Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: SCOUNDREL HILLARY SUPPORTER STARTS “TrumpLeaks” Campaign…Desperate Move!;Hillary Clinton ally David Brock is offering to pay for new information on Donald Trump, hoping that damaging audio or video on the Republican presidential candidate will be submitted to his super PAC.Brock, founder of the left-wing Media Matters and operator of Correct the Record super PAC, recently posted the plea on Correct the Record s website and is referring to the project as TrumpLeaks, NBC News reported.Brock asked for video or audio of Trump that has yet to be released. One of the most important things for voters to evaluate in any election is the full measure of a candidate s views, ideas, and temperament over time, the website states. In making a choice for president, voters must also consider how various candidates present themselves to the public and to the world. There are few things more important in that regard than access to video or audio in the form of prior television or radio interviews or more candid video from events a candidate may have attended. Brock s super PAC goes on to say they can offer compensation to anyone who has new video or audio that has been obtained legally.Read more: WFB;Sep 17, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: NRA ‘Good Guy With a Gun’ Angry About Obama’s Executive Orders Shoots Up Apartment Building (VIDEO);"Gun enthusiasts across the country have been expressing their rage over President Obama s common sense attempts to close the gun show loophole and make America safer by keeping firearms out of the hands of people who should not have them like those who would start shooting up a building because they are displeased with the idea of keeping children safe from violent criminals.Ever since Obama announced his planned executive action on guns, conservatives have been preparing for war on the President s policies. We ve been hearing from the right that President Obama is making a gun grab that he s coming to round-up law-abiding gun owners and something, something Dark Side. And, of course, as we saw with Robert Dear and the extreme anti-Planned Parenthood rhetoric, one brave ammosexual decided to do what he viewed as his duty and offer up an armed opposition to Obama s policies.At around 6 p.m. on Tuesday, police in Redding, California responded to a report of shots fired at an apartment building. According to a statement from the Shasta County Sheriff s Department, what law enforcement found was sort of expected. A white man in his 50s had fired 6-8 shots into neighboring apartments because he was mad at Obama for attempting to reform gun laws. If that s not bad enough, he also had a letter from the NRA taped to his window. Once police arrived, he began shooting at them: Officers made verbal contact with the subject, described as a white adult male in his 50 s via a patrol car PA system. The suspect would open the door to the apartment briefly and yell at the officers. Witnesses on scene later advised detectives that the suspect was upset about the recent legislation regarding gun laws issued by President Obama. The suspect was not compliant with officers who directed the suspect to exit his apartment with his hands up. During this time, officers attempted to subdue the suspect by utilizing less lethal bean bag rounds which had no effect on the suspect s compliance. An attempt to utilize a police K-9 to subdue the suspect was also unsuccessful. After further commands by officers for the suspect to surrender, the suspect exited the apartment holding a handgun in his right hand, leveling it at officers who were tactically positioned outside his apartment, in the parking lot near parked vehicles and nearby trees, the release notes. Nine officers engaged the suspect with handguns and rifles subsequently striking the suspect multiple times. The suspect was declared deceased on scene. We heard the five shots everyone was screaming, resident David Rice recalled. He came out screaming Obama! Obama! Obama! (Police) told him to come out with (his) hands up, and he kept telling them No, no, no. One woman recounted being briefly taken hostage by the anti-Obama shooter, who grabbed her and pulled her into his apartment: As soon as he shut the door, he hugged me and he kissed me on the forehead. He was aiming at a guy, and then he just got sloppy he was shooting everywhere. The shooter, whose name has not been released, had a documented history of mental issues and was a felon, but was somehow able to get a gun in other words, he was exactly the sort of person the President s plan aims to keep from being weapons.Fortunately, no one was hurt (aside from the shooter) this time.Watch a video of the shooter below:(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = ""//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.3""; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));EXCLUSIVE: Cell phone video captures exactly what happened at a deadly officer involved shooting Tuesday night in Posted by Madison Wade on Wednesday, January 6, 2016You can also view a report on the shooting here:[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0-aOi2nkHk?rel=0&showinfo=0&w=560&h=315]Featured image via screengrab";January 7, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WATCH HOW “Moderate American” Muslims Respond When Asked If They Prefer US or Sharia Law?;A shocking documentary reveals that at least some American Muslims do want Sharia law right here in the United States.Ami Horowitz said that he always marvels in the lack of integration of the Muslim community in both the United States and Europe.So, he asked American Muslims mostly born in the United States or immigrated to the United States legally if they would prefer Sharia law would replace U.S. law.Of the group interviewed in the Minneapolis, many said that would like to see Sharia law be the law of the land and that they also think freedom of speech should be curtailed so that it is illegal to insult the Prophet Mohammad.Via: DownTrend;Jun 4, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: JUST IN: PRESIDENT TRUMP AND FIRST LADY Make Surprise Trip to Visit School Shooting Victims [Video];"President Trump visits Florida hospital, praises first responders following school shooting: It s very sad something like that could happen, but the job the doctors did, the nurses, the hospital, the first responders, law enforcement really incredible. A White House statement said that the Trumps were visiting to pay their respects and thank the medical professionals for their life-saving assistance in response to shooting.NEW: ""The job they ve done is incredible,"" Pres. Trump says of doctors, first responders as he and first lady Melania Trump meet Parkland shooting victims at Broward Health North Hospital https://t.co/n6Ltn0H0nn pic.twitter.com/gKN8aHbRz4 CBS News (@CBSNews) February 17, 2018POTUS AND FLOTUS THEN MET WITH FLORIDA LAW ENFORCEMENT:After President Trump and First Lady Melania visited with victims, families and the incredible medical teams at Broward Health North they headed to thank the amazing law enforcement officers at the @BrowardSheriff s Department, where a roundtable is now underway. pic.twitter.com/JNYrVovGl6 Dan Scavino Jr. (@Scavino45) February 17, 2018THE PRESIDENT BRIEFLY SPOKE WITH REPORTERS AFTER THE MEETING WITH LAW ENFORCEMENT:Moments ago, @POTUS and @FLOTUS met with Florida law enforcement officials at the @browardsheriff's Office. pic.twitter.com/jbMU6aIkUA Fox News (@FoxNews) February 17, 2018At Broward Health North Hospital, Pres and Mrs Trump visited with school shooting patients and medical personnel. Pres said students making incredible recovery. And says doctors and first responders had done an incredible job.At Broward Health North Hospital, Pres and Mrs Trump visited with school shooting patients and medical personnel. Pres said students making ""incredible recovery."" And says doctors and first responders had done an incredible job. pic.twitter.com/iLomsQXknf Mark Knoller (@markknoller) February 17, 2018The president briefly spoke with reporters:""It's very sad something like that could happen,"" Pres Trump said of the Parkland school shooting after visiting wounded students in the hospital. Hails work of medical staff and first responders. Declines to respond to question about gun control. pic.twitter.com/hlvMPwhK1M Mark Knoller (@markknoller) February 17, 2018PRESIDENT TRUMP POSTED PHOTOS FROM HIS VISIT:Our entire Nation, w/one heavy heart, continues to pray for the victims & their families in Parkland, FL. To teachers, law enforcement, first responders & medical professionals who responded so bravely in the face of danger: We THANK YOU for your courage! https://t.co/3yJsrebZMG pic.twitter.com/ti791dENTy Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 17, 2018";16-Feb-18 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: If Trump says Iran violating nuclear deal, does not mean U.S. withdrawal: Haley;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - If U.S. President Donald Trump tells Congress in October that Iran is not complying with a 2015 nuclear deal it brokered with world powers, that does not mean a U.S. withdrawal from the agreement, U.S. envoy to the U.N. Nikki Haley said on Tuesday. Under U.S. law, the State Department must notify Congress every 90 days of Iran s compliance with the nuclear deal. The next deadline is October, and Trump has said he thinks by then the United States will declare Iran to be non-compliant. If the President chooses not to certify Iranian compliance, that does not mean the United States is withdrawing from the JCPOA (the nuclear deal), Haley told the American Enterprise Institute think tank in Washington. Should he decide to decertify he has grounds to stand on, said Haley, adding that she did not know what Trump would decide. We will stay in a deal as long as it protects the security of the United States. Most U.N. and Western sanctions were lifted 18 months ago under the nuclear deal. Iran is still subject to a U.N. arms embargo and other restrictions, which are not technically part of the deal. In April, Trump ordered a review of whether a suspension of sanctions on Iran related to the nuclear deal, negotiated under President Barack Obama, was in the U.S. national security interest. He has called it the worst deal ever negotiated. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani warned last month that Iran could abandon the nuclear agreement within hours if the United States imposes any more new unilateral sanctions. (The nuclear deal) is a very flawed and very limited agreement ... Iran has been caught in multiple violations over the past year and a half, Haley said. The Iranian nuclear deal was designed to be too big to fail. The U.S. review of its policy toward Iran is also looking at Tehran s behavior in the Middle East, which Washington has said undermines U.S. interests in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon. Iran s leaders want to use the nuclear deal to hold the world hostage to its bad behavior, she said. Haley traveled to Vienna last month to meet International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) officials for what she described as a fact-finding mission as part of Trump s review. The IAEA polices restrictions the deal placed on Iran s nuclear activities and reports quarterly. While Haley asked if the IAEA planned to inspect Iranian military sites to verify Tehran s compliance, something Tehran has said they would not allow, she said on Tuesday: We never ask the IAEA to do anything.;September 5, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Republican Cruz, hoping to revive struggling campaign, taps Fiorina as No. 2;INDIANAPOLIS (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz, in a last-ditch bid to slow front-runner Donald Trump’s momentum, named former business executive Carly Fiorina on Wednesday as his vice presidential running mate should he win the nomination. After crushing losses to Trump in five nominating contests in the Northeast on Tuesday, Cruz praised Fiorina, a former presidential rival, as a principled fighter for conservative values who would be a valuable ally on the campaign trail. “Carly is a vice presidential nominee who I think is superbly skilled, superbly gifted at helping unite this party,” the U.S. senator from Texas told a rally in Indianapolis, the capital of Indiana. The Midwestern state is the next battleground for selecting the Republican and Democratic presidential candidates for the Nov. 8 presidential election and is shaping up to be Cruz’s best - and perhaps last - chance to block Trump’s march to the nomination. Cruz acknowledged it was unusual to choose a running mate so early in the race. Traditionally, the winners of the Republican and Democratic nominating races announce their running mates in the period between clinching the nomination and summer’s national conventions. “I think all would acknowledge this race, if anything, it is unusual,” said Cruz, 45, adding he wanted to give voters a clear choice and offer a rebuttal to media suggestions the Republican race was over. At a nearby rally in Indianapolis afterward, Trump was scornful of Cruz’s move, calling his rival “desperate.” In the Democratic race, Hillary Clinton, 68, won four of Tuesday’s five contests, building a virtually insurmountable lead over rival Bernie Sanders, a 74-year-old U.S. senator from Vermont, who vowed to keep fighting until the July convention. In tapping Fiorina as his No. 2, Cruz was apparently trying to recover from Trump’s landslide primary wins on Tuesday in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, Connecticut and Rhode Island. The victories made the uphill climb toward the nomination even steeper for Cruz. “I’ve had tough fights all my life,” Fiorina said after Cruz introduced her. “Tough fights don’t worry me a bit.” Fiorina, 61, dropped her own White House bid in February after a seventh-place finish in New Hampshire. She endorsed Cruz a month later and has been a sharp critic of Clinton. Fiorina and Cruz both said they had grown close since her endorsement, and she sang a few verses of a song she said she sings to Cruz’s two daughters on their campaign bus. The choice of Fiorina, a former Hewlett-Packard Co chief executive who, like Trump, has never held elective office, could help Cruz with women voters, a group that Trump has had difficulty winning over to his outsider campaign. It also could offer Cruz a boost in the June 7 primary in California, where Fiorina won the Republican primary in 2010 for the U.S. Senate. She was defeated in the general election by incumbent Democrat Barbara Boxer. Fiorina now lives in Virginia. Trump has amassed 987 of the 1,237 Republican national convention delegates he needs to secure the nomination, to 562 for Cruz and 153 for Ohio Governor John Kasich, 63, the third remaining candidate, according to the Associated Press. If Cruz can win a large share of Indiana’s 57 delegates, it will increase the chances that Trump will not be able to win the nomination on the convention’s first ballot. After that, many delegates will be free to turn to Cruz, Kasich or a dark-horse establishment candidate on a second or subsequent ballot. A loss to Trump in Indiana would effectively cripple Cruz’s bid, and increase pressure on the party to rally around Trump as the prospective nominee. Trump called Cruz’s decision to pick a running mate “a pure waste of time” and “a desperate attempt to save a failing campaign by an all-talk, no-action politician.” “He is the first presidential candidate in the history of this country who’s mathematically eliminated from becoming president who chose a vice presidential candidate. ... It’s a record,” the New York billionaire and former reality TV star told supporters in Indianapolis on Wednesday. Trump vowed to campaign extensively in the state between now and Tuesday’s nominating contest. “I’m not playing games with Indiana,” he said. “You are going to get so tired of me.” “We’re going to win it,” he said. Trump was introduced at the rally by famed college basketball coach Bob Knight, who led Indiana University to three national championships. Cruz said Fiorina had already proven her mettle in standing up to Trump last year after he insulted her looks in an interview. “Look at that face. Would anyone vote for that?” Trump had asked, only to be sternly rebuked by Fiorina in their next presidential debate. “She’s faced challenges a lot worse than someone bellowing and yelling and insulting her face,” Cruz told the Indianapolis crowd. A breast cancer survivor who lost a stepdaughter to drug addiction, Fiorina served as Hewlett-Packard chief executive from 1999 to 2005. She was forced to resign amid weak earnings as the company struggled to digest a $19 billion merger with Compaq Computer Corp. About 30,000 layoffs took place during her tenure. Fiorina’s campaign never took off in the original 17-member Republican presidential field, and she was mostly relegated to the early second-tier debates for low-polling candidates. Craig Robinson, a former political director of the Iowa Republican Party, said Cruz would have been better off picking an experienced politician who could help him secure delegates in a fight at the convention. “It’s a real head-scratcher,” he said. But some conservatives applauded Cruz’s choice. Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List, which works to elect political candidates who oppose abortion rights, said Fiorina was the “ideal” choice. “She will take Hillary Clinton head-on,” Dannenfelser said in a statement.;April 27, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Losing immunity, German anti-immigrant party's co-head may face perjury charge;BERLIN (Reuters) - A regional parliament has lifted the immunity of the best known politician in the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, opening the way for prosecutors to pursue possible perjury charges against her. Frauke Petry, who is the AfD s co-chairwoman, has been dogged by allegations that she lied under oath to a committee of the Saxony parliament about how the party s campaign for the 2014 election in the state was financed. The ending of her immunity from prosecution adds to the right-wing party s problems less than four weeks before a national election. Weakened by infighting, it has bled support over the last year as voters concerns about immigration have eased. Prosecutors have pursued the case against Petry, who denies the allegations, for more than a year. Her immunity as a member of the Saxony s parliament ended at midnight, a spokesman for the assembly said. A spokesman for prosecutors in the state capital Dresden said they would await written confirmation of that from the parliament s president before any further proceedings could be agreed upon. The AfD is polling between 7 and 10 percent in opinion surveys - well down from a high of 15.5 percent at the end of 2016 but still clearing the 5-percent threshold needed to enter the federal parliament in the Sept. 24 national election. Petry cuts an increasingly isolated figure in the AfD, which she transformed from an anti-euro party at its founding in 2013 into a group that taps into voters concerns about migration. The party soared in the polls after Chancellor Angela Merkel s decision in 2015 to open Germany s borders to migrants fleeing war and poverty in the Middle East and beyond, of whom more than a million have since arrived. At a party conference in April, Petry suffered a humiliating defeat when delegates refused to discuss her plan to shift the party towards the mainstream.;August 29, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. says Cubans' favorable immigration status to stay in place;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. State Department official said on Tuesday that Washington has no plans to change a Cold War-era law granting special immigration benefits to Cubans, despite President Barack Obama’s moves toward normalized relations with the island country. “There continues to be a large migration flow out of Cuba. It reflects the difficult economic and human rights conditions in the country,” Francisco Palmieri, principal deputy assistant secretary in State’s Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, told a Senate subcommittee hearing. “We have no plans to change the Cuban Adjustment Act at this time,” Palmieri said. The Cuban Adjustment Act provides Cubans with benefits granted to migrants from no other country. Once they enter the United States and ask for asylum, virtually all are granted the right to stay, can apply for work permits and, later, green cards, which convey lawful permanent residency. Some U.S. lawmakers have been demanding a fresh look at Cuban immigration policy since the surprise December 2014 announcement from Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro that the two countries would move toward ending decades of estrangement. They argue that most of the Cubans coming to the United States are coming for economic reasons and are not refugees from its Communist government. Fear of an end to their benefits has fueled a surge in departures from Cuba, many via third countries, which has left large groups of Cubans stranded in Central America. Earlier this year, thousands were airlifted from Panama and Costa Rica to northern Mexico, where they crossed the border into the United States. Senator Marco Rubio, the subcommittee chairman, asked Palmieri about reports that Panama might be planning to send more Cuban migrants north. “We have not told them not to do their airlift,” Palmieri said.;April 26, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Senator Graham says enough is enough on Russian cyber activities;RIGA (Reuters) - A U.S. senator said on Wednesday that Russia needed to understand it had taken one step too far during the presidential election won by Donald Trump. “It is now time for Russia to understand – enough is enough,” Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said in the Latvian capital. Earlier this month, U.S. Republican and Democratic senators including Graham called for a special bipartisan panel to investigate cyber attacks against the United States by foreign countries with a focus on Russia’s alleged efforts to influence the U.S. presidential election. Russian officials have denied accusations of interference in the Nov. 8 election.;December 28, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. to withhold some Clinton emails with top secret information;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. State Department conceded for the first time on Friday that intelligence officials were correct to say that at least 22 emails sent through Hillary Clinton’s private server contain some of the government’s most sensitive secrets. The seven email chains from Clinton’s time as secretary of state, amounting to 22 separate messages, will be withheld from the public as a result because the information in them is classified at the highest level as “top secret,” State Department spokesman John Kirby said. The announcement came three days before the Iowa caucuses, when the first votes are cast for the presidential nominations and where Clinton is locked in a tight race with Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders to become the Democratic nominee for the November election. “These documents were not marked classified at the time that they were sent,” Kirby said. He added that the department was now investigating whether the information in them was classified at the time it passed through her private clintonemail.com email account run on a server in her New York home. The department and intelligence officials have been arguing about the emails, which are being made public under a federal court order, for at least five months. The State Department initially maintained that Clinton might have obtained the same information independently through non-classified channels. The decision to no longer pursue this argument will add to the questions Clinton has faced for months over her handling of sensitive government information as she seeks to maintain her position as the favorite to become the Democratic nominee. The Clinton campaign criticized the State Department’s decision as the result of “bureaucratic infighting” and “over-classification run amok,” adding that the emails should be released. Some information has been censored in more than 1,300 emails already made public because the State Department says it is classified, including the privately shared thoughts of foreign leaders and government officials. But this is the first time that entire chains are being withheld. Congressional Republicans have criticized and investigated Clinton for her use of a private email server for her work as a secretary of state from 2009 to 2013. Some of her Republican rivals for the presidency, including New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, have called for her prosecution. Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee’s chairman, said in a statement that Clinton had “put our national security and diplomatic efforts at risk.” The government forbids handling of classified information, which may or may not be marked that way, outside secure government-controlled channels, and sometimes prosecutes people who remove it from such channels. The government classifies information as top secret if it deems a leak could cause “exceptionally grave damage” to national security. U.S. Representative Adam Schiff of California, the House Intelligence Committee’s leading Democrat, defended Clinton in a statement, saying classification determinations are “often very complex” and she was “responding to world events in real time without the benefit of months of analysis after the fact.” The Federal Bureau of Investigation has taken Clinton’s server and other computer equipment, but has declined to share details of its inquiries. White House spokesman Josh Earnest downplayed questions about whether Clinton might be prosecuted by the Justice Department. “That’s not something I’m worried about,” he told reporters. Clinton initially said she never sent or received classified information through her email. In recent weeks she has more often said none of her emails were marked that way. Following a court-ordered schedule, the State Department has already released most of the roughly 30,000 work emails Clinton returned to the department. The department had been ordered to release all the emails by Friday, but last week asked the court for a one-month extension. The State Department also said it would agree with a request from the White House that Clinton’s emails with President Barack Obama, 18 in all, be withheld from public release for several years under the Presidential Records Act.;January 29, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WHY DID PRESIDENT TRUMP Receive 100 Day Scrutiny While Other Presidents Got A Pass [Video];What factors determine what makes the first 100 days of a president a success? Roosevelt had urgency and opportunity as his two main things Others followed with not much focus on the first 100 days The Wall Street Journal gives us the lowdown on all of the presidents and asks why Trump is under the microscope Unfair? Arbitrary? We d like to know what you think Here s what President Trump had to say about his first 100 days in office: We re moving awfully well. We ve got a lot of things done. We are, I don t think there s ever been anything like this. It s a false standard, 100 days, but I have to tell you, but I don t think anyone has done what we ve been able to do. President TrumpHere s the very last rally and speech before the election. It was held in Grand Rapids Michigan:;Apr 28, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Numbskull Republican Ignores History, Says Reagan Would NEVER Negotiate With Iran;Republican Rep. Ted Poe (R-Texas) spoke with Family Research Council President Tony Perkins yesterday, on the radio show Washington Watch, where they discussed Obama s diplomatic victory in the peaceful release of Iranian prisoners.Perkins was very upset over the idea that we got Americans returned home by talking to Iran and using diplomacy. He suggested that America has hit a dangerously slippery slope in regards to Americans being held abroad in prisons, because the fact we did something to get our people home would only invite more and more demands in future incidents.Poe agreed that it was a very sad state of affairs for the nation. The price as he put it, that America had paid was simply too high. What price is acceptable, he didn t say. He only continued on to lament the fact that the days of Ronald Reagan and not negotiating with terrorists were gone from the country.Since he brought up Ronald Reagan and his policy of not negotiating with terrorists, let s take a closer look at that.During Reagan s second term, officials of his administration and very likely Reagan himself secretly and illegally sold weapons to Iran. Iran was under an arms embargo at the time because they were considered a terrorist state. The sale was done in order to bribe Iran to help facilitate the release of American hostages in Lebanon.The Republican revisionism and selective memory, when it comes to the legacy of Ronald Reagan is nothing short of amazing. The Iran-Contra scandal happened when practically every establishment Republican was alive and old enough to be able to watch the news or read the newspaper. It s like Germany insisting World War 2 never happened, and instead the entire nation was on vacation for 6 years.President Obama did everything right, getting our people home, not firing one bullet to do it, while not sending more weapons into the hands of those who can do us harm, and the first reaction from the right is to attack him for it.I m sure Republicans wish the prisoners were still being held so they had a political football, but can t they just try to repeal Obamacare again?