Stochastic Time ; We present a simple dynamical model to address the question of introducing a stochastic nature in a time variable. This model includes noise in the time variable but not in the space variable, which is opposite to the normal description of stochastic dynamics. The notable feature is that these models can induce a resonance with varying noise strength in the time variable. Thus, they provide a different mechanism for stochastic resonance, which has been discussed within the normal context of stochastic dynamics.
SwarmOscillators ; Nonlinear coupling between inter and intraelement dynamics appears as a collective behaviour of elements. The elements in this paper denote symptoms such as a bacterium having an internal network of genes and proteins, a reactive droplet, a neuron in networks, etc. In order to elucidate the capability of such systems, a simple and reasonable model is derived. This model exhibits the rich patterns of systems such as cell membrane, cell fusion, cell growing, cell division, firework, branch, and clustered clusters selforganized hierarchical structure, modular network. This model is extremely simple yet powerful; therefore, it is expected to impact several disciplines.
Computational Models of Adult Neurogenesis ; Experimental results in recent years have shown that adult neurogenesis is a significant phenomenon in the mammalian brain. Little is known, however, about the functional role played by the generation and destruction of neurons in the context of and adult brain. Here we propose two models where new projection neurons are incorporated. We show that in both models, using incorporation and removal of neurons as a computational tool, it is possible to achieve a higher computational efficiency that in purely static, synapselearning driven networks. We also discuss the implication for understanding the role of adult neurogenesis in specific brain areas.
Solitons in a double pendulums chain model, and DNA rototorsional dynamics ; It was first suggested by Englander et al to model the nonlinear dynamics of DNA relevant to the transcription process in terms of a chain of coupled pendulums. In a related paper qbio.BM0604014 we argued for the advantages of an extension of this approach based on considering a chain of double pendulums with certain characteristics. Here we study a simplified model of this kind, focusing on its general features and nonlinear travelling wave excitations; in particular, we show that some of the degrees of freedom are actually slaved to others, allowing for an effective reduction of the relevant equations.
Inhomogeneous maps the basic theorems and some applications ; Nonlinear maps can possess various dynamical behaviors varying from stable steady states and cycles to chaotic oscillations. Most models assume that individuals within a given population are identical ignoring the fundamental role of variation. Here we develop a theory of inhomogeneous maps and apply the general approach to modeling heterogeneous populations with discrete evolutionary time step. We show that the behavior of the inhomogeneous maps may possess complex transition regimes, which depends both on the mean and the variance of the initial parameter distribution. The examples of inhomogeneous models are discussed.
Quasispecies Theory for MultiplePeak Fitness Landscapes ; We use a path integral representation to solve the Eigen and CrowKimura molecular evolution models for the case of multiple fitness peaks with arbitrary fitness and degradation functions. In the general case, we find that the solution to these molecular evolution models can be written as the optimum of a fitness function, with constraints enforced by Lagrange multipliers and with a term accounting for the entropy of the spreading population in sequence space. The results for the Eigen model are applied to consider virus or cancer proliferation under the control of drugs or the immune system.
Habitat width along a latitudinal gradient ; We use the Chowdhury ecosystem model, one of the most complex agentbased ecological models, to test the latitudeniche breadth hypothesis, with regard to habitat width, i.e., whether tropical species generally have narrower habitats than high latitude ones. Application of the model has given realistic results in previous studies on latitudinal gradients in species diversity and Rapoport's rule. Here we show that tropical species with sufficient vagility and time to spread into adjacent habitats, tend to have wider habitats than high latitude ones, contradicting the latitudeniche breadth hypothesis.
Oneparticle excitations and bound states in nonrelativistic current times current model ; Vacuum structure, oneparticle excitations' spectra and bound states of these excitations are studied in frame of nonrelativistic quantum field model with current times current type interaction. Hidden symmetry of the model is found. It could be broken or exact depending on the coupling constant value. The effect of piercing vacuum , generating the appearance of heavy fermionic excitations, could occur in the spontaneously broken phase.
A Local Model of Explicit Wavefunction Collapse ; A model of spontaneous wavefunction collapse, which is explicitly local and Lorentzinvariant, is defined. Some of the predictions of the model for specific experimental situations are derived. It is shown that, although incompatible collapses, e.g. on opposite sides of an EPRtype of experiment, can occur, they will not persist in time and that eventually only compatible results will be obtained. The probabilities of particular results, however, will in general not agree with the predictions of quantum theory. We argue that it is unlikely that the deviations would have been seen in any experiment yet performed.
Semiclassical Dynamics of the JaynesCummings Model ; The semiclassical approximation of coherent state path integrals is employed to study the dynamics of the JaynesCummings model. Decomposing the Hilbert space into subspaces of given excitation quanta above the ground state, the semiclassical propagator is shown to describe the exact quantum dynamics of the model. We also present a semiclassical approximation that does not exploit the special properties of the JaynesCummings Hamiltonian and can be extended to more general situations. In this approach the contribution of the dominant semiclassical paths and the relevant fluctuations about them are evaluated. This theory leads to an accurate description of spontaneous emission going beyond the usual classical field approximation.
Finite resolution of time in continuous measurements phenomenology and the model ; Definition of a quantum corridor describing monitoring a quantum observable in the framework of the phenomenological restrictedpathintegral RPI approach is generalized for the case of a finite resolution of time. The resulting evolution of the continuously measured system cannot be presented by a differential equation. Monitoring of the position of a quantum particle is also considered with the help of a model which takes into account a finite resolution of time. The results based on the model are shown to coincide with those of the phenomenological approach.
