Hearing the words of Viśvāmitra, Rāghava, together with Laksmana, was struck with amazement, and spoke to Viśvāmitra, saying,
विश्वामित्रवचः श्रुत्वा राघवः सहलक्ष्मणः। विस्मयं परमं गत्वा विश्वामित्रमथाब्रवीत्॥
O Brāhmaṇa, wonderful is the story that you have recited to us, viz; that of Ganga's sacred dissension and the replenishing of the Ocean.
अत्यद्भुतमिदं ब्रह्मन् कथितं परमं त्वया। गङ्गावतरणं पुण्यं सागरस्यापि पूरणम्॥
And, O afflicter of foes, as we had been reflecting upon all this at length, the night has passed away as if it were as moment.
क्षणभूतेव नौ रात्रिः संवृत्तेयं परंतप। इमां चिन्तयतोः सर्वा निखिलेन कथां तव॥
And the live-long night has passed away as I in company with Sumitrā's son, was pondering over Viśvāmitra's auspicious speech.'
तस्य सा शर्वरी सर्वा मम सौमित्रिणा सह। जगाम चिन्तयानस्य विश्वामित्र कथां शुभाम्॥
Then in the morning which happened to be bright, that subduer of his foes, Raghu's descendant, addressed the ascetic Viśvāmitra, who had finished his devotion.
ततः प्रभाते विमले विश्वामित्रं तपोधनम्। उवाच राघवो वाक्यं कृताह्निकमरिंदमः॥
The auspicious night is past, and we shall (again) listen to your wonderful narrations. Let us now cross over this sacred stream, foremost of rivers, wending in three ways.
गता भगवती रात्रिः श्रोतव्यं परमं श्रुतम्। तराम सरितां श्रेष्ठां पुण्यां त्रिपथगां नदीम्॥
And learning that you have arrived at this place, the pious ascetics have speedily come hither, and have also brought this barque with a spacious carpet.
नौरेषा हि सुखास्तीर्णा ऋषीणां पुण्यकर्मणाम्। भगवन्तमिह प्राप्तं ज्ञात्वा त्वरितमागता॥
Hearing those words of the high-souled Rāghava, Kausika crossed over the crowds of ascetics; and on reaching the north bank, he paid homage to the saints. And when they had landed on the banks of the Gangā, they beheld a city named Viśālā.
तस्य तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा राघवस्य महात्मनः। संतारं कारयामास सर्षिसङ्घस्य कौशिकः॥ उत्तरं तीरमासाद्य सम्पूज्यर्षिगणं ततः। गङ्गाकूले निविष्टास्ते विशालां ददृशुः पुरीम्॥
And thereupon speedily that that foremost of ascetics in company with Rāghava, went towards Viśālā, beautiful and elegant like to the celestial regions.
ततो मुनिवरस्तूर्ण जगाम सहराघवः। विशाला नगरी रम्यां दिव्यां स्वर्गोपमां तदा॥
Then the highly wise Rāma, with folded hands, asked that mighty ascetic Viśvāmitra concerning the excellent city of Viśālā.
अथ रामो महाप्राज्ञो विश्वामित्रं महामुनिम्। पप्रच्छ प्राञ्जलिर्भूत्वा विशालामुत्तमां पुरीम्॥
O mighty ascetic, what royal line reside in yonder large city? I desire to hear this, good betide you; and great is my curiosity.
कतमो राजवंशोऽयं विशालायां महामुने। श्रोतुमिच्छामि भद्रं ते परं कौतूहलं हि मे॥
Hearing those words of Rāma, that foremost of ascetics began to relate the history of Viśālā, saying,
तस्य तद् वचनं श्रुत्वा रामस्य मुनिपुङ्गवः। आख्यातुं तत्समारेभे विशालायाः पुरातनम्॥
Do you listen, O Rāma to what I had heard from Sakra relating this history; and, O descendant of Raghu, do you listen to all that befell in this city.
श्रूयतां राम शक्रस्य कथां कथयतः श्रुताम्। अस्मिन् देशे हि यद् वृत्तं शृणु तत्त्वेन राघव॥
Formerly in the Krita age, O Rāma, Diti's highly powerful sons, as well as those of Aditi, possessed of prowess, and virtuous and pious, high-souled ones both.
पूर्वं कृतयुगे राम दितेः पुत्रा महाबलाः। अदितेश्च महाभागा वीर्यवन्तः सुधार्मिकाः॥
O foremost of men, fell to reflecting, 'How can we become exempt from decrepitude and disease, and immortal.'
