Jake smelled something in his apartment.
It was gross.
It was pleasant.
He couldn't figure out where the smell came from. Eventually he smelled himself. Jake realized he needed a shower.
He couldn't figure out where the smell came from.Eventually he smelled cookies nextdoor.Jake realized he needed a visit to his neighbor.
Ray was trying to win cruise tickets from his local radio station.
He kept calling hoping to be the lucky caller.
He always got the busy signal and gave up.
Then he was told that he was the winning caller! He was thrilled! He won two tickets to a weeklong cruise!
A month later when he tried, he was told that he was the winning caller!He was thrilled!He won two tickets to a weeklong cruise!
Andy had a younger brother.
His brother was too young too talk.
His brother was old enough to talk.
Andy threw a toy at his brother. Andy lied and said he had nothing to do with it. Andy didn't get in trouble because his brother couldn't tell.
Andy threw a toy at his brother.Andy lied and said he had nothing to do with it.Andy got in trouble because his brother told on him.
Desmond loved winter activities.
He was very excited that he was to ride on a horse drawn sleigh.
He was very excited that he was to build a snowman.
The horse was skittish and went wild while pulling the sleigh. Desmond was thrown out of the sleigh. Desmond rode in an ambulance to the hospital.
The snowman took a long time.Desmond was thrown out of the sleigh when he went for a ride after building it.Desmond rode in an ambulance to the hospital after that.
Frank was a good teacher.
But a student was really getting on his nerves.
Frank had a favorite student in his that he really wanted to succeed.
The student kept talking well Frank was teaching his lesson. Frank finally had enough and kicked the student out. Frank continued to teach.
The student kept reciting when Frank was teaching his lesson.Frank finally had enough and make a good grade for the student.Frank continued to teach.
Tim wanted to play an instrument.
He decided to attempt the drums first.
He decided to attempt the electric keyboard first.
He channeled his energy towards this instrument. A band member saw him and liked what he saw. He now is the drummer for a band.
He channeled his energy towards this instrument.A band member saw him and liked what he saw.He now is the keyboard player for a band.
Kim loved animals.
Her parents took her to a petting zoo.
After she was bitten, however, Kim became very frightened of all animals.
Kim was excited and played with all the animals. She fed several as well. Kim didn't want to leave at closing time.
Kim was overly cautious and never played with animals.She watched other people fed them.But she didn't want a turn.
She slammed open the back door.
She walked over to the picnic table.
She sat down on the porch.
Sitting on top of it, she stewed. She mumbled under her breath. She sat there and thought about her next course of action.
Sitting on top of it, she almost fell down.She mumbled and cursed under her breath.She immediately get down and just look for a chair to sit in.
Paul worked all night at the hospital.
It had snowed all night while Paul worked.
It has been hot all night while Paul worked.
His wife was supposed to pick Paul up at the hospital. Because the roads were closed, she couldn't leave the house. Paul got frostbite from walking home from the hospital.
His wife was supposed to pick Paul up at the hospital.Due to construction, the roads were closed, so she couldn't leave the house.Paul got heat stroke from walking home from the hospital.
I threw out my mirror because I didn't care how others saw me.
I dug it out of the trash when I met a pretty girl.
I did it because a pretty girl said I looked like trash.
She said she liked the rough look I had. I gave her my number and asked her to call me. She said she didn't have a phone and just to write.
Another girl said she liked the rough look I had.I gave her my number and asked her to call me.She said she didn't have a phone and just to write.
Mike was short on money.
He borrowed some money from some bad people.
He decided to get a job.
They wanted it back with interest. He could not keep up. They hurt him bad.
He did not have to borrow money from bad people.He paid all his bills.No one hurt him.
Allie decided to invest some money.
She put it away in some risky stocks.
She bought CBD stocks.
Two weeks later the market crashed. Her stocks went bankrupt. Allie then learned her lesson about investing.
Two weeks later the CBD market crashed.Her stocks went bankrupt.Allie then learned her lesson about investing.
Jeff liked to walk his dog around the pond at the park.
One day during their walk the dog escaped from his leash.
One day during their walk the dog tried to escape from his leash but could not.
He quickly ran into the pond. The dog could not swim. Jeff had to dive into the cold water to rescue his dog.
He quickly ran into the pond.The dog could not escape the leash so he clotheslined himselfJeff had to always keep his dog leashed to rescue his dog.
