): result.parent = self result.key = key return result def pop(self, key, default=None): value = dict.pop(self, key, default) result = self.configurator.convert(value) if value is not result: if type(result) in (ConvertingDict, ConvertingList, ConvertingTuple): result.parent = self result.key = key return result class ConvertingList(list): """A converting list wrapper.""" def __getitem__(self, key): value = list.__getitem__(self, key) result = self.configurator.convert(value) #If the converted value is different, save for next time if value is not result: self[key] = result if type(result) in (ConvertingDict, ConvertingList, ConvertingTuple): result.parent = self result.key = key return result def pop(self, idx=-1): value = list.pop(self, idx) result = self.configurator.convert(value) if value is not result: if type(result) in (ConvertingDict, ConvertingList, ConvertingTuple): result.parent = self return result class ConvertingTuple(tuple): """A converting tuple wrapper.""" def __getitem__(self, key): value = tuple.__getitem__(self, key) result = self.configurator.convert(value) if value is not result: if type(result) in (ConvertingDict, ConvertingList, ConvertingTuple): result.parent = self result.key = key return result class BaseConfigurator(object): """ The configurator base class which defines some useful defaults. """ CONVERT_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^(?P<prefix>[a-z]+)://(?P<suffix>.*)$') WORD_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^\s*(\w+)\s*') DOT_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^\.\s*(\w+)\s*') INDEX_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^\[\s*(\w+)\s*\]\s*') DIGIT_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^\d+$') value_converters = { 'ext' : 'ext_convert', 'cfg' : 'cfg_convert', } # We might want to use a different one, e.g. importlib importer = staticmethod(__import__) def __init__(self, config): self.config = ConvertingDict(config) self.config.configurator = self def resolve(self, s): """ Resolve strings to objects using standard import and attribute syntax. """ name = s.split('.') used = name.pop(0) try: found = self.importer(used) for frag in name: used += '.' + frag try: found = getattr(found, frag) except AttributeError: self.importer(used) found = getattr(found, frag) return found except ImportError: e, tb = sys.exc_info()[1:] v = ValueError('Cannot resolve %r: %s' % (s, e)) v.__cause__, v.__traceback__ = e, tb raise v def ext_convert(self, value): """Default converter for the ext:// protocol.""" return self.resolve(value) def cfg_convert(self, value): """Default converter for the cfg:// protocol.""" rest = value m = self.WORD_PATTERN.match(rest) if m is None: raise ValueError("Unable to convert %r" % value) else: rest = rest[m.end():] d = self.config[m.groups()[0]] #print d, rest while rest: m = self.DOT_PATTERN.match(rest) if m: d = d[m.groups()[0]] else: m = self.INDEX_PATTERN.match(rest) if m: idx = m.groups()[0] if not self.DIGIT_PATTERN.match(idx): d = d[idx] else: try: n = int(idx) # try as number first (most likely) d = d[n] except TypeError: d = d[idx] if m: rest = rest[m.end():] else: raise ValueError('Unable to convert ' '%r at %r' % (value, rest)) #rest should be empty return d def convert(self, value): """ Convert values to an appropriate type. dicts, lists and tuples are replaced by their converting alternatives. Strings are checked to see if they have a conversion format and are converted if they do. """ if not isinstance(value, ConvertingDict) and isinstance(value, dict): value = ConvertingDict(value) value.configurator = self elif not isinstance(value, ConvertingList) and isinstance(value, list): value = ConvertingList(value) value.configurator = self elif not isinstance(value, ConvertingTuple) and\ isinstance(value, tuple): value = ConvertingTuple(value) value.configurator = self elif isinstance(value, str): # str for py3k m = self.CONVERT_PATTERN.match(value) if m: d = m.groupdict() prefix = d['prefix'] converter = self.value_converters.get(prefix, None) if converter: suffix = d['suffix'] converter = getattr(self, converter) value = converter(suffix) return value def configure_custom(self, config): """Configure an object with a user-supplied factory.""" c = config.pop('()') if not callable(c): c = self.resolve(c) props = config.pop('.', None) # Check for valid identifiers kwargs = dict([(k, config[k]) for k in config if valid_ident(k)]) result = c(**kwargs) if props: for name, value in props.items(): setattr(result, name, value) return result def as_tuple(self, value): """Utility function which converts lists to tuples.""" if isinstance(value, list): value = tuple(value) return value class DictConfigurator(BaseConfigurator): """ Configure logging using a dictionary-like object to describe the configuration. """ def configure(self): """Do the configuration.""" config = self.config if 'version' not in config: raise ValueError("dictionary doesn't specify a version") if config['version'] != 1: raise ValueError("Unsupported version: %s" % config['version']) incremental = config.pop('incremental', False) EMPTY_DICT = {} logging._acquireLock() try: if incremental: handlers = config.get('handlers', EMPTY_DICT) for name in handlers: if name not in logging._handlers: raise ValueError('No handler found with ' 'name %r' % name) else: try: handler = logging._handlers[name] handler_config = handlers[name] level = handler_config.get('level', None) if level: handler.setLevel(logging._checkLevel(level)) except Exception as e: raise ValueError('Unable to configure handler ' '%r: %s' % (name, e)) loggers = config.get('loggers', EMPTY_DICT) for name in loggers: try: self.configure_logger(name, loggers[name], True) except Exception as e: raise ValueError('Unable to configure logger ' '%r: %s' % (name, e)) root = config.get('root', None) if root: try: self.configure_root(root, True) except Exception as e: raise ValueError('Unable to configure root ' 'logger: %s' % e) else: disable_existing = config.pop('disable_existing_loggers', True) logging._handlers.clear() del logging._handlerList[:] # Do formatters first - they don't refer to anything else formatters = config.get('formatters', EMPTY_DICT) for name in formatters: try: formatters[name] = self.configure_formatter( formatters[name]) except Exception as e: raise ValueError('Unable to configure ' 'formatter %r: %s' % (name, e)) # Next, do filters - they don't refer to anything else, either filters = config.get('filters', EMPTY_DICT) for name in filters: try: filters[name] = self.configure_filter(filters[name]) except Exception as e: raise ValueError('Unable to configure ' 'filter %r: %s' % (name, e)) # Next, do handlers - they refer to formatters and filters # As handlers can refer to other handlers, sort the keys # to allow a deterministic order of configuration handlers = config.get('handlers', EMPTY_DICT) deferred = [] for name in sorted(handlers): try: handler = self.configure_handler(handlers[name]) = name handlers[name] = handler except Exception as e: if 'target not configured yet' in str(e): deferred.append(name) else: raise ValueError('Unable to configure handler ' '%r: %s' % (name, e)) # Now do any that were deferred for name in deferred: try: handler = self.configure_handler(handlers[name]) = name handlers[name] = handler except Exception as e: raise ValueError('Unable to configure handler ' '%r: %s' % (name, e)) # Next, do loggers - they refer to handlers and filters #we don't want to lose the existing loggers, #since other threads may have pointers to them. #existing is set to contain all existing loggers, #and as we go through the new configuration we #remove any which are configured. At the end, #what's left in existing is the set of loggers #which were in the previous configuration but #which are not in the new configuration. root = logging.root existing = list(root.manager.loggerDict.keys()) #The list needs to be sorted so that we can #avoid disabling child loggers of explicitly #named loggers. With a sorted list it is easier #to find the child loggers. existing.sort() #We'll keep the list of existing loggers #which are children of named loggers here... child_loggers = [] #now set up the new ones... loggers = config.get('loggers', EMPTY_DICT) for name in loggers: if name in existing: i = existing.index(name) + 1 # look after name prefixed = name + "." pflen = len(prefixed) num_existing = len(existing) while i < num_existing: if existing[i][:pflen] == prefixed: child_loggers.append(existing[i]) i += 1 existing.remove(name) try: self.configure_logger(name, loggers[name]) except Exception as e: raise ValueError('Unable to configure logger ' '%r: %s' % (name, e)) #Disable any old loggers. There's no point deleting #them as other threads may continue to hold references #and by disabling them, you stop them doing any logging. #However, don't disable children of named loggers, as that's #probably not what was intended by the user. #for log in existing: # logger = root.manager.loggerDict[log] # if log in child_loggers: # logger.level = logging.NOTSET # logger.handlers = [] # logger.propagate = True # elif disable_existing: # logger.disabled = True _handle_existing_loggers(existing, child_loggers, disable_existing) # And finally, do the root logger root = config.get('root', None) if root: try: self.configure_root(root) except Exception as e: raise ValueError('Unable to configure root ' 'logger: %s' % e) finally: logging._releaseLock() def configure_formatter(self, config): """Configure a formatter from a dictionary.""" if '()' in config: factory = config['()'] # for use in exception handler try: result = self.configure_custom(config) except TypeError as te: if "'format'" not in str(te): raise #Name of parameter changed from fmt to format. #Retry with old name. #This is so that code can be used with older Python versions #(e.g. by Django) config['fmt'] = config.pop('format') config['()'] = factory result = self.configure_custom(config) else: fmt = config.get('format', None) dfmt = config.get('datefmt', None) style = config.get('style', '%') result = logging.Formatter(fmt, dfmt, style) return result def configure_filter(self, config): """Configure a filter from a dictionary.""" if '()' in config: result = self.configure_custom(config) else: name = config.get('name', '') result = logging.Filter(name) return result def add_filters(self, filterer, filters): """Add filters to a filterer from a list of names.""" for f in filters: try: filterer.addFilter(self.config['filters'][f]) except Exception as e: raise ValueError('Unable to add filter %r: %s' % (f, e)) def configure_handler(self, config): """Configure a handler from a dictionary.""" config_copy = dict(config) # for restoring in case of error formatter = config.pop('formatter', None) if formatter: try: formatter = self.config['formatters'][formatter] except Exception as e: raise ValueError('Unable to set formatter ' '%r: %s' % (formatter, e)) level = config.pop('level', None) filters = config.pop('filters', None) if '()' in config: c = config.pop('()') if not callable(c): c = self.resolve(c) factory = c else: cname = config.pop('class') klass = self.resolve(cname) #Special case for handler which refers to another handler if issubclass(klass, logging.handlers.MemoryHandler) and\ 'target' in config: try: th = self.config['handlers'][config['target']] if not isinstance(th, logging.Handler): config.update(config_copy) # restore for deferred cfg raise TypeError('target not configured yet') config['target'] = th except Exception as e: raise ValueError('Unable to set target handler ' '%r: %s' % (config['target'], e)) elif issubclass(klass, logging.handlers.SMTPHandler) and\ 'mailhost' in config: config['mailhost'] = self.as_tuple(config['mailhost']) elif issubclass(klass, logging.handlers.SysLogHandler) and\ 'address' in config: config['address'] = self.as_tuple(config['address']) factory = klass kwargs = dict([(k, config[k]) for k in config if valid_ident(k)]) try: result = factory(**kwargs) except TypeError as te: if "'stream'" not in str(te): raise #The argument name changed from strm to stream #Retry with old name. #This is so that code can be used with older Python versions #(e.g. by Django) kwargs['strm'] = kwargs.pop('stream') result = factory(**kwargs) if formatter: result.setFormatter(formatter) if level is not None: result.setLevel(logging._checkLevel(level)) if filters: self.add_filters(result, filters) return result def add_handlers(self, logger, handlers): """Add handlers to a logger from a list of names.""" for h in handlers: try: logger.addHandler(self.config['handlers'][h]) except Exception as e: raise ValueError('Unable to add handler %r: %s' % (h, e)) def common_logger_config(self, logger, config, incremental=False): """ Perform configuration which is common to root and non-root loggers. """ level = config.get('level', None) if level is not None: logger.setLevel(logging._checkLevel(level)) if not incremental: #Remove any existing handlers for h in logger.handlers[:]: logger.removeHandler(h) handlers = config.get('handlers', None) if handlers: self.add_handlers(logger, handlers) filters = config.get('filters', None) if filters: self.add_filters(logger, filters) def configure_logger(self, name, config, incremental=False): """Configure a non-root logger from a dictionary.""" logger = logging.getLogger(name) self.common_logger_config(logger, config, incremental) propagate = config.get('propagate', None) if propagate is not None: logger.propagate = propagate def configure_root(self, config, incremental=False): """Configure a root logger from a dictionary.""" root = logging.getLogger() self.common_logger_config(root, config, incremental) dictConfigClass = DictConfigurator def dictConfig(config): """Configure logging using a dictionary.""" dictConfigClass(config).configure() def listen(port=DEFAULT_LOGGING_CONFIG_PORT): """ Start up a socket server on the specified port, and listen for new configurations. These will be sent as a file suitable for processing by fileConfig(). Returns a Thread object on which you can call start() to start the server, and which you can join() when appropriate. To stop the server, call stopListening(). """ if not thread: #pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError("listen() needs threading to work") class ConfigStreamHandler(StreamRequestHandler): """ Handler for a logging configuration request. It expects a completely new logging configuration and uses fileConfig to install it. """ def handle(self): """ Handle a request. Each request is expected to be a 4-byte length, packed using struct.pack(">L", n), followed by the config file. Uses fileConfig() to do the grunt work. """ try: conn = self.connection chunk = conn.recv(4) if len(chunk) == 4: slen = struct.unpack(">L", chunk)[0] chunk = self.connection.recv(slen) while len(chunk) < slen: chunk = chunk + conn.recv(slen - len(chunk)) chunk = chunk.decode("utf-8") try: import json d =json.loads(chunk) assert isinstance(d, dict) dictConfig(d) except: #Apply new configuration. file = io.StringIO(chunk) try: fileConfig(file) except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): #pragma: no cover raise except: traceback.print_exc() if self.server.ready: self.server.ready.set() except socket.error as e: if not isinstance(e.args, tuple): raise else: errcode = e.args[0] if errcode != RESET_ERROR: raise class ConfigSocketReceiver(ThreadingTCPServer): """ A simple TCP socket-based logging config receiver. """ allow_reuse_address = 1 def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=DEFAULT_LOGGING_CONFIG_PORT, handler=None, ready=None): ThreadingTCPServer.__init__(self, (host, port), handler) logging._acquireLock() self.abort = 0 logging._releaseLock() self.timeout = 1 self.ready = ready def serve_until_stopped(self): import select abort = 0 while not abort: rd, wr, ex =[self.socket.fileno()], [], [], self.timeout) if rd: self.handle_request() logging._acquireLock() abort = self.abort logging._releaseLock() self.socket.close() class Server(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, rcvr, hdlr, port): super(Server, self).__init__() self.rcvr = rcvr self.hdlr = hdlr self.port = port self.ready = threading.Event() def run(self): server = self.rcvr(port=self.port, handler=self.hdlr, ready=self.ready) if self.port == 0: self.port = server.server_address[1] self.ready.set() global _listener logging._acquireLock() _listener = server logging._releaseLock() server.serve_until_stopped() return Server(ConfigSocketReceiver, ConfigStreamHandler, port) def stopListening(): """ Stop the listening server which was created with a call to listen(). """ global _listener logging._acquireLock() try: if _listener: _listener.abort = 1 _listener = None finally: logging._releaseLock()
# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # from thrift.Thrift import * class TProtocolException(TException): """Custom Protocol Exception class""" UNKNOWN = 0 INVALID_DATA = 1 NEGATIVE_SIZE = 2 SIZE_LIMIT = 3 BAD_VERSION = 4 def __init__(self, type=UNKNOWN, message=None): TException.__init__(self, message) self.type = type class TProtocolBase: """Base class for Thrift protocol driver.""" def __init__(self, trans): self.trans = trans def writeMessageBegin(self, name, ttype, seqid): pass def writeMessageEnd(self): pass def writeStructBegin(self, name): pass def writeStructEnd(self): pass def writeFieldBegin(self, name, ttype, fid): pass def writeFieldEnd(self): pass def writeFieldStop(self): pass def writeMapBegin(self, ktype, vtype, size): pass def writeMapEnd(self): pass def writeListBegin(self, etype, size): pass def writeListEnd(self): pass def writeSetBegin(self, etype, size): pass def writeSetEnd(self): pass def writeBool(self, bool_val): pass def writeByte(self, byte): pass def writeI16(self, i16): pass def writeI32(self, i32): pass def writeI64(self, i64): pass def writeDouble(self, dub): pass def writeString(self, str_val): pass def readMessageBegin(self): pass def readMessageEnd(self): pass def readStructBegin(self): pass def readStructEnd(self): pass def readFieldBegin(self): pass def readFieldEnd(self): pass def readMapBegin(self): pass def readMapEnd(self): pass def readListBegin(self): pass def readListEnd(self): pass def readSetBegin(self): pass def readSetEnd(self): pass def readBool(self): pass def readByte(self): pass def readI16(self): pass def readI32(self): pass def readI64(self): pass def readDouble(self): pass def readString(self): pass def skip(self, ttype): if ttype == TType.STOP: return elif ttype == TType.BOOL: self.readBool() elif ttype == TType.BYTE: self.readByte() elif ttype == TType.I16: self.readI16() elif ttype == TType.I32: self.readI32() elif ttype == TType.I64: self.readI64() elif ttype == TType.DOUBLE: self.readDouble() elif ttype == TType.STRING: self.readString() elif ttype == TType.STRUCT: name = self.readStructBegin() while True: (name, ttype, id) = self.readFieldBegin() if ttype == TType.STOP: break self.skip(ttype) self.readFieldEnd() self.readStructEnd() elif ttype == TType.MAP: (ktype, vtype, size) = self.readMapBegin() for i in xrange(size): self.skip(ktype) self.skip(vtype) self.readMapEnd() elif ttype == TType.SET: (etype, size) = self.readSetBegin() for i in xrange(size): self.skip(etype) self.readSetEnd() elif ttype == TType.LIST: (etype, size) = self.readListBegin() for i in xrange(size): self.skip(etype) self.readListEnd() # tuple of: ( 'reader method' name, is_container bool, 'writer_method' name ) _TTYPE_HANDLERS = ( (None, None, False), # 0 TType.STOP (None, None, False), # 1 TType.VOID # TODO: handle void? ('readBool', 'writeBool', False), # 2 TType.BOOL ('readByte', 'writeByte', False), # 3 TType.BYTE and I08 ('readDouble', 'writeDouble', False), # 4 TType.DOUBLE (None, None, False), # 5 undefined ('readI16', 'writeI16', False), # 6 TType.I16 (None, None, False), # 7 undefined ('readI32', 'writeI32', False), # 8 TType.I32 (None, None, False), # 9 undefined ('readI64', 'writeI64', False), # 10 TType.I64 ('readString', 'writeString', False), # 11 TType.STRING and UTF7 ('readContainerStruct', 'writeContainerStruct', True), # 12 *.STRUCT ('readContainerMap', 'writeContainerMap', True), # 13 TType.MAP ('readContainerSet', 'writeContainerSet', True), # 14 TType.SET ('readContainerList', 'writeContainerList', True), # 15 TType.LIST (None, None, False), # 16 TType.UTF8 # TODO: handle utf8 types? (None, None, False) # 17 TType.UTF16 # TODO: handle utf16 types? ) def readFieldByTType(self, ttype, spec): try: (r_handler, w_handler, is_container) = self._TTYPE_HANDLERS[ttype] except IndexError: raise TProtocolException(type=TProtocolException.INVALID_DATA, message='Invalid field type %d' % (ttype)) if r_handler is None: raise TProtocolException(type=TProtocolException.INVALID_DATA, message='Invalid field type %d' % (ttype)) reader = getattr(self, r_handler) if not is_container: return reader() return reader(spec) def readContainerList(self, spec): results = [] ttype, tspec = spec[0], spec[1] r_handler = self._TTYPE_HANDLERS[ttype][0] reader = getattr(self, r_handler) (list_type, list_len) = self.readListBegin() if tspec is None: # list values are simple types for idx in xrange(list_len): results.append(reader()) else: # this is like an inlined readFieldByTType container_reader = self._TTYPE_HANDLERS[list_type][0] val_reader = getattr(self, container_reader) for idx in xrange(list_len): val = val_reader(tspec) results.append(val) self.readListEnd() return results def readContainerSet(self, spec): results = set() ttype, tspec = spec[0], spec[1] r_handler = self._TTYPE_HANDLERS[ttype][0] reader = getattr(self, r_handler) (set_type, set_len) = self.readSetBegin() if tspec is None: # set members are simple types for idx in xrange(set_len): results.add(reader()) else: container_reader = self._TTYPE_HANDLERS[set_type][0] val_reader = getattr(self, container_reader) for idx in xrange(set_len): results.add(val_reader(tspec)) self.readSetEnd() return results def readContainerStruct(self, spec): (obj_class, obj_spec) = spec obj = obj_class() return obj def readContainerMap(self, spec): results = dict() key_ttype, key_spec = spec[0], spec[1] val_ttype, val_spec = spec[2], spec[3] (map_ktype, map_vtype, map_len) = self.readMapBegin() # TODO: compare types we just decoded with thrift_spec and # abort/skip if types disagree key_reader = getattr(self, self._TTYPE_HANDLERS[key_ttype][0]) val_reader = getattr(self, self._TTYPE_HANDLERS[val_ttype][0]) # list values are simple types for idx in xrange(map_len): if key_spec is None: k_val = key_reader() else: k_val = self.readFieldByTType(key_ttype, key_spec) if val_spec is None: v_val = val_reader() else: v_val = self.readFieldByTType(val_ttype, val_spec) # this raises a TypeError with unhashable keys types # i.e. this fails: d=dict(); d[[0,1]] = 2 results[k_val] = v_val self.readMapEnd() return results def readStruct(self, obj, thrift_spec): self.readStructBegin() while True: (fname, ftype, fid) = self.readFieldBegin() if ftype == TType.STOP: break try: field = thrift_spec[fid] except IndexError: self.skip(ftype) else: if field is not None and ftype == field[1]: fname = field[2] fspec = field[3] val = self.readFieldByTType(ftype, fspec) setattr(obj, fname, val) else: self.skip(ftype) self.readFieldEnd() self.readStructEnd() def writeContainerStruct(self, val, spec): val.write(self) def writeContainerList(self, val, spec): self.writeListBegin(spec[0], len(val)) r_handler, w_handler, is_container = self._TTYPE_HANDLERS[spec[0]] e_writer = getattr(self, w_handler) if not is_container: for elem in val: e_writer(elem) else: for elem in val: e_writer(elem, spec[1]) self.writeListEnd() def writeContainerSet(self, val, spec): self.writeSetBegin(spec[0], len(val)) r_handler, w_handler, is_container = self._TTYPE_HANDLERS[spec[0]] e_writer = getattr(self, w_handler) if not is_container: for elem in val: e_writer(elem) else: for elem in val: e_writer(elem, spec[1]) self.writeSetEnd() def writeContainerMap(self, val, spec): k_type = spec[0] v_type = spec[2] ignore, ktype_name, k_is_container = self._TTYPE_HANDLERS[k_type] ignore, vtype_name, v_is_container = self._TTYPE_HANDLERS[v_type] k_writer = getattr(self, ktype_name) v_writer = getattr(self, vtype_name) self.writeMapBegin(k_type, v_type, len(val)) for m_key, m_val in val.iteritems(): if not k_is_container: k_writer(m_key) else: k_writer(m_key, spec[1]) if not v_is_container: v_writer(m_val) else: v_writer(m_val, spec[3]) self.writeMapEnd() def writeStruct(self, obj, thrift_spec): self.writeStructBegin(obj.__class__.__name__) for field in thrift_spec: if field is None: continue fname = field[2] val = getattr(obj, fname) if val is None: # skip writing out unset fields continue fid = field[0] ftype = field[1] fspec = field[3] # get the writer method for this value self.writeFieldBegin(fname, ftype, fid) self.writeFieldByTType(ftype, val, fspec) self.writeFieldEnd() self.writeFieldStop() self.writeStructEnd() def writeFieldByTType(self, ttype, val, spec): r_handler, w_handler, is_container = self._TTYPE_HANDLERS[ttype] writer = getattr(self, w_handler) if is_container: writer(val, spec) else: writer(val) class TProtocolFactory: def getProtocol(self, trans): pass
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2018-2019 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or """Check that it's not possible to start a second bitcoind instance using the same datadir or wallet.""" import os from test_framework.test_framework import BitcoinTestFramework from test_framework.test_node import ErrorMatch class FilelockTest(BitcoinTestFramework): def set_test_params(self): self.setup_clean_chain = True self.num_nodes = 2 def setup_network(self): self.add_nodes(self.num_nodes, extra_args=None) self.nodes[0].start([]) self.nodes[0].wait_for_rpc_connection() def run_test(self): datadir = os.path.join(self.nodes[0].datadir, self.chain)"Using datadir {}".format(datadir))"Check that we can't start a second bitcoind instance using the same datadir") expected_msg = "Error: Cannot obtain a lock on data directory {0}. {1} is probably already running.".format(datadir, self.config['environment']['PACKAGE_NAME']) self.nodes[1].assert_start_raises_init_error(extra_args=['-datadir={}'.format(self.nodes[0].datadir), '-noserver'], expected_msg=expected_msg) if self.is_wallet_compiled(): wallet_dir = os.path.join(datadir, 'wallets')"Check that we can't start a second bitcoind instance using the same wallet") expected_msg = "Error: Error initializing wallet database environment" self.nodes[1].assert_start_raises_init_error(extra_args=['-walletdir={}'.format(wallet_dir), '-noserver'], expected_msg=expected_msg, match=ErrorMatch.PARTIAL_REGEX) if __name__ == '__main__': FilelockTest().main()
"""Support for Acrobat Forms in ReportLab documents This module is somewhat experimental at this time. Includes basic support for textfields, select fields (drop down lists), and check buttons. The public interface consists of functions at the moment. At some later date these operations may be made into canvas methods. (comments?) The ...Absolute(...) functions position the fields with respect to the absolute canvas coordinate space -- that is, they do not respect any coordinate transforms in effect for the canvas. The ...Relative(...) functions position the ONLY THE LOWER LEFT CORNER of the field using the coordinate transform in effect for the canvas. THIS WILL ONLY WORK CORRECTLY FOR TRANSLATED COORDINATES -- THE SHAPE, SIZE, FONTSIZE, AND ORIENTATION OF THE FIELD WILL NOT BE EFFECTED BY SCALING, ROTATION, SKEWING OR OTHER NON-TRANSLATION COORDINATE TRANSFORMS. Please note that all field names (titles) in a given document must be unique. Textfields and select fields only support the "base 14" canvas fonts at this time. See individual function docstrings below for more information. The function test1(...) generates a simple test file. THIS CONTRIBUTION WAS COMMISSIONED BY REPORTLAB USERS WHO WISH TO REMAIN ANONYMOUS. """ ### NOTE: MAKE THE STRING FORMATS DYNAMIC IN PATTERNS TO SUPPORT ENCRYPTION XXXX import string from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfdoc import LINEEND, PDFString, PDFStream, PDFDictionary, PDFName from reportlab.lib.colors import obj_R_G_B #==========================public interfaces def textFieldAbsolute(canvas, title, x, y, width, height, value="", maxlen=1000000, multiline=0): """Place a text field on the current page with name title at ABSOLUTE position (x,y) with dimensions (width, height), using value as the default value and maxlen as the maximum permissible length. If multiline is set make it a multiline field. """ theform = getForm(canvas) return theform.textField(canvas, title, x, y, x+width, y+height, value, maxlen, multiline) def textFieldRelative(canvas, title, xR, yR, width, height, value="", maxlen=1000000, multiline=0): "same as textFieldAbsolute except the x and y are relative to the canvas coordinate transform" (xA, yA) = canvas.absolutePosition(xR,yR) return textFieldAbsolute(canvas, title, xA, yA, width, height, value, maxlen, multiline) def buttonFieldAbsolute(canvas, title, value, x, y): """Place a check button field on the current page with name title and default value value (one of "Yes" or "Off") at ABSOLUTE position (x,y). """ theform = getForm(canvas) return theform.buttonField(canvas, title, value, x, y) def buttonFieldRelative(canvas, title, value, xR, yR): "same as buttonFieldAbsolute except the x and y are relative to the canvas coordinate transform" (xA, yA) = canvas.absolutePosition(xR,yR) return buttonFieldAbsolute(canvas, title, value, xA, yA) def selectFieldAbsolute(canvas, title, value, options, x, y, width, height): """Place a select field (drop down list) on the current page with name title and with options listed in the sequence options default value value (must be one of options) at ABSOLUTE position (x,y) with dimensions (width, height).""" theform = getForm(canvas) theform.selectField(canvas, title, value, options, x, y, x+width, y+height) def selectFieldRelative(canvas, title, value, options, xR, yR, width, height): "same as textFieldAbsolute except the x and y are relative to the canvas coordinate transform" (xA, yA) = canvas.absolutePosition(xR,yR) return selectFieldAbsolute(canvas, title, value, options, xA, yA, width, height) def test1(): from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas fn = "formtest1.pdf" c = canvas.Canvas(fn) # first page c.setFont("Courier", 10) c.drawString(100, 500, "hello world") textFieldAbsolute(c, "fieldA", 100, 600, 100, 20, "default value") textFieldAbsolute(c, "fieldB", 100, 300, 100, 50, "another default value", multiline=1) selectFieldAbsolute(c, "fieldC", "France", ["Canada", "France", "China"], 100, 200, 100, 20) c.rect(100, 600, 100, 20) buttonFieldAbsolute(c, "field2", "Yes", 100, 700) c.rect(100, 700, 20, 20) buttonFieldAbsolute(c, "field3", "Off", 100, 800) c.rect(100, 800, 20, 20) # second page c.showPage() c.setFont("Helvetica", 7) c.translate(50, 20) c.drawString(100, 500, "hello world") textFieldRelative(c, "fieldA_1", 100, 600, 100, 20, "default value 2") c.setStrokeColorRGB(1,0,0) c.setFillColorRGB(0,1,0.5) textFieldRelative(c, "fieldB_1", 100, 300, 100, 50, "another default value 2", multiline=1) selectFieldRelative(c, "fieldC_1", "France 1", ["Canada 0", "France 1", "China 2"], 100, 200, 100, 20) c.rect(100, 600, 100, 20) buttonFieldRelative(c, "field2_1", "Yes", 100, 700) c.rect(100, 700, 20, 20) buttonFieldRelative(c, "field3_1", "Off", 100, 800) c.rect(100, 800, 20, 20) print "wrote", fn #==========================end of public interfaces from pdfpattern import PDFPattern def getForm(canvas): "get form from canvas, create the form if needed" try: return canvas.AcroForm except AttributeError: theform = canvas.AcroForm = AcroForm() # install the form in the document d = canvas._doc cat = d._catalog cat.AcroForm = theform return theform class AcroForm: __PDFObject__ = True def __init__(self): self.fields = [] def textField(self, canvas, title, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, value="", maxlen=1000000, multiline=0): # determine the page ref doc = canvas._doc page = doc.thisPageRef() # determine text info R, G, B = obj_R_G_B(canvas._fillColorObj) #print "rgb", (R,G,B) font = canvas. _fontname fontsize = canvas. _fontsize field = TextField(title, value, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, page, maxlen, font, fontsize, R, G, B, multiline) self.fields.append(field) canvas._addAnnotation(field) def selectField(self, canvas, title, value, options, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax): # determine the page ref doc = canvas._doc page = doc.thisPageRef() # determine text info R, G, B = obj_R_G_B(canvas._fillColorObj) #print "rgb", (R,G,B) font = canvas. _fontname fontsize = canvas. _fontsize field = SelectField(title, value, options, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, page, font=font, fontsize=fontsize, R=R, G=G, B=B) self.fields.append(field) canvas._addAnnotation(field) def buttonField(self, canvas, title, value, xmin, ymin): # determine the page ref doc = canvas._doc page = doc.thisPageRef() field = ButtonField(title, value, xmin, ymin, page) self.fields.append(field) canvas._addAnnotation(field) def format(self, document): from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfdoc import PDFArray proxy = PDFPattern(FormPattern, Resources=GLOBALRESOURCES, fields=PDFArray(self.fields)) return proxy.format(document) FormPattern = [ '<<', LINEEND, ' /NeedAppearances true ', LINEEND, ' /DA ', PDFString('/Helv 0 Tf 0 g '), LINEEND, ' /DR ', LINEEND, ["Resources"], ' /Fields ', LINEEND, ["fields"], '>>' ] def FormFontsDictionary(): from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfdoc import PDFDictionary fontsdictionary = PDFDictionary() fontsdictionary.__RefOnly__ = 1 for (fullname, shortname) in FORMFONTNAMES.items(): fontsdictionary[shortname] = FormFont(fullname, shortname) fontsdictionary["ZaDb"] = ZADB return fontsdictionary def FormResources(): return PDFPattern(FormResourcesDictionaryPattern, Encoding=ENCODING, Font=GLOBALFONTSDICTIONARY) ZaDbPattern = [ ' <<' ' /BaseFont' ' /ZapfDingbats' ' /Name' ' /ZaDb' ' /Subtype' ' /Type1' ' /Type' ' /Font' '>>'] ZADB = PDFPattern(ZaDbPattern) FormResourcesDictionaryPattern = [ '<<', ' /Encoding ', ["Encoding"], LINEEND, ' /Font ', ["Font"], LINEEND, '>>' ] FORMFONTNAMES = { "Helvetica": "Helv", "Helvetica-Bold": "HeBo", 'Courier': "Cour", 'Courier-Bold': "CoBo", 'Courier-Oblique': "CoOb", 'Courier-BoldOblique': "CoBO", 'Helvetica-Oblique': "HeOb", 'Helvetica-BoldOblique': "HeBO", 'Times-Roman': "Time", 'Times-Bold': "TiBo", 'Times-Italic': "TiIt", 'Times-BoldItalic': "TiBI", } EncodingPattern = [ '<<', ' /PDFDocEncoding ', ["PDFDocEncoding"], LINEEND, '>>', ] PDFDocEncodingPattern = [ '<<' ' /Differences' ' [' ' 24' ' /breve' ' /caron' ' /circumflex' ' /dotaccent' ' /hungarumlaut' ' /ogonek' ' /ring' ' /tilde' ' 39' ' /quotesingle' ' 96' ' /grave' ' 128' ' /bullet' ' /dagger' ' /daggerdbl' ' /ellipsis' ' /emdash' ' /endash' ' /florin' ' /fraction' ' /guilsinglleft' ' /guilsinglright' ' /minus' ' /perthousand' ' /quotedblbase' ' /quotedblleft' ' /quotedblright' ' /quoteleft' ' /quoteright' ' /quotesinglbase' ' /trademark' ' /fi' ' /fl' ' /Lslash' ' /OE' ' /Scaron' ' /Ydieresis' ' /Zcaron' ' /dotlessi' ' /lslash' ' /oe' ' /scaron' ' /zcaron' ' 160' ' /Euro' ' 164' ' /currency' ' 166' ' /brokenbar' ' 168' ' /dieresis' ' /copyright' ' /ordfeminine' ' 172' ' /logicalnot' ' /.notdef' ' /registered' ' /macron' ' /degree' ' /plusminus' ' /twosuperior' ' /threesuperior' ' /acute' ' /mu' ' 183' ' /periodcentered' ' /cedilla' ' /onesuperior' ' /ordmasculine' ' 188' ' /onequarter' ' /onehalf' ' /threequarters' ' 192' ' /Agrave' ' /Aacute' ' /Acircumflex' ' /Atilde' ' /Adieresis' ' /Aring' ' /AE' ' /Ccedilla' ' /Egrave' ' /Eacute' ' /Ecircumflex' ' /Edieresis' ' /Igrave' ' /Iacute' ' /Icircumflex' ' /Idieresis' ' /Eth' ' /Ntilde' ' /Ograve' ' /Oacute' ' /Ocircumflex' ' /Otilde' ' /Odieresis' ' /multiply' ' /Oslash' ' /Ugrave' ' /Uacute' ' /Ucircumflex' ' /Udieresis' ' /Yacute' ' /Thorn' ' /germandbls' ' /agrave' ' /aacute' ' /acircumflex' ' /atilde' ' /adieresis' ' /aring' ' /ae' ' /ccedilla' ' /egrave' ' /eacute' ' /ecircumflex' ' /edieresis' ' /igrave' ' /iacute' ' /icircumflex' ' /idieresis' ' /eth' ' /ntilde' ' /ograve' ' /oacute' ' /ocircumflex' ' /otilde' ' /odieresis' ' /divide' ' /oslash' ' /ugrave' ' /uacute' ' /ucircumflex' ' /udieresis' ' /yacute' ' /thorn' ' /ydieresis' ' ]' ' /Type' ' /Encoding' '>>'] # global constant PDFDOCENC = PDFPattern(PDFDocEncodingPattern) # global constant ENCODING = PDFPattern(EncodingPattern, PDFDocEncoding=PDFDOCENC) def FormFont(BaseFont, Name): from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfdoc import PDFName return PDFPattern(FormFontPattern, BaseFont=PDFName(BaseFont), Name=PDFName(Name), Encoding=PDFDOCENC) FormFontPattern = [ '<<', ' /BaseFont ', ["BaseFont"], LINEEND, ' /Encoding ', ["Encoding"], LINEEND, ' /Name ', ["Name"], LINEEND, ' /Subtype ' ' /Type1 ' ' /Type ' ' /Font ' '>>' ] # global constants GLOBALFONTSDICTIONARY = FormFontsDictionary() GLOBALRESOURCES = FormResources() def TextField(title, value, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, page, maxlen=1000000, font="Helvetica-Bold", fontsize=9, R=0, G=0, B=0.627, multiline=0): from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfdoc import PDFString, PDFName Flags = 0 if multiline: Flags = Flags | (1<<12) # bit 13 is at position 12 :) fontname = FORMFONTNAMES[font] return PDFPattern(TextFieldPattern, value=PDFString(value), maxlen=maxlen, page=page, title=PDFString(title), xmin=xmin, ymin=ymin, xmax=xmax, ymax=ymax, fontname=PDFName(fontname), fontsize=fontsize, R=R, G=G, B=B, Flags=Flags) TextFieldPattern = [ '<<' ' /DA' ' (', ["fontname"],' ',["fontsize"],' Tf ',["R"],' ',["G"],' ',["B"],' rg)' ' /DV ', ["value"], LINEEND, ' /F 4 /FT /Tx' '/MK << /BC [ 0 0 0 ] >>' ' /MaxLen ', ["maxlen"], LINEEND, ' /P ', ["page"], LINEEND, ' /Rect ' ' [', ["xmin"], " ", ["ymin"], " ", ["xmax"], " ", ["ymax"], ' ]' '/Subtype /Widget' ' /T ', ["title"], LINEEND, ' /Type' ' /Annot' ' /V ', ["value"], LINEEND, ' /Ff ', ["Flags"],LINEEND, '>>'] def SelectField(title, value, options, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, page, font="Helvetica-Bold", fontsize=9, R=0, G=0, B=0.627): #print "ARGS", (title, value, options, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, page, font, fontsize, R, G, B) from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfdoc import PDFString, PDFName, PDFArray if value not in options: raise ValueError, "value %s must be one of options %s" % (repr(value), repr(options)) fontname = FORMFONTNAMES[font] optionstrings = map(PDFString, options) optionarray = PDFArray(optionstrings) return PDFPattern(SelectFieldPattern, Options=optionarray, Selected=PDFString(value), Page=page, Name=PDFString(title), xmin=xmin, ymin=ymin, xmax=xmax, ymax=ymax, fontname=PDFName(fontname), fontsize=fontsize, R=R, G=G, B=B) SelectFieldPattern = [ '<< % a select list',LINEEND, ' /DA ', ' (', ["fontname"],' ',["fontsize"],' Tf ',["R"],' ',["G"],' ',["B"],' rg)',LINEEND, #' (/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)',LINEEND, ' /DV ', ["Selected"],LINEEND, ' /F ', ' 4',LINEEND, ' /FT ', ' /Ch',LINEEND, ' /MK ', ' <<', ' /BC', ' [', ' 0', ' 0', ' 0', ' ]', ' /BG', ' [', ' 1', ' 1', ' 1', ' ]', ' >>',LINEEND, ' /Opt ', ["Options"],LINEEND, ' /P ', ["Page"],LINEEND, '/Rect', ' [',["xmin"], " ", ["ymin"], " ", ["xmax"], " ", ["ymax"], ' ] ',LINEEND, '/Subtype', ' /Widget',LINEEND, ' /T ', ["Name"],LINEEND, ' /Type ', ' /Annot', ' /V ', ["Selected"],LINEEND, '>>'] def ButtonField(title, value, xmin, ymin, page): if value not in ("Yes", "Off"): raise ValueError, "button value must be 'Yes' or 'Off': "+repr(value) (dx, dy) = (16.77036, 14.90698) return PDFPattern(ButtonFieldPattern, Name=PDFString(title), xmin=xmin, ymin=ymin, xmax=xmin+dx, ymax=ymin+dy, Hide=HIDE, APDOff=APDOFF, APDYes=APDYES, APNYes=APNYES, Value=PDFName(value), Page=page) ButtonFieldPattern = ['<< ', '/AA', ' <<', ' /D ', ["Hide"], LINEEND, #' %(imported.18.0)s', ' >> ', '/AP ', ' <<', ' /D', ' <<', ' /Off ', #' %(imported.40.0)s', ["APDOff"], LINEEND, ' /Yes ', #' %(imported.39.0)s', ["APDYes"], LINEEND, ' >>', LINEEND, ' /N', ' << ', ' /Yes ', #' %(imported.38.0)s', ["APNYes"], LINEEND, ' >>', ' >>', LINEEND, ' /AS ', ["Value"], LINEEND, ' /DA ', PDFString('/ZaDb 0 Tf 0 g'), LINEEND, '/DV ', ["Value"], LINEEND, '/F ', ' 4 ', '/FT ', ' /Btn ', '/H ', ' /T ', '/MK ', ' <<', ' /AC (\\376\\377)', #PDFString('\376\377'), ' /CA ', PDFString('4'), ' /RC ', PDFString('\376\377'), ' >> ',LINEEND, '/P ', ["Page"], LINEEND, '/Rect', ' [',["xmin"], " ", ["ymin"], " ", ["xmax"], " ", ["ymax"], ' ] ',LINEEND, '/Subtype', ' /Widget ', '/T ', ["Name"], LINEEND, '/Type', ' /Annot ', '/V ', ["Value"], LINEEND, ' >>'] HIDE = PDFPattern([ '<< ' '/S ' ' /Hide ' '>>']) def buttonStreamDictionary(): "everything except the length for the button appearance streams" result = PDFDictionary() result["SubType"] = "/Form" result["BBox"] = "[0 0 16.77036 14.90698]" font = PDFDictionary() font["ZaDb"] = ZADB resources = PDFDictionary() resources["ProcSet"] = "[ /PDF /Text ]" resources["Font"] = font result["Resources"] = resources return result def ButtonStream(content): dict = buttonStreamDictionary() result = PDFStream(dict, content) result.filters = [] return result APDOFF = ButtonStream('0.749 g 0 0 16.7704 14.907 re f'+LINEEND) APDYES = ButtonStream( '0.749 g 0 0 16.7704 14.907 re f q 1 1 14.7704 12.907 re W '+ 'n BT /ZaDb 11.3086 Tf 0 g 1 0 0 1 3.6017 3.3881 Tm (4) Tj ET'+LINEEND) APNYES = ButtonStream( 'q 1 1 14.7704 12.907 re W n BT /ZaDb 11.3086 Tf 0 g 1 0 0 1 3.6017 3.3881 Tm (4) Tj ET Q'+LINEEND) #==== script interpretation if __name__=="__main__": test1()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This test file will verify proper password policy enforcement, which is an option feature """ import json from importlib import import_module from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import AnonymousUser from django.urls import reverse from django.test import TestCase from django.test.client import RequestFactory from django.test.utils import override_settings from mock import patch from openedx.core.djangoapps.external_auth.models import ExternalAuthMap from openedx.core.djangoapps.site_configuration.tests.factories import SiteFactory from openedx.core.djangoapps.user_authn.views.deprecated import create_account from util.password_policy_validators import create_validator_config class TestPasswordPolicy(TestCase): """ Go through some password policy tests to make sure things are properly working """ def setUp(self): super(TestPasswordPolicy, self).setUp() self.url = reverse('create_account') self.request_factory = RequestFactory() self.url_params = { 'username': 'username', 'email': '[email protected]', 'name': 'username', 'terms_of_service': 'true', 'honor_code': 'true', } @override_settings(AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS=[ create_validator_config('util.password_policy_validators.MinimumLengthValidator', {'min_length': 6}) ]) def test_password_length_too_short(self): self.url_params['password'] = 'aaa' response =, self.url_params) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400) obj = json.loads(response.content) self.assertEqual( obj['value'], "This password is too short. It must contain at least 6 characters.", ) @override_settings(AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS=[ create_validator_config('util.password_policy_validators.MinimumLengthValidator', {'min_length': 6}) ]) def test_password_length_long_enough(self): self.url_params['password'] = 'ThisIsALongerPassword' response =, self.url_params) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) obj = json.loads(response.content) self.assertTrue(obj['success']) @override_settings(AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS=[ create_validator_config('util.password_policy_validators.MaximumLengthValidator', {'max_length': 12}) ]) def test_password_length_too_long(self): self.url_params['password'] = 'ThisPasswordIsWayTooLong' response =, self.url_params) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400) obj = json.loads(response.content) self.assertEqual( obj['value'], "This password is too long. It must contain no more than 12 characters.", ) @override_settings(AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS=[ create_validator_config('util.password_policy_validators.UppercaseValidator', {'min_upper': 3}) ]) def test_password_not_enough_uppercase(self): self.url_params['password'] = 'thisshouldfail' response =, self.url_params) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400) obj = json.loads(response.content) self.assertEqual( obj['value'], "This password must contain at least 3 uppercase letters.", ) @override_settings(AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS=[ create_validator_config('util.password_policy_validators.UppercaseValidator', {'min_upper': 3}) ]) def test_password_enough_uppercase(self): self.url_params['password'] = 'ThisShouldPass' response =, self.url_params) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) obj = json.loads(response.content) self.assertTrue(obj['success']) @override_settings(AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS=[ create_validator_config('util.password_policy_validators.LowercaseValidator', {'min_lower': 3}) ]) def test_password_not_enough_lowercase(self): self.url_params['password'] = 'THISSHOULDFAIL' response =, self.url_params) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400) obj = json.loads(response.content) self.assertEqual( obj['value'], "This password must contain at least 3 lowercase letters.", ) @override_settings(AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS=[ create_validator_config('util.password_policy_validators.LowercaseValidator', {'min_lower': 3}) ]) def test_password_enough_lowercase(self): self.url_params['password'] = 'ThisShouldPass' response =, self.url_params) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) obj = json.loads(response.content) self.assertTrue(obj['success']) @override_settings(AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS=[ create_validator_config('util.password_policy_validators.PunctuationValidator', {'min_punctuation': 3}) ]) def test_not_enough_punctuations(self): self.url_params['password'] = 'thisshouldfail' response =, self.url_params) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400) obj = json.loads(response.content) self.assertEqual( obj['value'], "This password must contain at least 3 punctuation marks.", ) @override_settings(AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS=[ create_validator_config('util.password_policy_validators.PunctuationValidator', {'min_punctuation': 3}) ]) def test_enough_punctuations(self): self.url_params['password'] = 'Th!sSh.uldPa$*' response =, self.url_params) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) obj = json.loads(response.content) self.assertTrue(obj['success']) @override_settings(AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS=[ create_validator_config('util.password_policy_validators.NumericValidator', {'min_numeric': 3}) ]) def test_not_enough_numeric_characters(self): # The unicode ២ is the number 2 in Khmer and the ٧ is the Arabic-Indic number 7 self.url_params['password'] = u'thisShouldFail២٧' response =, self.url_params) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400) obj = json.loads(response.content) self.assertEqual( obj['value'], "This password must contain at least 3 numbers.", ) @override_settings(AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS=[ create_validator_config('util.password_policy_validators.NumericValidator', {'min_numeric': 3}) ]) def test_enough_numeric_characters(self): # The unicode ២ is the number 2 in Khmer self.url_params['password'] = u'thisShouldPass២33' response =, self.url_params) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) obj = json.loads(response.content) self.assertTrue(obj['success']) @override_settings(AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS=[ create_validator_config('util.password_policy_validators.AlphabeticValidator', {'min_alphabetic': 3}) ]) def test_not_enough_alphabetic_characters(self): self.url_params['password'] = '123456ab' response =, self.url_params) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400) obj = json.loads(response.content) self.assertEqual( obj['value'], "This password must contain at least 3 letters.", ) @override_settings(AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS=[ create_validator_config('util.password_policy_validators.AlphabeticValidator', {'min_alphabetic': 3}) ]) def test_enough_alphabetic_characters(self): self.url_params['password'] = u'𝒯𝓗Ï𝓼𝒫å𝓼𝓼𝔼𝓼' response =, self.url_params) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) obj = json.loads(response.content) self.assertTrue(obj['success']) @override_settings(AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS=[ create_validator_config('util.password_policy_validators.MinimumLengthValidator', {'min_length': 3}), create_validator_config('util.password_policy_validators.UppercaseValidator', {'min_upper': 3}), create_validator_config('util.password_policy_validators.NumericValidator', {'min_numeric': 3}), create_validator_config('util.password_policy_validators.PunctuationValidator', {'min_punctuation': 3}), ]) def test_multiple_errors_fail(self): self.url_params['password'] = 'thisshouldfail' response =, self.url_params) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400) obj = json.loads(response.content) errstring = ( "This password must contain at least 3 uppercase letters. " "This password must contain at least 3 numbers. " "This password must contain at least 3 punctuation marks." ) self.assertEqual(obj['value'], errstring) @override_settings(AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS=[ create_validator_config('util.password_policy_validators.MinimumLengthValidator', {'min_length': 3}), create_validator_config('util.password_policy_validators.UppercaseValidator', {'min_upper': 3}), create_validator_config('util.password_policy_validators.LowercaseValidator', {'min_lower': 3}), create_validator_config('util.password_policy_validators.NumericValidator', {'min_numeric': 3}), create_validator_config('util.password_policy_validators.PunctuationValidator', {'min_punctuation': 3}), ]) def test_multiple_errors_pass(self): self.url_params['password'] = u'tH1s Sh0u!d P3#$!' response =, self.url_params) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) obj = json.loads(response.content) self.assertTrue(obj['success']) @override_settings(AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS=[ create_validator_config('django.contrib.auth.password_validation.CommonPasswordValidator') ]) def test_common_password_fail(self): self.url_params['password'] = 'password' response =, self.url_params) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400) obj = json.loads(response.content) self.assertEqual( obj['value'], "This password is too common.", ) @override_settings(AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS=[ create_validator_config('django.contrib.auth.password_validation.CommonPasswordValidator') ]) def test_common_password_pass(self): self.url_params['password'] = 'this_is_ok' response =, self.url_params) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) obj = json.loads(response.content) self.assertTrue(obj['success']) @override_settings(AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS=[ create_validator_config('util.password_policy_validators.MinimumLengthValidator', {'min_length': 6}), create_validator_config('util.password_policy_validators.MaximumLengthValidator', {'max_length': 75}), ]) def test_with_unicode(self): self.url_params['password'] = u'四節比分和七年前' response =, self.url_params) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) obj = json.loads(response.content) self.assertTrue(obj['success']) @override_settings(AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS=[ create_validator_config('util.password_policy_validators.MinimumLengthValidator', {'min_length': 6}) ], SESSION_ENGINE='django.contrib.sessions.backends.cache') def test_ext_auth_password_length_too_short(self): """ Tests that even if password policy is enforced, ext_auth registrations aren't subject to it """ self.url_params['password'] = u'aaa' # shouldn't pass validation request =, self.url_params) = SiteFactory.create() # now indicate we are doing ext_auth by setting 'ExternalAuthMap' in the session. request.session = import_module(settings.SESSION_ENGINE).SessionStore() # empty session extauth = ExternalAuthMap(external_id='[email protected]', external_email='[email protected]', internal_password=self.url_params['password'], external_domain='shib:') request.session['ExternalAuthMap'] = extauth request.user = AnonymousUser() with patch('edxmako.request_context.get_current_request', return_value=request): response = create_account(request) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) obj = json.loads(response.content) self.assertTrue(obj['success']) class TestUsernamePasswordNonmatch(TestCase): """ Test that registration username and password fields differ """ def setUp(self): super(TestUsernamePasswordNonmatch, self).setUp() self.url = reverse('create_account') self.url_params = { 'username': 'username', 'email': '[email protected]', 'name': 'username', 'terms_of_service': 'true', 'honor_code': 'true', } @override_settings(AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS=[ create_validator_config('django.contrib.auth.password_validation.UserAttributeSimilarityValidator') ]) def test_with_username_password_match(self): self.url_params['username'] = "foobar" self.url_params['password'] = "foobar" response =, self.url_params) self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 400) obj = json.loads(response.content) self.assertEqual( obj['value'], "The password is too similar to the username.", ) @override_settings(AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS=[ create_validator_config('django.contrib.auth.password_validation.UserAttributeSimilarityValidator') ]) def test_with_username_password_nonmatch(self): self.url_params['username'] = "foobar" self.url_params['password'] = "nonmatch" response =, self.url_params) self.assertEquals(response.status_code, 200) obj = json.loads(response.content) self.assertTrue(obj['success'])
# Copyright (c) 2014 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_log import log as logging from nova.scheduler import filters LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ExactDiskFilter(filters.BaseHostFilter): """Exact Disk Filter.""" def host_passes(self, host_state, spec_obj): """Return True if host has the exact amount of disk available.""" requested_disk = (1024 * (spec_obj.root_gb + spec_obj.ephemeral_gb) + spec_obj.swap) if requested_disk != host_state.free_disk_mb: LOG.debug("%(host_state)s does not have exactly " "%(requested_disk)s MB usable disk, it " "has %(usable_disk_mb)s.", {'host_state': host_state, 'requested_disk': requested_disk, 'usable_disk_mb': host_state.free_disk_mb}) return False # NOTE(mgoddard): Setting the limit ensures that it is enforced in # compute. This ensures that if multiple instances are scheduled to a # single host, then all after the first will fail in the claim. host_state.limits['disk_gb'] = host_state.total_usable_disk_gb return True
# Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Train a ResNet-50 model on ImageNet on TPU.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import os import time from absl import app from absl import flags import absl.logging as _logging # pylint: disable=unused-import import tensorflow as tf from official.resnet import imagenet_input from official.resnet import lars_util from official.resnet import resnet_model from tensorflow.contrib import summary from tensorflow.contrib.tpu.python.tpu import async_checkpoint from import evaluation from tensorflow.core.protobuf import rewriter_config_pb2 from tensorflow.python.estimator import estimator FLAGS = flags.FLAGS FAKE_DATA_DIR = 'gs://cloud-tpu-test-datasets/fake_imagenet' flags.DEFINE_bool( 'use_tpu', default=True, help=('Use TPU to execute the model for training and evaluation. If' ' --use_tpu=false, will use whatever devices are available to' ' TensorFlow by default (e.g. CPU and GPU)')) # Cloud TPU Cluster Resolvers flags.DEFINE_string( 'tpu', default=None, help='The Cloud TPU to use for training. This should be either the name ' 'used when creating the Cloud TPU, or a grpc://ip.address.of.tpu:8470 url.') flags.DEFINE_string( 'gcp_project', default=None, help='Project name for the Cloud TPU-enabled project. If not specified, we ' 'will attempt to automatically detect the GCE project from metadata.') flags.DEFINE_string( 'tpu_zone', default=None, help='GCE zone where the Cloud TPU is located in. If not specified, we ' 'will attempt to automatically detect the GCE project from metadata.') # Model specific flags flags.DEFINE_string( 'data_dir', default=FAKE_DATA_DIR, help=('The directory where the ImageNet input data is stored. Please see' ' the for the expected data format.')) flags.DEFINE_string( 'model_dir', default=None, help=('The directory where the model and training/evaluation summaries are' ' stored.')) flags.DEFINE_integer( 'resnet_depth', default=50, help=('Depth of ResNet model to use. Must be one of {18, 34, 50, 101, 152,' ' 200}. ResNet-18 and 34 use the pre-activation residual blocks' ' without bottleneck layers. The other models use pre-activation' ' bottleneck layers. Deeper models require more training time and' ' more memory and may require reducing --train_batch_size to prevent' ' running out of memory.')) flags.DEFINE_string( 'mode', default='train_and_eval', help='One of {"train_and_eval", "train", "eval"}.') flags.DEFINE_integer( 'train_steps', default=112590, help=('The number of steps to use for training. Default is 112590 steps' ' which is approximately 90 epochs at batch size 1024. This flag' ' should be adjusted according to the --train_batch_size flag.')) flags.DEFINE_integer( 'train_batch_size', default=1024, help='Batch size for training.') flags.DEFINE_integer( 'eval_batch_size', default=1024, help='Batch size for evaluation.') flags.DEFINE_integer( 'num_train_images', default=1281167, help='Size of training data set.') flags.DEFINE_integer( 'num_eval_images', default=50000, help='Size of evaluation data set.') flags.DEFINE_integer( 'num_label_classes', default=1000, help='Number of classes, at least 2') flags.DEFINE_integer( 'steps_per_eval', default=1251, help=('Controls how often evaluation is performed. Since evaluation is' ' fairly expensive, it is advised to evaluate as infrequently as' ' possible (i.e. up to --train_steps, which evaluates the model only' ' after finishing the entire training regime).')) flags.DEFINE_integer( 'eval_timeout', default=None, help='Maximum seconds between checkpoints before evaluation terminates.') flags.DEFINE_bool( 'skip_host_call', default=False, help=('Skip the host_call which is executed every training step. This is' ' generally used for generating training summaries (train loss,' ' learning rate, etc...). When --skip_host_call=false, there could' ' be a performance drop if host_call function is slow and cannot' ' keep up with the TPU-side computation.')) flags.DEFINE_integer( 'iterations_per_loop', default=1251, help=('Number of steps to run on TPU before outfeeding metrics to the CPU.' ' If the number of iterations in the loop would exceed the number of' ' train steps, the loop will exit before reaching' ' --iterations_per_loop. The larger this value is, the higher the' ' utilization on the TPU.')) flags.DEFINE_integer( 'num_parallel_calls', default=64, help=('Number of parallel threads in CPU for the input pipeline')) flags.DEFINE_integer( 'num_cores', default=8, help=('Number of TPU cores. For a single TPU device, this is 8 because each' ' TPU has 4 chips each with 2 cores.')) flags.DEFINE_string( 'bigtable_project', None, 'The Cloud Bigtable project. If None, --gcp_project will be used.') flags.DEFINE_string( 'bigtable_instance', None, 'The Cloud Bigtable instance to load data from.') flags.DEFINE_string( 'bigtable_table', 'imagenet', 'The Cloud Bigtable table to load data from.') flags.DEFINE_string( 'bigtable_train_prefix', 'train_', 'The prefix identifying training rows.') flags.DEFINE_string( 'bigtable_eval_prefix', 'validation_', 'The prefix identifying evaluation rows.') flags.DEFINE_string( 'bigtable_column_family', 'tfexample', 'The column family storing TFExamples.') flags.DEFINE_string( 'bigtable_column_qualifier', 'example', 'The column name storing TFExamples.') flags.DEFINE_string( 'data_format', default='channels_last', help=('A flag to override the data format used in the model. The value' ' is either channels_first or channels_last. To run the network on' ' CPU or TPU, channels_last should be used. For GPU, channels_first' ' will improve performance.')) # TODO(chrisying): remove this flag once --transpose_tpu_infeed flag is enabled # by default for TPU flags.DEFINE_bool( 'transpose_input', default=True, help='Use TPU double transpose optimization') flags.DEFINE_string( 'export_dir', default=None, help=('The directory where the exported SavedModel will be stored.')) flags.DEFINE_bool( 'export_to_tpu', default=False, help=('Whether to export additional metagraph with "serve, tpu" tags' ' in addition to "serve" only metagraph.')) flags.DEFINE_string( 'precision', default='bfloat16', help=('Precision to use; one of: {bfloat16, float32}')) flags.DEFINE_float( 'base_learning_rate', default=0.1, help=('Base learning rate when train batch size is 256.')) flags.DEFINE_float( 'momentum', default=0.9, help=('Momentum parameter used in the MomentumOptimizer.')) flags.DEFINE_float( 'weight_decay', default=1e-4, help=('Weight decay coefficiant for l2 regularization.')) flags.DEFINE_float( 'label_smoothing', default=0.0, help=('Label smoothing parameter used in the softmax_cross_entropy')) flags.DEFINE_integer('log_step_count_steps', 64, 'The number of steps at ' 'which the global step information is logged.') flags.DEFINE_bool('enable_lars', default=False, help=('Enable LARS optimizer for large batch training.')) flags.DEFINE_float('poly_rate', default=0.0, help=('Set LARS/Poly learning rate.')) flags.DEFINE_bool( 'use_cache', default=True, help=('Enable cache for training input.')) flags.DEFINE_bool( 'use_async_checkpointing', default=False, help=('Enable async checkpoint')) # Learning rate schedule LR_SCHEDULE = [ # (multiplier, epoch to start) tuples (1.0, 5), (0.1, 30), (0.01, 60), (0.001, 80) ] # The input tensor is in the range of [0, 255], we need to scale them to the # range of [0, 1] MEAN_RGB = [0.485 * 255, 0.456 * 255, 0.406 * 255] STDDEV_RGB = [0.229 * 255, 0.224 * 255, 0.225 * 255] def learning_rate_schedule(current_epoch): """Handles linear scaling rule, gradual warmup, and LR decay. The learning rate starts at 0, then it increases linearly per step. After 5 epochs we reach the base learning rate (scaled to account for batch size). After 30, 60 and 80 epochs the learning rate is divided by 10. After 90 epochs training stops and the LR is set to 0. This ensures that we train for exactly 90 epochs for reproducibility. Args: current_epoch: `Tensor` for current epoch. Returns: A scaled `Tensor` for current learning rate. """ scaled_lr = FLAGS.base_learning_rate * (FLAGS.train_batch_size / 256.0) decay_rate = (scaled_lr * LR_SCHEDULE[0][0] * current_epoch / LR_SCHEDULE[0][1]) for mult, start_epoch in LR_SCHEDULE: decay_rate = tf.where(current_epoch < start_epoch, decay_rate, scaled_lr * mult) return decay_rate def resnet_model_fn(features, labels, mode, params): """The model_fn for ResNet to be used with TPUEstimator. Args: features: `Tensor` of batched images. labels: `Tensor` of labels for the data samples mode: one of `tf.estimator.ModeKeys.{TRAIN,EVAL,PREDICT}` params: `dict` of parameters passed to the model from the TPUEstimator, `params['batch_size']` is always provided and should be used as the effective batch size. Returns: A `TPUEstimatorSpec` for the model """ if isinstance(features, dict): features = features['feature'] # In most cases, the default data format NCHW instead of NHWC should be # used for a significant performance boost on GPU/TPU. NHWC should be used # only if the network needs to be run on CPU since the pooling operations # are only supported on NHWC. if FLAGS.data_format == 'channels_first': assert not FLAGS.transpose_input # channels_first only for GPU features = tf.transpose(features, [0, 3, 1, 2]) if FLAGS.transpose_input and mode != tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT: features = tf.transpose(features, [3, 0, 1, 2]) # HWCN to NHWC # Normalize the image to zero mean and unit variance. features -= tf.constant(MEAN_RGB, shape=[1, 1, 3], dtype=features.dtype) features /= tf.constant(STDDEV_RGB, shape=[1, 1, 3], dtype=features.dtype) # This nested function allows us to avoid duplicating the logic which # builds the network, for different values of --precision. def build_network(): network = resnet_model.resnet_v1( resnet_depth=FLAGS.resnet_depth, num_classes=FLAGS.num_label_classes, data_format=FLAGS.data_format) return network( inputs=features, is_training=(mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN)) if FLAGS.precision == 'bfloat16': with tf.contrib.tpu.bfloat16_scope(): logits = build_network() logits = tf.cast(logits, tf.float32) elif FLAGS.precision == 'float32': logits = build_network() if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT: predictions = { 'classes': tf.argmax(logits, axis=1), 'probabilities': tf.nn.softmax(logits, name='softmax_tensor') } return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec( mode=mode, predictions=predictions, export_outputs={ 'classify': tf.estimator.export.PredictOutput(predictions) }) # If necessary, in the model_fn, use params['batch_size'] instead the batch # size flags (--train_batch_size or --eval_batch_size). batch_size = params['batch_size'] # pylint: disable=unused-variable # Calculate loss, which includes softmax cross entropy and L2 regularization. one_hot_labels = tf.one_hot(labels, FLAGS.num_label_classes) cross_entropy = tf.losses.softmax_cross_entropy( logits=logits, onehot_labels=one_hot_labels, label_smoothing=FLAGS.label_smoothing) # Add weight decay to the loss for non-batch-normalization variables. loss = cross_entropy + FLAGS.weight_decay * tf.add_n( [tf.nn.l2_loss(v) for v in tf.trainable_variables() if 'batch_normalization' not in]) host_call = None if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN: # Compute the current epoch and associated learning rate from global_step. global_step = tf.train.get_global_step() steps_per_epoch = FLAGS.num_train_images / FLAGS.train_batch_size current_epoch = (tf.cast(global_step, tf.float32) / steps_per_epoch) # LARS is a large batch optimizer. LARS enables higher accuracy at batch 16K # and larger batch sizes. if FLAGS.train_batch_size >= 16384 and FLAGS.enable_lars: learning_rate = 0.0 optimizer = lars_util.init_lars_optimizer(current_epoch) else: learning_rate = learning_rate_schedule(current_epoch) optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer( learning_rate=learning_rate, momentum=FLAGS.momentum, use_nesterov=True) if FLAGS.use_tpu: # When using TPU, wrap the optimizer with CrossShardOptimizer which # handles synchronization details between different TPU cores. To the # user, this should look like regular synchronous training. optimizer = tf.contrib.tpu.CrossShardOptimizer(optimizer) # Batch normalization requires UPDATE_OPS to be added as a dependency to # the train operation. update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS) with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops): train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step) if not FLAGS.skip_host_call: def host_call_fn(gs, loss, lr, ce): """Training host call. Creates scalar summaries for training metrics. This function is executed on the CPU and should not directly reference any Tensors in the rest of the `model_fn`. To pass Tensors from the model to the `metric_fn`, provide as part of the `host_call`. See for more information. Arguments should match the list of `Tensor` objects passed as the second element in the tuple passed to `host_call`. Args: gs: `Tensor with shape `[batch]` for the global_step loss: `Tensor` with shape `[batch]` for the training loss. lr: `Tensor` with shape `[batch]` for the learning_rate. ce: `Tensor` with shape `[batch]` for the current_epoch. Returns: List of summary ops to run on the CPU host. """ gs = gs[0] # Host call fns are executed FLAGS.iterations_per_loop times after one # TPU loop is finished, setting max_queue value to the same as number of # iterations will make the summary writer only flush the data to storage # once per loop. with summary.create_file_writer( FLAGS.model_dir, max_queue=FLAGS.iterations_per_loop).as_default(): with summary.always_record_summaries(): summary.scalar('loss', loss[0], step=gs) summary.scalar('learning_rate', lr[0], step=gs) summary.scalar('current_epoch', ce[0], step=gs) return summary.all_summary_ops() # To log the loss, current learning rate, and epoch for Tensorboard, the # summary op needs to be run on the host CPU via host_call. host_call # expects [batch_size, ...] Tensors, thus reshape to introduce a batch # dimension. These Tensors are implicitly concatenated to # [params['batch_size']]. gs_t = tf.reshape(global_step, [1]) loss_t = tf.reshape(loss, [1]) lr_t = tf.reshape(learning_rate, [1]) ce_t = tf.reshape(current_epoch, [1]) host_call = (host_call_fn, [gs_t, loss_t, lr_t, ce_t]) else: train_op = None eval_metrics = None if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL: def metric_fn(labels, logits): """Evaluation metric function. Evaluates accuracy. This function is executed on the CPU and should not directly reference any Tensors in the rest of the `model_fn`. To pass Tensors from the model to the `metric_fn`, provide as part of the `eval_metrics`. See for more information. Arguments should match the list of `Tensor` objects passed as the second element in the tuple passed to `eval_metrics`. Args: labels: `Tensor` with shape `[batch]`. logits: `Tensor` with shape `[batch, num_classes]`. Returns: A dict of the metrics to return from evaluation. """ predictions = tf.argmax(logits, axis=1) top_1_accuracy = tf.metrics.accuracy(labels, predictions) in_top_5 = tf.cast(tf.nn.in_top_k(logits, labels, 5), tf.float32) top_5_accuracy = tf.metrics.mean(in_top_5) return { 'top_1_accuracy': top_1_accuracy, 'top_5_accuracy': top_5_accuracy, } eval_metrics = (metric_fn, [labels, logits]) return tf.contrib.tpu.TPUEstimatorSpec( mode=mode, loss=loss, train_op=train_op, host_call=host_call, eval_metrics=eval_metrics) def _verify_non_empty_string(value, field_name): """Ensures that a given proposed field value is a non-empty string. Args: value: proposed value for the field. field_name: string name of the field, e.g. `project`. Returns: The given value, provided that it passed the checks. Raises: ValueError: the value is not a string, or is a blank string. """ if not isinstance(value, str): raise ValueError( 'Bigtable parameter "%s" must be a string.' % field_name) if not value: raise ValueError( 'Bigtable parameter "%s" must be non-empty.' % field_name) return value def _select_tables_from_flags(): """Construct training and evaluation Bigtable selections from flags. Returns: [training_selection, evaluation_selection] """ project = _verify_non_empty_string( FLAGS.bigtable_project or FLAGS.gcp_project, 'project') instance = _verify_non_empty_string(FLAGS.bigtable_instance, 'instance') table = _verify_non_empty_string(FLAGS.bigtable_table, 'table') train_prefix = _verify_non_empty_string(FLAGS.bigtable_train_prefix, 'train_prefix') eval_prefix = _verify_non_empty_string(FLAGS.bigtable_eval_prefix, 'eval_prefix') column_family = _verify_non_empty_string(FLAGS.bigtable_column_family, 'column_family') column_qualifier = _verify_non_empty_string(FLAGS.bigtable_column_qualifier, 'column_qualifier') return [ imagenet_input.BigtableSelection( project=project, instance=instance, table=table, prefix=p, column_family=column_family, column_qualifier=column_qualifier) for p in (train_prefix, eval_prefix) ] def main(unused_argv): tpu_cluster_resolver = tf.contrib.cluster_resolver.TPUClusterResolver( FLAGS.tpu if (FLAGS.tpu or FLAGS.use_tpu) else '', zone=FLAGS.tpu_zone, project=FLAGS.gcp_project) if FLAGS.use_async_checkpointing: save_checkpoints_steps = None else: save_checkpoints_steps = max(100, FLAGS.iterations_per_loop) config = tf.contrib.tpu.RunConfig( cluster=tpu_cluster_resolver, model_dir=FLAGS.model_dir, save_checkpoints_steps=save_checkpoints_steps, log_step_count_steps=FLAGS.log_step_count_steps, session_config=tf.ConfigProto( graph_options=tf.GraphOptions( rewrite_options=rewriter_config_pb2.RewriterConfig( disable_meta_optimizer=True))), tpu_config=tf.contrib.tpu.TPUConfig( iterations_per_loop=FLAGS.iterations_per_loop, num_shards=FLAGS.num_cores, per_host_input_for_training=tf.contrib.tpu.InputPipelineConfig .PER_HOST_V2)) # pylint: disable=line-too-long resnet_classifier = tf.contrib.tpu.TPUEstimator( use_tpu=FLAGS.use_tpu, model_fn=resnet_model_fn, config=config, train_batch_size=FLAGS.train_batch_size, eval_batch_size=FLAGS.eval_batch_size, export_to_tpu=FLAGS.export_to_tpu) assert FLAGS.precision == 'bfloat16' or FLAGS.precision == 'float32', ( 'Invalid value for --precision flag; must be bfloat16 or float32.')'Precision: %s', FLAGS.precision) use_bfloat16 = FLAGS.precision == 'bfloat16' # Input pipelines are slightly different (with regards to shuffling and # preprocessing) between training and evaluation. if FLAGS.bigtable_instance:'Using Bigtable dataset, table %s', FLAGS.bigtable_table) select_train, select_eval = _select_tables_from_flags() imagenet_train, imagenet_eval = [imagenet_input.ImageNetBigtableInput( is_training=is_training, use_bfloat16=use_bfloat16, transpose_input=FLAGS.transpose_input, selection=selection) for (is_training, selection) in [(True, select_train), (False, select_eval)]] else: if FLAGS.data_dir == FAKE_DATA_DIR:'Using fake dataset.') else:'Using dataset: %s', FLAGS.data_dir) imagenet_train, imagenet_eval = [ imagenet_input.ImageNetInput( is_training=is_training, data_dir=FLAGS.data_dir, transpose_input=FLAGS.transpose_input, cache=FLAGS.use_cache and is_training, num_parallel_calls=FLAGS.num_parallel_calls, use_bfloat16=use_bfloat16) for is_training in [True, False] ] steps_per_epoch = FLAGS.num_train_images // FLAGS.train_batch_size eval_steps = FLAGS.num_eval_images // FLAGS.eval_batch_size if FLAGS.mode == 'eval': # Run evaluation when there's a new checkpoint for ckpt in evaluation.checkpoints_iterator( FLAGS.model_dir, timeout=FLAGS.eval_timeout):'Starting to evaluate.') try: start_timestamp = time.time() # This time will include compilation time eval_results = resnet_classifier.evaluate( input_fn=imagenet_eval.input_fn, steps=eval_steps, checkpoint_path=ckpt) elapsed_time = int(time.time() - start_timestamp)'Eval results: %s. Elapsed seconds: %d', eval_results, elapsed_time) # Terminate eval job when final checkpoint is reached current_step = int(os.path.basename(ckpt).split('-')[1]) if current_step >= FLAGS.train_steps: 'Evaluation finished after training step %d', current_step) break except tf.errors.NotFoundError: # Since the coordinator is on a different job than the TPU worker, # sometimes the TPU worker does not finish initializing until long after # the CPU job tells it to start evaluating. In this case, the checkpoint # file could have been deleted already. 'Checkpoint %s no longer exists, skipping checkpoint', ckpt) else: # FLAGS.mode == 'train' or FLAGS.mode == 'train_and_eval' current_step = estimator._load_global_step_from_checkpoint_dir(FLAGS.model_dir) # pylint: disable=protected-access,line-too-long steps_per_epoch = FLAGS.num_train_images // FLAGS.train_batch_size'Training for %d steps (%.2f epochs in total). Current' ' step %d.', FLAGS.train_steps, FLAGS.train_steps / steps_per_epoch, current_step) start_timestamp = time.time() # This time will include compilation time if FLAGS.mode == 'train': hooks = [] if FLAGS.use_async_checkpointing: hooks.append( async_checkpoint.AsyncCheckpointSaverHook( checkpoint_dir=FLAGS.model_dir, save_steps=max(100, FLAGS.iterations_per_loop))) resnet_classifier.train( input_fn=imagenet_train.input_fn, max_steps=FLAGS.train_steps, hooks=hooks) else: assert FLAGS.mode == 'train_and_eval' while current_step < FLAGS.train_steps: # Train for up to steps_per_eval number of steps. # At the end of training, a checkpoint will be written to --model_dir. next_checkpoint = min(current_step + FLAGS.steps_per_eval, FLAGS.train_steps) resnet_classifier.train( input_fn=imagenet_train.input_fn, max_steps=next_checkpoint) current_step = next_checkpoint'Finished training up to step %d. Elapsed seconds %d.', next_checkpoint, int(time.time() - start_timestamp)) # Evaluate the model on the most recent model in --model_dir. # Since evaluation happens in batches of --eval_batch_size, some images # may be excluded modulo the batch size. As long as the batch size is # consistent, the evaluated images are also consistent.'Starting to evaluate.') eval_results = resnet_classifier.evaluate( input_fn=imagenet_eval.input_fn, steps=FLAGS.num_eval_images // FLAGS.eval_batch_size)'Eval results at step %d: %s', next_checkpoint, eval_results) elapsed_time = int(time.time() - start_timestamp)'Finished training up to step %d. Elapsed seconds %d.', FLAGS.train_steps, elapsed_time) if FLAGS.export_dir is not None: # The guide to serve a exported TensorFlow model is at: #'Starting to export model.') resnet_classifier.export_saved_model( export_dir_base=FLAGS.export_dir, serving_input_receiver_fn=imagenet_input.image_serving_input_fn) if __name__ == '__main__': tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.INFO)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2010 Dirk Holtwick, # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ Updates the version infos """ import time import re import cgi VERSION = open("VERSION.txt", "r").read().strip() BUILD = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") FILES = [ "", "", # "", "sx/pisa3/", "doc/pisa-en.html", ] try: HELP = cgi.escape(open("HELP.txt", "r").read(), 1) except: HELP = "" HELP = "<!--HELP--><pre>" + HELP + "</pre><!--HELP-->" rxversion = re.compile("VERSION{.*?}VERSION", re.MULTILINE|re.IGNORECASE|re.DOTALL) rxbuild = re.compile("BUILD{.*?}BUILD", re.MULTILINE|re.IGNORECASE|re.DOTALL) rxversionhtml = re.compile("\<\!--VERSION--\>.*?\<\!--VERSION--\>", re.MULTILINE|re.IGNORECASE|re.DOTALL) rxhelphtml = re.compile("\<\!--HELP--\>.*?\<\!--HELP--\>", re.MULTILINE|re.IGNORECASE|re.DOTALL) for fname in FILES: print "Update", fname, "..." data = open(fname, "rb").read() data = rxversion.sub("VERSION{" + VERSION + "}VERSION", data) data = rxversionhtml.sub("<!--VERSION-->" + VERSION + "<!--VERSION-->", data) data = rxbuild.sub("BUILD{" + BUILD + "}BUILD", data) data = rxhelphtml.sub(HELP, data) open(fname, "wb").write(data)
