Holographic Methods and GaugeHiggs Unification in Flat Extra Dimensions ; I review the holographic techniques used to efficiently study models with GaugeHiggs Unification GHU in one extra dimension. The general features of GHU models in flat extra dimensions are then reviewed, emphasizing the aspects related to electroweak symmetry breaking. Two potentially realistic models, based on SU3 and SO5 electroweak gauge groups, respectively, are constructed.
Factorization effects in a model of unstable particles ; The effects of factorization are considered within the framework of the model of unstable particles with a smeared mass. It is shown that twoparticle cross section and threeparticle decay width can be described by the universal factorized formulae for an unstable particles of an arbitrary spin in an intermediate state. The exact factorization is caused by the specific structure of the model unstableparticle propagators. This result is generalized to complicated scattering and decaychain processes with unstable particles in intermediate states. We analyze applicability of the method and evaluate its accuracy.
Nonlinear evolution of parallel propagating Alfven waves Vlasov MHD simulation ; Nonlinear evolution of circularly polarized Alfv'en waves are discussed by using the recently developed VlasovMHD code, which is a generalized Landaufluid model. The numerical results indicate that as far as the nonlinearity in the system is not so large, the VlasovMHD model can validly solve time evolution of the Alfv'enic turbulence both in the linear and nonlinear stages. The present VlasovMHD model is proper to discuss the solar coronal heating and solar wind acceleration by Alfve'n waves propagating from the photosphere.
Is there a nonstandardmodel contribution in nonleptonic b to s decays ; The data on highprecision flavour observables reveal certain puzzles when compared to Standard Model expectations based on a global fit of the CKM unitarity triangle and general theoretical estimates. The discussion of these tensions in the channels B to Jpsi K, B to phi K, and B to pi K, and the deduced constraints for New Physics operators of the class bsqq form the content of this talk.
Universally Composable Quantum MultiParty Computation ; The Universal Composability model UC by Canetti FOCS 2001 allows for secure composition of arbitrary protocols. We present a quantum version of the UC model which enjoys the same compositionality guarantees. We prove that in this model statistically secure oblivious transfer protocols can be constructed from commitments. Furthermore, we show that every statistically classically UC secure protocol is also statistically quantum UC secure. Such implications are not known for other quantum security definitions. As a corollary, we get that quantum UC secure protocols for general multiparty computation can be constructed from commitments.
An A4 model for lepton masses and mixings ; We study an extension of the standard model based on the flavor symmetry A4 only. Neutrino Majorana mass terms arise from dimension five operator and charged lepton masses from renormalizable Yukawa couplings. We introduce three Higgs doublets that belong to one triplet irreducible representation of A4. We study the most general A4invariant scalar potential and the phenomenological consequences of the model. We find that the reactor angle could be as large as 0.03, while the atmospheric mixing angle is close to maximal.
Strangeness Production at the SPS ; Systematic studies on the production of strange hyperons and the phi meson as a function of beam energy and system size performed by the NA49 collaboration are discussed. Hadronic transport models fail to describe the production of multi strange particles Xi, Omega, while statistical models are generally in good agreement to the measured particle yields at all energies. The system size dependence is well reproduced by the corecorona approach. New data on K892 production are presented. The yields of these shortlived resonances are significantly below the statistical model expectation. This is in line with the interpretation that the measurable yields are reduced due to rescattering of their decay products inside the fireball.
Heterogeneity of Some CooperationCompetition Properties ; We show that the heterogeneity index, which was proposed by Hu and Wang Physica A 2008 387 3769, can be used to describe the disparity of the cooperation sharing or competition gain distributions that is very important for the cooperationcompetition system dynamic understanding. An analytical relation between the distribution parameters and the heterogeneity index is derived, which is in a good agreement with the empirical results. Our theoretical and empirical analyses also show that the relation between the distribution parameters can be analytically derived from socalled ZhangChang model Physica A 2006 360 599 and 2007 383 687. This strongly recommends a possibility to create a general dynamic cooperationcompetition model based on ZhangChang model.
Collapsing granular suspensions ; A 2D contact dynamics model is proposed as a microscopic description of a collapsing suspensionsoil to capture the essential physical processes underlying the dynamics of generation and collapse of the system. Our physical model is compared with real data obtained from in situ measurements performed with a natural collapsingsuspension soil. We show that the shear strength behavior of our collapsing suspensionsoil model is very similar to the behavior of this collapsing suspension soil, for both the unperturbed and the perturbed phases of the material.
Empirical asset pricing with nonlinear risk premia ; In this paper we introduce a simple continuoustime asset pricing framework, based on general multidimensional diffusion processes, that combines semianalytic pricing with a nonlinear specification for the market price of risk. Our framework guarantees existence of weak solutions of the nonlinear SDEs under the physical measure, thus allowing to work with nonlinear models for the real world dynamics not considered in the literature so far. It emerges that the additional flexibility in the time series modelling is econometrically relevant a nonlinear stochastic volatility diffusion model for the joint time series of the SP 100 and the VXO implied volatility index data shows superior forecasting power over the standard specifications for implied and realized variance forecasting.
From Noncommutative Sphere to Nonrelativistic Spin ; Reparametrization invariant dynamics on a sphere, being parameterized by angular momentum coordinates, represents an example of noncommutative theory. It can be quantized according to BerezinMarinov prescription, replacing the coordinates by Pauli matrices. Following the scheme, we present two semiclassical models for description of spin without use of Grassman variables. The first model implies Pauli equation upon the canonical quantization. The second model produces nonrelativistic limit of the Dirac equation implying correct value for the electron spin magnetic moment.
A Note on Modulusdominated SUSYbreaking ; In models where supersymmetrybreaking is dominated by the Kahler moduli andor the universal dilaton, the Bparameter at the unification scale should be consistent with the value of tanbeta at the electroweak scale determined by minimization of the Higgs potential triggering REWSB. We study such models employing a selfconsistent determination of the Bparameter. In particular, we study the viability of a generic model, as well as Mtheory and Type IIB flux compactifications with modulusdominated supersymmetric softterms from the GUT scale, MGUT2x1016GeV.
