where the 7.5msn? there's actually a new msn programme. it's called windows live messenger, which is officially available for download.
why do people pick on small people? where can i begin? there are lots of reasons to why people pick on small people.. the most important one is because they are losers! they want to feel like if they are worth something and picking on people make them feel like if they are important. one of the things you can do is stand up for yourself, don't let anyone make you feel like crap. the best way to make them feel like crap is by ignoring them when they try to put you down! and by being better than them, by getting great grades and being an honorable student.. imagine 10- years from now... you get into a great college and your defenitely doing something great with your life... where is the damn person who used to bully you?? working at mc donalds!!! hahahh.... trust me this will happen!! keep your head up!
how many people out there would give anything to have been born early enought to have gone to woodstock 1969? anybody know of a cd or something that has a collection of the music played at the 69' festival? get the woodstock movie!! its a documentary... really cool
how is electricity billed in our homes?? what is 1 unit?? how meter works?? it is billed based on no. of units consumed. 1 unit = 1 kilowatt hour the meter works on the principle of electro-magnetic induction. i.e.,the revolving fluxes set up as a result of loading sets up an alternating flux which links with the cu ring (that rotates in in meter) and induces an emf which causes a current to flow.the current flowing in the cu ring sets up its own flux and it opposes its cause. as a result the cu.ring rotates. the unit is recorded based on the no. of revolutions made by the cu.ring
how much free time do you have each day? how many hours do you spend working, traveling to and from work? all day, dude, all day!
how long do it take to get a settlement after a informal conference / viewing? 10 business days.
should i pay for more work clothes without reimbursement from my employer? my job requires painting and all sorts of cleaning, so my clothes, which is like my fourth set, are a litle painted and my supervisor wants me to look cleaner. it all depends on how you like your job and if it's really worth it. if the pay is good, you can manage well financially, and love doing what you're doing; then keep the job and get use to it. if the pay is bad, can't handle the boss' attitude, and the job isn't exactly what you imagine doing for the next two years...pick yourself out of that dump and find yourself another job that you find suitable.
whats your opinion on scientology? (im not a scientologist by the way) if it's good enough for tom cruise than ...............i don"t want anything to do with it.
was anyone at the fez club in cambridge about two months ago when pendulum were on? no.
what major historical events occurred in asia on june 17, 1950? what notable events happenned in china, vietnam, indonesia, malaysia, brunei and the philippines specifically in terms of government and politics? dulles visits korea prior to the outbreak of the war >> see also >>,+1950%22+%2basia&hl=en&gl=us&ct=clnk&cd=9 treaty of joint defense and economic cooperation between the states of the arab league, june 17, 1950 >>
who will b d highest goal scorer at d 2006 fifa w c ? ronaldo or klose
can you save the world? n how are you gonna do it, if you can??? i can help save the world yes.... by recycling paper, glass, plastic, giving clothes to charity. walking where possible....erm.... what else!! i've no idea but those little things can help save the world:p. so if everyone does their little bit then we can all save this world. also if we also sponsor a child in a 3rd world country no one would be poor anymore so they will help themselves eventually....
marriage for commited gay/lesbian couples...should the government change the constitution...? personally i think we have more important things to worry about like poverty, war, healthcare, the economy, issues facing everyday americans. gay marriage... let gay people get married, who i dont understand why its such a big deal who marries whom. its a "throw away" issue used to distract people from bigger problems
how can we best articulate our truths to each other without raising each others ire? by going in to the conversation with the mindset that no one really knows the truth for sure. even the wording "truths" leaves no room for other people's views. instead of trying to convice people of what we believe we need to realize that whatever makes someone feel happy and at peace is the correct choice for them.
can an accidental overdose of sleeping pills cause death in an elderly, bedridden person? my boyfriend's aunt passed away in her sleep, but we suspect there may be foulplay. the death came as a huge surprise, she had been in relatively stable health, just old and unable to get around. the family had a caregiver to watch her, but we think the caregiver had been giving her sleeping pills when family wasn't around. is it possible to overdose on these pills and cause death, even just a small accidental overdose? yes! elderly people's systems are very fragil. especially with all the drugs they usually take. was there an autopsy? a blood panel will give you all your answers. if no autopsy - there is a way to check in a hair (hairbrush, etc) as to what chemicals, drugs, etc went into her body. contact a forensic expert. they can help you! good luck!
when on myspace i cant see pictures, only a box with a x. how do i fix this? usually this happens by either the website, the people's myspace pictures, or your browswer. let me help you out. if its the website your just going to have to wait for them to fix it if not contact them. but, wait for the rest to try first. this way if its not them you don't look stupid. if its the people same as above. if its your browser, ahh here comes difficulty... 1. try refreshing the page 2. if that doesnt work try right clicking the pic with an "x" and click 'view picture'. (that should refresh the picture) 3. if none work close your browser and re-enter. 4. if still doesnt work go into your tool's on your browser and check to see if you can adjust to see any pictures. if you are running internet explorer stop!! run mozilla firefox. you can download at
i'm new at using a pc, how do i get an yahoo address and not use me email address? well, the only thing you have to do is just to sign up a new yahoo id. i f you don't want to us their e-mail service, please don't sign in within 30 days. then they will disable your mail service and other features.