""" Python Character Mapping Codec generated from 'VENDORS/MICSFT/PC/CP850.TXT' with """#" import codecs ### Codec APIs class Codec(codecs.Codec): def encode(self,input,errors='strict'): return codecs.charmap_encode(input,errors,encoding_map) def decode(self,input,errors='strict'): return codecs.charmap_decode(input,errors,decoding_table) class IncrementalEncoder(codecs.IncrementalEncoder): def encode(self, input, final=False): return codecs.charmap_encode(input,self.errors,encoding_map)[0] class IncrementalDecoder(codecs.IncrementalDecoder): def decode(self, input, final=False): return codecs.charmap_decode(input,self.errors,decoding_table)[0] class StreamWriter(Codec,codecs.StreamWriter): pass class StreamReader(Codec,codecs.StreamReader): pass ### encodings module API def getregentry(): return codecs.CodecInfo( name='cp850', encode=Codec().encode, decode=Codec().decode, incrementalencoder=IncrementalEncoder, incrementaldecoder=IncrementalDecoder, streamreader=StreamReader, streamwriter=StreamWriter, ) ### Decoding Map decoding_map = codecs.make_identity_dict(range(256)) decoding_map.update({ 0x0080: 0x00c7, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA 0x0081: 0x00fc, # LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS 0x0082: 0x00e9, # LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE 0x0083: 0x00e2, # LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX 0x0084: 0x00e4, # LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS 0x0085: 0x00e0, # LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE 0x0086: 0x00e5, # LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE 0x0087: 0x00e7, # LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA 0x0088: 0x00ea, # LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX 0x0089: 0x00eb, # LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS 0x008a: 0x00e8, # LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE 0x008b: 0x00ef, # LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS 0x008c: 0x00ee, # LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX 0x008d: 0x00ec, # LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE 0x008e: 0x00c4, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS 0x008f: 0x00c5, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE 0x0090: 0x00c9, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE 0x0091: 0x00e6, # LATIN SMALL LIGATURE AE 0x0092: 0x00c6, # LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE AE 0x0093: 0x00f4, # LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX 0x0094: 0x00f6, # LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS 0x0095: 0x00f2, # LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE 0x0096: 0x00fb, # LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX 0x0097: 0x00f9, # LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE 0x0098: 0x00ff, # LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS 0x0099: 0x00d6, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS 0x009a: 0x00dc, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS 0x009b: 0x00f8, # LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE 0x009c: 0x00a3, # POUND SIGN 0x009d: 0x00d8, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE 0x009e: 0x00d7, # MULTIPLICATION SIGN 0x009f: 0x0192, # LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH HOOK 0x00a0: 0x00e1, # LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE 0x00a1: 0x00ed, # LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE 0x00a2: 0x00f3, # LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE 0x00a3: 0x00fa, # LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE 0x00a4: 0x00f1, # LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE 0x00a5: 0x00d1, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE 0x00a6: 0x00aa, # FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR 0x00a7: 0x00ba, # MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR 0x00a8: 0x00bf, # INVERTED QUESTION MARK 0x00a9: 0x00ae, # REGISTERED SIGN 0x00aa: 0x00ac, # NOT SIGN 0x00ab: 0x00bd, # VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF 0x00ac: 0x00bc, # VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER 0x00ad: 0x00a1, # INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK 0x00ae: 0x00ab, # LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK 0x00af: 0x00bb, # RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK 0x00b0: 0x2591, # LIGHT SHADE 0x00b1: 0x2592, # MEDIUM SHADE 0x00b2: 0x2593, # DARK SHADE 0x00b3: 0x2502, # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL 0x00b4: 0x2524, # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND LEFT 0x00b5: 0x00c1, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE 0x00b6: 0x00c2, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX 0x00b7: 0x00c0, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE 0x00b8: 0x00a9, # COPYRIGHT SIGN 0x00b9: 0x2563, # BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL AND LEFT 0x00ba: 0x2551, # BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL 0x00bb: 0x2557, # BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE DOWN AND LEFT 0x00bc: 0x255d, # BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE UP AND LEFT 0x00bd: 0x00a2, # CENT SIGN 0x00be: 0x00a5, # YEN SIGN 0x00bf: 0x2510, # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND LEFT 0x00c0: 0x2514, # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND RIGHT 0x00c1: 0x2534, # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND HORIZONTAL 0x00c2: 0x252c, # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND HORIZONTAL 0x00c3: 0x251c, # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND RIGHT 0x00c4: 0x2500, # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT HORIZONTAL 0x00c5: 0x253c, # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL 0x00c6: 0x00e3, # LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE 0x00c7: 0x00c3, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE 0x00c8: 0x255a, # BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE UP AND RIGHT 0x00c9: 0x2554, # BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE DOWN AND RIGHT 0x00ca: 0x2569, # BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE UP AND HORIZONTAL 0x00cb: 0x2566, # BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE DOWN AND HORIZONTAL 0x00cc: 0x2560, # BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL AND RIGHT 0x00cd: 0x2550, # BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE HORIZONTAL 0x00ce: 0x256c, # BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL 0x00cf: 0x00a4, # CURRENCY SIGN 0x00d0: 0x00f0, # LATIN SMALL LETTER ETH 0x00d1: 0x00d0, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH 0x00d2: 0x00ca, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX 0x00d3: 0x00cb, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS 0x00d4: 0x00c8, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE 0x00d5: 0x0131, # LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS I 0x00d6: 0x00cd, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE 0x00d7: 0x00ce, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX 0x00d8: 0x00cf, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS 0x00d9: 0x2518, # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND LEFT 0x00da: 0x250c, # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND RIGHT 0x00db: 0x2588, # FULL BLOCK 0x00dc: 0x2584, # LOWER HALF BLOCK 0x00dd: 0x00a6, # BROKEN BAR 0x00de: 0x00cc, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE 0x00df: 0x2580, # UPPER HALF BLOCK 0x00e0: 0x00d3, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE 0x00e1: 0x00df, # LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S 0x00e2: 0x00d4, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX 0x00e3: 0x00d2, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE 0x00e4: 0x00f5, # LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE 0x00e5: 0x00d5, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE 0x00e6: 0x00b5, # MICRO SIGN 0x00e7: 0x00fe, # LATIN SMALL LETTER THORN 0x00e8: 0x00de, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER THORN 0x00e9: 0x00da, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE 0x00ea: 0x00db, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX 0x00eb: 0x00d9, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE 0x00ec: 0x00fd, # LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE 0x00ed: 0x00dd, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE 0x00ee: 0x00af, # MACRON 0x00ef: 0x00b4, # ACUTE ACCENT 0x00f0: 0x00ad, # SOFT HYPHEN 0x00f1: 0x00b1, # PLUS-MINUS SIGN 0x00f2: 0x2017, # DOUBLE LOW LINE 0x00f3: 0x00be, # VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS 0x00f4: 0x00b6, # PILCROW SIGN 0x00f5: 0x00a7, # SECTION SIGN 0x00f6: 0x00f7, # DIVISION SIGN 0x00f7: 0x00b8, # CEDILLA 0x00f8: 0x00b0, # DEGREE SIGN 0x00f9: 0x00a8, # DIAERESIS 0x00fa: 0x00b7, # MIDDLE DOT 0x00fb: 0x00b9, # SUPERSCRIPT ONE 0x00fc: 0x00b3, # SUPERSCRIPT THREE 0x00fd: 0x00b2, # SUPERSCRIPT TWO 0x00fe: 0x25a0, # BLACK SQUARE 0x00ff: 0x00a0, # NO-BREAK SPACE }) ### Decoding Table decoding_table = ( u'\x00' # 0x0000 -> NULL u'\x01' # 0x0001 -> START OF HEADING u'\x02' # 0x0002 -> START OF TEXT u'\x03' # 0x0003 -> END OF TEXT u'\x04' # 0x0004 -> END OF TRANSMISSION u'\x05' # 0x0005 -> ENQUIRY u'\x06' # 0x0006 -> ACKNOWLEDGE u'\x07' # 0x0007 -> BELL u'\x08' # 0x0008 -> BACKSPACE u'\t' # 0x0009 -> HORIZONTAL TABULATION u'\n' # 0x000a -> LINE FEED u'\x0b' # 0x000b -> VERTICAL TABULATION u'\x0c' # 0x000c -> FORM FEED u'\r' # 0x000d -> CARRIAGE RETURN u'\x0e' # 0x000e -> SHIFT OUT u'\x0f' # 0x000f -> SHIFT IN u'\x10' # 0x0010 -> DATA LINK ESCAPE u'\x11' # 0x0011 -> DEVICE CONTROL ONE u'\x12' # 0x0012 -> DEVICE CONTROL TWO u'\x13' # 0x0013 -> DEVICE CONTROL THREE u'\x14' # 0x0014 -> DEVICE CONTROL FOUR u'\x15' # 0x0015 -> NEGATIVE ACKNOWLEDGE u'\x16' # 0x0016 -> SYNCHRONOUS IDLE u'\x17' # 0x0017 -> END OF TRANSMISSION BLOCK u'\x18' # 0x0018 -> CANCEL u'\x19' # 0x0019 -> END OF MEDIUM u'\x1a' # 0x001a -> SUBSTITUTE u'\x1b' # 0x001b -> ESCAPE u'\x1c' # 0x001c -> FILE SEPARATOR u'\x1d' # 0x001d -> GROUP SEPARATOR u'\x1e' # 0x001e -> RECORD SEPARATOR u'\x1f' # 0x001f -> UNIT SEPARATOR u' ' # 0x0020 -> SPACE u'!' # 0x0021 -> EXCLAMATION MARK u'"' # 0x0022 -> QUOTATION MARK u'#' # 0x0023 -> NUMBER SIGN u'$' # 0x0024 -> DOLLAR SIGN u'%' # 0x0025 -> PERCENT SIGN u'&' # 0x0026 -> AMPERSAND u"'" # 0x0027 -> APOSTROPHE u'(' # 0x0028 -> LEFT PARENTHESIS u')' # 0x0029 -> RIGHT PARENTHESIS u'*' # 0x002a -> ASTERISK u'+' # 0x002b -> PLUS SIGN u',' # 0x002c -> COMMA u'-' # 0x002d -> HYPHEN-MINUS u'.' # 0x002e -> FULL STOP u'/' # 0x002f -> SOLIDUS u'0' # 0x0030 -> DIGIT ZERO u'1' # 0x0031 -> DIGIT ONE u'2' # 0x0032 -> DIGIT TWO u'3' # 0x0033 -> DIGIT THREE u'4' # 0x0034 -> DIGIT FOUR u'5' # 0x0035 -> DIGIT FIVE u'6' # 0x0036 -> DIGIT SIX u'7' # 0x0037 -> DIGIT SEVEN u'8' # 0x0038 -> DIGIT EIGHT u'9' # 0x0039 -> DIGIT NINE u':' # 0x003a -> COLON u';' # 0x003b -> SEMICOLON u'<' # 0x003c -> LESS-THAN SIGN u'=' # 0x003d -> EQUALS SIGN u'>' # 0x003e -> GREATER-THAN SIGN u'?' # 0x003f -> QUESTION MARK u'@' # 0x0040 -> COMMERCIAL AT u'A' # 0x0041 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A u'B' # 0x0042 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B u'C' # 0x0043 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C u'D' # 0x0044 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D u'E' # 0x0045 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E u'F' # 0x0046 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F u'G' # 0x0047 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G u'H' # 0x0048 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H u'I' # 0x0049 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I u'J' # 0x004a -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J u'K' # 0x004b -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K u'L' # 0x004c -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L u'M' # 0x004d -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M u'N' # 0x004e -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N u'O' # 0x004f -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O u'P' # 0x0050 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P u'Q' # 0x0051 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q u'R' # 0x0052 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R u'S' # 0x0053 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S u'T' # 0x0054 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T u'U' # 0x0055 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U u'V' # 0x0056 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V u'W' # 0x0057 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W u'X' # 0x0058 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X u'Y' # 0x0059 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y u'Z' # 0x005a -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z u'[' # 0x005b -> LEFT SQUARE BRACKET u'\\' # 0x005c -> REVERSE SOLIDUS u']' # 0x005d -> RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET u'^' # 0x005e -> CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT u'_' # 0x005f -> LOW LINE u'`' # 0x0060 -> GRAVE ACCENT u'a' # 0x0061 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER A u'b' # 0x0062 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER B u'c' # 0x0063 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER C u'd' # 0x0064 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER D u'e' # 0x0065 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER E u'f' # 0x0066 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER F u'g' # 0x0067 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER G u'h' # 0x0068 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER H u'i' # 0x0069 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER I u'j' # 0x006a -> LATIN SMALL LETTER J u'k' # 0x006b -> LATIN SMALL LETTER K u'l' # 0x006c -> LATIN SMALL LETTER L u'm' # 0x006d -> LATIN SMALL LETTER M u'n' # 0x006e -> LATIN SMALL LETTER N u'o' # 0x006f -> LATIN SMALL LETTER O u'p' # 0x0070 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER P u'q' # 0x0071 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER Q u'r' # 0x0072 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER R u's' # 0x0073 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER S u't' # 0x0074 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER T u'u' # 0x0075 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER U u'v' # 0x0076 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER V u'w' # 0x0077 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER W u'x' # 0x0078 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER X u'y' # 0x0079 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER Y u'z' # 0x007a -> LATIN SMALL LETTER Z u'{' # 0x007b -> LEFT CURLY BRACKET u'|' # 0x007c -> VERTICAL LINE u'}' # 0x007d -> RIGHT CURLY BRACKET u'~' # 0x007e -> TILDE u'\x7f' # 0x007f -> DELETE u'\xc7' # 0x0080 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA u'\xfc' # 0x0081 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS u'\xe9' # 0x0082 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE u'\xe2' # 0x0083 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX u'\xe4' # 0x0084 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS u'\xe0' # 0x0085 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE u'\xe5' # 0x0086 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE u'\xe7' # 0x0087 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA u'\xea' # 0x0088 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX u'\xeb' # 0x0089 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS u'\xe8' # 0x008a -> LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE u'\xef' # 0x008b -> LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS u'\xee' # 0x008c -> LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX u'\xec' # 0x008d -> LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE u'\xc4' # 0x008e -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS u'\xc5' # 0x008f -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE u'\xc9' # 0x0090 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE u'\xe6' # 0x0091 -> LATIN SMALL LIGATURE AE u'\xc6' # 0x0092 -> LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE AE u'\xf4' # 0x0093 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX u'\xf6' # 0x0094 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS u'\xf2' # 0x0095 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE u'\xfb' # 0x0096 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX u'\xf9' # 0x0097 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE u'\xff' # 0x0098 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS u'\xd6' # 0x0099 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS u'\xdc' # 0x009a -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS u'\xf8' # 0x009b -> LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE u'\xa3' # 0x009c -> POUND SIGN u'\xd8' # 0x009d -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE u'\xd7' # 0x009e -> MULTIPLICATION SIGN u'\u0192' # 0x009f -> LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH HOOK u'\xe1' # 0x00a0 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE u'\xed' # 0x00a1 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE u'\xf3' # 0x00a2 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE u'\xfa' # 0x00a3 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE u'\xf1' # 0x00a4 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE u'\xd1' # 0x00a5 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE u'\xaa' # 0x00a6 -> FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR u'\xba' # 0x00a7 -> MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR u'\xbf' # 0x00a8 -> INVERTED QUESTION MARK u'\xae' # 0x00a9 -> REGISTERED SIGN u'\xac' # 0x00aa -> NOT SIGN u'\xbd' # 0x00ab -> VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF u'\xbc' # 0x00ac -> VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER u'\xa1' # 0x00ad -> INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK u'\xab' # 0x00ae -> LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK u'\xbb' # 0x00af -> RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK u'\u2591' # 0x00b0 -> LIGHT SHADE u'\u2592' # 0x00b1 -> MEDIUM SHADE u'\u2593' # 0x00b2 -> DARK SHADE u'\u2502' # 0x00b3 -> BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL u'\u2524' # 0x00b4 -> BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND LEFT u'\xc1' # 0x00b5 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE u'\xc2' # 0x00b6 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX u'\xc0' # 0x00b7 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE u'\xa9' # 0x00b8 -> COPYRIGHT SIGN u'\u2563' # 0x00b9 -> BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL AND LEFT u'\u2551' # 0x00ba -> BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL u'\u2557' # 0x00bb -> BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE DOWN AND LEFT u'\u255d' # 0x00bc -> BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE UP AND LEFT u'\xa2' # 0x00bd -> CENT SIGN u'\xa5' # 0x00be -> YEN SIGN u'\u2510' # 0x00bf -> BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND LEFT u'\u2514' # 0x00c0 -> BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND RIGHT u'\u2534' # 0x00c1 -> BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND HORIZONTAL u'\u252c' # 0x00c2 -> BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND HORIZONTAL u'\u251c' # 0x00c3 -> BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND RIGHT u'\u2500' # 0x00c4 -> BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT HORIZONTAL u'\u253c' # 0x00c5 -> BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL u'\xe3' # 0x00c6 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE u'\xc3' # 0x00c7 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE u'\u255a' # 0x00c8 -> BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE UP AND RIGHT u'\u2554' # 0x00c9 -> BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE DOWN AND RIGHT u'\u2569' # 0x00ca -> BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE UP AND HORIZONTAL u'\u2566' # 0x00cb -> BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE DOWN AND HORIZONTAL u'\u2560' # 0x00cc -> BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL AND RIGHT u'\u2550' # 0x00cd -> BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE HORIZONTAL u'\u256c' # 0x00ce -> BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL u'\xa4' # 0x00cf -> CURRENCY SIGN u'\xf0' # 0x00d0 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER ETH u'\xd0' # 0x00d1 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH u'\xca' # 0x00d2 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX u'\xcb' # 0x00d3 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS u'\xc8' # 0x00d4 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE u'\u0131' # 0x00d5 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS I u'\xcd' # 0x00d6 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE u'\xce' # 0x00d7 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX u'\xcf' # 0x00d8 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS u'\u2518' # 0x00d9 -> BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND LEFT u'\u250c' # 0x00da -> BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND RIGHT u'\u2588' # 0x00db -> FULL BLOCK u'\u2584' # 0x00dc -> LOWER HALF BLOCK u'\xa6' # 0x00dd -> BROKEN BAR u'\xcc' # 0x00de -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE u'\u2580' # 0x00df -> UPPER HALF BLOCK u'\xd3' # 0x00e0 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE u'\xdf' # 0x00e1 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S u'\xd4' # 0x00e2 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX u'\xd2' # 0x00e3 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE u'\xf5' # 0x00e4 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE u'\xd5' # 0x00e5 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE u'\xb5' # 0x00e6 -> MICRO SIGN u'\xfe' # 0x00e7 -> LATIN SMALL LETTER THORN u'\xde' # 0x00e8 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER THORN u'\xda' # 0x00e9 -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE u'\xdb' # 0x00ea -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX u'\xd9' # 0x00eb -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE u'\xfd' # 0x00ec -> LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE u'\xdd' # 0x00ed -> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE u'\xaf' # 0x00ee -> MACRON u'\xb4' # 0x00ef -> ACUTE ACCENT u'\xad' # 0x00f0 -> SOFT HYPHEN u'\xb1' # 0x00f1 -> PLUS-MINUS SIGN u'\u2017' # 0x00f2 -> DOUBLE LOW LINE u'\xbe' # 0x00f3 -> VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS u'\xb6' # 0x00f4 -> PILCROW SIGN u'\xa7' # 0x00f5 -> SECTION SIGN u'\xf7' # 0x00f6 -> DIVISION SIGN u'\xb8' # 0x00f7 -> CEDILLA u'\xb0' # 0x00f8 -> DEGREE SIGN u'\xa8' # 0x00f9 -> DIAERESIS u'\xb7' # 0x00fa -> MIDDLE DOT u'\xb9' # 0x00fb -> SUPERSCRIPT ONE u'\xb3' # 0x00fc -> SUPERSCRIPT THREE u'\xb2' # 0x00fd -> SUPERSCRIPT TWO u'\u25a0' # 0x00fe -> BLACK SQUARE u'\xa0' # 0x00ff -> NO-BREAK SPACE ) ### Encoding Map encoding_map = { 0x0000: 0x0000, # NULL 0x0001: 0x0001, # START OF HEADING 0x0002: 0x0002, # START OF TEXT 0x0003: 0x0003, # END OF TEXT 0x0004: 0x0004, # END OF TRANSMISSION 0x0005: 0x0005, # ENQUIRY 0x0006: 0x0006, # ACKNOWLEDGE 0x0007: 0x0007, # BELL 0x0008: 0x0008, # BACKSPACE 0x0009: 0x0009, # HORIZONTAL TABULATION 0x000a: 0x000a, # LINE FEED 0x000b: 0x000b, # VERTICAL TABULATION 0x000c: 0x000c, # FORM FEED 0x000d: 0x000d, # CARRIAGE RETURN 0x000e: 0x000e, # SHIFT OUT 0x000f: 0x000f, # SHIFT IN 0x0010: 0x0010, # DATA LINK ESCAPE 0x0011: 0x0011, # DEVICE CONTROL ONE 0x0012: 0x0012, # DEVICE CONTROL TWO 0x0013: 0x0013, # DEVICE CONTROL THREE 0x0014: 0x0014, # DEVICE CONTROL FOUR 0x0015: 0x0015, # NEGATIVE ACKNOWLEDGE 0x0016: 0x0016, # SYNCHRONOUS IDLE 0x0017: 0x0017, # END OF TRANSMISSION BLOCK 0x0018: 0x0018, # CANCEL 0x0019: 0x0019, # END OF MEDIUM 0x001a: 0x001a, # SUBSTITUTE 0x001b: 0x001b, # ESCAPE 0x001c: 0x001c, # FILE SEPARATOR 0x001d: 0x001d, # GROUP SEPARATOR 0x001e: 0x001e, # RECORD SEPARATOR 0x001f: 0x001f, # UNIT SEPARATOR 0x0020: 0x0020, # SPACE 0x0021: 0x0021, # EXCLAMATION MARK 0x0022: 0x0022, # QUOTATION MARK 0x0023: 0x0023, # NUMBER SIGN 0x0024: 0x0024, # DOLLAR SIGN 0x0025: 0x0025, # PERCENT SIGN 0x0026: 0x0026, # AMPERSAND 0x0027: 0x0027, # APOSTROPHE 0x0028: 0x0028, # LEFT PARENTHESIS 0x0029: 0x0029, # RIGHT PARENTHESIS 0x002a: 0x002a, # ASTERISK 0x002b: 0x002b, # PLUS SIGN 0x002c: 0x002c, # COMMA 0x002d: 0x002d, # HYPHEN-MINUS 0x002e: 0x002e, # FULL STOP 0x002f: 0x002f, # SOLIDUS 0x0030: 0x0030, # DIGIT ZERO 0x0031: 0x0031, # DIGIT ONE 0x0032: 0x0032, # DIGIT TWO 0x0033: 0x0033, # DIGIT THREE 0x0034: 0x0034, # DIGIT FOUR 0x0035: 0x0035, # DIGIT FIVE 0x0036: 0x0036, # DIGIT SIX 0x0037: 0x0037, # DIGIT SEVEN 0x0038: 0x0038, # DIGIT EIGHT 0x0039: 0x0039, # DIGIT NINE 0x003a: 0x003a, # COLON 0x003b: 0x003b, # SEMICOLON 0x003c: 0x003c, # LESS-THAN SIGN 0x003d: 0x003d, # EQUALS SIGN 0x003e: 0x003e, # GREATER-THAN SIGN 0x003f: 0x003f, # QUESTION MARK 0x0040: 0x0040, # COMMERCIAL AT 0x0041: 0x0041, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A 0x0042: 0x0042, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B 0x0043: 0x0043, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C 0x0044: 0x0044, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D 0x0045: 0x0045, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E 0x0046: 0x0046, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F 0x0047: 0x0047, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G 0x0048: 0x0048, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H 0x0049: 0x0049, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I 0x004a: 0x004a, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J 0x004b: 0x004b, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K 0x004c: 0x004c, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L 0x004d: 0x004d, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M 0x004e: 0x004e, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N 0x004f: 0x004f, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O 0x0050: 0x0050, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P 0x0051: 0x0051, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q 0x0052: 0x0052, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R 0x0053: 0x0053, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S 0x0054: 0x0054, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T 0x0055: 0x0055, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U 0x0056: 0x0056, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V 0x0057: 0x0057, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W 0x0058: 0x0058, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X 0x0059: 0x0059, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y 0x005a: 0x005a, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z 0x005b: 0x005b, # LEFT SQUARE BRACKET 0x005c: 0x005c, # REVERSE SOLIDUS 0x005d: 0x005d, # RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET 0x005e: 0x005e, # CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT 0x005f: 0x005f, # LOW LINE 0x0060: 0x0060, # GRAVE ACCENT 0x0061: 0x0061, # LATIN SMALL LETTER A 0x0062: 0x0062, # LATIN SMALL LETTER B 0x0063: 0x0063, # LATIN SMALL LETTER C 0x0064: 0x0064, # LATIN SMALL LETTER D 0x0065: 0x0065, # LATIN SMALL LETTER E 0x0066: 0x0066, # LATIN SMALL LETTER F 0x0067: 0x0067, # LATIN SMALL LETTER G 0x0068: 0x0068, # LATIN SMALL LETTER H 0x0069: 0x0069, # LATIN SMALL LETTER I 0x006a: 0x006a, # LATIN SMALL LETTER J 0x006b: 0x006b, # LATIN SMALL LETTER K 0x006c: 0x006c, # LATIN SMALL LETTER L 0x006d: 0x006d, # LATIN SMALL LETTER M 0x006e: 0x006e, # LATIN SMALL LETTER N 0x006f: 0x006f, # LATIN SMALL LETTER O 0x0070: 0x0070, # LATIN SMALL LETTER P 0x0071: 0x0071, # LATIN SMALL LETTER Q 0x0072: 0x0072, # LATIN SMALL LETTER R 0x0073: 0x0073, # LATIN SMALL LETTER S 0x0074: 0x0074, # LATIN SMALL LETTER T 0x0075: 0x0075, # LATIN SMALL LETTER U 0x0076: 0x0076, # LATIN SMALL LETTER V 0x0077: 0x0077, # LATIN SMALL LETTER W 0x0078: 0x0078, # LATIN SMALL LETTER X 0x0079: 0x0079, # LATIN SMALL LETTER Y 0x007a: 0x007a, # LATIN SMALL LETTER Z 0x007b: 0x007b, # LEFT CURLY BRACKET 0x007c: 0x007c, # VERTICAL LINE 0x007d: 0x007d, # RIGHT CURLY BRACKET 0x007e: 0x007e, # TILDE 0x007f: 0x007f, # DELETE 0x00a0: 0x00ff, # NO-BREAK SPACE 0x00a1: 0x00ad, # INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK 0x00a2: 0x00bd, # CENT SIGN 0x00a3: 0x009c, # POUND SIGN 0x00a4: 0x00cf, # CURRENCY SIGN 0x00a5: 0x00be, # YEN SIGN 0x00a6: 0x00dd, # BROKEN BAR 0x00a7: 0x00f5, # SECTION SIGN 0x00a8: 0x00f9, # DIAERESIS 0x00a9: 0x00b8, # COPYRIGHT SIGN 0x00aa: 0x00a6, # FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR 0x00ab: 0x00ae, # LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK 0x00ac: 0x00aa, # NOT SIGN 0x00ad: 0x00f0, # SOFT HYPHEN 0x00ae: 0x00a9, # REGISTERED SIGN 0x00af: 0x00ee, # MACRON 0x00b0: 0x00f8, # DEGREE SIGN 0x00b1: 0x00f1, # PLUS-MINUS SIGN 0x00b2: 0x00fd, # SUPERSCRIPT TWO 0x00b3: 0x00fc, # SUPERSCRIPT THREE 0x00b4: 0x00ef, # ACUTE ACCENT 0x00b5: 0x00e6, # MICRO SIGN 0x00b6: 0x00f4, # PILCROW SIGN 0x00b7: 0x00fa, # MIDDLE DOT 0x00b8: 0x00f7, # CEDILLA 0x00b9: 0x00fb, # SUPERSCRIPT ONE 0x00ba: 0x00a7, # MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR 0x00bb: 0x00af, # RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK 0x00bc: 0x00ac, # VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER 0x00bd: 0x00ab, # VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF 0x00be: 0x00f3, # VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS 0x00bf: 0x00a8, # INVERTED QUESTION MARK 0x00c0: 0x00b7, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE 0x00c1: 0x00b5, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE 0x00c2: 0x00b6, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX 0x00c3: 0x00c7, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE 0x00c4: 0x008e, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS 0x00c5: 0x008f, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE 0x00c6: 0x0092, # LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE AE 0x00c7: 0x0080, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA 0x00c8: 0x00d4, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE 0x00c9: 0x0090, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE 0x00ca: 0x00d2, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX 0x00cb: 0x00d3, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS 0x00cc: 0x00de, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE 0x00cd: 0x00d6, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE 0x00ce: 0x00d7, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX 0x00cf: 0x00d8, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS 0x00d0: 0x00d1, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER ETH 0x00d1: 0x00a5, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE 0x00d2: 0x00e3, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE 0x00d3: 0x00e0, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE 0x00d4: 0x00e2, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX 0x00d5: 0x00e5, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE 0x00d6: 0x0099, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS 0x00d7: 0x009e, # MULTIPLICATION SIGN 0x00d8: 0x009d, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH STROKE 0x00d9: 0x00eb, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE 0x00da: 0x00e9, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE 0x00db: 0x00ea, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX 0x00dc: 0x009a, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS 0x00dd: 0x00ed, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE 0x00de: 0x00e8, # LATIN CAPITAL LETTER THORN 0x00df: 0x00e1, # LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S 0x00e0: 0x0085, # LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE 0x00e1: 0x00a0, # LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH ACUTE 0x00e2: 0x0083, # LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX 0x00e3: 0x00c6, # LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH TILDE 0x00e4: 0x0084, # LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS 0x00e5: 0x0086, # LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE 0x00e6: 0x0091, # LATIN SMALL LIGATURE AE 0x00e7: 0x0087, # LATIN SMALL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA 0x00e8: 0x008a, # LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH GRAVE 0x00e9: 0x0082, # LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE 0x00ea: 0x0088, # LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX 0x00eb: 0x0089, # LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS 0x00ec: 0x008d, # LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH GRAVE 0x00ed: 0x00a1, # LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH ACUTE 0x00ee: 0x008c, # LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX 0x00ef: 0x008b, # LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS 0x00f0: 0x00d0, # LATIN SMALL LETTER ETH 0x00f1: 0x00a4, # LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH TILDE 0x00f2: 0x0095, # LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH GRAVE 0x00f3: 0x00a2, # LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH ACUTE 0x00f4: 0x0093, # LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX 0x00f5: 0x00e4, # LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH TILDE 0x00f6: 0x0094, # LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS 0x00f7: 0x00f6, # DIVISION SIGN 0x00f8: 0x009b, # LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH STROKE 0x00f9: 0x0097, # LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH GRAVE 0x00fa: 0x00a3, # LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE 0x00fb: 0x0096, # LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX 0x00fc: 0x0081, # LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS 0x00fd: 0x00ec, # LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE 0x00fe: 0x00e7, # LATIN SMALL LETTER THORN 0x00ff: 0x0098, # LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS 0x0131: 0x00d5, # LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS I 0x0192: 0x009f, # LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH HOOK 0x2017: 0x00f2, # DOUBLE LOW LINE 0x2500: 0x00c4, # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT HORIZONTAL 0x2502: 0x00b3, # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL 0x250c: 0x00da, # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND RIGHT 0x2510: 0x00bf, # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND LEFT 0x2514: 0x00c0, # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND RIGHT 0x2518: 0x00d9, # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND LEFT 0x251c: 0x00c3, # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND RIGHT 0x2524: 0x00b4, # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND LEFT 0x252c: 0x00c2, # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND HORIZONTAL 0x2534: 0x00c1, # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND HORIZONTAL 0x253c: 0x00c5, # BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL 0x2550: 0x00cd, # BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE HORIZONTAL 0x2551: 0x00ba, # BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL 0x2554: 0x00c9, # BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE DOWN AND RIGHT 0x2557: 0x00bb, # BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE DOWN AND LEFT 0x255a: 0x00c8, # BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE UP AND RIGHT 0x255d: 0x00bc, # BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE UP AND LEFT 0x2560: 0x00cc, # BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL AND RIGHT 0x2563: 0x00b9, # BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL AND LEFT 0x2566: 0x00cb, # BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE DOWN AND HORIZONTAL 0x2569: 0x00ca, # BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE UP AND HORIZONTAL 0x256c: 0x00ce, # BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL 0x2580: 0x00df, # UPPER HALF BLOCK 0x2584: 0x00dc, # LOWER HALF BLOCK 0x2588: 0x00db, # FULL BLOCK 0x2591: 0x00b0, # LIGHT SHADE 0x2592: 0x00b1, # MEDIUM SHADE 0x2593: 0x00b2, # DARK SHADE 0x25a0: 0x00fe, # BLACK SQUARE }
""" Cast Copy Tranpose is used in numpy to convert C ordered arrays to Fortran order arrays before calling Fortran functions. A couple of C implementations are provided here that show modest speed improvements. One is an "inplace" transpose that does an in memory transpose of an arrays elements. This is the fastest approach and is beneficial if you don't need to keep the original array. """ # C:\home\ej\wrk\scipy\compiler\examples>python # Cast/Copy/Transposing (150,150)array 1 times # speed in python: 0.870999932289 # speed in c: 0.25 # speed up: 3.48 # inplace transpose c: 0.129999995232 # speed up: 6.70 from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import numpy from numpy import * import sys sys.path.insert(0,'..') import scipy.weave.inline_tools as inline_tools import scipy.weave.c_spec as c_spec from scipy.weave.converters import blitz as cblitz def _cast_copy_transpose(type,a_2d): assert(len(shape(a_2d)) == 2) new_array = zeros(shape(a_2d),type) code = """ for(int i = 0; i < Na_2d[0]; i++) for(int j = 0; j < Na_2d[1]; j++) new_array(i,j) = a_2d(j,i); """ inline_tools.inline(code,['new_array','a_2d'], type_converters=cblitz, compiler='gcc', verbose=1) return new_array def _cast_copy_transpose2(type,a_2d): assert(len(shape(a_2d)) == 2) new_array = zeros(shape(a_2d),type) code = """ const int I = Na_2d[0]; const int J = Na_2d[1]; for(int i = 0; i < I; i++) { int new_off = i*J; int old_off = i; for(int j = 0; j < J; j++) { new_array[new_off++] = a_2d[old_off]; old_off += I; } } """ inline_tools.inline(code,['new_array','a_2d'],compiler='gcc',verbose=1) return new_array def _inplace_transpose(a_2d): assert(len(shape(a_2d)) == 2) numeric_type = c_spec.num_to_c_types[a_2d.dtype.char] code = """ %s temp; for(int i = 0; i < Na_2d[0]; i++) for(int j = 0; j < Na_2d[1]; j++) { temp = a_2d(i,j); a_2d(i,j) = a_2d(j,i); a_2d(j,i) = temp; } """ % numeric_type inline_tools.inline(code,['a_2d'], type_converters=cblitz, compiler='gcc', extra_compile_args=['-funroll-all-loops'], verbose=2) return a_2d #assert(len(shape(a_2d)) == 2) #type = a_2d.typecode() #new_array = zeros(shape(a_2d),type) ##trans_a_2d = transpose(a_2d) #numeric_type = c_spec.num_to_c_types[type] #code = """ # for(int i = 0; i < Na_2d[0]; i++) # for(int j = 0; j < Na_2d[1]; j++) # new_array(i,j) = (%s) a_2d(j,i); # """ % numeric_type #inline_tools.inline(code,['new_array','a_2d'], # type_converters = cblitz, # compiler='gcc', # verbose = 1) #return new_array def cast_copy_transpose(type,*arrays): results = [] for a in arrays: results.append(_cast_copy_transpose(type,a)) if len(results) == 1: return results[0] else: return results def cast_copy_transpose2(type,*arrays): results = [] for a in arrays: results.append(_cast_copy_transpose2(type,a)) if len(results) == 1: return results[0] else: return results def inplace_cast_copy_transpose(*arrays): results = [] for a in arrays: results.append(_inplace_transpose(a)) if len(results) == 1: return results[0] else: return results def _castCopyAndTranspose(type, *arrays): cast_arrays = () import copy for a in arrays: if a.dtype == numpy.dtype(type): cast_arrays = cast_arrays + (copy.copy(numpy.transpose(a)),) else: cast_arrays = cast_arrays + (copy.copy( numpy.transpose(a).astype(type)),) if len(cast_arrays) == 1: return cast_arrays[0] else: return cast_arrays import time def compare(m,n): a = ones((n,n),float64) type = float32 print('Cast/Copy/Transposing (%d,%d)array %d times' % (n,n,m)) t1 = time.time() for i in range(m): for i in range(n): b = _castCopyAndTranspose(type,a) t2 = time.time() py = (t2-t1) print(' speed in python:', (t2 - t1)/m) # load into cache b = cast_copy_transpose(type,a) t1 = time.time() for i in range(m): for i in range(n): b = cast_copy_transpose(type,a) t2 = time.time() print(' speed in c (blitz):',(t2 - t1) / m) print(' speed up (blitz): %3.2f' % (py/(t2-t1))) # load into cache b = cast_copy_transpose2(type,a) t1 = time.time() for i in range(m): for i in range(n): b = cast_copy_transpose2(type,a) t2 = time.time() print(' speed in c (pointers):',(t2 - t1) / m) print(' speed up (pointers): %3.2f' % (py/(t2-t1))) # inplace tranpose b = _inplace_transpose(a) t1 = time.time() for i in range(m): for i in range(n): b = _inplace_transpose(a) t2 = time.time() print(' inplace transpose c:',(t2 - t1) / m) print(' speed up: %3.2f' % (py/(t2-t1))) if __name__ == "__main__": m,n = 1,500 compare(m,n)
# coding=utf-8 # Copyright 2014 Pants project contributors (see # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE). from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, generators, nested_scopes, print_function, unicode_literals, with_statement) import os from textwrap import dedent from pants.backend.codegen.targets.java_ragel_library import JavaRagelLibrary from pants.backend.codegen.tasks.ragel_gen import RagelGen, calculate_genfile from pants.util.contextutil import temporary_file from pants.util.dirutil import safe_mkdtemp from pants_test.tasks.task_test_base import TaskTestBase ragel_file_contents = dedent(""" package com.example.atoi; %%{ machine parser; action minus { negative = true; } action digit { val *= 10; val += fc - '0'; } main := ( '-'@minus )? ( [0-9] @digit ) + '\0'; }%% public class Parser { %% write data; public static int parse(CharSequence input) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(input); builder.append('\0'); char[] data = builder.toString().toCharArray(); int p = 0; int pe = data.length; int eof = pe; int cs; boolean negative = false; int val = 0; %% write init; %% write exec; if (negative) return -val; else return val; } } """) class RagelGenTest(TaskTestBase): @classmethod def task_type(cls): return RagelGen def test_ragel_gen(self): self.create_file(relpath='test_ragel_gen/atoi.rl', contents=ragel_file_contents) target = self.make_target(spec='test_ragel_gen:atoi', target_type=JavaRagelLibrary, sources=['atoi.rl']) task = self.create_task(self.context(target_roots=[target])) target_workdir = safe_mkdtemp(dir=self.test_workdir) task.execute_codegen(target, target_workdir) generated_files = [] for root, _, files in os.walk(target_workdir): generated_files.extend(os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, f), target_workdir) for f in files) self.assertEqual(['com/example/atoi/'], generated_files) def test_smoke(self): with temporary_file() as fp: fp.write(ragel_file_contents) fp.flush() self.assertEquals(calculate_genfile(, 'com/example/atoi/')
# Status: ported, except for unit tests. # Base revision: 64488 # # Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003 Dave Abrahams # Copyright 2002, 2006 Rene Rivera # Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Vladimir Prus # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. # (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or import re from b2.util import utility, bjam_signature, is_iterable_typed import b2.util.set from b2.util.utility import add_grist, get_grist, ungrist, replace_grist, to_seq from b2.exceptions import * __re_split_subfeatures = re.compile ('<(.*):(.*)>') __re_no_hyphen = re.compile ('^([^:]+)$') __re_slash_or_backslash = re.compile (r'[\\/]') class Feature(object): # Map from string attribute names to integers bit flags. # This will be initialized after declaration of the class. _attribute_name_to_integer = {} def __init__(self, name, values, attributes): assert isinstance(name, basestring) assert is_iterable_typed(values, basestring) assert is_iterable_typed(attributes, basestring) self._name = name self._values = values self._default = None self._attributes = 0 for a in attributes: self._attributes = self._attributes | Feature._attribute_name_to_integer[a] self._attributes_string_list = attributes self._subfeatures = [] self._parent = None def name(self): return self._name def values(self): return self._values def add_values(self, values): assert is_iterable_typed(values, basestring) self._values.extend(values) def attributes(self): return self._attributes def set_default(self, value): assert isinstance(value, basestring) for attr in ('free', 'optional'): if getattr(self, attr)(): get_manager().errors()('"{}" feature "<{}>" cannot have a default value.' .format(attr, self._name)) self._default = value def default(self): return self._default # FIXME: remove when we fully move to using classes for features/properties def attributes_string_list(self): return self._attributes_string_list def subfeatures(self): return self._subfeatures def add_subfeature(self, name): assert isinstance(name, Feature) self._subfeatures.append(name) def parent(self): """For subfeatures, return pair of (parent_feature, value). Value may be None if this subfeature is not specific to any value of the parent feature. """ return self._parent def set_parent(self, feature, value): assert isinstance(feature, Feature) assert isinstance(value, basestring) self._parent = (feature, value) def __str__(self): return self._name def reset (): """ Clear the module state. This is mainly for testing purposes. """ global __all_attributes, __all_features, __implicit_features, __composite_properties global __features_with_attributes, __subfeature_from_value, __all_top_features, __free_features global __all_subfeatures # The list with all attribute names. __all_attributes = [ 'implicit', 'composite', 'optional', 'symmetric', 'free', 'incidental', 'path', 'dependency', 'propagated', 'link-incompatible', 'subfeature', 'order-sensitive' ] i = 1 for a in __all_attributes: setattr(Feature, a.upper(), i) Feature._attribute_name_to_integer[a] = i def probe(self, flag=i): return getattr(self, "_attributes") & flag setattr(Feature, a.replace("-", "_"), probe) i = i << 1 # A map containing all features. The key is the feature name. # The value is an instance of Feature class. __all_features = {} # All non-subfeatures. __all_top_features = [] # Maps valus to the corresponding implicit feature __implicit_features = {} # A map containing all composite properties. The key is a Property instance, # and the value is a list of Property instances __composite_properties = {} __features_with_attributes = {} for attribute in __all_attributes: __features_with_attributes [attribute] = [] # Maps a value to the corresponding subfeature name. __subfeature_from_value = {} # All free features __free_features = [] __all_subfeatures = [] reset () def enumerate (): """ Returns an iterator to the features map. """ return __all_features.iteritems () def get(name): """Return the Feature instance for the specified name. Throws if no feature by such name exists """ assert isinstance(name, basestring) return __all_features[name] # FIXME: prepare-test/finish-test? @bjam_signature((["name"], ["values", "*"], ["attributes", "*"])) def feature (name, values, attributes = []): """ Declares a new feature with the given name, values, and attributes. name: the feature name values: a sequence of the allowable values - may be extended later with feature.extend attributes: a sequence of the feature's attributes (e.g. implicit, free, propagated, ...) """ __validate_feature_attributes (name, attributes) feature = Feature(name, [], attributes) __all_features[name] = feature # Temporary measure while we have not fully moved from 'gristed strings' __all_features["<" + name + ">"] = feature for attribute in attributes: __features_with_attributes [attribute].append (name) name = add_grist(name) if 'subfeature' in attributes: __all_subfeatures.append(name) else: __all_top_features.append(feature) extend (name, values) # FIXME: why his is needed. if 'free' in attributes: __free_features.append (name) return feature @bjam_signature((["feature"], ["value"])) def set_default (feature, value): """ Sets the default value of the given feature, overriding any previous default. feature: the name of the feature value: the default value to assign """ f = __all_features[feature] attributes = f.attributes() bad_attribute = None if attributes & Feature.FREE: bad_attribute = "free" elif attributes & Feature.OPTIONAL: bad_attribute = "optional" if bad_attribute: raise InvalidValue ("%s property %s cannot have a default" % (bad_attribute, if not value in f.values(): raise InvalidValue ("The specified default value, '%s' is invalid.\n" % value + "allowed values are: %s" % f.values()) f.set_default(value) def defaults(features): """ Returns the default property values for the given features. """ assert is_iterable_typed(features, Feature) # FIXME: should merge feature and property modules. from . import property result = [] for f in features: if not and not f.optional() and f.default(): result.append(property.Property(f, f.default())) return result def valid (names): """ Returns true iff all elements of names are valid features. """ if isinstance(names, str): names = [names] assert is_iterable_typed(names, basestring) return all(name in __all_features for name in names) def attributes (feature): """ Returns the attributes of the given feature. """ assert isinstance(feature, basestring) return __all_features[feature].attributes_string_list() def values (feature): """ Return the values of the given feature. """ assert isinstance(feature, basestring) validate_feature (feature) return __all_features[feature].values() def is_implicit_value (value_string): """ Returns true iff 'value_string' is a value_string of an implicit feature. """ assert isinstance(value_string, basestring) if __implicit_features.has_key(value_string): return __implicit_features[value_string] v = value_string.split('-') if not __implicit_features.has_key(v[0]): return False feature = __implicit_features[v[0]] for subvalue in (v[1:]): if not __find_implied_subfeature(feature, subvalue, v[0]): return False return True def implied_feature (implicit_value): """ Returns the implicit feature associated with the given implicit value. """ assert isinstance(implicit_value, basestring) components = implicit_value.split('-') if not __implicit_features.has_key(components[0]): raise InvalidValue ("'%s' is not a value of an implicit feature" % implicit_value) return __implicit_features[components[0]] def __find_implied_subfeature (feature, subvalue, value_string): assert isinstance(feature, Feature) assert isinstance(subvalue, basestring) assert isinstance(value_string, basestring) try: return __subfeature_from_value[feature][value_string][subvalue] except KeyError: return None # Given a feature and a value of one of its subfeatures, find the name # of the subfeature. If value-string is supplied, looks for implied # subfeatures that are specific to that value of feature # feature # The main feature name # subvalue # The value of one of its subfeatures # value-string # The value of the main feature def implied_subfeature (feature, subvalue, value_string): assert isinstance(feature, Feature) assert isinstance(subvalue, basestring) assert isinstance(value_string, basestring) result = __find_implied_subfeature (feature, subvalue, value_string) if not result: raise InvalidValue ("'%s' is not a known subfeature value of '%s%s'" % (subvalue, feature, value_string)) return result def validate_feature (name): """ Checks if all name is a valid feature. Otherwise, raises an exception. """ assert isinstance(name, basestring) if not __all_features.has_key(name): raise InvalidFeature ("'%s' is not a valid feature name" % name) else: return __all_features[name] # Uses Property def __expand_subfeatures_aux (property_, dont_validate = False): """ Helper for expand_subfeatures. Given a feature and value, or just a value corresponding to an implicit feature, returns a property set consisting of all component subfeatures and their values. For example: expand_subfeatures <toolset>gcc-2.95.2-linux-x86 -> <toolset>gcc <toolset-version>2.95.2 <toolset-os>linux <toolset-cpu>x86 equivalent to: expand_subfeatures gcc-2.95.2-linux-x86 feature: The name of the feature, or empty if value corresponds to an implicit property value: The value of the feature. dont_validate: If True, no validation of value string will be done. """ from . import property # no __debug__ since Property is used elsewhere assert isinstance(property_, property.Property) assert isinstance(dont_validate, int) # matches bools f = property_.feature() v = property_.value() if not dont_validate: validate_value_string(f, v) components = v.split ("-") v = components[0] result = [property.Property(f, components[0])] subvalues = components[1:] while len(subvalues) > 0: subvalue = subvalues [0] # pop the head off of subvalues subvalues = subvalues [1:] subfeature = __find_implied_subfeature (f, subvalue, v) # If no subfeature was found, reconstitute the value string and use that if not subfeature: return [property.Property(f, '-'.join(components))] result.append(property.Property(subfeature, subvalue)) return result def expand_subfeatures(properties, dont_validate = False): """ Make all elements of properties corresponding to implicit features explicit, and express all subfeature values as separate properties in their own right. For example, the property gcc-2.95.2-linux-x86 might expand to <toolset>gcc <toolset-version>2.95.2 <toolset-os>linux <toolset-cpu>x86 properties: A sequence with elements of the form <feature>value-string or just value-string in the case of implicit features. : dont_validate: If True, no validation of value string will be done. """ if __debug__: from .property import Property assert is_iterable_typed(properties, Property) assert isinstance(dont_validate, int) # matches bools result = [] for p in properties: # Don't expand subfeatures in subfeatures if p.feature().subfeature(): result.append (p) else: result.extend(__expand_subfeatures_aux (p, dont_validate)) return result # rule extend was defined as below: # Can be called three ways: # # 1. extend feature : values * # 2. extend <feature> subfeature : values * # 3. extend <feature>value-string subfeature : values * # # * Form 1 adds the given values to the given feature # * Forms 2 and 3 add subfeature values to the given feature # * Form 3 adds the subfeature values as specific to the given # property value-string. # #rule extend ( feature-or-property subfeature ? : values * ) # # Now, the specific rule must be called, depending on the desired operation: # extend_feature # extend_subfeature def extend (name, values): """ Adds the given values to the given feature. """ assert isinstance(name, basestring) assert is_iterable_typed(values, basestring) name = add_grist (name) __validate_feature (name) feature = __all_features [name] if feature.implicit(): for v in values: if __implicit_features.has_key(v): raise BaseException ("'%s' is already associated with the feature '%s'" % (v, __implicit_features [v])) __implicit_features[v] = feature if values and not feature.values() and not( or feature.optional()): # This is the first value specified for this feature, # take it as default value feature.set_default(values[0]) feature.add_values(values) def validate_value_string (f, value_string): """ Checks that value-string is a valid value-string for the given feature. """ assert isinstance(f, Feature) assert isinstance(value_string, basestring) if or value_string in f.values(): return values = [value_string] if f.subfeatures(): if not value_string in f.values() and \ not value_string in f.subfeatures(): values = value_string.split('-') # An empty value is allowed for optional features if not values[0] in f.values() and \ (values[0] or not f.optional()): raise InvalidValue ("'%s' is not a known value of feature '%s'\nlegal values: '%s'" % (values [0],, f.values())) for v in values [1:]: # this will validate any subfeature values in value-string implied_subfeature(f, v, values[0]) """ Extends the given subfeature with the subvalues. If the optional value-string is provided, the subvalues are only valid for the given value of the feature. Thus, you could say that <target-platform>mingw is specifc to <toolset>gcc-2.95.2 as follows: extend-subfeature toolset gcc-2.95.2 : target-platform : mingw ; feature: The feature whose subfeature is being extended. value-string: If supplied, specifies a specific value of the main feature for which the new subfeature values are valid. subfeature: The name of the subfeature. subvalues: The additional values of the subfeature being defined. """ def extend_subfeature (feature_name, value_string, subfeature_name, subvalues): assert isinstance(feature_name, basestring) assert isinstance(value_string, basestring) assert isinstance(subfeature_name, basestring) assert is_iterable_typed(subvalues, basestring) feature = validate_feature(feature_name) if value_string: validate_value_string(feature, value_string) subfeature_name = feature_name + '-' + __get_subfeature_name (subfeature_name, value_string) extend(subfeature_name, subvalues) ; subfeature = __all_features[subfeature_name] if value_string == None: value_string = '' if not __subfeature_from_value.has_key(feature): __subfeature_from_value [feature] = {} if not __subfeature_from_value[feature].has_key(value_string): __subfeature_from_value [feature][value_string] = {} for subvalue in subvalues: __subfeature_from_value [feature][value_string][subvalue] = subfeature @bjam_signature((["feature_name", "value_string", "?"], ["subfeature"], ["subvalues", "*"], ["attributes", "*"])) def subfeature (feature_name, value_string, subfeature, subvalues, attributes = []): """ Declares a subfeature. feature_name: Root feature that is not a subfeature. value_string: An optional value-string specifying which feature or subfeature values this subfeature is specific to, if any. subfeature: The name of the subfeature being declared. subvalues: The allowed values of this subfeature. attributes: The attributes of the subfeature. """ parent_feature = validate_feature (feature_name) # Add grist to the subfeature name if a value-string was supplied subfeature_name = __get_subfeature_name (subfeature, value_string) if subfeature_name in __all_features[feature_name].subfeatures(): message = "'%s' already declared as a subfeature of '%s'" % (subfeature, feature_name) message += " specific to '%s'" % value_string raise BaseException (message) # First declare the subfeature as a feature in its own right f = feature (feature_name + '-' + subfeature_name, subvalues, attributes + ['subfeature']) f.set_parent(parent_feature, value_string) parent_feature.add_subfeature(f) # Now make sure the subfeature values are known. extend_subfeature (feature_name, value_string, subfeature, subvalues) @bjam_signature((["composite_property_s"], ["component_properties_s", "*"])) def compose (composite_property_s, component_properties_s): """ Sets the components of the given composite property. All parameters are <feature>value strings """ from . import property component_properties_s = to_seq (component_properties_s) composite_property = property.create_from_string(composite_property_s) f = composite_property.feature() if len(component_properties_s) > 0 and isinstance(component_properties_s[0], property.Property): component_properties = component_properties_s else: component_properties = [property.create_from_string(p) for p in component_properties_s] if not f.composite(): raise BaseException ("'%s' is not a composite feature" % f) if __composite_properties.has_key(property): raise BaseException ('components of "%s" already set: %s' % (composite_property, str (__composite_properties[composite_property]))) if composite_property in component_properties: raise BaseException ('composite property "%s" cannot have itself as a component' % composite_property) __composite_properties[composite_property] = component_properties def expand_composite(property_): if __debug__: from .property import Property assert isinstance(property_, Property) result = [ property_ ] if __composite_properties.has_key(property_): for p in __composite_properties[property_]: result.extend(expand_composite(p)) return result @bjam_signature((['feature'], ['properties', '*'])) def get_values (feature, properties): """ Returns all values of the given feature specified by the given property set. """ if feature[0] != '<': feature = '<' + feature + '>' result = [] for p in properties: if get_grist (p) == feature: result.append (replace_grist (p, '')) return result def free_features (): """ Returns all free features. """ return __free_features def expand_composites (properties): """ Expand all composite properties in the set so that all components are explicitly expressed. """ if __debug__: from .property import Property assert is_iterable_typed(properties, Property) explicit_features = set(p.feature() for p in properties) result = [] # now expand composite features for p in properties: expanded = expand_composite(p) for x in expanded: if not x in result: f = x.feature() if result.append (x) elif not x in properties: # x is the result of expansion if not f in explicit_features: # not explicitly-specified if any(r.feature() == f for r in result): raise FeatureConflict( "expansions of composite features result in " "conflicting values for '%s'\nvalues: '%s'\none contributing composite property was '%s'" % (, [r.value() for r in result if r.feature() == f] + [x.value()], p)) else: result.append (x) elif any(r.feature() == f for r in result): raise FeatureConflict ("explicitly-specified values of non-free feature '%s' conflict\n" "existing values: '%s'\nvalue from expanding '%s': '%s'" % (f, [r.value() for r in result if r.feature() == f], p, x.value())) else: result.append (x) return result # Uses Property def is_subfeature_of (parent_property, f): """ Return true iff f is an ordinary subfeature of the parent_property's feature, or if f is a subfeature of the parent_property's feature specific to the parent_property's value. """ if __debug__: from .property import Property assert isinstance(parent_property, Property) assert isinstance(f, Feature) if not f.subfeature(): return False p = f.parent() if not p: return False parent_feature = p[0] parent_value = p[1] if parent_feature != parent_property.feature(): return False if parent_value and parent_value != parent_property.value(): return False return True def __is_subproperty_of (parent_property, p): """ As is_subfeature_of, for subproperties. """ if __debug__: from .property import Property assert isinstance(parent_property, Property) assert isinstance(p, Property) return is_subfeature_of (parent_property, p.feature()) # Returns true iff the subvalue is valid for the feature. When the # optional value-string is provided, returns true iff the subvalues # are valid for the given value of the feature. def is_subvalue(feature, value_string, subfeature, subvalue): assert isinstance(feature, basestring) assert isinstance(value_string, basestring) assert isinstance(subfeature, basestring) assert isinstance(subvalue, basestring) if not value_string: value_string = '' try: return __subfeature_from_value[feature][value_string][subvalue] == subfeature except KeyError: return False # Uses Property def expand (properties): """ Given a property set which may consist of composite and implicit properties and combined subfeature values, returns an expanded, normalized property set with all implicit features expressed explicitly, all subfeature values individually expressed, and all components of composite properties expanded. Non-free features directly expressed in the input properties cause any values of those features due to composite feature expansion to be dropped. If two values of a given non-free feature are directly expressed in the input, an error is issued. """ if __debug__: from .property import Property assert is_iterable_typed(properties, Property) expanded = expand_subfeatures(properties) return expand_composites (expanded) # Accepts list of Property objects def add_defaults (properties): """ Given a set of properties, add default values for features not represented in the set. Note: if there's there's ordinary feature F1 and composite feature F2, which includes some value for F1, and both feature have default values, then the default value of F1 will be added, not the value in F2. This might not be right idea: consider feature variant : debug ... ; <variant>debug : .... <runtime-debugging>on feature <runtime-debugging> : off on ; Here, when adding default for an empty property set, we'll get <variant>debug <runtime_debugging>off and that's kind of strange. """ if __debug__: from .property import Property assert is_iterable_typed(properties, Property) result = [x for x in properties] handled_features = set() for p in properties: # We don't add default for conditional properties. We don't want # <variant>debug:<define>DEBUG to be takes as specified value for <variant> if not p.condition(): handled_features.add(p.feature()) missing_top = [f for f in __all_top_features if not f in handled_features] more = defaults(missing_top) result.extend(more) for p in more: handled_features.add(p.feature()) # Add defaults for subfeatures of features which are present for p in result[:]: s = p.feature().subfeatures() more = defaults([s for s in p.feature().subfeatures() if not s in handled_features]) for p in more: handled_features.add(p.feature()) result.extend(more) return result def minimize (properties): """ Given an expanded property set, eliminate all redundancy: properties which are elements of other (composite) properties in the set will be eliminated. Non-symmetric properties equal to default values will be eliminated, unless the override a value from some composite property. Implicit properties will be expressed without feature grist, and sub-property values will be expressed as elements joined to the corresponding main property. """ if __debug__: from .property import Property assert is_iterable_typed(properties, Property) # remove properties implied by composite features components = [] for property in properties: if __composite_properties.has_key (property): components.extend(__composite_properties[property]) properties = b2.util.set.difference (properties, components) # handle subfeatures and implicit features # move subfeatures to the end of the list properties = [p for p in properties if not p.feature().subfeature()] +\ [p for p in properties if p.feature().subfeature()] result = [] while properties: p = properties[0] f = p.feature() # locate all subproperties of $(x[1]) in the property set subproperties = __select_subproperties (p, properties) if subproperties: # reconstitute the joined property name subproperties.sort () joined =, p.value() + '-' + '-'.join ([sp.value() for sp in subproperties])) result.append(joined) properties = b2.util.set.difference(properties[1:], subproperties) else: # eliminate properties whose value is equal to feature's # default and which are not symmetric and which do not # contradict values implied by composite properties. # since all component properties of composites in the set # have been eliminated, any remaining property whose # feature is the same as a component of a composite in the # set must have a non-redundant value. if p.value() != f.default() or f.symmetric(): result.append (p) #\ #or get_grist (fullp) in get_grist (components): # FIXME: restore above properties = properties[1:] return result def split (properties): """ Given a property-set of the form v1/v2/...vN-1/<fN>vN/<fN+1>vN+1/...<fM>vM Returns v1 v2 ... vN-1 <fN>vN <fN+1>vN+1 ... <fM>vM Note that vN...vM may contain slashes. This is resilient to the substitution of backslashes for slashes, since Jam, unbidden, sometimes swaps slash direction on NT. """ assert isinstance(properties, basestring) def split_one (properties): pieces = re.split (__re_slash_or_backslash, properties) result = [] for x in pieces: if not get_grist (x) and len (result) > 0 and get_grist (result [-1]): result = result [0:-1] + [ result [-1] + '/' + x ] else: result.append (x) return result if isinstance (properties, str): return split_one (properties) result = [] for p in properties: result += split_one (p) return result def compress_subproperties (properties): """ Combine all subproperties into their parent properties Requires: for every subproperty, there is a parent property. All features are explicitly expressed. This rule probably shouldn't be needed, but build-request.expand-no-defaults is being abused for unintended purposes and it needs help """ from .property import Property assert is_iterable_typed(properties, Property) result = [] matched_subs = set() all_subs = set() for p in properties: f = p.feature() if not f.subfeature(): subs = __select_subproperties (p, properties) if subs: matched_subs.update(subs) subvalues = '-'.join (sub.value() for sub in subs) result.append(Property( p.feature(), p.value() + '-' + subvalues, p.condition())) else: result.append(p) else: all_subs.add(p) # TODO: this variables are used just for debugging. What's the overhead? assert all_subs == matched_subs return result ###################################################################################### # Private methods def __select_subproperties (parent_property, properties): if __debug__: from .property import Property assert is_iterable_typed(properties, Property) assert isinstance(parent_property, Property) return [ x for x in properties if __is_subproperty_of (parent_property, x) ] def __get_subfeature_name (subfeature, value_string): assert isinstance(subfeature, basestring) assert isinstance(value_string, basestring) or value_string is None if value_string == None: prefix = '' else: prefix = value_string + ':' return prefix + subfeature def __validate_feature_attributes (name, attributes): assert isinstance(name, basestring) assert is_iterable_typed(attributes, basestring) for attribute in attributes: if not attribute in __all_attributes: raise InvalidAttribute ("unknown attributes: '%s' in feature declaration: '%s'" % (str (b2.util.set.difference (attributes, __all_attributes)), name)) if name in __all_features: raise AlreadyDefined ("feature '%s' already defined" % name) elif 'implicit' in attributes and 'free' in attributes: raise InvalidAttribute ("free features cannot also be implicit (in declaration of feature '%s')" % name) elif 'free' in attributes and 'propagated' in attributes: raise InvalidAttribute ("free features cannot also be propagated (in declaration of feature '%s')" % name) def __validate_feature (feature): """ Generates an error if the feature is unknown. """ assert isinstance(feature, basestring) if not __all_features.has_key (feature): raise BaseException ('unknown feature "%s"' % feature) def __select_subfeatures (parent_property, features): """ Given a property, return the subset of features consisting of all ordinary subfeatures of the property's feature, and all specific subfeatures of the property's feature which are conditional on the property's value. """ if __debug__: from .property import Property assert isinstance(parent_property, Property) assert is_iterable_typed(features, Feature) return [f for f in features if is_subfeature_of (parent_property, f)] # FIXME: copy over tests.
