saddest song you have ever heard (will download them all, if one makes me cry, it will be rated the best)? what song(s) have touched you the most? "anything for you" by gloria estefan. sad to me because i was in a similar situation once.
anyone can tell me about the colour of grasshopper ? green
are judges just lawyers that know the governor? a very good question! actually, that is about it, but local judges are voted into office by the people not assigned by a governor.
who do you think is going to win, argentina or germany? and give valid reasons for your answers.? none. i go with brazil, australia and england.
movie moment? have you ever been doing something and thought... this would make a great movie! or something you were doing reminded you of something in a movie? practically every day. i quote movies, tv shows, and commercials in my every day conversations ... sometimes people get annoyed, but i can't help it. if i could find the time (and the patience) to sit down and write, i could totally write a screenplay for a movie or a tv show. i can't remember things from my childhood, or what i had for dinner three nights ago, but i can quote a number of movies line for line.
who all here likes to watch spongebob squarepants?? yea, i know, it's a little dorky, but i love it! watching it now...i love that dang sponge...i'm ready
where can i watch world cup? is there anywhere i can watch the world cup live online for free this is all i've found to try watching online: world cup on the web -online, espn360 ( ) will simulcast every match of the 2006 fifa world cup that is televised on espn and espn2 from friday, june 9 through sunday, july 9. also featured will be a live webcast program, including pre-match, halftime and post-match segments, along with exclusive interviews with players, coaches and analysts. limited web providers -bbc will also provide live streaming video for selected games at bbc sports( ) along with four-minute highlight packages from every single game of the tournament on demand. -ndtv is an indian site that's also webcasting ( and ) here's another one i just found out about:
how many days to 8-14-06...for 10 pts? it is 53 days from the start date to the end date or 1 month, 23 days excluding the end date alternative time units 53 days can be converted to one of these units: 4,579,200 seconds 76,320 minutes 1272 hours
next president= democrat or republican? state what you think then state what party you agree with the most. i think the next president should be republican but with all the properganda these days- it will be democrat. it will be a republican. the democrats won't even win mid-term elections. they can't even decide among themselves on what they believe in. even james carville, a huge democratic political advisor, is concerned. he even said so on sean hannity last week on the radio. anybody that says our economy is terrible and that the war in iraq is a waste and is going badly are victims of listening to what the liberal biased media is spewing. instead they need to get their heads out of the liberal sand and look around. a little research would go a long way as well. reality republican!!!
we live on a rock that floats in the sky, whats it all about? its about being an earthing? i dunno ty for 2 :d
anyone knoe of an adult school in the city orange,ca ? do you want night schools? well i know of el camino continuation school but then thats not in orange its in placentia by the railroad tracks.
how do l ask a girl out? i am an average guy with an atheletic body but do not have an atttractive face so how do i get girl to like me looks are important but not as much as you think. a woman places much less importance to how a man looks compared to how he can make her feel. so a keeping good attitude wold be recommended
why do the television commercials seem louder than the program that you're watching? i am constantly reducing the volume on my tv when a commercial begins and then raising it again to hear the program. i find this method of gaining attention to a particular product more of a deterrent than gaining my interest. i'm going to avoid those products as much as i can - simply because i find this marketing tactic so annoying. this sounds sarcastic, but it's not they sound louder because they are networks broadcast commercials at ahigher volume than regular programs in order to get your attention
what does virginity mean to you? does virginity important to you? is it virginity important to women only? will you marry someone is not virgin? my virgintiy was important to me. me and my fiance gave our virginity to each other and we considered it to be the most precious and beautiful thing that we could give each other. it is very special to us that we lost our virginity to each other. i hav found myself and (i know some of my friends feel the same), that when you lose your virginity to someone, it is as if a bond almost a blood bond has been formed between you both. and no matter what else you do, it will always be with you. virginity should be equally important to men, i believe it is to many men but they are loathed to admit it because of the way they have been socialised. if i loved someone and they were not a virgin i would marry them if they loved me but i would much prefer the situation i currently have. i am lucky to be marrying the man who i lost my virginity to and who lost his virginity to me.
please give short summary of this stanza? "music when the soft voices die vibrates in the memory" good deeds remain long after the person who did them dies.
how do i convert my wma into mp3? do not do what la fans says, it converts it to mp4, or aac audio...if your computer is new you have what is called windows audio is self explanatory after that, if not search the web for another program here is one
i'm a senior and must decide what i want to major in. i want to be an ob/gyn, any suggestions? any ob/gyns how long did you go to school for? what classes did you take. how much money did it coost? "pre-med" is not usually a major in itself at any college or university. one majors in anything one wants, usually in the natural sciences (biology, chemistry, etc.), but some people choose to major in the social sciences (anthropology, political science, economics, etc.) or humanities (philosophy, religious studies, french, etc.). whatever one's major, it is essential to meet medical school admission requirements by taking the necessary courses as an undergraduate. it is generally expected that med school applicants will earn a b or better in the following courses: at least one year of biology one year of physics one year of english two years of chemistry (through organic chemistry) many med schools also require the following: 1 semester calculus 1 year behavioral sciences (e.g., anthropology, sociology, psychology, economics or political science)
do you fancy argentina & england for world cup 2006 ? argentina of france
how can i get motivation to...? do my homework!! im so stressed out bcuz this is our last week and i cant seem to get this sh*t done! how about this for motivation: your future employers are looking for people who will get the work done (thoroughly and in a timely manner). you don't think so? if you look at any job application, you will be asked where you went to high school.... they want to know what kind of student you were. by that they will guage you on your performance while working for them. finally, consider this: who will get hired if it came down to a "d" student and an "a" student?