why do people report for no reason? i post a funny story about the ludicrous idea of jesus being the son of god and people report me for abuse. come on now. just because someone disagrees with you does not mean they are insulting you. let people speak here, even if you don't like it. read your bible and follow your religion. i believe it teaches tolerance and acceptance of all. i would call people hypocrites. but, that would be a violation and an insult. i'm reporting you now, because i have a little weener and no balls, plus i have nothing better to do. crap, now i probably just got reported.
why don't liberals ever understand the constitution? it's not difficult at all to understand. for example, here's the second amendment: "congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." the only thing it says about religion is that the government is not allowed to create a state sponsored religion. it implies absolutely nothing about young women using their time to give a graduation speech and thanking jesus as a violation. it's the government that's restricted by the amendment, not the people. this is the bill of rights not the "bill of what the government can stop you from doing". if it wasn't so scary how ignorant liberals are it would be hilarious. i think both parties are turning a blind eye to the bill of rights. our republican appointed supreme court ruled that we don't have the right to private property if a city can make more tax revenue by seizing it with eminent domain. bush stated publically that he would have signed the brady bill extension has the congress passed it. federal troops (fema) confiscated guns in new orleans during the aftermath of katrina from law abiding citizens. and lets not forget that the patriot act basically guts the 4th amendment, even the new head of the cia negroponte was caught on tape claiming the 4th amendment didn't require anything more then reasonable suspicion. no wonder the bush administration is so busy spying on all our phone calls. liberals and republicans are both ignoring our constitution.
what is minimum wage is fl? in ma? florida - $6.40/hr massachusetts - $6.75/hr
would conservatives be so gung ho for war if they actually had to fight in one.? bush, cheney, limbaugh, ginghrich, buchannon, wolfawitz, perle, gramm, bennet, starr, delay are just some of the chicken shits who are gung ho for war just as long as they don't have to fight it. they were all asked to fight but somehow got deferments because of things like sore butt, bad knees, acne (its true see delay) or just plain a.w.o.l i doubt they would.
dating your boss: ok or not? thanks for all your interesting answers on my previous question re age gap relationships. this is sort of a follow-up question. is it ok to date your boss? have you done it? (you might have guessed it- yes it's about me and yes my boss is older than me). he is in a relationship with a woman, he's been with her for 7 years and they have a kid. however, they have been in a serious relationship crisis for quite a while now and i think it won't be too long until they will break up. before you're gonna say it - i won't go interfere, because it wouldn't be fair. nonetheless, my boss has been flirting with me and if he made a move on me i'm not sure whether i could resist. they place i work at is small with only 5 employees. please don't tell me i'm a bitch, because i'm not planning on grabbing him off his woman. but he's hot. and if he'll break up with her.... what do you think? have you dated your boss before? i've dated a boss of mine. heck, even the girl who worked my job before me -- she quit because she married my new boss! go for it. just remember -- work is work, relationship is relationship. and wait until he ends it current one before you move in on the prize. i actually work with my fiance -- he's not my boss, but we met here and have been together for 2.5 years. studies show that us overworked americans are turning more and more to workplace relationships and employers are becoming okay with it.
what ancient religion consideres homosexuality holy? :) shutup you fanatic homophobians, just answer the question in a well-mannered and satifactory way. give me a link if possible. i'm sure there are equivalents in many animist and ancient cultures, but i'm mostly aware of the concept of "two-spirit" people in the native american tradition: prejudice against homosexuals is a fairly new phenomenon in general, dating to about the 1100s in christian society. before that, if they weren't exactly considered "holy," there were certainly a fair amount of christian priests and bishops who were gay, and who wrote poems and songs about it that were excised from the tradition during the time of the inquisition. read john boswell for more information.
which yankees lineup do you think is the best of all-time yanks history? 1927 yankees
what is the best paintball gun on the market.? if anyone says tippman i will shoot my self. i would say a spyder, if you upgrade a lot. but the best paintballs, i would have to say dye.
is this ok!!?? me an my boy friend were arguing ova something so stupid!!! he must of got really mad an he hit me across my face!!!! i was shocked an he did it perposelly i dont no wat to do should i get mad at him or should i be calm about it all?? is it ok?? tell him that waht he did was wrong and it hurt you both physically and emotionally. make sure you do this in a place where there are people around you just in case he gets mad again. if he dosent apologise...get rid of him. you dont want to be in a hurtful relationship do you?
wht women wants. money? love ? or beauty? wht women wants how about a man with proper english and spelling... and the answer is beauty...and a great tarzan
girls- how do you deal with the period? i havent had it yet, but im scared. my friends have had it and i dont know how to deal with it. every time i go to the bathroom im afraid that im gonna have it and i dont know wat to! theres really nothing to be scared of darlin! the worst that will happen is, you`ll see some blood in your knickers and you may feel uncomfortable for a few days. also, talk to your friends about how it feels! hot water bottles are great for releif of period pain, ie back ache or tummy ache. i reccomend carrying a sanitary towel around with you. it will save embarassment later! trust me! your body may give you a few hints when your period is due. you may feel weepy, grouchy, tired. your breasts may also feel a little tender. don`t worry! everything will be fine!
