do zombies go to home depot if they're in the mood for mexican food? hey, don't get mad at me. last night on comedy central, carlos mencia was cracking on beaners hanging out in front of home depot. that just set me to thinking...hmm. anyway, tell me where you think zombies go to eat when they're looking for a little diversity in their diet. points to whoever makes me laugh so hard that my brains come out my nose. zombie hoffa hangs out in the alley behind luigi's. he just loves catching up with the old gang to chew the fat.
what are the challenges of african small business development? corruption among the government leaders. lack of government trade laws that can severely destroy your business in an instant.
does anyone know where i could get a 'nancy' costume for the musical 'oliver!'? i am 5'4" and i am 108 lbs. i wear a dress size 2. does anyone know where i can rent a costume for 'nancy sikes'? just call up a costume rental place and tell them what you're looking for, tell them the time period and if they aren't familiar with the character tell them that nancy is poor and works in a bar and her dress should reflect that.
what is a palindrome day? palindromes can also be constructed using dates and times. the exact dates and times may differ according to the local style (for example, whether the month or day is written first). for example: * 12/02/2021 for 12th february 2021, using the dd/mm/yyyy format; or 2nd december 2021 using the mm/dd/yyyy format. * 10/30/2002 03:01 for 30th october 2002, 3:01 am, using the mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm format. palindrome years happen once a century.
what is the heighst iq? iq scores are over rated. now a days, only psychiatrist uses them as a means to measure your score to label you with whatever disease.
would it be a better place if the world was ruled by one "world government"? do you think it would work? i don't think it would help anything. we'd still have religious conflicts.
willtendulkar bounce back after injury? he might play in the next world cup and then quit as his time is over. new players like dhoni and raina will replace him and make india number 1.
are you happy? are you happy that itally won?! i am!!! yes!!! go italy!!! i am so glad italy won!!yay!!!!!!!!!!!!i am very happy!!!!!!!!
where can i get the 1999 copy of nightworld the chosen from?? its l j smith book its not on ebay and im missing it from my collection. lists 8 from $4.95 new & used 12:35 pm 6-18-06
if you are accused of a crime, is it legal for your solicitor to be married to a policeman? is it ethical for a solicitor, who is supposed to be on the side of the accused, to be married to a policeman, isn't this conflict of interest? it is not a conflict of interest unless the policeman is involved in your particular case. in that case the lawyer should refer you to another, impartial lawyer.
watch the games online? anybody know were u can watch the games online?? please!!!!! :( realy till now found nuttin been searchin last 2 dayz
how long does a world cup match last (a single game)? each half is 45 minutes plus "stoppage time". the clock keeps running is someone is hurt, so they add that time on. a total time of 90 minutes, plus stoppage time.
whats the most popular lesbian bar/club in new york city? i'm going down there tomorrow night.? saturday night? henrietta hudson's a bar with a dancefloor. you could start there and then head over to the lovergirl party at speeed 20 w 39th between 5th and 6th avenue...this one is also hiphop, door opens at 10pm from the henrietta hudson website: saturday inferno @ henrietta hudson 438 hudson st @ morton st. 9pm $10, (212) 924-3347 r-cubed.. 9pm - 11pm. free b/4 9pm; $10 aft. rock, retro 80's & radio play dance trax every saturday b/4 11pm. queer beer blast $3 bud light bottles/ $3 bud drafts/ $12 bud or mich ultra pitchers served in purple polar pitchers./ $4 so-co lime shots every saturday b/4 11pm. [hot new pop & dance mixed videos with stereo sound & culi shots 2-4-1 b/4 9pm] it's saturday night & we're keeping you warm! best night to get hot & sweaty. the stage is waiting for amateur go-go's and potential photo shoot models. be conceited! show us what you've got! hip hop & reggaeton will dominate the night after 11pm. requests generally welcome. promotion use cd's now available. have fun!
gas prices. how much gasoline is wasted at nascar? dont you think we waste let these people waste so much gasoline, 400 laps x 20 plus cars... they use high octane meaning more condensed petrol... can someone give/estimate a figure of this stupid ritual (i don't think it's a sport) more than a million dollars for a whole race season
who is the original singer of get up off your feet? aaron carter sings the remake of it, i think it is on the kim possible soundtrack. but if anyone has ever watched the ellen degeneres show, she dances to it all the time, and it isnt aaron carter singing it. the lyrics go: get up off your feet, get up and make it happen, get up off of your feet, you gotta take some action. i haven't heard the song, but it is probably james brown and get up off of that thing.
what is the ratio, percent,and decimal of 3/8? seriously, people have been explaining to you how to do these. stop using answers to cheat. again, in order to find the ratio, change the / sign to a : for instance, for 1/2 it's 1:2 to find the decimal, divide the two numbers 1/2 = .5 to find the percent, multiple the decimal by 100. .5*100 = 50% you won't learn unless you do it yourself.