how can i ensure my computer's safety when i download from the internet some vedio files ? should i download a spesific protection programme or i should follow some methods to make my computer clear & fast . you can't, unless you know the program your donloading from or you do a background check, most adult videos will have them, google videos won't have any, they are extremely strict security
is it normal/possible to get an orgasm off of an orange? cuzz onetime i was eatin a orange and i got extremely horny? some women can train themselves to orgasm without moving a finger, just by thinking of a great sexual experience. maybe you had some tremendous sexual experience that you somehow in your mind associated with an orange, so now oranges trigger those memories and sensations. so i'm not saying it's impossible. it's definitely plausible.
what is your favorite movie? everafter
what is bright field microscopy? with a conventional bright field microscope, light from an incandescent source is aimed toward a lens beneath the stage called the condenser, through the specimen, through an objective lens, and to the eye through a second magnifying lens, the ocular or eyepiece. most microscopes will have a built-in illuminator. i hope that helps
what are the motivators of the people who work in the government of a country? to make money? to help the people? to make the country grow? to improve the quality of the citizen's life? why have they choose the politics? what should we offer them, as their employers, to make a better work for us? either power or compassion. but, usually those who enter it because they care about society end up enjoying the power a lot. you make a lot of friends when you hold the keys to the wealth of others. all we need to do to make them work better for us is pay attention and vote them out of office if they get too greedy.
ladies tell me how u feel while having a orgasm. and what r u thinking at that time of act.? the greatest feeling in the world--wish it could be prolonged.
if there's eternal heaven & hell, then is our life on earth is just a prelude to the "real" life? it all depends on if you believe in eternal life, heaven and hell. if so...i guess that is a way to look at hardly seems fair that how you spend eternity is judged by a mere 70 or 80 years...that is why i don't believe in any of it.
what is your favorite song by the cure? fascination street, pictures of you, or there is no if...
what do you think about cheerleading and cheerleaders!!!??? im a cheerlader for high school and for competions, some people think it is easy but i say....... hell no!!! its really hard at times and it makes you a better person and gives you a better self estem!!! what do you think? i agree with you. i'm a guy cheerleader and at first i thought it would be easy. i was wrong!! i think it is one of the hardest things i do, and i have an all new respect for it. well good luck with cheerleading and don't listen to those people who don't know any better.
how to record pc screen activity using firewire to minidv camera? i'm talking screen activity here, not videos already saved to disk in a common format. (streaming video would be nice though also). what program/ workaround is there out there? for the camera please, not just an ordinary screen capture program. well, there isn't a program to do that linearly. the closest you can get is use camtasia (30 day full trial) to record screen activity. camtasia is also a great video editor. if you save your video (avi, mov, mpeg), you can then open it with windows movie maker and record back onto your minidv tape. (you mentioned streaming video. just a note: a screen capture program can not capture a video that's playing on your computer. it's a weird hardware-type issue.) good luck
i am 24 years old...what will i do? hi...i was 23 years old...and now i am 24 ,i'm going to 25 years old...and have nothing to do...i have no money in day by day....i have boyfriend..and i also have to waitting till he can come to visit me...only 3 times a year...i have a cat..but i can't treat him in my place...cause the owner didn't allow me...and uhhh..i don't know actually about my question...seem to be sorry... #1 - have a happy birthday when it comes. #2 - get a job and put money in the bank. #3 - get a boyfriend realy shows her cares. 3 times a year.please #4 - move to another place. the cat is important. the owner - no. #5 - search within yourself and you shall find the question.
where can i find a wholesale company that sells dry cloth chamois? wholesale chamois right here
who is chief justice of india currently? yogesh kumar sabharwal is the incumbent cheif justice of india
can you hook a x box up to a computer? is it possible to hook up a x box to a computer and save dvds onto the computer yea it is possible. if you have a tv tuner or a good video drive installed. you should be able to get an input from your xbox. or there are several ways to do it manually. for example: you can use the xbox hard drive.
i have a headache!? its only on my left side, it has been going on for a day and nothing i take can help. what is it and what should i do? drink gatorade and/or rub any kind of menthol on your temple. or you can try rub in small circles on your head around your ears a few times this works for me.
installing a 2nd hard drive and dvd drive in linux? i have physically installed them, i just need to know what i need to do in linux to start using those 2 new drives assuming the hard drive is correctly installed, it should show up as a device in /dev. for example, if your first hard drive was /dev/hda, the second will likely be /dev/hdb. take a look at /etc/fstab to see the device mappings. you'll probably see entries for /dev/hda1, /dev/hda2, and so on. those are the partitions on /dev/hda. so, you need to locate which device file is your new hard disk, partition it, and then format it. one way to locate the right device file is to just try /dev/hdb and so on as arguments to fdisk until you guess the right one. another way is to do something like dmesg | grep hd and see what the system found when it booted. once you know that, the linux partitioning howto should lead you through the rest. once you have partitioned and formatted the disk, you then need to mount it somewhere in your filesystem tree so you can use it. where you mount it is really up to you. once you've decided, make a directory in the appropriate place, and test mounting with something like mount -t reiserfs /dev/hdb1 /mnt/newhd where reiserfs is the filesystem you chose when you formatted, /dev/hdb1 is the first partition of disk /dev/hdb, and /mnt/newhd is where to mount the disk. if it works and you're happy, add an entry to /etc/fstab (cribbing from one of the existing ones and changing the path and device file) so it'll mount on startup. the process for the dvd drive is much the same, except of course there's no partitioning and formatting. you locate which device it is (by trial and error or by examining dmesg or by using cdrecord -scanbus), then create a directory such as /mnt/dvdrom, and write an entry in /etc/fstab.
