If I'm not screwing up, tex->DrawType is pushed onto the stack, so drawtype should be added as a last argument
[ 1 ]
hmm to me it seems like the same logic when a combination of any of these are in prof diff updatereplace would happen allocation id instance id allocation id network interface id eip instance id eip network interface id
[ 0 ]
this line should be params params
[ 0 ]
please use mock instead of mox
[ 0 ]
the same suggestion as verify top install sh
[ 0 ]
Wacky. I'll try to use my Galaxy S3 to debug this later.
[ 1 ]
you should use mocks fill udp checksum assert called once with
[ 0 ]
this needs your son of bitch as i mentioned before please use git cherry pick x s to add the cherry pick message and your son of bitch
[ 0 ]
even if you set here infinite value granula has own timeout which will abort puppet
[ 0 ]
i think both of the commas on this line should be removed
[ 0 ]
let s make the typenamespace and iodelegate into protected members and save ourselves this indirection
[ 0 ]
oh, uh... damn, I knew objective code was old, but damn
[ 1 ]
include stdbool h bool
[ 0 ]
[ 1 ]
I was unsure which side of the line to walk, mocking edgelord, or HOLY FUCK WHOAAAAAAAAA.
[ 1 ]
@luke-jr With 1000 file descriptors, that effectively means O(1M) operations to construct these sets, which seems ridiculous. Is there any reason not to switch to using poll()?
[ 1 ]
about deleting if instance could not be deleted if dns record is not present seems like a bug automated ripping is ok avoiding instance we already have discussed it so i think doing same with dns on instance fail is although ok mgmt call seems like optinal ability but not the main purpose
[ 0 ]
nit this line should be removed
[ 0 ]
It's days from a ridiculous but common sort of origin, long, long, ago. See http://matplotlib.org/api/dates_api.html for the explanation.
[ 1 ]
values is the variable used by the values implementation it s what you get if you use reflection on an enum it s included in the dump as just another property so i think it is fine to use it
[ 0 ]
As rock, you dont need to be an armchair nut to fucking know that the , isnt needed I dknt think the description of rods needs to be deep its fucking rods
[ 1 ]
damn this component is wack lol
[ 1 ]
The `in` are fucky here and should be wrapped in parenthesis
[ 1 ]
consts network notation ip ranges
[ 0 ]
expect eq can now print gfx rect when failed so you can just use gfx rect
[ 0 ]
i am not sure i understand this comment i do not see this being done so why do you say we have to also why not just move that into build toolchain sh
[ 0 ]
no trailing white space you should try running bin lint sh on this new file and fix issues it raises
[ 0 ]
can you please s kp key protector
[ 0 ]
def file path self class file path end
[ 0 ]
don't you want to print out the paramIdentifier ?
[ 1 ]
No, I really think we need this. Forcing people to enable txindex to be able to get their own transactions is ridiculous.
[ 1 ]
ahahah holy fuck uuh make it visible_message when it spews lube everywhere so people know where its coming from
[ 1 ]
Hm, it's weird that they got added, normally the config only shows custom values.
[ 1 ]
needs to be removed
[ 0 ]
[ 1 ]
another passive trip point is necessary for ipa there s a switch on trip point at which the pid control kicks in and a target control trip point
[ 0 ]
You're a fuckin' cancer of a signal transmission.
[ 1 ]
Shut the fuck up or I'm repo banning both of you
[ 1 ]
Stop doing this shit, no
[ 1 ]
okay so looks like either nexis or bay made them have toxins access fuck atomic were changing a second file
[ 1 ]
check self fuel web assert pacemaker below will fail if you destroy self env d env nodes slaves
[ 0 ]
Note to self: WTH? This compiles locally just fine. Why is CI seeing something different?
[ 1 ]
Ah, too bad. LLNL also had some code for double double and quad double, but the license looked ridiculous, as in, you needed to fill out a form.
[ 1 ]
uploading a follow up patch to correct this
[ 0 ]
bad formatting or will give you bullets
[ 0 ]
yeah but that duplicates the closecontainer calls i like the single point of return and the guaranteed closes a little better how strong is your preference
[ 0 ]
Indentation is a bit weird here.
[ 1 ]
thanks p draig i will address those nits
[ 0 ]
put die after this
[ 0 ]
@jfrazelle I don't think there is a point in making this happen for v1. I would close this issue (for the reasons I pointed out in https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/8188#issuecomment-62758748 - the desire for this arose from the fact the performance sucks, and this is what should be fixed, and what is fixed by the new protocol).
[ 1 ]
The game should communicate somewhere that you can't craft things with filthy components.
[ 1 ]
part of me thinks we should push these methods into the object but thats a bad coupling so maybe here is best anyways we can sort that later as the pattern becomes clearer so i will not block on that
[ 0 ]
can you use callerinfo unknown number private number payphone number
[ 0 ]
i think you can get rid of this function and the one below if you let dbusobjectproxywithuma inherit dbus objectproxy but it is still kind of hacky
[ 0 ]
ugh, once again the ridiculous dependency between this project and poetry-export-plugin... get #5980 merged please!