Computation Speed of the F.A.S.T. Model ; The F.A.S.T. model for microscopic simulation of pedestrians was formulated with the idea of parallelizability and small computation times in general in mind, but so far it was never demonstrated, if it can in fact be implemented efficiently for execution on a multicore or multiCPU system. In this contribution results are given on computation times for the F.A.S.T. model on an eightcore PC.
Emergence of heterogeneity and political organization in information exchange networks ; We present a simple model of the emergence of the division of labor and the development of a system of resource subsidy from an agentbased model of directed resource production with variable degrees of trust between the agents. The model has three distinct phases, corresponding to different forms of societal organization disconnected independent agents, homogeneous cooperative collective state, and inhomogeneous cooperative collective state with a leader. Our results indicate that such levels of organization arise generically as a collective effect from interacting agent dynamics, and may have applications in a variety of systems including social insects and microbial communities.
Simulating local measurements on a quantum many body system with stochastic matrix product states ; We demonstrate how to simulate both discrete and continuous stochastic evolution of a quantum many body system subject to measurements using matrix product states. A particular, but generally applicable, measurement model is analyzed and a simple representation in terms of matrix product operators is found. The technique is exemplified by numerical simulations of the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spinchain model subject to various instances of the measurement model. In particular we focus on local measurements with small support and nonlocal measurements which induces long range correlations.
A turbulencedriven model for heating and acceleration of the fast wind in coronal holes ; A model is presented for generation of fast solar wind in coronal holes, relying on heating that is dominated by turbulent dissipation of MHD fluctuations transported upwards in the solar atmosphere. Scaleseparated transport equations include largescale fields, transverse Alfvenic fluctuations, and a small compressive dissipation due to parallel shears near the transition region. The model accounts for proton temperature, density, wind speed, and fluctuation amplitude as observed in remote sensing and in situ satellite data.
Interface free energy or surface tension definition and basic properties ; Interface free energy is the contribution to the free energy of a system due to the presence of an interface separating two coexisting phases at equilibrium. It is also called surface tension. The content of the paper is 1 the definition of the interface free energy from first principles of statistical mechanics; 2 a detailed exposition of its basic properties. We consider lattice models with short range interactions, like the Ising model. A nice feature of lattice models is that the interface free energy is anisotropic so that some results are pertinent to the case of a crystal in equilibrium with its vapor. The results of section 2 hold in full generality.
Correlations beyond the horizon ; We have imaged spontaneously created arrays of vortices magnetic flux quanta, generated in a superconducting film quenched through its transition temperature at rates around 109 Ks. Spontaneous appearance of vortices is predicted by KibbleZurek and by HindmarshRajantie models of phase transitions under nonequilibrium conditions. Differentiating between these models requires a measurement of the internal correlations within the emerging vortex array. In addition to short range correlations predicted by Kibble and Zurek, we found unexpected long range correlations which are not described by any of the existing models.
Phase diagram of epidemic spreading unimodal vs. bimodal probability distributions ; The disease spreading on complex networks is studied in SIR model. Simulations on empirical complex networks reveal two specific regimes of disease spreading local containment and epidemic outbreak. The variables measuring the extent of disease spreading are in general characterized by a bimodal probability distribution. Phase diagrams of disease spreading for empirical complex networks are introduced. A theoretical model of disease spreading on mary tree is investigated both analytically and in simulations. It is shown that the model reproduces qualitative features of phase diagrams of disease spreading observed in empirical complex networks. The role of treelike structure of complex networks in disease spreading is discussed.
SU5 Grand Unified Model and Dark Matter ; A dark matter model which is called wmatter or mirror dark matter is concretely constructed based on fSU5XwSU5 symmetry. There is no Higgs field and all masses originate from interactions in the present model. Wmatter is dark matter relatively to fmatter and vice versa. In highenergy processes or when temperature is very high, visible matter and dark matter can transform from one into another. In such process energy seems to be nonconservational, because dark matter cannot be detected. In lowenergy processes or when temperature is low, there is only gravitation interaction of dark matter for visible matter.
Standard Cosmological Evolution in fR Model to Kaluza Klein Cosmology ; In this paper, using fR theory of gravity we explicitly calculate cosmological evolution in the presence of a perfect fluid source in four and five dimensional, space time in which this cosmological evolution in selfcreation is presented by Reddy et al 2009 Int. J. Theor. Phys. 48 10. An exact cosmological model is presented using a relation between Einstein gravity field equation components due to a metric with the same component from fR theory of gravity. Some physics and kinematical properties of the model are also discussed.
Testing Geological Models with Terrestrial Antineutrino Flux Measurements ; Uranium and thorium are the main heat producing elements in the earth. Their quantities and distributions, which specify the flux of detectable antineutrinos generated by the beta decay of their daughter isotopes, remain unmeasured. Geological models of the continental crust and the mantle predict different quantities and distributions of uranium and thorium. Many of these differences are resolvable with precision measurements of the terrestrial antineutrino flux. This precision depends on both statistical and systematic uncertainties. An unavoidable background of antineutrinos from nuclear reactors typically dominates the systematic uncertainty. This report explores in detail the capability of various operating and proposed geoneutrino detectors for testing geological models.
Some thick brane solutions in fRgravity ; The thick brane model is considered in fRsim Rn gravity. It is shown that regular asymptotically antide Sitter solutions exist in some range of values of the parameter n. A peculiar feature of this model is the existence of a fixed point in the phase plane where all solutions start, and the brane can be placed at this point. The presence of the fixed point allows to avoid fine tuning of the model parameters to obtain thick brane solutions.
Observational constraints on holographic tachyonic dark energy in interaction with dark matter ; We discuss an interacting tachyonic dark energy model in the context of the holographic principle. The potential of the holographic tachyon field in interaction with dark matter is constructed. The model results are compared with CMB shift parameter, baryonic acoustic oscilations, lookback time and the Constitution supernovae sample. The coupling constant of the model is compatible with zero, but dark energy is not given by a cosmological constant.
