107 values
2 classes
1 value
oh, cool
Today is Mechanics day in the US, its not very well known outside mechanics circles obviously but some of us celebrate it.
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At the turn of the century, downtown Miami had a great trolley transportation system. Then local car dealers lobbied (bribed) politicians to get rid of them to encourage more car sales.
Must be nice having half-decent infrastructure in your country! For those who aren't aware of the severity of the situation in America, here is some information for you: >--The U.S. spends less than 2% of GDP on infrastructure (less than at any point in the last twenty years.) >--Europe spends close to 2x our rate; China spends close to 4x our rate. >--The World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report now ranks our overall infrastructure at 12th in the world – down from 7th place just a decade ago. >--1 out of 9 bridges in our country is structurally deficient, and nearly 25% are functionally obsolete. >--Almost 1/3 of our roads are in poor or mediocre condition. >--More than 42% of all urban highways are congested. >--45% of American households lack any meaningful access to transit at all. >--Much of our nation’s rail network is obsolete. >(Countries across Europe and Asia have gone ahead and built vast high-speed rail networks with trains that run at 125-200 miles per hour. Meanwhile, the Acela—Amtrak’s fastest train—travels at an average speed of just 65 miles per hour.) >--America’s airports are bursting at the seams as the numbers of passengers and cargo have grown to all-time highs. Moreover, our airports still rely on antiquated 1960s radar technology, because we have chronically underfunded a new satellite-based air traffic control system. >--Bottlenecks at our marine seaports—which handle 95% of all overseas imports and exports—prevent goods from getting to their destinations on time. The same is true for our inland waterways—which carry the equivalent of 50 million truck trips of goods each year. >--Right now, more than 4,000 of the nation’s 84,000 dams are considered deficient, and one of every eleven levees have been rated as “likely to fail” during a major flood. >--Much of our drinking water infrastructure is nearing the end of its useful life: > --We lose more than 2 trillion gallons of treated drinking water each year through leaking pipes, faulty meters & nearly a quarter-million water main breaks. > --Wastewater treatment plants?: almost ten billion gallons of raw sewage are dumped into our nation’s waterways each year when plants fail or pipes burst. >--America’s aging electrical grid—which consists of a patchwork of power generation, transmission, and distribution facilities, some of which date back to the early 1900s—simply isn’t up to 21st century challenges, including resiliency to cyber-attacks. > --It is no wonder the World Economic Forum ranks our grid at just 24th in the world in terms of reliability, just behind Barbados. >--The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ranks the U.S. 16th in the world in terms of broadband access. We are only marginally better in terms of average broadband speed – 12th in the world. Today, businesses, schools and families in Bucharest, Romania have access to much faster internet than most of the United States. >--There is an economic cost of not acting; Several studies have concluded that our deteriorating infrastructure already costs our economy close to $200 billion per year. >--Groups from across the political spectrum – from organized labor to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce – agree that investing in infrastructure makes sound economic sense. When spending goes up, both GDP and household incomes grow. Source: The Bernie Sanders campaign website earlier this year. (If you find that to be an untrustworthy source, you're welcome to double-check this information and point out any errors).
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I'm sure if OP could spend just another minute to find a more suitable link it would safe us all time.
Blame Comedy Central for that
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now i've got the 60s batman theme song playing in my head.
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what does my inventory have to do with it? i have been inactive in csgo for like a year and i sold all my skins long time ago. I had more then you ever will kid lool dont be so upset
Dude, you got only 40 keys in your inventory, and you are trying to implement your new rules how high tier trading should work when you never touched that area, please, just stop. Sorry for being angry, but you clearly don't understand what are you talking.
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Unless you're really muscly, you're overweight. That'd be why you don't get dates.
I put my height and weight on tinder, its 6'2 200lbs roughly, and it hasnt gotten me any dates lmao. Not ugly either. Fuck this shit. Back to playing runescape 15 hours a day, fuck women, only GP.
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Such a shame that they invest so much time and creative energy into the flavor, and then waste it by making encounters people beat in 3 minutes and never bother to play again.
I think the best thing about this adventure is the flavor. Everything flows and synergizes so well, and it's set in a fun storyline. Most of all, the bosses are thematically interesting. Nevertheless, it can't make up for the easily beaten, reused gameplay.
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Can someone read this study to my womb please?
