why cant i sign into yahoo messenger? it says its signing in but it doesnt go any farther. i've tryed restarting and then signing in but its been signing in for the past 30 min. is the server down? yahoo is having problems....
is curtis stone gay? hes the guy from take home chef oh my goodness i hope not! =p
what major stat. tools 're relevant for interpreting engr. experiments, most especially those relevant to time the number one tool you will need is your brain. good luck!
at what point in time do we go from learning to tie our shoes to knowing what is destined for us in our lives? at what time in out lives do we acknowledge that we earn enough credability to determine (without a doubt) the presence or absence of a creator or eternity or life on other planets or reincarnation etc., when we can't even control the time of our next bowl movement. i could actually write a book on this topic! when you believe in god, and pray to him for guidance, he has ways of letting you know what your destiny is. many, many times i have prayed to god and asked him to show me the way, and he has never let me down. this guidance may come in the form of a feeling i get, through something i read, through timely advice from a friend, and various other ways. a none-believer may call it coincidence, but i know without a doubt the lord was guiding me. sometimes god calls me to do something i don't want to do (examples are teaching a class when i am an introvert who dreads public speaking, and giving up persuing a career to raise foster children). i have found that when i ignore god and go after my own desires, i'm not nearly as happy as i am when i submit to his will. he has designed us for a purpose, and he knows better than we do what will bring us true joy. as a side note, science shows we have a specific part of the brain that is only activated during prayer. some scientists say this is why we believe in god - because this part of our brain is tricking us. others argue there must be a god who created this special section of our brain especially for communicating with him. if you doubt the existance of god, put aside that doubt for just a moment and use that special part of your brain. give him the benefit of the doubt and pray to him to reveal himself to you. try it just as an experiment, but ask whole-heartedly. then open your heart and mind and see what happens.
what's your most embarrassing moment? i went to an korean store one time and i saw sample of tea and the lady gave me it and i tasted it it tasted horrible then i gave to my dad he spitted it out and threw the tea!
how real is the threat of global warming? it is an inconvenient truth, but very real. the effects will be seen in 20 years.
i just read a world cup score - "ger 4:2 (2:1) crc." could you explain what the score means? i know that germany scored 4 goals and costa rica scored 2 goals. what does the (2:1) mean? i think the score in brackets means the score line at half time.
is there a chapter of the order of the moose in london? i do not think so. i believe the mooses are an american phenomenon.
do you believe in 'road rage' syndrome, or is it just mumbo-jumbo? recently, psychologists decided that frustration behind the wheel amounts to some kind of 'syndrome'. are you buying that story, or is the problem a combination of over-congested highways and under-trained drivers and a now, now culture? the answerer at the top deserves a good whipping. not to mention, they are risking both their employer, their insurance company, and themselves a whole lot of $$ if they did accidentaly hit someone. what an idiot. i think its mumbo jumbo. people get stuck in traffic after a hardf day at work (or on their way in to work, where they will get in trouble if they are late). it just builds up and builds up day after day until they explode. but to call it a syndrome is just another way of passing the buck- its not my fault that i got out and beat up the 80 year old driver in front of my for going 2 miles an hour under the speed limit officer, i have the road rage syndrome! what crap
wat are the best opporunities availabe for a good english teacher ? can teaching english make a good living? well first of all you need to know how to spell correctly and compose a sentence correctly!!!
i am sure that czech republic get to the final? wish you good luck! prague is beautiful and hi to all those in olomouc!
if bush did not lie about wmd's will people that publically called him a liar, pubically apologize? before you answer that question look at this site: liberals will never publicly apologize to bush.... and i don't think he lied...maybe he was misinformed, but the news yesterday changes things.... and...have you seen the new conspiracy theories circulating??? now that some wmds have been found....bush planted them there..... that's right, i think i saw him in the middle of the night...out there with a shovel.....
how long is the bsc degree , if i want to persue it ? a in india is for sure 3 years
are there any personality book or sites to find out who i am? what can i do to find out who i am? i look at my self and i see a peacefull side but i also see a violent hatefull side. how do i know what i am? i have no problem with people being killed i have no cpmpassion for human life but yet i see not point in hurting thoes who do not deserve it. i want love and happy ness but i seem to afrade to do any thing, any ideas on finding out about my self? i gave very small examples of my self theres a whole lot more. here's a start: i am not suggesting that the links below have, in any way, any relationship to the self-revealing statements you've made. i just like ayn rand to give me a personal jolt when i wonder something about myself.
