Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: MEDIA COULDN’T BE FOUND DURING BENGHAZI SCANDAL…But Watch Them Sprint After Hillary’s “Scooby” Van To Catch Her First Campaign Stop;Not that anyone should be surprised by the lap dog mentality of these second rate liberal hack journalists. They re the reason the most crooked woman in America is even a contender in this race.;Apr 14, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: KELLYANNE CONWAY: “Where The Hell Were Those Democrats When Veterans Were Dying Waiting For Care?”;Kellyanne Conway appeared on the Sean Hannity show with guest host Eric Bolling. She was clearly frustrated by the Democrats attempt to mischaracterize the repeal of Obamacare. The outspoken Kellyanne Conway blasted the Democrats, asking Eric Bolling, Where the hell were the Democrats when veterans were dying? She also reminded Bolling that President Trump signed the Veterans Choice Act last week, allowing veterans who can t get timely, quality health care at a VA facility, to access the private health care system.Watch: Where the hell were those #Democrats when #Veterans were dying waiting for care? ~ @KellyannePolls #AHCA #Trumpcare #MAGA pic.twitter.com/H1B2xXWHjg BRIAN FRASER (@bfraser747) May 6, 2017The American Health Care Act (HR 1628) passed by the House this week reduces taxes on the American people by over $1 trillion. For a list of taxes the bill abolishes that were imposed by Obama and the Democrat party in 2010 as part of Obamacare click HERE.;May 6, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: “Without Coal, This State Is Nothing”…WEST VIRGINIA COAL MINERS SPEAK OUT…SUPPORT TRUMP;"We re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business. Hillary ClintonYes, that s exactly what Hillary Clinton said in March about the coal industry. She was following the Obama policy of shutting down the coal industry at all costs. She has since said she would spend federal dollars to retrain coal miners to do another job. The problem is that these men don t want to do that. The American people and voters in West Virginia had better realize what the loss of the coal industry would mean THIS IS PART OF A PIECE FROM THE NEW YORK TIMES SO READER BEWARE OF LIBERAL SPIN AND LIES HERE AND THERE POWELLTON, W.Va. Deep in the belly of an Appalachian mountain, a powerful machine bored into the earth, its whirring teeth clawing out a stream of glistening coal. Men followed inside the Maple Eagle No. 1 mine, their torches cutting through the dank air. One guided the machine with a PlayStation-like controller; others bolted supports in the freshly cut roof.They were angry. The coal industry that made West Virginia prosperous has been devastated. Every day, it seemed, another mine laid off workers or closed entirely. Friends were forfeiting their cars, homes and futures.For these men, this season s presidential campaign boils down to a single choice. I m for Trump, said Dwayne Riston, 27, his face smeared in dust. Way I see it, if he wins, we might at least stand a chance of surviving. Few places in America offer such a simple electoral calculus as the rolling, tree-studded hills of West Virginia.Even as Donald J. Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, lags badly in crucial swing states and loses his grip on white male voters over all, he remains on solid ground here with his promise to bring back coal. The fact that his Democrat opponent, Hillary Clinton, said in March, We re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business, has helped, too.But this is not just about economics. West Virginia s coal country is part of the broader white, working-class vote that has coalesced around a single candidate, Mr. Trump, like never before. His support here stems from a profound, decades-in-the-making sense of political and cultural alienation that has left people feeling distant from their leaders, and even from fellow Americans. I kind of feel that people are looking down on us, said Neil Hanshew, a miner, voicing a common sentiment. They re looking at us like we re a bunch of dumb hillbillies who can t do anything else. Read more: NYT";Aug 22, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: AMAZING ENTRANCE! Trump Does “Les Deplorables” [Video]; ;Sep 16, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: They held a convention in Cleveland, and (so far) few protesters came;CLEVELAND (Reuters) - Kirtland Park, on the shores of Lake Erie near downtown Cleveland, was designated as a place where hundreds of protesters could camp during the Republican National Convention. It is less than a quarter full. One measure of the shortfall: With about 10 transportable toilets on hand Tuesday night and about 15 tents, the city was providing one plastic commode for every two campers. U.S. political conventions typically are protest magnets, and the Republican National Convention that nominated Donald Trump as its presidential candidate after a bitter primary campaign had been seen as a major draw. But three days in, the crowds were far smaller than expected. Activists said deadly attacks on police in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Dallas had scared off some would-be protesters. Others saw the presence of “open carry” gun-rights advocates as a threat to their safety. Cleveland’s heavy police presence discouraged others, protest leaders said. “I’m extremely disappointed with turnout,” said Lee Garnett, a 39-year-old tech worker who came from San Francisco to protest Trump’s nomination. As he stood in Kirtland Park on Tuesday night, about two dozen activists listened to a man strum a guitar and sing. Garnett said friends had backed out. “It was fear of violence. Fear of violence from the police and fear of violence from the Trump supporters,” he said, citing Trump’s prediction in March of riots if he were denied the nomination. City records show three of five officially permitted protests planned for the first three days of the convention did not occur. Either organizers canceled events or supporters failed to take part, city officials said. The American Civil Liberties Union had won a court battle to reduce the size of the security area around the convention hall, arguing that people needed more space to exercise their free speech rights. But the designated 1.7-square-mile (440-hectare) “event zone” easily accommodated the few hundred protesters on hand at any given time. At rallies, police officers appeared swiftly and often outnumbered the protesters. On Wednesday, police arrested 18 people - the biggest number of the convention so far - after they scuffled with police while trying to set fire to an American flag near the convention entrance. Cleveland has put 500 police officers on the streets, backed by about 3,000 reinforcements from as far away as California and Texas. Hundreds of cops on bicycles, with others on foot and horseback, have directed and controlled crowds. “It has a chilling effect on the exercise of free speech, which is so critical in a democratic society,” said Terry Gilbert, a veteran Cleveland civil rights lawyer. “That’s dangerous. I think that could change the whole dynamic of protest.” Cleveland police say the events have gone smoothly so far, with little violence and only 23 convention-related arrests through Wednesday. Cleveland activist Art McCoy, founder of civil rights group Black Man’s Army, which often protests against police use of force, said his group is not marching. “We’ve decided to be still and observe,” McCoy said, adding that he doubted convention protests would change relations between minorities and local police. “The convention is just a distraction.” Local activist Rachelle Smith said the Dallas shooting, in which five people were killed, influenced her choice to act as a legal observer and adviser rather than leading protests. “I expected numbers to be bigger – whether from people coming in from out of town or people from Cleveland getting involved,” she said. But Christine Link, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio, said Clevelanders have little experience assembling large-scale protests. “Cleveland is not Chicago or New York,” she said. “We don’t have the activist networks, we don’t have the populations of those cities.” Ann Wright, 70, a member of the antiwar group Code Pink who traveled from Honolulu, said the same fear that caused some to stay home prompted her to travel to Cleveland. “People who have privilege - I’m a white woman, I’m a retired lieutenant colonel - have to do this because we can,” said Wright, a former U.S. Army officer and former U.S. diplomat. Protest organizers were not giving up. On Wednesday, a group of immigrant-rights activists donned ponchos with a brick pattern and stood shoulder to shoulder in what they called a human wall. Trump has promised to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. “It’s a beautiful sight,” Ivan Vargas, a 28-year-old business consultant from Atlanta, said as the march kicked off. “These are people who are ready to put their bodies on the line.” At the end of the event, piles of unworn ponchos remained on the ground.;July 21, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Bahraini military court convicts six to death on terror charges;(In Dec. 25 story, removes reference to Shi ite Muslims in first paragraph, and changes militant attacks to terrorist crimes in second paragraph) DUBAI (Reuters) - A Bahraini military court sentenced six men to death and revoked their citizenship after they were convicted on charges of forming a terrorist cell and plotting to assassinate a military official, Bahrain news agency BNA reported on Monday. The men, including one soldier, were accused of several terrorist crimes and of attempting to assassinate a commander of the Bahraini army, BNA said. The court sentenced seven other people linked to the case to seven years in jail and revoked their citizenship, while five others were acquitted, BNA added, quoting a state prosecution statement. BNA said the 18 men involved in the case include eight who were convicted in absentia, having fled to Iraq and Iran. It was not clear which of the absent eight were sentenced to death and which to jail. Bahrain accuses mainly Shi ite Iran of stoking militancy in the kingdom, a strategic island where the U.S. Navy s Fifth Fleet is based, charges Tehran denies. Bahrain has a Shi ite Muslim majority population but is ruled by a Sunni royal family. The rulings are subject to appeal, the statement said. Bahrain in January executed three Shi ite men convicted of killing three policemen, including an officer from the United Arab Emirates, in a 2014 bomb attack. They were the first such executions in over two decades and sparked protests. Bahrain had seen occasional unrest since 2011 when authorities crushed protests mainly by the Shi ite majority demanding a bigger role in running the country.;December 25, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: “LIBERAL BULLY” Middle School Teacher Tells Students 13 Yr. Old Black Conservative’s “Not Worth Saving in a Fire” [VIDEO];Outspoken conservative CJ Pearson hasn t heard from the White House and doesn t expect to receive an invitation A teacher at Columbia Middle School in Evans, Georgia allegedly told his students that outspoken 13-year-old black conservative CJ Pearson was not worth saving in a fire, and that he hated him. This is just the latest example of how liberals seem to believe that hate speech is acceptable so long as it s directed at those on the right and especially minority conservatives.Via Paul Joseph Watson at Infowars:Pearson previously made headlines after his Twitter account was blocked by President Obama s official Twitter account following a video in which Pearson criticized Obama over his response to the Clock Kid controversy. White House officials also made fun of the teenager.Pearson was told by several other students in his class that teacher Michael Garrison said CJ is not worth saving in a fire and that he hates him. The teacher also accused Pearson of cheating on a vocabulary test when he was in sixth grade, a claim that Pearson denies. It s always great having a teacher that s not only a liberal bully, but someone who engages in slander, Pearson told BizPac Review. My words are bold and I don t expect everyone to agree. But to have a teacher say this about me? Completely inexcusable. School principal Eli Putnam has promised a full investigation into the matter. Pearson accuses the teacher of violating the school s bullying policy. Via: Gateway PunditHere s conservative CJ Pearson asking Barack Obama: Does every Muslim that can build a clock gets a presidential invitation?;Oct 18, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Taxpayers To Get HUGE Bill For Protecting Trump Because New York City Can’t Afford It;Manhattan is seeing significant problems due to Trump s insistence on staying in Trump Tower during his transition. He needs protection. His family needs protection. The tower needs protection. New York City is willing to give extensive help to the Secret Service to do it, but they can t afford it. And Mayor Bill DeBlasio is now asking the federal government for help.That help could be to the tune of $35 million, in addition to the ongoing costs of protecting Melania and Barron through the end of the school year, and the costs of Trump s need to go back to his tacky gilded penthouse as many weekends as he can. Thus far, the costs of protecting him in that tower are around $1 million per day.Now, sure, President Obama, Michelle and their daughters needed protection when they were in Chicago, Hawaii, etc. However, they didn t go back to Chicago or Hawaii nearly every weekend, and Obama took significantly fewer vacation days than George W. Bush.Trump is one of the people who got on Obama s case for the taxpayer cost of travels. He claimed that one of Obama s trips to New York City cost between $25 million and $50 million. Politifact rated that statement Pants on Fire, because the actual cost was considerably lower, and Trump, true to form, had no basis for his outlandish claim.McClatchy went after Obama for the price tag of his vacations, which was supposedly upwards of $70 million. Their number came from the right-wing group Judicial Watch. However, that report was published in Dec. 2015, and that cost was over the course of 7 years (it s important to note that the Obamas themselves paid for all their housing while they were away).In seven years, the Obamas cost us roughly twice what Trump is going to cost us over the next six weeks by insisting he remain in his poor man s idea of a rich man s apartment through his transition.Trump has pledged no long vacations. He doesn t count weekends in New York City or even at Mar a Lago, his Palm Beach resort, as vacations obviously, but those will add up pretty quickly in terms of taxpayer costs. A $35 million price tag just between now and January 20? Ridiculous.Featured image by Drew Angerer via Getty Images;December 5, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Bodies of 16 migrants found in Libya's eastern desert: official;BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - Libyan security forces said on Tuesday that the bodies of 16 migrants had been found in the desert near the country s border with Egypt. The bodies were found about 310 km (190 miles) southwest of the coastal city of Tobruk, said Ahmed al-Mismari, spokesman for the eastern-based Libyan National Army. He said the area was still being searched and no more details were available about the migrants identities. In the past, patrols and rescuers have recovered the bodies of Egyptian migrants who have perished after being stranded or abandoned by smugglers in Libya s eastern desert. Some migrate to Libya to search for work, and some try to reach Europe by boat.;September 5, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Thousands of Rohingya flee for Bangladesh as fresh violence erupts in Myanmar;COX S BAZAR, Bangladesh/YANGON (Reuters) - Thousands of Rohingya Muslims fleeing violence in Myanmar are trying to cross the border with Bangladesh, Bangladeshi security officials said on Saturday, as fresh fighting erupted in Myanmar s northwestern Rakhine state. The death toll from widespread attacks staged by Rohingya insurgents on Friday has climbed to 96, including nearly 80 insurgents and 12 members of the security forces, the government said, prompting it to evacuate staff and villagers from some areas. The attacks marked a dramatic escalation of a conflict that has simmered since last October, when a similar offensive prompted a major military sweep beset by allegations of serious human rights abuses. The treatment of approximately 1.1 million Muslim Rohingya in mainly Buddhist Myanmar has emerged as the biggest challenge for national leader Aung San Suu Kyi, who late on Friday condemned the morning raids - in which insurgents wielding guns, sticks and homemade bombs assaulted 30 police stations and an army base. The Nobel Peace Prize laureate has been accused by some Western critics of not speaking out for the long-persecuted Muslim minority, and of defending the army s counteroffensive after the October attacks. Some 3,000 Rohingya arrived at the Naf river separating Myanmar and Bangladesh on Saturday, Manzurul Hassan Khan, a Bangladeshi border guard commander, told Reuters. About 500 Rohingya, mostly women and children, spent the last night in a marshy area waiting to cross over, said Khan. We protected them the whole night. Today they went back. Reuters reporters saw hundreds of Rohingya crossing into Bangladesh near the border village of Gumdhum as gun shots could be heard from the Myanmar side. They could be seen squatting in a marshy area, hiding in the bushes from border guards. We managed to escape the shooting in Myanmar and tried to enter Bangladesh. We waited all night after we were pushed backed by Bangladesh border guards last night. This morning, we managed to enter somehow, said Hamid Hossain, 42, who crossed into Bangladesh on Saturday with a group of three families. A 25-year-old man whose relatives said he had been shot by Myanmar security forces on Friday died as he was carried to Bangladesh for treatment. He was buried near a refugee camp close to the border on Saturday, according to camp resident Mohammed Shafi, who said he witnessed the burial. Bangladesh s foreign ministry on Saturday said it was concerned that thousands of unarmed Myanmar nationals had assembled near the border to enter the country. Rohingya have been fleeing Myanmar to Bangladesh since the early 1990s and there are now around 400,000 in the country, where they are a source of tension between the two nations who both regard them as the other country s citizens. In Myanmar, the government said there had been several large clashes involving hundreds of Rohingya across northwestern Rakhine on Saturday. The fiercest fighting took place on the outskirts of the major town of Maungdaw, near the Alodaw Pyae Buddhist monastery. Maungdaw resident Nay Myo Lin, 27, told Reuters by telephone that security forces opened fire on scores of what appeared to be Muslim men with guns near the monastery. Police shot at them to break up the group and then the men shot back in the direction of the entrance gate of the city, said Nay Myo Lin. As the fighting went on throughout the day, I was stuck in the monastery and didn t dare to go out. When the sound of gunshots stopped, I ran to my house, he said. Fearful Rakhine Buddhist residents in Maungdaw town gathered in homes while men stood guard by the windows, said Ohmar Lin, a female resident of the town. We don t go out of the house, but I am ready to fight - we are prepared with knives and sticks to protect ourselves if they come here, she said. The United Nations security team has sent an internal update to staff about the clashes, seen by Reuters, saying that Myanmar government officials had assured the U.N. about their readiness to provide troops to secure our compounds if it becomes necessary . The government said in a statement that: Extremist Bengali terrorists are attacking using man-made mines ... swords, sticks, guns. They also killed Islamic religious people of their own faith who were village administrators. The term Bengali is seen as derogatory by many Rohingya as it implies they are illegal immigrants from Bangladesh, although many can trace family in Myanmar for generations. The Myanmar army operation last year was heavily criticised internationally amid reports of civilian killings, rape and arson that a United Nations investigation said probably constituted crimes against humanity. Suu Kyi is blocking the U.N.-mandated probe into the allegations. Aid workers and monitors worry that the latest attacks, across a wider area than October s violence, will spark an even more aggressive army response and trigger communal clashes between Muslims and Buddhist ethnic Rakhines. Nearly 200 people were killed and around 140,000 displaced in communal violence in the state in 2012. In a statement late on Friday, Suu Kyi strongly condemned brutal attacks by terrorists on security forces in Rakhine State . I would like to commend the members of the police and security forces who have acted with great courage in the face of many challenges, she added. The government said it had evacuated officials, teachers and hundreds of villagers to army bases and main police stations. Some will be evacuated by helicopters and some will be taken out by the security forces, a military source based in Rakhine told Reuters. The Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) which instigated the October attacks claimed responsibility for the offensive, presenting it as a defence against the Myanmar army. Myanmar declared ARSA, previously known as Harakah al-Yaqin, a terrorist organisation in the wake of the attacks.;August 26, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: FBI fear of leaks drove decision on emails linked to Clinton: sources;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - FBI Director James Comey was driven in part by a fear of leaks from within his agency when he decided to tell Congress the FBI was investigating newly discovered emails related to Hillary Clinton, law enforcement sources said on Thursday. The examination of the email traffic is now being carried out under the tightest secrecy by a team at Federal Bureau of Investigations headquarters in Washington, the sources said, requesting anonymity because of the inquiry’s sensitivity. Several sources said it was unclear whether the FBI would make any further public disclosures about its latest review before Tuesday’s presidential and congressional elections. Two sources said such disclosures were unlikely. Another source, recently in contact with top investigators, said: “It depends on how it goes and what they find.” The source said that, as of Thursday, “nobody really knows” whether the FBI will have anything further to say before the election. Dropping like a bombshell on the U.S. presidential campaign, Comey’s disclosure last Friday in a letter to senior lawmakers just days before the elections raised questions about his motives and drew criticism from some over his timing. Comey disclosed that the FBI was looking at emails as part of a probe into Clinton’s use of a private email system while secretary of state, without describing the emails’ content or how long the inquiry might take. The FBI normally does not comment on ongoing inquiries. The latest emails examination was moving forward “expeditiously,” said one source close to the review. The new emails turned up as FBI investigators were examining electronic devices used by former Democratic Representative Anthony Weiner in connection with an alleged “sexting” scandal. Weiner’s estranged wife, Huma Abedin, is a Clinton confidante. Two law enforcement sources familiar with the FBI’s New York Field Office, which initially discovered the emails, said a faction of investigators based in the office is known to be hostile to Hillary Clinton. A spokeswoman for the FBI’s New York office said she had no knowledge about this. Democratic Party sources said such a faction was likely responsible for a recent surge in media leaks on alleged details of an ongoing FBI investigation of the Clinton Foundation. The FBI has made preliminary inquiries into Clinton Foundation activities and alleged contacts between Trump and associates with parties in Russia, according to law enforcement sources. But these inquiries were shifted into low gear weeks ago because the FBI wanted to avoid any impact on the election. The FBI previously had spent about a year investigating Clinton’s use of the unauthorized server at her home in Chappaqua, New York, instead of the State Department system after classified government secrets were found in some of her emails. Comey had said in July that while there was “evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.” ;November 3, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Syrian army encircles IS in al-Mayadin: Syrian military source;BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syria s army and its allies have encircled Islamic State in the city of al-Mayadin, southeast of Deir al-Zor, in eastern Syria, a Syrian military source said on Sunday. Al-Mayadin is one of the last strongholds of Islamic State as it falls back upon the fertile area downstream of Deir al-Zor in the Euphrates valley and launches counter attacks in the central desert after losing swathes of territory this year. Units of our armed forces with the allied forces continue their advance on a number of fronts and axes in Deir al-Zor and its countryside... and encircle Daesh terrorists in the city of al-Mayadin, the military source said. The army and its allies reached Deir al-Zor in September after a months-long offensive across the Syria desert, and have in recent weeks pushed down the Euphrates towards al-Mayadin. However, counter attacks by Islamic State in the central desert region have put pressure on the main supply road to Deir al-Zor from western Syria. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is backed in the war by Russia, Iran and Shi ite militias including Lebanon s Hezbollah, and its campaign against Islamic State has mostly been on the west bank of the river. A U.S.