Because it's my pet peeve when people assume every scientist conducting a study they read the title of is too stupid to to have considered and controlled for the most obvious variables, and there are currently lots of comments about what this correlation 'obviously' is, here is what they controlled for from the research paper: > Associations were adjusted for age (<25, 25-29, 30-34, ≥35 years), race/ethnicity (white/non-Hispanic, non-white or Hispanic), education (less than college degree, college degree, graduate school), annual household income (<$50,000, $50,000-$99,999, ≥$100,000), parity (parous, nulliparous), BMI (<25, 25-29, 30-34, ≥35 kg/m2), smoking history (never, former, current occasional, current regular), physical activity (<10, 10-19, 20-39, ≥40 MET h/wk), alcohol use (<1, 1-6, 7-13, ≥14 drinks/wk), **intercourse frequency (<1, 1, 2-3, ≥4 times/wk)**, and last method of contraception
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Fuck off I opened 5 boxes with my rank, I told you what was in my boxes. I have no idea why you are a turd, why are you a turd? You are just a turd because that is whatyourlifelessworld is a toilet. Now go away and get some rank to get nicer gold's instead of sniffing butts using that toilet.
I have no idea where you're getting this idea. You literally cannot get a normal rare card from a season end chest. It's not on the loot table. It's impossible. Unless you have a screenshot disproving me, you're wrong, you're lying, and you're a troll.
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Can we report OP in overwatch aswell? Starcatraz is his name here. If he is stupid enough to hack 3 times in CS:GO he is probably hacking in OW too. and incase he deletes his thread or account there : Some of his plays on his channel are a bit fishy, maybe triggerbot again, where he is trying to make it "more human like"?
Quality shitpost. Please submit into the shitpost thread so everyone can enjoy it.
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(From another comment of mine.) These are my issues with 10 * Forced telemetry that you cannot tun off without a separate firewall. * [Dark Patterns]( as part of the design spec to funnel users towards the settings MS wants them to use. (e.g. the way you can have a local account but that is never made clear and the way scheduling updates are handled.) * All or nothing update system with forced restarts (if you don't comply in time and don't notice ones been automatically scheduled) * Issues where 'milestone' updates cause File associations and privacy options to be reset to default. * The inflexibility of the new start menu (and the answer being to install a 3rd party one) * Telling everyone that the upgrade is fine, and then the first answer to many questions being a clean install of the OS. * Solutions to many issues requiring either refresh (that yet again resets settings to default) and if that does not work a reinstall. Edit: forgot to add: Windows 10 likes to automatically remove software without notifying the user beforehand. "the only notification that a program has been removed comes after it has been uninstalled -- there’s no prior warning -- and although the reason for the removal is cited as "incompatibility", the software in question appears to work without problems once reinstalled."
Not trying to be snarky, but what are the other issues or reasons not to upgrade? I upgraded to 10 and rather like it a lot. Only thing I'd like changed is just not needing to be run everything in admin mode or approve admin mode for programs I frequently use.
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HTML wouldn't be automatic ;) Probably could do it in JS, personally dunno how a repo is laid out. I didn't downvote :/
You can list em in an html page. Or you can parse packages using JS. I like how you downvote my comment ;)
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I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/gamingcirclejerk] ["Biggest lie in gaming" = guaranteed NMS mention]( [](#footer)*^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))* [](#bot)
Does Mom work at Hello Games?
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I ink the election is illegitimate and that Hillary will have stolen it, that has nothing to do with Trump. I'm glad he's voicing opposition.
Yes. We are supposed to worry when a self-stylized strongman threatens to delegitimize and end our democracy. That is a greater threat to the American people than everything bad Clinton has ever done.
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You are really special, aren't you?
That doesn't explain anything though.
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This is a classic Tu Quoquo fallacy. You are saying this argument is valid because Republicans make the same argument on other matters.
But the same argument, when applied to guns, is a piece of rhetoric as deeply ingrained in republican minds as their opposition to abortion.
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Hey have you ever heard of September 11th?
We're allied with SA because they're important geopolitically. Some people in other countries don't like the US having the death penalty, but they recognize that it's our call how to run punishments in our country, and has nothing to do with whether it makes sense to work with the US. The US is the same vis-a-vis Saudi Arabia. They're an important ally.
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im not disputing KD
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Should i obtain new phone numbers or stick with the digits i'm used to?
And don't go chasing waterfalls
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How? He lost the people's vote and won the presidency so the people are protesting it's fairly simple
OR you're pathetically uninformed.
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Aww were your feelings hurt? Islam is a religion that is oppressive at best and the most evil abomination of violence at its worst. Not to mention Muhammad was a paedophile and a murderous cunt... You are a bigot for defending Islam.