ok ***selena*** what is your email? i have some questions to ask selena related. i know a lot about selena. shes my all-time favorite singer & in my eyes.. the best singer who ever lived. if ya need to know anything about her.. email me... [email protected]
have you ever read love rules??? i love dat book what did u think??? everything works by the rule, nothing is excluded. the first rule of love is to be loyal unconditionally to your beloved. everything in this universe operates under a rule. you just need to see that.
do anyone know how to download photoshop for free..? free..... i'm sorry it's illeagal to download ps for free. anyway, there are also some free photo softwares. try picasa, which is 100% free, easy to use. a free software download from google. picasa is software that helps you instantly find, edit and share all the pictures on your pc. every time you open picasa, it automatically locates all your pictures (even ones you forgot you had) and sorts them into visual albums organised by date with folder names you will recognise. you can drag and drop to arrange your albums and make labels to create new groups. picasa makes sure your pictures are always organised. picasa also makes advanced editing simple by putting one-click fixes and powerful effects at your fingertips. and picasa makes it a snap to share your pictures – you can email, print photos home, make gift cds, and even post pictures on your own blog. here to download for free:
what is the definition of a "high maintenance" woman? i high maintenance woman is a term referring to a woman who demands a lot of this and that. typically, these women like to spend loads of money and require a lot of attention, wealth, etc.
sandman????????? sandman is very extreme but ecw is making him look like a joke and putting him in matches with stupid characters........i'd like to see a fued between kurt angle and the sandman....... what do u think??????????? i'm thinking that the sandman wasn't in shape when first called back for ecw so they are giving him short matches to promote him where he doesn't have to exert himself too much until he can get back into shape. that is my theory anyhow, i remember when he went to wcw he was big the most muscular i had ever seen him but now he is back to his thin self again. he has a marketable character either way though. the big matches will be better if he builds up some endurance again though.
how can i fix a 'sideways' computer screen? my young son hit some combination of keys on the computer and my screen now displays sideways or vertical. how can i fix this? ◙ how to fix a sideways screen. ► ◙ how to fix an upside down screen. ◙ ◙ you could have gotten these yourself a lot faster if you had just typed the questions into google like i did.
i don't know much about brazilian culture ..does anybody know why brazilians go by one name? do brazilian soccer players like ronaldo (who just scored a goal by the way) or kaka have last names or family names? can you imagine trying to put something like ronaldo luíz nazário de lima on the back of a jersey? (by the way that's ronaldo's full name), i think it's just easier, like ronaldhino (which means little ronaldo), goes by that name to distiguish himself from other football players with the name ronaldo. by the way, ronaldo de assis moreira is ronaldhino and he added gaucho to that at one point...think about the font size to get that on the back of his wouldn't be able to read it from a foot away. fred isn't just fred...his name is frederico chaves guedes....
will a person die if he/she drinks a dextrose which patients use in hospitals? the question is not very specific - however, here goes - "dextrose" is sugar water. the percentage of "sugar" versus "water" is usually listed on the container. normally, it is 5% (the type that is used in hospitals). that means that the water is saturated with sugar (up to 5% of the mixture being sugar). that is not a huge amount of sugar. however, there is always someone, with certain types of diseases (i.e. diabetes) that can be affected by "dextrose" in a "bad" way. therefore, my answer would be, "yes" certain persons could "die if he/she drinks "dextrose" which patients use in hospitals"! but that answer could depend on lots of variables!!!!