i am 23 years old 5 foot 7, 220 lbs, how should i lose weight? we are the same age, and height. i just completed a degree in nutrition so i can certainly help you out. your ideal body weight is in the 135-145 range, however being a little above that isn't a bad thing. moderation is indeed a key here, as well as exercise. 30 consecutive minutes at least 3 days a week will help you a lot. 2200 calories a day is about what you should be consuming. i don't know anything about your eating habits, so here are some general tips: don't drink pop. each can is about 150 unnecessary calories. stick to water. it will make you feel less hungry. chewing ice can help curb any hunger pains. try eating something like carrot sticks or other fruits and veggies as a snack. consume whole grains instead of white breads. eating 5 small meals instead of 3 big ones will help you feel fuller throughout the day. i am very educated in this field, i can be of great help for any specific questions you may have.
que penser vous de la victoire de la france? j'étais optimiste, et j'ai été bien surpris par notre équipe, cette volonté d'aller vers le but. le bémol est le manque de réussite face au but togolais. il ne faudra pas louper tant d'occasions face aux espagnols si l'on veut se faire une revanche de 98 en affrontant le bresil en quart. et pour ta gouverne jeannot, le togo n'a pas le niveau de la division d'honneur, ils viennent d'arsenal, brest, valenciennes, etc... n'oublie pas que ribery a joué à alès et brest (aussi tiens tiens) avant d'éxploser
why am i so mean when i first wake up? is it because that is just me or what? it's your choice. you don't have to be mean. maybe you feel lousy when you get up, but you don't have to take it out on anyone else. if you don't like being mean when you wake up, just decide you're not going to be and then work on it. long ago i babysat for a couple who actually had a rule that everyone in the house had to be pleasant in the morning, including the adults. i think it's a pretty cool idea to make everyone responsible for their own actions... wonder if that could work on a government level...
does anyone know about a top secret call trojan horse in u.s.a. ? this project was developed in 1969 yes but if i told you i would have to kill you.
does anyone know of a newspaper or circular that is sent to schools in the uk? well most of them have t e s which is times eductaion supplement it has news jobs etc in it
if a man gets lost on the information super highway, will he ask for directions? do not stop and ask for directions no matter how obvious it is
when will old school 2 come out in theaters? it is still in production. right now they are saying sometime in 2007 but who knows!
can someone recommend a site for training materials for math contests/quiz bee? i prefer questions from past contests with complete solutions. you have to be a little more specific in the type of contest.
i want to know about investment feasibility study? i am working on a project - investment feasibility study so want to know more about it. with some figures or data or graphs... i dont no,but if you get it plz mail me
what makes wind? curious. wind is caused by a difference in air pressure (sometimes referred to as pressure gradient force). think of what happens if you take a bottle that is empty and put it in the water, then open the lid. the water rushes right in. nature strives to create equilibrium. the same thing happens with wind. if there is a low-pressure zone, the wind blows more air towards it to equalize the pressure. this is why low-pressure systems create storms and hurricanes.
for the mature men out there...? we (women) all know that you are visual and that is totally acceptable (to a secure person). okay now, when you are "just looking" - who looks more attractive to you....a really skinny female who probably doesn't eat .....or a healthy (not fat though) female who enjoys food? please explain as i hear men say "oh she's hot" and i'll see this woman who is all bones and i don't understand it. oh and give your age too please. thank you. actually,, sorry to sound vague, but it all depends. "hot" women come in all shapes and all forms. skinny? nicole richie is not attractive to me. give me kirstie alley (sorry the only one who comes to mind) anytime. larger (probably not the proper term) like rosie o'donnell, who obviuously loves food, is not attractive at all to me. much depends on how the woman carries herself. i've dated skinny women who ate alot, medium sized women who didn't eat anything, and larger women who ate the same portions that i did. obviously i don't know them, but i'd love to date someone like cameron diaz or jennifer aniston simply because they have a classy side as well as a side that looks like that they just want to have fun and get dirty. btw, i'm 34.
i love catching lake perch. any recommended baits? try a rapala "shad rap" in a perch pattern. i have found it to be very productive for lake perch. a few years ago, i caught almost 30 perch in 3 hours using this lure. tight lines.
one answer claimed that christian means christ-like, so? does that mean peruvian means you are peru-like? does anti-deluvian mean you are like the time before the flood? does sebastian mean you are sebast-like? deos carthaginian mean you are like carthage? who can think f more? many things in english don't make cents, i mean sense. lol
do you think that derek jeter will stay single for life? hes 30 and never interested in girls i don't know, but he's damn hot. how do you know he's never interested in girls? have you asked him?
what is the easiest investigatory project to conduct? offer a survey asking if a chemical should be banned after shown very convincing material about the dangers of dihydrogen oxide. such as: -causes severe burns in its gaseous state -responsible for more deaths than guns and car accidents put together -killed over 250,000 people at one time in 2005 -extremely corrosive, will corrode almost all known metals -decreases the effectiveness of car breaks -destroys more property in the us than any other chemical after they vote on banning this dangerous chemical revel that dihydrogen oxide is h2o....water. the real investigation is into people's susceptibility to be frightened into signing something.
