Turla has used legitimate web services including Pastebin, Dropbox, and GitHub for C2 communications.(Citation: Accenture HyperStack October 2020)(Citation: ESET Crutch December 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|PRE|T1587.001|Malware| Turla has developed its own unique malware for use in operations.(Citation: Recorded Future Turla Infra 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|PRE|T1584.004|Server| Turla has used compromised servers as infrastructure.(Citation: Recorded Future Turla Infra 2020)(Citation: Accenture HyperStack October 2020)(Citation: Talos TinyTurla September 2021)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|PRE|T1584.006|Web Services| Turla has frequently used compromised WordPress sites for C2 infrastructure.(Citation: Recorded Future Turla Infra 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|PRE|T1584.003|Virtual Private Server| Turla has used the VPS infrastructure of compromised Iranian threat actors.(Citation: NSA NCSC Turla OilRig)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|PRE|T1588.001|Malware| Turla has used malware obtained after compromising other threat actors, such as OilRig.(Citation: NSA NCSC Turla OilRig)(Citation: Recorded Future Turla Infra 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Windows,Azure AD,Office 365,SaaS,IaaS,Linux,macOS,Google Workspace|T1518.001|Security Software Discovery| Turla has obtained information on security software, including security logging information that may indicate whether their malware has been detected.(Citation: ESET ComRAT May 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Windows,Linux,macOS,SaaS|T1189|Drive-by Compromise|
Turla has infected victims using watering holes.(Citation: ESET ComRAT May 2020)(Citation: Secureworks IRON HUNTER Profile)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,Windows,macOS,SaaS,Office 365,Google Workspace,IaaS|T1213|Data from Information Repositories| Turla has used a custom .NET tool to collect documents from an organization's internal central database.(Citation: ESET ComRAT May 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Windows,macOS,Linux|T1120|Peripheral Device Discovery| Turla has used Turla has used Turla has used Turla has used Turla has used Turla has used Turla RPC backdoors can be used to transfer files to/from victim machines on the local network.(Citation: ESET Turla PowerShell May 2019)(Citation: Symantec Waterbug Jun 2019)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Windows|T1055.001|Dynamic-link Library Injection| Turla has used Metasploit to perform reflective DLL injection in order to escalate privileges.(Citation: ESET Turla Mosquito May 2018)(Citation: Github Rapid7 Meterpreter Elevate)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1560.001|Archive via Utility| Turla has encrypted files stolen from connected USB drives into a RAR file before exfiltration.(Citation: Symantec Waterbug Jun 2019)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1567.002|Exfiltration to Cloud Storage| Turla has used WebDAV to upload stolen USB files to a cloud drive.(Citation: Symantec Waterbug Jun 2019) Turla has also exfiltrated stolen files to OneDrive and 4shared.(Citation: ESET ComRAT May 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Windows,macOS,Linux|T1059.005|Visual Basic|
Turla has used VBS scripts throughout its operations.(Citation: Symantec Waterbug Jun 2019) | |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Windows|T1555.004|Windows Credential Manager| Turla has gathered credentials from the Windows Credential Manager tool.(Citation: Symantec Waterbug Jun 2019) | |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Windows|T1059.003|Windows Command Shell| Turla RPC backdoors have used cmd.exe to execute commands.(Citation: ESET Turla PowerShell May 2019)(Citation: Symantec Waterbug Jun 2019)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows,Network|T1005|Data from Local System| Turla RPC backdoors can upload files from victim machines.(Citation: ESET Turla PowerShell May 2019)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Windows|T1134.002|Create Process with Token| Turla RPC backdoors can impersonate or steal process tokens before executing commands.(Citation: ESET Turla PowerShell May 2019) | |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1025|Data from Removable Media| Turla RPC backdoors can collect files from USB thumb drives.(Citation: ESET Turla PowerShell May 2019)(Citation: Symantec Waterbug Jun 2019)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows,Network|T1090|Proxy| Turla RPC backdoors have included local UPnP RPC proxies.(Citation: ESET Turla PowerShell May 2019) | |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Windows,Linux,macOS|T1140|Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information| Turla has used a custom decryption routine, which pulls key and salt values from other artifacts such as a WMI filter or PowerShell Profile, to decode encrypted PowerShell payloads.(Citation: ESET Turla PowerShell May 2019)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Windows,macOS,Linux,Containers,IaaS|T1562.001|Disable or Modify Tools|
Turla has used a AMSI bypass, which patches the in-memory amsi.dll, in PowerShell scripts to bypass Windows antimalware products.(Citation: ESET Turla PowerShell May 2019)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Windows,macOS,Linux|T1106|Native API| Turla and its RPC backdoors have used APIs calls for various tasks related to subverting AMSI and accessing then executing commands through RPC and/or named pipes.(Citation: ESET Turla PowerShell May 2019)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Windows|T1546.003|Windows Management Instrumentation Event Subscription| Turla has used WMI event filters and consumers to establish persistence.(Citation: ESET Turla PowerShell May 2019)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1027.010|Command Obfuscation| Turla has used encryption (including salted 3DES via PowerSploit's Turla has used the Registry to store encrypted and encoded payloads.(Citation: ESET Turla PowerShell May 2019)(Citation: Symantec Waterbug Jun 2019)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Windows|T1546.013|PowerShell Profile| Turla has used PowerShell profiles to maintain persistence on an infected machine.(Citation: ESET Turla PowerShell May 2019)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Windows|T1547.004|Winlogon Helper DLL| Turla established persistence by adding a Shell value under the Registry key Turla has used PowerShell to execute commands/scripts, in some cases via a custom executable or code from Empire's PSInject.(Citation: ESET Turla Mosquito May 2018)(Citation: ESET Turla PowerShell May 2019)(Citation: Symantec Waterbug Jun 2019) Turla has also used PowerShell scripts to load and execute malware in memory.| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1071.001|Web Protocols|
