men, what's the difference between the woman you date and the one you'd marry? the woman you date is the one you have sex with only. the one you marry is the one you share your life (children, feeings, home) with. the wife is the main one and the other woman is just a hobby or bad habit that won't last.
please please don't tell that bin laden and his people (islamic) are terrorist because aren't? its just a mask from your part especially from americans to kill us i mean muslims so you are looking for excuse there is a example in irak, what hell you loking for , when you like to go in irak, is not your country why don't let people to live her lives to live in peace first off, learn how to speak proper english. people won't be able to understand a thing you're saying if you leave out every other word as you have demonstrated thus far. secondly, learn how to spell. it's "iraq." now, to address your question... even bin laden calls himself a terrorist. it's hard to argue your point when he admits to it himself. and quite frankly, he's a menace. he doesn't even deserve the title of "terrorist" because he hires other people to do the dirty work for him. and most americans don't even support the war in iraq, just so you know. it's president bush's war. he's among the few people that still support it. he's not telling anybody why we're still there and everybody wants him to pull our troops out of iraq. i, for one, don't support the war. so don't assume anything about america because we don't all feel in same manner as you have described us.
when is the ayr gold cup taking place this year? the ayr gold cup will be held on saturday 16th september 2006. a club badge will cost you £39 for the day, or a grandstand badge for £18.
in the internet, how to know your chat friend is from a particular country which he/she says so ? if the person says he/she is from uk and provides equally supporting clues still ......... so how to know ? without ipv6 you technically can't since the source of their communications can be spoofed by a good hacker. if you want to be pretty sure, you can look up the owner of their ip address via nslookup (there are free web-based versions of this tool now). if the ip is owned by a uk company, they are probably telling the truth.
how much is 80 min in hours? i makin a cd and it says 80 min how much hours would that be. i need the exact number pplz thats 1 hour and 20 minutes
brilliant crimson annaline dye ?s?y??? magenta 1860, in allusion to the battle of magenta, in italy, where the french and sardinians defeated the austrians in 1859, because the brilliant crimson aniline dye was discovered shortly after the battle, which advanced the cause of it. independence and fired the imagination of european liberals. 845-380 (w17804) w-s brilliant crimson aniline dye j.e. moser's a855863-4 10 jar of 4 oz $ 20.99 so, what is your question?
what is zero air and wats the actually component? spectra gases' "zero air generators" are commonly used in conjunction with hydrogen generators to operate a flame ionization detector (fid). a hydrogen generator provides fuel while a zero air generator provided hydrocarbon free air for combustion in the detector. the spectra gas zero air generator has a catalytic combustor which is electrically heated to a very precise temperature. at this elevated temperature, all of the hydrocarbon molecules contained in the gas are converted by the catalyst to co2 and h2o, down to ppb level. catalytic conversion is the only practical means to remove hydrocarbons, especially the low molecular hydrocarbons like methane, which cannot be trapped by any filters or chemical getters. flow rates from one (1) liter per minute to seventy five (75) liters per minute current gas flow and catalyst temperature display operating/stand-by switch parallel-run option remote control and alarm reducing hydrocarbons to better than 0.01 ppm
will bush dislocate his jaw the way he says iraaaq? it was his brain that got dislocated....
what does the minister of state of monaco really do? its a tiny country smaller than some us towns! count the money
who is your favorite seinfeld character? now, which character is most like yourself and why? kramer is the best. he's funny & hilarious. the way he pops into a room always made me laugh.
is there any site that brings world cup live? try world cup fifa search for live that's what i use if not try world cup
why does chic magee on the bob and tom show act like he's gay? probably just for ratings...
what do you think about unilagfaces .com? why sent a msg giving the site: so, i think u'r mr. otaru elabor sezelu a 400 level student of the department of geography. okei, iv rain-checked the page, i think its good... hope i just got lil more time checking what about... and wait: i think u are alll good studs out there... gudluck to u!
find amanda lynn pedersen current location where she is in pinellas county florida.? are you sure about the spelling of her last name?