Sunny brought his son to a Yankees game.
The boy wanted to watch his favorite player Mark Teixeira.
The boy wanted to watch his favorite player Mark Teixeira but he was injured.
Inning after inning, the Yankees were down more and more. Suddenly, the boy felt a spark of excitement and elation. Teixeira was leading the Yankees to victory!
Inning after inning, the Yankees were down more and more.Suddenly, the boy felt a feeling of regret.He knew if Teixeira were there he would be leading the Yankees to victory!
It was a school day and I was reading a book.
A boy came over and said they like the book as well.
A boy came over and said they like the book as well but I will never be friends with him.
We start talking about the book. The boy introduce himself and I introduce myself. We became friends instantly.
I wish I had someone to talk about the book with.I decided to introduce myself and he reintroduced himself.We became friends instantly.
The teenage boy offered to help his classmate with math.
She got to his house and he showed her his motorcycle.
She got to his house and he showed her his scooter.
His parents had told him to not ride his motorcycle that night. After studying the boy gave the girl a ride home on his motorcycle. He was grounded for month.
His parents had told him to not ride his scooter that night.After studying the boy gave the girl a ride home on his scooter.He was grounded for month.
The troops were closing in.
There were bullets flying every direction.
There were bombs going off everywhere.
Our general loosed a war cry and charged into the fray. Inspired by his bravery, we followed after. Impossibly, we all survived to tell the tale.
Our general let out a war cry and charged into the fray.Inspired by his bravery, many followed after.They all survived to tell the tale.
Dan wanted to get into shape.
Dan bought some running shoes and began to take jogs.
He hired a personal trainer.
Dan began lifting weights regularly. Dan spent 8 months watching the fat and calories in his diet. Now Dan is fit as a fiddle!
Dan began lifting weights regularly in addition to the trainer.Dan spent 8 months watching the fat and calories in his diet.Now Dan is fit as a fiddle!
Tom got into a fight with his friend.
His friend told everyone a one sided story.
His friend didn't tell anyone the story.
None of Tom's other friends questioned it. Tom was slowly ditched by his friends. Eventually he had nobody to hang out with.
None of Tom's other friends knew about it.Tom kept the fight a secret from his friends.Eventually they made up.
Mary hated math when she was younger.
She could not grasp different math concepts.
She could not grasp different math concepts and was never able to win the lottery as long as she lived.
One day Mary won the lottery. Mary had to learn how to count, invest and save her money. Mary now loves math.
One day Mary went back to college.Mary had to learn how to count, invest and save her money.Mary now loves math.
Erin wanted to buy a book from an online store.
Erin made an account and purchased the book.
The online store was out, so she went to a bookstore down the street, instead.
The book never came so Erin contacted the seller. The seller never replied, so Eren contacted customer support. Erin eventually got his money back.
She ordered the book at that store, but the book never came so Erin contacted the seller.The seller never replied, so Erin contacted customer support.Erin eventually got her money back.
Jonah was a mail carrier.
He hated delivering the sales papers every week.
He loved delivering the sales papers every week.
He started to throw the sales papers. People on his route began to complain. Jonah got in trouble for not delivering the sales papers.
But eventually he grew tired of them, and he started to throw away the sales papers instead of delivering them.People on his route began to complain.Jonah got in trouble for not delivering the sales papers.
Dawn was dating a new guy.
Dawn thought that he had odd habits.
Dawn knew that he had a drug habit.
Dawn's cousin knew the guy. Her cousin said that he was a drug dealer. Dawn stopped seeing the guy.
Dawn's cousin knew the guy.Her cousin said that he was a drug dealer.Dawn agreed and continued seeing the guy.
Blair's second successful date was set to be a movie night.
The house was all to her and her prospective boyfriend.
She put her brother to sleep while she watched a movie with her date.
Suddenly, she realized she had to watch her baby brother. Blair's technical prowess allowed her to repurpose phones. Placing them like monitors, she kept the date from going south.
Suddenly, she realized she had to give her baby brother medicine.Blair's prowess allowed her to get him to take the medicine quickly.She kept the date from going south by doing that fast.
The kids were walking along the beach.
They saw a lighthouse in the distance.
They saw a flashlight in the distance.
It was tall and beautiful. They walked until they reached it. They climbed up the steps to get a better view.
