1 value
I used to have a job selling loose potatoes
till they gave me the sack
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Why did the cell phones break up
They lost connection
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Please send help! My Mom needs this community! My mom (76) fainted this morning and she’s in the hospital. Things seem to be okay but they’re keeping her overnight and I told her I’d send her jokes all day. Please put your fav jokes down below and I’ll send
Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything.
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Seems like everyone is starting the new year on a positive note
Covid is rampant
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When I was a kid, I wanted to play the guitar badly.
And after years of hard work, practice and dedication, I can now play the guitar... badly.
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I didn't have to get her a gift for Christmas this year.
She never used last year's gift. And it was a very nice cemetery plot.
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Did you hear about the midget psychic that is on the run after robbing a bank?
Police say she is a small medium at large.
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I used to work in a factory grating stale bread to make bread crumbs
It was a pretty crumby job
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I tried explaining to my 4-year-old son that it’s perfectly normal to accidentally poop your pants
But he’s still making fun of me.
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I gave my girlfriend an enormous hospital gown as a gift.
She said she wanted a big ward robe.
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I never understood T.V. remotes, until one day
It clicked
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Kid: Can I have $10?
Pull the bill out of your pocket and say: I have a joke about this bill… But you won’t get it
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Whats brown and rhymes with Snoop?
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There is a baby Polar Bear and a Daddy Polar Bear
One day the baby Polar Bear says "Daddy? Am i a Polar Bear?" and the daddy Polar Bear says "Yes, of course son. Of course your a Polar Bear" and the baby Polar Bear says "How do you know, for sure?" so the daddy Polar Bear says "Well, you're white, you're furry, and you're covered in ice!"
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What do you call a fly without wings?
a walk.
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My mate is an agonostic, dyslexic insomniac
he lays awake all night wondering if there is a Dog.
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According to my Doctor, my diarrhoea is hereditary
it runs in the jeans
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How do you measure the magnitude of the pun in a dad joke
With a *sighs*mograph
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What is yellow and smells like blue paint
Yellow paint
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What did the girl say the day after giving blood?
I feel a bit drained.
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Did you hear about the frog who parked illegally
He was toad away.
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What’s the cheapest meat?
Deer Balls. They’re under a buck.
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r/Antiwork Joke So the folks at r/antiwork finally get their way and the US government takes over all businesses.
I waited in a three day line to apply to buy a car. When I finally got to the front of the line, They said "Good news, you have been approved for a 20-year waiting list."
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What do you call a farmer dad who takes care of the chickens?
A chicken tender.
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What do NSFW jokes and dad jokes have in common?
They're both jokes, duh.
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You guys hear about that show involving water?
It was very blue.
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Q: Can I get gregnant?
Well, if the name of the father is Greg, you deffinetly are gregnant.
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Juneau…. the capitol of Alaska?
My grandpa always used to say this when I was young. I would always roll my eyes but I secretly loved it every time. He was great for these silly jokes. He’s been gone a long time now, but I hope his joke brings a smile
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I wonder what country is growing the fastest?
Ireland... Everyday it is Dublin
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Why haven't aliens tried to visit us yet
Most of our reviews are just one star.
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My wife says I don’t give her enough privacy
Well she didn’t say it, I read it in her diary.
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In Greek Mythology, Chiron was not only half-man, half-horse, he was also a doctor of medicine
Yeah. He was the Centaur for Disease Control
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Today I learned that trees only drink IPAs.
Seems they really don't like lagers.
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What did Cinderella do when she got to the ball?
She gagged.
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What did 1 say to 7?
Aaargh, a wall shark!
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Pablo Escobar's 'cocaine hippos' can now be legally recognized as people
Proponents of the new law claimed the opposition was being too hippocritical...
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Why does the Canadian English alphabet have 52 letters?
Because it goes AA, BA, CA, DA...
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Yesterday, a guy hit me with a baguette!!
He went to jail for assault with a breadly weapon.
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Why is 6 afraid of 7?
Because 7 is a six offender.
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Today I had something common with Daenerys Targaryen
We both got 8 inches of snow…
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I was wondering why the frisbee was getting bigger
then it hit me.
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Where do bees go to the bathroom?
The BP station.
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If you walk into a forest and cut down a tree, but the tree doesn’t understand why you cut it down, do you think it’s stumped?
do you think it’s stumped
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Don't trust atoms.
They make up everything.
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A magician was driving down the street
then he turned into a driveway.
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As I was standing in front of the mirror naked this morning, I thought..