[soundcloud url= https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/242909973 params= color=ff5500 width= 100% height= 166 iframe= true /]featured image via YouTube screen capture;January 20, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Biden says Obama won't be able to pick the 'most liberal jurist';WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama cannot select the most liberal possible candidate for the U.S. Supreme Court and should seek a “consensus” pick who could attract Republican support, Vice President Joe Biden said on Thursday. A fierce political fight is brewing as the Democratic president prepares to name a successor to conservative Justice Antonin Scalia, who died on Saturday. Obama’s nominee could change the court’s balance of power. Scalia’s death left it with four conservative and four liberal justices. Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid told MSNBC in an interview that he spoke with Obama on Thursday about the nomination and expected the president to name his choice in “a little over three weeks.” Many Republicans, led by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, have said the seat should remain vacant until Obama’s successor takes office next January so voters can have a say in the selection when they choose a new president in the Nov. 8 election.     “The Senate gets to have a say,” Biden, a former senator, told Minnesota Public Radio in an interview broadcast on Thursday. “In order to get this done, the president is not going to be able to go out, nor would it be his instinct anyway, to pick the most liberal jurist in the nation and put them on the court.” The Senate, whose Republican majority would be unlikely to embrace any selection seen as particularly liberal, must confirm nominees picked for lifetime appointments to the nation’s highest court. “There are plenty of judges who are on high courts already who have had unanimous support of the Republicans. This should be someone who, in fact, is a consensus and whereby we can generate enough support to get a person passed,” Biden said. In a separate interview broadcast on MSNBC, Biden said he would be deeply involved in advising Obama but that he had no desire himself to be named to the high court. Biden told MSNBC the president had sought his advice but they had yet to discuss potential candidates. White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters Obama would draw on Biden’s perspective, noting the vice president had served as Senate Judiciary Committee chairman and presided over confirmation hearings for past Supreme Court nominees. Those included the contentious 1991 hearings for Justice Clarence Thomas. Separately, retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, the first woman to serve on the court and a nominee of Republican President Ronald Reagan, took issue with Republicans who are demanding that Obama’s successor pick the person to fill Scalia’s vacancy. “I don’t agree,” O’Connor, 85, told an Arizona television station. “We need somebody in there to do the job - and just get on with it.” Some Republican senators have urged their leaders at least to allow the customary Judiciary Committee confirmation hearings to proceed on any Obama nominee. “I do believe that the nominee should get a hearing,” Senator Lisa Murkowski told reporters in her home state of Alaska on Wednesday. She added: “That doesn’t necessarily mean that ends up in a vote” by the Senate to confirm the nominee. Senators Dean Heller of Nevada and Thom Tillis of North Carolina this week also indicated support for allowing the Senate to consider Obama’s nominee. Obama will not attend Scalia’s funeral on Saturday, a decision that provoked criticism from some conservatives. Earnest rebuked critics who he said “want to use the funeral of the Supreme Court justice as some sort of political cudgel.” Earnest noted Obama would pay his respects by going to the Supreme Court building on Friday when Scalia’s body will be lying in repose, and Biden would represent the Obama administration at the funeral. Obama’s presence at public events requires a massive retinue of Secret Service agents and security measures, while Biden’s “security footprint” is a little bit lighter, Earnest said, noting the White House had sought a “respectful arrangement.” A CBS News poll and a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll showed Americans closely split along partisan lines on whether Obama should name Scalia’s successor.;February 18, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Kellyanne Conway Admits Comey Tapes Probably Exist But Says Trump Doesn’t Have Them (VIDEO);Does Donald Trump have tapes of his conversations with fired FBI director James Comey? Until Thursday, he said yes but after it became apparent that special prosecutor Robert Mueller had hired a team that included former Watergate investigators, Trump changed his story.Now, he says, he was just trying to obstruct justice by using the idea that there were tapes to intimidate James Comey before he testified a gambit that led to Comey laughing at him during a public hearing.At this point, Trump would be stupid to personally be in possession of any tapes of their conversations, but White House spokesidiot Kellyanne Conway hints that tapes may exist Trump just doesn t keep them in his nightstand like they are a book of Adolf Hitler s speeches (yes, he kept a book of Hitler s speeches at his bedside).During an interview with CNN s Alisyn Camerota, Conway refused to say why it took 42 days for The Donald to change his story about the tapes with which he threatened the man whom he fired for requesting additional funding for the Russia investigation but she used some very interesting wording while attempting to explain away Trump s self-made scandal. So the president made clear yesterday and in an interview aired early this morning, Alisyn, on Fox News, that he doesn t have tapes didn t make tapes, but he left open the possibility they may exist, Conway said, hinting that because of the surveillance and leaking going on the tapes might just surface. But why did we live this charade, there might be tapes or might not? Camerota asked. There was no charade, Conway replied. Answer definitively there were no audiotapes? Camerota pressed. He answered definitively yesterday, Conway shot back. Why is he always on your timeline? Strangely, Conway nor Trump denied that tapes were made. Trump just said he personally didn t record them which would have been a rookie move even for him and Conway explained that Trump wasn t personally in possession of them.As Republican Rep. Mike Conaway, who is leading the Russia probe, notes, that hardly clears things up.Watch it below:Featured image via screengrab;June 23, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: One-in-five U.S. Republicans want Trump to drop out: Reuters/Ipsos poll;NEW YORK (Reuters) - Nearly one-fifth of registered Republicans want Donald Trump to drop out of the race for the White House, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Wednesday, reflecting the turmoil his candidacy has sown within his party. Some 19 percent think the New York real estate magnate should drop out, 70 percent think he should stay in and 10 percent say they “don’t know,” according to the Aug. 5-8 poll of 396 registered Republicans. The poll has a confidence interval of six percentage points. Among all registered voters, some 44 percent want Trump to drop out. That is based on a survey of 1,162 registered voters, with a confidence interval of 3 percentage points. That is 9 points higher than his support for the presidency in the latest Reuters/Ipsos tracking poll. The figures underscored deep divisions within the Republican Party over Trump’s candidacy. A number of prominent Republicans have declined to endorse him in the Nov. 8 election against Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, citing his fiery rhetoric and policy proposals such as building a wall along the U.S.-Mexican border and temporarily banning Muslims from entering the country. Mike Smith, a 74-year-old retiree from Clearwater, Florida, said he supported Trump for much longer than he should have, but now feels the candidate should drop out of the race. Trump “has not comported himself as a leader,” said Smith, adding that he might vote for Clinton over his party’s nominee. “His policies don’t seem to be well formed, they don’t seem to make any sense,” Smith said. “The support he has from Republicans almost seems obligatory rather than voluntary.” Trump found himself embroiled in yet another controversy on Tuesday after saying at a rally that gun rights activists could act to stop Clinton from nominating liberal U.S. Supreme Court justices - a comment his campaign said was misinterpreted, but that Clinton’s campaign called “dangerous.” “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks,” Trump said at the rally at the University of North Carolina. “Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know,” he continued. The U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment guarantees a right to keep and bear arms. Megan MacDonald, 25, is a Republican but did not support Trump through the primary. He has not done anything since to change her mind, and believes he should leave the race. “I just feel there are so many derogatory things that have come out of his mouth, and he’s putting it out there – it’s not like someone is finding skeletons in his closet,” said MacDonald, a stay-at-home mom in Louisiana, who may pick a third-party candidate. “It feels like he’s not even trying to be a decent person who we should look up to.” Trump had previously stirred criticism for engaging in a spat with the parents of a Muslim U.S. soldier killed in Iraq. In addition, 50 prominent national security experts signed an open letter saying they would not vote for Trump in the fall, saying he “lacks the character, values, and experience” to be president. Trump dismissed the group as part of the Washington establishment that he blames for many of the United States’ problems. Stacie McDaniel, 42, said Trump’s rhetoric has, at times, made her think he should drop out of the race. “Sometimes I think he has good intentions, but his mouth gets overloaded,” said McDaniel, a relocation director for a real estate company in Louisiana. “I think he says things that if he does get elected, he’s not going to get anything done.” Still, she plans to vote for Trump, she said, because she cannot bring herself to support Clinton. “I dislike Hillary so much,” she said. “As the lesser of two evils is why I’m voting for him.” Indeed, neither Trump nor Clinton enjoys great popularity. Some 53 percent of Americans have an unfavorable view of Clinton, who has been accused of mishandling her emails as secretary of state, according to Reuters/Ipsos polling. Nearly 63 percent have an unfavorable view of Trump. Clinton led Trump by more than 7 percentage points in a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Tuesday, up from a less than 3-percentage-point lead late last week.;August 10, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: JUDGE JEANINE Gives Great Debate Advice To Trump: “Be the man I’ve known for decades” [Video]; ;Sep 24, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: British PM May disagrees with U.S. decision to move embassy to Jerusalem: spokesman;LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May disagrees with the U.S. decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel because it is unlikely to help efforts to bring peace to the region, her spokesman said on Wednesday. Jerusalem should ultimately be shared between Israel and a future Palestinian state, the spokesman said. We disagree with the U.S. decision to move its embassy to Jerusalem and recognize Jerusalem as the Israeli capital before a final status agreement, the spokesman said. We believe it is unhelpful in terms of prospects for peace in the region. President Donald Trump reversed decades of U.S. policy on Wednesday and recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, despite warnings from around the world that the gesture further drives a wedge between Israel and the Palestinians. Trump sparked outrage in Britain last week after he issued a sharp rebuke of May on Twitter after she criticized him for retweeting British far-right anti-Islam videos. May s spokesman welcomed Trump s desire to end the conflict and his acknowledgement that the final status of Jerusalem, including boundaries within the city, must be subject to negotiations between the Israelis and the Palestinians. We encourage the US Administration to now bring forward detailed proposals for an Israel-Palestinian settlement, he said. ;December 6, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: THE LEFT IS OFFICIALLY ISIS: Thug Destroys Oldest Monument to Christopher Columbus [Video];The left is officially ISIS ISIS terrorists have destroyed ancient sites that have been preserved for hundreds and hundred of years. Well, the left isn t too far behind them some jackwagon took a sledgehammer to a 225-year old monument to Christpher Columbus Unreal!The Columbus statue is in Baltimore Shame on these thugs!Baltimore Brew has this to say about the memorial:Baltimore s 225-year-old monument to Christopher Columbus, said to be the oldest in the country and the world dedicated to the explorer that is still standing, has been severely vandalized.In case you re wondering, this is happening in other places in America. We reported on two Catholic Saint statues that were vandalized and the Peace Monument in Atlanta that was also vandalized. Are you getting the picture now? It s not about the Confederacy but about hating anything America stands for. Our kids have been well taught by liberal academia so they only know that Imperialist America stole everything from everyone Yada, Yada, Yada,,,THIS IS A TURNING POINT Some jackwagon narrates the video: Christopher Columbus symbolizes the initial invasion of European capitalism into the Western Hemisphere. Columbus initiated a centuries-old wave of terrorism, murder, genocide, rape, slavery, ecological degradation and capitalist exploitation of labor in the Americas. That Columbian wave of destruction continues on the backs of Indigenous, African-American and brown people. Racist monuments to slave owners and murderers have always bothered me. Baltimore s poverty is concentrated in African-American households, and these statues are just an extra slap in the face. They were built in the 20th century in response to a movement for African Americans human dignity. What kind of a culture goes to such lengths to build such hate-filled monuments? What kind of a culture clings to those monuments in 2017?;Aug 21, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: SARAH SANDERS Hits Back At Senator Warren For ‘Lying About Her Heritage’ [Video];Notice in the exchange below that the reporters have a cohesive message saying President Trump calling Senator Warren Pocahontas is a racial slur . They think we ll buy into their effort to make this is a slur if they say it often enough They re trying to hijack the narrative by repeating an untruth as fact Nice Alynsky tactic by the press Watch how Sarah Sanders turns it all around and asks why no one is asking why Warren lied about being Native American Another great job by Sarah!Sarah Huckabee Sanders said on Monday it is ridiculous for Senator Warren to consider Pocahontas to be a racial slur Sanders was responding to a question about whether it was offensive for President Donald Trump to use the nickname during a White House event honoring World War II code talkers. A reporter said the comment was offensive to many, but Sanders turned the issue back to Warren s unsubstantiated claim to Native American heritage. I think what most people find offensive is Senator Warren lying about her heritage to advance her career. BOOM!Another reporter brought up Warren saying on MSNBC, just before the press conference began, that Trump s nickname constitutes a racial slur. I think that is a ridiculous response, Sanders answered. I think the president certainly finds an extreme amount of value and respect for these individuals, which is why he invited them to come to the White House and spent time with them in recognizing and honoring them today, Sanders replied. He invited them here at the White House today to meet with them and to also remind everybody about what a historic role that they played many years ago. ;Nov 27, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BREAKING: Philippines President Announces ‘Separation’ From U.S….Now Supporting THIS Super Power [Video]; ;Oct 20, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: THIRD DEGREE “BERN!” Why Denmark Is Telling Marxist, Bernie Sanders To Stop LYING To Voters;Lying? If Bernie can successfully convince tens of thousands of college students to believe in unicorns, and pots of gold at the end of rainbows, why not convince them how well stealing from hard working Americans utopian forms of government work in other countries? Who needs facts when Bernie s got unicorns?The Danes apparently have grown weary of Sen. Bernie Sanders insulting their country. Denmark is not a socialist nation, says its prime minister. It has a market economy. Sanders, the Democratic presidential candidate who calls himself a socialist, has used Denmark as the example of the socialist utopia he wants to create in America. During the Democrats first debate last month, he said we should look to countries like Denmark, like Sweden and Norway, and learn from what they have accomplished for their working people. While appearing in New Hampshire in September, Sanders said that he had talked to a guy from Denmark who told him that in Denmark, it is very hard to become very, very rich, but it s pretty hard to be very, very poor. And that makes a lot of sense to me. So because something makes sense to him, he has the right to force that system on people who don t want it? Isn t that what he s saying?But we digress. This is about Danes being offending by Sanders using the word socialist to describe their form of government. And who can blame them, especially when the free world has had enough of national socialists and Soviet socialists and North Korean socialists and Cuban socialists?While speaking at Harvard s Kennedy School of Government, the center-right Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen said he was aware that some people in the U.S. associate the Nordic model with some sort of socialism. Therefore, he said, I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy. Rasmussen acknowledged that the Nordic model is an expanded welfare state which provides a high level of security to its citizens, but he also noted that it is a successful market economy with much freedom to pursue your dreams and live your life as you wish. To that we ll add that Sweden, another of Sanders inspirations, has for decades quietly moved away from its cradle-to-grave form of government welfare. And the Swedes are better off for having done so, just as the Danes will continue to be better off as their government overhauls its welfare state.If Sanders is going to continue to use these nations to guide his governing philosophy, he should base his policy positions on what they really are, not what he thinks they are or wants them to be. These countries have learned a harsh lesson. They don t deserve to be Berned again. Via: IBD;Feb 10, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Obama Celebrates Iran Deal As Senior Iranian Officials Say They Will NOT Uphold Their End Of Deal…Ayatollah: “Negotiation with America is Forbidden,”;Ever feel like a headline you re reading is too unbelievable to be true? I wish we could tell you that was the case. Read on Senior Iranian officials continue to lash out against the recent nuclear deal even as the Obama administration begins to implement it, according to a series of statements by the Islamic Republic s leaders.The aggressive rhetoric comes as the Obama administration celebrated on Sunday the implementation of the deal, hailing it as a milestone in U.S. diplomatic history. However, Iran has balked.Ayatollah Ali Khamenei took to his Twitter and Facebook pages to post an announcement titled, Negotiation with America is Forbidden, according to translations of the documents provided by the Middle East Media Research Institute.Other Iranian officials have demanded that the U.S. completely terminate economic sanctions, rather than suspend them, per the nuclear deal.Some Iranian leaders have stated that President Obama will announce this week the full termination of sanctions, a move that would likely spark anger on Capitol Hill.The White House said on Sunday that it would move forward with sanctions relief, even as Tehran insists it will not uphold its own end of the accord. Today marks an important milestone toward preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon and ensuring its nuclear program is exclusively peaceful going forward, Obama said in a statement issued by the White House. I have directed that the heads of all relevant executive departments and agencies of the United States begin preparations to implement the U.S. commitments in the JCPOA, in accordance with U.S. law, including providing relief from nuclear-related sanctions as detailed in the text of the JCPOA once the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has verified that Iran has completed all of its nuclear steps, Obama said.Critics of the deal maintain that Iran s continued threats of violence against America and Israel could derail the agreement. Iran also has, in recent days, tested ballistic missiles, which is prohibited under United Nations resolutions and potentially a violation of the accord. For America negotiations with the Islamic Republic of Iran means penetration. This is their definition of negotiation and they want to open the way for imposition, Khameniei declared on October 16, just two days before the deal went into effect. Negotiation with America is forbidden, because of its countless detriments and because of alleged advantages of which it has none whatsoever. The institute, among others, has warned that these statements could mean that Iran will not honor the deal, even as the United States waives sanctions and releases more than $150 billion to Iran.It is unclear whether Iran will officially announce its adoption of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the institute said in an analysis of Khamenei s remarks. It is also not clear whether the U.S. will announce its suspension of sanctions and the E.U. will announce its termination of sanctions, as per the agreement, the institute said.Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati, a senior Iranian cleric who is secretary general of Iran s Guardian Council, said that declarations by the U.S. administration do not mean Iran is ready to begin upholding the agreement. There are those who think that approval by the [Iranian Parliament] means approval of the execution of the agreement in Iran. This is not so, Jannati said on Friday in Tehran. Approval regarding the nuclear agreement is not [approval of] its execution. The nuclear agreement was discussed in the Supreme National Security Council and council members expressed their opinion about it and gave their approval regarding its execution, he continued. But Leader [Khamenei] still has not signed it. Iran continues to insist that sanctions be fully terminated and not reimposed in any manner going forward. The termination of the sanctions must be taken seriously. If they are terminated, it is a sign that the nuclear talks and agreement have yielded results, Jannati said. But if the other side breaks its promises and instead of terminating the sanctions [merely] freezes or suspends them, this shows that the nuclear agreement was useless. Nejatollah Ebrahimian, a spokesman for the Guardian Council, said on Saturday that the joint plan remains a political document, not a legal one because Iran has not officially approved it.Jannati and other leaders have expressed concern that the U.S. will try to force Iran to end its support to terror groups such as Hezbollah. If we do not stand fast against the other side, then the next day they will say that we must officially recognize Israel, give equal rights to men and women, cancel executions, sever relations with Hizbullah, and so on, he said.Ali Larijani, the speaker of the Iranian parliament, also said in recent days that Iran has not approved the accord. We have not approved the [joint plan] in the way that the other side has said, Larijani was quoted as saying by the institute. We also have not said that it should be executed as is, but rather that the [plan] should be placed in the framework of the steps taken by the Supreme National Security Council. Ultimately, this council s approvals are sent for the approval of the Leader. Via: WFB;Oct 19, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Obama Just Declared The Flint Water Crisis A Federal Emergency, Here’s What That Means For Flint;On Saturday, President Obama officially declared that the Flint water crisis is now a federal emergency. The President s action authorizes the Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), to coordinate all disaster relief efforts which have the purpose of alleviating the hardship and suffering caused by the emergency on the local population, and to provide appropriate assistance for required emergency measures, authorized under Title V of the Stafford Act, to save lives and to protect property and public health and safety, and to lessen or avert the threat of a catastrophe in Genesee County, reads a statement from FEMA.Just two days ago, Michigan s Republican governor, Rick Snyder, requested that President Obama declare the Flint water crisis a federal emergency.In April 2014, Flint s emergency manager forced the city to switch from using Detroit s water system to using the Flint River for water. The decision to do so was touted as a means to cut costs for the city. It turned out to be a disaster.There is an unusual amount of salt in the Flint River. The river is also extremely contaminated. So when the salt began to corrode the pipes of Flint s water system, lead leaked into people s drinking water. One study found the pipe corrosion problem could have been solved for as little as $100 a day. Now it is estimated that it will cost up to $1.5 billion dollars to fix Flint s water system.The statement from FEMA goes on to say that: Emergency protective measures, limited to direct federal assistance, will be provided at 75 percent federal funding. This emergency assistance is to provide water, water filters, water filter cartridges, water test kits, and other necessary related items for a period of no more than 90 days. This is great news for the city of Flint. The people of Flint are almost completely reliant on bottled water and emergency water stations. The National Guard and other governmental bodies, along with grassroots community groups, have been tasked with providing the residents of Flint those emergency water supplies. Now, they will receive funding and coordination from FEMA, which should alleviate some of the burden.Featured Image Credit:By The White House [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons;January 16, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Uncle of Benghazi Victim Sean Smith: “Hillary Clinton Is a Serial Liar”; Hillary Clinton is a serial liar. Hillary Clinton has a hard time maintaining a consistent level of truth and that was proven today and it s been proven before I think Hillary Clinton should really think about resigning from ever running for any office at this point. She s incompetent. Michael Ingmire, Uncle of Benghazi victim Sean Smith ;Oct 23, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Watch: Liberal American Woman in Hot Water After She Attacks Danish Man for Wearing a MAGA Hat…In Denmark [Video];First hand account of a crazy liberal attacking a danish guy for being a Trump supporter: An American woman wanted to sit at my table. I was wearing a MAGA cap. She became visibly angry with my presence, so my friend started recording her. This took place at Unibar near Aarhus University, Denmark.We chose to take legal action the following day. A case has been opened and she will be charged with politically motivated assault (a hate crime).Political violence is never acceptable no matter ones political affiliation.Yes, she s in trouble and should be. What s wrong with these triggered babies on the left?It s like a cult of people where everyone has to follow. You can t have a free thought or else you re a bad person . This woman ripped into a man who supports OUR president Think about it. He s not even an American but a Danish citizen!Does this remind you of the last few months of the campaign last year? trump supporters were repeatedly assaulted in so many ways but the media refused to acknowledge it. We saw Trump supporters pelted with eggs, chased and tackled and punched. The woman above felt she could get away with doing the same thing. Not so fast! She s in hot water after what she did to this Danish Trump supporter.;Sep 18, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BOILER ROOM – EP #49 – WHAT is REAL: Brussels, Yemen, Trump?;Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9 PM EST every Wednesday. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for barfly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Join ACR hosts Hesher, & Spore along with Randy J of 21Wire, Jay Dyer from Jays Analysis, Daniel Spaulding of Soul of the East, Basil Valentine of Sunday Wire fame and Andy Nowicki of Alt Right Blogspot. In this broadcast listeners will be hearing us go around the BOILER ROOM on the Brussels Attack, Yemen, Trump, Cruz, Voter Fraud, Real Time Face mapping video effects and more! If you want to participate, bring something interesting to throw into the boiler Join us in the ALTERNATE CURRENT RADIO chat room.BOILER ROOM IS NOT A POLICTALLY CORRECT ZONE! LISTEN TO THE SHOW IN THE PLAYER BELOW ENJOY! REFERENCE LINKS:;March 24, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BOOM! Trump Drains Obama Swamp…Mandates All Ambassadors Vacate Positions “Without Exceptions” By Inauguration Day;"President-elect Donald J. Trump s transition staff has issued a blanket edict requiring politically appointed ambassadors to leave their overseas posts by Inauguration Day, according to several American diplomats familiar with the plan, breaking with decades of precedent by declining to provide even the briefest of grace periods.The mandate issued without exceptions, according to a terse State Department cable sent on Dec. 23, diplomats who saw it said threatens to leave the United States without Senate-confirmed envoys for months in critical nations like Germany, Canada and Britain. In the past, administrations of both parties have often granted extensions on a case-by-case basis to allow a handful of ambassadors, particularly those with school-age children, to remain in place for weeks or months.Mr. Trump, by contrast, has taken a hard line against leaving any of President Obama s political appointees in place as he prepares to take office on Jan. 20 with a mission of dismantling many of his predecessor s signature foreign and domestic policy achievements. Political ambassadors, many of them major donors who are nominated by virtue of close ties with the president, almost always leave at the end of his term; ambassadors who are career diplomats often remain in their posts.A senior Trump transition official said there was no ill will in the move, describing it as a simple matter of ensuring that Mr. Obama s overseas appointees leave the government on schedule, just as thousands of political aides at the White House and in federal agencies must do. The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity about internal deliberations, said the ambassadors should not be surprised about being held to a hard end date. NYT s";Jan 6, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: PULL BACK THE CURTAIN ON NPR AND PBS SALARIES! That’ll Convince You Trump’s Right to Cut, Cut, Cut!;Former Senator Jim DeMint speaks up in the WSJ about the obscene salaries the higher ups at PBS and NPR are getting:When presidents of government-funded broadcasting are making more than the president of the United States, it s time to get the government out of public broadcasting.While executives at the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) and National Public Radio (NPR) are raking in massive salaries, the organizations are participating in an aggressive lobbying effort to prevent Congress from saving hundreds of millions of dollars each year by cutting their subsidies.The so-called commercial free public airwaves have been filled with pleas for taxpayer cash. The Association of Public Television Stations has hired lobbyists to fight the cuts. Hundreds of taxpayer-supported TV, radio and Web outlets have partnered with an advocacy campaign to facilitate emails and phone calls to Capitol Hill for the purpose of telling members of Congress, Public broadcasting funding is too important to eliminate! PBS President Paula Kerger even recorded a personal television appeal that told viewers exactly how to contact members of Congress in order to let your representative know how you feel about the elimination of funding for public broadcasting. But if PBS can pay Ms. Kerger $632,233 in annual compensation as reported on the 990 tax forms all nonprofits are required to file surely it can operate without tax dollars Meanwhile, highly successful, brand-name public programs like Sesame Street make millions on their own. Sesame Street, for example, made more than $211 million from toy and consumer product sales from 2003-2006. Sesame Workshop President and CEO Gary Knell received $956,513 in compensation in 2008. With earnings like that, Big Bird doesn t need the taxpayers to help him compete against the Nickleodeon cable channel s Dora the Explorer.Read more: WSJ;Mar 18, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Special counsel Mueller asks White House for Flynn documents - New York Times;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Investigators working for U.S. special counsel Robert Mueller, who is investigating whether President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign colluded with Russia, have asked the White House for documents related to his former national security adviser Michael Flynn, the New York Times reported on Friday. “Though not a formal subpoena, the document request is the first known instance of Mr. Mueller’s team asking the White House to hand over records,” said the Times, which cited unnamed people close to the investigation for the report. The Times also said the investigators had questioned witnesses about whether Flynn was secretly paid by the Turkish government during the final months of the 2016 campaign. The White House and Flynn’s lawyer, Robert Kelner, did not immediately respond to requests from Reuters for comment. The Times quoted Ty Cobb, special counsel to Trump, as saying “We’ve said before we’re collaborating with the special counsel on an ongoing basis.” Trump has denied any collusion between his campaign and Russia and called the investigation a witch hunt. The Republican president fired Flynn in February after it became clear that he had falsely characterized the nature of phone conversations he had with the Russian ambassador to Washington in December. Reuters reported in June that according to a subpoena, federal prosecutors in Virginia were investigating a deal between Flynn and Turkish businessman Ekim Alptekin as part of a grand jury criminal probe. Alptekin’s company, Netherlands-based Inovo BV, paid the now-inactive Flynn Intel Group $530,000 (406,554 pounds) between September and November 2016 to produce a documentary and research on Fethullah Gulen, an exiled Turkish cleric living in the United States. Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan blames Gulen for a failed coup last year.;August 5, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: New York Times to boost spending on Trump coverage amid budget cuts;(Reuters) - The New York Times Co will increase spending on coverage of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s administration while cutting its overall budget this year, according to a blog post by its editors on Tuesday. The budget cuts, which will be laid out in coming weeks and months, will focus on editing and production systems, rather than on resources for journalism, according to the post by Dean Baquet, executive editor, and Joe Kahn, managing editor. “To that end, you should know the company is investing more than ever in accountability journalism,” the blog post said. The company is going to allocate an additional $5 million to produce more coverage of the incoming Trump administration, according to the blog post. The New York Times is increasing its spending of coverage of Trump as he has often attacked the New York Times and other media outlets, accusing them of reporting on false information. Last week at his first formal press conference since he won the Nov. 8 election, Trump refused to take a CNN reporter’s questions, calling the outlet “fake news,” after it reported on the existence of unverified intelligence documents concerning Trump. At the same press conference, Trump referred to Buzzfeed, which published the dossier of documents online, as a “failing pile of garbage.”;January 17, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WATCH: BEYONCE Performed This Sickening, Cop-Hating, Anti-White Song At Super Bowl;How very progressive After all, what would Super Bowl Sunday be without a little cop and White-shaming (Obama-Sharpton style), during the halftime show? WATCH:A day ahead of her anticipated return to the Super Bowl halftime show stage, Beyonce has released new single Formation along with an accompanying music video.Set in New Orleans, the clip features shots of Bey lying on top of a sinking New Orleans police cruiser as well as a graffiti d wall that says, Stop shooting us. There s also a scene of a black child in a hoodie dancing in front of a line of police officers in riot gear. At one point a man holds up a newspaper called The Truth with an image of Martin Luther King Jr. on the front page captioned, More than a dreamer. Blue Ivy Carter, Beyonce s daughter, also appears in the video.Beyonce will join Coldplay and Bruno Mars in the Super Bowl 50 halftime show on Sunday afternoon on CBS, during which Formation will make its live debut, according to Entertainment Tonight.Via: Variety;Feb 7, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: " ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. Supreme Court rejects New Zealand-based internet mogul's appeal;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday rejected New Zealand-based internet mogul Kim Dotcom s challenge to the U.S. government s bid to seize assets held by him and others involved in the now-defunct streaming website Megaupload. The justices left in place a lower court ruling that the U.S. government could seize up to $40 million in assets held outside the United States as part of a civil forfeiture action being pursued in parallel with criminal charges for alleged copyright violations and money laundering. Dotcom and several other defendants have contested U.S. attempts to extradite them from New Zealand. German-born entrepreneur Dotcom is wanted by U.S. law enforcement authorities on copyright and money-laundering allegations related to Megaupload, which was shut down in 2012 following an FBI-ordered raid on his Auckland mansion. He was indicted the same year along with fellow Megaupload executives. It s no surprise because the chance to be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court is very slim in general, Dotcom said in an email to Reuters. The seizure is also being challenged in courts in Hong Kong and New Zealand, whose authorities have restrained Dotcom s assets at the U.S. government s request. Dotcom s lawyer Ira Rothken said that his team was cautiously optimistic about those court proceedings. Kim Dotcom has never been to the United States, is presumed innocent, and is lawfully opposing extradition...yet the DOJ (Department of Justice) by merely labeling him as a fugitive gets a judgment to take all of his assets with no due process, Rothken said in an email. U.S. authorities say Dotcom and his colleagues cost film studios and record companies more than $500 million and generated more than $175 million in profits by encouraging paying users to store and share copyrighted material including movies and TV shows. The U.S. government sought up to $175 million in assets but the defendants say the assets in question are worth only around $40 million. The assets include two houses, luxury cars and bank accounts. A New Zealand court ruled in February that Dotcom and three other New Zealand-based defendants - Finn Batato, Mathias Ortmann and Bram van der Kolk - could be extradited to the United States to face the charges. Two other indicted Megaupload associates, Sven Echternach and Julius Bencko, who live in Germany and Slovakia respectively, have not been arrested, according to court filings. The defendants contested the U.S. government s forfeiture claims, saying in part that it could not seize property under the jurisdiction of a foreign court. The U.S. government s legal argument, adopted by the appeals court, is that the defendants are fugitives seeking to avoid criminal prosecution in the United States and therefore are not allowed to contest the forfeiture. The Richmond, Virginia-based 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against Dotcom in August 2016, and he asked the Supreme Court to hear his appeal.;October 2, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Makes America A Promise And It Could Help Save Democracy;Liberals love us some Ruth Bader Ginsberg, who has been carrying the Supreme Court s torch for sanity for about 25 years. She s also 83-years-old, which in this climate of Republican domination and with an administration that doesn t give a damn about the constraints of the Constitution, is a little bit worrisome. In an appearance at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., Ginsburg told the audience that she s got this. She s not going anywhere if she can help it. I will do this job as long as I can do it full steam, Ginsburg, 83, said at an appearance Thursday night at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. When I can t, that will be the time I will step down. In an interview on the BBC s Newsnight broadcast, Ginsburg noted that Justice John Paul Stevens was 90 when he retired and said: So I have a way to go. Ginsburg held her tongue on Donald Trump after she was forced to apologize for remarks building up to the election, but she did say, We are not experiencing the best times, and noted that our political system is like a pendulum and it always swings back. She did allude to Trump s campaign slogan, though, when she said that We are not as mindful of what makes America great. Source: NBCHere s the video:Ginsburg is the oldest justice on the court by over three years. Presumably, Donald Trump will fill the court s current vacancy, which occurred when ber conservative Justice Antonin Scalia died in February of last year. Republicans refused to let President Obama fill the seat, but now that they control both houses of Congress and the Presidency, it s likely that Trump s nominee, Neil Gorsuch, will get through. Even with Ginsburg on the court, that would leave us with a 4 justice minority on a nine justice court.Liberals, for good reason, are feeling very protective toward the diminutive legal powerhouse. I m very interested in this. says Jeanette Bavwidinski, a community organizer in Pennsylvania. I m interested in what her daily regimen is. Like, what are you all feeding RBG? Is she getting enough fresh air? Is she walking? Is she staying low-stress? What is she reading? Is she reading low-stress things? Can she eat more kale? asks Kim Landsbergen, a forest ecologist in Ohio. Eat more kale, that s all I can say. We love you. Eat more kale. Source: Washington PostThe good news for us is that Ginsburg is taking her health quite seriously, possibly because she s already survived cancer twice. And she was back at work two weeks after surgery. Ginsburg works out. Every morning, she does a routine of planks and push-ups. That s not all. She has performed the Canadian Air Force workout and doesn t shy away from sports like waterskiing and horseback riding. Intellectually, she s still sharp as a tack.We ll certainly need Ginsburg to stick around for at least four more years and at the rate she s going, she probably will.Featured image via Allison Shelly/Getty Images.;February 24, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Exclusive: China's border city with North Korea eases tourism curbs - sources;BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese tourists are still visiting Pyongyang from China s border city of Dandong, tourism sources say, even after authorities unofficially halted the tours just ahead of U.S. President Donald Trump s visit to China last month. A group of 40 Chinese tourists left on Friday from the border city of Dandong to Pyongyang, two sources with direct knowledge of the matter told Reuters, a sign local authorities have not been strongly enforcing curbs on tourist flows. This is the largest group to go in from Dandong since the curb, a tour operator said, adding the tourists traveled by train into North Korea for a four-day tour. The Dandong Tourism Bureau declined to be interviewed for this story. When asked for comment, China s foreign ministry said they did not understand the situation. Local businesses in China are known to find ways around policies introduced by local authorities or Beijing, whether in good times or bad. There s always a way around government policies, said one Dandong-based tourism source. You know how Chinese people are. I think the central government will be very annoyed at Dandong for lifting the travel restriction, the tour operator said. MONEY-MAKER FOR NORTH Tourism to North Korea is not banned by the United Nations and is one of the few remaining ways that North Korea earns hard currency. The Korea Maritime Institute, a South Korean think-tank, estimates that tourism generates about $44 million in annual revenue for North Korea. The U.N. has ramped up sanctions over North Korea s accelerating missile program over the past year, curbing key export industries including coal, seafood and textiles. Simon Cockerell, head of Beijing-based Koryo Tours which organizes travel to North Korea, said he saw 3 to 4 busloads of Chinese tourists in Pyongyang in mid-November. But I m not sure where they entered from or what visas they were on, he said. If you have a visa to North Korea, it doesn t say where you can and can t go. So once you enter into Sinuiju or Rason, you could travel onwards to Pyongyang. The North Koreans wouldn t care, Cockerell said. Sinuiju and Rason are popular entry points for Chinese tourists traveling overland into North Korea. China never publicly announced a ban on Chinese tourists visiting Pyongyang and strongly opposes unilateral sanctions, which it says undermines U.N. unity. But the day before U.S President Donald Trump s first official visit to China in early November, Reuters exclusively reported that the Dandong Tourism Bureau had told Chinese tour operators based in Dandong to halt trips to North Korea s capital of Pyongyang. Trump has frequently praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Trump with whom he has been working to exert pressure on North Korea through strict enforcement of sanctions over its nuclear and ballistic missile programs. Dandong, a city of 800,000 people in northeastern Liaoning province, is the main trading hub on the Chinese side of the border and most tour companies that take Chinese tourists to North Korea are based there. The U.N. sanctions have particularly hit Dandong s economy this year. Almost all tours to North Korea have stopped and many Dandong-based companies who traditionally conducted business with North Korea are struggling, sources told Reuters. A lot of the more successful Chinese businessmen have gone on holidays because there s nothing for them to do around here at the moment, said one Chinese businessman in Dandong. China s trade with North Korea has already fallen to its lowest in months. Beijing has repeatedly said it is rigorously enforcing U.N. resolutions aimed at reining in Pyongyang s missile and nuclear programs. North Korea has accelerated the pace of its missile tests this year. Pyongyang said its latest test on Nov. 28 was an intercontinental ballistic missile that it said could deliver heavy nuclear warheads anywhere in the continental United States.;December 20, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BREAKING: Republican House Intel Chair THREATENS The Press After Asking About Russia (VIDEO);There is something going on right now within our government that is very, very concerning. With evidence stacking up against Donald Trump and his administration regarding connections to Russia, the Republican party seems to be defending him. Part of that defense seems to be a direct threat agains the press for having the audacity to use their First Amendment right to hold the *president accountable and tell the whole story.During a press conference with House Intelligence Chair Devin Nunes (R-CA), instead of answering questions about Russia, he turned the questions on their head and told the press that if they are found trying to seek answers from the Russian embassy that they will be the ones investigated.In an effort to deflect, Nunes said: I m sure some of you are in contact with the Russian embassy, so be careful what you ask for here, because if we start getting transcripts of any of you or other Americans talking to the press do you want us to conduct an investigation on you or other Americans because you were talking to the Russian embassy. I just think we need to be careful. What the hell is happening? The press will be investigated for trying to report the story? How about investigate Donald Trump and his administration. How about hold him accountable for his many actions. How about demanding to see his tax returns so we can see his financial ties for the safety and security of the nation. How about instead of threatening reporters, you put party politics aside and work for the American people as you were elected to do.Wow. Just, wow.This isn t okay AT ALL.Watch here:Featured Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images;March 2, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Ted Cruz Says He’s Innocent of Sex Scandal, Lie Detecting Experts Say He’s Lying (VIDEO);Experts are saying that Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz is being deceptive when he responded to allegations that he had extramarital affairs with five women, allegations originally published by the gossip magazine National Enquirer. One of the women apparently is Donald Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson, and the other is Carly Fiorina deputy campaign manager Sarah Isgur Flores. So Ted seems to have been quite busy, although the idea is quite gross to think about.Phil Houston developed a model to detect deception when he was employed by the Central Intelligence Agency. He has conducted thousands of interrogations for the CIA and other federal agencies. Houston said: Behaviorally, when the facts are the ally of an individual, he or she almost always tends to focus on the facts of the matter at hand. In this case, if the key fact was that he had not had these affairs, Cruz would almost certainly have been much more strongly focused on the denial. That is, he very likely would have made a point of explicitly stating something along the lines of, I did not have these affairs. Yet at no point in either statement did Cruz say that. He implied it by saying the allegations are false, and that they re lies, but behaviorally, such statements are not equivalent to saying he never had the affairs. Even if we were to overlook that fact and consider his statements to be a denial, there is an overwhelmingly higher proportion of attack behavior compared to the effort expended at denial. This type of lopsided attack-to-denial ratio is very consistent with what we have historically seen with deceptive people when allegations are levied against them. Houston was referencing Cruz s two statements denying the allegations, the first of which he posted on his Facebook page: I want to be crystal clear: these attacks are garbage. For Donald J. Trump to enlist his friends at the National Enquirer and his political henchmen to do his bidding shows you that there is no low Donald won t go. These smears are completely false, they re offensive to Heidi and me, they re offensive to our daughters, and they re offensive to everyone Donald continues to personally attack. Donald Trump s consistently disgraceful behavior is beneath the office we are seeking and we are not going to follow. He subsequently spoke about the scandal (you can watch the video below). Cruz said: The National Enquirer published a story. It is a story that quoted one source on the record: Roger Stone, Donald Trump s chief political advisor. Let me be clear, this National Enquirer story is garbage. It is complete and utter lies. It is a tabloid smear, and it is a smear that has come from Donald Trump and his henchmen. It is attacking my family, and what is striking is Donald s henchman, Roger Stone, had for months been foreshadowing that this attack was coming. It s not surprising that Donald Trump s tweet occurs the day before the attack comes out. And I would note that Mr. Stone is a man who has 50 years of dirty tricks behind him. He s a man for whom a term was coined for copulating with a rodent. Well let me be clear: Donald Trump may be a rat, but I have no desire to copulate with him. And this garbage does not belong in politics. The National Enquirer has endorsed Donald Trump, has said he must be President. And so Donald, when he s losing, when he s scared, when Republicans are uniting against him, decides to peddle sleaze and slime. You know, Donald is fond of giving people nicknames. With this pattern, he should not be surprised to see people calling him, Sleazy Donald. Based on these two statements, Houston concluded: Given the lack of additional information upon which to conduct a more comprehensive behavioral analysis, this is nothing more than our initial opinion and assessment, and we will continue to follow this matter very closely. At the same time, we cannot help but conclude at this point that it s not looking good for Sen. Cruz. There are other factors as well: Cruz is a known liar. In fact, he has lied repeatedly during his run for the Republican nomination and has a reputation as a liar throughout his political career. At one point, it was his campaign that sent out mailers that confused voters into believing they had committed some type of violation because they hadn t voted in the previous election in order to scare them into voting for him. It was also his campaign that purposely duped voters into believing that Ben Carson had dropped out of the race during the Iowa caucuses in order to steal Carson s votes.In his defense, it can be argued that it s hard to believe that five women, yes five not one, would want to sleep with the likes of Ted Cruz, whose policies are not only draconian, but who isn t exactly a looker either.However, If this expert is correct, then Cruz, who touts himself as a conservative family values man, will go down as one of the biggest GOP hypocrites in history and that s saying a lot because there have been quite a few GOP hypocrites.Watch video here:[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YSCzik5uPM]Featured image via Gage Skidmore/Flickr;March 27, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Clinton to release 2015 tax returns within days, criticizes Trump;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will release her 2015 tax returns and her running mate, U.S. Senator Tim Kaine and his wife, Anne Holton, will release the last 10 years of their tax returns within days, according to a source close to Clinton. The returns will show Clinton paid an effective tax rate of 35 percent and gave about 10 percent to charity, CNBC reported. The release comes as Republican Donald Trump is facing criticism for not releasing his tax returns - a political practice that is not required by law but has been done by every White House nominee since 1973. “He refuses to do what every other presidential candidate in decades has done and release his tax returns,” Clinton said on Thursday in an economic speech in Michigan. Clinton’s campaign has already released tax returns going back to 2007. In addition, tax returns are publicly available for the eight years her husband, former President Bill Clinton, was in the White House. Prior years were released by his campaign. Tax returns filed by the Clintons have been made public, in some form, for every year back to 1977. Trump, a New York businessman, has refused to release his tax returns, saying they are under audit by the Internal Revenue Service. He has said he is unlikely to do so before the Nov. 8 presidential election. Critics, including 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, have blasted Trump for failing to disclose his tax rate and raised questions about what his returns say about his net worth and various business ties, particularly in Russia. Asked in a television interview in May what tax rate he pays, Trump replied “It’s none of your business.” The IRS has said Trump can release his tax returns even while under audit. Besides showing sources and amounts of income, tax returns show what percentage tax rate a person ultimately pays, as well as how much they claimed in deductions and the amounts given to charities. Earlier this month, at a Clinton rally in Omaha, Nebraska, billionaire investor Warren Buffett, whose Berkshire Hathaway (BRKa.N) conglomerate is based there, challenged Trump to make his returns public. “I’m under audit, too, and I would be delighted to meet him anyplace, anytime, before the election,” Buffett said. “I’ll bring my tax return, he can bring his tax return ... and let people ask us questions.” Trump has declined to do so.;August 11, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Tillerson 'offended' by claims of State Department's hollowing out;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Tuesday he was offended by claims that the State Department is being hollowed out, saying his agency is functioning well, contrary to scathing criticism from former diplomats. In the latest salvo, two retired senior U.S. diplomats said the agency is being undermined by proposed budget cuts of about 30 percent and is being deliberately taken apart. “President Trump’s draconian budget cuts for the State Department and his dismissive attitude toward our diplomats and diplomacy itself threaten to dismantle a great Foreign Service,” Nicholas Burns and Ryan Crocker wrote in the New York Times on Monday. “This is not about belt tightening. It is a deliberate effort to deconstruct the State Department and the Foreign Service,” Burns, a former No. 3 official at the agency, and Crocker, a six-time U.S. ambassador, added. The forcing out of many senior diplomats, the failure to nominate or to win Senate confirmation for officials to fill many major agency roles, and a perception that Tillerson is inaccessible have eroded morale, according to current officials. Tillerson said, however, the department is running well and that the department budget had grown dramatically. The planned cuts would restore it to historical norms, he said. He also praised officials serving as acting assistant secretaries of state, typically among the agency’s key jobs, saying they have helped to devise approaches on issues from North Korea and Syria to Iran and Ukraine. “There is no hollowing out,” Tillerson said after a speech at a think tank. “I am offended on their behalf when people say, somehow, we don’t have a State Department that functions ... I can tell you, it’s functioning very well from my perspective.” Tillerson said the process of winning Senate confirmation of appointments has been “excruciatingly slow.” However, the Trump administration has failed to nominate people to serve in many key agency slots, leaving the Senate unable to consider them. According to a database compiled by the Washington Post newspaper and the nonprofit, nonpartisan Partnership for Public Service, there are no nominees for the assistant secretaries of state for African, East Asian, South and Central Asian, Near Eastern or Western Hemisphere affairs. This means that the top diplomats for major regions do not enjoy status that comes from being chosen by the president and confirmed by the Senate.;November 28, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Republican Party backs Senate candidate Moore: official;(Reuters) - The Republican Party will resume funding the U.S. Senate campaign of Roy Moore after President Donald Trump endorsed the Alabama Republican, who is accused of sexual misconduct involving teenage girls. The Republican National Committee had transferred $50,000 to the Alabama Republican Party in support of Moore, an RNC official said on Tuesday. No RNC staff have been deployed to the state. The state party can use the money as it sees fit, the official told Reuters on condition of anonymity. Later on Tuesday, an RNC official said a second transfer for the sum of $120,000 was made to the Alabama state Republican Party on Moore’s behalf, making the total $170,000. The RNC cut ties with Moore last month after several women accused the former Alabama judge of sexual assault or misconduct when they were teenagers and Moore was in his early 30s. Moore, 70, has denied the accusations. Reuters has not independently verified the reports. On Monday, the White House said Trump had called Moore to give him his support. In a tweet that acknowledged the president’s endorsement, Moore quoted Trump as saying: “Go get ‘em, Roy!” In a sign of the deep divide within the Republican Party around the allegations facing Moore, former U.S. presidential candidate Mitt Romney criticized Trump’s endorsement, as did former RNC Chairman Michael Steele. “Roy Moore in the U.S. Senate would be a stain on the GOP and on the nation,” Romney wrote on Twitter. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said last month he believed Moore’s accusers and joined other senators in urging him to quit the race. But on Sunday, the Republican McConnell said it was up to Alabama voters to decide whether to send Moore to Washington. Moore will face off with Democratic candidate and former U.S. Attorney Doug Jones in a special election on Dec. 12. “As I have said before - I believe these women. And so should you,” Jones said in speech on Tuesday. At the White House, Trump told reporters he thought Moore was going to do “very well” in next week’s election. “We don’t want to have a liberal Democrat in Alabama,” Trump said. “We want strong borders, we want stopping crime, we want to have the things that we represent. And we certainly don’t want to have a liberal Democrat that’s controlled by Nancy Pelosi and controlled by Chuck Schumer,” he added in reference to the Democratic leaders of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate.;December 5, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Clinton campaign to focus on key states in election: memo;NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton’s campaign laid out states critical to the U.S. presidential election in a memo to supporters dated Wednesday, including six with key minority populations - Ohio, North Carolina, Virginia, Florida, Colorado and Nevada. The memo, sent to “interested parties” from Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook, also set a goal of raking in $4 million a day between now and the Nov. 8 election, or around $500 million total. The memo, which was shared with Reuters by a Clinton supporter, emphasized the importance of boosting turnout among minority voters in the race against presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump. “If we fail to turn out African-American voters in Ohio, North Carolina or Virginia, we will lose. If we fail to turn out Hispanic voters in Florida, Colorado or Nevada, we will lose,” Mook wrote.   “If we fail to turn out Asian-American and Pacific Islander voters in Nevada or Virginia, we will lose. Plain and simple,” he added. The memo emphasized the need for “the most aggressive Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) program in history” across the country and named other states, such as Pennsylvania and Ohio, as key to the campaign’s efforts. The campaign declined to comment. Clinton’s lead over Trump widened to 13 percentage points in a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Tuesday. The poll showed 46 percent of likely voters supporting Clinton, with 33 percent backing Trump. But 22 percent said they would not support either candidate. That support is lopsided among different racial and ethnic groups. Among the smaller sample of black voters, for example, Clinton has a whopping 80 percent support, while with white voters the two candidates are just about even, according to the poll.;July 6, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Libyan forces suffer casualties as fighting drags on in Benghazi;BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - Libyan forces fighting in Benghazi have lost four men and seen 10 wounded so far in December, five months after declaring victory in a campaign to control the eastern city, a medical source said on Monday. Three of the dead from the Libyan National Army (LNA) were killed by snipers and one by a landmine as it faces resistance from a group of fighters in the Benghazi district of Khreibish. There have been daily clashes in the area and occasional air strikes. LNA commander Khalifa Haftar declared victory in a three-year military campaign against an array of Islamist militants and other fighters in Benghazi in early July. The fighting is part of a broader conflict that developed following the 2011 fall of strongman Muammar Gaddafi. Haftar has opposed a U.N.-backed government based in the capital, Tripoli, as he has gradually strengthened his position on the ground.;December 11, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Republican governors steer clear of 'dump-Trump' push;"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As Republican leaders desperately seek ways to derail the presidential campaign of billionaire Donald Trump, many of the party’s 31 state governors are staying out of the fray. New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez endorsed Marco Rubio on Friday, making her only the 10th governor to back one of the four Republican presidential rivals left in the race. Much more typical is Governor Rick Scott of Florida, who said on Thursday he would not endorse a candidate before his state’s hotly contested March 15 primary. Such reluctance to commit contrasts sharply with previous elections, when governors lined up solidly behind eventual nominees, helping to winnow the field of candidates early on. The 2016 election differs because a chaotic race has divided Republicans, convincing many to keep a low profile in hopes of avoiding a possible backlash from voters who are increasingly contemptuous of party leaders, Republican officials say. “It’s a lose-lose political situation,” said Fergus Cullen, a former New Hampshire Republican Party chairman. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie last week took a risk, after dropping out of the presidential contest himself, and endorsed Trump, the billionaire businessman. That decision has done little for either of them, according to a new poll. Almost two-thirds of 1,372 adults polled, both Republicans and Democrats, said Christie’s endorsement made no difference in their feelings toward Trump, the Republican front-runner. The nationwide Reuters/Ipsos poll was conducted Feb 29-March 4. Christie has faced relentless criticism since he announced his support for Trump last week. Six newspapers in his home state have called on him to resign. In past elections, a governor’s endorsement could produce a burst of positive news coverage and the support of well-connected local leaders for a presidential contender. That would encourage other elected officials to endorse the candidate as well, creating an impression that the candidate was a favorite of those who knew best and encouraging others to drop out of the race, said David Karol, a University of Maryland political science professor who has found that endorsements were a strong predictor of electoral success between 1980 and 2004. “The absence of most of the governors this late in the process really indicates the paralysis and division in Republican elite circles,” Karol said. Ahead of Election Day on Nov. 8, many governors did not want to talk about Trump, who has unnerved his party’s establishment with his abrasive tone and policy positions, including plans to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexican border, deport 11 million illegal immigrants and temporarily bar Muslims from entering the country. Eighteen undecided Republican governors, contacted by Reuters, declined to be interviewed on their views of the race. National Republican leaders are struggling for a strategy to stop Trump from becoming the nominee, as Democrats revel in the chaos they hope will boost their chances of keeping the White House. George W. Bush, elected president in 2000, had the support of 26 of the party’s 30 Republican governors before primary voting even started, according to figures compiled by James Madison University political science professor Martin Cohen, who with Karol is a co-author of “The Party Decides: Presidential Nominations Before and After Reform.” In 2012, 10 of 29 Republican governors had endorsed Mitt Romney by the time he clinched the presidential nomination. This year, governors are not sending a clear signal to voters. Five have endorsed Rubio, a senator from Florida who has won one nominating contest so far. Two have endorsed John Kasich of Ohio, the only governor left in the race, who has won no contests. Two have Trump. One has backed Senator Ted Cruz of Texas. Three others endorsed candidates who have since dropped out of the race. The governors who have made endorsements so far have had little impact. Rubio lost in Tennessee, South Carolina and Arkansas, despite the backing of governors in those states. Kasich got only 4 percent of the vote in Alabama on Tuesday after that state’s Governor Robert Bentley endorsed him. Iowa Governor Terry Branstad called on voters in his state to reject Cruz before the state’s February caucuses. Cruz won. So far, only Texas Governor Greg Abbott has picked a winner. He endorsed Cruz, who won Texas on Tuesday. Trump has put many governors in a difficult position. The real estate developer is expected to easily win Mississippi’s Republican primary next Tuesday, for example, but his support for Planned Parenthood and government-backed health insurance, among other policies, put him at odds with the conservative positions backed by Governor Phil Bryant. Bryant will support Trump should he end up being the party’s nominee, but he has not decided whether to endorse a candidate before the primary, an aide told Reuters. In theory, governors should be in a position to shape the outcome of this year’s nominating contests. Republicans at the state level have delivered tax cuts, abortion restrictions and other conservative victories from Maine to Arizona, while their counterparts in charge of Congress have been locked in a stalemate with Democratic President Barack Obama. But the plethora of establishment-minded candidates this year has made it more difficult for governors and other senior officials to decide who to back, let alone try to shape the outcome with an endorsement. Republican governors in Maryland, Florida, Wyoming, Indiana, Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota, Arizona, Nebraska and Michigan declined to say whether they would back Trump if he were the party’s nominee. Governors in Utah, Oklahoma, North Carolina and Georgia have yet to endorse a candidate but would back Trump if he won the nomination, aides said. Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker told reporters this week he would not vote for Trump in November. (Additional reporting by Nick Carey, Sharon Bernstein, Ian Simpson, Alex Dobuzinskis and Scott Malone; Editing by Kevin Drawbaugh, Howard Goller and Alistair Bell) This article was funded in part by SAP. It was independently created by the Reuters editorial staff. SAP had no editorial involvement in its creation or production.";March 4, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: No Class Michelle Obama Takes Several Swipes At Trump During Tech Speech And Veiled Swipe At Clintons: ‘People that won’t go away’ [Video];No class and no decorum! The always bitter Michelle Obama told a Salt Lake City audience today that we are looking at two different administrations. THIS IS LAUGHABLE:One, she said, was built on hope. The other is being led with fear.WE RE IN THIS MESS BECAUSE OBAMA DIDN T PUT AMERICA FIRST BUT MICHELLE SAYS: It isn t just us first, she said, a reference to Trump s America First agenda. We live in a big country and a big world. You can t just want to help someone in a hurricane and not make sure they can go to the doctor when they re sick. HUH?Her remarks, part of an hourlong moderated conversation, came on the last of a three-day tech conference hosted by Pluralsight, a Utah-based company.She claimed things are tough right now and suggested we re being tested, Obama professed that she continues to be hopeful that the political climate will improve. A BUNCH OF WHITE GUYS . WOMEN AND PEOPLE OF COLOR Obama urged computing companies to invest in and hire more women and people of color Changing that composition, Obama said, will take encouraging girls at a young age to study science and math. It will mean bridging the technology gap that persists in low-income districts. It requires revisions to the public-school system. And it warrants forming hiring committees with more women and people of color. You can t just say you want to fix the problems, you have to mean it, Obama said. If a bunch of white guys are sitting around the table trying to get more women involved, they re not going to come up with the answer. For Utah s Silicon Slopes and elsewhere, she added, a behavioral change in the office environment at IT corporations will need to accompany that shift. You can t hire women and then they come in and they re working for chimps. No offense you guys aren t all chimps, Obama said to laughs from the crowd. I call my husband a chimp sometimes, especially when he s watching the Sports Center. I m like Come on. Look at you. You re an animal. CLINTON JAB? What Barack and I don t want to be is the people that won t go away, she said, finishing the event with a standing ovation. We want to help the next generation come up and take our seats. Read more: sltrb;Sep 22, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Afghan suspect arrested in Germany over migrant deaths at sea;BERLIN (Reuters) - German police on Tuesday arrested an Afghan citizen on suspicion of smuggling migrants by sea from Turkey to Greece resulting in the death of several dozen people when the boat sank, federal police and prosecutors said. The man is believed to have been on board the smugglers boat which had 90 migrants on board when it capsized in poor weather in January 2016, federal police and prosecutors in the northwestern city of Osnabrueck said in a joint statement. Only 24 of the people on board were rescued. The Greek coastguard retrieved 35 bodies from the water, while the rest remain missing, they said. Germany, the main destination for migrants in Europe, has been prosecuting individuals suspected of belonging to the smuggling rings that charge thousands of euros for the short sea journey from Turkey to Greece. The suspect arrested in Osnabrueck, who was not named in the statement, was saved and presented himself to Greek authorities as a refugee before seeking asylum in Germany in a month later.;December 5, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Mexico's Slim: If Trump succeeds, so does Mexico;MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim said on Thursday that if President-elect Donald Trump succeeds in office, it will be good news for Mexico, and that he would be more worried as an American than a Mexican about the next U.S. government. Slim, a telecoms tycoon who spent several years as the world’s richest man, says he has never met Trump, but the two businessmen traded barbs during a bruising U.S. election campaign in which Trump vowed to build a wall along the southern border to keep out Mexican immigrants. In October, Trump accused Slim, the top shareholder in The New York Times Co, of trying to help Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton, even though Slim’s shares have limited voting rights. Then, a few days before the Nov. 8 election, Slim said Trump’s plans could “destroy” the United States economy. In his first public comments since Republican Trump’s stunning victory, Slim said that Trump’s plans could risk the international leadership role the United States plays. “I’d be more worried if I were American,” he said in an interview with Bloomberg Television. “If he’s going to close the economy ... if he’s going out of the NATO and other international (bodies).” But Slim added that Trump’s potential success would also be Mexico’s, arguing that a 4 percent U.S. growth rate and the creation of millions of jobs would benefit Latin America’s second biggest economy. “That’s fantastic for Mexico,” Slim said at a Bloomberg event in Mexico City. Mexico should turn its attention inward and invest to spur growth, Slim said. He said Trump’s win had not affected any of his own investment plans. Still, Slim also warned the audience about the effects of some of the protectionist measures Trump has threatened to impose, including steep tariffs on Mexican-made goods. “To put a tax of 35 percent on our exports will be paid by (U.S.) consumers,” he said while speaking on a panel alongside Bloomberg founder and former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg. Trump has said he would renegotiate or scrap a trade deal with Mexico. Trump attacked U.S. companies investing south of the border, battering Mexico’s peso. “It’s not easy to build a wall, anyway they build tunnels and most people arrive by plane,” Slim joked in comments before the election, referring to drug cartels digging tunnels to smuggle their products into the United States.;December 1, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump: Healthcare, infrastructure, welfare reforms up next after taxes;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday said he plans to take up healthcare, infrastructure and welfare reform issues soon after Republicans’ tax overhaul is finalized, which the party has pledged to complete by the end of the year. “We’ll be submitting plans on healthcare, plans on infrastructure and plans on welfare reform, which is desperately needed in this country, soon after taxes,” he told reporters at the White House ahead of a meeting with his Cabinet secretaries. ;November 20, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: White House says it had no 'advance warning' of FBI probe of Clinton;ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE (Reuters) - The White House on Friday said it was not given any prior notice on the FBI’s announcement that it was investigating additional emails relating to Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email system. “We did not have advance warning,” White House spokesman Eric Schultz told reporters traveling with President Barack Obama to a campaign event for Clinton in Orlando, Florida. Schultz said news of the Federal Bureau of Investigation probe has not affected Obama’s support for Clinton. “I don’t think anything has surfaced to changed the president’s opinion and views of Secretary Clinton,” he said. ;October 28, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: TRUMP WINS NEW YORK IN A LANDSLIDE: Will Third Place For Cruz Be A Game Changer?;Is a third place finish for Cruz a game changer?If #Cruz comes in a distant 3rd in #NYPrimary, tonight could be a very big game changer https://t.co/sFOvx99Hfz pic.twitter.com/DyGt86ianK Newt Gingrich (@newtgingrich) April 20, 2016 It s being reported by all the major media outlets that it s statistically impossible for Cruz to win the nomination. We d love to hear thoughts on this since it seems like delegate counts are fluid.;Apr 19, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: New Poll EMBARRASSES The Hell Out Of Trump – He Lost To More Than Hillary;While Trump crows about all the unscientific, self-selecting online polls that were rigged by his followers, the scientific polls with credibility are telling a very different post-debate story. One particular poll, which NBC conducted starting from the end of the debate on Sept. 26 into Sept. 27, shows Trump did so poorly that more people said neither candidate won than said Trump won.According to that poll, 52 percent of likely voters said Hillary won. 21 percent said Trump won, and 26 percent said neither candidate won.Image via NBC NewsOuch. Ouch ouch ouch. For someone who was only able to speak for 38 percent of the time, compared to Trump s 62 percent (and constant Just shut up because I am God interruptions), poll numbers like that are pretty astonishing.It s about as bad as when candidates finish worse than none of these candidates at the ballot box. Basically, there is nobody except the Trumpkins who believes Trump did anything of value Monday night. Furthermore, just 26 percent of Republican respondents said that the debate changed their opinion of Trump for the better. That s a pretty sorry number compared to 50 percent of Democratic respondents saying their opinion of Hillary changed for the better.Some Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill were disappointed in Trump and his performance, too. They wanted him to attack Hillary over the dead horse of an email scandal they re so sure makes her unfit to lead the country, and he didn t. Others, however, were frustrated with his inability to put forth succinct talking points: I wish that he d say something, stick with it, and then move on to something else instead of saying the same thing over and over and over, [Arizona Rep. Matt] Salmon said in an interview Tuesday without giving specific examples. It was just throughout the entire debate.' Anyone who tries to read a complete transcript of the debate will have the same frustration, if not worse. Trump literally cannot stick to the point, rambles on, talks in circles, etc., and Hillary wiped the floor with him in part because of that. The rest of it well, she s eminently qualified and he isn t, and she proved it.The NBC poll was conducted online among a sample of 7,541 likely voters, culled from the 3 million adults who take surveys on SurveyMonkey every day. The margin of error is 1.6 percent, so Trump isn t even tied with neither, for second place. He finished dead last.Featured image by Drew Angerer/Getty Images;September 28, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: JULIAN ASSANGE GETS EMOTIONAL Over His Family, Especially Young Children, During Exclusive Sean Hannity Interview [VIDEO]; I know what I m doing. I m prepared to wear the consequences of the conflict but my family s innocent. During an exclusive interview, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange gets emotional while telling Sean Hannity about the effect his virtual imprisonment has had on his family, especially his children. I know what I m doing, but my family is innocent they didn t sign up for that fight. ;Jan 4, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: ONE MILLION DEMOCRATS Switched To TRUMP And Here’s Why…Trumpocrats! [Video]; ;Oct 12, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Last Republican Reagan TRASHES GOP, Says Nancy Would Have Voted For Hillary Clinton;When you ve lost the support of the whole Reagan family, you re pretty much done for. While Republicans all across the country compete to see who can be the most like Ronald Reagan (hint none of them can), the former president s family (including his neoconservative son) have been vehemently distancing themselves from the GOP and its presidential nominee Donald J. Trump.After a Trump supporter told Michael Reagan he wished the Gipper were still alive to see Trump ascend to the presidency, Reagan shot back with an unexpected (and surprising) revelation:My father would not support this kind of campaign,if this is what the Republican Party wants leave us Reagans out.Nancy would vote for HRC https://t.co/jkjKBvlwHa Michael Reagan (@ReaganWorld) October 3, 2016Reagan has taken to Twitter in the last several days to utterly denounce Trump and apparently the entire GOP, hitting Reince Priebus for being a spineless hack who only cares about his career instead of the future of his party and country:If the RNC supports this I cant suppoet the RNC.Trump on Clinton: I don t even think she s loyal to Bill https://t.co/zTBMcB3wUi Michael Reagan (@ReaganWorld) October 3, 2016It appears that that the only remaining Republican in the Reagan family may be on the verge of leaving the party for good. And it s all thanks to Donald Trump. Reagan told another twitter follower that Nancy was personally appalled whenever Trump (or anyone like him) dared to compare themselves to Ronald.Considering how much influence Nancy had over her husband, is it a stretch to say she very well could have convinced him to vote for Hillary Clinton (if he and she were still alive)? Most likely, yes.Imagine that: all the remaining Reagan family members becoming Democrat because their party traded its values in order to support a racist, xenophobic, sexist, corrupt billionaire that no one likes.When you ve completely lost the Reagan family, you may want to rethink your priorities.Thank you, Michael Reagan, for finally seeing the light and standing against a party that has decided to embrace the most deplorable elements if society instead of building on what you dad envisioned (even though that wasn t really good either).Featured image via Ethan Miller/Getty Images;October 3, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: LIKE A BOSS! President Trump’s Arrival at the EU Headquarters: “You can expect the president to be very tough on them” [Video];President Trump arrived like a boss to check out what s going on at the NATO headquarters. They just spent big bucks on a new headquarters Trump s probably wondering why they didn t use that money more wisely:NATO leaders have arranged an itinerary to appeal to the former real estate magnate: a ribbon-cutting of the alliance s glassy new headquarters, followed by a dinner where leaders will be held to a lightning-round speaking schedule to save time.Trump plans to press NATO leaders on defense spending, continuing a line of attack he started as a candidate last year, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Wednesday. You can expect the president to be very tough on them, Tillerson said, saying that he expected Trump to tell them: The American people are doing a lot for your security, for our joint security. You need to make sure you re doing your share for your own security as well. ;May 25, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Watch Out NRA: President Obama Is Coming For You;"Where Congress isn t acting on gun reform, President Obama is doing whatever he can. He knows that the ever-present epidemic of gun violence in the United States isn t going to go away on its own, and it s not going to go away by adding more and more guns to the mix either. Common sense actions need to be taken, and that s exactly what the president is offering NRA be damned.The president wrote Friday in a Facebook post: Today, I want to update you on some important progress we ve made to protect our communities from gun violence. As I said in January, these commonsense steps are not going to prevent every tragedy, but what if they prevented even one? We should be doing everything we can to save lives and spare families the pain and unimaginable loss too many Americans have endured.First, we ve jumpstarted the development of smart gun technology. Today, many gun injuries and deaths are the result of legal guns that were stolen, misused, or discharged accidentally. As long as we ve got the technology to prevent a criminal from stealing and using your smartphone, then we should be able to prevent the wrong person from pulling a trigger on a gun. So, my Administration released a plan today to expedite the development of smart gun technology, including by identifying the requirements that smart guns would have to meet in order for law enforcement to purchase and use them effectively and keep themselves and the public safer in the process.Second, we re doing more to make sure that those who are already prohibited from obtaining a firearm can t get their hands on one. Today, we re announcing a rule to ensure that federal mental health records about individuals prohibited from buying a gun are reported to the background check system.Third, the White House will convene state and local elected officials from all 50 states in May to discuss their efforts to prevent gun violence through legislative and executive actions. The goal is to figure out what works on the ground when it comes to keeping our communities safe, and then share those practices.As long as I m your president, I will do everything in my power to make our communities safer and keep guns out of the wrong hands. That includes calling on Congress to pass the kinds of commonsense reforms supported by the vast majority of the American people.Making progress on these issues is how we honor the lives that have been lost by gun violence, and it s how we leave behind a stronger, more secure nation for our children. The initiative President Obama announced was just put on the White House blog in great detail, which can be found HERE.The president laid out his hope for smart guns back in January as well: Of course, though, the NRA is already fear-baiting their followers and getting people to be afraid of any changes that my take place..