important political question...? do you think that if the (u must assume now...) war goes well and the republicans are shown to be somewhat right in their ideals and vision...will this era be representative of one that contrasts with the vietnam era. i.e. instead of an era following vietnam where we realized that america's vision was flawed and national pride and social responsibilty slipped away...we will in a few years be shown the opposite of this. so that next time a war "drags on" less people will call for an end just because the last war didn't go well. well you know i have some friends that came back from iraq not to long ago and they tell a different story then what i see on tv. they talk about how its a vary small percent of the people that cause the problems, most of them are glad saddam is gone and are working hard to make there country a better place. he told me about a bombing were some one blew them self up in a line for the iraq police recruiting, everyone helped the people that were hurt and killed in this attack, then when they were done, all of them just got back in line. they believe so much in making things better even the threat of being blown up didn't stop them. you might also want to pick up a book by i believe the name is general georgia sada (at work or i would check and give you the isbn#) saddam's secrets. its about an iraqi general and how he helped move the wmd's out of the country before the war, interesting book.
does dick size really matter? yes
why on every toaster made with settings, theres a burnt beyond recognition setting that no1 would possibly use ????????????????????????????????????????????????????? it's a manufacturers joke. theres also a coil that unwinds in the night that makes you *think* its on four but the internal setting is changed to burnt beyond recognition so your morning gets off to a terrible start.
i am turning 18, and i have been on public aid(i'm poor).will i lose my healthcare on my 18th birthday? if i will, do you know of any good and cheap healthcare plans? i am type 1 diabetic, and on drugs for bipolar disorder! i'm sorry to say this when ur 18 yrs of age u will be cut off of medicare. i have a solution for get a star-bucks job and within two-hundred hours of work u will receive coverage of medical any time anywhere ...........p.s. blue-cross and blue-shield's is very affordable.
normal or what? so today at 3:30 in the morning i had to get up to take my boyfriend to the airport, after finally falling asleep at midnight. i woke up this morning with my stomach feeling like it was in a knot. i took him to the airport, when i got there i felt like i had the runs coming home. i dont like to go number 2 in a public bathroom so i was able to hold it until i got home. i came home and i let it out! hehe. my stomach still feels a little uneasy. i drank some water and had a pop tart to try and calm it. it kinda feels like im so upset that my stomach is just blah. could this just be my reaction to missing him already? *we normally spend every single day together and now im going a week without seeing him....after he was in kuwait for 4 months a year ago.* lack of sleep and your nerves. try some pepto then have a cracker and sprite. go to'll be alright
i am looking for the results of free lotto internation held on 13 june and the winners? just intrested to know if free lottol international held on 13 june what are the prizes and at least the first and second group winners. as we are in africa sometimes we dont believe that someone can winn sucha a millions of money this is a scam, pure and simple. there is no such lottery. never answer or reply to such e-mails, never give them any information. if you want, you can forward the messages to abuse@, where is the return address listed in the message. for instance, if it says to reply to [email protected], forward the message, with the message headers, to [email protected]. they will investigate and usually close the account being used to receive the replies. thousands of people have lost thousands of dollars to these scams. they tell you that you must pay all kinds of fees and taxes to collect your winnings, and when you finally wise-up and realize you are being scammed, they disappear with all your money.
what does gi, as in gi joe, mean? "government issue" according to the following websites - 'til today, i had always thought that it stood for "general infantry". oops... ; )
what is the answer to 32(2-4)+6 divided by 4.9-3(6+1)? it is a math problem that non of my children or myself can figure the answer to. the answer key has 4/161, but i don't believe it is correct. 32(2-4)+6 = 64-128+6 = -58 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.9-3(6+1) = 4.9-18-3 = -16.1 that becomes 16.1/58
how fast does light reflect off of jupiter? does it reflect at the speed of light, on it's way to earth? (or another point in the sky) light always travels at the same speed in a vacuum, the speed changes ever so slightly when it has to go through a different medium (water e.g.) but its so fast to begin with you wouldn't really notice it. 300,000 kilometers per second is beyond human comprehension, i mean you can only imagine how fast that is, you can't experience it or 'know' it.
how many prophets are located in columbia? if you know what a prophet is and where columbia is then you can answer his question. this depends entirely on how well you can quantify "prophet". are you talking about modern day would-be prophets? ancient mezo-american prophets?
what is the best time of day to go fishing? it really depends on what type of fish you are trying for and what time of year it is. as a rule of thumb, early in the morning is a good time, specifically at sunrise. what type of fish are you wanting to catch? where are you going to fish (lake, stream, river?). once you know those answers, we can help you farther.
