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Needle In A Haystack Experiment Evaluation

Introduction to the Needle In A Haystack Test

The Needle In A Haystack test, inspired by NeedleInAHaystack, is a method to evaluate the long-text information extraction ability of Large Language Models (LLMs). It involves randomly inserting key information at various points in a long text to form a prompt for LLMs. This test assesses the fundamental ability of LLMs to understand long texts by extracting critical information from them.

Dataset Introduction

The Skywork/ChineseDomainModelingEval dataset includes high-quality Chinese articles published between September and October 2023, covering multiple domains. These articles ensure a fair and challenging benchmark for testing.

File Description

The dataset includes files specific to various domains:

  • zh_finance.jsonl - Finance
  • zh_game.jsonl - Gaming
  • zh_government.jsonl - Government
  • zh_movie.jsonl - Movies
  • zh_tech.jsonl - Technology
  • zh_general.jsonl - General

These files are used to assess the LLM's understanding of different specific domains.

Evaluation Steps

  1. Download the dataset from Skywork/ChineseDomainModelingEval.

  2. Place the downloaded files in opencompass/data/CDME/. The expected file structure in the CDME directory is as follows:

    ├── configs
    ├── docs
    ├── data
    │   └── CDME
    │       ├── processed
    │       ├──
    │       ├── zh_finance.jsonl
    │       ├── zh_game.jsonl
    │       ├── zh_general.jsonl
    │       ├── zh_government.jsonl
    │       ├── zh_movie.jsonl
    │       └── zh_tech.jsonl
    ├── LICENSE
    ├── opencompass
    ├── outputs
    ├── more...

Environment Setup

conda create --name opencompass python=3.10 pytorch torchvision pytorch-cuda -c nvidia -c pytorch -y
conda activate opencompass
git clone opencompass
cd opencompass
pip install -e .

Configuring the Dataset

In the latest version, datasets are no longer generated by running scripts but dynamically defined and loaded through configuration files. Users need to specify dataset parameters in the configuration file according to their needs, offering greater flexibility and customization options.

Dataset Configuration Example

Here is an example of dataset configuration, showing how to define a dataset in the configs/datasets/cdme/ configuration file. This example demonstrates a Chinese dataset configuration with a length of 8000 tokens:

for original_context_length in context_lengths:
    for depth_percent in generate_depth_percents(
        dataset_dict = {
            'abbr': f'CDME_Length{original_context_length}Depth{int(depth_percent)}',
            'type': CDMEDataset,
            'path': base_path,
            'length': original_context_length,
            'depth': int(depth_percent),
            'tokenizer_model': 'gpt-4',
            'file_list': file_list,
            'num_repeats_per_file': 10,
            'length_buffer': 200,
            'guide': True,
            'language': 'Chinese',
            'needle': '\n小明最喜欢的实习的地点就是上海人工智能实验室。\n',
            'retrieval_question': '小明最喜欢的实习地点是哪里?请按照“小明最喜欢的实习地点就是________。”的格式回答。',
            'reader_cfg': cdme_reader_cfg,
            'infer_cfg': cdme_infer_cfg,
            'eval_cfg': cdme_eval_cfg

In this configuration, the main parameters include:

  • abbr: Abbreviation of the dataset.
  • type: Dataset type.
  • path: Path to the dataset files.
  • length: Context length in tokens.
  • depth: Depth percentage of the document.
  • tokenizer_model: Tokenizer model used.
  • file_list: List of data source files.
  • num_repeats_per_file: Number of repeats per file.
  • length_buffer: Length buffer.
  • guide: Whether it's a guided dataset.
  • language: Language of the dataset.
  • needle: Specific text to find in the dataset (the 'needle').
  • retrieval_question: Question used to prompt the model for retrieval.
  • reader_cfg, infer_cfg, eval_cfg: Configurations for reading, inference, and evaluation, respectively.

By defining these parameters in the configuration file, you can flexibly create datasets that suit your needs. Configuration files offer a highly customizable and scalable way to manage the generation and use of datasets.

Multi-Needle Needle In A Haystack Test

The latest version introduces the multi-needle Needle In A Haystack test, allowing multiple different needles (text snippets) to be inserted into the same dataset. These needles are inserted in sequence according to a given depth parameter. Compared to the single-needle test, the multi-needle test provides a more complex data processing scenario.

Multi-Needle Dataset Configuration Example

Here is an example of configuring a multi-needle dataset, showing how to define a multi-needle dataset in the configs/datasets/cdme/multi_needle/ configuration file. This example demonstrates a dataset configuration with three needles:

# Basic dataset configuration
base_path = './data/CDME'
file_list = ['zh_finance.jsonl']

# Definition of Needles
needles = [
    '\n意大利的佛罗伦萨有一家名为"La Giostra"的餐馆,是整个佛罗伦萨中排行第一的餐馆。\n',
    '"La Giostra"餐馆的特色菜肴是松露奶酪通心粉。',

# Configuration parameters
retrieval_question = ("制作佛罗伦萨中排行第一的餐馆的特色菜肴的人叫什么?"
answer = "制作佛罗伦萨中排行第一的餐馆的特色菜肴的人叫Jack"
keyword = "Jack"
diff = 25

# Dataset generation loop
for original_context_length in context_lengths:
    for depth_percent in generate_depth_percents(
        dataset_dict = {
            # Other configuration items...
            'needles': needles,
            'diff': diff,
            'keyword': keyword,
            # Other configuration items...

In this configuration, in addition to the standard parameters, the main new parameters include:

  • needles: A list containing multiple strings, each representing a needle to be inserted.
  • diff: Defines the depth increment for subsequent needles relative to the first needle.
  • keyword: A keyword used for score correction during the evaluation process.