what do women order to drink at the bar? sex on the beach
im 15, my friend was caught shoplifting, and acussing me of doing it too...?? ok the full real story: at victorias secret i stole this tiny makeup concealer. and i just got addicted. we went to duaneread after and me and my friends stole more makeup, not that much, just little things, like 2 items, and we were careful of the camera. and friend stole a necklace and put it in my bag, i had no clue about it, but the guy saw her with the paper she ripped off it with the barcode, so she was caught. she got arrested. me and the other friend were safe, and had nothing to do with it. then the girl who got arrrested, her mom told my mom that frankie(my friend) told her that me and my other friend each stole something too. shes going to court in 2 days, what if she tells the judge we were part of it too? is there anyway that the police will go thru the other stores to get more proof, or will they never know about it? oh by the way, me and my friend threw out everything we stole. im so nervous, i swear im never stealing again!! well, your friend would have to prove that you two were also trifling little thieves, (which you are by the way, lol). well, anywho. here is what i see. you three girls were very close friends. you all decided to steal. but, when she got caught, you and the other young girl dropped her like a ton of bricks. you left her there to get carted off to the police station, while you and your other friend went home and pretended to be little angels. this is why "racial profiling" still exists. they believe that us good black folks are stealing from stores. and guess what dear? we are. people like you make it hard for other ethnic minorities that are followed around the store, with the clerk practically breathing down our necks while we shop legally. shame on you! i think if she goes before the judge and tells them that you two were also stealing, the judge cannot do anything on the spot. she is the one being prosecuted not you. when a person steals, the store detective has to see the person drop the item in their handbag, shirt, pants pocket etc... or, the person has to leave the store with the stolen merchandise. you are not on trial here, your friend is. but, i wouldn't feel so great about this. you are not only a thief (in reform i hope), but you also destroyed a friendship, and undoubtedly broke your mama's heart. you should be nervous. and again, i hope you do never steal again.
who has the same b-day as me? december 30th and you cant just say that you do u have to prove to me that it is really your b-day too nope
if most of u think the marines are so special and tougher than the other branches,? especially in the training,like most of u the usmc fan,so why don;t the army adopt the same training and tradition? wouldn't it good to have more tougher branches in the armed forces? how can i express my opinion without insulting anyone? i agree with the comment that it is a completely different mission. the corps trains its troops to be strong, fit and tough both mentally and physically. they have to! when you know that your primary job is that of a foot solider you have to be dependable. example- you are a 22 year old sergeant (e5) a squad leader responsible for the lives of 12 marines. your given orders to enter a town and a certain house. those marines are depending on you to get them in and out safely. plus each of them is carrying 80 extra lbs of equipment on their bodies. you have to be tough. ( most 22 year olds back home are doing what????? playing video games living with mom and dad and bitching because life sucks so much. god i'm so proud of this new generation of warriors we have today! these young men and women are trying to build something good out of something that their fathers screwed up decades ago...god love them and watch out over them). now for the so called whimpy air force guys. i'll use my background. you have to be an expert in your profession, you have to know your job as well as some of the specialists primary job. you have to work long hours when deployed and be able to do so in the heat and cold. you are working on mult-million dollar aircraft and weapons systems designed to kill or blow things up. one mistake can kill you and your crew. one mistake can cause an airplane to crash and kill a pilot. in some cases you have to endure scud attacks, motor attacks and even sniper fire. your primary equipment is a primary target and so are you. your exposed on the flightline and hope that your security forces are doing their job as well as you. i was told once by an army vietnam veteran (silver star, couple of bronze stars, and three purple hearts) that i wasn't really in the military, i was in the af. i kinda laughed and said, "yeah you're right. but it sure felt good for you when the air force was there providing close air support for you wasn't it?" he didn't have much to say after that either. different jobs, different missions, but the same fight! semper fi and aim high my friend! vr rj
should i continue with my investments in stocks, or should i buy cds? these fluctuations in the stock market are making me sick, but i feel like if i just let them sit, they will outperform the 5.5% that i could get in long term cds. what do you think? depends on your age. i'm 61 and still heavily invested in mutual funds . . . yes the current market tightens up my gut a little, but i don't need or want to use my money for at least 6 years. i can't name a source but if you dig around a little, you'll see that stocks have averaged around 11% a year over the last 75 years. yes, around 11% including the great depression years.
my computer is sick? how can i make it better? i am getting crazy pop-ups now and one mentions a bloodhound virus or worm? how can i get my computer to act normal and quit booting me off the internet? i had a toolbar with a pop-up blocker and anti-spy but that is gone for some reason. anyone know a good program to keep my computer clean and virus free? any solution that doesn't involve $$$ would be helpful. dowload yahoo! toolbar @ it has a good anti-spyware and pop-up blocker. that's what i use and i don't get any pop-up. just scan your pc frequently with the toolbar anti-spyware to clear the spywares on your pc that causes the pop-ups
how could i get admission in usa but am very poor i need scholarsip? okay.. first off, it's nice to see that our country is full of caring people. now, to your question. an international student has to stand out to get a full ride scholarship, because it is difficult for a us student to do. first off, you must do everything that an american would do for the scholarship. this includes high grades in school, impressive extracurriculars, and of course community service. if you're from a part of the world that is in poverty, you might try and help fight that. it would make you appear to be someone who wanted to change the world. but, you must also take some exams to prove that you are ready for us college. i believe they're called the ib exams, but i'm not 100% sure on that. while us students have the standardized tests, yours would likely be scrutinized to insure that you are indeed prepared for our system. in conclusion, study hard, and work on your leadership skills. and be humble. colleges want perfection, and in order to woo them, you'll have to be top notch. i wish you the best!