which is more reliable storage device , cds, dvds..., for life long? storage device other than hard disks. blue-ray the new technology
what does "obx" mean that i see on some car bumper's? obnoxoius? obx is short for outer banks. it refers to north carolina's outer banks.
how come superman could stop bullets with his chest, but always ducked when someone threw a gun at him? you know, that's a good question. maybe we should have a seance & ask christopher reeve.
where is the best place to meet girls who r over 24 years old? t? mature, smart and they have to be funny and real i agree. college seems to be the best place to meet girls. grad school is ideal for the women you're looking for. it definitely makes sense. i should also mention that if you enroll in a teacher education course, the ratio of men to women will definitely be to your favor. you can also try the gym. for some reason, i see a lot of mature women there. it seems mature women are more concerned about their bodies then "undergrad" age women. maybe that's just my gym. or maybe it has to do with them being "mature." bars. mature girls like to have fun at bars. they are more approachable there too, especially after a few drinks. go to the popular ones with the big cover charge. you'll find them there instead of at the seedy, dark local place next to the convenience store. internet personal ads. yep, girls older than 24 who focused on their career are now looking to meet a partner to settle down with. if the office does not provide a good gene pool for them, they branch off into the internet to look for nice guys just like you! think about it. anyway, these are the best suggestions i could come up with. i'm sure you already knew all this, but it's surely worth best answer, right? good luck!
leave illegals alone and go after the employers? will this work? how? won't the government still have to actively identify the illegals? won't this still take job from the illegals? won't the illegals still be here looking for more illegals work? wn't this bring about more illegals trying to get welfare? won't this bring an even bigger cry of, "if you are not going after the illegal, how can you go after the guy who hires him, aren't they two sides of the same coin?" how will fining only the employers but not punishing the tax-evading illegals help? can anyone answer these questions? nope, the points of argument are all yours. do you have a possible solution? maybe putting some americans who have lived for generations on welfare to work doing the jobs the illegals came for.? i say just wait, the next great depression is coming and the situation will resolve itself. no work is too hard or dirty when your family is starving.
where can i get a copy of windows 98se for free? go steal it!
what teams are gonna make the world series? who is gonna win? interested to see some other opinons red sox vs. mets red sox in 6 with ortiz as the mvp
can you tell me where i can find example dfds and software designs? i need to do an implementation of a dfd or sw design. i would like to know where i can find designs or examples of designs that i can use for implementation. the first item listed at the search was seemed like a decent starting point.
does anyone know any story ideas for a book? its better to come up with your own ideas, because if you use someone else and sell your book. thay can and more then lickly will sue you. i am a wright i will listen to your ideas, i bet you have more ideas then you know.
how long till people start realizing whats going on in the world?how long after that till they actually care? all we care about is ourselves. theres trouble everywhere except in the us. and we don't care about anything as long as it's not in our front lawn hurting us. when are we gonna start acting like people, we are all the same no matter the race, color, height, weight, we are all people...are we not! you wouldn't kill yourself so why long till we realize some things? people are born believing they're the centre of the universe. everything that happens is judged as good or bad from a self-centred viewpoint. sure we all want to see good things in the world, but effort is bad, so if it takes effort to counter somebody else's evil & it doesn't directly affect you, why bother? it's possible to remain in denial until the world kills you as an "innocent victim", and life will seem easy. as shakespeare so aptly put it through hamlet "to be, or not to be, that is the question. whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing, end them...." of course we've all been brought up not to interfere, to give in to anything so that others' peace isn't destroyed, so we don't risk our own lives or disrupt their rest as they wait for the destruction of the world. the real question is, do we want to be or not to be something? if so, it involves effort, fighting against apathy, others getting upset at us, risking losing our lives & all we care about sooner than we might if we did nothing. if we just let it happen, that's a recipe for certain anihilation, if we do something, then there's only a 99.999% chance of anihilation.
what is the amount of charge utilised when we say that we have consumed a unit(house hold and industrial).? how much does it really cost in producing a the above mentioned unit. kilowatt cost depends on method of generation and location
where can i download schedule of word cup? where can i download the schedule of world cup 2006 in pdf version? kick off times are bst tho.
mascot question??? 10 points anyone??? i have to create a name for a duck mascot as a school project. can anyone think of a really cool name? the best name will get 10 points!!! please help me!!! its for a baseball team...good luck...and thanks in advance!!! how about just billy. think about how the name of the duck mascot would sound over the stadium speakers - "...and after the game kids can get their picture taken with billy the duck..."
