{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 49, "left": 473, "top": 111, "width": 27 } ], "clue": "a tall building with many windows.", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "this is a commercial building in a small city." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 55, "left": 253, "top": 210, "width": 127 } ], "clue": "A one way sign on the street post.", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 336, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "People driving down this road can only go one way." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 95, "left": 16, "top": 44, "width": 54 } ], "clue": "A yellow stop light hanging from a street post.", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 336, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "city uses more yellow stop lights than other colors." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 128, "left": 262, "top": 208, "width": 238 } ], "clue": "A giant green tree in front of the building.", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 336, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "This city respects nature by letting the tree grow here." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 203, "left": 4, "top": 172, "width": 496 } ], "clue": "red leaves on trees.", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "the season is autumn." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 62, "left": 240, "top": 33, "width": 45 } ], "clue": "an American flag above the building.", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "the location is in the United States." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 54, "left": 239, "top": 141, "width": 67 } ], "clue": "a clock on the building.", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "the building is a public building that anyone can enter." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 200, "left": 135, "top": 109, "width": 105 } ], "clue": "a man with no shirt on a surfboard", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 333, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "It is a very warm day." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 130, "left": 138, "top": 173, "width": 176 } ], "clue": "a large stick in a man's hands", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 333, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "The man is using this stick to balance." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 72, "left": 109, "top": 242, "width": 132 } ], "clue": "a surfboard under a man's feet", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 333, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "The man is waiting for a larger wave to begin surfing." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 30, "left": 157, "top": 146, "width": 65 } ], "clue": "a man with numerous tattoos on the upper body", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 333, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 3 }
{ "inference": "This individual is a big fan of body art." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 114, "left": 6, "top": 219, "width": 494 } ], "clue": "a large body of water with waves", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 333, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 4 }
{ "inference": "This is the ocean." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 319, "left": 47, "top": 42, "width": 453 } ], "clue": "stuffed animal on table", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "a child lives here" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 186, "left": 102, "top": 60, "width": 233 } ], "clue": "handles on stuffed animal", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "this is a hand bag" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 336, "left": 8, "top": 13, "width": 115 } ], "clue": "stuffed animal with tail", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "this is a cat" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 388, "left": 64, "top": 36, "width": 389 } ], "clue": "beef mixed with broccoli", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 448, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "this is a Chinese dish" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 333, "left": 100, "top": 96, "width": 337 } ], "clue": "a sheen on the beef", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 448, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "the beef is covered in sauce" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 258, "left": 135, "top": 131, "width": 296 } ], "clue": "brown meat on the plate", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 448, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "this is beef" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 654, "left": 215, "top": 67, "width": 549 }, { "height": 717, "left": 424, "top": 4, "width": 856 } ], "clue": "a man next to a control station with several TV screens on it.", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 720, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1280 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "the man is the director of the show on the TV screen." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 385, "left": 93, "top": 81, "width": 585 }, { "height": 401, "left": 762, "top": 14, "width": 396 } ], "clue": "two men looking at a TV screen and laughing.", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 720, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1280 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "the TV is showing something funny." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 626, "left": 242, "top": 95, "width": 554 } ], "clue": "a man sitting down with a red spot on his arm.", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 720, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1280 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "the man has bug bite." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 83, "left": 138, "top": 132, "width": 105 } ], "clue": "a thermometer on a wall", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 334 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "it is showing the temperature outside" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 136, "left": 171, "top": 241, "width": 81 } ], "clue": "a date on the sign", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 334 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "This picture was taken June 17, 2012" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 53, "left": 121, "top": 101, "width": 122 } ], "clue": "a sign that says \"Miami Beach\" on the wall", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 334 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "this sign is in Miami Beach" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 98, "left": 125, "top": 122, "width": 117 } ], "clue": "a high temperature reported", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 334 }, "obs_idx": 3 }
{ "inference": "This is a summertime picture" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 117, "left": 175, "top": 250, "width": 69 } ], "clue": "signs that says the date on the wall", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 334 }, "obs_idx": 4 }
{ "inference": "it is there to show people the date" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 96, "left": 91, "top": 4, "width": 240 } ], "clue": "a palm tree", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 334 }, "obs_idx": 5 }