Modeling and simulation with operator scaling ; Selfsimilar processes are useful in modeling diverse phenomena that exhibit scaling properties. Operator scaling allows a different scale factor in each coordinate. This paper develops practical methods for modeling and simulating stochastic processes with operator scaling. A simulation method for operator stable Levy processes is developed, based on a series representation, along with a Gaussian approximation of the small jumps. Several examples are given to illustrate practical applications. A classification of operator stable Levy processes in two dimensions is provided according to their exponents and symmetry groups. We conclude with some remarks and extensions to general operator selfsimilar processes.
Quantum gravity asymptotics from the SU2 15j symbol ; The asymptotics of the SU2 15j symbol are obtained using coherent states for the boundary data. The geometry of all nonsuppressed boundary data is given. For some boundary data, the resulting formula is interpreted in terms of the Regge action of the geometry of a 4simplex in 4dimensional Euclidean space. This asymptotic formula can be used to derive and extend the asymptotics of the spin foam amplitudes for quantum gravity models. The relation of the SU2 Ooguri model to these quantum gravity models and their continuum Lagrangians is discussed.
SFT nonlocality in cosmology solutions, perturbations and observational evidences ; In this note cosmological models coming out of the String Field Theory SFT in application to the Dark Energy are reviewed. A way of constructing solutions in the case of linear models is outlined, cosmological perturbations and observational evidences of such models are explored. We explicitly demonstrate the stability of the system at the linear order in the most typical configuration.
The Aligned twoHiggs Doublet model ; In the twoHiggsDoublet model the alignment of the Yukawa flavour matrices of the two scalar doublets guarantees the absence of treelevel flavourchanging neutral couplings. The resulting fermionscalar interactions are parameterized in terms of three complex parameters, leading to a generic Yukawa structure which contains as particular cases all known specific implementations of the model based on Z2 symmetries. These three complex parameters are potential new sources of CP violation.
Acoustic black holes for relativistic fluids ; We derive a new acoustic black hole metric from the Abelian Higgs model. In the nonrelativistic limit, while the Abelian Higgs model becomes the GinzburgLandau model, the metric reduces to an ordinary Unruh type. We investigate the possibility of using type I and II superconductors as the acoustic black holes. We propose to realize experimental acoustic black holes by using spiral vortices solutions from the Navierstokes equation in the nonrelativistic classical fluids.
Matrix Model and Elliptic Curve ; Solution to the reduced matrix model of IKKT type is studied with nonzero fermion fields. A suggestion is made that our universe is made of rational numbers rather than being a continuum. To substantiate this proposal, the reduced YangMills equation is written in the form of an elliptic curve. The normalization of the solution can be expressed in terms of the Weierstrass function generically or in terms of the Dedekind function in the case of 3brane. A way to define the gravitational field in the matrix model is proposed with some new interpretation of the cosmological constant. The first quantization of the system is done within the framework of noncommutative geometry.
Nonminimal Inflation on the RandallSundrum II Brane with Induced Gravity ; We study an inflation model that inflaton field is nonminimally coupled to the induced scalar curvature on the RandallSundrum RS II brane. We investigate the effects of the nonminimal coupling on the inflationary dynamics of this braneworld model. Our study shows that the number of efolds decreases by increasing the value of the nonminimal coupling. We compare our model parameters with the minimal case and also with recent observational data. In comparison with recent observation, we obtain a constraint on the values that the nonminimal coupling attains.
Dynamics of entanglement in the transverse Ising model ; We study the evolution of nearestneighbor entanglement in the one dimensional Ising model with an external transverse field. The system is initialized as the so called thermal ground state of the pure Ising model. We analyze properties of generation of entanglement for different regions of external transverse fields. We find that the derivation of the time at which the entanglement reaches its first maximum with respect to the reciprocal transverse field has a minimum at the critical point. This is a new indicator of quantum phase transition.
Cohomological Reduction of Sigma Models ; This article studies some features of quantum field theories with internal supersymmetry, focusing mainly on 2dimensional nonlinear sigma models which take values in a coset superspace. It is discussed how BRST operators from the target space supersymmetry algebra can be used to identify subsectors which are often simpler than the original model and may allow for an explicit computation of correlation functions. After an extensive discussion of the general reduction scheme, we present a number of interesting examples, including symmetric superspaces GGmathbbZ2 and coset superspaces of the form GGmathbbZ4.
Forward equations for option prices in semimartingale models ; We derive a forward partial integrodifferential equation for prices of call options in a model where the dynamics of the underlying asset under the pricing measure is described by a possibly discontinuous semimartingale. A uniqueness theorem is given for the solutions of this equation. This result generalizes Dupire's forward equation to a large class of nonMarkovian models with jumps.
Mesure de l'incertitude tendancielle sur la mortalite application a un regime de rentes ; The aim of this paper is to propose a realistic and operational model to quantify the systematic risk of mortality included in an engagement of retirement. The model presented is built on the basis of model of LeeCarter. The stochastic prospective tables thus built make it possible to project the evolution of the random mortality rates in the future and to quantify the systematic risk of mortality.
Etude du risque systematique de mortalite ; The aim of this paper is to propose a realistic and operational model to quantify the systematic risk of mortality included in an engagement of retirement. The model presented is built on the basis of model of LeeCarter. The stochastic prospective tables thus built make it possible to project the evolution of the random mortality rates in the future and to quantify the systematic risk of mortality.
NonBoolean probabilities and quantum measurement ; A nonBoolean extension of the classical probability model is proposed. The nonBoolean probabilities reproduce typical quantum phenomena. The proposed model is more general and more abstract, but easier to interpret, than the quantum mechanical Hilbert space formalism and exhibits a particular phenomenon stateindependent conditional probabilities which may provide new opportunities for an understanding of the quantum measurement process. Examples of the proposed model are provided, using Jordan operator algebras.