i want to creat some question for engineers? how many rivet's or bolts would be needed for a 789 foot bridge with 2 decks and 2 lanes for vechile on each deck crossing a river with no steel cables used in the construction of the bridge answer 1,234,345 give or take 2 or 3 thousand
credit score: your fico and beacon are so important so which one of these will raise my score? i currently have eight credit cards but only use four of them. right now only three have balances. i watch my credit score and in the past three months it has dropped from 735, 724, 718. the only thing i did different was about four months ago i got three new cards and this month i have a much higher balance than i normally do. now i will pay down the balance and dont plan to get any more credit cards. here's the question: which will raise my credit leave all eight accounts open and only use four of the cards or to close four accounts and leave four open? your score dropped because you have too much available credit get rid of some of it
how much the minimum wage in coventry uk for foreign employee? it makes no difference if you are a 'foreign' employee - the minimum wage applies to everyone. * workers who are aged under 18 and no longer of compulsory school age can expect to be paid no less than £3.00 per hour * workers aged between 18 and 21 years can expect to be paid no less than £4.25 per hour. * workers who are aged 22 years or older, can expect to be paid no less than £5.05 per hour. * workers aged 22 years and over who start a new job with a new employer and do accredited training should be paid £4.25 per hour for the first six months only. if you are not being paid the minimum rate, report your employer.
how long does it usually take for you to get a good tan? i have been sitting in my back yard in my bathing suit for about half of a week and i can see myself getting slightly darker. but how long do you think it will take for me to be at the tanned level i want? everyone tans differently hon. it depends on your skin type. i can tan fairly fast and get very dark. just don't get inpatient and stay out too long and burn. have a good summer.
how is the tradoc class a unit patch worn? same as any unit patch on the class a's. left side, (non-combat)1/2 inch- 1inch form top of shoulder, centered with the stripes running vertically
how to say hello, please take me to the american embassy in french? i need help for my homework bonjour, pourriez vous m'emmener (me conduire) à l'ambassade américaine, s'il vous plaît?
can i find anicegirl between20to30years old? no
where can i find just the music to a dan hil song without the vocals? just the music. ---- sometimes when we touch lyrics sometimes when we touch (barry mann, dan hill) you ask me if i love you and i choke on my reply i'd rather hurt you honestly than mislead you with a lie and who am i to judge you in what you say or do i'm only just beginning to see the real you and sometimes when we touch the honesty's too much and i have to close my eyes and hide i want to hold you till i die till we both break down and cry i want to hold you till the fear in me subsides romance and all it's strategy leaves me battling with my pride but through all the insecurity some tenderness survives i'm just another writer still trapped within my truth a hesitant prize fighter still trapped within my youth and sometimes when we touch the honesty's too much and i have to close my eyes and hide i want to hold you till i die till we both break down and cry i want to hold you till the fear in me subsides at times i'd like to break you and drive you to your knees at times i'd like to break through and hold you endlessly at times i understand you and i know how hard you try i watched while love commands you and i've watched love pass you by at times i think we're drifters still searching for a friend a brother or a sister but then the passion flares again and sometimes when we touch the honesty's too much and i have to close my eyes and hide i want to hold ya till i die till we both break down and cry i want to hold you till the fear in me subsides subsides
what food should i sereve at my beach party on june 24th my b-day? fun, tropical and good for all ages (3 & up my lil cuzs) for one, watermelon. you can store it whole in a cooler full of ice. it is easy to serve, just cutt it up once you get there. you don't need paper plates if you cutt the pieces small enough. less is best. i will also freeze a whole case of bottled water in my deep freeze. by the time we get around at the beach, the ice has turned to chilled water. i like ready made fruit and veggie platters. for the little kids i will freeze those bear hugs drinks, they are cheap and little ones are always spilling and losing their drinks.
what is sven playing at? he took michael owen off in the second half, and you could see that englands performance was soor poor as a result of this, leaving crouch all by hiself up front, who was he meant to pass the ball to? and typically sven is blaming the poor performance in the second half on the hot weather, what an idiot. what do you think about it. i'm in total agreement. the weather was a slight factor, but every host nation we've seen has a warmer climate than britain so preparations should be made, even if it means training in thermals & sweaters! another factor was the ref... 1st half he was a perfect nit-picker, but the 2nd half, he went ott - it was almost like he wanted it to go to a penalty shoot out! (which is where england really need to improve!) i'm going 2b optimistic & hope it was one of 2 things... a) 1st night nerves - could be justified with our track record. b) sven's hustling! lulling other teams into a false sense of complacency - i hope that is the answer but if i'm honest, it sounds too much like a conspiracy theory! edit: why do idiots like the 1st answerere bother with questions that they aren't interested in? are they that despr8 for 2 points? i pride myself more on my best answer percentage than overall points. also - is it legitimate for a ref to deny a physio access to an injured player??? or water to any other player???
when will the bush administration figure out we need to get out of iraq, soon? when the premise of your question becomes true. (i.e. when the job is done)
any nontrivial nonabelian solvable group g always has a nontrivial abelian proper normal subgroup,true/false true
is the perscription pill norco the same as vicodin? vicodin is hydrocodone with acetaminophen- it is prescribed for pain norco is hydrocodone barbiturate and acetaminophen- it is different from vicodin and is usually prescribed for coughing associated with flu or heavy colds. hydrocodone barbiturate is an anti-tussive meaning it helps quiet coughs.