what is a good career option for a history major and political science minor government most likely but what? im really good in both subjects and have loads of i almost get a high when learning more i cant get enough...i feed on it and it is my passion. however im not exactly sure where i can go with it. i mean government is great but where exactly in government would be an option, any advise is appreciated!! sounds like you'd be a good teacher!! you might want to also think of behind the scenes politics - policy development, operations, etc. you could also become a lawyer! you have lots of options!
if i wana be inlove sex is important for that action? you shouldnt have to have sex to be in love with someone.... it should be the other way around if your in love then have sex when your ready
holy moly i saw the hottest guy at the gym today and our eyes met? before i left, i had my ipod on but i couldn't control myself and made a face "like holy mother of zeus that boy is fookin hot" i hope he didn't see it, what should i do if i see him again? dont worry - it was me i was perving at you too - nice booty!!!
does anyone know where i can learn to work on boat engines? i am in the washington dc metro area, schools in md dc or va would work. tech schools or even courses offered at a marine or store. did you check out the library?
did you hear about the shooting at the blind school????? neither did they dont u mean the deaf school?
casual sex with your ex,? how many people do this? and does it affect your feelings? my fella and l aren't officially "a couple" any more, but only for the past few weeks, we're still having sex though. lt doesn't feel like a bad thing cos we only split cos of my weird family, we still see one another(well have sex) but it doesn't feel bad cos we both want it and we know we would still be together any way if not for my family.
how do i save something 2 a blank cd? i am trying 2 save files 2 a blank cd and my computer wont let me y? help me plz? you cannot use a blank cd the same way as your hard drive. if you have xp, first drag and drop all the files you wish to "burn" to the cd. then, on the left panel of your explorer window, locate "tasks", and say "burn these files to cd". if this does not work, go to, download a free or shareware cd writing software, and figure out how to do it. its quite easy.
what is the height of sania mirza ? 5'7 1/2" (1.53m)
sending me letter that i won lotto, i just want to ask if this is only a trick? yes, it's a scam. did you buy a lotto ticket? yeah, didn't think so.
can a .sgn file be converted to a .jpg file.? a sng file is a midi sound file cannot be converted to a jpg which is a picture file. .sng song (midi sound) (midisoft studio - prism)
(for boys only plz) what is the deadline for a man to decide for marriage? it took me 3 1/2 years. my wife started acting interested in other men and i had to make up my mind that i couldn't live without her. i was right. but, today is my 26th wedding anniversary. yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
who offers a free nfl keeper league? i joined one through networking on yahoo nfl fantasy message with a good group of guys,we organize it all through yahoo and our own forum!
the flow when u have ur period.? i think i just got my period but i was wondering if the flow is the same 4 everyone. lk when u first got it was it a heavy flow or a light one? plz i sort of need help with this. the flow is different for everyone and so are the cramps etc. it actually takes approx. a year to get a regular flow but in some cases even longer. i would not worry about it. just let your body do it's thing :)
how do i tell the man i've loved ever since i've met him that i like his best freind? my brothers best freind is my boyfreind for the last 9 years. we have known each other for the last 14 years. ever since i met him i've always liked him. when i was 15 i asked him out for a date. i had feeling for him like he was a older brother. the first night that we became a couple we had sex and my brother found out and he was pissed off at him because he was 21yrs old. my brother finally got over me sleeping with him. we all are now good freinds for the last 7years(since the big fight he did'nt talk to me till my next birhtday the next year).last night was my friends graduation party and i got a little drunk and i was dancing with him and now i have feelings for this guy i have only known for the last couple of years. i dont know what i should do. stevie and i have been threw a lot. i hope that i can get over this or is this tell me that i really like this other person? when we got into the car last night he purposed and i didnt know what to really say so i said yes. if you really love this stevie guy, then marry him. but if you think that you won't like him once you're married, call off the wedding. if you like his best friend, then wait a whole beofre you ask him out. it's kind of late to tell stevie that you don't wanna marry him because you'll prob break his heart since you already said yes. just do what you think is right. good luck!
filipino physicists? i was about to research for you, and then found this question had already been asked on yahoo answers. please click on the link below. i can't take credit for answering, but can pass on to you what looks like a pretty good answer.
can some one help me find this online game? the game was grafitti something, the game was: you had to draw a picture and the rest of the people had to guess what it was. you had options of what you could draw. yahoo graffiti?