# This file is part of Bika LIMS # # Copyright 2011-2016 by it's authors. # Some rights reserved. See LICENSE.txt, AUTHORS.txt. from AccessControl import getSecurityManager from bika.lims import bikaMessageFactory as _ from bika.lims.utils import t from bika.lims.permissions import * from bika.lims.browser.analysisrequest import AnalysisRequestManageResultsView from bika.lims.content.analysisrequest import schema as AnalysisRequestSchema from bika.lims.utils import to_utf8 from bika.lims.workflow import doActionFor from import IViewView from DateTime import DateTime from Products.Archetypes import PloneMessageFactory as PMF from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName from Products.Five.browser.pagetemplatefile import ViewPageTemplateFile from zope.interface import implements import plone class AnalysisRequestResultsNotRequestedView(AnalysisRequestManageResultsView): implements(IViewView) template = ViewPageTemplateFile("templates/") def __call__(self): ar = self.context workflow = getToolByName(ar, 'portal_workflow') # If is a retracted AR, show the link to child AR and show a warn msg if workflow.getInfoFor(ar, 'review_state') == 'invalid': childar = hasattr(ar, 'getChildAnalysisRequest') \ and ar.getChildAnalysisRequest() or None childid = childar and childar.getRequestID() or None message = _('This Analysis Request has been withdrawn and is shown ' 'for trace-ability purposes only. Retest: ${retest_child_id}.', mapping={"retest_child_id":childid if childid else ''}) self.context.plone_utils.addPortalMessage(message, 'warning') # If is an AR automatically generated due to a Retraction, show it's # parent AR information if hasattr(ar, 'getParentAnalysisRequest') \ and ar.getParentAnalysisRequest(): par = ar.getParentAnalysisRequest() message = _( 'This Analysis Request has been generated automatically due to ' 'the retraction of the Analysis Request ${retracted_request_id}.', mapping={"retracted_request_id": par.getRequestID()}) self.context.plone_utils.addPortalMessage(message, 'info') can_do = getSecurityManager().checkPermission(ResultsNotRequested, ar) if workflow.getInfoFor(ar, 'cancellation_state') == "cancelled": self.request.response.redirect(ar.absolute_url()) elif not(can_do): self.request.response.redirect(ar.absolute_url()) else: return self.template()
# coding=utf-8 """ Collect icmp round trip times per hop #### Dependencies * libparistraceroute1 (as paris-traceroute) """ import re import diamond.collector from subprocess import Popen, PIPE class TracerouteCollector(diamond.collector.ProcessCollector): def get_default_config_help(self): config_help = super(TracerouteCollector, self).get_default_config_help() config_help.update({ 'bin': "The path to the tracerouting library.", 'destport': "The target port number", 'hosts': "Hosts to run the traceroute command on", 'protocol': "The protocol to use for the traceroute pings (icmp, udp, tcp)", }) return config_help def get_default_config(self): """ Returns the default collector settings """ config = super(TracerouteCollector, self).get_default_config() config.update({ 'path': 'traceroute', 'hosts': { "yelp":"" }, 'protocol': 'icmp', }) return config def collect(self): protocol_args = self._protocol_config() if not protocol_args: self.log.error( "Please specify a protocol for the traceroute,\n" + " options (icmp, tcp, udp)" ) return None for pseudo_hostname, address in self.config.get('hosts', {}).iteritems(): metric_name = '.'.join([ pseudo_hostname, 'RoundTripTime', ]) if 'bin' not in self.config: self.log.error( "Please specify the path of the canonical binary" ) return None cmd = [self.config['bin'], '-nq1', '-w1', protocol_args, address] try: process = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) errors = process.stderr.readline() if errors: self.log.error( "Error running traceroute process: {0!s}".format(errors) ) continue while True: line = process.stdout.readline() if not line: break # A hop contains: # hop, ip, rtt # in that order. hop_data = line.split() if not hop_data or len(hop_data) not in [2, 3]: continue hop_number = ip = None rtt = 0 try: [hop_number, ip, rtt_ms] = hop_data rtt = re.match('([0-9\.]+)ms', rtt_ms).group(1) except ValueError as e: [hop_number, ip] = hop_data if hop_number is None or ip is None: continue rtt = float(rtt) self.dimensions = { 'hop': hop_number, } if '*' not in ip: self.dimensions['ip'] = ip self.publish(metric_name, rtt) except Exception as e: self.log.error( "Error running TracerouteCollector: {0!s}".format(e) ) continue def _protocol_config(self): protocol = self.config['protocol'].lower() destport = self.config.get('destport', 80) if protocol == 'udp': protocol_args = '-U' elif protocol == 'tcp': protocol_args = '-Tp{0!s}'.format(destport) elif protocol == 'icmp': protocol_args = '-I' else: return None return protocol_args
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ pygments.lexers.modula2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Multi-Dialect Lexer for Modula-2. :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ import re from pygments.lexer import RegexLexer, include from pygments.util import get_bool_opt, get_list_opt from pygments.token import Text, Comment, Operator, Keyword, Name, \ String, Number, Punctuation, Error __all__ = ['Modula2Lexer'] # Multi-Dialect Modula-2 Lexer class Modula2Lexer(RegexLexer): """ For `Modula-2 <>`_ source code. The Modula-2 lexer supports several dialects. By default, it operates in fallback mode, recognising the *combined* literals, punctuation symbols and operators of all supported dialects, and the *combined* reserved words and builtins of PIM Modula-2, ISO Modula-2 and Modula-2 R10, while not differentiating between library defined identifiers. To select a specific dialect, a dialect option may be passed or a dialect tag may be embedded into a source file. Dialect Options: `m2pim` Select PIM Modula-2 dialect. `m2iso` Select ISO Modula-2 dialect. `m2r10` Select Modula-2 R10 dialect. `objm2` Select Objective Modula-2 dialect. The PIM and ISO dialect options may be qualified with a language extension. Language Extensions: `+aglet` Select Aglet Modula-2 extensions, available with m2iso. `+gm2` Select GNU Modula-2 extensions, available with m2pim. `+p1` Select p1 Modula-2 extensions, available with m2iso. `+xds` Select XDS Modula-2 extensions, available with m2iso. Passing a Dialect Option via Unix Commandline Interface Dialect options may be passed to the lexer using the `dialect` key. Only one such option should be passed. If multiple dialect options are passed, the first valid option is used, any subsequent options are ignored. Examples: `$ pygmentize -O full,dialect=m2iso -f html -o /path/to/output /path/to/input` Use ISO dialect to render input to HTML output `$ pygmentize -O full,dialect=m2iso+p1 -f rtf -o /path/to/output /path/to/input` Use ISO dialect with p1 extensions to render input to RTF output Embedding a Dialect Option within a source file A dialect option may be embedded in a source file in form of a dialect tag, a specially formatted comment that specifies a dialect option. Dialect Tag EBNF:: dialectTag : OpeningCommentDelim Prefix dialectOption ClosingCommentDelim ; dialectOption : 'm2pim' | 'm2iso' | 'm2r10' | 'objm2' | 'm2iso+aglet' | 'm2pim+gm2' | 'm2iso+p1' | 'm2iso+xds' ; Prefix : '!' ; OpeningCommentDelim : '(*' ; ClosingCommentDelim : '*)' ; No whitespace is permitted between the tokens of a dialect tag. In the event that a source file contains multiple dialect tags, the first tag that contains a valid dialect option will be used and any subsequent dialect tags will be ignored. Ideally, a dialect tag should be placed at the beginning of a source file. An embedded dialect tag overrides a dialect option set via command line. Examples: ``(*!m2r10*) DEFINITION MODULE Foobar; ...`` Use Modula2 R10 dialect to render this source file. ``(*!m2pim+gm2*) DEFINITION MODULE Bazbam; ...`` Use PIM dialect with GNU extensions to render this source file. Algol Publication Mode: In Algol publication mode, source text is rendered for publication of algorithms in scientific papers and academic texts, following the format of the Revised Algol-60 Language Report. It is activated by passing one of two corresponding styles as an option: `algol` render reserved words lowercase underline boldface and builtins lowercase boldface italic `algol_nu` render reserved words lowercase boldface (no underlining) and builtins lowercase boldface italic The lexer automatically performs the required lowercase conversion when this mode is activated. Example: ``$ pygmentize -O full,style=algol -f latex -o /path/to/output /path/to/input`` Render input file in Algol publication mode to LaTeX output. Rendering Mode of First Class ADT Identifiers: The rendering of standard library first class ADT identifiers is controlled by option flag "treat_stdlib_adts_as_builtins". When this option is turned on, standard library ADT identifiers are rendered as builtins. When it is turned off, they are rendered as ordinary library identifiers. `treat_stdlib_adts_as_builtins` (default: On) The option is useful for dialects that support ADTs as first class objects and provide ADTs in the standard library that would otherwise be built-in. At present, only Modula-2 R10 supports library ADTs as first class objects and therefore, no ADT identifiers are defined for any other dialects. Example: ``$ pygmentize -O full,dialect=m2r10,treat_stdlib_adts_as_builtins=Off ...`` Render standard library ADTs as ordinary library types. .. versionadded:: 1.3 .. versionchanged:: 2.1 Added multi-dialect support. """ name = 'Modula-2' aliases = ['modula2', 'm2'] filenames = ['*.def', '*.mod'] mimetypes = ['text/x-modula2'] flags = re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL tokens = { 'whitespace': [ (r'\n+', Text), # blank lines (r'\s+', Text), # whitespace ], 'dialecttags': [ # PIM Dialect Tag (r'\(\*!m2pim\*\)', Comment.Special), # ISO Dialect Tag (r'\(\*!m2iso\*\)', Comment.Special), # M2R10 Dialect Tag (r'\(\*!m2r10\*\)', Comment.Special), # ObjM2 Dialect Tag (r'\(\*!objm2\*\)', Comment.Special), # Aglet Extensions Dialect Tag (r'\(\*!m2iso\+aglet\*\)', Comment.Special), # GNU Extensions Dialect Tag (r'\(\*!m2pim\+gm2\*\)', Comment.Special), # p1 Extensions Dialect Tag (r'\(\*!m2iso\+p1\*\)', Comment.Special), # XDS Extensions Dialect Tag (r'\(\*!m2iso\+xds\*\)', Comment.Special), ], 'identifiers': [ (r'([a-zA-Z_$][\w$]*)', Name), ], 'prefixed_number_literals': [ # # Base-2, whole number (r'0b[01]+(\'[01]+)*', Number.Bin), # # Base-16, whole number (r'0[ux][0-9A-F]+(\'[0-9A-F]+)*', Number.Hex), ], 'plain_number_literals': [ # # Base-10, real number with exponent (r'[0-9]+(\'[0-9]+)*' # integral part r'\.[0-9]+(\'[0-9]+)*' # fractional part r'[eE][+-]?[0-9]+(\'[0-9]+)*', # exponent Number.Float), # # Base-10, real number without exponent (r'[0-9]+(\'[0-9]+)*' # integral part r'\.[0-9]+(\'[0-9]+)*', # fractional part Number.Float), # # Base-10, whole number (r'[0-9]+(\'[0-9]+)*', Number.Integer), ], 'suffixed_number_literals': [ # # Base-8, whole number (r'[0-7]+B', Number.Oct), # # Base-8, character code (r'[0-7]+C', Number.Oct), # # Base-16, number (r'[0-9A-F]+H', Number.Hex), ], 'string_literals': [ (r"'(\\\\|\\'|[^'])*'", String), # single quoted string (r'"(\\\\|\\"|[^"])*"', String), # double quoted string ], 'digraph_operators': [ # Dot Product Operator (r'\*\.', Operator), # Array Concatenation Operator (r'\+>', Operator), # M2R10 + ObjM2 # Inequality Operator (r'<>', Operator), # ISO + PIM # Less-Or-Equal, Subset (r'<=', Operator), # Greater-Or-Equal, Superset (r'>=', Operator), # Identity Operator (r'==', Operator), # M2R10 + ObjM2 # Type Conversion Operator (r'::', Operator), # M2R10 + ObjM2 # Assignment Symbol (r':=', Operator), # Postfix Increment Mutator (r'\+\+', Operator), # M2R10 + ObjM2 # Postfix Decrement Mutator (r'--', Operator), # M2R10 + ObjM2 ], 'unigraph_operators': [ # Arithmetic Operators (r'[+-]', Operator), (r'[*/]', Operator), # ISO 80000-2 compliant Set Difference Operator (r'\\', Operator), # M2R10 + ObjM2 # Relational Operators (r'[=#<>]', Operator), # Dereferencing Operator (r'\^', Operator), # Dereferencing Operator Synonym (r'@', Operator), # ISO # Logical AND Operator Synonym (r'&', Operator), # PIM + ISO # Logical NOT Operator Synonym (r'~', Operator), # PIM + ISO # Smalltalk Message Prefix (r'`', Operator), # ObjM2 ], 'digraph_punctuation': [ # Range Constructor (r'\.\.', Punctuation), # Opening Chevron Bracket (r'<<', Punctuation), # M2R10 + ISO # Closing Chevron Bracket (r'>>', Punctuation), # M2R10 + ISO # Blueprint Punctuation (r'->', Punctuation), # M2R10 + ISO # Distinguish |# and # in M2 R10 (r'\|#', Punctuation), # Distinguish ## and # in M2 R10 (r'##', Punctuation), # Distinguish |* and * in M2 R10 (r'\|\*', Punctuation), ], 'unigraph_punctuation': [ # Common Punctuation (r'[\(\)\[\]{},.:;\|]', Punctuation), # Case Label Separator Synonym (r'!', Punctuation), # ISO # Blueprint Punctuation (r'\?', Punctuation), # M2R10 + ObjM2 ], 'comments': [ # Single Line Comment (r'^//.*?\n', Comment.Single), # M2R10 + ObjM2 # Block Comment (r'\(\*([^$].*?)\*\)', Comment.Multiline), # Template Block Comment (r'/\*(.*?)\*/', Comment.Multiline), # M2R10 + ObjM2 ], 'pragmas': [ # ISO Style Pragmas (r'<\*.*?\*>', Comment.Preproc), # ISO, M2R10 + ObjM2 # Pascal Style Pragmas (r'\(\*\$.*?\*\)', Comment.Preproc), # PIM ], 'root': [ include('whitespace'), include('dialecttags'), include('pragmas'), include('comments'), include('identifiers'), include('suffixed_number_literals'), # PIM + ISO include('prefixed_number_literals'), # M2R10 + ObjM2 include('plain_number_literals'), include('string_literals'), include('digraph_punctuation'), include('digraph_operators'), include('unigraph_punctuation'), include('unigraph_operators'), ] } # C o m m o n D a t a s e t s # Common Reserved Words Dataset common_reserved_words = ( # 37 common reserved words 'AND', 'ARRAY', 'BEGIN', 'BY', 'CASE', 'CONST', 'DEFINITION', 'DIV', 'DO', 'ELSE', 'ELSIF', 'END', 'EXIT', 'FOR', 'FROM', 'IF', 'IMPLEMENTATION', 'IMPORT', 'IN', 'LOOP', 'MOD', 'MODULE', 'NOT', 'OF', 'OR', 'POINTER', 'PROCEDURE', 'RECORD', 'REPEAT', 'RETURN', 'SET', 'THEN', 'TO', 'TYPE', 'UNTIL', 'VAR', 'WHILE', ) # Common Builtins Dataset common_builtins = ( # 16 common builtins 'ABS', 'BOOLEAN', 'CARDINAL', 'CHAR', 'CHR', 'FALSE', 'INTEGER', 'LONGINT', 'LONGREAL', 'MAX', 'MIN', 'NIL', 'ODD', 'ORD', 'REAL', 'TRUE', ) # Common Pseudo-Module Builtins Dataset common_pseudo_builtins = ( # 4 common pseudo builtins 'ADDRESS', 'BYTE', 'WORD', 'ADR' ) # P I M M o d u l a - 2 D a t a s e t s # Lexemes to Mark as Error Tokens for PIM Modula-2 pim_lexemes_to_reject = ( '!', '`', '@', '$', '%', '?', '\\', '==', '++', '--', '::', '*.', '+>', '->', '<<', '>>', '|#', '##', ) # PIM Modula-2 Additional Reserved Words Dataset pim_additional_reserved_words = ( # 3 additional reserved words 'EXPORT', 'QUALIFIED', 'WITH', ) # PIM Modula-2 Additional Builtins Dataset pim_additional_builtins = ( # 16 additional builtins 'BITSET', 'CAP', 'DEC', 'DISPOSE', 'EXCL', 'FLOAT', 'HALT', 'HIGH', 'INC', 'INCL', 'NEW', 'NIL', 'PROC', 'SIZE', 'TRUNC', 'VAL', ) # PIM Modula-2 Additional Pseudo-Module Builtins Dataset pim_additional_pseudo_builtins = ( # 5 additional pseudo builtins 'SYSTEM', 'PROCESS', 'TSIZE', 'NEWPROCESS', 'TRANSFER', ) # I S O M o d u l a - 2 D a t a s e t s # Lexemes to Mark as Error Tokens for ISO Modula-2 iso_lexemes_to_reject = ( '`', '$', '%', '?', '\\', '==', '++', '--', '::', '*.', '+>', '->', '<<', '>>', '|#', '##', ) # ISO Modula-2 Additional Reserved Words Dataset iso_additional_reserved_words = ( # 9 additional reserved words (ISO 10514-1) 'EXCEPT', 'EXPORT', 'FINALLY', 'FORWARD', 'PACKEDSET', 'QUALIFIED', 'REM', 'RETRY', 'WITH', # 10 additional reserved words (ISO 10514-2 & ISO 10514-3) 'ABSTRACT', 'AS', 'CLASS', 'GUARD', 'INHERIT', 'OVERRIDE', 'READONLY', 'REVEAL', 'TRACED', 'UNSAFEGUARDED', ) # ISO Modula-2 Additional Builtins Dataset iso_additional_builtins = ( # 26 additional builtins (ISO 10514-1) 'BITSET', 'CAP', 'CMPLX', 'COMPLEX', 'DEC', 'DISPOSE', 'EXCL', 'FLOAT', 'HALT', 'HIGH', 'IM', 'INC', 'INCL', 'INT', 'INTERRUPTIBLE', 'LENGTH', 'LFLOAT', 'LONGCOMPLEX', 'NEW', 'PROC', 'PROTECTION', 'RE', 'SIZE', 'TRUNC', 'UNINTERRUBTIBLE', 'VAL', # 5 additional builtins (ISO 10514-2 & ISO 10514-3) 'CREATE', 'DESTROY', 'EMPTY', 'ISMEMBER', 'SELF', ) # ISO Modula-2 Additional Pseudo-Module Builtins Dataset iso_additional_pseudo_builtins = ( # 14 additional builtins (SYSTEM) 'SYSTEM', 'BITSPERLOC', 'LOCSPERBYTE', 'LOCSPERWORD', 'LOC', 'ADDADR', 'SUBADR', 'DIFADR', 'MAKEADR', 'ADR', 'ROTATE', 'SHIFT', 'CAST', 'TSIZE', # 13 additional builtins (COROUTINES) 'COROUTINES', 'ATTACH', 'COROUTINE', 'CURRENT', 'DETACH', 'HANDLER', 'INTERRUPTSOURCE', 'IOTRANSFER', 'IsATTACHED', 'LISTEN', 'NEWCOROUTINE', 'PROT', 'TRANSFER', # 9 additional builtins (EXCEPTIONS) 'EXCEPTIONS', 'AllocateSource', 'CurrentNumber', 'ExceptionNumber', 'ExceptionSource', 'GetMessage', 'IsCurrentSource', 'IsExceptionalExecution', 'RAISE', # 3 additional builtins (TERMINATION) 'TERMINATION', 'IsTerminating', 'HasHalted', # 4 additional builtins (M2EXCEPTION) 'M2EXCEPTION', 'M2Exceptions', 'M2Exception', 'IsM2Exception', 'indexException', 'rangeException', 'caseSelectException', 'invalidLocation', 'functionException', 'wholeValueException', 'wholeDivException', 'realValueException', 'realDivException', 'complexValueException', 'complexDivException', 'protException', 'sysException', 'coException', 'exException', ) # M o d u l a - 2 R 1 0 D a t a s e t s # Lexemes to Mark as Error Tokens for Modula-2 R10 m2r10_lexemes_to_reject = ( '!', '`', '@', '$', '%', '&', '<>', ) # Modula-2 R10 reserved words in addition to the common set m2r10_additional_reserved_words = ( # 12 additional reserved words 'ALIAS', 'ARGLIST', 'BLUEPRINT', 'COPY', 'GENLIB', 'INDETERMINATE', 'NEW', 'NONE', 'OPAQUE', 'REFERENTIAL', 'RELEASE', 'RETAIN', # 2 additional reserved words with symbolic assembly option 'ASM', 'REG', ) # Modula-2 R10 builtins in addition to the common set m2r10_additional_builtins = ( # 26 additional builtins 'CARDINAL', 'COUNT', 'EMPTY', 'EXISTS', 'INSERT', 'LENGTH', 'LONGCARD', 'OCTET', 'PTR', 'PRED', 'READ', 'READNEW', 'REMOVE', 'RETRIEVE', 'SORT', 'STORE', 'SUBSET', 'SUCC', 'TLIMIT', 'TMAX', 'TMIN', 'TRUE', 'TSIZE', 'UNICHAR', 'WRITE', 'WRITEF', ) # Modula-2 R10 Additional Pseudo-Module Builtins Dataset m2r10_additional_pseudo_builtins = ( # 13 additional builtins (TPROPERTIES) 'TPROPERTIES', 'PROPERTY', 'LITERAL', 'TPROPERTY', 'TLITERAL', 'TBUILTIN', 'TDYN', 'TREFC', 'TNIL', 'TBASE', 'TPRECISION', 'TMAXEXP', 'TMINEXP', # 4 additional builtins (CONVERSION) 'CONVERSION', 'TSXFSIZE', 'SXF', 'VAL', # 35 additional builtins (UNSAFE) 'UNSAFE', 'CAST', 'INTRINSIC', 'AVAIL', 'ADD', 'SUB', 'ADDC', 'SUBC', 'FETCHADD', 'FETCHSUB', 'SHL', 'SHR', 'ASHR', 'ROTL', 'ROTR', 'ROTLC', 'ROTRC', 'BWNOT', 'BWAND', 'BWOR', 'BWXOR', 'BWNAND', 'BWNOR', 'SETBIT', 'TESTBIT', 'LSBIT', 'MSBIT', 'CSBITS', 'BAIL', 'HALT', 'TODO', 'FFI', 'ADDR', 'VARGLIST', 'VARGC', # 11 additional builtins (ATOMIC) 'ATOMIC', 'INTRINSIC', 'AVAIL', 'SWAP', 'CAS', 'INC', 'DEC', 'BWAND', 'BWNAND', 'BWOR', 'BWXOR', # 7 additional builtins (COMPILER) 'COMPILER', 'DEBUG', 'MODNAME', 'PROCNAME', 'LINENUM', 'DEFAULT', 'HASH', # 5 additional builtins (ASSEMBLER) 'ASSEMBLER', 'REGISTER', 'SETREG', 'GETREG', 'CODE', ) # O b j e c t i v e M o d u l a - 2 D a t a s e t s # Lexemes to Mark as Error Tokens for Objective Modula-2 objm2_lexemes_to_reject = ( '!', '$', '%', '&', '<>', ) # Objective Modula-2 Extensions # reserved words in addition to Modula-2 R10 objm2_additional_reserved_words = ( # 16 additional reserved words 'BYCOPY', 'BYREF', 'CLASS', 'CONTINUE', 'CRITICAL', 'INOUT', 'METHOD', 'ON', 'OPTIONAL', 'OUT', 'PRIVATE', 'PROTECTED', 'PROTOCOL', 'PUBLIC', 'SUPER', 'TRY', ) # Objective Modula-2 Extensions # builtins in addition to Modula-2 R10 objm2_additional_builtins = ( # 3 additional builtins 'OBJECT', 'NO', 'YES', ) # Objective Modula-2 Extensions # pseudo-module builtins in addition to Modula-2 R10 objm2_additional_pseudo_builtins = ( # None ) # A g l e t M o d u l a - 2 D a t a s e t s # Aglet Extensions # reserved words in addition to ISO Modula-2 aglet_additional_reserved_words = ( # None ) # Aglet Extensions # builtins in addition to ISO Modula-2 aglet_additional_builtins = ( # 9 additional builtins 'BITSET8', 'BITSET16', 'BITSET32', 'CARDINAL8', 'CARDINAL16', 'CARDINAL32', 'INTEGER8', 'INTEGER16', 'INTEGER32', ) # Aglet Modula-2 Extensions # pseudo-module builtins in addition to ISO Modula-2 aglet_additional_pseudo_builtins = ( # None ) # G N U M o d u l a - 2 D a t a s e t s # GNU Extensions # reserved words in addition to PIM Modula-2 gm2_additional_reserved_words = ( # 10 additional reserved words 'ASM', '__ATTRIBUTE__', '__BUILTIN__', '__COLUMN__', '__DATE__', '__FILE__', '__FUNCTION__', '__LINE__', '__MODULE__', 'VOLATILE', ) # GNU Extensions # builtins in addition to PIM Modula-2 gm2_additional_builtins = ( # 21 additional builtins 'BITSET8', 'BITSET16', 'BITSET32', 'CARDINAL8', 'CARDINAL16', 'CARDINAL32', 'CARDINAL64', 'COMPLEX32', 'COMPLEX64', 'COMPLEX96', 'COMPLEX128', 'INTEGER8', 'INTEGER16', 'INTEGER32', 'INTEGER64', 'REAL8', 'REAL16', 'REAL32', 'REAL96', 'REAL128', 'THROW', ) # GNU Extensions # pseudo-module builtins in addition to PIM Modula-2 gm2_additional_pseudo_builtins = ( # None ) # p 1 M o d u l a - 2 D a t a s e t s # p1 Extensions # reserved words in addition to ISO Modula-2 p1_additional_reserved_words = ( # None ) # p1 Extensions # builtins in addition to ISO Modula-2 p1_additional_builtins = ( # None ) # p1 Modula-2 Extensions # pseudo-module builtins in addition to ISO Modula-2 p1_additional_pseudo_builtins = ( # 1 additional builtin 'BCD', ) # X D S M o d u l a - 2 D a t a s e t s # XDS Extensions # reserved words in addition to ISO Modula-2 xds_additional_reserved_words = ( # 1 additional reserved word 'SEQ', ) # XDS Extensions # builtins in addition to ISO Modula-2 xds_additional_builtins = ( # 9 additional builtins 'ASH', 'ASSERT', 'DIFFADR_TYPE', 'ENTIER', 'INDEX', 'LEN', 'LONGCARD', 'SHORTCARD', 'SHORTINT', ) # XDS Modula-2 Extensions # pseudo-module builtins in addition to ISO Modula-2 xds_additional_pseudo_builtins = ( # 22 additional builtins (SYSTEM) 'PROCESS', 'NEWPROCESS', 'BOOL8', 'BOOL16', 'BOOL32', 'CARD8', 'CARD16', 'CARD32', 'INT8', 'INT16', 'INT32', 'REF', 'MOVE', 'FILL', 'GET', 'PUT', 'CC', 'int', 'unsigned', 'size_t', 'void' # 3 additional builtins (COMPILER) 'COMPILER', 'OPTION', 'EQUATION' ) # P I M S t a n d a r d L i b r a r y D a t a s e t s # PIM Modula-2 Standard Library Modules Dataset pim_stdlib_module_identifiers = ( 'Terminal', 'FileSystem', 'InOut', 'RealInOut', 'MathLib0', 'Storage', ) # PIM Modula-2 Standard Library Types Dataset pim_stdlib_type_identifiers = ( 'Flag', 'FlagSet', 'Response', 'Command', 'Lock', 'Permission', 'MediumType', 'File', 'FileProc', 'DirectoryProc', 'FileCommand', 'DirectoryCommand', ) # PIM Modula-2 Standard Library Procedures Dataset pim_stdlib_proc_identifiers = ( 'Read', 'BusyRead', 'ReadAgain', 'Write', 'WriteString', 'WriteLn', 'Create', 'Lookup', 'Close', 'Delete', 'Rename', 'SetRead', 'SetWrite', 'SetModify', 'SetOpen', 'Doio', 'SetPos', 'GetPos', 'Length', 'Reset', 'Again', 'ReadWord', 'WriteWord', 'ReadChar', 'WriteChar', 'CreateMedium', 'DeleteMedium', 'AssignName', 'DeassignName', 'ReadMedium', 'LookupMedium', 'OpenInput', 'OpenOutput', 'CloseInput', 'CloseOutput', 'ReadString', 'ReadInt', 'ReadCard', 'ReadWrd', 'WriteInt', 'WriteCard', 'WriteOct', 'WriteHex', 'WriteWrd', 'ReadReal', 'WriteReal', 'WriteFixPt', 'WriteRealOct', 'sqrt', 'exp', 'ln', 'sin', 'cos', 'arctan', 'entier', 'ALLOCATE', 'DEALLOCATE', ) # PIM Modula-2 Standard Library Variables Dataset pim_stdlib_var_identifiers = ( 'Done', 'termCH', 'in', 'out' ) # PIM Modula-2 Standard Library Constants Dataset pim_stdlib_const_identifiers = ( 'EOL', ) # I S O S t a n d a r d L i b r a r y D a t a s e t s # ISO Modula-2 Standard Library Modules Dataset iso_stdlib_module_identifiers = ( # TO DO ) # ISO Modula-2 Standard Library Types Dataset iso_stdlib_type_identifiers = ( # TO DO ) # ISO Modula-2 Standard Library Procedures Dataset iso_stdlib_proc_identifiers = ( # TO DO ) # ISO Modula-2 Standard Library Variables Dataset iso_stdlib_var_identifiers = ( # TO DO ) # ISO Modula-2 Standard Library Constants Dataset iso_stdlib_const_identifiers = ( # TO DO ) # M 2 R 1 0 S t a n d a r d L i b r a r y D a t a s e t s # Modula-2 R10 Standard Library ADTs Dataset m2r10_stdlib_adt_identifiers = ( 'BCD', 'LONGBCD', 'BITSET', 'SHORTBITSET', 'LONGBITSET', 'LONGLONGBITSET', 'COMPLEX', 'LONGCOMPLEX', 'SHORTCARD', 'LONGLONGCARD', 'SHORTINT', 'LONGLONGINT', 'POSINT', 'SHORTPOSINT', 'LONGPOSINT', 'LONGLONGPOSINT', 'BITSET8', 'BITSET16', 'BITSET32', 'BITSET64', 'BITSET128', 'BS8', 'BS16', 'BS32', 'BS64', 'BS128', 'CARDINAL8', 'CARDINAL16', 'CARDINAL32', 'CARDINAL64', 'CARDINAL128', 'CARD8', 'CARD16', 'CARD32', 'CARD64', 'CARD128', 'INTEGER8', 'INTEGER16', 'INTEGER32', 'INTEGER64', 'INTEGER128', 'INT8', 'INT16', 'INT32', 'INT64', 'INT128', 'STRING', 'UNISTRING', ) # Modula-2 R10 Standard Library Blueprints Dataset m2r10_stdlib_blueprint_identifiers = ( 'ProtoRoot', 'ProtoComputational', 'ProtoNumeric', 'ProtoScalar', 'ProtoNonScalar', 'ProtoCardinal', 'ProtoInteger', 'ProtoReal', 'ProtoComplex', 'ProtoVector', 'ProtoTuple', 'ProtoCompArray', 'ProtoCollection', 'ProtoStaticArray', 'ProtoStaticSet', 'ProtoStaticString', 'ProtoArray', 'ProtoString', 'ProtoSet', 'ProtoMultiSet', 'ProtoDictionary', 'ProtoMultiDict', 'ProtoExtension', 'ProtoIO', 'ProtoCardMath', 'ProtoIntMath', 'ProtoRealMath', ) # Modula-2 R10 Standard Library Modules Dataset m2r10_stdlib_module_identifiers = ( 'ASCII', 'BooleanIO', 'CharIO', 'UnicharIO', 'OctetIO', 'CardinalIO', 'LongCardIO', 'IntegerIO', 'LongIntIO', 'RealIO', 'LongRealIO', 'BCDIO', 'LongBCDIO', 'CardMath', 'LongCardMath', 'IntMath', 'LongIntMath', 'RealMath', 'LongRealMath', 'BCDMath', 'LongBCDMath', 'FileIO', 'FileSystem', 'Storage', 'IOSupport', ) # Modula-2 R10 Standard Library Types Dataset m2r10_stdlib_type_identifiers = ( 'File', 'Status', # TO BE COMPLETED ) # Modula-2 R10 Standard Library Procedures Dataset m2r10_stdlib_proc_identifiers = ( 'ALLOCATE', 'DEALLOCATE', 'SIZE', # TO BE COMPLETED ) # Modula-2 R10 Standard Library Variables Dataset m2r10_stdlib_var_identifiers = ( 'stdIn', 'stdOut', 'stdErr', ) # Modula-2 R10 Standard Library Constants Dataset m2r10_stdlib_const_identifiers = ( 'pi', 'tau', ) # D i a l e c t s # Dialect modes dialects = ( 'unknown', 'm2pim', 'm2iso', 'm2r10', 'objm2', 'm2iso+aglet', 'm2pim+gm2', 'm2iso+p1', 'm2iso+xds', ) # D a t a b a s e s # Lexemes to Mark as Errors Database lexemes_to_reject_db = { # Lexemes to reject for unknown dialect 'unknown': ( # LEAVE THIS EMPTY ), # Lexemes to reject for PIM Modula-2 'm2pim': ( pim_lexemes_to_reject, ), # Lexemes to reject for ISO Modula-2 'm2iso': ( iso_lexemes_to_reject, ), # Lexemes to reject for Modula-2 R10 'm2r10': ( m2r10_lexemes_to_reject, ), # Lexemes to reject for Objective Modula-2 'objm2': ( objm2_lexemes_to_reject, ), # Lexemes to reject for Aglet Modula-2 'm2iso+aglet': ( iso_lexemes_to_reject, ), # Lexemes to reject for GNU Modula-2 'm2pim+gm2': ( pim_lexemes_to_reject, ), # Lexemes to reject for p1 Modula-2 'm2iso+p1': ( iso_lexemes_to_reject, ), # Lexemes to reject for XDS Modula-2 'm2iso+xds': ( iso_lexemes_to_reject, ), } # Reserved Words Database reserved_words_db = { # Reserved words for unknown dialect 'unknown': ( common_reserved_words, pim_additional_reserved_words, iso_additional_reserved_words, m2r10_additional_reserved_words, ), # Reserved words for PIM Modula-2 'm2pim': ( common_reserved_words, pim_additional_reserved_words, ), # Reserved words for Modula-2 R10 'm2iso': ( common_reserved_words, iso_additional_reserved_words, ), # Reserved words for ISO Modula-2 'm2r10': ( common_reserved_words, m2r10_additional_reserved_words, ), # Reserved words for Objective Modula-2 'objm2': ( common_reserved_words, m2r10_additional_reserved_words, objm2_additional_reserved_words, ), # Reserved words for Aglet Modula-2 Extensions 'm2iso+aglet': ( common_reserved_words, iso_additional_reserved_words, aglet_additional_reserved_words, ), # Reserved words for GNU Modula-2 Extensions 'm2pim+gm2': ( common_reserved_words, pim_additional_reserved_words, gm2_additional_reserved_words, ), # Reserved words for p1 Modula-2 Extensions 'm2iso+p1': ( common_reserved_words, iso_additional_reserved_words, p1_additional_reserved_words, ), # Reserved words for XDS Modula-2 Extensions 'm2iso+xds': ( common_reserved_words, iso_additional_reserved_words, xds_additional_reserved_words, ), } # Builtins Database builtins_db = { # Builtins for unknown dialect 'unknown': ( common_builtins, pim_additional_builtins, iso_additional_builtins, m2r10_additional_builtins, ), # Builtins for PIM Modula-2 'm2pim': ( common_builtins, pim_additional_builtins, ), # Builtins for ISO Modula-2 'm2iso': ( common_builtins, iso_additional_builtins, ), # Builtins for ISO Modula-2 'm2r10': ( common_builtins, m2r10_additional_builtins, ), # Builtins for Objective Modula-2 'objm2': ( common_builtins, m2r10_additional_builtins, objm2_additional_builtins, ), # Builtins for Aglet Modula-2 Extensions 'm2iso+aglet': ( common_builtins, iso_additional_builtins, aglet_additional_builtins, ), # Builtins for GNU Modula-2 Extensions 'm2pim+gm2': ( common_builtins, pim_additional_builtins, gm2_additional_builtins, ), # Builtins for p1 Modula-2 Extensions 'm2iso+p1': ( common_builtins, iso_additional_builtins, p1_additional_builtins, ), # Builtins for XDS Modula-2 Extensions 'm2iso+xds': ( common_builtins, iso_additional_builtins, xds_additional_builtins, ), } # Pseudo-Module Builtins Database pseudo_builtins_db = { # Builtins for unknown dialect 'unknown': ( common_pseudo_builtins, pim_additional_pseudo_builtins, iso_additional_pseudo_builtins, m2r10_additional_pseudo_builtins, ), # Builtins for PIM Modula-2 'm2pim': ( common_pseudo_builtins, pim_additional_pseudo_builtins, ), # Builtins for ISO Modula-2 'm2iso': ( common_pseudo_builtins, iso_additional_pseudo_builtins, ), # Builtins for ISO Modula-2 'm2r10': ( common_pseudo_builtins, m2r10_additional_pseudo_builtins, ), # Builtins for Objective Modula-2 'objm2': ( common_pseudo_builtins, m2r10_additional_pseudo_builtins, objm2_additional_pseudo_builtins, ), # Builtins for Aglet Modula-2 Extensions 'm2iso+aglet': ( common_pseudo_builtins, iso_additional_pseudo_builtins, aglet_additional_pseudo_builtins, ), # Builtins for GNU Modula-2 Extensions 'm2pim+gm2': ( common_pseudo_builtins, pim_additional_pseudo_builtins, gm2_additional_pseudo_builtins, ), # Builtins for p1 Modula-2 Extensions 'm2iso+p1': ( common_pseudo_builtins, iso_additional_pseudo_builtins, p1_additional_pseudo_builtins, ), # Builtins for XDS Modula-2 Extensions 'm2iso+xds': ( common_pseudo_builtins, iso_additional_pseudo_builtins, xds_additional_pseudo_builtins, ), } # Standard Library ADTs Database stdlib_adts_db = { # Empty entry for unknown dialect 'unknown': ( # LEAVE THIS EMPTY ), # Standard Library ADTs for PIM Modula-2 'm2pim': ( # No first class library types ), # Standard Library ADTs for ISO Modula-2 'm2iso': ( # No first class library types ), # Standard Library ADTs for Modula-2 R10 'm2r10': ( m2r10_stdlib_adt_identifiers, ), # Standard Library ADTs for Objective Modula-2 'objm2': ( m2r10_stdlib_adt_identifiers, ), # Standard Library ADTs for Aglet Modula-2 'm2iso+aglet': ( # No first class library types ), # Standard Library ADTs for GNU Modula-2 'm2pim+gm2': ( # No first class library types ), # Standard Library ADTs for p1 Modula-2 'm2iso+p1': ( # No first class library types ), # Standard Library ADTs for XDS Modula-2 'm2iso+xds': ( # No first class library types ), } # Standard Library Modules Database stdlib_modules_db = { # Empty entry for unknown dialect 'unknown': ( # LEAVE THIS EMPTY ), # Standard Library Modules for PIM Modula-2 'm2pim': ( pim_stdlib_module_identifiers, ), # Standard Library Modules for ISO Modula-2 'm2iso': ( iso_stdlib_module_identifiers, ), # Standard Library Modules for Modula-2 R10 'm2r10': ( m2r10_stdlib_blueprint_identifiers, m2r10_stdlib_module_identifiers, m2r10_stdlib_adt_identifiers, ), # Standard Library Modules for Objective Modula-2 'objm2': ( m2r10_stdlib_blueprint_identifiers, m2r10_stdlib_module_identifiers, ), # Standard Library Modules for Aglet Modula-2 'm2iso+aglet': ( iso_stdlib_module_identifiers, ), # Standard Library Modules for GNU Modula-2 'm2pim+gm2': ( pim_stdlib_module_identifiers, ), # Standard Library Modules for p1 Modula-2 'm2iso+p1': ( iso_stdlib_module_identifiers, ), # Standard Library Modules for XDS Modula-2 'm2iso+xds': ( iso_stdlib_module_identifiers, ), } # Standard Library Types Database stdlib_types_db = { # Empty entry for unknown dialect 'unknown': ( # LEAVE THIS EMPTY ), # Standard Library Types for PIM Modula-2 'm2pim': ( pim_stdlib_type_identifiers, ), # Standard Library Types for ISO Modula-2 'm2iso': ( iso_stdlib_type_identifiers, ), # Standard Library Types for Modula-2 R10 'm2r10': ( m2r10_stdlib_type_identifiers, ), # Standard Library Types for Objective Modula-2 'objm2': ( m2r10_stdlib_type_identifiers, ), # Standard Library Types for Aglet Modula-2 'm2iso+aglet': ( iso_stdlib_type_identifiers, ), # Standard Library Types for GNU Modula-2 'm2pim+gm2': ( pim_stdlib_type_identifiers, ), # Standard Library Types for p1 Modula-2 'm2iso+p1': ( iso_stdlib_type_identifiers, ), # Standard Library Types for XDS Modula-2 'm2iso+xds': ( iso_stdlib_type_identifiers, ), } # Standard Library Procedures Database stdlib_procedures_db = { # Empty entry for unknown dialect 'unknown': ( # LEAVE THIS EMPTY ), # Standard Library Procedures for PIM Modula-2 'm2pim': ( pim_stdlib_proc_identifiers, ), # Standard Library Procedures for ISO Modula-2 'm2iso': ( iso_stdlib_proc_identifiers, ), # Standard Library Procedures for Modula-2 R10 'm2r10': ( m2r10_stdlib_proc_identifiers, ), # Standard Library Procedures for Objective Modula-2 'objm2': ( m2r10_stdlib_proc_identifiers, ), # Standard Library Procedures for Aglet Modula-2 'm2iso+aglet': ( iso_stdlib_proc_identifiers, ), # Standard Library Procedures for GNU Modula-2 'm2pim+gm2': ( pim_stdlib_proc_identifiers, ), # Standard Library Procedures for p1 Modula-2 'm2iso+p1': ( iso_stdlib_proc_identifiers, ), # Standard Library Procedures for XDS Modula-2 'm2iso+xds': ( iso_stdlib_proc_identifiers, ), } # Standard Library Variables Database stdlib_variables_db = { # Empty entry for unknown dialect 'unknown': ( # LEAVE THIS EMPTY ), # Standard Library Variables for PIM Modula-2 'm2pim': ( pim_stdlib_var_identifiers, ), # Standard Library Variables for ISO Modula-2 'm2iso': ( iso_stdlib_var_identifiers, ), # Standard Library Variables for Modula-2 R10 'm2r10': ( m2r10_stdlib_var_identifiers, ), # Standard Library Variables for Objective Modula-2 'objm2': ( m2r10_stdlib_var_identifiers, ), # Standard Library Variables for Aglet Modula-2 'm2iso+aglet': ( iso_stdlib_var_identifiers, ), # Standard Library Variables for GNU Modula-2 'm2pim+gm2': ( pim_stdlib_var_identifiers, ), # Standard Library Variables for p1 Modula-2 'm2iso+p1': ( iso_stdlib_var_identifiers, ), # Standard Library Variables for XDS Modula-2 'm2iso+xds': ( iso_stdlib_var_identifiers, ), } # Standard Library Constants Database stdlib_constants_db = { # Empty entry for unknown dialect 'unknown': ( # LEAVE THIS EMPTY ), # Standard Library Constants for PIM Modula-2 'm2pim': ( pim_stdlib_const_identifiers, ), # Standard Library Constants for ISO Modula-2 'm2iso': ( iso_stdlib_const_identifiers, ), # Standard Library Constants for Modula-2 R10 'm2r10': ( m2r10_stdlib_const_identifiers, ), # Standard Library Constants for Objective Modula-2 'objm2': ( m2r10_stdlib_const_identifiers, ), # Standard Library Constants for Aglet Modula-2 'm2iso+aglet': ( iso_stdlib_const_identifiers, ), # Standard Library Constants for GNU Modula-2 'm2pim+gm2': ( pim_stdlib_const_identifiers, ), # Standard Library Constants for p1 Modula-2 'm2iso+p1': ( iso_stdlib_const_identifiers, ), # Standard Library Constants for XDS Modula-2 'm2iso+xds': ( iso_stdlib_const_identifiers, ), } # M e t h o d s # initialise a lexer instance def __init__(self, **options): # # check dialect options # dialects = get_list_opt(options, 'dialect', []) # for dialect_option in dialects: if dialect_option in self.dialects[1:-1]: # valid dialect option found self.set_dialect(dialect_option) break # # Fallback Mode (DEFAULT) else: # no valid dialect option self.set_dialect('unknown') # self.dialect_set_by_tag = False # # check style options # styles = get_list_opt(options, 'style', []) # # use lowercase mode for Algol style if 'algol' in styles or 'algol_nu' in styles: self.algol_publication_mode = True else: self.algol_publication_mode = False # # Check option flags # self.treat_stdlib_adts_as_builtins = get_bool_opt( options, 'treat_stdlib_adts_as_builtins', True) # # call superclass initialiser RegexLexer.__init__(self, **options) # Set lexer to a specified dialect def set_dialect(self, dialect_id): # # if __debug__: # print 'entered set_dialect with arg: ', dialect_id # # check dialect name against known dialects if dialect_id not in self.dialects: dialect = 'unknown' # default else: dialect = dialect_id # # compose lexemes to reject set lexemes_to_reject_set = set() # add each list of reject lexemes for this dialect for list in self.lexemes_to_reject_db[dialect]: lexemes_to_reject_set.update(set(list)) # # compose reserved words set reswords_set = set() # add each list of reserved words for this dialect for list in self.reserved_words_db[dialect]: reswords_set.update(set(list)) # # compose builtins set builtins_set = set() # add each list of builtins for this dialect excluding reserved words for list in self.builtins_db[dialect]: builtins_set.update(set(list).difference(reswords_set)) # # compose pseudo-builtins set pseudo_builtins_set = set() # add each list of builtins for this dialect excluding reserved words for list in self.pseudo_builtins_db[dialect]: pseudo_builtins_set.update(set(list).difference(reswords_set)) # # compose ADTs set adts_set = set() # add each list of ADTs for this dialect excluding reserved words for list in self.stdlib_adts_db[dialect]: adts_set.update(set(list).difference(reswords_set)) # # compose modules set modules_set = set() # add each list of builtins for this dialect excluding builtins for list in self.stdlib_modules_db[dialect]: modules_set.update(set(list).difference(builtins_set)) # # compose types set types_set = set() # add each list of types for this dialect excluding builtins for list in self.stdlib_types_db[dialect]: types_set.update(set(list).difference(builtins_set)) # # compose procedures set procedures_set = set() # add each list of procedures for this dialect excluding builtins for list in self.stdlib_procedures_db[dialect]: procedures_set.update(set(list).difference(builtins_set)) # # compose variables set variables_set = set() # add each list of variables for this dialect excluding builtins for list in self.stdlib_variables_db[dialect]: variables_set.update(set(list).difference(builtins_set)) # # compose constants set constants_set = set() # add each list of constants for this dialect excluding builtins for list in self.stdlib_constants_db[dialect]: constants_set.update(set(list).difference(builtins_set)) # # update lexer state self.dialect = dialect self.lexemes_to_reject = lexemes_to_reject_set self.reserved_words = reswords_set self.builtins = builtins_set self.pseudo_builtins = pseudo_builtins_set self.adts = adts_set self.modules = modules_set self.types = types_set self.procedures = procedures_set self.variables = variables_set self.constants = constants_set # # if __debug__: # print 'exiting set_dialect' # print ' self.dialect: ', self.dialect # print ' self.lexemes_to_reject: ', self.lexemes_to_reject # print ' self.reserved_words: ', self.reserved_words # print ' self.builtins: ', self.builtins # print ' self.pseudo_builtins: ', self.pseudo_builtins # print ' self.adts: ', self.adts # print ' self.modules: ', self.modules # print ' self.types: ', self.types # print ' self.procedures: ', self.procedures # print ' self.variables: ', self.variables # print ' self.types: ', self.types # print ' self.constants: ', self.constants # Extracts a dialect name from a dialect tag comment string and checks # the extracted name against known dialects. If a match is found, the # matching name is returned, otherwise dialect id 'unknown' is returned def get_dialect_from_dialect_tag(self, dialect_tag): # # if __debug__: # print 'entered get_dialect_from_dialect_tag with arg: ', dialect_tag # # constants left_tag_delim = '(*!' right_tag_delim = '*)' left_tag_delim_len = len(left_tag_delim) right_tag_delim_len = len(right_tag_delim) indicator_start = left_tag_delim_len indicator_end = -(right_tag_delim_len) # # check comment string for dialect indicator if len(dialect_tag) > (left_tag_delim_len + right_tag_delim_len) \ and dialect_tag.startswith(left_tag_delim) \ and dialect_tag.endswith(right_tag_delim): # # if __debug__: # print 'dialect tag found' # # extract dialect indicator indicator = dialect_tag[indicator_start:indicator_end] # # if __debug__: # print 'extracted: ', indicator # # check against known dialects for index in range(1, len(self.dialects)): # # if __debug__: # print 'dialects[', index, ']: ', self.dialects[index] # if indicator == self.dialects[index]: # # if __debug__: # print 'matching dialect found' # # indicator matches known dialect return indicator else: # indicator does not match any dialect return 'unknown' # default else: # invalid indicator string return 'unknown' # default # intercept the token stream, modify token attributes and return them def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text): for index, token, value in RegexLexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text): # # check for dialect tag if dialect has not been set by tag if not self.dialect_set_by_tag and token == Comment.Special: indicated_dialect = self.get_dialect_from_dialect_tag(value) if indicated_dialect != 'unknown': # token is a dialect indicator # reset reserved words and builtins self.set_dialect(indicated_dialect) self.dialect_set_by_tag = True # # check for reserved words, predefined and stdlib identifiers if token is Name: if value in self.reserved_words: token = Keyword.Reserved if self.algol_publication_mode: value = value.lower() # elif value in self.builtins: token = Name.Builtin if self.algol_publication_mode: value = value.lower() # elif value in self.pseudo_builtins: token = Name.Builtin.Pseudo if self.algol_publication_mode: value = value.lower() # elif value in self.adts: if not self.treat_stdlib_adts_as_builtins: token = Name.Namespace else: token = Name.Builtin.Pseudo if self.algol_publication_mode: value = value.lower() # elif value in self.modules: token = Name.Namespace # elif value in self.types: token = Name.Class # elif value in self.procedures: token = Name.Function # elif value in self.variables: token = Name.Variable # elif value in self.constants: token = Name.Constant # elif token in Number: # # mark prefix number literals as error for PIM and ISO dialects if self.dialect not in ('unknown', 'm2r10', 'objm2'): if "'" in value or value[0:2] in ('0b', '0x', '0u'): token = Error # elif self.dialect in ('m2r10', 'objm2'): # mark base-8 number literals as errors for M2 R10 and ObjM2 if token is Number.Oct: token = Error # mark suffix base-16 literals as errors for M2 R10 and ObjM2 elif token is Number.Hex and 'H' in value: token = Error # mark real numbers with E as errors for M2 R10 and ObjM2 elif token is Number.Float and 'E' in value: token = Error # elif token in Comment: # # mark single line comment as error for PIM and ISO dialects if token is Comment.Single: if self.dialect not in ('unknown', 'm2r10', 'objm2'): token = Error # if token is Comment.Preproc: # mark ISO pragma as error for PIM dialects if value.startswith('<*') and \ self.dialect.startswith('m2pim'): token = Error # mark PIM pragma as comment for other dialects elif value.startswith('(*$') and \ self.dialect != 'unknown' and \ not self.dialect.startswith('m2pim'): token = Comment.Multiline # else: # token is neither Name nor Comment # # mark lexemes matching the dialect's error token set as errors if value in self.lexemes_to_reject: token = Error # # substitute lexemes when in Algol mode if self.algol_publication_mode: if value == '#': value = u'≠' elif value == '<=': value = u'≤' elif value == '>=': value = u'≥' elif value == '==': value = u'≡' elif value == '*.': value = u'•' # return result yield index, token, value
import build_response as br # ====================================================================================================================== # Skill Behavior: Welcome Response # ====================================================================================================================== class Welcome(object): def __init__(self): self.card_title = "Welcome" self.reprompt_text = "What station would you like train times for?" self.flag = "welcome" def build_response(self): output = br.build_response(self.card_title, self.flag, reprompt_text=self.reprompt_text) return output # ====================================================================================================================== # Skill Intent: Help # ====================================================================================================================== class Help(object): def __init__(self, intent, session): # Parameters are here so handler can treat this like the other intent classes self.card_title = "Help" self.reprompt_text = "What station would you like train times for?" self.flag = "help" def build_response(self): output = br.build_response(self.card_title, self.flag, reprompt_text=self.reprompt_text) return output # ====================================================================================================================== # Skill Intent: Quit # ====================================================================================================================== class Exit(object): def __init__(self, intent, session): # Parameters are here so handler can treat this like the other intent classes self.card_title = "Exiting" self.flag = "exit" def build_response(self): output = br.build_response(self.card_title, self.flag) return output
# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Utilities for reading instances for prediction.""" import json from googlecloudsdk.core import exceptions as core_exceptions from googlecloudsdk.core import resources from googlecloudsdk.core.util import files class InvalidInstancesFileError(core_exceptions.Error): """Indicates that the input file was invalid in some way.""" pass def ReadInstances(input_file, data_format, limit=None): """Reads the instances from input file. Args: input_file: An open file-like object for the input file. data_format: str, data format of the input file, 'json' or 'text'. limit: int, the maximum number of instances allowed in the file Returns: A list of instances. Raises: InvalidInstancesFileError: If the input file is invalid (invalid format or contains too many/zero instances). """ instances = [] for line_num, line in enumerate(input_file): line_content = line.rstrip('\n') if not line_content: raise InvalidInstancesFileError('Empty line is not allowed in the ' 'instances file.') if limit and line_num >= limit: raise InvalidInstancesFileError( 'Online prediction can process no more than ' + str(limit) + ' instances per file. Please use batch prediction instead.') if data_format == 'json': try: instances.append(json.loads(line_content)) except ValueError: raise InvalidInstancesFileError( 'Input instances are not in JSON format. ' 'See "gcloud beta ml predict --help" for details.') elif data_format == 'text': instances.append(line_content) if not instances: raise InvalidInstancesFileError('No valid instance was found.') return instances def ReadInstancesFromArgs(json_instances, text_instances, limit=None): """Reads the instances from the given file path ('-' for stdin). Exactly one of json_instances, text_instances must be given. Args: json_instances: str or None, a path to a file ('-' for stdin) containing instances in JSON format. text_instances: str or None, a path to a file ('-' for stdin) containing instances in text format. limit: int, the maximum number of instances allowed in the file Returns: A list of instances. Raises: InvalidInstancesFileError: If the input file is invalid (invalid format or contains too many/zero instances), or an improper combination of input files was given. """ if (json_instances and text_instances or not (json_instances or text_instances)): raise InvalidInstancesFileError( 'Exactly one of --json-instances and --text-instances must be ' 'specified.') if json_instances: data_format = 'json' input_file = json_instances elif text_instances: data_format = 'text' input_file = text_instances with files.Open(input_file) as f: return ReadInstances(f, data_format, limit=limit) def ParseModelOrVersionRef(model_id, version_id): if version_id: return resources.REGISTRY.Parse(version_id, collection='ml.projects.models.versions', params={'modelsId': model_id}) else: return resources.REGISTRY.Parse(model_id, collection='ml.projects.models')
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from .. import Provider as AddressProvider class Provider(AddressProvider): ## List of Countries countries = ( 'Afganistán', 'Albania', 'Alemania', 'Andorra', 'Angola', 'Antigua y Barbuda', 'Arabia Saudita', 'Argelia', 'Argentina', 'Armenia', 'Australia', 'Austria', 'Azerbaiyán', 'Bahamas', 'Bahrein', 'Bangladesh', 'Barbados', 'Belarús', 'Bélgica', 'Belice', 'Benin', 'Bhután', 'Bolivia', 'Bosnia y Herzegovina', 'Botswana', 'Brasil', 'Brunei Darussalam', 'Bulgaria', 'Burkina Faso', 'Burundi', 'Cabo Verde', 'Camboya', 'Camerún', 'Canadá', 'Chad', 'Chile', 'China', 'Chipre','Colombia', 'Comoras', 'Congo', 'Costa Rica', 'Côte d\'Ivoire', 'Croacia', 'Cuba', 'Dinamarca', 'Djibouti', 'Dominicana', 'Ecuador', 'Egipto', 'El Salvador', 'Emiratos Árabes Unidos', 'Eritrea', 'Eslovaquia', 'Eslovenia', 'España', 'Estados Unidos de América', 'Estonia', 'Etiopía', 'ex República Yugoslava de Macedonia', 'Federación de Rusia', 'Fiji', 'Filipinas', 'Finlandia', 'Francia', 'Gabón', 'Gambia', 'Georgia', 'Ghana', 'Granada', 'Grecia', 'Guatemala', 'Guinea', 'Guinea Bissau', 'Guinea Ecuatorial', 'Guyana', 'Haití', 'Honduras', 'Hungría', 'India', 'Indonesia', 'Irán', 'Iraq', 'Irlanda', 'Islandia', 'Islas Marshall', 'Islas Salomón', 'Israel', 'Italia', 'Jamaica', 'Japón', 'Jordania', 'Kazajstán', 'Kenya', 'Kirguistán', 'Kiribati', 'Kuwait', 'Lesotho', 'Letonia', 'Líbano', 'Liberia', 'Libia', 'Liechtenstein', 'Lituania', 'Luxemburgo', 'Madagascar', 'Malasia', 'Malawi', 'Maldivas', 'Mali', 'Malta','Marruecos', 'Mauricio', 'Mauritania', 'México', 'Micronesia', 'Mónaco', 'Mongolia', 'Montenegro','Mozambique','Myanmar', 'Namibia', 'Nauru', 'Nicaragua', 'Niger', 'Nigeria', 'Noruega', 'Nueva Zelandia', 'Omán', 'Países Bajos', 'Pakistán', 'Palau', 'Panamá', 'Papua Nueva Guinea', 'Paraguay', 'Perú', 'Polonia', 'Portugal', 'Qatar', 'Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte', 'República Árabe Siria', 'República Centroafricana', 'República Checa', 'República de Corea', 'República de Moldova', 'República Democrática del Congo', 'República Democrática Popular Lao', 'República Dominicana', 'República Federal Democrática de Nepal', 'República Popular Democrática de Corea', 'República Unida de Tanzanía', 'Rumania', 'Rwanda', 'Saint Kitts y Nevis', 'Samoa', 'San Marino', 'Santa Lucía', 'Santo Tomé y Príncipe', 'San Vicente y las Granadinas', 'Senegal', 'Serbia', 'Seychelles', 'Sierra Leona', 'Singapur', 'Somalia', 'Sri Lanka', 'Sudáfrica', 'Sudán', 'Sudán del Sur', 'Suecia', 'Suiza', 'Suriname', 'Swazilandia', 'Tailandia', 'Tayikistán', 'Timor-Leste', 'Togo', 'Tonga', 'Trinidad y Tabago', 'Túnez', 'Turkmenistán', 'Turquía', 'Tuvalu', 'Ucrania', 'Uganda', 'Uruguay', 'Uzbekistán', 'Vanuatu', 'Venezuela', 'Vietman', 'Yemen', 'Zambia', 'Zimbabwe' )
# # # Copyright (C) 2011 Carlos Garcia Campos <[email protected]> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA import os import errno from Test import Test from Config import Config from Printer import get_printer from Utils import get_document_paths_from_dir, get_skipped_tests from Queue import Queue from threading import Thread, RLock class TestReferences: def __init__(self, docsdir, refsdir): self._docsdir = docsdir self._refsdir = refsdir self._skipped = get_skipped_tests(docsdir) self._test = Test() self.config = Config() self.printer = get_printer() self._total_tests = 1 self._n_tests = 0 self._queue = Queue() self._lock = RLock() try: os.makedirs(self._refsdir) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise except: raise def create_refs_for_file(self, filename): if filename in self._skipped: with self._lock: self._n_tests += 1 self.printer.print_default("Skipping test '%s'" % (os.path.join(self._docsdir, filename))) return refs_path = os.path.join(self._refsdir, filename) try: os.makedirs(refs_path) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise except: raise doc_path = os.path.join(self._docsdir, filename) if not self.config.force and self._test.has_results(refs_path): with self._lock: self._n_tests += 1 self.printer.print_default("Results found, skipping '%s'" % doc_path) return if self._test.create_refs(doc_path, refs_path): self._test.create_checksums(refs_path, self.config.checksums_only) with self._lock: self._n_tests += 1 self.printer.printout_ln("[%d/%d] %s: done" % (self._n_tests, self._total_tests, doc_path)) def _worker_thread(self): while True: doc = self._queue.get() self.create_refs_for_file(doc) self._queue.task_done() def create_refs(self): docs, total_docs = get_document_paths_from_dir(self._docsdir) self._total_tests = total_docs self.printer.printout_ln('Found %d documents' % (total_docs)) self.printer.printout_ln('Process %d using %d worker threads' % (os.getpid(), self.config.threads)) self.printer.printout_ln() self.printer.printout('Spawning %d workers...' % (self.config.threads)) for n_thread in range(self.config.threads): thread = Thread(target=self._worker_thread) thread.daemon = True thread.start() for doc in docs: self._queue.put(doc) self._queue.join()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ################################################################################ # _____ _ _____ _ # # / ____(_) / ____| | | # # | | _ ___ ___ ___ | (___ _ _ ___| |_ ___ _ __ ___ ___ # # | | | / __|/ __/ _ \ \___ \| | | / __| __/ _ \ '_ ` _ \/ __| # # | |____| \__ \ (_| (_) | ____) | |_| \__ \ || __/ | | | | \__ \ # # \_____|_|___/\___\___/ |_____/ \__, |___/\__\___|_| |_| |_|___/ # # __/ | # # |___/ # # _ __ _____ _ _____ ______ # # | |/ / / ____| | |/ ____| ____| # # | ' / ___ _ __ ___ __ _ | (___ ___ | | (___ | |__ # # | < / _ \| '__/ _ \/ _` | \___ \ / _ \| |\___ \| __| # # | . \ (_) | | | __/ (_| | ____) | (_) | |____) | |____ # # |_|\_\___/|_| \___|\__,_| |_____/ \___/|_|_____/|______| # # # ################################################################################ # # # Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco Systems # # All Rights Reserved. # # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # # a copy of the License at # # # # # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # # under the License. # # # ################################################################################ import re import uuid class TAG(dict): @classmethod def ATTR(cls, attrs, **sets): for k in sets: attrs[k] = '%s %s' % (sets[k], attrs[k]) if k in attrs else sets[k] return attrs @classmethod def UUID(cls): return 'V-' + str(uuid.uuid4()) def __init__(self, tag, **attrs): dict.__init__(self, tag=tag, elems=[], attrs=attrs) def __len__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self['elems'].__len__() def __str__(self): return self.render() def click(self, url): if 'CLASS' in self['attrs']: self['attrs']['CLASS'] += ' clickable' else: self['attrs']['CLASS'] = 'clickable' self['attrs']['onclick'] = "GetData('%s');" % url return self def html(self, *elems): for elem in elems: self['elems'].append(elem) return self def empty(self): return not self['elems'].__len__() def render(self): tag = self['tag'] attrs = self['attrs'] elems = self['elems'] attr_str = ''; for k in attrs: attr_str += ' %s="%s"' % (k, attrs[k]) elem_str = '' for elem in elems: elem_str += str(elem) return '<%s%s>%s</%s>' % (tag, attr_str, elem_str, tag) class DIV(TAG): def __init__(self, **attrs): TAG.__init__(self, 'div', **attrs) class SPAN(TAG): def __init__(self, **attrs): TAG.__init__(self, 'span', **attrs) class HEAD(TAG): def __init__(self, level, **attrs): TAG.__init__(self, 'h' + str(level), **attrs) class PARA(TAG): def __init__(self, **attrs): TAG.__init__(self, 'p', **TAG.ATTR(attrs, CLASS='para')) class ANCH(TAG): def __init__(self, **attrs): TAG.__init__(self, 'a', **attrs) class LABEL(TAG): def __init__(self, **attrs): TAG.__init__(self, 'label', **attrs) class STRONG(TAG): def __init__(self, **attrs): TAG.__init__(self, 'strong', **attrs) class SMALL(TAG): def __init__(self, **attrs): TAG.__init__(self, 'small', **attrs) class IMG(TAG): def __init__(self, src, **attrs): TAG.__init__(self, 'img', **TAG.ATTR(attrs, src=src)) class ICON(TAG): def __init__(self, icon, **attrs): TAG.__init__(self, 'i', **TAG.ATTR(attrs, CLASS='fa fa-%s' % icon)) class THEAD(TAG): def __init__(self, **attrs): TAG.__init__(self, 'thead', **attrs) class TBODY(TAG): def __init__(self, **attrs): TAG.__init__(self, 'tbody', **attrs) class TH(TAG): def __init__(self, **attrs): TAG.__init__(self, 'th', **attrs) class TR(TAG): def __init__(self, **attrs): TAG.__init__(self, 'tr', **attrs) class TD(TAG): def __init__(self, **attrs): TAG.__init__(self, 'td', **attrs) class TABLE(TAG): class BASIC(TAG): def __init__(self, *heads, **options): TAG.__init__(self, 'TABLE', ID=TAG.UUID(), CLASS='table table-bordered table-hover', LIB='table_basic', **{'width':'100%'}) self.body = TBODY() self['options'] = options tr = TR() order = [None for i in range(0, len(heads))] for i in range(0, len(heads)): head = heads[i] kv = re.match('.+\<(?P<p>\d+)(?P<d>(\+|\-))\>$', head) if kv: p = int('p')) d ='d') if d == '+': order[p] = [i, 'asc'] else: order[p] = [i, 'desc'] head = head.replace('<%d%s>' % (p, d), '') tr.html(TH().html(head)) order = filter(None, order) if order: self['options']['order'] = order else: self['options']['order'] = [[0, 'asc']] self.html(THEAD().html(tr)).html(self.body) def Record(self, *cols, **attrs): tr = TR(**attrs) for col in cols: tr.html(TD().html(col)) self.body.html(tr) return self def __len__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.body.__len__() class ASYNC(TAG): @classmethod def pageview(cls): def wrapper(view): def decofunc(r, m, v): r.Draw = int(r.Query['draw'][0]) if isinstance(r.Query['draw'], list) else int(r.Query['draw']) r.Length = int(r.Query['length'][0]) if isinstance(r.Query['length'], list) else int(r.Query['length']) r.Start = int(r.Query['start'][0]) if isinstance(r.Query['start'], list) else int(r.Query['start']) try: r.OrderCol = int(r.Query['order[0][column]'][0]) if isinstance(r.Query['order[0][column]'], list) else int(r.Query['order[0][column]']) r.OrderDir = int(r.Query['order[0][dir]'][0]) if isinstance(r.Query['order[0][dir]'], list) else int(r.Query['order[0][dir]']) r.Search = int(r.Query['search[value]'][0]) if isinstance(r.Query['search[value]'], list) else int(r.Query['search[value]']) except: pass r.Page = r.Start / r.Length return view(r, m, v) return decofunc return wrapper def __init__(self, url, *heads, **attrs): TAG.__init__(self, 'TABLE', **TAG.ATTR(attrs, ID=TAG.UUID(), CLASS='table table-bordered table-hover', LIB='table_async', **{'width':'100%', 'url':url})) tr = TR() for head in heads: tr.html(TH().html(head)) self.html(THEAD().html(tr)) class ASYNCDATA(dict): def __init__(self, draw, total, count): dict.__init__(self, draw=draw, recordsTotal=total, recordsFiltered=count) = [] self['data'] = def Record(self, *cols, **attrs):[str(col) for col in cols]) return self class FLIP(TAG): def __init__(self, *heads, **attrs): TAG.__init__(self, 'TABLE', **TAG.ATTR(attrs, ID=TAG.UUID(), CLASS='table', LIB='table_flip', **{'data-show-toggle':'true', 'data-paging':'true', 'width':'100%'})) self.body = TBODY() tr = TR() for head in heads: if '+' in head: tr.html(TH(**{'data-type':'html', 'data-breakpoints':'all', 'data-title':head.replace('+', '')}).html(head)) else: tr.html(TH(**{'data-type':'html'}).html(head)) self.html(THEAD().html(tr)).html(self.body) def Record(self, *cols, **attrs): tr = TR(**attrs) for col in cols: tr.html(TD(**{'data-type':'html'}).html(col)) self.body.html(tr) return self def __len__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.body.__len__() def __init__(self, **attrs): TAG.__init__(self, 'table', **attrs) class UL(TAG): def __init__(self, **attrs): TAG.__init__(self, 'ul', **attrs) class LI(TAG): def __init__(self, **attrs): TAG.__init__(self, 'li', **attrs) class FORM(TAG): def __init__(self, **attrs): TAG.__init__(self, 'form', **attrs) class INPUT(TAG): def __init__(self, **attrs): TAG.__init__(self, 'input', **attrs) class SELECT(TAG): def __init__(self, **attrs): TAG.__init__(self, 'select', **attrs) class OPTION(TAG): def __init__(self, **attrs): TAG.__init__(self, 'option', **attrs) class BUTTON(TAG): def __init__(self, **attrs): TAG.__init__(self, 'button', **TAG.ATTR(attrs, CLASS='btn', TYPE='button'))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright: (c) 2018, F5 Networks Inc. # GNU General Public License v3.0 (see COPYING or from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import os import json import pytest import sys if sys.version_info < (2, 7): pytestmark = pytest.mark.skip("F5 Ansible modules require Python >= 2.7") from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule try: from library.modules.bigip_firewall_dos_profile import ModuleParameters from library.modules.bigip_firewall_dos_profile import ModuleManager from library.modules.bigip_firewall_dos_profile import ArgumentSpec # In Ansible 2.8, Ansible changed import paths. from test.units.compat import unittest from test.units.compat.mock import Mock from test.units.modules.utils import set_module_args except ImportError: from import ModuleParameters from import ModuleManager from import ArgumentSpec # Ansible 2.8 imports from units.compat import unittest from units.compat.mock import Mock from units.modules.utils import set_module_args fixture_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fixtures') fixture_data = {} def load_fixture(name): path = os.path.join(fixture_path, name) if path in fixture_data: return fixture_data[path] with open(path) as f: data = try: data = json.loads(data) except Exception: pass fixture_data[path] = data return data class TestParameters(unittest.TestCase): def test_module_parameters(self): args = dict( name='foo', description='my description', threshold_sensitivity='low', default_whitelist='whitelist1' ) p = ModuleParameters(params=args) assert == 'foo' assert p.description == 'my description' assert p.threshold_sensitivity == 'low' assert p.default_whitelist == '/Common/whitelist1' class TestManager(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.spec = ArgumentSpec() def test_create(self, *args): set_module_args(dict( name='foo', description='this is a description', threshold_sensitivity='low', default_whitelist='whitelist1', provider=dict( server='localhost', password='password', user='admin' ) )) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=self.spec.argument_spec, supports_check_mode=self.spec.supports_check_mode ) mm = ModuleManager(module=module) # Override methods to force specific logic in the module to happen mm.exists = Mock(side_effect=[False, True]) mm.create_on_device = Mock(return_value=True) results = mm.exec_module() assert results['changed'] is True assert results['description'] == 'this is a description'
from django import forms from django.utils import timezone from django.utils.module_loading import import_string from . import models as picker from . import utils _picker_widget = None encoded_game_key = 'game_{}'.format TIE_KEY = '__TIE__' def decoded_game_key(value): return int(value.replace('game_', '')) def encoded_game_item(game): return ( encoded_game_key(, str( if game.winner else (TIE_KEY if game.is_tie else '') ) def get_picker_widget(league): global _picker_widget if not _picker_widget: widget_path = league.config('TEAM_PICKER_WIDGET') if widget_path: _picker_widget = import_string(widget_path) _picker_widget = _picker_widget or forms.RadioSelect return _picker_widget class GameField(forms.ChoiceField): def __init__(self, game, manage=False, widget=None): choices = [(str(, game.away), (str(, game.home)] if manage: choices.insert(1, (TIE_KEY, '')) = game self.manage = manage self.game_id = self.is_game = True super(GameField, self).__init__( choices=choices, label=game.start_time.strftime('%a, %b %d %I:%M %p'), required=False,, disabled=not self.manage and ( <=, widget=widget or get_picker_widget(game.gameset.league) ) class FieldIter: def __init__(self, form): self.fields = [] self.form = form def append(self, name): self.fields.append(name) def __iter__(self): for name in self.fields: yield self.form[name] class BasePickForm(forms.Form): management = False def __init__(self, gameset, *args, **kws): super(BasePickForm, self).__init__(*args, **kws) self.gameset = gameset self.game_fields = FieldIter(self) games = list('home__league', 'away__league')) if games: for gm in games: key = encoded_game_key( self.fields[key] = GameField(gm, self.game_fields.append(key) self.fields['points'] = forms.IntegerField( label='{}:'.format(games[-1].vs_description), required=False ) class ManagementPickForm(BasePickForm): management = True def __init__(self, gameset, *args, **kws): kws.setdefault('initial', {}).update(**self.get_initial_picks(gameset)) super(ManagementPickForm, self).__init__(gameset, *args, **kws) def save(self): gameset = self.gameset data = self.cleaned_data.copy() gameset.points = data.pop('points', 0) or 0 for key, winner in data.items(): if winner: pk = decoded_game_key(key) game = game.winner = None if winner == TIE_KEY else int(winner) gameset.update_pick_status() @staticmethod def get_initial_picks(gameset): return dict({ encoded_game_key( str( for game in if game.winner }, points=gameset.points) class UserPickForm(BasePickForm): def __init__(self, user, gameset, *args, **kws): initial = self.get_initial_user_picks(gameset, user) kws.setdefault('initial', {}).update(initial) self.user = user super(UserPickForm, self).__init__(gameset, *args, **kws) def save(self): data = self.cleaned_data.copy() picks = picker.PickSet.objects.for_gameset_user(self.gameset, self.user) points = data.pop('points', None) games = {decoded_game_key(k): v for k, v in data.items() if v} picks.update_picks(games=games, points=points) return picks @staticmethod def get_initial_user_picks(gameset, user): ps = gameset.pick_for_user(user) initial = dict({ encoded_game_key(g_id): str(w_id) for g_id, w_id in ps.gamepicks.picked_winner_ids() }, points=ps.points) if ps else {} return initial class GameForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = picker.Game fields = ('start_time', 'location') class PreferenceForm(forms.ModelForm): class Meta: model = picker.Preference fields = ('autopick',) def __init__(self, instance, *args, **kws): kws['instance'] = instance self.current_email = kws.setdefault('initial', {})['email'] = self.current_email super(PreferenceForm, self).__init__(*args, **kws) for league in picker.League.objects.all(): field_name = '{}_favorite'.format(league.slug) current = None if instance: try: current = picker.PickerFavorite.objects.get(user=instance.user, league=league) except picker.PickerFavorite.DoesNotExist: pass self.fields[field_name] = forms.ModelChoiceField( picker.Team.objects.filter(league=league), label='{} Favorite'.format(league.abbr.upper()), empty_label='-- Select --', required=False, if current else None ) def save(self, commit=True): super(PreferenceForm, self).save(commit) if commit: picker.PickerFavorite.objects.filter(user=self.instance.user).delete() for key in self.cleaned_data: if not key.endswith('_favorite'): continue slug = key.rsplit('_')[0] league = picker.League.objects.get(slug=slug) picker.PickerFavorite.objects.create( league=league, user=self.instance.user, team=self.cleaned_data[key] )
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL (<>). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # ############################################################################## import os, time import random import StringIO from import render from import report_int from pychart import * theme.use_color = 1 class external_pdf(render): """ Generate External PDF """ def __init__(self, pdf): render.__init__(self) self.pdf = pdf self.output_type = 'pdf' def _render(self): return self.pdf class report_custom(report_int): """ Create Custom Report """ def create(self, cr, uid, ids, datas, context=None): """ @param cr: the current row, from the database cursor, @param uid: the current user’s ID for security checks, @param ids: List of IDs @param context: A standard dictionary for contextual values """ assert len(ids), 'You should provide some ids!' responsible_data = {} responsible_names = {} data = [] minbenef = 999999999999999999999 maxbenef = 0 cr.execute('select probability, planned_revenue, planned_cost, user_id,\ as name from crm_case left join res_users on \ ( where IN %s order by user_id',(tuple(ids),)) res = cr.dictfetchall() for row in res: proba = row['probability'] or 0 / 100.0 cost = row['planned_cost'] or 0 revenue = row['planned_revenue'] or 0 userid = row['user_id'] or 0 benefit = revenue - cost if benefit > maxbenef: maxbenef = benefit if benefit < minbenef: minbenef = benefit tuple_benefit = (proba * 100, benefit) responsible_data.setdefault(userid, []) responsible_data[userid].append(tuple_benefit) tuple_benefit = (proba * 100, cost, benefit) data.append(tuple_benefit) responsible_names[userid] = (row['name'] or '/').replace('/','//') minbenef -= maxbenef * 0.05 maxbenef *= 1.2 ratio = 0.5 minmaxdiff2 = (maxbenef - minbenef)/2 for l in responsible_data.itervalues(): for i in range(len(l)): percent, benef = l[i] proba = percent/100 current_ratio = 1 + (ratio-1) * proba newbenef = minmaxdiff2 + ((benef - minbenef - minmaxdiff2) * current_ratio) l[i] = (percent, newbenef) #TODO: #-group by "categorie de probabilites ds graphe du haut" #-echelle variable pdf_string = StringIO.StringIO() can = canvas.init(fname = pdf_string, format = 'pdf') chart_object.set_defaults(line_plot.T, line_style=None) xaxis = axis.X(label=None, format="%d%%", tic_interval=20) yaxis = axis.Y() x_range_a, x_range_b = (0, 100) y_range_a, y_range_b = (minbenef, maxbenef) if y_range_a == 0.0: y_range_a += 0.0001 ar = area.T( size = (300,200), y_grid_interval = 10000, y_grid_style = None, x_range = (x_range_a, x_range_b), y_range = (y_range_a, y_range_b), x_axis = xaxis, y_axis = None, legend = legend.T() ) #import pydb; pydb.debugger() for k, d in responsible_data.iteritems(): fill = fill_style.Plain(bgcolor=color.T(r=random.random(), g=random.random(), b=random.random())) tick = tick_mark.Square(size=6, fill_style=fill) ar.add_plot(line_plot.T(label=responsible_names[k], data=d, tick_mark=tick)) ar.draw(can) # second graph (top right) ar = area.T(legend = legend.T(), size = (200,100), loc = (100,250), x_grid_interval = lambda min, max: [40,60,80,100], x_grid_style = line_style.gray70_dash1, x_range = (33, 100), x_axis = axis.X(label=None, minor_tic_interval = lambda min,max: [50, 70, 90],\ format=lambda x: ""), y_axis = axis.Y(label="Planned amounts")) bar_plot.fill_styles.reset(); plot1 = bar_plot.T(label="Cost", data=data, plot2 = bar_plot.T(label="Revenue", data=data, hcol=2, stack_on = plot1, ar.add_plot(plot1, plot2) ar.draw(can) # diagonal "pipeline" lines can.line(, 0, 200, 300, 150) can.line(, 0, 0, 300, 50) # vertical lines ls = line_style.T(width=0.4, color=color.gray70, dash=(2, 2)) for x in range(120, 300, 60): can.line(ls, x, 0, x, 250) # draw arrows to the right a = arrow.fat1 for y in range(60, 150, 10): a.draw([(285, y), (315, y)], can=can) # close canvas so that the file is written to "disk" can.close() self.obj = external_pdf(pdf_string.getvalue()) self.obj.render() pdf_string.close() return (self.obj.pdf, 'pdf') report_custom('') # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:
import os import sys import fileinput import os.path def addKnowledge(category,pattern): #### change somethings to make sense############ pattern = pattern.replace('my', 'your') #### Clean the ending </aiml>############ for line in fileinput.input('/home/pedro/myrobotLab/myrobotLab-1.0.1461/develop/ProgramAB/bots/zorba/aiml/aknowledge.aiml', inplace=1): sys.stdout.write(line.replace('</aiml>', '')) #######add the new sentence to aiml############ text_file = open("/home/pedro/myrobotLab/myrobotLab-1.0.1461/develop/ProgramAB/bots/zorba/aiml/aknowledge.aiml", "a") TotalAmount = '<category><pattern>'+str(category)+'</pattern><template>'+str(category)+' '+str(pattern)+'</template></category>\n</aiml>' text_file.write("%s" % TotalAmount) text_file.close() ##### Clean if repeated in the set ############ #for line in fileinput.input('/home/pedro/myrobotLab/myrobotLab-1.0.1461/develop/ProgramAB/bots/zorba/sets/knowledge.txt', inplace=1): #sys.stdout.write(line.replace(str(category), '')) #######add the new sentence to knowledge.txt############ text_file = open("/home/pedro/myrobotLab/myrobotLab-1.0.1461/develop/ProgramAB/bots/zorba/sets/knowledge.txt", "a") TotalAmount = str(category) text_file.write("%s\n" % TotalAmount) text_file.close()
