In that case you're fucked either way But there's essentially no difference in time Also shut up this is fine and you know it
[ 1 ]
oh sorry dummy of course
[ 0 ]
what level of jailing should this use btw i noticed that metrics daemon is not jailed should it have it is own user group seccomp policy this program does take some input d bus signals with a small payload it reads sysfs files and can write into a couple of sysfs files at startup it creates and writes files in var log it also does syslog
[ 0 ]
this block belongs in stop opendaylight the bits in unstack sh go here
[ 0 ]
are all of these values only for vmware or is one relevant for other hypervisors
[ 0 ]
this empty line should be eliminated
[ 0 ]
sorry for this dummy mistake will be fixed
[ 0 ]
you re superfluous space
[ 0 ]
why do you need to test a dummy method in addition no assertions
[ 0 ]
i feel stupid but i do not see why there needs to be the when the counter being zero already prevents autofilling
[ 0 ]
open bug against this garbage remove
[ 0 ]
probably a yaml dump or yaml safe dump here
[ 0 ]
the purpose of overriding is to not create the port when deploying with an external balancer
[ 0 ]
This feels like it might be related to https://github.com/hrydgard/ppsspp/issues/12498 . Some wacky viewport invalidation issue maybe?
[ 1 ]
I'm so fucking dumb, I left that so I wouldnt forget to add an actual doc comment
[ 1 ]
imo those kind of ifdef in board code are not terribly useful
[ 0 ]
Hahaha, holy shit. Excellent.
[ 1 ]
Don't you think this is a ridiculous "solution" for tracking issues status?
[ 1 ]
also, what the fuck is appveyor?
[ 1 ]
Yeah, this is ridiculous; notepad++ compare on the left, vscode compare on the right. ![notepad++vs-vscode-compare](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26718996/155344737-a26075e1-ef5d-4a1c-a5b3-b87f23c9cbf5.png)
[ 1 ]
Yep, this sucks, I'll try to find a better way.
[ 1 ]
useless please remove it for now
[ 0 ]
deferring to vadim for reviewing maybe suggesting better ways
[ 0 ]
these new mocks seem to be overly broad my understanding of this is that any object using time time not just the monasca common kafka producer will be effected by this mock is that your understanding if it is then this may work in the current case but seems dangerous for future development i would prefer to mock as specifically as possible to avoid unintentionally disabling functionality in objects
[ 0 ]
Absolutely disgusting
[ 1 ]
this should be bumped to the current proposed microversion v
[ 0 ]
don t store this into self it is useless
[ 0 ]
nit this should go in the anonymous namespace at the top of the file
[ 0 ]
it looks like i should update db agentschedulers db py
[ 0 ]
everything else uses it in this file and I don't feel like refactoring the FUCKING MESS that is admin code
[ 1 ]
I hate you dreammaker.
[ 1 ]
you did not list gzip here you are also duplicating what we have in cros build lib py with comp
[ 0 ]
pass is useless because there is a docstring
[ 0 ]
Every. Single. Document on Microsoft's various sites is wrong and damn near all the tools generate invalid SAS URLs. This product is an abomination.
[ 1 ]
should justcheck self modprobed is false or raise otherwise
[ 0 ]
kvm pid path kvm pid
[ 0 ]
I took a look at this, correct me if I'm getting it wrong, but I think it's nonsense.
[ 1 ]
nit i think a comment here explaining what this header is used for and another one to explain what use rela means would be useful
[ 0 ]
should this be a string some int or uuid
[ 0 ]
check normal actions then, it's no different. ```ui_action_click()``` is a shitty hold-over from before action datums, and it needs to die.
[ 1 ]
What the actual fuck
[ 1 ]
you already git depend on that so this should not be necessary
[ 0 ]
I doubt, that this will ever return. No need to leave this here till hell freezes over. In addition we have VCS aka Git.
[ 1 ]
this seems more like a canonicalization of any ip address i am not sure it should be an ipv util
[ 0 ]
q in def update address pairs on port the main difference i can see from what was previously done here is to assign new pairs to the updated port address pairs is that the actual fix here i mean the reason this method was returning existing rather than updated port info
[ 0 ]
got dammit smooth brain 5am moment
[ 1 ]
self assertfalse self scheduler update device called
[ 0 ]
alright, wasnt sure tbf working with prefs scares the fuck out of me and the same thing happens a few lines up so i figured better save than sorry
[ 1 ]
this should be group solum core without the project here is a good example
[ 0 ]
yes and the author of the patch is an idiot will update
[ 0 ]
nit instance is an object now instance uuid
[ 0 ]
service plugins lbaas
[ 0 ]
Damn, I wrote this mess. What the hell is wrong with my dumbass?
