{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 66, "left": 108, "top": 10, "width": 57 } ], "clue": "A person with no shirt on is walking along the ledge of a skateboard ramp", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "This person fell and ripped their shirt earlier" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 49, "left": 186, "top": 8, "width": 128 } ], "clue": "tall skyscraper buildings in the background", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "This skatepark is close to a big city" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 275, "left": 149, "top": 100, "width": 186 } ], "clue": "A young man with a white shirt on is riding on a skateboard doing tricks", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "This person likes extreme sports" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 389, "left": 507, "top": 148, "width": 95 }, { "height": 577, "left": 645, "top": 90, "width": 138 }, { "height": 224, "left": 324, "top": 311, "width": 221 }, { "height": 393, "left": 886, "top": 180, "width": 138 } ], "clue": "young people with skateboards on the sidewalk", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 717, "url": "", "width": 1024 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "These people are friends who came here together." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 237, "left": 277, "top": 83, "width": 231 } ], "clue": "a bus stop shelter near a street", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 717, "url": "", "width": 1024 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "A bus is scheduled to stop here regularly." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 85, "left": 783, "top": 382, "width": 80 } ], "clue": "flowers by the sidewalk", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 717, "url": "", "width": 1024 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "The city has enough money to budget for decorative flowers." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 53, "left": 65, "top": 156, "width": 54 } ], "clue": "a red light reflected in the glass", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 717, "url": "", "width": 1024 }, "obs_idx": 3 }
{ "inference": "There is traffic stopped across the street." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 98, "left": 156, "top": 257, "width": 67 }, { "height": 84, "left": 238, "top": 265, "width": 77 } ], "clue": "people carrying purses on a city sidewalk", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 717, "url": "", "width": 1024 }, "obs_idx": 4 }
{ "inference": "They will eat at a food truck for their lunch break." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 156, "left": 182, "top": 382, "width": 242 }, { "height": 139, "left": 42, "top": 322, "width": 99 } ], "clue": "cars are parked on both sides of the road", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 600, "url": "", "width": 800 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "it's a one way street" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 172, "left": 377, "top": 320, "width": 79 } ], "clue": "a large trailer with construction wastes", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 600, "url": "", "width": 800 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "there's a renovation in the building" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 188, "left": 517, "top": 329, "width": 113 } ], "clue": "the woman in the right corner is wearing no sleeve", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 600, "url": "", "width": 800 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "the weather is warm" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 463, "left": 261, "top": 194, "width": 334 } ], "clue": "a man with a chef uniform on, putting his finger to his mouth.", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 808, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1920 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "he is tasting the food that he prepared." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 198, "left": 576, "top": 98, "width": 839 } ], "clue": "a group of chefs, gathered around a professional kitchen island.", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 808, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1920 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "this is a very busy restaurant." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 324, "left": 1803, "top": 244, "width": 117 } ], "clue": "a man carefully bent over a plate of food.", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 808, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1920 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "he is plating the dish to make it look nice." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 384, "left": 673, "top": 306, "width": 439 } ], "clue": "a dog on a leash", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 720, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1280 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "this dog is someone's pet" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 292, "left": 668, "top": 365, "width": 293 } ], "clue": "a dog on a leash standing in a building", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 720, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1280 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "the dog just got finished taking a walk" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 623, "left": 607, "top": 72, "width": 509 } ], "clue": "a man walking a leashed dog", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 720, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1280 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "this dog got to exercise" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 466, "left": 972, "top": 60, "width": 248 } ], "clue": "light shining threw the door from outside", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 720, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1280 }, "obs_idx": 3 }
{ "inference": "the weather is nice outside" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 353, "left": 1009, "top": 296, "width": 101 } ], "clue": "a man walking with a cane", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 720, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1280 }, "obs_idx": 4 }
{ "inference": "this man has trouble maintaining their balance" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 636, "left": 887, "top": 84, "width": 238 } ], "clue": "a man holding the leash that is attached to the dog", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 720, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1280 }, "obs_idx": 5 }