It illuminated a strange entrance in the distance.They walked until they reached it.They climbed up the steps to get a better view.
Mary was in the hospital giving birth to her first child.
She was in the middle of contractions when the power went out.
She had just given birth when the power went out.
The emergency generators kicked on but the room was very dim. She was scared but the doctor was confident. In the end she delivered a beautiful baby boy.
The emergency generators kicked on but the room was very dim.She was scared but the doctor was confident.In the end she was handed her beautiful baby boy.
I was raking up the leaves in my yard into a pile for disposal.
I saw what I thought was a large stick of wood in the pile.
I froze when I saw what I thought was a large snake in the pile.
I bent down to pull the stick out, but suddenly it moved! The stick was really a garter snake resting in the warm leaves. The snake slithered away and disappeared under the bushes.
I jumped back and suddenly it moved!A garter snake was resting in the warm leaves.The snake slithered away and disappeared under the bushes.
Billy was playing outside.
He tripped over a rock.
He was barefoot.
Both of his shoes came off. He picked up both shoes. He put his shoes back on his feet.
He had lost both of his shoes.He looked hard and found both shoes.He put his shoes back on his feet.
Tia found a newt by the creek.
It was missing a leg!
Tia knew to leave the newt alone.
Tia took it home carefully. She put it in a tank and fed it. It flourished happily in its new home!
Tia set it down carefully.She put it in the mud where it could feed.It flourished happily in its home.
Paul went to the movies.
He bought some popcorn.
He didn't have enough money to buy popcorn.
But when he sat down, he spilled it everywhere. Paul cried a little. A person in a nearby seat gave him their popcorn.
But when he sat down, he saw a good friend.Paul said hi.His friend shared their popcorn.
Jason was on his way to a football game.
He noticed a wallet under a park bench.
He saw a man drop his wallet and gave it back to him.
He searched the wallet and found a card with a name and phone number. He called the number and asked the man if this was his wallet. The man confirmed and the two set up a meet to exchange the wallet.
First, he searched the wallet and found a card with a name and phone number.It had been stolen! He took it back and called the number to ask if this was his wallet.The man confirmed and the two set up a meet to exchange the wallet.
Mary's favorite holiday used to be Thanksgiving.
This year, however, she got some bad news during the holiday.
This year she got some great news during the holiday.
Her parents told her they were getting divorced. Mary felt like someone had just broken her heart. Ever since, Mary hates Thanksgiving and the bad memories of that day.
Her parents told her they were having a baby.Mary was excited that she was going to be a big sister.Ever since Mary loves Thanksgiving even more and the good memories of the day
Ally divorced Jim.
She remarried two years later.
They remarried each other again two years later.
She felt bad for her daughter. She took her daughter to the park. Ally said she was sorry for making it hard on her.
She did it because she felt bad for her daughter.She took her daughter to the park to explain.Ally said she was sorry for the emotional distress.
Bobby loved his new house.
The fireplace was his favorite feature.
The pool was his favorite feature.
He decorated it for each season. When it got cool, he started the first fire in it. It was a cozy feeling!
He swam in it every day.When it got cool, he got a fire pit to put next to it.It kept him cozy while he swam!
Bob wanted to become a sculptor.
He decided to learn to sculpt at university.
He decided to learn from his neighbor.
He practiced sculpture with diligence and patience. Eventually, he graduated with a degree in sculpture. After many years, he became the best sculptor in the country.
He practiced sculpture with diligence and patience.Eventually, he surpassed his neighbors skill at sculpture.After many years, he became the best sculptor in the country.
Nell was happy playing with her quirky friends.
One day, she got an invitation from a popular girl at school.
One day, a popular girl at school tried to fight Nell.
Nell's mom seemed proud as she urged her daughter to go. Nell felt excited as she walked to the girl's house. Nell quickly became bored when the girl only wanted to watch TV.
Nell's mom seemed proud cause her daughter didn't fight.Nell felt excited as she walked to the girl's house for revenge though.Nell quickly vandalized the girl's property, which her mom would not have been happy about.
Shawn accidentally broke his vase.
Shawn began to sweep the broken pieces.
He picked up the broken pieces and glued the vase back together.
He picked the broken pieces. Threw them in his trash. Shawn missed his vase.
He picked up the pieces he couldn't find a place for.Then he threw them in his trash.Shawn still loved his vase, even with the cracks in it.