how sure are you that there is no god ? 0% - 100% ? 100% some unmistakable signs of the creator we live in an amazing universe. it is a universe peculiarly balanced, and purposefully tempered as if to provide a safe host for living creatures. according to modern astronomers, the universe is expanding. they hold that if gravity had been only slightly stronger, it would have overtaken expansion very early and caused the universe to collapse. had gravity been slightly weaker, universe expansion would have become a runaway process, not allowing time for the formation of galaxies and stars. if either of these had occurred, there would never have been an earth on which creatures could live. this universe seems designed, even meticulously tailored to provide suitable conditions for living. if other basic ratios and constants had been just slightly different, the universe would not have been favourable to our existence. if, for instance, the strong and weak nuclear forces were slightly stronger relative to the electromagnetic forces, hydrogen would not exist in its ordinary form. this would mean that heavier elements, such as carbon and oxygen - two of the essential building blocks of life - would never have existed. the strength of gravity is crucial to the existence of life in the universe in another way. if it were weaker, then it could not crush the material in a star the size of the sun with enough force to ignite its thermonuclear reactions. only very massive stars would shine, and such stars would probably have too short lifespan to allow for the development of life. these indications that the universe has been arranged to favour the appearance and survival of life has been taken very seriously by certain scientists. prominent among them is astronomer brandon carter. modern science estimates that it has taken 4 billion years for human beings to evolve from unicellular life forms. carter has calculated that the average period for any evolution of this magnitude should take much longer - about 10 billion years. that is longer than the lifespan of a sun-sized star, and much longer than the period of life-favourable conditions on earth. it would seem that intelligent life appeared on earth despite its high improbability. we are again pulled towards recognizing the creator. signs for the aware 164. behold! in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of the night and day, and the sailing of ships through the ocean for the profit of mankind, and the water which allah sends down from the skies, thereby reviving the earth after its death, and dispersing therein all kinds of beasts, and (in) the ordinance of the winds, and the clouds subjugated between heaven and earth: are signs for people who have sense. (qur'an 2:164)
je recherche le site de thuram et comment faire pour voire les video sur le foot? lilian thuram (parfois surnommé tutu ) est un footballeur français, né ruddy, lilian thuram-ulien, le 1er janvier 1972 à pointe-à-pitre (guadeloupe). il joue en défense : arrière droit ou défenseur central. thuram débute sa carrière avec l'as monaco en première division (1990). six ans plus tard, il quitte la france pour la serie a italienne en signant à parme puis à la juventus de turin en 2001. il devient mondialement célèbre suite à son doublé magistral en demi-finale de la coupe du monde de football 1998 contre la croatie (2-1), ses seuls buts en bleu en 117 sélections (au 18 juin 2006). il reçoit la légion d'honneur suite à la victoire en finale de coupe du monde. en juillet 2004, suite à l'échec de la france au championnat d'europe, il décide de mettre un terme à sa carrière internationale, pour se consacrer à son club de la juventus. il ressort de sa retraite internationale le 7 août 2005 suivant de peu zinedine zidane. lilian thuram est membre du haut conseil à l'intégration et est connu pour ses positions affirmées sur certains dossiers politiques, comme la constitution européenne et la lutte contre le racisme et l'antisémitisme. 1990-1996 : as monaco ( france) 1996-2001 : parme ac ( italie) 2001-2006 : juventus de turin ( italie) 1998 : coupe du monde de football (france) 1999 : coupe d'italie (parme) 1999 : coupe uefa (parme) 1999 : supercoupe d'italie (parme) 2000 : championnat d'europe des nations (france) 2001 : finaliste de la coupe d'italie (parme) 2002 : supercoupe d'italie (juventus de turin) 2002 : champion d'italie (juventus de turin) 2003 : coupe des confédérations (france) 2003 : champion d'italie (juventus de turin) 2003 : finaliste de la ligue des champions (juventus de turin) 2004 : finaliste de la coupe d'italie (juventus de turin) 2005 : champion d'italie (juventus de turin)
what is the real definition of friendship? again serious answers please....this question is from an 11 year old in my group. a friend is someone who can see your faults and still love you, a friend is happy for you when you win, and hurts for you when you lose. a friend always wants the best for you, is never unkind, but will tell you the truth when you need it. they are kind of like a grandma, but your age.
trying to make name cards to fit into 1.75" x 2.75" frame. would like to have background of roses. i print the place cards on 2 x 3 business cards. you can buy the business cards on 8.5 x 11 sheets at any office supply store. you'll have to trim the cards to make them fit. you can download roses from word clip art.
for the ladies only!!!? how is that possible that you get pleasure from sex if you are always bigger in size that the man? if the man is huge for example, youll get used to him and want bigger later, yea? that's not true....sexual satisfaction only matters to the inexperienced...true satisfaction includes sincerity, affection and intimacy and it exists irregardless of size.
i was cut by a piece of metal, should i go get a tetanus shot? depends on the type of wound, and how long its been. if it has been longer than 10 years you absolutely should get one. if it has been more than 5 yeard then tetanus shots are recommended for "dirty" wounds, such as those contaminated by dirt, feces, soil, saliva, puncture wounds, avulsions (flap wounds), gunshots, crush injuries, burns, etc.
what's a good, 5 day a week cardio plan? i try to work out five days a week for an hour at the gym. i usually cycle for 15 minutes to warm up, use the epliptical trainer for 20 minutes, walk/run for 20 minutes, and then cool down for 10 or so minutes. i was wondering if anyone had any alternative cardio programmes they find effective? also, is it advisable to stick with one machine for a long period of time, or to switch between different machines for shorter periods of time? if you're going to the gym anyway, then i'd recommend cutting back on your cardio to maybe 30min each visit (but make sure you're working hard enough to sweat profusely), and replace the other 30 minutes (or so) with weights (30min) and stretching (5min or so). for the cardio portion, consider 2 machines for 15min each, but skip the cycle entirely. go with treadmill, rowing (if available), and elliptical. do the elliptical or rowing first, and 'warm up' for the first 5 minutes. 5min 'cool down' at the end is plenty before you move on to the weights. the stretching at the end is when you completely cool down. check out "hot point fitness" for suggestions on all specifics for cardio, weights, stretching.
how old am i? get 10 pts!? anyone who guesses my correct age will get 10 pts! hint: im between 1-40 y.o 17
what do you think? i have been with this man a very long time and his sister is having a baby shower and he wonts me to go. buttt his ex wife and her sister are going to be there and he had sexs with both of them what should i do?
