Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Israel questions Iranian blogger after giving her asylum;JERUSALEM/LONDON (Reuters) - An Iranian blogger granted asylum in Israel has been questioned by its Shin Bet internal security service on suspicion of illegal communication with Iran, an Israeli official said on Friday. Israel admitted Neda Amin, 33, who was previously based in Turkey, on humanitarian grounds in August, saying that she faced forced repatriation to Iran and would be at risk given her writings for an Israeli news site. Amin, who is originally from Tehran, says her father was Jewish. Israeli law bars contact with the military or similar state agencies of its enemy Iran. As home to thousands of Iranian Jewish immigrants, Israel has in the past allowed citizens to visit family in Iran. But it outlawed these trips a decade ago over Shin Bet concerns that Tehran could recruit them as spies. A Shin Bet statement said that, after moving to Israel, Amin communicated with Iranian representatives and was questioned about this by the security service, whose responsibilities include counter-espionage. Asked by Reuters for clarification, an Israeli security official said only that the people with whom Amin was accused of communicating were not her relatives, and were inside Iran. Amin was not under arrest, said the Israeli official, who requested anonymity, adding: Whether there is a (criminal) case here is still being investigated. Amin later told Reuters she had been questioned for eight days over her contacts with a person she believed was an Israeli intelligence agent, but who her Shin Bet interrogators told her was in fact an Iranian government operative. A Farsi-speaking man had called her in Turkey, describing himself as an Israeli intelligence officer who wanted to protect her from Ankara s security services, she said, adding that they stayed in touch after she moved to Israel. Whenever the man phoned, Amin said, his number came up on her screen with an Israeli prefix. They never met, she said. They told me I am innocent as I have been in touch with an impostor, without knowing it, she said. I have spoken to this man, but I have done nothing against Israel s security.;December 15, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: With Coons, Democrats have enough votes to filibuster court pick Gorsuch;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic Senator Chris Coons on Monday announced opposition to President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, ensuring Democrats can block a U.S. Senate confirmation vote to give Neil Gorsuch the lifetime job. Coons’ announcement put the number of Democrats opposing Gorsuch at 41, the tally needed to use a procedural hurdle called a filibuster that requires 60 votes to allow a confirmation vote in the 100-seat Senate. Republicans control the Senate 52-48. If Democrats mount a successful filibuster and block the confirmation vote Senate Republicans planned to hold on Friday, Republicans would then be expected to try to change the chamber’s longstanding rules to allow confirmation by a simple majority. Trump backs such a move, sometimes called the “nuclear option.”;April 3, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Factbox: Contenders for senior jobs in Trump's administration;(Reuters) - The following people are mentioned as contenders for senior roles as U.S. President-elect Donald Trump assembles his administration before taking office on Jan. 20, according to Reuters sources and other media reports. Trump already has named a number of people for other top jobs in his administration. * Elsa Murano, undersecretary of agriculture for food safety under President George W. Bush and former president of Texas A&M University * Chuck Conner, a former acting secretary of the U.S. Agriculture Department and current head of the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives * Tim Huelskamp, Republican U.S. representative from Kansas * Sid Miller, Texas agriculture commissioner * Sonny Perdue, former Georgia governor * Navy Admiral Mike Rogers, director of the National Security Agency * Ronald Burgess, retired U.S. Army lieutenant general and former Defense Intelligence Agency chief * Robert Cardillo, director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency * Pete Hoekstra, Republican former U.S. representative from Michigan * John Allison, a former chief executive officer of regional bank BB&T Corp and former head of the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank * Paul Atkins, a former commissioner of the Securities and Exchange Commission * Thomas Hoenig, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp vice chairman and former head of the Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank * Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a venture capitalist, resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and former Food and Drug Administration deputy commissioner * Jim O’Neill, a Silicon Valley investor who previously served in the Department of Health and Human Services * Paul Atkins, a former SEC commissioner who heads Trump’s transition team for independent financial regulatory agencies * Ralph Ferrara, securities attorney at Proskauer Rose LLP * Daniel Gallagher, A Republican former SEC commissioner The Trump transition team confirmed the president-elect would choose from a list of 21 names he drew up during his campaign, including Republican U.S. Senator Mike Lee of Utah and William Pryor, a federal judge with the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. * Dan DiMicco, former chief executive of steel producer Nucor Corp * Jovita Carranza, founder and president of consultants JCR Group. Former vice president at United Parcel Service and former deputy administrator of the Small Business Administration * Robert Lighthizer, former deputy U.S. trade representative during the Reagan administration * Wayne Berman, senior executive with private equity and financial services firm Blackstone Group LP * David McCormick, president of investment manager Bridgewater Associates LP * Pete Hegseth, CEO of Concerned Veterans for America and Fox News commentator * Navy Admiral Michelle Howard * Retired Admiral Thad Allen, former Coast Guard commandant appointed by President Barack Obama to lead government relief efforts after BP Gulf oil spill * Toby Cosgrove, president and chief executive officer of Cleveland Clinic * Luis Quinonez, founder of IQ Management of Virginia and member of Trump’s National Hispanic Advisory Council * Scott Brown, former Republican U.S. senator from Massachusetts * Sarah Palin, former Alaska governor and Republican nominee for vice president in 2008 * Jeff Miller, a former Republican U.S. representative from Florida who was chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee * Larry Kudlow, economist and media commentator * Tom Bossert, former deputy homeland security adviser to President George W. Bush, cyber risk fellow with the Atlantic Council think tank;December 22, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: NANCY PELOSI ASKED: Who’s the Leader of the Dems?…Any Guesses? Soros? [Video]; ;Mar 22, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Boiler Room EP #87;Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST | 8:00 PM CST | 9:00 PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for barfly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Join ACR hosts Hesher and Spore along with Andy Nowicki of Alt Right Blogspot, Stewart Howe, Randy J (both of 21st Century Wire), Daniel Spaulding of Soul of the East, Jay Dyer, author of Esoteric Hollywood and other Boiler regulars if we can drag them out of their deep state research for the 87th episode of BOILER ROOM. Water the plants, put the kids to bed and get your favorite snuggy out so you can drop deep into the Boiler Room with the ACR brain-trust.Please like and share the program and visit our donate page to get involved!BOILER ROOM IS NOT A POLICTALLY CORRECT ZONE! LISTEN TO THE SHOW IN THE PLAYER BELOW ENJOY! Listen to Boiler Room #87 on Spreaker.Reference Links:;December 8, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BREAKING: Cruz Names Carly Fiorina As His VP Running Mate;After suffering debilitating losses in five northeastern states Maryland, Delaware, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Pennsylvania and his alliance with John Kasich crumbling after only two days, Ted Cruz needed to find a way to stop GOP frontrunner Donald Trump.And he found the way at least he thinks he does.The Cruz campaign announced Wednesday afternoon that failed CEO, failed Senate candidate, failed presidential candidate and largely disliked Carly Fiorina will be the Texas Senator s VP running mate.Simply put, this is Ted Cruz sad, pathetic attempt at a hail Mary to pander to female GOP voters (who loath Trump). And what s even sadder is Cruz only picked Fiorina out of sheer logistics not because he necessarily likes her or thinks she would be a good Vice President. According to Politico:The hope within the campaign is that Fiorina will help Cruz in California, which will award 172 delegates on June 7. Fiorina is scheduled to give the keynote address at this weekend s California Republican Party convention, speaking hours after Cruz takes the stage.The move comes at a time of growing desperation within Cruz circles. Some in the campaign worry that the Texas senator will lose Indiana on Tuesday and lose other key states in May, paving the way for a Trump nomination.Yes, the women who helped dent Silicon Valley and lost a statewide election to Barbara Boxer by 10 percent is the perfect choice for Cruz s California comeback. As it becomes increasingly clear that Trump s negative image will spell certain doom for the GOP in November, Cruz has literally taken it upon himself to pull a John McCain circa 2008. Only this time America knows who Fiorina is, and they don t like her very much.Fiorina suspended her campaign after poor showings in Iowa and New Hampshire and subsequently endorsed Cruz, traveling he country as a surrogate for his campaign.The decision was two weeks in the making as reports surfaced the Cruz campaign was heavily vetting the former CEO, and placed her at the top of a serious contender list for V.P. Never before has a losing candidate pulled such a desperate maneuver to save their campaign. Hopefully this comes back to bite them both in the behind. The GOP is tired of panderers.Featured image via Gerardo Mora/Getty Images;April 27, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.N. appoints American to lead Children's Fund;UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United Nations announced on Friday the appointment of Henrietta Fore, an economic development advocate and former U.S. State Department official, as executive director of its Children s Fund, effective Jan. 1. Fore, 69, who currently is the chief executive officer of manufacturing and investment company Holsman International, will succeed Anthony Lake, U.N. Secretary-General Ant nio Guterres said in a statement. UNICEF provides humanitarian and development assistance to children and mothers in over 190 developing nations and territories, focused primarily on saving children s lives and defending their rights. Fore was administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development from 2006 to 2009, the first woman to lead the agency. She also served as undersecretary for management at the State Department during the George W. Bush administration and as director of the U.S. Mint.;December 22, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: COMEY RESPONDS TO FIRING…What He Said Will Make Liberal Heads Explode;Since the moment word got out about the firing of FBI Director James Comey, Democrats and their allies in the leftist media have been falling all over themselves to spew their hatred towards Trump and his unfair firing of James Comey. Even though for months, Democrats and the leftist media have been outraged at Comey for the reopening of the FBI investigation into Hillary s e-mails just prior to the election, all is forgiven now. It s time for the media and the Democrats to come together, regroup and focus on the real target President Trump.But now, FBI Director James Comey has made a statement about the firing, and it s not exactly what the media was hoping for. Comey took the high road when he sent a letter on Wednesday to agents and friends regarding President Trump s firing of him the day before. I have long believed that a President can fire an FBI director for any reason, or for no reason at all, he wrote, according to CNN. I m not going to spend time on the decision or the way it was executed, Comey added. I hope you won t either. It is done, and I will be fine, although I will miss you and the mission deeply. -The HillWatch MSNBC s Morning Joe hacks Mika Brzezinski and fake conservative Joe Scarborough attempt to trash Trump s reasoning for firing Comey. Deputy White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders had the perfect response: If Hillary Clinton had won, she would have immediately fired James Comey :Watch Senator Chuck Schumer defend FBI Director James Comey after crying about his mishandling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation him for months:;May 10, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: MI Gov. Dick Sends SEVEN National Guardsman To Help 100,000 Flint Residents;Earlier this week, as public outrage and media attention focused on his failed response to the Flint water disaster, Michigan s republican governor announced that he was calling in the National Guard to help deal with the escalating crisis.On January 13, those troops arrived in the city of 100,000 people. All SEVEN of them. Yes, seven. As in one less than eight.Doing the math, Snyder s response equates to one guardsman per 14,285.7 people.The city of Flint is experiencing a crisis of epic proportions, thanks entirely to the Snyder administration. Water poisoned with lead, and water that is potentially contaminated with the Legionella bacteria (which has already caused 87 serious illnesses and ten deaths) is just one aspect of what is happening in Flint.After the governor and his appointed emergency managers switched the city s water supply to the Flint River, they decided not to bother to treat it with standard corrosion control measures.According to researchers from Virginia Tech University, Flint is the only city in the U.S. that did not have these measures in place.As Marc Edwards of the Virginia Tech water study described to Michigan Radio back in October: What we discovered to our shock was that they switched to a new water source that was obviously very corrosive, meaning it would eat up the lead pipe and iron pipe and essentially put the metals into the water, without controlling the corrosion. And this is a horrible idea in a city full of lead plumbing and lead pipe like Flint. He went on to describe the standard practice for changing a water source. Before you switch to a new water source, six months to a year ahead of time, you are supposed to do laboratory experiments to determine the corrosivity of the water, and the chemistry the pH, the alkalinity, and the phosphate that you need to make sure that the lead stays on the pipes and out of the water. Edwards explains that Flint s new water system had to have a corrosion control plan in place, otherwise the result is that you re doing an uncontrolled human experiment on a city s population. The decision by Rick Snyder s emergency manager to just skip what was apparently viewed as an unnecessary corrosion control expense has basically been just that. An uncontrolled experiment on a city s population. The amount of damage done to the city s infrastructure is just beginning to be realized.This photo from Flint Water Study researchers Ni Zhu and Siddhartha Roy shows the magnitude of the situtuation.Image credit: Flint Water StudyAccording to a new report released today, researchers believe that the damaged and corroded pipes that are transmitting water throughout the city are likely to become a breeding ground for bacteria, such as the Legionella bacteria which causes Legionaire s disease, along with a host of other potential pathogens.Because of the nature of the Legionella bacteria, which is transmitted through tiny droplets of water in the air, Virginia Tech researchers are recommending that vulnerable populations have minimal contact with the water. That includes people who smoke, the elderly, people with diabetes, people who have recently had surgery and others who might be at greater risk of contracting a waterborne respiratory disease.About 100,000 Flint residents are affected by this unmitigated disaster.In response, Governor Snyder put on a big show of sending in the National Guard. Now we know that only SEVEN guardsmen were actually dispatched to the city.After being forced to respond to questions regarding the number of guardsmen he sent to the city, the governor s office proclaimed that there could be as many as 30 or 40 National Guardsmen sent to Flint by the end of the week.During his PR conference on Tuesday, Snyder told the people of Michigan As we work to ensure that all Flint residents have access to clean and safe drinking water, we are providing them with the direct assistance they need in order to stretch our resources further. The Michigan National Guard is trained and ready to assist the citizens of Flint. He neglected to mention that he was sending SEVEN guardsmen.As reported by Fox 2: The Governor s rhetoric is not doing much to quiet the growing fury in Flint. Gov. Rick Snyder called in the National Guard to assist those helping to get bottled water and filters to the people of Flint. Just seven members of the National Guard showed up to help the nearly 100,000 people in Flint. Watch this video on Governor Snyder s pathetic response to the Flint water disaster, via Fox 2. What an absolute joke.Image credit: video screen capture via Fox 2;January 15, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump fires campaign manager in shakeup for election push;NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump fired Corey Lewandowski, the campaign manager who helped him win Republican presidential nominating contests but clashed with other advisers on how to appeal to the broader general electorate, several people with knowledge of the decision said on Monday. The firing on Monday morning was another shakeup for a campaign already at odds with many senior Republican figures over the presumptive nominee’s policies, with the party’s nominating convention in Cleveland less than a month away. But it may also prove a step toward calming concerns among party leaders about Trump, a wealthy businessman and political outsider, and the conflicting advice he was getting from senior aides, as he battles presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton ahead of the Nov. 8 election. Trump said Lewandowski did “a great job” but “it’s time now for a different kind of a campaign.” “We ran a small, beautiful, well-unified campaign. It worked very well in the primaries. I think I’m probably going to do some of that,” Trump said in an interview with Fox News, in which he did not say if Lewandowski had been fired. Three people close to the campaign said some of Trump’s staff viewed Lewandowski as opposing strategic changes and staff hires urged for the general election campaign by Paul Manafort, a strategist hired in April partly for his experience on presidential campaigns that Lewandowski lacked. The three, a campaign staffer and two people in regular contact with Trump advisers, spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized by Trump to discuss the firing. Manafort will take over as campaign manager, said Carl Paladino, co-chairman of the campaign’s operations in New York state. “Paul’s in charge,” Sean Spicer, the Republican National Committee’s communications director, said in an interview. Trump’s decision to fire his manager came in part at the urging of his daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner, who have powerful advisory roles in the campaign, the two people in contact with Trump aides said. Hope Hicks, who single-handedly fields Trump’s media inquiries, disputed reports she had complained about Lewandowski to Ivanka Trump. “That is entirely untrue,” she said. Lewandowski, 42, had been a near-constant presence at Trump’s side since the New York developer launched his campaign on June 2015. In a brief statement read on CNN, Lewandowski said: “I stand by the fact that Mr. Trump is a great candidate and is better than Hillary Clinton ever will be.” Lewandowski denied there were any tensions between him and Trump’s family in an interview with CNN. Later on Monday, a campaign adviser resigned after reveling in Lewandowski’s exit on his Twitter account, CNN reported. “Ding dong the witch is dead!” Michael Caputo, the adviser, wrote shortly after reports of the firing emerged. He later released a statement to CNN saying he had resigned. “In hindsight, that was too exuberant a reaction to this personnel move,” his statement said. The RNC spokesman did not think there would be a change in Trump’s tone. “It’s going to be more of a streamlined effort and more of an understanding of the difference that a general election has,” Spicer said. Clinton’s campaign has hundreds more staff than that of Trump. In contrast to her unsuccessful 2008 presidential bid, there has been no public sign this time of any significant infighting among her advisers. The former U.S. secretary of state has also spent millions of dollars on television commercials in recent weeks. Trump has not aired any paid advertisements since becoming the presumptive nominee, preferring to spread his message through his Twitter account and in media interviews. Trump has faced setbacks in the past two weeks. His renewed calls to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the United States have drawn heavy criticism from Republican politicians in Washington and prompted corporate sponsors like Apple and JPMorgan Chase to withhold funding from the party’s July 18-21 convention. Recent opinion polls show at least half of all voters approve of the Muslim ban. Lewandowski, a former New Hampshire field director for a conservative advocacy group, argued that Trump’s unconventional campaigning style did not need to be changed after it proved successful in the last few months of primary contests. Lewandowski repeatedly defended that strategy with a line that became his mantra: “Let Trump be Trump.” Known for his brusque manner, Lewandowski was accused of manhandling a female reporter in Florida during the primary campaign, but the battery charge against him was later dropped. He is still scheduled to attend the Cleveland convention as chairman of New Hampshire’s delegation. The Democratic National Committee said Lewandowski’s exit was unlikely to change Trump. “It wasn’t Corey Lewandowski who called for a ban on Muslims entering the United States,” Mark Paustenbach, a party spokesman, said in a statement, “it was Donald Trump.”;June 20, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Something Weird Is Happening With Jared Kushner’s Hair;Jared Kushner is an Orthodox Jew working in a White House surrounded by neo-Nazis, but he s also the son-in-law of Donald Trump, so principles be damned. Now, Kushner is normally a reasonably handsome man, if you like the boyish white collar criminal type, but lately it seems, he s been channeling some of his father-in-law s worst qualities, including (bizarrely) his hair, which he s been wearing in that famous Trump combover/swirl/whatever the hell that thing is.I think we re in big trouble now. For some reason, Jared Kushner has started styling his hair like Donald Trump.? pic.twitter.com/mvHoPGN9ps Mike Sington (@MikeSington) April 28, 2017Jared and the kids bring treats out to the Secret Service https://t.co/TmTsUnQXZi pic.twitter.com/kvNh9V13OF Daily Mail US (@DailyMail) April 28, 2017Twitter, obviously, has their theories.@SqueegeeSink @MikeSington Ivanka wants him to look like her dad? Yeah I went there. A (@amatorah) April 29, 2017@MikeSington Ivanka wants him to role play daddy NQCowboy (@nqcowboy68) April 29, 2017@MikeSington @annanotherthng I had a terrifying thought. What if Ivanka chose the style, because the weird fascination and inappropriate relationship is a 2 way street?! pic.twitter.com/Hq7YPGntRi Loryn Kilpatrick (@Lo_K_87) April 30, 2017Ick.@MikeSington Well, he s in charge of everything I m sure his hair is falling out and a weird combover is necessary. Sad Sheila H Garland ? (@SheilaGinHB) April 29, 2017@MikeSington @gillyarcht The right-posterior oblique partline, combined with an anterior pushthrough, is classic emerging authoritarian. pic.twitter.com/D5VWw0nuGU Alan (@GammaCounter) April 29, 2017@MikeSington I ve heard of being groomed to take over, but this is ridiculous. Monica A. (@StillSheResists) April 29, 2017Some see something a bit more calculated.@MikeSington Mimic the narcissist. That is how you rise in power. That is how you stay in power. Trump will notice & limp ego will get momentary rise. SnohoMo (@SnohoMo) April 29, 2017It s entirely possible that Kushner chose this new look to impress his father-in-law, although he was made the de facto president with his old hair, so he had clearly already made the right impression.More likely, this hairdo was Trump s doing. Despite the fact that Trump is a one man What Not to Wear (ties too long, suits too big and that hair!), #45 is obsessed with what everyone around him wears. Kushner s monstrosity reportedly came courtesy of Trump s stylist which is located across the street from Trump s New York residence. It s not tough to imagine him telling Kushner to get the Trump. On a subconscious level, though, this hair style speaks to more than just trying to suck up to the boss. It s about a full makeover, which with Kushner, includes his principles.Featured image via Win McNamee/Getty Images;May 2, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Even This Fox News Host Felt The Need To Shut Katrina Pierson DOWN, And It’s Spectacular (VIDEO);Usually, Donald Trump spokesperson Katrina Pierson can find sanctuary with the ever-conservative leaning Fox News, but that didn t seem to be the case for her on Sunday while being interviewed by Arthel Neville.Shortly after claiming that it was President Obama who went into Afghanistan with her own make-believe version of facts and history, Pierson went on Fox News to talk about Trump s lack of tax returns. Something that s been asked of every presidential candidate for decades.Neville said: As you know, Katrina, presidential candidates have consistently released their tax returns since the 70s. And you also know there is no existing law barring people from releasing their tax returns during an audit. So the question is that everyone wants to know, why won t Mr. Trump release his tax returns? And can you answer the implications that he s hiding something? All very good questions. Yet, cue the denial and excuses from Pierson, who replied: This really has become much of a novelty in presidential campaigns. A novelty?! Even a Fox News host couldn t let Pierson get away with such a ludicrous statement as that. All candidates have been releasing their returns, no matter the party. Trump not releasing his returns is clearly indicative that he has something in which he is trying to prevent the public from seeing.Pierson keeps going back and forth with Neville even trying to say that the media is bullying poor tiny-handed Trump into releasing his returns. However, the Fox host wasn t having it, and told her: Katrina, we re going to keep going on this because people want to know. It s not about a gotcha with Mr. Trump. Again, he is a successful businessman that he been touting to us this entire campaign. That is why they want to see. Why are you saying that it s some sort of corruption or some sort of campaign that people are including the media are out to get him? That is not the case. He s running for the president of the United States of America. Show your tax returns. It s that simple. And BOOM went the dynamite. Well done, Neville. Well done.Pierson then flounders for a few more minutes, but there s no trying to convince people at this point that Trump should get a free pass on not releasing his returns just like everyone else to show true transparency.Watch the segment here:Featured image via video screen capture HT Raw Story;August 14, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Court Just Gave Cops Permission To Murder Dogs;The 6th District Court in Ohio ruled on Monday that if a cop comes to your home, they are justified in killing your dog if your dog does so much as move.Mark and Cheryl Brown sued the Battle Creek, Michigan police department after, during a search of their homes, the police killed their two pit bulls. All the dogs were guilty of was moving. They argued in court that the officers actions violated the Fourth Amendment, that is was an unlawful seizure of property.In the case of the Browns two pit bulls, the imminent threat came from the dogs barking and moving around. One officer shot the first pit bull after he said it had only moved a few inches in a movement that he considered to be a lunge. The injured dog retreated to the basement, where the officer shot and killed it as well as the second dog while conducting a sweep of the residence. Officer Klein testified that after he shot and killed the first dog, he noticed the second dog standing about halfway across the basement, the court s opinion explained. The second dog was not moving towards the officers when they discovered her in the basement, but rather she was just standing there, barking and was turned sideways to the officers. Klein then fired the first two rounds at the second dog. The court, of course, placed the burden on the homeowners. It was up to them to prove that the first dog didn t lunge (how do they prove that?) and that the second dog didn t bark.While the benefit of the doubt typically goes to police now they are rarely prosecuted and even more rarely convicted for killing people it appears that cops can now legally kill dogs, just because they are afraid of them. In fact, nearly 25 dogs are killed at the hands of police each and every day. This is heartbreaking. Expect cops to get even more rights over the people they are supposed to protect under a Donald Trump presidency.Featured image via Pixabay.;December 21, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump says has 'total confidence' in Attorney General Sessions;NEWPORT NEWS, Va. (Reuters) - President Donald Trump told reporters on Thursday he has “total” confidence in Attorney General Jeff Sessions amid a controversy over Sessions’ meetings with a Russian diplomat last year. Trump made the comment while preparing to deliver a speech about his proposed defense buildup aboard the Gerald R. Ford aircraft carrier. ;March 2, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Hillary HAMMERS Trump With This Awesome List That Disqualifies Him From Being President;With just three days until Election Day, Hillary Clinton just dropped a bombshell reminding us why Donald Trump is totally unfit to be president.The list could go on and on but Hillary and her team settled on just 153 things the Republican nominee has said and done that would disqualify anyone else in a normal election.As we all know, Trump has been saying offensive things since the first day of his campaign when he called Mexicans rapists, which is number 55 on the list. This list, which includes citations, is so long that it missed many other offensive things Trump has said and done.Here are just a few of the items listed.-Spent five years refusing to admit that President Obama was born in the U.S. and still hasn t apologized.-Said that wages in America are already too high. -Encouraged a foreign country to commit espionage in the U.S., calling on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton s emails.-Refused to disavow white supremacist David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan four times in one interview.-Confused the Kurds, a crucial partner in the Middle East, with the Quds Iranian Revolutionary Guards.-Didn t know the difference between Hezbollah and Hamas.-Had no idea that Russia already invaded Ukraine in 2014, promising that Russia is not going to go into Ukraine, all right? You can mark it down. -Bragged about his building becoming the tallest in Lower Manhattan after the collapse of the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001.-Said it would be totally fine if we defaulted because if the economy crashed, you could make a deal. -Regularly praises and defends Vladimir Putin as a leader who is getting an A , and has even described him more favorably than President Obama.-Launched a series of attacks on a federal judge that Paul Ryan referred to as textbook racism, saying it was common sense that the judge, who was born in Indiana, would be biased because of his Mexican heritage. -Compared his sacrifices of working very, very hard and buil[ding] great structures to the sacrifices of a Gold Star family.-Suggested there needed to be some form of punishment to women who get abortions.-Kicked a baby out of one of his rallies. Seriously.-Complimented North Korea s dictator, Kim Jong-un: You ve gotta give him credit. He goes in. He takes over. He s the boss. It s incredible. -Faced over 3,500 lawsuits, largely from ordinary Americans and small business owners who he refused to pay in spite of promises to the contrary.