Turla has also used PowerShell scripts to load and execute malware in memory.| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1071.001|Web Protocols| Turla has used HTTP and HTTPS for C2 communications.(Citation: ESET Turla Mosquito Jan 2018)(Citation: ESET Turla Mosquito May 2018)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1204.001|Malicious Link| Turla has used spearphishing via a link to get users to download and run their malware.(Citation: ESET Turla Mosquito Jan 2018)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1105|Ingress Tool Transfer| Turla has used shellcode to download Meterpreter after compromising a victim.(Citation: ESET Turla Mosquito May 2018)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows,Office 365,SaaS,Google Workspace|T1566.002|Spearphishing Link| Turla attempted to trick targets into clicking on a link featuring a seemingly legitimate domain from to download their malware and gain initial access.(Citation: ESET Turla Mosquito Jan 2018)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1055|Process Injection| Turla has also used PowerSploit's Turla Javascript backdoor added a local_update_check value under the Registry key Turla custom executable containing Metasploit shellcode is saved to the Startup folder to gain persistence.(Citation: ESET Turla Mosquito Jan 2018)(Citation: ESET Turla Mosquito May 2018)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1102.002|Bidirectional Communication|A
Turla JavaScript backdoor has used Google Apps Script as its C2 server.(Citation: ESET Turla Mosquito Jan 2018)(Citation: ESET Turla Mosquito May 2018)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1027.005|Indicator Removal from Tools|Based on comparison of Gazer versions, Turla made an effort to obfuscate strings in the malware that could be used as IoCs, including the mutex name and named pipe.(Citation: ESET Gazer Aug 2017)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Windows,IaaS,Linux,macOS,Network|T1082|System Information Discovery| Turla surveys a system upon check-in to discover operating system configuration details using the Turla may attempt to connect to systems within a victim's network using Turla surveys a system upon check-in to discover the system time by using the Turla surveys a system upon check-in to discover remote systems on a local network using the Turla has also used Turla surveys a system upon check-in to discover active local network connections using the Turla RPC backdoors have also enumerated the IPv4 TCP connection table via the Turla surveys a system upon check-in to discover information in the Windows Registry with the Turla has also retrieved PowerShell payloads hidden in Registry keys as well as checking keys associated with null session named pipes .(Citation: ESET Turla PowerShell May 2019)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows,Network|T1083|File and Directory Discovery| Turla surveys a system upon check-in to discover files in specific locations on the hard disk %TEMP% directory, the current user's desktop, the Program Files directory, and Recent.(Citation: Kaspersky Turla)(Citation: ESET ComRAT May 2020) Turla RPC backdoors have also searched for files matching the Turla used Turla surveys a system upon check-in to discover running services and associated processes using the Turla surveys a system upon check-in to discover running processes using the
Turla used Turla surveys a system upon check-in to discover running services and associated processes using the Turla surveys a system upon check-in to discover running processes using the Turla RPC backdoors have also enumerated processes associated with specific open ports or named pipes.(Citation: ESET Turla PowerShell May 2019)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows,Network|T1016|System Network Configuration Discovery| Turla surveys a system upon check-in to discover network configuration details using the NBTscan.(Citation: Kaspersky Turla)(Citation: Symantec Waterbug Jun 2019)(Citation: ESET ComRAT May 2020) Turla RPC backdoors have also retrieved registered RPC interface information from process memory.(Citation: ESET Turla PowerShell May 2019)|
Volatile Cedar - G0123 Created: 2021-02-08T20:30:30.578Z Modified: 2022-04-20T20:08:15.870Z Contributors: Aliases Volatile Cedar,Lebanese Cedar Description Volatile Cedar is a Lebanese threat group that has targeted individuals, companies, and institutions worldwide. Volatile Cedar has been operating since 2012 and is motivated by political and ideological interests.(Citation: CheckPoint Volatile Cedar March 2015)(Citation: ClearSky Lebanese Cedar Jan 2021) Techniques Used |Matrix|Domain|Platform|Technique ID|Technique Name|Use| | :---| :---| :---| :---| :---| :---| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|PRE|T1595.003|Wordlist Scanning|Volatile Cedar has used DirBuster and GoBuster to brute force web directories and DNS subdomains.(Citation: ClearSky Lebanese Cedar Jan 2021)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1105|Ingress Tool Transfer|Volatile Cedar can deploy additional tools.(Citation: ClearSky Lebanese Cedar Jan 2021)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Windows,IaaS,Network,Linux,macOS,Containers|T1190|Exploit Public-Facing Application|Volatile Cedar has targeted publicly facing web servers, with both automatic and manual vulnerability discovery.(Citation: CheckPoint Volatile Cedar March 2015) (Citation: ClearSky Lebanese Cedar Jan 2021) | |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,Windows,macOS,Network|T1505.003|Web Shell|Volatile Cedar can inject web shell code into a server.(Citation: CheckPoint Volatile Cedar March 2015)(Citation: ClearSky Lebanese Cedar Jan 2021) | |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|PRE|T1595.002|Vulnerability Scanning|Volatile Cedar has performed vulnerability scans of the target server.(Citation: CheckPoint Volatile Cedar March 2015)(Citation: ClearSky Lebanese Cedar Jan 2021)|