Larry had a very big beard.
One day he decided to shave it.
One day he decided to decorate it.
This beard took almost an hour to shave. After the shave, Larry realized he loved his beard. It took many years for Larry to get his big beard back.
This decoration took almost an hour to be made.After the decoration, Larry realized how funny it turned out.Larry decided to just shave his beard off.
Tera had gotten a huge promotion.
She was a top executive at the company.
She didn't want the extra work and turned the promotion down.
She got a huge pay raise and a great office. Tera bragged to all her friends. She couldn't wait to get to work in her new position.
She was missing out on a pay raise and a new office.Her friends didn't understand her decision.She was glad she didn't take on the new position and new responsibilities.
John decided to make lemonade.
He got some lemons and squished them in pitcher.
He got some lemons and squished them into a blender but the blender did not work.
He put sugar in the pitcher then water. John then mixed the drink. John drank some fresh lemonade.
He put sugar into a separate pitcher, then water.John then mixed the drink by hand.John drank some fresh lemonade.
Tim needed a fruit to eat.
He wanted a fruit that tasted good.
Tim hated fruit and chose cookies for his intended snack instead.
He looked in the kitchen for the fruit. He almost gave up. Finally, he found some fresh grapes to eat.
He looked in the kitchen for the cookies.He almost gave up.Finally, he found some cookies to eat.
Joseph had a crush on a girl.
He was afraid of approaching her.
The girl felt the same and asked him out!.
He thought about what he should do. He got his friend to talk to her. Joseph's friend ended up dating the girl!
He thought about what they should do.He got some good ideas talking to her.Joseph and the girl ended up on on the perfect date.
Kelly was on her way home from school.
She was riding her favorite bicycle.
She was riding in the passenger seat of her monther's car.
Suddenly Kelly lost her balance and scraped her knee. When she got home her mother cleaned her knee. Kelly had to wait for her father to fix her bike.
Suddenly Kelly's air bag went off from an accident.When she got home her mother cleaned her knee.Kelly had to wait for her father to assess the car damage.
Allie was waiting for her cousins.
She was at the airport.
She was at church.
Then she realized she was in the wrong terminal. She had to cross the street. Then she saw them.
Then she realized she was in the wrong door.She had to go around the building.Then she saw them.
One day Zoey went to the aquarium.
First she saw the sea lions.
She didn't see any fish.
Then she saw the dolphins. Finally she saw the penguins. She had a fun day.
She did manage to see the dolphins.She also saw penguins.Overall, she still had a fun day.
Danny went to NYC when he was twenty.
He made a lot of money.
He got mugged on his first night there so left the next day and never went back.
He bought a lot of real estate. He didn't pay his taxes. So the IRS took all of his property.
He had tried to get into real estate.He didn't pay his taxes.So the IRS took all of his property.
Josie waited and waited.
She was in line to buy a hamburger.
She got tired of waiting and left the hamburger line.
The line was moving very slowly. Then it was finally her turn. But the cashier said they were now out of hamburgers!
The line was moving very slowly.She went to another hamburger restaurant.But the cashier said they were out of hamburgers!
I bought a new sweatshirt.
It felt great and comfortable.
It stretched a lot over time, so I gave it to my dad.
After putting it in the dryer the sweatshirt felt stiff. I could hardly walk in it. I eventually gave the sweatshirt to goodwill.
After giving it away, I felt stiff.I could hardly walk.I eventually asked for the sweatshirt back.
It was winter time.
My apartment was cold from the weather.
I turned the fireplace on and it heated the whole apartment.
The heater was broken. I needed to do something to keep from being cold. I finally decided to put on three jackets so that I would be warm.
The heater had worked for a while, but broke so I began using the fireplace.I needed to do something to keep from being cold.I finally decided to sleep near the fireplace so that I would be warm.
Neil was sightseeing in Nepal.
Then a Sherpa guide offered to take him up Mount Everest.
Then a Sherpa guide offered to take him out for dinner.
Neil couldn't refuse! He and the guide climbed for days and days. Finally, they reached the summit of Mount Everest!
Neil couldn't refuse!He and the guide ate at a local hangout.Finally the Sherpa guide was ready to show him the path up Mount Everest!
Every year my family and I go to Disney.
We always have a total blast.
I don't enjoy the rides at all and find the trip extremely boring.