@POTUS' new #guncontrol push is ""alarming cops who say they don t want to be guinea pigs."" https://t.co/Auoo6o77wu #2A NRA (@NRA) April 28, 2016And while the police have every right to be apprehensive, it s important to remember that something, anything, needs to be done to help push forth the effort for a safer United States. Promoting safer guns is an idea that should be embraced by all, and you d think any group, like the NRA, who says they re for responsible gun ownership would embrace an idea that made gun ownership more responsible.Within the same Politico article that the NRA tweeted out, it states: [Smart gun technology] wouldn t prevent most mass shootings, gun crimes or suicides currently the biggest driver of gun deaths. However, they could cut down on the roughly 500 deaths each year from accidental shootings, especially by kids. Advocates also point to findings that most youth suicides are committed with a parents weapon, and instances where officers own guns are stolen in a scuffle and used to shoot them cause about 1 in 10 police deaths. It s important to note that this technology probably could have happened a long time ago had it not been for possible political backlash. The gun lobby currently owns several members of Congress, which is truly the biggest obstacle to getting common sense gun reform passed.What President Obama has put forth isn t an attack on guns, it s not an attack on gun owners, and it s not going to limit any rights of those who do and should be able to own guns. What it does is put forth measures to make guns safer, less accessible to those who shouldn t have them, and start a national conversation.The president is taking on the NRA and doesn t really care what they have to say, because all they care about is profit for their gun manufacturer buddies. Something needs to happen, and it needs to happen sooner rather than later.Featured Photo by Olivier Douliery-Pool/Getty Images";April 29, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: THE SALT POLICE? Yes, Salt Regulation Is Here Because Government Knows Better;"The salt police are coming to NYC! Thanks to the nutty liberal mayor of New York City, we have a new regulation on salt. Restaurants will be fined up to $600 for not providing salt intro on menus. Oy vey! NEW YORK (AP) New York City plans to start enforcing a first-of-its-kind requirement for chain restaurants to use icons to warn patrons of salty foods after getting an appeals court s go-ahead Thursday to start issuing fines.The novel rule took effect in December, and some eateries already have added the requisite salt-shaker-like icons to menu items that contain more salt than doctors recommend ingesting in an entire day.But penalties have been in limbo as the National Restaurant Association fights the measure in court. That clash is ongoing, but an appeals court Thursday lifted a temporary hold on issuing the fines while the case plays out. Fines can be up to $600.The city will start enforcing the rule June 6.Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio applauded the appeals court s decision on what he called a common-sense regulation that will help New Yorkers make better decisions and lead healthier lives. The city won the first round of the lawsuit in a trial court in February; the restaurant association appealed.Via: FOX 5 NY";May 27, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. officials to hold Friday briefing on 'enhanced global security';WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Officials from the Department of Homeland Security, White House, State Department and Justice Department will hold a briefing on Friday afternoon to discuss “enhanced global security measures,” the DHS said in a statement. Information from the briefing will be embargoed until 5 p.m. (2100 GMT), it said. The announcement of the briefing follows media reports that President Donald Trump is planning to replace his soon-to-expire travel ban on people from six Muslim-majority countries with a new ban tailored on a country-by-country basis and affecting slightly more nations.;September 22, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Nuclear plan backer denies Inauguration Day text with top Trump aide;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A company promoting a plan for the United States and Russia to jointly build nuclear reactors in the Middle East denied in a letter made public on Monday that its director received an Inauguration Day text message from incoming national security adviser Michael Flynn saying the project was “good to go.” Citing a confidential informant, the top Democrat on the House of Representatives’ Oversight and Government Reform Committee last week said Flynn and Alex Copson, managing director of ACU Strategic Partners, communicated during President Donald Trump’s inaugural address about the project, which would have required lifting U.S. sanctions on Moscow. Thomas Cochran, a business partner of Copson, wrote in a letter to the lawmaker, Representative Elijah Cummings, that the informant’s allegations are “patently false and unfounded.” Reuters was unable to identify the confidential informant or independently confirm the informant’s information that was provided by Cummings. Copson has not responded to numerous requests for comment in recent months. Cochran attached to the letter records for Copson’s cell phone which, he said, show that he exchanged three text messages on Inauguration Day, Jan. 20, none of them with Flynn. “Since Mr. Copson did not receive a text message from General Flynn during the Inauguration, other allegations of the ‘whistleblower’ are equally false and unfounded,” wrote Cochran, who is ACU Strategic Partners’ senior scientist. Flynn is a retired Army general. Reuters and other news organizations have reported that Flynn continued to promote a version of the nuclear project after he began work at the White House. As part of his investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russians during the 2016 U.S. election campaign, special counsel Robert Mueller is looking at whether Flynn or other Trump aides tried to influence U.S. policy to improve relations with Russia. Proponents of the reactors project argued it would provide nuclear energy in the Middle East without the threat of weapons proliferation, improve U.S.-Russia relations and revive the U.S. nuclear industry. Flynn served just 24 days as Trump’s national security adviser before being fired for misleading Vice President Michael Pence about whether he discussed U.S. sanctions with Russia’s ambassador to Washington. He pleaded guilty on Dec. 1 to lying to the FBI about his Russia contacts. Reuters reported that day that documents it had reviewed showed that ACU Strategic Partners bragged after Trump’s Nov. 8, 2016, election that it had Flynn’s backing. Cummings wrote back to Copson on Monday, requesting that he participate in a transcribed interview “so that our staff attorneys could ask you questions about your relationship and communications with General Flynn.” “It remains unclear why your colleague sent this letter rather than you,” he wrote. Cummings’ office released Cochran’s letter but not the attached phone records.;December 11, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Republican senator dismisses procedural claims on Russia sanctions bill;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican chairman of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee said on Monday that if the House of Representatives does not pass a Russian sanctions bill, it is because members do not want to impose new sanctions, not because of a procedural issue cited by Republican leaders in the House. “There is no issue, except do they want to pass a Russia sanctions bill or not,” Senator Bob Corker told reporters at the U.S. Senate. The Senate passed the sanctions measure by 98-2 on June 15, but it has been stalled in the House, where President Donald Trump’s fellow Republicans hold a larger majority than in the Senate. House Republican leaders insisted the delay was purely because the bill violated a constitutional requirement that legislation affecting government revenues must originate in the House, not the Senate. They also blamed Democrats for holding it up. Democrats, and some Republicans, scoffed. They said the bill could have been fixed and passed in the House in a matter of minutes. Trump administration officials said they disagree with provisions in the bill requiring the president to get Congress’ permission before easing any sanctions, and the fact that many of the new sanctions are mandatory, so that the president cannot opt to waive them for national security reasons. Some Republicans have also echoed concerns raised by U.S. energy firms and European governments that the legislation could complicate investment in Russian energy projects, and potentially cost industry jobs. Corker said the bill was written to allow the Trump administration to address energy-related issues. And he said any White House would prefer to conduct foreign policy without Congress, but the administration had not asked him to kill the bill. “No one has called me and said, ‘We don’t want this legislation to pass.’ That has never occurred,” Corker said. Lawmakers and aides said administration officials had held meetings in Congress in the past few weeks to express their concerns about the measure. The Senate passed the bill a second time by unanimous consent on June 29, with a “fix” to address the procedural issue, but it has still not been taken up by the House. House Republicans said on Monday that the Senate change had not satisfied the procedural concern and that the Senate would have to change it and vote again.;July 10, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Factbox: Women who have alleged inappropriate conduct by Trump;(Reuters) - Several women have accused U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump of sexual advances and groping. Among his accusers are a Miss Utah beauty pageant winner, a businesswoman, a reporter and a receptionist. He has denied the accusations. In a 2005 video that emerged on Oct. 7, Trump boasted about grabbing women by the genitals and kissing them without their consent. In a U.S. presidential debate on Oct. 9, he said he was embarrassed by what he called locker-room talk but had not engaged in the conduct he described in the video. Trump has called “absolutely false” allegations by several women of groping and other misconduct, reported by The New York Times and other media. He has called the women “sick,” and at Wednesday night’s final presidential debate, he alleged that the women were either controlled by Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton’s campaign or seeking “their 10 minutes of fame.” Following are some of the allegations against Trump: Jill Harth Houraney, a former Trump beauty pageant business associate, filed a $125 million lawsuit in 1997 against Trump alleging that on Jan. 24, 1993, at Trump’s Florida estate, Mar-a-Lago, Trump “forcibly removed plaintiff to a bedroom, whereupon defendant subjected plaintiff to defendant’s unwanted sexual advances.” A Trump representative was quoted on Oct. 7 in The New York Times as saying, “Mr. Trump denies each and every statement made by Ms. Harth.” The lawsuit was dropped in May 1997. Temple Taggart McDowell, a former Miss Utah, was quoted by The New York Times in a report published on May 15 as saying that Trump “kissed me directly on the lips” when the two were introduced in 1997, when she was 21. Taggart told the Times, “I thought, ‘Oh my God, gross.’” The Times story said Trump disputed the report and added that Trump said “he is reluctant to kiss strangers on the lips.” Jessica Leeds, 74, recounted in an video interview posted on The New York Times website on Oct. 12 that Trump grabbed her breasts and tried to put his hand up her skirt on a flight to New York in or around 1980 when she was a 38-year-old traveling businesswoman. In a tweet and in a later speech on Oct. 13, Trump called the Times story a total fabrication. Rachel Crooks, formerly a receptionist at a real estate firm, told The New York Times in a report published on Oct. 12 that Trump “kissed me directly on the mouth” in 2005 at Trump Tower in Manhattan when she was 22. In a tweet and in a later speech on Oct. 13, Trump called the Times story a total fabrication. Natasha Stoynoff, a reporter, wrote a first-person account that described Trump kissing her without her consent in December 2005 at Trump’s Florida home, Mar-a-Lago, while she was working on an article about him and his third wife, Melania, for People magazine. In the account published by People on Oct. 12, Stoynoff said “he was pushing me against the wall and forcing his tongue down my throat.” In a tweet and in a later speech on Oct. 13, Trump said the episode described did not happen. Mindy McGillivray was cited in an article published in The Palm Beach Post on Oct. 12 that while she was a 23-year-old photographer’s assistant at a Jan. 24, 2003, event at Mar-a-Lago, Trump had grabbed her buttocks. The Palm Beach Post cited a Trump spokesperson as saying, “This allegation lacks any merit or veracity.” Summer Zervos, who was a contestant on Trump’s reality TV show “The Apprentice” in 2006, said at a news conference on Oct. 14 in Las Vegas that Trump tried to get her to lie down on a bed with him when she met him in 2007 to discuss a possible job. Zervos said she complied with a request to sit next to Trump, and, “He then grabbed my shoulder and began kissing me very aggressively and placed his hand on my breast.” Trump at a rally in North Carolina this month denounced the allegations made by a series of women, calling them fabrications. Kristin Anderson, in a video posted on the website of The Washington Post on Oct. 14, said Trump put his hand up her skirt in a crowded New York nightclub in the early 1990s in an unwanted advance, when she had never even met him. “He did touch my vagina through my underwear, absolutely,” Anderson said in the video interview. Trump’s campaign did not respond to requests for comments on the allegations at the time they were made public. Yoga instructor Karena Virginia, at a news conference in New York City on Thursday, said Trump approached her outside the U.S. Open tennis tournament in 1998. They had never met, and she was 27 years old, she said. She alleged that Trump commented on her legs and then touched her breast before she was able to get into a car and be driven away. Trump campaign spokeswoman Jessica Ditto said the accusation was a publicity-seeking attack coordinated with Clinton, and added: “Voters are tired of these circus-like antics and reject these fictional stories.”;October 13, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: UK sets date for parliamentary showdown on crucial Brexit laws;LONDON (Reuters) - The British government said on Thursday its key piece of Brexit legislation would be debated in parliament on Nov. 14 and 15, the next stage in what is expected to be a tortuous lawmaking process that will test Prime Minister Theresa May s authority. The European Union (Withdrawal) Bill is central to the government s plan to leave the EU in March 2019, repealing the laws that made Britain an EU member and transposing existing EU law into British law. But it has faced widespread criticism from lawmakers of all parties - including May s Conservatives - for giving the government too much power to change laws, and for not guaranteeing parliament a vote on the terms of Brexit. As a result, the bill s passage through parliament will depend on May s fragile minority government being able to pacify rebel lawmakers who said they were deadly serious about trying to give parliament a greater say on the terms of the EU exit. The much-anticipated first two days of debate were announced in parliament by Andrea Leadsom, leader of the lower house. Six further days of debate are planned but dates were not announced. The bill passed its first parliamentary test in September and the next stage had been expected earlier by some lawmakers, but the government said it needed time to look over the hundreds of proposed changes which will be discussed. Nearly 400 amendments have been tabled and we are looking at those with the utmost seriousness, a Brexit department spokeswoman said. We look forward to continuing the debate and working with Parliament to ensure that we deliver a functioning statute book on exit day. Junior Brexit minister Steve Baker later warned that if the bill fails to pass through parliament in time for Brexit day on March 29 2019, holes would appear in the country s laws. He also said the government currently planned separate legislation to implement the terms of the transitional agreement it is seeking to help smooth its departure from the EU, erecting another potentially difficult parliamentary hurdle. May s spokeswoman later said it was too soon to know for sure if this would be required. Among the proposed changes to the withdrawal bill, several have enough support from Conservative lawmakers to defeat May, who commands a slim 13-seat working majority in the 650-seat parliament thanks to a deal with Northern Ireland s Democratic Unionist Party. One of the potential Conservative rebels, Nicky Morgan, warned the government not to underestimate their desire to change the bill. We are deadly serious, Morgan, a former senior minister who was sacked by May last year, told parliament. Any rebellion is expected to crystallise around government plans to offer lawmakers a vote on the final exit package. The promise is not currently written into the bill, which will only allow lawmakers to accept the deal the government has negotiated with Brussels or reject it and leave the EU without a deal. Brexit minister David Davis angered parliamentarians on Wednesday by suggesting that vote could even come after Britain has left the bloc, forcing his department to issue a clarification. Called to parliament on Thursday morning to explain his words, Davis said he expected the vote to take place before December 2018 or January 2019, referring to the EU s preferred negotiating timetable. Despite his clarification, lawmakers signaled they wanted to have more say on the exit deal and would try to force the government into making concessions next month in parliament by guaranteeing in law a vote that gives lawmakers a greater say. The sad reality is that ministerial assurances are no longer good enough, said opposition lawmaker Stephen Kinnock.;October 26, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Czech president very happy with Trump win, says shares his views;PRAGUE (Reuters) - Czech President Milos Zeman declared on Wednesday he was “very happy” with Donald Trump’s election victory, saying he cut through political correctness and addressed key issues like migration. Zeman, who is head of the NATO and European Union member state but does not steer day-to-day policies, endorsed Trump in September. “I would like to cordially congratulate Donald Trump. I had, as one of few European politicians, declared public support for this candidate... because I agree with his opinions on migration as well as the fight against Islamic terrorism,” Zeman told reporters in a rare press briefing at the Prague Castle. Zeman’s reaction chimed with Hungarian leader Viktor Orban but contrasted with shock in many European capitals. Unlike the current Czech center-left administration, Zeman shares Trump’s warm relations toward Russian leader Vladimir Putin and opposition to liberal and academic elites. “I appreciate Donald Trump’s public demeanor, he speaks clearly, sometimes roughly, but understandably, and avoids what is sometimes called political correctness,” Zeman said. He said the election showed American voters’ resistance to manipulation by the media, another frequent target of both Trump and Zeman. The Czech president said he had sent congratulations to Trump and invited him to visit the Czech Republic, the birthplace of Trump’s ex-wife Ivana. Earlier on Wednesday, Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka said Trump had won on “aggressive populism” but added he believed the United States would remain a reliable partner and ally. ;November 9, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Federal Judge Tells Anti-Vaxxers To Go F*ck Themselves, Upholds Strict California Vaccination Law;Anti-vaccination advocates were hoping they could continue exposing the general public to diseases that had been largely wiped out by vaccines, but a judge dashed that hope on Friday.In 2015, California dealt with a months long measles epidemic stemming from a person who was visiting Disneyland.According to the Los Angeles Times:131 California residents were believed to have been infected with measles during the outbreak that began at Disneyland, as well as at least 26 people who resided in seven other states, Canada or Mexico, after visiting the Anaheim theme park or catching the virus from someone who went there.The outbreak created a health crisis in the state, especially since some schools have immunization rates around 50 percent or lower according to state epidemiologist, Dr. Gil Chavez.Measles had been eradicated in America by 2000, but because some crackpot researcher in England published a terribly flawed study claiming that vaccines cause autism, a claim that has been thoroughly debunked by scientists, many paranoid and ignorant parents have decided not to vaccinate their kids, which is why 7 in 10 Californians who got the measles were unvaccinated. If we had higher levels of immunity in the community, this outbreak would not have happened, Chavez said.And the risk of exposure was not just in California schools. Public health officials contacted thousands of Californians in 12 counties potentially exposed to measles, leading to warnings in airports, malls, schools, clinics and hospitals, the Times reported. In one hospital alone, a single person with measles exposed 14 pregnant women and 98 infants, including 44 in the neonatal intensive care unit. After California quelled the epidemic, state lawmakers went to work to make sure such an epidemic never happens again. To that effort, they took particular aim at personal and religious exemptions that anti-vaxxers have taken advantage of over the years to decline to vaccinate their kids. They soon passed a law requiring all children to be vaccinated. The only exemption allowed is if the child has a medical condition, such as a suppressed immune system, that would prevent them from getting the vaccine.But anti-vaxxers threw a hissy fit and filed a lawsuit last month in order to prevent lawmakers from protecting the public health and safety.And U.S. District Judge Dana Sabraw ruled that they can go f*ck themselves and laughed them out of court because state lawmakers have a long history of requiring children to be vaccinated as a condition to school enrollment and plaintiffs have not made a showing that they are entitled to the extraordinary remedy of a preliminary injunction. In short, the law will go into effect this year and now every child will be required to be vaccinated if they want to be enrolled.And that s a good thing.We cannot let irresponsible parents put the public health at risk just because they disagree with science. Measles is one of the most contagious diseases known to man and is even more contagious and deadlier than Ebola.Sixteen years ago this country had wiped out the disease within our shores, and all that effort went to waste because some parents listen more to celebrities like Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy than they do to doctors and scientists. That needs to change, and this California law is the first step.Featured image via CBS News;August 27, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: SPECTRE OF BENGHAZI: DOJ Drops Charges Against Alleged Arms Dealer of Libyan Weapons;21st Century Wire says The US Department of Justice (DOJ) is dropping all charges against an arms dealer whose weapons made it into the hands of radical Libya militants.Early this week a motion was filed by the DOJ to drop charges against an American arms dealer named Marc Turi, according to federal court records obtained by Politico.Also according to Politico: The deal averts a trial that threatened to cast additional scrutiny on Hillary Clinton s private emails as Secretary of State, and to expose reported Central Intelligence Agency attempts to arm rebels fighting Libyan leader Moammar Qadhafi. LIBYA FALLOUT (Photo Illustration 21WIRE s Shawn Helton)In the book entitled Definitive Report by both Jack Murphy (Army Green Beret) and Brandon Webb (Navy SEAL), a close friend of Glen Doherty (one of the Americans killed during the Benghazi siege) it was revealed that Obama s former deputy NSA advisor and current CIA director, John Brennan had been directing covert black-ops in Libya as well as other parts in North Africa, prior to the siege that left four Americans dead at a compound in Benghazi.Brennan s covert operations were said to have prompted retaliation inside the compound in Libya as former CIA director David Petraeus had been blackmailed into resignation by senior CIA officials.All of this information was preceded by a massive cover-up involving mainstream media, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Susan Rice and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, both of whom initially blamed the siege on a heavily propagandized YouTube film entitled, The Innocence of Muslims. This meme was spread on many major talk shows even though evidence failed to connect the film to the attack.In addition, the White House and President Barack Obama had many inconsistencies in their talking points about Benghazi, first labeling it a terror attack, then quickly shifting gears, denying that there were Al Qaeda operatives anywhere near the compound.US Ambassador Christopher Stevens was said to have helped manage a large gun-running operation from the Special Mission Compound in Benghazi, as he was also said to have helped ship guns to al-Qaeda-linked opposition to assist in the takedown of former dictator Moammar Gadhafi.In a Business Insider report from October of 2012, the Benghazi story dovetailed the growing proxy war in Syria: In March 2011 Stevens became the official U.S. liaison to the al-Qaeda-linked Libyan opposition, working directly with Abdelhakim Belhadj of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group a group that has now disbanded, with some fighters reportedly participating in the attack that took Stevens life.In November 2011 The Telegraph reported that Belhadj, acting as head of the Tripoli Military Council, met with Free Syrian Army [FSA] leaders in Istanbul and on the border with Turkey in an effort by the new Libyan government to provide money and weapons to the growing insurgency in Syria. As 21WIRE has previously reported in 2014, It s worth noting here: like Libya s new militant governor of Tripoli, Abdel Hakim Belhadj, the Chechen terrorist group Kata ib Mohadzherin s leader Airat Vakhitov was also under US supervision for years imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba circa 2002, after being captured by U.S. forces in Afghanistan. Both were Belhadj and Vakhitov were released by the Pentagon only to be repatriated in the field again back into fighting regions to organise al Qaeda-type Islamist groups both active in countries which the US and NATO have been actively vying for regime change in Libya and Syria, respectively. You can draw your own conclusions here about what Guantanamo is in reality, a fact which was confirmed by thePenny Lane leaks regarding the recruitment of double agents out of Gitmo. Interestingly, in a NY Times article from December of 2012 entitled, U.S.