[ 1 ]
I don't like how he immediately comments on your tone. Feels weird and forced.
[ 1 ]
I'd just like to say that without point cost minmaxing, plenty of people would still play challenge scenarios. it's ridiculous to think that almost no one would play challenge scenarios without points. people love challenging themselves in games
[ 1 ]
I am sooooo right. The API did expose an internal index with the such a big nonsense. Ever heard about information hiding, a famous OO principe?
[ 1 ]
probably going to go with overlays since translating turfs looks ugly.
[ 1 ]
Yeah. I'm still not gonna miss an opportunity to point out _what the fuck is this_.
[ 1 ]
this br should be configurable
[ 0 ]
fake nic data mock get nic data by name return value
[ 0 ]
Snowflake as fuck. Is there not a NOCLONE flag for species?
[ 1 ]
useless ref
[ 0 ]
But then you can't have vomit smoke grenades and other memes Also there are plenty of substances that are just mixtures of stuff that we already have, see: doctor's delight and other cocktails
[ 1 ]
Thanks for putting the work in to provide us with a detailed example, @rubbish - this will help us a lot with the debugging process. Tagged and we'll take a look.
[ 1 ]
i am not following this part why is this codepath needed
[ 0 ]
shit Well, i'll run it again with most of the adventure zone suns being static, and see how it looks
[ 1 ]
silently upconvert you silly machine! I'll add the explicit cast to shut it up.
[ 1 ]
fuck i didnt look at it second round baby.
[ 1 ]
Oh, I see. Just a brain fart again. lol
[ 1 ]
add gettext to the globals
[ 0 ]
that is handled by strtok which removes all the delimiters
[ 0 ]
cq depend is backwards defining the new option in board h must be done before we turn off code if it is not defined
[ 0 ]
i am dumb and forgot how this works instead of calling onseekframesuccess we only execute onvideoseekedfortrackchange
[ 0 ]
terrible style separate it plz like this floating ips self client floating ips list all tenants all tenants then return floatingip fip for fip in floating ips
[ 0 ]
Pull to refresh is an abomination and should never exist on Android. It is a copy-paste from the iOS world, and is useless and absolutely not user-friendly. Also two step? That complicates stuff even further...
[ 1 ]
I was trying to fix an issue, this fix didn't work, forgot to uncommit fuck
[ 1 ]
from conversations with hboehm i was under the impression that there were lots of users of atomic inline h but i only see three i will kill them there are still hundreds of users of atomic h sadly we need to think of a plan to at least make sure new code gets written with stdatomic h instead
[ 0 ]
whoa shit this works???
[ 1 ]
Leave a comment here as to why this exists so someone doesnt fuck it up later
[ 1 ]
what lutz said the first issue data structure of wrong type could happen due to an admin messing around with their low level preg pol files or perhaps due to backwards incompatible change to a policy schema don t do this the seccond issue malformed json strings will happen all the time when admins forget a curly brace i do not think it is necessary to tell the admin both at once somehow you corrupted your pol file and also you forgot a curly brace
[ 0 ]
nit nullptr out static user agent settings
[ 0 ]
> remove spaces from `ref` attribute not that easy on pug, though all that online editors is a rubbish.. some of them doesn't support preprocessors, some `<script setup>` but i'll try, wait a min
[ 1 ]
Oh damn, yes, will fix.
[ 1 ]
@robysalv cou can try my fix here: https://github.com/CopeX/PaypalFix I think it should work also in 2.2.3. This is getting ridiculous, sorry Magento-Team i love your work and so on but i think you should prioritize such bugs a bit more.
[ 1 ]
done and i also caught a spelling error in the next test as well which i will correct in the next patch
[ 0 ]
throw new nullpointerexception policy null
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sessionowner session owner sessionowner ktracingcontroller
[ 0 ]
fuck i forgot the comma
[ 1 ]
this comment is useless
[ 0 ]
The fuck are you talking about? The game is complete already and it's already the best looking open world Action RPG ever made. You are just some meme spouting faggot that knows fuck all about anything so go kill yourself.
[ 1 ]
I've got tons of URLs that are non-ASCII. This is expected on my site, and not someone trying wacky URLs.
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but we should probably switch the tests over to using this and then we can really kill deletecontents
[ 0 ]
Is this file strictly necessary? Just thinking that it is going to be a bitch to maintain
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what about calling getshortpathname longpath null null to get the length before we malloc
[ 0 ]
This is on a new line, so starting the line with a space will look weird.
[ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
JMP is going to look fucky in the logs since its some weird href
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silly nit take with a grain of salt perhaps s throw up raise throw up brings other things to mind
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