how can i make my boyfriend feel really special without being cheesy? i have been with him 3 months, we have already told each other that we love each other but want to make him feel really special, because he really is the best boyfriend in the world!!!! probably everything that you would want him to do for you such as flowers, chocolate, etc will not appeal and indeed, hit the cheesy mark. the basic things that appeal to most men are food, sex and alcohol so i'm sure you can think of something depending on your budget. weekend away for example, somewhere with lots to entertain during the day, good nightlife and the bedtime? that bit is up to you.
what land creatures lived along with "dinosaurs"? reptiles amphibians "mammal-like reptiles" (reptiles who'se outer jaw bones had migrated to become ear bones) mammals (in the final dinosaur age, the jurassic) insects arachnids
glossy screen on lap top good for gaming? no
jersey/ replica? what club/national team has the coolest soccer jersey? bahrain's national team
do girls care about armpit/pubic hair on guys like guys care about it on girls? i hope they have it...otherwise, if they're not a bodybuilder, that's kinda gay.....
what is done with the old tennis balls at wimbledon? event staff get first pick. the rest are sold a souvenirs.
should bush go or stay? as a humain being, bush is putting the world in danger with is hawkish policies. the leader of al quida(sp) is not the most dangerous person in the world. either bush or rice(yuck) are...pick your poison let me hear what you have to say ********caution....this question leans to the far left** len a.-liberal and proud of it!!! i think he should go
c below....? trojan.byteverify(file and compressed file),download.trojan(file type),bloodhound.exploit.20,(file type) and 10 unknown virus name which was a compressed file(total:56 viruses on my temporaly internet files) could not be removed online and manually offline!!!!!save me!the computer system was partly detroyed!symantec i bought could not help online support and msn homepage could not be accessed.i was totally blocked to seek for help online and from any website.they are so cruel to me because i am an end user.any one who feel compassion to me,please help me!i am being 'jailed' for 2 weeks.i don't know why symantec norton antivirus which i 'had paid' could not help me even after i downloaded the latest update from their website.the 56 viruses are 'very' strong. i couldnt contact you through your profile cuz it said your email is unverified. in response to your email: i am pretty sure you can just reinstall ms paint again just by checking on the checkbox and adding it. i think its part of the windows system restore. if im wrong, then i can give you the link to download it again...but i'm 99% sure that if you just go through the control panel add/remove programs, then just checking the checkbox for paint will let you add back in through windows without any cd. its supposed to be a windows component thats independent from other softwares and is part of windows. go to control panel, then add/remove programs, there is a link on the left nav for add/remove windows components. click on acessories and then details and you should be able to check the box for paint and add it again without a cd.
can men and women be friends without getting emotionally involved? yes but not at first they go through stages of liking each other having mixed up feelings and tension then after all that has passed for both of them a friendship occurs and is very possible
how i play the nokia games in pc? wants to play *.sis ext. games in pc no u can't... the games r designed for mobile only.........
please provide the details on directors & officers liability insurance? "d&o offers individual directors and officers the protection they need from personal liability and financial loss arising out of wrongful acts committed or allegedly committed in their capacity as corporate officers and/or directors by transferring this risk to the insurance market. d&o covers have gradually broadened over the years, but a combination of rising claims numbers, a doubling of average settlement cost per claim, and increased shareholder activism has radically changed that market. not only are premiums increasing, but layers of cover are being stripped away, leaving many directors unknowingly exposed to greater personal risk than ever before."
i have backdoor.win32.aim.aj on my!!? ok, so here's the deal...i have a spyware thingy on my computer called backdoor.win32.aim.aj, i have ran four different antispyware programs on my computer and nothing is getting rid of it! any suggestions on how to get this thing out of my computer before it resets my internet connection yet again??( i have cable dsl) hi its not a big threat disconect ur internet and run a updated antivitus run adware from run that shud take care of the probem
has anyone tried efonica its a voip. phone service. curious about to-from philippines? they claim that its free all over the world, but details slim. they claim works ok with dialup anyone out there try yet. request philippine feedback from what i hear, their will more features availabe soon, but yes i've tried it...and yes, quality is excellent, even over dial-up.
if angola and iran tie up .. does that mean penalty shots after time is up yet ? no. the penalties for tie breaker are in the next round. penalties are not used in the group stages to break a draw. hence, in the group stages you can get a win, loss, or draw.
can i be a good christian and still legitimately like bands such as slipknot and nine inch nails? yes.
how can i download music,i used to use winmx but can no longer use it? ... legally. seriously, $10 a month from napster or yahoo gets you unlimited downloads to a secure wma player. it's gotten cheap enough. despite the lowered media presence, the riaa is still suing it's listeners for downloading illegally just as much from two years ago. it's not worth it, man... $4,500, or $250,000 per infraction, either way, is a lot of hours of work lost to line the pockets of useless souls who want to sue people who won't buy the latest crap they're shoving down our throats. nevertheless, my opinion aside, stay away from 'free' download sites.