what undergrad degree do you think is most beneficial and has the most options in the career field? in my opinion, it would be either tourism or marketing. tourism is the largest service industry in the world and whether you are extrovert or introvert you can work wherever it suites you, front desk, kitchen, managerial, accounts, etc. whereas marketing, you can usually fit in any business line. but my advice is, stick with what you're really good at. trust me. all the best!
why do we have a tail bone if we don't have a tail??? some people do have tails. (quoted) there are, but i don't have one. lemme find some info for you on it... "human tails human embryos have a tail that measures about one-sixth of the size of the embryo itself. as the embryo develops into a fetus, the tail is absorbed by the growing body. infrequently, a child is born with a "soft tail", which contains no vertebrae, but only blood vessels, muscles, and nerves. modern procedures allow doctors to eliminate the tail at delivery. the longest human tail on record belonged to a twelve-year-old boy living in what was then french indochina, which measured nine inches (229 mm).[1]" here's a great site about it!!! btw - omg it's making me sick. *not for the feint of heart of stomache. source(s):
wat is the chemical equation for silicone? they have the formula r2sio where r is methy of ethyl group
why did my boyfriend break up with me? hes said that he just wanted to be friends all of a sudden!!!!!!!!!!!! cause he thinks you're lame. or he found someone better.
does anyone know any good bands that have a sound like tool? i love tool but have played 10,000 days a thousand time and am getting tired of itm i was just wondering if there is anything else that sounds like the tool "vibe" i have found that chevelle has a bit o' tool sound to them. other than that they're pretty much a class of their own.
how can we have sex during periods without making a mess? have sex in the shower! there is no mess to clean up. go to and they will tell you the positions to use!
why is my comp shutting off? whenever i run spybot search and destroy or ewido scans, my comp shuts completly down(screen black and tower turns off by itself) and i have to restart. they will only run for about half of the scan and then everything shuts off. comp running well otherwise, just happens when i run a scan.
eating basic foods prevent canser? you can prevent cancer in many ways, since the disease is originated in a tendency to have it. you can prevent or at least slow down probabilities of having it. eating healthy food is a quite good way to do it.
is it true that johnathan davis rocked too hard? i heard he had some sort of brain aneurysm or clot from headbanging too much. true or false? side note... that would be that most awesome and respectable way to die ever. besides dying in the apocalypse. false. rockstars get alot of rumors spread about them. just how marilyn manson died from a drug overdose. they are usually spread to attract attention to the band so you dont forget about them korn is getting alot of hits to their website. it woudl be cool dying doing sdomethign you love to do and infrotn of respecting fans. i mean i coudl see how he could get a clot form doing that. but when dimebag got shot it was all over the radio by 9 am the next morning. real events spread quicker than rumors and lies.
on an income statement are expenses such as paypal fees and shipping costs part of you cogs? does cogs include things that you use to deliver your product, or are they their own line item under expenses? no, they would not be part of cogs. shipping fees to get the product to you are part of product cost. shipping fees to get the product to a customer are not.
how long do you need to be using bleaching products on the skin to see a change? i don't know, but this is very interesting question.
for the life of me, i can't think of the title of this movie!? i watched it when i was little and all i remember is little creatures living in a forest together and there was an old badger who was an inventor or something and a truck full of toxic waste flipped over on the side of the road and started killing the little critters....depressing, i know, lol! i don't know if i'm the only one who watched this movie or not, but i figured i'd take a chance and ask around! once upon a forest
who here knows the correct and proper way of displaying and caring for a malaysian flag? i would appreciate it if anyone can help clarify the correct positioning of the malaysian flag, the proper care needed for the flag and other tips as well. if possible, list some useful websites where i can get more information. thanks! has to be right side up. i.e.moon and star on top left corner. not to let it touch the ground when bringing it down. to be taken down at night and in bad weather. i don't think there's a particular procedure for folding it, unlike the american flag. try an internet search. might be a little hard to do. my quick search turned up little
i have damaged my trapezium muscle im y kneck what is the physiotherapy for it? initially, you need to calm down the pain and swelling - use ice for 10 mins every hour. take otc anti-inflamms to help decrease the swelling. ask your doctor for a referal to a good physical therapist. we can use modalities such as ultrasound and electrical stimulation to help calm everything down. personally, i use needle-less acupuncture and kinesio tape to help calm things down very quickly - there are acupressure points on your fingers that work very effectively to help calm down the area (li1, si1, tw3, li4 - look these up for an explanation). once the initial pain and discomfort is easing off, stretching and strengthening take over. these can only be determined by your physical therapist and the right exercises need to be prescribed; the wrong exercise will make it worse. good luck!