Whitefly - G0107 Created: 2020-05-26T16:55:09.674Z Modified: 2021-10-12T21:43:24.133Z Contributors: Aliases Whitefly Description Whitefly is a cyber espionage group that has been operating since at least 2017. The group has targeted organizations based mostly in Singapore across a wide variety of sectors, and is primarily interested in stealing large amounts of sensitive information. The group has been linked to an attack against Singapore’s largest public health organization, SingHealth.(Citation: Symantec Whitefly March 2019) Techniques Used Whitefly has obtained and used tools such as Mimikatz.(Citation: Symantec Whitefly March 2019)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Windows|T1003.001|LSASS Memory| Whitefly has used Mimikatz to obtain credentials.(Citation: Symantec Whitefly March 2019)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Windows|T1574.001|DLL Search Order Hijacking| Whitefly has used search order hijacking to run the loader Vcrodat.(Citation: Symantec Whitefly March 2019) | |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows,Containers|T1036.005|Match Legitimate Name or Location| Whitefly has named the malicious DLL the same name as DLLs belonging to legitimate software from various security vendors.(Citation: Symantec Whitefly March 2019)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1027|Obfuscated Files or Information| Whitefly has encrypted the payload used for C2.(Citation: Symantec Whitefly March 2019) | |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1105|Ingress Tool Transfer| Whitefly has the ability to download additional tools from the C2.(Citation: Symantec Whitefly March 2019)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1204.002|Malicious File|
Whitefly has used malicious .exe or .dll files disguised as documents or images.(Citation: Symantec Whitefly March 2019)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows,Containers|T1068|Exploitation for Privilege Escalation| Whitefly has used an open-source tool to exploit a known Windows privilege escalation vulnerability (CVE-2016-0051) on unpatched computers.(Citation: Symantec Whitefly March 2019) | |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows,Network,Office 365,Azure AD,IaaS,Google Workspace|T1059|Command and Scripting Interpreter| Whitefly has used a simple remote shell tool that will call back to the C2 server and wait for commands.(Citation: Symantec Whitefly March 2019)|
Windigo - G0124 Created: 2021-02-10T19:57:38.042Z Modified: 2021-04-26T22:32:57.046Z Contributors: Aliases Windigo Description The Windigo group has been operating since at least 2011, compromising thousands of Linux and Unix servers using the Ebury SSH backdoor to create a spam botnet. Despite law enforcement intervention against the creators, Windigo operators continued updating Ebury through 2019.(Citation: ESET Windigo Mar 2014)(Citation: CERN Windigo June 2019) Techniques Used Windigo has used a script to detect which Linux distribution and version is currently installed on the system.(Citation: ESET ForSSHe December 2018)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Windows,Azure AD,Office 365,SaaS,IaaS,Linux,macOS,Google Workspace|T1518|Software Discovery| Windigo has used a script to detect installed software on targeted systems.(Citation: ESET ForSSHe December 2018)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows,Network,Office 365,Azure AD,IaaS,Google Workspace|T1059|Command and Scripting Interpreter| Windigo has used a Perl script for information gathering.(Citation: ESET ForSSHe December 2018)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows,Network|T1083|File and Directory Discovery| Windigo has used a script to check for the presence of files created by OpenSSH backdoors.(Citation: ESET ForSSHe December 2018)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows,Network|T1005|Data from Local System| Windigo has used a script to gather credentials in files left on disk by OpenSSH backdoors.(Citation: ESET ForSSHe December 2018)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Windows,Linux,macOS,SaaS|T1189|Drive-by Compromise|
Windigo has distributed Windows malware via drive-by downloads.(Citation: ESET Windigo Mar 2014)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows,Network|T1090|Proxy| Windigo has delivered a generic Windows proxy Win32/Glubteta.M. Windigo has also used multiple reverse proxy chains as part of their C2 infrastructure.(Citation: ESET Windigo Mar 2014)|
Windshift - G0112 Created: 2020-06-25T17:16:39.168Z Modified: 2021-04-26T14:37:33.234Z Contributors: Aliases Windshift,Bahamut Description Windshift is a threat group that has been active since at least 2017, targeting specific individuals for surveillance in government departments and critical infrastructure across the Middle East.(Citation: SANS Windshift August 2018)(Citation: objective-see windtail1 dec 2018)(Citation: objective-see windtail2 jan 2019) Techniques Used Windshift has created LNK files in the Startup folder to establish persistence.(Citation: BlackBerry Bahamut)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,mobile-attack|Windows|T1047|Windows Management Instrumentation| Windshift has used WMI to collect information about target machines.(Citation: BlackBerry Bahamut)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,mobile-attack|Windows,IaaS,Linux,macOS,Network|T1082|System Information Discovery| Windshift has used malware to identify the computer name of a compromised host.(Citation: BlackBerry Bahamut)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,mobile-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows,Network|T1033|System Owner/User Discovery| Windshift has used malware to identify the username on a compromised host.(Citation: BlackBerry Bahamut)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,mobile-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows,Network|T1057|Process Discovery| Windshift has used malware to enumerate active processes.(Citation: BlackBerry Bahamut)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,mobile-attack|Windows,Azure AD,Office 365,SaaS,IaaS,Linux,macOS,Google Workspace|T1518|Software Discovery| Windshift has used malware to identify installed software.(Citation: BlackBerry Bahamut)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,mobile-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1105|Ingress Tool Transfer|