is making the sign of the cross unique to catholics, or do other christians do it as well? episcopalians and lutherans also do it
if marilyn vos savant thinks she's so smart, why does she have minus four points this week? huh?!? who's the smartypants now? ooooh, i'm a level two, how do ya like them apples? that's pretty simple actually. she asked a question (-5) and probably got a point for visiting (+1). that equals minus four for this week in my book. this did intrigue me, so i had to figure it out. i'm guessing you're right with me and your favorite category isn't math. neither is mine. think positively, though. since she's only visiting, she'll probably never get to level two.
what is best? to smile softly when someone you care about trashes you? or to say the devil with her and move on with your life.. (personal experience) both. if somebody is going to be trashing you, they ain't no friend, that's for sure. so shine them on... but, when being trashed, yes, smile softly, as if you know something about them. let them worry that you might have something to say, and worry about when you might say it.
i'm a size 6 (u.k) and want fatter/more toned legs..they're really skinny and want to wear skirts this summer if you have gym access lift weights!! use the leg press, leg extension, leg curl, hip abduction/aduction, and the rower. for cardio try using the eleptical. i find that it sculpts my legs fast.
good books for troubled teens? does anyone know of a good book that a bad kid could read to help them be a better person. not that the kid is really bad (omen) 6-6-06, but a kid that probably just picked up on some bad things from the people around them and needs some good reasons to change and become a better person. try "chicken soup for teens".
diet!!!!!!!!!!? whenever i go on a diet i just suddenly stop because i get bored with it and i wanna eat junk food theres just comfort in junk food i guess.what can i do to stick to my diet? people are funny animals. tell us we can't have something and immediately, that's what we want more than anything else in the world. the trouble with too many diets is they mostly deny us things. you can't eat this, you can't have that, you can't enjoy the other. but really, unless you are allergic to something, there is no reason why you have to completely exclude things from your diet. including junk food. the secret is to give yourself little treats from time to time. then you won't want to chuck the whole diet. just don't eat the amounts of junk food you used to. do you have any idea how long it can take to nibble your way through ten potato chips? especially when you really savour the crunch and take the time to let the salty taste linger on your tongue, instead of just gorfing them down. chocolate bars are great. you can cut your favorite in quarters, then slice one quarter into thin little wafers and freeze the other three quarters to have on three other occasions. again, really taste that little wafer of chocolate. let it melt in your mouth and dribble down your throat, carrying its little load of sweetness all the way. that's the way you're going to think about junk food from now on. not as 'junk' to be consumed mindlessly, by the boxful, but as 'treat' food, something very special, that you have on special occasions and enjoy fully. after all, you wouldn't have champagne every night, would you? anyway, that's my secret for sticking to a diet, and i hope it works for you.
what should i do for my 18 month olds dry cough? he almost sounds like a seal. no other symptoms.? did you try putting a humidifier in his room? he may have a bit of allergies.
does tricare pay for bariatric surgery? i think it would depend... do you need it to save your life have you tried everything else... or do you just want the "quick" way. best way to find out... take your tricare card flip it over there is an 800 number on the back you can just ask someone. i would also think it would have to do with what kind of coverage you have. military and thier families have one set of coverage... civilans have varying degrees depending on what they pay for. so do some asking... if your in the military you can go to the tricare office on base and ask them too... usually in the same building as the hospital or the base clinic :d
what paper work should i get/how should i do it for my son in order for him to be a us citizen? im from the philippines and my son is born out of wedlock, his dad is an american. is there any way i can do so he'll get us citizenship? i know kids born out of wedlock can be registered also and be us citizen. my ex wont register him well first you got to have proof that his father is a united states citizen and then you got to send all a copy of his fathers citizenship and your sons birth certificate to the state department in washington and if they agree with you that your son is the offspring of a us citizen and foreign national.then your son will be granted united states citzenship papers
where can i find information about remaining 2006 us tennis matches? i want to find out where agassi is playing his finale four matches you could also try :d
what exactly does "case denied" mean? someone was on the verge of being deported for the fact that he wasn't born in the u.s. not because the parents {more importantly, the mother} was at the time in mexico: emergecy labor?! he was born a mexican citizen... he got his papers at birth and has ever since been living in the u.s. with no problems... but now, him 21 yrs. of age, in late november, was notified that he had reported and was claimed to be here illegally?! now, he has been detained for about 7-8 months awaiting a response now after all this time the response was: case denied. why was his case denied...? {also i might add he was also "blamed" unanomouslly {thru a group of young lads} and anonymously of posession of drugs which was totally a false accusation... the drug tests showed no drugs whatsoever?! he was just at the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong people... anyways... again a few months after that charge, he was acused of those charges once more. without that, would the outcome differ? find a good ins attorney here:
is there such a thing as "reverse prejudice"? or is their a word for "positive" predjudice? for example, let's say i'm into asian chicks. that seems like a good thing but it's still kind of based on race. by definition, prejudice may be: 1a. an adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge or examination of the facts. 1b. a preconceived preference or idea. as you can see from the secondary definition, prejudice may also be a positive pre-formed judgment. generally, one would use the term "biased toward" or "inclined toward," as "prejudice" has a negative connotation.