Time Evolution of tunneling and decoherence soluble model ; Decoherence effects associated to the damping of a tunneling twolevel system are shown to dominate the tunneling probability at short times in strong coupling regimes in the context of a soluble model. A general decomposition of tunneling rates in dissipative and unitary parts is implemented. Master equation treatments fail to describe the model system correctly when more than a single relaxation time is involved.
Classical Dynamics as Constrained Quantum Dynamics ; We show that the classical mechanics of an algebraic model are implied by its quantizations. An algebraic model is defined, and the corresponding classical and quantum realizations are given in terms of a spectrum generating algebra. Classical equations of motion are then obtained by constraining the quantal dynamics of an algebraic model to an appropriate coherent state manifold. For the cases where the coherent state manifold is not symplectic, it is shown that there exist natural projections onto classical phase spaces. These results are illustrated with the extended example of an asymmetric top.
Quantum integrability and Bethe ansatz solution for interacting matterradiation systems ; A unified integrable system, generating a new series of interacting matterradiation models with interatomic coupling and different atomic frequencies, is constructed and exactly solved through algebraic Bethe ansatz. Novel features in Rabi oscillation and vacuum Rabi splitting are shown on the example of an integrable twoatom BuckSukumar model with resolution of some important controversies in the Bethe ansatz solution including its possible degeneracy for such models.
Quantum nonlocality of Heisenberg XX model with Sitedependent Coupling Strength ; We show that the generalized Bell inequality is violated in the extended Heisenberg model when the temperature is below a threshold value. The threshold temperature values are obtained by constructing exact solutions of the model using the temperaturedependent correlation functions. The effect due to the presence of external magnetic field is also illustrated.
Simulating causal collapse models ; We present simulations of causal dynamical collapse models of field theories on a 11 null lattice. We use our simulations to compare and contrast two possible interpretations of the models, one in which the field values are real and the other in which the state vector is real. We suggest that a procedure of coarse graining and renormalising the fundamental field can overcome its noisiness and argue that this coarse grained renormalised field will show interesting structure if the state vector does on the coarse grained scale.
Spin network setting of topological quantum computation ; The spin network simulator model represents a bridge between generalised circuit schemes for standard quantum computation and approaches based on notions from Topological Quantum Field Theories TQFTs. The key tool is provided by the fiber space structure underlying the model which exhibits combinatorial properties closely related to SU2 state sum models, widely employed in discretizing TQFTs and quantum gravity in low spacetime dimensions.
Generalized Quantum Walk in Momentum Space ; We consider a new model of quantum walk on a onedimensional momentum space that includes both discrete jumps and continuous drift. Its time evolution has two stages; a Markov diffusion followed by localized dynamics. As in the well known quantum kicked rotor, this model can be mapped into a localized onedimensional Anderson model. For exceptional rational values of its scale parameter, the system exhibits resonant behavior and reduce to the usual discrete time quantum walk on the line.
Effects of staggered magnetic field on entanglement in the anisotropic XY model ; We investigate effects of staggered magnetic field on thermal entanglement in the anisotropic XY model. The analytic results of entanglement for the twosite cases are obtained. For the general case of even sites, we show that when the anisotropic parameter is zero, the entanglement in the XY model with a staggered magnetic field is the same as that with a uniform magnetic field.
Vacuum field correlations and threebody CasimirPolder potential with one excited atom ; The threebody CasimirPolder potential between one excited and two groundstate atoms is evaluated. A physical model based on the dressed field correlations of vacuum fluctuations is used, generalizing a model previously introduced for three groundstate atoms. Although the threebody potential with one excited atom is already known in the literature, our model gives new insights on the nature of nonadditive CasimirPolder forces with one or more excited atoms.
Hidden measurements, hidden variables and the volume representation of transition probabilities ; We construct, for any finite dimension n, a new hidden measurement model for quantum mechanics based on representing quantum transition probabilities by the volume of regions in projective Hilbert space. For n2 our model is equivalent to the Aerts sphere model and serves as a generalization of it for dimensions n geq 3. We also show how to construct a hidden variables scheme based on hidden measurements and we discuss how joint distributions arise in our hidden variables scheme and their relationship with the results of Fine.
Genuine threepartite entangled states with a local hidden variable model ; We present a family of threequbit quantum states with a basic local hidden variable model. Any von Neumann measurement can be described by a local model for these states. We show that some of these states are genuine threepartite entangled and also distillable. The generalization for larger dimensions or higher number of parties is also discussed. As a byproduct, we present symmetric extensions of twoqubit Werner states.
Grothendieck's constant and local models for noisy entangled quantum states ; We relate the nonlocal properties of noisy entangled states to Grothendieck's constant, a mathematical constant appearing in Banach space theory. For twoqubit Werner states rhoWpp projpsi1pone4, we show that there is a local model for projective measurements if and only if p le 1KG3, where KG3 is Grothendieck's constant of order 3. Known bounds on KG3 prove the existence of this model at least for p lesssim 0.66, quite close to the current region of Bell violation, p sim 0.71. We generalize this result to arbitrary quantum states.
A return to observability near exceptional points in a schematic PTsymmetric model ; Many indefinitemetric often called pseudoHermitian or PTsymmetric quantum models H prove physical i.e., Hermitian with respect to an innovated, ad hoc scalar product inside a characteristic domain of parameters D. This means that the energies get complex unobservable beyond the boundary Kato's exceptional points, EPs. In a solvable example we detect an enlargement of D caused by the emergence of a new degree of freedom. We conjecture that such a beneficial mechanism of a return to the real spectrum near EPs may be generic and largely modelindependent.