{ "inference": "this man is the owner of the dog" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 301, "left": 14, "top": 47, "width": 486 } ], "clue": "6 wine glasses sitting on a table", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "There's a family celebrating a birthday" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 150, "left": 94, "top": 321, "width": 263 } ], "clue": "Chocolate cake sitting on a plate", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "The cake is for the person having the birthday" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 102, "left": 17, "top": 5, "width": 203 }, { "height": 86, "left": 308, "top": 10, "width": 158 } ], "clue": "Dim lighting shining through the windows", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "The party is taking place in the evening" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 426, "left": 716, "top": 298, "width": 380 }, { "height": 48, "left": 1046, "top": 388, "width": 44 } ], "clue": "two people wearing black uniforms and patches on their sleeves", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 801, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1920 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "these are police officers" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 165, "left": 931, "top": 15, "width": 353 }, { "height": 803, "left": 851, "top": 0, "width": 484 } ], "clue": "two pedestrian signals on a pole", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 801, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1920 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "there are crosswalks nearby" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 730, "left": 23, "top": 12, "width": 386 }, { "height": 413, "left": 620, "top": 104, "width": 1296 } ], "clue": "many people standing on the sidewalks and shops nearby, a bike with two red plastic bags on the handlebars", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 801, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1920 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "people do their shopping here" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 225, "left": 588, "top": 371, "width": 221 } ], "clue": "a woman with her midriff exposed", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 720, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1280 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "the woman is comfortable with her physique" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 148, "left": 406, "top": 93, "width": 179 } ], "clue": "a man in a turban", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 720, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1280 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "the man practices Hinduism" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 710, "left": 91, "top": 10, "width": 224 } ], "clue": "columns in the background", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 720, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1280 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "the photo was taken in a palace" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 126, "left": 243, "top": 0, "width": 115 } ], "clue": "almond milk on the top shelf of the fridge", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 375 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "the owner of the fridge is lactose intolerant" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 60, "left": 168, "top": 294, "width": 116 } ], "clue": "food covered in saran wrap on a plate near the middle of the fridge", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 375 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "the owner of the fridge does not throw leftover food away" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 124, "left": 322, "top": 308, "width": 53 } ], "clue": "a partially empty jar of pasta sauce in the fridge's door", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 375 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "the owner of the fridge recently cooked pasta" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 122, "left": 33, "top": 124, "width": 116 } ], "clue": "unopened cups of jello on the second shelf of the fridge", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 375 }, "obs_idx": 3 }
{ "inference": "kids also live in the house" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 272, "left": 16, "top": 87, "width": 200 } ], "clue": "a pitcher with a liquid", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "it holds beer" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 245, "left": 147, "top": 118, "width": 301 } ], "clue": "a pizza platter", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "It is restaurant bought pizza" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 46, "left": 187, "top": 329, "width": 125 } ], "clue": "a receipt under the platter", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "they paid for the pizza already" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 210, "left": 317, "top": 43, "width": 122 } ], "clue": "a baseball player standing in between home plate and the dugout", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 335, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "The player will bat next." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 21, "left": 156, "top": 27, "width": 27 }, { "height": 19, "left": 191, "top": 25, "width": 26 } ], "clue": "people wearing sunglasses", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 335, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "It is a warm day." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 201, "left": 55, "top": 68, "width": 168 } ], "clue": "a baseball player swinging at a ball", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 335, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "The player will strike out." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 74, "left": 135, "top": 30, "width": 89 } ], "clue": "a motorcycle rider wearing a helmet", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 343 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "this person wants to prevent head trauma" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 153, "left": 84, "top": 100, "width": 163 } ], "clue": "a motorcycle rider wearing a heavy jacket", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 343 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "the weather is cool today" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 34, "left": 147, "top": 88, "width": 49 } ], "clue": "facial hair on the face of a person", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 343 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "this person did not shave today" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 131, "left": 13, "top": 32, "width": 126 } ], "clue": "A kite that is floating in the sky", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 333 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "Somebody is currently flying this kite" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 442, "left": 160, "top": 58, "width": 173 }, { "height": 136, "left": 49, "top": 47, "width": 200 } ], "clue": "A man holding a backpack that is looking at the kite", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 333 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "The man is interested in this kites ability to fly" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 52, "left": 12, "top": 294, "width": 13 }, { "height": 37, "left": 303, "top": 371, "width": 30 }, { "height": 22, "left": 100, "top": 327, "width": 41 } ], "clue": "People who are standing in a field of grass located in the distance", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 333 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "There is a kite flying event happening" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 110, "left": 0, "top": 336, "width": 153 } ], "clue": "An unused kite located on the ground", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 333 }, "obs_idx": 3 }
