Then finding their arrows strike the aim, they exclaimed to one another saying 'Krishna and Arjuna are both slain’; and out of delight they waived their garments in the air.
ततस्ते लब्धलक्षत्वादन्योन्यमभिचुकुशुः। हतौ कृष्णाविति प्रीत्या वासांस्यादुधुवुस्तदा॥
Then those heroes sounded, by thousands, drums and Mridangas and conchs; and, O sire, they also gave forth war-cries resembling the roars of lions.
भेरीमृदङ्गशङ्खांश्च दध्मुर्वीराः सहस्रशः। सिंहनादरवांश्चोग्रांश्चक्रिरे तत्र मारिष॥
Then Krishna greatly perspiring, addressed Arjuna covered with sweat, saying 'Where are you, O son of Pritha, I do not see you, do you live, O siayer of your foes.'
ततः प्रसिष्विदे कृष्णः खिन्नश्चार्जुनमब्रवीत्। क्वासिपार्थन पश्येत्वां कच्चिज्जीवसिशत्रुहन्॥
Hearing those words of his (Krishna's), Dhananjaya quickly dispelled that arrowy shower poured by the enemy, by means of the Vavabha weapon.
तस्य तद् भाषितं श्रुत्वा त्वरमाणो धनंजयः। वायव्यास्त्रेण तैरस्तां शरवृष्टिमपाहरत्॥
Then the almighty Vayu blew away hosts of the Samshaptakas consisting of steeds elephants, chariots and weapons like heaps of dry leafs.
ततः संशप्तकवातान् साश्वद्विपरथायुधान्। उवाह भगवान् वायुः शुष्कपर्णचयानिव॥
Borne away by the god Vayu, they appeared highly beautiful like flights of birds, O sire, flying up from trees at the hour of dawn.
उह्यमानास्तु ते राजन् बह्वशोभन्त वायुना। प्रडीनाः पक्षिण: काले वृक्षेभ्य इव मारिष॥
Thus causing great anxiety in them, Dhananjaya with great lightness of hands slew, with keen pointed shafts, hundreds and thousands of the enemy.
तांस्तथा व्याकुलीकृत्य त्वरमाणो धनंजयः। जघान निशितैर्बाणैः सहस्राणि शतानि च।॥
He struck their heads and arms hearing weapons, with broad-headed shafts; and with his arrows he cut down on the ground their thighs resembling the trunks of elephants.
शिरांसि भल्लैरहरद् बाहूनपि च सायुधान्। हस्तिहस्तोपमांश्चोरूशरैरुक्मपातयत्॥
Some had their backs lacerated, some were deprived of their legs, some were hit on the arms, backs and eyes; thus Dhananjaya made his enemies deprived of their various limbs.
पृष्ठच्छिन्नान् विचरणान् बाहुपार्वेक्षणाकुलान्। नानाडावयवैीनांश्चकारारीन् धनंजयः॥
Shattering into pieces with his arrows, chariots resembling a real castle and equipped according to rule, he deprived them of their steeds, warriors and elephants.
गन्धर्वनगराकारान् विधिवत्कल्पितान् रथान्। शरैर्विशकलीकुर्वेश्चक्रे व्यश्वरथद्विपान्॥
At places several crowds of chariots, having their flag-staffs severed, looked like forests of palmyra trees deprived of their heads.
मुण्डतालवनानीव तत्र तत्र चकाशिरे। छिन्ना रथध्वजवाताः केचित्तत्र क्वचित् क्वचित्॥
Elephants furnished with excellent weapons, banners, hooks and standards fell down like woody mountains rent asunder by the thunder-bolt of Indra.
सोत्तरायुधिनो नागाः सपताकांकुशध्वजाः। पेतुः शक्राशनिहता दुमवन्त इवाचलाः॥
Smitten with the arrows of Partha, steeds, graced with tails like those of the yak, protected with coats of mail and with their entrails, eyes and vitals dragged out, rolled on the ground along with their riders.
चामरापीडकवचाः स्त्रस्तान्त्रनयनास्तथा। सारोहास्तुरगाः पेतुः पार्थवाणहताः क्षितौ॥
Dropping from their grasps the swords that had served the purposes of their nails, having their armours torn and the joints of their limbs smashed, foot soldiers, with their vital parts cut open, helplessly laid themselves down (on the field) being slain (by Partha).
विप्रविद्धासिनखराश्छिन्नवर्मटिशक्तयः। पत्तयश्छिन्नवर्माणः कृपणाः शेरते हताः॥
The field of battle assumed an awful aspect in consequence of those warriors slain or in course of being slaughtered fallen and falling, wheeling round or staying motionless.
तैर्हतैर्हन्यमानैश्च पतद्भिः पतितैरपि। भ्रमद्भिर्निष्टनद्भिश्च क्रूरमायोधनं बभौ॥
The cloud of dust that had arisen was now cleared away by means of the shower of blood. The ground became slipper and was strewn with numerous headless trunks.
रजश्च सुमहज्जातं शान्तं रुधिरवृष्टिभिः मही चाप्यभवद् दुर्गा कबन्धशतसंकुला॥
Then the chariot of Vibhastsu shone fierce and dreadful in that battle, like the chariot of Rudra himself when at the end of a Yuga he slays all creatures.
तद बभौ रौद्रबीभत्सं बीभत्सोर्यानमाहवे। आक्रीडमिव रुद्रस्य घनतः कालात्यय पशून्॥
Thus being slaughtered by the son of Pritha, those warriors, with their steeds, cars and elephants in distress and their ranks thinned, rushed at him and thus were made the guests of Shakra (i.e. were transported to the regions of Indra).
ते वध्यमानाः पार्थेन व्याकुलाश्च रथद्विपाः। तमेवाभिमुखाः क्षीणाः शक्रस्यातिथितां गताः॥
O foremost of the Bharatas, that field of battle then strewn with many a slain carwarrior of renown, shone like the region of Death swarming with the spirits of the departed.
सा भूमिर्भरतश्रेष्ठ निहतैस्तैर्महारथैः। आस्तीर्णा सम्बभौ सर्वा प्रेतीभूतैः समन्ततः॥
During this period when Savyasachin was furiously engaged (with the Samshaptakas) Drona, at the head of his divisions formed in battle-array, charged Yudhishthira.
एस्मिन्नन्तरे चैव प्रमत्ते सव्यसाचिनि। व्यूढानीकस्ततो द्रोणो युधिष्ठिरमुपाद्रवत्॥
Many a warrior, arranged in order of battle and accomplished in striking quickly formed Drona's support, out of a desire for capturing Yudhishthira. There-upon a dreadful fight ensued.
तं प्रत्यगृणंस्त्वरिता व्यूढानीका: प्रहारिणः। युधिष्ठिरं परीप्सन्तस्तदासीत् तुमुलं महत्॥