-led coalition is also supporting a rival campaign against the jihadists, mostly on the east bank, where it is close to recapturing Raqqa, and has also advanced downstream to hold areas opposite Deir al-Zor. U.S. officials have previously said that Islamic State had relocated some of its diminished command and propaganda structures to al-Mayadin as it was forced from territory elsewhere. ;October 8, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: As Germans clip Merkel's wings, Brussels braces for turbulence;BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Cheers from Angela Merkel s conservative allies in Brussels at her re-election on Sunday belie wider unease at how the German chancellor will deal with an awkward new coalition and a surge in support for the far-right. With Angela Merkel, Germany remains the strong and reliable partner in Europe, tweeted Manfred Weber, a Merkel ally who leads the biggest party bloc in the European Parliament. But one source in the European People s Party saw trouble ahead in her need to replace her battered Social Democrat grand coalition partners with an alliance of both the left-leaning Greens and the resurgent, economically hawkish liberals of the FDP. Things worked very smoothly with the socialists, the EPP source said. Now, you don t know what s going to happen. The broad expectation is for a Jamaica coalition the country s flag comprises the three parties colors. Martin Selmayr, German chief-of-staff to European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, sent a tweet consisting only of three flags: Jamaica s green, yellow and black flanked by two blue EU banners a reflection of hope in Brussels of continued EU commitment from Berlin that some fear may now be problematic. One casualty of Merkel s weakness may be a rapid move to deepen integration of the euro zone along lines that new French President Emmanuel Macron is expected to outline on Tuesday. Those plans, as with reform proposals floated this month by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, may run into increased scepticism in Berlin, where many are wary of what they see as more demands for German bailouts of states like Greece. Resistance may come both from Merkel s Christian Democrats, spooked by the surge on their right flank, where Alternative for Germany (AfD) entered parliament as the third biggest party, and from the Free Democrats (FDP), whose leader Christian Lindner ruled out Germany contributing to a shared euro zone budget. The liberal leader in the European Parliament, committed federalist and former Belgian premier Guy Verhofstadt, said he hoped for a pro-European coalition to push EU integration. The FDP leader in the EU legislature, Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, said it was an open-minded, pro-European party . The European Greens German co-chair Reinhard Butikofer said his party wanted to strengthen the European Union, making use of the window of opportunity that exists ... between Paris, Brussels and Berlin . He was referring to a keynote speech by Juncker 10 days ago in which the EU chief executive said anti-EU populists were in retreat and called for deeper EU integration. But Guntram Wolff, the German director of the Brussels think-tank Bruegel, questioned Juncker s thinking. He forecast a rightward shift in Germany due to the AfD and resistance from the FDP that would stymie Macron and Juncker s grand visions. Populism definitely not dead, Wolff tweeted. Juncker speech completely miscalculated the situation.;September 24, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Merkel, Trump call for tougher U.N. sanctions against North Korea;BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel and U.S. President Donald Trump condemned North Korea s nuclear test during on Monday and urged the United Nations to quickly agree on tougher sanctions against Pyongyang, a German government spokesman said. Both agreed that the test of a hydrogen bomb means a new and unacceptable escalation by the North Korean regime, Steffen Seibert said in a statement after they spoke by telephone. The German chancellor and the American president expressed the view that the international community must continue to exert pressure on the regime in North Korea and that the United Nations Security Council has to quickly adopt further and stricter sanctions, Seibert added. For her part, Merkel told Trump that Germany would push for tougher sanctions against North Korea by the European Union, Seibert said, adding: The aim is to dissuade North Korea from its violations of international law and to achieve a peaceful solution to the conflict. ;September 4, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: New poll shows Philippine president still hugely popular;MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte retained a high public approval rating in an opinion poll released on Friday, a stark contrast to a different survey earlier this week that showed a sharp decline in trust and satisfaction in the maverick leader. Eighty percent of 1,200 Filipinos surveyed by pollster Pulse Asia late last month said they trust and approve of Duterte slightly down from 81 percent and 82 percent respectively in its June survey. Approval rates the president s performance and trust relates to his personality in the Pulse survey, which did not ask respondents to give a reason. A poll by Social Weather Stations conducted at the same time and released on Sunday showed trust and satisfaction in Duterte - also ratings of personality and performance - fell to the lowest of his presidency. The falls by 15 points and 18 points respectively were significant, and came after a demonstration by thousands of Filipinos and unprecedented public scrutiny on his war on drugs, triggered by the Aug. 16 killing by police of a teenager. Thousands of Filipinos have been killed during the past 15 months. Police insist none were executed, as activists have alleged. Duterte this week ordered police to stand down from the campaign but has not said what motivated his decision. His office said that was to shift focus towards bigger targets. Analysts were unable to explain the big difference in the results of surveys by two well-respected pollsters. Academic Edmund Tayao said the Pulse poll showed the public still recognized the importance of the war on drugs, and Duterte would stick to his policy agenda. The president s tone does not change, regardless of the numbers, Tayao said. Whether these surveys will result in major changes to his policy, I think not. Ranjit Rye of the University of the Philippines said the latest poll showed that, despite recent setbacks and adverse headlines, Duterte had not lost his appeal. Despite all the political noise, all the opposition against the president, he continues to be wildly popular and people approve of his leadership, Rye said. Presidential spokesman Ernesto Abella said there was an enormous amount of appreciation for Duterte, and suggested the earlier poll may have been some form of orchestrated information, disinformation . It s not for us to speculate. But there seems to be that particular effort in order to the put the president and his administration in a particular light, he told reporters.;October 13, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Here’s How The Trump Campaign Can Still Win And Why They Probably Won’t;Dubbed the missing white voters, Nate Silver s FiveThirtyEight wrote an in depth analysis of what Donald Trump needs to do in order to win: Register between 5 to 47 million white voters starting now until election day.Here s a scary stat for Democrats: In 2012, President Obama won re-election by almost 5 million votes, but about 47 million eligible white voters without a college degree including 24 million men didn t bother to vote. In 2016, these nonvoters are part of the demographic that is most strongly in favor of Donald Trump.If Trump rouses even a fraction of these notoriously disaffected Americans like this grease-smudged, 61-year-old first-time voter in western Pennsylvania he could surge to victory. There s just one catch: If we re on the cusp of a blue-collar Great Awakening, it s not yet showing up in the registration data.In other words, Trump has all this support from this major demographic that could deliver him to a landslide victory but they aren t registered. These missing white voters are literally the key to Donald Trump s success, and they hold the key to the swing state vote:If Trump were able to activate merely one of every eight of these missing whites to vote for him, he would wipe out Obama s 2012 margins in three states Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania and win both the Electoral College and the popular vote. If he were able to activate one of every five, he could add Virginia, Nevada, Iowa and New Hampshire.So, in order to merely catch up to President Obama, Trump needs to register at least 5 million more people. Considering registration among nonwhite voters (who overwhelmingly favor Hillary Clinton) is up in battleground states like Pennsylvania and North Carolina (compared to white registrants), and Clinton is gaining with white women, Trump has even more to go.If Trump hopes to overtake Obama s numbers in the crucial swing states, he better hurry up.The voting registration deadlines in Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio are on October 11, less than two weeks away. In less than three weeks, Virginia and Nevada will reach their deadlines, October 18.Here are the dates of individual state deadlines.In other words, the Trump campaign has 18 days to register at least 5 million white voters in 5 swing states, which translates to 277,777 voters a day.Considering his horrendous excuse for a ground game, that won t be an easy feat.As of right now, Democrats have the upper hand in Pennsylvania and Virginia, where metropolitan, non-white registrants are trouncing rural whites.FiveThirtyEight finds that Trump s shoddy ground game, mixed with laziness enabled by the RNC, hurt his chances greatly:So what s going on? It could be that Trump is motivating slightly more new voters against him than for him. Or, perhaps more likely, it could be that white working class voters are out there to be activated, but Trump s campaign and the Republican National Committee have waited until too late to build the analytics and ground infrastructure necessary to identify and register them. That s where Clinton and the Democrats have excelled.So with less than three weeks to go until more than half the states end the registration process, the Trump campaign has already hit a wall (no pun intended). Democrats shouldn t get too excited. The chances that a massive voter turnout on election day could propel Trump to the presidency is a possibility. Democrats need to keep up their registration efforts, and launch a Get Out the Vote movement of equal or better proportions.Featured image via Spencer Platt/Getty Images;September 30, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Nigerian police official defends unit against brutality accusations;ABUJA (Reuters) - A police official defended a unit of the Nigeria Police Force that has been accused of human rights violations, saying many claims of brutality were unfounded and the country needed to be defended against violent crime. A social media campaign has called for the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) to be disbanded. It has gathered pace in recent days as people shared stories of alleged maltreatment by the unit s officers, as well as photographs and videos. Lawmakers in the Senate, the upper house of parliament, voted on Tuesday to open an investigation into the allegations. Nigerian police have been dogged by accusations of human rights abuses for years. The police force has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing. When you check most of these allegations ... it is somebody else that is saying that something happened to another person, said Abayomi Shogunle, who heads the Nigeria Police Force s complaints unit. We have reached out to all these people: tell us who this victim is, tell us the place where it took place, tell us the date and time. They are not forthcoming, said Shogunle, an assistant police commissioner. The social media campaign gathered pace after a video was circulated on social media of a youths chasing police after a man was allegedly shot dead by officers in the commercial capital, Lagos. Reuters could not verify whether the incident took place or details of when and where the video footage was filmed. The campaign, which has seen the EndSARS hashtag trending on Twitter, on Monday prompted the head of the police force to announce an immediate re-organisation of SARS nationwide and an investigation into abuse allegations. Shogunle said a specialist crime unit was needed in a country where kidnapping for ransom is a common problem in some regions, along with burglary. Clashes between semi-nomadic herdsmen and farmers over herding rights have also led to bloodshed in central and northern parts of the country. More than 30 people were killed in such clashes in a northeastern town last month. The question is what do we replace them with? Who will perform those tough, difficult, life-threatening duties that SARS are performing at the moment? he said. Street protests are also being planned in Nigerian cities. This has been going on for a long time and it s crazy that the people actually supposed to be your friend, to protect you, are the ones assaulting and abusing you, said Charles Oputa, who is planning to hold an event in the capital, Abuja. He said he did not believe the restructuring announced by the country s police chief would take place.;December 6, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump rejects future in pulling out of Paris climate pact: Obama;"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former U.S. President Barack Obama on Thursday criticized his successor Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the landmark Paris climate agreement but voiced confidence that U.S. states and businesses will work harder to protect the planet. “Even in the absence of American leadership; even as this Administration joins a small handful of nations that reject the future; I’m confident that our states, cities, and businesses will step up and do even more to lead the way, and help protect for future generations the one planet we’ve got,” he said in a written statement issued as Trump was announcing the withdrawal. ";June 1, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: SORRY HILLARY…We Already Had A Female President And Her Name Is “Nightstalker” [Video];"This will make you sick Valerie Jarrett is as much a liar as Obama.In her 60 Minutes interview, Valerie Jarrett partially reveals the sway and power she possesses in the Obama White House. The full disclosure of her power must wait for another time, perhaps in a tell all book, post Obama administration. It is clear she is very proud of her effect on the Obama presidency, its decisions, its attitudes, and its resultant force upon Constitutional boundaries and the racial injustices she perceives in America.In a surprisingly blunt 60 Minutes interview, CBS s This Morning co-host Norah O Donnell took Ms. Jarrett to task on several issues. Much was revealed, much unspoken yet suggested.Ms. O Donnell opens, Rarely does one person in the White House have the influence that Valerie Jarrett has had. She holds the job title of senior advisor, but she is more than that. Now there is an understatement. Ms O Donnell continues; Jarrett has said she is involved in nearly every decision that is made including who should be Chief of Staff or who should sit on the Supreme Court. It is reasonable to add other considerations such as Attorney General appointments, Iran Nuclear deals, and transgender issues.Ms. O Donnell notes that Valerie Jarrett has at least three formal job titles, including senior advisor and best friend. Jarrett has clashed with Robert Gibbs, Rahm Emanuel, Bill Daley, in all five chiefs of staff but only one Valerie Jarrett remains. She has also made a commitment to push the issues she cares about. She is at the center of the administrations efforts to raise the minimum wage around the country and to expand paid parental leave. She has also pushed criminal justice reform. Jarrett offers this snippet, a peek inside the two person think tank that is Valerie and Barack. They share, a world view shaped by childhoods spent abroad. Obama s four years in Indonesia and the fact that she was born in Iran and spent five years there.She says in the interview, That bond we had from having lived in cultures very different than our own, and how that shaped our view of the world, was a bond we had that day. One may conclude that Valerie Jarrett enjoys a unique and intrinsic input into the Obama administration s policies and actions.";May 25, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S., China fail to agree on trade issues, casting doubt on other issues;"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States and China failed on Wednesday to agree on major new steps to reduce the U.S. trade deficit with China, casting doubt over President Donald Trump’s economic and security relations with Beijing. The annual economic dialogue session in Washington ended with canceled news conferences, no joint statement and no new announcements on U.S. market access to China. The two sides had a “frank exchange” but failed to agree on most major bilateral trade and economic issues that were important to the United States, a senior U.S. official said on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly. These included U.S. demands for access to China’s financial services markets, reducing excess Chinese steel capacity, reductions in auto tariffs, cutting subsidies for state-owned enterprises, ending Chinese requirements for data localization and lifting ownership caps for foreign firms in China, the official said. “China acknowledged our shared objective to reduce the trade deficit which both sides will work cooperatively to achieve,” U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said in a brief statement, highlighting a rare point of consensus. The Chinese embassy in Washington cast the talks in a positive light, saying in a statement that both sides had acknowledged “significant progress” on the 100-day talks and would to work together to reduce the trade deficit. “The two sides will expand areas of cooperation in services and increase trade in services; expand mutual investment, and create a more open, equitable, transparent and convenient investment environment,” the embassy said. Both sides agreed that one of the solutions to address the trade imbalance is for the United States to expand exports to China, instead of reducing imports from China, said Chinese Vice Finance Minister Zhu Guangyao after the conclusion of the talks. To address the imbalance, China has been urging the United States to remove regulations on export control and increase the exports of high-tech products to China, the official Xinhua news agency cited Zhu as saying. China will push for this in a one-year action plan for economic cooperation which both sides discussed, Zhu said. FAR FROM MAR-A-LAGO The session had been billed as a follow-up to Trump’s first meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping at his Mar-A-Lago, Florida, estate in April when Trump hailed Xi’s cooperation in curbing the threat from North Korea. Trump said that this would lead to better trade terms for China. The two leaders launched a 100-day economic plan that has produced some industry-specific announcements, including the resumption of American beef sales in China and pledged to grant limited U.S. access to some financial services sectors. But there have been no new initiatives since, and Trump has grown increasingly frustrated with China’s lack of pressure on North Korea. His administration has threatened new sanctions on small Chinese banks and other firms doing business with Pyongyang. Ross and Mnuchin said the U.S. position on the China trade relationship would be guided by “the principles of balance, fairness, and reciprocity on matters of trade will continue to guide the American position so we can give American workers and businesses an opportunity to compete on a level playing field.” China’s delegation leader, Vice Premier Wang Yang, left the Treasury building without speaking to reporters. Earlier, he had warned that confrontation between the two countries would be damaging. Investors interpreted the negative signals from the talks and lack of new trade announcements as making it more likely that Trump would forge ahead with broad steel tariffs or quotas based on a national security review, sending steelmakers’ shares soaring. Shares of United States Steel Corp closed up 4.8 percent, while AK Steel rose 3.6 percent and Nucor rose 2.2 percent. Trump, asked by a reporter at the White House after the stock market closed whether he would impose steel tariffs, said: “Could happen.” Potential steel tariffs, which could be announced in the coming weeks, were expected to be a difficult topic in the U.S.-China talks. Ross has blamed massive Chinese excess capacity for a global steel glut that is hurting U.S. producers. Wednesday’s deadlock was unsettling for U.S. business groups that had hoped to put more cracks in Beijing’s market access barriers and obviate more aggressive measures from the White House that could destabilize trade ties. “We are disappointed the Comprehensive Economic Dialogue ended at an apparent impasse. It is important for governments to take tangible steps to address long-standing issues and ensure the commercial relationship remains a source of stability in the overall relationship,” said Jacob Parker, vice president of China operations at the U.S.-China Business Council. Even if the U.S. and Chinese governments fail to agree on more substantive trade terms, corporate chief executive officers from the two countries pledged to deepen their cooperation and joint investment efforts. Led by Blackstone Group CEO Stephen Schwarzman and Alibaba Group CEO Jack Ma, a group of 20 executives said they were committing to increase bilateral trade, including the export of U.S. agricultural goods, liquefied natural gas and consumer products to China. “A stable, growing economic relationship between the United States and China is mutually beneficial to the people of our two countries and for the world,” Ma and Schwarzman said in a statement.";July 19, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.N. to vote on new North Korea sanctions on Monday afternoon: diplomats;UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The U.N. Security Council is set to vote on Monday afternoon on a watered-down U.S.-drafted resolution to impose new sanctions on North Korea over its latest nuclear test, diplomats said, but it was unclear whether China and Russia would support it. The draft resolution appears to have been weakened in a bid to appease North Korea s ally China and Russia following negotiations during the past few days. In order to pass, a resolution needs nine of the 15 Security Council members to vote in favor and no vetoes by any of the five permanent members - the United States, Britain, France, Russia and China. The draft, seen by Reuters on Sunday, no longer proposes blacklisting North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. The initial draft proposed he be subjected to a travel ban and asset freeze along with four other North Korea officials. The final text only lists one of those officials. The draft text still proposes a ban on textile exports, which were North Korea s second-biggest export after coal and other minerals in 2016, totaling $752 million, according to data from the Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency. Nearly 80 percent of the textile exports went to China. The draft drops a proposed oil embargo and instead intends to impose a ban on condensates and natural gas liquids, a cap of two million barrels a year on refined petroleum products, and a cap crude oil exports to North Korea at current levels. China supplies most of North Korea s crude. According to South Korean data, Beijing supplies roughly 500,000 tonnes of crude oil annually. It also exports 200,000 tonnes of oil products, according to U.N. data. Russia s exports of crude oil to North Korea are about 40,000 tonnes a year. The draft resolution also no longer proposes an asset freeze on the military-controlled national airline Air Koryo. Since 2006, the Security Council has unanimously adopted eight resolutions ratcheting up sanctions on North Korea over its ballistic missile and nuclear programs. The Security Council last month imposed new sanctions over North Korea s two long-range missile launches in July. The Aug. 5 resolution aimed to slash by a third Pyongyang s $3 billion annual export revenue by banning coal, iron, lead and seafood. The new draft resolution drops a bid to remove an exception for transshipments of Russian coal via the North Korean port of Rajin. In 2013 Russia reopened a railway link with North Korea, from the Russian eastern border town of Khasan to Rajin, to export coal and import goods from South Korea and elsewhere. The original draft resolution would have authorized states to use all necessary measures to intercept and inspect on the high seas vessels that have been blacklisted by the council. However, the final draft text calls upon states to inspect vessels on the high seas with the consent of the flag state, if there s information that provides reasonable grounds to believe the ship is carrying prohibited cargo. The Aug. 5 resolution adopted by the council capped the number of North Koreans working abroad at the current level. The new draft resolution initially imposed a complete ban on the hiring and payment of North Korean laborers abroad. The final draft text to be voted on Monday by the council would require the employment of North Korean workers abroad to be authorized by a Security Council committee. However, this rule would not apply to written contracts finalized prior to the adoption of this resolution provided that states notify the committee by Dec. 15 of the number of North Koreans subject to these contracts and the anticipated date of termination of these contracts. Some diplomats estimate that between 60,000 and 100,000 North Koreans work abroad. A U.N. human rights investigator said in 2015 that North Korea was forcing more than 50,000 people to work abroad, mainly in Russia and China, earning between $1.2 billion and $2.3 billion a year. The wages of workers sent abroad provide foreign currency for the Pyongyang government. There is new political language in the final draft urging further work to reduce tensions so as to advance the prospects for a comprehensive settlement and underscoring the imperative of achieving the goal of complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula in a peaceful manner.;September 11, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: White House finalizing $29 billion request for disaster aid: AP;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration is finalizing a $29 billion disaster aid request after hurricanes hit Puerto Rico, Texas and Florida, the Associated Press reported on Tuesday, citing a senior administration official and congressional aides. The request, which could come as early as Wednesday, combines $16 billion for the government-backed flood insurance program and almost $13 billion in new relief for hurricane victims, AP said.;October 3, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: New Dutch government sworn in after record negotiations;AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - King Willem-Alexander on Thursday swore in a new Dutch government under conservative Prime Minister Mark Rutte, ending the longest coalition talks in Dutch history. Divisive elections on March 15 eroded the base of traditional parties, forcing the need to work out a deal between four parties. Rutte s third cabinet since coming to power in 2010 will find support from the strongest Dutch economic growth in a decade, at over 3 percent, but only has a one-seat majority in both houses of parliament. Dissent by any parliament member could therefore endanger the coalition s plans. Negotiations lasted 225 days as parties dug in over sensitive issues ranging from immigration and euthanasia to corporate tax rates. Under a detailed government accord reached earlier this month, broad tax cuts will benefit both companies and workers. This should boost the spending power of consumers, while making the euro zone s fifth largest economy more attractive for foreign investors. The coalition comprises Rutte s liberal VVD, the centrist D66 and conservative Christian parties CDA and Christian Union, marking a steer to the right compared to the outgoing government of VVD and the center-left Labour party. The installation of the new government marks the departure of Eurogroup president and finance minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem, who has said he will leave Dutch politics. Dijsselbloem will be succeeded by 42-year-old Christian Democrat Wopke Hoekstra, while the former parliamentary leader of the VVD, Halbe Zijlstra, will head the department of foreign affairs. Another notable newcomer is Sigrid Kaag, a well-known diplomat who since 2015 served as the Special Coordinator for Lebanon of the United Nations.;October 26, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: HOW BUZZFEED Is Using Social Media “News” Feeds To Teach White Kids To Hate Themselves;Does your child spend time on social media? Unless they re Amish, you should probably assume they do. My teenage daughter just shared with me one of the most racist, self-loathing articles with me that I have ever seen in print. This is the most hateful, racist articles aimed at shaming young, white Americans that you ve have ever seen. As we took a closer look at students featured in this Buzzfeed article, we were stunned by some of the racist postings we found on their social media accounts.I suppose it s okay for Buzzfeed to publish an article with the sole purpose of bashing its young white users, because thanks to Barack and Michelle Obama (the ultimate victims), who have been sowing the seeds of racism, division and hate from the White House, it s perfectly acceptable to trash white Americans. Never mind that Barack Obama is the President of the United States. What black United States President who was elected twice by a majority white nation would still consider himself and his wife victims of racism? Here are some of the examples we found from the Buzzfeed article titled: 19 School Powerpoint Presentations That Give Zero F*cks This article, and hundreds more just like it, show up in your children s Snapchat social media feeds, a place where teenagers and young adults frequently go to interact with each other, and where they are constantly bombarded with leftist indoctrination garbage like this: Controversial Tay appears to be very proud of herself and how she s stirring it up at school, she actually goes as far as to say, One day I feel like my professors just gon stop letting me do presentations. Hmmm wonder why?One day I feel like my professors just gon stop letting me do presentations pic.twitter.com/gR8oopDqeG Controversial Tay (@MissTayAmari) November 17, 2016Robin Had the white kids shook by her presentation. How did she think it was going to make them feel good? Wasn t that exactly the reaction she was going for?I HAD THESE WHITE KIDS SHOOK pic.twitter.com/z8E3VPlkfF robin (@thyrobin) October 21, 2016Here s Indigo whose got a bucket ready for your white tears. When the homie comes through with follow up pic.twitter.com/1LiPsJdxxD Indigo (@miesh_b) December 14, 2015As an added bonus, we also found this video on Indigo s Twitter account: Watch this disrespectful black teenage girl attack her teacher during class, and twist his words to fit her narrative after he said, I want [America] to control the borders. She quickly turns it into a race issue, using his statement about the controlling the borders to suggest he, doesn t want too many Latinos in our country. She tells him because you are white and you are so closed-minded that he doesn t accept the truth. The teacher calls her out on her previous statement that, white people are in control of everything, by asking her what color our current President is? Watch how she quickly blames Congress for being white, which apparently makes a black man who holds the highest office in our nation somehow insignificant. Amazing pic.twitter.com/4feVZv49DH (@emotioneIIe) November 16, 2016One of the most race-obsessed teachers on social media that I have ever seen, posted this tweet to his Twitter account. He calls himself Zellie and this is his Twitter profile: All Black Everything. Teacher. Blogger. Activist. Brother. Son. Contact: [email protected] anyone wanna take bets about whether or not he would be offended if he saw someone on Twitter saying they were All White Everything ?In any case, Buzzfeed chose one of his Twitter posts that shows a student telling a group of students if you believe there is diversity, You re probably a racist. :I'm ready for this workshop. pic.twitter.com/P0oKfDY8VP zellie (@zellieimani) November 7, 2015And another post by the race-obsessed teacher made it to Buzzfeed s top 19 most racist social media posts. Here is #7.Oh look white people who Wanna Be A Nigga! The teacher who calls himself zellie on Twitter used laughing emoji s when he shared this on Twitter as a way to express to viewers how funny he thought this was:Professors about to stop assigning presentations. pic.twitter.com/4yulAjeZDx zellie (@zellieimani) December 18, 2015This user brags about how she s about to shame her fellow students by suggesting, She about to fry them. #Love it! :Now this one is just plain hilarious! Here s a white student who appears to be giving the presenter his full attention and respect, while this black student (who is the presenter) places White People Are A Plague To The Planet on the screen for the entire class to see. Pretty funny huh? You can see why Buzzfeed chose them as their #9 pick:Pretty sure I just got an F on my presentation. pic.twitter.com/7TDprSquuP Shahem . (@pettyblackboy) May 12, 2016This Buzzfeed article would lead you to believe this is a common theme among black high school students, that white people are a plague. And good for him According to his tweet, this racist clown got an A on his racist presentation. Again, it s really no secret why Buzzfeed chose this tweet. It s their #10:Finessed an A on my presentation pic.twitter.com/RFR44ExNMW Shi'Thead (@ExRoyalTy) November 2, 2016And then of course, there s the White People Are Crazy slide. This student didn t mention the grade he got. This gem was posted to Tumblr and was Buzzfeed s #11:We re going to end this sickening display of racism at #12. We ve had enough and we re pretty sure you have as well. It doesn t matter what the color of your skin is, this display of hate and racism is unacceptable from any publication. Buzzfeed should be ashamed of themselves for putting this crap out there, and then paying to promote it on a social media sites geared towards teens and young adults.Our final presenter is simply making the point that he is a victim. Can anyone guess who made him a victim? If your skin color is white, we re pretty sure it was you.Jose Lara at Ethnic Studies panel. #EthnicStudiesNow pic.twitter.com/ufX30bn9ZC Mark Tschaepe (@mdtschaepe) October 30, 2015Radical publications like Buzzfeed are not the only problem. Many of our educators are also indoctrinating our children with the, all white s are racists narrative. When are parents going to start taking a stand, and tell the educators at the schools their children attend they are not going to stand by and watch them shame their children? It may be all the rage in high schools and colleges to unfairly accuse white people of racism and hate, but that doesn t mean you, or your kids have to go along with it.For the entire slide show, go to Buzzfeed. Make sure to leave a comment, and let them know how you feel about the garbage they re putting out to your kids disguised as news. Teenagers and young adults have a hard enough time dealing with self-image and everyday teenage insecurities. Suicide rates and depression are off the charts for teens. Buzzfeed is just doing their part to pile on, and make your kids feel guilty or ashamed for the color of skin they were born with.;Dec 8, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Qatar builds dairy industry in desert as it defies Arab boycott;UMM AL HAWAYA, Qatar (Reuters) - Deep in the Qatari desert, a herd of cows stands in a vast shed, cooled by fans and jets of mist - each animal a key player in a plan to defy a trade boycott and make the kingdom self-sufficient in milk by next year. The black and white Holstein cattle are among the first members of a 14,000-strong herd that farming company Baladna is expecting to build up in coming months, its chief executive John Dore told Reuters in an interview. We will make Qatar self-sufficient by June - that is the target, Dore said. He conceded that raising and milking cows in temperatures nearing 50 degrees Celsius (120 Fahrenheit) in summer posed special challenges. But technology and the deep pockets of Baladna s Qatari owners were compensating for the harsh environment, said Dore, an Irishman who previously worked for Saudi Arabian dairy giant Almarai. Hundreds of cows were already hooked up to the automatic milking machines at Baladna s farm in Umm al Hawaya, about 50 km (30 miles) north of Doha, and producing milk good enough to export, he said. More than 6,000 more cows from the United States are due to arrive by February. Qatar s drive to build a dairy industry in the desert illustrates how the tiny but wealthy country, the world s biggest exporter of liquefied natural gas, is using money and technology to cope with its isolation. Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt cut trade and transport ties with Qatar in June, accusing it of backing terrorism, a charge which Doha denies. The boycott disrupted Qatar s shipping routes through the Gulf. It also shut Qatar s land border with Saudi Arabia, across which many perishable goods were imported, including almost 400 tonnes of fresh milk and yoghurt a day. The boycott has forced Qatar to fly in dairy products from Turkey and Iran. But Dore said the country was determined to create its own dairy sector, largely relying on Baladna, a private company which is receiving logistical and other support from the government. The firm, which raises sheep, was considering moving into milk production before the boycott, but knew it would find it hard to compete on price with imports from Almarai, he said. The boycott removed that competition and in the initial weeks of the diplomatic crisis, the company flew in the first 3,400 cows on state-owned airline Qatar Airways. We were milking cows here on the 11th of July, which is barely a month after the blockade, and that by any method or means is some achievement, Dore said. Baladna is planning two more sea shipments from the United States - each holding 3,300 animals - by February. Another consignment of 3,000 cows has been planned, but not yet ordered. By June, it says it is expecting to raise production of fresh milk and yoghurt to 500 tonnes a day, enough to meet domestic demand with 100 tonnes left over for export. Baladna has not disclosed financial details of its project, and it is not yet clear whether Qatar can produce large volumes of milk economically, let alone export some at competitive prices. But for now at least, the country s drive to reduce its dependence on imports with domestic production appears to be stimulating the economy. The manufacturing sector grew 3.2 percent from a year earlier in September, official data released last week showed. Food manufacturing jumped 23.5 percent.;November 29, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Republican Party chairman calls meeting with Trump a step toward unity;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus said a meeting on Thursday with presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump and U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan was a step toward unifying the divided Republican Party. “The meeting was great. It was a very positive step toward party unity,” Priebus posted on Twitter after the meeting. ;May 12, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Democrats launch new push for Obama U.S. Supreme Court nominee;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Supporters of Merrick Garland, President Barack Obama’s U.S. Supreme Court selection, on Tuesday launched a new push to persuade the Republican-led Senate to act on the nomination before the Nov. 8 presidential election, but their calls fell on deaf ears. With senators returning to work after a seven-week summer recess, Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid called the refusal of Republicans to consider Garland’s nomination “disgusting and repugnant.” “Republicans have deadlocked our entire system of justice because of the Republican Senate’s dysfunction,” Reid said. Obama’s nomination of the moderate appeals court judge has been pending without action for 174 days, longer than any other Supreme Court nominee in U.S. history. The U.S. Constitution gives the Senate the job of confirming a president’s judicial nominees. In a move with little precedent in American history, Republicans led by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have refused to take any action on Obama’s nominee, insisting that Obama’s successor make the pick. “The Senate is returning from the longest recess in nearly half a century, and perhaps the Republican leadership was hoping that Americans had forgotten about the unprecedented obstruction of a Supreme Court nominee,” said Senator Patrick Leahy, the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee. We Need Nine, a White House-allied group, will hold a news conference in front of the Supreme Court building on Wednesday with Democratic senators and lawyers who previously worked as clerks for Garland. Republicans sounded unconvinced. McConnell “has been crystal clear for the last seven months,” an aide to the senator said on Tuesday. “The next president will select the nominee.” The nine-seat court has been one justice short since the February death of long-serving conservative Antonin Scalia. With four liberals and four conservatives now on the bench, an appointment by a Democratic president could end decades of conservative domination on the court. The White House has called Garland’s confirmation a top priority for the legislative work period that began on Tuesday and ends in early October. In remarks last month, Republican Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley indicated he could be persuaded by a large number of senators to take action on Garland in a “lame duck” session immediately after the election. His panel would hold any confirmation hearings. Some conservatives worry that if Democrat Hillary Clinton defeats Republican Donald Trump in the election, she would nominate someone more liberal than Garland. But in a statement on Tuesday, Grassley reiterated that “the next president should choose Justice Scalia’s replacement” and said his meetings with home-state voters during the recess “only bolstered the point that Iowans should have the opportunity to have a voice in the direction of the Supreme Court for the next 40 years.”;September 6, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WHY PICTURE OF CHE-OBAMA Was Much Worse Than Anyone Imagined;Oh the irony, of our Nobel-Peace-Prize-Recipient-In-Chief standing in front of a building representing some of the worst oppression and human rights violations in the world. I don t know, maybe it s just me, but does Obama look like he s imitating a certain someone, that he likely holds up as an icon in that photo? Only 273 days One of the first places I visited on a government-sanctioned educational tour to Cuba several years back was the Plaza de la Revolucion, a hideous expanse of concrete at the center of Havana that makes, say, Tiananmen Square look positively charming. It was there that President Obama was featured in that now-infamous photo in front of a giant mural of Che Guevara.It was unfortunate that the president lent his imprimatur to Guevara, a totalitarian who was responsible for the death of thousands. But, in some ways, the photo-op was even worse than it looked. Because as we learned on our tour, the building that Guevara s face adorns is home to the Cuban Ministry of the Interior.Unlike our own Ministry of the Interior, Cuba s is not charged with innocuous tasks like protecting endangered waterfowl. Rather, it operates the National Revolutionary Police, which, in addition to keeping law and order on the streets, harasses and arrests dissidents, and suppresses counter-revolutionary activities. In other words, it s Cuba s version of the Stasi.President Obama boasted on his trip that he wasn t going to tell Cubans to tear something down, a reference to President Reagan s famous exhortation to tear down the Berlin wall. Of course, there s no wall only ocean separating Cuba from the rest of the world to tear down. But Obama could have at least told Castro to tear down the monument to repression that he was happily photographed in front of.By ETHAN EPSTEIN Weekly Standard;Mar 25, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: CNN Host Cuts Interview After Trump Supporter PATHETICALLY Tries To Link Hillary To Child Rapist (VIDEO);On Tuesday morning, CNN Carol Costello completely shut down an interview when a conservative guest (and passionate Donald Trump supporter) went off on a ridiculous rant about Hillary Clinton.The CNN Newsroom With Carol Costello interview started to go south toward the end when one of Costello s guests, Trump fan and Newsmax host Steve Malzberg, tried to derail a discussion about the Republican front runner s misogyny and sexist rhetoric by targeting Clinton and her husband. Malzberg bragged about the business mogul s approach with women: When you get one-on-one, especially if it s Hillary Donald Trump will go places nobody is willing to go, where the media at this point isn t willing to go. Bringing up Clinton s women who say they were intimidated by Hillary. Having them come forward and speak. A litany of issues that you can t even imagine. Costello interrupted Malzberg and said, I m thinking that might not be a winning argument for Donald Trump right at this moment. Which is absolutely correct, considering that Trump has been pummeled for his recent comments that women should be punished for seeking abortions.But Malzberg foolishly continued on, even though Costello s objections were backed up by fellow guest Judson Phillips (who is a Ted Cruz supporter). Malzberg added: Do you know how many young women in this country don t even know that Bill Clinton was impeached? No. Maybe they ve heard of Monica Lewinsky. They don t know the women that have accused Bill Clinton of sexual improprieties and that say they have been threatened and intimidated by Hillary Clinton. Then, Malzberg decided to bring up another truly bizarre talking point Clinton s involvement in an old child abuse court case from 1975. Malzberg started: A girl who was raped by a pedophile that Hillary Clinton bragged about getting off. Shocked that Malzberg would even mention this, Costello started to shut him down, saying, Oh, come on. Malzberg cried, Wait, wait, let me finish! while Costello refused to entertain the conversation. He argued: What do you mean? You don t want to hear it? That Hillary Clinton is on tape bragging about, as a lawyer getting off on a technicality. That woman now says, Hillary ruined my life. That s not fair. Costello had had enough of the insane conversation, and said, I m going to leave it there, and goodbye. Thanks for joining me before ending the interview abruptly. You can watch the awkward moment unfold below, at about the 5:45 mark:In Clinton s memoir, Living History, Clinton addressed that 1975 case, confessing that she had only been out of law school for two years when she was assigned that case. She said that although she didn t feel comfortable with the case, she couldn t very well refuse the judge s request. Clinton knew she had an ethical and legal obligation to defend him to the fullest extent of the law , and did her best. After that case, Clinton went on to set up Arkansas first rape hotline.Featured image via screencapture;April 5, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Excited About ‘The X-Files’ Reboot? Here’s Something Concerning You Should Know;While it s exciting to see a great television show finally make its way back to the small screen, it s disappointing to realize another aspect of old school TV was also rebooted. While David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson are both equal partners on The X-Files, as it turns out, when Anderson was approached for the reboot she was offered half as much money as her costar. So much for equal pay for equal work. Apparently, having an extra appendage in between your legs makes you somehow more valuable.The characters Mulder (Duchovny) and Scully (Anderson) go together like peanut butter and jelly, peas and carrots, Bert and Ernie. You wouldn t pay Ernie less than Bert, would you? Well, of course not. They re both male, and puppets we re getting off track.Here s the thing, back in the 90s, when The X-Files was originally airing on television, Anderson worked hard to make sure she was paid equally as much as her costar. When asked about the current pay disparity, Anderson said: I m surprised that more [interviewers] haven t brought that up because it s the truth. Especially in this climate of women talking about the reality of [unequal pay] in this business, I think it s important that it gets heard and voiced. It was shocking to me, given all the work that I had done in the past to get us to be paid fairly. I worked really hard toward that and finally got somewhere with it. Even in interviews in the last few years, people have said to me, I can t believe that happened, how did you feel about it, that is insane. And my response always was, That was then, this is now. And then it happened again! I don t even know what to say about it. It is sad. According to the Hollywood Reporter, both Anderson and Duchovny were paid the same in the end, but the fact that they weren t from the get-go is, well, sad, as Anderson said.Unless a show features a strong male lead and other female actresses are quite obviously supporting roles, co-leads, regardless of gender, should be paid the same. They both bring the same amount of talent and equity to their performances and the show s success.This is still a battle not only women in Hollywood have to continually face, but women in every profession nationwide. So, while some conservatives like to tout that women are already equal actually, no, they re not at all. It s important now, more than ever, to make sure we elect into the White House another person with the ideal of making sure equal pay for equal work happens once and for all. It s time. In fact, it s far past time. We need another liberal in the White House.Featured image: YouTube screengrab;January 22, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: South Africa's Ramaphosa gets most nominations ahead of ANC leadership vote;JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South African Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa has received the most nominations for leader of the ruling African National Congress (ANC) ahead of a party vote this month, voting data from the country s nine provinces show. Ramaphosa is one of two frontrunners in a closely watched contest to take over from President Jacob Zuma as ANC leader at a party conference starting on Dec. 16. Whoever becomes ANC leader will most likely be the next president of South Africa, owing to the ruling party s electoral dominance. Ramaphosa received 1,862 nominations by ANC branches, whereas his main rival for ANC leader, former cabinet minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, received 1,309 endorsements. Reuters compiled the number of nominations for each candidate based on voting data released by provincial ANC structures. ANC officials in the provinces of Limpopo and KwaZulu-Natal were the last to release their nominations totals on Monday. Ramaphosa, a former trade union leader and millionaire businessman, is seen as more market-friendly than Dlamini-Zuma, who was previously married to Zuma. Signs that Ramaphosa has been doing well in the nominations by ANC branches have boosted the rand currency in recent weeks. However, Dlamini-Zuma could still win the race for ANC leader as analysts say the outcome in December could be swayed by inducements and pressure on conference delegates. Delegates are not bound to vote for the candidate that was nominated by their ANC branch.;December 4, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump Has Been Sued REPEATEDLY For Disabilities Violations At His Properties;Throughout the past 19 years, Donald Trump has been sued no less than eight times for violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act at his various properties, and has done his best to drag out these cases for as long as possible. In addition, a federal inspection at one of his properties also turned up multiple ADA violations.Five of the cases ended in a settlement and two others were resolved in consent decrees that required Trumpto make modifications to the properties to bring them into compliance with the ADA. One ended when both sides requested the case be dismissed and another was brought to a close in a bankruptcy.Christine Da Silva, a Trump Hotels spokeswoman, claims that Trump works very hard and spends lots of money to make sure his buildings are accessible to people with disabilities. It is the policy at all of our properties to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. This handful of cases, many of which are over ten years old, are not representative of our organization s strong record of ADA compliance. However, that handful of cases is pretty damning and doesn t support Trump s claims.In a suit filed in 1997, James Conlon, who is paraplegic, filed a lawsuit against Trump s Atlantic City Plaza Hotel alleging basic and serious deficiencies in accessibility. He stayed at the hotel and although he was placed in a room that was supposedly accessible, the toilets and showers were not usable by someone in a wheelchair. As for the public restrooms, they were so inaccessible he had to ask for help from strangers to be able to use them at all. A year later, Trump settled the case and agreed to renovate the accessible guest rooms and public restrooms, bringing them into compliance with the ADA. But a year later, Trump admitted to a judge that the renovations had yet to be completed.In 2001, a suit was brought by Robert Levine and Frieda Zames, who are both wheelchair users. They alleged that Trump International kept the wheelchair lift locked and when employees finally managed to locate the key, they had no idea how to use it. Levine said the degrading incident made him feel like a second-class citizen. Zames said it was as if she were a grade school child asking permission to go to the restroom. In an attempt to shift the responsibility, Trump blamed the architects. The case was amicably settled in 2009 after both sides decided to dismiss the case.In 2003, Conlon filed suit against Trump once again, this time alleging the bus between New York and the Atlantic City, New Jersey, casino was only accessible to wheelchair users if notice was given at least a week in advance. Naturally, Trump sued the bus company and said it was all their fault, but he eventually settled the case.In 2004, a disabled Purple Heart veteran filed suit against the Trump International Hotel and Tower in New York, alleging the property was not equipped with adequately accessible emergency exits, guest rooms and restrooms. Trump did everything he could to get rid of the suit, besides just making his hotel accessible to people with disabilities, that is. He attempted to have the case dismissed and dragged it out for three years. Just like in 2004, Trump blamed the architects and even launched a countersuit, which a judge called bullsh*t on and dismissed.Helena Berger, the president and CEO of the nonprofit American Association of People with Disabilities, said Trump s relentless attempts to squirm his way out of the suit were appalling. What was so striking and frankly appalling was the way he tried to fight [the violations]., Berger said. That, I think, is really telling. The Plaza Hotel became the subject of another complaint in 2007, which the plaintiffs eventually agreed to dismiss. Yet another lawsuit was brought against the hotel in 2008 but came to an end when Trump s company declared bankruptcy in 2009.In 2011, the Trump Taj Mahal settled with the Department of Justice after an inspection by the U.S. Attorney s Office turned up a long list of ADA violations. And more recently, in 2014, Trump claimed that making the pool at the Trump National Doral Miami golf course would impose an undue burden. Four months after the suit was filed, Trump and the plaintiffs entered into a consent decree.Featured image via video screen capture;September 24, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Why Do Hillary And Barack Choose Islam Over Christianity Every Time?;"The always brilliant Ben Shapiro answers that question in well, a brilliant way On Tuesday, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the American woman most responsible for the current refugee crisis in the Middle East, blasted Republicans for not wanting to accept unvetted Syrian Muslim refugees in the aftermath of last week s Paris terror attacks.She tweeted:We've seen a lot of hateful rhetoric from the GOP. But the idea that we'd turn away refugees because of religion is a new low. -H Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) November 17, 2015 This, to be sure, is odd. Hillary decrying hateful rhetoric smacks of irony she despises Republicans so much that she labeled them her enemies during the first Demoratic debate. Furthermore, Hillary is no fighter for religious freedom. In April, she told the Women in the World Summit that deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed to allow for abortion. And in the aftermath of the Supreme Court s egregious same-sex marriage decision in June, Hillary explicitly called for the government to force churches to sanction homosexuality, explaining, Our work won t be finished until every American can not only marry, but live, work, pray, learn and raise a family free from discrimination and prejudice. Pray as in attend church free from discrimination and prejudice. But she s sure hot and bothered about what she terms discrimination against Muslim refugees. This isn t particularly surprising the entire left has a peculiar soft spot for Islam.That seems weird, given Islamic countries fundamental rejection of leftist values ranging from same-sex marriage to abortion to women driving. But it isn t so weird when considered in the context of Marxist philosophy, which sees Islam not as a religious philosophy of its own, but as a sort of bizarre cultural outgrowth of poverty. Impoverished people believe weird things, say the Marxists; if we just gave ISIS jobs, they d stop all this nonsense and start behaving like members of the ACLU. Leftists see Islam not as an ideological force converting millions, but as a knee-jerk response to lack of basic living standards.In fact, leftists see all religion this way: as the refuge of the weakminded underclass. As Marx wrote, Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people. Barack Obama agrees: as he said back in 2008, poor people get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren t like them. The view that all religious practice is essentially the domain of the exploited would cut in favor of seeing all religious practices as equally worthy of dismissal.But the left prefers Islam to Christianity. They ll fight against anyone drawing pictures of Mohammed, but they ll lose their minds if Christians complain about an artist soaking a statue of Jesus in urine.Why do leftists treat Christianity and Islam differently, if both are merely chimerical responses to the vicissitudes of life? Because leftists see Christianity as the creator of Islam s rise, and Christians as the victimizers of Muslims. The Obama State Department won t recognize Christians as victims of incipient Muslim genocide in the Middle East, but President Obama will equate ISIS violence in 2015 with the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition. President Obama believes, like many on the left, that Western civilization was founded in racism, sexism, homophobia, and other bigotry and that Christianity, as its wellspring, provided that impetus.Furthermore, Obama believes that Western civilization has exploited the rest of the world, and that it therefore bears culpability for the poverty that gave rise to the Islamic wave. Muslims are benighted victims of poverty; Christianity made them victims of poverty in the first place. Christianity thus bears blood guilt for the sins of Islam, but Islam bears none of its own. As Dinesh D Souza puts it, Obama is an anti-colonialist and believes that the rich countries got rich by looting the poor countries, and that within the rich countries, plutocratic and corporate elites continue to exploit ordinary citizens. Taken one step further, those rich countries Christian countries exploited non-Christian countries, impoverishing them and opening them to the opium of Islam.How else to explain the left s romance with Islam and simultaneous dismissal of Christianity? How else to explain the left s preoccupation with allowing Muslim refugees into the Christianity-founded West while demanding nothing of Islamic countries which are murdering Christians en masse?Hillary Clinton says it s hateful for Western countries to discriminate in choosing refugees based on religious philosophy. It s far more hateful to suggest that Christianity must bow and scrape before Islam, particularly when Islamic terrorists target non-Muslims the world over. Via: Breitbart News";Nov 19, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Even His Allies Admit Hillary Won The Debate And Trump Is FREAKING OUT About It;Unless you count online polls that Trump fans voted in multiple times to make it appear as if he won Monday s presidential debate, Donald Trump actually lost. Most pundits feel he lost, as did the focus groups used by several of the networks, as did scientific polls that were taken of people who watched the event. He lost, handily.Trump lost so badly that even his allies who want to see him elected President have been complaining to the media about his limp performance. And that has made Trump very very angry.In a conference call with surrogates Wednesday afternoon, Trump aides made clear the Republican nominee is upset that his allies publicly acknowledged they pushed him to change his preparation and tactics before his next bout with Hillary Clinton. And he wants them to stop it immediately.The message was not subtle, a source familiar with the call said.Trump wants his supporters to make an energetic defense of his performance and refuse to concede that he didn t nail it.In the world of Trump and his ego, admitting that you lost a battle is the worst thing, possibly even worse than actually losing the battle itself. For someone like Trump, who fancies himself an alpha male, an admission of humility or defeat is the worst possible scenario. In his eyes, anyone conceding that he underperformed is unacceptable, and