# Display a process of packets and processed time. # It helps us to investigate networking or network device. # # options # tx: show only tx chart # rx: show only rx chart # dev=: show only thing related to specified device # debug: work with debug mode. It shows buffer status. import os import sys sys.path.append(os.environ['PERF_EXEC_PATH'] + \ '/scripts/python/Perf-Trace-Util/lib/Perf/Trace') from perf_trace_context import * from Core import * from Util import * all_event_list = []; # insert all tracepoint event related with this script irq_dic = {}; # key is cpu and value is a list which stacks irqs # which raise NET_RX softirq net_rx_dic = {}; # key is cpu and value include time of NET_RX softirq-entry # and a list which stacks receive receive_hunk_list = []; # a list which include a sequence of receive events rx_skb_list = []; # received packet list for matching # skb_copy_datagram_iovec buffer_budget = 65536; # the budget of rx_skb_list, tx_queue_list and # tx_xmit_list of_count_rx_skb_list = 0; # overflow count tx_queue_list = []; # list of packets which pass through dev_queue_xmit of_count_tx_queue_list = 0; # overflow count tx_xmit_list = []; # list of packets which pass through dev_hard_start_xmit of_count_tx_xmit_list = 0; # overflow count tx_free_list = []; # list of packets which is freed # options show_tx = 0; show_rx = 0; dev = 0; # store a name of device specified by option "dev=" debug = 0; # indices of event_info tuple EINFO_IDX_NAME= 0 EINFO_IDX_CONTEXT=1 EINFO_IDX_CPU= 2 EINFO_IDX_TIME= 3 EINFO_IDX_PID= 4 EINFO_IDX_COMM= 5 # Calculate a time interval(msec) from src(nsec) to dst(nsec) def diff_msec(src, dst): return (dst - src) / 1000000.0 # Display a process of transmitting a packet def print_transmit(hunk): if dev != 0 and hunk['dev'].find(dev) < 0: return print "%7s %5d %6d.%06dsec %12.3fmsec %12.3fmsec" % \ (hunk['dev'], hunk['len'], nsecs_secs(hunk['queue_t']), nsecs_nsecs(hunk['queue_t'])/1000, diff_msec(hunk['queue_t'], hunk['xmit_t']), diff_msec(hunk['xmit_t'], hunk['free_t'])) # Format for displaying rx packet processing PF_IRQ_ENTRY= " irq_entry(+%.3fmsec irq=%d:%s)" PF_SOFT_ENTRY=" softirq_entry(+%.3fmsec)" PF_NAPI_POLL= " napi_poll_exit(+%.3fmsec %s)" PF_JOINT= " |" PF_WJOINT= " | |" PF_NET_RECV= " |---netif_receive_skb(+%.3fmsec skb=%x len=%d)" PF_NET_RX= " |---netif_rx(+%.3fmsec skb=%x)" PF_CPY_DGRAM= " | skb_copy_datagram_iovec(+%.3fmsec %d:%s)" PF_KFREE_SKB= " | kfree_skb(+%.3fmsec location=%x)" PF_CONS_SKB= " | consume_skb(+%.3fmsec)" # Display a process of received packets and interrputs associated with # a NET_RX softirq def print_receive(hunk): show_hunk = 0 irq_list = hunk['irq_list'] cpu = irq_list[0]['cpu'] base_t = irq_list[0]['irq_ent_t'] # check if this hunk should be showed if dev != 0: for i in range(len(irq_list)): if irq_list[i]['name'].find(dev) >= 0: show_hunk = 1 break else: show_hunk = 1 if show_hunk == 0: return print "%d.%06dsec cpu=%d" % \ (nsecs_secs(base_t), nsecs_nsecs(base_t)/1000, cpu) for i in range(len(irq_list)): print PF_IRQ_ENTRY % \ (diff_msec(base_t, irq_list[i]['irq_ent_t']), irq_list[i]['irq'], irq_list[i]['name']) print PF_JOINT irq_event_list = irq_list[i]['event_list'] for j in range(len(irq_event_list)): irq_event = irq_event_list[j] if irq_event['event'] == 'netif_rx': print PF_NET_RX % \ (diff_msec(base_t, irq_event['time']), irq_event['skbaddr']) print PF_JOINT print PF_SOFT_ENTRY % \ diff_msec(base_t, hunk['sirq_ent_t']) print PF_JOINT event_list = hunk['event_list'] for i in range(len(event_list)): event = event_list[i] if event['event_name'] == 'napi_poll': print PF_NAPI_POLL % \ (diff_msec(base_t, event['event_t']), event['dev']) if i == len(event_list) - 1: print "" else: print PF_JOINT else: print PF_NET_RECV % \ (diff_msec(base_t, event['event_t']), event['skbaddr'], event['len']) if 'comm' in event.keys(): print PF_WJOINT print PF_CPY_DGRAM % \ (diff_msec(base_t, event['comm_t']), event['pid'], event['comm']) elif 'handle' in event.keys(): print PF_WJOINT if event['handle'] == "kfree_skb": print PF_KFREE_SKB % \ (diff_msec(base_t, event['comm_t']), event['location']) elif event['handle'] == "consume_skb": print PF_CONS_SKB % \ diff_msec(base_t, event['comm_t']) print PF_JOINT def trace_begin(): global show_tx global show_rx global dev global debug for i in range(len(sys.argv)): if i == 0: continue arg = sys.argv[i] if arg == 'tx': show_tx = 1 elif arg =='rx': show_rx = 1 elif arg.find('dev=',0, 4) >= 0: dev = arg[4:] elif arg == 'debug': debug = 1 if show_tx == 0 and show_rx == 0: show_tx = 1 show_rx = 1 def trace_end(): # order all events in time all_event_list.sort(lambda a,b :cmp(a[EINFO_IDX_TIME], b[EINFO_IDX_TIME])) # process all events for i in range(len(all_event_list)): event_info = all_event_list[i] name = event_info[EINFO_IDX_NAME] if name == 'irq__softirq_exit': handle_irq_softirq_exit(event_info) elif name == 'irq__softirq_entry': handle_irq_softirq_entry(event_info) elif name == 'irq__softirq_raise': handle_irq_softirq_raise(event_info) elif name == 'irq__irq_handler_entry': handle_irq_handler_entry(event_info) elif name == 'irq__irq_handler_exit': handle_irq_handler_exit(event_info) elif name == 'napi__napi_poll': handle_napi_poll(event_info) elif name == 'net__netif_receive_skb': handle_netif_receive_skb(event_info) elif name == 'net__netif_rx': handle_netif_rx(event_info) elif name == 'skb__skb_copy_datagram_iovec': handle_skb_copy_datagram_iovec(event_info) elif name == 'net__net_dev_queue': handle_net_dev_queue(event_info) elif name == 'net__net_dev_xmit': handle_net_dev_xmit(event_info) elif name == 'skb__kfree_skb': handle_kfree_skb(event_info) elif name == 'skb__consume_skb': handle_consume_skb(event_info) # display receive hunks if show_rx: for i in range(len(receive_hunk_list)): print_receive(receive_hunk_list[i]) # display transmit hunks if show_tx: print " dev len Qdisc " \ " netdevice free" for i in range(len(tx_free_list)): print_transmit(tx_free_list[i]) if debug: print "debug buffer status" print "----------------------------" print "xmit Qdisc:remain:%d overflow:%d" % \ (len(tx_queue_list), of_count_tx_queue_list) print "xmit netdevice:remain:%d overflow:%d" % \ (len(tx_xmit_list), of_count_tx_xmit_list) print "receive:remain:%d overflow:%d" % \ (len(rx_skb_list), of_count_rx_skb_list) # called from perf, when it finds a correspoinding event def irq__softirq_entry(name, context, cpu, sec, nsec, pid, comm, vec): if symbol_str("irq__softirq_entry", "vec", vec) != "NET_RX": return event_info = (name, context, cpu, nsecs(sec, nsec), pid, comm, vec) all_event_list.append(event_info) def irq__softirq_exit(name, context, cpu, sec, nsec, pid, comm, vec): if symbol_str("irq__softirq_entry", "vec", vec) != "NET_RX": return event_info = (name, context, cpu, nsecs(sec, nsec), pid, comm, vec) all_event_list.append(event_info) def irq__softirq_raise(name, context, cpu, sec, nsec, pid, comm, vec): if symbol_str("irq__softirq_entry", "vec", vec) != "NET_RX": return event_info = (name, context, cpu, nsecs(sec, nsec), pid, comm, vec) all_event_list.append(event_info) def irq__irq_handler_entry(name, context, cpu, sec, nsec, pid, comm, irq, irq_name): event_info = (name, context, cpu, nsecs(sec, nsec), pid, comm, irq, irq_name) all_event_list.append(event_info) def irq__irq_handler_exit(name, context, cpu, sec, nsec, pid, comm, irq, ret): event_info = (name, context, cpu, nsecs(sec, nsec), pid, comm, irq, ret) all_event_list.append(event_info) def napi__napi_poll(name, context, cpu, sec, nsec, pid, comm, napi, dev_name): event_info = (name, context, cpu, nsecs(sec, nsec), pid, comm, napi, dev_name) all_event_list.append(event_info) def net__netif_receive_skb(name, context, cpu, sec, nsec, pid, comm, skbaddr, skblen, dev_name): event_info = (name, context, cpu, nsecs(sec, nsec), pid, comm, skbaddr, skblen, dev_name) all_event_list.append(event_info) def net__netif_rx(name, context, cpu, sec, nsec, pid, comm, skbaddr, skblen, dev_name): event_info = (name, context, cpu, nsecs(sec, nsec), pid, comm, skbaddr, skblen, dev_name) all_event_list.append(event_info) def net__net_dev_queue(name, context, cpu, sec, nsec, pid, comm, skbaddr, skblen, dev_name): event_info = (name, context, cpu, nsecs(sec, nsec), pid, comm, skbaddr, skblen, dev_name) all_event_list.append(event_info) def net__net_dev_xmit(name, context, cpu, sec, nsec, pid, comm, skbaddr, skblen, rc, dev_name): event_info = (name, context, cpu, nsecs(sec, nsec), pid, comm, skbaddr, skblen, rc ,dev_name) all_event_list.append(event_info) def skb__kfree_skb(name, context, cpu, sec, nsec, pid, comm, skbaddr, protocol, location): event_info = (name, context, cpu, nsecs(sec, nsec), pid, comm, skbaddr, protocol, location) all_event_list.append(event_info) def skb__consume_skb(name, context, cpu, sec, nsec, pid, comm, skbaddr): event_info = (name, context, cpu, nsecs(sec, nsec), pid, comm, skbaddr) all_event_list.append(event_info) def skb__skb_copy_datagram_iovec(name, context, cpu, sec, nsec, pid, comm, skbaddr, skblen): event_info = (name, context, cpu, nsecs(sec, nsec), pid, comm, skbaddr, skblen) all_event_list.append(event_info) def handle_irq_handler_entry(event_info): (name, context, cpu, time, pid, comm, irq, irq_name) = event_info if cpu not in irq_dic.keys(): irq_dic[cpu] = [] irq_record = {'irq':irq, 'name':irq_name, 'cpu':cpu, 'irq_ent_t':time} irq_dic[cpu].append(irq_record) def handle_irq_handler_exit(event_info): (name, context, cpu, time, pid, comm, irq, ret) = event_info if cpu not in irq_dic.keys(): return irq_record = irq_dic[cpu].pop() if irq != irq_record['irq']: return irq_record.update({'irq_ext_t':time}) # if an irq doesn't include NET_RX softirq, drop. if 'event_list' in irq_record.keys(): irq_dic[cpu].append(irq_record) def handle_irq_softirq_raise(event_info): (name, context, cpu, time, pid, comm, vec) = event_info if cpu not in irq_dic.keys() \ or len(irq_dic[cpu]) == 0: return irq_record = irq_dic[cpu].pop() if 'event_list' in irq_record.keys(): irq_event_list = irq_record['event_list'] else: irq_event_list = [] irq_event_list.append({'time':time, 'event':'sirq_raise'}) irq_record.update({'event_list':irq_event_list}) irq_dic[cpu].append(irq_record) def handle_irq_softirq_entry(event_info): (name, context, cpu, time, pid, comm, vec) = event_info net_rx_dic[cpu] = {'sirq_ent_t':time, 'event_list':[]} def handle_irq_softirq_exit(event_info): (name, context, cpu, time, pid, comm, vec) = event_info irq_list = [] event_list = 0 if cpu in irq_dic.keys(): irq_list = irq_dic[cpu] del irq_dic[cpu] if cpu in net_rx_dic.keys(): sirq_ent_t = net_rx_dic[cpu]['sirq_ent_t'] event_list = net_rx_dic[cpu]['event_list'] del net_rx_dic[cpu] if irq_list == [] or event_list == 0: return rec_data = {'sirq_ent_t':sirq_ent_t, 'sirq_ext_t':time, 'irq_list':irq_list, 'event_list':event_list} # merge information realted to a NET_RX softirq receive_hunk_list.append(rec_data) def handle_napi_poll(event_info): (name, context, cpu, time, pid, comm, napi, dev_name) = event_info if cpu in net_rx_dic.keys(): event_list = net_rx_dic[cpu]['event_list'] rec_data = {'event_name':'napi_poll', 'dev':dev_name, 'event_t':time} event_list.append(rec_data) def handle_netif_rx(event_info): (name, context, cpu, time, pid, comm, skbaddr, skblen, dev_name) = event_info if cpu not in irq_dic.keys() \ or len(irq_dic[cpu]) == 0: return irq_record = irq_dic[cpu].pop() if 'event_list' in irq_record.keys(): irq_event_list = irq_record['event_list'] else: irq_event_list = [] irq_event_list.append({'time':time, 'event':'netif_rx', 'skbaddr':skbaddr, 'skblen':skblen, 'dev_name':dev_name}) irq_record.update({'event_list':irq_event_list}) irq_dic[cpu].append(irq_record) def handle_netif_receive_skb(event_info): global of_count_rx_skb_list (name, context, cpu, time, pid, comm, skbaddr, skblen, dev_name) = event_info if cpu in net_rx_dic.keys(): rec_data = {'event_name':'netif_receive_skb', 'event_t':time, 'skbaddr':skbaddr, 'len':skblen} event_list = net_rx_dic[cpu]['event_list'] event_list.append(rec_data) rx_skb_list.insert(0, rec_data) if len(rx_skb_list) > buffer_budget: rx_skb_list.pop() of_count_rx_skb_list += 1 def handle_net_dev_queue(event_info): global of_count_tx_queue_list (name, context, cpu, time, pid, comm, skbaddr, skblen, dev_name) = event_info skb = {'dev':dev_name, 'skbaddr':skbaddr, 'len':skblen, 'queue_t':time} tx_queue_list.insert(0, skb) if len(tx_queue_list) > buffer_budget: tx_queue_list.pop() of_count_tx_queue_list += 1 def handle_net_dev_xmit(event_info): global of_count_tx_xmit_list (name, context, cpu, time, pid, comm, skbaddr, skblen, rc, dev_name) = event_info if rc == 0: # NETDEV_TX_OK for i in range(len(tx_queue_list)): skb = tx_queue_list[i] if skb['skbaddr'] == skbaddr: skb['xmit_t'] = time tx_xmit_list.insert(0, skb) del tx_queue_list[i] if len(tx_xmit_list) > buffer_budget: tx_xmit_list.pop() of_count_tx_xmit_list += 1 return def handle_kfree_skb(event_info): (name, context, cpu, time, pid, comm, skbaddr, protocol, location) = event_info for i in range(len(tx_queue_list)): skb = tx_queue_list[i] if skb['skbaddr'] == skbaddr: del tx_queue_list[i] return for i in range(len(tx_xmit_list)): skb = tx_xmit_list[i] if skb['skbaddr'] == skbaddr: skb['free_t'] = time tx_free_list.append(skb) del tx_xmit_list[i] return for i in range(len(rx_skb_list)): rec_data = rx_skb_list[i] if rec_data['skbaddr'] == skbaddr: rec_data.update({'handle':"kfree_skb", 'comm':comm, 'pid':pid, 'comm_t':time}) del rx_skb_list[i] return def handle_consume_skb(event_info): (name, context, cpu, time, pid, comm, skbaddr) = event_info for i in range(len(tx_xmit_list)): skb = tx_xmit_list[i] if skb['skbaddr'] == skbaddr: skb['free_t'] = time tx_free_list.append(skb) del tx_xmit_list[i] return def handle_skb_copy_datagram_iovec(event_info): (name, context, cpu, time, pid, comm, skbaddr, skblen) = event_info for i in range(len(rx_skb_list)): rec_data = rx_skb_list[i] if skbaddr == rec_data['skbaddr']: rec_data.update({'handle':"skb_copy_datagram_iovec", 'comm':comm, 'pid':pid, 'comm_t':time}) del rx_skb_list[i] return
import datetime from decimal import Decimal from django.db.models import Avg, Sum, Count, Max, Min from django.test import TestCase, Approximate from models import Author, Publisher, Book, Store class BaseAggregateTestCase(TestCase): fixtures = ["initial_data.json"] def test_empty_aggregate(self): self.assertEqual(Author.objects.all().aggregate(), {}) def test_single_aggregate(self): vals = Author.objects.aggregate(Avg("age")) self.assertEqual(vals, {"age__avg": Approximate(37.4, places=1)}) def test_multiple_aggregates(self): vals = Author.objects.aggregate(Sum("age"), Avg("age")) self.assertEqual(vals, {"age__sum": 337, "age__avg": Approximate(37.4, places=1)}) def test_filter_aggregate(self): vals = Author.objects.filter(age__gt=29).aggregate(Sum("age")) self.assertEqual(len(vals), 1) self.assertEqual(vals["age__sum"], 254) def test_related_aggregate(self): vals = Author.objects.aggregate(Avg("friends__age")) self.assertEqual(len(vals), 1) self.assertAlmostEqual(vals["friends__age__avg"], 34.07, places=2) vals = Book.objects.filter(rating__lt=4.5).aggregate(Avg("authors__age")) self.assertEqual(len(vals), 1) self.assertAlmostEqual(vals["authors__age__avg"], 38.2857, places=2) vals = Author.objects.all().filter(name__contains="a").aggregate(Avg("book__rating")) self.assertEqual(len(vals), 1) self.assertEqual(vals["book__rating__avg"], 4.0) vals = Book.objects.aggregate(Sum("publisher__num_awards")) self.assertEqual(len(vals), 1) self.assertEquals(vals["publisher__num_awards__sum"], 30) vals = Publisher.objects.aggregate(Sum("book__price")) self.assertEqual(len(vals), 1) self.assertEqual(vals["book__price__sum"], Decimal("270.27")) def test_aggregate_multi_join(self): vals = Store.objects.aggregate(Max("books__authors__age")) self.assertEqual(len(vals), 1) self.assertEqual(vals["books__authors__age__max"], 57) vals = Author.objects.aggregate(Min("book__publisher__num_awards")) self.assertEqual(len(vals), 1) self.assertEqual(vals["book__publisher__num_awards__min"], 1) def test_aggregate_alias(self): vals = Store.objects.filter(name="").aggregate(amazon_mean=Avg("books__rating")) self.assertEqual(len(vals), 1) self.assertAlmostEqual(vals["amazon_mean"], 4.08, places=2) def test_annotate_basic(self): self.assertQuerysetEqual( Book.objects.annotate().order_by('pk'), [ "The Definitive Guide to Django: Web Development Done Right", "Sams Teach Yourself Django in 24 Hours", "Practical Django Projects", "Python Web Development with Django", "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach", "Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp" ], lambda b: ) books = Book.objects.annotate(mean_age=Avg("authors__age")) b = books.get(pk=1) self.assertEqual(, u'The Definitive Guide to Django: Web Development Done Right' ) self.assertEqual(b.mean_age, 34.5) def test_annotate_m2m(self): books = Book.objects.filter(rating__lt=4.5).annotate(Avg("authors__age")).order_by("name") self.assertQuerysetEqual( books, [ (u'Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach', 51.5), (u'Practical Django Projects', 29.0), (u'Python Web Development with Django', Approximate(30.3, places=1)), (u'Sams Teach Yourself Django in 24 Hours', 45.0) ], lambda b: (, b.authors__age__avg), ) books = Book.objects.annotate(num_authors=Count("authors")).order_by("name") self.assertQuerysetEqual( books, [ (u'Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach', 2), (u'Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp', 1), (u'Practical Django Projects', 1), (u'Python Web Development with Django', 3), (u'Sams Teach Yourself Django in 24 Hours', 1), (u'The Definitive Guide to Django: Web Development Done Right', 2) ], lambda b: (, b.num_authors) ) def test_backwards_m2m_annotate(self): authors = Author.objects.filter(name__contains="a").annotate(Avg("book__rating")).order_by("name") self.assertQuerysetEqual( authors, [ (u'Adrian Holovaty', 4.5), (u'Brad Dayley', 3.0), (u'Jacob Kaplan-Moss', 4.5), (u'James Bennett', 4.0), (u'Paul Bissex', 4.0), (u'Stuart Russell', 4.0) ], lambda a: (, a.book__rating__avg) ) authors = Author.objects.annotate(num_books=Count("book")).order_by("name") self.assertQuerysetEqual( authors, [ (u'Adrian Holovaty', 1), (u'Brad Dayley', 1), (u'Jacob Kaplan-Moss', 1), (u'James Bennett', 1), (u'Jeffrey Forcier', 1), (u'Paul Bissex', 1), (u'Peter Norvig', 2), (u'Stuart Russell', 1), (u'Wesley J. Chun', 1) ], lambda a: (, a.num_books) ) def test_reverse_fkey_annotate(self): books = Book.objects.annotate(Sum("publisher__num_awards")).order_by("name") self.assertQuerysetEqual( books, [ (u'Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach', 7), (u'Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp', 9), (u'Practical Django Projects', 3), (u'Python Web Development with Django', 7), (u'Sams Teach Yourself Django in 24 Hours', 1), (u'The Definitive Guide to Django: Web Development Done Right', 3) ], lambda b: (, b.publisher__num_awards__sum) ) publishers = Publisher.objects.annotate(Sum("book__price")).order_by("name") self.assertQuerysetEqual( publishers, [ (u'Apress', Decimal("59.69")), (u"Jonno's House of Books", None), (u'Morgan Kaufmann', Decimal("75.00")), (u'Prentice Hall', Decimal("112.49")), (u'Sams', Decimal("23.09")) ], lambda p: (, p.book__price__sum) ) def test_annotate_values(self): books = list(Book.objects.filter(pk=1).annotate(mean_age=Avg("authors__age")).values()) self.assertEqual( books, [ { "contact_id": 1, "id": 1, "isbn": "159059725", "mean_age": 34.5, "name": "The Definitive Guide to Django: Web Development Done Right", "pages": 447, "price": Approximate(Decimal("30")), "pubdate":, 12, 6), "publisher_id": 1, "rating": 4.5, } ] ) books = Book.objects.filter(pk=1).annotate(mean_age=Avg('authors__age')).values('pk', 'isbn', 'mean_age') self.assertEqual( list(books), [ { "pk": 1, "isbn": "159059725", "mean_age": 34.5, } ] ) books = Book.objects.filter(pk=1).annotate(mean_age=Avg("authors__age")).values("name") self.assertEqual( list(books), [ { "name": "The Definitive Guide to Django: Web Development Done Right" } ] ) books = Book.objects.filter(pk=1).values().annotate(mean_age=Avg('authors__age')) self.assertEqual( list(books), [ { "contact_id": 1, "id": 1, "isbn": "159059725", "mean_age": 34.5, "name": "The Definitive Guide to Django: Web Development Done Right", "pages": 447, "price": Approximate(Decimal("30")), "pubdate":, 12, 6), "publisher_id": 1, "rating": 4.5, } ] ) books = Book.objects.values("rating").annotate(n_authors=Count("authors__id"), mean_age=Avg("authors__age")).order_by("rating") self.assertEqual( list(books), [ { "rating": 3.0, "n_authors": 1, "mean_age": 45.0, }, { "rating": 4.0, "n_authors": 6, "mean_age": Approximate(37.16, places=1) }, { "rating": 4.5, "n_authors": 2, "mean_age": 34.5, }, { "rating": 5.0, "n_authors": 1, "mean_age": 57.0, } ] ) authors = Author.objects.annotate(Avg("friends__age")).order_by("name") self.assertEqual(len(authors), 9) self.assertQuerysetEqual( authors, [ (u'Adrian Holovaty', 32.0), (u'Brad Dayley', None), (u'Jacob Kaplan-Moss', 29.5), (u'James Bennett', 34.0), (u'Jeffrey Forcier', 27.0), (u'Paul Bissex', 31.0), (u'Peter Norvig', 46.0), (u'Stuart Russell', 57.0), (u'Wesley J. Chun', Approximate(33.66, places=1)) ], lambda a: (, a.friends__age__avg) ) def test_count(self): vals = Book.objects.aggregate(Count("rating")) self.assertEqual(vals, {"rating__count": 6}) vals = Book.objects.aggregate(Count("rating", distinct=True)) self.assertEqual(vals, {"rating__count": 4}) def test_fkey_aggregate(self): explicit = list(Author.objects.annotate(Count('book__id'))) implicit = list(Author.objects.annotate(Count('book'))) self.assertEqual(explicit, implicit) def test_annotate_ordering(self): books = Book.objects.values('rating').annotate(oldest=Max('authors__age')).order_by('oldest', 'rating') self.assertEqual( list(books), [ { "rating": 4.5, "oldest": 35, }, { "rating": 3.0, "oldest": 45 }, { "rating": 4.0, "oldest": 57, }, { "rating": 5.0, "oldest": 57, } ] ) books = Book.objects.values("rating").annotate(oldest=Max("authors__age")).order_by("-oldest", "-rating") self.assertEqual( list(books), [ { "rating": 5.0, "oldest": 57, }, { "rating": 4.0, "oldest": 57, }, { "rating": 3.0, "oldest": 45, }, { "rating": 4.5, "oldest": 35, } ] ) def test_aggregate_annotation(self): vals = Book.objects.annotate(num_authors=Count("authors__id")).aggregate(Avg("num_authors")) self.assertEqual(vals, {"num_authors__avg": Approximate(1.66, places=1)}) def test_filtering(self): p = Publisher.objects.create(name='Expensive Publisher', num_awards=0) Book.objects.create( name='ExpensiveBook1', pages=1, isbn='111', rating=3.5, price=Decimal("1000"), publisher=p, contact_id=1,,12,1) ) Book.objects.create( name='ExpensiveBook2', pages=1, isbn='222', rating=4.0, price=Decimal("1000"), publisher=p, contact_id=1,,12,2) ) Book.objects.create( name='ExpensiveBook3', pages=1, isbn='333', rating=4.5, price=Decimal("35"), publisher=p, contact_id=1,,12,3) ) publishers = Publisher.objects.annotate(num_books=Count("book__id")).filter(num_books__gt=1).order_by("pk") self.assertQuerysetEqual( publishers, [ "Apress", "Prentice Hall", "Expensive Publisher", ], lambda p:, ) publishers = Publisher.objects.filter(book__price__lt=Decimal("40.0")).order_by("pk") self.assertQuerysetEqual( publishers, [ "Apress", "Apress", "Sams", "Prentice Hall", "Expensive Publisher", ], lambda p: ) publishers = Publisher.objects.annotate(num_books=Count("book__id")).filter(num_books__gt=1, book__price__lt=Decimal("40.0")).order_by("pk") self.assertQuerysetEqual( publishers, [ "Apress", "Prentice Hall", "Expensive Publisher", ], lambda p:, ) publishers = Publisher.objects.filter(book__price__lt=Decimal("40.0")).annotate(num_books=Count("book__id")).filter(num_books__gt=1).order_by("pk") self.assertQuerysetEqual( publishers, [ "Apress", ], lambda p: ) publishers = Publisher.objects.annotate(num_books=Count("book")).filter(num_books__range=[1, 3]).order_by("pk") self.assertQuerysetEqual( publishers, [ "Apress", "Sams", "Prentice Hall", "Morgan Kaufmann", "Expensive Publisher", ], lambda p: ) publishers = Publisher.objects.annotate(num_books=Count("book")).filter(num_books__range=[1, 2]).order_by("pk") self.assertQuerysetEqual( publishers, [ "Apress", "Sams", "Prentice Hall", "Morgan Kaufmann", ], lambda p: ) publishers = Publisher.objects.annotate(num_books=Count("book")).filter(num_books__in=[1, 3]).order_by("pk") self.assertQuerysetEqual( publishers, [ "Sams", "Morgan Kaufmann", "Expensive Publisher", ], lambda p:, ) publishers = Publisher.objects.annotate(num_books=Count("book")).filter(num_books__isnull=True) self.assertEqual(len(publishers), 0) def test_annotation(self): vals = Author.objects.filter(pk=1).aggregate(Count("friends__id")) self.assertEqual(vals, {"friends__id__count": 2}) books = Book.objects.annotate(num_authors=Count("authors__name")).filter(num_authors__ge=2).order_by("pk") self.assertQuerysetEqual( books, [ "The Definitive Guide to Django: Web Development Done Right", "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach", ], lambda b: ) authors = Author.objects.annotate(num_friends=Count("friends__id", distinct=True)).filter(num_friends=0).order_by("pk") self.assertQuerysetEqual( authors, [ "Brad Dayley", ], lambda a: ) publishers = Publisher.objects.annotate(num_books=Count("book__id")).filter(num_books__gt=1).order_by("pk") self.assertQuerysetEqual( publishers, [ "Apress", "Prentice Hall", ], lambda p: ) publishers = Publisher.objects.filter(book__price__lt=Decimal("40.0")).annotate(num_books=Count("book__id")).filter(num_books__gt=1) self.assertQuerysetEqual( publishers, [ "Apress", ], lambda p: ) books = Book.objects.annotate(num_authors=Count("authors__id")).filter(authors__name__contains="Norvig", num_authors__gt=1) self.assertQuerysetEqual( books, [ "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach", ], lambda b: ) def test_more_aggregation(self): a = Author.objects.get(name__contains='Norvig') b = Book.objects.get(name__contains='Done Right') b.authors.add(a) vals = Book.objects.annotate(num_authors=Count("authors__id")).filter(authors__name__contains="Norvig", num_authors__gt=1).aggregate(Avg("rating")) self.assertEqual(vals, {"rating__avg": 4.25}) def test_even_more_aggregate(self): publishers = Publisher.objects.annotate(earliest_book=Min("book__pubdate")).exclude(earliest_book=None).order_by("earliest_book").values() self.assertEqual( list(publishers), [ { 'earliest_book':, 10, 15), 'num_awards': 9, 'id': 4, 'name': u'Morgan Kaufmann' }, { 'earliest_book':, 1, 15), 'num_awards': 7, 'id': 3, 'name': u'Prentice Hall' }, { 'earliest_book':, 12, 6), 'num_awards': 3, 'id': 1, 'name': u'Apress' }, { 'earliest_book':, 3, 3), 'num_awards': 1, 'id': 2, 'name': u'Sams' } ] ) vals = Store.objects.aggregate(Max("friday_night_closing"), Min("original_opening")) self.assertEqual( vals, { "friday_night_closing__max": datetime.time(23, 59, 59), "original_opening__min": datetime.datetime(1945, 4, 25, 16, 24, 14), } ) def test_annotate_values_list(self): books = Book.objects.filter(pk=1).annotate(mean_age=Avg("authors__age")).values_list("pk", "isbn", "mean_age") self.assertEqual( list(books), [ (1, "159059725", 34.5), ] ) books = Book.objects.filter(pk=1).annotate(mean_age=Avg("authors__age")).values_list("isbn") self.assertEqual( list(books), [ ('159059725',) ] ) books = Book.objects.filter(pk=1).annotate(mean_age=Avg("authors__age")).values_list("mean_age") self.assertEqual( list(books), [ (34.5,) ] ) books = Book.objects.filter(pk=1).annotate(mean_age=Avg("authors__age")).values_list("mean_age", flat=True) self.assertEqual(list(books), [34.5]) books = Book.objects.values_list("price").annotate(count=Count("price")).order_by("-count", "price") self.assertEqual( list(books), [ (Decimal("29.69"), 2), (Decimal('23.09'), 1), (Decimal('30'), 1), (Decimal('75'), 1), (Decimal('82.8'), 1), ] )
#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) 2008 Google Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This module is used for version 2 of the Google Data APIs. __author__ = '[email protected] (Jeff Scudder)' import inspect try: from xml.etree import cElementTree as ElementTree except ImportError: try: import cElementTree as ElementTree except ImportError: try: from xml.etree import ElementTree except ImportError: from elementtree import ElementTree try: from xml.dom.minidom import parseString as xmlString except ImportError: xmlString = None STRING_ENCODING = 'utf-8' class XmlElement(object): """Represents an element node in an XML document. The text member is a UTF-8 encoded str or unicode. """ _qname = None _other_elements = None _other_attributes = None # The rule set contains mappings for XML qnames to child members and the # appropriate member classes. _rule_set = None _members = None text = None def __init__(self, text=None, *args, **kwargs): if ('_members' not in self.__class__.__dict__ or self.__class__._members is None): self.__class__._members = tuple(self.__class__._list_xml_members()) for member_name, member_type in self.__class__._members: if member_name in kwargs: setattr(self, member_name, kwargs[member_name]) else: if isinstance(member_type, list): setattr(self, member_name, []) else: setattr(self, member_name, None) self._other_elements = [] self._other_attributes = {} if text is not None: self.text = text def _list_xml_members(cls): """Generator listing all members which are XML elements or attributes. The following members would be considered XML members: foo = 'abc' - indicates an XML attribute with the qname abc foo = SomeElement - indicates an XML child element foo = [AnElement] - indicates a repeating XML child element, each instance will be stored in a list in this member foo = ('att1', '{}att2') - indicates an XML attribute which has different parsing rules in different versions of the protocol. Version 1 of the XML parsing rules will look for an attribute with the qname 'att1' but verion 2 of the parsing rules will look for a namespaced attribute with the local name of 'att2' and an XML namespace of ''. """ members = [] for pair in inspect.getmembers(cls): if not pair[0].startswith('_') and pair[0] != 'text': member_type = pair[1] if (isinstance(member_type, tuple) or isinstance(member_type, list) or isinstance(member_type, (str, unicode)) or (inspect.isclass(member_type) and issubclass(member_type, XmlElement))): members.append(pair) return members _list_xml_members = classmethod(_list_xml_members) def _get_rules(cls, version): """Initializes the _rule_set for the class which is used when parsing XML. This method is used internally for parsing and generating XML for an XmlElement. It is not recommended that you call this method directly. Returns: A tuple containing the XML parsing rules for the appropriate version. The tuple looks like: (qname, {sub_element_qname: (member_name, member_class, repeating), ..}, {attribute_qname: member_name}) To give a couple of concrete example, the _get_rules with version of 2 will return: ('{}control', {'{}draft': ('draft', <class ''>, False)}, {}) Calling _get_rules with version 1 on will produce: ('{}feedLink', {'{}feed': ('feed', <class ''>, False)}, {'href': 'href', 'readOnly': 'read_only', 'countHint': 'count_hint', 'rel': 'rel'}) """ # Initialize the _rule_set to make sure there is a slot available to store # the parsing rules for this version of the XML schema. # Look for rule set in the class __dict__ proxy so that only the # _rule_set for this class will be found. By using the dict proxy # we avoid finding rule_sets defined in superclasses. # The four lines below provide support for any number of versions, but it # runs a bit slower then hard coding slots for two versions, so I'm using # the below two lines. #if '_rule_set' not in cls.__dict__ or cls._rule_set is None: # cls._rule_set = [] #while len(cls.__dict__['_rule_set']) < version: # cls._rule_set.append(None) # If there is no rule set cache in the class, provide slots for two XML # versions. If and when there is a version 3, this list will need to be # expanded. if '_rule_set' not in cls.__dict__ or cls._rule_set is None: cls._rule_set = [None, None] # If a version higher than 2 is requested, fall back to version 2 because # 2 is currently the highest supported version. if version > 2: return cls._get_rules(2) # Check the dict proxy for the rule set to avoid finding any rule sets # which belong to the superclass. We only want rule sets for this class. if cls._rule_set[version-1] is None: # The rule set for each version consists of the qname for this element # ('{namespace}tag'), a dictionary (elements) for looking up the # corresponding class member when given a child element's qname, and a # dictionary (attributes) for looking up the corresponding class member # when given an XML attribute's qname. elements = {} attributes = {} if ('_members' not in cls.__dict__ or cls._members is None): cls._members = tuple(cls._list_xml_members()) for member_name, target in cls._members: if isinstance(target, list): # This member points to a repeating element. elements[_get_qname(target[0], version)] = (member_name, target[0], True) elif isinstance(target, tuple): # This member points to a versioned XML attribute. if version <= len(target): attributes[target[version-1]] = member_name else: attributes[target[-1]] = member_name elif isinstance(target, (str, unicode)): # This member points to an XML attribute. attributes[target] = member_name elif issubclass(target, XmlElement): # This member points to a single occurance element. elements[_get_qname(target, version)] = (member_name, target, False) version_rules = (_get_qname(cls, version), elements, attributes) cls._rule_set[version-1] = version_rules return version_rules else: return cls._rule_set[version-1] _get_rules = classmethod(_get_rules) def get_elements(self, tag=None, namespace=None, version=1): """Find all sub elements which match the tag and namespace. To find all elements in this object, call get_elements with the tag and namespace both set to None (the default). This method searches through the object's members and the elements stored in _other_elements which did not match any of the XML parsing rules for this class. Args: tag: str namespace: str version: int Specifies the version of the XML rules to be used when searching for matching elements. Returns: A list of the matching XmlElements. """ matches = [] ignored1, elements, ignored2 = self.__class__._get_rules(version) if elements: for qname, element_def in elements.iteritems(): member = getattr(self, element_def[0]) if member: if _qname_matches(tag, namespace, qname): if element_def[2]: # If this is a repeating element, copy all instances into the # result list. matches.extend(member) else: matches.append(member) for element in self._other_elements: if _qname_matches(tag, namespace, element._qname): matches.append(element) return matches GetElements = get_elements # FindExtensions and FindChildren are provided for backwards compatibility # to the atom.AtomBase class. # However, FindExtensions may return more results than the v1 atom.AtomBase # method does, because get_elements searches both the expected children # and the unexpected "other elements". The old AtomBase.FindExtensions # method searched only "other elements" AKA extension_elements. FindExtensions = get_elements FindChildren = get_elements def get_attributes(self, tag=None, namespace=None, version=1): """Find all attributes which match the tag and namespace. To find all attributes in this object, call get_attributes with the tag and namespace both set to None (the default). This method searches through the object's members and the attributes stored in _other_attributes which did not fit any of the XML parsing rules for this class. Args: tag: str namespace: str version: int Specifies the version of the XML rules to be used when searching for matching attributes. Returns: A list of XmlAttribute objects for the matching attributes. """ matches = [] ignored1, ignored2, attributes = self.__class__._get_rules(version) if attributes: for qname, attribute_def in attributes.iteritems(): if isinstance(attribute_def, (list, tuple)): attribute_def = attribute_def[0] member = getattr(self, attribute_def) # TODO: ensure this hasn't broken existing behavior. #member = getattr(self, attribute_def[0]) if member: if _qname_matches(tag, namespace, qname): matches.append(XmlAttribute(qname, member)) for qname, value in self._other_attributes.iteritems(): if _qname_matches(tag, namespace, qname): matches.append(XmlAttribute(qname, value)) return matches GetAttributes = get_attributes def _harvest_tree(self, tree, version=1): """Populates object members from the data in the tree Element.""" qname, elements, attributes = self.__class__._get_rules(version) for element in tree: if elements and element.tag in elements: definition = elements[element.tag] # If this is a repeating element, make sure the member is set to a # list. if definition[2]: if getattr(self, definition[0]) is None: setattr(self, definition[0], []) getattr(self, definition[0]).append(_xml_element_from_tree(element, definition[1], version)) else: setattr(self, definition[0], _xml_element_from_tree(element, definition[1], version)) else: self._other_elements.append(_xml_element_from_tree(element, XmlElement, version)) for attrib, value in tree.attrib.iteritems(): if attributes and attrib in attributes: setattr(self, attributes[attrib], value) else: self._other_attributes[attrib] = value if tree.text: self.text = tree.text def _to_tree(self, version=1, encoding=None): new_tree = ElementTree.Element(_get_qname(self, version)) self._attach_members(new_tree, version, encoding) return new_tree def _attach_members(self, tree, version=1, encoding=None): """Convert members to XML elements/attributes and add them to the tree. Args: tree: An ElementTree.Element which will be modified. The members of this object will be added as child elements or attributes according to the rules described in _expected_elements and _expected_attributes. The elements and attributes stored in other_attributes and other_elements are also added a children of this tree. version: int Ingnored in this method but used by VersionedElement. encoding: str (optional) """ qname, elements, attributes = self.__class__._get_rules(version) encoding = encoding or STRING_ENCODING # Add the expected elements and attributes to the tree. if elements: for tag, element_def in elements.iteritems(): member = getattr(self, element_def[0]) # If this is a repeating element and there are members in the list. if member and element_def[2]: for instance in member: instance._become_child(tree, version) elif member: member._become_child(tree, version) if attributes: for attribute_tag, member_name in attributes.iteritems(): value = getattr(self, member_name) if value: tree.attrib[attribute_tag] = value # Add the unexpected (other) elements and attributes to the tree. for element in self._other_elements: element._become_child(tree, version) for key, value in self._other_attributes.iteritems(): # I'm not sure if unicode can be used in the attribute name, so for now # we assume the encoding is correct for the attribute name. if not isinstance(value, unicode): value = value.decode(encoding) tree.attrib[key] = value if self.text: if isinstance(self.text, unicode): tree.text = self.text else: tree.text = self.text.decode(encoding) def to_string(self, version=1, encoding=None, pretty_print=None): """Converts this object to XML.""" tree_string = ElementTree.tostring(self._to_tree(version, encoding)) if pretty_print and xmlString is not None: return xmlString(tree_string).toprettyxml() return tree_string ToString = to_string def __str__(self): return self.to_string() def _become_child(self, tree, version=1): """Adds a child element to tree with the XML data in self.""" new_child = ElementTree.Element('') tree.append(new_child) new_child.tag = _get_qname(self, version) self._attach_members(new_child, version) def __get_extension_elements(self): return self._other_elements def __set_extension_elements(self, elements): self._other_elements = elements extension_elements = property(__get_extension_elements, __set_extension_elements, """Provides backwards compatibility for v1 atom.AtomBase classes.""") def __get_extension_attributes(self): return self._other_attributes def __set_extension_attributes(self, attributes): self._other_attributes = attributes extension_attributes = property(__get_extension_attributes, __set_extension_attributes, """Provides backwards compatibility for v1 atom.AtomBase classes.""") def _get_tag(self, version=1): qname = _get_qname(self, version) if qname: return qname[qname.find('}')+1:] return None def _get_namespace(self, version=1): qname = _get_qname(self, version) if qname.startswith('{'): return qname[1:qname.find('}')] else: return None def _set_tag(self, tag): if isinstance(self._qname, tuple): self._qname = self._qname.copy() if self._qname[0].startswith('{'): self._qname[0] = '{%s}%s' % (self._get_namespace(1), tag) else: self._qname[0] = tag else: if self._qname is not None and self._qname.startswith('{'): self._qname = '{%s}%s' % (self._get_namespace(), tag) else: self._qname = tag def _set_namespace(self, namespace): tag = self._get_tag(1) if tag is None: tag = '' if isinstance(self._qname, tuple): self._qname = self._qname.copy() if namespace: self._qname[0] = '{%s}%s' % (namespace, tag) else: self._qname[0] = tag else: if namespace: self._qname = '{%s}%s' % (namespace, tag) else: self._qname = tag tag = property(_get_tag, _set_tag, """Provides backwards compatibility for v1 atom.AtomBase classes.""") namespace = property(_get_namespace, _set_namespace, """Provides backwards compatibility for v1 atom.AtomBase classes.""") # Provided for backwards compatibility to atom.ExtensionElement children = extension_elements attributes = extension_attributes def _get_qname(element, version): if isinstance(element._qname, tuple): if version <= len(element._qname): return element._qname[version-1] else: return element._qname[-1] else: return element._qname def _qname_matches(tag, namespace, qname): """Logic determines if a QName matches the desired local tag and namespace. This is used in XmlElement.get_elements and XmlElement.get_attributes to find matches in the element's members (among all expected-and-unexpected elements-and-attributes). Args: expected_tag: string expected_namespace: string qname: string in the form '{xml_namespace}localtag' or 'tag' if there is no namespace. Returns: boolean True if the member's tag and namespace fit the expected tag and namespace. """ # If there is no expected namespace or tag, then everything will match. if qname is None: member_tag = None member_namespace = None else: if qname.startswith('{'): member_namespace = qname[1:qname.index('}')] member_tag = qname[qname.index('}') + 1:] else: member_namespace = None member_tag = qname return ((tag is None and namespace is None) # If there is a tag, but no namespace, see if the local tag matches. or (namespace is None and member_tag == tag) # There was no tag, but there was a namespace so see if the namespaces # match. or (tag is None and member_namespace == namespace) # There was no tag, and the desired elements have no namespace, so check # to see that the member's namespace is None. or (tag is None and namespace == '' and member_namespace is None) # The tag and the namespace both match. or (tag == member_tag and namespace == member_namespace) # The tag matches, and the expected namespace is the empty namespace, # check to make sure the member's namespace is None. or (tag == member_tag and namespace == '' and member_namespace is None)) def parse(xml_string, target_class=None, version=1, encoding=None): """Parses the XML string according to the rules for the target_class. Args: xml_string: str or unicode target_class: XmlElement or a subclass. If None is specified, the XmlElement class is used. version: int (optional) The version of the schema which should be used when converting the XML into an object. The default is 1. encoding: str (optional) The character encoding of the bytes in the xml_string. Default is 'UTF-8'. """ if target_class is None: target_class = XmlElement if isinstance(xml_string, unicode): if encoding is None: xml_string = xml_string.encode(STRING_ENCODING) else: xml_string = xml_string.encode(encoding) tree = ElementTree.fromstring(xml_string) return _xml_element_from_tree(tree, target_class, version) Parse = parse xml_element_from_string = parse XmlElementFromString = xml_element_from_string def _xml_element_from_tree(tree, target_class, version=1): if target_class._qname is None: instance = target_class() instance._qname = tree.tag instance._harvest_tree(tree, version) return instance # TODO handle the namespace-only case # Namespace only will be used with Google Spreadsheets rows and # Google Base item attributes. elif tree.tag == _get_qname(target_class, version): instance = target_class() instance._harvest_tree(tree, version) return instance return None class XmlAttribute(object): def __init__(self, qname, value): self._qname = qname self.value = value
from __future__ import unicode_literals import hashlib import logging import operator import os import os.path import sqlite3 import sys from mopidy import local from mopidy.exceptions import ExtensionError from mopidy.local import translator from mopidy.models import Ref, SearchResult import uritools from . import Extension, schema logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SQLiteLibrary(local.Library): name = 'sqlite' def __init__(self, config): self._config = ext_config = config[Extension.ext_name] self._data_dir = Extension.get_or_create_data_dir(config) try: self._media_dir = config['local']['media_dir'] except KeyError: raise ExtensionError('Mopidy-Local not enabled') self._directories = [] for line in ext_config['directories']: name, uri = line.rsplit(None, 1) ref =, name=name) self._directories.append(ref) self._dbpath = os.path.join(self._data_dir, b'library.db') self._connection = None def load(self): with self._connect() as connection: version = schema.load(connection) logger.debug('Using SQLite database schema v%s', version) return schema.count_tracks(connection) def lookup(self, uri): if uri.startswith('local:album'): return list(schema.lookup(self._connect(), Ref.ALBUM, uri)) elif uri.startswith('local:artist'): return list(schema.lookup(self._connect(), Ref.ARTIST, uri)) elif uri.startswith('local:track'): return list(schema.lookup(self._connect(), Ref.TRACK, uri)) else: logger.error('Invalid lookup URI %s', uri) return [] def browse(self, uri): try: if uri == self.ROOT_DIRECTORY_URI: return self._directories elif uri.startswith('local:directory'): return self._browse_directory(uri) elif uri.startswith('local:artist'): return self._browse_artist(uri) elif uri.startswith('local:album'): return self._browse_album(uri) else: raise ValueError('Invalid browse URI') except Exception as e: logger.error('Error browsing %s: %s', uri, e) return [] def search(self, query=None, limit=100, offset=0, uris=None, exact=False): q = [] for field, values in (query.items() if query else []): q.extend((field, value) for value in values) filters = [f for uri in uris or [] for f in self._filters(uri) if f] with self._connect() as c: tracks = schema.search_tracks(c, q, limit, offset, exact, filters) uri = uritools.uricompose('local', path='search', query=q) return SearchResult(uri=uri, tracks=tracks) def get_distinct(self, field, query=None): q = [] for key, values in (query.items() if query else []): q.extend((key, value) for value in values) return set(schema.list_distinct(self._connect(), field, q)) def begin(self): return schema.tracks(self._connect()) def add(self, track): try: track = self._validate_track(track) schema.insert_track(self._connect(), track) except Exception as e: logger.warn('Skipped %s: %s', track.uri, e) def remove(self, uri): schema.delete_track(self._connect(), uri) def flush(self): if not self._connection: return False self._connection.commit() return True def close(self): schema.cleanup(self._connection) self._connection.commit() self._connection.close() self._connection = None def clear(self): try: schema.clear(self._connect()) return True except sqlite3.Error as e: logger.error('Error clearing SQLite database: %s', e) return False def _connect(self): if not self._connection: self._connection = sqlite3.connect( self._dbpath, factory=schema.Connection, timeout=self._config['timeout'], check_same_thread=False, ) return self._connection def _browse_album(self, uri, order=('disc_no', 'track_no', 'name')): return schema.browse(self._connect(), Ref.TRACK, order, album=uri) def _browse_artist(self, uri, order=('type', 'name COLLATE NOCASE')): with self._connect() as c: albums = schema.browse(c, Ref.ALBUM, order, albumartist=uri) refs = schema.browse(c, order=order, artist=uri) album_uris, tracks = {ref.uri for ref in albums}, [] for ref in refs: if ref.type == Ref.ALBUM and ref.uri not in album_uris: albums.append( uri=uritools.uricompose('local', None, 'directory', dict( type=Ref.TRACK, album=ref.uri, artist=uri )), )) elif ref.type == Ref.TRACK: tracks.append(ref) else: logger.debug('Skipped SQLite browse result %s', ref.uri) albums.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('name')) return albums + tracks def _browse_directory(self, uri, order=('type', 'name COLLATE NOCASE')): query = dict(uritools.urisplit(uri).getquerylist()) type = query.pop('type', None) role = query.pop('role', None) # TODO: handle these in schema (generically)? if type == 'date': format = query.get('format', '%Y-%m-%d') return map(_dateref, schema.dates(self._connect(), format=format)) if type == 'genre': return map(_genreref, schema.list_distinct(self._connect(), 'genre')) # noqa # Fix #38: keep sort order of album tracks; this also applies # to composers and performers if type == Ref.TRACK and 'album' in query: order = ('disc_no', 'track_no', 'name') if type == Ref.ARTIST and self._config['use_artist_sortname']: order = ('coalesce(sortname, name) COLLATE NOCASE',) roles = role or ('artist', 'albumartist') # FIXME: re-think 'roles'... refs = [] for ref in schema.browse(self._connect(), type, order, role=roles, **query): # noqa if ref.type == Ref.TRACK or (not query and not role): refs.append(ref) elif ref.type == Ref.ALBUM: refs.append( 'local', None, 'directory', dict(query, type=Ref.TRACK, album=ref.uri) # noqa ), elif ref.type == Ref.ARTIST: refs.append( 'local', None, 'directory', dict(query, **{role: ref.uri}) ), else: logger.warn('Unexpected SQLite browse result: %r', ref) return refs def _validate_artist(self, artist): if not raise ValueError('Empty artist name') uri = artist.uri or self._model_uri('artist', artist) return artist.copy(uri=uri) def _validate_album(self, album): if not raise ValueError('Empty album name') uri = album.uri or self._model_uri('album', album) artists = map(self._validate_artist, album.artists) return album.copy(uri=uri, artists=artists) def _validate_track(self, track, encoding=sys.getfilesystemencoding()): if not track.uri: raise ValueError('Empty track URI') if name = else: path = translator.local_track_uri_to_path(track.uri, b'') name = os.path.basename(path).decode(encoding, errors='replace') if track.album and album = self._validate_album(track.album) else: album = None return track.copy( name=name, album=album, artists=map(self._validate_artist, track.artists), composers=map(self._validate_artist, track.composers), performers=map(self._validate_artist, track.performers) ) def _filters(self, uri): if uri.startswith('local:directory'): return [dict(uritools.urisplit(uri).getquerylist())] elif uri.startswith('local:artist'): return [{'artist': uri}, {'albumartist': uri}] elif uri.startswith('local:album'): return [{'album': uri}] else: return [] def _model_uri(self, type, model): if model.musicbrainz_id and self._config['use_%s_mbid_uri' % type]: return 'local:%s:mbid:%s' % (type, model.musicbrainz_id) digest = hashlib.md5(str(model)).hexdigest() return 'local:%s:md5:%s' % (type, digest) def _dateref(date): return uri=uritools.uricompose('local', None, 'directory', {'date': date}), name=date ) def _genreref(genre): return uri=uritools.uricompose('local', None, 'directory', {'genre': genre}), name=genre )
# Copyright 2009 Shikhar Bhushan # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from ncclient import NCClientError class TransportError(NCClientError): pass class AuthenticationError(TransportError): pass class SessionCloseError(TransportError): def __init__(self, in_buf, out_buf=None): msg = 'Unexpected session close' if in_buf: msg += '\nIN_BUFFER: `%s`' % in_buf if out_buf: msg += ' OUT_BUFFER: `%s`' % out_buf SSHError.__init__(self, msg) class SSHError(TransportError): pass class SSHUnknownHostError(SSHError): def __init__(self, host, fingerprint): SSHError.__init__(self, 'Unknown host key [%s] for [%s]' % (fingerprint, host)) = host self.fingerprint = fingerprint
from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawDescriptionHelpFormatter import piony from piony.common.exceptions import InputError class ArgParser(object): def __init__(self): = ArgumentParser(prog=piony.__appname__, formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description=piony.__doc__, epilog="Enjoy!!!") self._setup_options() def parse(self, argv): if not argv: argv = [] elif isinstance(argv, str): argv = argv.split() elif not isinstance(argv, list): raise InputError("Wrong argv type: {}".format(type(argv))) return def apply(self, args): from operator import xor res = (False, False) dbg = {'a': (True, True), 'v': (True, False), 'k': (False, True)} if args.verbose: for entry in args.verbose: res = map(xor, res, dbg[entry]) piony.G_DEBUG_VISUALS, piony.G_DEBUG_ACTIONS = res def _setup_options(self): ## Configuration farg = farg('buds', metavar='bud', nargs='*', type=str, default=None, help="Setup profile layout in json directly on cmdline. " "Can be specified several times -- one for each slice. " "Or use pathes to files with slices inside.") farg('-v', '--version', action='version', default=None, version="%(prog)s {0}".format(piony.__version__), help="Version of program.") gr_window ='Window') warg = gr_window.add_argument warg('-c', '--config', default=None, help="Config file with default settings.") warg('-p', '--print', default=None, help="Toggle action print/execute to use as frontend only.") ## Appearance warg('-s', '--size', type=int, default=None, help="Sets window size WxH=NxN to derive all rings sizes from it.") warg('-F', '--fullscreen', action='store_true', default=None, help="Overlay fullscreen/local") warg('-T', '--no-tooltip', action='store_true', default=None, help="Disable pop-up items, for those who is irritated.") ## Process gr_general ='General') garg = gr_general.add_argument garg('-k', '--kill', action='store_true', default=None, help="Kill running daemonized program.") garg('-V', '--verbose', nargs='?', type=str, const='a', choices=['a', 'v', 'k'], default=None, help="Verbose (debug): [a]ll (default), [v]isuals, [k]eys.")
# Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Functional tests for aggregate operations.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np from tensorflow.python.eager import context from tensorflow.python.framework import constant_op from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.framework import test_util from tensorflow.python.ops import embedding_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import resource_variable_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import variable_scope from tensorflow.python.ops import variables from tensorflow.python.platform import test from import adagrad class AdagradOptimizerTest(test.TestCase): def doTestBasic(self, use_locking=False, use_resource=False, use_callable_params=False): for dtype in [dtypes.half, dtypes.float32, dtypes.float64]: if use_resource: var0 = resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable([1.0, 2.0], dtype=dtype) var1 = resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable([3.0, 4.0], dtype=dtype) else: var0 = variables.Variable([1.0, 2.0], dtype=dtype) var1 = variables.Variable([3.0, 4.0], dtype=dtype) grads0 = constant_op.constant([0.1, 0.1], dtype=dtype) grads1 = constant_op.constant([0.01, 0.01], dtype=dtype) learning_rate = lambda: 3.0 if not use_callable_params: learning_rate = learning_rate() ada_opt = adagrad.AdagradOptimizer( learning_rate, initial_accumulator_value=0.1, use_locking=use_locking) if not context.executing_eagerly(): ada_update = ada_opt.apply_gradients( zip([grads0, grads1], [var0, var1])) self.evaluate(variables.global_variables_initializer()) # Fetch params to validate initial values v0_val, v1_val = self.evaluate([var0, var1]) self.assertAllClose([1.0, 2.0], v0_val) self.assertAllClose([3.0, 4.0], v1_val) # Run 3 steps of adagrad for _ in range(3): if not context.executing_eagerly(): self.evaluate(ada_update) else: ada_opt.apply_gradients(zip([grads0, grads1], [var0, var1])) # Validate updated params v0_val, v1_val = self.evaluate([var0, var1]) self.assertAllCloseAccordingToType( np.array([-1.6026098728179932, -0.6026098728179932]), v0_val) self.assertAllCloseAccordingToType( np.array([2.715679168701172, 3.715679168701172]), v1_val) def testBasic(self): self.doTestBasic(use_locking=False) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes(reset_test=True) def testBasicResource(self): self.doTestBasic(use_locking=False, use_resource=True) def testBasicCallableParams(self): with context.eager_mode(): self.doTestBasic( use_locking=False, use_resource=True, use_callable_params=True) def testBasicLocked(self): self.doTestBasic(use_locking=True) @test_util.run_deprecated_v1 def testMinimizeSparseResourceVariable(self): for dtype in [dtypes.half, dtypes.float32, dtypes.float64]: with self.cached_session(): var0 = resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable( [[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]], dtype=dtype) x = constant_op.constant([[4.0], [5.0]], dtype=dtype) pred = math_ops.matmul(embedding_ops.embedding_lookup([var0], [0]), x) loss = pred * pred sgd_op = adagrad.AdagradOptimizer(1.0).minimize(loss) self.evaluate(variables.global_variables_initializer()) # Fetch params to validate initial values self.assertAllCloseAccordingToType([[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]], self.evaluate(var0)) # Run 1 step of sgd # Validate updated params self.assertAllCloseAccordingToType([[0, 1], [3, 4]], self.evaluate(var0), atol=0.01) @test_util.run_deprecated_v1 def testTensorLearningRate(self): for dtype in [dtypes.half, dtypes.float32, dtypes.float64]: with self.cached_session(): var0 = variables.Variable([1.0, 2.0], dtype=dtype) var1 = variables.Variable([3.0, 4.0], dtype=dtype) grads0 = constant_op.constant([0.1, 0.1], dtype=dtype) grads1 = constant_op.constant([0.01, 0.01], dtype=dtype) ada_opt = adagrad.AdagradOptimizer( constant_op.constant(3.0), initial_accumulator_value=0.1) ada_update = ada_opt.apply_gradients( zip([grads0, grads1], [var0, var1])) self.evaluate(variables.global_variables_initializer()) # Fetch params to validate initial values self.assertAllClose([1.0, 2.0], self.evaluate(var0)) self.assertAllClose([3.0, 4.0], self.evaluate(var1)) # Run 3 steps of adagrad for _ in range(3): # Validate updated params self.assertAllCloseAccordingToType( np.array([-1.6026098728179932, -0.6026098728179932]), self.evaluate(var0)) self.assertAllCloseAccordingToType( np.array([2.715679168701172, 3.715679168701172]), self.evaluate(var1)) @test_util.run_deprecated_v1 def testSparseBasic(self): for dtype in [dtypes.half, dtypes.float32, dtypes.float64]: with self.cached_session(): var0 = variables.Variable([[1.0], [2.0]], dtype=dtype) var1 = variables.Variable([[3.0], [4.0]], dtype=dtype) grads0 = ops.IndexedSlices( constant_op.constant( [0.1], shape=[1, 1], dtype=dtype), constant_op.constant([0]), constant_op.constant([2, 1])) grads1 = ops.IndexedSlices( constant_op.constant( [0.01], shape=[1, 1], dtype=dtype), constant_op.constant([1]), constant_op.constant([2, 1])) ada_opt = adagrad.AdagradOptimizer(3.0, initial_accumulator_value=0.1) ada_update = ada_opt.apply_gradients( zip([grads0, grads1], [var0, var1])) self.evaluate(variables.global_variables_initializer()) # Fetch params to validate initial values self.assertAllClose([[1.0], [2.0]], self.evaluate(var0)) self.assertAllClose([[3.0], [4.0]], self.evaluate(var1)) # Run 3 step of sgd for _ in range(3): # Validate updated params self.assertAllCloseAccordingToType( np.array([[-1.6026098728179932], [2.0]]), self.evaluate(var0)) self.assertAllCloseAccordingToType( np.array([[3.0], [3.715679168701172]]), self.evaluate(var1)) @test_util.run_deprecated_v1 def testSparseRepeatedIndices(self): for dtype in [dtypes.half, dtypes.float32, dtypes.float64]: with self.cached_session(): repeated_index_update_var = variables.Variable( [[1.0], [2.0]], dtype=dtype) aggregated_update_var = variables.Variable( [[1.0], [2.0]], dtype=dtype) grad_repeated_index = ops.IndexedSlices( constant_op.constant( [0.1, 0.1], shape=[2, 1], dtype=dtype), constant_op.constant([1, 1]), constant_op.constant([2, 1])) grad_aggregated = ops.IndexedSlices( constant_op.constant( [0.2], shape=[1, 1], dtype=dtype), constant_op.constant([1]), constant_op.constant([2, 1])) repeated_update = adagrad.AdagradOptimizer(3.0).apply_gradients( [(grad_repeated_index, repeated_index_update_var)]) aggregated_update = adagrad.AdagradOptimizer(3.0).apply_gradients( [(grad_aggregated, aggregated_update_var)]) self.evaluate(variables.global_variables_initializer()) self.assertAllClose(aggregated_update_var.eval(), self.evaluate(repeated_index_update_var)) for _ in range(3): self.assertAllClose(aggregated_update_var.eval(), self.evaluate(repeated_index_update_var)) @test_util.run_deprecated_v1 def testSparseRepeatedIndicesResourceVariable(self): for dtype in [dtypes.half, dtypes.float32, dtypes.float64]: with self.cached_session(): var_repeated = resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable( [1.0, 2.0], dtype=dtype) loss_repeated = math_ops.reduce_sum( embedding_ops.embedding_lookup(var_repeated, [0, 0])) var_aggregated = resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable( [1.0, 2.0], dtype=dtype) loss_aggregated = 2 * math_ops.reduce_sum( embedding_ops.embedding_lookup(var_aggregated, [0])) update_op_repeated = adagrad.AdagradOptimizer( 2.0).minimize(loss_repeated) update_op_aggregated = adagrad.AdagradOptimizer( 2.0).minimize(loss_aggregated) self.evaluate(variables.global_variables_initializer()) self.assertAllCloseAccordingToType( self.evaluate(var_repeated), self.evaluate(var_aggregated)) for _ in range(3): self.assertAllCloseAccordingToType( self.evaluate(var_repeated), self.evaluate(var_aggregated)) @test_util.run_deprecated_v1 def testSparseStability(self): for dtype in [dtypes.half, dtypes.float32, dtypes.float64]: with self.cached_session(): shape = [1, 6] var0 = variables.Variable( [[ 0.00872496, -0.106952, 0.110467, 0.226505, -0.0147257, -0.0105945 ]], dtype=dtype) grads0 = ops.IndexedSlices( constant_op.constant( [[ -5.91278e-05, 5.31673e-05, -2.5779e-06, 4.29153e-05, -8.4877e-05, -9.48906e-05 ]], shape=shape, dtype=dtype), constant_op.constant([0]), constant_op.constant(shape)) ada_opt = adagrad.AdagradOptimizer(1.0, initial_accumulator_value=0.1) ada_update = ada_opt.apply_gradients(zip([grads0], [var0])) self.assertEqual(["accumulator"], ada_opt.get_slot_names()) slot0 = ada_opt.get_slot(var0, "accumulator") init = variables.global_variables_initializer() for _ in range(100): self.assertAllCloseAccordingToType( np.array([[0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]]), self.evaluate(slot0)) self.assertAllCloseAccordingToType( np.array([[ 0.00891194, -0.10712013, 0.11047515, 0.22636929, -0.0144573, -0.01029443 ]]), self.evaluate(var0)) @test_util.run_deprecated_v1 def testSharing(self): for dtype in [dtypes.half, dtypes.float32, dtypes.float64]: with self.cached_session(): var0 = variables.Variable([1.0, 2.0], dtype=dtype) var1 = variables.Variable([3.0, 4.0], dtype=dtype) grads0 = constant_op.constant([0.1, 0.1], dtype=dtype) grads1 = constant_op.constant([0.01, 0.01], dtype=dtype) ada_opt = adagrad.AdagradOptimizer(3.0) # Apply the optimizer twice. Both applications will use # the same accums. ada_update1 = ada_opt.apply_gradients( zip([grads0, grads1], [var0, var1])) ada_update2 = ada_opt.apply_gradients( zip([grads0, grads1], [var0, var1])) self.assertEqual(["accumulator"], ada_opt.get_slot_names()) slot0 = ada_opt.get_slot(var0, "accumulator") self.assertEquals(slot0.get_shape(), var0.get_shape()) slot1 = ada_opt.get_slot(var1, "accumulator") self.assertEquals(slot1.get_shape(), var1.get_shape()) self.evaluate(variables.global_variables_initializer()) # Fetch params to validate initial values. self.assertAllClose([1.0, 2.0], self.evaluate(var0)) self.assertAllClose([3.0, 4.0], self.evaluate(var1)) # Mix the first and the second adagrad for 3 steps. # Validate updated params (the same as with only 1 Adagrad). self.assertAllCloseAccordingToType( np.array([-1.6026098728179932, -0.6026098728179932]), self.evaluate(var0)) self.assertAllCloseAccordingToType( np.array([2.715679168701172, 3.715679168701172]), self.evaluate(var1)) @test_util.run_v1_only("b/120545219") def testDynamicShapeVariable_Ok(self): with self.cached_session(): v = variable_scope.get_variable("v", initializer=constant_op.constant(1.), validate_shape=False) self.assertFalse(v.shape.is_fully_defined()) # Creating optimizer should cause no exception. adagrad.AdagradOptimizer(3.0, initial_accumulator_value=0.1) @test_util.run_v1_only("b/120545219") def testDynamicShapeVariableWithCallableInit(self): var0 = variable_scope.get_variable("var0", initializer=constant_op.constant(1.), validate_shape=False) self.assertFalse(var0.shape.is_fully_defined()) grads0 = constant_op.constant(0.1, dtype=dtypes.float32) learning_rate = lambda: 3.0 ada_opt = adagrad.AdagradOptimizer( learning_rate, initial_accumulator_value=0.1, use_locking=True) if not context.executing_eagerly(): ada_update = ada_opt.apply_gradients( zip([grads0], [var0])) self.evaluate(variables.global_variables_initializer()) # Fetch params to validate initial values v0_val = self.evaluate([var0]) self.assertAllClose([1.0], v0_val) # Run 3 steps of adagrad for _ in range(3): if not context.executing_eagerly(): self.evaluate(ada_update) else: ada_opt.apply_gradients(zip([grads0], [var0])) # Validate updated params v0_val = self.evaluate([var0]) self.assertAllCloseAccordingToType( np.array([-1.6026098728179932]), v0_val) if __name__ == "__main__": test.main()
# Volatility # Copyright (C) 2007-2013 Volatility Foundation # Copyright (C) 2010,2011,2012 Michael Hale Ligh <[email protected]> # # This file is part of Volatility. # # Volatility is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Volatility is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Volatility. If not, see <>. # import volatility.obj as obj import volatility.plugins.gui.constants as consts class XP2003x86BaseVTypes(obj.ProfileModification): """Applies to everything x86 before Windows 7""" def check(self, profile): m = profile.metadata version = (m.get('major', 0), m.get('minor', 0)) return (m.get('os', None) == 'windows' and version < (6, 1) and m.get('memory_model', '32bit') == '32bit') def modification(self, profile): profile.vtypes.update({ 'tagWINDOWSTATION' : [ 0x5C, { 'dwSessionId' : [ 0x0, ['unsigned long']], 'rpwinstaNext' : [ 0x4, ['pointer', ['tagWINDOWSTATION']]], 'rpdeskList' : [ 0x8, ['pointer', ['tagDESKTOP']]], 'dwWSF_Flags' : [ 0x10, ['unsigned long']], 'ptiDrawingClipboard' : [ 0x1C, ['pointer', ['tagTHREADINFO']]], 'spwndClipOpen' : [ 0x20, ['pointer', ['tagWND']]], 'spwndClipViewer' : [ 0x24, ['pointer', ['tagWND']]], 'spwndClipOwner' : [ 0x28, ['pointer', ['tagWND']]], 'pClipBase' : [ 0x2C, ['pointer', ['array', lambda x : x.cNumClipFormats, ['tagCLIP']]]], 'cNumClipFormats' : [ 0x30, ['unsigned int']], 'iClipSerialNumber' : [ 0x34, ['unsigned int']], 'iClipSequenceNumber' : [ 0x38, ['unsigned int']], #'spwndClipboardListener' : [ 0x3C, ['pointer', ['tagWND']]], 'pGlobalAtomTable' : [ 0x40, ['pointer', ['void']]], }], ## This is defined in Windows 7 'tagCLIP' : [ 12, { 'fmt' : [ 0, ['Enumeration', dict(target = 'unsigned long', choices = consts.CLIPBOARD_FORMAT_ENUM)]], 'hData' : [ 4, ['unsigned int']], 'fGlobalHandle' : [ 8, ['unsigned int']], }], 'tagDESKTOP' : [ 0x84, { 'dwSessionId' : [ 0x0, ['unsigned long']], 'pDeskInfo' : [ 0x4, ['pointer', ['tagDESKTOPINFO']]], 'rpdeskNext' : [ 0xc, ['pointer', ['tagDESKTOP']]], 'rpwinstaParent' : [ 0x10, ['pointer', ['tagWINDOWSTATION']]], 'hsectionDesktop' : [ 0x40, ['pointer', ['void']]], 'pheapDesktop' : [ 0x44, ['pointer', ['tagWIN32HEAP']]], 'PtiList' : [ 0x64, ['_LIST_ENTRY']], }], 'tagTHREADINFO' : [ None, { # Same as Win32Thread 'pEThread' : [ 0x00, ['pointer', ['_ETHREAD']]], 'ppi' : [ 0x2C, ['pointer', ['tagPROCESSINFO']]], 'pq' : [ 0x30, ['pointer', ['tagQ']]], 'pDeskInfo' : [ 0x40, ['pointer', ['tagDESKTOPINFO']]], 'PtiLink' : [ 0xAC, ['_LIST_ENTRY']], 'fsHooks' : [ 0x98, ['unsigned long']], 'aphkStart' : [ 0xF4, ['array', 16, ['pointer', ['tagHOOK']]]], }], 'tagQ' : [ None, { 'mlInput' : [ 0x00, ['tagMLIST']], }], 'tagMLIST' : [ None, { 'pqmsgRead' : [ 0x00, ['pointer', ['tagQMSG']]], 'cMsgs' : [ 0x08, ['unsigned long']], }], 'tagQMSG' : [ None, { 'pqmsgNext' : [ 0x00, ['pointer', ['tagQMSG']]], 'pqmsgPrev' : [ 0x04, ['pointer', ['tagQMSG']]], 'msg' : [ 0x08, ['tagMSG']], }], 'tagMSG' : [ None, { 'hwnd' : [ 0x00, ['unsigned long']], 'message' : [ 0x04, ['unsigned long']], 'wParam' : [ 0x08, ['unsigned long']], 'lParam' : [ 0x0C, ['unsigned long']], 'time' : [ 0x10, ['unsigned long']], 'pt' : [ 0x14, ['tagPOINT']], }], 'tagPOINT' : [ None, { 'x' : [ 0x00, ['long']], 'y' : [ 0x04, ['long']], }], 'tagHOOK' : [ None, { 'head' : [ 0x0, ['_THRDESKHEAD']], 'phkNext' : [ 0x14, ['pointer', ['tagHOOK']]], 'iHook' : [ 0x18, ['long']], 'offPfn' : [ 0x1c, ['unsigned long']], 'flags': [ 0x20, ['Flags', {'bitmap': consts.HOOK_FLAGS}]], 'ihmod' : [ 0x24, ['long']], 'ptiHooked' : [ 0x28, ['pointer', ['tagTHREADINFO']]], 'rpdesk' : [ 0x2c, ['pointer', ['tagDESKTOP']]], }], 'tagDESKTOPINFO' : [ None, { 'pvDesktopBase' : [ 0x0, ['pointer', ['void']]], 'pvDesktopLimit' : [ 0x4, ['pointer', ['void']]], 'spwnd' : [ 0x08, ['pointer', ['tagWND']]], 'fsHooks' : [ 0x0c, ['unsigned long']], 'aphkStart' : [ 0x10, ['array', 16, ['pointer', ['tagHOOK']]]], }], 'tagSERVERINFO' : [ 0xffc, { 'cHandleEntries' : [ 8, ['unsigned long']], 'cbHandleTable' : [ 0x1bc, ['unsigned long']], }], 'tagSHAREDINFO' : [ 0x11c, { # From Win7SP0x86 'psi' : [ 0x0, ['pointer', ['tagSERVERINFO']]], 'aheList' : [ 0x4, ['pointer', ['_HANDLEENTRY']]], 'ulSharedDelta' : [ 0xC, ['unsigned long']], }], '_HANDLEENTRY' : [ 0xc, { # From Win7SP0x86 'phead' : [ 0x0, ['pointer', ['_HEAD']]], 'pOwner' : [ 0x4, ['pointer', ['void']]], 'bType': [ 8, ['Enumeration', dict(target = 'unsigned char', choices = consts.HANDLE_TYPE_ENUM)]], 'bFlags' : [ 0x9, ['unsigned char']], 'wUniq' : [ 0xa, ['unsigned short']], }], '_HEAD' : [ 0x8, { # From Win7SP0x86 'h' : [ 0x0, ['pointer', ['void']]], 'cLockObj' : [ 0x4, ['unsigned long']], }], 'tagPROCESSINFO' : [ None, { 'Process' : [ 0x0, ['pointer', ['_EPROCESS']]], }], '_THRDESKHEAD' : [ 0x14, { 'h' : [ 0x0, ['pointer', ['void']]], 'cLockObj' : [ 0x4, ['unsigned long']], 'pti' : [ 0x8, ['pointer', ['tagTHREADINFO']]], 'rpdesk' : [ 0xc, ['pointer', ['tagDESKTOP']]], 'pSelf' : [ 0x10, ['pointer', ['unsigned char']]], }], 'tagCLS' : [ 0x5c, { 'pclsNext' : [ 0x0, ['pointer', ['tagCLS']]], 'atomClassName' : [ 0x4, ['unsigned short']], 'atomNVClassName' : [ 0x6, ['unsigned short']], }], 'tagRECT' : [ 0x10, { 'left' : [ 0x0, ['long']], 'top' : [ 0x4, ['long']], 'right' : [ 0x8, ['long']], 'bottom' : [ 0xc, ['long']], }], 'tagWND' : [ 0x90, { 'head' : [ 0x0, ['_THRDESKHEAD']], 'ExStyle' : [ 0x1c, ['unsigned long']], 'style' : [ 0x20, ['unsigned long']], 'hModule' : [ 0x24, ['pointer', ['void']]], 'spwndNext' : [ 0x2c, ['pointer', ['tagWND']]], 'spwndPrev' : [ 0x30, ['pointer', ['tagWND']]], 'spwndParent' : [ 0x34, ['pointer', ['tagWND']]], 'spwndChild' : [ 0x38, ['pointer', ['tagWND']]], 'spwndOwner' : [ 0x3c, ['pointer', ['tagWND']]], 'rcWindow' : [ 0x40, ['tagRECT']], 'rcClient' : [ 0x50, ['tagRECT']], 'lpfnWndProc' : [ 0x60, ['pointer', ['void']]], 'pcls' : [ 0x64, ['pointer', ['tagCLS']]], 'strName' : [ 0x80, ['_LARGE_UNICODE_STRING']], 'cbwndExtra' : [ 0x8C, ['long']], 'dwUserData' : [ 0x98, ['unsigned long']], }], '_LARGE_UNICODE_STRING' : [ 0xc, { 'Length' : [ 0x0, ['unsigned long']], 'MaximumLength' : [ 0x4, ['BitField', dict(start_bit = 0, end_bit = 31)]], 'bAnsi' : [ 0x4, ['BitField', dict(start_bit = 31, end_bit = 32)]], 'Buffer' : [ 0x8, ['pointer', ['unsigned short']]], }], }) class XP2003x64BaseVTypes(obj.ProfileModification): """Applies to Windows XP and 2003 x64""" conditions = {'os': lambda x: x == 'windows', 'memory_model': lambda x: x == '64bit', 'major': lambda x: x < 6} def modification(self, profile): profile.vtypes.update({ 'tagWINDOWSTATION' : [ 0x90, { # !poolfind Wind is 100h 'dwSessionId' : [ 0x0, ['unsigned long']], 'rpwinstaNext' : [ 0x8, ['pointer64', ['tagWINDOWSTATION']]], # FreeWindowStation 'rpdeskList' : [ 0x10, ['pointer64', ['tagDESKTOP']]], 'dwWSF_Flags' : [ 0x20, ['unsigned long']], # FreeWindowStation 'ptiDrawingClipboard' : [ 0x38, ['pointer64', ['tagTHREADINFO']]], # xxxDrawClipboard 'spwndClipOpen' : [ 0x40, ['pointer64', ['tagWND']]], 'spwndClipViewer' : [ 0x48, ['pointer64', ['tagWND']]], 'spwndClipOwner' : [ 0x50, ['pointer64', ['tagWND']]], 'pClipBase' : [ 0x58, ['pointer64', ['array', lambda x : x.cNumClipFormats, ['tagCLIP']]]], # InternalSetClipboardData 'cNumClipFormats' : [ 0x60, ['unsigned int']], # InternalSetClipboardData 'iClipSerialNumber' : [ 0x64, ['unsigned int']], # InternalSetClipboardData 'iClipSequenceNumber' : [ 0x68, ['unsigned int']], # InternalSetClipboardData 'pGlobalAtomTable' : [ 0x70, ['pointer64', ['void']]], }], # From Windows 7 'tagCLIP' : [ 0x18, { 'fmt' : [ 0x0, ['Enumeration', dict(target = 'unsigned long', choices = consts.CLIPBOARD_FORMAT_ENUM)]], 'hData' : [ 0x8, ['pointer64', ['void']]], 'fGlobalHandle' : [ 0x10, ['long']], }], 'tagDESKTOP' : [ 0xd0, { # !poolfind Desk is 140h 'dwSessionId' : [ 0x0, ['unsigned long']], 'pDeskInfo' : [ 0x8, ['pointer64', ['tagDESKTOPINFO']]], # xxxCreateDesktop 'rpdeskNext' : [ 0x18, ['pointer64', ['tagDESKTOP']]], # ParseDesktop 'rpwinstaParent' : [ 0x20, ['pointer64', ['tagWINDOWSTATION']]], 'hsectionDesktop' : [ 0x70, ['pointer64', ['void']]], # MapDesktop 'pheapDesktop' : [ 0x78, ['pointer64', ['tagWIN32HEAP']]], # DesktopAlloc 'PtiList' : [ 0xa0, ['_LIST_ENTRY']], # zzzJournalAttach }], 'tagTHREADINFO' : [ None, { 'pEThread' : [ 0x00, ['pointer', ['_ETHREAD']]], 'ppi' : [ 0x68, ['pointer64', ['tagPROCESSINFO']]], # xxxSetThreadDesktop #'pq' : [ 0x30, ['pointer', ['tagQ']]], 'pDeskInfo' : [ 0x90, ['pointer64', ['tagDESKTOPINFO']]], # xxxDesktopThread 'PtiLink' : [ 0x160, ['_LIST_ENTRY']], 'fsHooks' : [ 0x138, ['unsigned long']], # xxxSetThreadDesktop, CheckWHFBits 'aphkStart' : [ 0x140, ['array', 16, ['pointer64', ['tagHOOK']]]], }], 'tagDESKTOPINFO' : [ None, { 'pvDesktopBase' : [ 0x0, ['pointer64', ['void']]], 'pvDesktopLimit' : [ 0x8, ['pointer64', ['void']]], 'spwnd' : [ 0x10, ['pointer64', ['tagWND']]], 'fsHooks' : [ 0x18, ['unsigned long']], # CheckWHFBits 'aphkStart' : [ 0x20, ['array', 16, ['pointer64', ['tagHOOK']]]], }], 'tagWND' : [ None, { 'head' : [ 0x0, ['_THRDESKHEAD']], 'ExStyle' : [ 0x30, ['unsigned long']], # xxxCreateWindowEx 'style' : [ 0x34, ['unsigned long']], # xxxCreateWindowEx 'spwndNext' : [ 0x48, ['pointer64', ['tagWND']]], 'spwndPrev' : [ 0x50, ['pointer64', ['tagWND']]], 'spwndParent' : [ 0x58, ['pointer64', ['tagWND']]], 'spwndChild' : [ 0x60, ['pointer64', ['tagWND']]], 'spwndOwner' : [ 0x68, ['pointer64', ['tagWND']]], 'rcWindow' : [ 0x70, ['tagRECT']], 'rcClient' : [ 0x80, ['tagRECT']], 'lpfnWndProc' : [ 0x90, ['pointer64', ['void']]], 'pcls' : [ 0x98, ['pointer64', ['tagCLS']]], # HMChangeOwnerThread 'strName' : [ 0xd0, ['_LARGE_UNICODE_STRING']], }], 'tagRECT' : [ 0x10, { 'left' : [ 0x0, ['long']], 'top' : [ 0x4, ['long']], 'right' : [ 0x8, ['long']], 'bottom' : [ 0xc, ['long']], }], 'tagCLS' : [ None, { 'pclsNext' : [ 0x0, ['pointer64', ['tagCLS']]], 'atomClassName' : [ 0x8, ['unsigned short']], # HMChangeOwnerThread 'atomNVClassName' : [ 0xA, ['unsigned short']], }], # From Win7 x64 '_LARGE_UNICODE_STRING' : [ 0x10, { 'Length' : [ 0x0, ['unsigned long']], 'MaximumLength' : [ 0x4, ['BitField', dict(start_bit = 0, end_bit = 31, native_type = 'unsigned long')]], 'bAnsi' : [ 0x4, ['BitField', dict(start_bit = 31, end_bit = 32, native_type = 'unsigned long')]], 'Buffer' : [ 0x8, ['pointer64', ['unsigned short']]], }], # From Win7 x64 '_THRDESKHEAD' : [ 0x28, { 'h' : [ 0x0, ['pointer64', ['void']]], 'cLockObj' : [ 0x8, ['unsigned long']], 'pti' : [ 0x10, ['pointer64', ['tagTHREADINFO']]], 'rpdesk' : [ 0x18, ['pointer64', ['tagDESKTOP']]], 'pSelf' : [ 0x20, ['pointer64', ['unsigned char']]], }], # From Win7 x64 'tagSHAREDINFO' : [ None, { 'psi' : [ 0x0, ['pointer64', ['tagSERVERINFO']]], 'aheList' : [ 0x8, ['pointer64', ['_HANDLEENTRY']]], #'HeEntrySize' : [ 0x10, ['unsigned long']], #'pDispInfo' : [ 0x18, ['pointer64', ['tagDISPLAYINFO']]], 'ulSharedDelta' : [ 0x18, ['unsigned long long']], #'awmControl' : [ 0x28, ['array', 31, ['_WNDMSG']]], #'DefWindowMsgs' : [ 0x218, ['_WNDMSG']], #'DefWindowSpecMsgs' : [ 0x228, ['_WNDMSG']], }], # From Win7 x64 '_HANDLEENTRY' : [ 0x18, { 'phead' : [ 0x0, ['pointer64', ['_HEAD']]], 'pOwner' : [ 0x8, ['pointer64', ['void']]], 'bType': [ 0x10, ['Enumeration', dict(target = 'unsigned char', choices = consts.HANDLE_TYPE_ENUM)]], 'bFlags' : [ 0x11, ['unsigned char']], 'wUniq' : [ 0x12, ['unsigned short']], }], # From Win7 x64 '_HEAD' : [ 0x10, { 'h' : [ 0x0, ['pointer64', ['void']]], 'cLockObj' : [ 0x8, ['unsigned long']], }], 'tagSERVERINFO' : [ None, { 'cHandleEntries' : [ 8, ['unsigned long']], 'cbHandleTable' : [ 0x330, ['unsigned long']], # HMInitHandleTable }], 'tagPROCESSINFO' : [ None, { 'Process' : [ 0x0, ['pointer', ['_EPROCESS']]], }], # From Win7 x64 'tagHOOK' : [ 0x60, { 'head' : [ 0x0, ['_THRDESKHEAD']], 'phkNext' : [ 0x28, ['pointer64', ['tagHOOK']]], 'iHook' : [ 0x30, ['long']], 'offPfn' : [ 0x38, ['unsigned long long']], 'flags': [ 0x40, ['Flags', {'bitmap': consts.HOOK_FLAGS}]], 'ihmod' : [ 0x44, ['long']], 'ptiHooked' : [ 0x48, ['pointer64', ['tagTHREADINFO']]], 'rpdesk' : [ 0x50, ['pointer64', ['tagDESKTOP']]], 'nTimeout' : [ 0x58, ['BitField', dict(start_bit = 0, end_bit = 7, native_type = 'unsigned long')]], 'fLastHookHung' : [ 0x58, ['BitField', dict(start_bit = 7, end_bit = 8, native_type = 'long')]], }], })
"""Fixture module to skip the datasets loading when offline Mock urllib2 access to and create a temporary data folder. """ from os import makedirs from os.path import join import numpy as np import tempfile import shutil from sklearn import datasets from sklearn.utils.testing import install_mldata_mock from sklearn.utils.testing import uninstall_mldata_mock def globs(globs): # Create a temporary folder for the data fetcher global custom_data_home custom_data_home = tempfile.mkdtemp() makedirs(join(custom_data_home, 'mldata')) globs['custom_data_home'] = custom_data_home return globs def setup_module(): # setup mock urllib2 module to avoid downloading from install_mldata_mock({ 'mnist-original': { 'data': np.empty((70000, 784)), 'label': np.repeat(np.arange(10, dtype='d'), 7000), }, 'iris': { 'data': np.empty((150, 4)), }, 'datasets-uci-iris': { 'double0': np.empty((150, 4)), 'class': np.empty((150,)), }, }) def teardown_module(): uninstall_mldata_mock() shutil.rmtree(custom_data_home)
# Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Adam Olsen # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # # The developers of the Exaile media player hereby grant permission # for non-GPL compatible GStreamer and Exaile plugins to be used and # distributed together with GStreamer and Exaile. This permission is # above and beyond the permissions granted by the GPL license by which # Exaile is covered. If you modify this code, you may extend this # exception to your version of the code, but you are not obligated to # do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement # from your version. import datetime import logging import os import re import threading import cairo from gi.repository import Gdk from gi.repository import GLib from gi.repository import GObject from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import Pango from xl.nls import gettext as _ from xl import ( common, covers, event, formatter, player, playlist, providers, settings, trax, xdg ) from xlgui.accelerators import AcceleratorManager from xlgui.playlist_container import PlaylistContainer from xlgui.widgets import ( dialogs, info, menu, playback ) from xlgui.widgets.playlist import ( PlaylistPage, PlaylistView ) from xlgui import ( guiutil, tray, menu as mainmenu ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Length of playback step when user presses seek key (sec) SEEK_STEP_DEFAULT = 10 # Length of volume steps when user presses up/down key VOLUME_STEP_DEFAULT = 0.1 class MainWindow(GObject.GObject): """ Main Exaile Window """ __gproperties__ = { 'is-fullscreen': (bool, 'Fullscreen', 'Whether the window is fullscreen.', False, # Default GObject.PARAM_READWRITE), } __gsignals__ = {'main-visible-toggle': (GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, bool, ())} _mainwindow = None def __init__(self, controller, builder, collection): """ Initializes the main window @param controller: the main gui controller """ GObject.GObject.__init__(self) self.controller = controller self.collection = collection self.playlist_manager = controller.exaile.playlists self.current_page = -1 self._fullscreen = False self.resuming = False self.window_state = 0 self.minimized = False self.builder = builder self.window = self.builder.get_object('ExaileWindow') self.window.set_title('Exaile') self.title_formatter = formatter.TrackFormatter(settings.get_option( 'gui/main_window_title_format', _('$title (by $artist)') + ' - Exaile')) self.accelgroup = Gtk.AccelGroup() self.window.add_accel_group(self.accelgroup) self.accel_manager = AcceleratorManager('mainwindow-accelerators', self.accelgroup) self.menubar = self.builder.get_object("mainmenu") fileitem = self.builder.get_object("file_menu_item") filemenu = menu.ProviderMenu('menubar-file-menu', self) fileitem.set_submenu(filemenu) edititem = self.builder.get_object("edit_menu_item") editmenu = menu.ProviderMenu('menubar-edit-menu', self) edititem.set_submenu(editmenu) viewitem = self.builder.get_object("view_menu_item") viewmenu = menu.ProviderMenu('menubar-view-menu', self) viewitem.set_submenu(viewmenu) toolsitem = self.builder.get_object("tools_menu_item") toolsmenu = menu.ProviderMenu('menubar-tools-menu', self) toolsitem.set_submenu(toolsmenu) helpitem = self.builder.get_object("help_menu_item") helpmenu = menu.ProviderMenu('menubar-help-menu', self) helpitem.set_submenu(helpmenu) self._setup_widgets() self._setup_position() self._setup_hotkeys()"Connecting main window events...") self._connect_events() MainWindow._mainwindow = self mainmenu._create_menus() def _setup_hotkeys(self): """ Sets up accelerators that haven't been set up in UI designer """ hotkeys = ( ('<Control>S', lambda *e: self.on_save_playlist()), ('<Shift><Control>S', lambda *e: self.on_save_playlist_as()), ('<Control>F', lambda *e: self.on_panel_filter_focus()), ('<Control>G', lambda *e: self.on_search_playlist_focus()), # FIXME ('<Control><Alt>l', lambda *e: player.QUEUE.clear()), # FIXME ('<Control>P', self._on_playpause_button), ('<Control>Right', lambda *e: self._on_seek_key(True)), ('<Control>Left', lambda *e: self._on_seek_key(False)), ('<Control>plus', lambda *e: self._on_volume_key(True)), ('<Control>minus', lambda *e: self._on_volume_key(False)), ('<Control>Page_Up', self._on_prev_tab_key), ('<Control>Page_Down', self._on_next_tab_key), ('<Alt>N', self._on_focus_playlist_container), # These 4 are subject to change.. probably should do this # via a different mechanism too... ('<Alt>I', lambda *e: self.controller.focus_panel('files')), #('<Alt>C', lambda *e: self.controller.focus_panel('collection')), ('<Alt>R', lambda *e: self.controller.focus_panel('radio')), ('<Alt>L', lambda *e: self.controller.focus_panel('playlists')), ('<Alt>1', lambda *e: self._on_focus_playlist_tab(0)), ('<Alt>2', lambda *e: self._on_focus_playlist_tab(1)), ('<Alt>3', lambda *e: self._on_focus_playlist_tab(2)), ('<Alt>4', lambda *e: self._on_focus_playlist_tab(3)), ('<Alt>5', lambda *e: self._on_focus_playlist_tab(4)), ('<Alt>6', lambda *e: self._on_focus_playlist_tab(5)), ('<Alt>7', lambda *e: self._on_focus_playlist_tab(6)), ('<Alt>8', lambda *e: self._on_focus_playlist_tab(7)), ('<Alt>9', lambda *e: self._on_focus_playlist_tab(8)), ('<Alt>0', lambda *e: self._on_focus_playlist_tab(9)), ) self.accel_group = Gtk.AccelGroup() for key, function in hotkeys: key, mod = Gtk.accelerator_parse(key) self.accel_group.connect(key, mod, Gtk.AccelFlags.VISIBLE, function) self.window.add_accel_group(self.accel_group) def _setup_widgets(self): """ Sets up the various widgets """ # TODO: Maybe make this stackable self.message = dialogs.MessageBar( parent=self.builder.get_object('player_box'), buttons=Gtk.ButtonsType.CLOSE ) self.message.connect('response', self.on_messagebar_response) self.info_area = MainWindowTrackInfoPane(player.PLAYER) self.info_area.set_auto_update(True) self.info_area.set_padding(3, 3, 3, 3) self.info_area.hide() self.info_area.set_no_show_all(True) guiutil.gtk_widget_replace(self.builder.get_object('info_area'), self.info_area) self.volume_control = playback.VolumeControl(player.PLAYER) self.info_area.get_action_area().pack_end(self.volume_control, False, False, 0) self.alpha_style = None if settings.get_option('gui/use_alpha', False): screen = self.window.get_screen() visual = screen.get_rgba_visual() self.window.set_visual(visual) self.window.connect('screen-changed', self.on_screen_changed) self.alpha_style = self.window.get_style_context().add_provider(self.alpha_style, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION) self._update_alpha() playlist_area = self.builder.get_object('playlist_area') self.playlist_container = PlaylistContainer('saved_tabs', player.PLAYER) for notebook in self.playlist_container.notebooks: notebook.connect_after('switch-page', self.on_playlist_container_switch_page) page = notebook.get_current_tab() if page is not None: selection = page.view.get_selection() selection.connect('changed', self.on_playlist_view_selection_changed) playlist_area.pack_start(self.playlist_container, True, True, 3) self.splitter = self.builder.get_object('splitter') # In most (all?) RTL locales, the playback controls should still be LTR. # Just in case that's not always the case, we provide a hidden option to # force RTL layout instead. This can be removed once we're more certain # that the default behavior (always LTR) is correct. controls_direction = Gtk.TextDirection.RTL \ if settings.get_option('gui/rtl_playback_controls') \ else Gtk.TextDirection.LTR self.play_image = Gtk.Image.new_from_icon_name('media-playback-start', Gtk.IconSize.SMALL_TOOLBAR) self.play_image.set_direction(controls_direction) self.pause_image = Gtk.Image.new_from_icon_name('media-playback-pause', Gtk.IconSize.SMALL_TOOLBAR) self.pause_image.set_direction(controls_direction) play_toolbar = self.builder.get_object('play_toolbar') play_toolbar.set_direction(controls_direction) for button in ('playpause', 'next', 'prev', 'stop'): widget = self.builder.get_object('%s_button' % button) setattr(self, '%s_button' % button, widget) widget.get_child().set_direction(controls_direction) self.progress_bar = playback.SeekProgressBar(player.PLAYER) self.progress_bar.get_child().set_direction(controls_direction) # Don't expand vertically; looks awful on Adwaita. self.progress_bar.set_valign(Gtk.Align.CENTER) guiutil.gtk_widget_replace( self.builder.get_object('playback_progressbar_dummy'), self.progress_bar ) self.stop_button.toggle_spat = False self.stop_button.add_events(Gdk.EventMask.POINTER_MOTION_MASK) self.stop_button.connect('motion-notify-event', self.on_stop_button_motion_notify_event) self.stop_button.connect('leave-notify-event', self.on_stop_button_leave_notify_event) self.stop_button.connect('key-press-event', self.on_stop_button_key_press_event) self.stop_button.connect('key-release-event', self.on_stop_button_key_release_event) self.stop_button.connect('focus-out-event', self.on_stop_button_focus_out_event) self.stop_button.connect('button-press-event', self.on_stop_button_press_event) self.stop_button.connect('button-release-event', self.on_stop_button_release_event) self.stop_button.drag_dest_set(Gtk.DestDefaults.ALL, ["exaile-index-list", Gtk.TargetFlags.SAME_APP, 0)], Gdk.DragAction.COPY) self.stop_button.connect('drag-motion', self.on_stop_button_drag_motion) self.stop_button.connect('drag-leave', self.on_stop_button_drag_leave) self.stop_button.connect('drag-data-received', self.on_stop_button_drag_data_received) self.statusbar = info.Statusbar(self.builder.get_object('status_bar')) event.add_ui_callback(self.on_exaile_loaded, 'exaile_loaded') def _connect_events(self): """ Connects the various events to their handlers """ self.builder.connect_signals({ 'on_configure_event': self.configure_event, 'on_window_state_event': self.window_state_change_event, 'on_delete_event': self.on_delete_event, 'on_playpause_button_clicked': self._on_playpause_button, 'on_next_button_clicked': lambda *e:, 'on_prev_button_clicked': lambda *e: player.QUEUE.prev(), 'on_about_item_activate': self.on_about_item_activate, # Controller # 'on_scan_collection_item_activate': self.controller.on_rescan_collection, # 'on_device_manager_item_activate': lambda *e: self.controller.show_devices(), # 'on_track_properties_activate':self.controller.on_track_properties, }) event.add_ui_callback(self.on_playback_resume, 'playback_player_resume', player.PLAYER) event.add_ui_callback(self.on_playback_end, 'playback_player_end', player.PLAYER) event.add_ui_callback(self.on_playback_end, 'playback_error', player.PLAYER) event.add_ui_callback(self.on_playback_start, 'playback_track_start', player.PLAYER) event.add_ui_callback(self.on_toggle_pause, 'playback_toggle_pause', player.PLAYER) event.add_ui_callback(self.on_track_tags_changed, 'track_tags_changed') event.add_ui_callback(self.on_buffering, 'playback_buffering', player.PLAYER) event.add_ui_callback(self.on_playback_error, 'playback_error', player.PLAYER) event.add_ui_callback(self.on_playlist_tracks_added, 'playlist_tracks_added') event.add_ui_callback(self.on_playlist_tracks_removed, 'playlist_tracks_removed') # Settings self._on_option_set('gui_option_set', settings, 'gui/show_info_area') self._on_option_set('gui_option_set', settings, 'gui/show_info_area_covers') event.add_ui_callback(self._on_option_set, 'option_set') def _connect_panel_events(self): """ Sets up panel events """ # When there's nothing in the notebook, hide it self.controller.panel_notebook.connect('page-added', self.on_panel_notebook_add_page) self.controller.panel_notebook.connect('page-removed', self.on_panel_notebook_remove_page) # panels panels = self.controller.panel_notebook.panels for panel_name in ('playlists', 'radio', 'files', 'collection'): panel = panels[panel_name].panel sort = False if panel_name in ('files', 'collection'): sort = True panel.connect('append-items', lambda panel, items, force_play, sort=sort: self.on_append_items(items, force_play, sort=sort)) panel.connect('queue-items', lambda panel, items, sort=sort: self.on_append_items(items, queue=True, sort=sort)) panel.connect('replace-items', lambda panel, items, sort=sort: self.on_append_items(items, replace=True, sort=sort)) ## Collection Panel panel = panels['collection'].panel panel.connect('collection-tree-loaded', self.on_collection_tree_loaded) ## Playlist Panel panel = panels['playlists'].panel panel.connect('playlist-selected', lambda panel, playlist: self.playlist_container.create_tab_from_playlist(playlist)) ## Radio Panel panel = panels['radio'].panel panel.connect('playlist-selected', lambda panel, playlist: self.playlist_container.create_tab_from_playlist(playlist)) ## Files Panel #panel = panels['files'] def _update_alpha(self): if self.alpha_style is None: return opac = 1.0 - float(settings.get_option('gui/transparency')) self.alpha_style.load_from_data( '.background { ' + ('background-color: alpha(@theme_bg_color, %s);' % opac) + '}' ) def do_get_property(self, prop): if == 'is-fullscreen': return self._fullscreen else: return GObject.GObject.do_get_property(self, prop) def do_set_property(self, prop, value): if == 'is-fullscreen': if value: self.window.fullscreen() else: self.window.unfullscreen() else: GObject.GObject.do_set_property(self, prop, value) def on_screen_changed(self, widget, event): """ Updates the colormap on screen change """ screen = widget.get_screen() visual = screen.get_rgba_visual() or screen.get_rgb_visual() self.window.set_visual(visual) def on_messagebar_response(self, widget, response): """ Hides the messagebar if requested """ if response == Gtk.ResponseType.CLOSE: widget.hide() def on_panel_notebook_add_page(self, notebook, page, page_num): if self.splitter.get_child1() is None: self.splitter.pack1(self.controller.panel_notebook) self.controller.panel_notebook.get_parent() \ .child_set_property(self.controller.panel_notebook, 'shrink', False) def on_panel_notebook_remove_page(self, notebook, page, page_num): if notebook.get_n_pages() == 0: self.splitter.remove(self.controller.panel_notebook) def on_stop_button_motion_notify_event(self, widget, event): """ Sets the hover state and shows SPAT icon """ widget.__hovered = True if event.get_state() & Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK: widget.set_image(Gtk.Image.new_from_icon_name( 'process-stop', Gtk.IconSize.BUTTON)) else: widget.set_image(Gtk.Image.new_from_icon_name( 'media-playback-stop', Gtk.IconSize.BUTTON)) def on_stop_button_leave_notify_event(self, widget, event): """ Unsets the hover state and resets the button icon """ widget.__hovered = False if not widget.is_focus() and \ ~(event.get_state() & Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK): widget.set_image(Gtk.Image.new_from_icon_name( 'media-playback-stop', Gtk.IconSize.BUTTON)) def on_stop_button_key_press_event(self, widget, event): """ Shows SPAT icon on Shift key press """ if event.keyval in (Gdk.KEY_Shift_L, Gdk.KEY_Shift_R): widget.set_image(Gtk.Image.new_from_icon_name( 'process-stop', Gtk.IconSize.BUTTON)) widget.toggle_spat = True if event.keyval in (Gdk.KEY_space, Gdk.KEY_Return): if widget.toggle_spat: self.on_spat_clicked() else: player.PLAYER.stop() def on_stop_button_key_release_event(self, widget, event): """ Resets the button icon """ if event.keyval in (Gdk.KEY_Shift_L, Gdk.KEY_Shift_R): widget.set_image(Gtk.Image.new_from_icon_name( 'media-playback-stop', Gtk.IconSize.BUTTON)) widget.toggle_spat = False def on_stop_button_focus_out_event(self, widget, event): """ Resets the button icon unless the button is still hovered """ if not getattr(widget, '__hovered', False): widget.set_image(Gtk.Image.new_from_icon_name( 'media-playback-stop', Gtk.IconSize.BUTTON)) def on_stop_button_press_event(self, widget, event): """ Called when the user clicks on the stop button """ if event.button == 1: if event.get_state() & Gdk.ModifierType.SHIFT_MASK: self.on_spat_clicked() elif event.button == 3: menu = guiutil.Menu() menu.append(_("Toggle: Stop after Selected Track"), self.on_spat_clicked, 'process-stop') menu.popup(None, None, None, None, event.button, event.time) def on_stop_button_release_event(self, widget, event): """ Called when the user releases the mouse from the stop button """ rect = widget.get_allocation() if 0 <= event.x < rect.width and 0 <= event.y < rect.height: player.PLAYER.stop() def on_stop_button_drag_motion(self, widget, context, x, y, time): """ Indicates possible SPAT during drag motion of tracks """ target = widget.drag_dest_find_target(context, widget.drag_dest_get_target_list()).name() if target == 'exaile-index-list': widget.set_image(Gtk.Image.new_from_icon_name( 'process-stop', Gtk.IconSize.BUTTON)) def on_stop_button_drag_leave(self, widget, context, time): """ Resets the stop button """ widget.set_image(Gtk.Image.new_from_icon_name( 'media-playback-stop', Gtk.IconSize.BUTTON)) def on_stop_button_drag_data_received(self, widget, context, x, y, selection, info, time): """ Allows for triggering the SPAT feature by dropping tracks on the stop button """ source_widget = Gtk.drag_get_source_widget(context) if == 'exaile-index-list' and isinstance(source_widget, PlaylistView): position = int(',')[0]) if position == source_widget.playlist.spat_position: position = -1 source_widget.playlist.spat_position = position source_widget.queue_draw() def on_spat_clicked(self, *e): """ Called when the user clicks on the SPAT item """ trs = self.get_selected_page().view.get_selected_items() if not trs: return # TODO: this works, but implement this some other way in the future if player.QUEUE.current_playlist.spat_position == -1: player.QUEUE.current_playlist.spat_position = trs[0][0] else: player.QUEUE.current_playlist.spat_position = -1 self.get_selected_page().view.queue_draw() def on_append_items(self, tracks, force_play=False, queue=False, sort=False, replace=False): """ Called when a panel (or other component) has tracks to append and possibly queue :param tracks: The tracks to append :param force_play: Force playing the first track if there is no track currently playing. Otherwise check a setting to determine whether the track should be played :param queue: Additionally queue tracks :param sort: Sort before adding :param replace: Clear playlist before adding """ if len(tracks) == 0: return page = self.get_selected_page() if sort: tracks = trax.sort_tracks( ('artist', 'date', 'album', 'discnumber', 'tracknumber'), tracks) if replace: page.playlist.clear() offset = len(page.playlist) page.playlist.extend(tracks) # extending the queue automatically starts playback if queue: if player.QUEUE is not page.playlist: player.QUEUE.extend(tracks) elif (force_play or settings.get_option( 'playlist/append_menu_starts_playback', False )) and \ not player.PLAYER.current: page.view.play_track_at(offset, tracks[0]) def on_playback_error(self, type, player, message): """ Called when there has been a playback error """ self.message.show_error(_('Playback error encountered!'), message) def on_buffering(self, type, player, percent): """ Called when a stream is buffering """ percent = min(percent, 100) self.statusbar.set_status(_("Buffering: %d%%...") % percent, 1) def on_track_tags_changed(self, type, track, tag): """ Called when tags are changed """ if track is player.PLAYER.current: self._update_track_information() def on_collection_tree_loaded(self, tree): """ Updates information on collection tree load """ self.statusbar.update_info() def on_exaile_loaded(self, event_type, exaile, nothing): """ Updates information on exaile load """ self.statusbar.update_info() event.remove_callback(self.on_exaile_loaded, 'exaile_loaded') def on_playlist_tracks_added(self, type, playlist, tracks): """ Updates information on track add """ self.statusbar.update_info() def on_playlist_tracks_removed(self, type, playlist, tracks): """ Updates information on track removal """ self.statusbar.update_info() def on_toggle_pause(self, type, player, object): """ Called when the user clicks the play button after playback has already begun """ if player.is_paused(): image = self.play_image tooltip = _('Continue Playback') else: image = self.pause_image tooltip = _('Pause Playback') self.playpause_button.set_image(image) self.playpause_button.set_tooltip_text(tooltip) self._update_track_information() def on_playlist_container_switch_page(self, notebook, page, page_num): """ Updates info after notebook page switch """ page = notebook.get_nth_page(page_num) selection = page.view.get_selection() selection.connect('changed', self.on_playlist_view_selection_changed) self.statusbar.update_info() def on_playlist_view_selection_changed(self, selection): """ Updates info after playlist page selection change """ self.statusbar.update_info() def on_panel_filter_focus(self, *e): """ Gives focus to the filter field of the current panel """ try: self.controller.get_active_panel().filter.grab_focus() except (AttributeError, KeyError): pass def on_search_playlist_focus(self, *e): """ Gives focus to the playlist search bar """ plpage = get_selected_playlist() if plpage: plpage.get_search_entry().grab_focus() def on_save_playlist(self, *e): """ Called when the user presses Ctrl+S Spawns the save dialog of the currently selected playlist tab if not custom, saves changes directly if custom """ tab = self.get_selected_tab() if not tab: return if tab.do_save_changes_to_custom() else: tab.do_save_custom() def on_save_playlist_as(self, *e): """ Called when the user presses Ctrl+S Spawns the save as dialog of the current playlist tab """ tab = self.get_selected_tab() if not tab: return tab.do_save_custom() def on_clear_playlist(self, *e): """ Clears the current playlist tab """ page = self.get_selected_page() if page: page.playlist.clear() def on_open_item_activate(self, menuitem): """ Shows a dialog to open media """ def on_uris_selected(dialog, uris): uris.reverse() if len(uris) > 0: self.controller.open_uri(uris.pop(), play=True) for uri in uris: self.controller.open_uri(uri, play=False) dialog = dialogs.MediaOpenDialog(self.window) dialog.connect('uris-selected', on_uris_selected) def on_open_url_item_activate(self, menuitem): """ Shows a dialog to open an URI """ def on_uri_selected(dialog, uri): self.controller.open_uri(uri, play=False) dialog = dialogs.URIOpenDialog(self.window) dialog.connect('uri-selected', on_uri_selected) def on_open_directories_item_activate(self, menuitem): """ Shows a dialog to open directories """ def on_uris_selected(dialog, uris): uris.reverse() if len(uris) > 0: self.controller.open_uri(uris.pop(), play=True) for uri in uris: self.controller.open_uri(uri, play=False) dialog = dialogs.DirectoryOpenDialog(self.window) # Selecting empty folders is useless dialog.props.create_folders = False dialog.connect('uris-selected', on_uris_selected) def on_export_current_playlist_activate(self, menuitem): """ Shows a dialog to export the current playlist """ page = self.get_selected_page() if not page or not isinstance(page, PlaylistPage): return def on_message(dialog, message_type, message): """ Show messages in the main window message area """ if message_type == Gtk.MessageType.INFO: self.message.show_info(markup=message) elif message_type == Gtk.MessageType.ERROR: self.message.show_error(_('Playlist export failed!'), message) return True dialog = dialogs.PlaylistExportDialog(page.playlist, self.window) dialog.connect('message', on_message) def on_playlist_utilities_bar_visible_toggled(self, checkmenuitem): """ Shows or hides the playlist utilities bar """ settings.set_option('gui/playlist_utilities_bar_visible', checkmenuitem.get_active()) def on_show_playing_track_item_activate(self, menuitem): """ Tries to show the currently playing track """ self.playlist_container.show_current_track() def on_about_item_activate(self, menuitem): """ Shows the about dialog """ dialog = dialogs.AboutDialog(self.window) def on_playback_resume(self, type, player, data): self.resuming = True def on_playback_start(self, type, player, object): """ Called when playback starts Sets the currently playing track visible in the currently selected playlist if the user has chosen this setting """ if self.resuming: self.resuming = False return self._update_track_information() self.playpause_button.set_image(self.pause_image) self.playpause_button.set_tooltip_text(_('Pause Playback')) def on_playback_end(self, type, player, object): """ Called when playback ends """ self.window.set_title('Exaile') self.playpause_button.set_image(self.play_image) self.playpause_button.set_tooltip_text(_('Start Playback')) def _on_option_set(self, name, object, option): """ Handles changes of settings """ if option == 'gui/main_window_title_format': self.title_formatter.props.format = settings.get_option( option, self.title_formatter.props.format) elif option == 'gui/use_tray': usetray = settings.get_option(option, False) if self.controller.tray_icon and not usetray: self.controller.tray_icon.destroy() self.controller.tray_icon = None elif not self.controller.tray_icon and usetray: self.controller.tray_icon = tray.TrayIcon(self) elif option == 'gui/show_info_area': self.info_area.set_no_show_all(False) if settings.get_option(option, True): self.info_area.show_all() else: self.info_area.hide() self.info_area.set_no_show_all(True) elif option == 'gui/show_info_area_covers': cover = self.info_area.cover cover.set_no_show_all(False) if settings.get_option(option, True): cover.show_all() else: cover.hide() cover.set_no_show_all(True) elif option == 'gui/transparency': self._update_alpha() def _on_volume_key(self, is_up): diff = int(100 * settings.get_option('gui/volue_key_step_size', VOLUME_STEP_DEFAULT)) if not is_up: diff = -diff player.PLAYER.modify_volume(diff) return True def _on_seek_key(self, is_forward): diff = settings.get_option('gui/seek_key_step_size', SEEK_STEP_DEFAULT) if not is_forward: diff = -diff if player.PLAYER.current: player.PLAYER.modify_time(diff) self.progress_bar.update_progress() return True def _on_prev_tab_key(self, *e): self.playlist_container.get_current_notebook().select_prev_tab() return True def _on_next_tab_key(self, *e): self.playlist_container.get_current_notebook().select_next_tab() return True def _on_playpause_button(self, *e): self.playpause() return True def _on_focus_playlist_tab(self, tab_nr): self.playlist_container.get_current_notebook().focus_tab(tab_nr) return True def _on_focus_playlist_container(self, *_e): self.playlist_container.focus() return True def _update_track_information(self): """ Sets track information """ track = player.PLAYER.current if not track: return self.window.set_title(self.title_formatter.format(track)) def playpause(self): """ Pauses the playlist if it is playing, starts playing if it is paused. If stopped, try to start playing the next suitable track. """ if player.PLAYER.is_paused() or player.PLAYER.is_playing(): player.PLAYER.toggle_pause() else: pl = self.get_selected_page() player.QUEUE.set_current_playlist(pl.playlist) try: trackpath = pl.view.get_selected_paths()[0] pl.playlist.current_position = trackpath[0] except IndexError: pass def _setup_position(self): """ Sets up the position and sized based on the size the window was when it was last moved or resized """ if settings.get_option('gui/mainw_maximized', False): self.window.maximize() width = settings.get_option('gui/mainw_width', 500) height = settings.get_option('gui/mainw_height', 475) x = settings.get_option('gui/mainw_x', 10) y = settings.get_option('gui/mainw_y', 10) self.window.move(x, y) self.window.resize(width, height) pos = settings.get_option('gui/mainw_sash_pos', 200) self.splitter.set_position(pos) def on_delete_event(self, *e): """ Called when the user attempts to close the window """ sash_pos = self.splitter.get_position() if sash_pos > 10: settings.set_option('gui/mainw_sash_pos', sash_pos) if settings.get_option('gui/use_tray', False) and \ settings.get_option('gui/close_to_tray', False): self.window.hide() else: self.quit() return True def quit(self, *e): """ Quits Exaile """ self.window.hide() GLib.idle_add(self.controller.exaile.quit) return True def on_restart_item_activate(self, menuitem): """ Restarts Exaile """ self.window.hide() GLib.idle_add(self.controller.exaile.quit, True) def toggle_visible(self, bringtofront=False): """ Toggles visibility of the main window """ toggle_handled = self.emit('main-visible-toggle') if not toggle_handled: if bringtofront and self.window.is_active() or \ not bringtofront and self.window.get_property('visible'): self.window.hide() else: # the ordering for deiconify/show matters -- if this gets # switched, then the minimization detection breaks self.window.deiconify() def configure_event(self, *e): """ Called when the window is resized or moved """ # Don't save window size if it is maximized or fullscreen. if settings.get_option('gui/mainw_maximized', False) or \ self._fullscreen: return False (width, height) = self.window.get_size() if [width, height] != [ settings.get_option("gui/mainw_"+key, -1) for \ key in ["width", "height"] ]: settings.set_option('gui/mainw_height', height, save=False) settings.set_option('gui/mainw_width', width, save=False) (x, y) = self.window.get_position() if [x, y] != [ settings.get_option("gui/mainw_"+key, -1) for \ key in ["x", "y"] ]: settings.set_option('gui/mainw_x', x, save=False) settings.set_option('gui/mainw_y', y, save=False) return False def window_state_change_event(self, window, event): """ Saves the current maximized and fullscreen states and minimizes to tray if requested """ if event.changed_mask & Gdk.WindowState.MAXIMIZED: settings.set_option('gui/mainw_maximized', bool(event.new_window_state & Gdk.WindowState.MAXIMIZED)) if event.changed_mask & Gdk.WindowState.FULLSCREEN: self._fullscreen = bool(event.new_window_state & Gdk.WindowState.FULLSCREEN) self.notify('is-fullscreen') # detect minimization state changes prev_minimized = self.minimized if not self.minimized: if event.changed_mask & Gdk.WindowState.ICONIFIED and \ not event.changed_mask & Gdk.WindowState.WITHDRAWN and \ event.new_window_state & Gdk.WindowState.ICONIFIED and \ not event.new_window_state & Gdk.WindowState.WITHDRAWN and \ not self.window_state & Gdk.WindowState.ICONIFIED: self.minimized = True else: if event.changed_mask & Gdk.WindowState.WITHDRAWN and \ not event.new_window_state & (Gdk.WindowState.WITHDRAWN): #and \ self.minimized = False # track this self.window_state = event.new_window_state if settings.get_option('gui/minimize_to_tray', False): # old code to detect minimization # -> it must have worked at some point, perhaps this is a GTK version # specific set of behaviors? Current code works now on 2.24.17 #if wm_state is not None: # if '_NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN' in wm_state[2]: # show tray # window.hide #else # destroy tray if self.minimized != prev_minimized and self.minimized == True: if not settings.get_option('gui/use_tray', False) and \ self.controller.tray_icon is None: self.controller.tray_icon = tray.TrayIcon(self) window.hide() elif not settings.get_option('gui/use_tray', False) and \ self.controller.tray_icon is not None: self.controller.tray_icon.destroy() self.controller.tray_icon = None return False def get_selected_page(self): """ Returns the currentry displayed playlist notebook page """ return self.playlist_container.get_current_tab() def get_selected_playlist(self): try: page = self.get_selected_page() except AttributeError: return None if not isinstance(page, PlaylistPage): return None return page class MainWindowTrackInfoPane(info.TrackInfoPane, providers.ProviderHandler): """ Extends the regular track info pane by an area for custom widgets The mainwindow-info-area-widget provider is used to show widgets on the right of the info area. They should be small. The registered provider should provide a method 'create_widget' that takes the info area instance as a parameter, and that returns a Gtk.Widget to be inserted into the widget_area of the info area, and an attribute 'name' that will be used when removing the provider. """ def __init__(self, player): info.TrackInfoPane.__init__(self, player) self.__player = player self.widget_area = Gtk.Box() self.get_child().pack_start(self.widget_area, False, False, 0) self.__widget_area_widgets = {} # call this last if we're using simple_init=True providers.ProviderHandler.__init__(self, 'mainwindow-info-area-widget', target=player, simple_init=True) def get_player(self): ''' Retrieves the player object that this info area is associated with ''' return self._TrackInfoPane__player def on_provider_added(self, provider): name = widget = provider.create_widget(self) old_widget = self.__widget_area_widgets.get(name) if old_widget is not None: self.widget_area.remove(old_widget) old_widget.destroy() self.__widget_area_widgets[name] = widget self.widget_area.pack_start(widget, False, False, 0) widget.show_all() def on_provider_removed(self, provider): widget = self.__widget_area_widgets.pop(, None) if widget is not None: self.widget_area.remove(widget) widget.destroy() def get_playlist_container(): return MainWindow._mainwindow.playlist_container def get_playlist_notebook(): '''Retrieves the primary playlist notebook''' return MainWindow._mainwindow.playlist_container.notebooks[0] def get_selected_page(): return MainWindow._mainwindow.get_selected_page() def get_selected_playlist(): return MainWindow._mainwindow.get_selected_playlist() def mainwindow(): return MainWindow._mainwindow # vim: et sts=4 sw=4
# Module to read the rather complex config data import logging import os import pprint from astropy import constants, units as u import numpy as np import pandas as pd import yaml import tardis from import read_density_file, \ calculate_density_after_time, read_abundances_file from import ConfigurationValidator from tardis import atomic from tardis.util import species_string_to_tuple, parse_quantity, \ element_symbol2atomic_number import copy pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) data_dir = os.path.join(tardis.__path__[0], 'data') default_config_definition_file = os.path.join(data_dir, 'tardis_config_definition.yml') #File parsers for different file formats: density_structure_fileparser = {} inv_ni56_efolding_time = 1 / (8.8 * inv_co56_efolding_time = 1 / (113.7 * inv_cr48_efolding_time = 1 / (1.29602 * inv_v48_efolding_time = 1 / (23.0442 * inv_fe52_efolding_time = 1 / (0.497429 * inv_mn52_efolding_time = 1 / (0.0211395 * class ConfigurationError(ValueError): pass def parse_quantity_linspace(quantity_linspace_dictionary, add_one=True): """ parse a dictionary of the following kind {'start': 5000 km/s, 'stop': 10000 km/s, 'num': 1000} Parameters ---------- quantity_linspace_dictionary: ~dict add_one: boolean, default: True Returns ------- ~np.array """ start = parse_quantity(quantity_linspace_dictionary['start']) stop = parse_quantity(quantity_linspace_dictionary['stop']) try: stop = except u.UnitsError: raise ConfigurationError('"start" and "stop" keyword must be compatible quantities') num = quantity_linspace_dictionary['num'] if add_one: num += 1 return np.linspace(start.value, stop.value, num=num) * start.unit def parse_spectral_bin(spectral_bin_boundary_1, spectral_bin_boundary_2): spectral_bin_boundary_1 = parse_quantity(spectral_bin_boundary_1).to('Angstrom', u.spectral()) spectral_bin_boundary_2 = parse_quantity(spectral_bin_boundary_2).to('Angstrom', u.spectral()) spectrum_start_wavelength = min(spectral_bin_boundary_1, spectral_bin_boundary_2) spectrum_end_wavelength = max(spectral_bin_boundary_1, spectral_bin_boundary_2) return spectrum_start_wavelength, spectrum_end_wavelength def calculate_exponential_density(velocities, v_0, rho0): """ This function computes the exponential density profile. :math:`\\rho = \\rho_0 \\times \\exp \\left( -\\frac{v}{v_0} \\right)` Parameters ---------- velocities : ~astropy.Quantity Array like velocity profile velocity_0 : ~astropy.Quantity reference velocity rho0 : ~astropy.Quantity reference density Returns ------- densities : ~astropy.Quantity """ densities = rho0 * np.exp(-(velocities / v_0)) return densities def calculate_power_law_density(velocities, velocity_0, rho_0, exponent): """ This function computes a descret exponential density profile. :math:`\\rho = \\rho_0 \\times \\left( \\frac{v}{v_0} \\right)^n` Parameters ---------- velocities : ~astropy.Quantity Array like velocity profile velocity_0 : ~astropy.Quantity reference velocity rho0 : ~astropy.Quantity reference density exponent : ~float exponent used in the powerlaw Returns ------- densities : ~astropy.Quantity """ densities = rho_0 * np.power((velocities / velocity_0), exponent) return densities def parse_model_file_section(model_setup_file_dict, time_explosion): def parse_artis_model_setup_files(model_file_section_dict, time_explosion): ###### Reading the structure part of the ARTIS file pair structure_fname = model_file_section_dict['structure_fname'] for i, line in enumerate(file(structure_fname)): if i == 0: no_of_shells = np.int64(line.strip()) elif i == 1: time_of_model = u.Quantity(float(line.strip()), 'day').to('s') elif i == 2: break artis_model_columns = ['velocities', 'mean_densities_0', 'ni56_fraction', 'co56_fraction', 'fe52_fraction', 'cr48_fraction'] artis_model = np.recfromtxt(structure_fname, skip_header=2, usecols=(1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7), unpack=True, dtype=[(item, np.float64) for item in artis_model_columns]) #converting densities from log(g/cm^3) to g/cm^3 and stretching it to the current ti velocities = u.Quantity(np.append([0], artis_model['velocities']), 'km/s').to('cm/s') mean_densities_0 = u.Quantity(10 ** artis_model['mean_densities_0'], 'g/cm^3') mean_densities = calculate_density_after_time(mean_densities_0, time_of_model, time_explosion) #Verifying information if len(mean_densities) == no_of_shells: logger.debug('Verified ARTIS model structure file %s (no_of_shells=length of dataset)', structure_fname) else: raise ConfigurationError( 'Error in ARTIS file %s - Number of shells not the same as dataset length' % structure_fname) v_inner = velocities[:-1] v_outer = velocities[1:] volumes = (4 * np.pi / 3) * (time_of_model ** 3) * ( v_outer ** 3 - v_inner ** 3) masses = (volumes * mean_densities_0 / constants.M_sun).to(1)'Read ARTIS configuration file %s - found %d zones with total mass %g Msun', structure_fname, no_of_shells, sum(masses.value)) if 'v_lowest' in model_file_section_dict: v_lowest = parse_quantity(model_file_section_dict['v_lowest']).to('cm/s').value min_shell = v_inner.value.searchsorted(v_lowest) else: min_shell = 1 if 'v_highest' in model_file_section_dict: v_highest = parse_quantity(model_file_section_dict['v_highest']).to('cm/s').value max_shell = v_outer.value.searchsorted(v_highest) else: max_shell = no_of_shells artis_model = artis_model[min_shell:max_shell] v_inner = v_inner[min_shell:max_shell] v_outer = v_outer[min_shell:max_shell] mean_densities = mean_densities[min_shell:max_shell] ###### Reading the abundance part of the ARTIS file pair abundances_fname = model_file_section_dict['abundances_fname'] abundances = pd.DataFrame(np.loadtxt(abundances_fname)[min_shell:max_shell, 1:].transpose(), index=np.arange(1, 31)) ni_stable = abundances.ix[28] - artis_model['ni56_fraction'] co_stable = abundances.ix[27] - artis_model['co56_fraction'] fe_stable = abundances.ix[26] - artis_model['fe52_fraction'] mn_stable = abundances.ix[25] - 0.0 cr_stable = abundances.ix[24] - artis_model['cr48_fraction'] v_stable = abundances.ix[23] - 0.0 ti_stable = abundances.ix[22] - 0.0 abundances.ix[28] = ni_stable abundances.ix[28] += artis_model['ni56_fraction'] * np.exp( -(time_explosion * inv_ni56_efolding_time).to(1).value) abundances.ix[27] = co_stable abundances.ix[27] += artis_model['co56_fraction'] * np.exp( -(time_explosion * inv_co56_efolding_time).to(1).value) abundances.ix[27] += (inv_ni56_efolding_time * artis_model['ni56_fraction'] / (inv_ni56_efolding_time - inv_co56_efolding_time)) * \ (np.exp(-(inv_co56_efolding_time * time_explosion).to(1).value) - np.exp( -(inv_ni56_efolding_time * time_explosion).to(1).value)) abundances.ix[26] = fe_stable abundances.ix[26] += artis_model['fe52_fraction'] * np.exp( -(time_explosion * inv_fe52_efolding_time).to(1).value) abundances.ix[26] += ((artis_model['co56_fraction'] * inv_ni56_efolding_time - artis_model['co56_fraction'] * inv_co56_efolding_time + artis_model['ni56_fraction'] * inv_ni56_efolding_time - artis_model['ni56_fraction'] * inv_co56_efolding_time - artis_model['co56_fraction'] * inv_ni56_efolding_time * np.exp( -(inv_co56_efolding_time * time_explosion).to(1).value) + artis_model['co56_fraction'] * inv_co56_efolding_time * np.exp( -(inv_co56_efolding_time * time_explosion).to(1).value) - artis_model['ni56_fraction'] * inv_ni56_efolding_time * np.exp( -(inv_co56_efolding_time * time_explosion).to(1).value) + artis_model['ni56_fraction'] * inv_co56_efolding_time * np.exp( -(inv_ni56_efolding_time * time_explosion).to(1).value)) / (inv_ni56_efolding_time - inv_co56_efolding_time)) abundances.ix[25] = mn_stable abundances.ix[25] += (inv_fe52_efolding_time * artis_model['fe52_fraction'] / (inv_fe52_efolding_time - inv_mn52_efolding_time)) * \ (np.exp(-(inv_mn52_efolding_time * time_explosion).to(1).value) - np.exp( -(inv_fe52_efolding_time * time_explosion).to(1).value)) abundances.ix[24] = cr_stable abundances.ix[24] += artis_model['cr48_fraction'] * np.exp( -(time_explosion * inv_cr48_efolding_time).to(1).value) abundances.ix[24] += ((artis_model['fe52_fraction'] * inv_fe52_efolding_time - artis_model['fe52_fraction'] * inv_mn52_efolding_time - artis_model['fe52_fraction'] * inv_fe52_efolding_time * np.exp( -(inv_mn52_efolding_time * time_explosion).to(1).value) + artis_model['fe52_fraction'] * inv_mn52_efolding_time * np.exp( -(inv_fe52_efolding_time * time_explosion).to(1).value)) / (inv_fe52_efolding_time - inv_mn52_efolding_time)) abundances.ix[23] = v_stable abundances.ix[23] += (inv_cr48_efolding_time * artis_model['cr48_fraction'] / (inv_cr48_efolding_time - inv_v48_efolding_time)) * \ (np.exp(-(inv_v48_efolding_time * time_explosion).to(1).value) - np.exp( -(inv_cr48_efolding_time * time_explosion).to(1).value)) abundances.ix[22] = ti_stable abundances.ix[22] += ((artis_model['cr48_fraction'] * inv_cr48_efolding_time - artis_model['cr48_fraction'] * inv_v48_efolding_time - artis_model['cr48_fraction'] * inv_cr48_efolding_time * np.exp( -(inv_v48_efolding_time * time_explosion).to(1).value) + artis_model['cr48_fraction'] * inv_v48_efolding_time * np.exp( -(inv_cr48_efolding_time * time_explosion).to(1).value)) / (inv_cr48_efolding_time - inv_v48_efolding_time)) if 'split_shells' in model_file_section_dict: split_shells = int(model_file_section_dict['split_shells']) else: split_shells = 1 if split_shells > 1:'Increasing the number of shells by a factor of %s' % split_shells) no_of_shells = len(v_inner) velocities = np.linspace(v_inner[0], v_outer[-1], no_of_shells * split_shells + 1) v_inner = velocities[:-1] v_outer = velocities[1:] old_mean_densities = mean_densities mean_densities = np.empty(no_of_shells * split_shells) * old_mean_densities.unit new_abundance_data = np.empty((abundances.values.shape[0], no_of_shells * split_shells)) for i in xrange(split_shells): mean_densities[i::split_shells] = old_mean_densities new_abundance_data[:, i::split_shells] = abundances.values abundances = pd.DataFrame(new_abundance_data, index=abundances.index) #def parser_simple_ascii_model return v_inner, v_outer, mean_densities, abundances model_file_section_parser = {} model_file_section_parser['artis'] = parse_artis_model_setup_files try: parser = model_file_section_parser[model_setup_file_dict['type']] except KeyError: raise ConfigurationError('In abundance file section only types %s are allowed (supplied %s) ' % (model_file_section_parser.keys(), model_file_section_parser['type'])) return parser(model_setup_file_dict, time_explosion) def parse_density_file_section(density_file_dict, time_explosion): density_file_parser = {} def parse_artis_density(density_file_dict, time_explosion): density_file = density_file_dict['name'] for i, line in enumerate(file(density_file)): if i == 0: no_of_shells = np.int64(line.strip()) elif i == 1: time_of_model = u.Quantity(float(line.strip()), 'day').to('s') elif i == 2: break velocities, mean_densities_0 = np.recfromtxt(density_file, skip_header=2, usecols=(1, 2), unpack=True) #converting densities from log(g/cm^3) to g/cm^3 and stretching it to the current ti velocities = u.Quantity(np.append([0], velocities), 'km/s').to('cm/s') mean_densities_0 = u.Quantity(10 ** mean_densities_0, 'g/cm^3') mean_densities = calculate_density_after_time(mean_densities_0, time_of_model, time_explosion) #Verifying information if len(mean_densities) == no_of_shells: logger.debug('Verified ARTIS file %s (no_of_shells=length of dataset)', density_file) else: raise ConfigurationError( 'Error in ARTIS file %s - Number of shells not the same as dataset length' % density_file) min_shell = 1 max_shell = no_of_shells v_inner = velocities[:-1] v_outer = velocities[1:] volumes = (4 * np.pi / 3) * (time_of_model ** 3) * ( v_outer ** 3 - v_inner ** 3) masses = (volumes * mean_densities_0 / constants.M_sun).to(1)'Read ARTIS configuration file %s - found %d zones with total mass %g Msun', density_file, no_of_shells, sum(masses.value)) if 'v_lowest' in density_file_dict: v_lowest = parse_quantity(density_file_dict['v_lowest']).to('cm/s').value min_shell = v_inner.value.searchsorted(v_lowest) else: min_shell = 1 if 'v_highest' in density_file_dict: v_highest = parse_quantity(density_file_dict['v_highest']).to('cm/s').value max_shell = v_outer.value.searchsorted(v_highest) else: max_shell = no_of_shells v_inner = v_inner[min_shell:max_shell] v_outer = v_outer[min_shell:max_shell] mean_densities = mean_densities[min_shell:max_shell] return v_inner, v_outer, mean_densities, min_shell, max_shell density_file_parser['artis'] = parse_artis_density try: parser = density_file_parser[density_file_dict['type']] except KeyError: raise ConfigurationError('In abundance file section only types %s are allowed (supplied %s) ' % (density_file_parser.keys(), density_file_dict['type'])) return parser(density_file_dict, time_explosion) def parse_density_section(density_dict, v_inner, v_outer, time_explosion): density_parser = {} #Parse density uniform def parse_uniform(density_dict, v_inner, v_outer, time_explosion): no_of_shells = len(v_inner) return density_dict['value'].to('g cm^-3') * np.ones(no_of_shells) density_parser['uniform'] = parse_uniform #Parse density branch85 w7 def parse_branch85(density_dict, v_inner, v_outer, time_explosion): velocities = 0.5 * (v_inner + v_outer) densities = calculate_power_law_density(velocities, density_dict['w7_v_0'], density_dict['w7_rho_0'], -7) densities = calculate_density_after_time(densities, density_dict['w7_time_0'], time_explosion) return densities density_parser['branch85_w7'] = parse_branch85 def parse_power_law(density_dict, v_inner, v_outer, time_explosion): time_0 = density_dict.pop('time_0') rho_0 = density_dict.pop('rho_0') v_0 = density_dict.pop('v_0') exponent = density_dict.pop('exponent') velocities = 0.5 * (v_inner + v_outer) densities = calculate_power_law_density(velocities, v_0, rho_0, exponent) densities = calculate_density_after_time(densities, time_0, time_explosion) return densities density_parser['power_law'] = parse_power_law def parse_exponential(density_dict, v_inner, v_outer, time_explosion): time_0 = density_dict.pop('time_0') rho_0 = density_dict.pop('rho_0') v_0 = density_dict.pop('v_0') velocities = 0.5 * (v_inner + v_outer) densities = calculate_exponential_density(velocities, v_0, rho_0) densities = calculate_density_after_time(densities, time_0, time_explosion) return densities density_parser['exponential'] = parse_exponential try: parser = density_parser[density_dict['type']] except KeyError: raise ConfigurationError('In density section only types %s are allowed (supplied %s) ' % (density_parser.keys(), density_dict['type'])) return parser(density_dict, v_inner, v_outer, time_explosion) def parse_abundance_file_section(abundance_file_dict, abundances, min_shell, max_shell): abundance_file_parser = {} def parse_artis(abundance_file_dict, abundances, min_shell, max_shell): #### ---- debug ---- time_of_model = 0.0 #### fname = abundance_file_dict['name'] max_atom = 30"Parsing ARTIS Abundance section from shell %d to %d", min_shell, max_shell) abundances.values[:max_atom, :] = np.loadtxt(fname)[min_shell:max_shell, 1:].transpose() return abundances abundance_file_parser['artis'] = parse_artis try: parser = abundance_file_parser[abundance_file_dict['type']] except KeyError: raise ConfigurationError('In abundance file section only types %s are allowed (supplied %s) ' % (abundance_file_parser.keys(), abundance_file_dict['type'])) return parser(abundance_file_dict, abundances, min_shell, max_shell) def parse_supernova_section(supernova_dict): """ Parse the supernova section Parameters ---------- supernova_dict: dict YAML parsed supernova dict Returns ------- config_dict: dict """ config_dict = {} #parse luminosity luminosity_value, luminosity_unit = supernova_dict['luminosity_requested'].strip().split() if luminosity_unit == 'log_lsun': config_dict['luminosity_requested'] = 10 ** ( float(luminosity_value) + np.log10(constants.L_sun.cgs.value)) * u.erg / u.s else: config_dict['luminosity_requested'] = (float(luminosity_value) * u.Unit(luminosity_unit)).to('erg/s') config_dict['time_explosion'] = parse_quantity(supernova_dict['time_explosion']).to('s') if 'distance' in supernova_dict: config_dict['distance'] = parse_quantity(supernova_dict['distance']) else: config_dict['distance'] = None if 'luminosity_wavelength_start' in supernova_dict: config_dict['luminosity_nu_end'] = parse_quantity(supernova_dict['luminosity_wavelength_start']). \ to('Hz', u.spectral()) else: config_dict['luminosity_nu_end'] = np.inf * u.Hz if 'luminosity_wavelength_end' in supernova_dict: config_dict['luminosity_nu_start'] = parse_quantity(supernova_dict['luminosity_wavelength_end']). \ to('Hz', u.spectral()) else: config_dict['luminosity_nu_start'] = 0.0 * u.Hz return config_dict def parse_spectrum_list2dict(spectrum_list): """ Parse the spectrum list [start, stop, num] to a list """ if spectrum_list[0].unit.physical_type != 'length' and \ spectrum_list[1].unit.physical_type != 'length': raise ValueError('start and end of spectrum need to be a length') spectrum_config_dict = {} spectrum_config_dict['start'] = spectrum_list[0] spectrum_config_dict['end'] = spectrum_list[1] spectrum_config_dict['bins'] = spectrum_list[2] spectrum_frequency = np.linspace( spectrum_config_dict['end'].to('Hz', u.spectral()), spectrum_config_dict['start'].to('Hz', u.spectral()), num=spectrum_config_dict['bins'] + 1) spectrum_config_dict['frequency'] = spectrum_frequency return spectrum_config_dict def parse_convergence_section(convergence_section_dict): """ Parse the convergence section dictionary Parameters ---------- convergence_section_dict: ~dict dictionary """ convergence_parameters = ['damping_constant', 'threshold', 'fraction', 'hold_iterations'] for convergence_variable in ['t_inner', 't_rad', 'w']: if convergence_variable not in convergence_section_dict: convergence_section_dict[convergence_variable] = {} convergence_variable_section = convergence_section_dict[convergence_variable] for param in convergence_parameters: if convergence_variable_section.get(param, None) is None: if param in convergence_section_dict: convergence_section_dict[convergence_variable][param] = ( convergence_section_dict[param]) return convergence_section_dict def calculate_w7_branch85_densities(velocities, time_explosion, time_0=19.9999584, density_coefficient=3e29): """ Generated densities from the fit to W7 in Branch 85 page 620 (citation missing) Parameters ---------- velocities : `~numpy.ndarray` velocities in cm/s time_explosion : `float` time since explosion needed to descale density with expansion time_0 : `float` time in seconds of the w7 model - default 19.999, no reason to change density_coefficient : `float` coefficient for the polynomial - obtained by fitting to W7, no reason to change """ densities = density_coefficient * (velocities * 1e-5) ** -7 densities = calculate_density_after_time(densities, time_0, time_explosion) return densities[1:] class ConfigurationNameSpace(dict): """ The configuration name space class allows to wrap a dictionary and adds utility functions for easy access. Accesses like a.b.c are then possible Code from Parameters ---------- config_dict: ~dict configuration dictionary Returns ------- config_ns: ConfigurationNameSpace """ @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, fname): """ Read a configuration from a YAML file Parameters ---------- fname: str filename or path """ try: yaml_dict = yaml.load(file(fname)) except IOError as e: logger.critical('No config file named: %s', fname) raise e return cls.from_config_dict(yaml_dict) @classmethod def from_config_dict(cls, config_dict, config_definition_file=None): """ Validating a config file. Parameters ---------- config_dict : ~dict dictionary of a raw unvalidated config file Returns ------- `tardis.config_reader.Configuration` """ if config_definition_file is None: config_definition_file = default_config_definition_file config_definition = yaml.load(open(config_definition_file)) return cls(ConfigurationValidator(config_definition, config_dict).get_config()) marker = object() def __init__(self, value=None): if value is None: pass elif isinstance(value, dict): for key in value: self.__setitem__(key, value[key]) else: raise TypeError, 'expected dict' def __setitem__(self, key, value): if isinstance(value, dict) and not isinstance(value, ConfigurationNameSpace): value = ConfigurationNameSpace(value) if key in self and hasattr(self[key], 'unit'): value = u.Quantity(value, self[key].unit) dict.__setitem__(self, key, value) def __getitem__(self, key): return super(ConfigurationNameSpace, self).__getitem__(key) def __getattr__(self, item): if item in self: return self[item] else: super(ConfigurationNameSpace, self).__getattribute__(item) __setattr__ = __setitem__ def __dir__(self): return self.keys() def get_config_item(self, config_item_string): """ Get configuration items using a string of type 'a.b.param' Parameters ---------- config_item_string: ~str string of shape 'section1.sectionb.param1' """ config_item_path = config_item_string.split('.') if len(config_item_path) == 1: config_item = config_item_path[0] if config_item.startswith('item'): return self[config_item_path[0]] else: return self[config_item] elif len(config_item_path) == 2 and\ config_item_path[1].startswith('item'): return self[config_item_path[0]][ int(config_item_path[1].replace('item', ''))] else: return self[config_item_path[0]].get_config_item( '.'.join(config_item_path[1:])) def set_config_item(self, config_item_string, value): """ set configuration items using a string of type 'a.b.param' Parameters ---------- config_item_string: ~str string of shape 'section1.sectionb.param1' value: value to set the parameter with it """ config_item_path = config_item_string.split('.') if len(config_item_path) == 1: self[config_item_path[0]] = value elif len(config_item_path) == 2 and \ config_item_path[1].startswith('item'): current_value = self[config_item_path[0]][ int(config_item_path[1].replace('item', ''))] if hasattr(current_value, 'unit'): self[config_item_path[0]][ int(config_item_path[1].replace('item', ''))] =\ u.Quantity(value, current_value.unit) else: self[config_item_path[0]][ int(config_item_path[1].replace('item', ''))] = value else: self[config_item_path[0]].set_config_item( '.'.join(config_item_path[1:]), value) def deepcopy(self): return ConfigurationNameSpace(copy.deepcopy(dict(self))) class Configuration(ConfigurationNameSpace): """ Tardis configuration class """ @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, fname, test_parser=False): try: yaml_dict = yaml.load(open(fname)) except IOError as e: logger.critical('No config file named: %s', fname) raise e tardis_config_version = yaml_dict.get('tardis_config_version', None) if tardis_config_version != 'v1.0': raise ConfigurationError('Currently only tardis_config_version v1.0 supported') return cls.from_config_dict(yaml_dict, test_parser=test_parser) @classmethod def from_config_dict(cls, config_dict, atom_data=None, test_parser=False, config_definition_file=None, validate=True): """ Validating and subsequently parsing a config file. Parameters ---------- config_dict : ~dict dictionary of a raw unvalidated config file atom_data: ~tardis.atomic.AtomData atom data object. if `None` will be tried to be read from atom data file path in the config_dict [default=None] test_parser: ~bool switch on to ignore a working atom_data, mainly useful for testing this reader config_definition_file: ~str path to config definition file, if `None` will be set to the default in the `data` directory that ships with TARDIS validate: ~bool Turn validation on or off. Returns ------- `tardis.config_reader.Configuration` """ if config_definition_file is None: config_definition_file = default_config_definition_file config_definition = yaml.load(open(config_definition_file)) if validate: validated_config_dict = ConfigurationValidator(config_definition, config_dict).get_config() else: validated_config_dict = config_dict #First let's see if we can find an atom_db anywhere: if test_parser: atom_data = None elif 'atom_data' in validated_config_dict.keys(): atom_data_fname = validated_config_dict['atom_data'] validated_config_dict['atom_data_fname'] = atom_data_fname else: raise ConfigurationError('No atom_data key found in config or command line') if atom_data is None and not test_parser:'Reading Atomic Data from %s', atom_data_fname) atom_data = atomic.AtomData.from_hdf5(atom_data_fname) else: atom_data = atom_data #Parsing supernova dictionary validated_config_dict['supernova']['luminosity_nu_start'] = \ validated_config_dict['supernova']['luminosity_wavelength_end'].to( u.Hz, u.spectral()) try: validated_config_dict['supernova']['luminosity_nu_end'] = \ (validated_config_dict['supernova'] ['luminosity_wavelength_start'].to(u.Hz, u.spectral())) except ZeroDivisionError: validated_config_dict['supernova']['luminosity_nu_end'] = ( np.inf * u.Hz) validated_config_dict['supernova']['time_explosion'] = ( validated_config_dict['supernova']['time_explosion'].cgs) validated_config_dict['supernova']['luminosity_requested'] = ( validated_config_dict['supernova']['luminosity_requested'].cgs) #Parsing the model section model_section = validated_config_dict['model'] v_inner = None v_outer = None mean_densities = None abundances = None structure_section = model_section['structure'] if structure_section['type'] == 'specific': start, stop, num = model_section['structure']['velocity'] num += 1 velocities = np.linspace(start, stop, num) v_inner, v_outer = velocities[:-1], velocities[1:] mean_densities = parse_density_section( model_section['structure']['density'], v_inner, v_outer, validated_config_dict['supernova']['time_explosion']).cgs elif structure_section['type'] == 'file': v_inner, v_outer, mean_densities, inner_boundary_index, \ outer_boundary_index = read_density_file( structure_section['filename'], structure_section['filetype'], validated_config_dict['supernova']['time_explosion'], structure_section['v_inner_boundary'], structure_section['v_outer_boundary']) r_inner = validated_config_dict['supernova']['time_explosion'] * v_inner r_outer = validated_config_dict['supernova']['time_explosion'] * v_outer r_middle = 0.5 * (r_inner + r_outer) structure_validated_config_dict = {} structure_section['v_inner'] = v_inner.cgs structure_section['v_outer'] = v_outer.cgs structure_section['mean_densities'] = mean_densities.cgs no_of_shells = len(v_inner) structure_section['no_of_shells'] = no_of_shells structure_section['r_inner'] = r_inner.cgs structure_section['r_outer'] = r_outer.cgs structure_section['r_middle'] = r_middle.cgs structure_section['volumes'] = ((4. / 3) * np.pi * \ (r_outer ** 3 - r_inner ** 3)).cgs #### TODO the following is legacy code and should be removed validated_config_dict['structure'] = \ validated_config_dict['model']['structure'] # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ abundances_section = model_section['abundances'] if abundances_section['type'] == 'uniform': abundances = pd.DataFrame(columns=np.arange(no_of_shells), index=pd.Index(np.arange(1, 120), name='atomic_number'), dtype=np.float64) for element_symbol_string in abundances_section: if element_symbol_string == 'type': continue z = element_symbol2atomic_number(element_symbol_string) abundances.ix[z] = float(abundances_section[element_symbol_string]) elif abundances_section['type'] == 'file': index, abundances = read_abundances_file(abundances_section['filename'], abundances_section['filetype'], inner_boundary_index, outer_boundary_index) if len(index) != no_of_shells: raise ConfigurationError('The abundance file specified has not the same number of cells' 'as the specified density profile') abundances = abundances.replace(np.nan, 0.0) abundances = abundances[abundances.sum(axis=1) > 0] norm_factor = abundances.sum(axis=0) if np.any(np.abs(norm_factor - 1) > 1e-12): logger.warning("Abundances have not been normalized to 1. - normalizing") abundances /= norm_factor validated_config_dict['abundances'] = abundances ########### DOING PLASMA SECTION ############### plasma_section = validated_config_dict['plasma'] if plasma_section['initial_t_inner'] < 0.0 * u.K: luminosity_requested = validated_config_dict['supernova']['luminosity_requested'] plasma_section['t_inner'] = ((luminosity_requested / (4 * np.pi * r_inner[0] ** 2 * constants.sigma_sb)) ** .25).to('K')'"initial_t_inner" is not specified in the plasma ' 'section - initializing to %s with given luminosity', plasma_section['t_inner']) else: plasma_section['t_inner'] = plasma_section['initial_t_inner'] plasma_section['t_rads'] = np.ones(no_of_shells) * \ plasma_section['initial_t_rad'] if plasma_section['disable_electron_scattering'] is False: logger.debug("Electron scattering switched on") validated_config_dict['montecarlo']['sigma_thomson'] = 6.652486e-25 / ( ** 2) else: logger.warn('Disabling electron scattering - this is not physical') validated_config_dict['montecarlo']['sigma_thomson'] = 1e-200 / ( ** 2) ##### NLTE subsection of Plasma start nlte_validated_config_dict = {} nlte_species = [] nlte_section = plasma_section['nlte'] nlte_species_list = nlte_section.pop('species') for species_string in nlte_species_list: nlte_species.append(species_string_to_tuple(species_string)) nlte_validated_config_dict['species'] = nlte_species nlte_validated_config_dict['species_string'] = nlte_species_list nlte_validated_config_dict.update(nlte_section) if 'coronal_approximation' not in nlte_section: logger.debug('NLTE "coronal_approximation" not specified in NLTE section - defaulting to False') nlte_validated_config_dict['coronal_approximation'] = False if 'classical_nebular' not in nlte_section: logger.debug('NLTE "classical_nebular" not specified in NLTE section - defaulting to False') nlte_validated_config_dict['classical_nebular'] = False elif nlte_section: #checks that the dictionary is not empty logger.warn('No "species" given - ignoring other NLTE options given:\n%s', pp.pformat(nlte_section)) if not nlte_validated_config_dict: nlte_validated_config_dict['species'] = [] plasma_section['nlte'] = nlte_validated_config_dict #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ End of Plasma Section ##### Monte Carlo Section montecarlo_section = validated_config_dict['montecarlo'] if montecarlo_section['last_no_of_packets'] < 0: montecarlo_section['last_no_of_packets'] = \ montecarlo_section['no_of_packets'] default_convergence_section = {'type': 'damped', 'lock_t_inner_cycles': 1, 't_inner_update_exponent': -0.5, 'damping_constant': 0.5} if montecarlo_section['convergence_strategy'] is None: logger.warning('No convergence criteria selected - ' 'just damping by 0.5 for w, t_rad and t_inner') montecarlo_section['convergence_strategy'] = ( parse_convergence_section(default_convergence_section)) else: montecarlo_section['convergence_strategy'] = ( parse_convergence_section( montecarlo_section['convergence_strategy'])) black_body_section = montecarlo_section['black_body_sampling'] montecarlo_section['black_body_sampling'] = {} montecarlo_section['black_body_sampling']['start'] = \ black_body_section[0] montecarlo_section['black_body_sampling']['end'] = \ black_body_section[1] montecarlo_section['black_body_sampling']['samples'] = \ black_body_section[2] ###### END of convergence section reading validated_config_dict['spectrum'] = parse_spectrum_list2dict( validated_config_dict['spectrum']) return cls(validated_config_dict, atom_data) def __init__(self, config_dict, atom_data): super(Configuration, self).__init__(config_dict) self.atom_data = atom_data selected_atomic_numbers = self.abundances.index if atom_data is not None: self.number_densities = (self.abundances *'g/cm^3').value) self.number_densities = self.number_densities.div(self.atom_data.atom_data.mass.ix[selected_atomic_numbers], axis=0) else: logger.critical('atom_data is None, only sensible for testing the parser')
######################## BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ######################## # The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is # Netscape Communications Corporation. # Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998 # the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): # Mark Pilgrim - port to Python # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 USA ######################### END LICENSE BLOCK ######################### # 255: Control characters that usually does not exist in any text # 254: Carriage/Return # 253: symbol (punctuation) that does not belong to word # 252: 0 - 9 # Character Mapping Table: Latin2_HungarianCharToOrderMap = ( 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,254,255,255,254,255,255, # 00 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255, # 10 253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253,253, # 20 252,252,252,252,252,252,252,252,252,252,253,253,253,253,253,253, # 30 253, 28, 40, 54, 45, 32, 50, 49, 38, 39, 53, 36, 41, 34, 35, 47, 46, 71, 43, 33, 37, 57, 48, 64, 68, 55, 52,253,253,253,253,253, 253, 2, 18, 26, 17, 1, 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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ RPN: data = {'data': [num_images, c, h, w], 'im_info': [num_images, 4] (optional)} label = {'gt_boxes': [num_boxes, 5] (optional), 'label': [batch_size, 1] <- [batch_size, num_anchors, feat_height, feat_width], 'bbox_target': [batch_size, num_anchors, feat_height, feat_width], 'bbox_weight': [batch_size, num_anchors, feat_height, feat_width]} """ import logging import numpy as np import numpy.random as npr from ..logger import logger from ..config import config from .image import get_image, tensor_vstack from ..processing.generate_anchor import generate_anchors from ..processing.bbox_transform import bbox_overlaps, bbox_transform def get_rpn_testbatch(roidb): """ return a dict of testbatch :param roidb: ['image', 'flipped'] :return: data, label, im_info """ assert len(roidb) == 1, 'Single batch only' imgs, roidb = get_image(roidb) im_array = imgs[0] im_info = np.array([roidb[0]['im_info']], dtype=np.float32) data = {'data': im_array, 'im_info': im_info} label = {} return data, label, im_info def get_rpn_batch(roidb): """ prototype for rpn batch: data, im_info, gt_boxes :param roidb: ['image', 'flipped'] + ['gt_boxes', 'boxes', 'gt_classes'] :return: data, label """ assert len(roidb) == 1, 'Single batch only' imgs, roidb = get_image(roidb) im_array = imgs[0] im_info = np.array([roidb[0]['im_info']], dtype=np.float32) # gt boxes: (x1, y1, x2, y2, cls) if roidb[0]['gt_classes'].size > 0: gt_inds = np.where(roidb[0]['gt_classes'] != 0)[0] gt_boxes = np.empty((roidb[0]['boxes'].shape[0], 5), dtype=np.float32) gt_boxes[:, 0:4] = roidb[0]['boxes'][gt_inds, :] gt_boxes[:, 4] = roidb[0]['gt_classes'][gt_inds] else: gt_boxes = np.empty((0, 5), dtype=np.float32) data = {'data': im_array, 'im_info': im_info} label = {'gt_boxes': gt_boxes} return data, label def assign_anchor(feat_shape, gt_boxes, im_info, feat_stride=16, scales=(8, 16, 32), ratios=(0.5, 1, 2), allowed_border=0): """ assign ground truth boxes to anchor positions :param feat_shape: infer output shape :param gt_boxes: assign ground truth :param im_info: filter out anchors overlapped with edges :param feat_stride: anchor position step :param scales: used to generate anchors, affects num_anchors (per location) :param ratios: aspect ratios of generated anchors :param allowed_border: filter out anchors with edge overlap > allowed_border :return: dict of label 'label': of shape (batch_size, 1) <- (batch_size, num_anchors, feat_height, feat_width) 'bbox_target': of shape (batch_size, num_anchors * 4, feat_height, feat_width) 'bbox_inside_weight': *todo* mark the assigned anchors 'bbox_outside_weight': used to normalize the bbox_loss, all weights sums to RPN_POSITIVE_WEIGHT """ def _unmap(data, count, inds, fill=0): """" unmap a subset inds of data into original data of size count """ if len(data.shape) == 1: ret = np.empty((count,), dtype=np.float32) ret.fill(fill) ret[inds] = data else: ret = np.empty((count,) + data.shape[1:], dtype=np.float32) ret.fill(fill) ret[inds, :] = data return ret im_info = im_info[0] scales = np.array(scales, dtype=np.float32) base_anchors = generate_anchors(base_size=feat_stride, ratios=list(ratios), scales=scales) num_anchors = base_anchors.shape[0] feat_height, feat_width = feat_shape[-2:] logger.debug('anchors: %s' % base_anchors) logger.debug('anchor shapes: %s' % np.hstack((base_anchors[:, 2::4] - base_anchors[:, 0::4], base_anchors[:, 3::4] - base_anchors[:, 1::4]))) logger.debug('im_info %s' % im_info) logger.debug('height %d width %d' % (feat_height, feat_width)) logger.debug('gt_boxes shape %s' % np.array(gt_boxes.shape)) logger.debug('gt_boxes %s' % gt_boxes) # 1. generate proposals from bbox deltas and shifted anchors shift_x = np.arange(0, feat_width) * feat_stride shift_y = np.arange(0, feat_height) * feat_stride shift_x, shift_y = np.meshgrid(shift_x, shift_y) shifts = np.vstack((shift_x.ravel(), shift_y.ravel(), shift_x.ravel(), shift_y.ravel())).transpose() # add A anchors (1, A, 4) to # cell K shifts (K, 1, 4) to get # shift anchors (K, A, 4) # reshape to (K*A, 4) shifted anchors A = num_anchors K = shifts.shape[0] all_anchors = base_anchors.reshape((1, A, 4)) + shifts.reshape((1, K, 4)).transpose((1, 0, 2)) all_anchors = all_anchors.reshape((K * A, 4)) total_anchors = int(K * A) # only keep anchors inside the image inds_inside = np.where((all_anchors[:, 0] >= -allowed_border) & (all_anchors[:, 1] >= -allowed_border) & (all_anchors[:, 2] < im_info[1] + allowed_border) & (all_anchors[:, 3] < im_info[0] + allowed_border))[0] logger.debug('total_anchors %d' % total_anchors) logger.debug('inds_inside %d' % len(inds_inside)) # keep only inside anchors anchors = all_anchors[inds_inside, :] logger.debug('anchors shape %s' % np.array(anchors.shape)) # label: 1 is positive, 0 is negative, -1 is dont care labels = np.empty((len(inds_inside),), dtype=np.float32) labels.fill(-1) if gt_boxes.size > 0: # overlap between the anchors and the gt boxes # overlaps (ex, gt) overlaps = bbox_overlaps(anchors.astype(np.float), gt_boxes.astype(np.float)) argmax_overlaps = overlaps.argmax(axis=1) max_overlaps = overlaps[np.arange(len(inds_inside)), argmax_overlaps] gt_argmax_overlaps = overlaps.argmax(axis=0) gt_max_overlaps = overlaps[gt_argmax_overlaps, np.arange(overlaps.shape[1])] gt_argmax_overlaps = np.where(overlaps == gt_max_overlaps)[0] if not config.TRAIN.RPN_CLOBBER_POSITIVES: # assign bg labels first so that positive labels can clobber them labels[max_overlaps < config.TRAIN.RPN_NEGATIVE_OVERLAP] = 0 # fg label: for each gt, anchor with highest overlap labels[gt_argmax_overlaps] = 1 # fg label: above threshold IoU labels[max_overlaps >= config.TRAIN.RPN_POSITIVE_OVERLAP] = 1 if config.TRAIN.RPN_CLOBBER_POSITIVES: # assign bg labels last so that negative labels can clobber positives labels[max_overlaps < config.TRAIN.RPN_NEGATIVE_OVERLAP] = 0 else: labels[:] = 0 # subsample positive labels if we have too many num_fg = int(config.TRAIN.RPN_FG_FRACTION * config.TRAIN.RPN_BATCH_SIZE) fg_inds = np.where(labels == 1)[0] if len(fg_inds) > num_fg: disable_inds = npr.choice(fg_inds, size=(len(fg_inds) - num_fg), replace=False) if logger.level == logging.DEBUG: disable_inds = fg_inds[:(len(fg_inds) - num_fg)] labels[disable_inds] = -1 # subsample negative labels if we have too many num_bg = config.TRAIN.RPN_BATCH_SIZE - np.sum(labels == 1) bg_inds = np.where(labels == 0)[0] if len(bg_inds) > num_bg: disable_inds = npr.choice(bg_inds, size=(len(bg_inds) - num_bg), replace=False) if logger.level == logging.DEBUG: disable_inds = bg_inds[:(len(bg_inds) - num_bg)] labels[disable_inds] = -1 bbox_targets = np.zeros((len(inds_inside), 4), dtype=np.float32) if gt_boxes.size > 0: bbox_targets[:] = bbox_transform(anchors, gt_boxes[argmax_overlaps, :4]) bbox_weights = np.zeros((len(inds_inside), 4), dtype=np.float32) bbox_weights[labels == 1, :] = np.array(config.TRAIN.RPN_BBOX_WEIGHTS) if logger.level == logging.DEBUG: _sums = bbox_targets[labels == 1, :].sum(axis=0) _squared_sums = (bbox_targets[labels == 1, :] ** 2).sum(axis=0) _counts = np.sum(labels == 1) means = _sums / (_counts + 1e-14) stds = np.sqrt(_squared_sums / _counts - means ** 2) logger.debug('means %s' % means) logger.debug('stdevs %s' % stds) # map up to original set of anchors labels = _unmap(labels, total_anchors, inds_inside, fill=-1) bbox_targets = _unmap(bbox_targets, total_anchors, inds_inside, fill=0) bbox_weights = _unmap(bbox_weights, total_anchors, inds_inside, fill=0) if logger.level == logging.DEBUG: if gt_boxes.size > 0: logger.debug('rpn: max max_overlaps %f' % np.max(max_overlaps)) logger.debug('rpn: num_positives %f' % np.sum(labels == 1)) logger.debug('rpn: num_negatives %f' % np.sum(labels == 0)) _fg_sum = np.sum(labels == 1) _bg_sum = np.sum(labels == 0) _count = 1 logger.debug('rpn: num_positive avg %f' % (_fg_sum / _count)) logger.debug('rpn: num_negative avg %f' % (_bg_sum / _count)) labels = labels.reshape((1, feat_height, feat_width, A)).transpose(0, 3, 1, 2) labels = labels.reshape((1, A * feat_height * feat_width)) bbox_targets = bbox_targets.reshape((1, feat_height, feat_width, A * 4)).transpose(0, 3, 1, 2) bbox_weights = bbox_weights.reshape((1, feat_height, feat_width, A * 4)).transpose((0, 3, 1, 2)) label = {'label': labels, 'bbox_target': bbox_targets, 'bbox_weight': bbox_weights} return label
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Make the format of a vcproj really pretty. This script normalize and sort an xml. It also fetches all the properties inside linked vsprops and include them explicitly in the vcproj. It outputs the resulting xml to stdout. """ __author__ = 'nsylvain (Nicolas Sylvain)' import os import sys from xml.dom.minidom import parse from xml.dom.minidom import Node REPLACEMENTS = dict() ARGUMENTS = None class CmpTuple(object): """Compare function between 2 tuple.""" def __call__(self, x, y): return cmp(x[0], y[0]) class CmpNode(object): """Compare function between 2 xml nodes.""" def __call__(self, x, y): def get_string(node): node_string = "node" node_string += node.nodeName if node.nodeValue: node_string += node.nodeValue if node.attributes: # We first sort by name, if present. node_string += node.getAttribute("Name") all_nodes = [] for (name, value) in node.attributes.items(): all_nodes.append((name, value)) all_nodes.sort(CmpTuple()) for (name, value) in all_nodes: node_string += name node_string += value return node_string return cmp(get_string(x), get_string(y)) def PrettyPrintNode(node, indent=0): if node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE: if print '%s%s' % (' '*indent, return if node.childNodes: node.normalize() # Get the number of attributes attr_count = 0 if node.attributes: attr_count = node.attributes.length # Print the main tag if attr_count == 0: print '%s<%s>' % (' '*indent, node.nodeName) else: print '%s<%s' % (' '*indent, node.nodeName) all_attributes = [] for (name, value) in node.attributes.items(): all_attributes.append((name, value)) all_attributes.sort(CmpTuple()) for (name, value) in all_attributes: print '%s %s="%s"' % (' '*indent, name, value) print '%s>' % (' '*indent) if node.nodeValue: print '%s %s' % (' '*indent, node.nodeValue) for sub_node in node.childNodes: PrettyPrintNode(sub_node, indent=indent+2) print '%s</%s>' % (' '*indent, node.nodeName) def FlattenFilter(node): """Returns a list of all the node and sub nodes.""" node_list = [] if (node.attributes and node.getAttribute('Name') == '_excluded_files'): # We don't add the "_excluded_files" filter. return [] for current in node.childNodes: if current.nodeName == 'Filter': node_list.extend(FlattenFilter(current)) else: node_list.append(current) return node_list def FixFilenames(filenames, current_directory): new_list = [] for filename in filenames: if filename: for key in REPLACEMENTS: filename = filename.replace(key, REPLACEMENTS[key]) os.chdir(current_directory) filename = filename.strip('"\' ') if filename.startswith('$'): new_list.append(filename) else: new_list.append(os.path.abspath(filename)) return new_list def AbsoluteNode(node): """Makes all the properties we know about in this node absolute.""" if node.attributes: for (name, value) in node.attributes.items(): if name in ['InheritedPropertySheets', 'RelativePath', 'AdditionalIncludeDirectories', 'IntermediateDirectory', 'OutputDirectory', 'AdditionalLibraryDirectories']: # We want to fix up these paths path_list = value.split(';') new_list = FixFilenames(path_list, os.path.dirname(ARGUMENTS[1])) node.setAttribute(name, ';'.join(new_list)) if not value: node.removeAttribute(name) def CleanupVcproj(node): """For each sub node, we call recursively this function.""" for sub_node in node.childNodes: AbsoluteNode(sub_node) CleanupVcproj(sub_node) # Normalize the node, and remove all extranous whitespaces. for sub_node in node.childNodes: if sub_node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE: ="\r", "") ="\n", "") = # Fix all the semicolon separated attributes to be sorted, and we also # remove the dups. if node.attributes: for (name, value) in node.attributes.items(): sorted_list = sorted(value.split(';')) unique_list = [] for i in sorted_list: if not unique_list.count(i): unique_list.append(i) node.setAttribute(name, ';'.join(unique_list)) if not value: node.removeAttribute(name) if node.childNodes: node.normalize() # For each node, take a copy, and remove it from the list. node_array = [] while node.childNodes and node.childNodes[0]: # Take a copy of the node and remove it from the list. current = node.childNodes[0] node.removeChild(current) # If the child is a filter, we want to append all its children # to this same list. if current.nodeName == 'Filter': node_array.extend(FlattenFilter(current)) else: node_array.append(current) # Sort the list. node_array.sort(CmpNode()) # Insert the nodes in the correct order. for new_node in node_array: # But don't append empty tool node. if new_node.nodeName == 'Tool': if new_node.attributes and new_node.attributes.length == 1: # This one was empty. continue if new_node.nodeName == 'UserMacro': continue node.appendChild(new_node) def GetConfiguationNodes(vcproj): #TODO(nsylvain): Find a better way to navigate the xml. nodes = [] for node in vcproj.childNodes: if node.nodeName == "Configurations": for sub_node in node.childNodes: if sub_node.nodeName == "Configuration": nodes.append(sub_node) return nodes def GetChildrenVsprops(filename): dom = parse(filename) if dom.documentElement.attributes: vsprops = dom.documentElement.getAttribute('InheritedPropertySheets') return FixFilenames(vsprops.split(';'), os.path.dirname(filename)) return [] def SeekToNode(node1, child2): # A text node does not have properties. if child2.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE: return None # Get the name of the current node. current_name = child2.getAttribute("Name") if not current_name: # There is no name. We don't know how to merge. return None # Look through all the nodes to find a match. for sub_node in node1.childNodes: if sub_node.nodeName == child2.nodeName: name = sub_node.getAttribute("Name") if name == current_name: return sub_node # No match. We give up. return None def MergeAttributes(node1, node2): # No attributes to merge? if not node2.attributes: return for (name, value2) in node2.attributes.items(): # Don't merge the 'Name' attribute. if name == 'Name': continue value1 = node1.getAttribute(name) if value1: # The attribute exist in the main node. If it's equal, we leave it # untouched, otherwise we concatenate it. if value1 != value2: node1.setAttribute(name, ';'.join([value1, value2])) else: # The attribute does nto exist in the main node. We append this one. node1.setAttribute(name, value2) # If the attribute was a property sheet attributes, we remove it, since # they are useless. if name == 'InheritedPropertySheets': node1.removeAttribute(name) def MergeProperties(node1, node2): MergeAttributes(node1, node2) for child2 in node2.childNodes: child1 = SeekToNode(node1, child2) if child1: MergeProperties(child1, child2) else: node1.appendChild(child2.cloneNode(True)) def main(argv): """Main function of this vcproj prettifier.""" global ARGUMENTS ARGUMENTS = argv # check if we have exactly 1 parameter. if len(argv) < 2: print ('Usage: %s "c:\\path\\to\\vcproj.vcproj" [key1=value1] ' '[key2=value2]' % argv[0]) return 1 # Parse the keys for i in range(2, len(argv)): (key, value) = argv[i].split('=') REPLACEMENTS[key] = value # Open the vcproj and parse the xml. dom = parse(argv[1]) # First thing we need to do is find the Configuration Node and merge them # with the vsprops they include. for configuration_node in GetConfiguationNodes(dom.documentElement): # Get the property sheets associated with this configuration. vsprops = configuration_node.getAttribute('InheritedPropertySheets') # Fix the filenames to be absolute. vsprops_list = FixFilenames(vsprops.strip().split(';'), os.path.dirname(argv[1])) # Extend the list of vsprops with all vsprops contained in the current # vsprops. for current_vsprops in vsprops_list: vsprops_list.extend(GetChildrenVsprops(current_vsprops)) # Now that we have all the vsprops, we need to merge them. for current_vsprops in vsprops_list: MergeProperties(configuration_node, parse(current_vsprops).documentElement) # Now that everything is merged, we need to cleanup the xml. CleanupVcproj(dom.documentElement) # Finally, we use the prett xml function to print the vcproj back to the # user. #print dom.toprettyxml(newl="\n") PrettyPrintNode(dom.documentElement) return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