{ "inference": "this is in a tropical location" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 566, "left": 603, "top": 78, "width": 426 } ], "clue": "a person wearing a bathrobe", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 720, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1280 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "this person recently got out of the shower" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 287, "left": 550, "top": 32, "width": 370 } ], "clue": "bright overhead light", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 720, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1280 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "there is a light hanging directly overhead" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 644, "left": 0, "top": 18, "width": 626 }, { "height": 237, "left": 671, "top": 84, "width": 207 } ], "clue": "a person looking at another person leaning towards them", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 720, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1280 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "this person is being questioned by the other person" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 217, "left": 12, "top": 179, "width": 328 } ], "clue": "a bench facing a body of water", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 340 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "this bench is for people to sit and look at the water" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 184, "left": 8, "top": 163, "width": 327 } ], "clue": "a body of water with trees visible on the opposite side", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 340 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "this body of water is a lake or a river" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 216, "left": 46, "top": 72, "width": 136 } ], "clue": "a person sitting on a bench facing a body of water", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 340 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "this person is sitting on the bench and enjoying the view" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 55, "left": 45, "top": 309, "width": 157 }, { "height": 33, "left": 343, "top": 331, "width": 157 } ], "clue": "rails running along the roadway", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 364, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "trams also run on this stretch of roadway" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 64, "left": 223, "top": 186, "width": 34 } ], "clue": "a Walgreens in one of the buildings", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 364, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "the location is somewhere in the United States" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 26, "left": 302, "top": 219, "width": 45 } ], "clue": "a taxi with an advert involving airplanes on the top of it", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 364, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "their is a local airport where the taxi takes a fair amount of fairs to advertise the route" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 294, "left": 61, "top": 21, "width": 419 } ], "clue": "A sandwich that has not been eaten yet", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "It was just freshly prepared" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 325, "left": 18, "top": 50, "width": 482 } ], "clue": "white plate that looks very clean", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "The white plate has been cleaned often" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 124, "left": 52, "top": 170, "width": 264 }, { "height": 127, "left": 242, "top": 109, "width": 206 } ], "clue": "A large amount of tuna located inside the bread", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "This person thinks the tuna makes the sandwich more tasty" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 854, "left": 507, "top": 171, "width": 497 } ], "clue": "the man sitting on the table", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 1080, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1920 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "The man did something wrong and is contemplating about the actions he have done." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 1020, "left": 1373, "top": 46, "width": 547 } ], "clue": "the man standing in front of the other man", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 1080, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1920 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "The man is angry at the other man for messing up the plan and is shouting at him." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 319, "left": 973, "top": 480, "width": 129 }, { "height": 300, "left": 772, "top": 564, "width": 190 }, { "height": 422, "left": 478, "top": 620, "width": 225 }, { "height": 396, "left": 0, "top": 609, "width": 413 }, { "height": 474, "left": 94, "top": 503, "width": 1010 } ], "clue": "the chairs and the table in this room", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 1080, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1920 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "This is the dining area of the house." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 833, "left": 799, "top": 75, "width": 1121 } ], "clue": "the light leaking from the outside", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 1080, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1920 }, "obs_idx": 3 }
{ "inference": "The current time of day is morning." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 113, "left": 91, "top": 137, "width": 198 } ], "clue": "a plastic toy in a hotdog bun held up to a child's mouth", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 334, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "a child is joking around and pretending to eat toy" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 35, "left": 179, "top": 270, "width": 41 } ], "clue": "a small spot of nail polish on a fingernail", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 334, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "it's been a long time since the nails were painted" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 154, "left": 76, "top": 163, "width": 277 } ], "clue": "a whole wheat hot dog bun in a child's hands", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 334, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "the child's mother encourages healthy eating" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 251, "left": 819, "top": 168, "width": 142 }, { "height": 163, "left": 170, "top": 288, "width": 124 }, { "height": 143, "left": 228, "top": 224, "width": 127 } ], "clue": "canvases in the background", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 703, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1280 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "The person who lives here likes to paint and draw." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 288, "left": 786, "top": 415, "width": 448 } ], "clue": "papers on the table to the right", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 703, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1280 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "These are possibly important documents." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 602, "left": 472, "top": 100, "width": 364 } ], "clue": "a man and woman in the middle", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 703, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1280 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "The woman and man are having a serious talk." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 62, "left": 238, "top": 206, "width": 51 }, { "height": 160, "left": 76, "top": 26, "width": 140 } ], "clue": "a clock that reads one o'clock and light skies", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "It is around lunch time." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 208, "left": 249, "top": 288, "width": 199 } ], "clue": "an ornate building with many details on it", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "This is a historic architectural building." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 44, "left": 262, "top": 2, "width": 44 } ], "clue": "a weather vane on the top of a building", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "The building was constructed a long time ago." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 920, "left": 90, "top": 161, "width": 1830 } ], "clue": "people gathered at dining tables and eating together", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 1080, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1920 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "this is at a fancy restaurant" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 839, "left": 42, "top": 132, "width": 1692 } ], "clue": "woman and man dressed up at dining table eating", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 1080, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1920 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "they are a couple out for a meal" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 445, "left": 964, "top": 88, "width": 336 } ], "clue": "dark area in background with lights on", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 1080, "url": "[email protected]", "width": 1920 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "it is night time" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 227, "left": 172, "top": 16, "width": 146 } ], "clue": "a man with hands up and frisbee above head", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "the man is about to catch a frisbee" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 122, "left": 61, "top": 201, "width": 77 } ], "clue": "a person with no shirt and wearing shorts in water", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "the man is wet from being in the water" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 119, "left": 385, "top": 188, "width": 90 } ], "clue": "a woman wearing a bathing suit in water", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "the woman is going for a swim in the water" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 361, "left": 0, "top": 0, "width": 500 } ], "clue": "There are no primary colors in the image", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 361, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "This is a black-and-white photograph" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 361, "left": 0, "top": 0, "width": 500 } ], "clue": "The only colors in the image are black white and gray", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 361, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "This is a black-and-white photograph" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 46, "left": 288, "top": 203, "width": 115 } ], "clue": "The tag on the car reads 89-W-1278", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 361, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "89-W-1278 is the license plate number for the car" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 129, "left": 253, "top": 0, "width": 81 } ], "clue": "a street light with a blue piece of tape on it", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 375 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "There is a crack in the glass and this is preventing water from getting inside." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 276, "left": 133, "top": 224, "width": 200 } ], "clue": "a mural on the side of a building of Jesus on a cross", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 375 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "This is the side of a church." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 207, "left": 7, "top": 293, "width": 84 } ], "clue": "a flat building with a cream color", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 375 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "This is in Tuscany." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 99, "left": 100, "top": 102, "width": 275 } ], "clue": "a roof with individual shingles", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 375 }, "obs_idx": 3 }
{ "inference": "The other buildings around this one are done in a similar roofing style." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 63, "left": 271, "top": 280, "width": 42 } ], "clue": "the number 13 stenciled on a pole", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 500, "url": "", "width": 375 }, "obs_idx": 4 }
{ "inference": "This indicates their are at least 12 other street lights nearby." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 173, "left": 40, "top": 75, "width": 460 } ], "clue": "letterings of a company name", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 281, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "they have the background logo" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 166, "left": 28, "top": 65, "width": 472 } ], "clue": "letterings of a company name", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 281, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "they have customers" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 218, "left": 24, "top": 58, "width": 476 } ], "clue": "letterings of a company name", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 281, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "the lettering is placed on the company's wall" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 78, "left": 301, "top": 19, "width": 133 } ], "clue": "the original thirteen colonies on a flag on a building.", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 358, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "it's a Fourth of July celebration." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 132, "left": 161, "top": 179, "width": 317 } ], "clue": "a vintage truck riding in the parade.", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 358, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "part of the parade are old vehicles." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 131, "left": 227, "top": 216, "width": 70 }, { "height": 146, "left": 304, "top": 204, "width": 67 }, { "height": 170, "left": 399, "top": 181, "width": 90 } ], "clue": "many people walking in the parade with sunglasses on.", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 358, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "they are a part of the owner's family or friends." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 56, "left": 329, "top": 201, "width": 57 } ], "clue": "pills in plastic tabs", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "they have a headache or some illness" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 355, "left": 84, "top": 20, "width": 258 } ], "clue": "bubble bath", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "it is after work and they need to clean up" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 64, "left": 368, "top": 125, "width": 44 } ], "clue": "older style cell phone", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "this photo was taken 10 or more years ago" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 146, "left": 387, "top": 137, "width": 113 } ], "clue": "uneaten bowl of food", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 3 }