how do i go about being a pagan? and what do you think about the pagans? i'm thinking of changing my religion to pagan. i have enought of christianity, it doesn't have what i belive. also my ansesters where pagan so why not me? so can anyone out there help me with some much needed info. and where i live if you mention the "p" word, you can guess what reaction they have. pagans,wickens new agers etc are the best... they are not nasty like chrisitians who only ever used to repress people and quote their nasty bible whilst burning people alive, relgious wars etc... pagans like sex and sexuality and beauty and affection and fun. they are not sexist and see males and females as two parts of a whole and equal. and that includes behavour like you being flirty, wanting to be kissy and pawy with boyfriend. its all part of nature. they have no problems with gays either. their ethical system is as long as it harms none do as you will. they are the true relgion in the sense of many of the christian and other relgions stole their festivals (ie easter... the easter bunny was origonally the easterous hare (or sounds something like that) a pagan fertility god of spring... look it up. the wickens were early doctors and the herbs still work. other magic is based around psychology. think hippies. women are empowered unlike in christianity this is why they say its immoral and wicked ... its their way of keeping the girlies down. check out new age shops. as you said if you mention the p word it shows chrisitn scum in their true nature. best described in the iris magdelen laundry system see origonal documentry available from pagans would never be that nasty. and this is from an athiest not a pagan... i just see that pagans have the right idea even if i don't believe in astrology... pagans are soo cool. nothing nasty about them... the other relgions make up all the nasty burn in hell stuff up about them as they are competition and actually they are nicer. as for getting in touch as said crystal new age shops should help. other then that check the net. or just quit on all relgions... paganisiam is not about worship though
what is the term used for loss of muscle mass and what steps can be taken to help the patient prevent it? atrophy. excercise prevents it. even modest resistance excercise (like weight lifting light weights.) electrostimulation may help some too.
i'm 2 time br ca survivor & need help with 20% medicare does'nt cover, in springerville,az can anyone help???? hello. i am too a breast cancer survivor. try asking some friends or family to host a benefit for you. i helped with one that raised well over $10,000 by having a spaghetti feed, raffle, and silent auction. it was awesome. you can get local businesses to donate items and food etc. talk to some of your family and/or friends. i know that might be awkward, but i think if you explain you financial burdens (which i know and understand all too well) they might be willing to do this for you. good luck!
movies where girls kiss eachother, porn does not count so dont type it? well, all seem to be great movies, but my personal favorite would be "bound". jennifer tily and gina hot !
i want to learn guitar? i'm going to 8th grade and i want to start learning an instrument because my life is getting boring, i want to learn acoustic and write some songs if i have time, i also want a really nice non-expensive acoustic guitar plus with a non expensive teacher,but still a good teacher?how much will that cost?i dont want it to be super expensive! heres some guitar sites you should check out and bookmark for future reference. guitar lessons guitar tabs you can get a cheap acoustic at walmart or maybe a good used one at a pawn shop or music store. by all means get a teacher if you can afford it!
does anyone know how to make root beer? i tried it once with yeast and it didn't taste too good. a recipe is available at leener's, along with the kits: hires used to also sell the flavoring needed to make root beer (this is what we used when we did it as kids). each brew does seem to be a little bit of hit and miss. none tasted like hires root beer. some were very good and some took an awful long time to drink (we had to empty the bottles before we could make another batch).
what would you answer your partner after marriage if you had a premaritial sexual relationship with someone ? considering your partner is not the person you have had premaritial sex before and that he/she is a virgin of same age. never ever tell
what type of satisfaction does a person get when they quit a job.? hey jose, i quit a job as a manager of ups for 19 years to stay home and watch the kids (3 and 8 months). also to go back to school and become a teacher. this was 2 years ago and it was the best decision i ever made. i plan on starting work again after the kids start school. my wife works 30 hours a week and we now live on a very fixed budget, but i am the happiest i have ever been. i used to work 70 hours a week and was miserable, but now am a new man and get to see my wife and kids all the time. very satisfying to quit at the time, also!!!!
the pair of elements that forms the bond with the least ionic character is? a.h and cl and cl c. br and cl d. o and cl could you also please explain why d)o and cl. they have the least difference in electronegativity, so the shared pair of electrons is not drawn particularly towards any atom. thus the molecule shows the least ionic character. ionic character occurs when there is polarisation of a covalent bond.
are there agencies 4 recruiting teachers of visually handicapped in can i get job as spl eductr in us? to be a special education teacher in the united states, you must have the following: 1. a college or university degree in a special education speciality, accredited by an agency recognized by united states licensing guidelines. 2. each state has its own set of tests, and you must pass them. they usually address basic academic skills, general social/cultural/arts knowledge, professional knowledge, and content- or speciality-specific knowledge. remember, these tests are based on american values and professional need to do some serious research before taking them. 3. you must pass a background check. 4. your license will be state-specific, and you have to take additional coursework and/or pass additional tests when moving between states (in most cases). if you are interested only in working with visually disabled students, you will need to contact one of the schools for the visually impaired. immigration through employment: good luck!
