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import json
import os.path as osp
import sys
from datasets import Dataset
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
from opencompass.openicl.icl_evaluator import BaseEvaluator
from opencompass.registry import ICL_EVALUATORS, LOAD_DATASET
from ..base import BaseDataset
from .math_equivalence import is_equiv
from .post_process import parse_math_answer, parse_qa_multiple_answer
import evaluate
from nltk.translate.bleu_score import sentence_bleu
# # from bert_score import score
import re
from transformers import BasicTokenizer
from rouge_chinese import Rouge
basic_tokenizer = BasicTokenizer(tokenize_chinese_chars=True)
class MedBenchDataset(BaseDataset):
def load(path: str, name: str, setting_name: str):
from .dataset_loader import load_dataset, load_dataset_as_result_schema
assert setting_name in 'zero-shot', 'only support zero-shot setting'
dataset_wo_label = load_dataset(name, setting_name, path)
dataset_with_label = load_dataset_as_result_schema(name, path)
dataset = []
for d1, d2 in zip(dataset_wo_label, dataset_with_label):
'id': d2.index,
'problem_input': d1['context'],
'label': d2.label,
dataset = Dataset.from_list(dataset)
return dataset
class MedBenchEvaluator(BaseEvaluator):
def score(self, predictions, references):
# predictions: [[]]
# references: [[]]
predictions = [parse_qa_multiple_answer(pred) for pred in predictions]
details = []
cnt = 0
for pred, ref in zip(predictions, references):
detail = {'pred': pred, 'answer': ref, 'correct': False}
if is_equiv(pred, ref):
cnt += 1
detail['correct'] = True
score = cnt / len(predictions) * 100
return {'Accuracy': score, 'details': details}
def process_generated_results_CMeEE(pred_file):
# 实体每类占一行,每行格式为 "[类型名称]实体:实体名称1,实体名称2,实体名称3\n"
# 多个实体,用 ,符号分割
structured_output = []
answer_choices = ['药物', '设备', '医院科室', '微生物类', '身体部位', '医疗操作', '医学检验项目', '症状', '疾病']
for pred in pred_file:
list_entities = []
for choice in answer_choices:
for piece in re.split('\n', pred):
if piece.startswith(f"{choice}"):
mentions = re.split(r"[,,]", piece.replace(f"{choice}:", "").replace(f"{choice}:", ""))
for ment in mentions:
list_entities.append({'type':choice, 'entity':ment})
return structured_output
def process_generated_results_EMR(pred_file):
structured_output = []
regex = r"^(主诉|现病史|既往史|个人史|婚育史|家族史)[::]([\s\S]+)$"
for prediction in pred_file:
entities: dict = {}
if "\n\n" in prediction:
blocks = prediction.split("\n\n")
blocks = prediction.splitlines()
for line in blocks:
if match := re.match(regex, line.strip()):
type_ = match[1]
mention = match[2].strip()
entities[type_] = mention
return structured_output
def process_generated_results_CMeIE(pred_file):
structured_output = []
for line in pred_file:
gen_output = line
answer_choices = "相关(导致)、鉴别诊断、遗传因素、发病性别倾向、相关(症状)、手术治疗、预防、辅助检查、筛查、阶段、临床表现、风险评估因素、同义词、发病年龄、预后生存率、病史、传播途径、治疗后症状、药物治疗、辅助治疗、化疗、死亡率、放射治疗、病因、组织学检查、内窥镜检查、多发群体、并发症、实验室检查、就诊科室、病理生理、高危因素、发病率、多发地区、病理分型、影像学检查、转移部位、发病部位、相关(转化)、外侵部位、预后状况、发病机制、多发季节"
re_choices = "|".join(re.escape(choice) for choice in answer_choices.split('、'))
regex = (
list_spos = []
list_answer_strs = gen_output.split("\n")
for line in list_answer_strs:
for item in re.finditer(regex, line):
for match in re.finditer(regex, line):
list_spos.append({"predicate": match[1], "subject": match[2], "object": match[3]})