how long did the scopes monkey trial actually last? eight days. "after eight days of trial, it took the jury only nine minutes to deliberate. scopes was found guilty on july 21 and ordered to pay a us$100 fine. bryan offered to pay it."
is this how gw will be remembered 10 years from now? bush, g.w. 43d american president in private life an unsuccessful oil executive, george w. bush was installed as president of the united states by the supreme court in the year 2000. at first an ineffectual president both at home and abroad, he was invested following the terrorist acts of september 11, 2001 with enormous political authority. seizing opportunity in the name of fighting terrorism, bush advanced an aggressive agenda to secure the world's natural resources for private interests, especially the petroleum industry. after initiating a disastrous program of economic, military and diplomatic actions coupled with severe domestic security measures, bush's administration collapsed under a wave of scandals. the impact of his presidency on america's international standing is still felt today. according to an obscure satirist of the period, "george w. bush was the a**hole that ate the world." i agree with the statement following the question. yes, it is how he will be remembered not only 10, but 50 years from now and if the democrats have anything to do with creating and editing our american history books, that will about sum it up!
what is the problem if your computer suddenly turns off without any errors? the computer turns off, because you might be eitehr using ms windows 2000 or ms windows xp service pack 1 which had lot of errors. use ms_windows xp service pack 2 for the computer to run better. hope it solves your problem, enjoy.
can an foreigner sue a u.s.citizen in u.s. courts for child support? defendant parent a u.s. citizen,child not in u.s. any case involving persons from and residing in different countries gets complicated fast. but, the short answer is probably yes. non-us citizens have equal access to us federal and state courts as us citizens have. child related cases have three aspects: establishment of paternity. determination of custody and visitation. determination and enforcement of child support. child related cases are heard in state courts in the us. each state (and the district of columbia) have enacted the uniform parentage act and the uniform child custody act, which set out the rules for determining when a state court has the right to hear a case and how to choose which state will hear a case when two or more states both claim the right to hear it. under these acts, a state can hear the issue of whether someone is the parent of child if the defendant is found within the state. a state court can hear the issue of how much someone should pay in child support if that person has appeared in the action or is found within the state. in general, a state court can decide issues of child custody/visitation if the child has lived in that state for the prior six months, or a parent resides in the state and either the parents agree, or there appears to be no other acceptable forum. so, a us citizen defendant can be sued for paternity and child support by a non-us citizen in a us court. whether that court can or will also hear custody and visitation issues is fact dependent and can not be predicted from the facts you have provided.
what do you do? when you love someone but they are not on the same progress page as you you stay and work on it until it happens,which it doesn't sound like it will.or you move on to better yourself with someone who wants the same things in life that you do.
what is the abstract noun for :-? what is the abstract noun for 1) humble 2) bitter 3) steal 4) owner 5) author 6)sweet 7) conceal 8) glutton? 9) rascal 10) bond 11) weep 12) cry pls tell me a site to study more about nouns humility, bitterness, stealing (gerund as noun), ownership, authorship, sweetness, concealment, gluttony, (rascal? it is already a noun, and also an adjective), bondage, (weep; cry? i don't think there is a noun related to them directly, you'd need to try something different). look for websites on affixation (in these cases, you are dealing with suffixation; -ness, -ment, -age and the like are all suffixes).
what is the real name of changaz khan....? tamochin
how can i change my birthday in yahoo!? how can i change my birthday in yahoo!? i want to try yahoo! 360. you can't. that's the one thing on your yahoo account that cannot be changed.
i just relocated to a new town . im renting a room fr a mar cple. than rent what else could i claim own 2 dog already pay 300. rent, does not include hydro , gas, water etc...presently looking for a job.. own two children have full use of entire house 24 hrs 2 dogs? in 1 room in a house? sounds like a bad situation to me... can't you leave them at a friends house? i don't think you will be able to stay long with two dogs...i'm sure they are not happy about that - why be an irritant? cheers!
what is the surface of a rectangle the sides are 2cm hieght, 8cm length, and 6cm width? sa = 2lw + 2lh + 2wh = 2(lw+lh+wh) = 2(8*6 + 8*2 + 6*2) = 2(48+16+12) = 2(76) = 152 centimeters squared
about my teeth!! :-(? my two front teeth r broken. have been 4 about maybe 2 years?but u see ive gotten them fixed yet they broke again..fix...broken...fixed..brken.. get it? :-p and now my dentist will not fix them anymore! he said dat i have to wait until i am older and i will be gettin caps. i am 15 do any of u know how long this will take or what i can do about this!! :-( i love to smile and talk but with my teeth like this i barley smile or talk now because i embarrassed by my teeth! and ever since they broke my teeth got a little crooked! wat can i do! and i cant get a teeth makeover because we couldnt even afford sapcers for my teeth a few years back...any suggestions? i would go see another dentist and get a second opinion. there are other options out there, yes you may have to wait until you are older to put crowns on those teeth. but i would ask about other options.. good luck
do you think argentina should have won todays game? i don't! i think germany rocks! no way! germany's keeper was amazing.