Windshift has used malware to identify installed software.(Citation: BlackBerry Bahamut)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,mobile-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1105|Ingress Tool Transfer| Windshift has used tools to deploy additional payloads to compromised hosts.(Citation: BlackBerry Bahamut)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,mobile-attack|Windows,Azure AD,Office 365,SaaS,IaaS,Linux,macOS,Google Workspace|T1518.001|Security Software Discovery| Windshift has used malware to identify installed AV and commonly used forensic and malware analysis tools.(Citation: BlackBerry Bahamut)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,mobile-attack|Windows,macOS,Linux|T1059.005|Visual Basic| Windshift has used Visual Basic 6 (VB6) payloads.(Citation: BlackBerry Bahamut)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,mobile-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1071.001|Web Protocols| Windshift has used tools that communicate with C2 over HTTP.(Citation: BlackBerry Bahamut)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,mobile-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1027|Obfuscated Files or Information| Windshift has used string encoding with floating point calculations.(Citation: BlackBerry Bahamut)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,mobile-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1566.003|Spearphishing via Service| Windshift has used fake personas on social media to engage and target victims.(Citation: SANS Windshift August 2018) | |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,mobile-attack|Windows,Linux,macOS,SaaS|T1189|Drive-by Compromise| Windshift has used compromised websites to register custom URL schemes on a remote system.(Citation: objective-see windtail1 dec 2018)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,mobile-attack|macOS,Windows|T1036.001|Invalid Code Signature|
Windshift has used revoked certificates to sign malware.(Citation: objective-see windtail1 dec 2018)(Citation: SANS Windshift August 2018)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,mobile-attack|macOS,Windows,Linux|T1566.001|Spearphishing Attachment| Windshift has sent spearphishing emails with attachment to harvest credentials and deliver malware.(Citation: SANS Windshift August 2018)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,mobile-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows,Office 365,SaaS,Google Workspace|T1566.002|Spearphishing Link| Windshift has sent spearphishing emails with links to harvest credentials and deliver malware.(Citation: SANS Windshift August 2018)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,mobile-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows,Containers|T1036|Masquerading| Windshift has used icons mimicking MS Office files to mask malicious executables.(Citation: objective-see windtail1 dec 2018) Windshift has also attempted to hide executables by changing the file extension to ".scr" to mimic Windows screensavers.(Citation: BlackBerry Bahamut)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,mobile-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1204.001|Malicious Link| Windshift has used links embedded in e-mails to lure victims into executing malicious code.(Citation: SANS Windshift August 2018)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,mobile-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1204.002|Malicious File| Windshift has used e-mail attachments to lure victims into executing malicious code.(Citation: SANS Windshift August 2018)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,mobile-attack|Android,iOS|T1533|Data from Local System| Windshift has exfiltrated local account data and calendar information as part of Operation ROCK.(Citation: BlackBerry Bahamut)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,mobile-attack|Android,iOS|T1512|Video Capture|
Windshift has included video recording in the malicious apps deployed as part of Operation BULL.(Citation: BlackBerry Bahamut)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,mobile-attack|Android,iOS|T1407|Download New Code at Runtime| Windshift has included malware functionality capable of downloading new DEX files at runtime during Operation BULL.(Citation: BlackBerry Bahamut)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,mobile-attack|Android,iOS|T1417.001|Keylogging| Windshift has included keylogging capabilities as part of Operation ROCK.(Citation: BlackBerry Bahamut)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,mobile-attack|iOS,Android|T1636.003|Contact List| Windshift has included contact list exfiltration in the malicious apps deployed as part of Operation BULL.(Citation: BlackBerry Bahamut)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,mobile-attack|Android,iOS|T1406|Obfuscated Files or Information| Windshift has encrypted application strings using AES in ECB mode and Blowfish, and stored strings encoded in hex during Operation BULL. Further, in Operation BULL, encryption keys were stored within the application’s launcher icon file.(Citation: BlackBerry Bahamut)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,mobile-attack|Android,iOS|T1636.004|SMS Messages| Windshift has included SMS message exfiltration in the malicious apps deployed as part of Operation BULL and Operation ROCK.(Citation: BlackBerry Bahamut)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,mobile-attack|Android,iOS|T1521.001|Symmetric Cryptography| Windshift has encrypted C2 communications using AES in CBC mode during Operation BULL and Operation ROCK.(Citation: BlackBerry Bahamut)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,mobile-attack|Android,iOS|T1632.001|Code Signing Policy Modification| Windshift has installed malicious MDM profiles on iOS devices as part of Operation ROCK.(Citation: BlackBerry Bahamut)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,mobile-attack|Android,iOS|T1420|File and Directory Discovery|