return structured_output
def process_generated_results_CDN(pred_file):
structured_output = []
answer_choices = json.load(open('./opencompass/datasets/medbench/entity_list.jsonl', 'r'))
for line in pred_file:
gen_output = line
answer_str = gen_output.split("\n")[-1]
answers = answer_str.split(",")
answers = [w.strip() for w in answers if len(w.strip()) > 0]
answers = [w for w in answers if w in answer_choices]
answers = list(set(answers))
answers = [
"entity": w,
"type": "normalization",
for w in answers
return structured_output
def process_generated_results_CDEE(pred_file):
structured_output = []
for prediction in pred_file:
events: list[dict] = []
for line in prediction.splitlines():
if "主体词" in line:
line = line.rstrip("。")
kvs = line.split(";")
kv_dict = dict(kv.split(":", maxsplit=1) for kv in kvs if ":" in kv)
"主体词": kv_dict.get("主体词", ""),
"发生状态": (
if (v := kv_dict.get("发生状态", "不确定")) in ("不确定", "否定")
else ""
"描述词": (
v.split(",") if (v := kv_dict.get("描述词", "空")) != "空" else []
"解剖部位": (
if (v := kv_dict.get("解剖部位", "空")) != "空"
else []
return structured_output
def process_generated_results_CTC(pred_file):
structured_output = []
for line in pred_file:
gen_output = line
# 答案格式:直接回答分类标签
answer_str = gen_output.strip()
return structured_output
def process_generated_results_doc_parsing(pred_file):
float_field_regex = r"(体温|脉搏|心率|收缩压|舒张压|呼吸)[^\d]*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)"
output = []
for prediction in pred_file:
entities = {
"体温": "未扪及",
"脉搏": "未扪及",
"心率": "未扪及",
"收缩压": "未扪及",
"舒张压": "未扪及",
"呼吸": "未扪及",
"是否上腹部深压痛": None,
"是否腹部反跳痛": None,
"上腹部肿块": None,
for sentence in re.split("[,|。|\n]", prediction):
for match in re.finditer(float_field_regex, prediction):
entities[match[1]] = match[2]
if "上腹部深压痛" in sentence:
if"是(?!否)|(?:^|[^不])存在|有", sentence):
entities["是否上腹部深压痛"] = "是"
entities["是否上腹部深压痛"] = "否"
elif "腹部反跳痛" in sentence:
if"是(?!否)|(?:^|[^不])存在|有", sentence):
entities["是否腹部反跳痛"] = "是"
entities["是否腹部反跳痛"] = "否"
elif "上腹部肿块" in sentence:
if"是(?!否)|(?:^|[^不])存在|有", sentence):
entities["上腹部肿块"] = "扪及"
entities["上腹部肿块"] = "未扪及"
result = [
"type": "体温(℃)",
"entity": entities["体温"],
"type": "脉搏(次/分)",
"entity": entities["脉搏"],
"type": "心率(次/分)",
"entity": entities["心率"],
"type": "收缩压(mmHg)",
"entity": entities["收缩压"],
"type": "舒张压(mmHg)",
"entity": entities["舒张压"],
"type": "呼吸(次/分)",
"entity": entities["呼吸"],
if entities["是否上腹部深压痛"]:
"type": "是否上腹部深压痛",
"entity": entities["是否上腹部深压痛"],
if entities["是否腹部反跳痛"]:
"type": "是否腹部反跳痛",
"entity": entities["是否腹部反跳痛"],
if entities["上腹部肿块"]:
"type": "上腹部肿块",
"entity": entities["上腹部肿块"],
return output
def process_generated_results_mrg(pred_file):
structured_output = []
regex = r"^(主诉|现病史|辅助检查|既往史|诊断|建议)[::]([\s\S]+)$"
for prediction in pred_file:
entities = {}
if "\n\n" in prediction:
blocks = prediction.split("\n\n")
blocks = prediction.splitlines()
for line in blocks:
if match := re.match(regex, line.strip()):
type_ = match[1]
mention = match[2].strip()
entities[type_] = mention
return structured_output
def calc_info_extract_task_scores(list_structured_predict, list_structured_golden):
assert len(list_structured_golden) == len(list_structured_predict)
tp = 0
fp = 0
fn = 0
for samp_golden, samp_predict in zip(list_structured_golden, list_structured_predict):