5k run????? how many miles is a 5k run? 3.1 miles
how can i find out what state an email came from? the email address was created to harass me & then cancelled. i received an email with the address [email protected]. it had harassing content. when i tried to respond, i found that the address had been discontinued. the email was sent on 6/10/06 and no longer existed by 6/12/06? how can i find out where it came from? can i at least find out the state? sorry but you need to to the ip and onley your mail server has it and it is in high security levels if you have the ip you can trace it
what typically happens to shares of stock owned, and stock options when you leave a company? can i sell the shares at current price (50x higher than original purchase) if private co has not been valued, and can i keep the options if i continue to consult for them? i don't think whether you still work for them or not is an issue. whether the company is publicly-traded or not might be an issue. how long the options are good for is definitely an issue. if you think the options are worth 50 times their price, and you can cash them in, then i'd do so.
trust or no trust in a long distance relationship? i have a very hard time trying to trust my girlfriend because i feel like she's a lways giving me reasons to doubt her i dont know if her going out with her guy friends and going out of town once in a while would be a reason, but i feel that if she goes out of town she can call me and let me know what she's doing but she doesnt she acts very distant and like she wants me to get mad at her so she can go do her thing, when she comes back into town she starts being nice and tries toget on my good side, i dont know if those are the reasons for me to mistrust her, i dont go out to dinner or watch movies with girls becasue i dont want my girl to start doubting me, she told me she want to have a realtionship where we both trust each other but i just cant seem to do that because she dont give me a chance i tell her how i feel and it turns into a fight, i love her and i trust her to an extent but she goes farther i want to break it off and be friends but she dont want to
did you take a moment for james chaney, andrew goodman, and michael schwerner today, will you? here, here. let's give credit where credit is due. three brave men gave their lives for all men to be free. there's no greater love than that according to the good book. my hat's off to them. they had more courage than i've ever shown. thank you for reminding us rockinjellyfish!
why won't anyone do anything about the rampant corruption in the united states government!? why dont people realize how much corruption there is in the govt. , from local to federal, and why dont that immediately remove the official from office instead of not doing anything and letting the corruption spread. for example: the congressman who got caught by the fbi with almost $100,000 of accepted bribe money that he accepted, he is still in office and, even worse, people in our govt. are supporting him when the federal bureau of investigations tricked him into accepting the bribe, and they have proof!!!! this is terrible!!! the govt. needs a good old fashioned purging if you ask me! democrats will never be indicted. especially a black one. look at cynthia mckinney, she wasn't indicted at all, and she hit a police officer!!! on the other hand look at tom delay, he was indicted on phony charges, quite easily by democrats hiring a renegade, hack attorney, and shopping the case around to different courts until they received what they were looking for. it is because democrats like to play dirty. they can not win in the voting booth, so they go to the courts, and they find hack attorneys to drum up bogus charges on republicans. republicans do not play their game, they do not have to, although i wish they would. republicans would not have to dig too deep to find real genuine corruption in the democratic party (ex: hillary clinton, she should have been in prison long ago). republicans are above that i guess.
would it be hard to get into an art school if my major in highschool is orchestra? i want to to learn fashion design at my high school we didn't have majors, and i still got into university. there are some specific requirements for certain art programs though. you have to have taken some art history courses and have a portfolio with some samples of your own original artwork. aside from the specifics, you need good grades and recommendations from teachers. a recommendation from an art teacher or artist would be even better.
do i look gay? they say i must be gay to look so good ,i care about my looks and i keep up on myself. i am 36 from socal ummm well i dont know what you look like, let me see a pic, what do you think ??? and all that matter's is what you want and think anyway. that's great that you keep up with you're self !!!!!