This year we went back and did all the rides. We took a ton of pictures. I can't wait to go back.
This year we went back and they have some new rides.We took a ton of pictures.I can't wait to go back now that they have more rides I like.
Joy was driving home after a long day of work.
A small truck bumped her from behind.
A small truck sped by her and disappeared.
Joy stopped and walked up to the driver. The driver agreed that it would be best to call the cops. Once Joy called the cops, the driver drove off.
Joy slowed down and kept a steady pace.Joy agreed it would be best to be safe.Once Joy got home, she felt relief.
Owen was exploring the beach with his dad.
He liked the water and logs but it wasn't that great.
He liked the water and logs but they had to leave.
Suddenly he spotted some cool little rock pools. His dad explained that they were tide pools with starfish inside. Owen was inspired by the creatures to learn more about the ocean.
Suddenly he spotted some cool little rock pools.His dad explained that they were tide pools with starfish inside.Owen was inspired by the creatures to learn more about the ocean.
Julie was listening to music while browsing the internet.
She was stretching her arms when she hit something.
Wearing her headphones she stretched her arms and she hit something.
She had knocked over her speakers and they crashed to the ground. She picked them up and hoped they would work. Unfortunately, they seemed officially broken.
She had knocked over her glasses and they crashed to the ground.She picked them up and hoped they would work.Unfortunately, they seemed officially broken.
He wanted his daughter to be well educated.
Every day after school, she had to do her homework.
Every day after school, she had a snack.
If there was none to do, she had to read. He started her reading an entertaining science book. She really enjoyed the book.
Then she would read.He started her reading an entertaining science book.She really enjoyed the book.
Heather had always wanted to see Paris.
She finally saved enough money to have a vacation there.
But she didn't have a passport so never traveled anywhere in her life.
She did all the typical tourist things. Heather took hundreds of pictures to document her trip. She had the time of her life and had never been happier.
She will do all the typical tourist things if she had a passport.Heather will take hundreds of pictures to document her trip.She will have time of her life and will never have been happier.
Tim was at his first college party.
People were playing beer pong.
People were sitting around watching TV.
They asked him to play. Tim was surprisingly good. He won often and got props.
They asked him to watch.Tim was surprisingly happy.He had fun and got friends.
Today I decided to try online dating for the first time.
I met someone and we hit it off and chatted most of the night.
I talked to several guys but didn't like any of them.
I told him I was excited to meet him because I can't meet good guys. He told me he's been in a mental institution before. He was obsessing over the last girl he broke up with.
I was excited to keep trying because I have a hard time meeting guysOne of them told me they were in a mental institution before.He had obsessed over the last girl that broke up with him
Tina's friend was making some guacamole.
Tina had never tasted it before.
Tina had never like the taste of it.
She took a taste and loved it. She couldn't believe she never had it before then. Tina decided to make it herself.
TIna decided to try it again and loved it.She couldn't believe she never gave it a second chance.Tina decided to make it herself.
Susie was about to meet her friend one night.
She planned on walking the short way to be their quickly.
Her mother drove her there.
Suddenly she heard terrifying sounds coming from that way. She decided to turn around and go the other way. It took longer, but was much less scary.
Suddenly she heard terrifying sounds coming from the car on the way.They decided to turn back.It took a while to get home, but at least the noises subsided.
My girlfriend and I were going to the movies.
First we had to find where her purse was.
She left her purse on a hook in the hall.
We looked all over my apartment. We couldn't find it. Then, my dog came in with the purse in its mouth.
We looked all over my apartment.We couldn't find it.Then, my girlfriend looked up and saw it on the hook.
Hall had a very lovely cat.
One day, he wanted to feed it breakfast.
One day he gave it some breakfast.
Suddenly, he could not find it. He searched everywhere and could not find it. Finally, he found his cat in the bathroom.
But he could not find it.He searched everywhere and could not find it.Finally, he found his cat in the bathroom.
Ever since Smith was a small child, he had wanted a pet cat.
The only issue is his mother is allergic to cat hair.
The only issue was Sam was allergic to cat hair.
Smith worked hard in school and was able to buy a big home. Smith purchased as many cats as he possibly could. Smith lived happily ever after with his cats.
Smith worked hard in school and was able to buy allergy shots.Smith purchased as many cats as he possibly could.Smith lived happily ever after with his cats.
Ten year old Sean was an only child.
