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How many surrealists does it take to change a light bulb?
A fish.
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What's a diabetics favourite restaurant?
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Why did the bland food file a police report
It was a-salted. But it's okay. They caught the perp, and now he's doing thyme.
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Crackheads be mad you don't have a dollar
Like bro you don't have one either
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If you ever got locked in or out, speak to the padlock.
Because communication is key.
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Prison van and a cement truck got in an accident on the highway today.
Police issue statement: be on the lookout for *hardened* criminals.
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A man with a cockney accent goes to the dentist.
"Alright boss," says the man, "how are me teeth looking?" "You appear to have a huge hole in one tooth. I think we need to find out the root cause." "Cavity?" asks the man. "Indeed,"
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When a Cougar gets so old she needs a hearing aid,
she becomes a Def Leppard
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I heard a good joke about vegan food
it's pretty tasteless
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Three Men Walked Into A Bar
They crashed into it.
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So What did 3 say to 8
Hey, you two stop making out
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My family has a recipe for the perfect loaf of bread.
It's on a knead to know basis.
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My son and I went camping yesterday when he asked me how to start a campfire.
I explained, "You can start a fire by rubbing two sticks together, but make sure they’re the same." "Then you’ll have a match!"
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My carpet is very fluffy.
He’s a Pomeranian and has a strange attachment to our Toyota.
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Why couldn't the bicycle stand up by its own
It was too tired
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Did you hear about the cheese factory that got hit by a tornado
Da-brie was everywhere!
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Last night an evil spirit was smoking cigarettes in my apartment and now the whole place smells like beef stew.
Must be all the ghoul ash.
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I don't mean to brag but Cashiers...
are always checking me out.
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What do people yell as the king of cheese land walks by?
Make whey, make whey
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I once tried to rob a bank
But the dye pack went off. Safe to say I was caught red handed.
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Friends are like bananas.
If you peel off their skins and eat them, you’ll have none left!
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I hate Russian dolls
They're so full of themselves
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What did the feather say when asked if it wanted to party?
I'm down.
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What do you call a moving chicken?
Poultry in motion.
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what do call a laptop that can sing?
a dell
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A friend asked me how deep into the Trans community I was...
I said about six inches.
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I have a friend that's addicted to brake fluid
But he says it's okay, he can stop anytime.
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Man walks into a bar
The man said "fuck that hurt"
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My son asked what he should do when someone is having an allergic reaction to dairy
Ice cream for help.
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I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t trust marine biologists
Something about them feels…… fishy
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I knew she'd been working at the foundry
because I *smelter*.
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I finally peeled some cheese today!
Isn't that grate?
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Think of the punsobilities
I make a 'killer' truffle, and my gulache, it's to die for
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I knitted a belt made out of thyme leaves.
It was a huge waist of thyme.
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My 6 year old French daughter has a knack for painting gorgeous landscapes of the sea that our house overlooks
I guess you could say that she has got a sense of hue-mer.
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I walked in a bar and saw a bunch of people waiting to punch a guy
That was the punchline
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Dad joke pick-up lines?
Are you a pizza? Because I doughnut know what I'd do without you.
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How does a musician calm down?
He finds his composer.
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A pair of brooms are catching up on the latest dirt
Apparently the vacuum just bit the dust
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Frodo would have had a much harder time destroying the one ring
If Mount Doom had been in Lesdor instead
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Time travel?
When a clock is hungry it goes back four seconds.
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I told my doctor my eye hurts every time I drink tea
He told me to take the spoon out.
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What kind of weights do cops pump at the gym?
Hand Irons
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What happened to the scared Canadian
They got Canada goose bumps
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What do you call wheat that curses you out
Vulgar Wheat
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Hey everyone, nice community you've got here.
My name is Christian and I'm pleased to join you. Hope everyone had a relaxing holiday, I know I sure did. I feel like a born-again Christian.
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What is a pirate's favorite food?
Cheese and crackers, but they're always plundering for something better!
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I've just been hospitalized due to a peek-a-boo accident.