what do you think of the india-us nuclear deal ? is us on the right path giving a free hand to india on nuclear tech - while tightening the screws on pakistan, iran and the other muslim countries ? well no.....i would say no country should ever trust us.....they change with their own convenience......before they were with pakistan n now india.....coz they want to show "in ur face" attitude to pakistan.....
am i thinking to take an mba but i would like to know if it's better in us or in europe (uk, etc.,) why? could you post some universities? mba is not country specific but it is specific to institution. visit for top 10 institutions for mba.
why do macaws tear their wings when they are bored ? depression,they get suicidal and do things for attention just like humans.
what is your definition of emo? as a music genre it is an emotionally charged form of music [in the family of punk and hardcore, i'd guess you'd say -- as much as it hurt to say that.] nowadays it's taken on a new meaning, it's an attitude; a way of being; a fashion statement. there was this girl once that had a shirt that said "emo girl" on the front, on the back it said "i like to cry." that is my definition of emo.
why are people such hypocrites?? why do people focus so much on illegal aliens breaking the laws and commiting crimes, when they themselves break laws also?? yeah. since some people break the speed limit laws, i should get to murder people. just because someone else wrongs, that doesn't justify allowing people to continue to break the law. that's hypocritical: having laws and not enforcing them.
many neocons appear very bitter, why? as the monkey the support is in office, what are they so bitter about? what would they be like if a rational democrat was in office? they are full of hatred and inferiority complex... hate begets hate they are also flip floppers (look how they are abandoning their fearless leader)
who do you think will win todays key match usa or italy? i live in the us but half of my family is from italy so i'm rooting for italy for this game and throughout the cup. italy, of course
i think the us is so going to totally win this world cup if the us doesn't take it the ghana is definitely!!! they are the best team out there if you don't think they are going to win then tell me who you think is going to win ok let me break this to you, the usa is out..and so is ghana, they have been out for a while for who will win, brazil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i have an ibm thinkpad a22m with an intel p3 1ghz processor. can i upgrade to at least a p4 1.5 ghz? no you cannot upgrade laptop processors. you will have to purchase a newer laptop. and my advice would be to make sure that it is windows vista compatible. (that is the new operating system that will be released by microsoft in january 07)
in your opinnion who will have the world cup? soccer is the absolute most boring sport on earth
does antartica have any countries?? are you blonde?
how does extending credit affect working capital requirements and the cash conversion period (cycle)? wha??! i get paid on the first and the 15th......thats about as much as i know lol
what are the job duties and responsibilities required of a child care teacher in wilson county? the title of the position. qualifications, work schedule, and salary range your state or county will have that info on their website. look in the phone book for the website or type the name of the city and state into the space provided right here at yahoo answers.
je cherche une photo de lilian thuram penseur, après avoir marqué contre la cratie en 1998. où la trouver ? sur le net et en bonne qualité, bien sur.... celle ci est de meilleurs qualités!!!
how to teach a 4th grader to luv math? my sis has that problemo mom can't help cause she doesn't understand english(or my sis can't understand vietnamese),dad goes to work,me crammin all that info 4 me(barely have any time 2 play),wat do i do???!!! she's getin dummer by the week i don't think you can teach someone to love math. they either do, or they don't. the best you can do is try and make it fun by relating it to everyday things and try and make it easy, taking it step by step. take it easy for both of you though. don't shove all this math in her face and also, don't let it take over your life. balance is the key.
what are some issues or events that might have an impact on the labor resource market? anti-immigration...that will have a great impact on the labor resource market, won't it?
how do you synchronize your pda with you yahoo mail? take it to the store where you bought the pda and ask the rep to help you do it.
why kill the food chain by killing thousands of ton of sand eels in the north sea as well as other fish cought i dont know\
greensboro college or uncg? i got accepted to greensboro college (gc) and i currently attend uncg - i can't make up my mind - transfer or not? uncg is so huge that my education is sufferring b/c it's so hard to as a question in my classes because my bio class was almost 200 ppl. gc offers a much closer atmosphere and professors who care - but it's $28k/yr. uncg gives me back money - almost $8k/yr. should i take the money or not? keep in mind, i'm $5k in credit card debt b/c i used it to get an apartment last year b/c housing at uncg is highly limited and parking is brutal. gc is really expensive, but they have an abundance of everything. help!!! i can't make up my mind!!! i'd sell the car, go with gc, move somewhere close by campus, get a cheap bicycle from somewhere and live in comfort because i would have the peace of mind that the better grades you're going to get as a resault from the smaller class size is going to bring you better oppertunities. i did it and i am much better off for it and i owed almost next to nothig by the time i got a career (not a job), you know what i mean. a lot of people think it's all about partying but it's not, those days are long over for people that are serious about their education and the rest of their lives.