what does a period feel like and i want to know from the experts !? personally i have cramps every month. sometimes they are painfull more sometimes less, but you can always take some pills that work against pain such as headache (you can talk with your mum or nurse at your school). psychologically it is always little scary to see "all that blood", but believe i know this for sure, you lost very little real blood. otherwise women would die, don you think? you shouldn't be too afraid although i was, that is not that horrible. i got my first period when i was only 10 and a half, and you get used to it. it is completely normal and you mustn't be ashamed!
how does biotic factors are benefited by carbon dioxide,water and temperature? plz tell me some points. biotic factors include the plants, animals, fungi, bacteria and any other living things that live in an area. categories include: producers or autotrophs make their own food. producers, such as plants, make food through a process called photosynthesis. in photosynthesis, plants use carbon dioxide and water to make sugar. this food is used by the plant for its own energy or may be eaten by consumers. consumers or heterotrophs need to eat food that autotrophs have produced. there are different types of consumers. herbivores eat plants. carnivores eat animals. omnivores eat both plants and animals. decomposers are heterotrophs that break down dead tissue and waste products. they play a very important role in the ecosystem because they recycle nutrients. bacteria and fungi are decomposers. temperature - the ability to withstand extremes in temperature varies widely among plants & animals animals respond to variation in temperature both physiologically and behaviorally. birds and mammals are endotherms ('hot-blooded') & maintain relatively high body temperatures using the heat by their own metabolism. other animals (such as reptiles, amphibians, fish, & insects) are called ectotherms & their body temperatures are largely set by the ambient (surrounding) temperature. ectotherms - use sources of heat such as solar radiation (direct and indirect) & conduction to help adjust their body temperature endotherms - may maintain body temperature by: changing the position of fur or feathers (like the carolina chickadee below) sweating & panting shivering behavioral means such as seeking shade or water, burrowing, or varying periods of activity endotherms - may avoid extended periods of low or high temperatures by hibernating or estivating hibernation - winter dormancy estivation - summer dormancy common among some desert animals (permits conservation of water) water precipitation determines, along with mean temperature, the world-wide distribution of biomes primary problem for plants in areas like deserts is a lack of water. plants adapted for arid conditions include: xerophytes, such as cacti (pictured below) and joshua trees, that usually have special means of storing and conserving water. they often have few or no leaves, which reduces transpiration. phreatophytes - plants that grow extremely long roots, allowing them to acquire moisture at or near the water table.
why don't cannibals eat clowns? because they taste funny!
can you help with saving an endangered bird? the blue crane (anthropoides paradisea) is a critically endangered bird in south africa. a 10 hectare plot with a seasonal wetland is for sale to the north of pretoria. in a good year 3 pairs of blue cranes breed there. if i can raise $135 000 i can buy the plot and fence the wetland to protect the cranes. i have the equivelent of $15 000 that i will contribute to start the project. the questions i have are: 1.) what should i sell on e-bay to raise the money? no invoicing would be done unless the money can be raised. the options that i can think of are: a.) a share in a trust owning the plot b.) a framed certificate recording the donation c.) a free lifetime access pass to stay in a chalet on the plot d.) your suggestion 2.) what is a reasonable charge for a share? a.) $50 b.) $100 c.) $1000 d.) your suggestion 3.) would you support an initiative like this? yes or no i am guessing that this is on south africa. the first thing i would do, find out if there is a way to make it an endangered species wetland with the government. there are many ways to tie up the sales of property with this type of maneuver. getting an injunction against the sale of the property is one way to do it. then i would find out if you can get it marked as a wetland park. to buy the property is noble, but is it enough property that it will not be affected by other properties in the area. most wetlands must be at least 2 kilometers square to keep the effects from adjacent properties to a minimum. as for your questions, selling partial ownership can cause some major problems, as not everyone has the same idea about what should be done, and no one person will be able to have majority control, even though that may be the way it is set up. life memberships are an interesting idea for a resort, but that will adversely affect what you are trying to do. a certificate is a great thing, but people want more involvement than that. my suggestion is selling memberships for a group cause. a membership, say $20, may get more interest than someone who was spending $100 or more. make it an annual membership, that way there is always an interest in people doing some good, plus the annual funds will help in the upkeep of the lands. just make sure to send them a calander or something. i would support that, but make it an international non-profit agency, it has more appeal to people.
hello my friend;i want to learn english very fast.i need to a person for answer to my questions.thanks? i love english but can you help me?i'm froim iran;m. you want to make the bomb?
how many times can u contract the aids virus? you can get infected with a different strain of the virus. the hiv virus mutants.
what rights as a wife am i entitle on my husbands death? mu husband has terminal cancer.what rights have i got as he states i will have to go to work after his passing for any money to live on(iam 70yrs old) he has got money saved am i not intitle to some as i am sure no one will employ me you should be untitled to everything he has if you are legally married to him and there is no prenuptial legal agreement denying you rights to what he leaves behind. then there is the matter of the will, but remember no matter what the will states, as his legal wife you are intitled to at least half of everything he leaves behind. if you don't get it contest the will 'if it's worth it'.
is stephan harper a good prime minister? if so why, if not why? yeppers
could iran possibly beat portugal or at least draw? i don't care if they don't advance, beating portugal or drwaing with portugal will show the world that iran could stand up against a powerful european team. please no h8rs. no way! i'm not hating... portugal is just too strong and iran doesn't have a potent enough offense, not to mention a weak defense. they only have 1 victory in the world cup and that was in 98 against a pathetic american team.