even worse if you re in the Trump orbit.That is why Trump almost completely limits himself to media appearances on Fox News, where he won t ever seriously be challenged on even the most bizarre and untrue claims he makes in the campaign. Trump is inside a bubble, only speaking to those who agree with him and who want to suck up to him. He is being told time and time again by his hangers-on that he is doing everything just right. And he won t tolerate anybody who allows reality to intrude.Featured image via Flickr;September 28, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BREAKING VIDEO: TERRORIST KILLS RUSSIAN AMBASSADOR TO TURKEY In Cold Blood…Terrorist Shouted “Alahu Akbar!”;The attack on Russian envoy Andrey Karlov, who died of gunshot wounds received during an official event in the Turkish capital, Ankara, is qualified by Moscow as a terrorist act, the Foreign Ministry says. This is a tragic day in the history of Russian diplomacy. Today, Russian Ambassador to Turkey Andrey Karlov died after being shot at during a public event in Ankara, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said.The topic of the killing of the Russian diplomat will be raised at the UN Security Council on Monday, ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.The Russian Foreign Ministry will issue a statement later in the day, she added. The shooter claimed he did it for Aleppo and shouted Alahu Akbar! immediately after the shooting. The media will do what they always do and claim that this is a disturbed individual who acted alone. Deflecting the truth that this is Islamic terrorism is what the media does but we know what this is WARNING DISTURBING VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPt25Gk1Z88;Dec 19, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: KELLYANNE CONWAY: “Where The Hell Were Those Democrats When Veterans Were Dying Waiting For Care?”;Kellyanne Conway appeared on the Sean Hannity show with guest host Eric Bolling. She was clearly frustrated by the Democrats attempt to mischaracterize the repeal of Obamacare. The outspoken Kellyanne Conway blasted the Democrats, asking Eric Bolling, Where the hell were the Democrats when veterans were dying? She also reminded Bolling that President Trump signed the Veterans Choice Act last week, allowing veterans who can t get timely, quality health care at a VA facility, to access the private health care system.Watch: Where the hell were those #Democrats when #Veterans were dying waiting for care? ~ @KellyannePolls #AHCA #Trumpcare #MAGA pic.twitter.com/H1B2xXWHjg BRIAN FRASER (@bfraser747) May 6, 2017The American Health Care Act (HR 1628) passed by the House this week reduces taxes on the American people by over $1 trillion. For a list of taxes the bill abolishes that were imposed by Obama and the Democrat party in 2010 as part of Obamacare click HERE.;May 6, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BOMBSHELL: Israeli Spies Reveal Trump’s Pee Party Is Just The Tip Of A Fast-Melting Iceberg;Donald Trump may be decrying the documents dumped by Buzzfeed as fake news, but it seems to be fake news everyone can believe in. Ever since the memos compiled by former MI6 officer Christopher Steele were released to the public, The Donald has not exactly had an easy time of things, with every press conference and attempt to tweet quickly devolving into a screaming mess in which Trump throws himself into a panic screaming of all-caps typing the words FAKE NEWS. But while Trump is taking the nothing to see here approach with the reports, at least four sources now back the information according to a report from BBC s Paul Wood earlier this week: The former MI6 agent is not the only source for the claim about Russian kompromat on the president-elect. Back in August, a retired spy told me he had been informed of its existence by the head of an East European intelligence agency, Wood says, explaining that he used an intermediary to check into things. A U.S. intelligence contact told him that there was more than one tape, and that video and audio of Trump s exploits in Moscow and St. Petersberg do exist.According to Israeli news publication Yedioth Ahronoth, their country s spies have been warned by the United States against sharing information with the Trump administration until they can determine whether he has been compromised by Putin:These fears, which began upon Trump s election, grew stronger following a meeting held recently between Israeli and American intelligence officials (the date of the meeting is not mentioned to protect the sources of the report). During the meeting, according to the Israelis who participated in it, their American colleagues voiced despair over Trump s election, as he often lashes out at the American intelligence community. The American officials also told the Israelis that the National Security Agency (NSA) had highly credible information that Russia s intelligence agencies, the FSB and GRU, were responsible for hacking the Democratic Party (DNC) servers during the elections and leaking sensitive information to WikiLeaks, which hurt Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.The American officials further added that they believed Russia President Vladimir Putin had leverages of pressure over Trump but did not elaborate. They were apparently referring to what was published Wednesday about embarrassing information collected by the Russian intelligence in a bid to blackmail the president-elect.The Americans implied that their Israeli colleagues should be careful as of January 20, Trump s inauguration date, when transferring intelligence information to the White House and to the National Security Council (NSC), which is subject to the president. According to the Israelis who were present in the meeting, the Americans recommended that until it is made clear that Trump is not inappropriately connected to Russia and is not being extorted Israel should avoid revealing sensitive sources to administration officials for fear the information would reach the Iranians.If Israel s secrets are indeed not kept confidential, this is a serious danger to the state s national security: Since the early 2000s, the cooperation between the Israel and US intelligence communities has been intensified. It was led by the head of the Israeli Military Intelligence Directorate (AMAN) at the time, Aharon Ze evi Farkash (who even received a citation from the NSA Chief General Michael Hayden), late Mossad chief Meir Dagan and his successor, Tamir Pardo, who served earlier as the commander of one of the secret operational units that cooperated with the Americans. The Israelis who attended the meeting said that the Americans advised them not to expose any sensitive sources to members of the Trump administration, lest that information reach Iranian hands, until it becomes clear that Trump does not have a compromised relationship with Russia and is not vulnerable to extortion, the report states.At this point, we have no choice but to assume that the level of concern shown by intelligence agencies worldwide is a strong indicator that we should be concerned too. Donald Trump is sworn into office on Friday. May one of the gods help us all.featured image via Getty Images (Chip Somodevilla);January 15, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WATCH: Trump Gets Humiliated By New York Lawmaker For False 9/11 Claims;It has been 15 years since the World Trade Center Twin Towers fell. But Republicans and Donald Trump still exploit it for political gain.During Trump s primary run for the Republican nomination, he made a claim that sent journalists into a frenzy of fact-checking. I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down, Trump said during a rally last November. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering. Trump doubled down the next day during an interview with George Stephanopoulos. It was on television. I saw it, Trump said. It was well covered at the time, George. Now, I know they don t like to talk about it, but it was well covered at the time. There were people over in New Jersey that were watching it, a heavy Arab population, that were cheering as the buildings came down. Not good. But what Trump is claiming never happened.After an exhaustive search, Politifact concluded:This defies basic logic. If thousands and thousands of people were celebrating the 9/11 attacks on American soil, many people beyond Trump would remember it. And in the 21st century, there would be video or visual evidence.Instead, all we found were a couple of news articles that described rumors of celebrations that were either debunked or unproven.Trump s recollection of events in New Jersey in the hours after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks flies in the face of all the evidence we could find. We rate this statement Pants on Fire.And on Friday, New York Rep. Gregory Meeks humiliated Trump for that very claim once again during a panel discussion about Trump s birtherism on CNN.Just like Trump won t admit that he is wrong about his birtherism, Trump has also not apologized for being wrong about Muslims cheering in America on 9/11.After Trump supporter Kayleigh McEnany claimed that Trump has renounced his birther past, Meeks pointed out that Trump himself should man up and publicly do it himself. Then he should say it. If he believes it, he should say it. There s a pattern with Donald Trump. I m still looking and I m sure that everybody s still looking for those thousands of Muslims that were cheering during 9/11. That has not taken place. We heard video where he says he was for the war in Iraq. He now says he wasn t. There s not any evidence where he was against the war in Iraq. There is a practice and pattern with Donald Trump, who continues to make noise he knows is completely incorrect, Meeks continued. He never apologizes about it. He leaves it out there. Here s the video via YouTube:Donald Trump is a coward and a liar and he is totally unqualified to be president. The 15th anniversary of 9/11 is on Sunday and you just know that Trump is going to make some outrageous claim in an effort to exploit the tragedy.Featured Image: Alex Wong/Getty Images;September 10, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Republican Senator Alexander to consult on bipartisan healthcare plan;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican Senator Lamar Alexander said Tuesday that he would again consult with Democratic colleague Patty Murray on a bipartisan deal to repair Obamacare - a week after pulling out of those talks. Alexander, in a statement, said he would seek “consensus on a limited bipartisan plan that could be enacted into law to help lower premiums and make insurance available to the 18 million Americans in the individual market in 2018 and 2019.” Alexander and Murray had been working to protect payments made to insurers to compensate for discounts to low-income Americans enrolled in Obamacare. Alexander pulled out of the talks a week ago as a Republican bill to repeal Obamacare gained momentum, but support for that bill has now collapsed.;September 26, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump says Missouri Sen. McCaskill should back tax cuts or lose re-election;SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday that Missouri should vote Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill out of office if she does not back his tax cuts. “We must lower our taxes. And your senator, Claire McCaskill, she must do this for you and if she doesn’t do it for you, you have to vote her out of office,” Trump said in a speech. ;August 30, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WIKILEAKS CLINTON CAMPAIGN EMAIL: Uneducated, “Unaware” Supporters Not As Easy To Manipulate As Before;Another stunning, arrogant slam against Hillary supporters by the Hillary campaign A Clinton campaign email released as part of the Wikileaks data dump earlier today talks about the need to maintain political power by producing an unaware and compliant citizenry .The email was sent to Hillary Clinton s campaign chairman John Podesta by former Clinton administration official Bill Ivy on March 13, 2016.Ivy was appointed Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts during Bill Clinton s second term. According to his bio, Ivy is a trustee of the Center for American Progress (a Clinton campaign front), and was a Team Leader in the Barack Obama presidential transition. In the email, Ivy outlines the panic amongst some Democrats that Donald Trump s celebrity politics persona cannot be matched by Hillary, who is not an entertainer, and not a celebrity in the Trump, Kardashian mold. Money isn t all that important if you can conflate entertainment with the electoral process. Trump masters TV, TV so-called news picks up and repeats and repeats to death this opinionated blowhard and his hairbrained ideas, free-floating discontent attaches to a seeming strongman and we re off and running, complains Ivy.Ivy wonders how Clinton can combat Trump s larger than life appeal, worrying that simply defaulting to policy won t work. And as I ve mentioned, we ve all been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry, he writes. The unawareness remains strong but compliance is obviously fading rapidly. This problem demands some serious, serious thinking and not just poll driven, demographically-inspired messaging. To emphasize, Ivy admits that the left has conspired to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry but that they re not as easy to manipulate anymore and that this is a problem. He characterizes unawareness amongst the public as a positive thing for the Clinton campaign.Ivy ends the email by saying he will attend a Clinton fundraiser and that he fears, we are all now trying to navigate a set of forces that cannot be simply explained or fully understood. For entire story: Infowars;Oct 10, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Authors Of Failed GOP Bill Which Would Have Kicked 24 Million Off Insurance Reportedly ‘Near Tears’;"The authors of the Republican bill that would have caused as many as 24 million people to lose health insurance and bankrupt countless others are reportedly near tears and demoralized following the bill s failure to make it through the house.Guys who wrote this bill are in shock. A couple darn near tears. They know how bad this is. Mike DeBonis (@mikedebonis) March 24, 2017Republicans supporting this bill were looking forward to the massive tax cuts it gave to millionaires and the major slashes to things like Medicaid and Planned Parenthood. Paul Ryan, the bill s biggest supporter, remarked that he had been dreaming of gutting health care since he was drinking at a keg in college. So close to that goal, he looked tired and defeated at a press conference held immediately after the bill s implosion. He admitted that the Affordable Care Act is likely here to stay.Ryan s bedraggled look led to at least one epic joke at his expense:Texas Republican Jodey Arrington was equally crestfallen.The lone Texas Republican freshman, Rep Jodey Arrington, backed the bill and is incredibly demoralized. Quotes to come Abby Livingston (@TexasTribAbby) March 24, 2017And Rep Mike Conaway decided the most optimistic thing he could say about the day was that he wasn t dead.Rep Mike Conaway is clearly disappointed but does have this reminder: ""Any time you're on this side of the dirt, it's a good day."" Abby Livingston (@TexasTribAbby) March 24, 2017Twitter users weren t exactly sympathetic to these heartbroken Republicans. The bill was a complete mess and would have caused immeasurable harm. Trump himself seemed to have absolutely no idea what was in the bill and didn t seem to care. The GOP was poised to pass the bill despite these drawbacks for purely political gamesmanship. Still obsessed with their irrational hatred of Obama, they even scheduled the vote to be on the 7th anniversary of Obamacare.@mikedebonis Imagine being moved to tears that your attempt to kill poor people slowly didn't work out. That's some evil. Dennis Perkins (@DennisPerkins5) March 24, 2017How exactly does a person become ""darn near tears"" over failing to *kick people off* health insurance? @mikedebonis https://t.co/d3qlGp5V2i Eric Kleefeld (@EricKleefeld) March 24, 2017@mikedebonis @wpjenna Beats 24 million people crying over something much more serious. Questions Raised (@RaisesQuestions) March 24, 2017@mikedebonis @marcburleigh If that is best they can write then they deserve to be in tears. Atrocious piece of legislation. Adin of Crimea (@RealCrimea) March 24, 2017For his part, Trump did what comes naturally to him: He threw a tantrum and blamed Democrats.TRUMP tells me in interview this is now the Democrats' fault, and that he anticipates that when Obama ""explodes"" they will be ready to deal Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) March 24, 2017The man who wrote The Art of the Deal failed while he had a Republican majority in both the House and Senate. Sad! Leadership is perhaps the key to getting any job done. The Art of The Deal Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 21, 2013Featured image via Mark Wilson/Getty Images";March 24, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: OBAMA MAKES STUNNING 11th Hour Gift Of Massive Uranium Shipment To Iran…As Iran Develops Long-Range Missile Plan;"In what amounts to an 11th hour gift by the outgoing Obama administration to Tehran s leadership to keep the country, which on Sunday was involved in yet another shooting incident with a US destroyer, content and compliant with Obama s landmark Nuclear deal , the AP reported that Iran is to receive a huge shipment of natural uranium from Russia to compensate it for exporting tons of reactor coolant. The move was approved by the outgoing U.S. administration and other governments seeking to keep Tehran committed to a landmark nuclear pact. AP cites two senior diplomats who said that the transfer which was recently agreed by the U.S. and five other world powers that negotiated the nuclear deal with Iran, foresees delivery of 116 metric tons (nearly 130 tons) of natural uranium. U.N. Security Council approval is needed but a formality, considering five of those powers are permanent Security Council members, they said. The swap is in compensation for the approximately 40 metric tons (44 tons) of heavy water exported by Iran to Russia since the nuclear agreement went into effect. Another 30 metric tons have gone to the U.S. and Oman.While Uranium can be enriched to levels ranging from reactor fuel or medical and research purposes to the core of an atomic bomb, Iran has claimed it has no interest in such weapons and its activities are being closely monitored under the nuclear pact to make sure they remain peaceful. As we reported at the time, Tehran previously received a similar amount of natural uranium in 2015 as part of negotiations leading up to the nuclear deal, in a swap for enriched uranium it sent to Russia. But the new shipment will be the first such consignment since the deal came into force a year ago.The news comes ahead of a meeting in Vienna, where representatives of Iran, the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany will review Iranian complaints that the U.S. was reneging on sanctions relief pledges included in the nuclear deal.As AP adds, the uranium agreement comes at a sensitive time. With the incoming U.S. administration and many U.S. lawmakers already skeptical of how effective the nuclear deal is in keeping Iran s nuclear program peaceful over the long term, they might view it as further evidence that Tehran is being given too many concessions. Tehran s nuclear activities start to expire in less than a decade. The troubling part, if only for those who see Iran as hell bent on creating nucleaar weapons was noted by David Albright, whose Institute of Science and International Security often briefs U.S. lawmakers on Iran s nuclear program, says the shipment could be enriched to enough weapons-grade uranium for more than 10 simple nuclear bombs, depending on the efficiency of the enrichment process and the design of the nuclear weapon. While it remains to be seen if Trump will comment on the unexpected delivery, we are certain that Israel, and especially its embattled prime minister Netanyahu, will raise a substantial fuss over the renewed possibility of a nuclear-armed neighbor. Heavy water is used to cool a type of reactor that produces more plutonium than reactors cooled by light water. Like enriched uranium, plutonium can be turned into the fissile core of a nuclear weaponMeanwhile, Reuters reports that Iranian lawmakers, far from demilitarizing, approved plans on Monday to expand military spending to five percent of the budget, including developing the country s long-range missile program which U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has pledged to halt. The vote is a boost to Iran s military establishment the regular army, the elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and defense ministry which was allocated almost 2 percent of the 2015-16 budget. But it could put the Islamic Republic on a collision course with the incoming Trump administration, and fuel criticism from other Western states which say Tehran s recent ballistic missile tests are inconsistent with a U.N. resolution on Iran. The resolution, adopted last year as part of the deal to curb Iran s nuclear activities, calls on Iran to refrain from work on ballistic missiles designed to deliver nuclear weapons. Tehran says it has not carried out any work on missiles specifically designed to carry such payloads.The Obama administration says Iran s ballistic missile tests have not violated the nuclear agreement with Tehran, but Trump, who criticized the accord as the worst deal ever negotiated , has said he would stop Iran s missile program. Those ballistic missiles, with a range of 1,250 miles, were designed to intimidate not only Israel but also intended to frighten Europe and someday maybe hit even the United States, he told the American Israel Public Affairs Committee AIPAC in March. We re not going to let that happen. So one hand, we have Obama desperate to salvage his diplomatic legacy (having already seen TPP implode and Obamacare starting the repeal proess), appeasing Iran in every possible way, even if it means further antagonizing Israel; on the other we have Iran taking advantage of Obama s weakness, and accelerating the ballistic weapons program which has been banned per the same treasury that Obama wants to see continue. Finally, throw in Trump and Netanyahu in the mix, and the future for US-Iranian relations after January 20 suddenly looks rather volatile. Zero Hedge";Jan 10, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: EP 6: Patrick Henningsen LIVE with guest Robert Parry – ‘America’s Mainstream Media Meltdown’;Join Patrick every Wednesday at Independent Talk 1100 KFNX and Alternate Current Radio for the very best in news, views and analysis on all top stories domestically and abroad THIS WEEK: Episode 6 America s Mainstream Media Meltdown Has the surprise 2016 Election result sent the US mainstream media into a tale spin, or has this crisis of confidence been in the works for much longer than people realize? Who is checking the new Fact Checkers ? Can the Washington establishment walk-back the current anti-Russian hysteria, and can the new Trump Administration bring a secretive federal government to a more open place?All this and more, as host Patrick Henningsen in joined by special guest Robert Parry, award-winning investigative journalist, editor and founder of Consortium News, and author of the book America s Stolen Narrative. Listen END 1042 Download Link START 1158 Download Link Download this podcast END 1158 Download Link This program broadcasts LIVE every Wednesday night from 8pm to 9pm MST, right after the Savage Nation, on Independent Talk 1100 KFNX over the terrestrial AM band across the greater Phoenix and central Arizona region, and live over global satellite and online via www.1100kfnx.com.LISTEN TO MORE INTERVIEWS AT PATRICK HENNINGSEN LIVE SHOW ARCHIVES;December 22, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: LANGUAGE WARNING BUT SO FUNNY! LISTEN TO TWO BLACK LADIES “STUMP FOR TRUMP”;This is a little racy but pretty funny. ;Jul 28, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Waiting for green cards, Indian visa-holders see hope in Trump review;SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - When Gokul Gunasekaran was offered a full scholarship for a graduate program in electrical engineering at Stanford University, he saw it as the chance of a lifetime. He had grown up in Chennai, India, and had a solid job offer with a large oil company after getting his undergraduate degree. He came to America instead, got the Stanford degree and now works as an engineer at a data science startup in Silicon Valley. But for the past five years, he has been waiting for a green card that would give him full legal rights as a permanent resident. In the meantime, he is in a holding pattern on an H1-B visa, which permits him to live and work in the United States but does not allow him easily to switch jobs or start his own company. “It was a no-brainer when I came to this country, but now I’m kind of regretting taking that scholarship,” said Gunasekaran, 29, who is also vice president with a non-profit group called Immigration Voice that represents immigrants waiting for green cards. Immigration Voice estimates there are some 1.5 million H1-B visa holders in the country waiting for green cards, many of whom are from India and have been waiting for more than a decade. Many of these immigrants welcomed President Donald Trump’s executive order this week to the federal departments overseeing the program to review it, a move that may lead to H1-B visas being awarded to the highest-paying, highest-skilled jobs rather than through a random lottery. Their hope is that merit-based H1-Bs might then lead to merit-based green cards. “I think less random is great,” said Guru Hariharan, the CEO and founder of Boomerang Commerce, an e-commerce startup. Hariharan, who was previously an executive at Amazon.com Inc and eBay Inc, spent 10 years waiting for his green card and started his own company as soon as he got it. Green cards can be a path to naturalization and Hariharan expects to become a U.S. citizen soon. H1-B visas are aimed at foreign nationals in occupations that generally require specialized knowledge, such as science, engineering or computer programming. The U.S. government uses a lottery to award 65,000 such visas yearly and randomly distributes another 20,000 to graduate student workers. The H1-B and the green card system are technically separate, but many immigrants from India see them as intimately connected. The number of green cards that can go to people born in each country is capped at a few percent of the total, without regard to how large or small the country’s population is. There is a big backlog of Indian-born people in the line, given the size of India’s population - 1.3 billion - and the number of its natives in the United States waiting for green cards. That leaves many of those immigrants stuck on H1-B visas while they wait, which they say makes them almost like “indentured servants,” said Gaurav Mehta, an H1-B holder who works in the financial industry. Mehta has a U.S.