why americans think they r better than other and more responsible,while they have a black record? why do americans think they r better than others ,and they have the right to tell others do this & dont do that, even if iran want to have nuclear weapons,so what? america and israel have tons of them,america used it before cause japan attaked ph with regular weapons so u droped 2 nuclear bombs(why2bombs?) over them kiling & effecting millions of ppl till today,& used depleded uranium in the war with iraq,& threatened too many countries including iran, if the iranian president talked about whiping israel,also america already whiped iraq&afghanistan & occupied them . american gov is a terrorist gov,and the us president is a radical person & he said before that this is a crusaid war,so he is a terrorist & not a stable person america is detaining innocent ppl (&kids)in illegal jails with no trial,which is the same brutal acts of the third world countries which america is using as an excuse to attack & invade them the core of the us military power is the nuclear arsenal you are correct in your analysis and i agree with everything you say above. it is a shame and a terrible mistake what the usa are doing around the globe, but especially in the middle east. the reason for their unsubstantiated belief of superiority can be found in their religious doctrines and in the massive economical, political and military power they have accumulated. in fact they are one of the worst nations on the planet and their bloated empire will crumble and fall as all empires have before. the decline has already started, and if you want to understand what is going to happen to the usa, read about the end of the roman empire. the parallels are staggering.
what's the best answer..... the graph of a rational function sometimes has a hole.? true false does not apply to rational functions this is true (but why didn't you put it in the math section?). a rational function has a variable in the denominator, like 1/x. when the denominator's value is equal to 0, one of two things happens--the function has a vertical asymptote, or it has a "hole" in the graph. what usually creates the hole is when you have a value in the top and bottom that "cancels" out, leaving a different rational function to graph. for example, what does the graph of f(x) = x/x look like? since x/x = 1 for any value except 0, the graph should (basically) look like the graph of f(x) = 1. however, the fact that f(x) = x/x is undefined when x = 0 leaves a hole in the graph at that point.
doubt on yellow card? doubt on yellow card. if one gets yellow in the first match and not playing the next, if he gets yellow next. is it red? it has to do with the league or the tournament. for example in the world cup during the groups phase if you get two yellows in successive games you loose the next one. if however your team passes to the next round the all the yellow cards are canceled and we start all over again. in other leagues if a player get two (or three or five) yellow cards, regardless if the games are consecutive or not them he gets suspended for one (or two or three) games.
best teachers...why/how? could you share with me your experiences of your best teachers? i would like to know what you would consider to be the most important quality of best teachers, and why this quality is important to esl teaching (teaching english as a second language). (thanks! i am a recent b.ed graduate, taking an esl course this summer!). i enjoyed most the teachers with passion and fervor. there were fun teachers who would let you get away with anything. they taught little and impacted the students less. but the teachers who really made a difference in my life were the ones who saw their work as something that needed to be learned rather than something they had to teach. today i use them as models in my own classroom. my own students enjoy my passion. they laugh at me when i grow excited with concepts. they tease me with questions about my understanding of the work. today they giggle but, more importantly, they never forget what made a grown person excited about life. i love it when students come back to tell me they learned more than just the curriculum. that's what i learned from my teachers and i hope its what my students learn from me.
was janis joplin a lesbian? janis joplin was a drunk and a drug addict and an incredible singer. don't think she was a practicing lesbian but she wasn't very popular with the boys. for all of her tallent she had a very humble outside appearance. doen't mean she was a lesbian but she was bisexual. probably a "try" sexual... will give anything at least a "try." after all, that was the era of "love." "janis joplin: although janis joplin did not self-identify as bisexual, she did have relationships with both men and women." (
what is the difference in the army reserves and the actual army? i think the national guard is your best option
who miss 90's rock? collective soul, pearl jam, nirvana, better than ezra, green day, ash, oasis, bush etc there was a lot of good 90's rock, damn those were the days. you don't realize what you have until after it's gone. *sigh*
why are there more red and yellow cards being dashed out in world cups than in...? why are there more red and yellow cards being dashed out in world cups and in european championships than in normal club level matches ? players do not behave any worst when they are playing at club level, at national level. any ideas ? because lately the fifa has been more like a corrupted government.
why do you see more black guys with white girls? than white guys with black girls? it's almost like it's more socially acceptible but i don't understand it. its all about racist....every one on this planet is equal...blacks..whites...hispanics,,,,chinese....all alike... so its not uncommon to see black with white..white with black..withe with mexican....its call love your brothers and sisters...and btw im white and im going with a mexican and i love her very much
how do i change the format of pictures on my computer from bip to gif or anything else? the simplest thing to do is to open up the paint feature, if you have windows and go to the picture you want to the file...go back to as... under options you have several different formats to choose from. good luck.