masonic info? can anyone tell me a little about the masons or the eastern stars, or where to find more information? masons have traditionally held a moratorium on any information about what they do. in the past few decades, however, they've been much more open about their lodge practices. the specific rituals and teachings of higher-level freemasonry are still secret. the freemasons are a fraternal secret society with no organized central leadership. each lodge is its own governing body, but different lodges tend to recognize one another. the teachings of freemasonry are moral and philosophical in nature, relying heavily on architecture and construction techniques as symbols for intellectual enlightenment. there are only three requirements to become a mason. the applicant must be male, must believe in god (not necessarily the judeo-christian god; any god will do), and must openly and freely request membership from an existing member. freemasons stress the importance of free will in the application process and will not accept applicants that they believe are joining out of a desire for material gain. the origins of freemasonry are shrouded in mystery, but many historians believe that the organization was formed by surviving members of the knights templar. the templars were a group of crusading knights formed in 1118 and devoted to protecting christians on pilgrimages to jerusalem. they developed some of the first modern banking systems and became a very wealthy organization. in 1307, king philip the iv of france accused the templars of all sorts of heretical crimes, arrested as many of them as possible, tortured them until they "confessed", and had them burned at the stake. at the time, france was engaged in a costly war with england and had taken large loans out from the templar banks. with the death and dissolution of the templars, philip eliminated a lot of debt and was able to seize large amounts of land that had been owned by the order. according to some historians, the few members of the order that survived began meeting in secrecy and formed a brotherhood that later evolved into modern freemasonry. the order of the eastern star is the world's largest fraternal organization open to both men and women. they are closely allied with the masons. men must be master masons in order to join. women must be either the daughter, widow, wife, sister, niece, sister-in-law or mother of a master mason, or be an adult member of the international order of the rainbow for girls. the iorg is a youth service organization for girls, allied with the masons. i think wittylildevil is right. if you want to know more about the masons, contact a local masonic lodge. most of them will be happy to give you some information on who they are and what they do.
question for one and all? ok so i'm slowly losing my hair at the front...the hairline is beating a steady retreat up my forehead...i'm only 20.... soon i'm going to have to shave my head for the sake of presentation and neatness. do you think i should go completely smooth-bald or grade 1, even, short stubble? i have quite a lined face and defined jaw and am very slim build, fair skin and blue eyes. thanks! ye by your description you'll look very hot with a shaved head like a number one..... skinheads are hot!
is god dead? as we spend time at the cross and visit it daily, we go a little further and we peer into the empty tomb. praise god the tomb is empty! death could not hold it's prey! up from the grave he arose! jesus is alive and we serve the risen lord! we are saved through jesus' life. god's word says "for if, when we were god's enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!" (romans 5:10 niv) jesus said "i am the resurrection and the life. he who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die." (john 11:25-26 niv) the empty tomb points to the resurrection of our body! praise god, we get new bodies that are incorruptible and imperishable. the christian post published an article on april 13, 2006 titled "most americans reject resurrection of the body." the article stated that a survey was done by the cripps survey research center at ohio university. they asked the question "do you believe that, after you die, your physical body will be resurrected someday?" the results: 36% replied "yes"; 54% said "no"; and 10% was undecided. what does god say? god's word is the only absolute truth we have to base our decision on. jesus said "and this is the will of him who sent me, that i shall lose none of all that he has given me, but raise them up at the last day. for my father's will is that everyone who looks to the son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and i will raise him up at the last day." (john 6:39-40 niv) the apostle paul said "i declare to you, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of god, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. listen, i tell you a mystery: we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed-- in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. for the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. for the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. when the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: "death has been swallowed up in victory." "where, o death, is your victory? where, o death, is your sting?" the sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. but thanks be to god! he gives us the victory through our lord jesus christ. therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. let nothing move you. always give yourselves fully to the work of the lord, because you know that your labor in the lord is not in vain." (1 corinthians 15:50-58 niv) "for the lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of god, and the dead in christ will rise first. after that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air. and so we will be with the lord forever. therefore encourage each other with these words." (1 thessalonians 4:16-18 niv) beloved, according to god's word, we will be resurrected out of here. those that have died in the faith will get their new bodies first. than we that are alive will get new glorified bodies. ones that don't grow old. ones that don't wear out. ones that don't forget. ones that don't get sick. ones that don't have to have surgery. ones that we don't have to exercise to keep them in shape. glorified bodies! christ like bodies! i believe in the resurrection of jesus christ and i believe that it points to every believer's resurrection that is to come. hallelujah! because the tomb is empty, your redemption draws near! the trumpet could blow today and you could be airlifted out of this world!
don't you think that bush leads america to catastrophe? i mean that in the nearest future usa will lost all of there friends and allies due to american's foolish politics. and i' sure if it will start war company with iran it'll the second vietnam and crash of american economy. same old answer - america seeks to dictate world policy instead of lead. the stance is always all countries should support americas wars, policies and desires because it is in americas interest. much of the time it is in the worlds interest but bush simply does not seem to be able to articulate this. as americas influence continues to wain and china and russia continue to prosper they are learning how to discuss and debate with other countries and are respected for it. they will therefore grow to have more and more influence as america loses it's influence. so yes - maybe bush is leading america into the boondocks. americas economy is forecast to take another dive shortly and the american leadership needs to start talking to other countries on an equal footing. iran and korea are another matter entirely. could you contemplate either country getting a nuke and not using it? that really is a world problem that america/bush needs to talk to other countries and learn leadership rather than trying to dictate or it could turn nuclear.
