Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Syrian opposition says U.N. talks are in 'great danger';GENEVA (Reuters) - The international community must do more to persuade the Syrian government to negotiate in U.N.-led talks, which were in great danger , the head of the opposition delegation said after an eighth round ended in failure in Geneva on Thursday. Opposition negotiator Nasr Hariri told a news conference that the government of President Bashar al-Assad hated the talks process and rejected all negotiations, and although there was pressure from its ally Russia, another state was putting obstacles in the path of the Geneva talks. ;December 14, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Merkel's EU ally says more confident about resolving Brexit problems;LONDON (Reuters) - Manfred Weber, a leading lawmaker in the European Parliament, said on Wednesday he was more confident about Britain and the European Union ironing out difficulties in the Brexit talks. Weber, an ally of German Chancellor Angela Merkel in the parliament, spoke after meeting Theresa May in London but would not say whether the British prime minister had signalled she was ready to move on a financial settlement with the EU. Negotiations to unravel more than 40 years of union have stalled over the divorce bill, with EU officials increasingly frustrated that Britain has not detailed its approach to settling what it owes the bloc when it leaves in March 2019. After my meetings here in London my main message is I am more optimistic, there is progress ... That is the most important thing because the perspective from a European point of view towards London was in the last weeks not so clear, Weber told a news conference. Asked whether there was any movement on the financial settlement, he declined to comment on what he described as private discussions with May. A spokesman for May said in a statement that she and Weber had discussed an implementation period to smooth Britain s departure from the bloc, and that Weber had asked what this would look like in practice . The Secretary of State for Exiting the EU (Brexit minister David Davis, who was also present) outlined the need to avoid a cliff-edge (exit) - including for the stability of the financial sector across Europe, the spokesman said.;November 16, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Kremlin, angry at Syria missile strike, says Putin won't meet Tillerson;MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Monday that U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will not meet President Vladimir Putin when he visits Moscow on Wednesday, a move that could point to tensions over a U.S. missile attack on a Syrian air base last week. John Kerry, Tillerson’s predecessor, often met Putin as well as the Russian foreign minister when he visited Moscow, and Putin granted several audiences to the Texan when he ran oil major Exxon Mobil before taking his current job. Putin even personally awarded Tillerson a top Russian state award — the Order of Friendship — in 2013, and it was widely expected that the former oilman would meet Putin on what is his first trip to Russia as secretary of state. But Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, told reporters on Monday that no such meeting was planned, suggesting Tillerson will follow strict diplomatic protocol and only meet his direct counterpart, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. “We have not announced any such meetings and right now there is no meeting with Tillerson in the president’s diary,” Peskov told reporters on a conference call. He did not say why Putin was not planning to receive Tillerson. U.S. President Donald Trump ordered a missile strike on a Syrian military base last week in retaliation for what Washington and its allies say was a poisonous gas attack in which scores of civilians were killed. Moscow says there is no proof that the Syrian military carried out the attack, and called the U.S. missile strike an act of aggression that violates international law. Tillerson’s visit is being seen as an early test of whether Trump’s new administration can use any momentum generated by striking the Syrian base to craft and execute a strategy to end the war there. Even before Trump ordered the strike in retaliation for a nerve gas attack, Tillerson’s visit was certain to be dominated by thorny issues. Those include alleged Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, Washington’s accusation that Russia is violating an important arms control treaty, and trying to bridge differences on how to conduct the fight against Islamic State. Syria, ironically, was one of the few areas where analysts believed Moscow and Washington might be able to find common ground. Peskov, Putin’s spokesman, said on Monday that the U.S. strikes had shown Washington’s total unwillingness to cooperate on Syria. Reacting to media reports that Tillerson would use his visit to press Moscow to back away from supporting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Russia’s biggest Middle East ally, Peskov signaled that was a non-starter. “Returning to pseudo-attempts to resolve the crisis by repeating mantras that Assad must step down cannot help sort things out.”;April 10, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: State Department vetted Bill Clinton’s contacts, emails show;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Clinton Foundation on multiple occasions during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state asked senior U.S. government officials to vet her husband’s contacts with potentially controversial international figures, according to emails released by the State Department. The emails, reviewed by Reuters, were part of a batch of nearly 400 messages recently released by the State Department after requests from the conservative group Citizens United, a group that has long been critical of the Clintons. The exchanges show a top foreign policy adviser to the foundation sought guidance from the State Department on former President Bill Clinton’s interactions with people including Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Russian government officials and business leaders, and Gulnara Karimova, the socialite daughter of Uzbekistan’s late president. The emails offer a glimpse of the intricate relationship between a private charity with a broad global mission and the State Department under the leadership of a secretary who is married to a former president. Former government officials reached by Reuters said there was nothing inappropriate in the interactions of the foundation with the State Department over the potential meetings, some of which did not occur. The latest batch of emails likely represents only a partial view of all the exchanges between the State Department and the foundation. It is unclear how frequently the foundation sought advice from the State Department on meetings involving Bill Clinton. In one instance, the emails show Amitabh Desai, a foreign policy adviser to the foundation and to Bill Clinton, raised the possibility in 2009 of a meeting between Bill Clinton and Syrian President Assad. At the time, Assad wanted better ties with the West. “Would this be concerning for State?” Desai wrote in an email alerting Hillary Clinton aide Jake Sullivan to the possible meeting. “The Syrians expressed a keen interest in facilitating this,” Desai said in an email a few days later. The Syria visit was proposed to be tacked onto a forum Bill Clinton was invited to attend in Israel in November 2009, according to the emails. The meeting never happened, according to Martin Indyk, a former U.S. ambassador to Israel who helped to organize the trip. The State Department sometimes communicates with charities, such as about circumstances that might involve the safety of Americans or highly sensitive diplomatic situations, but it typically does not vet their contacts with foreign leaders to this extent. State Department spokesman Elizabeth Trudeau said officials occasionally provide talking points and briefings to ex-presidents. Much of Bill Clinton’s communications with the State Department stemmed from an ethics agreement that was put in place when Hillary Clinton became secretary of state in 2009. The agreement was aimed at avoiding conflicts of interests stemming from contributions to the foundation and Bill Clinton’s paid speeches and consulting. Trudeau said these were “voluntary steps” taken to avoid “even the appearance of a conflict of interest.” Angel Urena, press secretary for Bill Clinton, said the requests for State Department input on potential meetings, talking points and other information “was done in order to inform the administration of President Clinton’s interactions with foreign governments and dignitaries, so that the administration could in turn offer advice or voice any concerns.” Urena said Bill Clinton had sought advice on his activities since he left office in 2001. The Clinton Foundation referred questions to Urena. Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign declined to comment. Clinton’s campaign to win the Nov. 8 presidential election has been dogged by criticism of the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation, a global philanthropic organization. The foundation has said it will stop accepting at least some foreign and corporate donations if Hillary Clinton becomes president and that Bill Clinton would resign from the foundation’s board. In one previously unreported email exchange, Desai wrote to the State Department in May 2012 informing officials that Bill Clinton would travel to Monaco to raise money for the foundation at an event where he might cross paths with the elder daughter of the Uzbekistan president. Gulnara Karimova, a businesswoman and pop star, was described in a 2005 cable from a U.S. embassy official as the “single most hated person in Uzbekistan” because of her flamboyant lifestyle in an authoritarian country. She has since come under investigation in an international bribery scandal. Ahead of the event in Monaco, Desai wrote that the organizers had invited Karimova to be one of the event’s sponsors “apparently without our approval.” The Uzbekistan president’s daughter “will be listed in the program and will see (Bill Clinton),” he said. “Would (the U.S. government) have concerns? If so, we can go back to organizer and ask them to return her sponsorship and disinvite her, however I assume that would ruffle some feathers,” Desai said. The emails released to Citizens United don’t contain a reply to Desai’s inquiry. However, a collection of photos from the Monaco event posted on the internet show Karimova attended it. They do not show any pictures of her with Bill Clinton.;September 2, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Germany keen to avoid new 'ice age' in ties between Russia, West;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Germany and Europe want to ensure that new U.S. sanctions against Russia do not lead to a new ice age in ties between Russia and the West, German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said on Tuesday. Gabriel said he spoke with U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson about the sanctions in a meeting in Washington, adding that he was grateful that U.S. President Donald Trump had agreed to coordinate on further measures with U.S. allies. We as Europeans have great concerns that this will have unintended consequences for Europe. We don t want to completely destroy our business relations with Russia, especially in the energy sector, Gabriel said. Trump this month approved new sanctions on Moscow for its 2014 annexation of Ukraine s Crimea peninsula and for what U.S. intelligence agencies say was its meddling in the U.S. presidential election, a charge Russia denies. Gabriel has criticized the United States for the move, saying the new punitive measures expose European companies involved in energy projects in Russia to fines for breaching U.S. law. Economy Minister Brigitte Zypries even urged the EU to retaliate against the United States if the new sanctions on Russia should end up penalizing German firms. Gabriel said European leaders were concerned that the latest sanctions would not only have economic consequences, but could also lead to a new ice age between Russia and the United States and the West. Despite European concerns about the sanctions, Gabriel insisted that Moscow must do its part to implement a fragile ceasefire agreement in place for eastern Ukraine, including the withdrawal of heavy weapons. That would be a starting point for improved relations, Gabriel said. Kurt Volker, the newly appointed U.S. special representative for Ukraine, told broadcaster Deutsche Welle, that Washington would not forge any agreement with Moscow over the heads of the Ukrainians or behind the backs of the Europeans. The U.S. has made clear we fully support the Normandy process, and it s not our intention to become a part of it or to try to go over the top of it, Volker told Deutsche Welle. He acknowledged Russian concerns about Washington s decision to consider arming Ukraine in the conflict, but said it was quite reasonable for Ukrainians to want to be better able to defend themselves. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President on Monday called for Russia and Ukraine to increase their efforts to implement the ceasefire agreement. The conflict between Ukrainian forces and Russian-backed separatists has claimed more than 10,000 lives since it erupted in 2014. Germany and France have tried to convince both sides to implement a peace deal agreed in Minsk in 2015 under the so-called Normandy process but with little success so far. Merkel told reporters on Tuesday that sanctions against Russia would be lifted when the situation in eastern Ukraine improved.;August 29, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Obama Can’t Stop Winning As New Jobs Report Shows U.S. Economy Still Kicking Ass;Today, I would hate to be a Republican strategist. Why? Because with the election only 10 months away, I have to tell my candidate that the economy is still growing robustly and shows no signs of weakness. If anything, it still has room for explosive growth even after adding another 292,000 jobs in December:The jobless rate, which has declined since topping the 10 percent mark in October 2009, is now hovering just above what economists consider full employment the point where further declines could start to push up inflation.The average monthly gain in jobs last year were closer to the 2013 average of 199,000 a month, but short of the 260,000 figure reached in 2014. The remarkable thing is how consistent employment growth has been over the past three or four years, said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody s Analytics. We re getting at least 200,000 jobs per month on a consistent basis. That s quite an achievement. The only downside to this report is that there was no growth to average hourly wages. That s been the slow part of this slow recovery. On the plus side, once we reach the full employment mentioned above, wages will grow and grow rapidly. Companies will be competing for employees and the way to do that is by offering higher pay. This, by the way, is one of the reasons Corporate America has not been all that gung-ho about heating up the economy. High unemployment means low wages, the second favorite phrase next to Golden Parachute for CEOs.But, once wages start going up, people will have more money to spend and that increases demand. Increased demand, of course, requires more people to fill that demand and that means more jobs which means more people have money to spend and so the cycle goes. Slowing or reversing this cycle was the express purpose of the Republican s austerity mania in which they insisted pulling money out of the economy would help it. A crippled economy is good for Republican political ambitions.Fortunately, Obama fended off most of their bullshit cuts and instead implemented policies to avoid inflating the economy on a fragile bubble. It may have been slow but the Obama Recovery is incredibly stable (did you even know the rest of the world s economy is a mess?) and so far resistant to shocks. If we keep up this pace, Obama will be handing his (Democratic) successor a solid foundation from which to build a bridge to the future.Maybe they can find jobs for all the Republicans that will be out of work come election day?Featured image via Black Water Dog/Pete Souza;January 8, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: South Africa court says cannot compel Zuma to set up influence-peddling inquiry;JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - A South African High Court ruled on Friday that it could not compel President Jacob Zuma to set up a commission of inquiry into alleged influence-peddling in his government. The opposition Democratic Alliance (DA) had asked the court to force Zuma to establish a commission based on a report last year by an anti-graft watchdog into allegations that businessman brothers Ajay, Atul and Rajesh Gupta had influenced the appointment of ministers. Zuma and the Gupta brothers have denied the accusations. The president has challenged the report in court, arguing that the Public Protector had no right to ask him to form such a commission, as this was the president s prerogative. To compel the President at this stage will not only be tantamount to denying the hearing or his day in court, but it will also be understood to mean the Public Protector s powers are unassailable irrespective of the content of the decision, that cannot be correct, Pretoria High Court Judge Motsamai Makume said. It will be in the best interests of justice to grant the President a stay of the implementation of the remedial action pending a decision of the review application. New allegations of inappropriate collusion between state-owned companies and the Gupta brothers have put more pressure on Zuma and ministers close to him. But the ruling was a boost for the scandal-plagued Zuma at a difficult time. Allegations of widespread corruption and the raiding of taxpayer funds by outside interests known locally as state capture have dented investor confidence in an economy which fell into a recession earlier in 2017. On Wednesday, thousands of South Africans marched in anti-corruption protests in a rallying cry against Zuma and his powerful allies three months before a new African National Congress leader is chosen. Zuma also survived a no-confidence vote in parliament in August but he lost the support of a number of ANC MPs, showing deep divisions within the party that has ruled South Africa since the end of apartheid in 1994. The DA said it had noted the ruling with interest , saying it approached the court to avoid delays in probing influence-peddling allegations. On a number of occasions, including before the National Assembly, President Zuma has stated that he will establish a Commission of Inquiry. To date, he has not done so, the party s federal council chairman James Selfe said in a statement. This matter has not been dismissed but has in fact been held back pending the outcome of the President s review application, which will be heard at the end of October, where we will also be in court to continue this fight for accountability. Some analysts said the legal battles would prolong probes into influence-peddling allegations. The court had its legal duties to perform, and this is going to allow Zuma not to perform his political duties, NKC African Economics analyst Gary van Staden said. Ultimately its negative for state capture . It s not going to bring any finality to what s been going on.;September 29, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Do not vote for 'demagogue' Trump, USA Today tells its readers;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Branding Donald Trump a “dangerous demagogue,” USA Today on Thursday urged its readers not to vote for the Republican presidential candidate, but added that it was not endorsing his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton either. The national newspaper said in an editorial that it had never taken sides in U.S. presidential elections in its 34-year history, but was abandoning the practice because the New York real estate developer was unfit for the presidency. It went on to list and expand on eight reasons for its stance, including: “He is ill-equipped to be commander in chief,” “He traffics in prejudice,” and “He’s a serial liar.” “Trump’s foreign policy pronouncements typically range from uninformed to incoherent,” the editorial said. In an opinion piece on the USA Today website, Trump’s running mate Mike Pence wrote that the New York businessman was “thoughtful, compassionate and steady... I know he is ready to lead the United States as our next president and commander in chief.” Trump and Clinton are locked in a close race for the Nov. 8 election. A majority of Americans say Clinton won their first presidential debate on Monday, according to a Reuters/Ipsos national tracking poll. USA Today, published by Gannett Co Inc, said its editorial board was divided on Clinton, and some of the reservations about the former secretary of state centered on her “sense of entitlement, her lack of candor and her extreme carelessness in handling classified information.” Urging voters to stay true to their convictions, USA Today said: “Whatever you do, however, resist the siren song of a dangerous demagogue. By all means vote, just not for Donald Trump.”;September 30, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: REVEALED: FBI Aided, Abetted ‘ISIS’ Terrorist Attack at ‘Mohammed Cartoon Event’ in Garland, Texas;Daily Shooter 21st Century WireJust as ISIS is being routed in Deir Ezzor, Syria, and soon out of Raqqa, and driven from its remaining strongholds in Iraq we discover how the US government has been busy keeping the organization thriving within its own shores.What you are about to read is simply breathtaking, but should be of no surprise to our readers. These new court findings reaffirms much of what 21WIRE and the Daily Shooter column have been reporting for the last five years that the FBI is responsible for the majority of so-called terrorist attacks in the US.According to a new legal case filed against the FBI, court filings have revealed how the agency allowed an alleged home grown ISIS attack to take place in Garland, Texas on May 4, 2015. International criminal lawyer Jennifer Breedon shows the FBI was complicit in the attack, and even enticed the two terrorists to carry out the attack, and where agents had pretended to be ISIS in order to keep their entrapment operation going. She explains: Some of the facts are indicating that they had an undercover agent that was trying to get in with ISIS trying to find out these ISIS groups, and he wanted to make himself higher up in ISIS ranks to know more of their fighters. Apparently, he stayed in the car behind them, which came out in another case filing with the FBI. They did not prevent it because if the attack had been carried out successfully, and people died, it was likely this undercover agent and his supervisors in the FBI felt that this would promote him up to high ranks within ISIS the undercover agent would be promoted up, because the attack was then successful. Read Breddon s full interview here.On the surface this is a clear case of entrapment by the FBI, but upon deeper examination it s now clear that the FBI seems to have aided and abetted a terrorist attack on US soil.While other mainstream and alternative media outlets were busy promulgating the official narrative, 21WIRE actually called-out the staged event, designed to leverage a far right, anti-Muslim agenda, and stoke irrational fears of endless ISIS attacks on US soil.PROVOCATEUR: Professional provocateur Geller provided the PR bait for media, the FBI-run American ISIS cell.The contrived event was marketed as a controversial Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest, organized by a cut-out politcal front group, American Freedom Defense Initiative, led by anti-Muslim activist and professional provocateur, Pamela Geller, and featured far-right Dutch politician Geert Wilders, as its keynote speaker. Media personality Geller claimed to have purposely chosen the venue following the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) gathering who held a Stand with the Prophet conference in late January 2015 after the Charlie Hebdo shootings in Paris earlier that year.According to the victim s attorney Breedon, the FBI had an undercover agent that was trying to get in with ISIS trying to find out these ISIS groups, and he wanted to make himself higher up in ISIS ranks to know more of their fighters. American journalist Trevor Aaronson further explains the derelict role of James Comey (image, left) in FBI s attempt to cover its own fingerprints on this dodgy operation: Hours earlier, the FBI had sent a bulletin to local police with Elton Simpson s photo, warning that he was interested in the event. FBI Director James Comey said in a press conference following the shooting that the FBI did not have reason to believe Simpson was planning to attack the event, even though the bureau had spent years trying to build a case against him. ENTRAPMENT: The unwitting youngster, Elton Simpson, was groomed by a paid FBI informant, and brought to the scene of the staged attack. After the FBI-staged attack , 21WIRE was one of few media outlets to report how a paid FBI informant was not only handling , but directing what appeared to be a naive and vulnerable federal target for entrapment a new young Muslim convert named Elton Simpson from Phoenix, Arizona:It s now been revealed that gunman , Elton Simpson, was already under surveillance by the FBI and was even the subject of a terror investigation. More importantly, we can also confirm Simpson was being handled by an FBI informant. Court papers filed in Arizona name the FBI undercover informant as Mr. Daba Deng, a Kenyan and who, from 2007, was paid $132,000 by the FBI to become friends with Mr. Simpson , and who appears to have groomed Simpson through a local mosque, and helped to develop Simpson s ideas about jihad .So keen was CNN at the time to convince its audience that Garland was a real terrorist event, it took the trouble of creating its own cartoon version of the attack in a desperate attempt to make the official story believable:SYNTHETIC TERROR: CNN uses cartoon to make the Garland Shooting look like a real terror event.At the time, and almost comically, CNN tried to push the official narrative, appearing totally clueless of the fact that the attackers were under FBI supervision for years: He wasn t well-known to federal law enforcement and was not on the FBI s radar, one of the officials said. Investigators were combing through evidence retrieved from the shooters Arizona home to help piece together a timeline of how their plot came together, the official said. It was as if CNN had copied and pasted their report from an FBI press memo issued after the event (perhaps it was). CNN s coverage of the event was equally ridiculous, not picking up on the fact that a small platoon of heavily armed US special ops mercenaries were pre-positioned at Geller s event in anticipation of the made-for-TV terror attack that followed:#BREAKING Update from SWAT Team Leader. @wfaachannel8 pic.twitter.com/HoF5f4bF7U Jobin Panicker (@jobinpnews) May 4, 2015SEE OUR INITIAL REPORT ON GELLER S GARLAND HOAX: Hebdo Redux in Garland, Texas? Mohammed Cartoon Shooting Reeks of a Staged False FlagGarland was a clear case of the US government creating a terror threat where there was none, and this wouldn t be the first time either.As previously noted, The Guardian reported on the scale and scope of this trend in 2014: In some cases the FBI may have created terrorists out of law-abiding individuals by suggesting the idea of taking terrorist action or encouraging the target to act. The list of FBI-related terrorist incidents inside the US is a long one. The formula for creating a terror icon required a confidential informant to guide and manage the future suspect right up to the point of arrest, or in some cases, like the World Trade Center Bombing in 1993, the FBI have even allowed the terrorist incident to take place.In Garland, as with so many other high profile terror and mass shooting events, 21WIRE s investigations have turned out to correct, while the mainstream media have been completely wrong.The following infographic is from the Program on Extremism these are likely contrived, if not inflated numbers meant to represent suspected ISIS members supposedly hiding out all over America:We've updated our ISIS in America numbers (100) and added a new statistic: Average prison sentence (10.1 years). pic.twitter.com/SsAbCx1Tgy Program On Extremism (@gwupoe) August 3, 2016The following is a partial list of informants, patsies and dupes used by the security services in a number of the high-profile terror events in recent years:Tamerlan Tsarnaev (see his story here) Buford Rogers (see his story here) Jerad Miller (see his story here) Naji Mansour (see his story here) Quazi Mohammad Nafis (see his story here) Mohamed Osman Mohamud (see his story here) Timothy McVeigh (see his story here) Salim Benghalem (see his story here) Michael Adebolajo (see his story here) Daba Deng (see his story here) Elton Simpson (see his story here) Man Haron Monis (see his story here) Abu Hamza (see his story here) Haroon Rashid Aswat (see his story here) Glen Rodgers (see his story here) Omar Mateen (see his story here) Tashfeen Malik (see her story here) Djamel Beghal (see his story here) Anjem Choudary (see his story here) Cherif Kouachi (see his story here) Said Kouachi (see his story here) Amedy Coulibaly (see his story here) Hayat Boumeddiene (see her story here) Salman Abedi (see his story here) Khuram Butt (see his story here) Salah Abdeslam (see his story here) Michael Zehaf-Bibeau (see his story here) Nidal Malik Hassan (see his story here) Abdelhakim Dekhar (see his story here) Abdelhamid Abaaoud (see his story here) Samy Amimour (see his story here) Isma l Omar Mostefa (see his story here) Mohamed Lahouij Bouhlel (see his story here) Anis Amri (see his story here) Esteban Santiago-Ruiz (see his story here) Abdulkadir Masharipov (see his story here) Khalid Masood (see his story here)READ MORE GARLAND NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Garland FilesSUPPORT OUR WORK BY SUBSCRIBING & BECOMING A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV;October 6, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: (VIDEO) OBAMA ON LETTERMAN: “WE IGNORE POCKETS OF POVERTY” BUT OBAMA’S STIMULUS GAVE $1.8 BILLION TO BALTIMORE;The stats don t lie on this one Obama s hoping to reach the low information voter who watches Letterman and will buy this bs. The stimulus under Obama gave BILLIONS for work programs and education but we still need to give more??? As a taxpaying American I am 100% FED Up! and ready for the black community to take responsibility for their towns and their youth. We DO NOT ignore pockets of poverty but I would say that we ignore the truth of what s going on in the black community and what s the real problem here. It s just like when the main stream media ignores and covers up the bad behavior of groups of black teens. We ve reported on numerous cases of this bad behavior that caused damage and physical harm to others. The latest case was ironically in Baltimore and the local press called the offenders kids when you can see clearly that these are teens. Downplaying and not punishing the bad behavior by these teens only makes it worse. No consequences breeds chaos President Obama said that too often we ignore pockets of poverty, lack of opportunity, lack of education on Monday s Late Show on CBS.Obama said, it s important that now that charges have been brought in Baltimore, that we let due process play itself out. Those officers who have been charged, they deserve, to be represented, and to let the legal system work its way through. We don t have all the facts yet, and that that s going to be presented in a court of law. I think it s also really important to remember that the overwhelming number of police officers are doing an outstanding job, we re in New York, today, we re in New York today, where a young officer lost his life doing his job, and families of officers all across the country every day, they re wondering is my loved one going to come home? And so they ve got a really tough job. He continued, what we also know, though, is that for far too long, for decades, you have a situation in which too many communities don t have a relationship of trust with the police, and if you just have a handful of police who are not doing the right thing, that makes the job tougher for all the other police officers out there. It creates an environment in the community where they feel as if, rather than being protected and served, they re the targets of arbitrary arrests or stops, and so our job has to be to rebuild trust, and we put forward a task force made up of police officers, but