what the difference between the loctite colours? first, to understand a threadlocker. it is an anaerobic product which essentially means it cures in the absence of air and presence of an active metal. loctite has several colors for various products. in this case, the "blue" is considered the "medium strength / removeable" ( available in a liquid or a semi-solid stick, similar to a chapstick. the medium strength can be removed with hand tools. the "red" is the "high strength" which requires heat to remove, also available in the liquid and semi-solid. there are also wicking grade versions as well as numerous versions of threadlockers for specific applications. a loctite primer is recommended for use with all threadlockers to not only clean the parts but to speed cure on inactive metal surfaces.
how to get funds to set up an institution? i and my friends want to set up an educational institution like school or college preferably a technical pg college running courses like mca,, mba. we have setup an educational society for that which is on no profit no loss basis. but even after our contribution we do not have sufficient funds. can you suggest ways to raise funds for such a cause. we are open to donations from india and abroad. any suggestions how to approach right people for such kinda funds. check this out for a reliable and professional, business or academic research help: you'll be fine...
who do you think would have won the world series in 1994 if the baseball season was not cancelled? i have an article by wikipedia that could be an assistance to you; i think that if the 1994 major league baseball strike did not occur, the 1994 world series would have been between the american league champions new york yankees and the national league champions montreal expos and the expons would have won the series in six games. good question. remember that the '94 yankees were not the same "dynasty", derek jeter coverboy yankees to which we've all, unfortunately, grown accustomed -- '94 was the first year after many very bad years that the yankees were again a true contender, so i'm not really sure how they would have handled the postseason. plus, '94 was to be the first year with the wildcard added to the playoffs, so who knows what would have happened. and the '95 yankees weren't yet polished enough even to beat seattle. as for the '94 expos? well, this sounds strange to say now, but pre-'94, the expos actually were a decent team with an okay attendance figure from the late 80s until then. but like the '94 yankees, they were a team that hadn't come near the playoffs in years. so, there's actually a good chance that neither team would even have made it to the world series. the real weird thing about it is that the strike year, in retrospect, seems like a major turning point in the game -- the two best teams were comprised of one that would go on to spending record amounts of $$ year after year in pursuit of the title (i can't fault them only, though, since they weren't the only team doing spending so much) and another team that saw its payroll quickly diminish more and more year after year, eventually forced into relocation. you can't really get two more disparate teams then the expos and yankees -- yet in '94 the economic factor hadn't yet become too great a divide.
does the decaffination process for green tea destroy the antioxidants? i've heard that it can
how did naoh get the kangaroos on the ark? and then back to australia? there's no evidence to suggest that they existed anywhere *but* australia so...... sun roof
anyone know where i can get a dowload or know where i can stream a video from wwe raw 6/26/06 of dx? im looking for the full video of them dressing up and making fun of the mcmahons,from hhh's entrance all the way to the part where....they cover them in s%#@ ,lol,if u can get a download for me,send it to [email protected],if its a stream post the link here or send it to the same e-mail address,thank you in advance also,dont offer suggestions like limewire and bearshare or any other file sharing websites,theres a block against them on my computer,thank you again check
where is the most ecconomical place to buy perscription glasses with titanium frames? i also need progressive lenses try these links, they're in order of what i'd recommond and all cary titanium hope it helps! :)
how come ticks are similar to mosquito bites? also, would i be able to treat my "tick" bites as if they were mosquito bites? i've tried putting lanacane where i got bitten, but the area of the bite on my hands and arm itches really badly, it's red and at the same time, has a burning feeling. i looked around the internet, but couldn't find what i was looking for. i wonder if there are any other over the counter meds like cream that i could put on the bite area? does anybody know? how long since you've been bitten? do you have a bulls-eye rash... circular and expanding, possibly clear in the middle with the bite really inflamed in the center? if so, you should see a doctor. check out the cdc's website about how to safely remove a tick, and how to prevent getting ticks on you to start with...
herbst has anybody heard about it or seen it. i am scared. help!!!? i have to get a herbst for my over bite and then i get braces i am really scared because what if it hurts or something my sons teacher had this before she had her braces, and she was fine.
what are good topics to write song lyrics about? anything you want, songs are like poetry you write when something comes in mind. you can write about so much, love, sadness, a death your mourning off, a heartbreak, etc.........
i had sex with my boyfriend before i am married another one? can my husband find i am not virgin unless you are living in place where woman are tortured or killed for having sex before marriage, fess up to your husband. you never know, he might like the fact that you are experienced! if the guy knows anything about the female body and virgins, he may expect you to bleed a bit the first time having sex so if you didn't/don't then he might question it but if you need to lie (for the above reason) just reassure him that not all women have hymens so perhaps yours was broken by a tampon, trauma or injury, or some other reason. you have to do what ever makes you feel safe. you really shouldn't lie to your husband but like i said there are cultures out there that would do horrible things to a woman if she was found to not be a virgin after her wedding. all the best.
watching the wc fans is half the fun of the game. agree or disagree? which is your favorite fan picture/person? i am german and i could not agree more. i live in the u.s and looked for last minute tickets to go back home. but 3500 dollars was just too much ;-((. in germany the fans are out on the street celebrating the whole night, no matter what nationality.