I’m gonna get kicked out of this IKEA
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I never knew my grandad.
But based on family photos, we had the same fashion sense. Clearly I inherited his jeans.
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The guy I hired to pave my driveway has gone missing.
Hope he resurfaces one day.
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Do you know what's the hardest part of learning to ride a bike?
The pavement.
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I accidentally rubbed ketchup in my eyes.
I now have Heinzsight.
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If a woman says she will be ready in 5 minutes
No need to remind her every half an hour.
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I recently found a coin with a lot of bite marks
I wonder if it's the Bitcoin people are talking about.
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My WIFI password is 2444666668888888
Just to clarify, 12345678
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My girlfriend said I am terrible in bed
I said it was unfair of her to make a decision under a minute
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I am giving up drinking for a month
Sorry that came out wrong
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I was at my boss's funeral
Then I leaned in close to his coffin and whispered: Who's thinking outside the box now Gary?
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What do you call a fish wearing a bowtie
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This is why I dad-joke my kids.
I can't break free from my upbringing.
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How does Royal Purple exert power?
under a threat of violets.
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Insomnia is terrible
But on the plus side... Only three more sleeps till Christmas
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I am afraid of elevators
But I am taking steps to avoid them
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What did the skeleton say to his wife?
Im going to bone you.
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Somebody said my memory was terrible
I can't remember the last time someone said that to me
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What sound does a toilet robot make?
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What do you call alcohol served in a theatre?
An opera-tif!
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Why can't kids watch pirate movies?
They're rated Ahrrrh
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I just discovered Ear Sex is a thing.
Now I have hearing aids 😔
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What did the king say at the banquet honouring one of his fallen men?
This'll be a knight to remember
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How do you startle a one of a kind rabbit?
Unique up on it!
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Mario was arrested for facilitating illegal gambling
He’s been charged with aiding and a-betting
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A pony walks into a bar and orders a drink while coughing profusely
The bartender says “Could you repeat that?” The pony replies “sorry, I’m just a little horse.”
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What's the opposite of william?
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My school's valedictorian died
He passed with flying colors.
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My son has one daily chore. Unload and load the dishwasher by 5 o'clock so there is an empty kitchen counter for cooking. He forgets often and has to be prompted. Today at 5 my wife picks up his coffee cup from beside his computer and goes;
Nudge, nudge.
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Why don't skeletons like scary movies
They don't have the guts
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What would you get if you crossed a cantaloupe with Lassie?
a melon-collie baby.
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Is it true that swans sing before they die
Of course! They're sure as hell not singing afterwards.
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Did you hear what the boss told Ian this morning?
Because I didn't
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Wanna know why bees are good pet animals
Because they know how to beehive.
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What’s the best thing about being a test tube baby?
You get a womb with a view.
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What is the opposite of telekinesis?
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Have you heard of the happy feminist?
No... exactly.
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Did you guys know that 10+10 and 11+11 are the same?
10+10 is Twenty, and 11+11 is Twenty Too!
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The wifey baked me some synonym buns!
Just like those grammar used to make.
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What do you call a dog that designs houses
A barkitect.
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A deer, B deer, C deer, D deer,...
O deer, E deer, F deer, G deer, H deer, I deer, J deer, K deer, L deer, M deer, N deer, P deer, Q deer, R deer, S deer, T deer, U deer, V deer, W deer, X deer, Y deer and Z deer.
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I reviewed our Solar System on Yelp.
one star
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How do you know if someone was birthed via C-section?
Because they'll always leave through the window.
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Why don’t British people pronounce T’s
Because they drank it
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What do you call a patronising criminal falling down a staircase?
A condescending con descending
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Why is it so hard to see Bactrians and dromedaries in the desert?
Because of their natural camelflage.
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What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta.
An impasta.
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What happens when a joke flies over your head?
It doesn't land.
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What do you call a hotel in Czechia
The Czech Inn.
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You want to read 2 short jokes and a long one?
Joke. joke. jjjjjjjjjooooooooooooooooookkkkkkkkkkkeee
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What did the grandfather clock say to the digital clock when its battery died
Need a hand?
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You know that theory about no two people see colors exactly the same way..
surely that's just a pigment of their imagination..?
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My dad was an alcoholic who wanted to be a lawyer
But he never passed the *bar exam* 😏😏🥁🥁
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My daughter ask me who farted.
I said the Cosby's left a voicemail.
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Why's 5 afraid of 7
Cause 7 is a 6 offender.
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