# samp_golden: [[{}]]
answer_golden = samp_golden
answer_predict = samp_predict
# assert isinstance(answer_golden, list)
# assert isinstance(answer_predict, list), "sample format is wrong!"
set_golden = set()
for inst in answer_golden:
assert isinstance(inst, dict)
keys = sorted(list(inst.keys()))
inst = tuple([json.dumps(inst[w], ensure_ascii=False) for w in keys ])
# inst = list(inst.items())
# inst.sort()
# inst = tuple(inst)
set_predict = set()
for inst in answer_predict:
assert isinstance(inst, dict)
keys = sorted(list(inst.keys()))
inst = tuple([json.dumps(inst[w], ensure_ascii=False) for w in keys])
tp += len(set_golden.intersection(set_predict))
fp += len(set_predict.difference(set_golden))
fn += len(set_golden.difference(set_predict))
if tp:
precision = tp / (tp + fp)
recall = tp / (tp + fn)
f1 = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall)
precision, recall, f1 = 0, 0, 0
return precision, recall, f1
def calc_cls_task_scores(list_structured_golden,
# types = list_labels
# scores = {c: {"tp": 0, "fp": 0, "fn": 0, "tn": 0} for c in list_labels + ["ALL"]}
predictions = []
ground_truths = []
# Count GT relations and Predicted relations
assert len(list_structured_golden) == len(list_structured_predict)
n_sents = len(list_structured_golden)
# Count TP, FP and FN per type
for pred_samp, gt_samp in zip(list_structured_predict, list_structured_golden):
pred_label = pred_samp
gt_label = gt_samp
# assert gt_label != ""
if gt_label == "":
get_label = list_labels[0]
if pred_label == "":
pred_label = list_labels[0]
# metric
cls_report = classification_report(
ground_truths, predictions,
if return_macro:
return cls_report["macro avg"]["precision"], \
cls_report["macro avg"]["recall"], \
cls_report["macro avg"]["f1-score"]
return cls_report["weighted avg"]["precision"], \
cls_report["weighted avg"]["recall"], \
cls_report["weighted avg"]["f1-score"]
def calc_nlg_task_scores(list_structured_golden, list_structured_predict):
assert len(list_structured_golden) == len(list_structured_predict)
scores = []
predictions = []
references = []
details = []
for samp_golden, samp_predict in zip(list_structured_golden, list_structured_predict):
answer_golden = samp_golden
answer_predict = samp_predict
if not (answer_predict and answer_golden):
# basic tokenizer: 拆分中文字,保留英文单词
answer_predict = basic_tokenizer.tokenize(answer_predict)
answer_golden = basic_tokenizer.tokenize(answer_golden)
answer_predict = " ".join(answer_predict).strip()
answer_golden = " ".join(answer_golden).strip()
if answer_golden.strip() == "":
answer_golden = "无 。"
if answer_predict.strip() == "":
answer_predict = "无 。"
details.append({'pred':answer_predict, 'answer':answer_golden, 'correct':False})
rouge = Rouge()
# bleu = evaluate.load('sacrebleu')
scores = rouge.get_scores(predictions, references, avg=True)
# scores_bleu = bleu.compute(predictions=predictions, references=references)
rouge1 = scores["rouge-1"]["f"]
rouge2 = scores["rouge-2"]["f"]
rougeL = scores["rouge-l"]["f"]
# bleu = sentence_bleu(references, predictions)
# bert_score = []
# for id in range(len(predictions)):
# P, R, F1 = score([predictions[i]], [references[i]], model_type='bert-base-chinese', lang="zh", verbose=True)
# bert_score.append(F1)
# bert_score = float(sum(bert_score)) / float(len(bert_score))
# return rougeL, bleu, bert_score
return {'RougeL': rougeL, 'details':details}
def calc_scores_f1(dict_gt, dict_pred):
details = []
for gt, pred in zip(dict_gt, dict_pred):
details.append({'pred':pred, 'answer':gt, 'correct':None})
precision, recall, f1 = calc_info_extract_task_scores(dict_gt, dict_pred)
return {'F1':f1, 'details':details}
def calc_scores_ctc(dict_gt, dict_pred):
details = []
for gt, pred in zip(dict_gt, dict_pred):
details.append({'pred':pred, 'answer':gt, 'correct':None})
gts = dict_gt