# Copyright 2008-2012 Nokia Siemens Networks Oyj # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import inspect from robot import utils class _RunKeywordRegister: def __init__(self): self._libs = {} def register_run_keyword(self, libname, keyword, args_to_process=None): if args_to_process is None: args_to_process = self._get_args_from_method(keyword) keyword = keyword.__name__ if libname not in self._libs: self._libs[libname] = utils.NormalizedDict(ignore=['_']) self._libs[libname][keyword] = int(args_to_process) def get_args_to_process(self, libname, kwname): if libname in self._libs and kwname in self._libs[libname]: return self._libs[libname][kwname] return -1 def is_run_keyword(self, libname, kwname): return self.get_args_to_process(libname, kwname) >= 0 def _get_args_from_method(self, method): if inspect.ismethod(method): return method.im_func.func_code.co_argcount -1 elif inspect.isfunction(method): return method.func_code.co_argcount raise ValueError("Needs function or method!") RUN_KW_REGISTER = _RunKeywordRegister()
"""HMAC (Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication) Python module. Implements the HMAC algorithm as described by RFC 2104. """ import warnings as _warnings from operator import _compare_digest as compare_digest trans_5C = "".join ([chr (x ^ 0x5C) for x in xrange(256)]) trans_36 = "".join ([chr (x ^ 0x36) for x in xrange(256)]) # The size of the digests returned by HMAC depends on the underlying # hashing module used. Use digest_size from the instance of HMAC instead. digest_size = None # A unique object passed by HMAC.copy() to the HMAC constructor, in order # that the latter return very quickly. HMAC("") in contrast is quite # expensive. _secret_backdoor_key = [] class HMAC: """RFC 2104 HMAC class. Also complies with RFC 4231. This supports the API for Cryptographic Hash Functions (PEP 247). """ blocksize = 64 # 512-bit HMAC; can be changed in subclasses. def __init__(self, key, msg = None, digestmod = None): """Create a new HMAC object. key: key for the keyed hash object. msg: Initial input for the hash, if provided. digestmod: A module supporting PEP 247. *OR* A hashlib constructor returning a new hash object. Defaults to hashlib.md5. """ if key is _secret_backdoor_key: # cheap return if digestmod is None: import hashlib digestmod = hashlib.md5 if hasattr(digestmod, '__call__'): self.digest_cons = digestmod else: self.digest_cons = lambda d='': self.outer = self.digest_cons() self.inner = self.digest_cons() self.digest_size = self.inner.digest_size if hasattr(self.inner, 'block_size'): blocksize = self.inner.block_size if blocksize < 16: # Very low blocksize, most likely a legacy value like # Lib/ and Lib/ have. _warnings.warn('block_size of %d seems too small; using our ' 'default of %d.' % (blocksize, self.blocksize), RuntimeWarning, 2) blocksize = self.blocksize else: _warnings.warn('No block_size attribute on given digest object; ' 'Assuming %d.' % (self.blocksize), RuntimeWarning, 2) blocksize = self.blocksize if len(key) > blocksize: key = self.digest_cons(key).digest() key = key + chr(0) * (blocksize - len(key)) self.outer.update(key.translate(trans_5C)) self.inner.update(key.translate(trans_36)) if msg is not None: self.update(msg) ## def clear(self): ## raise NotImplementedError, "clear() method not available in HMAC." def update(self, msg): """Update this hashing object with the string msg. """ self.inner.update(msg) def copy(self): """Return a separate copy of this hashing object. An update to this copy won't affect the original object. """ other = self.__class__(_secret_backdoor_key) other.digest_cons = self.digest_cons other.digest_size = self.digest_size other.inner = self.inner.copy() other.outer = self.outer.copy() return other def _current(self): """Return a hash object for the current state. To be used only internally with digest() and hexdigest(). """ h = self.outer.copy() h.update(self.inner.digest()) return h def digest(self): """Return the hash value of this hashing object. This returns a string containing 8-bit data. The object is not altered in any way by this function; you can continue updating the object after calling this function. """ h = self._current() return h.digest() def hexdigest(self): """Like digest(), but returns a string of hexadecimal digits instead. """ h = self._current() return h.hexdigest() def new(key, msg = None, digestmod = None): """Create a new hashing object and return it. key: The starting key for the hash. msg: if available, will immediately be hashed into the object's starting state. You can now feed arbitrary strings into the object using its update() method, and can ask for the hash value at any time by calling its digest() method. """ return HMAC(key, msg, digestmod)
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: (c) 2018, Andrey Klychkov (@Andersson007) <[email protected]> # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = { 'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community' } DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: postgresql_idx short_description: Create or drop indexes from a PostgreSQL database description: - Create or drop indexes from a PostgreSQL database. - For more information see U(, U( version_added: '2.8' options: idxname: description: - Name of the index to create or drop. type: str required: true aliases: - name db: description: - Name of database to connect to and where the index will be created/dropped. type: str aliases: - login_db session_role: description: - Switch to session_role after connecting. The specified session_role must be a role that the current login_user is a member of. - Permissions checking for SQL commands is carried out as though the session_role were the one that had logged in originally. type: str schema: description: - Name of a database schema where the index will be created. type: str state: description: - Index state. - I(state=present) implies the index will be created if it does not exist. - I(state=absent) implies the index will be dropped if it exists. type: str default: present choices: [ absent, present ] table: description: - Table to create index on it. - Mutually exclusive with I(state=absent). type: str required: true columns: description: - List of index columns that need to be covered by index. - Mutually exclusive with I(state=absent). type: list aliases: - column cond: description: - Index conditions. - Mutually exclusive with I(state=absent). type: str idxtype: description: - Index type (like btree, gist, gin, etc.). - Mutually exclusive with I(state=absent). type: str aliases: - type concurrent: description: - Enable or disable concurrent mode (CREATE / DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY). - Pay attention, if I(concurrent=no), the table will be locked (ACCESS EXCLUSIVE) during the building process. For more information about the lock levels see U( - If the building process was interrupted for any reason when I(cuncurrent=yes), the index becomes invalid. In this case it should be dropped and created again. - Mutually exclusive with I(cascade=yes). type: bool default: yes tablespace: description: - Set a tablespace for the index. - Mutually exclusive with I(state=absent). required: false type: str storage_params: description: - Storage parameters like fillfactor, vacuum_cleanup_index_scale_factor, etc. - Mutually exclusive with I(state=absent). type: list cascade: description: - Automatically drop objects that depend on the index, and in turn all objects that depend on those objects U( - It used only with I(state=absent). - Mutually exclusive with I(concurrent=yes) type: bool default: no notes: - The index building process can affect database performance. - To avoid table locks on production databases, use I(concurrent=yes) (default behavior). - The default authentication assumes that you are either logging in as or sudo'ing to the postgres account on the host. - This module uses psycopg2, a Python PostgreSQL database adapter. You must ensure that psycopg2 is installed on the host before using this module. - If the remote host is the PostgreSQL server (which is the default case), then PostgreSQL must also be installed on the remote host. - For Ubuntu-based systems, install the postgresql, libpq-dev, and python-psycopg2 packages on the remote host before using this module. requirements: - psycopg2 author: - Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007) extends_documentation_fragment: postgres ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - name: Create btree index if not exists test_idx concurrently covering columns id and name of table products postgresql_idx: db: acme table: products columns: id,name name: test_idx - name: Create btree index test_idx concurrently with tablespace called ssd and storage parameter postgresql_idx: db: acme table: products columns: - id - name idxname: test_idx tablespace: ssd storage_params: - fillfactor=90 - name: Create gist index test_gist_idx concurrently on column geo_data of table map postgresql_idx: db: somedb table: map idxtype: gist columns: geo_data idxname: test_gist_idx # Note: for the example below pg_trgm extension must be installed for gin_trgm_ops - name: Create gin index gin0_idx not concurrently on column comment of table test postgresql_idx: idxname: gin0_idx table: test columns: comment gin_trgm_ops concurrent: no idxtype: gin - name: Drop btree test_idx concurrently postgresql_idx: db: mydb idxname: test_idx state: absent - name: Drop test_idx cascade postgresql_idx: db: mydb idxname: test_idx state: absent cascade: yes concurrent: no - name: Create btree index test_idx concurrently on columns id,comment where column id > 1 postgresql_idx: db: mydb table: test columns: id,comment idxname: test_idx cond: id > 1 ''' RETURN = r''' name: description: Index name. returned: always type: str sample: 'foo_idx' state: description: Index state. returned: always type: str sample: 'present' schema: description: Schema where index exists. returned: always type: str sample: 'public' tablespace: description: Tablespace where index exists. returned: always type: str sample: 'ssd' query: description: Query that was tried to be executed. returned: always type: str sample: 'CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY foo_idx ON test_table USING BTREE (id)' storage_params: description: Index storage parameters. returned: always type: list sample: [ "fillfactor=90" ] valid: description: Index validity. returned: always type: bool sample: true ''' try: from psycopg2.extras import DictCursor except ImportError: # psycopg2 is checked by connect_to_db() # from ansible.module_utils.postgres pass from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.database import SQLParseError from ansible.module_utils.postgres import connect_to_db, get_conn_params, postgres_common_argument_spec from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native VALID_IDX_TYPES = ('BTREE', 'HASH', 'GIST', 'SPGIST', 'GIN', 'BRIN') # =========================================== # PostgreSQL module specific support methods. # class Index(object): def __init__(self, module, cursor, schema, name): = name if schema: self.schema = schema else: self.schema = 'public' self.module = module self.cursor = cursor = { 'name':, 'state': 'absent', 'schema': '', 'tblname': '', 'tblspace': '', 'valid': True, 'storage_params': [], } self.exists = False self.__exists_in_db() self.executed_query = '' def get_info(self): """ Getter to refresh and return table info """ self.__exists_in_db() return def __exists_in_db(self): """ Check index and collect info """ query = ("SELECT i.schemaname, i.tablename, i.tablespace, " "pi.indisvalid, c.reloptions " "FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes AS i " "JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class AS c " "ON i.indexname = c.relname " "JOIN pg_catalog.pg_index AS pi " "ON c.oid = pi.indexrelid " "WHERE i.indexname = '%s'" % res = self.__exec_sql(query) if res: self.exists = True = dict(, state='present', schema=res[0][0], tblname=res[0][1], tblspace=res[0][2] if res[0][2] else '', valid=res[0][3], storage_params=res[0][4] if res[0][4] else [], ) return True else: self.exists = False return False def create(self, tblname, idxtype, columns, cond, tblspace, storage_params, concurrent=True): """ Create PostgreSQL index. """ # To change existing index we should write # 'postgresql_alter_table' standalone module. if self.exists: return False changed = False if idxtype is None: idxtype = "BTREE" query = 'CREATE INDEX' if concurrent: query += ' CONCURRENTLY' query += ' %s' % if self.schema: query += ' ON %s.%s ' % (self.schema, tblname) else: query += 'public.%s ' % tblname query += 'USING %s (%s)' % (idxtype, columns) if storage_params: query += ' WITH (%s)' % storage_params if tblspace: query += ' TABLESPACE %s' % tblspace if cond: query += ' WHERE %s' % cond self.executed_query = query if self.__exec_sql(query, ddl=True): return True return False def drop(self, schema, cascade=False, concurrent=True): """ Drop PostgreSQL index. """ changed = False if not self.exists: return False query = 'DROP INDEX' if concurrent: query += ' CONCURRENTLY' if not schema: query += ' public.%s' % else: query += ' %s.%s' % (schema, if cascade: query += ' CASCADE' self.executed_query = query if self.__exec_sql(query, ddl=True): return True return False def __exec_sql(self, query, ddl=False): try: self.cursor.execute(query) if not ddl: res = self.cursor.fetchall() return res return True except SQLParseError as e: self.module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e)) except Exception as e: self.module.fail_json(msg="Cannot execute SQL '%s': %s" % (query, to_native(e))) return False # =========================================== # Module execution. # def main(): argument_spec = postgres_common_argument_spec() argument_spec.update( idxname=dict(type='str', required=True, aliases=['name']), db=dict(type='str', aliases=['login_db']), state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']), concurrent=dict(type='bool', default=True), table=dict(type='str'), idxtype=dict(type='str', aliases=['type']), columns=dict(type='list', aliases=['column']), cond=dict(type='str'), session_role=dict(type='str'), tablespace=dict(type='str'), storage_params=dict(type='list'), cascade=dict(type='bool', default=False), schema=dict(type='str'), ) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True, ) idxname = module.params["idxname"] state = module.params["state"] concurrent = module.params["concurrent"] table = module.params["table"] idxtype = module.params["idxtype"] columns = module.params["columns"] cond = module.params["cond"] tablespace = module.params["tablespace"] storage_params = module.params["storage_params"] cascade = module.params["cascade"] schema = module.params["schema"] if concurrent and cascade: module.fail_json(msg="Cuncurrent mode and cascade parameters are mutually exclusive") if state == 'present': if not table: module.fail_json(msg="Table must be specified") if not columns: module.fail_json(msg="At least one column must be specified") else: if table or columns or cond or idxtype or tablespace: module.fail_json(msg="Index %s is going to be removed, so it does not " "make sense to pass a table name, columns, conditions, " "index type, or tablespace" % idxname) if cascade and state != 'absent': module.fail_json(msg="cascade parameter used only with state=absent") conn_params = get_conn_params(module, module.params) db_connection = connect_to_db(module, conn_params, autocommit=True) cursor = db_connection.cursor(cursor_factory=DictCursor) # Set defaults: changed = False # Do job: index = Index(module, cursor, schema, idxname) kw = index.get_info() kw['query'] = '' # # check_mode start if module.check_mode: if state == 'present' and index.exists: kw['changed'] = False module.exit_json(**kw) elif state == 'present' and not index.exists: kw['changed'] = True module.exit_json(**kw) elif state == 'absent' and not index.exists: kw['changed'] = False module.exit_json(**kw) elif state == 'absent' and index.exists: kw['changed'] = True module.exit_json(**kw) # check_mode end # if state == "present": if idxtype and idxtype.upper() not in VALID_IDX_TYPES: module.fail_json(msg="Index type '%s' of %s is not in valid types" % (idxtype, idxname)) columns = ','.join(columns) if storage_params: storage_params = ','.join(storage_params) changed = index.create(table, idxtype, columns, cond, tablespace, storage_params, concurrent) if changed: kw = index.get_info() kw['state'] = 'present' kw['query'] = index.executed_query else: changed = index.drop(schema, cascade, concurrent) if changed: kw['state'] = 'absent' kw['query'] = index.executed_query if not kw['valid']: db_connection.rollback() module.warn("Index %s is invalid! ROLLBACK" % idxname) if not concurrent: db_connection.commit() kw['changed'] = changed db_connection.close() module.exit_json(**kw) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import socket import struct import threading class DataType: ACK=1 DATA=2 DATA_LOW_LATENCY=3 DATA_WITH_ACK=4 class NetworkAL(object): """ Alternate implementation of the ARNetworkAL protocol, for Wifi devices. This implementations is fully compliant with the protocol, and has no major limiations. This implementation uses a thread to do background reads from the socket, and send data to the application through a listener. This listener must implement a 'data_received' function, which will receive the following arguments: - type : The type of data received (ack, data, low latency, data with ack) - buf : The buffer on which this data was retrieved - seq : The sequence number of the data - recv_data : The actual data, as a packed string (use the struct module to unpack) And a 'did_disconnect' function, without arguments, which will be called if the product does not send any data on the network (probably because we lost the network link, or because the product has run out of battery) """ def __init__(self, ip, c2d_port, d2c_port, listener): """ Create and start a new instance of ARNetworkAL. Arguments: - ip (string) : The device address - c2d_port : The remove reading port - d2c_port : The local reading port - listener : A listener which will have its data_received function called when a data is received from the network. """ self._ip = ip self._c2d_port = int(c2d_port) self._d2c_port = int(d2c_port) self._listener = listener self._alive = False self._running = False self._thread = None self.start() def stop(self): """ Stop the current ARNetworkAL instance. Once stopped, an instance can be restarded with the start method. """ if self._running: self._alive = False self._send_sock.close() def start(self): """ Start the current ARNetworkAL instance. This function has no effect if the instance is already started. """ if self._running: return self._alive = True self._send_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self._recv_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self._recv_sock.settimeout(5.0) self._recv_sock.bind(('', self._d2c_port)) self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._read_loop) self._thread.start() self._running = True def send_data(self, type, buf, seq, data): """ Send the given data to the remote ARNetworkAL. This function returns a boolean indicating whether the send worked. This boolean is not an acknowlege, just an indicator that the socket write did not fail. Arguments: - type : The type of data (ack, data, low latency, data with ack) - buf : The target buffer for the data - seq : The sequence number of the data - data : The actual data (ususally a string packed with the struct module) """ sock_data = struct.pack('<BBBI', type, buf, seq, len(data) + 7) sock_data += data try: self._send_sock.sendto(sock_data, (self._ip, self._c2d_port)) except: return False return True def _read_loop(self): while self._alive: try: sock_data, _ = self._recv_sock.recvfrom(66000) except Exception as e: break the_data = sock_data while the_data: (type, buf, seq, size) = struct.unpack('<BBBI', the_data[0:7]) recv_data = the_data[7:size] self._listener.data_received(type, buf, seq, recv_data) the_data = the_data[size:] self._recv_sock.close() self._listener.did_disconnect() self._running = False
from __future__ import absolute_import from django import template from django.conf import settings from django.contrib import comments from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required, permission_required from django.contrib.comments import signals from django.contrib.comments.views.utils import next_redirect, confirmation_view from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render_to_response from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_protect @csrf_protect @login_required def flag(request, comment_id, next=None): """ Flags a comment. Confirmation on GET, action on POST. Templates: :template:`comments/flag.html`, Context: comment the flagged `comments.comment` object """ comment = get_object_or_404(comments.get_model(), pk=comment_id, site__pk=settings.SITE_ID) # Flag on POST if request.method == 'POST': perform_flag(request, comment) return next_redirect(request, fallback=next or 'comments-flag-done', # Render a form on GET else: return render_to_response('comments/flag.html', {'comment': comment, "next": next}, template.RequestContext(request) ) @csrf_protect @permission_required("comments.can_moderate") def delete(request, comment_id, next=None): """ Deletes a comment. Confirmation on GET, action on POST. Requires the "can moderate comments" permission. Templates: :template:`comments/delete.html`, Context: comment the flagged `comments.comment` object """ comment = get_object_or_404(comments.get_model(), pk=comment_id, site__pk=settings.SITE_ID) # Delete on POST if request.method == 'POST': # Flag the comment as deleted instead of actually deleting it. perform_delete(request, comment) return next_redirect(request, fallback=next or 'comments-delete-done', # Render a form on GET else: return render_to_response('comments/delete.html', {'comment': comment, "next": next}, template.RequestContext(request) ) @csrf_protect @permission_required("comments.can_moderate") def approve(request, comment_id, next=None): """ Approve a comment (that is, mark it as public and non-removed). Confirmation on GET, action on POST. Requires the "can moderate comments" permission. Templates: :template:`comments/approve.html`, Context: comment the `comments.comment` object for approval """ comment = get_object_or_404(comments.get_model(), pk=comment_id, site__pk=settings.SITE_ID) # Delete on POST if request.method == 'POST': # Flag the comment as approved. perform_approve(request, comment) return next_redirect(request, fallback=next or 'comments-approve-done', # Render a form on GET else: return render_to_response('comments/approve.html', {'comment': comment, "next": next}, template.RequestContext(request) ) # The following functions actually perform the various flag/aprove/delete # actions. They've been broken out into separate functions to that they # may be called from admin actions. def perform_flag(request, comment): """ Actually perform the flagging of a comment from a request. """ flag, created = comments.models.CommentFlag.objects.get_or_create( comment = comment, user = request.user, flag = comments.models.CommentFlag.SUGGEST_REMOVAL ) signals.comment_was_flagged.send( sender = comment.__class__, comment = comment, flag = flag, created = created, request = request, ) def perform_delete(request, comment): flag, created = comments.models.CommentFlag.objects.get_or_create( comment = comment, user = request.user, flag = comments.models.CommentFlag.MODERATOR_DELETION ) comment.is_removed = True signals.comment_was_flagged.send( sender = comment.__class__, comment = comment, flag = flag, created = created, request = request, ) def perform_approve(request, comment): flag, created = comments.models.CommentFlag.objects.get_or_create( comment = comment, user = request.user, flag = comments.models.CommentFlag.MODERATOR_APPROVAL, ) comment.is_removed = False comment.is_public = True signals.comment_was_flagged.send( sender = comment.__class__, comment = comment, flag = flag, created = created, request = request, ) # Confirmation views. flag_done = confirmation_view( template = "comments/flagged.html", doc = 'Displays a "comment was flagged" success page.' ) delete_done = confirmation_view( template = "comments/deleted.html", doc = 'Displays a "comment was deleted" success page.' ) approve_done = confirmation_view( template = "comments/approved.html", doc = 'Displays a "comment was approved" success page.' )
#! /usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 # WARNING! Do not edit! from waflib.Tools import ccroot,ar from waflib.Configure import conf @conf def find_xlcxx(conf): cxx=conf.find_program(['xlc++_r','xlc++'],var='CXX') cxx=conf.cmd_to_list(cxx) conf.get_xlc_version(cxx) conf.env.CXX_NAME='xlc++' conf.env.CXX=cxx @conf def xlcxx_common_flags(conf): v=conf.env v['CXX_SRC_F']=[] v['CXX_TGT_F']=['-c','-o'] if not v['LINK_CXX']:v['LINK_CXX']=v['CXX'] v['CXXLNK_SRC_F']=[] v['CXXLNK_TGT_F']=['-o'] v['CPPPATH_ST']='-I%s' v['DEFINES_ST']='-D%s' v['LIB_ST']='-l%s' v['LIBPATH_ST']='-L%s' v['STLIB_ST']='-l%s' v['STLIBPATH_ST']='-L%s' v['RPATH_ST']='-Wl,-rpath,%s' v['SONAME_ST']=[] v['SHLIB_MARKER']=[] v['STLIB_MARKER']=[] v['LINKFLAGS_cxxprogram']=['-Wl,-brtl'] v['cxxprogram_PATTERN']='%s' v['CXXFLAGS_cxxshlib']=['-fPIC'] v['LINKFLAGS_cxxshlib']=['-G','-Wl,-brtl,-bexpfull'] v['cxxshlib_PATTERN']='' v['LINKFLAGS_cxxstlib']=[] v['cxxstlib_PATTERN']='lib%s.a' def configure(conf): conf.find_xlcxx() conf.find_ar() conf.xlcxx_common_flags() conf.cxx_load_tools() conf.cxx_add_flags() conf.link_add_flags()
from ..utils import * ## # Hero Powers # Reinforce (Uther Lightbringer) class CS2_101: activate = Summon(CONTROLLER, "CS2_101t") # Reinforce (Uther Skin 1) class CS2_101_H1: activate = CS2_101.activate ## # Minions # Guardian of Kings class CS2_088: play = Heal(FRIENDLY_HERO, 6) # Argent Protector class EX1_362: play = GiveDivineShield(TARGET) # Aldor Peacekeeper class EX1_382: play = Buff(TARGET, "EX1_382e") class EX1_382e: atk = SET(1) # Tirion Fordring class EX1_383: deathrattle = Summon(CONTROLLER, "EX1_383t") ## # Spells # Blessing of Might class CS2_087: play = Buff(TARGET, "CS2_087e") CS2_087e = buff(atk=3) # Holy Light class CS2_089: play = Heal(TARGET, 6) # Blessing of Kings class CS2_092: play = Buff(TARGET, "CS2_092e") CS2_092e = buff(+4, +4) # Consecration class CS2_093: play = Hit(ENEMY_CHARACTERS, 2) # Hammer of Wrath class CS2_094: play = Hit(TARGET, 3), Draw(CONTROLLER) # Divine Favor class EX1_349: play = DrawUntil(CONTROLLER, Count(ENEMY_HAND)) # Lay on Hands class EX1_354: play = Heal(TARGET, 8), Draw(CONTROLLER) * 3 # Blessed Champion class EX1_355: play = Buff(TARGET, "EX1_355e") class EX1_355e: atk = lambda self, i: i * 2 # Humility class EX1_360: play = Buff(TARGET, "EX1_360e") class EX1_360e: atk = SET(1) # Blessing of Wisdom class EX1_363: play = Buff(TARGET, "EX1_363e") class EX1_363e: events = Attack(OWNER).on(Draw(CONTROLLER)) # Blessing of Wisdom (Unused) class EX1_363e2: events = Attack(OWNER).on(Draw(OWNER_OPPONENT)) # Holy Wrath class EX1_365: play = Draw(CONTROLLER).then(Hit(TARGET, COST(Draw.CARD))) # Hand of Protection class EX1_371: play = GiveDivineShield(TARGET) # Avenging Wrath class EX1_384: def play(self): count = self.controller.get_spell_damage(8) yield Hit(RANDOM_ENEMY_CHARACTER, 1) * count # Equality class EX1_619: play = Buff(ALL_MINIONS, "EX1_619e") class EX1_619e: max_health = SET(1) ## # Secrets # Noble Sacrifice class EX1_130: secret = Attack(ENEMY_MINIONS).on(FULL_BOARD | ( Reveal(SELF), Retarget(Attack.ATTACKER, Summon(CONTROLLER, "EX1_130a")) )) # Eye for an Eye class EX1_132: secret = Damage(FRIENDLY_HERO).on( Reveal(SELF), Hit(ENEMY_HERO, Damage.AMOUNT) ) # Redemption class EX1_136: secret = Death(FRIENDLY + MINION).on(FULL_BOARD | ( Reveal(SELF), Summon(CONTROLLER, Copy(Death.ENTITY)).then(SetCurrentHealth(Summon.CARD, 1)) )) # Repentance class EX1_379: secret = Play(OPPONENT, MINION | HERO).after( Reveal(SELF), Buff(Play.CARD, "EX1_379e") ) class EX1_379e: max_health = SET(1) ## # Weapons # Truesilver Champion class CS2_097: events = Attack(FRIENDLY_HERO).on(Heal(FRIENDLY_HERO, 2)) # Sword of Justice class EX1_366: events = Summon(CONTROLLER, MINION).after( Buff(Summon.CARD, "EX1_366e"), Hit(SELF, 1) ) EX1_366e = buff(+1, +1)
from django.core.files.uploadedfile import UploadedFile from django.utils.datastructures import MultiValueDict from django.utils.functional import lazy_property from django.utils import six from import NoFileStorageConfigured class BaseStorage(object): step_key = 'step' step_data_key = 'step_data' step_files_key = 'step_files' extra_data_key = 'extra_data' def __init__(self, prefix, request=None, file_storage=None): self.prefix = 'wizard_%s' % prefix self.request = request self.file_storage = file_storage def init_data(self): = { self.step_key: None, self.step_data_key: {}, self.step_files_key: {}, self.extra_data_key: {}, } def reset(self): self.init_data() def _get_current_step(self): return[self.step_key] def _set_current_step(self, step):[self.step_key] = step current_step = lazy_property(_get_current_step, _set_current_step) def _get_extra_data(self): return[self.extra_data_key] def _set_extra_data(self, extra_data):[self.extra_data_key] = extra_data extra_data = lazy_property(_get_extra_data, _set_extra_data) def get_step_data(self, step): # When reading the serialized data, upconvert it to a MultiValueDict, # some serializers (json) don't preserve the type of the object. values =[self.step_data_key].get(step, None) if values is not None: values = MultiValueDict(values) return values def set_step_data(self, step, cleaned_data): # If the value is a MultiValueDict, convert it to a regular dict of the # underlying contents. Some serializers call the public API on it (as # opposed to the underlying dict methods), in which case the content # can be truncated (__getitem__ returns only the first item). if isinstance(cleaned_data, MultiValueDict): cleaned_data = dict(cleaned_data.lists())[self.step_data_key][step] = cleaned_data @property def current_step_data(self): return self.get_step_data(self.current_step) def get_step_files(self, step): wizard_files =[self.step_files_key].get(step, {}) if wizard_files and not self.file_storage: raise NoFileStorageConfigured( "You need to define 'file_storage' in your " "wizard view in order to handle file uploads.") files = {} for field, field_dict in six.iteritems(wizard_files): field_dict = field_dict.copy() tmp_name = field_dict.pop('tmp_name') files[field] = UploadedFile(, **field_dict) return files or None def set_step_files(self, step, files): if files and not self.file_storage: raise NoFileStorageConfigured( "You need to define 'file_storage' in your " "wizard view in order to handle file uploads.") if step not in[self.step_files_key]:[self.step_files_key][step] = {} for field, field_file in six.iteritems(files or {}): tmp_filename =, field_file) file_dict = { 'tmp_name': tmp_filename, 'name':, 'content_type': field_file.content_type, 'size': field_file.size, 'charset': field_file.charset }[self.step_files_key][step][field] = file_dict @property def current_step_files(self): return self.get_step_files(self.current_step) def update_response(self, response): pass
# Copyright 2019 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Contains the Policy class for mixed precision training.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import contextlib import six from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes from tensorflow.python.keras import backend from tensorflow.python.keras.engine import base_layer_utils from tensorflow.python.keras.mixed_precision.experimental import device_compatibility_check from tensorflow.python.keras.mixed_precision.experimental import loss_scale as keras_loss_scale_module from tensorflow.python.keras.utils import generic_utils from tensorflow.python.platform import tf_logging from import mixed_precision_global_state from tensorflow.python.util.tf_export import keras_export # Default value of certain arguments, indicating the default behavior for # that argument should be used. USE_DEFAULT = 'USE_DEFAULT' @keras_export('keras.mixed_precision.experimental.Policy') class Policy(object): """A dtype policy for a Keras layer. A dtype policy determines dtype-related aspects of a layer, such as its computation and variable dtypes. Each layer has a policy. Policies can be passed to the `dtype` argument of layer constructors, or a global policy can be set with `tf.keras.mixed_precision.experimental.set_policy`. A layer will default to the global policy if no policy is passed to it's constructor. For many models, each layer's policy will have the same compute dtype and variable dtype, which will typically be float32. In this case, we refer to the singular dtype as the layer's dtype, which can be queried by the property `tf.keras.layers.Layer.dtype`. When mixed precision training is used, most layers will instead have a float16 or bfloat16 compute dtype and a float32 variable dtype, and so the layer does not have a single dtype. When the variable dtype does not match the compute dtype, variables will be automatically casted to the compute dtype to avoid type errors. In this case, `tf.keras.layers.Layer.dtype` refers to the variable dtype, not the compute dtype. See [the mixed precision guide]( for more information on how to use mixed precision. Certain policies also have a `tf.mixed_precision.experimental.LossScale` instance, which is used by `tf.keras.Model`s to performance loss scaling. Loss scaling is a technique used with mixed precision to avoid numerical underflow in float16 gradients. Loss scaling is only done by Models in ``, `Model.train_on_batch`, and similar methods. Layers which are not Models ignore the loss scale. Policies are constructed by passing a string to the constructor, e.g. `tf.keras.mixed_precision.experimental.Policy('float32')`. The string determines the compute and variable dtypes. It can be one of the following: * Any dtype name, such as 'float32' or 'float64'. Both the variable and compute dtypes will be that dtype. No loss scaling is done by default. * 'mixed_float16' or 'mixed_bfloat16': The compute dtype is float16 or bfloat16, while the variable dtype is float32. These policies are used for mixed precision training. With 'mixed_float16', a dynamic loss scale is used by default. 'mixed_bfloat16' does no loss scaling by default, as loss scaling is unnecessary with bfloat16. ### How to use mixed precision in a Keras model To use mixed precision in a Keras model, the `'mixed_float16'` or `'mixed_bfloat16'` policy can be used. `tf.keras.mixed_precision.experimental.set_policy` can be used to set the default policy for layers if no policy is passed to them. For example: >>> tf.keras.mixed_precision.experimental.set_policy('mixed_float16') >>> model = tf.keras.models.Sequential([ ... tf.keras.layers.Input((100,)), ... # Dense layers use global policy of 'mixed_float16', which does ... # computations in float16 while keeping variables in float32. ... tf.keras.layers.Dense(10), ... tf.keras.layers.Dense(10), ... # Softmax should be done in float32 for numeric stability. We pass ... # dtype='float32' to use float32 instead of the global policy. ... tf.keras.layers.Activation('softmax', dtype='float32') ... ]) Alternatively, the policy can be passed to individual layers instead of setting the global policy with `set_policy`: >>> policy = tf.keras.mixed_precision.experimental.Policy('mixed_float16') >>> model = tf.keras.models.Sequential([ ... tf.keras.layers.Input((100,)), ... tf.keras.layers.Dense(10, dtype=policy), ... tf.keras.layers.Dense(10, dtype=policy), ... # Softmax should be done in float32 for numeric stability. ... tf.keras.layers.Activation('softmax', dtype='float32') ... ]) Note the `'mixed_float16'` policy will apply loss scaling by default in ``, `Model.train_on_batch`, and other training methods. If no such method is used (e.g., a custom training loop is used) and `'mixed_float16'` is used, the loss scale must be manually applied. See `tf.keras.mixed_precision.experimental.LossScaleOptimizer` for details. For `'mixed_bfloat16'`, no loss scaling is done and loss scaling never needs to be manually applied. See [the mixed precision guide]( for more information on using mixed precision ### How to use float64 in a Keras model Using float64 is similar to mixed precision. Either the global policy can be set to float64, or `dtype='float64'` can be passed to individual layers. For example, to set the global policy: >>> tf.keras.mixed_precision.experimental.set_policy('float64') >>> model = tf.keras.models.Sequential([ ... tf.keras.layers.Input((100,)), ... # All layers use global policy of 'float64', which does computations ... # and creates variables in float64. ... tf.keras.layers.Dense(10), ... tf.keras.layers.Dense(10), ... tf.keras.layers.Activation('softmax') ... ]) >>> # Optionaly set policy back to float32 if any other models use float32 >>> tf.keras.mixed_precision.experimental.set_policy('float32') ### How a layer uses its policy's compute dtype A layer will cast its inputs to its compute dtype in TensorFlow 2. For example: >>> x = tf.ones((4, 4, 4, 4), dtype='float64') >>> # `layer`'s policy defaults to float32. >>> layer = tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(filters=4, kernel_size=2) >>> # `layer` casts it's inputs to its compute dtype, which is float32, and >>> # does computations in float32. >>> y = layer(x) >>> y.dtype tf.float32 Note that the base `tf.keras.layers.Layer` class inserts the casts. If subclassing your own layer, you do not have to insert any casts. Currently, only tensors in the first argument to the layer's `call` method are casted. For example: >>> class MyLayer(tf.keras.layers.Layer): ... # Bug! `b` will not be casted. ... def call(self, a, b): ... return a + 1., b + 1. >>> a = tf.constant(1., dtype="float32") >>> b = tf.constant(1., dtype="float32") >>> layer = MyLayer(dtype="float64") >>> x, y = layer(a, b) >>> x.dtype tf.float64 >>> y.dtype tf.float32 If writing your own layer, it is recommended to accept tensors only in the first argument. This way, all tensors are casted to the layer's compute dtype. `MyLayer` should therefore be written as: >>> class MyLayer(tf.keras.layers.Layer): ... # Now, all tensor inputs will be casted. ... def call(self, inputs): ... a, b = inputs ... return a + 1., b + 1. >>> a = tf.constant(1., dtype="float32") >>> b = tf.constant(1., dtype="float32") >>> layer = MyLayer(dtype="float64") >>> x, y = layer((a, b)) >>> x.dtype tf.float64 >>> y.dtype tf.float64 Other arguments are not automatically casted for technical reasons, but this may change in a future minor release. A layer subclass can prevent its inputs from being autocasted by passing `autocast=False` to the layer constructor. For example: >>> class NonAutoCastingLayer(tf.keras.layers.Layer): ... def __init__(self, **kwargs): ... kwargs['autocast'] = False ... super(NonAutoCastingLayer, self).__init__(**kwargs) ... def call(self, inp): ... return inp >>> x = tf.ones((4, 4, 4, 4), dtype='float32') >>> layer = NonAutoCastingLayer(dtype='float64') >>> y = layer(x) # Will not cast inputs to it's compute dtype of float64 >>> y.dtype tf.float32 ### How a layer uses its policy's variable dtype The default dtype of variables created by `tf.keras.layers.Layer.add_weight` is the layer's policy's variable dtype. If a layer's compute and variable dtypes differ, `add_weight` will wrap floating-point variables with a special wrapper called an `AutoCastVariable`. This wrapper is identical to the original variable except it casts itself to the layer's compute dtype when used within ``. Outside ``, the variable is not casted. A layer author can prevent a variable from being wrapped with an `AutoCastVariable` by passing `experimental_autocast=False` to `add_weight`: >>> class MyLayer(tf.keras.layers.Layer): ... def build(self, input_shape): ... self.x = self.add_weight('x') ... self.y = self.add_weight('y', experimental_autocast=False) >>> policy = tf.keras.mixed_precision.experimental.Policy('mixed_float16') >>> layer = MyLayer(dtype=policy) >>>, 2)) >>> layer.x <AutoCastVariable 'x:0' shape=() dtype=float32 true_dtype=float32, numpy=...> >>> layer.y <tf.Variable 'y:0' shape=() dtype=float32, numpy=...> Passing `experimental_autocast=False` is useful for layers which may internally do some math in the variable dtype instead of the compute dtype. For example, you may wish to compute variable statistics, such as mean and variance, in the variable dtype. ### How to write a layer that supports mixed precision and float64. For the most part, layers will automatically support mixed precision and float64 without any additional work, due to the fact the base layer automatically casts inputs, creates variables of the correct type, and in the case of mixed precision, wraps variables with `AutoCastVariables`. For example, this simple dense layer does not require any additional work to support mixed precision or float64. Keras automatically casts the inputs and variable to the appropriate dtype. >>> class MyDense(tf.keras.layers.Layer): ... def build(self, input_shape): ... self.kernel = self.add_weight('kernel', (input_shape[-1], 10)) ... def call(self, inputs): ... return tf.matmul(inputs, self.kernel) >>> policy = tf.keras.mixed_precision.experimental.Policy('mixed_float16') >>> layer = MyDense(dtype=policy) >>> x = np.random.rand(10, 10) >>> y = layer(x) >>> y.dtype tf.float16 The primary case where you need extra work to support mixed precision or float64 is when you create a new tensor, such as with `tf.ones` or `tf.constant`. In such cases, you must create the tensor of the correct dtype. For example, suppose you modify the `MyDense` layer to add a random number to the output using `tf.random.normal`. You must pass the input dtype to `tf.random.normal` to ensure the dtypes match. >>> class MyDense(tf.keras.layers.Layer): ... def build(self, input_shape): ... self.kernel = self.add_weight('kernel', (input_shape[-1], 10)) ... def call(self, inputs): ... rand = tf.random.normal(shape=inputs.shape, dtype=inputs.dtype) ... return tf.matmul(inputs, self.kernel) + rand >>> >>> layer = MyDense(dtype=policy) >>> y = layer(x) >>> y.dtype tf.float16 If you did not pass `dtype=inputs.dtype` to `tf.random.normal`, a `TypeError` would have occurred. This is because the dtype defaults to `"float32"`, so the layer would only work if the inputs were float32. ### The deprecated "infer" policy In addition to the above mentioned policies, a policy can also be "infer". This Policy is deprecated, and it is not recommended. When a layer has an infer policy, it will infer the computation and variable dtype from the first input the first time the layer is called. Once the layer is called for the first time, the layer's policy will change to the dtype of the first input. In TensorFlow 1, only the "infer" policy is available. """ def __init__(self, name, loss_scale=USE_DEFAULT): """Constructs the policy. The `name` argument determines the compute and variable dtype, the default loss scale, and has no additional effect on the Policy. The compute and variable dtypes can only be specified through `name`, and cannot be specified directly. Args: name: A string. Can be one of the following values: * Any dtype name, such as 'float32' or 'float64'. Both the variable and compute dtypes will be that dtype. * 'mixed_float16' or 'mixed_bfloat16': The compute dtype is float16 or bfloat16, while the variable dtype is float32. With 'mixed_float16', a dynamic loss scale is used. These policies are used for mixed precision training. * 'infer' (deprecated): Infer the compute and variable dtype from the input dtype. loss_scale: A `tf.mixed_precision.experimental.LossScale`, an int (which uses a `FixedLossScale`), or the string "dynamic" (which uses a `DynamicLossScale`). Defaults to using no loss scaling unless `name` is "mixed_float16", in which case this defaults to "dynamic". Only `tf.keras.Model`s, not layers, use the loss scale, and it is only used during ``, `Model.train_on_batch`, and other similar methods. """ if isinstance(name, dtypes.DType): raise TypeError("'name' must be a string, not a DType. " "Instead, pass Got: %s" % (,)) elif not isinstance(name, six.string_types): raise TypeError("'name' must be a string, but got: %s" % (name,)) self._name = name self._compute_dtype, self._variable_dtype = self._parse_name(name) if loss_scale == USE_DEFAULT: loss_scale = 'dynamic' if name == 'mixed_float16' else None self._using_default_loss_scale = True else: self._using_default_loss_scale = False if loss_scale and self._compute_dtype not in (None, 'float16'): tf_logging.warn('Creating a Policy with a loss scale is only useful for ' 'float16 policies. You passed loss_scale=%r for policy ' '%s. Consider not passing any loss_scale instead.' % (loss_scale, name)) self._loss_scale = keras_loss_scale_module.get(loss_scale) if name in ('mixed_float16', 'mixed_bloat16'): device_compatibility_check.log_device_compatibility_check(name) def _parse_name(self, name): """Parses a Policy name into a compute and variable dtype. Args: name: The name of the policy: Returns: The (compute_dtype, variable_dtype) pair. """ if name.endswith('_float32_vars'): error_msg = ('Policies ending in \'_float32_vars\' have been removed ' 'from TensorFlow.') if name in ('infer_float32_vars', 'infer_with_float32_vars'): error_msg += (' Please use the \'mixed_float16\' or \'mixed_bfloat16\' ' 'policy instead.') elif name == 'float16_with_float32_vars': error_msg += (' Please use the \'mixed_float16\' policy instead.') elif name == 'bfloat16_with_float32_vars': error_msg += (' Please use the \'mixed_bfloat16\' policy instead.') error_msg += ' Got policy name: \'%s\'' % name raise ValueError(error_msg) if name == 'mixed_float16': return 'float16', 'float32' elif name == 'mixed_bfloat16': return 'bfloat16', 'float32' elif name == 'infer': return None, None try: dtype = dtypes.as_dtype(name).name except TypeError: error = ("Cannot convert value %s to a mixed precision Policy. " "Valid policies include include 'mixed_float16', " "'mixed_bfloat16', and the name of any dtype such as " "'float32'." % (name,)) # six.raise_from suppresses the original TypeError from being raised six.raise_from(ValueError(error), None) return dtype, dtype @property def variable_dtype(self): """The variable dtype of this policy. This is the dtype layers will create their variables in, unless a layer explicitly chooses a different dtype. If this is different than `Policy.compute_dtype`, Layers will cast variables to the compute dtype to avoid type errors. Returns: The variable dtype of this policy, or None if the variable dtype should be inferred from the inputs. """ return self._variable_dtype @property def compute_dtype(self): """The compute dtype of this policy. This is the dtype layers will do their computations in. Note that even if the compute dtype is float16 or bfloat16, hardware devices may not do individual adds, multiplies, and other fundamental operations in [b]float16, but instead may do some of them in float32 for numeric stability. The compute dtype is the dtype of the inputs and outputs of the TensorFlow ops that the layer executes. Internally, many TensorFlow ops will do certain internal calculations in float32, or some other device-internal intermediate format with higher precision than [b]float16, to increase numeric stability. For example, a `tf.keras.layers.Dense` layer, when run on a GPU with a float16 compute dtype, will pass float16 inputs to tf.matmul. But, tf.matmul will do use float32 intermediate math. The performance benefit of float16 is still apparent, due to increased memory bandwidth and the fact modern GPUs have specialized hardware for computing matmuls on float16 while still keeping intermediate computations in float32. Returns: The compute dtype of this policy, or None if the compute dtype should be inferred from the inputs. """ return self._compute_dtype @property def should_cast_variables(self): """Returns True if variables should be casted. This is true if the variable dtype is not the same as the compute dtype. Returns: True, if variables should be casted. """ return self.variable_dtype != self.compute_dtype @property def loss_scale(self): """Returns the loss scale of this Policy. Returns: A `tf.mixed_precision.experimental.LossScale`, or None. """ return self._loss_scale @property def name(self): """Returns the name of this policy.""" return self._name def __repr__(self): return '<Policy "%s", loss_scale=%s>' % (self._name, self.loss_scale) def get_config(self): config = { 'name': } if not self._using_default_loss_scale: # We only include the loss scale if the default loss scale is not used. # This allows us to change the loss scale config format without breaking # users who use the default loss scale. config['loss_scale'] = keras_loss_scale_module.serialize(self.loss_scale) return config @classmethod def from_config(cls, config, custom_objects=None): if 'loss_scale' in config and isinstance(config['loss_scale'], dict): config = config.copy() config['loss_scale'] = keras_loss_scale_module.deserialize( config['loss_scale'], custom_objects=custom_objects) return cls(**config) # The current global policy in effect. If None, it means the current value of # floatx should be used as the policy if the V2 dtype behavior is enabled, # or "infer" otherwise. # TODO(reedwm): Make this thread local? _global_policy = None @keras_export('keras.mixed_precision.experimental.global_policy') def global_policy(): """Returns the global Policy. The global policy is the default policy used for layers, if no policy is passed to the layer constructor. If no policy has been set with `keras.mixed_precision.experimental.set_policy`, this will return a policy constructed from `tf.keras.backend.floatx()` in TensorFlow 2 (floatx defaults to float32), or an "infer" policy in TensorFlow 1. See `keras.mixed_precision.experimental.Policy` for more information. Returns: The global Policy. """ if _global_policy is None: if base_layer_utils.v2_dtype_behavior_enabled(): return Policy(backend.floatx()) else: return Policy('infer') return _global_policy def policy_defaults_to_floatx(): """Returns True if `global_policy()` will use the current value of floatx.""" return _global_policy is None and base_layer_utils.v2_dtype_behavior_enabled() def _check_if_mixed_precision_graph_rewrite_is_enabled(): # TODO(reedwm): Update this comment once the Keras API is complete. if mixed_precision_global_state.mixed_precision_graph_rewrite_is_enabled: raise ValueError( 'The mixed precision policy cannot be set, because the mixed ' 'precision graph rewrite has already been enabled.\n' 'At most, one of the following functions can be called:\n\n' ' 1. tf.train.experimental.enable_mixed_precision_graph_rewrite() ' '(You called this first)\n' ' 2. tf.keras.mixed_precision.experimental.set_policy() (You called ' 'this second)\n\n' 'You called both functions, which is an error, because both functions ' 'enable you to use mixed precision. If in doubt which function to use, ' 'use the second, as it supports Eager execution and is more ' 'customizable.') @keras_export('keras.mixed_precision.experimental.set_policy') def set_policy(policy): """Sets the global Policy. The global policy is the default policy used for layers, if no policy is passed to the layer constructor. If no global policy is set, layers will instead default to a Policy constructed from `tf.keras.backend.floatx()` in TensorFlow 2. In TensorFlow 1, layers default to an "infer" policy. See `keras.mixed_precision.experimental.Policy` for more information. Args: policy: A Policy, or a string that will be converted to a Policy.. """ global _global_policy _check_if_mixed_precision_graph_rewrite_is_enabled() if policy is not None and not isinstance(policy, Policy): policy = Policy(policy) if (policy and not base_layer_utils.v2_dtype_behavior_enabled() and policy.compute_dtype): raise ValueError( 'The global policy can only be set to a non-infer policy in TensorFlow ' '2') _global_policy = policy mixed_precision_global_state.using_default_mixed_precision_policy = ( _global_policy is None) # TODO(reedwm): Make this thread local @contextlib.contextmanager def policy_scope(policy): """A context manager that sets the global Policy under it. Args: policy: A Policy, or a string that will be converted to a Policy.. Yields: Nothing. """ old_policy = _global_policy try: set_policy(policy) yield finally: set_policy(old_policy) def _is_convertible_to_dtype(dtype): try: dtypes.as_dtype(dtype) return True except TypeError: return False def _policy_equivalent_to_dtype(policy): """Returns True if the Policy is equivalent to a single dtype. A policy is equivalent to a single dtype if the policy's compute and variable dtypes are the same and the policy does not cause the layer/model to have additional behavior, such as loss scaling. The "infer" policy is considered equivalent to a single dtype. Args: policy: A Policy. Returns: True, if the policy is equivalent to a single dtype. """ # We use type() instead of isinstance because a sublcass of Policy is never # equivalent to a dtype. return (type(policy) == Policy and # pylint: disable=unidiomatic-typecheck list(policy.get_config().keys()) == ['name'] and ( == 'infer' or _is_convertible_to_dtype( def serialize(policy): if _policy_equivalent_to_dtype(policy): # We return either None or the policy name for compatibility with older # versions of Keras. If the policy name is returned, it is a dtype string # such as 'float32'. return None if == 'infer' else return generic_utils.serialize_keras_object(policy) def deserialize(config, custom_objects=None): if isinstance(config, str) and _is_convertible_to_dtype(config): return Policy(config) if config is None: return Policy('infer') module_objects = {'Policy': Policy} return generic_utils.deserialize_keras_object( config, module_objects=module_objects, custom_objects=custom_objects, printable_module_name='dtype policy')
######################## BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ######################## # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 USA ######################### END LICENSE BLOCK ######################### __version__ = "2.3.0" from sys import version_info def detect(aBuf): if ((version_info < (3, 0) and isinstance(aBuf, unicode)) or (version_info >= (3, 0) and not isinstance(aBuf, bytes))): raise ValueError('Expected a bytes object, not a unicode object') from . import universaldetector u = universaldetector.UniversalDetector() u.reset() u.feed(aBuf) u.close() return u.result
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They are copied after the builtin static files, # so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". # html_static_path = [] html_static_path = [u'_static'] # If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom, # using the given strftime format. #html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y' # If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to # typographically correct entities. #html_use_smartypants = True # Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names. #html_sidebars = {} # Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to # template names. #html_additional_pages = {} # If false, no module index is generated. #html_domain_indices = True # If false, no index is generated. #html_use_index = True # If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter. #html_split_index = False # If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages. #html_show_sourcelink = True # If true, "Created using Sphinx" is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. #html_show_sphinx = True html_show_sphinx = False # If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True. #html_show_copyright = True # If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will # contain a <link> tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the # base URL from which the finished HTML is served. #html_use_opensearch = '' # This is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml"). #html_file_suffix = None # Output file base name for HTML help builder. htmlhelp_basename = 'The Data Distribution Service Tutorial' # -- Options for LaTeX output -------------------------------------------------- # The paper size ('letter' or 'a4'). latex_paper_size = u'a4' # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). latex_font_size = u'10pt' # Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass [howto/manual]). latex_documents = [('index', 'OpenSplice_DDSTutorial.tex', u'The DDS Tutorial', u'', 'manual', True)] # Note 'author' field empty # Added 'True' to end of generated line to suppress 'Index & Tables' # A dictionary that contains LaTeX snippets that override those Sphinx usually # puts into the generated .tex files. latex_elements = { 'babel': '\\usepackage[english]{babel}' } # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of # the title page. #latex_logo = None latex_logo = 'images/Vortex-Cover.png' # For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts, # not chapters. latex_use_parts = False # If true, show page references after internal links. #latex_show_pagerefs = False # If true, show URL addresses after external links. #latex_show_urls = False # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. #latex_preamble = '' # THIS GETS RID OF BLANK PAGES AT ENDS OF CHAPTERS & ToC latex_elements = { 'classoptions': ',openany, oneside', 'babel': '\\usepackage[english]{babel}' } # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. #latex_appendices = [] # If false, no module index is generated. #latex_domain_indices = True # -- Options for manual page output -------------------------------------------- # One entry per manual page. List of tuples # (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section). man_pages = [('index', 'DDS_Tutorial', u'DDS_Tutorial Documentation', [u'ADLINK Technology Limited'], 1)] # -- Additional options -------------------------------------------------------- todo_include_todos = True
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2020 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import warnings from typing import Callable, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union from google.api_core import grpc_helpers # type: ignore from google.api_core import operations_v1 # type: ignore from google.api_core import gapic_v1 # type: ignore import google.auth # type: ignore from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore from google.auth.transport.grpc import SslCredentials # type: ignore import grpc # type: ignore from import connectivity_test from import reachability from google.longrunning import operations_pb2 # type: ignore from .base import ReachabilityServiceTransport, DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO class ReachabilityServiceGrpcTransport(ReachabilityServiceTransport): """gRPC backend transport for ReachabilityService. The Reachability service in the Google Cloud Network Management API provides services that analyze the reachability within a single Google Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network, between peered VPC networks, between VPC and on-premises networks, or between VPC networks and internet hosts. A reachability analysis is based on Google Cloud network configurations. You can use the analysis results to verify these configurations and to troubleshoot connectivity issues. This class defines the same methods as the primary client, so the primary client can load the underlying transport implementation and call it. It sends protocol buffers over the wire using gRPC (which is built on top of HTTP/2); the ``grpcio`` package must be installed. """ _stubs: Dict[str, Callable] def __init__(self, *, host: str = '', credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, credentials_file: str = None, scopes: Sequence[str] = None, channel: grpc.Channel = None, api_mtls_endpoint: str = None, client_cert_source: Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]] = None, ssl_channel_credentials: grpc.ChannelCredentials = None, client_cert_source_for_mtls: Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]] = None, quota_project_id: Optional[str] = None, client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, always_use_jwt_access: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> None: """Instantiate the transport. Args: host (Optional[str]): The hostname to connect to. credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The authorization credentials to attach to requests. These credentials identify the application to the service; if none are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the credentials from the environment. This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. scopes (Optional(Sequence[str])): A list of scopes. This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. channel (Optional[grpc.Channel]): A ``Channel`` instance through which to make calls. api_mtls_endpoint (Optional[str]): Deprecated. The mutual TLS endpoint. If provided, it overrides the ``host`` argument and tries to create a mutual TLS channel with client SSL credentials from ``client_cert_source`` or applicatin default SSL credentials. client_cert_source (Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]): Deprecated. A callback to provide client SSL certificate bytes and private key bytes, both in PEM format. It is ignored if ``api_mtls_endpoint`` is None. ssl_channel_credentials (grpc.ChannelCredentials): SSL credentials for grpc channel. It is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. client_cert_source_for_mtls (Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]): A callback to provide client certificate bytes and private key bytes, both in PEM format. It is used to configure mutual TLS channel. It is ignored if ``channel`` or ``ssl_channel_credentials`` is provided. quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing and quota. client_info (google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo): The client info used to send a user-agent string along with API requests. If ``None``, then default info will be used. Generally, you only need to set this if you're developing your own client library. always_use_jwt_access (Optional[bool]): Whether self signed JWT should be used for service account credentials. Raises: google.auth.exceptions.MutualTLSChannelError: If mutual TLS transport creation failed for any reason. google.api_core.exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs: If both ``credentials`` and ``credentials_file`` are passed. """ self._grpc_channel = None self._ssl_channel_credentials = ssl_channel_credentials self._stubs: Dict[str, Callable] = {} self._operations_client = None if api_mtls_endpoint: warnings.warn("api_mtls_endpoint is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) if client_cert_source: warnings.warn("client_cert_source is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) if channel: # Ignore credentials if a channel was passed. credentials = False # If a channel was explicitly provided, set it. self._grpc_channel = channel self._ssl_channel_credentials = None else: if api_mtls_endpoint: host = api_mtls_endpoint # Create SSL credentials with client_cert_source or application # default SSL credentials. if client_cert_source: cert, key = client_cert_source() self._ssl_channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( certificate_chain=cert, private_key=key ) else: self._ssl_channel_credentials = SslCredentials().ssl_credentials else: if client_cert_source_for_mtls and not ssl_channel_credentials: cert, key = client_cert_source_for_mtls() self._ssl_channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( certificate_chain=cert, private_key=key ) # The base transport sets the host, credentials and scopes super().__init__( host=host, credentials=credentials, credentials_file=credentials_file, scopes=scopes, quota_project_id=quota_project_id, client_info=client_info, always_use_jwt_access=always_use_jwt_access, ) if not self._grpc_channel: self._grpc_channel = type(self).create_channel( self._host, credentials=self._credentials, credentials_file=credentials_file, scopes=self._scopes, ssl_credentials=self._ssl_channel_credentials, quota_project_id=quota_project_id, options=[ ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), ], ) # Wrap messages. This must be done after self._grpc_channel exists self._prep_wrapped_messages(client_info) @classmethod def create_channel(cls, host: str = '', credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, credentials_file: str = None, scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, quota_project_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) -> grpc.Channel: """Create and return a gRPC channel object. Args: host (Optional[str]): The host for the channel to use. credentials (Optional[~.Credentials]): The authorization credentials to attach to requests. These credentials identify this application to the service. If none are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the credentials from the environment. credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. This argument is mutually exclusive with credentials. scopes (Optional[Sequence[str]]): A optional list of scopes needed for this service. These are only used when credentials are not specified and are passed to :func:`google.auth.default`. quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing and quota. kwargs (Optional[dict]): Keyword arguments, which are passed to the channel creation. Returns: grpc.Channel: A gRPC channel object. Raises: google.api_core.exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs: If both ``credentials`` and ``credentials_file`` are passed. """ return grpc_helpers.create_channel( host, credentials=credentials, credentials_file=credentials_file, quota_project_id=quota_project_id, default_scopes=cls.AUTH_SCOPES, scopes=scopes, default_host=cls.DEFAULT_HOST, **kwargs ) @property def grpc_channel(self) -> grpc.Channel: """Return the channel designed to connect to this service. """ return self._grpc_channel @property def operations_client(self) -> operations_v1.OperationsClient: """Create the client designed to process long-running operations. This property caches on the instance; repeated calls return the same client. """ # Sanity check: Only create a new client if we do not already have one. if self._operations_client is None: self._operations_client = operations_v1.OperationsClient( self.grpc_channel ) # Return the client from cache. return self._operations_client @property def list_connectivity_tests(self) -> Callable[ [reachability.ListConnectivityTestsRequest], reachability.ListConnectivityTestsResponse]: r"""Return a callable for the list connectivity tests method over gRPC. Lists all Connectivity Tests owned by a project. Returns: Callable[[~.ListConnectivityTestsRequest], ~.ListConnectivityTestsResponse]: A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC on the server. """ # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make # the request. # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need # to pass in the functions for each. if 'list_connectivity_tests' not in self._stubs: self._stubs['list_connectivity_tests'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( '/', request_serializer=reachability.ListConnectivityTestsRequest.serialize, response_deserializer=reachability.ListConnectivityTestsResponse.deserialize, ) return self._stubs['list_connectivity_tests'] @property def get_connectivity_test(self) -> Callable[ [reachability.GetConnectivityTestRequest], connectivity_test.ConnectivityTest]: r"""Return a callable for the get connectivity test method over gRPC. Gets the details of a specific Connectivity Test. Returns: Callable[[~.GetConnectivityTestRequest], ~.ConnectivityTest]: A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC on the server. """ # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make # the request. # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need # to pass in the functions for each. if 'get_connectivity_test' not in self._stubs: self._stubs['get_connectivity_test'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( '/', request_serializer=reachability.GetConnectivityTestRequest.serialize, response_deserializer=connectivity_test.ConnectivityTest.deserialize, ) return self._stubs['get_connectivity_test'] @property def create_connectivity_test(self) -> Callable[ [reachability.CreateConnectivityTestRequest], operations_pb2.Operation]: r"""Return a callable for the create connectivity test method over gRPC. Creates a new Connectivity Test. After you create a test, the reachability analysis is performed as part of the long running operation, which completes when the analysis completes. If the endpoint specifications in ``ConnectivityTest`` are invalid (for example, containing non-existent resources in the network, or you don't have read permissions to the network configurations of listed projects), then the reachability result returns a value of ``UNKNOWN``. If the endpoint specifications in ``ConnectivityTest`` are incomplete, the reachability result returns a value of AMBIGUOUS. For more information, see the Connectivity Test documentation. Returns: Callable[[~.CreateConnectivityTestRequest], ~.Operation]: A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC on the server. """ # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make # the request. # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need # to pass in the functions for each. if 'create_connectivity_test' not in self._stubs: self._stubs['create_connectivity_test'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( '/', request_serializer=reachability.CreateConnectivityTestRequest.serialize, response_deserializer=operations_pb2.Operation.FromString, ) return self._stubs['create_connectivity_test'] @property def update_connectivity_test(self) -> Callable[ [reachability.UpdateConnectivityTestRequest], operations_pb2.Operation]: r"""Return a callable for the update connectivity test method over gRPC. Updates the configuration of an existing ``ConnectivityTest``. After you update a test, the reachability analysis is performed as part of the long running operation, which completes when the analysis completes. The Reachability state in the test resource is updated with the new result. If the endpoint specifications in ``ConnectivityTest`` are invalid (for example, they contain non-existent resources in the network, or the user does not have read permissions to the network configurations of listed projects), then the reachability result returns a value of UNKNOWN. If the endpoint specifications in ``ConnectivityTest`` are incomplete, the reachability result returns a value of ``AMBIGUOUS``. See the documentation in ``ConnectivityTest`` for for more details. Returns: Callable[[~.UpdateConnectivityTestRequest], ~.Operation]: A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC on the server. """ # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make # the request. # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need # to pass in the functions for each. if 'update_connectivity_test' not in self._stubs: self._stubs['update_connectivity_test'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( '/', request_serializer=reachability.UpdateConnectivityTestRequest.serialize, response_deserializer=operations_pb2.Operation.FromString, ) return self._stubs['update_connectivity_test'] @property def rerun_connectivity_test(self) -> Callable[ [reachability.RerunConnectivityTestRequest], operations_pb2.Operation]: r"""Return a callable for the rerun connectivity test method over gRPC. Rerun an existing ``ConnectivityTest``. After the user triggers the rerun, the reachability analysis is performed as part of the long running operation, which completes when the analysis completes. Even though the test configuration remains the same, the reachability result may change due to underlying network configuration changes. If the endpoint specifications in ``ConnectivityTest`` become invalid (for example, specified resources are deleted in the network, or you lost read permissions to the network configurations of listed projects), then the reachability result returns a value of ``UNKNOWN``. Returns: Callable[[~.RerunConnectivityTestRequest], ~.Operation]: A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC on the server. """ # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make # the request. # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need # to pass in the functions for each. if 'rerun_connectivity_test' not in self._stubs: self._stubs['rerun_connectivity_test'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( '/', request_serializer=reachability.RerunConnectivityTestRequest.serialize, response_deserializer=operations_pb2.Operation.FromString, ) return self._stubs['rerun_connectivity_test'] @property def delete_connectivity_test(self) -> Callable[ [reachability.DeleteConnectivityTestRequest], operations_pb2.Operation]: r"""Return a callable for the delete connectivity test method over gRPC. Deletes a specific ``ConnectivityTest``. Returns: Callable[[~.DeleteConnectivityTestRequest], ~.Operation]: A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC on the server. """ # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make # the request. # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need # to pass in the functions for each. if 'delete_connectivity_test' not in self._stubs: self._stubs['delete_connectivity_test'] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( '/', request_serializer=reachability.DeleteConnectivityTestRequest.serialize, response_deserializer=operations_pb2.Operation.FromString, ) return self._stubs['delete_connectivity_test'] __all__ = ( 'ReachabilityServiceGrpcTransport', )
""" ========================================= Defenition to draw RDKIT mol object (:mod:`pgradd.DrawMol`) ========================================= Coverts a rdkit mol object to a svg image and display. """ from rdkit import Chem from rdkit.Chem import rdDepictor from rdkit.Chem.Draw import rdMolDraw2D from IPython.display import SVG, display # def moltosvg(mol, highlight=[], molSize=(400, 400), kekulize=True): mc = Chem.Mol(mol.ToBinary()) if kekulize: try: Chem.Kekulize(mc) except Exception: mc = Chem.Mol(mol.ToBinary()) if not mc.GetNumConformers(): rdDepictor.Compute2DCoords(mc) drawer = rdMolDraw2D.MolDraw2DSVG(molSize[0], molSize[1]) # Atom Label opts = drawer.drawOptions() # Atom name and index for i in range(mol.GetNumAtoms()): opts.atomLabels[i] = mol.GetAtomWithIdx(i).GetSymbol()+str(i) # radicals and charges for atom in mol.GetAtoms(): nr = atom.GetNumRadicalElectrons() nc = atom.GetFormalCharge() if nr > 0: string = atom.GetSymbol() + ':'*divmod(nr, 2)[0] +\ '.'*divmod(nr, 2)[1] opts.atomLabels[atom.GetIdx()] += string elif nc == 1: string = atom.GetSymbol() + '+' opts.atomLabels[atom.GetIdx()] += string elif nc > 1: string = atom.GetSymbol() + '+' + str(nc) opts.atomLabels[atom.GetIdx()] += string elif nc == -1: string = atom.GetSymbol() + '-' opts.atomLabels[atom.GetIdx()] += string elif nc < -1: string = atom.GetSymbol() + '-' + str(nc) opts.atomLabels[atom.GetIdx()] += string # highlight if highlight: drawer.DrawMolecule(mc, highlightAtoms=highlight) else: drawer.DrawMolecule(mc) drawer.FinishDrawing() svg = drawer.GetDrawingText() # It seems that the svg renderer used doesn't quite hit the spec. # Here are some fixes to make it work in the notebook, although I think # the underlying issue needs to be resolved at the generation step svg.replace('svg:', '') display(SVG(svg))