i am a 17 yrs old male. i do not have hard nipples. is it normal? if not what should i do? thank you for helping you mustn't worry about your nipples being hard. it is perfectly normal for a young male of your age. a little exercise and time will approve things.
does the following articulate why christianity won't accept evolutionists. why or why not? 10 dangers of theistic evolution by werner gitt the atheistic formula for evolution is: evolution = matter + evolutionary factors (chance and necessity + mutation + selection + isolation + death) + very long time periods. in the theistic evolutionary view, god is added: theistic evolution = matter + evolutionary factors (chance and necessity + mutation + selection + isolation + death) + very long time periods + god. in this system god is not the omnipotent lord of all things, whose word has to be taken seriously by all men, but he is integrated into the evolutionary philosophy. this leads to 10 dangers for christians.1 danger no. 1: misrepresentation of the nature of god the bible reveals god to us as our father in heaven, who is absolutely perfect (matthew 5:48), holy (isaiah 6:3), and omnipotent (jeremiah 32:17). the apostle john tells us that ‘god is love’, ‘light’, and ‘life’ (1 john 4:16; 1:5; 1:1-2). when this god creates something, his work is described as ‘very good’ (genesis 1:31) and ‘perfect’ (deuteronomy 32:4). theistic evolution gives a false representation of the nature of god because death and ghastliness are ascribed to the creator as principles of creation. (progressive creationism, likewise, allows for millions of years of death and horror before sin.) danger no. 2: god becomes a god of the gaps the bible states that god is the prime cause of all things. ‘but to us there is but one god, the father, of whom are all things … and one lord jesus christ, by whom are all things, and we by him’ (1 corinthians 8:6). however, in theistic evolution the only workspace allotted to god is that part of nature which evolution cannot ‘explain’ with the means presently at its disposal. in this way he is reduced to being a ‘god of the gaps’ for those phenomena about which there are doubts. this leads to the view that ‘god is therefore not absolute, but he himself has evolved—he is evolution’.2 danger no. 3: denial of central biblical teachings the entire bible bears witness that we are dealing with a source of truth authored by god (2 timothy 3:16), with the old testament as the indispensable ‘ramp’ leading to the new testament, like an access road leads to a motor freeway (john 5:39). the biblical creation account should not be regarded as a myth, a parable, or an allegory, but as a historical report, because: biological, astronomical and anthropological facts are given in didactic [teaching] form. in the ten commandments god bases the six working days and one day of rest on the same time-span as that described in the creation account (exodus 20:8-11). in the new testament jesus referred to facts of the creation (e.g. matthew 19:4-5). nowhere in the bible are there any indications that the creation account should be understood in any other way than as a factual report. the doctrine of theistic evolution undermines this basic way of reading the bible, as vouched for by jesus, the prophets and the apostles. events reported in the bible are reduced to mythical imagery, and an understanding of the message of the bible as being true in word and meaning is lost. danger no. 4: loss of the way for finding god the bible describes man as being completely ensnared by sin after adam’s fall (romans 7:18-19). only those persons who realize that they are sinful and lost will seek the saviour who ‘came to save that which was lost’ (luke 19:10). however, evolution knows no sin in the biblical sense of missing one’s purpose (in relation to god). sin is made meaningless, and that is exactly the opposite of what the holy spirit does—he declares sin to be sinful. if sin is seen as a harmless evolutionary factor, then one has lost the key for finding god, which is not resolved by adding ‘god’ to the evolutionary scenario. danger no. 5: the doctrine of god’s incarnation is undermined the incarnation of god through his son jesus chr congratulations s h, we read the too.
where to find a real nsa relationship with a woman? where has/does one find a real no strings attached sexual relationship with a woman on the internet. i get all spam and no takers. advice?
im in luv with a girl who is havin qualfictn more than mine & getting salary of more than mine.? i am yet to propose. she's my relative....she's in constant touch with me by mail & sms. but she's like tortoise (pulls its head suddenly), suddenly she stops writing me for sometime. i'm unable to find out what's in her mind. i don't have guts to move towards her. pls help. she kills me a lot. she is confused, she has feelings for you but doesnt want you to be too close, meaning she doesnt want to get involve with you. and sends you sms or stuff just when she is in worry or has no one else. and when she finds someone else you are no more there for her, also since she is more qualified and getting more paid, so you two are bound to have clashes, she will show her authority. and when you will not obey she will simply move out without any feelings. i have heard it happen like this. unless she is in love with you and you know her for sure, and she doesnt change color so quickly, than go for her or i would prefer just forget her. there will be some girl who really loves you and is just not telling you, so find that girl, and when you will get your mind away from this girl the other girl you will easily see. trying to get your attention but you ignoring her. rest you have a mind can see things more clearly, evaluate. its a waste to love someone who doesnt love you.