He didn't have many friends and spent a lot of time online.
He didn't have many friends and never got bored of spending time online.
But even with the internet Sean got bored quickly. One day his aunt brought her twin boys over for a family get together. Sean and his cousins played outside for the rest of the day.
HE enjoyed his time alone even with the internet alone.One day his aunt brought her boy over for a family get together.Sean and his cousin played outside for the rest of the day.
Ian was playing on the playground.
His mother had told him to be careful on the slide.
His mother had trusted him to be careful on the slide.
Ian climbed up the chute of the slide. He tumbled back and hit his head. Ian was more careful listening to his mother.
Ian climbed up the chute of the slide.He remember her mom placed her trust on him so he was careful.Ian was glad he listened to his mom.
The guys got together to hang out.
They decided to play poker.
They decided to go hiking.
They all put in $20. James lost all the money very quickly. They decided to bail him out and let him keep playing.
After the hike, they went to play a pool tournament with each other, where they all put in $20.James lost all the money very quickly.They decided to bail him out and let him keep playing.
Karin's mom was too sick to make dinner, or even get out of bed.
She decided to make dinner herself, for the first time.
She decided to order out instead of attempting to cook.
She very carefully boiled water, and cooked spaghetti noodles. She warmed up spaghetti sauce, and toasted some pieces of bread. Her mother was so grateful, she gave Karin a big hug.
She very carefully called for spaghetti take out.She warmed up the dish later at night for leftovers too.She was so grateful for the good food.
I do mTurk every day.
My family has been quite amused by this.
My family doesn't know.
Today my wife sent me an article about mTurking. I read it and was very amused, as the article was realistic. Despite the grind, I liked making a few bucks.
Today my wife sent me an article suggesting I start mTurking.I read it and was very amused, as the article was realistic.I told her that despite her not knowing, I already was making a few bucks on MTurk.
Mary loved animals of all kinds.
Her favorite animal though, was the duck.
Her favorite animal though, was the dog.
She loved how the duck ate her bread. One day, she found a baby duck on the street. Mary adopted the duck and kept it very healthy.
She loved how dogs kept her company.One day, she found a puppy on the street.Mary adopted the puppy and kept it very healthy.
Lucy was moving to Texas with her husband.
Her husband got deployed again.
Her husband got a new job.
Lucy was sad. She did not want to leave California. Making the trip was very hard for her.
Lucy was happy.She wanted to leave California.Making the trip was very easy for her.
Jimmy loved fall.
He would rake up all the leaves and jump in them.
He would rake up all the leaves and burn them.
The leaves were crunchy and crisp. Once he was done jumping, he bagged them up. Fall was fun, but it was also a lot of work!
The leaves were crunchy and fizzed as they burned.Once he was done burning, he racked up the ashes.Fall was fun, but it was also a lot of work!
Linda had always loved the xylophone.
Since she was very little, she loved the instrument.
She didnt have one.
Once Linda was 10 years old, she started learning it. After a lot of hard work, she could play it. Now, Linda is one of the best players in the nation.
Once Linda was 10 years old, she got one and started learning it.After a lot of hard work, she could play it.Now, Linda is one of the best players in the nation.
Jake had just been to the grocery store.
When he got home he got a phone call from his mom.
When he got home he got a call from his favorite teacher.
His favorite teacher had been in a wreck. She had passed away on the scene. Jake was devastated.
His favorite teacher needed his help.She needed help grading tests.Jake was happy to have been chosen..
Joe had an important final exam coming up.
However, Joe was lazy.
He studied very hard for the exam.
He chose to play video games all day instead of study. When exam day came, he was totally unprepared. He ended up failing the exam, thereby failing the whole class as well.
He studied all day and didn't take a break.When exam day came he was totally prepared.He ended up acing the exam thereby passing the whole class as well
Gina was on the highway in heavy traffic.
The cars were driving less than 20 miles per hour.
She was very late for an appointment.
Gina was in no real hurry. But she didn't like sitting in the traffic either. She decided to relax and just get through it.
Gina was in a real hurry.She didn't like sitting in the traffic.She decided to relax and just get through it.
Bongo Joe grabbed his Bongos and walked down the street.
He would play a tune for the people who walked passed him.
He liked walking down the street because he could play practice without anybody hearing him.
Every few people handed him a tip for his great rhythms. With all the money, Bongo Joe bought a second set of bongos. Now when he goes out, his friend follows him with the other set.