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2012-2021 SoftBank Robotics. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license (see the COPYING file). """ Collection of parser fonctions for qitests actions """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import os import qisys.parsers import qitest.project import qibuild.parsers class EmptyTestListException(Exception): """ No test to run exception """ pass def test_parser(parser, with_num_jobs=True): """ Test Parser """ qisys.parsers.worktree_parser(parser) group = parser.add_argument_group("test options") group.add_argument("--perf", dest="perf", action="store_true", help="run perfs tests instead of pure tests.") group.add_argument("-k", "--pattern", dest="patterns", action="append", help="Filter tests matching these patterns") group.add_argument("-x", "--exclude", dest="excludes", action="append", help="Exclude test matching these patterns") group.add_argument("-V", dest="verbose_tests", action="store_true", help="display tests output") group.add_argument("--valgrind", dest="valgrind", action="store_true", help="run tests under valgrind") group.add_argument("--nightmare", dest="nightmare", action="store_true", help="run tests in shuffle and 20 times (apply only to gtest)") group.add_argument("--coverage", dest="coverage", action="store_true", help="run coverage") group.add_argument("--ncpu", dest="num_cpus", default=-1, type=int, help="set number of CPU each test is allowed to use (linux)") group.add_argument("--nightly", action="store_true", dest="nightly") group.add_argument("--break-on-failure", action="store_true", dest="break_on_failure", help="Break on failure (for gtest only)") group.add_argument("--repeat-until-fail", default=0, type=int, metavar="N", help="Repeat tests until they fail (at most N times)") group.add_argument("--qitest-json", dest="qitest_jsons", action="append") group.add_argument("--test-output-dir", type=os.path.abspath, dest="test_output_dir", help="Generate XML test reports in the given directory " "(instead of build-<platform>/sdk/test-results)") group.add_argument("--coverage-output-dir", dest="coverage_output_dir", help="Generate XML and HTML coverage reports in the given " "directory (instead of build-<platform>/sdk/coverage-results)") group.add_argument("--root-output-dir", dest="test_output_dir", metavar="ROOT_OUTPUT_DIR", help="same as --test-output-dir (deprecated)") group.add_argument("--no-capture", dest="capture", action="store_false") group.add_argument("--ignore-timeouts", dest="ignore_timeouts", action="store_true", help="Ignore timeouts when running tests") group.add_argument("--lf", "--last-failed", dest="last_failed", action="store_true", help="Run the failing test from previous run") group.add_argument("--allow-no-test", dest="allow_no_test", action="store_true", help="Don't fail if no tests to run") parser.set_defaults(nightly=False, capture=True, last_failed=False, ignore_timeouts=False) if with_num_jobs: qisys.parsers.parallel_parser(group, default=1) return group def get_test_runner(args, build_project=None, qitest_json=None): """ Get Test Runner """ test_project = None if not qitest_json: qitest_json = vars(args).get("qitest_json") if not qitest_json: candidate = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "qitest.json") if os.path.exists(candidate): qitest_json = candidate if qitest_json: test_project = qitest.project.TestProject(qitest_json) if not test_project: if build_project: test_project = build_project.to_test_project() else: return None test_runner = qibuild.test_runner.ProjectTestRunner(test_project) if build_project: test_runner.cwd = build_project.sdk_directory test_runner.env = build_project.build_worktree.get_env() else: test_runner.cwd = test_runner.patterns = args.patterns test_runner.excludes = args.excludes test_runner.perf = args.perf test_runner.coverage = args.coverage test_runner.break_on_failure = args.break_on_failure test_runner.valgrind = args.valgrind test_runner.verbose = args.verbose_tests test_runner.num_cpus = args.num_cpus test_runner.num_jobs = args.num_jobs test_runner.repeat_until_fail = args.repeat_until_fail test_runner.nightly = args.nightly test_runner.nightmare = args.nightmare test_runner.test_output_dir = args.test_output_dir test_runner.capture = args.capture test_runner.last_failed = args.last_failed test_runner.ignore_timeouts = args.ignore_timeouts return test_runner def parse_build_projects(args): """ Parse Build Projects """ res = list() try: build_worktree = qibuild.parsers.get_build_worktree(args) solve_deps = False if args.use_deps: solve_deps = True build_projects = qibuild.parsers.get_build_projects( build_worktree, args, solve_deps=solve_deps) for build_project in build_projects: test_runner = None try: test_runner = get_test_runner(args, build_project=build_project) except qibuild.project.NoQiTestJson: pass if test_runner: res.append(test_runner) except (qisys.worktree.NotInWorkTree, qibuild.parsers.CouldNotGuessProjectName): pass return res def get_test_runners(args): """ Get Test Runners """ res = list() qitest_jsons = args.qitest_jsons or list() # first case: qitest.json in current working directory test_runner = get_test_runner(args) if test_runner: res.append(test_runner) # second case: qitest.json specified with --qitest-json for qitest_json in qitest_jsons: test_runner = get_test_runner(args, qitest_json=qitest_json) res.append(test_runner) # third case: parsing build projects build_projects_runners = parse_build_projects(args) # avoid appending a test_runner guessed from a build project # when res already contains a test runner computed from a # --qitest-json argument known_cwds = [x.cwd for x in res] for test_runner in build_projects_runners: if test_runner.cwd not in known_cwds: res.append(test_runner) if args.coverage and not build_projects_runners: raise Exception("""--coverage can only be used from a qibuild CMake project\n""") elif args.coverage: return build_projects_runners if not res: raise EmptyTestListException("Nothing found to test") return res
import unittest import __builtin__ import exceptions import warnings from test.test_support import run_unittest import os from platform import system as platform_system def ignore_message_warning(): """Ignore the DeprecationWarning for BaseException.message.""" warnings.resetwarnings() warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "BaseException.message", DeprecationWarning) class ExceptionClassTests(unittest.TestCase): """Tests for anything relating to exception objects themselves (e.g., inheritance hierarchy)""" def test_builtins_new_style(self): self.failUnless(issubclass(Exception, object)) def verify_instance_interface(self, ins): with warnings.catch_warnings(): ignore_message_warning() for attr in ("args", "message", "__str__", "__repr__", "__getitem__"): self.failUnless(hasattr(ins, attr), "%s missing %s attribute" % (ins.__class__.__name__, attr)) def test_inheritance(self): # Make sure the inheritance hierarchy matches the documentation exc_set = set(x for x in dir(exceptions) if not x.startswith('_')) inheritance_tree = open(os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], 'exception_hierarchy.txt')) try: superclass_name = inheritance_tree.readline().rstrip() try: last_exc = getattr(__builtin__, superclass_name) except AttributeError:"base class %s not a built-in" % superclass_name) self.failUnless(superclass_name in exc_set) exc_set.discard(superclass_name) superclasses = [] # Loop will insert base exception last_depth = 0 for exc_line in inheritance_tree: exc_line = exc_line.rstrip() depth = exc_line.rindex('-') exc_name = exc_line[depth+2:] # Slice past space if '(' in exc_name: paren_index = exc_name.index('(') platform_name = exc_name[paren_index+1:-1] exc_name = exc_name[:paren_index-1] # Slice off space if platform_system() != platform_name: exc_set.discard(exc_name) continue if '[' in exc_name: left_bracket = exc_name.index('[') exc_name = exc_name[:left_bracket-1] # cover space try: exc = getattr(__builtin__, exc_name) except AttributeError:"%s not a built-in exception" % exc_name) if last_depth < depth: superclasses.append((last_depth, last_exc)) elif last_depth > depth: while superclasses[-1][0] >= depth: superclasses.pop() self.failUnless(issubclass(exc, superclasses[-1][1]), "%s is not a subclass of %s" % (exc.__name__, superclasses[-1][1].__name__)) try: # Some exceptions require arguments; just skip them self.verify_instance_interface(exc()) except TypeError: pass self.failUnless(exc_name in exc_set) exc_set.discard(exc_name) last_exc = exc last_depth = depth finally: inheritance_tree.close() self.failUnlessEqual(len(exc_set), 0, "%s not accounted for" % exc_set) interface_tests = ("length", "args", "message", "str", "unicode", "repr", "indexing") def interface_test_driver(self, results): for test_name, (given, expected) in zip(self.interface_tests, results): self.failUnlessEqual(given, expected, "%s: %s != %s" % (test_name, given, expected)) def test_interface_single_arg(self): # Make sure interface works properly when given a single argument arg = "spam" exc = Exception(arg) with warnings.catch_warnings(): ignore_message_warning() results = ([len(exc.args), 1], [exc.args[0], arg], [exc.message, arg], [str(exc), str(arg)], [unicode(exc), unicode(arg)], [repr(exc), exc.__class__.__name__ + repr(exc.args)], [exc[0], arg]) self.interface_test_driver(results) def test_interface_multi_arg(self): # Make sure interface correct when multiple arguments given arg_count = 3 args = tuple(range(arg_count)) exc = Exception(*args) with warnings.catch_warnings(): ignore_message_warning() results = ([len(exc.args), arg_count], [exc.args, args], [exc.message, ''], [str(exc), str(args)], [unicode(exc), unicode(args)], [repr(exc), exc.__class__.__name__ + repr(exc.args)], [exc[-1], args[-1]]) self.interface_test_driver(results) def test_interface_no_arg(self): # Make sure that with no args that interface is correct exc = Exception() with warnings.catch_warnings(): ignore_message_warning() results = ([len(exc.args), 0], [exc.args, tuple()], [exc.message, ''], [str(exc), ''], [unicode(exc), u''], [repr(exc), exc.__class__.__name__ + '()'], [True, True]) self.interface_test_driver(results) def test_message_deprecation(self): # As of Python 2.6, BaseException.message is deprecated. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.resetwarnings() warnings.filterwarnings('error') try: BaseException().message except DeprecationWarning: pass else:"BaseException.message not deprecated") exc = BaseException() try: exc.message = '' except DeprecationWarning: pass else:"BaseException.message assignment not deprecated") class UsageTests(unittest.TestCase): """Test usage of exceptions""" def raise_fails(self, object_): """Make sure that raising 'object_' triggers a TypeError.""" try: raise object_ except TypeError: return # What is expected."TypeError expected for raising %s" % type(object_)) def catch_fails(self, object_): """Catching 'object_' should raise a TypeError.""" try: try: raise StandardError except object_: pass except TypeError: pass except StandardError:"TypeError expected when catching %s" % type(object_)) try: try: raise StandardError except (object_,): pass except TypeError: return except StandardError:"TypeError expected when catching %s as specified in a " "tuple" % type(object_)) def test_raise_classic(self): # Raising a classic class is okay (for now). class ClassicClass: pass try: raise ClassicClass except ClassicClass: pass except:"unable to raise classic class") try: raise ClassicClass() except ClassicClass: pass except:"unable to raise class class instance") def test_raise_new_style_non_exception(self): # You cannot raise a new-style class that does not inherit from # BaseException; the ability was not possible until BaseException's # introduction so no need to support new-style objects that do not # inherit from it. class NewStyleClass(object): pass self.raise_fails(NewStyleClass) self.raise_fails(NewStyleClass()) def test_raise_string(self): # Raising a string raises TypeError. self.raise_fails("spam") def test_catch_string(self): # Catching a string should trigger a DeprecationWarning. with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.resetwarnings() warnings.filterwarnings("error") str_exc = "spam" try: try: raise StandardError except str_exc: pass except DeprecationWarning: pass except StandardError:"catching a string exception did not raise " "DeprecationWarning") # Make sure that even if the string exception is listed in a tuple # that a warning is raised. try: try: raise StandardError except (AssertionError, str_exc): pass except DeprecationWarning: pass except StandardError:"catching a string exception specified in a tuple did " "not raise DeprecationWarning") def test_main(): run_unittest(ExceptionClassTests, UsageTests) if __name__ == '__main__': test_main()
#._cv_part guppy.heapy.Part class Format(object): __slots__ = 'impl', 'mod' def __init__(self, impl): self.impl = impl self.mod = impl.mod def get_formatted_row(self, row): fr = self.get_stat_data(row) rows = [] rs ='\n') subsequent_indent = len(fr)*' ' rows.extend(self.mod.wrap( fr+rs[0], width=self.mod.line_length, subsequent_indent=subsequent_indent)) for r in rs[1:]: rows.extend(self.mod.wrap( r, width=self.mod.line_length, initial_indent=subsequent_indent, subsequent_indent=subsequent_indent)) return '\n'.join(rows) def get_more_index(self, idx=None): if idx is None: idx = 0 idx += 10 return idx def get_row_header(self): impl = self.impl if not (impl.count or impl.size): return '' sh = self.get_stat_header() return self.mod.fill( sh + self.impl.kindheader, width=self.mod.line_length, subsequent_indent=' '*len(sh)) def load_statrow_csk(self, r): impl = self.impl count, size, kind = r.split(' ', 2) count = int(count) size = int(size) impl.cum_size += size return StatRow(count, size, kind, impl.cur_index, impl.cum_size) def load_statrow_sk(self, r): impl = self.impl size, kind = r.split(' ', 1) size = int(size) impl.cum_size += size return StatRow(1, size, kind, impl.cur_index, impl.cum_size) def ppob(self, ob, idx=None): impl = self.impl if idx is None: label = self.get_label() if label is not None: print >>ob, label idx = 0 if idx < 0: idx = impl.numrows + startindex it = impl.get_rows(idx) print >>ob, self.get_row_header() numrows = 0 for row in it: form = self.get_formatted_row(row) print >>ob, form numrows += 1 if numrows >= 10: nummore = impl.numrows - 1 - row.index if nummore > 1: print >>ob, \ "<%d more rows. Type e.g. '_.more' to view.>"%nummore break class SetFormat(Format): __slots__ = () def get_label(self): impl = self.impl if impl.count != 1: s = 's' else: s = '' return 'Partition of a set of %d object%s. Total size = %d bytes.'%( impl.count, s, impl.size) def get_rowdata(self, row): return '%d %d %s'%(row.count, row.size, def get_stat_header(self): return ( ' Index Count % Size % Cumulative % ') def get_stat_data(self, row): format = '%6d %6d %3d %8d %3d %9d %3d ' impl = self.impl fr = format % ( row.index, row.count, int('%.0f'%(row.count * 100.0/impl.count)), row.size, int('%.0f'%(row.size * 100.0/impl.size)), row.cumulsize, int('%.0f'%(row.cumulsize * 100.0/impl.size)), ) return fr def load_statrow(self, r): return self.load_statrow_csk(r) class IdFormat(Format): __slots__ = () def get_label(self): impl = self.impl if impl.count != 1: s = 's' else: s = '' return ( 'Set of %d %s object%s. Total size = %d bytes.'%( impl.count, impl.kindname, s, impl.size)) return part def get_rowdata(self, row): return '%d %s'%(row.size, def get_stat_header(self): return ( ' Index Size % Cumulative % ') def get_stat_data(self, row): impl = self.impl format = '%6d %8d %5.1f %9d %5.1f ' fr = format % ( row.index, row.size, (row.size * 100.0/impl.size), row.cumulsize, row.cumulsize * 100.0/impl.size, ) return fr def load_statrow(self, r): return self.load_statrow_sk(r) class DiffFormat(Format): __slots__ = () def _percent_of_b(self, size): if self.impl.b_size != 0: return '%9.3g'%(size*100.0/self.impl.b_size,) else: return ' (n.a.)' def get_label(self): impl = self.impl x = ( 'Summary of difference operation (A-B).\n'+ ' Count Size\n'+ ' A %6d %8d\n'%(impl.count+impl.b_count, impl.size+impl.b_size)+ ' B %6d %8d\n'%(impl.b_count, impl.b_size)+ ' A-B %6d %8d = %s %% of B\n'%(impl.count, impl.size, self._percent_of_b(impl.size))) if impl.count or impl.size: x += '\nDifferences by kind, largest absolute size diffs first.' return x def get_rowdata(self, row): return '%d %d %s'%(row.count, row.size, def get_stat_header(self): return ( ' Index Count Size Cumulative % of B ') def get_stat_data(self, row): impl = self.impl format = '%6d %6d %8d %9d %s ' fr = format % ( row.index, row.count, row.size, row.cumulsize, self._percent_of_b(row.cumulsize), ) return fr def load_statrow(self, r): return self.load_statrow_csk(r) class StatRow(object): __slots__ = 'count', 'size', 'name', 'index', 'cumulsize' def __init__(self, count, size, name, index=None, cumulsize=None): self.count = count self.size = size = name self.index = index self.cumulsize = cumulsize class PartRow(StatRow): __slots__ = 'set', 'kind' def __init__(self, count, size, name, index, cumulsize, set, kind): self.count = count self.size = size = name self.index = index self.cumulsize = cumulsize self.set = set self.kind = kind class Stat: def __init__(self, mod, get_trows, firstheader=''): self.mod = mod self._hiding_tag_ = mod._hiding_tag_ self.get_trows = get_trows self.firstheader = firstheader = iter(get_trows()) self.cur_index = 0 self.cum_size = 0 self.rows = [] r = self.get_next() while r and not r.startswith('.r:'): name = r[1:r.index(':')] value = r[r.index(':')+1:].strip() try: value = int(value) except ValueError: pass setattr(self, name, value) r = self.get_next() self.format_name = self.format self.format_class = getattr(self.mod, self.format) self.format = self.format_class(self) self.timemade = float(self.timemade) def __getitem__(self, idx): if isinstance(idx, (int, long)): if idx < 0: idx = self.numrows + idx if not (0 <= idx < self.numrows): raise IndexError, 'Stat index out of range.' rows = [self.get_row(idx)] elif isinstance(idx, slice): start, stop, step = idx.indices(self.numrows) rows = [self.get_row(idx) for idx in range(start, stop, step)] else: raise IndexError, 'Stat indices must be integers or slices.' count = 0 size = 0 for r in rows: count += r.count size += r.size trows = [ '.loader: _load_stat', '.format: %s'%self.format_name, '.timemade: %f'%self.timemade, '.count: %d'%count, '.size: %d'%size, '.kindheader: %s'%self.kindheader, '.kindname: %s'%self.kindname, '.numrows: %d'%len(rows), ] if getattr(self, 'b_count', None) is not None: trows.append('.b_count: %d'%self.b_count) trows.append('.b_size: %d'%self.b_size) for r in rows: trows.append('.r: %s'%self.format.get_rowdata(r)) return self.mod.load(trows) def __len__(self): return self.numrows def __repr__(self): ob = self.mod.output_buffer() self.ppob(ob) return self.firstheader + ob.getvalue().rstrip() def __sub__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Stat): raise TypeError, 'Can only take difference with other Stat instance.' if self.kindheader != other.kindheader: raise ValueError, 'Mismatching table kind header, %r vs %r.'%( self.kindheader, other.kindheader) rows = [] otab = {} stab = {} for r in other.get_rows(): o = otab.get( if o: otab[] = StatRow(r.count+o.count, r.size+o.size,, o.index, None) else: otab[] = r for r in self.get_rows(): o = otab.get( if o: del otab[] count = r.count - o.count size = r.size - o.size else: count = r.count size = r.size if count == 0 and size == 0: continue sr = stab.get( if sr: sr.count += count sr.size += size else: sr = StatRow(count, size, stab[] = sr rows.append(sr) rs = otab.values() rs.sort(lambda x,y:cmp(x.index, y.index)) # Preserve orig. order for r in rs: sr = StatRow(-r.count, -r.size, assert not in stab rows.append(sr) rows.sort(lambda x,y:cmp(abs(y.size), abs(x.size))) cumulcount = 0 cumulsize = 0 for r in rows: cumulcount += r.count cumulsize += r.size r.cumulsize = cumulsize trows = [ '.loader: _load_stat', '.format: DiffFormat', '.timemade: %f'%self.mod.time.time(), '.b_count: %d'%other.count, '.b_size: %d'%other.size, '.count: %d'%cumulcount, '.size: %d'%cumulsize, '.kindheader: %s'%self.kindheader, '.kindname: %s'%self.kindname, '.numrows: %d'%len(rows), ] for r in rows: trows.append('.r: %d %d %s'%(r.count, r.size, return self.mod.load(trows) def dump(self, fn, mode='a'): if not hasattr(fn, 'write'): f = open(fn, mode) else: f = fn try: for r in self.get_trows(): if not r[-1:] == '\n': r += '\n' f.write(r) end = '.end: .loader: %s\n'%self.loader if r != end: f.write(end) finally: if f is not fn: f.close() def _get_more(self): return self.mod.basic_more_printer(self, self) more = property(_get_more) def get_more_index(self, idx=None): return self.format.get_more_index(idx) def get_next(self): try: r = except StopIteration: r = None else: r = r.rstrip('\n') self.last = r return r def get_row(self, idx): while idx >= len(self.rows): self.parse_next_row() return self.rows[idx] def get_rows(self, idx = None): if idx is None: idx = 0 while idx < self.numrows: try: row = self.get_row(idx) except IndexError: return else: yield row idx += 1 def get_rows_of_kinds(self, kinds): # Return the rows with names in sequence kinds of unique names # in that order. None if no such kind. kindtab = {} N = len(kinds) res = [None] * len(kinds) for i, kind in enumerate(kinds): kindtab[kind] = i assert len(kindtab) == N n = 0 for row in self.get_rows(): idx = kindtab.get( if idx is not None: res[idx] = row n += 1 if n >= N: break return res def get_rows_n_and_other(self, N, sortby='Size'): # Get N rows, the largest first # mix in an '<Other>' row at a sorted position # Size is either size if sortby = 'Size', # or count if sortby = 'Count'. # Returns a NEW LIST (caller may modify/sort it) if sortby not in ('Size', 'Count'): raise ValueError, "Argument 'sortby' must be 'Size' or 'Count'." # Rows are already sorted by Size, largest first. # If they want by Count, we need to resort them. rows = self.get_rows() if sortby == 'Count': rows = list(rows) rows.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(y.count, x.count)) retrows = [] cumulcount = 0 cumulsize = 0 for (i, r) in enumerate(rows): if i >= N: othercount = self.count - cumulcount othersize = self.size - cumulsize other = StatRow(othercount, othersize, '<Other>') if sortby == 'Size': for (i, r) in enumerate(retrows): if r.size < othersize: retrows[i:i] = [other] break else: retrows.append(other) elif sortby == 'Count': for (i, r) in enumerate(retrows): if r.count < othercount: retrows[i:i] = [other] break else: retrows.append(other) else: assert 0 break cumulcount += r.count cumulsize += r.size retrows.append(r) else: assert cumulcount == self.count assert cumulsize == self.size return retrows def parse_next_row(self): r = self.last if not r: raise IndexError, 'Row index out of range.' if r.startswith('.r: '): r = r[4:] sr = self.format.load_statrow(r) self.cur_index += 1 self.rows.append(sr) self.get_next() return elif r.startswith('.end'): raise IndexError, 'Row index out of range.' else: raise SyntaxError def ppob(self, ob, idx=None): return self.format.ppob(ob, idx) class Partition: def __init__(self, mod, set, er): self.mod = mod self.set = set = er self._hiding_tag_ = mod._hiding_tag_ self.timemade = mod.time.time() def __iter__(self): # The default iteration is over the sets # To iterate over rows (if more info is needed), get_rows() is available. return self.get_sets() def get_more_index(self, idx=None): return self.format.get_more_index(idx) def get_rows(self, rowindex = None): # Iterator over rows if rowindex is None: rowindex = 0 while 1: try: row = self.get_row(rowindex) except IndexError: return else: yield row rowindex += 1 def get_set(self, index): if isinstance(index, slice): start, stop, step = index.indices(self.numrows) ns = self.get_nodeset(start, stop, step) return self.mod.idset(ns, else: if index < 0: index += self.numrows return self.get_rowset(index) def get_sets(self, index=None): for idx in range(self.numrows): yield self.get_rowset(idx) def get_stat(self): # Avoid any references into the set! trows = list(self.get_trows()) def get_trows(): return trows return self.mod._load_stat(get_trows) def get_trows(self): yield '.loader: _load_stat' yield '.format: %s'%self.format.__class__.__name__ yield '.timemade: %f'%self.timemade yield '.count: %d'%self.count yield '.size: %d'%self.size yield '.kindname: %s'%self.kindname yield '.kindheader: %s'%self.kindheader yield '.numrows: %d'%self.numrows for row in self.get_rows(): yield '.r: %s'%self.format.get_rowdata(row) def init_format(self, FormatClass): self.format = FormatClass(self) def ppob(self, ob, idx=None): return self.format.ppob(ob, idx) class IdentityPartitionCluster(object): # Contains objects of same size. # to speed up management of identity partition # - since otherwise we'd have to sort all the objects, # on their string representation in worst case. __slots__ = 'objects','locount','hicount','losize','obsize','issorted' def __init__(self, objects, locount, count, losize, obsize): self.objects = objects # tuple of objects in this segment self.locount = locount # count BEFORE objects in this cluster self.hicount = locount+count # count AFTER these objects self.losize = losize # size BEFORE objects in this cluster self.obsize = obsize # size of EACH object in this segment self.issorted = False # indicates if .objects is sorted class IdentityPartition(Partition): def __init__(self, mod, set, er): Partition.__init__(self, mod, set, er) clusters = [] sizeclasses = mod.Size.classifier.partition_cli(set.nodes) sizeclasses.sort() sizeclasses.reverse() totcount = 0 totsize = 0 for size, v in sizeclasses: count = len(v) clusters.append(IdentityPartitionCluster( self.mod.observation_list(v), totcount, count, totsize, size)) totsize += size * count totcount += count assert totcount == set.count self.cluidx = 0 self.clusters = clusters self.count = totcount self.kind = kind = set.byclodo.kind self.kindheader = kind.fam.c_get_idpart_header(kind) self.kindname = kind.fam.c_get_idpart_label(kind) self.numrows = totcount self.render = kind.fam.c_get_idpart_render(kind) self.size = totsize self.sortrender = kind.fam.c_get_idpart_sortrender(kind) self.init_format(IdFormat) def get_nodeset(self, start, stop, step): return self.get_nodeset_cluster(start, stop, step)[0] def get_nodeset_cluster(self, start, stop, step): if step <= 0: raise ValueError, 'Step must be positive.' ns = self.mod.mutnodeset() if start >= stop: return (ns, None) clusters = self.clusters lo = 0 hi = len(clusters) cluidx = self.cluidx while lo < hi: clu = clusters[cluidx] if clu.locount <= start: if start < clu.hicount: break else: lo = cluidx + 1 else: hi = cluidx cluidx = (lo + hi) // 2 else: return (ns, None) clu_to_return = clu while 1: objects = clu.objects if start != clu.locount or stop < clu.hicount or step != 1: if not clu.issorted: sortrender = self.sortrender if sortrender == 'IDENTITY': ks = objects else: ks = [sortrender(x) for x in objects] ks = [(kind, i) for i, kind in enumerate(ks)] ks.sort() clu.objects = objects = self.mod.observation_list( [objects[i] for (kind, i) in ks]) clu.issorted = True objects = objects[start-clu.locount:stop-clu.locount:step] ns |= objects self.cluidx = cluidx # memo till next call start += len(objects)*step if start >= stop: break for cluidx in range(cluidx + 1, len(clusters)): clu = clusters[cluidx] if clu.locount <= start < clu.hicount: break else: break return (ns, clu_to_return) def get_row(self, rowidx): ns, clu = self.get_nodeset_cluster(rowidx, rowidx+1, 1) if not ns: raise IndexError, 'Partition index out of range.' vi = self.mod.idset(ns, row = PartRow(1, clu.obsize, self.render(vi.theone), rowidx, (rowidx+1-clu.locount)*clu.obsize + clu.losize, vi, vi.kind) return row def get_rowset(self, rowidx): ns = self.get_nodeset(rowidx, rowidx+1, 1) if not ns: raise IndexError, 'Partition index out of range.' return self.mod.idset(ns, class SetPartition(Partition): def __init__(self, mod, set, er): Partition.__init__(self, mod, set, er) classifier = er.classifier tosort = [(-part.size, classifier.get_tabrendering(kind, ''), kind, part) for (kind, part) in classifier.partition(set.nodes)] tosort.sort() cumulsize = 0 rows = [] for (minusize, name, kind, part) in tosort: size = -minusize cumulsize += size # assert size == part.size rows.append(PartRow( part.count, size, name, len(rows), cumulsize, part, kind)) # No check. Sizes may change. Note feb 8 2006. #assert cumulsize == set.size self.count = set.count self.kindheader = classifier.get_tabheader('') self.kindname = '' self.numrows = len(rows) self.rows = rows self.size = cumulsize self.init_format(SetFormat) def get_nodeset(self, start, stop, step): if step <= 0: raise ValueError, 'Step must be positive.' ns = self.mod.mutnodeset() while start < stop: ns |= self.rows[start].set.nodes start += step return ns def get_row(self, idx): try: return self.rows[idx] except IndexError: raise IndexError, 'Partition index out of range.' def get_rowset(self, idx): return self.get_row(idx).set class _GLUECLAMP_: _preload_ = ('_hiding_tag_',) _chgable_ = ('line_length', 'backup_suffix') _imports_ = ( '_parent.OutputHandling:output_buffer', '_parent.OutputHandling:basic_more_printer', '_parent.ImpSet:mutnodeset', '_parent.Use:Id', '_parent.Use:Size', '_parent.Use:idset', '_parent.Use:load', '_parent.View:_hiding_tag_', '_parent.View:observation_list', '_root.os:rename', '_root.textwrap:fill', '_root.textwrap:wrap', '_root.textwrap:wrap', '_root:time', ) # 'Config' line_length = 100 backup_suffix = '.old' # Factory method def partition(self, set, er): if er.classifier is self.Id.classifier: return IdentityPartition(self, set, er) else: return SetPartition(self, set, er) # Private - Use.load is intended to be used directly. def _load_stat(self, get_trows): return Stat(self, get_trows)
# (c) 2016, Saran Ahluwalia <[email protected]> # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see <>. from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import os from ansible.errors import AnsibleActionFail from units.compat import unittest from units.compat.mock import patch, MagicMock, Mock from ansible.plugins.action.raw import ActionModule from ansible.playbook.task import Task from ansible.plugins.loader import connection_loader play_context = Mock() = 'sh' connection = connection_loader.get('local', play_context, os.devnull) class TestCopyResultExclude(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): pass def tearDown(self): pass # The current behavior of the raw aciton in regards to executable is currently in question; # the test_raw_executable_is_not_empty_string verifies the current behavior (whether it is desireed or not. # Please refer to the following for context: # Issue: # PR: def test_raw_executable_is_not_empty_string(self): task = MagicMock(Task) task.async_val = False task.args = {'_raw_params': 'Args1'} play_context.check_mode = False self.mock_am = ActionModule(task, connection, play_context, loader=None, templar=None, shared_loader_obj=None) self.mock_am._low_level_execute_command = Mock(return_value={}) self.mock_am.display = Mock() self.mock_am._admin_users = ['root', 'toor'] self.mock_am._low_level_execute_command.assert_called_with('Args1', executable=False) def test_raw_check_mode_is_True(self): task = MagicMock(Task) task.async_val = False task.args = {'_raw_params': 'Args1'} play_context.check_mode = True try: self.mock_am = ActionModule(task, connection, play_context, loader=None, templar=None, shared_loader_obj=None) except AnsibleActionFail: pass def test_raw_test_environment_is_None(self): task = MagicMock(Task) task.async_val = False task.args = {'_raw_params': 'Args1'} task.environment = None play_context.check_mode = False self.mock_am = ActionModule(task, connection, play_context, loader=None, templar=None, shared_loader_obj=None) self.mock_am._low_level_execute_command = Mock(return_value={}) self.mock_am.display = Mock() self.assertEqual(task.environment, None) def test_raw_task_vars_is_not_None(self): task = MagicMock(Task) task.async_val = False task.args = {'_raw_params': 'Args1'} task.environment = None play_context.check_mode = False self.mock_am = ActionModule(task, connection, play_context, loader=None, templar=None, shared_loader_obj=None) self.mock_am._low_level_execute_command = Mock(return_value={}) self.mock_am.display = Mock(){'a': 'b'}) self.assertEqual(task.environment, None)
def extractCurrentlyTLingBuniMi(item): """ """ vol, chp, frag, postfix = extractVolChapterFragmentPostfix(item['title']) if not (chp or vol or frag) or 'preview' in item['title'].lower(): return None if item['title'].startswith('[BNM]'): return buildReleaseMessageWithType(item, 'Bu ni Mi wo Sasagete Hyaku to Yonen. Elf de Yarinaosu Musha Shugyou', vol, chp, frag=frag, postfix=postfix) if item['title'].startswith('[DD]'): return buildReleaseMessageWithType(item, 'Doll Dungeon', vol, chp, frag=frag, postfix=postfix) if item['title'].startswith('[HCLS]'): return buildReleaseMessageWithType(item, 'High Comprehension Low Strength', vol, chp, frag=frag, postfix=postfix) tagmap = [ ('Abyss Domination', 'Abyss Domination', 'translated'), ('Nine Yang Sword Saint', 'Nine Yang Sword Saint', 'translated'), ('Mysterious World Beast God', 'Mysterious World Beast God', 'translated'), ] for tagname, name, tl_type in tagmap: if tagname in item['tags']: return buildReleaseMessageWithType(item, name, vol, chp, frag=frag, postfix=postfix, tl_type=tl_type) return False
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) 2015, Alejandro Guirao <[email protected]> # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: taiga_issue short_description: Creates/deletes an issue in a Taiga Project Management Platform description: - Creates/deletes an issue in a Taiga Project Management Platform (U( - An issue is identified by the combination of project, issue subject and issue type. - This module implements the creation or deletion of issues (not the update). version_added: "2.0" options: taiga_host: description: - The hostname of the Taiga instance. default: project: description: - Name of the project containing the issue. Must exist previously. required: True subject: description: - The issue subject. required: True issue_type: description: - The issue type. Must exist previously. required: True priority: description: - The issue priority. Must exist previously. default: Normal status: description: - The issue status. Must exist previously. default: New severity: description: - The issue severity. Must exist previously. default: Normal description: description: - The issue description. default: "" attachment: description: - Path to a file to be attached to the issue. attachment_description: description: - A string describing the file to be attached to the issue. default: "" tags: description: - A lists of tags to be assigned to the issue. default: [] state: description: - Whether the issue should be present or not. choices: ["present", "absent"] default: present author: Alejandro Guirao (@lekum) requirements: [python-taiga] notes: - The authentication is achieved either by the environment variable TAIGA_TOKEN or by the pair of environment variables TAIGA_USERNAME and TAIGA_PASSWORD ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Create an issue in the my hosted Taiga environment and attach an error log - taiga_issue: taiga_host: project: myproject subject: An error has been found issue_type: Bug priority: High status: New severity: Important description: An error has been found. Please check the attached error log for details. attachment: /path/to/error.log attachment_description: Error log file tags: - Error - Needs manual check state: present # Deletes the previously created issue - taiga_issue: taiga_host: project: myproject subject: An error has been found issue_type: Bug state: absent ''' RETURN = '''# ''' import traceback from os import getenv from os.path import isfile from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native TAIGA_IMP_ERR = None try: from taiga import TaigaAPI from taiga.exceptions import TaigaException TAIGA_MODULE_IMPORTED = True except ImportError: TAIGA_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc() TAIGA_MODULE_IMPORTED = False def manage_issue(module, taiga_host, project_name, issue_subject, issue_priority, issue_status, issue_type, issue_severity, issue_description, issue_attachment, issue_attachment_description, issue_tags, state, check_mode=False): """ Method that creates/deletes issues depending whether they exist and the state desired The credentials should be passed via environment variables: - TAIGA_TOKEN - TAIGA_USERNAME and TAIGA_PASSWORD Returns a tuple with these elements: - A boolean representing the success of the operation - A descriptive message - A dict with the issue attributes, in case of issue creation, otherwise empty dict """ changed = False try: token = getenv('TAIGA_TOKEN') if token: api = TaigaAPI(host=taiga_host, token=token) else: api = TaigaAPI(host=taiga_host) username = getenv('TAIGA_USERNAME') password = getenv('TAIGA_PASSWORD') if not any([username, password]): return (False, changed, "Missing credentials", {}) api.auth(username=username, password=password) user_id = project_list = filter(lambda x: == project_name, api.projects.list(member=user_id)) if len(project_list) != 1: return (False, changed, "Unable to find project %s" % project_name, {}) project = project_list[0] project_id = priority_list = filter(lambda x: == issue_priority, api.priorities.list(project=project_id)) if len(priority_list) != 1: return (False, changed, "Unable to find issue priority %s for project %s" % (issue_priority, project_name), {}) priority_id = priority_list[0].id status_list = filter(lambda x: == issue_status, api.issue_statuses.list(project=project_id)) if len(status_list) != 1: return (False, changed, "Unable to find issue status %s for project %s" % (issue_status, project_name), {}) status_id = status_list[0].id type_list = filter(lambda x: == issue_type, project.list_issue_types()) if len(type_list) != 1: return (False, changed, "Unable to find issue type %s for project %s" % (issue_type, project_name), {}) type_id = type_list[0].id severity_list = filter(lambda x: == issue_severity, project.list_severities()) if len(severity_list) != 1: return (False, changed, "Unable to find severity %s for project %s" % (issue_severity, project_name), {}) severity_id = severity_list[0].id issue = { "project": project_name, "subject": issue_subject, "priority": issue_priority, "status": issue_status, "type": issue_type, "severity": issue_severity, "description": issue_description, "tags": issue_tags, } # An issue is identified by the project_name, the issue_subject and the issue_type matching_issue_list = filter(lambda x: x.subject == issue_subject and x.type == type_id, project.list_issues()) matching_issue_list_len = len(matching_issue_list) if matching_issue_list_len == 0: # The issue does not exist in the project if state == "present": # This implies a change changed = True if not check_mode: # Create the issue new_issue = project.add_issue(issue_subject, priority_id, status_id, type_id, severity_id, tags=issue_tags, description=issue_description) if issue_attachment: new_issue.attach(issue_attachment, description=issue_attachment_description) issue["attachment"] = issue_attachment issue["attachment_description"] = issue_attachment_description return (True, changed, "Issue created", issue) else: # If does not exist, do nothing return (True, changed, "Issue does not exist", {}) elif matching_issue_list_len == 1: # The issue exists in the project if state == "absent": # This implies a change changed = True if not check_mode: # Delete the issue matching_issue_list[0].delete() return (True, changed, "Issue deleted", {}) else: # Do nothing return (True, changed, "Issue already exists", {}) else: # More than 1 matching issue return (False, changed, "More than one issue with subject %s in project %s" % (issue_subject, project_name), {}) except TaigaException as exc: msg = "An exception happened: %s" % to_native(exc) return (False, changed, msg, {}) def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( taiga_host=dict(required=False, default=""), project=dict(required=True), subject=dict(required=True), issue_type=dict(required=True), priority=dict(required=False, default="Normal"), status=dict(required=False, default="New"), severity=dict(required=False, default="Normal"), description=dict(required=False, default=""), attachment=dict(required=False, default=None), attachment_description=dict(required=False, default=""), tags=dict(required=False, default=[], type='list'), state=dict(required=False, choices=['present', 'absent'], default='present'), ), supports_check_mode=True ) if not TAIGA_MODULE_IMPORTED: module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib("python-taiga"), exception=TAIGA_IMP_ERR) taiga_host = module.params['taiga_host'] project_name = module.params['project'] issue_subject = module.params['subject'] issue_priority = module.params['priority'] issue_status = module.params['status'] issue_type = module.params['issue_type'] issue_severity = module.params['severity'] issue_description = module.params['description'] issue_attachment = module.params['attachment'] issue_attachment_description = module.params['attachment_description'] if issue_attachment: if not isfile(issue_attachment): msg = "%s is not a file" % issue_attachment module.fail_json(msg=msg) issue_tags = module.params['tags'] state = module.params['state'] return_status, changed, msg, issue_attr_dict = manage_issue( module, taiga_host, project_name, issue_subject, issue_priority, issue_status, issue_type, issue_severity, issue_description, issue_attachment, issue_attachment_description, issue_tags, state, check_mode=module.check_mode ) if return_status: if len(issue_attr_dict) > 0: module.exit_json(changed=changed, msg=msg, issue=issue_attr_dict) else: module.exit_json(changed=changed, msg=msg) else: module.fail_json(msg=msg) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Utility to rename a config in some subset of our GM expectation files. Created for ('split existing "gpu" GM results into "gl" and "gles"') Run with -h to see usage. Example command lines: gpu gles '.*Android.*' TODO(epoger): Once is committed, we should add a unittest. Until then, we can test this as follows: OLD=expectations/gm && NEW=/tmp/expectations && \ rm -rf $NEW && \ cp -a $OLD $NEW && \ gm/ msaa4 gles-msaa4 '.*Android.*' \ --expectations-root $NEW && \ diff --recursive $OLD $NEW """ __author__ = 'Elliot Poger' import argparse import os import re import gm_json DEFAULT_EXPECTATIONS_ROOT = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, 'expectations', 'gm') IMAGE_FILENAME_RE = re.compile(gm_json.IMAGE_FILENAME_PATTERN) class Renamer(object): def __init__(self, args): """ Params: args: the Namespace object generated by argparse.parse_args() """ self._args = args def run(self): """Perform all the subsitutions.""" for path in self._get_file_list(): self._rename_config(path=path, old=self._args.old_config_name, new=self._args.new_config_name) def _rename_config(self, path, old, new): """Renames all instances of a config within a GM expectations file. Params: path: path to file which will be modified in place old: old config name new: new config name """ dic = gm_json.LoadFromFile(file_path=path) expected_results = dic[gm_json.JSONKEY_EXPECTEDRESULTS] orig_keys = expected_results.keys() for key in orig_keys: result = expected_results.pop(key) (testname, config) = IMAGE_FILENAME_RE.match(key).groups() if config == old: config = new key = '%s_%s.png' % (testname, config) expected_results[key] = result gm_json.WriteToFile(json_dict=dic, file_path=path) def _get_file_list(self): """Returns the list of files we want to operate on (the complete path to each file).""" root = self._args.expectations_root regex = re.compile(self._args.builder_name_pattern) return [os.path.join(root, builder, 'expected-results.json') for builder in os.listdir(root) if regex.match(builder)] def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('old_config_name', help=('Config name we want to replace.')) parser.add_argument('new_config_name', help=('Config name we want to replace the old one with.')) parser.add_argument('builder_name_pattern', help=('Regex pattern describing which builders we want ' 'to make the substitution for; \'.*\' to perform ' 'the replacement on all builders.')) parser.add_argument('--expectations-root', default=DEFAULT_EXPECTATIONS_ROOT, help=('Root of the GM expectations dir; defaults to ' '%(default)s')) args = parser.parse_args() renamer = Renamer(args) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# Copyright 2017 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Vectorized Exponential distribution class, directly using LinearOperator.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from tensorflow.contrib.distributions.python.ops import bijectors from tensorflow.contrib.distributions.python.ops import distribution_util from tensorflow.python.framework import ops from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops from tensorflow.python.ops.distributions import exponential from tensorflow.python.ops.distributions import transformed_distribution from tensorflow.python.ops.linalg import linalg __all__ = ["VectorExponentialLinearOperator"] _mvn_sample_note = """ `value` is a batch vector with compatible shape if `value` is a `Tensor` whose shape can be broadcast up to either: ```python self.batch_shape + self.event_shape ``` or ```python [M1, ..., Mm] + self.batch_shape + self.event_shape ``` """ class VectorExponentialLinearOperator( transformed_distribution.TransformedDistribution): """The vectorization of the Exponential distribution on `R^k`. The vector exponential distribution is defined over a subset of `R^k`, and parameterized by a (batch of) length-`k` `loc` vector and a (batch of) `k x k` `scale` matrix: `covariance = scale @ scale.T`, where `@` denotes matrix-multiplication. #### Mathematical Details The probability density function (pdf) is ```none pdf(y; loc, scale) = exp(-||x||_1) / Z, for y in S(loc, scale), x = inv(scale) @ (y - loc), Z = |det(scale)|, ``` where: * `loc` is a vector in `R^k`, * `scale` is a linear operator in `R^{k x k}`, `cov = scale @ scale.T`, * `S = {loc + scale @ x : x in R^k, x_1 > 0, ..., x_k > 0}`, is an image of the positive half-space, * `||x||_1` denotes the `l1` norm of `x`, `sum_i |x_i|`, * `Z` denotes the normalization constant. The VectorExponential distribution is a member of the [location-scale family](, i.e., it can be constructed as, ```none X = (X_1, ..., X_k), each X_i ~ Exponential(rate=1) Y = (Y_1, ...,Y_k) = scale @ X + loc ``` #### About `VectorExponential` and `Vector` distributions in TensorFlow. The `VectorExponential` is a non-standard distribution that has useful properties. The marginals `Y_1, ..., Y_k` are *not* Exponential random variables, due to the fact that the sum of Exponential random variables is not Exponential. Instead, `Y` is a vector whose components are linear combinations of Exponential random variables. Thus, `Y` lives in the vector space generated by `vectors` of Exponential distributions. This allows the user to decide the mean and covariance (by setting `loc` and `scale`), while preserving some properties of the Exponential distribution. In particular, the tails of `Y_i` will be (up to polynomial factors) exponentially decaying. To see this last statement, note that the pdf of `Y_i` is the convolution of the pdf of `k` independent Exponential random variables. One can then show by induction that distributions with exponential (up to polynomial factors) tails are closed under convolution. #### Examples ```python ds = tf.contrib.distributions la = tf.linalg # Initialize a single 2-variate VectorExponential, supported on # {(x, y) in R^2 : x > 0, y > 0}. mat = [[1.0, 0.1], [0.1, 1.0]] vex = ds.VectorExponentialLinearOperator( scale=la.LinearOperatorFullMatrix(mat)) # Compute the pdf of an`R^2` observation; return a scalar. vex.prob([1., 2.]).eval() # shape: [] # Initialize a 2-batch of 3-variate Vector Exponential's. mu = [[1., 2, 3], [1., 0, 0]] # shape: [2, 3] scale_diag = [[1., 2, 3], [0.5, 1, 1.5]] # shape: [2, 3] vex = ds.VectorExponentialLinearOperator( loc=mu, scale=la.LinearOperatorDiag(scale_diag)) # Compute the pdf of two `R^3` observations; return a length-2 vector. x = [[1.9, 2.2, 3.1], [10., 1.0, 9.0]] # shape: [2, 3] vex.prob(x).eval() # shape: [2] ``` """ def __init__(self, loc=None, scale=None, validate_args=False, allow_nan_stats=True, name="VectorExponentialLinearOperator"): """Construct Vector Exponential distribution supported on a subset of `R^k`. The `batch_shape` is the broadcast shape between `loc` and `scale` arguments. The `event_shape` is given by last dimension of the matrix implied by `scale`. The last dimension of `loc` (if provided) must broadcast with this. Recall that `covariance = scale @ scale.T`. Additional leading dimensions (if any) will index batches. Args: loc: Floating-point `Tensor`. If this is set to `None`, `loc` is implicitly `0`. When specified, may have shape `[B1, ..., Bb, k]` where `b >= 0` and `k` is the event size. scale: Instance of `LinearOperator` with same `dtype` as `loc` and shape `[B1, ..., Bb, k, k]`. validate_args: Python `bool`, default `False`. Whether to validate input with asserts. If `validate_args` is `False`, and the inputs are invalid, correct behavior is not guaranteed. allow_nan_stats: Python `bool`, default `True`. If `False`, raise an exception if a statistic (e.g. mean/mode/etc...) is undefined for any batch member If `True`, batch members with valid parameters leading to undefined statistics will return NaN for this statistic. name: The name to give Ops created by the initializer. Raises: ValueError: if `scale` is unspecified. TypeError: if not `scale.dtype.is_floating` """ parameters = locals() if scale is None: raise ValueError("Missing required `scale` parameter.") if not scale.dtype.is_floating: raise TypeError("`scale` parameter must have floating-point dtype.") with ops.name_scope(name, values=[loc] + scale.graph_parents): # Since expand_dims doesn't preserve constant-ness, we obtain the # non-dynamic value if possible. loc = ops.convert_to_tensor(loc, name="loc") if loc is not None else loc batch_shape, event_shape = distribution_util.shapes_from_loc_and_scale( loc, scale) super(VectorExponentialLinearOperator, self).__init__( distribution=exponential.Exponential(rate=array_ops.ones( [], dtype=scale.dtype), allow_nan_stats=allow_nan_stats), bijector=bijectors.AffineLinearOperator( shift=loc, scale=scale, validate_args=validate_args), batch_shape=batch_shape, event_shape=event_shape, validate_args=validate_args, name=name) self._parameters = parameters @property def loc(self): """The `loc` `Tensor` in `Y = scale @ X + loc`.""" return self.bijector.shift @property def scale(self): """The `scale` `LinearOperator` in `Y = scale @ X + loc`.""" return self.bijector.scale @distribution_util.AppendDocstring(_mvn_sample_note) def _log_prob(self, x): return super(VectorExponentialLinearOperator, self)._log_prob(x) @distribution_util.AppendDocstring(_mvn_sample_note) def _prob(self, x): return super(VectorExponentialLinearOperator, self)._prob(x) def _mean(self): # Let # W = (w1,...,wk), with wj ~ iid Exponential(0, 1). # Then this distribution is # X = loc + LW, # and then E[X] = loc + L1, where 1 is the vector of ones. scale_x_ones = self.bijector.scale.matvec( array_ops.ones(self._mode_mean_shape(), self.dtype)) if self.loc is None: return scale_x_ones return array_ops.identity(self.loc) + scale_x_ones def _covariance(self): # Let # W = (w1,...,wk), with wj ~ iid Exponential(0, 1). # Then this distribution is # X = loc + LW, # and then since Cov(wi, wj) = 1 if i=j, and 0 otherwise, # Cov(X) = L Cov(W W^T) L^T = L L^T. if distribution_util.is_diagonal_scale(self.scale): return array_ops.matrix_diag(math_ops.square(self.scale.diag_part())) else: return self.scale.matmul(self.scale.to_dense(), adjoint_arg=True) def _variance(self): if distribution_util.is_diagonal_scale(self.scale): return math_ops.square(self.scale.diag_part()) elif (isinstance(self.scale, linalg.LinearOperatorLowRankUpdate) and self.scale.is_self_adjoint): return array_ops.matrix_diag_part( self.scale.matmul(self.scale.to_dense())) else: return array_ops.matrix_diag_part( self.scale.matmul(self.scale.to_dense(), adjoint_arg=True)) def _stddev(self): if distribution_util.is_diagonal_scale(self.scale): return math_ops.abs(self.scale.diag_part()) elif (isinstance(self.scale, linalg.LinearOperatorLowRankUpdate) and self.scale.is_self_adjoint): return math_ops.sqrt( array_ops.matrix_diag_part(self.scale.matmul(self.scale.to_dense()))) else: return math_ops.sqrt( array_ops.matrix_diag_part( self.scale.matmul(self.scale.to_dense(), adjoint_arg=True))) def _mode(self): scale_x_zeros = self.bijector.scale.matvec( array_ops.zeros(self._mode_mean_shape(), self.dtype)) if self.loc is None: return scale_x_zeros return array_ops.identity(self.loc) + scale_x_zeros def _mode_mean_shape(self): """Shape for the mode/mean Tensors.""" shape = self.batch_shape.concatenate(self.event_shape) has_static_shape = shape.is_fully_defined() if not has_static_shape: shape = array_ops.concat([ self.batch_shape_tensor(), self.event_shape_tensor(), ], 0) return shape
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This module is proudly sponsored by CGI ( and # KPN ( # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: icinga2_host short_description: Manage a host in Icinga2 description: - "Add or remove a host to Icinga2 through the API." - "See U(" version_added: "2.5" author: "Jurgen Brand (@t794104)" options: url: description: - HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP URL in the form (http|https|ftp)://[user[:pass]]@host.domain[:port]/path required: true use_proxy: description: - If C(no), it will not use a proxy, even if one is defined in an environment variable on the target hosts. type: bool default: 'yes' validate_certs: description: - If C(no), SSL certificates will not be validated. This should only be used on personally controlled sites using self-signed certificates. type: bool default: 'yes' url_username: description: - The username for use in HTTP basic authentication. - This parameter can be used without C(url_password) for sites that allow empty passwords. url_password: description: - The password for use in HTTP basic authentication. - If the C(url_username) parameter is not specified, the C(url_password) parameter will not be used. force_basic_auth: description: - httplib2, the library used by the uri module only sends authentication information when a webservice responds to an initial request with a 401 status. Since some basic auth services do not properly send a 401, logins will fail. This option forces the sending of the Basic authentication header upon initial request. type: bool default: 'no' client_cert: description: - PEM formatted certificate chain file to be used for SSL client authentication. This file can also include the key as well, and if the key is included, C(client_key) is not required. client_key: description: - PEM formatted file that contains your private key to be used for SSL client authentication. If C(client_cert) contains both the certificate and key, this option is not required. state: description: - Apply feature state. choices: [ "present", "absent" ] default: present name: description: - Name used to create / delete the host. This does not need to be the FQDN, but does needs to be unique. required: true zone: description: - The zone from where this host should be polled. template: description: - The template used to define the host. - Template cannot be modified after object creation. check_command: description: - The command used to check if the host is alive. default: "hostalive" display_name: description: - The name used to display the host. default: if none is give it is the value of the <name> parameter ip: description: - The IP address of the host. required: true variables: description: - List of variables. ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Add host to icinga icinga2_host: url: "" url_username: "ansible" url_password: "a_secret" state: present name: "{{ ansible_fqdn }}" ip: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}" delegate_to: ''' RETURN = ''' name: description: The name used to create, modify or delete the host type: string returned: always data: description: The data structure used for create, modify or delete of the host type: dict returned: always ''' import json import os from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.urls import fetch_url, url_argument_spec # =========================================== # Icinga2 API class # class icinga2_api: module = None def call_url(self, path, data='', method='GET'): headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'X-HTTP-Method-Override': method, } url = self.module.params.get("url") + "/" + path rsp, info = fetch_url(module=self.module, url=url, data=data, headers=headers, method=method) body = '' if rsp: body = json.loads( if info['status'] >= 400: body = info['body'] return {'code': info['status'], 'data': body} def check_connection(self): ret = self.call_url('v1/status') if ret['code'] == 200: return True return False def exists(self, hostname): data = { "filter": "match(\"" + hostname + "\",", } ret = self.call_url( path="v1/objects/hosts", data=self.module.jsonify(data) ) if ret['code'] == 200: if len(ret['data']['results']) == 1: return True return False def create(self, hostname, data): ret = self.call_url( path="v1/objects/hosts/" + hostname, data=self.module.jsonify(data), method="PUT" ) return ret def delete(self, hostname): data = {"cascade": 1} ret = self.call_url( path="v1/objects/hosts/" + hostname, data=self.module.jsonify(data), method="DELETE" ) return ret def modify(self, hostname, data): ret = self.call_url( path="v1/objects/hosts/" + hostname, data=self.module.jsonify(data), method="POST" ) return ret def diff(self, hostname, data): ret = self.call_url( path="v1/objects/hosts/" + hostname, method="GET" ) changed = False ic_data = ret['data']['results'][0] for key in data['attrs']: if key not in ic_data['attrs'].keys(): changed = True elif data['attrs'][key] != ic_data['attrs'][key]: changed = True return changed # =========================================== # Module execution. # def main(): # use the predefined argument spec for url argument_spec = url_argument_spec() # remove unnecessary argument 'force' del argument_spec['force'] # add our own arguments argument_spec.update( state=dict(default="present", choices=["absent", "present"]), name=dict(required=True, aliases=['host']), zone=dict(), template=dict(default=None), check_command=dict(default="hostalive"), display_name=dict(default=None), ip=dict(required=True), variables=dict(type='dict', default=None), ) # Define the main module module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True ) state = module.params["state"] name = module.params["name"] zone = module.params["zone"] template = [] template.append(name) if module.params["template"]: template.append(module.params["template"]) check_command = module.params["check_command"] ip = module.params["ip"] display_name = module.params["display_name"] if not display_name: display_name = name variables = module.params["variables"] try: icinga = icinga2_api() icinga.module = module icinga.check_connection() except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg="unable to connect to Icinga. Exception message: %s" % (e)) data = { 'attrs': { 'address': ip, 'display_name': display_name, 'check_command': check_command, 'zone': zone, 'vars': { 'made_by': "ansible", }, 'templates': template, } } if variables: data['attrs']['vars'].update(variables) changed = False if icinga.exists(name): if state == "absent": if module.check_mode: module.exit_json(changed=True, name=name, data=data) else: try: ret = icinga.delete(name) if ret['code'] == 200: changed = True else: module.fail_json(msg="bad return code deleting host: %s" % (ret['data'])) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg="exception deleting host: " + str(e)) elif icinga.diff(name, data): if module.check_mode: module.exit_json(changed=False, name=name, data=data) # Template attribute is not allowed in modification del data['attrs']['templates'] ret = icinga.modify(name, data) if ret['code'] == 200: changed = True else: module.fail_json(msg="bad return code modifying host: %s" % (ret['data'])) else: if state == "present": if module.check_mode: changed = True else: try: ret = icinga.create(name, data) if ret['code'] == 200: changed = True else: module.fail_json(msg="bad return code creating host: %s" % (ret['data'])) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg="exception creating host: " + str(e)) module.exit_json(changed=changed, name=name, data=data) # import module snippets if __name__ == '__main__': main()
import sys import unittest class TestTranslater(unittest.TestCase): @unittest.skipUnless(sys.platform.startswith("win"), "requires Windows") def test_coordinate_identifier(self): import as translater from AXUI.parsing.identifier_parsing import identifier_lexer, identifier_parser identifier = "Coordinate = '(12 ,34, 56, 79)'" parsed_identifier = identifier_parser.parse(identifier, lexer=identifier_lexer) translated_identifier = translater.ID_Translater(parsed_identifier).get_translated() print(translated_identifier) @unittest.skipUnless(sys.platform.startswith("win"), "requires Windows") def test_index_identifier(self): import as translater from AXUI.parsing.identifier_parsing import identifier_lexer, identifier_parser identifier = "Name='menu bar' AND Index=3" parsed_identifier = identifier_parser.parse(identifier, lexer=identifier_lexer) translated_identifier = translater.ID_Translater(parsed_identifier).get_translated() print(translated_identifier) @unittest.skipUnless(sys.platform.startswith("win"), "requires Windows") def test_UIA_identifier(self): import as translater from AXUI.parsing.identifier_parsing import identifier_lexer, identifier_parser identifier = "Name='menu bar' AND LocalizedControlType='menu bar'" parsed_identifier = identifier_parser.parse(identifier, lexer=identifier_lexer) translated_identifier = translater.ID_Translater(parsed_identifier).get_translated() print(translated_identifier)
import unittest from canopen import emcy class TestEmcyConsumer(unittest.TestCase): def test_emcy_list(self): emcy_node = emcy.EmcyConsumer() emcy_node.on_emcy(0x81, b'\x01\x20\x02\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04', 1473418396.0) emcy_node.on_emcy(0x81, b'\x10\x90\x01\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04', 1473418397.0) self.assertEqual(len(emcy_node.log), 2) self.assertEqual(len(, 2) error = emcy_node.log[0] self.assertIsInstance(error, emcy.EmcyError) self.assertIsInstance(error, Exception) self.assertEqual(error.code, 0x2001) self.assertEqual(error.register, 0x02) self.assertEqual(, b'\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04') self.assertAlmostEqual(error.timestamp, 1473418396.0) self.assertEqual([0], error) error = emcy_node.log[1] self.assertEqual(error.code, 0x9010) self.assertEqual(error.register, 0x01) self.assertEqual(, b'\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04') self.assertAlmostEqual(error.timestamp, 1473418397.0) self.assertEqual([1], error) emcy_node.on_emcy(0x81, b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', 1473418397.0) self.assertEqual(len(emcy_node.log), 3) self.assertEqual(len(, 0) def test_str(self): error = emcy.EmcyError(0x2001, 0x02, b'\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04', 1473418396.0) self.assertEqual(str(error), "Code 0x2001, Current") error = emcy.EmcyError(0x50FF, 0x01, b'\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04', 1473418396.0) self.assertEqual(str(error), "Code 0x50FF, Device Hardware") error = emcy.EmcyError(0x7100, 0x01, b'\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04', 1473418396.0) self.assertEqual(str(error), "Code 0x7100") class MockNetwork(object): data = None def send_message(self, can_id, data): = data class TestEmcyProducer(unittest.TestCase): def test_send(self): network = MockNetwork() emcy_node = emcy.EmcyProducer(0x80 + 1) = network emcy_node.send(0x2001, 0x2, b'\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04') self.assertEqual(, b'\x01\x20\x02\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04')
#!/usr/local/bin/python """ This script converts a subset of SVG into an HTML imagemap Note *subset*. It only handles <path> elements, for which it only pays attention to the M and L commands. Futher, it only notices the "translate" transform. It was written to generate the examples in the documentation for maphilight, and thus is very squarely aimed at handling several SVG maps from wikipedia. It *assumes* that all the <path>s it will need are inside a <g>. Any <path> outside of a <g> will be ignored. It takes several possible arguments, in the form: $ FILENAME [x y [group1 group2 ... groupN]] FILENAME must be the name of an SVG file. All other arguments are optional. x and y, if present, are the dimensions of the image you'll be creating from the SVG. If not present, it assumes the values of the width and height attributes in the SVG file. group1 through groupN are group ids. If only want particular groups used, enter their ids here and all others will be ignored. """ import os import re import sys import xml.dom.minidom import parse_path if len(sys.argv) == 1: sys.exit(" FILENAME [x y [group1 group2 ... groupN]]") if not os.path.exists(sys.argv[1]): sys.exit("Input file does not exist") x, y, groups = None, None, None if len(sys.argv) >= 3: x = float(sys.argv[2]) y = float(sys.argv[3]) if len(sys.argv) > 3: groups = sys.argv[4:] svg_file = xml.dom.minidom.parse(sys.argv[1]) svg = svg_file.getElementsByTagName('svg')[0] raw_width = float(svg.getAttribute('width')) raw_height = float(svg.getAttribute('height')) width_ratio = x and (x / raw_width) or 1 height_ratio = y and (y / raw_height) or 1 if groups: elements = [g for g in svg.getElementsByTagName('g') if (g.hasAttribute('id') and g.getAttribute('id') in groups)] elements.extend([p for p in svg.getElementsByTagName('path') if (p.hasAttribute('id') and p.getAttribute('id') in groups)]) else: elements = svg.getElementsByTagName('g') parsed_groups = {} for e in elements: paths = [] if e.nodeName == 'g': for path in e.getElementsByTagName('path'): points = parse_path.get_points(path.getAttribute('d')) for pointset in points: paths.append([path.getAttribute('id'), pointset]) else: points = parse_path.get_points(e.getAttribute('d')) for pointset in points: paths.append([e.getAttribute('id'), pointset]) if e.hasAttribute('transform'): print e.getAttribute('id'), e.getAttribute('transform') for transform in re.findall(r'(\w+)\((-?\d+.?\d*),(-?\d+.?\d*)\)', e.getAttribute('transform')): if transform[0] == 'translate': x_shift = float(transform[1]) y_shift = float(transform[2]) for path in paths: path[1] = [(p[0] + x_shift, p[1] + y_shift) for p in path[1]] parsed_groups[e.getAttribute('id')] = paths out = [] for g in parsed_groups: for path in parsed_groups[g]: out.append('<area href="#" title="%s" shape="poly" coords="%s"></area>' % (path[0], ', '.join([("%d,%d" % (p[0]*width_ratio, p[1]*height_ratio)) for p in path[1]]))) outfile = open(sys.argv[1].replace('.svg', '.html'), 'w') outfile.write('\n'.join(out))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ pygments.lexers.tcl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lexers for Tcl and related languages. :copyright: Copyright 2006-2015 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ from pygments.lexer import RegexLexer, include, words from pygments.token import Text, Comment, Operator, Keyword, Name, String, \ Number from pygments.util import shebang_matches __all__ = ['TclLexer'] class TclLexer(RegexLexer): """ For Tcl source code. .. versionadded:: 0.10 """ keyword_cmds_re = words(( 'after', 'apply', 'array', 'break', 'catch', 'continue', 'elseif', 'else', 'error', 'eval', 'expr', 'for', 'foreach', 'global', 'if', 'namespace', 'proc', 'rename', 'return', 'set', 'switch', 'then', 'trace', 'unset', 'update', 'uplevel', 'upvar', 'variable', 'vwait', 'while'), prefix=r'\b', suffix=r'\b') builtin_cmds_re = words(( 'append', 'bgerror', 'binary', 'cd', 'chan', 'clock', 'close', 'concat', 'dde', 'dict', 'encoding', 'eof', 'exec', 'exit', 'fblocked', 'fconfigure', 'fcopy', 'file', 'fileevent', 'flush', 'format', 'gets', 'glob', 'history', 'http', 'incr', 'info', 'interp', 'join', 'lappend', 'lassign', 'lindex', 'linsert', 'list', 'llength', 'load', 'loadTk', 'lrange', 'lrepeat', 'lreplace', 'lreverse', 'lsearch', 'lset', 'lsort', 'mathfunc', 'mathop', 'memory', 'msgcat', 'open', 'package', 'pid', 'pkg::create', 'pkg_mkIndex', 'platform', 'platform::shell', 'puts', 'pwd', 're_syntax', 'read', 'refchan', 'regexp', 'registry', 'regsub', 'scan', 'seek', 'socket', 'source', 'split', 'string', 'subst', 'tell', 'time', 'tm', 'unknown', 'unload'), prefix=r'\b', suffix=r'\b') name = 'Tcl' aliases = ['tcl'] filenames = ['*.tcl', '*.rvt'] mimetypes = ['text/x-tcl', 'text/x-script.tcl', 'application/x-tcl'] def _gen_command_rules(keyword_cmds_re, builtin_cmds_re, context=""): return [ (keyword_cmds_re, Keyword, 'params' + context), (builtin_cmds_re, Name.Builtin, 'params' + context), (r'([\w.-]+)', Name.Variable, 'params' + context), (r'#', Comment, 'comment'), ] tokens = { 'root': [ include('command'), include('basic'), include('data'), (r'\}', Keyword), # HACK: somehow we miscounted our braces ], 'command': _gen_command_rules(keyword_cmds_re, builtin_cmds_re), 'command-in-brace': _gen_command_rules(keyword_cmds_re, builtin_cmds_re, "-in-brace"), 'command-in-bracket': _gen_command_rules(keyword_cmds_re, builtin_cmds_re, "-in-bracket"), 'command-in-paren': _gen_command_rules(keyword_cmds_re, builtin_cmds_re, "-in-paren"), 'basic': [ (r'\(', Keyword, 'paren'), (r'\[', Keyword, 'bracket'), (r'\{', Keyword, 'brace'), (r'"', String.Double, 'string'), (r'(eq|ne|in|ni)\b', Operator.Word), (r'!=|==|<<|>>|<=|>=|&&|\|\||\*\*|[-+~!*/%<>&^|?:]', Operator), ], 'data': [ (r'\s+', Text), (r'0x[a-fA-F0-9]+', Number.Hex), (r'0[0-7]+', Number.Oct), (r'\d+\.\d+', Number.Float), (r'\d+', Number.Integer), (r'\$([\w.:-]+)', Name.Variable), (r'([\w.:-]+)', Text), ], 'params': [ (r';', Keyword, '#pop'), (r'\n', Text, '#pop'), (r'(else|elseif|then)\b', Keyword), include('basic'), include('data'), ], 'params-in-brace': [ (r'\}', Keyword, ('#pop', '#pop')), include('params') ], 'params-in-paren': [ (r'\)', Keyword, ('#pop', '#pop')), include('params') ], 'params-in-bracket': [ (r'\]', Keyword, ('#pop', '#pop')), include('params') ], 'string': [ (r'\[', String.Double, 'string-square'), (r'(?s)(\\\\|\\[0-7]+|\\.|[^"\\])', String.Double), (r'"', String.Double, '#pop') ], 'string-square': [ (r'\[', String.Double, 'string-square'), (r'(?s)(\\\\|\\[0-7]+|\\.|\\\n|[^\]\\])', String.Double), (r'\]', String.Double, '#pop') ], 'brace': [ (r'\}', Keyword, '#pop'), include('command-in-brace'), include('basic'), include('data'), ], 'paren': [ (r'\)', Keyword, '#pop'), include('command-in-paren'), include('basic'), include('data'), ], 'bracket': [ (r'\]', Keyword, '#pop'), include('command-in-bracket'), include('basic'), include('data'), ], 'comment': [ (r'.*[^\\]\n', Comment, '#pop'), (r'.*\\\n', Comment), ], } def analyse_text(text): return shebang_matches(text, r'(tcl)')
# # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # from collections import namedtuple from numbers import Number from enum import Enum, unique from gen.apache.aurora.api.ttypes import Resource ResourceDetails = namedtuple('ResourceDetails', ['resource_type', 'value']) @unique class ResourceType(Enum): """Describes Aurora resource types and their traits.""" CPUS = ('numCpus', 'CPU', ' core(s)', float, 1) RAM_MB = ('ramMb', 'RAM', ' MB', int, 2) DISK_MB = ('diskMb', 'Disk', ' MB', int, 3) PORTS = ('namedPort', 'Port', '', str, 4) GPUS = ('numGpus', 'GPU', ' GPU(s)', int, 5) def __init__(self, field, display_name, display_unit, value_type, display_position): self._field = field self._display_name = display_name self._display_unit = display_unit self._value_type = value_type self._display_position = display_position @property def field(self): return self._field @property def display_name(self): return self._display_name @property def display_unit(self): return self._display_unit @property def value_type(self): return self._value_type @property def display_position(self): return self._display_position def resource_value(self, resource): return resource.__dict__.get(self._field) @classmethod def from_resource(cls, resource): for _, member in cls.__members__.items(): if resource.__dict__.get(member.field) is not None: return member else: raise ValueError("Unknown resource: %s" % resource) class ResourceManager(object): """Provides helper methods for working with Aurora resources.""" @classmethod def resource_details(cls, resources): result = [] if resources: for resource in list(resources): r_type = ResourceType.from_resource(resource) result.append(ResourceDetails(r_type, r_type.resource_value(resource))) return sorted(result, key=lambda rd: rd.resource_type.display_position) return result @classmethod def resource_details_from_quota(cls, quota): return cls.resource_details(quota.resources) @classmethod def resource_details_from_task(cls, task): return cls.resource_details(cls._backfill_resources(task)) @classmethod def quantity_of(cls, resource_details, resource_type): result = 0.0 for d in resource_details: if d.resource_type is resource_type: result += d.value if isinstance(d.value, Number) else 1 return result @classmethod def _backfill_resources(cls, r_object): resources = list(r_object.resources) if r_object.resources else None if resources is None: resources = [ Resource(numCpus=r_object.numCpus), Resource(ramMb=r_object.ramMb), Resource(diskMb=r_object.diskMb) ] if hasattr(r_object, 'requestedPorts'): resources += [Resource(namedPort=p) for p in r_object.requestedPorts or []] return resources
from math import sqrt import Slope class Simulation: SIM_STEP_SIZE = 0.0001 const_g = -981 def __init__ (self, slope, **kwargs): self.slope = slope self.t = [0] self.x = [Simulation.SIM_STEP_SIZE] self.mom_inertia_coefficient = 0 for name, value in kwargs.items(): if name == "startingposition": self.x = [value] if name == "momentofintertiacoefficient": self.mom_inertia_coefficient = value def runSimulation(self): while not self.isFinished(): self.step() def step (self): x = self.x[-1] dydx = self.slope.dydx(x) y = self.slope.f(x) - self.slope.f(0) I = self.mom_inertia_coefficient g = Simulation.const_g step_size = Simulation.SIM_STEP_SIZE try: self.x.append(x + step_size * sqrt( (2*g*y) / ( (1 + I) * (1 + dydx**2) ) )) self.t.append(self.t[-1] + Simulation.SIM_STEP_SIZE) except ValueError: print("Math domain error. x={}, y={}".format(x, y)) exit(2) def isFinished (self): return self.x[-1] >= self.slope.end
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. # Copyright (C) 2009 - now Grzegorz Grzelak [email protected] { 'name' : 'Poland - Accounting', 'version' : '1.02', 'author' : 'Grzegorz Grzelak (OpenGLOBE)', 'website': '', 'category' : 'Localization/Account Charts', 'description': """ This is the module to manage the accounting chart and taxes for Poland in OpenERP. ================================================================================== To jest moduł do tworzenia wzorcowego planu kont, podatków, obszarów podatkowych i rejestrów podatkowych. Moduł ustawia też konta do kupna i sprzedaży towarów zakładając, że wszystkie towary są w obrocie hurtowym. Niniejszy moduł jest przeznaczony dla odoo 8.0. Wewnętrzny numer wersji OpenGLOBE 1.02 """, 'depends' : ['account', 'base_iban', 'base_vat'], 'demo' : [], 'data' : [ 'account_chart.xml', 'account_tax.xml', 'fiscal_position.xml', 'country_pl.xml', 'account_chart_template.yml' ], 'installable': True, }