ततस्तेषां नरव्याघ्र बुद्धिरासीन्महात्मनाम्। अमरा विजराश्चैव कथं स्यामो निरामयाः॥
And as they reflected, it struck them, 'By churning the ocean of milk, we must obtain ambrosia.'
तेषां चिन्तयतां तत्र बुद्धिरासीद् विपश्चिताम्। क्षीरोदमथनं कृत्वा रसं प्राप्स्याम तत्र वै॥
Then deciding upon churning (the ocean), those ones of immeasurable energy making Vasuki the cord, and the Mandara (hill), the stick, began to churn the deep.
ततो निश्चित्य मथनं योक्त्रं कृत्वा च वासुकिम्। मन्थानं मन्दरं कृत्वा ममन्थुरमितौजसः॥
After a thousand years had gone by, the hoods (of the serpent) serving as the churning cord, began to vomit virulent venom and to bite at the crags, with their fangs.
अथ वर्षसहस्रेण योक्त्रसर्पशिरांसि च। वमन्तोऽतिविषं तत्र ददंशुर्दशनैः शिलाः॥
And thereat there came out powerful poison like to fire; and in consequence the entire universe with celestials, and Asuras, and men, began to burm.
उत्पपाताग्निसंकाशं हालाहलमहाविषम्। तेन दग्धं जगत् सर्वं सदेवासुरमानुषम्॥
And thereupon, intending to seek refuge, they appeared before that mighty god, Sarkara, or Pasupati, or Rudra, hymning him.
अथ देवा महादेवं शङ्करं शरणार्थिनः। जग्मुः पशुपतिं रुद्रं त्राहि त्राहीति तुष्टुवुः॥
'Save us, Save us.' When that master, the lord of the celestials, was being thus addressed by the deities, there appeared before them Hari bearing the conch and the discus.
एवमुक्तस्ततो देवैर्देवदेवेश्वरः प्रभुः। प्रादुरासीत् ततोऽत्रैव शङ्खचक्रधरो हरिः॥
Smiling Hari said to the trident-bearing Rudra, 'O chief of the celestials, since you are the foremost of the gods, this that has come out of the ocean churned by the celestials, in your as Remaining here, O lord, do you receive the first offering in the form of this poison.'
उवाचैनं स्मितं कृत्वा रुद्रं शूलधरं हरिः। दैवतैर्मथ्यमाने तु यत्पूर्वं समुपस्थितम्॥ तत् त्वदीयं सुरश्रेष्ठ सुराणामग्रतो हि यत्। अग्रपूजागिह स्थित्वा गृहाणेदं विषं प्रभो॥
Having said this, that best of celestials vanished there. Witnessing the dismay of the celestials, and hearing also the words of Śārngiņa, Śiva took in that dreadful poison as if it were nectar, and then leaving the deities, the worshipful Hara wen away.
इत्युक्त्वा च सुरश्रेष्ठस्तत्रैवान्तरधीयत। देवतानां भयं दृष्ट्वा श्रुत्वा वाक्यं तु शाङ्गिणः॥ हालाहलं विषं घोरं संजग्राहामृतोपमम्। देवान् विसृज्य देवेशो जगाम भगवान् हरः॥
And then, O descendant of Raghu, as the celestials resumed the churning, that foremost of hills serving the cord, entered the subterranean regions.
ततो देवासुराः सर्वे ममन्थू रघुनन्दन। प्रविवेशाथ पातालं मन्थानः पर्वतोत्तमः॥
Thereupon the gods and the Gandharvas felt to extolling the slayer of Madhu, saying, “You are the way of all beings, of the celestials in especial. do you, O mighty-armed one, protect us, and recover the mountain.'
ततो देवाः सगन्धर्वास्तुष्टवुर्मधुसूदनम्। त्वं गतिः सर्वभूतानां विशेषेण दिवौकसाम् ॥ पालयास्मान् महाबाहो गिरिमुद्धर्तुमर्हसि।
Having heard this, Hrsikesa, or Hari, assuming the form of a tortoise, stood in the sea, supporting the hill on his back.
इति श्रुत्वा हृषीकेशः कामठं रूपमास्थितः॥ पर्वतं पृष्ठतः कृत्वा शिश्ये तत्रोदधौ हरिः।
That Soul of all, Kesava, best of male beings, taking hold of the top of the hill by his hand, began to churn the deep, stationed in the midst of the celestials.