Inflation in WessZumino Models ; We show that a class of WessZumino models lead to inflation in supersymmetry and supergravity. This is due to the existence of a classically flat direction generic to these models. The pseudomodulus that parametrizes this flat direction is the inflaton and obtains a small mass due to either oneloop or supergravity corrections giving rise to slowroll inflation. At the end of inflation, the fields roll to a supersymmetric vacuum that arises from explicit R symmetry breaking.
Inference on 3D Procrustes means tree bole growth, rankdeficient diffusion tensors and perturbation models ; The Central Limit Theorem CLT for extrinsic and intrinsic means on manifolds is extended to a generalization of Fr'echet means. Examples are the Procrustes mean for 3D Kendall shapes as well as a mean introduced by Ziezold. This allows for onesample tests previously not possible, and to numerically assess the inconsistency of the Procrustes mean' for a perturbation model and inconsistency' within a model recently proposed for diffusion tensor imaging. Also it is shown that the CLT can be extended to mildly rank deficient diffusion tensors. An application to forestry gives the temporal evolution of Douglas fir tree stems tending strongly towards cylinders at early ages and tending away with increased competition.
Threedimensional turbulent relative dispersion by the GledzerOhkitaniYamada shell model ; We study pair dispersion in a threedimensional incompressible high Reynolds number turbulent flow generated by Fourier transforming the dynamics of the GledzerOhkitaniYamada GOY shell model into real space. We show that GOY shell model can successfully reproduce both the Batchelor and the RichardsonObukhov regimes of turbulent relative dispersion. We also study how the crossover time scales with the initial separations of a particle pair and compare it to the prediction by Batchelor.
Closed Superstrings in a Constant Magnetic Field and Regularization Criterion ; We propose a new type of interaction of closed superstrings with the electromagnetic field, other than the usual KaluzaKlein type or a gauge field with internal gauge group origin. This model with a constant magnetic field is also shown to have an exact solution. We consider a regularization criterion. Some models will be excluded according to this criterion. The spectrumgenerating algebra is also constructed in our interacting model.
Equivalence between XY and dimerized models ; The spin12 chain with XY anisotropic coupling in the plane and the XX isotropic dimerized chain are shown to be equivalent in the bulk. For finite systems we prove that the equivalence is exact in given parity sectors, after taking care of the precise boundary conditions. The proof is given constructively by finding unitary transformations that map the models onto each other. Moreover, we considerably generalized our mapping and showed that even in case of fully site dependent couplings the XY chain can be mapped onto an XX model. This result has potential application in the study of disordered systems.
The Top Triangle Moose ; We introduce a deconstructed model that incorporates both Higgsless and topcolor mechanisms. The model alleviates the typical tension in Higgsless models between obtaining the correct top quark mass and keeping deltarho small. It does so by singling out the top quark mass generation as arising from a Yukawa coupling to an effective topHiggs which develops a small vacuum expectation value, while electroweak symmetry breaking results largely from a Higgsless mechanism. As a result, the heavy partners of the SM fermions can be light enough to be seen at the LHC.
Interacting holographic tachyon model of dark energy ; We propose a holographic tachyon model of dark energy with interaction between the components of the dark sector. The correspondence between the tachyon field and the holographic dark energy densities allows the reconstruction of the potential and the dynamics of the tachyon scalar field in a flat FriedmannRobertsonWalker universe. We show that this model can describe the observed accelerated expansion of our universe with a parameter space given by the most recent observational results.
Lower bounds for volatility estimation in microstructure noise models ; In this paper we derive lower bounds in minimax sense for estimation of the instantaneous volatility if the diffusion type part cannot be observed directly but under some additional Gaussian noise. Three different models are considered. Our technique is based on a general inequality for KullbackLeibler divergence of multivariate normal random variables and spectral analysis of the processes. The derived lower bounds are indeed optimal. Upper bounds can be found in Munk and SchmidtHieber 18. Our major finding is that the Gaussian microstructure noise introduces an additional degree of illposedness for each model, respectively.
Slowroll inflation in RR4 gravity ; We reconsider the toymodel of topological inflation, based on the R4modified gravity. By using its equivalence to the certain scalartensor gravity model in four spacetime dimensions, we compute the inflaton scalar potential and investigate a possibility of inflation. We confirm the existence of the slowroll inflation with an exit. However, the model suffers from the etaproblem that gives rise to the unacceptable value of the spectral index ns of scalar perturbations.
Cahill's Cosmological Model Exacerbates The Primordial Lithium Problem And Creates New Problems For Primordial Deuterium And Helium ; In a recent article R. T. Cahill claims that the cosmological model based on his new physics of a dynamical 3space resolves the CMBBBN Lithium7 and Helium4 abundance anomalies. In this note it is shown that this conclusion is wrong, resulting from a misunderstanding. In fact, primordial nucleosynthesis in this nonstandard cosmological model exacerbates the LIthium7 problem and creates new problems for primordial Helium4 and Deuterium.
Condensation versus independence in weakly interacting CMLs ; We propose a simple model unifying two major approaches to the analysis of large multicomponent systems interacting particle systems IPS and couple map lattices CML and show that in the weak interaction limit depending on fine properties of the interaction potential this model may demonstrate both condensationsynchronization and independent motions. Note that one of the main paradigms of the CML theory is that the latter behavior is supposed to be generic. The model under consideration is related to dynamical networks and sheds a new light to the problem of synchronization under weak interactions.
Modelling cosmological singularity with compactified Milne space ; Recent developments in observational cosmology call for understanding the nature of the cosmological singularity CS. Our work proposes modelling the vicinity of CS by a time dependent orbifold TDO. Our model makes sense if quantum elementary objects particle, string, membrane can go across the singularity of TDO, and our work addresses this issue. We find quantum states of elementary objects, that can propagate in TDO. Our results open door for more detailed examination.
Asymptotics of 4d spin foam models ; We study the asymptotic properties of foursimplex amplitudes for various fourdimensional spin foam models. We investigate the semiclassical limit of the Ooguri, Euclidean and Lorentzian EPRL models using coherent states for the boundary data. For some classes of geometrical boundary data, the asymptotic formulae are given, in all three cases, by simple functions of the Regge action for the foursimplex geometry.