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # ------------------------------------------------------------ # pelisalacarta - XBMC Plugin # Canal para PelisDanko # # ------------------------------------------------------------ import re import sys from core import config from core import logger from core import scrapertools from core.item import Item __modo_grafico__ = config.get_setting('modo_grafico', 'pelisdanko') DEBUG = config.get_setting("debug") host = "" art = "" def mainlist(item):"pelisalacarta.channels.pelisdanko mainlist") itemlist = [] itemlist.append(item.clone(action="novedades", title="Novedades", url=host + "/novedades", fanart=art)) itemlist.append(item.clone(action="novedades", title="Estrenos", url=host + "/estrenos", fanart=art)) itemlist.append(item.clone(action="novedades", title="Populares", url=host + "/populares", fanart=art)) itemlist.append(item.clone(action="actualizadas", title="Películas actualizadas", url=host, fanart=art)) itemlist.append(item.clone(action="indices", title="Índices", fanart=art)) itemlist.append(item.clone(title="", action="")) itemlist.append(item.clone(action="search", title="Buscar...", fanart=art)) itemlist.append(item.clone(action="configuracion", title="Configurar canal...", fanart=art, text_color="gold", folder=False)) return itemlist def configuracion(item): from platformcode import platformtools platformtools.show_channel_settings() if config.is_xbmc(): import xbmc xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.Refresh") def search(item, texto):"pelisalacarta.channels.pelisdanko search") texto = texto.replace(" ", "+") item.url = "" % texto try: return novedades(item) # Se captura la excepción, para no interrumpir al buscador global si un canal falla except: import sys for line in sys.exc_info(): logger.error("%s" % line) return [] def newest(categoria):"pelisalacarta.channels.pelisdanko newest") itemlist = [] item = Item() try: if categoria == 'peliculas': item.url = "" itemlist = novedades(item) if itemlist[-1].action == "novedades": itemlist.pop() # Se captura la excepción, para no interrumpir al canal novedades si un canal falla except: import sys for line in sys.exc_info(): logger.error("{0}".format(line)) return [] return itemlist def novedades(item):"pelisalacarta.channels.pelisdanko novedades") itemlist = [] # Descarga la pagina data = scrapertools.downloadpage(item.url) bloque = scrapertools.find_multiple_matches(data, '<div class="col-xs-[\d] col-sm-[\d] col-md-[\d] col-lg-[\d]' ' text-center"(.*?)</div>') for match in bloque: calidades = scrapertools.find_multiple_matches(match, '<span class="badge badge-critic badge-qualities[^>]+>' '([^<]+)</span>') calidad = "[COLOR darkseagreen] " for quality in calidades: calidad += "[" + quality + "]" patron = 'title="([^"]+)".*?href="([^"]+)".*?class="img-responsive img-thumbnail" src="([^"]+)"' matches = scrapertools.find_multiple_matches(match, patron) for scrapedtitle, scrapedurl, scrapedthumbnail in matches: contentTitle = scrapedtitle[:] scrapedtitle = "[COLOR darkorange][B]" + scrapedtitle + "[/B][/COLOR]" + calidad + "[/COLOR]" if (DEBUG): "title=[" + scrapedtitle + "], url=[" + scrapedurl + "], thumbnail=[" + scrapedthumbnail + "]") itemlist.append(item.clone(action="enlaces", title=bbcode_kodi2html(scrapedtitle), url=scrapedurl, thumbnail=scrapedthumbnail, fanart=scrapedthumbnail, fulltitle=contentTitle, filtro=False, contentTitle=contentTitle, context="05", trailer=True)) # Busca enlaces de paginas siguientes... next_page_url = scrapertools.find_single_match(data, '<a href="([^"]+)" rel="next">') if len(next_page_url) > 0: itemlist.append(item.clone(action="novedades", title=">> Página siguiente", url=next_page_url)) return itemlist def actualizadas(item):"pelisalacarta.channels.pelisdanko actualizadas") itemlist = [] # Descarga la pagina data = scrapertools.downloadpage(item.url) bloque_big = scrapertools.find_single_match(data, 'Últimas actualizaciones(.*?)<div class="col-xs-10 col-md-8 ' 'text-left">') bloque = scrapertools.find_multiple_matches(bloque_big, '<div class="col-xs-[\d] col-sm-[\d] col-md-[\d]' ' col-lg-[\d] text-center"(.*?)<br><br>') for match in bloque: calidades = scrapertools.find_multiple_matches(match, '<span class="badge badge-critic badge-qualities[^>]+>' '([^<]+)</span>') calidad = "[COLOR darkseagreen] " for quality in calidades: calidad += "[" + quality + "]" languages = scrapertools.find_multiple_matches(match, '<img width="28".*?alt="([^"]+)"') idiomas = " (" for idioma in languages: idioma = idioma.replace('ES_', '').replace('ES', 'CAST') if idioma != "CAST" and idioma != "LAT": idioma = "VOSE" idiomas += idioma + "/" patron = 'title="([^"]+)".*?href="([^"]+)".*?class="img-responsive img-thumbnail" src="([^"]+)"' matches = scrapertools.find_multiple_matches(match, patron) for scrapedtitle, scrapedurl, scrapedthumbnail in matches: contentTitle = scrapedtitle[:] scrapedtitle = "[COLOR darkorange][B]" + scrapedtitle + "[/B][/COLOR]" + calidad + idiomas[ :-1] + ")[/COLOR]" if (DEBUG): "title=[" + scrapedtitle + "], url=[" + scrapedurl + "], thumbnail=[" + scrapedthumbnail + "]") itemlist.append(item.clone(action="enlaces", title=bbcode_kodi2html(scrapedtitle), url=scrapedurl, thumbnail=scrapedthumbnail, fanart=scrapedthumbnail, fulltitle=contentTitle, filtro=False, contentTitle=contentTitle, context="05")) return itemlist def indices(item):"pelisalacarta.channels.pelisdanko indices") itemlist = [] item.text_color = "orchid" itemlist.append(item.clone(action="indice_list", title="Género", url=host, fulltitle="genero")) itemlist.append(item.clone(action="indice_list", title="Alfabético", url=host, fulltitle="letra")) itemlist.append(item.clone(action="indice_list", title="Idioma", url=host, fulltitle="idioma")) itemlist.append(item.clone(action="indice_list", title="Calidad", url=host, fulltitle="calidad")) itemlist.append(item.clone(action="indice_list", title="Nacionalidad", url=host, fulltitle="nacionalidad")) return itemlist def indice_list(item):"pelisalacarta.channels.pelisdanko indice_list") itemlist = [] # Descarga la pagina data = scrapertools.downloadpage(item.url) patron = '<a href="([^"]+)">([^<]+)</a>' % item.fulltitle matches = scrapertools.find_multiple_matches(data, patron) for scrapedurl, scrapedtitle in matches: scrapedtitle = scrapedtitle.capitalize() itemlist.append(item.clone(action="novedades", title=scrapedtitle, url=scrapedurl)) return itemlist def enlaces(item):"pelisalacarta.channels.pelisdanko enlaces") item.extra = "" item.text_color = "" itemlist = [] # Descarga la pagina data = scrapertools.downloadpage(item.url) data = re.sub(r"\n|\r|\t|\s{2}", '', data) item.fanart = scrapertools.find_single_match(data, "CUSTOM BACKGROUND.*?url\('([^']+)'") item.infoLabels["plot"] = scrapertools.find_single_match(data, 'dt>Sinopsis</dt> <dd class=[^>]+>(.*?)</dd>') year = scrapertools.find_single_match(data, '<dt>Estreno</dt> <dd>(\d+)</dd>') try: from core import tmdb item.infoLabels['year'] = int(year) # Obtenemos los datos basicos de todas las peliculas mediante multihilos tmdb.set_infoLabels_item(item, __modo_grafico__) except: pass filtro_idioma = config.get_setting("filterlanguages", filtro_enlaces = config.get_setting("filterlinks", dict_idiomas = {'CAST': 2, 'LAT': 1, 'VOSE': 0} if filtro_enlaces != 0: itemlist.append(item.clone(action="", title="Enlaces Online", text_color="dodgerblue", text_bold=True)) itemlist = bloque_enlaces(data, filtro_idioma, dict_idiomas, itemlist, "ss", item) if filtro_enlaces != 1: itemlist.append(item.clone(action="", title="Enlaces Descarga", text_color="dodgerblue", text_bold=True)) itemlist = bloque_enlaces(data, filtro_idioma, dict_idiomas, itemlist, "dd", item) trailer_id = scrapertools.find_single_match(data, 'data:\s*\{\s*id:\s*"([^"]+)"') data_trailer = scrapertools.downloadpage("", post="id=%s" % trailer_id) url_trailer = scrapertools.find_single_match(data_trailer, 'src="([^"]+)"') if url_trailer != "": url_trailer = url_trailer.replace("embed/", "watch?v=") item.infoLabels['trailer'] = url_trailer itemlist.append(item.clone(channel="trailertools", action="buscartrailer", title="Buscar Tráiler", text_color="magenta")) return itemlist def bloque_enlaces(data, filtro_idioma, dict_idiomas, itemlist, type, item):"pelisalacarta.channels.pelisdanko bloque_enlaces") bloque = scrapertools.find_single_match(data, '<div role="tabpanel" class="tab-pane fade" id="tab-' + type + '">(.*?)</table>') patron = '<tr class="rip hover".*?data-slug="([^"]+)".*?src="*?).png"' \ '.*?<span class="label label-default quality[^>]+>([^<]+)</span>.*?<td class="small">([^<]+)</td>' matches = scrapertools.find_multiple_matches(bloque, patron) filtrados = [] for slug, flag, quality, date in matches: if flag != "ES" and flag != "ES_LAT": flag = "VOSE" flag = flag.replace('ES_LAT', 'LAT').replace('ES', 'CAST') scrapedurl = "%s/%s/%s?#%s" % (item.url, slug, type, type) scrapedtitle = " [COLOR firebrick]Mostrar enlaces: [/COLOR][COLOR goldenrod][" \ + flag + "/" + quality + "][/COLOR][COLOR khaki] " + date + "[/COLOR]" if filtro_idioma == 3 or item.filtro: itemlist.append(item.clone(title=bbcode_kodi2html(scrapedtitle), action="findvideos", url=scrapedurl, id_enlaces=slug, calidad=quality)) else: idioma = dict_idiomas[flag] if idioma == filtro_idioma: itemlist.append(item.clone(title=bbcode_kodi2html(scrapedtitle), action="findvideos", url=scrapedurl, id_enlaces=slug)) else: if flag not in filtrados: filtrados.append(flag) if filtro_idioma != 3: if len(filtrados) > 0: title = bbcode_kodi2html("[COLOR orangered] Mostrar enlaces filtrados en %s[/COLOR]") % ", ".join( filtrados) itemlist.append(item.clone(title=title, action="enlaces", url=item.url, filtro=True)) return itemlist def findvideos(item):"pelisalacarta.channels.pelisdanko findvideos") itemlist = [] if item.url[-2:] == "ss": prefix = "strms" else: prefix = "lnks" # Descarga la pagina data = scrapertools.downloadpage(item.url) # Parametros para redireccion donde muestra los enlaces data_slug = scrapertools.find_single_match(data, '<div id="ad" data-id="[^"]+" data-slug="([^"]+)"') data_id = scrapertools.find_single_match(data, '<tr class="rip hover" data-id="([^"]+)"') url = "" % (prefix, data_id, item.id_enlaces, data_slug) data = scrapertools.downloadpage(url, post="") from core import servertools video_item_list = servertools.find_video_items(data=data) for video_item in video_item_list: title = "[COLOR green]%s[/COLOR] | [COLOR darkorange][%s][/COLOR]" % (video_item.server, item.calidad) itemlist.append(item.clone(title=bbcode_kodi2html(title), url=video_item.url, action="play", server=video_item.server, text_color="")) # Opción "Añadir esta película a la biblioteca de XBMC" if config.get_library_support() and len(itemlist) > 0 and item.category != "Cine": itemlist.append(Item(, title="Añadir película a la biblioteca", url=item.url, infoLabels={'title': item.fulltitle}, action="add_pelicula_to_library", fulltitle=item.fulltitle, text_color="green", id_enlaces=item.id_enlaces)) return itemlist def bbcode_kodi2html(text): if config.get_platform().startswith("plex") or config.get_platform().startswith("mediaserver"): import re text = re.sub(r'\[COLOR\s([^\]]+)\]', r'<span style="color: \1">', text) text = text.replace('[/COLOR]', '</span>') \ .replace('[CR]', '<br>') \ .replace('[B]', '<strong>') \ .replace('[/B]', '</strong>') \ .replace('"color: white"', '"color: auto"') return text
dissertation2017/Experiment 1A/instances/10_0_workflow_full_10files_primary_3sh_3rs_noannot_with_proj_3s_range/generalinfo_0/
#!/usr/bin/env python """ This activity wants to answer: - which time interval was analysed? - how many items has this interval? """ # Connection with SciWonc-Dataflow module from sciwonc.dataflow.DataStoreClient import DataStoreClient import ConfigDB_GeneralInfo_0 # connector and config client = DataStoreClient("mongodb", ConfigDB_GeneralInfo_0) # according to config data = client.getData() # return an array of docs (like a csv reader) output = [] count = 0 min_time = None max_time = None if(data): # processing while True: doc = if doc is None: break; current_time = float(doc['time']) if current_time: if min_time is None or min_time > current_time: min_time = current_time if max_time is None or max_time < current_time: max_time = current_time count += 1 if count > 0: newline = {} newline['interval seconds'] = (max_time - min_time)/1000000 newline['total items'] = count newline['min timestamp'] = min_time newline['max timestamp'] = max_time output.append(newline) client.saveData(output)
import sys import os import unittest class Test(unittest.TestCase): def test_it(self): #make it as if we were executing from the directory above this one (so that we can use jycompletionserver #without the need for it being in the pythonpath) #(twice the dirname to get the previous level from this file.) import test_pydevdio #@UnresolvedImport - importing itself ADD_TO_PYTHONPATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(test_pydevdio.__file__))) sys.path.insert(0, ADD_TO_PYTHONPATH) try: from _pydevd_bundle import pydevd_io original = sys.stdout try: sys.stdout = pydevd_io.IOBuf() print('foo') print('bar') self.assertEqual('foo\nbar\n', sys.stdout.getvalue()) #@UndefinedVariable print('ww') print('xx') self.assertEqual('ww\nxx\n', sys.stdout.getvalue()) #@UndefinedVariable finally: sys.stdout = original finally: #remove it to leave it ok for other tests sys.path.remove(ADD_TO_PYTHONPATH)
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright: (c) 2018, Ansible Project # Copyright: (c) 2018, Abhijeet Kasurde <[email protected]> # # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = { 'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community' } DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: vmware_guest_boot_manager short_description: Manage boot options for the given virtual machine description: - This module can be used to manage boot options for the given virtual machine. version_added: 2.7 author: - Abhijeet Kasurde (@Akasurde) <[email protected]> notes: - Tested on vSphere 6.5 requirements: - "python >= 2.6" - PyVmomi options: name: description: - Name of the VM to work with. - This is required if C(uuid) parameter is not supplied. uuid: description: - UUID of the instance to manage if known, this is VMware's BIOS UUID. - This is required if C(name) parameter is not supplied. boot_order: description: - List of the boot devices. default: [] name_match: description: - If multiple virtual machines matching the name, use the first or last found. default: 'first' choices: ['first', 'last'] boot_delay: description: - Delay in milliseconds before starting the boot sequence. default: 0 enter_bios_setup: description: - If set to C(True), the virtual machine automatically enters BIOS setup the next time it boots. - The virtual machine resets this flag, so that the machine boots proceeds normally. type: 'bool' default: False boot_retry_enabled: description: - If set to C(True), the virtual machine that fails to boot, will try to boot again after C(boot_retry_delay) is expired. - If set to C(False), the virtual machine waits indefinitely for user intervention. type: 'bool' default: False boot_retry_delay: description: - Specify the time in milliseconds between virtual machine boot failure and subsequent attempt to boot again. - If set, will automatically set C(boot_retry_enabled) to C(True) as this parameter is required. default: 0 boot_firmware: description: - Choose which firmware should be used to boot the virtual machine. choices: ["bios", "efi"] extends_documentation_fragment: vmware.documentation ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - name: Change virtual machine's boot order and related parameters vmware_guest_boot_manager: hostname: "{{ vcenter_hostname }}" username: "{{ vcenter_username }}" password: "{{ vcenter_password }}" name: testvm boot_delay: 2000 enter_bios_setup: True boot_retry_enabled: True boot_retry_delay: 22300 boot_firmware: bios boot_order: - floppy - cdrom - ethernet - disk delegate_to: localhost register: vm_boot_order ''' RETURN = r""" vm_boot_status: description: metadata about boot order of virtual machine returned: always type: dict sample: { "current_boot_order": [ "floppy", "disk", "ethernet", "cdrom" ], "current_boot_delay": 2000, "current_boot_retry_delay": 22300, "current_boot_retry_enabled": true, "current_enter_bios_setup": true, "current_boot_firmware": "bios", "previous_boot_delay": 10, "previous_boot_retry_delay": 10000, "previous_boot_retry_enabled": true, "previous_enter_bios_setup": false, "previous_boot_firmware": "bios", "previous_boot_order": [ "ethernet", "cdrom", "floppy", "disk" ], } """ from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native from ansible.module_utils.vmware import PyVmomi, vmware_argument_spec, find_vm_by_id, wait_for_task, TaskError try: from pyVmomi import vim except ImportError: pass class VmBootManager(PyVmomi): def __init__(self, module): super(VmBootManager, self).__init__(module) = self.params['name'] self.uuid = self.params['uuid'] self.vm = None def _get_vm(self): vms = [] if self.uuid: vm_obj = find_vm_by_id(self.content, vm_id=self.uuid, vm_id_type="uuid") if vm_obj is None: self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to find the virtual machine with UUID : %s" % self.uuid) vms = [vm_obj] elif objects = self.get_managed_objects_properties(vim_type=vim.VirtualMachine, properties=['name']) for temp_vm_object in objects: if == vms.append(temp_vm_object.obj) if vms: if self.params.get('name_match') == 'first': self.vm = vms[0] elif self.params.get('name_match') == 'last': self.vm = vms[-1] else: self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to find virtual machine using %s" % ( or self.uuid)) @staticmethod def humanize_boot_order(boot_order): results = [] for device in boot_order: if isinstance(device, vim.vm.BootOptions.BootableCdromDevice): results.append('cdrom') elif isinstance(device, vim.vm.BootOptions.BootableDiskDevice): results.append('disk') elif isinstance(device, vim.vm.BootOptions.BootableEthernetDevice): results.append('ethernet') elif isinstance(device, vim.vm.BootOptions.BootableFloppyDevice): results.append('floppy') return results def ensure(self): self._get_vm() valid_device_strings = ['cdrom', 'disk', 'ethernet', 'floppy'] boot_order_list = [] for device_order in self.params.get('boot_order'): if device_order not in valid_device_strings: self.module.fail_json(msg="Invalid device found [%s], please specify device from ['%s']" % (device_order, "', '".join(valid_device_strings))) if device_order == 'cdrom': first_cdrom = [device for device in self.vm.config.hardware.device if isinstance(device, vim.vm.device.VirtualCdrom)] if first_cdrom: boot_order_list.append(vim.vm.BootOptions.BootableCdromDevice()) elif device_order == 'disk': first_hdd = [device for device in self.vm.config.hardware.device if isinstance(device, vim.vm.device.VirtualDisk)] if first_hdd: boot_order_list.append(vim.vm.BootOptions.BootableDiskDevice(deviceKey=first_hdd[0].key)) elif device_order == 'ethernet': first_ether = [device for device in self.vm.config.hardware.device if isinstance(device, vim.vm.device.VirtualEthernetCard)] if first_ether: boot_order_list.append(vim.vm.BootOptions.BootableEthernetDevice(deviceKey=first_ether[0].key)) elif device_order == 'floppy': first_floppy = [device for device in self.vm.config.hardware.device if isinstance(device, vim.vm.device.VirtualFloppy)] if first_floppy: boot_order_list.append(vim.vm.BootOptions.BootableFloppyDevice()) change_needed = False kwargs = dict() if len(boot_order_list) != len(self.vm.config.bootOptions.bootOrder): kwargs.update({'bootOrder': boot_order_list}) change_needed = True else: for i in range(0, len(boot_order_list)): boot_device_type = type(boot_order_list[i]) vm_boot_device_type = type(self.vm.config.bootOptions.bootOrder[i]) if boot_device_type != vm_boot_device_type: kwargs.update({'bootOrder': boot_order_list}) change_needed = True if self.vm.config.bootOptions.bootDelay != self.params.get('boot_delay'): kwargs.update({'bootDelay': self.params.get('boot_delay')}) change_needed = True if self.vm.config.bootOptions.enterBIOSSetup != self.params.get('enter_bios_setup'): kwargs.update({'enterBIOSSetup': self.params.get('enter_bios_setup')}) change_needed = True if self.vm.config.bootOptions.bootRetryEnabled != self.params.get('boot_retry_enabled'): kwargs.update({'bootRetryEnabled': self.params.get('boot_retry_enabled')}) change_needed = True if self.vm.config.bootOptions.bootRetryDelay != self.params.get('boot_retry_delay'): if not self.vm.config.bootOptions.bootRetryEnabled: kwargs.update({'bootRetryEnabled': True}) kwargs.update({'bootRetryDelay': self.params.get('boot_retry_delay')}) change_needed = True boot_firmware_required = False if self.vm.config.firmware != self.params.get('boot_firmware'): change_needed = True boot_firmware_required = True changed = False results = dict( previous_boot_order=self.humanize_boot_order(self.vm.config.bootOptions.bootOrder), previous_boot_delay=self.vm.config.bootOptions.bootDelay, previous_enter_bios_setup=self.vm.config.bootOptions.enterBIOSSetup, previous_boot_retry_enabled=self.vm.config.bootOptions.bootRetryEnabled, previous_boot_retry_delay=self.vm.config.bootOptions.bootRetryDelay, previous_boot_firmware=self.vm.config.firmware, current_boot_order=[], ) if change_needed: vm_conf = vim.vm.ConfigSpec() vm_conf.bootOptions = vim.vm.BootOptions(**kwargs) if boot_firmware_required: vm_conf.firmware = self.params.get('boot_firmware') task = self.vm.ReconfigVM_Task(vm_conf) try: changed, result = wait_for_task(task) except TaskError as e: self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to perform reconfigure virtual" " machine %s for boot order due to: %s" % ( or self.uuid, to_native(e))) results.update( { 'current_boot_order': self.humanize_boot_order(self.vm.config.bootOptions.bootOrder), 'current_boot_delay': self.vm.config.bootOptions.bootDelay, 'current_enter_bios_setup': self.vm.config.bootOptions.enterBIOSSetup, 'current_boot_retry_enabled': self.vm.config.bootOptions.bootRetryEnabled, 'current_boot_retry_delay': self.vm.config.bootOptions.bootRetryDelay, 'current_boot_firmware': self.vm.config.firmware, } ) self.module.exit_json(changed=changed, vm_boot_status=results) def main(): argument_spec = vmware_argument_spec() argument_spec.update( name=dict(type='str'), uuid=dict(type='str'), boot_order=dict( type='list', default=[], ), name_match=dict( choices=['first', 'last'], default='first' ), boot_delay=dict( type='int', default=0, ), enter_bios_setup=dict( type='bool', default=False, ), boot_retry_enabled=dict( type='bool', default=False, ), boot_retry_delay=dict( type='int', default=0, ), boot_firmware=dict( type='str', choices=['efi', 'bios'], ) ) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=argument_spec, required_one_of=[ ['name', 'uuid'] ], mutually_exclusive=[ ['name', 'uuid'] ], ) pyv = VmBootManager(module) pyv.ensure() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2020 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # from typing import Any, AsyncIterable, Awaitable, Callable, Iterable, Sequence, Tuple, Optional from import membership class ListMembershipsPager: """A pager for iterating through ``list_memberships`` requests. This class thinly wraps an initial :class:`` object, and provides an ``__iter__`` method to iterate through its ``resources`` field. If there are more pages, the ``__iter__`` method will make additional ``ListMemberships`` requests and continue to iterate through the ``resources`` field on the corresponding responses. All the usual :class:`` attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup. """ def __init__(self, method: Callable[..., membership.ListMembershipsResponse], request: membership.ListMembershipsRequest, response: membership.ListMembershipsResponse, *, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ()): """Instantiate the pager. Args: method (Callable): The method that was originally called, and which instantiated this pager. request ( The initial request object. response ( The initial response object. metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata. """ self._method = method self._request = membership.ListMembershipsRequest(request) self._response = response self._metadata = metadata def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: return getattr(self._response, name) @property def pages(self) -> Iterable[membership.ListMembershipsResponse]: yield self._response while self._response.next_page_token: self._request.page_token = self._response.next_page_token self._response = self._method(self._request, metadata=self._metadata) yield self._response def __iter__(self) -> Iterable[membership.Membership]: for page in self.pages: yield from page.resources def __repr__(self) -> str: return '{0}<{1!r}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._response) class ListMembershipsAsyncPager: """A pager for iterating through ``list_memberships`` requests. This class thinly wraps an initial :class:`` object, and provides an ``__aiter__`` method to iterate through its ``resources`` field. If there are more pages, the ``__aiter__`` method will make additional ``ListMemberships`` requests and continue to iterate through the ``resources`` field on the corresponding responses. All the usual :class:`` attributes are available on the pager. If multiple requests are made, only the most recent response is retained, and thus used for attribute lookup. """ def __init__(self, method: Callable[..., Awaitable[membership.ListMembershipsResponse]], request: membership.ListMembershipsRequest, response: membership.ListMembershipsResponse, *, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ()): """Instantiates the pager. Args: method (Callable): The method that was originally called, and which instantiated this pager. request ( The initial request object. response ( The initial response object. metadata (Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]): Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata. """ self._method = method self._request = membership.ListMembershipsRequest(request) self._response = response self._metadata = metadata def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: return getattr(self._response, name) @property async def pages(self) -> AsyncIterable[membership.ListMembershipsResponse]: yield self._response while self._response.next_page_token: self._request.page_token = self._response.next_page_token self._response = await self._method(self._request, metadata=self._metadata) yield self._response def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIterable[membership.Membership]: async def async_generator(): async for page in self.pages: for response in page.resources: yield response return async_generator() def __repr__(self) -> str: return '{0}<{1!r}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._response)
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import idl_schema import json_parse from js_externs_generator import JsExternsGenerator from datetime import datetime import model import sys import unittest # The contents of a fake idl file. fake_idl = """ // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // A totally fake API. namespace fakeApi { enum Greek { ALPHA, BETA, GAMMA, DELTA }; dictionary Bar { long num; }; dictionary Baz { DOMString str; long num; boolean b; Greek letter; Greek? optionalLetter; long[] arr; Bar[]? optionalObjArr; Greek[] enumArr; any[] anythingGoes; Bar obj; long? maybe; (DOMString or Greek or long[]) choice; object plainObj; ArrayBuffer arrayBuff; }; callback VoidCallback = void(); callback BazGreekCallback = void(Baz baz, Greek greek); interface Functions { // Does something exciting! And what's more, this is a multiline function // comment! It goes onto multiple lines! // |baz| : The baz to use. static void doSomething(Baz baz, VoidCallback callback); // |callback| : The callback which will most assuredly in all cases be // called; that is, of course, iff such a callback was provided and is // not at all null. static void bazGreek(optional BazGreekCallback callback); [deprecated="Use a new method."] static DOMString returnString(); }; interface Events { // Fired when we realize it's a trap! static void onTrapDetected(Baz baz); }; }; """ # The output we expect from our fake idl file. expected_output = ("""// Copyright %s The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // This file was generated by: // %s. // NOTE: The format of types has changed. 'FooType' is now // 'chrome.fakeApi.FooType'. // Please run the closure compiler before committing changes. // See /** @fileoverview Externs generated from namespace: fakeApi */ /** * @const */ chrome.fakeApi = {}; /** * @enum {string} * @see */ chrome.fakeApi.Greek = { ALPHA: 'ALPHA', BETA: 'BETA', GAMMA: 'GAMMA', DELTA: 'DELTA', }; /** * @typedef {{ * num: number * }} * @see */ chrome.fakeApi.Bar; /** * @typedef {{ * str: string, * num: number, * b: boolean, * letter: !chrome.fakeApi.Greek, * optionalLetter: (!chrome.fakeApi.Greek|undefined), * arr: !Array<number>, * optionalObjArr: (!Array<!chrome.fakeApi.Bar>|undefined), * enumArr: !Array<!chrome.fakeApi.Greek>, * anythingGoes: !Array<*>, * obj: !chrome.fakeApi.Bar, * maybe: (number|undefined), * choice: (string|!chrome.fakeApi.Greek|!Array<number>), * plainObj: Object, * arrayBuff: ArrayBuffer * }} * @see */ chrome.fakeApi.Baz; /** * Does something exciting! And what's more, this is a multiline function * comment! It goes onto multiple lines! * @param {!chrome.fakeApi.Baz} baz The baz to use. * @param {function():void} callback * @see */ chrome.fakeApi.doSomething = function(baz, callback) {}; /** * @param {function(!chrome.fakeApi.Baz, !chrome.fakeApi.Greek):void=} callback * The callback which will most assuredly in all cases be called; that is, * of course, iff such a callback was provided and is not at all null. * @see */ chrome.fakeApi.bazGreek = function(callback) {}; /** * @return {string} * @deprecated Use a new method. * @see */ chrome.fakeApi.returnString = function() {}; /** * Fired when we realize it's a trap! * @type {!ChromeEvent} * @see */ chrome.fakeApi.onTrapDetected;""" % (, sys.argv[0])) fake_json = """// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. [ { "namespace": "fakeJson", "description": "Fake JSON API Stuff", "types": [ { "id": "CrazyEnum", "type": "string", "enum": ["camelCaseEnum", "Non-Characters", "5NumFirst", \ "3Just-plainOld_MEAN"] } ], "functions": [ { "name": "funcWithInlineObj", "type": "function", "parameters": [ { "type": "object", "name": "inlineObj", "description": "Evil inline object! With a super duper duper long\ string description that causes problems!", "properties": { "foo": { "type": "boolean", "optional": "true", "description": "The foo." }, "bar": { "type": "integer", "description": "The bar." }, "baz": { "type": "object", "description": "Inception object.", "properties": { "depth": { "type": "integer" } } }, "quu": { "type": "binary", "description": "The array buffer" } } }, { "name": "callback", "type": "function", "parameters": [ { "type": "object", "name": "returnObj", "properties": { "str": { "type": "string"} } } ], "description": "The callback to this heinous method" } ], "returns": { "type": "object", "properties": { "str": { "type": "string" }, "int": { "type": "number" } } } } ] } ]""" json_expected = ("""// Copyright %s The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // This file was generated by: // %s. // NOTE: The format of types has changed. 'FooType' is now // 'chrome.fakeJson.FooType'. // Please run the closure compiler before committing changes. // See /** @fileoverview Externs generated from namespace: fakeJson */ /** * @const */ chrome.fakeJson = {}; /** * @enum {string} * @see */ chrome.fakeJson.CrazyEnum = { CAMEL_CASE_ENUM: 'camelCaseEnum', NON_CHARACTERS: 'Non-Characters', _5NUM_FIRST: '5NumFirst', _3JUST_PLAIN_OLD_MEAN: '3Just-plainOld_MEAN', }; /** * @param {{ * foo: (boolean|undefined), * bar: number, * baz: { * depth: number * }, * quu: ArrayBuffer * }} inlineObj Evil inline object! With a super duper duper long string * description that causes problems! * @param {function({ * str: string * }):void} callback The callback to this heinous method * @return {{ * str: string, * int: number * }} * @see */ chrome.fakeJson.funcWithInlineObj = function(inlineObj, callback) {};""" % (, sys.argv[0])) class JsExternGeneratorTest(unittest.TestCase): def _GetNamespace(self, fake_content, filename, is_idl): """Returns a namespace object for the given content""" api_def = (idl_schema.Process(fake_content, filename) if is_idl else json_parse.Parse(fake_content)) m = model.Model() return m.AddNamespace(api_def[0], filename) def setUp(self): self.maxDiff = None # Lets us see the full diff when inequal. def testBasic(self): namespace = self._GetNamespace(fake_idl, 'fake_api.idl', True) self.assertMultiLineEqual(expected_output, JsExternsGenerator().Generate(namespace).Render()) def testJsonWithInlineObjects(self): namespace = self._GetNamespace(fake_json, 'fake_api.json', False) self.assertMultiLineEqual(json_expected, JsExternsGenerator().Generate(namespace).Render()) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
from __future__ import division # py3 "true division" import logging import sys import os import heapq from timeit import default_timer from copy import deepcopy from collections import defaultdict import threading import itertools import gensim from gensim.utils import keep_vocab_item try: from queue import Queue, Empty except ImportError: from Queue import Queue, Empty from numpy import exp, log, dot, zeros, outer, random, dtype, float32 as REAL,\ uint32, seterr, array, uint8, vstack, fromstring, sqrt, newaxis,\ ndarray, empty, sum as np_sum, prod, ones, ascontiguousarray from gensim import utils, matutils # utility fnc for pickling, common scipy operations etc from six import iteritems, itervalues, string_types from six.moves import xrange from types import GeneratorType logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: from gensim.models.word2vec_inner import train_batch_sg, train_batch_cbow from gensim.models.word2vec_inner import score_sentence_sg, score_sentence_cbow from gensim.models.word2vec_inner import FAST_VERSION, MAX_WORDS_IN_BATCH except ImportError: # failed... fall back to plain numpy (20-80x slower training than the above) FAST_VERSION = -1 MAX_WORDS_IN_BATCH = 10000 class Word2Vec(gensim.models.Word2Vec): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(self.__class__, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._stem_memory = defaultdict(set) def most_similar(self, words={}, topn=10, restrict_vocab=None): """ Find the top-N most similar words. words : a dict where the words are the keys and the weights are the values. This method computes cosine similarity between a simple mean of the projection weight vectors of the given words and the vectors for each word in the model. The method corresponds to the `word-analogy` and `distance` scripts in the original word2vec implementation. If topn is False, most_similar returns the vector of similarity scores. `restrict_vocab` is an optional integer which limits the range of vectors which are searched for most-similar values. For example, restrict_vocab=10000 would only check the first 10000 word vectors in the vocabulary order. (This may be meaningful if you've sorted the vocabulary by descending frequency.) Example:: >>> trained_model.most_similar(positive=['woman', 'king'], negative=['man']) [('queen', 0.50882536), ...] """ self.init_sims() # if isinstance(positive, string_types) and not negative: # # allow calls like most_similar('dog'), as a shorthand for most_similar(['dog']) # positive = [positive] # add weights for each word, if not already present; default to 1.0 for positive and -1.0 for negative words # positive = [ # (word, 1.0) if isinstance(word, string_types + (ndarray,)) else word # for word in positive # ] # negative = [ # (word, -1.0) if isinstance(word, string_types + (ndarray,)) else word # for word in negative # ] # compute the weighted average of all words all_words, mean = set(), [] for word, weight in words.items(): if isinstance(word, ndarray): mean.append(weight * word) elif word in self.vocab: mean.append(weight * self.syn0norm[self.vocab[word].index]) all_words.add(self.vocab[word].index) else: Warning("word '%s' not in vocabulary" % word) if not mean: raise ValueError("cannot compute similarity with no input") mean = matutils.unitvec(array(mean).mean(axis=0)).astype(REAL) limited = self.syn0norm if restrict_vocab is None else self.syn0norm[:restrict_vocab] dists = dot(limited, mean) if not topn: return dists best = matutils.argsort(dists, topn=topn + len(all_words), reverse=True) # ignore (don't return) words from the input result = [(self.index2word[sim], float(dists[sim])) for sim in best if sim not in all_words] return result[:topn]
import urllib2 # If you are using Python 3+, import urllib instead of urllib2 import json data = { "Inputs": { "input1": { "ColumnNames": ["Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length", "Petal.Width", "Species"], "Values": [ [ "1", "1", "1", "1", "" ], ] }, }, "GlobalParameters": { } } body = str.encode(json.dumps(data)) url = '' api_key = '<change here>' # Replace this with the API key for the web service headers = {'Content-Type':'application/json', 'Authorization':('Bearer '+ api_key)} req = urllib2.Request(url, body, headers) try: response = urllib2.urlopen(req) # If you are using Python 3+, replace urllib2 with urllib.request in the above code: # req = urllib.request.Request(url, body, headers) # response = urllib.request.urlopen(req) result = print(result) except urllib2.HTTPError, error: print("The request failed with status code: " + str(error.code)) # Print the headers - they include the requert ID and the timestamp, which are useful for debugging the failure print( print(json.loads(
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Unit tests for""" import os import sys import unittest sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) from testing_support.super_mox import SuperMoxTestBase import subprocess2 import trychange class TryChangeTestsBase(SuperMoxTestBase): """Setups and tear downs the mocks but doesn't test anything as-is.""" def setUp(self): SuperMoxTestBase.setUp(self) self.mox.StubOutWithMock(subprocess2, 'communicate') self.mox.StubOutWithMock(trychange, 'RunGit') self.mox.StubOutWithMock(trychange.scm.GIT, 'Capture') self.mox.StubOutWithMock(trychange.scm.GIT, 'GenerateDiff') self.mox.StubOutWithMock(trychange.scm.GIT, 'GetCheckoutRoot') self.mox.StubOutWithMock(trychange.scm.GIT, 'GetEmail') self.mox.StubOutWithMock(trychange.scm.GIT, 'GetPatchName') self.mox.StubOutWithMock(trychange.scm.GIT, 'GetUpstreamBranch') self.mox.StubOutWithMock(trychange.scm.SVN, 'GenerateDiff') self.mox.StubOutWithMock(trychange.scm.SVN, 'GetCheckoutRoot') self.mox.StubOutWithMock(trychange.scm.SVN, 'GetEmail') self.fake_root = self.Dir() self.expected_files = ['foo.txt', 'bar.txt'] self.options = trychange.optparse.Values() self.options.files = self.expected_files self.options.diff = None = None = None self.options.exclude = [] class TryChangeUnittest(TryChangeTestsBase): """General tests.""" def testMembersChanged(self): members = [ 'DieWithError', 'EPILOG', 'Escape', 'GIT', 'GIT_PATCH_DIR_BASENAME', 'GetMungedDiff', 'GuessVCS', 'GIT_BRANCH_FILE', 'HELP_STRING', 'Error', 'InvalidScript', 'NoTryServerAccess', 'OptionParser', 'PrintSuccess', 'RunCommand', 'RunGit', 'SCM', 'SVN', 'TryChange', 'USAGE', 'contextlib', 'breakpad', 'datetime', 'errno', 'fix_encoding', 'gcl', 'gclient_utils', 'gerrit_util', 'gen_parser', 'getpass', 'itertools', 'json', 'logging', 'optparse', 'os', 'posixpath', 're', 'scm', 'shutil', 'subprocess2', 'sys', 'tempfile', 'urllib', 'urllib2', 'urlparse'] # If this test fails, you should add the relevant test. self.compareMembers(trychange, members) class TryChangeSimpleTest(unittest.TestCase): # Doesn't require supermox to run. def test_flags(self): cmd = [ '--bot', 'bot1,bot2', '--testfilter', 'test1', '--testfilter', 'test2', '--user', 'joe', '--email', '[email protected]', ] options, args = trychange.gen_parser(None).parse_args(cmd) self.assertEquals([], args) # pylint: disable=W0212 bot_spec = trychange._ParseBotList(, options.testfilter) if options.testfilter: bot_spec = trychange._ApplyTestFilter(options.testfilter, bot_spec) values = trychange._ParseSendChangeOptions(bot_spec, options) self.assertEquals( [ ('user', 'joe'), ('name', None), ('email', '[email protected]'), ('bot', 'bot1:test1,test2'), ('bot', 'bot2:test1,test2'), ], values) def test_flags_bad_combination(self): cmd = [ '--bot', 'bot1:test1', '--testfilter', 'test2', ] options, args = trychange.gen_parser(None).parse_args(cmd) self.assertEquals([], args) try: # pylint: disable=W0212 trychange._ParseBotList(, options.testfilter) except ValueError: pass class SVNUnittest(TryChangeTestsBase): """trychange.SVN tests.""" def testMembersChanged(self): members = [ 'AutomagicalSettings', 'CaptureStatus', 'GetCodeReviewSetting', 'ReadRootFile', 'GenerateDiff', 'GetFileNames', 'files', 'file_tuples', ] # If this test fails, you should add the relevant test. self.compareMembers(trychange.SVN, members) def testBasic(self): # pylint: disable=E1103 trychange.os.path.abspath(self.fake_root).AndReturn(self.fake_root) trychange.scm.SVN.GetCheckoutRoot(self.fake_root).AndReturn(self.fake_root) trychange.scm.SVN.GenerateDiff(['foo.txt', 'bar.txt'], self.fake_root, full_move=True, revision=None).AndReturn('A diff') trychange.scm.SVN.GetEmail(self.fake_root).AndReturn('[email protected]') self.mox.ReplayAll() svn = trychange.SVN(self.options, self.fake_root, self.options.files) self.assertEqual(svn.GetFileNames(), self.expected_files) self.assertEqual(svn.checkout_root, self.fake_root) self.assertEqual(svn.GenerateDiff(), 'A diff') class GITUnittest(TryChangeTestsBase): """trychange.GIT tests.""" def testMembersChanged(self): members = [ 'AutomagicalSettings', 'CaptureStatus', 'GetCodeReviewSetting', 'ReadRootFile', 'GenerateDiff', 'GetFileNames', 'files', 'file_tuples', ] # If this test fails, you should add the relevant test. self.compareMembers(trychange.GIT, members) def testBasic(self): # pylint: disable=E1103 trychange.os.path.abspath(self.fake_root).AndReturn(self.fake_root) trychange.scm.GIT.GetCheckoutRoot(self.fake_root).AndReturn(self.fake_root) trychange.scm.GIT.GetUpstreamBranch(self.fake_root).AndReturn('somewhere') trychange.RunGit(['diff-index', 'HEAD']) trychange.scm.GIT.GenerateDiff(self.fake_root, full_move=True, files=['foo.txt', 'bar.txt'], branch='somewhere').AndReturn('A diff') trychange.scm.GIT.GetPatchName(self.fake_root).AndReturn('bleh-1233') trychange.scm.GIT.GetEmail(self.fake_root).AndReturn('[email protected]') self.mox.ReplayAll() git = trychange.GIT(self.options, self.fake_root, self.options.files) self.assertEqual(git.GetFileNames(), self.expected_files) self.assertEqual(git.checkout_root, self.fake_root) self.assertEqual(git.GenerateDiff(), 'A diff') if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
from __future__ import unicode_literals from calendar import timegm from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.sites.models import get_current_site from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured, ObjectDoesNotExist from django.http import HttpResponse, Http404 from django.template import loader, TemplateDoesNotExist, RequestContext from django.utils import feedgenerator, tzinfo from django.utils.encoding import force_text, iri_to_uri, smart_text from django.utils.html import escape from django.utils.http import http_date from django.utils import six from django.utils.timezone import is_naive def add_domain(domain, url, secure=False): protocol = 'https' if secure else 'http' if url.startswith('//'): # Support network-path reference (see #16753) - RSS requires a protocol url = '%s:%s' % (protocol, url) elif not (url.startswith('http://') or url.startswith('https://') or url.startswith('mailto:')): url = iri_to_uri('%s://%s%s' % (protocol, domain, url)) return url class FeedDoesNotExist(ObjectDoesNotExist): pass class Feed(object): feed_type = feedgenerator.DefaultFeed title_template = None description_template = None def __call__(self, request, *args, **kwargs): try: obj = self.get_object(request, *args, **kwargs) except ObjectDoesNotExist: raise Http404('Feed object does not exist.') feedgen = self.get_feed(obj, request) response = HttpResponse(content_type=feedgen.mime_type) if hasattr(self, 'item_pubdate'): # if item_pubdate is defined for the feed, set header so as # ConditionalGetMiddleware is able to send 304 NOT MODIFIED response['Last-Modified'] = http_date( timegm(feedgen.latest_post_date().utctimetuple())) feedgen.write(response, 'utf-8') return response def item_title(self, item): # Titles should be double escaped by default (see #6533) return escape(force_text(item)) def item_description(self, item): return force_text(item) def item_link(self, item): try: return item.get_absolute_url() except AttributeError: raise ImproperlyConfigured('Give your %s class a get_absolute_url() method, or define an item_link() method in your Feed class.' % item.__class__.__name__) def __get_dynamic_attr(self, attname, obj, default=None): try: attr = getattr(self, attname) except AttributeError: return default if callable(attr): # Check co_argcount rather than try/excepting the function and # catching the TypeError, because something inside the function # may raise the TypeError. This technique is more accurate. try: code = six.get_function_code(attr) except AttributeError: code = six.get_function_code(attr.__call__) if code.co_argcount == 2: # one argument is 'self' return attr(obj) else: return attr() return attr def feed_extra_kwargs(self, obj): """ Returns an extra keyword arguments dictionary that is used when initializing the feed generator. """ return {} def item_extra_kwargs(self, item): """ Returns an extra keyword arguments dictionary that is used with the `add_item` call of the feed generator. """ return {} def get_object(self, request, *args, **kwargs): return None def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): """ Returns a dictionary to use as extra context if either ``self.description_template`` or ``self.item_template`` are used. Default implementation preserves the old behavior of using {'obj': item, 'site': current_site} as the context. """ return {'obj': kwargs.get('item'), 'site': kwargs.get('site')} def get_feed(self, obj, request): """ Returns a feedgenerator.DefaultFeed object, fully populated, for this feed. Raises FeedDoesNotExist for invalid parameters. """ current_site = get_current_site(request) link = self.__get_dynamic_attr('link', obj) link = add_domain(current_site.domain, link, request.is_secure()) feed = self.feed_type( title = self.__get_dynamic_attr('title', obj), subtitle = self.__get_dynamic_attr('subtitle', obj), link = link, description = self.__get_dynamic_attr('description', obj), language = settings.LANGUAGE_CODE, feed_url = add_domain( current_site.domain, self.__get_dynamic_attr('feed_url', obj) or request.path, request.is_secure(), ), author_name = self.__get_dynamic_attr('author_name', obj), author_link = self.__get_dynamic_attr('author_link', obj), author_email = self.__get_dynamic_attr('author_email', obj), categories = self.__get_dynamic_attr('categories', obj), feed_copyright = self.__get_dynamic_attr('feed_copyright', obj), feed_guid = self.__get_dynamic_attr('feed_guid', obj), ttl = self.__get_dynamic_attr('ttl', obj), **self.feed_extra_kwargs(obj) ) title_tmp = None if self.title_template is not None: try: title_tmp = loader.get_template(self.title_template) except TemplateDoesNotExist: pass description_tmp = None if self.description_template is not None: try: description_tmp = loader.get_template(self.description_template) except TemplateDoesNotExist: pass for item in self.__get_dynamic_attr('items', obj): context = self.get_context_data(item=item, site=current_site, obj=obj, request=request) if title_tmp is not None: title = title_tmp.render(RequestContext(request, context)) else: title = self.__get_dynamic_attr('item_title', item) if description_tmp is not None: description = description_tmp.render(RequestContext(request, context)) else: description = self.__get_dynamic_attr('item_description', item) link = add_domain( current_site.domain, self.__get_dynamic_attr('item_link', item), request.is_secure(), ) enc = None enc_url = self.__get_dynamic_attr('item_enclosure_url', item) if enc_url: enc = feedgenerator.Enclosure( url = smart_text(enc_url), length = smart_text(self.__get_dynamic_attr('item_enclosure_length', item)), mime_type = smart_text(self.__get_dynamic_attr('item_enclosure_mime_type', item)) ) author_name = self.__get_dynamic_attr('item_author_name', item) if author_name is not None: author_email = self.__get_dynamic_attr('item_author_email', item) author_link = self.__get_dynamic_attr('item_author_link', item) else: author_email = author_link = None pubdate = self.__get_dynamic_attr('item_pubdate', item) if pubdate and is_naive(pubdate): ltz = tzinfo.LocalTimezone(pubdate) pubdate = pubdate.replace(tzinfo=ltz) feed.add_item( title = title, link = link, description = description, unique_id = self.__get_dynamic_attr('item_guid', item, link), unique_id_is_permalink = self.__get_dynamic_attr( 'item_guid_is_permalink', item), enclosure = enc, pubdate = pubdate, author_name = author_name, author_email = author_email, author_link = author_link, categories = self.__get_dynamic_attr('item_categories', item), item_copyright = self.__get_dynamic_attr('item_copyright', item), **self.item_extra_kwargs(item) ) return feed
import numpy as np from numpy.testing import assert_array_almost_equal, assert_array_equal from pytest import raises as assert_raises from scipy.sparse.csgraph import (shortest_path, dijkstra, johnson, bellman_ford, construct_dist_matrix, NegativeCycleError) import scipy.sparse import pytest directed_G = np.array([[0, 3, 3, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 2, 4], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0, 2, 0]], dtype=float) undirected_G = np.array([[0, 3, 3, 1, 2], [3, 0, 0, 2, 4], [3, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 0, 0, 2], [2, 4, 0, 2, 0]], dtype=float) unweighted_G = (directed_G > 0).astype(float) directed_SP = [[0, 3, 3, 5, 7], [3, 0, 6, 2, 4], [np.inf, np.inf, 0, np.inf, np.inf], [1, 4, 4, 0, 8], [2, 5, 5, 2, 0]] directed_sparse_zero_G = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(([0, 1, 2, 3, 1], ([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 0, 4, 3])), shape = (5, 5)) directed_sparse_zero_SP = [[0, 0, 1, np.inf, np.inf], [3, 0, 1, np.inf, np.inf], [2, 2, 0, np.inf, np.inf], [np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, 0, 3], [np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, 1, 0]] undirected_sparse_zero_G = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(([0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1], ([0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0, 3, 4], [1, 0, 2, 1, 0, 2, 4, 3])), shape = (5, 5)) undirected_sparse_zero_SP = [[0, 0, 1, np.inf, np.inf], [0, 0, 1, np.inf, np.inf], [1, 1, 0, np.inf, np.inf], [np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, 0, 1], [np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, 1, 0]] directed_pred = np.array([[-9999, 0, 0, 1, 1], [3, -9999, 0, 1, 1], [-9999, -9999, -9999, -9999, -9999], [3, 0, 0, -9999, 1], [4, 0, 0, 4, -9999]], dtype=float) undirected_SP = np.array([[0, 3, 3, 1, 2], [3, 0, 6, 2, 4], [3, 6, 0, 4, 5], [1, 2, 4, 0, 2], [2, 4, 5, 2, 0]], dtype=float) undirected_SP_limit_2 = np.array([[0, np.inf, np.inf, 1, 2], [np.inf, 0, np.inf, 2, np.inf], [np.inf, np.inf, 0, np.inf, np.inf], [1, 2, np.inf, 0, 2], [2, np.inf, np.inf, 2, 0]], dtype=float) undirected_SP_limit_0 = np.ones((5, 5), dtype=float) - np.eye(5) undirected_SP_limit_0[undirected_SP_limit_0 > 0] = np.inf undirected_pred = np.array([[-9999, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, -9999, 0, 1, 1], [2, 0, -9999, 0, 0], [3, 3, 0, -9999, 3], [4, 4, 0, 4, -9999]], dtype=float) methods = ['auto', 'FW', 'D', 'BF', 'J'] def test_dijkstra_limit(): limits = [0, 2, np.inf] results = [undirected_SP_limit_0, undirected_SP_limit_2, undirected_SP] def check(limit, result): SP = dijkstra(undirected_G, directed=False, limit=limit) assert_array_almost_equal(SP, result) for limit, result in zip(limits, results): check(limit, result) def test_directed(): def check(method): SP = shortest_path(directed_G, method=method, directed=True, overwrite=False) assert_array_almost_equal(SP, directed_SP) for method in methods: check(method) def test_undirected(): def check(method, directed_in): if directed_in: SP1 = shortest_path(directed_G, method=method, directed=False, overwrite=False) assert_array_almost_equal(SP1, undirected_SP) else: SP2 = shortest_path(undirected_G, method=method, directed=True, overwrite=False) assert_array_almost_equal(SP2, undirected_SP) for method in methods: for directed_in in (True, False): check(method, directed_in) def test_directed_sparse_zero(): # test directed sparse graph with zero-weight edge and two connected components def check(method): SP = shortest_path(directed_sparse_zero_G, method=method, directed=True, overwrite=False) assert_array_almost_equal(SP, directed_sparse_zero_SP) for method in methods: check(method) def test_undirected_sparse_zero(): def check(method, directed_in): if directed_in: SP1 = shortest_path(directed_sparse_zero_G, method=method, directed=False, overwrite=False) assert_array_almost_equal(SP1, undirected_sparse_zero_SP) else: SP2 = shortest_path(undirected_sparse_zero_G, method=method, directed=True, overwrite=False) assert_array_almost_equal(SP2, undirected_sparse_zero_SP) for method in methods: for directed_in in (True, False): check(method, directed_in) @pytest.mark.parametrize('directed, SP_ans', ((True, directed_SP), (False, undirected_SP))) @pytest.mark.parametrize('indices', ([0, 2, 4], [0, 4], [3, 4], [0, 0])) def test_dijkstra_indices_min_only(directed, SP_ans, indices): SP_ans = np.array(SP_ans) indices = np.array(indices, dtype=np.int64) min_ind_ans = indices[np.argmin(SP_ans[indices, :], axis=0)] min_d_ans = np.zeros(SP_ans.shape[0], SP_ans.dtype) for k in range(SP_ans.shape[0]): min_d_ans[k] = SP_ans[min_ind_ans[k], k] min_ind_ans[np.isinf(min_d_ans)] = -9999 SP, pred, sources = dijkstra(directed_G, directed=directed, indices=indices, min_only=True, return_predecessors=True) assert_array_almost_equal(SP, min_d_ans) assert_array_equal(min_ind_ans, sources) SP = dijkstra(directed_G, directed=directed, indices=indices, min_only=True, return_predecessors=False) assert_array_almost_equal(SP, min_d_ans) @pytest.mark.parametrize('n', (10, 100, 1000)) def test_shortest_path_min_only_random(n): np.random.seed(1234) data = scipy.sparse.rand(n, n, density=0.5, format='lil', random_state=42, dtype=np.float64) data.setdiag(np.zeros(n, dtype=np.bool_)) # choose some random vertices v = np.arange(n) np.random.shuffle(v) indices = v[:int(n*.1)] ds, pred, sources = dijkstra(data, directed=False, indices=indices, min_only=True, return_predecessors=True) for k in range(n): p = pred[k] s = sources[k] while(p != -9999): assert(sources[p] == s) p = pred[p] def test_shortest_path_indices(): indices = np.arange(4) def check(func, indshape): outshape = indshape + (5,) SP = func(directed_G, directed=False, indices=indices.reshape(indshape)) assert_array_almost_equal(SP, undirected_SP[indices].reshape(outshape)) for indshape in [(4,), (4, 1), (2, 2)]: for func in (dijkstra, bellman_ford, johnson, shortest_path): check(func, indshape) assert_raises(ValueError, shortest_path, directed_G, method='FW', indices=indices) def test_predecessors(): SP_res = {True: directed_SP, False: undirected_SP} pred_res = {True: directed_pred, False: undirected_pred} def check(method, directed): SP, pred = shortest_path(directed_G, method, directed=directed, overwrite=False, return_predecessors=True) assert_array_almost_equal(SP, SP_res[directed]) assert_array_almost_equal(pred, pred_res[directed]) for method in methods: for directed in (True, False): check(method, directed) def test_construct_shortest_path(): def check(method, directed): SP1, pred = shortest_path(directed_G, directed=directed, overwrite=False, return_predecessors=True) SP2 = construct_dist_matrix(directed_G, pred, directed=directed) assert_array_almost_equal(SP1, SP2) for method in methods: for directed in (True, False): check(method, directed) def test_unweighted_path(): def check(method, directed): SP1 = shortest_path(directed_G, directed=directed, overwrite=False, unweighted=True) SP2 = shortest_path(unweighted_G, directed=directed, overwrite=False, unweighted=False) assert_array_almost_equal(SP1, SP2) for method in methods: for directed in (True, False): check(method, directed) def test_negative_cycles(): # create a small graph with a negative cycle graph = np.ones([5, 5]) graph.flat[::6] = 0 graph[1, 2] = -2 def check(method, directed): assert_raises(NegativeCycleError, shortest_path, graph, method, directed) for method in ['FW', 'J', 'BF']: for directed in (True, False): check(method, directed) def test_masked_input():, 0) def check(method): SP = shortest_path(directed_G, method=method, directed=True, overwrite=False) assert_array_almost_equal(SP, directed_SP) for method in methods: check(method) def test_overwrite(): G = np.array([[0, 3, 3, 1, 2], [3, 0, 0, 2, 4], [3, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 0, 0, 2], [2, 4, 0, 2, 0]], dtype=float) foo = G.copy() shortest_path(foo, overwrite=False) assert_array_equal(foo, G) @pytest.mark.parametrize('method', methods) def test_buffer(method): # Smoke test that sparse matrices with read-only buffers (e.g., those from # joblib workers) do not cause:: # # ValueError: buffer source array is read-only # G = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix([[1.]])['WRITEABLE'] = False shortest_path(G, method=method) def test_NaN_warnings(): with pytest.warns(None) as record: shortest_path(np.array([[0, 1], [np.nan, 0]])) for r in record: assert r.category is not RuntimeWarning def test_sparse_matrices(): # Test that using lil,csr and csc sparse matrix do not cause error G_dense = np.array([[0, 3, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 2, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 4], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]], dtype=float) SP = shortest_path(G_dense) G_csr = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(G_dense) G_csc = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(G_dense) G_lil = scipy.sparse.lil_matrix(G_dense) assert_array_almost_equal(SP, shortest_path(G_csr)) assert_array_almost_equal(SP, shortest_path(G_csc)) assert_array_almost_equal(SP, shortest_path(G_lil))
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import requests import sys import subprocess import argparse def get_commits(pr): try: res = requests.get('' '{}/commits'.format(pr)).json() return [c['sha'] for c in res] except (ValueError, requests.exceptions.HTTPError) as e: print(e) sys.exit(1) def run_command(cmd): try: subprocess.check_call(cmd) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print(e) sys.exit(1) a = argparse.ArgumentParser() action = a.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) action.add_argument( '-b', '--backport-unto', metavar='REF', nargs=1, help='Backport, using ' 'cherry-pick, all commits from PULL_REQUEST onto REF. This is done on a ' 'branch called "backport-PULL_REQUEST". When the cherry-pick fails, solve ' 'the conflict as usual and run "git cherry-pick --continue --allow-empty"') action.add_argument( '-m', '--merge-into', metavar='REF', nargs=1, help='Take the backport-' 'PULL_REQUEST branch and merge it into REF') a.add_argument( 'pull_request', metavar='PULL_REQUEST', type=int, help='The PR number to backport') args = a.parse_args() if args.backport_unto: command = ['git', 'checkout', '-b', 'backport-{}'.format(args.pull_request), args.backport_unto[0]] run_command(command) commits = get_commits(args.pull_request) command = ['git', 'cherry-pick', '-x', '--allow-empty'] + commits run_command(command) if args.merge_into: command = ['git', 'checkout', args.merge_into[0]] run_command(command) command = ['git', 'merge', '--no-ff', 'backport-{}'.format(args.pull_request), '-m', 'Backport #{}'.format(args.pull_request)] run_command(command)
"""A multi-producer, multi-consumer queue.""" from time import time as _time try: import threading as _threading except ImportError: import dummy_threading as _threading from collections import deque import heapq __all__ = ['Empty', 'Full', 'Queue', 'PriorityQueue', 'LifoQueue'] class Empty(Exception): "Exception raised by Queue.get(block=0)/get_nowait()." pass class Full(Exception): "Exception raised by Queue.put(block=0)/put_nowait()." pass class Queue: """Create a queue object with a given maximum size. If maxsize is <= 0, the queue size is infinite. """ def __init__(self, maxsize=0): self.maxsize = maxsize self._init(maxsize) # mutex must be held whenever the queue is mutating. All methods # that acquire mutex must release it before returning. mutex # is shared between the three conditions, so acquiring and # releasing the conditions also acquires and releases mutex. self.mutex = _threading.Lock() # Notify not_empty whenever an item is added to the queue; a # thread waiting to get is notified then. self.not_empty = _threading.Condition(self.mutex) # Notify not_full whenever an item is removed from the queue; # a thread waiting to put is notified then. self.not_full = _threading.Condition(self.mutex) # Notify all_tasks_done whenever the number of unfinished tasks # drops to zero; thread waiting to join() is notified to resume self.all_tasks_done = _threading.Condition(self.mutex) self.unfinished_tasks = 0 def task_done(self): """Indicate that a formerly enqueued task is complete. Used by Queue consumer threads. For each get() used to fetch a task, a subsequent call to task_done() tells the queue that the processing on the task is complete. If a join() is currently blocking, it will resume when all items have been processed (meaning that a task_done() call was received for every item that had been put() into the queue). Raises a ValueError if called more times than there were items placed in the queue. """ self.all_tasks_done.acquire() try: unfinished = self.unfinished_tasks - 1 if unfinished <= 0: if unfinished < 0: raise ValueError('task_done() called too many times') self.all_tasks_done.notify_all() self.unfinished_tasks = unfinished finally: self.all_tasks_done.release() def join(self): """Blocks until all items in the Queue have been gotten and processed. The count of unfinished tasks goes up whenever an item is added to the queue. The count goes down whenever a consumer thread calls task_done() to indicate the item was retrieved and all work on it is complete. When the count of unfinished tasks drops to zero, join() unblocks. """ self.all_tasks_done.acquire() try: while self.unfinished_tasks: self.all_tasks_done.wait() finally: self.all_tasks_done.release() def qsize(self): """Return the approximate size of the queue (not reliable!).""" self.mutex.acquire() n = self._qsize() self.mutex.release() return n def empty(self): """Return True if the queue is empty, False otherwise (not reliable!).""" self.mutex.acquire() n = not self._qsize() self.mutex.release() return n def full(self): """Return True if the queue is full, False otherwise (not reliable!).""" self.mutex.acquire() n = 0 < self.maxsize == self._qsize() self.mutex.release() return n def put(self, item, block=True, timeout=None): """Put an item into the queue. If optional args 'block' is true and 'timeout' is None (the default), block if necessary until a free slot is available. If 'timeout' is a positive number, it blocks at most 'timeout' seconds and raises the Full exception if no free slot was available within that time. Otherwise ('block' is false), put an item on the queue if a free slot is immediately available, else raise the Full exception ('timeout' is ignored in that case). """ self.not_full.acquire() try: if self.maxsize > 0: if not block: if self._qsize() == self.maxsize: raise Full elif timeout is None: while self._qsize() == self.maxsize: self.not_full.wait() elif timeout < 0: raise ValueError("'timeout' must be a positive number") else: endtime = _time() + timeout while self._qsize() == self.maxsize: remaining = endtime - _time() if remaining <= 0.0: raise Full self.not_full.wait(remaining) self._put(item) self.unfinished_tasks += 1 self.not_empty.notify() finally: self.not_full.release() def put_nowait(self, item): """Put an item into the queue without blocking. Only enqueue the item if a free slot is immediately available. Otherwise raise the Full exception. """ return self.put(item, False) def get(self, block=True, timeout=None): """Remove and return an item from the queue. If optional args 'block' is true and 'timeout' is None (the default), block if necessary until an item is available. If 'timeout' is a positive number, it blocks at most 'timeout' seconds and raises the Empty exception if no item was available within that time. Otherwise ('block' is false), return an item if one is immediately available, else raise the Empty exception ('timeout' is ignored in that case). """ self.not_empty.acquire() try: if not block: if not self._qsize(): raise Empty elif timeout is None: while not self._qsize(): self.not_empty.wait() elif timeout < 0: raise ValueError("'timeout' must be a positive number") else: endtime = _time() + timeout while not self._qsize(): remaining = endtime - _time() if remaining <= 0.0: raise Empty self.not_empty.wait(remaining) item = self._get() self.not_full.notify() return item finally: self.not_empty.release() def get_nowait(self): """Remove and return an item from the queue without blocking. Only get an item if one is immediately available. Otherwise raise the Empty exception. """ return self.get(False) # Override these methods to implement other queue organizations # (e.g. stack or priority queue). # These will only be called with appropriate locks held # Initialize the queue representation def _init(self, maxsize): self.queue = deque() def _qsize(self, len=len): return len(self.queue) # Put a new item in the queue def _put(self, item): self.queue.append(item) # Get an item from the queue def _get(self): return self.queue.popleft() class PriorityQueue(Queue): '''Variant of Queue that retrieves open entries in priority order (lowest first). Entries are typically tuples of the form: (priority number, data). ''' def _init(self, maxsize): self.queue = [] def _qsize(self, len=len): return len(self.queue) def _put(self, item, heappush=heapq.heappush): heappush(self.queue, item) def _get(self, heappop=heapq.heappop): return heappop(self.queue) class LifoQueue(Queue): '''Variant of Queue that retrieves most recently added entries first.''' def _init(self, maxsize): self.queue = [] def _qsize(self, len=len): return len(self.queue) def _put(self, item): self.queue.append(item) def _get(self): return self.queue.pop()
# MOE:insert #!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2018 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # This is a complete rewrite of a file licensed as follows: # # Copyright (c) 2008-2013, Even Rouault <even dot rouault at mines-paris dot org> # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, # and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """Test OGR handling of GeoRSS files. This is a rewrite of: """ import json import os import sys import unittest import google3 from osgeo import ogr from osgeo import osr from osgeo import gdal from autotest2.gcore import gcore_util from autotest2.ogr import ogr_util DRIVER = ogr_util.GEORSS_DRIVER EXT = '.xml' DEFAULT_LAYER_NAME = 'OGRGeoRSS' # Values used in some of the atom tests. ATOM_FIELD_VALUES = [ ('title', 'Atom draft-07 snapshot', ogr.OFTString), ('link_rel', 'alternate', ogr.OFTString), ('link_type', 'text/html', ogr.OFTString), ('link_href', '', ogr.OFTString), ('link2_rel', 'enclosure', ogr.OFTString), ('link2_type', 'audio/mpeg', ogr.OFTString), ('link2_length', '1337', ogr.OFTInteger), ('link2_href', '', ogr.OFTString), ('id', ',2003:3.2397', ogr.OFTString), ('updated', '2005/07/31 12:29:29+00', ogr.OFTDateTime), ('published', '2003/12/13 08:29:29-04', ogr.OFTDateTime), ('author_name', 'Mark Pilgrim', ogr.OFTString), ('author_uri', '', ogr.OFTString), ('author_email', '[email protected]', ogr.OFTString), ('contributor_name', 'Sam Ruby', ogr.OFTString), ('contributor2_name', 'Joe Gregorio', ogr.OFTString), ('content_type', 'xhtml', ogr.OFTString), ('content_xml_lang', 'en', ogr.OFTString), ('content_xml_base', '', ogr.OFTString) ] def setUpModule(): ogr_util.SetupTestEnv() def CreateField(layer, name, field_type=ogr.OFTString): field_definition = ogr.FieldDefn(name, field_type) layer.CreateField(field_definition) field_definition.Destroy() @ogr_util.SkipIfDriverMissing(DRIVER) class OgrGeoRSSTest(ogr_util.DriverTestCase): def setUp(self): super(OgrGeoRSSTest, self).setUp(DRIVER, EXT) # Helper for GeoRSS tests. Used by GeoRss1x. def ogrGeoRssTestAtom(self, ogr_filepath): ds = self.CheckOpen(ogr_filepath) lyr = ds.GetLayerByIndex(0) self.assertIsNone(lyr.GetSpatialRef()) feat = lyr.GetNextFeature() for field_value in ATOM_FIELD_VALUES: self.assertEquals(feat.GetFieldAsString(field_value[0]), field_value[1]) self.assertIn('<div xmlns="">', feat.GetFieldAsString('content')) # Helper for GeoRSS tests. Used by GeoRss2~9. def ogrGeoRssTest(self, ogr_filepath, only_first_feature): ds = self.CheckOpen(ogr_filepath) lyr = ds.GetLayerByIndex(0) srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.SetWellKnownGeogCS('WGS84') self.assertIsNotNone(lyr.GetSpatialRef()) self.assertTrue(lyr.GetSpatialRef().IsSame(srs)) self.assertNotIn('AXIS["Latitude",NORTH],AXIS["Longitude",EAST]', lyr.GetSpatialRef().ExportToWkt()) feat = lyr.GetNextFeature() expected_wkt = 'POINT (2 49)' self.assertEquals(feat.GetGeometryRef().ExportToWkt(), expected_wkt) self.assertEquals(feat.GetFieldAsString('title'), 'A point') self.assertEquals(feat.GetFieldAsString('author'), 'Author') self.assertEquals(feat.GetFieldAsString('link'), '') self.assertEquals( feat.GetFieldAsString('pubDate'), '2008/12/07 20:13:00+02') self.assertEquals(feat.GetFieldAsString('category'), 'First category') self.assertEquals(feat.GetFieldAsString('category_domain'), 'first_domain') self.assertEquals(feat.GetFieldAsString('category2'), 'Second category') self.assertEquals( feat.GetFieldAsString('category2_domain'), 'second_domain') feat = lyr.GetNextFeature() expected_wkt = 'LINESTRING (2 48,2.1 48.1,2.2 48.0)' if only_first_feature is False: self.assertEquals(feat.GetGeometryRef().ExportToWkt(), expected_wkt) self.assertEquals(feat.GetFieldAsString('title'), 'A line') feat = lyr.GetNextFeature() expected_wkt = 'POLYGON ((2 50,2.1 50.1,2.2 48.1,2.1 46.1,2 50))' if only_first_feature is False: self.assertEquals(feat.GetGeometryRef().ExportToWkt(), expected_wkt) self.assertEquals(feat.GetFieldAsString('title'), 'A polygon') feat = lyr.GetNextFeature() expected_wkt = 'POLYGON ((2 49,2.0 49.5,2.2 49.5,2.2 49.0,2 49))' if only_first_feature is False: self.assertEquals(feat.GetGeometryRef().ExportToWkt(), expected_wkt) self.assertEquals(feat.GetFieldAsString('title'), 'A box') # Creates a RSS 2.0 document def ogrGeoRssCreate(self, ogr_filepath, options): ds = self.driver.CreateDataSource(ogr_filepath, options=options) lyr = ds.CreateLayer('georss') lyr.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn('title', ogr.OFTString)) lyr.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn('author', ogr.OFTString)) lyr.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn('link', ogr.OFTString)) lyr.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn('pubDate', ogr.OFTDateTime)) lyr.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn('description', ogr.OFTString)) lyr.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn('category', ogr.OFTString)) lyr.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn('category_domain', ogr.OFTString)) lyr.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn('category2', ogr.OFTString)) lyr.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn('category2_domain', ogr.OFTString)) dst_feat = ogr.Feature(feature_def=lyr.GetLayerDefn()) dst_feat.SetField('title', 'A point') dst_feat.SetField('author', 'Author') dst_feat.SetField('link', '') dst_feat.SetField('pubDate', '2008/12/07 20:13:00+02') dst_feat.SetField('category', 'First category') dst_feat.SetField('category_domain', 'first_domain') dst_feat.SetField('category2', 'Second category') dst_feat.SetField('category2_domain', 'second_domain') dst_feat.SetGeometry(ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt('POINT (2 49)')) self.assertEqual(lyr.CreateFeature(dst_feat), 0) dst_feat = ogr.Feature(feature_def=lyr.GetLayerDefn()) dst_feat.SetField('title', 'A line') dst_feat.SetField('author', 'Author') dst_feat.SetField('link', '') dst_feat.SetField('pubDate', '2008/12/07 20:13:00+02') dst_feat.SetGeometry( ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt('LINESTRING (2 48,2.1 48.1,2.2 48.0)')) self.assertEqual(lyr.CreateFeature(dst_feat), 0) dst_feat = ogr.Feature(feature_def=lyr.GetLayerDefn()) dst_feat.SetField('title', 'A polygon') dst_feat.SetField('author', 'Author') dst_feat.SetField('link', '') dst_feat.SetField('pubDate', '2008/12/07 20:13:00+02') dst_feat.SetGeometry( ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt( 'POLYGON ((2 50,2.1 50.1,2.2 48.1,2.1 46.1,2 50))')) self.assertEqual(lyr.CreateFeature(dst_feat), 0) dst_feat = ogr.Feature(feature_def=lyr.GetLayerDefn()) dst_feat.SetField('title', 'A box') dst_feat.SetField('author', 'Author') dst_feat.SetField('link', '') dst_feat.SetField('pubDate', '2008/12/07 20:13:00+02') dst_feat.SetGeometry( ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt( 'POLYGON ((2 49,2.0 49.5,2.2 49.5,2.2 49.0,2 49))')) self.assertEqual(lyr.CreateFeature(dst_feat), 0) ds = None def testOgrGeorss1(self): filepath = ogr_util.GetTestFilePath('georss/atom_rfc_sample.xml') self.ogrGeoRssTestAtom(filepath) def testOgrGeorss1AtomNs(self): filepath = ogr_util.GetTestFilePath('georss/atom_rfc_sample_atom_ns.xml') self.ogrGeoRssTestAtom(filepath) def testOgrGeorss1bis(self): filepath = ogr_util.GetTestFilePath('/vsimem/test_atom.xml') ds = self.driver.CreateDataSource(filepath, options=['FORMAT=ATOM']) lyr = ds.CreateLayer('georss') for field_value in ATOM_FIELD_VALUES: lyr.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn(field_value[0], field_value[2])) lyr.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn('content', ogr.OFTString)) dst_feat = ogr.Feature(feature_def=lyr.GetLayerDefn()) for field_value in ATOM_FIELD_VALUES: dst_feat.SetField(field_value[0], field_value[1]) dst_feat.SetField( 'content', '<div xmlns="">' '<p><i>[Update: The Atom draft is finished.]</i></p></div>') self.assertEqual(lyr.CreateFeature(dst_feat), 0) def testOgrGeorss1ter(self): filepath = ogr_util.GetTestFilePath('/vsimem/test_atom.xml') self.ogrGeoRssTestAtom(filepath) # Test reading a RSS 2.0 document with GeoRSS simple geometries def testOgrGeorss2(self): filepath = ogr_util.GetTestFilePath('georss/test_georss_simple.xml') self.ogrGeoRssTest(filepath, False) # Test reading a RSS 2.0 document with GeoRSS GML geometries def testOgrGeorss3(self): filepath = ogr_util.GetTestFilePath('georss/test_georss_gml.xml') self.ogrGeoRssTest(filepath, False) # Test writing a RSS 2.0 document in Simple dialect # (doesn't need read support) def testOgrGeorss4and5(self): filepath = ogr_util.GetTestFilePath('/vsimem/ogr_georss_4.xml') with gcore_util.GdalUnlinkWhenDone(filepath): self.ogrGeoRssCreate(filepath, []) src = self.CheckOpen(filepath) lyr = src.GetLayerByName('georss') self.assertIsNotNone(lyr) # Portion that was in 5. self.ogrGeoRssTest(filepath, False) # Test writing a RSS 2.0 document in GML dialect # (doesn't need read support) def testOgrGeorss6and7(self): filepath = ogr_util.GetTestFilePath('/vsimem/ogr_georss_6.xml') with gcore_util.GdalUnlinkWhenDone(filepath): self.ogrGeoRssCreate(filepath, ['GEOM_DIALECT=GML']) src = self.CheckOpen(filepath) lyr = src.GetLayerByName('georss') self.assertIsNotNone(lyr) # Portion that was in 7. self.ogrGeoRssTest(filepath, False) # Test writing a RSS 2.0 document in W3C Geo dialect # (doesn't need read support) def testOgrGeorss8and9(self): filepath = ogr_util.GetTestFilePath('/vsimem/ogr_georss_8.xml') with gcore_util.GdalUnlinkWhenDone(filepath): self.ogrGeoRssCreate(filepath, ['GEOM_DIALECT=W3C_GEO']) src = self.CheckOpen(filepath) lyr = src.GetLayerByName('georss') self.assertIsNotNone(lyr) # Portion that was in 9. self.ogrGeoRssTest(filepath, True) # Test writing a RSS 2.0 document in GML dialect with EPSG:32631 def testOgrGeorss10and11(self): filepath = ogr_util.GetTestFilePath('/vsimem/test32631.rss') with gcore_util.GdalUnlinkWhenDone(filepath): srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromEPSG(32631) ds = self.driver.CreateDataSource(filepath) with gcore_util.GdalUnlinkWhenDone(filepath): with gcore_util.ErrorHandler('CPLQuietErrorHandler'): lyr = ds.CreateLayer('georss', srs=srs) self.assertIsNone(lyr) ds = self.driver.CreateDataSource(filepath, options=['GEOM_DIALECT=GML']) lyr = ds.CreateLayer('georss', srs=srs) dst_feat = ogr.Feature(feature_def=lyr.GetLayerDefn()) dst_feat.SetGeometry(ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt('POINT (500000 4000000)')) self.assertEqual(lyr.CreateFeature(dst_feat), 0) # Close the files and force a flush to the filesystem. lyr = None ds = None src = self.CheckOpen(filepath) lyr = src.GetLayerByName('georss') self.assertIsNotNone(lyr) # Portion that was in 11. ds = self.CheckOpen(filepath) lyr = ds.GetLayer(0) srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromEPSG(32631) self.assertIsNotNone(lyr.GetSpatialRef()) self.assertTrue(lyr.GetSpatialRef().IsSame(srs)) self.assertIn('AXIS["Latitude",NORTH],AXIS["Longitude",EAST]', lyr.GetSpatialRef().ExportToWkt()) feat = lyr.GetNextFeature() expected_wkt = 'POINT (500000 4000000)' self.assertEqual(feat.GetGeometryRef().ExportToWkt(), expected_wkt) # TODO(b/71817518): ogr_georss_12 def testOgrGeorss13and14(self): filepath = ogr_util.GetTestFilePath('/vsimem/test32631.rss') with gcore_util.GdalUnlinkWhenDone(filepath): ds = self.driver.CreateDataSource( filepath, options=['USE_EXTENSIONS=YES']) lyr = ds.CreateLayer('georss') lyr.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn('myns_field', ogr.OFTString)) lyr.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn('field2', ogr.OFTString)) lyr.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn('ogr_field3', ogr.OFTString)) dst_feat = ogr.Feature(feature_def=lyr.GetLayerDefn()) dst_feat.SetField('myns_field', 'val') dst_feat.SetField('field2', 'val2') dst_feat.SetField('ogr_field3', 'val3') self.assertEqual(lyr.CreateFeature(dst_feat), 0) ds = None src = self.CheckOpen(filepath) lyr = src.GetLayerByName('georss') self.assertIsNotNone(lyr) # Portion that was in 14. ds = self.CheckOpen(filepath) lyr = ds.GetLayer(0) feat = lyr.GetNextFeature() self.assertEquals(feat.GetFieldAsString('myns_field'), 'val') self.assertEquals(feat.GetFieldAsString('ogr_field2'), 'val2') self.assertEquals(feat.GetFieldAsString('ogr_field3'), 'val3') # ogr_georss_15 redundant as all temp files were tested with in memory file. if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()