Windshift has included file enumeration in the malicious apps deployed as part of Operation BULL and Operation ROCK.(Citation: BlackBerry Bahamut)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,mobile-attack|Android,iOS|T1430|Location Tracking| Windshift has included location tracking capabilities in the malicious apps deployed as part of Operation BULL and Operation ROCK.(Citation: BlackBerry Bahamut)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,mobile-attack|Android,iOS|T1426|System Information Discovery| Windshift has included system information enumeration in the malicious apps deployed as part of Operation BULL and Operation ROCK.(Citation: BlackBerry Bahamut)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,mobile-attack|Android,iOS|T1429|Audio Capture| Windshift has included phone call and audio recording capabilities in the malicious apps deployed as part of Operation BULL and Operation ROCK.(Citation: BlackBerry Bahamut)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,mobile-attack|Android,iOS|T1627.001|Geofencing| Windshift has region-locked their malicious applications during their Operation BULL campaign.(Citation: BlackBerry Bahamut)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,mobile-attack|Android,iOS|T1633.001|System Checks| Windshift has deployed anti-analysis capabilities during their Operation BULL campaign.(Citation: BlackBerry Bahamut)|
Winnti Group - G0044 Created: 2017-05-31T21:32:08.682Z Modified: 2023-03-20T22:02:53.982Z Contributors: Edward Millington Aliases Winnti Group,Blackfly Description Winnti Group is a threat group with Chinese origins that has been active since at least 2010. The group has heavily targeted the gaming industry, but it has also expanded the scope of its targeting.(Citation: Kaspersky Winnti April 2013)(Citation: Kaspersky Winnti June 2015)(Citation: Novetta Winnti April 2015) Some reporting suggests a number of other groups, including Axiom, APT17, and Ke3chang, are closely linked to Winnti Group.(Citation: 401 TRG Winnti Umbrella May 2018) Techniques Used Winnti Group has downloaded an auxiliary program named ff.exe to infected machines.(Citation: Kaspersky Winnti April 2013)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows,Network|T1083|File and Directory Discovery| Winnti Group has used a program named ff.exe to search for specific documents on compromised hosts.(Citation: Kaspersky Winnti April 2013)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|PRE|T1583.001|Domains| Winnti Group has registered domains for C2 that mimicked sites of their intended targets.(Citation: Kaspersky Winnti April 2013)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|macOS,Windows|T1553.002|Code Signing| Winnti Group used stolen certificates to sign its malware.(Citation: Kaspersky Winnti April 2013)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1014|Rootkit| Winnti Group used a rootkit to modify typical server functionality.(Citation: Kaspersky Winnti April 2013)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows,Network|T1057|Process Discovery|
Winnti Group looked for a specific process running on infected servers.(Citation: Kaspersky Winnti April 2013)|
WIRTE - G0090 Created: 2019-05-24T17:02:44.226Z Modified: 2022-04-15T19:50:19.478Z Contributors: Lab52 by S2 Grupo Aliases WIRTE Description WIRTE is a threat group that has been active since at least August 2018. WIRTE has targeted government, diplomatic, financial, military, legal, and technology organizations in the Middle East and Europe.(Citation: Lab52 WIRTE Apr 2019)(Citation: Kaspersky WIRTE November 2021) Techniques Used WIRTE has used HTTPS over ports 2083 and 2087 for C2.(Citation: Kaspersky WIRTE November 2021)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows,Containers|T1036.005|Match Legitimate Name or Location| WIRTE has named a first stage dropper WIRTE has attempted to lure users into opening malicious MS Word and Excel files to execute malicious payloads.(Citation: Kaspersky WIRTE November 2021)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|macOS,Windows,Linux|T1566.001|Spearphishing Attachment| WIRTE has sent emails to intended victims with malicious MS Word and Excel attachments.(Citation: Kaspersky WIRTE November 2021)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|PRE|T1588.002|Tool| WIRTE has obtained and used Empire for post-exploitation activities.(Citation: Lab52 WIRTE Apr 2019)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Windows,Linux,macOS|T1140|Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information| WIRTE has used Base64 to decode malicious VBS script.(Citation: Lab52 WIRTE Apr 2019)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Windows|T1218.010|Regsvr32| WIRTE has used
WIRTE has used WIRTE has downloaded PowerShell code from the C2 server to be executed.(Citation: Lab52 WIRTE Apr 2019)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Windows|T1059.001|PowerShell| WIRTE has used PowerShell for script execution.(Citation: Lab52 WIRTE Apr 2019)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Windows,macOS,Linux|T1059.005|Visual Basic| WIRTE has used VBScript in its operations.(Citation: Lab52 WIRTE Apr 2019) | |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1071.001|Web Protocols| WIRTE has used HTTP for network communication.(Citation: Lab52 WIRTE Apr 2019) |