[ 1 ]
"forceshields" sounds weird. Is ADS referred to in this way elsewhere?
[ 1 ]
typo burdon should be burden
[ 0 ]
Damn I messed that up. Great catch @freddieRv!
[ 1 ]
God damn it, I thought I got rid of that typo. Sorry...
[ 1 ]
interesting that you can pass nullable as a positional param here but the way you have done a number of the subclasses it can only be passed as a kwarg param suggestes doing def init self kwargs self nullable kwargs pop nullable false here even though i hate that
[ 0 ]
could mention here that usual allows are allow deprecated allow experimental allow unknown just a small suggestion
[ 0 ]
service plugins service plugins
[ 0 ]
this is ugly workaround my mingw does not have crc package will upgrade my mingw and remove this patch thanks for reminding me that
[ 0 ]
lemme kill it
[ 0 ]
note that this will need to be uploaded to the new cloud s glance service before we approve the change
[ 0 ]
@paramat I think that is way to darck
[ 1 ]
Looks like some copypaste from nostalgia. Make them related to getting high as hell.
[ 1 ]
Hell, this is a list. Yea, those are instantiated. Use a typelist I guess. Look for usages of the `typelist` proc.
[ 1 ]
I don't know if checking the status code for each URL is practical since there are a LOT of URLs to test. The tests would take a ridiculous amount of time to complete. Maybe we could use a RegEx here as well just to make sure that it *might* be a valid URL?
[ 1 ]
Disregard, brain fart
[ 1 ]
odd you have nullable false for these two
[ 0 ]
we could do this via view delegate maybe we could get rid of applistview getassistantviewdelegate if this is the only place calling it
[ 0 ]
bad param should be conn info
[ 0 ]
Damn block scoping. :)
[ 1 ]
TODO: Unfuck line endings
[ 1 ]
necessary to describe the reason of useless maybe get instance ips does not raise it i guess
[ 0 ]
useless healthcheck
[ 0 ]
why pass why not let it fail wouldn t you just be propagating the silent failure by ignoring it
[ 0 ]
imho support gre should be die we workarounded it into just as temporary solution
[ 0 ]
you already have the include below the inherits should not be necessary
[ 0 ]
this broke the vs build probably due to an odd ordering of includes in the rtcd files you do not really need them anyway
[ 0 ]
And yes, volume of data can be ridiculous, but I think can be solved.
[ 1 ]
Could have monkeys fling shit at the performer, because they're too uncultured to appreciate good art
[ 1 ]
sessionlengthlimitmodel should not be needed here or below
[ 0 ]
hi sergey thanks for helping with the changes i have updated this one and your comment below on tarball hopping it was done correctly i did not get your comment on topic name i understood that it needs to be done by referring to the link you have provided but i was not sure where so i have edited commit message please correct me if that is wrong thanks
[ 0 ]
struct bcm cfg cfg
[ 0 ]
this is a little dumb but is important verify the state less if this check fail we could have conn track enable in a production firewall and it can reduce the efficiency in more than i will change it as you asked
[ 0 ]
why this you only have c code also use std c
[ 0 ]
this is done because of a bad rebase
[ 0 ]
klass datetime
[ 0 ]
I think there's only one framework involved here - it's Windows-only. My guess is that this is actually a matter of whether the JIT compiler inlines the call or not. Another option we might want to try is to use `MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)` (or whatever it is; my memory is rubbish) to stop that happening.
[ 1 ]
move the duplicated args into a local array local grub args p efi boot part gpt fat ext hfs hfsplus normal boot chain configfile linux sudo grub mkimage o x efi o flags to efi boot bootx efi grub args
[ 0 ]
with the alternative format i suggested above this would be sort key key key
[ 0 ]
damnit, sorry it was late :-| thanks for explaining!
[ 1 ]
i disagree somewhat that defeats objective i personally believe that developing something natively like for instance the plugin directory is the sanest approach towards killing the coupling with subprojects embracing the good pattern may still lead to a pretty mechanical translation and we do not have to jump to lots of hoops that would kill our productivity otherwise
[ 0 ]
Forgot to nuke the comment. Pen might be mightier than the sword, but this comment doesn't prevent the appearance of [EDIT: extras. Damn vocabulary.]
[ 1 ]
all of them should satisfy custom constraint cinder vtype
[ 0 ]
consts network notation cidr
[ 0 ]
why do not you assertraises like in c manila tempest tests tests api admin test export locations py
[ 0 ]
yeah, overall it's just a wacky formatting. I'm using the one from the package control. is it the same?
[ 1 ]
uint t constexpr kuninit xff
[ 0 ]
let s get rid of ovs here
[ 0 ]