-Said, in 2006, that he was rooting for the real estate market to collapse, because people like me would go in and buy and you can make a lot of money. -Said veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress are not strong and can t handle war.And these are just the tip of the iceberg. To read the entire list, click here.As demonstrated perfectly by Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump should have been disqualified from running for president on the first day of his campaign. He is offensive. He is hateful. He is sexist. He is a racist. And he is a liar who is more interested in helping himself than he is in helping the American people.If he somehow wins this election it will be the most disastrous election this country has ever produced and it will be an embarrassment that ruins our reputation and image around the globe.Hillary is right to point out that in any other election year any of these remarks would end a candidate s campaign. But Donald Trump has conned his deplorables into supporting him no matter what he says or does. As the number one thing on this list noted, Trump has said he could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and wouldn t lose any voters. One wonders what they ll let him get away with if he gets to be in the White House.Featured Image: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images;November 5, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump Threatens Joe Biden, Says He Would ‘Love’ To Fight ‘Mr. Tough Guy’ (VIDEO);Republican nominee Donald Trump usually incites violence against his protesters, as well as women and minorities, but last night he went after one of America s most beloved politicians our current Vice President, Joe Biden!At a Florida rally, Trump threatened Biden because he d dared to criticize Trump s disgusting locker room talk and comments about women. Of course, Trump s only answer to anything is violence. Trump shouted: Did you see where Biden wants to take me to the back of the barn? I d love that. I d love that! Mr. Tough Guy. You know, he s Mr. Tough Guy. You know when he s Mr. Tough Guy? When he s standing behind a microphone by himself. And of course, the man-baby then complained that he s going to be held to an unfair standard by saying that: If I said that, they d say he s violent, how could he have done that Trump had been responding to Biden s comments earlier this week, when the Vice President blasted the business mogul s misogynistic behavior and history with women. Biden s exact words had been: I wish we were in high school and I could take him behind the gym. Biden further clarified that remark and made sure that everyone knew that physical violence is not how you handle disagreements when you re an adult:But since Trump barely has the maturity of a high schooler, a brawl is a perfectly reasonable way for him to solve an argument. You can watch Trump challenge Biden below:[ad3media campaign= 1238 ]Featured image via Steve Pope / Getty Images;October 26, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump Has Now Banned NINE Media Outlets – A Likely Tenth Predicts Misery For Him Over It;When Donald Trump banned the Washington Post from his events, he no doubt thought it was the boldest move yet in his war against the dishonest media. The Post, however, is far from the first outlet to fall to Trump s wrath. To date, Trump has actually banned nine media outlets from covering his events. Nine. But he won t stop until he s sure the coverage he s getting fits his definition of honest and fair. The New York Times, whom Trump reviles but somehow hasn t totally banned yet, went to work compiling a list of blacklisted outlets after explaining why Trump banned the Post. They added: In reality, of course, no one would be more miserable than Mr. Trump if these bans actually resulted in less coverage of his campaign. That s a truth bomb if ever there was one. Trump s need for glowing praise, kowtowing and general ass-kissing means he absolutely must hog as much of the spotlight as possible. That includes all the favorable media coverage he can get. But if he thinks that coverage will become more favorable after he bans outlets in fits of rage appropriate to a toddler, he ll be sorely disappointed.The truly funny thing about this is that he hasn t thought it through at all. Reporters from blackballed outlets can still attend most of Trump s events as members of the general public. They can t get credentials, and they can t attend his official press conferences, but they can still go to and cover rallies and other events. That means that Trump is spiraling down into some serious delusions if he thinks these bans will solve his imagined problems with the media.So who, besides the Post, has he banned, and why?Besides banning entire outlets, he s barred reporters from Mother Jones, Fusion, and The New York Times, and claimed credit for getting The New Hampshire Union Leader dropped from a debate after they published a front-page op-ed denouncing him.In demonstration of his racism, The New Tri-State Defender, a traditionally black publication, can t even get responses to emails requesting credentials. Yet he ll issue credentials to Alex Jones InfoWars, which is quite possibly one of the most craftily dumb conspiracy sites on the internet.Trump claims he won t ban any media from the White House press room when he s elected, telling CNN, It s a different thing. He added: When I m representing the United States, I wouldn t do that. But I would let people know if somebody s untruthful. Oh, baloney. The people of the U.S. will believe that when they see it. However, that could go two ways. One is obvious he ll keep banning the outlets he hates until there are none left to cover him. The other is that he ll come to his senses, such as they are, and realize that a growing blacklist means less food for his narcissistic ego. Either way, he s out of hand with his. Featured image by Gerardo Mora/Getty Images;June 16, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: NICOLE KIDMAN BREAKS RANKS With Hollywood Leftists…Speaks Out In Support Of Trump’s Presidency [VIDEO];She s travelling the world to promote her new Australian film, which tells the tale of an Indian boy adopted by Tasmanian parents.But Nicole Kidman found herself facing questions about the President-elect of the United States this week.During an interview with the BBC, the Oscar winner told journalist Victoria Derbyshire that Americans needed to support Donald Trump once he s in office.In the closing stages of an interview in which she had spoken at length about her new film Lion, the Oscar-winner was asked what she thought of Trump.Nicole, who has dual US and Australian citizenship, called on Americans to set aside the controversy surrounding the election and support the President-elect.- Daily Mail ;Jan 12, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump to Senate Republicans: kill Obamacare now, replace later;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump urged Republican senators in a tweet on Friday to repeal Obamacare immediately if they cannot agree on a new plan to replace it, muddying the waters as congressional leaders struggle for consensus on healthcare legislation. Senate Republican leaders had set Friday as the target for rewriting legislation for a simultaneous repeal and replacement of extensive parts of the 2010 Affordable Care Act, the law dubbed Obamacare that expanded health insurance coverage to 20 million people. The deadline seemed unlikely to be met given that most senators had left Washington ahead of next week’s recess, without agreement on a clear direction for the healthcare bill, and Trump’s tweet did not appear to gain political traction. Financial markets showed little reaction to Trump’s suggestion, with the benchmark S&P 500 index edging about 0.15 percent higher on the day. Shares of most health insurers gained fractionally while hospital stocks were little changed. Trump wrote on Twitter Friday morning, “If Republican Senators are unable to pass what they are working on now, they should immediately REPEAL, and then REPLACE at a later date!” The White House said later that Trump was still “fully committed” to pushing the Republican draft healthcare bill through the Senate, although it was looking at every option for repealing and replacing Obamacare. “The president hasn’t changed his thinking at all,” White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders told reporters. The current Senate legislation would repeal parts of Obamacare, roll back its expansion of the Medicaid government healthcare program for the poor, eliminate most of Obamacare’s taxes and replace Obamacare insurance subsidies with a system of tax credits to help individuals buy private health insurance. Conservative and moderate Republicans have spent recent days pushing and pulling the bill in opposite directions as Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell sought common ground. Moderates want more equity for low-income Americans, while conservatives are fighting to loosen insurance regulations. Shortly before his January inauguration, Trump urged lawmakers to repeal and replace Obamacare at the same time. Congressional Republicans had considered earlier this year first repealing, then replacing Obamacare, but backed away after some lawmakers protested that that approach could create a gap in insurance coverage for millions. On Friday, Republican Senator Ben Sasse who had suggested that Congress first repeal Obamacare and then replace it, tweeted: “Glad you agree, Mr. Pres.” Conservative Senator Rand Paul also backed the idea. But others on Capitol Hill sounded annoyed. A senior Senate Republican aide, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that if lawmakers had been able to get the votes for repealing Obamacare first, then replacing it, “senators would have done that in January. It doesn’t have the votes, and it’s a waste of valuable time to discuss it.” Annie Clark, a spokeswoman for moderate Republican Senator Susan Collins, said the lawmaker would not support the strategy. McConnell’s spokesman declined to comment on Trump’s tweet. A senior House of Representatives Republican, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady, said in an interview for CSPAN’s “Newsmakers” program that lawmakers’ goal should continue to be “not simply repealing but to start to put into place the elements that can make healthcare affordable.”;June 30, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: In China's 'democracy village', no one wants to talk any more;WUKAN, China (Reuters) - Surveillance cameras peer at residents from every major street corner. Informants are everywhere, villagers say. And more than a dozen villagers are languishing in prison or detention. The southern Chinese village of Wukan was once a symbol of grassroots democracy in China. Now, a year after the authorities quelled protests over land grabs and the jailing of a local leader, Wukan is locked in a stifling security squeeze. A rare visit to Wukan by a Reuters team and interviews with half a dozen villagers and sources familiar with the situation revealed that the village and surrounding area remain tightly policed as the government tries to maintain security at all costs. Villagers in Wukan once warmly welcomed the media, but many are now afraid of speaking for fear of reprisals. There s nothing left here, said one young man in Wukan who was edgy and wouldn t talk for long. You know what happened, he added before moving quickly away. The sources said that a provincial-level Wukan Mass Working Group had been set up with about 100 full-time personnel and charged with ensuring stability by marshalling a network of informers, security patrols, surveillance systems and floodlights in the village. In the 1980s, the Chinese government began allowing elections in villages nationwide, although democracy activists say the votes for village committees were rarely free from official influence. But after a series of protests against local officials in Wukan in 2011, when government offices were ransacked, authorities eventually backed down, allowing the village to hold open elections that became a beacon for democratic hope in China. But now, Wukan, once famous in China as the democracy village , has succumbed to China s tightening grip over civil society and individual rights, said Zhuang Liehong, a former Wukan protest leader who helped lead an uprising against local authorities in 2011. What is happening in Wukan is what is happening in China, said Zhuang. It s a dark reflection of China, with no freedom of expression. No individual rights. There was no immediate response from the Guangdong provincial government to faxed questions from Reuters seeking comment. Under President Xi Jinping, the government has intensified efforts to deepen the reach of the Communist Party into all aspects of life in China. Critics say it brooks no dissent, and has been cracking down on civil society, which it sees as a challenge to central authority. When Xi took the reins in 2013, repressing boundary-pushers in civil society was a cornerstone of his political campaign to consolidate power, Diana Fu of the University of Toronto and Greg Distelhorst of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology wrote in an academic paper on Grassroots Participation and Repression in Contemporary China . With China s recent leadership transition further consolidating Xi s power, the next five years will likely see a continuation of tough social stability policies that will have an impact on places like Wukan, some analysts say. The party has decided to double down on authoritarianism after the problems they ve faced, said Nicolas Bequelin, Amnesty International s director for East Asia. During the 2011 protests, Zhuang helped barricade the coastal hamlet of 15,000 people against battalions of riot police. He spoke by telephone with Reuters from New York, where he is now in exile after leaving Wukan in 2014. Wukan sits in a picturesque region flanked by hills and a deep water harbor, with lush farmland, ponds teeming with fish and shrimp, and the occasional flash of kingfishers. Its troubles began in the 1990s when swathes of farmland began being sold off to property developers by the village leadership in a series of opaque deals. In 2011, these problems came to a head, when many villagers began demanding that the land be returned. A months-long insurrection against local authorities and riot police put a global media spotlight on Wukan, leading to a rare populist victory in Communist China when the provincial authorities eventually backed down. The village committee at the center of the land deals was removed and a free election was allowed that saw all seven of the protest leaders voted into public office. This village committee soon came under pressure from allies of the old leadership seeking retribution, they said. Over the course of the next few years most of the protest organizers left public office, including their leader, Lin Zuluan, who was jailed for corruption last summer. The protests last year erupted after villagers demanded Lin s release. Many villagers say the charges were concocted and that a confession by Lin on state television was forced. The protests ran for several months and were quelled by hundreds of riot police firing rubber bullets, hurling tear gas and beating up villagers with batons, victims and witnesses told Reuters at the time. Last December, the People s Court of nearby Haifeng town, which oversees Wukan, sentenced nine villagers to jail terms ranging from two to nine years for a number of charges including illegal assembly, disrupting traffic and spreading false information, according to a notice on its website. There was no immediate response to a Reuters request for comment from the Lufeng government, which has jurisdiction over Haifeng and Wukan. One villager, Zhang Bingchai, was jailed for two years for allegedly spreading false information, the court said. Two acquaintances who knew him said he had spoken about the situation in Wukan, to outsiders on his mobile phone and had posted some images of the crackdown. Zhuang said his 67-year-old father, Zhuang Songkun, was jailed for three years on a charge of gathering a crowd to block traffic during the protests. The hard line against the protests reflects the government s desire to ensure stability, said Xiong Wei, the founder of New Enlightenment, a village advocacy organization in Beijing who has visited Wukan on numerous occasions. And they ve been very successful, said Xiong. No one dares raise their head. But the problems haven t been resolved, he added, referring to the land seizures. Beyond a checkpoint manned by paramilitary police with guns, the main road into Wukan is now lined with giant billboards and colorful flags projecting a new narrative of stability and peace. Propaganda billboards and posters were also displayed around town. Advance solidly to execute the strategy of loving the people, read one, illustrated with a flock of doves flying over uniformed officers clutching rifles as they look across toward a portrait of Mao in Beijing s Tiananmen Square. Police and the people build a harmonious and civilized Wukan together, it read. Another sign urged a New Ethos . Beneath the surface, however, resentment lingers amongst those who spoke to Reuters. Wukan has reached a dead end now, said one villager. People won t do anything. Back in New York, Zhuang, the exiled former Wukan protest leader, said he ll keep speaking out. He said his mother has been harassed and his house surveilled with cameras. Visitors to his house have been questioned and several detained, he said. His assertions could not be independently confirmed. All of the other former Wukan protest leaders have since quit their posts, been jailed, or harassed, he said. Besides me, there are no voices left. It is silent now.;November 10, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: EPIC! TUCKER CARLSON Demolishes NYC Councilman Over Sanctuary Cities [Video]; ;Nov 19, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Myanmar military appoints general to probe mass grave in Rakhine state;YANGON (Reuters) - Myanmar s army said on Wednesday that it had appointed a senior officer to investigate whether any members of the security forces were involved in the killing of 10 people whose bodies have been uncovered in a mass grave in Rakhine State. A violent crackdown by the security forces in response to attacks by militants in the western state has caused around 650,000 Rohingya Muslims to flee to Bangladesh in recent months. The discover of the grave, at the village of Inn Din, about 50 km (30 miles) north of the state capital Sittwe, was announced by the military two days ago. In a statement posted on the Facebook page of the military s commander-in-chief, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, the army said a five-member investigation team had left the capital Naypyitaw on Wednesday. The team, led by Lieutenant General Aye Win, would investigate whether the security forces took part or not, in relation to the unidentified dead bodies found in Inn Din village graveyard . It gave no further details and military officials were not immediately available for comment. General Aye Win is the same officer who led a wider probe into the conduct of troops in a conflict that began in late August, which concluded in a report last month that no atrocities took place. Myanmar s armed forces launched what they termed clearance operations in northern Rakhine, where many of the stateless Muslim minority lived, after Rohingya militants attacked 30 police posts and an army base on Aug. 25. Rights monitors have accused troops of abuses, including killings, mass rape and arson during those operations. The United States has said it amounted to ethnic cleansing . Myanmar s civilian leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, has faced fierce international criticism for failing to do more to protect the Rohingya. The civilian government, which has no control over the military, has said the army was engaged in legitimate counter-insurgency operations. It has promised to investigate allegations of abuses in Rakhine if it is given evidence.;December 20, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WATCH: Delusional Trump Fans Lash Out At Fox Host For Reporting Facts Of Uranium One Deal;"Clearly, Trump supporters want Fox News to lie to them.Because when Fox News host Shep Smith fact-checked Donald Trump s accusations against Hillary Clinton in regards to the Uranium One deal with Russia, they lost their shit.Smith thoroughly debunked Republican claims that Hillary Clinton approved the deal in a pay-to-play scam during her time as Secretary of State back in 2010.First, the deal had to be approved by a committee of nine agency heads, who unanimously approved.Second, the State Department was represented by an assistant who says Clinton did not intervene.Third, the Uranium One deal stipulates that the uranium must be sold to civilian reactor operators in the United States, which blows Trump s claim that Hillary gave 20 percent of our uranium to Russia out of the water.Fourth, one man gave the Clinton Foundation all but $4 million of the $140 million donated by nine individuals associated with Uranium One. And that one man had already sold his stake in the company years before in 2007, well before Clinton even thought about being Secretary of State. And long before Barack Obama became president to make her Secretary of State.And, finally, Clinton had no power to veto or approve the deal herself.So, that means conservatives have no case against Clinton, effectively neutering any effort by the Justice Department to appoint a special prosecutor since doing so is contingent on the facts. And the facts support Clinton. So much so, that any court would laugh the obviously manufactured charges out of court.Here s the video via YouTube.In response, Trump supporters threw a temper tantrum and called for Fox to fire Smith for reporting the facts.You need to get that hack @ShepNewsTeam out of Fox. He just made excuses for #CrookedHillary and is clearly a double agent. Hey Shep.. Hillary took the 145M regardless of when it was sent. Pay for play you goof Lab Lover (@Dutchistheballs) November 14, 2017Chris Wallace and Shepard Smith should start a show on CNN called ""Pink Hat Brigade"" that's where you both belong. Shameful Fox, Get rid of these two asshats. Matt Couch ? (@RealMattCouch) November 13, 2017@FoxNews if I wanted to see an unfactual and slanted view I would watch CNN. I can t watch Shepard Smith anymore. I m dont with that show. He is arrogant and clearly anti trump Jim Hennahane (@limabean002) November 14, 2017And these are just a few of the MANY angry conservative tweets calling for Smith to be fired. However, a majority of the tweets came in support of Smith and his fact-based reporting, which blew apart the rest of the network s effort to spin the deal into a nefarious scandal proving that Hillary colluded with the Russians.Seriously.Shep Smith did his job as a journalist. Sean Hannity could certainly learn a lot from Smith. The Uranium One scandal being pushed by Trump and his minions has been repeatedly debunked. Conservatives are desperately attacking Clinton to distract from Trump s real scandals. But Smith refuses to lie to make Trump look good. And that s the real reason why Trump supporters hate him so much.Featured Image: Screenshot";November 15, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: China jails 21 people for 2015 nursing home fire: Xinhua;SHANGHAI (Reuters) - China has jailed 21 people for their roles in a deadly fire that killed 39 elderly people at a private nursing home two years ago, state-run Xinhua news agency reported on Friday. Xinhua said the nursing home in the central Henan province had been illegally extended and flammable materials had been used on the extension. Fan Huazhi, legal representative for the nursing home, received a prison term of nine years while contractor Feng Chunjie, who did not have the appropriate work certificate, was sentenced to six-and-a-half years in prison. The other defendants, including firefighting officers and managers at the nursing home, received jail terms ranging from two-and-a-half to eight years. Reuters was unable to reach Fan or Feng for comment. China has had a history of similar disasters as workers are often poorly trained or ill-equipped to protect themselves from accidents. In January, a fire at another nursing home in northeastern China killed seven people.;December 8, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Donald Trump’s Alma Mater Just Told Him To Go F*ck Himself;Donald Trump likes to brag that he attended the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, but while he is proud of that, the students and faculty are embarrassed that he is an alumni.In an open letter, students and faculty both past and present condemned Trump for his hateful and bigoted rhetoric and expressed outrage that he is humiliating the school by associating it with his ignorance and intolerance and rejected his use of the school name in his campaign.Here s the full letter via Medium:At the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, students are taught to represent the highest levels of respect and integrity. We are taught to embrace humility and diversity. We can understand why, in seeking America s highest office, you have used your degree from Wharton to promote and lend legitimacy to your candidacy.As a candidate for President, and now as the presumptive GOP nominee, you have been afforded a transformative opportunity to be a leader on national and international stages and to make the Wharton community even prouder of our school and values.However, we have been deeply disappointed in your candidacy.We, proud students, alumni, and faculty of Wharton, are outraged that an affiliation with our school is being used to legitimize prejudice and intolerance. Although we do not aim to make any political endorsements with this letter, we do express our unequivocal stance against the xenophobia, sexism, racism, and other forms of bigotry that you have actively and implicitly endorsed in your campaign. The Wharton community is a diverse community. We are immigrants and children of immigrants, people of color, Muslims, Jews, women, people living with or caring for those with disabilities, and members of the LGBTQ community. In other words, we represent the groups that you have repeatedly denigrated, as well as their steadfast friends, family, and allies.We recognize that we are fortunate to be educated at Wharton, and we are committed to using our opportunity to make America and the world a better place for everyone. We are dedicated to promoting inclusion not only because diversity and tolerance have been repeatedly proven to be valuable assets to any organization s performance, but also because we believe in mutual respect and human dignity as deeply held values. Your insistence on exclusion and scapegoating would be bad for business and bad for the American economy. An intolerant America is a less productive, less innovative, and less competitive America.We, the undersigned Wharton students, alumni, and faculty, unequivocally reject the use of your education at Wharton as a platform for promoting prejudice and intolerance. Your discriminatory statements are incompatible with the values that we are taught and we teach at Wharton, and we express our unwavering commitment to an open and inclusive American society.In addition, the authors of the letter spoke to NBC about their decision to write it. It was important for us to speak out against Trump because, as we have seen in many moments throughout history, silence is an act of complicity. This open letter speaks on behalf of Wharton students, alumni and faculty who wish to speak out against hate and stand in solidarity with all members of our diverse community both at Wharton and across America. In short, Donald Trump just received a giant middle finger from the school and it s a safe bet that past faculty regret that he was ever allowed to step foot in their classrooms. Because every time Trump opens his mouth he makes it hard to believe that he could have ever actually earned a degree anywhere in the first place.Featured Image: Mark Lyons/Getty Images;July 9, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Togo opposition calls for president to quit as protests mount;LOME (Reuters) - Togo s opposition chief called on Wednesday for the immediate resignation of President Faure Gnassingbe, the current head of a half century-old political dynasty, rejecting a government move to introduce term limits as protests gained momentum. Tens of thousands of protesters clad in red, orange and pink - the colors of Togo s opposition parties - marched through the streets of the capital Lome as security forces looked on, a Reuters witness said. Some carried banners bearing slogans including Free Togo and Faure resign . Gnassingbe has ruled the West African nation since his father died in 2005 after 38 years in power. The late President Gnassingbe Eyadema passed a law in 1992 limiting the president to two terms in power, only to scrap it a decade later. Togo s cabinet on Tuesday adopted a draft bill to bring back the term limits, the government announced in a statement. But the decision did little to satisfy an increasingly rejuvenated opposition. Speaking before a crowd of thousands of protesters in central Lome, Jean-Pierre Fabre, the head of the main ANC opposition party, said: We will march again tomorrow. Faure should talk to us about the conditions for his departure. The (draft) law on mandates comes too late. Residents said similar protests were underway in Sokode, 340 km (210 miles) north of the coastal capital, as well as several other towns. A number of long-serving African rulers, notably in Rwanda, Burundi and Burkina Faso, have moved to drop term limits in recent years in order to remain in power. In some cases this has sparked strong opposition that has led to violent unrest. However, unlike marches last month during which at least two protesters were killed by security forces, there was no sign of violence by early afternoon on Wednesday. Togo, which aspires to become an African Dubai and hosts the headquarters of pan-African lender Ecobank and other major firms, has a history of repression. Around 500 people were killed during protests against the current leader s 2005 poll victory. But the move to reintroduce a two-term limit could represent an important volte-face by the president, whose government in 2015 voted against the introduction of regional term limits across the ECOWAS 15-nation zone which he currently chairs. (I) deplore the serious incidents in Sokode and Lome during the protests of 19 August and call upon the people to exercise calm, serenity and moderation, Gnassingbe said in a statement released on Wednesday. He also pledged to improve living conditions in the country of nearly 8 million people. It was not immediately known when the bill approved by the cabinet will be presented to parliament. Nor was it clear how the proposed change to article 59 of the constitution would affect Gnassingbe, who is now serving a third mandate which ends in 2020. Government critics accused authorities of cutting mobile internet access on Wednesday in a move they said mirrored cuts imposed by other African incumbents, such as Gabon s Ali Bongo, to control criticism at sensitive times. However, the main internet gateway remained operational according to Dyn which monitors global internet traffic. A government official could not immediately be reached for comment.;September 6, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: We'll buy arms from Russia, Philippines' Duterte tells Putin;DANANG, Vietnam (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte thanked Moscow on Friday for its timely assistance in defeating pro-Islamic State militants who took over a southern city for months, expressing his willingness to buy Russian weapons. Duterte last month declared the liberation of Marawi City from Islamist militants after 154 days of fighting, which killed more than 1,100 people, including 165 soldiers, and displaced nearly 400,000 residents. I want to build a strong armed forces and a strong police and the reason is very important for you to know that we are eyeing - we are buying arms from Russia this time, Duterte told Russian President Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Vietnam. The Philippines was to buy more than 20,000 assault rifles from the United States, but some senators, concerned with Duterte s human rights record and rising killings, blocked that sale. But China and Russia, whose relations with the Philippines have vastly improved in recent months, donated a total of 11,000 assault rifles and trucks. Your timely assistance to my country helped us replenish the old arms and the spent bores that were fired repeatedly and we have a new stock, he said, in transcripts sent to Manila by the presidential communications office. Manila and Moscow signed a military deal on logistics, including a contract with a state-owned company for the supply of equipment, during the first-ever visit by a Russian defense minister to the Philippines last month. The Philippines will have a 125 billion pesos ($2.44 billion) fund to modernize the military from 2018 to 2022 through a multi-year congressional allocation to upgrade its hardware, a senior military official told Reuters. We are looking at helicopters, small arms and equipment for humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations, but we are still discussing the specifics, said the same military official who declined to be named because he was not authorized to talk to the press. We still prefer U.S. and Western equipment but they are very expensive. If the Russians and Chinese equipment can be comparable in quality, then they can be excellent alternatives.;November 10, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Federal judges order North Carolina to redraw legislative districts;WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (Reuters) - A U.S. federal court on Tuesday set a March 15 deadline for North Carolina state lawmakers to redraw legislative districts found to be racially “gerrymandered,” and ordered a new round of elections by next November for the 28 seats at stake. In August, the same special three-judge panel ruled that nine state Senate districts and 19 state House districts, as carved out in a plan adopted by the Republican-controlled legislature in 2011, were unconstitutional. The panel had told North Carolina’s legislature to start revamping its political maps immediately, but left the existing boundaries intact for the Nov. 8 state elections, because of time constraints. “While special elections have costs, those costs pale in comparison to the injury caused by allowing citizens to continue to be represented by