AKS scheme for face and CalogeroMoserSutherland type models ; We give the construction of quantum Lax equations for IRF models and difference versions of CalogeroMoserSutherland models introduced by Ruijsenaars. We solve the equations using factorization properties of the underlying face Hopf algebraselliptic quantum groups. This construction is in the spirit of the AdlerKostantSymes method and generalizes our previous work to the case of face Hopf algebraselliptic quantum groups with dynamical Rmatrices.
Functional Tetrahedron Equation ; We describe a scheme of constructing classical integrable models in 21dimensional discrete spacetime, based on the functional tetrahedron equation equation that makes manifest the symmetries of a model in local form. We construct a very general blockmatrix model together with its algebrogeometric solutions, study its various particular cases, and also present a remarkably simple scheme of quantization for one of those cases.
Towards the Lax formulation of SU2 principal models with nonconstant metric ; The equations that define the Lax pairs for generalized principal chiral models can be solved for any constant nondegenerate bilinear form on SU2. Necessary conditions for the nonconstant metric on SU2 that define the integrable models are given.
Towards Skyrmion Stars Large Baryon Configurations in the EinsteinSkyrme Model ; We investigate the large baryon number sector of the EinsteinSkyrme model as a possible model for baryon stars. Gravitating hedgehog skyrmions have been investigated previously and the existence of stable solitonic stars excluded due to energy considerations. However, in this paper we demonstrate that by generating gravitating skyrmions using rational maps, we can achieve multibaryon bound states whilst recovering spherical symmetry in the limit where B becomes large.
Revelations of the E6U1N Model TwoLoop Neutrino Mass and Dark Matter ; The E6U1N gauge extension of the Supersymmetric Standard Model, first proposed by Ma, is shown to have exactly the requisite ingredients to realize the important new idea that dark matter is the origin of neutrino mass. With the implementation of a discrete Z2 X Z2 symmetry, and particle content given by three 27 representations of E6, neutrino masses are naturally generated in two loops, with candidates of dark matter in the loops. All particles of this model are expected to be at or below the TeV scale, allowing them to be observable at the LHC.
SLE in the threestate Potts model a numerical study ; The scaling limit of the spin cluster boundaries of the Ising model with domain wall boundary conditions is SLE with kappa3. We hypothesise that the threestate Potts model with appropriate boundary conditions has spin cluster boundaries which are also SLE in the scaling limit, but with kappa103. To test this, we generate samples using the Wolff algorithm and test them against predictions of SLE we examine the statistics of the Loewner driving function, estimate the fractal dimension and test against Schramm's formula. The results are in support of our hypothesis.
A simple model for predicting crystallization and melting temperatures, and its implications for phase transitions in confined volumes ; We present a simple unifying model for crystallization and melting temperatures by showing that homogeneous nucleation and phase transformations driven by thickening of preexisting surface layers are limiting conditions of the more general heterogeneous nucleation case. Furthermore, to a first approximation all these processes can be described by an extended classical nucleation theory. The model can also be applied to phase transition temperatures in confined volumes, provided reliable values for the interfacial tensions within the systems are determinable. The expected melting and crystallization temperature for any transformation pathway can then be predicted.
Searching for New Physics in b to s Hadronic Penguin Decays ; We review the theoretical status of b to s hadronic penguin decays in the Standard Model and beyond. We summarize the main theoretical tools to compute Branching Ratios and CP asymmetries for b to s penguin dominated nonleptonic decays, and discuss the theoretical uncertainties in the prediction of timedependent CP asymmetries in this processes. We consider general aspects of b to s transitions beyond the Standard Model. Then we present detailed predictions in supersymmetric models with new sources of flavor and CP violation.
General solutions for some classes of interacting two field kinks ; In this work we present some classes of models whose the corresponding two coupled firstorder nonlinear equations can be put into a linear form, and consequently be solved completely. In these cases the socalled trial orbit method is completely unnecessary. We recall that some physically important models as, for instance, the problem of tiling a plane with a network of defects and polymer properties are in this class of models.
Criticality and Condensation in a NonConserving Zero Range Process ; The ZeroRange Process, in which particles hop between sites on a lattice under conserving dynamics, is a prototypical model for studying realspace condensation. Within this model the system is critical only at the transition point. Here we consider a nonconserving ZeroRange Process which is shown to exhibit generic critical phases which exist in a range of creation and annihilation parameters. The model also exhibits phases characterised by mesocondensates each of which contains a subextensive number of particles. A detailed phase diagram, delineating the various phases, is derived.
A Challenge to Control Gravity via Applying Electromagnetic LowFrequency Radiation Theory and Proposed Model Experiments ; Including Vaidya metric into the model of Expansive Nondecelerative Universe allows to localize the energy of gravitational field. A term of effective gravitational range is introduced and classic Newton potential is substituted for Yukawatype potential. It allows to allocate a typical frequency value to each gravitational field. Derived theoretical conclusions led us to investigate the effect of electromagnetic field with a precisely predetermined frequency and intensity on iron. We believe that under certain circumstances a decrease in iron gravitational mass should be observed. Two model experiments verifying the theoretical conclusions are proposed.
A PlaneSymmetric Inhomogeneous Cosmological Model of Perfect Fluid Distribution with Electromagnetic Field I ; A planesymmetric inhomogeneous cosmological model of perfect fluid distribution with electromagnetic field is obtained. The source of the magnetic field is due to an electric current produced along the zaxis. F12 is the nonvanishing component of electromagnetic field tensor. To get a deterministic solution, we assume the free gravitational field is Petrov typeII nondegenerate. The behaviour of the electromagnetic field tensor together with some physical aspects of the model are also discussed.