A few people heard him and handed him a tip for his great rhythms.With all the money, Bongo Joe bought a second set of bongos.Now when he goes out, his friend follows him with the other set.
Martha picked up a pizza at the store.
She put it in the oven when she got home.
When she arrived home, she put the pizza in the microwave for longer than usual.
Then, she went to take a shower while she waited. When she came out, she smelled burning. She ran to check on the pizza, and saw it was completely ruined.
Then, she went to take a shower while she waited.When she came out, she smelled burning.She ran to check on the pizza, and saw it was completely ruined because of the microwave.
The couple was headed on a road trip.
They were going to go to Colorado and Utah.
They were going to go to Iowa and Kansas.
They couldn't wait to climb mountains and camp out. On the first day, they got a flat tire. They decided the road trip would have to wait.
They couldn't wait to see the flat lands and camp out.On the first day, they got a flat tire.They decided the road trip would have to wait.
Ivan bought his son an Xbox One for his birthday.
But he noticed that he son rarely used it.
The next day his son sold it to get the money.
Ivan felt guilty and decided to use it. But he didn't have much fun. Ivan continued to reluctantly play to justify the purchase however.
Ivan felt guilty and decided to use it.But he couldn't find it.Ivan continued to search for it to justify the purchase.
Lauren feels passionately about fashion and beauty.
After high school, she decides to go to cosmetology school.
After high school, she decides to go to clothing design school.
While there, Lauren discovers that she is skilled at cutting hair. Lauren decides to become a hairdresser full time. She now owns a chair at a popular local salon.
While there, Lauren discovers that she is skilled at designing dresses.Lauren decides to become a fashion designer full time.She now owns a popular line of dresses.
John is 8 years old and was brushing his teeth.
Suddenly John realized he was missing a tooth.
He just brushes the gums where his teeth are missing.
John checked his mouth in the mirror. Indeed he was missing a tooth. John looked around and found his tooth on his pillow.
John checked his mouth in the mirror.Indeed he was missing a tooth.John could not find his missing tooth.
Sarah left for lunch.
When she got to the restaurant, she saw she'd forgotten her wallet!
When she got to the restaurant, she saw she'd ordered the wrong food.
She apologized to the waiter. The man at the next table heard her. He paid for her lunch!
She apologized to the waiter.The man at the next table heard her.He ate her food instead!
Ellen's pores looked huge.
But she didn't know where to go get a facial.
She washed with warm water.
She went for a walk. She saw a makeup store. They had a sign offering free facials!
Then she went for a walk.She saw a makeup store.They had a sign offering free facials!
Sasha accidentally ate a peanut.
Sasha was allergic to peanuts.
Sasha's body was perfect at processing the peanuts.
Sasha needed medical attention. Her family rushed her to the hospital. Sasha's life was saved by the helpful doctors.
Sasha needed to eat more.Her family brought her more.Sasha's life was saved by peanuts.
I woke up early on my mother's birthday.
I had previously decided to make her a cake.
I went downstairs to make her breakfast in bed before she woke up.
I walked into the kitchen to prepare the cake. After it was cooked, I quickly drove it over to her house. She had a slice and said that it was delicious.
I walked into the kitchen to prepare the food.After it was cooked, I quickly ran it upstairs to her bed.She had a pancake and said that it was delicious.
Rick was playing in his yard when a kitten walked over.
Rick and the kitten played in the yard.
As Rick approached the kitten, it ran away.
Rick accidentally stepped on the kitten's tail. The kitten screamed and scratched Rick before running away. Rick stopped crying when daddy gave him a Minion band-aid.
Rick was upset he couldn't play with the kittenRick screamed for the kitten to come backRick stopped crying when daddy bought him a kitten
The other day I bought a scratch off lottery ticket.
I normally don't buy them but figured I would give it a chance.
Feeling it was pointless, I gave the ticket to my friend.
I scratched it off and actually won! I was so excited that I reinvested all my winnings. I now have 5 more tickets ready to be scratched.
He scratched it off and actually won!He was so excited that he reinvested all my winnings.He now has 5 more tickets ready to be scratched.
Fred and his team were gearing up for the soccer game.
Fred was very nervous.
Fred entered the game late with a 10 - 0 lead, so there was no pressure.