legislators elected pursuant to a racial gerrymander,” the panel wrote in its seven-page order on Tuesday. North Carolina has already appealed the August ruling to the U.S. Supreme Court, which has yet to act. Republicans also vowed to appeal Tuesday’s ruling, handed down by two U.S. district judges and one circuit judge. The ruling is a “politically motivated” abuse of judicial authority, said state Senator Bob Rucho and Representative David Lewis, the Republican chairmen of the House and Senate redistricting committees. If upheld, the court order “is a gross overreach that blatantly disregards the constitutional guarantee for voters to duly elect their legislators to biennial terms,” they said. Last year, the Southern Coalition for Social Justice challenged North Carolina’s latest political maps, saying legislative district lines were drawn in 2011 so as to dilute the state’s black vote and give Republicans an advantage. The three-judge panel that heard the case agreed, and Tuesday’s order, essentially an extension of its August opinion, was hailed by the North Carolina Democratic Party. A separate three-judge U.S. court panel ruled in a similar case a week ago that state assembly districts in Wisconsin, as redrawn by its Republican-led legislature, were unconstitutionally gerrymandered. Tuesday’s North Carolina ruling sets a deadline of March 15 for newly elected legislators to approve a redistricting plan that passes constitutional muster. It also requires the state to hold special primary and general elections in the late summer and fall of 2017 to fill those 28 House and Senate seats. Moreover, state lawmakers elected to any of the disputed General Assembly seats in 2016 will serve for just one year, instead of the normal two, the court ruled, a limit set for those elected next fall as well.;November 30, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Kurdish leaders reject Baghdad demand to cancel independence vote, renew dialogue offer;BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq s Kurdish leadership rejected on Sunday a demand by the Iraqi government that it cancels the outcome of an independence referendum as a precondition for talks to resolve the dispute. Kurdish leaders who met to discuss the crisis in the town of Dokan renewed their offer to resolve peacefully the crisis with Baghdad. The Kurdish parties are ready for talks between Erbil and Baghdad, they said in a statement, referring respectively to the seat of the semi-autonomous Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in northern Iraq and the federal capital of Iraq. The talks between Erbil and Baghdad should be under the supervision of international parties, the statement added. Among those at the meeting were KRG President Masoud Barzani, Iraqi President Fuad Masum a Kurd who holds a largely ceremonial position in the federal state and Hero Talabani, widow of Jalal Talabani, a Kurdish leader who died earlier this month. They rejected what they described as military threats from Iraqi forces against Kurdish Peshmerga fighters, and pledged to defend Kurdish-held territory in case of an attack. The KRG and the Shi ite-led central government in Baghdad have been at loggerheads since the Sept. 25 vote and its loud call for Kurdish independence. Tension between two parties has flared around the multi-ethnic oil city of Kirkuk, which Peshmerga forces took in 2014 when Iraqi security forces collapsed in the face of an Islamic State onslaught. The Peshmerga deployment prevented Kirkuk s oilfields from falling into jihadist hands.;October 15, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: The Secret Society That Ruined the World: Rhodes, Rothschild, Milner;IMAGE: Globalist scribe for the American branch of international order, Carol Quigley.Jay Dyer 21st Century WireIn this partial video, I continue my analysis of Quigley s later work, The Anglo American Establishment, following upon my lectures last year on the total 1300 pages of Tragedy and Hope. Here, we look deeper into the key players who make up the real Illuminati that successfully engineered the faux democracy of the modern world, run by a shadow banking-corporate empire.This is an addendum to the 8 lectures last year on the monumental Atlanticist apologetic Tragedy and Hope based on Quigley s other telling book, The Anglo-American Establishment. The first section is free, while subscribers gain access to full talks and lectures. The goals which Rhodes and Milner sought and the methods by which they hoped to achieve them were so similar by 1902 that the two are almost indistinguishable Both sought to unite the world, and above all the English-speaking world in a federal structure around Britain. Both felt that this goal could best be achieved by a secret band of men united to one another by devotion to the common cause and by personal loyalty to one another. Both felt that this band should pursue its goal by secret political and economic influence behind the scenes and by the control of journalistic, educational, and propaganda agencies. Quigley (Namely, the Liberal Imperium.)YouTube:Jay Dyer is the author of the best selling title, Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film from Trine Day. Focusing on film, philosophy, geopolitics and all things esoteric, JaysAnalysis and his podcast, Esoteric Hollywood, investigates the deeper meanings between the headlines, exploring the hidden aspects of our sinister synthetic mass media matrix.SUPPORT OUR WORK BY SUBSCRIBING & BECOMING A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV;September 20, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: OBAMA USES LABOR DAY TO HARM PRIVATE SECTOR WITH NEW EXECUTIVE ORDER Giving Government An Unfair Advantage With Workers;Barack Obama, champion of the taxpayer funded government employee. Destroyer of the private sector President Barack Obama on Monday ordered government contractors to offer their workers seven days of paid sick leave a year and, without naming them, knocked Republican presidential candidates for advocating what he said were anti-union policies.Obama signed an executive order on sick leave, which the White House said would affect some 300,000 people, during a flight to Boston, where he spoke at a union event.Starting in 2017, workers on government contracts will earn a minimum of one hour of paid sick leave for every 30 hours worked. Contractors can offer more generous amounts at their discretion.Speaking to a friendly crowd without a tie or jacket, Obama said such policies were beneficial to employers and said more worker friendly measures, such as paid maternity leave, were needed. Right now, we are the only advanced nation on Earth that does not guarantee paid maternity leave, he said. Now, for the men in the audience in particular, think about that. We wouldn t even go to work if we had to carry around somebody for nine months. The human race would evaporate, he said, drawing laughter and applause from the crowd.Unions and organized labor are a key constituent for the Democratic Party, and their support will be critical in the 2016 presidential election.Obama, who joked that he was glad not to be on the ballot next year, made thinly veiled references to Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie for anti-union remarks and policies. He did not name them by name. It s clear he stands with the big government union bosses while we stand with the people, Walker, during a campaign stop in New Hampshire, said in response to the president.The executive order follows a series of measures by the White House to expand access to paid leave. In January, Obama issued a presidential memorandum directing the government to advance up to six weeks of paid sick leave for the birth or adoption of a child, or for other sick leave-eligible uses.Obama is also pressing Congress to pass legislation giving government employees six additional weeks of paid parental leave. Labor Secretary Thomas Perez said he could not say what the cost of implementing the seven-day paid leave rule would be to contractors. We believe the cost of implementing this rule is offset by the efficiencies that come with reduced attrition, increased loyalty, all of those things that have been documented in a number of studies of state laws that have been enacted, Perez told reporters on a conference call on Sunday.Obama also used the trip to Boston to renew his call for Congress to pass the Healthy Families Act, which would require all businesses with 15 or more employees to offer up to seven paid sick days each year.According to the White House, an estimated 44 million private-sector workers, about 40 percent of the total private-sector workforce, do not have access to paid sick leave. Via: Reuters;Sep 7, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump, UK's May talk Middle East peace - White House;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump and British Prime Minister Theresa May talked about ways to move towards peace in the Middle East in a phone call on Tuesday, the White House said. The president and Prime Minister discussed next steps in forging peace in the Middle East, the White House said in a brief statement that made no mention of Trump s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel s capital. Both leaders also emphasized the urgency of addressing the humanitarian crisis in Yemen. Trump also congratulated May on the decision by European Union leaders to move to the second phase of the Brexit negotiations, the White House said. ;December 19, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Did Anonymous Just Release Records PROVING Ted Cruz Ordered Prostitutes Through DC Madam? (SCREENSHOTS);Right-wing blogs are buzzing with what they view as absolute proof that Ted Cruz availed himself of the DC Madam s services while business was still booming on the elite prostitution front. Recently, Rachel Maddow reported that Deborah Palfrey s former attorney, Montgomery Blair Sibley, is ready to spill the beans on the previously-unreleased clients who were not outed as part of the original investigation. He has been in possession of these records for years, but has been prevented via restraining order from releasing them.Hundreds of names have been released, but Sibley is in possession of hundreds more and at least one of them, he says, could alter the 2016 presidential race. To date, he has not named the person or people who made an appearance in the records, but he is adamant about releasing them. Not only has the lawyer filed a request with the Supreme Court to be released from the order that prevents him from making this information public, but he has vowed to release it illegally if need be. He has also set up a dead man s switch that will release the information if something happens to him that prevents him from taking action for a period of 72 hours.Many have speculated that Ted Cruz is the name on the list, given the recent National Enquirer piece that outed five alleged Cruz mistresses including Donald Trump s current mouthpiece Katrina Pierson. Previously, Anonymous threatened to release evidence that Cruz frequented prostitutes and on April 1, an account that claimed to be associated with the hacktivist collective did indeed tweet out a now-deleted image purporting to show Cruz among the many, many phone numbers contacted by Palfrey.First, there is no evidence to show that the account is in any way related to Anonymous. Additionally, it seems as though this alleged phone record may be a fake. A closer look at the image shows a rather suspicious typo on the Date of invoice. Specifically, it is 120/01, a date which does not exist period.There s also the matter of the 1:32 call between 7:19 and 7:35 pm in a list that is otherwise chronological:While it is entirely possible that the records are accurate, and that the records simply contain typos, and while it is convenient and even appetizing to immediately say BOOM GOTCHA after viewing these records, it does not appear that these are legitimate. While there is almost certainly something slimy in the Evangelical Christian s past that will ultimately end him, this image (which was released on April Fools Day) is likely a fabrication that should be taken with the same grain of salt with which people should take everything conservatives say in general.What involvement, if any, did Cruz have with the DC Madam? It looks like we re still going to have to wait a while.Featured image via screengrab/photoshop;April 4, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: POPULAR CHRISTIAN AUTHOR EXPLAINS Why Christians MUST Vote For Trump…Even If He Isn’t The “Perfect” Candidate [VIDEO];The popular Christian author Eric Metaxas really puts things in perspective when he explains why sitting home in this election is not an option This question should hardly require an essay, but let s face it: We re living in strange times. America is in trouble.Over this past year many of Donald Trump s comments have made me almost literally hopping mad. The hot-mic comments from 2005 are especially horrifying. Can there be any question we should denounce them with flailing arms and screeching volume? I must not hang out in the right locker rooms, because if anyone I know said such things I might assault him physically (and repent later). So yes, many see these comments as a deal breaker.But we have a very knotty and larger problem. What if the other candidate also has deal breakers? Even a whole deplorable basketful? Suddenly things become horribly awkward. Would God want me simply not to vote? Is that a serious option?What if not pulling the lever for Mr. Trump effectively means electing someone who has actively enabled sexual predation in her husband before and while he was president? Won t God hold me responsible for that? What if she defended a man who raped a 12-year-old and in recalling the case laughed about getting away with it? Will I be excused from letting this person become president? What if she used her position as secretary of state to funnel hundreds of millions into her own foundation, much of it from nations that treat women and gay people worse than dogs? Since these things are true, can I escape responsibility for them by simply not voting?Many say they won t vote because choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil. But this is sophistry. Neither candidate is pure evil. They are human beings. We cannot escape the uncomfortable obligation to soberly choose between them. Not voting or voting for a third candidate who cannot win is a rationalization designed more than anything to assuage our consciences. Yet people in America and abroad depend on voters to make this very difficult choice.Children in the Middle East are forced to watch their fathers drowned in cages by ISIS. Kids in inner-city America are condemned to lives of poverty, hopelessness and increasing violence. Shall we sit on our hands and simply trust the least of these to God, as though that were our only option? Don t we have an obligation to them?For many of us, this is very painful, pulling the lever for someone many think odious. But please consider this: A vote for Donald Trump is not necessarily a vote for Donald Trump himself. It is a vote for those who will be affected by the results of this election. Not to vote is to vote. God will not hold us guiltless.For entire article: WSJMr. Metaxas, host of the nationally syndicated Eric Metaxas Show, is the author of If You Can Keep It: The Forgotten Promise of American Liberty (Viking, 2016).;Oct 15, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. environmental chief to recuse himself from court cases;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt has recused himself from several court cases that he pursued against the agency when he was Oklahoma attorney general, according to a recusal statement. Pruitt, who had sued the environmental agency more than a dozen times when he was the oil- and gas-producing state’s top legal officer, had pledged during his Senate confirmation that he would step aside from ongoing cases if the agency’s ethics panel required it. Environmental groups have contended that his litigation as Oklahoma attorney general may have been influenced by energy companies and industry groups that contributed to his election campaigns. “This recusal statement addresses all of my ethics obligations,” Pruitt said in the four-page statement, which was dated May 4. It was first reported by the E&E News website, which obtained the statement under the Freedom of Information Act. Pruitt said he would not participate for one year after his Senate confirmation in matters involving four parties. They include Oklahoma and the Rule of Law Defense Fund, a public policy group involving Republican attorneys general that targeted environmental rules. Pruitt also recused himself from a dozen pending cases involving the EPA. They include lawsuits over the Clean Power Plan and cases in both federal appeals and district courts over the Clean Water Act, which expanded the number of federally protected waterways. Republican President Donald Trump signed an order in March undoing the Clean Power Plan and other climate change rules that had been imposed by his predecessor, Democratic President Barack Obama.;May 6, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Sean Spicer Has INSANE MELTDOWN, Gets Hostile With Reporters In Off-Camera Briefing (DETAILS);White House press secretary Sean Spicer has been known for losing his sh*t, just like his boss Donald Trump and in an off-camera news briefing on Monday, Spicer had a Trump-sized meltdown as he tried to defend the disgraceful POTUS from his self-created wiretapping debacle.PBS News Hour caught Spicer railing against the media on a live audio stream, capturing Spicer taking a particularly hostile and defensive attitude with reporters as they asked questions about Trump s unverified claims that former President Barack Obama had somehow tapped his phones at the Trump Tower.At the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), Trump had blasted the media for using anonymous sources (even though he often does), and even suggested that the media shouldn t be allowed to cite anonymous sources. Reporters asked Spicer about Trump s anti-media comments at the CPAC, but this quickly launched into a discussion about Trump s recent accusations against Obama, as well as inquiries about what evidence Trump had to back this up. Spicer responded: People start taking things as fact because a series of off-the-record and anonymous sources We have started to become a series of believing all these stories, and yet, I ve addressed this in the past, there s nothing there to substantiate. At some point, I would ask people to take on-the-record sources and quotes as important as the countless numbers of anonymous, off-the records. As things heated up, one reporter asked for the source that Trump had gotten his information from regarding the wiretapping. The reporter asked: So, explain this to me then. You re talking about not using anonymous sources what is, then, the sourcing of the president s tweet on Saturday? Does he believe it s a FISA warrant? That s when poor Spicey lost it. As more reporters tried to join the conversation, the WH press secretary snapped and said: There s no cameras. You can slow it down. And of course, just like the hypocrite he is, Spicer couldn t provide a non-anonymous source. He simply said that reports are out there from individuals and sources. Understandably, the reporters wanted more of an answer so they continues to press Spicer. This caused him to fire back again as he said: You re not on camera. You don t need to jump in. You can watch Spicer lost his temper over some straightforward, simple questions below:Featured image via Aaron P. Bernstein / Getty Images;March 6, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Stuck on Stupid: Why is America Starting WW3?;"SARTRE 21st Century WireEvery day the world moves closer to a nuclear winter. The finger on the trigger presses upon the button and only a slight movement will launch unthinkable destruction.The point that it is so unthinkable yet so close to happening is caused by the overwhelming denial that Americans have towards the real nature of international brinksmanship. The United State foreign policy for global dominance cannot be defended as a righteous imperative. Those who naively believe that NATO occupies the high moral ground are just as confused as the dupes that cheer the dough boys or the GI s in the previous two world wars.The difference in the coming end of days is not that the foolish deployments and menacing circumstances are not known, but that the ultimate consequences and inevitable desolation is simply ignored. When a nation is oblivious to the lessons of history and the reality of insane actions, a rational foreign policy becomes the first causality of national security.Evaluate the titanic failures in the Middle East; Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Turkey, Yemen are well documented as benefiting only a greater Israel, a stronger Iran and a more bellicose Saudi Arabia.Yet the major confrontation with Russia over the Syrian civil war has raised the stakes to Armageddon proportions. Of course the international press wants to avoid any serious discussion on the basis of the so called authority that the United States has to bomb the Syrian government back to the Stone Age or even more important to deflect that Russia was invited into the conflict by the President of Syria, Bashar al-Assad. Perpetual warfare without declaring a constitutional war has become the norm in the post World War II environment. No doubt, there will never be a Congressional declaration before the ICBM birds fly. WWIII is closer to occurring than ever before.Don t be sucked into the military-industrial-complex mindset that Russia is the belligerent behind the coming cataclysm. Remember the actual facts about the coup and who was behind the removal of Viktor Yanukovych in Ukraine. Read between the lines in this Washington Post report: Ousted Ukraine president warns of civil war, criticizes U.S. for aiding current government. Yanukovych, who read from a statement in Russian and did not take questions, accused the West and the United States of backing fascists in Ukraine another regular allegation being made by Russian authorities. There is a gang of ultranationalists and fascists operating the government, he said. I would like to ask those who cover for these dark forces in the West: Are you blind? Have you forgotten what fascism is? Do you recall that NATO is encircling Russia with an unprecedented military buildup? Romanian minister: US anti-missile interceptors will be deployed in 2015, and Lithuania aims to spend $115m on air-defense system amid NATO build-up in Eastern Europe and Deployment of U.S. Missiles in Poland Anti-Russian Move are just a few examples of NATO s expansion into Eastern Europe with the distinct intention of bringing Russia into the globalist New World Order sphere of domination.( ) Is this the end results from Obama Firing of Military Reminiscent of Stalin s Purge or is it a change in military doctrine to employ the George Armstrong Custer battlefield strategy, when taking on the Ruskies? At least Field Marshal Paulus surrendered at Stalingrad. Sounds like Milley will be directing his troops from an undisclosed bunker, while the rest of us incinerate.If you are still in doubt that the supreme lunacy is upon us, read the detailed explanation about the 8 Alarming Warning Signs That Indicate War With Russia Could Be Imminent.The brick need not be shattered into an irreversible carnage. But before levelheaded minds can revamp the tensions from failed policies, one needs to understand just what this confrontation is all about. Can the simple minds of a dumb down society face up to reality or are they satisfied to die in a contrived holocaust because the globalist controlled State Department are packed with Zionist NeoCons, who are quite willing to endure World War III to destroy Western Civilization?Mark 8:18 states it clearly: Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not? and do ye not remember?Obviously, the public does not see the deception, nor are they able to perceive the falsehoods from the media propaganda, and they certainly do not remember the real nature of the diabolic enemy behind the globalist plan for destroying any nation that opposes capitulation and integration into the New World Order.Being absorbed into the coordinated assault on Donald Trump, the entire establishment exposes itself to be the obedient enablers of the globalist cabal, hell bent on eradicating any opposition to their rule. If you have not already read, National Referendum on the Globalist Establishment, please do.Once this staged and rigged theater is over the end result will cast the forces of oppression against the populist sentiment to become independent and sovereign. The military will not be lead by the mythical Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper concerned about maintaining the national precious bodily fluids, but will be commanded by modern day Air Marshal Arthur Harris, who was as much a war criminal as any NAZI SS fanatic.Humanity is systemically stupid. People simply cannot bring themselves to admit that their society is ruled by dedicated demonic sociopaths. Challenging Russia on the field of war is about as mad as the very MAD strategic nuclear doctrine that the real Dr, Strangelove, Robert McNamara pushed to the threshold of annihilation.The single most compelling certainty is that Russia has always built their foreign policy around an extensive civil defense network that protects millions of their population. The United States has left exposed their entire civilian population as a conscious decision that millions would inevitably be killed in a full exchange of hydrogen bomb weapons.Stable, cogent and balanced individuals know these conclusions are true. Regrettably, none of us are in the loop of influencing policy, much less in positions of authority to reverse the unwarranted confrontation with Russia.General George S. Patton was correct in advocating deposing Stalin and the evil Soviet Union at the end of WWII, but the circumstances are reversed today. Since the end of those international finance inspired hostilities, the American empire has pursued a crusade to do the bidding of the NWO banksters cartel of imperialists.Vladimir Putin Nemesis of the New World Order is the overriding motivation for invoking an absurd cause that can only lead to the unthinkable. The fact that this outcome has now become conceivable if not alluring, illustrates the delusional disease that has taken over the establishment that operates in a fantasy existence of computer simulations and probabilities assessments.The military planning scenarios played by the Pentagon are infinitely more deadly than playing with the WOPR (War Operation Plan Response) computer in War Games. President Obama, Secretary of State Kerry and an aspiring President Hillary Clinton are certifiably insane to set into motion a warmongering conflict that threatens all of humanity.The American people are being held hostage to a globalism of destruction. Any country resisting the worldwide monopoly of elite s dominion must be conquered or destroyed. The United States has already been captured. Now it is time to obliterate both Russia and America to complete the final conquest.Subscription sign-up for the BATR RealPolitik NewsletterDiscuss or comment about this essay on the BATR ForumREAD MORE WWIII NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire WWIII FilesSUPPORT OUR WORK BY SUBSCRIBING & BECOMING A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV";October 11, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WOW! STARBUCKS CEO JUST ACCUSED Whites Of Committing Senseless Violence Against “people who are not white”…And He’s Getting DESTROYED On Social Media;"Thousands of Starbucks customers cut up their gold cards and boycotted their favorite coffee spot after Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz stuck his foot in his mouth, when he defended immigration of unvetted Muslims from terror hotbed nations to the US. Schultz was hammered on social media after offering to hire Syrian immigrants before Americans to prove his point about how inclusive he is.Well, it appears as though the arrogant leftist CEO of Starbucks has done it again. Howard Schultz tweeted from the Starbucks account: I know we re better than this. The bigotry, hatred, and senseless violence against people who are not white cannot stand. Howard Schultz ""I know we're better than this. The bigotry, hatred, and senseless violence against people who are not white cannot stand. Howard Schultz pic.twitter.com/JWpOmIV0H0 Starbucks Coffee (@Starbucks) August 16, 2017Who is we re Howard? Who exactly are you calling racists or bigots? Who has actually been committing the violence at pro-Trump and pro-freedom of speech rallies across America?Maybe it s these guys?Maybe he was referring to this white guy punching this black guy because he s supporting our president or because he s holding an American flag:Oops! Never mind that s a black guy punching a white guy.So tell us again Howard, what was it again you wanted your customers to know about violence against people who are not white?Here are just a few responses Schultz s ignorant and offensive tweet provoked:Howard Shultz violence against ANYONE can not stand! Anything less inclusive is bigotry. Anna-May Smith (@AnnaMaySmith1) August 17, 2017""against people who are not white cannot stand. Implies only whites are to blame. It is about a specific group, no backpeddaling. Michael (@wouldabeen) August 17, 2017Violence against whites is okay. No one cares about whites, they are just trash. White lives DON'T matter. So says Howard Schultz. Captain Skywarn (@n0jaa) August 17, 2017";Aug 20, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Key U.S. House committee approves healthcare bill, vote set for Thursday;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House Rules committee approved a Republican healthcare bill late on Wednesday night, a procedural hurdle cleared ahead of a planned vote on Thursday on the legislation by the entire chamber. The bill would roll back the 2010 Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare, while keeping in place some key provisions and creating an $8 billion fund to cover costs for those with pre-existing conditions who would face higher costs under the new system.;May 4, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WATCH: CIA Operative Resigns In Disgust, Torches ‘Delusional’ Trump in EPIC Rant;The people who actually know what is at stake when it comes to national security under a Trump administration are not happy at all. That would be the likely reason for the unprecedented number of leaks coming from within the government regarding the Trump White House and the activities therein. One such person is long time CIA Operative and National Security Council Spokesman Edward Price.Price wrote an absolutely scathing indictment of Trump in the Washington Post regarding his inability to continue to work in the intelligence community with Trump as Commander-in-Chief, and even put out a video revealing what he thinks of the person currently leading the nation as well. While noting that he has been proudly serving his country for years regardless of which party controlled the White House, Price noted how Trump s issues go beyond anything he has seen before and could ever tolerate: I watched in disbelief when, during the third presidential debate, Trump casually cast doubt on the high-confidence conclusion of our 17 intelligence agencies, released that month, that Russia was behind the hacking and release of election-related emails. On the campaign trail and even as president-elect, Trump routinely referred to the flawed 2002 assessment of Iraq s weapons programs as proof that the CIA couldn t be trusted even though the intelligence community had long ago held itself to account for those mistakes and Trump himself supported the invasion of Iraq. Price then went on to go all in on Trump s disgraceful comments in front of the CIA Memorial Wall, where he should have been there to thank the intelligence community s officers for keeping us safe, and to honor those who so bravely did in the line of duty in service to all of us. Instead, Trump relitigated his election victory, and boasted about crowd sizes and criticized the press. Price says of that event: Trump s actions in office have been even more disturbing. His visit to CIA headquarters on his first full day in office, an overture designed to repair relations, was undone by his ego and bluster. Standing in front of a memorial to the CIA s fallen officers, he seemed to be addressing the cameras and reporters in the room, rather than the agency personnel in front of them, bragging about his inauguration crowd the previous day. Whether delusional or deceitful, these were not the remarks many of my former colleagues and I wanted to hear from our new commander in chief. Finally, Price gives us the straw that really broke the camel s back for him, the way Trump elevated white supremacist Steve Bannon on the NSC:The final straw came late last month, when the White House issued a directive reorganizing the National Security Council, on whose staff I served from 2014 until earlier this year. Missing from the NSC s principals committee were the CIA director and the director of national intelligence. Added to the roster: the president s chief strategist, Stephen K. Bannon, who cut his teeth as a media champion of white nationalism. It is great to see good patriots like Edward Price coming out so bravely and saying what needs to be said: That Trump is unfit to be president, and is making dangerous and reckless decisions as Commander-in-Chief. We can only hope that there is some mechanism in place for these good people to be able to refuse reckless orders from this clearly mentally ill narcissist who belongs in the nut house rather than in the White House.Watch Edward Price scorch Trump in absolutely epic form below:Featured image via video screen capture;February 21, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Caitlyn Jenner Said Something About Trump That Will Make You Hate