पर्वताग्रं तु लोकात्मा हस्तेनाक्रम्य केशवः॥ देवानां मध्यतः स्थित्वा ममन्थ पुरुषोत्तमः।
After a thousand years, had rolled on, arose a male being impregnated with the Āyurveda, of exceedingly righteous soul, called Dhanvantari, bearing in his hands a stick, and a Kamandalu. And there arose also, from the cream of the churning waters, those magnificent dames the shining Apsaras. And, O foremost of men, as they had emerged from water, they are called Apsaras.
अथ वर्षसहस्रेण आयुर्वेदमयः पुमान्॥ उदतिष्ठत् सुधर्मात्मा सदण्डः सकमण्डलुः। पूर्वं धन्वन्तरि म अप्सराश्च सुवर्चसः॥ अप्सु निर्मथनादेव सरात् तस्माद् वरस्त्रियः। उत्पेतुर्मनुजश्रेष्ठ तस्मादप्सरसोऽभवन्॥
There sprang sixty koțis of shining Apsaras. And, O Kākutstha, the female attendants of those are numberless.
षष्ठिः कोट्योऽभवंस्तासामप्सराणां सुवर्चसाम्। असंख्येयास्तु काकुत्स्थ यास्तासां परिचारिकाः॥
And neither the deities nor the Dānavas would accept them, and in consequence of this nonacceptance, they are known as women belonging to all.
न ताः स्म प्रतिगृह्णन्ति सर्वे ते देवदानवाः। अप्रतिग्रहणादेव ता वै साधारणाः स्मृताः॥
And then, O Raghu's descendant, arose the eminently pious daughter of Varuna, Varuni, who fell to looking for acceptance.
वरुणस्य ततः कन्या वारुणा रघुनन्दन। उत्पपात महाभागा मार्गमाणा परिग्रहम्॥
And Diti's sons, O Rāma, did not accept the daughter of Varuna and Aditi's sons, O hero, accepted that one of blameless limbs.
दितेः पुत्रा न तां राम जगृहुर्वरुणात्मजाम्। अदितेस्तु सुता वीर जगृहुस्तामनिन्दिताम्॥
Hence Diti's son go by the name of Asuras; and Aditi's by that of Suras. And the celestials became exceeding glad, on having accepted Vāruņi.
असुरास्तेन दैतेयाः सुरास्तेनादितेः सुताः। हृष्टाः प्रमुदिताश्चासन् वारुणीग्रहणात् सुराः॥
O foremost of men, next arose ucchaiśravā best of horses, and also Kaustubha; and next, the excellent ambrosia.
उच्चैःश्रवा हयश्रेष्ठो मणिरत्नं च कौस्तुभम्। उदतिष्ठन्नरश्रेष्ठ तथैवामृतमुत्तमम्॥
O Rāma, tremendous was the carnage for the possession thereof (ambrosia); and Aditi's and Diti's sons fought together.
अथ तस्य कृते राम महानासीत् कुलक्षयः। अदितेस्तु ततः पुत्रा दितिपुत्रानयोधयन्॥
And the Asuras assembled together with the Raksasas; and, C hero, mighty was the battle that was fought, striking terror into the three worlds.
एकतामगमन् सर्वे असुरा राक्षसैः सह। युद्धमासीन्महाघोरं वीर त्रैलोक्यमोहनम्॥
And when a great havoc had been committed the highly powerful Vişņu, assuming a captivating form speedily stole away the ambrosia.
यदा क्षयं गतं सर्वं तदा विष्णुर्महाबलः। असृतं सोऽहरत् तूर्णं मायामास्थाय मोहिनीम्॥
And those that came forward before that best of male beings, Visnu, knowing no deterioration, were crushed in conflict by Vişnu in a different form.
ये गताभिमुखं विष्णुमक्षरं पुरुषोत्तमम्। सम्पिष्टास्ते तदा युद्धे विष्णुना प्रभविष्णुना ॥
And in that exceedingly dreadful battle between the sons of Diti and Aditi, those heroic ones viz., Aditi's heroic sons slaughtered those of Diti.
अदितेरात्मजा वीरा दितेः पुत्रान् निजघ्निरे। अस्मिन् घोरे महायुद्धे दैतेयादित्ययो शम्॥
Having slaughtered the sons of Diti's and regained his kingdom, he happily began to rule the worlds, containing saints and Caranas.