Singular kernels, multiscale decomposition of microstructure, and dislocation models ; We consider a model for dislocations in crystals introduced by Koslowski, Cuitino and Ortiz, which includes elastic interactions via a singular kernel behaving as the H12 norm of the slip. We obtain a sharpinterface limit of the model within the framework of Gammaconvergence. From an analytical point of view, our functional is a vectorvalued generalization of the one studied by Alberti, Bouchitt'e and Seppecher to which their rearrangement argument no longer applies. Instead we show that the microstructure must be approximately onedimensional on most length scales and exploit this property to derive a sharp lower bound.
A model for fermion mass generation in Technicolor theory ; We consider the SUNTC Farhi Susskind Technicolor model, in which SU2 doublets of technifermions are righthanded while SU2 singlets of technifermions are lefthanded. We add coupling of fermions and technifermions to SUNTC fundamental massive scalar fields. Due to this coupling the transitions between both types of fermions occur. Therefore the Standard Model fermions acquire masses.
Electronic states and transport properties in the KronigPenney model with correlated compositional and structural disorder ; We study the structure of the electronic states and the transport properties of a KronigPenney model with weak compositional and structural disorder. Using a perturbative approach we obtain an analytical expression for the localisation length which is valid for disorder with arbitrary correlations. We show how to generate disorder with self and crosscorrelations and we analyse both the known delocalisation effects of the longrange selfcorrelations and new effects produced by crosscorrelations. We finally discuss how both kinds of correlations alter the transport properties in KronigPenney models of finite size.
A posteriori error estimates for approximate solutions of BarenblattBiot poroelastic model ; The paper is concerned with the BarenblattBiott model in the theory of poroelasticity. We derive a guaranteed estimate of the difference between exact and approximate solutions expressed in a combined norm that encompasses errors for the pressure fields computed from the diffusion part of the model and errors related to stresses strains of the elastic part. Estimates do not contain generic meshdependent constants and are valid for any conforming approximation of pressure and stress fields.
Dynamical mean field solution of the BoseHubbard model ; We present the effective action and selfconsistency equations for the bosonic dynamical mean field BDMFT approximation to the bosonic Hubbard model and show that it provides remarkably accurate phase diagrams and correlation functions. To solve the bosonic dynamical mean field equations we use a continuoustime Monte Carlo method for bosonic impurity models based on a diagrammatic expansion in the hybridization and condensate coupling. This method is readily generalized to bosonic mixtures, spinful bosons, and BoseFermi mixtures.
Charged Lepton Mass Spectrum and a Scalar Potential Model ; Stimulated by a recent work by Sumino, on the basis of a model in which effective Yukawa coupling constants are described by vacuum expectation values of a scalar Phi with 3times 3 components, a possible form of the scalar potential VPhi which can well describe the observed charged lepton mass spectrum is investigated without referring to a specific flavor symmetry model. A general relation among eigenvalues of Phi is derived without referring to an explicit form of VPhi.
Quantum Portfolios of Observables and the Risk Neutral Valuation Model ; Quantum Portfolios of quantum algorithms encoded on qbits have recently been reported. In this paper a discussion of the continuous variables version of quantum portfolios is presented. A risk neutral valuation model for options dependent on the measured values of the observables, analogous to the traditional BlackScholes valuation model, is obtained from the underlying stochastic equations. The quantum algorithms are here encoded on simple harmonic oscillator SHO states, and a FokkerPlanck equation for the Glauber Prepresentation is obtained as a starting point for the analysis. A discussion of the observation of the polarization of a portfolio of qbits is also obtained and the resultant FokkerPlanck equation is used to obtain the risk neutral valuation of the qbit polarization portfolio.
Scattering of nucleons on colddarkmatter particles through photonic portal ; In the model of hidden sector proposed recently, protons and neutrons scatter differently on colddarkmatter particles. First, we summarize briefly our model based on a mechanism of photonic portal between hidden and StandardModel sectors of the Universe. Then, we calculate in an elementary way the differential crosssections for scattering of protons and neutrons on sterile Dirac fermions sterinos playing the role of colddarkmatter particles. They interact with nucleons through the photonic portal in a somewhat involved but natural manner. Due to this portal, the differential crosssection for protons displays a Coulomblike forward singularity.
KaluzaKlein Reduction of a Quadratic Curvature Model ; Palatini variational principle is implemented on a five dimensional quadratic curvature gravity model, rendering two sets of equations which can be interpreted as the field equations and the stressenergy tensor. Unification of gravity with electromagnetism and the scalar dilaton field is achieved through the KaluzaKlein dimensional reduction mechanism. The reduced curvature invariant, field equations and the stressenergy tensor in four dimensional spacetime are obtained. The structure of the interactions among the constituent fields is exhibited in detail. It is shown that the Lorentz force naturally emerges from the reduced field equations and the equations of the standard KaluzaKlein theory is demonstrated to be intrinsically contained in this model.
Consistent Valuation of Bespoke CDO Tranches ; This paper describes a consistent and arbitragefree pricing methodology for bespoke CDO tranches. The proposed method is a multifactor extension to the Li 2009 model, and it is free of the known flaws in the current standard pricing method of base correlation mapping. This method assigns a distinct market factor to each liquid credit index and models the correlation between these market factors explicitly. A lowdimensional semianalytical Monte Carlo is shown to be very efficient in computing the PVs and risks of bespoke tranches. Numerical examples show that resulting bespoke tranche prices are generally in line with the current standard method of base correlation with TLP mapping. Practical issues such as model deltas and quanto adjustment are also discussed as numerical examples.
Existence and stability of steady states of a reaction convection diffusion equation modeling microtubule formation ; We generalize the DogteromLeibler model for microtubule dynamics DL to the case where the rates of elongation as well as the lifetimes of the elongating and shortening phases are a function of GTPtubulin concentration. We study also the effect of nucleation rate in the form of a damping term which leads to new steadystates. For this model, we study existence and stability of steady states satisfying the boundary conditions at x 0. Our stability analysis introduces numerical and analytical Evans function computations as a new mathematical tool in the study of microtubule dynamics.