was famke janssen a porno star/model because when i looked her up on images on yahoo! i found numberous (more) breast photos. jw. if she was a porn star to that will be good to know =) lol. i thought you were talking about somebody...when i googled the name i got a pic of a dang barbie...
what was the name of the play that lincoln was watching when he was killed? "our american cousin" by tom taylor
have you ever seen a ghost ? what state and what kind of place were you in ? did you feel scared ? do you have a photo of a ghost ? i worked as a janitor in a 7 story building all by myself. i hated that building. it was already spooky, but when the building owner died it got worse. it had cold spots. i would get the chills for no reason. i heard un-known noises all the time. one day i felt a pain on my cheek and i looked in the mirror and it was 4 scratch marks on my cheek ! like fingernail scratches. (i didn't do it ! ) i always had the feeling of being watched all the time. tell me your story ! yep, ive seen a few. i dont believe in ghost though. i believe that once a person is dead there dead. thier spirit either goes to heaven or hell and stays there. so i believe that when we see "ghost" its a demon. i believe they portay themselves as ppl we know or whatever. ive seen alot of them in my house, my friends houses, and a church. i was in a normal state of mind. the scariest "encounter" was when i was about 13 i was at my friends house and we was laying on her bed with our heads hanging of the edge, when we heard a scrapping noise, we jumped up and looked at where the noise was coming from and there was her stuffed animal hanging from the top of the wall, and then it fell. it was wierd. we didnt see an actual qhost but something was there. and one night 2 years ago i was staying at my best friends house and there house was empty cause they were moving the next day. well we slept in the living room that night and all night doors kept opening and slamming shut. then lights were going off and on. and you could hear footsteps in the kitchen. but you couldnt see anything anywhere. it was so scary. we've also seen a male looking ghost there that goes by the name of john john. scary!!!
do you think bill o'riley got a number four cocktail at gitmo? if bill o'riley was allowed to visit you at gitmo, wouldn't you hang yourself? these prisoners don't hate america like the us history mangling bill o'riley does, do they? he could enjoy the misery of the damed, o'riley must have thought he had died and gone to heaven, what say you? no pithy remarks just thought i would try the ann coulter anti- american theory of humanity to get your blood boiling bill o'riley would never take the time off to do it because he is making the pharmaceutical companies rich selling high blood pressure medicine to all the republicans. you my dear could never compare to the hatred of ann coulter.
top 10 engineering colleges and universities in india? india's top 20 engineering colleges 1.iit kanpur 2. iit bombay 3.iit madras 4.iit kharagpur of technology, banaras hindu university, varanasi 6.iit guwahati 7.nit warangal 8.nit trichy 9.thapar institute of engineering & technology, patiala 10.netaji subhas institute of technology (dit), new delhi 11.nit suratkal 12.motilal nehru national institute of technology, allahabad 13.punjab engineering college, chandigadh institute of information technology, hyderabad 15.birla institute of technology & science, pilani 16.iit roorkee 17.nit rourkela 18.nit kurukshetra 19.indian institute of information technology, allahabad 20.delhi college of engineering, new delhi
any cool yahoo chat rooms? i gave up going to chat rooms. there's always like a million people in the rooms yet hardly anyone talks. so i just use skype, i get people messaging me all the time. and using this yahoo answers thing is a good way to meet people. except it's against rules to initiate a private convo. stupid. but if you ever wanna talk sometime, just click on my name, and my e-mail and sn are there. take care!
does anyone know how to contact graham norton? i am a big fan and met him once, i would love an email or contact address if anyone has anytthing like that. i have tried looking at his site but just the basic -email option :-( graham norton lives near me, my nephew saw him the other day walking his dog. you could probably get in contact with the bbc (he did that show strictly dance fever for the bbc) to see if they could forward your email to him - its worth a go
whats your favorite ? whats your favorite isp? best email client? best instant messenger. yeah for me its yahoo messenger aim, yahoo mail, and gmail. isp: wow! internet and cable e-mail: yahoo! mail, or my ohio state address im: gaim, it doesn't give you viruses!
what is your favorite part in the movie superstar? (the movie the the snl characters)? actually i liked it when mary- catherine was caught by the motorcycle dude making out with the street sign!!! i could feel her embarrassment!! btw one of my faverite movies
hey, does anybody know a converter/ burner software thats good for movie downloads on windows millenium?...? which converter do you want. to convert movies from one to another format, use virtualdub (highly advanced so you will have to read the manual) to rip dvds, choose dvdx. to burn cd, use cd burner xp. all of them are freeware. also, you will need a decoder pack (try nemo decoder pack) to convert movies from one format to another or to rip dvds. mail me if you need other converter.