निहत्य दितिपुत्रांस्तु राज्यं प्राप्य पुरंदरः। शशास मुदितो लोकान् सर्षिसङ्घान् सचारणान्॥
Seeing Kumbhakarņa slain by the high-souled Rāghava, the Räkşasas conveyed the tidings to the lord of the Raksasas-Ravana; (and addressed him, saying)
कुम्भकर्णं हतं दृष्ट्वा राघवेण महात्मना। राक्षसा राक्षसेन्द्राय रावणाय न्यवेदयन्॥
O king, that one resembling the destroyer himself, urged on by death, having scoured the monkey-army and eaten up monkeys, and for a while displayed his prowess, has met with his quietus at the hands of Rāma exerting his energy. And with half his body immersed in the dreadful deep, your brother, Kumbhakarņa, with his nose and ears cut off, and blood besmearing his body, with his head and limbs hewn away, and his body uncovered, mountain-like block up the gate of Laňkă with his person-and resemble a tree that has been consumed by a forest-fire.
राजन्स कालसंकाशः संयुक्तः कालकर्मणा। विद्राव्य वानरों सेनां भक्षयित्वा च वानरान्॥ प्रतपित्वा मुहूर्तं तु प्रशान्तो रामतेजसा। कायेनार्धप्रविष्टेन समुद्रं भीमदर्शनम्॥ निकृत्तनासाकर्णेन विक्षरदुधिरेण च। रुद्ध्वा द्वारं शरीरेण लङ्कायाः पर्वतोपमः॥ कुम्भकर्णस्तव भ्राता काकुत्स्थशरपीडितः। अगण्डभूतो विवृतो दावदग्ध इव दुमः॥
Hearing the mighty Kumbhakarņa slain in battle, Ravana burning in grief, swooned away and dropped to the earth.
श्रुत्वा विनिहतं संख्ये कुम्भकर्ण महाबलम्। रावणः शोकसंतप्तो मुमोह च पपात च॥
Hearing their uncle slain, Trisiras* and Atikāya-destroyers of gods and men, began to weep, oppressed with sorrow. *Three-headed.
पितृव्यं निहतं श्रुत्वा देवान्तकनरान्तकौ। त्रिशिराश्चातिकायश्च रुरुदुः शोकपीडिताः॥
Mahodara' and Mahāpārśvahearing of their uncle slain by Rāma of untiring deeds, were overcome with grief. 1. Huge-bellied. 2. Mighty flanked.
भ्रातरं निहतं श्रुत्वा रामेणाक्लिष्टकर्मणा। महोदरमहापाचौं शोकाक्रान्तौ बभूवतुः॥
Then regaining his senses with extreme exertion, that foremost of Rākṣasas, distressed in consequence of the destruction of Kumbhakarna, mourned with his senses overwhelmed, saying.
ततः कृच्छत्समासाद्य संज्ञां राक्षसपुङ्गवः। कुम्भकर्णवधाद्दीनो विललापाकुलेन्द्रियः॥
O hero! O humbler of the pride of the foe! O mighty Kumbhakarna! Leaving me, you through stiny, have gone to the abode of Yama.
हा वीर रिपुदर्पघ्न कुम्भकर्ण महाबल। त्वं मां विहाय वै दैवाद्यातोऽसि यमसादनम्॥
O exceedingly powerful one, leaving me (alone) whither did you wend, without extracting my dart as well as that of your friends?
मम शल्यमनुद्धृत्य बान्धवानां महाबल। शत्रुसैन्यं प्रताप्यैकः क्व मां संत्यज्य गच्छसि॥
Now really I am not, inasmuch as my right arm has dropped. Backed by this one, I would not fear celestials and Asuras.
इदानीं खल्वहं नास्मि यस्य मे पतितो भुजः। दक्षिणोऽयं समाश्रित्य न बिभेमि सुरासुरात्॥
How today forsooth has such a hero-crusher of the hauteur of gods and Dänavas—resembling the fire arisen at the hour of universal wreck, been slain in fight by Raghava?
कथमेवंविधो वीरो देवदानवदर्पहा। कालाग्निप्रतिमो ह्यद्य राघवेण रणे हतः॥
He who could not be harmed by the concussion of the thunder-bolt itself-how can he, smitten with Rāma's arrows, sleep soundly on the earth?
यस्य ते वज्रनिष्पेषो न कुर्याद्व्यसनं सदा। स कथं रामबाणातः प्रसुप्तोऽसि महीतले॥
These gods stationed in the sky along with the saints, beholding you slain the battle, are shouting in glee.
एते देवगणाः सार्धमृषिभिर्गगने स्थिताः। निहतं त्वां रणे दृष्ट्वा निनदन्ति प्रहर्षिताः॥
Surely today the monkeys overjoyed, finding occasion, well scale all the gateways and fortifications of Lankā.