They put me in the ICU
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The math checks out
Damn NFL refs are always calling THIRTY-SECOND TIMEOUT and it really makes a dude wonder why they didn't mention the previous 31 timeouts.
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Me seeing someone watching a fashion show: Those look absolutely terrible.
"Well they aren't meant to be worn as every day clothes. It's high fashion." "Oh. So you have to be high to wear it." *cringe*
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This year will be as bad as 2020
because it's 2022!
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As its my cake day here is my favourite birthday joke
How did pickles celebrate their birthday? They relish the moment.
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I run my life like a small-bird aviary.
No egrets.
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Two blondes walked into a bar
You figure the second one would have seen it when the first one hit it.
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A man walked into a bar
It hurt
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Wife wanted new shoe laces
I said, "why, you only have two."
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A termite walks into a bar
is the bar tender here?
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Who doesn't need Covid testing?
Negative Nancy
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Who absolutely does not need Covid vaccination?
Negative Nancy.
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2 guys walk into a bar
You’d think the second guy would’ve ducked.
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A woman drops of her dress at the dry cleaners
come again She says no, just toothpaste this time.
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Me: Son, what grade am I in?
You’re grade at cleaning poop.
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Asked my 2 year old daughter why she is goofy.
Her response... "I'm not goofy, I'm Gracie!"
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I decided to invest in a watch for my hips
It was a waist of time
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I have a lot of jokes about unemployed people
Sadly none of them work
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I hear Betty White will be buried at Mineral Point, an extremely popular cemetery
People are just dying to get in there.
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What do you call the head of the Catholic church covered in flowers and aromatic herbs?
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Where does Batman go to take a crap
The Batroom
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What was the berry so sad?
Because he was a blue berry
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My wife couldn’t fit my speaker system into the car
She was getting hy-stereo-cal about it.
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Why did green goblin name his glider
Because it was the end of May
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Why did Trump want to invade Poland?
He hated the polls.
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What crime do blacksmiths most commonly get charged with
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I recently founded a dating service for the elderly...
It's called Carbon Dating
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I am not a good electrician
People are usually shocked when they find out
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Why do I dislike Rubik's Cubes so much?
Well, I don't know where to begin.
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So I got a buddy of mine a new belt for his birthday.
What a waist.
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I’m glad it’s 2022…
Time to even things out after the odd 2021.
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A sandwich walks into a bar
The barman says, ‘Sorry we don’t serve food in here.”
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What animal do you find at a lingerie store?
Ze bra
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I don't like camping in pairs
It's two in tents
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It's two minutes past midnight on January the 1st and I just stubbed my toe
Worst year of my life so far
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The local tavern owner passed recently
It was a real bar-gain.
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What do you call a Sith lord in the fog
Darth Vapor
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I recently purchased a set of plate mail armour.
I'm afraid to wear it though, as I'm afraid it might make me look middle-aged.
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What do you call one Cini Mini?
Single Mini
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Who guards the Samsung store
The Guardians of the Galaxy.
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I once asked my neighbor to help me move a box of bulbs.
He said "no it's too light".
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There was a robbery at an Apple store today
They caught the guy because they had an iWitness!
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A Joke About Enigmatic People
Why are men with the last name “Edwards” confusing? They’re always a “Mister E.”
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Did you know Mortal Kombat is based off of an old church song?
Finish Hymn
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People always forget my name when I say 'thank you.'
You're welcome.
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If the host of Dirty Jobs gives a speech on stage...
Is he speaking into a Mike Rowe phone?
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What are deers favorite type of bread?
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My son knocked a picture of himself off the shelf
Don't worry about it, champ. Pick yourself up.
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Cashews seem to have a lot of calories in them.
It's nuts.
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I visited a monastery and as I walked by the kitchen I saw a man frying chips.
He replied "no im the chip monk."
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What's a pirate's favorite fish?
Tuna. What you expected Gaaaaar?
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I feel so grounded when I’m outdoors
but whenever I walk inside I’m floored
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I feel appreciation of Eminem jokes is below average. Maybe it's because people don't UNDERSTAND them?
Stan as in his song "Stan", also, technically Stan is currently down under at the end of the song. Stand as in his other song, "The
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