-born son, but he could be forced to take his family back to India at any time if he loses his job and cannot find another quickly. “He’s never been to my country,” Mehta said of his son. “But we’ll have no choice if we have to go. Nobody likes to live in constant fear.” The H1-B visa is tied to a specific employer, who must apply for the visa and sponsor the employee for a specific job laid out in the visa application. To switch employers, the visa holder must secure their paperwork from their current employer and find another employer willing to take over their visa. Some H1-B holders suspect that employers purposely seek out Indian immigrants because they know they will end up waiting for green cards and will be afraid to leave their employers. But changing the green card system away from country caps to a merit-based system would require an act of Congress. Some executives also worry that allocating H1-Bs and green cards based on salary - while it would be done to counter the argument that immigrants undercut American workers - would hurt startups that cannot afford high wages. In the meantime, H1-B holders like Nitin Pachisia, founding partner of a venture capital firm called Unshackled Ventures, are taking more practical measures. His firm specializes in taking care of the legal paperwork so that H1-B holders can start their own companies, a process that is possible but tricky. Pachisia is hopeful that changes to the H1-B visa program could revive interest in making the entire system, from H1-B visas to green cards and eventual citizenship, more merit-based and focused on immigrants who are likely to start companies and create jobs. “If the purpose of our high-skilled immigration program is to bring in the most talented people, let’s use that as a lens. From that perspective, it’s a good thing we can focus on the most talented, and I’d say most entrepreneurial, people,” he said. (This version of the story has been refiled to add missing word “startup” in paragraph two);April 21, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Turkish PM says EU confused since Brexit, needs to revisit Turkey's future place;LONDON (Reuters) - The European Union is entirely confused since Britain voted to leave the bloc and it needs to revisit its vision for enlargement and Turkey s place in that, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said on Monday. Launched in 2005 after decades of seeking the formal start of an EU membership bid, Ankara s membership negotiations have long been sensitive for France and Germany because of Turkey s status as a large, mainly Muslim country. The large purge that President Tayyip Erdogan has carried out following a failed coup attempt in July 2016 has worsened relations between Brussels and Ankara. During a visit to London, Yildirim said the European Union needed to look again at its plans to expand the bloc. After the Brexit decision the EU is entirely confused. They need to revisit their vision for the future, how far they are going to enlarge and what place Turkey will have in that. We are here. We are not going anywhere, he said. Yildirim also reaffirmed that Turkey did not believe that the crisis in neighbouring Syria could be resolved whilst President Bashar al-Assad remained in power. The current regime is responsible for the way things have evolved in Syria ... I don t think it s a realistic prospect to build lasting peace in Syria with Assad (in place), he said.;November 27, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Check Out This Disturbing Ad A Christian Site Posted Seeking A Husband For This Virgin Woman;One of the most disturbing things about extremist Christian holy rollers is how they prize the virginity of women. It s misogynist, it s gross, and it needs to stop. That likely won t be happening any time soon, though and boy have we got proof of that sad fact for you.Christianity Today is in full-blown damage control mode after they let an absolutely disgusting advertisement run that a man submitted regarding his single 26-year-old daughter. You see, the man was looking for a husband for his daughter. The advertisement he sent to the magazine said: Her: godly, gorgeous, athletic, educated, careered, humorous, travelled, bilingual, 26-year-old virgin. You: unworthy, though becoming less so daily. Christianity Today is sorry they let the ad run, and one of their editors, Mark Galli said to The Daily Beast: We want everything in our magazine to reflect beautiful orthodoxy, and this ad did not. We have taken a hard look at our ad review process, made some changes, and we can assure our readers that no ad like this will appear again. The poor woman whose father saw fit to advertise for a husband for her in a creepy religious publication and wave the fact that she is in her mid-twenties and a virgin around like that was something to be extremely proud of also happens to be a blogger. While the ad included her blog s URL, we will not be doing that here, lest other creepy misogynists try to hit her up. Further, she was smart enough not to make the blog public. Also, the woman, called Rachel, is not too torn up over it, and seems to be okay. She wrote of her fathers gross antics: I m just nervous if this doesn t work out, next I ll find my face plastered on a billboard. Oh gosh, now I m giving him ideas. The prizing of virginity is one of the most gross, inappropriate, and misogynist parts of Abrahamic religions. Just another reason to question these people and their idea of what morality is.Get out of that cult of a religion, Rachel, while you still can. Good luck to you you ll definitely need it.Featured image via Flickr;March 8, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: VIOLENCE DIDN’T HAVE TO ESCALATE: Chicago Police Chief Told Officers To “STAND DOWN” At Trump Rally [VIDEO];Shades of Baltimore? How can citizens or visitors in Chicago ever feel safe knowing the Chief Of Police would tell his officers to stand down when they are faced with a potential powder keg of violence and chaos? How can his officers feel safe knowing they were putting them in harms way? One can t help but wonder how much involvement our very own corrupt Chicago Community Organizer In Chief had to do with the decision to give the paid protesters free reign to terrorize Trump supporters? A union that represents 54 officers from the University of Illinois at Chicago Police Department is speaking out arguing the chaotic Donald Trump rally on campus last week did not have to escalate to an extreme level of disorder and could have continued as planned.The Metropolitan Association of Police Board Director, Ray Violetto, tells Fox News that UIC Police Chief, Kevin Booker, issued unusual stand-down orders including instructions that officers not bring pepper spray or wear dark gloves to the Trump rally items the union officers say are basic and necessary equipment in any type of crowd control.Violetto tells Fox News the UIC police were the agency in charge considering the Trump rally was on the school s campus and that the officers were in charge of policing the inside of the arena. I think the inside is what started that and I think it carried outside, Violetto told Fox News. If you watch the inside of the rally there was a pretty large group there that was getting out of control along with the individual that was at the podium. Violetto said officers were also told not to touch anyone or make arrests. The UIC officers say they have been extensively trained in handling crowds and riots and could have adequately controlled the situation that night.Watch how quickly these pockets of paid protesters turned violent and shockingly, how many police officers were put in harms way:The MAP police say not only were they put in physical danger but they also were potentially left open to lawsuits because the three people who officers say they rightfully and legally arrested were let go without explanation as a result of the Chief s no-arrest order.UIC spokesperson Sherri McGinnis Gonzalez denies the officers claims and says riot gear was available if needed. In an email, Gonzalez wrote that pepper spray is typically not used inside the campus arena, officers were not given orders not to place their hands on people, and that officers were told not to wear dark gloves, which look aggressive. Violetto argues there are no white gloves that are out there. Gonzalez also wrote that most of the UIC officers were in full uniform with personal protective gear, with the exception of plain-clothes detectives who provided surveillance and valuable intelligence.These police officers don t look like they re wearing riot gear, or are very well prepared for the violence at all in these very telling videos taken by Chuck Pullen, who happened to be at the scene : CLICK HEREThe University says Booker was on site and in charge of managing all UIC police activity and coordinated with multiple law enforcement agencies during the event. Via: FOX News;Mar 18, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Newsweek Outs Trump As Putin’s Puppet And Our NATO Allies Are Terrified (VIDEO);In yet another bombshell report, Newsweek just revealed that Vladamir Putin and the Russian government are actively trying to help Donald Trump win the election because they believe he will help them weaken our NATO allies.The Republican nominee s connections to Russia have been a huge topic in the news for many months due to his compliments about Putin and the fact that some of his closest campaign allies have connections to Russia.In addition, Trump has declared that he will consider pulling United States support from NATO and even strong-armed the Republican Party to ditch a platform plank condemning Russia s aggression toward Ukraine.And Putin has rewarded Trump by directing Russian media to blare out support for him and Russian hackers have been busy hacking American computer systems in an effort to hurt the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton.Of course, Trump has defended Russia despite the cyber-attacks being confirmed by Western intelligence agencies in the United States and Europe. Trump was even briefed about this and yet he still denies that Russia is the perpetrator.And that is leading many of our closest allies to worry about what could happen if Trump becomes president.According to Newsweek,Officials from two European countries told Newsweek that Trump s comments about Russia s hacking have alarmed several NATO partners because it suggests he either does not believe the information he receives in intelligence briefings, does not pay attention to it, does not understand it or is misleading the American public for unknown reasons. One British official said members of that government who are aware of the scope of Russia s cyberattacks both in Western Europe and America found Trump s comments quite disturbing because they fear that, if elected, the Republican presidential nominee would continue to ignore information gathered by intelligence services in the formulation of U.S. foreign policy.And we know Russia is backing Trump because they ended their hacking campaign when it seemed like he would be replaced as the nominee by a sane Republican, only to resume hacking on Trump s behalf when he wasn t replaced.When Trump launched into an inexplicable attack on the parents of a Muslim-American soldier who died in combat, the Kremlin assumed the Republican nominee was showing himself psychologically unfit to be president and would be forced by his party to withdraw from the race. As a result, Moscow put its hacking campaign temporarily on hold, ending the distribution of documents until Trump stabilized, both personally and in the polls, according to reports provided to Western intelligence.And the United States election is not the only one Russia has interfered with. The Kremlin also spread misinformation that helped right-wingers take control in Germany and caused the United Kingdom to vote in favor of Brexit, both of which help Russia weaken alliances.But their true target is NATO, which is what stands in the way of Russia overpowering Europe, and our allies fear that a Trump victory on November 8th would embolden Russia to do just that.Officials in Western Europe say they are dismayed that they now feel compelled to gather intelligence on a man who could be the next president of the United States, but believe they have no choice. Moscow is seen as a direct threat to their interests both in its aggressive efforts to reshape global alliances and for its power to damage Western Europe, which obtains almost 40 percent of its natural gas from Russia. Should the United States, the last remaining superpower, tilt its policies away from NATO to the benefit of Russia, the alliance between America and Western Europe could be transformed in unprecedented ways. And so, for perhaps the first time since World War II, countries in Western Europe fear that the American election, should Trump win, could trigger events that imperil their national security and do potentially irreparable harm to the alliances that have kept the continent safe for decades.Here s video of Rachel Maddow explaining how big this news is via YouTube.Oh, and one more thing. While Donald Trump and Republicans continue to whine about how Hillary Clinton used a private server, it turns out Hillary was smart to do so because the Russians hacked into the State Department email system, which means if she had used that system her emails would have been obtained by the Russian government.So Russia literally wants Trump to win so they can use him as their puppet to gain more influence in the world, which means more war, less democracy, and a United States that is weaker.That cannot be allowed to happen. Clearly, the Russians like Trump, and that should make all Americans cast their votes for Hillary Clinton.Featured Image: YouTube;November 4, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: China urges Trump administration to grasp importance of 'one China';BEIJING (Reuters) - The new U.S. administration must fully understand the importance of the “one China” policy and appreciate that the issue of Taiwan is highly sensitive for the Beijing government, China said on Monday. U.S. President Donald Trump, who was inaugurated on Friday, said in December the United States did not necessarily have to stick to its long-standing position that Taiwan is part of “one China”. Earlier, Trump broke with decades of precedent by taking a telephone call from Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen. According to Beijing’s one China principle, Taiwan and mainland China are inalienable parts of a single “China”. Beijing views Taiwan as a wayward province, to be brought under its control by force if necessary. However, proudly democratic Taiwan shows not interest in being ruled by Beijing. “We urge the new administration to fully understand the high sensitivity of the Taiwan issue and to continue pursuing the one China policy,” Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying told a regular briefing in Beijing. Hua called the policy the “political foundation” of future relations between the United States and China. She said any U.S. government had the obligation to stand by the promises made by both main U.S. political parties and “strictly” maintain non-diplomatic relations with Taiwan. Hua also reiterated China’s position on the South China Sea, saying the United States should not meddle in issues of China’s sovereign territory. Both “history and reality” prove good relations between China and the United States were positive for the Asia-Pacific region, she said. China claims most of the energy-rich South China Sea through which about $5 trillion in ship-borne trade passes every year. Neighbours Brunei, Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam also have claims. U.S. Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson has previously suggested that China would not be allowed access to islands in the region, prompting Chinese state media to say the United States would need to “wage war” to cut off China’s access.;January 23, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Balkan leaders back Serbia's bid to join European Union;SOFIA (Reuters) - The prime ministers of Bulgaria, Greece and Romania gave their support to their Balkan neighbor Serbia s bid to join the European Union on Tuesday, saying the integration of the western Balkans would guarantee regional peace and stability. Serbia, which in the 1990s was seen as pariah of Western Balkans for its central role in wars that followed the collapse of Yugoslavia, expects to complete negotiations on EU membership by 2019. All of us know that the natural place of Serbia is in the European Union, Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov said after a four-party summit in the Black Sea city of Varna with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, Romanian Prime Minister Mihai Tudose and Serbian President Alexander Vucic. Borissov said that the three EU members would work to speed up the process to the advantage of peace and stability in the Balkans and Europe generally. Bulgaria takes over the rotating six-month EU presidency in January while Romania will take over in 2019. Many Serbs, however, remain skeptical about joining the bloc and view Western European countries as outspoken advocates of the 1999 NATO bombing to halt the killing and expulsion of ethnic Albanians in the former province of Kosovo, in which thousands of civilians had been killed. Vucic accused the European Union of using double standards by refusing to accept the Catalan independence referendum while largely welcoming a separate Kosovo. We support Spain, it is our friendly country, said Vucic. But the European Commission responded in a different way (over Kosovo) and it was against my people and my state. Kosovo s declaration of independence from Serbia in 2008 was accepted by Washington and most EU states, but rejected by Belgrade and its allies. Kosovo gained independence without even holding a referendum but Catalonia ... cannot get anything like that, Vucic said. Sometimes, we, the Serbs, are asking ourselves why we should have been the victim of double standards? Serbia s position on Kosovo has been one of the main stumbling blocks in its own bid to join the European Union. Brussels has said it needs to improve relations with the authorities in Pristina and stop trying to block their efforts to join international bodies.;October 3, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: John McCain Throws Tantrum, Decries Trump for ‘Letting Assad Stay’;"21st Century Wire says A predictable reaction from a pair of increasingly desperate politicians.Perennial war hawks Senators John McCain and his partner Lindsey Graham, have expressed their outrage of recent comments by Trump Administration officials that regime change is no longer a priority for the Washington.McCain warned that President Trump s downgrading on policy, away from the overthrow of the Syrian government, was somehow bad for US interests. Such a policy would only exacerbate the terrorist threat to our nation, said McCain.Since at least 2011, McCain has been intimately involved in helping to foment instability in Syria by leading the program to flood illegal arms into Syria for what he and many other America politicians claimed was for the moderate rebels who were fighting for freedom and democracy. It wasn t long before the world finally figured out what the Syrian people knew all along the moderate rebel was a public relation tool, invented by Washington under the Obama Administration.Sadly for McCain, he hasn t been following the news close enough over the last 3 years to realize that the rest of the world has already figured out the West s transparent proxy terrorist marketing campaign.While McCain s public position is predictable still clinging to the fictional narrative laid down by Obama that the Syria public do not support their President and is therefore illegitimate in the eyes of NATO member states, his partner Senator Graham s position is even more erroneous; based on the a long-debunked lie that Assad crossed the red line and used chemical weapons against his own people. McCain with CIA-backed FSA commander Sam Idris and Mouaz Moustafa of the Washington s creation, the Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF).What makes McCain s rantings even more obscene, is the fact that he has remained completely pro-war in all its forms, and is in total support of proven international terrorists groups like Al Nusra, the Free Syrian Army FSA and Arar al-Sham. In 2011, McCain snuck into Syria illegally to promise militants weapons and support, as well as a US bombing campaign against the Syrian state a war which almost happened under the pretext of a staged false flag chemical attack in East Ghouta outside Damascus in August 2013. BUSY YEAR: 2011 was a busy year for McCain and Graham supporting militants and terrorists. Here they are pictured with Florida Senator Marco Rubio showing off with extremists after the assassination of Gaddafi and before the eventual implosion of the country following the US-led NATO bombing campaign. Supreme Military Council of Syria meeting US Rep. Adam Kinzinger, Mouaz Moustaf (SETF), and CIA agent Evan McMullin (circa 2013-2014)Since 2011, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Hillary Clinton, US Congressman Adam Kinzinger and others, in conjunction with Romney-backed CIA operative turned 2016 Presidential candidate Evan McMullin have led calls to support the various terrorist factions within Syria under the CIA crafted banner of Supreme Military Council of Syria and the The Syrian Revolutionary Front have consistently sold the American public a false narrative via by the Muslim Brotherhood, an extremist political organization supported by Obama administration.4 years later, they are still droning on with the same discredited talking points Daniel Chaitin Washington ExaminerSens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham are upset with the Trump administration signaling that removing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from power is no longer a top priority.During a trip to Turkey, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Assad s fate will be decided by the Syrian people. That sentiment was echoed by U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, who told reporters, You pick and choose your battles. And when we re looking at this it s about changing up priorities and our priority is no longer to sit and focus on getting Assad out. In a statement Thursday evening, McCain, who is chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said he is deeply disturbed by Tillerson s and Haley s comments. Their suggestion that Assad can stay in power appears to be just as devoid of strategy as President Obama s pronouncements that Assad must go,' McCain said. Once again, U.S. policy in Syria is being presented piecemeal in press statements without any definition of success, let alone a realistic plan to achieve it. Graham, also a member of the Armed Services committee, said that such comments would be the biggest mistake since President Obama failed to act after drawing a red line against Assad s use of chemical weapons. Continue this story at the Washington ExaminerREAD MORE JOHN MCCAIN NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire McCain FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @ 21WIRE.TV";April 1, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. bombers fly off North Korea's coast in show of force;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Air Force B-1B Lancer bombers escorted by fighter jets flew in international airspace over waters east of North Korea on Saturday, in a show of force the Pentagon said demonstrated the range of military options available to President Donald Trump. The flight, which was disclosed shortly before North Korea s foreign minister was due to address the United Nations, was the farthest north of the demilitarized zone separating North and South Korea that any U.S. fighter jet or bomber has flown in the 21st century, the Pentagon said. This mission is a demonstration of U.S. resolve and a clear message that the President has many military options to defeat any threat, said Pentagon spokeswoman Dana White, calling North Korea s weapons program a grave threat. We are prepared to use the full range of military capabilities to defend the U.S. homeland and our allies. The flight follows a week of heightened rhetoric from Washington and Pyongyang, with Trump and Kim Jong Un trading insults. Trump called the North Korean leader a madman on Friday, a day after Kim dubbed him a mentally deranged U.S. dotard. Pyongyang conducted its sixth and largest nuclear test on Sept. 3 and has launched dozens of missiles this year as it accelerates a program aimed at enabling it to target the United States with a nuclear-tipped missile. The North has threatened to test a hydrogen bomb over the Pacific. The Pentagon said the B-1B Lancer bombers came from Guam and the U.S. Air Force F-15C Eagle fighter escorts came from Okinawa, Japan. It said the operation showed the seriousness with which it took North Korea s reckless behavior.;September 23, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Australian police say car that hit pedestrians in Melbourne was a deliberate act;SYDNEY (Reuters) - A car was deliberately driven into pedestrians in the Australian city of Melbourne on Thursday, injuring up to 14 people, though the motive was not known, police said. We believe based on what we have seen that it is a deliberate act, Victorian Police commander Russell Barrett told media in Melbourne. The motivations are unknown.;December 21, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: [VIDEO] HUNDREDS OF MORMON FUNDAMENTALISTS SURROUND Mother Who Escaped Cult Community To Prevent Her From Extracting Her Children;Evil hiding under the banner of religion in our own backyard A 32-year-old woman was harassed and intimidated last week when she tried to pick up her four children from the fundamentalist Mormon sect she bravely left to escape an abusive husband.Sabrina Broadbent Tetzner, 32, fled the sect headed by convicted rapist Warren Jeffs eight years ago and finally gained full custody of her children (ages 8 to 13) last week.But when she tried to pick up her children from the Colorado City, Utah community where they have been living, she was physically stopped by hundreds of cult members hell bent on keeping the kids. Lots of members from the community started showing up. They surrounded her vehicle, the home, fences and the yard. They were kicking the van. They even tried to put a cow and chickens into her vehicle, ex-cult member Flora Jessop, who helped Tetzner through her legal battle, told KSL.Cell phone footage shows swarms of polygamists surrounding Tetzner s van, the women dressed in conservative floor-length dresses in varying pastel colors. A Mohave County judge ordered the sect to turn over the children at 5pm Thursday, but Tetzner says that when she got to the compound at the arranged time her kids were nowhere to be seen. FOX 10 News | fox10phoenix.comIt was only at midnight that they returned, and were quickly shepherded into their aunt Samantha Holm s house where several dozen fundamentalists kept them from seeing her mother.Tetzner spent the night in her van, fearing the vehicle would be torn apart if she left it unattended. When even about 600 cult members surrounded her vehicle in the morning, and kept her from reaching the home where her children were staying, Tetzner called police to intervene on her children s behalf. Sheriff s deputies had to take out a search warrant to pry the children from the house and into their mother s waiting arms.Allegedly, the children were not so happy to leave, since cult members had scared them into believing their mother was taking them to hell. Deputies escorted Tetzner and her children all the way back to their home in northern Utah, and reportedly FLDS members tailed them the whole way there.Since leaving the sect, she has remarried a man named Chase Tetzner and the two appear to have a toddler son together. A photo posted to her Facebook in August 2012, shows her in a half-white, half-camouflage wedding dress.Defenders of Children, a non-profit group that has been aiding Tetzner through her custody battle, said they fear for her safety and are raising money to pay for a security system and new clothes for the woman s children. Tetzner left the FLDS church eight years ago, about a year after the cult s leader Warren Jeffs was arrested for organizing marriages between men in his cult and underage girls. He is currently serving a life sentence in prison, but continues to head the church from behind bars.Custodial interference charges are pending against Samantha Holm, the aunt who initially wouldn t hand over Tetzner s children.Via: UK Daily Mail;Apr 7, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: PM Hariri urges Lebanese to put country first;BEIRUT (Reuters) - Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri said on Thursday Lebanon s political crisis was a wake-up call for Lebanese with different loyalties to put their country ahead of regional issues. Hariri was referring to the crisis ignited by his shock announcement on Nov. 4 that he was resigning. He made it from Saudi Arabia, a Sunni monarchy and regional powerhouse locked in a confrontation with Shi ite Islamist Iran. After returning to Lebanon this week, he shelved the decision on Wednesday at the request of President Michel Aoun. The period that passed was perhaps like a wake-up call for all of us to look for Lebanon s interests rather than looking at problems around us, Hariri said at the Annual Arab Banking Conference in Beirut on Thursday. The problems around us are important, but Lebanon is more important. Hariri reaffirmed the need for Lebanon to stick by its policy of staying out of regional conflict not just with words but with action as well . I want to stress that ... our main concern is stability, and this is what we ll be working on. Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil, the head of President Aoun s political party, wrote to the Arab League chief on Thursday, stressing Lebanon s policy of staying out of regional crises, the state news agency reported. The regional role played by the Iranian-backed Hezbollah political and military movement has greatly alarmed Saudi Arabia, Hariri s long-time ally. Hezbollah s parliamentary group met on Thursday and said in a statement afterwards that Hariri s return to Lebanon and his positive statements signaled a possible return to normality. Hariri said on Wednesday his decision to postpone resigning would lead to a responsible dialogue ... that deals with divisive issues and their repercussions on Lebanon s relations with Arab brothers. Top Lebanese officials have said Riyadh forced him to quit and held him in the kingdom. Riyadh and Hariri deny this. Hariri returned to Lebanon after an intervention by France. A leader in Hariri s Future Movement said on Thursday that Hariri s decision to wait instead of officially resigning from his post was a wise step that would allow for more dialogue.;November 23, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Danger of war, Germany warns after Trump's move on Iran nuclear deal;BERLIN (Reuters) - If the United States terminates the Iran nuclear deal or reimposes sanctions on Tehran it could result in Iran developing nuclear weapons and raise the danger of war close to Europe, Germany s foreign minister said on Saturday. U.S. President Donald Trump refused on Friday to formally certify that Tehran was complying with the 2015 accord even though international inspectors say it is. He warned he might ultimately terminate the agreement. German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel told Deutschlandfunk radio that Trump had sent a difficult and dangerous signal when the U.S. administration was also dealing with the North Korea nuclear crisis. My big concern is that what is happening in Iran or with Iran from the U.S. perspective will not remain an Iranian issue but many others in the world will consider whether they themselves should acquire nuclear weapons too given that such agreements are being destroyed, Gabriel said. And then our children and grandchildren will grow up in a very dangerous world, he said. He said if the United States terminated the deal or if sanctions were reimposed on Tehran, it would give Iranian hardliners, who are against negotiations with the West, the upper hand. Then they might revert to developing nuclear weapons, Gabriel said, adding Israel would not tolerate that and then we will be back where we were 10, 12 years ago with the danger of war relatively close to Europe . He urged the United States not to endanger the security of its allies and its own people for domestic policy reasons. Hailed by Trump s predecessor Barack Obama as key to stopping Iran from building a nuclear bomb, the deal was also signed by China, France, Russia, Britain, Germany and the European Union. European allies have warned of a split with Washington over the nuclear agreement and say that putting it in limbo undermines U.S. credibility abroad. Trump has given the U.S. Congress 60 days to decide whether to reinstate economic sanctions on Iran that were lifted in 2016.;October 14, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. plans to update self-driving guidelines in coming months;DETROIT/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s administration will unveil revised self-driving guidelines within the next few months, the head of the U.S. Transportation Department said on Monday, responding to automakers’ calls for regulations that will eliminate barriers and allow autonomous vehicles on the road. “The pressure is mounting for the federal government to do something” about autonomous vehicles, U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao said on Monday in Detroit. However, Chao told reporters the federal government should be careful before setting binding rules to govern autonomous vehicles. “We don’t want rules that impede future technological advances,” Chao said. Chao was not specific about what her department’s proposals would include, or how they would differ from policy guidance proposed by the Obama administration. Companies including Alphabet Inc’s self-driving car Waymo unit, General Motors Co, Ford Motor Co, Uber Technologies Inc [UBER.UL], Tesla Inc and other are aggressively pursuing automated vehicle technologies. “We need a more concrete regulatory framework,” Ken Washington, chief technology officer of Ford, said in Detroit. Automakers could use a clear set of rules to certify on their own that an autonomous vehicle is safe, as they can now with conventional vehicles, Washington said. Ford Executive Chairman Bill Ford Jr said at a forum in Washington he feels “quite confident” that the hardware and software will be ready by 2021 for self-driving cars. But other big issues loom. “Things like ethics,” Ford said, saying does the vehicle opt to save 10 pedestrians or the driver. Individual automakers cannot program separate ethics software for self-driving cars but must work together as an industry, Ford said. Ron Medford, Waymo’s director of safety, said in Detroit he expected autonomous cars would appear first in “managed fleet operations,” not as vehicles sold to individuals. Chao, in remarks prepared for delivery in Detroit, said the new rules would support industry innovation and aim to encourage “new entrants and ideas that deliver safer vehicles.” Automakers have met with Chao on several occasions in recent months and urged her to make changes to Obama-era automated vehicle rules. Republicans on the House Energy and Commerce Committee have also been working on a package of legislation to make it easier to get self-driving cars on the road. A U.S. Senate committee is also planning a new hearing this month on self-driving cars. The Obama guidelines called on automakers to voluntarily submit details of self-driving vehicle systems to regulators in a 15-point “safety assessment” and urge states to defer to the federal government on most vehicle regulations. Automakers have raised numerous concerns about the guidance, including that it requires them to turn over significant data, could delay testing by months and lead to states making the voluntary guidelines mandatory.;June 5, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: HUD SECRETARY BEN CARSON Ending Obama’s Illegal Section 8 Housing Grant Scheme;After his reelection in 2012 Obama removed the bidding process from section 8 housing. Obama then schemed to provide HUD initiated grants to their pet organizations. After lawsuits and ultimately with the Supreme Court rebuking the grant-style process, HUD Secretary Ben Carson is bringing back a more efficient bidding process that also saves taxpayer dollars. Great job Dr. Carson!The Department of Housing and Urban Development is poised to reverse the Obama administration s policy and return to a competitive bidding process to award Section 8 housing, according to a well-placed source in the department.The move would overturn the Obama-era methodology of using a grant-style process that was rebuked by administrators and ultimately the U.S. Supreme Court.The HUD official said many of the steps necessary to change back to the competitive procurement method are being taken now, but didn t want to comment on when the announcement from the department might happen for fear of tainting the bidding process.Supporters of the competitive bidding procurement process say the net result will increase efficiency in the program and save taxpayer money. And Republican lawmakers that have been critical of HUD s actions in the past are applauding the change in course as well. When dealing with performance-based Section 8 contract administrators, it s clear that full and open competition is the way to get the best value for the taxpayer, said Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, R-Fla. As Chairman of the Housing Appropriations Subcommittee, I have repeatedly insisted both publicly and privately that HUD follow Congressional intent, the GAO, and the Supreme Court. Diaz-Balart is one of a small handful of elected officials who put pressure on HUD and then-Secretary Juli n Castro during the years in which HUD ignored findings that their grant process was illegal.Section 8 housing is a federal program that pays rental assistance to landlords to help low-income people acquire affordable housing.Because HUD had problems administering the program, in 1995 it started to contract out the management of Section 8 housing units through a competitive bidding process. However, in March of 2012, HUD suddenly shifted away from the competitive bidding process, and began using funding mechanisms which were more like grants.Contractors who had previously gained HUD s business under the bidding process appealed to the Government Accountability Office in 2012, just months after HUD changed course. And by August of that year, the GAO ruled that HUD s actions were unreasonable and in disregard of applicable statutory guidance. Undeterred, HUD pressed forward with their choice, which then made them the target of a lawsuit. From that point, HUD lost an embarrassing string of rulings which culminated in the U.S. Supreme Court denying to hear an appeal from the agency in April of 2015.Despite all those rulings, HUD didn t budge. But the Trump administration is now set to return to the previous methods.Eric Strong is the CEO of Navigate Affordable Housing Partners, a company that has won HUD Section 8 contracts in the past under the competitive system. He s also publicly lobbied HUD to change back to the performance based contracting method. All we ve ever wanted was fair and open competition because we know it results in the best financial situation for the taxpayer and also will result in better housing for the residents who live in those Section 8 units, Read more: WE;Aug 7, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: “You’re Not Welcome!” Obama As Welcome At Roseberg Funerals As Westboro Baptist Church Members [Videos];Roseberg residents and families of victims are speaking out against Obama and are repulsed by his obvious desire to use the deaths and injuries of their loved ones to promote his leftist agenda. Of course, he s going anyhow. It is of no consequence to him that basically the whole town wants him to stay away. Keep it classy Barry Maybe the Roseberg residents should make the same kind of human chain between Barack and the cameras that they do around the Westboro Baptist Church members at funerals Roseberg residents and even relatives of victims are telling Barack Obama to stay home and don t come here to dance on the graves of our loved ones. You re not welcome! Tomorrow President Obama is scheduled to visit Rosenburg, Oregon, where 10 people were killed last week at Umpqua Community College by a deranged killer who happened to use a gun to carry out his crimes.We ve already reported on the repulsed reaction from the community as people who live there continue to reject Obama s visit. Now Stacy Boylan, the father of shooting victim Ana Boylan, is directly speaking out against Obama s visit and has no interest in putting up with his exploitation of the tragedy for political purposes. I do believe it was Rahm Emanuel who said Never let a good tragedy go to waste, and I really feel that his [Obama] visit here is to completely to support his gun control agenda. I can t understand why he wouldn t make a mention of the families and the victims. I mean, he did say that it was a tragic incident and I do thank him for lowering the flags but he made it all about gun control. He was very clear about that and we saw this in Sandy Hook and now we re seeing it again and I just question his motives, Boylan said. I ve spoken to my family and for myself and for my family, my daughter and son, on principle I find that we are in disagreement with his policies on gun control and therefore we will not be attending the visit. My position on this is that gun free zones are an issue, they re a target for crazy people because they know they re not going to be met with resistance. You know, my daughter said to me, What if somebody would have had a gun? Gun free and gun control takes that option off the table. Somebody doesn t have to use their gun in defense, but to take that option entirely, I don t think that s the right course, he continued. Via: Townhall On Monday, David Jacques, publisher of the Roseburg Beacon, appeared on a Fox News segment with Bill O Reilly.He made it clear President Obama was not welcome in Roseburg and certainly not to crash the funerals of those killed in the Umpqua Community College mass shooting by using it for his own liberal agenda.https://youtu.be/F-fS9SBLTGkVia: Downtrend;Oct 7, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: It’s Official: Trump is POTUS 45;Today Donald J. Trump was sworn in as the 45th President of the United States of America. The new president gave a resounding speech that was a major break from tradition clearly an anti-establishment and anti-Washington speech, resuming his campaign stance of characterizing Washington DC as a corrupt, elitist cadre of career-minded, self-serving politicians. Oligharchs in attendance looked noticeably uncomfortable with Trump s words.Trump also went into full populist mode, casting aside globalism in favor of the national interest: From this day forward, a new vision will govern our land, Trump said soon after Chief Justice John Roberts administered the oath of office. From this day forward, it s going to only be America first, America first. Expect a wild first 100 days READ MORE ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 2016 FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER@ 21WIRE.TV;January 20, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: SYRIAN REFUGEE Who Shocked CNN Anchor Is Back! Slams Obama’s Policy On Syria: Obama tarnished America’s image [Video];The Syrian refugee who shocked CNN was on FOX & Friends to explain his position on the US and Syria relations under Obama: President Obama destroyed the image of the United States in Syria and all over the world. The United States always had a moral higher ground from all other nations, but what he did broke a lot of hearts. -Syrian refugee and 2013 chemical attack survivor Kassem EidIN CASE YOU MISSED IT:A set up by CNN to try and push the anti-Trump narrative experienced a major detour today when a survivor of a gas attack in 2013 didn t follow the line of propaganda that CNN was pushing. CNN pundit Brooke Baldwin had interviewed this victim of the 2013 attack just 3 days ago. This survivor spoke of the attacks on innocents setting up the liberal humanitarian perspective.Fast forward to today when we have the aftermath of last night s airstrike, Ms. Baldwin brought Kassem Eid back to frame a narrative about President Trump launching an airstrike in Syria, but being unwilling to accept Syrian refugees. They wanted to make Trump out to be a hypocrite.To set up the attack on Trump, CNN producers showed Hillary Clinton saying, we cannot speak of protecting Syria s babies, and in the next breath close America s doors to them .What happened next shocked Baldwin and she couldn t shut this guy down fast enough Epic!Kassem Eid, who survived a 2013 chemical gas attack in Syria, expresses his gratitude to President Trump for his missile strike of a Syrian airbase.;Apr 10, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Palestinian gunman kills three Israeli guards at West Bank settlement;HAR ADAR, West Bank (Reuters) - A Palestinian man with security clearance to work at a Jewish settlement in the occupied West Bank opened fire at a checkpoint on Tuesday, killing two Israeli security guards and a paramilitary policeman. The assailant, who was armed with a pistol and also seriously wounded a fourth Israeli, was shot dead, police said. The incident was unusual in that the 37-year-old man had been issued an Israeli work permit - a process that entails security vetting - unlike most of the Palestinians involved in a wave of street attacks that began two years ago. A police spokeswoman said the gunman approached Har Adar among a group of Palestinians who work at the settlement, and aroused the suspicion of guards at the entrance checkpoint. Challenged to halt, the Palestinian opened his shirt, drew a pistol and fired at the security staff and troopers at close range, the spokeswoman said. Residents of the settlement told Israeli media the man worked as a cleaner. One of them, Moish Berdichev, said he had domestic problems - his wife had left him - and speculated he may have carried out the attack knowing he would not survive. He was a guy with a good head on his shoulders. It s a shame. Very sad, Berdichev told Army Radio. The Shin Bet internal security service identified the man as Nimr Jamal and said he had severe personal and family issues, including domestic violence . The man lived in the nearby Palestinian village of Beit Suriq, the police said. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in public remarks to his cabinet that the man s house would be demolished and any work permits issued to his relatives would be revoked.;September 26, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: NY court dismisses suit to block Cruz White House bid;ALBANY, N.Y. (Reuters) - A New York appeals court on Thursday upheld a lower court’s dismissal of a suit seeking to remove Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz from the state’s primary ballot because of his Canadian birth. The New York Appellate Division agreed with the lower court ruling that the suit should be thrown out because it missed the deadline for filing an objection to Cruz’s appearance on the April 19 ballot. Lawyers for Cruz successfully argued that the objectors had filed their petition nearly three weeks late. The appeals judges said they would not address the merits of the case, saying they were “academic.” Roger Bernstein, a lawyer for the petitioners, said his clients intend to appeal the decision. New York residents Barry Korman, 81, of Manhattan, and William Gallo, 85, of Manhasset, had filed the suit, arguing that because Cruz was born in Canada, he is not a “naturally born” citizen as the Constitution dictates for a U.S. president. Cruz has defended himself against similar claims in multiple states, saying he was a U.S. natural born citizen at birth because of his mother’s U.S. citizenship at the time. Cruz was born in 1970 in Calgary, Alberta.;March 24, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: USA Swimming Metes Out Punishment That Stanford Rapist REALLY Deserves;Brock Turner, the 20-year old swimmer who was convicted of raping an unconscious woman behind a dumpster outside of a party, will never, ever get a chance to swim in the Olympics, or compete in U.S. national competitions. His membership with USA Swimming expired two years ago, but he could have become eligible for one again. Instead, USA Swimming hasn t just banned him, they have banned him for life. ABC News has their statement on the issue: USA Swimming condemns the crime and actions committed by Brock Turner, and all acts of sexual misconduct. Brock Turner is not a member of USA Swimming and, should he apply, he would not be eligible for membership, USA Swimming spokesman Scott Leightman said in a statement obtained by ABC News today. Had he been a member, he would have been subject to the USA Swimming Code of Conduct. USA Swimming strictly prohibits and has zero tolerance for sexual misconduct, with firm Code of Conduct policies in place, and severe penalties, including a permanent ban of membership, for those who violate the Code of Conduct.' Poor little Brock Turner. Our hearts bleed pink carbonated peanut butter for him and his ruined career. His life is so difficult now, all because the drinking and partying culture on college campuses took advantage of him he decided to rape an unconscious woman. First he got thrown out of Stanford, where he was a gifted swimmer, then he got prison time, and now this. He ll have to live a mundane life devoid of the accolades he would have gotten as an Olympic medalist.Turner has promised to work to educate students about the dangers of drinking and partying on campus because he s convinced himself that s what made him rape. His father expressed for support for that when he wrote an extraordinarily disgusting defense of his son, calling him a victim of that culture, and said it s not right that his son should suffer any more just for a mere 20 minutes of action. It s painfully obvious that neither of those two actually heard the victim as she read her own statement to the court. She detailed out the horrors of finding out she d been raped, the damage it s caused, and the ways it s changed her life for the worse. She will be dealing with this for the rest of her life. Turner s defenders are trying to shun responsibility for what he did, instead of owning up to it and trying to help her in any way they can.Even a friend of his is defending him by saying that not everyone who rapes is a rapist, which is a sorry attempt to change the definition of rapist. Furthermore, Turner only received six months in jail, and could be out in as little as three months, because Judge Aaron Persky thought his age and his lack of a criminal record up to that point warranted a mere slap on the wrist.This is the cold-blooded fuckery of rape culture at its finest. USA Swimming is taking a stand against rape culture, though, as did Stanford when they expelled him. His life is ruined, as well it should be, because the only way to avoid this is to respect women and not rape them. Lots of men get drunk every day and manage not to rape women, so why couldn t Turner? USA Swimming did the absolute right thing.Featured image via screen capture;June 11, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump orders probe of China's intellectual property practices;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Monday authorized an inquiry into China’s alleged theft of intellectual property in the first direct trade measure by his administration against Beijing, but one that is unlikely to prompt near-term change. Trump broke from his 17-day vacation in New Jersey to sign the memo in the White House at a time of heightened tensions between Washington and Beijing over North Korea’s nuclear ambitions. The investigation is likely to cast a shadow over relations with China, the largest U.S. trading partner, just as Trump is asking Beijing to step up pressure against Pyongyang. U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer will have a year to look into whether to launch a formal investigation of China’s trade policies on intellectual property, which the White House and U.S. industry lobby groups say are harming U.S. businesses and jobs. Trump called the inquiry “a very big move.” Trump administration officials have estimated that theft of intellectual property by China could be as high as $600 billion. Experts on China trade policy said the long lead time could allow Beijing to discuss some of the issues raised by Washington without being seen to cave to pressure under the threat of reprisals. Although Trump repeatedly criticized China’s trade practices on the campaign trail, his administration has not taken any significant action. Despite threats to do so, it has declined to name China a currency manipulator and delayed broader national security probes into imports of foreign steel and aluminum that could indirectly affect China. China repeatedly rebuffed attempts by previous U.S. administrations to take action on its IP practices. “I’m sure they will formally reject this if an investigation is launched and there is an implication this is going to require negotiation to resolve it,” said Matthew Goodman, a senior adviser for Asian economics at the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies. Jonathan Fenby, an analyst at the TS Lombard consultancy, said China was not interested in a short-term trade fix with the United States and will resist “attempts to tie it down.” China’s policy of forcing foreign companies to turn over technology to Chinese joint venture partners and failure to crack down on intellectual property theft have been longstanding problems for several U.S. administrations. The Information Technology Industry Council, the main trade group for U.S. technology giants, such as Microsoft (MSFT.O), Apple (AAPL.O) and Google (GOOGL.O), said it hoped China would take the administration’s announcement seriously. “Both the United States and China should use the coming months to address the issues causing friction in the bilateral trade relationship before Presidents Trump and Xi have their anticipated meeting ahead of the November APEC leaders meeting,” ITI President Dean Garfield said in a statement. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the largest business lobbying group, said China needed to end forced technology transfers and to protect foreign intellectual property rights. In an editorial on Monday, the state-run China Daily newspaper said the investigation will “poison” relations and warned the Trump administration not to make a rash decision it could regret. Trump had been expected to seek a so-called Section 301 investigation earlier this month, but an announcement was postponed as the White House pressed for China’s cooperation on North Korea. Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974, a popular trade tool in the 1980s that has been rarely used in the past decade, allows the president to unilaterally impose tariffs or other trade restrictions to protect U.S. industries from “unfair trade practices” of foreign countries.;August 14, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Donald Trump Proves He Knows NOTHING About America’s Workforce;During Donald Trump s most recent press conference on Wednesday, he mentioned that 96 million Americans were looking for jobs and could not find any. Well, as it turns out, that number is only about 10 times higher than the truth.According to Mr. Trump America has millions of workers right now in the United States that are 96 million really wanting a job and they can t get. You know that story. The real number that s the real number. That s incorrect, by quite a bit. Now, maybe if he hadn t repeated that he believed that s the real number then he could have recovered from the situation. If he had said 9.6 million, he would have at least been in the right ball park. America does have 96 million people without jobs, but that s including anyone above 16 years of age that is a student, disabled, a stay-at-home parent, retired or not in the workforce for whatever reason, not actively searching for a job.The actual number of Americans that are jobless but actively seek work is only 7.5 million. Add another 2.3 million for missing workers , those who are unemployed and don t seek work because they don t see much opportunity, that number is 9.8 million workers. So maybe Donald Trump was confused or very misinformed? Either way these numbers are certainly something he should be aware of.Trump is also probably unaware of the fact that the economy is doing great right now, with 15.6 million private sector jobs being added in the last six and a half years thanks to President Obama. However, according to Donald Trump Obama has done nothing good for this country. Is he in denial or just an idiot? Maybe if he went to his intelligence briefings every once in awhile he d know what he was talking about more often.Featured image via Spencer Platt/Getty Images;January 11, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Cruz & Kasich Quit: Trump Crushes Elite Establishment, #DropOutHillary Now Trending;21st Century Wire says The field is now clear for Trump to become the GOP presidential nominee.Watch a video of this report here:Ted Cruz and John Kasich have both now bowed out of the presidential race, leaving Donald Trump as the last Republican candidate standing.The two failing candidates made their decision after Trump swept to victory in Indiana last night.Dr. Inderjeet Parmar, Head of the Department of International Politics at City University London, says that, it has exposed a deeply divided Republican party whose leadership has lost all credibility and whose conservative philosophy, which it has held dear since 1980, is in tatters. It is, indeed, the elite leadership of both political parties that appears to have provoked this realignment in US politics towards outsiders and those not embroiled in what many see as a corrupt and broken system.Bernie Sanders, the Democratic outsider, also shocked the world with a victory over Hillary Clinton last night.Just two weeks ago Cruz and Kasich were publicising that they had made a deal to stop Trump, yet even their combined efforts were useless.Yesterday, a Rasmussen poll emerged showing that Donald Trump can indeed beat Hillary Clinton at the general election, and that scenario is looking ever more likely with the political establishment in such dramatic retreat.It is possible that Bernie voters will not support Hillary in the general election, and in many ways their anti-establishment position gels much better with the politics of Trump than it does with Wall Street insider Clinton.Immediately after Kasich s announcement today, #DropOutHillary began trending on Twitter. At the time of writing it is the number two trending hashtag in the US with 102,000 tweets.With such an immediate response taking aim at another establishment figure, the chances of Trump, or perhaps even Sanders, taking the presidency seem higher than ever.GET THE FULL STORY ON THE ELECTION: 21st Century Wire 2016 Election Files;May 4, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Lebanon's Hariri signals may withdraw resignation next week: statement;BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri said on Wednesday that matters were positive and if that continued, he would withdraw his resignation next week, a statement from his press office said. Hariri had announced his resignation from Saudi Arabia on Nov. 4, then put it on hold last week at the request of President Michel Aoun, after Hariri had returned to Lebanon.;November 29, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: HEY VOTERS…IT’S NOT OVER! Pay-To-Play Hillary And Her “Non-Profit” Foundation Are STILL Under FBI Investigation;Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus reacted to FBI Director James Comey s letter on Sunday informing Congress the agency will not change its previous decision to not recommend criminal charges against Hillary Clinton in the e-mail probe.Priebus released the following statement reminding voters the FBI continues to investigate the Clinton Foundation: The FBI s findings from its criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton s secret email server were a damning and unprecedented indictment of her judgment. The FBI found evidence Clinton broke the law, that she placed highly classified national security information at risk and repeatedly lied to the American people about her reckless conduct. None of this changes the fact that the FBI continues to investigate the Clinton Foundation for corruption involving her tenure as secretary of state. Hillary Clinton should never be president. Last week, Fox News cited two sources with intimate knowledge of the FBI s investigations as saying the agency s probes into the Clinton Foundation continue to be a very high priority among local agents on the ground.Fox News further reported:Agents have interviewed and re-interviewed multiple people on the foundation case, which is looking into possible pay for play interaction between then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. The FBI s White Collar Crime Division is handling the investigation.There is a split, however, between local investigators and FBI headquarters, as well as with the Justice Department.Here is the full text of Comey s letter on Sunday informing lawmakers of the FBI s decision to not alter the agency s conclusion reached last July that it will not recommend charges against Clinton in the email case:I write to supplement my October 28, 2016 letter that notified you the FBI would be taking additional investigative steps with respect to former Secretary of State Clinton s use of a personal email server.Since my letter, the FBI investigative team has been working around the clock to process and review a large volume of emails from a device obtained in connection with an unrelated criminal investigation.During that process, we reviewed all of the communications that were to or from Hillary Clinton while she was Secretary of State.Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Secretary Clinton.I am very grateful to the professionals at the FBI for doing an extraordinary amount of high-quality work in a short period of time. Breitbart News;Nov 7, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WHY DID THE UN HAVE A PRO-GUN CONTROL MEETING AT SPA IN MEXICO And Why Weren’t Dissenters Allowed?;Government officials using other people s money to enjoy a swanky seaside vacation in Mexico while discussing how to take away our right to bear arms Sounds about right The first annual meeting of the nations that have ratified the 2014 Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) opened on Monday, August 24 at a spa in Canc n, Mexico. The treaty s been controversial in the U.S. from the moment negotiations on it began, and this meeting will surely stoke the suspicions of those who think the treaty s real aim is to crimp America s sovereignty and constitutional liberties.The meeting was originally supposed to be in Mexico City, but wouldn t you rather spend your off-hours by the pool?Of course, you may think it s weird, or sick, that all these nations pretend to believe that the best place to discuss the arms trade is at a seaside resort. After all, many of them spend all their time pleading poverty and demanding aid from the U.S. to implement the treaty.But frankly, they don t care how bad it looks. They ve got a great boondoggle going, and no one s going to spoil it for them.But everyone s going to Mexico not just because it s got great beaches. Mexico has been one of the leading campaigners for the ATT. It wants to use the treaty to promote gun control in the U.S.Mexico s theory is that, since any gun in the U.S. might at some point conceivably cross the U.S. border, all U.S. guns have to be controlled in the name of controlling the international arms trade. That s not going to happen at this meeting (or ever, if the U.S. retains its sanity).But Mexico, the other nations that agree with it, and progressive groups that campaigned for the treaty the blame-America-first activists, in other words are in this game for the long haul. So it s not a good sign that Mexico s been given the job of hosting the first treaty meeting.It s even less good that Mexico s spent much of the past year colluding with the activists to keep skeptics (like myself) out of the room. Their view was that only true believers who campaigned for the treaty should be allowed to see what s going on.You might wonder what they re afraid of. We skeptics make no secret of our views, but we re a well-mannered bunch: no spitballs. However, if we were always in the room, we d report on exactly how closely the activists are working with Mexico and other likeminded nations.The activists led by the global Control Arms Coalition, which has a massive presence at Canc n are the only insiders in the treaty process, and they want to keep it that way.The ATT was adopted through the U.N., which means it was drafted by the world s nations. That s bad, because there are lots of incapable and evil governments in the world. But it s better than the alternative, which was for the ATT to have been drafted solely by the activists.Now that the treaty exists, however, the activists want to take it over and direct it for their own purposes. What they want is to turn the ATT into an arms control and disarmament treaty.Keeping skeptics away is part of that campaign.So far, they ve not succeeded in keeping us out, or in taking over the treaty. But the ATT isn t simply a treaty that s over and done with. Like many treaties, it s a process that will go on and on, in meeting after meeting, year after year. And the activists have lots of people, lots of money, and lots of time.The U.S. s goal in Canc n should be to do whatever it can to prevent the activists from getting any footholds. That means ensuring a treaty secretariat that s strictly limited in its purposes, conference rules that don t privilege the activists, and reporting requirements that don t go beyond current U.S. practice or identify individual U.S. firearms owners.Via: Daily Signal;Sep 5, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Congress passes tougher North Korea sanctions, sends bill to Obama;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed legislation on Friday broadening sanctions to punish North Korea for its nuclear program, human rights record and cyber crimes, and sent the measure to President Barack Obama to sign into law. Lawmakers said they wanted to make Washington’s resolve clear to Pyongyang, but also to the United Nations and other governments, especially China, North Korea’s lone major ally and main business partner. The package includes sanctions targeting North Korea and “secondary sanctions” against those who do business with it. The vote was 408-2, following a 96-0 vote in the Senate on Wednesday. Impatient with what they see as Obama’s failure to respond to North Korean provocations, many of his fellow Democrats as well as the Republicans who control Congress have been clamoring for a clampdown since Pyongyang tested a nuclear device in January. Pressure for congressional action further intensified after last weekend’s satellite launch by North Korea. Obama is not expected to veto the bill, given its huge support in Congress. White House spokesman Eric Schultz told reporters on board Air Force One that the administration was “deeply concerned” about North Korea’s recent actions and would not oppose the legislation. “We’re philosophically and intellectually in the same place as the Congress on this,” Schultz said. The legislation would sanction anyone who engages in, facilitates or contributes to North Korea’s proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, arms-related materials, luxury goods, human rights abuses, activities undermining cyber security and the provision of materials for such activities. Penalties include seizure of assets, visa bans and denial of government contracts. Unusually, the measure makes most of the sanctions mandatory instead of giving the president the option to impose them. He can temporarily waive them by making the case that doing so would threaten national security. The House had backed the sanctions measure 418-2 in January, but the Senate included some new provisions, including cyber security measures, in its version, sending it back to the House.;February 12, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Philippines, Russia sign two military deals;MANILA (Reuters) - Thousands of assault rifles and helmets were among the military gear Russia donated to the Philippines in a bid to widen its arms market in Southeast Asia at a time when Manila is seeking to diversify weapons systems, officials said on Wednesday. Manila received about 5,000 Kalashnikov rifles, 5,000 steel helmets, about a million rounds of ammunition for the rifles and 20 army trucks in a ceremony attended by President Rodrigo Duterte, who also toured one of five visiting Russian warships. The gift came a day after Russia and the Philippines signed two military pacts, including a sales contract with Rosoboronexport, a state-owned vendor of Russian defense equipment. We are looking at acquiring some equipment for humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations, but there are no specifics yet, Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana told Reuters. We are still discussing. Lorenzana said the Rosoboronexport contract was not a sales deal but signaled the Philippines intention to acquire small arms, vehicles and special equipment for disaster operations. But the Philippines biggest source of arms, the United States, was not worried at the prospect of equipment donated by its rivals China and Russia. I don t attach very much significance to it, some trucks or guns being dropped off to a country that s fighting terrorists right now, U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis told reporters on the plane to Bangkok. It s a sovereign decision by the Philippines, he added. So it s not a big issue...other nations are coming to their help. The United States and China dominate regional arms trade. Since 2000, the United States has donated close to $1 billion worth of military equipment to the Philippines, ranging from surveillance planes, drones and boats to small arms. China, which promised to donate a third shipment of small arms after a meeting on Wednesday between Lorenzana and his Chinese counterpart, General Chang Wanquan, has already given the Philippines about $7 million in small arms. The deals with the Philippines will allow Russia to expand its arms market in the region, said another senior Philippine official, who declined to be named because he was not authorized to speak to media. The Philippines is now open to buying Russian arms as Manila cultivates closer ties with Moscow, he added, particularly as the military looks to diversify its equipment, reining in costs while maintaining quality. Moscow has been offering to sell arms to us since the mid-1990s and they are willing to barter guns for bananas, he said, adding that Russia was selling fighters, helicopters and submarines to the Philippines.;October 25, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: German ban on Islamist group True Religion confirmed as complaints dropped;BERLIN (Reuters) - German federal prosecutors on Tuesday finalised their ban on an Islamist association accused of radicalizing youngsters, saying that complaints about the ban from two members of the group had been withdrawn. Last year, the interior ministry banned the Islamist group True Religion, saying it had persuaded about 140 people to join militants in Iraq and Syria. [nL8N1DG28O] Following the ban, police launched dawn raids across Germany on about 190 mosques, flats and offices linked to the group. The federal prosecutor said that since the association itself had not complained about the ban and the two members complaints had been withdrawn, the prohibition ruling was final. The case comes as Germany commemorates last year s Islamist-motivated attack on a Berlin Christmas Market which killed 12 people and injured many others.;December 19, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Boiler Room #95 – Weapons of Mass Penetration;Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6:00 PM PST | 8:00 PM CST | 9:00 PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for barfly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Join ACR hosts Hesher and Spore along with Andy Nowicki host of The Nameless Podcast, Jay Dyer Jay s Analysis, Stewart Howe and ACR regular InfidelPharaoh for the 94th episode of BOILER ROOM. Water the kids, put the plants to bed and get your favorite mead horn ready so you can drop deep into the Boiler Room with the ACR brain-trust. Tonight the gang is discussing the myriad of Trump Protests, Anti-fa violence against pro-Trump supporters, weapons of mass migration and the travel ban executive order.Please like and share the program and visit our donate page to get involved!Direct Download Episode #95Reference Links:;February 3, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: FIRE THIS FOX NEWS ANALYST: Trump Was “Allegedly Elected” [Video];OUR PREVIOUS REPORTS ON JEHMU GREENE:I will NEVER understand why FOX News has crazy liberals like Jehmu Greene on to contribute to ANY discussion! She s the racist witch who delivered a nasty takedown of Tucker Carlson a few years back exposing her racist attitude: CARLSON TALKING ABOUT ELIZABETH WARREN USING HER DNA TO GET ADVANTAGES BOW-TYING WHITE BOY Jehmu Greene made an outrageous claim that her family will die if the Clinton Foundation is shut down. She s out of her mind! The Clinton Foundation gave most of their donations to THEMSELVES! Trish Regan: It s not clear they re sending a majority of their money to charity, at least from the financial records.Jehmu Greene: That s just not correct. It s going to operating costs because it s an operating foundation I m sorry, I m uncomfortable sitting here knowing people in my family are going to die because everyone wants to lie about what this Clinton Foundation. That s the fact. That s the fact.AND THEN THIS POPS UP ON HER TWITTER PAGE:;Jan 16, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Mexicans' positive view of the U.S. collapses in Trump era: poll;MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexicans positive image of the United States has fallen to its lowest level since at least 2002, with about two-thirds of people viewing the country led by President Donald Trump unfavorably, according to a poll released on Thursday. The U.S.-based Pew Research Center s findings reveal a drastic about-face in Mexicans views of their northern neighbor. In 2015, 66 percent had a positive view of the United States. By 2017, 65 percent of people disapproved of the world s top economy, Pew said. Unsurprisingly, few Mexicans approve of Trump s proposed border wall, with 94 percent of people opposing it. But Mexicans also fret about Trump s international footprint. Only 5 percent have confidence in him to do the right thing regarding world affairs, Trump s lowest rating among 37 nations polled in 2017, according to the poll. The survey is also grim reading for Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto, his ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and the rest of Mexico s political class, less than a year before voters pick a new president in July. Mexicans favorable view of Pena Nieto has steadily fallen since Pew began measuring it in 2011, dropping from 61 percent six years ago to his current level of 28 percent. An often-large majority disapproves of how Pena Nieto has handled issues like the economy, graft, crime and U.S. relations, Pew said. The PRI was the most unfavorably viewed of the parties polled by Pew, with the conservative National Action Party enjoying the most positive views, albeit with relatively high negative perceptions. The leftist National Regeneration Movement (MORENA), led by current presidential front-runner Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, was the second most positively viewed party, and also the least badly perceived. The vast majority - 85 percent - of Mexicans are unhappy with the way things are going in their country. Seventy percent of Mexicans believe the economy is going badly, with 35 percent saying the economy is going very badly. Mexicans main concerns are crime, political graft and drug violence, Pew found. Anxieties over those three issues had all risen compared with the finding in 2015. Although Mexicans harbor increasingly negative views of the United States, 55 percent said those that move north enjoy a better life, up from 2015. However, only 13 percent of people said they would live and work in the United States illegally, down from 20 percent in 2015. The survey was based on 1,000 face-to-face interviews in Mexico between March 2 and April 17, with a margin of error of 4.4 percent.;September 14, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Facebook, Google, Twitter asked to testify on Russian meddling;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Executives from Facebook, Alphabet Inc’s Google and Twitter have been asked to testify to the U.S. Congress in coming weeks as lawmakers probe Russia’s alleged interference in the 2016 U.S. election, committee sources said on Wednesday. A Senate aide said executives from the three firms had been asked by the Senate Intelligence Committee to appear at a public hearing on Nov. 1. The leaders of the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee said the panel would hold an open hearing next month with representatives from unnamed technology companies in an effort to “better understand how Russia used online tools and platforms to sow discord in and influence our election.” Representatives for Facebook and Google confirmed they had received invitations from the Senate committee but did not say whether the companies would attend. Twitter did not immediately respond to requests for comment. The House panel did not immediately identify any companies, but a committee source said lawmakers expected to hear from the same three firms the Senate had asked to testify. The requests are the latest move by congressional investigators to gain information from internet companies as they probe the extent of Moscow’s alleged efforts to disrupt last year’s U.S. election. Lawmakers in both parties have grown increasingly concerned that social networks may have played a key role in Russia’s influence operation. Facebook revealed this month that suspected Russian trolls purchased more than $100,000 worth of divisive ads on its platform during the 2016 election cycle, a revelation that has prompted calls from some Democrats for new disclosure rules for online political ads. On Wednesday, Trump attacked Facebook in a tweet and suggested the world’s largest social network had colluded with other media outlets that opposed him. The president has been skeptical of the conclusions of U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia interfered in the election and has denied his campaign colluded with Moscow. The salvo prompted a lengthy rebuke from Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg, who said both Trump and liberals were upset about ideas and content on Facebook during the campaign. “That’s what running a platform for all ideas looks like,” Zuckerberg wrote on his personal Facebook page. Other internet firms besides Facebook are also facing rising scrutiny over how Russia may have leveraged their platforms. Twitter is expected to privately brief the Senate panel on Thursday. Republican Senator James Lankford, who has received classified information about Russia’s interference as a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said on Wednesday that the country’s attempts to sow discord in U.S. domestic affairs had not abated. Russian internet trolls over the weekend fueled the debate ignited by Trump over whether NFL players should have the right to kneel during the national anthem, Lankford said. Also on Wednesday, the Daily Beast, citing unnamed sources, reported that a Facebook group named “United Muslims of America” was a fake account linked to the Russian government and that it was used to push false claims about U.S. politicians, including Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. The group bought Facebook ads to reach targeted audiences, promoting political rallies aimed at Muslims, the website reported. The Senate and House intelligence committees are two of the main congressional panels probing allegations that Russia sought to interfere in the U.S. election to boost Trump’s chances at winning the White House, and possible collusion between Trump associates and Russia.;September 27, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump says China 'won't help' with North Korea;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump criticized China on Monday, saying it had benefited from its economic ties with the United States but would not help control North Korea. “China has been taking out massive amounts of money & wealth from the U.S. in totally one-sided trade, but won’t help with North Korea. Nice!” Trump wrote on Twitter. ;January 2, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BRITISH WOMAN LOSES VIRGINITY To Asylum Seeking Rapist On Her Way To Church;Europe is likely not going to be a top destination for families with young daughters, and they have no one to blame but themselves for this idiocy. Political correctness will be the death of Europe as we know it. Do Americans have the fortitude to stop the bleeding here, before the invasion of foreigners on our soil is officially out of control? PREDATORY asylum seeker who chillingly raped a 21-year-old devout Christian woman next to a church was starting a 10 year jail sentence today.Eritrean-born Mebrehtom Abrha, 25, stalked the vulnerable virgin for 10 minutes as she walked through Liverpool city centre to her boyfriend s house at 6am last July 19.Liverpool Crown Court heard he dragged her off the pavement and into a grassy area before raping her twice in a harrowing four-minute ordeal.The terrifying attack left the devout Christian angry at God and fearing she had contracted HIV, an appalled judge was told.Abrha, who lived in Liverpool before fleeing to Birmingham, was arrested following a BBC Crimewatch appeal on October 12.Today he started an extended sentence of 10 years imprisonment with a further five years on licence as his victim told the court: I felt ashamed, dirty and unclean. Going to church has always been in an important part of my life but since the attack I was not able to go to church for many months. I was angry at God and I was angry at myself for feeling this way. The victim also admitted the attack caused her to end her relationship with her boyfriend, adding: I have lost any desire to do anything in my life. I feel terrified in the shower. I get the feeling that someone is going to get me and I start to panic. The victim who cannot be named for legal reasons had been out clubbing on Saturday July 18 last year and agreed to meet her boyfriend the following morning.Prosecutor David McLachlan told the court she could not get a taxi so opted to walk the mile-and-a-half route.Despite warnings to not cut through the park from her boyfriend, she did and was confronted by the East African man who dragged her off into a wooded area nearby.He then subjected her to a horrific attack, ripping open her dress before raping her and chillingly walking away.Afterwards the woman covered in dirt and with injuries to her back and neck ran to her boyfriend s house and he raised the alarm.Michael O Brien, defending Abhra, read out part of a letter of apology from his client, which went: This was an un-Christian act and I did a horrible thing to this woman. I ask for forgiveness. Ahbra was granted asylum for five years in June 2014 after claiming he was forced to flee his native country after being conscripted to the Eritrean army aged 18.Ahbra, who has no previous convictions and spoke through a Tigrignan interpreter, claimed he had no memory of the attack as he was too inebriated.Ahbra held his hand to his eyes as David Aubrey QC sentenced him before he made the sign of the cross as he was led down in to custody.Judge Aubrey told him: You watched her, you followed her, pursued her, threatened her and raped her before, somewhat chillingly, walking away calmly. I cannot ignore the tragic irony of this case that you attacked her next to a church. Afterwards Merseyside Police Det Insp Terry Davies said: There is no doubt that this had had a significant impact on his young victim, who will now have to live with this for the rest of her life. Via: Express UK;Jan 17, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BOOM! WATCH TED CRUZ School Pro-Gun Control Liberal On The 2nd Amendment;Just another reason conservatives love Ted Cruz .Share this with everyone ;Nov 8, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: France's Macron urges continued EU ties with Turkey;PARIS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron said Turkey remained a vital partner of the European Union and ties should be maintained even if the country had strayed from the EU path, according to a newspaper interview published on Thursday. A senior Turkish official said EU states must decide whether they wanted Turkey as a member, but there was a sense they no longer want the marriage...(but) want cohabitation . Comments from the French president followed German Chancellor Angela Merkel s remarks in a television debate on Sunday that the EU should halt membership talks with Ankara. Turkey has indeed strayed away from the European Union in recent months and worryingly overstepped the mark in ways that cannot be ignored, Macron told Greece s Kathimerini newspaper. But I want to avoid a split because it s a vital partner in many crises we all face, notably the immigration challenge and the terrorist threat. The EU is eager to preserve a deal with Turkey that has stemmed the mass migration via Turkish territory of people from conflict areas. Turkey has in the past questioned the EU s sincerity in keeping its side of the arrangement. Relations with Ankara and the European Union have deteriorated since a failed July 2016 coup that has been followed by the arrests of tens of thousands of people across the country. Critics accuse President Tayyip Erdogan of using the coup attempt as pretext for a reckoning political opponents. Turkey, which signed an association agreement with the EU in 1963, began formal negotiations to join the union in 2005. However, several members, including France, have opposed talks on certain subjects meaning that only 16 negotiation chapters out of 35 have been opened. Speaking to reporters in Paris, Turkey s ambassador echoed President Erdogan s comments that the EU had to make its mind up about membership and dismissed any notion of an alternative special partnership . Integrating Turkey into the EU is not a Turkish question, but a European question now. Of course we have the impression of being duped, Ismail Hakki Musa told reporters in Paris. They no longer want the marriage they want cohabitation. For a privileged partnership it s too late and Europe must now be honest and sincere. Turkey s relationship with France is not as bad as that with Germany, but ties have been strained following the arrest of French journalists in the country. The most recent, Loup Bureau, was seized by Turkish border guards on the frontier with Iraq in early August. Musa said Macron and Erdogan had asked their respective interior and justice ministers to find a way to solve the problem. We have to find a solution without tainting the fundamentals of the Turkish system, he said. France s foreign minister is due in Ankara on Sept. 14. Finland s Foreign Minister Timo Soini, arriving in Brussels for talks with counterparts, said he was against ending membership talks with Turkey. It s always useful to have a dialogue. We know there are problems with human rights in Turkey. While Macron has sought not to anger Erdogan since taking office, when responding in an interview last month on why being on the world stage was not so easy, Macron appeared to take a veiled swipe at the Turkish president. I am the one who has to talk with Erdogan every 10 days, he told Le Point without elaborating.;September 7, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: ‘ANGEL’ MOMS of Sons Killed by Illegals Weigh in on Rockville Rape of 14-Year Old by Illegals: “This poor child is scarred forever” [Video]; ;Mar 22, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Cruz Trying To Hold Fiorina’s Hand Is More Awkward Than A Middle School Dance (VIDEO);When Ted Cruz announced Carly Fiorina as his running mate last week, it left many, many people scratching their heads. It d be like a football team getting their finger sizes measured for Super Bowl rings after they ve already been eliminated from making the playoffs. It just didn t make any sense whatsoever. It was clearly a move to try to get media attention (which worked) and in hopes of helping him win the Republican nomination (which it won t).Add to this how awkward of a pairing Cruz and Fiorina make. They go together like orange juice and toothpaste, where the only thing left will be the bitter taste left in everyone s mouths after witnessing their desperation.If you don t believe how awkward they are together, then by all means, witness it for yourselves.Here s Cruz trying to grab Fiorina s hand in the typical politician power pose with their running mate. Or in Cruz s case, his running mate. Carly Fiorina Gives Ted Cruz a Hand (by @VicBergerIV) (Vine by @superdeluxe) https://t.co/au7opXLkro Vic Berger IV (@VicBergerIV) April 27, 2016Now, add that together with the fact that both are heavily disliked amongst not only liberals, but conservatives as well, including many in Washington, and you have a recipe for utter failure. Unfortunately, Cruz is gonna have to learn this lesson the hard way, because common sense and candor are not his forte.Featured image via video screen capture;May 2, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: STUDY REVEALS MASSIVE SPENDING: Shocking Welfare Use By Immigrants Cannot Go On!;THE CENTER FOR IMMIGRATION STUDIES IS AMAZING AT GETTING TO THE FACTS IN THE IMMIGRATION BATTLE: They bring to the table a huge set of figures that should shock every American into action on the state AND federal level. The bottom line is that YOU are paying way too much for legal AND illegal immigrants to come to America and live off of your tax dollars! We cannot and should not go on like this! Please read up and share!A new study on the use of welfare benefits by illegal and legal immigrants in the U.S. finds that households headed by immigrants use an average of $6,200 in benefits annually, fully 41 percent higher than the rate used by native born welfare recipients:This study comes on the heels of another study finding that 51 percent of immigrant households are signed up for at least one welfare program. Immigrants are such heavy users of welfare not because they don t work, but because, on average, they have little education and thus earn low wages, said Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS). If we continue to permit large numbers of less-educated people to move here from abroad, we have to accept that there will be huge and ongoing costs to taxpayers. The study, based on the Census Bureau s 2012 Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP), notes that the higher use of welfare benefits because by and large the current wave of immigrants are less educated and have fewer needed job skills and are therefore more apt to apply for welfare benefits.The study found the average immigrant household receives 33 percent more cash welfare, 57 percent more food assistance, and 44 percent more Medicaid dollars than the average native-born applicants. Additionally, the highest amount of welfare is taken by immigrants from Central America and Mexico at $8,251 per household, a rate 86 percent higher than native citizens. The greater consumption