also young activists who have been protesting in Ferguson, or here in New York. They came up with some terrific recommendations about collecting data on what happens when there s a shooting involving police, what are we doing in terms of things like body cameras, and so there s some very practical, concrete things we can do to make the system work better. Read more: Breitbart;May 5, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Illinois lawmakers delay bill to expand abortion as veto looms;CHICAGO (Reuters) - Democratic lawmakers in Illinois on Thursday said they have placed on hold a bill that expands state-funded coverage of abortions for low-income residents and state employees but faces a likely veto from the state’s Republican governor. The bill, which received final passage in a 33-22 state Senate vote on Wednesday, also aims to keep abortions legal in Illinois if the U.S. Supreme Court follows President Donald Trump’s call to overturn its landmark Roe v. Wade ruling that made abortions legal 44 years ago. Democratic state Senator Don Harmon filed a motion Wednesday night to reconsider the Senate’s vote, meaning the bill will not immediately be sent to Governor Bruce Rauner. “This measure is too important to immediately put it in the hands of a governor whose public opinions about women’s access to safe, affordable reproductive health care have been inconsistent at best,” Harmon said in a statement on Thursday. The Senate can hold the bill for the duration of the legislative session, said Harmon spokeswoman Jayette Bolinski. Illinois’ Medicaid program covers abortions in cases of rape, incest and when a mother’s life or health is threatened. The expansion would enable poor women to obtain elective abortions. Also, the legislation would allow state employees to have the procedures covered under state health insurance. A spokeswoman for Rauner declined to comment on Thursday. Rauner, who faces re-election next year, has promised to veto the legislation, saying Illinois should focus on less “divisive” issues and instead pass a full-year operating budget for the first time in nearly two years. A veto would be a sharp turn from his previous position, which political opponents are poised to exploit. As a candidate in 2014, he supported expanding abortion access. Illinois, the country’s fifth-largest state, is immersed in one of the most politically turbulent eras in its 199-year history. Rauner has feuded with Democrats, who control the state legislature, over his insistence a state budget be tied to his list of policy demands that would weaken unions, impose legislative term limits, freeze property taxes and impose new rules on injured workers seeking compensation from their employers. With House Speaker Michael Madigan and fellow Democrats blocking that agenda, Illinois has been without a complete budget during Rauner’s first two years in office. The fiscal futility has left Illinois - the only state ever to go 22 months without a budget - with around $12.2 billion in unpaid bills as of Wednesday.;May 11, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Cleveland, ACLU agree on protest limits at Republican convention;"CLEVELAND (Reuters) - The city of Cleveland and the American Civil Liberties Union on Friday settled a federal lawsuit over free speech limits outside the Republican National Convention next month, setting the stage for lively demonstrations during Donald Trump’s big moment. The city had been seeking a restricted zone of 3.3 square miles (8.5 square km) around the Quicken Loans Arena, site of the convention, where free speech and mobility would be limited. That prompted an ACLU lawsuit on behalf of three protest groups that argued the so-called event zone was too large and the security regulations too strict. Details of the new event zone and protest rules were not immediately available. “Today, counsel advised me that the case is settled and that they will execute a settlement agreement expeditiously,” U.S. District Judge Dan Aaron Polster said in a statement. Another judge on Thursday had struck down Cleveland’s plan for placing limits on protests, issuing a preliminary injunction in favor of the ACLU and referring the case to Polster for mediation. Trump is expected to become the Republican Party’s official nominee for president at the July 18-21 convention, which will attract protesters for various causes who plan to demonstrate outside. Trump campaign events have drawn large and raucous demonstrations with some resulting in clashes between the candidate’s supporters and opponents. The plaintiffs in the Cleveland lawsuit are Citizens for Trump, a Texas-based group that supports the wealthy businessman’s campaign; Organize Ohio, a liberal activist group; and Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless, a charitable organization. Citizens for Trump anticipates 104 cars and trucks, 100 motorcycles, four horses and at least 5,000 people to participate in its event, while Organize Ohio expects 3,000 to 5,000 marchers, the ACLU said.";June 24, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Russia says Moscow visit by U.S.' Tillerson scheduled for next week: Interfax;MOSCOW (Reuters) - A visit to Moscow by U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is on the agenda for the coming week, Interfax news agency cited a Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman as saying on Friday. Maria Zakharova said the ministry expected Tillerson to explain Washington’s stance in light of the U.S. missile strike on Syria. “Let him come (to Moscow) and tell what strange things they did”, she said, according to Interfax. ;April 7, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Sorry, Not Sorry: Here Are Some Of The Funniest Responses To Scalia’s Death (IMAGES);Ordinarily we would not celebrate the death of another human being, but some people are just so awful that they make us want to run into the streets and jump for joy when they finally bite the dust. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was one of those people. While the Republican Party is mourning his death, liberals aren t doing any such thing. Sure, we feel sympathy for his family because they lost a loved one, but that s where it ends.Antonin Scalia spent his career on the Supreme Court violating the rights of everyone who was not a white, Christian, Republican male. Not only did he help place George W. Bush in the White House in 2000, he also fought against women s rights, voting rights, and LGBT rights. Justice Scalia was also a racist who believed that African-Americans are not smart enough to attend elite universities with white students.No, we are not saddened by his passing, we are relieved that he will no longer be able to inflict harm on the people of the United States. Seriously though, I hope someone did that. Doesn t seem very pro-life to me, but his decisions rarely were. HAHAHAHAHA!Best day ever! I stand with God, do you? Very few . Who is Clarence going to copy now?! OMG what s going to happen to him?! We have decided that Jesus wouldn t like that very much. Thankfully, President Obama now has the opportunity to replace Satan s spawn with a justice who actually supports the Constitution and ALL of its amendments. Republicans are going to fight like hell to keep this from happening, because they, like Scalia, do not care about this country or its citizens. And this, my friends, is why it is so important that we put our Bernie/Hillary fighting aside and vote for whomever the Democratic Party picks as our candidate.I m going to leave you with this, the truest of all the Scalia memes: All images from Facebook/ Twitter/ Instagram;February 15, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: It’s Trump’s World – The KKK Is Getting A Mainstream TV Show;On Monday, the election of Donald Trump became official. Last week, though, A&E, home of the Duck Dynasty clan, announced that they are giving a voice to the real Klan. The Ku Klux Klan is getting their own show.Beginning in January, A&E will be broadcasting a show called Generation KKK. This show isn t exactly like Duck Dynasty. Instead of a long-running reality show, this is being billed as an eight-part documentary. A&E denied that they will be giving a platform to the Klan, but it s doubtful the Klan would have agreed to do the documentary if it didn t humanize them.That meant finding a delicate balance between winning the trust of the Klan members and ensuring the show didn t propagate views the network s executives abhor. We certainly didn t want the show to be seen as a platform for the views of the KKK, said Rob Sharenow, general manager of A&E. The only political agenda is that we really do stand against hate. The struggles we were most drawn to were the struggles with the internal families, said Mr. James, an executive producer of the series, whose previous credits include TLC s I Am Jazz, about the transgender teenager Jazz Jennings. We had a stance, and we were clear with folks that we were hoping for them to see the light and to come out of this world. It s an incredibly destructive environment for anybody to be in, let alone children. Source: New York TimesOn one level, this might make sense. Perhaps some KKK members will become more sympathetic to people of color or LGBT people just by getting to know them, but there is a far greater risk, and that is normalization of the Klan.No one is saying this show is the result of Trump s election. In fact, it s been in the works since about the time Trump began his run, but there is a media trend of normalizing the deplorable (yes, that is the correct word). Even so-called liberal NPR has begun normalizing the alt-right hell, even the term alt-right normalizes racism, xenophobia, nationalism, misogyny and homophobia. Just a week after the election, NPR ran a story on Steve Bannon, who has long been giving a voice to neo-nazis and other deplorables through his blog, Breitbart.com. NPR called Bannon a national hero. Let s hear a defense of Steve Bannon, NPR host Steve Inskeep began, offering a view of exactly what direction this interview would take. Pollak started by launching into a gushing assessment of Bannon, calling him a national hero, and talking about how it s so great we ll have someone so calm under pressure in the White House. (Maybe this is true, though it contradicts accusations against Bannon of domestic abuse, sexual harassment and being a verbally abus[ive] bully who is prone to a lot of tirades by former staffers.) When Inskeep interjected to ask about Bannon s tireless work to turn Breitbart into the alt-right outlet of choice, Pollak attempted to distance the site from the movement it has nurtured on a steady diet of xenophobia, racism, sexism and anti-Semitism.Source: AlternetPerhaps if Clinton had won the electoral vote, Generation KKK would be slightly less offensive, but Trump, with his hiring of deplorables in his cabinet, is normalizing the KKK and racism in general. Trump ran a campaign of hate. He s putting together a coalition of hate. Is it any wonder that suddenly, hate is cool? We don t need to hear the views of the KKK. We know the views of the KKK. Generation KKK won t be educational, it will be obscene.Featured image via Martin/Flickr;December 20, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: FLASHBACK: LORETTA LYNCH’S PARTING SHOT: “Waves of hatred, intolerance and injustice still blowing in this country” [Video];PLEASE GO TO THE 2:00 MARK IN THIS VIDEO WHERE LYNCH SPEAKS ABOUT OUR BABIES AKA MINORITY CHILDREN:So it s no surprise that Lynch stood before a black congregation today and spoke of WE NOT as in ALL Americans but just the black community. Her true racist colors are showing She DID say something about those of us who re not of the black community and it was rooted in the fear mongering that people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton pushed in the black churches for so many years.It s so sad that even our own black president for the past 8 years said it never thought we could be post racial .Well, most Americans don t feel that way. Communities across America are dismissing the TIRED rhetoric pushed at them. WE UNITED ALREADY DIDN T WE? Americans united to vote in Donald Trump .Americans of all backgrounds can t wait for a new administration that won t drag us all back into the same tired rhetoric;Jan 15, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Slain Philippine teenager's family files murder complaint against police;MANILA (Reuters) - The parents and lawyers of a Philippine high school student shot dead last week filed a murder complaint on Friday against three anti-narcotics policemen amid rare public outrage about the country s war on drugs. The death of 17-year-old Kian Loyd delos Santos on Aug. 16 in a rundown area of Manila has drawn huge domestic attention to allegations by activists that police have been systematically executing suspected users and dealers, a charge the authorities deny. The head of the Public Attorney s Office (PAO) and the parents of the slain youth submitted the complaint against the three policemen at the justice department, calling for them to be charged with murder and breaches of a law on torture. The PAO, a government agency, provides indigent litigants free legal assistance. Delos Santos was found dead in an alley with a gun in his left hand. Police said they killed him in self defense, but his family said he had no weapon, was right-handed and had no involvement in drugs. Security cameras showed the officers aggressively escorting a man matching delos Santos description in the direction of the spot where he was killed. The three policemen admit they were the people shown in the video, but that they were escorting another suspect, not delos Santos. PAO and police pathologists who did separate autopsies told a Senate hearing that delos Santos was shot from above, from close range. It was cold-blooded murder, he was shot while kneeling down, PAO chief Persida Acosta told news channel ANC. We are here for truth and justice so we have to file this immediately. The complaint, if accepted, would follow at least two cases filed last year against police over President Rodrigo Duterte s war on drugs, which has killed thousands of Filipinos, outraged human rights groups and alarmed Western governments. Most Filipinos however support the campaign, according to opinion polls, and domestic opposition has been muted. Several police commanders relieved of their duty over the student s killing told a Senate inquiry on Thursday that delos Santos was not the target of their operation, and his links to drug were known to them only the day after his death. Officers said they learned of his suspected links to drugs from another drug suspect, a cellphone and chatter circulating on social media. Delos Santos was among more than 90 people killed last week in three nights of intensified raids dubbed One Time, Big Time , which had Duterte s steadfast support. The term refers to a coordinated police drive to stamp out crime in a particular district. The teen s killing puts focus on Duterte s repeated promises to police administering the crackdown that he would insulate them from any legal consequences. Critics say his rhetoric is tantamount to giving police a license to kill. Duterte took a softer tone on Wednesday, telling police to arrest suspects and kill only if their lives were in danger, adding that he would not protect those who killed unarmed people.;August 25, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WOW! MACON, GA RESIDENT SLAMS Rep John Lewis: “What have you accomplished? Why don’t you go on the news and talk about the black-on-black terrorism that’s happening in Chicago?”[VIDEO];"Young black man delivers poignant message to Representative John Lewis, who recently called Donald Trump an illegitimate President So many jobs have left the state. And you know what s moved in? Drugs, gangs illegal immigration. My mother s been there for 27 year and she s on drugs. It s her choice. I m not blaming you Representative Lewis. But you ve been there. You ve done nothing. Last year, you did a sit in for Hillary Clinton. For Hillary Clinton! You did a sit in on the floor. It was for her. It wasn t for guns. It wasn t for the Pulse nightclub. That s you guys tried to exploit. But it was for Hillary Clinton, to set her up to win. And now that she lost, your token ass is sad. So you re gonna call Donald Trump, illegitimate? I mean seriously? What are you doing? You re living off of MLK. Martin Luther King is a great man, obviously, we re celebrating his birthday years later after his death. FOX News Calls You A Civil Rights Icon Why Are You An Icon? Because You Got Your Ass Beat? You have been ineffective. Where are your accomplishments? Nothing. Why don t you go on the news and talk about the black on black terrorism that s happening in Chicago? ""The Five""BLACK Democrats have been played watch video https://t.co/gYrAIBPCg4 Jose (@JoeTheMailman) January 16, 2017";Jan 16, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: VAN JONES AND CNN’S DON LEMON ON OBAMA’S “I’m fearless” RACIST SPEECH AT CHARLESTON PASTOR’S FUNERAL: “Once You’re Fearless, Once You Don’t Give A Damn…No One Can Stop You” [VIDEO];Not a bad imitation of a black pastor from a guy who quit going to church when he entered the White House because according to Reverend Wright, of the Black Liberation Church where Barack and Michelle Obama attended for several years: Church is not their thing. It never was their thing. CNN s Don Lemon: You know, Brooke, um this is quite possibly one of the most powerful and extraordinary moments that I ve witnessed ah on television, especially a speech coming from the President. I ve never really at a loss for words, and I m almost at a loss for words right now. I mean, Van and I couldn t even look at each other.Van Jones (racist and self proclaimed communist): Yeah Because this is what happens in the black church every single morning.DL: Not only that, this is what many people around the country wanted to hear from this president, for a long, long time. It s time to step into your legacy.Van Jones: It really is. This is a different President, this year, I think has transformed him. I think a year ago Ferguson, then Baltimore, now Charleston. I think you re seeing the 3.0 version. When he first came on the scene, he was trying to talk about race, even his book was about race. He was trying DL: But he was getting hit.VJ: He kept getting hit. He became a politician. Yeah..he became the racial pi ata of the blacks saying he wasn t doing enough, the whites saying he was doing too much. Suddenly in this speech he just decides to give over to the cadences.DL: He said it in the podcast man. He said: I am fearless. And you know, once you re fearless, and once you don t give a damn no one can stop you. And I think the President is in that mode now. He knows this is his legacy.Obama was supposed to be delivering a eulogy for Pastor Clementa Pinckney, but instead he chose to turn it into another one of his divisive racist rants. Oh and by the way once the left has removed every trace of the Confederate flag, he s coming after your guns. Then, and only then will his legacy be complete. Molon Labe https://youtu.be/FWVq1WnICqYAnd for anyone who is interested in hearing the most off-key version of Amazing Grace sung by a muslim, you can see it here:https://youtu.be/WmRAxJIa0u8Not bad for a guy who quit going to church when he entered the White House because according to Reverend Wright, of the Black Liberation Church where Barack and Michelle Obama attended for several years: Church is not their thing. It never was their thing.;Jun 28, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Fifteen bullet-ridden kidnap victims found in southwest Pakistan;QUETTA, Pakistan (Reuters) - Pakistani police on Wednesday found 15 bullet-ridden bodies of kidnap victims near the border with Iran, a favored route for human traffickers taking workers illegally to Europe. The bodies were found abandoned in a mountainous region of Buleda, in Baluchistan province, 600 km (370 miles) south of the provincial capital of Quetta, district commissioner Bashir Ahmad Bangalzai told Reuters. He said documents and other belongings found on the bodies suggested that they were en route to Iran illegally. Human smuggling is big business in Pakistan and other poor South Asian countries. There have been instances of workers being killed in border areas, or sometimes dying during road or sea travel. It was not clear what prompted the killings, said Bangalzai. He said all 15 came from Pakistan s eastern province of Punjab. We re getting in contact with their families, he said. A police official said all 15 were reported to have been kidnapped on Tuesday. No one has claimed responsibility. Violence-plagued Baluchistan, which also borders Afghanistan, has long been home to separatist groups seeking a greater share of regional resources and Islamist militants linked to al Qaeda, the Taliban and Islamic State. The violence has raised concerns about security for projects in the $57 billion China Pakistan Economic Corridor, a planned transport and energy link from western China to Pakistan s southern deep-water port of Gwadar.;November 15, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Italy's 'smiling pope' inches closer to sainthood;VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope John Paul I, who served for just 33 days as Pontiff in 1978 before his abrupt death, has moved a step closer to sainthood, the Vatican said on Thursday. Known as the smiling Pope because of his good nature, Albino Luciani s reign as head of the Catholic Church was the shortest in modern times and his shock demise fueled press speculation that he might have been murdered. The Vatican has always denied the rumors, saying he died of a heart attack. As a first step to placing him among the Church s swelling ranks of saints, the Vatican said Pope Francis had backed a vote by the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints to recognize the heroic virtues of Pope John Paul I. This means John Paul I, the last Italian to be made pontiff, can now move on toward beatification, the final step before sainthood. Beatification would require a miracle attributed to his intercession. The Catholic Church posthumously confers beatification, and later sainthood, on people considered so holy during their lives that they are now believed to be with God and can intercede with him to perform miracles. Miracles are usually the medically unexplained healing of someone. John Paul I s sainthood process started in 2002 after his supporters in Italy collected some 300,000 signatures on a petition calling for him to be made a saint. It could take many more years for his cause to progress further. Luciani, Cardinal of Venice, was elected pope on Aug. 26, 1978. A humble man, he had no time to leave his mark on the Church before his death on September 28, 1978. Rumors rapidly surfaced that hidden forces within the Church had poisoned the newly elected Luciani to head off institutional changes he was planning to introduce. The Church s decision not to hold a post mortem on the body, bickering over who was in the Vatican on the night of the death and crude attempts to hide the fact a nun found his body was manna to fans of conspiracy theories. Luciani s successor John Paul II ruled for 27 years and died in 2005. He was made a saint in 2014 - the fastest elevation to the sainthood in modern times.;November 9, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WATCH HUGE CROWD CHEER When Asked If Trump Should “Win For America” [Video]; ;Oct 9, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: North Carolina transgender battle could expand civil rights law;"(This version of the May 10 story has been corrects to update new name of group to “GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders” from “Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders,” in the sixth paragraph) By Daniel Trotta and Daniel Wiessner (Reuters) - The legal battle over transgender rights between the state of North Carolina and the U.S. government has moved the country closer to settling one of the last frontiers in civil rights law. At issue is whether transgender people deserve the same federal protections that have been extended to groups such as blacks and religious minorities. Backers of the North Carolina law, which requires people to use public bathrooms that correspond with the sex on their birth certificate rather than their gender identity, say it will protect women and girls from predators. Transgender advocates say that claim is unfounded and ignores a modern understanding of people who identify with a gender other than the one assigned at birth. The next step is likely to be a federal judge’s decision on whether to impose an injunction, or temporary ruling, to void the North Carolina law pending a trial. Regardless of how a judge might rule on an injunction, the case stands to add to a growing body of legal decisions that have tended to side in favor of transgender rights but not enough to dissuade states like North Carolina. A handful of U.S. states and cities have attempted to enact measures affecting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights, but North Carolina is the first state to focus on transgender people’s use of public bathrooms. “This is absolutely a critical moment in terms of the focus and the answers that will come through these cases about the established scope of protections for transgender people,” said Jennifer Levi, a lawyer with GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders. The North Carolina law is the subject of four lawsuits in federal court, two on each side. The U.S. Justice Department and an advocacy group, the American Civil Liberties Union, have each sought to strike it down, saying the law violates the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964, which jolted a divided nation into applying full rights to African-Americans a century after the abolition of slavery. North Carolina’s governor and legislature both sued on Monday to protect their law, saying the Justice Department was trying to strike down a “common sense privacy policy” meant to protect the state’s public employees. State officials also said if the Obama administration wants protections for transgender people, it should appeal to Congress to amend existing laws. At least two provisions of federal law ban discrimination on the basis of sex — Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which covers and employment, and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. The issue before the courts is whether “sex” also applies to gender identity. The Obama administration has taken a firm stance that transgender people are protected, a point that Attorney General Loretta Lynch emphasized on Monday. “The entire Obama administration wants you to know that we see you; we stand with you; and we will do everything we can to protect you going forward,” Lynch told transgender people in remarks at a news conference. Lynch also threatened to withhold federal funding to the North Carolina Department of Public Safety and the University of North Carolina while the legal case proceeds. North Carolina stands to lose $4.8 billion in funds, mainly educational grants, if it does not back down from the law, according to an analysis by lawyers at the University of California, Los Angeles Law School. Unless North Carolina backs down, any ruling by a trial judge would likely be challenged and end up in a Virginia-based federal appeals court that only weeks ago issued an important ruling in favor of transgender rights. That court, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, said a transgender teen from Virginia could sue his high school for being barred from using the boy’s bathroom. The court noted that federal education officials have interpreted Title IX to apply to transgender people but did not directly rule on the issue. So far, only one appeals court has explicitly ruled that the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination against transgender people, in a 2005 case brought by a police officer. At least five other appeals courts have suggested that they agreed, some in cases involving other federal discrimination laws. The U.S. Supreme Court could help settle the matter, but experts said it was unlikely to take up any precedent-setting case any time soon.";May 10, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WOW! “‘HALEY’S’ COMET” Just COLLIDED With Hypocritical, Anti-Israel, Terror-Nation Supporting U.N.