Why do I get the feeling you're the kind of person who likes to pretend that his xenophobia is actually just religious criticism? People criticize Islam all the time without there being a barrage of overly offended people. But when you start acting like Islam is *completely* different from Christianity, and that muslims or people from Islamic countries shouldn't be trusted, it's not unreasonable to suspect that you're just a bigot.
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Anyone able to link a bunch of good channels for this type of stuff?
For all the people thinking Lilly is ripping of Primitive Technology, just know she has been posting videos from this shelter location before he posted anything. There is a huge community of survivalist/bushcrafters on YouTube. PT is not the genesis of any of it. As incredible as his videos are. Everyone can relax a little.
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Maybe you could also tie in the CSR post with your first blog post. How does the CSR help with debt repayment? Does keeping the CSR long term make sense for people in your situation?
I recently blogged about the CSR. Obviously, my target audience isn't this subreddit, but would love any feedback I can get :) Thanks and happy holidays!
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This was a good day.
God I love watching Brady get sacked
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His actions were deplorable, but how much time should he get? He's already been ruined by public opinion and media, along with his sentence. I think most people here want to see him raped to death in prison.
He dragged her to the dumpster. You're being disgusting.
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> Obama waved the flag when gay marriage was legalized. Source? Because I really hope you aren't talking about the terribly photo shopped pictures I found when looking for a source.
Obama waved the flag when gay marriage was legalized.
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In came up with that when I was like 4. 4 Year old kids are stupid.
That is the dumbest explanation i have ever heard.
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There was some backlash against him, but he came out and explained his side and apologized and promised to try better because he loves being a part of Overwatch.
It's nice but I heard he's quite hated which I'm not surprised.
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Bringing up her race in a completely unrelated comment thread? No, of course you're not racist.
She's a proud black woman and if you point out her mistake then you're racist.
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The real spineless coward here is Pete for not admitting what he did, and for doing what he did in the first place.
You fucking spineless coward. Stand up for yourself
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> That's the same if you could only take 2 US states. No, its the entire trading bloc that forms the EU, which means the UK's biggest trading partner is the EU. Not the US. Its not, as the EU is not an entity outside of itself as the US are. The uk is leaving and the same can happen anywhere else in the "union". Therefore, the importance of the market is with the country itself, not with the "union". > Countries export to the UK and the UK exports back to them. And the uk loses money in the process. > what are you trying to say? Theres no reason for the uk to keep importing what they dont produce from germany and france. Outside the "common market", many of the advantages conceeded to germany and france are gone. There's more industrial ecconomies in the world. > It would directly benefit UK companies more than sending the money to a non-European country. They are not "sending money to a non-european country", they are investing in a good trading partner, in a area of business where they have common interests and plenty of other deals. > But that is not how business is done. You don't sign the deal and then start to talk about how you want things changed. No, you sign a deal and, when both parts are happy with the result, they will be looking forward to sign new deals. I'd rather do business with a long-time partner than with a newcommer in the area. > Yeah, and i would report you for being ignorant and not knowing anything about the EU. Your opinion about my own is irrelevant. I consider your opinion (not fact) about votes and "representation" of political parties in the polical spheres of the EU as borderline propaganda and yet thats not why i reported you.
> No, i'd rather keep comparing the market of the us with germany and france. That's the same if you could only take 2 US states. No, its the entire trading bloc. > The easy access to the uk's markets help france and germany to export to the uk. And the UK has access to one of the biggest economic unions in the world. The worlds largest raw materials stock exchange is located in The City in London. Countries export to the UK and the UK exports back to them. > Theres no reason for the uk to shift the supply of their needs to a diferent block (like the us) I'm not sure if i understand you. Should the UK magically start producing things they don't have the type of industry to do or what are you trying to say? > "the uk would benefit more by buying from germany and france" It would directly benefit UK companies more than sending the money to a non-European country. > I'm implying that deals today open the way for deals tomorrow. But that is not how business is done. You don't sign the deal and then start to talk about how you want things changed. > Don't you understand how a signed agreement works? Yes i do. When its signed, the deal is closed. You negotiate before signing. Not after. > Yes it is. Look up how votes are distributed among member countries in the EU before you talk any further. > Reported again for being rude. Yeah, and i would report you for being ignorant and not knowing anything about the EU. But alas, /r/Europe has to put up with people like you who come on here and talk about how the EU is this and that, meanwhile you actually don't know a thing about it. Tiresome that we have to put up with - to be frank - idiots.