how do i get a pardon from the president for a felony? you ask him. here's how:
if u have a membership, did u find lots of your jr / sr high & college friends? not really, the majority of them, i didnt; even recall on the names
what will happen if i smoke while i'm pregnant? maybe nothing. . . maybe lots of things. it is all a crap shoot. smoking has been known to cause low birth weight in babies, as well as miscarriages. i know of women who smoked through their entire pregnancy and had perfectly healthy babies. but i also know of some that lost their babies. i didn't smoke during my pregnancy because for me, any chance of losing my baby was too much of a chance. it isn't advisable to smoke during pregnancy, but if you have questions, ask your ob/gyn for the information. they will tell you what's what, as well as give you some information on the topic. hope it helps!
how i can get books? dear people: i am an ethiopian and i have a motive to open primery and junior secondery school in oromia,ethiopia. but i am in short of money and specialy books. i am looking for a grant of books for my primery and junior secondery school. would you help on this? thank you. search online
what is the song title and artist used in the chase credit card tv commercial.? the credit card commercial utilizes the different type of credit cards used throughout ones life. for instance, they use the disney credit card for a young family with kids. song is "100 years" from five for fighting
where can i find a spain national team soccer jersey on the web?
what's your cure for a hangover?? ouch ouch ouch. i like to let it ride and drink lots of water but is there something better? not getting drunk is the best cure......
where can i find the author of a children's poem about a fish? i found this on the web in a misc. list of color poems)... could this be it? (no author cited) scat the cat and mitch the fish scat the cat another one, another chant: "i'm scat the cat, i'm sassy and fat, i can change my colors just like that!" (black cat sees green grass, blue pond, red ball, yellow lion) mitch the fish same story line, different chant. "i'm mitch the fish, i can swim and swish, and i can change my colors if i wish!" (orange fish sees black octopus, white shark, red crab, yellow starfish)
what team is better? nigeria or ghana nigeria.........ghana just got lucky this year
how do i start a consultancy business with little or no capital? the best routes to take are to research the process of starting a business as well as the industry you're interested in. i recommend checking out the sba, entrepreneur, the start up journal & nolo. all 4 are great informational resources for the new/small business owner. i posted links for you in the source box. associations may be a good avenue to explore as well. these organizations will address many of the thoughts, questions and concerns you'll inevitably have as well as many you haven't anticipated yet. see the source box for some relevant links. research, research, research – this cannot be stressed enough. read as much as you can about the industry. here are some book titles that are relevant: consulting specific: * how to start and run a successful consulting business by gregory f. kishel, patricia gunter kishel * the consultant's quick start guide: an action plan for your first year in business by elaine biech * getting started in consulting, second edition by alan weiss * successful independent consulting: turn your career experience into a consulting business by douglas florzak * the consultant's manual: a complete guide to building a successful consulting practice by thomas l. greenbaum little to no capital specific: * free money for small businesses and entrepreneurs by laurie blum * finding money: the small business guide to financing (small business series) by kate lister, tom harnish * financing your business dreams with other people's money: how and where to find money for start-up and growing businesses by harold r. lacy * no cash no fear: entrepreneurial secrets to starting any business with no money by terry allen * starting on a shoestring: building a business without a bankroll by arnold s. goldstein there are plenty of free informational resources out there. check the source box for links to articles. hope that helps! i wish you much success & happiness in all your ventures!
how to let a man go after 3 months when you know he no good? i am thinking about letting this guy go i need to get some advice well give some detail like how is he no good? at least you figured it out in a quick amount of time you didn't waste years i would just tell him that you don't want to be with him anymore it's that's simple, you don't deserve to be treated badly... drop the jerk and find someone that will treat you right.
i have a windows xp media center dell dimension 4700c. what tv tuner do i need? you don't need a specific one. any one you like will work fine.
how far will czech go in fifa? a long, long way, my czech friend. even before the tournament began, even with the czech republic in the same group as my own usa, i felt that they were the team to beat. playing great, surging, playing close to home, confident. the only question now is how well they handle the big moments in the tournaments late stages. if they do handle those moments, they will have a partisan crowd backing their marvelous talent. they can win the tournament. best of luck.
what is pliva 616 used for i cant find any info on it? pills marked pliva 616 are: tramadol (ultram®) is an analgesic that can relieve moderate to moderately severe pain following surgery such as cesarean section, hysterectomy, hip replacement or other bone surgery, and dental surgery. this drug also helps relieve chronic pain associated with cancer, nerve pain, or low-back pain.
how much do you think the government kney about the 9/11 attacks? im not advicating any conspiracy theory but bush did get a report about bin laden before the attacks. do you think they knew more? i think that we may never know, bush has a way about him, anything negative and he hushes it up. we have got bits and pieces of it and i think that they knew something was going to happen but i don't think they knew what. i seem to remember that a report was made by an fbi guy in minneapolis that one of the terrorist was learning to fly an airplane and didn't want to know how to take off and land. but am not sure this is fact.
does anybody know where to buy notebook computers (laptops) for under $305? give rad websites for 10 points!? i'm trying to get one, but cheap. first one to help me gets 10 points for best answer. ------- will give you the best prices on hardware.
who should we kick out of the country first? dumb blondes or all illegals? i'd start with the cripples and the retards. keep the blondes as slaves. and leave the illegals alone.