Wizard Spider - G0102 Created: 2020-05-12T18:15:29.396Z Modified: 2023-03-22T05:44:27.289Z Contributors: Edward Millington,Oleksiy Gayda Aliases Wizard Spider,UNC1878,TEMP.MixMaster,Grim Spider Description Wizard Spider is a Russia-based financially motivated threat group originally known for the creation and deployment of TrickBot since at least 2016. Wizard Spider possesses a diverse arsenal of tools and has conducted ransomware campaigns against a variety of organizations, ranging from major corporations to hospitals.(Citation: CrowdStrike Ryuk January 2019)(Citation: DHS/CISA Ransomware Targeting Healthcare October 2020)(Citation: CrowdStrike Wizard Spider October 2020) Techniques Used Wizard Spider has obtained and used publicly-available post-exploitation frameworks and tools like Metasploit, Empire, Mimikatz.(Citation: FireEye KEGTAP SINGLEMALT October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1087.002|Domain Account| Wizard Spider has identified domain admins through the use of “net group ‘Domain admins’” commands.(Citation: DFIR Ryuk's Return October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows,Network|T1016|System Network Configuration Discovery| Wizard Spider has used "ipconfig" to identify the network configuration of a victim machine.(Citation: Sophos New Ryuk Attack October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Windows|T1222.001|Windows File and Directory Permissions Modification| Wizard Spider has used the icacls command to modify access control to backup servers, providing them with full control of all the system folders.(Citation: Sophos New Ryuk Attack October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|PRE|T1588.003|Code Signing Certificates|
Wizard Spider obtained a code signing certificate signed by Digicert for some of its malware.(Citation: DFIR Ryuk 2 Hour Speed Run November 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|macOS,Windows|T1553.002|Code Signing| Wizard Spider has used Digicert code-signing certificates for some of its malware.(Citation: DFIR Ryuk 2 Hour Speed Run November 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Windows|T1003.002|Security Account Manager| Wizard Spider has acquired credentials from the SAM/SECURITY registry hives.(Citation: FireEye KEGTAP SINGLEMALT October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Windows|T1547.004|Winlogon Helper DLL| Wizard Spider has established persistence using Userinit by adding the Registry key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon.(Citation: FireEye KEGTAP SINGLEMALT October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Windows,Azure AD,Office 365,SaaS,IaaS,Linux,macOS,Google Workspace|T1518.001|Security Software Discovery| Wizard Spider has used WMI to identify anti-virus products installed on a victim's machine.(Citation: DFIR Ryuk's Return October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Linux,Windows,macOS|T1210|Exploitation of Remote Services| Wizard Spider has exploited or attempted to exploit Zerologon (CVE-2020-1472) and EternalBlue (MS17-010) vulnerabilities.(Citation: FireEye KEGTAP SINGLEMALT October 2020)(Citation: DFIR Ryuk's Return October 2020)(Citation: DFIR Ryuk in 5 Hours October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Windows|T1557.001|LLMNR/NBT-NS Poisoning and SMB Relay|
Wizard Spider has used the Invoke-Inveigh PowerShell cmdlets, likely for name service poisoning.(Citation: FireEye KEGTAP SINGLEMALT October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Windows|T1569.002|Service Execution| Wizard Spider has used services.exe to execute scripts and executables during lateral movement within a victim network.(Citation: DFIR Ryuk's Return October 2020)(Citation: DFIR Ryuk in 5 Hours October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Windows|T1021.002|SMB/Windows Admin Shares| Wizard Spider has used SMB to drop Cobalt Strike Beacon on a domain controller for lateral movement.(Citation: DFIR Ryuk 2 Hour Speed Run November 2020)(Citation: DFIR Ryuk's Return October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Windows,IaaS,Linux,macOS,Network|T1082|System Information Discovery| Wizard Spider has used “systeminfo” and similar commands to acquire detailed configuration information of a victim machine.(Citation: DFIR Ryuk's Return October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Windows|T1059.003|Windows Command Shell| Wizard Spider has used cmd.exe to execute commands on a victim's machine.(Citation: DFIR Ryuk's Return October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows,Network|T1048.003|Exfiltration Over Unencrypted Non-C2 Protocol| Wizard Spider has exfiltrated victim information using FTP.(Citation: DFIR Ryuk's Return October 2020)(Citation: DFIR Ryuk 2 Hour Speed Run November 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Windows,Linux,macOS|T1489|Service Stop|
Wizard Spider has used taskkill.exe and net.exe to stop backup, catalog, cloud, and other services prior to network encryption.(Citation: DFIR Ryuk's Return October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Windows,Linux,Containers,macOS|T1133|External Remote Services| Wizard Spider has accessed victim networks by using stolen credentials to access the corporate VPN infrastructure.(Citation: FireEye KEGTAP SINGLEMALT October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1078.002|Domain Accounts| Wizard Spider has used administrative accounts, including Domain Admin, to move laterally within a victim network.(Citation: FireEye KEGTAP SINGLEMALT October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows,Network|T1033|System Owner/User Discovery| Wizard Spider has used "whoami" to identify the local user and their privileges.(Citation: Sophos New Ryuk Attack October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Windows|T1547.001|Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder| Wizard Spider has established persistence via the Registry key HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and a shortcut within the startup folder.(Citation: DHS/CISA Ransomware Targeting Healthcare October 2020)(Citation: FireEye KEGTAP SINGLEMALT October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Windows,macOS,Linux,Containers,IaaS|T1562.001|Disable or Modify Tools| Wizard Spider has shut down or uninstalled security applications on victim systems that might prevent ransomware from executing.(Citation: DHS/CISA Ransomware Targeting Healthcare October 2020)(Citation: FireEye KEGTAP SINGLEMALT October 2020)(Citation: DFIR Ryuk's Return October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|macOS,Windows,Linux|T1135|Network Share Discovery|