PseudoMajoron as Dark Matter ; We consider the singlet Majoron model with softly broken lepton number. This model contains three righthanded neutrinos and a singlet scalar besides the standard model fields. The real part of the singlet scalar develops a vacuum expectation value to generate the lepton number violation for seesaw and leptogenesis. The imaginary part of the singlet scalar becomes a massive pseudoMajoron to be a dark matter candidate with testability by colliders, direct detection experiments and neutrino observations.
Selected issues on justification of holographic approach to QCD ; Some problems with theoretical foundations of bottomup holographic models are briefly discussed. It is pointed out that the spectroscopic aspects of these models in principle do not require the AdSCFT prescriptions and may be interpreted as just an alternative language expressing the phenomenology of QCD sum rules in the largeNc limit. A general recipe for incorporation of the chiral symmetry breaking scale into the softwall holographic models is proposed.
Quantum Network Models and Classical Localization Problems ; A review is given of quantum network models in class C which, on a suitable 2d lattice, describe the spin quantum Hall plateau transition. On a general class of graphs, however, many observables of such models can be mapped to those of a classical walk in a random environment, thus relating questions of quantum and classical localization. In many cases it is possible to make rigorous statements about the latter through the relation to associated percolation problems, in both two and three dimensions.
CP properties of symmetryconstrained twoHiggsdoublet models ; The twoHiggsdoublet model can be constrained by imposing Higgsfamily symmetries andor generalized CP symmetries. It is known that there are only six independent classes of such symmetryconstrained models. We study the CP properties of all cases in the bilinear formalism. An exact symmetry implies CP conservation. We show that soft breaking of the symmetry can lead to spontaneous CP violation CPV in three of the classes.
Bouncing Universe and phantom crossing in Modified Gravity and its reconstruction ; In this paper we consider FRW cosmology in modified gravity which contain arbitrary functions fphi. It is shown that the bouncing solution appears in the model whereas the equation of state EoS parameter crosses the phantom divider. The reconstruction of the model is also investigated with the aim to reconstruct the arbitrary functions and variables of the model.
Confinement, Vacuum Structure from QCD to Quantum Gravity ; A minimal Lorentz gauge gravity model with R2type Lagrangian is proposed. In the absence of torsion the model admits a topological phase with unfixed metric. The model possesses a minimal set of dynamical degrees of freedom for the torsion. Remarkably, the torsion has the same number of dynamical ofshell degrees of freedom as the metric tensor. We trace an analogy between the structure of the quantum chromodynamics and the structure of possible theory of quantum gravity.
Schwarzschild Models for the Galaxy ; Schwarzschild's orbitsuperposition technique is the most developed and welltested method available for constraining the detailed mass distributions of equilibrium stellar systems. Here I provide a very short overview of the method and its existing implementations, and briefly discuss their viability as a tool for modeling the Galaxy using Gaia data.
Chaotic inflation in FR supergravity ; The bosonic fR gravity function is derived from a chiral FR supergravity model for the first time. We find an existence of the upper limit or AdS bound on the scalar curvature, as well as a solution with a vanishing cosmological constant. We compare our simple model of FR supergravity to the well known Starobinsky model of chaotic inflation.
Quantization of the Damped Harmonic Oscillator Revisited ; We return to the description of the damped harmonic oscillator by means of a closed quantum theory with a general assessment of previous works, in particular the BatemanCaldirolaKanai model and a new model recently proposed by one of the authors. We show the local equivalence between the two models and argue that latter has better high energy behavior and is naturally connected to existing openquantumsystems approaches.
PipelineCentric Provenance Model ; In this paper we propose a new provenance model which is tailored to a class of workflowbased applications. We motivate the approach with use cases from the astronomy community. We generalize the class of applications the approach is relevant to and propose a pipelinecentric provenance model. Finally, we evaluate the benefits in terms of storage needed by the approach when applied to an astronomy application.
Dynamics of Bianchi I Universe with Magnetized Anisotropic Dark Energy ; We study Bianchi type I cosmological model in the presence of magnetized anisotropic dark energy. The energymomentum tensor consists of anisotropic fluid with anisotropic EoS pomegarho and a uniform magnetic field of energy density rhoB. We obtain exact solutions to the field equations using the condition that expansion is proportional to the shear scalar. The physical behavior of the model is discussed with and without magnetic field. We conclude that universe model as well as anisotropic fluid do not approach isotropy through the evolution of the universe.
Loop quantum cosmology of Bianchi type IX models ; The loop quantum cosmology improved dynamics of the Bianchi type IX model are studied. The action of the Hamiltonian constraint operator is obtained via techniques developed for the Bianchi type I and type II models, no new input is required. It is shown that the big bang and big crunch singularities are resolved by quantum gravity effects. We also present the effective equations which provide modifications to the classical equations of motion due to quantum geometry effects.
Classical analog of quantum Schwarzschild black hole local vs global, and the mystery of log3 ; The model is built in which the main global properties of classical and quasiclassical black holes become local. These are the event horizon, nohair, temperature and entropy. Our construction is based on the features of a quantum collapse, discovered when studying some quantum black hole models. But our model is purely classical, and this allows to use selfconsistently the Einstein equations and classical local thermodynamics and explain in this way the log3puzzle.
mutau symmetry in ZeeBabu model ; We study the ZeeBabu twoloop neutrino mass generation model and look for a possible flavor symmetry behind the tribimaximal neutrino mixing. We find that there probably exists the mutau symmetry in the case of the normal neutrino mass hierarchy, whereas there may not be in the inverted hierarchy case. We also propose a specific model based on a FroggattNielsenlike Z5 symmetry to naturally accomplish the mutau symmetry on the neutrino mass matrix for the normal hierarchy case.