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Eh, more the other way around. The reduction of disease and the improvement of hygiene changed societal norms, which then influenced culture. Technology almost made its *own* culture, as far as things go.
Did modern culture play a role in curbing those?
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I think it's pretty unlikely hands are the only use for high intelligence...
Because high intelligence is more so a waste of energy when you lack the means to express it, such as by having dexterous hands Edit: I'm saying that not having hands is only one reason why an animal might not develop higher intelligence. It also comes down to things like how the animal acquires food; deer don't need to be intelligent to eat grass and wolves only need to be intelligent enough to catch and kill a deer (if that's what the pack's survival comes down to). Wolves are as intelligent as they need to be in their environment, whether they're eating a stolen hedgehog carcass or tracking an adult stag, and any extra intelligence is going to result in wasted energy and sleepless nights spent on navel-gazing.
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It's targeted more at hikokomori, NEETs, and others who have been in MC's situation. This situation is not something for solely otaku, but also for normal people.
>non-otaku shows > Tatami Galaxy Huh? Tatami Galaxy is definetely a show targeted to otakus, in fact, to a very small number of them. For sure it's a not a show targeted to your typical "casual" anime audience, and it would be even worse if you show it to someone who doesn't watch anime.
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Ooo I like the sound of that actually
BBQ emboar 👌🏼
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I very much agree. The rosy "it was the best time ever" glasses got annoying at some parts. Also, I think they exaggerate the importance of Kennedy's life. However, King addresses the nasty bits somewhat without being condescending to the reader. Like there are parts where he's like, "everything was awesome, but racism was still and thing.". I found it very refreshing that he didn't hammer home all of that stuff, it would have felt preachy and have been even more annoying. Also, he uses the word niggardly which I applaud. That takes some cajones
So I love King and read it in two days. By all accounts, the middle dips a lot and is less interesting. Some people take issue with King's rosy view of the late fifties early sixties. Some people got bored with the main character futzing around. I liked it, I liked it's futzing around, I acknowledge that King probably has some weird nostalgia for this time period in a way that is to the book's detriment, but overall I had a positive experience, both times I read it.
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0-100 real quick.
You didn't need to make that fucking point either. You needed to shut the fuck up because everyone around here that isn't a fucking inbred shit-sucker already fucking knew it wasn't fucking cheap you fucking autistic retard. Shut the fuck up.
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Faggot ass bitches
haha git fucked
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how much would it cost?
Damn I've been drawing comics as a hobby for forever, if someone did this for me I'd legit cry Best gf ever
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shut up pussy
Lol alright. You don't know me so I'm not taking that seriously.
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There are two main issues at play IMO. The first is the multiplayer topic. It is pretty obvious that an "average consumer" could have, and were misled by comments made by Hello Games and Sean Murray about the possibility of interaction within the game. And multiplayer is a very significant feature, both in development investment but also in player impact. The second issue is the combination of all of the little things. When considering things like false advertising, a small deception is hardly noteworthy, but a significant number of them like planet physics, vastly different control experience via auto-pilot, and all manner of other aspects gave the impression that the game was going to be much, much more complex than it really is. It's a lot like the debacle with Sim City where every Sim was supposed to be individually modelled serverside, only for us to find out later that this was never true. I'm convinced at this point that No Man's Sky is actually a very unfortunate case of consumer deception. And with the Sony backed marketing, I don't believe that Hello Games can play the innocent indie dev, we didn't know better card here. Murray would have been heavily coached by and work in cooperation with Sony PR. People bought this game because of what it was supposed to be. Sure, it can still be a fun game that people like, but it's hard to argue that the sales pitch from Murray throughout is an accurate representation of reality. I don't begrudge any gamers for liking the game at all, but a lot of misleading info was directly passed by the developer and people spent money on that basis. Classic case of misleading commercial practice.