Wizard Spider has used the “net view” command to locate mapped network shares.(Citation: DHS/CISA Ransomware Targeting Healthcare October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Windows|T1021.006|Windows Remote Management| Wizard Spider has used Window Remote Management to move laterally through a victim network.(Citation: DHS/CISA Ransomware Targeting Healthcare October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Windows|T1558.003|Kerberoasting| Wizard Spider has used Rubeus, MimiKatz Kerberos module, and the Invoke-Kerberoast cmdlet to steal AES hashes.(Citation: DFIR Ryuk's Return October 2020)(Citation: FireEye KEGTAP SINGLEMALT October 2020)(Citation: DHS/CISA Ransomware Targeting Healthcare October 2020)(Citation: DFIR Ryuk 2 Hour Speed Run November 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows,Office 365,SaaS,Google Workspace|T1566.002|Spearphishing Link| Wizard Spider has sent phishing emails containing a link to an actor-controlled Google Drive document or other free online file hosting services.(Citation: DHS/CISA Ransomware Targeting Healthcare October 2020)(Citation: DFIR Ryuk 2 Hour Speed Run November 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1204.001|Malicious Link| Wizard Spider has lured victims into clicking a malicious link delivered through spearphishing.(Citation: DHS/CISA Ransomware Targeting Healthcare October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Windows|T1003.003|NTDS| Wizard Spider has gained access to credentials via exported copies of the ntds.dit Active Directory database.(Citation: FireEye KEGTAP SINGLEMALT October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Windows|T1055.001|Dynamic-link Library Injection|
Wizard Spider has injected malicious DLLs into memory with read, write, and execute permissions.(Citation: DHS/CISA Ransomware Targeting Healthcare October 2020)(Citation: DFIR Ryuk 2 Hour Speed Run November 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Windows|T1047|Windows Management Instrumentation| Wizard Spider has used WMI and LDAP queries for network discovery and to move laterally.(Citation: CrowdStrike Grim Spider May 2019)(Citation: DHS/CISA Ransomware Targeting Healthcare October 2020)(Citation: FireEye KEGTAP SINGLEMALT October 2020)(Citation: Red Canary Hospital Thwarted Ryuk October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Windows,Azure AD,Office 365,SaaS,IaaS,Linux,macOS,Google Workspace,Containers,Network|T1078|Valid Accounts| Wizard Spider has used valid credentials for privileged accounts with the goal of accessing domain controllers.(Citation: CrowdStrike Grim Spider May 2019) | |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows,Network|T1018|Remote System Discovery| Wizard Spider has used networkdll for network discovery and psfin specifically for financial and point of sale indicators. Wizard Spider has also used AdFind and Wizard Spider used Base64 encoding to obfuscate an Empire service and PowerShell commands.(Citation: FireEye Ryuk and Trickbot January 2019)(Citation: DFIR Ryuk's Return October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Windows,IaaS,Linux,macOS|T1074|Data Staged| Wizard Spider has collected and staged credentials and network enumeration information, using the networkdll and psfin TrickBot modules.(Citation: CrowdStrike Grim Spider May 2019)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1071.001|Web Protocols|
TrickBot modules.(Citation: CrowdStrike Grim Spider May 2019)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1071.001|Web Protocols| Wizard Spider has used HTTP for network communications.(Citation: CrowdStrike Grim Spider May 2019)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1041|Exfiltration Over C2 Channel| Wizard Spider has exfiltrated domain credentials and network enumeration information over command and control (C2) channels.(Citation: CrowdStrike Grim Spider May 2019)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Windows|T1021.001|Remote Desktop Protocol| Wizard Spider has used RDP for lateral movement.(Citation: CrowdStrike Grim Spider May 2019)(Citation: DHS/CISA Ransomware Targeting Healthcare October 2020)(Citation: DFIR Ryuk 2 Hour Speed Run November 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1570|Lateral Tool Transfer| Wizard Spider has used stolen credentials to copy tools into the Wizard Spider has installed TrickBot as a service named ControlServiceA in order to establish persistence.(Citation: CrowdStrike Grim Spider May 2019)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1070.004|File Deletion| Wizard Spider has used file deletion to remove some modules and configurations from an infected host after use.(Citation: CrowdStrike Grim Spider May 2019)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Windows|T1059.001|PowerShell|
Wizard Spider has used macros to execute PowerShell scripts to download malware on victim's machines.(Citation: CrowdStrike Grim Spider May 2019) It has also used PowerShell to execute commands and move laterally through a victim network.(Citation: DHS/CISA Ransomware Targeting Healthcare October 2020)(Citation: FireEye KEGTAP SINGLEMALT October 2020)(Citation: Red Canary Hospital Thwarted Ryuk October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Windows|T1053.005|Scheduled Task| Wizard Spider has used scheduled tasks establish persistence for TrickBot and other malware.(Citation: CrowdStrike Grim Spider May 2019)(Citation: DHS/CISA Ransomware Targeting Healthcare October 2020)(Citation: FireEye KEGTAP SINGLEMALT October 2020)(Citation: DFIR Ryuk 2 Hour Speed Run November 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Windows,Linux,macOS|T1036.004|Masquerade Task or Service| Wizard Spider has used scheduled tasks to install TrickBot, using task names to appear legitimate such as WinDotNet, GoogleTask, or Sysnetsf.(Citation: CrowdStrike Grim Spider May 2019) It has also used common document file names for other malware binaries.(Citation: FireEye KEGTAP SINGLEMALT October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1204.002|Malicious File| Wizard Spider has lured victims to execute malware with spearphishing attachments containing macros to download either Emotet, Bokbot, TrickBot, or Bazar.(Citation: CrowdStrike Grim Spider May 2019)(Citation: CrowdStrike Wizard Spider October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack,ics-attack|Windows|T1112|Modify Registry| Wizard Spider has modified the Registry key Wizard Spider has used spearphishing attachments to deliver Microsoft documents containing macros or PDFs containing malicious links to download either Emotet, Bokbot, TrickBot, or