all right scorekeepers, part ii? if a player hits 2 for 3 in a game, two singles and reaching on an error, in three total at bats for the game, what is the player's on base percentage?? 1.000 or .667??? it's 2 for 3, the error doesn't count as a bas hit but his at bat count. so it'ld be .667 errors and fielder's choices are not included in times reached base safely, because they caused or should have caused an out.
could you tell me about 'complete square rule'? complete the square is referring to having a problem like y=16x^2 + 64x + 5 or something similiar where factoring is not possible. you can then take the equation & change it like so y=16(x^2 + 4x + ____) + 5 notice that this equation is still the same as before, but it has been re-arranged. now, notice that if you add 4 you can then reduce what is inside of perentheses to (x+2)^2 y=16(x^2 + 4x + 4 - 4) + 5 notice that since you added 4 and subtracted 4, you have done nothing now, you can factor the (x^2 + 4x + 4)=(x+2)^2 y=16((x+2)^2 - 4) + 5 distribute 16 y=16(x+2)^2 + 5 - 64 y=16(x+2)^2 - 59 this represents the same equation that you had at the beginning but can be a much easier form to work with. we started with y=16x^2 + 64x + 5 x=2,y=197 & (0,5) and wound up with y=16(x+2)^2 - 59 x=2,y=197 & (0,5) points just to show they are equal equations. this is very useful in math. you may not find it too useful unless you are a little farther along, but in situations involving circles, or integration techniques this can come in very very handy.
where can i get a benedictine cross from? one that i can wear around my neck. one that has the small medal set into it behind the image of christ. you are no different from an atheist. hanging your believe on mere iron with the suppossed inage of jesus. he warned you against imaging. if you are truly sincere about god, go search deeper.
john cena ? who thinks it is bull shit john cena lost the title?i do so do i it is all a bunch of crap as far as i am conserned it should be cena who one or he should get a another chance at it at vengance they should make it a thriple threat mtach cena, edge, rvd
what is the perfect father's day gift? here are some great father's day gift ideas.. any would make a "perfect gift": 1. a "dad" picture frame and put a picture of you and him in it. i gave this to my dad once and he loved it! 2. anything related to the grill -- grill tongs, grill apron, grill rubs, meat thermometer, and grill baskets -- all are popular father's day gifts for under $25.00 3. a nice leather wallet or stainless steel watch. these are items that dads use everyday, but never seem to buy new for themselves. you can find these gifts and more unique father’s day gifts at yahoo! shopping’s dads and grads gift center: hope this helps!
what would you be willing to die for? there are people who sacrifice their lives daily for all different reasons; some for their religion, others for loved ones,some for their country. what would you be willing to give your life for? my beliefs, my loved ones, and my nation... in that order of importance.
lets talk movies can you name good cartoon movie? shrek and finding nemo
what do you think about iraq future? when iraq war will end iraq must split up into three sectarian states --kurdistan, a shi'ite province of iran, and a sunni landlocked nation. no one will die for the geographical "iraq" as a whole, so the group will keep killing each other until they are separate geopolitical entities. the united states should have realized this when then invated in 2003; the us should have invaded and partitioned. they were warned but the warnings were dismissed. iraq as a united country defending itself does not exist and will not come into existance.
is a 21 year old girl having sex with a 46 year old guy bad or gross?
why do women say they're looking for a man that is nice when what they really want is a bad boy!? its genetical and hormonal....women who have higher levels of male hormones are more in touch with their musculine side, they often go for a nice guy. women who have lower levels of male hormones are more in touch with their feminine side and go for the bad boy
who is the most world famous icelandic man? leif eriksson
i'm finding some place to speak to another teenage and be friend with them .....? if i understand your question you can use a program called skype. there is a way to search for people around the world.
as abdul kalam said will india become a super power country in 2020? the way developments are taking place, i think it would be much earlier. didnt you hear the news yesterday? india and us have signed a nuclear deal for generation of enery cheers !!!
i'm looking for some high quality white sox bookends and can't seem to find any. does anyone have any ideas? check the e-bay auction
why is there such a disproportionate number of rude people on yahoo! answers? it seems like almost every answer is some smart @!# comment...maybe that's what you're supposed to do and i don't realize it...i am new to this. doesn't it get a little boring responding to questions when you have no knowledge on the subject?? i think a lot of children and teenagers are using this to get a good laugh at someone else's expense... ...and the adults who are being rude on here are really not showing a good example....
can hart murmers hurt you, or kill you.? i was just diagnosed with pvc, premature vasclure contractions. they said it is just like a hart murmer. i'm kinda scared. any one know the details. they said it was common with young women and old women. premature ventricular contractions in healthy individuals without high blood pressure and heart diseases do not pose any health risks. in healthy individuals without heart diseases, premature ventricular contractions need no treatment. you can read more about this condition here
cloning myself!? if i ever had a kid, i would want to have a clone of myself. i'm not crazy, just think, you would know that person very well, understand their problems and difficulties very well. it would be amazing. does anyone see a downside to this idea? you have an interesting point. people keep procreating anyway, why not keep yourself on planet earth indefinitely? it might be a good idea to have a video diary of things that went wrong, so when your teenager gets rebellious, just show the video & say "if you want to do that, check out the consequences!" it will be like watching the future of one's self & may solve the need for disipline.