There is such a hard balance here between what the trailers actually show, what is in the game, what is hidden in the game, and what is missing. Animals 100% do attack one another, but there isn't any depth to it. Yet that trailer doesn't actually *show* anything else. "Rivers" exist in game like any body of water depending on how they generate, some kind of flowing water physics were never promised. Animals do charge sometimes, but I have yet to see a huge animal do such to confirm how it affects landscape if at all. Also "pop in" and low quality LOD were in the very first trailers, they have always been there. From what I read on datamining things like the [spoiler](#s "sandworm") appear in game files, and several of the claims made on that reddit list blatantly do exist in game, like butterflies and building scanning. But things like crashed freighters, land animals water bathing, portals *working* all seem to be either undiscovered or removed with no real way to be sure atm. Then there are things that are apparent from the start, like the annoying planet autopilot, inability to fly into the sun, lack of planet rotation, and due to the luck of people finding eachother complete lack of the "see other players" feature it seems. All this combined with the vagueness of an "infinite universe" and many other ambiguous statements by Sean are making this a no win situation on any side. I feel the game, aside from some very obvious missing elements, overall delivers on what was shown. The thing is that what was shown actually isn't that much, just the peak moments of what is possible. I have been in a huge space battle, and seen giant lumbering animals, but that isn't the moment to moment. And that is completely understandably disappointing, along with all the stuff that seems clearly different things.
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Viru papura gaddi, if ive got the spelling right, is the place you need to be. The area around the ruins is mostly family oriented.
That's a major reason I wanted to go. :)
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Pre-2007 you're 100% right but steroids are significantly less prominent in pro wrestling today. There are some obvious cases, like [Cage]( and [Ryback](, but most wrestlers today have pretty natural physiques. Aside from Reigns (who is the guy who was suspended here) and John Cena, who *insists* he doesn't use steroids, the top three guys in the company right now are [Dean Ambrose]( (the current WWE champion), [Seth Rollins]( (Dean's challenger right now) and [AJ Styles](
A pro wrestler being banned for steroids is like a professional jockey being banned for whipping his horse...
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Make the name Islam your middle name, so on your licence its like John Islam Smith, then just dont use your middle name for anything. If your parents get curious you can show them your licence which would still have Islam on it.
No I don't have to tell them but if they somehow discovered that would be really upsetting to them. I don't want them to get upset.
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Where can you watch it?
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I dont know why you're being downvoted here, but you're correct. The creators have even said this.
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I feel like a lot of the intrigue with it was how for a decent amount of time it kinda held the reputation as being this crazy action movie that not many people have heard about. It had a very short, limited theatrical release and only really got visibility when Blockbuster made it an exclusive for their stores; word of mouth and the Internet(with some other factors) was what really made people a lot more familiar with it. Naturally when people came across this movie, it was like discovering something really awesome they felt they were behind on and they wanted more from it. I was in high school(early 2000s) when more people started finding out about it and hype started building. I feel like for many, that this was the age range where it seems like one of the best things you've ever watched. Then said people return to it at a later time after watching more movies and the feeling isn't as good as they remembered it.
The Boondocks Saints. Aside from the fact that it glorifies religious-based violence (if they were young Muslim men, everyone would call them terrorists), it also presents all the supporting characters as one-dimensional stereotypes. It tries to be deep, but comes off as pretentious. Not many movies make me yell "aw, fuck you!" at the end, but this one joins the likes of "Southland Tales" and "The Passion of the Christ". Absolutely despicable.
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> they somehow managed to become the worst in the world. If you truly think that you're an idiot.
>EDG had Mouse leave the team after groups because a family member passed away so Koro1 came in with literally 0 professional games in months and EDG still went 3-1 against Rox. Mouse was the worst goddamn player on that whole team, bench included. Everyone was laughing at the fact that they even used that shitty support in toplane. > Nobody is taking pride from 3-0'ing Albus. Where did you get that from? It's just shows that CLG going 0-2 against them is embarassing. Actually, people were taking pride in H2K reaching semi's despite them getting basically a free ticket handed to them, what with them not having to face a top 5 team beforehand. They had the easiest group, then a team that was never going to win a series against anyone because of their lack of support staff (which is why they actually won games in group stage but couldn't cheese their way through qf). It's S6, not S5. Whatever happened in S5 is irrelevant because these are not the same teams are they now. EU was a strong region in S5, they somehow managed to become the worst in the world. IWC/LMS might've even performed better with a 3rd seed.
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I have a feeling that a lot of the knee-jerk mouth flapping is coming in this thread is coming from Turks. This was, objectively, a perfectly acceptable decision by Germany. No western nation, regardless of alliance or affiliation, is required to share the results of their intelligent efforts wholesale.
People here should read the article especially the following sentence: >Germany has ruled out giving Turkey **unfiltered** access to imagery gathered by Tornado fighter jets The key word is "unfiltered". The Bundeswehr filters out all data about SDF movements. Turkey gets full access of the data about ISIS as every other NATO member. Why does Turkey insist on intel about the SDF?