am i too easily amused? my co-workers and i were on our way home. it was just after 5 o'clock, and the men building the new jack in the box had quit for the night. they left the sign half finished. it said, "jack in". i busted out laughing. my boss said she wished she could look at life the way i did. my brother laughed, my mom said i needed to see a doctor. my sister said i was too easily amused. what do you think? i do see the humor. ha ha, that's pretty funny!
are you married to someone you dated in high school or before? i am curious about how your relationship survived, how long you and your spounse have been together, when you two started dating, and if you have any stories to tell from your earlier days as a dating couple. thanks, and congratulations for staying commited to each other; that is a really neat legacy! my wife and i had the same friends all throughout high school. we didn't know each other til i competed with her friend who was supposed to get the lead in the musical. i auditioned as a joke (i was a band person) then got the part. ironically i now teach choral and general music. two things that cemented our relationship: i (very immature) asked her best friend to the prom, when everyone thought i'd ask her. she chose to wait for me to mature. (thank you, dear.) and when i always wanted to spend my lawn mowing money taking her out to dinner, she'd always tell me to put it away and come to her house and she'd cook (ahhh. the power of the pot!). we've been married 24 years. have three "top 10 of the their class" girls. the same jokes, busts, memories, attitudes, outlooks, stem from those days. anytime, there has been stress on our relationship was due to loosing focus on the other person and focusing on (myself.) the classic american overly- ambitious path, materialism, no time for family, etc. i would include her in that comment but in 24 years i honestly cannot think of a time my wife was ever selfish or self centered or overly ambitious that she was the cause of stress on our relationship. (not once, ever. i mean thinking about it now, that is incredible.) simply put, i'm a lucky guy.
should a us citizen have the right to burn or destroy the flag? yes or no yes
i like auntys any one tele me how to get a sexual relation ship with them? be clever and always win their favour before you know it they will read your mind and pretty soon your having me i did it.
who wants to earn 10 points? what's my mama's name? starts with: el i want ten points!! eleanor? elaine? elizabeth? eliza? ella? elberta? elanah? elayne? elbertina? elda? eldora? eleadora? eldride? eldria? eleena? eleanora? elene? eleni? there are more on the site and i am serious, these are real not making them up
why do summer tv shows suck so bad? because most people have better things to do in the summer than sit inside and watch tv (of coure, i just watch baseball if i watch tv in the summer) so they show the worst of the worst and many repeats during that time. why waste anything halfway decent and beyond on half the audience the rest of the year will get?
what other jobs are related to being in real- estate? real estate appraisal.
is it strange for a guy to want to do things quickly? ok heres the deal, i have never hed a girl friend and am very poor when it comes to talking to women. now is it weird to want my self to find love and not have to go searching through 50+wpmen to find the right one? i dont want to take years to do this assuming i ever start. i want to find a girl and have her be the one and i want to be with her. i have no intrest in doing 50+ women i just want to find the one and be done with iw. i assumer this is not possable and i will still have to go through at leats 20 women. is this a strange way for a 20 year old guy to think? yeah sorry i never learned to spell or grammer thats why i cant do any thing in college till i take the classes to better my skills. sorry. no this is okay but be careful. it is hard to find the right person..
if i wanted to start a business, whats the first step i need to take? i have a great idea for a business and i don't know how to go about getting started with it. you have to have a plan of attack and money. remember, its takes money to make money. -j.