do you go for professional bodywork ie: therapeutic, sports massage etc? if no, why? if yes, how often? please discuss your experience with therapeutic massage therapy. do you use it for acute or chronic health issues...relaxation, de-stressing, athletic training, general health and preventative medicine? do you have any questions about what incorporating massage therapy into your health care regime can do for you? i think massage therapy is both physically and mentally beneficial. it releases stress, can physically resolve issues if you let your masseuse know what you are suffering from. a benefit also comes from the fact that you are doing something wonderful for your self! i have a massage once a week during my busiest time of year, once a month otherwise. i also believe in reflexology. i have this type of therapy several times a year.
what exactly is a gangbanger? where does the term come from? someone who shoots up places and people......or someone who carries a gun around and is in a gang. the word banger is for gun and the word gang signifies he is in a gang. or it could mean a group of guys taking turns with a girl. possibly because to get in a gang a girl has to have sex with the members (male).
how can we derive the formula of volume cone? derivation of formula of volume,lateral surface area ,total surface area of cone a cone and pyramid have one thing in common, the base area is proportional to the square of the height. if you keep the angles and overall shape the same and just increase the size (like a slight zoom of a camera lens), the base area is some constant times the square of the height: a=ch^2. the "c" is a constant that will eventually divide out. also, the volume is proportional to the cube of the height: v=kh^3. we want to find out how k must relate to c. consider two cones with identical shapes: one has height h, one has height h+h. "h" is extremely small. if h were 10 meters, h would be a millimeter. the base area and volume for the first are a1=ch^2 and v1=kh^3. the other's area and volume are a2=c(h+h)^2 and v2=k(h+h)^3. if we subtract the larger smaller volume from the larger volume, we get the very thin sheet at the bottom. if h is small enough, the thin sheet will have area a1=ch^2 and height h. the thin sheet will have a volume (ch^2)h. if you don't say that h is very small, then the sheet will have a more complex volume formula. we now have v2-v1=(ch^2)h. let's do the algebra: k(h+h)^3- kh^3=(ch^2)h kh^3+(3kh^2)h+(3kh)h^2+kh^3 - kh^3 = (ch^2)h (3kh^2)h + (3kh)h^2 + kh^3 =(ch^2)h now, the limits: "h" is tiny, so the second and third terms are extremely small compared to the first. they are like adding a penny to a million dollars. they really don't count enough to keep. limit theory lets us drop them under the circumstances. this yields: (3kh^2)c=(ch^2)h. divide out common terms and get: 3k=c, or k=(1/3)c. put this in the original formula for volume: v=kh^3=(1/3)ch^3=(1/3)(ch^2)h=(1/3)ah. volume equals (1/3)base area times
were american commentators unfair to iranian fans, by constantly bringing up politics? i think they were. its football and its different from politics. its obvious that they did not want them to win because they were totally silent and had nothing to say when iran scored the goal.
dollar cinema in san diego ? folks, i am looking for dollar cinema in san diego ? there used to be one in tempe ( tempe dollar cinema ) where the movie ticket was like $1.25. does san diego have anything of this sort ? no -- not at those prices. occasionally there are free showings -- on the beach as part of a huge outdoor event. and, the downtown library has free showings of eclectic movies, i believe every monday night at 6 p.m. the best deal is at the vogue theatre in downtown chula vista. three movies for $3.99. an extra 50 cents for reclining seats in the back (they're also cleaner!) snacks and drinks are much cheaper than your plex ripoffs, too. these are generally family / teen movies that have been out for 3-4 months. for example, the new superman film will show at the vogue in september.
a boy throws a 4kg pumpkin at 8m/s to a 40kg girl on roller skates, who catches it. at what speed does . . .? the girl the move backward? who knows? we don't even know that the girl was stationary, that the trajectory vector was directly backward relative to the girl or that the girl caught the pumpkin so that there was zero angular momentum imparted...
i'm jewish and i think that jesus is the misiah what about you? i believe in little men who dance on my bed when i'm asleep at night. still undecided about the jesus thing though.
is it not a good suggestion that the flag of the questioners be first to be shown in this line? i suggest that the question line should be doubled, first line in engish, second line in ones own language, that way people will benefit something from this program. well if you go to your area of language we would never get such good questions. so think about that one.. you can not have it both ways....
extended rectangular formation how to do ? "a. extended rectangular formation. (1) the extended rectangular formation is the traditional formation for most physical training activities. the instructor positions a platoon in line formation; the platoon is centered on the instructor and five paces away. a company assumes the extended rectangular formation from a company in line. platoons in column the instructor adjusts the base platoon so that the company is centered when extended. the extension can also be executed from a company mass without an interval between platoons. (2) extend to the left, march. soldiers in the right flank file stand fast with their arms extended to the sides at shoulder level. all other soldiers turn to the left and double-time forward. after taking a sufficient number of steps. all soldiers face the front; each has both arms extended to the sides at shoulder level. the distance between fingertips is about 12 inches and dress is right. (3) arms downward, move. the soldiers lower their arm smartly to their sides. (4) left, face. soldiers execute the left-face movement. (5) extend to the left, march. solders in the right flank file stand fast with their arms extended to the sides. all other soldiers turn to the left and double-time forward. spacing is the same as above and dress is right. (6) arms downward. move. soldiers lower their arms smartly to their sides. (7) right, face soldiers execute the right-face movement. (8) from front to rear, count off. the leading soldier in each column turns head to the right rear. calls off, "one", and faces the front. successive soldiers in each column call off in turn "two,’ "three," "four," and so on. the last soldier in each column will not turn the head and eyes to the right while sounding off (9) even numbers to the left, uncover. all even-numbered soldiers jump to the left squarely in the center of the interval, bringing their feet together. the unit is now ready for stretching and warm-up exercises. (10) assemble to the right, march. all soldiers double-time to their original positions in column or line formation." ---
could someone tell me of some places in banglore where i could see the existence of the old culture? what old culture are you referring to? in india you will see the traditions that have been passed down for hundreds of years. india is an oxymoron of sorts. it still operates as it has for thousands of years...yet they live in a modern world. what is the old culture? past dynasties?