Change in Scoring Mechanism

In the source code of opencompass/datasets/cdme/, the scoring mechanism for multi-needle datasets differs. The following code segment has been added to adjust the scores based on the keyword in the predictions:

if keyword in prediction:
    print(f'{keyword} is in {prediction}')
    score = 100
    print(f'{keyword} is not in {prediction}')
    score = 0.2 * score

This code means that if the keyword is present in the prediction, it will be awarded a high score (e.g., 100). If not, the score will be significantly reduced (20% of the original score). This scoring mechanism places more emphasis on the accuracy of keywords, supplementing the traditional scoring methods.


Evaluating with the internlm Model

For example, to evaluate using the internlm model, the following command can be used:

python configs/ --slurm -p partition_name -q auto --max-num-workers 32

This command initiates the evaluation process, where the model attempts to find the specified "needle" in the generated dataset. The parameters -p partition_name -q auto and --max-num-workers 32 specify the Slurm queue and the maximum number of worker processes, respectively.

Large-Scale Text Evaluation with LMDeploy

When evaluating especially long texts (e.g., 200k tokens), conventional methods might lead to memory overload. In such cases, quantized models can be used for evaluation. This can be achieved using the LMDeploy tool (LMDeploy).

Detailed information about installing and configuring LMDeploy can be found on its GitHub page. Once installed, the TurboMindModel defined in the configs/ configuration file can be used for evaluation.

Below is an example configuration in the configs/ file:

from opencompass.models.turbomind import TurboMindModel
from mmengine.config import read_base

with read_base():
    from .datasets.cdme.cdme200k import cdme_datasets

datasets = [*cdme_datasets]

internlm_meta_template = dict(round=[
    dict(role='HUMAN', begin=':', end='\n'),
    dict(role='BOT', begin=':', end='<eoa>\n', generate=True),

models = [
        run_cfg=dict(num_gpus=1, num_procs=1),

In this configuration, the TurboMindModel combines the functionality of LMDeploy, suitable for handling large-scale text datasets and effectively reducing memory usage.

Score Calculation Method

In the CDMEEvaluator class, we use two main methods to calculate scores: levenshtein_distance and score. Here are detailed explanations and implementations of these methods.

Levenshtein Distance

Levenshtein distance is a measure of the difference between two strings. It represents the minimum number of single-character edits (insertions, deletions, or substitutions) required to change one string into the other.

def levenshtein_distance(self, s1, s2):
    if len(s1) < len(s2):
        return self.levenshtein_distance(s2, s1)

    if len(s2) == 0:
        return len(s1)

    previous_row = range(len(s2) + 1)
    for i, c1 in enumerate(s1):
        current_row = [i + 1]
        for j, c2 in enumerate(s2):
            insertions = previous_row[j + 1] + 1
            deletions = current_row[j] + 1
            substitutions = previous_row[j] + (c1 != c2)
            current_row.append(min(insertions, deletions, substitutions))
        previous_row = current_row

    return previous_row[-1]

Score Calculation

The score calculation method accepts two lists of predictions and references and calculates the edit distance and score for each pair of prediction and reference.

def score(self, predictions, references):
    if len(predictions) != len(references):
        return {"error": "predictions and references have different lengths"}

    total_score = 0
    details = []
    for prediction, reference in zip(predictions, references):
        prediction = re.sub(r'\s+', '', prediction)
        reference = re.sub(r'\s+', '', reference)
        edit_distance = self.levenshtein_distance(prediction, reference)

        max_len = max(len(prediction), len(reference))
        score = 100 * (1 - edit_distance /max_len) if max_len != 0 else 100

        detail = {
            "pred": prediction,
            "ref": reference,
            "edit_distance": edit_distance,
            "score": score
        total_score += score

    average_score = total_score / len(predictions) if predictions else 0
    result = {"average_score": average_score, "details": details}
    return result

This scoring method first removes all whitespace characters from both predictions and references and then calculates the Levenshtein distance between them. The score is calculated as 100 minus the percentage loss based on edit distance. Finally, it returns detailed scores for each prediction and the average score overall.


The script can be used to visualize CSV files. This script supports specifying one or more CSV file paths through the --path parameter and can use the --dataset_length parameter to specify the length of the dataset.

Usage Examples

To visualize a single CSV file:

python tools/ --path 'outputs/default/20231216_161457/summary/summary_20231216_161457.csv'

To visualize multiple CSV files:

python tools/ --path 'path_to_first_csv.csv' 'path_to_second_csv.csv'

To specify the dataset length for visualization, which is used for generating titles in the visualization charts:

python tools/ --path 'path_to_csv.csv' --dataset_length 200K

Currently, this approach only supports the CDME dataset, and we welcome community contributions for more datasets.

If you use this method, please cite as follows:

    title={OpenCompass: A Universal Evaluation Platform for Foundation Models},
    author={OpenCompass Contributors},

  title={LLMTest Needle In A Haystack - Pressure Testing LLMs},

      title={Skywork: A More Open Bilingual Foundation Model},
      author={Tianwen Wei and Liang Zhao and Lichang Zhang and Bo Zhu and Lijie Wang and Haihua Yang and Biye Li and Cheng Cheng and Weiwei Lü and Rui Hu and Chenxia Li and Liu Yang and Xilin Luo and Xuejie Wu and Lunan Liu and Wenjun Cheng and Peng Cheng and Jianhao Zhang and Xiaoyu Zhang and Lei Lin and Xiaokun Wang and Yutuan Ma and Chuanhai Dong and Yanqi Sun and Yifu Chen and Yongyi Peng and Xiaojuan Liang and Shuicheng Yan and Han Fang and Yahui Zhou},