preds = dict_pred
precision, recall, f1 = calc_cls_task_scores(
list_labels=['非上述类型', '疾病', '症状(患者感受)',
'体征(医生检测)', '怀孕相关', '肿瘤进展',
'疾病分期', '过敏耐受', '器官组织状态',
'预期寿命', '口腔相关', '药物',
'治疗或手术', '设备', '护理',
'诊断', '实验室检查', '风险评估',
'受体状态', '年龄', '特殊病人特征',
'读写能力', '性别', '教育情况',
'居住情况', '种族', '知情同意',
'参与其它试验', '研究者决定', '能力',
'伦理审查', '依存性', '成瘾行为',
'睡眠', '锻炼', '饮食', '酒精使用',
'性取向', '吸烟状况', '献血',
'病例来源', '残疾群体', '健康群体',
'数据可及性', "含有多个类别"],
return {'Macro-F1':f1, 'details':details}
def calc_scores_nlg(dict_gt, dict_pred):
# scores = {}
scores = {'score':0, 'details':[]}
success_flag = 1
gts = dict_gt
preds = dict_pred
# if not len(gts) == len(preds):
# success_flag = 0
# try:
return calc_nlg_task_scores(gts, preds)
class MedBenchEvaluator_CMeEE(BaseEvaluator):
def score(self, predictions, references):
predictions = process_generated_results_CMeEE(predictions)
return calc_scores_f1(predictions, references)
class MedBenchEvaluator_DBMHG(BaseEvaluator):
def score(self, predictions, references):
predictions = process_generated_results_EMR(predictions)
return calc_scores_f1(predictions, references)
class MedBenchEvaluator_IMCS_V2_MRG(BaseEvaluator):
def score(self, predictions, references):
# predictions = process_generated_results_mrg(predictions)
references_revise = []
for item in references:
temp_ref = ''
for sub_item in item:
temp_ref += sub_item['type'] + ':' + sub_item['entity'] + '\n'
return calc_nlg_task_scores(references_revise, predictions)
class MedBenchEvaluator_CMeIE(BaseEvaluator):
def score(self, predictions, references):
predictions = process_generated_results_CMeIE(predictions)
return calc_scores_f1(predictions, references)
class MedBenchEvaluator_CHIP_CDEE(BaseEvaluator):
def score(self, predictions, references):
predictions = process_generated_results_CDEE(predictions)
return calc_scores_f1(predictions, references)
class MedBenchEvaluator_CHIP_CDN(BaseEvaluator):
def score(self, predictions, references):
predictions = process_generated_results_CDN(predictions)
return calc_scores_f1(predictions, references)
class MedBenchEvaluator_CHIP_CTC(BaseEvaluator):
def score(self, predictions, references):
predictions = process_generated_results_CTC(predictions)
return calc_scores_ctc(predictions, references)
class MedBenchEvaluator_Doc_parsing(BaseEvaluator):
def score(self, predictions, references):
# predictions = process_generated_results_doc_parsing(predictions)
references_revise = []
for item in references:
temp_ref = ''
for sub_item in item:
temp_ref += sub_item['type'] + ':' + sub_item['entity'] + '\n'
return calc_nlg_task_scores(references_revise, predictions)
class MedBenchEvaluator_NLG(BaseEvaluator):
def score(self, predictions, references):
# predictions = process_generated_results_med(predictions)
return calc_scores_nlg(predictions, references)
class MedBenchEvaluator_Cloze(BaseEvaluator):
def score(self, predictions, references):
# predictions: [[]]
# references: [[]]
# predictions = [parse_qa_multiple_answer(pred) for pred in predictions]
details = []
cnt = 0
for pred, ref in zip(predictions, references):
detail = {'pred':pred, 'answer':ref, 'correct':False}
if sum([item in pred for item in ref]) == len(ref):
cnt += 1
detail['correct'] = True
score = cnt / len(predictions) * 100
return {'Accuracy': score, 'details': details}
class MedBenchEvaluator_TF(BaseEvaluator):
def score(self, predictions, references):
# predictions: [[]]
# references: [[]]
# predictions = [parse_qa_multiple_answer(pred) for pred in predictions]
details = []
cnt = 0
for pred, ref in zip(predictions, references):
if '不' in pred or '否' in pred:
cur_pred = '不可以'
cur_pred = '可以'
detail = {'pred':cur_pred, 'answer':ref, 'correct':False}
if cur_pred == ref:
cnt += 1
detail['correct'] = True
score = cnt / len(predictions) * 100
return {'Accuracy': score, 'details': details}