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# bonjour-service
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A Bonjour/Zeroconf protocol implementation in TypeScript. Publish
services on the local network or discover existing services using
multicast DNS.
This is a rewrite of the project Bonjour ( into modern TypeScript.
bonjour-service is supported by [ON LX Limited]( Check out our projects such as [Ctrl Suite]( and [Ctrl for iPad](
## Installation
Add to your project dependencies using Yarn or NPM.
#### Install with Yarn
yarn add bonjour-service
#### Install with NPM
npm install bonjour-service
## Usage
import Bonjour from 'bonjour-service'
const instance = new Bonjour()
// advertise an HTTP server on port 3000
instance.publish({ name: 'My Web Server', type: 'http', port: 3000 })
// browse for all http services
instance.find({ type: 'http' }, function (service) {
console.log('Found an HTTP server:', service)
## API
### Initializing
var instance = new Bonjour({ options }, errorCallback)
The `options` are optional and will be used when initializing the
underlying multicast-dns server. For details see [the multicast-dns
`errorCallback` is an optional callback used to gracefully handle errors that would otherwise
crash the process. While not being strictly required, providing this is highly recommended
### Publishing
#### `var service = bonjour.publish(options)`
Publishes a new service.
Options are:
- `name` (string)
- `host` (string, optional) - defaults to local hostname
- `port` (number)
- `type` (string)
- `subtypes` (array of strings, optional)
- `protocol` (string, optional) - `udp` or `tcp` (default)
- `txt` (object, optional) - a key/value object to broadcast as the TXT
- `disableIPv6` (boolean, optional) disble IPv6 addresses
IANA maintains a [list of official service types and port
#### `bonjour.unpublishAll([callback])`
Unpublish all services. The optional `callback` will be called when the
services have been unpublished.
#### `bonjour.destroy()`
Destroy the mdns instance. Closes the udp socket.
### Browser
#### `var browser = bonjour.find(options[, onup])`
Listen for services advertised on the network. An optional callback can
be provided as the 2nd argument and will be added as an event listener
for the `up` event.
Options (all optional):
- `type` (string)
- `subtypes` (array of strings)
- `protocol` (string) - defaults to `tcp`
- `txt` (object) - passed into [dns-txt
module]( contructor. Set to `{
binary: true }` if you want to keep the TXT records in binary
#### `var browser = bonjour.findOne(options[, callback])`
Listen for and call the `callback` with the first instance of a service
matching the `options`. If no `callback` is given, it's expected that
you listen for the `up` event. The returned `browser` will automatically
stop it self after the first matching service.
Options are the same as given in the `browser.find` function.
#### `Event: up`
Emitted every time a new service is found that matches the browser.
#### `Event: down`
Emitted every time an existing service emmits a goodbye message.
#### `Event: txt-update`
Emitted every time an existing service does a new announcement with an updated TXT record.
#### ``
An array of services known by the browser to be online.
#### `browser.start()`
Start looking for matching services.
#### `browser.stop()`
Stop looking for matching services.
#### `browser.update()`
Broadcast the query again.
### Service
#### `Event: up`
Emitted when the service is up.
#### `Event: error`
Emitted if an error occurrs while publishing the service.
#### `service.stop([callback])`
Unpublish the service. The optional `callback` will be called when the
service have been unpublished.
#### `service.start()`
Publish the service.
#### ``
The name of the service, e.g. `Apple TV`.
#### `service.type`
The type of the service, e.g. `http`.
#### `service.subtypes`
An array of subtypes. Note that this property might be `null`.
#### `service.protocol`
The protocol used by the service, e.g. `tcp`.
#### ``
The hostname or ip address where the service resides.
#### `service.port`
The port on which the service listens, e.g. `5000`.
#### `service.fqdn`
The fully qualified domain name of the service. E.g. if given the name
`Foo Bar`, the type `http` and the protocol `tcp`, the `service.fqdn`
property will be `Foo Bar._http._tcp.local`.
#### `service.txt`
The TXT record advertised by the service (a key/value object). Note that
this property might be `null`.
#### `service.published`
A boolean indicating if the service is currently published.
## License