Higgsless Electroweak Theory following from the Spherical Geometry ; A new formulation of the Electroweak Model with 3dimensional spherical geometry in the target space is suggested. The free Lagrangian in the spherical field space along with the standard gauge field Lagrangian form the full Higgsless Lagrangian of the model, whose second order terms reproduce the same fields with the same masses as the Standard Electroweak Model. The vector bosons and electron masses are generated automatically, so there is no need in special mechanism.
A Novel Model of Working Set Selection for SMO Decomposition Methods ; In the process of training Support Vector Machines SVMs by decomposition methods, working set selection is an important technique, and some exciting schemes were employed into this field. To improve working set selection, we propose a new model for working set selection in sequential minimal optimization SMO decomposition methods. In this model, it selects B as working set without reselection. Some properties are given by simple proof, and experiments demonstrate that the proposed method is in general faster than existing methods.
Deformations of Bundles and the Standard Model ; We modify a recently proposed heterotic model hepth0703210, giving three netgenerations of standard model fermions, to get rid of an additional U1 factor in the gauge group. The method employs a stable SU5 bundle on a CalabiYau threefold admitting a free involution. The bundle has to be built as a deformation of the direct sum of a stable SU4 bundle and the trivial line bundle.
Holographic tachyon model ; We propose in this Letter a holographic model of tachyon dark energy. A connection between the tachyon scalarfield and the holographic dark energy is established, and accordingly, the potential of the holographic tachyon field is constructed. We show that the holographic evolution of the universe with cgeqslant 1 can be described completely by the resulting tachyon model in a certain way.
On the Stopping Time of a Bouncing Ball ; We study a simple model of a bouncing ball that takes explicitely into account the elastic deformability of the body and the energy dissipation due to internal friction. We show that this model is not subject to the problem of inelastic collapse, that is, it does not allow an infinite number of impacts in a finite time. We compute asymptotic expressions for the time of flight and for the impact velocity. We also prove that contacts with zero velocity of the lower end of the ball are possible, but nongeneric. Finally, we compare our findings with other models and laboratory experiments.
Standard Model and Gravity from Spinors ; We propose to unify the Gravity and Standard Model gauge groups by using algebraic spinors of the standard fourdimensional Clifford algebra, in leftright symmetric fashion. This generates exactly a Standard Model family of fermions, and a PatiSalam unification group emerges, at the Planck scale, where chiral selfdual gravity decouples. As a remnant of the unification, isospintriplets spintwo particles may naturally appear at the weak scale, providing a striking signal at the LHC.
Scalesensitive Psidimensions the Capacity Measures for Classifiers Taking Values in RQ ; Bounds on the risk play a crucial role in statistical learning theory. They usually involve as capacity measure of the model studied the VC dimension or one of its extensions. In classification, such VC dimensions exist for models taking values in 0, 1, 1,..., Q and R. We introduce the generalizations appropriate for the missing case, the one of models with values in RQ. This provides us with a new guaranteed risk for MSVMs which appears superior to the existing one.
Status of QGSJET ; Basic physics concepts of the QGSJET model are discussed, starting from the general picture of high energy hadronic interactions and addressing in some detail the treatment of multiple scattering processes, contributions of soft'' and semihard'' parton dynamics, implementation of nonlinear interaction effects. The predictions of the new model version QGSJET II.03 are compared to selected accelerator data. Future developments are outlined and the expected input from the LHC collider for constraining model predictions is discussed.
Quantum toy model for blackhole backreaction ; We propose a simple quantum field theoretical toy model for black hole evaporation and study the backreaction of Hawking radiation onto the classical background. It turns out that the horizon is also pushed back'' in this situation i.e., the interior region shrinks but this backreaction is not caused by energy conservation but by momentum balance. The effective heat capacity and the induced entropy variation can have both signs depending on the parameters of the model. PACS 04.62.v, 04.70.Dy.
Modelindependent Analysis of Lepton Flavour Violating Tau Decays ; Many models for physics beyond the Standard Model predict leptonflavour violating decays of charged leptons at a level which may become observable very soon. In the present paper we investigate the decays of a Tau into three charged leptons in a generic way, based on effectivefieldtheory methods, where the relevant operators are classified according to their chirality structure. We work out the decay distributions and discuss phenomenological implications.
Random environment on coloured trees ; In this paper, we study a regular rooted coloured tree with random labels assigned to its edges, where the distribution of the label assigned to an edge depends on the colours of its endpoints. We obtain some new results relevant to this model and also show how our model generalizes many other probabilistic models, including random walk in random environment on trees, recursive distributional equations and multitype branching random walk on mathbbR.
Age Problem in the Holographic Dark Energy Model ; In this note, we test the original holographic dark energy model with some old high redshift objects. The main idea is very simple the universe cannot be younger than its constituents. We find that the original holographic dark energy model can be ruled out, unless a lower Hubble constant is taken.
String Landscape and the Standard Model of Particle Physics ; In this paper we describe ideas about the string landscape, and how to relate it to the physics of the Standard Model of particle physics. First, we give a short status report about heterotic string compactifications. Then we focus on the statistics of Dbrane models, on the problem of moduli stabilization, and finally on some attempts to derive a probability wave function in moduli space, which goes beyond the purely statistical count of string vacua.
Jet RiemannLagrange Geometry Applied to Evolution DEs Systems from Economy ; The aim of this paper is to construct a natural RiemannLagrange differential geometry on 1jet spaces, in the sense of nonlinear connections, generalized Cartan connections, dtorsions, dcurvatures, jet electromagnetic fields and jet YangMills energies, starting from some given nonlinear evolution DEs systems modelling economic phenomena, like the Kaldor model of the bussines cycle or the TobinBenhabibMiyao model regarding the role of money on economic growth.