ध्रुवमद्यैव संहृष्टा लब्धलक्षाः प्लवंगमाः। आरोक्ष्यन्तीह दुर्गाणि लङ्काद्वाराणि सर्वशः॥
I have nothing to do with empire. And what shall I do with Sītā? And deprived of Kumbhakarma, I do not even wish to live.
राज्येन नास्ति मे कार्य किं करिष्यामि सीतया। कुम्भकर्णविहीनस्य जीविते नास्ति मे मतिः॥
If I do not slay in encounter that slayer of my brother-Rāghava, certainly death is even that which is good for me, otherwise, this life is useless.
यद्यहं भ्रातृहन्तारं न हन्मि युधि राघवम्। ननु मे मरणं श्रेयो न चेदं व्यर्थजीवितुम्॥
This very day will I repair to that place where my younger brother is. Forsaking my brother, I forsooth dare not live for a moment.
अद्यैव तं गमिष्यामि देशं यत्रानुजो मम। नहि भ्रातृन्समुत्सृज्य क्षणं जीवितुमुत्सहे॥
For the gods shall laugh on seeing me, who had formerly wronged them. But, how, O Kumbhakarņa, you having been slain, shall I conquer Indra?
देवा हि मां हसिष्यन्ति दृष्ट्वा पूर्वापकारिणम्। कथमिन्द्रं जयिष्यामि कुम्भकर्ण हते त्वयि ॥
Now the beneficial words of Vibhīşaņa have been verified. And as through blindness I did not accept the advice of that high-souled one, Kumbhakarņa and of Prahasta, this disaster arisen, shame me sore.
तदिदं मामनुप्राप्तं विभीषणवचः शुभम्। यदज्ञानान्मया तस्य न गृहीतं महात्मनः॥ विभीषणवचस्तावत्कुम्भकर्णप्रहस्तयोः। विनाशोऽयं समुत्पनो मां वीडयति दारुणः॥
As I had disgraced the virtuous and graceful Vibhīşaņa, this peril producing grief, has been the consequence of my conduct.
तस्यायं कर्मणः प्राप्तो विपाको मम शोकदः। यन्मया धार्मिकः श्रीमान्स निरस्तो विभीषणः॥
Having thus piteously and long lamented Kumbhakarna, the Ten-necked one, with his inmost soul overwhelmed with sorrow, and sore distressed in consequence of grief, fell down, knowing his brother—the enemy of Indra-slain in battle.
इति बहुविधमाकुलान्तरात्मा कृपणमतीव विलप्य कुम्भकर्णम्। स्तमनुजमिन्द्ररिपुं हतं विदित्वा॥
Having vanquished Marutta, that lord of Rākşasas the Ten-faced Răvaņa, eager for encounter, began to range the capitals of the foremost monarchs (of the earth).
अथ जित्वा मरुत्तं स प्रययौ राक्षसाधिपः। नगराणि नरेन्द्राणां युद्धकाङ्क्षी दशाननः॥
And coming to the most powerful crowned heads (in the world) resembling Mahendra and Varuna, the Raksasa king said: 'Give me battle; or declare we have been defeated. This I am resolved upon. Otherwise there is no escape for you?'
समासाद्य तु राजेन्द्रान्महेन्द्रवरुणोपमान्। अब्रवीद्राक्षसेन्द्रस्तु युद्ध मे दीयतामिति॥ निर्जिताः स्मेति वा ब्रूत एष मे हि सुनिश्चयः। अन्यथा कुर्वतामेवं मोक्षो नैवोपपद्यते॥
Thereat those wise kings, possessed of great strength, and ever abiding by righteousness, being frightened (at Ravana's intimidation), took counsel of each other. And knowing the superior strength of the foe, they said, “We have been defeated.
ततस्त्वभीरवः प्राज्ञाः पार्थिवा धर्मनिश्चयाः। मन्त्रयित्वा ततोऽन्योन्यं राजानः सुमहाबलाः॥ निर्जिताः स्मेत्यभाषन्त ज्ञात्वा वरबलं रिपोः।
O child, Dusyanta, Suratha, Gadhi, and Gaya and king Pururavă all these kings said: 'We have been defeated.' And then Rāvaņa sovereign of the Rākşasas presented himself before Ayodhyā, governed by Anaranya, like Amarāvati ruled by. Sakra. And coming to that foremost of men king like to Purandara himself in prowess, Rāvana said, 'Give me battle; or say I have been defeated. This is my mandate.'