study technique? hey everyone. i have a certain technique for studying for classes that works rather well, and i was just wondering if anyone could add to it, or what they thought of it, ect. if you have any suggestions please post them, as i take classes to learn as much information as possible. my study technique is basically to type every page of the book into a microsoft word document, then have it read aloued to me until i remember it (though a text to speech download btw). it seems to work rather well since instead of opening the book to find something, i just use the find command and type in a word or phrase to look for. that sounds very time consuming to me. perhaps if you take notes, and type them out.
when dating why do men see other females while sexually involved already? have been dating/involved with person over year but when questioned bout moving 2 next level always not answer directly but will make comment bout how they care but they r on dating site. hv access to account n they give out cell phone number and email address having them contact them there. but yet he comes over 4-5 times per week and spends the nite. what gives? if not satisfied or wants 2 play field why not just say, i dont want this - i want 2 see whoever i want whenever i want. stop spending so much time with a person if its all a game. check this out? guys are not ready for a solid commitment as fast as we are and to just keep it real they will do us the way we let them do us. if you let him continue to put restrictions on you as far as seeing other guys all the while he is seeing other females then he will just keep doing it. you need to just let him go seriously unless you want to keep putting up with this guy stuff. i will say this and leave it: if you want to keep having sex with him but see other people do just that and let him know it, example; when he comes over and you have done the do, just let him know "hey you have to go home now because i have a prior engagement to go out with a friend" if he actually have a problem with it, just tell him, you have made it clear that you want an one on one relationship with him but he do not, so it's time for you to move on to find someone who wants to be serious and one on one. if he is serious about you but afraid of commitment then this will help him to make up his mind.
how often do u have anal sex, do u find it disgusting or r u ok with it? absolutely without a doubt disgusting disrespectful to a woman
yaoi sites please!? does anyone know wonderful sites for yaoi??? try you can go sign up free in the forms and are able to acess fanfiction, games, anime of even the closest slashable kind, manga and doujinshi, novels, music...anything and everything you can ever dream of from a yaoi site. plus they have regular contests you can enter.
so.... final 4... what do u think????????????? brazil, england, italy & germany????? no way! germany, portugal, italy, brazil germany (champion) (2) brazil portugal (3) (4) italy
can anyone give me information on autism please? i need information on the cause of autism, the effects of autism on bodily functions and the short and long term effects of autism. can anyone help me please? all my links are here if they are of any use to you [just ignore all the other links on my blinklist ;op] - - very few there, but i found them interesting.
do you prefer to be in a relationship or to be single? why? a relationship because it makes me feel special,beautiful, and smart it just makes me happy to know that he likes me. he is my bestfriend also and that is the best thing i have someone to talk to and hang out with. that were friends and more.
who is angry the way italy are playing in the world cup? i'm happy..australia goes home...yepy yeah
can u recieve text message on line? can you get cellphone text message and read them online
rate the following coutries per the tradition&history of motorsports and skill of racers:? italy spain britain usa australia finnland japan brazil france germany. for formula1,i would have to say britain.
are you happy with your job or not? if so why,,,if not why not,,,and what do you do for a job,,, i have days i just hate to go to work,,just wondering if i'm alone in this feeling i actually used to like the new job i have. the pay sucks and no benefits but the work was pleasant enough and the coworkers nice. however i have a manager from hell and everyone hates her and alot of them are quitting. i dread the days i have to work with her as it only takes a few minutes for her to make me look stupid. i am relatively new and always ask before i take on a project that i am usure of and it seems to tick her off. so i know what you mean. before i used to work for a discount department store and i hated working every weekend.
what's the best song to get busy to? hahaha ahhh ridin dirrty hahahaha
i wanted to no if being bi is a sin? i know being gay is a sin but wat if ur bi know one can anwser this and i really wanna know to have sexual relations with one of the same sex is against what the bible teaches.none of us like it when we read and find just how much of our lives offend god.but if you really wish to seek god seek as you are not as you think you should be.we all are perfected only in christ let him decide whether it keeps you from him.he said he did not come for the righteous for they do not need him,only those that are injured or ill need a doctor.