Wizard Spider has modified the Registry key Wizard Spider has used spearphishing attachments to deliver Microsoft documents containing macros or PDFs containing malicious links to download either Emotet, Bokbot, TrickBot, or Bazar.(Citation: CrowdStrike Grim Spider May 2019)(Citation: Red Canary Hospital Thwarted Ryuk October 2020)|
ZIRCONIUM - G0128 Created: 2021-03-24T15:48:17.731Z Modified: 2023-03-22T22:10:43.732Z Contributors: Aliases ZIRCONIUM,APT31 Description ZIRCONIUM is a threat group operating out of China, active since at least 2017, that has targeted individuals associated with the 2020 US presidential election and prominent leaders in the international affairs community.(Citation: Microsoft Targeting Elections September 2020)(Citation: Check Point APT31 February 2021) Techniques Used ZIRCONIUM has used web beacons in e-mails to track hits to attacker-controlled URL's.(Citation: Microsoft Targeting Elections September 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows,Network|T1016|System Network Configuration Discovery| ZIRCONIUM has used a tool to enumerate proxy settings in the target environment.(Citation: Zscaler APT31 Covid-19 October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1567.002|Exfiltration to Cloud Storage| ZIRCONIUM has exfiltrated stolen data to Dropbox.(Citation: Zscaler APT31 Covid-19 October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Windows,Linux,macOS|T1036.004|Masquerade Task or Service| ZIRCONIUM has created a run key named ZIRCONIUM has used the AES256 algorithm with a SHA1 derived key to decrypt exploit code.(Citation: Check Point APT31 February 2021)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows,Containers|T1068|Exploitation for Privilege Escalation| ZIRCONIUM has exploited CVE-2017-0005 for local privilege escalation.(Citation: Check Point APT31 February 2021)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|macOS,Windows,Linux|T1027.002|Software Packing|
ZIRCONIUM has used multi-stage packers for exploit code.(Citation: Check Point APT31 February 2021)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1105|Ingress Tool Transfer| ZIRCONIUM has used tools to download malicious files to compromised hosts.(Citation: Zscaler APT31 Covid-19 October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1041|Exfiltration Over C2 Channel| ZIRCONIUM has exfiltrated files via the Dropbox API C2.(Citation: Zscaler APT31 Covid-19 October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Windows|T1059.003|Windows Command Shell| ZIRCONIUM has used a tool to open a Windows Command Shell on a remote host.(Citation: Zscaler APT31 Covid-19 October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows,Network|T1033|System Owner/User Discovery| ZIRCONIUM has used a tool to capture the username on a compromised host in order to register it with C2.(Citation: Zscaler APT31 Covid-19 October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,Windows,macOS|T1573.001|Symmetric Cryptography| ZIRCONIUM has used AES encrypted communications in C2.(Citation: Zscaler APT31 Covid-19 October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Windows,IaaS,Linux,macOS,Network|T1082|System Information Discovery| ZIRCONIUM has used a tool to capture the processor architecture of a compromised host in order to register it with C2.(Citation: Zscaler APT31 Covid-19 October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Windows,Network|T1124|System Time Discovery|
ZIRCONIUM has used a tool to capture the time on a compromised host in order to register it with C2.(Citation: Zscaler APT31 Covid-19 October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Windows|T1012|Query Registry| ZIRCONIUM has used a tool to query the Registry for proxy settings.(Citation: Zscaler APT31 Covid-19 October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1555.003|Credentials from Web Browsers| ZIRCONIUM has used a tool to steal credentials from installed web browsers including Microsoft Internet Explorer and Google Chrome.(Citation: Zscaler APT31 Covid-19 October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Windows|T1547.001|Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder| ZIRCONIUM has created a Registry Run key named ZIRCONIUM has used the msiexec.exe command-line utility to download and execute malicious MSI files.(Citation: Zscaler APT31 Covid-19 October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1204.001|Malicious Link| ZIRCONIUM has used malicious links in e-mails to lure victims into downloading malware.(Citation: Google Election Threats October 2020)(Citation: Zscaler APT31 Covid-19 October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows,Containers|T1036|Masquerading| ZIRCONIUM has spoofed legitimate applications in phishing lures and changed file extensions to conceal installation of malware.(Citation: Google Election Threats October 2020)(Citation: Zscaler APT31 Covid-19 October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows|T1102.002|Bidirectional Communication|
ZIRCONIUM has used Dropbox for C2 allowing upload and download of files as well as execution of arbitrary commands.(Citation: Google Election Threats October 2020)(Citation: Zscaler APT31 Covid-19 October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|PRE|T1598|Phishing for Information| ZIRCONIUM targeted presidential campaign staffers with credential phishing e-mails.(Citation: Google Election Threats October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|PRE|T1583.006|Web Services| ZIRCONIUM has used GitHub to host malware linked in spearphishing e-mails.(Citation: Google Election Threats October 2020)(Citation: Zscaler APT31 Covid-19 October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,Windows,macOS|T1059.006|Python| ZIRCONIUM has used Python-based implants to interact with compromised hosts.(Citation: Google Election Threats October 2020)(Citation: Zscaler APT31 Covid-19 October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|Linux,macOS,Windows,Office 365,SaaS,Google Workspace|T1566.002|Spearphishing Link| ZIRCONIUM has used malicious links in e-mails to deliver malware.(Citation: Microsoft Targeting Elections September 2020)(Citation: Google Election Threats October 2020)(Citation: Zscaler APT31 Covid-19 October 2020)| |mitre-attack|enterprise-attack|PRE|T1583.001|Domains| ZIRCONIUM has purchased domains for use in targeted campaigns.(Citation: Microsoft Targeting Elections September 2020)|