दुष्यन्तः सुरथो गाधिर्गयो राजा पुरूरवः॥ एते सर्वेऽब्रुवंस्तात निर्जिताः स्मेति पार्थिवाः। अथायोध्यां समासाद्य रावणो राक्षसाधिपः॥ सुगुप्तामनरण्येन शक्रेणेवामरावतीम्। स तं पुरुषशार्दूलं पुरंदरसमं बले॥ प्राह राजानमासाद्य युद्धं देहीति रावणः। निर्जितोऽस्मीति वा ब्रूहि त्वमेवं मम शासनम्॥
The lord of Ayodhyā, on hearing the words of that wicked-minded one, Anaranya, enraged, addressed the Raksasa-chief, saying, 'O king of Raksasas, I will give you combat, stay you. At once prepare for fight, and I also shall go and prepare myself.'
अयोध्याधिपतिस्तस्य श्रुत्वा पापात्मनो वचः। अनरण्यस्तु संक्रुद्धो राक्षसेन्द्रमथाब्रवीत्॥ दीयते द्वन्द्वयुद्धं ते राक्षसाधिपते मया। संतिष्ठ क्षिप्रमायत्तो भव चैवं भवाम्यहम्॥
When he had heard everything (regarding Răvaņa), the forces of that foremost of kings that had been intended for conquering (Ravana), sallied forth ready for bringing about the destruction of the of the Raksasa, ten-thousand elephants, a niyuta horse, and many thousands of cars and infantry, O best of men; and, that host consisting of infantry and cars, marched for encounter, covering up the earth.
अथ पूर्व श्रुतार्थेन निर्जितं सुमहद्बलम्। निष्क्रामत्तन्नरेन्द्रस्य बलं रक्षोवधोद्यतम्॥ नागानां दशसाहस्रं वाजिनां नियुतं तथा। रथानां बहुसाहस्रं पत्तीनां च नरोत्तम॥ महीं संछाद्य निष्क्रान्तं सपदातिरथं रणे।
Then, O you proficient in fight, there took place a mighty and wonderful encounter between king Anaranya and that lord of Raksasas.
ततः प्रवृत्तं सुमहद्युद्धं युद्धविशारद॥ अनरण्यस्य नृपते राक्षसेन्द्रस्य चाद्भुतम्।
That host, of the king encountering the forces of Rāvana, were extinguished like to clarified butter thrown into the (sacrificial) fire. And having fought valorously for a long time, the remnant of the royal forces, suddenly coming in contact with the flaming Räkşasas ranks, were destroyed like to swarms of locusts entering into fire.
तद्रावणबलं प्राप्य बलं तस्य महीपतेः॥ प्राणश्यत तदा सर्व हव्यं हुतमिवानले। युद्ध्वा च सुचिरं कालं कृत्वा विक्रममुत्तमम्॥ प्रज्वलन्तं तमासाद्य क्षिप्रमेवावशेषितम्। प्राविशत्संकुलं तत्र शलभा इव पावकम्॥
He saw the mighty army of that powerful monarch destroyed by the (adversary), like to a hundred streams absorbed by an approaching ocean.
सोऽपश्यत्तन्नरेन्द्रस्तु नश्यमानं महाबलम्। महार्णवं समासाद्य वनापगशतं यथा॥
And then himself drawing his bow resembling the bow itself of Sakra, that foremost of sovereigns, beside himself with wrath, approached Rāvana.
ततः शक्रधनुःप्रख्यं धनुर्विस्फारयन्स्वयम्। आससाद नरेन्द्रस्तं रावणं क्रोधमूर्छितः॥
Brought down by Anaranya, his (Ravana's) councillors Mārica, Suka, and Sarana with Prahasta, took to their heels like to dear.
अनरण्येन तेऽमात्या मारीचशुकसारणाः। प्रहस्तसहिता भग्ना व्यद्रवन्त मृगा इव॥
Then that son of the Ikşvāku race discharged eight hundred arrows at Rāvana's head.
ततो बाणशतान्यष्टौ पातयामास मूर्धनि । तस्य राक्षसराजस्य इक्ष्वाकुकुलनन्दनः॥
And like to showers pouring down on the top of a mountain, his shafts did not inflict any wound (on Ravana).
तस्य बाणाः पतन्तस्ते चक्रिरे न क्षतं क्वचित्। वारिधारा इवाभ्रेम्यः पतन्त्यो गिरिमूर्धनि ॥
Then the king, smitten on the head with a slap by the enraged king of Rākşasas, dropped down from his car.