…And The Results Were Spectacular! [VIDEO];Trump s new UN Ambassador Nikki Haley just held her first press conference following the UN Security Council s monthly meeting on Middle East issues, and this was NO ordinary press conference. After watching this video, it s easy to see why President Trump chose her to represent the US in hopes of redefining our support for democracy in the Middle East, while identifying nations who support terrorism. Here s an excerpt of her speech to the press: The Security Council just finished its regular monthly meeting on Middle East issues. It s the first meeting like that that I ve attended, and I have to say it was a bit strange. The Security Council is supposed to discuss how to maintain international peace and security. But in our meeting on the Middle East, the discussion was not about Hezbollah s illegal build up of rockets in Lebanon. It was not about the money and weapons Iran supplies to terrorists. It was not about how we defeat ISIS. It was not about how we hold Bashar Assad accountable for the slaughter of hundreds and thousands of civilians. No, instead the meeting focused on criticizing Israel, the one true democracy in the Middle East. I am new around here, but I understand that s how the council has operated month after month for decades. I am here to say the United States will not turn a blind eye to this anymore. I am here to underscore the iron-clad support of the United States for Israel. A star is born is our reaction to the first press briefing by President Trump s new ambassador at the United Nations. The ex-governor of South Carolina was ridiculed by the Left when the president first sent her nomination up to the Hill, owing to her alleged lack of foreign policy chops. She certainly rang the wake up gong for that crowd this morning, after emerging from her first Security Council monthly meeting devoted to the Middle East. Tough as nails but with a smile and a layer of Southern charm.The ambassador had just come from the regular monthly Security Council on Middle East issues. She said it was her first such meeting, and it was a bit strange. The Security Council, she said, is supposed to discuss how to maintain international peace and security. But the meeting, she said, was not about Hezbollah s illegal buildup of rockets in Lebanon, it was not about the money and weapons Iran provides to terrorists, it was not how we defeat ISIS, it was not how we hold Beshar al-Assad accountable for the slaughter of thousands of civilians. No, she said, instead the meeting focused on criticizing Israel, the one true democracy in the Middle East. I am new around here, but I understand that s how the Council has operated month after month for decades. I am here to say the United States will not turn a blind eye to this anymore. I am here to underscore to the ironclad support of the United States for Israel. I am here to emphasize that the United States is determined to stand up to the U.N. s anti-Israel bias. The ambassador made clear that the Trump administration will not support the kind of resolution from which the Obama administration s ambassador Samantha Power shamefully abstained, though Mrs. Haley was too polite to name the humiliated Ms. Power. The outrageously biased resolutions from the Security Council and the General Assembly only make peace harder to attain by discouraging one of the parties from going to the negotiating table. Incredibly, Mrs. Haley said, the U.N. department of political affairs has an entire division devoted entirely to Palestinian affairs. Imagine that. There is no division devoted to illegal missile launches form North Korea. There is no division devoted to the world s number one state sponsor of terror, Iran. The prejudiced approach to Israeli-Palestinian issues does the peace process no favors, and it bears no relationship to the reality of the world around us. The double standards are breathtaking. The ambassador warned that it is the U.N. s anti-Israel bias that is long overdue for change, and said America will not hesitate to speak out in defense of its friend in Israel. All this was going on while the press was questioning President Trump on what he was going to do about anti-Semitism. If his ambassador to the world body is any example, the answer is plenty. She has the principles of a Daniel Patrick Moynihan, the grit of a John Bolton, and the star power of a Jeane Kirkpatrick, and in her first press briefing she certainly made her point. Editorial of The New York Sun;Feb 20, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Armed men destroy two dozen logging trucks in Chile indigenous dispute;SANTIAGO (Reuters) - A group of armed men claiming to represent the nation s indigenous Mapuche people hijacked and burned 29 logging trucks in southern Chile on Monday morning as a years-long conflict with forestry companies heated up. The government convened an emergency meeting less than two weeks after a similar hijacking in which 18 trucks were burned, and several high-ranking officials denounced the attack later in the day. We re going to combat violence and we are not going to allow minoritarian groups, which don t value dialogue, to ruin the great effort all regional actors in the south are doing to promote development and overcome exclusion, Chilean President Michelle Bachelet said in televised remarks. It was not clear to what extent the attacks have broader support among Mapuche communities. Many Mapuche leaders doubt all such attacks are carried out by indigenous people, saying non-indigenous groups with a radical political agenda may be involved. The group Weichan Auka Mapu, or Fight of the Rebel Territory in the local Mapudungun tongue, claimed responsibility, national media reported. According to local authorities, at least two people were responsible for the arson attack, although local media reported that as many as seven people were responsible. Around 600,000 Mapuche live in Chile, concentrated in Araucania and Bio Bio, two lush and hilly provinces roughly 400 miles (645 km) south of Santiago, the nation s capital. Ever since the Chilean army invaded Mapuche territory in a brutal campaign in the late 1800s, relations with the state have been fractious. The conflict has accelerated in recent years, with armed groups burning houses, churches, trucks, and forest plantations. It has also spread geographically. The Monday attack occurred in the region of Los Rios, south of the traditional conflict zone. The trucks belonged to Sotraser, a subcontractor that mainly serves subsidiaries of Chilean forestry companies Empresas CMPC and Arauco [ANTCOC.UL]. The company reported $6 million in damages. While that figure is not significant in relation to Chile s larger timber industry, subcontractors have begun to register dozens of attacks annually in recent years, weighing on the sector.;August 28, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WASHINGTON POST HIRES EXPERTS to Prove 9-Year-Old’s Letter to Trump was Fake… Not Only is Kid Real, Trump Invites Him to Whitehouse [Video];After Sarah Huckabee Sanders read a letter from a little boy to the press (see below), liberal media like the Washington Post tried to prove that it was fake by using a handwriting analyst!THE LIBERALS TRY THEIR BEST TO PROVE THE LETTER IS FAKE:The Washington Post reported: Handwriting and children s cognitive experts were called and asked whether the letter appeared to be written by a child. We called one ourselves. Two, actually.Deborah McCutchen is a professor at the University of Wisconsin who studies cognitive processes in reading and writing ability. She looked at the letter. She noted that the handful of small spelling errors followed the phonetic sounds of words pitcher instead of picture which would be common in the writing of a young child. Then again, the letter also included a hyphen, which seemed sophisticated for a 9-year-old.Sheila Lowe, president of the American Handwriting Analysis Foundation, said she didn t see anything that would be inconsistent with a 9-year-old s writing, but she also clarified that she did not specialize in analyzing the writing of children. She noted that the margins on the right side of the paper were very wide, which can indicate a feeling of concern about the future.It s not fake meet Dylan and listen to him and his mother talk about how President Trump invited them to the White House for a personal tour:Here s the video of Sarah Huckabee Sanders reading Dylan s letter on Wednesday to the press, who immediately jumped into action to try to prove the letter was fake:Dylan aka Pickle thank you for your letter and hope to meet you soon! pic.twitter.com/XZlJARZ9cs Sarah Huckabee (@SarahHuckabee) July 26, 2017 #PickleTruther suddenly appeared on twitter as the lefty media furiously tried to prove that the letter was fake.We hope Dylan has a chance to meet President Trump and isn t bullied for his support of Trump like so many adults are. He s adorable!;Jul 29, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: “G#d d*mn America”: DISTURBING PHOTOS Illustrate Obama’s “Diplomacy” Failure In Iran;Yes this massive protest against America just happened today! Thousands of Iranians burned the American flag and chanted slogans Wednesday as they marked the anniversary of the seizure of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran by militant students 36 years ago.The annual state-organized rally drew greater attention this year, as Iranian hard-liners look to counter moderate President Hassan Rouhani s outreach to the West following a landmark nuclear deal reached with world powers in July. An Iranian official also chose the occasion to announce the arrest of an unspecified number of allegedly pro-American writers.The hard-liners fear Rouhani s efforts to improve relations will pave the way for the United States to undermine and eventually dismantle the Islamic republic formed after the 1979 revolution.On Nov. 4, 1979, militant students stormed the U.S. Embassy compound and took 52 Americans hostage after Washington refused to hand over the toppled U.S.-backed shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, for trial in Iran. The students held the hostages for 444 days, and the two countries have had no diplomatic relations since then.Protesters on Wednesday carried placards reading political and security penetration is forbidden. They pumped their fists in the air, shouting God damn America, and No compromise, no surrender to U.S. Others carried banners rejecting U.S. fast food chains McDonald s and Starbucks. Authorities recently closed a newly opened knock-off of KFC, saying it was unlicensed.Hard-liners view fast food outlets and other American products as part of a cultural invasion by the U.S. aimed at undermining Islamic rule and public morality.Foreign firms are poised to return to Iran following the lifting of international sanctions under the nuclear deal, but it remains unclear whether American brands will be allowed in.Iran s state TV showed similar demonstrations in other Iranian cities to mark the occasion, known as the National Day against Global Arrogance. Wednesday s rally in Tehran also saw State Prosecutor Ebrahim Raeisi announce that the intelligence department of the elite Revolutionary Guard had detained a number of writers. The intelligence and security forces identified and cracked down on a network of penetration in media and cyberspace and detained spies and writers hired by Americans, he told the rally, without elaborating. Under no circumstances will we allow penetration of Americans in economic, social and cultural areas, he added.Iran has arrested a number of activists, journalists and artists since Rouhani s 2013 election and currently holds four Iranians with U.S. citizenship, including a Washington Post reporter. Analysts say the arrests are the work of hard-liners in the judiciary and the security forces. Via: AP News;Nov 4, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WATCH: MSNBC Host HILARIOUSLY Informs Republican Men Why They Should Pay For Prenatal Care;Republicans seriously need to pay attention in biology class.Because if they had, they would know that the reason women get pregnant in the first place is because of men.And that s why women need prenatal care to be covered by health insurance plans.But Republicans like Rep. John Shimkus think that men should not have to pay for prenatal care in their insurance plans, even though by doing exactly that they are protecting pregnant women and the fetuses they carry.During a committee hearing on Thursday, Shimkus openly whined about men having to pay for prenatal care and argued that insurance companies should only make women pay for it.Economist Austin Goolsbee expressed confusion over Shimkus objection and proceeded to explain to him how insurance works. If you look at any insurance product, everyone pays in because there s a risk that a small number of people are going to have a claim, Goolsbee began. So, there s a subsidy, if you want to call it that, from people who don t get in car accidents to people who do get in car accidents. That s the nature of insurance. Everyone is born, I think we can agree on that. The prenatal care is good for society, that we are covering prenatal care, that women can have babies in a healthy way, and to object that men shouldn t have to pay for things that are women s problems, young people shouldn t pay in for things that are old people s problems. Hopefully all the young people will be old people, eventually. As I say, that s how insurance markets work. I don t understand this objection. Indeed, that s how Social Security works. Each generation of workers basically subsidizes the retirement of workers who came before them. This way, senior citizens can retire and live comfortably while a younger person gets a job.Republicans can also look at prenatal care another way. If they are seriously going to force women to carry pregnancies to term, the least they can do is help make sure that the mother and fetus are healthy and getting the medical attention they need.The cost of prenatal care insurance would skyrocket if women were the only ones having to pay for it since the insurance pool would be smaller.MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle, who has three children, also chimed in by informing Republicans that women don t impregnate themselves. Congressman Shimkus, if you are watching, unlike Tom Price, I m not a doctor. But I will talk science for a moment. Though it is women who need that prenatal care, men are involved in the process that requires them to need prenatal care, FYI. Here s the video via YouTube:Republicans should be ashamed of themselves for complaining so much about women s healthcare. Their mothers, sisters, daughters, and wives must be embarrassed.Featured image via screenshot;March 10, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BOOM! Wikileaks Shows Hillary Speech To Bankers:”I would like to see more successful business people run for office…You can be maybe rented but never bought”;No wonder she didn t want anyone to see her speeches. She was singing the praises of Trump before she even knew he was going to defeat her in the general election From Wikileaks email dump: SECRETARY CLINTON: That s a really interesting question. You know, I would like to see more successful business people run for office. I really would like to see that because I do think, you know, you don t have to have 30 billion, but you have a certain level of freedom. And there s that memorable phrase from a former member of the Senate: You can be maybe rented but never bought. And I think it s important to have people with those experiences. And especially now, because many of you in this room are on the cutting edge of technology or health care or some other segment of the economy, so you are people who look over the horizon. And coming into public life and bringing that perspective as well as the success and the insulation that success gives you could really help in a lot of our political situations right now. [Goldman Sachs Builders And Innovators Summit, 10/29/13];Oct 8, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Ukraine gives cautious welcome to Putin's peacekeepers offer;BERLIN (Reuters) - Ukraine on Thursday welcomed Russian President Vladimir Putin s declared openness to deployment of United Nations peacekeepers in separatist-controlled areas of eastern Ukraine, but said Russian troops must not join such an operation. Putin told German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday that UN peacekeepers might be deployed not only on the Donbass contact line separating the sides of the conflict but in other parts where inspectors of the international OSCE monitoring group operate. Kostiantyn Yeliseyev, foreign policy adviser to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, said Putin s comments were a good sign but the devil is in the detail. In my view, as soon as we deploy UN peacekeeping we can speak about a real positive breakthrough in the field of the political settlement of the situation in Donbass, he said. Russia, which is a party to the conflict, must not take part in the future UN peacekeeping operation, he said. We believe this UN peacekeeping operation must be deployed along the whole occupied territory of Donbass including the uncontrolled part of the Ukrainian-Russian border. The conflict between Ukrainian forces and Russian-backed separatists has claimed more than 10,000 lives since it erupted in 2014. Russia denies Western accusations it fomented the conflict and provided arms and fighters. Germany and France have tried to persuade both sides to implement a peace deal agreed in Minsk in 2015 but with little success. German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said on Monday European sanctions imposed on Russia over its role in the Ukraine crisis should be phased out gradually if an internationally agreed ceasefire deal was implemented. But Yeliseyev said sanctions should stay in place until the Minsk peace deal is implemented in full. That is why we want all German politicians to be vigilant and not to speculate, not to make any kind of irresponsible statements which don t stop the aggression but, on the contrary, will stimulate and motivate the aggressor country, he said. Turning to Russian war games starting on Thursday in Belarus, the Baltic Sea, western Russia and the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad, Yeliseyev said Ukraine was concerned the exercises could destabilize the region and that Moscow might keep troops and weaponry near Ukraine for possible future offensive operations .;September 14, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: REPORT: NINE Officials Reveal Trump Admin LIED About Talking To Russia About Easing Sanctions;Almost immediately following the Nov. 8 election, Trump and his fledgling administration made a point of denying that they were in contact with Russia about anything. Now his own national security adviser, Michael Flynn, is saying otherwise. Flynn has more or less said that he might have discussed the sanctions privately with Russia s ambassador to the U.S., Sergey Kislyak. But there are nine officials who all say he definitely did.Flynn first denied the allegations rather emphatically, according to a report from the Washington Post. However, he walked it back through his spokesman later on, who said that he indicated that while he had no recollection of discussing sanctions, he couldn t be certain that the topic never came up. That s an interesting way of not answering a question, but it might get him off the hook just a little. The Post reports that no fewer than nine officials, who have access to reports from law enforcement and intelligence agencies that monitor communications of Russian diplomats, say that Flynn s references to the sanctions Obama imposed following the election were explicit and clear. Two also said that Flynn actually told Russia not to overreact to the penalties since all of this could be discussed again after Trump was sworn in.A third official said that either Flynn had lied to Mike Pence, who flatly denied the allegations, too, or that Pence misspoke (knowing this administration, it s the former).Pence told CBS Face the Nation the following: I talked to General Flynn about that conversation and actually was initiated on Christmas Day he had sent a text to the Russian ambassador to express not only Christmas wishes but sympathy for the loss of life in the airplane crash that took place. It was strictly coincidental that they had a conversation. They did not discuss anything having to do with the United States decision to expel diplomats or impose censure against Russia. After host John Dickerson pressed him on whether Flynn had ever had a conversation about sanctions with Kislyak at any time, Pence said: Well, look. General Flynn has been in touch with diplomatic leaders, security leaders in some 30 countries. That s exactly what the incoming national security advisor should do. But what I can confirm, having spoken to him about it, is that those conversations that happened to occur around the time that the United States took action to expel diplomats had nothing whatsoever to do with those sanctions. He then finished that part of the interview with, I don t believe there were more conversations. U.S. intelligence agencies became suspicious after Putin s lackluster response to our kicking out all of their diplomats, and they began to look for evidence suggesting that he was promised relief. They discovered that conversations between Flynn and Kislyak had happened around the time we announced the new sanctions and kicked their diplomats out.The administration s position was to deny, deny, deny, because of course. But Flynn isn t exactly denying it anymore. This may have something to do with Congress seeking to limit Trump s ability to ease the sanctions. It may have anything to do with anything maybe he just feels backed into a corner now.The point is, of all the lies coming out of this administration, this is one of the biggest and the worst thus far. Oddly enough, both Flynn and his son seem to have deleted their Twitter accounts. That could be for any reason, but it s just a little too coincidental to the Post s report.Now we get to wonder what else this administration has done to aid an official enemy. Working to rebuild relationships and strengthen ties is one thing. Working to aid an enemy is another, and that s what Flynn (and by extension, Trump) has done.Featured image by Drew Angerer via Getty Images;February 10, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Further isolation of Venezuela may be needed: Latin American group;TORONTO (Reuters) - A regional Latin American grouping on Thursday agreed more steps may be needed to further isolate Venezuela, where President Nicolas Maduro has been accused of stamping on rights and democracy, said Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland. She spoke to reporters after a Toronto meeting of the Lima Group, which also includes Canada. The group has already condemned what it calls recent anti-democratic acts by Venezuela s government. If necessary we must put added pressure on the Maduro regime by taking concrete steps to further isolate it from the international community, she said. Freeland added that Canada was mulling a second round of sanctions against Venezuelan officials. Other countries should consider doing so as well, she said. Last month Ottawa said it would impose targeted sanctions against 40 Venezuelan senior officials to punish them for anti-democratic behavior . The Lima Group has around 15 members, including Brazil, Argentina, Peru and Mexico. It is next due to meet in Chile in January 2018. Last week the group criticized a nationwide election held in Venezuela, when the ruling Socialist Party took 18 of 23 governorships in a nationwide vote despite widespread anger over economic hardship, that has left millions suffering food shortages, a currency collapse and soaring inflation. Opposition protests this year have led to 125 deaths, thousands of arrests and injuries, and widespread damage to property and infrastructure. The opposition is starting to fragment and the Lima Group meeting on Thursday called on groups to work together. It s a very important point. The people of Venezuela, in their struggle to reestablish democracy in their country ... deserve an opposition which is united and can represent them effectively, said Freeland.;October 26, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Prosecutors argue against prison time for New Jersey 'Bridgegate' mastermind;NEW YORK (Reuters) - The mastermind of the “Bridgegate” lane closure scandal that helped torpedo New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s presidential bid should not be sentenced to prison due to his cooperation, U.S. prosecutors said in a court document filed on Tuesday. David Wildstein, who helped the government convict two former Christie associates after he pleaded guilty in 2015, is set to be sentenced in federal court in Newark on Wednesday. Wildstein, 55, admitted overseeing a scheme to shut down access lanes at the busy George Washington Bridge in 2013 to create massive traffic gridlock as punishment for a local Democratic mayor who refused to endorse Christie’s reelection campaign. U.S. prosecutors charged Wildstein, former Christie deputy chief of staff Bridget Kelly and a former executive of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Bill Baroni, with concocting the plot. The Port Authority supervises operations for the George Washington Bridge, which connects Manhattan and New Jersey and is one of the world’s busiest crossings. Christie, who has denied any involvement, was not charged. But the fallout dogged his bid for the Republican nomination for president in 2016 and has contributed to his current record-low approval rating of 15 percent in New Jersey. Wildstein pleaded guilty to conspiracy in 2015 and agreed to cooperate with authorities, eventually appearing as the star witness at Kelly and Baroni’s trial for eight days of testimony. “Put simply, were it not for Wildstein’s decision to cooperate and disclose the true nature of the lane reductions, there likely would have been no prosecutions related to the bridge scheme,” U.S. prosecutors wrote in arguing that Wildstein should receive probation but no prison time. Kelly and Baroni were sentenced to 1-1/2 and two years in prison, respectively. Wildstein testified at trial that he and Baroni joked with Christie about the traffic jams caused by the lane closures as they were occurring, an assertion that Christie and Baroni both denied. He also told jurors that he and Baroni used the Port Authority as a “goody bag” to dole out favors to local officials in exchange for support for Christie’s re-election. In a court submission made public on Tuesday, Wildstein’s lawyer also requested probation, noting that Wildstein voluntarily met with investigators at the start of their probe. “Mr. Wildstein remains alone in taking responsibility for his role in the George Washington Bridge lane realignment issue, even though others were clearly involved,” Alan Zegas wrote.;July 11, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Australian police charge man for attacking former PM Abbott;SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australian police charged a 38-year-old man on Friday for allegedly assaulting former prime minister and same-sex marriage opponent Tony Abbott in the Tasmanian city of Hobart. The man was charged with Common Assault following an investigation into a complaint made by Abbott, Tasmania police said on its Facebook page. Abbott told local media he was headbutted by a man wearing a yes badge in support of same-sex marriage on Thursday evening. Australia began a non-compulsory postal vote this month to determine whether it becomes the 25th country to legalize same-sex marriage. The emotionally charged campaign has seen an alarming volume of hate speech, spurring parliament to pass emergency legislation to outlaw opponents spewing their vitriol while the vote was in progress. Abbott, who is actively campaigning for the no side, sustained minor injuries from the attack including a slightly swollen lip. Police did not comment on the motivation of the attack. Earlier this month, the godson of former prime minister Kevin Rudd was allegedly assaulted in Brisbane by a man who was tearing down rainbow flags put up in support of same-sex marriage. In May, Qantas chief executive Alan Joyce, who is openly gay, had a lemon meringue pie launched at his face in a protest about his advocacy for same-sex marriage.;September 22, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Clinton's classified email errors due to 'improper labeling:' Kaine;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine on Sunday defended Hillary Clinton against criticism over her handling of classified information as secretary of state, saying she was unaware of the sensitivity of some information she exchanged over email because it had been “improperly labeled.” In July, the Federal Bureau of Investigation rebuked Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, for her use of a private email server during her tenure as secretary of state from 2009 to 2013, saying she was “extremely careless” in her handling of classified information. According to records released by the FBI on Friday, Clinton told the bureau’s investigators in a July interview that she could not recall getting any briefings on how to handle classified information or comply with laws governing the preservation of federal records. Kaine, a U.S. senator from Virginia who sits on the Senate Foreign Relations and Armed Services committees, told ABC’s program “This Week,” that the volume of information received by government officials often makes it difficult to know what information has been declared classified. “There were emails that contained classified information that had been improperly marked. So when she received the email, the material that was classified - which is supposed to be flagged and identified as classified - in many instances was improperly labeled,” Kaine said. “We look at so much material, unless it is specifically pulled out and identified, it is difficult to know sometimes whether a statement or a paragraph is classified or not,” he added. Kaine likened Republican Donald Trump’s recent call for Russia to “find the 30,000 emails that are missing” from Clinton’s server to the 1972 burglary at the Democratic Party headquarters at the Watergate office in Washington that upended Richard Nixon’s presidency. “He has openly encouraged Russia to engage in cyber hacking to try to find more e-mails or materials, and we know that this cyber attack on the DNC was likely done by Russia,” Kaine told the Sunday television program. “This is serious business.” Trump was referring to some 30,000 emails deemed personal by Clinton’s lawyers that she has repeatedly said she chose “not to keep” while returning thousands of other work emails to the government in 2014. This has been widely interpreted as meaning that Clinton deleted the personal emails, but her staff have declined to confirm if this is the case. Clinton, who is facing Trump for the White House in the Nov. 8 election, has been dogged for more than a year by the fallout from her decision to use an unauthorized private email account run from the basement of her Chappaqua, New York, home. She repeatedly said she did not use it to send or receive classified information. The government forbids handling such information outside secure channels. Contradicting Clinton’s comment that she never exchanged classified information over her private email server, the FBI said that at least 81 email threads contained information that was classified at the time, although the agency said the final number may be more than 2,000. While the FBI has scolded Clinton over the handling of classified information, the agency recommended that no criminal charges be filed against her. Clinton has said that in hindsight she regretted using a private email system while secretary of state. Opinion polls show that voter concerns about Clinton’s honesty and trustworthiness are among her biggest vulnerabilities. A series of surveys show the race has tightened over the past few weeks. In a Reuters/Ipsos poll taken during the week of Aug. 26 to Sept. 1, Trump had the support of 40 percent of likely voters while Clinton had the backing of 39 percent. Clinton’s support has dropped steadily in the weekly tracking poll since Aug. 25, eliminating what had been a eight-point lead for her.;September 4, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. outlines NAFTA objectives, includes currency provision;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Monday outlined a tough negotiating strategy for revising the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement and for the first time in a U.S. trade deal said it would seek to deter currency manipulation by trading partners. In a much-anticipated document sent to lawmakers ahead of talks expected next month, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said the Trump administration aimed to reduce the U.S. trade deficit by improving access for U.S. goods exported to Canada and Mexico, the two countries in NAFTA besides the United States. The document asserts that no country should manipulate currency exchange to gain an unfair competitive advantage. The 17-page summary of negotiations for NAFTA offers a glimpse into what a Trump administration trade agenda could look like. Until now, President Donald Trump’s agenda has been shaped by campaign rhetoric and tweets. While Canada and Mexico are not considered currency manipulators, the reference in the list of objectives could set a template for future trade deals such as a pending negotiation to modify a five-year-old U.S.-South Korea free trade deal. South Korea is on a U.S. Treasury monitoring list for possible signs of currency manipulation. Among the priorities, Lighthizer said the administration would seek to eliminate a trade dispute mechanism that has largely prohibited the United States from pursuing anti-dumping and anti-subsidy cases against Canadian and Mexican firms. It also plans to eliminate a range of non-tariff barriers to U.S. agricultural exports to Canada and Mexico. These include subsidies and unfair pricing structures. USTR said it would seek to strengthen NAFTA’s rules of origin to ensure that the pact’s benefits do not go to outside countries and to “incentivize” the sourcing of U.S. goods. It offered no details on such incentives and did not specify how much of a product’s components must originate from within North America. The demands that the Trump administration makes in the NAFTA talks could have far-reaching implications for U.S. trade relations across the globe, with China keen to make inroads with Mexico and Canada if the United States is seen to be retreating. Lighthizer said the negotiations would begin no earlier than Aug. 16, 2017. U.S. labor union leaders and Democratic lawmakers weighed in on the issue early, reminding Trump they expect him to keep 2016 election campaign promises to protect American workers in NAFTA talks. They stopped short of demanding termination of the 1994 trade pact with Canada and Mexico. Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO, an umbrella organization of unions representing 12.5 million workers, said NAFTA had been an “unequivocal failure” and should be completely renegotiated. “We will do everything we can to make this a good agreement and to hold the president at his word and make sure we get a renegotiation,” he told a conference call with reporters. “If it comes out that it is not a good deal, no deal is better than a bad deal,” Trumka said. NAFTA has quadrupled trade among the three countries, surpassing $1 trillion in 2015. Over a decade to 2010, however, the United States lost nearly 6 million manufacturing jobs. The U.S. trade balance with Mexico also swung from a small surplus in 1994 to deficits that have exceeded $60 billion for most of the past decade.;July 17, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BREAKING: Comey Was Troubled By Evidence Of ‘Collusion With Russia’ When Trump Fired Him;It s interesting that Donald Trump, in his letter terminating FBI Director James Comey, noted that Mr. Comey had allegedly told the President* on three separate occasions that he is not being investigated for two reasons: the FBI admitted in a legal filing recently that they are, indeed, directly investigating Donald Trump s public plea for Russia to hack his opponents, and another little tidbit of information that surfaced in a Wall Street Journal report Comey did indeed suspect collusion. In fact, there is evidence.While Trump, who has said that Comey did Hillary Clinton a huge favor in not charging her for crimes she did not commit, claims that the firing was because of how oh-so-terribly unfair the former Director was to his former opponent (the same one he asked Russia to hack), CNN reports that the firing was because Comey refused to provide Trump with an assurance of personal loyalty and because the investigation was accelerating (Comey had requested additional funds for the investigation just before he was terminated).The WSJ reports that at the time of his firing, contrary to Trump s assertion, Comey had become increasingly concerned to the point of requesting daily instead of weekly updates on the investigation:Mr. Comey started receiving daily instead of weekly updates on the investigation, beginning at least three weeks ago, according to people with knowledge of the matter and the progress of the Federal Bureau of Investigation probe. Mr. Comey was concerned by information showing possible evidence of collusion, according to these people.White House officials said Wednesday that Mr. Trump had for months been contemplating the possibility of removing Mr. Comey, and that the dismissal this week wasn t connected to the Russian probe.Comey had been asked by lawmakers to accelerate the investigation, according to the WSJ, and had briefed them on Monday on his plan to do so yes, right before he was fired.Donald Trump is getting worried. Recently, he changed his Twitter header to a quote of one of his own tweets. That tweet was a lie claiming that James Clapper had confirmed that there was no evidence to support claims of collusion.The investigation is heating up. Subpoenas have been issued, and every animal even especially stupid, especially orange ones can sense its end.Featured image via Getty Images (Pool);May 11, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: SNOPES IMPLODES! Liberal “Fact-Checker” Turns To GoFundMe To Keep Business Alive…LOL!;Where s George Soros when his top fact checkers, aka conservative news slayers , need him?Snopes.com is a liberal blog from 1994. The website claims to be the internet s oldest and most popular fact-checking site. Last year, Snopes Co-Founder was accused of embezzling company money, and spending it on prostitutes.Now you can find the blog begging for $500k in funding via GoFundMe. So, far the campaign has raised $18,000 in 3 hours via 710 people Zero HedgeFacebook users who are too stupid to figure out if a story is fake or real can now rely on a porn star with an escort service and her husband as well as a woman who admits to smoking to pot while fact checking stories .In December of 2016, Facebook announced plans to check for fake news using a series of organizations to assess whether stories are true.Here are a few facts most Snopes users probably don t know about fact-checker Snopes: One of them is a website called Snopes.com which claims to be one of the web s essential resources and painstaking, scholarly and reliable It was founded by husband-and-wife Barbara and David Mikkelson, who used a letterhead claiming they were a non-existent society to start their research Now they are divorced with Barbara claiming in legal documents he embezzled $98,000 of company money and spent it on himself and prostitutes In a lengthy and bitter legal dispute he is claiming to be underpaid and demanding industry standard or at least $360,000 a year The two also dispute what are basic facts of their case despite Snopes.com saying its ownership is committed to accuracy and impartiality Snopes.com founder David Mikkelson s new wife Elyssa Young is employed by the website as an administrator She has worked as an escort and porn actress and despite claims website is non-political ran as a Libertarian for Congress on a Dump Bush platform Its main fact checker is Kimberly LaCapria, whose blog ViceVixen says she is in touch with her domme side and has posted on Snopes.com while smoking potOne of the websites Facebook is to use to arbitrate on fake news is involved in a bitter legal dispute between its co-founders, with its CEO accused of using company money for prostitutes.Snopes.com will be part of a panel used by Facebook to decide whether stories which users complain about as potentially fake should be considered disputed .Popular myth-busting website Snopes originally gained recognition for being the go-to site for disproving outlandish urban legends -such as the presence of UFOs in Haiti or the existence of human-animal hybrids in the Amazon jungle.Recently, however, the site has tried to pose as a political fact-checker. But Snopes fact-checking looks more like playing defense for prominent Democrats. Its political fact-checker describes herself as a liberal and has called Republicans regressive and afraid of female agency. Snopes main political fact-checker is a writer named Kim Lacapria. Before writing for Snopes, Lacapria wrote for Inquisitr, a blog that oddly enough is known for publishing fake quotes and even downright hoaxes as much as anything else.While at Inquisitr, the future fact-checker consistently displayed clear partisanship. Go HERE for entire story on Kim Lacapria and her liberal background that was exposed by the Daily Caller.;Jul 24, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Racists Call For Deaths Of Black People After Fox Reporter Makes Hit Piece On BLM (VIDEO);Emotions around the nation are raw due to the rash of violence that we have experienced in the past week. First, there were back to back shootings of black men at the hands of police, first Alton Sterling in Louisiana, and then Philando Castile in Minnesota. Of course, the world is watching in both cases. To top it all off, a deranged individual with military training and an ax to grind decided to target police during a peaceful protest in Dallas, Texas. Therefore, it is important that visitors to these tense areas treat the situation with sensitivity. However, that doesn t seem to be the order of the day for one Fox reporter.A video was taken of a protest in St. Paul, Minnesota, where it seems a Fox reporter is attempting to bait protesters. The video is little more than a hit piece, with a reporter who clearly does not care about the protesters or why they are there. Understandably, the protesters tell the reporter to leave, but he refuses. The confrontation becomes more and more heated as he shoves the microphone into the protester s face. Here is the footage. (WARNING: NSFW language):As if that weren t bad enough, particularly the fact that the video is clearly cut to be a total hit piece, the comments are even worse. Many even call for the deaths of black people. Again, these images are NSFW and contain offensive language:This is beyond despicable. These people are testament to just how racist the opposition to #BlackLivesMatter really is. These are people who are literally protesting for lost lives, and here these imbeciles are calling for more deaths. We have a lot of work to do when it comes to racism in America, no matter how much so-called evidence there is from the right wing that racism is over.Featured image via video screen capture;July 11, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump Threatens Government Shutdown If Congress Doesn’t Approve Billions To Fund His Border Wall;Donald Trump and the Republicans are about to prove once and for all that they are incapable of governing.Despite having control of Congress and the White House, Republicans are on the verge of causing a government shutdown because Trump is demanding that funding for his useless border wall be included in the budget.The deadline to pass a new budget is Friday, when the temporary funding bill that was passed in December expires.Over the weekend, Trump s budget director Mick Mulvaney made it clear that Trump is obsessed with funding the massive wall and that not funding the project would be unacceptable. This suggests that Trump will veto any budget that does not include it. We ve finally boiled this negotiation down to something we want very badly that the Democrats really don t like and that s the border wall, Mulvaney claimed. At the same time, there s something they want very badly that we don t like very much, which are these cost-sharing reductions in the Obamacare payments. Trump followed up with a series of tweets on Sunday.ObamaCare is in serious trouble. The Dems need big money to keep it going otherwise it dies far sooner than anyone would have thought. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 23, 2017The Democrats don t want money from budget going to border wall despite the fact that it will stop drugs and very bad MS 13 gang members. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 23, 2017Eventually, but at a later date so we can get started early, Mexico will be paying, in some form, for the badly needed border wall. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 23, 2017Yes, Mulvaney and Trump are literally threatening to take healthcare away from Americans if Democrats and Republicans continue to refuse to waste taxpayer dollars on a wall that won t do anything to reduce the number of undocumented immigrants crossing into the country.As the Berlin Wall demonstrated, people will still find a way to cross the border if they are desperate enough, even at the risk of death.Also, the number of people crossing the border illegally is already way down and has been for some time. The number was even dropping while President Obama was in office. The drop in the number of undocumented immigrants crossing the border makes Trump s wall even more unnecessary.The wall would not only cost billions to build, it s likely that a Mexican company would be contracted to do the work and it would irreparably harm migration patterns of animals and destroy habitats.Overall, the wall is a bad idea. But Trump is desperate to achieve anything as his first 100 days come to a close. Trump made a lot of promises about what he would do in his first 100 days, and the border wall was his top promise.But the wall is an unpopular idea as well. Only 28 percent of Americans support it, and Republicans and Democrats in the Southwest agree that it shouldn t be built.If Trump and Republicans continue to insist on wasting taxpayer dollars on a wall, a government shutdown is inevitable and Democrats won t be at fault.The last two major government shutdowns were in 1995 and 2013. In both instances, a Democrat was in the White House. But Republicans controlled Congress in 1995 and controlled the House in 2013 while Democrats controlled the Senate, albeit without a 60-vote majority and the fact that Republicans obstructed everything.The point is, however, that the American people blamed Republicans for both of those shutdowns. And they will definitely blame Republicans again because Republicans control the White House and Congress this time.Republicans are literally facing a no-win scenario.Republicans in the House and Senate NEED Democrats in order to pass Trump s wall funding because 60 votes are needed in the Senate and it s likely that hardline conservatives will vote against the budget in the House.And since many Republicans also don t support the wall, it s looking like Trump will have to be the one to back down and we all know that Trump doesn t like backing down. And that means he will be the one responsible for causing a government shutdown that will hurt our country, no matter hard hard he tries to pin the blame on Democrats. Democrats do not control Congress, nor do they control the White House. This is all on Trump and Republicans.Featured Image: Mark Wilson/Getty Images;April 24, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: HOLY WIDOWS AND ORPHANS! Over 5,000 ISIS Trained Jihadi’s Living Freely In Europe;Europe s new new take on our Statue of Liberty s poem: Give us your Sharia Law enforcers, your rapists and your trained ISIS jihadi s Unless we get a new President with a backbone and fight back against political correctness in America we re next. We can start by exposing the lie Obama told Americans about the Muslim invasion of the West, calling the male refugees looking for a free ride, widows and orphans! As many as 5,000 trained jihadis are believed to be living freely in Europe today, according to the head of the European Union s policing agency Europol.Agency head Ron Wainwright said between 3,000 and 5,000 jihadis who have trained with the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) in the Middle East have been able to slip back into Europe. Europe is currently facing the highest terror threat in more than 10 years, Wainwright said, speaking to the Germany newspaper Neue Osnabrucker Zeitung. We can expect [ISIS] or other religious terror groups to stage an attack somewhere in Europe with the aim of achieving mass casualties among the civilian population. However, Wainwright said reports that the Islamic State is using the refugee/migrant crisis to sneak jihadis into Europe have been exaggerated. There is no concrete evidence terrorists are systematically using the flow of refugees to infiltrate Europe, he commented.Meanwhile, in Hungary, police reported an increasing number of migrants have been able to circumvent the four-meter, barbed-wire fence to enter the country illegally. In January, 550 people were caught trying to pass the fence compared to 270 in December. During the first 20 days of February, 1,200 people were caught.Those that have succeeded have either cut the fence or climber over it.Also in Hungary, the central bank recently bought 112 handguns and 200,000 rounds of ammunition for its security company. The National Bank of Hungary justified its purchases citing potential terrorist threats as well as the migrant crisis.The bank controls the country s monetary policy, including price stability and exchange rates, and manages Hungary s foreign-exchange reserves. Its profits are paid into the government s budget and its losses are covered by taxpayers.Via: ClarionProjecth/t UK Daily Mail;Feb 21, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. Commerce's Ross to announce probe into imported aluminum: CNBC;(Reuters) - U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross is expected to announce a new probe into imported aluminum, CNBC reported on Wednesday. The probe will be similar to the one the White House launched last week regarding steel, CNBC reported, citing an administration official. (cnb.cx/2q8oDQl) Ross on Tuesday told the Wall Street Journal the Trump administration may undertake trade actions to protect the U.S. semiconductor, shipbuilding and aluminum industries, citing national security concerns.;April 26, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: “WANNABE PRESIDENT” BARACK OBAMA MEETS With South Korean President After Trashing President Trump In Indonesia;Former President Barack Obama seems to be feeling nostalgic for his old job, meeting with South Korean President Moon Jae-in Monday for 40 minutes.The Korea Herald reported that Moon spoke about his recent meetings with President Trump in Washington and asked Obama for his advice on how to improve that relationship.The meeting came after Obama spoke at the Asian Leadership Conference and the Fourth Congress of Indonesian Diaspora in Jakarta. There he attacked Trump s decision to withdraw from the Paris climate change accord. In Paris, we came together around the most ambitious agreement in history about climate change, an agreement that even with the temporary absence of American leadership can still give our children a fighting chance, Obama said in Indonesia.The former president had said before leaving office that he appreciated his predecessor George W. Bush s silence during his tenure, but also contended that he s still a citizen and that carries with it duties and obligations. Daily Caller;Jul 3, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Senator asks ethics office to review Trump hotel payments;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top Democrat on the U.S. Senate committee overseeing pensions on Monday asked the U.S. Office of Government Ethics to assess whether President Donald Trump is violating the Constitution and federal bans on conflicts of interest. Reuters reported on April 26 that public pension funds in at least seven U.S. states periodically send millions of dollars to an investment fund that owns the upscale Trump SoHo Hotel and Condominium in New York City and pays a Trump company to run it, according to a Reuters review of public records. “Trump may be profiting from the retirement plans of millions of our nation’s public servants,” Senator Patty Murray of Washington state wrote in a letter to Walter Shaub, the director of the Office of Government Ethics, citing the Reuters report. The Office of Government Ethics is the U.S. agency that oversees conduct within the executive branch and supervises ethics officials to ensure they are preventing conflicts of interest and other violations. “This looks like exactly the type of monetary flow prohibited by the Constitution,” said the senator. Murray, who is on the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, asked Shaub to assess what steps Trump can take to ensure he is in compliance with Article II of the U.S. Constitution, which bars the president from receiving additional payments beyond his salary from state governments. The fees that public pension funds pay the CIM Fund III investment fund that owns the Trump SoHo may fall into that category, several constitutional lawyers have told Reuters. The White House, the Trump Organization, and the Office of Government Ethics did not respond to multiple requests for comment. At a January news conference at which Trump said he would turn over management of his companies to a trust controlled by his two elder sons, his lawyer, Sheri Dillon, said divesting from his businesses would “exacerbate” potential conflicts of interest because Trump would still be entitled to royalties from the use of his brand. Some of the pension funds have said Trump or the investment fund that owns the hotel should answer concerns about the chain because they do not have control over the assets in the investment fund’s portfolio. Others declined to comment on the payment chain between them and Trump. Other Democratic U.S. senators have criticized the president for not divesting his hotel management company and the hundreds of other businesses that make up the Trump Organization. Democratic Senator Ben Cardin of Maryland said Trump was setting “an extremely dangerous precedent” by maintaining ownership.;May 22, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump to give speech on illegal immigration on Wednesday;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump tweeted on Sunday night that he would make a major speech on illegal immigration in Arizona on Wednesday. The announcement came a day after Trump said he would crack down on illegal immigrants who overstay their visas, as he sought to clarify his views on how to overhaul the U.S. immigration system. Last week, Trump had said he was “softening” on his plan to deport all 11 million illegal immigrants. That stance had aroused criticism from conservatives who wanted him to stand fast after he won the Republican presidential nomination in large part with a hard-line position that called for building a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico. “I will be making a major speech on ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION on Wednesday in the GREAT State of Arizona. Big crowds, looking for a larger venue,” Trump, who had postponed an immigration speech originally planned for last Thursday in Denver, said in his tweet on Sunday. In another tweet on Sunday night, Trump said both he and Hillary Clinton, his Democratic rival for the Nov. 8 election, should release detailed medical records. “I have no problem in doing so! Hillary?” In his speech on Saturday in Iowa, Trump said he would seek to institute a tracking system to ensure illegal immigrants who overstay their visas are quickly removed, and would propose an e-verify system to prevent undocumented residents from gaining access to welfare and other benefits. “If we don’t enforce visa expiration dates, then we have an open border – it’s as simple as that,” he said. Trump said his first priority on taking office next January would be the immediate deportation of thousands of undocumented immigrants who remain in the United States despite having committed crimes. “These international gangs and cartels will be a thing of the past,” he said. “Their reign of terror will be over. In this task, we will always err on the side of protecting the American people – we will use immigration law to prevent crimes, and will not wait until some innocent American has been harmed or killed before taking action.” Trump did not explain how his plan would affect undocumented residents who have been in the United States for decades and obeyed U.S. laws.;August 28, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Obama makes no mention of Trump in first major post-presidential appearance;CHICAGO (Reuters) - Barack Obama, making his first major appearance since leaving the White House, made no mention on Monday of his successor, Donald Trump, but urged young people to get more involved in their communities at a time of stark political divides. “What’s been going on since I’ve been gone?” joked the former Democratic president as he moderated an event at the University of Chicago in the city where he began his political career and which will be the site of his presidential library. Obama, who once taught constitutional law at the school, recalled starting out as a young community organizer in the city and told a panel of six current and former students that he decided to focus his post-presidency on encouraging young people to engage with their communities. “The single most important thing I can do is to help in any way prepare the next generation of leadership to take up the baton and to take their own crack at changing the world,” he told an audience of several hundred people. Obama has largely stayed out of the public eye since leaving office in January despite efforts by Trump and the Republican-led Congress to undo much of his legacy, including on healthcare and the environment. Trump, a Republican, has said he “inherited a mess” and accused Obama in March, without providing evidence, of wiretapping his 2016 presidential campaign. Obama has denied the charge and FBI Director James Comey told a congressional hearing he had seen no evidence to support the allegation. Obama was not asked about Trump by the students and he took no questions from reporters. Saying it had long been his goal to bridge the country’s deep political divide, Obama said: “It’s harder and harder to find common ground because of the money in politics.” “Special interests dominate the debates in Washington in ways that don’t match up with what the broad majority of Americans feel,” he said. Obama added that changes in the way people use media allow them to converse just with those who agree with their own points of view. On Sunday, as part of a program to help at-risk young people, Obama met privately with men from Chicago’s troubled South Side to discuss solutions for the violence and joblessness that have marked that neighborhood. The former president, who together with his wife, Michelle, recently struck a two-book, $65 million memoir deal, is expected to travel to Berlin to meet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel next month.;April 24, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: LOL! This One Picture Sums Up Trump’s BRUTAL SMACKDOWN Of Mainstream Media At Today’s Press Conference;Rush Limbaugh nailed it today when he said: Trump s a different animal. They [the press] don t know how to deal with it, and he s making em look like children. In this press conference today there was a man in the front row from CNN, a reporter in the front row, and he kept shouting at Trump like a little child. He demanded that Trump take his question. He started shouting at Trump while Trump was answering other questions, and Trump refused to take the question and looked at the him and said, No, you re fake news. (To watch the clip that Rush refers to click HERE.) And that s when I started laughing and applauding here when we were covering this live. Conservative political cartoonist A.F Branco nailed the results of Trump s press conference;Jan 11, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Rosneft's Sechin to miss hearing at ex-minister corruption trial: media;MOSCOW (Reuters) - The head of Russian state oil giant Rosneft, Igor Sechin, will not be in Moscow on Wednesday where he is meant to appear in court to testify in a major corruption trial of a former minister, according to Russian news agencies. Russian prosecutors accuse Alexei Ulyukayev of extorting a $2 million bribe from powerful political rival Sechin in exchange for approving a lucrative business deal in what turned out to be a sting operation. Ulyukayev, who was fired by President Vladimir Putin from his post as economy minister shortly after being detained, denies the charges and says Sechin framed him. Asked by reporters whether he would be in Moscow on Wednesday when the hearing is due, Sechin replied that he would be still be on a visit to western Siberia where on Tuesday he attended the opening of a new Rosneft oil field. Tomorrow I am meeting with the governor (of the Khanty-Mansiiysk region), gathering the staff, will be summing up results of the prime minister s visit, Sechin was quoted as saying by Interfax news agency. Sechin has already missed two hearings in Ulyukayev s trial. He has previously said he would attend as soon as his schedule allowed. Ulyukayev s arrest a year ago came moments after Sechin personally handed him the cash in a late-night meeting at the Rosneft headquarters in exchange for signing off on Rosneft s purchase of a stake in mid-sized oil producer Bashneft, according to investigators. The fate of Bashneft, one of the most lucrative state assets to be privatized in years, was the focus of a major turf war between rival Kremlin camps, sources close to the deal and in the government have said. Ulyukayev was among those who believed Bashneft should go to private investors. Both he and Sechin are deeply embedded in the tangle of allegiances and rivalries in Russian politics and business. Ulyukayev belonged to a faction of economic liberals who argued for less state control over the economy, while Sechin, a close ally of President Vladimir Putin, represents the opposite view. Rosneft spokesman Mikhail Leontyev dismissed speculation over possible reasons for Sechin s likely absence at Wednesday s hearing, also citing the demands of his schedule. This is a made up problem and it was made up with only one purpose - to avoid attention from the essence of the trial, Leontyev said. This is not the first case in the human or Russian history when the court wants to hear a testimony of a man with tight schedule. Ulyukayev faces up to 15 years in jail if found guilty.;November 21, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Peru cancels copper project auction amid political crisis: sources;LIMA (Reuters) - The center-right government of Peru s embattled President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski canceled its scheduled auction of a $2 billion copper project, Michiquillay, on Wednesday amid a growing political crisis, two government sources said. The regional bloc Organization of American States said earlier on Wednesday that it was preparing to send a delegation to Peru, the world s second biggest copper producer, to observe the political situation at the request of Kuczynski ahead of a vote in Congress to oust him on Thursday.;December 20, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Top Senate Democrat says repealing essential benefits would need 60 votes;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A spokesman for Senate Democratic leader Charles Schumer said on Wednesday a proposal to add a provision to a Republican healthcare bill repealing essential Obamacare benefits would violate reconciliation rules and thus require 60 votes to pass the chamber. “Repealing the essential health benefits provisions under the Affordable Care Act is a policy change, not budgetary, and thus violates the Byrd Rule,” Schumer’s spokesman, Matt House, said in a statement.  “It will require 60 votes to repeal these protections, and the votes just aren’t there in the Senate,” the statement said.;March 22, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Kremlin-backed broadcaster launches French language news channel in wary Paris;PARIS (Reuters) - The Kremlin-funded Russian broadcaster RT was due to launch its French language news channel on Monday night amid heavy suspicion by the government and President Emmanuel Macron who has dubbed it an organ of propaganda . Macron has led official criticism of RT, formerly known as Russia Today , and openly accused it of sowing disinformation about him via its website and social media during the presidential election earlier this year which he won. RT has denied the allegations and RT France s chief executive Xenia Fedorova, speaking at the channel s new offices in a western Paris suburb, again brushed off criticism, saying that RT stood for news not covered by mainstream media . The channel was being cold-shouldered by Macron and the channel had still not been granted accreditation to cover news conferences inside the French presidential Elysee palace, Fedorova said on Monday a few hours before the channel was due to start broadcasting. There was just one example of when we actually managed to visit. That was actually during the Trump visit to Paris, she added, referring to the visit by the U.S. president last in July. A spokesman for the French government said last week that the current administration was concerned by encroachment on freedom of expression but highlighted that RT was owned by a foreign power. Fedorova brushed off the remarks, citing other well-known international news channels that receive public funding such as BBC World, France 24 or Al Jazeera. RT stands for news that are not covered by the mainstream media, she said. We will keep the platform (open) to perspectives and opinions that are either not covered or silenced. RT France has planned a budget of 20 million euros ($24 million) for its launch and aims to recruit a total of 150 people by the end next year. By comparison, BFM TV, France s number one news channel, started with 15 million euros and now has an annual budget of about 60 million euros. RT s first international channel was launched in December 2005. The network broadcasts in English, Arabic and Spanish and its programs are viewed by 70 million people in 38 countries, it says. The landscape for news channels is already crowded in France, with four round-the-clock local news channels. Unlike its rivals, RT will not reach all French households via the digital terrestrial television technology. Rather, it can be viewed only online or by subscribers of Iliad s broadband services. Bouygues Telecom is also due to distribute RT France from the end of next February. The two biggest French telecom operators, Orange and Altice s SFR Group, are still in discussions with RT France, the firms said, underscoring the low audience level that RT is likely to have in its first few days. Russia s international news outlets have come under the spotlight since 2016 after being accused of meddling in the U.S. presidential election. Russia has denied interfering in the election. In October, Twitter accused RT and Russian news agency Sputnik of interfering in the 2016 U.S. election and banned them from buying ads on its network. ($1 = 0.8472 euros);December 18, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: HOW #BasedStickMan Became A Super-Hero To The Right After Fighting Back Against Violent Democrats In Berkeley [VIDEO];Here is Base Stick-Man s speech to other Trump supporters explaining why he s wearing a gas mask and carrying a stick with an American flag attached to the top. ***Language warning***Here s a short video showing Base Stick Man in action, as he defends his fellow Trump supporters who were being attack by a large mob of violent Democrats:Communists/Anarchists start a fight they cant finish @ UC Berkeley #March4Trump pic.twitter.com/OoZJrzkxXG Andrew Quackson (@AndrewQuackson) March 5, 2017The local news station confirmed that the police allowed violent Democrats to attack peaceful Trump supporters and confirmed that Trump supporters who were part of a planned March 4 Trump nationwide rally were seriously outnumbered:Here s how Base Stick Man is being celebrated for protecting his fellow Trump supporters in Berkeley on social media:https://twitter.com/Lucid4Trump/status/838886752060379137This Tweet portraying Base Stick Man as a super-hero got over 1,000 likes:For a cool $191.63 you, too, can be based. pic.twitter.com/p23rR8et0N Brittany Pettibone (@BrittPettibone) March 7, 2017 Base Stick Man whose real name is Kyle Chapman is out on bail after being arrested. He asked for and got support from fellow Americans to help pay his legal fees.Kyle is free. #BasedStickMan pic.twitter.com/KS5c5yOEeH Based Stickman (@BasedStickMan_) March 7, 2017It s amazing that Kyle was arrested given the hands off approach of the Berkeley police. Watch as violent Democrats taunt and attack peaceful Trump supporters while police watch while doing nothing to deescalate the situation:;Mar 7, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Democrats settle with Arizona officials in suit over primary voting problems;(Reuters) - The Democratic National Committee on Friday said it settled part of a federal lawsuit over the actions of Arizona poll officials during the presidential primary that caused voters long waits and critics said disenfranchised some, especially minorities. The suit, filed in April in U.S. District Court in Arizona, targeted the decision to sharply cut polling locations in Maricopa County, causing waits of up to five hours for those casting ballots during the March 22 primary. “This is a great victory for Arizonans, and for our democracy,” Donna Brazile, interim chair of the Democratic National Committee, said in a statement. “We know that long lines depress turnout.” Representatives for the Maricopa County Board of Directors, the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office and the Secretary of State did not immediately respond to requests for comment. The election had been mired in controversy from the outset, with polling sites cut to 60, down from 200 in 2012, in a move that officials said was designed to cut costs. County officials were quick to take blame for the cuts, saying they misjudged voter turnout, based on recent history and increasing mail-in votes. Maricopa County miscalculated voter turnout and underestimated the number of vote centers needed for the March presidential primaries, the Democratic National Committee said in the statement. As part of the settlement, Maricopa County election officials agreed to consider the Democrats’ recommendations on polling place queuing and the use of electronic management systems, a copy of the agreement showed. The Democratic nominating contest for the Nov. 8 presidential election was won by Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders. Both their campaigns joined the lawsuit. The settlement has no bearing on other elements of the lawsuit, such as a challenge to a law banning organizers from collecting mail-in ballots from a voter’s home for delivery to polling locations.;September 10, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump administration issues new rules on U.S. visa waivers;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration put new requirements in place on Friday for the 38 countries participating in the U.S. Visa Waiver Program, including that they use U.S. counterterrorism data to screen travelers, officials said. The program allows citizens of mainly European countries to travel to the United States for up to 90 days without a visa. Citizens from the 38 countries are required to obtain a so-called travel authorization to enter the United States. President Donald Trump has sought to tighten the rules for those seeking to visit or live in the United States in several ways, saying restrictions are necessary for security reasons. The changes will apply to all countries in the program. One change is that they will be required to use U.S. information to screen travelers crossing their borders from third countries. Many countries in the program already do that, one administration official said. Countries whose citizens stay longer than authorized during visits to the United States at a relatively higher rate will be required to conduct public awareness campaigns on the consequences of overstays, the officials said. One existing penalty is that people who overstay a visit may not travel visa-free to the United States in the future. The threshold for the overstay rate triggering the public information campaign requirement is two percent, the officials said. In the 2016 fiscal year, of the VWP countries, Greece, Hungary, Portugal, and San Marino, a wealthy enclave landlocked inside central Italy, had total overstay rates higher than two percent, according to a report by the Department of Homeland Security. The overall overstay rate for VWP countries is 0.68 percent, lower than non-VWP countries excluding Canada and Mexico, which is at 2.07 percent, according to the DHS report. Members of Congress have expressed concern about the security risks of overstays. A May 2017 report by the DHS inspector general found the department lacked a comprehensive system to gather information on departing visitors, forcing it to rely on third-party data to confirm departures, which is sometimes faulty. The United States will also start assessing VWP countries on their safeguards against “insider threats” at their airports, especially those with direct flights to the United States, officials said. The goal is to ensure countries “make sure that airport employees, aviation workers et cetera, aren’t corrupted or are co-opted to pose a threat to aircraft, especially those that are U.S.