Undeformed additive energy conservation law in Doubly Special Relativity ; All the Doubly Special Relativity DSR models studied in literature so far involve a deformation of the energy conservation rule that forces us to release the hypothesis of the additivity of the energy for composite systems. In view of the importance of the issue for a consistent formulation of a DSR statistical mechanics and a DSR thermodynamics, we show that DSR models preserving the usual i.e. additive energy conservation rule can be found. These models allow the construction of a DSRcovariant extensive energy. The implications of the analysis for the dynamics of DSRcovariant multiparticle systems are also briefly discussed.
Economic Amplifier A New Econophysics Model ; Most of the econometric and econophysics models have been borrowed from the statistical physics, and as a cosequence, a new interdisciplinary science called econophysics has emerged. In this paper we planned to extend the analogy between different economic processes or phenomena and processes and phenomena from different fields of physics, other than statistical physics. On the basis of the economic development process and amplification phenomenon analogy, a new econophysics model, named economic amplifier, on the electronic amplification principle from applied physics was proposed und largely analyzed.
Alternative parametrizations and reference priors for decomposable discrete graphical models ; For a given discrete decomposable graphical model, we identify several alternative parametrizations, and construct the corresponding reference priors for suitable groupings of the parameters. Specifically, assuming that the cliques of the graph are arranged in a perfect order, the parameters we consider are conditional probabilities of cliqueresiduals given separators, as well as generalized logoddsratios. We also consider a parametrization associated to a collection of variables representing a cut for the statistical model. The reference priors we obtain do not depend on the order of the groupings, belong to a conjugate family, and are proper.
Potts models on hierarchical lattices and Renormalization Group dynamics ; We prove that the generator of the renormalization group of Potts models on hierarchical lattices can be represented by a rational map acting on a finitedimensional product of complex projective spaces. In this framework we can also consider models with an applied external magnetic field and multiplespin interactions. We use recent results regarding iteration of rational maps in several complex variables to show that, for some class of hierarchical lattices, LeeYang and Fisher zeros belong to the unstable set of the renormalization map.
Emergence of communities in weighted networks ; Topology and weights are closely related in weighted complex networks and this is reflected in their modular structure. We present a simple network model where the weights are generated dynamically and they shape the developing topology. By tuning a model parameter governing the importance of weights, the resulting networks undergo a gradual structural transition from a module free topology to one with communities. The model also reproduces many features of large social networks, including the weak links property.
Age constraints on the Agegraphic Dark Energy Model ; We investigate the age constraint on the agegraphic dark energy model by using two old galaxies LBDS 53W091 and LBDS 53W069 and the old high redshift quasar APM 082795255. We find that the agegraphic dark energy model can easily accommodate LBDS 53W091 and LBDS 53W069. To accommodate APM 082795255, one can take the reduced Hubble parameter as large as h0.64, when the fraction matter energy density Omegam0approx 0.22.
Supersymmetric and R symmetric vacua in WessZumino models ; In the context of supersymmetric WessZumino models with an R symmetry, we find some simple conditions on the Rcharge content of the theory that imply the presence or absence of supersymmetric and Rsymmetric vacua. The main result of this work is that the comparison between the number of Rcharge 0 and Rcharge 2 superfields is essential to the properties of the model as regards symmetry breaking. We also study possible exceptions to the NelsonSeiberg theorem finding that there are supersymmetric vacua that break R symmetry in generic models and the spontaneous breaking of R symmetry in supersummetrybreaking vacua, with some insight on the ColemanWeinberg oneloop potential.
Asymptotics of LRS Bianchi type I cosmological models with elastic matter ; In this paper we report on results in the study of spatially homogeneous cosmological models with elastic matter. We show that the behavior of elastic solutions is fundamentally different from that of perfect fluid solutions already in the case of locally rotationally symmetric LRS Bianchi type I models; this is true even when the elastic material resembles a perfect fluid very closely. In particular, the approach to the initial singularity is characterized by an intricate oscillatory behavior of the scale factors, while the future asymptotic behavior is described by isotropization rates that differ significantly from those of perfect fluids.
Groundstate phase diagram of geometrically frustrated IsingHeisenberg model on doubly decorated planar lattices ; Groundstate phase diagram of the mixed spin12 and spin1 IsingHeisenberg model on doubly decorated planar lattices is examined using the generalized decorationiteration transformation. The main attention is devoted to the comparison of the groundstate properties of the quantum IsingHeisenberg model and its semiclassical Ising analogue.
Thermodynamic modeling of the HfSiO system ; The HfO system has been modeled by combining existing experimental data and firstprinciples calculations results through the CALPHAD approach. Special quasirandom structures of alpha and beta hafnium were generated to calculate the mixing behavior of oxygen and vacancies. For the total energy of oxygen, vibrational, rotational and translational degrees of freedom were considered. The HfO system was combined with previously modeled HfSi and SiO systems, and the ternary compound in the HfSiO system, HfSiO4 has been introduced to calculate the stability diagrams pertinent to the thin film processing.
Entropy calculation for a toy black hole ; In this note we carry out the counting of states for a black hole in loop quantum gravity, however assuming an equidistant area spectrum. We find that this toymodel is exactly solvable, and we show that its behavior is very similar to that of the correct model. Thus this toymodel can be used as a nice and simplifying laboratory' for questions about the full theory.
Violation of the Luttinger sum rule within the Hubbard model on a triangular lattice ; The frequencymoment expansion method is developed to analyze the validity of the Luttinger sum rule within the MottHubbard insulator, as represented by the generalized Hubbard model at half filling and large U. For the particular case of the Hubbard model with nearestneighbor hopping on a triangular lattice lacking the particlehole symmetry results reveal substantial violation of the sum rule.