ततो राक्षसराजेन क्रुद्धेन नृपतिस्तदा। तलेनाभिहतो मूर्ध्नि स रथानिपपात ह॥
The king, deprived of his senses, fell down on the earth, with his body trembling all over; as falls in a forest a sāla scathed with heaven's fire.
स राजा पतितो भूमौ विह्वलः प्रविवेपितः। वज्रदग्ध इवारण्ये सालो निपतितो यथा॥
Thereat the Raksasa, laughing, spoke to that Iksvāku, lord of the earth, 'What is this that you have gathered as the fruit of your encounter with me.
तं प्रहस्याब्रवीद्रक्ष इक्ष्वाकुं पृथिवीपतिम्। किमिदानी फलं प्राप्तं त्वया मां प्रति युद्ध्यता॥
O king, there is none in this triune sphere that can combat with me. Having hitherto been sunk in lunacy, you have not heard of my strength.
त्रैलोक्ये नास्ति यो द्वन्द्वं मम दद्यानराधिप। शङ्के प्रसक्तो भोगेषु न शृणोषि बलं मम॥
As he was speaking thus, the king, whose sounds were fast running out said: 'What can I do in this matter. Verily time is incapable of being controlled.
तस्यैवं ब्रुवतो राजा मन्दासुर्वाक्यमब्रवीत्। किं शक्यमिह कर्तुं वै कालो हि दुरतिक्रमः॥
I have been overcome by Time; you are merely an instrument. What can I do now, when I am going to-lose my life? I never turned away from fight; I have been slain fighting.
नह्यहं निर्जितो रक्षस्त्वया चात्मप्रशंसिना। कालेनैव विपन्नोऽहं हेतुभूतस्तु मे भवान्।॥ किं त्विदानी मया शक्यं कर्तुं प्राणपरिक्षये। नह्यहं विमुखी रक्षो युध्यमानस्त्वया हतः॥
But, O Raksasas, I shall tell you something in consequence of the disgrace that the Ikşvāku race has met with (today). If I have practised charity, if I have offered oblations into fire, if I have carried on pious penances, if i have governed my people well, then be my words verified!
इक्ष्वाकुपरिभावित्वाद्वचो वक्ष्यामि राक्षस। यदि दत्तं यदि हुतं यदि मे सुकृतं तपः। यदि गुप्ताः प्रजाः सम्यक् तदा सत्यं वचोऽस्तु मे।।२९
There shall spring in the line of the highsouled Ikşvāku, one named Rāma son to Dasaratha who shall deprive your life.
उत्पत्स्यते कुले ह्यस्मिनिक्ष्वाकूणां महात्मनाम्। रामो दाशरथि म यस्ते प्राणान्हरिष्यति।३०॥
As he uttered this imprecation, the celestial kettle-drums sounded like the roaring of clouds; and blossoms showered down from the sky.
ततो जलधरोदग्रस्ताडितो देवदुन्दुभिः। तस्मिन्नुदाहृते शापे पुष्पवृष्टिश्च खाच्च्युता॥
Then, that best of kings, went to heaven; and when that king had gone to the celestial regions, the Raksasa (also) went away.
ततः स राजा राजेन्द्र गतः स्थानं त्रिविष्टपम्। स्वर्गते च नृपे तस्मिन्राक्षसः सोऽपसर्पत॥
As for the purpose of protecting his brother, Lakṣmaṇa was watching him out of sincere affection, Guha burning in grief addressed that descendant of Raghu, saying.
तं जाग्रतमदम्भेन भ्रातुराय लक्ष्मणम्। गुहः संतापसंतप्तो राघवं वाक्यमब्रवीत्॥
This O child, is the easeful bed that has been prepared for you. O prince, do you as you listen, lie down upon it.
इयं तात सुखा शय्या त्वदर्थमुपकल्पिता। प्रत्याश्वसिहि साध्वस्यां राजपुत्र यथासुखम् ॥
These (foresters) are inured to this hardship; but you are worthy of ease. We will wake up during the night for guarding Kākutstha.
उचितोऽयं जनः सर्वः क्लेशानां त्वं सुखोचितः। गुप्त्यर्थं जागरिष्यामः काकुत्स्थस्य वयं निशाम्॥
There is none on earth dearer to me than Răma. This I tell you truly and I swear by truth itself.
नहि रामात् प्रियतमो ममास्ते भुवि कश्चन। ब्रवीम्येव च ते सत्यं सत्येनैव च ते शपे।४।।
Through his grace I hope in this world to attain high fame, and great religious merit as well as completely secure profit and pleasure.