NonMinimal Inflation Revisited ; We reconsider an inflationary model that inflaton field is nonminimally coupled to gravity. We study parameter space of the model up to the second and in some cases third order of the slowroll parameters. We calculate inflation parameters in both Jordan and Einstein frames and the results are compared in these two frames and also with observations. Using the recent observational data from combined WMAP5SDSSSNIa datasets, we study constraint imposed on our model parameters especially the nonminimal coupling xi.
Lagrange Model for the Chiral Optical Properties of Stereometamaterials ; We employ a general Lagrange model to describe the chiral optical properties of stereometamaterials. We derive the elliptical eigenstates of a twisted stacked splitring resonator, taking phase retardation into account. Through this approach, we obtain a powerful Jones matrix formalism which can be used to calculate the polarization rotation, ellipticity, and circular dichroism of transmitted waves through stereometamaterials at any incident polarization. Our experimental measurements agree well with our model.
Perfect fluids from high power sigmamodels ; Certain solutions of a sextic sigmamodel Lagrangian reminiscent of Skyrme model correspond to perfect fluids with stiff matter equation of state. We analyse from a differential geometric perspective this correspondence extended to general barotropic fluids.
PT symmetry, Cartan decompositions, Lie triple systems and Krein space related Clifford algebras ; Gauged PT quantum mechanics PTQM and corresponding Krein space setups are studied. For models with constant nonAbelian gauge potentials and extended parity inversions compact and noncompact Lie group components are analyzed via Cartan decompositions. A Lie triple structure is found and an interpretation as PTsymmetrically generalized JaynesCummings model is possible with close relation to recently studied cavity QED setups with transmon states in multilevel artificial atoms. For models with Abelian gauge potentials a hidden Clifford algebra structure is found and used to obtain the fundamental symmetry of Krein space related Jselfadjoint extensions for PTQM setups with ultralocalized potentials.
Eventbased Corpuscular Model for Quantum Optics Experiments ; A corpuscular simulation model of optical phenomena that does not require the knowledge of the solution of a wave equation of the whole system and reproduces the results of Maxwell's theory by generating detection events onebyone is presented. The eventbased corpuscular model is shown to give a unified description of multiplebeam fringes of a plane parallel plate, singlephoton MachZehnder interferometer, Wheeler's delayed choice, photon tunneling, quantum erasers, twobeam interference, doubleslit, and EinsteinPodolskyRosenBohm and Hanbury BrownTwiss experiments.
Modeling rf breakdown arcs II plasma materials interactions ; Continuing the description of rf vacuum arcs from an earlier paper, we describe some aspects of the interaction of vacuum arcs that involve the surface. This paper describes aspects of plasma materials interactions that affect the arc and models measurement of the surface field using the TonksFrenkel and the spinodal electrohydrodynamic instabilities, a realistic model for the generation and evaluation of high field enhancements, unipolar arcs, creep and other effects.
Boolean versus continuous dynamics on simple twogene modules ; We investigate the dynamical behavior of simple modules composed of two genes with two or three regulating connections. Continuous dynamics for mRNA and protein concentrations is compared to a Boolean model for gene activity. Using a generalized method, we study within a single framework different continuous models and different types of regulatory functions, and establish conditions under which the system can display stable oscillations. These conditions concern the time scales, the degree of cooperativity of the regulating interactions, and the signs of the interactions. Not all models that show oscillations under Boolean dynamics can have oscillations under continuous dynamics, and vice versa.
New modelling technique for aperiodicsampling linear systems ; A general inputoutput modelling technique for aperiodicsampling linear systems has been developed. The procedure describes the dynamics of the system and includes the sequence of sampling periods among the variables to be handled. Some restrictive conditions on the sampling sequence are imposed in order to guarantee the validity of the model. The particularization to the periodic case represents an alternative to the classic methods of discretization of continuous systems without using the Ztransform. This kind of representation can be used largely for identification and control purposes.
Halfinteger Higher Spin Fields in AdS from Spinning Particle Models ; We make use of O2r1 spinning particle models to construct linearized higherspin curvatures in AdS spaces for fields of arbitrary halfinteger spin propagating in a space of arbitrary even dimension the field potentials, whose curvatures are computed with the present models, are spinortensors of mixed symmetry corresponding to Young tableaux with D2 1 rows and r columns, thus reducing to totally symmetric spinortensors in four dimensions. The paper generalizes similar results obtained in the context of integer spins in AdS.
Towards the unification of latetime acceleration and inflation by kessence model ; Based on the formulation of the reconstruction for the kessence model, which was recently proposed in arXiv1001.0220 hepth, we explicitly construct cosmological model to unifying the latetime acceleration and the inflation in the early universe.
A model for the emergence of geopolitical division ; In this work, we present a model based on a competitive dynamics that intends to imitate the processes leading to some characteristics of the geopolitical division. The model departs from very simple principles of geopolitical theory and geometrical considerations, but succeeds to explain general features related to the actual process. At the same time, we will propose an evolutionary explanation to the fact that most capitals in Eurasia are located far from the borders or coasts and, in many cases, close to the barycenter of the respective countries.
Properties of modified periodic onedimensional hopping model ; Onedimensional hopping model is useful to describe the motion of microscopic particle in thermal noise environment, such as motor proteins. Recent experiments about the new generation of lightdriven rotary molecular motors found that, the motor in state i can jump forward to state i1 or i2, or backward to state i1 or i2 directly. In this paper, such modified periodic onedimensional hopping model of arbitrary period N is studied mathematically. The mean velocity, effective diffusion constant, and mean dwell time in one single cycle are obtained. Corresponding results are illustrated and verified by being applied to a type of synthetic rotary molecular motors.
Shorttime dynamics of finitesize meanfield systems ; We study the shorttime dynamics of a meanfield model with nonconserved order parameter CurieWeiss with Glauber dynamics by solving the associated FokkerPlanck equation. We obtain closedform expressions for the first moments of the order parameter, near to both the critical and spinodal points, starting from different initial conditions. This allows us to confirm the validity of the shorttime dynamical scaling hypothesis in both cases. Although the procedure is illustrated for a particular meanfield model, our results can be straightforwardly extended to generic models with a single order parameter.