Her Even More;When Caitlyn Jenner first announced that she was going to embrace her true self, the LGBT community was behind her and with good reason. The former olympic athlete and longtime motivational speaker had the opportunity to be an amazing spokesperson for the transgender community but then she screwed it up. Instead of supporting her new community by condemning the Republican Party s bigotry, she has stood firm and refused to acknowledge it. Now, she has dug herself a hole that it seems like she may never get out of.Last week on the season premiere of I Am Cait, Jenner said that Republican men have never been anti-LGBT and are for everyone s rights. We pointed out how ignorant a statement that was on Monday. But it seems that she wasn t done being a dumbass, because on the previews for the next episode she said this about Donald Trump: Um, I m not a big fan because, I think, of his macho attitude. I think he would have a hard time with women when he doesn t even realize it It doesn t mean he wouldn t be good for women s issues, I think he would be very good for women s issues.I don t think he s out there to destroy women or takes things away or do any of that kind of stuff. Jenner is so out-of-touch with reality, it s almost sad. Donald Trump would be absolutely horrible for women s issues. He was once pro-choice, but now he s not. He insults women all the time. He doesn t support marriage equality. And he s just an all around horrible human being.Meanwhile, in the same clip she called Hillary a, f*cking liar. She s literally supporting a guy who Politifact has found to be dishonest seventy-six percent of the time, but has the audacity to call Clinton a liar. Her ignorance is breathtaking and it s really no wonder the LGBT community wants nothing to do with her anymore. With friends like Jenner, they don t need enemies like Trump.Watch:Featured image via video screenshot;March 13, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump BANS Campaign Volunteers From Talking About Him FOREVER;Campaign volunteers are key to a winning presidential campaign. Unpaid supporters are the most solid of true believers in a politician, and most campaigns would do anything to attract them and get them doing the grunt work that wins elections.Not Donald Trump.His so-called ground game of volunteers in swing states has been slow to catch-up with Hillary Clinton s massive operation that have been working to register voters and get them to the polls since before the primaries began last winter.But another reason Trump is behind the curve may be his own ego. It has come to light that as part of volunteering for Trump s 2016 presidential campaign, volunteers must sign an unusual non-disclosure agreement document that bars them from ever speaking about him:The Enquirer reports that the agreement is a required part of the sign-up process for Trump Red Dialer, an online call system that connects volunteers for the Republican presidential candidate with potential voters, and that a spokesman dodged a question about why they re necessary. We are running a state-of-the-art campaign for Mr. Trump that involves best-in-market volunteer platforms, and it is attracting thousands of volunteers who are tired of the same old Washington corruption and back room deals and are securing votes for a change in November, Trump Ohio spokesman Seth Unger said.The contract specifies that volunteers could face financial damages if they violate the agreement by speaking about Trump. Similar agreements have been discussed before in the campaign, as one was apparently signed by former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski. The extremely expansive terms of the agreement led to him losing a book deal, and he actually could face a major lawsuit as another former campaign staffer did, later settled if he even criticized the campaign as part of his work as a commentator at CNN.ThinkProgress reports that by comparison, the Clinton campaign doesn t require anyone to sign anything before working for the campaign as a phone banker. Sounds like they want to win, instead of stroking the candidate s ego.Featured image via Wikimedia Commons;September 1, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Factbox: Trump on Twitter (Sept 22) - North Korea, Ads on Facebook, Luther Strange;The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump and @POTUS. The opinions expressed are his own. Reuters has not edited the statements or confirmed their accuracy. @realDonaldTrump : - Rand Paul, or whoever votes against Hcare Bill, will forever (future political campaigns) be known as “the Republican who saved ObamaCare.” [0619 EDT] - Kim Jong Un of North Korea, who is obviously a madman who doesn’t mind starving or killing his people, will be tested like never before! [0628 EDT] - The Russia hoax continues, now it’s ads on Facebook. What about the totally biased and dishonest Media coverage in favor of Crooked Hillary? [0644 EDT] - The greatest influence over our election was the Fake News Media “screaming” for Crooked Hillary Clinton. Next, she was a bad candidate! [0726 EDT] - Will be in Alabama tonight. Luther Strange has gained mightily since my endorsement, but will be very close. He loves Alabama, and so do I! [0739 EDT] -- Source link: (bit.ly/2jBh4LU) (bit.ly/2jpEXYR);September 22, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Keith Olbermann to Betsy DeVos: “The Hurricane is Going to Do Less Damage to Schools Than You Are, Motherf*cker”;The lefty lunatic of the day just can t keep himself from being hateful and disgusting. It doesn t matter that he s calling a lady a mother*cker . The vitriol is disgusting and has no place in ANY media outlet. Potty talk is for crybabies Keith Olbermann is a BIG one!The hatefulness coming from the left never ends If it s not Maxine Waters then it s DNC Chair Tom Perez with his potty mouth. Does the left think this will attract people to their party? They must Check out what Perez said about Republicans: OUR PREVIOUS REPORT ON DNC CHAIR TOM PEREZ: Republicans don t give a sh*t about people DNC Chair Tom Perez was on MSNBC (video below) to answer to critics who didn t like his nasty speech last week.He appeared at an event held by New Jersey Working Families Alliance, a re-branded ACORN agency and gave a hateful and divisive speech. He claimed that, Republicans don t give a sh*t about people . Why the Democrats picked this far left radical is puzzling unless the Democrats plan on going full commie Perez is connected to the radical open borders group La Raza. Something tells us that Obama made this pick for the Democrats. Check out a defiant Perez doubling down on is nastiness:OUR PREVIOUS REPORT AND VIDEO BELOW:Perez has a long radical history connected to La Raza and other open borders organizations. His track record is full on radical. e s in cahoots with Obama to continue the fundamental transformation of America. Anyone who s a Democrat should be shocked that he s taking the party in such a far left direction. Do your research and you ll know why he was the choice for Dem Chair.He just fired all Democrat Party staffers and is bringing in all new people. The party is clearly taking a new direction and it s not a good one for any American. DONALD TRUMP DIDN T WIN WATCH ENTIRE VIDEO: Republicans don t give a sh*t about people ;Aug 26, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Canada's Trudeau broke ethics rules with visit to Aga Khan island;OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau broke some conflict of interest rules when he accepted a vacation last year on the Aga Khan s private island, the ethics watchdog said on Wednesday, the first time a prime minister has been found to have committed such a transgression. While the finding could tarnish Trudeau s popularity half-way into his mandate, he does not face any penalties. Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner Mary Dawson said Trudeau contravened a rule on gifts when he accepted the use of the island in March and December 2016, while there were ongoing official dealings with the Aga Khan and the Aga Khan Foundation Canada was registered to lobby Trudeau s office. The vacations accepted by Mr. Trudeau or his family could reasonably be seen to have been given to influence Mr. Trudeau in his capacity as Prime Minister, Dawson said. While Trudeau says the Aga Khan is a family friend, Dawson found the exception for gifts from friends did not apply. Trudeau said he accepted her report and would clear future vacations with the watchdog. I take full responsibility for it. We need to make sure that the office of the prime minister is without reproach, Trudeau said. Trudeau and his family vacationed on the island during the holidays in late December 2016 into January this year. Members of his family visited in March 2016. Trudeau has come under fire from the opposition, who have said the luxury Bahamas vacation was inappropriate and showed the Liberal government is out of touch with average Canadians. The opposition has also accused Finance Minister Bill Morneau of being in a conflict of interest for not putting his assets in a blind trust. He has since said he will do so and has divested his stock in his family business. Trudeau says he has known the Aga Khan, Prince Shah Karim Al Husseini, since childhood. The Aga Khan, the title held by the leader of the Ismaili branch of Shi ite Islam, was a pallbearer at the funeral of Justin s father, former Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau. Trudeau also contravened the rules when he and his family traveled in the Aga Khan s private helicopter last December and when his family traveled on a non-commercial aircraft chartered by the Aga Khan in March 2016, Dawson said. However, she found no evidence Trudeau discussed any parliamentary business with the Aga Khan or his representatives, or participated in any related debates or votes.;December 20, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WIKILEAKS BOMBSHELL RELEASE: #Unfit Hillary’s Advisors Contacted NFL Commissioner For Advice On “Cracked Head” [VIDEO];Hillary Clinton adviser Philippe Reines at the State Department contacted the NFL Commissioner in 2012 to inquire about severe head injuries.Hillary Clinton thanked Reines and added, Having a cracked head is no fun at all. The email was sent on December 24, 2012. GPAfter being gone for a month due to illness, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton returned to work on January 7 to cheers and gifts.Clinton who first went on leave for a stomach virus, was delayed on her return when she fell resulting in a concussion, before being hospitalized for a blood clot according the Associated Press via The Christian Science Monitor.Watch the State Department cover for #Unfit Hillary here. It s all fun and games until a crooked candidate with poor health runs for the highest office in our nation.;Aug 23, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Here’s The Master List Of Reasons Why Trump Would Be The Worst President EVER (CITATIONS);"We know Trump is a sexual predator. We know he s racist. We know he welches on contracts. We know he flies off the handle at the slightest hint of an insult. We know his foreign policy will get us into war with the entire planet, and his other policy positions are as solid as fresh Jell-O; all of which could destroy us even without a war. We know he lies about pretty much everything. Yet, for inexplicable reasons, people still support him, and that s incredibly maddening.However, many people don t know what to say when a Trump supporter says, Why shouldn t I vote for him? Hillary s the devil! Hillary Derangement Syndrome isn t a good enough reason to vote for Trump, though, especially since there s no proof of all those accusations of crimes, whatever the right-wing We just KNOW she s a criminal! crowd says. Here s a long list of reasons why Trump has neither the mentality, nor the temperament, to be President.Trump denied housing to black people and lied to black applicants about apartment availability in violation of the Fair Housing Act.He stereotyped black people as welfare recipients by complaining that the government was trying to force him to rent to welfare recipients in the wake of this scandal.Casino bosses felt compelled to order black people off the floors when Donald and Ivana would visit.Trump ran smear campaigns against the Central Park Five, a group consisting of four black males and one Latino male, who were sent to prison for a brutal rape they didn t commit. He still smears them.Trump actually said, Black guys counting my money! I hate it, and I think that the guy is lazy. It s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is. He wanted The Apprentice: White People vs. Black People .He was a major player in the birther lies about President Obama, including claiming Obama was a secret Muslim. He believes well-educated black people have advantages over well-educated white people in the jobs market.He said that Obama hadn t been very good for the thugs who are so happily and openly destroying Baltimore. He openly praised some of his supporters for beating up a Black Lives Matter protester at one of his rallies.He said black people live in poverty, with terrible schools, and then asked them what they had to lose voting for him.He called Mexicans criminals and rapists. He denigrated Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who s presiding over one of the Trump U. cases, saying his Mexican heritage meant he was biased against Trump.He said Mexicans and other immigrants were killers and rapists.He accused Mexico of sending their bad people up to us to deal with.In response to questions about these comments, he said, Well, somebody s doing the raping, Don! I mean somebody s doing it! Who s doing the raping? Who s doing the raping? He made a very similar comment about Muslims about 9/11: Well, somebody s blowing us up. Somebody s blowing up buildings, and somebody s doing lots of bad stuff. He said I love Hispanics! in a tweet of himself eating from a taco bowl in Trump Tower (this is like eating a watermelon or fried chicken and saying, I love black people! ).He called supporters who beat up a homeless Hispanic man passionate. He lied about Native Americans having a well-documented history of criminal activity to stop them from building a casino that would compete with his casinos in Atlantic City.He told the House Native American Affairs Subcomittee that the Mashantucket Pequot Nation, a Native American community in Connecticut near where he wanted to open a casino don t look like Indians to me. They don t look like Indians to Indians. He s repeatedly called Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who has Cherokee ancestry, Pocahontas. He s told Jews that he s a negotiator, just like them, and doubled down on that stereotype that Jews control the world s business dealings by saying, Is there anyone who doesn t renegotiate deals in this room? He said Jews weren t going to support him because he doesn t want their money. They re going to want their own politician. He wanted to rent apartments only to Jews and executives. He tweeted an anti-Semitic picture of Hillary Clinton.He wants to ban all Muslims from entering the U.S., and force the Muslims already living here to register and wear some kind of ID.He said there s no choice but to close down mosques in the U.S.When attacking the Khans the Gold Star family who lost their son in Iraq and blasted him from the stage of the DNC he mocked both Khizr and his wife, Ghazala, for their culture by saying, If you look at his wife, she was standing there. She had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasn t allowed to have anything to say. You tell me. He will not condemn the white nationalists/supremacists that make up the core of his base, and claims not to know who some of them, like David Duke, are. He wants to punish women who get abortions.He d shut down the U.S. government if it would help get Planned Parenthood defunded.He believes sexual assault in the military is the inevitable result of putting men and women together.He believes pregnancy is an inconvenience to business.He believes that women who are sexually harassed at work should find another career. He even says his own daughter should do that.He bragged about sexually assaulting and harassing women with Billy Bush on a bus for Access Hollywood. The women who won on The Apprentice did so largely on their sex appeal.He openly talked about the size of his female contestants breasts and which ones he d like to have sex with, and wanted women he worked with on the show to wear shorter skirts and bare more cleavage.He asked the men on The Apprentice to rate the women there on their physical attributes.He s told women they wouldn t have their jobs if they weren t beautiful, and fired women for losing their looks.He painted women who won t sign pre-nups as calculating gold-diggers, and accused women in general of being nothing more than manipulators of men in his book, The Art of the Comeback.He believes women enable their husbands philandering (so Melania does, too, we suppose).He admitted to ogling Hillary Clinton during the 2nd general election debate, saying he wasn t impressed. He loves lines in movies that demean women, such as, Bitch, be quiet, from Pulp Fiction. He s joked that if Ivanka wasn t his daughter, he d be dating her.He s talked about Ivanka as a piece of ass. He told two 14-year old girls that he d be dating them in a couple of years.He said something similar about a 10-year old girl.He wasn t afraid to say that a 12-year old Paris Hilton was hot.He thinks walking into a dressing room full of undressed, underage girls is perfectly okay.He said that an 18-year old Lindsay Lohan is deeply troubled and therefore probably great in bed. How come the deeply troubled women, you know, deeply, deeply troubled, they re always the best in bed? He got into a months-long feud with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly because she dared to ask him about his sexism in the 1st GOP primary debate.He s stalked and harassed other female reporters who were negative about him.He said, Women, you have to treat em like shit. He pitched a show he wanted to call Lady or a Tramp? It was to be a reality show about out-of-control party girls, and whether they could be turned into ladies. He called a breastfeeding mother disgusting because she needed a break from a court deposition to pump her breasts.He has a history of calling women ugly, slobs, pigs, dogs, bimbos, Miss Piggy, and other misogynistic terms.He keeps claiming that polls show that he won the first two debates in landslides (the credible polls show nothing of the sort)He claimed he never told people to check out Alicia Machado s sex tape (he literally said check out [her] sex tape )He says Hillary has no childcare plan (it s been available for months)He said that Obama and Hillary are the founders of ISIS (no, not even close)He claimed to have sent investigators to Hawaii to investigate Obama s birth certificate, and said that they couldn t believe what they were finding (har de har har)He said that the NFL sent him a letter complaining about the debate schedule (the NFL stated they did no such thing)He claimed that Ted Cruz s father was seen with Lee Harvey Oswald when President John. F. Kennedy was shot (nobody has been able to corroborate this)He blasted the 2016 omnibus spending bill as funding a flood of undocumented immigrants (it strengthened border security)He ran an ad claiming to show Mexicans streaming across our border (the footage of people streaming across a border was actually from Morocco)He claimed thousands of Arabs in New Jersey were cheering in the streets as the Twin Towers fell (he s the only one who ever saw this)He keeps saying he can t release his tax returns because of an audit (the IRS says otherwise)He said he has a fiduciary duty to his businesses and his family to pay as little tax as possible (no such fiduciary duty exists since these are personal returns, not corporate returns)He claims it was Hillary who started the birther conspiracy (she didn t, here s who did)He says he never supported the war in Iraq (he said on Howard Stern s show that he supported it)He believes Tim Kaine oversaw a huge increase in undocumented immigration as governor of Virginia (such immigration was flat under Kaine)He claimed Hillary would print instant work permits for undocumented immigrants (they wouldn t be instant, and such permits would go to foreign graduate students already here legally)He claims NATO created a new terrorism division because of him (he had nothing to do with it)He said he saw a top secret video of Iranian officials offloading $400 million from an American plane (no such tape ever existed)He says Hillary filibustered away legislation that would have reformed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (the bill never even faced a cloture vote)He s said we ve got no system to vet refugees (we have an extensive system to vet them)He said that the wives and families of the 9/11 hijackers were sent back to Saudi Arabia two days before the attacks for safety (total baloney)He claimed that Trump University had an A rating from the Better Business Bureau (not really; it did once, but its final rating was a D-)He accused Ted Cruz of having a double passport (there s no such thing as a double passport, and Cruz renounced his Canadian citizenship in 2014)He said that Syrian Christians can t come into the U.S. (we have no religious test for refugees)He sued the Department of Justice for defamation after they sued him for violating the Fair Housing ActHe has threatened multiple outlets, including with lawsuits and even sent cease-and-desist letters, for making him look bad. Such outlets include:He threatened to sue Louisiana delegates for standing by Ted Cruz during the primaries.He also threatened to sue Ted Cruz over alleged voter fraud in Iowa after losing the primary there.He threatened to sue Cruz over a negative political ad.He wanted to sue Bill Maher after Maher bet $5 million for Trump to prove he wasn t the spawn of his mother having sex with an orangutan. He tried to sue reporter Timothy O Brien for questioning his wealth in a 2005 biography called TrumpNation. One of his advisors said, Every critic, every detractor, will have to bow down to President Trump. He vowed to get revenge on Republicans who turned their backs on him following the revelations that he s a sexual predator.He threatened to start a super-Pac in 2018 for the sole purpose of taking down both Ted Cruz and John Kasich for perceived slights during and after the primaries.He believes that his poll numbers are falling apart because of an international conspiracy involving Hillary, Democrats, banks, and the media, rather than because of anything he s done.He believes Hillary has corrupted the FBI so they would absolve her of wrongdoing in her email scandal.He believes that immigration officials are allowing undocumented immigrants into the country specifically to vote for Hillary.He thinks that Hillary conspired with the debate organizers to hold the first two debates on NFL game days, in an effort to ensure fewer people saw him on the debate stages.He believes that the entire election is rigged because Hillary isn t in prison, and has repeatedly threatened to jail her after he s elected.There s a strong possibility that his entire circus of a campaign is his revenge on a political class that s been laughing at him for 30 years.He repeatedly and viciously attacked a Gold Star family who angered him from the stage of the DNC.He said he wanted to hit other DNC speakers so hard, their heads will spin. He wants to open up libel laws after he s elected for the sole purpose of suing the press for saying bad things about him.The most well known scam is probably Trump University, in which students paid ever growing amounts to learn secrets that didn t exist from instructors that Trump didn t even know, despite his claims.He has funneled millions from his campaign to his own businesses, legally, but with clear intent to line his own pockets with campaign funds.He used Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection to insulate himself from the fallout of his failed business ventures. He claims he was just playing the game. He tried to force tenants on Central Park South out of their rent-controlled apartments so he could knock the building down and build expensive luxury condos.He used undocumented Polish immigrants to help build his signature Trump Tower, in New York. Part of the purpose of this was to avoid paying union pensions and other compensation.He had his father swoop in on one of his troubled Atlantic City casinos and buy $3.5 million worth of chips instead of getting a bank loan, which was a violation of New Jersey gaming laws.When he dabbled in the condo-hotel business, condo buyers often purchased from him because of his allegedly good name, and a belief that they d deal directly with him, only to find that he was barely involved.He has refused to pay his contractors, along with workers such as plumbers and even dishwashers, in his buildings. His excuses are along the lines of bad workmanship, but other employees admitted in court that some managers determined painters had already been paid enough, so he refused to pay any more.He bought up tons of his own books to drive their sales up.His non-profit organization, the Trump Foundation, can t legally solicit donations because it never filed the requisite paperwork through the State of New York. Records show that the foundation didn t always make the donations it claimed. It s also implicated in some of the donations to states attorneys general that were initiating investigations into him.His businesses have had business in Cuba, in one way or another, for at least the last 20 years, in violation of the embargo. He claims this isn t true.How anybody can vote for Trump, knowing all of this, is beyond the realm of sanity. Trump is an evil, disgusting liar of a piece of dirty pond scum. He has no business being anywhere near the White House. Ever.Featured image by Sarah Rice via Getty Images";October 18, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump vows to stay in race after lewd remarks surface;"(Editors Note: Attention language that may be offensive to some readers in paragraphs 22, 23, 24) By Emily Stephenson and Ginger Gibson NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - With his campaign in crisis, U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump vowed on Saturday to stay in the race despite calls from more than two dozen prominent Republicans for him to drop out following the release of a recording of him making lewd comments about women. Both Trump’s wife and his running mate criticized his words, saying they were insulting and indefensible. “The media and establishment want me out of the race so badly - I WILL NEVER DROP OUT OF THE RACE, WILL NEVER LET MY SUPPORTERS DOWN!” Trump wrote on Saturday afternoon on the social media website Twitter. The video was the latest calamity for Trump, who had hoped to revive his flagging campaign in the face of a recent drop in polls with less than a month until Election Day. Trump is due to appear alongside Democrat Hillary Clinton on Sunday in their second debate in the run-up to the general election. Clinton is not expected to address Trump’s video before then. The 2005 video of Trump talking on an open microphone showed the then-reality TV star speaking about groping women and trying to seduce a married woman. The video was taped only months after Trump married his third wife, Melania. In a statement, Melania Trump called her husband’s words “unacceptable and offensive to me.” “This does not represent the man that I know,” she said. “He has the heart and mind of a leader. I hope people will accept his apology, as I have, and focus on the important issues facing our nation and the world.” The backlash over the video was swift and widespread. More than 60 prominent Republican current and former officeholders issued statements condemning Trump’s remarks about women, including House Speaker Paul Ryan and John McCain, the party’s standard bearer in 2008. More than 20 called for Trump to end his presidential bid. In an unusual move, his vice presidential running mate Mike Pence issued a critical statement of Trump’s words, saying on Twitter that he “cannot defend them.” “As a husband and father, I was offended by the words and actions described by Donald Trump,” said Pence, who is governor of Indiana. Pence indicated he would continue to support Trump, despite calls from several Republicans for Trump to step aside and let Pence be the nominee. There is no precedent for a major party to replace its nominee this late in the campaign and it was unclear if there was an avenue to force him out. Voting has begun in several states, including swing states Virginia and North Carolina. A recorded apology by Trump early on Saturday did not stymie an avalanche of calls from members of his party to quit. Trump huddled on Saturday in Trump Tower with senior advisers, including New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Despite previous scheduling, Giuliani will appear on five major Sunday morning news programs, a rare round robin reserved for major news events - replacing Republican Chairman Reince Priebus on CBS’s “Face the Nation” and campaign manager Kellyanne Conway on “Fox News Sunday,” a last-minute switch. No reason was given for the bump of Conway. A CBS news release said the RNC asked to replace Priebus because Trump’s operation wanted “a campaign person” to appear on the program. Trump left the building briefly to greet a small crowd of supporters, saying “100 percent” he would remain in the race. Before returning to a bank of elevators, he told reporters, “Tremendous support.” He quickly moved to do damage control in Saturday’s video in which he declared himself a changed man and attempted to shift the focus to his opponent Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton. On Twitter, Trump posted critical statements from Juanita Broaddrick, a woman who has accused Bill Clinton of sexually assaulting her. “Anyone who knows me knows these words don’t reflect who I am. I said it, I was wrong, and I apologize,” Trump said in his video statement, posted on his Facebook page. Trump has struggled to win over women voters, and the video was expected to further feed Democratic criticism about his past behavior toward women. Trump’s support has suffered among suburban women and white, college-educated women, groups that Republicans have traditionally won. In the recording that triggered the firestorm, Trump said of one woman, “I did try and fuck her. She was married.” He went on to discuss his attraction to others. “I just start kissing them,” he said. “And when you’re a star they let you do it.” “Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything,” Trump said. On Saturday afternoon, CNN published a separate report detailing remarks Trump made over the course of several years while appearing on Howard Stern’s radio program. The remarks included discussing the size of his daughter’s breasts and that he once had sex with three women at the same time. Trump was asked if he would have sex with a black woman and responded, “It depends on what your definition of black is.” The remarks were the last straw for some Republicans who have stuck with him through a series of controversial remarks, including calling Mexican immigrants “rapists” and “criminals,” calling for a ban on Muslim immigrants, attacking a judge of Mexican descent, attacking the Gold Star family of a Muslim soldier killed at war and saying Senator John McCain was not a war hero because he had been a prisoner of war. House Speaker Paul Ryan disinvited Trump to a scheduled appearance on Saturday in Wisconsin. Pence declined to speak in his place. The list of Republicans announcing they would not vote for Trump or calling on him to step aside grew on Saturday: Senators Kelly Ayotte, Lisa Murkowsi, Dan Sullivan, Mark Kirk, Jeff Flake, John Thune, Mike Crapo, Shelley Moore Capito and Mike Lee; House members Jason Chaffetz, Mia Love, Joe Heck, Bradley Byrne, Martha Roby and Barbara Comstock; and Governors John Kasich, Dennis Daugaard and Gary Herbert. Additionally, former presidential candidates Mitt Romney and Carly Fiorina and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice called on Trump to quit. “Donald Trump’s behavior this week, concluding with the disclosure of his demeaning comments about women and his boasts about sexual assaults, make it impossible to continue to offer even conditional support for his candidacy,” McCain said in a statement. While Democrats largely remained silent, opting to let Republicans attack one of their own, Vice President Joe Biden wrote on Twitter, “The words are demeaning. Such behavior is an abuse of power. It’s not lewd. It’s sexual assault.” Some prominent Republicans indicated they would stick with Trump. Ralph Reed, head of the Faith and Freedom Coalition, and Tony Perkins, head of the conservative Family Research Council, said they would continue to support him. “I think 10 years ago he was a different man,” said Representative Jack Kingston, a Republican from Georgia. “I am very glad that he quickly apologized.”";October 8, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: New ISIS Video On Brussels Features These Trump Comments (IMAGE);Donald Trump has once again given the terrorist group ISIS (aka Daesh, The Islamic State) material for their latest propaganda video. It isn t the first time.In the new video released on Thursday by al-Battar, an ISIS affiliate, Trump s comments on the city of Brussels are prominently featured.Almost forgot to note that comments from Trump featured in opening of IS-affil al-Battar Brussels video. pic.twitter.com/935vgwSRc6 Michael S. Smith II (@MichaelSSmithII) March 24, 2016Specifically the video gives the terrorists what they want, labeling the chaos caused by the terror attacks as a horror show. The chilling video opens with a message in Arabic followed by an image of Trump, saying Brussels is now an absolute horror show .Trump s voice is heard saying: Brussels was one of the great cities, it was one of the most beautiful cities of the world 20 years