As he got on the field it was a close game. Both teams vied for the winning point. Luckily Fred's team won.
As he got on the field it was an aggressive game.Both teams vied for the winning points.Easily, Fred's team won.
When I landed in Orlando it was chaos.
I thought it would be a simple airport but it was anything but.
I knew it was going to be like a corn maze to find my way through.
I tried to find my way around but the crowds of people were in the way The airport also had many twists and turns. It took me about an hour simply to get through.
I tried to find my way around and the crowds of people were sometimes in the wayThe airport had many twists and turns.It took me about 15 minutes to get through because I planned ahead
Henry had trouble focusing on any task at hand.
And he didn't know what was causing it.
And he didn't know what was causing it and will never feel better.
He decided to eat healthier and exercise. And his mood was much better throughout the day. Months later, Henry was much better at focusing.
He decided to eat healthier and exercise.And his mood still remained poor.Months later, Henry was still in despair.
I went and bought some lip gloss yesterday.
When I opened it however, I noticed something.
When I opened it however, I noticed something but the cap was still screwed on.
The cap was unscrewed. Someone had tampered with it. So I immediately drove back and returned it.
There was a hole in the cap.Someone had tampered with it.So I immediately drove back and returned it.
Taylor had just bought a new house.
One day, the power went out.
One day, the water stopped working.
Taylor quickly went to get candles. She had to drive to the store. After that, she had light in her new home.
Taylor quickly went to get bottled water.She had to drive to the store.After that, she had water in her new home.
Francess was missing her sister very much.
They were so very close that they would see each other every day.
They used to be close but had a falling out and weren't speaking.
But her sister had moved to another state so it was hard to see her. Luckily there was a video chat software Francess was able to get. She used it so she could see her sister again every day.
Her sister had moved to another state, after they stopped speaking.They tried to mend fences and started speaking on video chat.She used it so she could see her sister again every day.
Joe was flying out for business.
He got to the airport very early.
His flight was delayed.
He got a coffee and a magazine. He got so engrossed in reading that he missed his flight. He was stuck at the airport even longer.
He got a coffee and a magazine.He got so engrossed in reading that he missed his flight, despite it being delayed.He was stuck at the airport even longer.
Zach was still feeling weak after having the flu.
His big soccer game was a week away.
Zach's parents wouldn't let him go to soccer practice so he wouldn't infect anyone else.
His coach still would not let him practice. The coach allowed him to do small exercises. Zach still did not feel well enough to play the next week either.
His coach, too, still would not let him practice.He also could not do small exercises.Zach still did not feel well enough to play the next week either.
Hurricane Harry was set to land some time tomorrow.
Fred went down to the hardware store to buy some supplies.
He was determined to ride out the storm in his own home.
When he got home, he started to board up the windows. Fred finished after some hours of hard work. Fred took his family and drove to a safer part of the region.
He started to board up the windows.Fred finished after some hours of hard work.Fred took his family into the basement where it was more safe.
Lina was a great cook.
She decided to make dinner for her parents.
She decided to order pizza for dinner because she was feeling lazy.
When they arrived home from work, the dinner was ready. They were unsure at first, but ate every bite. Lina was praised for her hard work.
When they arrived home from work, the pizza was ready.They were unsure at first, but ate every bite.Lina was praised for her hard work.
Padraig was bicycling down the road.
A semi truck came by.
A car came by.
The semi's mirror hit Padrig in the head. It knocked him off his bike. Padrig's been in a coma for three years.
The car's mirror hit Padrig in the head.It knocked him off his bike.Padrig's been in a coma for three years.
My friend Donald is very introverted.
He lived with his mom until she died.
He lived with his mom until she died and graduated college.
He dropped out of college when he was young. He never told his mom. Donald worked part time for a church until he retired.
He dropped out of grad school when he she died.He never replaced his mom.Donald worked part time for a church until he retired.
Alex and Sam were about twelve years old.
They were playing together in Sam's backyard one afternoon.
They had to play indoors because of the storm.
Sam spotted wild mushrooms growing and dared Alex to eat one. Alex accepted the dare and gobbled down six of the mushrooms. Alex was vomiting and in pain as his father drove him to the ER.
Sam spotted mushrooms in the refrigerator and dared Alex to eat one.Alex accepted the dare and gobbled down six of the mushrooms.Alex being allergic, was vomiting and in pain as his father drove him to the ER.