-bound,” an official said.;December 15, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: MICHELLE OBAMA Slams America At Iranian Party: “We’re Hearing So Much Disturbing And Hateful Rhetoric”;So you have to listen to this little speech by Michelle Obama and understand that she s totally lying when she speaks about disturbing and hateful rhetoric . Americans are NOT blowing themselves up or cutting heads off. If anything, Americans have been so forgiving and fantastic in the face of Islamic terrorism. There s so much more to say but in a nutshell we re not the ones screaming Death to Iran! BUT Iranians are screaming DEATH TO AMERICA NUF SAID! Here s some propaganda from USA Today: ;Apr 9, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: STUDENTS AT MAJOR UNIVERSITY: Black Students, Including Inmates Should Get FREE Tuition, Room And Board…Check Out Who’s NOT Included;Description advertising racist wear from Facebook: White folk or those who see themselves as white are given said power inherently regardless of socioeconomic class, education etc. This is why white men created race in the first place to maintain power. Racism gave birth to the idea of race. This is a [sic] oversimplified definition Fast forward to today, where the student government at the University of Wisconsin-Madison said on Wednesday that black students should be offered free tuition and housing because blacks were legally barred from education during slavery and university remains out of reach for black students today.The Associated Students of Madison said in a resolution that suburban high school students are over-represented. The group said consideration of ACT and SAT scores in applications upholds white supremacy because it restricts opportunities for the poor.The college has proposed measures aimed at improving diversity.So what about Native Americans? What about Asians, Hispanics, refugees, Eskimos, European immigrants, descendants of the holocaust who died before we entered the fight? And what about the Irish who were treated horribly by other immigrants right here in America, after fleeing their homeland to escape the potato famine? What about descendants of Salem Witch trials? What about families who lost their primary bread winner fighting for our nation overseas, or as a first responder? Are they not worthy of a FREE education? What about poor white people? You know, there is such a thing. Despite what these snowflakes and their radical leftist educators would like you to believe, there are actually white families who struggle to make ends meet and live in ghettos or dirt-poor rural areas. Where does it stop? And who gets to decide that the only protected and special group who deserves a FREE college education are blacks? The proposal calls for 10 percent of donations from the college to bolster financial aid and study the feasibility of test-optional and geographically weighted admissions.Madison enrollment is currently made up of about two-percent of black students.University spokeswoman Meredith McGlone noted that the proportion of students of color has grown from 11 percent to 15 percent over the last decade.McGlone said the Chancellor proposed giving first-generation transfers from two-year schools free tuition for a year, contingent on funding in state budget, and a recent $10 million donation will be invested in expanding the Chancellor s Scholarship Program.-FOX News;Feb 17, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: TRANSGENDER ANTIFA THUG Starts To Burn American Flag…Pro-Trump Biker Gives Him Big Surprise [VIDEO];Climate march s are happening all over America. Many of the same groups like Antifa who turned out to burn, riot and loot in Washington DC during Trump s inauguration and who ve been turning up in Berkeley, CA to shut down speech rights of conservatives came to show their disdain for America. A transgender man was caught lighting a small American flag on fire and holding it up like a small child at show-and-tell to share with his anti-American friends. He got a big surprise however, when a pro-Trump, pro-American biker caught a glimpse of the burning American flag.Watch video below:https://twitter.com/TEN_GOP/status/858700002654388224An Iowa City Press-Citizen photographer captured the incident in which Matt Uhrin used a fire extinguisher to put out the blaze before taking the flag from protesters. The demonstrators said they were protesting against what they call the Republican agenda, which includes positions on gay rights, civil rights and the controversial Bakken oil pipeline.Here is the video showing Matt Uhrin, an American hero, taking on a whole crowd of losers to defend our flag. It s hard not to shed a tear when you see how bravely he defended the honor of our US flag against this large group of degenerates who have no idea our flag stands for.Happening now: a confrontation on the ped mall as people burn an American flag as protest. pic.twitter.com/aPkMdls6oQ Stephen GruberMiller (@sgrubermiller) January 26, 2017Police cited two protesters, Kelli Ebensberger, 21, of Iowa City, and Paul Osgerby, 23, of Ames, for open burning, which is a simple misdemeanor.;Apr 30, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: China warns on overseas content after Springer Nature pulls some articles;BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese distributors of overseas publications must verify that the content is legal in China, Beijing said late on Sunday, after a major western publisher blocked access to some content in the country citing local regulations. Springer Nature, which publishes science magazines Nature and Scientific American, said last week that it had pulled access to less than 1 percent of its articles in China, which it said was regrettable but necessary to avoid all content being blocked. All publications imported into the Chinese market must accord with Chinese laws and regulations. The publications import management company is responsible for carrying out content checks on publications, the State Council Information Office, the Chinese government s information and propaganda arm, said in a faxed response to a request for comment sent by Reuters last Wednesday. The Chinese government made a similar statement after Britain s Cambridge University Press (CUP) in August removed and then reposted about 300 papers and book reviews published by the China Quarterly journal from its Chinese website. Under President Xi Jinping, Beijing has heightened censorship, tightened controls on the internet, and strengthened Communist Party authority over academia and other institutions. CUP s decision was originally taken at the request of the Chinese government, the publisher said at the time. CUP later reversed its decision after an outcry from academics who said the decision impinged upon academic freedom. Springer Nature in a statement last week denied that its decision to limit some content was a form of editorial censorship, saying that the move was local to China and was taken to comply with specific regulations as enforced by distributors. The publisher said that not complying would mean it ran the risk of being banned from distributing all content in China, which it said was not in the interests of its authors and customers or the wider scientific or academic communities. At least 1,000 Springer Nature articles had been blocked in China, containing sensitive key words like Taiwan, Tibet and Cultural Revolution, the Financial Times reported. One of Springer Nature s China distributors, the state-run China National Publications Import and Export (Group) Corp, did not immediately respond to a request for comment when contacted by Reuters on Monday. It was unclear if the decision by Springer Nature to block content followed a request by just one of its China distributors or a number of different distributors. It was also unclear whether the distributor request was made at the behest of the Chinese government.;November 6, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Portland Antifa Throw Fireworks at Police During Patriot Prayer Rally [Video];"Antifa threw fireworks at police during the Patriot Prayer rally at Waterfront Park in Portland, Oregon. The Patriot Prayer rally had to be cancelled because of the Antifa violence. The Patriot Prayer rally and group are not in any way a white supremacist group but Antifa attacked them and the police anyway. The police told the crowd to disperse and that s when things got ugly.MIKE BIVINS: Antifa throw fireworks at police during Patriot Prayer rally at Waterfront Park in Portland, Oregon pic.twitter.com/4Nd1hR8N1q Josh Caplan (@joshdcaplan) September 10, 2017 THE POLICE DID A GREAT JOB AND DID NOT STAND DOWN THIS IS WHAT LAW AND ORDER LOOKS LIKE:People yelling at police right now for their treatment of protestors. Something went off. People running away from state troopers now @OPB pic.twitter.com/C9QeZHSGnK Ericka Cruz Guevarra (@erkagvra) September 10, 2017 The violent Left is attacking police and the press in Portland.The violent Left is attacking police and the press in Portland. #Antifa is hurling rocks, bottles and explosives. https://t.co/nAi2zJYZZt Brendon Peck (@PeckPolitics) September 10, 2017 The Riot Police Is anyone else fed up with the Antifa violence? The police did a great job of controlling the crowd:Go go go https://t.co/Lqv1RjEF7q Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) September 10, 2017 ANTIFA ASSAULTS ONE GUY WHO ISN T IN ALL BLACK:Antifa running this dude dressed as infantry; hit him with punches and kicked him. #vancouver #patriotprayer pic.twitter.com/s9Bv1Yiayd Mike Bivins (@itsmikebivins) September 10, 2017 These are the losers from Portland Antifa:";Sep 10, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: EU ready for climate leadership in case of U.S. withdrawal from Paris deal;BRUSSELS (Reuters) - A withdrawal by the United States from the Paris climate deal would be disappointing but the European Union stood ready to take global leadership on this issue, the European Commission said on Wednesday. U.S. President Trump is expected to make an announcement on whether he will stay in the agreement this week, with media reports on Wednesday suggesting he had made up his mind to withdraw. “If they decide to pull out it would be disappointing but I really do not think this would change the course of mankind,” said European Commission Vice President Maros Sefcovic. “There is a much stronger expectation from our partners across the world from Africa, Asia and China that Europe should assume leadership in this effort and we are ready to do that,” Sefcovic added. ;May 31, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Tribal blockade in Peru's oil block lifted after government deal;LIMA (Reuters) - Indigenous villagers ended a 43-day protest that had halted production in Peru s largest oil block after signing a deal with the government, tribal leaders and officials said on Tuesday. As part of the agreement, the government of President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski promised to apply an indigenous rights law before awarding any new, long-term oil drilling contract for Block 192 a chief demand of protesters, the energy and mines ministry said in a statement. Canadian Frontera Energy Corp operates Block 192 under a two-year contract but has not produced any oil from it since Achuar, Quechua and Kichwa indigenous tribes seized oil wells on Sept. 18. Protesters wanted the government to clean up oil pollution in the region and to commit to including tribes in talks on long-term oil drilling plans. The blockade was one of scores of conflicts that sometimes disrupt mining and energy operations in Peru, the world s second biggest copper producer and a relatively small oil producer. Talks between the government and Frontera over a long-term drilling contract ended with no deal, state-owned oil company Petroperu announced earlier this month. Aurelio Chino, a chieftain in the Pastaza River Basin, told Reuters that protesters were no longer occupying company installations. A statement by the leaders of 16 villages that took part in the protests said the protest would end. The government also promised villagers that it would start implementation of an emergency healthcare program in the next 10 days and would form a commission to direct environmental clean-ups in Block 192, the ministry said. Frontera will be summoned to take part in dialogue sessions with villagers to discuss their needs, it added. Frontera has said that the protest did not have a not a material impact for the company.;November 1, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: THE TRUTH About APPLE vs The US Government…And Why Americans Should Care Who Wins;Americans need to know the truth about Apple and what the government is asking them to do. They need to know what Apple has already agreed to do for the incompetent government. This article spells it all out Before we get into too much detail about the Apple VS US Government dispute, we thought it was important to share with you a letter from Apple CEO Tim Cook to their customers:February 16, 2016 The United States government has demanded that Apple take an unprecedented step which threatens the security of our customers. We oppose this order, which has implications far beyond the legal case at hand.This moment calls for public discussion, and we want our customers and people around the country to understand what is at stake.Smartphones, led by iPhone, have become an essential part of our lives. People use them to store an incredible amount of personal information, from our private conversations to our photos, our music, our notes, our calendars and contacts, our financial information and health data, even where we have been and where we are going.All that information needs to be protected from hackers and criminals who want to access it, steal it, and use it without our knowledge or permission. Customers expect Apple and other technology companies to do everything in our power to protect their personal information, and at Apple we are deeply committed to safeguarding their data.Compromising the security of our personal information can ultimately put our personal safety at risk. That is why encryption has become so important to all of us.For many years, we have used encryption to protect our customers personal data because we believe it s the only way to keep their information safe. We have even put that data out of our own reach, because we believe the contents of your iPhone are none of our business.We were shocked and outraged by the deadly act of terrorism in San Bernardino last December. We mourn the loss of life and want justice for all those whose lives were affected. The FBI asked us for help in the days following the attack, and we have worked hard to support the government s efforts to solve this horrible crime. We have no sympathy for terrorists.When the FBI has requested data that s in our possession, we have provided it. Apple complies with valid subpoenas and search warrants, as we have in the San Bernardino case. We have also made Apple engineers available to advise the FBI, and we ve offered our best ideas on a number of investigative options at their disposal.We have great respect for the professionals at the FBI, and we believe their intentions are good. Up to this point, we have done everything that is both within our power and within the law to help them. But now the U.S. government has asked us for something we simply do not have, and something we consider too dangerous to create. They have asked us to build a backdoor to the iPhone.Specifically, the FBI wants us to make a new version of the iPhone operating system, circumventing several important security features, and install it on an iPhone recovered during the investigation. In the wrong hands, this software which does not exist today would have the potential to unlock any iPhone in someone s physical possession.The FBI may use different words to describe this tool, but make no mistake: Building a version of iOS that bypasses security in this way would undeniably create a backdoor. And while the government may argue that its use would be limited to this case, there is no way to guarantee such control.Some would argue that building a backdoor for just one iPhone is a simple, clean-cut solution. But it ignores both the basics of digital security and the significance of what the government is demanding in this case.In today s digital world, the key to an encrypted system is a piece of information that unlocks the data, and it is only as secure as the protections around it. Once the information is known, or a way to bypass the code is revealed, the encryption can be defeated by anyone with that knowledge.The government suggests this tool could only be used once, on one phone. But that s simply not true. Once created, the technique could be used over and over again, on any number of devices. In the physical world, it would be the equivalent of a master key, capable of opening hundreds of millions of locks from restaurants and banks to stores and homes. No reasonable person would find that acceptable.The government is asking Apple to hack our own users and undermine decades of security advancements that protect our customers including tens of millions of American citizens from sophisticated hackers and cybercriminals. The same engineers who built strong encryption into the iPhone to protect our users would, ironically, be ordered to weaken those protections and make our users less safe.We can find no precedent for an American company being forced to expose its customers to a greater risk of attack. For years, cryptologists and national security experts have been warning against weakening encryption. Doing so would hurt only the well-meaning and law-abiding citizens who rely on companies like Apple to protect their data. Criminals and bad actors will still encrypt, using tools that are readily available to them.Rather than asking for legislative action through Congress, the FBI is proposing an unprecedented use of the All Writs Act of 1789 to justify an expansion of its authority.The government would have us remove security features and add new capabilities to the operating system, allowing a passcode to be input electronically. This would make it easier to unlock an iPhone by brute force, trying thousands or millions of combinations with the speed of a modern computer.The implications of the government s demands are chilling. If the government can use the All Writs Act to make it easier to unlock your iPhone, it would have the power to reach into anyone s device to capture their data. The government could extend this breach of privacy and demand that Apple build surveillance software to intercept your messages, access your health records or financial data, track your location, or even access your phone s microphone or camera without your knowledge.Opposing this order is not something we take lightly. We feel we must speak up in the face of what we see as an overreach by the U.S. government.We are challenging the FBI s demands with the deepest respect for American democracy and a love of our country. We believe it would be in the best interest of everyone to step back and consider the implications.While we believe the FBI s intentions are good, it would be wrong for the government to force us to build a backdoor into our products. And ultimately, we fear that this demand would undermine the very freedoms and liberty our government is meant to protect.Tim Cook, Apple CEORush Limbaugh explains how our incompetent government is responsible for the mess in which they find themselves: The terrorists phones were not owned by the terrorist. Mr. Syed Farook Skyhook did not own his phone. San Bernardino County owned the phone.Do you know that over the weekend we learned the FBI told San Bernardino to change the password on this phone? They thought that they would be able to find out information if they changed the Well, not the password. The Apple ID password. It s just it s an absolute mess. Nobody knows what s going on or how to use these things.Since San Bernardino County owned the phone, they could have had total control over it. If you are a business right now and you deploy iPhones and I m gonna stick with iPhones in this case cause that s what I know, but it s true of any others. If you re a small business, a corporation, and you provide phones for your employees and you own those phones, there is something called Digital Device Management. It is software that allows you to control everything on their phone.You can put restrictions on what they can do with it. You can put restrictions on which apps work and which apps won t. In other words, you can stop them from using the phone personally. In addition to that, you, because you own the phone, have the ability to erase it at any time and find out what s on it. You can reset the pass code yourself as the owner of the phone. You can do it with four clicks.If the people in San Bernardino County had ever taken the time to find out what they could do with the phones that they were giving to employees, if they had just taken the time to have somebody come in and teach them, we wouldn t be here. Because there already is a way for the FBI and San Bernardino to get what they want in the circumstance where somebody s using a phone owned by a business: It s called MDM. Mobile Device Management. And in the case of Apple, it s free. Other software, $4 a phone is what it averages out but with OS X server which is simply what you would need. It s an app, a server operating system. You can deploy All you have to do is set up the profiles for the phones that you want that are under your management. This is why you have an IT guy. It s why you hire one. And there is a specific opportunity for owners of phones in this like San Bernardino County, they could have gone in.It costs about $4 per phone and you have your IT manager research it and learn how to operate it, and you control and manage every phone that you deploy, remotely. You don t have to have it in your possession to set up these restrictions. It just has to be signed in to the proper ID, Apple ID, and whatever other identification systems a company uses.The moment this incident happened, they could have locked Farook and whoever out of the phone, anybody else, and only allowed themselves in. They could have gone in, they could have gotten every bit of data they wanted off that phone via a backup or a dump. They could have changed the password themselves. They could have done any number of these things. But they didn t know they could. They had no idea. And I ll wager that 95% of companies or organizations that give away phones or provide them for businesses have no clue about any of this.Apple doesn t need to add anything, and the FBI doesn t need to have Apple rewrite software for all of us because what they want exists in a large number of circumstances and did exist in this San Bernardino situation. But I m sure the people at San Bernardino were clueless and had no idea how to do this. They even confused the passcode to unlock phone and the passport for the Apple ID connecting the phone to iCloud. They got confused over that. They literally had no idea what they were doing. It s stunning what they did not know.;Feb 22, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Obama proposes $4.1 trillion spending plan in final White House budget;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama proposed a $4.1 trillion spending plan for fiscal year 2017 on Tuesday in a final White House budget that met immediate Republican resistance for its cost and reliance on tax hikes to fund domestic priorities. Obama, a Democrat who leaves office next January, sought to outline his fiscal and political vision for the country with proposed investments in infrastructure, cyber security, education, and job growth. It also includes more than $11 billion for the Departments of Defense and State to fight Islamic State militants and stabilize Syria - one measure that could draw bipartisan support. But the plan is primarily a political document and is unlikely to be embraced by the Republican-controlled Congress. Paul Ryan, the Republican speaker of the House of Representatives, called it a “manual for growing the federal government at the expense of hardworking Americans.” The budget envisions a deficit of $503 billion in fiscal 2017 after a $616 billion budget gap in the current fiscal year ending on Sept. 30. It seeks to cut deficits by $2.9 trillion over 10 years largely through smaller tax breaks for wealthy earners, new savings in Medicare healthcare, and assumptions that adoption of its policies on immigration reform and other areas would boost economic growth. “The budget that we’re releasing today reflects my priorities and the priorities that I believe will help advance security and prosperity in America for many years to come,” Obama told reporters at the White House after a meeting with national security advisers on cyber security. “It drives down the deficit. It includes smart savings on healthcare, immigration, tax reform,” he said. The budget seeks $19 billion for cyber security investments across the U.S. government. White House officials sought to play down the portrayal of the budget as dead on arrival in Congress. They noted bipartisan support for increases in funds for cancer research, opioid addiction programs and anti-poverty measures such as an expansion of the earned income tax credit (EITC), which helps low-income taxpayers. Other proposals were clear non-starters, though, including one to levy a $10.25 per barrel tax on imported and domestically produced oil to fund transportation infrastructure such as mass transit and high speed rail. “The president’s final budget continues his focus on new spending proposals instead of confronting our country’s massive overspending and skyrocketing $19 trillion in debt,” said Senate Budget Committee Chairman Mike Enzi. The budget forecasts that deficits would average 2.5 percent of U.S. economic output over 10 years compared to about 4.0 percent in the Congressional Budget Office’s estimate, which is based on existing tax and spending laws. It stayed within the bounds of an agreement reached between the White House and Congress last year that lifted mandatory “sequestration” cuts on both defense and domestic spending. The budget proposes lifting the limits entirely from 2018. Obama and Ryan agree on some anti-poverty policies, but the general differences between the two men and their parties are vast, particularly in a presidential election year. Underscoring that divide and the fact that the budget is Obama’s last, Republican lawmakers took the unusual step of not inviting Obama’s budget director Shaun Donovan to brief about the proposal. White House spokesman Josh Earnest, who has likened the snub to Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s decision to skip a debate with fellow candidates before the Iowa nominating contest, challenged Republicans to move on areas of compromise. “The question really for Republicans at this point is, are they going to do anything? Are they going to use their majority in Congress to strengthen our cyber security, to fight opioid addiction, to cure cancer, or are they not?” he said. Congress can advance elements of the budget without endorsing the entire proposal. Republicans are especially resistant to the White House’s tax proposals. The budget takes aim at tax breaks for the wealthy that have been perennial targets, including the “carried interest” loophole allowing investment fund managers to treat income as capital gains. It would also increase the top tax rate on capital gains and impose the “Buffett Rule” to ensure that millionaires pay a tax rate of no less than 30 percent of their income after charitable contributions. In addition, it proposes a new fee on the liabilities of the largest banks that would raise $111 billion over 10 years and discourage excessive leverage in the financial system. The budget foresees $375 billion in new 10-year savings to federal healthcare programs, including several changes to the Medicare program for seniors. The budget calls for $152 billion in research and development, an increase of 4 percent over fiscal year 2016.;February 9, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Pence exits NFL game after players kneel during anthem;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence walked out of a National Football League game on Sunday after some players knelt during the national anthem, a form of demonstration that began last year in silent protest against police violence toward racial minorities. Pence was attending a game in his home state of Indiana between the Indianapolis Colts and the San Francisco 49ers. When the national anthem was played before the start of the game, some 49ers knelt while some Colts, their arms locked, wore black T-shirts with the words “We Will” on the front and “Stand for equality, justice, unity, respect, dialogue, opportunity” on the back. “I left today’s Colts game because President Trump and I will not dignify any event that disrespects our soldiers, our Flag, or our National Anthem,” Pence said in a statement issued by the White House. Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones said after his team’s game on Sunday that he would bench players who disrespect the U.S. flag. “If there is anything that is disrespectful to the flag then we will not play,” Jones told reporters. Asked about Pence’s departure, Jones said: “We cannot in the NFL in any way give the implication that we tolerate disrespecting the flag. “I know the vice president did leave, because in his opinion the teams were,” he said, adding: “There is no question in my mind that the National Football League and the Dallas Cowboys are going to stand up for the flag.” But the NFL Players Association in a statement defended players’ right to protest. “We should not stifle these discussions and cannot allow our rights to become subservient to the very opinions our Constitution protects,” the association said, adding, in words that borrowed from the national anthem, “that is what makes us the land of the free and the home of the brave.” After Pence’s departure, critics began to question whether he had only attended the game in order to make a production of leaving, pointing out he flew from Las Vegas on Saturday and was then going to fly to California on Sunday evening. Pence had planned for “several weeks” to attend Sunday’s Colts game, where former quarterback Peyton Manning was being honored, an official in his office said, asking not to be named. Additionally, he made a last-minute decision to travel to Las Vegas for a prayer service on Saturday, the official said. “As he had discussed with the president, when several 49ers players disrespected the flag and the national anthem, the vice president decided to leave the game,” the official said. President Donald Trump said in a tweet on Sunday that he had asked Pence to leave the stadium “if any player kneeled, disrespecting our country.” NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy declined to comment. The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution bars the government from limiting free speech, including prohibiting protests of the national anthem or punishing people who choose not to stand. The national anthem is played before every NFL football game and many other sporting events. Less than an hour after issuing Pence’s statement, the White House released a picture of him and his wife at the stadium where the game took place, standing with hands over their hearts during the performance of the national anthem. Trump’s criticism of the NFL players has played well with his conservative base while he grapples with controversies over Iran and North Korea, an investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 election and policy struggles in Congress. Pence’s team Indianapolis defeated San Francisco, 26-23, in overtime.;October 8, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BREAKING HIDDEN VIDEO Exposes Racist Dems Comparing Black Republicans To Jews Who Helped Nazis [Video];A longtime Clinton ally and donor has a theory about black Republicans: They re like the Jewish guards in concentration camps who tried to save their own skins by helping the Nazis kill Jews. In a hidden-camera video released Wednesday by Project Veritas Action, author and academic Benjamin R. Barber compared black Republicans to the Sonderkommandos during a Sept. 19 fundraiser for North Carolina Senate candidate Deborah Ross. He described the Sonderkommandos as Jewish guards who in effect helped murder Jews in the camps so they could live a little longer. So there were even Jews who were helping the Nazis murder Jews. So blacks who are helping the other side are seriously f***ed in the head, said Mr. Barber in undercover footage. Mr. Barber, a Rutgers University professor emeritus and City University of New York senior research scholar, isn t some fringe figure: He served as an informal consultant on civic affairs to President Bill Clinton, wrote a book about the Clinton administration, and donated to Hillary Clinton s presidential bids in 2008 and 2016.Read more: WT;Nov 2, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Hungarian PM Orban says will fight after EU ruling on migrant quota;BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Hungary will not change its anti-immigration stance after the European Union s top court dismissed a challenge against migrant quotas, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Friday. The EU s highest court ruled on Wednesday that member states must take in a share of refugees who reach Europe, dismissing the challenge by Slovakia and Hungary and re-igniting an east-west row that has shaken EU cohesion. We must take note of the ruling as we cannot erode the foundation of the EU - and respect of law is the foundation of the EU - but at the same time this court ruling is no reason for us to change our policy, which rejects migrants, Orban told state radio. The Mediterranean migrant crisis of 2015 flooded the Balkans, Italy and Greece with migrants, which prompted the EU to impose mandatory quotas on its member countries for relocating asylum seekers. The flow of migrants has receded, easing pressure to force compliance on nationalist leaders like Orban, who is benefiting from his tough anti-immigrant policies as elections approach in 2018. Now that the legal challenge has failed, Orban said he would pursue a political fight to force the EU to change its mandatory migrant quotas. The whole issue raises a very serious question of principles: whether we are an alliance of European free nations with the Commission representing our joint interests, or a European empire which has its center in Brussels and which can issue orders, Orban said. He said EU countries which let in migrants, unlike Hungary, decided to do so of their own will and now they cannot ask Hungary to take a part in correcting their mistake. It is not us Hungarians who question the rules of the club, but the Commission had changed the rules and this is unacceptable, Orban added. He said that unlike some of the major member states of the EU, whose colonial legacy has made them immigrant countries , Hungary did not have a colonial past. These countries with colonial legacy, which have become immigrant countries by now, want to impose on us Central Europeans their own logic ... but Hungary does not want to become an immigrant country, Orban said. At the same time, he said Hungary was committed to EU membership, because Hungarians had decided in a referendum to join the bloc in 2004. No government can lead Hungary out of the EU as it was the Hungarian people which decided to be inside and this is right.;September 8, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: LGBT VOLUNTEERS Aren’t Waiting To Be Thrown Off A Rooftop…Join Fight Against ISIS In Syria;A group of volunteer soldiers announced this week the first ever LGBT unit formed to kick ISIS butt.The Queer Insurrection and Liberation Army, or TQILA (pronounced Tequila ), is now fighting alongside Kurdish forces in Syria, the group announced Monday, according to Newsweek. TQILA s members have watched in horror as fascist and extremist forces around the world have attacked the Queer community and murdered countless of our community members citing that they are ill, sick and unatural, the volunteer fighters group, International Revolution People s Guerilla Forces (IRPGF), wrote on Twitter when announcing the formation of the new unit.The IRPGF is a group of foreign fighters who traveled to northern Syria to fight ISIS alongside the Kurdish militia, People s Protection Unit, known as YPG. The images of gay men being thrown off roofs and stoned to death by Daesh was something we could not idly watch, they said.The group also posted an image of two soldiers brandishing a banner reading, These f s kill fascists, in front their logo, a pink flag with a black AK-47 machine gun, and a rainbow flag in Raqqa, with the caption #Queers smashing the caliphate. These Faggots Kill Fascists! We shoot back! The Black & Pink and Rainbow flag fly in Raqqa. #Queers smashing the Caliphate. #TQILA #YPJ #YPG pic.twitter.com/eBCssrbjMI IRPGF (@IRPGF) July 24, 2017ISIS courts have declared homosexuality a capital offense punishable by death. Since its rise in Iraq in 2014, the terrorist group has released anti-gay propaganda showing men accused of homosexuality blindfolded and being thrown off roofs in front of large crowds, and then stoned if they survived the fall.ISIS also claimed responsibility for the Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting last year, in which gunman Omar Mateen murdered 49 people. New York Post;Jul 25, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: LORD’S PRAYER AD BANNED…One Month Later Muslims Get “Praise Allah” Signs Approved;This will be America if we don t push back! London red buses will have a Muslim sign saying Praise Allah when Christian signs have been banned. Religious freedom is what America was founded on so it would be a great idea to watch for signs of censorship of Christianity here in America as it has totally changed the UK.BUS adverts are set to carry a slogan praising Allah just months after a clip featuring the Lord s prayer was banned from cinemas.The slogan reads Subhan Allah which translates as Glory be to God and will feature on hundreds of buses across the country as part of a campaign by the Islamic Relief.The group have targeted the ad campaign to raise money for victims of the Syrian Civil War during the holy month of Ramadan in June, when muslims traditionally fast and give to charity.But the campaign has caused anger among some Christian groups after an advert featuring the lords prayer was banned from UK cinemas in the run up to Christmas.The advert, which featured the Archbishop of Canterbury along with a variety of parishioners reciting the Lord s prayer, was banned from Odean, Cineworld and Vue cinema.Former Tory MP Ann Widdecombe said: If other religions are allowed to put their religious banners up, then so should Christians. Read more: Express;May 9, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Racist Teacher Fired For DISTURBING Viral Facebook Post About Michelle Obama (IMAGES);How would you feel if you found out that your child was being educated by an insanely racist person? For many parents with children attending Chestatee Elementary School in Gainesville, Georgia, this became a reality.On Monday, Jane Wood Allen was fired from her job as a teacher after a shockingly racist Facebook post went viral. The post, which targeted First Lady Michelle Obama, was shared thousands of times after Roni Dean-Burren, a Houston Ph.D student, took a screenshot and shared it.The caption on the hideous post, which was accompanied by a link smearing Michelle, said: This poor Gorilla. How is she going to function in the real world, by not having all of her luxurious vacations paid for anymore? She needs to focus on getting a total make-over (especially the hair), instead of planning vacations! She is a disgrace to America! Word of Allen s posts came to the attention of school officials on September 30th, according to school district spokeswoman Jennifer Caracciolo, who said, Racism and discrimination are not tolerated in Forsyth County Schools. And it turns out, the post about Michelle Obama was far from the only bigotry that existed on Allen s page:As Allen s posts spread, the internet erupted in criticism for the racist teacher. A Facebook page was even created in her honor it is called Chestatee Elementary School Fire Jane Wood Allen, NOW and it was calling for her removal from the school.Dear @FCSchoolsGA.Fire Jane Allen now. Fire her, issue an apology, and begin implicit bias training for your staff.This is NOT ok. pic.twitter.com/stQtWFOwfb Shaun King (@ShaunKing) October 2, 2016Seriously, people with these hateful views should not be allowed anywhere near the minds of America s children. Upon firing Allen, Forsyth County Schools released a statement on Facebook that read: Effective Monday, Oct. 3, Jane Wood Allen has been relieved from duty and is no longer an employee of Forsyth County Schools. Racism and discrimination are not tolerated in our school district. We are committed to ongoing staff training on the acceptance of all individuals. As this is a personnel matter, the district will provide no further comment. Featured image via Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images;October 3, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Turkey to detain 121 ex-foreign ministry staff over Gulen links: media;ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish police began an operation to detain 121 former foreign ministry staff across the country on Thursday over their alleged links to the U.S.-based cleric who Ankara says orchestrated last year s attempted coup, state-run Anadolu agency said. It said the ministry personnel were previously dismissed over suspected ties to Islamic preacher Fethullah Gulen, who lives in self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania. He has denied involvement in the failed putsch in July 2016. Counter-terrorism police squads began simultaneous raids in 30 provinces to capture the suspects, some of whom were believed to be users of ByLock, an encrypted messaging app which the government says was used by Gulen s network, Anadolu reported. Under a crackdown since the coup, more than 50,000 people have been jailed pending trial over alleged links to Gulen, while 150,000 people have been sacked or suspended from jobs in the military, public and private sectors. The government dismisses rights groups concerns about the crackdown, saying only such a purge could neutralize the threat represented by Gulen s network, which it says infiltrated institutions such as the judiciary, army and schools.;October 26, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Married GOP Lawmaker And Trump Campaign Member BUSTED In Hotel With Teenage Boy;As if Donald Trump needs help delegitimizing his party, a senior member of his campaign in Oklahoma, state Senator Ralph Shortey, was forced to resign after being caught in a hotel room with a 17-year-old male prostitute.In true Trump style, Shortey tried to spin the encounter as him just helping the kid earn some money for his Spring Break by letting the kid earn his way with sexual stuff. In online messages, he told him: I m gonna f**k you like a good little boy if you keep calling me daddy. He also referred to having sex with the teen s boy p*ssy, baby boy .Source: Pink NewsAccording to court documents, Shortey was reported by a friend of the boy, who saw him getting into an SUV. The friend followed them to the hotel room, where he saw the boy enter with a strange man. The friend called the teen s father, who called the police.While the age of consent in Oklahoma is only 16, having sex with a prostitute under 18 is something else altogether. Shortey has been charged with engaging in child prostitution, engaging in prostitution within 1,000 feet of a church and transporting a minor for prostitution. All the charges are felonies. He s out on $100,000 bail.Here s the video:Shortey s statement following resignation fell short of admitting to his crimes, instead calling them a distraction. Earlier today, I submitted my resignation, effective immediately, to the President Pro Tempore of the Oklahoma Senate, as well as to Governor Fallin. I thank the constituents of Senate District 44 for the opportunity they provided to serve. Because I take that responsibility seriously, I recognize that the charges against me are a distraction to their interests and the remaining legislative session, which should serve all Oklahomans. My resignation is evidence of my respect for public service and the duties of our elected officials. I ask for the privacy of my family my wife and four daughters as I defend myself of these charges.Source: KFOR;March 29, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: PATHETIC! It’s What Trump DIDN’T Say To Eminem That Has The Rapper ‘Extremely Angry’ [Video];"Seriously? How pathetic is this? In an effort to score some publicity, Eminem performed a free style rap saying disgusting things about President Trump. It s clear now that POTUS was not biting TRUMP GETS THE LAST LAUGH!Eminem says he is extremely angry President Trump never responded to his BET Awards freestyle: I feel like he s not paying attention to me. I was kinda waiting for him to say something, and for some reason, he didn t say anything. Pathetic Eminem says he is extremely angry President Trump never responded to his BET Awards freestyle: ""I feel like he's not paying attention to me. I was kinda waiting for him to say something, and for some reason, he didn't say anything."" pic.twitter.com/PaSMvUm5gK Josh Caplan (@joshdcaplan) November 21, 2017LOL! PRESIDENT TRUMP SAID NOTHING SO GUESS WHERE THE NEW SONG HIT WORST EVER RELEASE BY EMINEM SINCE 1998Trump curse strikes again. Eminem's new single is his first not to debut in the Billboard top 10 since 1998. pic.twitter.com/lotqxlqCvY Thirsty Grunt (@Thirsty_Grunt) November 21, 2017";Nov 21, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Suspected U.S. drone targets Haqqani militants in Pakistan, killing four;DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan (Reuters) - A suspected U.S. drone strike on Thursday targeted a hideout of the Haqqani militant network along Pakistan s mountainous border with Afghanistan, killing four people, officials said. If confirmed, it would be the fourth such U.S. strike inside Pakistan since President Donald Trump took office in January. Two Pakistani intelligence officials and a local government officer said an unmanned aerial vehicle dropped two missiles on a compound housing militants under the command of a senior network commander, Abdur Rasheed Haqqani. Villagers initially reported a blast in the Upper Kurram area to authorities, said one of the officials, adding, We got it from our informant later that it was a U.S. drone strike that targeted Haqqanis. It was not clear if the commander was among those killed, added the officials, who sought anonymity as the issue is a sensitive one. Trump s new strategy for the Afghanistan war calls for a tougher stance with Pakistan against militants such as the Haqqani network who have bases inside Pakistan. Since the Afghan policy review, the U.S. has been pushing Islamabad for decisive action against the Haqqani network militants, who are notorious for using Pakistani soil to launch attacks against American-led NATO troops in Afghanistan. Islamabad denies the allegations, and, instead, blames Kabul for not taking out militants who use Afghan territory as a base for attacks on targets in Pakistan. Pakistan has been facing a deadly Islamist militancy for more than a decade. Gunmen attacked a minority Shi ite Muslim mosque in Islamabad, the capital, on Wednesday, killing two people. Lashkar-e-Jhangvi al-Alami, a Sunni sectarian group linked with militant group Islamic State, claimed responsibility for the mosque attack. ;November 30, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: "Leader of China's $9 billion Ezubao online scam gets life; 26 jailed";BEIJING (Reuters) - A Beijing court on Tuesday sentenced the architect of the $9 billion Ezubao online financial scam to life imprisonment, and handed down jail time to 26 others, marking the close to one of the biggest Ponzi schemes in modern Chinese history. The ruling comes at a time when the government is stepping up efforts to crack down on risky and illicit behavior in the country s financial sector, including the unruly peer-to-peer industry that continues to attract high volumes. Beijing First Intermediate People s Court sentenced Ding Ning - chairman of Anhui Yucheng Holdings Group that launched Ezubao in 2014 - to life in prison and fined him 100 million yuan ($15.29 million) for crimes including illegal fundraising, illegal gun possession and smuggling precious metals. Ding Dian, the chairman s brother, was also sentenced to life, while Zhang Min, Yucheng s president, and 24 others were sentenced to imprisonment for 3 to 15 years, according to an article on the Beijing Courts social media account. Ezubao, once China s biggest P2P lending platform, folded last year after it turned out to be a Ponzi scheme that collected 59.8 billion yuan ($9.14 billion) from more than 900,000 investors through savvy marketing. By the time police made arrests in early 2016, the company had failed to repay 38 billion yuan. The incident sparked a crackdown on the freewheeling online financial services market and led to new regulations to control China s P2P industry - where monthly volumes are above $50 billion, statistics published by industry portal P2P001 show. Ezubao s excesses also became a cautionary tale following its collapse. Ding collected a monthly salary of 1 million yuan, and admitted on state television to spending an estimated 1.5 billion yuan in Ezubao funds on himself. We fabricated projects to raise money, Ding said, according to a Xinhua report published last year, and then used fabricated project companies to re-circulate cash back into accounts linked to his companies. Ding also asked dozens of his secretaries to dress only in Chanel, Gucci and other luxury branded clothing to make the company appear highly successful. He told Zhang, the group president, to buy up everything from every Louis Vuitton and Herm s store in China. (reut.rs/2xsfaHH);September 12, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Liberal Warren throws down gauntlet to President-elect Trump;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Democrats’ liberal firebrand, Senator Elizabeth Warren, threw down the gauntlet to President-elect Donald Trump on Thursday, telling labor union members there are financial and social issues where her party will fight him and continuing to blast the Republican. Battling bigotry is the first job for Democrats after the election, said Warren, of Massachusetts, giving a sense of how her party will operate now that it no longer controls the White House and remains the minority in both chambers of Congress. “We will fight back against attacks on Latinos, African Americans, women, Muslims, immigrants, disabled Americans - on anyone,” said Warren, who sparred frequently over Twitter with Trump and criticized him on the campaign trail in the weeks leading up to Tuesday’s election. “Whether Donald Trump sits in a glass tower or sits in the White House, we will not give an inch on this, not now, not ever.” She said Trump had “encouraged a toxic stew of hatred and fear” and during the campaign “regularly made statements that undermined core values of our democracy.” In the speech to the AFL-CIO labor federation, Warren also said Democrats will resist attempts to loosen financial regulation, “gut” the Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform law and eliminate the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). “If Trump and the Republican Party try to turn loose the big banks and financial institutions so they can once again gamble with our economy and bring it all crashing down, then we will fight them every step of the way,” she said. Warren did highlight areas of agreement. She said “count me in” on Trump’s support of a new Glass-Steagall law to separate investment and retail banking, reforming trade deals, maintaining Social Security benefits, helping on childcare and college costs and rebuilding infrastructure. Warren rose to lead the liberal wing of the party during the 2007-2009 financial crisis. After Republicans blocked President Barack Obama’s attempt to appoint her as the first director of the CFPB, she won a seat in Congress. In 2015, progressive groups and a political action committee pressed her to run for president. Since Trump’s victory on Tuesday, many have already renewed their calls, for the 2020 presidential election.;November 10, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Obama discriminated against coal, nuclear: U.S. energy secretary;CAPE TOWN (Reuters) - The United States discriminated against the nuclear and coal industries under the administration of former President Barack Obama, U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry said on Wednesday. “Nuclear and coal ... Those two industries were discriminated against over the course of the last administration,” Perry told reporters at an oil conference in Cape Town, when asked about a U.S. government directive to support ageing coal and nuclear plants. The directive would reward certain nuclear and coal-fired plants that store 90 days of fuel on site for contributing to the reliability of the national grid. U.S. industries that rarely agree, including gas drillers and renewable energy producers, oppose it on the grounds that it props up “uneconomic generation.” Asked about threats to U.S. energy supplies, Perry, a former governor of the oil hub of Texas, cited cyber security as the main concern followed by natural disasters such as hurricanes.;October 25, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Crybaby “Safe Space” Students Are Put On Notice With Amazing Letter From University President: “This is not a daycare!”;"This letter is quite possibly the most important letter these students will ever receive throughout their entire college career. It should be adopted by every college and university in America as part of a contract the students are asked to read and accept.It s finally happened. A college president, faced with whining students who are offended by well everything, has written a letter to the entire student body. (Some of which I presume will offend some students) He reminds them they are in college and that perhaps the reason they feel bad is a little thing known as a conscience. Dr Everett Piper of Oklahoma Wesleyan University explained what their purpose and his is at the university.Here is his letter in its entirety:Dr. Everett Piper, PresidentOklahoma Wesleyan UniversityThis past week, I actually had a student come forward after a university chapel service and complain because he felt victimized by a sermon on the topic of 1 Corinthians 13. It appears that this young scholar felt offended because a homily on love made him feel bad for not showing love! In his mind, the speaker was wrong for making him, and his peers, feel uncomfortable.I m not making this up. Our culture has actually taught our kids to be this self-absorbed and narcissistic! Any time their feelings are hurt, they are the victims! Anyone who dares challenge them and, thus, makes them feel bad about themselves, is a hater, a bigot, an oppressor, and a victimizer. I have a message for this young man and all others who care to listen. That feeling of discomfort you have after listening to a sermon is called a conscience! An altar call is supposed to make you feel bad! It is supposed to make you feel guilty! The goal of many a good sermon is to get you to confess your sins not coddle you in your selfishness. The primary objective of the Church and the Christian faith is your confession, not your self-actualization!So here s my advice:If you want the chaplain to tell you you re a victim rather than tell you that you need virtue, this may not be the university you re looking for. If you want to complain about a sermon that makes you feel less than loving for not showing love, this might be the wrong place.If you re more interested in playing the hater card than you are in confessing your own hate; if you want to arrogantly lecture, rather than humbly learn; if you don t want to feel guilt in your soul when you are guilty of sin; if you want to be enabled rather than confronted, there are many universities across the land (in Missouri and elsewhere) that will give you exactly what you want, but Oklahoma Wesleyan isn t one of them.At OKWU, we teach you to be selfless rather than self-centered. We are more interested in you practicing personal forgiveness than political revenge. We want you to model interpersonal reconciliation rather than foment personal conflict. We believe the content of your character is more important than the color of your skin. We don t believe that you have been victimized every time you feel guilty and we don t issue trigger warnings before altar calls.Oklahoma Wesleyan is not a safe place , but rather, a place to learn: to learn that life isn t about you, but about others; that the bad feeling you have while listening to a sermon is called guilt; that the way to address it is to repent of everything that s wrong with you rather than blame others for everything that s wrong with them. This is a place where you will quickly learn that you need to grow up!This is not a day care. This is a university!We applaud Dr Piper and wish more colleges and universities had more like him. Then again, Oklahoma Wesleyan is not Yale or Dartmouth, where the presidents are careful not to offend the spoiled brats of well-to-do parents in order to keep those tuition checks and honorariums coming in. Via:";Dec 1, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Exposed: These Republicans Blocking Help For Flint Got Disaster Cash For Their States (TWEETS);Republicans in Congress are holding up a measure to provide relief to the citizens of Flint, Michigan whose water supply has been poisoned.Instead of acting to pass a provision which would remove the compromised pipes bringing water into the homes of the city s mostly black population, Republicans in the Senate are blocking progress.Sens. Debbie Stabenow and Gary Peters, both Democrats of Michigan, started pushing the issue last week as the Senate began debate on the energy bill. Their provision would provide $600 million in emergency funding to Flint to replace and fix the city s water supply infrastructure and establish a center dedicated to helping people in Flint recover from lead poisoning. Republicans scolded Democrats for using the crisis to play politics, and argued it is a state and local problem.Ahead of the procedural vote, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) delivered scathing remarks on the floor, accusing Republicans of abandoning the people of Flint. One hundred thousand people in Flint, Michigan, have been poisoned, and Republicans do nothing, Reid said. Nine thousand little children all under the age of 6 have been poisoned, their brains attack by the contaminated water. Still, Senate Republicans refuse to help. Republicans are insisting that the money to help Flint must be offset elsewhere in the budget. Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) blasted this tactic from Republicans on the Senate floor, noting: This is of catastrophic, almost Armageddon proportion, that an American city has been poisoned. Let s get real. We are now bogged down in Washington wonky budgeteer talk: Where is the offsets? What is this? What is this? Are we human beings? There was also considerable hypocrisy on the behalf of Republicans opposed to helping Flint. Igor Volsky of Think Progress pointed out on Twitter several instances of conservative Republicans who are blocking Flint relief who were all too eager to ask for disaster relief funds for their own states..@SenatorSessions requested fed disaster $ after tornadoes hit AL. But of course doesn't want to send $ to Flint. pic.twitter.com/dNm6d7srOh igorvolsky (@igorvolsky) February 4, 2016.@SenPatRoberts boasted of obtaining disaster $ after drought in KS. Guess how much $ he wants to send to Flint. pic.twitter.com/2fic5UuGKb igorvolsky (@igorvolsky) February 4, 2016.@robportman endorsed disaster $ after drought hit OH.Guess how much $ he wants to spend on #FlintWaterCrisis pic.twitter.com/lEEJ5U9QIZ igorvolsky (@igorvolsky) February 4, 2016.@RandPaul asked Obama for federal $ after storms hit KYGuess how much $ he wants to send to Flint. Just guess. pic.twitter.com/Nz2YhP6TqY igorvolsky (@igorvolsky) February 4, 2016.