why is the band dragonfoce so amazing? wow im supprise that people actually know about them i like them because there orginal and have a good sound as well
if i am traveling in a vehicle at the speed of light, and i turn on the headlamps,what happens? they would turn on of course
can anyone explain the function of the nuclear membrane ?(envelope)? seperates the stuff it needs to keep in (dna, nucleolus, microtubules) and the stuff it needs to keep out, out (like other organelles, etc). it may also have a function in the earlier stages of meiosis (pre-prophase)
what are some well known traits of a scorpio? mysterious... their "sting" hurts... not an open book they only show what they want people to see... i think scorpios are the most difficult people out there. a lot of men that i know don't really share their emotions. the keep things hidden, secretive. if you hurt them emotionally they do remember, never forget. since the guys i know don't show much emotion to show they actually care and love the person they show it in sex/love making. i know scorpio is like one of the top sex zodiac but they really don't sleep around. sex is something close to them to share with the person they care about. now i'm going by three guys i know that a scorpios so not every scorpio male is the same. and i do know they can be a great allie if they are on the same side as me and think alike as me; but they can be my worst enemy if they are not on the same side as me. i'm an aries and i have 2 great allies that are scorpios, 1 my enemy (we get along when we have to, we're co-workers, but we don't get along outside of the work place), and 1 that is neutral.
note of hindi songs for keyboard? this website is a book you can order on how to play hindi songs or something.. this website shows a list of about 20 or so songs you can play
are you hooked? just been lookin at some profiles and some of you must answer for for hours with the amount of points you have.
how do you say sale in chinese? sale = 出售
what would you give up to watch the world cup final live? i would give up anything i had to, just to wastch the game live, that would be like 1 in a million.
what are better soccer cleats? copa mundials? puma kings? what boots do u suggest? those are the ones i am looking at, but i am open for suggestions. (preferrably $100 or under-ish) gotta get some for fall season and want to get the best i can for upcoming run for state champs! go ladywarriors! try 'em on with your shin guards and socks, then walk a few steps in the shop with them on. your feet will let you know which ones are best. they're going to stretch some too, so keep that in mind. most expensive isn't always the best.
how to save a drawing file from autocad into some other common format? i want to save my file into some common format like pdf or a jpeg so that i can send it to people who dont have autocad 2006 so that they also can veiw it without installing autocad 2006. most of my customers dont have autocad 2006 and i end up taking a print and then faxing it to them. if there is a way plesae let me... thanks file-save as and select other format
how do i make a calendar on word?|? i would suggest first going to the microsft website and seeing if someone has already created a template of a calendar that would work for you. that way you save yourself lots of work. if not try this: i would suggest a table format
have u ever darkslided a flower box!? i did twice. no i can't even skateboard i'm not coordinated at all its like i have two left feet!!! :-)
the date of birth of someone i dont know? we answer questions here not provide physic services.
while on fmla leave. can my employer spy or check up on me? i suffer from ms and have fmla leave available to me at work. i only take my leave when needed. i just was wanting to know because i may be to ill to work but not too ill to go to the grociery. there is no restriction to what you do while on fmla leave, but be careful and be honest. if you really need the leave and it's approved, take it, but try not to do anything that could be misunderstood. they could follow you or run into you somewhere and think you are using the time to get your errands done. try to just stay home if possible and go to the store after your working shift is over. you seem quite honest but some people are not, and they spoil it for those who are, so everyone has to be careful.
i'm goin 2 the booz allen classic tmrw,nite all? lookin for nice answers i hope you go to see some good stuff and had a great time. maybe you can bring back a good story to share
adam and eve? the bible forbides intercourse between relatives, so how did they do it? i've been asking my selfe this question for a long time, can anyone give me a answer? as you can see, the people who answered this question don't get what you asked. if adam and eve were real, the intercourse between them would have been fine, but the intercourse between their children wouldn't have. furthermore, it is enirely impossible for a species to have been wholey propogated from two individuals. the resultant inbreeding would have extinguished the species. or, at least, they'd be too retarded to even know how to breed.
bariatric surgery safe? i am 6'1 and around 435lbs. i gave birth to my duaghter in september and still losing the weight from the pregnancy. i gained almost 100lbs. i am worried the side effects with surgery i have a baby that really has no one but me and daddy. anyone know anything about the lap belt?? there is no such thing as a safe surgery. even the simplest procedure, given the right circumstances, can be fatal. you're 6'1"...even if you drop the 100 pounds you gained...335, though over weight, is not as bad off as you could be. you will need to ask your physician his/her stand on gastric bypass or any other surgery. chances are, if you have not tried any diets or diet pills (prescription) that will be the first order of business before a surgery. good luck hon, and congrats on your daughter! lots of women that weight cannot conceive.