how do you get a judgement off your credit score? have a look here.
who do you think will win? germany or argentina.? - argentina
how can i quit moving all around while i'm sleeping? you sound like me. i think it's because we can't stop our brains from thinking to much or it could be restless leg syndrome, they have medicine for that now, i saw it on tv. not resting your body and losing sleep will shorten your life. you have to adapt to a bedtime routine wind down, watch a nice happy tv program before you go to bed & not some serious or scarry movie. about 8:00 start getting in that mode. eveybody else will just have to handle there own crap!! you are going to have to take care of yourself if you want to be around longer. try going to a quiet part of the house, on the porch or walk around outside for a few minutes of me time,. it makes a lot of difference. take some deep breaths, reflect on the day, read, or just sit there and enjoy the quiet. watch the birds, butterflys, little bugs and a smell the flowers we forget about those things sometimes. i kinda of clears your head. just try it everynight and stick to calming thoughts and don't let yourself get worked up about anything before bedtime!!!!!
does the bacteria in womans vagina mix with her discharge causes that little fishy smell that men comments on? the natural flora of womens' vaginas are lactobacilli. when the area is healthy the bacteria can prevent the growth of unwanted or pathogenic bacteria. if you take antibiotics or clean 'too efficiently' down there you can upset the balance of normal flora and other bacteria grow in the area which make that 'fishy' smell. so basically, it is an infection of the area and needs to be attended to by a physician with a quick dose of the correct anti-bacterials.
comment s'appelle celui qui porte le numéro 13 dans l'équipe d'allemagne? le numéro 13 de l'équipe d'allemagne est michael ballack. vous pouvez retrouver sa fiche complète sur le lien ci-dessous.
true or false. 7 seconds between lightning and thunder = strom is 7 miles away? false sound moves at 331 m/s or about .20miles / second so 7 seconds between sound and lightning is about 1.4 miles away
what should i do if my boyfriend of 3 1/2 years ask me to marry him, but he won't save up and buy me a ring? he asked me to marry him 2 years ago and he bought me a ring 1 year later, but then he went and asked me for it back so he could pawn it to pay a bill. he saved over $20,000 in the first 2 years we were going out, but he used it all to buy him a lincoln ls and he gave me a cheap ring. he kept promissing to buy me a nice one, but then he took that one back from me. after 2 years should i keep believing him that he still wants to marry me or should i just give up? get rid of him he is only asking you to marry him so that you will stay around. he is afraid of losing you but does not really want to marry you. get rid of him and move on there is a man out there that will love you more than you have ever dreamed and guess what he will not think twice when it comes to marrying you.
why when the people who work hard for the money does the senate vote no for a wage hike? when they give themselves a raise everytime one comes up. i think we all need to vote them out and put ones in that will work for us instead of themselves i agree we should vote every last one of them out but untill we can stop big business from controlling congress the new ones will still just vote the way business wants them to.
landlords rules for renting a "how to list"? i have two rents homes and do have good luck with renting to good people. what are the rules you use to pick renters. savvy landlords should ask all prospective tenants to fill out a written rental application that includes the following information: employment, income, and credit history social security and driver's license numbers past evictions or bankruptcies, and references. before choosing tenants, landlords should check with previous landlords and other references; verify income, employment, and bank account information; and obtain a credit report. the credit report is especially important because it will indicate whether a particular person has a history of paying rent or bills late, has gone through bankruptcy, has been convicted of a crime, or has ever been evicted.
what does reciprocal links mean?
what are the duites of a baptist deacon? in the church i grew up in they visited for new memebers, shut ins, hospitals, and nursing homes where members of the church maybe at that time. they also held meeting at the church with fellow deacons to discuss church business along with the pastor. they arranged parties for kids, teens, singles, and married couples., seniors. they also helped with christmas & thankgiving shows. they also did things for the lottie moon offering.
who will come out of group f? austrailia, brazil, croatia, or japan pick 2 brazil and australia will advance.
who watches basketball did you see the cavs first 15? ya
how i make a voip connection to telelphone? voip connection use skype. its free until 2007! http:\\\ and click the download button!
what is non-living system and its components? a non-living system, depending on what field you are referring to, can be a system such as a glass of water or a beaker. basically any system that is not considered living by biological standards (respiration, etc.) is considered to be a non-living system.
should i put a hardware firewall before or behind the router? hi, which is the correct setup, does anyone know? cable modem --> hardware firewall --> router --> internal lan or cable modem --> router --> hardware firewall --> internal lan well, the cable modem definitely has to come first. after that, it's really a matter of preference. the router should have a firewall built in--most do. i assume your using a basic bsd box or something similar for the firewall. this can go on either side of the router, although it would probably make the most sense to put it between the modem and router, since the network address translation (nat) in the router is not impeded, and limit access for the router's config page from the outside world. doing this will make your firewall rules easier. however, unless there is an overriding need, i would use the firewall built into the router. the power the router uses pales in comparison to that of a dedicated box. ps-this answer also depends on whether you are using the firewall box for anything else, like network storage.