Advanced Compact Thermal Modeling by using VHDLAMS ; This paper presents an improved methodology to generate Compact Thermal Models CTMs by using VHDLAMS modeling language. This methodology makes it possible to have Boundary Conditions Independent BCI CTMs for multi chip components and systems while taking into account the nonlinear thermal conductivity of semiconductors and other materials.
Bulk scalar field in DGP braneworld cosmology ; We investigated the effects of bulk scalar field in the braneworld cosmological scenario. The Friedmann equations and acceleration condition in presence of the bulk scalar field for a zero tension brane and cosmological constant are studied. In DGP model the effective Einstein equation on the brane is obtained with bulk scalar field. The rescaled bulk scalar field on the brane in the DGP model behaves as an effective four dimensional field, thus standard type cosmology is recovered. In present study of the DGP model, the latetime accelerating phase of the universe can be explained .
Intersection numbers of Riemann surfaces from Gaussian matrix models ; We consider a Gaussian random matrix theory in the presence of an external matrix source. This matrix model, after duality a simple version of the closedopen string duality, yields a generalized Kontsevich model through an appropriate tuning of the external source. The npoint correlation functions of this theory are shown to provide the intersection numbers of the moduli space of curves with a pspin structure, n marked points and top Chern class. This sheds some light on Witten's conjecture on the relationship with the pthKdV equation.
The causal manipulation of chain event graphs ; Discrete Bayesian Networks have been very successful as a framework both for inference and for expressing certain causal hypotheses. In this paper we present a class of graphical models called the chain event graph CEG models, that generalises the class of discrete BN models. It provides a flexible and expressive framework for representing and analysing the implications of causal hypotheses, expressed in terms of the effects of a manipulation of the generating underlying system. We prove that, as for a BN, identifiability analyses of causal effects can be performed through examining the topology of the CEG graph, leading to theorems analogous to the backdoor theorem for the BN.
Implication of Classical Black Hole Evaporation Conjecture to Floating Black Holes ; In RandallSundrum singlebrane RSII model, it was conjectured that there is no static large black hole localized on the brane based on adSCFT correspondence. Here we consider the phase diagram of black objects in the models extended from the RSII model. We propose a scenario for the phase diagram consistent with the classical black hole evaporation conjecture. The proposed scenario indicates the existence of a rich variety of the families of black objects.
Markov basis for design of experiments with threelevel factors ; We consider Markov basis arising from fractional factorial designs with threelevel factors. Once we have a Markov basis, p values for various conditional tests are estimated by the Markov chain Monte Carlo procedure. For designed experiments with a single count observation for each run, we formulate a generalized linear model and consider a sample space with the same sufficient statistics to the observed data. Each model is characterized by a covariate matrix, which is constructed from the main and the interaction effects we intend to measure. We investigate fractional factorial designs with 3pq runs noting correspondences to the models for 3pq contingency tables.
Dynamics of Fractal Solids ; We describe the fractal solid by a special continuous medium model. We propose to describe the fractal solid by a fractional continuous model, where all characteristics and fields are defined everywhere in the volume but they follow some generalized equations which are derived by using integrals of fractional order. The order of fractional integral can be equal to the fractal mass dimension of the solid. Fractional integrals are considered as an approximation of integrals on fractals. We suggest the approach to compute the moments of inertia for fractal solids. The dynamics of fractal solids are described by the usual Euler's equations. The possible experimental test of the continuous medium model for fractal solids is considered.
Variable Modified Chaplygin Gas and Accelerating Universe ; In this letter, I have proposed a model of variable modified Chaplygin gas and shown its role in accelerating phase of the universe. I have shown that the equation of state of this model is valid from the radiation era to quiessence model. The graphical representations of statefinder parameters characterize different phase of evolution of the universe. All results presented in the letter concerns the case k0.
On moduli spaces of quiver representations associated with dimer models ; We give a sufficient condition for the moduli space of quiver representations associated with a dimer model to be smooth for a general stability parameter. We also show that the moduli space in this case is a crepant resolution of the toric variety determined by the Newton polygon of the characteristic polynomial.
nuMSM and its experimental tests ; nuMSM is a minimal renormalizable extension of the Standard Model by right handed neutrinos. This model explains the neutrino oscillations and provides a candidate for the Dark Matter and a mechanism of baryon number generation in the Early Universe. We discuss here existing constraints on the model and possible consequences for astrophysical and laboratory experiments.
Dark Energy, Induced Gravity and Broken Scale Invariance ; We study the cosmological evolution of an induced gravity model with a selfinteracting scalar field sigma and in the presence of matter and radiation. Such model leads to Einstein Gravity plus a cosmological constant as a stable attractor among homogeneous cosmologies and is therefore a viable darkenergy DE model for a wide range of scalar field initial conditions and values for its positive gamma coupling to the Ricci curvature gamma sigma2R.
Nuclear Matter and Neutron stars in a Parity Doublet Model ; We investigate the properties of isospinsymmetric nuclear matter and neutron stars in a chiral model approach adopting the SU2 parity doublet formulation. This ansatz explicitly incorporates chiral symmetry restoration with the limit of degenerate masses of the nucleons and their parity partners. Instead of searching for an optimized parameter set we explore the general parameter dependence of nuclear matter and star properties in the model. We are able to get a good description of ground state nuclear matter as well as large values of mass for neutron stars in agreement with observation.
Reduction to the Simplest The Complexity of Minimalistic Heteropolymer Models ; Simple coarsegrained hydrophobicpolar models for heteropolymers as the lattice HP and the offlattice AB model allow a general classification of characteristic behaviors for hydrophobiccore based tertiary folding. The strongly reduced computational efforts enable one to reveal systematically the thermodynamic properties of comparatively long sequences in a wide temperature range of conformational activity. Based on a suitable cooperativity parameter, characteristic folding channels and freeenergy landscapes, which have strong similarities with realistic folding paths, can be analysed.