{ "inference": "Somebody is preparing to use this kite soon" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 447, "left": 396, "top": 372, "width": 1031 } ], "clue": "red plastic tape tied to a street sign pole.", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 820, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1920 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "the street is cordoned off to traffic." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 499, "left": 67, "top": 244, "width": 196 } ], "clue": "a person wearing suspenders and pants with high visibility yellow reflective stripes at their cuffs.", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 820, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1920 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "the person is a firefighter." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 54, "left": 455, "top": 296, "width": 40 } ], "clue": "a sign on the restaurant door next to the handle that reads NY.", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 820, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1920 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "the restaurant is located in New York City." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 129, "left": 822, "top": 42, "width": 273 } ], "clue": "a menu with prices located near the ceiling of the restaurant.", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 820, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1920 }, "obs_idx": 3 }
{ "inference": "the restaurant is self-service." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 171, "left": 1092, "top": 202, "width": 125 }, { "height": 138, "left": 977, "top": 171, "width": 108 }, { "height": 653, "left": 1208, "top": 148, "width": 200 } ], "clue": "police officers standing inside and outside the restaurant.", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 820, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1920 }, "obs_idx": 4 }
{ "inference": "a crime recently occurred in the restaurant." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 32, "left": 248, "top": 25, "width": 46 } ], "clue": "kite", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 333 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "it is windy" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 69, "left": 145, "top": 372, "width": 61 } ], "clue": "a person in the air", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 333 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "they are participating in a sport" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 57, "left": 22, "top": 443, "width": 104 } ], "clue": "snow capped mountains", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 333 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "this is a cold environment" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 48, "left": 589, "top": 337, "width": 92 } ], "clue": "a train that reads \"cargo\" on it", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 678, "url": "", "width": 1024 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "this train hauls cargo" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 187, "left": 191, "top": 82, "width": 408 } ], "clue": "a bright blue sky", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 678, "url": "", "width": 1024 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "it is not going to rain" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 82, "left": 4, "top": 398, "width": 85 } ], "clue": "people walking on a platform", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 678, "url": "", "width": 1024 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "this is a train station" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 145, "left": 149, "top": 158, "width": 88 } ], "clue": "fresh flowers in a vase", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 332, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "there is water in the vase to keep the flowers alive" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 60, "left": 321, "top": 83, "width": 59 }, { "height": 68, "left": 161, "top": 78, "width": 51 }, { "height": 66, "left": 248, "top": 91, "width": 58 } ], "clue": "red and orange leaves in the trees", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 332, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "it is starting to transition into the Autumn season" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 118, "left": 16, "top": 175, "width": 484 } ], "clue": "calm flat waters", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 332, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "no boat has been through here recently" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 241, "left": 30, "top": 38, "width": 444 } ], "clue": "A white ox lying on the sand sleeping.", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "the owner of this ox treats the animal lets it play on the beach." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 374, "left": 1, "top": 1, "width": 499 } ], "clue": "A sandy beach with an ox on it.", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "This area is near an ocean." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 249, "left": 27, "top": 36, "width": 454 } ], "clue": "A white Ox lying on a sandy area with its eyes closed.", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "The ox is sleeping soundly." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 189, "left": 5, "top": 173, "width": 67 } ], "clue": "a backpack on her back", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "she is a student" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 147, "left": 338, "top": 208, "width": 159 } ], "clue": "a bike on the front of a bus", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "someone on the bus has been riding a bike" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 298, "left": 51, "top": 66, "width": 80 } ], "clue": "a sign posted near the street near a parked bus", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "this is a bus stop" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 133, "left": 88, "top": 29, "width": 395 } ], "clue": "two vehicles on the road painted like cows", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 390, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "this is a dairy farm" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 129, "left": 38, "top": 48, "width": 462 } ], "clue": "a fence behind a cow", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 390, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "the cow is contained" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 206, "left": 133, "top": 181, "width": 323 } ], "clue": "a cow in a field", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 390, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "the cow is used in the food industry" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 681, "left": 152, "top": 40, "width": 206 } ], "clue": "a man with their hands in their pockets standing next to a bed", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 720, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1280 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "they are talking to the woman in the bed" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 366, "left": 596, "top": 268, "width": 311 } ], "clue": "a woman sitting in the bed", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 720, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1280 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "they just woke up from sleeping" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 232, "left": 513, "top": 77, "width": 279 } ], "clue": "a framed picture on the wall", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 720, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1280 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "the person who sleeps in the room liked the art in the painting" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 82, "left": 73, "top": 176, "width": 324 } ], "clue": "numbered signs at the rear of the train.", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 333, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "they are passenger trains." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 43, "left": 106, "top": 115, "width": 310 } ], "clue": "pink train numbers to match the signs on the train.", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 333, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "this number is recorded on their tickets." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 70, "left": 6, "top": 94, "width": 49 }, { "height": 67, "left": 2, "top": 266, "width": 231 } ], "clue": "train tracks making a loop.", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 333, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "the train station is coming up." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 75, "left": 292, "top": 9, "width": 95 } ], "clue": "The frisbee in the air in front of the person's hand", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 424 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "The Frisbee is being tossed around in the air by the people." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 143, "left": 175, "top": 83, "width": 55 }, { "height": 92, "left": 290, "top": 191, "width": 95 } ], "clue": "jerseys in two colors", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 424 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "there are two teams competing against each other" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 441, "left": 39, "top": 45, "width": 385 } ], "clue": "The three people jumping in the air in front of the frisbee.", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 424 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "The three people are jumping to catch the frisbee in a game." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 131, "left": 154, "top": 331, "width": 107 }, { "height": 86, "left": 334, "top": 347, "width": 90 } ], "clue": "professional sneakers from two people", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 424 }, "obs_idx": 3 }
{ "inference": "they take the game very seriously" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 201, "left": 16, "top": 171, "width": 408 } ], "clue": "The chain link fence around the park", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 424 }, "obs_idx": 4 }
{ "inference": "The fence separates the park from the street." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 70, "left": 128, "top": 254, "width": 39 } ], "clue": "one person holding a bike in the back", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 424 }, "obs_idx": 5 }
{ "inference": "they live close to the court" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 79, "left": 54, "top": 321, "width": 153 } ], "clue": "sunlight on the flowers", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 415, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "it is a sunny outside" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 155, "left": 166, "top": 106, "width": 204 } ], "clue": "birds in a cage", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 415, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "they are pets" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 99, "left": 180, "top": 37, "width": 136 } ], "clue": "bird food inside", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 415, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "they are hungry" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 281, "left": 339, "top": 0, "width": 161 } ], "clue": "The toilet placed on the bathroom floor.", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 352, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "Someone has recently used the toilet and pulled down the seat cover." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 84, "left": 191, "top": 0, "width": 156 } ], "clue": "the tube attached to the toilet", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 352, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "The tube come from the faucet beside the toilet having the same water source." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 253, "left": 0, "top": 99, "width": 500 } ], "clue": "the floor with dots in this room", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 352, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "The floor hasn't been cleaned for a long time" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 108, "left": 0, "top": 0, "width": 370 } ], "clue": "the wall made of tiles", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 352, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 3 }
{ "inference": "This is a bathroom." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 249, "left": 288, "top": 27, "width": 212 } ], "clue": "a lot of people are waiting around the belt", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 333, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "the plane has arrived for a while" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 77, "left": 223, "top": 155, "width": 99 }, { "height": 50, "left": 242, "top": 93, "width": 74 } ], "clue": "only a few pieces of luggage are on the belt", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 333, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "most of the luggage haven't be put on the belt so far" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 51, "left": 44, "top": 36, "width": 148 } ], "clue": "people are watching the left side", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 333, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "the belt is moving counterclockwise" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 70, "left": 194, "top": 257, "width": 192 } ], "clue": "the camera is directly above the belt", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 333, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 3 }
{ "inference": "the photographer is standing on the belt" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 94, "left": 87, "top": 285, "width": 110 } ], "clue": "a horse with no saddle in field.", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 418 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "the horse is wild." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 76, "left": 121, "top": 393, "width": 281 } ], "clue": "sloping land area.", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 418 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "it is hard to travel this land." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 53, "left": 76, "top": 148, "width": 205 } ], "clue": "mountains in background.", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 418 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "skiing and snowboarding happens in that area in winter." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 61, "left": 10, "top": 86, "width": 52 } ], "clue": "a person holding a phone to their ear", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "this person is talking to someone on the phone" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 33, "left": 3, "top": 167, "width": 40 } ], "clue": "glasses on a person's face", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "this person has poor eyesight if uncorrected" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 145, "left": 72, "top": 159, "width": 190 } ], "clue": "an upraised object held up to a crowd of people facing it", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "this crowd of people is here to see this object presented" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 3, "left": 243, "top": 177, "width": 78 } ], "clue": "observation windows on the boat.", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "this boat is used as a ferry to transport passengers." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 38, "left": 326, "top": 150, "width": 34 } ], "clue": "snow covered mountain tops.", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "this photograph is located in the Pacific Northwest." }