@SenMikeLee asked for disaster $ after flooding in Utah. Doesn't think Flint residents deserve the same treatment pic.twitter.com/EbOB2rcIuh igorvolsky (@igorvolsky) February 4, 2016Oooo, found @RonJohnsonWI asking for disaster $ for WI in 2011!In 2016, he's blocking emergency $ for Flint. pic.twitter.com/Ke2XXQJHRI igorvolsky (@igorvolsky) February 4, 2016Sen. @jiminhofe boasted of obtaining disaster $ after storms in OK guess how much fed $ he wants to send to Flint pic.twitter.com/ssFHE3lfuB igorvolsky (@igorvolsky) February 4, 2016Featured image from YouTube;February 4, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Hillary Reveals The ONE Person Who Made Her Lose… And It Isn’t Trump;Hillary Clinton is speaking up after her election loss and coming forward with the facts on what contributed to the results. Despite the mainstream media s claims to the contrary, she points the finger at the extraordinary decision by FBI Director James Comey to interfere in the middle of the race. Just as we were back up on the upward trajectory, the second letter from Comey essentially doing what we knew it would saying there was no there there was a real motivator for Trump s voters, Clinton said. Essentially, the second Comey letter played right into Trump s hands by giving new suspicions to those who believed the Washington establishment was helping Clinton win and pushed a surge in turnout. Trump spent the last four days of this campaign engaged in a nonstop attack on me personally, and the result is the result, Clinton said.The former presidential candidate also said she is concerned and deeply saddened for those who say they are living in fear in the United States after Trump s election.The decision by Comey was blasted by Democrats, and even some Republicans, as it gave the appearance that Clinton was still involved in wrongdoing, even though she had been previously cleared. It also fed into the mainstream media s obsession with Clinton s emails, which they covered more than nearly any other issue during the election.By contrast, Trump s refusal to release his tax returns hardly merited coverage, by comparison, nor did the shady dealings of his personal charity, the Trump Foundation.The press, in concert with the FBI and the right wing, weighed in on the election all against one candidate. While the right makes claims about liberal media bias, it is clear time and time again that they are weighing in on the behalf of the Republican side of the aisle and not the other.Featured image via Flickr;November 12, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Senegal rebels issue warning over Astron's mineral sands mine;DAKAR (Reuters) - A dormant Senegalese rebel movement has called for the abandonment of a planned mineral sands project operated by Australia-listed Astron, saying it amounts to a declaration of war . A spokesman for the Movement of Democratic Forces for Casamance (MFDC) on Thursday said that it had not been consulted about the project and considers any exploitation of natural resources in the southern region as theft because taxes on proceeds would go to the northern government of Dakar. The opposition to the Niafarang mine comes as the stable West African fish and peanut exporter seeks to boost revenue from natural resources such as mineral sands containing zircon and ilmenite used in construction as well as recently discovered oil and gas. Both the political and armed wings of the MFDC are strongly opposed to this project and consider it a declaration of war, said MFDC spokesman Oumar Ampoi Bodian by telephone from Ziguinchor in Casamance. The comments echoed a statement by MFDC military commander Salif Sadio in July. Sadio had said that the mineral sands project was a violation of the terms of the ceasefire deal with the rebels in 2014. Astron did not respond to emailed requests for comment. It said in June, when the contract was awarded, that work was due to begin in the fourth quarter of 2017. [nFWN1JC0OG] A government spokesman could not be reached for comment. Unlike many of its West African neighbors, Senegal has never had a civil war or a coup and is seen by Western aid partners and investors as a bastion of stability in a fragile region. But Casamance s isolation from the relatively rich Muslim north from which it is divided by Gambia and its eponymous river remains a source of resentment for locals. One of Africa s oldest rebellions was losing steam even before the ceasefire deal and some diplomats dismiss them as a divided group of rag-tag fighters. Yet the rebels still hold garrisons concealed within the southern region s lush forests, which witnesses say are piled high with weapons. Civil society groups have also criticized the mine planned along a picturesque strip of coastline, citing environmental factors. Astron previously said it had studied the environmental impact and engaged with the local community. They (the MFDC) are united on this and are saying it publicly, so I am afraid that this long period of calm could end, said Ousmane Sane, a resident and hotelier in Niafarang. A source familiar with the peace talks said that the matter would be raised with the government in the next round of negotiations aimed at settling the question of the region s official status.;September 28, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Italy's interior minister meets Libyan mayors over people smuggling;MILAN (Reuters) - Italian Interior Minister Marco Minniti met Libyan mayors on Saturday to renew a commitment to fight people trafficking as part of an agreement signed earlier this year between Rome and Tripoli. The meeting, which Libya s interior minister also attended, focused on fostering alternatives to human smuggling and trade in contraband in Libyan towns heavily affected by illegal immigration. Youngsters in those areas and the whole of Libya deserve a future of hope, free from the threats of criminal organisations... both sides said in a statement issued by Italy s Interior Ministry. In February, Italy pledged money, training and equipment to help the U.N.-backed Libyan government curb the flow of migrants to Europe. More than 600,000 migrants have reached Italy by sea from North Africa since 2014, most of them from Libya where people smugglers have operated with impunity in the turmoil that followed the fall of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011. The subject of immigration is dominating Italy s political agenda ahead of general elections due before May next year, with public opinion increasingly hostile to migrants. After a surge in migrant arrivals from Libya at the start of the year, numbers have recently slowed and Minniti said earlier this month those trends would continue in August. Saturday s meeting also included, among others, Italy s ambassador to Tripoli and representatives of the European Commission.;August 26, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Kremlin says S-400 missile talks with Saudi Arabia on track;MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Monday that talks with Saudi Arabia over Moscow supplying Riyadh with advanced S-400 air defense missile systems had gone well so far despite talk of a possible U.S.-Saudi arms deal. Russian President Vladimir Putin hosted Saudi Arabia s King Salman for talks at the Kremlin last week during which Saudi Arabia said it had signed a memorandum of understanding on the purchase of the S-400s. A day later, the Pentagon said the U.S. State Department had approved the possible sale of a THAAD anti-missile defense system to Saudi Arabia at an estimated cost of $15 billion. When asked whether a possible U.S. deal with Riyadh might affect the Russian arrangement, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, on a conference call with reporters, said talks had been progressing well. We can speak only for ourselves, said Peskov. (But)contacts to implement this contract have been very positive and have had very good preliminary results. Maria Vorobyova, an official at a Russian government agency dealing with military and technical cooperation, was cited earlier on Monday as saying that a firm agreement had been reached with Saudi Arabia on the S-400s. An agreement has been reached with the kingdom of Saudi Arabia to deliver the S-400 air defense system, anti-tank Kornet-EM rocket systems, TOS-1A (multiple rocket launcher) systems, AGS-30 automated grenade launchers, and Kalashnikov AK-103 assault rifles, the RIA news agency cited her as saying. Russia also signed a contract last week for Saudi to produce the AK-103 rifles under license along with ammunition. Saudi Arabia is a longstanding U.S. ally in the Middle East and its arms deals with Moscow have caused disquiet in Washington. When asked about fears that Saudi Arabia could use the S-400 system against Iran, a Russian ally, Peskov said Moscow s decision to offer the missiles to Riyadh was not aimed at any third party. Military technical cooperation between Moscow and Riyadh is absolutely self-contained and does not target third countries in this region or other regions of the world, said Peskov. Therefore we are confident that this cooperation should not be a worry for anyone.;October 9, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Iraqi MPs want parliament to discuss U.S. travel curbs;BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi lawmakers have requested that parliament discuss U.S. travel curbs imposed on the nation and six other Muslim-majority countries, an MP said on Sunday. Rinas Jano, a member of the parliament’s foreign affairs committee, said he made the request with several other MPs. ``We want officials from the Iraqi foreign affairs ministry to come to parliament to explain the U.S. decision and discuss the matter,’’ he told Reuters. The Iraqi government has so far declined to comment on the executive order signed by U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday to pause the entry of travelers from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for at least 90 days.;January 28, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Republicans voice growing doubts on U.S. healthcare bill's fate;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans expressed increasing pessimism on Sunday about the prospects for the healthcare bill in the U.S. Senate aimed at rolling back Obamacare as lawmakers prepared to return from a week-long recess. One prominent Republican lawmaker, Senator John McCain, said he thought the Republican bill would probably fail. “My view is that it’s probably going to be dead,” McCain, said on the CBS program “Face the Nation,” adding that Republicans, who narrowly control the chamber, would likely need to work with Democrats on a healthcare bill. President Donald Trump took to Twitter on Sunday to put pressure on Republicans to stay the course. “For years, even as a “civilian,” I listened as Republicans pushed the Repeal and Replace of ObamaCare. Now they finally have their chance!” he tweeted. The Senate bill, which faces unified Democratic opposition, has been further imperiled during the recess, when Republican senators have had to return to their states and face constituents strongly opposed to the measure. Senators return to Washington on Monday. The Senate bill keeps intact much of the 2010 Affordable Care Act, former Democratic President Barack Obama’s signature legislation, popularly known as Obamacare, but strips away most of its funding. It repeals most Obamacare taxes, overhauls the law’s tax credits and ends its Medicaid expansion. It also goes beyond repealing Obamacare by cutting funding for the Medicaid program for the poor and disabled beginning in 2025. At least 10 Republican senators have opposed the bill in its current form, but many more have criticized the legislation or said they are undecided. Republican Senator Bill Cassidy said on Sunday the draft bill was undergoing a “serious rewrite.” “Clearly, the draft plan is dead,” he said on Fox News. “Is the serious rewrite plan dead? I don’t know. I’ve not seen the serious rewrite plan.” Critics have derided the bill as a giveaway to wealthy Americans who would see some tax increases rolled back. Opponents also warn that the legislation would cause millions of poor and sick Americans to lose healthcare coverage. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, which assesses the impact of legislation, estimated 22 million people would lose health insurance over the next decade under the Senate bill. In a separate report, it found the proposal would cut government spending on Medicaid by 35 percent come 2036. White House chief of staff Reince Priebus said on Fox News on Sunday that Trump expected Congress to pass a bill to repeal and replace Obamacare before lawmakers leave Washington for their August recess. A spokesman for Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Senate leadership was continuing to work with Republican senators and the CBO on the legislation, but did not comment on McCain’s remarks or the bill’s future. Republican Senator Ted Cruz said on Sunday that failure to pass the bill was “not an option” and that the Senate effort must focus on lowering premiums. He pointed to an amendment he offered that is being scored by the CBO. Cruz’s amendment would allow insurers to offer plans that do not comply with Obamacare’s mandate that they charge sick and healthy people the same rates and cover a set of essential health benefits, such as maternity care and prescription drugs, as long as they also offer plans that do comply with the regulations. Cruz’s amendment has drawn support from conservative senators and groups, who say the amendment will help lower premiums. But moderate Republicans and outside critics say it will erode protections for people with pre-existing conditions and make their insurance unaffordable. McConnell has said he plans to hold a vote on the legislation, which needs the support of at least 50 of the Senate’s 52 Republicans, before a six-week recess that begins on July 29. The Republican-controlled House of Representatives passed its version of a bill overhauling healthcare in May. Yet McConnell himself voiced doubts on the Senate bill’s prospects last week, telling a luncheon in his home state of Kentucky that if Republicans fail to pass a repeal of Obamacare, they may need to work with Democrats to shore up private health insurance markets to keep them from collapsing.;July 9, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BRITISH MUSICIAN Says If He Was Given The Chance, He’d Kill Donald Trump…Blames Press For Making Him President;If this so-called celebrity said that he would have killed former President Obama if he was given the chance, he would likely be sitting in a jail cell somewhere facing serious charges, but apparently when a celebrity says they d like to kill President Trump, foreign authorities, as well the leftist media, simply shrug their shoulders Just another day in the life of an unhinged, Trump-hating celebrity Yawn.British musician Morrissey says if given the chance, he d kill President Donald Trump to ensure the safety of humanity. The 58-year-old former Smiths frontman said in an interview with der Spiegel this week that if he were presented with a button that could instantly kill Trump, he wouldn t hesitate to press it. I would [push it], for the safety of humanity, Morrissey told the outlet. It has nothing to do with my personal opinion of his face or his family, but in the interest of humanity I would push. The singer also explained that it was the media, who so derided Trump during the 2016 campaign season, that ultimately created Trump, ensured consistent coverage of his campaign, and led to his victory over Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.The American media helped Trump, yes, they first created it, he explained, according to a translation of the interview by the Washington Times. Whether they criticize him or laugh at him, he does not care, he just wants to see his picture and his name. The American media have shot themselves in the leg. Watch Morrissey push for a Hillary presidency on Larry King Now prior to the election. Is there anything more heartwarming than watching a British musician tell an American host who Americans should vote for? Thank goodness no one listens to this unhinged overrated celebrity.Morrissey added that he never expected Trump to be elected president and has no faith in the political establishment anymore. Breitbart News;Nov 26, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. defense chief to meet Turkish counterpart in Europe;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis will again meet his Turkish counterpart next week in Europe, the top U.S. general said on Monday, describing regular U.S. efforts to address Turkish concerns over a U.S. decision to arm Kurdish fighters in Syria. U.S. Marine General Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Mattis also wrote a detailed letter to Turkey last week to provide a “routine update” on U.S. efforts in Syria. ;June 19, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Art Project Or Hate Speech? 6 Rainbow Colored Nooses Found Hanging On Tennessee Campus;Students at Austin Peay State University were both horrified and deeply puzzled by what appears to have been an art project gone horribly wrong. Someone, allegedly with the approval of an art instructor, made 6 nooses, one for each color of the rainbow, and hung them from a tree on campus.According to a statement posted on social media Monday night, the nooses were found on campus near the Trahern building, where most of the university art classes are held.In a statement, President Alisa White called the display deeply disturbing. This incident is deeply disturbing and is hurtful to our University community, White said in the statement. Regardless of the intent, the display has no place on our campus. I am saddened, and I am sorry for the hurt and offense this has caused and want our students, faculty, and staff to know that it will not be tolerated. As of this writing, no one has come forward to claim responsibility or, more importantly, explain what the hell they were thinking at the time. Considering that Tennessee has over 200 confirmed cases of post-Reconstruction lynchings, hanging any noose of any kind is, to be delicate, in extremely poor taste.But, even more bizarrely, it might not have been intended as hate speech:According to a student in the class who asked to not be identified, the display was a part of a project in an introductory sculpture class. The student said the project concepts and locations were approved in advance by the instructor.Comments on Instagram indicate the rainbowed noose theme has to do with the number of suicides in the LGBT community, which I can sort of see if I squint really hard. Admittedly, we ve all said or done something that sounded great in our head but turned out to be a really stupid idea in practice. I m leaning towards the suicide explanation because, frankly, I m having a hard time believing that an art instructor heard the pitch I want to hang rainbow colored nooses because I don t like gays and black people and thought it would make a lovely art project.On the other hand, even if there was no ill intent, the student that convinced an instructor to put their job at risk in this fashion can apparently sell ice to an Eskimo. Stay tuned for more on this bizarre story.Featured image via Instagram;April 19, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: False Alarm or Psy-Op? LAX ‘Active Shooter’ Spectacle, JFK Airport Panic & Staged Propaganda;Shawn Helton 21st Century WireAnother active-shooter false alarm made the headlines this past week, as war propaganda images continue be dispensed by Western media multiple narratives that have contributed to an environment of confusion, fear and uncertainty in the War On Terror era.The timing of these current events cannot be overstated, revealing a deeper social engineering agenda at play underneath the larger geopolitical drama unfolding worldwide PULP FICTION Photo illustration 21WIRE s Shawn Helton The Nonexistent Shooter & Loud Noises This past weekend, according reports, another active shooter scenario played out at LAX International Airport, a story which dovetailed an alleged active-shooter hoax at JFK International Airport earlier in August. CBS s Los Angeles affiliate CBSLA, described the latest incident at LAX in the following passage: The LAX Airport Police Department on Sunday discounted reports of a shooter at the airport saying loud noises apparently set off a panic. Several terminals were evacuated. Many people went on social media to say they were standing on the tarmac surrounded by tons of police.The incident was first reported just after 8:30 p.m.The LA Airport PD cannot confirm an active shooter was ever identified. The CBS article continued by discussing eyewitness accounts of the alleged active shooter event at LAX, as well as JFK airport, two incidents which oddly resulted in the same bizarre conclusion out of law enforcement as the panic was supposedly caused by loud noise: Earlier this month, JFK officials said an elaborate hoax was perpetuated there, as well. Reports of a shooter at JFK were discounted as bogus, according to the New York Times.KCAL9 Anchor Leyna Nguyen was at the airport returning to Los Angeles from Atlanta. She said it was surreal to see so many people running.LAFD is also on scene investigating and noted no significant incident has been noted thus far as of 8:47 p.m.At of 9:40 p.m., police officially said there was no shooter and no incident. It will still take some time to re-screen all the passengers, officials said. Interestingly, even though individual accounts of this week s LAX event varied, a Yahoo News reporter named JP Mangalindan, stated that he was in the terminal at the time of the shooting. However, following the panic inducing incident, he posted to social media with the following message, after police had already confirmed there was no shooter two hours earlier: Shooters at LAX running around. Cops running around. I m down on the ground, at 11:51pm.Question: Why would Mangalindan state that multiple shooter s were running around at 11:51pm when cops disclosed that the situation was basically a non-incident by 9:40pm?It s possible that Mangalindan was confused during the heat of the moment but however you look at it, his messages may have caused additional panic, potentially creating a greater risk for passengers fleeing the airport to safety.Here s a string of tweets confirming Mangalindan continued to heighten the situation from inside LAX Eventually Mangalindan conceded that the event was in fact a false alarm (was this a potential drill?) at 1:08am, according to the Daily Mail as he readied himself for a future pizza delivery.As this story rapidly unfolded, there proved to be other bizarre aspects associated with the official narrative, as a man dressed as the fictional character Zorro (armed with a plastic sword), was initially apprehended in dramatic fashion following the reported active shooter scenario at LAX. He was then promptly released by authorities after the strange incident. ZORRO? An unidentified actor dressed as Zorro was an initial suspect during an active-shooter alarm at LAX. (Image Source: Daily Mail)Active Shooter or Live Drill?The Daily Mail described the LAX false alarm in the following manner: An actor returning from an audition dressed as masked hero Zorro, complete with plastic sword, shut down LAX airport and sparked fear of an active shooter situation on Sunday night.The unidentified, middle-aged black man dressed in an all black satin costume with gloves, hat and large belt was apprehended on a bench as he waited for a ride home .Police were initially responding to claims that a man had opened fire near a baggage reclaim, and set about evacuating thousands of passengers and grounding flights.After a thorough search and the eventual arrest of the costumed man outside a terminal, LAPD admitted the entire incident was a false alarm. The Daily Mail article continued by adding that, LAX also tweeted that the reports of a shooting had not been confirmed and police were investigating, before adding which parts of the airport have been shut. Upper/Departures & Lower/Arrivals levels of Central Terminal Area (CTA) closed. Pls check w/ airlines if heading to LAX (sic), a tweet read. Was it possible that the event at LAX was a drill? EVACUATION Passengers ordered to evacuate after reports of an active-shooter at LAX. (Image Source: twitter)LAX International Airport is no stranger to active shooter situations and drills Back in 2002 according to reports, Hesham Mohamed Hadayet [a person previously known to Egyptian authorities with multiple ID s] 41, went to the ticketing counter of El Al, Israel s national airline, at Los Angeles International Airport July 4 carrying two handguns and a hunting knife. He opened fire at midmorning, killing two people and wounding three others before he was killed by an El Al security guard. The incident occurred days after the airport was slated for a $9.6 billion airport security redesign proposal, something that would require passengers to go through screening prior to reaching their terminal for boarding a plane. The event conveniently underscored new security measures put in place after 9/11, insuring the continued growth of the TSA. Additionally, the Hadayet shooting displayed many of the conflicting aspects reported following other high profile shootings today.In 2013 21WIRE reported that the LAPD conducted an active shooter drill in October with the Los Angeles Airport Police Department at the L.A./Ontario International Airport, acting out an almost exact scenario that played out during a TSA-related shooting at LAX in November.According to a report by the San Bernardino Sun, written by Doug Saunders, the active shooter drill had an armed man shooting three people before officers locked down the scene. THE AIRPORT SHOOTER LAPD shooting drill at L.A./Ontario International Airport, month prior to LAX shooting in November of 2013.Setting the StageFollowing a major LAPD airport drill a month earlier, it was reported that Paul Ciancia moved through a crowded LAX airport terminal asking people if they were TSA agents or not, supposedly letting go those who were not agents prior to opening fire.It was also alleged that Ciancia, was carrying anti-government and anti-TSA writings contained in a bag on his person, one such paper was even an apparent reference to the global conspiracy meme NWO (New World Order), adding a conspiratorial twist to the dramatic shootout.All too often we see the stage persona of any alleged killer being touted as hard evidence, despite the fact that even strong circumstantial evidence of any apparent crime would likely result in many hours of analysis and debate, potentially without a definitive conclusion, even if the evidence eventually reached a court room setting.Mass media appeared to have worked out their own formula for laying out a familiar series of polarizing political points in the aftermath of this tragic mass-shooting, as they have with many others since. Appearing once again, to purposefully redirect the public to look at a ready-made laundry list of hateful rhetoric and random writings as an ironclad motive for the crime. Rapidly descending into an overindulgent barrage of media speculation and theorizing. UNNATURAL BLOOD Incredibly thick, red acrylic paint-like blood appears next to what is meant to be the shooter allegedly a person said to be Paul Ciancia. The image in question was initially released by the NY POST immediately after the incident.Some critics of the event stated that Ciancia s blood could have been mixed with a coagulant called Celox, noting that this blood also looked suspiciously like the blood left at scene of the Boston Bombing.Watch the LAPD describe 2013 s dramatic TSA involved shooting which was allegedly carried out by Paul Ciancia Not more than 3 weeks ago we practiced the exact scenario that played out today we played out today. the LAPD s response to 2013 s LAX shooting The photographs below were obtained from a Facebook page by the name of Team LAX that was referenced in an article by Digital Journalism Saturday, November 2nd, 2013.The Team Lax page, is the official event page for the LAX Airport Police and the images below were posted on October 8th of 2013. Here s a description of the photos from the same post on Facebook: As we posted previously, this past weekend Airport Police officers participated in an active shooter drill at Ontario Airport. An integral part of this training were the many volunteers who brought reality to the scenario by acting as victims. These victims were actually Youth Cadets from Airport Police and several divisions of the LAPD. The LAPD cadets came from the following divisions: Pacific, Hollenbeck, Southwest, Mission, Devonshire, Hollywood, West L.A., Topanga, Central, Rampart, Wilshire and 77th. Leading the cadets were Youth Services Officers (YSO s), William Lara and Ericka Holliday from LAXPD and LAPD Sgt. Stephen Showler, Pacific Division Training Coordinator. 