why do guys who like you never ask you out? what do guys look for in a girl?
why do you waste your time with the bible? a significant portion of the new testament is paul's nonsense. paul's teachings contradicted jesus' teachings ephesians 6:6 obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but like slaves of christ, doing the will of god from your heart. john 15:15 no longer do i call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but i have called you friends, for all that i have heard from my father i have made known to you. doesn't it make it obvious that paul was a fraud? how could he be inspired by god/jesus after jesus' death yet say something that is against jesus' teachings? it would help your point if you read the passages closely, and in context. first, the ephesians passage does not say "you are slaves of christ, so do the will of god from your heart." paul is addressing real slaves, telling them to serve their masters as if they were slaves serving christ, because god will reward everyone for the good they have done. second, the passage in john is jesus talking to his followers, and refers to his father (god), differentiating himself from god the father and calling his disciples friends, because he has shared with them what god the father has made known to him. it is important to note the difference between jesus saying "i no longer call you servants" and god the father saying that. elsewhere in the bible (romans 6), it still says that believers are slaves to god rather than slaves to sin. so next time you try to make a point calling people stupid for their beliefs, it might be a good idea to do some research yourself first.
if god himself came down an asked you to kill your most loved relative would you? he tells you you'll never be forgivin you'll never be sinless you can never make it into the gates of heaven unless you kill your most loved relative. would you do it??? this actually happened, in the bible there's a story about a man named abraham and god asked him to kill his only son isaac. and in abraham's heart he was going to go through with it, he was going to kill his son because god told him to do it, but at the last second an angel appeared and told abraham to stop and instead of having to kill his son, god sent an animal instead. so god gave abraham his son back. i would hope that i would have the faith and courage abraham had, if god asked me to do this.
what is the definition of being "emo"? emo(tional). get it?
speaking about the legend 2pac,are his unreleased songs finished !!!!? some people might not find him a legend but ofcourse i find him livin as a king in the mid-90s and sadly he is gone.i think that his unrelease albums were all great except his last one loyal 2 the game which really sucks(i dont put the blame on him but on the producers 4 sure)i even think that biggiesmallz last album big duets is way better than loyal 2 the game why!!!! my son says he is still alive, thats why he is having all these albums come out. i tried to tell him he recorded them before he passed and he just refuses to believe!!i know my son wants to keep hearing them come out!!!long live 2 pac!!!!
am looking for a catholic church in leeds[harehills lane]? l live in leeds[harehills lane,ls9 6ht] am looking for a catholic church near me probably the nearest to you is st augustines on harehills road. its further down towards chapeltown.... i know there is corpus christi in halton moor either - if the 91 bus still runs down harehills lane it will drop you more or less outside the door (will take about 15 mins if that!)
for 6-pack abs what should i eat?? how often must i work out?? work out every day at least two hours. eat light and eat little fat.
music to soothe the hooligan youth?!? i read an article recently about civic leaders in australia being concerned about young people loitering in parks and public places and then getting unruly and out of hand. they have now started playing piped music at the sites - they are playing barry manilow songs - in the belief that this will kill the atmosphere and encourage the kids to disperse! do you think it will work or will catch on in other areas? we are doing about that in sociology at the moment! we are doing about how youth in increasingly subject to preventative targeting and restriction from public space, and we have already tried the classical music treatment in england and it has worked really well!! im not sure when exactly but it was about 2 yrs ago that i heard about it being played in train stations at night. i think it pretty much does work....who wants to listen to stravinsky at their favourite hang out place? who would want to listen to public enemy over a romantic meal? i think the reasons it works are obvious. i think its a great idea and although most of the people on my course say it was an outrage and the result of unfair stereotyping..........they seem to forget that young ppl can feel intimidated by other young ppl and are the main victms of youth crime. so the interests its protecting arent some great opressive "force" hovering above about the descend at any minute to encapture us all, as some ppl seem to annoyingly and stupidly believe. i think i am the only one being honest in our seminars sometimes, the rest just follow whatever view is fashionable and non offensive to hold. it does my head in as you are probably seeing right now!! when has it been the right to intimidate people and cause trouble? its addressing a real and exisiting problem and it frustrates me that no one wants to say it.