-Approved Arms for Libya Rebels Fell Into Jihadis Hands, we see an acknowledgement of an arms shipment at the behest of the Obama administration under the watchful eye of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton but the mainstream media appears to have provided cover for the White House and State Department by blaming Qatar for the weapons transfer to militants: The Obama administration secretly gave its blessing to arms shipments to Libyan rebels from Qatar last year, but American officials later grew alarmed as evidence grew that Qatar was turning some of the weapons over to Islamic militants, according to United States officials and foreign diplomats.No evidence has emerged linking the weapons provided by the Qataris during the uprising against Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi to the attack that killed four Americans at the United States diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, in September.But in the months before, the Obama administration clearly was worried about the consequences of its hidden hand in helping arm Libyan militants, concerns that have not previously been reported. The weapons and money from Qatar strengthened militant groups in Libya, allowing them to become a destabilizing force since the fall of the Qaddafi government. The spectre of Benghazi looms large when connecting the Middle Eastern dots over the past five years.More from Zero Hedge below TRAIL OF BLOOD Many questions about 2012 s Benghazi terror siege remain unanswered. (Image Source: foxnews)DOJ Drops Charges Against Arms Dealer Who Threatened To Expose Hillary Arming Islamic ExtremistsZero HedgeIn what would under other circumstances likely be a major media spectacle, Politico reported that the Obama administration is moving to dismiss charges against an arms dealer whom it had accused of selling weapons destined for Libyan rebels and who had threatened to expose Hillary Clinton s talks about arming anti-Qaddafi rebels.According to a motion filed in federal court in Phoenix, the DOJ on Monday filed a motion to drop the case against the arms dealer, an American named Marc Turi. One potential reason for the surprising move is that as Politico writes, the deal averts a trial that threatened to cast additional scrutiny on Hillary Clinton s private emails as Secretary of State, and to expose reported Central Intelligence Agency attempts to arm rebels fighting Libyan leader Moammar Qadhafi.Turi was indicted in 2014 on four felony counts: two of arms dealing in violation of the Arms Export Control Act and two of lying to the State Department in official applications. The charges accused Turi of claiming that the weapons involved were destined for Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, when the arms were actually intended to reach Libya. Turi s lawyers argued that the shipments were part of a U.S. government-authorized effort to arm Libyan rebels. It s unclear if any of the weapons made it to Libya, and there s no evidence linking weapons provided by the U.S. government to the Benghazi attacks.According to Politico government lawyers were facing a Wednesday deadline to produce documents to Turi s legal team, and the trial was officially set to begin on Election Day, although it likely would have been delayed by protracted disputes about classified information in the case. A Turi associate asserted that the government dropped the case because the proceedings could have embarrassed Clinton and President Barack Obama by calling attention to the reported role of their administration in supplying weapons that fell into the hands of Islamic extremist militants.Making matters worse, Turi s case had delved into emails sent to and from the controversial private account that Clinton used as Secretary of State, which the defense planned to harness at any trial. They don t want this stuff to come out because it will look really bad for Obama and Clinton just before the election, said the associate.Leery of admitting the actual truth, in the dismissal motion, prosecutors were vague saying that discovery rulings from U.S. District Court Judge David Campbell contributed to the decision to drop the case. The joint motion asks the judge to accept a confidential agreement to resolve the case through a civil settlement between the State Department and the arms broker.This story continues at Zero Hedge READ MORE ISIS NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire ISIS Files READ MORE LIBYA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Libya FilesSUPPORT OUR WORK BY SUBSCRIBING & BECOMING A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV;October 5, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WHOA! DEMOCRATIC Strategist Gives Crooked Hillary The Ultimate Smack Down;The most unpopular, deplorable woman in America, and champion of Wall Street bankers gets a big smack down by Democratic Strategist Harlan Hill. Enjoy:FACT: Clintons take money + work for countries that have institutionalized abuses of women & murder of homosexuals. pic.twitter.com/5GDSwkRUvm Harlan Z. Hill (@Harlan) September 6, 2016Here s what Harlan thinks about Hillary s chances of winning the election in November:Hillary lost the Obama + Sanders coalitions.If I'm right, she'll lose the election too.I went on record w/ @VarneyCo @FoxBusiness: pic.twitter.com/49hpiONrs5 Harlan Z. Hill (@Harlan) September 29, 2016;Oct 2, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Judges rule Trump University can appeal to New York's highest court;NEW YORK (Reuters) - A New York appeals court issued a ruling on Tuesday that apparently made it highly unlikely that a state fraud case against Trump University, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s venture, will be heard before the Nov. 8 general election. The mid-level appeals court ruled that Trump’s lawyers can argue to the state’s highest court that the fraud claims against Trump University brought by the state attorney general should be dismissed. Trump suffered a legal setback in the case in March when the appeals court allowed multimillion-dollar fraud claims against the now-defunct venture to proceed. The claims are part of a state lawsuit filed in 2013 that accuses Trump University of misleading thousands of people who paid up to $35,000 for seminars to learn the billionaire businessman’s real estate investment strategies. The trial judge in the case had been waiting to hear whether the mid-level appeals court, the Appellate Division, First Department, in Manhattan, would give Trump permission to go to the state’s highest court, the Court of Appeals. “It’s no surprise that Donald Trump is using every legal option to avoid standing trial for operating a sham for-profit university,” New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said in a statement responding to the ruling. “As our lawsuit makes clear, Mr. Trump’s phony university defrauded thousands of students through an illicit scheme that cost them millions of dollars,” Schneiderman continued. “I am confident that the Court of Appeals will agree with the lower court’s unanimous decision to reject virtually all of Mr. Trump’s claims.” Alan Garten, general counsel for the Trump Organization, said, “We are pleased with the court’s decision and look forward to going to the Court of Appeals.” Garten has said the claims are “without merit and baseless” and that almost all those who participated in the programs filled out written surveys giving the seminars high ratings. Class actions are pending in California on similar claims by Trump University students. One of those cases is scheduled for trial on Nov. 28. The fraud claims against Trump University were an issue early in the Republican primary campaign. With Trump allowed to appeal the pretrial rulings to the state’s highest court, it is very unlikely the New York case will be resolved before November’s election. It takes an average of 12 months from the time an appeal is allowed for the Court of Appeals to hear oral arguments in a case, according to court spokesman Gary Spencer. A decision on whether or not the fraud claims can proceed would normally take another month and, if not dismissed, the case would then go back to the trial court. In the March decision, Schneiderman was allowed to proceed on fraud claims that require proof of intent to defraud and those that do not. The court also ruled that the statute of limitations for the claims stretches back to 2007 instead of 2010. The program stopped taking students in 2010.;May 17, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump hopes to avoid government shutdown in meeting with lawmakers: White House;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump hopes to find a way to avert a government shutdown later this week in a Thursday meeting with Republican and Democratic lawmakers, the White House said on Wednesday. Congressional Republican leaders as well as U.S. House of Representatives Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer are scheduled to meet with Trump on Thursday. Pelosi and Schumer did not attend a previously scheduled meeting with Trump last week after he said on Twitter that he did not expect to reach a deal with the Democratic leaders. ;December 6, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Lebanon's Hariri lands in Cyprus, meets its president- Hariri Twitter feed;BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s Saad al-Hariri arrived in Cyprus for a meeting with its president on Tuesday, Hariri said on his Twitter feed, ahead of his expected return to Beirut to take part in independence day celebrations on Wednesday. Hariri is expected to return to Lebanon in the coming hours, his first trip home since his sudden resignation as prime minister on Nov. 4 plunged the country into political crisis. It was a 45-minute meeting which was requested earlier today through diplomatic channels, Cypriot government spokesman Nikos Christodoulides told Reuters of the meeting between Hariri and Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades. We, and he, desire to see stability in Lebanon. He is leaving as we speak, he added.;November 21, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Xi says China will let the market play decisive role in resource allocation;BEIJING (Reuters) - China will let the market play a decisive role in resource allocation in the economy, China s President Xi Jinping said on Wednesday at the opening of a key Communist Party congress. Beijing has called for a greater role for market forces in the economy in order to improve efficiency and develop a more sustainable growth model. ;October 18, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Mattis says North Korean ICBM not yet a 'capable threat' against U.S;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Friday that analysis continued on North Korea s most recent missile test, but he did not believe its intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) posed an imminent threat to the United States. It has not yet shown to be a capable threat against us right now ... we re still doing the forensics analysis, Mattis told reporters at the Pentagon. Last month, North Korea said it had successfully tested a new type of ICBM that could reach all of the U.S. mainland and South Korea and U.S.-based experts said data from the Nov. 29 test appeared to support that. Mattis did not elaborate on what was lacking in the test to show it was not a capable threat. He said himself immediately after the test that the missile had gone higher than any previous North Korean launch and that it was part of a research and development effort to continue building ballistic missiles that can threaten everywhere in the world, basically. U.S.-based experts, some of whom have been skeptical about past North Korean claims, said last month that data and photos from the test appeared to confirm North Korea had a missile of sufficient power to deliver a nuclear warhead anywhere in America. But experts and U.S. officials have said questions remain about whether it has a re-entry vehicle capable of protecting a nuclear warhead as it speeds toward its target and about the accuracy of its guidance systems. South Korea s Defense Ministry said this latest test put Washington within range, but Pyongyang still needed to prove it had mastered re-entry, terminal stage guidance and warhead activation. Some U.S. based experts believe North Korea could be only two or three tests away from being able to declare the missile operational. U.S. President Donald Trump vowed it won t happen after North Korean said in January is was in the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching the United States. Trump has said all options are on the table, including military ones, although his administration has made clear it prefers a diplomatic solution. It continues to be a diplomatically led effort, Mattis said. When we re ready to have conversations ... dialogues, that will be up to the president and secretary of state. At a U.N. Security Council session on the crisis on Friday, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson urged North Korea to carry out a sustained cessation of weapons testing to allow the two countries to hold talks.;December 15, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Muslim Family Restaurant Finds Creative Way To Tell Donald Trump To Go F*ck Himself;Donald Trump and his deplorable supporters are going to lose their shit when they hear about this.Since 1960, Mama Ayesha s restaurant has served Middle Eastern cuisine in Washington D.C. in the same spot. Since 2009, it has been the home of a special presidential mural featuring Ayesha standing in unison with the last ten presidents, including President Obama. This is Mama welcoming the presidents to DC, her great-nephew Abu-El-Hawa told the Washingtonian about the painting. She was the American dream. For a Muslim and Arab woman immigrant from Palestine to come here on her own and build this business, is a remarkable legacy. The painting was commissioned in 2007 and supported by the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities and was completed by artist Karla Karlisima Rodas, an immigrant from El Salvador.But Donald Trump will not be joining the ten presidents on the mural. And that s a good thing.When Ayesha passed away in 1993, she left the famous restaurant to her nephew, who is citing budgetary reasons for declining to add Trump to the mural. Our official position is that it is not in the budget, Abu-El-Hawa stated.In other words, Trump can go f*ck himself.Donald Trump does not deserve to be recognized in a mural that celebrates diversity. Mama Ayesha is a Palestinian woman linking arms with ten presidents, one of whom is the first African-American president. It would also be insulting to President Obama since Trump would be shown linking arms with him.And that just does not jive well considering Trump is a racist divider who panders to white supremacists and wants to ban Muslims from the country, which would be an insult to Ayesha.Here s a look at the mural via YouTube.The mural serves as Washington DC s largest postcard and it s safe to say that Trump is not someone who will make people want to visit our nation s capital.Cue the temper tantrum from Trump and his supporters in 3 2 1 Featured image via Drew Angerer/Getty Images;December 29, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Prof Michel Chossudovsky discusses Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy & emerging nuclear risks;21st Century Wire says Amid great mainstream media and Democratic Party fanfare, Hillary Clinton s candidacy has been based on a claim she is most experienced candidate in history, and highlighting her foreign policy record in particular. What would a Clinton foreign policy really look like? On Episode #158 of the SUNDAY WIRE, host Patrick Henningsen spoke with a special guest, Professor Michel Chossudovsky, founder & editor of www.globalresearch.ca about Hillary s hawks and what a Clinton presidency will look like in terms of US-backed wars around the globe, as well as Washington s current fetish with sustainable nuclear conflicts.Listen to this excellent discussion:[soundcloud url= https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/291631622 params= auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true width= 100% height= 450 iframe= true /] . See more of Michel s recent book, The Globalization of War: America s Long War Against Humanity. READ MORE ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 2016 FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV;November 5, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Eric Trump Just Asked The Labor Department To Let Him Hire Foreign Workers AGAIN;If any other American company did this, Donald Trump would be attacking them on Twitter.But Trump has a double standard when it comes to his own business and the businesses owned by his family members.As you may recall, Trump has openly attacked Ford, General Motors, and a slew of other companies for building factories overseas instead of building them here and hiring American workers to do the jobs.Trump even attacked a Japanese automaker for building a factory in Mexico instead of in the United States.The hypocrisy here is that while Trump is attacking these companies for not hiring Americans, his own son is begging the Labor Department to let him hire foreign workers instead of giving jobs to Americans.Eric Trump owns Trump Vineyards, and for the second time he is asking the Labor Department to let him hire foreign workers.According to the petition filed, the workers would be paid over $11 an hour to perform manual labor in cold weather. Workers would also be exposed to chemicals and would have to lift up to 60 pounds of grapes onto a truck.Here s a screenshot of the specific section.Again, this is hypocritical. Donald Trump is constantly promising Americans that he will make sure they have jobs but his own son wants to hire foreign workers.This is yet another example of Trump not following the rules he s setting for everyone else.A real leader leads by example and if Trump refuses to tell his own son to hire American workers why should companies like Ford comply with his demands?Keep in mind that Trump is ordering raids to round up undocumented immigrants because Trump claims they take jobs away from Americans. The reality, however, is that these immigrants take jobs that most Americans do not want to perform, such as managing and harvesting crops. That doesn t mean there aren t American out there who wouldn t take them, and that means Eric Trump is taking jobs away from Americans by trying to hire foreign workers instead. That s shameful, especially since his dad promised to put America first.Featured image via Joe Raedle/Getty Images;February 17, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: CROOKED HILLARY VS FBI’S COMEY [Video];This Supercut of Hillary vs Comey gets to the heart of why she should be indicted! ;Jul 6, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump-Supporting Alaska GOP Candidate Apparently Has No F*cking Clue Tweets Are Public (SCREENSHOTS);Meet William Quayle Jr., who is trying to give Sarah Palin a run for the worst thing to ever come from Alaska.Quayle is a man who is voting for Donald Trump (but would have preferred Ted Cruz and previously criticized The Donald for his hateful rhetoric and lies) because he s angry about the state of our country and running for Juneau s city assembly because things need to change, dammit (or something). And boy, does he hate that Hillary Clinton lady largely because he buys into right-wing conspiracy theories that paint her as so sick she s likely to die any day now.Quayle s Facebook timeline is filled with right-wing memes and messages, including frequent references to convicted felon Dinesh D Souza s latest propaganda film, Hillary s America: But his obvious stupidity the climate change post, really? is not what is bringing this normally unimportant person into the spotlight it s his Twitter account, where he shares his love of large, full-figured women and their full-figured breasts and, of course, where he sends some of these women insanely creepy messages. The GOP candidate seems to spend much of his time harassing women most commonly model Chelsea Charms about fattening themselves up, inviting them to come live with him, and even encouraging them to get pregnant so their boobs would get much bigger : I do not wish to discuss about my fetishes, I am a heterosexual male and that is that, Quayle told KTOO-FM when asked about the posts. I do have original ideas that my competition does not have. All they want to do is tax and cut budget. He does not deny the account is his, and even at one point auto-posted some of his more awkward messages to Facebook:It s perfectly OK for someone to like large-breasted women. It s not OK to harass women whose photos you look at while you do unspeakable things to your little soldier (it can be safely assumed that this is the case based on his public messages).The election is Tuesday. May God have mercy on our souls if this guy manages to win.Featured image via Facebook/Twitter;October 2, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Russia's Lavrov tells Tillerson important not to allow new U.S. strikes in Syria;MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said at a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in Moscow on Wednesday that it was important not to allow a repeat of U.S. strikes in Syria. Lavrov said the strikes carried out by the United States on a Syrian airbase last week were unlawful. He added that he expected to hold frank and honest discussions with Tillerson on forming a broad anti-terrorism coalition. ;April 12, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. House clears way to debate Republican healthcare bill;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Republican healthcare bill to repeal and replace major portions of Obamacare cleared a first procedural hurdle in the U.S. House of Representatives when a rule guiding the debate was passed on Thursday. By a partisan vote of 235-192, the Republican-controlled House cleared the way for a debate and vote on passing the legislation later on Thursday. If the bill passes it will hand a major legislative victory to President Donald Trump, but it will face steep hurdles in the Senate.;May 4, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WATCH: Navy Unveils The Latest Reason We Can’t Afford National Healthcare (VIDEO);A new war toy for the Navy was shown off recently in an article published in the Wall Street Journal.The supergun as the WSJ s headline refers to it, is really just a large railgun. A railgun is a weapon that uses an electromagnetic charge to fire a round rather than chemical explosives.The only time that cost is mentioned in the article is when it compares the cost of using a railgun projectile versus that of a standard missile. The WSJ reports that each projectile only costs around $25,000 dollars to make, compared to the cost of a $10-million-dollar interceptor missile. Wow, it almost sounds as if this thing might actually save the military some money in the long-term. It won t though, it s just another military pipe dream that ll end up costing tax payers an arm and a leg possibly literally seeing as the money that could go towards building these things might have gone to something useful, like a universal national health insurance program.The weapon requires a massive power source the rail gun requires 25 megawatts to work. As Vice pointed out in an article published last year, this need for a huge power source is the reason this technology is going to be quite costly, or even possibly impossible to make practical for a long time. It s hard to conceptualize 25 megawatts, for me anyway. For some perspective, th e Navy s next generation Zumwalt-class destroyer, the 21st-century stealth battleship with electric engines, is powered by a 78-megawatt array of turbine generators. So, firing a rail gun once would take almost a third of the most advanced ship s whole capacity. Most ships today don t have more than 9 megawatts to spare. . . The railgun is going to be tested on the USNS Millinocket next year. The first of three Zumwalt-class ships railgun or no railgun is slated to be delivered to the Navy next year, and the last in 2018. They re estimated to cost $22 billion in total. The bigger problem here is that the United States is entering into a new Cold War era, except this time it is with both Russia and China. Projects like this may give the U.S. a small military advantage over one of these two nations for a few years at least. Then we will have to spend billions upon billions of dollars on new weapons systems that everyone is terrified of actually using, considering the chance that a full nuclear response is a possibility.We have to really ask ourselves is this the road we want the U.S. to go down. Of course, we cannot leave ourselves defenseless but we seriously have to make decisions about what we invest our money into. How exactly do we plan to use these weapons systems, should they ever actually become practical? We also have to ask ourselves if it is more important to spend countless billions of dollars on weapons that are built-in, the justification of defense against the Next Bad Thing, yet will probably end up just being used to spread a little democracy to poor nations.I, for one, would prefer to invest in building a nation that makes sure that every person is given the opportunity to get an education, see a doctor, or breath clean air and drink clean water than one that is hell-bent on winning another cold war.You can watch a video of the railgun below. Featured image from video screenshot;May 28, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Melania Trump Makes SHOCKING Admission Disqualifying Her Husband From Office;"Most sane people have been extremely alarmed that we have a toddler in a 70-year-old man s body at the top of a major party s presidential nominee. That person is, of course, Republican Donald J. Trump. Trump has managed to do a million things that would have destroyed any other candidate s campaign, but still he powered on to win the GOP nomination.During this travesty of a campaign, Trump s wife Melania has largely been absent from the campaign trail. She has been visible at the debates in the family box, of course, but hasn t said a word since she was humiliated by giving a conventions speech that was plagiarized from First Lady Michelle Obama s 2008 speech at the Democratic National Convention. Now, in the wake of her husband humiliating her entire family by being caught on a hot mic having a horrifically lewd and offensive conversation about women with then-Access Hollywood host Billy Bush, Melania Trump is breaking her silence.She sat down to discuss the tape and her husband s behavior with CNN s Anderson Cooper, in which while she said the language used by both men was unacceptable, Melania seemed to take a boys will be boys angle on the whole thing, and even took the whole thing a bit further by literally calling her 70-year-old husband a kid. Here is the exchange, via The Hill: It s kinda like two teenage boys actually they should behave better, right? the potential first lady said about her husband and former Access Hollywood host Billy Bush. He was 59, Cooper said. Correct, Trump responded. Sometimes I said I have two boys at home I have my young son and I have my husband, Trump said. I know how some men talk. That s how I saw it. Melania Trump went on to say: We talk a lot, a lot about the campaign. We talk about the language because I don t allow that he uses bad language. But I tell him that, you know, there are consequences as well, and he he needs to be careful [with the] language he uses. Unfortunately, I ve got news for Mrs. Trump. Her husband IS a kid, just as she alluded to herself. That alone should tell her what the rest of us already know: he should not be running for president.Watch the exchange below:Melania Trump on ""locker room talk"": ""I know how some men talk and that's how I saw it, yes"" https://t.co/IDm7N1ioh5 https://t.co/0UMZBrGmw5 CNN (@CNN) October 18, 2016Featured image via video screen capture";October 18, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. to stage drill with three carriers as Trump visits Asia;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Three U.S. aircraft carrier strike groups will exercise together in the Western Pacific in the coming days in a rare show of force as President Donald Trump visits Asia with warnings about the nuclear threat from North Korea, U.S. officials say. The drill will include the USS Nimitz, the Ronald Reagan, the Theodore Roosevelt and their accompanying warships, the first time three U.S. aircraft carrier strike groups have exercised together in the region in a decade. A Japanese destroyer, the Inazuma, will join the armada, two Japanese government officials said, following a separate three-day exercise with the Reagan and two Indian warships in the Sea of Japan that ended Monday. U.S. officials have previously said the drill was under consideration and that planning was under way. The decision to soon go forward with the exercise in the Western Pacific has not been previously published. The four U.S. officials and two Japanese sources who discussed the drill with Reuters spoke on condition of anonymity, and did not disclose the precise date or location of the exercise. The Pentagon and the Navy’s Pacific Fleet declined comment on future operations. Reuters was not aware of any plans for Trump to visit the carriers. Trump has reiterated his tough rhetoric against North Korea over its nuclear and missile programs since starting a 12-day trip to Asia on Sunday. Speaking in Tokyo on Monday, Trump renewed his warning that the “era of strategic patience” with North Korea was over. The U.S. leader, who began a visit South Korea on Tuesday, has rattled some allies with his vow to “totally destroy” North Korea if necessary to defend the United States or its allies, and with his dismissal of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as a “rocket man” on a suicide mission. Kim has called Trump a “mentally deranged U.S. dotard.” The last time three U.S. carrier strike groups exercised together was in 2007, when the Nimitz, along with the John C. Stennis and Kitty Hawk carrier strike groups participated in drills near Guam. Such large-scale drills serve as a potent reminder of the U.S. ability to rapidly mobilize military force, a capability the Trump administration has been keen to emphasize as Pyongyang races ahead with tests to build a nuclear-tipped missile capable of striking the United States. Since taking office, Trump has vowed to expand the fleet of U.S. carriers, even as some military strategists and experts believe the massive ships would be increasingly vulnerable to modern Chinese and Russian weapons in any conflict. Singapore-based military expert Tim Huxley said the presence of the U.S. carriers still sent an unmistakable message, with each one carrying 70-odd aircraft. “Beyond the capability to project military power at great range, their ability to project political and psychological power is arguably unmatched, and we are seeing that play out,” said Huxley, of the International Institute for Strategic Studies. “While in a war against China, U.S. carriers might be vulnerable, they wouldn’t be in any conflict against North Korea...and three U.S. carriers can deliver a tremendous amount of airpower.” Carrier commanders say the strike groups are kept combat ready at all times, with jet fighters and surveillance planes flying constantly from their flight decks to maintain a protective screen. U.S. defense officials noted recently the presence of the three U.S. carriers in the region was reassuring allies, even though it was long scheduled. “It does demonstrate a capability that no other nation in the world can do,” Joint Staff Director Lieutenant General Kenneth McKenzie Jr said earlier this month. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying called for restraint during a regular news briefing on Tuesday when asked about the carriers, saying the situation on the Korean peninsula was complex and severe. “All relevant sides should exercise restraint, avoid irritating each other, dedicate themselves to lowering the tense situation on the peninsula, and at the same time make positive efforts to get the North Korean nuclear issue back on a track to a resolution via talks as soon as possible,” Hua said, reiterating the long-held Chinese position. The CIA has said North Korea could be only months away from developing the ability to hit the United States with nuclear weapons, a scenario Trump has vowed to prevent. U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, on a trip late last month to South Korea, was at pains to stress that diplomacy was America’s preferred course to get North Korea to give up its nuclear weapons. Still, he warned Pyongyang that its military was no match for the U.S.-South Korean alliance, and that diplomacy was most effective “when backed by credible military force.”;November 6, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: TRUMP SLAMS OBAMA AND VOWS To Undo Cuban Policy;Last year Obama added an action to his manifesto that would forever put him in the cross-hairs of Americans nationwide when he announced that he would be normalizing diplomatic relations with Communist-Cuba. Cuban-Americans were deeply offended and angered that Obama would extend the hand of friendship to the very regime that ha tortured and murdered their family members for years simply for having an opinion.Here are just a few facts from Obamas Policy on Cuba:*General tourist travel is still prohibited, but Americans authorized to visit Cuba for any of a dozen specific reasons can do so without first obtaining a special license from the government. The 12 categories of acceptable travel include family visits, official visits, journalistic, professional, educational and religious activities, and public performances.*Licensed U.S. travelers to Cuba can use credit cards and spend money in the country, and are able to import $400 worth of goods from Cuba, including up to $100 in tobacco and alcohol products. *Americans can send more money to Cubans, up to $2,000 every three months instead of the $500 currently permitted. *U.S. citizens can bring home small amounts of Cuban cigars. *U.S. companies will be able to export cell phones, televisions, memory and recording devices, computers and software to Cuba. Cuba is known to have poor Internet and telecommunications infrastructure.Thankfully in Miami on Friday, Trump announced at his rally that when elected he would be undoing that order unless Cuba met OUR demands first.Trump promised to stand with the Cuban people in their fight against communist oppression and condemned Obama s concessions to the Castro regime. All of the concessions that Barack Obama has granted the Castro regime were done through executive order, which means the next president can reverse them, and that, I will do, unless the Castro regime meets our demands not my demands, our demands. Obama can t really seem to shock us anymore however, he has made deals and woven ties with numerous terroristic countries over his 8 years in office, and yet we still see no actually improvement in our own country. January 2017 will be a blessing for sure.H/T [ Conservative Tribune ];Sep 18, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. top court poised to overturn Virginia ex-governor's bribery conviction;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday appeared poised to throw out the corruption convictions of former Virginia Governor Robert McDonnell, a move federal prosecutors fear could undermine their ability to bring crooked politicians to justice. During the one-hour argument, several of the eight justices signaled that McDonnell’s acceptance of $177,000 in luxury gifts and sweetheart loans from a businessman seeking to promote a dietary supplement did not constitute a criminal act. They voiced concern that the broad interpretation of U.S. anti-corruption law used by federal prosecutors could criminalize numerous commonplace actions by politicians. U.S. Justice Department lawyer Michael Dreeben told the justices overturning McDonnell’s conviction and giving politicians more leeway to accept gifts in return for certain actions would be a “recipe for corruption.” McDonnell’s lawyer Noel Francisco argued the former governor’s conduct was no different than what politicians across the United States do on a daily basis when responding to requests from donors and constituents. McDonnell, 61, is a former Republican Party rising star who served as governor from 2010 to 2014 and once was considered as a possible vice presidential candidate. His wife, Maureen, was convicted in a separate trial. Prosecutors during his trial described the luxurious lifestyle the McDonnells lived thanks to Virginia businessman Jonnie Williams including vacations, designer clothing and shoes, a $6,500 Rolex watch, $15,000 for their daughter’s wedding, golf outings and more. Liberal and conservative justices alike raised concerns about the Justice Department’s interpretation of U.S. bribery law. Stephen Breyer described as “dangerous” the “enormous power over elected officials” that federal prosecutors would hold if the court endorsed the Justice Department’s position. A ruling is due by the end of June. A decision in McDonnell’s favor could limit the type of cases federal prosecutors could bring against politicians in the future by requiring that any action taken in return for a bribe must be more than, for example, simply arranging a meeting between a benefactor and a government official. The impact of the decision would depend on how far the justices are willing to go in narrowing the scope of the corruption laws. The justices potentially could overturn the conviction but issue a narrow ruling focusing on the specifics of McDonnell’s case, including the judge’s instructions to the jury on how to weigh the evidence, rather than finding that the corruption law used in the case was flawed. Even if his conviction is overturned, McDonnell could face a retrial. Chief Justice John Roberts appeared to favor a broad ruling saying the statutes under which McDonnell was convicted could be unconstitutionally vague because they can cover many different activities. Roberts cited the example of a businessman seeking state tax breaks in return for opening a new plant. Roberts wondered if it would be considered a corrupt act if the state’s governor accepted an invitation from the businessman to go on a fishing trip to discuss the proposal. Breyer and Justice Anthony Kennedy said politicians need guidance so they know what conduct potentially could be prosecuted. If the law is interpreted broadly, “political figures will not know what they are supposed to do and what they are not supposed to do,” Breyer said. After a trial that laid bare rifts in his marriage, McDonnell was convicted of 11 corruption counts including conspiracy, bribery and extortion for taking the gifts and loans in exchange for promoting a dietary supplement called Anatabloc made by Williams’ company Star Scientific. Williams wanted McDonnell to press researchers at Virginia state universities to conduct studies that could help win U.S. regulatory approval for Anatabloc. A judge sentenced McDonnell to two years behind bars, but the Supreme Court last year said he would not have to report to prison while appeals were ongoing. McDonnell’s wife was found guilty of nine criminal counts and received a one-year sentence. She remains out of prison while pursuing her own separate appeal. Sonia Sotomayor, one of the only justices to indicate support for the prosecution, suggested it was reasonable to infer that McDonnell’s intent was to help Williams when he accepted money and gifts. Some justices appeared troubled by the signal a ruling in his favor would send. Ruth Bader Ginsburg appeared alarmed by the idea of officials being able to accept payments to arrange meetings without facing potential prosecution. Officials could simply say “I’ll do it for you if you pay me a thousand dollars,” she said. McDonnell, one of few high-level politicians to have his appeal of a criminal conviction heard by the Supreme Court, sat with his wife in the courtroom for the last oral arguments of the justices’ current term. McDonnell’s lawyers contend the former governor’s conduct did not constitute “official action” in exchange for a thing of value, as required for conviction under federal bribery law.;April 27, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Brigitte Gabriel Reveals Muslim Brotherhood “Plan For The Destruction Of The United States”…Left Goes Nuts Over Possibility Of Trump Declaring Them A “Terror Group” [VIDEO];Brigitte Gabriel is a Christian who, after being terrorized by Muslim extremists in her homeland of Lebanon, fled to the US with her family. Gabriel, the president and founder of ACT for America, travels around the nation delivering a message to everyday Americans about the radical infiltration of Muslim extremists in America. She explains in easy to understand terms how the Muslim Brotherhood has one goal: to sabotage America from within, and to make Islam the dominant religion of the country.Watch Brigitte Gabriel explain the Muslim Brotherhood s plan for the destruction of the United States: The most important page of this document is the last page. Because in the last past, they list 29 Islamic organizations set up in the United States with the specific goal of sabotaging America from within, and destroying America by our own hands. The MSA is listed as one of the Islam organizations whose goal it is to destroy America. The MSA, or Muslim Student Association has more chapters on American college campuses than the Republican and Democrat Party combined. Watch here:The tolerance for the funding of terror groups by Americans is about to come to end under President Donald J. Trump. One of the first actions he may take is to designate what many experts have been calling a terror group for years. The Trump administration could soon declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization, a move that would greatly restrict the controversial group s global reach and would come despite its insistence that it has peaceful intentions.Trump himself was often critical of President Obama s outreach to the Muslim Brotherhood, and Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, has proposed a bill to call for declaring the Brotherhood a terror organization. In the past, it has been accused of supporting terrorist groups around the world, and several countries, including Muslim nations, have banned them.If the U.S. declares the Brotherhood a terrorist organization, it would make it a criminal act for Americans to fund the group, ban banks from processing money for it, bar people with ties to the group from coming to the United States and make it easier to deport immigrants who have worked with the organization. It is time to call this enemy by its name and speak with clarity and moral authority, Cruz said in a statement introducing the bill. Watch Brigitte Gabriel destroy this Imam on Judge Jeanine s FOX News show: FOX NewsThe Left doesn t think Trump should designate the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization and here s why:The New York Times editorial board thinks President Trump shouldn t designate the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization because it could make Trump the enemy of all Muslims.The liberal paper published Thursday an editorial Thursday titled All of Islam Isn t the Enemy arguing against the move, which the Trump administration is reportedly considering as a possible option. CIA Director Mike Pompeo has said he supports designating the group, which is open about its goal of creating a state ruled by Islamic law, as a terrorist organization. Is President Trump trying to make enemies of the entire Muslim world? That could well happen if he follows up his primitive ban on refugees and visa holders from seven Muslim nations with an order designating the Muslim Brotherhood perhaps the most influential Islamist group in the Middle East as a terrorist organization, the editors charged. Daily Caller;Feb 12, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Health industry breathes easier as post-Obamacare path stabilizes;NEW YORK (Reuters) - Hospitals and health insurers are gaining confidence that their nightmare scenario - millions of Americans instantly losing health insurance once President-elect Donald Trump delivers on a promise to “repeal and replace” Obamacare - is looking more like a bad dream than becoming reality. The early view from the healthcare sector still includes an end eventually to President Obama’s signature health program. But Trump’s picks to head the U.S. health department and its top regulator on Tuesday, along with his recent softening on some aspects of the existing law, is a sign to some sector insiders that instead of chaos, an orderly transition of up to three years to replace it with a plan that healthcare companies actually want could be in store. Trump tapped Republican Representative Tom Price, an orthopedic surgeon who drafted legislation years ago to replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA), as head of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Consultant Seema Verma, who helped Vice President-elect Mike Pence create a Medicaid expansion plan in Indiana, is his choice to lead the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Both must be confirmed by the U.S. Senate. Democrats bemoan the choices, saying they will gut the 2010 law that gave insurance to about 20 million people through the creation of new individual health insurance and the expansion of Medicaid for the poor. But some healthcare companies, including insurers, doctors groups and hospitals, said they were encouraged by the appointments of experienced healthcare insiders. “From our standpoint, we want to make sure that as many people as possible maintain (insurance) coverage,” said Dr. Mario Molina, CEO of Molina Healthcare, which provides Medicaid and Obamacare individual insurance plans. “I think the pieces of the healthcare puzzle are kind of coming together for us now.” That picture looks increasingly like lawmakers will bring Trump a “repeal” bill in January that lays out at least a two-year timeline for changing the law. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said Tuesday that the House would start working on repealing and replacing Obamacare “right away,” but with a transition period to allow changes to be phased in over time. That period could be up to three years, warned Senate Finance committee Chairman Orrin Hatch, in order “to work through the problems.” Kathleen Harrington, chair of Policy of Government Relations for the Mayo Clinic, said so far she likes what she hears from Republicans on changes to health insurance. “We are very encouraged with the approach we’re hearing so far from President-elect Trump in terms of having a focused review and removing certain parts of it,” she said. The key for Republicans is shifting the bulk of the oversight of individual insurance and the Medicaid program to the states, and changing the way both are funded. Insurers, who currently submit individual plans to both the state and the federal government, say this will allow them to sell more flexible health plans. For hospitals, the Verma appointment and Pence’s Medicaid expansion in Indiana are signs that one of their major sources of government reimbursement for medical services could continue to grow. To be sure, it remains unclear what the overall impact will be on Medicaid and Medicare going forward. Both insurers and hospitals are watching for any negative impact from any changes, and anticipated cuts in funding. Investors have already been playing the winners and losers of reforming health insurance. The Nasdaq Biotechnology index has gained 7 percent since Trump was elected as the possibility of Hillary Clinton enacting new legislation on drug pricing disappeared. On the other hand, shares of hospital chains have sold off sharply, including a 26 percent decline for Tenet Healthcare, on the fears that millions of newly uninsured patients will need care but not be able to pay their bills if and when the ACA is repealed. Pence, who is expected to take a large role in shaping the administration’s healthcare policy, backed a plan in Indiana developed by Verma in which beneficiaries contribute to the cost of their healthcare. “It’s pretty clear that she is on the side of expanding Medicaid, but putting some conditions on it,” said Joseph Antos, a health policy expert at the conservative American Enterprise Institute. Antos expects the replacement plan to also include individual insurance that has a form of Federal subsidies, as envisioned in House Speaker Paul Ryan’s proposed plan to replace Obamacare. AgileHealthInsurance.com, which sells short-term health insurance plans that are allowed to exclude benefits guaranteed under the ACA, expects the law to allow more choice so that insurers can design cheaper plans to hit a certain price point of $100 per month or $200 per month, as they did before the ACA, according to executive director Sam Gibbs. Prices of Obamacare insurance rose about 25 percent for 2017 and large insurers including UnitedHealth Group have abandoned plans for next year, saying that they are losing too much money on sick customers. Under Price and Verma, it could be the states once again making most of the decisions about mandatory benefits with the Federal government providing only a broad framework, Gibbs suggested. At benefits company Stride Health, which sells and manages healthcare benefits to “gig” workers like Uber drivers, CEO Noah Lang said that he would want to be sure that the replacement plan has tax credits available to people as they need them, rather than at the end of the year only. Blair Childs, senior vice president at hospital purchasing group Premier, said members of Congress are already asking healthcare companies for input on a roadmap for the ACA replacement. “The offices we’ve talked to are saying ‘Don’t talk to me about what you don’t want, talk to me about what you do want. How do we solve this?” Childs said. The Ryan plan, known as A Better Way, envisions block grant funding for Medicaid, the creation of vouchers for Medicare coverage, and the elimination of the advance paid premium subsidies for individual insurance. It is seen as the foundation of the eventual plan. Some Republican lawmakers hope that this new health reform law will get Democratic support and pass the 60-vote threshold in the Senate. Price, who has presented his own replacement plan, is now turning to a job of managing a massive agency that oversees the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Medicare, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program and other programs, and will be tasked with implementing what Congress ultimately sends him, Childs said. “The relevant thing is the Ryan plan and what elements of that can be put into law,” Childs said.;November 30, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Three suspected al Qaeda militants killed in Yemen drone strike;ADEN, Yemen (Reuters) - Three suspected al Qaeda militants were killed in a drone strike in southern Yemen late on Thursday, a local security official and residents said. The strike in Mudiyah district in Abyan province on the Arabian Sea coast had targeted a motorcycle which the suspected militants were riding, the official said. Abyan is one of several provinces in central and southern Yemen where Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and its local affiliate Ansar al-Sharia operate. AQAP has taken advantage of a more than two-year civil war between the Iran-aligned Houthi group and President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi s Saudi-backed government to strengthen its position in the impoverished country. The United States has repeatedly attacked AQAP with aircraft and unmanned drones in what U.S. officials say is a campaign to wear down the group s ability to coordinate attacks abroad. The Saudi-led coalition supporting Hadi has also launched thousands of air strikes against the Houthis which control Yemen s capital and much of the country s north. The Houthis have in turn fired rockets towards Saudi cities and villages. They say their attacks are in response to Saudi strikes on Yemeni cities and villages. The coalition spokesman said on Thursday that a Saudi pilot had died a day earlier when his plane crashed in the southern province of Abyan due to technical failure , the Saudi news agency SPA said. The war has killed more than 10,000 people.;September 15, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Treasury watchdog finds Mnuchin's private jet trips broke no law;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A senior lawyer at the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of the Inspector General said on Thursday he found “no violation of law” in Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s use of private jets for seven official trips, but called for better cases to be made in future for such travel by Trump administration officials. But the report by OIG counsel Rich Delmar found the department offered insufficient justification for the use of a government plane and recommended future requests provide more detail. (bit.ly/2fUVFQP) Mnuchin’s use of a plane at taxpayer expense to travel to Kentucky in August with his wife to view the solar eclipse and speak to business leaders prompted an outcry from Democratic party lawmakers and spurred the Treasury’s watchdog agency to examine whether it violated travel or ethics policies. Cabinet members rarely use government planes or chartered aircraft for domestic travel, but the practice has received significant attention in the wake of Mnuchin’s trip. On Friday, former U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price resigned after an outcry over his use of private charter planes for government business at a cost of nearly $52,000. Mnuchin said on Sunday he did not regret using a government plane for the Kentucky trip, calling it “completely justifiable.” “It was approved by the White House and there were reasons why we needed to use that plane that are completely justifiable,” he said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” program. Mnuchin told NBC that he would only use a private plane for government purposes “if either there was a national security issue or we couldn’t get somewhere.” The Treasury Department has described Mnuchin’s trip in August as official government travel. Mnuchin spoke to business leaders in Louisville and visited Fort Knox, the site of significant U.S. gold reserves. Mnuchin and his wife, Louise Linton, also viewed the Aug. 21 solar eclipse in Kentucky with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and others. Public uproar over the trip began to mount after Linton posted a photo of herself deboarding the plane on social media and listed the expensive designer brands she was wearing in the caption. “I recommend that the OIG advise that future requests be ready to justify government air in greater detail, especially regarding cost comparisons and needs for security and other special factors,” Delmar said in his report.;October 5, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Clinton happily yields national spotlight to Trump, avoids its glare;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - If you haven’t heard a lot about what Hillary Clinton thinks of a string of controversial comments by Donald Trump that have generated round-the-clock coverage on cable news broadcasts, there is a reason – it’s by design. Since becoming the Democratic nominee last month, Clinton has been touring toy manufacturers, visiting tie makers and dropping in on public health clinics, where if she mentions Trump at all, it is usually to contrast their policies. Her swift condemnation at a Wednesday campaign rally of Trump’s remark that gun rights activists could stop her from nominating liberal U.S. Supreme Court justices was a rare instance where she has directly engaged her Republican rival in the 2016 race for the White House. Aides say Clinton’s strategy is simple: let Trump be Trump. Trump has suffered a series of missteps over the past two weeks that go beyond his remarks on gun rights activists, which he later accused the media of deliberately misinterpreting. He has tangled with party leaders, clashed with the parents of a fallen Muslim American Army captain and this week accused Clinton, a former secretary of state, and President Barack Obama of “founding” the Islamic State militant group. On Friday, he said he was just being sarcastic when he made that remark. “There is an adage in politics: Don’t get in the way of a train wreck,” said Democratic strategist Bob Shrum, a top campaign aide to presidential candidates Al Gore in 2000 and John Kerry in 2004. Clinton’s advisers say they see little benefit in her going toe-to-toe with Trump over every personal accusation, generating sound bites that would dominate cable news broadcasts. Rather, they are happy for him to be embroiled in controversy while Clinton focuses on policy. Trump’s campaign declined to comment for this story, but the New York real estate developer has accused the national media of bias toward Clinton. He re-posted a supporter’s Tweet on Friday that said the “corrupt media” was deliberately exaggerating his remarks to favor his Democratic opponent. Trump has slipped in opinion polls, and worried Republican Party leaders have urged him to stop making off-the-cuff inflammatory statements that generate blanket, often negative, media coverage and distract from efforts to highlight what they see as Clinton’s many shortcomings. “He’s sucking all the oxygen out of the room to his own detriment,” said Republican strategist and Trump supporter Ford O’Connell. It’s not enough to dominate media coverage, he needs to “win” it, O’Connell said. Trump has boasted that the news coverage he generates means he does not have to spend as much on campaign ads, but political veterans say he is squandering the attention and missing opportunities to win over undecided voters. For example, Trump gave an economic speech on Monday that was meant to help his campaign regain momentum, but it was quickly eclipsed by the fallout over his remarks on gun rights activists. Clinton, meanwhile, has been busy courting local media in must-win states. Her national press pool, which seldom gets to question the candidate, often waits as she conducts interviews with local news outlets. She has granted few recent interviews to national outlets and rarely holds press conferences, a strategy her critics say is calculated to avoid questions about her use of a private email server during her time as secretary of state, and the relationship between her family’s global charity, the Clinton Foundation, and the State Department. Clinton, who has said she is one of the most transparent presidential candidates in history, has acknowledged her use of the private email server was a mistake but said she properly handled all classified information. She has denied any improper links between the foundation and the State Department. In interviews with local outlets, Clinton is more likely to face questions about job creation, public health and raising wages - all parts of her platform that she is keen to discuss. In Florida, a crucial battleground state, Republican lobbyist Gus Corbella says