today the u.s. announced that 25,000 u.s. soilders have bben killed in iraq. is it ever going to end? this will not end anytime soon - e.g. 5-10 years. in fact, it may never "end". even if it stabilizes, we will most certainly have a presence there. look at korea, germany and many other countries were we still have bases (wwii ended 60 years ago, korea a little less than that). yo pablo-- lighten up. typical rightie jack-@ss comment- in relative numbers, 2500 is small compared to previous wars. i'm sure if you ask the family of the fallen (or could ask the dead), 1 is too great a loss of life for this ill conceived and executed conflict. oh, let's not forget that we will be paying for this for generations to come. oh- one more-- iraq did not attack us nor did they take part in 9/11. we went there under the false pretense that sadamm had wmd's
why is knife crime rising so much in london....? its turning into a frenzy 2 or 3 people have died this week, not to mention all the others. what do you think is the cause of the rise in voilent attacks? kife is cheaper than guns...
why do jugdes always wear black robes? my mother asked me that the other day and i really have never thought about it. why she asked i have no idea but will someone ease here enquiring mind? in most countries of the world justices wear black, or at the very least garments with some black trim or lining. this tradition is said to have begun in 17th century england. in 1694 all of the nation's judges attended the funeral of queen mary dressed in black robes as a sign of mourning. the official period of morning lasted many years, and overlapped with much of britain's colonial adventures in other countries. the black robe tradition spread around the world and thus still persists today. red is the second-most popular color for judicial robes, which likely reflects the fact that red has historically been a color associated with royalty, and judges were originally appointed as servants of the monarch.
if given the choice, would you prefer to be raped or be murdered and eaten? i'm asking this question, because i like you to assume how a chicken would feel, since bestiality seems to be bad, and killing and eating a chicken is perfectly normal. you have a very troubled mind to ask a question like this. i would choose neither. i would still eat chicken (in fact just did for dinner) and sex with animals is just wrong.
on hell's kitchen do the customers know this is a show and they might not get their food? how does that all work? most have been a good sport about it, but the two women who walked out makes me think they don't have a clue. i wondered that too. they would have to know it is a show. i think all the cameras around are a pretty good indication. that woman was a b****. i realize they waited a long time for their food, but i think she acted like that because she figured that they would put her on tv. i am glad someone else likes this show. i think it is great!
if americans want to use our language why dont they use respect??? if not i will bet my bowler hat that we will golly well invade and reclaim our language and teach you respect and the correct way to pronounce tomato and spell cheque, speak spanish if you want to abuse a language you utter cads!!!!! heheh, you jolly well tell the bounders eh what!!! god save the queen!!!
why are people so mean to nerds? you'll find that only the uneducated people are cruel to them. or parents didn't teach their kids about how to be good citizens, which i think happens a lot now days.
are there any student loans for r.n. program that don't look at credit? i want to become a r.n., but i need a loan. i don't have good credit, so i was wondering if there are any loans out there that are nursing specific. there are federal loans, such as the stafford, that tend to be lenient. sit down with one of your school's financial advisors/counselors and discuss this. federal loans don't cover the entire tuition if your school is a proprietary school (tuition starts at 24,000 and higher), but they may accept payments. if you've got the gpa, look into nurse-specific grants and scholarships. i'm a nurse and this is what i did. the only other thing i can think of is to find out from your bank if they offer student loans for folks with "iffy" credit. having nursing as a goal may make you a better risk. of course, now you're obligated to pass boards! yikes!
how do i implement server-side drag drop in using infragistics? take a look for for
why are they coming out with another high school musical? it just seems so dumb to me. sure it was a total hit but it was just so stupid! the singers sound like dying cats! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
what kind of plasmas exist on earth? what plasma would you like? plasma is just another state of matter. plasma is an ionized gas at levels of energy where atoms an molecules produce free electrons and where ions and electrons can coexists. so in general plasma can be anywhere on earth since we can created most of that state everywhere like in in fluorescent or neon lights, welding, video displays and son on. also ultraviolet radiation from the sun continuously produces a partially ionized plasma in the upper atmosphere known as the ionosphere. the ionosphere prevents harmful ultraviolet radiation from scorching the earth. i hope that was useful. ss
wat up gurls? nothing mush. iam in the zone on the planet where it's cold and so it's kinda cold here. wat up wit you?