ago, it was amazing actually, and safe. Now it s a horror show, it s an absolute horror show. The rest of the video celebrates the attack, which killed at least 31 people, and shows images of dead children and babies. The song accompanying Trump s video praises the jihadists: Brothers, rise up, rise up. Claim your victory. Let s go, Let s go In December, Hillary Clinton warned that Trump s over the top, heated anti-Muslim rhetoric would be used as fodder for ISIS terrorist videos. You know, people around the world pay close attention to our elections. And if you go on Arabic television, as we have, and you look at what is being blasted out with video of Mr. Trump being translated into Arabic, No Muslims coming into the United States, other kinds of derogatory, defamatory statements, it is playing into the hands of the violent jihadists, she said. There is nothing they want more than to be able to claim that the United States is against Islam and against Muslims and that then lights an even bigger fire for them to make their propaganda claims through social media and other ways. A month later, video from the al Qaeda-affiliated terrorist group al-Shabaab included clips of Trump calling for a ban on Muslim immigration after the San Bernardino shooting as evidence that America is a racist society. Featured image via Twitter;March 24, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: North Korea says successfully launches new ICBM that can reach all of U.S;SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea successfully launched a new type of intercontinental ballistic missile, the Hwasong-15 that can reach all of the United States, the isolated country s state media said on Wednesday. The missile is the North s most powerful ever, and it flew 950 km (590 miles) for 53 minutes while reaching an altitude of 4,475 km (2,781 miles), according to a statement read by a television presenter.;November 29, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BILL O’REILLY ANNOUNCES 2 Week Vacation…Will Murdoch’s Liberal Son Who Pushed To Fire Roger Ailes Make His Vacation Permanent? [VIDEO];Embattled Fox News host Bill O Reilly announced on Tuesday that he will be going off the air for almost two weeks, to take a vacation.The anchor s announcement comes amid an ongoing controversy over sexual harassment allegations made against him and a new report that James Murdoch wants him out of the company for good.The exodus of sponsors followed a recent report in The New York Times that five women were paid a total of $13million to keep quiet about harassment allegations.The accusations surrounding O Reilly, which date back 15 years, include claims of dirty phone calls, unwanted kisses and hotel room invites. The assumption is that he ll exit in a non-embarrassing way, one senior Fox News staffer told the magazine.O Reilly declined to share where he was heading, but has launched an online contest for fans to vote on where they think his vacation destination is. He made the point that the time off was voluntary.Bill O Reilly kept his announcement to leave FOX News for a two-week vacation upbeat:The claims prompted 60 sponsors to drop advertising deals with the prime time show and led to an internal investigation.Four network sources told New York Magazine that it s possible O Reilly s getaway could turn into a permanent vacation.The Murdoch family, the owners of Fox, are reportedly split on what to do about O Reilly. Rupert Murdoch and his eldest son Lachlan are said to be inclined to keep O Reilly, while younger son James the CEO of 21st Century Fox wants to give him the boot.James also pushed to fire Roger Ailes amid last summer s sex scandal, and sources think he could be successful in weeding out O Reilly this time around. Daily MailJames Murdoch is said to have convinced his father, 76, to go green in a major May 9 speech. In the speech, Rupert Murdoch sounded like Al Gore, saying that Climate change poses clear, catastrophic threats and that We may not agree on the extent, but we certainly can t afford the risk of inaction. Marc Gunther of Fortune magazine commented that Murdoch has boldly promised to make News Corp. carbon neutral by 2010 and to weave environmental issues and themes into his newspapers, TV shows, movies and online properties-a tricky business, particularly when it comes to news. (emphasis added)The Hillary front organization known as Media Matters has challenged Murdoch to rein in the various Fox News personalities, including Hannity, who have voiced skepticism about the man-made global warming theory. The group complains that conservative voices on Fox far outnumber progressive voices and that Fox anchors, reporters, and guests inject pro-Republican views into the shows.Murdoch s decision to hand the European and Asian operations of his company to his son James has been widely interpreted as a sign that James will soon inherit control of the entire company. That means that James liberal philosophy on environmental and other matters could become the party line not only of News Corporation but the Fox News Channel.The New York Times has described James Murdoch as steadfastly liberal and notes that he has supported Bill Clinton and Al Gore whose daughter he befriended at Harvard. Aim;Apr 12, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: UK royal Kate makes first public appearance since pregnancy revealed;LONDON (Reuters) - Kate, Britain s Duchess of Cambridge, made her first public appearance on Tuesday since it was announced she was pregnant, joining husband Prince William and his brother Harry at events to mark World Mental Health Day. Last month William and Kate announced they were expecting her third child and that as with her two previous pregnancies, she was suffering severe morning sickness. Last month, she was too ill to take her eldest child George to his first day at school because she was too unwell and her last public appearance had come at the end of August when she joined William and Harry on a visit to a public garden at Kensington Palace dedicated to their late mother Princess Diana. However, Kate, whose official title is the Duchess of Cambridge, showed no sign of the sickness that has forced her to cancel all engagements since then when she, William and Harry hosted a reception at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday to celebrate the efforts of those working Britain s mental health sector. The duchess condition is improving but she is still suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum. She is delighted to be able to be here tonight, an aide said. Hyperemesis gravidarum can cause severe nausea and vomiting and requires supplementary hydration and nutrients. The condition forced Kate to be admitted to hospital in the early months of her pregnancy with George. The couple s third baby will be fifth in line to the British throne, after grandfather Prince Charles, father William and elder siblings George, four, and Charlotte, two. William, Kate and Harry have made campaigning about mental health one of their priorities, with both royal brothers saying in recent months how their mother s death in a car crash when they were children had left deep emotional scars. All three of us have seen that mental health is at the heart of so many of the issues we are passionate about, William said in a speech to the reception. ;October 10, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: REPORT: Russia Taunts And Tests United States As Puppet Trump Continues Fawning Over Putin;Russia is testing how far Donald Trump will let them go and they are going frighteningly far.The Russian government has been cheering ever since they helped get their puppet in the White House.Trump has signaled that he may pull the United States out of NATO, which would weaken Europe and leave the continent vulnerable to a Russian invasion. Lithuania recently warned that the Russian military is preparing for such an invasion and that the military drill is the largest ever recorded near the borders of the Baltic states.Russia has also been launching cyber attacks and spreading propaganda designed to sway elections so that they can get weak leaders in office around the world. And so far, their strategy is working.Putin has Trump by the balls and he may also have ears in the White House Situation Room, according to American spies who are refusing to provide intelligence to Trump out of fear that Putin would learn about the same information.And now Russia appears to be testing our military resolve as well.On Saturday, Russian fighter jets flew by a United States Navy Destroyer on the Black Sea at a threatening altitude and speed and refused to communicate when queried about the flyovers. The same pattern occurred over several hours. USS Porter queried all aircraft and received no response, Captain Danny Hernandez said according to Reuters. Such incidents are concerning because they can result in accident or miscalculation. The incidents involving the Su-24 were considered to be unsafe and unprofessional by the commanding officer of the Porter because of their high speed and low altitude, while the IL-38 flew at an unusually low altitude, Hernandez said.Another U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the closest incident that day involved the lone SU-24, which came within 200 yards of the Porter at an altitude of 300 feet (91 meters).Furthermore, Russia is also testing how close they can sail spy vessels to our shorelines.Fox News reported on Tuesday that a Russian spy ship was spotted 70 miles off the Delaware coast and it is unknown where the ship is heading.And if that isn t enough to make you worry about Trump s connections to Russia, the New York Times reports that Russia has deployed ground-based cruise missiles in violation of the treaty that ended the Cold War. The Obama administration protested the move when the missiles were being tested, but Putin waited till Trump took over the White House to actually deploy them.These are all serious warning signs that Russia is poised to launch a war, yet Trump is doing nothing but defending and kissing up to Putin. Russia is literally testing our defenses and getting more aggressive. Prior to Trump, every other modern president has been strong against Russian aggression. But now Russia knows that we have an inept weak leader in the White House who is incapable of standing up to Putin.We can no longer afford to continue letting Congress ignore Trump s relationship with Putin and Russia. Investigations must occur and they need to occur right now. Russia is only getting more aggressive and we need to put them in check and reassure Europe before it is too late.Featured image via screenshot;February 14, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Merkel admits mistakes in the 2016 Christmas market attack;BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany should learn from security shortcomings exposed by a deadly truck attack on a Berlin Christmas market a year ago and increase aid to survivors and families of victims, Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Tuesday. Anis Amri, a failed Tunisian asylum seeker with Islamist links, hijacked a truck on Dec. 19, 2016, killed the driver and then plowed it into a crowded market place, killing 11 more people and injuring dozens of others. Merkel spoke on the anniversary of the attack at the unveiling of a memorial on the Breitscheidplatz square where it took place. The ceremony came amid criticism from families of the victims and from survivors about the government s handling of the incident. Today is a day for mourning but also a day for the determination of making things better that did not work (in the past), Merkel said. Merkel, who met victims and relatives of those killed at the chancellery on Monday, said she would meet the group again in a few months to provide updates on lessons learned from Germany s worst Islamist militant attack. Hundreds of people gathered with candles at the site after a church service at the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church that was also attended by Berlin mayor Michael Mueller and former German President Joachim Gauck. The church bells tolled for 12 minutes, one minute for each of those killed, at 8:02 p.m., the precise time when the attack occurred. The normally crowded Christmas market at the plaza remained closed all day on Tuesday. The memorial shows the names of the victims carved on the steps of the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church near the scene of the attack. A long crack filled with metal and gold alloy runs through the steps and the Christmas market. President Frank-Walter Steinmeier said support for the victims of the attack came late and had not been sufficient. It s bitter that the state could not protect your relatives, Steinmeier said addressing the families. German Justice Minister Heiko Maas said the government had not been well enough prepared to avert such an attack. We can only apologize for the victims and the surviving relatives, Maas wrote in an article published in Tagesspiegel paper on Tuesday. The German government has agreed to increase compensation payments to victims families and survivors after complaints that the 10,000 euros ($11,820) compensation the German government had offered was insufficient, Kurt Beck, an advocate for victims and survivors said on Tuesday. Dozens of protesters rallied near the Breitscheidplatz, carrying signs expressing solidarity with the victims but warning against turning the tragic event into a rallying cry against Islam, as some far-right groups have sought to do. I m angry about the right wing s efforts to instrumentalize this, said Martin Pfaff, who organized the event. That s why we re making clear that racism cannot be an answer to terrorism.;December 19, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: David Icke on The Hillary, Donald & Bernie Show;21st Century Wire says Author David Icke breaks down the US electoral dog and pony show, staring Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. There s no business like show business.;April 2, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: CONSERVATIVE FIREBRAND ANN COULTER DESTROYS Delta Airlines On Twitter For Kicking Her Out Of Reserved Seat;"There are some people you probably shouldn t cross. Donald Trump is one, and conservative author and political analyst Ann Coulter is the other one Conservative columnist Ann Coulter flew into a fit of fury Saturday after Delta Airlines booted her from her reserved Comfort+ seat which comes with 3 additional inches of legroom and gave it to another passenger.In a two-hour tweeting tantrum,she quoted her exchange with a flight attendant: Why are you taking me out of the extra room seat I specifically booked? she asked.Their answer, she said, was I don t know. Before Coulter posted a picture of the woman Delta gave her extra-legroom reserved seat to, she tweeted this:Suckiest @Delta moved me from my PRE-BOOKED SEAT & gave it to some woman, not elderly, child, or sick. I have pictures so don t lie, @Delta! Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 16, 2017But at least @Delta was nice @ it, summarily snatching my ticket from my hand & ordering me to move w/o explanation, compensation or apology Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 16, 2017The 6-foot-tall Coulter, who is 55, tweeted a picture of the woman who got her aisle seat on the flight from LaGuardia to Florida, noting, Delta didn t give my extra room seat to an air marshal or tall person. NYP.@Delta didn t give my extra room seat to an air marshall or tall person. Here s the woman given my PRE-BOOKED seat: pic.twitter.com/iDNB8xXXOd Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 15, 2017The long-legged Coulter, who still appeared to furious about Delta s decision to boot her from her reserved seat with extra legroom, tweeted again to Delta about the daschund-legged woman who they gave her seat to:So glad I took time investigate the aircraft & PRE-BOOK a specific seat on @Delta, so some woman could waltz at the last min & take my seat. Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 15, 2017Hey @Delta, if it was so important for the dachshund-legged woman to take my seat, she should have BOOKED THE SEAT IN ADVANCE. Like I did. Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 16, 2017The sharp-tongued conservative firebrand continued to rip into Delta Airlines in a series of tweets criticizing their customer service:.@Delta motto: ""How can we make your flight more uncomfortable?"" Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 16, 2017.@Delta employee questionnaire: What is your ideal job: Prison guard? Animal handler? Stasi policeman? All of the above: HIRED! Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 16, 2017A Delta spokesman said it appeared Coulter was in the same extra-room row, just in a different seat. But he promised to look into it.";Jul 16, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: NAACP DEMANDS An Apology From Trump For Telling The Truth About Cong. John Lewis;The Hill reported:The NAACP President Cornell William Brooks is calling on Donald Trump to apologize to Alabama Rep. John Lewis, after attacking the civil rights icon in a series of tweets. By disrespecting John Lewis, Donald Trump dishonored Lewis sacrifice & demeaned Americans & the rights, he nearly died (for). Apologize, Brooks tweeted.More and more Democrats are bailing on the Inaugural Let them! You know they didn t want to go anyway Some of the Dems who aren t going are as radical as they come so why even have them there.Please tell us what John Lewis has done LATELY for America ;Jan 14, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Watch Chuck Todd SHRED Trump For His Hypocritical Attacks On The Clintons (VIDEO);Ever since his GOP rivals dropped out of the presidential race and he became the presumptive Republican nominee, Donald Trump has stopped attacking his fellow Republicans and focused his childish attacks on his biggest competition Democratic front runner Hillary Clinton. And of course, he s doing it the only way he knows how by being a misogynist and attacking her marriage. The only problem is, Trump is too stupid to fully grasp the full hypocrisy of what he s doing.It s been widely reported that in the past, Trump was somewhat close to the Clintons he even invited them to his (third) wedding. But what many don t realize is that the very attacks Trump is making on the Clintons are things that Trump previously defended the political power couple against.No one pointed this out better than Chuck Todd on Wednesday morning, when he appeared on NBC s Today to call Trump out for being a walking contradiction. It was already an amazing segment, with Today showing some footage of Trump calling Paula Jones, a woman who accused former president Bill Clinton of sexual harassment years ago, a loser. The show also aired an old video of Trump saying that the way HE treated women would prevent him from being president if he were to run. In a statement that has come back to haunt him, Trump had said, Can you imagine how controversial I d be? You think about (Bill Clinton) with the women, how about me with the women? Can you imagine? In the past, Trump had also downplayed Bill s Monica Lewinsky scandal, saying, Look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into, with something that was totally unimportant and they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. But now that the stakes are high and Trump needs to defeat Hillary, his attitude has done a complete 180 and Todd isn t letting him get away with it. To show just how insane it is that Trump has continued to slide by with voters despite his lies, Todd said: I don t know why people give him a pass on this. I mean, I asked him, I said what Trump do we believe? What you said about Hillary Clinton five years ago, or what you say about her now?He has contradicted every single attack he s made on the Clintons. You can find sound to contradict it. It doesn t touch him. Todd also encouraged Hillary to start fighting back against Trump s attacks, and to leverage Trump s own mistakes to destroy his chances of getting the White House. I think he s counting on this, that the Clintons don t want to engage him on this. So he thinks he s got free rein to do it.If (Hillary Clinton) can make the case that, you know what, he s just like every other politician. That is the most dangerous description you can have if you re Donald Trump it just hasn t taken hold. You can watch Todd take down Trump below:Featured image is a screenshot;May 25, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: With Zero Liability, A Gun Was Just Made To Look Like This Toy (IMAGES);"When you re given a free pass by the government to pretty much make whatever you want with no responsibility if something devastating were to happen because of your product, you d probably make whatever the hell you wanted with no remorse. After all, profit is more important that human life, right? At least, that s what the government is telling gun manufacturers with the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act. The law, prohibit(s) civil liability actions from being brought or continued against manufacturers, distributors, dealers, or importers of firearms or ammunition for damages, injunctive or other relief resulting from the misuse of their products by others. With one of the reasons for the law literally being, To prevent the use of such lawsuits to impose unreasonable burdens on interstate and foreign commerce. In other words, they don t want any silly lawsuit to get in the way of profit.On paper, it may look like it makes sense to not hold gun manufacturers liable for how their product is used. After all, it s not their fault if a gun is not handled properly or used to harm someone else. However, what so many fail to see is the fact that with no responsibility it gives gun manufacturers a free pass to basically make whatever they want, regardless of public safety. If they can make it, people will buy it, and after that, well, they re off the hook.So, with all that being said, gun manufacturer Precision Syndicate, LLC made a gun for a client to look like the gun from Nintendo for the game Duck Hunt. Calling it the Nintendo Glock. The gun literally looks like a toy.via Facebook Here s the toy for comparison: It was always fun Duck Hunting and then Switching to Super Mario Bros. For some reason I would panic when I thought I shot the poor pup! ??? who else had fun with this? #retro #retrogaminglife #nintendo #nintendocontroller #nintendozapper #zapper #supermariobros #duckhunt #nintendocartridge #1985A photo posted by [CXG]Conspiracy Xtreme Gaming (@conspiracyxtremegaming) on Mar 5, 2016 at 11:35pm PSTHowever, after posting the picture to their Facebook page about the gun, they apparently got two reactions; request for purchase, and/or outrage. All in all, the image got over 8,000 comments, and nearly 150 thousand shares. They then had to make a follow-up post stating:In light of the Nintendo Glock drama, we feel that the media and our fans need to know that this firearm will not be mass produced nor will it ever be. This is a one off custom build for a friend of ours. Do to the thousands of emails and messages we have received in the past 2 days we have been unable to contact everyone in a timely manner, please be patient we will get to you as soon as possible. Thank you all for your support! Oh, and please.. keep your guns locked up and away from children, it s common sense.via FacebookHow nice of them to be condescending enough to remind people to lock up their guns to keep them away from children. If only they could use that common sense know-how to think twice before making a gun that looks exactly like a popular toy that children would want to play with.Now, say this gun were to get into the hands of a child for any number of reasons. This gun manufacturer is essentially off the hook, because assuming it functions properly and has no mechanical faults that cause injury, if someone were to just use the gun, the maker has no liability according to the law.There will certainly be people who disagree that gun manufacturers should have liability over how their product is used, but when something is made that so obviously could be mistaken for a toy, a toy that a child could point and shoot, there needs to be better well regulated standards to guns. After all, the Second Amendment was written for the intent to arm the state militias, not so gun enthusiasts can have firearms that look like toys or so that gun manufacturers can make as much profit as possible.Featured Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images";April 11, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Bernie Sanders Clarifies One Of His Most Divisive Talking Points (VIDEO);One of the most critical issues facing the United States is the role that big money plays in financing elections. This has been a major issue that has been discussed by all Democratic primary candidates so far in the election. During an interview with CNN s Jake Tapper on The State of the Union, Bernie Sanders clarified some of the language he has used during his campaign so far.Bernie Sanders has made campaign finance reform a major part of his platform. In fact, he has even eschewed financial support from Super PACS. This has led to some very weak criticisms from the right-wing, who say that he has taken money from groups like the National Nurses Union, which has endorsed him. Those criticisms are absurd, and only seem to show that they do not understand the issue, nor the type of support that Sanders is receiving from the union.During the interview, Sanders says that money is controlling Washington. Studies suggest that this is partly true. A well-known study done by Princeton showed that the United States, to a large degree is a no longer a democracy, but rather an oligarchy. They note that the whittling away of democracy in the United States has been going on since the 1980 s. The rise of the Super PAC, plus the Citizen s United Supreme Court decision that has lead to the flooding of money into elections, is simply the next stage of cancer that is the collusion between government and corporation.The United States has a long history of money, big and small, creeping into elections. Once people decide that they have had enough, they send that corrupting influence into remission. It just so happens that this issue is reaching a boiling point right now, as are so many other issues.You can watch the interview, below. Featured image from video screenshot via YouTube;February 7, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Speed up Brexit transition talks or deal will be worthless, says UK's Hammond;LONDON (Reuters) - British finance minister Philip Hammond said on Wednesday the value of a transitional Brexit deal would decline rapidly if talks to agree it drag into next year, but said it was too soon to spend money on contingency plans. Negotiations on the terms of Britain s exit from the European Union have made slow progress before a March 2019 deadline. Talks on a transition period have not even begun. And while Hammond thinks it s too early to begin enacting contingency plans for a failure to reach an agreement, EU diplomats and officials are putting renewed focus on preparing for a legal limbo after March 2019. Their efforts have intensified as Brexit negotiations stall on issues like the bill Britain must pay to leave and the future of Northern Ireland s land border with the EU. If progress does not pick up, Hammond said, a transition agreement will rapidly diminish in value. It is self-evident to me ... that a transitional arrangement is a wasting asset. It has a value today. It will still have a very high value at Christmas, early in the new year, Hammond said. But as we move through 2018 its value to everybody will diminish significantly. And I think our European partners need to think very carefully about the need for speed in order to protect the potential value to all of us of having an interim period. British Prime Minister Theresa May has set out plans to seek a transition period after March 2019 with a set time limit. During that period, Britain wants to operate under the same rules as it currently does to provide certainty for businesses while allowing new arrangements to be put in place. Business leaders have repeatedly called for clarity on the trading conditions they will face during the transition period and beyond. Some - including banks in London s financial sector - are making arrangements to move overseas to ensure continued access to the EU market. Hammond said lack of direction to talks was hurting business investment and consumer confidence, and one of his top advisors said international banks would make decisions to move in the first three months of 2018. Britain had hoped EU leaders would agree to start talking about the future at a summit next week. But European Council President Donald Tusk poured cold water on that idea on Tuesday, saying he hoped it could happen in December. Hammond called on the EU to change their approach, warning of the possibility of a bad-tempered breakdown in talks which would see EU countries acting against their own interest. We have made the running in this and we really need our European Union partners to engage ... We are not asking them to sign up. We are not asking them to write blank cheques. We are simply asking them to start talking to us, he said. The limited progress in Brussels has drawn calls from some British lawmakers to walk away from the talks and start preparing for a clean break with the bloc. Hammond is considered one of the most pro-EU members of Prime Minister Theresa May s cabinet, and pro-Brexit lawmakers and campaigners have accused him of trying to water down or even halt Britain s exit. He said the government was planning for all possibilities, including Britain s leaving with no agreement on the terms of its departure or how the two would build a new relationship. He said 250 million pounds ($330 million) was being spent on planning for all scenarios. But he rejected the idea that Britain should begin putting no deal contingency arrangements in place, including a suggestion from a member of his own party that the government should start spending money to beef up border and customs capabilities. Some are urging me to spend money simply to send a message to the EU that we mean business. I think the EU knows that we mean business, Hammond said. I don t believe we should be in the business of making potentially nugatory expenditure until the very last moment when we need to do so. However, he warned that he would have to start spending in 2018 if there was no clear prospect of a transitional deal. There will be some areas where we need to start spending money in the new year if we can t tell ourselves that we are moving steadily and pretty assuredly toward a transition agreement, he said. ($1 = 0.7573 pounds);October 11, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: South African state agency wants Zuma book pulled from stores;JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South Africa s NB Publishers said on Friday it had received a letter from the State Security Agency (SSA) ordering it to pull a new book on President Jacob Zuma off the shelves as it contravened the Intelligence Service Act. The publishers said they stood by The President s Keepers - Those keeping Zuma in power and out of prison , and its lawyers would respond to the letter sent by the SSA. The book by journalist Jacques Pauw alleges millions of dollars in taxpayers money flowed into the bank accounts of spies and Zuma s government and details the actions of law-enforcement agencies. It alleges Zuma failed to submit tax returns for the first five years of his presidency. The president s office has issued a statement rejecting the accusations contained in the book, adding that Zuma had declared all income received to tax authorities. The SSA warns NB Publishers in a letter seen by Reuters that it will launch criminal charges if the book is not withdrawn. Noting your admission that you did not seek the views of the people apparently implicated, it is not surprising that this book is replete with inaccuracies, the SSA said in the letter sent to NB Publishers by its lawyers Kgoroeadira Mudau Inc. The letter said the book contained elements in contravention of the country s Intelligence Service Act. No SSA spokesperson was available for further comment. A spokeswoman for NB publishers said its lawyers were handling the matter. We have received the letter but have not pulled the book yet because our attorneys have been given time to respond, Jean Pieters, NB Publisher s spokeswoman said. ;November 3, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BREAKING: “TODAY” SHOW’S BILLY BUSH PUNISHED For Saucy Talk With Trump In 2005…Is This 2016?;THESE HOLIER THAN THOU PEOPLE ARE SICKENING! Since when does someone pretty much get fired for saying nothing wrong AT ALL? Bill Bush will never darken the door of The Today Show because of NOTHING! This entire situation is so out of control it s sickening! Billy Bush has been suspended from the Today show pending further review of the matter, NBC News said Sunday night.It is unclear if he will ever return to the broadcast. He will never be on the show again, an on-air source said, reflecting what staffers are saying behind the scenes.The sudden change came amid a chorus of calls for disciplinary action against Bush over his vulgar 2005 conversation with Donald Trump that was caught on tape and revealed on Friday.NBC sources initially said Bush was not being disciplined and that he would be in his usual spot as co-host of the Today show s 9 a.m. hour on Monday morning.As late as Sunday morning, one of the sources was saying that Bush would use Monday s broadcast to reiterate the apology he made Friday.But on Sunday afternoon, senior NBC executives made the decision to bench Bush on Monday, effectively reprimanding him.A couple of hours later, the executive in charge of Today, Noah Oppenheim, said in an internal memo that the executives had decided to go even further and suspend Bush. I know we ve all been deeply troubled by the revelations of the past 48 hours, Oppenheim wrote. Let me be clear there