अस्य प्रसादादाशंसे लोकेऽस्मिन् सुमहद् यशः। धर्मावाप्ति च विपुलामर्थकामौ च पुष्कलौ॥
I will bow in hand in company with my kindred adequately guard my dear friend reposing with Sītā.
सोऽहं प्रियसखं रामं शयानं सह सीतया। रक्षिष्यामि धनुष्पाणिः सर्वथा ज्ञातिभिः सह ॥
Always ranging in this forest, nothing herein is unknown to me. I shall vanquish even any mighty body of fourfold forces (that may come up against us.)
न मेऽस्त्यविदितं किंचिद् वनेऽस्मिंश्चरतः सदा। चतुरङ्ग ह्यतिबलं सुमहत् संतरेमहि ॥
Thereupon Laksmana said, O sinless one, protected by you ever having your sight fixed on virtue, we do not fear to live in this place. But how with Dasaratha's son lying down on the ground along with Sītă can I indulge in sleep or what is the use of my living and enjoying happiness?
लक्ष्मणस्तु तदोवाच रक्ष्यमाणास्त्वयानघ। नात्र भीता वयं सर्वे धर्ममेवानुपश्यता॥ कथं दाशरथौ भूमौ शयाने सह सीतया। शक्या निद्रा मया लब्धं जीवितं वा सुखानि वा॥
Him do you behold with ease asleep on the grass in company with Sītā, who was incapable of being borne in fight by the gods and the Asuras, and who obtained through Mantras and austerities and various endeavours, Dasaratha crowned with every auspicious mark, is the most meritorious son of the king. Rāma being banished, the king will not live long and the earth will shortly be widowed.
यो न देवासुरैः सर्वैः शक्यः प्रसहितुं युधि । तं पश्य सुखसंसुप्तं तृणेषु सह सीतया॥ यो मन्त्रतपसा लब्धो विविधैश्च पराक्रमैः। एको दशरथस्यैष पुत्रः सदृशलक्षणः॥ अस्मिन् प्रव्रजिते राजा न चिरं वर्तयिष्यति। विधवा मेदिनी नूनं क्षिप्रमेव भविष्यति॥
Having bewailed aloud, the women have, methinks, (by this time) ceased through fatigue, and the king's residence is still.
विनद्य सुमहानादं श्रमेणोपरताः स्त्रियः। निर्घोषोपरतं तात मन्ये राजनिवेशनम्॥
I can not hope that Kausalyā, the king, and my mother (Sumitrā) all those are yet alive.
कौसल्या चैव राजा च तथैव जननी मम। नाशंसे यदि जीवन्ति सर्वे ते शर्वरीमिमाम्॥
If they are, it is for this night only. Even if my mother live looking up to Satrughna, yet this is my grief that that mother of a hero, Kausalyā will breathe her last.
जीवेदपि हि मे माता शत्रुघ्नस्यान्ववेक्षया। तद् दुःखं यदि कौसल्या वीरसूर्विनशिष्यति॥
And that palace filled with people attached to Rāma and flooded with the light of delight, will, visited with the calamity that will befall the king meet with destruction.
अनुरक्तजनाकीर्णा सुखालोकप्रियावहा। राजव्यसनसंसृष्टा सा पुरी विनशिष्यति॥
How will the life of that high-souled king not seeing his magnanimous son, his eldest son, remain in this body?
कथं पुत्रं महात्मानं ज्येष्ठपुत्रमपश्यतः। शरीरं धारयिष्यन्ति प्राणा राज्ञो महात्मनः॥
When the king is dead, Kausalyā will die after him and then my mother will depart this life.
विनष्टे नृपतौ पश्चात् कौसल्या विनशिष्यति। अनन्तरं च मातापि मम नाशमुपैष्यति॥
Frustrated in his desire, my father, foiled in his endeavours to confer the kingdom on Rāma, will, exclaiming 'All is lost,' 'All is lost,' give up the ghost.
अतिक्रान्तमतिक्रान्तमनवाप्य मनोरथम्। राज्ये राममनिक्षिप्य पिता मे विनशिष्यति॥
Surely they are blessed that when the time shall come when the king will die, will perform the funeral rites of that descendant of Raghu.
सिद्धार्थाः पितरं वृत्तं तस्मिन् काले झुपस्थिते। प्रेतकार्येषु सर्वेषु संस्करिष्यन्ति राघवम्॥