any good sites for yoga please help???? hi , i want to do yoga at home, any vidoes are for free online ??? yoga by ramdev - online video 2h
is there financial assistance available while i attend classes? yes, there is, and it all begins with the fafsa. in order to apply for federal student aid (fsa), you will need to complete the fafsa (free application for federal student aid) at (the only official site, belonging to the dept of education). this application will help your school determine yor eligibility for fsa, which includes the pell grant, seo grant, stafford loan, perkins loans, work-study program, academic competitiveness grant, and the smart grant. (keep in mind that even *loans* are considered financial aid and they are all applied for using the same application.) some of these awards (like pell and seog) are only intended for low-income undergraduate students. however, any applicant will, at the very least, be offered an unsubsidized stafford loan. there is also *state* financial aid available for high-need students. your school will also use the fafsa to determine your eligibility for loans and grants offered by your *state* education department. the types of grants and loans you may receive will vary widely from state to state. usually, there are time constraints associated with state aid (i.e. each state will set their own deadline) -- so you should check on that fafsa website for the deadline for your state and make sure you have filed your fafsa before then. most schools also use this form to establish your eligibility for any financial aid that they have to offer (scholarships, etc.), which may be based on need, academics, or both. if you find that your federal, state, and institutional aid package does not cover your costs, you can apply for a private loan or, if you are a graduate student, a plus loan (which, as an undergraduate, your parents would need to borrow for you). for a list of popular private loan lenders, try
is there a probationary period after you've turned 18 in which contracts are still not binding and legal? no. unless the contract specifically states you have to be 21, or a different age.
how can i find out if a past employer is giving a bad reference? i know they aren't supposed to - but in reading some applications and when you sign them it gives them the right to treat past employers as a personal refernce. my most recent past employer says (we went to court with unemployment over this) that i abdandoned my job and i didn't - i was fired due to absense from a medical condition. other than calling them and posing as a potiental employer - what can i do to find out? the main reason i'm asking - is b/c i can't get work. this has been going on since january and is getting harder on me and my family - both money-wise and as a family unit. mcdonald's even turned me down and it seems like the ones here hire anybody. please only reply if you have the answer - no posting just for points. why don't you call, or have a friend call and ask.
why do some people finish high school but not goto collage and make something of life? not everyone can afford to go and alot of times, out of high school many kids get involved in jobs that they end up loving and making a career out of. alot of people are lazy and do not have the drive to want to take school any further, and those are the adults you see working at mcdonalds or places in the mall
question for straight guys...? serious, sincere questions only (no smart-as ses or pri cks!) how would you handle this situation: you've always considered yourself straight but a gay guy who you're acquainted with admits to you that he likes you and it turns out that you find yourself attracted to and/or developing feelings for him as well. what would you do? i'm not a guy but i am going to give you advice that might help. i would say if that happened the person who is already openly gay, needs to be tender and take things slow. they also need to let their friend know that they are understanding and accepting of the fact that if they want to stop things at any point they will respect them for that decision, i would think just in that case as you would if it was a male/female relationship, act on your feelings and if you aren't feeling it then back away just like you would any other relationship. good luck! p.s. as for what some people said about oh he must be bi or how can someone straight be attracted to a gay guy? well for that one, the same goes for women. i was with men most of my life and then i met this girl (one girl) i started a relationship with her, was with her for almost 2 years, and we broke up now i have a boyfriend. i wouldn't call myself a lesbian or bi, i tried something it didn't work out, so i went back to what i truely like. as a lot of people say, noone is really bi, they are just confused~
my computer does not alloy me to type an email message? whats the error? what program are you using? is it set up corectly? info, please.
how to burn an avi and sfv and srt using nero 7 to make a dvd? basically the file is in avi format. i know nero 7 will just convert it but how do i add the subtitles files (sfv and srt files) try nero recode...
what is the best business plan development software that is optimally priced for personal use? try your local small business development center. they offer this tool for free and will help you create your own business plan. jr. colleges or libraries could help you find these centers. and they are paid from your taxes.
is there any one who knows german very well and could check my answers if yes please send me ur email address. the questions are given on i'm german and have been married to a us soldier for 17 yrs. so my german is as good as my english. [email protected]
if a mixture of gases contains 78% nitogen at a pressure of 984 mm hg and 22% carbon dioxide at 345 torr...? what is the total pressure of the system? a. 1329 atm b. 17.5 cm hg c. 639 torr d. 1.75 atm e. none of these i think that's dalton's law. whoever came up with it, the pressure is additive. so convert so everything is in the same units, multiply by the percent, add, and then compare to the answers. i bet it's more fun than you predict. whooo! conversion factors! i don't want to take that kind of enjoyment away, so get cracking!
are free pc to pc calls with voipstunt, supposed to be unlimited? i've got voipstunt set up, and have been making pc to pc calls. just now it's started to charge me. i thought pc to pc calls were unlimited, free? i can only find info on the website about rates for calling international destinations, i can't find any mention of pc to pc calls. yep! you are getting rooked! pc to pc is free on yahoo mesenger , and many many others! i am also using which uses the internet to connect two telephones woldwide for 2cents or less per minute---use your free call test bfore siging up or you loose the free test!