of welfare dollars by immigrants can be explained in large part by their lower level of education and larger number of children compared to natives, CIS said in a press release. Over 24 percent of immigrant households are headed by a high school dropout, compared to just 8 percent of native households. In addition, 13 percent of immigrant households have three or more children, vs. just 6 percent of native households. While it is important for Americans to understand the rate of welfare use among immigrants, expressing that use in dollar terms offers a more tangible metric that is tied to current debates over fiscal policy. With the nation facing a long-term budgetary deficit, this study helps illuminate immigration s impact on the problem, said the report s author, Jason Richwine. Richwine also noted that even as illegal immigrants are supposed to be barred from receiving welfare they receive it anyway by applying for benefits for their American-born children, often called anchor babies. Via: Breitbart;May 10, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: UK finance minister's future questioned by PM May's allies as budget nears;LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s finance minister Philip Hammond on Sunday faced mounting questions over his future weeks ahead of a budget announcement, finding himself at the center of an increasingly fraught debate over Britain s departure from the European Union. The EU last week declared a disturbing deadlock in talks with Prime Minister Theresa May s government on arrangements to leave the bloc, raising the chances of Britain quitting without a negotiated deal and increasing criticism of the government s handling of Brexit. On Sunday an unnamed source from the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) said May must warn Hammond he faces the sack unless he changes his approach to Brexit, the Sunday Telegraph reported. The DUP is a small Northern Irish political party which is keeping May s minority government in power. We are very concerned about Philip Hammond s behavior, the senior parliamentary DUP source told the newspaper. It is evident to us that he is winding people up and causing unnecessary division within the Conservative Party at a crucial time in the Brexit negotiations. A DUP spokesman later said the party did not recognize the inaccurate comments. Hammond, 61, who is seen by many as May s most pro-EU minister, has become a focal point of criticism for Brexiteers, who say he is overly pessimistic about the impact of leaving the bloc and is damaging Britain s negotiating stance. Last week Hammond warned that Brexit was causing a cloud of uncertainty over the British economy that needed to be cleared as quickly as possible. He has previously angered eurosceptics by calling for a lengthy transition out of the EU, during which there will be little change to rules on issues like immigration. In a botched attempt on Friday to calm speculation over his future and play down the party s divisions Hammond described the EU as the enemy in negotiations. He later said he regretted his choice of words. He had been expected to lose his job if May had won an increased majority at a June snap election, but the vote instead saw the Conservatives lose their majority and Hammond retain his position as May fought to maintain unity between pro-EU and pro-Brexit factions. The June election also transformed the DUP, which only has 10 lawmakers in the 650-seat parliament, into an influential voice. May struck a deal with the party and is reliant on their support to pass legislation. The delicate parliamentary arithmetic also means May faces criticism from lawmakers, including several from within her own party, who disagree with May s threat to walk away from EU negotiations without a deal unless Brussels agrees fair terms. The opposition Labour Party s finance policy chief warned on Sunday that with the support on rebels from May s party, parliament would block any attempt to leave the EU without a negotiated agreement. Questions over the future of one of May s most senior ministers come as he is due to present a budget plan on Nov. 22 which will see Britain through one of its most uncertain periods in decades, amid growing business concern and voter unrest. The Sunday Times reported that Hammond was preparing a revolutionary budget that could see the government ditch its opposition to borrowing more to boost investment, and may include tax breaks for the young paid for by pensioners. The view has galvanized that this budget has got to be big, it s got to be powerful, it s got to be revolutionary. Saying it s got to be brave is really understating it. People are very clear that this is basically the last chance, the paper reported a senior government source as saying. Hammond has limited room to increase public spending without pushing up Britain s still high borrowing levels. The country s budget forecasters have signaled they are about to turn more gloomy about growth forecasts, meaning less tax revenue to fund Hammond s war-chest to help the economy weather the process of leaving the EU in the coming years. But he is already under pressure now to relax his grip on spending to counter the left-wing opposition Labour Party whose promises of more spending and higher taxes on the wealthy won over large numbers of voters in the June election. At the same time, Hammond must not alarm investors who fund a budget shortfall which is expected to grow this year. Their lending helps Britain plug one of the widest current account deficits among the world s leading economies.;October 14, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: 'Margaret Thatcher is my role model': German far-right AfD leader;BERLIN (Reuters) - Alice Weidel, a leader of Germany s far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, said the late British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher is her political role model, saying Thatcher got Britain back on its feet when it was facing economic ruin. Weidel told the German newspaper Bild am Sonntag newspaper that her party, which stormed into parliament for the first time after capturing nearly 13 percent of the vote, aimed to be ready to join a coalition government by 2021. That could be a long shot since all mainstream parties have rejected working with the AfD. Weidel said the party was content serving in opposition now, but its long-term goal was to shape policy, and Thatcher s experience in Britain was a helpful guide. Margaret Thatcher is my political role model, Weidel told the newspaper, lauding the U.K. leader s willingness to swim against the current when necessary. Thatcher took over Great Britain when the country was economically in the dumps and built it up again. Weidel, a lesbian, said her partner and two adopted sons would move to Berlin from Switzerland when the partner s current film project was completed. She said only 18 percent of the AfD s voters were women which was way too few and the party needed to attract more women voters. She said she favoured free child care and kindergartens because that would help families. Weidel also urged former AfD leader Frauke Petry to give up her seat in parliament after quitting the party the day after the election and vowing to sit as an independent. I don t have any animosity, Weidel said. I think it s a shame that she left the AfD. I consider it the wrong decision. Petry this month kicked off a new Blue Party , promising a reasonable conservative agenda and berating AfD leaders for holding views too far outside the mainstream.;October 28, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BOOM! This Is How President Reagan Handled Protesters: “Negotiate? What is there to negotiate?” [Video];Ronald Reagan shut down the Berkeley protests many years ago THIS is how you do it! ;Nov 11, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Maddow DESTROYS Trump’s ‘Dangerous’ Move In His Most Hateful Campaign Stop Yet (VIDEO);"Donald Trump is running a campaign that does nothing but tap into the hateful underbelly of American populism. However, this time, it seems the guy has gone to a new low, when nobody believed it possible. Rachel Maddow took Trump to task for a disturbing campaign stop he made in Suffolk County New York which just happens to be where a Latino immigrant was murdered in an anti-immigrant hate crime. The crime happened in November 2008, just as we were electing President Barack Obama for the first time.Maddow says of Trump s decision to stop there: In presidential politicking, symbolism is a deliberate choice. And racial provocation is something with a deep and resonant history. It is one thing to do that as a small-fry politician; it is another thing to do it as a front-runner for a major party s presidential nomination. Being a presidential front-runner is a powerful thing. It can also be a dangerous thing if you want it to be. Trump chose to stop in Patchogue, New York, right near where 37-year-old Marcel Lucero was murdered by a gang of racist teenagers. One of the teens, Jeffrey Conroy, is currently serving 25 years in prison for manslaughter. The prosecution also got him convicted of a hate crime. Further, it was discovered, aftr Lucero s death and the reasoning behind it came to light, that it was just the most brutal in a long line of attack on Latino immigrants. Maddow continued: Patchogue s history of racist and fatal hate crimes against Latino immigrants is not necessarily a nationally-famous story. But it is a New York-famous story. Donald Trump has not yet won the Republican nomination he s still trying to win the New York primary but campaigning in Patchogue today on the street where Marcelo Lucero was murdered, it means something specific in New York. Now, considering what happened at that site and considering Trump s heavy, divisive, and dangerous anti-immigrant rhetoric, there can be no questions what kind of message the current GOP frontrunner was trying to send with that particular campaign stop, and it is a dangerous one.If even one immigrant winds up being attacked by a Trump supporter after this, The Donald himself needs to be held responsible.Watch the video below, courtesy of MSNBC. The Trump remarks start at 11:43.Featured image via video screen capture";April 15, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Ex-White House aide and ex-IBM CEO to head cyber security panel;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former White House national security adviser Tom Donilon and former IBM chief executive Sam Palmisano will lead a new commission to strengthen U.S. cyber defenses over the next decade, the White House said on Wednesday. President Barack Obama set up the Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity this month and sought $19 billion for cyber security across government in his annual budget proposal, a boost of $5 billion over the previous year. Federal agencies have worked to upgrade their security since the Office of Personnel Management announced last year that roughly 22 million personnel files had been stolen in a massive hack.;February 17, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump White House Stomps On First Amendment And Blackmails CNN;It s no secret that Donald Trump hates the mainstream media, and specifically CNN, but our Constitution is set up in a way that there s nothing he can do about it. Trump, though, isn t about to let a quaint old piece of parchment paper stand in his way. The White House is threatening to prevent a planned merger between CNN and Time Warner if CNN doesn t start being nice to him.White House advisers have discussed a potential point of leverage over their adversary, a senior administration official said: a pending merger between CNN s parent company, Time Warner, and AT&T. Mr. Trump s Justice Department will decide whether to approve the merger, and while analysts say there is little to stop the deal from moving forward, the president s animus toward CNN remains a wild card.Source: NY TimesWhat s particularly interesting about this is that it comes at the exact same time as the right is accusing CNN of extortion. As you probably recall, Trump tweeted a GIF of him in a wrestling match beating the crap out of a man whose face had been covered by the CNN logo.CNN found the source of that GIF, which was a middle-aged man who has a habit of posting racist and anti-semitic posts on Reddit. Right-wingers were opposed to this statement from CNN:In the story, reporter Andrew Kaczynski wrote that CNN had found but would not identify the Reddit user, whose other posts included racist and anti-Semitic memes, [b]ecause he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again. But it was the next line that would leave the pro-Trump internet inflamed and the journalism community scratching its head: CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change. Source: BuzzfeedThe right-wing media and some politicians are full of claims of extortion by CNN. Of course, this is all happening at a time when the Trump administration is trying to get states to reveal sensitive data on all its voters, but it s the privacy of a racist internet troll that s sacrosanct.Now, the Trump administration s response to CNN is an actual threat of extortion. Perhaps he needs to read the Constitution before he burns it.This puts liberals in an uncomfortable position. Virtually no one favors the proposed merger between CNN and Time-Warner and there are numerous reasons to stop it, but if the price for stopping it is to severely damage our free press, it s not worth it. Contact CNN and demand that they stay strong.Featured image via Mark Wilson/Getty Images;July 6, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: UK PM May tightens grip over Brexit talks, appoints official as EU adviser;LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Theresa May appointed the top official at the Brexit ministry as her EU adviser on Monday, taking tighter control of divorce negotiations just as Britain tries to shift the focus of talks onto the future relationship with Europe. In order to strengthen cross-government co-ordination of the next phase of negotiations with the European Union, the Prime Minister has appointed Oliver Robbins as her EU Adviser in the Cabinet Office, in addition to his role as EU Sherpa, a government spokesman said in a statement. Robbins will continue to lead British officials in the negotiations and will work closely with Brexit Secretary David Davis, the spokesman said. Robbins, 42, who media reported had sometimes clashed with Davis, had worked in the Brexit ministry since shortly after it was set up following the EU referendum in June 2016. Robbins will be replaced as permanent secretary of the Brexit department by his second-in-command Philip Rycroft. May, whose position was weakened after losing her governing Conservative Party s majority at a June election, has been criticized for failing to give clear instructions to her negotiating team. Her foreign minister, Boris Johnson, was accused by colleagues on Sunday of backseat driving after setting out his own vision for Brexit days before May is due to give a major speech on the subject on Sept. 22. Moving key individuals at this critical time adds a whole new dimension to government s chaotic approach to Brexit, opposition Labour Party Brexit spokesman Keir Starmer said. The real problem we have is the failure of the government to confront the difficult policy choices it faces, Bob Kerslake, a former top government official told BBC Radio, adding the timing of the move was odd. It could be ... a simple case of the prime minister wanting more control and influence over the process, it could be down to clash of personalities, he said. What I worry about is the signal it sends ... about our organization and capability in this crucial time. May is due to make a speech on Britain s future EU relationship ahead of the next round of talks later this month. So far negotiations on the terms of the divorce have made limited progress, prompting warnings from the EU the start of discussions on post-Brexit ties could be pushed back from October.;September 18, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: President Makes Surprise Appearance After Super Bowl – And He Has Jokes (VIDEO);President Obama made a surprise appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert after Super Bowl 50 concluded and didn t come unprepared. While carrying a football with him, he also came with a few jokes as well. Nobody knew he d be on the show, so it was definitely a shock to everyone watching. President Obama: After every Super Bowl, I call the winning team to congratulate them, and sometimes I also call the losing team, especially if I bet on them.Colbert: Sir, I hate to break this to you, but betting is illegal.President Obama: Ehh, I m the president. I hereby pardon myself.Colbert: Okay, fair enough.When he first came on the show via a video feed, it wasn t clear to the audience that the show wasn t being cast live. That soon became very obvious after a few more moments. They actually pre-recorded the interaction an entire week ago.He then made a few jokes about every Super Bowl winner being put on the back of the U.S. Constitution. We re sure a few conservatives out there will take that as an opportunity to take a few jabs at the president for not knowing the Constitution. To them we say, lighten up.Colbert: So, let me get this straght, you don t even know who won the game, sir?President Obama: Of course, I do. It was the Denver Broncos.Colbert: What? If this is a pre-tape, how could you possibly know that?President Obama: Stephen, I am the president and it turns out all the Super Bowl winners for the next 50 years are written on the back of the Constitution. That s the plot of National Treasure 3. After throwing the football to First Lady Michelle Obama, she can be seen doing her very best touchdown dance in a room full of kids. Turns out, Mr. Obama isn t supposed to be throwing footballs in the White House. Mr. President, shame on you.Featured image via screen capture.;February 8, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Greece considers extradition of bitcoin fraud suspect wanted by U.S. and Russia;ATHENS (Reuters) - A Russian cybercrime suspect told Greek judges on Friday he had nothing to do with allegations of masterminding a money-laundering operation using bitcoin. Alexander Vinnik was speaking to a hearing considering his extradition to the United States. He was arrested on a U.S. warrant in a hotel in northern Greece in late July and Russia has since also requested he be sent home on fraud charges. The U.S. Justice Department says Vinnik facilitated crimes since 2011 including computer hacking, fraud and drug trafficking by laundering at least $4 billion through BTC-e, an exchange used to trade bitcoin and other digital currencies. Vinnik, who was escorted handcuffed through the back door of a Thessaloniki court, denies any wrongdoing. If extradited to the United States, he faces up to 55 years in prison. He asserts that he has nothing to do with the charges against him, one of his lawyers, Xanthippi Moisidou, told reporters. The judges are scheduled to announce their verdict on the U.S. request on Oct. 4. A court date for the Russian request has not yet been set. We hope for, and we expect, a positive result, said Alexandros Lykourezos, another of Vinnik s lawyers. He said the prosecutor s proposal in favor of extraditing Vinnik was unsubstantiated. Greece s justice minister can approve extradition to one country and block the other in the event of competing requests from two or more countries. Vinnik is one of seven Russians arrested or indicted on U.S. cyber crime charges this year and Moscow has sought the extradition of its nationals wanted by the U.S. before. Yevgeniy Nikulin, an alleged Russian hacker, was arrested in Prague last year and both the United States and Russia want him extradited. Russia s Foreign Ministry had criticized Nikulin s arrest, saying it showed Washington was mounting a global manhunt against Russian citizens.;September 29, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: #LondonBridge MUSLIM Men CAUGHT Laughing, Celebrating, Yelling “Allah Akbar” While Watching Aftermath Of Terror Attack From Vehicle [VIDEO];Just another day in the holy month of Ramadan London is the scene of carnage again with another terror attack. A van plowed into pedestrians on London Bridge with reports of men jumping out of the van to stab random people. We re posting details as they come in from the UK. Several people have been killed and the latest update is that 5 armed terrorists are on the run in London.Meanwhile, a video has been posted on social media showing what appears to be Muslim men who have just witnessed the London Bridge terror attack and are simply observers of a horrific terror attack against innocent people. You can hear them speaking in Arabic and saying something about 3 attacks, after which time you can hear one of them yell, Allah Akbar! It s interesting to hear how the Muslim men in the vehicle respond to the murder of innocent people at the hands of Islamic extremists . After watching this video, one has to wonder how exactly, we should go about differentiating between the moderate and extremist Muslims Muslims laughing and yelling Allah Ackbar in London after #LondonBridge attack pic.twitter.com/6XjlwwQqQ7 Tanya Tay (@realTanyaTay) June 3, 2017;Jun 3, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WATCH: CNN Smacks Down Rudy Giuliani So Hard He Starts Blaming President Obama For Shootings;Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani had his ass handed to him so badly that he resorted to spouting Trump talking points to distract from the whipping he just received.During an appearance on CNN on Tuesday, host Chris Cuomo slammed Giuliani for refusing to say the word gay in reference to the Orlando mass shooting that occurred over the weekend, thus following other Republicans like Mitch McConnell and Florida Governor Rick Scott who would rather pretend there is no such thing as gay people.Giuliani claimed not saying the word is okay because President Obama won t say radical Islamic terrorism. But Cuomo had the perfect response to that bullshit by asking Giuliani how he would feel if people referred to mob violence as radical Italian terrorism. Calling this gay and not using that word and not running away from it because of some sense of identity politics is wrong and you agree with that, Cuomo began. Saying radical Islamic terror you used an analogy, let me reverse it on you. If every time the mafia made a killing or a murder, they said well, those Italians, well there s something about em, and the mob. There s something about the Giuliani and the Cuomo. How would you have felt? You would have been disgusted. It s one of the things that motivated you as a prosecutor to distinguish the mafia from the rest of the Italians. That is the same point, is it not? That you can t talk about all of Islam you talk about these perversions. Of course, Giuliani claimed that they weren t the same thing but Cuomo quickly countered, But if you said radical Italian murders They call themselves the Islamic State, Giuliani said, which gave Cuomo the opening he needed to smack down the right-wing mayor for making ISIS happy. They do because they want the credit of owning the religion, Cuomo informed Giuliani. They want that. Why would you give them what they want? Rather than admit that he s helping ISIS in their crusade to own Islam, Giuliani quickly changed the subject to blaming President Obama for the attacks in Orlando and San Bernardino and repeating Trump s suggestion that President Obama is in league with the terrorists.Cuomo didn t buy the bullshit Giuliani was trying to sell. I think there s some politics being played with this. With Donald Trump coming out and seeming to suggest that President Obama has some sympathy, some compromise personally that doesn t keep him from being tough. With all the troops, with taking out OBL (Osama Bin Laden), I mean, it just doesn t seem like the right kind of rhetoric. I don t think if you were running you would ever suggest anything like that about a Commander in Chief. But Giuliani just continued to blame President Obama and claimed he is weak on terror, conveniently forgetting that the 9/11 attacks occurred on his own watch as NYC mayor in 2001. President Bush was also in charge on that day, yet Giuliani somehow believes that Bush was strong against terrorism despite the fact that 3,000 Americans died that day in attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon that are far worse than any terrorist that has occurred before or since.Here s the video via YouTube:In addition, President Obama stated recently that the FBI has been tracking ISIS sympathizers but are unable to keep them from buying guns like Omar Mateen did because Republicans refuse to ban people on the terrorist watch list from purchasing firearms. If Republicans had done that when President Obama asked a long time ago this shooting could have been prevented because the FBI would have been able to make sure that every time Mateen walked into a gun shop, he would be flagged as a possible threat and would have been denied the assault rifle he used in the massacre. Someone should ask Giuliani why his party wants terrorists to have guns so much.Featured Image: Screenshot;June 14, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: "MarkLevin is Freaking Awesome: Obama negotiates with Iran; Iranian general says Israel’s destruction is not negotiable";Let s get real with some awesome truth from Mark Levin.Is this guy not just the best ever truth teller! Why can t we have more of him! Patty and I can t get enough of Levin and his ability to cut through the bs of the left.;Apr 5, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Democratic senator tussles with U.S. Treasury secretary over communication;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Banking Committee’s top Democrat tussled with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin during a hearing on Thursday over the flow of information from his agency, and later asked if President Donald Trump, a Republican, had ordered him to restrain communications with Democrats. “Are you aware of any White House guidance formal or informal urging administration officials not to respond to or to delay in responding to Democratic senators?” Senator Sherrod Brown, a liberal Democrat, asked Mnuchin toward the end of the hearing. “I am not,” Mnuchin answered. Brown said earlier in the hearing that he had written to Mnuchin on March 2 asking about “potential conflicts of interest and ownership in the administration,” but did not receive a response. He then pressed Mnuchin to send the committee “a complete list of Trump business associates and financial ties.” Mnuchin said that before the hearing he had checked that Treasury staff “had fully responded to all the inquiries from you and the committee” and asked Brown to send a note reminding him to deliver the list. While other senators began questioning Mnuchin, the two took the argument off-line, with Treasury emailing reporters a brief statement saying that it had responded to Brown’s letter on March 31. Brown’s office then circulated the response it had received, which generally discussed compliance with conflict of interest laws and lacked any details. Brown’s office said Treasury’s brief letter had not answered his questions. The senator also did not seem reassured that Treasury was not dragging its feet in communicating with Democrats. After he asked about possible guidance from the White House, Brown pressed: “Will you commit to responding to...members of both parties of this committee in a timely manner to all requests for information?” “I will,” Mnuchin responded. A Treasury spokesman did not replay to questions about any formal or informal White House orders on communication.;May 18, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: IAEA says North Korea's rapid weapons progress poses new, global threat;SEOUL (Reuters) - The United Nations nuclear watchdog s chief said on Friday North Korea s sixth nuclear test conducted on Sept. 3 showed the isolated country has made rapid progress on weapons development that posed a new, global threat. Tensions on the Korean peninsula have increased markedly since the test, which led to a new round of sanctions against the North after a unanimous U.N. Security Council resolution. (The) yield is much bigger than the previous test, and it means North Korea made very rapid progress, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director Yukiya Amano told reporters in Seoul. Combined with other elements, this is a new threat and this is a global threat, he said after a meeting with South Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha. Amano said the IAEA did not have the capacity to determine whether the North had tested a hydrogen bomb, as Pyongyang has claimed. What is most important for now is for the international community to unite, Amano said. Tensions had already flared after North Korea tested two more intercontinental ballistic missiles and other launches as it pursues its nuclear and missile programs in defiance of international pressure. South Korea said on Thursday the North could engage in more provocations near the anniversary of the founding of the North Korean communist party and China s all-important Communist Party Congress. Insults and threats hurled between the North s leader Kim Jong Un and U.S. President Donald Trump have aggravated the situation further. Members of the international community have urged both countries to resolve matters peacefully while boosting pressure on Pyongyang to curb its weapons programs. A U.S. State Department official said on Thursday China was making progress in enforcing sanctions imposed on North Korea, and urged skeptical members of Congress not to rush to enact new measures before giving Beijing s efforts a chance to take effect.;September 29, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End