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Did the IRS ever state they weren't investigating Trump? He already had tax issues with his foundation and, by his own admission, the IRS was auditing him. Remember, prior to inauguartion day, Trump was a private citizen. I don't know all the tax laws but I would be surprised if the IRS can just release information about a citizen's tax situation.
So under Obama the FBI launched an investigation into Clinton's e-mail server, but despite there supposedly being evidence of his tax evasion, the Obama IRS would NOT investigate Trump for that? Is that how politics works? You're going to ignore a slam dunk sinking of a Presidential campaign by proving that the candidate has been feloniously evading paying his taxes and instead you're going to make the focus of your campaign the fact he talked about grabbing women's pussies? Well, that's mighty nice of Clinton and the Democratic party for letting that one slide. There are plenty of reasons why people didn't want him elected, but if you think there was evidence that would sink his campaign and they DIDN'T use it, then you are naive as well.
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No? You're the one who commented. I'm beginning to think the "master" in master race is code word for autistic.
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Shut the hell up
I was talking about the OP he was addressing, not his post itself. Calm the fuck down.
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t1_d3vl7w8 you might like this!
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It's almost like Chaos Theory is the best stealth game ever made, and all these young kids need to get on its level.
My issue is that while they are more perceptive, it's also more inconsistent on whether you're hidden or not. The game lacks a way of telling the player how hidden they are. It's not awful by any means since the game very much enables you to vanish again so only Ghosting levels is technically harder.
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It gets funnier everytime
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I agree, we need to start teaching kids how to safely handle a firearm at an early age, maybe 2nd or 3rd grade, since all these cases you point out seem to be about ignorance of gun safety rules.
It'd be great if they gave a shit about the number of kids who die because of guns as well. In Florida, for every 17 hours, a kid is shot. Guns are the fifth leading cause of death for children in Florida, disregarding childbirth. *** Downvoting me won't save children's lives.
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no u
Oh seriously FUCK OFF.
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Bro, just post it man. You can post it anonymously, no one will know who they are.
I won't post it.. already deleted it and no need to break rules. It did mention they had planned on going to Summerslam weekend from England and ruined it. Said I ruined the fantasy, etc. Thought it was a joke, but looked at his post history, and not a joke.
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You're assuming he's going to get overtime - they may stick him on salary and he actually works sixty hours a week. When I was younger I was an assistant manager at the subway and this is what they did to me. They are all franchised so who knows what the owner will do
Yes. Keep in mind the line workers are making half that. Boss owns a couple of smoothie places. He told me his store managers get about 40k a year. This would be a little less than that. Edit - since a lot of people are questioning my math. The post quoted the wage as hourly so I am assuming overtime. 10 hours a week will get that wage to about 40k a year.
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Miz for sure. And Vince when he's around.
Is there a better heel in the company than Charlotte? I mean a pure heel.
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Im canadian so i cant really have say in thing but if i was american id vote democrat just given how religious the republicans are, but im not an insane left like i think guns should be allowed but still like gay marrage im on the left side.
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Same I need to do the maths on space tea.
As a Brit, i'd like to go and make Martian tea
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Still no contract. No acceptance of the offer.
> Not if you don't sign the offer and/or cash the check. What if the envelope contains cash, and they refuse to take the cash back?
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> Done
Hey /u/Housi, seems you forgot your trade URL. Please add it to your post and reply with 'Done' after you have done so. I will automatically approve your post next time my server allows me to.
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The left doesn't allow us to live in a stateless society. Because of them, we live in a communist society. We have to physically remove leftist to achieve a stateless society.
You're an anarcho-capitalist promoting fascism. How would that be done in a stateless society, especially when free trade and free movement of labour is an integral part of your society/ideology? (as far as im aware)
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Just a couple decades of experience with BPDs but why don't you go fuck yourself, huh ? "Real Prize" like I would want to hit up your cat lady ass. BPD is actually a treatable or manageable condition, but most BPDs have learnt to just find someone vulnerable or unduly kind to use as a psychological diaper rather than learn any self management skills or consider developing self awareness.
You sound like the real prize here, picking on the mentally ill. They have an illness, what the fuck is your excuse?
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So you want it repairable or light? P70 and P50 are quite modular laptops
Starts at pretty much double the weight of the MBP...
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A bunch of college buddies and I were going to try to make a game that was designed around discovering meta knowledge of save points as a sort of time travel mechanic. It was the frontrunner in a bunch of game ideas we came up with, but we couldn't all agree on any one. So since not every one of us could put our passion into one of those project ideas, we just never did any of them. It was quite sad.