can outlook retrieve all mails twice or three times from pop3 account? it usually does only once.? i have about 3000 emails in inbox google email (pop3 enabled). about two weeks ago, i have received all mails into my old computer which is now damaged. now i got a new computer and tried to receive all 3000 mails again. although i never deleted any mail in my inbox, i can retrieve only newly-arrived email. somehow outlook left some "memory" in pop3 and they don't want to retrieve old mails, although all 3000 emails are still in my inbox. does anyone know how to erase this "memory" and retrieve all 3000 mails again? normally when you retrive any message from pop3, that message automatically deleted. but you have to make setting in mail account that when he gets email, leave copy of message on server (don't delete them for 5 or how many days you want). then you can retrive messages on how many outlooks you want. if you still have copy of 3000 emails on your inbox of google account, then you can retrive all.
where can i attend a course that will allow me to deliver key1 stage and 2 dance and or gymnastics? contact your local county council (school and advisory service). can give you the number if you are in essex.
should the celtics trade for allen iverson? well it would better their team. but the sixers are not going to trade allen iverson for nothing. i mean he is their franchise player. he is their franchise. the will lose money and fans if they do it. and i don't think that it has even crossed their mind to trade allen iverson. and what group of players would even be good enough to be traded for iverson. my opinion if the celtics can make it happen they should do it. but i don't think that it will ever happen. allen is a 6er for life.
have any of you recieved a dollar bill with someone's name on it? i mean like when someone defaces it, do they write there name. no, but i've found many with the words: i found out that it's a site that "tracks" money. you can enter the serial numbers from you bills, and if someone else registers that same bill, it will show up as a location. (a couple of the bills i had were from across the country in a matter of days!)
i have a band profile in myspace, how can i cheat to raise the number of plays? make yourself known.....whats your site?
some says that creatine supplement is bad for me, is it really true?? unless you are active or into body building, you should avoid taking supplements that can harm the kidney. check with your doctor before taking any supplements.
i need a special permission for my son send my son (he is american)to colombia with my causin? he has 3 years old, he is american to fly from miami to colombia and he fly with my cousin? you need permission, not from the government, but for the airport. the security checks will never allow a three year old to fly without signed written permission from both his parents. or one and a photocopy of a document stating that you have sole custody. you need to write somethign like this: i, mary smith, give permission for my cousin, jane brown (dob april 5, 1978 passport number 999-9999-9999) , to take my son jack smith (dob. september 14, 2003, passport number 000-00000-00000) to columbia. she will be travelling between april and september 2006. then you need to take this letter to a notary public with some id to prove who you are, and sign it while she watches. she will stamp it to prove you signed it. with this letter, your cousin can travel with your son. you may want to write another one giving her permission to seek any medical or dental care for your son. all this is protection for our children against kidnapping. we have to prove that this person has the right to cross a border with your son and is not kidnapping him. it is simple to do, and the notary should also be able to help you out. usually they are not expensive at all. tuck this letter in his passport, and keep it with her the whole trip.
what are some good 70's and 80's pop songs??? i like the song "you make my dreams come true" by howes and oates and "don't worry baby" by the beach boys. and i would like to know some songs like that. sara smile by hall and oates. the entire fleetwood mac album by fleetwood mac, the entire rumors album by fleetwood mac
how do i get in a camp without paying? my dad wants me to be in a basketball camp but we have to pay money for it. what should we do? jump the fence everyday.
how do i delete msn messenger from my computer? i did it from add/remove programs, but it still won't go away! if i "search" for it on my computer, i don't find it....but that little icon thing won't disappear and sometimes when i reboot it starts up with my computer! thanks! sometimes the dregs of programs remain after you have removed them with add/remove. now do the manual search like you have been. if the only thing that comes up is the icon try dragging it into your recycle bin or right click and delete. go to your desk top, right click my computer, explore and go through the program files in local disk and program files under everyone elses accounts if there are other users on your computer. if you find the program you want to get rid of, right click and delete. then go to desktop start, programs and look in there for the unwanted program. if you find it either drag into the recycle bin or right click and delete. if you have a program such as system mechanic it will search for any broken shortcuts and you can then deleted them. you can also try deleting it in safe mode. when the computer is first turned on hold down the f8 key for a few moments and select safe mode to start up in. a lot of maintenence can be done from there. good luck
did you hear on yahoo news pa. city poised for immigration crackdown? hazleton, pa. - with tensions rising and the police department and municipal budget stretched thin, hazleton is about to embark on one of the toughest crackdowns on illegal immigrants anywhere in the united states. advertisement last week the mayor of this former coal town introduced, and the city council tentatively approved, a measure that would revoke the business licenses of companies that employ illegal immigrants; impose $1,000 fines on landlords who rent to illegal immigrants; and make english the official language of the city. "illegal immigrants are destroying the city," said mayor lou barletta, a republican. "i don't want them here, period." go read the rest of the good news! wow good news indeed and to the posts that called us names this is the problem with the pro illegal team they call us names and demand and say it was their land first instead of saying something worthy a good reason for us to say ok maybe we should hear them out or they may have something there not all of them but the most say these same things and they making more americans less open hearted i have yet to hear a good reason why we should let this continue and we should go on and support mexico;s corruption at times i feel sorry for them but when will it end for if the corruption continues then we will be repeating this same scenario in the future, and yet they themselves show no ill feelings towards mexico and show that's were their true loyalty lies and that is beyond me in understanding it seems they don't want to be americans they just want our money.