the contrast between the local coverage of Clinton’s campaign stops there and Trump’s events has been stark. “Clinton’s campaign seems to have the more disciplined approach,” Corbella said. “The rollout that day is on a specific event she’s attending, a message she’s trying to deliver. Whereas on the Trump side, it’s what crazy thing did he say today and the response to that.” After Clinton’s visit last week to a tie maker in Colorado, the lead story on the front page of the Denver Post was “Clinton pledges millions of jobs.” Trump also featured on the front page, but in a smaller story about “damage control” in his troubled campaign.;August 12, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump Gets His Safe Space As Women’s Protest Is BARRED From Inauguration Site;Trump cannot handle dissent. He cannot handle people who don t like him and won t kiss his rings and his boots. He cannot handle protests, as he proved during his campaign when he had protesters hauled out of his venues, sometimes forcibly. The Women s March on Washington had been organized for the Lincoln Memorial for the day after the inauguration Jan. 21 and they ve been denied the permit to do it. The Presidential Inauguration Committee filed what s being called a massive omnibus blocking permit for the area for many days before and after the event.It s extremely unusual for the inauguration permit to block other events for several days after the inauguration. Before and during, sure. After, though? Mara Veyrheyden-Lilliard has filed lawsuits to get protesters access to the Lincoln Memorial on Inauguration Day. Since the Women s March was scheduled for the day afterward, she doesn t understand what s going on: It hasn t come up in any way previously, where you ve had a groundswell of people trying to have access on the Saturday, January 21, and thousands of people want to come, and the government is saying we won t give you a permit. It hasn t come up in any way previously, where you ve had a groundswell of people trying to have access on the Saturday, January 21, and thousands of people want to come, and the government is saying we won t give you a permit. She went on to say: We ve issued the demand to the parks service because this is an illegal abridgment of first amendment rights We expect they ll conform to the constitution and make permits available. It s true that the Presidential Inauguration Committee filed for their permit ten months before the Women s March on Washington filed for theirs, and that there are a limited number of permits to go around so it s first come, first serve. Mike Litterst, of the National Park Service, which is the agency that issues these permits, said that the Lincoln Memorial and the rest of the National Mall will be available to the public during all these events just not for organized events needing a permit. These sites are essentially construction sites, he says, and thus, not suitable for other organized events. The Women s March is expected to have well over 100,000 attendees and so of course it requires a permit from the National Park Service.Come on, though. The inauguration is on the 20th, the Women s March is on the 21st. They seriously can t get a permit for that day? Now the options for public protests along the National Mall are extremely limited, possibly until March 1, which is when deconstruction of the inauguration venue is supposed to be complete.Since the Lincoln Memorial is the site of many historic protests, including the 1995 Million Man March, it makes sense that the Women s March would want to gather there, too. They ve secured another site nearby, but it probably won t have quite the same symbolism as it would at the Lincoln Memorial.Featured image by Steve Pope via Getty Images;December 9, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: TRUMP SLAMS ABC For Ignoring Pro-Life March While Salivating Over Radical Women’s March…ABC CUTS Conversation From Transcripts [VIDEO];Watch:MUIR: And as we walked through the White House, we asked the president about the voices. Just outside Washington, D.C. And across the country, the more than a million women, men, and children who marched during the inauguration.Let me just ask you while we re standing outside, could you hear the voices from the Women s March here in Washington? We know there were more than a million people who turned out, and you are their president now too.TRUMP: That s true.MUIR: Could you hear them from the White House?TRUMP: No, I couldn t hear them. The crowds were large, but you will have a large crowd on Friday, too, which is mostly pro-life people. You re going to have a lot of people coming on Friday. And I will say this, and I didn t realize this. But I was told. You will have a very large crowd of people. I don t know as large or larger. Some people said it will be larger. Pro-life people and they say the press doesn t cover them.MUIR: I don t want to compare crowd sizes again. I I I TRUMP: No, you should But let me just tell you. What you do say is that the press doesn t cover them.MUIR: We saw the marches around the country and you are their president now. Do you sense the responsibility to reach out now and to unite them? For those women, men and children who marched who are watching this, what would you say to them?TRUMP: I do, but I have to also say, we just had an election. A few weeks ago. And they voted in many cases, and some cases they didn t vote I imagine. And we did have an election. With that being said, absolutely have responsibility to everybody, including people that didn t vote for Donald Trump. Totally.Here s Vice President Mike Pence s amazing speech to the March for Life marchers:Click HERE to see ABC s published transcript. The conversation about ABC intentionally ignoring massive March For Life crowds has been removed. Here is the ABC interview in its entirety:;Jan 28, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Factbox: Trump on Twitter (Aug 1) - Stock market, Fake Media;The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump and @POTUS. The opinions expressed are his own. Reuters has not edited the statements or confirmed their accuracy. @realDonaldTrump : - Stock Market could hit all-time high (again) 22,000 today. Was 18,000 only 6 months ago on Election Day. Mainstream media seldom mentions! [0849 EDT] - “Corporations have NEVER made as much money as they are making now.” Thank you Stuart Varney @foxandfriends Jobs are starting to roar,watch! [0903 EDT] - Only the Fake News Media and Trump enemies want me to stop using Social Media (110 million people). Only way for me to get the truth out! [0955 EDT] -- Source link: (bit.ly/2jBh4LU) (bit.ly/2jpEXYR);August 1, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump says 'things will work out fine' between U.S. and Russia;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday “things will work out fine” between the United States and Russia, a day after he said U.S.-Russian relations may be at an all-time low. “Things will work out fine between the U.S.A. and Russia. At the right time everyone will come to their senses & there will be lasting peace!” Trump said in a note on Twitter. ;April 13, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Watch As GOP Sen. Tim Scott Emotionally Details Being Unfairly Targeted By Police As A Black Man;South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, the only African-American Republican in the U.S. Senate, emotionally detailed his own experiences of being unfairly targeted by the police.During a speech on the Senate floor this Wednesday, Scott revealed that in his first year serving as a senator, he had been stopped by police seven times.In the course of one year, I ve been stopped seven times by law enforcement, Scott said. Not four, not five, not six, but seven times in one year as an elected official.The speech was the second of three that the senator is delivering this week following the fatal police shootings of two black men and the slaughter of five police officers in Dallas. Scott said that this speech was by far the most difficult because it is the most personal. Watch Sen. Tim Scott here:Featured image via video screen capture;July 14, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: DC WAITRESS Who Admits To Being Prejudiced…Gets Big Surprise From White Trump Supporters After She Participated In Women’s March;Slowly but surely our nation will heal. It will take some time, and there will those who resist, but America is stronger than the hate of a small group of radicals who under Barack Obama s direction, have worked to intentionally divide us.A waitress at a Washington D.C. restaurant received a very generous tip and a warm message on her receipt from three men who were in town for President Donald Trump s inauguration.Rosalynd Harris, who works at Busboys and Poets in the northwest part of the nation s capital, told The Washington Post she was beaming with confidence Monday after taking part in the Women s March over the weekend.A group of men from west Texas entered the restaurant and started to chat with Harris. One of the men, who said he was a dentist, complimented her on her smile. Harris, who is black, told the Post she was admittedly a bit prejudice when the men, who were white, told her they were in town to support Trump.However, Harris didn t expect what would come next.After the men had left, Harris picked up their check and found that they left a heartwarming message and a generous tip. They left Harris a $450 tip on a $72.60 bill. Their message read:We rise by lifting others. A lovely act of kindness pic.twitter.com/S01SV3w8ts Busboys and Poets (@busboysandpoets) January 24, 2017 We may come from different cultures and may disagree on certain issues, but if everyone would share their smile and kindness like your beautiful smile, our country will come together as one people. Not race. Not gender. Just American. God Bless! -FOX News;Jan 26, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Exclusive: Germany wants more EU sanctions on Russia over Siemens Crimea turbines - sources;BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Germany is urging the European Union to add up to four more Russian nationals and companies to the bloc’s sanctions blacklist over Siemens (SIEGn.DE) gas turbines delivered to Moscow-annexed Crimea, two sources in Brussels said. The EU has barred its firms from doing business with Crimea since the 2014 annexation, imposed sanctions on Russian individuals and entities, and curbed cooperation with Russia in energy, arms and finance over its role in the crisis in Ukraine. After it annexed Crimea from Kiev, Moscow threw its support behind a separatist rebellion in eastern Ukraine, which has killed more than 10,000 people and is still simmering. The EU’s blacklist comprises 150 people and 37 entities subject to an asset freeze and a travel ban. The restrictions are in place until Sept. 15. “The regular review would normally be the moment to look at who is on the list. In the past, when there were good grounds, we’ve added entries to the list,” an EU official said. Siemens, trying to distance itself from the scandal, last week said it was halting deliveries of power equipment to Russian state-controlled customers and reviewing supply deals. Russia’s Energy Minister Alexander Novak played down the potential consequences of a halt. “What Siemens supplies can be delivered by other companies,” Novak told reporters in St Petersburg. “As for electricity generation, we ... have now learnt to produce the necessary equipment,” he said, without referring to the prospect of additional sanctions. Siemens says it has evidence that all four turbines it delivered for a project in southern Russia had been illegally moved to Crimea. German government spokeswoman Ulrike Demmer said on Monday the turbines were delivered to Crimea against the terms of the contract and despite high-ranking assurances from Russian officials that this would not happen. Berlin was consulting on what consequences this “unacceptable” operation might have, she said, adding, however, that the onus was on companies to ensure they did not violate the sanctions regime. The proposed additions to the blacklist could include Russian Energy Ministry officials and the Russian company that moved the turbines to the Black Sea peninsula, one senior diplomatic source in Brussels said. Another source said representatives of all 28 EU member states could discuss the matter for the first time in Brussels as soon as Wednesday. The EU needs unanimity to impose or extend any sanctions. Hungary, Bulgaria, Italy and Cyprus are among EU states which are usually skeptical of Russia sanctions. They take the line that punitive measures have failed to force a change of course by Moscow while hurting European business. Reuters first reported a year ago on the Siemens case, which has exposed the difficulties of imposing EU sanctions.;July 24, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Monument to designer of AK-47 rifle scarred by sculptor's lapse;MOSCOW (Reuters) - Workers on Friday cut out part of a new monument to Mikhail Kalashnikov, inventor of the Soviet Union s legendary AK-47 assault rifle, after eagle-eyed Russians noticed that it mistakenly depicted a German weapon of World War Two. Just three days ago, the monument to the creator of one of Russia s best known export brands was unveiled with much fanfare in central Moscow. A metal bas-relief behind a statue of Kalashnikov depicts the AK-47 and other weapons all supposedly designed by the engineer, who died in 2013. But on Friday, embarrassed sculptor Salavat Shcherbakov had to admit that among them was the Sturmgewehr 44 (StG 44) assault rifle used by Nazi troops at the end of World War II. We will rectify this, Shcherbakov said in comments broadcast by state-run Rossiya 24 channel. It looks like this (mistake) sneaked in from the Internet. By Friday evening a square hole gaped where the German rifle had been depicted in the bas-relief. Kalashnikov s weapon, created in 1947, does have a striking resemblance to German arms designer Hugo Schmeissers s StG 44 rifle, created in 1942, although they have major design differences. Kalashnikov was known to have said he had heard speculation that he had copied the German rifle. Vladislav Kononov, executive director of the Russian Military and Historical Society, was cited by Russian media as saying that the fact that angry Russians had spotted the error in the relief disproved that. Many had earlier vented their disapproval on social media. Every cloud has its silver lining - thanks to this mistake ... a myth has been destroyed that Kalashnikov borrowed some elements of his invention from his foreign colleagues, he said. The AK-47, the small-arms mainstay of Russia s armed forces for over 60 years, is called by some experts the most effective weapon ever made. Every fifth firearm in the world is a Kalashnikov, with more than 70 million of the assault rifles produced over the past 60 years, the Kalashnikov Concern manufacturer said on its website. Kalashnikovs are in service in 50 foreign armies, it added.;September 22, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: CRIES OF RACISM AFTER NYC MUSEUM KICKS OUT ROWDY HIGH SCHOOLERS;So am I getting this right? Everyone needs to let the high schoolers rampage through the museum or else they ll scream racism? If we want everyone to be treated equally, then we should apply the rules set forth by the museum equally. Isn t it more racist to expect and accept bad behavior from minorities attending a museum? This could be a teaching moment for all involved but pointing the finger at the museum and screaming racism is so much easier. Does this sound familiar to anyone out there Baltimore? The Upper East Side museum banned a Brooklyn high school for life after its students were deemed too rowdy on a recent visit a move that some call discipline and others discrimination. A group of about 80 kids from Downtown Brooklyn s Science Skills Center HS were kicked out after just 20 minutes after a student allegedly spat off the museum s swirling rotunda lobby and another threw a penny off its winding walkway. The coin was rumored to have hit a security guard. It was only a handful of troublemakers, but the whole group of ninth- and 10-graders got the boot, with the museum forcing them to wait outside for an hour for their bus to arrive. Many never got to glimpse the gallery s Picassos, van Goghs and Monets or even finish checking out the main display by Japanese artist On Kawara. I thought, if anything, they [museum staff] should just tell the teachers to control the children more and let us finish the exhibit, but they didn t even do that. They just kicked us out, said student Yosmeris Martinez, 14, from East New York. Shortly afterward, the school was told it was not welcome back. Just last week, First Lady Michelle Obama pleaded for art institutions to be more welcoming of kids from all backgrounds. You see, there are so many kids in this country who look at places like museums and concert halls and other cultural centers and they think to themselves, Well, that s not a place for me, for someone who looks like me, for someone who comes from my neighborhood, she said, speaking at the opening of the new Whitney Museum in the Meatpacking District. Guggenheim rules state that people should speak quietly, not run and not disturb other visitors. However, gallery visitors complained about the students obnoxious behavior, with one angrily requesting a refund because of the troublesome teens. Some workers at the Guggenheim suggested the ban may have been a knee-jerk reaction to racist stereotypes. It was pretty much the first . . . group of black kids I have ever seen there, said Asha Walker, who has spent two years working at the Guggenheim distributing audio guides. IT S UNFAIR, BECAUSE CHILDREN ARE GOING TO BE CHILDREN. SO JUST TELL US THAT WE RE WRONG RATHER THAN HOLDING US BACK FROM GOING. Yosmeris Martinez, student Walker, who is black and from Bedford-Stuyvesant, said that she didn t see any spitting or throwing, but that the boisterous teens were yelling at one another across the rotunda, with very little supervision from teachers. This is the first time since I have been there that there are a majority of black students . . . and the first time I am hearing about a school being banned. But it s not the first time I am hearing about kids being rowdy in the museum or there being a behavior issue in the museum, said Walker. Another Guggenheim staffer, who requested anonymity, said: I think it s a real shame that the Guggenheim s automatic reaction was to say no and ban the school, instead of considering that maybe the students haven t been there before. It s a pretty dramatic step to me. The Guggenheim declined to comment on the ban.Via: NYP;May 11, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Bus bomb kills eight in Syria's Homs city: state media;BEIRUT (Reuters) - A bomb blast killed eight people and injured 16 others on a bus in Syria s Homs on Tuesday, state media said, citing the city s health authority. Islamic State claimed the attack, saying the blast killed 11 members of the Syrian army, its official news agency AMAQ said. Many of the passengers were university students, Homs Governor Talal Barazi told state-run Ikhbariya TV. The blast in the government-held city hit the Akrama district, near al-Baath University. Footage showed people crowding around the burned shell of a vehicle in the middle of a street. State television said a bomb that terrorists planted in a passenger bus exploded . Islamic State militants had claimed responsibility for a similar attack in Homs in May, when a car bomb killed four people and injured 32 others. A string of bombings have struck cities under government control in Syria this year, including the capital Damascus. The Tahrir al-Sham alliance led by fighters formerly linked to al-Qaeda has also claimed some of the deadly attacks. Security agencies are constantly chasing sleeper cells, the Homs police chief said on Ikhbariya. Today, it could be a sleeper cell or it could be an infiltration. Barazi, the governor, said the state s enemies were trying to target stability as the stage of victory drew near. The city of Homs returned to full government control in May for the first time since the onset of Syria s conflict more than six years ago. With the help of Russian jets and Iran-backed militias, the Damascus government has pushed back rebel factions in western Syria, shoring up its rule over the main urban centers. The army and allied forces then marched eastwards against Islamic State militants this year. The United States has voiced concern about Syrian and Russian attacks. The U.S. State Department on Tuesday strongly condemned attacks this week on eastern Ghouta believed to have been carried out by Syrian and Russian jets. The jets struck crowded residential areas in the besieged rebel enclave near Damascus on Sunday, killing at least 27 people, aid workers and a war monitor said. Deliberate tactics to starve Syrian civilians, including women and children, block humanitarian and medical aid, bomb hospitals, medical personnel and first responders in eastern Ghouta, we consider that to be deeply troubling, State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said. She urged Russia to live up to its obligations to uphold the de-escalation zone in eastern Ghouta.;December 5, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. ally seen clinching re-election in Honduras vote, eight years after coup;TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - Eight years after a coup sparked by a previous president s flirtation with a second term, voters in the poor Central American country of Honduras look poised on Sunday to re-elect their U.S.-friendly leader whose assault on gangs has slowed killings. Juan Orlando Hernandez of the center-right National Party took office in 2014 vowing a militarized crackdown on endemic gang violence in one of the world s most violent countries. That effort has brought down the murder rate. The economy has also grown during his tenure. His victory would be cheered in Washington, according to two U.S. State Department officials, who noted the United States had few steadfast allies among Central America s current crop of leaders with whom it can reliably work to fight poverty, migration and gang violence. Honduras has long had close ties with the United States, which viewed the country as an ideological and military partner during the leftist guerrilla insurgencies that roiled the region throughout the Cold War era. The U.S.-educated Hernandez has a close working relationship with U.S. President Donald Trump s chief of staff, John Kelly. In 2009, the United States wrestled with how to respond to the removal of President Manuel Zelaya after he proposed a referendum on re-election. Nonetheless, U.S. officials now say they are not yet concerned that Hernandez is consolidating power, but want to see the passage of stalled legislation to impose a cap on presidential terms. Open-ended re-election is not good for democracy, said one U.S. diplomat. We would very much like to see some sort of law that would regulate election. Hernandez was among lawmakers who supported the ouster of Zelaya. But following a 2015 Supreme Court decision that overturned a constitutional ban on re-election, Hernandez, 49, looks likely to win a second four-year term. Opinion polls have shown him with a double-digit lead over television host Salvador Nasralla, who heads a left-right alliance of Honduran opposition groups called the Opposition Alliance Against the Dictatorship. The opposition argues Hernandez s presidential bid is illegal, and has refused to discuss term-limit legislation while coalescing to try to prevent him from clinching victory. Hernandez has won favor with the United States, working closely on U.S.-bound migration with Kelly when that official was head of U.S. Southern Command and the Department of Homeland Security. He has also led a purge of the police force and made it easier to extradite drug bosses. The United States has few ideological allies in the region. Two leftist former guerilla leaders govern El Salvador and Nicaragua, while Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales has sought to banish a U.S.-backed anti-corruption body probing his family. There does seem to be more of a kinship in terms of how he sees governance, one of the U.S. officials in Central America said of Hernandez. The president says he would keep soldiers on the streets to help the widely mistrusted police. He has also promised to lure foreign investment in textiles, call centers and auto manufacturing, creating 600,000 jobs and lifting growth to above 6 percent with infrastructure projects. Hondurans applaud how Hernandez has lowered the murder rate to a projected 46 per 100,000 by the end of 2017 from 79 per 100,000 in 2013, while raising growth and lowering the deficit. But he has not been immune to scandal. The son of his political mentor, former President Porfirio Lobo, was recently sentenced to 24 years in prison for conspiring to import cocaine into the United States. During the trial, there were allegations that drug money was funneled to Hernandez s campaign, a charge his office denied. In 2015, Hernandez admitted his 2013 campaign took money from companies linked to one of the worst corruption scandals in the country s history, but said he and his National Party were unaware of where the money came from. Manuel Orozco, a senior fellow at the Washington-based Inter-American Dialogue, said that despite the president s flaws, the United States had decided it could still do business with Hernandez, its most important ally in Central America. Of all the people in that country, they realize they re best off sticking with him, he said.;November 23, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: United Airlines Pilot Calls For Hillary Clinton To Be ‘Hung’ (IMAGE);Months before the potential inauguration of Hillary Clinton, we are beginning to see some of the same types of attacks against her that President Obama has been dealing with for eight years.Michael Folk is a West Virginia Republican in the House of Delegates and he s a pilot for United Airlines. He s also under fire for tweeting that Hillary Clinton should be hung. But of course, it was a joke, or something like that.The exact tweet was from Friday and it s since been deleted (likely by Twitter), but thank goodness for screen shots. It said, Hillary Clinton, you should be tried for treason, murder, and crimes against the US Constitution then hung (sic) on the Mall in Washington, DC. Folk claims to have tweeted it in a moment of petulance (my word, not his) after Clinton was acquitted of any legal wrongdoing in handling classified emails.Through a phone call with Folk Saturday, he says that he wrote the tweet after watching a video of Utah Republican Jason Chaffetz, who is Head of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Chaffetz asked a question to the inspector general of the Intelligence Community Charles McCullough, to see classified emails Clinton is alleged to have had on a private email server on CSPAN3.McCullough said that he couldn t show the emails to Congress without getting permission from the agency that owns that information, which frustrated Folk.Folk said if a private person had done what Clinton did, then they would be put in prison, which contradicts the FBI decision to not charge Clinton for the email scandal, and related the case to the scandal involving former Central Intelligence Agency Director David Petraeus back in 2012.Source: WOWK.comHis employer isn t happy. United Airlines released a statement saying, we are appalled by comments advocating harm to any person. They do not represent United Airlines and we are looking further into the matter. That s not good enough for many:And @united has pulled @MichaelFolk34 from future flights as of now! Great first step to ensure safety of all of us. https://t.co/DhynIukB1g Karl S. Johnson (@karljohn) July 17, 2016 Unless United fires this unbalanced individual, their words are empty rhetoric. @MichaelFolk34 @united https://t.co/yv9fKy7tWC Mike Williams (@drummike2012) July 17, 2016I hope @united deals w/ @MichaelFolk34 so I can fly them again. I won t fly any airline that employs pilots who promote political violence. PolitixDude (@politixdude) July 17, 2016 If @united thinks someone like @MichaelFolk34 is mentally fit to be a pilot I know I cannot trust them with my safety. Kevin Griffin (@Kevin4HRC16) July 17, 2016.@united Fire that pilot @MichaelFolk34 or I will never feel safe flying United again. Only sociopaths fantasize about lynching in the mall. Sigmundine (@HoffmannRandi) July 17, 2016Since the election of Obama, the right has become completely unhinged. He has been the target of over 30 death threats per day. Judging by the rhetoric in this presidential election, where even delegates receive death threats for not toeing the line, things could be even worse for Clinton, who has wrongly been accused of being a criminal for more than 20 years. Of course, to the right, complaints about death threats are just political correctness. Featured image via Facebook.;July 17, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Respect Mexicans, President Pena Nieto tells visiting Donald Trump;MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto on Wednesday told U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump that Mexicans deserved his respect, hosting him during a brief visit to Mexico City. Pena Nieto told Trump his government would work with whoever wins the U.S. election, and called for a constructive relationship. ;August 31, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End