CHIM is basically deadpool level self-actualization and awareness. To become CHIM is to become "deadpool". It's subtly pointed at but the lore behind the ES games is that it is a game and you, as the main character, are on the pathway of figuring this all out. CHIM is also the explanation behind save points.
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God damn it
Fucking gallowboob
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Don't get carried away now.
Add Mayawati too.
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RemindMe! Three weeks
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It literally has the words "wake up" in the URL. Like, come on.
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Ah, yes of course. I'm a layperson for being angry at a film that was marketed as realistic science fiction that was about a man who goes through a wormhole to conveniently placed worlds and eventually going into a black hole a surviving to walk through a lattice of his own memory. You're a fucking retard. Possible does not equal plausible or realistic.
It's funny that most astrophysicist don't really have a major issue with how the film was represented. It seems only the lay have taken offence to it's alleged "scientific inaccuracies".
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Liberals aren't on the left
> A lot of liberals love tripping over themselves to defend free (hate) speech again, that is a right wing belief, free speech at all costs. left wingers generally believe in limitations.
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Of course they don't owe an explanation, but should the asker be faulted for asking? Letting out the info that they don't drink at all was also their business, until they shared it
but at the same time, they dont owe you an answer, i dont think thats insecure but more, mind yo business
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3 years in art school and a broken lumpy not circle is what you came up with... Ah, now I get why you are spending $140 on an engagement ring.
Lucky me, I spent 3 years in art school. Sat through many a critique. The insults I could do without, but I've got thick skin. The critiques are fantastic and I do really appreciate anyone who takes the time to give me suggestions.
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This has nothing to do with college rape. Rape is difficult to prove and prosecute in many situations and colleges are not law enforcement nor are they courts of law. Destruction of college property is another thing entirely. Of course it is a far, far lesser crime than rape, but the victim in this case is the college itself and there is ample evidence of the damage caused. The school will have investigating and reporting and accountability procedures in place that can and should be used. That being said, any time a student is a victim of a crime they should report it to the police first and the school second.
This. Colleges are slow to report *rapes*, so why would they care about a trashing? Get a police report for this, because it sounds like her behavior is escalating. It very well could be that Candy does have mental health problems, because sometimes they do escalate in late adolescence. Protect yourself, OP. Do you really want to sleep in the same room as someone who displays such aberrant behavior?
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And yet we're still all waiting for the thread in r/Toronto we'd *really* like to see: one without ur_a_idiet spouting his inane drivel.
Well, shit. On one hand, this is very disappointing. On the other, it's nice to see a thread on /r/toronto where most of the commenters *want* rapists to spend more time in jail....
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What policies? You want to jump on the *fuck the rhetoric, lets talk policy* train then start with some policy. What specific policies do you think are good value and why?
Again, you form this idea as if Black Fullas don't know what they want and Gubbas have to spoon feed us. We know what we want. Listen to us!
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Nope, they aren't a "high yield" flora.
Wtf, you can't grow your own tomatoes?
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Who is this?? Also to have those male traits he/she, would have been on male hormones. Isn't that illegal in most professional competitions????? edit:... wait this is a dude.. wtf
So [this guy]( should have to stay in women's sports because he was born with a vagina? That seems completely fair.
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Spalling does not typically occur in repeated patters as shown in the picture
I believe that you are seeing spalling as a consequence of corrosion over time. [As described by the General Services Administration,]( spalling constitutes "surface depressions that are larger and deeper than scaling, often linear when following the length of a rebar." Spalling is: * Also caused by pressure from under the surface of the concrete. * Most often occur due to improperly constructed joints or the corrosion of rebar in the concrete * Corrosion creates pressure as rust forms, which can push away large chunks of concrete, and expose the corroded metal below. * Spalling that exposes corroded metal can be particularly problematic because the corrosion is likely to accelerate due to exposure to air and water. Essentially just saltwater and shock doing its work on the rebar reinforcing the concrete. Edit: Check responses below.
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shoo shill shoo!
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Got any pics?
I've personally stood on top of Mt. Evans (14,000ft and change) and can see the curvature of the earth on the horizon. Does that count as a personal experience of observation of a round earth?
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What about the Tracer trail? Has that been solved?
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Look I've triggered the nigger lovers, the kind of dudes who get off on watching their GF/wife ride the cock carousel.
Thanks, pal. Is that the first thing you Libtards do is check someone's post history on a website as worthless as this so you can try to win something as pointless as an Internet argument? Unlike you, I could care less about fake points. Also, I take it you love niggers and other inferior races?