{ "inference": "the food was just taken to the table" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 211, "left": 39, "top": 83, "width": 259 } ], "clue": "laptop on small wooden board", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 4 }
{ "inference": "they are trying to finish up some work while relaxing for the night" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 1, "left": 52, "top": 95, "width": 1 }, { "height": 51, "left": 0, "top": 45, "width": 53 } ], "clue": "light reflecting off the ground", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 127, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "it is daytime outside" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 72, "left": 50, "top": 0, "width": 55 } ], "clue": "a kid in uniform and holding a baseball bat", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 127, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "the kid is on a baseball team playing a game" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 81, "left": 260, "top": 12, "width": 127 } ], "clue": "the position of the kid with the baseball bat", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 127, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "the kid is swinging the bat to hit a ball" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 62, "left": 57, "top": 7, "width": 260 } ], "clue": "clouds are in the blue sky", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 281, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "it is a cloudy day" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 77, "left": 261, "top": 193, "width": 116 } ], "clue": "sunlight on the ground", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 281, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "it is sunny outside" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 150, "left": 45, "top": 81, "width": 257 } ], "clue": "a train stopped", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 281, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "people on getting onboard" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 346, "left": 25, "top": 9, "width": 465 } ], "clue": "a sandwich filled with shrimp", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "seafood is popular at the restaurant" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 87, "left": 0, "top": 18, "width": 121 } ], "clue": "stacked plates on the corner of the table", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "someone is done eating a meal" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 157, "left": 126, "top": 15, "width": 128 } ], "clue": "a toothpick sticking from bread", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "the sandwich needs to be held together" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 76, "left": 215, "top": 92, "width": 104 } ], "clue": "the woman's eyes drooping while she is laying down", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 371, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "the woman is tired" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 145, "left": 41, "top": 5, "width": 129 } ], "clue": "a large, light brown soft cushion in the background", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 371, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "this is a couch in a living room" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 131, "left": 279, "top": 96, "width": 148 } ], "clue": "the cat is huddled closely to the woman with droopy eyes", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 371, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "this cat belongs to the woman" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 174, "left": 233, "top": 154, "width": 139 } ], "clue": "two people sitting at the end of multiple gardening plots.", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 328, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "they have been gardening." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 38, "left": 355, "top": 177, "width": 67 } ], "clue": "A wheelbarrow in the grass", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 328, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "The people were using the wheelbarrow to haul wood chips" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 65, "left": 351, "top": 169, "width": 79 } ], "clue": "a wheelbarrow next to multiple gardening plots.", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 328, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "the wheelbarrow was used to bring dirt to the plots." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 70, "left": 231, "top": 146, "width": 79 } ], "clue": "Two people sitting in the dirt", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 328, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 3 }
{ "inference": "The people have been working on planting a garden" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 78, "left": 234, "top": 141, "width": 44 } ], "clue": "a person holding a shovel and wearing gloves sitting next to a gardening plot.", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 328, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 4 }
{ "inference": "they tended the gardening plot with the shovel." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 43, "left": 226, "top": 171, "width": 29 } ], "clue": "Is shovel in a person's hand", "confidence": 1, "image": { "height": 328, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 5 }
{ "inference": "The shovel was used to plant seeds" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 224, "left": 2, "top": 5, "width": 181 } ], "clue": "brown leaves on the trees.", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 328, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 6 }
{ "inference": "it is late fall." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 98, "left": 50, "top": 53, "width": 222 } ], "clue": "a large building with a steeply sloped roof.", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 328, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 7 }
{ "inference": "it snows in this town." }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 367, "left": 22, "top": 8, "width": 459 } ], "clue": "book open on table", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 0 }
{ "inference": "someone is reading a book" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 313, "left": 202, "top": 42, "width": 250 } ], "clue": "there are pictures", "confidence": 2, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 1 }
{ "inference": "it helps with the words" }
{ "bboxes": [ { "height": 332, "left": 204, "top": 27, "width": 287 } ], "clue": "book that has pictures of dogs in it and a Reactivity Chart and talks about dog encounters", "confidence": 3, "image": { "height": 375, "url": "", "width": 500 }, "obs_idx": 2 }
{ "inference": "this is a book about training your dog" }