is simply no excuse for Billy s language and behavior on that tape, he wrote. NBC has decided to suspend Billy, pending further review of this matter. Before the memo was released, the on-air source said staffers were in the dark, stuck refreshing Twitter to find out what was going on with Bush.The suspension was a stunning turn of events. The Today show recently made a multi-million-dollar bet on Bush, relocating him from Los Angeles to New York and making him a co-host.But the taped 2005 conversation between Bush and Trump has upended the careers of both men.Read more: wisn;Oct 9, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WATCH: Only 6 People Show Up To See Hillary At TX Airport…And She IGNORED All 6 Of Them;Heavy security, but a small crowd for Hillary. She didn t say hello or visit with anyone while at the airport. https://youtu.be/eNj2ScPW-egYou know what they say about Karma;Jan 22, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Anonymous Posts Video Of Donald Trump That Shows How CRAZY It Would Be To Elect Him President;Donald Trump has shown his true colors time and time again while running for the Republican nomination for the presidency. Thus far we ve discovered that he advocates for violence at his rallies, he has racist tendencies, and he says many creepy things about women, including his own daughter. While all of these factors have put a dent in his possible nomination, he still has a comfortable delegate lead and he polls well in upcoming contests. Despite the overwhelming evidence that Trump is a certified douche bag, there are voters out there who find his insanity appealing. Now comes another video that the hacker collective Anonymous posted that proves just how absurd it would be to elect this man as the representative of our country and the symbol of our nation.Watch video here:The clip was taken in 2007 at Wrestlemania, and it shows Donald Trump tackling professional wrestling promoter Vince McMahon and then beating him to the ground. Trump then triumphantly pumps his fists in the air. A disgruntled McMahon is then tied to a chair and Trump is shown shaving his head as the crowd cheers him on.While this video is quite entertaining, it s very hard to imagine that the guy we just watched clotheline and shave Vince McMahon s head could be the leader of our military, the planner of our economy, and the guy who represents America to the world.Let s hope that Donald Trump running for president is just a short and funny clip in America s history and nothing more. Featured image via video screenshot.;April 12, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Key points in Juncker's 2017 annual EU address;STRASBOURG (Reuters) - European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker made key proposals in his annual State of the European Union address to the European Parliament on Wednesday. For more on the speech, see: A vice president of the European Commission to chair the Eurogroup of euro zone finance ministers and play the role of European Finance and Economy Minister, promoting reforms in states and deploying EU financial instruments to help states in recession or crisis. But he rejects French ideas of a separate euro zone budget and parliament, rather a strong euro area budget line within the EU budget and EU parliamentary scrutiny. He backs that argument by calling for all EU states to adopt the euro and offering technical and financial help for countries that need it. With non-euro Britain leaving in 2019, only eight states accounting for 15 percent of EU GDP will be outside the euro zone. However, the likes of Poland and Sweden are wary politically of being drawn into the single currency. Juncker also wants all states to join the European Banking Union, making bank supervision common across the bloc and more common standards in labor and social policies. He wants to set up a European Labour Authority and also wants governments to give up veto rights in areas such as corporate taxation and VAT harmonization efforts and a new financial transaction tax. The Commission will propose in December ways to transform the euro zone bailout fund, the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) into a broader regional equivalent of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for the European Union as well as the creation of a double-hatted European Minister of Economy and Finance. He also suggested making his successors as chief executives also the chairs of EU summits, fusing the roles of presidents of the European Commission and that of the European Council so as to make EU structures more comprehensible at home and abroad. Western Balkan states should have a realistic chance of joining the EU after 2019 but Turkey s abuse of fundamental rights rules out it joining in the foreseeable future. Britain s departure is tragic and the British too will come to regret it but it should not prevent the rest of the Union forging ahead with integration in an ambitious way, in the knowledge that favorable conditions will not last for long. Juncker made no policy statements on how Britain s exit should be handled or on plans for a new relationship. He called for an EU summit in the once German-speaking Transylvanian city of Sibiu on March 30, 2019, the first day Britain will no longer be in the Union. Romania will be chairing EU meetings then. It should agree plans for the future ahead of bloc-wide elections to the European Parliament scheduled for two months later. The EU is to launch new, transparent free trade talks with Australia and New Zealand and aim to conclude those as well as ongoing negotiations with Japan, Mexico and South American nations by the end of Juncker s mandate in late 2019. The EU is taking advantage of a cooling of the United States on free trade. Addressing unease in Europe about such deals, Juncker stressed their power to create jobs and impose EU standards in areas such as the environment on trading partners. New deals will also be stripped of controversial elements such as special business tribunals to make them easier to ratify. While being open, the EU will also introduce at Union level some of the powers which some governments have to review foreign investments in strategic assets such as infrastructure or sensitive security or technology firms and raise objections. A new European Cybersecurity Agency to be set up. He also wants a new European intelligence unit to coordinate sharing of information on suspected militants and to give the new European Public Prosecutor powers to investigate terrorism offences. A European Defence Union, supported by NATO, to be ready by 2025. The EU is to propose ways to increase from 36 percent the rate of failed asylum seekers being deported back to their homelands. This is seen as essential to get member states to agree new rules on asylum to share out responsibilities and give more help to genuine refugees. Juncker wants states to make good on pledges of aid to Africa to promote growth and slow emigration. Romania and Bulgaria should be brought into the Schengen passport-free zone without delay and Croatia as soon as possible part of a strategy to push all EU member states into all the bloc s structures, including the euro and banking union. After blasting carmakers many of them German for deliberately misleading consumers on the emissions of diesel vehicles, Juncker proposed an Industrial Policy Strategy to help industries stay or become world leaders in innovation, digitization and decarbonization . While pointedly demanding that EU governments respect EU law and court judgments a barb aimed mainly at ex-communist states in the east like Poland and Hungary Juncker stressed that the poorer east must not be treated as second class. He proposed efforts to ensure children are vaccinated to the highest standards across the bloc, fair pay and treatment for workers backed by a new Labour Authority and stronger national powers to punish companies which offer lower quality products in the east under the same labels as better produce in the west. Slovaks do not deserve less fish in their fish fingers.;September 13, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WOW! CHICAGO PROTESTER Caught On Camera Admits Violent Activity Was Pre-Planned: “It’s not gonna be peaceful”;Here s proof that the violence we saw taking place in Chicago was well organized:@realDonaldTrumpPre Planed Chicago Left Wing Violence At Trump Rally#MakeAmericaGreatAgain#VoteTrump pic.twitter.com/BdW5XrC3LH Richard Weaving (@RichardWeaving) March 12, 2016Textbook Alinsky. Obama s domestic terrorist friend, bomber and college professor, Bill Ayers appears to be the spokesperson, while other angry paid protesters join in.***LANGUAGE ALERT***More vile protesters here. Our personal favorite is the angry white woman admonishing the reporter for being white:h/t Gateway Pundit;Mar 15, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: THE TRUTH ABOUT WHY HILLARY Is The Only Candidate Who Travels With A Full-Time Physician;This news should be enough to end Hillary s obsession with becoming our next President. The Democrats may be willing to ignore all of her criminal and immoral activities, but are they willing to accept Hillary and Bill turning our White House into an assisted living facility? Is Hillary Clinton fit to be president?Putting aside her various scandals and shoddy record as secretary of state, what about her health? Is she physically up to the job?In my new book, Unlikeable: The Problem With Hillary, I devote five pages to Hillary s health. As far as I can tell, however, I am the only journalist who is interested in this important subject.Given the immense stress and strain of being president, Hillary s health is an issue that demands a thorough exploration.Last July, Hillary s longtime personal physician, Dr. Lisa Bardack, released a short, two-page letter that appeared to give Hillary a clean bill of health. She does not smoke and drinks alcohol occasionally, Bardack wrote. She does not use illicit drugs or tobacco products. She eats a diet rich in lean protein, vegetables and fruits. She exercises regularly, including yoga, swimming, walking and weight training. According to Dr. Bardack, Hillary had completely recovered from the fainting spell, concussion and blood clot in her brain that she suffered while she was secretary of state.But Dr. Bardack s letter was hardly a detailed medical history. According to sources close to Bill and Hillary Clinton, the letter wasn t the full story then and it s not the full story now.To this day, Hillary still suffers from many of the troubling symptoms that I wrote about in Unlikeable: blinding headaches, exhaustion, insomnia, and a tremor in her hands. As a precaution against the spectacle of fainting in public, which could easily doom her candidacy, Hillary now travels with a personal physician on all her major campaign trips.There have been several incidents in which she has nearly collapsed. For example, after her 11-hour testimony before the Trey Gowdy Benghazi committee, Hillary swooned as she walked to a waiting car. She had to be supported in the arms of her aides and helped into the back seat.Tension headaches continue to plague her and often make it hard for her to maintain her grueling schedule. Huma Abedin, deputy chief of staff and her closest adviser, frequently orders campaign aides to alter Hillary s schedule at the last moment so the candidate can catch her breath and take out time for naps. This may explain why Hillary is often as much as two hours late for a campaign appearance. She no longer has the stamina for 18-hour campaign days that she was once capable of doing, said a source close to Hillary.Via: NewsMax We all know that getting Hillary to release her full medical records to the public is about as likely as Hillary telling the truth about what happened in Benghazi;Apr 27, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: After 7 Torturous Years Of A Wussified President, Ben Carson Makes Surprising Statement About What He’d Have Done To OR Shooter [Video];Just call him Bring it Ben Ben Carson says he would have led a charge against the Oregon shooter if he were in the community college classroom when the gunfire erupted. Not only would I probably not cooperate with him, I would not just stand there and let him shoot me. I would say, Hey, guys, everybody attack him! He may shoot me but he can t get us all, the soft-spoken Carson said Tuesday on Fox and Friends. The gunman, Chris Harper-Mercer, asked his victims at Umpqua Community College their religions before opening fire last Thursday, killing nine and injuring nine others. Via:NYP;Oct 6, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: THIS IS THE ALT-LEFT the Fake News Media Refuses to Tell You About [Video];The media is trying their best to control what you see and how you see it when it comes to the alt-left. We re here to tell you the truth about the violence and who is instigating it. Antifa and Black Lives Matter have been instrumental from the days of Trump s campaign up until now. The video below is a great compilation of who the REAL aggressors are THE TRUTH, SPREAD IT!Here is how liberals demonstrate their political views pic.twitter.com/SWIOT1rdsd Hector Morenco (@hectormorenco) August 18, 2017Do you remember the 2016 campaign with the violence directed at Trump supporters?A Pro-Trump Supporter Attacked with Eggs:How about the inauguration where Antifa and others were destroying property and assaulting Pro-Trump attendees?Plans Exposed to Shut Down the Inauguration:Remember Berkeley? Destruction and assault again Berkeley Again:Do you see where this is going? It s not the Trump supporters who are at fault here but you d never know it from the news media s propaganda and lies.It s way past time to speak up and stop being passive to this or it will come to your door one day. Tell the truth and just keep telling it!;Aug 18, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Republicans Go Back To Basics: ‘Stop Asking About Russia Or We’ll Investigate Hillary Again!’;"House republicans have vowed to fight fire with fire, with Steve King, Republican Representative from Iowa, stating that they are willing to begin a new investigation into Hillary Clinton s emails unless Democrats stop fanning the flames of the scandal involving the President Trump s potential collusion with Russia during his election campaign. If this continues this immobilization of the presidency over these kind of things it s gonna force Congress to do an investigation, a complete and thorough investigation, and that means go back all the way to the 650,000 emails of Anthony Weiner and look at [former FBI Director James] Comey and his activities, King told CNN s Alisyn Camerota.When pressed by Camerota to elaborate farther, King went as far as to paint Comey and the special counsel burdened with the task of investigating Trump s possible Russia ties as the ones that are truly guilty of collusion. What I m saying is this, that the Comey investigation now him picking the special counsel on top of it on its face, appears to be collusion, King added, however, there s just one small problem with that statement Special Counsel Robert Mueller wasn t appointed by James Comey, rather by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.This has been a common pattern by the Republican party when dealing with any controversy or scandal involving the President during his six-month tenure in power; just try and distract the media as well as the public from the real issues at hand by trying to create new ones involving Hillary Clinton s campaign.This very technique was what they turned to in May during a Senate hearing that featured testimony from former acting Attorney General Sally Yates and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper; rather than focussing on the task at hand, Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruise just spent his time asking Clapper about Clinton s emails. Another Texan Republican Senator, John Coryn, did the exact same thing last month during James Comey s Senate testimony. Even Republican Senator Lindsay Graham from South Carolina recently told Fox News that now that Robert Mueller is investigating President Trump, Congress should ditch their own investigations and resume looking into Clinton s emails.It is a simple fall back plan the GOP keep using and it has been reasonably effective. It seems far easier, not to mention extremely more effective, to draw the attention away from your wrongdoings than try to explain or justify them.Featured image via Scott Olson/Getty Images";July 17, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Protesters BEAUTIFULLY Troll Jason Chaffetz After He Accuses Them Of Being Paid;What is with the GOP accusing protesters of being paid to protest their events? Do they think it s impossible that so many people are actually upset? Maybe they re taking lessons from Donald Trump on that issue.Last week, Jason Chaffetz found himself on the wrong side of people who are angry that he attacked Hillary so aggressively, but won t even raise the question of investigating Trump for much worse transgressions. He told Salt Lake City-based Deseret News that he knew people were paid to try and bully and intimidate him at his town hall.All that kind of an accusation does is galvanize those who are protesting, and these people found a unique way to respond: They re sending him invoices for their appearances at his town hall. The invoice is circulating online and charges Chaffetz $100 per hour for paid protest, and two additional $50 charges for being callously dismissed by representative, and being labeled out-of-state radical. Check it out:If you re one of the constituents @jasoninthehouse has accused of being a paid protester, follow this person s lead & send him an invoice. pic.twitter.com/np0ZXYGWwS Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) February 11, 2017Chaffetz denigrated the protesters at his town hall further when he said: You could see it online a couple days before, a concerted effort in part to just cause chaos. Democrats are in disbelief that they have nothing but flailing and screaming to defend this. I ll never satisfy their desire to bring down [President] Donald Trump. Considering how he vowed to continue investigating Hillary Clinton even after she lost the election because of some emails, it s pretty clear that he considers it his job to bring down Democrats, not investigate possible government abuses, security breaches, etc.Featured image by Alex Wong via Getty Images;February 13, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Sinn Fein says proposed UK time limit on soldier prosecutions 'unacceptable';BELFAST (Reuters) - Sinn Fein on Monday dismissed as unacceptable a bill proposed by a British Conservative Party lawmaker to set a 10-year limit on prosecuting soldiers, saying it breached a 2014 deal intended to rescue the province s power-sharing arrangements. If the bill wins the backing of the British government, it could seriously complicate efforts to resolve a political crisis in Northern Ireland, which is facing a return to direct rule from London for the first time in a decade. The bill was sponsored by a member of Sinn Fein s main rival the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), which did a deal this year to support Prime Minister Theresa May s government. Sinn Fein, the largest Irish nationalist party in Northern Ireland, has repeatedly warned that the deal would undermine power-sharing in Northern Ireland. Conservative Party member of parliament Richard Benyon on Wednesday proposed the bill, which would set a 10 year-statute of limitations beyond which it would be impossible to bring a case against any individual about whom an allegation was made regarding actions he or she took while serving. While presenting the bill, sponsored by DUP lawmaker Emma Little Pengelly, Benyon cited the case of a 78-year-old former British soldier facing prosecution for the shooting of an unarmed 27-year-old Catholic in 1974. Sinn Fein says the commitment to prosecute crimes committed by British soldiers during the three decade conflict in Northern Ireland is a key foundation of the peace process in the British region. About 3,600 people died before a 1998 peace deal, approximately half of them killed by Sinn Fein s former armed wing, the Irish Republican Army. Under the terms of the 1998 peace agreement, Sinn Fein and the DUP have shared power in Northern Ireland for a decade. The proposed bill is simply unacceptable, said Linda Dillon, a Sinn Fein member of the Northern Ireland assembly, who accused British forces of being directly involved in state sponsored killings. The decision of the DUP to support it is in direct contravention of the (2014) Stormont House Agreement which ruled out any amnesties and instead provided a range of mechanisms to deal with the past, she said. The bill, whose second reading is not due until June next year, was brought to parliament within hours of the collapse of talks between the DUP and Sinn Fein to re-establish a Northern Ireland devolved executive following its collapse in January. Failure to reach agreement is expected to force the British government to impose direct rule of Northern Ireland, in effect cutting Irish nationalist parties out of the governance of the region during a key stage of Britain s negotiations to leave the European Union.;November 6, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Germany issues arrest warrant against Syrian bomb plot suspect;BERLIN (Reuters) - A German federal judge issued an arrest warrant on Wednesday against a 19-year-old Syrian man detained on suspicion of planning a bombing attack, the Public Prosecutor s Office (GBA) said in a statement. Police detained the man, identified only as Yamen A. under German privacy laws, on Tuesday and prosecutors said they believe he had planned an Islamist-motivated bomb attack with the aim of killing as many people as possible. He had been in contact online with jihadists including one who described himself as a soldier of the caliphate , a spokeswoman for the federal prosecutor s office said. Yamen A. was arrested in the northeastern town of Schwerin. Police searched his home and also those of other people not suspected of being directly involved. The arrest comes one month before the first anniversary of an attack in Berlin by a failed Tunisian asylum seeker who killed 12 people by plowing a truck into a Christmas market. Concrete blocks have been installed around Christmas markets at several central squares in the capital this year before the festive season opens in a couple of weeks.;November 1, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Kellyanne Conway Makes A Fool Of Herself Trying To Defend Trump’s Ridiculous Attack On Obama (VIDEO);On Monday, Trump propaganda minister Kellyanne Conway crawled out of her slimepit to once again defend the indefensible this time, Trump s ridiculous and baseless allegation that President Obama tapped his wires at Trump Tower. He s the president of the United States, he has information and intelligence that the rest of us do not, Conway told Fox News, adding that a number of credible media outlets are reporting there was politically-motivated activity all during the campaign and suggesting there s more there. Not a single credible news source has reported that President Obama ordered Trump s wires tapped. The report initially came from Breitbart, a white supremacist propaganda website. People deserve to know, so why not include in the existing investigations into Russia whether or not this actually happened? Conway says.What actually happened was Donald Trump read an article that was being passed around the White House, made the mistake of believing it, and melted down on Twitter, sticking to the story even after the conspiracy theorist upon whose claims the story relied admitted he has zero evidence to back it.Trump s allegations are so ridiculous that the FBI asked the Department of Justice Saturday to officially tell the American people Trump is full of sh*t. They have not yet done so.Watch Conway s humiliating performance below:Featured image via screengrab;March 6, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Woman CORNERS GOP Senator Trapped On Flight, DEMANDS Explanation To Trumpcare (DETAILS);A Republican Senator found himself in a tough position when he was trapped on a flight with an American citizen who wanted answers about the disgusting repeal and replacement of Obamacare.Oklahoma resident Kendall Brown noticed that she was on the same flight as Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) on Thursday evening, and decided to take him up on his claim that he would listen to all voices if anyone had questions about the GOP s new health care bill. Brown had previously sent letters, emails, and tweets to Lankford, but so far she had been unable to get a response to her questions. However, now that she realized Lankford was trapped on the same airplane with her, she decided this was a great opportunity to get some answers.Once Brown noticed Lankford, she posted a photo of him to her Facebook page, and soon people were begging her to ask him questions. Brown first tried to get Lankford s attention on Twitter, asking him to chat with her about Trump s disastrous plan to repeal and replace Obamacare: However, Brown still didn t get a response. Twitter users even began to suggest that Brown try to approach him in person. Brown opted to write him a note, and by the time she was finished she must have gotten Lankford s attention because he actually approached her!Lankford asked Brown specifically what her question was and she said: I want to share my story with you and I want to have my voice heard on why the ACA is important to me. The conversation ended with an agreement to speak sometime in the near future about the GOP s bill at length.UPDATE: I spoke with @SenatorLankford and gave him this. I m very hopeful we ll be able to get coffee this week & look forward to chatting! pic.twitter.com/AtbRwkJm6P Kendally Brown ? (@kendallybrown) March 24, 2017While Brown doesn t think Lankford will meet her in person, she hopes they might chat on the phone. She is passionate about addressing her concerns with Lankford, because earlier that day Lankford said in an interview that he would listen to all voices something that Brown doesn t think he truly means, considering he hasn t held a town hall on the topic yet. She said: He pretty specifically isn t listening to all voices right now and that s why I approached him. I know there are a lot of people out there that have just as compelling stories about why they need the ACA. So, I had an obligation to approach him, not just for me but for everyone. As Brown s story has gotten more attention, her social media accounts are now full of stories from Americans stating how Obamacare helped them. Brown says she is going to print these stories out and give them to Lankford so he can see how disastrous the repeal and replacement of Obamacare might be.Featured image via Kendally Brown Facebook;March 24, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Saudi king to start Russia visit on Thursday: state news agency;DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia s King Salman will begin a visit to Russia on Thursday at the invitation of President Vladimir Putin, Saudi state news agency SPA said, the Gulf ruler s first trip to Moscow since becoming king in 2015. During the visit the two countries plan to set up a $1 billion fund to invest in energy projects as part of efforts by two of the world s biggest oil producers to expand cooperation, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said earlier on Monday. SPA said the two leaders would discuss bilateral and regional issues, but gave no details. Saudi Arabia, the biggest oil producer in the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, and Russia helped forge a deal between OPEC and other producers to cut output by 1.8 million barrels per day from January to lift crude prices.;October 2, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: OBAMA USES WORLD STAGE To Announce Plans For Executive Action On Gun Control In U.S.;How very progressive And how very ironic that our tyrannical President would take the opportunity to address how he plans to implement gun control in the U.S. while standing in Paris, where only two weeks ago 130 unarmed people were slaughtered by armed terrorists.Gun control, man-made climate change, open borders, one-world order just a few of the topics our anti-American President feels right at home discussing with a few comrades Speaking from Paris, France, on December 1, President Obama criticized the lack of gun control in the U.S. and pledged to remain focused on using executive action to enact new controls where possible.Obama is in Paris for a conference on climate change.During a press conference, Obama was asked about the November 27 Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood attack that killed two civilians and a police officer. He responded by claiming mass shootings are a something specifically American a problem not witnessed in other countries then criticized Congressional inaction toward passing more gun control.According to Bloomberg, Obama said:In the United States we have the power to do more to prevent what is just a regular process of gun homicides, that is unequaled by multiples of five, six, [or] ten, and I think the American people understand that. So my hope is that, once again, this spurs a conversation and action.He said that Congress, states, and local governments need to act, and he made it clear he will continue to focus on what [he] can do administratively, which is something he has been threatening to do since a gunman opened fire in the gun free zone at Umpqua Community College on October 1.On November 12 CBS News reported that Obama has given a team of White House lawyers the job of finding a way that executive action can be used to expand background checks. And Breitbart News reported that part of what is being sought is an arbitrary threshold that can be set on private gun sales. Citizens who sell more than the allowable level will be forced to do background checks on every sale.Obama and the Democrat Party have been obsessed with expanding background checks since Adam Lanza attacked Sandy Hook Elementary on December 14, 2012. Yet it is interesting to note that expanded background checks would not have hindered that attack in the slightest, because Lanza stole the guns he used he did not buy them.Moreover, background checks are already expanded in Colorado. Breitbart News previously reported that expanded background checks and a high capacity magazine ban are the law of the land in Colorado, but neither were effectual in stopping the Planned Parenthood attack or the high profile public shooting that took place in CO Springs on Halloween day. Via: Breitbart News;Dec 1, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Republican 'Dump Trump' effort struggles to gain traction;"NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. (Reuters) - A plan to block Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump struggled to gain traction on Friday as rival candidates rejected it, while Democrats reveled in the chaos they hoped would boost their chances of keeping the White House. The country’s top elected Republican, House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan, said he was not interested in an effort to draft him into the White House race. And U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, a conservative presidential hopeful, ruled out a deal to pick a compromise Republican candidate at the party’s July convention, which senior party figures see as their best chance to stop the unpredictable billionaire. “The D.C. power brokers will drop someone in who is exactly to the liking of the establishment. If that will happen we will have a manifold revolt in this country,” Cruz said at the Conservative Political Action Conference outside Washington. “You want to beat Donald Trump, you beat Donald Trump with the voters,” he said. Party leaders worry Trump would not be able to beat Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton in the election, but time is running out after he won most of the states that voted in this week’s Super Tuesday. Senior Republicans also fear Trump’s plans to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexican border and ban Muslims from entering the United States will turn off voters in November and upset U.S. allies. Others note his past support for liberal policies and question whether he has any agenda other than advancing himself. “I don’t think he actually carries the conservative mantle. He’s a little too crass for me,” said Michele Minter, a San Diego executive assistant who was attending CPAC. Trump, a former reality TV star, often plays by his own set of rules. He canceled plans to speak at CPAC, normally an essential stop for ambitious Republicans, and will instead attend a rally in Kansas. The real estate magnate, who is drawing support from many blue-collar Republicans concerned about illegal immigration and stagnant wages, has won most Republican nominating contests and leads in many polls for the primary contests still to come. “I’m not a normal Republican,” he said to huge cheers at a rally in Warren, Michigan. Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, the only candidate to ever challenge Trump’s months-long lead in opinion polls, officially ended his White House bid. “There are a lot of people who love me, they just won’t vote for me,” Carson said in a speech at CPAC, held in National Harbor, Maryland. A new group called the Committee to Draft Speaker Ryan filed papers with the Federal Election Commission on Thursday, seeking to raise money to push Ryan as a Republican alternative. Ryan, a budget wonk who was the Republican vice presidential candidate in 2012, is seen by many in the party as a unifier after he took the speaker’s job last year to unite establishment Republican lawmakers and conservative upstarts in the House. “He is flattered, but not interested,” Ryan spokeswoman AshLee Strong said in an email on Friday. As Trump cements his front-runner status, senior party figures hope to deny him enough delegates to clinch the nomination, which would give them the chance to choose a compromise candidate at their convention in Cleveland. The last time that happened at a Republican convention was in 1948 when Thomas Dewey was nominated. Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said there was an 85 to 90 percent chance that the party will not face that scenario this year. Mitt Romney and John McCain, the party’s last two presidential nominees, called on Republicans to halt Trump’s rise by backing whichever candidate was strongest in their state, a form of tactical voting. Few elected officials are rallying behind the “Dump Trump” banner. The party’s 31 state governors, for example, are not lining up behind an alternative. Only five have endorsed Florida Senator Marco Rubio and one has backed Cruz, in a sharp contrast to previous years when governors overwhelmingly endorsed the party’s eventual nominee. Rubio has only one state so far and is gearing up for what could be a make-or-break contest in his home state on March 15. Cruz said Saturday he planned to open 10 campaign offices there, in what could be an effort to force the rival senator out of the race. Trump is expected to extend his lead on Saturday, when a total of 155 delegates are at stake in Kansas, Louisiana, Maine and Kentucky. Democrats were happy to let Republicans fight amongst themselves. “We can sit back and let them light their own dumpster fire and wait until they’re finished,” said Eddie Vale, spokesman for American Bridge, a Clinton-allied group which collects negative research on Republican candidates. “They’re giving us so much great video footage that we could run ads between now and November of nothing but Republicans attacking Trump,” Vale told Reuters. Nationally, Trump has the support of 41 percent of Republican voters, compared to 19 percent who back Cruz and 16 percent who back Rubio, according to Reuters/Ipsos polling data. (Additional reporting by Doina Chiacu, Emily Stephenson, Eric Beech, and Ginger Gibson; Writing by Andy Sullivan; Editing by Bill Trott and Alistair Bell) This article was funded in part by SAP. It was independently created by the Reuters editorial staff. SAP had no editorial involvement in its creation or production.";March 4, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Obama says not worried about being last Democratic U.S. leader for a while;LIMA (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama on Sunday said he is not worried about being the last Democratic U.S. president for a while, noting democrat Hillary Clinton won the popular vote and his own approval rating remained high. He added, however, that the Democratic Party needed to organize better and better convey its message. ;November 20, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Factbox: Likely players in potential post-coup Zimbabwe unity government;HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe s army appears to be pushing for a quick and bloodless end to 93-year-old President Robert Mugabe s 37 years in power, to be replaced by a national unity government headed by his former deputy, Emmerson Mnangagwa. According to political sources in Harare, Mugabe - now under house arrest in his lavish Harare home - was resisting pressure to stand down voluntarily. [nL8N1NM1N9] Assuming he does, the following are likely to be key players in the expected settlement, according to political sources in Zimbabwe and South Africa and several years of Zimbabwean intelligence documents seen by Reuters: EMMERSON MNANGAGWA (LIKELY PRESIDENT) - A lifelong Mugabe aide and 1970s liberation war veteran known as The Crocodile , Mnangagwa, 75, was in the pole position to succeed Mugabe until his progress was impeded by the dramatic political ascent of Mugabe s wife, Grace. His sacking as vice-president this month cleared a path for Grace to the presidency and appears to have been the trigger for the army to step in to advance its preferred successor. MORGAN TSVANGIRAI (LIKELY PRIME MINISTER) - A former union leader who founded the Movement for Democratic Change in the late 1990s, Tsvangirai, 65, has been Mugabe s main political rival for two decades. He served as prime minister in a 2009-2013 unity government formed after violence-ridden elections in 2008. Tsvangirai has been undergoing treatment for cancer outside Zimbabwe but returned to Harare late on Wednesday. CONSTANTINO CHIWENGA (POSSIBLE VICE-PRESIDENT) - As the military chief who pulled the trigger on the coup, Chiwenga is expected to win a senior role in the interim administration. Chiwenga, 61, who has served in the armed forces since Zimbabwe s independence in 1980, was sanctioned by the United States and European Union although the latter removed him from its list of restricted individuals in 2014. JOICE MUJURU (POSSIBLE VICE-PRESIDENT) - A liberation war veteran with the nom de guerre Spill Blood , Mujuru, 62, formed her own political party after being ousted as vice-president in 2014. Her husband, Solomon Mujuru, a general who died in suspicious circumstances in 2011, was regarded as one of the most feared men in Zimbabwe and one of the few people capable of challenging Mugabe. DUMISO DABENGWA (POSSIBLE VICE-PRESIDENT) - Moscow-trained Dabengwa, 77, nicknamed The Black Russian , fought in the 1970s anti-colonial struggle for ZIPRA (Zimbabwe People s Liberation Army), a rival to Mugabe s ZANLA (Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army). His incorporation in any unity government would ensure it represented both wings of the liberation struggle. TENDAI BITI (POSSIBLE FINANCE MINISTER) - A lawyer by training, Biti, 51, won international plaudits as finance minister in the 2009-2013 government that stabilized the imploding economy. He told Reuters he would be happy to reprise this role if Tsvangirai, his former political mentor, was on board.;November 16, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S., state courts issue conflicting rulings on Michigan vote recount;(Reuters) - A Michigan state appeals court on Tuesday ordered a halt to the recount of that state’s presidential election vote sought by Green Party candidate Jill Stein, while a federal appeals court ordered the process to proceed. The conflicting rulings had both sides claiming victory but left unclear on Tuesday evening where Stein’s bid to recount the vote in Michigan stood. The Green Party candidate, who received only about 1 percent of the presidential vote on Nov. 8, sued in federal court in Pennsylvania on Monday to try to force a statewide recount of U.S. presidential votes there. Stein also pushed for a recount that is under way in Wisconsin, which with Michigan and Pennsylvania, was key to Republican President-elect Donald Trump’s victory. “Today, Trump and his GOP allies in Michigan tried everything in the book to stop the recount, and they failed. This recount is continuing in spite of their efforts to suppress the vote,” said Matthew Brinckerhoff, a lawyer for the Stein campaign. Brinckerhoff was referring to a ruling by the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that the recount should continue in Michigan. The 6th Circuit’s decision came within hours of an order by the state Michigan Court of Appeals that the recount be halted, on the grounds that Stein was “not an aggrieved candidate” with standing to demand one. “I’m grateful, and I know Michigan taxpayers agree, that the Michigan Court of Appeals has adhered to the rule of law, and clarity in our Michigan statute in agreeing that Jill Stein is not an aggrieved candidate and the recall must stop,” the state’s Republican attorney general, Bill Schuette, said in a written statement. Stein’s moves are unlikely to change the outcome of the election but she has maintained they are necessary to ensure the integrity of voting systems. Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin defied their recent history of supporting Democratic presidential candidates and handed Trump narrow wins that ultimately gave him victory over Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. Clinton’s campaign has said it would take part in the recounts.;December 7, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Clinton leads Trump by 11 points in U.S. presidential race: Reuters/Ipsos;NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton posted an 11 percentage point lead over her Republican rival Donald Trump, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Tuesday, a small decline since late last week. The June 24-28 poll showed that 45.3 percent of likely American voters support Clinton while 34.1 percent support Trump, and another 20.5 percent support neither. Clinton’s lead was 14 points on Friday, though she has generally been widening her advantage over the New York real estate magnate since mid-May, when the two were nearly tied. The former secretary of state, senator and first lady was bolstered in recent days by endorsements from members of the Republican establishment, including Henry Paulson, Treasury secretary under former President George W. Bush. Her Democratic rival Bernie Sanders, a U.S. senator from Vermont, said last week he would vote for her to stop Trump even though his campaign said this was not a formal endorsement. Clinton is struggling to win over Sanders supporters after a hard-fought campaign for the nomination. Critics have assailed her over her handling of emails and a 2012 attack on a U.S. mission in Libya while secretary of state. Trump got a brief boost in the days after the June 12 mass shooting in Florida, coming within nine points of Clinton as he fine-tuned a campaign promise to temporarily ban the entry of Muslim immigrants to shore up national security. His level of support so far in June, however, lags behind what his predecessor, Republican White House hopeful Mitt Romney, received in the same period in 2012. He has sparred with Republican leaders over his off-the-cuff rhetoric and lagged behind Clinton’s campaign organization in both size and fundraising, worrying some of his allies. The poll included 1,099 likely voters and has a credibility interval, a measure of accuracy, of 3.4 percentage points.;June 28, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Exposed: The US is an Oligarchy Ruled by Billionaires and Dictators;"Eric Zuesse Off GuardianEven for the post of U.S. President, the preferences of the American people have only a marginal, if any, impact upon the selection of the person to occupy that post.In Colorado s Republican race to win delegates to the Republican National Convention for selecting the Republican Presidential nominee, there was no primary, and there was no caucus.As the Republican magazine National Review headlined on April 11th, attempting to justify what a Republican wag had just headlined as Cruz Celebrates Voterless Win : Donald Trump Laid a Colorado Goose Egg because He Was Disorganized and Amateurish. Their argument (since they campaign for any Republican but Trump) was: he lost because he was disorganized and amateurish not because he had been cheated by the Party-hierarchy.National Review explained that in the process which had been set up by the Colorado Republican Party (it s set up by each individual state s Republican Party, not by the National Republican Party), delegates to the national convention would be selected at congressional-district conventions and the Republican s [sic] state convention , and this was done in order to give Colorado s delegates more flexibility, not done in order to require delegates to reflect the Republican (or any other) electorate in Colorado (since NR doesn t like even its own Party s electorate).This was the explanation that was provided by that magazine, which backs Cruz, and which has been campaigning ferociously against Trump. Their article was built upon, and extensively quoted, the justifications put forth by one particular Cruz delegate, who said, The grassroots made the decision that Ted Cruz was the best candidate for us, and the grassroots made the decision to come out for Cruz and absolutely swept the table. He called it our caucus system. Whatever it was, it shut out all rank-and-file Republican voters, and left everything to people like himself, who could afford to do this: You have to put in the work, you have to put in the effort, and you have to do it months ahead of time. In other words: only Republican Party activists in Colorado could participate in selecting the delegates who would participate in selecting the Republican nominee. No one else was allowed to. Their conception of the Colorado Republican Party is that it s only the Party s activists; and, if you re not a Republican activist, you have no say.It s as if to say:Only people who work in the government can have a say in how the government is to be run. It s for insiders only and, of course, indirectly it s for whomever pays those insiders and so enables them to put in the work to participate.National Public Radio had a different take on this matter. Steve Inskeep headlined there GOP Delegate: Trump Primary Wins Absolutely Irrelevant At Convention. He interviewed Curly Haughland, a member of the Republican National Committee who lives in North Dakota, and who said: No matter what the popular belief might be, there is no connection between primaries and the actual convention. Well, that s putting it rather bluntly. Haughland also said: Cited the GOP s convention Rules 37 and 38. He interprets these convoluted rules to mean that delegates may vote their conscience. The rules do not explicitly say this. Rule 37 is a detailed explanation of the procedure for roll-call votes. However, Rule 38 does say that no delegate may be bound by the unit rule, meaning that delegates from a state can t all be forced to vote the same way. Another of Haughland s points is indisputable: When the convention convenes, he said, the delegates adopt their own rules, which haven t been adopted yet. There is a standard template for conventions, but delegates could tweak the template, changing the game in any way that they want. In other words: the National Republican Committee says that all of the delegates to the Republican National Convention are allowed to tweak the template, changing the game in any way that they want. So: the delegates at that Convention won t actually be representing anyone but themselves there. They are entirely free to push for anyone whom they personally want to win the Republican U.S. Presidential nomination.They re not bound, not even on the first ballot. They might pretend to be, if they feel a need to put on a show that looks democratic , but any who don t feel the need to make such a pretense, can do whatever they want on the first ballot, just like on any successive ballot. They are free; all of them are free. It s only the electorate who aren t they re not represented, at all.What about on the Democratic side? Wyoming had held its Democratic Party caucuses on April 9, and there really were caucuses. Two days later, CNN headlined Wyoming Democratic Caucuses: Bernie Sanders Picks Up Another Win , and reported: Bernie Sanders won the Wyoming Democratic caucuses Saturday, providing his campaign with one more jolt of momentum before the race against Hillary Clinton heads east. Even so, he made no gains in Clinton s delegate lead, as each earned seven delegates as a result. On April 12th a youtube video was posted, MSNBC Morning Host Admits The Whole Voting System Is Rigged After Bernie Get s Cheated! Here the co-hosts had a conversation about the results: Sanders beat Hillary Clinton by twelve points, 56 to 44, He wins by twelve points. The accompanying image showed the delegate-count, in this contest that Sanders had won by 56% to 44%: 18 total. Hillary Clinton 11, Bernie Sanders 7. It wasn t 7 to 7, after all.Though Sanders had outscored Clinton by 12%, it was worse than even-steven for him; he had actually lost by 11 delegates to 7 delegates. This system is so rigged! said one host. There s absolutely no reason any of those people voted, said the other.A Hillary Clinton supporter was the expert on the panel, and he said, It s not rigged. These are the rules. He wasn t given time to explain that fine point or how the rules were necessarily not rigged. Also on April 12th, Public Radio International s Todd Zwillich headlined (falsely), Six Reasons Bernie Sanders Won Wyoming, But Still Tied in the Delegate Race , and Zwillig failed to explain that word Tied. He opened: How, many of you ask, could Bernie have won Wyoming 56 percent to Hillary s 44 percent, but still split the delegates with her 50-50? Then, he repeated that there had supposedly been The 7-7 split, but he also said Wyoming has a total of 18 delegates (which obviously isn tthe sum of 7+7) and he was also likewise incoherent, all the way through.Maybe the rules in the Wyoming Democratic Party are like that; but, whatever they are, is so convoluted, America s news-media couldn t explain what they were, much less were they able to argue persuasively that this was somehow a democracy.The only thing that s clear is that the electoral system in the United States is so convoluted, so complex and so different from state to state and party to party, that whatever the intent of the writers of America s Constitution might have been, the system as it is today, can be successfully gamed and won only by interests who can afford to spend whatever billions of dollars are necessary in order to win. It s certainly anything but democratic.Right now, according to RealClear Politics, there are only two Presidential candidates who are shown repeatedly, and almost consistently, to be preferred by the majority of the U.S. electorate: the Democrat Bernie Sanders is strongly preferred over the Republicans Trump and Cruz, and he is barely preferred over the Republican Kasich; and the Republican Kasich is strongly preferred over the Democrat Clinton. (Clinton loses strongly to Kasich and barely beats Cruz, while Trump is the weakest general-election candidate of all.)The strongest general-election candidates are, clearly, Sanders in the Democratic Party, and Kasich in the Republican Party. In a democracy, those would be the candidates. Throughout the contest thus far, neither of these two has been favored likely to win his respective Party s nomination, much less the Presidency.Whatever America is, it isn t a democracy a one-person-one-vote majority-rule republic. In fact, the only scientific study that has ever been done of the U.S. political system, finds that it s no democracy at all, but instead an oligarchy, a nation ruled by its aristocracy, its billionaires.It represents them, not the citizenry. That might not be the theory, but empirically it is the fact. An oligarchy is the commonest type of dictatorship, and it certainly is never a benevolent dictatorship, even if that phrase is not an oxymoron in itself.To sum up: the U.S. is ruled by and for the corrupters. It has been like that since at least 1980.***Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.READ MORE US ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 2016 Election Files";April 17, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Controversial Dakota pipeline to go ahead after Army approval;WASHINGTON/HOUSTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Army will grant the final permit for the controversial Dakota Access oil pipeline after an order from President Donald Trump to expedite the project despite opposition from Native American tribes and climate activists. In a court filing on Tuesday, the Army said that it would allow the final section of the line to tunnel under North Dakota’s Lake Oahe, part of the Missouri River system. This could enable the $3.8 billion pipeline to begin operation as soon as June. Energy Transfer Partners (ETP.N) is building the 1,170-mile (1,885 km) line to help move crude from the shale oilfields of North Dakota to Illinois en route to the Gulf of Mexico, where many U.S. refineries are located. Protests against the project last year drew drew thousands of people to the North Dakota plains including Native American tribes and environmental activists, and protest camps sprung up. The movement attracted high-profile political and celebrity supporters. The permit was the last bureaucratic hurdle to the pipeline’s completion, and Tuesday’s decision drew praise from supporters of the project and outrage from activists, including promises of a legal challenge from the Standing Rock Sioux tribe. “It’s great to see this new administration following through on their promises and letting projects go forward to the benefit of American consumers and workers,” said John Stoody, spokesman for the Association of Oil Pipe Lines. The Standing Rock Sioux, which contends the pipeline would desecrate sacred sites and potentially pollute its water source, vowed to shut pipeline operations down if construction is completed, without elaborating how it would do so. The tribe called on its supporters to protest in Washington on March 10 rather than return to North Dakota. “As Native peoples, we have been knocked down again, but we will get back up,” the tribe said in the statement. “We will rise above the greed and corruption that has plagued our peoples since first contact. We call on the Native Nations of the United States to stand together, unite and fight back.” Former President Barack Obama’s administration last year delayed completion of the pipeline pending a review of tribal concerns and in December ordered an environmental study. Less than two weeks after Trump ordered a review of the permit request, the Army said in a filing in District Court in Washington D.C. it would cancel that study. The final permit, known as an easement, could come in as little as a day, according to the filing. There was no need for the environmental study as there was already enough information on the potential impact of the pipeline to grant the permit, Robert Speer, acting secretary of the U.S. Army, said in a statement. Trump issued an order on Jan. 24 to expedite both the Dakota Access Pipeline and to revive another controversial multibillion dollar oil artery: Keystone XL. Obama’s administration blocked that project in 2015. At the Dakota Access construction site, law enforcement and protesters clashed violently on several occasions throughout the fall. More than 600 people were arrested, and police were criticized for using water cannons in 25-degree Fahrenheit (minus 4-degree Celsius) weather against activists in late November. “The granting of an easement, without any environmental review or tribal consultation, is not the end of this fight,” said Tom Goldtooth, executive director of the Indigenous Environmental Network, one of the primary groups protesting the line. “It is the new beginning. Expect mass resistance far beyond what Trump has seen so far.” Any legal challenge is likely to be a difficult one for pipeline opponents as presidential authority to grant such permits is generally accepted in the courts. The tribe said in a statement the decision “wrongfully terminated” environmental study of the project. Deborah Sivas, professor of environmental law at Stanford and director of Stanford’s Environmental Law Clinic, said a challenge by the tribe would likely rely on the reasons the Army Corps itself gave for why more review was needed in December. “The tribe will probably argue that an abrupt reversal without a sufficient explanation for why the additional analysis is not necessary is arbitrary and should, therefore, be set aside,” she said in an email. Supporters say the pipeline is safer than rail or trucks to transport the oil. Shares of Energy Transfer Partners finished up 20 cents at $39.20, reversing earlier losses on the news.;February 7, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump Just Blamed Bombings On ‘Freedom Of The Press’ (VIDEO);"Donald Trump appeared on Fox & Friends Monday morning and blamed the weekend attacks in New Jersey and New York City on refugees, a lack of profiling by law enforcement, and the First Amendment. Conservatives always go right past that First Amendment and only abide by the Second.Trump took aim at refugees; however, bombing suspect Ahmad Khan Rahami, 28, is a naturalized citizen.A Fox & Friends host asked Trump what he would do to stop people who are radicalized here. Trump responded to that by saying freedom of the press was to blame. They re all talking about it so wonderfully because, you know, it s called freedom of the press, where you buy magazines and they tell you how to make these same bombs that I saw, Trump said. They tell you how to make bombs. We should arrest the people that do that because they re participating in crime. Instead they say oh no you can t do anything, that s freedom of expression. The websites are the same thing, those people should be arrested. They re inciting violence, okay? he continued. They re making violence possible. They should be arrested immediately yet we don t want to touch them because of freedom of speech. Watch at around the 21 minute mark:[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GTRabASaY8]However, incitement is already an exception to the First Amendment.Think Progress reports:It s a high bar to prove for which Trump may have reason to be personally grateful. Under a laxer rule, it s possible that Trump could be charged for incitement himself. In August, his statement that Second Amendment people could be able to do something about Hillary Clinton was met with widespread condemnation as a veiled assassination threat. On Friday, he called for Clinton s bodyguards to disarm immediately, adding let s see what happens to her. Donald has attacked Freedom of the Press many times. Most recently, his campaign had a VICE reporter arrested. The GOP presidential nominee has gone as far as to defend Vladimir Putin for killing journalists.Trump said of Putin after being confronted by Joe Scarborough over the Russian leader s bloody history with journalists, He s running his country, and at least he s a leader. Unlike what he have in this country. Freedom of the Press is part of our Constitution. It s not up for debate, unless Melania Trump feels like suing bloggers for quoting from a source.But if you ask Donald Trump Jr., he ll tell you that political correctness is to blame for terrorist attacks.Ironically, Junior s pinned tweet reads, Liberals love the first amendment until you say something they don t agree with. He really should change that.Featured image via Brian Blanco via Getty.";September 19, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BREAKING: FBI Suspects Jared Kushner Of Being A Russian Stooge (DETAILS);"It was recently reported that someone within the highest ranks of the Trump White House was being looked at in the Trump-Russia investigation. Now, NBC News is reporting that it is indeed Donald Trump s son-in-law and closest adviser, Jared Kushner, who the FBI suspects of having a hand in the potential collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia in an effort to fix the 2016 presidential election.It seems that the agents probing this incredibly complex and sprawling case believe that Kushner knows more than he is letting on when it comes to what happened between the Russians and the Trump campaign in the efforts that very likely had a significant effect on the outcome of this election, and thus undermined our democracy and changed the course of history. Despite all of this, it is important to note that the investigation does not put Kushner on the same level as people like fired campaign chair Paul Manafort and disgraced National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. Both of those former Trump confidantes are actually targets in this investigation; in fact, Flynn has even defied Congress on the issue of subpoenaed documents. Still, though, Kushner is a Senior Adviser to Trump, and has the highest security clearance, which allows him access to the nation s most sensitive secrets. If he is potentially compromised by the Russians, this is a very serious situation indeed.As is always the case in such situations, Kushner s legal representative, Jamie Gorelick, has released the following statement: Mr. Kushner previously volunteered to share with Congress what he knows about these meetings. He will do the same if he is contacted in connection with any other inquiry. This is more than just an inquiry. Someone in the highest levels of our government, in the inner circle of this alleged president, inside our White House, is somehow possibly connected to the meddling in our democratic process by a foreign adversary.Jared Kushner needs to be removed immediately, with his security clearance revoked. Of course, with the GOP controlling everything, that won t happen, because they put party before country, and they don t care how dangerous this is.Be very, very afraid, America.Featured image via Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images";May 25, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Puerto Rico enacts emergency debt moratorium bill;SAN JUAN (Reuters) - Puerto Rico’s governor on Wednesday signed an emergency bill allowing the government to halt payments on its debt, throwing into doubt broader restructuring plans to stave off a financial collapse of the U.S. territory. The measure, which earlier passed Puerto Rico’s legislature, lets Governor Alejandro Garcia Padilla declare a moratorium on any debt payment he deems necessary and could alter the structure of the Government Development Bank (GDB), the island’s primary fiscal agent. “This legislation provides us with the tools to address the highest priority of needs — providing essential services to our people — without fear of retribution,” Garcia Padilla said in a statement. Puerto Rico, burdened by a $70 billion debt load it says it cannot pay, a 45 percent poverty rate and shrinking population, faces economic collapse without measures that either change its laws or involve an agreement with creditors. Wednesday’s emergency law was rushed into existence as the GDB faces possible default on a $422 million debt payment due on May 1. Garcia Padilla had said he would consider a debt moratorium ahead of that deadline. GDB and its creditors are trying to work out a consensual restructuring. But the new law could spark “a new era of litigation” from creditors, said Daniel Hanson, an analyst with Height Securities. “We believe the overwhelming majority of Puerto Rican issuers have violated their creditors’ rights,” he said in a Wednesday note. Some GDB creditors on Monday sued to prevent a run on the bank, asking a federal court to block depositors from taking out their money while talks continue. The passage of the law drew a quick rebuke from some creditors. Stephen Spencer, a financial adviser to bondholders including OppenheimerFunds and Franklin Advisers, said it might violate the terms of a prior restructuring deal at PREPA, the island’s power utility. That deal, under which creditors agreed to take 15 percent repayment cuts, “should be explicitly preserved, rather than being cast into a state of uncertainty,” Spencer said in a statement. He said the law could “close the door to anyone extending new credit to Puerto Rico, seriously impeding its ability to meet citizens’ needs.” In a statement on Wednesday night, PREPA Executive Director Javier Quintana Mendez said the agreement “remains in place and should not be negatively affected by the new law.” “We continue working in collaboration with our creditors, focused on the implementation of our recovery plan,” Quintana said. A second group of creditors holding debt issued by Puerto Rico’s sales tax authority, COFINA, expressed support for the debt freeze bill, citing delays in legislative efforts by federal lawmakers in Washington to address Puerto Rico’s crisis. “With entrenched private institutions obstructing the legislative process in Washington, it is understandable that Puerto Rican leaders are taking steps to equip the island with the tools it needs,” Susheel Kirpalani, counsel to the COFINA Senior Bondholders Group at law firm Quinn Emanuel, said. A rescue bill being drafted by the U.S. House of Representatives Natural Resources Committee so far uses U.S. bankruptcy rules as guidance for a solution, something many creditors oppose. Hearings are expected next week in Washington. Relations between Puerto Rico and its creditors are growing tenser as major debt payments in May and July loom. On Tuesday, some of Puerto Rico’s general obligation bondholders criticized the debt moratorium law, at the time still being debated by lawmakers, saying Puerto Rico was ignoring their offer to restructure debt by extending principal payments. Garcia Padilla appeared to fire back on Wednesday, saying “our creditors have engaged in public relations efforts that contain falsehoods about their proposed ‘fixes’ – all of which are aimed at misinforming the public and dissuading Congress from doing what is right for our 3.5 million American citizens.” Puerto Rico’s benchmark 2035 GO bond 74514LE86=MSRB is down sharply since talk of a debt moratorium bill surfaced earlier this week. On Wednesday the bond fell 2.45 points in price to bid 63.299, yielding 13.33 percent, according to Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board data. “Puerto Rico’s problems stopped being legal problems and they’ve started being a math problem... at the end of the day Puerto Rico can’t pay,” said Nicholas Venditti, portfolio manager at Thornburg Investment Management in Santa Fe, speaking at a luncheon for reporters in New York.;April 6, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BREAKING: MUSLIM TERRORIST’S DAD Visited State Department Several Times…New Evidence Suggests Attack May Have Been Planned For Some Time;He was such a nice boy, from such a nice family .This is a little disturbing. Remember Amed Mohamed and the exploited islamic opportunism with 14-year-old clock boy bomb hoax from Irving Texas and how his father was running for political office in Sudan?Well, apparently 29-year-old terrorist Omar Mateen comes from a similarly engaged political family and his father, Seddique Mateen, was/is running for national office in Afghanistan and not happy with the government of Pakistan.IJR Mateen has his own television show, which broadcasts out of California.It is called the Durand Jirga Show and features Mateen discussing Middle Eastern politics. The show is posted on YouTube.According to the Washington post, the show demonstrates the Orlando shooters father s sympathetic views toward the Taliban:In one video, Mateen expresses gratitude toward the Afghan Taliban, while denouncing the Pakistani government. Our brothers in Waziristan, our warrior brothers in [the] Taliban movement and national Afghan Taliban are rising up, he said. Inshallah the Durand Line issue will be solved soon. This April, Mateen was in Washington DC doing advocacy work with Congress and the State Department Seddique Mateen is an effusive poster on social media. The following posts from his Facebook describe a trip to Washington DC in April. He can be seen posing in front of State Department offices & the Democratic Foreign Services Committee offices.Mr. Mateen is photographed with numerous Washington DC Politicians and roaming the halls of Congress:The father of this radical terrorist sure was able to roam freely around the Capitol. Here he is pretending to be Barack Hussein Obama in a mock Presidential Briefing Room:In addition, Got News.Com has discovered the sister of Omar Mateen, Miriam Seddique, purchased Omar s house for $10 in April via a quit claim deed . link It would appear the jihadist Omar Mateen was making preparations for this attack for quite some time.Donald Trump was correct again when he called for additional scrutiny in December of 2015. The families of these terrorists need to be a concentrated focus for attention.Mr. Seddique Mateen even incorporated his entities as The Provisional Government of Afghanistan Corporation in official records in Florida:Via: Conservative Treehouse;Jun 12, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. states sue to block Trump Obamacare subsidies cut;WASHINGTON/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Eighteen U.S. states sued President Donald Trump’s administration on Friday to stop him from scrapping a key component of Obamacare, subsidies to insurers that help millions of low-income people pay medical expenses, even as Trump invited Democratic leaders to negotiate a deal. One day after his administration announced plans to end the payments next week, Trump said he would dismantle Obamacare “step by step.” His latest action raised concerns about chaos in insurance markets. The subsidies cost $7 billion this year and were estimated at $10 billion for 2018, according to congressional analysts. “As far as the subsidies are concerned, I don’t want to make the insurance companies rich,” Trump told reporters at the White House. “They’re making a fortune by getting that kind of money.” Trump’s action took aim at a critical element of the 2010 law, his Democratic predecessor Barack Obama’s signature domestic policy achievement. Frustrated by the failure of his fellow Republicans who control both houses of Congress to repeal and replace Obamacare, Trump has taken several steps to chip away at it. Democrats accused Trump of sabotaging the law. Democratic attorneys general from the 18 states as well as Washington, D.C., filed a lawsuit in federal court in California later on Friday. The states include: California, Connecticut, Delaware, Kentucky, Illinois, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia and Washington state. The states will ask the court to force Trump to make the next payment. Legal experts said the states were likely to face an uphill battle in court. “His effort to gut these subsidies with no warning or even a plan to contain the fallout is breathtakingly reckless,” New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said. “This is an effort simply to blow up the system.” The new lawsuit would be separate from a case pending before an appeals court in the District of Columbia in which 16 Democratic state attorneys general are defending the legality of the payments. If the subsidies vanish, low-income Americans who obtain insurance through Obamacare online marketplaces where insurers can sell policies would face higher insurance premiums and out-of-pocket medical costs. It would particularly hurt lower-middle-class families whose incomes are still too high to qualify for certain government assistance. About 10 million people are enrolled in Obamacare through its online marketplaces, and most receive subsidies. Trump’s action came just weeks before the period starting on Nov. 1 when individuals have to begin enrolling for 2018 insurance coverage through the law’s marketplaces. The administration will not make the next payment to insurers, scheduled for Wednesday, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said. Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer expressed optimism about chances for a deal with Republicans to continue the subsidy payments. “We’re going to have a very good opportunity to get this done in a bipartisan way” during negotiations in December on broad federal spending legislation, “if we can’t get it done sooner,” Schumer told reporters. Trump offered an invitation for Democratic leaders to come to the White House, while also lashing out at them. “We’ll negotiate some deal that’s good for everybody. But they’re always a bloc vote against everything. They’re like obstructionists,” Trump told reporters. The Senate failed in both July and September to pass legislation backed by Trump to repeal Obamacare due to opposition by a handful of Republican senators. One of them, Susan Collins, a moderate Republican from Maine who had been contemplating running for governor next year, on Friday said she planned to remain in the Senate and would use her voice in reforming the healthcare system. Hospitals, doctors, health insurers, state insurance commissioners and patient advocates decried Trump’s move, saying consumers will ultimately pay the price. They called on Congress to appropriate the funds needed to keep up the subsidy payments. Shares of U.S. hospital companies and health insurers closed down on Friday after the subsidies announcement. Centene Corp (CNC.N) closed down 3.3 percent and Molina Healthcare (MOH.N) closed down 3.4 percent. Among hospital shares, Tenet Healthcare (THC.N) finished 5.1 percent lower and Community Health Systems (CYH.N) declined 4.0 percent. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has estimated that erasing the subsidies would increase the federal deficit by $194 billion over the next decade because the government still would be obligated under other parts of Obamacare to help lower-income people pay for insurance premiums. Trump, who as a candidate last year promised to roll back the law formally called the Affordable Care Act, received applause for his latest action during an appearance on Friday before a group of conservative voters. “It’s step by step by step, and that was a very big step yesterday,” Trump said. “And one by one, it’s going to come down, and we’re going to have great healthcare in our country.” Earlier on Twitter he called Obamacare “a broken mess” that is “imploding,” and referred to the “pet insurance companies” of Democrats. Republicans for seven years had vowed to get rid of Obamacare, but deep intra-party divisions have scuttled their efforts to get legislation through the Senate, where they hold a slim majority. Since taking office in January, Trump threatened many times to cut the subsidies. Health insurers that planned to stay in the Obamacare market prepared for the move in many states by submitting two sets of premium rates to regulators: with and without the subsidies. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners said the change would drive up premium costs for consumers by at least 12 to 15 percent in 2018 and cut more than $1 billion in payments to insurers for 2017. The White House announced the cut-off just hours after Trump signed an order intended to allow insurers to sell lower-cost, bare-bones policies with limited benefits and consumer protections. Republicans have called Obamacare an unnecessary government intrusion into the American healthcare system. Democrats have said the law needs some fixes but noted that it had brought insurance to 20 million people.;October 13, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: GEORGE WASHINGTON PROFESSOR On Soros Activists Shutting Down Roads: Why It’s Time To Start “Suing the Bastards”;"Americans better start fighting back against these people who are shutting down our public roads by hitting these thugs where it really hurts in their wallets. Otherwise, we will continue to see increased violence that is being blamed on pro-Trump supporters in the media Anti-Trump activists who protested his planned appearance in Arizona today by blocking a limited access highway and creating a traffic nightmare with cars backed up for miles [N.Y. Daily News] could be sued in class action law suits for massive damages modeled after suits filed against those who similarly illegally blocked traffic at the George Washington Bridge, and judgments against other illegal protesters, says public interest law professor John Banzhaf.With the mainstream media continuing to blame Trump supporters for the efforts of their opponents to shut down their free speech rights, it may be time to adopt the tactics the left favors to get its way: lawsuits. That s the suggestion of John Banzhaf, a George Washington University law professor who defies categorization politically but is often labeled a gadfly. He explains:Anti-Trumpers Block Highway; Face Class Actions For DamagesSuits Filed re Blocked GW Bridge Provide Precedenthttps://t.co/LN17FGakCw John Banzhaf (@ProfBanzhaf) March 19, 2016Why and How to Sue Anti-Trump Protesters and Other Disruptors""Sue The Disruptors"" More Effective Than Criminal Lawhttps://t.co/9MMiZtE5wq John Banzhaf (@ProfBanzhaf) March 21, 2016As Banzhaf had predicted and later helped inspire, two different class action law suits seeking millions in civil damages were brought by persons stuck in the massive traffic jams at NYC s GW Bridge which were illegally caused by former aides to Governor Chris Christie.Suing protesters Suing the Bastards may be the most effective way to help deter illegal protests, says Banzhaf, noting that slap-on-the-wrist criminal fines usually aren t very effective, especially since it sometimes also helps give illegal protesters a soap box to air their grievances in criminal trials.The lead protester who chained her neck to a pickup truck was George Soros paid operative, Jacinta Gonzalez from New Orleans.But the tide may already be turning, says Banzhaf, citing these examples.When other groups see that the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society has been forced to pay $2.55 million to Japanese companies for illegally using acid and smoke bombs to disrupt their whaling, they may think twice before blocking traffic to advance their agenda, says Banzhaf, who has promoted the idea and the very slogan of Suing the Bastards when the law is broken.In another example, a student who illegally chained himself to some construction equipment because he opposed an oil pipeline was forced to pay out big bucks for his criminal conduct.As NPR reported it, he was apparently ready to accept a relatively painless conviction for trespass, but not to pay the pipeline company $39,000 in restitution.Similarly, eleven protesters who allegedly engaged in illegal activities at the Mall of American are facing restitution claims from the City of Bloomington.In these and many similar situations, protesters are often willing to accept a small misdemeanor fine and conviction for a chance to focus attention on their cause, especially if it means they get to have a criminal trial which generates even more publicity for them and for their grievance, argues Banzhaf.While most of these actions against criminal protesters have been brought by businesses, there s no reason why similar legal actions cannot also be brought by any person falsely imprisoned on that Arizona highway as was the case with one of the two GW-Bridge suits.Using the threat of legal actions is a far better and more American way of deterring illegal protests than engaging in physical violence against them, as some Trump supporters have apparently already done, says Banzhaf.Via: PRLOG";Mar 21, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump says to decide on running mate by week's end: Washington Post;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Monday he expects to select a running mate in the “next three to four days” and that he was leaning toward someone with political rather than military credentials, The Washington Post reported. Trump told the Post in an interview that he had five people under consideration, including retired Lt. General Michael Flynn. ;July 11, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Queen Declares RNC’s Use Of Their Music Was Unauthorized;Yesterday, on the first day of the Republican National Convention (which turned out to be a complete disaster), Donald Trump introduced his plagiarizing wife, Melania, to the tune of Queen s 1977 hit rock ballad We Are the Champions. The choice of song sparked outrage on social media (and rightfully so). Freddie Mercury, lead singer of Queen, was gay and, for a portion of his life, stricken with AIDS. This year s Republican platform is the most anti-LGBT in the party s history, and their vice presidential nominee, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, is a notorious homophobe who curtailed vital HIV/AIDS resources in Indiana.So the question was asked: given how hostile the GOP and Trump/Pence are to LGBT rights, why on God s green earth would Queen allow one of their most iconic hits to be played at the parade of hate?Well, it turns out, Queen never authorized the use of their song. In fact, the RNC actually went against their wishes:An unauthorised use at the Republican Convention against our wishes Queen Queen (@QueenWillRock) July 19, 2016Here s to hoping that the iconic band sues the hell out of the deficit stricken RNC. Although Queen is against their music being used, the right to use it doesn t come from them but rather the performing rights organization Broadcast Music Inc, which the iconic song belongs to for distribution.However, it remains to be seen if BMI authorized its use.Knowing the Trump campaign and the stupidity of the RNC, it may actually be highly unlikely that they did, and no one would be shocked if it slipped their minds.Countless celebrities and musicians alike have banned Republicans from using their music, including Rage Against the Machine, Heart, Foo Fighters, the Rolling Stones, and Adele. Queen apparently was on th list, but Republicans chose to ignore their wishes. I wonder how long it will take them to blame Hillary Clinton for their mistake.Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images;July 19, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Millions would lose mortgage, gift write-offs under U.S. tax bill: study;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Millions of households would no longer benefit from federal tax deductions for charity donations, mortgage interest payments and property tax under Republican tax plans being debated in the U.S. Congress, a think tank said on Thursday. The left-leaning Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy said that up to 29 million U.S. households now writing off donations, home loan interest and state and local property tax payments would no longer be able to do so under either of the two plans. While all three deductions are maintained in some form in one or both of the rival Senate and House of Representatives bills, far fewer taxpayers could take advantage of them because of other proposed changes, said the Washington-based group. “The House and Senate have voted to fundamentally transform those write-offs in ways that most people don’t understand,” said Carl Davis, research director of the institute. Under the bills, the mortgage interest and charitable deductions would be “worthless for most people”, Davis said. “Less than one in 10 people is going to be able to write-off their donations to their churches or local nonprofits if this legislation is signed into law.” President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans are racing to complete a sweeping tax code overhaul by the end of 2017. If they can, it would represent their first major legislative achievement since Trump took power in January. Trump has promised to simplify the tax code, part of which involves ending tax breaks for special interests. That goal is encountering resistance from interests that would be hurt. The Senate and the House have approved separate tax bills and are now trying to craft one unified bill to send to Trump for his signature. As drafted, the two bills call for roughly doubling the “standard deduction,” a key part of the tax code, to $12,000 for individuals and $24,000 for married couples filing jointly. The standard deduction is a fixed dollar amount, claimed by about two-thirds of taxpayers, that reduces taxable income. Instead of claiming the standard deduction, about one-third of taxpayers, mostly high-earning Americans, itemize deductions. Doing that is worthwhile, in most cases, if the total of itemized deductions exceeds the standard deduction. Both the Senate and House bills also curtail the deduction for state and local tax (SALT) payments, with the House preserving it for state and local property taxes up to $10,000. Tax experts estimate that the combination of doubling the standard deduction and curtailing the SALT deduction would mean that far fewer Americans would itemize. Since itemizing is the only way to claim the deductions for charity, mortgage interest and state and local tax payments, claims for those deductions are also expected to plummet, especially among middle-class Americans. The institute estimated that the percentage of U.S. households writing off charitable donations, under the Republican plans, would fall to 8 percent from 26 percent. A similar decline would be seen in households claiming the mortgage interest deduction, it said. “The mortgage interest deduction would be left in place for precisely the families who are least likely to need to the deduction to become homeowners. More than three-fourths of middle-income families claiming a mortgage interest deduction today would no longer receive that deduction,” it said. “There are good reasons to consider reforming itemized deductions to improve their effectiveness or fairness. But the House and Senate’s approach to that task leave much to be desired,” the institute said. (The story is refiled to correct last name in second reference to Davis from David in fifth paragraph.);December 8, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Top Senate Republican expresses optimism on healthcare bill after Trump meeting;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday said a meeting between Senate Republicans and President Donald Trump on healthcare was helpful and he expressed optimism the Senate would eventually pass a bill to repeal Obamacare. “I think the meeting was very helpful,” McConnell said as he left the meeting at the White House. “I think everyone around the table is interested in getting to yes ... because we know the status quo is simply unacceptable, unsustainable and no action is just not an option.” “I had hoped ... that we could have gotten to the floor this week, but we’re not quite there,” he added. “But I think we’ve got a really good chance of getting there. It will just take a little bit longer.” ;June 27, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: SHOCKER! CNN PANEL Rips On DNC Chair For His Disgusting Profanity Laden Speeches [Video];What a shocker! A CNN panel rips on Tom Perez for his profanity laden speeches They turn it on Trump but it s really interesting that they even questioned this so-called strategy: Just in case you haven t heard Perez speak:DNC Chair Tom Perez was on MSNBC (video below) to answer to critics who didn t like his nasty speech last week.He appeared at an event held by New Jersey Working Families Alliance, a re-branded ACORN agency and gave a hateful and divisive speech. He claimed that, Republicans don t give a sh*t about people . Why the Democrats picked this far left radical is puzzling unless the Democrats plan on going full commie Perez is connected to the radical open borders group La Raza. Something tells us that Obama made this pick for the Democrats. Check out a defiant Perez doubling down on is nastiness:OUR PREVIOUS REPORT AND VIDEO BELOW:Perez has a long radical history connected to La Raza and other open borders organizations. His track record is full on radical. e s in cahoots with Obama to continue the fundamental transformation of America. Anyone who s a Democrat should be shocked that he s taking the party in such a far left direction. Do your research and you ll know why he was the choice for Dem Chair.He just fired all Democrat Party staffers and is bringing in all new people. The party is clearly taking a new direction and it s not a good one for any American. DONALD TRUMP DIDN T WIN WATCH ENTIRE VIDEO: Republicans don t give a sh*t about people ;Apr 24, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Sacked Catalonia leader turns himself in, polls show independence strength;BRUSSELS/MADRID/BARCELONA (Reuters) - Sacked Catalonia leader Carles Puigdemont and four associates turned themselves in to Belgian police on Sunday, following Spain s issuing of an arrest warrant for rebellion and sedition. All are wanted by Madrid for actions related to the push for the region s secession from Spain. Puigdemont has become the public face of that move for independence. Other charges are the misuse of public funds, disobedience and breach of trust relating to the secessionist campaign, which has thrown Spain into a political crisis just as its economy has recovered from a sharp downturn and banking stress. Madrid has taken over administrative control in Catalonia, until then an autonomous region, and called new elections on Dec 21. Two polls on Sunday suggested pro-Catalonia independence parties will together win December s regional election although they may fall just short of a majority of seats in parliament needed to revive the secession campaign. Parties supporting Catalonia staying in Spain would divide seats but garner around 54 percent of the vote, the polls suggested. Puigdemont traveled to Belgium shortly after Madrid took control. On Sunday morning, Puigdemont and four of his former councillors presented themselves to police in Brussels. A judge will hear the defendants case on Sunday afternoon and has until Monday morning to decide whether the formalities for the extradition request have been fulfilled. According to a GAD3 survey of 1,233 people conducted between Oct. 30 and Nov. 3 and published in La Vanguardia newspaper, pro-independence parties ERC, PDeCAT and CUP would take between 66 and 69 seats in the 135-seat parliament. A second poll taken over the same period for the conservative newspaper La Razon echoed the GAD3 survey, showing pro-independence parties would capture the most votes though still fall just shy of a parliamentary majority with 65 seats. Other seats would be generally divided between parties that support the region remaining as part of Spain, though they would run on separate tickets. Voter participation, however, will rise to a record of 83 percent, the GAD3 poll showed. Under the European arrest warrant system, the five defendants in Belgium can agree to an extradition order immediately or the judge can set bail or detain them. Belgian authorities have to inform their European counterparts if a European arrest warrant cannot be executed after 90 days. On Saturday, Puigdemont - who PDeCAT said on Sunday would lead the party in the election - called for a united Catalan political front for independence from Spain and against the detention of his former members of government. On Thursday, nine of his sacked cabinet were ordered by Spain s High Court to be held on remand pending an investigation and potential trial. One member of the dismissed cabinet, Santi Vila, was freed after paying bail of 50,000 euros ($58,035) on Friday. The other eight could remain in custody for up to four years. According to the GAP3 survey, 59 percent believed legal action against Puigdemont was unjustified while 69.3 percent said the jailing of the Catalan politicians would give the independence cause a boost at the ballot box. Catalan civic groups Asamblea Nacional Catalana and Omnium Cultural - whose leaders were imprisoned last month on sedition charges - called for a general strike on Nov. 8 and a mass demonstration on Nov. 11 to protest the detentions. The Catalonia issue has sent shockwaves across Europe, energizing regions with their own secessionist agenda while unnerving those fighting to keep the European Union from fracturing further. Belgian Interior Minister Jan Jambon, a member of the Flemish nationalist and separatist party N-VA, criticized Spain s handling of situation on Sunday, saying Madrid went too far in an interview with Belgian broadcaster VTM. Madrid says the judiciary acts independently of the legislative arm of government while adding that Catalonia leaders acted outside the rule of law when organizing the vote and making the declaration of independence. A pro-secessionist rally in Barcelona on Sunday attracted just a few hundred people, a long way from the hundreds of thousands to join pro-independence marches in October. Many of those attending waved the regional flag and carried protest signs. One protester, Antonia Aguilera, 63, said she was concerned the new elections would not be fair and would be manipulated by the Spanish government. Her concerns echo the deep mistrust many Catalans have of politicians in Madrid that has deepened since the arrests and after the national police used truncheons and rubber bullets to thwart voting in the illegal independence referendum on Oct. 1. I m disgusted by it all. We knew they would react but not as strongly as they did, she said, adding that she believed the pro-independence parties would win the December election. And then we ll be back where we started.;November 5, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Saudi Prince Epically Burns Donald Trump: Remember Those Two Times I Bailed You Out Financially?;"Donald Trump only has himself to blame for this one.Rather than watch what he says on Twitter, the billionaire Republican presidential candidate retweeted an obviously photoshopped image of Megyn Kelly posing with Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, who owns a stake in Fox News, and his sister. @BradCross4: @Drudge_Report_ @realDonaldTrump pic.twitter.com/Ur1qgG291Z Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 28, 2016Trump has been acting like a petulant child ever since he learned Fox News would be including Megyn Kelly as a debate moderator once again, even though he didn t like her tough questions in a debate last year that touched off a bitter feud between the two.But Trump apparently never learned to not bite the hand that feeds him, because his tweet came back to bite him on the ass on Thursday prior to his rogue event running at the same time as the GOP Debate he declined to attend.In an epic response to Trump s tweet, Prince Alwaleed fired back with a revealing tweet of his own reminding Trump of those two times back in the 1990s when Trump needed a financial bailout and Alwaleed came to his rescue. Trump:You base your statements on photoshopped pics?I bailed you out twice;a 3rd time,maybe? https://t.co/Raco0mvusp https://t.co/jStBl7Ghia (@Alwaleed_Talal) January 28, 2016According to Buzzfeed, when Trump was $900 million in debt in 1991, it was Prince Alwaleed who purchased The Donald s Trump Princess yacht for $40 million.In 1995, Alwaleed would save Trump s ass again by purchasing New York City s Plaza Hotel from him for a whopping $325 million.In short, Donald Trump is an irresponsible businessman who has incurred massive debts and declared bankruptcy on multiple occasions. His decisions have been so bad that he needed to be bailed out by a Saudi national and you have to wonder how Trump would deal with America s debt. The last thing Americans need is to watch as their president sells the country off piece by piece to solve a debt that was created by Republican fiscal policies in the first place. And frankly, it s not hard to imagine that Trump would at least consider that option.Prince Alwaleed has previously called upon Trump to withdraw from the presidential race, and now he has given us even more reason to demand it as well.Featured Image: YouTube";January 28, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Elizabeth Warren Announces That A Major For Profit School Is Banned From Accepting Students;If there s one thing Elizabeth Warren hates, it s when ordinary citizens get the wool pulled over their eyes and are taken advantage of by greedy corporations.In an effort to make at least one company no longer have the ability to cheat students out of a proper education and tens of thousands of dollars, ITT Tech will no longer be allowed to accept students.Warren took to Facebook to make the announcement: ITT Tech a massive, for-profit college is currently under investigation by 20 state and federal agencies for cheating students. The SEC, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey are all suing them for fraud. ITT Tech failed, again, to meet the scandalously low standards of its accrediting agency, but still sucked down a whopping $600 million in taxpayer dollars last year.Today, the Department of Education has finally declared that enough is enough, banning ITT Tech from enrolling any new students with federal student loan and grant dollars this fall. ITT s free ride is finally over, and the message couldn t be clearer: We will no longer stand by and allow these shady institutions to bilk taxpayers and cheat students. https://www.facebook.com/senatorelizabethwarren/posts/636549976507499Warren also posts a link that explains what is happening and what current students can do or expect. Part of the article explains:As a current ITT student with federal loans, you have some options:You can continue your courses at ITT with your federal student aid. There s no immediate change to your program.You can transfer your credits to a new school (if that school accepts them) and complete your education.You can pause your education and wait to see how this matter resolves itself in the coming months. If ITT closes before you finish your program and you don t transfer your credits, you will likely be eligible to discharge your federal loans.This is huge news, and long overdue. All too often these for-profit schools continue to take money while providing subpar education, often not properly accredited. These schools spend more on advertising than education and take advantage of people who may not necessarily realize they are being robbed.It is wonderful to finally see some justice be made and watch at least another one of these scam schools be given what is long overdue.Featured Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images;August 25, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WATCH: Kellyanne Conway Says Worldwide Chaos Is A ‘Small Price To Pay’ For Banning Muslims;Donald Trump stooge Kellyanne Conway attempted to defend the unconstitutional Muslim ban on Sunday and failed miserably.On Friday, Trump signed an executive order banning immigrants from Yemen, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Syria, Somalia, and Libya from entering the United States.The order instantly caused mass chaos as businesses rushed to call back employees from overseas and airports became detention centers. Even people with green cards, which makes them American citizens, are being barred from entering the country.During an interview with Fox News host Chris Wallace, Conway ignored the worldwide chaos and actually had the gall to call it a good thing that somehow makes America safer. You re talking about 325,000 people from overseas came into this country just yesterday through our airports, Conway said when Wallace asked if Trump made a mistake by not thinking about the consequences of the order. You re talking about three hundred and some who have been detained or are prevented from gaining access to an aircraft in their home countries and must stay for now. That s 1 percent. And I think in terms of the upside being greater protection of our borders, of our people, it s a small price to pay. Here s the video via YouTube:Except that Trump s Muslim ban does not make America safer at all. In fact, it makes us less safe because extremists will use the ban as proof that America hates Muslims, which will be the perfect recruitment tool for terrorist organizations.For instance, this is how Iran responded to the order. While respecting the American people and distinguishing between them and the hostile policies of the U.S. government, Iran will implement the principle of reciprocity until the offensive U.S. limitations against Iranian nationals are lifted. The restrictions against travel by Muslims to America are an open affront against the Muslim world and the Iranian nation in particular and will be known as a great gift to extremists. So we can expect terrorist organizations like ISIS to use Trump s ban as a recruiting tool to persuade more people to align with them and commit acts of terrorism against the United States and nothing Trump does will stop them because his administration is far too incompetent to do so.The ban also would not have prevented any of the mass shootings conservatives point to as justification for the ban such as shootings in Ft. Hood, Orlando, and San Bernardino, because all of the shooters were natural born United States citizens.And Trump s ban did not include nations that are actually responsible for killing American citizens, such as Saudi Arabia, where the 9/11 hijackers were from and received funding.This Muslim ban is totally unconstitutional and targets people because of their religion. It goes against our values as a nation and every American should be horrified by what Trump has done. Our reputation around the world has just been sullied and we are going to pay a price in blood for it.Featured image via screenshot;January 29, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End