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Will you mods please stop removing harmless non-parent comments. It's so annoying that I have to go to just to see a dumb joke. Just relax you old fogies.
Solved! Ayy thanks, lol
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>seems fun Symmetra is the most condescending character I can think of. Not what id call fun.
Symettra, she seems fun, and can build literally anything. And the zombies would be killed before they can work out to kill the turrets.
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Content drops are what you make them. I have a personal goal of having every exotic in the game at 400 light. That'll keep me busy for a WHILE. Here's hoping WotM is more fun than KF to run multiple times.
Hopefully not. The content droughts are getting old.
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No, no ringing noises -- but I have severe tinnitus from time to time. The last time it lasted for four days on/off. :-) I don't mind it though. And not quite. Cochlear implant surgery removes all residual hearing you'll have left in said ear. Still I can feel a funny sort of tapping sensation if I poke the back of my ear. Heh. Actually, the fact that you will lose all your actual hearing (on that side) left after surgery, is another reason why deaf people are often reluctant to get them
I have two questions for you if you wouldn't mind answering. If not, no worries :) Do you experience ringing in your ears if you are at a concert or something very loud? Can you somewhat feel sound on/in your ears (I'm thinking because of the hairs in the ear)?
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>1) I think your question assumes a bit too much. "Impossibility?" "*Any* evidence?" You sure those terms aren't a bit strong? If you feel they are a bit strong, could you provide evidence to the contrary?
1) I think your question assumes a bit too much. "Impossibility?" "*Any* evidence?" You sure those terms aren't a bit strong? 2) I don't think it is. What makes you think it's immoral? 3) I'm not sure whether I believe that consciousness is an emergent property - it may be worth pointing out that [emergentism]( is one theory of mind among many. Even if consciousness *is* emergent, though, physics wouldn't have much to say about the afterlife in general, since, on the orthodox Christian view, the afterlife isn't strictly physical at all. 4) I see no reason why there shouldn't be people on every side of every religion question that fail to follow their own moral codes. I certainly do, and I'm sure you do as well every now and then. It doesn't help that institutions in general tend to serve a kind of mob mentality when the culture swings certain ways. But unless you think bad Christians are bad precisely and uniquely *because* they are Christians, I see no reason why their existence should drag down the whole religion.
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And I was going to say whoever makes these are going to be rich. You're the MVP of this thread.
If you want to buy them wholesale
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acestream... but while this starts the broadcast its still shit and its buffering loads
Clear browser cache or Acestream? Thanks
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Yeah I had the very old 100mbps package, which was grandfathered up to the 120 when they shifted their tiers around. It was actually about 135, because Shaw actually gives you more than you need to help cover for peak times.
Yeah, I have the (very old) 50MBps that was 95/mn. The 60MBps took over that. And I guess the 150 took over the 60. Hmm.
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but, you know, this thing is not about your friends. its about you. wanna talk? PM me, please. or maybe email me: [email protected]. I am a good pen pal.
I'm in disarray, I shouldn't have done this to my 2 friends.
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The thing is, he will pretend he is getting better. When he really isn't. I know, it is far easier to pretend to get better than to actually get better, but why would he not want to actually do the real thing? People aren't born with strength or courage, they only get it from pushing against resistance.
Different people react differently - personally I can say that for long I didn't want any help, because the current situation was decent enough (just staying home and... being) and because even the thought of having to actually work up to get better was too exhausting. While some with depression actively want to get better and ask for help, to some it's not as easy. Another that comes to the mind, is that the way I personally experienced it, was that the depression was the reality and the good moments felt like lying to myself. "Getting better" and "looking for help" meant to me that someone would try to suffocate my grasp of what the world is really like and make me another mindless, naive, picture-perfect suburban wife. Even the thought of it was terrifying and it still kinda is. But again, this is just the way I personally experienced it. Everyone is different. So tldr; to some people it's lot easier to be content with current situation than actually start changing your life and looking for help to do so. Some just don't have the strength, or even courage to do that.
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I don't get where OP implied Darius was black either; most of the guys called Darius that I've ever heard of had an Iranian background, but checking the "famous Darii" section on wikipedia suggests the name is popular in Eastern European as well as black communities too.
Classic Becky, get offended and lash out when someone calls out your racism instead of recognizing it and doing better, bye 👋
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Your misplaced smugness is why Donald J. Trump is sitting in the oval office right now. Enjoy watching your ideology disappear
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Maybe you do and you just don't know it yet? :3
We may be idiots but at least we don't want to fuck kids
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