how can i get rid of cysts in the pubic area? i have been having cysts in my pubic area very frequently. sometimes they will grow up to the size of a nickel, then they bust and grow back. i would like to get rid of them. i am not sexually active but could it still be an std? i already know that i should go to the doctor...just want your opinion first. it soumds very much like boils. if it is: ask your doc to culture the pus. beg hir if necessary! it's especially important to have the culture done if you've had surgery or been hospitalized before this started, because some germs are resistant to some antibiotics, and can be picked up more easily in hospitals than in the community. then ask about an rx for an antibiotic to which the bug (it's probably some kind of staph infection) is sensitive. you should also ask for bactroban ointment to put in your nose twice a day for 5 days each month until the tube is empty. people often have a colony of staph living in the nasal passages. these usually don't cause any problems, but recurrent boils, abscesses--what you described--are one of the problems they certainly do cause. i suffered from boils all over the place, and each time i had one treated, they'd lance it, put me on antibiotics, it'd go away, and one or two weeks later another would pop up. this in spite of the fact that i kept insisting that i had a history of a resistant bug. ~sigh~ it took several years--because of insurance--to get to someone who would listen to me. i did the research and knew what treatment i needed, but ~i~ can't write a script, so i had to wait until i was hospitalized with shaking chills 'til i finally got the treatment i needed. you feel somewhat foolish whining about a little infection, but those suckers hurt really bad, and the fact is, they are dangerous. i haven't had another since the treatment in december. be persistent, bug the docs, do some research at reputable sites, and good luck. meanwhile, warm, wet compresses for pain, wash your hands constantly, keep your fingers off the owies (yeah, right, but you should) and call the doc again.
how to make a model on a disaster management cycle? try this link: figure 4 is the illustration of the cycle. the program focuses on decision support tools that service all four stages of the disaster management cycle [figure 4]: preparedness — planning how to respond to a disaster mitigation — minimizing the effects of a disaster response — minimizing the hazards created by an emergency recovery — returning the community or environment to normal
where can i find a good english to chinese translator for free? i don't know how to read or write chinese and i want to communicate via email with my cousin in china who only speaks cantonese. i want to spend him english emails and have it translated to chinese. thanks. this is the best site i have seen for translations:
what are heebys? heebys are an imitation of the shoe heelys. they are cheap copies of the shoe.
germany vs poland? 1) tunisia or saudi arabia (2)germany or poland? germany! and tunisia i guess...
do you think barry bonds will beat hank arron? do you think he is on steriods? yeah, probably, but i hope they test him before each damn game so that we don't have to listen to all the b.s. after it is over.
for guys only , what makes a girl sexy? her personality
is it is true that we love the soccer players also ? i dont understand the question...well i love the soccer players also...and i guess other ppl do too. so its possibly true...
what dose ararat mean? what does ararat mean? only thing i can think of is that that was the mountain noah landed on after the flood...i think...
can hiv, be transmitted through a finagernail ? thanks in advance ...... hello, well, hiv cannot be transmitted throught a fingernail. hiv, like any other viruses, survive when in the presence of blood, but cannot survive when in air (oxygen) or water. in the case of the fingernail, its like being exposed to air, and so hiv cannot be transmitted. however, a word of caution - the fingernail can act as a carrier of hiv to exposed areas if what you are touching is infected blood, and if the blood remains in its current condition. then you might scratch yourself with the same fingernail/s and the infected blood might go in a microscopic wound or sratch causing a possible spread.
what film credic penned the phrase "i hated,hated,hated this movie"? roger ebert
theres a guy i like and my sis keeps bugging me about him but i don't like him nemore should i tell him or not
algebra equation help please.? solving for x -4(2x-3) = -8x+5 solving for x 2x+3y = 6 well start by multiplying things out -8x+12=-8x+5 -8x+8x+12=5 0+12=5 no solution? 2x+3y=6 2x=6-3y x=6/2-3y/2 x=3-(3/2)y
help me to know the dll detail version with modified date and time? in my asp application i have registered 5 dll . in that i want to know the latest version and currently my asp is accesing which version of the dll dllaide(tm) allows you to check that old dlls, have not replaced newer dlls after installing software under windows, and allows you to reinstate the newer version.
who would win in a fight? a giraffe or a penguin? penguin, the giraffe's head is to high to even see the little bugger, the penguin could be fighting him without the giraffe ever even seeing him, it would be like the giraffe was in a fight with a ghost. go little guy!
do marines generally appreciate it when people anonymously pay for their meals at a restaurant? do they find it annoying? they hate it. next time you see me and a marine in a restaurant, pay for my meal instead. :)
my boyfriend stares at my lips and smiles when i am talking...why does he do that? casue he want to kiss u
where can i find a commissioner of oaths? is this the same as a notary public? in ontario, canada, they are different. all lawyers who are members of the law society are commissioners. however, people can apply to become commissioners if necessary for their jobs (for example, legal secretaries, certain bank staff etc.). if you contact your lawyer, he or she can therefore commission a document, but you could also try your bank. a commissioner of oaths can commission affidavits (i.e have them sworn before them). a notary public can commission affidavits and also notarize documents, which is a more formal process involving an actual stamp from the notary. persons must also apply to be a notary. as a result, commissioners are not automatically a notary public.
has the mystery of the crop circles been debunked? u know how god did creat other perfect worlds, well they might be from the those people, if u think about it, i mean come on they could be saying ,'behave, he is coming again'. but they have found signs that peole were making the signs