69 cadets participated on Saturday and 115 on Sunday. We d like to thank all the Youth Cadets for their participation and boundless energy in making this training so realistic for our officers. MOCK SHOOTING Youth Cadets with L.A. airport police act out an active shooter drill in October of 2013. (Image Source: SocioEconomic History).The actors used in these drills (photo, above) might as well be mannequins, because the idea that you can recreate a real-life defensive strategy from a choreographed shooting scenario is far-fetched, especially when you consider the video game, Hollywood film style, hair-trigger, shoot first narrative repetitively on observed during these staged events offering very little in terms of a defensive game plan.There is no question that active shooter drills have been used to get the public to accept and acquiesce to new rules of engagement in the War On Terror era and arguably, they ve flatlined in terms of public safety while continuing the steady growth of the security apparatus in America and abroad. SHELTER IN PLACE The strange scripted scene at JFK International Airport in August after false reports of an active shooter running loose. (Image Source: mashable)The Panic RoomWhile the recent LAX/JFK airport active shooter situations were fear inducing in and of themselves, we once again saw the larger role played by mass media in distorting fact, which was also on display earlier this summer, when they inaccurately claimed there was an active shooter at a US military facility.In July of 2016, while US media including ABC, CNN and other went into a code orange alert mode for over 2 and a half hours, 21WIRE had already recognized that an apparent active shooter situation at Joint Base Andrews was only a drill, and called it correctly when the news first broke.Here s a passage from 21WIRE discussing the nature of the Joint Base Andrews drill: We re told that initial reports of a active shooter were prompted by an emergency 911 call to outside law enforcement about a gunman seen on the base. The fact that this alleged distress call came from a staff member at the Malcolm Grow Medical Facility located inside Andrews (one of the country s most secure closed military facilities) should have raised some pertinent questions like why base security were not informed first, as one would expect. Furthermore, any reports by the US mainstream media characterizing the event as a genuine active shooter crisis should have been immediately squashed by the fact that Joint Base Andrews was also running a no-notice Active Shooter Exercise scheduled for 9am that morning. Sadly, this did not happen, and all US media outlets began their crisis reporting complete with the usual panel of security experts and justice correspondents on CNN and other mainstream networks. In an article from the LA Times, we see that the controversial think-tank Rand Corporation is observing the psychological effects of mass shooter/active shooter situations, no doubt gauging the social engineering aspects of these events: For all the investments in post-9/11 security improvements and training, the confusion and chaos stemming from a false report of violence can actually be harder to handle than dealing with a gunman, officials say. The hunt for a gunman takes much longer when there is no one to find. To keep people calm, you d like to say that there s nothing going on, but you don t know that, and you can t say that, said Brian Jenkins, a security and terrorism expert at Rand Corp., the Santa Monica think tank. People do unpredictable things in panic situations. Adding to the danger of these modern active shooter events, it was recently reported that local law enforcement in Punta Gorda, Florida, accidentally used live rounds during a so-called shoot/don t shoot scenario, fatally shooting one woman participating in the drill that suddenly went live. Punta Gorda Police Department (Facebook)Staged Propaganda, False Imagery & Embedded Journo s As staged active shooter drills and mass casualty incidents have become the norm, we ve also seen an escalation in war time images meant to polarize the public, something aimed at shifting attitudes politically.In February 2015, 21WIRE reported how British journalist John Cantlie s video message From Inside Aleppo was part of an elaborate PR effort to humanize ISIS and its future generation of fighters. The decidedly pro-ISIS video was heavily promoted by the intelligence group SITE as well as the ISIS media arm, Al Hayat Media Center.Mainstream pundits and broadcast journalists maintain that Cantlie is and was under duress, having been forced into operating as a crack reporter for the ISIS terror brand. The narrative borders on the ridiculous, yet it has been totally accepted without question.Cantlie s prominent role in the YouTube video series Lend Me Your Ears, prompted some in new media circles to question the British journo, along with his links to USAID connected reporter, James Foley one of the as of yet, forensically unproven deaths at the hands of the estranged terror persona Jihadi John .Nothing in the video appeared to be authentic, as Cantlie failed to disclose the true nature of the West s role in inciting terror in the region, through its various arms trafficking and Train and Equip programs linked to so-called moderate rebels in Syria.Recently, 21WIRE contributor Branko Mali of Kali Tribune, deconstructed another active Gladio-style shooting in Munich, Germany, and its apparent relation to the bizarre incident in Nice, France. In fact, rather uncannily, journalist Richard Gutjahr, was in France to capture the white lorry truck rampage on Bastille Day as well as the strange shooting incident in Munich. Here s a passage from his report, an article which outlines deep media and political ties: He [Richard Gutjahr] is a M nchen based journalist, talk show moderator, blogger and new media technologies enthusiast, currently employed by Bavarian TV company, BR 24. For uninitiated into Gutjahr s impressive, if somewhat bizarre, CV his name will probably remain in memory simply because he decided to visit Nice for an extended weekend to experience the July, 14. Bastille Day celebration and, quite accidentally, found himself on the balcony of his hotel room, when white lorry driver commenced his rampage. While driving through M nchen, Richard got the call from a friend informing him that there s a shootout in the Olympia-Einkaufszentrum.The whole episode reminds one of Goran Tomasevic, a Serbian photographer who works with Reuters and has also captured pivotal political events over the past 20 years, such as his picture of a U.S. Marine witnessing the toppling of a Saddam Hussein statue, the Arab Spring, so-called moderates in Aleppo and the suspiciously staged Westgate Mall massacre in Kenya in 2013.Similarly, new forms of subliminally arresting and deceptive propaganda have appeared recently in Western media and more broadly, over the past year from NGOs linked to the military alliance NATO and to known Islamist terrorist groups.Over the last two weeks, an emotionally charged scene supposedly depicting a Syrian child rescued after an airstrike became a polarizing story exploited by Western media.Here we see 21WIRE contributor, Jay Dyer of Jay s Analysis discuss the dust boy propaganda Aleppo Syria Dust Boy Image StagedWhile watching the entire video footage of the event, the dust-covered boy who appears to be bleeding after an apparent airstrike (yet the blood has already coagulated) is left unattended, as he is oddly propped up in an ambulance seat while being photographed by Mahmoud Raslan an alleged media activist who has been seen fraternizing with terrorist groups in Aleppo. This has prompting some critics to charge that Raslan may actually be linked to the White Helmets, a group funded largely by NATO and an NGO embedded with Al-Qaeda members, who regularly dispense staged humanitarian media images and video for public consumption.From this information, we might observe that the recent so-called rescue operation in Aleppo, was specifically produced for maximum emotional impact and internet viral capability, and always dovetailing with the West s regime change plot in Syria with the support of a so-called first-responder or human rights NGO.The strange and disembodied footage of a blood and dust-covered boy, was also reminiscent of last year s migrant crisis image of a child washed ashore yet the mainstream media failed to question the geopolitical angle behind the photograph as well as the engineered migrant crisis itself.In many ways, this type of drive-by shock and awe imagery is linked to past political staging in the Middle East, as well as other hotbed areas around the world. STAGING WAR An allegedly staged war image from the Ukraine. (Image Source: rt)It was also recently revealed that a war image in the Ukraine had supposedly been staged just as things have been politically been heating up in that region. RT explains:The dramatic picture in question which went viral this month shows two Ukrainian soldiers, carrying their wounded comrade, while a huge explosion is visible behind their backs, sending a plume of smoke into the air.The author of the photo Dmitry Muravsky, an amateur photographer who served as an adviser to the Ukrainian Defense Minister claimed it was made on June 4 in the village of Shirokino, located on the firing line between the government forces and rebels in east Ukraine.However in an open letter signed by numerous Ukrainian journalists and photographers, people claimed it was a fake and said they strongly condemn such manipulative activities. Interestingly, in 2014, The UK s Express discussed a book entitled Five Came Back by movie historian Mark Harris that revealed a handful of legendary Hollywood directors had faked combat footage in Second World War documentaries that have been considered genuine for almost 70 years. John Ford, John Huston, Frank Capra, William Wyler and George Stevens all enlisted despite their glittering Hollywood lifestyles and joined other filmmakers recording the Allied advance across occupied Europe and in the Pacific.Their films were allegedly created to boost morale among troops and cinema audiences the world over, including apparently staging much of the epic scenes during the Pearl Harbor attack in 1944.Additionally, the report states that Decades later both Capra and Huston admitted in interviews that some of their bogus work was disgraceful but Huston was less frank publicly about the authenticity of his acclaimed documentary The Battle Of San Pietro, which, in 1991, was selected for America s prestigious National Film Registry of the Library of Congress because it was considered historically significant. The West continues to see a media blitz of false, fake and doctored criminality often masking many real-life conspiracies READ MORE DAILY SHOOTER NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Daily Shooter Files;September 3, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: France's Le Pen says victim of 'banking fatwa' over account closures;PARIS/NANTERRE (Reuters) - French far-right leader Marine Le Pen accused two banks on Wednesday of launching a banking fatwa to silence her National Front party by closing bank accounts of hers and her party s. The banks said they had acted within regulatory requirements but declined to offer fuller explanations. Le Pen is smarting from defeat in this year s presidential and parliamentary elections, during which she accused French banks of being politically biased for not lending to her campaigns. This is an attempt to suffocate an opposition party, and no democrat should accept that, Le Pen told a news conference, calling on President Emmanuel Macron and other political parties to back her National Front (FN). Le Pen said the FN would file a complaint against Societe Generale and its subsidiary, Credit du Nord. She also plans a complaint against HSBC for closing a personal account of hers. The FN says Societe Generale closed its accounts earlier this month, and when the central bank ordered a subsidiary, Credit du Nord, to manage an account for the party, the bank refused to process cheque and credit card payments. Societe Generale rejected the accusations. Decisions to open or close a bank account depend purely on banking reasons ... without taking into account any political consideration, it said in a statement. It added that Credit du Nord offered an FN representative banking services required by law but gave no more details. HSBC said it complied with all necessary regulations and could not publicly discuss client relationships. In France, banks are allowed to close accounts with advance notice and do not have to say why. Holding an account is a right, however, and a customer can ask the Bank of France to designate a bank that would be forced to open one. But the designated bank can choose to limit the use of the account to basic banking services. The Bank of France would not comment. The FN has long said it struggled with financing. It came under scrutiny for a 9 million-euro loan it got in 2014 from a now-defunct Russian bank. It spent 12.5 million euros ($14.70 million) on the presidential election alone this year. Party supporters have since been asked to lend it money directly. At her news conference, Le Pen asked party supporters to react to the account closures. Hours later, the hashtag JeQuitteLaSG , or I Leave Societe Generale , was the top trending topic on Twitter in France. Government spokesman Christophe Castaner said the FN should be allowed to have a bank account and use it normally. But I do not know why the bank told its client, the National Front, Thank you and goodbye , so I cannot comment on the substance of the case, he told a weekly news conference.;November 22, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Great! Vet Lives Matter To Trump Who Offered To Personally Help Wounded Warrior [Video];Donald Trump took a question from a Wounded Warrior named Todd, who explained his frustration with the VA. Mr. Trump then took down his information and offered to personally put pressure on the VA: ;Oct 28, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump Just Claimed He Beat Obama In The Election And Got RIPPED APART By Twitter (TWEETS);"Donald Trump can t let it go. A broken and antiquated system that exists solely to benefit slave-owning states by increasing the value of their residents votes while devaluing everyone else s the Electoral College allowed him to become President despite his opponent trouncing him in the popular vote, and he still isn t satisfied because he failed to travel back in time and vanquish his true nemesis: President Obama.Ever since he recently claimed that he could have beaten the President if he ran against him, Trump has been the subject of mockery but on Tuesday, his delusion came to a head when he claimed he had actually beaten Obama, who could not and did not run in 2016. President Obama campaigned hard (and personally) in the very important swing states, and lost, Twitler tweeted. The voters wanted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! President Obama campaigned hard (and personally) in the very important swing states, and lost.The voters wanted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 27, 2016Now sure, he actually ended up with a historic popular vote loss among people who have become President while Obama enjoyed a record-shattering popular vote win while also managing to win via the Electoral College, but The Donald is confident that he could beat Obama in a head-to-head matchup. Naturally, the mockery intensified to match this new level of stupidity:.@realDonaldTrump Honey honey shhhh. It's over. You did it, baby. You have to be President now. Stop catastrophizing into imaginary spirals. Bess Kalb (@bessbell) December 27, 2016@realDonaldTrump My nephew tweets 3-4x a day too. He's 12. david nuzzy nussbaum (@theNuzzy) December 27, 2016@realDonaldTrump obama wasn't running this year Tuesdave (@redletterdave) December 27, 2016@realDonaldTrump delete your account Brad Sams (@bdsams) December 27, 2016@realDonaldTrump OMG get over it, you ""won"", we all KNOW, believe me Mike Denison (@mikd33) December 27, 2016@realDonaldTrump I love that it's always going to eat you alive, that you lost the popular vote. You're a sore winner, and a sore (popular vote) loser. Trey Pearson (@treypearson) December 27, 2016@treypearson @realDonaldTrump He lost the popular vote in HISTORIC FASHION! Long after he's dead & gone, that HISTORIC LOSS will remain. LOL Hadus A. Goodrun (@ochutup) December 27, 2016@realDonaldTrump How is you being a bitch on twitter making America great again? Tommy Campbell (@MrTommyCampbell) December 27, 2016@realDonaldTrump you're lucky he couldn't run for a third term. pic.twitter.com/y8bwsGGLIw Jordan Uhl (@JordanUhl) December 27, 2016@realDonaldTrump You lost the popular vote by 2.9 million just sayin' Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) December 27, 2016@realDonaldTrump Reminder: Obama wasn't running this year. You're claiming to have won against an imaginary opponent. Anirvan Ghosh (@anirvanghosh) December 27, 2016@realDonaldTrump president Obama won both times. Release your tax returns. Molly Knight (@molly_knight) December 27, 2016@realDonaldTrump You are a child. No, that's an insult to children. Children love life, & are full of wonder & happiness. That's not you. Larry Sullivan (@larrysullivan) December 27, 2016Good God @realDonaldTrump. It's over you won (sort of). Have a nice conjugal cuddle with your ""charity"" funded portrait, and move on. Steve Blum (@blumspew) December 27, 2016 @realDonaldTrump Oh dear, it must be time for your pills, grandpa Trump. Obama didn't run in 2016, remember? It was Hillary. HILL-LA-REE! RJ Palacio (@RJPalacio) December 27, 2016@realDonaldTrump President Obama campaigned in 2008 and 2012, and unlike you, he won the electoral college AND the popular vote. #resist Nicky Jay (@BrooklynSun76) December 27, 2016@realDonaldTrump you are a bit of a goose. Obama is far more popular than Hillary and wasn't the candidate, if you hadn't noticed. Stephen Mayne (@MayneReport) December 27, 2016@realDonaldTrump Obama wasn't running. I'm honestly not sure you realize that. You may have legit mental issues. Get checked out. Scott Springer (@scott_springer) December 27, 2016@realDonaldTrump} You really are senile aren't you,President Obama didn't loose, Hillary Clinton lost ,to a cheater named Donald Trump Larry Martin (@LarryGeneMartin) December 27, 2016@realDonaldTrump The voters had no choice. We couldnt vote Obama in for a third term. LisaL.A.?? (@LisaBBFF) December 27, 2016At this point, Trump should be working on unifying the country (as though that is possible with him in charge). Unfortunately, it seems that he is more focused on being a Twitter troll than on being President. Even more unfortunately, our country will suffer for it.Featured image via Getty Images (Ethan Miller)/screengrab";December 27, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: MONEY TO “BERN!”…SOCIALIST BERNIE SANDERS Endorses Clinton…Buys THIRD Home On Lake For $600K Only 3 Weeks Later;Feel the Bern of a lot of gullible young people who were fed a big line of Bullsh*t Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders (VT) is the proud new owner of a summer home in the Champlain Islands, Seven Days has confirmed.The Burlington resident last week plopped down nearly $600,000 on a lakefront camp in North Hero.Sanders new crib has four bedrooms and 500 feet of Lake Champlain beachfront on the east side of the island facing Vermont, not New York. The Bern will keep his home in Burlington and use the new camp seasonally. We ve traveled up to the islands many times over the years almost always on day trips, Sanders wife, Jane O Meara Sanders, told Seven Days in a written statement. We ve been impressed with the North Hero community, eaten at the North Hero House and Shore Acres and have suggested them to friends who were looking for a beautiful place to stay or have dinner. St. Anne s Shrine in Isle La Motte is my favorite church and it is nearby. Last Tuesday, the day of the closing, a relaxed-looking Bernie Sanders posed for a photo at Hero s Welcome General Store on Route 2. The store, a bit south of his new abode, serves a sandwich called Feel the Bun in the senator s honor. The $6.99 deli delight consists of a HUGE homemade roll, sliced turkey, fresh apple chutney, hot pepper relish, lettuce, tomato and provolone cheese. It s not fair that the Billionaire Class controls 99 percent of the bread, the menu description reads. Here s a sandwich for the rest of us to keep us nourished until everything cool is free! Seven Days;Aug 10, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Slovakia a pro-European island in its region, PM says;BRATISLAVA (Reuters) - Slovakia s prime minister, president and parliament speaker pledged on Monday to keep to a pro-European path, a day after its Czech neighbors became the latest central European ex-Communists to elect a populist taking a hard line on the EU. Czech billionaire Andrej Babis s ANO party won the vote that punished traditional parties. Babis said on Saturday his party was pro-European but he is cool to adopting the euro single currency and resists deeper integration in the EU. With the election of Babis, the Czechs join the Poles and Hungarians in electing leaders who emphasize national interest and say they are skeptical of greater integration with Europe. Far right parties critical of Brussels have also scored successes in recent weeks in Austria and Germany, notably in Germany s former Communist east. I never dared to comment on the domestic political situations in other countries, but I am glad that Slovakia has become a pro-European island in this region, Slovakia s Prime Minister Robert Fico said on Monday. He said it was unintentional but apt timing that the pro-EU foreign policy declaration, which he backed along with President Andrej Kiska and parliament s Speaker Andrej Danko, appeared on the morning after the Czech vote. In power for nine of the past 11 years, Fico has clashed with Brussels himself on many occasions. But he also likes to boast that he increased Slovakia s clout by bringing it into the euro zone in 2009 when its richer Czech neighbors kept their own currency. In recent months, since the election of Emmanuel Macron in France gave a boost to pro-Europeans across the bloc, he has embraced the EU more ardently, saying he aims to steer into a core Europe, even if neighbors want to stay on the fringes. Fico, too, is battling a rise in anti-EU sentiment in his country of 5.4 million. But Slovakia, with a small economy driven by exports of cars and electronics to other EU states, has more to lose from alienating Brussels than its bigger and more self-sufficient neighbors.;October 23, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: 'At the doors of starvation:' siege strangles Damascus suburbs;EASTERN GHOUTA (Reuters) - A tightening siege has pushed people to the verge of famine in the eastern suburbs of Damascus, residents and aid workers say, bringing desperation to the only major rebel enclave near the Syrian capital. Cases of malnutrition among children have almost doubled in the last two months at one clinic in the suburbs, which have been under siege by Syrian government forces since 2013 but come under new pressure this year as tunnels used to smuggle in food have been cut off. The child that we consider normal in Ghouta is the child whose weight is on the lowest end of the normal weight scale. We don t have fully healthy children. The main reason is the lack of food and nutrition, said Dr Amani Ballour, a paediatrician. There are children who we previously classified as at risk of malnutrition, who are now classified as medium-level acute malnutrition or extreme-level acute malnutrition cases. At two and a half years old, Hala al-Nufi weighs less than five kilos (12 pounds). She suffers from a metabolic disorder, but a lack of adequate food has made the case extreme. Hala, her eyes hollow and her translucent skin stretching over her tiny bones, had gotten sicker in recent months, her parents said. They worry she will not survive the siege. Um Said, a mother of six, says she is too hungry to breast feed her six-month-old twins, Marwa and Safa. I put the child to the breast, but there is no milk. I am not eating. I slept without supper last night, she said. Sometimes I hit myself against the wall, she said. For God s, sake open the road. In the name of the prophet, I kiss your hands and feet, open the road for us. We are going to die of hunger. We are eating from the trash bins. At least 1,200 children in eastern Ghouta suffer from malnutrition, on the rise with 1,500 others at risk, a spokeswoman for the U.N. children s agency UNICEF said. We could be at the doors of starvation, of a medical catastrophe, said health worker Mahmoud al-Sheikh. He said children were not yet dying of hunger but could be soon. God help the people in the coming time. The army s advances in recent months have shrunk the rebel-held pocket in the densely populated area of satellite towns and farms east of the capital. Food, fuel and medicine once traveled across frontlines into the suburbs through a network of underground tunnels. But early this year, an army offensive nearby cut smuggling routes that provided a lifeline for around 300,000 people in the enclave. Supplies have barely entered in months. Shortages have sent prices soaring even higher. Residents and local aid workers say they fear the worst if nothing changes when the cold arrives and stocks run out. A kilogram of sugar now costs more than 5,000 Syrian pounds ($10.81 dollars), roughly 14 times the state-regulated price in nearby Damascus. Two malnourished babies died this week after the siege aggravated their illnesses, a local official said. Photos of one of them a skeletal baby girl brought widespread attention to a crisis that has been growing there for months. Linda Tom, a spokeswoman for the U.N. humanitarian affairs office (OCHA) in Syria, said the one-month-old girl, Sahar, had congenital abnormalities. Hunger worsened her condition, and the baby died of pneumonia. Through a series of offensives and evacuation deals, the Damascus government has defeated opposition pockets around the capital. Eastern Ghouta has held out, but residents say there is now talk for the first time of agreeing to evacuate. People are under pressure, they will erupt. There is no baby milk at all. Mothers and fathers are watching their children go hungry. They want a solution in any way, at any price, said Adnan, 30, who runs a local aid group. Families relied on crops they harvested in the summer, and meagre food distributions from warehouses run by the opposition government based in Turkey, he said. Adnan s group had preserved and dried vegetables that it will distribute to 1,500 families next week, but besides that, its food aid has halted. Even if I get funding, there are no goods to buy, he said. The eastern Ghouta has shut down. There is a state of paralysis. The Wafideen crossing at the outskirts, where checkpoints allowed some goods to enter, has also been heavily restricted or shut, the U.N. and residents said. Only two aid convoys have reached the Ghouta since July, each with food and medicine for about 20 percent or less of the population. In July, Moscow and rebels in the Ghouta signed a ceasefire that had sparked hopes of opening crossings and aid flowing into the suburbs. But residents say none of that has materialized. The de-escalation deal reduced the barrage of air strikes and artillery, but the siege only got harsher, they said. Fierce ground battles also rage on in some frontline districts. When people in the Ghouta learned of the deal and thought it would bring relief, many began using up their food reserves at home, said Khalil Aybour, head of the local council in the town of Douma. After they saw it was all rumors, he said, the misery grew immensely.;October 27, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: French Journalist Hit With Huge Fine For “Inciting Hate” Against Muslims…Even Though We All Know What He Said Is True;"Americans should pay close attention to this story, especially after Loretta Lynch announced the US Government will punish anyone for anti-Muslim speech.Journalist and writer ric Zemmour has once again been fined this time 3,000 euros for inciting to hate Muslims. Le Parisien reports:Polemicist Eric Zemmour was sentenced on Thursday to a fine of 3,000 euros for provoking hatred towards Muslims, as a result of comments he made to the Italian daily Corriere della Sera in October 2014. In particular, he declared that the Muslims have their civil code, it s the Koran, that they live among themselves in the suburbs. The French are forced to leave. The prosecution had asked for a fine of 10,000 euros. I believe we re heading for chaos. This situation of a people in the people, of Muslims in the French people, will lead us to chaos and to civil war, he added. Millions of persons live here, in France, but refuse to live in the French manner. ric Zemmour was at the time promoting his book Le Suicide fran ais.Note: First, the use of the term polemicist to describe Zemmour is a deliberate attempt by the media to emphasize his warlike nature and his refusal to debate. The word evokes hostility and single-mindedness. Second, Zemmour s reference to a possible civil war preceded by fourteen months the statement by Manuel Valls, between the two rounds of the regional elections, that an FN victory would lead to civil war. No one prosecuted Valls. Third, there is an implication that Zemmour s words were intended to provoke in order to sell more books, since he was on a book tour in Italy.During the hearing in the Paris criminal court, the polemicist had maintained that he was speaking of the Muslims in the suburbs who organize and who are planning to secede. Prosecutor Annabelle Philippe deemed that his remarks that she regarded as stigmatizing and without nuance , were aimed at the totality of the Muslim community. The court agreed stating that at no point in the interview did he reduce his comments to just a fraction of Muslims. The whole of Zemmour s remarks rests on an eminently divisive assumption: that the Muslim community, in its essence and its culture, is in opposition to the French and to the French people, said the judges. Claiming to relate an ineluctable evolution, ric Zemmour proposes to his readers the only option capable, in his eyes, of avoiding civil war: an organized and forced departure from France of the entire Muslim community. The court lambasted his warlike and catastrophe-prone semantics that denote the conceptual passage from a probable reality to a solution at once credible and desirable. Note: So it is a crime in France to express a credible solution to a probable reality? It s a crime to even envisage a chaotic situation caused by Islamic doctrine?His lawyer Olivier Pardo, who plans to appeal, reacted: The remarks made by ric Zemmour before the November 13 attacks are today shared by a large part of those who voice their opinion. I cannot help but note the relentlessness to which he was subjected. The polemicist was also condemned to pay one or one thousand euros, depending on the case, in damages to the associations comprising the plaintiffs. To that will be added court costs, for a total of 13,003 euros.Note: Criminal and civil trials are combined here. While we would have a separate civil suit, in France the damages are meted out in the criminal court.The judges decision again has recognized that ric Zemmour is a propagator of hatred, deemed Sabrina Goldman, attorney for LICRA (International League against Racism and Antisemitism). His words are all the more dangerous because he presents himself as the apostle of truth; he claims to tell the truth when in fact he only expresses hatred, she declared. The president of SOS Racism, Dominique Sopo, expressed satisfaction that the justice system had reminded us that freedom of expression is not freedom to spread hatred . He also said: It makes you wonder again how he can hold such a position of authority in the media. Via: LeParisian";Dec 23, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump Just Asked For The Public’s Opinion. A Former Obama Official Had The PERFECT Response (IMAGE);Donald Trump might want to stop creating public polls it s never going to end well for him as he is the most hated POTUS in history.It s no secret that even before Trump stepped foot in the White House, the nation was mourning the loss of President Barack Obama, stunned and heartbroken that a truly great POTUS would be replaced by an incompetent reality television star.We re now several weeks into Trump s presidency and we still can t get over it. If the average American is upset about Trump being in the White House, you can only imagine what Obama s former officials feel, having worked closely with a truly great man and leader. Today, former Obama official Chris Lu gave us a look at some major resistance to the new president.Lu was Obama s top liaison to federal departments and agencies, and clearly showed that he was fiercely loyal to the former POTUS. Trump made the mistake of asking the public what agencies he should cut and it went horribly wrong thanks to Lu. Lu answered the question by proposing that Trump s White House be eliminated!Trump was looking for a way to make the Federal government more efficient, effective, and accountable to you and we can all agree that our government would be far more effective without Trump and his corrupt administration. Here s Lu s hilarious response to Trump:Lu wrote: The President seems more interested in visiting his own properties instead of fulfilling his constitutional duties. But if he wants to stay in office, he should disclose his tax returns, eliminate all conflicts of interest, and disclose who is visiting the White House. That s something we all could agree on. We have all seen how miserably Trump fails whenever he tries to get something done four years under this administration will be detrimental to the country.Featured image via Feng Li / Getty Images;April 15, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: FARMER FINED A WHOPPING $2.8 MILLION Asks President Trump For Help;A California farmer fined $2.8 million for plowing through vernal pools protected by the Clean Water Act without a permit is appealing to the Trump administration for help, according to California s Record Spotlight.John Duarte has sent letters to Agriculture secretary Sonny Perdue, as well as Attorney General Jeff Sessions seeking clarification on the federal government s case against him, the Record Spotlight reports.While the Clean Water Act protects waters of the U.S., it does contain exemptions for farmers.The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers fined Duarte Nursery, owned by Duarte, in 2012 for failing to get a permit before plowing through vernal pools located on a recently purchased 450 acre plot of land. The vernal pools, temporary bodies of water that house certain species of plants and animals, are protected as waters of the United States by the Clean Water Act of 1972. We expected the Trump administration to provide regulatory relief from Obama-era overreach, and we haven t seen it yet, Duarte said according to the Record Spotlight. We re hoping to see the administration engage this issue, to look at it again. House Agriculture Chairman Mike Conway and House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte sided with Duarte, sending a letter to Sessions May 26 questioning the merit of the Duarte case.Read more: DC;Jul 29, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. urges Myanmar to stop offensive, allow civilians to return;UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United States urged the Myanmar government on Monday to end military operations in Rakhine state, grant humanitarian access, and commit to aiding the safe return of civilians to their homes, said U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley. People are still at risk of being attacked or killed, humanitarian aid is not reaching the people who need it, and innocent civilians are still fleeing across the border to Bangladesh, Haley said in a statement. Haley s remarks came after she attended a ministerial meeting hosted by British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson on Myanmar on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly. ;September 18, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: German justice minister says things will get more crazy after Trump win;BERLIN (Reuters) - German Justice Minister Heiko Maas tweeted on Wednesday that the world would be a bit crazier after Donald Trump’s victory in the U.S. presidential election. “The world won’t end but it will get crazier,” tweeted the minister, a Social Democrat (SPD) in conservative Chancellor Angela Merkel’s right-left coalition. ;November 9, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: 'Stop whining' about U.S. elections being rigged, Obama tells Trump;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama urged Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump to “stop whining” about the Nov. 8 election being rigged, saying no serious person could suggest U.S. elections could be manipulated because of their decentralized nature. “I have never seen in my lifetime, or in modern political history, any presidential candidate trying to discredit the elections and the election process before votes have even taken place. It’s unprecedented,” the Democratic president said. “I’d invite Mr. Trump to stop whining, and go try to make his case to get votes,” Obama said at a joint White House news conference with Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.;October 18, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End