Expansion and hidden dimensions in a new cosmological model ; In this paper, we present a new cosmological model using fractal manifold. We prove that a space defined by this kind of manifold is an expanding space. This model provides us with consistent arguments pertaining to the relationship between variation of geometry and movement of matter. This study leads to the existence of new fundamental principles. A clear picture is then portrayed about the expansion of the universe represented by fractal manifold.
Ensemble inequivalence, bicritical points and azeotropy for generalized Fofonoff flows ; We present a theoretical description for the equilibrium states of a large class of models of twodimensional and geophysical flows, in arbitrary domains. We account for the existence of ensemble inequivalence and negative specific heat in those models, for the first time using explicit computations. We give exact theoretical computation of a criteria to determine phase transition location and type. Strikingly, this criteria does not depend on the model, but only on the domain geometry. We report the first example of bicritical points and second order azeotropy in the context of systems with long range interactions.
Why we need to see the dark matter to understand the dark energy ; The cosmological concordance model contains two separate constituents which interact only gravitationally with themselves and everything else, the dark matter and the dark energy. In the standard dark energy models, the dark matter makes up some 20 of the total energy budget today, while the dark energy is responsible for about 75. Here we show that these numbers are only robust for specific dark energy models and that in general we cannot measure the abundance of the dark constituents separately without making strong assumptions.
Comment on Quasienergy anholonomy and its application to adiabatic quantum state manipulation'' ; In their Letter A. Tanaka and M. Miyamoto, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 160407 2007, Tanaka and Miyamoto introduce a kicked spin model, for which they point out the generic existence of exotic eigenvalue anholonomy. They proceed to show the potential utility of the model for quantum state manipulation and quantum information processing. While we believe their model to be vary useful and their argument to be revealing, In our view, there are three missing elements in the article, without which their discussion seems to be incomplete and the prospect of the application limited. They are on dynamical phase, gauge potential, and on adiabaticity.
Associated production of the scalars and new gauge bosons from a little Higgs model at the LHC ; The littlest Higgs model with Tparity LHT model predicts the existence of the Todd scalars phipm, phi0, and phip. We consider production of these new particles associated with Todd gauge bosons at the LHC. We find that the partonic process qbarq'tophiBH can generate a number of the characteristic signal events with a charged lepton and large missing energy at the LHC.
Cosmological models in scalar tensor theories of gravity and observations a class of general solutions ; We consider cosmological models in scalar tensor theories of gravity that describe an accelerating universe, and we study a family of inverse power law potentials, for which exact solutions of the Einstein equations are known. We also compare theoretical predictions of our models with observations. For this we use the following data the publicly available catalogs of type Ia supernovae and high redshift Gamma Ray Bursts, the parameters of large scale structure determined by the 2degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey 2dFGRS, and measurements of cosmological distances based on the SunyaevZel'dovich effect, among others.
Emergent universe in a JordanBransDicke theory ; In this paper we study emergent universe model in the context of a self interacting JordanBransDicke theory. The model presents a stable past eternal static solution which eventually enters a phase where the stability of this solution is broken leading to an inflationary period. We also establish constraints for the different parameters appearing in our model.
Excited Baryons in Large Nc QCD Matching the 1Nc expansion to quark models using the permutation group SN ; We show how to match quark models to the 1Nc expansion of QCD. As an example we discuss in detail the mass operator of orbitally excited baryons and match it to the onegluon exchange and the oneboson exchange variants of the quark model. The matching procedure is very general and makes use of the transformation properties of states and operators under SNorb times SNspfl, the permutation group acting on the orbital and spinflavor degrees of freedom of N quarks.
Scalar mesons from an effective Lagrangian approach ; A brief discussion of the recent interest in light scalar mesons motivates the study of a generalized linear sigma model. In an SU3 flavor invariant version of the model there is a prediction that the the lighter scalars have sizeable four quark content. It is further predicted that one of the singlet scalars should be exceptionally light. Due to the presence of scalar mesons, the model gives controlled corrections to the current algebra formula for threshold pion pion scattering. These corections act in the direction to improve agreement with current experiments.
A precision constraint on multiHiggsdoublet models ; We derive a general expression for Delta rho or, equivalently, for the oblique parameter T in the SU2 x U1 electroweak model with an arbitrary number of scalar SU2 doublets, with hypercharge 12, and an arbitrary number of scalar SU2 singlets. The experimental bound on Delta rho constitutes a strong constraint on the masses and mixings of the scalar particles in that model.
Potts models on hierarchical lattices and Renormalization Group dynamics II examples and numerical results ; We obtain the exact renormalization map and plots of LeeYang and Fisher zeros distributions for Potts models on a number of hierarchical lattices the diamond hierarchical lattice, a lattice we call spider web, the Sierpinski gasket and cylinders. Such models are only examples among the ones we can study in the general framework of hierarchical lattices, developed in a previous paper.
Dark Energy Models With Variable Equation Of State Parameter ; Two variable Lambda models, viz. Lambda sim dot aa2 and Lambda sim rho have been studied under the assumption that the equation of state parameter omega is a function of time. The selected Lambda models are found to be equivalent both in four and five dimensions. The possibility of signature flip of the deceleration parameter is also shown.
Thermodynamics and Kinetics of a Go Proteinlike Heteropolymer Model with TwoState Folding Characteristics ; We present results of Monte Carlo computer simulations of a coarsegrained hydrophobicpolar Golike heteropolymer model and discuss thermodynamic properties and kinetics of an exemplified heteropolymer, exhibiting twostate folding behavior. It turns out that general, characteristic folding features of realistic proteins with a single freeenergy barrier can also be observed in this simplified model, where the folding transition is primarily driven by the hydrophobic force.