Intelligent Decisions from the Hive Mind Foragers and Nectar Receivers of Apis mellifera Collaborate to Optimise Active Forager Numbers ; We present a differential equationbased mathematical model of nectar foraging by the honey bee Apis mellifera. The model focuses on two behavioural classes; nectar foragers and nectar receivers. Results generated from the model are used to demonstrate how different classes within a collective can collaborate to combine information and produce finely tuned decisions through simple interactions. In particular we show the importance of the search time' the time a returning forager takes to find an available nectar receiver in restricting the forager population to a level consistent with colonywide needs.
Vertex Expansion for the Bianchi I model ; A perturbative expansion of Loop Quantum Cosmological transitions amplitudes of Bianchi I models is performed. Following the procedure outlined in 1,2 for isotropic models, it is shown that the resulting expansion can be written in the form of a series of amplitudes each with a fixed number of transitions mimicking a spin foam expansion. This analogy is more complete than in the isotropic case, since there are now the additional anisotropic degrees of freedom which play the role of colouring' of the spin foams. Furthermore, the isotropic expansion is recovered by integrating out the anisotropies.
SLHAplus a library for implementing extensions of the standard model ; We provide a library to facilitate the implementation of new models in codes such as matrix element and event generators or codes for computing dark matter observables. The library contains a SLHA reader routine as well as diagonalisation routines. This library is available in CalcHEP and micrOMEGAs. The implementation of models based on this library is supported by LanHEP and FeynRules.
Kondo Effect of a Vibrating Magnetic Impurity ; A generalized Anderson model for a magnetic ion in a harmonic potential is formulated. The model is investigated by the numerical renormalization groupNRG method. In addition to the conventional swave screening, the model exhibits phonon assisted pwave Kondo effect as well as Yu and Anderson type Kondo effect. It is shown that the swave Kondo and the YuAnderson Kondo belong to the same fixed point. At the boundary between the swave and pwave Kondo regions line of fixed points of the two channel Kondo effect is identified.
Modeling total expenditure on warranty claims ; We approximate the distribution of total expenditure of a retail company over warranty claims incurred in a fixed period 0, T, say the following quarter. We consider two kinds of warranty policies, namely, the nonrenewing free replacement warranty policy and the nonrenewing prorata warranty policy. Our approximation holds under modest assumptions on the distribution of the sales process of the warranted item and the nature of arrivals of warranty claims. We propose a method of using historical data to statistically estimate the parameters of the approximate distribution. Our methodology is applied to the warranty claims data from a large car manufacturer for a single car model and model year.
Spectral Properties of the Discrete Random Displacement Model ; We investigate spectral properties of a discrete random displacement model, a Schrodinger operator on ell2Zd with potential generated by randomly displacing finitely supported singlesite terms from the points of a sublattice of Zd. In particular, we characterize the upper and lower edges of the almost sure spectrum. For a onedimensional model with Bernoulli distributed displacements, we can show that the integrated density of states has a 1log2singularity at external as well as internal band edges.
ILC phenomenology in a TeV scale radiative seesaw model for neutrino mass, dark matter and baryon asymmetry ; We discuss phenomenology in a new TeV scale model which would explain neutrino oscillation, dark matter, and baryon asymmetry of the Universe simultaneously by the dynamics of the extended Higgs sector and TeVscale righthanded neutrinos. Tiny neutrino masses are generated at the threeloop level due to the exact Z2 symmetry, by which the stability of the dark matter candidate is guaranteed. The model provides various discriminative predictions in Higgs phenomenology, which can be tested at the Large Hadron Collider and the International Linear Collider.
fT models with phantom divide line crossing ; In this paper, we propose two new models in fT gravity to realize the crossing of the phantom divide line for the effective equation of state, and we then study the observational constraints on the model parameters. The best fit results suggest that the observations favor a crossing of the phantom divide line.
Toward A Quantitative Understanding of Gas Exchange in the Lung ; In this work we present a mathematical framework that quantifies the gasexchange processes in the lung. The theory is based on the solution of the onedimensional diffusion equation on a simplified model of lung septum. Gases dissolved into different compartments of the lung are all treated separately with physiologically important parameters. The model can be applied in magnetic resonance of hyperpolarized xenon for quantification of lung parameters such as surfacetovolume ratio and the airblood barrier thickness. In general this model provides a description of a broad range of biological exchange processes that are driven by diffusion.
Generalized Centrifugal Force Model for Pedestrian Dynamics ; A spatially continuous forcebased model for simulating pedestrian dynamics is introduced which includes an elliptical volume exclusion of pedestrians. We discuss the phenomena of oscillations and overlapping which occur for certain choices of the forces. The main intention of this work is the quantitative description of pedestrian movement in several geometries. Measurements of the fundamental diagram in narrow and wide corridors are performed. The results of the proposed model show good agreement with empirical data obtained in controlled experiments.
Rate estimation in partially observed Markov jump processes with measurement errors ; We present a simulation methodology for Bayesian estimation of rate parameters in Markov jump processes arising for example in stochastic kinetic models. To handle the problem of missing components and measurement errors in observed data, we embed the Markov jump process into the framework of a general state space model. We do not use diffusion approximations. Markov chain Monte Carlo and particle filter type algorithms are introduced, which allow sampling from the posterior distribution of the rate parameters and the Markov jump process also in datapoor scenarios. The algorithms are illustrated by applying them to rate estimation in a model for prokaryotic autoregulation and in the stochastic Oregonator, respectively.
Ergodic properties of a model for turbulent dispersion of inertial particles ; We study a simple stochastic differential equation that models the dispersion of close heavy particles moving in a turbulent flow. In one and two dimensions, the model is closely related to the onedimensional stationary Schroedinger equation in a random deltacorrelated potential. The ergodic properties of the dispersion process are investigated by proving that its generator is hypoelliptic and using control theory.