Instability of the Time Dependent HoravaWitten Model ; We consider scalar perturbations in the timedependent HouravaWitten Model in order to probe its stability. We show that during the nonsingular epoque the model evolves without instabilities until it encounters the curvature singularity where a big crunch is supposed to occur. We compute the frequencies of the scalar field oscillation during the stable period and show how the oscillations can be used to prove the presence of such a singularity.
Highorder perturbative expansions of multiparameter Phi4 quantum field theories ; We present highorder pertubative expansions of multiparameter Phi4 quantum field theories with an Ncomponent fundamental field, containing up to 4thorder polynomials of the field. Multiparameter Phi4 theories generalize the simplest ONsymmetric Phi4 theories, and describe more complicated symmetry breaking patterns. These notes collect several highorder perturbative series of physically interesting multiparameter Phi4 theories, to five or six loops. We consider the OMXONsymmetric Phi4 model, the socalled MN model, and a spindensitywave Phi4 model containing five quartic terms.
Market Model with Heterogeneous Buyers ; In market modeling, one often treats buyers as a homogeneous group. In this paper we consider buyers with heterogeneous preferences and products available in many variants. Such a framework allows us to successfully model various market phenomena. In particular, we investigate how is the vendor's behavior influenced by the amount of available information and by the presence of correlations in the system.
Using Energy Conditions to Distinguish Brane Models and Study Brane Matter ; Current universe assumed here to be normal matter on the brane is pressureless from observations. In this case the energy condition is rho0geq0 and p00. By using this condition, brane models can be distinguished. Then, assuming arbitrary component of matter in DGP model, we use four known energy conditions to study the matter on the brane. If there is nonnormal matter or energy for example dark energy with w13 on the brane, the universe is accelerated.
A New Methodology for Extraction of Dynamic Compact Thermal Models ; An innovative and accurate dynamic Compact Thermal Model extraction method is proposed for multichip power electronics systems. It accounts for thermal coupling between multiple heat sources. Transient electrothermal coupling can easily be taken into account by system designers. The method is based on a definition of the Optimal Thermal Coupling Point, which is proven to be valid even for transient modelling. Compared to the existing methods, the number of needed 3D thermal simulations or measurements is significantly reduced.
Scalar field cosmological models with finite scale factor singularities ; We construct a scalar field based cosmological model, possessing a cosmological singularity characterized by a finite value of the cosmological radius and an infinite scalar curvature. Using the methods of the qualitative theory of differential equations, we give a complete description of the cosmological evolutions in the model under consideration. There are four classes of evolutions, two of which have finite lifetimes, while the other two undergo an infinite expansion.
Supersymmetric U1 Gauge Realization of the Dark Scalar Doublet Model of Radiative Neutrino Mass ; Adding a second scalar doublet eta,eta0 and three neutral singlet fermions N1,2,3 to the Standard Model of particle interactions with a new Z2 symmetry, it has been shown that Reeta0 or Imeta0 is a good darkmatter candidate and seesaw neutrino masses are generated radiatively. A supersymmetric U1 gauge extension of this new idea is proposed, which enforces the usual R parity of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, and allows this new Z2 symmetry to emerge as a discrete remnant.
A Lorentz Invariant Phenomenological Model of Quantum Gravity ; We consider a model of Quantum Gravity phenomenology, based on the idea that spacetime may have some unknown granular structure that respects the Lorentz symmetry. The proposal involves nontrivial couplings of curvature to matter fields and leads to a well defined phenomenology. In this manuscript, a brief description of the model is presented together with some results obtained using linearized gravity and the Newtonian limit, which could be useful when comparing with real experiments.
Econometrics as Sorcery ; The paper deals with the problem of identifying the internal dependencies and similarities among a large number of random processes. Linear models are considered to describe the relations among the time series and the energy associated to the corresponding modeling error is the criterion adopted to quantify their similarities. Such an approach is interpreted in terms of graph theory suggesting a natural way to group processes together when one provides the best model to explain the other. Moreover, the clustering technique introduced in this paper will turn out to be the dynamical generalization of other multivariate procedures described in literature.
The hadronization line in stringy matter ; Using the equation of state of the string model with linear strings comes close to describing the lattice QCD results and offers an explanation for the EN 1 GeV hadronization condition found in phenomenological statistical model. The EN 6T relation is derived from the zero pressure condition and is a fairly general result. The baryochemical potential dependence of the hadron gas can be met if it is reinterpreted in the framework of an additive quark model.
Fission Decay Widths for HeavyIon FusionFission Reactions ; Crosssection and neutronemission data from heavyion fusionfission reactions are consistent with a Kramersmodified statistical model which takes into account the collective motion of the system about the ground state; the temperature dependence of the location of fission transition points; and the orientation degree of freedom. We see no evidence to suggest that the nuclear viscosity departs from the surfacepluswindow dissipation model. The strong increase in the nuclear viscosity above a temperature of 1 MeV deduced by others is an artifact generated by an inadequate fission model.
Vortex generation in the RSP game on the triangular lattice ; A new model of population dynamics on lattices is proposed. The model consists of players on lattice points, each of which plays the RSP game with neighboring players. Each player copies the next hand from the hand of the neighbouring player with the maximum point. The model exhibits a steady pattern with pairs of vortices and sinks on the triangular lattice. It is shown that the stationary vortex is due to the frustrations on the triangular lattice. A frustration is the threesided situation where each of the three players around a triangle chooses the rock, the scissors and the paper, respectively.